#How to study effecively
hayatheauthor · 1 year
How To Write And Research Mental Illnesses 
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Mental illnesses are a large aspect of literature often incorporated into various different genres. However, even with their prevalence, many authors are often unaware of how to write about mental illnesses accurately. If you’re an author writing a character with a mental illness, here are some tips on how to write with mental illnesses. 
Don’t ‘Self Diagnose’ Your Characters 
When writing about mental illnesses it’s important to consider whether or not your character would realistically have this mental illness given their situation and story. Many authors often ‘self diagnose’ their characters without actually taking the time to research these illnesses and figure out whether their character would develop this illness if they were a real person. 
I say ‘self diagnose’ because as authors we generally do diagnose our characters based on our own interpretations and plans for them and their story, without looking to real people with these illnesses. 
Just because your character is going through an unproductive slump doesn’t mean they they are depressed. Just because your character is nervous and experiencing stage fright doesn’t mean they have anxiety. 
Take the time to look into these mental illnesses and genuinely consider whether or not your character has a mental illness, or if you’re just self diagnosing and wrongly labelling them. 
Do Your Research 
Whenever I blog about such sensitive topics, I always find myself ultimately mentioning this one point. This is because even with so many resources available to us both online and offline, writers still choose to be blissfully unaware of sensitive topics mentioned in their WIPs or stories. 
I sincerely cannot stress how important it is for a writer to do their due diligence and research the topics they write for, especially if it is something as sensitive as mental illnesses. 
Once you have established that your character would realistically develop or undergo a mental illness given the situation they are in, it is now time to research what exactly they would go through. 
A simple google search can tell you everything you need to know about your character’s mental illness. Or, you could reach out to people you know who suffer from the same illness and ask them questions about it. 
Researching your character’s mental illness helps ensure you don’t accidentally misrepresent that illness or create symptoms that are inaccurate and insulting to people who do suffer from that mental illness. It will also provide you with a sense of ease as an author, and allow you to work on your WIP without having to worry about accidentally offending an entire community. 
Remember The Three Ss
One of the biggest challenges writers face with writing with mental illnesses is unrealistic representation. Unsure where to start with your research? Here is a simple guide for you to keep in mind. 
When writing about mental illnesses, you need to recall the three Ss: 
Side effects 
Every illness or disease has its own symptoms, the same applies to mental illnesses. When writing about a character with mental illnesses, you need to take the time to research the symptoms of this illness and how these symptoms can impact your character on a day-to-day and general level. 
For example, a character with PTSD would face trouble sleeping and concentrating, would be irritable, angry and face overwhelming guilt or shame. These symptoms can all make it hard for a person to excel at school or the workplace and can lead to delayed deadlines, unfinished work, and a lot of stress and anxious thinking. 
A character with PTSD would likely not be able to handle being at the top of their class, unless they completely engross themselves in their studies to the point where they can’t think of anything except that. However, if that were the case then they would find it very hard to handle ‘normal’ situations and wouldn’t be getting a lot of sleep. 
Side Effects 
A side effect is a temporary and commonly unwanted effect of a drug or medical condition. Unlike a symptom, a side effect can be harmful or beneficial and most go away on their own over time. 
They wouldn’t be considered as ‘serious’ as a symptom, however, they can still significantly impact your character, their story, and their dynamics with the characters they interact with. 
Following the above example, a character with PTSD would generally suffer from an inability to develop or maintain positive, healthy interpersonal relationships and an inability to trust others. They also often face side effects such as social isolation, chronic feelings of fear, etc. 
These are all side effects that would make it hard for a character with PTSD to maintain emotional relationships. You can use this to portray their sudden lack of connection with friends and family, and how they find themselves only associating with people who have either been through or understand their situation. 
A person with cancer, or other such physical illnesses, doesn’t suddenly hit a chronic level overnight. The same logic applies to mental illnesses. Mental illnesses don’t just develop overnight. Your character won’t suddenly wake up one day in chapter ten and have a full-blown panic attack because they developed a panic disorder. 
Yes, people can face symptoms or side effects pertaining to a mental illness after facing a traumatic event. However, when writing about such events, it’s very important to do your research and consider whether or not a person would realistically undergo such serious symptoms in such a small timeframe given the circumstances. 
Outside of incidents that are a direct result of a traumatic event, it’s important to consider the stages your character would experience as a result of their mental illness. 
For example, a person with PTSD goes through five stages, the first being the impact or emergency stage, during which they struggle to process or deal with the situation they have gone through. Then comes the denial or numbing stage. 
Following the above example, a numbing stage would be akin to when a character pretends the traumatic event never occurred and throws themselves into their work or school. Then comes a rescue stage, which would be when other characters begin to intervene or when the character comes to terms with the events and starts to better themselves. 
Knowing the stages of your character’s mental illness allows you to accurately plan out what happens in your story and create a realistic portrayal of their suffrage. It also helps flesh out your story for your readers and allows you to seamlessly incorporate your character’s illness into the story. 
Don’t Define Them By Their Mental Illness
Now that you have a general idea of how to write and research mental illnesses, I would like to end this blog post with a small reminder. People with mental illnesses are human. They have personalities, hobbies, likes, dislikes, and other such traits that often have nothing to do with their mental illness. 
When writing with a mental illness, it’s important to take this into account and ensure you don’t constantly define your character by their mental illness, or even worse, reduce them to their mental illness. 
I hope this blog on how to write and research mental illnesses will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and follow my blog for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
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Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Haya’s book blog where I post writing and marketing tools for authors every Monday and Thursday. 
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Class Feature Friday: Bounty Hunter Theme (Starfinder Character Theme)
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(art by Jeff Chen on Artstation)
 The profession of bounty hunter perhaps one of the most iconic of space opera/western sci-fi, and for good reason. Bounty Hunters as protagonists have the perfect excuse to travel the stars and see new and wondrous things, while as antagonists they make for interesting and varied combatants and antagonists with iconic designs and only tangential, if any, connection to the main baddy and conflict.
Bounty hunters come in all shapes and sizes, and not just because they may be any species or class. Indeed, some bounty hunters may have codes of ethics and morality that essentially make them a supplementary law enforcers. (And sometimes this makes them actually better to deal with, depending on the nature of the local law enforcement).
Others may not have such a code, and take jobs purely based on the potential profit. These characters end up working with crime lords, faceless corporations, and other unscrupulous folk that put out bounties on others for decidedly criminal or amoral reasons. Capturing those who owe debts, or are considered company property, and the like.
Regardless of what jobs they take, the bounty hunter theme needs no special consideration to figure out why they became adventurers. After all, its baked right into the concept. They might still be in that career, or they may have retired or semi-retired to pursue other adventurous work, but the life of an adventurer perfectly suits those that travel far and wide to find those that don’t want to be found.
 Bounty hunting is tough work, and pursuing a mark means many sleepless nights and tireless chases. Thus these figures either have exceptional toughness and endurance, or they develop it early on.
True to their profession, bounty hunters specialize in information about their current mark, studying them meticulously while they track them, learning about them and any known aliases. Once they find their mark, they can take the time to study up on another target, though they can also abandon a mark to pursue another, though the frustration of not seeing a target through does get to them for a while. Additionally, they are quite adept at tracking prey and reading the environment.
The right question in the right place can yield all sorts of good information, and so these hunters can halve the time it takes to gather information by asking around. Additionally they can look for where a physical trail may be laid with ease, letting them move swiftly and still track prey.
Pushing their bodies to the limit, these hunters may seem to their marks to be more akin to relentless ghosts or undead in how tirelessly they pursue them, following for much longer without rest.
The most skilled can renew their resolve simply by reviewing what they know of their mark.
 While biohacker doesn’t immediately lend itself to this lifestyle, the idea of a bounty hunter using injectable toxins to weaken their marks, as well as bolster their own bodies does have merit.
Envoy bounty hunters, on the other hand, can use their social skills to help find targets, and their ability to improvise on the fly to adapt to whatever tricks their target throws their way.
Achieving the perfect self is often expensive, and bounty hunting is a useful way to test one’s changes. As such, evolutionists easily find themselves going down the road of bounty hunter.
Mechanic bounty hunters pack the latest and best gear to overpower and outmatch their marks, and pretty much every specialization works well with it, from the advanced tracking of an exocortex, to the support of the drone, the mobility of a personal pursuit vehicle, advanced weaponry or armor, and so on.
Mystics, Precogs, and Witchwarpers benefit heavily from using their magic to predict the moves of their mark and incapacitate them in various ways.
Nanocytes can appear unarmed while secretly sporting powerful weapons and support, making them surprisingly effective solo hunters.
Stealth and observation are the forte of many an operative, making them a solid career path as well.
Solarians and Soldiers pack muscle, skill, and in the former case supernatural powers to help them overpower and overwhelm foes between them and their mark.
The technomancer class combines the utility of spellcasting with the saavy of the technologically-inclined, making them very hard to run from when they take the role of bounty hunter.
Finally, vanguards are all about endurance and unstoppability, making them, more so than any other, the very essence of an unrelenting bounty hunter.
 Bounty hunters are a ubiquitous part of most any sci-fi setting, so this is likely a very common pick for most games, though of course not every character concept utilizes one. Also remember that not every storyline works well with the concept, as not every party is going to have the time or desire to hunt others for credits. Still, it’s a good excuse for having a character that packs nonlethal attack options.
In any case, that will do for today. Tune in next week for another special, this one in particular diving into an iconic action-RPG from a very old franchise!
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coochiequeens · 2 years
“There is no centralized tracking of blocker prescriptions in the United States.”
By Megan Twohey and Christina Jewett
Nov. 14, 2022
The medical guidance was direct.
Eleven-year-old Emma Basques had identified as a girl since toddlerhood. Now, as she worried about male puberty starting, a Phoenix pediatrician advised: Take a drug to stop it.
At 13, Jacy Chavira felt increasingly uncomfortable with her maturing body and was beginning to believe she was a boy. Use the drug, her endocrinologist in Southern California recommended, and puberty would be suspended.
An 11-year-old in New York with deepening depression expressed a desire to no longer be a girl. A therapist told the family the drug was the preteen’s best option, and a local doctor agreed.
“‘Puberty blockers really help kids like this,’” the child’s mother recalled the therapist saying. “It was presented as a tourniquet that would stop the hemorrhaging.”
As the number of adolescents who identify as transgender grows, drugs known as puberty blockers have become the first line of intervention for the youngest ones seeking medical treatment.
Their use is typically framed as a safe — and reversible — way to buy time to weigh a medical transition and avoid the anguish of growing into a body that feels wrong. Transgender adolescents suffer from disproportionately high rates of depression and other mental health issues. Studies show that the drugs have eased some patients’ gender dysphoria — a distress over the mismatch of their birth sex and gender identity.
��Anxiety drains away,” said Dr. Norman Spack, who pioneered the use of puberty blockers for trans youth in the United States and is one of many physicians who believe the drugs can be lifesaving. “You can see these kids being so relieved.”
But as an increasing number of adolescents identify as transgender — in the United States, an estimated 300,000 ages 13 to 17 and an untold number who are younger — concerns are growing among some medical professionals about the consequences of the drugs, a New York Times examination found. The questions are fueling government reviews in Europe, prompting a push for more research and leading some prominent specialists to reconsider at what age to prescribe them and for how long. A small number of doctors won’t recommend them at all.
Dutch doctors first offered puberty blockers to transgender adolescents three decades ago, typically following up with hormone treatment to help patients transition. Since then, the practice has spread to other countries, with varying protocols, little documentation of outcomes and no government approval of the drugs for that use, including by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
But there is emerging evidence of potential harm from using blockers, according to reviews of scientific papers and interviews with more than 50 doctors and academic experts around the world.
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The drugs suppress estrogen and testosterone, hormones that help develop the reproductive system but also affect the bones, the brain and other parts of the body.
During puberty, bone mass typically surges, determining a lifetime of bone health. When adolescents are using blockers, bone density growth flatlines, on average, according to an analysis commissioned by The Times of observational studies examining the effects.
Many doctors treating trans patients believe they will recover that loss when they go off blockers. But two studies from the analysis that tracked trans patients’ bone strength while using blockers and through the first years of sex hormone treatment found that many do not fully rebound and lag behind their peers.
That could lead to heightened risk of debilitating fractures earlier than would be expected from normal aging — in their 50s instead of 60s — and more immediate harm for patients who start treatment with already weak bones, experts say.
“There’s going to be a price,” said Dr. Sundeep Khosla, who leads a bone research lab at the Mayo Clinic. “And the price is probably going to be some deficit in skeletal mass.”
Many physicians in the United States and elsewhere are prescribing blockers to patients at the first stage of puberty — as early as age 8 — and allowing them to progress to sex hormones as soon as 12 or 13. Starting treatment at young ages, they believe, helps patients become better aligned physically with their gender identity and helps protect their bones.
But that could force life-altering choices, other doctors warn, before patients know who they really are. Puberty can help clarify gender, the doctors say — for some adolescents reinforcing their sex at birth, and for others confirming that they are transgender.
“The most difficult question is whether puberty blockers do indeed provide valuable time for children and young people to consider their options, or whether they effectively ‘lock in’ children and young people to a treatment pathway,” wrote Dr. Hilary Cass, a pediatrician leading an independent review in England of medical treatments of adolescents presenting as transgender.
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On her recommendation, England’s National Health Service last month proposed restricting use of the drugs for trans youths to research settings. Sweden and Finland have also placed limits on the treatment, concerned not just with the risk of blockers, but the steep rise in young patients, the psychiatric issues that many exhibit, and the extent to which their mental health should be assessed before treatment.
In the United States, though, there is no universal policy, and the public discussion is polarized.
Republican governors and lawmakers in more than a dozen states are working to limit or even criminalize the treatments, as some in their party also seek to restrict access to sports and bathrooms, ban discussion of gender in public schools, and call into question whether transgender identity even exists. (This month, the Florida medical board banned medications and surgeries for new patients under 18.) Meanwhile, the Biden administration describes transgender medicine as a civil right. And some advocates criticize anyone who questions the treatments’ safety.
Long-awaited research funded by the National Institutes of Health could provide more guidance. In 2015, four prominent American gender clinics were awarded $7 million to examine the effects of blockers and hormone treatment on transgender youth. In explaining their study, the researchers pointed out that the United States had produced no data on the impact or safety of blockers, particularly among transgender patients under 12, leaving a “gap in evidence for this practice.” Seven years in, they have yet to report key outcomes of their work, but say the findings are coming soon.
Many young patients and their families have concluded that the benefits of easing the despair of gender dysphoria far outweigh the risks of taking blockers. For others, the limited studies and politicization of trans medicine can make it difficult to fully evaluate the decision. A Reuters examination of a range of transgender treatments also found scant research into the long-term effects.
Three years after starting the drugs, Emma Basques believes she’s on the right path.
Jacy Chavira, now 22, decided that the medical treatment was not appropriate for her and resumed her female identity.
And the New York adolescent had such a significant loss in bone density after more than two years on blockers that the parents halted use of the drugs.
“We went into this because we wanted to help,” the mother said. “Now I worry that we got into a situation with a very powerful drug and don’t understand what the long-term effects will be.”
‘Time to Start’
It didn’t take long for Cherise and Arick Basques to realize that their toddler was different. The child rejected pants, toy trucks and sports in favor of dresses, Barbie dolls and ballet. When Ms. Basques ran into a friend at a restaurant in their Phoenix suburb and introduced her then-4-year-old as her son, the child shouted: “No! I’m your daughter!”
The couple worked with children — Ms. Basques as an occupational therapist, her husband as a teacher and school administrator — but this was unfamiliar territory. None of the therapists the parents called felt equipped to help. Their pediatrician offered only that things could change once the child started school, Ms. Basques said. Eventually, the couple discovered a local support group for parents of transgender children.
The next year, they allowed the child, then 5, to begin using the name Emma, grow longer hair and take other steps to socially transition. In 2019, when Emma turned 11, a physician at a local gender clinic advised starting blockers.
“At the first subtle signs of puberty, it was like: ‘Yep, that’s it. Time to start!’” recalled Ms. Basques. Along with her husband and Emma, she asked that their full names be used because they consider themselves advocates of the treatment.
For decades, transgender medical treatment in multiple countrieswas restricted to patients 18 and older. But in the 1990s, a hospital clinic in Amsterdam began treating adolescents.
Puberty blockers can be given as an injection or an implant. (The best known is Lupron, made by AbbVie.) They were being used in the United States and elsewhere, with approval by the F.D.A. and its counterparts overseas, to treat prostate cancer; endometriosis, a painful disease that causes uterine tissue to grow elsewhere in the body; and the unusually early onset of puberty, typically age 6 or 7. If blockers were safe for patients with that rare condition, known as central precocious puberty, the Dutch doctors reasoned, they were likely to be safe for trans adolescents too.
The first trans patient treated with blockers, from age 13 to 18, moved on to testosterone, the male sex hormone. Halting female puberty had offered emotional relief and helped him look more masculine. As the Dutch clinicians prescribed blockers, followed by hormones, to a half-dozen other patients in those early years, the medical team found that their mental health and well-being improved.
“They were usually coming in very miserable, feeling like an outsider in school, depressed or anxious,” recalled Dr. Peggy Cohen-Kettenis, a retired psychologist at the clinic. “And then you start to do this treatment, and a few years later, you see them blossoming.”
In 1998, she worked with a small international group — which would later expand and become known as the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, or WPATH — to include puberty blockers and hormones for adolescents in their treatment guidelines.
The Dutch doctors had yet to publish any research findings, she acknowledged. Some other physicians, including the one overseeing transgender medical treatment in England, were wary of potential harm.
But doctors in the group considered the early results from Amsterdam as reassuring enough to move forward. They were eager to treat the psychological distress observed in many trans adolescents.
Doctors debated about whether “starting the puberty blockers would somehow damage the children,” recalled Dr. Walter Meyer, a Texas pediatric endocrinologist and psychiatrist involved with the 1998 standards of care.
“The Dutch were saying, ‘Oh, no, it’s not causing a problem,’” said Dr. Meyer, who continues to support the use of the drugs.
Dr. Cohen-Kettenis hoped physicians in other countries would adopt the Dutch protocol, and document and share the outcomes as she and her colleagues in Amsterdam planned. Her clinic treated only patients who had consistently presented as transgender since early childhood and did not suffer from distinct psychiatric disorders that could interfere with diagnosis or treatment. They had to be at least 12 for puberty blockers, with the option of moving on to hormones at 16.
The international standards of care advised similar criteria. But they were recommendations, not requirements. Soon, the use of puberty blockers spread. In the United States and Canada, countries without centralized health systems, protocols were largely left to the discretion of individual clinics and practitioners. Dr. Spack, the pediatric endocrinologist who led U.S. adoption of the treatment, opened the first American clinic in 2007 at Boston Children’s Hospital; others eventually followed in nearly every state.
Some started children on blockers at the first signs of puberty and prescribed testosterone or estrogen to patients 14 or younger. Doctors believed that earlier treatment would lead to more successful medical transitions, and wanted to spare patients the difficulty of watching their peers develop while their own bodies remained unchanged.
The doctor in Arizona who treated Emma, for example, tells preteen patients that if he prescribed blockers and didn’t start hormones for five years, they would look 12 at age 16.
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Transgender activists across the country pushed for early and easy access to the treatment. At a 2006 Philadelphia medical convention, Jenn Burleton, an advocate from Oregon, heard Dr. Spack describe his experience starting to treat adolescents with blockers. Like others of her generation, Ms. Burleton, now 68, could not medically transition until adulthood, and puberty had been traumatic. Treating adolescents with blockers was “game-changing,” said Ms. Burleton, founder and program director of the organization now known as the TransActive Gender Project at the Lewis & Clark Graduate School for Education and Counseling.
Back home, Ms. Burleton prodded pediatric endocrinologists to adopt the practice for their patients. “We have a chance to prevent them from being emotionally broken,” she recalled saying.
Advocates successfully pushed Oregon, Massachusetts, California and other states to allow for Medicaid coverage of puberty blockers for adolescents identifying as trans. They also helped win approval in Oregon for a variety of medical workers — doctors, nurse practitioners, naturopaths — to administer blockers if overseen, even long-distance, by an endocrinologist.
“It went so quickly that not even centers but individual clinicians, people who were not knowledgeable, were just giving this kind of treatment,” said Dr. Cohen-Kettenis, the Dutch psychologist. “There was a great concern.”
By the time Emma Basques began taking blockers in 2019, multiplemedical groups had endorsed their use for gender dysphoria. Among them were the American Academy of Pediatrics and the international Endocrine Society, which in 2017 had described the limited research on the effects of the drugs on trans youth as “low-quality.” Still, the organizations were encouraged by what they saw as a promising treatment.
Many doctors point out that it’s not unusual for research to lag behind the launch of new treatments and for drugs to be used off-label on patients without F.D.A. approval, especially in pediatric medicine.
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An F.D.A. spokeswoman said in a statement that doctors have the discretion to do so, but also noted that just because a drug has been approved for one class of patients doesn’t mean it’s safe for another.
There is no centralized tracking of blocker prescriptions in the United States. Komodo Health, a health technology company, compiled private and public insurance data for Reuters, showing a sharp increase in the number of children ages 6 to 17 diagnosed with gender dysphoria, from about 15,000 in 2017 to about 42,000 in 2021. During that time, 4,780 patients with that diagnosis were put on puberty blockers covered by insurance, the data shows, with new prescriptions growing each year. But the data does not capture the many cases in which insurance does not cover the drugs for that use, leaving families to pay out of pocket.
Some leading American practitioners asked AbbVie and Endo Pharmaceuticals, maker of another blocker, to seek F.D.A. approval for the drugs’ use among trans adolescents. The drugmakers would have to fund research for a patient population that made up just a small part of their market. But the physicians argued that regulatory approval could help establish the safety of the treatment and broaden insurance coverage of the drugs, which can cost tens of thousands of dollars a year. In the end, AbbVie and Endo said no. The companies declined to comment on the decision.
Emma Basques was on blockers for two years. Then, after she turned 13 in October of last year, a doctor in the Portland, Ore., suburb where her family had moved, prescribed estrogen, starting her transition. It had become increasingly awkward to feel left behind as her classmates physically matured. And she felt confident that she was ready.
“It was just really exciting,” Emma said. “I finally got to be who I was.”
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‘We Need to Give This a Chance’
The 11-year-old in New York, who had begun puberty and started at a new school, was increasingly distressed — refusing to bathe or go to class and, for the first time, expressing a desire to no longer have a girl’s body.
When the parents consented to blockers in 2018, they hoped the drug would bring emotional stability and time to consider next steps.
“If everyone thinks this will help, and it’s reversible, then we need to give this a chance,” said the mother, who asked that her name be withheld to protect the family’s privacy.
‘We Need to Give This a Chance’
The 11-year-old in New York, who had begun puberty and started at a new school, was increasingly distressed — refusing to bathe or go to class and, for the first time, expressing a desire to no longer have a girl’s body.
When the parents consented to blockers in 2018, they hoped the drug would bring emotional stability and time to consider next steps.
“If everyone thinks this will help, and it’s reversible, then we need to give this a chance,” said the mother, who asked that her name be withheld to protect the family’s privacy.
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A full accounting of blockers’ risk to bones is not possible. While the Endocrine Society recommends baseline bone scans and then repeat scans every one to two years for trans youths, WPATH and the American Academy of Pediatrics provide little guidance about whether to do so. Some doctors require regular scans and recommend calcium and exercise to help to protect bones; others do not. Because most treatment is provided outside of research studies, there’s little public documentation of outcomes.
But it’s increasingly clear that the drugs are associated with deficits in bone development. During the teen years, bone density typically surges by about 8 to 12 percent a year. The analysis commissioned by The Times examined seven studies from the Netherlands, Canada and England involving about 500 transgender teens from 1998 through 2021. Researchers observed that while on blockers, the teens did not gain any bone density, on average — and lost significant ground compared to their peers, according to the analysis by Farid Foroutan, an expert on health research methods at McMaster University in Canada.
The findings match what practitioners of the treatment have seen, including Dr. Catherine Gordon, a pediatric endocrinologist and bone researcher at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. “When they lose bone density, they’re really getting behind,” said Dr. Gordon, who is leading a separate study on why the drugs have such an effect.
Many doctors caring for young trans patients are reassured by the rebounds seen in the children who take blockers for unusually early puberty. In most cases, their bone strength fully recovers after they stop the drugs at about age 11 and resume full puberty, which can last up to five years. But patients identifying as trans take the drugs later, interrupting their normally timed puberty and limiting that crucial period of development.
“That’s the difference,” Dr. Gordon said. “You shorten that critical window of puberty.”
So far, only two small studies, published by Dutch doctors, have tracked the bone development of trans patients from beginning blockers through early hormone treatment. In both studies, dozens of patients started blockers at 14 or 15, on average, and began estrogen or testosterone at 16. The participants, followed in one study through age 18, and in the other through age 22, saw their bones strengthen, on average, once on hormones. Still, most patients continued to lag behind their peers; trans men neared average levels, but trans women fell far below.
“I think there’s a false sense of security,” said Dr. Khosla, the Mayo Clinic specialist, who is skeptical that all trans patients can catch up.
Dr. Khosla and Dr. Gordon don’t believe the effects on bones are reason for medical providers to halt use of the drugs in adolescents. But they think the risks should be factored into patient decisions and that bones should be carefully monitored.
If any harm resulted from the use of blockers, it likely would not be evident until decades later, with fractures. However, for children who already have weak bones as they start treatment, the dangers could be more immediate. While there is no systematic record-keeping of such cases, some anecdotal evidence is available.
After more than a year on blockers, a 15-year-old in Texas, who had not had a baseline scan, showed spinal bone density so low that it was below the first percentile for the teen’s age and weight, indicating osteoporosis, according to medical records from earlier this year.
A transgender adolescent in Sweden who took the drugs from age 11 to 14 with no bone scans until the last year of treatment developed osteoporosis and sustained a compression fracture in his spine, an X-ray showed in 2021, as reported earlier in a documentary on Swedish television.
“The patient now suffers from continued back pain,” medical records note, describing a “permanent disability” caused by the blockers.
Some practitioners in the United States and Australia do not provide the drugs to patients who are well into puberty, concerned that the treatment poses the greatest threat to bones in that period.
“You’re potentially taking on risks that I felt should be avoided,” said Dr. Stephen Rosenthal, medical director of the University of California, San Francisco, Child and Adolescent Gender Center.
He won’t prescribe blockers as a stand-alone treatment to anyone over 14. That includes the growing number of nonbinary youths who don’t want to mature into either male or female bodies. “We make it very clear that no one stays on a blocker,” he said.
Dr. Rosenthal is a principal investigator in the yearslong N.I.H. study, which also involves gender clinics in Los Angeles, Chicago and Boston. Asked why they have yet to report on key outcomes, he said their research was delayed when the pandemic halted in-person treatment. Papers on the effects of blockers on bones and other findings should be published next year, he said.
Like many physicians, Dr. Rosenthal believes the benefits of using blockers to alleviate gender dysphoria are much greater than any risks to bones. (He was among the doctors who filed statements in a lawsuit against an Alabama ban on medical treatment of trans youth.)
Emma Basques, for example, takes calcium, makes an effort to exercise and has undergone scans that showed her bones are healthy. “I can’t even imagine how life would be for Emma,” said her mother, Ms. Basques, “if she was not given blockers and had to go through male puberty.”
Emma added: “I wouldn’t like my body at all.”
But the parents in New York insisted on ending treatment for their teen, who has yet to have a follow-up scan to see if bone density has improved since going off blockers.
“I don’t think we have the science behind them to be prescribing these drugs,” the mother said.
‘I Wish There Had Been More Questions’
Jacy Chavira, in Southern California, had already cut her hair short and begun binding her chest when she was prescribed blockers at age 13. A therapist and her parents agreed that gender dysphoria, a condition Jacy learned about from a magazine, could explain the mounting anxiety and discomfort that she was experiencing during early puberty.
Once on blockers, Ms. Chavira said, she became fixated on moving ahead with a medical transition. She was thrilled shortly after turning 16 when her pediatric endocrinologist prescribed testosterone. But soon she started having doubts. Her body was growing more masculine, but she was secretly putting on dresses. At 17, in a consultation for breast removal, she worried aloud about the potential loss of feeling in the nipples. To her, this was a sign of not wanting to go through with the surgery.
She came to realize that her anguish had stemmed from a larger inner conflict, and that continuing with a gender transition would be a mistake. “I believe it was an issue with my identity, accepting who I was, and not just the physical female portion of it,” she said.
Like Ms. Chavira, most patients who take puberty blockers move on to hormones to transition, as many as 98 percent in British and Dutch studies. While many doctors see that as evidence that the right adolescents are getting the drugs, others worry that some young people are being swept into medical interventions too soon.
Over the past decade, growing numbers of medical providers have lowered the ages at which they prescribe the treatments. Today, the WPATH and Endocrine Society advise that blockers can be prescribed at the first signs of puberty and hormone treatment, in some cases, earlier than 16. The American Academy of Pediatrics says blockers can be provided anytime during puberty and hormones from “early adolescence onward.”
Some doctors and researchers are concerned that puberty blockers may somehow disrupt a formative period of mental growth. With adolescence comes critical thinking, more sophisticated self-reflection and other significant leaps in brain development. Sex hormones have been shown to affect social and problem-solving skills. It’s believed that brain growth is connected to gender identity, but research in these areas is still very new.
In a 2020 paper, 31 psychologists, neuroscientists and hormone experts from around the world urged more study of the effects of blockers on the brain.
“If the brain is expecting to receive those hormones at a certain time and doesn’t, what happens?” said Dr. Sheri Berenbaum, head of a gender research lab at Penn State, and one of the authors of the paper. “We don’t know.”
The physicians in the Amsterdam clinic, where the treatment began, have lowered their minimum ages for starting blockers and hormones. But they are very cautious in selecting patients.
“Our concern is always: When is gender identity fixed or not fluid anymore? And when do you fully understand the lifelong consequences of such treatment?” said Dr. Annelou de Vries, head therapist at the clinic.
For some medical professionals across the country, there are too many uncertainties about the effects of blockers to provide the treatment.
Among them are seven pediatric endocrinologists and pediatric endocrine nurse practitioners in Florida who recently wrote to the state health department that evidence to support the use of those treatments in adolescents “is simply lacking” and asking that it be confined to research settings.
“Without much data, it’s hard to make a conclusion that we’re doing the right thing,” said Dr. Matthew Benson, an assistant professor of pediatrics at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Jacksonville and an author of the letter. (He also voiced concerns at a state hearing in July on whether to stop allowing Medicaid coverage in Florida for transgender medical treatment.)
Even enthusiasts, like Emma and her parents, acknowledge it can be hard to fully grasp all the potential results of treatment. Infertility is among other lasting effects for patients who start blockers at the first stage of puberty and proceed to hormones and surgery. Emma was advised that, to possibly preserve fertility, she would need to pause treatment at some point down the line, with the hopes of developing and freezing sperm.
“I knew what I wanted,” Emma said of her medical transition. “But all this other stuff was kind of just confusing.” Her father said, “We worked really hard to talk to her at her age level to make sure she understood some of these more complicated things.”
When Dutch doctors launched the use of blockers and hormones on trans youth decades ago, they warned in their early papers of the possibility of “false positives” — patients who medically transition, then later declare they are not transgender.
There’s no official tracking of those cases and many practitioners believe the total numbers are small. So far, scores of accounts have emerged in social media, news stories and published research.
Keira Bell, who was prescribed blockers at age 16, then moved on to testosterone and breast-removal surgery, no longer identified as transgender five years after starting to transition. She sued the Tavistock gender clinic in London where she had been treated. (A judge ruled that patients under 16 were unable to consent to puberty blockers — a decision later overturned on appeal.)
Jacy Chavira, looking back on her own experience, thinks that drugs were prescribed too quickly. At 18, she halted her medical treatment and resumed her female identity. Now, she is left with a voice that sounds like a man’s and other enduring physical changes.
“I wish there had been more questions asked by the doctors,” she said. “I wish I hadn’t been steered into transitioning the way I was, and that I had been told there were other ways to cope with the discomfort of puberty.”
Alarmed by the uncertain number of cases like Jacy’s, as well as the rising numbers of patients with gender dysphoria and the psychiatric disorders many display, Sweden is working to standardize adolescent transgender medical treatment and restrict it to research settings.
Finland is also limiting treatment, more closely following the Dutch protocol, and doctors there remain concerned about the physical effects of blockers, including on brain development, said Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala, chief of adolescent psychiatry at a gender clinic in Tampere. (Dr. Kaltiala testified this fall before the Florida medical board as it was considering its ban on treatment.)
As European countries continue to examine and tailor their treatment, in the United States the public discourse about transgender care is growing more incendiary.
Last month, the American Academy of Pediatrics and other medical groups wrote to Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, urging the Justice Department to investigate growing threats of violence against physicians and hospitals that provide transgender medical treatment to adolescents. As more Republicans frame the treatment as child abuse, some doctors have become wary of discussing their work for fear of becoming targets.
More than a dozen doctors declined to be interviewed for this article, and several who spoke to The Times — some who support treatment, others who question it — asked not to be named.
The climate could have a chilling effect on research, said Dr. Natalie Nokoff, assistant professor of pediatric endocrinology at the University of Colorado, who recently conducted a soon-to-be-published study showing that a longer treatment period on puberty blockers was associated with a lower bone density.
“It’s leading to concerns that people’s well-intentioned scientific research could be misconstrued” and exploited for political gain, she said.
The prospect of such an outcome is disheartening for the families of Emma Basques, Ms. Chavira and the teen in New York. Despite their differing experiences, they share the same hopes for transgender medicine: less vitriol, more science.
The analysis commissioned by The Times examined the findings of seven observational studies from the Netherlands, England and Canada, documenting the association between puberty blockers and bone density in about 500 adolescents.
In each study, bone density was measured at the spine and the hip using Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, or DEXA scan. The analysis looked at group means, because not every study released individual person data. Each study’s findings were weighted based on its number of participants.
The change in bone density while adolescents were on blockers was observed to be zero. The analysis also showed that the adolescents’ Z-scores, a measure of bone density that is benchmarked to peers, consistently fell during treatment with blockers.
The studies included are:
“Bone Mass in Young Adulthood Following Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analog Treatment and Cross-Sex Hormone Treatment in Adolescents With Gender Dysphoria,” Klink et. al, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2015
“Effect of Pubertal Suppression and Cross-Sex Hormone Therapy on Bone Turnover Markers and Bone Mineral Apparent Density (BMAD) in Transgender Adolescents,” Vlot et. al, Bone, 2017 
“The Effect of GnRH Analogue Treatment on Bone Mineral Density in Young Adolescents With Gender Dysphoria: Findings From a Large National Cohort,” Joseph et. al, Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2019
“Physical Changes, Laboratory Parameters and Bone Mineral Density During Testosterone Treatment in Adolescents With Gender Dysphoria,” Stoffers et. al, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2019
“Bone Development in Transgender Adolescents Treated With GnRH Analogues and Subsequent Gender-Affirming Hormones,” Schagen et. al, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2020
“Short-Term Outcomes of Pubertal Suppression in a Selected Cohort of 12- to 15-Year-Old Young People With Persistent Gender Dysphoria in the U.K.,” Carmichael et. al, PLOS One, 2021
“Pubertal Suppression, Bone Mass and Body Composition in Youth With Gender Dysphoria,” Navabi et. al, Pediatrics, 2021
Julie Tate contributed research.
Megan Twohey is a prize-winning investigative reporter and a best-selling author who has focused much of her work on the treatment of women and children. @mega2e • Facebook
Christina Jewett covers the Food and Drug Administration. She is an award-winning investigative journalist and has a strong interest in how the work of the F.D.A. affects the people who use regulated products. @By_Cjewett
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nickyysharmi · 6 days
Assessing the Financial Health of NBFCs: A Year-on-Year Perspective
Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) are pivotal in the financial industry, offering a diverse range of services including loans, credit solutions, investment opportunities, and wealth management services.
Exploring Year-on-Year Financial Performance Analysis:
Year-on-year (YoY) financial performance analysis involves scrutinizing the financial data of Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) over successive fiscal periods to understand their growth or decline. This examination sheds light on various operational aspects of NBFCs, such as revenue trends, asset quality, profitability, and risk management. Key metrics used in YoY analysis include:
Revenue Growth: YoY revenue growth reveals how rapidly an NBFC’s income is expanding. Positive growth signifies increasing business volumes, while negative growth can point to operational inefficiencies or challenging market conditions.
Profitability Metrics: Ratios like net profit margin, return on assets (ROA), and return on equity (ROE) offer insights into an NBFC’s profitability. An upward trend in these ratios indicates effective cost management and efficient asset use, reflecting a strong bottom-line performance.
Asset Quality: Understanding the quality of assets is essential for assessing an NBFC’s risk profile. YoY analysis of metrics such as non-performing assets (NPAs), loan loss provisions, and asset-liability management identifies trends in asset quality improvement or deterioration.
Liquidity Position: Liquidity ratios, such as the current ratio and quick ratio, evaluate an NBFC’s capability to meet short-term obligations. YoY changes in these ratios highlight shifts in liquidity position, signaling potential liquidity strengths or risks.
Capital Adequacy: Capital adequacy ratios, like the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) and leverage ratio, measure an NBFC’s capacity to absorb losses and remain solvent. YoY analysis of these ratios evaluates the NBFC’s capital strength and adherence to regulatory standards.
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Approaches for YoY Financial Performance Analysis:
To effectively analyze the YoY financial performance of NBFCs, several methodologies can be applied:
Trend Analysis: This method involves studying financial data over multiple periods to discern patterns and trends. YoY comparisons of financial statements, such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, help in identifying growth trajectories and performance trends.
Ratio Analysis: This approach involves calculating and comparing various financial ratios over consecutive periods. Analyzing YoY changes in profitability, liquidity, efficiency, and solvency ratios enables stakeholders to assess the financial health and performance drivers of the NBFC.
Peer Benchmarking: Comparing an NBFC’s YoY financial performance with industry peers offers contextual insights. Benchmarking against competitors helps in understanding the NBFC’s relative strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning.
Insights from YoY Financial Performance Evaluation:
YoY financial performance analysis provides crucial insights for investors, regulators, and management:
Growth Trends: Positive YoY growth in revenue and profits indicates business expansion and operational efficiency. In contrast, declining trends may highlight market challenges or internal issues that need addressing.
Risk Management: Analyzing asset quality metrics on a YoY basis uncovers trends in credit risk and loan portfolio performance. Increasing NPAs or higher provisioning requirements can signal deteriorating asset quality and elevated credit risk.
Capital and Liquidity Strategy: Changes in capital adequacy and liquidity ratios over time reflect the NBFC’s ability to maintain financial stability and meet regulatory obligations. Improving ratios suggest effective capital and liquidity management practices.
Competitive Analysis: Comparing YoY performance with industry peers offers insights into the NBFC’s competitive position and relative performance. Identifying areas of outperformance or underperformance supports strategic decision-making and performance enhancement initiatives.
Also Read: Optimising Net Interest Margin (NIM) In The Financial Sector (With Examples)
Year-on-year financial performance analysis is essential for assessing the stability, growth, and profitability of Non-Banking Financial Companies. By focusing on key metrics, methodologies, and deriving valuable insights, stakeholders can make informed investment decisions, ensure regulatory compliance, and guide strategic initiatives for sustainable growth. As NBFCs navigate evolving market conditions and regulatory environments, robust YoY analysis becomes fundamental for evaluating financial health and managing risks.
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rinkwrites · 27 days
TWE was Ancient Roman medicine different from modern medicine
(posting my shitty essays that I'm deleting off of my computer so they're still saved somewhere)
One of the biggest differences between Roman medicine and modern medicine is that Romans had no compulsory training to go through before they could become a doctor. To be a doctor today you have to go through years of training and exams and then go through Med School, it involves arduous work, studying and dedication, and anyone who is incompetent would quickly get thrown out. However, in the Roman times pretty much anyone could be a doctor. While a few romans learnt at schools set up and were taught by people with years of practice, some used any old prayers and rituals despite very definite proof that they did not work. While the best Roman doctors were providing better healthcare than anyone else up until about 1850, a lot of Roman doctors believed they could see how to cure patients in the stars. There was a very wide range of capability. Even some of the best doctors such as Galan and Hippocrates, got things wrong. They both believed in the four humours, a theory that has since been widely disproved. They were both also right about a lot of things, Galan worked out that the brain controlled the body by dissecting animals (unlike the Greeks, romans didn’t like the idea of dissecting human corpses, and so they didn’t make a lot of discoveries about human anatomy themselves, most of their knowledge was taken from the Greeks), and the Hippocratic oath which includes the phrase ‘Do no harm’ is still used by doctors today. Despite what they got right people today sometimes laugh at their mistakes and dismiss their research, despite how impressive it was for that day and age. Although good Roman doctors such as Galan and Hippocrates made mistakes, because of what they got right, their knowledge was not questioned until the Georgian and Victorian era’s.
The four humours, a since disproved theory that originated in the Roman empire, was the idea that the human body has four ‘humours’ (myth of chemical systems in the body that regulate human behaviour). One of Hippocrates books, On the Nature of Man, has the line ‘‘The Human body contains blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. These are the things that make up its constitution and cause its pains and health. Health is primarily that state in which these constituent substances are in the correct proportion to each other, both in strength and quantity, and are well mixed. Pain occurs when one of the substances presents either a deficiency or an excess or is separated in the body and not mixed with others.’’ He, and many other people in the centuries since, believed that illness was caused by too much, or too little of one or more of the humours. This theory is called humourism. Doctors believed the best way to restore balance between the humours was by ‘bloodletting,’ a dangerous practice of letting blood out of the body that continued up until the late 1800’s. These doctors were wrong, and many died over the centuries from having too much blood ‘let.’
Another significant difference was that their medicines contained all natural substances, some of which worked, some of which definitely didn’t. Doctor used poppy seeds as a sedative, spider webs to help wounds scab over. These remedies would have been passed down for generations. Some doctors could also conduct minor surgeries with some success, however they also tried to cure toothache with peppercorn and berries, chilblains with boiled turnips, and snake bites with pig poo. On the other hand, today, most medicines are made in labs with chemicals. Some people today still buy ‘natural’ remedies, as they believe just because something was grown in a field rather than in a lab it must be good for them, they feel safer knowing the pills their consuming have olive oil and mint, rather than long complicated chemical names that they cannot pronounce and don’t understand the effects of.
Many Romans had little confidence in their doctors, there are records that say things like ‘’Some doctors charge the most excessive prices for the most useless medicines and drugs, and others in the craft attempt deal with and treat diseases that they obviously do not understand.’’ Another source says, ‘’Until recently Diaulus was a doctor, now he is an undertaker; He is still doing as an undertaker, what he used to do as a doctor.’’ While a few people today have little confidence in their doctor most people would trust them and their knowledge. Some Romans, however, did trust their doctors, many believed that astrologers really could see into the stars and tell them their fate, as we saw in the story ‘astrologus victor’ this did not always end well for people.
Nowadays we are able to treat a lot more people and Doctors are able to set broken bones and cure most diseases, back then many were unable to afford, or could not receive medical help. We also have teams of highly trained doctors working in labs to cure diseases and breakthroughs happen frequently, whereas back then they did not have organised researched teams at high tech labs. Some  of the Roman Emperors had an emperor’s physician, or kidnapped people they believed had a lot of medical knowledge, but there was nothing like the amount of research we have nowadays. We also have vaccinations nowadays, meaning that illnesses such as plagues and flus no longer cause massive pandemics. In the Roman Empire however, infectious diseases would spread quickly and kill hundred and thousands of people, nowadays we have a lot more control, things like the flu and measles are vaccinated against and even when a new disease breaks out (for example covid-19) we can get vaccinations and treatments fairly quickly.
Romans got a lot of their medical knowledge from Greek and Egyptian texts and remedies from the countries they invaded. A lot of influential philosophers and doctors were Greek and were taken by the Romans for their knowledge. Even today some of the medical equipment we use is similar to the Romans. Our operating equipment for minor surgeries such as the removal of the tonsils and our methods for stitching up a wound are almost identical to theirs. Since the start of time humans have been passing on, and often stealing knowledge and ideas from each other.
While there was no compulsory medical training in the roman times, there were still medical schools. Many influential philosophers and doctor set up their own schools where people could go to study their ideas, and some temples to Apollo, the god of plagues and healing (along with music, poetry, art, prophecy, truth, archery, the sun, and light) and his son Asclepius were used as medical schools. Other Gods temples were used by the Romans for more specific things e.g., temples to Juno/Hera Queen of the Gods and Goddess of the family, were used as training places for midwives, and wounds caused in battles were treated in the temples of Athena/Minerva, Goddess of wisdom and war. People also used temples to the gods simply to pray for their loved ones to get better, and even today people still go to places of worship to ask God to heal their family members.
Roman doctors made a lot of advances in pregnancy and childbirth. Examples of birthing stools start to appear around then, and the rate of death drops to only 1 in 50 for a period of time, while that seems incredible high to us, living in modern Britain where less than 1% of woman die during childbirth this was incredibly low for that period in time. Roman midwifes were very respected, and some caesarean sections took place. While the woman would not survive this procedure, the babies quite often would.
During the Roman Empire, much progress was made in knowledge of what causes disease and how. Some of their theories were remarkably close to what we know today. One doctor, Marcus Terentius Varro believed that disease occurred due to minute creatures too small for the naked eye to see. We now know about bacteria and can see them using microscopes. On the other hand, there were also less competent doctor, Lucius Junius Moderatus Columella believed that diseases were caused by swamp vapours, or ‘miasmas’ areas of bad and impure air. This belief was accepted as truth and miasmas were what got the blame for the black death a couple of centuries later.
A lot of the names for our medical terms come from Latin. We still use all of the same names for the bones that they did and the names we use for infectious diseases often derive from Latin. For example, in the word coronavirus, the corona bit comes from the Latin word for crown, due to the crown-like shape of the bacteria that carries the virus.
While Roman some parts of roman medicine seem ridiculous or funny to us, and the high mortality rates can shock us, they were still better than anything else for centuries after, and in some parts of Rome the infant mortality rate was lower than it is in some less economically developed countries today. And however many advances we have made, and however many advances we still continue to make every day, it is important that we acknowledge that we wouldn’t be where we are today in anything without the influence of Romans, and others, for centuries before us.
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seoaucklandnz · 4 months
How can Award Winning Digital Marketing Transform your business?
In today's digital age, the significance of digital marketing for businesses cannot be overstated. From small start-ups to large corporations, the impact of an award winning digital marketing strategy can be truly transformative. Imagine a scenario where your business gains widespread recognition, experiences exponential growth, and establishes a strong online presence; this is the power of digital marketing.
Digital marketing is not just about accolades and recognition; it's about implementing strategies that yield tangible results, propel business growth, and create a lasting impact. In this blog, let’s delve into the intricacies of best digital marketing agency in auckland and explore how it can revolutionise the trajectory of your business.
Understanding Award Winning Digital Marketing
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Businesses can achieve a higher ROI through innovative and effective digital marketing techniques, such as data-driven insights, conversion rate optimisation, and strategic ad placements. By embracing a dynamic and adaptive approach, businesses can unlock unparalleled potential for growth and profitability in the digital realm.
Wrapping Up
The transformative power of digital marketing cannot be overstated. From elevating brand visibility to fostering trust and credibility and from driving exponential growth to maximising ROI, digital marketing has the potential to redefine the trajectory of businesses across industries.
As you navigate the digital landscape for your business, consider the profound impact that digital marketing strategies can have. Embrace innovation, creativity, and a customer-centric approach to carve your path to success in the digital arena. The accolades and recognition that follow will not only validate your efforts but also propel your business to new heights of prosperity and distinction. It's time to harness the transformative potential of award winning digital marketing and set your business on a trajectory of unparalleled success.
Source By - http://tinyurl.com/mprvxd9p 
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fitjourneydaily · 5 months
The Power of Zinc: Immune Support, Antimicrobial Properties, and Plaque Reduction
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In the realm of health and wellness, few minerals stand out like zinc. This powerful nutrient not only plays a crucial role in immune support but also possesses remarkable antimicrobial properties and contributes to plaque reduction. In this article, we will delve into the world of zinc, exploring its benefits and how it can enhance our overall well-being. Understanding Zinc: Zinc is an essential mineral that our bodies require for various physiological functions. It is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions and acts as a catalyst in numerous biochemical processes. Although zinc is found in our bodies in small quantities, it plays a vital role in supporting overall health. Immune Support: One of the key benefits associated with zinc is its ability to boost the immune system. It helps in the development and functioning of immune cells, such as white blood cells, which are crucial for fighting off infections and illnesses. Adequate zinc intake has been shown to enhance immune response, reduce the duration and severity of the common cold, and contribute to faster wound healing. Antimicrobial Properties: Zinc's antimicrobial properties make it a valuable asset when it comes to combating bacterial and viral infections. Several studies have revealed that zinc possesses the ability to inhibit the replication of viruses, including the common cold virus. Additionally, zinc has been found to exhibit antibacterial effects, making it an efficient natural solution in preventing and managing various infectious diseases. Plaque Reduction: Beyond its immune-boosting and antimicrobial properties, zinc also has a positive impact on oral health. Research has suggested that zinc ions can reduce the formation of dental plaque, which is a biofilm composed of bacteria that adheres to teeth surfaces. By inhibiting the growth of bacteria responsible for plaque formation, zinc contributes to improved oral hygiene and reduced risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Adding Zinc to Your Diet: To ensure adequate zinc intake, it is essential to incorporate zinc-rich foods into your diet. Some excellent dietary sources of zinc include oysters, beef, poultry, legumes, nuts, and seeds. For optimal absorption, it is beneficial to combine these foods with sources of vitamin C, such as citrus fruits or leafy greens, as vitamin C aids in the absorption of zinc. Supplementing with Zinc: In some cases, it may be challenging to obtain sufficient zinc through diet alone. In such instances, supplementation can be an effective means of ensuring optimal zinc levels. Zinc supplements are available in various forms, including capsules, tablets, and liquids. However, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate dosage and form of supplementation suitable for your individual needs. Conclusion: Zinc, with its immune-boosting capabilities, antimicrobial properties, and contribution to plaque reduction, is an invaluable mineral in maintaining overall health and well-being. By incorporating zinc-rich foods and, if necessary, supplementing with zinc, you can enhance your immune system, protect against infections, and promote oral health. So, give your body the support it deserves by harnessing the power of zinc. Tags: 1. Zinc benefits 2. Immune support 3. Antimicrobial properties 4. Plaque reductio Revitalize your oral health with DentaFend's Essential Nutrient Formula. Discover the power of this one key nutrient, scientifically proven to combat gum disease and rebuild your teeth. Our specialized formula is designed for those seeking to enhance their dental health naturally and effectively. Whether you're dealing with sensitive gums or looking to strengthen your teeth, DentaFend offers a nutrient-rich solution that targets the root cause of oral health issues. Embrace a future of strong, healthy teeth and gums with DentaFend. Experience the transformative effects of our unique nutrient blend on your oral wellness. Learn more about how DentaFend can revolutionize your dental care routine. Visit the DentaFend Essential Nutrient Formula Product Page. Transform your blood sugar management with Vivotonic, the Advanced Blood Sugar Support Formula. Tailored for those striving to maintain healthy glucose levels, Vivotonic is your ideal partner in your wellness journey. Our expertly crafted formula provides a harmonious blend of natural ingredients known for supporting blood sugar regulation, enhancing your body's ability to manage glucose efficiently. Whether you're pre-diabetic, diabetic, or simply mindful about maintaining balanced blood sugar levels, Vivotonic offers the nutritional support you need. Embrace the path to stable glucose levels and improved overall health with Vivotonic. Discover how our specialized formula can aid in your blood sugar control efforts. Visit the Vivotonic Blood Sugar Support Formula Product Page. Read the full article
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Study on Extremely Preterm Infants Provides Important Healthcare Knowledge - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/study-on-extremely-preterm-infants-provides-important-healthcare-knowledge-technology-org/
Study on Extremely Preterm Infants Provides Important Healthcare Knowledge - Technology Org
Infants born extremely prematurely need to get enrichment as an addition to breast milk. But does it make any difference whether the enrichment is made from breast milk or cow’s milk when it comes to the risk of severe complications in children? This has been investigated by a large clinical study led from Linköping
Baby – illustrative photo. Image credit: Pixabay (Free Pixabay license)
Infants born extremely prematurely, between weeks 22 and 27 of pregnancy, are among the most vulnerable patients in healthcare. The risk of serious complications is very high. Almost one in four extremely premature babies die before the age of one.
There is strong research support for giving breast milk to these children rather than formula made from cow’s milk. It is known that cow’s milk-based formula increases their risk of getting, for example, severe intestinal inflammation and sepsis (severe blood-born infection).
“In Sweden, all extremely preterm infants receive breast milk from their mother or donated breast milk. Despite this, almost one in ten children get a severe inflammation of the intestine called necrotising enterocolitis. It’s one of the worst diseases you can have. At least three out of ten children die and those who survive often have neurological problems afterwards,” says Thomas Abrahamsson, professor at Linköping University and senior physician at the neonatal department at the University Hospital in Linköping, who led the current study.
Unusual study
Historically, there have been very few studies on extremely preterm infants where treatments have been compared against each other. Therefore, there is a great need for clinical studies that can provide scientific support for how these children should be treated to have better chances of survival and a good life.
In some countries, such as Sweden, infants are fed exclusively with either their mother’s breast milk or donated breast milk. However, in order for extremely preterm infants to grow as well as possible, they need more nutrition than breast milk contains. This is why breast milk is supplemented with extra protein, so-called enrichment.
The enrichment has previously been made from cow’s milk. But there have been suspicions that cow’s milk-based enrichment increases the risk of severe complications. Today, there is enrichment that is based on donated breast milk, and which has begun to be used in healthcare in some places. The big question is whether it can reduce the risk of diseases in extremely preterm infants.
Eagerly awaited results
The current study, called N-Forte (the Nordic study on human milk fortification in extremely preterm infants), is the largest that has been carried out to seek answers to this question. The results have been eagerly awaited by paediatricians and others caring for these fragile infants.
“We concluded that it doesn’t matter whether extremely preterm infants get enrichment made from cow’s milk or made from donated breast milk,” says Thomas Abrahamsson.
Although the study indicates that there was no difference between the two options, its results can be useful. The breast milk-based product is estimated to cost more than SEK 100,000 per child, which would be equivalent to around SEK 40 million if the product were to be used in Swedish healthcare.
“On the one hand, we’re disappointed that we didn’t find a positive effect of enrichment based on breast milk. On the other hand, it’s a large and well-done study and we can now say with great certainty that it doesn’t have an effect in this patient group. This is also important knowledge, so that we don’t invest in expensive products that don’t have the desired effect,” says Thomas Abrahamsson.
The N-Forte study included 228 extremely preterm infants, randomly divided into two equally-sized groups that received enrichment made from breast milk and cow’s milk respectively. The researchers examined whether the two groups differed in the incidence of necrotising enterocolitis, sepsis and death. Of the children treated with breast milk-based enrichment, 35.7% had these complications, while the corresponding proportion was 34.5% in the group receiving cow’s milk-based enrichment, which means that there was no difference between the groups.
The results of the study are in line with a smaller study from Canada published in 2018. In that study, the researchers also did not see any difference between the two types of enrichment on necrotising enterocolitis and severe sepsis.
The study was conducted at 24 neonatal departments in Sweden, with financial support from the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Research Council in Southeast Sweden (FORSS), ALF funds and the company Prolacta Bioscience.
Article: Effect of human milk-based fortification in extremely preterm infants fed exclusively with breast milk: a randomized controlled trial, Georg Bach Jensen, Magnus Domellöf, Fredrik Ahlsson, Anders Elfvin, Lars Navér and Thomas Abrahamsson, (2023), eClinicalMedicine, published online 2 January 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2023.102375
Written by Karin Söderlund Leifler, Translation by Anneli Mosell
Source: Linköping University
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throughtrialbyfire · 8 months
"infodump abt ur ocs" you say?
I'm sorry in advance, you've just opened yourself up to being my sounding board for all the stupid thoughts I keep having about my dumb little stories.
--If Ardwe made one slightly different decision and raised Antoriel herself, she would die worse in an even more miserable place, at the hands of the same person. Their relationship would be so hot-and-cold and Antoriel so emotionally unstable having to deal with her untreated mental illness, she wouldn't even know it was a possibility with a knife to her neck. She would find that to be a normal Fridas evening until it was far, FAR too late.
--If Sigvi's mother had made one slightly different decision and stuck out her marriage instead of leaving, Avalanche would have never happened. Sigvi would have never decided to study restoration magic, and she would have far less pity for an enemy. She would have left Antoriel at the foot of the mountain to die, she wouldn't have even done him the kindness of killing him off the rest of the way.
--If both those mothers made those differing decisions, Avalanche would have kicked off with Ardwe getting the axe and Antoriel fleeing into the Rift to meet Sigvi. Mannior would be the main "antagonist" hunting them down for most of it, but it would turn out he wasn't doing so to turn anyone in, he's also in some very hot water, and can't operate without someone who has a backbone propping him upright. He just wants Antoriel to be his stand-in self worth, given Antoriel has plenty to go around.
The real problem would actually be Sigvi's brother who was a character I cut outside of a brief mention in Avalanche. He joined the Empire where Sigvi (and her two other brothers) would side with the Stormcloaks. He wouldn't be evil, he'd just be pressured into compliance after the Thalmor realized the family history.
--If Mannior finds a way to survive after the conclusion of "Ardwe" don't expect to ever hear from him again. No matter how thrilling a tale you might think it would be to hear of his escape from consequences, I assure you, it is not. He's not going to reflect on his behavior, he's not going to uphold his current beliefs if it creates any amount of conflict for him wherever he goes, he's not even going to spend money on interesting things. He is an unseasoned boiled potato of a person, and I pity him the most of all my characters.
--If I could go back in time, I would try harder to fit in my "Orcs working the debt to society off through military conscription" arch instead of plopping them in at the end of Avalanche like I did. Ushra was supposed to be more of a foil to Ardwe to show she isn't without positive traits at all, and I would have set up an emotional expectation via Garlub for people who had previously read Avalanche that would have made Mannior feel all the more pathetic for anyone coming back to read "Ardwe"... If that makes any sense.
--If Antoriel didn't decide to fight Ardwe at the end of Avalanche, Anja would have still been born. And if I was unsure I wanted her gone, I would have explored what pregnancy does to magicka reserves and use simply because I find the idea of hormones interacting with magicka to be a fascinating thought experiment, and pregnancy is one of the most wild (temporary) hormonal fluctuations a person could go through. I think it would make someone's access to magicka go into crazy extremes one way or the other and make using it very dangerous, for the record.
--I hate trying to come up with Altmer names, and always have. Deciding to write a Thalmor fic wasn't the biggest mistake I've ever made, but it certainly felt that way when I had to come up with a billion Altmer names for it.
I've had more pointless thoughts nobody has asked me for, but I have forgotten them. I hope this distracts you, as confusing as it probably is.
SHAKING YOU. never apologize for rambling!! i love when ppl ramble at me, it's always welcomed here!!
do you know how much i love the butterfly effect of "this decision caused a billion other consequences/decisions leading up to one big consequence" concept. it's literally one of my favorite things and this is SO fucking cool.
"He is an unseasoned boiled potato of a person, and I pity him the most of all my characters." i love that so much, i have several characters who can be summarized by the mantra of, "i will never change, i will never improve, that is a promise". i think it can actually make for an interesting character, knowing that they aren't going to change, no matter the circumstances or their escapes from circumstances, and what that does to them or the situations they land in afterwards.
parents making decisions that echo down to their children is something i love seeing. the consequences of family decisions, trauma, or just "what if this went differently" is always a thrilling thought experiment when writing or coming up with new directions to take stories!! i'm hoping to incorporate a bit of that into how i write athenath's relationship with his mother, whatever tiny strain of their relationship remains.
i'm shaking your hand on the whole "if i could go back in time and change this detail". i wanted to incorporate emeros being a hunter and skilled at skinning animals/tanning hide, as it's very important down the line, but i couldn't figure out how, so random wolf event happened. it's the way it goes when you're writing, and all you can do really is work with it the best you can! i understand entirely, wanting to set up an emotional payoff you feel would have been better than what happened is such a real experience aughhhhh
ohhhh i love the idea of hormones having an effect on magicka reserves/magic in general! that's such an interesting concept to play around with, especially with the idea of it becoming very dangerous. that lends itself to all sorts of ideas on what aldmeri/bosmeri/dunmeri pregnancy would be like, or any situation where hormones were involved, such as transitioning or hormonal disorders, or even puberty and how that would impact magicka for someone!
relatable, making fantasy names can be such a nightmare, and knowing there's such a huge amount of already canon altmer names can be so exhausting because it's as though all options are taken. it's a challenge for sure, and i'm always impressed when people have a bunch of altmer ocs!!
i'm eating all of this up, i love reading about people's ocs and i'm always always down for infodumping!! thank you for sending this!!
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budandtender · 11 months
Sailing the CBD Wave: Navigating Novel Foods Authorisation in the UK's Thriving Market
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Cannabidiol (CBD) has gained significant popularity in recent years, thanks to its potential health benefits and non-psychoactive properties. As a result, the market for CBD products has experienced rapid growth, with a wide range of products such as oils, capsules, edibles, and topicals now available to consumers. In response to this burgeoning industry, regulatory bodies like the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) have established criteria for CBD products to obtain novel foods authorisation, ensuring that these products are safe, effective, and compliant with UK regulations.
This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the criteria for UK CBD products to achieve novel foods authorisation, exploring each requirement in detail and highlighting the importance of meeting these standards for both manufacturers and consumers.
Comprehensive Safety Assessment: A Cornerstone of CBD Product Regulation
A key aspect of obtaining novel foods authorisation for CBD products is the comprehensive safety assessment, which serves as a foundation for ensuring that these products pose no risks to human health. This assessment includes providing toxicological data, information on the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of the product, as well as any potential allergenicity or interactions with other substances.
Toxicological data should include studies on the potential adverse effects of the CBD product, while ADME information helps regulators understand how the product is processed within the human body. By demonstrating that their CBD product is safe for consumption, manufacturers can instill confidence in consumers and pave the way for successful authorisation.
Production Process and Quality Control: Ensuring Consistency and Safety
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Another crucial criterion for novel foods authorisation is providing detailed information on the production process and quality control measures in place for the CBD product. This includes outlining extraction methods, purification steps, and other relevant manufacturing processes that contribute to the final product.
Quality control measures are essential for ensuring that the CBD product is consistently safe, of high quality, and free from contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides, or residual solvents. By adhering to strict production standards and implementing robust quality control procedures, manufacturers can guarantee that their products meet the stringent requirements set forth by the UK FSA.
Product Composition and Specification: Transparency and Stability
A comprehensive description of the CBD product's composition is required for novel foods authorisation, including the concentration of CBD and any other cannabinoids, terpenes, or constituents present in the product. This information allows regulators and consumers to have a clear understanding of what they are consuming and ensures that the product is accurately labelled and marketed.
Additionally, information on the product's stability, shelf life, and any potential changes in its composition over time is necessary. This helps to guarantee that the CBD product remains safe and effective throughout its lifespan, further bolstering consumer confidence in the product's quality.
Nutritional Information and Proposed Use: Guiding Consumers Towards Safe Consumption
Applicants seeking novel foods authorisation must provide information on the nutritional value of their CBD product, detailing its impact on the dietary intake of essential nutrients. This information helps consumers make informed decisions about incorporating CBD products into their daily routines while ensuring that they maintain a balanced diet.
Furthermore, applicants should describe the intended use of the product, recommended dosage, target population, and any specific age groups if applicable. This guidance assists consumers in using the product safely and effectively, minimising the risk of adverse effects or interactions with other substances.
History of Consumption or Previous Use: Building on a Foundation of Safety
If available, evidence of the CBD product's history of consumption or previous use can support the safety assessment and provide additional context for the product's intended use. This information, particularly when drawn from other countries or regions where the product has been consumed, can strengthen the case for novel foods authorisation and demonstrate the product's established safety profile.
Scientific Research and Publications: Supporting Claims with Evidence
Finally, applicants are encouraged to include relevant scientific research, publications, or clinical studies that support the safety, efficacy, and quality of their CBD product. This evidence not only demonstrates the product's compliance with UK regulations but also helps facilitate authorisation by providing a solid foundation of scientific support for the product's claims.
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By fulfilling the criteria set forth by the UK FSA and providing comprehensive documentation, CBD product manufacturers can demonstrate their commitment to safety and quality, increasing their chances of obtaining novel foods authorisation. In turn, this authorisation serves as a seal of approval for consumers, ensuring that they have access to safe, effective, and compliant CBD products in the UK market. As the CBD industry continues to grow and evolve, adherence to these stringent standards will be paramount in maintaining consumer trust and fostering a responsible and sustainable market for CBD products.
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mariyamaffrin12 · 1 year
Weight Loss and Appetite Suppressants: A Powerful Combination for Healthy Living
In today's fast-paced world, where convenience often trumps health, many people struggle with maintaining a healthy weight. Excessive weight gain not only affects one's physical appearance but also poses serious health risks. The journey to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight can be challenging, requiring a comprehensive approach that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sometimes, the aid of weight loss supplements. One such category of supplements that has gained popularity is appetite suppressants. In this article, we will explore the concept of appetite suppressants and their role in weight loss, with a focus on a promising product called Primaslim.
Understanding Weight Loss
Weight loss occurs when the body expends more calories than it consumes. While this may sound simple, many factors can hinder this process, including genetics, hormonal imbalances, and an individual's lifestyle. Therefore, finding effective strategies to facilitate weight loss becomes crucial. While diet and exercise are the foundation of any weight loss journey, certain supplements can provide an added boost by addressing specific challenges.
The Role of Appetite Suppressants
Appetite suppressants are a class of supplements designed to reduce hunger and food cravings. They work by influencing the body's appetite-regulating mechanisms, such as hormones and neurotransmitters, to create a feeling of fullness and satisfaction. By curbing excessive hunger pangs and reducing the desire to snack between meals, appetite suppressants can help individuals adhere to a calorie-restricted diet more easily.
One notable appetite suppressant on the market is Primaslim. Primaslim has gained a reputation for its natural ingredients and effective results. Let's take a closer look at what makes Primaslim a popular choice among weight loss enthusiasts.
Introducing Primaslim: A Natural Approach to Weight Loss
Primaslim is a scientifically formulated weight loss supplement that combines the power of appetite suppression with metabolism-boosting ingredients. Its unique blend of natural extracts and nutrients works synergistically to support healthy weight loss. Primaslim's proprietary formula includes ingredients such as Garcinia Cambogia, green tea extract, and chromium, all of which have been extensively studied for their weight loss benefits.
The Benefits of Primaslim
1. Appetite Suppression:
Primaslim's key ingredient, Garcinia Cambogia, contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which has been shown to reduce appetite and food intake. By curbing cravings and promoting satiety, Primaslim helps individuals consume fewer calories without feeling deprived.
2. Metabolism Boost:
Green tea extract, another important component of Primaslim, contains catechins and caffeine that can help boost metabolism. A faster metabolism leads to increased calorie burning, contributing to weight loss.
3. Balanced Blood Sugar Levels:
Primaslim's inclusion of chromium helps regulate blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of sudden drops and subsequent cravings for sugary foods. This balanced blood sugar control can further support weight loss efforts.
4. Natural Ingredients:
Primaslim stands out among its counterparts due to its use of natural ingredients. This aspect is particularly appealing to individuals who prefer a more holistic approach to weight loss.
How to Incorporate Primaslim into Your Weight Loss Journey
While Primaslim can be a valuable tool in your weight loss arsenal, it is essential to remember that it should complement a healthy lifestyle, rather than replace it. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of Primaslim:
1. Consult a Healthcare Professional:
Before incorporating any weight loss supplement into your routine, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional. They can evaluate your individual needs and provide guidance on using Primaslim safely and effectively.
2. Follow the Recommended Dosage:
Primaslim comes with specific dosage instructions. To optimize its benefits and minimize the risk of side effects, it is important to follow these guidelines diligently.
3. Maintain a Balanced Diet:
While Primaslim can help control your appetite, it is still important to consume a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Focus on nutrient-dense foods that nourish your body and support overall well-being.
4. Stay Active:
Regular exercise is a crucial component of any weight loss journey. Incorporate physical activity that you enjoy into your routine, whether it's brisk walking, cycling, or a group fitness class. Exercise not only burns calories but also improves cardiovascular health and boosts mood.
Weight loss can be a challenging endeavor, but with the right approach, it is achievable. Appetite suppressants like Primaslim can play a valuable role in supporting your weight loss efforts by curbing hunger, boosting metabolism, and promoting balanced blood sugar levels. Remember, however, that no supplement can replace the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet and regular exercise. If you're considering incorporating an appetite suppressant into your routine, Primaslim may be worth exploring. To learn more about Primaslim and its potential benefits, visit Primaslim Review.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting any weight loss or supplement regimen.
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itsrajhere · 1 year
Cenforce D Sildenafil Tablets
Introduction of Cenforce D
Treating sexual dysfunction is very important in men. If they are not treated on time, men can suffer from severe sexual dysfunction, permanently damaging their bodies.
The medicine we will discuss, Cenforce D, will help you treat most sexual disorders, including erectile dysfunction. Cenforce is a top-rated medicine that doctors mainly prescribe to their patients to improve their sexual activities.
In this article, we will further learn more about this drug and how this helps in curing men’s sexual health.
Uses of Cenforce
Cenforce medicine was first introduced as a treatment for hypertension and stress. Later as doctors studied its effect, they concluded that it could also be used as a treatment for erectile dysfunction.
Other than some other effects Cenforce D has on the human body are mentioned below. You can also ask your doctor for information related to its use.
It reduces muscle tension and relieves pain.
The blood flow gets increased by taking Cenforce.
Erectile Dysfunction can also be treated with the help of this drug.
You can increase your pre-discharge timing with Cenforce.
Make your sexual life better with the help of Cenforce medications.
How Does Cenforce D Works?
The effect Cenforce can have on your body is exceptional, but the working process of this drug is also amazing. There is an enzyme in your body called PDE5. It slows the blood flow in your body and sometimes causes tension in the body’s muscles, especially the penal part.
There are PDE 5 inhibitors in Cenforce. they block the further production of this enzyme in your body and cause relief to your muscles. They also increase the blood flow, and when your penis is getting enough blood circulation, its erection timing increases ultimately.
Side Effects of Cenforce
Every medicine will have side effects on your body when you don’t use it properly. That’s why we suggest our readers always consult their doctors before taking any medications. If you have taken a high dose, some side effects might appear in your body. These effects are mentioned below:
Common Side Effects
The common side effects of Cenforce D, which are also not that dangerous to your health, are mentioned below:
Fever and High Temperature
Rashes on the Skin
Insomnia or Sleeplessness
Pain in the Muscles
Severe Side Effects
There are also some severe side effects that can appear in the case of high dosage. If you observe any of these effects, immediately rush to a doctor.
Increased Heart Rate
Heart Attack
Blurred Vision
Stomach Infection
Prolonged Erection
Interaction With Other Sexual Medications
Cenforce has PDE5 inhibitor in it. So if you are taking any other medication which also has the same chemical composition, it will have a severely dangerous effect on your body. And all other sexual disorder-treating drugs have PDE 5 inhibitors in them.
So you should not take two medicine of the same category at the same time. The result would be very dangerous, and you might get a severe heart attack from the over dosage of PDE5 inhibitor and due to high blood pressure.
Dosages of Cenforce
A great benefit of Cenforce is that it comes in various dosage types. This variation helps the user to buy the medication which they require according to their health and requirement. The possible dosages of Cenforce available on the market are mentioned below. Also, consult your doctor before taking any other dosage.
Cenforce 25 mg
Cenforce 50 mg
Cenforce 100 mg
Cenforce 120 mg
Cenforce 130 mg
Cenforce 150 mg
Cenforce 200 mg
Alternates of Cenforce
Some people are allergic to certain chemicals in the medication. They cannot take that medicine in any case. If you have a similar situation, share this information with your doctor so he can give you treatment according to that.
Suppose a person is allergic to Cenforce and cannot take this medication. In that case, there are some alternatives available in the market. They have the same effect on the body but have a different chemical composition than the Cenforce. These alternate are:
Safety Advice
While using medicines or drugs, there are some safety measures that every person must know. These safety points will keep you safe and aware of any accident. You can also ask for these points from your doctor. While taking Cenforce D, you must keep the following points in mind:
Always keep the medicine in a dry and cold place and away from the children’s reach.
Check the expiration date on the medicine before taking it.
Never overdose yourself to get more effect of the drug; it will only be dangerous for your health.
If you see any of the side effects mentioned above after taking Cenforce D, see a doctor immediately.
Consult your doctor before taking any oral medications.
Never change the prescribed dosage of the drug without the doctor’s permission.
Take regular medical test runs on yourself to identify any emerging disorder or disease.
FAQs of Cenforce D
1. Where Can I Buy Cenforce?
Ans. Cenforce is a very popular medicine for treating erectile dysfunction. You can find it in almost any pharmaceutical store. You can purchase it from the Damson Pharmacy store online. They have delivery available in the UK, USA and Canada too.
2. Are Cenforce and Viagra the Same?
Ans. The purpose of both Viagra and Cenforce is the same. They both are used to treat sexual disorders in men and provide an addition help in their sexual intercourse. The only thing different is their chemical composition.
3. How Long Does Cenforce Last?
Ans. The lasting timing of Cenforce highly depends on the dosage quantity. But in most cases, this drug’s effect can last up too 6 hours. You can take it 30 minutes before sexual intercourse.
Bottom Line
Treating all diseases, including sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction, is very important. Most men ignore their health or don’t share their sexual disorders, which is very harmful. They must start the treatment to get back to perfect health, so they never have to take any medicine.
All the information you will need on Cenforce D is mentioned in this article. We still suggest you consult your doctor and let him diagnose you properly before you start taking any medication. They will provide you with safe and better treatment.
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phumelelanene · 1 year
From Novice to Evidence-Based Pro
Have you ever wondered how occupational therapists decide on the best course of action for their clients? How do they know which interventions will be most effective, and which ones are backed up by research evidence? The answer is evidence-based practice. In occupational therapy, evidence-based practice involves using the best available evidence to guide intervention decisions, with the ultimate goal of improving client outcomes.
Picture this: You're an occupational therapist, and you're meeting with a new client for the first time. They have a disability that's affecting their ability to participate in their favourite activities, and they're feeling frustrated and discouraged. Your job is to help them regain their independence and find new ways to engage in meaningful activities that bring them joy and purpose.
 The first step in helping your client is to conduct a thorough assessment of their needs, abilities, and goals. This might involve administering standardized assessments, conducting clinical observations, and interviewing the client and their family members or caregivers. But once you've completed the assessment, how do you decide which interventions to use? This is where evidence-based practice comes in. You need to find the best available evidence to guide your intervention decisions.
So, you turn to the research literature to find studies that are relevant to your client's condition or needs. You search databases like PubMed and you evaluate the quality of the evidence you find. You look at things like the study design, sample size, and statistical analysis used in the research.
But evidence-based practice isn't just about following the research blindly. You need to integrate the evidence with your own clinical expertise and knowledge of your client's individual needs and preferences. You need to consider things like their culture, their social context, and their values and beliefs.
Once you've integrated the evidence with your clinical expertise, you can make informed intervention decisions that are tailored to your client's unique needs and goals. You might use a combination of interventions, such as therapeutic exercises, adaptive equipment, and environmental modifications.
And you don't stop there. You continue to monitor and evaluate the outcomes of your intervention, using standardized measures and clinical observations to assess its effectiveness. You make any necessary adjustments to ensure that your client is getting the best possible care.
I have found that evidence-based practice has been essential in my personal growth as a therapist. By following the steps outlined in our coursework and seeking out the latest research, I have been able to provide more effective and individualized care to my clients.
But personal growth in occupational therapy isn't just about following a set of steps - it's about reflecting critically on our practice and seeking out feedback from our supervisors. During my practical’s, I have received valuable feedback from my supervisors that has helped me improve my clinical skills and approaches. They have challenged me to think critically about the evidence and integrate it with my own clinical expertise. Through this process, I have gained a deeper understanding of the importance of evidence-based practice in occupational therapy, and how it can help me provide the best possible care to my clients. I have also learned the value of seeking out feedback and continuing to learn and grow as a therapist.
In conclusion, evidence-based practice is a crucial component of occupational therapy. By using the best available evidence to guide intervention decisions, occupational therapists can provide their clients with the highest quality of care. But evidence-based practice is not just about following the research blindly. It's about integrating the evidence with clinical expertise, cultural competence, and individualized care to create meaningful and effective interventions. So, the next time you meet with a client, remember the power of evidence-based practice and how it can help you help them achieve their goals and live their best lives.
American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA): https://www.aota.org/
World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT): https://www.wfot.org/
OT Potential: https://otpotential.com/
PubMed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
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newseldrick · 1 year
Who foots the bill for Marcos’ Davos trip?
JAN 13, 2023 10:18 PM
The US delegation is lean at 19 members, composed of a sprinkling of cabinet secretaries and some congressmen and headed by labor secretary Martin J. Walsh. No head of government (no Joe Biden). Likewise for India, which is sending a very small delegation of only four union ministers plus three state chief ministers (no Narendra Modi).
Finland’s government portal has also announced that Finnish prime minister Sanna Marin will attend, together with an even leaner delegation of only three ministers.
But for the president of impoverished Philippines who will attend next week’s World Economic Forum 2023 in Davos, Switzerland, there is no transparency in announcing the size of its delegation. Filipinos living in Switzerland who are closely watching the event gave an astounding number – a delegation of at least 70 members, including private and business people, names and designations unknown.
How did our sources know? The invitation was extended by WEF founder and executive chair Klaus Schwab at the sidelines of the Asean Summit in Phnom Penh, Cambodia last November 12. One month later, his first cousin House speaker Martin Romualdez announced that the president was accepting the invitation.
Here’s the problem. The Davos gathering begins on January 16. By the time Marcos Jr. had reached a decision to embark on another foreign trip (his eighth in under 7 months), hotel rooms in Davos have been fully booked since months before (astronomical prices range from “the crappiest hotel rooms at $500 a night, and a private chalet costing $140,000 for the week,” says a past business attendee, and that is 2011 prices yet). The result – Philippine representatives in Bern have been scrambling to find hotel rooms for a delegation that numbers at least that size of 70 persons.
So they turned to the nearest city, Zurich. The choices are the Hyatt hotels in town of which there are three: Park Hyatt Zurich (5-star, P39,040 standard rate per night), Hyatt Place Zurich Airport The  Circle (4-star, P9,997 standard rate), and Hyatt Regency Zurich Airport The Circle (4-star, P11,182 standard rate). For a huge delegation from a poverty-stricken nation, that is no peanuts.
Marcos Jr. is not the first Filipino president to attend the WEF. There was his current adviser Gloria Macapagal Arroyo in 2008 (delegation size unknown) and Benigno Aquino III (seven).
What did these past Davos visits achieve for the ordinary Filipino? At most, there were “investors who signified their intention to expand,” while “new business groups have committed to invest.” No figures were given. All presidents go to Davos using the same worn-out plot: “to seek international recognition of the Philippines’ economic gains.” Aquino reported on his anti-corruption drive and the arrest and jailing of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on corruption charges.
For Davos 2023, 52 heads of states and governments have been invited to attend. The only other Asian head of government attending is South Korea president Yoon Suk-yeol. Among the other presidents attending are those of Spain, Colombia, Poland, South Africa, Switzerland, and the chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz representing the only major European power to attend.
Academic scholars from the University of Götinggen in Germany, University of California at Berkeley, National University of Singapore, and the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (Kiel, Germany) have asked the question: Does it pay off to attend Davos? From 2009 to 2016, the researchers noted that a majority of attendees come only from first world economies (the US, the UK, and Switzerland topped). “The annual meeting is dominated by high-income countries, and the share of attendees from low and middle income countries is stagnating.”
Moreover, by studying the number of company attendees across all given years, the research “did not find evidence of a positive Davos effect on firm performance.” It also “did not detect any measurable effect” of Davos attendance of heads of states in firm performance.
Zurich Magazine does not offer much positive outlook either. “As a gathering of the global elite, Davos has often been a lightning rod for protests about everything from the rapid globalization of the 1990s to the runaway climate change of this century.” As a consolation, it offers two solid achievements: “Davos helped to avert war between Greece and Turkey with the signing of the Davos Declaration in 1988. It was also in Davos that Gavi, the vaccine alliance, was launched in 2000.”
The reality is, WEF is all glam. Davos is an upscale ski resort in the German-speaking side of the Swiss Alps. It has been criticized by some as  “a talking shop for the jetset that merely adds to the world’s carbon footprint.”
The theme of this year’s WEF is “Cooperation in a Fragmented World.” It attempts to look at the crises that have deepened divisions in the geopolitical world. One of the highlights of the meeting will be discussions on Ukraine and its need for a post-war reconstruction effort.
Among the five topical themes is “high inflation, low growth and high debt economics.” But for the president of the Philippines, his topic in Davos will be the Maharlika Investment Fund. Imagine a thief who once deposited his family’s loot in Swiss bank accounts and who now wants the world to know that he is suddenly a beggar for investors’ money. Unconfirmed reports say among the participants in the Marcos entourage will be Irene Marcos Araneta. If true, let the implication of that sink in.
By the way, among the 70 or so in that huge entourage will be showbiz stars who will entertain the “meet and greet” with Filipinos in Switzerland. The likely venue will be one of the Hyatt hotels. Again, no names of the performers have been specified.
So who foots the bill for Davos? Not the Marcoses. Us.
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fitjourneydaily · 5 months
The Power of Zinc: Immune Support, Antimicrobial Properties, and Plaque Reduction
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In the realm of health and wellness, few minerals stand out like zinc. This powerful nutrient not only plays a crucial role in immune support but also possesses remarkable antimicrobial properties and contributes to plaque reduction. In this article, we will delve into the world of zinc, exploring its benefits and how it can enhance our overall well-being. Understanding Zinc: Zinc is an essential mineral that our bodies require for various physiological functions. It is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions and acts as a catalyst in numerous biochemical processes. Although zinc is found in our bodies in small quantities, it plays a vital role in supporting overall health. Immune Support: One of the key benefits associated with zinc is its ability to boost the immune system. It helps in the development and functioning of immune cells, such as white blood cells, which are crucial for fighting off infections and illnesses. Adequate zinc intake has been shown to enhance immune response, reduce the duration and severity of the common cold, and contribute to faster wound healing. Antimicrobial Properties: Zinc's antimicrobial properties make it a valuable asset when it comes to combating bacterial and viral infections. Several studies have revealed that zinc possesses the ability to inhibit the replication of viruses, including the common cold virus. Additionally, zinc has been found to exhibit antibacterial effects, making it an efficient natural solution in preventing and managing various infectious diseases. Plaque Reduction: Beyond its immune-boosting and antimicrobial properties, zinc also has a positive impact on oral health. Research has suggested that zinc ions can reduce the formation of dental plaque, which is a biofilm composed of bacteria that adheres to teeth surfaces. By inhibiting the growth of bacteria responsible for plaque formation, zinc contributes to improved oral hygiene and reduced risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Adding Zinc to Your Diet: To ensure adequate zinc intake, it is essential to incorporate zinc-rich foods into your diet. Some excellent dietary sources of zinc include oysters, beef, poultry, legumes, nuts, and seeds. For optimal absorption, it is beneficial to combine these foods with sources of vitamin C, such as citrus fruits or leafy greens, as vitamin C aids in the absorption of zinc. Supplementing with Zinc: In some cases, it may be challenging to obtain sufficient zinc through diet alone. In such instances, supplementation can be an effective means of ensuring optimal zinc levels. Zinc supplements are available in various forms, including capsules, tablets, and liquids. However, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate dosage and form of supplementation suitable for your individual needs. Conclusion: Zinc, with its immune-boosting capabilities, antimicrobial properties, and contribution to plaque reduction, is an invaluable mineral in maintaining overall health and well-being. By incorporating zinc-rich foods and, if necessary, supplementing with zinc, you can enhance your immune system, protect against infections, and promote oral health. So, give your body the support it deserves by harnessing the power of zinc. Tags: 1. Zinc benefits 2. Immune support 3. Antimicrobial properties 4. Plaque reductio Revitalize your oral health with DentaFend's Essential Nutrient Formula. Discover the power of this one key nutrient, scientifically proven to combat gum disease and rebuild your teeth. Our specialized formula is designed for those seeking to enhance their dental health naturally and effectively. Whether you're dealing with sensitive gums or looking to strengthen your teeth, DentaFend offers a nutrient-rich solution that targets the root cause of oral health issues. Embrace a future of strong, healthy teeth and gums with DentaFend. Experience the transformative effects of our unique nutrient blend on your oral wellness. Learn more about how DentaFend can revolutionize your dental care routine. Visit the DentaFend Essential Nutrient Formula Product Page. Transform your blood sugar management with Vivotonic, the Advanced Blood Sugar Support Formula. Tailored for those striving to maintain healthy glucose levels, Vivotonic is your ideal partner in your wellness journey. Our expertly crafted formula provides a harmonious blend of natural ingredients known for supporting blood sugar regulation, enhancing your body's ability to manage glucose efficiently. Whether you're pre-diabetic, diabetic, or simply mindful about maintaining balanced blood sugar levels, Vivotonic offers the nutritional support you need. Embrace the path to stable glucose levels and improved overall health with Vivotonic. Discover how our specialized formula can aid in your blood sugar control efforts. Visit the Vivotonic Blood Sugar Support Formula Product Page. Read the full article
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borismartin12 · 2 years
Veganism Benefits and Get over Challenges
Veganism is defined as eating exclusively animal-free foods and avoiding the usage of additional animal products.
Vegans are those who adhere to the vegan diet or ideology. There may be distinctions to be made between various types of veganism.
Let us look at the benefits of turning vegan since the number of individuals interested in veganism is expanding and more people are just wondering about what a vegan diet comprises.
What does it mean to eat a vegan diet?
A vegan diet is entirely made up of plant-based items, however many non-vegan meals have plant-based equivalents. Veganism is a lifestyle for some people, not merely a diet. In this situation, individuals should avoid animal-tested cosmetic items, avoid wearing real fur or leather, and examine if anything has had a negative influence on animals before purchasing it.
While there are many reasons to eat a vegan diet, the health benefits are gaining a lot of scientific attention.
Vegans are slimmer and have lower cholesterol, and blood pressure, and there is some evidence that there are other health benefits that can contribute to a longer lifespan.
Benefits to metabolism, cardiovascular health, and cognition are just a few examples.
Eating meat, dairy, and eggs is not only bad for the environment and animals; it is also bad for our health.
Many vegan diets are high in plant-based protein, which is free of the health risks associated with animal-derived protein.
Take a look at some of the benefits listed below:
1. Vegan meals are high in the vitamins and minerals that your body needs.
A vegan diet rich in entire foods such as fruits, vegetables, pulses, grains, nuts, and seeds will provide you with all of the nutrients you require. Vegans consume more fiber, antioxidants, potassium, magnesium, folate, and vitamins A, C, and E.
2. Eating a vegan diet lowers our chances of developing cancer and other ailments.
Because plant-based meals are high in phytochemicals, such as the potent antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables, eating vegan can help lower our risk of illness.
3. Vegan cuisine can help you feel better.
Following a humane lifestyle that avoids killing animals is a given, and studies suggest that vegans are happier than meat-eaters. Vegans and vegetarians scored higher on depression tests and mood profiles than fish and meat-eaters.
4. Veganism can assist you in achieving a healthy body weight.
Vegan meals have fewer calories than animal-derived foods, making it simpler to maintain a healthy weight without constantly calorie-counting. Vegan meals have much less saturated fat than animal products, and several studies have revealed that vegans have lower BMIs than non-vegans.
5. It can aid in the prevention of type 2 diabetes.
Vegans have lower blood sugar levels than non-vegans, and their risk of getting type 2 diabetes is reduced by up to 78 percent, according to research. Consuming a variety of nutritious plant-based meals can also assist to reduce the risk factors for diabetes, such as obesity.
6. Your skin may also benefit.
Who does not want to have healthy-looking skin? Dairy is one of the main offenders when it comes to skin problems. Research has proven that dairy consumption worsens acne in both men and women. Vegans consume more fruits and vegetables, which means they consume more antioxidants and vitamins, which are essential for healthy skin.
7. Eating a vegan diet can help with arthritis discomfort.
Because eating animal-derived foods is connected to pain-causing inflammation, studies have shown that eating a diet rich in healthful vegan foods can help lessen the symptoms of arthritis. Eating probiotic plant-based foods, such as fermented vegetables and non-dairy yogurts with living cultures, can aid to enhance nutrient absorption and decrease inflammation in the large intestine.
How to Get Beyond the Vegan Challenges?
Going vegan may be a life-changing experience. It can improve your energy levels and skin clarity, as well as lessen the harmful effects your lifestyle has on the environment. Veganism, on the other hand, can be difficult. Many of us are unaware of how many items include animal products. Learning how significant a shift is required and the degree of dedication required might be frightening.
The next sections will look at some of the things you can do to get through the early challenges of being vegan.
Look for vegan junk food that you enjoy.
This may seem strange to put first on the list, but it is an important aspect of making the move to veganism easier. Giving up animal products will most likely have the most impact on your junk food intake. Gummy-based sweets are frequently prepared with animal fats, and most chip flavors involve dairy ingredients. Find something fun, tasty, and vegan to eat while the rest of your pals buy pizza or you are on a date so you don't feel like you're missing out.
You'll want to join in if everyone else is having a good time and eating junk food. Make certain you can.
Concentrate on adding foods rather than removing them.
When it comes to turning vegan, it's easy to feel confined and upset if you focus on all the foods you're not eating. Instead, if you concentrate on the foods you are included in your diet, it'll be much simpler to feel good about the change.
Find information about vegan non-food items.
Veganism isn't only about what you eat. It also pertains to the items you use in your house and daily life. Experts point out that there is a slew of goods that you would not realize utilize animal products until you do your homework. Animal-derived substances can be found in plastic bags, birth control, soap, cosmetic products, and cleaning goods.
You'll be eating more veggies, but take it easy at first.
When you drastically increase the number of veggies you consume, your body needs time to acclimatize. Your gut flora, in particular, isn't accustomed to the quantity of fiber you're consuming. If you eat too quickly, you might expect a lot of bloating. Your body will adjust, but you can make it easier on yourself by ensuring sure your fiber levels aren't suddenly sky-high.
Recognize your weaknesses.
There were some vitamins and minerals that you were deficient in even before you became vegan. As your body adjusts to the new food you're giving it, paying attention to your nutritional demands can help keep your mind clear and your energy levels up.
Don't be too hard on yourself; select a source that you enjoy and can easily absorb.
Learn how to decipher babels.
With the popularity of veganism on the increase, several businesses are attempting to provide vegan alternatives to traditional foods. When purchasing vegan meats, cheeses, or other comparable items, use caution. These goods are often vegan, however, they aren't particularly healthful.
These things should assist you in making the transition to veganism as painless as possible. Of course, each individual is unique. Allowing oneself to eat meals that make you unhappy is a mistake. There will be a method for you to be vegan and satisfied at each meal.
Vegans will enjoy Halal5's delectable vegan meals. You may either go to the restaurant or order dinner online using the MealHi5 app, where you'll find a variety of discounts and deals.
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