#I Already Have My Character Development Trauma Thanks I Don't Need To Do That One
wait I still need to make that Link Bank post
let me do that
in case tumblr explodes
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factual-fantasy · 11 months
24 asks!! :0000🌟🎭🌟
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Kinger and Caine are my favorite characters! I've seen a lot of theories and fanart and I've already started making my own AU and angst and everything but I cant DRAW any of that yet because I'm REALLY BUSY with an OVERDUE PROJECT AAAAA
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(In recent development, Asgore is unable to heal Spamton because he is a darkener :((( )
I think it might have been addressed at one point yeah :0 Maybe something was wrong with Seam and Asgore reached out to help. In which Seam was terrified and Jevil jumped in to protect him. Asgore could see the trauma and tension in the both of them so he carefully backed off.
Later he could hear from Seam about their pasts and why they were afraid of him. Asgore would then try to take steps to.. not..? Be scary to them?? <:D
Spade king could have talked in a very gravely and booming voice. So Asgore is sure to always talk softly and clearly. He is careful to not make any sudden movements around Seam and Jevil. If he's reaching for something near Seam/Jevil he will gently announce what he's doing and make sure they understand before he does it.
Asgore with his hands in his lap: "Seam, I want to grab that bag.."
Seam: *turns "huh?"
Asgore, hands still in his lap: "That bag beside you, I'd like to grab it."
Seam: "oh, okay,"
Asgore then gently reaches for the bag, making sure that Seam can see his hand coming.
Little things like that would really ease Seam and Jevils nerves. And its what made Asgore so trustworthy to them. The fact that he cared so much about their comfort and went above and beyond to make sure they felt safe around him.
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Not really a parental figure. He sees Seam as his equal in every way. So like.. he sees him as his brother of the same age.?
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Oh he didn't lock Seam up in a cell. He just put shackles around his wrists and neck :00
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The thing about Jevil is that the bigger the group got, the worse his habits became. And the harder it became to break those habits.. Jevil was the one who collected these people, so they are his responsibility. Giving up his food not just for Seam, but for everyone. Staying awake to keep the fire large and roaring to keep the group warm.
The others try to help him.. but they would have a hard time getting Jevil to listen to them. Telling him he needs to eat, sleep or just relax. He probably wouldn't listen because he's a bit stubborn and is probably riddled with anxiety 24/7.
Although when Asgore came around things got a lot easier.
Asgore is very powerful and has proved his trustworthiness multiple times to Seam and Jevil. So although the royal vibe is off putting.. Jevil trusts him to watch the fire at night and protect the group. Seam has been able to reason with Jevil about the food part a little too.
Jevil: "You need this food more than me. You gotta keep your strength up until we can find someone to break these chains!"
Seam: "Jevil, you consume energy to make those mirrors to other worlds. How are you supposed to keep looking for someone to break my chains, if you're collapsed on the ground, too weak to make another mirror?"
Jevil: "......."
Jevil: *takes ONE bite out of sandwich
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I was thinking around 10 years or so..? Maybe more? Haven't really decided :0 And he was able to escape by making a mirror and stepping through it. That mirror basically poked a hole in the walls of the AU and he was able to step out of the AU. Effectively stepping out of his cell and breaking free :}
Also thank you!! :DD
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I've completely ignored comments like this recently because I don't wanna deal with all the drama that will surly follow. But you were really polite and very thorough with your evidence.. sooo I guess I might as well answer it now,
I am aware that people use they/them for Seam. But -> my version <- of Seam goes by he/him.
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I don't reeallly have a Splatoon AU..? And I haven't played Splatoon in a while- although I do still like it and have made some Splatoon ocs!
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These drawings are pretty old. I've been meaning to come back and re-draw them haha <XD
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Yeah its okay to tag like that. Like "seam and jevil" or "mario and luigi". That's just tagging them as being in the same post, no big deal 👍
Also no, no art of any kind. If you truly wanna show that you appreciate my work then leave comments. Maybe reblog once in a while or send me an ask. The comments don't have to be anything complex. You could leave a "Looks great!" comment on 50 posts of mine in a row and I will see what you're doing and appreciate it endlessly.
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(I most likely will lol XD) Also thank you! I'm glad you love it! :DD
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Honestly I can see Seam wanting nothing wrapped around/touching his wrists for a while.. even though they need it. But he could accept cold rags being dabbed on the wounds to ease the stinging.
As for what he'd eat? Dude- anything XDD Probably a burger to start. He'd just take a big fat bite and cry about how good it tastes 😭
And yeah! Now that he has his full range of movement he has his cat like flexibility back :}}
When it comes to Seam using his magic? Its hard for a while...
He hasn't used it consistently in so long.. he would be rusty, and probably anxious to use it again. It would take a lot of sparing and gentle guidance from Jevil and probably Asgore to get his grove back.
It would also take time for him to physically heal. Having his body's energy constantly drained has really effected his ability to control his magic. He would need a few weeks of good sleep and hearty meals before he could get his groove back. But he'll get there. With the group/Jevils support, he would eventually be back to the way he was. Equally matched with Jevil. :}
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Thank you!! :}}} 🌻🌻
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I don't remember that, did he do that?? Kwazii whyyy that's nasty XDDD
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Seam is frightened and confused but appreciates the message! XD
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Joy. There's just joy and relief everywhere.
There has been a constant anxiety over this group- not just Jevil, that Seam would suddenly collapse and die. Finally succumbing to the chains draining properties.
Now that the chains are off? Seam will heal. He will eat and stay full. He will absorb those calories and turn it into energy. And he will keep that energy. When he sleeps he will wake up feeling rested. He will heal, he will live.
For Seam, it was almost too good to be true. It just, it blew his mind. He was free. He was really free. No more pain, no more aches. No more hunger. His freedom truly starts here. The relief he felt can't be described. He cried, hard. But he also laughed, and for the first time in years, he smiled.
And Jevil? He couldn't speak. He just cried and cried and cried.. He couldn't let go of Seam. He couldn't stop looking at his wrists. Exanimating them over and over again. As if he couldn't truly believe it. All the anxiety, all the worry, all the sleepless nights. They were all over. Seam was gonna live, he didn't have to worry anymore. He couldn't let go of Seam, he couldn't stop shaking, he couldn't stop crying. He couldn't stop smiling.
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They will likely leave some kind of permanent scar on Seam yes.. but his floofy orange fur hides the scars around his neck. And the scars on his wrists will be somewhat covered up by his fur. So thankfully they wont really be noticeable. <:)
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Heck yeah. After they cry their souls out together they go and crash for like 6 hours or something XDD
(Also funny username, made me laugh! XD)
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WAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! And heck yeah!! Feel free to send me your AU stuff when you're done/ready! I'd love to see it! :}}
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@ocinstituterep I imagine he's just reeeeally quiet about sneaking out. My Kwazii doesn't sneak out though he knows better XD
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Thank you so much! Also Spongebob has angst??? :00000
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Things are mostly better!
Little Red got her knees fixed, Escorts broken down a few times but he's currently in working order! Suburban is stiillll a work in progress... undrivable at the moment- :x
Greenie now takes all 4 limbs to start, Brown is out of the garage and U.M is out of the trailer! Pretty good stuff :}}
(If any of that made sense to you I applaud you for your dedication to my Transformer ocs <XDD)
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She does exist, although I didn't have any real plans for her.. maybe she was just a gal that the bros knew in passing back on Earth.?
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I feel like none of them would willing visit that old stage.. expect for maybe Foxy. I feel like Foxy would be a very emotional and tender hearted character. I can see him not wanting to "leave them behind" in a way. He would come back now and then and talk to the stage as if they were standing on it and could hear him. The staff think that Foxy's programming just hasn't properly registered that Chica and Freddy are gone. And in a way.. they're right..
Foxy cant let go of their memory. And despite how much it would ache seeing that empty stage, I can see him coming back to it anyway..
This also means that part of the reason why Bonnie and Foxy clash so much now is that Bonnie is trying to snuff out any memories and feelings of the past. Meanwhile Foxy is wallowing in those memories and refuses to let go.
If any of the four of them had to preform on that stage once again? Oh man. That would hurt. It would kill Foxy to stand in the place of his late friends. He would feel guilty, ashamed.. Monty and Roxy also couldn't handle it. They would be crushed. Monty would likely get emotional and angry. Roxy would want to run and hide her face. Maybe the three of them would find a way to fake a malfunction so they could just get off the stage..
But Bonnie? Man. Maybe he's so overwhelmed that he just goes on autopilot and finishes the performance. Only to have a complete mental breakdown in his room later.. being so close to the memory of Chica and Freddy.. its crippling to him.
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Daww, thank you :}}}
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lesbianrobin · 2 months
em what would YOU vote for on ur buck horrors poll - chefbuck
ok so personally i voted anthrax i just think it would be fun to stick him in a plastic decontamination tent and hose him down until he's sopping wet and pathetic while eddie gazes at him with big sad eyes. and i voted it bc i feared nobody else would vote anthrax and i Needed anthrax to have Some votes. but i Actually want captured by a serial killer à la criminal minds So bad.
take my hand come along with me share my vision.
"but em," you cry, "they already did that with hen and chimney!" first of all they have already done almost everything okay we can have a few repeats. bobby's home burnt down literally twice. second of all i don't want something connected to the 118 alright i don't even want athena on the case. this is not an angel of death this is some classic good old-fashioned california rando serial killing.
episode one: buzzkill. i want everything to be normal like no hints to a serial killer at all besides MAYBE a tv news report in the background. there's some other shit happening like they're dealing with the beemergencies and we the audience think ok That is the big plot happening rn. and then toward the end of the episode buck goes for a jog. and like the beautiful young woman in any given criminal minds episode he happens to jog past a man with an injured dog or a flat tire and buck stops to help because he's buck. of Course he stops to help. and the guy blitzes him and the screen goes black and BAM end of the episode.
and then in the next episode we open on some other character doing totally unrelated shit maybe the henren/mara/madney plot? and we get like five-ten minutes in to the episode before anybody references buck. maybe he's late to work or maybe he's not answering his phone. that's weird but OOPS the alarm is going off no time to check in on him right now! gerrard is unfortunately captain so they can't even like convince him to let them swing by buck's loft even when they drive right down his street on their way back from a call. so the 118 is running all over los angeles dealing with nonstop calls while they Also try to call buck and don't get any response. so eventually they ask somebody (bobby, maddie, whoever's not Busy) to go by the loft and see if he's alright.
and i want the 118 to respond to a fire in an abandoned building as their buck correspondent is on their way to the apartment. when they put out the fire athena is there and reveals that they think this fire was set by a killer to try and destroy evidence because they found a body inside and this fits a pattern that's been developing lately. BAM they get the call that buck's apartment is empty.
i will stop giving the play-by-play now but i just think it would be so fucking sick if they Refused to show us buck for almost the entire episode... perhaps athena tells us that this killer has a Type that sounds familiar... and i want the 118 + maddie absolutely spiraling telling themselves ok there's gotta be Some other explanation this would be insane it would be Insane. maybe this causes some tension in the group (eddie is Going Fucking Insane). and then they can get a lead near the end of the episode and we see buck very briefly like tied up or in a saw trap or whatever the hell i'm not picky we just need to see him suffering perhaps with a brief villain monologue from his captor. and THEN in episode three: no place like home they can rescue him and then he's dealing with that trauma throughout 8a. i think that could be fun and also serve as both motivation for canon buddie And like some sort of obstacle for them to deal with together that doesn't involve eddie in the same old torment nexus.
so yeah <3 thank u for asking <3
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kaledya · 4 months
Hi !
And I wonder how I will handle Constantine and Addolorata too. I have an idea of course, I already have the name of the ship (I had fun to make up ship names) and I think RoyalSnare or SlowBurn (it was a coincidence!)
The thing is Lolicia's character development need to be widely open like a cracked egg for their relationship to start for real. I think... I THINK their relationship will be a based on a FromSoftware 3 phases boss 🤣
Also, you will not believe it but I have something for Serenity too, because you said she is scared of the sea and the dark and its kinda Lolicia things and I wanted to help her deal with her phobias ? And it would be an interesting short healing trauma/cute/deep relationship but it is very difference from a full romance with Constantine.
And Constantine deep friendship with Serenity could be healing to her fear of abandonment or being alone. Because even if she loves her dad, she would take time to open her heart again because she is afraid to lose Alastor abruptly again (logically)
I don't know, what do you think ? It could be interesting to work with. I'm sorry I like complexity to things ahah.
I'm glad you like Sherlock and Irene too ! And you are very true about you said of their relationship and what Irene character represent. In serie/media/books.
I love it when she is about to die and then she heard the phone moan notification and look at the side. And then she saw Sherlock like "Girl, I'm saving you". So brave. Mycroft really said "she's dead forget it" and Sherlock took immediately a plane ticket to save her.
I like her in the movies too. I mean he let her do things he never will with others but I'm not even sure he realised it. Mycroft did realised that Irene has a full diamond room in Sherlock mind palace ahah
Glad you like that meme script ! Don't ask me if you could draw it, I will say "yes. Obviously. Whenever you want." I'm not a neutral person to ask 🌸
And I love the words Constantine said at the end. I can see it in my mind. "You look *very* confortable" Lolicia : "I already enjoy your attention to details, your highness" (Little laugh)
The storyboards you make are my base line to keep focus on the plot so thanks to YOU ! Really. It give an atmosphere, an idea, you know ? A smell about how the chapter must look like. And then I just go on a ride ahah
Congratulations for the 200 hours ! I don't play myself but I've consume enough playtroughs, videos, concept reading that its like i did it.
And IM DEAD. That gif is a gift. Its perfect and accurate. Never seen a hamster looking that much of Astarion. *save it in my gallery*
Oh yes ! Harleep the Incubus. I don't know what Gale said but the armor is surely bondage-like related. I mean Harleep is here to feed Raphael's simps so good for the armor (and them) !
Also, thank you to always complimenting my writing and take the time the give comments everytime, it make me very happy ! *take back my hamster-Astarion* 🌸
Chaggie is adorable ! I'm glad you like it 🌸 i think their duet song later will be great !
Lolicia and Alastor duet was a work but I'm so happy with it! I'm very happy you like too !
Don't worry for Lolicia it will come, I will feed you ! And yes her human appearance, I will draw it soon, I was searching 1939 fashion because that is the year she died.
And I'm not forgetting a drawing of Constantine !
Yes the conversation one the phone, I laugh. " - I'm the princess... Silence.   - What ? (Internally screaming)"
OH. I'm. so. glad. you liked the cameo of Constantine. I was all over the place while writing it. At one point I was just like... "I need the best of the best" *take the concept art of Elden Ring and other Dark Souls and Bloodborne* "perfect." Ahah 🌸
And I made him blow his workshop because you said somewhere he did blow his workshop multiple times! But I suppose he can pull it back together with sorcery too !
Thanks to have made him ! *let my hamster go. Take my glasses.* Let's get back to writing ! 🌸🌸🌸🌸
I can't wait to see it already and ROYAL SNARE AND SLOWBURN ARE GREAT SHIP NAMES!
I'm so glad to hear this and the three phase boss fight??? God, this is going to be a great read.Although three-stage boss battles are always a long and tiring road, the feeling of satisfaction when you defeat the boss is excellent!
And this looks like a great idea! Serenity is afraid of that feeling of unknown, helplessness and darkness in the sea. Lolicia is seriously a character who can help her get through this It would be very interesting to see the interaction of the two.I think they will have a nice dynamic!
And yes, Serenity never wanted to talk about what she went through after he died.Alastor doesn't know much about her and their lives were different.Serenity's experiences here are a bit similar to Constantine's, so a friendship would normally develop between the two. After all, they are both rare people who can understand each other. I think the plan you came up with is really creative! But it can be difficult to write all of that so don't work yourself too hard❤️
Yes, it was very nice that Sherlock didn't care about Mycroft and said, Nope, such a person is rare, I'm going to save her. (He fights alone, sword to sword, with a few soldiers.)
And definitely in the movies, Irene actually had a special room for herself in Sherlock's mind palace.
And lmao seriously, it's fun to write interactions like this between characters.And I have already made a sketch of that scene and I plan to finish it as soon as possible.Drawing Lolicia is always a pleasure😌
And thank you, but I don't think I've done too much. You're seriously writing amazing . I think you're very creative writer and a great planner! 🛐
I definitely recommend playing it yourself if you have the opportunity.Seriously great RPG For example, I was a bard character and I beat almost every boss in ACT2 by talking.(It was so much fun being a sweet-talking snake)
And certainly Harlepp was probably like a gift for those who loved Raphael.
And I don't remember Gale's dialogue exactly, but I'll try to find it on the internet and put it here;
And I'm so glad you like the meme, it's one of my favorite memes too!
And always, it's really great to read the fanfic you write.I'm honored that a talented writer like you writes fanfic with this AU.And I really love your writing, you are so creative.And you are EXTREMELY FAST, you update almost every day! But please take care to rest You started in a very short time and you have already written almost 50k I seriously refresh ao3 several times a day to see if there are any updates! Seriously, thank you for blessing me with your fanfic and its characters. I wish I could attract more people! I have exams soon, but when they are over, I will draw and publish the scenes in the fanfic and I hope more people will come and read your fanfic!You seriously deserve attention!
And seriously, Lolica and Alastor's duet was a masterpiece, how could I not like it!
I'll wait for good meal chef (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)
And lolicia's human form is truly amazing ı Love the outfit and color palette I also think the bunny hair ties are so cute!
And your drawings were really great! 10/10🤌
And you really did wonders! Seriously, your concept choice was very clever.And yes, Constantine often blew up his workshop while experimenting. But what's the point of broken things when you have a repair spell! And a few shield spells of course!In the end, everything is worth it for victory
I wish you good writing in advance!
First of all, I read all the chapters you wrote. And they were AMAZING! Thank you for blessing my eyes! 🛐
It was nice to read where the people in the hotel were preparing for the show.The parts where Charlie convinced the team were great!
And seriously, you would make a great songwriter. I wish there were people who decided to bring your songs to life!
First of all, I want to talk about the narrator.HE'S AWESOME. I loved his design, his personality, his dialoges, all of them! I seriously think he is a very creative character! Draw him at the first opportunity
Also, it's really cool that the weapon he uses is inspired by the Turks! I think you made a very creative choice I LOVE IT.
Now let's get to the songs.Husk and Angel's duet was simply amazing! I loved the dialogues, the descriptions of the characters were very nice and it was a really cute and well thought out scene, in one word, it was wonderful!
Seriously, it was great to read the song and witness the thoughts of the characters.
Apart from that, I also loved the conversations of Lolicia and Al backstage!It's a really cute detail that Vittori and Alastor's shadow are constantly having little cat and dog fights with each other.
And Alastor and Charlie's duet.It was seriously perfect The characters finish each other's words, literally fight with words, and on the other hand, Charlie does not fall under Alastor and shows herself with determination, and finally makes Alastor say what she wants.
It was perfect!The movements of the characters while singing the dialogues were described really well.And I was seriously smiling while reading it, it was a truly magnificent scene.I would even pay money to see this scene in animated form!
And seriously the way you describe the scene is Alastor's movements On the other hand, it was great how the scene changed color as Charlie stepped forward.At the end, when Charlie makes Alastor say that he trusts her.Alastor's reaction was also very nice!
And in the final part, it was great to see Charlie stretching her chest and talking to the crowd, and Precious supporting him as a friend!You are truly an amazing writer!
I seriously want to draw this scene so much rn (l hate that damn exams)
Niffty and Al on's duet was really cute too The song was written really well.And it was so nice to have our little gremlin taking the spotlight!
Finally, SERENITY CAMEO I SERIOUSLY DON'T KNOW HOW YOU PRESENT A CHARACTER THAT WELL! Seriously, the scene came to life in front of me. You described it perfectly. It's so beautiful when Serenity appears with Olcayto and then takes her coat and leaves.And I love the way you described her appearance.And it was perfect that you refer to her with the lolicia saying "may luck be with you"!
Meanwhile, Lucia is also an overlord . Will they go to overlord meeting in the later part of the series?
In short, I seriously think you are a great writer, I am blessed every time I read your work and I am so excited about how the story will progress!❤️❤️❤️
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intuitive-revelations · 6 months
While I've got critiques of a few choices (eg. bigeneration, the Season One reset), one thing I've got to commend RTD for is that the story arc of things getting "more supernatural" / the universe shifting from sci-fi to fantasy is actually a pretty perfect way of continuing the shows overall myth arcs without actually requiring knowing all the backstory.
Not only does this follow on from the Time Lords currently being gone again (which itself was kind of built up from the previous Gallifrey arcs and the Master's character development), but also is more or less exactly what the Ravagers wanted to do in Flux. They wanted to undo the Anchoring of the Thread, recontexualised in terms of the Division's universal interferenc. While time and its laws have somewhat stabilised for now, we are indeed now seeing Rassilon's laws of rationality starting to collapse. I would strongly argue this started even before the 60th anniversary, between the time loop in Eve of the Daleks and the constellations literally rearranging themselves in the sky in Legend of the Sea Devils.
Even outside of the shows main arcs, New Who has already dipped its toes into the concept that there are older creatures which don't necessarily run on science in the same way as everything else, or that are from outside the universe / incompatible with it. Primary examples being the Carrionites, Racnoss, the Beast and Abaddon, Weeping Angels, Solitract, arguably even The Timeless Child. The Dark Times have also been prominantly featured in stuff like the Time Lord Victorious series and Titan Comics.
We've also being seeing entities like Eternals gradually returning (Zellin, Rakaya, maybe Time) who were originally established as leaving the universe in the wake of the Time War in RTD's Series 1 backstory in the DW Annuals. We've even seen quite significant emphasis put on the Sisterhood of Karn and their connection to Gallifrey, something primarily developed in the EU with the Pythia lore, which also links into the likes of the Visionary in The End of Time.
All this being said, none of this backstory is (for now) important for new viewers to know. All they need to know is that Fourteen fucked up in Wild Blue Yonder, and now things which were once outside the universe, like the Toymaker, are starting to leak into it. They don't need to know, for example, that the TARDIS may only have been able to access edge of universe thanks to the scale of the Flux's destruction.
Ultimately this feels a lot like his approach with the Time War. While it was a logical conclusion to the classic series (hence why we get so many time wars / destructions of Gallifrey in the EU), with Genesis, Revelation and Remembrance of the Daleks all particularly serving as build up for a Dalek attack on Gallifrey, and indeed were all included in said prior-mentioned DW Annual articles along with the tension de-escalating 'Act of Master Restitution', none of that was important for new viewers in 2005 to know.
This being said, I do suspect some past context will return in the future, just as it did over New Who. For example, we're bound to be reintroduced to the idea that the Time Lords established rationality in the universe, maybe name-checking the Division as part of their interference. I also stand by my previous theory that we're likely to eventually see Rassilon return after his exile in Hell Bent. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if he served as the face of an effort to bring back the Time Lords in some form, opening up questions of their oppressive history (expect the Timeless Child's trauma to be emphasised) and whether the universe is better off without its fantastical elements suppressed, even if this does open the universe up to the dangers he fought like the Vampires, Carrionites, Great Old Ones etc. (Particular emphasis on the last of these, given it's sort of implied the only reason eg. the Great Intelligence isn't a full-power Cthulhu Mythos Yog-Sothoth is because of the Anchoring.) Perhaps the Sisterhood of Karn's newfound influence on Gallifrey in the wake of the Time War and Lungbarrow could play a role here.
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otherworldseekers · 2 days
Is it important to include tension or outright areas of conflict in a relationship? If so then how do you explore these? Or does this not appeal to you?
Well, as always, it really depends on what kind of story you're trying to write. With fanfic, you might find yourself with a relationship that is already full of tension and conflict and the fun of it is finding the way you want to resolve it. Or you might be writing in the middle of a story that already has lots of conflict outside the relationship, in the world and the plot, and more might feel like too much. Some characters will lend themselves to conflict really easily while others don't. I tend to be of the opinion that conflict should arise naturally from the elements of the story and one should be very careful about manufacturing conflict just for the sake of conflict.
(One of my biggest pet peeves in fiction is the dreaded "misunderstanding plot" which tends to come out of the blue just to create conflict and pad out the plot.)
I definitely prefer not to go looking for conflict. With Severia and Nero, the tension comes from two major factors: the MSQ and their roles in it, and who they are as people before they meet. And I find that this alone gives me plenty of material to be going on with. The angst of falling in love with someone who was your enemy, the way the story hardly ever lets them be in the same place at the same time thus making it difficult to develop anything between them, Severia's complete naivete about romance and sex and the lingering trauma that makes it almost impossible for her to get close to people, Nero having to come to terms with what kind of person he wants to be in the future, the whole question of how two such different people can build a life together.
They go through so much just to be together and I don't feel any need to keep creating additional conflict in their relationship as time goes on. I enjoy a story that can show people in a relationship being happy and content with each other and their lives.
Thanks so much for the ask!!
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
Idk if tumblr ate my previous ask (and apologies if it was just one you didn't feel like answering) but I was curious what your thoughts on the memory mechanic are/if you would change it for future Zelda games. I adore it as a way to tell the story in botw, I think it fits perfectly but with the dragon tears in totk even though I adored the story contained in them, they didn't seem like the best way to deliver the story?? I guess maybe I would have liked them to be a quick glimpse into playing as Zelda in the past, maybe doing something that actually gives a clue on how to solve a difficult puzzle in the present as Link whilst also being Zelda's own thing and telling the story in it
i'm not sure about this one. as cool as i think playable zelda would be, I have this thing about loz games and the way they utilize their medium as interactive methods of storytelling. When you're making a game in which the player character is noncustomizable and has a set route throughout the story, immersion becomes something you really have to think about and focus on. If the player character can't LOOK like the player, have the player's name, or alter the story of the game in any substantial way through the player's actions, then you need to be REALLY careful to never deliberately pull the player away from that character, or the game will cease to feel truly immersive and the interactive element of your interactive storytelling has been lost.
the way that botw and totk (and most other zelda games) accomplish this is by keeping the focus on link at ALL TIMES and taking care that no cutscenes or dialog ever have him do anything without the player's specific control--hence why he is one of the more famous examples of a silent protagonist. the botw memories were a clever way for the devs to give their player-character some backstory without losing the immersive feeling of the game; since link has amnesia, he has a reason to be witnessing his own memories in real-time, but since they're MEMORIES and not something happening currently to the player, there's no reason for the player to want to alter link's actions within the cutscenes. the player understands that this is a past iteration of link, separate from the amnesiac link they're currently controlling, so they have no ability to alter his past actions. there's also the added bonus that the link in these memories still behaves relatively like a silent protagonist thanks to his trauma--he's generally still a silent observer, and therefore less likely to make decisions that the player won't agree with.
you suggest a potential totk in which the player switches between link in the present and zelda in the past, and there's 2 reasons from a game-design standpoint why i don't really think that's a viable option here. the first is that any switch between controllable characters is going to break immersion, no matter what. Especially when your players already have the established understanding that link is THEM, the single point in the story they have the ability to alter, suddenly thrusting them into the body of a new character is going to be offputting and it's going to make them remember that they're just playing through a story, not having a real adventure. that's something you, as an rpg developer, REALLY want to avoid. I'm reminded of a very brief segment of wind waker in which the player is put in control of a character other than link, with the in-game explanation being that link is directing that character's actions. Even with that explanation, controlling any character other than link was so off-putting that it took me out of the story entirely. Constantly switching between 2 uncustomizable, established characters within an unalterable story is a really easy way to take your players out of the action. the second reason this doesn't really work is that zelda is a very established, very polarizing, very headstrong character. there was a ton of discussion and argument after botw came out about whether her choices and actions within the memories were justified and how she could have or should have acted differently. Since the story of totk is unalterable, zelda needs to take very specific actions in the past, meaning PLAYERS would also be required to take those very specific actions. Zelda as a character is very emotionally-driven, and many of the choices she makes in totk are less governed by logic than they are by the way she feels. Choices made out of emotion and choices which relate to the internal mental state of a character are VERY difficult to force a player to make of their own accord, and if the game attempts to force the player in a certain direction immersion is broken. this isn't a problem you encounter with a silent protagonist like link, because he essentially IS a blank slate who can make decisions based off whatever the player wants, but zelda is NOT a blank slate and we KNOW how she thinks and how she makes decisions, so the game would either have to force the player to simulate those decisions, potentially against their will, or strip zelda of her characterization to allow her to be a blank slate for the player to control. Botw zelda in general isn't a character that could easily be made playable in ANY circumstance because of these reasons, but in the context of a past-and-future world swap which would require her to take certain exact actions, creating an immersive playable zelda would be almost impossible.
anyway. as for the actual totk memories we got, I think they did their job as vessels to tell the story without breaking immersion. they did feel somewhat reused from botw, but totk is a sequel to botw so like. they didn't necessarily feel out-of-place to me. the devs had a challenge with this game in conveying zelda's story, completely absent of link, to the player somehow without breaking the immersion, and i think letting us view HER memories through her tears was a pretty decent way to do it. I don't think it felt AS perfectly thought-out as botw's memories did, but I also can't think of a better way to do it, so I'm personally pretty content with what we got.
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double--hh · 2 months
*appears on the summoning circle*
I have heed thy call! What must thou hear?
Ok in all seriousness, yes. I do intend for Nacha and Anastacha to fight Francis at one point. One will be in that fanfic I’m writing where Francis invaded their home. Nacha’s gotta do what she can to protect her and her daughter, y’know? The other one will be one of those lore info dumps that will be coming soon, during one of the bad endings. I already mentioned in one ending where Francis kidnaps them both and is about to chop off Nacha’s legs, Anastacha breaks free and kills her dad. That doesn’t mean it’s over for her though. She still has to live with the guilt of killing her father and becoming exactly like him.
I’ll drop this in a different post (or blog you can still find it somewhere). Anastacha has become afraid of what Francis has become I.e becoming possessive over her and her mother, holding in such a tight grip, restricting their social circle. What’s more is that Ana has to deal with the fact her father has gone too far off the deep end and that he’s a serial killer too. And if Francis had gone too far (more on that soon), Anastacha knew she needs to take measures into her own hands.
“Tonight’s the night. I’m gonna kill my dad.”
I’ll keep it brief but Francis had subtly taught his daughter his own methods (cleaning up, sharpening knives, cutting meat, you get the gist). Who knew his own daughter can finally use it against him. Anastacha had doubts because a) she promised herself to not be like her father and b) a part of her still loves him but she can’t let her and her mother be trapped like this anymore. She has to make sure her plan is perfect. Will Anastacha succeed? Find out soon~
But dear god, I can never give Nacha and Anastacha a break. I must have a thing for traumatising characters. Sounds sadistic but I love writing characters way too much. They need all the therapy and vacation they can get from their madman of a father/husband.
~ SK Francis anon 🔪
Thank you for answering thine call
Me with Mia & Izaack 🤝 You with the Mosses-Mikaelys clan
✨️trauma for the sake of character development ✨️
Good for Ana standing up to her father's nonsense <3 But ou r gh yeas I'd love to see that dilemma of her being like "I don't wanna be like my dad... but he is my dad..." and hesitating before taking the shot/swing,,,
Like sweetie dw, you're not a criminal, you're a victim and a child :'(
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leantailean · 9 months
I think what i like about Toko is the way the too off them play off each other. Both are stubborn, blunt, loud and insensitive to others. Both came from a posh upbringing. Among other things it leaves them both a bit self-centred, which they both struggle with. Toph wants nothing but move away from home, while Zuko does everything to return to it. Toph hates rules, while Zuko is a stickler for honor (unless the ends justify the means, which usually benefits himself). Zuko is a terrible liar while Toph can turn into a doll on a dime while also being a human lie detector. They have one good eye between the two of them. They both have so much room to grow as people. There's billion things more like that really.
I can't tell you what specifically made me interested in romance between them. I think i just already read a few fics about them being friends it made curious how those dynamic would play out in a romance.
It's funny to see you liken Kataang to Toko. Since despite it's ubiquity if never really felt one way or the other for the former, nor do i think much about it. My guess the appeal of the ship would be what those too represent to each other, which would be quite different from the more interpersonal dynamic appeal of toko. But you point i out there some interesting parallels there.
I don't really hate season 3 myself, though i'd call it probably the weakest of all the seasons. Funnily enough the Zuko gaang interactions are something i'm mostly fine with. I mostly just find the way they team up a little clunky, as well as Zuko being unable to imagine why Katara would still be mad at him and the general asspullery of the finale. So i'm curious what you think about that.
Hello! Happy Holidays and thank you for our question! And sorry for a very late answer, I really want to start answering on time next year! You showed me at the the very interesting parallels between Toph and Zuko, and I’m entirely agree with you. I’m gonna repeat what I was saying in my last answer to you. I think that the reason of why Toko is not so popular is that fandom doesn't see them right. Fandom always tries to see Zuko as super restrained, manly and steady grown up guy loaded with mature decisions and endless amount of altruism. Meanwhile Zuko is just traumatised kid, and his trauma is what dictates a lot of his character traits that fandom refuses to see. His impetuosity, impulsiveness, anger, egoism, and tunnel vision. And his sometimes happening disregard of other people. And all this melts unites with his kind heart and moral compass. And all that mess is what making him so interesting and appealing character. But unfortunately all these traits are seen as “problematic” and even ugly, and fanom just tries to ignore all of this. As a result the real and complex Zuko's character always is out of any discussion.
Toph is, usually, completely disregarded and ignored by fandom at all.She is being seen as a “gremlin” or “little bratty sister”, and people refuse to see that she is one of the most complex and well-written member of gaang. She has lots of conflicts and difficulties. (I’m telling about all this very mess, hope I’ll have enough time one day to develop this idea better)
She and Zuko are very close in the very same traits that fandom tends to deny in Zuko. Egoism, stealthiness, disability to trust, stubbornness and arrogance. They would be a great pair because their basic character traits are so similar and it would be easier for them to understand each other.
I also always loves how atla narrative connects Toph and Zuko with Aang. Aang sees Toph in the vision, so their meeting was predisposed, and Aang and Zuko’s arcs similarity is basically the heart of the show.
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As you noticed, Toph leaves her home for Aang, for Zuko Aang is a way home. And later Toph and Zuko’s stories mirror each other, because, like Toph did, Zuko leaves his cruel family to join the gaang as an avatar teacher.
I really like how toko is similar to canon ship that plays the key role in the whole storytelling, Kataang. As well as Kataang, Toko grows from support and friendship, develops for a long time. It’s 100% “friends to lovers” trope. As well as in Kataang, one of the pairing starts feeling some romantic feelings from the very beginning (It’s canon that Toph feels romantically about Zuko, it’s clear in many scenes, “That’s how I show affection” is one of the most prominent) while another partner have only friendly-platonic feelings. And also Toph was the first from the whole gaang who trusted Zuko and even almost argued with others standing out for him. This is very clear similarity to Katara who always eagerly protects Aang, attacking anyone who can harm him.
Another moment that will never stop to amaze me in relation between Kataang and toko is their colour schemes that are built on complementary colours.
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Complementary colours are the ones that placed opposite one another on the colour wheel. They empower and supplement each other. In visual arts, and especially in animation and character design colour schemes are one of the essential tools of the storytelling. Complementary colours are emotionally appealing, they show to the viewer connection and harmony between characters. Orange and blue - colours of Aang and Katara are complementary to one another as well as red and green - colours of Zuko and Toph.
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As for Third season I think that it was the weakest and terrible. It almost ruined characters of Aang, Katara, and, especially, Zuko and Iroh, transformed their complex and dynamic personality into two dimensional cliches. Lots of people complaining about comics for ruining characters, but actually it all originates in how third season destroyed lots of things. So called Zuko's redemption arc was lazily written, he was descended  from the most complex and interesting character into the rather boring banality. Honestly after that "redemption" Zuko became much worse person them he had been before it. Again very composite and ambiguous Iroh was transformed into some mix of Dumbledore, Gandalf and stereotypical and racist type of "asian wiseman". he was stripped of anything that was making him interesting and unique. And that terrible westernised redesign of Katara and Zuko, complete rethinking of clothes and armor of fire nation warriors that was obviously stolen from some RPG?
I can discuss why 3rd season is terrible for long time. that my super unpopular opinion
Thank you once again for sharing your thought about toko! I always happy to discuss these wonderful characters with you🖤
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cass-rambles · 8 months
Hiii guys, after my last .. uh theory thingy I'm back to ramble more. (About mostly Morty Prime this time). Because I'm very normal about R&M I promise. :D
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Anyways! (Major spoilers for season 7 ahead!!!)
I've been thinking about season 7 again, as well as the earlier seasons, and I've got a few ideas/possibilities/plot bunnies of what the writers of Rick and Morty might do for Morty.
The thing is, season 7 had somewhat really juggled Morty's character back and forth between its development and regression for Unmortricken, giving more light to the rest of the Smith family and Rick. I don't mean to phrase this negatively, but compared to earlier seasons, Morty seems to more of just being there, not taking into mind the episodes w Rick Prime and episode 10 of the latest season.
And this brings me to my point: What will they do with Morty's character and development now?
Let's take all things into consideration:
Rick Prime is gone/dead (hopefully permamently but it could be an interesting throwback)
Rick C-137 can be now actively allowed to heal
There is nothing (particularly) endangering their whole family
Evil Morty returned to his paradise island and there doesn't seem to be a strong/certain reason for him to return to the Central Curve
So the new arc, by technicality, should consist of Morty's and Rick's healing, right? Right???
That's what I thought of at first, but there's a good chance it's not as clear as it may appear.
For example, let's talk about the last episode of season 7. Throughout all of it we have the dissection of Rick's and Morty's fears, even as far as having an accurate Diane in it. It portrays how many fears and worries Morty Prime has accumulated through the seasons, including, of course, not being accepted, his fear of being replaced (THANKS RICK <3🙄) and many more. My point here is, that his trauma runs deep, it's hard-rooted into his character and almost unmovable. The most fucked up thing about it in the ep, is that Morty receiveing positive attention from Rick, is what made him realize that he's the only one in the hole. Because he doesn't believe Rick would consciously describe him as an irreplacable person in his life.
Which brings me to one of my key-thought-out-problems. Can Morty Prime even heal properly, at least around his family?
Chances are: it might be a HUGE FUCKING ISSUE.
(To be fair here, I'm not an entirely objective theorizer, even though I'm trying to stay as neutral as I can, please take my ideas with a grain of salt.)
Morty Prime actively thinks that all healthy affection he receives from Rick isn't actually received from Rick (most likely paranoia from the Rickbot arc) or that he's in a scenario in which his family isn't real. His counsciousness has already started to agree and intertwine into his approach all of the things and actions that have previously hurt the teen. (For example, if his family lashes out at him, he's being ridiculed or hurt by them to some degree, then it must mean they're real. It is an objective truth.) And it makes me think that Morty may need to be away from his family to be able to acknowledge each of his traumatic experiences in order to attempt moving on from them.
I think that Morty in order to heal, will have to learn that he doesn't have to focus on others all the time and can learn how to depend on himself, because he lacks trust even in his own thoughts. And so far, Morty has barely digested his trauma, more of "shelving" it away for later or having occasional meltdowns once he's under too much pressure. He always seems to be stuck in survival mode in some way, meaning that his brain prioritizes keeping him alive, rather then caring for the damage.
So by those thoughts, it is a possibility that Rick's healing and Morty's healing, cannot partake side by side, and therefore may result in Morty leaving his family to achieve healthy progress.
Either way, this is all just speculating and my ideas, but I hope it helped some people in their own theories. (My inbox is VERY open to rambling about R&M in ANY WAY.)
(Side idea for my enjoyment: Morty leaving his family can play into the theory that Morty Prime may actively search out Evil Morty to understand how he can achieve a process and goal in which he doesn't "cling" to his family and Rick.)
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hoperays-song · 1 year
While Sing 3 is still developing can you think of the 5 things you want to see in that movie and the 5 thing you don’t wanted?
Thank you so much for the ask and I'm sorry for the delay in answering. I hope you enjoy and this properly answers your question! - <3 Gooseless
Ok so, I'm personally a bit of a skeptic on if Sing 3 will come out soon (or ever at this point) due to the strikes likely halting all work on it. And obviously, if they worked through the strikes, I will not be supporting the movie in the slightest due to my pure hatred of crossing picket lines for no good reason and AI being used as studios want it to be. However, I do have serval things I do want to see if/when it comes out and a ton of stuff I don't.
Things I want to see (Please Illumination, Please):
Rynny being confirmed. That should surprise none of you. This blog was started as, and still primarily is, as Rynny ship blog. I love those two so much together and I feel like it would complete Johnny's queer allegory storyline very well (ie. familial acceptance, wider community acceptance, personal acceptance by allowing yourself to be yourself). My mutual have been spammed with numerous songs that I have choreographed duets to for these two already and I would just absolutely love to see it.
Noodlemoon being confirmed. I am very vocally a Noodlemoon truther and I adore those two together. Buster's chaos to Eddie's chill would work so well and it makes the most sense for me when it comes to potential partners for either of them.
More scenes of the troupe being a family. They act like a family already and I love the snippets we see, but I would love to see more of their group dynamic. Like Mrs. Crawly is essentially Johnny's grandma at this point, Rosita being the troupe mom, Gunter being a chaotic uncle.
The gang being a family. These boys are my absolute favourite characters. They're adorable together already but I really want Johnny to call Stan and Barry his uncles. Or have Marcus refer to Nooshy as Johnny's sister (feel like that one could be slipped in easily). Marcus is an amazingly good dad to Johnny after the whole disownment thing was patched up and it's clear that whatever mandated therapy they went to is working wonders so I want more scenes of them together (and hopefully Johnny doing more questionable things, like please, let the boy pick a lock).
Gunter getting a conflict. Now, I'm not saying drag Gunter through personal hell. He has done that enough in shorts. But he hasn't faced a personal conflict in any movie yet and is the only troupe member to not do so. I think it's about time we get more of an insight into his character and I think this would be an amazing opportunity.
Things I Don't Want To See (Please No Illumination, Please No):
I swear, do not kill off Nana, Hobbs, Clay, or Mrs. Crawly. They're the oldest cast members, I know. You want more character development, I know. If you kill any of them off however, I will personally lead the revolt. They are all immortal now.
Bring back Mike. I hate him. Just straight up. He bullies a kid!!! That goes for Klaus too and Jimmy. They are irredeemable villians. You bring them back, I protest in front of your studio offices. They all deliberately hurt people, two of which used abuse of power as well. Just NO.
Create a love triangle? Jail. I hate love triangles. Partially due to it typically actually being a lover corner (two people interested in one person instead of the actual intricacies of a triangle), mainly because it's stupid. It's overplayed, in nearly every film saga it seems, and are always pretty pointless. I just do not like them in the slightest and will cry if I have to sit through one.
Do not put Buster in jail. I know we joke about the amount of felonies that man has committed but at this point, if he goes to jail, the legal system in their universe will be busy for the next century. Also, none of the teens need extra trauma. Just leave them be.
If y'all destroy one of the best queer allegories I have ever seen by giving Johnny a canon female romantic partner, I will start a fucking revolution. I literally study cultures and films and character coding, ok? Like that's my whole field of study. Johnny's story being a queer allegory is so important to me. Not only is it incredably realistic in my opinion (I cry at the disownment scene because something very similar was said to me when I came out), but almost every other queer personI talk to how has watched these movies picked up on the allegory and loves it as well. It's very well written and not subtle in a good way. It's great for starting conversations about LGBTQIA+ characters in media. ...Also, he's apparently based on Elton John according to my friend that has the character book, and I'm pretty sure Elton John would be pissed if you fucked that up.
Though, I feel like I should make a disclaimer here. My first few fandoms that I was raised in have taught me how to be an expert at ignoring canon (special shout out to Supernatural in particular). Just because it happens in a movie, doesn't mean I'm going to put that in my works. I'm a fanfic writer after all. I write what I want to happen, not necessarily what does happen according to canon.
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hils79 · 5 months
Hils Watches Only Friends - Ep 2
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Honestly not sure who I'm more envious of. Yo and her boyfriend are both so cute
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Is Boston going to be the one who catches feelings? Or maybe he's in love with Top which is why he isn't keen on their relationship
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Sand might be my favourite character. He's right! Public confessions/proposals are the worst
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Mew has a competence kink. Relatable.
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Can't decide if Boston is trying to sabotage their relationship or if he's looking out for Mew because Top is actually a dick.
Unrelated to the plot but I'm amused that whenever I liveblog a GMM drama I always refer to everyone by their actor names at first until I learn their characters. I think I've got the main group sorted in my head now.
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Someone really needs to talk to Ray about his drinking problem
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Oh, I guess Mew just did
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I mean he's not the only one
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I will be so amused if all of the usual ships end up with other people. Like Khaotung/Book, Force/Neo, which I guess leaves Mark/First which I don't really see but the others would work.
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Oh, excellent, their one female friend is also queer. Love it.
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Oh, look, Sand and Nick know each other. Maybe my theory isn't that wild
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I love Mew. They could have so easily made him this naive romantic who gets swept up by Top's bullshit but he's very clear about what he's getting into and what he wants (or doesn't want)
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Oh, sweetie, you're in a drama. Everyone has secrets.
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Apparenty selling booze to minors is less of a big deal than selling drugs to minors
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Oh my god this is like a fic trope. Actually I did read a fic recently where someone hired someone to be their friend (and obv they later fell in love)
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Ah of course Ray has childhood trauma from seeing his mum die
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Wow they've been fake friends for like an hour and they're already smiling and laughing together
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Oh no is he starting to have feelings already?
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Well, I'm not exactly surprised by this development
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These two just jerked each other off but when they sat up their underwear was miraculously on and in place
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He said the words in english and they still censored the subs. I'm having flashbacks to Kinnporsche when Vegas said fuck in English and subs said fudge.
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Are you sure about that? I was just being very asexual and thinking being horny all the time the way Boston is sounds exhausting.
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More childhood trauma I see.
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If you're going to snuggle anyway to help Top sleep why don't you just use the bed. He's only on the couch because you didn't want to sleep together
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Thank you for saying all genders
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I do not fine smoking attractive at all but sometimes it's hot when it's on TV
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Well that happened way sooner than I was expecting
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yuikomorii · 1 year
Greetings, I come with late night ramblings abt diabolik lovers. Big fan of your blog, I really like the side of the fandom which discusses the characters
Sometimes i wonder what it was like for the mukami bros to turn into vampires. Since vampires look so similar to humans the fact that they are a different species really slips my mind sometimes.....
So sometimes I find myself wondering what that psychological shift was like. The mukami bros were all pretty young and had grudges against humans in some way when they were turned, so parting with their humanity wasn't on their minds I think lol.
But despite spending lot of their childhood/puberty around vampires they still do act a lot more human like than the sakamakis. Granted, the sakamakis def have a lot trauma that compromises their ability to have any type of healthy relationship. But characters like ayato suggest that vampires aren't inherently incapable of the more "human" emotions (don't rlly know a good word for it mb).
I do remember ruki saying somewhere that because he is weak he stays with his family (not the only reason ofc, but having to band together/find strength in numbers to survive is a very human-like thing), yet he and his bros abandoned being human/ hold some level of resentment for humanity.
Anyways all that to say the mukami bros have an interesting relationship with their "humanity" and I'm overanalyzing characters in an otome game of which the lore is constantly retconned. Complicating this is the fact that we don't have a "average" or "normal" vampire to compare with
Also reject totally missed an opportunity to make a character that didn't want to be turned into a vampire, and had to struggle with the changes.
// Hello, thank you for enjoying my blog!<3
Hmm… If the person who becomes a vampire is kind-hearted and mentally stable enough to avoid wishing revenge upon someone or using their newfound vampire status as an excuse to treat people badly, I sincerely doubt that the psychological transition from human to vampire would hit that hard. Trauma caused the Mukami brothers to develop such a vicious nature, exactly like Yui in HDB did at one point when, as a result of being mentally broken, she started killing people in an After story. While pure-blood vampires do have their own set of morals and they obviously need blood to survive, I wouldn’t say they are inherently evil, taking into account that in LP and VC, some vampires were nice to Yui and the Diaboys. They are indeed predators, that’s something they can’t control no matter how much they try, but not all of them are malicious.
The Mukamis got rid of their humanity but they still kept acting like humans around one another because, after all, that’s how they were initially accustomed to. As for the Sakamakis… due to trauma as well, they were pretty twisted since childhood. I mean, most of them were the main cause something bad happened to any of their brothers in the past, therefore it’s to be expected that their relationship is not a healthy one. However, vampires are actually capable of experiencing human emotions, and Ayato is the living example of this given that he is confirmed as being the most human-like out of all due to the fact that he was already capable of displaying these emotions prior to meeting Yui (for example: wanting to sacrifice himself for his brothers, ruining Karl’s blue rose so as Cordelia wouldn’t get sad, crying when Cordelia died and, most importantly, valuing his life). Additionally, a vampire will begin to experience human emotions the more Eve's blood he consumes, so... that's basically part of the plan, according to what Karl said in Ayato’s DF route.
I wouldn't say the Mukamis hate humans; they held a grudge against aristocrats, but not humans in general, because they only see them as an inferior species. As for Ruki, the reason he would feel weak without his family isn’t only due to banding together or finding strength in number but rather it’s about them as his emotional support. Kou, Yuma, Azusa respect, praise and accept Ruki with all his qualities and flaws, therefore feeling needed and appreciated is actually what makes Ruki strong.
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amysubmits · 8 months
Hi Amy! I just found your blog and really wanted to talk to you if you've got time but I got nervous so here's an anon. So I'm in my very early twenties and in the last few years have been really interested and taken by the idea of d/s dynamics. I don't have a boyfriend and am not really comfortable signing up to any sites so that's not really the issue. But as I'm going on dates and stuff I do find myself looking for that character that would resemble a dominant guy. I didn't realize it but I am attracted to that energy. What I'm concerned about though is the reason...for that attraction. So I'm in drama school but we can't really afford it so I have 2 part time jobs rn. One is this modeling agency that sometimes gets me by. It doest do much in my country but once a month a few hundred if im lucky, do come in handy. The issue is that the people I'm around and the environment is very toxic. Not just in a photoshoot but mainly. I've had to shut my mouth and smile and "submit" to guys just to remain part of the project. I don't feel comfortable doing more provocative stuff so that's been an issue and my manager keeps pressuring me about it at every opportunity. The relationship w him is weird he's a nice guy in general but sometimes he's too pushy. I also had a bf in the past (the only one) we were together briefly but he ordered me around a lot, and we never talked ab any of this but he was very strict with what I wore ect. What I'm trying to say is, I've had very traumatic experiences w all these people and am really worried whether the dynamic between us pushed me to want it? Like if my desires are somehow influenced by my trauma? Have you had similar concerns? How did you realize this is what you wanted and that it is not a response to something? I hope you're comfortable answering, but if not thank you for what you're doing your page has been really informative and I've learnt a lot xxxxx
Hi there!
I would be happy for you to message me if you decide you feel comfortable at any point, but anons are okay too! It's a big part of why I leave them on, for people who feel comfortable sending asks but not asking questions or whatever on DM. :)
This worry you're sharing about wondering if your desire to be a sub or be submissive comes from your trauma is something that I think a ton of subs have considered or worried about at some point. You'll definitely get a different answer to these questions if you ask other people. In my view, this is one of those areas where the 'right' answer can vary from person to person. So, this is just my take of course.
I am trying to avoid writing an extremely long post, so if you want or need me to elaborate feel free to follow up. But in a nutshell...I think most people have "little t trauma" from childhood that caused them to adapt to try to find connection and feel safe (physically or emotionally) and loved from a SUPER young age, to the point where it's challenging to know what it even would mean for a lot of us to say X is me, but Y is my trauma. Like 50% of the population has an insecure attachment style, and that primarily develops in the first year of our lives. So then we're still babies but we're already trying to change our own behavior to feel connected to our mother or our primary care giver. When that's the case...I think it's really, really tough to know who or what you would have been without the trauma as it's baked into your personality and coping methods SO early that we can't remember anything else. And so...I guess my goal has been to try to do a combination of accepting myself while also looking as honestly as I can at who/how I am now and look to change anything that I want to change or think needs improved. And with that in mind...I couldn't begin to tell you if I'd be a sub sexually or personality wise if I didn't have trauma. I just think that's an impossible question to try to figure out. Instead, I try to look at whether what I crave is healthy. If what I want to do is healthy for me, then it's okay if it IS based in trauma. I mean, plenty of things can be caused by trauma but still be really good things. For example, I feel pretty confident that the reason I seek healthy, safe feeling communication with my partner is because I grew up with lots of yelling and conflict and meanness. But I think that desire to have healthy, loving, safe communication is a good thing so I don't feel the need to reject that desire I have, as it's good, regardless of the cause being 'negative' or sad. I've come to the conclusion that D/s and BDSM can be healthy things for me. That isn't to say that I think I could do anything I wanted and call it D/s or BDSM and have it be healthy. But I think that a lot of what I desire sexually and within my relationship is healthy, and I embrace those things. And when I find myself craving something that is less healthy, I try to avoid embracing those ideas, or avoid acting out those fantasies, or resist those behaviors. For me, one thing I have to fight against is the instinct to be extremely passive. Passive feels safe to me because of my trauma, and I can sometimes incorrectly convince myself that I am being a good sub by being passive. That isn't always true, so I have to really keep an eye on any passivity and make sure that I am truly submitting from a place of desire and choice, and not from a place of it 'feeling good' because my brain is telling me that inactivity to appease others is safe and familiar. We try to regularly re-look at the things we do and ask ourselves again if all the details of how we're managing our D/s and BDSM are healthy for both of us. We try to ask if we're reinforcing healthy ideas or unhealthy ideas. Sometimes it changes over time and we have to adjust.
With you being new and young, I'd also suggest that you try to be extremely careful with what you learn about D/s and BDSM, and triple check that it's healthy. Some people will claim that literally anything done in the name of kink is healthy as long as it's consensual. I think that is a really wild viewpoint, personally. I think consent is really the absolute bare minimum, but a lot of people will consent to things that are harmful to them emotionally, and I think that is unhealthy. Of course, what is unhealthy is extremely opinion based, and I think it also can vary a lot from person to person...something could be unhealthy for me to consent to but perfectly healthy for you to consent to if we have different life experiences, different traumas, etc. At a really basic level I'd suggest looking really closely at whether D/s and BDSM make you feel good in terms of things like...confident, loved, empowered, authentic, loved, safe, secure, etc - or if it feels outright bad, or 'good' but only in the sense that feeling bad feels somewhat good to you (this is true for some with trauma), or if it makes you feel small, inferior, used, scared, insecure, etc. And then also if/when you get into a D/s relationship look at whether the things you try seem to be inspiring positive changes and growth, or negative patterns. Maybe at first you happily agree to let your dom decide whether or when to cut your hair, but over time you realize that you feel less 'yourself' when you can't control your own hairstyle fully. If that becomes the case, then in my opinion, it would be healthier to go back to deciding your own hair.
Sorry this is so long. I hope it's helpful in some way. Good luck to you, please continue to look out for yourself! It can be a scary world out there for young subs. It sounds like you're doing a good job of trying to look out for yourself though...even in wanting to figure out what your answer to the questions you sent in this ask are. So, good work. :)
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utterentropy · 1 year
Fandoms: Chonny's Charming Chaos Compendium, Animator Vs. Animation, Hollow Knight, Rain World, Ultimate Chicken Horse, FNaF, Undertale, Centaurworld, Spore, Dungeons & Dragons, Pokémon
If you're gonna spam me to show love, pls go down the posts on my blog and reblog as many as you can (if you add comments in the tags I will sob with joy /pos)!!!
I get why this is not common knowledge as I only really said it in my Discord server but PLS. DO NOT. I have to be in a mood to handle CCCC content and I get really uncomfortable really easily because of it and it can ruin my mood if it's already bad enough. Thank you.
DNI if you're a fan/interact with the fandom of the sad tie stick figure gets tormented by the black stick figure with red tendrils coming out of their back. Just puttin' it out there so you can block me or I can block you first. No hard feelings.
DNI if you ship characters with abusive dynamics. I did not go through horrific situations with people who should've protected me just for some creep on the internet to treat it like a quirky yaoi dynamic.
If you are here because you want fresh cringe, then I can assure you that you don't have to do that. We could probably be friends. I like to talk a lot, but I'm a good listener who likes to encourage and motivate people on their ideas. I could probably help you get out of that mindset, too. We don't have to fight. Maybe you just need the change in perspective I had.
If you're one of the many, many otherkin/otherkin-adjacent/"weird stuff" I followed, my accounts for those will be under this cut. I hope to form a community with you all. :)
"Weird Stuff" Blog (SFW Vore/Tickling, etc.) - DM
Kin/Venting Blog - @thehearteccentric
Heart RP blog - @heartchonnyjash
Hero Villain/Whump blog - @umbra-beckons
Extended About Me…
Góðan daginn! I'm AXYER, Chimney, or Heart! Depending on if you like weird names, cute names, or simple names. Do not call me Axon unless we are close, please!
I'm a long-legged plant-winged floating-crowned scarf-wearing stick figure that humbly spawned in the Void and now wishes to spread my stories and my love to the world. You'd think you could get a lot done with fifteen limbs total, but even beings of eternal nothingness can't get much done when it comes to motivation.
I love psychology, I know things I can't share because of mob mentality, that's how cool and intelligent I am. I also consider myself to be an at least remarkably good writer. I like taking confidence in things I know I'm good with, baby steps into developing self-love is better than putting yourself down so internet strangers don't think you're arrogant.
I'm a very honest, very open person about most things. As my lover once said, I love the sound of my own voice. I only lightly sugarcoat things and if you ask me if you, say, did something wrong or hurt someone's feelings, I will tell you the truth as I do not believe you will grow as a person otherwise. There are some things I do not and will not talk about unless you are close enough to be in my Friend Club (don't ask to join it, I'll ask you if I think you're worthy /lh), which I'll list soon.
I also love zoology, sociology, astronomy, biomes, ethnic features, modern Iceland/Icelandic culture, winter/night aesthetics, trains, photography, and a few more my busy brain can't afford me to think of right now. My main interests in psychology are trauma responses and my main interest in writing is character-writing and worldbuilding.
I find that getting immersed in a good story is very healthy for the soul, just as long as you don't wade too deep that you can't pull yourself out. My dreams are to bring my silly, self-indulgent stories to the world and help people get lost in them, too, even if for only a little bit. Nothing brings me more joy than the idea of helping people get lost somewhere they feel safe, if not thrilled from the drama rather than poisoned.
If you're interested in any of my stories, I'd be happy to share a bit about them.
The primary ones would be:
-Pillow Club, a very self-indulgent AU where fictional characters from all sorts of worlds beyond the perceivable multiverse live inside of modern rural Iceland, with a lot of supernatural worldbuilding but ultimately restricted to urban fantasy. The main cast lives within the Pillow Club, a big, apartment complex-esque building where characters live for free at the cost of stricter living conditions, run by a certain well-known rabbit serial killer man with a lot of secrets. It's intended to have similar stakes to a more exaggerated, supernatural slice-of-life version of reality; there's no overarching goal, characters go about things as they do and conflicts and goals change as life happens. The main protagonists are all from niche to semi-niche stories, namely my AUs of the such.
-Get Angry, an AU of the story referenced in the very beginning of this post in the DNI; another urban fantasy slice-of-life that takes place in Nottingham, England in a world where instead of humans, there's extremely compassionate, cat-like stick figures with a significantly happier world but an underdeveloped legal system. It mainly centres around Gillian, an eccentric, sort of a bit insane aspiring physician and psychologist and his younger brother Mike, a sarcastic yet shy and creative, significantly more normal stick who has a not-nearly-as-normal life, both due to circumstance and his ability to perceive the supernatural. Gillian's inability to remain sane and Mike's affiliation with the supernatural are the main driving points of the story, and if you know the story this is from then you can probably figure out with the driving conflict is.
-Untitled Chonny Jash AU (yes that's the actual AU name), a Chonny's Charming Chaos Compendium AU in-which Cameron (Whole), a severely tormented child, spontaneously has two bizarre animal-like creatures split off for him after becoming emancipated at only (roughly) thirteen. The two ids, Heart, an angelic, purple id with a boisterous and friendly disposition, and Mind, a robotic, shark-like blue id with a much more reserved, awkward, and stoic (yet well-meaning) personality come to be Cameron's only joy in life, and he raises the two the best he can (which thankfully, they age extremely fast) and they're one happy family, until Cameron loses his humanity and becomes an id as well. Heart and Mind not only face hurt from Cameron's family, but soon, Cameron himself; now Soul.
-And finally Elsewhere Reflective, which you may learn about on my superhero account. :)
In-case you can't tell, I have a knack for extreme canon-divergence. It's just how I roll.
As for DNI? Well, DNIs aren't exactly… known for their effectiveness. All I'll say is if you're a com-shipper, I'm blocking you, you're mean and you make me extremely uncomfortable and I don't want to fight you. I do also tend to block for whatever reason, if you simply make me uncomfortable I'll block you. No hard feelings.
I'm also a (Villain) Heart fictionkin! I'm not comfortable with other Heart fictionkins (or any type of Heart identifier, really, even if it's only one of your identities), so I apologise.
Anyway, I am EXTREMELY tired! So long, and thanks for stopping by to read! I'm sure we can get along even if we don't agree on much, I'm not the type who likes to argue. And if you don't want to be friends, that's fine too. It's just nice seeing ya stop by. :) (hey guess what past Axon, I'm updating this, you're welcome.) (hey guess what past and past past Axon, I did it again)
DISCLAIMER: If you end up identifying as anyone from the comic in my DNI I mentioned and/or Heart (Heart synpath/fictionhearted are on thin ice but anything else continue reading), even if it's for a reason you can't control I'm very sorry but I will most likely cut off contact with you for my own personal well-being. Please don't fight me on this, or make a big deal out of and get your friends to have at me or what have you. I'm setting this boundary now, and I want anyone and everyone to respect it even if you don't like it. There is only one exception to this and I promise you are not of the exception. Please don't try to convince me otherwise, I'm saying it right here and I need you to understand I will not be able to handle it. Thank you.
More added as I went back to this post:
As mentioned and implied several times now, I HATE arguing and I am TERRIBLE with conflict. I'm willing to debate so long as you're polite about it and can agree to disagree (without insulting myself or my intelligence, Shae), but generally speaking I don't like to fight people and am an extremely sensitive person.
Here's the things I absolutely will not discuss:
-My stance on DID/OSDD, please do not send me asks relating to it or reblogging any of my posts with stuff like that or anything. I don't want to get involved, there's literally no winning with that can of worms as every worm has a different opinion and each and every one of them refuses to stay on their side of the can. I do believe that DID is a real disorder and I do believe it's immature and unnecessary to harass someone for being a "faker", but otherwise do not get me involved whatsoever and please don't talk about it with me.
-Trashtalking, I deal with it enough at home and have dealt with it enough in the past at an all-girls highschool and I do not condone it whatsoever. I'm fine if you need to vent or you're just telling me an interesting conflict in a friend group, but I draw the line at genuinely insulting people and spreading rumours.
-My stance on the USA election. Another "you can't win" situation. Please leave me out of most politics in-general, I try to avoid that on this blog as I want my blog to be something I can look back on and not feel stressed about.
-Tumblr controversy. I try my very hardest to be nice to everyone regardless on if I like them or not and if you let me know they're not cool, I'll distance myself, but please don't try to go after me if I'm still nice to them. I'm quite literally nice to everyone lest you REALLY hurt me, which only a select few people have and even then none of them are allowed on this blog.
Also, just for reference: I have anon asks turned off but if you send a rude ask regardless I'm probably not gonna read the full thing and am just going to delete it. I'm not going to reply to any rude or hateful asks and you can send as many as you want, I will delete all of them. This is not an invitation; just me saying that I'm not interested in starting fights or anyone being mean to each other, gotcha?
@nkgrimmie kys
(I can't guarantee there's content for all of these yet)
#axyer psychology moment - I talk about psychology.
#untitled chonny jash au - I talk about Chonny Jash AU (that also belongs to nkgrimmie) where Heart and Mind are sort of aliens who love to argue for fun and also Soul sucks.
#pillow club - I talk about my extremely multifandom crossover AU that takes place in the middle of nowhere in Iceland. Do you like tired depressed scrawny men? Do you like characters from completely different universe having relationships you'd never thought of but now you're curious about? Do you like a lengthy plot-line following complex trauma arcs? Do you like extreme canon-divergence? Do you like robot dilfs? Then stay tuned. (Update: you will probably only find this on @traumabasin)
#important - Anything that's important.
#axyer eats a canvas - Art (if I remember this tag exists).
#axyer stories - I tell stories.
#axyer rant - I rant about something. Be prepared, I am an extremely passionate person and am usually wrong about at least one thing; please correct me. But politely.
#happy hour - Happy little enjoyable things. :)
#*unfurls scroll* hmmhm yes - I figured I needed a reblog tag, so here it is!
#cool people things - Reblogs/interactions/whatever with my homies.
#extremely cool people - Reblogs/interactions/whatever with a ROACH.
#laughter is truly in my pants - This post made me laugh.
#the blues and greens - Favourite posts.
#embracing this harmony - All-time favourite posts.
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lesbianrobin · 2 years
I love young strangers but I'm caught up and I've read all your other stuff, do you have any fic recs? I love your fics so much :)
thank you!! if you haven't already read all of her stuff, i recommend everything written by my friend sarah @steveharrington!! her ao3 is birthdaycandles and literally everything she's ever written is an absolute banger. if you like my stuff you will Love her and if you've read all of my fics but not hers i think that is a travesty and you better get on that immediately.
some great under-appreciated fics of hers: run for your children, for your sisters and brothers (steve lucas and robin. that is literally all i have to say it's about STEVE LUCAS AND ROBIN why haven't you clicked yet), strung through the tether (THEE stobin platonic soulmate fic), & seriously slipping out of control (steve and robin beg eddie to give them impulsive trauma tattoos immediately after starcourt).
idk what ships/characters ur most into so i'm just gonna focus on recs that are gen/ship-lite and oneshots bc i feel like that's what most of my fics are? so if you like my fics hopefully you'll like these bc i think they are all wayyy better than my fics but with similar vibes dkvjfjcn.
windowsill is a story focusing on max's recovery after s4. steddie is there, but the story itself is really about max and her healing and finding herself in the wake of trauma, and i think everybody should read it because it's gorgeous.
similarly, no, i'm not afraid to disappear explores erica's trauma in the wake of s4, how it sets her apart from her friends, and how she uses D&D to work through some of that trauma. there is NOT enough erica-centric fic out there and this one really gives her all of the love and complexity and attention she deserves.
you can put it all on me, you can laugh and you can bleed is a classic Steve Harrington Gets The Care And Love He Needs After Getting The Living Shit Kicked Out Of Him fic, and it has multiple perspectives (including officer callahan who is a hoot) that create a rich picture and make it all feel real. it isn't just about steve, it's also about all of the kids, their fears and trauma in the immediate aftermath of s2, and it's so fucking precious. literally the cutest shit ever.
strange (but not a stranger) is a mike-centric fic set after s4 that like. single-handedly saved mike's character for me. like s1-2 mike was my BABY and s3 i was kinda eh about him and in s4 i felt like i barely recognized him but this fic reached right into my heart and said You Will Love Mike Wheeler Again He Is Still Your Baby. mike is so messy and angry and lost in this fic and he feels like a flesh and blood teenager who's been through a lot and i think this fic deserves So much more attention.
don't imagine you're too familiar is a s4 aftermath fic focused on robin, steve, dustin, and eddie. this fic Gets steve and robin they are soooo platonic soulmates coded in this (as they should be) and i love it. also some steddie. as a treat.
unlike the others on here, adventures in babysitting a psionic isn't a oneshot, it's 59k words and SO WORTH READING. it's about steve babysitting el in the space between s2 and s3. it's definitely canon divergent but it's not a huge Plot Deal it's mostly about el and steve building an incredibly sweet friendship, and they both get a lot of complexity, care, and emotional development that i love. their relationships with the other characters are also given attention and it's just like... so cozy and sweet. it's simply precious.
so that's it for now! sorry if the formatting of this was weird i'm on mobile dkcjdjc i hope you haven't already read all of these and thank you again for being so kind ab my fics!!
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