allwaswell16 · 2 months
It's only day 5 of August and I already need this month to be over. Wake me up when September starts. I know that's not how the song goes, but I need to move it up a month
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loki-hargreeves · 7 months
So tired of learning about illnesses, medical conditions etc and hearing the line "the causes are unknown" when talking about stuff that typically affects women/AFAB people. Like what do you mean we don't know what causes these things? "it is believed" no like I want to know exactly what it is, not a guess
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kyraktos · 2 months
There's not really much like being unable to stop crying and you have to do shit like get food and renew your car registration.
I hate crying in general but being unable to hold it back in public with a lot of people is fucking. Humiliating.
I don't know if I have the energy anymore. I'm so fucking sad and I'm tired of being sad and I can't fucking escape it. I don't wanna.
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
Sometimes my brain manages to create a Smart Thought tm about trigun
Other times my brain is just this
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About trigun
Tonight is the 2nd option
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rosemarylemonades · 2 years
How is my silly little skincare routing supposed to fix me if I start sobbing immediately after doing it!!!!
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I forget that other people can see what I post on social media and I freak out when others interact with my posts.
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just-antiyou · 2 years
you know ur not okay when you go to talk to your professor who is basically the college version of the classic Male History Teacher and he asks how ur doing and u immediately burst into tears
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dragonsareverycool · 7 months
The figure turned to look at Damian and seemed to freeze before its form shifted, rings of light covering it as it did. When the rings faded, there they floated with white hair that moved like it was uneffected by gravity and was moved by wind that wasn’t there. Freckles that looked like stars covered the beings skin, tanned but washed out and ashen, like a corpse. Wide, expressionless eyes that glowed a bright eeire green. Despite this, Damian recognized that face. He recognized that expression too. Despite looking like Tim’s dead eyed stare to most anyone else, Damian knew the expression as one of surprise, of shock. And that face was almost identical to the one in his nightmares of the worst day of his life. He knew that face every time he glanced in a mirror.
“Danyal” he said softly, his own face almost certainly in an identical expression. Despite the distance and chaos between them, Damian was certain Danyal heard him, as Danyal perked up a bit. Then, his form seemed to glitch, colors distorting as his body twitched and part of his body seemed to disappear for a moment. Then, he seemed to fade into nothing, leaving Damian to start panicking. He worried that he had just lost Danyal again.
Then he reappeared startlingly close, putting his hand on Damian’s chest “Here,” he said, the difference in how he spoke compared to Damian achingly familiar, “A drop of your blood and an offering of food if you’re feeling nice. Call my name, it may take a moment but I will appear” he removed his hand, and a piece of neon green glowing paper with strange symbols on it floated after Danyal’s hand before Damian caught it. Danyal’s form glitched again, harder, and his face set in a grimace before he faded into invisibility again.
Fun fact! Sometimes when the grief got bad enough, Damian would mimic how Danny talked and would recite stories about constellations like Danny did. He took many, many precautions to make sure that no one, not even Talia knows that he’s done this. Only Alfred the cat and maybe Alfred the Human knows, and neither will speak a word to anyone about it.
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copdog1234 · 3 months
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but genuinely, if you think that these recent chapters of sxf have been "boring" or "disappointing" or "unnecessary because it has nothing to do with the main characters or major plot" you should stop reading sxf.
This manga, this anime, they are a slow burn. This flashback is part of necessary world-building and exposition. Not everything has to be plot-driven. Not everything has to focus entirely on the main characters. Sometimes to make a good and fleshed out story, to really emphasize the theme of a story, you need to focus on side characters, you need to focus on the world at large. Not everything will be big and bombastic. Not everything should be big and bombastic.
Opinions like yours are a big reason we have rushed 6-8-12 episode seasons of shows as the norm, where we don't get time to know the characters, where we don't get time to let the narrative breathe, where we rush through the main plot. And that format can work sometimes, but most of the time it doesn't.
If you want big and bombastic and action all the time that focuses pretty much on just the main characters and nothing else, go somewhere else. This manga and anime are not for you.
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rillils · 6 months
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Oh, my love when will you come to look for me?
Tom McRae, Still lost | @catws-anniversary
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0booboozefool0 · 2 years
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Im sorry if you don’t want to see any aot art, but I’m way to excited for the new season to not post anything about it✨
turns out its not a season but a special for which we'll get the second part at the end of the year and i am devastated
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thehecklingmouse · 9 months
honestly I think alhaitham would be over the moon if kaveh proposed to him because then he could brag how the light of kshahrewar asked him, a feeble scholar, to marry.
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hannanodaa · 5 months
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Spent the entire week marathoning all 5 seasons of this show
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nabaath-areng · 6 months
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The Warrior of Light was subsequently banned from the Leveilleur household.
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I feel like a lot of people, and this is really more for Usamericans than those from other countries who don't have any exposure to the internal affairs of this particular nightmare country, truly do not grasp the scale and significance of the problems and horrors here?
Literacy will be mentioned and downplayed, but a full 20% of people living here are illiterate to a degree where they cannot interact with even basic writing. That's one in five people, or almost the population of the entirety of the United Kingdom. And that's only the population that either cannot read any words at all or cannot parse sentences, an equally large amount of people can only read at a very basic level, and can't interpret and extrapolate information from text that's not direct. This is not some cry about media literacy, this is about basic functioning in society and how many are left behind from a society that increasingly isolates and diminishes them.
Manufacturing will be mentioned, and the thought most will have is that American production has been gutted and outsourced (usually leading to hostility to places like China or Vietnam), which has some truth but much of American industry has been transfered from "free" workers to prison slave labor, with some states not paying prisoners forced to work at all and the most ""generous"" states paying them a seventh of the already laughable federal minimum wage, and with the government actually subsidizing this by giving corporations a $2400 tax credit per prisoner they "employ"
Prison will be mentioned but the sheer inhumanity and brutality will never be grasped even when people recognize elements of it (usually for what passes as comedy) the totality of it will never register. One out of five of all people incarcerated on Earth are in prison in America, subjected to conditions which regularly and frequently kill them or break them, and there's not even a consistent reporting measure for people who die in prison or jail, to say nothing of the police killings which dwarf the amount of people executed by the state, which has even less of a standard for reporting. One county was simply burying the people they killed in unmarked graves nearby and never reporting it or recording it, only being discovered after years almost on accident.
Homelessness is rampant but the numbers and methods for assessing the size of the unhomed population are pitiful at best and laughable at worst, regularly undercounting and diminishing the severity because those who are homeless are barely considered people to not just the government but in the perception imposed by society.
And none of that is touching on the scale of the imperial war machine which ravages the rest of the world, how there's no way to even know how many bases the US even has, how many people it kills, how many wars it fights, who it even supports. None of us touching on the non-military methods of support and control the US provides to its proxies and cronies who prop up its hegemony.
The scale of it all is just mind breaking and I have seen excellent writing and interrogation of parts but I don't feel like the overall picture is ever even glimpsed.
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thepartyishere · 5 months
screaming into the void about this and shoot me if I end up being wrong but Steven Lim getting so much hate for the Watcher news dosen't sit right with me. watcher has 25 employees, he's surely not wholly to blame and being dogpiled by the internet must suck. this is a decision they all made as a company
dont get me wrong watcher is making a horrible mistake to move and paywall their content but it feels wrong for everyone to be saying such mean stuff soley about steven lim
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