#Again a role reversal not a ship
mysafespaceblog13 · 1 month
Doodle Goblin queen Sarah because I think a Labyrinth role reversal is a fun concept
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kiun · 10 months
the main character and narrator turned into a plot device for a male character's pain lmaoooo
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cluescorner · 4 months
Nothing sadder than seeing a Reverse Robins AU where they don't include Steph as a Robin even though she'd be a far better Red Hood than Tim. It's not even fucking close. Like...are you kidding me?? Tim has no reason to die in the way Jason does nor does he have any reason to become the protector of the less-great areas of Gotham. I don't mind it as much when Tim kinda becomes his own thing (that's the appeal of those AUs for me, taking the character and having them fulfill a role they don't in canon + seeing the ripple effects on both that character and others and the story (literally the whole reason I'm doing the randomized robins) + seeing how you can still tell a story that wasn't meant to exist in the way you've made it) but when he's just straight up Red Hood-but-now-Tim...why?
Now STEPHANIE BROWN ON THE OTHER HAND! She's got all the makings of a good Red Hood. She's had the will to kill from the beginning (she was straight up gonna kill her dad, even when she didn't she still beat the shit out of him and talks pretty frequently about getting rid of the bad guys 'for good'), she's been doubted her entire existence as a vigilante, she has like SO MANY FUCKING REASONS TO HATE BRUCE IT ISN'T EVEN FUNNY, she has lived the experience of someone (her dad) getting released back into Gotham via Arkham/Blackgate's revolving door, and she's also got the fucking FIRE for it. Steph even has a built-in death that's both thematically relevant for a Red Hood and would drive Bruce to so much fucking guilt. Plus, it's more accurate! And Tim staying as the third sidekick becomes even more fucking interesting. His girlfriend, someone he loved, just died in this role because of Bruce's negligence/her own bungling. How tf does he feel about the role of a Batman sidekick now? Batman needs a Robin, but what does Robin need from Batman? And Steph coming back to see BRUCE just put TIM in the role that she literally died in? Oh she's coming back full storm.
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calisources · 8 months
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ROYAL, FANTASY ROMANCE AND SPICE. all these quotes and sentences are taken from different sources as well some made by myself. change pronouns and places and names as you see fit. some of these are heavy with tension or sexual intention, though nothing too graphic, but you are warned some of these are full of spice and forbidden romance. if you have more suggestions, send them to me and i will add them to this post.
ACTIONS AND SCENARIOS. add +reverse to change the roles.
(royal ball): our muses dance at a royal ball. 
(captive in the tower): sender is held captive and receiver helps save them.
(arranged marriage): our muses are thrown together into an arranged marriage.
(childhood betrothal): arranged to wed since being children, our muses finally meet days before the wedding.
(ward): send is a ward at the receiver's house/home. 
(stolen kiss): sender kisses receiver before a battle, away from prying eyes.
(mystery knight): sender is unknown at court and receiver wants to know them further.
(secrets): our muses are together in a secret relationship as their families wouldn’t approve. 
(brother’s keeper): sender is receiver’s brother's best friend. Sender has been harboring a crush since they met.
(taken): sender is taken prisoner by receiver on their ship at sea after a shipwreck.
(horse ride): there is only one horse trope, our muses have to ride together.
(guard): sender is made receiver’s guard and they have to travel/spend time together.
(no one is here to help): receiver is taken to sender as their captive.
(aftermath): after a battle/war, sender and receiver reunite thinking the other was dead. 
(my prince): sender falls for receiver, who is the realm’s prince/princess.
(tourney): sender gives the receiver their favor during a tournament.
(piece of me): sender ties a piece of cloth on receiver’s hand to wrap around a wound.
(you left): sender left receiver years ago, now reunited, receiver is upset.
(last kiss): unsure if they will see each other again, sender kisses the receiver before distracting enemies so receiver can escape.
(under my protection): sender proclaims himself receiver’s protector while receiver is traveling/captive.
(starcrossed): our muses find out they have to marry other people and they reunite at night.
(we were in love once): our muses were together in a relationship in their youth and now see each other after years.
(my castle is yours): sender pledges their castle as a fortress to keep the receiver safe.
(gentle touch): sender heals the receiver of their wounds and inevitably grows close.
(magic): receiver is a being of magical properties and sender finds themselves enthralled by them.
(my paramour): receiver becomes sender’s mistress.
(the bane of my existence): our muses never got along and yet, they harbor feelings for one another after a heated argument.
(maze): our muses lose their guards in a maze and they find each other alone.
(it was always you): our muses are childhood friends about to get married.
(to make peace): from opposite houses, our muses are now married to bring peace.
(corner): behind a corner of the great hall, sender corners receiver after seeing them dance with someone else.
(advisor): receiver works as an advisor for sender, despite objection around court.
(rags to riches): receiver is a bastard now made legitimate and people around the realm came to meet them. Sender is one of them.
(at your service): receiver is a lady in waiting/personal guard to sender’s sibling and a romance develops.
(saved): sender is saved by receiver, who is a healer/witch.
“You are enough to drive a saint to madness or a king to his knees.”
“He didn't marry you to become king. He became king because he wanted to marry you.”
“Little by little, the old world crumbled, and not once did the king imagine that some of the pieces might fall on him.”
“I want you—but I don’t want this."
“Rule with the heart of a servant. Serve with the heart of a king.”
“There’s a fine line between gossip and history, when one is talking about kings.”
“I will not share you."
“Well, princess, let’s see what you’re made of.”
“She added the flowers and incense to help mask your own scent.”
“Your eyes betray you. Your body even responds to mine no matter that you’re angry. You want me.”
“He is my ruin. My complete and utter devastation.”
“Just how long have you been sticking it to the girl who’s like a little sister to us?”
“There’s a certain sort of beauty in submission.”
“My story hasn’t been written yet, but I know it begins with you.”
“You will love this man. Do you understand? You will love him, serve him, and obey him in all things. This is your duty to me and to France. Am I clear?’
“She didn’t need a man. She wanted one.”
“Your wish is my command, my queen.”
“It is legal because I wish it.”
“Rejection is an opportunity for your selection.”
“She's magic, Cassandra. A single flower blooming in an endless desert.”
“Do you really want to put yourself through this? Is loving me really enough to endure everything you have to just to be with me?"
“Make no mistake.You are under my protection now, and I protect what is mine.”
“But perhaps, when you sleep, you will dream of me."
“I cannot come with you, my prince.”
“This woman was consuming him, bit by bit.”
“Call him. Claim him. Speak his Name. Make him thine before all others.”
“You are the harbor of my soul’s journeying.”
“We love what we love. We don’t need to justify it to anyone… not even to ourselves.”
“To love something despite. To know the flaws and love them too. That is rare and pure and perfect.”
“The heart is neither given nor stolen. The heart surrenders.”
“Give yourself to me.”
“I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your man to serve.”
“I married you to stop the bloodshed, and you keep killing. When will it be enough- when?”
“Marriage is a marriage- love or arranged. Both require the same level of commitment.”
“We are trapped by convention and must marry another.”
“We had both accepted the unwritten rule of arranged marriage: love, if it arrived at all, would bloom with time.”
“Be with me. Want me. Stay with me.I don’t know how to be without you.”
“We were doomed from the start. A lost cause. A losing battle.”
“Mr. Larsen, if you make me cry at my own coronation ball, I’ll never forgive you.”
“You are my very own forbidden fruit.”
“I’m scared, but I’d rather have one real day with you than a lifetime of misguided security.”
“And you, are mine.”
“You think a courtship and a hunt are two separate things. They are not.”
“I will share him with you, I cannot lose him.”
“Why must you resist me so dearly? When you tremble under my touch?”
“You must be made of magic itself. Your touch is warm.”
“One day, I will be able to leave you.”
“Did he touch you? Did you enjoy the way he held you across the room?”
"I will be your husband. I will take a solemn vow to protect you until death do us part. Do you understand what that means?"
“And why, pray tell, should I make it easy?'
"You are the bane of my existence--and the object of all of my desires. Night and day I dream of you."
"I did not ask for this--to be plagued by these feelings."
“I have loved you at every dance, on every walk, and every time we've been together. You must feel it in your heart, because I do."
“Because,by the time I’m done, prayer is the only thing that is going to save you.”
“Suppose I told everyone that I had seduced you.”
“You’re not planning to refuse me, are you?”
'Tell me if I do anything you don't like.”
“Say you do not care for me. Tell me you feel nothing and I will walk away.”
“I am a gentleman. My father raised me to act with honor, but that honor is hanging by a thread that grows more precarious with every moment I spend in your presence.”
“If I wed your sister, it will bind me and you together for eternity, and I will spend every day of my marriage wanting you, dreaming of you, dreading the day when my last thread of honor finally snaps.”
“I have never met anyone like you. It is maddening, how much you consume my very being.”
“That scent. It has remained imprinted on my mind ever since that night of the conservatory ball on that terrace. Lilies.”
“I desire you. I burn for you. I can't sleep at night because I want you."
“You’re the center of a star, and the force of gravity keeps pulling me closer, and I don’t give a damn that I’m about to be incinerated.“
“Whatever bad thing happened to you, it hasn’t made you less beautiful. There’s beauty in darkness, too.”
“I belong to you. Only you…I’ll always be yours. No matter what.”
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Can you give examples of Aang showing Empathy? Oh wait, you can't.
Actually, I can - because unlike you, I base my opinion of the characters on the actual stuff that happened in the story, not the bad faith takes dumb people on the internet come up with.
Zuko literally only survived past book 1 because Aang was the ONLY person amongst the heroes that gave a single fuck about his well-being. Aang offered to be FRIENDS with him as early as episode 13, even though this dude is trying to kidnap him.
In the first damn episode we see him realize and try to remedy Katara's struggle with no longer being able to act like a kid and have fun. He wants to travel with her so SHE gets to learn waterbending. He willingly lets Zuko take him into his ship because he understood that a conflict could lead to the people of the water tribe getting hurt or killed.
In Warriors of Kyoshi he apologizes to Katara for letting all the praise and admiration go to this head. He makes sure to put out the fires Zuko and his crew started in Suki's village.
He tries to help remedy the Hei-Bai situation, even though he is unsure of himself and even scared, because he knows he is the only one that has any chance of helping - and the thing that allows him to connect with Hei-Bai is the fact that he is ALSO upset about the destruction the Fire Nation has caused AND hopeful that the world would eventually heal.
He thinks Jet is awesome because he wants to help people that are being oppressed by the Fire Nation - and then is horrified when he finds out his intension is to "free" them by killing everyone
He wants to help the two rival groups not only safely cross the Great Divide, but also stop hating each other.
He confesses that he hid the map to Hakoda because Bato, Katara and Sokka are showing how much they appreciate and trust him and he feels unworthy of it after what he did because he knows it'd hurt him if the roles were reversed.
He is so devastated by the fact that he ACCIDENTALLY hurt Katara that he swears to never firebend again. He is also able to recognize the same principle behind his mistake in Zhao's fighting style, allowing him to win the battle against the bastard.
He accepts the fact that the Northern Air Temple is now occupied by people who not only don't belong to his culture but also don't understand it and unknowingly destroyed something sacred to him (and that one of them had been forced to make weapons for the Fire Nation) because these people have nowhere else to go and he doesn't want them to suffer.
He is furious at Pakku for refusing to teach Katara waterbending, because he knows how much it'd mean to her and how unfair it is that she can't learn it just because of her gender.
He is so devastated by the death of the Moon Spirit that the Ocean Spirit latches onto him to avenge it and save the day - and the leve of destruction it causes haunts Aang, even though the violence was against his enemies. And still, he tries to go into the Avatar state again because people are dying and he can't accept that.
After the fall of Omashu, he wants to rescue Bumi, not because he needs a teacher, but because they're friends.
He felt empathy for Toph when she was explaining to her parents how lonely and unappriacted their over-protection made her feel.
He and Katara both feel bad for snapping at Toph during "The Chase" and wanted to apologize for not understanding that being part of a group was a radical change to her, even though she had refused to even try. He also didn't have a problem with fighting alongside Zuko and Iroh against Azula, AND he looked concerned when Iroh was injured.
After Katara comments on the fact he called Toph Sifu but not her, he calls her Sifu while bowing, to show that he respects her both as his master and friend.
The hopelessness and downright depression he was feeling after Appa was stolen only starts healing because he saw a couple being happy with their newborn baby - the same couple he decided to help cross the Serpent's Pass, even though he and his friends had just been allowed to take a much safer route to Ba Sing Se.
His understanding and sympathy towards Jet, even after everything the guy did, was so strong that it freed him from literal brainwashing.
He doesn't want to push his love for Katara aside to gain power because he cares about her too much - and then does it anyway because, even though not making her his main focus 24/7 offers the risk of her being hurt, him neglecting his mission guarantees she'll get hurt.
He is devastated to learn that the world thinks he is dead because he knows he was everyone's last hope - and yet in the end he still accepts the burden of failure because he understood that, at that moment, everyone would be safer if no one else knew he was still alive.
He goes to a Fire Nation school and bonds with the kids, wanting to give them a taste of freedom and joy, as well as trying to understand what the war is like from their perspective. The same episode also has him pull Katara for a dance because he noticed she was feeling left out.
The boy felt empathy for, and understood the mistakes of, both Ruko and Sozin. SOZIN. Aang could see the humanity in the monster that is responsible for him losing his entire culture and everyone he loved.
When Zuko spoke about wanting to control his impulses so he wouldn't accidentally hurt anyone, Aang explicitly connected with that struggle and saw them being teacher and student as fate, and Zuko agreed because that's how deep their connection was.
Aang is not happy about Katara wanting to murder a man, but he still lets her take Appa on her mission and is not disapproving when she ultimately spares the guy but does not forgive him and makes it clear she never will.
He feels empathy for freaking Ozai, to the point that refuses to kill the guy - even as he has the balls to say that Aang's family, his people, deserved to die. He spared that guy - but only after he had a way to do that without it meaning the death of more innocents. Aang, the pacifist, was going to turn his back on everything he believed in just to avoid more human suffering.
So yeah, miss me with your bullshit and don't come back until your brain is developed enough to understand a cartoon aimed at kindergarterners.
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merthurweek2024 · 8 months
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✨STARTING December 18th - 24th✨
hi guys!! we’re back at it again for merthurweek, as always🫡 we can’t wait to see what brilliant creations everyone makes!! we love you all. thank you for allowing us to do this each year🩷have fun and enjoy🥰
FOR FANFIC OR META WRITERS - prompts and/or themes for inspiration:
day one: royalty + angst
day two: knight!merlin + protective!others
day three: soulmates + hurt/comfort
day four: reversal roles au + humor
day five: bamf!merlin + angst with a happy ending
day six: “please forgive me” + dragons
day seven: magic reveal + canon era
we have made a ao3 collection under the name which can be found here 'merthurweek2023' - if you wish to add your fics
please put the day and prompt in your summary if posting to ao3.
reminder: merlin/arthur do not need to be the one to say the line or be the things exactly! and the + means and/or. these are mostly for inspiration alone. if you would like to just write royalty!merlin for day one, for example, and not use angst, then that's perfectly fine.
FOR GIFS/ VIDEO/ ART CREATORS - ideas and/or themes for inspiration:
day one: their theme song + red
day two: any poem + orange
day three: favorite quote said between/about them + yellow
day four: favorite parallel + green
day five: what does this ship mean/represent to you? + blue
day six: any quote + purple
day seven: what could have been + white
Must be posted on tumblr so we can reblog!
Please tag your posts as #merthurweek2023 and/or tag us directly.
NSFW is allowed, just please tag appropriately.
Have fun and enjoy yourself! This week is all about supporting each other and sharing your work!
questions, concerns, or just wanna talk? you can dm or send asks at this account or at our mains @bellamyblakru @tkstrrand
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xlpoww · 9 months
love is embarrassing
Anonymous asked: okay okay i just read your sanji imagines and maybe make a part where the roles are reversed? like the reader gets flirted on by someone else and she flirts back and sanji doesn’t understand why he feels jealous all of a sudden? this is part two to this original request, which can be found here: SOUR and the finale: LOVE
thank you for taking the time to read my silly little stories :)
warnings: jealousy, sanji and zoro get into a physical fight
word count: 1209
opla! sanji x f! reader
the moon is high in the sky when you return to the going merry that night. theo’s sweet words echoing in your mind, what a charming boy. no matter how great a time you had; he couldn't even hold a candle to your ship’s resident flirt. no one could worm their way into your heart like sanji vinsmoke had.
the resident blonde of the going merry is in a foul mood. 
what reason did he have to wake up on the right side of the bed? he’d gone to sleep before you’d even come home last night, and woken up to see you missing from your usual morning reading spot. the eggs made this morning were over whisked and undercooked, and sanji couldn't find room in his brain to truly care. 
“good morning sanji,” nami walked into the kitchen with a yawn. she’s covering her mouth as she shuffles towards the island. when she reaches it she leans on her elbows, looking at sanji’s back as he moves about around the stove.
“good morning mademoiselle, how did you sleep?” there was a robotic feeling to his flirting, the redhead frowned at the sound; with a raise of her eyebrow she spoke
“what’s gotten into you?” sanji turned to look at her with a smile, placing a plate with eggs and bacon in front of where she stood leaning on the countertop. he wipes his hands off and stuffs his hands into the pockets of his suit pants.
“nothing gorgeous, i’m quite alright! especially since i have the pleasure of seeing your beautiful face so bright and early.” before nami can push him any further, luffy comes barreling into the kitchen nose first. 
“sanji! i knew i smelled something good cooking!! i am starving.” nami is forced to drop the subject as she quickly snatches up her plate before luffy can steal a piece of bacon straight from it.
by the time you walk into the kitchen for breakfast, the crew has assembled and luffy is on his third plate of eggs. everyone greets you kindly, except your favorite blonde. the silence from his causes a stinging feeling in your chest, and as you sit down you notice he’s staring intently at the wall opposite of you. ‘why wont he look at you?’ 
it stings, of course it does! you considered sanji a very good friend of yours, for him to suddenly start ignoring you. you can't deny the pang you felt in your heart. ‘did you do something to upset him?’
"how was your night y/n?" nami turns to look at you, there's a ghost of a smirk on her face. you face lights up like a fire engine, you're looking bashfully down at your plate of eggs when you reply.
"it was nice, he was very sweet." 
"i'm glad to hear that, do you have any plans to see him again?" she's leaned her elbows onto the table and placed her chin in her hands. her question is finished off with a wink.
"well actually-" your reply is cut off by an abrupt slamming sound that makes you jump. sanji has slammed his hand onto the table and stood up, his chair making a loud noise as he propels it backwards. he snatches his empty plate off the table, grabbing nami and zoro's as well before stomping over to the sink. he takes the time to light a cigarette and stick it in between his lips before starting to clean the dishes. 
the rest of the crew sitting at the table with you are staring at sanji's back with confusion (zoro with frustration) but no matter how piercing your gazes are. he wont turn to meet a single one. 
"what's your problem waiter?" zoro speaks up, looking so very over the cook's jealous antics.
"whatever could you mean my friend?" sanji speaks up, plastering a smile that doesn't meet his eyes on as he turns to look at zoro. you subconsciously tilt your head in confusion, and when sanji sees it out of his peripherals he cant help the way his heart swells. you make it impossibly hard to stay mad. you're so naturally adorable.
"you've been in a shit mood ever since we left the bar last night." zoro crosses his arms and leans back in his chair.
"i'm not in any kind of mood. why don't you mind your own mosshead?" sanji's words are practically spit out of his mouth.
"why don't you quit acting like you're not jealous, waiter." sanji turns off the water, forcefully placing down the plate he'd just washed on the drying cloth. he turns around and begins to roll up his sleeves. 
"it would be wise of you to shut your stupid mouth, now wouldn't it."
"you think i'm scared of an idiot who can't even tell his best friend he's in love with her?" it feels like your heart has jumped out of your chest and into your throat. before you can even begin to process the words that just left zoro's lips, he's standing up to face sanji as the blonde walks over. 
"you don't know shit." and sanji's legs has gone flying up into the air, aiming for zoro's head. the green haired man catches it with his hand and pulls it, knocking sanji off balance.
'holy shit. they're fighting.' 
"guys, stop it." nami has stood up from her place at the table, but her words fall on deaf ears. usopp is looking at you sadly, but has to quickly dodge a stray kick from sanji. he stands up and back away from the table. 
"woah hey guys, maybe it's time to cool down a little yeah?" the sniper raised his hands next to his head and slowly backs away from the scene.
"guys!" nami's next shout is fractic, zoro had drawn two of his swords and sanji had kicked usopps chair far away. the two men show no sign of stopping, apparently this argument had been building for much longer than you would've known. 
you're still frozen in place in your chair as zoro's accusations, sanji's weird behavior towards you this morning starting to make sense. he had feelings for you, and you had left with another guy last night. you only can begin to wonder how heartbroken he must have been, had he stayed up to see if you would come back home to them, to him?
'you felt awful'
you're broken out of your train of thought by a sickening cracking noise, and when you turn sanji is on the floor covering his nose. you can see blood flowing from underneath it, and you jump up in worry. 
"sanji!" you rush to his side, kneeing down besides the broken man on the floor and placing a hand on his shoulder. you can hear the sound of a sheathing sword behind you, but your eyes don't leave sanji's. he looks so, defeated. you had never seen his eyes so sad.
he brushes you off without a word, standing up and walking out of the room. there’s a heavy silence in the air, and you slump down on your knees. with tears in your eyes you turn to glare at the swordsman.
“what the fuck zoro.”
Taglist: @the-maladaptive-daydreamers @teenyforestfairy @gothicuwusposts @cheesesoda @shuujin @untoldshortsofthefandoms
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licorice-tea · 3 months
Duty At The Expense Of Desire
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x reader
Content: mild cursing, lots of arguing between reader and Law, reader is nervous to be in a relationship, platonic luffy and reader <3, reader loves the strawhats a lot :)
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: i spent so long just rereading this, i don’t know why but it feels kind of hard to understand? so i might revise it again in the future idk yet! i hope you enjoy reading, again this is very very loosely based on kate and anthony’s season in bridgerton! it was originally going to be 2 parts, but it’s looking like a full on series now… lmk if you want to be tagged in future parts! enjoy! <3
Part 2
Now that your feelings for Law have been revealed- not only to him but to yourself- you find the tension between the two of you is undeniably different from before.
What were once looks of contempt now harbor some quiet desire. Chances of accidentally brushing shoulders when you pass by each other are avoided altogether, for fear of fueling a fire neither of you know how to deal with. And any crass or biting quips are cut out of your minimal interactions completely, as you both now feel they come off as flirtatious rather than standoffish.
A few days have gone by since you confronted Law and he admitted his true feelings for you, all of which have been spent at sea. Nami says there won’t be an island to dock at for at least another three days, given how the weather is slowing the ship, so your crew’s only source of entertainment is each other.
“Y/n,” she asks while the two of you along with Robin relax on the deck, “what happened between you and Traffy the other day?”
Your breath hitches and you cough unnecessarily, already giving away your nervousness to the two very observant women. “Uh, not much.”
“Well, what did you two talk about? You didn’t come back to the table after, so I thought you must have stayed together…” Robin smiles softly, baiting you to reveal more.
“What? No, no, oh my god no… We just…”
Nami urges you on with a sing-song voice; “You just?”
“We… talked.”
“Talked about what?”
“I don’t know. Our issues with each other.”
“And you resolved them?”
“Come on, y/n, tell us what happened!”
“Nothing happened.”
You stand up then, too annoyed to continue talking to your friends. It’s not even their fault really; you would want to know what had gone on too, if the roles were reversed. Maybe you’re just annoyed with yourself for not being able to face your own feelings.
With no particular destination in mind, you find yourself in the Thousand Sunny’s library. When you open the door, you see Law browsing the selection of books your crew has accumulated throughout your travels. You shouldn’t be surprised to see him, but you are.
That’s what it must be; what other reason could there be for the sudden raving of your heart and your breath hitching? Any feelings you ever had for him were buried deep inside after last night; too deep to allow yourself to feel them to the extent you were currently, and so these must all be signs of surprise.
You steel yourself and walk in, letting the door close behind you. Law looks up to find out who the person intruding on his studying is, but his eyes are blown wide when he makes eye contact with you. Neither of you speaks as you turn away and cross the room in quick strides to another section of the library.
“Stupid Law,” you think as you try to calm your mind- an impossible task when he’s standing anywhere in the same room. “Stupid weather,” preventing you from getting to an island so you can get some damn space from him. “Stupid library, ” because of its shelves that make it all too easy and tempting to peak through and catch a glimpse of him.
Actually, maybe that’s not too risky of an idea. Cautiously, you bend down slightly and pretend to scan the titles on the shelf. You allow your eyes to slowly wander off the books until you can see Law by peering upwards. But low and behold, he’s staring right back at you.
You gasp and stand up straight, silently cursing your silly plan.
“Y/n.” He walks over to you, 2 books tucked under his arm. “l was under the impression you wanted me to keep your distance from me.”
“I do.”
“I find that hard to believe with the way you’ve been acting around me.”
“It’s just weird. You made me admit that I had feelings for you, and now things are weird.”
“I made you? You didn’t have to say anything, you could’ve rejected me and we both would’ve moved on.”
“I did reject you.”
“By telling me you feel the same? That’s some rejection.”
“You shouldn’t have said anything in the first place.”
“I had to, you told me that you thought I hated you.”
“But I didn’t make you say that you have feelings for me, and so now you’ve made it impossible to ignore.”
“Believe me, I tried to ignore it. To ignore you. It was pointless.”
“Then you weren’t trying hard enough. I could’ve gone a lifetime without bringing up the way I feel for you if it means my crew will be able to continue this alliance for our goals.”
“Don’t give me that shit, your captain made this alliance because he thinks we’re friends. You seriously think he had a goal in mind while doing so?”
With a roll of your eyes, you cross your arms over your chest. “Maybe not, but Luffy is the captain- I trust him, and so I follow him in any endeavor he believes in.”
“Well, I’m the captain of my own crew, and I believe that whatever we have going on is a little more than ally-ship.”
“Regardless of whatever is going on between us, is it really a smart idea to complicate such an important alliance?”
“…No. I suppose it’s not.”
“Then drop it-” You turn, ready to forget about this conversation and continue hiding your feelings away when he grabs your wrist.
“But they wouldn’t care, y/n, and you know that. Your crew thrives on-” he gestures vaguely with his free hand, “-friendship and rainbows and joy.”
Shaking off a smile, you bite back. “That might be true, but you know what’s even more important to my crew? Protecting each other. They wouldn’t like me being with you; even if we are temporary allies, you’re a Captain of another crew and one of the Supernovas. So don’t tell me what they would and wouldn’t be ok with.”
Law seems to think for a second before he releases your wrist. “Hmph.”
Finally, you take your leave to find somewhere- with no Law and no watchful friends- to just think.
You settle on the bow of the ship. If you had an ability like Luffy’s or any guarantee that you wouldn’t slip right off and into the sea, you would like to sit on the masthead of the Sunny. A clear, unobstructed view of the world ahead, and the breeze to keep the hair out your eyes could be so peaceful. But, this has some sort of charm to it as well; you do seem to love a challenge (even if it’s one as simple as having to lean over the railing of a ship to see the horizon).
With a cheerful call, the man you had just been thinking of joins you on the railing by the ship’s bow. Luffy speaks animatedly of his plans for all sorts of things, but during a lull in conversation, he asks you something unexpected.
“Do you love him?”
“Traffy! Do you love him?”
“You’ve said how much you hate him, but that just means your feelings for him are strong. So you love him, right?”
You’ve never been more bothered to hear Luffy say something so uncharacteristically observant.
“I love you guys.”
He hums. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t love other people, too.”
“…I won’t ever leave this crew, Luffy.”
“Of course you won’t!” He latches onto you in an iron-grip hug, and you smile ever so slightly. “But, y/n.”
He releases you and instead grabs your shoulders to talk to you face to face. His face seems especially serious- the same way it does when he makes a bold declaration of his dreams or beliefs. “If you love someone, you tell them. You don’t hide it, because you never know when they could be gone.”
Finally, your barely-there smile opens into a full grin. “When did you get to be so wise?”
Luffy shrugs. “Shanks told me that once, I just felt it made sense for you too.”
You and your captain stay there a while longer, giggling over this and that until the sun starts to set on the horizon.
“I'm gonna go sit on Sunny- you wanna come with me?”
Though you’d been fantasizing over what it would feel like up there just a few minutes ago, you shake your head. “No thanks. But, uh, Luffy?”
“Could you… not tell anyone about what we talked about?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah, for sure!”
You would come to regret being so vague with your captain, even if he does occasionally display astonishing emotional intelligence.
At dinner- where there’s always something going on- you make an effort to sit far from Law. Your attempt is in vain, however, as he ends up right across from you. Luffy sits to your left, and while he takes a small break from stuffing his mouth, he nudges you with his elbow.
Your eyes meet your captain’s as he winks at you, then looks over at Law, and back to you. You can practically see the gears turning in his head as he had some sort of… plan in the works. With a wide grin, he asks, “Soooo Y/n, when are you and Traffy going to get married?”
A moment of silence passes before laughter erupts around the table from everyone except you and “Traffy.” The latter covers his face with one hand and pinches the bridge of his nose while you look simply horrified.
What had happened to not speaking of your earlier conversation? Admittedly, you had spoken of several subjects after your discussion of your feelings for Law… and knowing Luffy, he could have mistaken your vow of silence to be for any one of those subjects.
Since you’re sure your captain didn’t mean to embarrass you with his straightforward view of relationships, you just shake your head and give a muttered response. “We- we’re not, um, going to….”
Law, on the other hand, appears too bothered to stick around and listen to any more jokes. He stands abruptly and disappears in a flash of blue light.
You stick around long enough to finish your plate, then thank Sanji and leave quietly. Some unknown force draws you to Law, when you see him in Nami’s little grove of orange trees. Cautiously, you approach him.
“…Law? I- I’m sorry about that. I don’t know why Luffy said that.”
“It was embarrassing.”
“Okay, Law, they were all just joking. And I can’t even really blame them, because this entire situation is pretty fucking ridiculous.”
“No, y/n, it’s embarrassing that everybody knows how I feel and that you feel the same, and they’re all happy with the idea of us together, but you still don’t want to be with me.”
“It’s not personal, you know that.”
“How can it not be personal?”
“Everything I do is for my crew. I have a duty to them, and not even you or my own feelings will get in the way of that.”
“Do you seriously still believe that they would care if we were together?”
You purse your lips.
“I took your word for it at first, because you know your own crew better than I do, but clearly they have very little regard for what we do. Now I am inclined to believe that you made it up when you said they wouldn’t like us being… being something. And as foolish as I feel after believing that ridiculous excuse, I still want you, y/n. Tell me you want me too.”
“How much?” You ask with a fierce look.
“How much what?”
“How much do you want me, Law? You keep talking about your feelings for me, but you haven’t even said what they are.”
Again, you seem to find any way to continue arguing with the man before you as a means of releasing pent-up feelings. Just kissing him might be easier, but also a whole lot more terrifying and uncertain.
“Desire, attraction, whatever you want to call it-“
“Well, I’m not going to put everything on the line for someone who is attracted to me.”
“It’s more than that, you know that-“
“You know what I think?”
“I think that you can’t even admit to yourself- let alone aloud- the extent of your feelings for me. You want me to say it first so that nothing bad will happen if you put yourself out there, and that’s not going to happen.”
“I-“ He starts to speak, but can’t think of a rebuttal. You have him pegged. “I may not know exactly what my feelings are yet, but I can feel them, y/n. You remain on my mind constantly- so if you want me to stop feeling for you, then you need to stop.”
“Oh, I need to stop?”
“Yes, you-“
“You’re the one constantly making me reconsider everything I tell myself. You are the one who needs to stop.”
“Before what? Before we give in to this… obvious desire, and put aside duties to do something for ourselves?”
Heavy breathing fills the silence. He always manages to rile you up, and you can’t stand it.
“You should go. No, in fact,” you raise your hands in a gesture of surrender, “I’ll go.”
Without giving him the chance to respond, you flee down the stairs to the main deck and through the doors to the cabin hall. All this back and forth with Law is giving you a headache.
You can’t deny it any longer though; now that your captain knows too, it’s like you’ve spoken it into permanent existence. You’re in love with Law, and there’s next to nothing stopping you from being with him in the way you truly desire. Not even your sense of duty.
You should never have counted on the Strawhats to hold you back from something- or someone you love.
Taglist: @augustanna @lavanderdreamve @pinksaiyans @khaleesihavilliard @jennapancake @pinki-minki @loserbee14
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coraniaid · 27 days
buffy/faith for the ask game
(Reverse unpopular opinions)
Easily my favorite Buffy ship and one of my favorites in any work of fiction. I think the main reasons it works so well for me are:
The way it resonates so strongly with what's going on in the rest of the show the season Faith arrives. I mean, Buffy comes out to her mother (as a Slayer), which is treated by the show as ... well, as Buffy coming out ("it's because you didn't have a strong father figure, isn't it?" / "have you tried ... not being a Slayer?" / "I've tried to march in the Slayer Pride Parade...") and a handful of episodes later Buffy meets another girl who is also a Slayer and who she starts spending a lot of time with (because they have a connection -- "it's kind of a Slayer thing" -- which she doesn't have with her other, non-Slayer friends). And while they're busy patrolling cemeteries and looking for vampires every night, this other Slayer is keen to (1) talk to Buffy about sex and quiz her on her love life; (2) repeatedly tell her that "all men are beasts" and "losers" who can't be trusted; (3) suggest that Buffy should be more open to having sex with the people she spends her nights hunting vampires with (like ... who, Faith?); and (4) is delighted when Buffy breaks up with her boyfriend (and later furious when she gets back together with her previous ex) and immediately suggests that she could replace him ("You're still going to that dance, right? [...] Why don't we go together?"). If this was deliberately laying the ground work for an explicitly romantic arc, it would feel pretty heavy-handed. The fact that it apparently wasn't (at least not on the part of the showrunner or of most of the writers) almost makes it work better, in some ways.
The way that Faith is, from the very beginning, very deliberately written as a foil for Buffy, a person Buffy might have been if things went just a little differently in her life -- because she goes through things very much like things the audience has already seen Buffy go though (living alone in a small place in a strange town with no friends all season the way Buffy did in Anne, panicking and starting to pack to run away in Faith, Hope & Trick in the same way Buffy was accused of doing just the episode before, killing a person the way Buffy thought she had in Season 2's Ted, the way her fear of Kakistos mirrors Buffy's fear of the Master in When She Was Bad) and because she is so aware of the fact that she's always being compared to Buffy and coming up short, either by other people or herself ("you get the Mom, you get the Watcher ... what do I get?") it's very easy to tie Faith's arc across the show back to Buffy and to her feelings about Buffy. Faith wanting Buffy to accept her becomes Faith wanting this idealized version of herself to forgive her failings. And likewise Buffy recriprocating Faith's feelings and admitting to herself that she is attracted to Faith becomes Buffy accepting that Faith (and the things she represents) really are an integral part of Buffy herself; that Faith isn't entirely wrong when she says that Buffy enjoys being a Slayer and that being a Slayer is something she should be proud of (or, again, being "a Slayer").
Apparently this wasn't the original plan for the character (if there ever was anything like an 'original plan'), but the fact Faith's arc in Season 3 so clearly mirrors Angel's in Season 2 -- and the fact she is so very weird about Angel all season (and that Buffy is equally weird about how attracted to Faith she just keeps insisting Angel must be) just naturally suggests that Faith might have a similiar role to Angel in the narrative beyond just the circumstances of her betrayal of (and later not-quite-being-killed by) Buffy. And Angel is -- for the first three seasons of the show at least -- primarily cast in the role of Buffy's doomed tragic love interest who she has to (metaphorically) kill but will later be reunited with. Which makes Faith ... well, something.
Even if not all the writers were on board, the fact that Eliza Dushku was deliberately playing Faith as attracted to Buffy (and that SMG was playing Buffy as alternately frustrated by and protective of and tempted by Faith) gives their scenes together a chemistry that I don't think most of Buffy's (or Buffy's) canon relationships ever managed. Whether that's the Amends porch scene or Buffy kissing Faith in the hospital in Graduation Day or any and all of their various fights across the show. And those fight scenes are all great, which is another thing I love about the ship: is it really a proper enemies-to-lovers arc if one of the people in it hasn't tried to kill the other one and left them in a coma for months?
Faith's return to Buffy in the last five epsiodes of the show is one of the last season's saving graces, and it helps that by this point the writers definitely seemed to be playing up the ship deliberately ("Willow said you needed me: didn't give it a lot of thought" / "Defensiveness and weird mixed signals ... I've got Faith for that" / "Deep down you've always wanted Buffy to accept you. To love you." / "It feels like it's mine ... I guess that means it's yours"). Even without ever being canon and without wandering what happens post-Chosen, it feels like there's a real narrative arc to their relationship, from their initially rocky start through to "just good friends" to bitter enemies through to Faith seeking (and finding) some measure of redemption and Buffy cautiously letting her back into her life. Faith isn't in the show much (or even mentioned in the show in most episodes), but it feels like she has a genuinely meaningful connection to Buffy that most characters who appeaer in less than a season's worth of episodes can't manage.
The thing that made the ship work for me, rewatching the show after several years back in 2020, is the fact that Faith is -- even at her worst -- incredibly sympathetic precisely because she is such a loser and hates herself so much. She boasts about being a great actor despite the fact we see her awkwardly telling the sort of transparent lies that ... well, normally only Buffy manages (compare "There's this big party ..." in Amends to Buffy trying to tell her old crush Ford that "there was a cat ... and then there was another cat, and they were fighting"), she wants people to think she's cool so badly but only manages to fool Xander and Willow, she tries to act as though she's happy without friends but we only ever see her alone sitting watching old tv shows or lying listlessly on her bed, she insists she doesn't need a Watcher and "has a problem with authority figures" but she is so openly desperate for any sort of parental guidance in her life that she sides with first Mrs Post then the Mayor. She ties Buffy's mom up so she can have someone to listen to how sad she is that Buffy's moved on to a new guy in college and "dumped" her. The scene in the church in Who Are You? where Faith-as-Buffy furiously attacks Buffy-as-Faith while screaming through tears that she's "nothing ... disgusting ... murderous bitch" is, I think, a strong contendor for the best scene the show ever produced.
As Doug Petrie said, the reason Faith works as a character -- and the reason that Buffy/Faith works as a ship -- is that Faith is incredibly unhappy. If Faith was the cool loner she tries to pass herself off as -- and which some of the fandom seems to think she is -- the ship wouldn't be nearly as compelling to me. Faith isn't just the part of Buffy who loves Slaying and pushes back when other people give her orders, and she's not just another verison of Angelus. She's the part of Buffy from Becoming who lost everything and ran away from home, only unlike Buffy she never got to go home again. As Angel asked Buffy in that episode: "no friends, no hope ... take that away, what's left?". Well, Faith is what's left. Of course Buffy would see herself in Faith, right from the beginning. Of course Buffy would want to protect her. As Buffy (Sunnydale Class Protector 1999) tells Angel, Faith is in pain ... she's somebody who "some people ... protective-type people" are naturally drawn to. The show is very consistent about the fact that Buffy's type is friendless losers who look good in leather and can fight alongside her in battle (but not quite as well, so she can protect them and look after them when they're hurt). And what bigger loser in the show is there than Faith?
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marigoldwriter · 3 months
WHY ARE THERE SO FEW SHŌGUN (Not just romance but any kind) FANFICS!?
Like, the series is incredible, I'm grateful that my stepfather introduced this wonderful series to me, and in my opinion, the main couple is great (and sad, very tragic), but it's scary how I had to struggle to find a Mariko x John fanfic relay (does anyone have a name for this ship? I thought of something related to the sea, but I'm not sure), and with the current four episodes, it is now possible for the fanfic writers's troubled minds to create a fanfic of at least two thousand words, seriously, they deserve it! I can think of possibilities, like, what if it was an alternate universe?
What if Mariko ended up in England for God knows what? I really don't know why I thought this, just that it would be a very sudden role reversal.
What if Toranaga had appointed her to be John's consort? I mean, the moment Buntaro died, a widow was born, in this case, Mariko!
What if she was married to someone other than Buntaro? I wish she wasn't married but knowing ancient Japan as it was...
What if Fuji's husband and baby hadn't died? I mean, damn that scene made me cry, it was a little baby, I wish I could change that.
What if Mariko's father hadn't died? I know we know almost nothing about him at the moment, but moments of reflection.
What if (again, alternate universe) there was magic involved in the story? I mean, it's ancient Japan, this is the perfect time to let your knowledge of Japanese legends run wild!
If John had done something and been able to recognize Mariko in the dim light of their night in their room?
What if Mariko ended up sleeping there and he woke up and confirmed it was her?
What if it took place in the modern world? I don't know about you, but I love fanfics that portray a modern setting, it's really cool, for me, Toranaga would almost end up being a politician!
What if (this one touches on the system of power, hierarchy and structural status of women in ancient Japanese society) Mariko had a higher position and was someone even more trustworthy than Toranaga?
What if John and Mariko had met before (through misfortune or any other factor of fate) and had some relationship? Like in a theater!
I literally developed an entire story from scratch just to make these two have a daughter (her name is Umi — I haven't decided if I'll keep that one yet — she has blue eyes, wavy hair and is completely Japanese, a Mariko's mini copy) and develop a whole material with this chaos! I know that the story is focused on politics, and not on romance, I know, but you can never dream too much and I like it when you know how to keep the fragile line of politics-romance well. I just hope there are more fanfics about them, I need fanfics about them!!
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robxstar · 2 months
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It's that time of year again, time to announce this year’s RobStar Week prompts! The ship week will be from July 14 - July 20 , and you are welcome to participate!
This year’s prompts are:  
Day 1, July 14th: Friends To Lovers
Day 2, July 15th: Power Swap/Role Reversal
Day 3, July 16th: Training
Day 4, July 17th: Downtime
Day 5, July 18th: Date
Day 6, July 19th: Favorite Quotes
Day 7, July 20th: Playlist
FAQs -
1. What kind of content can I submit?
Any kind!  Fics, fanart, graphics, video edits, whatever you feel like creating.
2. Do I have to follow the prompts?
Not necessarily.  Anything you make for the week will be happily reblogged and enjoyed.
3. Can I do their comic versions?
The preference is for the toon versions but this blog is honestly not that picky.  As long as it’s DickKory, it’s good in my book.
4. What should I tag?
Tag #robstar, #robstarweek, or #robstar week, and feel free to @ this blog (@robxstar) in case Tumblr’s algorithms cause your post to be eaten by the ether.
Hoping to see you then!
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one-idea · 7 months
Maybe consuming media where parallel dimensions exist has rotten my brain. (The spider verse, years of comic book, au fanfics) but worlds were little changes change the whole world are just fascinating to me.
I’ve seen stories were Luffy is the one that dies at Marineford. Where Luffy is the older sibling. Where Shanks or someone else arrives in time to save Ace. I’ve seen Kuina lived and takes Zoro’s place on the straw hats. But what I haven’t seen is a reverse straw hat crew.
Let me explain myself.
Shanks isn’t the only Yonko vacationing in the east blue, Whitebeard takes a break there as well. Meeting a young Ace. This Whitebeard knows his time is limited but sees a future for Ace. He can’t take the boy with him but they promise to meet again one day when Ace is a great pirate, a pirate great enough to take Whitebeard place in the world. The rest of the back story (meeting Luffy, Sabo, everything) stays intact and Ace sets out at age 17. (I was going to have him meet Shanks instead of Luffy but Luffy and Shanks’ relationship is important to me and will play a role later)
Where he meets 17 year old Kuina. (She is 1 year older then Zoro, and he was one year younger then Ace so they would be the same age) in this world Zoro is the one who died. He was the only one who believed that she could be the strongest swordsman, he didn’t care about her gender. They promised that one of them would be the strongest swordsman in the world and then he died. Now at 17 she is on a journey to be the world’s best swordswoman.
The two start traveling together where they meet Nojiko, a thief, she’s an okay navigator but not as good as her sister. She speaks fondly of her sister but doesn’t mention her village (or the pirates there) Ace instantly likes her, no it’s not because he gets to trade stories with her about how great Luffy is vs how great Nami is. Kuina enjoyed their stories but her heart hurts a bit at the fact she doesn’t have the same number of stories of her ‘dumb little sibling.’ But strangely Nojiko only tells stories about young Nami.
They keep going and meet a sickly girl named Kaya. She was visiting the shipyard while they were looking to get a new ship. Kuina recognizes Kaya’s brand new butler as Kuro and none of the crew are going to let him take advantage of Kaya. (Ace and Nojiko are over protective siblings and Kaya is the same age/a year younger than their siblings. And Kuina has to much honor plus she just really likes to fight) they save Kaya but the girl realizes that there is no life for her in Syrup village. There are just to many traumatic memories for her there so she joins the crew. Bring with her a brand new ship and a boat load of beri. (She leaves behind most of her fortune to Usopp and Merry, knowing they will take care of it until Usopp is ready to sail.
The crew travels on to a floating restaurant where they meet red leg Zeff and his apprentice Reiju. Her backstory is the same and Sanji, her and Zeff trapped in an island. It isn’t until much later that the crew finds out about her connections to Germa 66 and what happened to her beloved little brother Sanji.
The Baratie arc goes about the same with Kuina getting defeated by Mihawk, and Nojiko stealing the boat and the money.
They track Nojiko down and find out what Arlong did to her village. How he killed her sister to send a message to the village and imprisoned her mother. Using Bell-meré’s Marine knowledge to expand his territory and threatening Nojiko and the villages lives to keep her cooperating. So much about Nojiko makes sense. How she only tells stories about young Nami, why she cared so much about Kaya’s money. As they learn about her trying to buy her village back.
Arlong obviously breaks their deal. How can he keep Bell-meré in line without her daughter and village as leverage.
Needless to say Ace, Kuina, and Reiju burn the place to the ground (Kaya helps as she can but she’s still getting used to fighting)
They sail on with Bell-meré’s blessing.
When they get to the grand line they meet two fools named Mr. Nine and Miss Wednesday. But it’s not what you think. Mr. Nine is Koza. Vivi told him about the danger their country was in and he went in her stead. (At this time he is 17 and she is 13, but when he left he would have been 15 and she 11)
The crew agrees to help him, (Ace is thrilled to have another dude on the team) when they meet a mysterious women with white hair called Miss All Sunday. The encounter is very similar to Robin’s introduction.
They sail on to little Garden. Kaya has a great time meeting the giants (thrilled to tell Usopp about them one day) but also starts to really work on mastering a weapon.
They leave with a slowly sickening Nojiko. They stop at Drum Island to get her help where they meet and eccentric Doctor who helps them. His name? Dr. Hiriluk. He tells them about how he was deathly ill when his son cured him by accidentally giving him a Devil fruit. A Zoan type fruit. Specifically the, reindeer model. Unfortunately his son was killed by Drum’s island king for being a ‘monster’
Needless to say Wapol gets his butt handed to him. Dr. Hitiluk, seeing his country free and his dream fulfilled decided to join up with the crew to live out Chopper’s dream of curing all diseases.
They continue on, freeing Arabasta. With Koza staying behind to help rebuild his country, but he might rejoin 👀. As their sailing away someone makes themselves know. The mysterious white hair woman is on their ship and joining their crew, her name? Nico Olivia.
I’ll cover more of this later. I have so many ideas. But all of this to say. Imagine this crew meeting the straw hat crew. Something crosses their Dimensions into one another and Luffy gets to see Ace, Zoro gets to see and adult Kuina. Nami gets to see Nojiko and hear about their mother’s blessing their life of piracy. Usopp and Kaya meeting when both of them are competent warriors of the sea. Reiju reuniting with Her brother Sanji (I haven’t even told you what happened to Sanji in this world!) Chopper and Hiriluk. Robin and Olivia.
(I did this for Ace and Luffy and Zoro and Kuina but I think Sanji, Robin and Chopper will rip my heart out more)
Let me know what you think.
Master post
Part 1/2
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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at1nys-blog · 10 months
Some stories gets told: Reversed roles
Pairing: OPLA!Roronoa Zoro x fem!reader
Summary: The battle is over and while everyone is in the right mood celebrate a certain writer is not. This is Zoro's time to comfort her and tell her a story of a lost friend.
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If four days ago people would have told her she was going to be a loyal member of a pirate crew that wasn't Shank’s' she would have laughed; if four days ago people would have told her she was going to tell someone her story, she would have joked about it; if four days ago they would have told her she was going to be chasing for her dream she would have been lying that her dream was to have a boring life in Syrup Village, but there she was: in her room revising her writing for the the crew's boarding diary.
She was deep in her thoughts when someone knocked on the door, Sanji wanted to ask if she needed anything to eat or drink, her answer came in the form of point her water bag on her desk. The blonde pirate left her alone with her diary and her thoughts.
She kept staring at the same portion of her draft, thinking if it was worth it or not putting her story in there. She thought there was no use in that, who would have been interested in the past experience of a pirate like her, with a dream so useless as hers? Reading what she had wrote about the rest of crew, she was reminded once again that maybe she had to change her dream. Being the most famous writer in the world was nothing compared to what her new friends wanted to achieve.
This time no one knocked on her door, Zoro just came in without making his presence noticed.
-What...- the two of them hold eye contact for some seconds untill the swordsman noticed he got in the wrong room. -Right, not my room. Sorry.- when he left she laughed, for a moment and decided to appoint how the pirate couldn't find his way on his ship either.
She could sense her head exploding, her eyes started to hurt like crazy and if she didn't want to Usopp to lecture her she had to stop and take a break.
Entering the kitchen she was met with a smiling Luffy and a very confused Usopp, Sanji and Zoro.
-What is happening?-she asked.
-I wish I knew.-whispered Usopp leaning closer to her, his attention still on the captain that was taking something out from a bag.
-Hello guys.-said the...head? of a clown. What was happening??
-You gotta be kidding me.- scoffed the green haired man. The situation was still new to her, and Usopp too. Sanji as well couldn't understand why Zoro was stressed about having to deal with the head of a clown.
-What is wrong with this clown's head?- Y/N asked, she was curious to why there was such tension between the swordsman and... the clown's head.
-Oh, nothing, just that he tried to kill us for a map.- oh, that makes sense she thought to herself and took a piece of paper and wrote down "clown attack" as a note for later. She was going to write about that for sure.
-Zoro, buddy. Look I have changed, I am not here to kill you anymore.- the head spoke. Zoro rolled his eyes and pointed a finger at Luffy before warn his friend that if the clown did anything remotly suspicious, he was going to drop him out in the open sea.
She noticed how much fun the head was in teasing every single one of the crew, first with Y/N pointing out how sad she was looking, then with Usopp calling him 'Captain Shit-tastic'; then it was Zoro's time to get teased but the second in command was not going to stay calm about it. He took Buggy's head from his kerchief and threaten him to drop him at sea.
Zoro wanted to make sure it wasn't a trap, after all he had tried to kill him, Luffy and Nami the first time they had met. Usopp and Y/N kept an eye during the whole interaction between the two of them and hoped, at least the girl, that this was going to be the last time him and the head would argue like that.
Once Buggy gave his word that he was not walking them into a trap, starting singing a very obscene and out of tune sea shanty, Zoro decided to drop him inside a barrel. Y/N had to hold in her laugh, she didn't want to upset the clown further even though he was not in the situation to do anything about people laughing at him.
-...sounds like you don't know her either, mosshead.-
-they do look like moss, now that I give a better look at them.-
-yours look like a bird nest, now thay I gibe a better look at them.- he mocked her, annoyed about the comment she made. She was about to compliment him for his payback(?) but Sanji started to yell at him that was in no way how he was supposed to treat a lady. -I'm sorry m'lady.- he said in a mocking tone giving her a courtsy. -I'm sach a savage.- and with that he left the deck, deciding that maybe it was better for him to stay away from everyone.
-I hope his comment didn't hurt your feelings, madam.- the use of 'madam' cringed her a little bit, mostly because it never happened before that someone used the term for her.
-Nah, he was joking, is okay. So, what where you talking about?-
-Nami.-started Luffy. -and her choice, whatever it is I need to hear it for myself.- she was happy to have found such a nice pirate, if it was anyone else, she was pretty sure they wouldn't care and would have left her behind. But not Luffy. He was different and she couldn't help but smile at her captain.
It was after some minutes that Usopp spotted land and staring at the island she started to get nervous, what if it was a waste of time? What if Nami didn't want to come with them? What if she was going to loose her company? She didn't want to admit but, even though she had known Nami for literally two days, she had grew fond of the girl and considered her as a sister. She didn't want to face rejection from her.
Entering the village she started to feel a rush of sadness taking over her body. She had never seen anything like that before, thinking what Kuro planned was bad enought she had to consider, the fake butler was an angel compared to Aarlong. She was sure it was him, and Luffy only confirmed her thoughts.
-Hey, shithat! I think we can all agree that Aarlong's a bad fish.-it got her everytime Buggy would start talking, she wasn't used to such a situation. -But why don't we quit lollygagging and get my body back?-
-Pipe down in there.- commented Sanji. Not him nor the rest of the crew was in the mood to listen to a head complaining about his situation.
-or what? You gonna whip me up a soufflè?- that, she had to admit it, was funny but maybe just for her because the four boys looked at her confused.
-What? It was funny.- she answered
-I like her, she gets me.-
-Yeah, just don't push your luck Clown.- before the head could start another argument with her Luffy started to walk away, following a bunch of people yelling at each other for only the seven seas know why.
A man with a little started to collect what the crew thought to be Berries from the crowd of people. Some rolled their eyes, cursing under their breath; some others cried, Y/N had a thought the money they gave away was their last.
-Do we have time to get some more?- asked a woman from the crowed.
-No. You don't.- the girl didn't have time to think who was speaking, and once the people in front of them opened a passage for Nami Y/N and Luffy were ready to greet their friend. Zoro stopped the both of them, it wasn't the right time to get involved.
A look at Zoro and Luffy got the memo, stopping his walk to the ginger woman. Y/N on her hand didn't care. She wanted to talk to Nami as soon as possible; she wanted to know why she left and she wanted to try and bring her back with her, with the crew.
-No, not now.- said Zoro, in a whisper for just her to hear.
-No buts. We will talk to her later.- there was no way she could fight him on that, if the swordsman thought it wasn't time yet, it wasn't. The girl left a annoyed "fine" and walked some steps backwards.
-You got something for me?- her tone was harsh, Y/N couldn't believe her friends could be meaner from what she witnessed, but even when Nami used a cold tone with the crew, she knew it was becuase someone had to, but now? She was just mean, for no reason. She sounded like her bully back in the days. She was so caught in her world that didn't notice Nami saw them; she didn't hear her asking Luffy why he was there.
-And you? Why didn't you stopped him?-that was brought her back to reality but even then she couldn't understand what was happening. -I asked you a question.- the girl couldn't speak, but even if she could what was she supposed to say?
-Because I need you back.- that was supposed to be kept between the wall of her mind, but as usual the words left her mouth before she could register what she was saying.
-I don't need you. I don't need any of you.- Nami gave a quick look on everyone before she went back to speak. -Aarlong wanted the map, and I conned you into getting it for me. And you bought it. I was never part of your stupid crew.-
-You don't mean that.- Y/N started to think Luffy and her are connected somehow because whatever he spoke were the same words she was thinking. Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe the two of them had learned to read between the lines and managed to understand when something was off, not just with Nami. Maybe Nami was just to easy to read, an open book there for everyone to catch on what she really meant, just like now. She could tell, and so Luffy, she needed to be saved but if she couldn't ask for it is not like you could do anything about it.
-Take the rest of these clowns and sail away from there. I never want to see you again.- and with that the ginger woman left, and once again Y/N wished nothing but to go after her friend, and once again Zoro had to stop her, an unspoken "is not worth it" flew between the two.
-Okay, that went about as bad as it could. So back to the boat before the fishmen find us? Sail the hell out of here? Okay.-
-She is right, there's something else going on here.- added Sanji.
-She was very clear she want us to leave.-
-You don't know her.-
-Because you do?-
-No, but unlike someone here I can read in between lines. She is just trying to not get us involved in whatever is happening here.- she really didn't want to start a fight but Zoro was giving her milion of reasons to, and the same with Sanji. It was like the swordsman just wanted to start arguing with everyone on his sight.
-Guys, guys. You don't get it? She's one of them. She is a bad guy. The villagers are terrified of her.- she rolled her eyes and if it wasn't for Luffy walking away, she was going to smack Usopp on the head, annoyed by his behaviour.
-Who was that lady? You know, the one with the cool hair?- the Scar guy, or how Luffy addressed him asked who wanted to know to witch the captain answered with his name followed by "I'm a pirate" to wich Zoro corrected, adding a little thing.
-We're here to collect Aarlong's bounty.- it made sense, she thanked the man for interfering into the conversation. The man in front of them was confused. He couldn't believe a bunch of little flies like them could take a piarte of the scale of Aarlong.
-We just want to talk to her.- Y/N could sense him smirking, she knew he was. She had learned it was one of his habit.
-Trust me, you don't. But if it'll get you out of my town, try the house down that road, on the edge of the tangerine grove. The girl thanked the man with a small courtsy, following behinde her friends in the direction he pointed at.
The five pirates were almost at their destination when Usopp started to complain about how tired he was.
-Keep walking princess, we are almost there.- she teased him. -And stop picking up tangerines.- she added noticing her friend stealing a couple of them from the trees.
-Is not like they would notice some are missing.- he protested back.
The group didn't even had the time to knock that the girl with blue hair they saw among the crowed gretted them pointing a gun at the pirates, asking them to leave immediatly. Usopp was fast, hiding behind Zoro's body while the other four didn't seem too fased about their current situation.
Luffy tried to reason with her, if talking about having things in common meant reasoning with someone having you at gun point. The woman expressed her thoughts on Nami, calling her a thief with no conscience, that once there was nothing left to take she just leaves, without turning back. That was not the Nami Y/N knew, but maybe Nami fooled her good, showing a part of her that was a lie. Maybe.
-My sister doesn't have any friends. The sooner you realize that, the better.-
-Sister. That makes sense. Both as beautiful as each other.-
-Give it up.-Zoro spoke, rolling his eyes, Y/N following suit. She liked Sanji company, she did but sometime his flirting was too much and off topic. They were there to find a way to get Nami back, not for him to flirt with everyone that looked in his direction. But Y/N had to give it to him, he knew how to get to people, with the promise of a good meal doing the trick he was able to let the blue haired girl shut down her walls and let them inside.
Nojiko, you had learned was her name, started to talk. She explained about the day Aarlong and his men arrived at Coco Village and destroyed everything. Nojiko talked about how Bellamere, their adoptive mother had asked the two of them to hide from the pirates. She told them about Bellamere's sacrifice and how her and Nami watched Aarlong killing their mother in front of them. She had told them how Nami started to work for the fishmen crew and that from that day on she never saw her sister again, untill she started collecting the money from the villagers.
The story broke Y/N's heart, she couldn't even fanthom how hard her friend's life was. Compared to hers, she had lived a good childhood, getting picked on from time to time.
-Wait. Nami's working for the pirate that killed your mother?-Nojiko nodded, it was short and almost invisible if you didn't look closely.
Luffy stood up, without saying a thing, he didn't had to. What was he supposed to say? He walked outside, Y/N and Zoro exchanged a quick glance and she nodded, hers too almost going unnoticed if you didn't look for it, a sign she understood it was not her place to talk to Luffy. Not now at least.
Everyone was trying to kill time as best as they could: Sanji and Nojiko were on dishes duty; Zoro and Luffy were still outside either talking or maybe in silence; Y/N was drafting part of what happened that day; Usopp was preparing his famous little bombs with Buggy's head annoying the poor guy.
It was after some minutes that Nojiko left that the silence was cut with bombs and screaming from the village, the crew left and on their way to see what was happening they meet Nami.
Y/N couldn't believe her eyes, her friend was on the ground, screaming in a fit of anger, stabbing her tattoo letting blood cover the symbol that had tormented her for her whole life. One thing, when Luffy stopped her attack on her flash, she asked for one thing: help.
Of course they were going to help, she was their friend, a part of a new family that was only meant to grow with every new adventure. She was family and there was no way they weren't going to help her.
Entering the village in the morning, the chaos that reigned was worse than what they encountered the day before. The houses seemed to have dissapeared, becoming black ash from being set on fire. Not a single soul was there, and if they were people they were hiding well.
The villagers, or what was left came out, all with a holding some kind of weapon. They wanted to fight, they wanted their home back, freed from the fishmen and they were fighting until death to pursue it.
Nami tried to reason with them, there was no way they could take Aarlong's army and get out of it to see another day, but the people of Coco Village didn't care. They wanted their home back and they were going to fight.
Luffy, Sanji, Zoro and Nami started to walk, headed to Aarlong's Park; Usopp wished he had stayed at home, Y/N was the only sane one that had to stop the crew, which turned out a little complicated since Luffy was very into getting started on some action.
-Guys, we can't get in there without a plan.-
-We have a plan. We get in and we fight everyone that gets in the way.-
-That is not a plan. That is the base for a suicide mission. Nami please help me out there.- the navigator didn't say a word, she was not in the right state of mind to think properly. Aarlong tricked her, and now she just wanted to get her revenge. Y/N scoffed. It was useless, no one was going to listen to her. -Usopp, before we get in throw some of yoru smoke bombs so we might have a higher chance to not end up dead.-
-yes captain.-
Entering enemie's territory Nami and Luffy left for the map room, where Aarlong supposedly was, while the rest of the crew enganged in a fight with the fishmen crew. Y/N with a smooth movement jumped on the walls the separated the park from the outside and from there she started throwing her daggers to whoever tried to get to her. She got distarcted for a split second, noticing Luffy cornered, and that caused her opponend to strick a kick at her.
She was up, back at her feet almost immediately, back flipping some miles away she threw at the fishman another couple of dagger at him. The two blades got him, one cutting his left forearm and the other his right leg; she sprinted closer to her enemy, keeping an eye around her to make sure no one was close enought to engange in a duel, when she was closer, the pirate kicked him on the other side of the Park and then moved to her next opponent.
The dynamic was the same for every fishmen she was fighting: throwing daggers from a distance and then knocking them down the wall; if they were downstair she would have knocked them out agaist every surface that was close to them and then moved to the next target.
-You look tired.- teased Sanji -Maybe you should take a break.-
-You ought to get back in the kitchen.-Zoro protested in response.
-I have a dagger with your names on it, next time I hear the two of you picking a fight is on sight.- there was no way those two were arguing with each other in such a delicate moment.
-My apologise ma'am.-
-mY aPoLoGiSe Ma'Am.-mocked Zoro.
-Quit screwing around. Luffy needs us.-
-You just got here. You don't know what Luffy needs.-
-if you don't shut up right this istant I am going to kill you next.-
-As if you could take all of them by yourself.- she wanted to kill the swordsman right here and there. How dare he assume she couldn't take an army by herself?
-Just because I don't look buffed like you doesn't mean I am weak. Now I'll be happy to not hear you two fight again or... Shit.- talking while fighting is not always a good idea, no, is never a good idea. The y/h/c haired girl got sent flying, the air got cut short from her lungs for a brief moment and if it wasn't for Zoro coming to her rescue she knew she was gone for good.
-You were saying?- he wasn't paying attention to her, once he slayed the pirate he went on fighting the next one.
-This is your fault. Now shut up and keep fighting.- she was back throwing daggers after daggers, her collection seemed unlimited for a rookie eye, but she was fast in getting back the one she had already used.
-Stop telling me what to do woman.-
-Ehy, that is no way to talk to a lady.- of course the cook had to give his one cent in the conversation.
-SHUT UP.- both Zoro and Y/N smiled as they spoke simultaneously.
As fast as the fight started, it ended and so the bickering between Sanji and Zoro. Y/N could only roll her eyes while she was retriving her weapons from the dead bodies laying around.
-Oh, it's so much better than I even remembered.- turning around the girl saw that the head was back on its rightfull place. Now, looking better the clown wasn't as scary as she thought he was going to be, he looked somehow... attractive? Weird considering he was once an enemy. -Hey, so, uhm... I'm gonna get out of here.- he said, flipping the finger on both hands and leaving. It didn't came as a surprise. She had it coming, of course someone like Buggy would have done such a think. Zoro tried to call him back but the clown didn't want to stay there any longer. -Sorry, kiddos. I'd love to make things right, but it's time to exit stage left.-
The trio really wanted to take a break, to relax at least five minutes but no. Another fishman was ready for a fight and in second he put k.o Sanji. Zoro was the first one to attack but his only good sword was not able to cut throught the tough skin of the fishman, then it was Y/N turn to attack but not even her daggers were of much help.
Kicks after kicks, puches after punches it seemed like there was no way they were going to win this one. It was like the universe was against them, after having helped the three of them for that long. Everything changed when the nameless guy badmounthed Nami about her poor choice of friends and Sanji got so rilled up he started giving weird names to his attacks.
-Mouton shot?- Zoro was genuinly confused, what kind of attack name was that?
-All great fighters call out their finishing moves.-
-That was cringe, let me tell you.-
-Yeah, you're gonna fit in just fine.- he remembered the first time he fought alongside Luffy and how he said the same exact thing as Sanji. Maybe there was a logic on how the captain was recruiting new members for the crew, maybe it was just a coincidence.
Usopp started to run back in, yelling and being his extra self, proclaiming to not fear because "Captain Usopp was there to save the day" when he noticed there was no need tp fight anymore.
-Oh. You guys did pretty good in here.- that made the daggers thrower laugh, which wasn't a good thing since her ribs hurted like crazy.
-You okay?-Asked Zoro some what concerned.
-I think I broke some ribs, nothing too serious.- she was about to ask him how he was doing when Sanji calling Nami's name got your attention. The blonde cook opened his arms, ready to welcome the girl in there but she ran past him and threw herslef at the three pirates behind him. The collision made the swordsman and Y/N hiss in pain but Nami didn't notice, too happy to see her friends still alive. Zoro asked where Luffy was and when hearing he was still inside the map room Usopp hoped for his captain to get outside of there in one piece.
-Hey Nami, how are you doing?- Y/N asked sitting next to the navigator, the ginger haired woman smiled assuring her friend she was doing fine. -I know what happened is fresh but..- the y/h/c haired pirate handed her a small leather notebook. -I was wandering if you could write about, you know...- she had to clear her throat, she didn't want to sound indelicate but it was for her project. She wanted to write about everything, the good and the bad of her and her friends' adventures. -nevermind is stupid. Just...-
-I would love to help you, just give me some time.- said Nami snatching the notebook from her friend's hands. Opening the book she smiled, Y/N remembered what she had wrote on the first page "Nami's diary: a great thief, navigator and liar but also the greatest friend on the sea" and blushed. She was embarassed, thinking that maybe it wasn't the right way to address her friend. -I love it.-
-You want something to eat? I am starving.-
-I am not that hungry yet, maybe later.-
-Okay, I'll tell Sanji to save you a portion.- she turned back. -I'll wait as long as you need so don't worry.-
Taking her portion of food Y/N took a seat further than the people surronding Usopp, she wasn't in the mood to stay around people not when her mind was starting to play tricks on her once again. Since the battle against Aarlong came to an end she couldn't stop thinking that no matter how strong she was, or she was going to turn out her dream wasn't strong enought to ensure her a spot on Luffy's crew.
-Was he always like that?-
-Usopp. Was he always that good of a liar?- staring at her long time friend she laughed.
-He just like the spotlight and is a good story teller. He wants to lift up people's spirit when in need, he did it with Kaya back home and now with the villagers. He knows how to touch people's hearts.-
-You are a pretty good story teller too.-
-I have to disagree, I don't know where to start nor how to end. I talk to much I am abresive.- she started to play with her food. -Have you ever... Never mind, it doesn't matter.- Zoro started to push her into talking and she was trying her best to keep her mouth shut but eventually she gave up. -I just can't stop thinking I have a stupid dream, I mean you want to beat the strongest swordsman of all seas; Sanji wants to find the All Blue which is considered a myth; Nami wants to draw a map of the whole world; Usopp wants to be a brave soldier of the sea and I... I want to be a writer.-
-Why do you want to become a writer?-
-I made a promise to my friend. She told me I had a way with words and she made me promise her that no matter what I had to keep writing. This is why.-
-I had a friend when I was a kid. Shw was older than me and the daughter of the sensei of the dojo I trained. She wa...-Y/N interrupted him, feeling that he was telling her that story to make her feel better. She told him that if that was the case he didn't have to keep with the story. -Woman, I don't do things out of pity, now let me talk. I was saying. She was stronger than me and stronger than all the boys in the dojo. We made a promise, every day we will fight each other growing stronger and stronger and then one day, when we were older one of us was going to be the strongest swordsman in the world. She died that same night. Wado was her sword, I asked her father if I could keep it and since that day I lived to fulfill that promise. I think every dream is based on a promise, no matter if it was made to a family member, a friend or even at yourself, so stop overthinking. Now.- He stood up streaching out a hand in your direction. -where is my notebook?-
-oh, about that... I have to buy three mores. I left Syrup Village with two and Usopp has the other one.-
-Showing favouritism, I see. Just make sure to give it to me first and not to Shitty cook over there.- he said pointing behind his back, that made her laugh. -Now care to enjoy the festivities?- Y/N took Zoro's hand in hers, helping herself up and followed the pirate back to the crowed of people listening to Usopp. Maybe she was gooing to fight her dark thoughts a little longer, but now she had a weapon to keep them at bay.
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ginnsbaker · 10 months
A Form of Vengeance (Excerpt)
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Summary: “Hold it,” you challenge, locking eyes with her, pushing her to her very limits. “Hold it or you’ll never see me again.”
Word count: 2.4k+ | Tags: Heavy Angst, Dubious Consent, Edging, Toxic Relationships, Oral and fingering (Wanda receiving)
Ship: Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader
A/N: This is basically an excerpt from Chapter 6 of In Losing Grip on Sinking Ships, just so you have an idea how extensive the edits are that's currently in progress for the final PDF version of ILGOSS.
It’s half past midnight when Wanda’s awoken by a loud, angry knock at her door. 
Her sleep riddled brain fails to notice how unusual it is for Sparky not to emerge from his dog house and start barking at the unexpected visitor. Her gut tells her it’s you, but just to be safe, she takes Sparky to the guest room, knowing how wary he is of strangers. 
“Who’s there?” Wanda’s voice echoes through the empty hall, voice hoarse from sleep and from yelling your name all over the neighborhood.
There’s no response, and yet, each thud against the door reverberates through the room, filling it with a sense of urgency and unease.
Startled and growing increasingly concerned, Wanda opens the door and–
It’s the stench of alcohol that welcomes her first. 
Less than twenty-four hours ago, you were both entangled in a similar situation, albeit in reversed roles. The irony of the circumstances isn't lost on Wanda as she observes the unwavering and intense gaze you fix upon her. It's unclear to her how much you've had to drink to be able to find your way to her, but the determination in your eyes speaks volumes.
“Y/N, thank god you’re here. I was so worried–” Wanda tries to say, but the rest of her sentence dies on your lips. With one hand on the slope where her neck meets her shoulder, you push her roughly back inside her apartment, slamming and locking the door behind you with the other. 
You harshly nip at her lower lip before releasing it and growling, “This is what you want right? This is what you’ve been chasing me for all along?” 
Pinning her with a disdainful look, Wanda feels powerless to refute your allegations. Is that how you perceived this to be all along? How lowly your opinion of her has become? 
When she finds the courage to put the tiniest bit of space between you and her, you pull her flushed against your body to capture her swollen lips into another bruising kiss. The moan that escapes you both this time is irrefutable. Something tells Wanda that whatever she says between now and what’s going to happen next, will just be sucked into the abyss of retribution. And so, she gives in to the storm that is your feverish kisses and your hatred punctuating your every touch.
If she were being honest, she just wants to feel you. Logic and reason be damned. 
“Y/N!” Wanda mewls when you clumsily rub her through the fabric of her nightwear, pinching her clit as soon as you find it.
There’s no trace of tenderness in the way you maneuver Wanda and deposit her to the carpeted floor of her living room. 
There’s nothing gentle in the way you tug down her shorts, letting them pool around her ankles and yank her shirt up, exposing the swell of her breasts to the cool room air.
There’s only lust, and instinct, and vengeance in the painful entrapment of her hard nipple between your bared teeth. 
And Wanda loves it. 
It’s the punishment she didn’t know she had been craving for since the moment she invited Vision to her bed. If you needed to ruin her, Wanda would let you. She’d gladly take the beating if it means she gets to have even just a tiny fraction of you back–no matter how cruel this fraction of you might be. 
Every pulsation from her clit echoes the tempo of her racing heart. Your mouth, slick and fervent, descends onto her nipple, and your tongue drags languidly across in deliberate, lascivious strokes. The visual–the sheen of wetness, the very sensation of your mouth on her–makes her cheeks flame, and instinctively, her eyes drift away. But you're not about to let that happen.
Gripping her jaw firmly, you force her to witness what you’re doing to her. “Watch,” you demand, voice husky and heavy with desire. “Don't you dare look away.” 
Without breaking eye contact, you shift your attention, letting your drenched tongue lavish her other nipple, ensuring every inch of her feels that same overwhelming pleasure. Wanda's arousal pools beneath her, dampening the rug and every nerve ending draws her attention downwards, craving that much-needed release.
Wanda gasps when you slide back up abruptly, the rough friction of your shirt rubbing against her tender peaks. She smells the alcohol on your breath before she tastes it, as you pull her in for a dizzying kiss. You’re uncommonly disoriented in your movements, as if you keep deciding and then changing your mind on how you want her. 
As her fingers hesitantly make their way towards the fastening of your jeans, you're quick to intercept, pushing them away. With assertive hands, you grab hers, lifting and pinning them over her head, leaving her deliciously vulnerable.
You rarely make love to her when you’re drunk. You never liked the idea of being unfocused and uncoordinated when you touch her, and you were always afraid you’d accidentally do something that might make her uncomfortable or even hurt her. But now, as your fingers skim through her wetness, not caring if your nails scrape against her sensitive skin, Wanda understands. She understands what you’re capable of when you give up control and let pure instinct take over.
She understands how perfectly capable you are of hurting her–in all aspects. 
Wanda feels she’s wet enough, but it’s still painful when you enter her unceremoniously with two fingers. 
“Y/N, wait–” Wanda gasps as you start to quicken your thrusts before she’s fully adjusted. “S-Slow down.”
Yet, you seem lost in your own world, utterly intoxicated by the sight of your fingers disappearing inside your ex-wife's slick folds. Despite the initial discomfort, waves of pleasure soon drown out the pain, escalating with each thrust. Wanda's left clawing at the ground beneath her as your thumb starts circling her clit, sending shockwaves of ecstasy coursing through her.
Your fingers shift inside her, seeking out the textured area that she's most sensitive to. Wanda’s mouth falls open, warm puffs of air brushing so intimately against your chin. “Fuck, yes, right there–”
You pant against Wanda’s sternum, bitterly thinking that she will always be beautiful whether you’re seeing her through the lens of affection or loathing. 
Feeling how close she is, you add another finger into her. The fullness does nothing to abate the tightening in Wanda’s stomach. She squirms beneath you, nearly delirious from the mounting ecstasy, trying to trap your hand between her knees to still your movements. But you force her legs to stay splayed open, angling your fingers to continually target that particularly responsive spot inside her.
“Kiss me,” Wanda breathlessly begs, her words feathering over your damp forehead. But instead of meeting her lips, you trace your tongue along the shell of her ear, eliciting a shiver from her. Just as she seems to reach her peak, you pull back your fingers, halting all stimulation, leaving her teetering on the edge of ecstasy.
She groans in frustration, her chest heaving, eyes dark with need. “Why?” she manages to gasp out, her hips unconsciously seeking the lost contact.
You lean close, lips brushing her earlobe. “Because I can.”
Her breathing turns even more ragged. “Y/N,” she begins, but her plea is cut off as you slowly trail kisses down her body. Every inch you move feels like an eternity for her, every kiss you plant on her skin making her shiver and writhe beneath you. When you finally reach her core, you can see how her pussy clenches with desperate need.
Positioning yourself between her legs, you pull them apart gently but firmly, giving yourself a clear view of her glistening arousal. Without touching her, you take a moment to appreciate the sight, which elicits a whimper from her.
“Look at you,” you murmur, your voice low and dangerous, each word deliberate. “And you tell me this isn’t what you want?”
Your face inches closer to her, close enough for her to feel each exhale against her sensitive skin. She attempts to buck her hips upward, seeking your lips, but you force her down with a dominant hand, immobilizing her.
“Remember,” you whisper against her, causing her to twitch from the sensation, “You're not allowed to come... not until I say.”
This is it–your form of vengeance. But even in your cruelty, it's paradoxically centered around her pleasure.
She emits a sound that's halfway between a plea and a sob, her hands grasping the carpet for any semblance of control. “Please,” she manages to choke out, sounding more desperate than ever. You slide a finger up her slit, collecting her wetness, and then move it up to circle her clit, slowly and tantalizingly. “Hold it,” you challenge, locking eyes with her, pushing her to her very limits. “Hold it or you’ll never see me again.”
The threat almost sends her over the edge.
“I—I can't,” she stammers, tears forming in her eyes, both from the effort of holding back and the emotional weight of your words. But beneath that fear is a stubborn determination. She won't let herself fall, not when so much is at stake.
You smirk, leaning down, your breath teasing her skin. The sensation of it sends shivers down her spine, her body acutely aware of every point where your warm breath touches. You trace the softest of kisses on her inner thigh, watching her tense up in anticipation.
“Relax,” you murmur, voice dripping with false sweetness. “I'm just getting started.”
Her whimper is music to your ears, but she attempts to stifle it, biting her lip hard enough to draw blood. You take your time, tracing lazy circles around her entrance with your tongue, but deliberately avoiding the place she wants you the most.
When you finally slide a finger into her, Wanda arches up, trying to chase the feeling, to get more. But you pin her hips down with your free hand, your fingers moving tantalizingly slow inside her. Her breath hitches as you curl them upwards, applying pressure to that sensitive spot.
Wanda's eyes screw shut, her moans spilling out uncontrollably now. Just as she's getting accustomed to the rhythm of your fingers, you press your tongue to her clit. Her entire body shudders, the dual assault threatening to push her over the precipice.
Her whimpers grow more frantic, “Please, Y/N... Please,” a broken mantra, pleading for mercy or release, perhaps even both. But you pull back just a fraction whenever she nears her climax, drinking in her desperation. You watch her intently, taking sadistic pleasure in every twitch, every moan, every teardrop that slips from her eyes. She's on a razor's edge, strung taut, teetering between madness and ecstasy.
She pants heavily, eyes darting around the room in pure desperation, her every nerve ending screaming for release. You can see it, the raw need in her eyes, and the way her body trembles uncontrollably. With an almost wicked grin, you dive back down between her thighs.
Her whole body tenses as your tongue works fervently against her swollen clit. Your fingers find their way back inside her, thrusting hard and fast, in sharp contrast to the tantalizing teasing you’d given her before.
“Y/N,” she moans out loudly, her voice breaking from the strain of holding back for so long. But you don’t give her any room to breathe; you press on, your motions frenzied and insistent.
And then, all at once, she shatters.
“Fuck, fuck! I’m coming!” Wanda cries, her hips bucking uncontrollably, her warm essence splashing onto your chin. Her back arches off the floor, her fingers clawing at the carpet, as wave after wave of pleasure crashes over her. Her trembling arms wrap around your neck as you continue to fuck her through her orgasm. You silently observe Wanda as she regains her breath, her eyes closed and her chest rising and falling in a rhythmic pattern. Her brown hair cascades over the floor, resembling a fallen angel consumed by the depths of the earth.
Wanda's face is stained with tears. However, it is only when she becomes conscious of a droplet landing on her nose that she realizes she is not the one shedding them. Cautiously, as if she’s afraid of what she might see, she opens her eyes and looks up at you.
It’s the only picture of vulnerability in you that she’ll see for the rest of the night, and her own eyes well up, struck by the realization that you can never hurt her the way she’s hurt you. 
You interpret the look on her face as pity and angrily wipe your eyes with the back of your hand. “This doesn’t mean anything to me.” you mutter scathingly, even as your lips quiver from the struggle of detaching yourself from your emotions. 
Wanda’s hands reach out to cradle your face. “I know,” she whispers.
“Then why are you agreeing to this?”
“I never stopped being yours,” Wanda whispers with a voice filled with fractures, and it's only your warm and solid presence that keeps her from falling apart. “It’s just how it is.”
You taste the bitterness in your tears, mixed with the metallic tang of blood from your lip from how harshly you’ve been biting down on it. How could she utter those words to you, knowing that someone else had gotten to know her so intimately in this manner? 
Whatever Wanda thought she did, no matter how many times she claimed it didn’t mean anything, however briefly it was–she gave bits of herself to Vision; her body, her mind, her words, her time. Those are the things that you can’t get back. Things you can’t replace. Things you can’t account for. 
Lies after lies, you think bitterly. 
And yet, it only intensifies your desire to claim her one more time. To remind her what she had traded away for illicit pleasure. To ruin her for everyone else.
“Again,” you demand, the mask of indifference returning to replace the face that Wanda loves the most. 
And that seals it–whatever this is. Wanda knows that this can’t end well.
But she couldn’t find it in her heart to care.
"Okay," she mumbles, her voice carrying weariness and resignation.
You wrap her shaking legs around your waist while your arms provide a secure embrace around her back. And then, with her clinging to you like a mindless puppet, you push yourself off the ground and onto your feet, Wanda along with a strength that astonishes both of you.
Wanda buries her head into the crook of your neck, hot tears slipping from her eyes as you carry her to the bedroom.
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celticcrossanon · 2 months
BRF Reading - 4th of May, 2024
This is speculation only
Cards drawn on the 4th of May, 2024
Question: Why isn't Harry wearing his coronation medal?
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Interpretation: He is in a right sulk about something.
Card One: The Three of Wands in reverse
The Three of Wands is a card of initial success in your plans, having your ships come in, expansion, growth, and so in. In the reverse, that didn't happen. Your plans failed, your are restricted or limited in some way, you are not making any progress with your plans.
This is also my card for the Line of Succession and the handing down of power within the BRF, which is what the coronation was all about - a consecration of the next King.
The first energy I get from this card is sulking. Harry is in a right sulk about something and he is not letting go of it any time soon. It could be that he wasn't treated with what he thought was the proper deference at the Coronation, or he expected a bigger role and it did not happen, or even that he has yet to receive his medal (the Three of Wands as the card for the Line of Succession, in reverse, can mean no longer in the Line of Succession or no longer considered a royal, in which case he would not get a medal). I don't know what it is, but something happened in relation to the Coronation and Harry is in a huge sulk about it.
Let me draw a clarifier -
Card Two: The Page of Wands
This is the third reading in a row where I have had the Page of Wands as the second card. The other two were about Princess Catherine's new honour. Normally I would be looking at the readings to see if they were linked in some way, but I can't see how - unless Harry is refusing to wear the medal to hurt his father until Meghan is given an honour, and King Charles gave it to Princess Catherine instead? That is me speculating, not the energy from the card.
The energy from this card is, once again, using PR articles in the media to send a message (pages are messengers and Wands can be PR). The energy of this card is very passive-aggressive, so Harry is deliberately not wearing his medal to try and hurt/manipulate his father/family. It is a sulky energy as well - the same sulky energy in the first card continues here.
Card Three: The Ace of Swords
Aces are new beginnings, and swords are thoughts/communications (especially over the internet)/strategy. This is a new strategy by Harry, or something that he thinks is new, that he is doing to try and get something from his father. To me the energy is like a toddler going 'ok, screaming doesn't get me what I want, so I'll hold my breath instead' and the person doing this thinks they are very clever for thinking up this new approach. The card has the same sulky energy as the other two cards. Harry is in a right strop about something and he is acting out by not wearing his Coronation Medal (I am assuming he has one, otherwise he is in a strop about not having one).
Card Four: The Seven of Pentacles
This is the card about being rewarded for your work or gaining the harvest from your actions. This is what Harry wants. He wants to be rewarded by his father for what he sees as all his hard work, and as that is not happening he is sulking about it.
The energy is that Harry sees himself as having spent all his life working for the BRF and now that his father is King he expects to be rewarded for that hard work, and he is very upset that this is not happening.
I am wondering if Harry wanted another title or honour to be given to him at or after the Coronation and part of his sulk is because that did not happen. The 'William has a new title (Prince of Wales) so I should have one too' line of thought.
This is also my card for a divided allegiance or dodgy dealings, and both if those apply to Harry - he has done and will do some very dodgy things, and his allegiance is clearly not with his father, no matter what noises he makes about reconciling and wanting to go back to the UK etc.
Underlying Energy: The Chariot
This is the card for Cancer, and this card is full of Prince William energy (a sun sign Cancer). Harry is sulking about how Prince William was treated (what else is new) and/or blaming Prince William for whatever has his knickers in a twist (again, what else is new). Harry's energy with respect to Prince William as per this card is old and stale and turning rancid. It is a revolting energy, exactly like I feel when I have to clean out rancid food or spoilt milk.
Harry is sulking about something that is connected to his father's Coronation, and as part of that sulk he is not wearing his Coronation Medal. He is doing it deliberately to hurt his father, and it is a passive-aggressive action. He is sending the message out via his PR articles whenever he wears his medals, and I think he wants someone to ask why he is not wearing his coronation medal so he can speak about what is bugging him without being the one to bring it up.
This is also a part of a new and clever strategy (in Harry's eyes) to get his father to reward him for all his hard work (again, in Harry's eyes). I know this is nit logical or rational coming from Harry, but the energy from the cards is that Harry thinks he has spent his life working for the BRF and that he thinks has not been rewarded for all that hard work in an adequate manner.
Underlying all this is his attitude to his brother - he has x so I have to have x too (and y, and z etc). He also seems to be blaming his brother for his lack of recognition at the Coronation and his lack of a role in the Coronation, for all his plans not working out, for not recognised for his hard work for the BRF, etc etc etc. It is all William's fault.
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archie-sunshine · 6 months
I think i might’ve already asked about this somewhere here (bad memory lmao) but,
I often think about Minimus Ambus, and although i headcannon him as being not too fond of sex/interfacing, i do also think it's fun to portray the lil' dude as someone who just doesn't have the time to please himself, or maybe he feels that as a role model, the ultimate hero, the immortal lawman, he isn't meant to be 'impure' (guilt ooooh, similar to how you seem to characterise Drift). But i digress.
What if the Magnus armour had a spike n' valve? (it was cast in the original Magnus's image so i don't see why not). Imagine Minimus finally being freed from Tyrest's expectations and getting a moment of peace after a long day of chaos on the ship. He's feelin' a lil' warm n' tingly, but he's too embarrassed to go to anyone for company, so he decides to pop the panels off the armour and go ham. (i think i just have a thing for distension, i'm sorry). The valve is probably a lil' tight because it's not been used but Primus dammit would it feel good!
I think he'd still feel guilty afterwards and end up telling Ratchet or Rang (Rong? Ring?? Rung!!), who would then tell him that he's perfectly fine and normal for being a lil' horny sometimes.
(Also also, what if he, hesitantly, tells the science bots (I have mainly Brainstorm in mind) who then helps modify the armour with different mods n' extras) Just some stinky thoughts that keep me up at night.
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Anyways, sorry for making this so long!
Personally, I have my own set of thoughts and beliefs about minimus, namely that I think he's a kink freak by way of loving rules and not by way of actual sexual perversion. I will explain this later, for now, i will focus on your take.
SO... this is hot. I do think he would feel an extreme amount of shame for self pleasuring with the armour, I do think he would do it in an act of desperation after the galaxy's longest dry spell.
Artists interpretation:
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and also bc im a freak i reversed the positions as well
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I feel like he had to talk himself into it to, like 'poor sexual self care will lead to iritability which is bad for morale, I guess... it wouldnt hurt to do it, for the crew of course'
He feels weird about it after but then. Feels even weirder during the next shift when- when he- when uh-
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is this gross? i dont care im getting freakay.
Sorry this is turning into a long post, I'll put my thoughts on minimus's sex life in another post if someone sends me an ask about that.
lets all keep praying i don't get penis blasted by tumblr again for posting minimussy
[Send me headcanons in my inbox!! i might draw them! :D]
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