#Hypo rambles
hyponell3 · 1 year
Ok but like....
I am SO happy to find people who also agree to ship Michael and Ryan from Dead Island 2 (which btw is such a fun fucking game, go play it, I'm playing Bruno next.)
But like:
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I am claiming these two as boyfriends, everyone politely shut the fuck up and accept the canon
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rosquinn · 6 months
Hi Ross, i hope you’re having a pleasant day! You’re a delight to follow but i have a question: i barely read few pages of books in past two months meanwhile i feel like you’re reading a new book every week!!? How???
I don’t mind ít, actually I love to learn about classics through mutual osmosis but I’m fascinated and ??? seriously how you’re doing it
HI HYPO!!! UHHHH I usually get a physical copy and bring it with me to class and I read a lot during the break and free periods and I've been told that my reading speed is spectacular so!!! plus classics are my special interest that helps a lot I think
I had to speedrun the name of the rose for a history project but I would've done it anyways I think. Idk what to read next I should probably finish TBK or NLH OR read something like Pride and Prejudice for my Spanish class project. Do you have any recommendations I need to absorb every classic ever
I don't really know how I do it I just😭 eat up the whole book nommomnommmhm
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the-owl-tree · 2 years
tigerheart's greatest crime is telling his ex-prophecy cat gf that her dreams are "just dreams"
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canisitsnotlupus · 2 years
SD organizations are moving away from poodles left and right because of the high wash rates (and numerous ones will even say that's why lol) and people still push them as a fab four breed (along with collies and gsds, yikes) 💀 there's a reason almost all accredited organizations use labs, goldens, or labxgolden mixes... it's because they have the best and absolute highest success rates out of any breed, hugely ahead of all other breeds in their success rates and like, i am the FIRST to admit that sometimes off breeds can become SDs, i worked a BC, but the fact is.. one can set themselves up for success by going with a lab or golden (or labxgolden)
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I'm genuinely fascinated by the way my brain absorbs writing styles. Wish I could control it but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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nightly-ruse · 2 years
Can ppl send me some design requests??? I want more :/
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okiankeno · 1 month
Unwarranted group therapy session with all of my 120 classmates for an hour is not what I was expecting when attending this mandatory session
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branloaf · 1 month
"hypochondria" implies the existence of "hyperchondria." perhaps a person who could be coughing up blood and still genuinely believe they are not ill.
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diabetesnscoliosis · 3 months
Foaming at the mouth because people can't see the bigger picture
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hyponell3 · 2 years
I am currently thinking up the rest of the STARS members' possible animals for my little Resident-Crossing thing!!
I have a few in mind, though I am undecisive as always!!
Richard: OK, I'm debating on either Anteater, Squirrel, or Bird for him. Honestly, I REALLY want to make him an Anteater, I think he would be so adorable as one-
Joseph: He gives me SO MUCH monkey vibes, super energetic, little bastard that's super curious and social. Also mf is definitely the prankster of STARS along with Chris, you can't tell me otherwise.
Forest: God, this was tough, but I want to make him something COOL looking, with the Eagle and Lion being the coolest to me. I think the Lion would fit with his LUCIOUS HAIR and just swagger looks. Though a Wolf also seems fitting???? Lion though-
Enrico: Like Barry, he gives me Bear vibes, very beeg man and honestly, he just gives me those vibes. The big papa bears of their groups, yknow
Edward: TBH, I sometimes forget about him, and I feel bad yall- I think maybe a Tiger could fit him well.
Kenneth: My mannnn, I was thinking one of the bigger animals, like the Rhino or Elephant. Maybe a Rhino more though.
Brad: Chicken. I know, I know its the basic go to. BUT, I drew him as one in my doodle dump and now I love it too much. ChickenHeart through and through.
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hotfudgecherryrosy · 11 months
I want second ear piercings so badddd. Like just a second lobe piercing which in theory is easy to maintain (compared to cartilage) and isn't seen as unprofessional (haha internship hokey pokey...)
But i SUCK at healing. It took me a month to recover from a super minor procedure that it shouldve taken me a week to fully recover from. Also sometimes when i wear earrings, my ears spontaneously swell up and get itchy for no reason. And no its not bc of an allergy bc i only can wear real earrings anyway bc of my nickel allergy. which means getting jewlery is stupid expensive anyway... agh!!!! woe upon me!!!
P sure the healing problems are eds related... hope i get that figured out soon
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kaaaaaaarf · 5 months
Posting this behind a cut in case you don't feel like listening to me ramble about what it means to have bipolar ii and be a fic writer.
Being a fic writer with bipolar has turned out to be a weird experience. I certainly can't speak for every person with bipolar disorder, but this is what it's been like for me:
I can't write well unless I'm hypo-manic. When I'm having a "normal" day, my writing doesnt flow. I can't think of obvious words—but when I'm in it, I can pop out an entire chapter in a matter of days—and the fuck of it is, often it's even good.
But see, even though I intellectually know that this only happens when I'm manic, when I'm in it? Game off. I am flying high and often don't even realize it. It takes a certain amount of determination to stay in the "zone" for enough consecutive days to get something completed, and this only feeds the mania.
So, I will push through the week I'm feeling inspo, ignoring my responsibilities, forgetting to take care of myself and then—it's posted. The high of completing something usually lasts for half a day before I crash and fall straight into the depression pit.
It happens nearly every time I post a fic, and I'm so ill prepared anyways. I still can't go back and read hatefuck two because I wrote it in a manic frenzy, and then the next day, I experienced the worst dip of depression in a long, long while. There are a few reasons why I can't read it to be honest, but a lot of it is that I associate that fic with that dark day.
Everything is clearer the day after, when the mania subsides, and the shame you feel for being manic is nearly inescapable. I become convinced that whatever I wrote is terrible and that I should quit writing all together.
So, right now I feel like shit, and I'm mad at myself for being excited about something. I'm embarrassed that it means so much. I'm terrified because if I lost the ability to do this I would be lost.
Anyways, just going to continue to spiral, wish me luck.
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cozycryptidcorner · 2 months
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Monster match for a lovely anonymous user.
I’d consider myself a fairly confident outgoing person, for the most part? I’m the type of person who will offer to walk up to the snack table with you even if I don’t actually want anything so you don’t have to feel awkward about going alone, yk? I have a tendency to get excited and ramble and I’m known to be… a bit loud, at times ^^;; While I may not *enjoy* doing it, I’m certainly not afraid of confrontation and I’m told by friends that I come off as a bit intimidating. I try my best to always be kind and encouraging to everyone though!! I do, however, have a bit of a protective/possessive streak. I’m also dramatic as fuck, but it’s for the bit.
Something’s wrong with the schedule, so the conductor lets you all out of the train to the nearby town. Only vaguely saying that there’s been some kind of miscommunication, and instructs that you return in an hour for an update. That wouldn’t be so bad, except you’re in the middle of nowhere. Flat fields of wheat stretch so far you can almost make out the curve of the Earth through the green horizon. 
The town is strange, clearly old, buildings made from faded red bricks, and heat wobbling from the dusty gray asphalt. After the main street, only a few gravel roads push further away into the sea of unripe grain. A lone Dairy Queen makes itself at home in an abandoned Pizza Hut shack, two cars in the admittedly small parking lot. People stare at you and the other passengers of the broken train, not in hostility, but more out of curiosity, eyeing your clothing choice and hairstyle with blank expressions. 
Some train riders head to Dairy Queen, while you begin wandering around the tiny downtown, stepping over enormous cracks in the concrete. There isn’t much to look at, a general store, a Shell gas station, and… A shop that pulls you toward it, and upon further inspection, you realize that it’s a spiritual shop. Not a Christian shop, like you would expect out here, and as you enter, the thick incense settles in your chest strangely. 
He’s surrounded by unlit candles, chin resting on his hand. You only catch a glimpse of him like that, at rest, eyes cast down onto the counter before the door’s jingling alerts him of your presence. His eyes are large and brown, like a doe caught in headlights, looking surprised that you bothered walking into the store, but he closes the book he’s reading and offers a shy smile. The sweater he wears is worn but clearly cared for, color faded but clean. His sandy-brown hair is curly and in need of a haircut, the strands brushing against his thick lashes. 
The two of you make some small talk, especially about being abandoned by the train, and he shows you the extensive collection of crystals, raw and tumbled. Then he shows you the books, all seemingly ancient and smelling of old paper and dust. One of them looks like it could have been made on the very last printing press, the ink staining your fingers as you flip through the pages. 
It takes you a moment to notice his scars, long, crisp, too long and clean to be done in a self-inflicted way. Instead, they look similar to surgery scars, like when someone gets their appendix removed, or when a split wound is stitched back together. Except they crawl all the way up his arms and disappear into his sweater, and you manage to catch a glimpse of one stretching down the back of his neck. You don’t ask, though, it doesn’t seem polite when you know him so little. 
After the designated hour, you buy a few cheap things, because you like his company and you want to thank him for spending some time with you. Then you head back to the train, and as you leave, you see his shadow falter. Like he’s sad you’re leaving. And you realize how desolet the store is, and how everyone outside seems to steer away from the shop, eyeing you now with a level of hostility. Like you’ve been marked, somehow, and you chalk it up to the hypo-christian area and the pagan nature of the store. 
But the train is still broken, and it looks like you’re about to spend the night. Now with a sadder step, you pull a duffel from a stowing shelf, standing listlessly in the street, until deciding to return to the store. You want to ask him a couple of questions about where to stay, and he’s immediately on the store’s wired phone (one that’s still plugged into a wall), and he’s pulling a favor to get you a room for free in the local motel.
He invites you to dinner, and you have nothing better to do than grab something from Dairy Queen and eat on the roof, in the shadow of the store’s facade. You get to know him a little more, see more of his scars as he tilts his head back and forth in the setting sun. Even though you don’t ask, he knows you’re wondering about it, why he looks like he’s been surgically pulled at the seams and stitched back together. But you don’t pry, and he’s thankful for that. 
Later, you will learn that he was. Almost. No one in the town wants to be around a walking corpse, with the beating heart of a dead demon. You don’t believe him necessarily at first, but the more you get to know him, even through the distance, you begin to realize that there aren’t logical explanations for what he can do. Like peeling a piece of his skin away to reveal a gilded ribcage. 
There was an incident eight years ago that left multiple people dead, and that’s when he (as he knows himself) first opened his eyes. He had the fob to a car in his pocket, ten dollars, and the key to this store. There are pictures of him in the back office that look like it might be him, and his father, but he cannot know for sure. His name might be Matthew. Or that could be his father’s name. 
His heart, if you can call it that, is like a writhing void, beating a slow, rumbling way that sounds like the dull roar of an engine more than thrum. He’s not sure how he became like this, has faint memories of growing up with a father who disappeared between then and now. He doesn’t remember going to school, attending prom, learning how to ride a bike, but he can read and write just fine… and he can even drive, even if he doesn’t have a license. And he’s quite smart, capable of picking up running the store after whoever abandoned it… well. 
He doesn’t leave because he feels strangely chained to this place, but now that he has you, he might be tempted. You’re the first person to be more than just polite, you seem to care about him in a way that no one else has. He would burn the store to the ground and hop on a train if you so much as insinuate he do so. The town is rotting and he doesn’t intend to rot with it, especially if he has this supposed second chance at life.
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cabinboy100 · 2 years
1899: Season 1: Theory: There has never been a Kerberos before…
Beware: Season 1 spoilers! If you have not watched all eight episodes of 1899 season 1, get thee to your streaming device and watch! Then come back for some boring rambling and probably way too many occurrences of the words “sim” and “simulation”. =)
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FATHER: Using the Prometheus to regain access was a smart move. Nevertheless, you’ve failed. Again.
That's Father addressing Daniel, giving him credit for hacking the sim so that the previous loop's Prometheus is not archived before the beginning of the next (current) loop. I believe that the presence of two ships in the loop, a previous loop's Prometheus and the new Prometheus of the current loop (renamed), is the cause of certain 1899 simulation malfunctions we see in season 1.
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In order to maintain the integrity of the loop's world, the new Prometheus is renamed the Kerberos and a cover story about the Prometheus being lost at sea for four months is added to the world's recent history and the memories of key travelers. I'm unclear/undecided on whether Father has anything to do with this improvisation or if it is an adaptation automatically made by the sim's basecode. We learn that Father and his henches refer to this loop as "Project Kerberos", but there's no way to know if that is a name he has assigned to it, having designed/edited it to his satisfaction, or one generated by the simulation automatically on launch. In the rambling that follows, I will refer to the "sim" or "simulation" sometimes as being responsible for modifications made to this loop, but I am not certain if or how much such changes may have been executed by Father vs. the simulation's baseline programming algorithms/AI.
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Wherever Ciaran is, he is aware of the adaptation of the sim world in this loop and modifies it further by adding his mysterious envelopes of news clippings, notes, and photos to the inventories of select travelers, building on the four-months-lost Prometheus story. He even includes the exit key in the envelope for Henry/Maura. These moves indicate to me that Ciaran ultimately wants Maura to escape the sim. He just cannot make it easy for Father to keyjack her and escape instead. I believe Ciaran counts on Daniel and Elliot to unwittingly help him in this, thanks to their love for and loyalty to his seeker sister—natural or programmed. =)
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With all of these modifications made, the loop begins. The travelers wake from their fitful slumbers aboard the Kerberos and begin their second days at sea (their firsts are skipped, because departure and arrival are not part of the loop — for more on how the 1899 sim was designed to operate, give this a read). Everything seems to run as it normally would, or at least, what passes for normally in recent iterations of the sim. Right up to the moment when it doesn't—when in the dining hall, every passenger except Maura takes a drink of their tea at the same time (should really be kicking-in-before-your-reality-does coffee, tho, right?) and Ling Yi's right arm visibly glitches. And not only does this oddsmaker-upsetting event actually happen, but no one on board, Maura included, appears to take notice of its uncanniness. I believe this is the first sign that the simulation has been tasked with more than it can process.
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Almost immediately after the glitch, Krester enters and makes his plea for a doctor to help for his pregnant sister. Maura follows him down to third class to help Tove. Afterward, when Ada touches Maura's belly and asks if she has children, Maura experiences her first waking flash to a backstory—Alfred Beetle in Elliot's palm. When Krester presents his crucifix to her as a thank you, Maura experiences another flash to her backstory—Father in shadow in the hospital corridor. Then more flashes on the stairs up to the deck—the "1011" hospital room number, her wrists restrained in the chair, the empty chair itself, the memory restoring and erasing hypos, the memory eraser injection, sexytimes with Daniel, the obsidian tetrahedron in Elliot's(?) hand.
I believe that these waking flashes have not occurred in previous loops and are the glitchy result of the destabilization of the simulation. Certain of these flashes are notable for not being part of what we see of Maura's backstory in the Kerberos, which is focused on her Father forcibly removing her memories in room 1011 of his hospital after she challenges him to answer for shady activites she's uncovered.
Alfred Beetle appears in Elliot's backstory.
Sexytimes with Maura belong to Daniel's backstory.
The black tetrahedron isn't part of anyone's backstory (that we've seen). We only ever see it appear "live" in the sim, usually in Elliot's possession. 
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How and why do these moments that are not part of Maura's programmed 1899 life appear to her mind's eye? Perhaps…
In past loops, the beetle and sexytimes were part of a backstory or backstories shared with Maura. Sim glitching is enabling such moments from past loops to bleed through.
Flashing to the POV of an NPC version of herself in someone else's backstory (Elliot's, Daniel's) is another manifestation and level of simulation bugginess.
Her mind can access Elliot and Daniel's backstories because she helped create them. (More on this in a post to come.)
The black tet, a device that allows its wielder to affect the sim, could logically only be part of a memory of a previous loop. Sim glitching is enabling such memories from past loops to bleed through.
Once Maura is on deck, the good captain finds her and inquires about her whereabouts. They exchange some words about the rules regarding the separation of first and third classes and who they benefit. Classic hot and heavy banter. Alas, their dance is interrupted when the First Mate and not-Adam Driver arrive with a transcript of a repeating message they've received for the last 20 minutes—the coordinates of the Prometheus. 
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When the captain chooses to change course and tow the Prometheus back to Europe, the simulation is strained even further as the ships enter never before traveled virtual waters. In an attempt to nudge its subjects back on scripted track, the simulation intervenes by generating unnavigable fog, forcing the ships to stop, as well as giving its procedural sea and sky renderers and bird bots a break.
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As this Kerberos loop progresses, more travelers experience waking backstory flashes, and not just images, but fully immersive visits. They find themselves transported into their backstory worlds to relive their painful memories in pieces. These are different from their scheduled nighttime "dream" visits—in which they play their parts in their backstory cutscenes exactly as they (are meant to) remember them—because they are awake and aware of the strangeness of the events unfolding around them even as they question and resist them. I believe these are all unintended glitches in the loop simulation, caused by the sim computers having been pushed beyond their capabilities in order to maintain a Prometheus and a Kerberos, over 1600 travelers, and decisions and consequences never made in any previous loop.
Yeah, so…that. =)
Wake up 🜃
Keep on keepin' on~
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here we go post 2 of 3 About the Meridian Project
now including James (more sh-t talking Marcus )
{TW: More unedited rants (shit talking of Marcus I apologize if he's your favorite character ) unhealthy work conditions, yelling, hypo cheating! }
I finished the Meridian project and let me just say I hate Marcus with every bone in my body. but were trying to focus on James. I truly didn't realize how bad the things Marcus did were until James explained them. and boy oh boy let's talk about James-
I won't say he's as clean as I want him to be because he's not. it didn't take them long to figure out about the code, but he watched and let the code grow to slowly take over Asset- transforming them into a Marcus-obsessed nightmare. and watched whatever they did in the BA (too broke to know, how tf did that even work? Actually don't tell me)
and he sat there through it all just to see if he could manipulate the code into the asset's actual program- And that's wrong but you know what makes James better than Marcus? HE KNOWS HE'S WRONG HE, ADMITTED IT TO THE ASSET!!!! He and Anton are the 2 people who seem to actually care about the asset. that being said I don't blame Brian for telling the asset to shut up about Marcus- I probly would've too I'm ngl. (AND ANOTHER THING I HATE MARCUS FOR IS KEEPING ANTON FROM HIS LOVE, JAMES FROM HIS PARTNER AND BRIAN FROM HIS) I will say I have a soft spot for bluntly honest characters. the unhealthy work conditions aren't even addressed until the situation with Marcus happens. like I'm sure they probly expected the coworkers to sleep with each other. (not sure if they expected someone to sleep with the android they were supposed to be programming but here we are) but the point is, the environment they created harbored the idea of Marcus doing what he did. they just didn't think it was that bad-.. (I'm glad they're letting people have video calls with their loved ones took a dude diddling a robot but you do-.. actually no fk you Marcus- ) but back to the main event- James.
james is a fun character (as someone who is also bluntly honest irl) his blunt honesty adds to his character, and he acts like an older brother to Asset.... I'm getting off topic
He let the code stay in asset because he thought he could use it to make them obsessed with their mission?? Do people not realize how bad obsession can be???... don't get me wrong I'm sure he only what was best for the mission.. but.. like... maybe someone could explain that to me.. anywho.. once he saw their was no use in the actual code he shut it down immediately! and I love that. ( he gets more respect because he admits he should've stopped it like )
okay thats all for this one.. i kinda rambled and restated the same thing.. the next and last thing is going to be about the asset..
(this waas longgggg jeezzzz) till next time readers!
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boilingrain · 1 year
Can you give me some Willowshine and Kestrelflight hypos? Out of pretty much nowhere ship, I know, but I mean. It makes sense somewhat in the context of all the yarn I've spun in my head about the Po3 meddie apprentices.
If I wasn't fine with doing "out of pretty much nowhere" ships, I wouldn't have opened up hypokits haha.
Besides, I've got a soft spot for med cats in general
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Three of them!
I would ramble about some ideas for them, but honestly I haven't been feeling very well today, so for once I'm not really gonna talk.
These were really fun to do, though :)
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