shouldering-worlds · 1 year
I think it's a crime that autocorrect doesn't work in tags
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cyphyra · 2 years
Not me having basically having a panic attack over a growth between my teeth that could be literally anything from a simple cut i got from eating chips last night possibly to a sign that my teeth are fucking rotting
And i have no money or insurance to put towards a trip to the dentist c:
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hauntingofthelamb · 5 months
rip to anyone who gets annoyed by typos, my tags are littered with them and I simply do not care
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cryptidapprentice · 8 months
been feeling mad rejection sensitive (or smthn similar) lately and i cant tell if its my upcoming period, or bc i tried adjusting my med schedule (per my doctor's rec) or if im just being all-around moody
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regina-cordium · 4 years
Every day I get surprised when my sleep meds make me tired like..............ma’am...............
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bella-spil · 4 years
The Game
You and the rest of the Avengers play Cards Against Humanity.
Female reader.
Warnings: TONS of adult topics, TONS of cursing, a little bit of fluff (Don't read if you don't like adult topics)
Word count: 6.2k (sry that this is a longer one!)
A/N: sorry this took so long.  I had it saved as a draft, but then my account logged out and I had to retype the whole thing.  I hope you like it!!!!
@wednesday-add-em​ @angrythingstarlight​  if you wanna be tagged lmk.
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"What game would that be, Parker?" Nat asked, suspicious.
"You'll find out if you chose to play," Peter declared.
As everyone else in the room started to wonder what "game" Peter was referring to, you Bucky and Sam were grinning at each other, knowing exactly what's gonna happen.  You start daydreaming all the possibilities that might happen, from funny scenarios in the cards to people arguing about who won.  They all seem great, but you knew it would be better once everyone would start playing. 
"Actually," Wanda announced, getting up from her seat.  "I'm pretty tired from the mission and the jet lag.  I'm gonna call it a night." 
"I am quite exhausted as well,"  Vision said, pushing his seat in. "I need a rest as well.  Goodnight everyone." 
"Congrats Y/N and Bucky!" Wanda shouted before she left the room, with Visions hand in hers.
"Wait, how can the android be tired?" Clint asked.  Then everyone in the room knew what the two avengers were going to be doing tonight. 
"WE KNOW YOU TWO ARE GOING TO FUCK TONIGHT!!!" Tony screamed at them.  Wanda heard Tony and flipped him off, still walking to her room with Vision.  Everyone at the table was laughing from Tonys antics, but you knew everyone might lose their voices by the end of tonight.
"So,"  Peter interrupted the laughing.  "Is anyone else going to leave to fuck?" 
All the avengers look at one another, seeing if anyone else would dare to get up from the table.  Nobody made a move, except for Steve who just squirmed in his seat, knowing he wasnt going to leave for fucking.  He wasn't the best in moments where there was something inappropriate involved, but he had a feeling that's what tonight would be full of.  So he decided to man up and stand his ground.  
"I dont think Im gonna fuck anybody tonight, unless Nat says so,"  Sam acknowledged.  Nat rolled her eyes at him and kicked him underneath the table.  Sam shifted in his seat, tears building up like a bomb about to explode.  Nat smiled to herself, not letting anyone get suspicious of her in any way.
"Lets go kid,"  Tony said.
"Alright then," Peter smiled.  "Everyone, follow me." 
Everyone followed Peter and got up from the table.  As they were following Peter, some of the avengers were whispering to one another.  They had no clue about what was happening, which made everything more exciting.  As they made their way to the living room, the game was already set up by Peter.  The cards were arranged neatly onto the coffee table into piles with little tags on top of them so everyone knew what they were for.  You patted Peter on the back to show how thankful you were for him.  
He smiled back at you and whispered, "You owe me for this."  
Then you glared at him and lit your hand on fire and shoved it in Peter's face.
"No, I don't think I do," you replied, smugly.  Peter gulped and inches away from you, not wanting to have his ass kicked before the game even started.  As you and Peter were bickering, the others behind you, except for Bucky, realized what the game was.  You could hear sighs of realization behind you and internally grinned.  You knew keeping them guessing would pay off in the long run.
"Oh, so we are playing this game?" Tony chuckled.
"Now I know why you and Parker were acting weird." Nat said, smiling at you.
"Told you you'd find out." you said. 
"Ok are we playing in teams or going rogue?" Clint asked.  
"In teams," Peter answered.  "Me and y/n already came up with teams of two and team names." 
"Oh god,"  Clint and Nat sigh while Tony is rolling his eyes.  Sam snickers, thinking team names are for little kids but Steve is looking at the cards, not knowing what they are.
"Wait, guys.  What is this game?" Steve questioned.  Everyone rolls their eyes at him and sighs.  Steve was very outdated, and even though he has been in modern times for about a decade now, he still had a ton of catching up to do.           
"What?"  Steve groaned.  "Ive been frozen for 70 years.  Give me a break!" 
"Steve, you're not the only one that's a bit outdated.  You have had a few more years to catch up then I have and I still know what this is."  Bucky protested, earning a snicker from everyone else on the team while Steve rolled his eyes and lightly punched Bucky in the arm.
"Mr. Rogers,"  F.R.I.D.A.Y. chimed in.  "Do you know the game Apples to Apples?" 
"Yeah why?"  Steve asked the A.I.
"Well, Cards Against Humanity is basically that game.  The only difference is that Cards Against Humanity is for a more mature audience." 
"That's a good way of putting it,"  Tony mocked. 
"Ok thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y.,"  Steve said.  "I'm all good now." 
"C'mon guys what are the teams?" Clint asked, getting impatient.
"I hope I'm with Nat."  Sam whispered, glancing at Nat once again.  Sam winked at her, but she punched him in the arm.  Nat liked using physical violence, but only went necessary, or if someone was annoying her, like Sam.  Everyone chuckled, but then they drew their attention back to Peter, who was waiting to announce the teams.
"Ok, first is me and Mr. Stark."  Peter announced.  "We are the Student and Master." 
"Kid, if we lose, I will take your suit away for a week."  Tony declared as he high fived Peter.  Peter gulped and took a seat with Tony around the table.  Everyone else was standing up, waiting to hear their name be called.
"Then, we have Steve and Nat, the Spys." you said.  Steve and Nat smiled at each other and sat down in front of Tony and Peter.  Sam, however, was not impressed and his mouth was to the floor.
"Are you kidding me? Sam shrieked.  "You put Star Spangled Banner with Nat?"
"The teams were already made," you shrugged.  "If you wanted to be with her so badly, you should have made a request." 
"I hate you,"  Sam retorted.  "I hope i'm not with the Wiener Soldier over there." 
"Shut it Pigeon,"  Bucky snapped.  You rolled your eyes at the two of them, who were still throwing looks at each other like they were elementary school kids that got into an argument.  
"Then me and Bucky are together,"  you said, taking a seat with the Winter Soldier on the right of Steve and Nat.  Everyone made kissy noises and ooed at the two of you as you sat down.
"Wait you forgot the team name!" Clint remembered.  You sighed before saying the embarrassing name.
"I didn't come up with the names, Peter did,"  you said, singling Peter out.  "We are the Lovebirds."  After you said the team name, everyone continued their antics of making kissing noises and everything else.
"Guess we are together, Clint," Sam realized, since Clint and himself were the last two people standing up.  They took their seats on the left of Steve and Nat, making themselves directly across from you and Bucky.  It seemed as if they did it on purpose, but you didn't care about that.  You were waiting for their reaction to their team name.
"Y/N, what's their team name?" Nat asked.  You and Bucky looked at each other, giggling like 5 year olds.  
"Peter, would you like to do the honors?" you asked.
Peter sighed, knowing this would end up good, but continued anyway.  "The Birdbrains."   Everyone started howling in laughter.  Sam and Clint looked at each other, then back at Peter, ready to pounce on him like lions.
"I'M GONNA KILL YOU, YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!!!!"  Sam shouted, running after Peter with Clint following suit.  Due to his Spidey Sense, Peter was able to dodge the two of them and ran out of the room, followed by an angry Sam and Clint.  Steve and Tony ran after them, trying to get the Birdbrains to come to their senses.  You and Nat rolled your eyes at each other while Bucky was sitting there chucking.
"Ugh, men," Nat sighed.  
You giggled as the five men took their seats.  Sam was still annoyed, smoke coming out of his ears.  Clint seemed ok, he looked like he enjoyed running after Peter.  Peter was laughing, not trying to be rude, but he was trying to control himself.
"Im gonna kill you," Sam said.
"Sure Birdbrain," Peter smirks.
As everyone gets the laughter out of their systems before the game starts, each team picks seven white cards from the pile.  Each team read their cards, giggling at some of them and having to hold in a cackle for others. 
"Ok who is going to be the judges first?" Steve asked.
"I mean Y/N and Bucky," Nat responded as if it was obvious.  "It's only fair that they go first." 
"Ok then," you said, grabbing the first black card of the night.  You grabbed the card and read it, and then you started laughing and showed it to Bucky.  He laughed as well and the both of you were able to regain your senses to read the card.
"Bucky you wanna read it?" you ask, still smiling.
"Sure," Bucky replied.  He cleared his throat before going on to read the card.  "Fun tip!  When your man asks you to go down on him, try surprising him with ______." 
Everyone started to laugh again.  But then, everyone's mode shifted from having fun to competition mode.  Everyone in the Avengers hated losing anything and tonight was no exception.  Each team was in deep discussion with their partners, deciding which card was the best to win the round.  After a couple of minutes, each team put their cards in the middle for you and Bucky to read.
"Ok," Bucky cleared his throat again.  "Fun tip!  When your man asks you to go down on him, try surprising him with..." He stopped to read the first white card.  "Drowning kids in the bathtub!  Holy shit!"  Everyone started laughing, including you.  That card was very dark, and very funny.
"When your man asks you to go down on him, try surprising him with… an erection that lasts longer than 4 hours."   Everyone lightly chuckled at this one, it wasn't as funny as the first card.     
"Lastly, when your man asks you to go down on him, try surprising him with… explaining how viaginas work.  Ok this one works for Steve 100%!"  Everyone laughed and agreed with Bucky.  Steve was smiling, not laughing.  He was trying to not show how true that was but it wasn't working out that well for him.
Then you and Bucky turned to one another and discussed who won this round.  You whispered for about less than a minute, since there was an obvious winner.  Then you and Bucky turned around to the three teams and announced your decision.  
"Drowning kids in the bathtub wins!" you declare.  Then Peter and Tony cheer and high five each other.
"We did it!" Peter cheered.
"Got ya, suckers!" Tony bragged.  
"Wait, how many black cards do you need to win?" Clint asked.  You looked at Peter, who shrugged.  It was a very good question, and you needed a minute to think about it.
"How about the first team with 10 black cards wins?"  you ask.  Everyone nodded and the game resumed.
"Ok, Peter, Tony, you judge." Bucky said.
Tony reached up to grab the card.  As he read it, he kept snickering.  When he finished, he showed Peter the card as he leaned into Peter's shoulder for support.  Peter was chuckling as well and leaned on Tony's head.  As far as you knew, Tony was very tough with Peter, but now, seeing them all cuddled up together laughing, it proved y9ou very wrong.  It took you by surprise, but you loved how cute they were together.  Tony was the father figure in Peter's life that he needed, and he was that figure for you as well.
"You wanna read it, Peter?" Tony asked.
"Sure," Peter said.  "When I was tripping on acid, ______ turned into ________."  Everyone chuckled at how ridiculous the card sounded and started to choose their cards for the round.
"Wait, how will you guys know which card goes first?" Steve asked.
"Put the first card on the top and the second one on the bottom." Peter replied.  Steve gave him a thumbs up and continued talking with Nat.  
As everyone was choosing their cards, you and Bucky were doing the exact same thing.  But in the middle of it, Bucky called you "doll."  Normally there's nothing wrong with this, it was something he called you since the two of you met.  But Sam was in the room.  And he heard it.  After Bucky said it, Sam started cackling like a witch.  He was rolled over on the floor, clutching to his stomach and tears covering his face.  Everyone else looked up and wondered what in the world was so funny, since none of them heard Bucky's nickname for you.  You didn't know why he was laughing, but Bucky knew the exact reason.  He wasn't going to say anything to draw attention to himself or you.  Instead he just gave a death stare at Sam, and nobody noticed.
"Partner, you good down there?" Clint asked, confused.  Sam was still laughing as he got up from the floor.
"Yeah," Sam coughed.  After he caught his breath, he saw Bucky glaring at him.  He waved at Bucky, like he had no clue what he did.  When your head was looking at the cards, he flipped Sam off and Sam stuck his tongue out and put his finger by his throat, signaling that Bucky would get it later.  Bucky rolled his eyes and returned his attention back to you and the game.
After a couple minutes, three cards were placed in the middle, ready to be read by the Student and Master.
"Everyone hush!!! Tony scolded, and everyone in the room immediately shut up.  "Thank you.  Kid, you may read the first card." 
"Thanks Mr. Stark," Peter said.  "When I was tripping on acid, Danny DeVito turned into pixelated bukkake!  Oh my god! What the FUCK?" Everyone was clutching on the remaining air that was left in their lungs.  All of the teams were laughing to the point where faces were turning purple.
"What does that mean?" Steve quietly asked, not wanting a lecture about how pure he was.  But everyone heard since the laughter was dying down, but it resumed once more after what Steve said.  It took another couple of minutes for everyone to control themselves again.  
"I'll explain later, Steve." Sam reassured.  Steve rolled his eyes and let Tony and Peter continue.
"Ok, when I was tripping on acid, blowing my boyfriend so hard he shits turned into incest." Peter continued.  He laughed at the end and everyone joined him.
"My turn, shut up!!" Tony barked.  "Ahem.  When I was tripping on acid, my sex life turned into..."  Tony never finished reading the card.  His eyes were glued to the last white card.  It was like he did not comprehend what was on the card. 
"Am I- am I reading this right?" he asked Peter.  Peter took a look at the card and he snorted.
"Yeah.. yeah." Peter snickered.  "You are reading that right, Mr. Stark." 
"Ok I just wanted to make sure i'm not getting too old." Tony said.  "When I was tripping on acid, my sex life turned into braiding three penises into a twizzler.  Alright, who the fuck thinks this is ok?" 
Everyone was cackling and laughing again.  Tony was ranting on about how obscene the card was and how that would never work in real life, which was making it harder to stop laughing.  Once Tony was finished complaining and asking F.R.I.D.A.Y. if the card was able to actually happen, the laugher subsided and Tony and Peter started deliberating.  They took longer than you and Bucky, which made it seem as if it was a close round.  Finally, Peter stood up and revealed the winning card.
"Before I announce the winning card, I have a question for Mr. Rogers." Peter announced.
"Sure, Peter.  Whats up?" Steve asked.
"Did you understand what the last card meant?" Peter asked.  Everyone chuckled lightly.  Not that it wasn't funny.  Everyone knew if they laughed too hard, they would have a hard time breathing.    
Steve rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically before answering the question.  "Yes.  I understood that reference." 
Bucky stood up and started applauding for Steve.  He was joined by you, Nat, Tony and the Birdbrains.  Steve stood up and took a bow, thanking everyone and waving like a celebrity.      
"Thank god you did," Nat sighed in relief.
"Finally, you get something!" Bucky rejoiced.
"This was a close one but the sex life one wins for sure!" Peter said.
Clint and Sam got up again and started to cheer, high fiving and chest bumping.  They even did some weird thing that was supposed to be a bird call, since they were the Birdbrains.  To you, it sounded like a cat dying in an alleyway from food poisoning.  Once they finished their bird call, the Birdbrains sat down and bragged about their first win of the night.
"Yeah yeah! Deal wit dat!" Sam yelled.
"Losers!" Clint cheered, making an "L" with his hand and putting it on his forehead.
"We will see who has the last laugh," Nat grunted.
"Birdbrains!" you chimed in.  
"Shut it Lovebirds!" Sam shouted back at the two of you.  He went to pick up the next black card.  Bucky looked around the room, not knowing why he was blamed and not Nat.  Nat smirked at Bucky and Bucky just rolled his eyes.  You giggled while Bucky stuck the middle finger back at Sam, for the like the 100th time tonight.
Sam and Clint read the card and started to laugh again, but it wasn't a big one, just a chuckle.
"Hehe.  Shut it Clint.  I gotta read the card!" Sam scolded.  Clint stopped laughing, but his face looked like it was about to explode any minute now as Sam started to read the card.
"White people like _____" Sam read.  Everyone giggled and went back to their groups to decide which card would be the best.  In a few minutes, each team was ready and placed their cards in the middle.  
"We got this one Steve." Nat said.
"Yeah, Nat.  Lets go!" Steve cheered as he high fived his partner.
"No, Spys," Tony sighed.  "We do because we are the best.  No questions needed to be asked.  Right kid?" 
"Yes sir!" Peter joined in.  The two of them fist bumped and made faces at the Spys and Lovebirds.
"Oh be quiet," Bucky sighed.  "Let the stupid Birdbrains read the fucking cards."  You smiled as Bucky held his arm around you a little tighter than before.  You knew Bucky wasn't the most patient person, and it seemed like the Birdbrains were taking as long as possible just to annoy your boyfriend.  You knew you would win in the end though.  And if you didn't, the Winter Soldier would kick their asses to their graves.
"Thank you.  Ahem," Sam cleared his throat.  "White people like jerking off into a pool of children's tears.  Holy fuck."  Everyone laughed at the card, just like all the others before it.          
"That's my kind of humor.  Continue Sam." Clint chuckled.  You knew Clint had a very different sense of humor than most of the people at the Compound.  You had become friends with him by understanding his jokes that nobody else understood.  Even Peter was able to understand some of Clint humor, which was a shocker to everyone.  Clint enjoyed having someone that understood him, even if it was for jokes about drowning kids.
"Next, white people like.." Sam never finished reading the card.  He shoved the card in Clints face and walked out of the room to get a breath of fresh air.  Clint looked at everyone to see if they knew why he walked out, but you and everyone else were just as lost.  Then Clint looked at the card and had an "aha"  moment.  
"White people like a falcon with a cap on its head." Clint finished.  Everyone knew the card wasn't funny.  But since Sam's superhero name was "Falcon," it seemed so funny.  Bucky was trying very hard not to laugh and so were Steve, Nat and Clint.  Peter was about to laugh, but Tony was able to cover Peter's mouth in time.  Tony raised his free hand to his mouth, making a "shush" motion.  You were sitting there, smirking to yourself since you knew it wasn't the right time to laugh.
Then Sam came back into the room after a couple of minutes.  He was clearly upset of something so stupid, which made it even harder not to laugh.  Sam was staring at you and Bucky, thinking it was the two of you since Bucky and him were friends, but not really.  Sam was eyeing everyone in the room like a hawk, trying to see if anyone had changed their facial expression or something else.  
"Sam, you wanna read the last card?" Clint asked.
"No," Sam stated, bluntly.  "You read it." 
"White people like three dicks at the same time." Clint finished with a light chuckle, and all the other teams followed suit.
"Ok, drowning kids in the bathtub wins." Clint decided, without having to deliberate.
"Agreed." Sam said.
Bucky picked you up in the air and spun you around.  He hugged you so tight, you had to tap him so you could breath.  As you and Bucky bask in your victory, Sam is still looking at the Student and Master and the Spies.  He was being a detective, looking for little details that might lead him to the culprits that put that card down.  
"Who put the fucking card down?" Sam asked.  All of the sudden, Tony and Peter start laughing out of control.  Sam knew those two were the criminals in his crime.  He took a deep breath, trying his best not to go over and take Peter down to the ground.
"Im gonna kill you." Sam growled.
"Save it Birdbrain," Nat told off.  "First team to ten.  Then you can kill them." 
"You bet yo ass I will," Sam grunted.
The rest of the night carried on in a flash.  The night was filled with laughter, smiles and cheers as each team won a round.  When you started playing, it was around 8:30 pm.  But now, it was 11:50 pm.  Everyone was definitely tired, as everyone started to yawn and get bags underneath their eyes.  
You and Bucky were doing very well together.  You guys won a ton of rounds and always celebrated with Bucky hugging you and spinning you around the room.  But you weren't tired.  The adrenaline from the game was serving as a source of energy, and it was the same source for all the other teams too. 
Peter and Tony were doing very well too.  They won a couple rounds as well and they always high fived when they won.  But whenever they lost, Tony threatened Peter, saying he would take away his suit and suspend him from being an Avenger.  And as the night progressed, you and everyone kept forgetting the score for your teams.  So Tony asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. to keep track of the score for the rest of the night.  And she did, very well.  
Sam and Clint were very competitive and sometimes it served in their favor.  They won a few like you and Bucky and Peter and Tony.  Clint was yawning by 9:50, he wasn't used to staying up late, but he was having fun nonetheless.  Sam, however, was full of energy, matching your level.  He grabbed tons and tons of candy, ice cream and other junk food as the night progressed, serving as a food and energy source for all of the teams.  Sam ate so much in fact that he got a sugar high at about 10:00 pm, but it wore off a few minutes later.   
Steve and Nat were doing good,but not as well and you and Bucky.  They won a few rounds, sure, but not as many as they would like.  Nat was pretty calm, but when Sam was "high" he was trying to be smooth and get Nat to go out with him.  She hit him repeatedly, and she smiled with gusto as she did, which made you laugh.  Steve to your surprise, was getting a little worked up.  He sighed in annoyance whenever they lost a round, and roared in happiness whenever they won.
"Ok, what's the score F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" Nat asked.
"The score for the Lovebirds is nine," F.R.I.D.A.Y. recited.  "The Spies have seven.  The Student and Master have nine as well.  And finally, the Birdbrains have nine.  Is that all Mrs. Romanoff?" 
"Your good, thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y." Nat thanked.    
"Ok since you guys have nine each, me and Nat will judge this last round." Steve said.  "This is it, the last one.  Winner takes all!"
As Steve finished his speech, Nat rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath as she went to grab the final black card..  You knew Bucky had superb hearing, so you leaned to ask him what she said.
"Buck, what did she say?" you asked, quietly.
"She was just saying something about how Steve has a speech for every little thing." Bucky whispered.  You giggled under your breath.
As Nat read the card, she showed it to Steve, who started to giggle like a five year old.
"Steve, this isn't that funny," Nat groaned.
"Just read the card," Steve sighed as he regained control of his breathing.
"Ugh." Nat sighed.  "Kids, I don't need drugs to get high.  I'm high on _____."  Everyone chuckled at the card and turned to their partners for the last time.  
"Kid, this is it," Tony said.
"Yep," Peter said.
"We gotta go big or go home."  Tony said.  Then, Tony and Peter looked through the cards and finally, they had their eyes set on their winning card.
"This, my student, is gold," Tony remarked.  "No, no.  Scratch that.  It's the diamond in the rough."
"Do you know the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?" Peter asked.
"Yeah why?"
"Well, this card is like our golden ticket to victory Mr. Stark." Peter said.
"I don't want another pop culture reference out of you for the rest of the night.  You understand?" Tony scolded.  Peter gulped as Tony placed their card in the middle of the table.
"Clint?" Sam asked.
"Sam?" Clint asked.
"This is it." Sam said.
"This is it." Clint said.  "We gotta give 'em the money."
"Give em the money!" 
"We gotta win."
"We have to show those little shits who the fucking bosses are." Sam declared.
"Yes sir," Clint agreed.  As the Birdbrains were chanting, boosting their confidence, they interrupted Bucky's train of thought, and yours as well.    To you, they sounded like the football teams in the locker room.  When the coach is giving the team a pep talk during the halftime show in the Superbowl, boosting the teams confidence.  You were giggling to yourself as you heard them, and Bucky caught on.  As you looked back at him, you saw a glimmer in his heavenly, blue eyes, filled with mischief.  He had his signature smirk, his one for trouble on as well.
"Doll, watch this," he whispered.  He looked over at Sam and Clint, and you waited to see what he would do next.
"YEAH BIRDBRAINS! PREACH!!!" he shouted, clapping his hands and cheering them on, mocking them.
Sam and Clint immediately stop and glare at Bucky, who is smirking at them and batting his eyelashes at them, while you are cuddled up into his shoulder laughing at the Winter Soldiers antics.
"SHUT IT LOVEBIRDS!!!" Sam and Clint clap back. 
"Ok, before we were so RUDELY interrupted," Sam grunted.  
"Very RUDELY," Clint agreed.
"Do you agree that this one is the winner?" Sam asked.  Clint looked at the card that Sam was referring to and nodded his head.  Then Sam took the card and placed it in the middle.  You and Bucky were the team that everyone was waiting for.
"Ok doll," Bucky said.  "Don't worry.  We got this in the bag."
"Yeah we got this." you agreed, smiling at your boyfriend.
Bucky looked at the other teams and pointed at them while they were waiting for you guys.  "They don't know who they are dealing with.  They are messing with the fucking Lovebirds and they have made a BIG fucking mistake." 
"Yeah we got this.  Also.." you said slyly, biting your lip at Bucky, putting your hand in his hair and leaning into his ear so only he could hear.  "If we do win.. We can have some fun later, if you know what I mean."
When you pulled away, looking back at the cards, you looked at Bucky through the corner of your eyes.  His eyes bulged open and he looked at you, smirking and biting his bottom lip.
"Oh doll," he groaned, his voice deeper and as smooth as chocolate. 
"This card looks good right?" you asked, your tone completely changed from full of lust to innocence.  Bucky kept staring at you and smiled at you.  He always had a hard time believing he was dating you, but tonight, he realized he wanted you till the day he died.
"Yeah, you do." he blushed.  You giggled at him and gave him a peck on the cheek before you put your card into the middle.
"Ok everyone ready?" Steve asked, grabbing the cards from the table.  Everyone nodded, nerves were bouncing off the walls for all the teams.  
"First card." Steve announced.  "Kids, I don't need drugs to get high.  I'm high on..." He looked at the card and snickered, making sure his eyes weren't play tricks on him.  "I'm high on anal beads."  The room was roaring with laughter as Steve blushed after reading the card.  It took everyone about 10 minutes to calm down and let the Spies read the next card.
"That's method." Tony sighed.
"That's fucked up," Nat coughed.
"That's kinky as fuck!" Sam exclaimed.
"Next: Kids, I dont need drugs to get high," Nat read.  "I'm high on selling crack to children."  Nat's voice cracked with shock as she finished reading the card in horror.  Everyone cracked up even more.
"That's sick!" Clint said.
"Twisted!" Peter agreed.
"Ok whoever put that card down has the balls and I fucking live for it." you smiled, still laughing.
"What the hell?" Bucky sighed, putting his head in his metal hand, trying to process what Nat read.
"Then, last but not least, Nat will you do the honors?" Steve asked.
"It would be my honor," Nat grinned.  Before she started reading, she cleared her throat, overexagrating a little bit, which caused everyone to chuckle.  "Kids, I don't need drugs to get high.  I'm high on… what the fuck?" Nat looked at the card she had to read and started cackling like a witch.
"Nat, you ok over there?" you asked.
"Yeah Im fine." Nat chuckled.  "I'm high on a good sniff."  Everyone in the room was soon cackling like Nat.  And you sounded like witches.  You wondered how Wanda and Vision were "sleeping" with all the noise you guys were making.  After everyone calmed down, Steve wasn't out of breath like everyone else.
"Nat, that means what I think it means right?" Steve asked quietly.
"What do you think it means Steve?" Nat sighed.  Steve leaned into her ear and whispered what he thought it was.  You asked Bucky if he could hear what he said, but your boyfriend shook his head.  After Steve finished telling Nat, she nodded her head and rolled her eyes at her stupid partner.
"Yes Steve." Nat groaned.  "That's what 'a good sniff' means, you idiot."
"Thought you would have gotten that, pal," Bucky mocked.
"I did, I just wanted to make sure what I thought was correct." Steve stated.
"Steve, how do you not understand anything?" Bucky asked.
"Bucky, I thought you always fucked the girls on the first date in the forties.  Did you yet?" Steve asked, trying to come back at Bucky.  But it didn't really make sense because you were still a virgin.  Tony rolled his eyes in the corner and you sighed.
"Did you fuck a girl yet?" Bucky snapped.
"Steve, do we have a winner?" Nat interrupted, stopping the old men from bickering any longer.
"No, I have no clue," Steve answered.  "This was a close round.  Do you want to decide somewhere else, so they don't hear?  This might take a while."
"Yeah, lets go to the bathroom," Nat said.  "Take the cards with you."  Steve followed Nat, but Sam wasn't going to let Nat leave so quickly.
"Dont fuck him Nat!!!" Sam pleaded, shouting as loud as he could.  "He will lose his powers!"  Steve turned his back to face Sam, who was smiling back at him.  Steve rolled his eyes and followed Nat, and as he walked down the hall, he flipped Sam off.  Nat did as well.  
You, Peter and Tony were laughing your asses off, laughing at Steve and Nat as they were in the bathroom.  Clint was on his phone, texting his wife.  
Meanwhile, Sam and Bucky were making fun of Steve.  You heard them saying how much trouble Steve would be having if he was actually fucking Nat.  They were saying how Nat would be the dominant one and Steve would be like a ragdoll.  You were listening to Sam and Bucky more then Tony and Peter, since what Bucky and Sam were talking about interested you way more.
After about 10 minutes or so, Steve and Nat came out of the bathroom.  You, Sam and Bucky were eyeing them very closely, seeing if their hair was messed up, if their clothes were wrinkled, if they had hickeys, but there were no signs of physical contact.  Sam, however, wasn't letting up.  
"I hope you didn't give him a quickie," Sam mocked.
"Fuck off, Birdbrain," Nat scoffed.  "Steve, do you want to announce the winning team?"
"Sure," Steve nodded.  "Drumroll, please."
Everyone patted their legs, making a drumroll noise.  But Tony just waved his hand for everyone to stop.
"Guys stop, just stop." Tony commanded.  "We have an A.I. for a reason.  F.R.I.D.A.Y., drumroll."  F.R.I.D.A.Y. followed her orders and played a drumroll.
"The winning card is….." Steve announced.  "A GOOD SNIFF!!!"  You and Bucky erupted from your seats like a volcano.  Your hair started to glow and you floated in the air for a second.  Everyone saw you and thought you looked like a living candle.  Bucky hugged you and spun you around the room in his arms.  Bucky kissed you and you kissed him back.  Not a makeout, but just a long kiss, filled with passion and love.  
Sam and Clint got pissed that they didn't win, but they clapped for you, very slowly.  Peter clapped for you and cheered, but Tony just sighed and made gagging noises when he saw you kissing.  Nat was smiling at the two of you, and so was Steve.  They looked like proud parents, smiling in approval of how happy you and Bucky were.
"YES!! We won!!" Bucky shouted.
"Told ya we would!" You cheered.  "Take that, Birdbrains!"
"Yeah, yeah good job.  I'm going to bed." Tony groaned and headed up to the elevator, which led him to his room which was on the top floor.  You sighed and said goodnight anyways.
"I should call it a night," Clint said.
"Me too.  See ya tomorrow, lovebirds!" Nat said.  You and Bucky waved goodbye as the two of them headed to their rooms.
"Congratulations guys.  See ya tomorrow!" Steve said.
"They was cheatin." Sam bickered.
"Cmon birdbrain, lets go," Steve sighed.  Sam was bickering with Steve all the way to their rooms, and as they got further away, you could still hear them, which made you laugh.  The only people left in the room were you Bucky and Peter.
"I'm so happy that it worked," Peter said.  "Congrats by the way!"
"Thanks Peter!  I had so much fun!" you smiled.
"Yeah, it was great," Bucky agreed.  "I owe ya big time, Spiderling."
"Oh, thanks grandpa." Peter grinned.  "You have no idea what you owe me."  Then you guys cleaned up the remaining cards and headed back to your rooms.  Peter said goodnight to the two of you and you and the Winter Soldier headed to his room.
"When we get back to my room," Bucky said as you were walking.  "We earn our reward."
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originlist · 4 years
bron thots and hcs 99% harvested from rambling i sent to charri and didnt wanna retype yet
thinking about avicebrons workshop as i write. it is... a nice place to be i think. in my terms of nice. avicebron keeps it comfortably warm bc he likes it better that way. it smells like earth. warmly lit. there are various comfortable chairs because he used to just have one or two for himself and then he realized people kept coming by so hes just [sighs and adds another good chair and someone else drags in a bean bag or some shit]. hes got a bookshelf full of things. theres clutter but its an interesting kind of clutter and he knows where everything is anyways and the floor is cleared so ur not gonna trip over anything except maybe a golems whos keeping it tidy. its a chill place to read a book and if u ask nicely u can use some of the clay he keeps to makes lil figures with for fun. thonk bron: im going to make a place i like being in as a workshop narrator: this means other people will also like being there and sometimes hang out with you, which means you will be forced to acknowledge The Existence Of Other People bron: fuck. ive played myself
one day i will reread my source on kabbalah and itll be the end for everyone bc ive been interested in it since freshman year but its hard to find sources. and i have Thots about his golems but ill properly phrase them once im able to look thru my other primary source, for now i just ramble but basically his current golems except Adam arent like True Golems and even Adam is iffy because its moved past what a golem is
so proper golems are entities made thru certain specific magical rituals, and they are beings created generally by rabbis with a background in mysticism in order to help the community. a proper golem is highly autonomous and able to think on (almost) human level on its own, somewhat similar to a homunculus in proper homunculus lore but also, not. dont worry about it. i dont have the time to get into it. but one day. thats a threat. the final piece to animating them is writing on either them or an amulet they are given, which they can be returned back to earth by erasing the first letter they are, specifically, made to either help or protect which is why the reactor core thing is [singsong] bullshiiiiiiit
avicebrons golems are quickly made things that are more like basic familiars, as they possess a lower level of thought and dont follow ritual, the handoff of being less autonomy in exchange for being able to make a lot of them very quickly and easily so he doesnt count them as Proper Golems but he also classes them as More Useful For Our Situation Than A Proper Golem they can do chores and they will keep u safe but they also dissolve after a few hits
look the man’s disabled and he uses golems to make up for the fact, he doesnt need them to be durable or fully sapient he just needs them to do chores when he cant move his arms all the way and his back hurts
adam however (his NP) is a Proper Golem Plus Some. im ignoring the part where its like 'in fgo he also would need a mage or high level reactor to be its core' because thats stupid a proper golem doesnt need a core it just needs mystic words and some other stuff, but in exchange ill say he writes life into it using some part of his own magic plus whats drawn from his master, and the rest of Adam's unique reality marble ability is that it can pull mana from the earth directly quickly made familiars have mineral cores in order to like..... cores are the equivalent of when u pull back a ball on those clacker desk toys, where they keep going back and forth for longer than they should? the core jump starts the mana conversion procedure allowing it to create energy to move bc gems in fate are a good prana conduit
he can still do the thing of like. fuck i forget the word for it. earthbending. like he does in apoc where he just kinda draws shapes out of soil, but its only for various kinds of dirt. cant rly fuck with gems or metal but hes got bigass clay jars in his workshop full of dirt and clay and Various Rocks to make stuff ut of that he can control with a hand wave. it makes his life easier. bron vc do i LOOK like i can lift anything. i thought not.
uuhhhh other random bron infodumps bc i made other posts and then deleted them
no legge, prosthetics start at the hip ball-and-socket joint. arms yes. the second pair of arms is removable and attached to a thin plate that he can attach under his shoulders. the secondary shoulder joint is technically hypermobile and its easier to dematerialize/rematierialize them instead of putting them on and off. theyre usually not out unless he needs them for something. he is ambidextrious with all four of them and will show off in the name of efficient multitasking.
got a lotta facial scars from having acne as a young adult. pockmarks and the like. on top of his whole body being fucky.
does not like the cold!! makes both his physical and prosthetic joints feel stiff. will not mention it but will just [slowly recedes further into his cloak]
his hair is not as fun as it looks (to me). he hates having a body in general and so he will intentionally refuse to care for any non-prosthetic part of himself properly for it until it gets bad, so his hair is generally kinda dry and messy. its not Bad bad but its not great.
he takes better care of his fake legs than he does the parts of his body he cant replace and u should yell at him for it.
his cloak is also not as heavy as it looks like it should be. its carefully balanced. he can and will however bonk you with the pointy bits if you stand too close to him. forcibly mandated 4-ft personal bubble.
THIS MAN CLICK CLACKS WHEN HE MOVES AND I DONT CARE WHAT APOCS LACK OF SOUND EFFECTS TRIES TO IMPLY. this man WILL go click clack between his feet and the metal decoration thingies on his cloak bonking each other.
people who know shit about golem lore feel free to tell me all my books are packed but thoughts ping like ping-pongs
actually just tell me about folklore in general from any of u i like legends and mysticism 
if u have read this far tell me about some of ur folklore
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krustybob · 4 years
u can rlly tell homestuck has a primarily wlw-run fanbase because theres only like 4 notably popular mlm ships & they all fucking SUCK
theres like maybe 4 whole notably popular mlm ships & none of them feel like they were like. popularized in fanon by men. like the best case is cronkri lmao like, cronus & kankri are both rlly interesting characters & theyre both total shitbags but in totally different Approaches and they could honestly have a Really funny & neat dynamic, but in all the fan content its just like. “kankri is a shy baby & he has a secret crush on smooth bad boy cronus uwu!!!” & now thats all anyone ever does with them
davekat, erisol & dirkjake are all other popular examples that fall into the same thing... like these ships arent Bad they just got Drowned in that 2012 Yaoiz XD feel that makes it almost Impossible 2 enjoy almost Any fan content now
since this is all under the cut & im p confident nobodies gonna read this far i wrote a bunch of tags on a version of this post that sounded way stupider & i dont wanna retype all that shit so im just fuckin copying & pasting a screencap here
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dazedclifford · 5 years
I deleted this yesterday because it was a draft and then when I edited it the edit never loaded so I just deleted the whole thing almost immediately after posting it and I was too lazy to retype it all up. So this is me retyping something very similar.
so, there's something I've learned the last week about tumblr and something I've realized personally. This website that I had always honestly thought of as a wonderful place for so many people to just share beautiful things is really just a bunch of disgusting individuals with a few actually wonderful people sprinkled in.
When I first joined tumblr last January (yes I know imma baby on this website lmao) I thought it was so cool and I posted my artwork, some pretty pictures I took, and a lot of things that I've written, so then I really wanted to post a picture of myself that I really liked, a picture that I thought was really beautiful and made me just feel very confident. I posted it on here and was almost immediately found and objectified by multiple men. I was sent disgusting pictures, comments, and even a video...and on top of that I had men ask....sorry no....tell me to text them so we can discuss my allowance for now being there sugar baby. And all of these people...get this....WERE MEN. Not ONE woman did that to me EVER. I'm not saying women can't be like that, but no woman no woman on here at least. So here's a lil message you creep ass bitches:
When I put "bored girl," "bored," "talk to me," ect. in my tags that is NOT code for "I'm horny pls send me pics of ur peepee"
When I post a picture of myself, it's for me because I think I look pretty. Not for you to ogle that, but if that's what you're gonna do, then please do so without commenting or dming me.
I'm not stupid okay. You telling me I'm gorgeous or sexy or whatever the fuck your tiny mind can think of is NOT causing me to drool all over myself.
No, you cannot know where I live nor have another picture of me.
Again when I put those specific tags that I mentioned above, it's genuinely because I AM BORED and I want some tumblr friends :/
and finally, DO NOT get mad at me when I reject your ass. Just because I'm a young woman DOES NOT mean I dont have thoughts, opinions, and feelings. I don't give fuck of you're upset that I dont wanna send you a titty pic.
ps. my tumblr may have some rather "raunchy" things on it that I have reblogged...but that also doesn't mean i want to have sex with you. I'm a human. I'm allowed to want and think about these things.
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pengdaw2nd · 2 years
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Whyyyy bruh i dont wanna retype the whole goddamn thing againnn
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michaelmilkers · 7 years
can you TL;DR the gorillaz thing. why is someone calling the police
someone defended pedophilic and abusive ships (anti-antis stop reading here bc i know this is the only part you care about) and also supported an artist that fetishized a character’s disability and also defended the visual artist for gorillaz jamie hewlett and his history of drawing racist and transphobic caricatures and directly lectured a black woman about how she should get over it and be more “mature” about it so one of my followers whos much more active in the gorillaz fandom than i am and a few of their buddies started making memes comparing pictures of the artist (which they posted themselves its not like they fucking doxxed this person) to people like gru from despicable me and the emo who from horton hears a who and telling them to pee their pants and the whole works so they left tumblr
apparently i falsely accused them of being a pedophile bc i called them a pedophile in a tag and then put in the tag directly afterwards ‘i mean pedophile apologist i dont wanna retype the tag’ and theyre Suicidal TM so someone is apparently gonna report all of us to the police lmao
and everyone is talking out of their asses and doing the whole ‘all this over fictional characters’ thing when no sharon them defending shitty ships is just the icing on the racism and transphobia cake
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cerealmonster15 · 7 years
yo fam i read ur grifnut/rvbnut tags,,like just make a post, i want to reblog this
OOH u mean my tags on this post yea? i’ll just make it THIS POST 8))) i was just gonna screencap all them juicy tags but since rvbnut [best term ever thank u for that] is otp, i will retype for better readability + i thought of some extra things to throw in, so here we go:
as mentioned already, there’s donut’s super secret diary where donut describes"gazing silently into each other’s visors” and feeling a connection, as well has having sat in grif’s lap”. i very much believe donut had a crush on grif at some point
there’s some PSA or something that for the life of me I can’t remember the name of, and it might just be a dvd extra cause I found it on youtube not through the rvb channel, where the reds are getting on motorcycles to go somewhere and grif has to share w/donut, and hes Very Hesitant and i dont remember what exactly donut was saying but it was Very Suggestive how he was telling grif to get behind him and hold on tight or w/e, and when grif didnt wanna get on it with him he was like “whats wrong ;(?? dont be shy~”
ive pulled out my book now and donut describes the play they put on for tucker as being about “the band of handsome male survivors braving the elements together” so, donut thinks he + the other BGC members are handsome
“The first thing the doctor did when we got him back over to our base was pin Sarge against the wall with the Warthog. I always thought if anyone was going to ram Sarge up to the wall, it would be me, seeing as how I’ve been angling for a promotion lately” -another entry in donut’s diary. i honest to god have no idea how this could be taken as an innuendo, bc it straight up sounds like donut wants to fuck his way to the top
also in the book, simmons’ self insert fanfiction “Hero In Maroon” has… a special scene with “Donut the Enchanter,” who is “spreading his temptation magic through scandalous dancing.” This is SIMMONS writing this, and simmons has himself say “Tell me what you know about Sarge, else I will have to run you through with my long sword” and, sure, he has donut speak in innuendos and reply to that line with “I like where this is gong. Maybe I’ll keep you here… FOREVER!” but like, simmons literally wrote himself throwing an innuendo to donut. then you have the next few lines “DONUT USES OFFICER HOT PANTS HANDCUFF ATTACK” “”Oh no!” Simmons exclaims. A bed appears behind him. His hands are cuffed to it.” And while the next line is just donut laughing and saying “Now you must watch my rendition of the musical CATS” so while donut wasnt gonna do anything creepy, this really sounds like simmons writing a self insert fic that includes a provocative donut flirting with him while talking about musicals…. simmons dont repress ur crush on donut
^not to mention the officer hot pants comes from donut having dressed up and jumped out of a cake for sarge’s birthday……..
at the finale scene of s13, donut says “I love you, too, Lopez”
Donut lived offscreen with Doc in valhalla, and then was dropped back off there to continue living in valhalla with doc (and lopez’s head) (i could talk for 60 years about them but anyone who’s followed me long enough has heard it all before and i’m tryin to keep the points b r i e f lol)
church has said “I like donut. He’s pretty harmless, man. I-I don’t think he’d hurt a fly.” and upon finding out donut got crushed by a spaceship, he paused his snarking to say “Oh, wait, the pink guy? Oh, I actually liked him!” to which grif replies “Seriously, what’s with all these feelings for donut?” 
tucker, thinking donut was a girl bc pink armor, asked donut if he “wanted to date one of us” and then called donut a “tease” when he said he wasn’t a girl
donut polished tucker’s codpiece 3 times when he and caboose were helping tucker get the black gunk off his armor, saying something along the lines of “a 3-coat waxing is just my way of saying I Care :)”
epsilon!tucker, while not canon to actual tucker, is implied to have jacked off to donut bc he thought he was a girl 
seems to be implied that tucker and donut were both assigned to the same desert location when everyone got split up, and donut passed out from thirst/exhaustion trying to get tucker’s distress call to the others
in The Best Red vs Blue DVD Ever of All Time, there’s a scene where tucker and donut are introducing “best couple.” Donut goes on about romance, while tucker says couple doesn’t necessarily mean romance, and  that “you[donut] think everything is romance! last week you called it romance when i accidentally took a bite of your sandwich” “was it really an accident tucker? was it?” “YES!” “time will tell” “ugh, whatever-” dudes, donut totally had a crush on tucker at least once
i dont have a good source but i remember seeing in a post a while back that there was a scrapped plotline that was gonna be a love triangle between donut, a “confused caboose”, and an unknown third party
i’m willing to bet the confused caboose bit is because caboose seems to have thought (and maybe still does? who knows) that donut was a girl, likely because of the armor. in caboose’s mind, donut’s a girl who says things like “I love caboose, and yet, I’m still afraid of him, he’s so scary :)” [cause he seems to think of himself as intimidating to the red team lol], and then in Head Canon, caboose!donut says something like “i like [something] almost as i like to paint my nails and not talk to boys. i would never talk to boys, especially not caboose for some reason!” which… is hard to make sense of tbh lol, but since everyone in caboose’s mind is how caboose perceives them, it maybe seems like caboose doesnt get as much of donut’s attention as he’d like?? lmfao, it sounds like “not caboose for some reason” means caboose doesn’t really understand either. 
donut tearily said to caboose way back in KITBFF: “ Mister Caboose, I just want you to know that even though we are on different teams, and we may never see each other again, whatever happens out there today, I’ll always remember the moments we shared together. You are now, and forever will be… my friend.” very emotional if i do say so myself
there’s this reconstruction deleted scene where i guess donut had gotten transferred to doing special agent stuff w/wash’s division or something (wash calls him Special Agent Donut so, i guess lol). Wash speaks in donut innuendos the whole time he’s talkin about donut [”He’s a back door expert” “if there’s an unsecured rear entrance, he’s your man” “legend has it he can get through even the tightest cracks-” lmfao and they address each other by name, so i like to think they’ve worked together and donut’s… mannerisms… have been Rubbing Off on wash ;p
^also in that deleted scene caboose goes “DONUT! :D” when donut appears and talks, so he’s clearly excited to see him!!!!!!!!! 
ahem. point being: the bgc needs to embrace the donut love and i firmly believe that if someone didnt have a crush on donut, donut had a crush on one of them at some point in time
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cryptidapprentice · 1 year
#marine myths rambles#in the tags#dating app diary#i feel so bad bc now that i AM getting matches on these freakin apps i have to Talk and Make Conversation and ideally Meet Up and its like..#suddenly i am Not In The Mood actually. to talk OR hang out. n i feel BAD bc these seem like nice ppl!!! who id love to at least befriend!!!#(i have bumble n im not listed as looking for anything particular so friendship is in fact an option)#or maybe even smthn more!!! but like. idk why suddenly as soon as i get a match its like '...oh. hmm. idk if i wanna talk actually' 😭😭#like if i had to guess id say its my gd OCD avoidance response thats making me not wanna do the Hard Thing (Talking) but its also like...#...do i rly wanna meet My Person this way?? CAN i rly meet my person this way???? like so much of my whole desire to date someone is like-#-getting along suuuuper well as friends n being able to click personality n humorwise n shit n THEN im like 'oh id love to date this person-#this person'* im not retyping all tht lol#but being on an app kinda takes tht away for me?? ig im just not made for like. online/internet dating :V#bc i think that Click has to be like. In Person for me to reach that point yk?? like i could click w ppl online n be friends fine!! but like#if we meet in person and that irl interaction isnt like the online interactions (which its usually Not just bc of the nature of Online..)#and we dont Click the same way... its like... man... i dont think we can be romantic partners WHICH I FEEL BAD ABT bc its like.#i dont wanna lead anyone on... so it sucks if we click online but i dont feel that same Click in person 🥲🥲#idk maybe im just not emotionally ready to date?????? ugh ig ~24yrs of being single'll do tht to a person 🥲🥲#feel free to dm me w like. advice or smthn if u read all this n have smthn to say 🤷🏽‍♀️ i cant guarantee ill respond (bc im shy 🥴)#BUT ill def read n consider ur words i prommie (also sometimes i dont respond bc idk what to say 😖 but im not ignoring i see u n i hear u)#(not in a creepy literal way. in a figurative way.)
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markleetrashh · 7 years
Makeup Voiceover;Renjun
Request: Cjalxldlzl the Haechan voice over was so cute oml why do you do this to me!!! Do you think maybe you could do a Renjun one? I love the series so much oml 💗💗
A/N: im sorry for this bad format, tumblr’s acting up and i had to retype this whole thing because it couldnt be saved at first and it’s just :-( im sorry
- i know i say this on every post but im sorry if i repeat brand names or so because i know nothing about makeup ahh - this time round it’s with renjun yay - my angel - except that when he’s with chensung - but he’s still the sweetest boyfriend so - okay let’s start
- fun fact: both of you run the youtube channel together - you mainly do the videos and he edits them - but occasionally he’d make videos about art & drawings - while you focus on beauty & makeup - but yall still do many different types of videos so many people love you all - your fans hardcore ship yall because on your vlog channel the both of you are super sweet and cute together - and renjun was the one who suggested to do the challenge because he came about it while surfing the net - and when he told you looked so excited you couldn’t help but agree - and when you told your fans they all went wild :’) - fast forward to you recording the video - renjun’s really patient and he sang songs while waiting for you to finish editing & filming it - when you were finally done he comes into the room with an excited smile - and he immediately starts recording - “hELLO EVERYONE some of you must have heard of this already but i’ll be doing her makeup voiceover today!” - “i’ve always thought my baobei’s makeup skills was the best” - “oh- she’s starting already how quick” - “she actually just woke up, which explains her puffy face” - “but it’s cute and i love it so” - “first off she’s starting with a concealer” - “she’s using the concealer from stila” - “wanna cover those eyebags, i love my panda” - “and she looks brighter now” - “she’s taking out another tube?” - “oh it’s foundation” - “from uhh.. clinique?” - “poot poot poot, and spread it out evenly” - “aw how smooth” - “i think she’s doing her eyes next?” - “uhhh.. yeah she’s holding the too faced natural eyes eyeshadow set” - “she’s using the light brown shade” - “oops she took the wrong brush” - “just look at her embarrassed face” - “babe you’re clumsy even in videos aw” - “shushh” - “and she’s using a darker shade for the outer parts” - “and she’s done with her left eye, moving onn” - “… and she’s done with both!” - “oh she’s taking out an eyestick? eyeliner? is that what you call it” - “WHAT EVEN IS AN EYESTICK AHAHA OMG” - “dON’T LAUGH AT ME” - “ANYWAYS, she’s using the EYELINER from maybelline” - “woah how does she draw such a straight line so smoothly” - “and her eyes are done, how beautiful!!” - “oh she’s taking out a stick” - “she didn’t show it but i’m guessing it’s highlighter” - “look at her cheekbones glowing!!” - “my goddess” - “next, blush!!” - “my favourite hehe” - “because her cheeks get more rosier aw” - “she’s using the blush from maybelline” - “oh my you could actually hear my voice ahh” - “look at her giggling at me” - “couldn’t help it you’re too cute” - “so pink and cute ahhh!!” - “last but not least, lipstick!” - “she’s using a matte light pink shade - to match her cheeks” - “and… she’s done!!” - “just look at this beauty woah” - “it’s a simple and plain look but on her it looks great, dont you guys agree?” - “but it was fun today and i hope yall liked it too!!” - “dont forget to like this video and continue supporting us” - “especially Y/N she deserves all the love” - “renjun will say bye now!!”
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hotshotshitshow · 7 years
For the 3 things question!! 1) Wild boars with huge as fuck tusks that look like they could fuck anyone and anything up 2) Orange/green color combinations? Maybe purple too? 3) Pompadours
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