#Huey’s face tho-
paw-present · 2 years
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ong, another ducktales redraw? how creative of me!
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firstaidspray · 1 year
Also to prev post, I give that honor to pretty much every main mgsv character with a few exceptions
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bambiilooloooo · 2 months
kind of a rant/critique on dt17
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it is my fav show but this really bothers me. idk if my rant gets to the point but i hope u can get at least some of what i'm trying to say
i love gandra and then i realised how much of her character i just made up in my head. i convinced myself she had a great redemption arc. like bro she really didn't?? everything happens off screen. i still love her but i was watching swanstantine and she flash bomed webbers and dew and i was like WOAH and like why was i surprised??she would do that!!
but that makes her sudden redemption later so weird?? and yea ik she was always complcated and i get it but it was still SO rushed. i agree she always had good in her but i can't let go her actually harming and helping harming kids and not getting any on screen reprucussions other than anxiety huey ya know?
her and fenton just suck face in late s3 and like cute sure. but it leaves u feeling meh
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they're so lame. i want them to die
back on topic. that's a problem with dt17 in general i think. they have SO MANY characters that that wanna do a lot with and they hint at such interesting things (eg : THE DELLA + GYRO DYNAMIC i'm obsessed with and have fanfictions play out in head but there are only crumbs in the show) but never do anything with them. or at least not enough. and u can say it's cuz it only had 3 seasons and yea i see that but it's just smth i wanna talk about
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like this scene is adorable but can we talk about how gladstone and fethry ur supposed to feel like they are part of the squad in moonvasion but they're BARELY in the fucking show?? AND DON'T THINK I'LL FORGET HOW THEY GLOSS OVER FETHRY'S TREATMENT- the show sure did
by the finale, we're supposed to think they're this big happy family but like?? fendra developemt was all off-screen, gyro's bond with b.o.y.d is never developed after their reunion, may and june sure are there i guess. i love all the characters i mentioned but mostly cuz of what we can do with them further
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i think it's a testement to the show's great character writing how much i love these characters that ultimately get very little screentime but again the fact they have so little to do is annoying and they can do so much with these characters and their stories still.
it's a strength how endearing the side characters are and the potential they have and it's annoying how there's like no official content rlly delving into the ideas they clearly had.
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ok i have more thoughts but rant over for now. if anyone wants to talk about ducktales, plz invade my ask box.
i'm taking a break doing coloured drawings of them but i might post my sketches idk. i'll do the colour pallete requests i have in my ask box within the next week tho
i love u duckblr
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ashenberry · 3 months
oh yeah here's like. the mgs as sonic mobians ideas so far. excuse my z's it's a typing habit thats . EXTREMELY noticeable on discord :sob:
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[ID: discord message that reads "David: dog [husky spefically] hal: fox? idk what bread though sunny: deer raiden: fox i think eli: wolf [he took after eva more then david] big boss: husky as well kaz: havent decided yet but im thinking fox because of vibes ocelot: AN OCELOT. DUH (emoji of a unamused face)" note: in original message all instances of the letter 's' was replaced with a 'z'. end ID]
THROWING JOEYS MESSAGES ONTO THIS ASK BC I THINKKK im maybe not the best person to ask yall are a lot more invested then i am i kind of begin and end at "oh. ottercon is a fun pun name"
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[ID: 3 replyes from counterfeitubiquity that read @\teamaerialcombo gets dragged in the room by the scruff Hi. i have created fursonas i mean mobians for any major metal gear character you could ask for which means i basically have it all figured out. ignore the fact that the only way i can make fursonas is by making mobians. my own personal fursona is a mobian. or nermie if u are of higher class. REGARDLESS I GOT U all the snakes are canines of sorts, wolves are an obvious but reasonable choice. venCHARACTER LIMIT @\teamaerialcombo venom is a mouse actually idk if ashen ever posted the doodle but venom is a mouse that underwent surgery to look like a wolf. ocelot is obvious. the boss would honestly be a canine also, i think i said hyena or coyote? the sorrow is prolly a feline. kaz is a fox not just for foxhound reasons but also for japanese reasons. i have thoughts about that dw abt it u can ask me tho. paz and quiet are cats, otacon is. fucking obviously an otter and strangelove @\teamaerialcombo CHARACTER LIMIT AGAIN strangelove is a ferret huey is a weasel. sunny is an ouppy ive drawn her and snake and otacon together actually idk if ive ever posted it though. uhhh i cant think of anyone else i care about enough rn to give them a mobian on the spot does this answer ur question end ID]
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knuckles-junior · 1 year
I’ve been working hard on my new fanfic of Ducktales. It takes place after the series. And I decided to show you all a sneak peek of it. Enjoy!
It's...all over. F.O.W.L has been defeated.
The adventures of Scrooge McDuck has come to an end. As the McDuck family and all of their friends were all riding the sunchaser home, Scrooge was the only one who was trying to keep himself awake as he watched Donald and Della sleeping beside him. Everyone in the plane was also sleeping. The kids and Mrs. Beakley were all cuddled up together.
As they almost reached McDuck Manor, the duck family decided to let their friends stay to have a well deserved rest. Donald also wanted to bring May and June so that he can have them meet Daisy. While Launchpad was taking the wheel, he turned around, even though he's not supposed to while driving, he looked at everyone sleeping and gave out a smile. He'll surely never forget the day that he went all out being a hero in that Gizmoduck gear.
"Launchpad!" Della yelled as she took the wheel. "Do I have to do everything myself?!" She groaned. Nobody would want another crash like what happened when Launchpad accidentally opened the back door of the plane that made everyone fly out. She gave out a sigh.
When they arrived, they all walked to the front door of the mansion. Everyone just wants to sleep after a long battle that they've faced.
"Night, Mr. McDee. I gotta get home to watch the Darkwing Duck marathon!"
"I had to face F.O.W.L on my own, Donald almost died, and you want to watch Darkwing Duck at TWO IN THE MORNING?!"
Donald shushed at Scrooge and Launchpad. "The kids are sleeping!" He whispered as he looked at May and June sleeping. "Awwwww." He carried them to the mansion.
Scrooge sighed. He noticed that Launchpad had left, meaning that he is the only one left outside. He looked up to the stars. Suddenly, he reminded himself of his past. The last couple of years have been frightening for him and his family. From the shadow war, to the alien invasion, and to the point where the world was almost erased from an evil organization.
Everything that man that he trusted all those years discovered his true colors in front of him.
Especially when he was the one who was behind Della’s disappearance. Scrooge will never forgive someone like Bradford ever again. After what happened today, he's wondering what will happen to his future of being an adventurer. He entered the mansion and closed the door. The kids heard Scrooge come in.
He took a few steps forward to his family. Everyone was silent. Each of them wanted to say something, but they didn’t have the strength to do it. It shows that everyone has had it hard yesterday. Scrooge took a deep breath.
“How’s…everyone doing?” He asked.
Webby looked up to her father. “…We’re fine, now that we’re all safe at home.”
“It sure was tough dropping everyone off tho.” Dewey stretched his arms.
"We're just glad that we took down F.O.W.L together. As a family," Huey added.
“And I’m so glad that my dad is safe too.” Webby jumped and hugged Scrooge.
“…Thank goodness…” A tear dropped from the old man’s eye and he began to sob.
“I’m sorry…I just…can’t even get over the fact that I’m a dad now… and I’m just glad that everyone is alright.” Scrooge swiped his tears away.
“Of course we are!” Della exclaimed. “Nothing can tear us apart now, Uncle Scrooge!”
Donald agreed. “You said it! We’ll always be with you. No matter what.”
“We had to save you, because you’re our uncle!” Dewey gives Scrooge a hug. “You’ve done so much for us, and now we want to return the favor to you. We are the Duck family after all. Right, guys?”
Everyone nodded in agreement and huddled together for a group hug. Mrs. Beakley checked the time and it was close to 3 A.M.
“We should all rest. We’ve been through too much yesterday. Even the past eleven years.” She said.
Everyone agreed. They were ready to get to sleep in their bedrooms, but Webby didn’t want to feel alone after what she’s been through. She stopped Scrooge.
“Hey, dad? You don’t mind if I…sleep with you?” Webby asked.
“Of course, Webby darling.”
After Scrooge and Webby changed into their pajamas, they cuddled up in bed together.
“Goodnight, dad.” Webby gives Scrooge a kiss on the cheek.
Scrooge smiled. “Goodnight, Webby.”
Webby turned off the light of the lamp. They both closed their eyes and went to sleep, until there was more than one footstep being heard from the hallway. The bedroom door opened as some people were sneaking around in the blanket. Webby turned the lamp back on and saw Huey, Dewey, Louie, Donald and Della on the bed with them.
“Wha?!” Scrooge caught the others on his bed. They gave out an innocent smile and some awkward laughs.
Della cleared her throat. “Uncle Scrooge? Can we all uhhhh….”
“Fine. Just for tonight.”
“Well it’s past midnight actually.” Huey clarified.
“Anyone wanna sleep in?” Dewey asked.
Louie nodded. “Everyday.”
“I could sure use it.”
Webby gave out a smile. “Us too.”
“Alright. Goodnight, kids.” Scrooge closed his eyes.
Everyone cuddled up with Scrooge. “Goodnight, Uncle Scrooge.”
And with that, everyone has fallen asleep. By the look on Scrooge’s smile, he really needed his kids to comfort him. He felt so lucky to have an amazing family. While everyone was asleep, Della suddenly remembered that Donald was leaving for his adventure with Daisy soon. She closed her eyes and cried herself to sleep. After all the adventures they’ve been through and including their very last, the duck family and their friends slept for over a day.
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mundanemiseries · 12 days
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tfw reading thru some of Blade's stuff in game and i just realized
Huey (the previous grand sorcerer, the dude who via magic stuff™ allowed him to become his own person instead of just yk, a combat unit meant solely for assassinations) never properly ordered Blade to stay put in the dead zone where Eiden finds him like 20 years later.
it was kinda just "so im just going, do whatever really you could just stay here and keep tabs on whats going on i guess no promises on if i ever come back tho" and Blade kinda just
takes that all as an order at face value. considering how he does seem to hold Huey in pretty high regard (especially compared to the other clan members that knew Huey) probably cause he genuinely trusts the guy and trusts that he would come back. but as the game showed, he never did, leaving Blade waiting in the forest for him as everything slowly died around him for decades and-
;w; idk im having feelings
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ur1simp · 1 month
Seven 11
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sorry About my break..I've been busy with stuff and I've been working on writing..
Y/N was at Seven 11, getting chips and f/D (favorite drink). She saw a boy who was about 5'4, brown hair, jeans, Nike shoes, jean jacket and a red vest. She shrugged and paid for everything.
She grabbed her backpack and put the chips in. She soon got on her skateboard and skated away. She entered the school, girls staring at the door...not at you...but to the boy you JUST saw at seven eleven.
Wait, that's the new kid! He better not take your place in being he popular kid. Y/N walked over to Jennifer, Jennifer smiled as the new kid did a smile smirk.
Great, now he has your best friend under a spell..great...just great.
You put everything into your locker and grabbed a couple books, his locker wasn't near yours but near your class. Girls shoved you out of the way to get to him, to which you spilled your drink everywhere.
"ugh! Watch it!"
Y/N shouted as the girls ignored her. She walked into the class to see the same boy next to her, well his desk next to hers taken by him. Girls were staring, even your best friend..
"hey, uhm, sorry about the shirt. Guess once girls see a loveable, strong, and handsome boy they would do anything to get near him. Am I right?"
The boy said, he smile-smirked and chuckled at his own "joke".
"listen, I don't know who you are. But I know you're following me. Stop!"
Y/N yelled, she gripped her books tighter, the corners of her books digging into her skin.
"woah, okay, okay chill.."
The boy said. He looked around and would smirk at girls. Girls would giggle, squeal, look away, and blush.
"well, class, today we have a new student. Welcome Mr.McFly! This is our new student named Martin McFly!"
The teacher clapped, and all the girls of course clapped. y/n being the cool girl just coughed.
It was lunch..finally. Jennifer sat by you, she instantly kept her eyes on Marty.
"are you okay?"
Y/N asked. She ate the chips she had bought at the store.
"I'm okay, I think I may ask that boy out...Marty McFly.."
Jennifer sighed and smiled
"he's cute!"
Jennifer squealed
Marty glanced over at them and he winked..but to who? It had to of been to Jennifer...deffinetly not Y/N...right?
Y/N felt a bit of heat sneak up on her face. She looked at Jennifer, who happily ate her food.
"you're weird, you know that?"
Y/N joked as Jennifer shrugged and continued to eat.
Finally schools over. I grab my skateboard and skate out of there. I go turn into my garage and I saw the same boy, Marty. Great now he's my neighbor?
I ignore him and ran to my room. I shut the door, I looked outside and watched him go inside.
Sure that sounds weird, but I can't help to think that...he is cute..
Oh no, I'm a crushing on him?!
This will NOT become a full on series, I'll probably make another part tho!!
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mrgladstonegander · 2 months
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was thinking of wasian ducktales, and i tried thinking of how characters would refer to each other in vietnamese :^) i think the specific rules might be different per area/dialect, but there are some general ones. im also limited in my vietnamese bc i’ve only learned it with my family, so if any other viet-speaking/vietnamese ppl want to add anything, im fine with that!
this is hard mainly bc there aren’t canon ages for (most of) the characters. vietnamese pronouns rely pretty heavily on them 😅 to explain this lightly:
the pronoun is based on gender and (relative) age. “I” would be how the other person (should) refer to you, and the other person would use what you’d call them
Huey is older than Dewey and Louie, so he would call himself “anh” (older boy) and call them “em” (younger). Dewey and Louie would probably just call him by his name bc they dont care he’s older by a few seconds (also they dont seem like they wouldnt learn a second language lol) (or they’d just use “anh” w/o bis name)
Assuming Webby is older, she could call herself “chi” (older girl), and call the triplets “em”, but the fact theyre so close + bc they’re friends, they might just use names talking to each other. “bạn” means friend, and they might call her that at first but it feels kind of weird to me since they’re family
also i didnt note it but Webby and Donald using con(child)/chú is like saying that she’s Donald’s kid too; i felt like that’s be correct, though when first meeting “em” would be more correct.
Note 2: “anh Gladstone/Fethry” is closer to “Cousin Gladstone/Cousin Fethry”, but the fact that theres a 20+ year difference makes that feel weird to me 😅 even if Gladstone+Fethry aren’t literally their uncles. “chú” would be if one of them is younger than Della, “bác” is if they’re older. I think Fethry would would refer to the other duck cousins as “anh/chị” bc he’s nice like that lol. HDL would have to call themselves “con”, and Webby would probably use “em”
How Donald/Della refer to each other would depend on who’s older, and how they’d refer to Gladstone + Fethry would depend on how old their parents are relative to their dad (bc they’re related through Quackmore). For example, even if Gladstone is younger, if Daphne is older than Quackmore, Don+Della would have to call him “anh”
‼️I JUST REALIZED SOMETHING WRONG‼️Della would call HDL “con” (child). honestly she’d probably refer to Webby as that too. “cô” is like the female version of chú
this is getting long note 3: Fenton calling Gyro “anh” makes sense bc he respects Gyro (and i hc Gyro is being older tbh), but Gyro calling Fenton “nó” is like. pretty rude/dismissive, especially to that person’s face). (it’s like saying “that guy over there” abt a random person on the street or to an animal. Fenton probably has enough self-respect just to use “em” tho lol) post-Astro Boyd they’d probably use em/anh for each other
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lukaxalhaithamreal · 1 year
Deity of Sun
first post, so please repost with feedback <3 This is a nukani nsfw fic.
(I dunno why, but it feels right to put it here.)
Ships included: Quincy x OC(main focus), Edmond x Dante(mentioned)
Warnings: fluff (cringe?), Author's first fic, smut, bottom OC, top character, Post Eiden, Established Relationship, Eiden not knowing about the established relationship, Eiden not knowing about OC. Manhandling, multiple orgasms, pet names (love, sweet), Eiden being so confused and surprised to feel horny, Eiden listens in on the devious acts (by accident tho)
The only people who know about my OC name is Quincy, Blade, Kuya, Aster, Morvay and Dante (Dante views OC as a Solorian religious deity.)
Eiden remembers asking Dante about Solorian religion. And of course, Dante swells with pride, conversing about his culture.
"Soloria worships one ultimate godly ruler."
"Akua o ka lā."
From what Eiden remembers about Akua o ka lā is that, He made the sun in the lands of the fire territory. Legends has it that with the sun, he used it to control the weather. Dante stated that he was rumored to have long, chocolate brown hair fading into a gold color and pink feminine eyes.
The way Dante described him, he sounded hot!
He wanted know more about him. Eiden asked Olivine, but the priest knew as much as Eiden.
Basically nothing.
So, he wanted to ask the oldest person he knows.
And that's what led him to his current predicament.
On the outside of Quincy's door, listening in on a symphony of high pitched whines and low octave groans.
-On the other side of the door-
Quincy nips at the smaller man's neck. The smaller arches his back in pleasure.
"Winnixa..." Quincy called to the man currently taking all of his thrusts.
"Ah~ha, ah~" the man now identified as Winnixa violently moves up and down at the pace Quincy has set.
Quincy abrupted stops his movements and Winnixa loudly cries out.
"W-why~ y-y~you sto-"
He was cut off by Quincy quickly pulling out and suddenly changing his position.
Ass up, face down.
With a swift reentry, Quincy redoubles his efand increases his speed tenfold.
Winnixa's cries and pleads are also increased tenfold.
He was actually screaming his lungs out.
Winnixa lost count of how many he came.
He had tears running down his pink colored eyes.
Winnixa felt Quincy's big hand in his chocolate brown and gold curly hair.
-Back to Eiden-
Eiden was flabbergasted on so many things.
Who's Winnixa? How does Quincy know this man? What's their relationship?
He decides to leave the 'lovebirds'(?) alone.
He would ask Quincy about it tomorrow.
-The next day-
Eiden intercepted Quincy at breakfast.
"Hey Quincy!" Eiden greets.
"Hm." in Quincy language that means 'God morning to you too.'
"So um, I have a question for you. Who was tha-"
"So I was right. You were the snooper last night."
"Wait, so you knew I was there for awhile?!" Eiden nearly yelled out before realizes they are right in of Edmond and Dante's room.
They both are grumpy in the morning when awakened before their natural time.
"Follow me." Is all Quincy said before making his way back to his room.
Now, Eiden is face-to-face the mystery man from last night.
With a slight blush on his face, Winnixa introduced himself.
"Hello, I'm Winnixa. I'm also a member of the clan back when Huey was around."
Then, that's when Eiden put everything together.
"Um, yes."
Part 2: real soon
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shychick-52 · 1 year
Thoughts about Gandra Dee and Fenton? (Pt. 2)
So, in this post I raised a bunch of questions that always confused me about Gandra and Fenton's relationship and her being in F.O.W.L. In that last post of mine, I invited others to chime in with their own ideas. I'm just listing some of my own headcanons for them, which I've used in my fanfics. Please feel free to add your own two cents. (And I'm only listing my thoughts on the questions I actually have headcanons for).
How and when did they reconnect after 'The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee' (which took place in the middle of season 2, while 'Beaks In the Shell' happened near the end of season 3)?
How did that conversation go and what was said? How exactly did Gandra earn Fenton's trust after hurting him so badly? That is, how could he be absolutely sure he could trust her (even after she presumably told him- off-screen, anyway- her backstory leading to making a lot of bad choices in her desperation to get her science projects funded?
How did it not compromise Fenton's morals (because he's such a morally upright person, a total goody-goody) to be in a relationship with somebody with such a shady past, who was currently part of an evil spy organization? It's obvious he wanted to give her a chance after hearing her backstory, and understood that she's not really a bad person, but I just don't understand how he still didn't feel conflicted.
I like to think maybe a few days to a week after their so-called date, Fenton- who had Gandra's contact info, as it showed in 'Dangerous Chemistry'- couldn't stop thinking about Gandra, and reached out to her to talk about everything that happened. She was just so intriguing and he'd never met anyone he so strongly connected with, somebody who shared his passion for science (not counting Gyro) and who he shared such chemistry with (science humor, ya'll XD). He knew there was a real spark between them (and not just when she shocked his hand with her electric nanites when she demonstrated them to him XD). And he also felt really conflicted, because she was a crook who did take advantage of him and totally betrayed his trust (and although she helped him defeat Beaks and left him with the correct equation to help him complete his experiment, which he was undoubtedly very grateful for, I imagine he still felt conflicted).
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They reconnected and talked about everything, and she earnestly apologized for everything she did- including just taking off without a word in the end, which I think she did because she felt too ashamed to stay and face him- and explained her backstory (about how she was always misunderstood for her passion for super-science, which was always rejected for being too dangerous and unorthodox, leading her to experiment on herself and allowing herself to be hired by bad guys- the only ones who would fund her work, because they didn't care how much destruction it caused- and become this hardened, tough-as-nails, lone-wolf scientist who did what she did from desperation). And that led her to admitting she was in F.O.W.L. and explaining about them, knowing she owed him the truth. She hated being unable to truly be her own scientist like she originally bragged to Fenton, and she felt so trapped in this lifestyle and disgusted with herself, but always felt she had no choice- and she tried to look at it like she was the one using them for her funding, even tho she knew they were just using her too and didn't care about her brilliance.
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(Gandra explaining her past and reasons for being in F.O.W.L. to Huey in 'Beaks in the Shell')
Fenton was shocked, but filled with sympathy and compassion for her, even if he strongly disapproved of her lifestyle choices (but couldn't really judge her for them). He wanted to give her a chance and be the source of support she never got, and realized she wasn't fundamentally a bad person. And that led them to confessing their feelings for each other and developing their secret relationship (to keep the people in Fenton's life from finding out he was involved with an 'enemy' and branding him a traitor, and to keep F.O.W.L. from finding out she was a traitor involved with Gizmoduck and an ally of the Ducks- which was even more serious in her case, because they could do a lot more than just fire her for her treachery...). And ofc they eventually developed their top-secret VR space for the science community to conduct super-science in a safe, controlled environment, which she used her funding from F.O.W.L. and their resources to build, and planned to finally quit F.O.W.L. for good once the project was finished.
How long Gandra had been in F.O.W.L.? Did she join before or after meeting Fenton?
I like to think she was already in F.O.W.L. when Mark Beaks hired her, because it wouldn't make sense for her to join F.O.W.L. after reconnecting with Fenton, apologizing, and confessing everything, him giving her a chance, and them becoming a couple; that would look very bad, and I just don't see how Fenton could have trusted her if she did that afterwards.
What was the extent of Gandra's knowledge of Bradford's plans? Other than retrieving the Missing Mysteries as part of F.O.W.L.'s ultimate goal to destroy all adventure, chaos, and unpredictability and take over the world (which she already knew), what else did she know?
What was the extent of Fenton's knowledge of F.O.W.L.'s plans from Gandra? (Did he know everything she knew? Did she fill him in on anything? Or did she withhold certain information from him for his own protection?)
I think she knew the basics- that F.O.W.L.'s main objective was to ransom the world and take it over, to remake the world in Bradford's perfect image by eliminating all adventure and anything chaotic and unpredictable. She knew about the Missing Mysteries of Isabella Finch (she was the one who informed Bradford the Ducks found her journal they planted at the end of 'Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks') and that Bradford wanted the Ducks to find the artifacts so they could steal them all from the family.
However... I don't think she knew just how truly evil or insane Bradford was. I don't think she- or any of the other agents, until much later- knew about his plan for the Papyrus of Binding or his plan to clone Webby (which was all related to his convoluted plan to get Scrooge to give up on adventuring forever). Gandra was with the other agents at the end of 'The Sword of Swanstantine' when Heron contacted Bradford and held up the feather they managed to secretly get from Webby, saying "Mission accomplished"- and the other agents obviously knew about May and June by the time of the finale (not counting Gandra, because she'd been captured three episodes away from the finale before they were created)- but I don't think any of the agents knew about Bradford's plan to clone Webby until much closer to the end of the series. If Gandra had known, which she would have if she didn't get captured at the end of 'Beaks In the Shell', I think that's something she definitely would've tipped Fenton off about so he could warn the Ducks! So, I don't think any of the F.O.W.L. agents knew why their real objective was to obtain a feather from Webby on that mission- they just were following orders. It's my headcanon the information the agents got from Bradford and Heron was strictly on a need-to-know basis, only telling them what they deemed appropriate when they deemed it appropriate (Bradford obviously didn't trust his people with too much information at once).
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Proof of this is at the end of 'Beaks In the Shell' when Bradford caught onto Gandra's treachery before she could quit, and ordered her to be captured and brought to the Lost Library. Gandra cried out, "What?! What library?!" Bradford replied, "You have your secrets, Agent Dee. I have mine." And obviously Bradford finally told the other agents about the Lost Library by 'The Last Adventure' because F.O.W.L. relocated there on Bradford's orders early on in that episode.
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And she obviously also didn't know about Bradford's plan to capture and destroy everyone even remotely associated with the Ducks (family, friends, allies, enemies) along with all the Missing Mysteries- which she warned Huey about when he found her in the final episode- until she herself was imprisoned in the Lost Library with everyone else. Again, that's something HUGE that she definitely would've alerted Fenton to if she knew!
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And she was just as shocked as everyone else when Ludwig Von Drake dropped the big reveal that Webby was cloned from Scrooge (even more proof she didn't know anything about the whole plan to clone Webby):
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And I absolutely headcanon that Gandra and Fenton agreed that Gandra wouldn't/couldn't tell him most of what she did know about Bradford's goals and plans, for fear of putting them both at risk (including the secret location of F.O.W.L.'s headquarters underneath Funso's Fun Zone), as well as to avoid making their relationship awkward and reduce conflict in it.
Anyway, those are some of my thoughts for those questions that never got addressed in the show. There are the other questions and plot-holes (again, see the other post I linked to at the top of this one) that have me scratching my head, but I wouldn't mind your thoughts.
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
idk this is maybe gonna sound random but i think kaz was involved with the great msf bbq of 74. skull face knows him pretty well and he easily could've pinned everything on huey. there's evidence for him killing strangelove yeah but none for him allowing the attack.
I don't think it sounds all that random, anon. It's a theory I've come across before. I believe either on Youtube, or Reddit. I can't recall particularly which exact place though, so I apologize for that. I can understand to some degree that theory being possible, and I haven't given it enough thought myself to speculate. I've also seen it theorized Kaz is also responsible for the second outbreak, but again, I haven't looked deep enough into that alternative theory personally to give it too much weight.
(And people have pointed out the whole 'he's already working for Cipher too why not do something else' but I don't know personally that I agree there, per se. I don't think the story explores Kaz working for Cipher well enough to where I can build up headcanons about his mindset there-outside of what we are given. But I can't discount why people theorize he's further treacherous as a result).
Personally, as far as Huey goes, he's absolutely guilty for Strangelove, but there's some deliberate (I think anyway) ambiguity as to whether or not he knew 100% for sure that the inspection was a fake. There's evidence to suggest he knew all along, but I am not fully convinced at all times. I imagine he is, but. IDK. I think the story is written for us to ask questions. (Or I'm giving it too much credit, I genuinely cannot say)
I will say though, I personally can't see Kaz having any motivation to facilitate the second outbreak. Even if he did work with Cipher back in the MSF days, Diamond Dogs was largely started by him. He was the one putting in the work to restart Mother Base-he just had a lot of trouble getting any recruits because he didn't have Big Boss's influence, and thus few wanted to follow him (as he tells it). His personal phone call with Zero also implies they are very much not on friendly terms whatsoever. He later describes his relationship with Cipher as 'parasitic'. Now, how reliable a narrator Kaz is I can't tell you, but I really don't think he's a traitor during Diamond Dogs era. Does this add possibility to him being guilty for the original MSF attack? No, but I also struggle to find motivation there. If he was still angry at Big Boss for his less-than-consensual recruitment, there's several other ways he could've gone about it. He was the second in command at MSF too. I feel like it's a pretty hard sell for Skull Face going up to him and say something like 'Hey, work with me to blow up the base and people you've grown attached to.' Skull Face was (I assume anyway) also slowly distancing himself from Zero by this point. Whilst that doesn't happen in full til later, Zero wasn't responsible for the MSF attack. That was all Skull Face, acting alone without Zero's approval. Yes, he's using their banner, XOF, but this was probably the first true sign to Zero that Skull Face had gone rogue (the second being Skull Face attacking Zero with the parasites).
But back to Kaz. the man's as much of an opportunist as the rest of them, but I genuinely don't see what Skull Face could've offered him in that moment to make 'attack your base' appealing to him. Too much loss without enough gain, at least to Kaz. What would be the pull? What would've been appealing enough for Kaz to take a risk like that?
Could be wrong tho! I mean, this is all theories and headcanons after all. I'm not an expert.
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pwurrz · 2 years
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ducktales-wco-oo · 3 years
(Screen-capping ‘Beaks In The Shell’ whilst listening to Mark’s Huniepop 2 videos because I love them— and this part (the Math part) always makes me think of Fenton ngl XD ) 
(Sb: *is obviously Flirting™ with him*)
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(Fenton: *unknowingly rambles on*) 
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Ducktales characters as (mostly dumb) things I’ve done
Huey: put icing sugar on his chips instead of salt
Dewey: at the end of a performance walked into a box onstage despite three other people walking into it before him. burnt his entire hand becuase he was using a spinney chair next to a lit metal fireplace
Louie: when the table that his friend group sat at was changed for a table half the size and a completely different color helped his others friends convince the last one there that the table had always been that way
Webby: was in a simple fair ground haunted house ride and was having the time of her life. a spooky voice asked from behind her. “hello” and she cheerily said hello back. then the voice asked her if she “was having fun” and yet again chearfully responded with yes. And taking several minutes to realize she was supposed to be scared.
Lena: A person who had been annoying her all day came up to her and said they had new steal cap boots and wanted her to stop on their foot. She no hesitation full force stomped on their foot.
Violet: Convinced someone to eat a unused tea bag.
Gosalyn: was playing air hockey but there where a lot of people so it was ““one loss, to the back of the line” and this one guy was thrashing everyone, he even had two friends with him who looked like lackeys right out of a teen drama. And when it got her turn one of them leaned over to him and said ““oh go easy on her she’s just a little girl”. This angered gosalyn and prompted her to think ““oh I’m gonna destroy this fucker” and as usual played a very aggressive game of air hockey (think bruised fingers of you’re not careful) beat him, and relished in the look of devastation on his face.
Scrooge: brought seven spare top hats in a bag purely to spite Goldie when she would take them
Della: as a kid saved most of her easter chocolate in a tupperware container under her bed “for later” proceded to forget about it until next easter and got sad when Duckworth and scrooge forced her to throw it out
Donald:  slept on the floor because he was mad at scrooge for somthing very petty. It ended up being pointless because Scrooge was already asleep and never found out.
Duckworth: got into an argument with Ms Beakley about wether or not you need to peel mushrooms before using them after watching said person waiting time peeling and placing the “peel” into a bowl. Both of them Called in many, many other people to side with them. Eventually sat and ate the bowl of mushroom ““peel” out of spite (it was actually good tho)
Gyro: keeps forgetting that the cash register springs out fast and keeps getting hit by it.
Fenton: accidentally poured boiling tea in his lap but didn’t want to be rude and interrupt the teacher (who was very friendly and chill) so sat there crying in pain for 5 minutes 
Launchpad: hit himself in the face with a freezer door because it got stuck.
Drake: fell off a bus
feathry: didn’t know where his cat was in the house and nearly searched on google for ““where’s my cat” or ““where’d my cat go” half thinking he’d get a useful answer. Was completely sober at the time just tired and anxious.
Gladstone: spent a solid 2 minutes trying to cut a tomatoe with the blunt side of a knife and not realizing what was wrong and getting frustrated at the knife 
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movedtodykedvonte · 3 years
Omg imagine how the lords would react to Ethan trying to teach Rose how to say their name
For when Rose starts leaving the baby babble stage:
Alcina Dimitrescu
She insists that if Ethan teaches Rose her name he include the full thing plus the title
He tells her that it will be difficult and Alcina tells him to never doubt the capabilities of his own child. He reminds her Rose is a fucking baby
Hovers and makes sure Ethan is teaching her how to say LADY Alcina Dimitrescu.
Technically Rose is successful as she got something that sounds like Lady out. Alcina says it is a good start and acts uninterested but is crying when she gets home.
It reminds her of the newborn nature her girls were like when they first came to be. 
Rose is the only person allowed to give her nicknames or just call her lady
Donna + Angie
Angie just starts screaming words at Rose, in hopes one sticks. Ethan clarifies that is not how teaching words works
Donna is very reasonable and says that Ethan can start small with her and try “Don”. Angie stops screaming and says she wants Ethan to teach her name too
They let Ethan do his thing but Angie secretly puts on puppet shows for Rose were she is trying to get her to babble out one of their names
“This is my friend Shirley and Huey and whose this? That’s right Donna and her friend Angie. Can you say that, D-O-N-N-A and A-N-G-I-E?”
Donna allows this and sits close by. Ethan is kinda relieved he has one less tutoring lesson to do
When she finally gets something, she’s a little confused because she can’t tell who is supposed to be Donna/Angie. Rose calls them “Dongie” and Angie insist Donna make a doll hybrid of them.
Salvatore Moreau
Surprised Ethan even bothered to make the trek to have him be involved in the process of learning his name. Ethan insists that he wouldn’t leave him out (also Rose learns names faster if she can put a face to it)
Actually the first time Ethan learns his first name and he realizes that it might be too many hard syllables for Rose, tries to shorten it to Sal or just Moreau for now
Salvatore is now happy the baby is learning who he is and also he gets a nickname! He’s gonna have to get a second piece of paper for his “Social interactions of the month” list.
Rose learns his name surprisingly quick! Possibly cause his voice is funny and so she listens more closely. Again she mixes Sal and Morea and we get Salmo. Ethan said it sounded like Salmon and now Rose calls him that
Moreau has two nicknames and is super happy Rose not only isn’t scared of him, but likes being in the reservoir, asks Ethan if he can visit with Rose more often
Ethan says yes as long as Moreau can get the retching and like copious amounts of fungus in check (like seriously dude, no one visits cause its rank up in there)
Karl Heisenberg
says he doesn’t want the baby to learn his name. Says he plans on finding a way out soon and it be no use to Rose to put a name to a face she’ll never see
Ethan knows Karl’s chances of getting out are practically impossible and that Karl just doesn’t wanna get attached. Respects his wishes tho... yeah right I’m lying
Doesn’t outright teach Rose, Karl’s name but brings her around more when he visits and uses his name a lot more
“What a bang up job, Karl. This is some nice wielding work, Karl. Don’t you think K-A-R-L did a good job Rosie?”
Karl doesn’t pick up on it until Rose actually says his name. He’s beyond impressed that Rose got it before he picked up on Ethan’s tricks. He gets Ethan back tho (Rose learns the fuck word)
Acts like he doesn’t care but def brags to Alcina and the other lords that Rose learned his REAL name, no nickname or associated word. Plus Rose excitedly shouting “KARL :D” every time she sees him does wonders on his mood.
Rosemary Winters (Bonus; Lords nicknames for her)
Alcina calls her Lady Winters as a sign of respect and playfulness
Donna calls her bud to play on her like of gardening and Rose(Bud)
Angie calls her Rosie cause she likes the idea of them both having the IE sound
Sal calls her guppy or tadpole. Sometimes he’ll call her Vie, life in French, both because of the song La Vie en Rose and I headcanon him being of French descent. 
Karl calls her Little Winters or (was gonna be prick but Ethan would kill him)
They all fight over which nickname is best suited for her.
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forauldlangsynee · 3 years
I really really want to talk about Gyro Gearloose in depth and I think I’m ready to face my fears of being called crazy. Well,, actually maybe I already am so scratch that. My head is FULL OF THOUGHTS OK.
Gyro had a lot of character growth and backstory which shocked me a lot, the episode ‘Astro BOYD’ is easily the saddest episode of the series.
Learning that gyro was repressing his past was so…sad he was blaming himself for everything going wrong even tho it wasn’t even his fault! It was Akita’s.
Like how at the beginning he was the Akita to Huey; because he kept telling him that BOYD was just a weapon, he was dangerous, he was keeping the lie even tho, he very well had to have known, he argued the same way Huey did. But he was obviously afraid to actually confront the truth; until he saw it for himself. Gyro was pretty well emotionally abused by Akita. Which is why he is the way he is. The poor man looked up him most likely because he wanted to be a Great scientist.
I feel like he had a lot of trust issues; which is why I think he accidentally kind of pushes ppl away from him, like Fenton. He’s constantly in a state of panic because he thinks he’s a failure even tho he isn’t. It isn’t until it’s right in front of his face; and I know that Huey had to have helped him realize because he saw himself in Huey, he was the kid that was telling Boyd he was “definitely a real boy” JUST like Huey was arguing in the episode. Making him realize he wasn’t a terrible person and he wasn’t responsible for the destruction.
And then he actually hired fenton; which was pretty big, from there on he really did treat him a lot better, even praising him for the gizmocloud instead of getting mad at him, which was a big step for Gyro. Honestly I was kinda rooting for them (I can’t lie in that fenro is looking like a pretty good ship rn…)
He was a really nicely written character and I genuinely felt like I got to know him, tho I can’t go without praising Jim Rash, seriously he’s just such a good actor. And gyro was brilliant.
Anyway after a long rant I think it would be crime if I didn’t include any headcanons about Gyro…SO ITS HEADCANON TIME!
-alright, alright hes…gay. Like he has very “AHEM MOVE. IM GAY” energy; like he just does his thing in his lab and if fenton gets in the way or he needs to head where he is, he just shouts that and pushes fenton outta the way outta like instinct he doesn’t think twice.
-he’s a crazy scientist he clearly gets no sleep, probably chugs whole pots of coffee just to make it thru a project. Which I feel like fenton would grow concerned about; obviously because he loves him and Gyro would clearly deny everything until he passes out
-he acts like he doesn’t have anxiety but I think he does; like signs of anxiety for him is probably talking very fast, maybe adjusting his glasses more than he normally would, stuff like that, that he’d obviously deny.
-definitely has OCD especially when it comes to his lab, everything needs to be exactly where he leaves it or he will loose his mind.
-he and fenton would probably argue about what organized is too; I think Gyros a little on the ‘organized mess’ side of the scale, his work space is messy, but he knows exactly where everything he needs is, whereas fenton would be more so files need to be organized in neat piles; Gyro just likes to be able to see all his work. So therefore when Fenton tries to stack his work; he goes mad and undos fentons doing.
-on that note he also definitely doesn’t like ppl touching his work; which is kind of already displayed when fenton messes with Gizmoduck even tho gyro comes around.
This is getting long so that’s all for now!
Definitely won’t be writing fenro fan fic waaaaaaatt
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