fallenstxrdxst · 1 year
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slime-sandwhich-nom · 6 months
Haha..new tawog hcs <3
(also my mom always told me I was exactly like Gumball and I never forgot about it)
- gumball loves horror, horror films, games anything. Darwin does not.
- gumball standard face is :3, the problem is that people can't understand if he's smiling mischievously or if it's his normal face.
- gumball when he was younger liked to snooze in Darwin's bowl.
Darwin had to sleep in the bathtub sometimes for it
- Carrie feels lonely because she can't touch anything, not even Darwin. She feels alone despite being in a room with so many people.
- penny flirts, Gumball gets flustered.
- gumball enjoys saying words in different languages, he likes to say ciao, hola, excusez-moi,Nǐ hǎo and more. It's simple words really, hello, excuse me, or words of objects like pants, paper, anything. He just likes to do that.
- Darwin likes to hum parts of songs, while instead gumball likes to make little noises.
Darwin says that if he hears weird noises around him he knows he's not going crazy it's just gumball.
- gumball speaks alone, he just speaks out loud to himself (got it from his grandma.), Darwin instead likes to write (no matter how bad his handwriting is.) he just keeps a diary no one can read and instead looks like some kind of secret code.
- Richard knows how to cook, he's just too lazy to do so. Sometimes he does cook whenever Nicole can't because she's too tired.
- Nicole suffers of insomnia.
- gumball is he sits still for too long will start rocking slightly unconsciously, he doesn't even notice it when he does it.
- Darwin has abandonment issues, which explains his jealousy whenever gumball and penny hang out.
it surely does annoy gumball because he can't properly enjoy some time alone with his girlfriend, but he gets where Darwin comes from, so he doesn't get mad, but he gets annoyed still.
Gumball makes up for Darwin by hanging out with him the next day.
- Anais is.. lonely. The only time she ever gets someone to hang out with is Polly. Whenever gumball is babysitting her.
But it's still lonely for Anais since it's not that often.
- when people say Gumball is anxious and paranoid, they ain't joking. Gumball is genuinely anxious about anything, talking to people he doesn't know, going in public, coming in late, coming in too early, what if this happens, what if that happens. He just pretends he's all good (he is very much not)
- Darwin always wonders what would happen if they were fictional, who would be he shipped with.
Gumball knows that answer very well. He decides to stay silent for his brother's mental health. (He saw things that he shouldn't have)
- gumball is the kid who says romance is disgusting but then gets all lovely dovely with his girlfriend
- gumball originally wanted the bed on top because he enjoyed watching everyone from up there but Darwin wanted him by his side at night so he just got the bottom one.
- gumball is the one asking "would you still love me if I was a worm" in the relationship.
- Nicole is not a cat person, and it's actually a thing between cats. For example my eldest cat HATES other cats, it took him ages to get used to the new kitten. Oh but he's super friendly and cuddly with new people! He loves anything that isn't a cat. He purrs and cuddles.
So yeah. Nicole doesn't enjoy the presence of other cats around, unless it's a cat she knows, like her parents or his son. (It's a territory thing for cats, btw.)
- Darwin sometime pets gumball with his feet. Gumball lets him until it gets annoying.
- gumball sometimes joins in the gossip between masami and Leslie.
- Penny's dad is tormented by gumball. He's like when a cat goes specifically to the people who don't like cats and ignore everyone else. That's exactly their relationship.
Y'know the whole "I bought a cat despite my dad not wanting it" situation? Yeah. That's gumball and penny's family.
- Anais once ran a business where she sold candy, and she got money instead. Didn't run for long because president brown treated it like some illegal drug situation or something
- gumball when he was younger was that one kid who looks cute and acts innocent around adults but he's a nightmare to the other kids his age. He still is, he's just everyone's problem now.
- once in class they talked about scoliosis or any problem of posture and it took weeks for gumball to convince Darwin that he did not have scoliosis or any of the other things, he's just a cat and cats are built weird. It's normal.
- whenever Gumball coughs he sounds like a dying man who has smoked for 30 years, no one knows why but it scares the shit out of everyone each time.
- gumball thrives in dresses. He's the prettiest girl at the party.
- honestly gumball is just a crazy bastard, in the real sense. Like he's fully unhinged and it's not even funny, penny is dating some kind of maniac who will literally kill people just because he wants to prove a point (and he did already in the show. Multiple times.)
And..she still loves him and she just says "it's part of his charm."
- gumball whenever he has to go to the doctor (or vet, in his case.) has to be tied up and sedated real hard because he just hates hospitals. He just hates any hospital, doctor, vet, anything. He hates being there, it makes him super uncomfortable and he has tried before to escape but ended up doing more damage than anything
Anais Is only scared like a little kid, nothing wrong with that, usually it's Darwin to hold her hands (gumball can't because he's busy not being at the doctor. He doesn't wanna go near anything that relates to a doctor or a hospital.)
Darwin is relatively calm at the doctor's appointment (he cries after because he was real scared but was very brave.)
- the reason why gumball hardly gets sick (and if he does is because he makes himself sick just to skip school.) is because he was basically FED antibiotics when he was a toddler. His mother was just very anxious about gumball and his health.
then there's Anais, getting sick once a week.
- Gumball ironically thought of becoming a doctor once, simply because the subject itself is interesting. buttt he gave it up because he's too lazy to actually study all that crap.
- gumball either doesn't remember any of his dreams, or if he does it feels like something that actually happen (it didn't) or he was high or something.
Darwin remembers them very clearly and enjoys talking about it! They are nonsensical though.
Anais actually has.. somewhat..normal dreams? She dreams about daisy anyway.
- sometimes Leslie asks gumball genuine opinion on boys in terms of dating, since Leslie only knows gumball who (as a guy) likes guys. The rest seem to be straight (therefore will only talk to you about girls, instead of boys) or just aren't interested in dating.
..only because gumball actually has good points and good taste. In both boys and girls. (But Leslie is interested in boys.)
- gumball sometimes says that penny looks like a sunset and that he would prefer seeing her over the actual sunset, she hasn't recovered from it still.
- gumball figured out he was bisex because before he had a crush on penny he actively thought a few guys in his school were cute and he would date them if he had the chance. Probably had a crush on one or two of 'em.
- in the Wattersons house there's this rule of "don't trust gumball if he's either sleep deprived or after 8pm" because he'll start spitting stuff like "your nervous system has no idea your eyes exist so once they find out, you are already blind because the nervous system sees them as a threat." Or "you can get an aneurysm at any time no matter how healthy you are" and it freaks Darwin out to the point he can't sleep.
so they told Darwin, gumball just lies by 8pm and doesn't think straight when sleep deprived. Just so Darwin can sleep.
- penny is a gumball apologist. Yes her boyfriend is a dumbass and yes he did nothing wrong (she absolutely knows gumball is totally in the wrong most of the time but she defends him nonetheless.)
- gumball is normally on his tippy toes, like any cat. So to reach Penny's cheek to kiss her he has to get on a stool, needs her to crouch down or she needs to pick him up.
- penny is going insane with the whole red flag, green flag, situationship, one month rule this one month rule that.. gumball instead has NO idea how to date or what to do but he's doing a better job than any guy in existence.
- Carrie and gumball hang around in hunted houses. For fun. Gumball is the "hey ghosts! It's ya boy!" Type.
- penny enjoys getting all dressed up whenever it's for a date and gumball is Adam Sandler walking around with his clothing style
- usually it's gumball who makes a ponytail for Anais with her ears.
- yeah gumball has a sister, you know he's well educated on periods and all that shit. (His mother got him ready before Anais was born for when she'll need help.)
- gumball is just not innocent. Not in the sense that he's dirty minded, it's that he just knows stuff normal kids his age don't.
He just acts clueless and dumb so people don't expect much from him, he's too lazy to get high expectations. but he's actually smart and more mature mentally than kids his age.
- Darwin HATES vomiting. Vomit. Anything related to that. He's not scared but really REALLY grossed out, can't even think about it he gets nauseous himself.
- Darwin takes ages to type on phone so he always asks gumball who's relatively fast.
- Darwin.. can't spell. Or at least, has difficulties in it. Gumball always messes with him by giving him the wrong spelling. Darwin never realizes.
- gumball has big difficulties in math. and ms. Simian doesn't make it easier for him.
- Darwin info dumps about sea animals. Gumball now know useless facts about sea animals. (Does not complain)
- gumball likes lemons...again something he shouldn't eat but he does anyway.
- the nickname gumball is from the fact that he tends to sleep tucked in like a ball, which looks like a blue gumball. People just started calling him constantly 'gumball' because it's funny when a cat has a stupid name. (Realistic to irl anyway)
- gumball has a problem with texture.
gumball has both problems with texture AND picky on his own, his mother is going insane with it.
- gumball and Nicole are the fastest in the family, gumball is the fastest in his class if we don't count bobert.
while Nicole shows often how fast she is, gumball is too lazy for that. At least for P.E.
Normally he slows down so Darwin can keep up with him.
- gumball enjoyed eating fish but since it made Darwin uncomfortable he stopped altogether.
- sometimes people tell Darwin that his brother doesn't love him, because cats "don't love you", and that most likely if Darwin dies gumball will eat him.
Darwin response is "okay, I'll let him. He's gotta eat if he's hungry."
- yes gumball often ignores everyone like general cats do. He moves his ears towards your direction but god forbid him to stop his session of watching people from the window and stalk them.
- the coach has to literally give gumball an extra prize (food for free for example) to "motivate him" to do any kind of exercise during P.E. otherwise that cat will never feel like doing unnecessary exercise.
(20% of the time it works.)
- having gumball as a student is like having this guy hang around without a care of the fact that you're here.
Darwin instead will follow instructions CONSTANTLY, sometimes too literally though.
- gumball when he was little used to grab birds or small animals and bring the home, he never really "hunted" them, he just wanted them as a friend in the house.
- gumball is just an average cat just with the ability to talk.
So this small little thing with a massive ego. Y'know, kitty cats!
Nicole is more traumatized than anything, she's the opposite of gumball but that's just because of trauma, really. She still hasn't healed fully from it.
- when gumball was younger he used to bring random food to Darwin because he thought his little brother wasn't capable of doing it himself- like when a cat hunts for you and brings you birds or mice. He's just tryna help.
Sometimes he still does.
- gumball tilts his head when he's confused and trying to understand something.
- cats..play with their food.
You know damn well gumball dies that too. Just not with food, he plays around with people. By making shenanigans and chaos around of course, all in good fun! So yeah he's entertaining himself while everyone screams around.
- gumball stress eats
- when gumball, or any of the Watterson kids need comfort, they go to their father. If they need advice and someone to kick ass, they go to their mother.
- gumball would rather adopt than getting Penny's pregnant. He knows what kind of stuff can happen with a pregnancy or giving birth (death, specifically.) and his anxious ass will not put his girlfriend through that.
- gumball is secretly a nerd. He particularly likes biology and psychology.
He hides this fact about him though, being a nerd at a middle school is like asking to be killed on the spot.
- just like for Darwin watching gumball's ears move individually and can do a 180° is freaky, for gumball it's weird looking at Darwin move his little fish tail at will.
- Darwin taught gumball how to swim like gumball taught Darwin how to walk.
- gumball's grandma (Nicole's mom) has definitely cried like once or twice just by looking at gumball. Because that's HER GRANDSON. And he's just so similar to her child, it's like watching both her little girl in front of her again and watching how much she has missed of Nicole's life.
Gumball's grandpa just calls gumball "Nicole."
"hey Nicole!"
"I'm gumball"
"same thing"
- gumball remembers everything. He pretends not to, but he does. Even if sometimes people say something else happened or have no memory of it, he just remembers it.
This means he remembers when rob killed his entire family in front of him, and gumball is still not fucking over it.
right after it he couldn't sleep or just HAD to cling to Darwin because he thought nothing would happen if he did. If gumball can't die because he's the protagonist, then if he clings to Darwin then neither can he.
Took weeks, painful weeks, of gumball recovering from a trauma only he remembers. His own family tried their best to help him while not even knowing what was bothering him.
Gumball doesn't hate rob but in that moment he wanted to kill him so bad, and he tried too (the only time gumball hates that his own show is family friendly and restrained him from hurting seriously rob)
- gumball wears clothes from the girl section because not only does they fit him better but because they are just more fun to pick (the boy section is just copy and paste. It's boring.)
- yes, Darwin's shoes are STILL the same one gumball gave him all those years ago. They are kind of falling apart but he always fixes them or changes them in order for them to fit
- gumball has a group chat but its members are all the characters that exists on cartoon network. Like yeah gumball is friends with uncle grandpa, yes with Clarence, yes with any character you can think of. They are all friends.
- gumball is the one who says "hear me out" to the most disgusting creatures ever existed.
In fact he constantly says hear me out to penny whenever she transforms into something she finds "ugly and disgusting"
he never means it sexually or anything, on one side it's a joke he likes to do to see people's reaction, on the other, he genuinely loves penny despite on how she looks and it makes her feel better whenever he says that, so.
(he literally fell in love with a walking peanut, if her turning into a dragon doesn't bring him to his knees then idk what does)
- gumball was the one kicking his feet whenever penny texted him or paid attention to him. he still does.
- people think gumball is insane, like genuinely he's mad. And he agrees
- honest I like to believe that in gumball's universe every other animal evolved, cats, bunnies, ect but humans did not or if they did, they are rare asf (reason why humans are "weird" in the gumball world) then other things started to appear, probably from radiations or something and that's where the objects started to walk around.
So everything is still modern but built not for humans but for animals/objects walking around
- Tobias and Leslie did date for a short,in secret, didn't work out too well.
Now for headcanons that I do have and did said before but saying them again
- gumball likes to hang out at Penny's just to loaf and sleep on her chest. She plays on his phone instead (Penny's dad is always worried they might be doing something freaky but that's all he sees.)
- gumball is that type of cat who sits weird as fuck. Like no he doesn't sit like a standard cat he SITS CRISS CROSS APPLESAUCE.
- Darwin has HUMAN feet. the rest is fish. Like when you glue two pieces of different toys together
- gumball is a lanky dude, like for cats he's a tall and lanky motherfucker (like his mother, for cats she's super tall just like her mother.) he just wears baggy clothes so he looks tiny (because he's a young kitten)
- gumball says ominous shit for fun
- gumball constantly slow blinks at penny, she thinks he's high or sleep deprived
- when gumball, or any character that has legs like a cat, deer, horse ect. Wears pants they look like "normal legs" (human legs.)
- gumball's tail is usually down, he's not sad or anything, he's neutral, but oh if he sees penny you see that tail raise AND vibrate (for a cat it means he's EXTRA happy to see you and that he missed you as well.)
- gumball is aware that he's in a cartoon, it's all he ever knew so he can't be upset at that if you never saw the world differently.
Ok I'm done Tumblr is starting to lag when I type on this
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freaky-munson · 2 years
My cute drunkie - B.Hargrove x reader
it’s a requested fic with prompt 1 from my 25 random dialogue prompts; i hope you will like it!
words: 1,457
warnings: some curses; some misunderstandings, overall fluffy
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Parties were never Y/n’s thing; they were always loud, crowded, full of horny and drunk teenagers not knowing the meaning of personal space.
Although Billy Hargrove was her thing, and parties were the must go in boy’s mind therefore Y/n felt obliged to accompany her boyfriend. Was that matter of jealousy? Lack of trust? Yes and no.
At the beginning of their relationship the girl learned about her boyfriend’s life approach hard way; she was aware that her lover had his quite share with sleeping around, was a wet dream of all high school girls who had no shame in flirting with him openly in front of her and being the figure of attraction of most of the older women, not being treated well enough by their husbands. So jealousy was common feeling she experienced when she was with him.
But she trusted him with her life. She saw the love he held for her in his bruised heart. His trust issues strongly mixed with commitment ones were constantly present, sometimes making him make stupid decisions but overall her being his choice of at least trying to have a first real relationship, warmed her heart. Made her feel special that she was the only one who got to know his whole persona, from his dreams to his nightmares.
It didn’t mean they didn’t fight. Her stubbornness and his hot headed personality were explosive together. Adding to that mix alcohol never ended well.
So she tried to compromise - they go to the party but they cut down alcohol to bare minimum, just to have fun and to effortlessly go back home. There were ups and downs but it was never a big problem.
Until it was.
Boys’ pride and their very delicate ego were a big bullshit to Y/n; it was an easy excuse to go alpha male and get into stupid unnecessary fights with other boys.
Losing a basketball game, alongside with bickering with one and only Steve Harrington, worked on Billy like red colour works on bulls.
He was snarky, snappy, avoiding his loving, concerned girlfriend all evening, drowning himself in cheap beer at some house party with random teammate as the organiser.
Y/n was worried; she lost Hargrove boy as soon as the stepped into the house. She was wandering everywhere, asking all familiar faces if they saw the boy but always getting negative responses.
After a while her concern morphed into anger. He knew she hated all of this, these fake people, drinking to unconsciousness, dancing to some stupid music and yet he left her so easily to do God knows what.
She heard him before she saw him. His loud, messy exclamation of defeating someone at beer pong. She was hoping she was wrong thinking that he was hammered almost to the point of tripping to the floor.
Discovering her worst assumptions decorated with two half naked girls leaning on his sweaty, toned body, playing with his hair, occasionally kissing his neck and chest was her breaking point.
She wasn’t his fucking mother to babysit him every time and everywhere. If he wanted to destroy his life, this relationship it was on him.
Not even waiting for him to spot her she hastily left the room, barely keeping herself from crying.
It wasn’t big thing; she knew that getting loose wasn’t wrong, she didn’t want to cage her boyfriend, giving him lectures, slowly pushing him to hate her. But getting cozy with girls having in mind only one thing while she was worryingly looking for him made her nauseous.
“If I’m already sick, what wrong could some fucking drinks do” she mumbled to herself, pouring generously tequila in her red cup.
On the other hand Billy was having time of his life; free beer, winning all drinking games in order, everyone cheering for him, what else could he want more?
Maybe his personal cheerleader by his side, stealing his kisses from time to time.
He realised it wasn’t Y/n’s scene, knowing her he was sure she always accompanied him just because it would make him happy. Not really to control him as one could think. Even with his problems he trusted her and in reward she trusted him. But that didn’t mean their self consciousness and jealousy left for good.
Since his mother left, he was egotistical asshole, not caring about people and their feelings; at least to the point in his life when he met the sunshine in the form of girl.
At first she was a challenge for him, but getting to know her made him forget it all and fall for her. Hard.
She never pressured him to anything knowing well he was all new to this love stuff and for that he was grateful, even though most of the times his actions didn’t show it at all.
Not seeing his girl anywhere near him turned his possessive, jealous man mode. He understood that earlier that day he wasn’t the nicest to her, but he didn’t cope well with stress and Y/n was familiar with it and wouldn’t start fight over some trivial. So she had to be somewhere here.
Then what surprised him was not that she stayed, but what state she was in, dancing on the table with bottle of tequila on her.
That sobered the Billy as fast as it could.
“Y/n what the hell are you doing up here?” he calmly but firmly grabbed his girl from the crowd of staring people and from the shaky furniture and took outside to the empty front yard to pull her together.
“Oh baby, now you see me?” she giggled visibly drunk, almost falling asleep on the boy “The girls already sucked you off and you got bored?”
The girl stunned him; what was she talking about?
“Y/n baby, what the hell are you saying? And why are you so wasted? We said that we don’t drink much”
Y/n scoffed, removing herself from firm chest and moving away
“So big bad King Billy can have fun but his bitch can’t? How rich of you. Maybe you should go back to this beer games and your naked friends. Shocked I know? I was looking for you and you were already having fun without even caring about me. And you promised me. You fucking promised me you wouldn’t leave me for getting drunk. That you would always choose me and love only me.” her babble was full of sadness mixed with madness almost unrecognisable to the confused boy; key word almost.
He knew she had a lot episodes of unnecessary jealousy, as well as him, but he wasn’t even astonished. Even when he openly said he already had the girl of his dream, some braver girls under influence still tried to get their way with him. He just ignored it and usually got extremely annoyed and pushed them away.
Tonight he wasn’t that drunk, in comparison to what his girlfriend said, that drunk to forget about ‘accidentally’ making out with other girl. This has never even crossed his mind, let alone happened while he was madly in love, in serious relationship with Y/n.
“You’re talking stupid. You’re too drunk to think properly. I will drive you home and we will talk tomorrow morning”
“No, Billy. I don’t want to come home with you. You stink! Go back to these ugly bimbo girls for gods sake!”
Then he caught up. You must have seen him after his little victory when those two sophomores stupidly came to him and got uncomfortably touchy.
“You little jealous baby. Yes I drank some beer but you are the one who broke our promise, you cute drunkie. It’s disappointing that you didn’t stay longer just to ogle my hot body and see that as soon as I realised that it wasn’t you I pushed them away. You know that I love you. And that sexy ass of yours is the only thing I dream about. Don’t get me stared on that tight pussy of yours”
Blushing furiously Y/n’s eyes widened and her hand covered her boyfriend’s mouth before he could say anything else.
“Stop being dirty! I only got drunk because I was sad and angry with you! So it’s your fault either way.”
Billy chucked and took his girl into his arms, where she immediately cozied herself like a little koala bear.
“Okay baby, it’s my fault. Now, will you allow me to bring you home and cuddle the shit out of you?”
“Only because you want it so bad, I will allow it Billy. But tomorrow you will have to apologise properly to me with some food, zburgers and shakes”
“Whatever you want princess.”
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chosenimagines · 3 years
01 Damn! You are telling me this is what I could have had?!
02 Could he/she/they make you feel this good?
03 Betrayed! Betrayed by you…
04 Stop flirting with my boyfriend/girlfriend/partner right now!
05 I cannot accept that
06 You did what?!
07 What is this?
08 Of course it is your fault!
09 I am so done
10 Infront of me! How is it possible this happens infront of my eyes?!
11 How is it that I am always getting stuck with you?
12 They trusted you! I trusted you!
13 I am no hero! I have never been a hero. No one wants me to be the hero
14 I am still in love with you/them/him/her!
15 God, I can’t fucking stand you
16 For the first time in my life I am doing what is good for me and not your jealous ass
17 Then go with them/him/her!
18 Of course you are happier with them/her/him
19 I don’t want you to be with them/her/him
20 Were you going to tell me about that?
21 It was just a dance
22 I saw you
23 That never should have happened
24 It was just a kiss
25 Do you have an issue with it?
27 That- you’re mine!
28 You fucking promised me that you would stop that!
29 With them/him/her?!
30 You are sick!
31 I can't loose you to them/him/her!
32 Is that really appropriate?
33 Oh, you are actually seeing them/her/him?
34 You make me choose?!
35 You have everything I want, you little bitch!
36 Not again!
37 I am sick of your jealousy!
38 A party kiss? Only a party kiss?!
39 Are you fucking serious?!
40 You want to meet them/him/her?
41 I can’t believe you’ve done this
43 Hell yeah I am jealous!
44 You are being ridiculous
45 I wanted to make you jealous
46 I did that on purpose
47 Jealousy looks ugly on you
48 Am I dreaming?
49 I am NOT jealous
50 Don’t worry, I’m all yours
51 I hate it when they  look at you
52 What would I be jealous about?
53 Oh sure! Go and see them/him/her!
54 Woohoohoohoo, you’re jealous!
55 You’ve got something that I want
56 Please don’t make me choose
57 Should I be?
58 What has happened to forever?
59 Look… I don’t like you spending time with them/her/him
60 Why aren’t you answering your phone?
61 You are ridiculous
62 It’s nothing
63 Shoving your tongue down someone else’s throat is NOT being friendly
64 That’s JUST what happened
65 You had to steal it
66 You disgust me
67 Go and make out with them/her/him! I am out of here
68 That is just in your head!
69 Don’t give them/her/him that look
70 You make me sick!
71 You will never see them/her/him again
72 I want you to delete that number from his phone
73 Never talk to them/him/her again! Ever.
74 They/her/him are not going to have what belongs to me
75 I am pretty sure I saw a spark there
76 Why can’t I be the first one that you think of? Why is it always her/him/them?
77 I don't believe you
78 You lied to me and now you are talking about truth and honesty
79 It was kinda cute actually
80 You’ve always been my top priority, but whenever she’s in trouble, you leave me hanging.
81 I know you told me not to worry, but I’m so afraid that someone better will want you, and you’ll leave me.
82 You have someone that belongs to me
83 I can't take it anymore
84 Forget it! You are just a fucking bastard
85 Do/es they/she/he make your heart beat like this?!
86 I can’t believe you missed our date for this!
87 If you trusted me, you wouldn’t be so jealous.
88 I am just using you to make them/him/her jealous
89 Sometimes I wish you weren’t this beautiful. Everyone looks at you wherever you go.
90 Your jealousy is the reason for our break up
91 They/she/he just undressed you with their/her/his eyes!!!
92 Will you really let me go like this. Can they/he/she love you like I love you?
93 I never wanted to be just a friend. I wanted to be what they/he/she is to you.
94 I wanted you to be one that I wake up next to BUT YOU JUST HOOK UP WITH THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE
95 Who are you?
96 They/him/her can’t have you! You are mine
97 You were never mine to begin with, but it hurts me to see you with someone else.
98 You are still in a relationship with me even though you want to be with everyone but me!
99 Am I really not enough?
100 I did not see that coming
101 Oh NOW you thought about it?!
102 You were never interested in a closed relationship, and I feel like I’m just holding you back, but I can’t bear to think of you with someone else.
103 I KNOW you are cheating on me!
104 What can I change to make you want me again?
106 How could you choose them/her/him over ME?!
107 Don’t ever look at her/him/them like that again! She/he/they is/are mine!
108 If I had known you were this popular I never would have gone out with you.
109 Don’t look at them/him/her! You are MINE
110 I know it’s not your fault that he/she/they kissed you, but it still you guys freaking kissed
111 How about this: I’ll go kiss someone else too. After all, it’s just a kiss! Nothing to be jealous about, right?
112 Why did you have to love them/him/her? I would never have hurt you the way they did but they/him/her has got everything I love
113 I’ve always been second best, but now I finally want to beat you at something.
114 Because it was always them/him/her! I was always the second choice. I don’t want to be second choice because of them/him/her
115 When I think of my future, you’re always there, but for you, it’s always been they/her/him.
116 I can’t believe you would let me go for a scumbag like them/her/him! 
117 Why can’t you kiss me like you kissed them/her/him?
118 You said you would love me, so do it properly, stop pining for them/her/him.
119 Soooo… who’s that bitch?
120 Me? Jealous?! Never.
121 You have to go with… *cough* them/her/him
123 Just shut up! I can’t believe you tried to make me jealous by cheating on me!
125 Everything that happened to me is your fault! You are always pushing me into your shadow
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lilliagradiewrites · 4 years
say that you’re mine (harry styles)
Summary: You and Harry attend a Christmas party for the cast and crew of Don’t Worry Darling, and a guy gets a little too flirty for Harry’s liking.
WC: 1.9k
WARNINGS: drinking/alcohol, cursing, and jealousy i guess? not sure if that needs a warning, but it’s the main content of this piece. This has mentions of sexy time, but no actual smut.
A/N: Here we go!!! I have loved Harry for so long and have been wanting to write for him forever. I’ve written many things, but none of them turned out well enough for me to upload them. This one turned out pretty okay, so I hope you guys like it! I know this is different than my usual content, but if any harries happen across it, I hope they enjoy it. If you want, replace Harry with Rudy Pankow, and DWD with OBX Season 2 lol.
I love you all so much, and I hope you enjoy!!!
The night started out strong. You looked good, you felt good. A few drinks had already been consumed before arriving at the event, and so you were already in the party mood. Harry, your boyfriend of over a year, looked gorgeous as always. Everything was perfect.
Until him.
Harry noticed the guy’s infatuation with you long before you did. You were out on the dance floor, looking amazing, having the time of your life. A smile was on your face as you moved your body to the music. You looked genuinely happy, and the sight made Harry even happier. He watched you intently, his eyes focused on nothing else but you.
Something began to feel off, however, and he quickly noticed that his eyes weren’t the only pair that were locked on your body.
Across the room, another man watched you with the same intensity as Harry, sipping his drink sensually. Harry didn’t like it. Not. At. All.
He had always been incredibly possessive over you, but especially when you looked like this. It was rare that you got super dressed up like this, and you looked incredible. Your makeup was done flawlessly, and your hair looked stunning. You were breathtaking.
And that dress. God, that dress.
It was a little black number that you had gotten a while ago, and you had been waiting patiently for months to have a reason to wear it. When Harry had told you about the cast Christmas party, you had mainly been excited to pull this dress from the back of your closet, where it had been collecting dust since you purchased it.
Harry had a love-hate relationship with the dress.
He loved it because you looked so fucking good in it.
He hated it because you looked so fucking good in it.
Of course he loved seeing you in it. He got to admire what was his, every curve on full display.
But, the issue was, that if he could see it, everyone else could, too.
Men had been ogling you all night, making his jaw clench and his hand form into fists, but none of them were like this guy.
The man was watching you with such intensity, Harry was surprised he hadn’t burned holes through your skin.
It took a lot of self control for Harry to keep from walking over and punching the absolute shit out of that guy.
When you eventually walked back over, Harry took the opportunity to show that man who you belonged to.
“Hey, lovie. Havin’ fun?” He asked as you approached him.
“Mhm, I-” Your words were cut off by your boyfriend grabbing your waist and pulling you in close, kissing you roughly.
You kissed back for a moment before pulling away, shock evident on your face.
“Woah.” You breathed. “What was that for? I mean I liked it, but…”
“Just showin’ you how that dancin’ you did made me feel.”
Your cheeks reddened immediately, and you dropped his gaze. Before you could look too far away forever, he was taking your chin into his hand, guiding your face to meet his.
“Don’ get all shy on me now, lovie. When you danced like tha’, wearin’ a dress like tha’, you lost the privilege.”
You giggled lightly, your cheeks growing even redder.
“Now, darlin’, I have to go talk to that guy,” He pointed across the room to a man in a fancy suit, “about shooting dates for next year. We can talk about this more when I come back, mm?”
All you could was nod. By your reaction to his words, he knew he had you wrapped around his finger. He gave you a wink that left you flustered as ever, and went on his way.
Now you stood alone, and didn’t exactly know what to do. You could go back out and dance until Harry was finished, but you felt as if your knees might collapse because of your previous encounter. Your only other option was to sit at the bar, and you were wanting another drink anyway. So, you found an empty seat and sat yourself in it, waiting for the bartender to come over to you.
Unbeknown to you, a man was headed your way, his eyes trained on the empty seat beside you.
Though you had no idea, Harry, across the room, was watching the guys’ every move. He had been keeping an eye on the man ever since he caught the guy watching you on the dance floor. As soon as he noticed the guy walking over to you, Harry’s jaw grew firm, and his fist clenched.
He willed himself to have self control, but also knew that if the guy laid a finger on you, he wouldn’t be able to keep his composure.
At the bar, the bartender had finally approached you, and you smiled politely as she greeted you.
“Hi, honey, what can I get for you?”
“An old-fashioned, please.”
“Alright, coming right up.”
You thanked the bartender as she turned around to begin making your drink. At this point, the stranger from the other side of the room had made his way over, and he slid into the seat beside you.
“Oh- hello.” You said, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the man.
“Hey, how are you? I’m Jason.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N.”
The man nodded, a charming smile on his face. “Y/N.” He echoed. “That’s very pretty.”
“Thank you.” You politely replied. At this point, the bartender was walking up to you from behind the counter, your old-fashioned in her hand.
“One old-fashioned for you, honey. That’ll be 10.23.”
Jason, the man sitting beside you, reached quickly for his wallet. “Here, let me get that for you.”
“No, it’s okay.” You said immediately, knowing Harry wouldn’t like it if someone else bought you a drink. “I’m alright. Thank you though.”
“No, really, I-” Jason tried to insist, but you were already handing your card to the bartender.
Jason, who’s cheeks were now slightly pink, put his wallet back in his pocket.
“An old-fashioned, huh?” He said, very obviously as an attempt to make light conversation. “A classic. Not many people here like stuff like that, usually get the super fruity shit.”
Going along with it to be polite, you replied. “Yeah, I prefer simpler drinks. I don’t like anything too fancy.”
“I usually get a Manhattan, myself.” Jason says, motioning to the drink in his hand.
“I’ve never had one. They aren't terribly different from an old-fashioned, right?”
He shakes his head. “Yeah, they’re quite similar. If you finish that one, I’ll buy you a Manhattan so you can taste the difference for yourself.”
You shook your head. He clearly didn’t get the hint the first time. “That’s very sweet, but I’m alright. This will probably be my last drink for the night.”
“You sure? I’d really like to get one for you.”
“Yes, I’m sure. But thank you.”
Jason just nodded, not knowing what else to say.
From across the room, Harry was still having his conversation with the Assistant Director, but was barely focused on it. The only thing he could focus on was you and that guy, sitting and having a conversation at the bar. What was he saying to you? Why was he smiling like that? Why were YOU smiling? The whole thing frustrated him, and he couldn’t wait for this conversation to end so that he could go over there.
“So, what do you do on set? Are you in the cast?” You were still talking to Jason, not knowing what else to do as you waited for your boyfriend to return.
“I work in audio. Microphones, boom mics, and voiceover shit. I’m behind the scenes, so you probably haven’t seen me much. Are you in the cast?”
“Oh, no, I came with-”
“Me.” A familiar voice came over your shoulder, and you turned to find Harry behind you.
“Harry Styles, nice to meet you.” He was talking to Jason, but his hands slid around your waist. You could tell by the way that his brow was furrowed that he wasn’t too happy.
“Oh, shit. The Harry Styles? Nice to meet you, man.” It took Jason a second to realize that Harry was holding you, but once he did, it was obvious. His eyebrows raised, his eyes went wide. “Oh, Y/N, you came with him? Are the two of you dating?”
“Yes, we are.” Harry spoke for you. He turned his head in your direction so that he was speaking into your ear, but talked loud enough for Jason to hear. “I have someone I want you meet, love, so we should probably head over there.”
You nodded quickly. “Okay.” You stood up from your chair, giving Jason another polite smile. “Well, it was nice to meet you, Jason. Maybe I’ll see you around the set when I’m there visiting.”
Jason nodded and smiled. “Have a good night.”
You took your drink from the counter as Harry took your hand, dragging you away from the bar and toward the back corner of the room. It took you a second, but you eventually realized that he wasn’t leading you to meet anyone.
You were headed towards the bathrooms.
When you arrived at your destination, Harry pulled the door open as dragged you inside, closing and locking it after you were both in.
When he rounded on you, your cheeks went pink with nerves.
“You think that was funny, love? Flirtin’ with another guy at one of MY work events? You think that’s cute?”
All you could do was nod.
“Words, baby. I want an answer. Was flirtin’ with him funny to you?”
“Wasn’t flirting with him.” You squeaked out, the color in your cheeks even darker.
“You weren’t flirtin’ with him? Then why were you smilin’ like tha’?”
“I was just trying to be nice, Haz. You know, treat people with kindness?”
Harry’s eyes darkened immediately, and he grabbed your chin, yanking it upwards so that you’d meet his eyes.
“Don’ play tha’ game with me, lovie. Not tonight.”
His eyes flicked back and forth between yours, and you felt a warmth grow in your lower half.
“I saw the way he was lookin’ at you. He was watchin’ you all night. Was practically fuckin’ you with his eyes.” Harry's voice was menacing, and you were beginning to melt under his gaze. “I didn’t like tha’. Not. At. All.”
Harry took his free hand and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you abruptly into him you yelped at the sudden movement.
“You are mine, Y/N. Just mine.”
You nodded, but Harry wanted more.
“Say it. Say that you’re mine.”
“I-I’m yours, Harry. I’m all yours.”
“That’s righ’.” He said, releasing you from his grip. “Now here’s what’s gonna happen. I’m goin’ to say goodbye to Olivia and Florence and a few other people, and then we are going home so I can really show you who you belong to, alrigh’? Finish your drink, return the glass, and then come find me. Don’ you dare talk to that guy, alrigh’?”
You nodded for what felt like the millionth time that night, and Harry reached around you to unlock the door and open it.
As you walked out of the bathroom, you looked towards the bar. Jason was no longer sitting there, and you could see him anywhere near there. You headed straight over there, wanting to follow Harry’s instructions exactly.
As you walked, you couldn’t help but be excited for what would happen when you got home.
~~~~~ A/N: Alright, y’all: there it is! My first Harry fic! This is on the shorter side but I hope you guys still liked it. All notes and weblogs are super appreciated!
ALSO: SEND REQUESTS!! I write for:
- Harry Styles
- Outer Banks
- Harry Potter Universe
- Marvel Universe
-Timothee Chalamet
REQUEST THINGS, I would love to write for y'all!
Once again, I love you all so much!!!
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Intro to Criminal Minds: Why They Did It
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Criminal Minds x Mindhunter AU
Spencer Reid x Peggy Carr (OC) Part 2: The Case
Summary: Spencer is teaching a 7-week seminar on the most interesting criminal cases, explaining their actions to understand why they took place. Only, not everyone in the audience is a student.
warnings: strangers to lovers, mutual pining, slow burn! flirting, fluff, eventual smut, idiots in love, OC is Wendy Carr and Jason Gideon's biological daughter. mentions of rape and murder (typical canon violence)
word count: 2.2K
He’s not expecting her to roll out a full map after the waitress clears the food from their table. They’ve been in the booth for barely 20 minutes. Having mindless conversations about their day and small get to know each other questions while they ate.
“So, I brought all this to my dad,” she explained, dropping 33 files on the table as well as 2 spiral notebooks and a handful of pens. “He thinks I have a case, but he’s refusing to look at the evidence because he’s still triggered by it, which I get, but he said you’d be the best at helping me because I really just need a geo-profile consult.”
“How is he doing?”
She’s been waiting for him to ask but she still didn’t know how to answer, no matter how much time she had to prep, “uh, he’s good. He talks about you every time I see him, how often do you talk?”
“We haven’t talked since he almost died, 6 years ago now… yes, it was in 2015,” Spencer says it like it’s nothing serious.
“Oh,” she’s confused about it all. Her father talks about him more than anyone else, always remembering a case or a conversation that he just had to tell her about.
Spencer was his buddy in her eyes. “Here I was thinking he liked you more than me like you’re his favourite kid.”
“I’m not his kid,” his eyes widen at the insinuation that they’re somehow siblings in any sense.
It makes her laugh, she knows he’s interested in her a small amount. She was hoping he would, she’s heard so many wonderful things about him and she remembers just how cute he was back in 2005. Now he’s a man and a mighty fine one at that…
“I take it you’re an only child?” He changes the subject, “you can’t handle the idea of your father having relationships with people your age when you hardly know him?”
“How about you tell me who you think I am and I’ll tell you where you went wrong?” She challenges him rather than answering, she knows he’s good but she wants to see it in action.
Spencer raised his brow, “if I get it right, you’re paying for lunch.”
He opens her notebook and takes a look at her notes, flipping through the pages reading the words just as fast as her father said he could. It was incomprehensible, but he didn’t read far… he keeps going back to her drawings, studying the pressure and how her mind worked.
“Your mom travelled a lot when you were a kid, and you always went with her. I’m thinking you have a few degrees, at least 3…” he pauses to watch her microexpressions, trailing her skin with his eyes as he looks for anything out of the ordinary. “There’s a doctorate in there but you hate being called Dr. Carr because that’s your mother’s name and it reminds you too much of people asking about her instead of how you’re doing.”
It cuts deep, but he hits the nail on the head and she just blinks. The simplest microexpression that shows him he got it right, his smile is awkward and he’s sorry for it.
“You were homeschooled so you don’t trust people very easily. You have issues with your father that you can’t place because you still don’t think you know him well enough to really have an opinion, and you’re jealous of me because you wish you knew how he brags about you when you’re not around, but he doesn’t talk about you because you told him not to.”
“I specifically told him I wanted to be left out of his life to stay safe, so it’s really my fault that he can’t brag about me. But I still wish someone would,” she admits with a soft smile. “And I think it’s not really jealousy. I’m not jealous of how he brags about his time with you. If anything, I really admire you now.”
He blushes a little, “alright, your turn.”
“You’ve never had a girlfriend before have you?” She calls him out right away. “You can’t take a compliment seriously because no one has loved you deep enough yet for you to believe them. I already know about your parents, I know that you’re scared of forgetting and that’s why you won't stop learning. I think you probably have a bucket list, you’re desperate for something exciting to happen and that’s why you like me already.”
He blinks right back, “touché.”
“I’ll still buy your lunch,” she smiled, and he smiled right back. “And I do have 3 degrees.”
“I do too.”
“I know,” she reminded him. “You’ve been working on that 4th one for the last 16 years.”
“I haven’t had the time.”
She shakes her head as she laughs, teasing him as if she’s better than him because she knows he finds her interesting already, “I had my Ph.D. by 17, as well 2 masters by the time I was 21.”
“3 Ph.D.’s by 22,” he bragged right back.
It had suddenly become a staring contest, “when exactly did your dad walk out on you?”
“I was 10.” Spencer answers. “When was the last time your mom said she was proud of you?”
“Oh, we're going that far, I see,” she laughed, hurt just a little that he dug that deep, “what happened to yours recently?”
“I’m really sorry, I knew about the schizophrenia already because of the fisher king case, that one is the one that still has my dad all fucked up,” she can’t help but rant as she apologizes, placing her hands on his in the centre of the table and he interlocks their fingers like they’ve known each other for years.
“Boston?” He asks her, changing the topic back to getting to know each other without letting go of her hands.
She nods, “Vegas?”
“You knew that already,” he catches her.
“Maybe so,” she blushes at the embarrassment of him picking up on her crush.
“How’d he describe me at chess?” There’s a cockiness behind it that she admires, smiling in response she just shakes her head.
“I don’t play chess, but he says that other than Agent Prentiss, you’re the only person who has come close to beating him.”
“Prentiss?” He looks almost offended at the fact he didn’t know that story.
“You were asleep on the jet, it was right after the trip to Azkaban,” she reminds him.
“Azkaban?” He repeats. “You mean Guantanamo?”
She’s only slightly embarrassed by the slip-up, blushing a deep red as she presses her lips together and squeezes his hand. “My mom calls it Azkaban, she hates it. If it wasn’t for the BAU, she would have never joined the bureau or the government in any way, she’s against the criminal justice system too, so…”
“She’s a woman of science and empathy, I’ve never met her, but I’ve read all her work.”
“So have I,” she’s full of butterflies for some reason as she thinks about him knowing everything that she does, she’s suddenly excited at the prospect of future conversations with him like this isn’t a one-time thing.
He’s still holding her hands over the map, both of them leaning in slightly as they kept talking, it felt overly intimate for a discussion of a case— and they haven’t even started yet.
She takes her hands out of his grip and flattens them over the map, “so I found a pattern, I was asked to look into the rape and murder of a friends sister, and now I’ve found 32 matching cases all over America going in alphabetical order by state, 2 a year since 2005.”
“Are you serious?”
She nods softly, “I’m a private investigator. I hated the academy and simply being in the BAU almost killed both of my parents so I’m not really fond of it, but I need help.”
“How did VICAP not pick this up?” Spencer’s still caught up on the fact this has been happening during his entire career and he had no way of helping. It was very clear by the look on his face.
“Because they’re college-age women getting raped in their dorms, 1 in each state, and men don’t care enough to dig a little deeper when it’s just a little girl who was probably asking for it anyway, right?”
He looks furious, but with her… not at her.
Not like most men, that’s actually exactly what any other guy would have said to her. ‘Not most men,’ they only said that if they were offended; when they knew that they were the exact type of man she was referring to.
He started opening case files then, flipping through everything as she watched carefully, “he always does it the exact same way. It’s every March and November between the 6th and 12th, he’s gotten to the O’s, which means the next hit should be in Oklahoma in exactly 2 months' time.”
“Has there been evidence?” Spencer asks, avoiding eye contact as he both listens and absorbs.
“1 footprint and some random fingerprints at the first few, other than that it’s like he was never there,” she sighs. “This is where I need your help; I’m unsure if he’s attacking randomly or if it’s planned ahead of time, so I brought the map to see if you can make any connection.”
“Alright,” he closes the folder and hands them to her so he can get a better look at everything. “I’m going to need the exact address of each one.”
“I have 32 mini maps,” she says, opening her book bag and handing him yet another folder.
“I’ve noticed they’re in every capital, and it’s always on the east side of the city,” she adds as he spreads them out on the table.
He takes his phone out of his pocket and turns on the flash, turning it face down and holding the sheets of paper over it, “If you look at them over each other, there might be a pattern. We should call my friend Penelope, she’ll be able to digitally do this and find something.”
“Okay,” Peggy nods along, “I really need to know within the week because I’m moving to Oklahoma.”
“What?” He looks overly worried.
“He’s interested in college-age brunettes,” she points at herself. “I’m going to rent an apartment with a sliding door in the kill zone, and I’m going to wait it out. I’ll make sure everyone knows I live alone, I won't make friends, I’ll keep the windows open when I go to the store, I’ll make myself a victim.”
“No, we can get the bureau to send in a team, you don’t need to be in harm's way,” he protests, “I won’t help if I know you’re throwing yourself in the middle of all this. I refuse.”
There’s an underlying panic that she doesn’t quite understand. He’s almost shaking as he thinks about her playing the victim, they stare back and forth at each other softly, eyes flickering over the other’s expression as he also reads her.
“Fine,” she agrees, finally. “But if you’re getting the team involved, I want to be able to have some say in the investigation. I don’t want to be kicked out for just being a PI.”
“On one condition,” Spencer smirks. “You have to teach the BTK seminar with me.”
“Deal,” she smiled. “But I have some conditions too.”
He was going to regret that.
“We can’t sleep together until we catch the guy— don’t look at me like that!” she catches the way his jaw drops and his eyes glisten.
He’s in complete shock, trying to say words and failing miserably as she stares at him knowingly. “I only said that because I need rules for myself too. We can’t care more about each other than the victims. Solve the case with me and then I’ll have a crush on you, okay?”
“Okay,” he finally finds the words to agree. “Was it that obvious?”
“We held hands for 5 minutes, I’ve thought you were cute since you were 23 and that seminar was a; 'my horse is bigger than your horse' flirting match,” she calls it all out, “I’m just as into you as you are into me already, if not more so because I know way too much about you thanks to my dad and uncle Rossi.”
“Dave knew about you too?” He’s more upset than she expected.
She nods, “yeah, so that I’d be taken care of if anything happened to my dad.”
He is a little upset and she can’t figure out why from what she knows already, “why?”
“You’re so interesting, you and I could have been friends for the last 15 years and things could have been so interesting but you were a secret,” he whispers.
“I was right wasn’t I?”
He nods again, “Gideon doesn’t know about Maeve, but I had a girlfriend who died in front of me before I could tell her I loved her and it broke me.”
Everything makes sense now. The stares, the stuttering, the defensiveness at the idea of her being in harm's way after only knowing her for a few hours. He was desperately looking for someone like himself to prove that he wasn’t going to be alone forever, and he wanted that to be found in her.
“Solve the case with me, then you can learn what it’s like to love someone who loves you back.”
@g0lden-cth @doctorspenceryeet @samuel-de-champagne-problems @reiding-recs @ssavanessa22 @spookyspence @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria@reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @jswessie187 @k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor @blanchardsbk
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artreider · 3 years
Station 19 rewatch: 4x14
Going to try to do another rewatch before my family wakes up. We have a lot to do today and there is a dark cloud over the house after loaing our cat this week. Here's hoping i can get through one of my favorite episodes before they get up.
Surrera is so cute here and the whole food thing, like girl where is our payoff on this baby that was so clearly teased. Or is there another medical condition that could be blamed on her excessive eating.
Im so glad maya and andy are friends again. I loge their friendship.
I'm glad andy acknowledges that getting married doesnt fix things; but i worry that if maya and carina hit a rough patch, andy will remind maya of this conversation or use her own issues with sullivan and their marriage as an i told you so.
Danielle is beautiful but does anyone else think she lost weight, random question but just looking at her in her uniform there she seems smaller and it worries me. Didnt really notice last time i watched this episode but am i alone in this.
Oh carina baby you so dont want to go. I just want to hug you.
Jack is so cute, he deserves a family so much but i really do fear he'll be killed off.
Im surprised ben reached out to Sullivan instead of dean.
I love this outfit on maya. Carina your girl is flirting with you and thinking of happier times, engage with her.
I love that maya opens up with carina about her dad and the protests and the happenings in the world with him. It shows so much growth and im here for it. Also anyone else annoyed that one carina answered gabriella's phone call when maya is opening up to her and two that she didnt turn it off for their last few hours together.
The look of like disappointment/devestation on maya's face when carina answers the call and walks away from her is too much hurt.
So sad that bailey isnt there and that ben is alone for even a second of this.
I'm glad andy and sullivan came to be there with ben. Like i get why they wanted andy but im sad after ben and Dean's episode dean wasnt there.
Oh jack, i dont even know what to say besides oh jack lol.
The drama with trash girl is too much lmao. I know its important for jack/inara but its just too much.
Carina packing up her knives being a trigger for maya like she's leaving forever is heartbreaking.
Carina snapping at maya hurts, dont be mean to baby. Also the kitchen sign is totally carina's doing and though she hadnt confided in maya yet that she is her home its a dead giveaway.
I really need screen grabs of the changing words on the sign.
The kids talk, the coming out talk and the marriage talk are all things that should not be done while packing or doing anything else.
Wait it totally sounded like she said "it felt pregnant" lmao or i just have babies on the brain.
Now carina being flirty and maya not reciprocating.
Maya you shouldve pushed the marriage talk now if it was what you really wanted. Instead of letting carina drop the i never wanted to get married bomb and walk away.
Andy and ben together, this friendship is beautiful. I feel like it took several seasons for ben to really get in good the team. Im trying to think of other moments besides the prt support and such when he really connected with folks before this season and none come to mind. He has been an outlier from my memory, tell me im wrong with examples please.
Lmao "you slept with my wife which means we are in a pod", things a pandemic makes funny.
Thats just wrong, giving gibson shit still. Dont hit the puppy with the newspaper when he's doing nothing wrong.
Once again with gabriella, seriously carina turn off your phone and be present with maya and maya alone.
Maya's jealousy is everything. This argument ugh, so good and just the tip of the iceberg.
I hope that maya does take the month break and the months after to really get to know the us immigration system and what it will take for carina to become an american citizen as well as learn more italian. I dont need her fluent but id love to see her use some italian with carina. She lost her brother who she spoke to in her native tongue itd be nice for her to gain that in her wife.
I love how carina stops herself as she raises her voice at maya, like she realizes it may be triggering to maya. I really do think the show and actresses put in a lot in this episode to show how well they know each other and have grown. I feel like they talk more even if we dont see it and maya is working on her issues with carina's love and support. I also do love how this argument ends though ;)
Once again maya opening up and finally carina is there and not sidetracked. And its nice carina opens up as well.
Ben's dream with the different versions of himself and his mom is funny and heartbreaking.
Joey in the dream lmao.
The nice thing about ben is if he gets hurt on the job and cant be a firefighter anymore he has other professions to fall back on.
Oh jack. I just want you to get your happy ending.
I still think its so weird to be talking about jack after they had sex but im glad they are in a place that is so comfortable and can laugh about him.
Once again another bomb dropped, kids. This is something that needs to be discussed properly.
Oh maya dont drop the marriage bomb like that. And i guess i dont underatand the outrage of the "just because", like why would carina think it was anything but that when it was dropped on her like that and after she said she didnt want to get married. This fight is so much about misunderstandings and hurtful comments.
I get how maya's fear gets the best of her here especially after carina said they just moved in together because they didnt want to be apart (asif that is a bad thing) and it was bureaucracy.
And i can understand why maya's fear hurts carina but they both needed to take a minute to breathe and try to talk it out.
I do like when carina tells maya to breathe, again like she knows her triggers and feels maya is on the verge of a panic attack.
If carina felt she married maya when she moved in i really dont see the harm in making it official. Would her having been moved out in italy for 6 months or more have felt like a divorce. I really need to know more about her logic here.
I agree why not just do it.
You've both said enough carina. I hate that she just walks away, so un carina like.
How did jack end up at the hospital? Was he called or what?
Andy is such a good friend this episode, checking on everyone.
Gabriella is so right noone wants to be proposed to the way maya kind of did. Like i cant help but wonder how carina would've taken a true proposal.
Im so glad gabriella spoke some truth to carina and turned her around on the marriage idea.
If we let the wrong decisionss rule how we live our lives things in the world would be so different. Less babies possibly and fewer marriages among other things.
Once again andy being a good friend this episode.
If carina hadnt shown up im curious what maya's next move wouldve been after talking to andy.
Love the proposal and love how its carina who announces they are getting married.
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
Hi dear! Can I ask for yandere headcanons for Ino, Shikamaru,Karin, Mei and Yagura?
I combined this and another request together since they’re basically the same.
Tw: Yandere themes, stalking, possessiveness, delusional thinking, manipulating, blackmailing, threatening, kidnapping, isolation, vicious behavior, violence, killing
Yandere Naruto Hc’s
Ino Yamanaka
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🌼Ino would be similar to Sakura. She’s the clingy and delusional Yandere. She thinks her and her darling are perfect together and there’s no way her s/o will be able to go anywhere without her.
🌼Also the manipulative Yandere. Ino can be so charming if she wants to be and how can her darling reject her when she looks so gorgeous and asks so sweetly? Her abilities can be useful in here as well since she might use them on the darling to control them without them realizing it. But just like Sakura she’ll use the ‘Please don’t act like Sasuke’ card on her s/o to guilt trip them. To my huge surprise I can see her as the controlling Yandere. She wants her darling to rely and trust her with everything they do. She wants them to depend on her as much as possible.
🌼Ino doesn’t have the calmest and most patient character and everyone will notice her jealousy. They should better leave her darling alone before Ino snaps and starts throwing a tantrum. She’s truly scary when she’s jealous.
🌼Why killing when her jutsu is so much more effective? She can just control someone with her jutsu and make them screw up big without doing much. Since she has been taught by Tsunade she isn’t all into killing. With her mind controlling jutsu she can cause much more damage.
🌼I think given her charm she’ll be most likely able to go into a relationship with her darling. She doesn’t really like the idea of kidnapping her darling and why do that if a little bit mind controlling is all that is needed? But she would only do that if she confesses to her darling and they reject her or want to break up with her.
🌼Ino would be a really gorgeous and charming girlfriend and it might be able to work out in a more or less “normal” relationship if we put her terrible jealousy and her wish that you depend on her aside. But the moment she’s forced to use her jutsu on you is the moment it gets twisted since she’s able to control you without you even realizing that you’re being controlled. You were just about to break up with her? Suddenly it feels like you fall in love with her all over again. How could you even think about leaving her? She has you wrapped around her fingers when she does this. Don’t get the wrong idea. She wants you to love her without needing to use her powers, but a little push might help, right?
Shikamaru Nara
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🦌That’s a hard one to grasp as a Yandere, but let’s see. Shikamaru is the obsessive and aware Yandere. This guy is terrifying smart and knows that his feelings can’t be seen as normal. He might even feel a bit ashamed that he feels that way. He might appear uninterested in his darling when he talks to them, but that’s a lie. He sneaks slyly questions or sentences in to get a reaction from his darling. Their language, way of speaking, movements, behavior, he’ll analyze it all carefully and attentively. This makes him a perfect manipulative one. He doesn’t really want to use that on the s/o, but sometimes he can’t help, but let the one or other sentence in to get the wanted reaction from them. He knows what he has to do and say.
🦌A stalker. This gives him the perfect opportunity to analyze his darling when they’re confronted with other situations and he also knows that if he spends too much time with his darling others might get suspicious. To be honest, stalking them is such a drag, but he has no other choice. I guess after he lost his sensei he might also become the overprotective one, realizing how fast he can lose people in this world.
🦌Shikamaru is pretty chill about his darling interacting with other people. He doesn’t have much of a problem. But he gets jealous when he notices that you show a liking to someone or the other way around, he knows it from the body language and the behavior. If he is stalking them he won’t interfere as long as no one gets too touchy. If he’s with his s/o at that time he reacts passive aggressive towards the other person.
🦌That’s too much of a drag. Shikamaru is very reasonable with the people around his s/o. He’ll rely more on manipulation and might spread some rumors about them or might humiliate them in public with his shadow possession jutsu. To bring this guy to kill someone they would have to attempt to kill his darling and hurt them. Then he’ll get flashbacks from how his sensei died and will come up with a cruel strategy how to get rid of that person.
🦌He’s as mentioned ashamed that he feels like this and will try to avoid this possibility. But if he witnesses his darling getting harmed his overprotectiveness will get the better of him. He’ll use manipulations to bring the s/o “willingly” to stay in their house, telling them that he’s just worried and that he doesn’t want to lose another person precious to him.
🦌Shikamaru is a very chill Yandere as long as he isn’t triggered enough. He tries to not show his Yandere tendencies too much and with him it might be able to have a not too messed up relationship. But don’t underestimate him. His intelligence makes him really dangerous for you and those who managed to anger him enough.
Karin Uzumaki
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♦️Karin is the clingy and lovestruck one. You do remember how she acted towards Sasuke and it’s much more worse with her darling. There’s no space left to breathe and she’s absolutely the type to force her affections on her s/o. Cuddles, kisses, holding hands, whatever you can think of. Her darling is in her eyes the most beautiful and amazing person that has ever walked on this planet. Obsessive and more than just obvious with it. The type to steal your clothes and wear them.
♦️Also the overprotective Yandere. She was used and mistreated after all in her past because she’s an Uzumaki and has no intention on ever letting something like this happen to her darling. Delusional, she believes that everything is fine between the two of you and that you are in love with each other. Probably even a small masochistic because do you remember the scene in the fight with Killer B where Sasuke bit her so that he could heal and her reaction to it?
♦️Bad temper! She starts yelling and cursing as soon as someone looks at you. It’s honestly a bit embarrassing for her darling. If someone dares to make a comment about her s/o they need to hold Karin back or else she’ll smack that asshole.
♦️She does have a bad temper and curses at anyone near you, but dogs who bark don’t bite. Most of the time. Karin beats the living shit out of everyone who doesn’t treat you like the perfect being she thinks you are. As long as no one hurts or makes her darling cry that’s enough for her. But god forbid the person who sinned that badly to scratch her darling or make them cry because then Karin will lose it.
♦️It’s not kidnapping. It’s spending time with the love of her life. Karin requires a lot of time with her s/o and if they ignore her or don’t want to spend time with her she’ll see it as a sign that they want to spend time with her. She has the key to your house and will invite herself in whenever she wants too. Don’t ask her how she got it. Trying to escape won’t be from use either, she’ll just sense your chakra and will always find you.
♦️Karin is a terrible Yandere. Not because she’s mean or hurts you, but because she’s so extremely clingy. She mistakes every sign of rejection you show her for the complete opposite. Her jealousy is horrible as well and people will start to avoid you because they don’t want to get yelled at. She steals all of your things and wears them herself. In short she’s annoying.
Shisui Uchiha
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🍂Shisui is the aware type of Yandere. He knows that this isn’t really love, but something darker and is ashamed of it. He is the overprotective Yandere. He feels still guilty for letting his friend die back then because he refused to help him and is on a daily base faced with dangerous situations and he swore to himself that he will protect his s/o.
🍂Shisui is also a stalker, choosing to watch from a distance. He’s very sharp in noticing smaller details, making him an obsessive one as well. This guy has also talent for the manipulative type since he can see through the emotional nature of others and is in general a very clever person.
🍂Shisui hates himself for feeling this way and wishes his darling to be happy. With the amount of patience he possesses he can stand a lot of talking and even slight flirting. He only starts feeling jealous when his s/o shows very strongly that they like someone.
🍂Shisui wouldn’t kill if it isn’t needed. Most of the time he can give persons a warning and can discuss the issue more politely with them. If someone won’t stand away from his darling despite the warning he’ll use genjutsu at first and trap them in with their greatest nightmare. He only kills as a last resort when someone exposes himself as a serious threat to his darling or is about to tell everyone about his unhealthy felling for the s/o. Then he sees himself cornered.
🍂He would really, really like to avoid this topic for preferably forever since he would never be able to look at himself properly again when he does this. But here again, if he’s cornered enough and with no other options left he’ll do it. Two possibilities where this might happen are when you’re either attacked and he couldn’t protect you or when you find out about his obsession with you and try to warn his clan and ask for help.
🍂Shisui can be a great boyfriend as long as he isn’t triggered enough. He has a lot of patience and awareness of his feelings mixed together with amazing self control. But he’s also really dangerous. He is respected by his clan and the third Hokage, he possesses strong powers and is really smart what makes a more than deadly mix for those who anger him enough and for you because you won’t be able to escape him. And don’t forget that even though he is really calm and gentle with you that this doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want. He hates punishing you, but he’ll do it if you give him no other option. He’ll use genjutsu on you if he punishes you.
Mei Terumi
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🔵Mei is the lovestruck, delusional and obsessive Yandere. She adores her darling a lot and believes that they are the person she has waited for her whole life and this fuels her desire to get to know them better as often and much as possible. This makes her the clingy type as well and the both of you will often be seen doing PDA.
🔵She’s also the manipulative type. Let’s be honest, Mei is beautiful and very witty and charming and also the Mizukage. She has the looks and powers and she can make her darling almost enchanted with her if she wants too.
🔵She’s rather sensitive to the topic of her darling being with other people, but she can hold for a short while on. But she loses her cool rather fastly when someone insults her darling. Then she’ll threaten to kill that person. She misunderstands things often so there’ll be a lot of people who she threatens to kill. Not like anyone would dare to make a move on the Mizukage’s darling.
🔵No villager is dumb enough to harm the s/o so there might not even be a reason for her to kill someone. Her darling is greatly protected by the Shinobi of Kirigakure and Mei herself. If a villager however does harm the s/o there will be harsh and cruel punishments, but she won’t kill as long as the person apologizes and won’t do it again. This is special treatment for villagers. If it’s someone from outside the village then this might turn out really ugly.
🔵Mei won’t kidnap them if they don’t reject her affections or are in danger. She’s someone who likes to show her darling off to the village and who likes it when the both of you are seen together. She loves it when people talk about how happy and great you look together.
🔵Mei is the type to spoil her darling if they behave well and to be honest you should consider yourself as lucky to have her as your girlfriend. She has everything someone could ask for. However, Mei doesn’t fear to manipulate, bribe and blackmail you if she has to since she believes that you are meant to be together. I can see her as someone who would go as far as paying people to attack you so she can step in and save you so you’ll see her as a hero. She really just wants to take care of you. But I think it isn’t necessary to go that far since she already has you hooked up with her charm and wits. It is hard to not fall in love with this woman here.
Yugito Nii
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🐅I didn’t see much of her, but I tried my best. She’s the aware type of Yandere. She knows that her feelings aren’t normal and will try to control them. She does have her tailed beast under control, but she can’t be careful enough. Also on the bit stricter side, not terribly, but there are some things she wishes her darling would act to her opinion accordingly on and she will scold them if they don’t act the way she wishes them to.
🐅She’s also the overprotective Yandere. Even though she is now respected by everyone she was hated when she was younger and there might be still some people who hate her and might use her darling as a bait. Also the manipulative Yandere. She’s calm and smart and will manipulate her darling if she’s forced to.
🐅As mentioned rather calm. She’ll let her darling interact with other people and can control her jealousy. But when she realizes that she reaches her limits she will come in and interrupt the interaction. She’ll never admit openly that she’s jealous since she’s a pretty proud person.
🐅It would be rather easy for her to dispose her enemies since she’s a jinchuriki, but that would break all the trust the villagers now have in her. Trust that she worked her ass off for. So she won’t kill unless it’s not a very serious situation where you’re being attacked and the enemy is dead serious about killing her s/o. She isn’t someone who misuses the power given to her unless she faces a strong enemy.
🐅She wouldn’t want to use such methods if there’s a way to avoid it. She would only does it if someone targets her darling. Yugito will most like be able to talk her darling into staying at home in such situations since she knows what she has to say.
🐅Yugito is a proud and wise woman who is sometimes a bit harsh on you, but she also knows that she shouldn’t feel that way and will try to not show her Yandere side too much. She’s also reasonable with you and would never force you to anything unless you’re in danger. And she does have a soft spot for you even though she doesn’t show it too often.
Yagura Karatachi
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🐢His Yandere type depends on whether he was at that time under Tobi’s control or not. If not he’s the obsessive, calm and aware one. He knows about his wrong feelings and will try to keep them under control. He is very calm and composed, but can also be very talkative and curious when it comes to his darling and might steal here and there some things from them. I can also see him as the overprotective and clingy type. Kirigakure has this brutal ritual that everyone has to undergo in order to become a genin and became the jinchuriki of the three-tailed at a very young age. He might be able to handle all this, but he isn’t too sure about his darling and will try to stick to their side as long and often as possible.
🐢If he’s being manipulated from Tobi then he’s the obsessive, aware, possessive, manipulative and violent type. He’ll be much more forceful with his obsessive tendencies and will steal whatever he likes from his darling and uses his influence to get all the informations he wants. He still knows that his feelings are wrong, but now he doesn’t care anymore and will just take what he desires. Shamelessly blackmails and threatens his s/o to get them to stay with him and at least pretend to love him or else he’ll kill their closed ones. He’ll be more willing to hurt them both, physically and mentally if they don’t behave. Also the controlling, isolating and removal type. He wants to control his darling’s life and if they anger him he’ll not only make sure that they never see other humans again, no, he’ll also kill everyone they love so he’s their only option left.
🐢If he’s not under Tobi’s control he’ll hold on for a while, but he gets jealous rather fastly and will after some time tell the other person politely to go. If someone mentions his rather childish looks he might have a small outburst since this is a sensitive topic for him. If both of you are in private and you pay attention to something else he might even have a more childish reaction and pout for your attention. If he’s being controlled then it’s unlikely that he has reasons to be jealous since he keeps his darling somewhere locked up, but if they pay attention to something else then he’ll have a scary outburst. They should better pay attention to him if they don’t want to get punished.
🐢Yagura is the Mizukage and holds some power which he will use to ruin someone’s life if the situation calls for it, but only if someone really gave him a reason to. That doesn’t count for the manipulated Yagura. If he finds out that someone searches for his darling which is kept in a safe house that person is as good as dead. Same goes for if his darling loves someone else even if it’s just sibling-like love. His possessiveness of being the only one to own their heart shines through in here.
🐢Yagura tries to hide his Yandere side and since he’s the clingy one and is most of the time near his darling there’s no reason for him to lock them in. Only if he’s needy for their attention and love or if there might be danger he’ll keep his darling trapped in a place. If he’s being controlled then there’s no question that he’ll kidnap the s/o almost instantly after discovering his dark feelings.
🐢It’s kind of obvious that he’s all messed up after put under Tobi’s genjutsu. He’s nothing, but terrifying and will use any means necessary to ensure that you can’t escape his grip. But before that he’s a much more easier Yandere who was much more patient with his darling and far more harmless. He’s not to blame, it’s Tobi’s fault.
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▪️Utakata is the aware and overprotective Yandere. He knows that these feelings he has for his s/o are dangerous and tries to cover them most of the time up. He experienced some shocking events in the past and believes that his master has betrayed him and since he went rogue he’s constantly hunted by the hunter-nin from Kirigakure so it’s understandable that he’s very overprotective.
▪️Also the possessive and slightly harsh, yet at the same time soft and desperate Yandere. He left his village and everything he ever trusted and believed in was shattered so he grasps almost desperately onto the only thing that this world left him. You. He has problems in acknowledging his strong feelings for his darling and might sometimes be a bit mean to them because of this, but he can also become really gentle and caring if he wants to be. He doesn’t have anyone left anymore so all he really wants is at least one person who he can trust and love.
▪️He’s constantly on the run so there aren’t many chances for him to be jealous. If they do come under people he’s fine with his darling talking to other people since he knows that they won’t stay long anyways. However, if someone gets too close to his darling he does step in. He can come over as quite impolite with his way of speaking and is the type to act passive aggressive.
▪️He has already enough troubles with being hunted down so the last thing he wants to do is killing someone and dealing with all the problems. It isn’t very smart to kill someone because this might lead to the hunting-nin finding him faster and he’s also the type who wants to avoid troubles. He only kills someone if this person attacks his darling and won’t back off.
▪️He needed to kidnap his s/o in order to keep them with him. He didn’t want to do it, but he couldn’t fight his inner desire.
▪️Utakata isn’t the worst one from this list. He has patience with you and knows that he ruined your whole life when forcing you to come with him. He is angry with himself that he feels this way and will sometimes let his frustration out on you, but he apologizes later on and tries to make it up for you. But the circumstances you’re under are pretty bad. You’ll most likely never see your family again and can’t even contact them because the Hunter-nin might find out about it. It’s exhausting to wander from place to place.
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🐛Fuu is the lovestruck and clingy Yandere. She’s so in love with her darling and sees them as pure beauty. She supports whatever her darling does and believes that whatever they say is right. If someone disagrees with her darling’s opinion this girl won’t stop arguing with the person until they admit that her darling is right. She’s all over her darling and probably one of the biggest fans of PDA.
🐛Also the delusional Yandere. She’s convinced that her darling and her are perfect for each other and that no one else is better for her darling than her.
🐛She gets fastly jealous since she’s needy for her darling’s attention. She’ll clinge desperately onto her darling’s arm and will constantly tug on their sleeves or poke them until they give her attention. If someone makes her darling uncomfortable or gets too touchy with them she’ll interrupt quickly and won’t stop talking about how they shouldn’t do this and that you are already taken and and and.
🐛I honestly can’t see her as someone who would ever attempt to kill someone, she’s way too innocent and social for that. She’s more the type to embarrass the person in public.
🐛She also isn’t the type to kidnap. She’s basically glued to her darling’s side 24/7 so there’s no need to kidnap them. The closest that gets to kidnapping when she forces her darling to let her spend the night in her house for a pyjama party.
🐛Fuu is a pretty innocent bean and a very tame Yandere. You can easily manipulate her since she’s almost blinded by her love for you. Would never harm you or manipulate you. The only thing annoying in here is her constant need for attention and that she smothers you in affection.
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🎇Does anyone even remember him? He was so briefly introduced, but for some reason popped in my head up whilst I was doing this so I decided to put him in. C is the aware and strict type of Yandere. He knows that his feelings are completely wrong and was at the beginning annoyed by this because it kept him distracted from focusing fully on his duties, but eventually he learned to accept them. It’s more than important for him that no one finds out how forced his relationship with his darling is and expects them to behave properly. This makes him the controlling one since he needs to make sure that his darling doesn’t get the chance of telling someone how he really is.
🎇Also the obsessive, possessive and manipulative type. I can imagine him as a really charming one who is talented in lying and will get his darling to dedicate most of their time with him. He has never experienced such abnormal feelings and that sparks his curiosity in why he feels this way about the s/o. What is it that makes them so special? He doesn’t know, but he’ll make sure to find out. His feelings also lead him to the point where he’ll become incredibly possessive over his darling, wanting to keep them for himself.
🎇He dislikes it when his darling spends time with other people and enjoys their presence. The only persons where he will hold back if they want to talk with his s/o are Darui, Killer B and the Raikage. But with everyone else it’ll be different. He’ll start telling his darling rumors about their family and friends. You want to see them? How funny. He overheard them talking about how annoying you are recently. Due to his manipulation you’ll start to avoid and isolate yourself from other people.
🎇He has a high position and is respected by the Raikage so he has to be smart about this. He’ll rely more on manipulation in such situations. Killing would only be used as a last resort and he has to plan carefully for this so that no trace will lead to him.
🎇Kidnapping is under his dignity. He makes it smarter. He’ll wrap his darling up in enough lies until they believe that they can’t trust anyone except him and will come willingly to him. If you should however try to escape him he’ll lock you up in a dark and empty room, not letting you see any sunlight or even the trace of a human anywhere near. Not even he will spend much time with you, only bringing you food and then leave. He keeps this up until you beg and cry for his attention and affection.
🎇If he would be a Yandere he would be a horrible one. Manipulative Yanderes are never funny to be with. He’ll have you think that you’re alone in this world and will make you paranoid around people so that you won’t leave his side. He’ll manipulate you until you’re exactly like he wants you to be. Dependent on only him.
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softtransbf · 4 years
Mister Nice Guy, part 2
part one
Summary: Shit hits the fan, and the rest of the BAU is done with it.
Word Count: 3523
Reader: he/him trans man, no physical description
Warnings: case involving targeting gay people, brief mention of a child abduction case, coming out/anxiety of experiencing transphobia (no actual transphobia though), alcohol, swearing
@aleccolocco (sorry it took so long to finish lol)
"No, that doesn't make any sense at all, doctor!" you spat his title. "He's not jealous of these couples, killing what he can't have, or a homophobe, punishing gay people for being happy. He's putting an end to their unhappy relationships. He sees it as mercy." Over the months, your cold war with Reid turned into outright conflict, and tonight, alone in the police station in Oregon, was no exception. Hotchner had tasked the two of you with presenting the preliminary profile the next morning, and it was going as well as conversations ever went.
"We have no evidence that he knows they're unhappy, though. All of his victims are clearly happy in their relationships," Reid challenged.
You rolled your eyes and scoffed. "Please. One look at their social media and it's obvious that the relationships are on the rocks."
"Where do you get that? All I see are typical happy relationships. Selfies, checking into special events together, posts about kind things one does for the other. Nothing indicating a troubled relationship to me."
"The gentlemen doth protest too much. They're painting an overly happy painting on social media, hoping that some of that happiness will actually become real. They're desperate for the relationship to work."
"Let's say you're right. I don't think you are, but let's pretend for the sake of trying to see your logic through. Why? Why would they be so desperate to save a failing relationship?"
"God, straight men just don't fucking get it!" You went to grab a file, missing his small flinch. "You don't understand how limited the dating pool for men who are into men is. Look at the most recent couple in particular. The most lovey-dovey on social media, and got the most brutal deaths."
"Yes, because they were the happiest. My theory holds," Reid interrupted.
"No. Look, this guy put way more out there on social media than his partner, and look at the pictures he posted. Look how forced his smile is, look at the body language. He needs this relationship to work, because dating as a gay man is one thing, dating as a gay trans man is almost impossible. Having to start over and deal with transphobia over and over again is worse than being in a bad relationship. In his eyes, I mean." Shit, the first person I come out to on this team cannot be Spencer fucking Reid. He doesn't deserve the honor.
"That was yesterday. We haven't gotten the autopsy report yet. How could you possibly know that he's trans?"
"Testosterone vials and needles in the bathroom. Neither of them are old enough for a cis man to reasonably have issues that require testosterone injections. It's HRT, hormone replacement therapy."
"Even if you're right, your conclusion still seems like a much bigger jump than mine, that the killer sees the relationships as happy and is lashing out at that, be it from jealousy or homophobia."
"Whatever. You'll see tomorrow, when we talk to the M.E., that he was trans, and that fact backs me up. I am absolutely right about this, and you will eat your words. Then I will present my theory, and you can choke on yours."
"We? You anticipate us spending more time together?" He raised an eyebrow.
"I meant 'we' as in the team, asshat. The world doesn't revolve around you. Mine sure as hell doesn't. I'm gonna go back to the hotel, write my own damn preliminary profile, and try to get some fucking sleep. Clearly we won't agree on this."
"We don't ever agree on anything," he pointed out.
"Not true. We agree that we dislike each other and can't get along. Good night, doctor." You turned and walked away, not giving him a chance to respond.
This man is going to be the death of me, he thought as he watched you walk away.
The autopsy report came in the next day, and you were right. The tech team also found a locked notes app on his phone that catalogued his unhappiness and fear of leaving. You presented your preliminary profile to the team. Reid didn't even argue; he just sat in silence, leaving the room as soon as you were finished. Never one to pass up a chance to gloat for beating him, you offered to get coffee for the team, got everyone's order, and left shortly behind him.
You were expecting to catch up to him, his impossibly long legs be damned. You weren't expecting him to be waiting for you. He pulled you into an empty interrogation room and pushed you up against a wall, his face just inches from yours. It was only a moment before being flustered by the closeness and those goddamn eyes were replaced by anger.
"What the FUCK, Reid?"
"What game are you playing, Y/N? What game are we playing? What's your endgame?" He spoke quickly and softly, but there was an intensity in his voice that had you captivated.
"I'm the one playing games?" You pushed him back, away from you. "You're the one who decided to hate me before we even met. When I transferred, all I wanted was to do a good job and fit in with the team. But quite literally from the minute I walked through the door, you'd decided you hate me. Turnabout is just fair play, gorgeous." Oh, fuck.
"Gorgeous?" You walked past him to the other side of the room, running a hand through your hair and turning your back on him. "Fine. Yeah, okay? I wanted approval from the brilliant and handsome Doctor Spencer Reid. In a way that's respectful of your heterosexuality, of course." You turned around and faced him again. "But that doesn't matter, because you made it clear you wanted nothing to do with me right off the bat."
"What makes you think I'm straight?" He's fucking with me, now that that cat is out of the bag. Great. Fucking cishet men. Even he's no different. Thank god he still thinks I'm cis.
"Garcia mentioned in her newbie-run-down that you're 'awkward, but in a cute way, especially around women'. Plus, she mentioned that Emily is bi, leaving everyone else implied straight as even the best cishet allies are wont to do. And as we both know, Penelope knows everything.
And before you make the hearsay argument I can see forming in that brilliant head of yours, I've heard and seen too much about your impeccable memory to assume you don't remember when we all went to the bar after my first case. I was unabashedly Queer, friendly flirting with Derek and calling out cishet bullshit. When I did the latter, you literally rolled your eyes and walked away. Which is, funnily enough, some cishet bullshit. 
JJ said you were just going through a thing and things would get better, but they just got worse. I'm not going to ask you to spill whatever was going on, because it's not my business, but god damn, dude. Why did you hate me so much so quickly?"
"You asked JJ about me?" He took a few steps towards you, a small smile on his face.
"That's the part you focused on? Jesus fucking Christ. Yes, I asked her about why you decided to hate me before we even met. Whatever. I hope you got whatever you were looking for by pulling me in here. I'm done. Done with this conversation, done with whatever has been going on with you and us since the day I transferred." You turned to leave, but he grabbed your arm. It was barely more than a light touch, but you let it stop you.
"Y/N. I can't-" he sighed. "God, you make my head spin. I can't organize my thoughts enough to say what I want to. JJ was right, there was something I had to work through, and I guess you'd made up your mind about me before I figured it out. It isn't an excuse for how I treated you, just an explanation. As for the more recent development of arguments… I guess I read a subtext that wasn't there. I could never dislike you, let alone hate you. I am truly sorry for- for all of it." With three long strides, he was out the door.
Make his head spin? What subtext? Since when is he unable to say what's on his mind? And what was that about not disliking me? All we've done since we met is argue or ignore each other. Why else would he act like that? Why do I even care? Why am I so knotted up about what he's thinking and feeling? Whatever. Fuck him, and not in the fun way. I've gotta go get coffee for the team. As you were getting the coffee, you couldn't get the memory of his face, so close to yours, to stop playing in your head.
The rest of the case was mostly as normal, but there was an energy between you and Spencer that was distant like when you joined the team, but there was something else to it that you couldn't quite put your finger on. It made you a little bit sad, though, for reasons you didn't understand.
"I love you, Y/N. I love you so much. I pulled away from you because it terrified me how much I loved you from the moment you walked through the door that first day. Being around you, even when we were arguing, made me feel alive in a way I never had before. You're all I think about, you're all I could ever want. I love you."
"I… I love you too." You didn't know which one of you moved, maybe you both did, but in an instant, you were kissing Spencer Reid, and you couldn't have been happier.
You woke up with a start, breathing heavily. You looked around; you were in your room, home alone, and it was 3:37 am. What the hell was that?
Four hours later, you trudged through the door of the BAU office, venti red-eye in hand. You made it about ten steps before Derek had his arm around your shoulders.
"Whoa there, hot stuff. Rough night?" You tried to shake him off, but he wouldn't budge, so you just kept walking, making him go with you towards your desk.
"So not your business, Derek. You being open with your personal life doesn't mean we all have to be open like that with ours."
"Personal life, huh? So who is he? More importantly, how was he, and should we expect more mornings like this in the future?" You rolled your eyes and playfully shoved him away. You'd reached your desk, so you sat on top of it, facing him. As you did, you made eye contact with Spencer, who was well within earshot. His face was unreadable, and you weren't sure why him hearing Morgan tease you like that upset you. It never had before.
"No, Derek. There's no one. Just some nightmares. Nothing major; I'll be fine by tomorrow." You got off your desk, sat in your chair, and logged into your laptop. Derek whistled and walked away without another word, shaking his head.
You tried to focus on the paperwork you needed to get done, but you couldn't stop thinking about that dream. The feeling of his lips on yours… it felt so real.
This is ridiculous. Love? We don't even like each other. Well… there was the stuff he was saying yesterday- 'I could never dislike you, let alone hate you', and some sort of subtext? But not disliking someone is a far cry from love. Plus, he's straight, so this is all absurd. And even if he DID have feelings for me, I sure as hell don't return them. I mean, maybe he's not as awful as I've thought, especially if he wasn't coming from a place of dislike. And he really is very pretty. Those eyes… Wait, what the fuck? This is all fucking ridiculous. I just need to get a full night's sleep tomorrow, and all this weirdness will be gone.
You took a giant gulp of your coffee, shook your head, and ran your fingers through your hair. Fortunately, Hotchner called a team meeting, forcing your attention to other things.
While no case could ever be described as 'normal', this case was pretty cut and dry, once you figured out what you were looking for. No dramatic twist, no tense showdown at his arrest. There weren't many cases like that, but you were very glad that this one was. You never sleep well when on a case, and no matter what you did, you couldn't shake that dream, the butterflies it left in your stomach every time you looked at him, and the strange disappointment when, unlike before that moment in Oregon, he wasn't looking at you.
Two more weeks passed. The energy between you and Spencer, whatever force it was that had drawn you together to argue again and again, was gone. You were polite to each other, and cooperated as necessary, but didn't do more than the bare minimum when it came to interacting with each other. Your interactions were cold and low-spirited. So you were so glad for a fun night out with Penelope, Emily, and JJ.
"So, Y/N, things seem… different… between you and Spencer these days. Did something happen?" Emily's tone made it clear that the three of them had intended to bring this up long before the plan to get drinks was even made. "I appreciate y'all waiting until I had a couple of drinks in me at least before going here. I guess we just got tired of fighting? I don't know. I can't figure out what's going on in that brilliant head of his. I thought I at least knew where I stood with him, even though it was purely adversarial, but I think I was wrong. But then that leaves me with no idea what he thinks of me or why I care so damn much."
"Really? No idea at all?" JJ asked. "I remember walking by a closed door in the police station in Oregon and hearing the word 'gorgeous' being thrown around." "Oh my god. You heard that?" You buried your face in your hands, and they all laughed.
"Yeah, I did, but only that one word. I'd figured you were on the phone with someone, but then you and Spence both started acting sad. I wasn't sure, of course, that you were talking to him until just now."
"Fuck. Okay, yeah. I think he's pretty. But I'm absolutely not alone in that. Derek calls him Pretty Boy, for goodness' sake. Appreciating someone's beauty doesn't have to mean anything more."
"Y/N, really? After everything we've been through together, you're gonna lie to us like this? Whatever happened, you've both been miserable since, and it's throwing the whole team off balance."
"What do you want me to say, Penelope? That I'm in love with him? He's pretentious and a know-it-all and a nerd and funny and kind and gorgeous and oh my God. I think I'm in love with him." The three women clapped and cheered.
"Finally, you get there! Took you long enough." Emily winked. "So, what's the plan now?"
"Keep this shit between us until my feelings go away. Even if he wasn't straight, I wouldn't risk fucking things up by telling him how I felt. As it is, I stand no chance in hell, so I'm just gonna write this one off as another straight guy I've fallen for and try to move on."
"Y/N, if you tell him-" Penelope started.
"No. You, more than anyone, know why I can't even entertain the idea of trying to be with him. I can't set myself up for that kind of pain. Not here, not where things are so good." You looked at all three of them. "I know that your intentions were good, but I just can't do this. I'm sorry." You grabbed your coat and left.
Your interactions with Spencer changed yet again. Now that you knew you loved him, you couldn't help yourself from being warmer towards him. As the weeks passed, you got closer. After three weeks, you considered him to be a good friend, not that that made things any less painful. You were just hoping that Penelope, Emily, and JJ were going to respect your wishes and drop the subject of your feelings for him.
[From: Penelope]: round table room ASAP
Shit. The last time you'd gotten that text from Penelope, the team left on a serial child abduction case 30 minutes later. So, despite it being your day off, you ran out the door and were there with your go bag in 15 minutes.
But no one else was there. No files on the table, nothing to indicate that there was a new case. You pulled out your phone to call Penelope, but then you heard a commotion outside the door- you'd closed it behind you.
"No, Derek, wait, I don't-"
"Can it, Pretty Boy, and thank me later." Derek opened the door, pushed Spencer into the room, winked at you, and shut the door, all in about 3 seconds.
"Spencer. Um, hi. Is the rest of the team not going to join us? Garcia's text seemed pretty urgent." You tucked your phone into your pocket.
"I don't think so, since I just heard Morgan barricade the door." He tried to open the door and failed.
"Oh my god they're Parent Trapping us. I'm gonna kill them."
Spencer tilted his head, confused. "Parent Trapping?"
"Oh my god have you not seen any of the Parent Trap movies? Were you living under a rock in 1998?" "I was seventeen and working on my first doctorate, so pretty much, yeah," he laughed. You couldn't help but laugh, too, as you firmly ignored how his smile made you absolutely melt.
"Fair enough. The '61 one is good too, but the '98 Lindsay Lohan one is Iconic for good reason. Anyway. The point is, they've locked us in here and won't let us out until we have a conversation."
"Just a conversation? Or do they want us to talk about something in particular?" He took a seat at the table.
"I- yeah, they have a particular topic in mind. I'm so sorry. This is my fault. I was tipsy and said things I should have just kept to myself. I thought they'd respected my wishes and left well enough alone, but clearly they didn't. And they won't let us out of here until I tell you-" you hesitated.
"Tell me what?" He leaned forward, and part of you swore you saw hope in his beautiful brown eyes. You looked at the floor, avoiding them.
"Tell you that I… have feelings for you. Romantic, cheesy, butterflies-in-my-stomach feelings. I don't know why they want me to tell you this. We've just gotten to a good place as friends, and you're straight, and-"
Somehow you missed the sound of him getting up and taking the few steps over to you, because you practically jumped out of your skin when his hands were suddenly on your shoulders.
"Y/N. Please, darling, look at me?" Bewildered by the endearment, you did, and his smile was blinding. "I'm not straight. I'm bi, and I think part of me has been in love with you since your first day at the BAU. The thing JJ said I was working through? The potential problems of having feelings for a coworker. For you. As soon as you walked through that door", he pointed and then took both your hands in his, "I loved you. The night at the bar? I was rolling my eyes at myself for how much I wanted to kiss you, and I walked away to stop myself from doing something reckless. I love you, Y/N. Can I do something reckless?"
"I'm trans," you blurted. "I hope that doesn't change anything, but it's something you should know. If knowing that I'm trans changes things, now is the time for you to say something. If it's a problem and it blows up later, it might actually kill me. Because I love you, too. So much. If it doesn't change anything, then please, Spencer, kiss me."
The words were barely out of your mouth before his lips were on yours. You weren't sure how long you were kissing before you were interrupted by cheers from the other side of the door. "Shit, Spencer, they're going to be the worst about this, aren't they?" You were a bit embarrassed by how breathy your voice was, but you were too happy to really care.
"Oh yeah. We're not going to get a moment that's just us in this building ever again. Do you want to get it over with and face them, or would you prefer we stay in this moment a bit longer?"
"What do you think, doctor?" you asked, pulling him in for another kiss.
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
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Duncan x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1647 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Duncan’s gf getting upset over Courtney so she flirts with someone else to make him jealous
Inviting you to participate in Total Drama Island a few weeks into the show had been Chris' idea.
He thought that it would be an interesting turn of events after seeing all the obvious chemistry between Duncan and Courtney. After all, what could be better for ratings than relationship drama. 
Though, now that you were here, you had really started to rethink agreeing to this. 
Everything had been on edge pending your arrival, mostly due to the fact that they weren’t sure what the surprise Chris had planned was. Though, when you stepped off the boat onto the deck, the jitters faded...for the most part. 
The only person who even looked remotely excited was Duncan, your loving boyfriend who you’d missed dearly since he’d left to film this show in the first place. 
“Oh hell yes!” he grinned, making his way over to your side as soon as he realized what was going on. This had to have been some kind of joke or maybe Chef had slipped something into his lunch today. 
However, when he actually reached out to wrap his arms around you, all thoughts of strange acid trips faded away to just holding you against him. It had been way too long since he’d been anywhere near someone he could remotely tolerate, and it was nice. 
You were his lady, after all. 
“Hi baby, you miss me?” you smiled, laughing as he twirled you side to side in his arms, just trying to make peace with the fact that this was reality. He had been dreaming about this since he’d gotten on the boat, and it was really solid to get to see you. 
It was nice. 
Though,the two of you couldn’t hang out on the dock all day. You had come here for a reason, after all and you couldn’t just ignore that in favor of never leaving Duncan’s side. 
As much as you wanted to. 
“Of course I missed you. C’mon, I have some people you should meet” he suggested, taking your hand in his own before using that as leverage to yank you toward the rest of the cast. 
Not that he got very far before Chris stopped you both. 
“Not so fast you two. I think that’s my job” he cheesed, showing off his fake television host persona so aggressively that it nearly snapped your neck. It didn’t match anything of the man you’d spoken to over the phone to start this whole thing in motion. 
Still, you did as he suggested, stopping in your tracks to let him do his thing. 
“Campers, this is your special surprise...though it’s more of a surprise for Duncan than anything” he laughed, stopping for dramatic effect before continuing. “This is Y/N, Duncan’s girlfriend” 
Everyone had put that together by now, but that didn’t stop the chorus of gasps and ‘booyah’s that came from the crowd in front of you. The girls were obviously sizing you up, while the boys were mouthing congratulations to their buddy. 
...This was going to be fun. 
Duncan'd had plenty of time to get established with these people in the past week or so, but all you knew about them was what you’d seen when the episodes go live every day and that wasn’t saying much. 
You had made it a rule to not believe anything you saw until it was with your own two eyes. It was much simpler that way, and let you not have any bias from the jump. 
However, that rule kind of disintegrated when you found yourself talking about Courtney. 
You weren’t stupid, you had seen the obvious connection between the two of them. It usually wouldn’t have bothered you, of course, because you weren’t jealous in nature and you knew that Duncan couldn’t have been more in love with you. 
Still, you couldn’t help yourself in this situation. 
You had been at home missing him all this time while he was living it up on some island with some wannabe camp counselor. Anyone in their right mind would have been upset and you wouldn’t apologize for that. 
Even though you simply smiled at her as you passed, holding tightly to Duncan’s hand as you did so. 
Arguing with her wouldn’t do you any good. 
Correction, arguing with her shouldn’t have done you any good. However, that didn’t mean that you were completely helpless to stop whatever it was that was going on between them. 
...And there was only one way to do that. 
You just had to make Duncan understand what you were feeling, and once he realized how awful it was, he would straighten up real quick. You were sure of it, but having a plan wasn’t enough to fix this. 
You actually had to go through with it. 
So, you swallowed the nausea building up in the back of your throat at the idea of what you were about to do and smiled. Chris had just told you all about a trust exercise that you would be doing this morning, and everyone got to choose their partner. 
Naturally, Duncan assumed that you, his girlfriend, would want to participate with him but instead of meeting him at his side, you bypassed him completely. 
Rather than jump into his arms like he’d been expecting, you found your way to Trent’s side. 
You two hadn’t really talked in all your time here, but that didn’t matter to you. All you needed was to make a display out of today, and he was going to let you do that. 
“Hey Trent, I was thinking that maybe you and I could be partners today” you hummed, smiling at him while also batting your eyelashes at him just for added effect. He looked shocked, as anyone would be at this point. 
However, he nodded. 
That was the best thing about Trent as far as you were concerned in this moment, because he didn’t think about what you were doing enough to even realize how bad of an idea it was. 
...But you could. 
You could practically feel Duncan glaring into the back of your head, finding it hard to believe that you were reacting this way. He didn’t get it, but that didn’t change the fact that he shrugged it off and made his way over to Courtney. 
Two could play at this game. 
Duncan had always told you that he wasn’t jealous, boasting that it wasn’t in his nature but you had never truly tested that theory until now. Though, to be fair, you had never had reason to. 
In all the time that you and Duncan had been together, he had never even looked in the direction of another girl but something about Courtney changed that. 
She just got to him in a way that no one else did and you hated it. 
You weren’t jealous, you just weren’t, but it didn’t matter. All you could really think about was how mad you were over the fact that he didn't even put up a fight over you. 
He could just be so frustrating, but that was fine, because you had the perfect partner for this whole thing. 
...Or at least, you thought you had. 
Everything was going fine until you got to the trust fall portion of the exercise, trying to build up to the final challenge. You closed your eyes and lent back, giving in fully to the process. 
However, the second Trent’s hands met your skin, Duncan freaked out. 
That just wasn’t cool. 
“Hey man! Why don’t you back off?!” he yelled, shoving the scrawny male away from you. The action left you sitting in the sand of the beach but you didn’t care. 
Instead, you focused more on the fact that Duncan was now holding Trent down to the ground, content with pummelling his face in for the offense. It was overkill, and everyone knew it, but they also couldn't stop it. 
Duncan was, perhaps, the only person here who didn’t have a problem with fist fighting on television. 
...But you weren’t going to let that happen. 
Maybe it was your fault, you had put this on him after all. Trent didn’t know what he was getting set up for but you did. You knew that Duncan wouldn’t be able to handle it and you’d done it anyway. 
In that way, you were definitely to blame. 
“Duncan, Stop!” you urged, rushing over to their side to shove the man off. Trent hadn’t even done anything worthy of the shiner he’d have in the morning, not that Duncan cared. 
Anything involving him touching you would have been too much. 
“Yeah, let’s break it up you two” Chris chimed in, earning an eye roll from you at his late interjection. You all knew he wouldn’t have done anything had it not been for the clear issue it would cause. 
Duncan wouldn’t have stopped until they had to cart Trent off to the hospital otherwise. 
“Come on, you need to cool down” you urged, knowing that getting him as far away from this situation as possible would be best for everyone. Besides, you two clearly needed to talk. 
You should have never done this in the first place. Granted, no one said that Duncan had to go on a punching spree either. 
You just needed to clear the air. 
Now, Duncan didn’t want to do as you asked. It was clear that no one could have really stopped him from rearranging this poser's facial structure, but it also wasn’t much of a question. 
You weren’t asking him to leave and come with you, you were telling him that he needed to, and he was going to listen. 
Even Duncan knew well enough to know that you wouldn’t ask twice. He just had to hope that it wasn’t going to be too bad once the two of you were behind closed doors. 
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Filter ~ MYG [Request]
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↬↬↬Word Count: 1.7K
↬↬↬Genre: Fluff, angst, jealousy, jealous Yoongi, flirty Jimin.
↬↬↬Pairing: Min Yoongi x Fem!Reader
↬↬↬A/n: I hope this is alright for you my love! I’m sorry it’s on the shorter side.
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It had all come out last month at one of the group meals that you and the boys went to, you went at least once a month to all spend time together - they would try their best to get to know you and spend time with you since they loved you like a younger sister. You and Yoongi had been together for two years in December so you were close with each of the boys, you'd done your best to keep your mouth shut up about who your bias was within the group. Whenever the topic was brought up you would brush it off as if it was nothing but a passing comment or you would say Yoongi since he was your boyfriend and it was supposed to be the correct response to the question...But he wasn't your bias. He never had been. Sure he was your boyfriend and you loved him more than words could ever fully describe but he wasn't your bias within the group.
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"I don't see what the big deal in telling you who my bias is," You laughed while raising the glass of red wine to your lips, you were trying to move past the topic of discussion but Jin was insisting that your answer it. Claiming that it would help them understand you better and that you were all close friends it should be something that you shared, 
"You've known me for two years Jin, if you don't understand me by now you won't ever understand me." You answered sarcastically you were hoping that the joky comment would help move things along or at least show Yoongi that you weren't comfortable with the topic and he would jump in to help move the process along but he wasn't, he just turned to Jin confronting the issue. 
"She told you I was her bias, isn't that enough-"
"No, because it's not true. Your bias is someone else, I think I know who but I don't want to say it so you have to." Jin did know who, he'd found your old social media accounts and your Jimin photocard collection but you didn't know that yet. You shook your head at how he was acting, he was supposed to be the eldest out of all of the boys and yet here he was acting almost as immature as Jungkook did most days. 
"Jin please drop it," This time you were serious your voice was begging him to stop asking the same question as if it was an interrogation, you didn't want to risk hurting Yoongi's feelings by admitting that he wasn't your original bias but in fact, it was someone else within the group who Yoongi was a little insecure about.
"Just tell them who it is," He grumbled sitting back in his chair and folding his arms over his chest clearly having enough of this conversation. He'd stopped eating the moment Jin had brought it up, he'd had his sneaking suspicions on who it was but he never told you that. He'd hoped it was him for the longest time. You wiped your mouth on a napkin before sitting back against the chair and raising your eyebrow to Jin as if challenging him to ask you again which he did, 
"Jimin." You answered coldly not daring to look away from Jin your eyes locked onto his, if you looked at Jimin it could upset Yoongi and if you looked at Yoongi you would be able to tell how much it hurt him to know he wasn't your original bias within the members. You didn't want to hurt Yoongi and you didn't want to see him hurt either, it would crush you. 
"Jimin?!" Yoongi called out, he was just as surprised as Jin was about all of this, however, Jimin had just sat there eating his food had not noticed or even heard his name until Yoongi was the one to call it out.
"You asked, I answered now can we continue with the food please?"
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Nothing had been the same since that dinner though, Yoongi wouldn't leave you alone in the same room as Jimin and if he did it was only because Jimin had walked into the room after Yoongi had already left. It wasn't that he didn't trust you because he did, he loved and trusted you a lot but he saw Jimin as someone that could easily take you away from him and he didn't want that. 
"Y/n, one more practice and we're out, Yoongi said to go and wait backstage," Jungkook told you as he came down from his solo stage, you were sitting in the front row of seats doing some cross-stitching, it was something you'd picked up to do while the boys were all busy and to keep you from being bored after hours of practising on stage.
"It's okay, I'll wait here. The backstage is too stuffy," You whined thinking about it you hated it back there, everyone was practically walking over one another, there was no room for you to breathe and if you weren't careful you would trip over an exposed wire and break a bone. You weren't about to go and stand back there and wait for Yoongi and the boys to finish another set when you had been fine here the entire time.
"Yoongi said-" Jungkook stopped himself from talking when he saw the look you were giving him. It was one that warned him not to mess with you which he took seriously, he was more afraid of you than he ever was of Yoongi and he wandered away to go and find Yoongi and tell him where you were and what you were doing.
The music began to play through the speakers and you knew instantly why Yoongi had told Jungkook to tell you to head backstage, Filter began playing very loudly and your eyes headed to the stage. Jimin was standing centre stage in a white shirt, a small pool of water around him, you knew it was wrong for you to be staring at him this way but you couldn't help it, your eyes were drawn to him. There had always been something about dancers for you, the way they were able to make their bodies move however they wanted. 
The moment Jungkook told Yoongi that you weren't going to go and wait backstage the boy started rushing to go and sit beside you, he wanted your eyes on him, not on Jimin but he was too late.
"Babe," Yoongi was sitting beside you but you hadn't even noticed, your eyes were glued to Jimin as he began to sing and dance into time to his song, splashing and kicking water around in all different directions as if he was a water bender.
"I can be your genie, how about Aladin..." Water splashed up from around him and his white shirt was beginning to become see-through outlining his abs and defining his body perfectly.  
"Baby?" Yoongi was getting more annoyed with each second your eyes remained glued to Jimin, he'd had enough of constantly watching out. Especially since Jimin had taken it upon himself to start flirting with you just to mess with him. As soon as Jimin's shirt got so wet that you could see his tattoo Yoongi had enough, you were practically drooling all over the seat so he grabbed the pattern you'd been stitching and threw it away from you grabbing your attention, 
"Hi baby when did you get-" You couldn't say another word because he'd picked you up and sat you down on his lap forcing you to be quiet as he stared into your eyes, you could already see just how annoyed he was and you weren't about to make it worse by keep talking. 
"Enjoying the show?" He questioned sarcastically, you weren't supposed to answer him and you knew that so you kept your mouth pressed in a thin line and stared into his eyes, he smirked at you running his thumb along your bottom lip. 
"Good girl knows when to keep her mouth shut," There was a darkness to his voice he only ever used in the bedroom and it would be a lie to say it wasn't turning you on seeing him be like this with you out in the open it wasn't something that Yoongi did very often. He was normally quite reserved and didn't want anyone to see PDA with the both of you but tonight he had a point to make. Not ust to you but to Jimin as well, if Jimin was going to keep flirting with you Yoongi was going to step up his game.
"Yoongi shouldn't we go-"
"Shh baby, no one cares." His voice was sweeter now but you knew better than anyone that he wasn't trying to be sweet with you, he was trying to patronise you.
"Did you like watching Jimin dance baby?" You shook your head but he knew you were lying so he ran his hand up your thigh, 
"I know you're lying baby, I know you liked watching him. You were squeezing your thighs together," He turned you around to face the stage where Jimin was talking to a stage manager, still dripping wet in the white shirt. 
"Need I remind you that you are mine?" Yoongi growled in your ear pressing himself against you and chuckling as you let out a small whine just audible enough for him to hear you.
"Yoongi, please." You begged for him to do something, to kiss you, hold you close or at least get you back to the hotel but this was rewarding for Yoongi. He somehow felt as though he was getting his own back for you humiliating him at the dinner table last month. 
"You're going to sit here until Jimin's done with his second practice." You hissed as he turned you around to face him again shaking his head at you, 
"But you're not going to look at him once, you look at him and you don't get anything tonight, understood babe?" You nodded your head slowly and locked eyes with Yoongi as he kissed you sweetly drawing you closer to him when he heard the music starting to play. It was going to be a long night once you got back to the hotel room but you could handle it, you hadn't seen Yoongi this way in such a long time and you had missed it.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @snowy-meowl @jooniesdarlingdimples @lynnthevirgo @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @fan-ati--c @callingmyangel @rjsmochii @innersooya @kneel-begyourpardon @taestannie
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but when it heals, it beats for you
summary: my fic for @thoughtfullyyoungduck for the Writers Revolution Valentine’s Exchange. words: 3,314 rating: T a/n: I made a new taglist as it has been a year! If anyone wants on it, please just let me know! <3
* * * * * 
Eddie hated parties, he always had. Even when he was younger and his friends would have birthday parties in their backyards, Eddie hated them. Maybe it was the loud screaming of the children, or the germs as they shoved their fingers into all the food that had been laid out in the open air, Eddie couldn’t tell, just knew that he didn’t like it. Even when he went to college, his hatred for parties never changed as soda was replaced with alcohol, and screaming children were replaced with screaming adolescents.
Those parties though were still a little bit more bearable than these parties. These parties being ‘work social gatherings’, a sorry excuse for all the boring office people he worked with to come together and gossip in a place with alcohol instead of at their desks. These gatherings were also a way for co-workers to cosy up to the Heads of Departments with the hopes of securing a promotion or even a pay rise. The whole thing made Eddie want to barf, and the worst thing about it was that he was obligated to be there as a new member of the staff.
Fresh out of college, Eddie had secured a job as an admin assistant at a lawyer’s firm in New York City. It wasn’t anywhere near his dream job, but when you were poor any job would suffice just to be able to pay the bills. Eddie didn’t have any other option, and he would just have to grin and bear it until a better opportunity came along. With that thought in mind, he stepped up to the bar and ordered a beer, taking full advantage of the free open bar.
“Kaspbrak, I wasn’t expecting you to actually show up. You’ve surprised me!” A voice practically yelled from right next to Eddie. He winced and turned to greet his co-worker, Josh, with a forced smile. “You should come over here, meet some people. Important people, if you get what I mean?”
Meeting people was the last thing Eddie wanted to do, in fact he had hoped to get through the evening without speaking to anyone. However, the look on Josh’s face told him that he wasn’t getting out of this one, and with a sigh he nodded, gripping the neck of the beer bottle and slipping from the stool.
“Sure, lead the way.”
Josh ran his mouth as they made their way through the crowds to whatever table they were heading to. Eddie drowned out his voice, even though it was rather difficult given how loud he was, but it suddenly became a whole lot easier when another voice drowned out Josh’s annoying tone. A voice that Eddie would recognise anywhere. He stopped dead in his tracks, eyes locking onto the back of someone he thought he’d never see again.
He was engaged in a conversation with Eddie’s boss and another co-worker, Janet, who was fake smiling and making ridiculous attempts at flirting. Even though Eddie had no right to, a feeling of jealousy built up in his stomach.
Eddie stopped walking, freezing in the spot as his brain started providing him with escape routes. Out of all the people that had to be at the function that night, why did it have to be Richie? What did Eddie deserve to be faced with such bad luck?
Sensing that Eddie had stopped following him, Josh turned around with a frown on his face, before grabbing Eddie by the wrist and tugging him forward into the group. The force of the jolt forward sent Eddie flying, knocking him into Richie himself, who also jolted forward, causing Janet’s drink to spill on her fancy blouse.
Serves you right, Janet.
“Woah, easy there-” Richie started at the same time Janet snapped in her high pitched voice, “Fuck sake, Eddie, watch where you’re going!” Which caused Richie to freeze and look down at who exactly had knocked him sideways. Their eyes locked, and just for a second, no-one else at the work gathering mattered but the two of them. Eddie had forgotten just how easy he could get lost in Richie’s eyes.
The moment didn’t last long, thanks to Janet, who pushed Eddie away just a little to fuss over Richie, making sure none of her drink spilled over his fancy three piece suit. “Eddie is new, please don’t let his clumsiness affect anything we were talking about,” she fussed, and Eddie had to roll his eyes at the dramatics of it all.
“Calm down Janet, it was just an accident,” Eddie muttered, taking a much needed step back from Richie, putting distance between them. No matter how far he moved though, the scent of his cologne was stuck in his nostrils. He swallowed, feeling Richie’s eyes on him and Eddie knew if he looked up, he’d see the same confusion and questioning in his eyes that was there the last time they saw one another.
Eddie wasn’t ready to deal with that issue yet. Nope, no way.
Luck was never on his side though, as Josh took that moment to speak up, addressing why he brought Eddie over there in the first place. “Yes, Eddie is our new co-worker, but he should have an equal chance of meeting important people like the rest of us. Eddie, this is one of our companies interested investors, Richie Tozier.”
There was a pregnant pause before Richie smiled and extended his hand for him to take, which Eddie did. A jolt of electricity shot up his arm and he almost pulled back before he remembered everyone watching them. According to all of Eddie’s coworkers, this was the first time he was meeting Richie Tozier, they had no idea just how well the two knew each other.
“Nice to meet you,” Eddie offered, not sure if Richie wanted the group to know they had history.
Just at that moment, the music changed from an upbeat tune to a much slower one and Janet lurched forward, breaking the trance the two of them were under. “Mr Tozier, I love this song. Would you dance with me?” Eddie had to hold back a scoff at how obvious she was being. The company, of course, had chosen her to charm Richie intp signing a contract with them and she was, no doubt, going all out with her given task. It was a little pathetic, really.
Hoping to make a quick exit back to the bar for one last drink before slipping out the back door, Eddie stepped back, only for a hand to be wrapped around his wrist, tugging him back. It was Richie’s hand, of course it was, and there was a look in his eyes that Eddie couldn’t quite place. “Actually, I was hoping Eddie would dance with me, if that’s alright with you?” He asked, eyes never leaving Eddie’s shocked one’s for a second.
Eddie should say no, he should shake his head and tell Richie to dance with Janet, it was her role in all this after all. God, if he said yes Janet would shoot daggers into his back for the next month, at least. The thing was, Eddie didn’t want to say no. Call him selfish all you want, but Eddie wanted to be alone with Richie, even if it was just for a three minute dance. With his mind made up, Eddie nodded his head, allowing Richie to take his hand and lead him to the dance floor.
It wasn’t until Eddie felt Richie’s hand on the small of his back as he pulled him closer for the dance, that he realised his chest was all compressed in panic. The second that Richie’s hand touched him, all the panic faded and it was as though a bubble had formed around the two of them.
“A lawyer’s firm, eh?” Richie broke the silence, his chin settling on top of Eddie’s head. They had only been in each other's presence for ten minutes and they were already falling into their old habits. “I swear, I didn’t know you worked here.”
That caught Eddie off guard and he pulled back to look up at Richie with a confused frown on his face. “What do you mean? I never- I didn’t think you knew I worked here. Why would I think that?”
Richie shrugged a little, looking bashful as he glanced up at the ceiling for a brief moment, “I just wanted you to know that I didn’t...look you up or anything. I didn’t follow you or check up on what you were doing. Even if I wanted to.” He let out a breath. “You made your decision and I respected it.”
Another lump formed in Eddie’s throat and Richie’s words only seemed to add to the confusion. Yes, he had made the decision to end their relationship, but only because Richie was going to end it first. “I don’t understand. Why would you want to check up on me? Or follow me or whatever? You- I did you a favour by ending things first. I knew you were struggling to find a way to do it, so I did it first.”
The look on Richie’s face was nothing less than pure pain as he registered Eddie’s words. He shook his head, “What are you talking about? I wasn’t- who told you I was going to break up with you?”
Eddie froze up a little and he forced himself to think back, way back to when he had overheard the conversation Richie was having with a friend of his. The words were still bitter to think about and his heart hurt. “No-one told me. I heard you. On the phone. You were talking to someone about finding it hard to change your relationship status, and that you had to be really careful. I don’t know about you, Richie, but that screamed of wanting to break up with me. I just- I don’t know why you didn’t just tell me when things stopped working for you. I’d have understood. We weren’t...it wasn’t like we were public or anything.”
Richie blinked a few times and Eddie could see the moment when it all clicked for him. The confused look turned to one of understanding, but instead of looking guilty, Richie looked...overwhelmed.
“Eddie...holy shit...Eds, no. Fuck.” He stopped moving to the music and instead moved the hand that was on the small of Eddie’s back to his hand and took it in his own. “This is too public a place for this conversation. Five minutes, that’s all I need.”
Even if Eddie hadn’t wanted to follow Richie before then, the pleading look in his eyes was all it took for him to nod. He let Richie lead him off  the dancefloor, out a door and into a hallway.
“How do you know where you’re going?” Eddie asked softly, letting Richie lead the way through the corridors of the hotel.
“I had a function here myself a while back, got a bit overwhelming so I went to explore,” Richie replied almost immediately, turning one more corner and opening a door that led to a balcony overlooking the city. “Found this place.” He closed the doors behind them, allowing total privacy, and Richie ran a hand through his hair. “I wasn’t going to break up with you.”
Out of all the things Eddie thought Richie was going to say, that was not even in the top ten. He blinked in confusion, looking a RIchie a little skeptically. “Alright, say you weren’t going to break up with me then. What did that statement really mean?”
Richie moved a little closer to Eddie, but not too close that he’d feel trapped. He reached down to take Eddie’s hand in his once more.
“I wanted to ask you to go public with me, Eds.”
Eddie suddenly felt sick to his stomach, as the look in Richie’s eyes, the sincerity, meant that he was telling the truth.
“I was just nervous because we were, as you pointed out earlier, not exclusive. I was technically your sugar daddy and we had sort of made that unspoken agreement that what we had was just...well what we had.” He squeezed Eddie’s hand, just a little bit, a soothing gesture. “Maybe it was just that at first, but then we started hanging out without the sex, we had movie nights and you’d spend the night just...chilling. We’d laugh and tease each other like it was a real relationship and suddenly that was all I wanted it to be. I wanted it to be real, but I was scared that maybe you didn’t want that. Then you broke it off with me and that sort of just...sealed it.”
The silence let Eddie know Richie was done speaking, letting him know it was his turn. His cheeks were burning red with embarrassment and he let out a frustrated groan at his own stupidity.
“I’m such a fucking idiot.” Eddie tried to step back, but Richie still had hold of his hand, keeping him grounded. “I’m such a fucking idiot, I was so caught up in thinking that you didn’t want to be with me anymore that I didn’t see the signs that maybe it was the total opposite. I can’t believe that I was that much of an idiot that I ruined the best thing I had in my life.” He looked up at Richie then, his eyes filling with tears, “Because you were, you were the best thing I had in my life. Nothing ever compared to the way you made me feel- make me feel- because I’m still crazy in love with you-”
Eddie didn’t get to finish his declaration of love as Richie swooped in fast, his arms securing themselves around Eddie’s waist as he hauled him forward, bringing their lips together in a long overdue kiss. A squeak of surprise left Eddie’s lips before it was replaced with a soft moan, his hands reaching up from where they were handing by his sides and weaving into Richie’s hair. It was just like the dreams Eddie had been having for months, except this time it wasn’t.
They pulled away after a few moments, the need to breathe too much to ignore and Eddie fell back onto his heels. Damn Richie and his height. Richie was grinning, tears clear in his eyes from behind his glasses. “I love you, too. I always have. You’re my perfect match and these six months without you? They’ve been torture.”
“I’m sorry,” Eddie breathed, his fingers clutching at the curls on the back of Richie’s neck. “I’m sorry for fucking up so badly and jumping to conclusions. I’m sorry for not just talking to you about it instead of...you know.”
Richie just shook his head and leaned down to press another, more gentle, kiss to Eddie’s lips.
“We can talk about it, over dinner maybe?” Richie suggested, a hand moving to cup Eddie’s cheek, thumb running over the skin under his eye. “We can discuss everything, lay all our cards on the table. What do you think?”
It was a good idea for them to talk it out before jumping into something with one another again, yet Eddie didn’t want to wait until the next night after dinner for Richie to take him to bed. He’d been without him for six months and now he knew Richie didn’t want to end their relationship and that he loved him, Eddie didn’t want to wait any longer. “I think it’s a great idea,” he breathed, moving his head up to Richie’s ear. “But...I also really want you to take me home,” he whispered and then added, just for clarification. “To your home.”
* * * * *
Richie’s apartment was just like Eddie remembered it, open space and filled with life. He hadn’t had the chance to properly look around the night before, his mind...and body both otherwise preoccupied. Now he was awake though, the bed next to him empty but still warm, which meant Richie hadn’t long since woke up.
Eddie sat up, stretching and groaning as his bones cracked before he climbed out of bed. He grabbed his underwear from the bedroom floor before pulling out one of Richie’s shirts from his drawer. As Eddie stepped out of the room, he could hear Richie’s voice filtering in from the kitchen area, clearly speaking to someone on the phone. He edged closer, peeking his head around the corner, and right enough Richie was on his phone, pacing back and forth.
“Something came up, but I’d be happy to meet with you on Monday morning, at the office,” Richie spoke. “We can talk business and sign contracts.” He looked up then, eyes meeting Eddie’s from across the room and he broke into a smile. “Mhm, yes that makes sense,” he spoke into his phone whilst beckoning Eddie closer with his finger.
With his own, equally large grin on his face, Eddie moved closer and stepped between Richie’s legs as he continued his call. The body heat was welcome and Eddie curled back into Richie’s embrace, taking a piece of toast from the plate in front of them and taking a bite.
“I have to go, I have other business to attend to. I’ll be at the office on Monday morning, 9am sharp and we can talk.” Richie hummed and the voice on the other end, muffled back before the call ended and the phone was shoved into Richie’s pocket. “Stealing my breakfast?”
“If you’re not fast, you’re last,” Eddie shrugged, dramatically taking another bite of the toast. “Was that my boss?” He asked.
Richie nodded, running a hand through his curls, curls that Eddie had messed up the night before. He shuddered and the memory. “Your boss is quite...forward. He wasn’t happy I ditched the party last night.” Richie shoved more toast into the toaster and set the timer, turning back to Eddie. “Do you have somewhere to be today?”
“Not unless you do,” Eddie hummed, wrapping his arms around Richie’s waist, seeking more of his body heat. “Anyway, aren’t we going out for dinner? To talk and stuff?” He looked up just as Richie looked down, their eyes meeting for a brief moment before Richie closed the distance with a soft kiss. “Mhm, morning.”
“Morning,” Richie breathed back, spinning Eddie around so he was pressed up against the counter. “Fuck I missed you, I missed you so much.”
Eddie’s stomach clenched, his eyes softening almost immediately as he glanced towards the floor in embarrassment. It was his fault after all, his fault that Richie had to miss him in the first place. He felt Richie’s fingers under his chin, tilting his head up so their eyes locked.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Richie spoke softly. “Please stop?” His head tilted to the side, curls falling loose and into his face. Eddie thought he was the most handsome man he’d even laid his eyes on. “Come back to bed?”
Richie stepped back and held out his hand, allowing Eddie to turn him down if he wanted to, always giving him that choice. Instead of Eddie’s stomach clenching in a bad way, this time it clenched in anticipation with what was to come.
Yes, they had to talk, sit down and have a conversation about their relationship and what they both wanted. Eddie was going to have to communicate with Richie, tell him everything about his past and why he had thought he was going to break up with him in the first place. The thought was terrifying, but Eddie wanted nothing more than to let Richie get to know him completely.
All that could wait though, until later.
Eddie smiled, reaching his hand out to take Richie’s, letting him lead him back to the bedroom, kicking the door closed behind him.
* * * * * 
@s-s-georgie @richietoaster @jessiohhh @gazebobullshit @eds-trashmouth @thingsilike-08 @thoughtfullyyoungduck @stellar-alley @yallreddieforthis @lgbtqmads @ambitiousskychild @reddieonwheels @moonlightrichie @that-damn-clown-movie @ghostnebula @care-bear13 @madidraw @pieofepicness @transbuckaroo @vanillaredvelvet @toziertool @femmereddie @itchytoaster @eddiesasspbrak @eduardo-andale-lets-go @pinkmedusa6 @kmcarras @bowtiescarves @greetingsfromderrymaine @eduardoandale @waterflowrr @jojobeaner @mahanawhonahan @dinolaur @viciousmaukeries @sunshines-fabulous-legs @reddie-forever @sophiac356 @are-you-reddie-for-it @liilaac @no-she-wasnt-reddie @gaymoonfan @selma318697 @reddie-4-more @ratbird0917 @adhdtozier @tozierpunks 
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
My Girl
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jealous!bakugou katsuki x reader; jealous!todoroki shouto x reader
warnings: cussing, jealousy, wig snatched
word count: 5,000 (the both of them together LMAO)
a/n: jealousy… such a sexy emotion… okay but for real y’all, if your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner/significant other/etc., is always jealous to the point where they accuse you of disloyalty??? DUMP THEIR ASS!!!! that wont be discussed here tho... because i went on a rollercoaster of ideas so this is what was produced!!! anywaysssss enjoyyyyyyy.... also....i forgot the fluff....omg...sorry
Part Two
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bakugou katsuki
Bakugou Katsuki was not a man of patience. 
He was a man of action. Always straightforward and deadly. That was Bakugou's preferred action to most issues. He was not one for sneaking around, and for sure never hiding within the shadows as someone else did a job for him. So when the situation called for Bakugou to be a bystander, it was hard for him not to react. Especially because he had to watch as his girlfriend proceeded to get her hands dirty. The results of this were a bit… surprising but expected.
Bakugou’s fingers scrape against the table as you socialized at the bar. That dress on your body was so tight that Bakugou could imagine you without the dress on. Which meant every other bastard with their eyes glued on your ass could imagine you naked. You have a stupid wig on too, for precaution, it’s pink and shit is it long. You were sex on legs, and Bakugou was not happy about it.
Bakugou watches as your fingers touch the forearm of the man next to you. A charming smile on your face as you leaned in close to the man; as if there was some beautiful secret you had to share. Bakugou watched as your head dipped backward in laughter. Your laugh, a beautiful sound, that echoed through his mind despite the fact he couldn’t hear you. But all Bakugou could do was stand at his table and watch on, his teeth clenching and grinding. 
“Bakugou, calm down,” Tsuyu reminds Bakugou from beside him. Her own eyes taking in the concerned reactions of their neighboring tables as well as you. “You’re making a scene, and you’re a recognizable face.”
“Shut the hell up, I could murder anyone in here anyways.” Bakugou sibilates. His eyes twitched as his upper lip curled at the interaction unfolding before him.
It was but, true, Tsuyu had a point. The bigger point being that Bakugou could give less of a fuck. 
Here he was staring at his hot as hell girlfriend flirting with the man next to her for information! Espionage his ass! Bakugou would rather go fuck up every villain group to figure out where stupid Deku was being held. Anything instead of this! But no, the government wouldn’t “allow” that course of action. Instead, the now Pro-Heroes of the old class 1-A were working to find out which group it was. Furthermore, the man next to you knew exactly who the group was. Stupid Icy Hot captured his associate a few hours ago and he had confessed a single name.
While searching for information on this mysterious man, they found his Facebook. They were quick to figure out that he was completely straight, too!
So Yayorozu had devised a perfect plan on getting the information from this man! Hopefully without it resulting in a major battle, too. Which was something they were going to need to keep from at all costs! Being secretive was not at all the trademark the alumni of the U.A. Hero Class 1-A had. In fact, given wherever they went, destruction ensued in some sort of way. But for the plan that Yayorozu created, it would begin with a bait. 
The bait being you.
But the reason it was you next to the man, was because you wore a mask as apart of your hero costume. Not many knew how you looked like unless they remembered your first year Sports Festival, which many didn’t. It turned out that even then, many people forgot how you looked. Which was beyond Bakugou on how because you were by far the most beautiful thing in the world.
“I’m going to fucking kill him,” Bakugou hisses under his breathe. He watches the dickhead place a suggestive hand on your ass. Bakugou hated the fact that you were so damn good at acting as you leaned into his touch. A smile on your face as you captured your lower lip between your teeth. That smile that is meant only for him. “I’m also going to fucking kill y/n, too.”
Bakugou couldn’t help the fury that ignites in his blood as the man slips a key card to you. You had succeeded in the getting the key, but still, Bakugou was not happy. The man gets up afterward, and walking away, adjusting himself in his pants. Bakugou wants to rip his own head off as his fingers clench the fabric of the table cloth. Bakugou watches as you turn around, your e/c eyes locking with his. It’s a fleeting gaze that lasts less than a second, but it’s everything Bakugou needed to calm down for the moment. He feels better.
As soon as you walk out the door, Bakugou and Tsuyu have to remain there. They are attempting not to look too suspicious after all, but soon enough they follow after you.
It’s time to get this rescue mission on the road.
Bakugou watches from a video camera in the hotel room next door to their target. His eyes trained on the laptop before him. He has an intense stare on the man who was freshening himself up with cologne as he awaited you. 
Before this event, they had bugged undetectable tiny camera’s in the man's room made by Yaoyorozu. They brought in with the help of Koda’s animals, or were they insects? What ever it was, it was nothing big enough to let them into the room without making it obvious.
The plan was simple, and it was the following: Tsuyu would go in using her camouflage. While you and the man were busy, she would look around. Bakugou role in this was the tank they would need in case something happened. Not that the two of you couldn’t handle yourselves, but they had no information on this dude’s quirk. They had to also take into account that you were in a skin-tight dress, heels, and without your Hero License! No one was sure how far you would have to take it with the man or how paranoid he could be as most villains were. So, no one risked the license on you. Tsuyu, while a fantastic hero, would focus more on the sneaking and attaining details. Bakugo was there in case she failed.
No one actually wanted it to be Bakugou as the tank. They had suggested that Todoroki or Mina be the one watching out. Bakugo, nonetheless, wouldn’t allow any of that insisting that it had to be him.
So they had to compromise. 
Thus there Bakugou sat staring through the live input feed as the man sat on his bed as you sauntered in. The pink wig flowing around you as if straight out of a movie. Bakugou could see Tsuyu given he knew she was there. A feat that managed to impress Bakugou given that it was through a camera and not in real life. Moreover, the man was unresponsive to the green dressed hero walking in. He never broke his attention away from you meaning that everything was still in the clear.
Bakugou watches in growing anger and jealousy as you go and sit on the bed. Tossing your fake hair over your shoulder, a hooded look in your eyes as a smile spread on your face.
He watches with his nostrils flaring as you crawl towards the man. You then get on top of the man, straddling him onto the bed. You push his shoulders in one swift movement so that he collapses onto the bed. Bakugou stirs. That should be him.
Bakugou watches your pretty mouth brush against the man's lips before pulling away. Your ass rising off his body as you lean down teasing him again. Your arms supporting your weight besides his head as you smile. The veins in Bakugou’s arms are popping out as he clenches the pants of his disguise. Calm down.
He watches as the man's hands travel up your creamy, delicious thighs. Snaking their way under your dress, managing to move the fabric up. The screen freezes for a moment, much to the growing rage of Bakugou before reconnecting. On the screen, he can see you throw your head back, something Bakugou knows to be a moan escaping your lips. A lustful smirk enters the man's lips. 
Bakugou is fuming.
But he can only watch as the man removes his shirt, and it's thrown somewhere in the room. Bakugou scoffs at the way too overdone muscles on the dude's stomach and chest. That was definitely only for looks. Hell, Bakugou bet a single punch even without his quirk would take him down.
“Hurry the fuck up, frog face,” Bakugou seethes as the man now has you flipped onto your back. He can see the giggles escaping your lips as the man head dips to brush his lips against your semi-exposed chest.
Bakugou flashes his attention to Tsuyu who is standing by the door now. Her thumbs up showing she obtained the information. Moreover, with what could only be jealous rage, Bakugou stormed into the hallway. Slamming the fire alarm on, Bakugou knows Icy-Hot would be setting a fire somewhere in the hotel. Bakugou disappeared back into the room. People are hesitant about exiting their rooms, everyone unsure if it was a false alarm or not.
“Please, all guests, exit in an orderly fashion.” A voice over the intercom system says. Bakugou watches through the laptop as you exit the room with the man on your waist.
There’s a lot of people in the hallway, so as Bakugou exits the hotel room, he keeps his head down, on a mission to now get you away. Your eyes widen as you see him in the hallway, and he knows that you see the jealousy in his face and eyes. A knowing smirk comes onto your face. Bakugou rolls his eyes at your smirk but he manages to crash into the man, his hand disconnecting his hold onto you.
The damn bastard shouldn't have had his fucking hands on you in the first place.
“Shit, sorry man.” Bakugou apologizes, his head low. He smirks seeing that the small bump was successful enough for you to slip away unnoticed. The man walks away confused and searching for you as he followed the crowd nonetheless. Bakugou grins as he sees you and Tsuyu by the hotel room. That hot yet stupid wig still sitting on your head, and an accomplished look on both girl's faces.
“The group that has Midoriya-kun are called: The Second Coming. They’re a small organization, but they are powerful quirk users.” Tsuyu states showing them the manilla folder. The said group name and address of their headquarters printed in small text. “It says here, they have someone with a jellyfish quirk that has had him paralyzed.”
“Fucking fantastic,” Bakugou snarks, “Go tell the others for us.”
You look confused as Bakugou grasps your arm, as he pulls you into the room, abandoning Tsuyu in the hallway.
“Katsuki!” You groan as Bakugou slams the door behind you. You turn ready to face whatever pent up emotion he is dealing with. You’re shocked as you aren't meet with possessive jealous anger. Instead, you're wrapped up into a sweet, soul-crushing hug.
“I was jealous,” Bakugou mumbles against your neck. He was taking in your intoxicating perfume as a way to remind you that you were there with him now. “But I worried something terrible was going to happen the entire time. To be honest, I would’ve killed him if you had sex with him.”
You sigh gently. You wrap your arms tight around your emotion-driven boyfriend, “That’s why we had Tsuyu. She’s great and super fast at scouting.”
“That’s bullshit, I could’ve been faster,” Bakugou states as the two of you sway in each other’s arms, your fingers gently massaging his scalp. The hug never wavering in contact or strength.
“Like hell, you could be! The infamous loud and rambunctious Bakugou Katsuki, Explosion Hero: Ground Zero? Being able to slip around while being visible? I don’t think so.” You laugh as Bakugou rolls his eyes.
“Shut up, extra.”
“I’m your girlfriend, but if you want me to be an extra in your life, well I’m sure there was a man out there who was willing to—“
“Don’t you fucking dare say it!” Bakugou growls by your ears and goosebumps flash across your skin.
“I do dare,” You counter playfully. Your teasing stopped by Bakugou’s lips possessively dragging against yours. Your eyes shut in response as hot huffs of air escapes both your mouths as he continues devouring you in a kiss.
“I guess I’m going to have to re-educate you on what I’m willing to do for you,” Bakugo grunts against your lips. His hands move to grasp your ass, something he’s been aching to do for so long that night.
“You don’t have the—the,” You can’t finish that sentence as you moan. Bakugou had sucked on the sweet spot on your neck. His hot tongue soothing the enflamed skin seconds before he could break through any skin. Your eyes close as he picks you up in his arms, beginning to walk with a single destination in mind.
“The what?” Bakugou growls as he tosses your body onto the bed, a loud squeal coming from you. Bakugo groans as you look at him with the same hooded eyes that drove him insane moments before.
“The balls to fuck me when your best friend is missing.” You pant moving your hands to remove the pink wig from your head.
“Nuh-uh, the wig stays on, princess. Shitty Deku got himself into this mess, he can stay there for a few minutes longer.” Bakugou sneers as he unbuckles his pants as he stares into your flushed face. He was ready to give you the quickie of a lifetime.
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todoroki shouto
Todoroki Shouto was a man that many believed to be dense. Lacking situational cues. Sometimes even uncaring. 
They weren’t wrong, per se, Shouto was dense. It took him seventeen months to figure out you were flirting with him! He never picked up on the fact you wanted to date him until you asked him out! He also, at times, was uncaring about situations that didn’t concern him. But Shouto was no idiot. He knew when men were flirting with you even if he couldn't tell with himself, and to be honest, he was not a fan of it.
The two of you were now established Pro-Heroes. having graduated from U.A. last year, and you both shot into stardom alongside other alumni from U.A.
Shouto was also dating you, a secret from the general public, actually. 
The two of you decided to keep your relationship status concealed from the public. As new heroes, you didn’t want your popularity or hate coming from your relationship. You wanted recognition because you were an effective and capable hero. Not that it mattered in the end. The general population “shipped” the two of you together in exceedingly high numbers. 
It had gotten to the point that your PR managers had requested the two of you to come together for a PR stunt. Both businesses were unaware of your relationship status. Nonetheless they had created a joint meet-and-greet.
Tickets had sold out within two minutes, and they hadn’t been cheap either. The day would start with free merchandise. Fans would get V.I.P. selection! Two meals, of course, because it was an all-day thing! One meal was paired with the interview where Shouto and you would let them all speak at least once! Finally ending with a one on one interaction with the two of you! It also included a free professional personalized photo with the both of you. Everyone could stay until the very last photo as well, but no one could take two photos.
The agonizing two-hour dinner interview where Shouto had to dodge personal questions finished. It had been completed hours earlier, but now it was the one-on-ones. It was safe to say Shouto was ready for photo’s to wrap up so the two of you could leave for an at-home late night date. The photo’s and one-on-one’s were becoming annoying and were dragging on to Shouto. 
You were getting a lot of attention from both male and female fans. Many of which would come up, grabbing a hand from you and himself. They would stare before they let out a line that about always was, “You guys are the reason for my gay panic,” or “You’re my mom and dad!”
Every time it happened without fail, you let out a laugh enveloping the person in a hug. You admitted it to be the best compliment you received as you chatted away with them with a happy tone. Shouto was grateful you were so great at media interactions. If someone would come up to him by himself and confessed to something like that... Shouto would most likely shoot a ray of ice and fire at the same time by accident. 
Of course, there were also the fans that obsessed over the "fake relationship" between the two of you. Some requesting that their photos be of Shouto kissing you while the fan fainted by their feet. Hell, someone even requested you to step on her face while you hugged Shouto, both of you not agreeing to it. Or Shouto’s least–most–favorite. The fan that wanted a cheek kiss, and almost managed to get the two of you to lock lips in front of the large audience you had. The shrieks of approval, dismay, and everything between would not stop for a good too many minutes.
But there were also… those fans who obsessed about only one of you. Shouto could handle the crazy fangirls on his end, most of which were respectful. Yes, some foamed at the mouth. Some sobbed for the entire three-minute interaction. Some became almost bullies as they tried to play off how much they loved him. And the very rare feelers who would attempt to touch Shouto inappropriately.
Still, those girls were nothing in comparison to your fans. 
A fan asked if it was okay to motorboat you! He actually pulled out a stack of ¥1,000, and managed to touch his cheek to your breast! That was before both you and Shouto removed him from the premise. The fan still was happy with the contact and refused to take his money back. So you made a donation to a charity, that supported children from abuse, under his name. Then there were the fans who would squeeze your ass during photos leaving you livid. The fans who tried to kiss you by surprise as the camera flashed. Fans who presented you with some sex toys in the hope to woo you. Fans who– well you get the point. Shouto was becoming pissed off at the situation you were in. Looking at the line he was happy to see that there were three people left in line. Nine more minutes.
Shouto turned his attention to the still very large crowd of people who were staying until the very end. Shouto realized in dismay he couldn’t drop his, albeit small smile, yet.
The next six minutes went by fast enough. The third to last person was a tiny and sweet girl who presented gifts to both heroes. Her requested pose was that you carry both Shouto and her on your shoulders. You nailed it by the way, and Shouto had to fight to keep the blush off his face at the feeling of you carrying him with ease.
The second to last person was a Shouto fan only. He pretty much ignored you all together as he talked to Shouto about everything they had in common. Professing that they were soulmates because he was the Scorpio to his Capricorn. The fan asked for a picture of Shouto carrying him bridal style, with you in the far distance looking upset. After all, because he stole Shouto away from you. As he walked away happy with the picture, Shouto focused his gaze on you and rolled his eyes. You smiled regardless, finding the situation funny. It wasn’t the first time something like that got requested after all.
Shouto sighed by your side as the final person approached them. The small gasp that escaped your lips put Shouto on the defense immediately. What Shouto was expecting to see was an average looking civilian, at most, coming over. The gasp was something you did to make people feel excited and special about themselves.
“Ito-kun?!” Your voice calls out in disbelief. Shouto trains his eyes onto a very handsome man walking over, his arms stretched out for a hug. The man had ink-black combed back hair. He was tall, bulked but nothing too overkill and was wearing black slacks and a white T-shirt. He was exactly what traditional handsome in Japan is. 
“Looking good, y/h/n!” Ito says with a smile. The non-stranger wraps you up in a hug, a warm smile on his face. Shouto could not help but notice that the hug lingers for a lot longer than any other fan. His eyes narrow. Shouto hears a few squeals coming from the fans, and he sees cameras recording them. So he tries acting unbothered by it all. 
“I didn't recognize you without your costume on!” You exclaim as you remove yourself from the hug. You step back to look at him from top to bottom, your attention fleeing over to Shouto. “Shouto, this is Ito-kun, or as you may remember him from the awards ceremony, Kyandi!”
Shouto freezes the slightest bit. Memories of you talking about one of your childhood friends who became a Pro-Hero as well floods his mind. “Oh,” Shouto recomposes himself. The slight jealousy he had been feeling flooding out of his system, “It’s nice to meet you, Kyandi.” Shouto bows in respect, Ito was a dear friend of yours.
Shouto stiffens in his bow as the man doesn’t even acknowledge him. Shouto straightens up as Ito continues talking to you, and you glance over at Shouto. Your own eyes filled with confusion. A small motion of Shouto's head informs you that he didn’t wish to make a big deal out of it. With reluctance, you focus back on the conversation that Ito was having.
Shouto feels awkward as he stands next to you, trying to not feel excluded. But whenever you tried opening the circle to him, Ito would close it off. Shouto watches as Ito places a hand on your elbow, a sugar-sweet smile on his lips. Ito mentions that you look beautiful today. Shouto rolls his eyes, of course, you do! You always do! “Not that you don’t always look good!” Ito backtracks an embarrassed laugh escaping his lips. “It’s that you have such an irresistible personality when you’re around your fans! It’s attractive.”
Shouto rolls his eyes at this comment, could he be any faker?
But he stills when you seem to buy it completely, “Aw! Ito-kun, you’re so sweet! My fans make me so happy after all, I’m glad it’s noticeable!”
“Three minutes are up!” The photographer informs the group. Your eyes snap over to the man who for the entire night was happy to have been there.
“Hold on, okay?” Ito winks at you grabbing your shoulders and giving them a tight squeeze before walking over to the man.
“He’s a bit… touchy.” Shouto whispers to you, and you look over and laugh.
“Is he? Huh? He doesn’t get much time in the limelight... he has his agency in the same district as Bakugou, Deku, and Uraraka-chan. It’s most likely Ito trying to get public approval ratings.” You whisper to Shouto, as you grin up at your frowning boyfriend, your own smile soon faltering. “Do you think it’s something else?”
“…no...” Shouto brushes it off as Ito comes back. Ito with much excitement claims he was able to gain five more minutes with the two of you! Your confused blinks and Shouto’s third eye-roll doesn’t go unnoticed by fans. The fans who are expecting things to wrap up by now. So Shouto stands there as Ito brushes a strand of hair out of your eyes, and he feels his hands twitch. A fit of hot bitter jealousy starts shooting through his veins.
It’s the lingering hand on your waist that makes Shouto shove his hands into his pockets. It's to keep him from ripping Ito’s hand off your waist.
It’s the way that Ito stares at your beautiful face that causes Shouto to look away for a bit, fearful that he’ll lash out.
It’s the small inside jokes that Ito passes through his lips and your pretty giggles. Shouto has to bite down on his tongue to keep himself from speaking up.
It’s the closing space between you and Ito that finally causes Shouto to snap. His ears burning, his heart thumping in his ears, “It’s time for the picture.”
You blink as if out of a trance and smile in agreement, “It is! How would you like to pose, Ito-kun?”
“Would you climb onto my shoulders, like how we posed as kids?” Ito asks still not once looking at Shouto, and you nod your head.
“What about Shouto?”
“Oh, uh, does he have to be in the picture? I want to give this to my mom, and well, it’s not like the two of you are dating, so I wouldn’t want to give it to her.” Ito explains and hot fury lashes through Shouto’s chest. Shouto's heart hammering as he’s ready to show this candy man who the hell he was. Before Shouto could drag Ito to hell with his words alone, you speak up.
“Sorry, Ito-kun, but rules are rules. We already bent one, two would be too much.” You apologize as Ito sighs in annoyance.
“Okay, well I guess he can stand there.” Ito huffs as he picks you up and places you on his shoulders, a squeak escaping your lips from the sudden action.
So Shouto stands there. He's trying to keep the scowl off his face as he glares holes into the side of Ito’s skull. But he chooses to instead look at you flashing peace signs for the photo, and he smiles instead. As Ito places you back onto the floor, he finally pushes his luck too far as he goes in for a kiss.
“Ito,” You gasp as you dodge the kiss all while Shouto now has his right hand clenching Ito’s arm. Shouto's hand glowing with the initial threat of his activated quirk. “That’s inappropriate!”
“Come on, y/h/n, you’re a total babe, why not?” Ito asks despite having his eyes locked on Shouto for the first time tonight. Black eyes meeting blue with grey eyes and you can feel the icy tension flowing between them.
“Please leave. Now.” Shouto growls as Ito rolls his eyes as he shoves Shouto’s hand off of him.
“Whatever. If dating you will mean that this asshole will be guarding you all the time... I wouldn’t want it anyway!” Ito snaps as he walks away covering his face from the cameras. The fans had now all seemed to gather back on word that drama was unfolding between the heroes.
Maybe it’s because the angry jealousy in Shouto’s veins had been at an all-time high. Maybe it was because Shouto wanted people to know who you were dating. But at this moment, Shouto grabs your arm and walks closer to the fans. All the phone cameras are now on the two of you. You’re completely oblivious of what is coming as you assume he’s going to say goodbye and thank you.
What happened next would stay forever in Pro-Hero Romance Drama.  
As you waved and blew kisses to the fans, Shouto’s hands cupped your unsuspecting face within his hands. Shouto’s fingers caressed your cheeks, your eyes locking on his with confusion, as he presses a rough kiss on your lips.
You gasped into the kiss having not expected it. Shouto does not waste the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. You can’t even help yourself from throwing your arms around his neck, pulling him in close, as his tongue presses against yours. Shouto keeps a hand firmly placed onto the back of your neck. Another one keeping your hips against his as the kiss intensified. 
Your lips pressed against each other harshly. Your tongues dancing and twirling in the middle of your mouths. You break apart from Shouto for a moment before pressing your lips back on his, his hands grasping your ass. You can’t keep the small moan from your throat as Shouto bites your bottom lip and then intermingles his tongue back with yours. Which immediately reminds you of your location and you break apart from him. A string of saliva following your opened mouth as blush inks itself against your entire body. The screams of the crowd finally hitting the two of your ears.
You launch yourself away from Shouto. Covering your eyes with your hands as you bow many times in apology to your fans.
“Me and y/h/n have been dating for two years. I want you guys to know that I will for certain will fight anyone who tries treating her indecently from here on out.” Shouto states to the crowd, wiping the bottom of his lip before he turns on his heel and drags you with him. A proud smirk on his face as he leaves security to take care of the feral fans.
“That was so embarrassing,” You whisper behind closed doors.
“I don’t like men touching you like your theirs,” Shouto murmurs as he presses another kiss to your lips. A kiss that you still pour your heart into as your fingers grip his hair.
Pro-Heroes More Like Pro-Lovers! Shouto and Y/h/n Steamy Make-out! is the most trending and streamed thing for the next two months.
(part 2 smut???anyone???)
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG bio/info: @/annajj9x_ | 20.1k followers| Athlete | hey peeps can you stop asking me to throw it back cuz the answer will always be no! K thx take it easy 🏳️‍🌈🌻🏒🐶
21 years old
From bath, England
Hockey player as her profession for the past three years
Her position is defense
Their team name is “rowdy alphas”...yeah some team names just didn’t make sense or they’re cringe for no reason at all
Was raised by her mom,(her mom was a teen mom & had her at 17) maternal grandmother, and her paternal aunt (dad’s younger sister, who’s more like a big sister to her at 28)
They’ve made her into the person she is, literally
Her grandmother has a bed and breakfast that they all live in
the house is Victorian style—almost as if they walked right out of charmed! Instead of a big pink house, think yellow AND purple. It was hideous but homey and charming on the inside
growing up in a house with multiple temporary strangers wasn’t odd to aj at all, in fact it felt like the norm. There was always someone around to socialize with so that was quite nice
Her father was a pro baseball player & passed away due to a automobile accident
she has his smile & freckles
aj was also involved in the accident at the age of 6 & miraculously survived with intense injuries
Has scars as a reminder
used to have night terrors because of the accident...it took awhile—years!!! for them to subside
they’re all vague memories now (but the pain is something she’ll always remember) but she preferred it that way
she’s named “Anna” after her mother’s old best friend/roommate and was supposed to be aj’s god mother but she went missing during their uni years
the name“Julia” came from her paternal grandmother who she gets her wide doe eyes from
her athleticism definitely came from her dad
Her mother luckily liked to document things so there’s a bunch of home videos of her dad in them & pictures/scrapbooks that her mom has for safe keeping
She’s more of a klutz, tiny, and wears huge prescription glasses
extremely close to the three most important ladies in her life, so she’s always been able to be open with them about anything!
when she first expressed her interest in liking both genders around 17-18 her paternal aunt was all smirks, “i knew Britney Spears was so your type, yeah?”
more like shakira but Brit was just as pretty
her mother was a “cry baby” so ofc she burst out into tears squeezing aj’s limbs and peppering her face with kisses. She didn’t view her child as anything different... as she shouldn’t & was glad that her daughter trusted them with this significant moment in her life and wanted to be as supportive as she could
got books, watched Ted talks and everything but knew she could come to the source even tho aj was still figuring it out herself
her grandma dipped her head at the new info sitting at the round kitchen table, “been there. had a few broads in my life after and during my marriage with your no good grandad. Thank goodness the bastard died before you even got to meet ‘em.” “Mum!”
what felt like the biggest weight on her chest was lifted. She knew they’d understand but a part of her had a little bit of doubt, she’s heard so many horror stories where those like her didn’t have the support she has and that made her extremely sad to think about
i see her as a person that has/had many friends in secondary. She’s always open to chat and her being on a few sports teams helped her out in her case
very competitive in anything that she does & will guarantee that she’ll beat you. (“ You wanna race to the car from here?”wins. “Who ever cleans the most dishes the fastest gets the last slice of pie.”) majority of the time she’s right but if she loses?? oh don’t let her lose to you, it’s a pity party for the rest of the time ur in her space. Such a sore loser omg
stays active, always working out + has a gym membership and makes sure she goes at least five times a week
she’s very strong, loves leg day & working on her core
she’s about 5’10
loves wearing “gf jeans” since they’re super comfy but doesn’t mind skinny Jeans with rips in the knees every now and then
trainers and chucks are her go-to sneakers
has no issue shopping in the men’s section ‘cause who’s gonna stop her? Nobody that’s who
owner of over a 100 graphic tees + vertical stripped shirts are also her favs, SWEATPANTS/joggers?! How many does she have? A lot. Snapbacks? Plenty. Will she wear them backwards? Obviously.
Physical touch is her love language. She’s comes from a family that has no issue showing their affection by touch. There is NO such thing as personal space and that still stands with aj when it comes to relationships, she sees no other way
It’s what she shows and what she wants in return, if you’re not touching her in some sort of way, then automatically she thinks there’s something wrong or that she did something
Is the jealous type. It has shown in relationships and ruined a relationship or two
Has cheated on a significant other out of pure jealousy & is not proud to admit that
Does have a wandering eye but feels now that she truly understands herself when it comes to relationships, she’ll never act on it again
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, I get libra tendencies from her so that’s what I’m sticking with. She likes to keep the peace (unless she’s jealous) , idealistic — always looking on the bright side of things, outgoing, romantic, and professional— especially when it comes to her team; her true leadership comes out, yet she can be indecisive, hates confrontation, self pitying — if things don’t go perfectly how she imagined/planned it to, the world is ending and everyone is out to get her, and can be unreliable—never on time
September libra to be exact
if she’s really in love/taken a interest in you then she gets nervous: blushing, sweaty palms, cracking her knuckles, tongue tied—the whole 9
she’s already defined as a puppy by her coach but when she’s in love? She’s a lovesick puppy!
her fav holiday is Valentine’s Day
thought she was going to be a pro skateboarder growing up but it took one bad fall where she thought she was paralyzed for her to choose something else
she likes her weed on occasion
Obsessed with all types of cheese except cottage, “can I put cheese on this?”
more of a jumpsuit kinda girl or dressy top with jeans & hoops on a night out
has a solid group of mates outside of the hockey team, they’ve all met and hung out a couple of times, as they should since aj feels they’re going to be stuck with her for awhile so why not?
They’re a riot when they all go out, let’s just say that there’s never a dull moment
fav color is periwinkle
enjoys ASMR, mostly in the mornings when she’s waking up. You know how people love podcasts? (Sorry seb & Nicky, she still wants to be on the show soon!) ASMR is her thing
loves tangerines, you can count on it that she’ll have one on her, “where did you pull that from?” “I’ll never share my master plan.” “You’re such a tit.”
Definitely prefers “fresh squeezed” orange juice & will make her own, she has the tools & the strength 😏
Very rare for her to get sick ;) & if she does she’s a complete baby about it
Will fight that she’s sick before she admits it, trying all sorts of horrid remedies & vitamins
loves summer & all things that come with it, the number one thing is leaving bath for however long she can for a new place to enjoy
when she arrived to love island, she was thrilled for the weather. Yes she was looking for love but most importantly a nice get away & that it was (depending on your route that is lol)
closest with seb, vieve, elladine, and tai but don’t tell the others that! (She doesn’t care if you tell Yasmin, honestly)
just because her & seb “dated” and it didn’t work out doesn’t mean they can’t be friends right? It was almost automatic for them to be platonic after it was determined there would be no romance between them, almost like sibs! like those celebs like to say—except this time these two won’t turn around and actually find romance
vieve came with seb so...but no shade aj did like vieve. She gave great advice (while seb sometimes didn’t say the right things unintentionally or what aj needed to hear) when needed, especially from a medical view and is very sweet
elladine was the one who had all the tea & ideas to match, she’s quite organized and always down for DIY’s and could suggest almost anything. If you needed someone to help you get things tidy or match/find your Aesthetic, she’s the friend you call to help
tai was the one she could be a “bro” with, sure elladine has her competive side (or controlling, depends on how you view it) but tai was the one you can run to for much needed “bro hugs”, partying, going to the pubs, playing sports with or against, checking out/flirting with babes, etc...
it was not long after the villa that aj had a revelation with her sexuality & fully owned and labeled herself as a lesbian
She was happy being in relationship with someone else or with herself, life was short and she was young so there wasn’t time to dwell and stress over things so what the hell?! Live your truth the best way you know how ya know?
probably smells like sweet citrus, almond flower, and sea salt
on chest days, she’s a sweets snacker. Loves gummy bears (also with vodka) , swedish fish, sour patch kids, etc...basically shit that sticks to ur teeth
put all her chips into hockey, while it was advised by her Counselors & mum not to do so, aj went about it anyway. She thought about the pros and cons but knew there was nothing else for her. So there were more pros than cons. She was meant to play sports, its what felt right in her soul
Made her feel connected to her father, when she’s on the field she feels that he is with her
 scrunches up her nose when she’s frustrated or confused about something
Doesn’t always grasp concepts right away, she’s a soft dummy but most of us are and that’s okay! We’re all smart in our own ways
Feels like sunflowers are always around her especially if she sees them wherever she is. They must symbolize SOMETHING, therefore she loves them
spf queen. All about it, get with it or let the sunrays ruin ur skin that’s on u
loves a good filet mignon medium-well & is probably the only good thing she knows how to make alongside a salad, baked potatoes, & her oj
sucker for romantic-comedies...it’s basically her life duh!
If she has a dog, it’s a Dalmatian or Great Dane. She needs a companion that’ll keep up with her
loves kissing, it’s her favorite form of intimacy
Quarantine life included the push up challenge for her. Gaining a few pounds in muscle and fat, bothering seb via ft, viewing old letters she wrote to her dad, spending time with her fav ladies since they were now restricted from having guests in their home, and letting boredom consume her + she hated the whole lockdown that came with it, she hated being indoors for long periods of time but she knew that’s what partly needed to be done
Posts a lot of beach, park, outings with her friends & team, moments with her fav ladies, workout videos, and guests at the b&b with their permission and if only she befriends them along the way. She’s just as active on the socials as she is in rl but she’s not obsessed with it, she knows how to live in the now. She’s all about balance!
I also feel like she never keeps her phone charged and it’s always dying on her! She had a car charger but...that’s a jungle. She needs to invest in a portable charger stat
crushing on/finds attractive: Jared Padalecki, Keanu Reeves, Barrett Doss, Camilla Luddington, Sandra Bullock, Adrian Kempe, Harry Kirton, Anya Taylor-Joy, Haley Lu Richardson, Naomi Osaka, Ming & Aoki Lee Simmons
who does she listen to? Shakira lol!! Bea Miller, Dua Lipa, Daya, XYLØ, Elley Duhé, Stela Cole, Aloe Blacc, Maroon 5, Lewis capaldi, Charlie Puth, girl in red, Hayley kiyoko, king princess, dodie, & tessa violet
Anthem: Icona Pop — we got the world
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irandomblogfulb · 4 years
FATE: What happens when you get a bunch of middle aged white guys to adapt a cartoon for girls
Well, I just went through 6 hours of fate and I have a lot of opinions on it. Yeah, this is going to be long (slightly under 3k words) so putting it under read more and obvious spoilers.
PSA before delving right in:
1) Yes, I will be comparing to the original. Any comparisons are not through rose-tinted nostalgia glasses. There are parts here and there that I genuinely think were done better in the cartoon on a writing standpoint.
2) This is purely my opinion and overall negative. Don't like it? Don't read. I'm all up for discussion but I don't want another person crying to me about how I “ruined” their experience of the show.
3) If you like Fate then good for you. This isn’t me bashing people who like it. 
I've spit it up into sub sections just for my own convince.
1. The problem with the 'I'm not like other girls' trope
This pertains to the entire Bloom-Sky-Stella love triangle. I wasn't as pressed about it compared to other winxers (and I loved Stella's and Brandon's relationship on my rewatch). In fact, I was okay with it. But then I sat down and watched the show and there's a lot of underlying problems with the love triangle. Particularly pitting Bloom and Stella against each other for Sky's affection.
Now this part of the love triangle I already didn't like. Correct me if I'm wrong, since I dropped the OG Winx after season 5 but the Winx while they did have their conflicts and arguments, never fought over a boy. I really appreciated that from the cartoon so seeing that live action would fall into that trap – I was mildly annoyed at that. Then it hit me. It's Bloom and Stella.
The seemingly ordinary girl vs the pristine princess of Solaria. If the title didn't give it away, you should get the point by now. Others have already called it by now but the "I'm not like other girl's" trope in itself, while seemingly feminist is actually misogynist. Saying the more masculine type of girl is better than the feminine is inherently misogynist. Stella, the prime princess, girly and feminine, is villainized by the love triangle. Sky's and Stella's relationship is toxic and Stella's overt co-dependence and jealousy are already big fat red signs - but Sky's and Bloom's relationship is built on how she's "different". Bloom isn't like Stella, she's "real".
2. Am I supposed to like Riven?
As the title puts it, wtf am I supposed to feel about Riven. Is he supposed to be a good guy? Do I root for him? Is he morally ambiguous? Because holy shit compared to OG!Riven, this guy is diabolical and much much worse! OG!Riven is an asshole and he teams up with the trix but his arc was very simple and easy to understand. He joins the bad guys, distances himself from the good guys, the trix betray his ass, he self-reflects in the dungeon - escapes and redeems himself. Net!Riven is so bad to the point where you can't redeem him and the writers don't even try. Freddie Thorp is good in his role. (however, he definitely doesn't pass for a 17-year-old. He's 26 and it shows) and he actually makes the cringe dialogue work. But he's way too diabolical and downright predatory. The scene where he forces Dane to gulp down his spiked drink - it’s worse seeing it than reading it. That grossed me out more than the gore.
What makes it worse, nobody properly calls him out. Beatrix kinda does on his homophobia – “Homophobic bashing by GIF” - and Sky does chastise him, but they still tolerate him. It is kinda funny in a way Sky has a whole ass arc about how he's enabling Stella's problematic behaviour by still dating her after she blinded her friend but doesn't realize he's doing the same for Riven.
The only person that really puts her foot down with Riven is Terra and nobody takes her seriously about anything she says.
Everyone is very laissez-faire around him and that's not how you respond to your friend being problematic. (Hey, kinda like the other girls sans Aisha are with Bloom!) Everyone surrounding Riven is so disgusting and the notion of him supposedly being a good guy is very hard to buy into. His whole relationship with Dane has a section of it’s own because there’s just a lot to unpack.
3. Stella I am so sorry
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I'm also in the majority hating how they've tarnished Stella. Basically, they turned her into the stereotypical rich bully with mommy issues.
I get that Stella has an abusive mom but that’s no excuse to be a total bitch to her roommates. And no, her roommates shouldn't accept her back with open arms. And she doesn't even redeem herself - the girls just accept her back after her mom pulls her from Alfea.
And this is also another issue with the writing were the characters suddenly just change their opinions on a whim. Suddenly Stella likes the winx, suddenly Terra misses Stella even though having that girl literally gives her anxiety. Suddenly Aisha's on Bloom's side in the end.
This isn't me simping for the cartoon out of nostalgia. I was mostly okay with the idea of Stella and Sky hooking up. But Looking at it from a creative standpoint - looking at the source material, and the many paths you can take this character, the best thing Brian Young and co. can think of for her was turning her into the stereotypical rich bully that we've seen time and time again? No deconstruction no meta take, it's played out exactly how you’d expect it.
Again, this isn't me simping for the show. Purely from a creative standpoint Stella was such a major let down. There's so much to the character and Brian Young took the easiest, saturated path.
4. That one scene with Bloom's parents
You know the one. Mike unhinges Bloom's bedroom doors and Vanessa cusses out and insults her child like a petty teen bully. Forgetting how utterly cringey that scene was, you can't have her mom go batshit insane on her child, then act like she's this loving parent that cares so deeply about her daughter. Screw that! Vanessa deserved those 3rd degree burns! She invaded her daughter's privacy. Bloom didn't even do anything wrong!
I can't buy into this narrative of Vanessa and Mike being loving parents when they do something like that. Seriously who thought that was okay?
5. Pity Parties for everyone.
I already discussed this in Stella’s section but I don’t like the “it’s okay for me be a shitty person because my life sucks :)” narrative Fate tries to pull. They did it with Stella, Bloom, Riven.
What I liked about the first season of Winx Club is Bloom’s arc and her character as a whole. Because while she went through shit, from the Trix, to finding out she was adopted, her existential crisis, not feeling like she belonged, losing the dragon flame, she went through a lot. She didn’t throw a pity party. She didn’t whine, bitch and complain. She allowed herself to feel upset, took it as it is and tried to make lemonade out of lemons. And I respect that.
Net!Bloom is agrevating. She does some dumb, reckless stuff but it’s excused because she’s the protagonist? She let the war criminal out, the school gets taken over by the bad guys because of Bloom. Faragonda fucking dies because she let the war criminal out! The burned ones attacked the school because she let the war criminal out!!! But no, Aisha’s villainized for calling Bloom out because Bloom’s existential crisis is more important then anything else.
Getting to Sky, he isn’t as bad as the others. He doesn’t become a shitty person because of his problems. (Though lowkey flirting with Bloom while he hooks up with Stella is uh not good.) But he does come across incredibly whiny. Because of the cringey dialogue and the unnecessary swearing  I can’t take his speech on opening up to Bloom seriously. I laughed throughout the whole thing and Bloom leaving his unconscious body there was the icing on the cake.
One of the few characters that deserved a pity party is Terra. She’s very much like OG!Bloom in a way. She is bullied by Dane and Riven, has body insecurities, anxiety, nobody listens to her and at most only tolerates her. Despite all the crap that is thrown her way she still reminds humble, kind, and respectful. And she is one of the few characters that deserves more support than what she got out of the season.
5. Bloom, Aisha, Tokenism and their awful relationship
I’m going to be upfront, their relationship sucks. The core of their dynamic is what Aisha can do for Bloom. It’s very one-sided. Bloom only goes to Aisha to help solve her problems, which Aisha gladly does – but when Aisha disagrees with Bloom or says something Bloom doesn’t like, Bloom suddenly goes off and Aisha’s made to be the bad guy. Even though she’s right? And Aisha has her own problems as well, shown to also struggle with her powers. But nope, that’s pushed to the back burner because Bloom needs help.
I am all for creative freedom. I can stomach Stella x actual Sky. I can stomach turning Stella into a rich mean girl. I can stomach the dark academia aesthetic but what Brian Young and co. did to Aisha is just plain racist. Screw the “it’s an adaptation” excuse. Turning this character who had a rich storyline and was a princess into a white girl’s magical negro who fixes all her problems is racist and by definition tokenism. And by whitewashing the other two characters of color, making Aisha the only poc in the group – that’s the worst thing you can do to her.
And frankly we need more black princesses on screen.
6. Dane and the homophobia of the show
Towards the show’s climax it’s revealed Dane is helping Beatrix because she accepts he’s “different”. Not only does this go back to my pity party rant but like bruh,
1)      Beatrix never really did anything for Dane? She hung out and smoked with him a bit, but that’s all. You’re telling me Terra wouldn’t accept Dane? Beatrix never helped him and he never really opened up to her about his struggles.
2)      Nobody else, not even background characters bully or harass Dane for being “different”. It’s only Riven, the guy he’s crushing on. The whole falling in love with the bad boy/abuser trope is bad in a hetero relationship and that still stands for a gay one. And I know damn well if Dane was a woman half of the shit Riven did to Dane wouldn’t slide.
It makes no sense for Dane to side with the bad guys when Riven’s the one bullying him and Beatrix is complacent in the bullying. Oh, and having your second black* character who’s also lgbt+/potentially questioning be a villain? Not good.
I’m all for gay and poly rep, but not like this. If Stella and Sky’s toxic relationship is going to be called out for what it is, why not Dane’s?
*Idk if Theo Graham is light-skinned black or biracial so I’ll just refer to him as black.
7. The plot
It’s very predictable. Personally, wasn’t fond of the ‘twist of a twist of a twist’ style of writing. The story tries to be nuanced and deep but it’s not. Common sense is treated like a big revelation. Not trusting the war criminal you barely know isn’t as big of a take that the writers try to make it out to be.
8.  Everything else
·       Beatrix is fine. No Icy but did like the gothic bookworm aesthetic.
·       Sam is just there to be Musa’s love interest and provide some dumb drama between Musa and Terra. I thought they’d go the Edward/Bella root – Musa’s drawn to Sam because she can’t sense his emotions for some reason. Nope, they just get together for the obligatory make out sessions. Don’t care much for the relationship or the character.
·       Since the powers are all elemental shouldn’t there be classes purely for an elemental? Classes purely for fire fairies, etc?
·       Musa’s powers are confusing. If she has no control over them and they are “always on”, shouldn’t her eyes constantly be glowing purple?  Very wishy washy. Sometimes they overwhelm her and other times she has complete control. Her character is just there for plot stuff.
·       Terra is one of the better characters but can’t enjoy her knowing about the whitewashing. Why can’t we have a plus sized character just exist and not have body issues?
·       Sky doesn’t feel like a prince. Characters treat him like his dad is a war hero and not the King of Eraklyon. There was a point where I thought I misheard and thought his dad was just a war hero and not a king.
·       Why try to justify Rosalind’s war crime if she’s going to be the big bad anyways?
·       The way the characters treat death/act around death is very weird. Musa and Terra see a pile of dead bodies and they’re unreasonable calm. Especially Bloom an “ordinary teenage girl from earth”, reacts very nonchalant when death and war crimes are brought up. Doesn’t help the show tries to push this “they’re kids fighting a war” narrative.
·       Can’t buy into the girls’ friendship. The Aisha/Bloom dynamic is centred on what Aisha can do for Bloom. Bloom only cares about herself and only goes to her friends to help with her problems. Most of Musa’s and Terra’s interaction centre around Sam. Stella didn’t care for the girls until her mom showed up and pulled a 180. The girls were quick to turn on Aisha when she sided with the adults.
·       I have no problem with technology existing but why do they have Instagram, Tiktok and Tumblr? The otherworld is a completely separated from Earth, why do they have the same technology?  
9. Brian Young, what do you mean by mature?
I grew up on the 4kids dub before transitioning to the Nick dub for season 4 and 5 then dropping the cartoon for good. So naturally on my rewatch of the cartoon I decided to go watch the RAI dub since I heard it’s more accurate and 4Kids are infamous for their horrid localisations straying too much to the source material. Upon finishing season 1 and currently watching season 2, a few things took me by surprise. For one, the cartoon is surprisingly dark. The schools are at war with the Trix and their army of Darkness, Sky almost dies in Season 2, Riven almost dies and the Trix thinks he suicided, it’s heavily implied in Season 2 Darkar murdered some of the pixies, the paedophilic undertones of Bloom and Avalon’s relationship, the list goes on.
When the interview with Brian Young came out, he said Fate would be a mature take on the cartoon. And I wondered, what did he meant by mature? Was he going to delve deeper into the darker aspects of the show, or did he mean he was going to have the girls swear and have sex? Watching Fate, I found my answer.
If you take out the gore, swearing, drug and alcohol usage from the live action, the maturity is on par with the RAI dub. The difference is in the presentation. This is what sucks about the mentality surrounding live action remakes. Because the OG!Winx was colourful with glittery transformations , was super girly and overall had a positive upbeat tone (not forgetting 2D animated) - it can’t be taken seriously. You have to strip all that, the colour, the kindness, the femininity in order to be deemed mature.
10. Wrapping up
I went into Fate expecting the worst and honestly, it wasn’t that bad. There were things I liked about it. The show looks pretty, and I did like what they were trying to do with Sky’s arc. The actors did what they could with the material. Freddie Thorp made the cringe dialogue work and Abigail Cowen proves she can carry a show as the lead.
Fate is your generic, YA, dark academia show. It follows all the tropes of the YA genre to a T. If that’s your niche, then you’ll love Fate and I’m not bashing anyone who liked it.
For me, as a creative, it doesn’t capitalise on the strengths of the source material. I’m not asking for Winx Club again, as I’ve reiterated, I’m all for creative freedom. But Brian Young, Iginio Straffi, whoever worked on this – they could’ve created something new, innovative, something that stood out from the hordes of other YA shows. They had good material in their hands! But what I got -  I’ve seen before, and I’ve seen it done better. That’s a major disappointment.
As a winx club fan, don’t bother watching this. It’s a very diluted version of the Winx. In trying to capture the interest of the adult fans who grew up with the franchise – Iginio showed how out of touch he is if he thinks this is what they wanted.
22 notes · View notes
spartanguard · 4 years
even death won’t part us now (3/?)
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Summary: Two covens, both alike in dignity, / In fair New York, where we lay our scene, / From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, / Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes / A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life; / Whole misadventured piteous overthrows / Do with their death bury their sires’ strife. (Captain Swan + West Side Story + vampires. But not as sad. Probably.)
rated M | part 1 | part 2 | AO3 | 5.8k words
A/N: So I’m not entirely sure what my posting schedule will be like but it’s looking like every 8 days. This chapter is a ton of CS goodness that I hope you like! Thanks again to @optomisticgirl​​ for being an awesome beta; to @thesschesthair​​ for her amazing art (LOOK AT THIS NEW PIECE OMG); and to @kmomof4​​ and @cssns​​ for putting this event on and pushing me to continue this story!
sorrynotsorry for the Hamilton references; I couldn’t resist
I know they’re not actually singing but the movie is still awesome
part three—tonight, tonight; it all began tonight
Emma couldn’t help it; she was entranced. After so many years thinking she’d merely dreamed of their existence, to suddenly see those blue eyes—and the handsome face they belonged to—it kind of made the world seem to slow. The music, the moving bodies between them—it all seemed to hit some sort of decrescendo, and she found her feet moving toward him without her telling them to.
His gaze hadn’t left hers since they locked eyes, and it was almost as if the crowd was parting around them, leaving a clear path for her to finally meet the man who’d haunted her peripheral vision the last 15 years.
Then, suddenly, he was there in front of her. She breathed; she could smell him—something warm and spicy and vaguely like rum and leather—but there was no heat radiating from him like a human would have. Despite that, there was a solidness to him that proved he wasn’t a hallucination.
“You’re real,” she breathed.
“Aye,” he said in an accented voice. “You’re still here.”
“I haven’t gone anywhere,” she answered, slightly confused but more enamored than anything. 
“I’m glad,” he said, then reached for her hand. She continued to stare, entranced, as he brought it to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it. If her stomach was still capable, it would have flipped. Part of her wondered if he’d walked straight out of a Jane Austen novel, but the odds of him being that old (or older) were significant.
“I apologize if I kept you waiting,” he continued.
“I’m patient.”
“So am I.”
Without further ado, he stepped into her space; normally, she would have moved the opposite direction, but not tonight. Whatever that feeling was she’d gotten earlier—a warning, a sign, an omen—this was what it was bracing her for; she knew it.
(Apparently, she could be a hopeless romantic when she really wanted to be. Suck on that, Snow.)
He wrapped his free arm around her and she felt hers slip up to his (firm) shoulder, like some long-lost muscle memory was taking over. Then he took a step, and she followed. Then another, and another, until they were dancing in their own little circle in the middle of everyone.
“What is this?” she asked, the haze of her shock finally clearing a bit.
“It’s called a waltz,” he answered matter-of-factly. “And the only rule is: pick a partner who knows what he’s doing.”
Innuendo was dripping off that statement, and Emma decided she wouldn’t mind figuring out what else he knew how to do—at some point, at least; not here, not with all these people around. 
“I feel like I’ve been seeing you out of the corner of my eyes for years,” she confessed as they continued to step and sway. 
“I wish I could say you have, but I’ve been abroad the past several; there’s no way I would let a woman as lovely as you pass me by without giving her my full and prompt attention.”
She smiled; god, how long had it been since someone genuinely flirted with her? Someone who wasn’t looking for just a one-night fling. (Her sense for these things had only gotten sharper over the years—he was genuinely interested in her, she could tell. And the feeling was mutual.)
“It was you, right?” she asked, moving in a bit closer. “From the night I turned?”
Before he could answer, though, a firm hand was on her shoulder, pulling her away and rudely tugging her back into reality—David.
“Dad, what the hell?” she complained as he moved in front of her, almost like he was shielding her.
“Get back, Emma; he’s not safe,” David commanded, not taking his eyes off of—shit, Emma didn’t even know his name yet. But he too was surrounded by a couple other vampires, and Graham quickly joined the fray.
“He’s with Aurum,” Snow whispered in her ear, suddenly appearing at her side. “And Regina is here with him.”
Oh, shit—Regina was the one who turned her parents. Which meant she could control them, if she was so inclined; just another reminder of how lucky Emma was that her sire was gone. 
“We need to go—now,” Snow hissed, grabbed Emma’s arm, and started to pull her from the crowd.
“Dad!” Emma shouted, because it looked like he was confronting one of the Aurum guys. She knew he could hear her, but he was locked in a tense conversation, albeit brief; she couldn’t hear their exchange over the thumping dance music, but it was obvious from their body language that the tone was tense. She and Snow were nearly out the back door before he and Graham caught up to them and Snow finally loosened her grip on Emma’s arm.
Emma shook off her mother and peered through the door before it mechanically shut behind them. She got one last look of those too-blue eyes, still staring at her from across the bar, before the door closed.
Just her luck: the first time a guy actually gets her attention in at least 25 years, he’s completely unavailable to her due to some stupid ancient rivalry.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“What the bloody hell are you doing?” Killian raged as he was unceremoniously pulled away from Emma and out of a fog of enchantment—by Robin, of all people. 
“Saving your skin,” Robin answered sharply. “She’s with Coroza.”
Fucking hell—he’d completely forgotten who he’d left her with. Bloody stupid ageless feud. But sure enough, when he looked back, he saw she was still with the Nolans. At the very least, his instincts there had been good. 
She was being dragged away by Snow, but David and another guy—Gary? no, Graham—hung back. “What the hell do you think you’re doing here?” David barked angrily.
“I could ask the same of you,” Robin snarled back, showing his descended fangs and approaching David. “Should have known this club would be trash.”
“Then maybe you should get back to your side of the border and leave us be.”
“Or maybe you should find another feeding ground altogether; I’m sure the fare in New Jersey is cheap enough for your palate.”
“That’s enough. This ends tonight,” David spat. Killian was pretty sure David didn’t have the authority to proclaim that, but he didn’t know the hierarchy in Coroza (and certainly wasn’t up to date on it) well enough to call his bluff.
“Fine,” Robin snarled. “Meet me at Granny’s tonight, 3:00. We’ll set the terms there.”
“Fine.” David turned and left with no further comment; Graham was quick to follow, but leveled a withering glare at Killian first that, if he wasn’t mistaken, was tinged with jealousy.
Whatever. Killian looked past both of them, through the back door of the establishment—where he caught one last glimpse of green eyes and blonde hair before the door closed. He prayed that wasn’t a metaphor.
Robin was quick to usher them all out, and Killian followed, not wanting to make a scene. But he quickly wracked his brain for his old recollection of addresses, and just had to hope the Nolans had the same habit towards moving (or rather, not) that the majority of vampires held. 
That was not the last time he saw Emma—he was going to be sure of that.
Emma was mature enough to admit that by the time they got home, she was sulking; that teenager feeling she had earlier was definitely still relevant. Her dad and Graham were talking strategy, it sounded like, and her mom was trying to comfort her, it seemed—though over what, she wasn’t sure.
Finally, they reached the townhouse; the boys disappeared to the downstairs office while Emma and Snow headed to the little-used kitchen. At least there was a bottle of black-market blood vodka in the fridge; Emma needed something to take the edge off, her drinking plans being interrupted.
She poured a shot for both her and Snow and quickly downed it. Snow, though, looked at hers a bit pensively. 
“I’m sorry your night out got ruined.”
“It’s fine; it happens,” Emma shrugged off. “I’ve got plenty more to come.”
“I know, but...god, I hate it when they show up like that.”
Emma didn’t let her mom see her roll her eyes; again, she didn’t give two shits about the rivalry—it was the way it seemed to bring out the worst in people that she had issue with. That was what ruined the night; not the mere presence of someone she was supposed to hate.
(Someone whose name she still didn’t know and was most likely the reason she’d been reunited with her parents in the first place—but that wasn’t something she was going to bring up right now.)
“Well, did you at least have fun with Graham?” Snow asked, happy to change the subject. Emma was less receptive.
“I barely even talked to him,” she scoffed.
“I wish you would. He’s a great guy.”
Emma didn’t hide her exasperation this time. “Yeah, he is—as a friend. I just...don’t like him like that.”
“Emma,” her mom sighed, then stepped close enough to wrap her in a hug. “That wall around your heart...it may keep out pain, but it can also keep out love. I just don’t want that for you.”
Emma’s mind immediately jumped to blue eyes and the sense of being drawn in by some unseen force. “I know, Mom, but—you’ve gotta let me do it on my own,” she said, rubbing Snow’s arm.
“Yeah, I know,” she sighed.
Emma gave a loving pat on Snow’s bicep, but then pried herself out of her mom’s embrace. “I’m going back up to the roof; I’ll be down later.”
“Alright; be safe.”
Emma chuckled; she was far more dangerous than any other predator out there. But she promised she would and headed up the stairs.
The sounds and smells of the city enveloped her again as she exited on the roof, hints of stars twinkling past the light pollution. It was a balmy and clear enough night that she’d probably consider staying up here for the rest of it, but for now, she was content to sit on the ledge overlooking the alley behind the building. It wasn’t particularly picturesque, but every now and then, a person would stumble through and Emma would feel a bit less alone in the world. 
Despite the family she’d found, being a vampire—and only truly walking the world during the dark—was far more isolating than she’d ever imagined.
Movement in the alley caught her attention; something was sliding through the shadows. It was usually just a stray cat, but this figure was much larger; despite her enhanced vision, it was too far away to make out until it came into the small bit of light that came from the streetlamp a quarter of a block down.
And then she gasped: it was him. Even in the faint light, she could see the sharp blue of his eyes—and they were staring right at her. 
“But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?” he said softly, loud enough for her to hear clearly but not for the average human. “It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.”
If she could blush, she’d be blushing. 
“Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,” he continued, moving closer to the building and carefully stepping onto the fire escape’s ladder. “Who is already sick and pale with grief.”
“Don’t tell me you’re so old that you actually knew Shakespeare,” she teased; she’d heard rumors that there were a few around here who did, though (including someone in charge of Shakespeare in the Park).
“She speaks: O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art as glorious to this night, being o'er my head.” He carefully continued the recitation as he climbed gracefully and almost silently. 
“Wait—watch out for the—!” she whisper-yelled—but it was too late. He wasn’t looking where he was reaching and grabbed for the loose rung three from the top with his left—hook? She wasn’t sure how she hadn’t noticed the prosthesis in the bar, but steel met rusty iron, which immediately gave way, leaving him dangling from his right hand. She hopped off her perch, saying “Shit—let me help!”
He chuckled; a low rumble that went straight to her core. “I’m fine, love; I’ve got this.”
And in a move that had no business being either physically possible or as ridiculously hot as it was, he somehow vaulted himself onto the roof with only his right arm.
She just gaped and blinked, her jaw literally dropping, as he landed in front of her with bent knees and then rose to his full height. He smirked, revealing a dimple in his scruff that was far too adorable for the far-from-innocent expression.
“How are you even real?” she blurted out.
“Well, many years ago, I was born, and then—”
“No, no, no,” she cut off; of course he was a smartass. “I know you’re real—I can feel it, felt it—but like...it’s like you walked out of the pages of some fairy tale,” she stammered.
His smirk fell a bit. “If I did, it certainly wasn’t a happy one—perhaps the Grimms’ version?” he posited, stepping toward her.
“Our lives certainly are as graphic as one,” she agreed. 
“I’d say,” he added, then waved his hook for emphasis. Oh god—he’d definitely know better than she would, clearly. She was totally messing this up, wasn’t she? 
“Sorry; I didn’t mean—”
“It’s fine,” he waved off. “I know you didn’t.” There was no resentment in his voice; he meant it. In a city full of pissed-off assholes, it was nice to find one who wasn’t easily offended. 
For a long moment then, silence fell over them (as much as anything could be silent in the city) but it wasn’t awkward; his eyes flitted over her as if he was studying her, so she tried to do the same, but had a hard time getting past the bit of chest hair revealed by the open buttons at the collar of his dress shirt. But then she could tell he was smirking again, which made her realize she was staring. 
She averted her gaze to a cracked concrete tile she’d been meaning to fix for...at least 10 years. “Um, sorry about earlier—in the bar, what happened; my dad, he can get—”
“It’s fine, love; my friends are the same,” he interrupted. “Frankly, I'd forgotten the rivalry was still a thing.”
“Oh shit—are you going to be in trouble for being here?”
“Not if I’m not caught,” he shrugged off. “'Tis but thy name that is my enemy.”
She smiled at how smooth he pulled that off. “Except I don’t even know your name,” she tossed back. 
“Oh, bloody—” he cursed to himself, running his hand through his dark hair, then straightened back up. “Killian Jones,” he said, adding in a slight bow, “at your service, ma’am.”
God, even his name sounded too fancy to be real. Although, there was probably something equally fantastical about hers. “Emma Swan,” she replied.
“I know.”
Her eyebrows raised. “You do?”
“To answer your question from earlier—if you’re referring to the night that Walsh Baum died after turning his last girlfriend, then yes, that was me who found you.” So she was right—she knew she was, deep in her gut, but to have confirmation was nice. “I’d been sent to follow you to make sure that didn’t happen. But obviously, I wasn’t successful there.”
She tilted her head, assessing the way he was decidedly not meeting her eyes on that last part. “That’s not the whole truth, is it?” Her ability to sense a lie, particularly in humans but also in other vampires, was a well-honed tool. 
“You’re quite perceptive, aren’t you?” he rebuffed, still focusing on his hook instead of her. 
“When I need to be.” She didn’t feel like she was in any danger; but her curiosity demanded to know. 
“I was supposed to kill you,” he said quietly. “But I couldn’t.”
Well. That was not what she expected.
Killian’s memory hadn’t failed him; the Nolans still lived in the same quaint little Hell’s Kitchen home. The view from the alley across the street was little changed in the last 15 years; just different cars parked on the street; different adverts glued to the utility poles.
He made his way to the alley alongside the building, clinging to the shadows to avoid being seen; he was very good at that. But then a golden spotlight drew his attention: Emma, perched on the edge of the roof, looking fully ethereal in the glow of the yellow streetlight.
And, well, his more theatrical side took over from there. (Yes, it was completely showing off by using only one arm to leap onto the roof, but he hadn’t gotten this far without knowing how to impress a lass.)
He was a little surprised at how well Emma was able to read him; but it was a firm reminder that despite his tracking her (and subsequent years of daydreaming), and despite their intense moment earlier, he really didn’t know her. 
Oh, but he wished to. 
“I was supposed to kill you,” he reluctantly revealed. “But I couldn’t.”
Her green gaze had already turned suspicious, and with that statement, he could almost see the physical walls going up behind them.
“So, what, you’re here to finish the job?” she accused.
“No,” he vehemently assured her. “I had no desire to kill you then, and even less now.” 
Her features softened, but only slighting. “Should I be worried about someone else coming after me?”
“As far as Aurum knows, you’re already dead. If they knew you weren’t, let's just say neither of us would be here to have this conversation.”
The tiniest sparkle of amusement ticked at the corner of her mouth. “I mean, technically I am dead,” she joked. “But...why didn’t you?”
That same familiar expression was in her face as he saw it 15 years ago. “You had that look in your eyes—the one you get when you’ve been left alone. And I...I know what that’s like, and I didn’t think you deserved to die like that.”
He hadn’t intended to make things so heavy, but he also knew he couldn’t withhold the truth. Although he was surprised at how easily he told her; it had taken nearly a decade to reveal anything of his past to Robin, and yet something told him he’d be spilling his full backstory to Emma over the course of the night. 
On her end, she seemed to be slightly overwhelmed by the statement; her eyes had gone wide and she was taking unnecessarily deep breaths (unnecessary in that she needn’t take any at all). “Thank you,” she said resolutely, and he could hear the weight in her simple words. 
Even after two and a half centuries, he still hadn’t learned to accept gratitude, so he just nodded and ducked his head a bit, trying to hide the blush that wasn’t there. “I can’t say it was entirely selfless,” he continued in an attempt to shrug it off. “There’s something to be said about finding a way to disobey the man who’s controlled you for the last 200-plus years.”
“Yeah, but sending me to the other side?”
He had to roll his eyes. “I hardly care about some petty, pointless rivalry that’s stretched through the centuries. While I may be under the thumb of Aurum, I don’t give two whits about sides.”
“Thank God someone else doesn’t,” she blurted out. “Like, I get why my parents do—Regina is the one that turned them, and not gonna lie, that is a bit of a sore spot for me—but that’s a personal issue. No reason to join a gang.”
He chuckled a bit at her simple but rational logic. “Aye; I’m likewise not much a fan of Cora—she killed my love, many years ago—but I only hold that against her; not the rest of her coven.” To this day, he still didn’t know if Cora had singled Milah out because of her connection with him, or her connection with Gold; either way, she had been murdered, and there was naught he could do.
“Eesh, that sucks.”
“Aye, it did.”
“It doesn’t anymore?”
“I was angry for a very long time, but the pain dissipated over the years—and I’ve had many of them. Plus,” he added, stepping towards her, “I found someone else has caught my attention recently.”
“Oh yeah?” she asked, even though she seemed to know the answer, and smiled. “Who?”
“Well, you see, there's been this fierce blonde running through my dreams the last 15 years or so, and now that I’ve properly met her, I must say—she fascinates me.”
“What a coincidence; you fascinate her, too.”
“Yeah, and she’s been seeing your blue eyes out of the corner of hers for years now.”
She had moved into his space on that last statement, and the air between them was full of a static tension Killian had never felt before, as if it was drawing them together. This wasn’t the same as what had happened in the club—this was electric, begging for release, and—
—And suddenly his lips were on hers, or perhaps the other way around, but it didn’t really bloody matter because she was soft and warm under him, against him, pressed tight against his body and he knew—he didn’t know how, but he knew—he’d never kiss another pair of lips again.
O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again.
Holy shit—Killian could kiss. 
Emma wasn’t entirely sure who initiated it; just that she couldn’t resist it (him) anymore without touching him. It was like the opposite ends of a magnet being drawn together: inevitable and forceful. 
(Which, given the whole rival teams thing, was probably appropriate.)
Emotionally, her walls weren’t entirely down—they didn’t fall that easily, not anymore, if ever—but she could tell they weren’t going to last, and not just because of his make out skills. She’d known him all of ten minutes and already he understood her better than anyone ever had—more than Neal, more than Walsh, more than her parents even. 
That said: his scruff left a delicious burn on her lips and she could taste the blood rum he’d had earlier, sweet and spiced and so like him and she wanted to get drunk on it (especially since her shot at actual inebriation for the evening had gone out the window).
And the one nice thing about making out when you were technically undead: you didn’t have to come up for air. She tilted her head to deepen the kiss, ready to settle in for a while, pressing her entire body against his (and liking what she felt). A rush of arousal washed over her and—
—And her fangs dropped down of their own accord. What the fuck? That had never happened.
She pulled back when they did, instinctively not wanting to hurt him (though logically, she doubted she could). “Sorry,” she apologized breathlessly. “That’s never happened before.”
Killian let his forehead rest against hers. “I thought that was the guy’s line?”
She chuckled and lightly slapped his shoulder, then shifted her weight back a bit, trying to put some space between them—and the evidence of his own arousal, which was doing nothing to tamp hers down. 
Honestly, she was kind of embarrassed; she felt like some horny teenager losing her cool in the presence of an elder statesman. She’d had a few one-night stands since she turned, but nothing serious—and never felt anything as intense as what she felt right now, and they’d barely even touched. It was kind of overwhelming; not in a bad way, just not in a way she was ready to address just yet—at least, not seriously.
“You kiss pretty good for someone old enough to be my great-great-grandfather,” she teased, a smile playing at her lips while her hands, which had somehow ended up on his shoulders, pressed against the preternaturally firm muscles below them.
“There should probably be a few more greats in there,” he quipped back, his hand squeezing her hip and the brace of his prosthesis pressing against her other side.
“Oh really? Just when were you born?”
“The Ninth of April in the Year of Our Lord 1750,” he answered rather officially.
Emma whistled. “Damn. Good thing I like older men. How old were you when you were turned?”
“Okay, still older.”
“It’s good to know that’s your entire criteria in seeking a partner.”
She snorted, but only to cover up the way she instinctively balked at his choice of words; she couldn’t deny that it was headed that way, though. Even if it had barely been an hour since their first exchange, it felt like forever ago—or maybe it was just because she’d been unconsciously chasing him for her entire afterlife.
Still—it felt like the world was starting to spin, and she needed it to slow down. She grabbed his hand and stepped away, but tugged him along with her. “Come here; I want to show you something.”
He followed without hesitation as she led him to her tent, but hesitated when she tried to drag him down onto the cushions. 
“What’s wrong?”
“I’d hate to intrude on what’s clearly something of a sanctuary,” he explained, nodding at her modest fortress. 
“You’re not; I’m inviting you in.” She hoped he understood the double meaning there. 
An adorably shy smile took over and he followed, falling gracefully to her left onto the mound of pillows. She reached to her other side and fiddled with some cords, and suddenly, light filled her makeshift tent as power flowed to the twinkle lights she’d rigged up along the crude wooden framing.
“Oh, that’s lovely,” Killian gushed—genuinely, not placatingly—as he stared around.
“It’s better if you lay down,” she told him, then let herself fall back against the cushions; he followed suit.
“I wasn’t talking about the tent but I do agree—I can think of any number of enjoyable activities that involve a woman on her back.”
“You’re just full of one-liners, aren’t you?”
“I’ve had quite some time to accrue them.” 
A thick sheet of clear vinyl formed most of the top of the tent; if she spent time up here during the day, she’d have stuck with something opaque, but given that she never used it when the sun was most at risk of frying her, it was perfect for dark, wet nights. “I love to come out here when it’s raining,” she explained, “and watch and hear it coming down above me. I could almost fall asleep.” You know, if that was a thing she could still do.
She turned to look at him, but he was staring up, a wistful smile on his face. “Aye, I can only imagine; I used to love the sound of it falling on the deck when I was in lower quarters.”
“What, were you a pirate?”
“Eventually, yes; but prior to that, served in His Majesty’s Royal Navy.”
“Which ‘his majesty’ was that?” 
“King George the Third.”
“Wait, like, Hamilton King George?” 
“One and the same.”
“Shit, you are old.”
“Why would I make that up?”
“I dunno; street cred?”
He chuckled. “That’s the farthest thing from my mind.”
Now her curiosity was piqued. “So, did you fight in the Revolution?”
“Aye, though we didn’t exactly call it that on our side.”
“I suppose you wouldn’t have.”
“No, but I did find my sympathies changing sides while stationed here.”
“What, liked it so much you decided to stay?”
“I wouldn’t say ‘decided,’ exactly,” he countered, then turned his head to look at her. Even with the change in angle, it was easy to see that his previous cockiness had given way to trepidation. “Is this where we divulge our tragic backstories?”
She grabbed his hand. “It can be, if you want.”
It almost seemed like historical fiction, the tale he told her: born in a poor fishing village, losing his mother when he was young and his father leaving them later, joining the Navy with his brother to get out of a terrible situation, being sent to America to fight the ‘rebels’, falling in love with a woman he met in a tavern in Boston, losing his brother and his hand in battle, and then all hell breaking loose. 
“Milah was nursing me back to help when, lo and behold, her husband located us. Gold.”
“No,” Emma gasped. 
“Aye. He was...less than pleased, as you can imagine, but she managed to talk him down. But we were out on the town some weeks later when Cora cornered us and murdered her. At that point, I had little to live for, and despite my injury, volunteered for the next battle; how my officer accepted me, I’ll never understand.”
“What battle was that?”
“1781,” she automatically finished; she and her mom really listened to the Hamilton soundtrack way too much.
Thankfully, he laughed. “Yeah, that was the year. That was also where I was turned.”
“Oh, shit. Sorry.”
“It’s alright. It’s still my favorite song.”
He went on to explain how he was a bit too close to cannon fire from a Continental Navy ship, delivering a fatal blow to his chest that sent him overboard. If the internal bleeding hadn’t gotten him, he’d have likely drowned—except Gold was waiting nearby. “He’s never told me why he was there—if it was the general chaos or me explicitly—but I suppose it doesn’t matter now.”
Killian was dragged through the brackish waters of Chesapeake Bay by Gold to the rough shore of a then-unpopulated island and turned; he wasn’t lucid enough to protest (to even notice who his would-be savior was) until it was too late. “My first meal was another soldier who’d washed ashore,” he admitted.
If she could still cry, she’d be wiping tears from her face. Holy shit—what a traumatic way to be turned—to even live. “God, I’m so sorry,” she told him, and squeezed his hand.
He shrugged. “It is what it is; ancient history now. I’m having a hard time complaining if that was what it took to bring me to you.”
Emma had to avert her gaze at that; he was not only telling the truth, he was wearing his damn heart on his sleeve, and it was intense. “Please, you hardly know if I’m worth that yet.”
“Emma,” he said softly, then gently turned her face back to him with his hook. “I’ve met thousands of people over the past two and a half centuries, and not one has made the impression you did in a fraction of the time. I feel...I feel like even if you were following me the last several years, I was chasing you my whole life.”
She needlessly swallowed; it was funny how physical reactions lingered even when they no longer served a purpose. But that was what she did when she was overwhelmed in life, and she was extra-whelmed now. 
Especially because, “I feel that way, too.” It was only a whisper but somehow the loudest thing she’d ever said.
Slowly, reverently, he pressed his lips against hers; she was still reeling emotionally, but his kiss was a welcome balm to her aching mind (or something vaguely poetic like that; she was too focused on how good it felt to come up with a good analogy). He deepened the kiss a bit and pulled her closer, but it wasn’t heated, just—she hated to say this so soon—loving.
It didn’t last long until he broke it, but he stayed close, his arms around her. “And you? I’d love to know more about your beginnings.”
“Not much to tell,” she shrugged. “Not as exciting as yours, at least.” She explained what happened with her parents and growing up in the foster system; her first love, her stint in jail, and the baby she gave up; and a brief summary of the years in between her release from jail and that night in Walsh’s apartment.
“Wait—so the Nolans are actually your parents? They birthed you?”
“Yup. I guess I should be thanking you for that, too.”
“No, love—that’s my pleasure. I mean, I had no idea, but I’m glad you were reunited. I had no idea their history with Regina.”
“It is what it is, but we’re making the best of it. Although I definitely feel like a teenager sometimes.”
“I can only imagine,” he chuckled. “And look at you now—hiding a boy from them and everything.”
She laughed, but it turned into a groan. “Ugh. I’m not looking forward to that conversation.”
“Don’t think of it, then. We have all the time in the world to figure that out.”
Just then, Killian’s phone started vibrated, making them both jump; a perfect reminder that things were not as simple as either of them would like.
“That’ll be Robin,” he muttered, then dug the device from his pocket and began replying to the message he’d received. “Shoot; I have to be at Granny’s in 10 minutes.”
“Can’t you do something to convince them to call this off?” she wondered. “We can’t be the only ones to think this is a petty feud.”
“I can certainly try; but we know how hot the tempers of our kind can run.” It was true; it sometimes felt like emotion had replaced bodily functions. Instead of her heart beating, she filled that void with pure emotion.
“I know, I know; but—try?”
“I will.”
They spent a few more minutes in the tent making out (and maybe a bit of dry humping, but Emma was cautious to not let it go too far lest her fangs make another unexpected appearance), and then stole any number of kisses as they made their way back across the roof to the fire escape.
“I hope it’s always this hard to say goodbye to you,” he murmured between a few last pecks.
“Then let’s not—how about ‘see you later’?” she proposed.
“Granny’s, at dusk; I’m working tomorrow and I usually stop there to eat beforehand.”
“It’s a date.”
She grinned and gave him one final kiss, before he made a careful climb back down.
When he was firmly on the ground, he looked up and said quietly, “Not a moment will go by I don’t think of you.”
“Good,” was her simple reply, and he disappeared into the night.
(Something else was on the tip of her tongue, but she wasn’t ready to say it yet. However, it wouldn’t be much longer until she admitted it to both herself and him: she loved him.)
thanks for reading, friends! let me know if you want/don’t want a tag! @kat2609​​ @xpumpkindumplingx​​ @shipsxahoy​​ @amortentia-on-the-rocks​​ @mryddinwilt​​ @cocohook38​​ @annytecture​​ @shireness-says​​ @ohmightydevviepuu​​ @profdanglaisstuff​​ @wingedlioness​​ @word-bug​​ @distant-rose​​ @wellhellotragic​​ @welllpthisishappening​​ @let-it-raines​​ @pirateherokillian​​ @bleebug​​ @its-imperator-furiosa​​ @fergus80​​ @killianmesmalls​​ @sherlockianwhovian​​ @ineffablecolors​​ @laschatzi​​ @ive-always-been-a-pirate​​ @nfbagelperson​​ @stubblesandwich​​​ @lenfaz​​ @phiralovesloki​​ @athenascarlet​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​​ @snowbellewells​​ @idristardis​​ @scientificapricot​​ @searchingwardrobes​​ @donteattheappleshook​​ @lfh1226-linda​
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