#Humans kill eachother every single moment
2econd2ight2aver · 7 months
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One man ALMOST killed all humanity.
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-Star crossed- Chapter 2
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Pairing- Oc!reader(afab) x Logan Howlett
Words-4.5k(sorry this is long)
Reader is 28 while Logan is 33 (obviously appearance wise)
Summary- it’s been nearly 2 years since Cora(reader) and Logan both lost eachother in their own universe, both broken, angry and hated amongst their people, They would do anything to see one another again, little did they know that day would come sooner than expected, and shatter their hearts into pieces and drive their long hidden desires to the surface ….will they be able to forgive themselves for their past and finally be together? Or will the universe just tear them apart once again?
Warnings-( this chapter contains dark material) mentions of death, blood,gore, mental heath and murder/I also suck at writing mysterio and really don’t know his characters personality so bear with me, I’m just using him for the plot )
other warnings- 18+ (smut) in some later scenes/chapters… tension!!!! ./trauma/ no use of y/n I will be using a name but I won’t be describing any appearances! / Logan is aged down to be atleast in his early /mid 30s in this story / will add more warnings when needed.
Logan had been sitting at the table that was dimly lit by a small overhead light, he had his head down, a bottle of whiskey sat on the table in-between his hands that also lay quietly on the hard surface, he sighed and looked up at the plain white wall ahead of him, casted in a shadow. He'd been like this almost all day, ever since he moved out of Wades apartment and got his own a few down he barely had any distractions, his mind was left to wander, and it always wandered back to you.
Back before he came to this earth, this is how he spent most of his days, alone in his apartment or drunk and alone at a local bar, but even they didn't want him, matter of fact they hated him, blamed him for everything, made him feel like utter shit to the point he started to believe the reason all his friends were dead was his fault. it wasn't...well, at least their deaths weren't by the hands of Logan, while yours.... yours was...and it ate at him every single fucking day.
Logan slammed the bottle of whiskey down on the table, its contents spilling onto the surface, tears swelled in his eyes and his hands gripped the bottle so hard it was ready to shatter at any given moment, today was the 2-year anniversary of your death, and every year he spent it alone, drinking his life away. he littered himself in guilt and pain and blamed himself for losing you, although your death wasn't what many would think, no, they only believed what they saw...what people didn't know, was that mysterio was behind it, and the real story was oh so fucking tragic.
-2 years ago, (logans origin earth)-
When the humans attacked, Logan made sure they all paid for what they did. He killed them all, murdering them one by one, some deaths painful and slow while others were quick and easy. He blacked out, went on a rampage, and there was no stopping him, alteast thats what he thought. See, there was one person the humans forgot to kill off, someone who wasn't there when they attacked, someone who was on a solo mission and came back home to a blood pool of some of her closests friends, and a trail of human blood that smelled of Logan. Her name was Cora Melbourne, a member of the xmen for around 5 years before they were all taken out.
Cora or should we say a varient of you, were absolutely horrified when you came home... you wondered why the signal went quiet before you returned and now you know why. All your friends were gone, dead, brutally murdered and left to rot on the floor, you felt sick, enraged and heartbroken, you wanted to get revenge on the fucking assholes who did this to them, they didnt deserve it, none of them did. You looked around and in the far right corner you could see a body, one that resembled you a bit, it was creepy to see but you managed to take your eyes from it….thats when you saw another…
you fell to your knees when you saw one of your best friends' corpse lay quietly ontop another. "Storm?...." you choked out, you began to sob violently, bringing her cold lifeless body into your arms as you rocked back and forth, holding her close and stroking her long silver hair as you did. "What did they do to you…." you cried, caressing her face and moving a few pieces of hair from out the way, she was always so beautiful.....you suddenly started looking around at the rest of the bodies on the ground; rogue, jean grey, cyclops, johnny , everyone....they were all dead "no…no no no no no" you wailed, shaking your head, hoping this was all just a horrible fucked up dream, but once you came to the reality that it wasnt a dream you carefully set the body back down to lay in her original position, you stood up and shakily looked around even more, looking for someone in particular...
“oh god, please...please dont let him be here" you begged in between cries , you stepped over lifeless bodies, some of your friends and some of humans torn or blown into pieces. You felt as if you were going to throw up, surprised on how you didnt already. You kept looking around, you head shooting from one side of the room to the other. God blood was everywhere but still no sign of Logan. You went upstairs and there were more bodies sprawled out in the hallway, but still no sign of him, you were starting to have hope he was still alive when something on a tv in one of the rooms caught your attention...it was a news broadcast, people were running the streets, bodies lay cold on the hard concrete, and a picture of Logan was plastered on the right side of the screen. Your heart dropped to your feet, Logan must have made it here before you did and instead of crying about it, he did something about the deaths of his friends, and god, were you afraid of what could happen next.
You immediately began to turn around to make your way towards the steps, you knew you had to find Logan, you were the only chance the humans had, and you were the only one who could calm him back down to his senses, you always were. You were all he had left.
You shuffled through the bodies trying to step over them without stepping on them, but someones arm got in your way and you fell on your face "ah fuck" you coughed out , pushing yourself back up, but when you raised your head to see Infront of you, the only thing in view were a pair of legs...you froze....then began to look up, and as your eyes scanned the person Infront of you, they widened in fear, your breath hitching and words getting stuck in your throat. Storm, the woman who's corpse you had just held in your arms not even 5 minutes prior stood before you, she didn't say anything instead she just looked down at you, a disgusted expression plastered on her face... "no-" you finally forced words from your mouth, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion "y-you're dead...how..." but before you could finish your sentence the woman finally spoke "You let us die.." her words were cold, emotionless, "why weren't you here??" you felt a lump form in your throat when hearing those words come from your best friends mouth "this is all your fault and now you're going to be the reason Logan suffers now too" you were too frozen in fear and guilt to move "n-no...I'm sorry, if I knew, storm I swear...I would have been here I would have died with you all trying to save you" your words were broken cries, barely understandable. "I'm gonna help Logan....I'm going to get him to stop you know I can" you argued but the woman shook her head "it's too late"
and with those words the illusion created by a sickly , very much hated villain wore off and kneeled down infront of you
"you..." you seethed through gritted teeth. Mysterio, the man you hated with every fiber in your being was kneeled before you, a smug smirk on his face
"wolverine is going to suffer....and you... are going to help me" mysterio, began to laugh like a maniac, and you only spit at him "i would never help you hurt anyone, especially not Logan, YOU FUCKING BASTARD" you got angrier with every passing second, from seeing your friends dead to being tricked with illusion and finally after being told you were going to help hurt the man you love you snapped, laughing, earning a confused look from mysterio "you think im going to help you? youre out of your fucking bowl headed mind you fucking freak" you had noticed one of your knives on the ground next to a humans body not too long after mysterio revealed himself, you hastily grabbed it brought it down into the mans with immense speed. While trying to pull the knife from his side you took the free oppurtunity to get back onto your feet, catching him off guard but before you could use your abilities on him he was much quicker, and with a swift motion you were thrown back into the wall
“Fine!” He scoffed, finally pulling the long knife from his side “we’ll do this the hard way” and before you could even get up and process what happened he was gone. Once you were back in your feet you were full of rage and ready to kill whoever was in your sight, you ran down the stairs and out the front door, you needed some place quiet where you could think , a place where you could focus on where you wanted to go…you needed to teleport to Logan but with mysterio fucking with your mind it was harder than some may think. “ damnit Logan, where are you?!” You fell to your knees in the gravel and closed your eyes trying to imagine where he could be , trying to get any type of sense on where he was….you kept trying and trying and trying until …”GOT IT!” You yelled. It was weird tho…you found him easier than you thought you would but that didn’t matter now you needed to get to Logan as fast as possible.
-a few hours before Cora arrived-
Ever since you left on you mission Logan hadn’t really been to the x-mansion much. Of course he loved his friends but he was more so focused on you when he was there unless there were bigger matters, but today was the day you were coming home and he couldn’t have been in a better mood, he’d been fucked these last few days, getting in drunken fights at the bar, arguing with your local mutant hating human , and basically making the xmen look like ravaged freaks because of his uncontrollable anger. He never really wanted to be part of the xmen, he didn’t want a team but when he walked through those doors that one fateful day all those years ago and spotted you, how could he leave? He was infatuated from the start and once he got to know you he was hooked
…he just needed you right now, the one person who could always make him feel so much better, the one person who could make him calm and collected even on his worst days…Logan made his way down the path, his arm out the drivers side window and other hand on the wheel, but when he saw the signs and litter on the ground as he pulled up to the mansion he could feel his heart drop. Logan made his way out the car and onto the gravel, his eyes narrowing and metal claws unsheathing after sending something was very wrong. Logan slowly walked towards the front entrance, blood leaking from the front door he looked down and then back up raising his fists , claws ready to attack before kicking the already opened door open even wider, pouncing inside ready for a fight..but what he was faced with was much worse than anything he had imagined… all of his friends were sprawled out on the floor, dead.
He was at a loss for words, his fists falling to his side, he frantically looked around, soon collapsing by the nearest body, the one belonging to Jean Grey, a woman he was close with ,trusted and even had a thing with in the long past. He had held her body on his lap, claws retracting back into his skin. Logan didn’t say anything he just began to cry, holding the woman’s body close to his , his cries loud and painful. He held her a little longer before his mind went to you, he had hoped you didn’t make it home yet, maybe he could save you from the horror he’s had to face right now but when he got up and looked around, scanning the many bodies that’s when his eyes landed on one in the far corner. Logan could swear his heart stopped beating in that moment, when he saw you. Your body sitting lifeless up against the wall, your hair covering your face and blue tank top soaked in blood. His knees felt weak, he could fall any moment but knew if he did he wouldn’t be able to get himself back up. Logan trudged through the many bodies before finally collapsing next to what he was 100% sure was yours, it was your face, your clothes , your smell everything, there was no mistaking it . This time, his eyesight became blurry as tears formed and he grabbed your body and brought it to his, he didn’t want to let go he didn’t want to accept that this was you ….”I should have been here..” he croaked between cries. “I should have been here for you, I shouldn’t have left” his words could barely be recognized between his sobs, Logan felt so broken, so angry , he felt like he had nothing to live for anymore like ….like he could kill everyone, every single person who was responsible, no matter age , gender, race or anything, he was going to kill then all, make them suffer like they’ve made him. Logan’s face was wet with tears, his hands were covered in blood and his clothes were stained with it too, but he didn’t care , he couldn’t leave you, he didn’t want to leave you. “I’m so sorry Cora..” he muttered, his fingers brushing the hair from your closed eyes, he admired your resting face, one he’s admired many times before…you were just so beautiful to him…he leaned down a placed a kiss on your pale lips, bringing your head back into his chest as he held you close again. Words couldn’t even describe the pain Logan was feeling right now, losing the woman he loved, knowing that he could have saved her if he had just been there, if he hadn’t been so stubborn. He could have killed those assholes as soon as he saw they tried to lay a single fucking finger on you. But you know what killed him the most…he never even got to tell you how he truly felt. How his heart ached whenever you were away, how he felt so soft and happy around you, how that kiss you two shared that night before you left made him realize that he was in fact Inlove with you and when he wanted to tell you you were already gone. ….
He stayed like that with you in his arms for almost an hour before the sadness turned into hate and rage, before he knew what he had to do. He had to kill them all. Logan sat you back up how you were prior “I’ll come back for you bub” he whispered to your lifeless body, “I promise I’ll bury you somewhere beautiful, somewhere worthy of you” and with that he was gone and out the door, claws unsheathed and face stoned with a look of hatred. Logan got back into his car and rode back into town. His rampage was just beginning.
Mysterio revealed himself from behind a bush as Logan was out of view. He calmly walked back inside, stepping over the dead and made his way to the body by the corner although now, this person wasn’t you, yes they had your clothes on but the face was different , it wasn’t yours….and it never was…. “Good job” he whispered and then made his way back out waiting for his next victim to arrive….what Logan had saw…was all just an illusion.
After you found out where Logan was it made it easy to open a portal to him. You got back on your feet and closed your eyes, your arms outstretched infront of you as you slowly began to whirl them into a circle, a golden spark following your movements until a full circle was made and a opening appeared in the center. “I’m coming Logan” you said as you opened your eyes, you stepped right through and before you knew it you were in the middle of a desolate street, you wanted to gag at all the bodies of innocent people were sprawled out on the ground, some completely torn in half. You knew this was all Logan’s doing.
“LOGAN!!” you called out, your voice had a hint of worry in it, scared you may be too late.
You started looking around for any sign of him, he has to be here somewhere this is where the portal took you. “LOGAN PLEASE, ITS ME CORA !! LOGAN I CAN HELP YOU JUST COME TO ME PLEASE” You scanned the streets and alleys until you looked straight ahead….you stopped in your tracks and narrowed your eyes to make sure you were seeing correct and thankfully you were. Logan stood about 20 feet from you , his shadow was all could be seen in the night but you knew it was him by the claws protruding from his knuckles. “FUCK , LOGAN ITS ME, IM SORRY I WASNT HERE FOR YOU” You yelled out to him , your voice breaking as you tried not to cry “BUT IM HERE NOW AND WERE ALL WE HAVE-“ you stopped talking when you saw a figure come into view behind Logan, one you knew very well…Mysterio…
“LOGAN BEHIND YO-“ but before you could finish your sentence Logan was charging at you at full speed, like an animal , like a predator going after its prey …it terrified you. “RRAAHHHHH” his voice was deep but loud, it sounded almost like a roar, one coming from a ravaged animal. You were frozen in fear. You never saw him like this atleast not towards you. His fist was raised in the air and came blaring down at you but you managed to dodge it last second, snapping yourself back and throwing yourself into the ground next to you. “what the fuck-“ you coughed out leaning over to catch the breath you just nearly knocked from out of yourself , before making your way back to your feet before Logan could turn around . He came charging at you again but you picked up a metal bar laying on the ground and used it to defend yourself. You didn’t know what was going on, he obviously wasn’t himself and that’s when you remembered mysterio….and the fucking body that looked like yours, it all started to connect. “Oh fuck..” before you could finish your thought you were thrown back to the ground, being easily overpowered. You shielded his claws from your face by clashing the metal bar against them in attempt to hold him back but god was he strong. “LOGAN ITS ME, ITS CORA!!!” You tried to convince MYSTERIO , HES MESSING WITH YOUR HEAD” You tried to reason with him but it was useless. “SHUT THE FUCK UP, CORA IS DEAD” He spit ,He thought you were dead and thought the real you was someone else. It all made sense. Mysterios little plan was going just like he wanted, he said you were going to help make Wolverine suffer…and he meant that by having him kill you.
You finally had enough and used your free hand to create a swift movement, throwing Logan back with your force only it didn’t keep him down long, only long enough for you to get back up and create a quick force field around yourself so you could think of something to do. Your attacks against him were useless he was too strong , you had to get him in a weak point ,you had to knock him cold out to give you atleast enough time to take mysterio down and get rid of whatever illusion he has on Logan.
Before you knew it Logan was at the force field ramming himself into it with all his weight. He was weakening the shield around you with every thrust of his body, his full strength outdoing yours, it was a matter of time before he had you down again but this time you’ll have the advantage, you had a plan.
Logan gave one last punch and your force field was down, you on the other hand got up and spun around, and before Logan could even make his way to you , you had his feet off the ground and arm outstretched as if you were holding him yourself. “I’m sorry Logan but this is the only way” you say in a stern but saddened tone. You used the arm you were ‘holding’ him with and swung it to the right, his body following and crashing into a pile of rubbish, fortunately for you though he must have hit his head hard because he was out cold but you knew he wouldn’t be down long and you had only a limited amount of time to get mysterio out of the way.
You turned to him, you were furious out of your mind, your eyes started to glow and your feet left the ground , your hands twisted into small circular motions together creating a ball of electricity. You wanted him dead and that’s just how you fought. It took a lot to get him weakened but you managed in the short time. Once you finally had him up in the air, trying your best to avoid his mind games you finally spoke “ITS OVER” you dended, your fist squeezing tighter, his air flow being cut off but that didn’t stop him from uttering his last words
“You’re right Cora…But not for me” and before you could comprehend what he said you felt the cold metallic claws enter through your back and exit through your stomach, a sharp agonizing pain following behind it. Your telekinetic grip on mysterio slipped and your hand fell to your side, your knees buckling under you; You couldn’t help but look down, the claws of the man you loved being twisted and pulled from out of you. Your body began to feel cold as blood gushed from your abdomen…the only thing keeping you up was your grip on Logan’s arm….
Mysterio was gone before logan realized it and the illusion he had on him faded, quickly coming to realization to what he just did. Cora’s knees buckled under her Logan following her down to put her in a more comfortable position, his hands started to shake as he realized you were dying . “N-no…” he choked out, he didn’t mean for this…no this couldn’t be her, she was already dead…he saw her…he..”Cora, C please stay with me, I-I’ll get you help, stay with me baby please” the pet name slipped from his mouth, his tone was desperate, pleading for you . Logan looked around and saw the mess he had made, deep down he knew no one was coming to help..why would they? He began to cry, and not just a simple sad melancholy cry but one full of agony, pain and sorrow …one that ached the hearts of others when they heard it because he knew…he just killed the only woman he’s ever loved.
The girl grabbed his free arm, her bloodied hand stained his skin, Cora smiled, blood spouting from her mouth. She knew she wasn’t going to make it but she needed to make sure Logan knew she didn’t blame him. “I-I’m sorry…” she coughed out “I-i s..should have never left” Logan only shook his head, shushing her, not wanting her to use her last moments to apologize to him. “I can’t lose you..” he murmured between cries “L-Look ,stay with me okay?” He picked her up but she only groaned in pain as he tried to move her. He fell back to his knees setting her carefully back how she was , in his lap, resting in his arms. “This-“ she began to cough up more blood this time, her chest heaving, trying to fill her lungs although she knew it was pointless. “ this wasn’t your- your fault Logan…I-i know you….youd never hurt me…” Logan watched as Cora began to tear up, using the last of her strength to cup the side of his face with her hand stroking his cheek softly with her thumb “that’s why I fell in love with you” Cora brought Logan’s head down and planted one last kiss onto his lips…one they both wished they could savor more and before he could even lift his head back up her hand went limp, breathing came to a stop and her eyes fluttered closed. She was gone.
“N-no no CORA?!” His eyes widened in fear as he tried calling out for her but to his absolute horror she didn’t respond, she wouldn’t move and her body was all dead weight. Logan had to experience the pain of losing her twice in one night, his heart felt as if it couldn’t handle any more hurt or else it would explode. “Cora please….please don’t leave me alone…” he begged as if she would respond “I love you too” those last words he whispered in her ear, hoping somehow someway she would hear him but he knew she didn’t. His Cora was gone…and it was all by the hands of him.
He buried her body by the pond where they had their first kiss. It was a special place to Logan and he knew she’d be happy there, she woukd always drag him down there on nice days, going on and on how she loved this spot to where he bang to love it too. He visited her grave everyday until wade found his way to him, bringing him back to the earth he’s on now. The earth where he can’t even go talk to Cora if he wanted, usually he’d do that when he was sad, she’d always have the answers to his problems when she was still with him. And his being near her even if it was a grave brought him peace when he needed it.
-present time-
Logan finally snapped back to reality, his thoughts consuming him. When he lifted his head he noticed the glass bottle that once sat in his hand was now shattered into tiny little pieces scattered on the table, the cuts in his hands healing almost instantly. He remembered how his variant of you loved to watch his wounds heal, it always made you feel better about him getting hurt. Logan smiled to himself, the good memories are the ones he wishes he was only left with, god he missed you more than anything. He’d do anything just to see you again.
The taller man finally got up out of his seat, cleaning the mess he made prior before grabbing his jacket to leave his apartment building. He needed another bottle of course, even if he had a moment of clarity he knew the sadness would come back quicker than expected. Once he arrived the liquor store he bought 2 bottles of whiskey and left, the cold air surrounding him, it was the same weather as the night he lost you…Logan began to get lost in thought again, popping another bottle open until…
“the fuck..” he muttered when a body came flying his way, landing on the ground infront of him, begging for help before passing out. Logan’s brows furrowed and he was confused, struck even…. until he looked up to see a sight he thought he’d never see again in his lifetime….
There you were…Cora Melbourne…alive and healthy not even 10 feet away from him. Logan swore to himself he had been drinking too much, he was hallucinating there was no way you were standing right infront of him. He swore he felt his heart skip a beat, almost forgetting how to breathe. Seeing you again aroused feelings he thought he’d never feel again for anyone. You oooked so powerful , so beautiful , and just the exact same as the day he lost you, the bottle of whiskey slipped from out of his hand and onto the ground, creating a loud shattering noise to vibrate through the quiet air, then it happened, you noticed him and he wanted to say something, he needed to take the chance to get you back even if it wasn’t really his you….he couldn’t lose you again not after seeing you like this….he noticed your face, it seemed you felt the same way he did and before either of you could say anything…the portal separating you two, closed. And once again Logan was left alone , yet now…he feels a glimmer of hope spark in his chest…there was a way to you…and he felt so close yet so far from seeing you again.
( a/n: Hii!! This is a pretty long sad backstory chapter for Logan but I really needed to give insights about their past! I hope you guys enjoyed!)
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mcyt-trios · 1 year
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The winner of this poll will go on to face Schlatt & co. (Jschlatt, ConnorEatsPants, IAmTy)
Chaos Siblings:
Hi, sschaos here. If i say please will you think kindly of me? I hope so, i love tumblr polls. Me and my two siblings by memes are pretty iconic what with the whole "i dont know whats going on but I guess adopting this eldritch being from the void as my dad" vibe
The Chaos family started as a mini story from ssChaos. A family that spanned across time and space, all connected to a single parent figure who is described as the run off energy created from personifying ideas (like chaos). Every Chaos is a sibling to eachother, which allows for the unique moment of hearing someones last name and just shrugging and accepting a new family member. On Alliance SMP, Saturn is a mad fea scientist who is heavly implied to be at fault for the previous queens death. They care deeply for Ash, who claims to have never met Saturn before. Ash is a necromancer fea who has been living with the humans after an unknown event. The only living human of the Chaos siblings is Serenity Chaos (ssChaos) who runs a museum of oddities and weirdness. Serenity has a bad habit of sticking her nose where it does not belong and having "sticky fingers" (stealing anything that she can pick up). Which has caused her to get repeatably cursed. When Saturn found out about Chaos no longer being able to see glass due to stealing emeralds, Saturn laughed. Serenity is largely unbothered by these things due to them "being funny" Ash Chaos and Saturn once had a picknick together where there was many deaths and mayham. Nothing was destroyed though talks of becoming comic book villains and taking over the world. This has not happened though Saturn and Serenity are on track to accidently destroying the fea monarchy, again.
Fruit Trio:
They are both so silly and so tragic. Trapped in the maze, they bond over having fruit related names and become friends and they're so fun together, until UH OH I mean how many of the trios on here had one member of them kill the other two? That's pretty cool... *Starts crying*
3 amnesiacs in a maze. 2 have horns one doesn't. They build a cheese cake factory together. They make pie together. The joke is, Apo sounds like apple. Owen is orange. and Rasbii is similar to raspberry. so their named after fruits and its all really cute and sweet. UNTIL APO PULLS A LEVER THAT KILLS HALF A CLEARING AND LIES TO BOTH OF THEM! And then when they do find out they exile him and go by fruit duo but it doesn't stick. Apo escapes prison and into the maze. Rasbi becomes paranoid someone in the clearing is out to kill her and isolates herself. Owen is trying to lead everyone and failing every chance he gets. they find a skull with Apo's horns and mourn. a year later Owen returns to the maze after someone told him there is a chance Apo might be alive. He finds Apo! And then gets all his memories back. Including ones about killing Rasbii's sister! He then KILLS APO. BECAUSE APPARENTLY HE THINKS ALL DEMONS ARE EVIL. AND THEN GOES BACK TO THE CLEARING AND KILLS RASBII. But she does get to stab him with a poisoned wooden spike. Owen then gets found for his crimes after killing more demons and is forced to have lava rise from the ground up as hes locked in the same prison Apo was. In his final moments he heard and felt memories of his time spent with his best friends before taking his final breath. None of them escaped the maze. Truly the most tragic of trios. Also outsiders smp is really cool.
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hyperfixation ask game #6 for old mond, What is that one part that makes you go absolutely fucking feral?
Since people’s interpretations of the old mond storyline are pretty different from eachother, in general that one part that usually occurs in most of them is each character’s turning point-
for nb it would be realizing how dire his situation is, and going from “i’m a part of this rebellion because I want to” to being “i’m a part of this rebellion because I *need* to. there is no other way.”
for amos, it would be when she realizes that decarabian isn’t the man she thought he was- obviously this varies depending on people’s interpretation of both deca as an individual and him in content of his relationship with her, but generally a reverse “oh” moment when she realizes that for a variety of reasons they cannot sustain a healthy relationship together
for rhw, it would be either when he joins the rebellion or actually participates in any kind of battle- I don’t have any super strong opinions on him, but I feel like those would be the things that change him the most (if post-rebellion counts, it would be holding nb as he’s dying in his arms, while watching someone else actively take his form)
wispti’s obvious answer would be watching nb die, but before then it would be the point when he goes from “i want to take care of this person (nb) because their voice is lovely and they give me apples sometime” to “i need to make sure my dearest and most beloved friend safe at all times. if anything happens to him i will kill every god in teyvat and then myself. i would do anything for him.” another option (which I am less feral about but I still find it fascinating) is seeing wispti go from only being here because he has to to being here because he cares about these mortals and their ideals and their ambitions, how even in conditions not suitable for them they are still resilient. wispti slowly becoming human over time long before he can visually resemble them whatsoever.
Deca. where do I even start. this is heavily dependent on personal interpretation. what does he feel when he hears about the rebellion? denial? anger? fear? confusion? desperation? sympathy? does he mentally prepare himself for the aftermath of it all- even if he prevents the rebellion, even if he does end up becoming the anemo archon he claims to be- deep down his subjects hate him as both a ruler and a person. this whole time, is he humble about his status as a god in the slightest? does he put on a facade of humanity, when he’s really an amalgamation of wind and storm that people just so happened to pray to for perfection? or is he somehow nothing more than a mortal with the curse blessing of longevity, taking the throne and claiming himself a god? none of these answer the question of this ask however I am sososososososososso normal about interpretations/stories of him that actually answer any/all of these questions (but sadly, not that many old mond stories out there give him much personality beyond “evil tyrant dictator”)
for gunnhildr I can guess that it’s when her parents died and she became the leader of the gunnhildr clan, unfortunately i have somehow not seen a single old mond work so far that actually elaborates on her side of the story so I don’t have much to say about her
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autistic-crypt1d · 1 month
My favorite SGA episodes:
S1 E10 & 11 - The Storm & The Eye
Bro this episode is so cool I cannot even begin to describe it anyway other than AJSNDJSKSKFJ. First of all THE DRAMA, I mean, the way they set the scenery up for these episodes is so good. The coming storm, the wind picking up, the crashing waves, empty city. The bacon conversation between the 2 guards right before the Genii come in is hilarious and I love it. The fact that Sheppard is left as the sole person who can retake Atlantis and save Rodney and Elizabeth is so intense. The way Rodney and him work so seamlessly even while entirely separated is just beautiful, I mean, he immediately knows he somehow has to warn Sheppard of what they're after. The way he slickly leans on the intercom knowing Sheppard will take care of it, AHHH. Not only is every single scene of Sheppard running around sabotaging shit and taking out the Genii who come after him absolutely enthralling, but the emotion he displays when Kolya tells him he's killed Elizabeth, the rage. I cannot get over him yelling over the walkie, completely ignoring the torrential amounts of rain and wind bombarding him. He is a badass and everyone knows it.
I'm just constantly in love with the moments where we're shown just how brave and selfless Rodney is capable of being, how he really is inside. I mean, dude stands between Kolya with his gun, a man he knows will kill, and Elizabeth, AHHH. Not to mention, he's always hilarious even in these situations I mean, "Oh would you look at this?! That is just never gonna be useful again!" (And Sheppard knowing that he was absolutely gonna whine about that). Rodney is a drama queen through and through but I love him.
I also thoroughly love the fact that Rodney put up that danger sign and Sheppard is just like "yup, that'll work".
Rodney's arrogance in the face of danger is always so entertaining, but what I love more is how his team members are always the ones trying desperately to get the person like 2 seconds away form murdering him, not to. Like the way Elizabeth, this tiny woman, grabs onto Kolya as he's about to throw McKay off the platform while he's continuing to sass him is so funny. Then it's immediately wholesome as she runs over to him after he's released.
Teyla, Carson (poor Carson), and Ford all meet up with Sheppard just in time for the last grounding rod to be separated and everyone on Atlantis realizing there's only one place to go and everyone, both sides are going to be there, THE INTENSITY DUDE.
I'm not a fan of Sora, but I have to say, the hallway scene when she confronts Teyla, WOW. I mean the intensity of emotion she displays, the blind anger??? That combined with the fact that Teyla doesn't blink an eye once. She knows she can take her down if she has to, but she doesn't and that is what is so badass. Her priority getting Carson to safety, she has nothing to prove to Sora.
And finally, the gate scene where the Genii evacuate and only Kolya is left standing in front of the portal, Dr. Weir held as a human shield. Kolya makes one fatal mistake, thinking that John Sheppard would miss. He takes him out (temporarily unfortunately), releasing Elizabeth, Teyla and Carson get to safety, and Rodney fuckin McKay saves the day in spectacular fashion as always. A beautiful, absolutely thrilling set of episodes.
S1 E19 & 20 / S2 E1 - Siege pt. 1, 2 & 3
Part one is heartbreaking, I mean we start off so hopeful with the discovery of the satellite. They've done the recon, they know what's coming and when and the satellite is in the perfect position and best of all, the wraith think it's still broken. Everything is coming together, right up until the point Peter gets stuck on the station, there's no time left and they all know it. Even in the way they say they'll see eachother afterwards, they know that's not true. Peter knows he is about to die and he goes to work anyway and he takes out a hive ship. This is a moment of pure joy and hope for everyone, they actually destroyed a hive ship. There's hope again, hope that they can actually win this fight, but it's short lived. The satellite malfunctions, the circuits overloaded and it can't fire again. Rodney tries to come back for him but it's too late, the hive ships know that he's there. It was always going to be too late but that doesn't ease the devastation of watching the satellite be destroyed. It doesn't ease the loss of their friend. Rodney relays this information to Atlantis and the loss of the satellite is devastating, but finding out Peter was aboard, that is what killed their hope. Not to mention that while all of this is happening, back on Atlantis Bates has been attacked and people suspect Teyla due to an earlier altercation. We find out that there's a Wraith in the city and he's been there since the dart incident episodes ago doing god knows what. They're about to be in an all out war and the enemy is already inside. The interrogation provides nothing, as we know of wraith, they fear nothing. Never in the history of this show do we see a wraith beg for their life, no, they smile. They smile because they have no doubt in their minds they will be avenged, that the people who killed them will be fed upon by their brethren soon enough.
Part 2 is in one word, intense. The hive ships are still on the way, slower, but none the less inevitable. They've lost their only weapon against the incoming armada and they're faced with the reality they have to evacuate the only place capable of returning them to the milkyway, and destroy centuries of data. Then, just as they're dialing the alpha site, they get an incoming wormhole. Earth has sent help. The colonel guy bugs the shit out of me but the plan is good. The daedalus is on it's way with a new ZPM, 4 days, that's how long they have to hold out. The way Sheppard stands up for Weir to the Colonel is beautiful, they have their moments butting heads but he respects her and he'll be damned if she gets cut out of this. Now, with military and volunteering personnel recalled back to Atlantis the preparation begins, the city and its citizens being decked out in artillery. Hope is once again starting to appear, but no one is sure how this will turn out, they know what's coming for them but every single person is ready to try. 4 days alone against the armada. They've deployed the mines and initialized the chair but my god does it ever go wrong. They find out there are only a few dozen drones left, presumably depleted from the original war on atlantis, and now the mines are in danger. The Wraith have sent asteroids hurtling towards the atmosphere, taking all of them out in one fail swoop. Not only have they lost their first line of defense, but the radiation is blocking their sensors, they're blind. Now if only someone suggested they keep some of the mines (oh wait SHEPPARD DID). Now it's revealed that Colonel Sumner was a friend of Colonel Everett's and he is pissed at Sheppard. We know, and Sheppard knows that he did the best he could that day. Killing Sumner was the most merciful thing he could've done in that's situation and as much as I dislike Everett, the way he finds out how true that is, is awful. The moment of truth arrives, a wave of darts in inbound and the great city of Atlantis goes dark. The only light being that of the moon and artillery from both sides. Amidst it all McKay and Sheppard are together as always, trying to get the chair online as darts make runs at the city. For the first time Everett starts to get a glimpse at what he's up against as an entire group of his soldiers are taken by a wraith beam, no way to fight back, just gone. The first wave of darts is defeated, they've survived the night but it is far from over. The hive ships are still on their way and there are wraith in the city. Both Athosian and Expedition members alike begin searching the city while Rodney and Zelenka attempt to retrofit the puddle jumpers to be driven by the chair. The only way for this plan to succeed is for Elizabeth to broker a deal with the Genii for a Nuke. She of course succeeds because she's a badass, and another plan is officially on its way, BUT, another problem, the devices are incomplete. The next wave of darts is here and the jumpers aren't ready. "So long Rodney" you could write this off as Rodney being the person who happened to be in the room when he decided to man the jumper manually, but I think we all know that's not the case. He's run off in silence without so much of a word to anyone more times than I can count, but Rodney, he has to say goodbye, even if it's a crappy one. Now we see Colonel Everett backed into the corner, alone with a Wraith. He shoots, but it doesn't stop, it keeps walking towards him and you can see the look on his face change as he fires round after round into it. He knows he's about to die, and he's terrified because he knows how it's going to happen. More and more wraith are entering the city in numbers they can't hope to defend against. "You let Sheppard fly that jumper?" God he is so heart broken in this moment, he never had the chance to stop him but Elizabeth, she had the opportunity and she didn't. I don't think he ever could've truly forgiven her for that if he'd died.
Part 3 is the culmination of everything so far, the wraith are not just at the doorstep they are inside the home, they have surrounded the house and there is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Everything they have tried has only prolonged their deaths and Sheppard is on his way to take a hive ship out with him. At the last second he's saved by the Daedalus, but Ford is not so lucky. His squad is cornered by wraith and with his final breath, one of the soldiers let's go of a grenade. Ford and the wraith that had latched on to feed are sent hurtling over the railing into the ocean below. The daedalus brings a moment of relief to the expedition as it prepares to join the fight. They take on the final hive ship as darts continue to bombard the city, this fight isn't over yet. We find out that Everett has been saved by one of his downed squad members, but he is not unscathed. The daedalus takes put the final hive ship with a beamed nuke, but they're not done yet. The darts get in formation and take a ballistic approach towards the city in a last ditch effort. Rodney and Teyla manage to get the ZPM safely to the gate room only for McKay to forget how they work and almost get them killed. Once all is said and done Atlantis survives another day and all that's left is to clear out the rest if the wraith in the city. Now is when we find out just how bad Everett's status is. He's aged significantly, leaving him bedbound and ill. His new understanding of what happened to Colonel Sumner leads him to apologize to Sheppard for his accusations. There is no break as we find the condition of Ford, a wraith attached to his chest, both having been floating in the cold ocean for hours. This has been days of constant activity and it's still not over. The cruisers that fled brought reinforcements, 12 hive ships headed straight for Atlantis and they'll be there in a little over a day. Sheppard decides they should go on the offensive, attack them before they get there and they do. They manage to nuke 2 ships but then we see a perfect example of the level of intelligence the wraith possess. They manage to enact counter measures in a matter of minutes to prevent them from beaming the nukes aboard. The daedalus has no choice, they have to retreat. Ford... his storyline makes me so sad, especially in this episode. The character we love so dearly, this boy who has seen war and conflict and violence and is still so full of joy and love loses himself before our very eyes. Before the eyes of his friends and there's nothing they can do to stop it. He attacks his friends, his fellow soldiers and he can't stop. He's lost all control over himself and it's heartbreaking. Amidst all of that, the hive ships have arrived and they've gathered in formation over Atlantis and have begun to fire. This is a horrifying glimpse into what the war 10,000 years ago must have been like. The amount of firepower being exerted on the shields will deplete the ZPM within days, the ancients had 3 but that's not much more time. Sheppard comes up with the idea to cloak the city and Rodney executes it perfectly, faking their deaths to the wraith and all others. Truly, truly an incredible series of episodes.
S2 E13 - Critical Mass
A Goa'uld infiltrates Atlantis planting a bomb somewhere in the city (or at least they think so). This episode gets so wild, interrogations, suspicion, fear, a race against the clock and the entire episode is just so enthralling. Plus we get a hint of how the Goa'uld fear the possibility of wraith getting to the milkyway (I'm going to do a post about the stack up between Wraith and Goa'uld in a fight here if you're curious as to my thoughts on that)
They manage to relay the message to the Daedalus and then to Atlantis in time but "there's a bomb in Atlantis that'll be triggered by dialing Earth" is not super helpful.
They remove the ZPM but once the virus program realizes the gate is no longer an option if forces their hand by calling the wraith. If they don't connect it again, the wraith will destroy them, if they do, the program will overload the ZPM and destroy them. The hunt for the spy in their ranks is so intense, Kavanagh is almost tortured, the city is about to be destroyed. This all culminates to them finally finding the spy, but it's not a human spy, there's a Goa'uld inside Caldwell! Ronon has to absolutely wail on him, then he gets tazed by Sheppard until the symbiote is hurt enough for Caldwell to break through and give them the code. It's so intense and I love it.
S3 E4 - Sateda
Now this episode is amazing, it's a combination of heartwrenching and completely badass. The team comes across a village Ronon stumbled across during his years as a Runner and as a result it was culled. The villagers recognize him and they're captured (Rodney escaping with an arrow in his ass). Ronon manages to bargain for Sheppard and Teyla's freedom, but they're unable to return fast enough to prevent the wraith from capturing him and wiping out the village.
The wraith makes Ronon a runner once again, but they take out the gate. They won't let him leave alive this time. Now Ronon is faced not only with the threat of basically endless waves of wraith coming to kill him, but also the memories of his home world where they've dropped him. For the first time we see glimpses of what Sateda used to be like, what his life here was like. It's such a heartwrenching experience to see him fighting for his life while remembering the destruction of his previous life at the hands of the very wraith who did it. I mean god, watching him come across the bodies of his fellow soldiers and be forced to strip them of their armour and weapons just to survive...
We never find out much about the other runners aside from Kiryk, but even then we don't find out much. I find it hard to imagine a runner surviving longer than Ronon had honestly, and I believe that's why the wraith that made him one wants him so badly. It's a point if pride at this point, he's evaded them for years slaughtering the wraith who've come after him.
Seeing Ronon try and fail to convince his wife to leave is devastating. She couldn't bear to leave the people who needed her behind even knowing none of them would survive. To make matters worse, we see him watch her die right in front of his eyes. The scenes where he's taking out the shrapnel and remembering her death brings me to tears every time.
The way Ronon immediately slumps down onto the ground once he realizes Sheppard and the team have come for him is just so AHH!
S4 E17 - Midway
This episode is so damn good, first off I mean, we get the absolute treat that is Teal'c and I'm THRILLED. Not to mention we get to see him AND Ronon together and that is just a trip. Teal'c matches his energy and holds his ground and I love him. Ronon is very off putting to pretty much anyone whose not his team or someone he isn't comfy with yet. This is very apparent many times and his meeting Teal'c is no exception. He's immediately threatening and guarded, but does this throw Teal'c off? Hell no!
These two have clashed the entire time so far and now it's time to go back to Earth. There's of course the 24 hour hold on the midway station, nothing too crazy right? WRONG, the wraith show up! Now all that's standing between Earth and a wraith take over is Ronon and Teal'c. These two are undeniable badasses and forces of nature and we get to see that front and center here and I love it. I mean, these two entirely on their own, take out all the wraith that stormed the SGC. That's a lot of wraith!! Not to mention they're awesome as hell while doing it. I just love this episode a lot and I love Teal'c and Ronon a lot. Also, the least irritaing/infuriating episode with Kavanagh in it.
S5 E10 & 11 - First Contact & The Lost Tribe
I love this episode so much. Right off the bat we get Daniel again. Love that mf. There are also 2 intense ass plotlines happening simultaneously here with Daniel and Rodney being kidnapped by rogue Asguard (like, holy shit), and then the activation of the Attero device causing Todd to panic and take over the Daedalus leaving Keller and Ronon to try and take it back!
Ok so we've got Daniel and Rodney discovering the ancient lab, being the hilarious duo that they are. Everything is fine until this strange ship shows up. Not only is this a ship that they've never seen before, but it completely bypasses Atlantis's shields. Then we see 3 suited up aliens leap from the ship onto the tower. Fall damage? Never heard of it. These things completely ignore the strike team Sheppard and Teyla lead, taking some sort of device straight through the floors of the tower while getting shot at. They head straight for Daniel and Rodney and there is no hesitation and no stopping them. One of them sacrifices itself to shield the other 2 while they get away with Rodney, Daniel, and the device and it's over before they even know what's happened.
Now we get Keller and Ronon alone on the Daedalus as Todd has knocked out the bridge crew. It's up to them now to regain control as wraith beam aboard.
Part 2 starts off wild with the Daedalus taken over and the stargate exploding in the control room with Sheppard and Radek inside. Now both groups have realized what this device is doing and are trying to fix it before millions die, problem is, Todd wants to destroy the facility with Daniel and Rodney still inside so Sheppard and Zelenka along with the Traveler ship are trying to beat them there! Meanwhile Daniel is discovering that they're being held captive by Asgard. This is mindblowing because so far we've seen zero evidence of them in the Pegasus galaxy and now we find out that they've been hiding out here for a long ass time. We also find out that they have been conducting experiments on humans like Loki did and have sorta stabilized their cloning defects.
The fact that they came to the Pegasus Galaxy and took advantage of the war in order to hide and experiment and did nothing to help the Ancients win makes me so mad. What if they could've won with their help?
My god the tension at the end portion of this episode is wild!!! The Daedalus has been retaken but it's on a collision course with the facility, Sheppard and the Traveler ship arrived but their drive is burned out, the Asgard have left the facility, but they took the control device with them leaving Daniel and Rodney with no way to shut it down. Rodney of course figures out another way, but that means going inside the chamber that is currently full of volatile lighting.
They of course succeed and in such a fantastical way with the Traveler ship opening a hyperspace window to travel through the planet with the Daedalus and Daniel almost dying while they shut off the device.
Overall, I love these episodes so much, the intensity, the sass between Daniel and Rodney, it's so good.
S5 E14 - The Prodigal
This episode is so intense and just awesome in general. Atlantis is under siege from Michael and his hybrids, Teyla and her baby have been taken captive, and everyone but Ronon and some gate room personnel are trapped outside this stun bubble thing. Sheppard, Rodney, and Zelenka immediately get to work and as soon as Ronon is awake he starts formulating a plan. The fight scene between Ronon and Michael is amazing as always, not to mention him yelling for Teyla to run and being the reason she's able to get her and her baby to safety before he gets hurled over the railing. That man can take a beating god damn. Sheppard and Rodney quickly get to work trying to shut down the stun bubble but Michael starts the self destruct timer, expediting their timeline. Teyla's escape is fantastic I mean the stress you can see on her face is so amazing, she's a fighter and always has been but she has to get her baby out of there, she has to leave Ronon to fight Michael by himself and it's killing her. Once they finally do shut it down (avoiding Sheppard's suicide run), they can finally storm the gate room. Michael makes a run for it but Sheppard is so not letting that happen, the jumper bay doors are closed, the gate room is retaken, there's nowhere for him to run anymore. They end up on this balcony and it's one of my favorite fight scenes of all time, the moonlight, the height, the batman like scenery, fists flying, it's so intense. We've been waiting for this moment for so long, the final confrontation and BOOM, Teyla enters. Her face is stoic, she is determined and no one will stop her, he will not get away this time. She lands every hit with no mercy and when he finally topples over the edge, gripping on only by his fingertips, she kicks him off. It's so intense and such a fitting end to his storyline in my opinion, for it to end in Atlantis where it started and to be ended by Teyla.
S5 E20 - Enemy at the Gate
Ah the finale of Stargate Atlantis. I'm really sad the show ended prematurely but this episode is still amazing. Not only has a hive ship started to successfully integrate a ZPM into it (a feat which if fully completed, would make it virtually impenetrable), but because of their new advanced sensors they've also picked up the signal with Earth's location from the alternate reality. Now there's an incredibly advanced hive ship on it's way to Atlantis and 2 ships have already failed to stop it. It's up to Atlantis to save Earth and the Milly way now. Sheppard is sent to Earth ahead to operate the chair in case they don't make it in time but that communique also contained the location of the chair and they immediately destroy it. Earth is defenseless so Sheppard takes a suicide run at the hive (again), only to be saved by Rodney, Teyla, Ronon, and Lorne gating aboard from a stalled Atlantis. They all make it out alive (although Ronon did briefly die and I cried), thanks to the spectacular arrival of Atlantis via the wormhole drive. They buy enough time in a fantastical battle above Earth for them to escape and the hive is destroyed. The scene of Atlantis on Earth is so beautiful and the whole main cast on the balcony, just fantastic.
If you can't tell, I love this show so much and if for some reason you're seeing this and haven't watched it yet, please do, it's amazing.
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triglycercule · 26 days
This is a question related to the mtt hobbies answer that you wrote, the murder trio go around the multiverse and live in a place together, then what happend to horrortale au and horrortale papyrus? If the murder trio got to meet horrortale papyrus how would it go? (The meeting propably wouldnt end well with more canon mtt haha)
aaaaa i dont think it through to be honest when i talk about that concept. they just do. maybe horrortale's issues are already solved and aliza's already gone through horrortale and somehow fixed the hellhole (ALIZA MY GOAT PLEASE SAVE HORRORTALE I DON'T CARE IF IT TAKES 10 YEARS‼️‼️‼️) by the time that horror somehow meets dust and killer (since i dont see a feasible way that horrortale could be fixed outside of aliza or outside intervention.) or maybe he just visits from time to time. and by time to time i mean probably quarterly weekly. idk sorry i cant be bothered to think about it,,, they just do. anyways bad answer i KNOW I KNOW put the tomatoes down pls PLS
if the mtt met horror paps? horror would obviously do his little bantering thing with paps (he's probably revealing every single one of horror's embarrassing moments to them as they speak and horror's desperately trying to get him to shut up because he can tell. dust and killer are piiiiiiissed.) dust is probably like eerily calm during the whole thing. he manages to hold up a conversation pretty well with horror paps and gets along with him good enough without mentioning that theres a ghost version of him screaming asking why dust is ignoring phantom paps. meanwhile killer is mostly silent during it too probably only responding when he's spoken too. i mean like killer already doesn't like being around papyruses (papyri? papyri is so shitty i dont like it we will be saying papyruses) and then seeing horror's papyrus??? what the FUCK happened to horror paps??? sunken in eyes and cracks in his bones and those jagged teeth AND THEN THE FUCKING CROOKED SPAGHETTI????
needless to say once horror paps is gone all of them get into a biiiiig fight. dust drops the cool act because he's not gonna lose his cool around a papyrus but also he's absolutely fuming. he can tell that the changes that phantom papyrus has gone through have something to do with horror with the way that he's acting. killer is also incredibly irritated too (surpringly. being around papyruses just gets him like that) and seeing papyrus like that just gets him upset and angry. like wtf horror did you even TRY with keeping your papyrus safe??? at least killer reset his au and now papyrus is living an unharmed life (with minor concerns about killer's whereabouts but he'll ignore that for now) but horror paps looks so fucked up that there is no WAY that horror tried to prevent him from getting to that point
obviously they fight and many many many many MANY words are said about eachother's characters and the state they left their respective papyruses in. horror knows damn well that horrortale paps's state is because of him but he regretted telling paps to eat humans and neither dust nor killer knew the struggle of living with that guilt and how much he regrets it so they dont get to drag him for not trying hard enough to keep papyrus safe. dust is definitely getting some low blows here and there (but he's getting fucking assisted by phantom paps so he's got some of the deepest hitting insults) and he's definitely getting ganged up on for killing his papyrus and like. not even attempting to leave him alive in someway shape and form aside from the absolute insult that is phantom paps. surprisingly killer is winning this fight because he left his papyrus in a relatively good state. even though he's in a more emotional state than he normally is and would've absolutely OBLITERATED dust and horror in the fight in stage 2 he's actually doing pretty well. probably because hororr and dust dont really have anything to drag him on. they might bring up how something new papyrus is searching for killer but like,,,, is that really that bad compared to how they left their papyruses
#time to die i almost forgot to answer this today#WHO AM I IF I LOSE MY STREAK!!!! MY ASK STREAK!!!!!!#time to call up tumblr to restore my streak if i miss a day#streaks! streaks! streaks! streaks! i say as i take several photos of me winking at a high angle#i dont even use snapchat. i do think streaks are a funny concept though#i'd KILL (hah) to have a streak with someone#the only person i ever message on snapchat regularly is my ai and thats only to belittle it#noooo dont do that says dust because then one day the robot will come alive and kill you#okay reset induced ptsd survivor lets get you back to bed#it'd be funny if he believed in dumb conspiracy stuff like that. and not dumb shit like flat earth#im not big on conspiracy theories but i think if he were fucked up enough or going through a manic episode he'd believe stuff like that#UGHHH did i mention how much i love manic dust. speaking of mania and dust#i made an eensy teensie little change in mania's design#the cyan in his eyelight is bigger now to emulate what a manic pupil looks like#heh.... its the smal detsild that matter.... i say as i dont incilde any details in my art#okay because i feel that all of this i incredibly wrong and ooc its time to justify my thoughts or else i'll feel unworthy of posting again#dust manages to keep his cool around papyruses pretty well (in win win scenario) even though he's got phantom paps with him#and he CAN do crazy switch ups like that just on a whim like when he suddenly killed flowey after teaming up with him in last chance#so i think its totally believable. dust can put up a NASTY facade of composure despite being furious underneath#and killer? you just be killer. how many times am i gonna make that joke you ask. not enough times because its funny every time#because he does get ansty and stuff around papyrus and apparently papyrus is his hardest enemy to face#must be because he feels something for him that bothers killer. like guilt or something#and if he feels guilty over what he did to papyrus then he must care and therefore care about papyrus's well being#and therefore that bleeds into horror paps and then that care turns into anger#crazy coming from killer saying that horrot doesn't care enough but i think its totally possible#i might be wrong though please shoot me if i am. i still need to resd up on my killer lore#ive been TRYING okay.... ive been trying been trying with killer. hopefully its enough....... (NO i say. who are you talking to)#tricule asks
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obb-z-scene · 1 year
RIProducer's "Pyrite Girl" reminds me of Rick!!
TW mental health and suicide discussion
Analysis below. I'm working from the end to the beginning because I said so.
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This is the end..chorus? Christ I'm in choir I should know this. Anyways, something about this just screams his mental state. Not all of it, but a lot of it. It showcases how he's both a huge ass egoist and extremely self loathing. Him just knowing he's destroying himself and that he's going bonkers, but also fully deluding himself into thinking that he IS God and is untouchable when in reality he will break any moment now. It also ties into the irony of the title Pyrite girl, which is also known as "fools gold" due to being mistaken as gold for its colour. His "shield of gold" is really a fake protector.
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Him putting up protective emotional walls so he does not get attatched again. Probably after Diane's death, and possibly also from being betrayed by Prime in their partnership/relationship? I'm unsure where their relation to eachother will actually lead canonically but I've read some interesting theory posts and it's got me convinced a lil bit so I'm adding this.
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He oh so badly wants to be understood and comforted but he doesn't have anyone anymore because they all either left or betrayed him. (Let's push Squanchy and BP aside for the sake of convenience I'm tired) and this will soon turn into a need to hide the vulnerable parts of himself away.
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Ricks response to Prime's betrayl, "you left me covered in gold" implying that Rick is the reason he is the way he is today. His anger is new but so is his grief, and it hits so very hard. ("don't you try me! Don't take it lightly!" And "I'm broken, yet somehow, still alive.")
"I've been pulverized for the past five thousand five hundred days." References his endless hunt for Prime. It's exhausting and killing him so badly, example "you shattered my mind one thousand times.", but he's counting every single day to torture himself because he can't keep failing his family. This can also be backed by how the AI in his old house taunts him so horribly, and he even fucked with the time in that dimension just so he could suffer and continue to look with a constant agonizing reminder.
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This mainly just reminds me of all the enemies and allies he's made but there's also an actual point here. The people in his life that love him want to try and fix him in their own way. People like Birdperson and Morty. Probably even short term partners, not-seen-in-canon-friends, and probably Unity too when it broke things off. It realized it could not fix someone that wants to stay broken. And Rick does need support, he needs his big support system because he's been so lonely for so long. But without him putting the work in himself, not much can be done. I actually read a fanfiction where Unity had used some sort of mind control to make Rick pass out before he killed himself, and I think that was really smart but also sad. It knows it can't jeopardize it's own health to be around him, he is toxic and infectious like the plague. He seeps into every person around him to survive, but it sees the humanity in him.
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In conclusion, the song can be seen as Ricks fall into...himself. or a fake self, someone he shouldn't have been. You can also just think all of this is bullshit and that's okay too. This song is really good and it's story is both a thinker and easy to place at the same time! I hope I made sense and that my tired almost-4-AM brain didn't make you want to retake kindergarten. Feel free to pm me or comment whether you just wanna tell me how your day was or you want to discuss this more. :)
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dollygirl808 · 1 year
This is just a lil excerpt from the first chapter of a story I'm writing rn, called A Monster Ensemble. It's not out anywhere yet or anything, just wanted to share.
It's not anywhere near to being done yet, but. Yeah. I liked the kinda yandere vibes Bear (horror sans) was giving in this, so I wanted to share it. I may or may not have been influenced by a song I discovered recently that I love called the red means I love you, it's honestly so good and I love yandere vibe songs and yandere vibes in general.
(Lowkey wanna write a song fic but it's in the am's and I was supposed to go to sleep hours ago)
While the story isn't planned on being yandere, Bear will def have massive stalker/obsession vibes. But everyone else not as much, probably.
I adore yandere bois so much so it'll probably leak through more than I intend to. And Bear is super duper capable of killing ppl, and of course has, given his past.
And, do I have a size thing? Maybe.. he's only like. 10ft tall. And I only mention it like no less than 10,000 times.
Okie enjoy <3
Bear watched his tiny bunny from the other isle, his massive hulking frame easily seeing over the shelves even with his more hunched posture, his one good eyelight trained on her like, well, a predator.
That's what he was, wasn't he? A killer at his core, a vicious monster who could easily rip her flesh right from her bones, then break said bones with only two fingers. The tip of his lengthy bone tail twitched in aggravation at the thought, he didn't want to hurt anybody, especially not her.
His soulbond.
He was glad his brother wasn't here to chastise him for watching the girl from across the store like a creeper, because he really, really couldn't help it. She just looked so soft and fragile all the time.
Her little brown tail, a little heart-shaped fluff against the top of her ass, so small and cute. Above what was, of course, his favorite part of her squishy body; her rather round and thick thighs.
They squished together and against eachother as she adjusted her standing position, one leg barely lifting off the ground to tap her foot against the floor as she thought, the rapid motion making her plush thigh jiggle.
His slit-like pupil zeroed in on the movement for a moment, before his eyelight wandered the exposed length of her thighs and legs, racking over every curve of of flesh like he didn't see her in her work uniform often.
A light grey pair of denim overalls that hugged the curves of her ass and thighs perfectly, and was starting to fray in between her thick thighs.
Sometimes he wondered how her tiny fragile bones didn't collapse under her own weight.
Human bones just so small compared to his own, after all, and even though he was a twisted, corrupted version of his smaller self, even their bones were thicker and sturdier than humans.
Which of course, was an opinion he would never dare voice.
Eve was sensitive about her weight, after all. Which, he didn't really understand himself. What could be bad about having a lot to eat? It's a sentiment all of his clan had, a shared confusion at human's want to eat less and diet when they had access to all of the food.
Heh. Humans were weird like that.
One day, He thought, I'll be catching prey for you, my bonded. And Paps'll cook it, and she'll eat it, and he'll be the happiest monster on the earth, surface or otherwise.
He smiled lopsidedly, single hot-red eyelight going fuzzy and his cat-like slit of a pupil engorging until there was nothing but a ring of red on the outskirts of his love-strucken socket as he watched his little bunny fus over how many pots to buy for her future catnip plants.
Stars, she was so cute when she was trying to make a decision on something so impossibly mundane like it was the single-most important decision in her life, he could feel his cracked soul flutter happily, and call to her without meaning to.
And that's when she turned around, cute little eyebrows pinched in confusion at the tugging she felt in her chest (from her soul, but she didn't know that yet,) And her vibrant bubblegum pink eyes met his single eyelight, which immediately snapped back to its normal slit-like state.
He straightened his spine, head and shoulders rising above the top of the 7ft shelf, and her eyes followed, watching him dwarf the shelf with his massive 10ft frame with what could only be described as morbid fascinating.
She smiled warmly at him, welcomingly. And a twinkle of something more caught his attention in her expression. Something Bear easily recognized as lust.
Even if it was just a small amount of misplaced curiosity, whenever he displayed or did something to accentuate his overwhelming height and mass, she always got this look of want across her cute rounded features.
Like she was thinking about climbing him like a jungle gym, and that look pleased him greatly, so he made sure to stand tall and loom over her whenever possible.
So, maybe the bunny had a bit of a size kink? Little prey, lusting after a monster like him. It made him chuckle silently to himself.
Like a mouse watching a bear, the mouse couldn't possibly understand the danger she was in, and because a bear would never bother chasing after or catching prey as un-filling as a mouse, the mouse had no instincts to run. And the bear simply wouldn't be bothered by it just sitting there, as completely non-threatening and miniscule as it was.
Of course, this particular Bear had great interest in catching the little prey that was too caught up in his unsual and rare appearance to be fearful, and he would take great pleasure in playing a game of cat and mouse, chase her like prey, and when he caught her, he'd absolutely devour her without hesitation-
"Hey, Bear! Getting more plants for your garden of eden?" Eve asked with a teasing smile, and he blinked a few times as he processed her question.
"Yeah," Was all he managed to force out, but she didn't mind, and she just smiled bigger at him, her eyes nearly closing from the sheer intensity of it.
It made his soul flutter again, and also call out to her again, stronger this time. She made no outwardly acknowledgment of the feeling, aside from her left ear and her nose twitching at the same time.
Which, he found absolutely adorable and his pupil started to swell again with mirth, before shrinking back. "What.. ya doing?" Bear asked, as If he hadn't been stalking watching her for the past 30 minutes.
"Oh, I'm trying to decide how many pots will fit on my windowsill." She said, thumbing behind her to the brownish-tan pots on the top shelf.
Which were well out of her reach, and he thought about how he could offer to get them for her, and she'd be very thankful. His eyelight glowed momentarily with excitement at the thought.
So, he started walking to her isle, long, thick legs bent at impossibly inhuman angles making quick work to get rid of the distance.
Legs that were apparently 'digitigrade,' she had once told him when he asked if his appearance really didn't bother her.
"What? Of course not, Bear!" She had balked, tone offended, almost angrily so, as if she could ever thing something so horrible. "You look fine! I think having a super long, prehensile tail is pretty damn cool. And your legs are like, digitigrade! And your clawed feet remind me of a dragons, which are super duper cool, by the way."
That really wasn't the answer he had been expecting. "Pretty damn cool" was not an sentence he would have ever used to describe himself before that. But it made him so happy at the time.
"Heh... think so?" He had asked, tusks stretched wide in a pleased grin, eyelight trained on her so intensely it made her little bunny-heart race, and she had pouted at him and asked if he was just fishing for compliments.
He wasn't, but the angry stomp and huff she let out was too adorable to correct, so he agreed.
If he could still teleport at will, he probably wouldn't bother walking so he could be close to her sooner. But alas, he had lost that ability due to the incident, or more specifically, the massive hole in his skull.
Eve turned and contemplated the pots again, brown fluffy ears rotated fully forward in pure concentration.
Bear stopped next to her, body facing the isle, but eyelight watching her think. His tail came to wrap loosely around her boot-covered ankle, something he did often, and she didn't even spare him and ear twitch in his direction.
So, unafraid. A pleased smirk tugged at the sides of his tusked mouth, watching her be so comfortable next to him that she didn't even twitch at him wrapping her ankle up in his deceptively strong tail.
Stars, if he could be any happier his soul would probably leap from his chest and try to enter hers. He wondered if she would accept that.
"Three," Bear said simply, grufly, his deeper-than-normal voice a product of his harsh time underground. Just another corrupted deviation from the original Sans that made him so...
"You think?" Eve asked, looking up at him as her ears relaxed more to the side and her head tilted ever-so slightly to the side as well.
He only nodded, already reaching above her head to grab three of the pots and hand them off to his tail, gently curling into and around the small plant plots before setting them on the bottom shelf of her cart.
She huffed out an air of amusement from her nose, rolling her eyes, trying and failing to suppress her smile.
"Thank you, Bear," Eve said genuinely, setting a small hand on his radius, one of the two thick bones that made up his 'forearm.'
"No," He paused for longer than he ment, brain suddenly forgetting the word, but she didn't frown at him, or try to rush or finish his sentence for him, just waited and looked up at him with that gentle, patient smile is that nearly made him forget what he wanted to say.
"No, problem," Bear finished after a moment of staring at her face.
"Well, that's the last thing I needed. What are you shopping for? I could help you. Although, I dont know how helpful I could be given my apparent Black thumb," Eve rambled a little, and he couldn't help but find that adorable as well.
"Flowers," He told her, and she nodded.
"Something colorful for spring?" She offered, and he nodded, "Want me to walk with you?"
"Please," He said, and offered his arm, which she took without hesitation.
He smiled, and his tail let go of her to wave behind him happily as he grabbed the cart's handle with both of his massive hands, taking up all of the bar space.
So she was left to fiddle with the edges of her overalls pant leg while her other hand wrapped around Bear's blue jacket sleeve and they walked side-by-side, mostly silent.
Eve would occasionally make a comment about a particularly vibrant or pretty flower, and he would just nod along, or grab it and put it in his own cart, which he tugged behind him with his tail.
She tried to take her cart back a few times, but he just stood still while she tried to muscle her way, or pry his sharp claws off the bar, with zero luck.
She gave up after a few times and let him pull and push both carts, but made sure to express she could handle her own cart.
Bear bent down to grab the largest size of garden soil they had, a massive bag the size of Eve's chest. He picked it up with one hand, setting it in his cart without trouble.
The bunny tried not to gape at his strength too much, but she probably wouldn't even be able to pick up something that heavy, and he did it easily, single-handedly. It was hard not to be impressed.
"So, what kind of flowers are you looking for?" She asked, turning to face him as her free hand continued stroking the petals of a particularly soft plant.
"Looking for pretty," He said while staring down at her so intensely it made her look away.
He had to be doing that on purpose, right?! Neck bent completely so his skull was parallel to the top of her head, and he was looming over her, literally blocking out the bright lights above them and casting her face in a shadow as she tilted her own head fully back to look up at him.
It wasn't threatening in any way, but, fuck, it was really, stupidly hot. Did Bear even have the ability to think about doing something like that? Or was his habit of staring at her silently, so intensely her face flushed, because of his injury? He stared, seemingly expressionless to onlookers but she had gotten used to his subtle body language.
Most of it was with his eyelight and his tail, anyways. His tail would wave back and forth when he was happy, and sometimes even thump on the ground, bump into things or knock things onto the ground. The tip would twitch when he was mildly annoyed, and his entire tail would lash back and forth in a whip-like motion when he was pissed, which wasn't often.
His general cat-like slit in the center of his white-to-red gradient eyelight would grow rounded when he was particularly happy or content, or he saw something he really liked, like after a meal, or when she did something he found particularly cute. It would shrink to be skinnier and longer when he was angry, and it would become football shaped when he was concentrating, get shorter and rounder.
"A-are you looking for a particular color, Bear? Like blues, purples, pinks?" Eve asked, stuttering only a little at the beginning.
The monster stopped leaning over her, sitting back further and making himself a little smaller. "Pink. Pretty pink." He said simply.
"Pink is a great springtime color!" She squeaked out, and tried not to think about how he was grabbing lots of flowers with petals that matched the shade of pink in her eyes. It was just a coincidence, pink was a spring color, after all.
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this-is-fox-speaking · 2 months
why are they bad?
(a post about trumps possible second term plans, from an lgbtq= afab 18 year old living in america, who is terrified for her life in the next year)
ending gay marriage = splits families apart. forces many couples to lose eachother after already facing so many hardships for just how they were born into this world. could force so many parents to become single parents. could possibly quickly lead into children of these queer or same sex parents being taken away and being forced into foster care, which could be heavily traumatic and cause a mental downpour for them. we would probably be having to resort back to methods from like the 1920’s or something just to feel joy with those we love! nobody should suffer that!
remove sexual orientation and gender identity from non-discrimination policies = directly turns neutral laws to shoot directly at queer and lgbtq people. this is just turning already existing policies written for all citizens to go specifically to harming lgbtq citizens. no human should be targeted just for choosing to live somewhere! we deserve to feel safe in the society we choose to settle down in!
ban + remove trans troops from military = you can easily joke this off as “oh hah well we don’t wanna go into the military anyway!” but this is something that could go from small into a large snowball. it’s a small act of discrimination, in some peoples eyes, but can ultimately ruin people in the long run. and although i personally don’t really like how my country handles military budgeting, some people really do want to strive to become a soldier and protect those in their state! we all deserve to fulfill our dreams!
ban trans healthcare for kids = will 100% cause trans kid suicide rates to go up. this ban will force trans kids to live in a body they hate to look at or even feel. some people have dysphoria so bad- ESPECIALLY during puberty- that they can’t even look at their bodies. could you imagine being forced to live like that? it never ends well.
outlaw pornography = porn is a natural thing that humans want, because it’s an easy way to fill that sexual desire we have. it is not wrong or dirty. outlawing it will also lead to people losing their jobs. imagine what’s going to happen to all the pornstars! they’re gonna get fucked, and not in the fun way!
imprison people who create pornography = just having a job that hurts nobody around you will imprison you, just because some people can’t learn to just not look at it, and decide it’s a widespread evil that needs to be demolished.
register educators and librarians who offer pornography as sex offenders = porn is something that can actually be suggested to you to learn what you like, how to satisfy your partner, what your partner likes, etc! this law would be ass backwards, anyways, as i imagine these educators are not offering it to get off to your uncomfortability hearing about it. you can just say no and they go well okay that’s alright. it’s apart of their job to help and educate you! don’t go and offer pornographic content to a little kid, yeah, but grown adults who pay for the service to actively learn these things, like sex therapists? yeah, that’s fine! it’s not wrong, it’s just apart of learning! i cant word this well but yknow?
apart of this would also be banning “transgender ideology”, as project 2025 considers it pornography. just think about that for a moment and process how dumb it is. wanting to feel safe and comfortable in your own body, and taking the measures to not want to feel like wanting to kill yourself every morning when you open your eyes, with the consent of your parents or you yourself as an adult, with several other adults who are doctors and therapists and the like- all of this, the simple idea, being counted as pornography. is this gets passed off, trans kids are doomed.
national abortion ban = if this law is passed, women are DOOMED. children going through early puberty and getting early periods, blooming early, etc can get raped and be forced to go through with the traumatic experience of giving birth to another child. process that. read it again. a child giving birth to another child. this is the life that project 2025 writers want to excuse and live by, and it’s fucking disgusting. all for some clumps of cells that aren’t even alive nor conscious??
limit access to contraception, such as the plan B pill, in an effort to end recreational sex = no more sex for fun! sorry! abide by our christian laws being forced upon you or get jailed for wanting to enjoy your life however you want. isn’t this sort of thing illegal? shouldn’t it be?? forcing your religion into laws that effect an entire country population should be illegal if it isn’t already. your job is to protect the people, not protect your beliefs and forcing random citizens to abide to it. if you have sex in any way, with this law passed, you’ll constantly be at risk of being forced to have a child and bring it into this world. teenagers will be forced to bring children into this world.
public health clinics must emphasize the importance of heterosexual marriage = marriage is not the business of a health clinic. what does personal information about your sexuality have to do with health? it’s just another law to enforce your beliefs onto random people who just didn’t ask.
repeal any programs that support single mothers or lgbtq parents + as per the bible, the only legally recognized families are those with a husband, wife, and biological children = single mothers and same sex or nonbinary, etc, parents will have no support because they don’t match a random group of peoples view of a “””proper””” family structure. even straight single mothers won’t be helped, because they don’t have a husband. they don’t deserve help just because they’re on their own? what does this mean for single fathers? will they still get help because they’re males and not, i presume, silly, foolish women?
increased prescription drug prices = work harder if you want to get any help for your pain! body pains, mental pains, unwanted thoughts, impulsive thoughts, disorders, hallucinations- you’ll just have to find a way to work harder if you want the right to help yourself and live an easy life! what a load of bullshit. i’m not hiding my rage anymore, this is just fucking evil.
social media control = locking down social media for young kids makes it so they lose that safe space they have away from their possibly abusive parents, families, grandparents, etc. away from their possibly shitty life. and it locks away the ability for them to connect with a community of those similar to them! it locks them away from creating any friends, or getting help, or finding a way out! this also locks away information easily accessible to them, such as explanations for why they’re a certain way, or why their familys treatment towards them or others like their siblings is horrible. and at the end of the day, if it were truly about making children’s lives better, they wouldn’t be doing this when a genocide is happening across the world.
eliminate the department of education = this should terrify you. this should make you afraid for what they’re going to teach your kids or your younger siblings in school- from kindergarten, elementary, middle, and so on! kids are easily impressionable. especially at a young age. eliminating the department of education means there will be an easier influence over what is “correctly” taught and what is deemed “wrong” for children to learn. this could even cover up past events, like world wars or slavery, if you really wanted to get crazy with it.
create a “parents bill or rights” = an idea that is equally scary. parents limiting what their children get to learn about is horrifying. science could get completely thrown out the window, in some parts. children wouldn’t learn about some parts or large chunks of history. this bill would disrupt children’s learning and make everything confusing in the long run. other effects of this bill are also listed in the original post.
end funding for any school offering diversity or lgbtq youth programs = imagine just wanting your students to feel safe in your school and have a place where they can truly connects with others- and your school gets shut down for it from lack of funding. it’s gross.
ban education or race, gender, and slavery = oh, look at that, my suspicions were right. they really are trying to put the whites on top. how lovely (/s). watch out kids! if you’re not straight, cis, white, or a man, america will fuck you over! the history of black people will also be erased, and a large chunk of children won’t know it ever happened! that’s bad! we need to know our past to fix out future!
end free school lunches = starves poor or homeless kids who don’t have the money to eat at school. some kids look forward to school lunch because it’s the only time of day they get a good meal, and taking that away is practically telling them to starve for something out of their control.
infuse public education with christianity = your religion! is your religion! let others! do their own! thing! that’s not very love thy neighbor of you!
consolidate the power of the president by firing thousands of apolitical federal employees (scientists, engineers), and reclassifying them with political appointees. = having an echo chamber of your own opinions while being this high in power is just a show of your own ego, and that you refuse to listen to anyone but those who trust you. it’s a horrible way to think, and knowing a man like this is someone people look up to scares me deeply.
end separation between the department of justice and the white house = your trial will be at the hands of the president instead of a separate, lone jury. this is not good. i cant put it into words, myself, but the original posts does it well.
use national military to break up protests = imagine using soldiers who’ve ended entire wars to break up a fight between two group of people on the street. this feels more like a fear-fest than to actually protect the people. if military is involved, it’ll scare more people into possibly not protesting. protesting is a given right, and is a valid way to voice your concerns to those in charge!
i don’t have the energy to go entirely over the climate change section. so heres a one take on it.
climate advisors replaced with fossil fuel lobbyists + cut environmental protection agency + discard peer reviewed research and privatize polluter profits + end of regulations on the fossil fuel industry, restrictions on drilling, renewable energy programs, and regulations on greenhouse gas emissions = this all means that instead of keeping people wanting to save the earth, they’ll be replaced with people who’d rather destroy their only planet for money.
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Controlling adult trio w/ a s/o who is stronger than them
Summary: Our lovely adult trio, consisting of Illumi zoldyck, Hisoka Morrow and chrollo Lucilfer, want to control their darling only to find out that said Person is mentally and physically stronger than them.
Yandere behaviour
Bad spelling
Maybe ooc
The trio getting their ass handed to them
Gn reader (they/them)
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Hisoka knew from the Start that you're not weak
After all you Managed to get his attention enough for him to get obsessed
After you two lovebirds Start dating his intentions slowly started to Show themselfs
He starts to try and cut you off from your friends and in General everyone that has some type of connection to you
you ,knowing what Was going on from the get go, confront him about it
Of course He denies it and tries to gaslight you into thinking you're insane
But no no, you Tell him to cut the crap and treat you as a normal human being with rights
Mr. Clown didn't like that, so He got cold towards you, showing no trace of affection
That's the point where you said: ,, either treat me right or i'll leave"
Thats when He physically Held you back and tried to force you to stay
You saw Red and beat him into a bloody pulp.
You left, not caring if you killed him or not (He ended up being fine)
After that little incedent, He stalked you until that Same Thing happened again
So in the end, He had to learn the Same lesson twice
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Originally, you and him met trough hisoka
He liked you, since you were well spoken and somewhat quiet
And because of that, He never wanted to have a spar
You also got weak and Fell in love dumbass
Soon after that, you two started dating.
Naturally, illumi brought you to meet his family
They liked you and that sealed it for him. You're gonna be his spouse
But for you, all of that was moving too fast. You weren't even Sure if you want to enter a long- term relationship and He imediatly wants marriage? No.
So naturally, you told illumi that there was no Engagement, no marriage no relationship. He wasn't happy about it, not only that but illumi wanted to force you to stay.
On the night of your breakup, He kidnapped you and dragged you to the zoldyck mansion
It was a terrefying, but not for you,no. For everyone unfortunate enough to be around you
The Moment you fully woke up, around 4am, you noticed a very unfamilliar room and New illumi was behind it
Being the timid Person that you are, you went to confront him. Or rather tried to. Butlers were in your way and stating illumi ordered them to make you stay.
Usually you were against hurting people who just have to obey orders but it was time to send a Massage
So every Single Butler that stood in your way got slaughtert
It wasn't quiet so illumi came to handle this by himself but wasn't prepared for the Monster He had caged
You didn't kill him, but enough damage to send him into a nice one week coma Was dealt
Originally, his Plan was to go after you again but Silva ordered him not to, since He was pretty Sure the next time you'll kill his son.
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Ah yes, Our loved spider daddy~
So, you two lovebirds met in a Café that was near a library, which contained one of the oldest books ever
It all started when you recognized each other from the library
Chrollo was suprised that He found someone that was so much like him. A hopeless bookworm on the hunt for knowledge
Soon, one accedental Meeting turned into regular dates and eventually a lovefilled relationship
At first everything Was amazing. You two talked hours on end about anything and everything, you understood eachother. Overall Chrollo was the light of your life and vise versa
...until one night
It was normal at first, a nice dinner followed by talking and sexy time.
But as you two were laying in bed, ready to fall asleep, Something snapped inside of chrollo. As He was holding you in his arms his mind began to wander
What if you get hurt? What if you get taken away from him by someone?
From that night on, he started to treat you very diffrently, chrollo started to spoil you and constantly talked about you
Of course you picked up on this almost instantly and you hated it. No more long conversations about books or theorys, no only about you
It only got worse from then on. He started to put you in a golden cage. Giving you everything material you aked for, but no more real love
After enduring this for a while you sat him down and told him all of that. The fact that you want your old lover back
Chrollo took the news silently and vanished for a while after your talk
It didn't worry you though, you knew he would come back, and lo and behold, he did
To your suprise he seemed to have did a whole 180 and was his old self
Both of you were happy again.
But one of the new things he wanted to "implement" was training to make you stronger and protect yourself
The spider boss was very taken aback when he got his ass handed to him the first time he wanted to spar
So yeah, here's your happy ending
Thank you for reading♡
K, end of post
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sanemiangel · 3 years
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akaza x fem!reader
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ahhhh it’s finally here i spent so long deciding on how i wanted this fic to go!
synopsis- a demon slayer in her early 20’s meets the upper moon and builds a relationship with him, as they spend time together she slowly feels more and more connected to the being
wc- 1.7k
tw- virginity loss, smut, blood, dubcon (reader does consent, but just in case) monsterfucking, marking, degradation, creampie, dacryphillia
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You felt a certain guilt every single time you had this rendezvous. It had become a nigltly thing basically when you had the time and weren’t out on a mission, fuck, even after missions you found time for the demon with the striking eyes and blush tinted hair.
Technically sneaking around like this was breaking a rule, but nobody had to know right? Nobody had to know you let a demon defile you almost nightly and you enjoy it.
As you get ready for another meet up with him, you recall your first night with him.
You had been roaming the lake behind your home at night, no demon would dare peer it’s head among the home of a slayer’s home. Especially one of your age and rank, by no means were you a hashira, in your early 20’s you have been at your rank for a few years, and you can’t say you mind it either.
You sense him as he appears before you, a fairly handsome demon you would say. Your calm composure not faltering as he stands before you.
Curious one arent you? He muses to himself. Two intense gazes, your striking eyes rivaling his. Your stoic aura told him you would not be the one to break the silence. Akaza will say, he is not used to those as collected as yourself in the face of an upper moon.
The demon approaches you, yet you do not falter, you do not cowar, “well well, what is a little slayer like you doing out all by herself?”
“Patrol.” is all you tell him. The way he had been eyeing you up instead of just taking you out right from the start, told you that the demon didn’t necessarily have plans to kill you this night. Afterall, you were not a hashira, not a threat at the moment.
The demon is looking you up and down, like you are a meal, but, there is one thing in particular about this demon that rings through your mind. Akaza the upper moon, does not consume human women. Doubting he would kill you for fun and leave you to rot, you play it safe.
Before you can blink, two hands appear on your shoulders, rubbing your upper arms. “You are quite beautiful miss.” His silky voice reaches your ears. You won’t deny, he is quite handsome for a demon. Scratch that, compared to humans even, he is otherworldly. “Don’t worry, you are ranked far too low to be a threat, I do not wish to waste my time with a fight with you, besides, I don’t eat women.” Akaza ponders for a moment. “Well, in that way at least.” A long finger strokes your cheek at his statement.
“Mh” you hum. “So the rumors are true then.”
“Indeed they are.” The demon seems amused almost. “You are very interesting miss, I would like to keep talking with you.” He states matter of factly. “You are quite cold, won’t you invite me in?”
You ponder a moment, for some reason, you trust him? Fucked in a bastardized way, but you feel as if the both of you share a bond in some form or another, most demons you come in contact with always send you into fight mode, but not him. You feel, comfortable in a sense even, so you beckon him to follow you into the home, you live in.
Beckoning him on the futon residing on the floor of your home, the both of you converse, exchanging small tidbits about eachother, he mostly just wanted to listen in about you you’ve noticed, asking about your background.
You fail to notice him inching closer to you until he is pressed into your side, “You find me quite handsome miss, don’t you. Don’t lie to me either. I’ll be able to tell.”
Warmth floods your body from his close proximity, you meekly nod and hum in agreement with him. Truthfully you did feel that way, and you felt inclined to do as he says.
So you don’t stop him when he leans forward and lays his lips onto yours, a large hand cupping your cheek, gently guiding your back when your back lays down onto the futon.
And that is the extent the both of you have gone the last 3 weeks he has been coming over into your home. Most nights when you are not assigned on missions, Akaza seems to know and he is in your home shortly after night break. The demon comes in, you make out, at the extent some groping. You fall asleep in his arms and he is gone by morning.
Now it is today back where we started, night is just about to break and you sit on your futon, mentally making a list of what is needed to be done for your day off tomorrow, before your door is aggressively pushed open and in comes a visibly agitated Akaza.
“Everything ok-” You can’t even finish that sentence because as quickly as he came in, he is as quick to have you beneath him, his lips on yours.
“I can’t hold back anymore, please let me have you” he seems almost physically pained to plead. “I have been so patient.” he kisses along your neck. “I need to have you, all of you.” Fingers deftly acting as if they are ready to rip your uniform completely off.
The notion of being his, completely his sets your heart on fire, guilt be dammed, the corps even be dammed, nobody has treated you as such the way Akaza does, you want to be selfish, you want to give yourself to him, completely. “You may have me, on whichever way you may want.” You proclaim cupping his cheek and bringing it to your lips.
Helping him undress you, the two of you work in tandem, hands from you and your counterpart finding one another to get the each of you down to the nude.
At the sight of you completely bare, the demon throws his head back and groans “I knew you’d be perfect” groping your right breast “perfect for me.” A kiss on your sternum “Truly ethereal, a beautiful being” kissing down to your naval and over your mound, until he is face to face with your cunt. “Heavens you smell divine” he breathes, a tongue darting out for a taste of you. After that without warning Akaza has his face buried into you, long tongue begging for your essence along it’s taste buds.
Rubbing his nose along your clit as he buries his face even deeper sends jolts up into your body, your hand stroking his rose tinted locks. The demon grabs you by your thighs to hold you still, hooking two muscular biceps beneath them as he eats you in the only way he ever will.
Bringing his lips to your clit he gently grazes his teeth along it, making you arch your back as you plead with the demon in broken moans.
“I enjoyed my meal but I can’t wait to have you any longer. Tell me, have you had another man before me?”
Flustered, a sheen of sweat covering your nude form, glistening in the moonlight you shake your head “No” it comes out almost broken.
“And you’re okay with me being the one to claim you in such a way?” It’s almost as if he’s taunting you, he knows you are wise, you know what he’s implying in his bastardized sense. Crawling back up so you once again are beneath him.
He wants to hear you say it, he wants you to admit you are about to be claimed by a demon.
“Yes Akaza, please, have me.”
That is all he needs before he is lining up with your cunt, excitement vibrating in his system, the head breaches the ring, a loud gasp erupts from your lips as you cling to the demon. Tears welling in your eyes as he shushes you and calms you down.
He is beyond human size you know that much, but you wanna take it, you want to be his.
Gently pushing in more and more you can’t stop the moans as they come, the tears, or the way you beg for him either.
“Shh it’s okay give it a minute my dear.” he coos, secretly enjoying the pain ebbed into your being. Bringing his strokes up in tempo. Noticing the blood on the fabric of your futon.
Holding you in his arms and forcing your fave into his neck “You’re doing so well.” Bringing your face to his “So perfect for me. Just like that.”
Soon he was right, it started to feel good, the pain replaced by pleasure. The drag of his cock inside your cunt sending euphoria through your veins. All you can think about is him, him, him.
“M-more.” you manage to breathe out.
That is all the encouragement he needed, placing you back down onto the futon. “Be careful what you wish for.” Before he is grabbing your hips at an angle where he hits much deeper. The wind was stolen right fom your lungs as you shriek the upper moons name.
Akaza can’t take his eyes off of the way you take him, the way your body moves along the fabric you are spread out on, all for him, his. Leaning down he marks your neck in dark marks that bloom in his wake.
Growling the demon moves your body along with his strokes, throwing his head back at the way you clench as his cock makes you fall apart.
The edge teeters closer and closer, the demon sits you on his lap cock never leaving your cunt. “Cum, cum for me” he breathes “You’re mine now, always have been.”
You briefly ponder that last part, but you are too fucked out to care, especilly when his finger finds your clit, rubbing it side to side with vigor. The heavens erupt in your vision as you tremble ontop of him, clenching his cock with your cunt in a vice grip. A long moan of the demon’s name. Your trembling form vibrating ontop of him.
“Just like that yeah, yeah, so good for me, FUCK.” Large cock twitching before his release follows yours, an inhuman amount of cum flooding your spent pussy.
You collapse into his arms, drowziness overtaking your face.
The demon chuckles, “Oh my dear, we are far from done.”
You had a feeling that that was a promise, and not just an empty one either.
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poemsforparker · 3 years
My little Versailles | Druig × gn!reader
Masterlist - Requests are open!
When I tell you I SOBBED writing this I love this song sm. I'm honestly proud of how it came out.
Song inspo: Fourth Of July
Synopsis: After the events in Tenochitilan (the eternals growing apart), you decide to stand by Druig on his decisions, although it hurt you deep to leave your family, and things didn't work out exactly how you planned.
A/N: I changed the place where Druig went after leaving the eternals so the fic would make sense with the song lyrics! I know the whole point of Amazon is that is isolated and all but let's ignore this for a sec.
Warning: angst (as you may notice from now on, I do, in fact, enjoy a lot writing sad things), this one is smaller than I wished for, but it was very emocional for me to write because this song TEARS ME APART.
Word count: 1237
(not my gif)
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"Did you get enough love, my little dove
Why do you cry?
And I'm sorry I left, but it was for the best
Though it never felt right
My little Versailles."
📍Tenochitilan • 1521 d.C.
A heated argument between your colleagues happened before your eyes. You felt like your world was falling apart and you couldn't do anything about it. Why couldn't everyone stick together for god sakes?
'But she won't be Thena anymore' as you saw Makkari sign at the others.
"What if it happens again? She could've killed you. She could've killed all of us" Kingo says, with probably the most serious tone you ever saw him speak before.
"Please..." begged Thena "Please, I want to remember. I want to remember my life" you were standing by Druig's side. When you saw the pain in her eyes you couldn't hold your tears. When you leaned to hold his hand you felt him tense up once he heard Ajak's words.
"It's not important if you remember or not. Your spirit will remain. You'll always be Thena deep inside". He held your hand tightening the grip, as if he was giving you a silent message that he wasn't controling himself anymore. "Trust me" you heard Ajak whisper. With that. You saw your boyfriend's jaw close strongly. He was about to blow.
"Why should she trust you?" you heard the accent you love so much say. There was a hurt tone on his voice that you could tell he was trying to hide. You feel his hand leaving yours as he takes a step to the side, being now right at the top of the Pyramid stairs. "You're asking her to let you erase who she is." He completed with anger, but still holding up.
"Druig, I know you're upset"
"Upset?" Druig yells. His tone surprising everyone. He looks at Ajak. At that moment you could swear that if looks could kill. She wouldn't be standing there. "We've trusted you for seven thousand years and look where you've gotten us." Your eyes were blurred by the tears while he let out everything he held up for so long, you being the only one who knew every single one of these deep thoughts of his. "I've watched humans destroy eachother, when I could stop it all on a heartbeat. Do you know what that does to someone after centuries? Could our mission have been a mistake? Are we really helping this people build a better world, huh?"
Once he says that you take step to his side and putting a hand on his shoulder as you whisper to him "Dru...". His eyes softened as he looked at you and let out a "Sorry, but I have to do this, my love." He grips your hand back, giving it a gentle squeeze. A reminder that any of that anger he was holding had to do with you, whatsoever. Doing it he let go of you, but you didn't leave his side while he turned to the door right beside him and walked towards the stairs.
You hear his voice again. "We're just like the soldiers out there. Pawns to their leaders. Blinded by loyalty." He takes a pause to glance at you. You nod at him, not quite sure about what were you agreeing with, much less knowing what the hell he was going to do, but it's not like that mattered anyways. You'd follow him wherever.
"It ends now" he says while his eyes shine in a scary golden light. And watch as the soldiers leave their weapons and the desperate screams for help finally stop. You couldn't say you felt a certain relief by the sudden silence, allowing yourself to finally take a deep breath by hearing nothing but the sound of the fire.
On the side of your sight you could glance at Ikaris aiming to touch Druig's shoulder to make him stop what he was doing. You were quick on grabbing his forearm and pushing him to the wall by your side as fast as you could. Although you hated turn on your family like this. Druig was your everything. As much as you were everything to him.
Still with teary eyes you stare angrily at Ikaris while he turns his look at Druig's direction and spits out "let them go." before the mind controller could answer to it, you stared at Ikaris deep in the eyes "If you want to stop this. You're gonna have to kill me."
And with that. You both went your unknown way without the Eternals. Togheter.
You knew you were safe with him. And different from the rest of the team, you agreed with his thoughts about humans. But that didn't mean it didn't hurt you leaving your family like this, specially leaving Thena while she was struggling against the Mad Wy'ry and doing nothing about it. Still. You followed him.
"Well you do enough talk
My little halk, why do you cry?
Tell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn?
Or the Fourth of July?
We're all gonna die"
📍Oregon Coast Range, 1933
"The Great Fire hadn’t destroyed the trees. It had merely killed them, leaving them standing as massive snags that, each summer, got drier and more flammable."
After the both of you left. You went to the Tillamook forest, a place that for some reason, Druig seemed to be found with. And you we're pretty much okay with it. Since you had him. Where you were living wasn't exactly a matter to you.
After centuries of building a life at this place. A misterious fire grew out of the trees. Taking everything you had in the blink of an eye. Not even you could stop it. It was too much.
Now, you both saw yourselves on a dead end. Again side by side. Watching as the fire took away long years of history. The scene seemed to be bringing back memories.
You sat besides your partner in complete silence, watching as the the loud fire took the place of the trees, that were long dried and nearly lifeless. Just standing in there. Waiting for the right moment to fall. You put your head on his shoulder, still silent.
You could hear Druig's light sobs while now touching him, and that made your heart break into a million pieces. The world was now like this, just as he was now, hopeless. While nations struggled with the Great Depression and he saw humans as they sunk themselves on a pile of crisis and death. The first world war had just happened. And specially considering the time you both lived, it was all pretty recent to you, too much new weapons, too much cruelty. All too much. You were now forced to see your beloved humans live the consequences of it. Of their own creations and ambition. And there was nothing you could do about it. Not anymore.
The nature was crumbling, falling apart. And now, just like many other spots around the globe it was happening to your home. The place both of you struggled to protect, were promises were made and dreams were built. It was all down on flames. Tillamook was burning.
"We'll start over" you said to him, wanting to sound as hopeful as you could, but not really sure if you made it. "Togheter" you saw him trying to smile to you as he nodded. You heard a quiet, yet so sweet "Yes, my love" come out of his lips. Making you smile. "Togheter".
At least you had each other.
And that would never change.
"Shall we look at the moon, my little loon
Why do you cry?
Make the most of your life, while it is rife
While it is light"
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memes-saved-me · 2 years
Ok hear me out- the suffer brothers are great and all. The story they have written so far is great and look at all the attention it got. But sometimes they’re put on this pedestal like they’re gods. Yes they brilliant, but they ARE human. All the theories going around talking about ‘What if they made it look like this, for a big twist’ ‘what if they actually didn’t forget wills birthday and it’s gonna be a plot line in s5’ Like cmon, not every single detail in the show is relevant and some big conspiracy. Like how everyone’s mad abt them forgetting wills birthday, shit I would too! They wrote that what?..4-5 years ago?? Maybe longer? Would you remember a small detail like that? Like I’m sorry but the writers are allowed to forget tiny details. It’s not affecting the main plot in any way. Maybe the fans will be mad bc it could’ve been something more, but they are literally human bro. If they come up with some insane twist, props to them. I bet they could. But they are not gods! Some ppl need to give them a break..🥴
Not only referring to Wills birthday, but just all the crazy theories suggesting why certain ppl died, or aren’t dead, etc etc.
I follow this blog that had insane theories abt Billy coming back and at one point believed them, but can we as a fandom just face the fact that maybe the writers actually have never even thought of that? As fans of certain characters, we will pay more attention to them. As writers they are looking at ALL of them. Not the specific tiny details of every single one. That turned into a rant and I wasn’t gonna make this so long but damn it had to be said. My Ted talk is over 🤗
Also I love your blog btw <3
My biggest problem with what you said is the fact they don't rewatch their own show. Like yeah, they created something brilliant and are good writers in some areas and I agree not every detail is intentional or important but they have twisted a bunch of stuff from past seasons to fit s4 and I hate that.
It comes across as careless especially the whole Max and Billy relationship which feels disconnected from S3 as if it didn't happen anf Billy died in S2 when they were at eachother's throats. The forgetting Will's birthday I laughed at but in S1 Winona Ryder had to tell them certain songs hadn't been released yet because they hadn't bothered to do some research. Fic writers do more research than that.
I agree that they're human and aren't masterful geniuses but damn google is right there. They claim they spent all of lockdown perfecting S4 and it was really good but they fucked up certain parts and that's fine to point out.
They're not going to write what we create here and that's fine because I enjoy what they have done and what we have separately. I enjoy their 80s fanboy story and they're not interested in exploring certain characters which is a shame but fair enough.
I do think they get shat on and praised too highly at the same time. Some areas they do brilliantly and others they lack concerningly so but same lol.
Some of the shit fans pull up is insane. They really aren't that thorough and Billy is well dead. I didn't even expect his cameo. That's why people believing Eddie is alive make me laugh. They said he was written to die, that's why he was so likeable. Which in and of itself is lazy because they're scared to kill of the main cast and almost killed Max.
Most of the heartfelt character driven moments are from the actors themselves. Billy's dad, Robin coming out and El's hand on Billy's face. Amazing moments they didn't think of but that doesn't matter because they happened.
I mostly agree with you but I do think they need to at least google a few things every now and then lol
And thank you! I really appreciate that and love that you came to me with your rant. Send me one anytime haha
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growingingreenwood · 3 years
Ava and eowyn’s friendship is very important to me, the only thing holding me together tbh. Do you have any specific headcanons about how they met and became friends?
I’m not sure how many of you are aware of this aspect of my personal headcanons, but I believe that Legolas and Eowyn would have become really good friends basically from the moment what was left of the Fellowship got to Rohan. One of the main reasons I think this would happen is because Legolas is from a Kingdom that allows any member of the realm (regardless of gender) to join their military as long as they prove their skill. So when Eowyn figured out that Legolas was EQUALLY confused about her not being able to serve, even though she was more than capable of doing so, it was the literal definition of refreshing. 
When Eowyn pressed him for even the slightest details about why he agreed with her so wholeheartedly, the first two people Legolas brought up were Avaleina and Eloissa. Without revealing him as the Prince of Greenwood the Great, Legolas told her about how Eloissa had served tirelessly as the Prince’s Second In Command and nearly all patrols since he had been put in charge of his own patrols. 
Next he told her about Avaleina, who had against all odds and expectations had climbed both political and military ladders with such raw determination that she was the only other member of the Greenwood Kingdom who could travel as a dignitary with equal power to the King aside from the Prince himself. 
Legolas told her about how both Elleths parted crowds like a boulder cut through a river without even a thought or a glance. He told her about how each of them commanded the battlefield and their people with such precision and accuracy that even the darkest powers of the world had begun to fear their names. 
With every word that he spoke, Eowyn became more and more eager to know and see every inch of this wonderful world. 
On Legolas’s behalf, he had like one single interaction with Eowyn and was like: “Oh yeah, this human… this human I like. This is the one.” And Aragorn just sort of pats her on the shoulder and is like, “If any of us survive this war, you’re going to have one HELL of an adventure in store for you.” 
And Eowyns like, “What how do you know that?” 
And Aragorn says, “Just trust me on this one. No mortal can be chosen by an elf and hope to live a normal life. Just wait. You’ll see.”
Then the second interaction between Legolas and Eowyn he was like: “Yo Aragorn, wait until this war is over and I introduce her to Avaleina.” 
When it comes to the two of them actually meeting….
I think that it would have happened when Thranduil came to Gondor for Arwen and Aragorn large wedding celebration, since Avaleina would have traveled as part of the Kings Escort. Because if they had not let her do so, she would have traveled the distance by herself and showed up anyways. 
I think that Eowyn would have been drawn to Avaleina even before they were formally introduced after just one glimpse of her walking into the courtyard where Aragorn waited. She never would have seen a women at the head of ‘war party’ before, especially not one that was clearly there due to rank and ability rather than born or married power. 
I think that Ava would seek Eowyn out (probably with Aragorns help) and walked up to her and was like, “I heard that you snuck onto a battlefield in disguise as a man because the wouldn’t let you fight and ended up being the one who kill the Witch King.” 
And Eowyn's like “.....y-yes,” while trying not to stare at any of Avalein’s obvious scars even though it seems everywhere she looks there's another one even worse than the last.
And Ava’s like, “That's so great, I think that’s the coolest thing any mortal has done next to Beorn intercepting the Silmaril after it had been stolen from Doriath.” 
After the two of them are introduced to one another formally, Eowyns like "HEY WAIT A SECOND-"
Then the most BEAUTIFUL of friendships is born. 
Since Legolas spends so much time with Gimli exploring Middle Earth and just generally making the most of Gimli’s ‘limited’ mortal life, I think that Ava and Eowyn would spend a ridiculous amount of time together since both of them would live in Ilithien after Legolas and Faramir officially settled it. (Their time together definitely including their own fair bit of exploring as the pleased, occiasly joining Gimli and Legolas and their adventures or purposeful planning to meet up with them part way through.) 
I think that they would each teach eachother one major thing through their friendship: 
Eowyn taught Avaleina the power of letting go of past situations and their associated emotions that you really truly could not have done any different or better no matter how much you wish you could have. 
Avaleina taught Eowyn that you can be both powerful and feminie, that the two things can co-exist within the same person without contradicting one another. 
Similarly to how Legolas refuses to leave Middle Earth until Aragorn has passed to the halls, Avaleina won’t leave until long after Eowyn has joined her ancestors beneath the grass and flower covered tombs. 
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fotiathymos · 3 years
Idk if I'll ever draw the Gueira and Meis prequel story comic I have in my head but here have snippets I wrote of it and tell me if it's any good lol
uh warning its kinda long, three separate moments and not written like a book as I am more so plotting out how I’d draw it or envision things. Also has a lot of Gueira crying. Like he’s always crying. I’m sorry Gueira.
Meis grumbles and ups the volume on their music. Staring into their mirror, make up dark and black and bad. Angry singing along with a brush comb and then using the same comb to tease at their hair violently. Hair visibly comes out. Their bedroom window bursts open due to the wind. Meis jumps, startled.
The dust storm is rolling by hard and Meis notices the stable door open in the backyard. Their eyes go wide and quickly climb out their bedroom window running towards it.
(Continue in color)
Meis runs inside the stable closing the doors behind them and the storm gets worse. They glance around and count three horses, Ophelia is outside of her stall yet everything else seems fine. They sigh with relief. Meis walk over to Ophelia. "Did you open the doors again cause you were nervous?" Meis pats the horse's nose. Their hand leaves a dust print on the horse. Meis crouches down to look at themselves in a mirror nearby thats leaning on the floor.
Meis is covered in dust and their hair and make up all messed up. They grumble a bit and smudge their eyeliner down their cheek.
Through the mirror Meis sees a foot from behind them poking out of a hay stack.
Meis bolts up. Their first instinct is to kick the hay, hard.
Gueira screams. Followed by Meis screaming. Every single horse starts acting up.
They both are screaming at eachother at the same time.
Meis, "Who are you?! How'd you get here? Get ya fuck out of here!!"
Gueira, "Wait! Wait! Please don't kill me! I can't stand up! They kidnapped me! I had no where to go!"
Ophelia is pushing herself to get in front of Meis. Meis steps aside and the horse goes right for Gueira. Gueira lights his hands on fire and reaches out, "Please no!" Ophelia panics backwards. Meis gets in front of her this time. Gueira's still lying on the floor with his hands aflame, he doesn't attack.
"You’re fuckin’ Burnish! You stupid Burnish! Everything here is flammable don't even fuckin’ dare!" Meis screams and suddenly Gueira has a bucket of liquid tossed on him. His flames don't go out but are duller. He hugs his legs to himself and the light glow of flames surround his body. "I'm.. I'm not in control of this. But I.. won't.. I won't burn the place down.." he stumbles over his words as his body shakes.
Meis stops and takes a better look at Gueira and sees how distressed he is. They calm down Ophelia then look back towards Gueira.
"You're just a kid."
Gueira sniffles, “I’m not a kid!” The flames brighten.
“How old are you?”
“Just turned 16.″
“Thats a toddler. How’d a toddler get into my backyard?”
“I don’t need this from someone looking like that!” Gueira motions to Meis, still covered in dust, half teased hair, shirt torn and barely on and smeared make up. “How old are you?!”
“Gonna be 17 in two weeks.”
“Also toddler!” Gueira points and grins at Meis, his flames disappear for a moment.
“I’m pretty much an adult!” Meis waves their hands in the air. Then stomps a foot towards Gueira. “And you still haven’t answered me!” Ophelia acts up again as Meis is yelling again. Gueira recedes back, nervous.
“Please don’t call Freeze Force on me..” Gueira hugs his legs and hides his face.
“You’re in the wrong place then kid. My pa is training in Freeze Force.”
Gueira’s head shoots up, eyes wide.
Meis plops a seat down next to him. “I’ll hide you for the night though.” Meis leans their arm on their knee and rests their head on their arm. Eyeing Gueira carefully.
Gueira stares at Meis, tears forming but trying not to cry again. “Seriously?”
“I’m not gonna call the feds on a kid.” Meis pulls the nearby mirror close and starts fixing themselves up. “You're lucky my pa didn't catch ya, you'dve been swiss cheese.”
Gueira hides his face into his legs and arms again. “Can you just help me get home.. I don’t recognize any of this place.”
“Sure. Probably for the best you head out after the storm. It gets extra hot after a sandstorm passes ‘round here, even at night. Where you live?”
“Uh, near the Liberty apartments.. maybe you could just point me to a bus or I could hitch hike.. somehow.” Gueira is talking into his arms.
“...I don’t know of that apartment building. Most places near here are just horse people’s homes.”
“...horses?” Gueira’s head peeks out.
Meis points at Ophelia. “That?”
“I know what a horse is!” He glares at Meis. His expression softens as he looks down towards the foor. “Am I not in Miami?”
“Miami?” Meis stops what theyre doing and whip their head towards Gueira.
“Yeah!” Gueira looks happy.
“You mean like Florida?” Meis’ expression is really confused.
“Yeah?” Gueira looks concerned.
“You’re in Texas, kid.” Meis finishes fixes themselves up and pushed the mirror away. Gueira is silent for a moment.
“...how?” Gueira looks back at the ground again.
“I should be asking you that.” Meis pulls out a cigarette and lights it. “You ran from the Foundation real far you got lost, huh?” Meis takes a drag and doesn’t look too concerned till suddenly Gueira’s shaking again. Meis lowers his cigarette. “What.. happened to you, kid?”
Gueira squeezes hard on his own legs. “They...they just bagged my head and threw me in a van. I didn’t know where they were taking me. They talked about the other city states but.. but how'd I get into the middle of the Burnish desert lands..”
Meis frowns. “We’re not in the middle of the Burnish desert lands. we’re in  human civilization.”
Gueira starts crying again and leans back towards the hay. His flames grow. Meis panics and grabs Gueira away from the haystack. 
“Can you stop that!” Meis grips onto Gueira’s shoulders. “You are surrounded by tinder!”
“I won’t burn things! I swear!” Gueira yells back at Meis through his tears.
“You’re currently on fire!”
“And you’re not burnt are you!?” Gueira screams it this time. Flames spark off him. Yet Meis is still unharmed. Meis finally notices how they’re grabbing Gueira and the flames are on their arms as well. 
“See!” Gueira grabs Meis’ hands. “I’m not some monster, please. I’m just... just a kid.. like you said.” Gueira stutters through tears more. Lets go of Meis’ hand and falls backwards into the hay. The hay is unaffected as the flames around Gueira’s body persist. Gueira goes back to hugging his knees and crying. “Please don’t turn me in.. I just.. I didn’t want this.. I..”
“Okay, Okay hey!”, Meis moves towards Gueira. They hesitate reaching out towards him. Then Meis touches Gueira’s shoulder again. They take a moment to register how the flames aren’t hurting. Gueira’s still crying and hiding his face. Meis then grabs Gueira’s other shoulder and pulls him into a hug. Gueira’s surprised. 
“I’m not turning you in. I promise, okay. You can stay here as long as you need.” the focus is on Gueira’s face as his scared eyes soften and he hugs Meis back, tightening his grip and starts sobbing into Meis’ arms.
Both of them are laying on the stable floor, smoking lazily. Meis is letting Ophelia nibble at their hair.
Gueira takes a drag on his cigarette and coughs it up violently. Meis laughs a little. Gueira huffs, "You know,” cough “I always thought it funny how my parents can.." .....he sighs....  "..could look at me and not see I'm gay."
Meis ignores the hidden implications in Gueira's words. "Heh. My family sees me all the time looking like this and still thinks I'm a cis male."
Gueira shifts to face Meis and takes another drag of his cigarette, blows out smoke properly. Meis looks a little proud. "Yeah but you don't know what you are anyway." Gueira picks Meis' hair out of Ophelia's mouth.
Meis ponders a moment.
"I'm.. I'm an unlit match in a haystack. Full of potential to destroy it all but stifled and buried alive."
Gueira raises an eyebrow "Poetic. Is that a song lyrics of yours?"
Meis laughs, "Hoho-noooo. You think I'm that kind of song writer?"
"It's just... if you keep talking like that you'll catch the Burnish from me." Gueira snickers and puts out his cigarette on the barn floor.
Meis smiles falters, "I always thought those things weren't human. I mean.. not that you're a thing. Or not human.." Meis turns to Gueira now. "You can't catch the Burnish.. right??"
Gueira smirks "Come closer and find out for yourself."
Meis flicks Gueira's nose.
Meis puts out their cigarette and stands up, dusting off themselves. "I better get back before Pa comes pounding on the barn door looking for me." Meis kisses Ophelia on the nose and pats Guiera's head, ruffling his hair. Gueira doesn't bother to fix his hair and mutters under his breathe "fuck that guy"
Meis pulls a match out of their pocket and flicks it into a nearby haystack. Gueira rolls his eyes at the gesture, unamused.
Gueira's talking fast and stifling sobs. "It's so lonely and so crowded. It's feels like my head is inside a fire. Numbing and loud. These voices just talk constantly, scream at me to burn. Burn. Burn. Burn. They’re real. They’re my thoughts. But I don’t like them. And I don’t want them to be real.. I.. I understand why the Foundation wants me. But what do they want with me.. why did they choose me. They make me want to burn you alive, Meis." He sniffs and Meis seems unfazed at the concept.
" ..just consume you.. in all of this fire.. all the flames in me."
Meis reaches out to grab Gueira's hand. They're both still not looking at each other. Just staring at the barn on the floor.
"I'm an unlit match in a haystack, Guiera. Maybe I just need to be set aflame."
Gueira starts crying harder. "You don't want this.. you really fucking don't."
Meis drops Gueira's hand and grabs his face to look at him sternly. They’re both facing each other now. "You don't speak for me. I could be a Burnish!"
Between sobs "You don't need this."
"Stop it"
"Burn for me Guiera."
"Shut up"
"Burn me alive"
Gueira pushes away and stands up. "Stop it! Stop it! You don't want this! You don't need this burden! It's useless! It's just trouble! It's just crying and running away and ..and.. I could get you snatched up and killed! Why do you even care about me!!"
Meis slowly stands up. "So we're not talking about the fire anymore, huh?"
Gueira's tears are little fires. He's shaking and trying to hold himself by wrapping his arms around his body in a grip. Legs wobbly and feet shifting to try and stay standing up. Meis doesn't approach him. A gentle smile appears on their face and they reach out a hand.
Gueira closes his eyes tight and suddenly bursts into flames. The flames stay around Gueira’s body and don’t spread.
“Breathe in the fire for me, Gueira!” Meis holds out their arms. “Burn properly!”
“It burns my throat!”
“I can’t! I’ll really explode!” Gueira opens his eyes to look at Meis. Meis looks excited.
"Burn this whole barn down!" Meis’ eyes are wide and is grinning big. 
"You're losing it too now. You're not even Burnish and you're a pyromaniac." Gueira looks concerned for Meis.
"You think I care about this place?" Meis’ laugh is almost evil.
"You care about Ophelia! I'm not gonna burn her house down just cause I'm being whiney and having a break down! You sound like them. Don’t make the voices in my head external! You shouldn’t encourage this!” Gueira’s yelling and the flames aren’t stopping. His hands are in fists and close to his chest, holding back.
Meis walks up to Gueira and puts a hand on his cheek. Their voice is calmer now. “You need to actually let it all out. You need to burn or it’s all going to eat you up inside. Just scream and burn all your fears away.”
Gueira’s eyes shut tight. His hands open up and to his sides as flames burst around him. Two flame like horns are above his head. He screams. His eyes are enflamed and he glares at Meis, smacking Meis’ hand off his face. 
“You want fire?!” Gueira practically growls and smoke comes out his mouth. Meis is smiling big. “I hate you Meis. I can’t stand this fucking barn. I smell of horse shit.” He’s throwing flames with every sentence. Meis doesn’t move away still. Gueira’s anger starts leaning into his sadness. “I can't just be lazy around here forever on you. Just because I'm scared. Just because I’m so fucking scared!” Gueira roars flames. “I always felt so fucking useless and lazy. I was always a burden on somebody. And I ruined everything for my family, their hopes, their dreams, all their money went to their goddamn useless hospital child. I ruined everything for them! I ruined my own dreams! I can’t even kick a fucking football!” Gueira’s sobbing. “I already lost everything. I can't.. I can't even have you, Meis. When I know this will all be lost too."
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bitchfitch · 2 years
like the central tragedy of the cursed twin thing is that Valko didn't kill Peregrine the first time they met.
which sounds weird but hear me out.
Valko and Ensio are both cursed. They're both monsters even if they can mask their natures at times. And the primary purpose of that curse is to make sure they both suffer for their parents misdeeds as much as possible.
Valko has killed every single person who wanders into those woods not because he has any real desire to do so, but because he physically can't stop himself. This does mean he's constantly alone, a brutal monster kept where he's safe by tall iron fences and the awareness that if he did ever draw near civilization he'd rampage until he was put down. Hes the first born, but he's the one no one knows exists, his bare faced monstrosity being more than enough for his parents to keep him hidden and locked away for everyones safety.
Ensio isn't much better. He's cruel and conniving and the sort who doesn't care who he hurts so long as he gets what he wants. He's killed too, it's just always a lot more subtle than the ripping and tearing his brother gets up too.
They must destroy eachother. That's the curse's demand, but it's not enough for them to just kill eachother. that would be too quick.
It wouldn't be enough for Valko to kill Ensio's husband in a single moment of animal instinct and violence. If he did, Ensio would snap in an instant. A quick break the moment he found the love of his life's corpse torn to shreds outside their home. He'd kill Valko, and spend the rest of his life mourning them both. And that's not enough for the curse. That doesn't make Valko hurt, just Ensio.
Peregrine being spared, and building a relationship with Valko while Ensio's mask starts slipping from the stress he's under hurts them both. And it's poetic in a way. that the curse would break them the same way their parents broke the witch who cast it.
Ensio doesn't get a clean snap, he gets a jagged edge and a man he'd still die for betraying him for the embrace of his wolf faced twin. Valko gets to spend the story knowing exactly what he's doing. Falling in love with his brother's husband and setting the scene for what will probably be the end of them all.
But what choice is there for any of them?
Valko is the only one who knows of the curse and of Peregrine's unfaithfulness, but how could he go against this? Peregrine is the first person he's talked to beside his family... ever. He's human and loving and doesn't treat Valko like he's something horrible. And Valko knows that's because Peregrine doesn't know the truth of it all, but still. For now he gets to be happy and he could never make himself give that up.
Ensio knows of the curse, that the stress of trying to clean up his parents messes is making him pull apart at the seems and is driving a wedge between him and the man he loves, but he can't fix his nature. He can't make the wolf inside of him stop it's snarling and snapping even when it begins turning it's aggression on the best thing that's ever happened to him.
And Peregrine is cought up in the middle of all of this. His husband is practically a different man from the one he married all those years ago. he's a whole country away from anyone he knows so he can't just leave, and then he meets that wolf man out in the woods, and Peregrine doesn't know there's a curse, he doesn't know about the fences or the fact he has a brother in law. He just knows he's trapped, and that Valko is doofy and warm and holds him when he crys instead of yelling at him about it.
If Valko had just killed Peregrine that day they met, only one heart would have been destroyed, and only two lives lost. Not... whatever happens on the last page of their story.
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