#Human Traficking
persona-m4a · 8 months
I'm watching violet evergarden again 🙃
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bho-alt · 5 months
someone just asked to BUY one of my alters
is his something people are actually trying to do.
you cant??? sell alters??? and why?? the fuck would i sell them?? even if i could??? thats basically like human traficking rijght can someone please tell me that people dont actually tryto do this???? like tjey were joking rigth pls how do you get so misinformed that you think William is on sale for 5 dollars (hes worth at least 6 anyways)
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secretlytranced · 7 months
realllllllly want a day off to just lay naked in bed and brainwash and be played with and used and fucked. why isn't anyone paying me to be their little hypnoslut yet? lol sigh. maybe I'll book a hotel room one weekend and just trance out and put myself up for auction haha in, like, a non- human-traficking kinda way.
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magicalgurls · 5 months
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That's psychological abuse 101 right there.
"Yona of the Dawn" already brought up themes like drugs, human traficking, religion x state, and now such a masterful depiction of emotional manipulation.
Ugh I love this manga
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fastwalker · 9 months
normie women are insane "I'd really like to date a rocker (regional term for someone in organized crime basically). I'd feel so safe with him, that would be a real man, he could properly protect me not like the whimps in my dms"
oh really? you think a guy who earns his living with drugs and human traficking would treat you well? you're that more special than the women he kidnaps and sells?
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rebouks · 1 year
hello becca! as usually, have patience with me... I HAVE A THEORY!!
WHAT IF - seriously, read until the end, don't start throwing tomatoes!! - BRYNN is a super secret agent or an extreme feminist vigilante determined to "erase" all the bad/violent/abusive guys on sims earth?!
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listen, listen... we know very little of her past. she seems to be foreign, but is she? maybe yes, maybe not - it could be her cover. she gets infiltrated into the world of human traficking as a migrant woman. the guy who "buys" her to the flanagans dies misteriously. and then she's in the same city as ashton as she's the one giving wyatt all the hints to gt ashton caught and sent to court. now she's with gael, a guy who seems to have too much money and not much work to earn it (he has a redflag on him since the day becca presented him to us).
to sum up: i think brynn is going to kill wyatt after giving him a hint of what feeling like being loved feels like. brynn is giving me villanelle vibes (killing eve tv series?). brynn is hunting and haunting wyatt. and he won't survive. BAM! I'M OUT. 💨💨💨💨
honestly ana.. i'm shook, SHOOK!
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dia-smthidk · 7 months
So hiiii Diaaa!! IM the anon that dropped Sethe lore and I wanted to know something about the mafia thing Thats going on, what is your mafia about? (if I can explain myself well)
I mean, if its an organized crime, sure thing all your sonas are enough CAOTIC to Just make caos and destrucion because ✨yes✨, but you (as the mafia boss) must setle WHAT is the thing you do that is ilegal.
Assuming this mafia thingamajick happens in the 1920's, the golden era of animation and mafias, here are your options:
1- Alcohol traficking: With the Drougth law (a law prohibiting alcohol and its sale), a large part of the mafias took advantage of it to illegally sell alcohol, (which was relatively easy to get and make) and create speakeasies where they sold their alcohol and played music. The pros of this is that ALL kinds of people were involved, from the neighborhood rat to the puritanical politician, so you had them all tied up so that no one would talk about it too much. The cons are that, being the most well-known crime of that era, it was much more likely to turn the Police against you, plus it's an easy crime to charge.
2- Money laundering: A crime so popular that even now it is still being done. Although I don't know its mechanisms, you are all artists, so copying Ben Frankling face and printing it can't be more difficult than drawing Pomni demogorgon, or Corrupted Gangle. The pros are that it's easy, it's hard to identify (if you do it right), and that it has a lot of facades that are very easy to put up (e.g. the classic laundromat). The cons are that if you don't do it right, you're going to get caught right away and it got some REALLY hard punishment.
3- Drug dealing: This is one of the most popular crimes where I live in (if you can guess ;). Easy to do (growing marijuana or tobacco is ridiculously easy, trust me I have experience) this is one of the must-haves for beginner mafias. The pros are that, by making your clients addicted, no one is going to talk at all. The Cons are that (just like alcohol trafficking) it's super wanted, and there are entire institutions after you.
4- Cabarets & Pleasure Houses: *sigh* Do I really have to put this guys? (Yes, we're paying you for this!) As you can imagine, these are houses where people offer their "services", which are usually sexual. I don't want to say anything else, but technically it's legal in many countries and it's almost the same as with drug trafficking and addiction, no one wants to snitch. The Cons are, by having lots of workers, there are more probabilities that some one It's going to talk.
5- Hitmen: Although not very accessible to the common human, it produces far more profit than the rest of the crimes on this list. The pros are that your sonas are so violent and strong that they will clean the floor with the other shoddy killers. The Cons is that if your agency's existence is publicly known, you screwed up.
6- Trafficking in favors: The very foundation of the mafias, this "trafficking" consists of: You, a poor person, want to pay for your university or get a job, or whatever. This kind and wealthy mafia offers you money, help, or whatever you need, in exchange for you returning the favor in a while. The favor you return may be to give money, asylum, weapons, sell what your mafia sells, or not tell the police that the money your community uses is fake. And so, the rest of the poor people, taking pity on their own friend, don't speak out to protect and help him, and just like that, you, the mafia, become untouchable. You already know the pros, and the Cons is that, if some foreigners who doesent have debts to pay tries to do something, Maybe, just Maybe, they could defeat you (in a VERY unlikely scenario)
So, tthese are the options! What do you want your Majesty? Its up to you to decide! If this is a question already answered Im really really Sorry for Messing with you. And if your mafia happens in the actual times, you still can use all of them (except the alcohol traficking)
Goodbye, and good crimes!
I’m really busy at the moment so uh-
I’ll look over these in my freetime 👍
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z-eddsworld · 2 years
What I’ve learned today is that it’s not really human trafficking if the guy isn’t completely a human /lh
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The last fanfic I will upload until I finish the coffee shop Au. Psychopath, it is also Koushin but more on the darker side.
Summary: Kou gets kidnapped by someone and quickly find himself deep within a human traficking ring.
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jestersmaskblog · 2 years
Sweetie, my dear. I'm sorry to break it to you but "sex work" can't be consensual If a woman it's accepting to have sex with a man only for money, that's cohersion. Even If you're somehow priviledged enough to do it "for yourself" without a pimp and you don't get shit from the johns, you're still supporting willingly an indrustry that lives of rape, human traficking, and threating women like less that disponsable condoms. Sowwy It's not Empowwering 🥺
And yes, all men are bad. They commit almost all crimes and atrocities in the world through history towards anyone including themselves. They're a destructive, depraved species. And women regardless of their atraction shouldn't take the risk of engaging with highly potential predators.
You can hate radz all you want. Without them you won't be a SWer by choice even, you'd be getting raped 24/7 by men regardless if you 'like it' or not (because they couldn't care less) and without money to "compensate" even.
And yes, all of this includes underage straight moids like Brett Ghey, he was old enough to abuse women and girls by his own and old enough to buy the ideology that womanhood = femeninity as a costume he can just put on to be a laydee, and make sexual post everywhere that reek Autogynophilia. Thank gaia he got killed before he raped a lesbian child in his class or provoqued the next school shooting :>
i don't even have a response can we just look at how completely unapologetically insane these people look, this literally looks like a shooter manifesto also i'm not a prostitute i'm a stripper??
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sirmatthew1972 · 2 years
What is it with my muse jumping from one insane alternate CM universe to the next? How does one go from a vampire Hotch story into a pirate AU ficlet only to follow it up with panther!Aaron being kidnapped by shifter trafickers? Hell knows! Sure, I can claim that it’s whumptober... but me working on this insanity started in september. Worse, the fluffy and domestic scene that I had in my mind stems from long before it. Yet somehow little more remains of it then in the flashbacks of Aaron’s mind. Oh, you poor thing, suffering so beautifully. So defiant, but only human, well... shifter too. <insert evil cackle> But, as it goes, the joke is on me. Because now I am knee deep into the mess I have created for him... and I have so many more words to write. Almost three chapters finished thusfar. Almost. So where to now? Can I save him from the hunters and their sadistic leader before the end? Will I? Oh, I know where this is going, I think, but to get there is both the fun and the hardest part. ‘Cause I may have dug him and therefore myself in too deep.  👀 <stalks WIP fic like prey> Yeah, I’ll dig our favourite crime fighter out. Maybe! For Spencer won’t forgive me if I don’t bring his ‘Grumpy Cat’ home, injured or not. lol. Anyway, time for a teaser snippet of this WIP me thinks. Yes? So this is how trouble starts for Aaron, from where his life (and planned romantic evening for two) is going downhill into angst, darkness and pain...
An unexpected steel dart jams itself through his woollen coat, suit jacket and dress shirt to burrow deep within the soft flesh of his abdomen. Sharp and intrusive. Alarmingly fast followed up by a second dart to strike his outer left thigh... then a third one in his other leg. Aaron stumbles under the blunt attack. Sinks to his knees even as he growls out his shock unhindered by decorum, for his inner panther unleashes itself so he can survive the attack. Or rather... it tries to... and fails to push the shift through. Because of how it too is no match for the cold mist spreading onwards from the air around him into his flesh, muscles, bones and mind... in that order too, or so Aaron realises even as he fast crumbles under the powerful drugs dosed to deadly precision. Hunters? Wildcat traffickers? On a final rush of adrenaline Aaron deducts his chances... and how quickly they are vaporizing into nothingness, because he can't even scream for help or lift a single finger anymore. Sure enough, the far too experienced hunters narrow into target, to him. Blurred shapes. Dulled male voices. Aaron can't make all of it out for he's falling into the haze of the drugs. Ketamine being the most likely culprit. Enough to bring him down, but not quite out yet, for his wildcat gene is stubborn enough to keep fighting it... and his profiler self agrees with its instincts. The longer he can witness what's happening around him the better his chances to profile the why, who and where. And so he pushes against the darkness to keep it at bay, but for how much longer can he? 
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corvidvampiricus · 2 years
Neo-mercatus. The neo-mercatus are an underground group of traders who deal in black market trades, as well as human traficking and weapons of terror. They have no set moral code. Their flag is pitch black with a compass in silver laced in the middle. They are only seen in the shadows and alleyways of other cities, and in their own city state which has yet to be found by anyone.
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fastwalker · 6 months
incredible how many artists I follow on here I thought of as normal not cumbrains who now keep sharing those "complain to mastercard for business damages bc of their porn ban" posts, loudly complaining how they can't freely buy and sell porn anymore, also the obligatory support for human traficking (sex work is work, when all they do is draw at a computer and not fuck people you find repulsive for pay)
coomers kill yourselves fr or get a real job that doesn't rely on being a complete degenerate maladjust. you deserve those losses
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plantaffinity · 2 years
just saw a girl comment something jokingly about boyfriends eating more than their girlfriends or something and a guy went "and people think andrew tate is a bad person for telling us about girls like you" like my man he's literally a human traficker ???
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goblincow · 2 years
Greta Thunberg murdering Andrew Tate with the assistance of GRETA (the Group of Experts on Action against Traficking in Human Beings) amid the burning wreckage of twitter is a great capstone for this year but it's the layers of poetic irony involved that really push it to another level. You could in fact write this and I would think it was a bit on the nose.
The moral of the story is that the real pizzagate was the manosphere all along.
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finalgirl3 · 2 years
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