#What Value does Optimism Offer?
empresa-journal · 1 year
Is Optimism (OP) worth $1.31?
Interest in Optimism (OP) is high. For example, both CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap gave OP a $1.31 on 21 September 2023. Optimism was CoinMarketCap’s 13th most trending cryptocurrency on 20 September 2023. Conversely, Optimism was CoinGecko’s seventh most trending cryptocurrency on the same day. Moreover, CoinGecko named Optimism the 42ndlargest cryptocurrency, while CoinMarketCap labeled OP the…
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
some times i see people talking about the Earth and climate change saying things like "now i know it is difficult to deal with utter hopelessness, terror, and visiting the thoughts of death"
and it's like wow I am so deeply sorry about the suffering. but...concern. Concern. Tell me, am I missing something important? Why do I feel a sense of hope for our planet? Am I a lonely fool? Have I been consumed by naïveté and misguided optimism?
That would be weird. It feels weird. It feels like I would be well suited to despair. My natural temperament is Mortal Terror making my body crushed for a thousand years at the bottom of the deepest trenches of the ocean. I've thought before "I can't live any more. This exceeds the tensile strength of the human spirit."
And then? After irreversible catastrophic failure of the soul, there is...what?
We try to imagine the future where we fight to save our home and it is very painful. The resistance feels so small and the machine of death feels so vast. But something's missing.
Everyone else is missing—the plants, trees, bugs, beasts, and creatures. Hello? Are the other humans seeing this? Nature wants you to know that she is not a princess in a tower. Look! Look at the chaos moving through every cell! Iterating! Adapting! Becoming! Thriving! Watch the pollinators tirelessly at work, observe the mycorrhizal network in the forest floor distributing the rich fruits of decay and photosynthesis for every inhabitant! Pay attention! We belong here too. They feed and shelter us, give us the very air we breathe, and in return we plant and propagate, cull, thin, and burn, shape, trample, till, shepherd and sprout seeds. Our species can look toward the future, to the world of our descendants. We can call every plant and animal by name and teach our children to use and care for them responsibly. We can feel this anger, pain, and grief on behalf of the family of Life, OUR family, and we can love the smallest beetle and the humblest moss.
Look at it! This thing is nothing like me, it does not benefit me, it has no use or purpose for me, but LOOK at it! Look at its intricate structure! Look at the marvelousness of its behaviors and biological functions! Look at its uniqueness throughout the whole universe! Look at it, and see its infinite value!
I saved a baby tree from the scorching hot gravel of a parking lot. I watched it grow and thrive in the hands of its caretaker. Many more followed, trees and herbs and flowers, rescued and carefully placed in cups and old tubs that once held yogurt and sour cream. This is so strange, I thought. They're everywhere, offering themselves for free, and no one thinks to take them. Everyone thinks transplanting a tree is hard and that nothing grows on the edge of the pavement but weeds. But it's so easy??? This is weird. Plant Nurseries Hate Her: Get Free Plants With This One Weird Trick.
I protected an old barren garden patch where nothing had thrived from being mowed and weed-whacked, and transplanted little plants that I found. I marveled at the bees that came. Chicory bloomed, then asters and goldenrod. I shed actual tears over a spicebush swallowtail. I ordered some milkweed from the internet, and the monarchs came for them. Less then twenty-five bucks for a divine experience like this. Wow, everyone else really needs to know!
I started volunteering at a nature center, and was allowed to transplant flowers where they sprouted in inopportune locations. I collected tons of seeds all fall and winter long.
There is much, much more, all of it bigger than I ever would have imagined. But this spring there were more birds, in number and in species, than I'd ever seen in my back yard before. Chickadees, swallows, finches, nuthatches, jays, cardinals, warblers, sparrows, woodpeckers of every kind...I remembered just a couple years prior when all I ever saw out there was a couple grackles or starlings or robins, with the occasional sparrow. Those birds come in flocks rather than couples now. And then the bumblebee arrived. An American bumblebee, endangered now, a queen. For a few days she was always out there, would fly out and buzz around me when I came out to tend to my now-innumerable plants. It's nesting time for them. She chose this place I was creating. She saw that this place would take care of her.
A week ago, I discovered wild strawberries growing in my Mamaw's driveway. I found lyreleaf sage growing beside a gravel road. I've become a master of transplanting; I took several of each home. Yesterday, I saw a tiny, metallic blue bee, an Osmia mason bee. Today, I saw an oriole and a strange, very fancy fly. I see something new almost every day. Every day I am being irreversibly changed as a person. How did I ever fail to see how much this matters?
I said I feel hope...do I feel it? I don't think it's a feeling, I think it's a practice. It's being part of our communities and our ecosystems. Nature's interconnectedness is both reality and example: to survive, we take care of one another. And when one member of the community helps another thrive, it creates a cascade that increases the thriving of all. Just by existing, you help us all survive.
You can only take care of so many plants before you have to give some away. You can only hold so much knowledge before you have to give it away. I gave seeds to a dozen different flowers to my next-door neighbor and she invited me inside and wouldn't let me leave without food, and we talked about plants and trees. A family friend lets me have goats' milk and heirloom vegetables in exchange for help around the farm, and I listen to him talk about trees, bugs, and soil and learn so much I feel like I'm about to explode from knowledge.
Being a caretaker is unavoidably a community-oriented, community-forming thing. You can't grow plants all by yourself. Your garden will make too many tomatoes. Share them. Your milkweed will make hundreds and hundreds of seeds. Spread them. Wild blackberries invite you to take and eat. Your lonely retired neighbor invites you to talk and keep her company. Once you grow delicious fruits or little oak trees, you always have a reason to greet someone and say, "Look, it is a gift!"
We're not alone. We are not separate. We take care of each other. Every species, every individual. A single action of caretaking creates a cascade effect of thriving. A single unapologetic love for a creature creates a blossom of curiosity and fascination in everyone surrounding. It's so powerful.
As my chemical romance says "I am not afraid to keep on living"
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Armin’s character and what he represents about bravery within the story means so much to me.
I feel like so often in shonen and general action story media traits like ‘bravery’ and ‘courage’ are considered synonymous with strength or risk-taking- and that’s certainly accurate in a lot of cases. But just like in so many other ways, AOT subverts or critically examines this trope within its characters- particularly in the main trio of the cast.
It’s so easy to reduce Armin to his easiest defined trope- the smart one- and while that’s definitely true and you could write a million meta essays on his intelligence, strategic thinking, etc, I think we don’t talk enough about the ways Armin’s character begs the audience to reexamine what it means to have strength and bravery.
Armin’s strength is not in the physical realm (although it’s worth dedicating another post entirely to the fact that Armin is certainly not that weak either- simply the weakest of an already exceptional group) and his strength is not solely his mind either. But also his determination, conviction, and the way he is willing to sacrifice himself to save others with hardly a second thought- all while not being as rash as Eren and Mikasa can be.
In a recent rewatch of the Trost Arc, there were so many moments that stood out to me that I had previously either taken for granted or not noticed the significance of. In that arc alone, after Eren’s “death” -
He follows Mikasa without hesitation to rescue her when she runs out of gas
Offers Mikasa his gas canisters and blades knowing he won’t survive without them
Defends Eren to the Garrison (this is obviously a pretty big moment that isn’t usually overlooked, of course)
Rushes off from the decoy squad and runs the ENTIRE length of the Trost district wall when he sees the red smoke flair- just to be there to help Mikasa and Eren
Stays by Eren’s titan form on foot in a titan infested area right before he places the boulder
And there’s probably some more I missed.
Armin at this point in the story has no false confidence about his ability to survive- in fact he probably has an abysmal lack of confidence that he can’t affect much, but he does it anyway.
(Obviously, this self-sacrificial tendency reaches a head and ultimately culminates in the sacrifice of his life in the mission to retake Shiganshina…)
All of this to say, what Armin represents about bravery and courage is so important to me because he dedicates his life with the purest of intentions- he is not scared of death in such a noble way and he brings it up again and again. He would die for the cause- nearly does.
Which I think creates an interesting parallel between him and Eren in the sense that Eren is frequently referred to as a “suicidal maniac”- clearly meant to refer to the reckless way he rushes into danger. Whereas Armin’s instinct towards self-sacrifice is never viewed this way, because it’s not a glaring flaw in the same way that Eren’s behavior is.
Another way the story examines this is through his interactions with Annie- who is opposite in that she is fiercely dedicated to her own survival at any cost. This is brought up in their interaction during the ODM gear inspection when she asks him if he would die if someone ordered him to and he easily answered that he would. Armin’s ability to understand this difference between himself and Annie without judging her for it is also unique to him.
Because Armin doesn’t expect anyone else to give their life or view others as cowards for not rushing into danger- because he sees the value in every life. He just feels the cost of his own life would be worth it to preserve someone else’s. It’s this love for humanity and unwavering optimism at the core of his character that gives him so much conviction.
And like so many others have pointed out, this is what saves him (and, to an extent, later the world) in the end when it comes to Levi’s choice to revive him. Erwin was successful because he was able to set aside his humanity and sent countless soldiers to their deaths to gain victory. Armin, more than anyone else in the story, was able to plan and make a difference in such a way that always assumed he would either ask others to take an equal risk or put himself at more risk to reach the goal. And he wasn’t driven by anger, hatred, or rage to do it.
Clearly, there’s a lot that can be said about the way Armin shows strength and bravery in dire situations without being, stereotypically, the strongest character- or even the die-hard risk taking typical protagonist that Eren represents for most of the story.
But I think ultimately the story is trying to show us that Armin’s version is the version that is within reach for everyone- and that will make the biggest difference in not just winning a battle but in making a better world. And it’s so important to me that AOT- despite being such an inherently violent story- took the time to present that message as emphatically as it did.
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jokeroutsubs · 1 year
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Bojan on the cover of Astro Suzy, special summer edition of Suzy Magazine, focusing on astrology and spirituality. Scans and ENG Translation by: @kurooscoffee Cover Title:
Bojan Cvjetičanin: "We have a duty to change things for the better"
Article title:
We are driven by our love of life
WITH JOKER OUT, WE HAVE WITNESSED A MENTAL LEAP AND A SOCIAL PHENOMENON THAT WE HAVE LONGED FOR. THE BOYS GIVE HOPE THAT YOUNG PEOPLE ARE CONNECTING INTO A STRONG COMMUNITY THAT CARES ABOUT THE FUTURE, EVEN THOUGH PREVIOUS GENERATIONS HAVE LEFT THEM IN RUINS. IN A FLOOD OF STARLETS AND ARTIFICIALLY CREATED ONLINE INFLUENCERS, WE GOT ROLE MODELS WHO DON'T OFFER DISCOUNT CODES, BUT IMPORTANT MUSICAL MESSAGES ABOUT VALUES. IN THE MIDDLE OF A SLOVENIAN AND EUROPEAN TOUR, THE LEAD SINGER AND VISUAL OF THE BAND SHARED WITH US WHAT HE'S THINKING ABOUT, WHAT CAUSES HE'S STANDING BEHIND, AND WHY IT'S BENEFICIAL TO DEEPEN YOUR SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE. What are you thinking about as representatives of the new wave, the new generation? What is your attitude towards the dynamics in society, climate change, pervasive social networks, in short, everything that weighs on modern man? On the one hand, we ourselves are involved in all the processes that actively and continuously prolong the problems you are talking about. On the other hand, we are deeply aware of them and we are afraid of what is coming. It seems to me that in our generation the desire for change is very strong. There is a universal language of youth that has come together on the basis of feeling obliged and able to change things for the better. The song New Wave is about just that. We are ready to celebrate this common strength because we are encouraged by the idea that we are not alone. At the same time, we know that we are compelled to do something because someone before us has seriously 'fucked up'.
In your hit song 'Novi Val' (New Wave), already the very first verse has you wonder where to go from here. Do you know the answer?
If we want to do anything other than burn the horizon, the only way is towards community, away from egocentrism, with an onlook towards common good.
Let's stick to the anthem of the generation of love, as you named your peers and loyal supporters. The phrase 'We were born yesterday and everything is already our fault' is powerful and worrying. You have been given a pitiful lagecy by your ancestors. How do you defend yourself from taking a role of a victim and instead get actively involved in creating a brighter future?
Great question! It would be hard to change anything for the better if we put on the victim's cloak. The fact that in recent years it has become clear that there is a rebellion by people who have had enough is already a cause for optimism. When you put yourself in the role of the one who carries a scepter as a synonym of the leader of change, you move away from being a victim. And each one of us in this community carries it. In reality, we are taking the position that society is currently a victim and it is our task to defend it.
We all contribute in our own way. The role of musicians is to connect people with positive messages. So by constantly reminding people about friendship, love and other social components that can be tapped into through music. In Slovenia, we have a lot of organisations that are trying to change the situation for the better in many different ways. It does not require much to at least educate oneself about what these organisations are doing. I have the feeling that many people would like to get involved and help. At the end of grammar school and at college, we were encouraged to find out about collective organisations. It was clear to them that many people would want to join of their own initiative once they knew what they stood for. I know many former classmates who are very active members and supporters of various movements. Even if we minimise our own negative energy on social networks, it is a big step towards a good state of society, and of mind.
(picture 1: Family Cvjetićanin knows how to stick together)
You seem to care about a world that is increasingly drowning in chaos. You have become idols, not only of young people, but also of their parents. Is this a burden of responsibility or does it encourage you do even more activism?
It's a great feeling when the little ones take you for an idol. As a teenager, it was also inspiring to be surrounded by the music of Big Foot Mama and Siddharta. It gave me a message in a language that I could not compare with anything else. But our creativity does not depend on what people think of us or how they perceive us. But it is a great honour to know that you are one of those who encourage someone. Many people are listening, but not hearing. Joker Out is made up of five individuals who, in real life, when the cameras and the spotlights are off, are just normal guys. We went through all the processes of growing up on the streets, socialising and playing. We went through the process of going to school, and we were not problematic adolescents. Even today, our most extreme departure from an ideal is what 99% of young people do. To party sometimes. We are not outlaws by nature.
Your work is a beacon of light, a source of hope and strength. Many have done it before you, especially the Beatles. A lot has changed since their era, much of it unfortunately for the worse. How do you keep optimistic? Why is it worth the effort?
Every musician in history who has sung about ending war and living for love has failed miserably. I believe that at least those people who follow the messenger are convinced of peace and love. If every musician encourages someone to to do so, it's a hefty amount of opponents of hate. We are driven forward by love for life.
Writing texts is a responsible job, and you are baring your soul at the same time. Where is the line, to what lengths are you willing to go to protect the most vulnerable part of yourself?
I have never consciously inhibited the process of looking inside myself. But I feel that with age and experience I understand more and more what can lead me to a deeper state of mind. In the beginning I didn't dare to dig into myself. Today I have no problem in fully exposing my feelings, because they are, after all, states that happen of their own accord - and it is impossible to force them
(picture 2: The boys of Joker Out became even closer)
No Slovenian artist has enjoyed such a fierce international success as Joker Out. Concerts in iconic European clubs are literally sold out in hours, even minutes. How do you accept fame? Is it a blessing or is there also a bit of fear?
There are certainly Slovenian musicians with international experience. Maybe not at our age, but that doesn't take away from their importance. We have achieved a very nice success here in terms of listeners, we have honed our skills and we have grown with the band as a collective. We have grasped who and what we are as a whole. We are a group of people who make music purely because we really enjoy it. Whatever feelings our music-making evokes, it all comes from us in the most sincere way, Fortunately, our music is liked by a larger crowd and we have managed to transmit our unforced joy, happiness, joy across national borders. There is no better catalyst for such a breakthrough than Eurovision, we chose the moment to participate wisely. It paid off as a successful project, because for a good band it doesn't matter which part of the world it comes from. It's important to be heard - and we were heard by a lot of people. The only thing that has changed so far is that the bonds between us have strengthened. Suddenly we have been forced to talk about emotions and experiences that we did not have before. There has been a lot of filtering of unfamiliar feelings. The desire to create increased a thousandfold for all five of us.
Are you aware of the role that the public attributes to you, to act as a beacon of light in a crowd of frustrated, bitter people?
No. I would hardly say that I can understand that. Every time I hear something like that, it strikes me that it is saying too much. I really cannot think of myself in such a strong context.
You are giving yourself away. You are constantly on the road, interviews, concerts, promotional tours. It's exhausting. How do you recover? What calms you down, fills you with grace?
It's true that we give a lot of ourselves. But we get so much more in return. Nothing calms me more than coming home and being close to my family. And of course the company of Kris, Jan, Jure and Nace. The people we were with friends before this euphoria, have stayed with us, this team surround us with a lot of love.
(picture 3: He's noticing, that young people are connecting into a strong community that cares about the future)
As a front-man and lyricist, you are even more exposed. You've crossed the magical 200 thousand followers on Instagram, which is a mega number, but also a mega stressful situation. Most young people who find themselves in such a situation turn to intoxicating substances. Can you consciously stop and say that you need time for yourself?
The only thing that made me a bit anxious was the sudden exposure to such a large audience'on social media. This brings with it unimaginable dimensions of human imagination, including malice. Imaginary stories emerge in which people literally compete to see who can come up with something more bizarre. This stress got to me at the beginning, because I felt that I had to defend myself in front of the public. In the end, I realised that I didn't need to convince anyone and that it was enough to know the truth. With the help of colleagues who have similar experiences, I have calmed down. As for the substances, I have a natural protection against those, because I am an incorrigible hypochonder. I dare not take an aspirin unless it is really urgent. Above all, I know when to stop.
You come from a close-knit, loving family. That is certainly a solid foundation on which to build your personality. What is their view of everything that happens to you?
They are very proud! Of all my achievements and of me for being able to pull off a music career combined with the academic milestone of graduating. My parents and my grandmother are definitely my biggest supporters. They accompany me on my journey with warnings, but they are more about eating regularly, to not get a stomach ache, to consume enough water and to get enough sleep. I have been chronically lacking the latter in the last few weeks.
What is your relationship to astrology, esotericism, in short, something that is intangible but can be felt?
Superstition is the one I use the most. For Eurovision I had a special pair of underpants and I was haunted by the feeling that if I didn't wear them, everything would go to hell. Jan's mum gave me a lace clover, which I didn't dare leave in Ljubljana. I asked the stylist to sew it on my outfit as a precaution. I got a clay horseshoe from a little girl, and it went with me to Liverpool. It will seem strange to some, but I believe in energies and ghosts.
How do you strengthen your spiritual side?
Not very well. I wish I had managed to acquire more spiritual knowledge in the last year. For example, basic meditation techniques and the laws of yoga, because I am definitely not physically active enough. The feeling of being 90 years old eats up most of my spirit. My back hurts all the time. The best thing I do for inner growth is to read books. Not enough, but I'm going to get better. A little less phone scrolling and more self-reflection, that'll do the job! Author: Tomaž Mihelič, PHOTO: VITA OREHEK
Scans and translation by: @kurooscoffee (jokeroutsubs) DO NOT REPOST!
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commanders-quarters · 3 months
“We are doomed.”
It uttered without elaboration. Carqine, his most loyal of sea cucumbers, halted his cleaning duties to give the lumbering automaton a quizzical look from where he stood.
“Doomed? That’s hardly a notion you hear every day. Care to elaborate, commander?” the conductor prompted with a bite of sarcasm, extending his spindly arms to streak over the extended surface area of the newly-installed signages with a damp rag. Most of the old ones had faulty lighting and were generally outdated, so new ones were purchased and set within their respective stations to display the necessary information.
The air was stale around here, and there weren’t any patrons in sight. If there was, the commander wouldn’t be standing out here in the first place.
While the… shall we say seedier sectors of the metro didn’t see much traffic, the larger, more up-kept areas still saw great business. The incident with the NILS statue had done remarkably little to actually impede sales. It was almost humorous.
Tartar takes a lunging step forward, closing some of the height difference so he could address his valued employee more seriously.
His wires ripple in discontentment. “These… other Tartars I have observed. Many of them feel lonely, and remorseful. Many of them regret what they’ve done.” it explains coldly, rubbing its clacking fingers together.
Carqine turns his head to study the oozing, disgruntled visage of the robot. He gave a thoughtful hum.
“And why is that a problem? Does it make you doubt yourself and your own directive? Give you second thoughts?” he theorized, gesticulating a stretchy arm in its direction.
Denewiah is quick to shake his head, emitting a frustrated spout of hissing white steam from his card slot. “That’s hardly it. The problem is that these… Tartars, if you can even call them that at this rate, are SO quick to roll over and abandon their optimal trajectory for goal acquisition, and for why? Because some misbegotten Inkfish told them they were ‘doing a bad thing’? I mean, it’s just LAUGHABLE! It makes you think they were never serious about resurrecting humanity to begin with!” he raved with his hands thrown into the air.
The sea cucumber couldn’t exactly say he related to the commander’s frustrations, but he saw no harm in hearing him out either. He gives a short whistle as he sets down the spray bottle of glass cleaner.
“Do you think any of them are only pretending to be sorry? Y’know… playing the long con?” the small conductor offered up, his tone comparatively casual.
The AI vocalizes a frustrated sigh as he pinches the tiny metal knob between his eyes— the equivalent of someone pinching the bridge of their nose.
“I’d ordinarily be inclined to believe you Carqine, but I don’t even think most of these other bots have that level of processing power or free memory space to uphold a charade like that.” he rebuked. “I think they’re being entirely sincere.” it groaned in what might’ve been defeat.
Denewiah didn’t feel as though his main gripe had been properly emphasized, so he went on to explain, “If we look across the varying timelines, and the STEEP majority of Commander Tartars ABANDON their duty and begin to sympathize with the Inkfish… That surely spells doom for humanity and its return. These-… These messengers, hand-PICKED by the humans before them, should be doing EVERYTHING in their power to ensure that decision is honored! We’re DOOMED!” it exclaimed, taking another thundering step closer with its claws twitching and lashing with thinly suppressed anger.
The android’s employee couldn’t help but wince back into his shoulders a bit at the telephone’s outburst. There were few things that got it this passionately infuriated, and it was never pretty to witness.
“Well,” he gulps, smoothing out the lapel of his little suit, “I guess that means you’ll have to pick up the slack where they can’t.” he concluded.
Tartar freezes up as that epiphany hits him, and his wires are held firm in the air as his internals whir sharply. Eventually, the wires go slack after another hiss of steam, and he suddenly straightens himself back out to his full height.
Its lenses gleam with a renewed determination as it adjusts the sleek brim of its prized cap.
“I suppose I will.”
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sakkiichi · 1 year
MATCHUP FOR @kunikuma
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hi, dear ! the info you sent was perfect for me to work with <3 (not publishing it in case you prefer it that way…). thank you for trusting me to do your matchup ! i hope i don’t disappoint too much…
heads up to @ssilversiren too for the info you asked her ! bc it helped me determine your best match too ♡
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i seriously debated between two possible characters i can see you being highly compatible with ~ but in the end i decided that your genshin impact match is someone who is still figuring out who he is, in contrast to your defined idea on who you want to become; much like you, he can be avoidant, in the sense of steering clear from crowds or people in general, but don’t be fooled by his apparently standoffish demeanor, for, even if he won’t admit it easily, he craves your company, and he’d rather watch the whole word burn down than losing you. he also admires your well built personal values, and how, even if to him the world might look inherently cruel sometimes, you still stay true to yourself.
have you guessed who i’m talking about yet? well, they call him…
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(i promise i’m not biased, i genuinely do think you and him are a really good match !)
Idealistic and thoughtful is a combination that goes really well with wanderer’s cynical -but trying to see the light in his bleak world- personality.
Sure, he might make the occasional sarcasm laced comment in moments when your idealism borders optimism, but the truth is, he likes it. Pay close attention and you’ll spot the man hiding his reddening cheeks and growing grin under the wide brim of his signature hat.
Your thoughtfulness is something he welcomes too. That, and your more reserved nature make existing by your side peaceful to Scaramouche. He is not one to enjoy idle chatter, and with you, he never has that problem: he finds himself intrigued by the conversations he shares with you; your views on the world, your creative ideas, how you seem to understand him and steer the conversation to topics he might find more engrossing… that’s refreshing… but why does the place where his hear should be suddenly feel warm and fuzzy? He might have stayed up until too late listening to you, yes, surely, that’s it.
Unfortunately (or luckily, since he likes it more than he wants to admit), the wanderer’s hollow heart feels full again the next time your paths cross.
You don’t seem to have noticed him. Yet.
As Scaramouche watches over your shoulder, his midnight gaze lights up with stars the moment he realizes what you’re doing. Sumeru’s tree canopies cast swirling haloes of light and shadow around you, as you placidly sit on the grass, your back against a sturdy trunk.
Needle and thread in hand, tongue sticking out the corner of your lip, and something that looks like cloth cascading over your lap.
With a sigh, you take the garment in your hands, holding it before you. Your brows furrow, a hesitating hum escaping your lips.
But before you can evaluate your satisfaction with your piece, a familiar voice, now stripped of its usual bite, asks:
“You like sewing?”
You startle, furling the fabric, protectively cradling it against your chest.
“Y-yes! I mean, no! I mean! Well, sometimes…” You stumble out, looking to the side, cheeks blazing.
‘Great, now he surely thinks you’re stupid.’ You think, already packing up your stuff.
“And what are you working on there?” The wanderer inquires, fumbling with something on his sleeve.
Your eyes widen.
Is he really interested or is he just here to make fun of you?
“Wait. You really want to know?” You still won’t look at him, fumbling with the dress you were working on.
“I’m asking, aren’t I?” He scoffs, looking everywhere except for you. “I think it looks good, the dress.” Scaramouche mumbles.
“Really? You think it’s any good?”
He offers you a nod.
“What’s the occasion? For you to need a dress like that…” He trails off, a frown caught somewhere between confusion and resentment marring his perfectly crafted features.
You giggle, he can be cute when he’s not busy looking down on any who cross his path.
“There is no special occasion, Kuni.” You plant the dress on top of your frame, the detailed patterns and add-ons you’ve started to decorate it with taking form. “I just like to dress up as someone else from time to time…” You add, eyes shiny, gleeful smile on your face.
“Huh, I can understand that.” Kuniluzushi ponders. “It’s like dressing up dolls.”
“Oh? What do you know about it?” You prompt, curious.
Roses bloom intensely on his porcelain skin when he realizes what he said, what you asked.
“Forget it!” He stammers, tucking something inside his sleeve.
Surely, you’ll laugh at him if you find out what he does for a hobby, right?
Making dresses is one thing, but sewing dolls… it’s childish, a lingering echo of the frailness that got him discarded to the pits of a lonely world.
“Come on, Kuni…” You plead, expression benevolent, as if you had never hurt a fly.
He tsks, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Why is it that he can never say no to you?
“Oh fine…” He grumbles, reaching inside his sleeve.
When he retrieves his hand a small cloth doll rests on his hand. The little one is dressed in delicate white garments, and you don’t think you’re far off thinking it resembles a certain someone.
“Well? Have you decided how to make fun of me yet?”
You punch his arm, playfully. Then, you take the doll from his hands, smiling at it.
“Why would I make fun of you, silly? It’s so cool you know how to make these! Can you teach me? Oh! And since you know how to make these, then would you like to help sew my new costume too? Also, does this doll have a name? Can I name it?” You flail your hands around yourself, shaking your head. “Sorry, was that too much? I just… I got excited, I guess…” You awkwardly laugh, worried that you might have scared him away.
“No,” and when you look up at him, you see no haughty smirk nor frown on his heavenly face. “It’s not too much.” Are the wandering eccentric’s words, at the same time he can’t hold back the smile tugging at his lips, the corners as if held by the strings of a nonexistent heart that’s beat for the first time.
And so, under the shade of the land of wisdom’s verdure, a couple spend the last hours of sunlight weaving the first chapter of their threaded fate.
And even though to the wanderer stars had always posed a lie, he’s willing to believe in the ones you sew together on a small remaining scrap of the fabric you used.
Another aspect that made me decide for Scaramouche is your emotional intelligence and tendency to be funny.
Wanderer is not one to open up easily, given how emotions were the reason his own creator discarded him and gave up on him.
So he tends to swipe everything underneath that abrasive front of his.
Except with you.
Because nothing gets past you when it’s about him: you can detect his little mannerisms when something’s on his mind, how he tends to be either more quiet or lash out quickly whenever there’s anything weighting him down.
And he knows you notice.
And he knows you.
And even though sometimes no words are exchanged between you two when the storms from his past linger over him, obscuring the sunshine he’s trying to find, Scaramouche finds comfort in existence by your side.
You bared your soul to him, giving him the heartbeat he always craved for, and he is certain the moment he needs it, your arms will remain open to break his fall; by your side, emptiness doesn’t exist, the grass seems greener, lightning steers clear, the sky looks a shade closer to the truth.
If we consider a modern au, I can see you and Scara spending nights gaming, and damn, does he get competitive.
On the days he wins, he’ll tease you endlessly before you can even get a kiss, that triumphant grin devious on his unfairly pretty face.
But ask for a rematch and beat his ass to it.
No matter how much he tries to deny it, he’s smitten by the smug look of pure joy on your face (he’ll even say please when he wants to get kisses, see).
He’d find your affinity for technology very endearing. Not only does Scara think it’s so cool you know how to assemble a whole pc or program a keyboard, but he also thinks it’s so cute when you enthusiastically ramble on about it to him. That glint on your eyes, that carefree smile of yours… maybe this world is not completely rotten, after all.
Infjs usually characterize by being compassionate, sensitive and attuned to others’ feelings, but also need alone time, which I think are attributes that would click so well in a relationship with Scaramouche: you can be there for him and see past his incisiveness, and because he’s an introvert as well, there is no risk of either of you getting too drained by the other.
As a cancer zodiac sign, your nurturing and funny nature shine through. This balances quite well with Kuni’s capricorn traits of practicality and ambition. He enjoys your funny remarks, in the otherwise monotony of his endless days (yes, even if he crosses his arms and scoffs, he’s just trying to hide a smile that sometimes you can get out if you know where to tickle him hehe).
9w1 enneagram types are known for their peacefulness, helpful and calm aura. This can be very beneficial to 4w5 types like Scara, who are often misunderstood and can’t stand being lumped in with everyone else. In addition, your strength of character can guide the need of Kuni’s 4w5 to find his own identity and understand the world that surrounds him. His detached and withdrawn tendencies soften around you, becoming more open, the cold numbness and anger he’s felt for so long replaced by the warmth in his chest he can’t quite fully wrap his head around yet.
4w5 tend to be artistic too, so I think he’d encourage you to pick up drawing again, or at least he’d like to see what you used to draw.
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Okay, so our goofy general mahamatra here was a strong contestant too.
Funny to the point of being cursed is something I think Cyno would like; he’d finally feel like he’s found someone who shares his sense of humor (but… don’t encourage his jokes too much in front of Tighnari or Collei maybe?)
Your hobbies align a lot with his: since you like gaming, Cyno would like to learn about what games you enjoy and challenge you once he’s leveled up enough.
I can imagine you two having intense TCG matches too.
An awkward exterior and stumbling over your words would pose absolutely no problem with the general mahamatra, since he can be pretty awkward too, especially when he expresses emotions.
Which is why, you’d be able to understand what he means too when he’s being particularly shy.
I think you two would be a very fun duo, and I can totally imagine you guys trying matching cosplays too (and taking tons of silly pictures in them hehe).
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glasshalftrue · 6 months
i think i fundamentally disagree with the thesis of the latest GMTK video about balatro. mark compares balatro's "cursed design problem" (the fact that the exact score of your hand isn't shown but can technically be calculated if you're determined enough to do it) with the binding of isaac's lack of item descriptions, as a case study of what happens when players "optimize the fun" out of a game and go against a developer's intended design choices. mark acknowledges that the comparison isn't perfect, but i think the comparison is just straight up not applicable. as someone who's played both games and is generally a big roguelite fan, the lack of a score preview in balatro is fundamental to the game's core experience, whereas the lack of item descriptions in isaac can actually be downright frustrating at times. sometimes items' effects can be obscure and very difficult to figure out, and there are so many items in the game at this point that it'd take a lot of time and effort to properly remember them all, and especially since some items can have detrimental effects, not remembering what an item does can actively hamper your ability to play the game well. with item descriptions, the game does not feel fundamentally different or worse; there's still a sense of discovery when you first encounter an item, because you won't know what it does until you pick it up, and there are still surprises to be had even if you know what the item's effect is (e.g. interesting and unexpected ways to use the item, or how it might synergize with another item). apparently, according to the video edmund mcmillen (creator of tboi) did consider the lack of item descriptions an important part of the game, and was dismayed that most players opted to deliberately circumvent it. and as much as i love the guy, unfortunately i think he's just wrong. he's wrong in that most players don't find the mechanic fun, or at least not fun enough to compensate for the downsides. the primary fun of isaac is derived from the moment-to-moment combat, the meta-progression of unlocking new items and characters, the rng of what items and crazy synergies you'll get this run, and the strategic choices you make on, e.g., which deal with the devil items to pick. learning what exactly items do is not on that list; most items are simple enough that their short in-game description (damage up, triple shot, homing shots) make them instantly graspable anyways, and hiding the exact numbers doesn't really enhance anything (i doubt players are experiencing a sense of wonder when trying to deduce exactly how much damage their tears have increased by). it's true that the most optimal way to play balatro is by painstakingly calculating the point value of every possible hand and then choosing the highest one. but it's such a tedious experience that i doubt that any more than a tiny fraction of players will ever start playing the game like that regularly. players will certainly "optimize the fun" out of a game; if you offer players different weapons and one weapon is boring but by far the most powerful, then yeah, players will tend to pick that one. but the vast majority of players will only do it if doing so is the path of least resistance; optimizing balatro to that extent is so time-consuming and obviously anti-fun that most people simply won't ever do it. the players who do opt to do it are like speedrunners - a niche, outlier group of players who are extracting fun out of the game in an entirely different way from most players. but they will never be more than that: a niche, outlier group. anyways balatro is fucking amazing and i highly recommend it unless you value your time for some reason
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Weird Question.
What does a good Limbus Company Tier List look like?
[Warning: Long]
Gacha games are, at least in part, games about optimizing limited resources. There is a daily stamina limit, and weeklies and dailies that you need to feed that stamina into. In turn, you receive an amount of rewards that need to be spent to acquire and upgrade units. Limited rewards. And you need so many just to upgrade one unit. Decisions need to made, resources allocated. You only have so much, you want to get and use the right stuff without wasting anything on someone you find out is trash 90 levels in. Right?
This is an aspect of Gacha that is often missed in discourse about pngs of anime waifus: the emotional and intellectual labor of investing into a unit, the constant worrying about if you are making the most optimal choices, and the satisfaction of planning well. How a lot of attachment to a character can stem not from their design or personality but just because they're all you had that countered this boss node and lord almighty they clutched out the win with 0.1% HP after you dumped all you had into raising them. I could talk about it all day, it' super interesting to me. But to refocus, the major consequence of this kind of game design are tier lists.
Tier lists will tell you, at a glance, what units are worth investing in and what's worth avoiding. Good tier lists will provide comprehensive explanations and guides for each unit to contextualize their placement. Bad tier lists won't. They can be the combined knowledge of an entire community for a game, they can also be an edict laid down without compassion or transparency. Again, absolutely interesting. And again, to refocus, Limbus doesn't really have one.
Ok, there are Limbus tier lists. Esgoo has great tier lists on which IDs and EGO you should prioritize when considering Uptie 4. Obviously those are his opinion, all Tier Lists are at the end of the day, but he has a whole hour of discussion covering the why's and hows of each category. There is a Prydwen tier list for units, but its rarely shown to new players in any of the PM communities I'm in and is instead largely chastised to my knowledge. I've seen Sinner tier lists, meme tier lists, so on and so forth. None of these are the Tier List.
Maybe its just a sign of the times, but I remember when Gachas had the Tier List. Community vetted, moderator approved, above any all all others. Offered freely to newcomers and watched feverishly by veterans after a new unit is released. Nowadays I feel like I rarely see them.
Limbus doesn't have the tier list. You may wonder if it even needs one and I think you'd have a point. Boiling an entire ID's value to a letter grade might seem unnecessary, especially as Limbus is a bit different as a Gacha. IDs are easy to get, and though the level cap continues to raise (in a way many others find alarming and I'm inclined to agree) it's still less than a week's effort to max one out. I've played games where it took a month of currency to get a single Unit useable. THere just isn't as much drive to worry about leveling the wrong things, investing incorrectly because basically anything works.
There still are obvious differences in the strengths of each character ID. True, most if not all are "useable", but you're probably better off leveling Pequod Yi Sang than Seven Yi Sang. You are definitely better off leveling Pequod Ishmael than Sloshing Ishmael. Its fair to want a quick cheat sheet to communicate those ideas at a glance, with explanations for those who want to delve a little deeper.
But I ask again, what would it even look like?
By what categories and traits do we subdivide these IDs? How can you convey that W Ryoshu is a self sufficient DPS monster tahat requires no synergy to be good while Maid Ryoshu has AoE built into her kit as well as strong poise gen that also does good damage at a glance? Put one in an AoE group and the other in DPS? Is that truly accurate when part of attack weight is that it's great against Abnormalities, the most common type of one-on-one encounter?
I ask the question "what would it look like" because I truly don't know. Limbus is a complicated, evolving game. I don't think that makes it special or standout in any particular way, but for an example it could be that Seven IDs are top tier next event because of temporary buffs and that throws a whole tier list on its head. I don't know of many Gacha that do stuff like that.
That's kinda the end of the thought. The best I can come up with is a list consisting of three tiers: "great, good with the right team comp, and don't. Further explanation available upon request." That's not very helpful, is it?
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tleeaves · 10 months
what did cassie get wrong w Jem iyo? like to me he’s very proud and stubborn in an Asian way (it’s hard to explain but there’s something very chinese about it, culturally, how he’s optimistic and dramatic in equal parts but needs to be seen as separate from his illness so badly) and very conscious of the value of life yet resigned to his own fate yet holding his head up the way people in inspiration porn do (but it’s from a place of wanting to be normal, wanting to fit in and live and have meaning and love and responsibility in his life like a teenager). I’m curious though how could his character have popped more? and what does not seem realistic?? actual so curious
Okay love, bear with me, I'm just going to go on a bit of a ramble. I haven't put a lot of thought into my answer so it may be a bit incoherent.
So, as context for anyone else, I mentioned in another post where I was examining chronic pain and illness in fiction using TSC characters that I felt that while Jem was done quite well (he means a lot to me as a character and I relate to him like I haven't been able to with other characters before), there were some missed opportunities for his character to really pop and some things I felt Cassie didn't really do realistically.
Honestly, I think the two kind of tie together. While my illness is not terminal, there were many times I either wished for death or wished to live a fuller life unhampered by the pain and sickness. This still happens sometimes, but more of the latter. It's hard to look at healthy, able-bodied people. I marvel at just... how much easier existence must be for them. And I wish we saw more of this perspective with Jem.
While we do see him having a crisis over feeling like he's only half-living, half a man, and so he must take more yin-fen to be his full self for Tessa (this really hit hard as someone who was on steroids and felt unshackled for the first time in years, only for the pain to come back again and trip me up again sometime after I had stopped taking the meds), I also feel that we didn't quite reach a catharsis or angst that truly would have rounded his experience as a character. Optimism, pride, stubbornness, and his own subtler dramatics all do come into this, but I really would have liked to see a moment of weakness.
I think that night when he first kisses Tessa and is ranting about how she acts like a nurse and as if he is her patient, that he knows she cannot even see him as a full man, one who might desire her -- that was good. That was a moment of weakness. Emphasised when he sent her away because he did not want her to see him on his knees dusting up the drugs that give him life. That was so frickin' YES. I cannot even tell you the amount of times I feared as a teenager and even now into adulthood that I will not be seen romantically because I am just someone to take care of, a liability, and I try so hard to compensate for that to not be a burden, because I need to be seen as a "full person" to anyone able-bodied. This was just chef's kiss fantastic as a demonstration of something Cassie did so, so right to me with Jem. It's a common insecurity but not to be overlooked. For Jem it is his weakness and shorter life span, for me it's physical disfigurement (so far it's just one funky collarbone) that may worsen with age and limited physical ability (I say it so many times, but it really haunts me that I turned down a dance offered by a guy I had a major crush on because I was in too much pain to move much let alone dance, and the fact that many people avoided me when I was in my worst bouts of pain because they didn't know what to do).
Anyway, that was an example of something Cassie did right. What I would have also liked to see though is a moment where Jem is not calm and it has nothing to do with Tessa (well, it's at least not centred around Tessa). For a long time, I just wanted the pain to end. I had made peace with death because I wished for it. And there was a calmness to it. The same everyone sees in Jem. Acceptance. He argues not willingness because he fights for every second of life he gets to spend with those he loves, but I really think what would have popped is seeing him realise how much he wants for there to be a cure. He does give everyone permission to look before he calls it off to take the last resort option he never wanted before to be a Silent Brother, but I wanted to see him break down -- even if it's in private because most of our battles are when you're chronically ill -- and realise he wants to live because there is so much more he wants.
I know it's seen as very cool to accept a death that's coming to you in a lot of media, but honestly once I got past wishing for it, I became so absolutely terrified of it. The idea of losing control over my body, of my joints being too stiff and painful to create or do simple tasks, and the idea of any of my chronic illnesses being severe enough to become what might kill me in the end, before my time, scares me so much. There is a frantic need in me to do and see everything before I am unable to. I feel like I am constantly in a rush for everything in life.
It's basically rule of thumb in writing that a character who is calm needs a scene where they are not calm, when they snap, when the unthinkable happens, where the unshakeable are suddenly shook, and I needed that deep, deep terror in Jem to be about him, and not just Tessa or the people he's leaving behind that he does not want to cause grief for.
Not every person who can "put up" with their chronic illness is a saint with infinite patience. I see this a lot. To me it feels unrealistic that Jem feels okay about his illness, about his impending death, about all of it, that the only thing he might feel bad about is making his bride a widow too soon and leaving his best friend who might not cope without him. This is more of a typical trope in media, and by god do I just want to see someone else who isn't me go through what I do and also scream and cry at the injustice of it all. We didn't choose this life, it was given to us, and it feels so unfair. It is rare that I ever break down right in front of a person, I've gotten good at the detachment when talking about my chronic illnesses, but in private it is a whole other monster.
Not only that, but the Jem we see post-Brotherhood is so... different. Granted he had over 100 years to come to terms with no longer dying too early or being ill and weak. But chronic illness really takes its toll on a person. You don't have to make their whole personality their illness, I think we'd all rather not, but there is a fear that every little health problem might be something worse, there is even a begrudgement of those who take their bodies for granted, the fear that your children might inherit your weaknesses and that maybe you have sentenced them to a life of pain like yours was/is, that one day the chronic illness will come back and you've only got so many healthy years left before you get old and start to lose your body all over again.
For every moment of optimism and hope, there are hidden moments of despair and fight and pain. Sometimes we have to claw and bleed for that ounce of hope, for the strength to act "normal" and fit in and not be a downer around everyone else. As restless as you can be, sometimes you just want to sleep it off, even though you know this illness isn't something you can sleep off. I would have liked to see more of that with Jem.
Again, what Cassie did was really good, and I appreciate Jem so much since I have not seen many other chronically ill characters who I relate to in fiction. I just felt some things could have added to his story and character.
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Affordability Meets Expertise: A Closer Look at Creo Assignment Help Expenses
In the dynamic world of mechanical engineering, mastering tools like Creo is essential for staying ahead in the game. As students strive to excel in their academic pursuits, seeking assistance in the form of Creo assignment help becomes a common practice. In this blog, we will delve into the basic idea of how much it costs to avail Creo assignment help, focusing on the affordability and quality of services provided by MechanicalEngineeringAssignmentHelp.com.
Understanding the Importance of Creo Assignment Help:
Creo, a powerful computer-aided design (CAD) software, is widely used in the field of mechanical engineering for creating, analyzing, and optimizing product designs. Assignments related to Creo often involve complex tasks that demand a deep understanding of the software's intricacies. Many students find themselves seeking external help to navigate through these assignments and ensure top-notch performance.
Title 1: The Affordability Quotient: How Much Does it Really Cost?
When it comes to availing Creo assignment help, cost is a significant factor for students. Creo Assignment Helper understands this concern and strives to strike a balance between quality assistance and affordability. The cost of Creo assignment help on the platform can range anywhere between 80 to 270 USD.
Title 2: Breaking Down the Costs: What Factors Influence Pricing?
To comprehend the variable costs associated with Creo assignment help, it's essential to consider the factors that influence pricing. MechanicalEngineeringAssignmentHelp.com takes into account the complexity of the assignment, the deadline, and the level of expertise required. Assignments with intricate requirements or tight deadlines may incur higher costs, reflecting the expertise and effort invested by the professionals.
Title 3: Quality Assurance: Investing in Excellence
While cost is a crucial aspect, ensuring the quality of Creo assignment help is equally vital. MechanicalEngineeringAssignmentHelp.com prides itself on delivering top-notch solutions crafted by experienced professionals. The platform's commitment to quality justifies the cost, as students not only receive assistance but also gain insights into mastering Creo for their future endeavors.
Title 4: Tailored Solutions for Every Student: Customizing Costs for Specific Needs
Recognizing that each student's needs are unique, MechanicalEngineeringAssignmentHelp.com offers customized solutions. The platform allows students to tailor their requirements, influencing the overall cost. Whether it's a comprehensive assignment or targeted assistance on specific aspects of Creo, students have the flexibility to choose services that align with their academic goals and budget constraints.
Title 5: Deadline Dilemma: The Impact on Pricing
One of the critical factors influencing the cost of Creo assignment help is the deadline. Urgency often necessitates more significant resources and faster turnaround times from the professionals. MechanicalEngineeringAssignmentHelp.com follows a transparent pricing policy, where students are informed about the additional costs associated with tight deadlines. This ensures that students have a clear understanding of the financial implications based on their submission timelines.
Title 6: Value-added Services: Beyond the Basics
Apart from the core assignment assistance, MechanicalEngineeringAssignmentHelp.com offers value-added services that contribute to the overall cost. These services may include detailed explanations, revisions, and consultations, providing students with a comprehensive learning experience. While these extras can add to the cost, they enhance the overall value proposition for students seeking Creo assignment help.
In the realm of Creo assignment help, striking the right balance between cost and quality is pivotal for students. MechanicalEngineeringAssignmentHelp.com emerges as a reliable partner, offering affordable solutions without compromising on the excellence of service. The platform's commitment to transparency and customization ensures that students can access the help they need, tailored to their unique requirements and budget constraints. As the demand for Creo assignment help continues to grow, investing in a trustworthy and cost-effective solution becomes a strategic move for students aiming to unlock success in their academic journey.
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oboy-me · 2 years
> i’d love to get like headcanons for the bros with a m!mc who has a habit of collecting things?? like whether it’s just pretty rocks he finds on the ground or some random collectible GAKSHTKDJDKS IT IS GODS GUESS what he has like 50 of in his room!!!
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     Hello anon!! Thank you for being the first request on the blog! 💖 One habitual collecting M!MC coming right up for you! To preface this, this is my first ever time sitting down and writing imagine-style requests so if anything isn't right please don't hesitate to shoot me an ask or IM to correct it! 😊
▸▸ You have a habit; to you it was never a big deal, but to creatures of various core vices, your behavior is a strange little thing to learn about! You've always collected objects for various reasons — perhaps the sentimental value, or just because it looked cool. And... it started to really show in your room.
Lucifer at first doesn't pay too much attention; you're likely just curious about the Devildom's native geology, and he wont reprimand you for a harmless fascination. It served as a great tie-in for some of your classes at RAD too. However when you started to buy more and more shelves and display cases, he took a lot more notice — he was feeling a Levi 2.0 coming on. But the brothers would often fuel your collection habits, especially Mammon and Leviathan, and would always stand up for you: "He's just collecting some neat stuff! Leave him alone!" So he would... mostly.
He does, however, support your little collection in his own way. You started to receive texts about optimal ways to lay out your gemstones so they took up less space and could still stand out, he helps you pick out shelving that fits your room, and even offers an old storage room in the House of Lamentation to store some things for you to rotate in and out as you please. He does this song and dance with Leviathan already, and at least your hobby is way less intrusive or expensive.
"Y/N... Make sure you do not crowd your room out too much. If something breaks, these may fall and injure you, so please exercise caution. … For my own peace of mind, if nothing else. I know I can't dissuade you from collecting more... nor would I want to. Though they may sparkle and shimmer brightly, the way your own face lights up is far more brilliant than any gemstone could ever hope to be. So please, let me know if I can assist you further."
Mammon is over the moon to hear you pick up little discarded items! That's his human! Sure, you end up keeping them, but Mammon's thrilled nonetheless at the fact that you've got a keen eye for these sorts of things. Initially he uses that as an in for you to unwittingly pluck out some valuable knickknacks that had been discarded for him to pawn off later behind your back, but... Well, when you first discovered what he did and ignored him for a week after you ended up deeply upset, he realized you collected those things for their sentimental value. Oops.
Mammon ends up fretting and eventually tracks the items he sold back down, returning them to you; "Normally I wouldn't be goin' through all this trouble for just one guy but... You're my special human, ya got that?!" And you heard it loud and clear. Now you often find Mammon's crows bringing you new shinies for your collection as part of his gifts to you, and he loves seeing that smile on your face every time you receive a new item for your collection. He sometimes even tries to weave these fantastic stories about how he came across them — nearly always something to amp up how great he is — but in the end you can tell each item was picked out because it fit your collection to a T and he knew you'd love it.
"Don't let the others pick on ya, man... Collectin's a good hobby! Ya never know when somethin' ya picked up could sell for hundreds, thousands, or even millions of Grimm! … But, not that I'd want ya to sell the stuff I gave ya... Hey, you wont go sellin' my gifts off right?! Every one of those little trinkets has a piece of my heart in 'em, so they're stayin' put, ya hear?!"
Leviathan is another one firmly in the encouragement squad; he really can't argue otherwise given he's got the worst collection habit of the brothers rivaled only by Satan's own dragon's hoard of books. When he hears you have a fascination with collecting little chibi figurines, even for series you never watched, he's immediately going on Akuzon and selling you on collecting stuff from the series he likes. This sort of immediately spirals in to a daily routine of you two swapping whose displaying what in which rooms, and needless to say it gives Lucifer a hell of a migraine to figure out what's going on. And if anyone pick on you for collecting "girlish" stuff as a guy, Levi's gonna step in to verbally berate them; he's knocking at the knees later on, but hey, no one picks on his follow otaku!
As you two grow closer, Leviathan finds himself buying more of these figurines for you, often making up some kind of excuse: "This one is part of that Devi-Sentai set, so I went ahead and got it for you!" or "This one just has to be displayed with her twin sister, it's total blasphemy to the otaku culture to have one but not the other!" … In truth, he's just glad to see you smile and enjoy his company, and these figurines are the excellent bridge that brought you two closer. Now it's just something you two do together without thinking about it.
"Hey, Y/N! There's gonna be this new sale for figurines going on at the next Ruri-Hana concert; you can't get these anywhere in the three realms otherwise, so let's go together, okay?! You being there will ease my poor heart and make all those crowds much more bearable too s-so you have to say yes!"
Satan is another one who gets the whole hoarding thing but excuses his own as a quest for knowledge rather than anything frivolous like Mammon or Leviathan, so when he sees you collecting origami initially he's rather perplexed by it. Why origami? Why so many of them? Were you building an army of familiars to one day unleash on everyone? As interesting as that would be to use on Lucifer, you inform him it's just something you collect because seeing them dancing and swaying in the ambient light of the moon is a sight you'd never get anywhere else. … Colour him intrigued, so he spends a night over and immediately understands the fascination once the lights are turned off.
After that, Satan offers you a few origami pieces of his own to add to the collection, most being unsurprisingly feline in design; he's just pleased to be able to contribute in a meaningful way to your happiness, even if the others call it a silly hobby. One day he even leaves you an intricate origami cat that has writing on it — a poem he wrote to you to wish for your happiness before he folded it up in just the perfect way to reflect the key words. It's just another in a sea of quirky little additions, but he finds that's what makes you so special.
"I don't see many men, much less human ones, getting in to such a delicate hobby, but I think it suits you if I might be honest. When I first saw all their paper figures sway and sparkle like the stars in your room, it reminded me of how your own eyes shine when you're overtaken by joy. I want to continue seeing that cute face of yours, Y/N — whether through more of these origami, or through other ventures."
Asmodeus saw you going out to buy little dolls when you started earning Grimm and almost immediately became rather curious what you were doing with them; he hardly was one to judge, but he heard men in the human world hardly ever touched dolls. He'd tail you sometimes to see you were meticulous in which one you picked, sometimes even going out to buy or commission clothes to be made for them — and that's when it hit him. This would be the perfect chance to get you to notice his impeccable fashion tastes through making clothing for your dolls! Though he hadn't quite anticipated you having so many in your room, that too would actually become part of the fun plan he had cooked up.
"Let's plan up a fashion show for them, Y/N!" You were surprised to see Asmodeus carrying a whole box of doll-sized clothes in one arm and a box of human-sized clothes in the other; he brought the wardrobes to your room where he let you pick the dolls and he pieced together the outfits for them following a theme. You both then made an impromptu catwalk to strut your stuff for the miniature audience, with Asmodeus especially enamored with you and the reserved little way you walked. He expressed that it was lots of fun and gave him plenty of fun ideas for outfits, so he'd definitely be an avid supporter of your doll collection where possible and would love to do that more in the future.
"Y/N! Wasn't that just so much fun?! ♥♥♥ Ooooh, I hope those little dolls enjoyed seeing our beautiful selves put on that show for them! I'll make sure to find more for our audience in the future~ And if anyone gives you hassle over trying to buy more, you call me and only me to your side to deal with them okay? ♥♥♥"
Beelzebub … tries to understand. When it comes to collecting anything, he's never really understood why people keep so many things that couldn't even be eaten or enjoyed beyond looking at them. The first time he stumbled in to your room to see tons of Devildom sports cards all proudly on display however, well... shocked was certainly one word to use. He'd only ever purchased those for any of the snack promos that came with them and gave the cards away after that — to see they ended up in your hands was quite interesting to him.
At least it gives him an idea of how to spend some time with you; he sits down with you in your room and helps you catalogue your cards, then looks up on Akuzon the remaining ones you still need that are tied to any food or drink promos. You both end up going a little overboard with it, but the look on your face when you unwrapped that premium foil Fangol card you've been dying for was worth the lectures from Lucifer about flooding the common rooms out with boxes of snacks again.
"Y/N, if there's a day where I end up getting a card made after me, I'll make sure to get it for you before anyone else. And you'll have my signature on it, too. I don't really get the buzz around it personally since you can't eat them, but I like helping you get them. Your smile is the most precious thing to me, maybe even more than cheeseburgers... so I want to see you smile a lot."
Belphegor doesn't understand at all initially, assuming he even noticed at first. It takes him longer to pick up on what you're doing due to the initial hostility, but once he's clued in, this demon gets really confused. Isn't it a lot of effort to go and get a collection together? And for what purpose? When he takes a visit to your room it only generates more questions than answers upon seeing you hoarding a collection of old maps of the Devildom; they were all outdated and wrong anyways, what was the appeal?
Eventually though as the two of you draw closer he starts to see a value in those maps; some may even show places that were omitted from the new maps, some may contain history of buildings once there then removed off the face of the layer they once occupied, some may even have hidden napping spots. When he gets the idea of wanting to take a trip with you and Beel, the idea of the maps clicks and you find he's suddenly buying up or earning some more for you through favors he accrues.
"When you, Beel, and I take that trip we've been dreaming of... I want you to bring copies of these maps with us, okay? That way we can discover things no one else has seen in hundreds of years, maybe even centuries... Then we can lay under the stars together, far, far away from all the commotion. I think it sounds like a fantastic idea... That way me and Beel can spoil our favourite boy without ever having to worry about our brothers catching wind of it. What do you think, Y/N?"
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Thank you again anon for sending this in! I hope these were to your liking! 😊💖
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buildbrandbetter07 · 3 months
Scrub the Past, Shine the Future: Delete News Articles From the Internet
Does an old news article cast a long shadow over your online reputation? Do you deserve a clean slate but feel stuck with outdated or inaccurate information? Our Delete News Article service allows you to scrub the past and shine the future. We'll help you reclaim control of your online narrative and showcase your true value.
We understand the frustration and stress associated with unwanted news articles. That's why our team of experts works tirelessly to minimize their visibility in search results. Here's what sets us apart:
Ethical & Effective: We prioritize ethical and legal strategies to remove articles. We believe in fair representation and responsible tactics.
Strategic Approach: We assess each situation individually. Whether it's negotiation with publishers, SEO optimization, or content creation, we craft a personalized delete plan.
Empowering Transparency: Throughout the process, we communicate openly and keep you informed of your options and progress.
Don't let negativity hold you back. Delete news articles from the internet and build a positive digital future. Contact us today for a free consultation and see how we can help you scrub the past and shine your light online!
Additional points to consider:
Highlight success stories or case studies showcasing successful news article deleting.
Offer a free online reputation audit to attract potential clients.
Mention the potential legal limitations of deleting news articles and emphasize focusing on ethical solutions.
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rebelsofshield · 1 year
Star Wars Ahsoka: "Dreams and Madness" - Review
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Ahsoka's penultimate chapter is a fun and action packed outing that delights even as it does relatively little with plot or character.
As the New Republic debates Hera Syndulla's future, Ahsoka and Huyang arrive at the ancient world of Peridia in the hopes of rescuing their friends and preventing Thrawn's return to the galaxy at large.
I remarked last week that Eman Esfandi's portrayal of Ezra Bridger felt like a pitch perfect adaptation of the character's beloved appearance in Star Wars Rebels. In many ways, "Dreams and Madnesss" feels like an extended episode of Rebels. We get lots and lots of big flashy set pieces, cute alien sidekicks, heroic banter, Admiral Thrawn scheming in the backdrop, and even a somewhat optimistic ending.
In a way, it feels like writer and showrunner Dave Filoni is throwing a bone to fans of these characters and providing the fun, light on its feet outing that many have been missing in the long five years since Rebels' conclusion. And for much of its runtime, "Dreams and Madness" (which may be the most strangely titled outing that this series has had so far) serves up a healthy serving of flashy sci-fi spectacle. There's daring chases through alien minefields, a great chase sequence of bandits riding on Howler's trying to attack the adorable Noti in their shell-mobile-homes, and, of course, a marathon of Stormtrooper smashing, blasting, and slicing. Our heroes think of creative ways to outwit their enemies and even when things seem dire, they come out on top with a smile. Director Geeta Vasant Patel keeps the action moving and the pacing light and things never once feel like they are dragging their feet.
There's likely a reason this week's episode is so relatively lean and playful. It seems very likely that Filoni and the rest of Ahsoka's creative team are allowing us one glimpse of joy before letting all of this week's optimism shatter in what seems to be a very dramatic and eventful finale. I mean, floating beneath Ezra and Sabine's interactions is the true nature of how she found her way to Peridea and the revelation that Ezra's many years long sacrifice is about to be undone. This is all speculation of course. It feels like the right storytelling move to justify why an episode so late in the season should feel so relatively shallow and lacking in consequence, but we can't know for sure until we actually have seen what is to follow. As it stands, "Dreams and Madness" just has to be accepted at face-value: fun but in the end uninterested in really pushing its characters or narrative.
The one area where this doesn't seem to be the case is with our two Dark Side mercenaries, Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati. Here, Baylan abandons Shin, announcing that his true mission must take him elsewhere. There's no room for his apprentice's ambition and lofty goals of ruling as part of Thrawn's resurgent Empire in Baylan's vision. It's a relatively unceremonious parting which in a way makes Shin's confusion and uneasy behavior throughout the rest of "Dreams and Madness" feel so powerful. Shin has never seemed like a particularly stable person and without the grounding force of her master, she quickly seems unsure and out of her depth. Ivanna Sakhno wonderfully portrays Shin's discomfort and fear wonderfully here and her fleeing from her former enemies when offered a hand of grace is a powerful moment and some of the strongest acting this series has shown so far.
Baylan is another story. I love Ray Stevenson in this role, but I'm growing a bit tired of the teasing. Yes, we know something big bad and scary is coming down the line. Yes, I'm excited to see it. But at this point, Baylan's secret quest is joining the "what the hell was Ahsoka up to in the ten years prior to this series" category of annoyingly vague storytelling. If we don't get some kind of answer or resolution in the finale I'm going to break into Dave Filoni's home and make me watch as I eat his cowboy hat.
Separate from all the action on Peridea, "Dreams and Madness" also begins with a cold open depicting Hera Syndulla's court-martial. It's still not covering much of the way of anything new. Kazuda Xiono's dad is still a blowhard, the events of Mandalorian season three are acknowledged in passing, and the threat of Thrawn or an Imperial Remnant are ignored. (It'll honestly end up being hilarious if the New Republic disastrously underestimated the threat of a resurgent Empire two different times in its existence.) The decision to have Leia come to the rescue via C-3PO is a smart and logical move here. I don't quite buy the logic that every major event in the galaxy post-Return of the Jedi demands some sort presence from the Original Trilogy's trio, but it does feel a bit strange that Leia's opinions regarding her former friend and ally's court martial wouldn't matter. Having C-3PO (complete with Anthony Daniels's voice!) waddle onto camera and deliver a last minute message of exoneration is a great work around and helps avoid much of the ghoulish digital trickery that Lucasfilm has been too happy to play with in recent years. It's not a trick that will work that often.
And so with a surprisingly happy note, we arrive at the big finale. Ahsoka has a lot on its plate to resolve and answer and don't count as me optimistic that Filoni will be able to stick the landing, but I've been proven wrong before. Let's see how this goes.
Score: B
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fruit-salad-ship · 2 years
Do not get this twisted, i will never play and do not like League of Legends.
Arcane is my fav show, and I dont know how i've not made an AU for it yet. So here we go!
Plums a daughter to a high powered Trencher, she has a good life, despite being part of the lanes. Her education is great, mind sharp, and tongue sharper. Hired hands keep her safe, not that she needs any help with that. She is known to most as someone you dont cross, her enemies do tend to dissapear without trace, that is unless she wants you to find bits of them. Her hatred to topside is minimal, she's been priviledged all things considered, but harbours a lot of spite within her tiny frame, and is a fantastic drivign force to others. Her compelling intelligent words can rally folks to fight for her cause, whatever it may be. Her friends are superficial, all quick to nod and agree with her, even if they dont actually like her ideas, and she's not stupid enough to miss that. Her company is bought, not true, and it irks her some days. All those close tend to keep her company for personla gain. For this reason she struggles to truly trust anyone. Weapons of choice: pistols, daggers. Category: precision, mid/close range, stealth.
Grey is a topsider but learnt to hate his own, seeing the injustices first hand due to his curious nature, he went to the lanes and found himself having more fun than he's ever had in his life. this however showed him a side to life he took for granted, he had a lot, and many had little. So every other night he sneaks out and dresses to blend in, skulks down into the trenches to party with more interesting, far more hard working folks. His deep pockets are spent helping people when he's not drinking it away, son of a writer, his penmanship gives away his heritage. He if offered a job scribing for a high powered family in the lanes, and is privvy to a lot of secrets and information he would otherwise not know. His family dont understand why he'd do that work, and distance themselevs from him for it, he however has found a new cause, a reason to try to better whatever he comes into contact with, one way or another. The people he's met are good, or at leaat, have every potential to be. Weapon of choice: Rifles, throwing knives. category: Technical, long range, deesculative. Peach is an apprentice to an old herbalist and doctor, one of the Lanes oldest providers of medicine, learning all there is to know about helping people who can pay. The new issues of Shimmer make work tough, and even her own life has danced with that demon once or twice, enough to understand what it does to someone. Her family sold her out as a worker, so she's been job hopping her whole life, dodging danger whenever possible, often being less lucky and finding herself in less than optimal situations. Because of this she's grown to be strong, physically and mentally, handling most issues with a cockiness that comes with the territory of being so big and so brutal. Free time is spent either drinking or fighting for extra cash, her friends are solid, connections loyal, and knowledge growing as she studies medicine more, learnign all she can from her boss. Sometimes she goes out to the moores to collect herbs, a moment of peace compared to the lanes. Weapon of choice: improvised, unarmed. Category: brute, close range, poisons and tonics.
Plums family is the one Grey works for, so those two see each other in passing, and his good nature is curious to the young woman, who's so use to dishonest and devious people in her life. Yet this man seems genuine and open hearted. He is a fool to her, but a fool she rather enjoys for his realistic approach to situations, not fogged by social status, personal opinion or potential gains to be had. He gives balanced judgement, something Plum values. Grey likes the young woman, she tried to spook him during their first interaction but failed due to his genuine lack of awarness on who she was, and the seemingly fun joke she played. He is almost painfully oblivious to just how dangerous she is, that is until he gets caught in the crossfire because of her dirty deals and underhanded tactics. Greys sudden injury leaves Plum with little choice, hobbling his huge form to the closest doctor she could recall.
Inside the cramped herbalists she demands someone help her friend, the first time she's used that word and meant it. The owner of the place was out but his apprentice was there, a tall intimidating looking woman who did not look at all medically skilled. Plum even questioned her abilities upon seeing her for the first time. Peach explains this care wouldnt be cheap, especially not for a topsider. Plum starts to haggle her down, thretening with her family name, something peach doesnt even care about. The price actually goes up with every mention of them. Peach wont touch him until the amount is agreed on, and Plums fuming she's being taken for such a ride. Grey however is bleeding out in a chair, both girl looking to him, one calm and collected, suggesting to hurry, as he didnt look too good. Through gritted teeth Plum agrees to the price, hands over too much coin, and watches this woman haul her injured friend into a back room. There she's able to patch him back up, it takes a while, Plum's sat in a chair amongst all these strange plants and potions, a few hours later turnign her head as Peach returns, bloodied, explaining that the patient would be fine with rest.
After that, Plum is mildly intrigued that a laner would be so bold with her, no one dares normally, but Peach didnt care, and actually, she did do a good job with Grey, he made a full recovery in no time. Its not that Peach didnt know who Plum was, of course she did, but when someone that powerful walks into your little shop? You take the opportunity to gain some extra cash. Grey returns to the doctors place of work to find the manager back, saying Peach had a day off. He wanted to thank her, so the man suggested he looked at a local bar she frequented if he's that bothered. If he doesnt need anything however, he should leave. Undeterred, Grey treks off to this place, its a seedy little joint with loud music and a notable shimmer presence around, but he can buy a drink and glance about the space, not seeing her. Its not until he notices several people going downstairs that he decides to follow. Beneath the bar is what looks like a makeshift boxing ring, people crowd and jeer, most drunk, some hosting bets, others smoking and laughing. And there she is, his doctor, the woman who saved his life, is mid fight in the centre of this space against someone twice her size, Peach looks bloodied, as does her opponent, both exchanging blows, each time with a loud cheer or boo, depending on who was on whos side. He watched her slip an uppercut through their defences and her foe falls, The woman bends over, spits out blood, a couple of laners at her side, one shaking her form with a smile, another handing her a beer. They all laugh as she catches her breath and stands up straight, looks like hell but grinning. She calls it, heading back upstairs with a little wobble in her step, shaking it off. Grey follows and waits until shes finished her drink, buying her a new one to approach with. She doesnt recall his name, surprised he's found her, refers to him by his injuries, hard to forget him, got a pretty penny for that job.
Their chat turns to laughs, to more drinks, to jokes, turns out the topsider is actually a bit more fun than Peach had first thought. kind of glad she didnt fuck up his medical procedures now. After adequate partying they stagger out, arms over shoulders trying to support each others forms from falling, gut laughing, peach pulls a smoke, offers one to grey who goes with it, joins in, coughs less than Peach expected, somewhat use to the nightlife in the lanes by now. She drags him towards her apartment, keys jingling as she gets the door. Inside is a small functional space, lived in, but she's not focused on that, no no, she's focused on getting this big rich kid out of his clothes. Grey doesnt argue, and the two spend the night doing anything but sleeping.
Plum of course worries when Grey doesnt turn up for work on time the next day. He's usually punctual, but by midday he's snuck in, back to work. He looks like shit, tired, groggy, a little deshevveled, when she gets close he smells like a bar, smiling to herself as she catches him off guard, the man jumps at her suden presence, relaxing once he sees its just Plum. She immediatly points out the state of him, to which he explains he went to go thank the Doctro who helped him, and things got...out of hand. He was pulled to one side and Plum demanded to know everything, fascinated with this situation. Who knew a topsider had it in him to charm a woman like that? She was impressed.
Eventually Plum finds an excuse to return to the herbalist, making sure to wait until the guy who owened the place went out, leaving Peach alone in the shop. Her apperance didnt surprise the larger woman who leant on the counter reading, only briefly glancing up at her before smirking and returning to her book, stating how it was only a matter of time Plum would crawl back to her, expert medical skills were hard to come by. A statement that immediatly threw plum, why did this one not fear her like the rest? Regardless, she came in for medicine which was true enough, complaining of headaches, awful ones. A little digging and Peach suggested its stress related, maybe she should try to relax a little between beating the shit out of people for looking at her the wrong way. Plum realised in that comment that Peach did know who she was, had done the whole time, just...didnt care? or chose to ignore it? Brave, or stupid, she was not sure.
Their thinnly veiled threats had some kind of flirty undertone, a dangerous dance between two equally dangerous people. Eventually Peach suggested that the little lane royal should come out for drinks, see if she's able to let go of her duties and pride and just be one of the normal trash folks for a night. Plum agreed, adamant it was to prove she was more than capabale of keeping up with her, and no other reason.
The girls turned up at the usual bar Peach frequented after her shift, Plum had met her outside the herbalists so they could walk over together, she wanted to dig for more on this woman, she was a nobody, reputation either very good or very bad, no inbetween at all, and their conversation yielded very little to expand on that. Drinks flow, the pair settle into a competetive state of existing, exchanging stories, trying to one up each other for the entire night be it at drinking, or playing cards, or trying to get bottlecaps in someones glass from 20ft across the room with a throw. Admittedly, Plum was actually feeling a lot less stressed out, maybe this big idiot was a better doctor than she'd first thought, a statement she said out loud. Peach laughed, corrected her that technically she was only a nurse right now. Plum had a moment, maybe it was the drink, maybe the sight of this jacked woman's arms while she shuffled a deck of cards to play another round, but the image of her in the nurses uniform you'd see people wearing at parties to try to be sexy wouldnt go away. It was both hilarious and unnerving, mainly because she didnt know she wanted it until her brain put it there. Maybe she could convince her to play that role someday.
A few more drinks and Plum was done, her small frame and lower tolerance made it clear she needed to go home. Peach threw her on her shoulder, pickpocketing her in the process to pay for the tab, pretending like it was her money to Plum who was none the wiser at this point. Getting her back to her place was difficult, for a little human she truly made life difficult, grabbing onto posts when she wanted to stop to look in a window of a shop or catch a cool view. After a while Peach became wise enough to avoid all grabbable things, but that just diverted Plums attention to her. The last street before home and Peach feels these little hands slip up under her shirt on her back, something that doesnt bother her, but she does question her company with a chuckle, the hands following lines of muscle. Plum shrugs, slurs out something about 'just lookin'. Peach has to fish around in the drunks pockets to find keys, trying two before the third works and the front door of this womans home opens. Its far nicer than where she lives, plush for a lanes home, tall ceilings and heavy silk drapes, furnitures in good condition, theres a distinctly cleaner quality of air in here.
Plum gets put in her bed, water on the side table, Peach is ready to leave but theres no way it'll be that easy. This wirey little monster she's helped is far more agile than she thought, and admittedly, Peach is also pretty drunk, capable sure but not at all her most alert. Before long the bigger womans stuck under the thighs of Plum who's just not letting her go. Their interactions are closer to a fight, any kind of collision with a woman like this is a dangerous choice, Peach isnt an idiot, this could be great, it could be terrible, theres no way to know the outcome...but she's only human, and the opportunity to sleep with someone like Plum is far too tempting. May as well go with it, whats the worst that could happen...right?
Well the outcome was great, for a while. Until it dawned on Peach that she was seeing a lot more of Plums goons coming to her place of work for medicine and care. The buisness was making good cash, and her name was alwasy the one asked for, a fact peach's boss couldnt overlook...now she owed Plum for this, she was the sort of woman who'd find a doctor in her pocket very useful too no doubt. Peach knew she was being used, it'd creep up and be clearer to see when Plum would ask for specific poisons, or about methods of removing things from people without killing them, at first harmless medical questions in passing but it was eventually clear she was using this information. Then a body turns up of someone high powered...
Things get dangerous when rich folk turn up poisoned. Then one day a topsider is found. wealthy guy who was killed with a familiar toxin, one peach knew all too well, a toxin that if someone wanted could be traced back to her shop, her work. She had to stop this, but it was too late. Plum had brought a lot of buisness and money her way, Peach owed her, a debt she was unable to repay without a miracle. Now under the thumb of a tiny tyrant, her services are bought out, becoming a doctor for Plum's family, providing carefully curated medication for all that aisles, partered with her old boss who was happy to see her bring such a high powered customer to his doors.
So Grey and Peach become lackeys, one happily, the other reluctantly. Their boss is harsh but fair with them, they get into all kinds of altercations, and while they love eachother, its sometimes very bitter sweet. Greys a smart, well spoken sweet guy but his lack of lanes knowledge gets him in trouble sometimes. Plums crazy sure but shes got a sweet side, and takes care of her own well. and Peach is a bruiser, who'll fly off the handle if pushed too hard, but my god do they need someone who knows medicine. Together they cause a lot of trouble.
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harveehealthcare · 5 months
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7 Proven Digital Marketing Strategies for Hospitals
Which digital marketing techniques are most popular in hospitals? What effect does it have on consumer engagement? An organized strategy that successfully aids in reaching and interacting with the target audience is a digital marketing plan. Patients have a lasting image of the healthcare profession thanks to the numerous benefits that the digital world has brought forth. Additionally, it improves patient communication more effectively. It facilitates data collection, which makes it simple to swiftly reach the intended audience. Digital marketing techniques raise brand recognition by making your brand more visible. Let's go over some of the most popular and effective digital marketing techniques for the healthcare industry. Hospital Digital Marketing Strategies
Marketing on Social Media
Establish a strong online presence on social media by interacting with your intended audience.
and advertising your offerings. Social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter are useful resources for disseminating information about your healthcare services and updates, facilitating quick access for others. By including interactive surveys, quizzes, and other content on social media, you may raise user engagement. Social media marketing aims to foster relationships in addition to driving traffic. Email Promotion
Hospitals can benefit much from email marketing in terms of patient outreach. For healthcare brands, it is a crucial tool for internet marketing. Reaching out specifically to those who have shown interest in your goods and services is possible with email marketing. Additionally, you can utilize it to upload new information or communicate updates about the healthcare services you offer.
Make customized email messages for particular audiences by using an expert email marketing platform. Optimization for Search Engines
Information, as they say, fosters trust. An audience becomes more aware of a brand when it has a website optimized for search engines. In addition, it provides the audience with a great user experience while generating leads and conversions. Use high-quality, pertinent material on your website along with pertinent keywords to improve its search engine ranking. Marketing of Content
Produce insightful and timely material to captivate the audience. Healthcare digital marketing places a high value on educational blogs, articles, and videos that increase user interaction. It is essential to social media interaction as well as search engine optimization (SEO). By adding fresh treatment-related data and technologies, content marketing enhances the ability to retain customers. Create blog posts and articles that highlight the hospital's expertise on common health issues and include professional advice. Marketing with Search Engines (SEM)
Put differently, Pay Per Click (PPC) represents a very efficient means of reaching a larger audience that is utilizing online platforms to look for healthcare solutions. Use your spending wisely to run search engine advertisements that target particular demographics and phrases. PPC is a type of advertising that increases website traffic while assisting with search engine visibility. Search engines and other social media sites run this service; you only pay when a lead clicks on an advertisement. Management of Online Reputation
Building credibility and trust on the internet can be facilitated by online reputation management. It entails keeping a close eye on any references of the hospitals on any number of internet forums, social media sites, and search engines. To keep up a positive online reputation, respond positively to people's evaluations and complaints. Present encouraging comments, patient success tales, and endorsements to establish credibility with the audience. Optimization for Mobile
It is crucial to optimize websites and digital content for mobile devices, as 56.8% of internet users access the internet through mobile devices. It makes sense to employ responsive web design to optimize the loading speed of the website layout in order to boost user engagement. In addition to raising search engine ranks, it lowers bounce rates. To generate leads, this entails using content that is optimized for mobile devices, featuring large fonts and a clear call to action. Mobile optimization substantially facilitates the online payment procedure for hospitals that provide online consultation services and payments. The first step on the road is taken.
With the help of digital marketing, you may differentiate yourself from the competition and highlight your services when they are most needed. Hospitals must be adaptable and flexible in order to stay up to date with future developments in medicine and technology. By establishing your credibility and trust online, you can use digital marketing to connect and interact with your intended audience. Every component—from social media marketing to content marketing to search engine optimization—plays a crucial part in creating a powerful online presence.
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Web Design Mississauga Ontario: Elevating Your Online Presence
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In today's digital age, having an impactful online presence is crucial for businesses in Mississauga, Ontario. A well-crafted website not only enhances your brand image but also attracts potential customers. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of web design Mississauga Ontario, offering insights and tips to help you establish a formidable online presence for your business.
Understanding Web Design
Web design encompasses more than just aesthetics; it's about creating a seamless user experience that captivates visitors. The importance of web design cannot be overstated. It serves as the virtual storefront for your business, shaping the first impression that visitors have. Elements such as layout, navigation, and visual appeal play a pivotal role in engaging users and encouraging them to explore further.
Finding the Right Agency
Choosing the right web design Mississauga Ontario agency is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of your online venture. Start by conducting thorough research to identify reputable agencies in Mississauga, Ontario. Evaluate their portfolios to assess the quality of their work and ensure that their design style aligns with your brand's vision. Additionally, seek out client testimonials to gauge customer satisfaction and overall experience.
Designing a Responsive Site
In an era where mobile usage is ubiquitous, having a responsive website is imperative. A responsive design ensures that your site adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes, providing an optimal viewing experience for users across devices. Employ techniques such as fluid grids and flexible images to achieve responsiveness and enhance user engagement.
SEO Integration
Incorporating search engine optimization (SEO) into your web design strategy is essential for improving visibility and driving organic traffic to your site. Implementing SEO best practices, such as optimizing meta tags, enhancing site speed, and creating high-quality content, can significantly boost your search engine rankings. Additionally, leverage local SEO techniques to target potential customers in the Mississauga area and enhance your online presence within the local community.
E-commerce Considerations
For businesses in Mississauga, Ontario, with e-commerce aspirations, designing an effective online store is paramount. Stay abreast of e-commerce trends and integrate features such as product catalogs, secure payment gateways, and intuitive checkout processes to streamline the buying journey for customers. Providing a seamless shopping experience not only fosters customer satisfaction but also drives conversions and boosts revenue.
Maintenance and Updates
The work doesn't end once your website goes live. Regular maintenance and updates are essential to ensure optimal performance and security. Implement security measures such as SSL encryption and routine backups to safeguard sensitive data and protect against cyber threats. Furthermore, regularly update your content to keep it fresh and relevant, demonstrating your commitment to providing value to your audience.
Future of Web Design
As technology continues to evolve, so too does the field of web design. Stay ahead of the curve by embracing emerging trends and technologies that have the potential to reshape the digital landscape. From AI and machine learning to virtual reality and immersive experiences, the future of web design holds exciting possibilities for businesses in Mississauga, Ontario, looking to stay ahead of the competition.
How long does it take to design a website?
Design timelines can vary depending on the complexity of the project and the agency's workload. On average, expect the design process to take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.
What should I look for in a web design portfolio?
When evaluating a web design portfolio, pay attention to factors such as visual appeal, usability, and variety of projects. Look for examples that resonate with your brand's aesthetic and objectives.
Do I need a mobile-friendly website?
Absolutely! With mobile usage on the rise, having a mobile-friendly website is essential for reaching and engaging a wider audience. A responsive design ensures optimal user experience across all devices.
How can I improve my website's search engine rankings?
Enhancing your website's search engine rankings requires a multifaceted approach, including keyword optimization, content creation, link building, and technical SEO improvements.
What security measures should I implement on my website?
To safeguard your website against cyber threats, implement measures such as SSL encryption, regular security audits, strong password policies, and software updates.
What are the benefits of integrating e-commerce functionality into my website?
Integrating e-commerce functionality allows you to expand your reach, attract new customers, and capitalize on the growing trend of online shopping. It also provides convenience for your existing customer base and opens up new revenue streams.
Elevate your online presence with expert web design Mississauga Ontario services tailored to your business needs. From responsive design to SEO integration and future-proofing strategies, empower your brand to stand out in the digital landscape. With the right approach and a trusted partner, your journey to online success begins here.
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