#How Does A Grape Plant Grow
seresinhangmanjake · 5 months
Stolen Angel - part 2
Demon!Jake Seresin x reader
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Summary: You thought you were having a one-night stand with some random, normal guy. Turns out he’s a winged, demon-like stalker who has been obsessed with you for years.
Warnings/Notes: Jake is a little dark. Kidnapping. Manipulation. Obsessive behavior. Brief smut 18+. I’m sure there are typos. This used to be a different fic for August Walker, so if you see it, it’s fine. I wrote that one too.
Words: 1551
Part 1, Part 3
He moans so sweetly for such a strong, toned man. And it’s odd.
As he moves in and out of you, filling and stretching, his lips graze across one of your cheeks before he makes his way to the other, his nose nudging yours between those kisses. 
You try to meet his thrusts harder so you can get him to fuck you faster, but he plants a giant hand on your hipbone to hold you in place so he can continue at the pace he wants. It is not a pace you are used to, and certainly not one you expected, but you don’t hate it. 
Eventually, you succumb to it, you thrive in it, and when he flips you over and you sink down onto his cock, you keep it slow. You would like to think his hands on your waist are stopping you from increasing speed, but they just rest there, occasionally moving to your ass or breasts and gently squeezing. 
“Beautiful,” he sighs, eyes locked onto yours. “Absolutely beauti–”
You shoot up at the sound of knocking at the door, instantly groaning at the ache of your healing back. There is more healing to be done, but you’ve made rapid progress, and, to your dismay, you’re slowly starting to get used to the weight of the new appendages. You’d resisted accepting the wings at first, but after multiple mornings of waking to find them still attached to you, you gave up on the idea that any of this could be a dream.
There’s another knock. You have no idea why he bothers, seeing as he hadn’t bothered with politeness when he invaded your body with whatever drug he used to get you here. But then, true to character, he opens the door and walks right in despite your missing permission. 
The small tray in Jake’s hands is covered with an assortment of what appears to be familiar foods, but you’re no more certain that they are real than you are certain that the view outside of your window is real, or that he is real. There could be a monster under that handsome disguise. A fitting figure to match how he has treated you. His skin could be an unnatural color, bones twisted and mangled, teeth razor sharp, with eyes to compliment his misplaced soul. 
You hope you’re wrong. You hope you didn’t let a creature like that inside of you. 
As Jake nears, the blaze of his gaze over your body is unashamed and cuts into your skin like a heated knife. “Tell me you didn’t sleep in that again,” he says, disappointed.
You glance down at the dark brown smock cinched at your waist with a thin piece of rope; the first item of clothing given to you after your wings had finished growing.
“What happened to the nightgown?”
“It’s see-through," you huff.
“And?” he questions, setting the tray on the table beside your bed. “I’m the only one who will see you in it, and I’ve seen you in nothing at all, so what does the opacity of the fabric have to do with your not wearing it?”
“I don’t like it."
“So what did you do with it?”
Your eyes flick to the fireplace on the other side of the room, the fire long burnt out since its lighting the night before, and Jake’s head turns to follow. He sighs, clicks his tongue, and says, “I’ll bring you another.”
“I don’t want anoth—”
“You need to eat,” he interrupts, nudging the tray closer to you. “You haven’t in days.”
You get a better view of the fat, green grapes, and thin apple slices next to cubes of cheese and round plums. All foods you enjoy… coincidentally? No, suspiciously. You’re increasingly wary of the hints telling you that he knows so much about you.
“Not hungry,” you tell him, crossing your arms like a petulant child. 
“Yes you are, you little liar. I heard your stomach groaning from down the hall,” he replies with a slight smirk. “So, you’re going to eat whether you want to or not. I don’t need you getting any ideas about starving yourself until you’re skin and bones,” he says. “That’s not to say I wouldn’t still find you appealing, but I prefer the woman I love to be a touch livelier than that.”
Just when you think you’ve gotten over the last of the nausea, another wave rolls through you—you would rather be skin and bones than be anything that pleases him—but then the sickness is overpowered by a rush of gritty determination. 
“I don’t care what you like or prefer,” you spit back. “You want to dress me up and feed me as if you’re trying to play house, but I am not your girlfriend, I am not your wife, and I am not your toy. All you’ve done is kidnap me and put me through unbearable pain, so drop the bullshit.”
Jake’s fists are balled at his sides by the end of your words, face harshly contorted, eyebrows knitted, and the corners of his mouth tipping down. 
“You think I wanted you to hurt?” The low rumble of his voice shakes the walls. The vase of flowers on your other bedside table shatters. A small frame you’ve never noticed before falls from its hook and smashes to pieces on the stone flooring. “You think I enjoyed hearing your screams? I wish I could’ve taken it all away, but that's not possible!”
You stand sharply, sturdy despite the tremor of the floor, and try pushing him back, but he doesn’t budge this time. He’s like a brick wall, tall and six feet thick. 
“You could have left me alone!” Your fists slam into the rock-solid muscles of his arms and chest and shoulders; anywhere you can reach. “I’m not meant to be here! I don’t belong! I’m not supposed to be whatever the fuck you are, I'm supposed to be human!”
Jake snatches your wrists, presses them together, and wraps one large hand around both. Your eyes widen and wings fan out to keep you steady as you’re forced into a seated position on the mattress. The room descends into still silence, and with a tightening grip, Jake leans in until his nose nearly touches yours. 
“You are meant to be with me,” he growls. “You are my Angel, and you couldn’t return to your old life even if I released you. You are not human. This is your home now.”
You try your hardest to hold your position in the stare-off, but you're distracted by a bright red that begins to seep into the green of his eyes, like little tendrils slithering from the pupil and infecting the iris. It's barely noticeable, but it calls for you to back off, to stand down, and though you don’t want to, you have to look away. 
“I hate you,” you grumble.
Jake exhales heavily as he straightens to full height. “You will learn to love me,” he says. 
You look up to find all traces of that red gone. “How could I? Why would I even try?”
“Because I saved you from a miserable life in a useless world. Because no man could love you like I do,” he replies. “Because before you knew about any of this, you enjoyed having me in your bed.”
When he goes to tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear with the hand not holding your wrists captive, you jerk your head to the side. “Bastard,” you mutter.
Jake chuckles dryly and releases you, but there is a warning in that chuckle, a threat in the way he frees your hands. You can feel it—how he wants you to understand that he will have no problem putting you in your place if you refuse to cooperate, but that for now, for reasons you’d be wise not to test, he's willing to be lenient.
“I don’t know what we are going to do about that rude mouth, Angel,” he says, crossing his arms. “I’m getting a bit sick of it.”
“Yea, well, then maybe you took the wrong girl.”
His lips pull into a closed-mouth grin as he stares down at you, almost in examination. After a few seconds, however, you realize it’s not examination, it’s adoration. He’s not scanning your face as if to memorize all of its fine details now that he has ample opportunity, he’s gazing appreciatively at what’s been previously memorized. As his eyes drink in your features, you’re starting to believe he could map them out in complete darkness if necessary; he could paint your portrait with no source of light. They follow the curl of your eyelashes, trace the bow of your lips, give attention to each faded freckle as if caressing a long-lost lover. 
“No, I didn’t,” is all he says before he turns and walks to the door. He pauses halfway through and points a finger at the tray of food. “Eat,” he demands. “And I want that attitude sorted out by the time I come back.”
Plucking a grape from the bunch, you hurl it his way as the door shuts behind him. You miss, of course. Because, somehow, he’s just a tad too quick. Somehow, he’s always one step ahead of you.
tags: @wkndwlff @kmc1989 @sagittarius-flowerchild @dempy @oliviah-25 @rosiahills22 @xoxabs88xox @matisse556 @hardballoonlove @lynnevanss @pono-pura-vida @tgmreader @amgluvsbooks @ravenhood2792 @djs8891 @shakespeareanwannabe @penguin876 @tgmavericklover @athenabarnes @emilyoflanternhill @wretchedmo @shanimallina87 @crowsreadsarahjmaas @mamachasesmayhem @sky2nd @jessicab1991 @rosedurin @averyhotchner @horseshoegirl @roosteraloha @b-bradshaw @fandom-life-12 @hookslove1592 @buckysteveloki-me
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shanks-the-wino · 2 months
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Shanks X CisFem Reader
The Tour
"So, did you inherit this place or something?" your fingers brushed gently over a large grape leaf basking in the sunlight.
"You just refuse to believe I built this place on my own, hmm?" the redhead chuckled playfully, "Ok, well, I did have a little help. My grandfather passed away and left me some money. But this vineyard didn't already exist."
"How long did it take?" you glanced up to meet his onyx gaze.
His face contorted in thought as his fingers ruffled through his red locks, "Hm about three years to grow the plants. Maybe a year of planning and picking the plants before that. It's been almost 15 years since."
"So, you were younger than me when you started this little empire." your tone was almost incredulous.
"Empire is a bit much," he blushed.
"You have taken over this side of the mountains, and you've got the old man making wine tour packages. I think everyone who is anyone gets married here."
"It just happens to be a good place to have this sort of business that's all." he shrugged fiddling with the plant closest to him.
"So modest." you chuckled bringing his black pearls back up to you.
"You have to stay humble when you have your own business," a crooked smile curved his lips, "ya never know when it could all go away."
"Well, I think you'll be safe. There seems to always be a market for good wine." you stepped closer to the redhead.
"You think it's good?"
You swore if he had a tail it would have been wagging.
"The sample you gave me at the resort was more than good, in my unprofessional opinion." you smiled a bit bashfully which made Shanks' pulse race, "Not that it really means much."
Your stomach did a flip as his hand gently enveloped your shoulder and he leaned down into your personal space.
"F/N, your opinion means more than most." his tone was low and perhaps a bit too sincere, he immediately cleared his throat yanking you out the moment, "I... I mean as a consumer and all...y-you know."
"Right," you agreed with a chuckle, "just like, your average Joe kind of opinion."
A sigh deflated him, "I didn't mean it like that."
"Just giving you a hard time." your lopsided smile gave him butterflies and brought the brightness back to his expression.
"Alright, shall we continue?" he gestured to the golf cart you'd traveled across the vineyard in, "I believe I promised you a tasting."
The tasting room was located in the cellar, which sounded a lot less appealing than it actually was.  You let out a breath of awe as Shanks parked the cart and announced your arrival.
A doorway carved into the stone of the foothill of the mountains. It was curved and framed with wild flowers of all kinds. The short stone path leading to the thick wooden door was lined with your favorite, gorgeous irises that happened to be in full bloom. Bees and butterflies fluttered about happily.
Shanks watched you with a soft smile. This was an unexpectedly beautiful moment that he was incredibly grateful to have witnessed.
"I see why people get married or here." you murmured caressing one of the flowers in front of you.
"It's really fairytale like." he admitted having been told that by many brides.
"It's like the freaking Shire." the unfiltered thought just tumbled from your lips.
Shanks let out a soft laugh, "I've heard that a few times. I suppose it does look like a hobbit should be living inside."
You chuckled in relief, "Did you design it that way on purpose?"
"With Bilbo in mind?" that crooked smile was making you feel warm, "No, I just wanted something that looked organic and was functional for storage so we didn't have to get too high tech."
"High tech?" you echoed.
"I'll show you," he stepped forward opening the door into the dimly lit room, "storage should be between 55 and 70 degrees and relatively humid. It allows the wine to age at a steady rate and it's how it was done before modern technology was around."
You followed him into the rather large room taking in the high rounded walls lined with racks filled with bottles. In the center of the room was a counter with a sink and a rack of delicate fluted glassware of different sizes hanging above. Shanks watched you take in your surroundings happy that you seemed so interested.
"Would you like to try some?" he asked reaching for the stemware.
"Sure, but I'm driving." you leaned over the counter.
"Don't worry a tasting isn't meant to get you drunk." he was already searching for a bottle he had in mind, "Not that it was my intention."
"Well, now I'm worried." you jested making him turn back.
"I certainly hope I haven't given you that impression." he raised his scarred brow.
"That joke was in bad taste I guess." you blushed a bit embarrassed.
He couldn't have found you more adorable.
"I'm sorry," the redhead chuckled, "it wasn't, you just said it so matter-of-factly."
"My humor isn't always appreciated."
"It should be, I actually find it pretty charming." he placed a bottle with a worn label and a small pale between you, "How do you feel about cheese?"
Meeting his curious gaze with a confused expression you replied, "I'm lactose intolerant, but that doesn't really stop me."
He let out an endearing laugh, "Well, I'd rather not poison you, so why don't we stick to fruit, crackers and some charcuterie?"
"What's happening?" you questioned as he gathered items from the pantry and fridge across the room.
"It's all part of the experience." he answered placing grapes, strawberries, seasoned crackers, aged salami and prosciutto on a plate.
You watched him work with interest. This was by far the fanciest thing you'd ever done. As he placed the plate between you and unquarked the bottle it dawned on you that this was starting to feel very much like a date.
Be cool.
Be cool.
Be cool.
"You ok?" Shanks asked, "Ya kinda zoned out there."
"Yeah," you glanced away sheepishly, "I just didn't expect the afternoon to turn out this way."
Shanks studied you for a moment before looking down at the counter. Seeing you go bashful sent him into a bit of a panic.
He'd unintentionally set himself up with you on a casual afternoon date. He had absolutely no idea what he was doing.
"Well, I was happy to show you around, and I suppose it'll help at work now that you've been around the place." he was suddenly wishing the floor would open up and swallow him.
It's not a date.
It's not a date.
It's not a date.
All romantic tension deflated immediately as your expression fell.
"Uh, right," you quickly smiled but it wasn't genuine, "I don't make many bookings since I work overnight but I can train the day shifts I guess."
Why was he like this?
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odditycircus-2002 · 1 year
Medusa!Reader and Shang Tsung in MK1: Part 6
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SPOILER ALERT: Proceed with Caution
You and Shang Tsung land in a stone chamber somewhere entirely unfamiliar. The Sorcerer is quick to push you away when your snakes attempt to bite at him again before using magic to bind your wrists together before you can use either your scythes or remove your mask. He then levitates you into the air to coo patronizingly at you.
"Honestly, my dove, did you really-"
Shang stops in midsentence when he notices a strange growth on his finger. The same one of your snakes knicked him with his fangs. This growth speared like a small flesh-covered branch with a couple of grape-sized orbs that were the same shade of blood, black veins quickly making their way up his wrist under the odd protrusion. Shang narrows his eyes when he plucks one of these orbs and pops them between his fingers, the smell of his blood immediately recognizable. He doesn't notice how the magic holding you flickers.
Shang then lights the growth with a familiar green magical aura before completely removing it from his body. He lets the strange protrusion fall to the ground and shrivel up before turning his attention back on you; watching as the black veins underneath start to recede. He explains that his benefactor taught him and his fellow sorcerer, Quan-chi, the magic Shang could only ever dream of. She promised them realms and, if he succeeds, the realms will be at his feet, and he wants you by his side when he does. Shang knows you're upset with him, but what happened to you came with a grand purpose in mind. He'll grow you gardens even more grand than Sindel's and grant all you desire in apology. His expression softens when he senses your dejection as you turn your head away from him.
"Our time together in our lab wasn't all a ruse, Y/N. Those were truly some of the best days of my life."
You then move your head in his direction and Shang follows your gaze with an, dare you say, hopeful expression on his face. Yet, it's soon erased when you inquire about the growth protruding from his finger, the same finger from earlier.
Shang's brows furrow in confusion as he observes the strange protrusion, his eyes widening when he sees the black veins under his skin grow faster than before. He then uses his magic to kill the lump again, only another to grow in its place with more branches and orbs. To his horror, on the other hand, another similar growth spurts from his wrist, most likely from another knick of your snake's fangs he didn't notice. Growing desperate, Shang rips out the strange plant from his wrist, gritting his teeth in pain as he uses his magic to heal the new wound. But it is in vain, as the veins continue to make their way up his arm. So the process repeats of Shang ripping out the strange branches and using his magic to heal the wound, but he could only keep the effects at bay, not cure it.
You start to lower from the air as Shang's magic wavers around you until it disperses completely, allowing you to drop back on the ground. You watch in morbid fascination as Shang visibly starts to exhaust himself from the vicious cycle you inadvertently put him in, circling around him as the Sorcerer falls to his knees. Shang pants while watching with horror as the veins grow and branches spring from his flesh, causing the skin to shrivel like old apples.
You then let a low giggle before gradually increasing in volume. It doesn't take long before the giggles transform into laughter that echoes in your empty chamber, giving the impression that a crowd of people has gathered around the dying Sorcerer to mock his misfortune. Shang Tsung can barely choke out his question, demanding to know why you're laughing. You could hardly hear Shang's words as the sound of your amusement travels down the tunnels surrounding both you and Shang.
After taking a breath to compose yourself and wiping away tears, you explain to Shang that it's humorously ironic that he's dying for something he created. He made you into this snake-like monster, and now he'll die from the same monster. You divulge to Shang that you're tempted to just watch him die, but you haven't forgotten how the Sorcerer brought you back to health.
You haven't forgotten how he would bring you flowers, prepare your favorite meals, patiently help you relearn how to use your hands due to how their nerves were damaged, gently bathe you, careful to not irritate your burns, and whisper assurances after you first saw your new form... Nor have you forgotten how he turned your innermost thoughts into pure nightmares or coerced you to hand over your life's work.
For these reasons, you offer to put Shang Tsung out of his misery and show him the syringe filled with the poison you use to euthanize your patients when Tarkat takes hold of their minds permanently. Shang catches a glimpse of your sinister grin similar to the one he'd give to his experiments. A grin made more malicious from your fangs. Despite how every breath became harder and harder to draw, he couldn't help but find you beautiful even now.
It doesn't surprise you when he refuses to be euthanized, claiming he will not die like some sick dog. You reply by saying that, at some point, you wished he put you down like a sick dog. With that, you bid the Sorcerer farewell for what you thought the final time. You then take off running down a random hall to, hopefully, freedom. By the time Shang hears your footsteps dissipate completely, he sees the edges of his vision go black. Yet, just as he was about to slip into the inky blackness's embrace, possibly forever, he spotted a familiar pair of glowing electric blue eyes. Once again, Damashi proves to be his salvation when she sticks him with a syringe filled with a blue liquid. Immediately, the bloody orbs shriveled up to dust; then branches started to fall off him; life returned to his skin; finally, the black veins receded from his arms.
"Y/N is ready."
Admittedly, running off into an environment you're not familiar with to escape your captor may not have been the best plan on your part. You can make out you're in a mountain or within a mountainous terrain based on the smells you can pick up. There are seemingly endless tunnels no matter which way you go. However, thanks to your snakes, you could use them as whiskers to feel the airflow around you. They eventually led out to a large chamber where you could sense the most airflow, a chamber filled with mountains of gold koins that glittered in the torchlight from the burning basins surrounding the area.
You silently make your way through the gold, occasionally ducking and hiding behind pillars when you hear someone passing by. It turns out to be primarily guards you recognize from Shao's army, which only confirms your suspicions that the general is in on this whole conspiracy. Yet, out of all the people you expected to be traitors, you didn't want to believe it to be the High Mage, Rain.
You were crouched next to a small ornate boat when you saw Rain overseeing a large pot filled with molten gold with a simple machine fanning the flames. He spoke with a hooded woman with a skull mask about another sorcerer named Quan-chi and how soon Shao is expected to overthrow Sindel. You barely held in a gasp and more or less had to strangle your snakes to keep them from hissing. You have known Rain since he was a child when he used to run around with Mileena and Katana in the palace. He was such a curious and bright boy when you met him after he caught you using your hydromancy to create your medicinal elixirs. You still remember how he visited you practically every day, asking you a million questions about your magic and how you used it. You honestly thought he would've become an imperial healer like you, but you weren't surprised when learning that Rain studied to become a high mage, given his primary focus was how you controlled water.
Was everyone you knew in the imperial house a traitor??? You couldn't help but think to yourself as you ground your teeth together in frustration. Deciding to wrestle with that concept later, you waited until Raine moved away from his spot before making your move. You could see snow raining down, but you restrained yourself until you reached the threshold. That's when you bolted, almost tripping over a stone barrier that led down a steep drop of about 30 meters, but caught yourself just in time. While you didn't get much practice with your wings (with most of them crashing to the ground and frightening Baraka). Still, you're mostly positive that you have a slight chance of dying. You then looked around for any guards, finding them too far to do anything, before running off the stone wall. You smiled widely as you jumped off the wall, glad to be finally free. And then you fell.
Luckily, your wings opened in time for you to catch an updraft that sent you hurdling through the air. You let out a brief laugh, relieved to be gaining air and NOT falling to your death. However, this relief is short-lived when you hear an ear-shattering screech to your side and are tackled back to the fortress by a red blur. You both try to bite at one another as you wrestle one another on the ground, simultaneously trying to avoid being bit by the other. Nitara eventually pushes you away from her when too many of your snakes get too close to biting her. You immediately recognize her as Vaternian from the stories you heard as a girl from the Battle of Chesna Fields and from Baraka during his days in the Daybreak Legion. Because of the latter, you have a good idea of how to take the Vaternian down. Nitara informs you that she's been instructed to not allow you to leave, as Shang Tsung and Quan-chi still have plans for you. Plans that will ensure that Nitara will be able to save her realm. So you and Nitara fight, mercilessly tearing into one another.
A/N: Sorry, I ran out of space😅, but I hope you enjoyed this latest installment! Stay weird, my fellow humans.
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xleeleeboox · 18 days
Gareth headcanons part 3!
Requested by @flesheaterizzy ✨
Idk how many words this is because I e been typing these on my phone at work lol as they pop into my head and there are no warnings for this post!
- He loves fall and his favorite thing is carving pumpkins and decorating with his little sister
- He went to a pumpkin patch with Eddie to get some and Eddie smashes one by accident and Gareth had to pay for it lol
- Gareth doesn’t have a job yet but he always seems to have pocket money, like he doesn’t sell anything like Eddie but he always has something in his wallet
- He would watch game of thrones I just know it
- And idk if I mentioned this before but he’d watch anime, like Naruto, attack on titan, fairy tail, jujutsu kaisen all of those you know
- He knows how to play the guitar but mostly the acoustic, he has an electric guitar but he prefers the drums and the band needed a drummer
- Sometimes he play the guitar for you if you ask although he gets a little shy to just play one on one, he’s nervous he will mess up and it will be embarrassing
- But it never is embarrassing
- Gareth like never gets sick but when he does it’s always for over a week. When you get sick he will take care of you and he will manage to not get sick himself afterwards
- He loves cuddling you when either of you are sick and he will make you take all your medicine and drink all the fluids you need
- He loves when you fall asleep in him room even if you just got there, like after school you get so tired you fall asleep but Gareth loves it because it means you’re getting rest and you’re comfy around him and in his room. He doesn’t care he will do something else until you wake up and he will even watch you but in an affectionate kind of way
- He is a plant killer lmao he has one cactus that he has had ever since he was like 9, it’s still growing just not very much lol
- Will eat whipped cream alone as a snack, from the tub or can
- Eddie and him used to dare each other to lick batteries and the Jeff and grant got in on it too lol
- I feel like he doesn’t particularly love kids, like he likes them but whatever. But he is actually very good with kids, he literally just plays along with them and asks them questions and fake argues with them and they love it
- He doesn’t like reading books he only read comic books
- I said it before and I’ll say it again Gareth is a grape flavor guy, he like Dr Pepper, oatmeal raisin cookies, barbecue sauce, all of it
- When Gareth was a kid it took him a long time to be able to read a clock and sometimes it takes him a second to tell the time still
- He’s a pumpkin carver around Halloween
- He probably used to go camping as a kid but his parents got tired of it the older the kids got
- I said it before I’ll say it again Gareth has a younger sister and an older sister and they would go camping with him and the parents
- He loves amusement parks but also isn’t a big fan of roller coasters, there’s a lot he doesn’t like but some that he LOVES
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goodqueenaly · 2 months
Hi and I hope you are well! I don’t know if this is a weird question, but I’m always fascinated by the legends of the Reach particularly regarding the children of Garth Greenhand, and how that connects to the Faith in those areas. I think I saw a post you wrote some time ago about how for example Rowan Gold Tree’s story might have been adapted by the Faith into a parable about the Mother (apologies if I’m mistaken). I guess my question is, do you think Rowan and the others might have been actually worshipped as gods before the Faith, like Garth might have been? Also if I may ask a second question: do you have thoughts about Floris (my personal fave) how her story fits into Westeros’ patriarchal attitudes towards women? Does the fact that she founded three houses mean that she’s not vilified by the Faith for being non monogamous? Thanks and sorry again for weird questions!!
(I was mistaken, I think it was actually about Rowan’s story as a parable about the Maiden, like that her hair turned into a tree as a sign of being favored by the Maiden? I don’t quite remember who wrote this post.)
I have a vague memory of a post I wrote along similar lines a very long time ago too, but I couldn’t find it, so either I never did or I deleted it. Anyway, I do very much like to headcanon that the myth of Rowan Gold-Tree was co-opted by the Faith during its early establishment in the Reach as a myth about the Maiden - that Rowan, abandoned by her love for a richer rival, prayed to the Maiden in her heartbreak, and the Maiden, guardian and benefactor of virtuous maids, gave Rowan her golden tree, almost Cinderella style, perhaps as a sort of dowry to show that maidenly virtue was literally worth more than gold.
Whatever the particular relationship between the Faith and the myth of Rowan Gold-Tree, do I think that some or all of the legendary children of Garth Greenhand may have been worshiped as gods themselves? Very possibly. We know that there was at least some tradition of Garth being worshiped as or at least considered a god by Westerosi: Yandel notes that “[s]ome even say [Garth Greenhand] was a god” and that “[a] few of the very oldest tales” present Garth as a “considerably darker deity, one who demanded blood sacrifice from his worshippers to ensure a bountiful harvest” and a “green god [who] die[d] every autumn … only to be reborn with the coming of spring”. Yandel also compares Garth to fertility gods and goddesses worshiped by “[m]any of the more primitive peoples of the earth”, as Garth not only “taught men to farm” and “showed them how to plant and sow, how to raise crops and reap the harvest” but also scattered a seemingly divinely plentiful bag of various seeds and “brought the gift of fertility” to people and crops alike. Nor was this early history of Westeros an era without the worship of local deities beyond the old gods: the myth of Durran Godsgrief features a sea god and a goddess of the wind, the people of the Three Sisters worshiped the Lady of the Waved and the Lord of the Skies, and of course the ironborn believe in the eternal divine struggle between the Drowned God and the Storm God.  
So I could see where, depending on the era and the location, various individuals among Garth’s legendary children might have been worshiped as gods or semi-divine heroes themselves. If Garth Greenhand was worshiped as a god for teaching the First Men to sow, cultivate, and reap, might Gilbert of the Vines have been similarly worshiped by the people of the Arbor for teaching these people “to make sweet wine” from their island’s lush native grapes (and indeed, might there have been some local tradition that Gilbert had inherited his father’s fertility and made these grapes grow “so fat and lush across their island”)? If Garth was treated as a god for his apparently mystical and/or divine ability to bring and cultivate life from the land, might Ellyn Ever-Sweet, Rowan Gold-Tree, and/or Rose of Red Lake have been similarly worshiped by the locals of Beesbury, Goldengrove, and/or Red Lake, respectively, for their supernatural, perhaps also seemingly divine, connections to and power over the natural world? If the earliest worshipers of Garth Greenhand offered him blood sacrifices in return for bountiful harvests, might worshipers have given Bors the Breaker similar blood sacrifices in return for grants of strength and courage, since he himself had supposedly drunk the blood of bulls to gain the power of 20 men? If Garth’s divine power included the gift of specifically sexual fertility so strong that he “[made] barren women fruitful with a touch” and caused “[m]aidens [to ripen] in his presence”, “mothers [to bring] forth twins or even triplets when he blessed them”, and “young girls [to flower] at his smile”, then might Harlon and Herndon have been similarly worshiped for the seeming eternal fertility they apparently enjoyed and represented as husbands to their woods witch wife, or Foss the Archer worshiped as a similar roving fertility god casting a welcome eye on maidens as his father had done (with his arrow and apple exploits perhaps a sort of sexual euphemism)? Again, these are just a few creative examples, but the larger point is that I could very well see where Garth’s children may have been seen not only as extensions of his own legend, but gods in their own right who took over aspects of the worship of Garth Greenhand. (To say nothing of whether any of them might have been worshiped for their own persons and/or deeds - if, say, John the Oak, Owen Oakenshield, and/or Brandon of the Bloody Blade might have been viewed as a sort of proto-Warrior or god of war, or if Maris the Maid became a sort of mother goddess for Oldtown and House Hightower.) 
As far as Florys the Fox goes … eh. I think that strict monogamy was not an entirely consistent or mandated practiced among the First Men before the arrival of the Andals, including in the Reach: not only do the myths of both Florys and the twin ancestors of House Tarly feature as their protagonists participants in polygamous (and, indeed, polyandrous) marriages, but King Garland II successfully brought Oldtown into the Gardener kingdom by putting aside his wives, plural, to marry Lymond Hightower’s daughter. Nor indeed should we ignore the fact that Florys seems to have been considered clever not just for having three husbands but for keeping each a secret from the others - a suggestion, perhaps, that the expected (read: patriarchal) order of the universe, playfully subverted by the literally extraordinary Florys, was that a woman should be the submissive partner to a single man, rather than the dominant mistress keeping three men at her nuptial leisure. So I think the pre-Andal Reach may have accepted two beliefs as true at the same time - namely, a patriarchal world in which women were expected to serve and obey men and also a pro-polygamy world in which a demigod/heroine/goddess figure could be lauded for having kept multiple husbands simultaneously without being caught. 
Too, I think it’s possible that just as septons and maesters downplayed the mythology and divinity of Garth Greenhand in later accounts - with Yandel noting that legends of Garth Greenhand, “though cherished by the smallfolk, are largely discounted by both the maesters of the Citadel and the septons of the Faith, who share the view that Garth Greenhand was a man, not a god” - so these same post-Andal Invasion academics may have deemphasized the myths surrounding Florys the Fox, including her celebrated polyandry. Perhaps dynastically persnickety maesters or septons argued that Florys had not really been married to three men, but rather that the myths had conflated her marriage to the ancestor of House Ball/Peake/Florent with marriages by other women, or perhaps remarriages by Florys, to the ancestors of the other two Houses. Perhaps the myth was bowdlerized to have Florys merely be courted by the founders of each of these Houses, rather than having her marrying each, with Florys perhaps then serving as more of a spiritual or romantic ancestress rather than a literal matriarch of this bloodline. Of course, it’s also possible that septons did look down on and preach against Florys for her polygamous marriages, branding her a “wanton” - though to what extent they could or would do so, while also looking to convert these powerful aristocratic families of the Reach, is speculative at best. 
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t-mblr-begone · 1 month
HI I JUST FINISHED TNG AND AM AUTISTIC I NEED TO TALK (warning long ass post, ramblings)
Q in his stupid fucking judge outfit???? Oh my god i love him so much?? And like?? I dont even think he wanted to put picard on trial at the end he says it was the continuums orders so did he even want to do that too him? Who knows!! We do know hes gay as shit though oh my god. I love him.
The past, the Encounter At Farpoint, picard yelling for Q on the bridge and everyone probably thinking hes insane. Picard not telling any of them whats going on, even though it doesnt affect the other timelines. Tasha Yar???? Hi Tasha!!!!!! Worf with his old sash, the old uniforms, the shitty dress deanna wore in the first episode (it slayed), data being. So autistic. Liek actually hold on can i talk about tha
This episode, with all its converging timelines, really shows how data grows- not just as a character just in general, as the years go by on the ship, he starts understanding idioms, somewhat. He. He gets more human. He really does. His movements more fluid, hes smarter. He really does grow, something about his neural net constantly evolving or something. Oh my god.
The shitty future?? Worf liking Deanna Romantically Cannon??? Riker was still holding on to the relationship this whole time?? (I never noticed really. Im. Autistic.) PICARD AND CRUSHER GOT MARRIED. And then divorced BUT STILL. Picard back on earth?? Tending to what i can only assume to be grape plants or something, like his brother. Data teaches at Cambridge. He has grey hair, thinks it makes him more distinguished. Geordi has eyes! Like in two different timelines he has eyes.
Thats another thing actually, like i could have sworn at least in the earlier seasons, he didnt want. Eyes? I thought?? But like. It seems like a minor Thing, cause it showed up in that one Riker Gets Kidnapped By A Child Alien Because Its Lonely episode. And again here, and probably other places i can't remember because ive consumed all of tng in 2 months.
The present. I dont have shit to say about that actually. It sure is season 7.
OH MY GOD THE BEGINNING OF THW EPISODE BEFORE Q REAVEALS HIMSELF?? How we dont know if he Is travelling through time or if hes Going Senile. The cuts?? I mean the cuts through the whole episode is so good the cinematography in general!!!! Oh my god. The close ups, the panning, THE ACTING?? TASHA YAR??? EARLY WORF? OLD WORF? I like worf. GEORDI? DATA???? love brett spiner.
And i mean who remembers the judge scene from the first episode at this point? The foreshadowing with the jury(?)/audience(?) i didnt even. Realize until they put Picard on the stand again.
Oh my god but the end scene. The end shot of the poker game? Imagine seeing the future, all your friends, drifted apart, tense at each other with worf and riker. Seeing that. And then coming back to reality, to Your Time. And seeing your friends as they are right then. Why didnt picard join them for poker?
No like actually. Did. Did he have a reason for that? Some like, weird captain thing? Or like. Some weird barrier wall thing? Thing where he feels like he should isolate himself.
But the point is, he joins his friends for some poker, i dont think he had probably played poker in years. Its just. Amazing.
You know. I think this is one of the first times ive seen her again and not cried, which is progress because every other time it was. Not great.
But now that tngs over
Hey does tumblr have a word limit? We're about to find out.
But now that tngs over, theres still a lot i have to ask. Like why the fuck did they do that to wesley? Do we see wesley again? Is still dont know who b-4 is. Whats Ro doing now? Is she good? Do we see her again? Does she know kira? Do ro and kira meet? Probably not actually. Itd probably be cool though. Do worf and deanna get married? Please. I ne- oh wait no they cant bc worf has a thing with jadzia at some point. What the fuck is up with worf and jadzia? And also where is alexander now? When does worf join ds9? Probably season 3 idk. Or Barclay? Cheif o'brien? Cause the show ran concurrently for a bit. WHY DONR WORF AND DEANNA GET MARRIED THEYRE LIKE PERFECT???? What the fuck is that guy with the ears damar? Gamar? I think its damar? Idk. Why he look like that? IS RO GOING TO DIE??
Oh hey i get to meet sisko, hes cool. He gets like visions or some shit. Q doesnt like him i think "picard never hit me ):" "im not picard."
Q and Quark. Odo and Q. Do we get to see the cunty judge outfit again? Why does he have a mustache when hes boxing sisko or whatever?
Okay yeah im done
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ralfmaximus · 10 days
The South Pole is around 2,800 meters above sea level, and like everywhere else on Earth around 44 million miles closer to the sun than any point on Mars. It sits deep down inside the nutritious atmosphere of a planet teeming with native life. Compared to the very most hospitable place on Mars it is an unimaginably fertile Eden. Here is a list of the plant-life that grows there: Nothing. Here is a list of all the animals that reproduce there: None. Even with all the profound advantages the South Pole enjoys compared to Mars, even on a planet where living things have spent billions and billions of years figuring out how to adapt to and thrive within an incredibly diverse array of biomes—on a planet where giant tubeworms the size of NBA basket stanchions have colonized lightless ocean depths at which a human would be crushed like a grape under a piano—the South Pole simply cannot support complex life. It is too cold, and its relationship with sunlight too erratic, for living things to sustain themselves there. On astronomical scales it is for all practical purposes in the exact same spot as some of the most life-rich and biodiverse places in the known universe, and yet no species has established a permanent self-sustaining population there. Ever.
I've been saying it for years: Elon Musk is dangerously delusional about colonizing Mars, and anyone following him there is suicidal.
Let's see him 'colonize' Antarctica first; at least you can breathe the air, and in an emergency you're only days away from rescue.
What a wonderfully written article. Many LOL moments of truth.
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marzipanlvr · 7 months
I’m scared to become a weed
To grow from a rose plant I once was 
I’m scared to he unidentified
I hate to he unacknowledged
My friend, Grape 
He looked at my petals 
And flared at my thorns 
We later together in the bed of poppies 
Bleeding red and raw 
Until now, when the crocodile tears became prominent and invisible 
His bite was silent and poisonous 
Affecting apart of me that I didn’t know existed 
My crumpled stem and growing branches 
Never knew the light of a friend again 
Weeds are spotted by a gardener 
My gardener, Amara 
Who is loved by my fellow flowers 
As she trims them neat and pretty all around 
She helps my grow but lets my hide in my shade 
I realize more about my body 
I realized that my stems aren’t smooth
I have thorns surrounding my exterior 
I realized that my petals have gashes 
Eaten by caterpillars and gnats 
Moths surround me whole 
Protecting what lays 
Flies eat my pollen 
Taking what I give them  
I realized that I’m very small 
Compared to the others who are more than what they bargained for 
They grow midway and stop 
They grow taller and feel smaller 
But I stay the same
Weirdly, I couldn’t see my roots in the dirt 
I realized my dirt was perfect and damp 
A perfect situation for a growing plant 
I look at myself as a weed 
This is because I feel a weed 
I feel unwanted
And I feel replaced 
I know my flower friends will burst into light 
I shall remain in the darkness of their shadows 
I wish I was a flower 
So then I could be noticed and wanted and irreplaceable 
Yet the prettiest flowers are picked 
This is a risk I want to take 
For what is the life of a weed 
If it does not dream of the stars, clouds, sun, and desires of being something more? 
I’m scared of being a weed 
I never chose to be a weed 
But then again, I don’t know how to grow 
I don’t know how to use my soil 
I don’t know how to be as pretty as the gardener 
I don’t know how to be as nonchalant as the grape 
I don’t know how to be as melodious as the birds above 
I don’t know how to be a weed 
That’s the point of a weed 
I shrink and shrink and shrink 
I kiss my feet in pity 
Rain pours from my sky 
Damping my soul and socks 
The sun shines overhead the meadow 
But I’m stuck in a never ending waterfall 
Falling headfirst into a bed of poppies 
That I once laid in 
That I was once apart of 
When I was a growing stem with petals sprouting from my center 
Yet I didn’t know I was a weed 
I shrink and shrink and shrink 
I look up at the sky 
The shadows engulf me more 
I fall deeper and deeper and deeper 
I can’t let go of my thick thorny branches 
I can’t let go of my dreams 
I can’t let go of my pride 
I can’t let go 
A weed shouldn’t feel these things 
A weed is identified as a weed 
A weed is smoked and used and chewed 
A weed is discovered as a mistake 
A weed is someone who feels things more than what you should 
A weed doesn’t know who they are 
A weed’s tolerance is taken for granted 
A weed sinks in a bed of roses 
A weed is scared to become a weed 
A weed isn’t made 
A weed isn’t real 
A weed is a misconception 
It’s a plot that thickens 
It’s a potion that’s brewed 
It’s someone you know
Nearby and crying 
Close to dying 
But close to flying 
And seeing themselves 
For not a weed
But a plant 
That suffered too many for too much 
An everlasting forever bed of weed is a treasure to many alike 
weeds have To be spotted
but they want to be seen
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aelfheimerandrobots · 2 months
Sims au: Old Helex, Castle Heights, Old Dreadnaught Castle| Overlord
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Brought to you by popular demand we are now featuring a tour of the infamous, Dreadnaught Castle! This castle has gone by many names over the centuries and certainly has a reputation of a sort but it's current owner has certainly done quite a deal to turn this crumbling old fortress into a magnificent mansion! Now this tour may take us awhile ( a reblog or two) due to its sheer size, but don't let that deter you! This masterpiece is worth the long walk! Should you survive ....
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Rather than a street view look we'll start this tour with an aerial shot of this sprawling estate. From it's magnificent front towers to it's beautiful gardens and lovely private pool this mansion features of plenty modern touches to bring the crumbling relic up to our contemporary standards. With solar panels galore, on-site farming, rain capture water heaters, and natural springs this space does it's best to erase whatever carbon footprint it might take to keep this place up and running. And the incredibly manicured gardens surely- wait...do those trees look...phallic to anyone else?
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*ahem* Yes, well, phalic nature of the tree-lined exterior approach aside, the gardens are excellently maintained and offer lovely moments of picturesque splendor in this quaint countryside. And what a front walk this makes for! With a romantic fountain, iron lampposts, and an expansive patio with elegant architecture this space certainly holds to higher standard of elegance and atmosphere.
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Continuing our tour of the grounds, we'll be starting with the southern garden path. This lovely pathway beckons us in with a fantastical archway and leads down an ancient but lovingly restored path to the Castle's growing fields. While not terribly expansive this section of the grounds do offer horribly fertile ground to grow grapes for the ground's famous in-house wine. I'm told that most of the manor's food needs can also be supplemented from these fields and offer a lovely tableau for the grilling and picnicking area adjacent to the fields. This outdoor rest area looks out perfectly over the estate's expansive pond, which we will happily explore next!
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This large pond can be easily accessed via the posterior entrance to the estate grounds as well as from the Castle directly. The Castle entrance here leads from the ground-floor laundry and storage area directly onto this waterway and it's lovely collection of flora and fauna. With romantic archways and grottoes reserved for enjoying the beauty of nature one can hardly blame Overlord, the current owner, from doing his best to stock the pond with local wildlife. Why there's a lovely pair of swans who- Is that an Alligator? No not the log, the thing next to the log. I saw it move! I did! Right there! I- ugh... okay fine. Let's move on to finish the tour of the grounds.
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This long back walk opens toward the road leading to the estate and back out to the road, allowing access to staff and guests alike from the rear should they not wish to traverse the long drive to the front entrance of the estate. Though, I'm told it's bad manners to approach the estate in this manner. The walk is lined with lovely memorials to beloved pets who once walked these grounds and opens up to the west side of the grounds which feature a historical graveyard that has largely been overtaken by native plant growth, now cut back and cultivated to reveal more of the old facade. How odd though that some of those graves seem freshly dug. Also why is there a giant bonfire located near the gravesite? Hm. Yes well, moving on. The West end of the grounds also feature some ruins from the old castle which have been left intact for posterity but removed from the castle proper due to their crumbling nature and state of disrepair. And with the grounds wrapped up, let's head on inside for the rest of the tour!
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We enter on the ground floor into the lovely foyer which features many of the estates modernized furniture while also highlighting the eras that have come before. Particularly the nineteen twenties which saw quite a bit of activity for the Castle! With lovely art deco revival pieces and stately vintage furniture to highlight updated facades and restored architecture, this foyer feels grand and welcoming. The water feature in particular is quite lovely and an amazing statement piece! Huh, that vase...is that really an urn? Hm. I'm sure I must just be mistaking it for a funeral urn, that's all. Shall we move on?
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Heading into the hallway on the right we've entered into a stately passageway that features some lovely modern art pieces as well as a bit of industrial storage while still providing access to the safety measures included in the castle to protect the owner's vast investment into this home.
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Heading into the door on the right and we've entered into the ground floor office space. This cozy den has plenty of charm and really highlights the use of industrial, art deco, and luxury inspired pieces to create a cohesive and good-looking environment. The office's private bathroom also features lovely tile work that manages to avoid feeling cramped thanks to the vaulted ceilings and large mirror. Just around the corner from the couch is the first set of stairs on the east end of the castle, which will eventually become the east tower. Ah and I see we've included a few antique taxidermy pieces. What a...lovely vulture skull. Oh and a preserved cow-plant! How...unsettling beautiful. Erm, let's just head on out shall we?
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We'll head next into the door at the end of the hall which leads us into the ground-floor laundry which has access to both the exterior grounds as well as the pool deck and patio space! The laundry itself is serviceable and feels charming with much of the original stonework and infrastructure remaining intact. And with this room we'll go ahead and take a break before returning to our impressive tour!
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apollomes-supremacy · 2 years
LO Dionysus design 🍇🎭
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| Apollo | Persephone | Hermes | Ares | Artemis | Ganymede | Aphrodite | Eros | Zeus |
This will be a long post since Dionysus isn’t a character yet so I had to create him from 0.
The beginning of Dionysus’ introduction started on EP 93 (with Semele, Dionysus’ mother), but it has been more than 100 episodes and we got absolutely nothing from that plot, which is bad considering that other gods get involved in the og myth (Zeus, Hera and Hermes, mainly), but none of them (before and after the time skip) display any knowledge or memory of the event, especially Zeus, who is the one who accidentally kills Semele in the first place.
I already talked about it here, but im 100% sure that the child mentioned in episode 218 is Dionysus. He should be 10 yo right now and he’s the only character (vaguely) introduced who is around that age. Not to mention, Dionysus does have some connections with the Underworld. My main theory is that he will be adopted by HxP and will remain a child for the rest of the series (probably skipping the majority of Dionysus’ myths). And that’s honestly such a waste of potential. So I decided to give my take on him if he was in LO, like the redesigns I did with many other characters.
My main inspo was 60′s and 70′s Hippie fashion, with a lot of patterns, accessories (crystals, evil eyes, beads, rings, etc), loose clothes and a more lazy/cozy look. He’s two shades of purple that split his face, which is meant to represent his duality as the god of parties and joy & god of wrathful madness. Hermes gave him nymph ears to use as a disguise when he was young, but he doesnt want to change them back because he grew up and feels comfortable with them. He has a very androgynous/feminine look, which leads to a lot of people thinking he’s an actual nymph.
In his true form (which can come out voluntarily, but usually happens when the god gets so mad that they are unable to control themselves) he can get really big. Leafs and grapes sprout everywhere, he gets another pair of arms made of plants’ stems and his eyes go full neon green.
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His story is very similar to the og myths, with just some small differences. He is born from Zeus’ thighs and goes to live with Demeter and Persephone as one of their nymphs to escape Hera’s wrath. There he starts to question a lot about himself, like his gender and his origins (he doesn’t know he is not an actual nymph), and when puberty hits, his body and his powers go crazy. Its also around that time when he meets and falls in love with Ampelos (and you know how that story ends).
When the wine he creates starts growing in popularity and Dionysus starts getting worshipped by some cities, Zeus decides that there’s no reason to hide him from Hera anymore, so he brings Dionysus to Olympus and reveals the truth, inviting him to become an Olympian. Dionysus says yes without thinking twice, so he moves in and starts to get prepared for his ceremony and his new life.
But there’s a problem. The Olympus lifestyle is way too different from Dionysus’. People are sophisticated, modern and even mean-spirited, while he is the complete opposite. It’s hard for him to fit in and he just wants to go home with the nymphs and satyrs, and he eventually does... illegally.
Personality & relationships
Dionysus is very outgoing and funny. He’s kind to everyone around him (not discriminating against nymphs, satyrs or mortals), but he can get very emotional very fast. He gets easily annoyed, which will prob just result in some unwanted vines around the house and a grumpy look, but the moment he gets mad is when everything falls apart (wrath form). Anger issues + no control over powers = no good.
He sees Demeter as a mother and Persephone and the nymphs as older sisters, while Silenus and the other satyrs served as fathers. His favorite brother is Hermes who kept an eye on him during his entire childhood and still cares deeply for him. He also has an interesting relationship with Apollo, he is very scared and intimidated by him (I understand why lol) but wants to start a friendship. Except for the fact that Apollo already has a soft spot for him, Dionysus is just oblivious to it. Ares is also scary and kinda mean, but he likes Dionysus and cares for him. He’s very indifferent towards Zeus, Hera hates him (he hates her too) and everyone else is pretty neutral, considering he doesnt know a lot of people outside of the nymphs and satyrs.
Dionysus is a fertility god (which in this universe doesnt mean that much), this means he has powers over vegetation (like Demeter) and mortals’ desires (like Aphrodite). Being the god of madness also means that he can make people so mad to the point of committing atrocities and completely losing their minds. In his true form, simply looking at him can lower your sanity. He also has the powers all the other gods have, like changing forms, cursing and blessing people, being summoned by mortals, etc. 
That’s all I have the energy to write rn. I tried to replicate the LO art style, and honestly I really liked the result! Hope you guys liked it too <3
(Also, Dionysus would be around his 20′s when the story takes place. He is Pansexual and is still confused about his gender but he’s fine with any pronouns).
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frostybearpaws · 3 months
Vicilite Life Cycle
There are two main ways for a vicilite to reproduce. Asexually, in which the egg sacks grow from Vicelium and develope for three weeks before breaking off to the main growth. Or sexually there gametes meet. The origin for each Vicilite may be different, however the process after being detached from either the vicelium or dam is the same.
Egg Sack
An impregnated Vicilite can gestate up to ten egg sacks at a time, however this number varies gestation period to gestation period. The egg sacks take about three weeks to develop upon which point they will be expelled from the mother’s body and placed in various nesting sights. Vicilites start their lives sharing an amniotic sack with up to twenty other siblings, however by the end of this six month development period only two or three will emerge as the others cannibalize each other once the initial yolk runs out.
Adults have a designated room where they store the eggs that are to hatch. Within this room scrap metal and organic material such as plant matter and carcasses are placed around this area. After the larva emerge firm their egg sacks they begin to consume what is around them under the watchful eyes of the guardians (individuals with the role of watching over the nest sights and protecting them from intruders). For almost three months the larva will eat what is available around them and grow from the size of a grape to over two feet long. When they are sufficiently fattened up, they begin to pupate.
Vicilites remain in their pupa stage for six months metamorphosizing into a vicilite nymph. During this time they are moved from the nest and placed into a hatchery. This is to prevent any new larva from consuming their brethren. Pupa all begin white but gradually begin to show the colors they will become later in life as the day for them to emerge approaches.
The Tumultuous Path to Adulthood
The entire process from hatchling to adult takes about twenty years to complete itself. It may seem like a long time, but in the grand scheme of a vicilite life span 20 years is an insignificant number.
The act of breaking out of their cocoon is a very violent, tiring, and stressful process. The vicilite first begins to thrash and kick, using as much strength it can muster to break the confines of the cocoon. When there is a sufficient opening the hatchling must work its way out of the tight fit. This is a dangerous chapter in the vicilites life as failure to emerge from their pupa can lead to them drowning in the remaining fluids. Once emerged the hatching lays on the ground to rest and it collected by caretakers.
Infant/Hatchling (emergence — 1 year)
The first year of the emerged vicilite’s life is spend being cared for by parents and members of the colony. Infants are about the same size as adults however they are not covered in protective armor instead the soft layer of skin is all they have against the elements. For this reason infants are more susceptible to temperature changes and physical attacks. Infants are also weaker than adults needing to build up muscle mass as the grow. In these first few months of the infants life they are carried by parents and brought food that has been gathered.
Fry (1 — 4)
By this point on the vicilite’s life they have started to develop the first layers of armor. This does keep them more protected than when the were infants, the armor is still soft leaving the fry open to attacks. However the presence of this armor does allow for better temperature regulation. At this point in the vicilite’s life cycle they are starting to explore their surroundings and gain better muscle control. Later in fryhood they begin to learn how to speak.
Celiette (5 — 9)
The physical differences between fry and celiette are minimal however the developmental characteristics are vast. Celiettes have better muscle control and have gained the ability to form sentences. At this point the vicilite is beginning to learn social cues and is starting to develop friendships with others their age.
Wireling (9 — 13)
Wirelings are beginning to learn how to contribute to the group learning roles they can play to keep the colony functioning. By this point the vicilite has entered the second stage of armor and are covered in a harder casing however there is still a final stage that must be complete. At this point there are still gaps that need to fuse together or grow in which has not occurred yet. At this point the wirelings are learning how to hunt and identify edible plants. This is also the time reproductive systems begin to activate and the youths begin to explore sexuality.
Nymph (13 — 18)
The nymph has begun to transition into the third and final stage of armor development. Once they reach 16 or 17 the armor will be difficult to damage due. However there are still parts that need fusing. Also around this point, nymphs will begin participating in adult activities such as hunting and gathering as well as guarding the hive.
Vicilette (18 — 20)
The vicilites are fully developed physically and are on their way to being fully mentally developed as well. They are still technically children hence the name vicilette instead of vicilite.
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violettadecalda · 1 year
Elements: Air Edition
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About the air element: The air element is linked to things such as divination, concentration, visualization, and prophecy. Air teaches us how to hone our scattered energy and focus it toward what we want. It teaches us to use our intention. Air can be a big cleanser and also a big charger. Just stand outside for a few momenrs on a windy day, letting it blow around you and play through your hair, and you will feel renewed.
Air in magic: The air element is often used in combination with smoke, feathers, trees, flowers, and plants. It is common to use the air element in both spells that require letting go, and in spells that bring you new information. After all, rumors can travel on the wind. Aromatherapy, hanging objects up, playing the flute or other woodwind instruments, and tossing things to the wind are all examples of using the air element in magic.
Forms of air include: wind, still air, breath, vibrations
Some air spirits include: Sylphs, zephyrs, faeries
Color: Yellow
Direction: East
Tools: Censer, athame, sword, wand
Tarot suit: Swords
Zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
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Air in daily life: The most obvious form of air in our daily lives is the air that we breathe. Everyone does it, everyone needs it. Speaking requires the element of air as well, as it carries the vibrations of our voices. We use air to cool off, and every time we look up at the clouds in the sky, we are interacting with the air element.
Air in the home: Similarly to how fire is used to keep our homes warm, air is used to keep them cool. Whether you are opening a window, turning on a fan, using an air conditioner, or fanning yourself with the playbill for your little brother's school performance of Legally Blonde in the stuffy auditorium, you are using air to cool yourself down. Air can also be very healing. How many times have you stepped outside to get some fresh air and take in the breeze while you were feeling sick?
Air in the kitchen: Though it may not be obvious at first, there are some cooking methods that utilize the air element. Perhaps the most common is drying, whether you are drying meat for jerkey or herbs for tea. Then there is cooking with convection heat, which is growing more popular, or cooking with microwaves. Also popular, as seen by the amount of fizzy beverages and whipped toppings available, is carbonation and aeration. There are several foods and ingredients associated with the air element, including~
Almond, anise, bamboo, brazil nut, caraway, chicory, dandelion, endive, hazel, hops, lavender, lime, mace, maple, marjoram, mint, mulberry, parsley, pecan, sage, acorn squash, artichoke, bitter melon, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, fennel, okra, rhubarb, spaghetti squash, alfalfa, cannelini beans, lima beans, mung beans, celery seed, chamomile, rosemary, scallions, amaranth, puffed rice, rye, apple, apricot, blackberry, currants, lingonberry, pear, pineapple, tamarind, pomegranate, black tea, chocolate, coffee, white vinegar, cabbage, celery, grape leaves, mustard greens, daikon, sunchoke, parsnip, hibiscus, macadamia nuts, walnuts, stevia
Herbs associated with air: Frankincense*, myrrh*, pansy, primrose, vervain, violet, yarrow, dill, clove, acacia, aspen, beech, benzoin*, bodhi, bracken, bromeliad, clover, fern, goldenrod, horehound, houseleek, mistletoe*, papyrus, pine, slippery elm, tobacco, rose petals
Stones associated with air: Fluorite, moonstone, turquoise, amethyst, rhodochrosite, topaz, pumice, alexandrite
Animals associated with air: Doves, hawks, eagles, foxes, turtles, ravens, spiders
Incense: Lavender, lemon balm, linden, frankincense, myrrh, violet, anise, chicory, mace, pine
Air on the altar ideas: yellow feathers, feathers in general, bird imagery, incense, censer, bells, flute, objects hanging above the altar
Divination with the air element: Nephomancy, austromancy, alveromancy, feather divination
Air work for spoonies:
Open up the window to watch the sky
Collect feathers or scatter them to the breeze
Keep a handheld fan nearby for when you need to create a breeze of your own
If you dont have your own windchimes, ring bells or listen to recordings of chimes on your phone
Use yellow pillowcases, blankets, sheets, curtains, or wall decorations
Hang beads or ribbons in your window
*Some herbs are unsafe or even deadly to ingest and can be dangerous to use. ALWAYS do research.
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the-starry-seas · 1 month
SO ACES SQUAD! I saw on the picrew post that Blue talks to the flower bushes and I need to know what he talks about with them. And do they have names????
Fury is a cook??? Tell me more???? 👀👀 Does he have a favorite thing to make??? What was the first dish he ever made and how did it turn out??
Racer! As a fellow Oldest Sibling/Sister I gotta ask- what’s her favorite way to annoy each of her kih’vode? Because I love annoying the little shits as revenge for all they’ve put me through
Whisper- I am just. So intrigued by xeim. Would xe like a chew toy to bite on?? They’re very soothing and I have a few xe can borrow :3
I am in love with Ember to be honest. He seems like such a sweet baby. I would like to wrap him up in a blanket burrito and give him many cookies to nom on
Yesss my first squad, they'll always be famous to me <3
Blue mostly talks about problems because then nobody talks back to him. The man just needs to vent at something, once in a while. But he also tells them that they're nice plants with pretty flowers, because he heard that saying things like that helps them grow better. He also talks to them about his boyfriend a lot. The family has some very strongly held Opinions about Blue's taste in men. (Well, taste in man. Singular. He married the first dude who showed interest in him and they're strangely cute about it.) The plants do not have names but he's particularly fond of the blueberry bush that his man gifted him.
Fury is a cook! And a baker! He loooves everything with strawberries, it's the polycule's favourite fruit so he gets really good at every dessert he can find. He also likes a lot of spiced food and gets very good at a jalapeno, cheddar, and bacon sourdough. He will eat any kind of sandwich on that bread. But his favourite favourite is grilled cheese with grape jelly. He made it in the GAR after good missions and now it's a traditional celebratory food for the squad. That was his first attempt at his own recipe, so to speak, and it became everyone's go-to comfort food.
Racer is very good at annoying people. Blue is easily annoyed by her because she's chaotic and loves explosions and keeps sneaking bombs onto their ship/into their house. Fury cannot be annoyed by her 99% of the time, they are far too alike, but sometimes she tries to bother him into doing chaos with her while he's hyperfixated on something else and he gets snappy with her. Ember hates how she just goes through his closet and steals all his cute shirts, but he can always steal them back. Whisper has bitten her so many times for just picking xei up in a hug and spinning xei around like a dreidel, or just being too loud in xeim general vicinity, and she has yet to learn any better.
Yeah xe loves chew toys! I hc that xe does have a chew necklace that xe gnaws on while xe's staked out somewhere cause it gives xei something to do. Xe also likes rubik's cubes and has the kind that has those different tactile bumps that match the colours.
Ember is such a sweetheart. He does love blanket burritos, especially with his husband. But the best place to chill is in the bay window blanket nest with their baby girl cuddled to his chest. They live on the next planet over from Tatooine and everyone visits each other all the time. He's also a ballet dancer, fire dancer, and a woodworker! The whole family's got little carved animals hanging around. They're good luck charms <3 And he carves their tiny darling Kote's crib, too!
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jakkon-and-rose-topic · 5 months
I'm sorry @cybercelestian accidentally deleted your ask DDD:
Here's How I remember the Ask: How does the non-human aspects of the world work? Specifically the Fae, Rose and Eveny.
Fae in this world are all centered around a plant or animal. They’re basically 2 sub-species of fae. So for the plant Fae, the plant they’re based around will grow out of their skin like hair and are a major source of power for them.
The flowers also change color and size depending on emotions, Like Rose’s flowers grow in Yellow when she’s excited or happy, and Red when she’s neutral, and they come in darker red or black when she’s angry. Stuff like that.
The flowers grow faster the more magic potential the Fae has at that moment, and Fae’s magic is usually enhanced by extreme emotion, meaning that their flowers grow faster when in extreme emotional states. And the flowers usually wither and fall away to allow more flowers to grow when they’re growing quickly, meaning raining petals.
Also, fun fact: Female Fae usually also have a fruit or root product attached to them, and when they get hormonal, the fruits tend to sprout. so it’s kind of a funny little fact. (Yes, you can eat them. If you want and the Fae allows you to cut them off) Eveny’s are grapes, Rose’s are Strawberries. So Jak can clearly tell when Rose is just being petty, or she’s being influenced by shark week.
Fae use their plant magic a lot like Dnd Druids, they can just only control their own grown plants., and sense life in the world around them.
Their wings also act as subconscious stimming, fluttering when they're extremely happy. Wings shed like snake skin and store more magic.
And for other non-human details, Finn’s feathers floof out when he’s excited, surprised, or blushing.
Jak’s fur bristles like a cat when he’s scared, and his Horns are perpetually growing, so he has to file them down sometimes. They’re actually a lot longer than they’re supposed to be, They curl around almost 3 times and are beginning to grow long enough to press into his face, and day by day they're growing slightly more uncomfortable. And just like his hair, the reason why he hasn't filed them down is because for this man at current, self-love/care= No.
Silas can't gain weight because he's made of gold. He also can't get sick.
Wild has lightly transparent skin. (And I haven't brainstormed anything else for his species)
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ratsoh-writes · 7 months
Their favorite flowers and fruit get extinct: Farmers and Dancetale
Peaches: well just end him why don’t you. His favorite fruit happens to also be his staple crop grown in his orchid. That’s not just his snack of choice. It’s his livelihood! Peaches is very depressed until rancher slaps some sense into him
Rancher: his favorite fruit happens to also be peaches. Rancher is less sad over its disappearance and more mad over the money lost. Fruit trees are expensive, it takes some years for the yield to make a good return on what you had to pay to plant and grow all the trees. The farm will have better luck turning into a cattle ranch then trying to start over.
Ram: so all the wild berries are gone? Bummer. But not life threatening. There’s other forage out there for ram to supplement his grocery bill with. He does worry a tad about the animals who relied on those bushes too though
Pitch: he’s more concerned about how such a common flower could just go extinct so easily. There was no signs of disease on the wilting plants? So how did they die so fast? Pesticides? A bug? Weather change? This research project will keep him busy for years
Cider: he will legit murder someone if the grapes his family grows just all die out someday. Sure they have wheat to make beer with still, but dammit he loved the grapes and wine! His family is gonna pour a fortune into finding out the cause, and attempting to bring the grapes back.
Barley: for once he’s working hard with his family to keep the business afloat while his grandparents hire researchers to find out what happened. Seeing how stressed every one is ignited the rare flame of worry in barleys soul lol.
Moose: he’s gonna be so sad that the wild huckleberries died out. He did really love them. But the wild animals loved them more. So to help stabilize the park animals population, moose and the other ranchers plant domesticated berry bushes around the forest to make up for the loss. They hope that the plants will last long enough to start regrowing the next year.
Maple: he takes like almost the whole season to notice his favorite flower just… hasn’t been around? Well… that sucks! Time to choose a new flower!
Pop: he only notices his favorite flower is gone when he decides to pick a bunch for his soaps and realizes he can’t find any! Pop searches for HOURS looking for the flower and eventually comes home in the dead of night, tired and defeated. This continues for the next few days until his dad and brother finally find out what’s been stressing pop out
Rhythm: no pineapple??? What’s life without pineapple! This is a disgrace! A disaster! He’s so sad- oh! It’s strawberry season now…. He’ll mourn pineapple when it goes into season later.
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turtlesandfrogs · 1 year
So one of the Things I'm Trying To Do is to develop a less adversarial approach to dealing with invasive species.
Partially because losing to a plant is kinda embarrassing.
But also because of the readings and talks from people with a different perspective, which ends up making a lot of sense (especially the part where you ask why is this species thriving here instead of a native species? Or what can we learn from this species, which has been a pain in our behinds?)
And also because even with only a quarter acre to take care of, since I have more than full-time employment, I'm losing the war on hedge bindweed (see how silly that sounds?).
And bindweed is the major problem left- I've gotten Himalayan blackberries, English Ivy, and Vinca all subdued. So anyway, I was doing some more reading, and some more observations,
So here's what I've put together:
Bindweed excels at taking over disturbed areas (like when I dug out all the Himalayan blackberry crowns...)
Bindweed loves full sun.
Bindweed does not thrive in deep shade, and in fact in a Doug Fir forest I was recently weeding (yes, really. Mostly taking out Vinca minor and some non-native grasses), it was barely holding on. Weak, flimsy little vines that were a mere two feet long.
Add to this that our region has been getting heatwave after heatwave, and I would like to have a shady-ass yard to help mitigate that, and I've got an idea.
What if, in the areas that don't already have trees planted, I build a hexagonal grid of trellises to grow hardy kiwis, fuzzy kiwis, and grapes on? What if I just make my entire yard be extremely shady, while only doing what disturbance is necessary to keep the kiwis and grapes free from bindweed? Or rather, ensure that the kiwis and grapes will eventually win the race?
On top of that, some of my favorite native species do very well in deep shade, so I could have this ceiling of fruiting vines with a carpet of wood sorrel, false lily of the valley, bleeding hearts, etc below. That just sounds lovely.
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