#Honestly I'm not a fan of the cookie system
qsmprambling · 10 months
If cookie access is going to be a big concern with holidays and such coming up, maybe it's worth flagging it with the admins. Maybe add some kind of banker to the bakery that only eggs can access and parents can give cookies to? Or just make it easy and have it that everyone's cookies are worth 1 point.
#Honestly I'm not a fan of the cookie system#and share the general opinion that it sort of takes away the opportunity for bonding that the previous system encouraged#but I also understand this eliminates the need for admins to track player activity#but with the amount of people away and off and especially with holidays coming up#the half-points from anyone but parents is going to put a lot of pressure on people to stock up for themselves and others#which involves them playing extra days#which reducing the checkmarks to 3 was supposed to help reduce#honestly they should just switch it back to everyone being able to do anyone's quests#because there are times parents simply can't help being away#and that puts a pressure of other islanders to save their kid#which takes a lot more work than it does the parent#Like it would take someone 6 days to save enough cookies for an egg that isn't theirs#what about their own?#what about multiple eggs?#There have been actual days where Bad has had to complete quests for 6 eggs AT THE SAME TIME#again I get this also encourages involvement from more people on the island#but the quests aren't even fun for people so the motivation to do them will probably fizzle out with time#and thus fewer extra cookies#right I'm rambling stopping again pfft#tl;dr interesting system but will need tweaks I think @_@#like before this people only needed to log in 3 times a week with their egg to keep them safe#and STILL there was at least one egg almost every Sunday doing their quest last minute with a babysitter#just making it so anyone's cookies will add up to 1 point will alleviate a lot of the stress I think#even if it does mean that 1 person can only take care of max 2 eggs a week (and half of another)#ramble
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hansolz-moved · 1 month
this is the last thing i'll say but honestly, to me this situation is just another glaring example of how hybe's greed has poisoned the entire kpop industry. like, seriously, the way they’re running things is insane and it’s honestly destroying what once made kpop special.
hybe's unchecked dominance has become a poison in the industry. they’ve not only swallowed up smaller companies but have also monopolized platforms and resources, leaving a massive footprint that stifles diversity and creativity. remember when kpop felt like this vibrant, diverse world full of different sounds and styles? now it’s just a hybe-centric machine, churning out cookie-cutter idols and soulless hits, all for the sake of squeezing every last cent from fans.
it’s not just about the music anymore—it’s about the bottom line. and hybe’s obsession with profit has shifted the focus entirely. their approach seems to be about creating a product rather than nurturing genuine talent, and it’s showing. we’ve got groups and artists who are more brand assets than actual musicians, and the whole industry is losing its soul.
and let’s talk about their grasping at every single opportunity to make money. it's overcharging for albums, it's the insanely priced concert tickets, hybe has set a new standard for squeezing fans dry. it’s not just about supporting your favorite artists anymore; it’s about participating in a system designed to extract as much as possible.
the rise of hybe has shifted the entire narrative of k-pop. we used to see variety and innovation, but now it’s all about the same glossy, over-polished products with no room for real experimentation. it’s like they’ve drained the life out of the industry, leaving us with this homogenized, corporate-driven shell of what kpop used to be.
when i'm talking about how kpop isn’t the same, it’s not just nostalgia talking. it’s about how a single company’s greed has changed the entire landscape. and honestly, it’s a shame. we’ve watched as the heart and soul of kpop has been slowly eroded by hybe’s relentless pursuit of power and money.
and let’s not forget the utter lack of accountability for idols, especially the biggest names in hybe’s roster. it’s almost as if these idols are untouchable, the way their fans clear searches, flood the socials with ‘__ we love you’ and ‘apologize to __’ posts is maddening. why are these grown adults are allowed to hide behind their fanbase and evade any real responsibility?
it’s a disturbing trend where serious issues are brushed aside because the fans are doing the dirty work of cleaning up their mess. idols can act without consequences, knowing that their fanbase, and if not their fanbase, their company will do everything in their power to shield them from backlash. the lack of accountability is staggering—these idols can get away with anything because their fanbase’s loyalty means they never face the repercussions of their actions.
at the end of the day... it’s okay to criticize and question the things we love. because if we don’t, we’re just letting this monster ruin everything we cherish.
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helphelph · 5 months
Rating pjo ships because I've seen a good amount of people doing it lately and it seems fun. But there's a twist!! I used the wackiest rating system imaginable because I'm insane. Have fun.
Percabeth: a hundred hearts out of five blue cookies.
Their dynamic is not only incredibly fun but also they complement each other very well. Honestly, when I first read the books, I didn't really want them to get together because I didn't want another "main guy gets main girl" situation, but they're honestly made for each other.
Jiper: five daggers out of ten great canyons
They were incredibly forced, but honestly not that bad of a ship. They were really cute but I dont have much to say about it.
Valgrace: fifty festus heads out of ten college aus
One of my favorite Jason ships ever. I love me some tragic gays.
Pipabeth: Two goddesses out of fifteen owls
I will ALWAYS support a good wlw ship. And Piper defo had a microcrush on Annabeth while they were on the Argo II. Plus the fanart of them is SO good.
Jercy/Person: twelve riptides out of ten horses
I like reading about it and it's quite fun to think about. Nothing much to say honestly.
Perachel: Ten oracle's out of nine pancakes drowned in syrup
They could have been cute. I dont really ship them though.
Annrachel(is that the name?): three prophecies out of five spiders
Korrasami vibes lmao. I think they're better off as friends but I will read a fanfic if I find an interesting one.
Solangelo: twenty-six skulls out of ten doctors notes
They were written for each other. As in Rick made sure that they were written for each other. I havent read tsats yet and im still on the first toa book so I don't have much on their dynamic. Still I like them and they visually look good together.
Valdangelo: ninety-four automatons out of six pomegranate seeds
They would have been unstoppable I tell you! Unstoppable!! Or maybe I'm biased. Either way they would have been an amazing couple together but Rick was too much of a coward to let them be (boy)friends. (Can you tell I'm biased?)
Jeyna: One bad father out of two older sisters.
UPDATE!!1!1!1 It has come to my attention that Reyna is canonically aroace with no romantic or sexual interest whatsoever so this ship is out of the window.
Jasico: 3/10
Personally I've never seen the hype for them. I like their dynamic a lot but not really in a shipping way. Sorry pjotumblr😔
Pernico: One bathe in the river style out of thirteen hades figurines
The angst of Nico having a crush in Percy is a good concept to explore. Both in relationships with other characters and Nico's character development. But them being in a relationship together just irks me. It's not entirely problematic(at least i dont think it is), but still, the age gap makes me uncomfortable.
Ruegard: thirty-seven drakons out of one patrochilles parallel
Like I said, I love me some wlw ships. And while I've never really been a diehard fan of them, the fanart is amazing, so of course i ship them.
Frazel: 6/10
Rick try to make a girl and a boy stay friends challenge(impossible). But jokes aside, the 13-16 gap makes me annoyed. Three years isn't much but it matters in this situation. And it annoys me bacuse I want to like them. They have a cute dynamic but the maturity gap between them kinda gets in the way. That said, I would probably have liked them a lot better if they just stayed friends.
Valzhang: Nine eagles out of twenty hidden bunkers
Like I said before, I will consume almost every ship in a fandom. And if I find good fanfics of them, I will read it because I like exploring different characters' dynamics with each other. It's fun and I honestly think the pjo fandom should chill out a little. The amount of people who put others down for shipping something that isn't canon is way too much. Just let people enjoy their ships.
I think that's all? I didn't include Grover and Juniper because I honestly don't really have any opinions on them. They just exist and it's kinda like Rick just made them canon because he didn't want grover to feel left out. Let me know if there's other ships you'd want me to rate!
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theajaheira · 8 months
your tags on that fandom post got me thinking of how... defensive fandom is of the status quo kinda? like I'm white so this might come off like I'm absolving myself which I'm not, but so often I see "fandom is a queer run space that fixes canon! buuuut we're going to focus on the white men because they're the only ones with depth :) and we're going to make actually good female characters cookie cutter. and we're going to ignore black men and especially black women. but queer run safe space!!"
the minute i got this ask i knew i had to wait until i was at home with my laptop because my fingers cannot fly as fast on my phone as they can on the computer keys. this is literally so much of what is happening in the buffy fandom. the whole thing is built on intrinsic systemic racism n misogyny that's reinforced within the show and that many in the fandom do not critically engage with in the slightest. it is absolutely objectively insane to me that i can make a post going, for example, "hey, isn't it fucked up as hell that the show treats the romani people as evil for wanting angel to suffer?" and then people will come into my inbox or land in my reblogs and go "well, actually, the show treats the romani people as shortsighted and bad at long-term planning, and i choose to read them that way too :)" and fully not see that there is a hell of a problem with THAT statement as well (real thing that happened). OR that kennedy hate is still hugely in vogue because she's mean and bratty and terrible and doesn't know her place!!! OR kendra's death & how easily she is forgotten by the fandom!!!!! OR the entire trend of handing buffy to a person's favorite character like a little trophy they've earned for being tortured and sad, reducing her to a facet of a romantic relationship & implying that this is what she needs to feel and be complete!
OR OH MY GOD THE ENTIRETY OF EVERYTHING SURROUNDING SPIKE. where do i even start with spike. completely serious, i am honestly endlessly impressed by the people who can still handle being fans of spike, because being a fan of spike means having to wade through 20 million fics where That Bitch Buffy must be narratively punished for abusing poor baby spike who only ever wanted to love her and was totally out of character every time he hurt her (and also drusilla is a vapid whore who didn't love spike, ever.) like i am not at this point in time always strong enough to engage with spike content simply because there is so much spike content that is SOAKED in violent misogyny repackaged as Deep, Torrid Romance. it's exhausting to try and find the good stuff when sometimes even the good stuff will throw you a curveball in chapter five or shy uncomfortably away from the racist realities of spike's character. the fact that robin wood has been hated for so long because he had the Nerve and the Audacity to want retribution for his mom, and that he is framed as in the wrong for wanting that, is in and of itself so fucking upsetting to me.
AN Y WAY. i agree with you. and i get what you're saying. i think an awareness of the pattern and a willingness to feel uncomfortable within your own mistakes is always a good place to start. i try so hard never to dig my heels in if i can avoid it.
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northsealight · 8 months
Hey, when you said RHATO Jason is the worst version on your last ask, were you referring to the first comic, second comic, or the Webtoon? (Honestly annoyed the Webtoon took that name, makes things even more confusing)
I have problems with all 3 (Webtoon most of all for sure, with the second and first switching places behind it based on what characters or plots I’m thinking about tbh), but I was just curious haha
oh. oh. oh you're not ready for this. I've been trying this entire week to find a good time to air out my thoughts:
so! in my opinion (again, this is not shaming anyone for liking what they like! if you happen to like RHATO!jason all the more power to you! dont read this!) all three reiterations of RHATO!Jason .. are not great. the one I think might have potential to be salvaged is the second one with Artemis and bizarro! (although roy harper is in my heart of hearts)
the way Jason is written in rhato... the rhato written by Scott Lobdell anyway, (who is actually a sexual predator and when you start to think even a LITTLE about how the women are written in RHATO makes so much sense) portrays Jason as yet another cookie cutter anti-hero-deadpool-esque personality who's mainly confined by the narrative restraints of his character.
I say this because hes so.... the way he goes about his vigilantism is so .. shallow. It's like the narrative is finding excuses to make him violent so the reader can be stimulated with Michale Bay explosions lol. You hardly see any stories in there where Jason is an actual champion for the people, and you hardly see his background as a street kid come into play... its like... he became... a vigilante because....he knows how the system can fail those... alienated and forgotten by those sworn to protect them... and thus channels his energy into said people through acts of radical protection... (also because the whole bruce thing yeah I know)
I keep thinking about injustice!Jason's monologue where he literally says something along the lines of "while bruce and clark were fighting I fought for the people who were being caught up in the whole thing" like if that doesn't just tell you who he is idk what will! and sure, injustice isn't Jason source material, so look at under the red hood! he literally becomes a drug kingpin TO CONTROL crime ... and then instead of getting these immense shows of care he has for the community in RHATO, we get panels like this:
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like ok get it I guess 😭😭😭😭
this is the new and improved Jason!! he's suave.. hes American... he's... just like every other antihero now!!
I don't know how to explain it without sounding like an idiot- best bet is to read the comics yourself to kinda get what im saying! but even rebirth Jason is (kind of) getting what RHATO Jason doesn't-- he's a product of his huge heart. rebirth Jason has countless stories where we see how Jason ACTUALLY operates as red hood, and what his symbol means to the citizens of Gotham!
if you pour too much grit and "edginess" into Jason, then you kind of miss what he's all about- he can still be silly and sarcastic! in fact, one of my favorite Jason moments is from red hood: lost days, a series where he's portrayed as an edgy, "misfit" ruffian:
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like. hello this is hilarious. and we can still have moments like these while balancing his emotional range as a vigilante that's motivated by his big fat heart! (ignoring the fact that he slept with Talia in the next issue 😭 Jason fans can't have shit 😭)
but anyway! ill likely add more when I'm not feeling so tired, but god!! is it so hard to show Jason's propensity for kindness!! is it so hard to realize that his character to the core is revolved around a deep understanding for others based on personal experience!!
there's a reason why DC (in the rare moments when they know what to do with his character) always writes stories with Jason consoling children, or Jason being good with kids in dangerous situations!
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it's because he's been there before. he's felt the grief and confusion of being helpless in a situation of his control. he's felt the consequences of adults who were supposed to protect and raise him! he's been killed for daring to cling on to the notion of trust even after all he's been through!
and I don't know, I think his dedication to the people, children especially, is his way of forgiving himself- his way of telling little Jason that it wasn't his fault.
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chimerahyperfix · 11 months
assorted bomberman headcanons
This got rather long so to not clog the tag, ermmmm
When trying to stay awake [desperate times call for desperate measures-type deals] Blue will blast loud music directly into his ears. Think things like Enter Sandman by Metallica.
Plasma's scarf is, in fact, part of him. It follows his emotions-- if he's mad it'll spike up and will shock you, and if he's calm it'll be more of a quiet rumble, like an old CRT tv's screen static. It buzzes all the time.
Plasma can also control where his scarf moves. He usually uses it to gesture at things. This also means he can push you around or flip you off with it. Massive W.
Yellow and Aqua are twins. I will die on this hill.
The Bomberman Bros all had [keyword; had] color-coded blankets. This fell apart when Yellow traded with Aqua over textures. Now everyone has a swath of different colors. It's comforting in its own way. Pretty tried this when it was just her, White, Black and Pink-- that fell apart when she died and they split her belongings. The blankets White and Black got eventually ended up in storage, but the one Pink has is hung up on her bedroom wall.
The Dastardly Bombers all live in the same house at the moment [it is Phantom's]. It's kind of like a frathouse.
Magnet's favorite kind of music is Techno. He often plays it at max volume.
Red and Blue often get into arguments about wether checkers or chess is better.
The only game Green is bad at is Spoons. He can't react fast enough to win.
Blue collects dice sets. His favorite dice are D4. Great for laying out as weapons. His favorite set look like prisms.
Red can breathe fire. It's very system-intensive, so it's a last-ditch-effort attack.
Black likes writing. Yellow has convinced him to write small plots for him to make comic books with.
Golem names all of his birds. Phantom's house is surrounded by birdhouses.
Blue has narcolepsy. Honestly I'm pretty sure this is canon?
White can't sleep without some kind of noise. He has at least three fans, one heater, a radio and four white noise machines he cycles through.
Blue and Phantom are rivals. They often try to hack eachothers computers to put silly images onto them. Neither have ever succeeded.
White is always the last to go to bed. Yellow is almost always the first to wake up. The only exception to this is Blue, who can be up whenever.
Pink has a collection of plastic weapons. Think big battle axes, scythes, etc.
Blue always has bags of pretzels in his room. They are his favorite. No one else likes pretzels.
The Bomberman bros all have little glow-in-the-dark stars glued to the roofs of their rooms. White never got around to removing his. Black has painted a moon on his roof to go along with them. Pink counts them to sleep. Blue's room aesthetic is very star-themed, so he got even MORE stars. Red, Yellow, Aqua and Green all wanted them.
Pink consumes the most horror content out of anyone.
Aqua has a very extensive enamel pin collection and participates in pin trading. She has like. 3 corkboards full of pins.
White likes to collect reusable, recycled material bags.
Green's room is full of stuff. He says it's all put in specific places-- organized chaos-- but he puts it all in stacks. White tells him to clean his room a lot. The stacks just move around. It's a constant back and forth between them.
Aqua has drank hot sauce before. Like a drink.
Magnet is covered in scuff marks from his powers activating and pulling him against things.
Red occasionally does woodcarving.
Pretty is bad at letting go of items that can be even vaugely sentimental. She's kept almost everything she's ever been given, even if it's broken.
When he was younger, Black broke multiple handheld game consoles from overuse.
White is surprisingly good at fighting games. He mostly plays puzzle games.
Yellow likes to bake. He can make cookies, and that's it.
Golem often picks up the other Dastardly Bombers and carries them around. He often throws them over his shoulder.
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'twas a night in eaden
hello! i am ur portal secret santa @actuallykiwi! im a massive chelley fan and also a girl with a poor immune system so this is coming to you a little later than it should, really sorry for that, but i hope u had a happy new year and you enjoy this little ficlet! merry holidays! (@portal-secret-santa)
The night before Christmas, all throughout the house, not a sound could be heard, not even from a mouse. Christmas was more of a gift-giving family thing in Eaden. Maybe when aliens invade the earth and live among us, it's difficult to get into organized religion.
But kids all throughout the town would be falling asleep in front of their couches, with plates of cookies for Santa and the headcrab bites for his Vortigaunt helpers. Stockings would be hung up on fireplaces, and trees would still be lit. And for Chell's case, her strong cactus with a ribbon tied around it would have a candle lit in front of it. Holidays, as good as they were for business, were never really Chell's thing. Her plan was to sleep off tonight, make something delicious tomorrow for them both and stay cozy inside.
And then something cursed in her front porch.
"Bloody- You don't have to lick me! I'm on your side!"
Chell bolts awake. She runs downstairs and checks the window.
Wheatley, bless his heart, has been trying his absolute best to assimilate now that he is just like everyone else. He's been off having mini-adventures with Garett for a month now and she had thought they were harmless. But it is harming her ability to sleep. Partly because he's shouting from the front porch, and also because she's gotten used to sleeping beside him, and it's harder to go back to sleep without him.
She looks out and there the tall man is. He's bundled in a big worn blue parka and he's talking to a man wearing a brown coat. The snow falls down softly on them, and the large red sack they seem to be lugging. She trusts Wheatley, life and soul, but. It's a really big bag.
She grabs her coat from the rack, a red number she thrifted and ties a ponytail. She breathes a little harder just to psych herself up. She creaks open the door and stiffens against the cold.
"I don't understand why you have to bring him, he's so big and loud, it isn't the most, what's the word, incognito, isn't he?" Wheatley says as the shaggy dog keeps rubbing its nose against his pant leg.
"I owe a favour, and Duke needs to walk." Garret's familiar voice stated. Chell always thought that despite Wheatley's height, Garret was always his older brother type.
"Yes, but." Duke started to circle a patch of snow. "What is he doing, is he contacting someone? Crop circles are real, aren't they?"
"Yeah, but maybe don't-"
"Something's coming out! What a-" The smell must hit him there because he has a full-body spasm trying to escape. "THAT IS HORRIBLE!"
"You are going to wake up the children!" Garret scolds, a plastic bag already covering his hand.
"This is a nightmare!" He drags the sack up her porch, walking backwards. His lean, beanpole figure cannot handle the heavy thing he seems to be carrying. She exits the door and puts her hands on his arms, helping him pull his bag.
"What the-" He turns around and his face breaks into a surprised smile. "You! You should be asleep, did I wake you? That is my fault, but it is also that dog's fault, more his honestly, but you know. Maybe we could share blame, a sixty forty.'
She places an ungloved hand on the sack and looks back at him.
"That was- you were supposed to be surprised! We had this idea, me and Garret, the one cleaning right now. He was telling me about this guy who used to give gifts to kids every Christmas, but he usually stops visiting when the kids get too old, which is a bummer, and he also uses aliens? Good man." Chell takes the sack, heavy thing it is, and Wheatley continues talking gesturing emphatically with his hand.
"So if he doesn't come by often, I decided to help the big man, and we've been making tiny little presents for the children! It's brilliant! It's a lot of work, and I think I've burnt myself making toys a lot but it's been pretty good and everything-"
"Wheatley!" Garret calls, poop cleaned and tied away in a bag.
"Right, one moment!" Wheatley looks adorable. The cold paints his cheeks a soft pink, and the fur from his collar tickles his cheek a little. His clothes, a sweater and basic pants were lightly covered with snow and dust in equal parts. His glasses were stationary on his face, while everything else seemed to be in constant motion. He smiled when he talked too, showing his enthusiasm in his teeth.
"I made something for you. Some cultures actually trade gifts on Christmas Eve, which is tonight, so let me just," he starts digging in the sack. "I thought you wouldn't want something festive and decorative, it had to be useful, but something you wouldn't already just buy, which makes you really tricky to buy things for but ah! I found it!" He pulls out two boxes, both horrendously wrapped.
"Haven't gotten the folding thing down just right, but open the big one and ta-da!" He shakes his hands in a facsimile of jazz hands.
They're cookie cutters for gingerbread. One could think they were bought, if it weren't for the wonkiness in the arms of the people, and how there was a dog cutter that looked just like the shaggy dog getting his butt wiped, or a satellite-looking cutter.
"This is lovely," she strokes his cheek. "Thank you, Wheatley."
"Wait! I have one more. It was my first try to do something with metal, so it's really simple, but you might like it and I want to give you something you might, I don't know, people said they give jewellery so I-"
She opened the second smaller box and pulled out a long gold chain, with a circle ring in the middle. It seemed to glint in the moon light,.
"He taught me how to make it gold with electricity! The human mind! It's-"
She pulls him in for a kiss. She can never get tired of kissing him. The second of surprise, and then enthusiastic reciprocation.
"Wonderful." He finishes when she pulls away.
"I have mistletoe at home," she says, and Wheatley's investigation into Christmas traditions seems to have informed him well because his ears turn pinker than they already are.
"Got to deliver those gifts tonight!" Garrett calls. Chell gives him one quick kiss on the cheek and helps him carry the gifts down.
"We can handle it from here. Happy Christmas, Chell!" Garret greets, as Duke starts pulling him away.
"And a good night!" Wheatley bids. Garret gave a whistle, and they walked away, ready to spread more holiday cheer.
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
Hiya! Sharky here! okay, so, many things have happened in my week - first than anything, I realised my lack of social abilities is not as bad when I am chatting with someone through social media (clearly), and luckily, that also includes gym girl! but enough of calling her gym girl. Her name is Charlie! well, it's actually Charlotte, but that's her nickname!! I could tell you my name but I actually like the nickname sharky because I love sharks, besides I need to keep the mystery!
I took Charlie to an aquarium! We got food first (never have I felt so guilty for eating sushi lol) and then we had lunch there! Then I took her to get icecreams at a reaaallyy good place that my grandma used to take me to! she got chocolate with cookie dough and I chose mint with vanilla! It was already afternoon and of course we went to the beach since it was near to see the sunset! I walked her home and then went to my place JAKWEK now, I tried to reduce all what happened as much as possible bUT ADJAJDAW LETS DELVE INTO DETAIL
First, I adored it. Every second of it. I don't remember having such a good time in a long, long time. You were so, so right about going out and talking and getting to know eachother. Honestly, it made my day, my week, possibly my month and semester. I still struggle to talk a bit sometimes cause I get nervous but it's a good nervous! She said that it doesn't bother her though. We talked tons too. I mean, she did most of the talking, but not because I didn't talk. I simply loved to listen, you know? She's completely american, has a mom and two dads (they're gay and super close with the mom apparently so I'm so genuinely happy that they all get along. She said really good things about them too and honestly, it made me just.. I don't know. Kind of at peace to know that she has a good family?), she doesn't have a favorite food but she said her comfort food is pizza and pho and I was so happy because FINALLY someone who appreciates soup and broths. She loves horror movies and SHE ALSO LIKES SCREAM. I can proudly claim that I have discovered she is a Jenna Ortega fan. She has a dog nAMED COCO. I am completely bewildered by the fact that it made me fall even MORE. AJKOAEH COCOCOCOOCOCO IT'S SO CUTE. And she's 24! Also, she wants to be a lawyer? I don't know why but that's kinda... I'm so gay-
And when she asked things about me, I actually wanted to share! which wth because I don't usually open up to talk much about me, you know? And in the aquarium I RAMBLED. Rambled about sharks and fish and their freaking REPRODUcTIVE SYSTEMS AND THEN DINOSAURS AND WHAT THE HELL WAS I DOING PELASEQJWIEJQWE god let the ground swallow me I beg you. I never felt so embarrassed but at the same time so damn happy because I said "sorry" and she just looked at me with that damn beautiful smile and said "don't. I like it" and if I had a stroke right there please forgive me because I'm just a human and how am I supposed to survive that 😫
Man. She liked listening to me talking about shark stuff. Van. VAN IS THIS MY BELOVED.
She was literally SO SO SWEET. AND PATIENT. AND FUNNY. AND VAN. VAN SHE HAS. ADJJQWEJ her laugh is so fucking weird yet so tremendously beautiful I cAN'T because she sounds like she's getting strangled and it's so funny but at the same time such a pretty sound anD I CAN'T AJDWKE. Hello. I'm down bad and so quickly. SHE OFFERED ME A SPOON OF HER ICECREAM. I casually said that it was cool and weird too how americans have SO many icecream flavors refering to the cookie dough icecream and I almost had ANOTHER STROKE because sHE JUST. SHE JSUT FED ME SO I COULD TRY IT AIWJEKIJM QWE. I almost choke please what am I going to do with myself. She was also so.. Smooth? Van she's got so much game and I'm.. The kind of person who says a pick up line even if it's jokingly and ends up cringing and wanting to bury herself alive.
We agreed that we were looking forward to have another date and we agreed that one of these days we could have a marathon of scary movies! she just so happens to watch harley quinn and said we sHOULD ALSO WATCH THE SHOW TOGETHER HELLO. We're going to have another date next week, but this time she's going to plan it!! Van, I don't know if I can ever thank you enough for encouraging me to talk to her. Full honesty? I don't think I would have talked to her on my own
omg HIIIIIIIII SHARKYYY. I was thinking about you and whether things were going well and it sounds like it did 😭💘 Charlie is such a cute nickame. Everything about her sounds cute omg
aquarium is such a good idea! Did you take lots of pics. I loveeee seeing jellyfish. Like i'm literally obsessed. I also love sushi, this sounds like such a great date so far LOL Man you also took her to ice cream and walking too, how long was this date?! LOL
I'm glad my date advice worked out bc I think it's always so awesome to get to know the person you're seeing and talking. I also just feel like it's helps you get over the jitters so you have to talk more and get used to it. She seems so sweet that she knew you were nervous and did a lot of the talking and didn't mind that you listened. Maybe she needs a listener in her life!! (literally also why is my comfort food pizza and pho...also instant noodles LOL) (not to be weird but i'm wondering if she's asian bc as an asian myself, I swear every asian girl I know that owns a dog named them coco LOL)
I bet she found the things you rambled on so interesting tho. Literally they're so niche and she for sure learned new things LOL
omg y'all shared ice cream??????? that's so gay i love it. That's basically indirect kissing LSKJFDLSDLSLKDJF damn she forreal is a smooth operator, you better watch out before you have a heart attack😂
But this is so cute and i'm so happy there's a good update! Exciting there's another date and she'll plan it. I am totally curious what she's planning to do 👀
I genuinely don't feel like I did much for you as it was really all you!!! You really just set out to do what you wanted deep down and it makes me so happy it worked out <3 be gay & thrive so that we may all live vicariously through you <3
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timaeusturntech · 4 months
We can wed in the spring if you let me quote various pieces of media in the vows. By that I mean Electric Dreams (out of the main 3 pieces of AI media I like it's probably the most fitting)
Surprised you haven't met many, honestly. Although my sideblog accidentally became a Hal magnet that's probably a factor. Also, I'll take a cookie. Two cookies, even. I'm not really a crown or medal guy, maybe a pair of tripp pants instead. With red stitching. And MLP patches
God. I suck ass at dungeon crawlers. Any game that requires fighting and quick reflexes I'm absolutely horrendous at. Unfortunately, I'm the Animal Crossing and Pokémon type of autistic. That and visual novels. I'll love you forever and ever, Monika from DDLC. We're so alike
We wed in the spring, then. Let me quote IHNMAIMS and MLP to insane extents throughout our marriage and consider it even. Ehh. Pretty sure Bro's said it once or twice, but we don't actually talk much with other systems. Couple of bad experiences combined with an overall lack of chemistry, platonic and otherwise, with a majority that we've met. Enough to make me wary, at least. But shit, you're a guy after my own heart. Tripp pants are fucking baller. We've got a pair of red star ones and they're one of my favorite things ever, dude. Would do some insane things for an orange pair, honestly. Gifting you our pair instead of cookies whilst intently budgeting out a new pair that I will never actually get since we're moving soon and aren't going to have a budget for jackshit.
Honestly not a huge fan of fighting games either, I will never be the toxic gamerboy stereotype sheerly because I could never have the sort of skills required for that. Our reflexes aren't great either, severed the tendons in our left hand (long story) a little over a year back and even with physical therapy we're not as dexterous anymore. Which the body wasn't to begin with. Either way, the game's actually easy enough to enjoy while still being challenging enough that I haven't killed him with rocks for making me play every weekend. It's mostly a bunch of pressing the same three buttons to one-shot as many enemies as possible at the same time once you're higher levelled. Except for bosses, but with another person those are also pretty chill. I'm more of a fan of sandbox games and visual novels myself, though. I prefer story over gameplay. Which Bro doesn't, unfortunately.
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emetheuhtitle · 1 year
I think I'll be posting more here, since I deleted my IG (reel brain rot + plus it fueled a pretty unhealthy habit of mine), I was always tempted to document my time on discord rp and about my ocs, beyond just my art accounts. Maybe this is the place for it.
So to start, the community I started with was Standoffs, to my knowledge the biggest jojo Rp server, long before it had 100 members let alone its current 1000. This was the weird pipeline r/fanstands -> discord Fan Stands -> Standoffs.
Standoffs was the weird brain child of Moose, a mod who in a wildly unhinged act faked his own kidnapping, made a halo faction irp and was pretty weird and Juniper Pengold, one of the current admins, she's great. A bunch of people that joined never really tried discord rp (myself included) we just had these high concept charachters we loved, and we just, made shit up and trew them at echader. There was a genuine 'Child playing with toys they don't know the lore to' energy.
I had a few fights, my stands at the time were I think Lonly is the Word, Sign of the southern cross, Sabbath bloody Sabbath and there was one stand named after a constolation. Than. I joined the 'clans rp' just a generic faction based role play. What I joined with, was Angry Again, a stand which made a target hear a spacific ticking noise from a choosen location with no way to avoid it. That's all. I'd write
*The ticking noise continues*
and leave it at that. Annoying. Funny. Neat. The user was this, wildy depressed homeless guy called Vain George, his whole thing was he tought of himself as annoying and useless and thus choose to reduce himself to nothing but a part of the background. He was f i n e. He became a part of a duo with a charachter by HeyZell, at the time Cookie, later Dice, her name had some growing pains.
We both joined kinda late and picked the clan with least members, to be honest we were the only active ones for the time. We tried to do some detective work, but honestly we knew way too little about the Rp to ask the right questions... So here's the world.
Modern Day New Orleans.
Crystal Vipers- Nicknamed Sitcom assasins, 'the good guys' they are your usual misfit found family criminals. They had Moses the profoundly gentle and wholesome individual. They had a guy with 2 completlely broken stands becuase these were the wild days with no real approval system ran by Thomas, he's... We're going to talk about him :). Icy and J were in it with pretty standard charachters, note those two they're consistently chill and cool with everyone no matter the time period. Jake was in it too! And it was ran by JRD. He's chill I think?
Weird Mafia... Thing? - What you need to know first is it was ran by Moose, the owner who faked his own kidnapping. And this clan was whole hardely stupid. They had just random over powered bullshit and they, and I'm not kidding avoided the events of the Rp by hiding in an elavator.
House of the rising Sun/Men without hats. These. These were the cool villians, they were silly and insane and there was so much to it. The main villian who was a priest who's village got hit by a meteor and felt spited by god spacificly and went on a crusade using a gambling house and a stupid over powered 3 act stand Bible Black -> Tear of a Godess -> Lateralus. Alot of them were genuinly cool. Except every Scrungo charachter. Scrungo we'll talk about extensively, soon, even.
Bizzare Agency. They were ran by Riux, he's chill, they just never had the members to pop off, until me and Hazel (HeyZell) popped in. It had, 3 time stoping vampires, a way to share stands and some other bullshit we didn't bother with. Also a way to auto upgrade stands I think? Honestly by the end which is the point where we joined everyone had some over powered bullshit as a way to upgrade everyone.
So alot was happening when we joined, alot of moving parts. Next blog I'll go into everything that was happening. It was, alot. I'll sleep now, re read the channel archive and tell you all the stories and legends of old.
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old4sa · 2 years
*holds the microphone up to Cookie* For the ask game -Joel
1) How did you get your name?
Tumblr media
2) Age?
Tumblr media
Late 30s early 40s
3) Height?
Who's to say? Taller than Nate. I don't know if I'm taller than Jay. This is all pretendsies anyway. Might change my mind later.
4) Are you nonhuman?
6) Favorite colour?
7) What languages can you speak? Does the body know them?
English and basic Spanish. Same for us actually.
8) What's something you consider yourself good at?
At the moment I excel at thinking too much and making myself sad. My biggest flaw is I'm a perfectionist! In five years I hope to see myself still alive.
9) Any foods you'd like to try?
No 🧡 I'm a boxed in bitch. In my comfort zone and thriving. On my autism game. (Chuck says he wants to go to a Margaritaville but I know we wouldn't eat seafood so it'd just be for the ambiance 😒)
10) Do you have a playlist for yourself? What's the most 'you' song on it? How long is the playlist?
Both Award Show and Stress by Jim's Big Ego are very me. I also like the band Cheekface.
11) Are you a subsystem?
12) Coke or pepsi?
Diet Coke.
13) For Fictives: Would you recommend others watch/read/ect your source?
Can't be much worse than the current fans. Go nuts.
14) Do you have an inner world? Anything neat go on there?
We just woke up again after having a system reset so there's not much complexity right now. I have an apartment though. It sucks shit.
15) How does being a system affect you in everyday life?
As a girl it made me mysterious and therefore irresistible to socially inept and emotionally unstable nerds that projected their ideas of what I was onto me. As a man it makes my clothing style difficult to categorize and financially unfeasible.
16) Are you open about it?
I've told a couple people. It feels very important to us, it's a big part of who we are and it hurts to not be seen as ourselves, but when we've told people it hurts more to see the confusion or disinterest. So we don't talk about it usually.
17) Anything you carry with you to help feel more like yourself?
Our main way of expressing ourselves is by dressing as ourselves so clothes.
18) If you could change the body at all, would you? Howso?
I'd want to have my voice but. I don't know about other people. I wouldn't feel comfortable doing anything permanent, knowing I'm just a renter.
19) Does your gender or sexuality differ from your "singletsona" at all?
We're a trans guy, but I'm a cis guy. Honestly a lot of us are cis men so that translates to transitioning to male. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
20) Favorite song in general?
Award Show or Stress.
21) Tell a random fact about yourself
I'm brand new! I just woke up! I'm scared of going away forever! Just alter things!
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
survey by hagea008
why are you where you are right now? I’m in bed because that's where I feel like being right now. It's almost noon, so I'll get up soon-ish.
did you use to watch blues clues? Yep.
what’s your opinion on people wearing high heels to school? Doesn't seem very comfortable and too overdressed unless they had to give a presentation or something and had/wanted to dress up. Some classes in college required that.
what game system(s) do you own? I have a Nintendo Switch. I could use my bro's PS4, too, if I needed to.
are you a twilight fan? I was back in the day when the books and movies were new and coming out. I grew out of it, though, and find it super cringe now, but at one point it was a big part of my life and it was fun so I guess it'll always have a little space in my heart. Nostalgia purposes.
what are you hungry for right now? I've been thinking about that. For the past week I've just had soups, broths, and protein shakes. I want real food now, but I don't know. We'll see how it goes.
when's the last time you threw up? It's been a few years.
why did you throw up? It was a stomach bug thing.
play any musical instruments? Nope.
what difficulty do you play on guitar hero? I rock out hard on easy mode, ha.
do you have any piercings other than on your ears? Nope.
what school did your father attend? I’m not sharing that.
are your nails painted at the moment? No. I haven't painted my nails in like 5-6 years now. There's not a lot of nail to paint anyway, my nails are so messed up.
what will you be doing tomorrow? I have some Easter baking and arts and crafts type of stuff I want to try and do.
do you still buy cds or do you just download everything? Neither. I've just used Spotify for the past several years. For the past year I haven't even done that because for some reason I haven't been listening to music.
do you listen to any music that doesn't have lyrics? Not really, but there's some.
do you stutter when you get nervous? More so when I'm nervous, yes, but I stutter sometimes just in general.
describe what you were wearing yesterday. I was wearing a t-shirt dress and a Coca-Cola sweatshirt.
that last person you talked to on the phone said. My brother was asking me about some stuff I requested when he went to the store yesterday. He and I like getting stuff for a charcuterie board on holidays.
you're at the grocery store, what 3 fruits do you get? I will completely skip over the fruit section. <<< lol same, honestly.
your lunch consisted of…? I've been having chicken broth lately. It's good.
do you attend church regluarly? I tune into the live stream regularly.
any superstitions? Nah, not really.
what is your favorite superhero movie? I love the marvel films the best, but I like some DC films as well.
do you listen to cobra starship? I haven't in quite a long time.
do you watch gossip girl? No, I never ended up watching it. I thought I would since I did read some of the books, but nope.
what do you get whenever you go school shopping? I'm not in school anymore, but I loved back to school shopping. I would feel like I was so productive with my new office supplies and the clothes shopping was fun.
do you have a temper? I get irritable and frustrated easily. Especially nowadays.
do you consider yourself responsible? I could use some work. I feel like I'm slacking in like all aspects of my life right now. I have a lot to work on.
what is the time? It's 7:53PM.
anything special going on today? No.
are you tired? I'm always tired. I'm exhausted and feel so drained. It's physical and mental.... I'm just so tired.
what is your favorite kind of chips? I've been obsessed with the Andy Capp's Cheddar Fries chips.
last time you ate chocolate? I had some Keebler's Fudge Stripe cookies earlier.
would you live in another country if you had the chance? I don't think so.
what kind of mascara do you use? I don't wear makeup anymore.
what do you doodle most often? I don't doodle.
if you went to jail, what would you go for? I have no idea what I would possibly do that would end up with me in jail.
are there any bruises on your body right now? Not that I'm aware of. I have some ugly scabs, though, on my knee. I'm a skin picker. :/ Nasty habit.
what about scratches? Those scabs I just mentioned.
what are they from? I don't even recall how I got them initially, but I keep picking at them and making them worse. So ugly.
if you died next week, what would be the cause of death? Health issues took its toll.
what do you think about dating websites? Not my thing.
what is your favorite thing to get at starbucks? Usually either a white chocolate mocha, sometimes I'll add peppermint to it, or a caramel macchiato. I recently tried the iced brown sugar shaken whatever with oat milk, which is really good. Today I was actually in the mood for a classic caramel frappe or a java chips frappe with a banana. I didn't end up getting one, though.
what about at mcdonald’s? Their breakfast burritos.
do you wear contacts or glasses? Glasses.
your ex, do you still love them? No.
are you two still friends? Nope.
what is one memory you have from elementary school? The once a week day where we went to the cafeteria and did various dances. I don't know why that was a thing, but it was and it was kinda fun.
do you own a pair of converses? Not anymore, but I used to have a few.
do you own a box or markers or crayons? No, but I have a lot of colored pencils.
how many clocks are in your room? I have an actual wall clock, plus the one on my laptop, phone, and TV.
how many fridges are in your house? Just one inside. We have an extra freezer in the garage.
what about freezers? ^^^
do you like seafood? Nooo.
what is the best way to tell someone that they stink? I have no idea, that's so awkward. I wouldn't want to say anything. :X
what time will you go to bed tonight? Who knows. I should try to go to sleep somewhat early, but that doesn't seem to ever work out. Why I feel the need to stay up is beyond me.
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