#How to Add Value to Optimism
empresa-journal · 1 year
Is Optimism (OP) worth $1.31?
Interest in Optimism (OP) is high. For example, both CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap gave OP a $1.31 on 21 September 2023. Optimism was CoinMarketCap’s 13th most trending cryptocurrency on 20 September 2023. Conversely, Optimism was CoinGecko’s seventh most trending cryptocurrency on the same day. Moreover, CoinGecko named Optimism the 42ndlargest cryptocurrency, while CoinMarketCap labeled OP the…
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krisp-xyz · 1 year
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Was experimenting with halftone effects after watching this video and it almost has spiderverse vibes honestly. I actually learned some neat things about why printers use CMYK instead of just CMY so I thought I'd share !!
So in our optimal little computer space, Cyan (0,255,255), Magenta (255,0,255) and Yellow (255,255,0) all multiplied together gives us a perfect black (0,0,0) Awesome! The issue is that ink colors irl arent exactly perfect like this, and color is a bit more complicated irl compared to how computers represent it, so they aren't the greatest at combining into black if they aren't those perfect CMY values:
Left: CMY
Right: CMYK
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(thats not even black, its a dark blue in the original image but dark colors just look so much richer)
An important step to make sure you arent doubling up on the black values though is to divide the image by it's own "value" (the max of all 3 color channels) that way the value is equal to 1 everywhere, and you're letting the black ink take care of the value on its own.
Left: CMY (normalized value)
Middle: K (black)
Right: Combined
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Now obviously the grids of dots cant be aligned perfectly with each other because you'd just get a bunch of black dots in unwanted areas, but if the grids are misaligned, then some dots become more prominent than others which tints the whole image. This was an issue because older printing methods didn't have great accuracy and these grids were often misaligned.
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The solution was to rotate these grids such that they can move around freely while getting rid of that tint effect if they aren't perfectly aligned :D
(I have no idea how they came up with these angles but that might be something to look into in the future who knows)
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I wanted to implement that in my own filter to get some cool effects, and I discovered another reason CMYK is better than CMY for lots of stuff !!
With CMY, you're relying on the combination of 3 color channels to make the color black. This means if you have thin lines or just details in general, misalignment can make those details very fuzzy. Since CMYK uses a single color of ink to handle value, it reduces color fringing and improves clarity a lot even if you have the exact same misalignment as CMY!
Left: CMY
Right: You guessed it! CMYK
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(yes these comparisons have the exact same color misalignment, the only difference is using a fourth ink color for black)
ANYWAY I just thought there was a lot of cool information in this tiny little day project, I also just think it looks really neat and wanted to share what I learned :3c
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So, I talked about how to get K in addition to CMY instead of just CMY, but how exactly do you separate CMY from an image in the first place?
Well, CMY is a subtractive color space, meaning the "absence of color" is white, compared to RGB where it's black. This makes sense because ofc ink is printed on white paper. You can use dot product to get the "similarity" between two vectors, and this can be used to separate RGB actually! Using the dot product of a color and red (255,0,0) will give you just the red values of the image. This is cool though because if we get the dot product of our image and the color cyan (0,255,255), we can get the cyan values from our image too! If we first divide our colors by their value to separate the value from them, then separate CMY using those dot product values, and using K for our final black color value, our individual color passes end up looking like this:
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While it's called a "subtractive" color space, I find it more intuitive to treat white as the absence of color here, and then multiply all these passes together. It makes it much easier to understand how the colors are combined imo. Notice how cyan is the opposite of red: (255,0,0) vs (0,255,255) and magenta and yellow are the opposites of green and blue respectively! This means you can actually kinda get away with separating the RGB values and just inverting some stuff to optimize this, but this example is much more intuitive and readable so I won't go too deep into that. THANKS FOR READING I know it's a very long post but I hope people find it interesting! I try my best to explain things in a clear and concise way :3
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oh thank you I realized I should probably add an eyestrain tag
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genshin-impact-updates · 10 months
Artifact Management and Enhancement Screen Optimizations Are Here~ | Developers Discussion - 12/06
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Hello, Travelers~
In Version 4.3, we will implement a series of system optimizations in the game. We will be introducing some of these in this Developers Discussion. Let's take a look together~
〓Archon Quest "Requiem of the Echoing Depths" Unlinked From World Quest〓
To ensure that Travelers have a smoother experience with the Archon Quest, from Version 4.3 onwards, "The Chasm Delvers" quest series will no longer be prerequisites for this Archon Quest. When you reach the objective "Enter The Chasm: Underground Mines" in the Archon Quest "In the Depths, an Unexpected Reunion," a Teleport Waypoint will be automatically unlocked in The Chasm: Underground Mines so you can continue with the Archon Quest.
The Archon Quest "Requiem of the Echoing Depths" requires Travelers to head to The Chasm: Underground Mines, but this location will be locked until Travelers have completed the corresponding World Quest that allows them to enter and continue pursuing the Archon Quest.
〓One-Click Features〓
▌Dispatching Characters on Expeditions
One-Click Expeditions will become available in Version 4.3. This will allow Travelers to claim Expedition Rewards with a single click, as well as repeat expeditions with a single click.
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(This is under development and is not indicative of the final product.)
▌Ingredient Processing and Forging Screens
Aside from expeditions, you will also be able to claim processed ingredients and forged items that have been completed with a single click in Version 4.3.
▌Mystic Offering
When performing Mystic Offerings at Crafting Benches, you'll now be able to add multiple Artifacts in batches with a single click.
In future versions, you'll also be able to claim created Furnishings from the Creation Screen in the Serenitea Pot with a single click.
〓Optimized Artifact Management〓
As the journey goes on, the number of Artifact Sets you can collect will continue to increase. To help Travelers quickly find and manage Artifacts, a significant optimization has been made to the Artifacts filter function.
Automatic Locking and Quick Unlock functions have been added to the Inventory > Artifacts screen. Travelers can use these to automatically lock and unlock Artifacts according to the requirements they set.
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(This is under development and is not indicative of the final product.)
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(This is under development and is not indicative of the final product.)
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(This is under development and is not indicative of the final product.)
Additionally, as a reference to help Travelers when choosing Artifacts, recommended Artifact set information based on recently active players will now be shown on characters' Artifacts screens.
For more details about Artifact management optimizations, please stay tuned for future official descriptions.
〓Optimized Enhancement Screens〓
In the current version of the game, when Travelers level up characters or enhance Weapons and Artifacts, a pop-up appears showing how the corresponding values changed before and after enhancement. In Version 4.3, enhancement information will be integrated into the original screen instead. This will make the enhancement experience smoother for Travelers by getting rid of the frequent pop-ups.
Apart from integrating enhancement information, there will also be some small targeted optimizations on these screens:
▌Character Level-Up Screen
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(This is under development and is not indicative of the final product.)
The speed of interface special effects related to leveling up characters has been increased, and you can now use Auto Add to add sufficient Character EXP Materials to get the character up to the highest level they can reach before Ascension with a single click.
▌Artifact Enhancement Screen
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(This is under development and is not indicative of the final product.)
Other optimizations:
1. You can now consume up to 15 items per time when enhancing Artifacts.
2. Added the "Enhance to Next Tier" function. Once activated, when there are still open slots to add Enhancement Materials but this action will already cause the Artifact to reach Level 4/8/12/16, no more additional Enhancement Materials will be automatically added.
3. In Settings > Other, you can choose whether or not 5-Star Artifacts can be auto-added as Enhancement Materials.
Combined with the Automatic Locking function mentioned above, we hope that these changes will make managing 5-star Artifacts more convenient for Travelers.
▌Weapon Enhancement Screen
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(This is under development and is not indicative of the final product.)
You can now consume up to 40 items per time when enhancing Weapons on, and select multiple materials when refining Weapons.
We hope that these optimizations make the enhancement experience smoother for Travelers.
〓Character Reload Spot When Challenging Domains Repeatedly〓
In Version 4.3, after entering the Domain or if you continue to challenge the Domain after claiming rewards, characters will reload nearer to the Domain challenge location. This means you won't have to run over from the Domain entrance to this location again.
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(This is under development and is not indicative of the final product.)
〓Other Optimizations〓
To improve your gaming experience, some other optimizations will be implemented in Version 4.3. These include:
1. The way enemy avatars display in Adventurer Handbook: Enemies will be adjusted to help you find them. Also, you can now select "Cancel Navigation" on this screen to stop navigating towards the corresponding enemy on the map.
2. On the various creation screens (Crafting/Cooking/Forging/Create Furnishing), if there are no selected character records on the Traveler's device, the first character that can provide a bonus when creating the selected item will be chosen by default.
3. On the map screen, you'll now be able to check bosses' current remaining respawn times by clicking their avatars.
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(This is under development and is not indicative of the final product.)
And that's all for this Developers Discussion. We'll have more information about new version content and optimizations for you in the future, so please stay tuned for further official announcements. If you have any thoughts or feedback, feel free to send them to us through the various channels within and outside of the game~
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moonlight-yuyu · 15 days
- NCT Dream Ideal Type based on Astrology -
Personality Overview: Mark is charismatic, energetic, and deeply emotional. The Leo Sun gives him a confident, dramatic presence and a strong desire for admiration and recognition. His Aries Moon adds a spontaneous, assertive, and independent emotional nature. Mercury in Cancer suggests a communication style that is nurturing, intuitive, and emotionally insightful. Venus in Virgo indicates a more reserved, practical, and discerning approach to love. Mars in Scorpio adds intensity, passion, and a strong will in how he pursues his goals and desires.
Ideal Type: Mark would be attracted to someone who appreciates his charisma and confidence (Leo Sun), is emotionally supportive and understands his deep feelings (Cancer Mercury), and can engage with his intense, passionate side (Scorpio Mars). A partner who is practical yet attentive to detail (Virgo Venus) while also being open to spontaneous and dynamic experiences (Aries Moon) would complement him well. A balance of emotional depth, practical affection, and dynamic energy would be ideal for Mark.
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Personality Overview: Renjun’s chart reflects a passionate, emotional, and intuitive nature. The Aries Sun makes him energetic, assertive, and pioneering. The Scorpio Moon adds emotional intensity, depth, and a need for profound connections. Mercury and Venus in Pisces suggest he communicates and loves in a compassionate, idealistic, and dreamy manner. Mars in Taurus gives him a steady, determined approach to pursuing his goals, with a strong focus on stability and comfort.
Ideal Type: Renjun would be drawn to someone who can match his emotional intensity and depth (Scorpio Moon). He would value a partner who communicates with empathy and imagination (Pisces Mercury/Venus) and who can offer both emotional connection and stability (Taurus Mars). A relationship that combines emotional sensitivity, practical commitment, and a shared appreciation for deep, idealistic love would be perfect for Renjun.
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Personality Overview: Jeno has a grounded, adventurous, and assertive personality. The Taurus Sun gives him a stable, reliable, and practical nature. The Sagittarius Moon adds a love for exploration, freedom, and optimism. Mercury in Aries suggests a direct, quick-thinking communication style. Venus in Aries indicates a passionate, enthusiastic approach to love. Mars in Taurus provides a steady, persistent approach to achieving goals.
Ideal Type: Jeno would be attracted to someone who can appreciate his stability and reliability (Taurus Sun), while also embracing his adventurous spirit and optimism (Sagittarius Moon). A partner who is energetic and direct in communication (Aries Mercury/Venus) and who shares his practical, determined approach to goals (Taurus Mars) would suit him well. A relationship that balances stability, enthusiasm, and a shared sense of adventure would be ideal for Jeno.
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Personality Overview: Haechan is intellectually curious, expressive, and versatile. The Gemini Sun gives him a communicative, adaptable, and curious nature. The Leo Moon adds warmth, creativity, and a need for recognition and appreciation. Mercury in Cancer suggests a nurturing, emotionally intuitive communication style. Venus and Mars in Gemini bring a playful, versatile, and intellectually engaging approach to love and action.
Ideal Type: Haechan would be attracted to someone who can keep up with his intellectual curiosity and versatility (Gemini Sun/Venus/Mars). He would value a partner who is emotionally intuitive and supportive (Cancer Mercury), and who can engage with his creative, expressive side (Leo Moon). A relationship that combines intellectual stimulation, emotional connection, and playful interaction would be ideal for Haechan.
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Personality Overview: Jaemin’s chart shows a blend of confidence, ambition, and practical attention to detail. The Leo Sun and Mars give him a charismatic, bold, and dynamic approach to life. The Capricorn Moon adds emotional restraint, ambition, and a practical, disciplined nature. Mercury in Leo suggests an expressive, confident communication style, while Venus in Virgo indicates a more reserved, analytical approach to love.
Ideal Type: Jaemin would be attracted to someone who appreciates his confidence and energy (Leo Sun/Mars), but who also values stability and practicality (Capricorn Moon). A partner who can engage in confident, expressive communication (Mercury Leo) and also understands his more reserved, discerning approach to love (Virgo Venus) would suit him well. A relationship that balances dynamic energy, practical ambition, and thoughtful affection would be ideal for Jaemin.
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Personality Overview: Chenle has an intense, innovative, and emotionally profound personality. The Scorpio Sun and Mercury give him a deep, insightful, and passionate approach to life and communication. The Aquarius Moon adds an intellectual, unconventional, and idealistic emotional nature. Venus in Scorpio suggests a deep, transformative approach to love, while Mars in Aquarius brings a progressive, independent, and inventive approach to action.
Ideal Type: Chenle would be drawn to someone who can match his emotional intensity and depth (Scorpio Sun/Venus) while also sharing his intellectual curiosity and unconventional outlook (Aquarius Moon/Mars). He would value a partner who is both emotionally profound and open-minded, capable of engaging in deep, transformative connections and innovative experiences. A relationship that combines emotional depth, intellectual stimulation, and progressive thinking would be ideal for Chenle.
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Personality Overview: Jisung’s chart reflects a blend of innovative thinking, emotional intensity, and dynamic action. The Aquarius Sun and Venus suggest he values individuality, originality, and unconventional approaches to relationships. The Scorpio Moon adds emotional depth and a need for profound connections. Mercury in Capricorn gives him a practical, disciplined communication style, while Mars in Aries indicates a direct, energetic approach to pursuing his desires.
Ideal Type: Jisung would be attracted to someone who appreciates his innovative and unconventional approach to life (Aquarius Sun/Venus) while also being able to connect deeply on an emotional level (Scorpio Moon). He would value a partner who is practical and disciplined in communication (Capricorn Mercury) and who can match his energetic and direct approach to action (Aries Mars). A relationship that balances emotional intensity, intellectual originality, and dynamic interaction would be ideal for Jisung.
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loudclan-clangen · 3 months
Someone might have already pointed this out, or it's obvious, but, the extra art with Eklutna about "seeing your own face(?) reflected back", and Owlstar saying that "StarClan said", which I'm assuming is him repeating what Eklutna told him, I have a feeling that it's just... a lie. Yes, StarClan was reaching out about the oil, and it just so happened that Eklutna was the one who they reached out to and she spread the word. But that was it. They just needed help with that, it wasn't meant to be something bigger. But Eklutna NEEDED to feel like she was meant for even more, and she started lying to herself that her kits are meant to rule, to the point where she herself started to believe in her own lies. StarClan said... nothing. It was something she made up and yet fully believed it was StarClan who told her that due to how deeply she believed in her own lies. And when she looks up, it really it just herself reflecting back, cause StarClan's mission for her was already complete.
The newest update is just living in my head rent-free. Welcome back! I see you've joined ArtFight, and if I may suggest adding Eklutna herself. Have a nice day!
I have now added Eklutna to the artfight profile! (friendly reminder to tell me who you guys want to see refs for because I likely won't do a ref for everyone, this post has a list of all the refs I've done so far), and you're definitely onto something here about what went down between Eklutna and Starclan. The question is I think, "is a lie really a lie if the liar truly believes it?" would Eklutna be so certain that Starclan would protect her if none of it was true? If it is all made up then what does that mean for her kits? Will they face punishment from Starclan for their mother's actions? Does her belief in it make it true in some way? Regardless, glad I could infect you with my silly cat brain worms.
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Rosehippaw is certainly angry, with Starclan for letting her be so sick, with her parents for babying her, with the clan for acting like she's worth less than her sister, with her sister for being born healthy, ect. She's gonna have a complicated relationship with starclan for certain, whether she makes it or joins them. Currently she is more than sick of the medicine den, and cannot wait for the day to come where she leaves it and never comes back. Absolutely you can add an emoji! I'll do my best to keep an updated list for "optimal recognization" lol.
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Thank you so much! It's such an honor to be someone's favorite blog, especially among all of the super talented creators in this community! I hope to inspire as many people as possible to start their own clangen blogs, cause they're SO FUN and you never know where they might go! As far as your question... wow, I wonder if we'll get an answer to that in a couple of generations time... hmm... But to really answer you: It, like a lot of things, would depend on the leader. They might decide to delay their leadership ceremony for a couple of moons, leaving them a perfect target for an opportune murder, or they could go ahead with it, potentially sacrificing their kit's health for the good of the clan and some insurance should anything go wrong during the birth. It would all depend on what the leader valued more, their kits or their clan.
Anyway, not to get off topic but all of these above asks have one thing in common:
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(If you do not know what the dodgeball of prophecy is: they all predict something different that will come up later in the story.)
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thisisnotthenerd · 1 month
active stat tracking for never stop blowing up: episode 9
see how it all breaks down in the spreadsheet, folks
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it all comes down to this. we're watching insanity in real time.
at this point, everyone has at least 3d20 in their line up. they're blowing up as much as they can to get them. there is at least 2d20 in every skill except for sneak, which speaks to the priorities in game; it's their collective worst skill, while stunts and wits are the collective best, with tough in third.
ify really changed the game with his second nat 20 moment. he's still the only player to have had one as of now. the kill count? the adrenonoxinil plutonium sulfate? getting barsimmeon out alive? he's gone mad with power. now everyone's trying for a d20 on every skill check. the fact that they all have relentless is really adding to their count.
it's interesting to watch them break the system in real time--the combination of group abilities, individual skills, dice/token mechanics, and real life asks is turning nsbu into one of the most insane games i've ever seen. in particular, diesel circus, relentless, the ones, and bustin' makes me feel good have all turned out to be game-breaking.
paula donvalson / jack manhattan
abilities: duelist, relentless, mastery (brawl), quick healing, protector, grit, wildcard, interrogator
stunts: d20
brawl: d4
tough: d12
tech: d20
weapons: d20
drive: d8
sneak: d6
wits: d10
hot: d8
liv skyler / kingskin
abilities: wealthy, trouble maker, demolitions, quick healing, relentless, criminal conspiracy (convenient item)
stunts: d20
brawl: d20
tough: d12
tech: d10
weapons: d12
drive: d10
sneak: d4
wits: d20
hot: d10
andy 'dang' litefoot / greg stocks
abilities: trained (brawl), mastery (weapons), smokin', quick healing, relentless, criminal conspiracy (convenient item)
stunts: d12
brawl: d10
tough: d20
tech: d8
weapons: d20
drive: d12
sneak: d4
wits: d20
hot: d20
wendell morris / vic ethanol
abilities: transporter, protector, trouble maker, quick healing, resilient, mastery (drive), relentless
stunts: d20
brawl: d12
tough: d20
tech: d6
weapons: d6
drive: d20
sneak: d4
wits: d20
hot: d20
russell feeld / jennifer drips
abilities: trained (hot), neck snapper, quick healing, inspiring, wildcard, relentless
stunts: d20
brawl: d20
tough: d20
tech: d4
weapons: d6
drive: d4
sneak: d12
wits: d20
hot: d8
usha rao / g13
abilities: wildcard, hacker, stealth, quick healing, resilient, demolitions, relentless, criminal conspiracy (tech check benefit)
stunts: d20
brawl: d4
tough: d12
tech: d20
weapons: d4
drive: d20
sneak: d6
wits: d20
hot: d10
group abilities:
la familia (stepping in for a tough roll, lending tokens at a 1:1, sharing skill dice for optimization)
diesel circus (doubling number of tokens on a double explosion, roll 2x on first roll after injury, successful drive check allows a second skill check on top)
alpha squad (gaining 2 tokens when the group suits up, reduce explosion range by 1, two characters roll and add the result)
the ones (reroll a nat one with a different skill, take a nat one as a max roll and blow up, accept a nat one and get 1/2 the tokens of the die value)
bustin' makes me feel good (on a nat 20 they can: a) graduate everyone's lowest die type, b) restart a skill track with advantage the second time, or c) become the gm for 60 seconds.
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gwynndolin · 4 months
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Screenshotting and posting myself to avoid having to subject miss punkitt to any potential resulting discourse
I think the “blame” has come down to Mojang, being a Microsoft property, and always needing to make money, must always be updating the game. And it creates a weird scenario where they must continue to add content, but have not really decided on an actual direction; the updates have become vapid and fluffy.
Vapid and fluffy would NOT usually be an issue, Minecraft has ultimately become a “pointless” game, in the same way that Animal Crossing is a “pointless" game. So content gets added with no real gameplay value, but since Minecraft has become a "pointless game", the valueless content must be defended as "Not everything needs to have a use!", which is true! But...
Minecraft's original gameplay is to exploit all of the resources around you and to use them to do Minecraft colonizing. Minecraft has contradicted its core gameplay by adding things that are not able to be exploited (no use value), or only have a promise of becoming exploitable, but ultimately get dropped when the next major update starts being worked on. No one is logging on to play Minecraft to see a sniffer, people want to do the Minecraft colonization. So the question then becomes "Why does Mojang bother with these updates that aren't with any clear intention to add onto the gameplay? Players clearly don't want this, so why continue?"
I think ultimately, the banal, directionless nature of the recent Minecraft updates is less indicative of a desire to add interesting spectacle and more of a loss of drive. I think Minecraft needs to be put to rest. Mojang needs to put a pin in it and say "We're done, this isn't what we're interested in working on any longer (ostensibly), and we feel stifled by how limiting the framework of Minecraft has become and desire to move on to different projects".
So, when you consider that survival games (or at least variations in the genre are, simulation, colony builders, farming sims, etc.) are still one of the most popular genres on Steam, I think saying "Minecraft is itself, conceptually, to blame for getting stale" is a much smaller portion of the picture; Mojang has the opportunity to keep the game interesting, they simply have not, be it poor priorities, low resources, lack of desire, lack of confidence, a limiting engine.
All that said, I know the recent snapshots have been working on reworking the NBT data system for all items in the game into something more accessible, allowing for ease of use in data packs and probably mods too. And maybe this is a hot take, but I think that this is all they should be focusing on at this point. I think if Mojang is interested at all in maintaining their (dwindling) playerbase, they should be going all in on optimizing for external player creation and allow for players to revitalize the game themselves, instead of wasting resources on trying to come up with a new flower to put in, or something.
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kaibutsushidousha · 14 days
Thoughts on Solomon/Romani and Goetia?
A long time ago, Nasu wrote a character named Angra Mainyu. Angra was randomly chosen to have a greater spiritual purpose and because of that he never learned how to be human, but after unique circumstances in a Servant summon, he got the opportunity to have the mundane life he never had in his time, finally learn to be human, and because he valued what he took so long to obtain, he felt compelled to return himself to nothing so that the people he cared about wouldn't lose it.
Great narrative, right? Shame that it happened in the limited frame of the mind of Emiya Shirou, a notorious tsundere. Imagine how hard this same story would hit if it happened to a character much more expressive. Someone who, while not exactly honest because Romani was even more full of secrets than Angra, was super open about his joys and griefs, engaged intensely with everything without exception, and overall the symbol of positivity among the team.
Romani may be a pessimist and chicken at heart, but he's rivaled only by remake Roa in terms of being tangibly happy to be alive, and that adds so much weight to his conclusion.
Both to Solomon and Goetia, Romani represents the difference between knowledge and experience. Solomon never learned to be human because he lived his whole life doing as the voice of God told him to. He knew everything but never learned anything. He was a good judge of character, a good legislator, and a good administrator, but couldn't a good person because he wasn't a person at all.
Solomon lived his life on autopilot, feeling nothing about the many tragedies he saw. With the power to see past, present, and future, Solomon did nothing about the horrible tragedies within his sight but beyond his reach, because he objectively knew his choices were optimal. That's why Goetia disparages him as the heartless and uncaring king.
But Romani is different. Their core as a compulsive people-pleaser with a crippling fear of disappointing remains the same, but Romani is not self-assured like Solomon was. Romani needed to go out and see the world, learn things the hard way, try and fail, and accept being disliked. Every Servant not named Bedivere is vocally critical of him, but in his 10 years alive, Romani learned to live with that. He's someone who always tries his best but values the experience of his failures as much as his successes. That's why his final answer to Goetia was "There's nothing to feel angry about". The same answer Solomon would have given, but with completely different in terms of unspoken meaning.
Goetia already has his own post, so I don't need to extend his part much, but same deal. Goetia is mad at mortality because he knows it but never experienced it. Then after Ars Nova, he experiences it and suddenly gets what it's about. Mirror to Solomon as Romani valuing the world by experiencing it.
Goetia was really intent on having Mash as the one human who agrees with his vision, and the beginning of the story, Mash could have agreed, because although she knew a lot of history, she never experienced history. But 7 Singularities and any number of events later, she did, so history mattered a lot more to her than Goetia's dreams of deathlessness.
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knightochan-official · 6 months
how would you re-add tanking and healing to xiv without re-adding the same friction that got it removed. i miss tanking and healing in a game that's populated
(something like "marking targets is unintuitive"? its been years bear with me here)
The biggest problem facing FFXIV is that there are very few inputs and outputs in the combat system. Basically everything boils down to "effort vs. damage". People like to say this is a playerbase problem, but the playerbase responds to the content in front of them.
The content in front of them has been carbon copies of Alexander Savage for the past 8 years, a suite of content notorious for only valuing low effort and high raid DPS, so yeah, players chase high raid DPS. S-E has responded to this by basically optimizing the entire PvE combat flow around this goal by slavishly doing exactly what their playerbase says they want and being scared to add in other factors that can differentiate classes or content.
Make tanking and healing the primary function of these classes. Tanks absorb damage and control enemy positions, healers restore health bars, provide buffs, and cleanse debuffs. Area-of-effect aggro becomes a privilege, not a right, and single target aggro needs to be a trade-off with something else internal that the class maintains.
This requires fundamentally rethinking how basically all content is made. Crowd control needs to actually matter for mobs. Ongoing damage needs to be steady enough to constantly demand a healer's attention. Debuffs need to actually be curable, and more unavoidable debuffs need to exist
Now that we have more than two levers to adjust ("incoming damage" and "player DPS") we can start giving healers and tanks actual personality. Make one of them good at AOE aggro but sacrifice defense. Give one of them stellar defense but clunky tools for managing more than one target. Differentiate sustained vs. burst defense in a way that doesn't make burst defense the *only thing that matters*.
No, this will not be balanced. These advantages are inherently situational ones, and some classes will have good raid wings or bad raid wings. But guess what? That already happens, people will bitch and moan about such-and-such class having 10% less raid DPS contribution this patch and line up charts and discriminate in recruitment based on that. You can't stop it, so you may as well embrace it.
Also, you can mitigate it by not releasing one raid wing with 4 super long fights every 6 months. Less boss fights with shorter runtimes means more opportunities for variance that let different class functions shine, not every fight needs to be an epic orchestra battle that lasts 15 minutes.
tl;dr: Just give classes more to do than wail on a big single target for 10 minutes and then make encounters that aren't 10 minute giant boss wailfests
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Event tickets in sky were never going to work anyway.
It's way too good to be true; a currency that cannot be transferred across events or into candles/hearts for the sole purpose of making event cosmetics easier to obtain, that is collected by participating in the event itself? Thats already fishy enough by tgc's standards.
Thatgamecompany has a habit of making short term solutions for long term problems because of the sheer amount of content they make yearly, leaving less room to optimize regular gameplay. ET has probably been the most apparent example of this. (MAAAAJOR YAP SESSION AHEAD!)
When event tickets were first released, I was ecstatic. I was already struggling to keep up with Days of Bloom and Mischief since I have taken many breaks from sky, but I couldn't begin to fathom how the prices may feel to a new player. I also hated picking and choosing between what items to buy simply because i didn't dedicate the past two weeks so candlerunning alone. Hopefully this new addition of ET would take off that load and i can enjoy the following events to it's fullest, and well, I did.
For the first year that is. These cosmetics that costed ET were damn near free for me. Yet, in the back of my head i always wondered what would happen the following year once these ET cosmetics came back, alongside the new ones that were to be released. Would they cost just as much ET as last year's items? Then collecting ET would only get more stressful and inflate its value. Would the past items go away? That is unfair to new players and pushes FOMO to get everything every year.
Maybe the total price could stay the same but older items depreciate each year as newer ones release, making the oldest ones the cheapest.
And to my great surprise as i look at beta logs for this year's days of summer, not a single item from the year before is under 90 candles! How could this possibly be fair to new players who are trying to enjoy sky for what it is and get items? I've seen some people argue that the player has the choice to not get all cosmetics, which is true, but I'd like to show you what thought process is implied with this system. Think:
"We know you don't fully know your way around sky's economy, or don't have the time to grind everyday, but for this year only these new items are free just by participating in the event! And if you don't, for any reason, the price of the items will be worth 3-6 hours of candlerunning on top of MORE cosmetics! But it's all up to you!"
This isn't to say us as a playerbase have zero autonomy, but i hope you can see how FOMO is enforced when you add a currency with zero value outside of an annual 2 week event that gives players a "now or never" mindset. This is great in the moment, it pushes people to participate! Yet, this ruthlessly punishes players who aren't available for any reason, even those who weren't aware of sky before joining.
Sky is still a new game. Event tickets were only introduced a year ago, but if tgc keeps going down this economic pattern then imagine the amount of cosmetics locked away from new players, or players who took breaks, because of this exponential increase in pricing!
This is a more subjective opinion- but let me be honest; these cosmetics are not worth their candle/heart prices.
I was lucky enough to get all the days of style and days of summer items from last year for ET and i barely wore them, i can only imagine ONE item from each event being rewearable. I didn't mind though because i knew the towel capes and silly glasses were nice starter items for moths, but it's not even moth friendly anymore?! In the past only items that were in high demand were priced outrageously like rhythm and lightseeker TS, and now I'm spending extra for a purple top hat that doesn't even match any of the other purples in this game☠️☠️ you're getting less bang for your buck with a 110 candle towel cape bro
And lastly, there are other issues I've seen in sky that i would say are parallel to this whole event ticket situation. The time gaps between seasons have grown significantly smaller, and each seasonal update has been saturated with glitches and disappointment. Season of the Nine-Colored Deer is another very apparent example of this for me. The castle and crescent lake is done beautifully and the quests are decent, but no one is returning to the area. The rest of the town is empty and awkward, and half the map is in a canyon where you spawn so it's already a good 2-3 minutes getting out of that area alone. The place is just rushed. Its inconvenient.
Ill be posting a poll right after this post, but me personally i would not mind having 3 seasons a year if it meant higher quality content and more breaks from events. More spirits that are well thought out, detailed seasonal quests that arent cleanups or scavenger hunts, less quantity but higher quality cosmetics and emotes, and elder appearances! It's clear that tgc has a more complex world design outside of Sky: cotl when we look at The Two Embers, but that the energy it takes to make it in game is placed elsewhere.
Thatgamecompany is pushing out more content than they ever have before and I think their work is starting to crumble under the weight.
If you made it here THANK YOU!!! you're a lifesaver, theres so much that i want to say and i really hope a lot of skids see this post so that we can get a cohesive discussion going❤️
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13lunarstar · 1 month
Purva Ashadha
The twentieth nakshatra
Degrees: 13°20' to 26°40' of Sagittarius Zodiac
The ruler of the Nakshatra: Venus (sansk. Shukra)
Deity: Apas - the goddess of water. Water's power is often seen in how it can both nourish and destroy. The influence of Apas gives individuals a strong sense of purification and transformation.
Nakshatra's guna: rajas (human)
Purva Ashadha's keywords: victory, invincibility, ambition, strength, idealism, optimism, creativity, inner transformation
Symbol: winnowing basket or a fan (sometimes also elephant tusk), signifying the process of filtering out the essential from the unnecessary, as well as renewal and purification. The fan also represents the power to bring calmness and rejuvenation, symbolizing vitality and refreshment.
Career options: politics, law, marketing, public relations, and the arts (Venusian traits). Leading roles: good managers and leaders.
Nakshstra's strengths: persuasiveness, ambitions, optimism, creativity
Nakshatra's weaknesses: pride, over-idealism, restlessness
Lagna (ASC) in Purva Ashadha: individuals with Purva Ashadha Nakshatra in Lagna are ambitious, charismatic, and driven by a strong sense of purpose and idealism. They possess leadership qualities and are determined to achieve long-term goals, often inspiring others with their confidence and optimism. These natives are naturally competitive, seeking victory and recognition in their pursuits. With Venus as the ruling planet, they tend to be attractive, graceful, and drawn to creative or artistic fields. They may also experience spiritual growth and personal transformation throughout life. However, they can be prone to pride, over-idealism, and restlessness, especially when things don't meet their high expectations. Despite challenges, they exhibit resilience and are well-suited for roles that involve leadership, communication, or creativity
Sun in Purva Ashadha gives individuals a strong sense of ambition, confidence, and leadership. They are highly driven to achieve success and recognition, often striving for positions of power and authority. Beyond external achievements, they seek inner refinement and personal growth. The Sun's energy fuels their need to stand out, lead, and make a meaningful impact, with idealism guiding their goals. This sense of purpose makes them determined and resilient in the face of challenges. The influence of Venus, the ruling planet, adds charm, creativity, and a love for beauty. However, they may struggle with pride or an inflated ego and need to balance their desire for success with humility and patience.
Moon in Purva Ashadha: gives emotional intensity, idealism, and passion, with their feelings deeply connected to their ambitions and purpose. They tend to set high expectations for themselves and others, which can sometimes lead to emotional fluctuations when reality doesn't match their ideals. The influence of Venus, the ruling planet, enhances their creativity, charm, and love for beauty, drawing them toward artistic or aesthetic pursuits. These individuals are charismatic and attract others easily, but their idealism can make them prone to emotional highs and lows. They are resilient, often recovering from setbacks with determination. In relationships, they seek deep emotional connections and partners who share their values. However, they may struggle with emotional intensity or pride and need to cultivate patience and balance in their emotional responses.
Mercury in Purva Ashadha: brings sharp communication skills, persuasive abilities, and a strategic mindset. These individuals are idealistic in their thinking and often focus on larger goals rather than getting caught up in minor details. This placement enhances creativity and intellectual expression, making these people drawn to activities involving writing, teaching, public speaking, or other forms of communication. With Venus as the Nakshatra's ruling planet, there is often a refined and artistic approach to individuals' ideas, presenting them with charm and grace. They are skilled at influencing others and can excel in roles that require negotiation or leadership through communication. However, their idealism can sometimes lead to over-optimism or frustration when reality doesn’t align with their vision. They need to balance their lofty aspirations with practicality to avoid disappointment.
Mars in Purva Ashadha: exhibits strong drive, ambition, and determination. People with this placement are fiercely, goal-oriented and have a competitive spirit, always striving to achieve success and recognition in their endeavours. Mars' energy in this Nakshatra gives them a bold and courageous approach to challenges, often making them fearless in the pursuit of their goals. The influence of Venus, the ruling planet of Purva Ashadha, tempers Mars' aggression with creativity and refinement, often helping these individuals channel their assertiveness into artistic or diplomatic pursuits. These people are natural leaders with a passion for initiating projects and taking decisive action. However, their intense desire for victory may lead to impatience or frustration if the results are not immediate. They may also struggle with pride or stubbornness, especially if their ideals are challenged. In order to succeed, they should balance their fierce determination with patience and emotional control.
Jupiter in Purva Ashadha: brings strong ideals, wisdom, and a desire for growth. These individuals possess a deep sense of purpose and are often driven by a higher philosophical or spiritual calling. Jupiter's expansive energy blends with Purva Ashadha's ambitious nature, making these individuals focused on achieving success while adhering to their principles and values. They are naturally inclined towards teaching, mentoring, or guiding others, often sharing their wisdom and experiences. The influence of Venus, the Nakshatra’s ruler, adds a touch of grace and creativity, making them drawn to refined pursuits such as art, music, and literature. They also seek beauty and harmony in their beliefs and knowledge. However, their strong idealism can sometimes lead to over-optimism or unrealistic expectations. They may need to manage tendencies toward pride or being too rigid in their beliefs. By balancing their ideals with practicality, they can manifest their ideas effectively and inspire others on their path.
Venus in Purva Ashadha: bestows individuals with a highly creative, charming, and passionate nature, and a deep appreciation for beauty, art, and relationships. Venus, being the ruler of this nakshatra, amplifies its qualities, making these individuals naturally inclined toward artistic and aesthetic pursuits. They have a refined sense of taste and often excel in fields like art, music, fashion, and design. In relationships, they seek emotional depth and idealism, striving for meaningful connections. Their charm and grace make them attractive to others, and they often have a magnetic presence in social settings. The combination of Venus and Purva Ashadha's ambitious nature also gives them a strong desire for success, particularly in creative fields where they can express their talents. However, they may sometimes struggle with over-idealizing relationships or becoming too attached to their desires for beauty and pleasure. Balancing their need for refinement with a practical approach to relationships and success is key to their fulfilment.
Saturn in Purva Ashadha: Saturn's influence brings a grounded approach to the nakshatra's inherent ambition, making these individuals highly focused on long-term goals. They are patient and willing to work hard for success, often enduring challenges and delays with resilience. Their strong work ethic is balanced by the influence of Venus, the nakshatra's ruling planet, which adds a touch of refinement and creativity to their efforts. This combination can make them excel in structured environments where they can apply their discipline toward artistic, intellectual, or leadership roles. However, they may face challenges related to their sense of idealism. Saturn's restrictive nature can create frustration when their high aspirations aren't met quickly, leading to feelings of being burdened by responsibilities. Learning to balance their ambitions with patience and a steady, realistic approach helps them achieve their goals while avoiding burnout or disappointment.
Rahu in Purva Ashadha: exhibits a strong drive for success, power, and recognition, often pursuing goals through unconventional or innovative means. Rahu's influence amplifies Purva Ashadha's ambitious nature, making these individuals highly motivated and sometimes relentless in their pursuit of achievement. They are attracted to exploring new and bold ideas, and their path to success can be filled with sudden or unexpected changes. The influence of Venus brings creativity and a desire for luxury, making them drawn to material pleasures, beauty, and artistic endeavours. Rahu’s presence often pushes them toward exploring fame or wealth in creative or influential fields. At the same time, this placement sometimes leads to an obsession with success, power, or status, potentially causing taking risks or pursuing shortcuts. These people may also struggle with over-idealizing their goals or becoming dissatisfied when their desires aren't fulfilled quickly. To achieve lasting success, these individuals need to balance their ambitions with ethics and avoid falling into the traps of illusion or material overindulgence.
Ketu in Purva Ashadha: Ketu, being the planet of separation and liberation, combines with Purva Ashadha’s ambition to direct the person’s focus away from material success and toward self-realization and deeper truths. These individuals often have a natural disinterest in worldly pursuits like fame and power, seeking instead to understand higher ideals and spiritual wisdom. They may express their spirituality through art, music, or other aesthetic pursuits, finding beauty in inner growth rather than external achievements. This placement can also bring about an intense desire for self-purification, often through challenges that lead to personal evolution. However, Ketu’s influence can sometimes create confusion or dissatisfaction with material life, leading to a sense of restlessness or disillusionment with worldly matters. They may struggle with balancing their spiritual ideals with the practical demands of life. By embracing both spiritual and material aspects, they can find a harmonious path that allows for both inner fulfilment and outer
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horoscope1078 · 15 days
Pedro Pedro Pedro 👋
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Pedri González's natal chart has an adventurous and dynamic energy, just like his playing style on the field. With his Sun in Sagittarius, he's all about freedom, optimism, and a love for exploring new opportunities, he thrives when he's pushing boundaries and seeking excitement.
His Ascendant in Aries adds to this with a fearless, confident, and action-driven approach. Pedri comes across as someone who isn't afraid to take risks, dive headfirst into challenges, and lead the charge, both on and off the pitch.
His Descendant in Libra balances out his fiery nature, bringing a love for harmony in relationships. He seeks balance in his connections and is likely drawn to people who are fair-minded and diplomatic, valuing peace and partnership. This also suggests he may thrive in teams where cooperation is key, blending his natural leadership with a desire for equality.
His Moon in Leo amplifies his need for recognition and to shine in whatever he does. He’s likely to feel emotionally fulfilled when he’s at the centre of attention, and his natural charisma probably makes it easy for him to win the hearts of fans.
This also pairs well with his Jupiter in Leo, expanding his sense of joy and luck when he's in the spotlight—it's where he flourishes the most.
Mercury in Sagittarius makes him a big-picture thinker. He’s got an open mind, loves new ideas, and communicates with a straightforward honesty. There’s a directness in his thoughts that aligns with his bold Sagittarian energy.
However, Mars in Libra brings a diplomatic side, balancing out his fiery nature. He’s competitive but fair, likely to consider both sides of a situation before making decisions, especially in partnerships or team settings.
With Venus in Scorpio, there's a deeper emotional side to Pedri that he keeps somewhat private. While he’s open and expansive on the surface, when it comes to relationships, he values loyalty, intensity, and deep connections. Once he commits to something, or someone, he’s all in.
Saturn in Gemini and Uranus in Aquarius suggest a sharp mind that’s always questioning and thinking outside the box. He might have had to learn discipline in how he communicates or shares his ideas, but his innovative side shines through, especially in his unique style of play.
Finally, with Neptune in Aquarius and Pluto in Sagittarius, Pedri’s vision for the future is broad and idealistic. He’s likely someone who dreams big, not just for himself but for the world around him. His passion for growth and transformation fuels his journey, ensuring he’s always striving for more.
In summary, Pedri's chart shows a vibrant, adventurous, and dynamic individual who’s confident, expressive, and always pushing forward—qualities that surely make him a standout both on and off the field.
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coolskeleton59 · 5 months
[It's been a long fight with a near death. I think we need to sit down] And uh. This may be sappy, but I don't know when I'm next gonna get to say it. We've come this far, and we've all had our tensions and moments that we're not proud of. Namely us. [Gestures at ourselves]. So. I just want to tell you all that you're all fantastic. Thank you for coming all of this way with us. Reese, you've put up with so much of our BS, and yet you still always manage to find the good in people and push onward. You're strong. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Chef, you always keep us in check. We appreciate that you don't put up with our nonsense. We need someone reasonable like that. Mal, you're so smart, and seeing you get genuinely into everything you do is so nice. I hope you get to continue doing that when this is over. Crunch, you got butterfingers, but you add levity and heart to any situation you're in. You've also been super chill and hilarious this whole time, which is a very nice change of pace. Thanks for that. Skippy, you got a whole fanclub up in our brain I'm not gonna lie. You have a boundless confidence and optimism that cannot be rivaled. You're also one hell of a magic user. You deserve the fanclub. Traj, you're strong. You're doing things for yourself now. We may be at odds with each other, and we may have said things we regret. You put all of that behind you, and you got back up and kept fighting. You'll do great. Serif, I don't know if you can hear me, but you never stay down. No matter how many times they pit you against us, you never give up on us either. We keep making mistakes towards you, and getting thrown on the ground was deserved. Regardless, we value you as a friend. We will forever. ...and Parchy, I don't know if you're listening, but I hope you're safe and well.
[* Your party voices their thanks and appreciation to you, too.]
[* Morale was boosted greatly!]
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moonlight-yuyu · 15 days
- TXT Ideal Type based on Astrology -
Personality Overview: Yeonjun has a mix of analytical, balanced, and expressive energies. The Virgo Sun and Mercury suggest he is practical, detail-oriented, and values precision in communication. The Libra Moon adds a desire for harmony, fairness, and partnership, making him considerate and diplomatic in relationships. Venus in Leo suggests he is affectionate, enjoys grand romantic gestures, and values loyalty and admiration. Mars in Sagittarius brings a love for adventure, freedom, and optimism in how he pursues his desires.
Ideal Type: Yeonjun would be attracted to someone who is intellectually stimulating and communicative (Virgo Sun/Mercury) but also values harmony and balance in relationships (Libra Moon). He might seek a partner who appreciates romance and is expressive in their affections (Leo Venus) while also sharing his love for adventure and exploration (Sagittarius Mars). A relationship that balances intellectual connection, romantic expression, and a sense of adventure would be ideal for Yeonjun.
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Personality Overview: Soobin’s personality is a blend of optimism, emotional sensitivity, and a sense of responsibility. The Sagittarius Sun and Mercury suggest he is optimistic, curious, and loves freedom and exploration. The Pisces Moon adds emotional depth, intuition, and compassion, making him sensitive and empathetic. Venus in Capricorn brings a practical, disciplined approach to love, valuing stability and commitment. Mars in Libra indicates a diplomatic, fair, and cooperative approach to taking action and pursuing desires.
Ideal Type: Soobin would be drawn to someone who is emotionally understanding and supportive (Pisces Moon) but also shares his love for adventure and intellectual exploration (Sagittarius Sun/Mercury). He might seek a partner who is both reliable and ambitious (Capricorn Venus), valuing a relationship that is both stable and emotionally fulfilling. A relationship that balances emotional connection, stability, and a shared sense of adventure would be ideal for Soobin.
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Personality Overview: Beomgyu has a deeply emotional and intense personality with a mix of creativity and independence. The Pisces Sun suggests he is intuitive, compassionate, and creative, with a rich inner world. The Scorpio Moon adds emotional depth, intensity, and a need for profound connections. Mercury in Aquarius introduces a unique, forward-thinking communication style, valuing originality and intellectual freedom. Venus in Aries suggests he is passionate, direct, and spontaneous in love, while Mars in Sagittarius brings a love for adventure, freedom, and optimism in how he pursues his desires.
Ideal Type: Beomgyu would be attracted to someone who is emotionally intense and passionate (Scorpio Moon) but also values creativity and originality (Pisces Sun, Aquarius Mercury). He might seek a partner who is adventurous and spontaneous (Aries Venus, Sagittarius Mars), enjoying a relationship full of excitement and deep emotional connection. A relationship that combines emotional intensity, creativity, and a sense of adventure would be ideal for Beomgyu.
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Personality Overview: Taehyun has a unique, independent personality with a blend of emotional intensity and practical thinking. The Aquarius Sun suggests he values individuality, innovation, and freedom, often approaching life in a non-conventional way. The Scorpio Moon adds emotional depth, intensity, and a need for deep connections. Mercury in Capricorn introduces a practical, disciplined communication style, while Venus in Aquarius brings a preference for unconventional relationships and intellectual stimulation. Mars in Aries suggests he is assertive, energetic, and direct in pursuing his desires.
Ideal Type: Taehyun would be attracted to someone who is independent and values originality (Aquarius Sun/Venus) but also shares his emotional depth and intensity (Scorpio Moon). He might seek a partner who is both practical and reliable (Capricorn Mercury) yet also passionate and direct in their approach to life (Aries Mars). A relationship that balances emotional intensity, independence, and a shared sense of adventure would be ideal for Taehyun.
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Personality Overview: Hueningkai has a charismatic, intense personality with a mix of confidence and a need for harmony. The Leo Sun and Mars suggest he is warm-hearted, confident, and enjoys being in the spotlight, with a dramatic flair in how he pursues his desires. The Scorpio Moon adds emotional depth, intensity, and a need for deep, transformative connections. Mercury in Virgo introduces a practical, analytical communication style, while Venus in Libra brings a desire for balance, harmony, and fairness in relationships.
Ideal Type: Hueningkai would be attracted to someone who is both emotionally deep and intense (Scorpio Moon) but also values harmony and balance in relationships (Libra Venus). He might seek a partner who appreciates his confidence and warmth (Leo Sun/Mars) while also being practical and supportive (Virgo Mercury). A relationship that combines emotional depth, romantic harmony, and a bit of drama would be ideal for Hueningkai.
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I want to really start writing love thy enemy chapter 2 but I don't know how to start it. The main point of chapter is done.
I guess I have to make this a drabble. I want to write how Reader Chan met Lyle Wainfleet.
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It doesn't add up to the story. I don't want this scene to go to waste. Here you go.
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You were admiring the cute little feline animal the Colonel caught for you when he was on tour in the jungle. After you began to date him. He made not only your life but your friend's lives good.
Like today, he and his elite team protected the some scientist while they collected whatever they wanted from the Pandora jungle. Risking their lives for a group of people they hate.
The Marine soldiers were curious why their leader was nice to those science pukes. Of course they couldn't ask their superior.
The Colonel was annoyed that you begged him not to make the relationship public. He felt offended. Were embarrassed to be with him? You told him how you wanted him to speak to your dad first and wait a few weeks. You never loved a man before. Minus the jerk who wanted to marry you back on Earth just for your pretty face. He broke your heart.
So, of course you have trust issues. The Colonel video chatted your dad. Your dad was actually upset. The Colonel was perhaps only ten years younger than him. Might as well be his younger brother and your uncle!
Your dad knew you liked older men. But not this old! But, your father remembered how like your mother. You and her were subjugated all their lives. A pretty doll. That's it. The young generations didn't value love and went for lust only. So, he reluctantly gave his blessings to the Colonel.
The Colonel didn't like your dad. Quaritch felt offended when he saw the rich man look at him with distaste. He didn't need to rub in his age.
Whatever. Your father was a handsome lad, Quaritch admitted. But, Quaritch also pitied the older man. He looked tired from all his philanthropy shit and childish optimism goals. Your father will kill himself from exhaustion.
Now, Quaritch would sneak around the base. Fucking the shit out of you whenever he had the chance no matter how busy you were with your work. He wanted to touch you in public like holding your hand and show affections and yes that included kissing.
From the what the Colonel told you, the feline cat already lost his mom. And you believed his men were not the reason for the mothers death.
So, you were playing with it while waiting for Max to record some video logs Jake was producing.
"Hey." A male voice boomed.
You looked up to see a shaved head Marine with muscles and tattoos. Is he a friend of Jake?
"Mind if I touch your pussy?" He grinned.
Everyone around the room became quiet. Your mouth dropped in shock. You never been insulted so bluntly and in public before. Not even on Earth!
The jerk snickered at your expression. "I meant your cat." He pointed at the now hissing feline.
You glared and stood up. He blinked and wondered what will you do. You slapped him! His face was moved to the side.
"Get away from her!" Jake yelled while he rolled his wheelchair over to you.
The bald guy turned his face back at you and held his hands up in mocking surrender. He told Jake that the Colonel wanted to speak with him.
They both left the lab and all your friends huddled over to comfort you. You were shaking and still scared that you were sexually harassed in broad daylight.
The Colonel spoke to Jake and then noticed something was off. Lyle and Jake never got along but the tension was worse. Whatever. He got enough problems on his plate.
The Colonel was upset that you were not in his office. It was his lunch break. He told you to meet him there.
He got annoyed when you didn't text back and he had enough. He rudely barged in the science wing of the other pukes. He ignored the stares when the other scientists noticed his presence in their lab bedrooms.
He kicked your door open.
He found you in your bed with that short and fat scientist Max and another female Medic rubbing your shoulder. You looked up with your teary eyes to see your secret lover.
The Colonel ordered your friends to leave.
"The Fuck were you?" His eyes softened when he saw your dead expression. Your boyfriend sat next to you in your bed.
You blurted what happened.
"What did the soldier look like?"
Quaritch was angry when you described him as his Marine.
You shrugged. "I don't know. He said you sent him to pick up Sully for a report."
In cold fury, Quaritch clenched his jaw. "Lyle." He hissed.
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The Colonel grabbed your chin and made you look at him. "I am going to make us public. I don't know why you want to keep this a secret. You're not safe unless people know you belong to me."
Your eyes widened. It's too soon. You didn't tell your friends yet.
"But ..."
The Colonel's look made you shut up.
He told you how you are to go his room immediately. You better be there when he comes back. He will send female staff soldiers to bring your belongings to his quarters. Or should you say your quarters.
While you were waiting for your boyfriend at his room. The Colonel was looking for Lyle. He went to the gym. The bunks and then the pilot garage.
There stood Wainfleet and other soldiers.
When they saw the Colonel walk they saluted him with respect. The Colonel wordlessly punched Lyle in the abs which caused him to clutch his stomach from pain.
The others stared in shock.
"Stay away from my girl." Quaritch snarled as he looked down at Wainfleet's pathetic form on the ground.
Lyle looked up in confusion.
Quaritch explained. "Name belongs to me. If I catch you disrespecting her again you will be resigned from your corporal status."
He looked at the others. "That goes for the rest of you."
"Yes, Sir!" They said in unison.
You were sitting on the king sized bed of your new room. You watched buff female staff bring in your belongings and your cat was sleeping on your lap.
The Colonel came in and visibly relaxed after seeing you obey him. He didn't wait for the staff to leave. He sat next to you and kissed you. "I am sorry I couldn't protect you. But, it's your fault in a way. If everyone knew about us. They wouldn't hurt you."
You laid your head on his shoulder blade. "I'm sorry for being foolish."
He wrapped his arm around you. He knew the female staff would gossip. Good. Everyone must know who you belonged to.
He was still on his lunch break...
The Colonel smirked. He ordered the staff to leave and stripped you and noticed the cat staring at him as he nailed into you.
This was why the Colonel preferred dogs.
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astrojulia · 1 year
hi! i hope you’re having a good day!
What how do you think Sun in 10th house would manifest? I am a taurus sun with a leo rising.
i hope you get to my question, thank you!!
Taurus Sun + Risings
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✧.*Aries Rising: You possess Taurus sensibility with a splash of Aries extroversion. While practicality is your norm, occasional impulsiveness creeps in. Leadership comes naturally, and self-interest emerges. Managing this needs attention to relationships. Your warmth and sociability boost popularity, but you learn less from past errors.
✧.*Taurus Rising: Strength, composure, and determination define you. Decision-making is your strength, yet adaptability matters. Beauty captivates you, and material value is important. While fiery at times, you're quick in endeavors. Balancing passion and anger is essential. Intelligence thrives, but human understanding can falter. Your opinions may shift, but confidence remains. Embracing societal ideas drives you.
✧.*Gemini Rising: Your Taurus core blends with Gemini's flexibility. Kindness, honesty, and a humane nature characterize you. Anxiety dissipates swiftly. Creativity and chatter flourish, and a touch of secrecy intrigues. Solitude is alluring, and trusting intuition is key. Family discord might arise, but self-awareness helps.
✧.*Cancer Rising: Sociability and imagination define you. Sensitivity and receptiveness stand out, yet forgiveness takes time. You're a nurturing presence, but guard against overextending. Emotional depth connects to smell. Balancing indulgence and discipline matters. Excessive sympathy requires caution.
✧.*Leo Rising: Kindness, generosity, and leadership radiate from you. You're a natural leader and empathetic listener. Coping with failure challenges you, but success is vital. Ambitions flourish in social circles. You're deeply caring, and your vulnerability hides beneath a confident exterior. Self-assuredness defines you.
✧.*Virgo Rising: You embody practicality and studiousness. Meticulousness is your forte, but avoid over-focusing. Humility draws people, though shyness conceals depth. Forgiveness doesn't come easily. You're loyal and ingenious, with a concern for humanity's betterment.
✧.*Libra Rising: Your pleasant demeanor and beauty appreciation shine. Adaptability is vital. Balance indulgence and discipline while overcoming procrastination. Sincerity attracts others. Temper flares, yet forgiveness prevails. Taurus stability guides your path.
✧.*Scorpio Rising: Intensity, passion, and protectiveness define you. Stubbornness blends with intensity. Observant and insightful, you captivate with your personality. Ambition and intensity are evident. Moderation is key. Balance love and hatred, intimacy and independence.
✧.*Sagittarius Rising: Social and practical, adaptability underlies restlessness. Candidness and ambition guide you. Multitalented and occasionally reckless, seek balance. Optimism endures even in adversity. Embrace both independence and caregiving.
✧.*Capricorn Rising: Strength, commitment, and ambition resonate within you. Capricorn's influence adds ambition and hierarchy. Beneath your exterior, you possess kindness and humility. Taurus' appreciation for beauty balances Capricorn's seriousness.
✧.*Aquarius Rising: Practical idealism defines you. Family holds immense importance. Open expression and adaptability guide your actions. You serve as a catalyst for positive change. Candidness, empathy, and determination shine through.
✧.*Pisces Rising: Artistic and expressive, Pisces enhances Taurus. Eloquence and introspection set you apart. Romantic inclinations mix with poetic sensibilities. Balancing indulgence and discipline is crucial. Generosity and imagination are your hallmarks.
Extra Sources: Drawing by Destina Eroland
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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