squidkid15 · 2 years
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hinamie · 3 months
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I could've been a better man, but I'm not
more lmhs megu bc i love him. he is here fr ur lunch money :>
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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monochromeblend · 11 months
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fluorescent shrimp
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wombywoo · 11 months
Ok! I've finally decided to put together a (somewhat) comprehensive tutorial on my latest art~
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Please enjoy this little step-by-step 💁‍♀️
First things first--references!
Now I'm not saying you have to go overboard, but I always find that this is a crucial starting point in any art piece I intend on making. Especially if you're a detail freak like me and want to make it as realistic as possible 🙃
As such, your web browser should look like this at any given point:
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Since this is a historical piece, it means hours upon hours of meaningless research just to see what color the socks are, but...again. that isn't, strictly, necessary 😅
Once I've compiled all my lovely ref pics, I usually dump them into a big-ass collage ⬇️
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(I will end up not using half of these, alas :'D)
Another reference search for background material, and getting to showcase our models of choice for this occasion~
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When picking a reference for an actor or model, the main thing I keep in mind (besides prettiness 🤭) is lighting and orientation. Because I already kinda know what pose I'm gonna go with for this piece, I can look for specific angles that might fit the criteria. I should mention that I am a reference hound, and my current COD actor ref folder looks like this:
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Also keep in mind, if you're using a ref that you need to flip, make sure you adjust accordingly. This especially applies to clothing, as certain things like pants zippers and belt buckles can be quite specific ☝️
Now that we've spent countless hours googling, it's time to start with a rough sketch:
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It doesn't have to be pretty, folks, just a basic guideline of where you want the figures to be.
The next step is to define it more, and I know this looks like that 'how to draw an owl' meme, but I promise--getting from the loose sketch above to below is not that difficult.
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Things to keep in mind are--don't go too in-depth with the details, because things are still subject to change at this point. In terms of making a suitable anatomically-correct sketch, I would suggest lots of studying. This doesn't even have to be things like figure drawing, I genuinely look at people around me for inspiration all the time. Familiarize yourself with the human form, and things like weight, proportions, posing will seem a little more feasible.
It's also important at this stage to consider your composition. Remember to flip the canvas frequently to make sure you're not leaning to one side too often. I'm sure something can be said for the spiral fibonacci stuff, which I don't really try to do on purpose, but I think keeping things like symmetry and balance in mind is a good start ✌️
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Next step is just blocking in the figures. Standard. No fuss 👍
Now onto the background!
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It's frankly hilarious how many people thought I was *hand-drawing* these maps and stuff 😂😂 I cannot even begin to comprehend how insanely difficult that would be. So yeah, we're just taking the lazy copy and paste way out 🤙
I almost always prepare my backgrounds first, and this is mostly to get a general color scheme off the bat. For collage work, it's really just a matter of trial and error, sticking this here, slapping this there, etc. I like to futz around with different overlay options until I've found a nice arrangement. Advice for this is just--go nuts 🤷‍♀️
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Next, I add a few color adjustments. I tend to make at least 2 colors pop in an art piece, and low and behold, they usually tend to be red and blue ❤️💙There's something about warm/cool vibes, idk man..
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Now we move on to coloring the figures. This is just a basic block and fill, not really defining any of the details yet.
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Next, we add some cursory values. Sloppy airbrush works fine, it'll look better soon I promise 🙏
And now--rendering!
I know a lot of beginner artists are intimidated by rendering, and I can totally understand why. It's just one of those things you have to commit to 💪
I've decided to show a brief process of rendering our dear Johnny's face here:
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Starting off, I usually rely on the trusty airbrush just to get some color values going. Note--I've kept my sketch layer on top, but feel free to turn it on and off as you work, so as to not be too bound to the sketch. For now, it's just a guideline.
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This next stage may look like a huge jump, but it's really just adding more to the foundation. I try to think of it like putting on make-up in a way~ Adding contours, accentuating highlights. This is also where I start adding in more saturation, especially around areas such as ears, nose and lips. Still a bit fuzzy at this point, but that's why we keep adding to it 💪
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A boy has appeared! See--now I've removed most of the line layer, and it holds up on its own. I'll admit that in order to achieve this realistic style, you'll need lots and lots of practice and skill, which shouldn't be discouraging! Just motivate yourself with the prospect of getting to look at pretty men for countless hours 🙆‍♀️
I'll probably do a more in-depth explanation about rendering at some point, but let's keep this rolling~
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Moving forward is just a process of adding to the figures bit by bit. I do lean towards filling in each section from top to bottom, but you can feel free to pop around to certain parts that appeal to you more. I almost always do the faces first though, because if they end up sucking, I feel less guilty about scrapping it 😂 But no--I think he's pretty enough to proceed 😚
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They're coming together now 🙆‍♀️ Another helpful tip--make sure you reuse color. By that, I mean--try to incorporate various colors throughout your piece, using the eyedropper tool to keep a consistent palette. I try to put in bits of red and blue where I can
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Here they are fully rendered! Notice I've made a few subtle changes from the sketch, like adjusting the belt buckles because I made a mistake 😬 Hence why you shouldn't put too much stock in your initial sketch~
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The next step is more of a stylistic choice, but I usually go over everything with an outline, typically in a bright color like green. Occasionally, I can just use my initial line layer, but for this, I've made a brand new, cleaner line 👍
And the final step is adjusting the color and adding some text:
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Tada!! It's done!
All in all, this took me the better part of a week, but I have a lot of free time, so yeah ✌️
I hope you appreciated that little walkthrough~ I know people have been asking me how I do my art, but the truth is--I usually have no clue how to explain myself 😅 So have this half-assed tutorial~
As a bonus, here is a cute (cursed) image of Johnny without his mustache:
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A baby, a literal infant child !!! who put this wee bairn on the front lines ??! 😭
Anyway! peace out ✌️
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liketheinferno2 · 4 months
These aren't full ref sheets but I was trying to take some clear pictures of Hephaistos for later art reasons and then got side tracked doing all of the Pandaemonium bosses so here they are in order. Also for anyone following who doesn't play FFXIV and knows it as the catgirl game, enjoy this instead? VISUAL SPOILERS obviously.
Warder of the Condemned: Erichthonios
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Mythic Creation: The Hippokampos
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Mythic Creation: The Phoinix
(+ familiars)
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Hemitheos: Hesperos
(+ sexy fanfic redesign by Nemjiji)
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To be brutally honest I never really liked either of these designs compared to every other Hemitheos we get, I think the really brutal black and red of the Phoinix is weakened by gold accents, but I still am always down for gay vampire surf rock. The Savage version kind of looks like Ultimalius as well if you've played XVI.
Mythic Creation: Proto-Carbuncle
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Hemitheos: Hegemone
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^ My favourite detail on this is you can see the parasite's outlines in her robes and in her legs, then right through the eye holes on the mask to wrap around the torso. I'm convinced this version of Hegemone is functionally an ant being piloted by a cordyceps infection.
Hemitheos: Agdistis
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She's very big
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Perfect Imperfection: Hephaistos
I'm probably biased by Abyssos being the first raid I was there for day of release but these really are all fantastic. It's also when the story abandons all pretense of not being (at least partly) about family abuse and is loudly using the body horror and shackle motifs to talk about that. It's great. Hephaistos specifically is constantly bulging and twisting in and out of different forms like a highly unstable chimera and the more I look at these the more I notice parts that just should not be there. He's giving everything.
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As for the Savage design It's a hard thing to rate as such but my favourite part is the veins that grow down from the eyeholes in his mask like bloody tears.
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Thanks Abyssos I love you
Mythic Creation: Kokytos
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Dæmoniac Dungeon: Pandæmonium
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It's really hard to communicate how huge this nasty tumor crab I zoomed out as far as physically possible in the game engine and subsequently ended up at a goofy angle staring up his nose.
Ephemeral Justice: Themis
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Best boy. The double ended lance and second pair of arms are fantastic for this character.
Theos: Athena
In.. almost every final fantasy adventure you're fighting the real villain not at the very end but a little beforehand, the big iconic end boss is often more a metaphorical figure representing everything wrong with that first person's ideals. Athena cut out the middle man and became her own JENOVA.
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I do like the moth angel, especially the hollow body full of dubious orbs, but with her eyes closed all the time it gives off the impression of this not even being the true body but some kind of anglerfish lure in the shape of a fairy... which might be true because this exists:
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I really really love her twitchy anemone feelers and how the moth body ends up grafted to the rest of it waist down.
Anyway there's the gang I did not specifically intend for this to be design reviews I just wanted to have clear photos because when you actually see them in game there's other things to focus on. In hindsight I can appreciate more the theming of each tier and then the series as a whole, but my only (extremely obvious) observation for now is that every character Athena had a personal hold over is decorated in chains somehow and so I should have seen the Hegemone thing coming lmao. Heph and Aggy are still my favourites I don't think that's changing any time soon. I'm also noticing that Anabaseios is now just old enough for random DF parties to fuck up severely and I find that fun so I'm going to go fight the crab mansion now.
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kairismess · 9 months
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🏐 genre: fluff ~ ! ✒️ word count: 624 💭 summary: kenma thinks he's found his forever, and that's with you. he tells you of all the things he's been dreaming of doing together with you in the future, and he hopes that future he dreams of would be one you'd love to live out with him someday. 🍥 author's note: it is now canon that kenma kozume collects sylvanian family cats and names each one of them after his favorite video game characters bc i said so . (also the title is an adventure time song ref TEEHEE ily marceline)
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"i want... to live in a cozy cottage with you, well, maybe not exactly a cottage... the inside's like a cottage, just as warm and homely as one, and... i wanna have two cats with you." kenma mumbled out sleepily as he tried to keep his golden eyes open, smiling at you as you smiled at his confession.
kenma wasn't exactly used to commitment, let alone any form of romantic relationships; he had hardly fallen in love, let alone fallen this hard for someone so lovable and spectacular. this relationship with you had only lasted for about four months, soon to be five, but kenma couldn't stop himself from dreaming out his desires; his need to be with you until you both grow old and wrinkly, and love you forever, exactly the way you deserve to be.
you chuckled as you shifted under the covers of your bed, angling your phone's camera so he could still see your pretty face. "what would we name our cats, ken?" "hmm..." kenma hummed, he didn't think too hard on trivial things like that, but these cats, to him, would be like children he'd want to have with you in the future. he wants to be a cat dad, only if you'll be his co-cat parent.
"...link, link and kirby." he declared in a hushed voice, making you giggle. "like the game characters?" "yep... and when we get a home of our own, i'll make sure all three of you will live the most comfortable lives ever, trust me." he promised, his half-lidded eyes about to droop to sleep now. though he toughed it out, he wanted to spend the whole evening with you and make the most of it, even if you were both just seeing each other through tiny phone screens.
kenma yawned before continuing, though when he did yawn, you let out a little gasp of adoration. he looked like a newborn kitten waking up from its nap when he yawned, it was too cute for you to bear. "a-and... i'll get you all the games you want. we could play animal crossing, and make little homes and islands for ourselves, rule the world together... and, and..." his voice was getting slurred and soft, he was on the brink of falling into a deep, peaceful slumber.
you smiled as he tried to fight the urge to sleep, but your voice brought him back to reality as he set two feet into dream land. "ken... i'd love that. but darling, you need to sleep." kenma's eyes opened a little wider at you admitting you shared the same sentiments of love and fondness of that dream kenma had for the two of you, and the two cats he wished to have with you, to parent with you.
he smiled and chuckled, almost as if he were teasing you for being so caring around him. "i wanna fall asleep in your arms, dear..." he mutters, and ultimately, his body gives in to sleep, and before you could even promise him he could sleep in your arms on the train ride to school, he was out cold. he was lightly snoring and a hint of drool drooped down from his open mouth and onto the pillow beneath his head.
"sweet dreams, ken." you whispered to him as you set your phone by your side as you fell asleep with him on call, hoping your beloved would dream nice dreams of you, in a small cottage-like home, the safe space for you two with your two little cat babies, building your forever together with him, even if it's in mere life simulator games. that would be enough, more than enough for you; and kenma couldn't be any happier knowing that.
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xxcrystalinerose · 2 months
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Next up in the Sabzerus designs: Tighnari and Cyno!
I know this is unrendered, but I already committed to not rendering these two until I finish Haitham and Kaveh's designs which, in hindsight, is difficult atm because I have more ideas about Collei's design over them. With the recent release of Sethos, it seems that it would have to wait until I finish his and Collei's designs when I get to them. I'm writing a fic now lol so it the wait is probably quite long.
Tighnari's is relatively easy and I'm so pleased with the results! He finally looks put together and not... odd, palette-wise (to put it mildly). His clothing is based on the traditional dress of the Kabyle people, an Amazigh ethnic group from northern Algeria, with some modernized touches (I used references from modern-day photos of Kabyle dress!). The highlight is the burnous (hooded cloak), originally a symbol of resistance in the Algerian War of Independence and now a garment worn in special occasions such as religious festivals. I think it would be appropriate of Tighnari to wear one for his Sabzerus dress.
Cyno is so far the most difficult one to design. I have 0 references outside of speculative fashion plates and museum pictures of jewelry. I struggled so much with the outfit components, but I persevered and this is the result. His clothing is based on what Ancient Egyptian high priests of the New Kingdom wear. The long shendyt (kilt) and shawl are made from linen, which in higher social classes are woven so finely they appear as though transparent. Not just luxurious, but also airy for comfort against the desert heat.
Previously on: Nahida + Wanderer | Nilou
As usual, close-ups and some more thoughts under the cut:
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Tighnari's canon design is incredibly confusing to me, because unlike some other Sumeru characters I have absolutely no idea which part of Algerian (or Arab, but that's a very wide ballpark) dress it's supposed to be based on. Where is that white fabric wrap even from? However, when I looked at his hoodie, I realized that it's probably supposed to be a "modernized equivalent" of a burnous. Probably.
The belt accessory is actually an article I always see on women's robe kabyle, but never men's. I think they look neat and Tighnari wears belt accessories, so I incorporated them. (If any of you seeing this are Kabyle or Amazigh, do tell me more of the nuances. Are they exclusively feminine accessories? I also read that Kabyle women tie their sashes differently depending on marital status, but does this only apply to sashes or does it also apply to these cord belts?)
It's not very obvious, but the burnous has a split back, so Tighnari's tail can poke out comfortably. It's also pretty fun to try and incorporate elements of his official design, such as the paw-print gloves, the boots, and the turtleneck. To me, Tighnari without a turtleneck is unimaginable for some reason.
I've been tentatively calling Cyno's design "the one time Cyno puts some effort into doing his hair". The little braids aside, his hair is actually in a half-up bun. I really should draw these refs from more angles... and this is unimportant in the grand scope of things, but I gave him some beef. My guy deserves more beef (and I apologize for covering his chest regardless).
The wesekh (wide collar) is made from gold and various precious gems/minerals. This one has gold, carnelian, and turquoise. The narrow golden beads on the outermost layer represents beetles, which in turn symbolize resurrection (i.e. Hermanubis' indwelling within Cyno).
I've always been baffled at the fact that Cyno wears mostly black, but would prefer for my design to contain elements from his actual design, so I kept the sash and helmet black. However, I do know that too much dyed linen (and animal fibers) are inappropriate to wear in temples. Unless you are a funeral priest, where you wear a leopard skin as a part of the rites. Then again, Cyno's biggest inspiration is Anubis, so perhaps he could get some leeway here...
To continue with the flower theming, I chose the Sumeru Rose for Cyno and Tighnari wears the yellow flower on his canon clothes once again. It's never mentioned in game, but I'd like to think the Sumeru Rose is among the national flowers of Sumeru along with the Padisarah, so it's appropriate for the General Mahamatra to wear it.
Lastly, I gave them matching double piercings. Tighnari wears them on his right ear (as per his canon design), and Cyno on his left. Another matching set :)
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adorkastock · 9 months
Im an artist trying to take my own pose references for some difficult art, any advice on how to do it right?
Oh gosh I've been meaning to do a big post about this and I will at some point but for now here's the basic basics:
decent lighting - doesn't even have to be 'good' just decent. I used to use light through a slider door, directional will help show the forms. If windows aren't an option some directional lamps could help.
I do form fitting lightly colored clothing because I find it easiest to see what I need. Biking shorts, sports bras, fitted tanks, yoga pants, etc.
Contrasting solid colored backdrop - in my oldest photos this was a blue sheet hung behind me with thumbtacks. Make sure it contrasts both your skin tone and the clothing so you don't wash out anything.
Timer for your camera - most people will use cell phones which are all pretty good enough these days for ref. I know Android cameras have an option to open you hand and close it to set off the remote timer so check what your phone can do. Worst case set the timer and run back if there's not a remote setting. I did this for YEARS. :')
if you want a 'straight on' look with no foreshortening or perspective then you want the camera probably about 6ft away from you and as vertical as possible. Get fancy with boxes and books to prop it up if you need to.
The lens should be around or just above belly button height to eliminate foreshortening. If you WANT foreshortening just mess with the angle and placement of the lens. If you have a wide angle lens that can do some really cool stuff with low and high perspective.
Don't forget your face. Getting the pose is a nice start but future you will appreciate it if you can get a little into character with your expression too.
Okay I think that's all the very basics and I hope this helps! Obv if you have a friend, sibling, parent, roommate, s/o, whatever around they can help you get any very specific angle the way you need it. I hope you make great refs!!! Happy posing, happy drawing! 🕺🏻📸
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buf309 · 1 year
Pose Reference Resources
I promised Dia (aka aerequets) that I will make a collection of pose references in the reply of one of her art posts, and then I completely forgot about it. Until now. I'm sorry for my bad memory.
So, yeah, better late than never I guess?
The pose collection I use the most is no longer free. They used to let you download a whole album (more than 8GB worth of data) to use offline, but now you have to pay $40/package or $200 for full sets. I still have the zip file for a very old version of theirs, but I can't legally share it. So, let's skip to the other options.
1/ First, you heard of those 3D dolls program that let you model your own reference pose? This one is an online one and for free, the whole ordeal. Of course since it's online and free, you can't save your model for next time, and it costs quite a lot of time to set the model up. So, you should take as much screenshots in as many tricky angles as you need once you done with the setting. Best using for complicated scenes where those below don't have what you need already available.
2/ This one is free and in 3D, you can rotate the model to any angle that you need. The only set back is the numbers of poses are quite limited. This one is best for using as a basic blocks then build up what you want to draw, or just as a practice to improve your understanding of human anatomy.
3/ This one is free for personal uses and the pose collection is massive. The setbacks are the language barrier (it's in Japanese, English is sometimes tag-a-long) and you have to search through their pages for what you need. The pics for each pose is static but they are in different angle in almost 360 degrees. There are many 2-person and 3-person poses too. Great for illustration inspiration.
4/ This one will only show reference photos of human head, at whatever angle you rotate the model. The web interface is easy to use. There are options like searching based on gender, ages, emotions, glasses, facial hair or not, etc. Good for practicing face drawing.
5/ This one will show reference photos for human body parts, at whatever angle you rotate the model, read the instructions for how to do it. The web interface is quite hard to use at first, just tinkering around for a bit, and you will be fine. There are options like searching based on gender and which particular parts that you need refs for. Good for that moment when you go "huh? how is this <body part> will look in this <situation>????"
6/ This one will only show reference photos of animal heads, and only the head, at whatever angle you rotate the model. The accurate skull refencence list is their best point. There are enough common species in the drop down list. Tbh, I don't use this much because I often need refs for the whole animal most of the time. But it's best for furry artists, I guess?
7/ Real model photos. They sell pose reference in themed packs, but there are enough free packs to use as drawing practice too.
8/ This is the best for general background reference. Lots of options. Not really good for very specific location results, but good for random background in drawings.
9/ Lastly, for specific objects or background references at strange angles, I often search for 3D models on this site then take screenshots of whatever I need.
That's all, folks. Hope this list can help ease some of the struggles that we will encounter on our quest of learning the art of drawing things 😂
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kokoasci · 3 months
hi! sorry I already asked something like this but I realise I didn't phrase it very well ;v; if it's too much of a bother you can just ignore this but I just wanted to ask how you draw heads? like the circle sticks way or just any egg sorta shape because all of mine just end up looking weird when I flip them or like a potato that got hit by a car
sure! im not nearly as technical as ive seen other people do it, but this is the process i generally follow for most angles:
start out w/ a general shape idea (circle + guidelines for angle) this is something ive just kind of gotten from experience, i look at ref pictures all the time and do general shape guidelines like that
add general stick guidelines + another oval for the head/hair shape, i find this easier to work with bc then you know how big your corpus callosum™ needs to be to fit that big brain. sometimes i do the triangle-ish method, sometimes the sticks method depending on the angle
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3. add some more shaping for the general face, i like to take into account that where the eye/eyebrows are have a little dip in a 3/4 profile
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4. now add features! general rule of thumb i follow is top of the eyes matches with the top/middle of the ears, eyebrows are closer in depending on expression and angle, and i erase most guidelines at this point. i like to draw everything on the same layer, so i just erase as i go
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5. detail + hair! this is usually on a separate layer, i usually redo this a few times though bc angles are hard
on the note of wonky angles when you flip, i highly recommend flipping the canvas as you work. having a weird looking base will lead to a weird looking final result, so catching that it looks ok at the start will help a bunch <3 if you still think it looks weird, procreate's distort tool helps me a lot too bc that way you can fix the angle easier w/out having to redraw it
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you can tell my stuff looks rlly weird at the start b/c usually build up to my artstyle (and im not professional by any means) so id take this advice with some caution, this is just the way that's easiest for me ^^
hope i understood your question correctly! thanks for asking !!
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Need I remind you that it was CM Punk who twisted the events at All In and said that he calmly approached Jack and said ‘he didn’t punch anybody’ or how it was Punk who leaked to Fiteful saying that Jack pushed and bumped Punk first and Punk retaliated with a chokehold? He waited until Jack calmly put his hands in his hair to throw a punch. Jack backed up. Then Punk grabbed Jack’s hair in order to put him in a headlock ie not a sleeper. Jack stepped out. And then Punk threw more punches before Joe, Hook, Hero, and the ref grabbed them both. Shit lasted a couple seconds. But not before Punk lunged at Tony and knocked over monitors. And no, this was not the incident that made Tony fear for his life. That happened after Punk’s match with Samoa Joe.
Jack Perry did nothing wrong.
Like it was Punk who leaked that story to Nick Hausman about the story regarding real glass to save face after he went on another tangent to burry Hangman Adam Page. That is why Jack was mad. He leaked a story that made Jack look bad so Punk could make himself look better. In hindsight, I am starting to believe it was Punk that was spreading stories about AEW like wildfire to the press. Before Punk, there were rarely any leaks that didn’t involve Sammy Guevara. It’s no wonder that since then, no story has been leaked. No locker room gossip. Nothing.
Punk was a condescending piece of shit in a company built on the idea that the type of hierarchy where top guys like Cena threatening Gabbi Tuft, then Tyler Reks. That is why Hangman broke script to begin with and what that promo was about. Punk kept needling at everyone backstage and bring a piece of shit. And Page saw the culture change with Punk openly disrespecting his peers and pushing people off of AEW like Colt Cabana and using his position to get his way.
Now I’m questioning Brawl Out. I starting to think that the Elite didn’t kick down that door and start that fight. Now I think hotheaded and paranoid Punk escalated that confrontation after the Elite went to his locker room. If Punk has shown those little tendencies to twist a story in his favor like saying Jack bumped into him or confronted him or threw the first punch or was condescending to him when we were just shown footage that it was Punk who did it, I am starting to think Punk was always the problem. In fact, him getting ousted from WWE the first time is starting to make sense. Punk is a carny piece of shit with a fragile ego.
Tony should have not punished Jack at all. He should have fired Punk from the jump.
Should the footage have been shown? Yes. Punk is a fucking lying narcissist who prides himself on being the realest yet he,under the guise of being some guiding veteran, tried to sabotage Perry’s career and reputation. For months, Jack has been made out like some little bitch and all he did was back away and let some 40+ year old man throw a tantrum. The Scapegoat moniker makes sense. Maybe they should have released it online.
They didn’t mention Punk once. The Bucks have been referencing Jack for weeks now since they started this EVP gimmick. Their angle was to accuse FTR of only beating them at All In because of what happened with Jack while redeeming Jack and welcoming him into the Elite. That’s the story. At the same time, it was petty. Will this convince Pepsiman diehards? No.
And this had nothing to do with WWE. It had to do with a former disgruntled employee who lied. Good fucking riddance.
That being said, this show was uncharacteristically mid. The Jerichoverse should die and Mox, Page, O’ Reilly, Thunder Rosa, or fucking someone should have had a ten minute match. The card was disappointing overall.
But regardless, we can stop creating fanfic about this stupid overblown event. If Punk were anyone else, he would have been blackballed from wrestling along with Teddy Hart. There is no excuse for attacking your fellow employee. If it were anyone else, Punk would have been arrested for assault.
Still would have preferred to see a Takeshita match.
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popping-greenbean · 1 year
do you have any advice on anatomy? and how do you often draw/break it down in your style if that's okay to ask? :0
if youve got the time for it id recommended just buckling down and studying skeletons and muscles! like straight up google images human body diagram, copy it a few times from a few angles, and just memorize the largest bits,. its absolutely really ugh yikes tedious to copy a gazillion bones but being familiar with even just the general placements of certain bits of bone structure or large muscles makes it so much easier to make stylization decisions, draw quicker, visualize how the body is placed in 3d space, especially with no ref in front of you, etc etc and it definitely makes me feel sturdier in my people drawing?hhhh i know for sure ive got to properly study muscles at some point like i mostly just wing it so dont trust me too much on that
here ive done a few quick general notes and such on what i think about when im drawing but im sorry im realizing now theyre sort of messy.so.if you or anybody really wants to see clearer examples of how i draw anatomy i could share some of my pages from life drawing,, which i think are like.basically how i normally like to draw anyway but more focused on being proper,,. idk but if anyone thinks it could be helpful i can post some :)
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flawseer · 1 year
WoF Reference guide - #01: Turtle, Squid, Pike
I'm rather fond of the way characters are rendered in the Wings of Fire graphic novel adaptation, so whenever I draw WoF stuff, I like to lean into that style.
A problem I often run into there though, is that while the dragons in the comic are very expressive, members of the same tribe are sometimes difficult to tell apart, especially in close-ups. Reading the second one in particular is a bit of an undertaking, with a lot of Seawings that look very similar.
So to help myself out with that, I've started doing a style guide for my own reference that attempts to diversify the designs a bit while hopefully still keeping the basic principles introduced in the comics. Just a collection of my own headcanons really.
I wasn't really intending to publish any of this, but then I showed some of my friends and they said "This is cool", so... I suppose here we are. I've done about 20 of these by now, but I'm going to have to polish them a bit first so I don't just throw my dirty sketches at people.
Okay, that's probably enough talking, let's show something for it.
Flawseer Headcanon Refs
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Build is somewhat heavy-set/chubby; hates exercise and tends to get second helpings during meals.
Facial structure very soft, round, and smooth; big nose; upper lip ends in a slight point like a little beak.
Eyes are bright, warm, and friendly.
Forehead fins are round with no sharp angles, average distribution of gaps.
Horns are smooth and curved backwards, with a small upwards barb at the end.
Luminous patches in face are polygonal, orderly. Ventral patches are roughly square and relatively large. Patches on limbs, back, and tail are polygonal and tend to cluster together and interlock, like pattern on a turtle shell.
Neck plates angular, slightly reminiscent of turtle shell.
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Very petite and underdeveloped frame; scrawny, light-weight build with barely any fat or defined muscle.
Small head; youthful face; somehow nose is always wet.
Eyes are large; expression usually either guilty-looking or close to bursting into tears.
Horns are nubby and curve upwards, dull ends.
No defined chin barbels whatsoever, but a few nubby points growing out the back of the jaw.
Luminous patches on face, limbs, and back are thick, swirly spirals with splotches dotted around, or small clusters of 2 to 3 splotches by themselves; ventral patches are ring-shaped and look similar to suction cups, tail thus looks like a squid's tentacle.
Ventral fringe is very small and wispy, dorsal fringe made up of small leaf-like shapes that are oddly spaced out.
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Build is somewhat runty and small; lean with wiry muscle; overall reminiscent of a draconic chihuahua and about as noisy.
Pointy face with sloped forehead; furrows on nasal ridge from excessive scowling; jaw juts forward with a bit of an underbite.
Eyes somewhat angular but still open; expression serious and dutiful.
Forehead fins angular; frayed with lots of gaps and blemishes.
Horns are bendy and pointed; smooth but covered in numerous small scrapes and blemishes.
Chin barbels are pointy and sharp-looking, but soft to the touch.
Face and body show a few small nicks and scars everywhere; little cut across the side of the mouth; ears are nicked and frayed. All of these accumulated from training accidents and reckless behavior.
Luminous patches on face and ventral side are small, flecky, like shards of broken glass; patches on limbs and back are large and pointy, shaped like spades or arrowheads.
Ventral and dorsal fringe pointy with small nicks and tears.
And that is it for now. Next batch is probably going to be... I don't know. Webs, Nautilus, and Riptide maybe.
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futbol16 · 2 years
My baby sister ・ Leah Williamson
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Based on this request, somewhat a part 3 to 'Wildest Dreams' . This is a lengthy one.
Request: "Can we please have a second part of Wildest Dreams it was so good 🥹 Maybe one during the friendlies and reader gets a head injury and know Lucy, Leah and the girls have to reflect their most important player and light of the team possibly being gone, just angsty with fluff, I would be insanely thankful"
Part 1 I Promised
Part 2 Wildest Dreams
Word count: 2.6k
You were excited to go into the friendly against the US, the rivalry between the two countries  fueling your team’s hunger for the win.
Sarina had a solid game plan, one that you all trusted even with some of your teammates being injured, but you weren’t the only ones missing players. The USWNT had their best, Alex Morgan, out as well as many other key players.
This didn’t mean that the match would be any easier.
Lining up in the tunnel of the stadium you stand behind Millie as you take a deep breath, eyes closed as you try to let go of any nervousness you have and focus on the game ahead. A hand makes its way into your’s before giving it a soft squeeze and you recognize her touch. 
“You’ll do amazing babe, show them who's the best!” Leah encourages you and you smile at her thankfully, pressing a discreet kiss to her shoulder. 
“Thanks Lee. You gonna be watching?”
“Yepp, I just wanted to wish you a goodluck before I make my way up there.” she tells you with a soft smile and she gives you a small wave as the ref signals that you’re about to walk out.
It felt amazing to be playing at Wembley again and you see a similar prideful look on your teammates faces as they take their positions.
You take your place as the attacking midfielder after doing your handshake with Beth and your eyes zero in on the ball as the whistle is blown.
England seem to be off to a great start and you’re running through the US players when Beth sends a pass your way and you quickly scan over the players in front of you then send the ball forward to Lauren who takes the shot and scores the first goal of the night for England. You celebrate it with a few of your teammates and as you look up you spot Leah clapping with a smile on her face.
It doesn’t take long for the other team to equalize though as Sophia Smith catches a loose pass for Georgia and she successfully puts the score to 1-1. You make your way towards Georgia as you see a disappointed look cross her face and you place a hand on her shoulder as you reach her.
“Hey G, it’s fine it happens to the best of us. Just don’t forget to get your revenge.” you tell her with a pat to the back and you nod to her when her expression morphs into one of determination.
“I’ll get it done.”
And she does, exactly 6 minutes later in a penalty goal, though not before your sister gets a boot to her face. What a wonderful way to celebrate her 100th cap, you think to yourself. 
You and Beth work your asses off running up and down, giving assists, shooting, but no shots on goal are successful.
The US doesn’t rest either, their goals continuously being offside.
You do make your own appearance nonetheless. You’re dribbling past four players while also keeping an eye on Beth who’s running close by, but when you finally make your way through the many American players, you decide to do it yourself and with the angle you have your shot reaches the top right corner of the goal before falling into the net behind.
You dedicate the goal to Lucy for her 100th cap and point to her with a gleeful look. You catch Beth who jumps on your back before the others join you as well. 3-1 for England in the 75th minute of the game. 
The game quickly takes a turn in the 82nd minute when Georgia attempts another goal. You watch as the ball slightly curves the wrong way and you jump to head it in, you don’t register the shove until you’re trying to catch yourself on the goal post.
You fall into the arms of Alana Cook and she gently lowers your now limp body to the ground. She straightens not even a second later with panic written all over her face and she frantically waves for the medical team. 
It takes a second for the Lionesses to realize that it’s one of their own laying on the turf, but a good number of them immediately surround you. 
“What’s going on?” Lucy asks with a confused look as she jogs over to Georgia. The brunette only shakes her head at that, she couldn’t see from the amount of white and blue jerseys standing around the scene. 
Lucy makes her way over to them, pushing players out of the way until she stays frozen in her step at the sight in front of her. 
There you lay, unconscious with blood pouring out of your head at an alarming rate both Chloe and Alana have their hands pressed against your forehead as they try to stop the bleeding. 
She’s quick to get out of her shock and kneels next to you with a terrified look and she fears the worst as she places a hand on your chest. She lets out a sigh of relief when she feels you breathing, but the relief is short-lived as the blood makes its way down to the grass below you.
“No, no come on Y/N, open your eyes!” she cups your cheeks as tears fall from her face. The medical team seems to take forever to get to you and when they finally do they listen to Lucy pleading.
She stays by your side even as the medics tell her to make more space for them and she listens until a shout catches her attention.
“It wasn’t on purpose! I swear!” She looks over to where most of the Lionesses are and watches as Millie shoves the girl, also shouting in her face.
“You knew what you were doing!” the blonde seethes and doesn’t budge when Rachel and Alex try to pull her away.
“Was this your doing? Are you the one who hurt my sister?!” Lucy is in the shorter girl’s face who looks terrified at the angered look on her face.
“It was an accident!” 
“Naomi!” one of her teammates warns, but it’s too late because Lucy shoves her to the ground. 
The referee blows her whistle and hands both of them a yellow card before she directs Bronze towards where you’re currently being placed on a stretcher.
Your team watches as the young US player is subbed off and then watches as you’re carried off the pitch leaving your sister silently crying.
“She’ll be okay Luce, she might be small but she’s one hell of a fighter.” Keira tries to reassure her.
Up in the stands Leah wobbles on her crutches as she makes her way down to where she saw the medics disappear to and when she finally reaches them she hurries over to you.
Her heart breaks at the sight, although the bleeding has stopped, the rag on your head is almost completely soaked red and she tries to keep her own tears at bay.
“Miss, would you like to go with her? To the hospital?” one of them asks and she eagerly nods, taking her place next to you in the ambulance.
Once you get to the hospital though, you’re separated from her as she’s told to wait in the waiting room while they take care of you.
That’s where the rest of the team finds her, and she looks over at them, still clad in their England kit and Lucy still has her cleats on.
“Where’s she?” 
“Hello, can I help you all?” a nurse interrupts with a kind smile as she takes in the lot standing in the middle of the hospital.
“We’re looking for Y/N Bronze.” Keira answers first.
“Y/N Raffaele Tough Bronze?” She questions and waits for a nod of confirmation before  continuing.
“Follow me, she’s in room 258, it will be to your right once you reach the second floor. She hasn't woken up from the light anesthesia and the pain medication yet, but she is okay and will most likely gain consciousness in the next hour or so” the nurse fills them in while standing in the elevator and then she lets them into the room they have you placed in.
Leah is the first to get to your bed and she reaches out a hand to caress your cheek before she feels Georgia gently push her into the chair next to your bed. “Oh god love, I’ll end whoever did this to you.”
“I think Lucy’s already taken care of that.” one of the girls joked lightly.
Your sister slowly walks over to you, reassured by the heart monitor beeping regularly and she takes a second to look over your bandaged up head. She sighs as she wipes another tear away and gently places her hand on your thigh, a reminder that you are actually there.
The lionesses watch the two people next to you with soft looks on their faces and some of them take a seat in the few chairs, others opting to sit on the floor instead.
Keira also guides her girlfriend to sit down. The group sits in silence for a few minutes before Georgia speaks up.
“You know, I wish to be at the level of football that Y/N is at. I mean, I know that she’s not much older than me but since the first time she stepped foot in a professional football match, I’ve wanted to be as good as her.”
The younger girl explains with a happy smile on her face and Lucy chuckles. A few of the younger girls also voice their agreements, the room erupting with chatter as everyone shares their own story with you.
“I met her only last year, well officially that is. When I made my debut for the team, she was the first one to approach me and helped me learn the ropes of being on the national team.” Ella continues. “Lessi already knew because she was in the squad before me, but she also admires her a lot.”
Lucy listens with a proud smile, her eyes welling up at the love her little sister is receiving, even if you can’t exactly hear them yourself.
She’s sure everyone has taken their turns at least two times when they suddenly all turn to her with expectant looks, she clears her throat. Keira places a comforting arm over her shoulders, giving it a gentle squeeze. 
“Y/N’s always wanted to be like me, she wanted to have her hair in a bun during matches, wanted to have the same color cleats and such. She wanted to speak to me in Portuguese when we were younger, our secret language that most people around us wouldn’t understand. Said she wanted to be like me because she wanted to be the greatest, like me.”
she chuckled at the memory, a fond smile gracing her lips and the rest of the girls listened to her intently. “She might be a good 6 years younger than me, but if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be playing football today.” Lauren looked at her confused. 
“Why?” she voiced.
“When I transferred to Lyon she wanted to come with me because she didn’t want to play in a different country as me. So she asked for a loan from Arsenal knowing that the French club was also interested in her. And she was so happy when we made our debut together, god she was so young.” Lucy spoke, her voice full of pride.
“She eventually extended her contract and stayed at Lyon for the whole 3 years with me and when I got that knee injury, she was the first one at my side, she helped me through my rehab and pushed me to not give up. I wanted to quit, I felt so alone with the pandemic and all, but she never let me and it’s thanks to her that I’m still able to play professionally.”
“Wow, she really does have this superpower to lift others up.” Millie spoke with a surprised look on her face.
“Yeah, she’s the best baby sister I could’ve ever asked for.”
“So wait, if she wanted to be so much like you, how come she’s a midfielder?” Beth asked.
“She wanted to be the one scoring the goals.” Lucy answers making your team laugh.
“And she does it pretty damn well.” Keira added.
“I don’t know if you’ve ever heard her story behind her jersey number.” Leah speaks up and they turn to her with a shake of their heads. “She said she wanted a part of you to always be with her.” Leah said to Lucy.
“And your number for England is 2, she has three siblings so she chose the number 6. Multiplying the two numbers together. She even asked if she could have that number for Arsenal as it was mine, and of course I let her have it.” The blonde finished with a chuckle of her own, holding your hand in her own.
“I never knew that, I thought she just liked the number because her birthday is on the 6th.” Your sister spoke with surprise.
“Well I mean 6 is a pretty good number.” your hoarse voice was heard and Lucy immediately got up on her feet, getting to you as fast as she could before practically collapsing on you.
You stroke her back as she cries into you. You list Leah’s hand in yours and press a kiss to the back of it, reassuring her that you’re okay.
“Why are you crying Luce?”
“I failed to protect you, again.” she said with a sniffle, Keira’s hand now joining yours on her back. 
“Luce, it’s just how the game is, you won’t always be able to protect me.”
“I know, I know.” is all she says and the others take her silence as a chance to voice their own worries and you reassure them all that you’re okay and only needed to get a few stitches.
When they finally leave the room to get back to the hotel, you’re left with your three best friends who all help you get ready and discharged.
Your sister hasn’t let go of your hand since, even holding on as you make the short walk back to the hotel. 
“Just so you know, you’re not allowed to step foot on a pitch for the next two weeks!”
“Nope, no excuses.” you’re again about to protest when Leah interrupts you.
“She’s right. And even the doctor said so.”
“Who’s side are you on?” you question playfully and she shakes her head at you with a smile.
“At least I won’t be sitting alone on the sidelines.” the four of you laugh at that.
As you arrive at the hotel room, which you realize is your sister’s, Keira guides you into bed, insisting for you to be on bed rest even though you’ve been released from the hospital and you give in after a while.
Similar to last time, the four of you spend the night in one room and as you turn the bed lamp off you’re pulled into a kiss, one which you smile into. Pulling away you peck the blonde’s lips a final time before lazily draping an arm over her waist, careful of her injured leg.
You'd be out for a week or too, and sure, that sucked, but it would suck less with your best friends next to you.
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haejjoon · 1 year
First of all I want to say that I love your art and I really admire it. It has kind of make me want to go back to drawing again. I used to draw a lot a few years ago but I stopped because I became unhappy with my progress. Now I want to go back to making art but I'm insecure about it because I'm worried I'm too old to start again (I'm 19) and whether I'm capable of relearning it properly. Do you have any tips about where to begin to learn art basics (specifically anatomy)? I would appreciate any advice.
Hello!!! Firstly thank you so much for the compliments, it really does mean so much <333
I'm nineteen, too! Of course you can start art again. I've taken a lot of breaks in between my own art, too, and it's only very recently that I started enjoying making art again (after .... like.... a year or two. lord) so I really do understand how you feel. But we're nineteen years young, and have so much time ahead of us to get back on our feet.
In my experience, improving comes quickest when you focus on one very specific skill at a time—and I mean SPECIFIC. Practicing gestures with torsos only, the muscles of the upper arm, skeleton heads in different angles. I've been studying arm anatomy (and only arm anatomy) recently, and I'm already miles ahead of how I used to draw arms in the past.
If you want a specific step by step on how I personally draw anatomy, I don't mind sharing a quick tutorial! But for general advice—form follows gesture, and gesture follows movement. The biggest mistake someone can make while drawing a body is focusing on the accuracy of the muscles/bones before getting the flow of the gesture down.
Even if the anatomy looks a bit wonky with the gesture, it's important that you capture the movement of the pose first, and then build muscle on top of that. Proko on Youtube has a very good quick drawing series on this, and explains it way better than I do, but that's the gist of it.
Also, PLEASE always use references! I know that hearing that gets old, but it's really important. If you'd like, I can make a quick tutorial on how to use references properly, too. Reference everything—pose, lighting, even art style if you're looking to switch things up (i have about 10 different tabs open on my computer with different artists I admire so I can reference their art religiously).
Speaking of referencing art styles, it's important to gather a bunch of artists you like in terms of style, and not just one. The trick is to separate them by skill—"this artist is for lining refs", "this artist is for anatomy refs", "this artist is for face refs", etc, etc.
And to jump off of That: I find that with anatomy, looking at other peoples' anatomy studies on pinterest is also very helpful. Obviously you should be referencing from real life too, but with art, it can be difficult to pin down what to put on the page and what to leave to the imagination. You wouldn't want to actually draw every single muscle in the arm individually, right? So I go and look at other artists' anatomy studies to see what they keep and what they don't keep.
(usually i find them on pinterest, and they look smth like this. the color coded ones especially help me.)
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I'd recommend learning gesture and anatomy first, then building off of that to learn how to draw faces, then lining/coloring, just so that you have a solid base to work off on when it is finally time to color. (also because coloring/lighting requires a fair bit of how body anatomy works as well!!)
But yes, that's all the advice I can give from laying in my bed. I hope it helped somewhat, and if you'd like tips on how to do something more specific, I'm always willing to draw it out or go more in depth ^^ Best of luck on your art journey!
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quibbs126 · 21 days
Omg can iiiii ask for Pure Vanilla x Golden Cheese x Corpse Flower kid pookie pls :3
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Corpse Flower refs🙏🙏
If you need ideas, maybe something made with dairy(ice cream for example since its a pretty good goldenvanilla kid ingredient i think) and flowers, rose milkshake idk
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Sorry this also took so long (I’m probably going to say that about every fankid at this rate), but here is Baklava Cheesecake Cookie
Admittedly, I don’t have too much to say about her
What I do know is that she’s a doctor, knowing about health, medicine and everything relating to it from all various angles. She’s not so much a magic healer though, rather a physical one (though that’s not to say she doesn’t know any magic, she just prefers the old fashioned method)
She also isn’t just built like that for no reason, she’s fairly strong and can hold her own in a fight with just fists
I would say she isn’t particularly extravagant, but her outfit begs to differ. But she is still a pretty modest person outside of that, never really looking for praise or anything. She just goes from place to place, helping anyone she meets that needs it
And I think that’s about it, so let’s move to design stuff
So I didn’t take your suggestion, but rather ended up with baklava cheesecake as my ingredient. It’s been months since I came up with the name, so I don’t remember why exactly, but I think it’s because it’s cheesecake, which seems a happy medium between Pure Vanilla and Golden Cheese, and then baklava has a bunch of nuts or such on top, and Corpse Flower is also a plant. But I also think I just like the name, even if it is a bit long
Baklava cheesecake:
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One thing that personally irked me today is that due to having a third character, I had to make the drawing of BC smaller than I usually make them now. But oh well
I added the cape so give her a bit more flair, and also because I was advised to give her some wing things, but I feel like maybe it clashes with her character. Like I like it, but having a cape like that feels a bit counterintuitive
Also the things in her hair are supposed to be like the toppings on the cheesecake
Honestly, I don’t really have much to say on Baklava here when it comes to design. I just kind of ended up making her
I think she looks good enough, but she wasn’t particularly inspired, and I feel like she isn’t my best. Sorry about that. Hope you like her anyways though
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