#Horoscope For Next Two Weeks
viesanterieures · 6 months
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒆
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Robert Fischer (Inception) x female Reader
summary: The reader works as an artist who has never had a breakthrough until she decides to paint Robert.
warnings: this is a kinda cute and funny story so… no warnings :)
word count: 2500+
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The air was warm as Robert turned into the familiar driveway. It was late October in Sydney, summer was just around the corner and the driveway was full of flowers and other plants. Today was Sunday, one of the few days he had to himself and his friends. During the week, he worked from early morning until late at night, as befits the future CEO of a multi-million dollar empire. Before he had even rung the bell, the door opened and a woman with shoulder-length brown hair pulled him into her arms. "Robert, how nice of you to come. We haven't seen each other in at least two months."
He laughed a little and patted his best friend on the shoulder. "I've had a lot on my mind, I'm sorry, Rebecca." Robert had known her since they were children. They had gone to kindergarten together and Rebecca was two years younger than him. All the friendships of his childhood, youth and university days had not lasted because many people thought he was arrogant, but Rebecca had always been there for him. As a child, as a teenager, as a student, at his wedding... and also at his divorce three years ago.
"How is your father, Robbie?" she wanted to know. Suddenly the smile on his face faded. "It doesn't look so good. He'll probably have to go back into hospital next month for a surgery." Rebecca looked at him compassionately and nodded silently as she took his jacket. "I'm so sorry."
I'm glad I can at least visit you," he quickly changed the subject.
"I'm glad too, Robbie," she said with a bright smile again.
"YN is also here, I hope you don't mind."
"No Becca, that‘s cool," Robert said, following her into the living room.
YN was Rebecca's younger sister and Robert quite liked her. She was one of those people who believed in destiny, the supernatural, spiritual things and tarot cards, which Robert didn't think much of. But she had always been very warm and kind to him and Robert was sure that there wasn't a single bad bone in this woman's body. She was just the way she was. As far as Robert knew, she worked full time in a perfumery and in her free time as an artist, but she remained rather unsuccessful. Her face immediately lit up when she saw him and gave him a friendly wave. She was wearing a pink dress, her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail, gold earrings and red lipstick. She was really pretty.
"Robert, how nice to see you! I brought some cupcakes, would you like one? They're homemade." She held out a bowl of pink muffins with strawberries and sprinkles to him. Robert gratefully took one and sat down on the couch next to the two women.
"It‘s really good," Robert praised YN's baking skills after taking a bite.
"Thank you, Robert. I baked them at 3 o'clock in the night because I couldn't sleep... It was another full moon. And my moon calender says that I should concentrate more on housework now, especially cooking and baking“.
He tried to hide his surprised expression and took another bite. Rebecca didn't seem confused by the explanation, she knew her sister well enough. Finally, YN slowly bent down towards them. "And do you know what my horoscope said?" Robert and Rebecca shook their heads.
"That I'm going to have my breakthrough this month," she finally said excitedly.
"You mean with your art?" Rebecca wanted to know.
"Yes! I'm going to have a huge success. But I don't know what motif to choose." YN picked at her dress thoughtfully. "A portrait or a landscape... I'm not sure. I need a subject to practise on first. Just to get back into it. I haven't painted for months.
"You've painted me so many times," Rebecca said, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "How about you painting Robert?"
YN's face lit up at the words. "That's a wonderful idea! Robert, you have such a beautiful face... Like an angel!"
Robert almost choked on his cupcake. "Please what?"
"Oh come on Robbie, she just wants to practise," Rebecca interjected.
Sighing, he looked into YN's bright eyes and shrugged. "Yes, why not..."
YN cheered immediately and hugged Robert happily. "But I can't sit still for like eight hours," Robert replied quickly.
"You don't have to do that," YN said. "You can come with me to my studio, I'll draw the outlines and a sketch, then I'll take a photo of you to paint the details later. If you like and have the time, we can start right away. It would mean so much to me, Robert, really!" He smiled and nodded again. He just couldn't look away from YN's eyes.
"Nice studio," Robert said, breaking the awkward silence. He looked around curiously. YN's studio was a bright room with large windows letting in the daylight. There were easels full of canvases and tubes of paint everywhere and the smell of fresh paint was in the air.
"Robert, I told you not to move," laughed YN, who sat behind a canvas. The two had left for YN's that afternoon. Now the sun was already setting outside and Robert felt as if he had been sitting on the floor in front of her for ages.
"I'll be done with the outlines in a minute."
"Good, because my butt is already hurting," Robert grumbled.
A short moment later, YN put the brush down, clapped her hands and grabbed a camera lying on a chair next to her. "Well, I'm done for today. Let's take the photo quickly."
Robert moved back into position and looked a little tiredly at the camera. A few seconds after YN had taken the picture, he collapsed. "My God, this is more exhausting than I thought."
YN laughed. "I believe you. I've been a model too."
"Can I have a look?" Robert asked curiously, sitting up with a groan.
"Sure, come here." YN turned the canvas a little.
"Oh, this is definitely... Art." If Robert was honest, he couldn't really make out much on the canvas. It looked more like a wild doodle of a man who, with a lot of imagination, could look like him. And for this he had been sitting in an uncomfortable position on the cold floor for almost two hours?
"I'll start working on the details tomorrow. I'll let you know when it's ready."
Robert forced a friendly smile, YN pulled him into a tight hug to say goodbye and he left the house, a little disappointed.
Days and weeks passed without Robert hearing a word from YN. He didn't know how far she'd got with the painting, or if she'd even thrown it away. But then, one Saturday evening, she finally called him to say that she had finished the painting and that he could come and see it tomorrow. Of course Robert couldn't resist the opportunity, as he was actually quite curious to see how the painting would look now, although he had little hope that it would be any better than the last time.
He finally arrived at YN's door at 10am the next morning. She immediately greeted him friendly and offered him a cup of tea, which Robert gratefully accepted.
"Nice of you to come," she said and excitedly pulled him by the sleeve into her studio. "Close your eyes."
Robert did as she asked, although he was a little confused by her instructions. YN carefully led him to the easel in the middle of the room.
"And open your eyes."
Robert looked curiously at the painting in front of him, but then his jaw dropped and he couldn't get a word out.
"I've thrown away the old painting and made a new one. Isn't it gorgeous?"
He couldn't believe his eyes. The painting was insanely beautiful. It must have taken an eternity to work out all the details. He'd never seen so much care in YN's work, who usually painted in a rather chaotic way. Every single strand of Robert's dark hair was painted perfectly and precisely, and you could almost count every single eyelash. But most striking of all were the eyes, which stood out almost ghostly from the rest of the rather dark picture.
"It's so beautiful," he marvelled, running his finger carefully over the dry canvas. "But why am I wearing a sheer white shirt? I wore a normal black shirt that day. And my eyes look almost inhuman."
"Artistic freedom," YN quickly replied. "I wanted you to look a bit ethereal in the painting."
Robert nodded slowly with a raised eyebrow, then smiled again. "It‘s still so beautiful."
"You can have it if you want," YN offered.
He shook his head immediately. "No, no, keep it. It must have been so time-consuming that I don't want to take it away from you. I'm sure it's better off in your studio than in my house. But... promise me you won't sell it, okay?"
She nodded quickly and looked Robert straight in the eye. "No, I won't. I've made another artwork that I'm going to submit to the art competition."
Robert looked at her, confused. "To what?"
"Oh, I haven't told you yet. The art museum is running a competition this month. If I win, my painting will be on display there, isn't that great? Mrs Buchanan from the museum is coming to see the painting tomorrow. She's a good friend of my aunt's."
"That's great. Then I'll be rooting for you to win!"
Eventhough Robert had recently doubted YN's talent, he'd wished her all the best, especially now that he'd seen the beautiful portrait.
"And here it is," she joyfully pulled a cloth from a easel beside her.
"Oh, um... what is it exactly?" Robert asked, a little embarrassed as he couldn't make out more than a few patches of dark green on a grey background.
"The painting is called 'The Fog Forest'. The theme of the competition is 'Between reality and fiction: a journey into imagination'," explained YN. "The green stands for the trees of the forest and the grey is the fog and shadows, where you can easily get lost and dream.
"Oh, um, very nice." Robert forced a smile. "I'm sure Mrs Buchanan will recognise it immediately, also the deeper meaning, unlike me. You know I don't know much about art."
"I know that, Robert. But it's so kind of you to support me," she said softly, taking his hand and squeezing it gently.
"I'm sorry, but I have to go now, I have another appointment. Busy schedule as a future CEO... you know," he replied quickly, then looked at her pretty face and felt his heart beating in his chest.
"Becc, when I tell you! I've never seen such a beautiful painting." It was just after half past seven the next evening and Robert was glad to be off work. He stood in his kitchen, his phone wedged between his shoulder and ear as he chopped vegetables into small cubes.
"Are you sure, Robert? I've known YN long enough and she's never painted anything else than a few dots and lines," Rebecca's voice came over the loudspeaker. Robert thoughtfully placed the pieces of vegetable in a pot.
"I've seen it with my own eyes. Maybe she was possessed by the ghost of Leonardo Davinci that night or something." At this moment Robert's doorbell rang. "I have to hang up, Becc, I'm sorry. I'll call you tomorrow again." Confused, Robert wiped his hands on a towel and hurried to the front door. Who the hell was that? As he opened the front door, he saw a familiar face but also an unfamiliar one. In front of him stood YN, as always in one of her summer dresses and her big earrings, and next to her a tall, slim older lady with a tight bun and a blazer, looking at him curiously.
"Hey YN... what are you doing here? And who are you?" Robert wanted to know, frowning in confusion.
"Oh, it's him! I recognise him," the unknown lady said excitedly as she looked at him more closely.
YN tapped nervously with one foot and took a deep breath. "Robert, this is Mrs Buchanan from the art museum, she wants to have you."
"Wait, what? She wants to have me?" Robert laughed confused.
"Not you. The painting of you." The lady quickly clarified. "It's really gorgeous. What a work of art. It perfectly reflects our theme for this month. Between reality and fiction... Almost like a modern version of the Dorian Gray's portrait," she enthused.
Robert's jaw dropped and he looked at YN, stunned. "But... but you submitted a completely different painting to the competition. The one with the forest."
"Oh, please, sir, you couldn't even see any trees, forest or anything in the picture," she replied sharply, and Robert didn't miss YN's sad face. "I saw this masterpiece in the corner of her studio and asked her if she wanted to submit this instead of that… Fog-Forest... thing."
"This is not possible, I‘m sorry," Robert replied firmly.
"Why not?" Mrs Buchanan asked.
"I am a serious businessman, madam, about to take over a company worth millions. What would my employees and clients think of me if they saw the painting of me as an…an…ethereal creature? I have to maintain a certain respectability." Robert bit his lower lip as soon as he said these words. He realised that this was YN's last chance and that she might have to give up her dream of becoming a painter.
"It's okay, Robert“, YN said quietly. "I understand." Forcing a smile, she turned around together with Mrs Buchanan.
For Robert, the world seemed to stand still at that moment. He didn't want YN's dream to be shattered like his own. He had always aspired to become a professional musician and study music, but his father had always stopped him because he wanted him to take over the company one day. Even though Robert didn't even think he was the right person for this huge job.
"Wait, YN." The echo of his voice sounded down the driveway, the two women, who were about to get back into the car, immediately turned around.
"Let‘s do this, YN."
"A glass of champagne, sir?" asked an elegantly dressed lady next to him, balancing a small tray in front of her.
"No, thank you, madam. I don't drink alcohol at the moment," Robert declined her offer in a friendly voice.
"And for our winner? On the house, of course," she asked YN, who was standing next to him. She gratefully accepted a glass. The exhibition was in full swing. Many different artists were exhibiting that day, but no artwork attracted as many glances as YN's. Rebecca joined them and patted her sister on the shoulder. "I looked at it again, it really is amazing. How did you do it?"
"I don't even know it myself. It's as if my hands painted it themselves," YN replied, taking a sip from her glass.
"That supports Robert's Davinci theory," Rebecca chuckled.
YN looked at her, confused. "What?"
"Nothing," Rebecca replied quickly, pointing to the glass in her sister's hand. "Hey, where did you get the champagne?" she wanted to know.
"From that lady over there," YN replied with a grin and immediately Rebecca was gone in the crowd.
"I'm so sorry," Robert said quietly. "For what?" she wanted to know in surprise.
"For underestimating you... You and your art... You‘re such a wonderful, strong and unique woman."
YN bit her lip and Robert felt that she was about to cry. "Thank you, Robert." They remained silent as they watched the visitors pass by the artworks.
"So my horoscope was right after all," YN told Robert. "I really had my breakthrough. Do you believe in them now?" she wanted to know.
"Maybe," Robert replied thoughtfully.
"Do you know what else he said besides success?", she asked him.
Robert shook his head and smiled curiously.
"That I will also find love this month," she said quietly, putting her glass down on a small table beside her. "Maybe it was the love I felt for you when I painted that picture that made it so beautiful. Maybe that was the reason for all the success.“
Robert looked into her eyes and gently stroked her soft hair. Finally, he slowly pulled her into his arms and their lips touched immediately.
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- 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔
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elminx · 2 months
Energy Update: Full Moon 29° Capricorn, 7/21/24 EDT
Aspects In a Nutshell:
Sun in Leo opposed Moon in Capricorn (assumed, this makes the full moon)
Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto in Aquarius 01° off element (<- v big deal)
Sun trine Neptune, Sun opposed Pluto, Moon sextile Neptune
Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus
Venus in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini
Mars in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius
We won't worry about Venus, Mars, or Neptune here. In the scope of this energy, these are definitely incidentals.
The moon is in Capricorn for the second time in two months - a true astrological Blue Moon. Capricorn is our cardinal earth sign (ruled by Saturn) and, as the sun sign opposite of Cancer (the moon's domicile), is the sign of the Moon's detriment. The ever-changing moon is not at its best in the steady, weighted Capricorn.
Capricorn has been going through it for quite some time, as it has been the home of Pluto (our planet of death and transformation) since 2008. Currently, Pluto is at 00° Aquarius and slowly moving in retrograde back toward Capricorn for one last fated meeting.
That we are getting a second Capricorn full moonthat is in the last degree of Capricorn and so, SO close to Pluto says: now's the time.
Do the thing. Make the change. Let it go. Make a choice.
Capricorn and Saturn force us to show up for ourselves - or not. Consequence may reign supreme this weekend.
I would suggest you show up. Do the thing. I am not a stickler to doing magic on every full moon - at all - but this is one I wouldn't miss unless I was physically unable.
Capricorn is also the natural ruler of the 10th house and by far the horoscope's shrewd businessman (nongendered). Tomorrow is one of the best days of the year to do money magic, ESPECIALLY if it's toward a particular goal. Wanna buy a house? What about making 10,000$ extra next year? Those are well within the purview of a Capricorn moon.
This year has been full of Capricorn energy. We had a Capricorn new moon in January, Capricorn full moons in June and July, and we will see another Capricorn new moon in December.
There's still time to tap into this energy. Six months from now will be a Capricorn new moon - what do you want to have accomplished in six months? Set reasonable goals for yourself and then put one foot before the other until you get there. Celebrate on the new moon once it's done.
Tomorrow also marks the first of three squares between Mercury in Leo and Uranus in Taurus, which is THE big aspect of Mercury's upcoming retrograde cycle. This can be used for creativity of all kinds - Uranus is where we get inspiration and enlightenment. This adds a bit of volatility to the day, though; Mercury is quixotic at best, and Uranus is incredibly unpredictable.
Mercury and Uranus are two sides of the same coin, or at least they are intricately interwoven. Both are volatile enough to not particularly care that they are square with one another - they can work together anyway. Tomorrow is a great day to set intentions around creativity. Maybe to draw 3 days a week or to write for 20 minutes every day. Then, use that Capricorn energy of the moon to make it happen.
The energy is all lined up; we might as well use it.
Do you like my work? You can tip me or commission an astrology report on Kofi.
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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Venus Cazimi in Gemini - Twin Flames Talon Abraxas
It’s time to begin a beautiful new path.
Venus symbolizes the exquisite aspects of life, such as beauty, creativity, love, and relationships, which have the power to fill our lives with immense joy. When considering Venus, one may view it as the celestial body associated with the joys of life’s simple pleasures. In terms of astrology, this particular planet has a remarkably swift pace, transitioning between signs every two to three weeks. Venus aligns with the sun on June 4, creating a unique phenomenon known as a Cazimi. This occurs approximately once a year and results in the formation of the Venus Star Point.
The Venus Star Point Day holds immense importance and is considered one of the most favorable days in the entire year. The sun, symbolizing illumination, casts its radiant glow upon everything it encounters. When the sun and Venus align, a radiant glow illuminates matters of the heart. Observing the interactions between Venus and the sun over an extended period of time reveals a fascinating pattern resembling a star on the horoscope wheel. Experts in astrology carefully analyze these five key factors to predict future impacts on culture, art, societal relationships, and various other aspects. We expect these trends to persist for approximately 100–150 years, based on Venus’s celestial movements, until a new set of Venus Star Points comes into play. This transit, although temporary, has the potential to greatly influence your life, presenting you with exciting new opportunities and experiences.
The Venus Star Point will be located at 14° of Gemini today, June 4, just two days before an auspicious new moon. The VSP in Gemini signifies a revival of Gemini themes in our lives. You may notice an increase in your communication and socializing tendencies. Venus in Gemini has a playful and social nature, enjoying the art of conversation and gaining knowledge through interaction. For my single friends out there, it’s important to keep in mind that asking questions can be a powerful tool for building connections with others. For those who are in a relationship, it would be beneficial to delve deeper into your partner’s interests and passions. The Gemini VSP serves as a reminder that the process of learning can be enjoyable, and it emphasizes the importance of exploring your interests.
Discovering the delight in knowledge is the central theme of this transit. Gemini embodies the essence of a professional astrologer, effortlessly navigating the realm of mutable air, where information perpetually ebbs and flows. Remember that Gemini is always open to new experiences in the pursuit of knowledge. During the Venus Star Point Day, you have a wonderful opportunity to embrace new possibilities for growth and forge meaningful connections with those around you. Take the opportunity to broaden your relationships by making a conscious effort to empathize with the viewpoints of others. Take the initiative to embark on a project that will bring you a sense of both intellectual and emotional satisfaction. Remember, the new moon resonates with all that energy, even though this transit only lasts for one day. It’s the perfect time to focus on manifesting new beginnings. --Conscious Reminder
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bomber-grl · 8 months
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Nico Di Angelo x Son of Hecate ☾
Pairing(s): Nico Di Angelo x M!Reader
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Nico was certainly a new face in the crowd but you never really ever interacted with him.
That is, until you’re forced into a mini adventure with him on part of the seven
It’d be a lie to say that you didn’t even have an ounce of attraction to him but that stayed unsaid
Of course after that favor for your mutual friends your path just… faded i guess
You only ever saw him around camp and you’d often steal a glance
Which you weren’t aware of at the time, but he was too
It’d probably be weeks maybe months later that you ran into him again, this time he had only approached you to ask you something .
That something being your necromancy and umbrakinesis ability
It started off with him approaching you at the campfire, the pavilion, then just from then on
I mean because of how often he’d approach you, ever curious on your powers, the two of you got close
Sitting next to each other or just being seen together became common
Still didn’t stop other campers from talking 👀
If anything, you’d just discuss abilities and compare but eventually conversations got off topic-
More personal.
It wasn’t until a camp bonfire after a particular capture the flag that you had noticed Nico not there
It didn’t take you long to find him but once you did you sat next to him, oddly enough he was by the lake
The two of you sat there and to be completely honest, it felt like forever but with the loud silence you chose to speak
You confessed your feelings
You always knew you would eventually , might as well blurt them out now
You saw an expression never worn by Nico before, and that was one of shock
He was genuinely shocked and all he could do was nod his head in agreement
Thus, how you confessed your feelings to one another has ended now let’s speak on the actual relationship
You, a mysterious witchy silent person (atleast how others perceive you)
And Nico, again, mysterious silent and emo (?)
Well I’m trying to say it wasn’t much of a surprise that you two began dating
Once the news spread (which would’ve been later since you’re both very private) everyone was either, not surprised since you both acted like it
Or absolutely shocked because of how mysterious you two were
No in between
As your relationship progresses acts of physical affection become the norm and aren’t foreign anymore
So once you introduced Nico to your cabin (I hc the Hecate cabin as having few residents) it was a relief to have it to yourselves
Lou was not at camp this time around, and luckily, neither was any of your siblings
Many people were afraid to get close to the Hecate cabin if the outer was being disturbed, I mean no one wants to get Thalia’d but surprisingly Nico didn’t mind
Once you entered the entire theme of the Hecate cabin, if anything, encouraged Nico to ask questions
I mean, you two got along so well, probably because of how similar your powers were or
Yknow what? Who cares
All that was on your mind was the fact that Nico was icy cold (which was normal but still)
You caught Nico’s attention once more when you began speaking in Ancient Greek
Only did it dawn on him that you were muttering a heating spell
He always refused to use that spell (you always told yourself that it’s cuz he wanted to hold you and soak in your body heat, which was probably you just being delusional 🫠)
Regardless, the night goes without a hitch and you two get closer than ever
Now, Nico is aware of a lot of disturbing things beyond death
But for some reason, you asking if you can read his palm/ try and get his birth chart, disturbs him even more
Luckily if you’re not wildy crazy then he’ll go along without a bother
(If u beg then he’ll say no a few times just to let ask after a few more times as if his first “no” wasn’t his version of yes)
If you find out your horoscopes or something match up (idk how these things work 😓) you decide to be a little prankster and say sum shit like “we were written in the stars”
Of course Nico thinks this is so horribly cringe but he smiles regardless
Plus he has to endlessly deal with your bs
Especially when he walks into your cabin and sees you making a concoction of sorts w ur cauldron
Yea sometimes he questions why he even dated you
He thinks this as if he wasn’t cuddled up to you like a kitten the night before 😿
I love this req because I, myself, am a Hecate kid 😼
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magewritesstories · 2 years
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cw. miguel asks for a second chance after kissing sam at moon’s party. [angst with open/happy ending] notes. i got kinda carried away with this one but it’s okay wc. 3K
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MIGUEL DIDN’T LIKE IT. He didn't like the way Robby's arm seemed to fit around your shoulders perfectly. He didn't like the way Tory laughed and buried her head in your shoulder every time Robby told the two of you a joke. He didn't like the fact that you were sitting there, on a table with them instead of him. No, Miguel didn't like this at all.
He watched as you spun an empty bottle of diet coke, grinning at Robby, who was still recovering from shoving three chilli peppers into his mouth. The bottle seemed to take its time, it kept spinning for a few seconds before finally landing on you.
"Truth or Dare?"
"Well, dare, obviously,"
Tory looked around the room, trying to find a suitable dare after you'd told her to do three cartwheels in the middle of the lounge. Finally, her eyes locked with Sam's. The sinister grin that found its way onto Tory's face made his stomach drop. Something was about to go horribly wrong...
Tory smirked; "I have the perfect dare," You gave her a confused look, something about her tone was off. "I dare you to sing a song of my choosing." Miguel looked at the small karaoke stand next to their table, what was she planning?
"what, no— I... that's embarrassing," you protested, “that’s embarrassing!” Tory just shrugged, “I’ll do it with you.” Miguel watched you give Tory a look before sighing and agreeing in defeat; “I guess a dare’s a dare…” Tory quickly whispered something in Robby’s ear, something that made him grin like a maniac.
The three of you stood up, and while you and Tory walked towards the karaoke stand, Robby made his way to the bartender. Soon enough the mics were connected and music started playing. Miguel saw you say something to Tory and her agreeing. 
“Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did”  “Ha, time for a little revenge”
“The story starts when it was hot and it was summer And, I had it all I had him right there where I wanted him She came along, got him alone, and let's hear the applause She took him faster than you could say sabotage”
“I never saw it coming, wouldn't have suspected it I underestimated just who I was dealing with She had to know the pain was beating on me like a drum She underestimated just who she was stealing from”
Miguel watched in fascination as you and Tory stood on the small foundation that could barely be called a stage. You were rolling your eyes at Tory’s song choice, the blonde just laughed as she sang along to the song. Miguel listened to the lyrics, thinking back to the evening of Moon’s summer party. The evening he lost you.
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“Miguel, look!” You said as the two of you walked down the street towards Moon’s house. It was warm outside for 8 pm, the stars were starting to show and there was a light cold breeze. 
Miguel watched you as you walked in front of him, pulling him along with your hands, you pointed to the bright constellation of stars. “That’s Taurus,” You said happily pointing to a cluster of stars, “That’s your zodiac.” Miguel laughed at you, “You don’t actually believe in that, right?” 
You stopped in your tracks, crossing your arms with a huff, “Rude,” you said, staring at your boyfriend, “I happen to check my horoscope every week.” Miguel rolled his eyes, “Oh, and what’s so believable about a bunch of stars telling you your personality?” Truth be told; Miguel didn’t care if you believed in it all, but seeing you get so worked up about it made him laugh.
“Well, how about…” You put your hand under your chin, to show you were thinking about it, “Oh, I know, according to our zodiac’s we’re extremely compatible!” Miguel grinned and pulled you closer by your belt loops, putting a hand under your chin, “I don’t need the stars to tell me that,” He leaned in and kissed you, you quickly kissed him back resting your arms on his shoulders. The two of you pulled away, but he kept you in place, moving his hands to your waist he put his forehead against yours.
“Hey, lovebirds!” Hawk shouted from the entrance, “Are you gonna come in or should I send your drinks outside?!” 
The two of you pulled away, rolling your eyes at him. “We’re coming, we’re coming,” Miguel replied, lacing his fingers in yours and pulling you along with him to the door. “Finally, took you long enough,” Hawk says moving away front the door, “The party started an hour ago.” You grinned at him, “The party doesn’t start until I arrive,” You said smugly, “Tell that to Larusso and Nichols who are holding a drinking battle outside,” Hawk replied laughing.
You moved away from Miguel to greet Moon and her girlfriend while he went to get the two of you some drinks. You walked around the party, your eyes falling onto Demetri and Hawk, shyly discussing Doctor Who, you smiled– maybe there was hope for those two– The peaceful moment was quickly interrupted by loud cheers. Your eyes moved towards the pool where Tory and Sam were in fact having a drinking battle. 
“Tory!” You shouted, waving to your friend as you made your way through the crowd. She just grinned back at you, “Hey, [Y/N/N] you’re just in time to watch me destroy this loser!” Sam scoffed, gulping down her drink, “You wish, Nichols!” Tory smiled, “Sorry, Princess, you can’t win this by demanding it from Mommy and Daddy.” 
You rolled your eyes, of course you knew about what had happened at the beach house and why Tory disliked Sam, but you didn’t want your friend hurting herself, “Tory, how many drinks have you had?” you asked looking at her, the blonde shrugged; “I dunno like four… maybe six?” 
“She’s had nine,” Robby said from next to you, “Sam’s had eight.” You went to pull Tory down, but Miguel– who’d appeared next to you– stopped you, shaking his head, “Let them do it, it’ll get them over the dumb feud,” You wanted to protest but before you could say anything both girl fell from the chairs.
Robby quickly rushed over to catch Sam, and Miguel caught Tory, “Bath–...Bathroom,” Tory managed to get out, before covering her mouth with her hand. You understood and grabbed her hands, signalling to Miguel that you would meet him later. 
You pulled your friend to Moon’s nearest bathroom, leaving your boyfriend and his ex alone by the pool.
Miguel watched you walk away, and looked down at the two cups beside him, I guess those have to wait… He decided to sit down next to Aisha and make some small talk while he waited for you. After a while, when you still hadn’t shown up, he stood up, said goodbye to Aisha and went inside to look for you. 
He walked around the main hall, and then went outside to the nearly empty pool area. The party had started to die down, or everybody had made their way to the front lawn. HE sighed, the two of you had decided to skip on date night for this, and now the entire night had gone by and you two hadn’t talked since Hawk interrupted you little moment on the front porch.
Miguel turned around at the all too familiar voice, “Hey, Sam?” “Miguel, I wanted to talk…” Sam said softly. Miguel thought about it, he couldn’t find you and he didn’t feel like going back inside. “Sure, what about?” She took a step closer to him, fiddling with the ends of her sweater. “About the break-up,” she took another step, they were now standing toe-to-toe. Miguel knew he should take a step back– No, he needed to walk away as soon as she said that sentence– but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. 
“We shouldn't have done it,” Sam said, looking up at him with big brown doe-eyes. Miguel's breath hitched, for a second it felt like his heart had stopped. “We could’ve worked through it, it was a misunderstanding,” Sam said, Miguel stayed silent. “We can still work through it…?” Miguel felt like there was a question mark at the end of that sentence. And really he didn’t know the answer.
“Sam…” Miguel said he didn’t know how to finish that sentence, “I don’t… I don’t know…” Sam seemed to take this as a sign that there was still a part of him that wanted her back. And she took a leap of faith and kissed him. Miguel froze. He knew he should push her away, but again he couldn’t. The memory of their first date, of Senõr Octopus, flashed in his head, and he did the unthinkable. He kissed her back. 
It was a brief moment, one that was soon interrupted by the sound of police sirens. The two pulled away quickly, looking at each other for a second, before Miguel took a step back, then two, and the three. He turned on his heels and ran without another word. He doesn’t quite remember what happened after that, except for the sound of police sirens; the look on your face from behind the window, a clear sign you’d seen everything; and him running down three streets chasing after you.
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The brunette looked away from you still standing on the stage, although it seemed like the song was about to end. “Where did you go, man?” Hawk asks, laughing at his best friend. Demetri was gone, probably getting drinks for them. And Sam was having a one-sided staring contest with the two girls now walking off of the stage. 
Tory high-fived Robby, as you laughed, giving her a light shove. The three of you returned to your table, the one that was only two tables away from theirs. Hawk followed his gaze, “Oh,” he said in realisation, “That’s where you went…” Same seemed to snap out of her daze, giving him a look. “I’ll be back,” Miguel said, standing up, “Miguel?” Sam said, hoping he would stay at the table, but no, the brunet was determined to set things straight.
He made his way over to your table, where you’d made yourself comfortable in the booth with a virgin mojito in hand and Tory’s head placed on your shoulder. 
“Can we talk?” 
“Hello to you too, Miguel.”
You looked up at him, and took a sip of your drink. “Hey,” he replied impatiently, “Can we talk?” You shrugged, “Sure, what do you wanna talk about?” Miguel’s eyes went from Tory to Robby and then back to you, “Alone.” Before you could reply Robby interrupted, “Anything you wanna say in private you can say in front of us,” Robby said, placing a protective arm over your shoulder. 
But Miguel didn’t care about what he said, he continued to look at you, waiting for your answer. You looked at your friend and then at the mojito in your hand. “Fine, you have five minutes,” You gave in, standing up.
Miguel grinned, “Don’t make that face,” you said, walking with him, “It’s just five minutes.”
The two of you made your way out of the lounge, away from the people and stench of alcohol. You crossed your arms, trying to warm yourself with friction. You rubbed your hands on your arms. Miguel smiled, you were wearing a knee length red sundress. He remembered it well, you’d gotten it as a christmas present from your grandparents and you’d said you couldn’t wait until it was summer to wear it.
“Well, are you going to say anything?” You said, “Or are you planning to stare at me for five minutes?” Miguel nodded, “I just wanted to talk about what happened at the party,” You rolled your eyes, “You mean the party where you decided to kiss your ex that you convinced me you were completely, 100 percent over?” Miguel winced at your tone, but he knew he deserved it.
“I– I don’t have an excuse for what happened–” 
“Good, I wasn’t planning on accepting one.” 
“I just wanted to apologise–”
“I think I got that after you sent me 50 messages and 20 missed calls.”
You were clearly still mad about it, understandably. You continued rubbing your arms and tapped your foot as a sign of impatience. Miguel took off his jacket and held it out to you. You eyed it before taking it from him, “I’m only taking it because it goes with the outfit,” You said, putting on the black denim jacket. Miguel laughed, “Of course,” he said nodding gravely, with a grin placed on his face. 
“Is that all you wanted to say?” You asked, pulling the jacket over your body like an English teacher. Miguel’s face went back to serious, “I miss you.” You seemed taken aback by the comment. You’d expected a lot of things when you walked out the lounge; apologies, excuses, maybe even some tears, but you hadn’t expected him to say those words outright.
“I miss you, and I was stupid, and I made a horrible mistake, and I shouldn't have kissed Sam, and I’m sorry and I want you back and… and…” He stopped not really knowing how to continue. 
You looked at him scanning his face, taking a step closer to him, you sighed, you would be lying if you said you hadn’t missed him as well. “I missed you too,” You said, and a happy expression crossed his face but you were quick to shut it down, “But you were wrong and I don’t forgive you.”
“What can I do to make you forgive me?” He asked, pleading eyes, he would’ve done anything in that moment anything you’d asked of him. “I don’t know Miguel,” You said shaking your head, “You hurt me and I– I don’t know if I can forgive you yet…” “Please I’ll do anything, I want you to forgive me,” He took a step closer to you, but you turned your head away from him. Hoping the action would somehow stop the tear welling up in your eyes from falling. 
“I don’t know okay, I just– I just don’t trust you anymore,” You said wiping away the tears that had started to fall, “I don’t know if any of it was real, I–” “Of course it was real,” Miguel said, holding onto you, his hand placed on your arms, “All of it was real,” he said leaning down looking at you, “Kissing Sam was a mistake, I realised that as soon as it happened.” You shook your head, “No– No,” you said, “You shouldn't need to kiss her to realise you like me,” you looked into his eyes, big brown beautiful eyes, “You– You should’ve known it before, if… if it takes you kissing another girl to realise you like me, I’d rather you not like me at all.”
Miguel shook his head, "No, don't say that," He said grabbing your arms softly. He leaned down, trying to make eye contact, “Please... Don’t say that.”
The two of you stood there for a second, both of you unsure of what to do next. Miguel let his hands fall into your and leaned down. You two stood there for a few seconds, taking in each other.
“I’m sorry... for everything.”
“I know.”
You were the one to pull away first. The two of you stared into each others eyes. Oh they were so comforting... Taken in by the moment Miguel leaned in and so did you.
You stood there, standing on you tip-toes hands in his hair, his arms wrapped around your waist, lips colliding feverishly. And for the first time in months, everything felt right.
Miguel was the one who pulled away first; eyes wide, cheshire cat grin on his face, hair even more messed up than it already was. You stared at him, lips a little open from shock, lipstick a little smudged and a few forgotten tears still falling down your face. 
He placed his hands on your face, wiping away the tears that were still falling and you mirrored actions, a small giggle escaped your lips as the two of you stood there hands on each other’s faces both looking like messes.
At first Miguel gave you a weird look before he started laughing as well. And just like that the two of you were laughing in each others arms, and all the tension that had built up in the last two months was gone.
“I missed you, so much,” Miguel repeated, this time thourgh laughs instead of tears. And all of a sudded you remembered why you loved being with him so much, why you loved him so much. Being with him was simple, easy, it felt right.
You laughed into his chest, as a grin split onto your face. When was the last time you’d laughed like this? Miguel pulled away, grabbing your face again and placing a kiss on your lips.
You gave him a smile, a genuine one, and took a step back. “We should probably go back inside,” You say turning around, trying– and failing– to compose yourself.
Miguel grabbed your hand from behind and twirled you around, “Wait!” he said, “Let’s do this properly.” You tilt your head slightly to the right, and scrunch your eyebrows together in confusion. 
“Let’s go on a date,” He suggests, “You, me, milkshakes at Denny this Saturday,” took a step towards her, “Like we used to do.”
You think about it for a second, were you ready to forgive him? One look at unsure smile on his face and you know the answer.
“Okay,” You say, smiling widely at him, and without another word you turn back around pushing the doors to the lounge open, Miguel following closely behind you.
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soular-sisters · 5 months
The Origins Of Horoscopes 🔮
as an astrologer who has been mesmerized by the cosmos for 10 years, i have come to have an honest disagreeance for horoscopes. although those whimsical columns are what naturally gravitated me to the world of astrology, it is a shame that horoscopes are what seems to come to the average person's mind when they think of the zodiac. it is our personal belief that the fantastical nature of horoscopes overshadow the beauty of astrology. but this made us wonder.... where did horoscopes come from? continue on to learn about, the origins of horoscopes.
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Ancient Times
🔮 The Silk Roads: The earliest evidence of horoscopes date back to the 3rd millennium BCE in Mesopotamia.
🔮 Astrology was adopted on the trading routes of The Silk Roads during the Tang Dynasty (705-907 CE).
🔮 Along these trading routes, traders would sell horoscopes as a service to different regions such as Central Asia, the Iranian Plateau, & China.
🔮 China became very fond of horoscopes during this time & adopted them into the framework of Chinese astrology today.
🔮 Chinese horoscopes at this time were derived from the Hellenistic Period of Ancient Greece.
🔮 During this time, it became Chinese tradition that newborn Chinese babies would be given a horoscope upon birth & then throughout pivotal moments in their lives.
🔮 One of the most important astrologers of this time, Abu Ma'shar (8/10/787- 3/9/886), wrote a book called “Book Of Thousands”.
🔮 “Book Of Thousands” (written in 850)
🔮 The book did not survive to today. Remaining fragments show us that the book was a chronology of world history (from Christian, Persian, & Islamic sources) that intended to connect past, present, & future events to the stars. 🔮 The remaining fragments of the book were collected by David Pingree in 1968 & can be found on select scholarly sources online today.
🔮 Astrology became very popular in Medieval Central Asia.
🔮 It was during this time that two types of astrology formed; mathematically-based astrology (what we astrologers go by) & the magical form of astrology (AKA: horoscopes).
The 20th & 21st Century
🔮 Prominent British astrologer, R.H. Naylor (6/9/1889- 1952), was hired by the Sunday Express (a London-based newspaper) to write a horoscope article.
🔮 Naylor was an assistant to the leading British astrologer of the time called Cheiro. 🔮 Cheiro was sought out by many celebrities of the time for his brilliant astrology services to read their natal charts. He was known to have read the palms of such significant figures such as Mark Twain, Grover Cleveland, & Winston Churchill.
🔮 The article was about the birth of Princess Margaret, born August 21, 1930. (a leo beauty)
🔮 The newspaper decided to run a few more articles. In one of the next articles, Naylor predicted that “a British aircraft will be in danger” between October 8th and 15th. On October 5th, British airship R101 crashed outside Paris with 48 of the 54 on board the plane passing away.
🔮 The population became amazed with the incredible prediction Naylor made. The editor then offered Naylor a weekly column & “What The Stars Foretell”, the first ever horoscope column in human history, was born.
🔮 "What The Stars Foretell”
🔮 The column started as advice for people whose birthday fell on each specific week the newspaper article was published. 🔮 By 1937, the article became more grandiose & spoke of “star signs” to relate to a wider audience. 🔮 This was the creation of the term “star signs”.
🔮 From there on, the world caught on to the eye-catching spells of horoscopes & publications from all over the world began to replicate what Naylor created. This is why historically, horoscopes are written by writers assigned to the task of creating a spellbinding horoscope piece & not astrologers.
Well folks, there you have it. Although the roots of horoscopes share soil with the beautiful creation of astrology, they became more of an object of purchase than the art that astrology truly is. I do believe if horoscopes were intended on sharing truth & not appealing to the masses as a means to sell a product, they would hold value to humanity. But in all honesty, if horoscopes remain to just be a tool to spellbind their readers & curate them into consumers, then they hold no good intention to the art of astrology we are so passionate about.
Thank you so much for reading! I appreciate our lil astrology community so much & hope you learned something from this lil trip down astrology lane. 😊
Research Disclaimer: All research was conducted by Andrehya in May 2024. This is all information found by her own research. Sources are listed below for your own curiosity.
The Silk Roads Info
Ancient Horoscope Scholars
Modern Horoscope Info
EXCITING NEWS: we are in the process of configuring our work to create a lil astrology instagram for all of us astrology lovers! please go check it out & show your support by giving us a follow! we really appreciate it. 🥰 IG: astrology instagram
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seth-burroughs · 4 months
I did rotate a NDA/Amaterasu swap au in my head a few months back but I just got reminded of it now again soooo, some notes:
(ended up going a bit more loose with the swapping, essentially yuma is the homunculus and makoto's got amnesia, the NDA is Seth/Guillaume/Dominic/Martina with chief Yomi, the (post-ch0) peacekeepers are halara/desuhiko/fubuki/yakou with director Vivia because I sincerely think Yakou is too cringe for that. And just for the hehehe, Huesca is now Makoto's terrible shinigami while Shinigami dumps acid on people in the lab)
Makoto and Yuma change places but their personalities stay pretty similiar. Makoto keeps his eccentricity to #Cope and doesn't really trust others due to the whole amnesia thing. Yuma on the other hand becomes a prey animal after the entire homunculus event
I'm not exactly sure about the other fortes of the NDA except for Guillaume (who can alter the future with the requirement of having to use a plausible horoscope format, though i guess it's good she's having fun with it?) and Dominic (who is like, it's less that he's having a forte and more that he's just a super OP augmented human that has been through surgeries that made him able to shoot lasers out his eyes or something. we can even call him somewhat of an artificially created forte haver. he feels.... a lot of things regarding the whole thing). I do have a few ideas for Seth that I cannot articulate properly, but my mind just draws a blank on Martina. Maybe she gets some persuasion powers? like, if she focuses long enough on unethically interrogating some person or even just trying to get information out of a peacekeeper, they just eventually start uncontrollably spilling the beans via her cool mind control psychic powers affecting their thoughts and judgment and shit. Since that was similiar to her regular hobby in canon. Anyway that's in the works for now
Yomi is the chief of the NDA (for the longest time though it wasn't an agency even he just literally worked alone. not because detectives got discriminated against back then like in canon, but because he thought everyone who applied was extremely annoying for not meeting his impossible standards), and like Yakou in canon he does not have a forte. However, he acts pretty proud of it and how he unlike those other gifteds, actually had to put in effort and work harder for that position. He really hates his coworkers for having it that easy and and never passes up an opportunity to act superior to them and undermine everything they ever do, and invents slurs for people with magic powers. Very visibly actions of somebody that is actually totally confident in their abilities and themselves all along
He wasn't at all prepared for getting new subordinates, the WDO just called him at literal last minute saying they're gonna be delivering detectives to his sub the same week, then just hung up. He spent the next two days furiously vacuuming the place and throwing darts at the picture of master detective wikipedia article he printed out to put on his wall
He's very proud of his incredibly cool, glorious submarine he got with his own money back in the Glory Days. He's a very "stop fucking touching that get your hands off that furniture don't pick that up DON'T MOVE THHSE FFFUCKING SOPOT TRIP MAGNETS if you knock that over im gonna kill you make any mess in my sub and im gonna waterboard you in the shower" type of guy with his belongings. He doesn't appreciate the NDA being there and touching stuff. Unless they wanna sweep the floors in which case put on the maid suit Makoto. But he's still gonna just sit there in his chair and watch him and yell at him every ten seconds that he's doing it wrong
His personal "dead wife moment" was when Dr. Shizuka (Shinigami) ran over his darling boytoy hitman Zilch Alexander with her truck and reversed on him over four times before driving off . it was the night of their wedding
Halara is the chief of the investigations team, and is actually mildly interested in actually investigating the cases themself. Used to have aspirations to become a detective in their younger days, but didn't think it would be more beneficial to them than, say, becoming a peacekeeper. With their cool immunity benefits and pay. They love money, definitely not above bribery either. Still love cats more than humans.
Extremely confident in their strength and superior intelligence, to the point of feeling simply untouchable. They never quite considered the possibility of actually finding out after fucking around for such a long time during the nail man killings, and when director Vivia plainly told them they're fired and going to the chopper for that, their mind just short circuited for a moment from the influx of this incomprehensible information. Of course, they did not let themself get taken away, but are from that point on the run.
They think they're the smartest person in the room, however they never actually went through any training in being a detective or anything like that, and thus can.... severely overestimate their ability to get away with things. Especially when Vivia's around. Oh well!
Director Vivia is. Well first of all are you familiar with dark era Dazai bsd just asking for no particular reason. He allows himself to get pretty silly with it every once in a while, but generally he's just. Personality of canon Vivia with the sadism of canon Yomi, but also Not Really
Doesn't really like shows of power that much, and prefers to stay out of public as much as he can; whenever he is called to take care of a case himself, he will make it very clear he's too pissed off to tolerate any Funny Stuff. Eerily aware of everything that happens in his city, he possesses a lot of knowledge that he realistically just shouldn't even have access to. His subordinates treat him as some sort of powerful eldritch god. He's pretty apathetic to it though.
Yomi acts really weird whenever he's mentioned for some reason.
Nowwww onto Yakou, Vivia's slutty slutty vice-director.... haha just kidding, he's just replacing his wife for the week. She's at home sick <3
Kind of really cringe and not evil enough for this, but Vivia still wants him to get a divorce eventually. He's kind of the only person that isn't batshit scared of Vivia, because they actually did bond over at some rooftop smoking cigarettes looking into each other's eyes one night a few years back. And also he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the many benefits of being the director's faaaaaavouriiite~ a bit.
He's not a good person by any means do not get fooled by his wet rat charm. None of the NDA-turned-peacekeepers are good people now, not even Fubuki who loves to explode things for fun or Desuhiko who's honestly really just an underqualified nepo baby in this au
If anyone is curious about this then my ask box is open. I just kinda got too sleepy right now and left the summary at just that, but there was probably more that I forgot........
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seafoamreadings · 2 months
i have everything queued up now up until next sunday which is after the first half of my exam. i may or may not work on things more during this week - if not, there will maybe not be horoscopes for next sunday. even after this week my exam is not over -_- because there is an oral exam as well, and in addition i have an infusion day which usually takes up an entire day or two. crossing my fingers that it doesn't interfere with my exam time which they have not assigned to me yet, lol.
anyway just keeping you all updated :) the transits are good to go, which i am happy about because i need them myself! a girl gets stressed (my cancer moon is crying i want to go back to bed and eat)
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Social Butterfly | Antisocial Moth (Keegan Russ x GN! Reader)
TW: A little bit of swearing? Total imposter syndrome for the social butterfly bits as the authors personality aligns closer to Keegan's. Creative liberties taken in backstories as there's next to nothing from the games.
Blog HQ
What do laws of physics and horoscopes have in common? Both say opposites attract.
Which may be the reason why you're sitting at lunch in the mess hall, chatting with the 3rd person that approached your table while your boyfriend sat silently beside you. In the span of 30 minutes.
"No way, of course did." You smiled, laughing at Harper's story about her middle child -- Noah who has been desperately trying to keep up with a girl he likes during gym class. Because if we run together af the same speed, then I get to talk to her more.
"He's gotten better, told me he shaved 5 seconds off his total time last week" the two of you chuckled. Your food barely touched, despite your boyfriend being almost done his. "Oh anyway, I should get going and let you eat. See you, bye Keegan!" He gave a short nod and awkward smile, as you bid your colleague goodbye.
"Oh my gosh, I love her. Her kids are so cute" you smiled over to the quiet man beside you. Like with your past 2 interactions at this lunch alone, Keegan was provided with context and background on all of them. Such as:
Parker - who recently got a new dog named Ranger. 6 month old Husky who argues with him on the daily. The dog is so cute babe, can we get one? Our dog and his dog could be best friends! Then Logan can bring Riley over for a playdate and all the dogs would be so happy. Please!
Then Finn - his girlfriend, Raven (your favourite mechanic on base who he will HAVE to meet) just got home from visiting her friends from back home. He really wants to propose but isn't quite sure if this is a good time for them. I think he should do it because they are literally soulmates.
Did he really care about any of this information? Not overly. Keegan was your opposite. Preferring a smaller, tighter knit social circle than knowing everyone on base. Even if that meant you teasing him about his social circle consisting of his team, even then he didn't know a whole lot of details about them.
"I know plenty about them" He argued one night while getting ready for bed.
"Yeah? Like what?" You challenged, leaning back on the bed, watching your boyfriend roll his eyes. He was the antisocial moth to your social butterfly.
"Uh Merrick started in the seals before he was a Ghost. Knew me since I was 18, so he's pretty much my family. Loves cats, camping and his kids" You raised an eyebrow, internally adding that his wife was the best baker you've met, and that his son played hockey for many years while his daughter played soccer.
"Ajax is the most stubborn, kindest asshole I've had the pleasure of working with. Extremely smart, one of the best mentors and friends I've had" His in-laws also own the local bar downtown and donate meals to the local homeless shelters every week. His partner plans on taking over the buisness one day to continue the good deeds.
"Uh Elias knows his stuff. I couldn't ask for a better commander. Been through hell and back but continues putting the team first, he's also the one who recruited me onto the team". He also lost his wife 8 years after his youngest was born and has been balancing his life between raising 2 sons and commanding a team. He feels bad every so often feeling like he didn't give them a proper childhood, or forcing David to grow up a little too fast to take care of his brother. Even though he loves the bond the two have formed. He is the dad friend of every social circle.
"Logan is good, young and full of potential. Doesn't say much, but knows what he wants out of life and is working his ass off toward getting it. Picks up on things extremely quick, has your back at all times, loves Riley and any other animal he comes across. A bit on the quiet side but that's not a bad thing" You laughed softly, realizing every single description Keegan has given you so far is 95% work related; so continuing in the current format. You bit your lip, in an attempt not to add that Logan was a very sweet kid, of minimal words as your boyfriend pointed out, sure. But he told you once that he hoped to make his family proud with what he was doing. Then got extremely red the day you and his brother told him just how proud everyone is of him.
"What's so funny over there, chuckles?" Keegan smiled at you, walking over to join you in the bed. Opting to lay between your thighs with his head on your stomach. Fingers automatically going to his hair, you felt him relax into your touch.
"I think it's funny that everything was work related. They do lead lives off base, like you and me" you felt him shrug silently. "You forgot about Hesh and Kick". Not bothering to move, he continued.
"Everyone in California knows Hesh's life story, and Kick is just a smartass". He had you there. "And not everyone is as open and talkative as you hun."
"Hey, it's been so long I've seen you. How have you been?" Another competitor entered the ring that was your shared table.
"It's been tiring, honestly. Coming back to work from extended leave has killed our motivation" hand finding Keegan's under the table, you were immediately engulfed in conversation with another face he didn't recognize. Lunch forgotten as your interest in the subject grew.
It was when Hesh Walker (the only person on base who held a candle to your social attitude) joined that Keegan decided he was done with lunch. Squeezing your hand 3 times under the table (a silent "I love you") he got up.
"See you guys" he responded to the 3 voices bidding him goodbye, as he went to drop his tray off before leaving.
"Tell me, how is it that the quietest soldier ended up dating the one of the loudest ones?" He heard Kick ask from behind him, walking alongside Elias and Merrick. "Your person could talk to a brick wall and become best friends with it in under 5 minutes". Keegan shrugged, falling in step with the group.
"They bring out the best side of our dear old Keegan though" Merrick clapped him on the shoulder with a mischievous grin. He found it rather comical watching you and Keegan out in a social atmosphere.
You working the room, chatting with anyone and everyone. Remembering random details about most people you've talked to. Him quietly watching you from across the room, or by your side nodding along to conversation. Things none of the senior team would've expected from their sniper 3 years ago, before he met you.
"Yeah. They're pretty great" Keegan smiled, allowing himself to fade into the background and listen to the conversation in front of him turn to whatever sports game the guys watched last night.
Your personalities may be day and night from one another, but he wouldn't give it up for th-
"Keeg! We aren't done talking about the dog we're going to adopt" he heard you yell from somewhere behind him. Causing him to freeze in place as the men in front of him began laughing. Feeling his face burn, knowing all passing eyes were now on either him or his ball of energy jogging up behind him.
But what can he say, opposites clearly attract.
Taglist: @bloodonmyhands-1221 @ai-luni
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blessed1neha · 1 year
Malefics in 12th house
Malefics in the 12th ruin's married life 
Although it is common knowledge that marriage is connected the seventh house , while the husband or wife's nature, appearance, age, caste, and other traits are described by the 7th house, along with the timing of the marriage (early or delayed), the real married life or intimate life is only determined by the 12th house. The 7th house has a lot to do with how your spouse acts around the family and in society, but when you two are together, the 12th house comes into play. Your 7th house reflects what society and other people believe about your spouse, whereas your 12th house reflects what YOU believe about YOUR spouse.The 12th house is also your own bedroom, thus it will determine whether you are romantically or sexually satisfied with your wife or husband.To be quite honest, placing a malefic planet alone in the 12th house, such as the Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu, is not conducive to a good marriage. Mars is the planet in the 12th house that is both the most hazardous and notorious. Angarak is the name given to Mars. Angarak translates as Fire-Creator. Mars is not at all just when they are in Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, and Saggitarius.  However, Mars' placement in the 12th house in Libra is the most hazardous.Also keep in mind that Mars' negative energy increases when it is in opposition to or in degreecal square to another malefic planet, whereas it is subdued if Jupiter is in the 5th or 9th aspect.Mars causes conflicts between the couple. Once inside the bedroom, there is no peace. Neither the husband nor the wife are happy.Married life ends in divorce when Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu are conjunct in the twelfth house.One thing I've found is that, aside from Venus being in the 12th, these combos are very important in female charts. Mars' rage is overpowered by Venus. Relax if Venus and Mars are in the 12th position. There won't be much damage.
Let's look at several instances. 1.Scorpio Lagna in the female chart. Sun, Mars, and Rahu in the twelve. Husband is incapable. Separation within six months 2. Cancer Lagna in the female chart. 12th house Saturn and Ketu. Despite her best efforts to entice him, her husband didn't stop wanting sex with her until six months into their marriage. The husband was drawn to another girl. The married life goes on without any erotic enjoyment. She possesses self-control and is a devoted wife. 3. Cancer lagna in a female chart. 12th house Saturn Rahu. 6th Sun Ketu. When she was 31 years old, her spouse left her after six years of marriage. Nothing sexual after that. She and her son have separate residences. 4. Leo lagna, fourth man's chart. Sun 4 degree in third and Mars 4 degree in 12th form an exact square.   divorce in the next two years. 5. Male chart with Scorpio Lagna and Venus in the 10th house beside the Moon. He married a stunning woman. His friends envied him. However, Mars is in Libra's 12th house.  The girl was very dominating, agressive and argumentative. His marriage was a living misery. After 20 years of marriage, she passed away.  At the age of 56, he lives by himself. 6. Female horoscope with Scorpio Lagna, Mars, and Saturn in 12th-place Libra. married at the age of 23 to an NRI. enjoyed having sex for just one week. After a year, the husband sent divorce papers from the US. 35 years old and still single. 7. Saggitarius Lagna in the female chart. Moon 12th house: Rahu and Saturn. Although she was in a relationship with a married boss, she was unable to wed him. 7-year relationship ended 8.Virgo lagna in the female chart. Saturn Rahu Jupiter in the 12th. Jupiter, the 7th lord. Never married again. 9. Libra Lagna in the male chart. Sun Mars is in the twelfth position. married to a female US citizen. Even though he could travel to the US, married life would be terrible. Too many conflicts. In five years, a divorce.
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chaoshoranghae · 1 year
Stargazing with the dreamies
these were so short :(
i'm backkkkk
i have about 16 drafts i have started over the past but i will now be working on it again
classes also start in about a week as well
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Doesn't know much about constellations tbh
But enjoys the concept of the date and the time with you
100% get ideas for a song
Or he'd have his guitar and just start singing
Both of you guys start researching about the constellations you might be seeing
Names his next song one of those constellations
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I mean??? Hes so interested in space and aliens he could go on
Almost like picnic day/ renjun info dumps
I for one would love it
He would talk forever and ever about all these constellations even bring up horoscopes, whether you believe in them or not
Probably start singing about the stars too
If not singing he has music playing in the bg
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Multiple different cuddling positions as he talks about the stars
Just like mark, not all that knowledgeable
Asked one of his members for a date idea and got this
But he's open to it
Especially if ur into it and can explain to him about all the stars
"The view is beautiful" but he's just staring at you
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He enjoys how quiet and isolated you guys are
Both of you guys are just cuddling in comfortable silence
I'm sorry I feel like bro would start gaming, like an event is happening he's gotta play
However he wants to be more knowledgeable than you and shows off
Bro would do his research just so he can show off
But he enjoys how intimate this is
No members, managers bothering him
peace and quiet with you
It started with watching the sunset and stay up until sunrise
But you guys probably end up snoozing half way thru
He wakes up before you and spends time taking in the view of you and the scenery
but wakes you up by singing
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He more so wants to have a photoshoot with you and this was the perfect excuse to get you to agree
Just like haechan, you guys start from sunset to sunrise
Jaemin has a second camera in the back recording for a time laspe video he can gift you
100% is reading poems to you or smth
though he has an ult motive, he does want to just star gaze with you and enjoy this intimate moment
maybe even comf silence between the two of you
this date happens so much
he grills for you
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the date started out from glamping
a dare between you guys on who can stay up the longest and ended up with you two stargazing
both of you guys laying down on the porch outside taking in the nature and the stars
neither know all that much about the stars but thats okay
le is making jokes that he could be doing something better with his time or that you have to pay him now
but he appreciates the isolation from his idol life
he did bring daegal along and its just you daegal and him laying side by side
talking about what the star could be and mean
you do however lose the dare and fall asleep
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it was a night where he was still practicing, you haven't been able to see him all week thanks to the prep of his new comeback and you thought you could surprise him
came into the room with a projector and snacks
also came with some info about stars with reference pictures knowing how Ji is
"we gotta do the real thing one day"
"One thing you can knock off your bucket list"
Ji would be so ecstatic and would talk to his hyungs about how great you are
he would try and work later for a chance of it happening again
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mitsurismistress · 7 months
How they sleep with you
(Only a few hydro because I had 0 inspo)
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(Hydro Addition)
A darling
Wants you to be as comfortable as possible
She has a ton of plushies and the fuzziest blankets
Makes sure to shower before bed so she doesn’t get you dirty
She also smells like flowers
Meaning so does everything that surrounds her
Another big fan of forehead kisses
Or cheek kisses
Just kisses in general
Likes to sleep holding your hand
She tosses around a lot so she tries to not be super close incase she wakes you up
But who can resist a little hand holding with Barbie?
Also has the cutest night gowns
Will not let you into her home
She’s too embarrassed
She sleeps on a futon and is mortified the first time you see it
Though she doesn’t mind cuddles, she also tosses a lot
She also drools
Usually you two sleep with your backs against one another
Also loves to share a blanket
She likes feeling your skin against hers while you sleep
She also reads some horoscopes before bed to try and manifest good dreams for you
Surprise surprise, he reads you to sleep
Usually it’s random books he picked up from the shop, but sometimes he will tell you about a new book he’s writing
Also sleep talks
A lot
Though when he does, he will make sure you hear it
Will shake you awake and be like
“Could you imagine a world where everything is the same except people have hands for feet and feet for hands?”
Doesn’t remember it the next day though
Big cuddler
Usually ends up sleeping on top of you
Also a big fan of running his hands through your hair
He just loves you
She lets you sleep in her bed since usually she isn’t home
She will kiss you goodnight and hug you before leaving
“Night is when evil comes out to play, my dear. In here, you’ll be safe. Trust me”
Whatever you say !!
Though on occasion you’ll wake up to her next to you
Rubbing her hands on your bare stomach and head rested on your shoulder from behind
Usually leads to more…intimate activities
Long story short, she loves you
But she’s a busy woman
Active Childe hater
Griffin Burns gave me Covid
(Long story)
won’t ever miss a chance to hold you
Skin on skin is really big for him
Similar to Yelan, sometimes just isn’t there
But he tries
Sleeps in only boxers
Used to sleep naked as a surprise tactic for enemies but then you demanded he wore clothes
Worst day of his life
Big spoon
His hands are wanderers though so be alert
But honestly, he really does love you
Even if he tried to rizz you up every 24 seconds
Wow another absent hydro partner
Unless he has 0 choice, he will demand that he stays by you
Remember Ningguangs pov?
That but 10x
Biggest bed ever
Silkiest of sheets
Softest of pillow cases
Gorgeous pajamas
And you know he spoils you
Buys you a new set for everyday of the week
“Are you feeling alright, dear? You’re wearing Sundays silk?”
Milk tea before bed
Swears it will help you sleep
It doesn’t
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
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Sometimes life takes on the thematic consistency of a movie, and this is always thrilling even if you know intellectually that all of your impulses and machinations have to come from the same subconscious place.
At the beginning of the week I saw an interesting horoscope prompt to write an obituary for your past self and bury it in the ground. I decided to do this, perhaps because I have been burning for change for several years now on a level that has been making me much more insane than I already am. I thought it would feel forced and pretentious to write the obit, but it was really easy, particularly easy to see what the "past self" consists of when I notice all the things I do now that I couldn't before. It was a good feeling, that it was so obvious to me what to write. I buried it where we spread our lizard's ashes, a place where there is a view of the Statue of Liberty. Sometimes I hang around there and analyze what "liberty" means to me in a culture where we often take it for granted as a foundational principle, even though this isn't very true in practice.
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It happened to be the summer solstice. On midsummer's eve I had been strangely full of energy. Someone posted a section of coptic midnight praise music, so I got out of bed and listened to that on repeat for about an hour before getting two or three hours of sleep. I woke up around dawn feeling refreshed and experienced no fatigue for the rest of the day. Then I did the writing, and the burial. Oddly (or not), I would spend the next two days finally-finalizing my married name change on every outstanding account. Becoming a different person.
In the night I'd found myself looking at pictures of snakes, my favorite animal since childhood. In the morning I vaguely remembered something having to do with snakes and midsummer; in fact there is a Lithuanian grass snake entity that is supposed to protect the home and bring good fortune, and it is connected with a sun goddess who is naturally celebrated on the solstice. I even remembered that I had some Zaltys-themed perfume in my collection, so I dug that out and enjoyed it, a sunny and snakey smell. My seemingly random snake meditation was well-timed, not only calendrically but because my husband and I have been desperately searching for a new home. We got one the next day.
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In less than 24 hours, we viewed an apartment in our (really MY let's be honest) favorite neighborhood, applied to lease it, and were accepted. Of course nothing with me is ever as cut and dried as that, and in reality it took several hours to get my application materials together and do banking bullshit and just stop fucking everything up. I started a post yesterday detailing all this, but now I'm too exhausted to fix it up and post it. Suffice it to say that almost every adult activity is almost Too Hard for me, I wish I understood the world better and I really do try but it's beyond my intellectual functioning, but every time I have to take care of some administrative nonsense I'm like a goldfish passing the same plastic castle like it's brand new. Sometimes it feels like everything I do is the hardest thing I've ever done, and my only source of pride is the willingness to keep doing it.
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The apartment is only slightly too expensive, which we will trade for slightly more space in a much nicer neighborhood. We've been sitting on each other's heads in a hilariously small place surrounded by toxic waste (literally) for ten years, and in the last few years it began to feel like something that was holding us back, as people, in life. Like I needed so many things to change about my health, my job situation, my daily routines, my worldly possessions, and it just didn't feel possible for anything to shift in this little place that seemed to be shrinking every day. I became convinced that moving house would trigger all of the other changes, no matter how unrelated they might appear, and I still think this may prove true.
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It may not be surprising that I started going to church during this time of constriction, when I could only expand my mind. I find it easy to love the intense fetishism of Catholicism, and its enormous pantheon of different guys with different attributes. It's got more guys than GI Joe, all with cool little backstories. Somewhere I read that you can bother St. Joseph for domestic needs. He is a guy who we know very little about, which is curious because the holy family is such a big deal; it seems that he died sometime before Jesus turned water into wine, but no one knows how. There is an incredible statue of him in Star of the Sea that is epically sad and exhausted-looking, I need to get a picture of him. I actually said a novena to Joseph for the new apartment...so now I guess I'm on the hook! Good thing I confused things by also asking my favor of the Lithuanian snake entity, so I don't have to just become a fanatical Catholic. I'll have to make a little joint altar in the new place for Joseph and the serpent.
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While I was changing my name on the last bank account down in the financial district, my husband texted me to say we got the apartment. It was about an hour after we submitted our application. When I stepped outside, I realized I was around the corner from St. Paul's Chapel on Broadway, an ancient-feeling place surrounded by modern steel and concrete and glass. The cemetery that wraps around the building has a view of the Oculus, which presents an extremely strange view that I couldn't get a representative photo of, so all these exteriors are stolen and you'll have to try to imagine what I mean. I did go in, though. The atmosphere is very powerful, a center of oldness and spirit and allegorical thought in the center of this futuristic business orgy. I think that I'd like to be wealthy because of course that's what everyone wants, but also because it would increase my ability to be helpful and contribute to changes I want to see around me. I thought about this while I put some money in the offering slot and lit a candle.
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In esoteric thought there is something called an egregore, which is sort of like a large-scale tulpa, an entity that arises from people's collective mental and emotional investment in it; Wall Street has an egregore, and the NFL, and Broadway, and Disney, and so on. St. Paul's Chapel does a great job of announcing itself as the seat of the egregore of New York City. I regret that I couldn't get a picture of this painting without the glare in the middle, although that does add a certain amount of drama. But anyway here we are, back to the concept of Liberty. Here's hoping the new apartment brings lots and lots of growth and change.
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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The week begins not only with Pluto moving out of Aquarius and into Capricorn on June 11, but also with Mercury, the planet of communication, ending its two-month transit through Taurus and entering Gemini. You may feel more social and somewhat indecisive this week as you adjust to this cosmic change. Mercury’s two-week transit through Gemini increases our curiosity about ways we can expand our views of ourselves, others, and the world around and within us.   Your Horoscope This Week: May 28 to June 3, 2023 Gemini Sun & Rising: Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising Gemini, this is the first full week since August 2022 where Mars, the planet of action, is not in your sign, and you may feel like you’ve woken up in a completely new world.Mars’ presence in Cancer activates your sector of money and self-esteem for the next six weeks and after a period of hustle and self-dedication, you’re welcoming abundance through being emotionally centred. That means making time to be with yourself, especially since the week begins with the moon in your sign.  Midweek, the moon shifts into Cancer and connects with Mars. You may be surprised by the waterworks that emerge around this time, when you least expect it. You’ve been experiencing an avalanche of changes within and around you, and this moon-Mars connection is what’s leading to you finally taking time to process what it all means. Let it all out, Gemini. This weekend is about fun, flirting and play as the Leo moon brightens up your mood and reminds you of the importance of letting yourself be seen and celebrated. Since your communication sector will be activated, you may want to make the most of this lunar transit by making key announcements or strategic pitches around this time. © ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI https://www.refinery29.com/en-gb/2023/05/11408854/weekly-horoscope-28-may-3-june?fbclid=IwAR2WJ7x_eaNHnyKRxkeL2iogZitP0bkzeu4UbxGKYBCAnA5M_3h9E2meAo8
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heldflesh · 1 year
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──  (  jonathan  daviss.  nonbinary,  they / them.  )  recently  seen  flashing  bathroom  -  goers  their  daily  tarots  while  sat  upon  a  crooked  sink  (  you're  seeking  an  endless  fortune  ...  in  the  form  of  a  line  the  next  stall  over,  that  you'll  share  with  me  right?  righ  –  ),  wafts  of  smoke  between  each  word    at  freezer  bride's:  enter  CARNELIAN  LARAMIE  ST.  GERMAIN.  twenty  six  years  old  &  a  cancer,  usually  observed  in  well  -  worn  band  shirts,  always  cropped  at  navel  –  scandalizing!  incentive!  never  done  before!  –  moth  -  bitten  holes  affixed  with  charms;  lucky  trinkets  and  protective  wards,  home  -  sewn  by  a  doting  mother,  the  same  that  hang  in  the  cuffs  of  cracking  leather  jackets  and  between  the  laces  of  steel  -  toed  boots    ;  carn  is  a  devotion  local  known  within  their  circle  as  EFFULGENT  +  SEDULOUS,  a  perpetual  hum  of  rock  -  n  -  roll  victim  by  death  on  salted  mouth.  something  of  the  OVERWROUGHT  +  QUIXOTIC  follows,  regardless  …  something  to  do  with  the  belief  that  sharing  IS  caring  –  barney  told  us  so.  are  you  going  to  forsake  barney?  our  one,  true  god?  our  sav  –  and  a  thumb  -  swept  sniffle  ,  perhaps  ?  strange,  what  a  WITCH  can  get  up  to.  they’ve  been  heard  waxing  lyrical  about  a  dream  they  had  recently,  a  strange  tale  of  a  god  inside  oneself;  metallic  tang  against  tongue  as  muscle  stretch  and  split,  making  room  for  a  new  entity  to  take  hold,  to  make  home  out  of  borrowed  flesh  –  body  a  vessel,  a  calling,  a  devotion.  pay  no  mind  to  fanciful  star  -  gazing,  though:  rather,  mind  the  tangible.  focus  on  cassette  tapes  handed  out  for  every  emotion  felt;  every  moment  passed,  every  thought  had  (  imbued  with  good  luck  and  protection,  and  the  yearning  that  is  two  heads  knocked  together  under  one  comically  large  headphone  )  /  starlight  just  within  grasp,  white  -  hot  fingertips  and  a  familiar  buzz  within  one's  chest;  craning  against  dark  sky,  toes  against  treacherous  ledge,  crumbling  dirt  beneath  –  just  a  little  longer,  just  a  little  closer  –  the  world  on  tilts,  rotating,  spinning;  falling  /  the  soothing  rock  of  a  triple  -  decker  boat,  layers  built  upon  layers  –  always  a  room,  always  a  place  –  accommodating  warmth,  siren  call  a  sweet  lullaby,  familiar  –  soothing  .  /
... mentioning themes of HAPPY FAMILIES, MANIPULATING STARS, DRUGS, and ANXIETY. proceed with care.
with palms held out.
full name — carnelian laramie st. germain.
nickname(s) — carn; neil ( to assert dominance over twink!neil; alternatively, if you hate carn and want them to di– ); lars ( steven universe tease, only if you hate carn and want them to di– twice over ); laramoo ( mothers, affectionately; siblings, maliciously ); red.
date of birth & age — june 30th, 1997, twenty6.
gender / pronouns — non - binary, agender; they / them.
sexuality — queer.
typing — witch, but extra cool ( just a normal witch, but with a leather jacket ).
occupation — astrology bullshitter; tarot reader; amateur wizard ( virginal or not left to be seen, life school in wizards101 ); proud band member; manager at diner 54.
astrology — cancer sun, pisces moon, virgo ascending.
interests — ska punk, they don't need help. any instrument involving blowing, strumming, or any variation of fondling. daily horoscopes. smoking. fishing, but with their bare hands to establish dominance over the fish. worship of a new idol every week.
aversions — riding their bike into the creek for the 5th time that week. come downs. the color "greige", like what even is that? losing against the fish. industry plants, both hollywood and nuclear. their never - ending spiral of thoughts.
next in queue — blank generation, richard hell and the voidoids; sound system, operation ivy; bulls on the parade, rage against the machine; sunshine ward, amebix.
notable features — more tattoos than bare skin, ever - changing, ever - moving & charms sewn into every hemline, hanging from every piercing adorning nose and lip and brow.
general disposition — like they're about to shit themselves out of fear & excitement, maybe both.
last known location — sprawled half - out of a shoddy van behind diner 54, half - convinced that they're transforming into a slug; oddly concerned about their internal body temperature and if they'd still be loved if they were just a shell - less snail.
scrying mirror & kindred — lane kim ( gilmore girls ), nino quincampoix ( amélie ), ned ( pushing daisies ), winston bishop ( new girl ), norville "shaggy" rogers ( scooby doo ).
what lurks in the past...
devotion, one and only - nothing else known. years of family in one setting, one sitting; one rocking boat, layers built upon layers. only leaving just to return again, to re - meet smiling faces; fish and treasure in tow, new trinkets entangled in netting, shells a collection against windowsill and rail, never moving despite sharp upturn of wave.
each st. germain is born on - deck, tradition dating back to the first st. germain; ever - mysterious, superstitious and warding. those born upon their boat - more house than ship - thought to be forever safe from harm, building belief magic of its own. carnelian far from first, and far from last; fatefully middle child, but the woes of such never touching them. loved, just the same as one another.
their generation is born to magic, innate but not taught; family grimoire long lost to depths far beneath them, water not even they can lurk in - became more comfort than necessity over the years, fishing enough to keep them comfortable, settled. the oldest unaccepting of this, begins the family's hunt. seeks the unseekable, speak the unspeakable.
carnelian is intrigued; practicing on their own, magic at first weak but stable - tarot more game than serious intuition, until intuition swallows them whole. prone to bouts of unpredictability, turning against them as emotions sway alongside reefs against water, against wind. each spell's attempt is anxiety - latched; hand gripping upon shoulder, sinking them into ground; head a mess of thoughts, tornado ripping up tree and house.
every st. germain has a plan laid out; ambitious lot, wanting power of their own for one reason or another; carnelian is simple - wants the joy of it, wants to soothe their own thoughts, entertain friends and fans alike. the oceans calls to some, the moon to others; the stars to carnelian, shining brighter for them than anyone else. some nights sat upon angel's peak; they hear their whispers among one another, is that one of us? another fallen star? brethren, kindred, o' stardust of mine?
the more carnelian studies; the louder the whispers seem, brighter against the sky - almost visible beside the sun, places they shouldn't be. they want something from them, something intangible; something unfathomable - undecipherable, despite hours spent crossed against the moon, spliff in hand as limb leers precariously off cliffs edge. what does it all mean - what do they want?
they want a god reborn; brought to fruition, breathed back to life - each vessel unworthy except for one; a lanky body, softly unproportioned, unexpected and unassuming. their dreams litter with the memories of stardust, of creation; stars forming and dying, colliding into one another; more nights than not they awaken burning hot, sweating through cloth and out of bed, closer and closer towards the cliff.
carnelian severs the line; afraid of the night sky, and how it wants to swallow them whole - they stopped visiting the stars, stopped heeding the nebulous. sleep lessens - fearful of their grip upon them, parasocial a whole new meaning. if it goes ignored - they'll go away, right? stars burst eventually, don't they?
friends of family and of childhood: while not well to do; the st. germain family is practically devo legend, knows just about everyone and everything. friendships span generations, or sometimes just years.
relatives of the st. germains: extended family, in all their glory; fishermen and witches alike, mortal or not; half - nymph cousins and nephews and nieces with the blood of fae inside.
...comes to light in present...
magic's not abandoned; just shift - geared, other options explored; options that don't compel carnelian to join the stars above, horoscopes stuck to the daily newspaper only, still read loyally. it takes form of illusions and small tricks; the wind picking up more than usual, lightning calls from overhead. it's cloudier at night now, than before; can barely see the moon, let alone stars. aura cleansings and healings; repenting for their subconscious calling for godhood, still nails clawing skull.
they keep busy, picking up instruments at their pleasure; playing a slow ballad of girls just wanna have fun at the back of a smoky van, crying induced afterwards. mind meld, for funsies - distract from their own thoughts by lifting the lid onto others; nosy a trait they cannot escape, knowing more than most. lips remain sealed. not out of loyalty, not many deserving of such a trait - nor of nefarious intent and future plotting. more a hub of information, than anything else; wealth in it.
natural skeptic of others; hard not to be in devotion, where one wrong step lands you inside a fairy ring, or a very convincing con between two sirens with the taste for finer things who really, really want your wallet. not to say they're not kind, they are; gives more of themselves than they intend, stumbles over themselves at times just to give it. over - righteous at times, an icon of saying i told you so in a smug tone, we get it - you've got great intuition, whatever; at least others aren't reenacting the bee movie with polaris.
carnelian is a little too optimistic; often blinded by their own wants, than what is reasonable or sound - shit at advice, echoes of follow your heart, drop everything and chase them! eat that edib - can barely make their own decisions without haywire, while simultaneously avoiding new, only embracing old. has managed the same diner since early adulthood - claims nowhere else would feel the same. a slut for temptation, and what cannot, or shouldn't be had; has gotten good at fighting quickened breath and nervous glances.
oh guide me, master jedi: someone more experienced than carnelian, who probably knows more about magic; or pretend to. god knows they need the help, lest they start lusting over stardust again.
serenades of the cheesiest, worst renditions of songs: no one can stop carnelian from yearning. a friend can be a lover, so can a stranger - who could resist an 80's boombox outside window scene?
...and carries into the future.
how long can one stay ignorant to their call? it's persistent, still; a continued whisper at the base of their skull, the farthest corner of their mind - backed into it, and growling. hungry for the attention. is it really the stars? or manipulation from another, a beckoning call for something else altogether?
it's not like the stars can craft a new grimoire for their family; what's the point of it all? their siblings have all gone off on their own routes; maybe it's time for them to find an alternative, to chase down their family spells - to find what is lost.
confusion only grows at the back of carnelian's mind, what's real, and what isn't?
the call of a stranger: a mysterious being not yet known, are they the one beckoning carnelian? what purpose is there - or maybe it's all a ruse. a false prophet. a trick.
treasure hunters! hunt that treasure!: down in the murky depths of the ocean, siren territory - lays the st. germain grimoire. they've promised a hefty reward for whoever companies them on their mission; a reward they don't yet have.
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sherkirti · 2 years
New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in 2’ Scorpio @03:48 PST 10/25/22
Sun & Moon will be Conjunct with Venus at the exact degree of 2’ SCORPIO.
*These are tarot messages, not transit charts (something I can do, but I enjoy pulling cards for horoscopes instead). Take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
A Taurus degree, signifying the reciprocal energy and effort that we place into people, places and projects. Libra will be on the horizon, emphasizing this Venusian energy, boosting your sense of pleasure, love and the deep desires beyond the simplistic sensation of satisfaction from external delights. You are looking into the infinite mirror of your grandest possibilities. What will it take? What investments will you make? 
This transit will be affecting Libra, Scorpio, Taurus, Aries the most powerfully, shaking up your sense of self and your relationships, particularly your desires within those realms. This is not sudden, it’s not a one and done sort of job. This is the beginning, and for the next two weeks building up to the Lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2022 at 16’ Taurus a lot will be revealed. Clarity will come. 
Taking a look into the end of this eclipse portal, I noticed that Libra is on the horizon once again at its maximum peak.  The Sun, Venus & Mercury will be close to the horizon, rising upward, bringing with it the shedding of dusk. A full circle closure, that began with a bubbling rise of emotional release, and complete with the planet of Mercury reigning in the chariot of a new dawn. This is a death and birthing process. Rest, replenish, and release. 
The past is dead and gone. You are everything you are now, perfectly as you were meant to be. 
Insights for Your Placements (Apply to Sun/Moon/Rising) 
ARIES - A burst of life force energy is coming through you now. Go ahead, and run. Rush forward into your passions, your pursuits. You are armored, prepared and able to clear the path before you. Whatever or whoever it is, offer yourself completely. Forget limitations, restraints or blocks. You will move through it swiftly. 
TAURUS - A new financial or relationship opportunity may make itself available to you soon. Remember to stand up for your needs as you enter any kind of partnership, and reach an agreement that feels fair. There’s more available than you’re used to believing. Reciprocation is the key word. 
GEMINI - You are larger than the future you’re headed towards, the dreams you envision. You hold the power in your hands to make the next steps happen. This is a potent portal for you to stream forward with your plans. Be clear and direct with your aim. 
CANCER - Take some time for yourself to get clear. You may have extended a lot of time and energy to others lately, or maybe you feel like you “should,” but keep trusting the need to go slow, since the next step is closer than you think. It may already be within reach. This is your permission to retreat from resistance and take care of yourself first. 
LEO - You have a lot of ambition, Leo, but you may not be recognizing how capable or well-deserved you are of receiving all that you dream about. In order to move forward with consistency and not feel burned out or defeated along your journey, you have to address the intimate relationship with your first priority: You. Without recognizing your worth and what you have to offer, how can anyone else? Your destiny/true love is waiting to meet you there once you do. 
VIRGO - The painful labor is finally reaching its end. You are embracing the new life that ushers in now, and with your unconditional love and care it will thrive. Clear the prickers beneath your feet. Stop going to places you know will hurt you. You are not only giving birth, but being birthed, leaving the dark comfort of the womb, and welcoming the possibility of expansion in your life, beyond your expectations—beyond what you think you know. 
LIBRA - Don’t shy from collaboration or opportunities of spaces that allow you to grow. You’re not in the same playing field anymore. You’re on a new horizon now, and it’s okay to trust the opportunities that reveal themselves to you. It might not be so upfront, or offer everything on a silver platter, but it is a nourishing soil that will become fruitful. Take a look at your talents, your natural abilities (what you can offer) and think of what (people, places, opportunities) can provide you with the necessary launch pad to make it happen. Show them the full breadth of what you’re capable of. 
SCORPIO - Raw, natural, authentic. No closed doors, no facades. Don’t disconnect from who you really are, because you’re afraid, or because you’ve opted to neglect it due to pain and fear. You will be receiving clarity with what’s working and what’s not. (Take an Epsom salt bath). And clear out the stagnant and the old. You’re re-emerging with a natural glow, one that is yours and no one else’s. 
SAGITTARIUS - Time to slooooow down. You’re not in control. You never were, but you decided to run because it feels good to feel the distance, the newness, the sharpness of the clear air striking you. Take a seat on the bench and refill your water bottle. You have been going for so long, and there’s nowhere else to go but where you are. It doesn’t have to be so hard all the time, for you to feel the thrill. You’re allowed to relax and receive. What does this mean? You’ll figure it out. It’s time to learn how to love yourself. 
CAPRICORN - You’ve been putting a lot of pressure on yourself to do the “work” quickly. Remember that your engine needs to fuel. Success can be very enticing for you, but remember to ask yourself, why do I want to succeed? And what does success look like to me? Let yourself be bare. Let yourself be still, and find this to be worthy. If your physical manifestation of your consciousness, a.k.a. your body, cannot be worth your value, then nothing else should take precedence. 
AQUARIUS - All eyes on you, Aquarius…but it might not feel so good? What’s circling in your thoughts that’s creating this sense of pressure, and build up? Beyond the judging eyes of others (mostly yourself), you’ll discover you’re stepping toward a vast field of gold. And you cannot take everything with you. You know what’s no longer working, you know which beliefs are no longer serving you. Leave that dusty old backpack at the bottom of the hill and ascend to your throne.
PISCES - Completion. A lot of energy, along with buried emotions, will surface for you now, but in a dynamically powerful way. This momentum of energy will scoot you along, inviting new opportunities, connections, routines, and ways of being into your life. You are encouraged to daydream, to trust the source of the stream to guide you toward a larger playing field. 
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