szczurherbacany · 2 months
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I am the face of love’s rage
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aropride · 6 months
so excited for the eclipse on monday! i think i might just look directly at it the entire time, i'm sure i don't really need eclipse glasses ^_^
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cocksley-and-catapult · 6 months
i don't know what prompted this but I think it's worth sending in . enjoy !
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Hello cat, may i request a hero who's had a string of bad relationships and a villain who's absolutely in disbelief that that could happen. Like they're absolutely flabbergasted that multiple someones didn't like the hero.
Have a good day! Drink water and rest :>
With the villain's knife nearly digging into the hero's shoulder, they looked up at their enemy, panting and exhausted. They knew the villain loved the thrill, the damn sparring.
It was all a game to the villain, a funny and meaningless game when they toyed with the hero. They liked to watch them fight, loved to challenge them.
The villain seemed way more relaxed than the hero did, after all the hero had a bunch of responsibilities on their shoulders that had an actual weight. The hero was 90% sure the villain was some millionaire with too much time on their hands.
"Quite the intimate position, dear," the villain whispered. They winked and leaned down, making their knife press a little harder against the hero's shoulder. "You look lovely today, by the way."
"Your pick-up lines get worse, do you know that?" the hero asked. They tried to wiggle and somehow get away from their nemesis but it was to no use. The villain sat down on their hips and pressed them into the ground. Their smirk never faltered.
"Oh, come on. You love it."
"Just a little," the hero said. They were pretty sure all of this was a big joke. And even though that was true, even though the villain pretended to like them, the hero welcomed the effort.
It made them feel special. Especially when the villain got jealous.
"Don't tempt me," the villain said. However, their smirk fell when they saw the hero's sad smile. "What is it?"
"What? Nothing, nothing. Where were we? You wanted to stab me?" The pressure faded and the villain looked quite puzzled.
"Did I say something wrong?"
"Why do you care?"
"Because you're the only interesting hero in this boring city. Would hate it if you actually fought me."
"I am actually fighting you."
"You're holding back, don't think I am that dumb, please."
The hero sighed. They supposed it wasn't a good idea to tell the villain what kind of troubles they got into when they weren't in costume. It wasn't smart to reveal that much of themselves, was it?
They took in another breath.
But wasn't that why they kept their identity a secret?
"...it's kind of pathetic," they said.
"I commit crimes to get your attention. That is pathetic," the villain joked and somewhere deep down, the hero felt more secure. It was strange how the villain could be such a stranger yet the person the hero was closest to.
"I'm just enjoying this more than I should. I'm not very good when it comes to personal relationships, so your efforts are really refreshing."
"You are not good with personal relationships? You with all your conflict-resolving talk and your words of encouragement and your helpful nature? You?"
"Yeah...can't seem to keep a partner."
"You're kidding. You've kept me for three years." The hero smiled. Whether it was intentional or not, the villain managed to calm their anxiousness.
"I guess I am too needy. Or too distant. Too pushy, I don't know. Maybe I am one of those people who doesn't end up with anyone." They shrugged and the irony of saying that while the villain was sitting on their hips only occurred to them later.
"Oh please, people must be throwing themselves at you. I mean, hello!?" The villain looked down the hero's entire body, suggesting that the hero was some kind of royal everyone drooled over. This time, the hero felt their cheeks burn.
"Ugh, stop it. You're so annoying." They pushed the villain's face away, partly because they wanted to touch them, partly because they didn't want the villain to see their glowing face. But the villain only looked amused.
"You're totally lovable," they said. "Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
With that they winked at the hero and disappeared into the night.
And the hero realised they had a terrible crush on their enemy.
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papermariosuggestion · 5 months
🔴 marionumberone Follow
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Made-a-this tasty-looking-a-meal from a Poison Shroom and a Ghost-a-Shroom. Cooking is-a-so magical😊🪄🍄✨
🔴 marionumberone Follow
I can't-a-believe people are-a-telling me not-a-to eat this. I'mma literally a doctor; I would-a-know iffghnmdfchgm,
🔴 marionumberone Follow
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fallowtail · 2 months
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themage9062 · 1 month
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✨ he was a fairy ✨
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snekky-arts · 13 days
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welcome to 2024 shadow the hedgehog you're gonna love Will Wood
anyway, that trailer right? also i can't draw motorcycles. or shoes apparently. or hedgehogs.
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spicyvampire · 2 months
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The rumors in the hospital staff room about these 2 being a thing must be exquisite
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thirstyvampyr · 2 months
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Mickey "I wanna climb out of my skin" Milkovich 😰
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specialvalentinesunit · 4 months
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byakugay-tgirlmi · 1 month
i dont think tsumugi would be annoyed by kokichi i think he would be her favorite actually. this is not a good thing for him
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hashbrowne08 · 1 month
Why is jort storm playing while they suit up
No like seriously
Go back to the scene in the episode where they go to the hospital
Jort storm is playing in the background
Holy shit
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midnightfire830 · 7 months
Trying my hand a memes and doodles for my TikTok dont mind me lol
Here’s my TikTok if anyone’s interested ig.
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Me constantly, no matter the circumstandces: i think I sjould profess my lovw to my friwnds for the billionth time
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urbanrelics · 1 year
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This imposing ensemble, commissioned by the French King Louis XVIII in 1820, is known in urbex circles as 'Hôpital Plaza', although it was only effectively used as a hospital for a very short period at the end of the First World War. During that period, more than 8,000 - mainly Belgian - wounded soldiers were cared for.
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After the French Revolution, the Catholic fire again raged very strongly in the west of France, especially in Normandy, and there was a need for training opportunities for young men who felt called to the priesthood. Two wealthy residents donated the necessary land to the diocese to establish a "minor seminary" on this site. The ensemble became an architectural replica of the nearby 'major seminary'. Young seminarians first followed a course here, after which they completed their training in the major seminary.
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The Minor Seminary not only welcomed young people who were destined for the priesthood; it also gave access to general education, both for sons of wealthy families and those of families from more humble backgrounds. The school survived until 1905, when the French church and state were once again separated.
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At the end of the First World War, the building became a shelter for veterans. After all, at the end of the fighting, many disabled soldiers could no longer support themselves. The Minor Seminary became a home to welcome them. Retired veterans joined later. Many affected French families also found temporary shelter here during the Second World War, after which the buildings resumed their function as a retirement home for veterans.
In June 2000, it was abandoned completely and was sold to a businessman from Lyon, who intended to install 70 luxury apartments. Much to the chagrin of the local government, the plans were never realized and the old seminary began to deteriorate. Since 2016 it has been owned by Spanish property developers, who were supposed to look for a new destination. The local government now wants to start an 'abandonment' procedure to expropriate the whole ensemble, hoping to give the beautiful seminary a new lease on life.
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