#Hooooo yes please
borealflorist · 18 days
One thing that never fails to surprise me in retail is how angry customers get when they find out that you have a spine.
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roykleinberg · 3 months
Oh now you have me curious about your spicy takes! 👀
hooooo boy okay, some of this is about the franchise and some of this is about the fandom (which I love with all my heart okay please no one throw rocks at me lol)
90% of program/user ships give me the ick
continuing on the shipping train of thought, I don't actually find the Encom trio (Alan/Lora/Flynn) all that compelling as an ot3. and a lot of it is a personal pet peeve I've come across in a number of fandoms, but honestly most m/m/f ot3s feel like they're just a way for people to focus on the m/m dynamic while patting themselves on the back for "including" the female character instead of sidelining her completely........ even though said female character is rarely if ever a major contributor to the dynamic or a focus of whatever fanwork. but on a less meta side eye note I just find the perceived sexual component of Alan and Flynn's relationship to be the least compelling thing they could've had going on
and I know she's barely brought up in canon outside of Betrayal but uhm Jordan exists??? and perhaps it is an unpopular opinion but I would like to see more of her in things instead of relying on Lora to be the only human woman in the Tron universe
once again I might not be so harsh on Uprising if there was more to it, but taking it for what it is and how much of it exists -- a lot of the episodes were boring filler to me. also I don't like how they drew Tron
actually I don't like how Tron has been drawn in any rendered/animated media with the exception of maybe Kingdom Hearts
I don't think of Rinzler as a standalone character, and he's not at all interesting to me when removed from the fact that he is Tron with the serial numbers filed off. I feel like I've increasingly seen people portraying Rinzler as his own thing and it simply does not work for me. I think the whole point of his character / existence is that he doesn't have thoughts or feelings or any real personality of his own. he's a backflipping blank slate whose only real character moments are when Tron's overwritten personality peeks through
to that end I can't conceive of an ending where Tron or anyone around him would allow him to remain as Rinzler, and I can't imagine that Rinzler's capable of forming an autonomous opinion to not want to be Tron again
the fandom collective spends too much time talking about how hot the live action and animated men are and not enough time talking about how hot the Sirens are. or how hot Yori is especially in the deleted love scene. or how hot Paige is. or
Daft Punk (rightfully) gets a lot of hype for the Legacy soundtrack, but Wendy Carlos's soundtrack for 82 is unfairly slept on. love that those funky robots got to cameo, but we should be giving Carlos just as much credit for her work
for as much as it pains me to say it, I don't think Tron ever would've been a tentpole franchise for Disney even if they had treated it better. and it's mostly because of the sad fact that the general public has never been that into Tron. I see it tossed around a lot that Disney ditched Tron in favor of focusing on Star Wars and Marvel. A New Hope -- an original sci fi movie that had absolutely no brand recognition, so to speak -- made over $400 million in 1977. the original Tron made $50 million in 82. the first Iron Man movie -- which sure had comic fan recognition but was still a very early comic blockbuster -- in 2008 made over $500 million. Legacy made just over $400 million in 2010. and Disney advertised the shit out of Legacy, they didn't set it up to fail. yes it sucks that things like Uprising were dealt a bad hand (a garbage release schedule that lead to poor viewership that definitely killed the show), yes it sucks that capitalism impacts what art gets made, but the fact of the matter is that Tron has always had niche appeal, and niche appeal does not a successful franchise make. and while it'd be nice to live in the universe where Tron blew up, I look at what's become of Star Wars and Marvel and maybe I don't lament it all that much
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spinjitsuburst · 7 months
prime empire thoughts yes please
1- the world of prime empire overall. what are your ideas about it?
I personally they should've played with the ideas of invisible walls or show us how far the game actually expended. idk maybe that's just me but like the world of prime empire in its whole looks overlooked jgsjgl like there's so much you can do.
I also wanted so bad someone from the outside to interfere with the coding or something as well idk WHY DID WE GET SO LITTLE WITH A SEASON AROUND VIDEO GAMES
2- what are you thoughts about scott? (also does he play a big role in cabinet man? (since you also requested asks about cabinet man))
Cuz I think he is greatly underrated in prime empire (but yknow maybe that's just me)
3- jay's skin. I want all your thoughts about jay's skin. Superstar Rockin Jay should've lasted for much longer or at least become a gag in the future (or yknow the fact that there was a cult created out of it)
anyway yeah I like this season a normal amount. Toootally fine with how they handled it.
Can't wait to read your thoughts about it all ( ouo)
Ideas about the world of Prime Empire as a whole
first of all, most if not all the NPCs have some degree of sentience. That's an idea that I think should've been driven more home by the show itself but Blazey and Okino are not the only characters in the game that have free will and the ability to think for themselves. I believe this so wholeheartedly.
Prime Empire was split into different areas that I wish were explored more (honestly a lot of this season boils down to "I wish it were explored more"): Terra Technica, Terra Karana, and Terra Domina. Terra Technica obviously is the biggest area, with the entry point for players entering the game, the Speedway Five-Billion, Scott's Garage and Jay's Club, and at least one other area for the Dance Competition mini-game. I also think this would be where most of the shops run by NPCs in the game would be.
I think most NPCs reside in this area. To really hammer home the fact that they are PEOPLE, not just assets in the game, I think they have homes within the city. Y'know how in Pokemon games (except ScarVi rip) you can just walk into people's houses and there's NPCs inside? Yea it's like that. Except the NPCs leave the houses and explore as well because they have their own thoughts and lives.
Maybe it's just cuz I've been playing Tears of the Kingdom non-stop and it's taken over my brain but I think about the open-worldness of Prime Empire in a similar manner. You can pretty much go anywhere and do anything within the world of Prime Empire. You can scale buildings (if you have the skills unlocked for it) and find secrets everywhere. And most things respawn at certain intervals so players have the chance to pick them up. Kind of like a MMOPRG sorta vibe
BUT there is a sort of thing like you mentioned above - invisible points that you just can't pass. Like the place is enclosed by some giant wall you can't see, and doesn't let you pass through. If you TRIED you would just be running in place basically, never actually getting anywhere. You can see things beyond where stuck at, but they're just for show - there's nothing actually there to interact with, it just gives the guise of depth.
Basically Prime Empire is meant to feel endless, expansive, big, real, until the reality crashes in that it definitely isn't. And sure most people wouldn't care and would have fun playing anyways, but for those who aren't interested after this illusion is broken for them, discover that hey. How do you get out of here again?
Oh right.
They can't.
And that's when people start kinda freaking out. Which I imagine then Jay or the League of Jays step in to try and calm them down and get them to relax and have fun anyways while Jay waits for the rest of the ninja to arrive.
2. Thoughts about Scott and his role in the Cabinet Man AU!
OHHH MAN I LOVE SCOTT DUDE YOU'RE RIGHT HE'S SO UNDERRATED i think he's a super fascinating character to consider in Prime Empire. Given that Unagami clearly had a plan to cube a bunch of players for his portal, he definitely would've come after Scott first. When did Scott figure this out? Did Scott and Unagami interact in-person before this? How was Scott able to evade Unagami long enough to set up his garage's stealth barrier? He's so so so interesting to me
He's clearly a kind person who wants to help people to some degree (sneaking Jay into the garage with him in the shorts, letting Jay run his club from his garage, inevitably sacrificing himself so the ninja can get away, etc.) but he's also very wary and unwilling to risk himself in a lot of ways. He and Jay clearly come to care about each other to some degree in canon, given Jay seems fairly protective of him
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and Scott trusts Jay enough to let him into his personal and secret place
there was no reason for Scott to have done either of these things. Was it desperation because Jay's the first person Scott's seen in 30 years? Maybe. But clearly they care about each other to some degree
as for in the cabinet man AU! Jay considers Scott an older brother type figure. He, Scott, and Unagami actually got along well when Scott first got sucked into the game (the game is a lot newer than it is in the actual show given that Jay was 8 when he entered and there is no way he was in there for 30 years lmao, Jay would've been around 16 when Scott entered the game, Scott being 18 or 19, and Jay was around 21-22 when the ninja enter the picture). Unagami was excited to prove himself and give Scott a fun game experience, after all. But y'know, once Milton Dyer realized what happened.... things soured.
Jay and Scott were pretty much on the run together from then on. They care a lot about each other and Jay's extra devastated when Scott gets cubed. Once Jay and Scott leave the game, Scott takes time to rediscover life and reunite with family, but the two stay in close contact and see each other on a weekly basis for a while. Scott's still one of the first people Jay will reach out to if he needs help or advice with something not-ninja related
okay okay okay okay so obviously you and i met through skybound content so just in case you don't know yet
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i'm. a little. unhinged. about superstar rockin' jay
i have so many thoughts about jay's avatar ranging from "this is my Gender and i want to look like a fucking lego" to "WHY DIDN'T NINJAGO LET HIM KEEP ASPECTS OF THIS" to just white noise in my brain and in the center of that white noise is me rotating his minifigure in my mind
HE'S SO COOL!!! HE'S SO COOL AND I LOVE HIM AND HIS DESIGN IS INCREDIBLE LIKE OKAY okay okay okay okay blue and yellow are contrasting colors that mesh REALLY well together and I think the glamrock persona with stars and triangles and shit looks super incredible and it's just a really nice and appealing design and I think that Jay would have like a v-tuber avatar of SSR Jay after the game cuz like LOOK AT HIM. THIS IS PEAK HEGHHAGJFHKGJKJHKJFHGKJFG god im so normal
this is why people call me the ceo of superstar rockin' jay. that design is every aesthetic of mine mashed into one. i'm so obsessed with this design it consumes my core being.
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at the end of the day i too. am superstar rockin' jay
i lost track of the point of this question uhhhhhhhh OH YEA I WISH THEY'D LIKE. BRING IT UP MORE OFTEN LIKE JAY WAS AN IN-GAME IDOL!! HE WAS A PERFORMER!! DID HE HAVE FANS??? IS THERE SUPERSTAR ROCKIN' JAY MERCH???????? he should exist outside of prime empire screams
anyways this was a lot of words i love prime empire i love prime empire so much it's so good and more people need to talk about it please please lpease
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thiswaytwoinfinity · 1 year
Emma’s Epic Bday Multi-Fandom Rec List: Stranger Things Edition
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(yes, there will be many parts because oh my god I read waaaay too much fic)
Since it was my birthday recently (and around the 1-year anniversary of when I started actually using Tumblr again after a years-long break) I figured it was only fitting to do a giant master list of all of the amazing fanfics that I have read (and reread) in the past year. 
I do my best to reblog as much as possible but sometimes with work and life I miss it so this is my attempt to make up for that and give all of the amazing creators on here the credit they deserve. Thank you all so much for sharing all of your work with us. This year has been a long and difficult one for me, especially mental health wise, and being able to escape into these stories has been so valuable and important to me. 
If you read anything on here that you like, please reblog and/or comment on these fics to show the creators some love! 
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: While not everything listed here will include smut, many of these authors have 18+ blogs. Please, please, please respect their boundaries and DO NOT INTERACT WITH THEM/THEIR CONTENT IF YOU ARE A MINOR.
Stories marked with ❤️‍🔥 contain NSFW content
Stranger Things: 
colors (series) ❤️‍🔥by @loveshotzz — this was my introduction to ST fanfic and hooooo boy what an intro it was. what i wouldn’t give for a steamy, forbidden romance with best friend’s dad!Steve —sorry, Jenny, but he was just too hot to resist — it’s hot and emotional and basically the stuff that fantasies are made of. loveshotzzz is also the creator of the Foxy Lounge series, featuring flirty bartender Eddie and bad-at-fighting bouncer Steve which is also *chef’s kiss* 
Time to giddy up, yeah? ❤️‍🔥by @loveshotzz — two words: pornstache Steve. Two more words: mustache ride. Two more? You’re welcome. 
As You Wish (series) ❤️‍🔥 by @corroded-hellfire — my all time favorite Eddie series! Ryan and Luke are the most adorable, hilarious kids (i loved their little “scheme” to set their dad up with their babysitter) and the little family that Eddie and his sons form with the reader has just been so delightful to read. (also, for the record, it’s on sight with brittany)
put me through it, baby ❤️‍🔥 by @agentmarvel — PINING EDDIE MY BELOVED! Ugh I loved the slow building of the friendship between Eddie and reader, the angst of him knowing that her boyfriend was trash but not wanting to cross a line, the passion between them. As i wrote when i reblogged it, “Screaming, crying, laughing, smiling, CRYING 😍🥹😭🥵 “ 
take me higher ❤️‍🔥 by @munson-blurbs — i will never get enough Argyle stories, and bug has written some of my favorites. this is one i reread all the time (i’m clearly a sucker for a good babysitter fic) because i love the way Argyle feels so real in it. The flirtation, the banter, those sweet little moments of awkwardness, it’s all truly 10/10. A special runner-up mention goes to this blurb which features best friend! Argyle and hair pulling and is just … just a dream. 
bad idea  ❤️‍🔥 by @abibliophobiaa — if i’ve said it once, i’ve said it a million times: Steve Harrington is a menace. Best friend!Steve gets his hands on the romance novel you’re reading and decides to tease you with all of the flirty things he picked up from it. Steve is at peak menace in this, which means i fell hard and fast. 
this is gonna sting by @lovebugism — this one was written so, so beautifully. Sweet, lovestruck Eddie afraid to open up and confess his feelings always hits me hard and the imagery in this was just so stunning that i think about it a lot. I aspire to write a sentence as beautiful as “he leaks a bright red truth right across from you and carries everything he feels about you in raging scarlet scrapes.”
Steve Harrington Boat Smut ❤️‍🔥 by @lovebugism — God, what a glorious day it was when those pictures of Joe Keery on a boat in Italy made their way online. Anyway, this is exactly what is says on the tin and exactly what we all needed in that moment. 
This story by @pouringmyheartoutforpaper — sweet, sweet lovesick Stevie who is determined that things will be different in this relationship meets reader who has some insecurities about how slow their relationship is progressing. Gorgeous, sweet, fluff that will give you the warm fuzzies. 
The Tune-Up ❤️‍🔥 by @roanniom — Issa, queen of smut! This mechanic Eddie story is so hot that it will have you contemplating whether or not you should mess with a few things on your car, just for an excuse to come visit him in the shop. (Also just read all of her stuff. It’s so, so good.) 
Happy Mother’s Day, Steve Harrington ❤️‍🔥 by @roanniom — STEVE. HARRINGTON. BREEDING. KINK. WILL MAKE BRAIN GO BRRRRRRR. I rest my case. 
The Riddles Three ❤️‍🔥by @blueywrites — You cannot convince me that Eddie “Dungeon Master” “Lord of the Rings nerd” Munson would not try and do a Gollum impression in bed. As a firm believer in goofy, weird bedroom antics, this story is canon and I will hear nothing else about it. 
Smoke and Cherry Pop Rocks ❤️‍🔥 by @somnambulic-thing — want to have your heart broken in the best way possible? HERE YOU GO. A gorgeous, tender, emotional story about regrets and moving on and finding the courage to open up, even if it’s a little too late. 
Classified ❤️‍🔥by @pullhisteeth — considering the slightly absurd premise — putting an ad in the paper to lose your virginity — this was gorgeously grounded and real. Eddie is so lovely and gentle in this and it was just a treat to read. 
monster under the bed ❤️‍🔥by @eddiemunsons-missingnipple — i’m going to be honest: this is monsterfucking. But if that’s something you’re into, you *need* to read this. It will make you go feral.
River Monster! Eddie ❤️‍🔥by @courtingchaos — brb, wandering along the banks of all the rivers near me in an attempt to lure River Monster!Eddie to come out and mate with me. Again, it is monsterfucking, but … come on. It’s so good. (Meg also has some of the best Gator Tillman fics out there. They’re hot and weird and wild in all of the best ways. 
My Goyle Fiend ❤️‍🔥by @bettyfrommars — You want monsters? You go to Betty. Trust me on this. Her gargoyle series was the first that I read from her and I was hooked instantly. She’s written werewolves, vampires and is currently working on a brilliant series where Eddie works at the Nightmare Factory and appears in your dreams as all kinds of different ghosts and ghouls. If things that go bump in the night aren’t your taste, her biker! Eddie and Steve series are also great, as well as her beautiful gigalo!Eddie story. 
I Can See You ❤️‍🔥by @fairyysoup — I don’t know that there are enough words to express how much I loved this story, The not-so-unrequited affection, the building tension, the way Steve and the reader keep coming together over the years, Steve’s big grand gesture at the end … just so beautiful and moving and steamy. I’ve already reread it like 4 times. 
Stranger Things Adjacent  a.k.a. Joseph Quinn characters 
The Hat Shop Girl (Ralph from Timewasters) ❤️‍🔥by @rehfan — Y’all this story is *so* good. It packs so much into this love story — issues of class, grief, sexuality, power dynamics — in a way that just makes their journey so much richer and more interesting. This version of Ralph is perfect, soft and sweet and well-meaning but also the way his confidence builds throughout the story is delightful and the smut between them is so delicious and delightful. 10/10. 
Knight in Shining Armor (Billy Knight) ❤️‍🔥by @rehfan — I’m gonna say it: This is my favorite Billy Knight fanfic of all time. So soft and tender, it handles Billy’s mental health in a way that feels really empathetic and realistic while also letting the audience indulge in the thing everyone really wants: to give sweet Billy all the love in the world. 
This Billy Knight Masterlist ❤️‍🔥by @pollenallergie — I could not pick just one of these amazing Billy fics. pollenallergie is, in my mind, *the* authority on all things Billy Knight and she’s got it all. Her writing is soft and steamy and touching all at the same time and I love it all. 
Worth It (Ralph from Timewasters) by @wheels-of-despair — Do you want to feel *all* of the delightful warm fuzzies as you daydream about the perfect life with sweet Ralph? This is the story for you. Every chapter is delightful and touching and will make you feel *all* of the feelings. I love it so much. 
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downforthegas · 2 months
2, 3, 18, 19 from kinks ask please 😇
2. How did you figure out you were into farts?
Well I'm not sure when I exactly figured it out. I know I was looking at a lot of fart art on deviantart when I was a kid (I can thank griffenbeastie/carafalsa for that... but maybe not an*mated J*mes, he's not a good guy, but anyway). I didn't realize I even had a fart fetish until I finally figured out how to touch myself (idk why it took me so long to figure it out, but I used to be too impatient to work my way up to an orgasm). But yeah it wasn't until I finally touched myself to fart stuff (it was one of those audios with the fart art as the picture) that I finally realized I had the fetish lol
3. What’s your favorite type of fart?
Oh god there's so many types. But man low, bassy, rumbly farts that drone on are really good, especially in jeans or against a bed or a couch. Wet farts are super hot too. I really like seeing those in white pants (cause it makes me think something else is gonna happen🥴🥴🥴). Ooh and I also really like squeaky farts and farts that sound kinda cartoony. And little quick, loud braps and small airy toots. Speaking of airy I also like those farts that sound like a mix of airy and wet uugh. OOH but I'm also a BIG fan of silent farts. There's just something about a hot hiss from a hole that stinks to high heaven that really turns me on hehehehe
18. Are you a shy farter or do you fart freely?
It depends really. I can do it around pretty much anyone except my family. I guess cause subconsciously I see it as a sexual thing hehe my brain is wired weirdly. But yeah I mainly fart freely around my friends, especially my bf and gf (yes, there's two partners, cause I'm twice as cool), and the people in the discord server I'm in bc there into farts there too. I can fart on command and I got to uhhh ahem show that off to the server in vc chat. I don't think many here are into pumped farts so I don't really show it here, but yeah I love farting freely in front of them, especially my gf cause she looooves farts hehe
19. Are you good at farting?
Uhhhh well I guess I'm pretty decent with my natural farts but when it comes to my on command farts, hooooo boy, they are something else. I'm really good at controlling my hole and making them come out as wet or as loud as I want. I can make them silent if I want, and the more I do it on command, the wetter they get on their own hehe and sometimes if I take in too much air, I'll accidently fart if I press on my stomach (I start having a gas leak uuugh)
link to the ask post
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mrsarnasdelicious · 2 years
Just a Smutty Poly The Last Kingdom Dump.2
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Right, as I was saying, all of them have a breeding kink
Osferth is the worst of them!
He hardly likes anything better than pumping your cunt full of his seed.
And making sure it stays there.
He will gleefully shove it back in with his fingers afterwards.
'You ought to keep what I have you, my love'
Boy PRAYS for you get with his child! And yes, yes he do want to marry you!
Making you cum after he filled you up, to see your cunt eat that creampie back up
He might be so aroused by that he will go for round two
He is not afraid to get rid of competitors Aka, he'll eat that creampie right out of your pussy!
Yeah he has no qualms with sloppy seconds or even sloppy thirds, he will just clean you out before shoving his own stuff home
He'll try to time your climax with his own so your womb will swallow his seed
'Please have my child, Y/N' In that desperate tone that he sells so well
Rubbing your clit while you ride him, chanting so you to cum with him
'Gods, take my seed!' as he cums
Every time he fucks you, he promises to sacrifce to Freyr and Freya, especially when he is in height of his passion
And he thanks you when you cum on his cock. He knows your body is taking what he gives you
Prime breeding imperative right there
He'll be quite dominant about it too
Especially when you are ovulating
Because Finan most certainly knows when you are ovulating Maybe he smells it, or notices another change in you, but he the fuck knows!
He will be all over you when you are ovulating
He will keep his cock inside you until the both of you get sore
'Take everything of me, take it all'
And you better keep it!
They genuinly don't care which of them is the father This is all about you
You and your beautiful pregnant body
They worship your body
Sihtric says your cunt tastes better now
Finan loves praising all your new curves!
Sihtric could cum undone laving at your breasts, bye
Just let him pretend to nurse while you stroke his hair and praise him
Rrright moving on...
Sihtric is the subbiest
He loves it when you absolutely dom him
He even submits to Osferth
This threw the young Monk for a loop at first
But he definitely starts to enjoy it after a bit
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irkimatsu · 5 months
Ooo yes dad reasons too! I was thinking left over habits from being an Overlord for some of it. Make sure he himself is presentable and any of his contracted souls also look well put together.
Also, if he started to get a little too tipsy or anyone made an attempt on his life through poison, putting his hands on someone's shoulders in a "let me fix your collar and sleeves" was would be a good subtle sign to run interference, and offer him a moment to regain balance.
But also just. Becomes such a part of him and so natural to him there are even more subtle differences in the action- like a 'im getting too drunk' squeeze to the nape of the neck, or a second harder tug in a shirt cuff meaning someone was seen smuggling in angelic weapons, a blink and a brushing back of the hair is the 'I've been compromised and poisoned' but they are all only slightly different from his usual action because he can't let a tell get caught out then where would he be? What kind of gambler if it was so easy to see his tells?
Wouldn't be the first time he's woken up with off colored fur, or feathers, and a strange taste in his mouth. 😏
Oh I love the Overlord thing. Yes yes yes. He absolutely needs those tells to subtly communicate to his people when something's wrong. I'm taking this as canon now. The contracted souls he uses as security learn his tells quickly - they have to in order to keep their role. (I imagine "personal bodyguard" is a better job working for Overlord Husk than working the casino bar for a bunch of rowdy drunks who will take their losses out on you. If you get chosen for guard duty you better do all you can to keep it. Protecting Overlord Husk is a much better gig than being regularly spat on.) It's especially fun imagining that whoever is trying to take Husk out doesn't recognize the tells as such - they just think he's stumbling around because he's a sloppy drunk or because the drugs are taking effect, not because he's trying to tell someone to go kick his would-be assassin's ass. And sometimes they are just "I'm fucking wasted, can you please politely excuse me from this event so I can go puke somewhere", so if they do study his little clues only to find out they mean shit like "I need to vomit", they're not going to pay further attention to them. Good strategy of misdirection. Husk knows exactly what he's doing.
And oh-ho-hooooo those strange tastes... as an Overlord? Slightly concerning, but not unusual. It'd be nice if he could remember who he just slept with half the time, but not a big deal. When he has a partner, though? Red fucking alert, dear god, this isn't their fur color in his mouth, what the fuck happened last night, god damn it this is his first serious partner since dying and he cannot fuck this up with his old ways! Damn relief when he finds out he didn't sleep with anyone last night, he just licked his partner's coat before passing out against them
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airlocksandaviaries · 2 years
Every Data Outfit Ever, Rated (pt 2)
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#13 - The Classic Yellow Uniform (S3 Version)
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Oh to wear one of these bad boys. The later season design for the Starfleet Unifrom are *chef’s kiss*. It looks thicker and more substantial, which is stylish and functional. But unfortunately that does mean we get to see less of his glorious dobonohonkeros. Knocking off some points for that. (But before we move on I just want to take this second to admire how radiant he looks in this frame. Beautiful man).
#14 - Henry V Data
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I genuinely want to know what was running through the costume designers’ heads when they allowed this to happen. Yes it’s a Shakespeare production, but that doesn’t mean you need to create this affront to aesthetics. Don’t get me wrong, the costume itself isn’t actually that bad! I mean, the cloak and doublet have some serious potential. I’m actually into this look. What I’m talking about is the HAIR. Speaks for itself. Absolutely fucking not.
#15 - Yarr Lives AU Data
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Okay hear me out. LET ME FINISH. I know it’s the exact same as the normal s3 uniform but you’re neglecting to consider the fact that I am insane. The violent alternate timeline just had such good lighting, okay? He’s literally glowing. Adds just that little bit of extra spice it needed.
#16 - Barclay’s Holodeck RPF Data
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Is it aesthetically pleasing? No. Is it attractive? Absolutely not. Is he holding an epeé? Yes he is and that’s all that matters. I physically couldn’t rate it below a 3 if I tried. The outfit is an atrocity but he’s holding a sword which begs the question what would it be like to fence him. I am dying to know.
#17 - Kidnapped Data
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LOOK WHAT THEY’VE DONE TO MY BOY. That bitchass collector guy turned him into a sex slave and coerced him to wear this outfit by threatening to murder someone. Disgusting. And for a queer-coded villain, he didn’t even have good fashion sense. This is probably the worst outfit I’ve ever seen in my life. You couldn’t pay me to put it on. You couldn’t make me put it on if you threatened to kill someone. I’m not as sweet as Data. I would have said let that bitch die cause there aint no way I’m letting this eye crime anywhere NEAR my body.
#18 - Lore Swapped Their Fucking Outfits Again
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Yikes. Lore must have been in a REALLY tough spot after he escaped the Crystalline Entity because there is NO WAY any self respecting gay man would have worn something like this if he didn’t absolutely HAVE to. The only redeemable quality about this is that it kind of resembles a sweatshirt which is kinda funny but other than that, Lore, come on. Get it together, girlypop. Ain’t no way you’re walking around like this.
#19 - Red Shirt Data
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hhfhmghh. I am. I am lookingh respcetfuly. Holy oh my fuck. This is doing somethign to me. The fact that they only let this happen for ONE SINGLE episode, AND during one of Riker’s many hallucinations was a CRIME. But I understand why they did it. The world can’t handle Red Shirt Data. I can’t handle Red Shirt Data. I have to move on now before I stare at this forever.
#20 - Keiko’s Wedding
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Everything about this. The flower. The skirt. The gender. He looks beautiful and I’d like to imagine he’d wear something like this to his own wedding. With Geordi. Adorable, amazing, perfect, I love my android boy. ALSO look at his little SMILEEEEE AAAACKK-
#21 - Friar Tuck Data
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Costume designers. WYA. I just wanna talk. He’s too hot for this shit and YOU FUCKING KNOW IT. (insert Bernie Sanders meme: I am once again asking why you would give him this haircut.) Not only is it uglier than the last bad haircut you gave him, but you also put him in a friar’s robes. That’s just straight up homophobic. 
Well, folks, that concludes Data’s Outfits Rated, part 2. Yes I combed through the entirety seasons 3 and 4 for this, and hooooo boy were there a lot of outfits. But trust me, folks, the best is yet to come. We’ve barely scratched the surface. Once again, feel free to send in any you think I’ve missed. Come back and join me for part 3, out soon. (also thanks for the reblogs on the first one you guys, I’m so glad you like it).
Part 1
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
Ooooo Bug okay I got you girl.
Headcanons for hair pulling with Eddie/Steve/Argyle?
Yes yes yesssss. I hope this is what you had in mind!
Didn’t know he was into hair-pulling until he was eating you out and you grabbed his curls
The moan this man let out was downright sinful
“Please, baby, do that again.”
He likes when you’re rough with it, always begging you to pull harder, until you’re tugging on his hair and grinding on his underwear-clad cock, and he cums in his boxers
Insists that no one touches his hair, but you’re the exception
You’ve got your fingers laced through it during a heated make out session, and if you thought this man was hard before, hooooo boy
You tug him back by his hair ever-so-slightly to expose his neck for more kissing and he loses his mind
Takes your hand and presses it to where his boner is straining against his pants, whispering, “that’s because of you, baby.”
Asks you to pull his hair while you’re on your knees in front of him—the man knows what he wants
You’ve got one hand wrapped around the base of his cock and the other pulling his waist-length locks
If you give his hair a good yank while you have him in your mouth? He’s a goner
He never cums harder than when you pull his hair while he’s mid-orgasm
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madamealtruist · 2 months
Okay, peeps, time for a little bit I'm doing to hype up Mortal Kombat 1 Year Two. Here's the thing though. I want to delve into both topics I really WANT to see and things I EXPECT to see. And as with everything, this is my own prsonal opinion. Feel free to leave your takes below. Oh! And potential spoilers due to datamines below. Be warned.
Sektor and Cyrax: I know that datamines and such have discussed them. But I still have to mention them here, as... well, I just can't friggin' wait! And even more so, I like how they've been genderswapped. Not because of some so-called "agenda", but because I'm open to seeing new takes on classic characters. Take for example, Kuai Liang as Scorpion. Beforehand, I was cautiously optimistic. Now, I'm absolutely a fan. In fact, hot take, I might like him more than HANZO in some cases. And as such, I absolutely can't wait for Sektor's and Cyrax's new take. Design wise? Well, I think the armor ideas presented are pretty cool, but I kinda want to see some augmented pieces in their bodies. Like Cyrax having a robotic arm that uses the buzzsaw or Sektor having robotic legs that house her thrusters. Also, retractable helmets please!
Noob Saibot: Another datamine situation, yes. But the ideas I've heard? Hooooo boy, it sounds AWESOME. I'm already envisioning Noob as a gnarled shell of who he used to be, with runes carved into his skin, and disheveled stark white hair. Just seeing him should be enough to freak people out, kinda like Havik... speaking of which...
Lord Havik: Loosely inspired by one of my favorite YouTubers, History Behind The Warrior, I do have some ideas for Havik. I personally want to see the Titan version completely kill the Dairou version. And don't get me wrong, it's not because I hate MK1 Havik. No. It's because I think it'd lead to an awesome exchange of dialogue and then, a brutal fight. Actually, make that an execution. Havik would just butcher his New Era counterpart.
Chaosrealm: Similar to their master, I feel like it'd be really cool to see Chaosrealm versions of other characters. So far, we've only seen a Chaos Kenshi and, of course, Lord Havik. Just imagine a Chaos Scorpion or Chaos Baraka! Those would be disturbing.
Harumi Shirai: This one's for you @laismoura-art! I really want to see more of our girl, her past, her connection with Outworld, and her relationship with Kuai Liang.
So far, that's about all I got. Thank you all for your time!
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atlas-the-idiot-2 · 3 months
Helloooooo, we're the strawberry system,, here's a sorta long intro post
First, our alters! With premade intros thanks to pluralkit!
(we're a system of 11 to our knowledge but will only be putting alters that are comfortable being known here/have proper intros)
Mike (he/they/it)
»Things to be wary of/know: hello! I'm mike, I'm the main host if the system! I'm bisexual and on the aroace spectrum as well. I like long debates and talks, I'd like to say im pretty open minded as well. I like alternative rock, watermelon bubble gum, reading, writing, and musicals!
Macey (they/it)
»Things to be wary of/know: first up! Im fluid between he and she pronouns but i always use they/it pronouns! Now actually onto me! Im a bit scatter brained at times, my thoughts are like, alllll over the place! I swear a lotttt, i make lota typos at times so sorry if i mess up lolll! I like showing off, alternative rock, fast music, thrills, horror stories/true crime, and things like that! I swear a good amount too but I'm resisting just in this intro lmaoooo! I can also be rude or ramble sometimes! I hope i get to know lots of people!
All for one (he/him)
(yes, my source is mha, yes I'm aware, no i am not my source)
»Things to be wary of/know: i have low empathy so i wouldn't go to me for help on most subjects, I mainly front on harder days for the system or boring days, I don't say much to others, i can be a bit... Protective or cold at times, no I don't excuse my sources actions though i understand if some are hesitant to interact with me
Dreamwalker (it/he/they)
»Things to be wary of/know: I only really speak to the others in the system, though I'm down for long talks or debates, I'm not very open though i suppose
Atlas (they/she/he)
»Things to be wary of/know: hello, i am Atlas, I don't talk much to anyone. You probably won't meet me unless theirs a problem going on with us or someone's causing a problem.
Jewel (she/they)
»Things to be wary of/know: hiya, i mostly hold emotions i guess? So that makes me sorta sensitive in a way, i have high empathy as well, I'm very soft spoken as well and don't speak much so please be patient with me! Um, please use tone tags, I'm also a sorta slow typer
Rozie (she/they/xe)
»Things to be wary of/know: hiiiiii, I'm the more extraverted of the bunch, you'll probably hear lotsa stuff from me! That's it i think!
Syscouse: hooooo boy. We prefer not to interact with Syscouse too much because its generally a battle field but we are supportive of endos! We generally avoid anti endos too because they're very much less welcoming and don't feel as safe around them :)
We also block freely and will block almost all anti endos that actively participate in discourse so please block me as well :))
Extra info!
System type: cephaconscious
System origins: none of your business<3
Syscovery birthday: may 7th
Asking to front: no thank you!
Nicknames: depends on the person but mostly fine!
Pet names: only if we know each other pls!
Teasing: fine, pls make it clear (/j or teasing in parentheses!)
Dms/friend request: perfectly fine!
Flirting: ehhhh, again depends on the person, generally no
★Ways to refer to us★
Yes: system, voices, collective, council, alternatives, collection, plural, choir, headmate, sysmate, system member, homies, people, others, crew
Ehh: alters, multiple, gang, tribe
No: part, piece, shard
Thats it i think lmao! Byeeee
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spinjitsuburst · 1 year
Now that I am out of school I am sending in more stuff for the character ask game
4, 9, 25 and 26 for Jay please! I love hearing your thoughts on him
character ask game
YES i could ramble about jay walker all day long. and i will!
4. How many people I ship them with
Hooooo boy, pretty much everybody that it's fine to ship him with? Polyninja, Bruiseshipping, Mudshockshipping, Jaya, Technoshipping, Plasmashipping, I can't remember what him and Pixal are but they're cute, I ship him and Morro, I ship him and Scott depending on the context (like in Cabinet Man i don't but in canon prime empire i do), him and Benthomaar, i'm a multi-shipper so i'm pretty open ghjdfsghkjf
My favorites are probably poly, Bruise, Jaya, and Techno
9. Your least favorite outfit
lmao i got distracted going through the ninjago wiki looking at gi designs i'm going with the Future Jay design by default bc i don't like that storyline i thought it was stupid ghdsfkhgk
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25. When do you think they acted the most OOC
literally anytime jay has a dialogue moment of like "oh take them not me" or "i know let's sacrifice so and so" which isn't often but every time it happens i'm like he would not Fucking Say That
26. When do you think they were being "themselves" the most
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daycourtofficial · 6 months
please tell me youll still post the nesta fic in draft 8 as soon as you can because hooooo that got me feeling things
Yes absolutely! Honestly I didn’t expect that one to win, but I wanted to include it bc I wanted my Nesta stans to get excited for it. It’s actually based on a request that’s been in my inbox that I’ve been in love with since I got it.
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dudeslut · 6 months
Yes I'm thinking about you riding that toy on the floor, your hips pointed down so your dick rubs against the floor too, just watching "Don't stop on my accord, clearly you needed this" just watching as you move faster and faster. Walking up when you're done and pushing your shoulder down as I line you up with my cock "Since you worked do hard don't let that toy out yet, and why don't you help me after that little show"
Hooooo boy 😵‍💫 Shaking, still coming down from my orgasm, I let out a surprised yelp as you push me back down, my over sensitive dick rubbing against the floor. My dripping cunt clenches around the dildo as I feel your dick at the entrance to my ass. I jerk my hips back in response, nudging my butt against your hard cock with a whine. I'm fighting between my want to have you fuck me and my overstimulated body needing a break. Ultimately, the horny choice is winning and I turn to look at you with desperate lust. With a buck of my hips I whine out, "I'll help you, please let me help you..."
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okay but if they release full piece of my world after book 7 then yes it will be very sus cause it should be a foreshadowing (haha they are telling us to mentally prepare)
in the OP we have seen Crowley solo shot (at the end) and the thing after him looks pretty much like a clock so that mean everything will start to connect after or in book 7??? omg please i am not ready for THIS LIKE AKNAKAKSMAKKANSSJJDJDJDJSJS
[Referring to here!]
I MEAN…… it makes sense considering all 7 books are essentially just really deep af dorm introductions………. Aka we really Are just getting started 🤡
BUT YEAH I REALLY THINK IT WOULD BE LIKE FORESHADOW IF WE GET IT AT THE END OF BOOK 7 like ,,, idk man idk. I’ve always envisioned something like, at the end of book 7, there’s another PV but with the second half of the song playing and like hooooo shit that would be so good
Whatever, right now, we do have a lot of theories on time and clocks and everything. I really really REALLY can’t wait for what comes next in chapter 7 and beyond. 😭
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wallywestfest · 1 year
Hello yes I am obsessed with my own blorbos this time 😻🙏✨ these are my DnD characters, I play the tabaxi (Khai) and the dark elf (Leo) is his boyfriend NPC and hooooo boy do I want to make a whole post explaining their backstory at some point... would anyone be interested? 🫠
They are very stupid, very much in love, very gay, tragic and soft~ please enjoy this little video I made, because I'm so normal about my imaginary characters ✨
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