cawe-sama · 1 year
@hetalia-rarepairweek day 5! I can't believe I like it so much!!
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The prompt is historical, but very recent :) getting your gf into this mess you're making all over Europe <3
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kitratre · 1 year
Maybe Hunbel(Hungary x Belarus)?
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sure! cute kisses.
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kjellerhjornet · 5 months
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mustela28nivalis · 1 year
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lagrosselegume · 2 years
I need your help, Hetalia community!
A long time ago, in a place far far away, when Tumblr was full of erotica fanarts and authors hadn't migrated to Twitter...
It was 10, years ago, or something like that. I have saved on my phone one comic-answer from a Hetalia ask blog just to look up for the author later...
Time has passed, I'm a full grown adult now (26 y.o) and while surfing on my Google photo account I have found this mini-comics... Totally forgotten in space and time. And I decided that I need to finish this task! I need to find an ask or an author of this art. But Tumblr is foreign and alien place for me now, so I need any help in this search.
What do I know:
- It was an Ask.
- Probably Hetalia themed.
- There are definitely Belgium and Hungary in this ask. (But I can't be sure that the author ship them like I did (and still do).
I added images from that answer (maybe the author sees themselves and comes to yell at me for reposting, it can work too), but I'll delete them after completing this mission!
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scribblysap · 3 years
Draw some fucking lesbians you fucking coward
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Fluff Imagines Part 1/5
- Prussia inviting Hungary to hang out with the awesome trio. She brings Belgium and Liechtenstein along. This is fine because Bel and Prussia are neighbors, Prussia and Liechtenstein are cousins, Bel and Den are mutual friends with romantic tension through Lars, and America isn’t allowed to have an opinion on the matter. 
- These peeps going out to play laser tag, Awesome trio totally annihilating the crazy girl trio because they are children who do this on a regular basis with the exception of Hungary who holds her own quite well because she’s frequently target practices. 
- Bonus: Belgium and Hungary being SUPER competitive besties who hate losing. 
- Belgium shoving Den into the wall into a deep kiss. Prussia reaches over to cover Liechtenstein’s eyes because they’re related and he doesn’t want his innocent cousin’s eyes to see that. Hungary shooting the crap out of Prussia from behind. 
- Belgium then shooting Den to get that final point, then winking and walking away a cocky shit, leaving this usually loud and exuberant man blushing and speechless. 
- Bonus: Belgium and Hungary highfiving as they walk out. America loudly complaining about cheating. Liechtenstein innocently asking Prussia what happened. Prussia avoiding the question so he doesn’t get in trouble with Vash. 
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maivalkov · 3 years
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Click here for Chapter 20 :)
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koolkat9 · 3 years
Well, how about Belgium?
send me a character
favorite thing about them: Her design is so cute, so I think I'll go with that.
least favorite thing about them: Uh... in canon she is kind of basic and not that compelling to me, but that may be just because she's a side character
favorite line:
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(Very true, I have a belgian mutual and she is like one of the nicest people I know)
brOTP: Luxembourg and Netherlands
OTP: Hmm...BelHun or SpaBel, I can't choose
nOTP: I see her, Luxembourg and Netherlands as being siblings/having a sibling like relationship so shipping her with them isn't my thing.
random headcanon: She is a huge gossip and can be quite nosy in her friends' affairs.
unpopular opinion: Let her be sassy and forward!
song i associate with them: "Almost There" from the Princess and the Frog (idk I saw on a disney Hetalia theme things a while back and it hasn't left me since...)
favorite picture of them:
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hunnybel · 3 years
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Hunbel! One of @dice-draws Delta kids. Tegiri Dancestor Yes the name is intentionally familiar this is my son
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hunbela · 5 years
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too bad i cant draw bc this is 100% hunbelg
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If people don’t know, ive mentioned that they used to be roomates. Emma is a pastry chef and Eliza doesn’t specialize in any type of cooking, just culinary in general. They attend the same culinary school as Francis, who’s pm graduated already. He has a masters in culinary arts. Culinary gang
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ziashetalia · 5 years
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【ヘタリア】ベルVSエリザ【リク消化】 Pixiv ID: 6976799 Member: 820 - Bichiko@桐乃
※Posted with the artist’s permission ~Please ask the artist first if you want to repost the artist's art~
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mayflowers07 · 6 years
Do you guys ever have that one ship that doesn’t get enough love so you’re determined to like everything in the tag even if it’s not good? Or is that just me?
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flamaflavio · 6 years
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azuliocoolio · 6 years
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Here’s my secret santa gift for @karo-lola504 ! I used the Harry Potter prompt, so they’re just chilling in the common room. I had a lot of fun drawing this, and i hope you like it! Have a good holiday!
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