weaselishmcdiesel · 1 year
okay i went sleepy mode right after i finished working so i forgot about the surprise party but uhhhhh
i think that mumbo gives a big speech as they stand infront of the doors that lead to the party, it’s all dramatic and very meticulously planned, so grian’s all like oh god oh fuck he’s actually going to propose
mumbo’s speech is something along the lines of:
“grian, we- we’ve been together for a long time now, and i’ve loved every moment of being your boyfriend-“
“you’re so- so important to me, i’ve never loved anyone like i love you. i don’t ever want this to end-“
“it’s your birthday, and, uhm, i wanted to do something special. i wanted to make this one an occasion to remember, so, uh— uhm- why are you looking at me like that?”
then the doors fly open, and the hermits all have party poppers. there’s banners hanging from the ceiling and the cake is in the middle and grian is just like. oh
needless to say, mumbo is very very confused by his reaction
PART 1/2
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transvampireboyfriend · 10 months
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8
When they get to the lake an hour later, Eddie is the first to come spilling out of Steve's car.
He walks several paces away from it, tuning out the post-drive chatter of his friends, his arms stretching above his head as he walks closer to the lake, stopping a few feet away from its shore.
Eddie inhales deeply, enjoying the fresh air and admiring the sunrays twinkling on the water. He can feel them on his bare arms too.
Maybe the world won't end because he said a bit too much about how good he thinks Steve Harrington is.
Steve came out to them last year, on a sunny afternoon when they'd all been lazing around, reading magazines on Steve's living room after spending all day in his pool. Nancy and Eddie were arguing about how hot some actor was.
Eddie can't remember who it was now, but what he does remember is Steve casually saying "I can settle this argument, lemme see", and crawling on all fours to where Eddie and Nancy were laying practically on top of each other.
They must have worn the same perplexed expression when Steve declared "He's hot", because he then took a look at both of them and shrugged, said "I like both. I like whoever" and that had been that.
So Eddie knows Steve would not make a big deal over him basically saying he finds Steve attractive, but he's still worried, because their sexualities don't automatically mean Steve will like him like that and Eddie would never assume that, but now Steve might think he did.
He looked uncomfortable in the car and it's the only explanation Eddie can come up with.
And Steve's never been particularly receptive of Eddie's gestures, Eddie tried flirting a few weeks after Steve came out and Steve froze, whenever Eddie pays him a compliment Steve gets a little weird like he did in the car, Eddie's tried asking him to do stuff together like go on a hike, or Eddie teaching Steve to play guitar or he's even asked him to dance but Steve almost always backs down when the activity involves touching Eddie.
And it's fine. Eddie can understand, he's not everyone's type, it's cool. He just wishes he could shake the attraction off, but so far he's had no luck. If anything he only feels more attracted to Steve with every day they spend together.
And Eddie doesn't want to make him uncomfortable.
So Eddie needs to be careful not to let it show too much, because then Steve would feel forced to verbally reject him and Eddie just knows that Steve would hate that, not to mention he would be devastated himself.
Steve can't know.
After all Eddie said in the car, he'd been thinking maybe it had been a terrible idea to come along on a week long trip to a remote cabin with Steve. He'd already shown too much of his hand by gushing about him to everyone who would listen, Eddie spent the whole trip kicking himself over it.
But, as a dragonfly circles him, Eddie thinks of his friends, and he decides he can be an adult about this. He'll clear things up and apologize if Steve's still uncomfortable and they'll have a normal week.
This is meant to be fun and he always does have fun with his friends, Steve included. He always has fun with Steve especially, and he won't let his dumb feelings ruin that.
Eddie listens to quick steps coming up behind him and then a small but firm hand slaps his back.
"Are you alright?" asks Nancy, coming to stand next to him.
Eddie scoffs, doesn't turn to look at her.
" 'Course I am," he supplies "why wouldn't I be?"
Nancy gives him a withering look.
She was the first to find out about his crush, already knowing Eddie so well within a couple of weeks of their friendship.
Eddie fondly rolls his eyes, finally looking at her.
"I'm fine." he assures her "It's fine."
He offers her a smile and turns back to the lake.
Nancy gives him a once over before she wraps her arm around his waist.
Eddie sighs into the touch, her warmth comforting even in the mid day heat.
"Don't lose my fucking scrunchie" she threatens.
Eddie chuckles "I promise I won't" he lies, probably.
"Stop making promises you can't keep." Nancy shoots, untangling from Eddie's side "We should get you your own."
"Maybe I could make some!" Eddie suggests, "To replace the ones I've lost,"
"How did we switch from you buying them to this?" Nancy asks, her mouth tilting into an amused smirk.
"Oh come on, this way is more fun!" Eddie protests, almost stomping his foot in his excitement.
"You don't know how to sew" Nancy reminds him.
"Do too!" he protests, thinking of his many customized jackets and jeans. Though, he'd never made something so delicate as Nancy's pretty hair accessories.
"And Buckley said she'd teach me!" Eddie concedes.
That startles a laugh out of Nancy, "Yeah, I'd like to see how that goes" she says.
"Oh, I bet you would" Eddie shoots back winking at her. He gets shoved for it.
"Shut up." Nancy demands, giggling.
As their laughter dies down and Eddie straightens up, Nancy turns to the lake.
"It's so pretty here" she comments, looking out at the forest tree line beyond the water.
"Sure is" Eddie agrees, watching birds fly by.
After a while Nancy slips her hand in his and interlaces their fingers.
"C'mon," she says "we're the designated lunch ladies"
"Oh?" Eddie asks, following as she tugs him along.
"Yup! Steve and Jonathan are unpacking and Rob and Argyle called dish duty"
"Thank god for that," Eddie quips
Nancy laughs "That's exactly what I thought"
part 3
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soobberries · 1 year
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Edit: this is a repost from my old blog including the little description below and I decided to not change anything about it. The blog I tagged below doesn't seem to exist anymore. :( also lmao I already started working on a part 2 xD yay!
Guys ahsdgajha. Lmao please I need to provide background for this post. I read @atiny-thingz Dilf!Ateez post and lemme tell you, I screamed. It brought back the memory of this running joke my friends and I used to have in 11th grade about this really hot dad that everyone crushed on. So in honour of the post that inspired me and my real life experience, I decided I would write this.
It is only a headcanon/au thing, but let me know if I should perhaps do a part 2?
Edit: here's part 2
This is the first time I’m writing kinda suggestive content and I’m pretty new to it so go easy on me, but I would love some feedback. It’s only suggestive at the end though lol.
Warning: Despite this technically being based on a legal reader, since there is a somewhat large age-gap - thought I would clarify:
Please be aware that I do not condone any type of relationships between minors and adults, nor do I encourage the idea of being a homewrecker. This is all just fiction! So without further ado, let’s get started!
Genre: Doesn’t exactly have one but has elements of crack and is suggestive.
Age: This is written for a somewhat mature audience so please, no under 16s. Stay safe younglings <3
Ah yes, another day, another random school fundraiser.
Your mom got you to look after one of her colleague’s daughter, Nila, for the week while they went on a business trip.
It was the middle of the week and, while this kid was adorable, you’d literally do anything else then go to this weird fundraiser on such a beautiful afternoon.
Oh well, duties are duties.
So as this cutie kid drags you along throughout the whole school, showing you all the stalls and requesting that you buy her some food before she has her ‘shift’, you can’t help but notice that there are only parents here. No other students, siblings - nothing.
A deep exasperated sigh left your mouth because you were here for a good three hours, and quite frankly, despite this little fundraiser having some talks you could attend, you really had no idea how you would busy yourself since the talks offered were a bit boring and you had to pay a large chunk to get a space. Bummer.
Anyway after sharing some mouth-watering cookies with the little girl she asks you to come with her to her stall where she and her peers would be selling cold drinks, and of course you couldn’t say no because this kid was actually a sweetheart and you had it nowhere in your heart to do such.
So obviously you proceed to accompany her there.
It’s a cute stall, and you smile at the youthful, yet ignorant excitement shining in the little girl’s eyes as she exchanges the ‘duty cap’ that one of her classmates had on just prior.
Oh if only they knew what a real job was like.
It wasn’t until after the other girls left, that you realised she was alone, causing you to enquire about her job, wondering if she’s working the shift by herself.
“No, don't worry! Yerim is also doing the job with me. I’m sure she’ll come soon. See? That’s why there’s two hats.” She said, gesturing towards the other cap on the counter.
You nodded quaintly and silently decided to wait with her until her friend came.
“Daddy! Look! Nila is working with me!” A shout came from behind you and a little girl came running to bear hug Nila, causing the both of them to burst into a fit of giggles.
You smiled at the pair and watched mindlessly as Nila got Yerim her hat.
“Oh? Are you looking after Nila?” A voice called out.
‘Oh boy, here we go. Time to get out the speaking to parents voice’
Those were your thoughts as you dreaded having to act somewhat proper so the snobby parents around you wouldn’t undermine you. You took a quick millisecond to gather yourself before turning to face th-
Holy shit.
A blessing.You’ve been blessed. You can die happily now.
This man’s smile-
It’s shining. Blinding you and you do not care, he can have your eyesight.
Cue the slo-mo scene in the movies where everything looks ethereal and suddenly you picture him taking your hand, giving you flowers, and asking the same thing he just did in a softer more seductive tone.
AHaha but it’s not a movie so get yourself together you thirsty piece of flesh.
“Uh yeah, I am, her mom is away on business.” You said smiling, dying inside at the realisation that today was the day you decided to wear such a boring outfit.
Oof pain.
“Oh? I don’t recall Shannon saying she was going away,” He said furrowing his eyebrows, before staring at you,
“nor that she would be leaving such a cute babysitter in her place.” He chuckles nonchalantly.
How is he so calm after saying that like it’s nothing??? Tf???
Fine, two can play this game sir.
“Well she didn’t tell me she was acquainted with such an attractive man either.”
That wasn’t the strongest comeback but like you're nervous okay?
He smiled at the remark, seemingly about to say something, only to be interrupted by his darling daughter.
“Daddy you have to buy something ya know!”
He let out a chuckle that you could only describe as handsome.
“Mhhmm! You too y/n” Nila said toward you with such bright eyes you couldn’t bother saying no. [as mentioned earlier, this cute kid has you weak.]
“Hmm okay you two, since you're all grown up, tell us the prices of your drinks.” You say egging the two girls on, to the man beside you’s amusement.
As the two little girls hurriedly tried to find the price list and decide who’s speaking first, Mr. handsome man turned to you.
“I like that name, Y/n,” He reached out his hand in front of him, “I’m Seonghwa. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Hehehehehehehe play it cool.
Daintely placing your hand in his and gently giving him a small squeeze as you do so, you let out:
“The pleasure is all mine.”
The two of you end up buying water bottles, him insisting that he pays for you so the girls have less to work out in terms of prices (apparently)
You greeted the girls, leaving them to attend to their shift, and discovered that Seonghwa was going to be here a while as well, in which the two of you concluded it would be a good idea to talk off the hours rather than wandering around alone.
You both wander around (a little awkwardly in silence mind you) until you find a table made to look like a wine barrel for a rustic vibe with two high chairs beside it. It matched the theme of this area which was made to be like an expensive barnhouse.
Now lemme tell you, water ain’t as classy as wine but that didn’t stop Seonghwa from calling over one of the workers serving cocktails, and asking for two empty wine glasses.
He then elegantly poured the water into both wine glasses.
“I suppose it’s too early to be drinking but never too early to stay hydrated in a classy way.” He said.
LMAO this guy has dad humour or very dry, dead humour.
You let out a genuine giggle since that was such a dorky thing to say.
“My peers would probably disagree with you as most of them pop out a beer by 9:05.”
“Yes of course, around your age, you don’t quite have the same responsibilities as I do.”
“Oh? Such as working and taking care of a kid? Because it would appear that I have to worry about that too” You replied cheekily even though you probably know he’s living a bit more of a tiring life by the way he spoke.
He let out a heavy sigh which you didn’t expect after your poor attempt of making the convo entertaining.
“Well yes that may be true, but at least you aren’t dealing with a toxic relationship - Only staying and sucking it up for the sake of your child.”
Oh. well that’s quite the share.
“I’m sorry to hear you're dealing with some hardships.” You utter out, genuinely sympathetic.
“But in my opinion, regardless of the child, you should make a decision that makes you happy. You can raise Yerim with no issue even when separated. Rather that, than letting her grow up in an unhappy home, no..? Then again what do I know?” You say while spinning the water in your glass as if it really was wine.
He paused while circling his pointer finger around the rim of his glass. His head resting on his other hand, seemingly in deep thought.
He looked towards you with an intense gaze. One that made you feel small and had your body urging you to run away. But it also captivated you, so you fought your body and held your breath instead to calm down the intimidation you were feeling.
His whole aura changed for some reason...
“You’re not wrong in what you're saying,” he leaned over the barrel, a little closer to you, “But what if the decision that makes me happy is looked down upon?” He said lowly, looking you up and down once again.
This shouldn’t make you nervous. In fact nothing could be considered remotely inappropriate and yet your breath was hitching and your stomach was churning.
Why? Why is this random man making you feel, for lack of better words, so weird.
Bad brain! Bad!
You must be looking too much into his words to think he could be insinuating something...right?
You wanted to back up a little, and lean away from him, feeling as though you needed to gather yourself, but as you leaned back the wine glass full of water was knocked over, splaying it’s contents over you.
The glass was saved, thankfully landing on some grass, protecting your wallet from a potential bill from the school or whoever owned this damned glass.
Your clothes and dignity however?
Can’t really say the same thing…
You stand up immediately picking up the glass and placing it on the table.
Only then do you tense up at the sudden coldness against your skin.
“Oh dear, are you alright, should I get you some paper towels or maybe a napkin?” Seonghwa stood up immediately at your side.
Even though this was painfully embarrassing and the looks you were getting from others didn’t help, you wanted to play it cool.
“No, no, don’t worry. I should’ve been more careful.”
You decided to look inside the little bag you had brought with you, trying to see if you have any sort of tissues with you.
What an awful day to be wearing a shirt that becomes somewhat transparent when wet…
As you're searching, you fail to realise just how transparent the shirt is, obliviously just trying to find an easy solution.
You may have been oblivious, but Seonghwa was not. He couldn’t help the large gulp he took as he saw the shirt stick to your skin, basically exposing anything underneath for everyone to see.
He had a few intrusive thoughts but he shook them off, instead, taking his jacket and placing it over you.
“What are-”
He takes your arm in his grasp and your bag in his other hand, leading you away from some of the snobby parents who had the audacity to still be looking at you in disgust because of your now ‘revealing’ shirt.
We don’t stan those parents alright?
Anyway he knows this school well and so he leads you towards a much more empty area and opens a door to what you’d assume is to be a guest restroom since it looked pretty fancy compared to the normal trashy bathrooms you see in highschools.
He placed your bag down onto the sink and locked the door behind him.
It wasn’t as small as a cubicle, but it was still a very small space to be in, not leaving much room to move around too much.
“Sorry, I just thought it would be more convenient if you cleaned and tried to dry up here.”
Oh? Well yeah this works you guess…
Then you see the mirror.
Cue heat rising to your cheeks and your breath hitching a little.
Oh that’s why he thought it would be a good idea…
Bro your torso is on display. Like, deadass.
Mental note: don’t wear white shirts and be a clumsy dumbass simultaneously in the future.
As you’re staring in the mirror in a small state of shock and further embarrassment, Seonghwa mindlessly grabs the towel next to the sink in the small cubicle, and tugs up your shirt a little bit so that he can place the towel on top of the wet mark a bit more easily.
Haha what?
It’s only when he notices that you’re extremely still, that he realises he shouldn’t just be wiping down a stranger’s shirt for them…
He immediately comes to a halt, while awkwardly glancing at you with the same slightly panicked expression that you held on your own face.
However, Seonghwa realised that, your face, flushed out a little, is frustratingly endearing to look at.
He almost felt the urge to just cradle your face in his hands right then and there...Maybe pulling you in closer
Mr. Park NO!
He shakes his thoughts away, immediately apologising, slowly retracting his arm.
But you know what your dumbass did?
Held his arm in place.
You don’t know why, but it’s like your brain was straight out malfunctioning.
Body, actions, thoughts, rationality - all of it was not communicating with each other and you couldn’t logically explain your actions.
It just felt like maybe you should keep him there and let him take care of you, no matter how strange that may seem. It seemed right…
Either way this is just awkward and now there’s just so, so much tension.
The air is literally weighing on you a bit, especially since Seonghwa went silent after you instinctively grabbed his arm.
It was still, silent, and it felt as though if you moved, reality would break into pieces.
Dramatic way to explain the situation? Maybe. But it really did feel close to that.
“I uh...It’s okay. You can continue.” You let out shakily.
I’m literally getting second hand embarrassment lmao, moving on.
He just adjusted his throat and gave a quaint nod before continuing what he was doing.
The issue was that now he was hyper focused on trying to not make any direct contact with your skin. His touches are so light, that it’s obviously ineffective, and you and him both know that, but no one wants to say anything.
He’s keeping his eyes glued to the wet patch on your shirt and as you look hopelessly at the soggy thing, you can’t help but let your eyes wander to his arms.
Holy shit his arms. You were already flustered, and now you have to sit still knowing his arms look so good? No way. It’s over for you.
His biceps bulged a little since it was bent, and the dress shirt he was wearing tightened around it, only accentuating how firm he was.
If he’s just that firm on his arms...Imagine what he’s like everywhere else…
Great… Now your feeling heat rush to more areas than just your cheeks.
Look away Y/n. Look away. Literally anywhere but there.
Ah yes, look at the ceiling.
You bit at your lip nervously, and in hopes that it would be a gentle reminder to restrain yourself from looking over at him.
“Can you-”
Your eyes meet his, and he darts his eyes elsewhere almost immediately.
He straightens himself up, letting go of your shirt and placing that hand now on the towel.
“Can you not bite your lip like that..?” He steals a glance at you before sighing.
His ears are definitely a shade of pink and it doesn’t go unnoticed by you.
Honestly you couldn’t help but feel a bit prideful and more confident knowing that you weren’t the only one being flustered here.
You felt like you could breathe a little now.
Maybe your brain did a 180 a bit too quickly, since now you decided to lean closer to him, ensuring that your head popped up within his eye view, which was predominantly the floor at the moment.
You tilted your head tauntingly.
“Why? Does it make you nervous?” You said with a playful undertone in your voice - the seemingly newfound confidence urging you on in your antics.
He let out a scoff, turning his head to the side in disbelief before turning his head to look at you with his eyebrows raised, ready to challenge you.
He now leaned closer, clearly asserting a dominant aura with a small smirk graced on his face.
“Trust me, if I wanted to see you wet, this situation would be a lot different.”
Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit
That was unexpected.
No you won’t back down. You’ve been flustered too much today and you’re tired.
Game face: on.
There’s no time to let the wet shirt of yours get the best of you. It is now no longer your priority in this moment.
[A/N: let’s go Y/N, show ‘em what you got]
You saunter close to him, pushing your hands on his chest causing him to lean back into the wall.
“Is that so?” You chuckle, reaching for his tie, tugging at it a little, before busying yourself with tightening it and making it look a little neater.
“And in what ways, would that situation be different?” you uttered out in the most seductive voice you could muster.
You held back a smirk as his breath audibly hitched.
He found his hand, crawling to grip your hip. Pulling you a bit closer towards him - bodies just touching.
“Well for starters, you wouldn’t have a shirt that would be able to get wet in the first place.”
You flattened out the tie, coming to a halt, taking time to gaze at him.
“Oh? And why’s that?” You said lowly, acting dumb.
His grip tightened around your hip, finally pulling you into his chest.
The slight dampening of his shirt didn’t bother him as much as his urge to touch you more did.
“Because, Y/n,” He spoke, leaning in so that you could now feel his breath fan your lips,
“In an ideal situation, you and I would both be naked.”
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admirableadmiranda · 1 year
I recently read somewhere here (won't name them) that after the Guanyin Temple confession, Lan Wangji's actions were selfish. That he should have stayed there to comfort his brother who has just lost (and killed) the love of his life instead of f-ing of to screw the love of his life. The person has referenced chapter 110 (111 on some websites) where Lan Wangji says that even comfort from his brother by birth will be in vain.
I hope you will analyse that part. Because I think it is a translation issue. It doesn't sound like something Lan Wangji would say. I would have accepted that person's analysis if their post wasn't so blatantly anti-wangxian?
Well anon, the thing is that the person posting it does have the correct line. It’s not a translation issue.
The issue is their whole interpretation of the situation. Lan Xichen was not in love with Jin Guangyao, he did not kill the love of his life and this person is doing the same rude shit as a lot of people who don’t like Wangxian choosing each other over nebulous ideas of duty.
They are taking a narration line and putting it in Lan Wangji’s mouth from the sound of it, lemme grab it for you. It is from Chapter 111, right after Wei Wuxian reveals that the Guanyin in the temple looks like Jin Guangyao’s mother.
“[Wei Wuxian] turned and glanced back, letting out a rare sigh, “I don’t want to care about any of those nasty things anymore. This is it.”
Lan WangJi nodded and tightened Lil’ Apple’s reins. He continued to walk with it.
Each could only deal with their own troubles. Even if Lan XiChen was his brother by birth, Lan WangJi couldn’t do anything to help him right now. Comfort was useless. It’d all be in vain.”
Bolded line highlighted for necessary emphasis.
It’s just narration there, it’s being treated as a fact - and it is. The things that Lan Xichen needs right now are not things that Lan Wangji can provide him. Lan Xichen needs time and space to grapple with everything that he saw and his own role in all the events that came to pass. What could Lan Wangji do? Lan Xichen is confronting his own guilt both in what he participated in and what he looked aside from, things that brought irreparable harm to a lot of people including his brother and the love of his brother’s life.
How would Lan Wangji staying help anything there? Lan Xichen has just watched them cuddle through a siege, flirt and laugh and tell each other how much they loved each other. It is the one unquestioningly good thing to come out of that night, something that he wanted, for his brother to be happy. That’s the whole crux of his rant at Wei Wuxian, he wants his brother to be happy and he thinks that Wei Wuxian is knowingly toying with his feelings.
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are already planning to elope even before anyone else gets there. They sneak off really quickly and easily. Lan Xichen is not looking for them, he’s busy telling Lan Qiren to shut up and let him think.
Lan Xichen is already filled with guilt and confusion over what’s happened, but also think about how much worse it would feel if he knew his brother set aside his own marriage and honeymoon to come sit with him, sacrificing his own happiness to Lan Xichen again, this time much more knowingly. That wouldn’t make him feel better. That wouldn’t make anyone who has a shred of empathy feel better. It is more likely a comfort to Lan Xichen to know that something good did come out of that terrible night.
They return three months later, when they are settled and choose to come back and then Lan Xichen is ready for that comfort. He wouldn’t have wanted it then. It was too soon and the cost of it would have been too high.
These brothers care about each other and know each other well and they are in their thirties. They are not helpless children any longer. Lan Xichen is not alone and suffering, he returns to his clan with hundreds of people living in it to pick up the ashes at his feet. He has solace in knowing that at least one person is happy and better off despite his actions in the matter. Let him have that.
I hate that stupid trend you reference in your post. I hate the idea that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji have to continue sacrificing their lives and everything else to take care of the people around them first.
They have been parted by circumstance, homophobia, war, the aftermath of war and fucking death for twenty years. They have in fact actually gone through worse than most of the rest of the cast and somehow finally found their way back to each other and a happy ending. What more do people want before they are allowed to be selfish for once in their lives?
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cloudinterlude · 1 year
what misconception? 👀
I assume this is about the Civil War post I made and oh boy, so many. So, so many. Let me preface this by saying I actually like Civil War enough as a movie. Not as a Captain America movie, but it's engaging and I enjoyed it for the most part. I mostly dislike the dogshit opinions about it. To prevent this from turning into a dissertation, I'll just list the ones that come to mind first/irritate me the most:
"Steve was completely against regulation and oversight" WRONG. He was against the vagueness of it all. He explicitly says that he wants to know whose going to be holding his leash if he has to have one. In fact, he was about to sign the Accords before Tony told him about them preemptively enforcing it and detaining Wanda. Steve was willing to consider the Accords, Steve was trying to discuss the Accords, Steve was on the path to being open to the Accords before the moral failings of it were already shining through. Steve, rightfully so, is distrustful at this point of anonymous authority. Following the news that Hydra had their nasty paws in SHIELD and other high positions in government, Steve decides that he wants to know more about the people who have authority over him. Seems reasonable enough.
"Steve was only against the Accords for Bucky" WRONG. 1) Before he was certain that Bucky was being framed, he says that he has the best chance of bringing him in to minimize damage. Then, when he was certain Bucky was innocent, it became a matter of not letting his bestie be falsely imprisoned and/or killed on the spot. 2) Lemme just add that yes, Bucky is extremely important to Steve, but Steve would have still been against the Accords if Bucky wasn't a factor. I need people to understand this. It wasn't just a "oh no I need to save my best friend". 3) If you read what was in the Accords, you'd understand why Steve would generally be against them. They're abhorrent.
"Steve didn't read the Accords/Steve didn't even attempt to communicate or compromise." I haaaaattttteeee this one with a burning passion. Did we watch the same movie? He's quite literally the only one on screen we see even look at that long ass document. Probably also the only one would could even manage to read the thing since it was sprung up on them 3 days before the meeting (which is a whole 'nother issue for later. For now, I'll just say I support the Ross conspiracy theory). He also tried to tell Tony & Co. before the airport fight that Zemo was the one behind all this conflict, that Bucky is innocent and about the 5 other ultra-dangerous super-soldiers who, as far as he knew, were about to be unleashed onto the world which would be disastrous. Unfortunately, Team IM was wracked with tension and didn't listen and attacked.
"Steve and Bucky jumped Tony (+ variants of this statement)." This is one that confused me so much. Such a bullshit take. I am begging people to rewatch CW and watch the fight. Tony, whose emotions is dialed to a thousand (and not only because of the Bucky thing mind you, but I can talk about that a lot more later because I like talking about Tony's emotional/mental state during Civil War) attacked first, then tries to kill Bucky, Steve tries to get Tony to stop killing Bucky, Tony is trying not to kill Steve, Bucky is trying to get Tony not to kill Steve or him. It's a mess. Mind you, Steve isn't even trying to excessively harm Tony in this scene. It's confirmed that during the entire fight, he was trying to disable the suit. Not trying to beat Tony to a pulp - DISABLE. THE. SUIT. Which he manage to do in the midst of that shitshow.
"*insert any anti-CW Wanda take*" Please, someone please tell me why people think Wanda has any blame for what happened Lagos? Wanda quite literally didn't CAUSE that. I need to understand this point of view before I get an aneurysm. She didn't make the bomb, bring the bomb, set the bomb off. It was Rumlow who had that bomb that would have ended up killing way more people on the ground than where Wanda managed to put it. She absolutely was as much of a hero as she could be in that instance, trying to redirect the bomb away from civilians. Unfortunately, it still ended it casualties, but a lot less than it would have been if Wanda hadn't intervened.
I could go on and on, but I'll stop here. Fanon CACW quite literally has some of the worst fan comprehension I've seen in the MCU. I imagine that a lot of it is not understanding characters, the movie not elaborating on important plot points in an effort to make it 50/50 (which they failed at lol), and the fandom being a lot more conservative than I thought. I can expand further on anything if you want!
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lokisasylum · 7 months
The situation is critical, we need to be careful…
Jang Seunghyun, also known as ARMY52Hz on twitter/X, has been for the past 24 hours posting after posting, after posting none stop in a desperate attempt to save his ass after being exposed for his lack of transparency, favoritism and one-sided beef with—not just Jimin, but all the other members as well.
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‘Cause if you guys recalled when I posted about this guy earlier this year, during Jimin’s first and second wave of sabotages, where it was revealed that this person is not only working directly for Hybe and therefore under their payroll. He’s very much obsessed with Jungkook to the point of dressing up and wanting to look like him, and in addition has been caught hanging out around DCGallery, the infamous forum filled with BTS antis who love to fabricate rumors and hate campaigns (his email and IP address also match that of one of the biggest Jimin hater blogs).
But if that's not enough to raise your blood pressure aside from the damage he's already done to this fandom since God knows when. Here's a recent post he made:
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Did you catch that?
No? Lemme just--
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Yep, you read that right, on one hand he is admitting that he "and his team" (meaning other staff who help in managing the account) made a mistake (althought I sincerely doubt that purposely and intentionally manipulating charts in order to "encourage" people to vote for who YOU want is a "mistake" that bypassed multiple people).
This bastard is referring not only to Jimin, but also Suga and V as "unrelated singers". Jimin was at No.11 on the chart and only needed TWO points in voting to enter Top10. Both Suga and V weren't too far below him and could have also entered, but no, they purposely made Karmys hoard ALL of the votes for ONE member. 'Cause this is how they continuously showed the charts to "the fandom":
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But if Jimin, Suga, V and any other member are considered "unrelated singers" and are known to have been directly sabotaged by this same account who we know works for HYBE... are they indirectly admitting to something we still don't know, but have been suspecting for some time now?
Is the whole "2025 BTS Reunion" a farce and they're only creating false expectations to keep Army from leaving so when the dreaded d-word happens the company will be free to promote ONE member and use the fandom AGAIN?
But if that's not enough to get your panties in a bunch with an uncomfortable itch. Then the next thing surely will.
Remember I've also warned you guys about trusting certain "translators" in the fandom because many of them are known to do (intentional) mis-translations in order to portray certain members in a certain way to feed an agenda and get them hate.
if the name "hiraeth8221" sounds familiar to you, it should because she has been exposed like many others as these type of translators so it should be no surprise that someone exposed this little gem:
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This was before Bighit became HYBE. And it was known the translators were few and people sometimes "from the fandom" would get directly hired to work with them.
But guess who this particular translator is defending TODAY:
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Yep, ARMY52Hz. Which means hiraeth8221 is STILL under Hybe payroll and very much involved with other Hybe controlled accounts known to create trouble in the fandom.
But that's not the most disturbing part, the real scary thing is that after she too got exposed today, minutes--maybe SECONDS later MANY army and especially Jimin stan accounts that opposed what ARMY52Hz did and are actively boycotting them, started getting mass reported by mysterious "Korean army accs" that seemed to have been created in the past 24hrs when ARMY52Hz got first exposed for manipulation.
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This has of course enabled jungkook solos to also mass attack other members and their stan accounts. While also publicly defending ARMY52Hz. WHY? Because its been known and mentioned for YEARS that the fandom did nothing to control them and taekookers whenever they caused harm, especially to Jimin. Hell, they said it themselves:
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But now that their little bubble is close to bursting if and when they loose accounts like ARMY52Hz. They'll be done for and finally exposed for the deranged bunch they've always been.
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If at this point you don't feel your stomach turning at how much from this fandom (and maybe even BTS themselves) has been heavily manipulated over the years... and now with the addition of Scooter Braun doing the real damage by manipulation of the charts, sales ect in order to favor certain people... then I don't know what else to tell or show you guys to make you understand how BAD the situation is.
And honestly at this point, not even the 2025 BTS Reunion will fix it. if anything it might get WORST.
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notachamealeon · 28 days
The Magnus Archives is taking an absolutely normal amount of space in my brain.
So lemme info dump on the AU that's been cooking in my brain where Jon receives all the knowledge of TMA and only TMA after reading the Angler Fish statement (episode 1).
I am in the second half of season 4 rn so I don't know how much it would mess up season 1 Jon, but what I've seen so far would scar him pretty bad. I don't want to be boring though, so just like drinking the entire bar in 3 seconds he won't have clear memories of most of anything. He'd definitely do things he regretted not doing, like making his post statement thoughts a open discussion with Martin, Tim and Sasha to spend more time with them.
He'd have so much guilt and trauma that isn't truly his cause it hasn't happened yet so you'd get to see him squirm, weep and berate himself. That survivors guilt would go into overdrive in order to save as many people as he could though, at least the ones he cares about. Ya'know, give himself more anchors so he doesn't become a monster like last time. Perhaps become a monster in a whole new way?
I've only thought about the start of Season 2 where instead of the paranoia and Not!Sasha plotlines, Jon encourages his friends (cause they'd be friends now cause I want them to be happy so bad!) to attach themselves to powers that could help defend themselves and didn't have any upcoming rituals. So Tim could become a hunter, I think Martin being part of the Web is a given and popularly agreed on and Sasha could go with the Spiral which I think could be really interesting but I'm sure that idea is already somewhere and i need to know its location.
There HAS to be a fic like this somewhere. I wish to know of it. To consume it. It must exist and if it doesn't, it's a tma spiral reference and I'll read what isn't there. (but please let be real, i know this is a some what popular fic plotline but would someone let this sad man know about the horrors? I know most of us want to hurt him for various reason so please tell me someone one man baby girl aware of the horrors before he was meant to and made him suffer for it)
Plus: I want Spiral Sasha so badly. And Jon can give other people knowledge of their own future under specific circumstances that he has to figure out.
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rallamajoop · 1 year
The RE8 Timeline: Mia and Miranda
As mentioned in my post on Donna Beneviento, the other RE8 timeline question that’s been eating at me is just how long Miranda has been posing as Mia before Chris busts in on her.
It’s fascinating how many obscure clues you can find about the days leading up to the start of the game – and if that doesn’t grab you, I’ve also got some lovely fridge-horror-logic to share about why a bunch of jars of baby food and a note about Rose’s recent half-birthday may be some of the most subtly sinister details in the game.
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To reiterate again up front, I really doubt there are any definitive, ‘canonical’ answers here. The whole game is a campy, fairy-tale fever dream, and if anyone had a clear timeline in mind, lord knows if the rest of the team were on the same page. Details from in-game documents may contradict cutscene dialogue, may contradict environmental clues, etc. But analysing all those clues still turns up some interesting details, so here we go.
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To begin with, in the game’s opening scenes, we learn several significant things about “Mia”:
She’s ‘gone local’ (using local recipes, reading a ‘local fairy tale’ to Rose, etc)
She doesn’t want to talk about what happened in Louisianna (RE7)
She makes most of Rose’s food by hand
She and Ethan have been fighting
Something is very wrong with her
That last point is mostly a vibe, but it is strong. The idea that creepy ‘local’ tale is suitable bedtime reading is suspicious, and her tone of voice when she insists ‘there’s nothing wrong with my memory!’ is bizarrely defensive. Something is off.
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All of this makes perfect sense in retrospect, knowing this is Miranda-posing-as-Mia. She’s doesn’t want to talk about the past, because what she "doesn’t remember" could give her away. She’s "gone local" because she is local. She makes baby-food by hand because she’s an overbearing mother from the early 1900s. And she and Ethan have been fighting because she’s a stranger masquerading as his wife.
Now, some of these things may be true of the real Mia as well, if to a lesser degree – there was already tension between Ethan and Mia, the Baker Incident Report talks about Mia learning local recipes, etc. And that does makes sense, if Ethan didn’t immediately notice the change – but we’ll come back to that stuff later.
Mostly what I want to point to is one detail you can find in the house that seems innocent out of context, but was a big oh shit moment for me with all that weirdness leading up.
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Oh fuck, what has not!Mia been feeding Rose???
This is also the detail that convinced me ‘Mia’ hasn’t been Mia for some time. Because if Mia’s been making all the baby food for Rose since she started solids (presumably in the last couple of months), why would they be buying these jars at all? Which suggests it’s a recent change to her behaviour, that Ethan hasn’t quite adjusted to yet when he goes out for groceries ‒ we're probably talking at least a couple of weeks, maybe longer. And given that Mia isn't Mia anymore, every recent change to her behaviour becomes pretty suspect. (I mean, you can totally come up with other explanations where it’s some kind of nervous-new-parents-over-buying thing, or a ‘just in case Mia needs a break’-emergency supply that never actually gets used, but c’mon, this is horror: lemme have the freaky version!)
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After all, we just heard a dark fairy tale in which a demonic bat and a monster fish ‘helpfully’ feed a little girl parts of their own bodies. Feeding people gross, corrupted food was a major horror element of the Baker family from RE7 too. Heck, there’s even arguably other canonical suggestions that ‘local food’ sourced around the village can enhance the powers of a mould-infected individual, given how food the Duke can make for Ethan boosts his stats (which is definitely me thinking too hard about a shallow game-mechanic, but shut up, this all works on so many levels!)
The opening also features one scene with real!Mia: the flashback/dream sequence Ethan experiences before waking up next to the crashed van. We know this is the real Mia, because she’s anxious about Rose and Ethan in a way that makes no sense for Miranda – in particular about something Ethan won’t face about himself (Ethan accuses her of keeping things from him, tells her they should talk about it, then blows off the conversation for a call from work).
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It’s not clear how long ago this was – or even that it’s necessarily a real memory. It could just be a dream Ethan’s having, mixing up multiple different memories and some of his own anxieties (most of what happens in Donna’s basement could be taken the same way). But if it is a memory, the other key plot point is that Ethan receives a phone call about Rose’s test results. Put a pin in that one for later too.
There’s one more relevant detail that comes up when Chris finds the real Mia in Miranda’s lab, where she says she was captured and used in experiments. This is the kind of line it’s best not to get too carried away with, since it’s mostly here to explain why Miranda would have kept Mia alive at all. But if she’s had time for experiments, that does suggest Miranda’s had time to sneak back and forth between Ethan’s house and the village while posing as Mia, which does change the picture a little. I mean, you could say those experiments were performed by one of the four lords or some other assistant, of course, but it’s not the most obvious interpretation.
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How Chris discovered Miranda was posing as Mia isn’t clearly explained (and is probably the kind of question you're not supposed to ask), though it’s vaguely hinted in dialogue that his team figured out her plan through 'recon'. Possibly, they had Miranda under surveillance, though it can’t have been very thorough – they obviously didn’t witness Mia’s abduction, for one, or they’d have known she might still be alive.
Then again, if Miranda has been sneaking back and forth from the village while posing as Mia, that might give Chris’ team more chances to spot her doing it and follow her back to the Winters’. Or maybe they’re not good enough to tail Miranda, and found out her plan from a third party, or one of those remarkably convenient diaries that RE characters are forever leaving lying around. Lots of possibilities, no real answers.
A few firmer details about Miranda’s movements come from the diary of Eugen, a peasant in the village. From this and other assorted documents, we can put together a partial timeline of events surrounding Mia’s kidnapping. The list below doesn’t cover every recent date mentioned in the game, just those I caught that looked significant.
February 2: Rose’s half-birthday (she was born on August 2, 2020).
February 3: Miranda requests Eugen find her a list of ‘drugs and tools’ in the next few days (that she presumably needs for her plans for Rose).
February 6: Ethan mentions a fight with Mia (or ‘Mia’) at the hospital in his diary.
February 8: Chris Redfield kills ‘Mia’ and kidnaps Rose and Ethan.
February 9: Eugen is instructed to deliver the tools to Miranda’s ceremony at dawn, where she divides Rose into four pieces. Ethan wakes up outside the village, and the main events of the game take place.
February 10: Miranda's ceremony to revive Rose/Eva takes place at dawn. Final boss battle and ending.
This timeline can’t give us an exact date for Mia’s kidnapping, but we do know from Eugen, that there was ‘no sign of Mother Miranda’ on the 8th (a hint she was off impersonating Mia), but she was in the village on the 3rd of February, about a week before the game begins. He also sacrificed two goats to Miranda on the 1st, but doesn’t specify whether she was personally present.
Now, it’s possible Miranda snuck back to visit the village on the 3rd while posing as Mia, but the more obvious read is that this is before Mia was taken. Either way, it’s safe to assume Miranda’s plans are well underway.
That’s about all the game gives us explicitly, but there are a few other clues.
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The note in Ethan’s diary from the 6th about arguing with Mia ‘at the hospital’ provides no context for why he was at the hospital, but in the dream/flashback, we see him making an appointment to collect Rose’s test results ‘next Thursday’. Significantly, those test results can be found in a nearby drawer, signed ‘Applefeld Memorial Hospital’. So that much all adds up: the 6th was Thursday,* they were at the hospital to pick up Rose's test results. When Ethan refers to having “another” fight with Mia in his diary for the 6th, the argument from the flashback could well be the specific previous incident he’s thinking of.
This all matters, because we can be pretty confident the Mia from the flashback was the real thing: Mia can only have been replaced after that call took place. So when was that?
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Rose’s test results are undated in the file text, but if you look closely at the in-game asset (screencap above), you might make out the date 28/1/2021. It’s not totally clear whether this is the date the tests were conducted, or the date the report was returned to the doctor. But it does make good sense for Rose to have been due for a check-up, as there are photos and notes about her ‘half-birthday’ on the 2nd Feb, making her just on 6 months old.
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From this, we can make a decent guess when the flashback happened. The appointment is made for ‘next week’ and ‘next Thursday’ in dialogue, so the call must have been somewhere between Jan 26 (Mon) and Feb 2 (Sun) the previous week. And if the results themselves are dated to Jan 28, then the call can’t have come through before then, so that gives us between Jan 28 (Wed) and Feb 2 (Sun). Since the doctor says she's 'just received' Rose's test results on the phone, that date on the report (Jan 28) may well be the date of the call.
Either way, Miranda logically can’t have replaced Mia before the 28th – eleven days before the events of the game begin. (Still with me?)
There’s another, more sinister reason why Rose’s check-up might be significant: the BSAA was involved. The text of the report specifies “Results for additional fungal pathogen tests will be provided by BSAA.” The in-game image of the report has a “BSAA Europe Medical Division” logo as its header. And the end of the game contains a lot of hints that the BSAA is no longer to be trusted, and that Miranda may well have contacts in the organisation. So it’s disturbingly plausible that the results of the check-up were deliberately leaked to Miranda – maybe even results of those additional ‘fungal pathogen tests’ too, long before anything ever made it back to Ethan. Perhaps those 6-month-test-results were even the reason Miranda takes an interest in Rose.
All that said, there’s also good reason to suppose Miranda’s had her eye on Rose for much longer than a mere week or two – the fact the Winters were moved to Romania at all could suggest she’s been pulling strings there for some time. So maybe these latest tests only confirmed what she already suspected for a long time.
Either way, it’s very possible that leaked info from Rose’s 6-month-medical-check-up was a key inciting incident behind the events of the game. Happy half-birthday, Rose!
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Lord knows how much of all that subtext was even intentional, but if it was, that is some subtle shit, and I applaud it.
But getting back to the point, let’s just expand that timeline a little.
January 28 (Tuesday): Date on Rose’s medical report. Earliest date that Mother Miranda could have replaced Mia.
January 28-February 2: Ethan receives a call from the hospital, making an appointment to come pick up his daughter’s test results on the 6th (Thursday). He and Mia have the argument from the flashback scene.
February 2 (Sunday): Rose’s half-birthday (she was born on August 2, 2020).
February 3 (Monday): Miranda requests Eugen find her a list of ‘drugs and tools’ in the next few days (that she presumably needs for her plans for Rose).
February 6 (Thursday): Ethan and Mia (or possibly Miranda-as-Mia) visit the hospital to pick up Rose’s medical report. They have the fight mentioned in Ethan’s diary.
February 8 (Saturday): Chris Redfield “kills” Miranda-as-Mia and kidnaps Rose and Ethan. Miranda revives, overturns the truck carrying Ethan and Rose, and abducts Rose.
February 9 (Sunday): Eugen is instructed to deliver the tools to Miranda’s ceremony at dawn, where she divides Rose into four pieces. Ethan wakes up outside the village, and the main events of the game take place.
February 10 (Monday): Final boss battle and ending.
There’s plenty of wiggle room in this timeline for other interpretations, but what little info the game gives us mostly seems to add up to this sequence. The 28th remains a plausible earliest date for Mia’s replacement, meaning she’s been posing as Mia for no more than 11 days at the very most. If we take it from Eugen’s diary that Miranda was still in the village on the 3rd, then we’re looking at less than one week.
And that’s just a little disappointing to me, because it doesn’t give a lot of time for stuff like, oh, you know, for all those jars of baby food to build up, while Miranda cooks baby Rose the kind of specially formulated diet that would make Marguerite Baker proud.
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See, whatever timeline the in-game dates may suggest, I still like the idea of a Miranda who’s been playing a much longer con: pulling strings to get the Winters moved closer to her, and spending time impersonating Mia, rather than simply absconding with Rose at the first opportunity. That gives her time to make sure Rose is the vessel she needs and prepare for her ceremony before bringing the wrath of Chris Redfield down on her head (and that of anyone else who might take offense at Rose’s abduction).
It gives her time, moreover, to play at being Rose’s mother, while already working to mould Rose into her own daughter. She’ll eat what Eva ate, hear the bedtime stories Eva heard, be cradled in the loving arms of the same mother who mourned Eva’s death.
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To that end, imagine a Miranda who may have befriended Mia long before replacing her, using one or more shapeshifted guises to learn more about her and her family, preparing to impersonate her believably. Maybe Miranda’s even the one who taught Mia some of those ‘local recipes’ – recipes she'll go on cooking after taking her place.
The game doesn’t dwell on the horror from Mia’s POV, and that’s a shame, because damn: being abducted and imprisoned, subjected to god-knows-what kind of experimentation – knowing all the while that you won’t be missed, because the monster who abducted you is now living in your home, wearing your face and sleeping beside your husband, who won't even know you’re gone? That is some A-grade shit.
For which matter, how do we know Mia was the only one Miranda was experimenting on? What if one of the reasons Ethan wants to talk about the Bakers at the start of the game is that he’s been having this horrific series of “nightmares” where he wakes up back in the dark, restrained and helpless, while a ‘possessed’ Mia leans over him with a grin and a scalpel? (We know his body would heal any evidence away, and we know Miranda was sourcing drugs – and why would she need drugs to crystalise and divide Rose?)
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Basically, I’m 100% here for a Miranda who’s been insinuating herself into the Winters’ lives for at least the maximum nominal period the timeline backs up. It makes so much narrative sense, and the horror possibilities are wonderful.
But this is all just circling around the more character-significant question: how much of the tension in Ethan and Mia’s marriage was really thanks to Miranda, and how much was there to begin with?
The short answer is always going to be that it’s down to interpretation. The “Mia” who argued with Ethan at the hospital may or may not have been the real thing: nothing definitive points one way or the other. There’s definitely evidence things were tense pre-Miranda, given their interactions in the flashback scene. But there's also some evidence those arguments have taken a different character since Mia was replaced.
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Miranda’s “Mia” is snidely dismissive of Ethan’s desire to talk about the past, claiming she just wants to put it all behind them. The real Mia from the flashback is anxious and depressed: tired of going back over past trauma, but at the same time frustrated with the aspects they don’t talk about (ie. Ethan). The Mia we hear worrying on the radio in Donna’s basement seems to suffer from a lot of the same anxieties. In the flashback, it’s Ethan being dismissive, insisting “Rose is fine, everything’s fine, what else matters?”
To argue about character inconsistencies here is to miss the point: they’re both worried about what their past means for Rose, and it’s all bubbling over now Rose is due for her 6-month tests. Given all that underlying tension and the weight of past trauma, it’s not unbelievable for the two of them have effectively been taking turns to be the one-who-worries and the one-who-brushes-those-worries-off. Sometimes, that's just how mutual anxieties work in a relationship bubble.
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But the jump from the Mia of the flashback to the Mia of the Ethan’s diary – who blows up at the mere mention of events of three years ago – seems unlikely as the same Mia who was so anxious in that flashback, and so clearly still wants to talk about something they haven’t addressed. It’s hardly impossible Mia-from-the-hospital could be the real Mia (Ethan’s summary is very brief, and days have passed in between), but she makes far more sense to me as Miranda’s Mia, who quickly gets defensive when Ethan broaches the subject at all.
In summary: no, Miranda is not the only reason things have been tense between Ethan and Mia lately. But I doubt the argument "Mia" has with Ethan at the opening of the game is all that representative of what things have really been like between them. And the real issues are a lot more nuanced than the generic Mia-told-lies-and-is-mean take, but that’s really a subject for another post.
It’s only fair to admit here that one of the reasons I like the idea of Miranda replacing Mia earlier is because I’d like to be able to blame her for more of the problems Ethan and “Mia” have been having, because I like them both as characters, and I like them together. But then again, if you’re in the opposite camp, maybe you like the implications of the idea that things are already so awkward in the Winters household that Ethan could even go weeks without even realising Mia had been replaced by an imposter – it’s really all in the spin.
Because at the end of the day, the implications for Ethan and Mia’s relationship aren’t the point. There's just so much potential for atmosphere and twisted horror storytelling that comes with a scenario where Miranda has kept up her ruse for much longer than the nominal timeline suggests.
11 days? Oh, Mother Miranda is just getting started.
*Just to confuse things a little, the actual 6th February 2021 was a Saturday, not a Thursday, but the writers probably didn't bother to check: this is Resident Evil, not Lord of the Rings or something.
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cannibalismyuri · 11 months
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way to take things out of context <33 lemme show u some things i said in the actual post that aren't taken out of the connotations i meant to imply them with?
"they also are popular bc they're seen as Better than other creators and put on a pedestal. which is both uncomfortable for them and Highly discouraging for others." this was the whole sentence. way to take things out of context huh.
"many people just disregard other rlly talented creators in favor of the already popular ones (who are popular for a reason. their art / fics / wtv Are really good and i read their stuff too! not trying to put them down here, just trying to lift other people up)" so where in this sentence do u see me saying that they aren't good writers?
"also bragging rights? babe nobody's bragging abt how they get more interaction. that's rude asf and entirely out of the question. and those popular writers ur talking abt who Could brag if they wanted to DON'T. bc they aren't despicable human beings who love to put others down." so did i or did i not clarify that i think the people byler tumblr puts on a pedestal handle it gracefully.
also the way u phrased this is Exactly what's wrong with this fandom. have u ever read anything that wasn't be the 10 writers u idolized? i've found some AMAZING, FREAKISHLY TALENTED, SWEET AND ALL-ROUND LOVELY writers in fandom whom i never would've found if i didn't Specifically try to broaden my horizons. the way you phrased this implies that there is simply nobody who compares to the writers with most engagement and like... how would u know? isn't this exactly the kind of behavior i was saying was Not It? ur putting them on a pedestal and refusing to acknowledge other people, no matter how talented they may or may not be. i'm not saying everybody is an amazing writer right off the bat and that these writers aren't amazing; i'm saying that others may be just as good. i know Several amazing writers eho dont get half the recognition as mediocre writers in other fandoms (NOT! TALKING! ABT! BYLER! HERE!) based on luck and when exactly they post. u guys will never branch out and Try to support these other fic writers who are helping keep this fandom alive and contributing Beautiful fics and then say that the tag is dying just bc UR personal favorite creators aren't creating as much. this doesn't in any way diminish the obvious prowess and skill of the Big writers, bc they're amazing writers and people, but u suggesting that nobody else even comes close? this is NOT nyt bestsellers this is FANDOM. its common courtesy to atleast respect people who write these fics for free and if u can't provide basic respect by trashing others' writing that u haven't even read bc its not one of the Big writer's writing... ur part of the problem.
and im going to say it for the last Fucking time. dont bring my fics or engagement into this. im speaking for so many other people and im trying to demand support for Everyone. this was never just abt me. i said this previously too, but i made a whole ass EVENT to shine light on less popular writers. bylerficrecweek was made for a reason. if it was just abt me and my engagement i never would've wholeheartedly put my whole heart into that project. and don't u Fucking dare insult my writing. "maybe you're not as good at it as you think"? im fucking tired of u coming on my blog, claiming im saying a bunch of BULLSHIT and recontextualizing everything i say and insulting my writing on top of that. you won't see this bc ive blocked u now but. im genuinely so fucking tired. im turning off anon. clearly who ever is sending these has a problem with me personally; so say it with your whole pussy to my face now. ok thx and im Really Fucking Tired please read the post for what its meant to be before mindlessly accusing me of shit.
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some more screenshots because apparently i still don't think I have enough
the original title for this post was just impossible to read check this shit out
"Screensh wife stime ot picture of whife im sure theters something in teh series I haven't screenshotted satyet."
still slightly high, this post is gonna jump all over the series, but it's probably mostly MMA and CFO
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Technically I already have this one, uh, twice, but you know, more the merrier. and i will be merry.
ALSO quick commentary for me. Why isn't he bloodied up here? all of the other revengencers (including the kid) are all bloody and stuff, but he's just chillin with his shirt off for some reason. i've always wondered, like is he not partaking in the cannibalism? i think that's ironic right? what with the whole...,,.. cannibal corpse thing...or does he just have better manners than the brainwashed zombie people. using a napkin or something? plus uh i have to admit i think they should've just covered him in blood for the vibes, but he look suspiciously clean comparatively it's like weird to me also WHY IS HE JUST HANING OUT ShirTLESS?????? i mean I get it, i would if i could too, but come one he doesn't need to be doing all that.
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there she is my beautiful princess
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my everything!!!!
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seriously. gonna have EVERY frame i swear to god.
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"had" strong hands. The wistful way he says it, the way he sort of lingers on that comment for a beat. His attempt at relating to Skwisgaar. sure okay whatever.
also charles, please, next time, maybe just.... maybe just be like "you okay buddy?" he's great at buisness and stuff but man does he fumble when trying to like, talk to people (gee I wonder what that could mean)
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i know no one is even around anyways and you probably wouldn't even notice it, but way to look suspicous/
"Oh, gee, I'm sneaking in. Lemme look nervously from side to side"
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despite most klokateers serving as cannon fodder, id rather just kms instead of fight one, 216 fucked agent 216 up.
OHHHH and also just real quick while I'm thinking about it, i think MMA is like, wearing the smae stuff as the Klokateers/maybe is reused parts of one?
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Same boots, gloves and pants (albeit with some cool new pockets.) Anyways I know it's just like, the same boot model or something, but I thought it was interesting or something i dunno. i'm drinking cherry limeade and still sort of sick and high, so you know whatever.
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in love with her pouty self, like girl would it kill you to just :) just once anytime throughout the WHOLE sereies?
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ANOTHER one fromt this scene. but in my defense, look at my wives here????
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the girls are fighting :( hey i'm sorry if that's super annoying to yalll like im sorry it's just been "my wife" this whole post I'm sorry I'll call them something else
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doing all this and for what? he's so mad he lost one (1) fight to charles so now he just keeps going back for more. if you'd have just shot him when you had the chance this would've ended a long time ago.
but also don't because I love charles.
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grabbing swords or sassily putting hands on hips?
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ahhhh I see.
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well uh yeah folks that's all she wrote, i can't think of aynthing else i wanted to get, i think this is most of it ueah uh yeah.
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not-xpr-art · 1 year
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just wanted to share a few comparisons to show how my digital painting skills have developed over the years!
(these were all done with the same brush type on the same program btw!)
see below for a mini kinda Art Advice post where i go into each of these comparisons!
wanna start by saying the brush i used for all these pieces is the 'watercolour' brush on firealpaca... essentially just a default flat brush that usually comes with most software!
the first two are to show unintentional messiness vs intentional messiness. a lot of my early art had a pretty messy quality to it purely because i was still unfamiliar with the mechanics of digital! (though i will say, i think i was going for a more painter-ly style in the 2015 art anyway because i was basing it on pre-raphaelite works)
i think once you become a lot more familiar with certain mediums, you allow yourself to be a bit more confident with the brushstrokes you make! the 2022 piece is one where i wanted to create a sense of texture, almost like a digital version of impasto (aka thick layers of paint), and i know better now how to use digital software to create this kind of effect!
and you can see with the next row & the 2016 piece that i managed to create a much smoother, more blended appearance whilst still using the same brush! a part of my improvement came from me allowing myself to spend a little longer on pieces, especially in those first few years. i think a lot of beginners to digital (or any other kind of medium for that matter) think that if they spend the same amount of time on a piece as they would in another medium that they're more familiar with they'll get the same results, but it doesn't really work that way lol... especially if you're very new to digital... my advice here, then, would be to allow yourself to be slow at figuring out the medium (and let yourself make mistakes!)
going back to the 2016 vs 2022 comparison, i wanted to include this to show how sometimes you can keep things still messy, but still controlled and complete looking! also, remember that in digital most programs will let you adjust the 'colour mixing levels' or another similar 'blending level' option, which essentially just means how much the strokes blend or don't blend into what you've already painted... (knowing this would have made blending a whole lot easier back in 2016 lemme tell you lol.....)
(i also wanted to include that comparison cos it looks like they're looking at each other and i find it funny pfft)
the final comparison is, again, to show how controlled brushstrokes can give a piece a simultaneously painter-ly and smooth appearance! in both the 2015 and 2023 pieces, i wasn't super precise in my painting skills. but the 2023, to me at least, doesn't look as messy purely in the way i've been able to use the brush!
i mainly wanted to share this because i spent a long time trying to make my paintings look smooth, and i definitely do still do this in some artworks (particularly if i'm using fluffy/textured brushes), but i realised that i really enjoyed being able to create messy works that overall feel more finished due to the painting skills i've developed over the years!
i also just want to say that i'm not saying that either of these sides are 'better' than the other, they're just a few different ways i've approached art in my years as a digital artist! my observational drawing skills have grown a lot since the left side pieces, but i still think there's a lot to like in my early works and i'm definitely still very proud of them!
thanks for reading & feel free to check out my other art advice posts and consider tipping me here on tumblr or heading to my kofi if you wanna support me! (no pressure ofc!!) <3
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emiliosandozsequence · 4 months
I got back from seeing dune part 2….hm! It looked just as gorgeous as the first one and I definitely get the hr geiger Vibes don’t get me wrong!!! I worry a teeny tiny bit that more time was spent on the aesthetic then the characters though. I wasn’t a big fan that they just made chani ‘angry that paul chose being a godlike figure over our 3 month situationship’ but I at least liked that the last frame was on her not paul, I’m hoping they rectify her character flaws in the next film!! a lot of ppl are focusing on irulan and yes I love her scheming and plotting but other then that I never liked her character much, flo pugh brings more humanity to her which I’m interested in seeing! all in all I loved the incest undertones being so palpable even the normies were uncomfortable but denis I’m gonna need a lil more from u buddy. my girl chani was not the literally backbone of those books for u to do her like that!!!! (all ur opinions are Right and Correct and I look forward to hearing more if u ever wanna message em 👀)
FUCKING THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!! SOMEONE ELSE UNDERSTANDS ME!!!!!!!!!!! literally everything you said i agree with so so much!! chani being angry was another thing i haven't touched on, but definitely struck me as Bad and could be read as racist. it really doesn't seem right to make the only black female character in the movie angry the whole time lmao especially when that's an extremely harmful stereotype that black women already have to deal with!!!!
also definitely feel free to dm me about dune (or anything i post about tbh) whenever 💕💕 i've been obsessed with these books since i was 17 💕💕💕 (also if u have a discord 👀 lemme know if u want!!)
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elfstuck · 1 year
Gettin the Band Back Together
Finally watching the Homestuck Recap and trying to catch up. (It is 8pm on Apr 13 for me, as I write this. I want to post something for Homestuck Day that's not just 'hey I am aware it's Homestuck Day.') I have not given up on this blog, but as you can see, it is not at the top of my "do this now" priority lists.
(Since I last did serious blogging here, I have created two (tiny) solo TTRPGs, watched BNHA and Untamed and read ridiculous amounts of fic for both, and gotten a Real Job. With. Like. Union benefits. Also my father died in the early Covid era (not of Covid) and this made the whole lockdown thing much easier to handle because I had no interest in being social for at least six months after that.) (And every week, my Google calender says "Reminder: Homestuck liveblogging!" which has served as a weird touchstone for normality throughout the hellscape years.)
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GENERAL NOTES: I want ZERO SPOILERS. NONE. I have a friend (@chibipaw) to help me by reading my inbox, but that just means "she will delete stuff that has spoilers" and I won't see it. I have a broad definition of spoilers. Like. I do not want to hear "oh you'll see that one again" or "wait'll you see what happens when they meet." I was not happy to be told that the people chatting with Our Protagonists were the trolls I'd heard so much about. Don't assume "everyone knows that"; I have managed to block out an incredible amount of knowledge about this fandom.
I am here for the tentabulges. Eventually. I will be reading all the depraved fic. Eventually. I ship them all. Eventually.
…I may ship them all before eventually.
Lemme see if I got this:
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It's John's 13th birthday. It has been John's 13th birthday for longer than John has been alive.
His neighborhood got blown up. But he's safe (…for some values of "safe") in the Medium, where things are weird.
Kernelsprites. More than one of them.
Rose is playing with the server version of Sburb
Dave is arguing with trolls
Jade is doing something with a dreamscape something or other
Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey
Wayward Vagabond yay
Midnight crew. Midnight crew song. (Not actually part of the story.) (I want Midnight Crew song fanfic.)
Prospit. Derse. Multiple peoples with the same initials in different settings.
Chess war something (I have kinda stopped paying attention to the recap.)
Multiple strange worlds: Land of Wind and Shade; Land of Light and Rain; Land of Heat & Clockwork, all of which I want custom dragons for. This is complexified by the fact that Flight Rising expanded its color scheme while I was reading Homestuck, and also there are now swarms of new dragon types so I will have to rethink my plans for LOWAS and LOHAC dragons. I don't think I've seen Jade's realm yet.
Trolls with initials that are all "lower case letter followed by capital letter," with meanings that maybe attach to zodiac signs. (PLZ NO SPOILERS I already know too much.)
Flash has died but I have the Unofficial Homestuck Collection and also there's something kinda-sorta like Flash support in Firefox now although I may not have all the features I used in the past.
I have lost both my place in the story and my awareness of context so WHO CARES HERE WE GO.
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…Is this too long? Should I bump the actual liveblogging to next post? Should I put it under a read-more tag? I have lost all sense of how I normally pace these things.
gC gives John (eB) a map. An FL4 map. Because that was a thing when Homestuck was written. FL4 files are no longer viable ways to give information. However, given what I know of HS trolls, that would not prevent them from using it.
(Huh my HSLB folder already has a "Google LOWAS.png" file which means this is probably ground I have already covered. Oh well.)
John goes to gate on top of mountain, sees pretty swirly colors that are LOLAR, and crashes into Rose's room. Talks to Dave on Rose's computer.
…Yeah, this looks familiar. Huh.
Look this is the last pic from my regular liveblogging days:
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if someone could give me a link for that page, I'd be grateful. In the meantime, I'll go through from where I am and try to catch up. I probably backed up some deliberately but I am now entirely lost.
John is chatting with two Daves. One in orange. One in red. There are timeline issues. I think.
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John goes poking through Rose's room. (The wone with MEOWMEOWMEOW all over the walls. Rose: Not the sane one.) He grabs some books with his captchalogue. Or into his sylladex. Dammit, I have forgotten the terminology attached to my favorite feature of this game. Story. Webcomic. Whateverthefuck this is.
Gets the codes from the books.
…and then we're back to… Dave in Derse? Dave and Rose in Derse? Back to John, getting his birthday gift from Rose: some kind of purple-black stuffed rabbit. More bunnies in boxes for John. John is happy with all the bunnies in boxes.
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(Huh I already had a 'Chaos Dunk' image too, but not the animated gif. Apparently years of ignoring this have not changed my ideas about which images are interesting & worth sharing.)
This section has NEW RELEVANCE since I am now into Untamed fandom and gifts of rabbits are emotionally meaningful in ways that they were not when I started reading Homestuck. If John loves receiving bunnies, does that make him a Hanguang-Jun analogue? I will have to explore this idea.
John leaves a salamander for Rose in thanks.
There are pesterlog conversations of which I understand almost nothing. Timey-wimey shenanigans. Gonna hope I can pick up the gist of it later because I am not rereading the whole damn thing up to now to get context for these, which I kind of had before but have long lost.
There is a jam session with Dave and Rose in Derse, with 5 musical options. These are selectable by having Dave press buttons. Or by clicking on them directly in the new app.
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These open in separate tabs in the Homestuck Collection. Right. The other reason to work my way through Homestuck: The music is awesome.
Of these, I like Derse Dreamers best.
Huh. the Collection and the website have DIFFERENT CONTENT wtf. Website: Page 1720. Altered from the original - the sound button is at the top because Flash support is now all wonky. Fine. But the second picture here isn't in the collection. (I am fine with this. I don't like the second picture. But it means, sigh, I really will be needing to go back and forth between the Collection app & the website. Ghah.)
Plz throw thoughts at me so I will be inspired to keep doing this.
Only. Not spoilery thoughts. Please.
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puffpasstea · 2 years
The List
A/N: Hi friends! This is an outtake from chapter 9 of Matilda (which will be posted tomorrow) where they discuss their kinks, their relationship, etc. I hope you like it! Please note that this blurb doesn't affect the plot/ timeline of the main fic. It's just an extra that I originally wrote to be part of the chapter, but I don't quite feel like it's needed. Meaning reading it or not will not change your understanding of the main storyline of the fic. THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING!!! AS ALWAYS: Thoughts, comments, suggestions, feedback all welcome and appreciated!
Warnings: mentions of smut throughout, dom!Harry, angst, fluff ? kinda?
I remained on my knees, firmly planted between Harry's thighs my hand on his tiger tattoo, as I watched his stomach rise and fall. He was still struggling to catch his breath after I'd sucked him off and made him cum all over my face.
He had a sweet, loopy grin on his face. I loved learning that Harry was the kind of person who smiles during sex. Especially right before and after an orgasm. A sight I was addicted to. For those moments when he's overwhelmed with pleasure, his dominance is shaky, when his eyes are rolling to the back of his head, his face is flushed, and he can't quite control his moaning and grunting, he's absolutely stunning. And it's an exhilarating feeling to know that I could bring this man to his knees and make him feel good. I couldn't get enough of it.
"c'mon." He tapped the space on the bed next to him. "Lemme return the favor. Your turn now." He giggled and blushed slightly, still high off his orgasm.
"What did you just say to me?"
"S-sorry, sir. I just mean I don't want you to get me off. Just want you to hold me. Is...Is that okay?"
"Sure. I don't see why not? c'mere..."
He held out his hand to help me up on the bed next to him, and he frowned when I winced at the pain in my knees. "Fuck, I was too excited about you sucking me off I forgot to get you a pillow for your knees. That's such a shitty thing of me to do. I'm so, so, sorry..." He went on rambling and apologizing as I tried to get comfortable in his arms.
"Harry, please! Could you not?"
He ceased with the self-loathing dramatics, tucking me into his arms and placing his chin over the top of my head.
The silence felt good. His arms were the safest place on earth. I closed my eyes, listening to the sound of his breathing and his heart beating in his chest. Unfortunately, though, this comfort was short lived. Harry went back to ranting. "What are we, Matilda?"
I attempted to ignore him. Maybe if he thought I'd fallen asleep or something...
"I just want to know."
Fuck, that beautiful bastard was the most stubborn man I'd ever met. "I don't get your question."
"I mean...you'll suck me off but won't let me wipe my own cum from your face for you, dammit! And you'll let me hold you, but you act like I'm crazy for looking out for your knees...I just...I never know what's okay and what's not around you."
"Can we please not talk about this right now?" I exhaled audibly.
"I think we should make a list."
"A list?"
He peeled himself off of me and ducked his head to meet my eyes with his. "A list. A contract. Like a BDSM thing. for what is or isn't okay."
"A fucking contract, Harold? You're kidding, right?"
"It doesn't have to be a whole contract! And so what if I wanted it to be? I'm not a very good dom if I don't set clear expectations and know your boundaries. I don't want to disrespect or hurt you in anyway. None of that is a joke to me. So, no, I'm definitely not joking!"
Despite the fact that these kinds of direct conversations often made me uncomfortable, I knew that he was right. If I hoped to continue to sleep with him, and to explore more of what we've been doing, I was going to have to have this talk. And the sooner the better.
We took out a note pad, drawing a line in the middle of the page, splitting it in half. One side was mine; the other side was his.
"Let's start small. Stuff we've already done." Harry said, scribbling down some words.
"Praise...and degradation...." I read out, blushing. Of course I knew we'd tried that. I was there when it happened. But addressing it explicitly like that felt weird.
"I would say the same for you! The praise thing I mean."
He laughed. "What? like it when I make you feel good. Can ya blame me?" he placed a quick peck to my lips.
"Do's and don'ts." Harry announced, drawing an extra section on paper.
"Ah, I know!" I took the pen from him and wrote "no love-making. under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES." We both knew this was in reference to Harry whispering "let me make love to you" in my ears after I'd had a bad night as his way of trying to cheer me up. I didn't think emotions needed to be involved so, I shut him down.
"No love-making. Just sex." He repeated the words I'd used on him that night.
"Okay, so, we need to talk subspace and subdrop protocols. For me to be the best dom I can be to you, I need to know what you like to have around you in such cases. Tell me everything. No detail is too small. I'm serious, Matilda."
I look up from the sheet of paper to find his piercing gaze watching me carefully with his pen uncapped and in hand, ready to jot down whatever I tell him. It was like he was studying me. Trying to learn me. The earnest way in which he genuinely made every effort to know what made me tick, what made me feel good, what pushed my buttons, what my limits were...it all touched me deeply, but also overwhelmed and scared me immensely. I wasn't used to someone wanting to know that much about me, let alone allowing them to do so.
"I- I don't know, sir." my differential tone surprised both of us. "I've never experienced either of those things before, so I don't really know what I'd need."
"oh, that's okay! We'll just leave this space blank and go back and fill it in if and when it happens. sound good?"
I nodded. "What about you though?"
"What about me?"
"Like what do you like to have done for you?"
Harry was instantly flustered. His hands shook and his face turned bright red. I'd never seen him like this before. He looked nothing like the confident, and often downright evil, man who controlled me hard the time.
"I..guess I just like knowing that you're okay. Whoever I'm with. Like after I beat the shit out of you, I just wanna know that I didn't actually hurt you. And that you enjoyed it. and..."
"And I like being the little spoon, ok???" He was almost sweating now.
"I know it sounds dumb. And, look, my aftercare is mostly giving my sub aftercare and making sure everything's alright. lets me know I'm not actually an evil dickhead. So, I'll cuddle you and feed you and do whatever you need me to do cuz I think that needs to be part of my job. Part of our agreement. But when all is said and done...if you could just hold me for a bit? That helps, ok? I'm asking you to be open with me, so it's only fair that I do the same."
Harry clearly felt self-conscious and went round and round talking in circles not knowing when to stop. The whole thing melted my heart so I let him sweat it for a bit longer, enjoying the details that he revealed about his deepest, softest, sides. But I reverted back to the usually mockery to reassure him that nothing would change between us.
"You're never gonna let me live that down, are you?"
Over the next few weeks, the list continued to grow and evolve. We added ideas for things we wanted to try, made sure to note the things we had tried and actually hated, things we did especially well...
tickling anal
2. Bladder control
3. Breath play
4. Foot torture? maybe in the future...
In a matter of days, that sheet of paper -- which we continued to affectionately refer to as "the list"-- had turned into chaos. But I took a million pictures of it and pulled them up often. It was a tangible representation of our amorphous bond, and it brought me a great deal of comfort to remember that it existed. Even on my hardest days.
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disaster-vampire · 2 years
Oh I didn’t mean that as a questioning ask. I very genuinely would believe that they live in their own reality and would willfully ignore the error because “no one will notice and I’m the smartest person here���
oh no i was questioning myself dw. i don't exactly know the entire inferno nor the show's script by heart. i'm like. rereading the transcript and the sources i've found and trying to make sense of what the fuck hannibal is saying because he's jumping from one thing to the next and not elaborating on anything. i also rewatched the scene once but it mainly only helps with seeing the art hannibal is talking about.
he is talking about a specific person that dante meets in hell, Pietro della Vigna, but then around the end he quotes someone else, Lotto degli Agli, who is also part of the same circle and he says the first guy was blinded and hanged for betraying the emperor, and while yes he was blinded, he actually committed suicide by hitting his head on the wall of his cell over and over again. and like hanging for betrayal is the Big Thing of his lecture so making a mistake on that is. you know. not ideal?
I present the case of Pietro della Vigna, whose treachery earned him a place in Dante’s Hell. He was disgraced and blinded for betraying his emperor’s trust. Dante’s pilgrim finds him in the seventh level of the Inferno, reserved for suicides. Like Judas Iscariot, he died by hanging. Judas and Pietro della Vigna are linked in Dante’s Inferno. Betrayal, hanging… then linked since antiquity, the image appearing again and again in art.
this is what he says in the beginning of his lecture but like. everything falls apart as soon as you read a bit more into it? he's in the circle of suicides, but he's in hell for his "treachery"? then he would be in another circle, because there's a circle specifically for betrayal, which is where lucifer and judas are, in the deepest pit. suicide is close but not quite the same because dante considers it violence towards one's self, and puts it in with the rest of the "wrathful": murderers, thieves, squanderers, blasphemes, sodomites, and what google translates for me as "usurers". i don't know if that's the right word and i've been writing for about an hour at this point. and then you find out how he actually committed suicide and it's not that. i'll find the actual passage in my copy of the book to see if maybe it's a mistake that dante himself made? like maybe he didn't know how this man actually died and he wrote in the inferno that he hung himself. dante also absolves him of his betrayal because it was never really clear what exactly he was accused of in the first place. and again dante makes himself judge jury and executioner -- just like hannibal himself -- but i'll not get into that since i've already talked about it in my older dante posts.
hannibal also shows a depiction of this man hanging by a bleeding tree in the inferno but. it's. not how he died. and also suicides in the inferno were turned into dead trees so. idk. there was just no hanging is what i'm saying. there were dead trees, harpies, black female dogs running after & eating some folks in the forest of dead trees, and then a whole other area with different punishments for the "violent towards god", the blasphemous & sodomites & usurers.
here's a depiction of pietro della vigna by gustave doré, author of the best known illustrations of dante's divine comedy:
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so. lemme look again at lotto degli agli brb.
Betrayal, hanging, self-destruction. ‘Io fei gibetto a me de le mie case.’ ‘I make my own home be my gallows.’ Mr. Dimmond. Welcome. Please join us. We were just about to discuss the matter of chewing in Dante.
this here is where hannibal quotes lotto degli agli. who might or might not be some other guy named rocco de' mozzi. unclear. the comedy has a lot of this but let's move on. now this guy is apparently. a bush. in the forest of suicides. this guy iacopo, who is a "squanderer," is being chased through the forest by the dogs i mentioned earlier, and jumps into the bush to protect himself, and is then dragged off by said dogs. mr lotto degli agli. who is a bush. complains because he was jumped on. and idk where exactly in all this he says that line because i still haven't looked for this passage in my book and i'm mostly looking at online sources about the lives of these folks but i know he's the one that says it in the inferno.
okay ffs i just found a whole other section of hannibal's lecture that i didn't see before starting to write this lemme post this then go read that. i'll be back guys. remember me fondly. i'm gonna choke hannibal lecter for never shutting the fuck up.
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rightpastnowhere · 2 years
2, 12, and 41 for the fic ask game?
you and blorb both sent me 41, but i'll answer it here so that there's 3 questions per post gjkrnkgjr
questions for fic writers
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
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oh absolutely LKNGERGN most of what i write is character studies, a lot of them with copious amounts of introspection, and apparently that's over 1/3 of what i've posted since joining ao3 lmao. it's my favorite thing to write, really!! and i'm usually the most proud of those. i also trend more towards writing fluff or happy content than angsty content, but most of it ends up with a little angst added in anyway. the canon-compliant surprised me, because i really do come up with a lot of AUs, but it makes sense now that i think about it - usually my AUs remain as unfinished concepts, without much writing and just development, where as canon content gives me the context already to write from lmao
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
oh boy. honestly?? fake dating and arranged marriage AUs. also slowburns. the AUs always just seemed so cheesy to me, and they were often written to just be as cheesy as possible, but there's some i've found recently that have just absolutely hooked me. and i realized that with fake dating, i can have a slowburn where they still get to hold hands and kiss, so it's a win-win. as for the whole slowburn thing, that just stems from how impatient i am and how they're often sadly unfinished, and i really do prefer from reading established relationship at the end of the day. however, i've come to enjoy the slow build (especially after perc'ahlia) as long as they're finished - although, i still do prefer when more of a fic focuses on the pairing when they're together gkjrngkjnrg
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
oh god, just one???? uhhhh lemme see if there's one that sticks out
the first one that comes to mind is usually she must, then, try by miss_echidna on ao3, aka @randomfatechidna on tumblr. they've written a couple wanda maximoff-focused fics, and i love their style for writing wanda, and this was just the first that i read, and it just... the style blew me away. i just wanted to write like that, and it stuck with me. also this tag is hilarious
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another one that i read even longer ago is Falling by viinas on ao3, aka @viinas-writes on tumblr. it's another one where i love the character, kazuma, and they captured his character SO WELL!!! like it's fucking perfect, and THEN the writing style kicked my ass into next week. and also i left a comment and got the sweetest and most wonderful reply, and later we were part of a zine together, and since this is a writer i've looked up to for a WHILE, it just became something special to me, cause that experience was surreal
andddd a more recent one - Orpheo Looks Back by lordy_lou on ao3. i just... again, the style blew me away, just... i was hooked on every word, and it just had this visceral quality to it, and it picks apart the pov character, scanlan, in SUCH a good way. and it goes into dreams and guilt, and then i read other things by this author, and i just kept adoring their writing style.
GOD I WROTE SO MUCH FOR THIS WHOOPS. thanks so much for the ask!!!!
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