#Honestly I just wanted a excuse to design outfits for Sarah
animatronicdoozer · 5 months
Doodle Goblin queen Sarah because I think a Labyrinth role reversal is a fun concept
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afy2018 · 4 years
She Prefers Wine
“There is no way anyone will fall for this, Fee,” Sarah huffed from her foster mother’s couch. “I mean, why can’t I just go?”
“Because we need you to go through the back and Sarah your way into the building. Besides, this is more fun. How does she look?”
Cosima emerged from the kitchen clad in one of Sarah’s leather jackets and a tight bun to mask her dreads. Gone were her pointed glasses with contacts in place so she could still see.
She tugged a bit at the jacket, complaining, “It’s a bit tight across the chest, do you just wear these open all the time?”
“See, I told you,” Felix smirked.
“Shut up,” his sister huffed, getting up to grab her keys. “Come on, let’s go.”
They drove to the function, Sarah tucked in the trunk of Felix’s car while he and Cosima switched between various genres of house and psychedelic music, all of which would most definitely be blared in a local gay bar. She always hated these covert missions, always annoyed to be type-cast as the idiot who breaks in while Cosima was stuck behind a computer or Allison needed to annoy people to death- or bury them in her garage. Being stuck in the trunk while not the more comfortable spot she’d been stuck in- was not the worst place she has had to hide. While reliving her life escaping from Mrs. S as often as she could manage, Sarah flew into the backseats as Felix came to a stop.
“A little softer stop next time, you arse,” she blurted from the trunk.
“This is your stop,” he responded.
“Then why did I have to hide in the trunk?” she asked crawling over the seats and out the backdoor.
“Come on, get into the spirit, agent Manning!” Cosima smiled.
“Well, it worked. I’m ready to slit someone’s throat.”
“Okay, okay, less slitting throats, more grab the money and ID cards then call me when you’re ready.”
“I still don’t know why you couldn’t just come with Cosima a Cosima and drop me off in the back?” Sarah wondered with her head between them.
“Wait, is that all she’s doing? So, I didn’t have to wear this off-brand Hot Topic outfit?” Niehaus asked.
“Watch it,” she warned.
“Let me have fun. Now go, there’s probably someone snooping about here,” he ushered, getting out of the alley to park their car. “Okay, getting into character, Cos, do you remember your signal phrase?”
“North and south- mouth,” she poorly mimicked.
“You’re trying to sound like Sarah, not the Artful Dodger,” Felix huffed. “You need a new phrase.”
“Or I could just not talk?”
“Sarah never shuts her mouth, you need a phrase.”
“Fine, but… I mean people will be drunk right?”
“Probably not that drunk. Try… north and south mouth?” She repeated to his mild satisfaction. “Just stay by my side.”
“Then people would be really suspicious,” Cosima commented in her accent. “This isn’t going to work.”
“It better. Come one.”
Walking to the entrance, Cosima asked, “How did you two get into this situation?”
“It was Sarah’s fault this time.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“Fine, but it was mostly her fault. So, you know Vic has some connections-”
“I thought you were all done with Vic?”
“We are, god we are,” he muttered, “They just have some money and personal information on us.”
“Wouldn’t it be better if we didn’t go in there?”
“They’ll have proof that we didn’t go into the back room.”
“But they’ll know you were in the area?”
“But we didn’t break-in.” Felix pulled out a note and knocked on the door for the bouncer to open. “I’m quite ecstatic to see you here tonight Bobby.”
“It’s been a while since you two have reared your ugly heads,” he nodded, unlocking the note and taking Felix’s banknote. “But you still remembered the password, but not my phone number?”
“Oh, see, I lost it…” he shrugged, slipping past him to follow Cosima inside.
“That’s not a great excuse,” she whispered.
“He wanted a rope bunny triad, what was I supposed to do?”
“Say no thank you?”
“I was just planning on waiting until he broke up with Mel.”
“Oh, now I get it. So, just have fun and pretend to be Sarah until she calls you?”
“That’s the plan!” he smiled, tucking his valuables into his underwear and pulling out some glow in the dark make up. “Now for the finishing touches.”
“Wait, what are you doing?”
“Just adding some color, don’t be such a prude,” he scoffed as he painted her face with intricate designs.
“Fine, as long as it doesn’t include glitter.”
“I agree,” he nodded, putting the makeup back in his jacket. “I’m also glad you said that after I put this stuff on you.”
“Felix?!” she protested on their way in.
“Go have fun, Sarah, socialize and… get something to drink.”
Cosima approached the bar, feeling leering eyes on her while the bartender served his customers. She muttered her signal phrase under her breath, practicing the two she was given.
“I guess they draw in more than just college students,” a clearly familiar voice jibed.
Cosima looked just past her shoulder, catching Delphine curiously trying to read her. She kept up the ruse, the accent coming quite naturally. “We both know you’re not a bloody student, eh Delphine?”
“I guess we all have our secrets, don’t we?” Cormier sensed, cocking her head at her partner’s words. “What are you doing here?”
“I feel like I should be asking you that since you’re not even from the area. How did you hear about it?”
“I hope I’m not blowing your cover,” she whispered, sliding over a bottle of beer, watching Cosima’s reluctant reaction to it before she took a quick swig.
“Look, I’d love to flirt with you, I bet I fit right into your type, huh, but I have more important affairs to deal with.”
Delphine furrowed her brows, smirking at her cheeky demeanor now masked by the darker cockney accent her clone had. She slid her hand across her back, feeling Cosima instinctively lean into her before pulling away, grinning at how easily she broke through her cover. It was quite enthralling, seeing Cosima put on this badass act. It made her want to whisk her away as Niehaus had done with her at the Neolution speech.
Cormier tugged at the lapel of her leather jacket, fixing the durable material and finished, “Fine, I’ll leave you be, just try not to get caught, they may mistake another for you.”
Niehaus stripped off Sarah’s clothes in the backseat, struggling with her pants while her cohorts talked in the front seat.
“You’re sure no one saw you?” Felix asked his sister.
“Not a soul back there. They were having some sort of party in the break room, so I just snuck in. I saw you found a friend in there, Cos,” she directed to her clone.
“Who?” he turned around to ask.
“Oh? What was she doing there?”
“I honestly don’t know, should I ask her?”
“No, then she’d know it was you.”
“Okay,” Cosima huffed, pulling out her contact lenses. “Take a left at the next light for a shortcut. How did they even get your shit?”
The siblings glanced at one another for a few moments before Manning pressed, “Fee.”
“I may or may not have promised to be a dealer, but it was when I was eighteen.”
“I was young and bloody stupid,” he reasoned. “Look, here we are, thank you for your help tonight, we can give you a cut for your time.”
“Makeup, Cos,” Sarah reminded, wiping the remaining glitter from her cheeks and forehead.
“Why do I get myself into these situations?” she mumbled on her way. “Good night, guys.”
“You’re a good kid,” Felix noted.
Cosima shook her head in response, the door closing behind her as she jogged up the steps to her studio apartment on the sixth floor. Seeing the light bleeding out from under the door, a slight wave of relief washed over her with the scent of dinner wafting out of the room. She walked in and set her belongings in their popper place- her desk and closet- then went to the kitchenette.
“Do you deep clean your dishes?”
“Deep clean?”
“Yeah? To get the oils and the crasse off,” she casually explained, approaching with a pan. “You still have glitter on your face, Manning.”
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Never underestimate a black suit
Bill Hader x Reader
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I'm not even going to pretend I regret this one. It all started in 2009 when I became obsessed with SNL, then he just kept popping up, here an there and the crush just grow, and since thanks to It chapter 2 he is finally getting the recognition he deserves I got this idea last night and I got to write it before it escapes my mind.
One shot: Imagine you are a PA in Barry and you have the biggest crush on Bill Hader but it seems like he hates you because he is dead serious all the time he is around you.
Warnings: Swearing, Age gap (I know he is just over forty but god I love him).
You were pacing on the set, the Steve Allen Theater, hoping for someone, anyone, to give you an order so you could pretend you were so good at your job as PA so they won't fired you. But the damage was done, all thanks to your verbal incontinence and now the most amazing job in the world was about to be over.
You had started working on Barry about a year ago, and you have loved every minute of it, the cast was so sweet and down to earth, and make your job so much easier, D'arcy Carden for example was always thankful with you for the simplest things like bringing her coffee and Sarah Golberg even had invited you to lunch after you helped her with a female problem one time. They were so talented and nice that you could not believe it when the production called you back for the third season to keep working there.
But then it was him, the titular character, the fucking genius whose hard work and imagination have created this magnificent show, Bill Hader. Yes you were 28 and he 42, but still you couldn't explain it, there was something about the way he spoke and the way he walked that made you weak on your knees every time, and his laugh, you were sure something had been fixed in your mind after the first time you heard him laugh.
And then it was that first week of shooting from last year, the retro outfit with the suspenders, you couldn't get your eyes off him and you almost made one of the sound guys trip with Henry Winkler. And then the table scene, you were in the back making sure the extras were in their right place and avoiding look at him because he was so perfect on that scene that you certainly will froze just by looking at him.
This little crush was obvious for absolutely everyone, except obviously for Bill, you were sure that Anthony Carrigan even deliberately asked you for anything when he was talking to Bill to see you all clumsy and awkward, not to be a dick, just to push you to talk to him, but you were certain he didn't liked you, with most of the other members of the cast and crew he was always laughing, but in the limited interactions you had he was serious, asked you for a coffee now and then or to make a phone call but just that, and you were beginning to think your absurd infatuation was making him uncomfortable, so you tone it down, made a composed face and limited to do your job.
But now you had blow it. That morning they were filming the behind the episode, for the new season, at some point Barry had one of those daydreams and he imagine himself married to Sally, so there he was all perfect in a black suit sitting in his chair next to Alec Berg talking about the challenges of the new season and how thankful they were to come back.
"So the cast is amazing, the first two episodes of the season are incredible and you have managed to keep the same novelty feeling on the series, why do you think that is?" The guy interviewing them asked.
"Well I think it's mainly thanks to the cast" Alec started "This guys are just amazing, this season we are actually giving Sally a bigger arc and that is very interesting"
"And the crew too" Bill said then "I mean they make us all look good, even when some scenes are a total disaster, the set designers, the wardrobe and all that" they made a pause and you were there to put water bottles in the table between them.
"Bill I have known that you used to be a PA, you think that gives you a better understanding on how hard it is for and aspiring actor as Barry, and does it translate on the writing?" He asked and against your better judgment you stay there to listen.
"Totally, but on a more personal level I try to no be diva with my PAs, recognize they do a hard work and know them all by name, that sort of things"
And then your verbal incontinence kick in, and there, just a few feet away, your mouth was quicker than your brain and still looking at him you spoke, not that loud to be heard by the three of them but enough for him to look straight at you.
"That's bullshit" you instinctively took your hands to your mouth and turn around before you could saw him react and went away pretending you were taking coffee orders. And here you were just waiting for the "we are gonna have to let you go" speech when one of the other PAs called you.
"Hey Y/N Hader says you have to go to his dressing room ASAP" Your friend Danny said and you felt like something heavy fall down inside your stomach.
"Can someone else go?" You answered trying to find an excuse "I have to walk Kirby's dog" you lied.
"No, he said you specifically, something about a mail he asked you to sent?" You gave him a thumbs up and start walking to his dressing room, already feeling you were fired.
"Did you need anything Mr. Hader" You tried to sound professional, and not dead ass scared.
"Oh sure, Y/N, please come in" Great! He did know your name, so apart from impertinent you were an asswhole. And he was still in that stupid black suit that made him look so gorgeous, not like the tshirts and hoodies didn't. "Do you by any chance printed those documents I asked you to send last week? I seem to have deleted them and Alec is going to freak out" He said as nice and kind as always and the weight in your stomach start lightening.
"Yeah sure, I ... well unless someone says is confidential I make copies of everything, an old habit" You said looking for a flash drive in your purse. Since all the crew sing a NDA at the beginning of the production there was nothing wrong with that, unless of course you put it on Twitter if you wanted to go to jail.
"This is not your first work on a set right?" He asked while you started looking for the documents in his laptop.
"Oh no sir. I worked in Dead to me two years ago, but since they are in a break I try my luck here last year, and HBO has better catering" You said concentrated in your work.
"Oh so you met Christina?" He asked genuinely interested, "how old were you then?"
"26, a bit late to start in this business I know, but well I like it more" You answered with a smile and then pointed to the laptop "There they are".
"Thanks so much, truly a life saver" He said and let go a sigh "And you are never too old or too young to start, as long as you enjoy it, and tolerate your bosses... bullshit was it?" He said raising an eyebrow accusatory. You immediately turn white and then red and multiple apologizes started bubbling in your mouth.
"I'm so sorry sir, I really am, I sometimes speak my mind and say all this stupid stuff, I'm sorry" You finally managed to say. He started laughing, you didn't let go the painful irony of the situation, it was the first time you made him laugh, and probably will be the last.
"I'm sorry" He said finally " I couldn't help it, relax. I'm not mad. It was quite funny what you said, I sound like such a duchebag I know everyone by name" He said making an acute voice and you start calming down "But if anything I'm sorry I made you, or any of the crew, feel like you don't matter. All of you are actually great" He said and smiled again to you. "Also lose the Mr Hader, that's bullshit, you can call me Bill".
"Oh no, I couldn't, I'm already so embarrassed by why I did" you started and he looked at you making exaggerated puppy eyes mouthing please, and it was lucky you were so nervous otherwise you would have exploded with laughter "Ok Bill"
"Ok then you are 28, and recently started as a PA, you want to be an actress?" He said, leaning back on his desk.
"Absolutely not, I wanted to be a writer, I was a writer actually in a newspaper, but it didn't feel right and then I realized I wanted to write stories, scripts, and one of my friends was an extra in Stranger things, then she said Netflix needs PAs and well there I went" You said, it was easy talk to him. "Also I don't have the looks for it and hate to se myself in pictures"
"I don't have the looks for it, and here I am" He said opening his arms "But honestly you keep writing and trying, if it's what you want, I mean I get here"
"Well yeah but have seen yourself in that suit?" Your mouth betrayed you again and you look at your feet to hide your face. "Amm I think I have a dog to walk, bye" You said before he could said anything and run away.
The next weeks were difficult, you avoid being alone with Bill but you kept doing your job as good as always, and every once in a while you will notice him looking at you, thinking on how pathetic you must look to him. Until the last day of shooting, they wrapped up the season and it was amazing. The only thing left was to go for a drink at Henry's place and start looking for a new job, thankfully you had finally written a promising draft and your hopes were high.
Maybe that's why you actually choose to drink at the party, and dance with your friends and some members of the cast, and you were a little more talkative than usual, until Anthony who was talking to you about something you were not actually listening leave you alone next to bill.
"So what's next??" He asked in the middle of the loud music, and you didn't quite got it because he signaled the garden and you followed him. "Finally I couldn't hear my thoughts" He said once you were outside.
"It's really loud, but you all deserve it" You said and suddenly realized you were alone. "What where you asking?" You tried to sound casual.
"Oh if you could get me a coffee" he joked and then quickly add "No I was wondering what's next for you after this is over?"
"I actually waiting good news from Amazon, maybe with any luck I'll get a chance with one of my scripts" You said proudly.
"That's amazing" He said with bright happy eyes "I'm so glad for you, so we won't be seeing you in season four?"
"With any luck no" You answered "You'll have to find another impertinent PA to call out your bullshit" You add laughing.
"Oh I'm pretty sure we will find someone, or I can always call you and ask you to do it for free" He said and you could notice how close he was "You know as a concerned friend"
"Sure, I can do that, my contract finalized yesterday day so I guess starting today I'm just your rude friend that says come on man don't be a duchebag" You said letting go a small laugh but he was looking at you completely serious.
"In that case..." He started and took your face between his hands, he was so tall and you felt so tiny next to him but also it was so nice and comfortable being so close, he lean in to kiss you and stop just close enough to your mouth so you will feel his breath, as if he asked for your permission to continue, and instead of saying something that could ruin the moment you close the distance and kiss him.
His lips felt soft and tender over your lips, and he slowly started deepening the kiss pressing you against him from your waist, and you hold on to the front of his jacket trying to keep him closer to you, hoping for this moment to never end, until the absurd necessity of oxygen force you to split.
"I ... I didn't think it would be appropriate to do that when we were working together" He started, smiling like a child. "I'm sorry if I made you feel like I was avoiding you, Anthony messing up with me by having you around all the time didn't help either"
"Don't worry it's okay, and yeah it would have been super inappropriate but thank god I no longer have a job" you said still trying to make sense of the situation.
"Would you... I mean I love Henry but there's only alcohol in here, do you want to go grab some dinner?" He said pointing the exit.
"I would love that" you answered, overwhelmed by joy and you followed him to the door, happy with all the possibilities the future hold.
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jamesbucktitybarnes · 6 years
Chapter two
Pairings: reader x Bucky, reader x avengers, reader x Steve (platonic)
Warnings: Flufffff, some swearing, and a little bit of angst
Summary: Y/N is known as Autum, the newly hired receptionist for the avengers. Behind her cover she is an enhanced individual, she can shape shift- along with qualities such as quick healing and increased stamina. She quickly bonds with all the avengers but especially the two infamous super soldiers. Can she maintain her cover without exposing her true self, the secrets that she doesn’t tell anyone? But things start to unravel when Bucky starts to recognize her for who she truly is, the girl he fell in love with when he was sixteen.
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It had been a few months since I had moved to Brooklyn, and along with settling into my new appartment I have also gotten to know the two biggest troublemakers I’ve ever met. After my first encounter with James, I found myself running into him more often- not literally this time - and he introduced me to his friend Steve. Steve was much more nervous around me at first, but after a while he seemed to be more comfortable.
It didn’t take long for me to develop feelings for James. Our banter was more like flirting and I often caught him blushing when I called him James. It’s safe to say that my parents still don’t know about me being friends with two boys. They think I’m hanging out with a Jamie and Sarah, and I’m pretty sure my plan is working out so far.
Tonight I’m going to go to the movies with Steve and James, and although I love Steve- I really wish it was just me and James. I have been waiting for a while to tell him how I felt, but there never seemed to be a right time.
I sighed as I picked out an outfit to wear tonight, the movies was something that I didn’t get to do that often- my parents rarely had any spare change and it only went to booze. James and Steve surprised me with putting forth their saved money to buy me a ticket as well.
I don’t know what I did to deserve such wonderful friends, because god knows I’m nothing special.
After deciding on a soft pink floral dress, I heard the phone ringing. I rushed to it, just in case if it was James.
“Hello” I spoke.
“Hey y/n, it’s Steve, um I need to tell you something- please don’t be mad,” Steve said, his voice shaking slightly with nervousness or excitement, I couldn’t tell “But I cannot make it to the movies tonight, I have come down with a cold. Bucky still wants to take you tonight I hope you don’t mind going with that jerk.”
“Oh Stevie, I am so sorry that you’re sick- we could do the movies some other time I wouldn’t want you to miss,” I said, trying to sound disappointed, but secretly hoping that I will have a night alone with James.
“No Y/n, it’s okay. I want you to have a fun night with buck, don’t worry about me” Steve finished and I felt a weight lifted off of my shoulders. I am going on a date with James tonight! Well not really a date, but still!
“Oh okay if you insist Steve. I better not here you complaining about missing this next week!” I chuckled into the phone, Steve laughing with me.
“Goodbye y/n, have fun with Bucky”
“Bye Stevie” I hung up the phone and tried to calm my racing heartbeat.
I went back to my room and made sure to put extra effort into my hair and makeup for tonight. Tonight’s the night that I’m going to tell Bucky how I feel, I can’t back out now.
After watching the clock for what it seemed like forever, I finally heard a knock at the door.
Luckily my parents were out for the night, so I wouldn’t have to worry about them seeing James show up at my door.
As I opened up the door I saw James for the first time that day. He was dressed in khakis and a dress top, and damn- he looked good. I remembered that I actually had to speak then because I was just staring.
“Hey James,” I said, looking down and blushing. “You ready to go?”
I looked up to see him having the same reaction I had, and also I just noticed that he had a single flower in his hand, a daisy.
“Wow y/n... uh yeah I’m ready” he stumbled across his words, and he held out the flower to me,” I didn’t known what kind of flower you liked, so I picked the prettiest one I saw”
He gave cheeky smile then, and I took the flower from his hand, “if I didn’t know any better James, I would say that you begged Steve to say he was sick tonight so you would have me all to yourself.”
Judging by his reaction of looking down and putting his hands in his pockets, You would say that you were right.
We walked, my hand wrapped around his arm, to the closest movie theater. I didn’t know what movie we were seeing, but I didn’t care, all I cared about was spending time with James.
I didn’t know it then, but that night was the beginning of something so special that it was one of the only reasons you cared enough to keep living.
I realized that I was probably supposed to say something so I finally looked away from James and muttered my cover’s name and what my job would be- and I prayed that it wasn’t obvious that I was acting weird.
“Well autumn , I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we are happy to have you,” Tony said confidently, and I gave a weak smile at his attempt on making me feel welcome. “And not to embarrass you, but we always throw a party two weeks after we hire someone- think of it as a right of passage” he winked and pepper excused you out of the room and went to show you your office.
It was quite plain, but pepper informed me that I could design it al much as I would like, given it wouldn’t distract me from doing my job. It was larger than I thought it would be, and I had a nice view of a forest from my window.
She the left me with a list of some tasks I had for today, and seeing that they wouldn’t take me too long to accomplish, I sat down in my chair.
I sighed heavily as my mind wandered to James. It had been so long since I last saw him, but seeing him again made my heart break. The overwhelming urge to run and embrace him as so difficult to hold back, but I had to because he didn’t know it was me.
And honestly, with all that hydra did to him I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t remember me at all. I knew that we had a special kind of love, and I also knew that I never felt like that with anyone else. You don’t know how much I just want to drop my cover and explain everything to James, but I’m afraid of what he will think of me.
I had so many opportunities to see him and see Steve before this, will he be mad that I waited this long, will he think I’m a coward? And what will he think about how after I escaped hydra I didn’t do anything to stop them, I just caved into my self and did nothing. At least maintaining my cover gave me a chance to be with James without the fear of him thinking less of me.
I hadn’t realized I had started crying until I felt the tears falling on my desk. I quickly wiped them off and turned my mind back on work.
The rest of the day was uneventful, I just copied some papers, sent some emails, and set up all of my accounts on my computer.
Looking at the clock I realized that it was time for me to leave. Well today wasn’t that productive, I thought. And I still have no idea how to even be in a room with James without looking like an idiot.
As I start to walk out of the building, I hear someone call my name.
“Autumn, hey!” I turn to see Steve coming up to me, and I have to remind myself that he doesn’t know me.
“Hey Steve,” I said, trying not to sound awkward. “What’s up”
“I just want to welcome you to the compound- and to tell you that we aren’t as scary as we look. “ Steve chuckled a little bit and I noticed that he really didn’t change that much. I mean, physically he did, but his spirit and humor were still the same.
“Well it’s hard not to be intimidated by some ex assasins and super soldiers, but I think I’ll manage” I smile brightly, “Well stevi- Steve I think I better get going- I have an early morning tomorrow. Have a nice night!”
I wave and start walking out the doors to my car. God, I’m such an idiot. I almost called him Stevie-the nickname I always called him when we were young. I have to make sure I’m watching what I say or else everything is going to fall apart.
I have to figure out a way to become friends with both Steve and James without blowing my cover, and Man , this is going to be harder than I thought.
A/n: this chapter is setting up where the next chapter will go! There will be more Bucky interactions in the next chapter !!
Taglist: @classy-sassy-enjolrassy // @k-n-e // @galaxykidtilltheend // @shane-knight // @slender-–spirit
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The Gazebo under a cherry tree
Chapter 4. Its here too ao3.
Chloe was startled back to the present as she desperately blinked back the tears, hiding it quickly with one of her signature bright smiles. Her soon to be husband wore a worried expression seemed to notice her zoned out state, "You okay?"
"Yea! Just had a tiny headrush. I should definitely not have drank a lot last night. I think it's finally taking effect. " She covered up enthusiastically, her excuse slightly valid enough or so she hoped.
Chicago's brows furrowed, not entirely believing her but decided not to push. He merely released a slight scoff and smiled adoringly at his fiance who kissed him on the cheek before skipping off to help out with more decorations. He merely shook his head letting out a sigh, his expression falling slightly as he stared at where Chloe went then switching his gaze where Beca and the other Bellas were laughing amongst themselves. The soldier's guts filled with worry but decided not to let his assumptions overtake his thoughts.
Once Beca returned to the mini bar with the Bellas, she was immediately bombarded with questions.
"B! Where did you go?" A slightly tipsy Stacie asked.
"Was with Chloe."
The Bellas suddenly going silent as they all give each other worried stares. The brunette noticed this and waved them off.
"Nothing crazy. Just catching up. You guys wanna hit the spa next?"
The ladies decided it was safe to just leave it alone for now. They all agreed to go to the spa as they followed Beca all fuelled with alcohol in their system.
Unexpectedly, her phone started ringing, Theo's name flashing on the screen. She excused herself from the Bellas who was already at the spa lounge waiting for their turns.
"Yes, Theo?"
"Hey Beca. I know you're on a small vacation right now but we got an emergency in the studio."
"What happened? Did you set it on fire or something ?"
Theo scoffed at the other end of the line, "No. Luckily. But Sarah almost did while she tried to heat her instant noodles."
Beca let out a chuckle. Sarah, a sophomore in college, their intern was a little bit of a clutz but she was creative and passionate with a strong ability to learn quickly, the reason why Beca agreed to take her in the first place.
"Seriously though, DJ Khaled and the other big bosses is holding an emergency meeting. Regarding what, I'm not so sure. They just need everyone to be present there or else apparently."
The producer let out a sigh, she knew there were consequences but she had luckily never missed a meeting to know what they were. "Its that important?"
"You know they barely hold meetings like this out of the blue. So I guess there's not much of a choice here."
With another sigh, the petite woman came to a decision. "Alright. Well, do you mind picking me up around tomorrow afternoon or something? I can't miss this, you know that."
Theo smiled sympathetically for the brunette, understanding the importance of the wedding. "Got it, boss. I'll do my best. I'll give you a call when the driver arrives tomorrow."
Beca was half glad and half torn. Not having to witness Chloe and Chicago actually getting pronounced as husband and wife was a blessing in disguise however, also the fact that this was her bestfriend, despite barely talking for 2 years, she cared deeply for her happiness and was hopelessly in love. It was tearing her apart but it would kill her if she made the dick move of leaving right now.
So the decision to get the next flight tomorrow is so she would be there a little during the wedding not to miss the entire thing and just make her presence still known. Surprisingly, Theo's lack of persistence to get back immediately made her wonder how much of an emergency it really was.
Beca luckily had a friend like Stacie who packed formal business clothes which she asked her why, the tall brunette merely winked. She lent her a black silk blazer to go with a matching pair of midnight black formal pants and Flo's black heels that she had lent the brunette as they had the same shoe size. The unfortunate part was that Beca only had a white casual v-neck t-shirt to act as an inside. She couldn't wear the outrageous orange bridesmaid dress. That would totally ruin her image as a producer once she flew back to LA wearing it.
Fortunately for her, all the Bellas understood how Beca felt about the wedding, especially Aubrey. So she made up a reason for there being too much up in the small altar so only certain girls would be up there with Chloe. Stacie, Jessica, Emily and Aubrey herself volunteering to be infront which Chloe agreed to after a slight confusion.
After their spa sessions, the girls had decided to all pass out early to get their beauty sleeps right before the wedding day. Which took Beca an agonizingly long time to fall asleep as she fidgeted the whole night, mentally giving herself a prep talk repeatedly till it lulled her to sleep : No tears. No pain. Just smile. Move on.
Day 3 of Wedding: Speak now or forever hold your piece.
As the wedding started, Beca was stood all the way in the back row which she guessed was where all Chloe's other friends and coworkers sat. The petite woman was trying to keep her distance to physically restrain herself, not trusting her own actions.
Waking herself up earlier was already physically too much. She didn't know if she was ready for the closure. She didn't know if she was ready to move on, not knowing anything beyond the thoughts of Chloe that haunted her 24/7. She didn't know if she wanted to.
As she stood there infront of the bathroom mirror, the other Bellas all ready in Cynthia Rose's and Flo's room, she took in her appearance. The dark circle around her eyes still visible through the foundation she applied to hide them, her smile trembled trying its best to carry the weight of the reality, her hair braided by none other than the self declared hairstylist of the Bellas - Cynthia Rose and her outfit not matching the other girls as she wore the business outfit ready to leave for the meeting as soon as possible. She let out a deep, long sigh.
Aubrey stood at the door, noticing the brunette staring at the void reflection of herself. The blonde gritted her teeth, cautiously knocking on the door to make her presence known.
"One final heartbreak, huh?" The hoarse and vulnerable voice almost knocking out Aubrey.
She formed a tight lipped smile, "One final heartbreak." The blonde repeated firmly
Beca turned to her friend, her eyes dangerously glassy as she offered a wide empty smile and walking out to join the Bellas.
She tried to ignore the sound of millions of pieces that fell from her now shattering heart, the bonds she had used to keep it together now falling apart as she saw Chloe approach in her beautifully tailored one shoulder, white laced satin wedding dress, accompanied by her father. Beca's breath completely caught in her throat as crystal blue skies met the midnight sea locking gazes briefly, but it was gone as fast as it started, failing to read each others expressions.
Beca internally scoffed at the traditional wedding instrumental playing in the background. She let out a small sigh as she watched Chicago's eyes sparkle at the sight of chloe. Honestly, whose wouldn't. Chloe Beale who was the epitome of all the wonderful things the world was lucky to have, all of her now within the soldier's reach. Beca swallowed back the venom rising from inside her.
As the preacher began the ceremony, the world around her suddenly gets muted. The pang in her chest seemed to grow larger, swelling from the pain of holding in the water works that kept persistently trying to push themselves out of her eyes. Her fist clenching and nails digging into her palms every time she watched the couple smile at each other, looking at their hands intertwined caused hers to burn like acid being poured agonizingly slow on delicate skin. As the anguish in her heart start bubbling over the surface, burning every part of her skin that Chloe Beale had once touched, boiling red, seeing black; if this was more painful than death then she prayed to the gods for them to take her now. Her heart shrivelled smaller and smaller.
The vibration in her pocket startled her back to reality forcing her clenched fist apart as she politely got up her seat, slightly bending down to not attract any attention to herself. Lucky enough, everyone was focused on the couple. She stood right by the entrance, as she finally answered the phone call.
"Mitchell." She responded with a quiet but firm tone.
"Beca. The driver is outside the resort up front. The private jet is waiting. I'm sorry I had to call at a time like this."
"No, it's fine." Beca silently replied. Her eyes closed for a minute as the echo of the minister's words rang in her ears,
"If anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace"
She took a deep shaky breath, exhaling it out slowly. The world under her suddenly trembling, begging for her to do something but her feet suddenly felt like it was glued to the floor.
"Coming, coming. See you there." She hung up without further words and shoved the phone in her pocket. She swallowed thickly exhaling one last breath as she made her way out towards the exit. She didn't dare to look back.
. . .
She texted Aubrey to let her know she had left for her emergency meeting. She had told the girls about it once Theo had called.
Beca sighed as she made herself comfortable on the plane seat. One of the good things about becoming famous was getting your own private jet. It wasn't hers per se, but it was designated for her when she needed it. She didn't need to worry about other people cramped up in a tight plane with a crying baby on board. She thanked the hired stewardess for the water before she left her alone. She gazed out the window, evaluating how things came up to this. If she just knew earlier, or back in Brooklyn, if she could've just sucked it up and told her before the USO tour, how her life would've been much better.
But of course, she wasn't Beca Mitchell if she didn't live some type of cursed life. It was a give or take life she had. Have your parents divorce but get a nice DJ set for your birthday to make up for shattering your entire view of family. Have to tolerate college but get to meet all the amazing girls she was glad to call her family now. Somehow have your dream that you'd been chasing for years come true but have your bestfriend, that you're completely, hopelessly, excruciatingly in love with be taken away by someone else and watch them live a happy life.
How ironically amazing her life was; Living the dream with a broken heart.
She let her sulking drain all her energy as she fell into a deep slumber.
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