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While packing for my cross country move I found some of my old Model United Nations stuff.
So at one point I’ve been a rep for England and Canada.
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kindafooey · 1 year
Käärijä (feat. Vinttikoira) - Aikuinen, translated to English by meee :3
Hey yall! I've been hoping for an excuse to do full translations of Käärijä's lyrics, and I saw a couple of songs requested by @verminetroglodyte in the tags of that one post, soooo here's the first one! Prolly gonna follow up with Menestynyt yksilö tomorrow night :D I've taken some minor artistic liberties here in order to match the vibes of the original lyrics as closely as possible, so I'm open to any feedback and questions you might have in mind. Oh and do request more song translations if there are any you'd like to see! I love doing this, haha.
Korkeakouluttamattomuudesta huolimatta mä oon hyväntuulinen / Despite my lack of higher education I'm a cheerful type
Joku vois kysyy, että oonko mä hullu / Someone may ask if I'm a fool
Voin vastata, että oon hullunkurinen / To that I can say I'm all about tomfoolery
Onks ohjeit antaa miten elää tai vastuun kantaa / Got any advice on how to live my life or do my duty?
Sillä mun tieto ei niin vankka oo sijottamisen suhteen eikä paljon pakkaa oo (ei oo) / Cause my investments ain't intelligent and I ain't got no stacks (no stacks)
Mua raastaa, kuulen kuinka muut nappaa paikan oikiksest (oh no) / Still it grates me, when others tell me they scored a spot in law school (oh no)
Eikä koskaan natsannu omalla kohalla ja se varmistu postitse (voi ei) / While all I ever got was a rejection letter in my mailbox (oh no)
Mä oon kondiksessa / But I'm alright
Sama se vaikka ne mua koettavat hiillostaa / Don't care if they try to roast me
Mä oon aikuinen eli päätän siitä mikä vittu mua kiinnostaa / I'm a grown-up and I get to decide what strikes my own fuckin' fancy
Chorus (by Vinttikoira):
Miks sä otat riskei / Why you taking risks
Noilla sun peliliikkeil / With those player maneuvers
Sä oot valmis lyömää ohi sun swingei / You're ready to miss all your swings
Vaikka sul vois olla jotain fiksuuki kehitteil / Even though you could have good things cookin'
Joten oisko nyt viimein aika kasvaa aikuiseks / So don't you think it's time to finally grow up
Ja pistää pelit seis / And grind the games to a halt
Oon aikuinen / I'm a grown-up
Vaikka toisinaa en tiiä et mitä oon / Even if sometimes I don't know what I am
Ilman CV:tä paikkoi täytän eikä ne mun älyy hyötykäytä vaikka sitä on / I'm doing entry-level jobs without a resume and they don't make use of my wits though there's plenty in me
Käärijän vartaloo pitkin valuu hikikarpalo / A bead of sweat rolls down Käärijä's body
Kun ne väittää еtten kartal oo / When they tell me I'm all over the place
Jos ei pihas oo avoautoa tai kartanoo / When there's no convertible parked in my yard and I've got no mansion
Ja se pеrhana raastaa meit / And it grates us to goddamn shreds
Kuulla ettei olla mitää ilman merittei / To hear we're nothing without merits
Korkeesta koulusta ei tavikset saa niiden touhusta kredittei (voi ei) / Normies ain't getting no college credits from their hustle (oh no)
Nyt mä päätin sen / Now I've made up my mind
Sama se vaikka ne mua koettavat hiillostaa (ai) / Don't care if they try to roast me (ow)
Mä oon aikuinen eli päätän siitä mikä vittu mua kiinnostaa / I'm a grown-up and I get to decide what strikes my own fuckin' fancy
Mä oon aikuinen mutta omal tyylillä / I'm a grown-up but in my own style (x2) (hah!)
Ei mitää perinteist / Nothin' traditional
Mä menin eri teit (ha) / I took a different path (hah)
Joita kuljen kunnes vislaan pelit seis / That I'll keep walking until I whistle my games to a halt
Joo, joo / Yeah, yeah
Päällä asuntolaina / Got a mortgage on your back
Ja alla pankin auto eikä oravanpyörästä vartin taukoo / Your ride is owned by the bank, no break from the grind
Ja himassa päätään vaimo aukoo / Got a wife at home running her mouth
Pitää laskut maksaa ku vastuu kasvaa / Gotta pay the bills as responsibilities pile up
Mutta mulla on jatkumassa mun lapsuus vasta / Meanwhile I'm just extending my childhood
Ei mun sulle tarvii olla vakuuttamassa / No need to go out of my way to convince you
Eikä raksalla nakuttamassa (naks, naks, naks, naks, naks) / Or to bang away at a construction site (tap, tap, tap, tap, tap)
Ja sehän sukulaisii takuulla rassaa / and I bet it vexes my relatives
Ku mun laiffi on tabula rasa / when my life is a tabula rasa
Ja elämäntapa (mikä) / and my lifestyle (what)
Hakuna matata
Teini-ikänen mutanttininja Vinttikoira / Teenage mutant ninja Vinttikoira
Ei inttipoika eikä sivarijätkä / not an army boy nor a civilian service bro
Enkä eti mitää rivarinpätkää / not looking for my own piece of a rowhouse
Voit ne pois mun listaltani jättää / you can leave those off my list
Mä oon aikuinen mutta omal tyylillä / I'm a grown-up but in my own style (x2) (Hah!)
Ei mitää perinteist / Nothin' traditional
Mä menin eri teit (ha) / I took a different path (hah!)
Joita kuljen kunnes vislaan pelit seis (pelit seis) / That I'll keep walking until I whistle the games to a halt (games to a halt)
Oon aikuinen / I'm a grown-up
Oon aikuinen omal tyylil / I'm a grown-up in my own style
Mitä mitä / What what (x2)
Oon aikuinen / I'm an adult
Omal tyylil / In my own style
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idv-harmonic-melody · 2 months
(OOC) Explaining what has been going on with my blogs + Some small info about the projects
Hello everypony! It is i, mod Clown, with just a small update that i will be posting here on Robin's blog since it is the only one that i THINK tumblr hasnt completely cut its reach. I will be also be reblogging it in my other active blogs so everyone can see it and i will be putting it in muns corner too since it kinda is an update since i called it it (?) but anyways!
I wanted to make this post since last time i just announced the shutdown of two of my blogs with no reason given and didn't even explained what would happen with the others and with my ongoing projects, so now i wanted to explain it further + maybe yap a little since i'm just built like that......
I will probably yap a lot in this, so i separated each topic and put it under the cut if any of you guys wanna jump in the most important part :3 soooo if you wanna know the updates, look under this Sunday.
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About the Murder Disco essence
Since this is the project i'm doing in this blog, i decided to talk about it first. I have been planning this essence since the start of June, and, although i have all the characters chosen and each of their roles and order of deaths planned, i haven't been able to do a lot for it, even if i'm currently on vacation. I want to apologize about it to all the muns who have given me their respective muses to participate in it, i have simply been feeling quite desmotivated to make any art and i was also not. Liking the designs i was making.
But i have picked it up back some days ago! And currently i have 7 designs already finished + they have been drawn on the main essence poster! I will try my best now to finish it all before August ends! Again, i want to apologize for the time it is taking, but i promise i am working on it again. (Like just look at how much time ive spent on the essence poster.....)
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Anyways i promise i haven't forgot about ir nor abandoned the project! I thank you all for your patience!!!!
Currently, i have 7/12 skins made, and i have already plans for most of them, i just need to get with actually drawing them! So i will be focusing on doing so now! 🙏
About @askthepianist and @theheavenshospital
So just to put all the info in the same post, i will also be talking about both blogs. I made a post some weeks ago about these blogs being shutdown, but didn't gave any info about it.
What i will be actually doing is just. Moving them to a new blog. I should have said it like that when i first made the posts but when i made it i was a bit tired, so i apologize for that. But yeah, i will be moving both Angeline and Pietro to a new blog, as i will be putting all the Paganini siblings together. I just think that they have a lot of lore and it is a bit of a waste to just show it in small events i do in Angie's blog, so yeah!
Alongside that, the Phantom of the Opera essence i made for Angeline will still be going! It will only be posted in this new blog i'm currently working on. When it will be released?...I'm gonna be honest, i don't know. I think it is pretty clear that i am very bad with dates, but i will be trying to post it asap!
Anyways if any of you guys have read this entire yap session, thank you very much! I will try not dissappearing suddenly again, and while were at it i also want to thank yall for the support you have been giving me.
Anyways, peace love and sunday ftw
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talldarkandroguesome · 4 months
Fayrl-mun, I used to follow yours and warmsandstravelers journals avidly several years ago but got busy since 2020 or so. I have a sinking feeling... has qau-dar's journal blog been completely deleted? I am so so sad I won't be able to read it anymore! i had always wanted to start from the beginning again. Yalls content was so good. )':
Welcome back, friend! Missed seeing your name in my activity.
Yes, it’s is so sad. I know that Qau-dar’s journal was deleted by Tumblr a couple years or so ago. Qau-dar’s mun tried to figure out how to get it reactivated since they had not been given any reason or communication prior to the deletion but was not successful.
I do believe that some of the journal was uploaded to another site a few years back when we were all working on having a backup in case Tumblr shut down.
Let me see what I can find for you and let you know. This week work is a little crazy but I will do what I can in the next week or so. But those early days of all of the journals telling the story together were so much fun. Thank you for letting me reminisce.
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frostise · 23 days
🏆 how long i've been roleplaying for + ⭐️ my roleplay pet peeves!
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🏆 how long i've been roleplaying for?
i would roughly say 3-5 years with large gaps in-between because of my personal life. i was probably 16-17 when i first joined the RPC with my friends ♡
⭐️ my roleplay pet peeves!
some of yall are about to be real mad at me...but it must be said!!
following but never interacting. i will never understand why i used to get followed only to be ignored for almost a month straight?? it's frustrating AF to deal with because i make an effort to communicate through liking their headcanons, sending a message, reblogging prompts for them to respond IC if they're not comfortable talking OOC and posting starters but all i get in return is radio silence. there's no point in following someone if they're never go to showcase their interest towards me.
people who follow me without reading my rules. it's the bare minimum. it's my only requirement. i can ALWAYS tell when somebody doesn't read them. the lack of respect is icky.
a villain is a villain. do not follow me if you cannot handle her rude comments or disturbing actions. please don't expect her to be nice just because your muse is 'special'. louise will not care...unless you're a monster, but that doesn't mean monsters are safe from her wrath if they end up provoking her.
when i see a RP blog with no tags. it's so difficult to navigate and find specific things like prompts/memes. i will not bother checking out a tagless account.
people who refuse to interact with OC's. why?? do people not know canon characters were someone else's OC?? the math ain't mathing!!
people who use AI to generate a reply or create meaningless artwork. i'm strictly anti-AI. i believe suffering for your art or writing is what makes it so... relatable to me. there has to be REAL tears of passion otherwise i'm not moved 😭😭
needing internet validation 24/7. it's SUPER exhausting telling someone they're good enough to write only for them to discard it. i know we all have our bad days but it gets to the point where it becomes overwhelming and sets off my anxiety.
DNI MINORS!! i am a GROWN adult. i wish more minors would actually hang out with their age group instead of trying to interact with me. i only interact with muns over 21+ for a reason!!
posting too much negativity without tagging it or putting it under 'read more'. for the sake of my mental health, i will soft block. the same goes with drama because i do not want to be dragged into someone else's problems or start the day off with negativity.
people who only see female muses as sex objects and nothing more. i put my entire SOUUUL into louise's characterisation. she was always sexualised by DC in the past but i see her as a complex character in desperate need of flourishing. plus, she's a killer not a seducer. louise did not come here to flirt. she came here to start chaos.
personals who spam my account with likes and reblogs. this one gets on my nerves A LOT!! it's why i had to turn off the reblog feature and hard block them on sight.
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cursedxartist · 1 year
the amount of people out there who refuse to respect explicitly clear boundaries have me so close to making a proper DNI, bc i swear. either these people dont actually read any of our rules, or their silly lil brains twist our words so they believe it somehow doesn't apply to them!
been seeing a lot of pr.o.sh.i.pp.ers who either are covert about being That Way, or will even outright lie about being against it, but openly condone and promote those who write se/xual/ized pr romanticized pe/do/ph/ili/a and shit. I've seen with my own two eyes people write in their rules that they don't condone it, yet when people warn them that they are interacting with people who actively produce such content, they throw a fit, calling it dr/a/ma. and somehow believe that just because they don't write such content personally, then they're not pr/os/shi/p, even tho they knowingly interact with and promote some of the worst ones out there.
So i want to be explicitly clear. do not follow me if you: - are p.ro/sh.i/p, - condone p/ro/shi/p.pers - support p/ros/hipper/s - will knowingly and deliberately put pr/o/s/hi/pper/s on my dash via your interactions with them - think being warned about p/ros/ipp/ers is d/ram/a, and will continue to interact with them even tho you KNOW the content they produce - think that just because YOU dont write pr/o/sh/ip content means you're not a p/ro/sh/i/pp/er even though you knowingly support them basically, if you are going to knowingly and deliberately put pr/osh/ipp/ers on my dash (excluding c/al/lou/ts), stay away from me. if you are unaware if someone is one, thats fine! but please be receptive to warnings so that way i don't have to see their shit on my dash.
i could blacklist urls, sure. but it makes me highly uncomfortable to interact with anyone who even condones this shit, even if they dont write it personally. thats still pr/os/hip.
i also want to clarify, this does NOT apply to those who write dark content, but who does not romanticize or se/xua.liz/e it. it also doesn't apply to those who have immoral, unreliable narrators for muses, but do not share the same thoughts. if your muse romanticizes something gross, but you as the mun do not? thats fine! i LOVE dissecting and analyzing unreliable narrators and characters! but if you, as the mun, produce content of illicit relationships in a way that's meant to be tantalizing and ar/ous/in/g to the audience? FUCK OFF.
you can still make it abundantly clear when an unreliable narrator finds this content alluring, but the audience isnt supposed to.
for example, the book Lo/li/ta. We are not supposed to believe in Hu/mbe/rt when he portrays D/olo/re/s to be this infatuating sed/uctr.ess. But in the moments where we see reality outside of his narration? We see a normal middle school girl. That is the key difference between pro/sh/ip.pers and writers who explore dark content for what it is. One is meant to s/ed/uc/e, and the other is meant to elicit horror from its readers.
And again, i repeat myself:
Even if you, personally, do not write this sort of content - if you knowingly SUPPORT or CONDONE this content, FUCK. OFF.
i dont want this content anywhere near my dash. so dont follow me if you interact with them! because, inevitably, they will end up on my feed!!
condoning or supporting pr/o/shi/pp/ers makes you one too. if you support these freaks, you are a freak. for the love of god, i am so fucking tired. if yall would just stay in your lane and didnt interact with those who are abundantly clear in who they dont want interacting with them then none of this would be an issue. it only becomes an issue when yall think you have some sort of special privilege and that boundaries don't apply to you.
tldr: people who dont know what boundaries are have me so close to making a dni, bc apparently thats what it takes to get these ppl to comprehend that they're not some special exception to the rules
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212th-chaos · 1 year
Hey all! Mun here.
Yall have probably noticed that I haven't been active for awhile and just wanted to give yall a heads up.
While I'm gonna try to be active more on here, it might not be consistent. I absolutely love interacting with yall, but, like all of you, I have a life outside of Tumblr. Some crazy shit has happened and dragged my mental health to shit. I'm getting better, and I've made some pretty big steps in my life to become more myself, but it's a process.
For those of you who didn't know, my main blog is @chopper-base and I'll be more active over there if you want to interact over there as well.
I really do miss Waxer and Boil, so hopefully, I can bring these two back to life and continue their chaos.
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theovergrowth · 7 months
NAME?: Robbie, King, Clown, I’ve been called Many Things lmao
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PRONOUNS?: if we’re talking the easy route, He/Him. If ur chill then He/It ❤️
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION?: Discord is the most reliable! My tumblr app hasn’t told me when people dm me since like 2021
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: Titus, obvi lmao;; of all my characters he talks in my head The Most and I get the most inspiration for him just day-to-day
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: i started role playing over email in 2014 with a few friends from school, then found out about tumblr rp after undertale came out (…yeah my first muse was Papyrus what of it) so i guess almost 9-10 years at this point??? There’s gaps tho
BEST EXPERIENCE?: I mean for the Most Part I’ve had a lot of really good experiences with people! Especially Recently, the people I talk to are just very creative and kind and fun! Tho I do often reminisce on a thread me and an old mutual did when I first got confident enough to write OC stuff instead of canon, it was just a fun plot and we were both just Brain Broken kids ❤️❤️
RP PET PEEVES?: Ummm this is always a hard question, honestly I feel like I’m my biggest pet peeve in rp lol;; I guess my main thing is when people Press for Replies? Like yes remind me if it’s been a while, but I have had mutuals in the past who push after like a Day and it truly just makes my brain Refuse to do anything. That’s more a me thing tho I think
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: with as much as I love making angst happen, I Love Fluff. It’s so much fun to write sad characters being happy ❤️❤️ Smut I have. No experience with (I just started writing smut in my downtime like 3 months ago and I respect yall who do it well So Much, it’s truly an Artform of its Own and if anyone has tips for beginners I’ll take em)
PLOTS OR MEMES?: Here’s my problem, right? Love Plotting, if I could plot until I die I would. But also. I might just plot until I die, because then I get nervous about not writing it in a way that feels the way it did when it was Plotted, ykno? Memes are fun but also I get Stressed by the Ask Box
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: i prefer longer ones, i think? Short can be fun, but I also have Too Many Thoughts to keep replies short
TIME TO WRITE?: oughghgh usually I Try to get to writing on my weekends, but;;; sometimes work and broken brain makes me Too Tired so it’s real Sporadic and depends on when I have Energy
In some ways! Most of them have some Level of anxiety, most if not All of them are queer and neurodivergent.
Titus is honestly maybe the Most like me. I was homeless and lived in a van, Religious Trauma, complex about being Inhuman and Strange, autism, trans, and a lot of his little habits come from things I noticed me or my friends doing (tho honestly, Titus is more based on some asshole I knew in yellowstone lmao)
tagged by: @justashadetalkative (( aaa this one was fun!! ))
Tagging: if u see this 🔪 Steal It and Tag Me Pls
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fluxedbuds · 2 years
How about a quick compliment for tbe suggestions blogs? You run the lalna one right?
Indeed I do! I also run the Lomadia, which i consider my main one because im more confident with it and i will never have competition (unlike the five lalnas a second endemic to any yogs thing)
hmm.. well I'm going to forget some, or just have some im not aware of at all lol, but here goes!
ive already done rythian. little baby man <3
our xephos is, as always, a real high-tier one in my opinion- he's the perfect balance of scary and pathetic, smart and utterly stupid. just kinda feels like that mun gets the guy, yknow? also its fun to bully him every single day they also do zoey rarely but ive really liked what ive seen of her
I also like our lalnabl! no e because their url doesnt have one and for some reason i think typing it out verbatim is hilarious. honestly i just like em. interesting angle of lalnable, sells me on a lot of things i usually Really don't like, and i am *not* an easy sell yall
Nano! My girl! she's been dealing with my lalna nonsense for a WHILE now, real trooper there. its very fun seeing someone striking that balance of being both the voice of reason AND completely on board with unnecessary and extreme violence, and also making bad choices half the time anyways, which i tend to forget about because. i like nano. i am not immune to being lalna
SPEC FIVE holds her in the air look at her are you looking. are you looking yet look at her. another one selling me on concepts i usually dont like- having specimens 1-4 just doesnt sound like a good idea, and YET im utterly sold on every one of those new little bastards. it's always fascinating seeing their different relationships to both their sisters and themselves, and how they grow (or dont grow at all)
I dont interact much with the Ben and Tom, but i like the idea of very chill death and a life god who just Really likes ocean bitches and Really doesnt like. Think
aaaaaand our sips doesnt do anything. from what i know this is in character
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nosignalformiles · 2 years
name: Seamus
nickname: Shay
faceclaim: I don't use one atm, but the last one was Bagpuss, and before that Steve from Blues Clues
pronouns: He/him (Chill with they but not for constant use)
height: 5ft5 Short king.
birthday: 20th December
aesthetic: At the moment? Agoraphobic gay wizard. (Leopard print robe.)
last song you listened to: Viðrar Vel Til Loftárása - Sigur ros
favorite muse(s) you've written: Out of past muses: Raum. He was a remake of an OC I made up when I was 13. A guilty by association fallen angel who had been young and couldn't really remember it. He was a weird thing. Yeeted people, stole things constantly, bothered everyone, got really attached to a tank of seamonkeys. Just a fun no brain needed to write character. Current muses: Cyren.
what inspired you to take on this muse?
Lockdown and boredom and isolation. This blog specifically, though? Wanted something completely new, I like creating settings and connected narratives. Originally this was like stepping past my long running connected universe and making something new, but now it's sort of part of it.
what are your favorite aspects of your current muse?
I like Cyren’s contradictions. He wants to make things miserable, but he’s drawn/under a compulsion to help and protect. He acts like he doesn’t give a fuck while clinging violently to the people he sees as family.
Issa’s absolute certainty that THEY'RE FINE while everything is coming apart.
Nish’s absolute riotous anger at what’s in his way, zero filter, suffers no fools attitude.
Favorite thing with Aster is how lost he is, how young and floundering, and desperate.
Valentine threw away a life of relative ease and comfort for someone he loved, to prove he can make a difference against a tyrant, without realizing that his focus on revenge and control will twist his aims and desires into something awful. What’s not to love about that?
Tadhg is fluffy baby.
Oriol is like... waiting. He’s waiting for something to make sense enough to him to ditch all the shit he doesn’t care about but has to do. He’s the person who’d kill and be killed for even the chance at more. That Potential yall
Favorite thing wth Wynn is when his like cheeky shit head stuff comes out in an argument or conversation. Cause he’s had to ignore and hide so much of that to get by.
Finch! Oh my god. He’s awful. I love him. Best bit by far is how fucking childish and unaware of other people he is. It both sucks to write and is great, cause it’s like you know what a reasonable mature adult would do. He’s doing the opposite, and you get to watch it go to shit.
Jay. My boy. So fucked up. Favorite aspect by far is that he’s the softest mother fucker. Sweetest little bastard who learnt to be anything but because he had to be.
Felix. Favorite aspect of this fucker? The adaptability. Yeah he’ll always have some of the same attitude, but he can and will play any role and act any way. Chameleon muses are fun.
who is your current fc?
I don’t like writing it in posts cause it makes them show up in tumblr searches! All of that’s on the muse bios
what's your biggest inspiration when it comes to writing?
Genuinely think everything you consume will influence your writing in one way or another, and pinpointing a single inspiration is very difficult. But Wellspring I can give an answer for. The village I live near atm is also a big part of the visual inspiration, and the maypole in the town center that Cyren’s body is buried over was inspired by the village I went to primary school in.
Favorite types of threads?
Any where Big Things are happening. Which is so vague, but it’s the best I can do. I ike big character moments and big plot moments. The inbetween is awesome, but the big is my favorite. The cathartic break down, the first I love you, the survival in a dire situation, the discovery of something about their world or themselves in thread form, for either muse but preferably for both. The Big Things.
Tagged by: @ofmagicallonging
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this but hasn’t been tagged yet! Tag me in it! :D
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dxnbiixx · 23 days
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☆ —— welcome to infinite entertainment! it's MOON DANBI, who is the BASSIST of TIDAL. i’ve heard whispers that the 24 year old is pretty FREE-SPIRITED but lowkey FANICFUL. also, doesn’t she remind you of YOO JIMIN (KARINA)? 
Hello amigos! Its ya girl Emma (seungho, eden & jooha mun) here once again delivering my sweet baby, Danbi. I’ve missed her and wanted to bring this girlie back for a while so please show her some love. I’ve made a little pinterest board for her HERE in case yall want a closer look at what she’s like. If you’d like to plot please like this and I will come to you!
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Here’s some stuff to know about Danbi
Unplanned and unwanted, Danbi is the result of unprotected sex. Her mother was just 19 when she found out she was pregnant with not just one child but two. 
When her mother ran away from her responsibilities, Danbi’s grandparents took her in and raised her as their own. She always did wonder about the absence of her parents, but she never felt like she was missing anything. She was showered with love and thats all she could really ask for.
Her grandparents used to sing and hum while doing home chores. It’s where Danbi developed a love for music. And when she was old enough her grandfather taught her to play the guitar. They used to have little talent shows at home. Danbi would sing and play the guitar that was practically twice her size while grandpa played the drums. She had discovered she loved to perform. 
She started exploring with other instruments and found that they were fun, but after finding the bass she found that nothing else compared to it.
Danbi was 14 when she joined her company as a trainee and only 17 when she debuted. However it didnt happen like she always expected. There’d been rumors floating around that her company was planning to debut a girl group sometime soon and Danbi was hopeful she’d get a spot. However word got spread that Danbi also played a myriad of instruments. And just like that she was plucked out of her comfy spot amongst the other trainees and thrown into TIDAL. 
TW: Cyber Bullying. However debut wasn’t anything like she had hoped for. She wasn’t well received at all. The public can be nasty and constant hate comments at such a young age were hurtful and took a toll on her. Everything she did was under constant scrutiny. If her skirt was too short or she wore too much make up she was a whore. If she covered up she was a prude. If she looked at another male idol too long she was a pick me girl. She could never win. 
It wasn’t until she finally understood that she couldn’t please everyone that she finally stopped caring. It allowed her to be her true self and express herself to the fullest without fear of judgement. 
She’s been away filming a new drama. Stoopid infinite messed up her schedule. But she’s happy to be back and get to catch up with friends and fans. 
Fun facts!!
Danbi has a fraternal twin brother who never lets her forget shes three minutes younger
Has an immense love of fashion. Her closet cant fit all her clothes but she cant stop buying. Someone take away her credit card.
She does not handle pain well and knowing that she still got nipple piercings for her 21st birthday. She cried the entire time. 
Learned spanish by watching novelas on her downtime. 
Scott Pilgrim is def the reason she picked up the bass guitar. 
Has a yellow bike with daisy prints and a white basket in the front and she takes it for late night rides.
smol but mighty!!
possible plots??
danbi has dabbled in acting and you muse was her costar. maybe they got along. maybe they didnt. maybe the onscreen romance started becoming too real. we can discuss!
your muse took danbi under their wing. she looks up to them. idolizes them. they can do no wrong in her eyes. 
exes. good/bad. lettuce discuss!
danbi and your muse were trainees together. inseparable. but after debut they lost touch and it was inevitable that they changed over the years. trying to rekindle a friendship is hard 
danbi and you muse have never interacted. the only time they’ve come across each other is when they pass each other in the halls of the company and now backstage of the tour. however fans are busy making conspiracy videos that these two are dating from the one time they made eye contact at an award show. (ex. those taehyung and tzuyu secretly dating evidence vids) now they’re partnered up to work on a stage for the tour and things are awkward.
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sincerely-krp · 5 months
CAN WE PLEASE normalize admins not letting in muns whom have caused issues in other communities into their roleplays? like if someone has been bullying people with their muse ic or ooc or just simply being a terrible person in another rp it probably means they will continue to do it in others. remember when there were once blacklists? bring them back. as admins you guys need to protect your peace and protect the community from these crazy muns. stop being afraid that they'll blast you and your roleplay all over blogs like this for denying them entry to your roleplay. being able to roleplay is a privilege and if you get unhinged about it and start doxxing people ooc, stalking them, harassing them, or being overtly obessive with people ooc. you shouldnt be aloud into these spaces anymore. some of yall are abusive, emotionally and mentally manipulative. some of you are confessing your love ooc to muns you dont know and making them uncomfortable as hell. regardless of the reason, if you are denied from a roleplay due to your past behaviors. own up to it. and accept that you will not be able to join certain roleplay communities anymore because of things you did to another person. as an admin, i will not be allowing people whom have done crazy shit ooc to my friends or me. i dont need to explain myself as to why i do not feel comfortable letting someone into my roleplay, because they should know exactly what they did.
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lovelywingsart · 8 months
Probably a bad idea, but-
I'm gonna just bump my chibi head commissions for a bit extra muns
I'm decently ok at the moment, but theres... other things going on and some extra is appreciated. And these are both the cheapest and the easiest thing for me right now during partial hiatus
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For full transparency (as if I don't do that enough), at the current moment I don't have insurance.
At all.
We think I aged out of the family thing (ends at 26, I turn 27 next month and it kicked in at the beginning of the year) and I need... ALOT of dental work.
Specifically wisdom teeth, and immediately.
Unfortunately with it being a couple hundred *per tooth* for pulling them (around 900 at the most. For only one) and Insurance is fighting me tooth and nail to get it reinstated, I need to go one at a time and with a payment plan if possible.
Unfortunately that no insurance thing also means my transition has been indefinitely halted completely...
So... yeah.
I was doing decently on money until this happened and I'm incredibly stressed even though financially we'll be alright regarding bills... but I'm just... not great personally. I'm stressed and in pain.
I've had some energy to be on the computer so I'm taking advantage of it
So I'm *ONLY* boosting these
Shares appreciated, yall know what to do if you want any
I just can't take TOO many at once. Please remember I'm still on partial hiatus and I'm literally only working so long as I have the energy for it- once I tap out, you may be waiting a bit.
But I WILL keep updated.
Just sucks that all this is just... happening in a year that we actually have a few things we'll be spending alot of money on, so its going to be even more difficult.
Just. Alot of issues.
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Munday Questions. Send in a number(s) to get to know the mun better!
8.Have you ever met anyone outside of RP?
//Not really. I really wish I did though. I talk to some frequently outside the rp and I really like them. They became some of my closest friends and I would love to visit yall and kiss your butts
14.How long have you been roleplaying?
//I already answered this. I think around 2 years.
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v--iper · 5 years
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OOC I just wanna’ say one thing, call it a vague post whatever, but if you’re friends with someone and they upset you you should be able to talk to them. Sometimes your friends just say dumb shit and hurt your feelings, it happens. Sometimes we say ignorant shit and all it needs is a different stand point to let us know maybe what we said earlier isn’t right.
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ruexberry · 5 years
Munday Confession..... sometimes I don’t wanna be online because ya’ll think Mun = Muse and that somehow means I wanna fuck you and send you nudes and like.... I dont.
I’m fat and insecure. Go away.
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