annabethcheese · 11 months
annabeth chase is a Hamilton geek. i don't make the rules, they just exist.
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ohitslen · 11 months
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Kiss gun!
Based on this tweet!
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egophiliac · 4 months
BIRD SSR????????????
NOOOO I wasted all my keys on Platinum Malleus, HOW CAN THEY DO THIS TO ME
(I do kinda love that this is officially "Raven Jacket" Crowley though) (does this open up the possibility of a selection of future Crowley fashion cards)
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hotpotghosts · 26 days
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justfranzz · 7 months
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From "A Starstruck Odyssey", episode 6
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sunlit-haruka · 6 months
I'm going to sound like such a smartass but I'm glad I'm seeing more people express that "Huh, maybe this girl who has an entire song repeating to herself over and over again that her murder was not her fault meanwhile she-
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portrays herself as a giant grotesque bug in her headspace with her victim, who she clearly still holds a high opinion of, being the only human in said headspace looking at her with visible disgust and fear,
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Making this expression upon realizing what she just did
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These being the lyrics that follow right after, having a moment of reconsideration
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Before jumping back to trying to convince herself that she was in the right, because she put her trust in us to tell her if what she did was right or not, and the answer that came out was yes... That maybe, just maybe. She thinks that what she did...
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Might have been her fault."
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bloobydabloob · 2 months
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My part of an art trade with @tauriborns. I had a ton of fun, thank you for the art trade brother.
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ukulelekatie · 2 months
yesterday I put my eclipse glasses on over the top part of my regular glasses so I could look up at the sky through the filters but also look down and still be able to see where I was walking and I said “I’m an anableps anableps!” and no one knew what I was talking about
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happistar · 2 months
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why-the-heck-not · 3 months
writes with python ”ugh I wanna write javascript” -> writes with javascript ”ugh I wanna write c++” -> writes with c++ ”I have made a horrible mistake”
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tblsomedoodles · 1 month
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Some Venus ideas
seriously debating on adding Venus to FW so here's some early designs. (like i'm not sure i'll keep the eyebrow marks, they look kinda funky at times). Mostly b/c them having another sister would be adorable. And it would piss Draxum off, which would be hilarious (for reasons i'll explain.)
some more about her under the cut. But it's mostly just random brainstorming i did at 3am
18 yo (3 years older than Raph)
Mutated Ornate Wood Turtle (using some of Lou's DNA.) (so no spider traits.)
Technically their Half sister since Big Mama's not her mother. (not that that will stop Mama from mothering her. She'd get her own room in the hotel and everything : ) )
Was mutated 'first' to test the mutagen.
She was 5 when the boys were mutated.
Venus got misplaced during resulting explosion. eventually found and taken in by the Library Bats. Which is exactly what pisses off Draxum b/c he knows exactly where she is but the bats refuse to give her back to him lol. And no one messes with the bats. (he's got thrown into the kiddy room several times for trying lol)
she's very quiet, shy, and very anxious about and unsure how to socialize with people in general. (✨social anxiety✨)
I don't think she's much of a fighter. like at all. Pretty sure the only way she would fight would be mystics (ie standing in the back taking magic missile esc pot shots wizard style.) she might actually be more of a pacifist than anything. I'm getting the feeling that she wants little to do with fighting or violence personally. Like she wouldn't judge her siblings on it, but she doesn't want to participate. (the only exception being that if someone/thing is hurting said siblings. b/c once she's emotionally attached to those kids, anything seriously trying to hurt her siblings do not get the luxury of her just standing by.)
that's about it.
and a meme about how thoroughly this au is going off track.
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fishareglorious · 4 months
Hello my r1999 soldiers. I am looking for people able to help me with the making of a website that'll contain the story logs. Writing them down one by one is going to take me thirteen years if I do that, so may I ask, are any of you willing to help with providing the logs? Including the branching dialogue options? Something along these lines:
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If you wanna help, please feel free to dm me here with the info, or message me on discord at friedfishforsale.
Currently am focusing on writing the main story, specifically with the This is Tomorrow (prologue) and In Our Time.
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notbecauseofvictories · 7 months
the moral of the story is, that sometimes if you wait a couple weeks out of both laziness and hesitation to spend that much money, you too can wake up to emails offering you $25 opera tickets.
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onesidedradiostatic · 2 months
btw I just wanna say I have NOT watched helluva boss (only seen like maybe 2/3 short clips on twitter a bit back), thinking I may hop on at some point and drop some reactions here with a specific tag for it if that interests anyone idk
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un-pearable · 2 years
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i can’t actually finish the “everyone gets yoinked from different parts of the series by time travel” fic until i finish my rewatch/catch-up but i am never not thinking about it
wip chronology decisions. poor kai trying to wrangle everyone into actually solving the problem and going home. he thought pixal was normal and would be able to help but then he got Monologued™
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art-spren · 8 months
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the good news: I'm still here hi
the bad news: all I have to offer is this fucking sofa meme again
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