dick-meister · 24 days
Lucifer: Oh look everyone, Adam has feelings. Point and laugh!
Adam: You have feelings too -SpongeBob frown noise.wav-
Lucifer: Yea! Feelings of hatred! For you! Go masterbate with sandpaper!
Adam: -runs away, cries, has a whole ass internal montage of how him and Lucifer used to be best friends till Lucifer joined the football team-
Adam: -trips over a trashcan, explodes-
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dreamauri · 26 days
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♪ — 𝟱 𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗦𝗘𝗦, 𝗟𝗡𝟰 lando norris x fem! reader (fluff) “. . . using his five senses, these are his favourite things about you.”
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Everyone knows Lando's mid at fashion. not as good as lewis or as depressing as max.
He has a quite good collection of hoodies and shirts that he loves
and much to his fortune, you like his tops as well
it always comes to him as a surprise, seeing you wearing a hoodie he knows you wouldn't own only to remember he wore it a few days ago.
"...is that mine?" "Where'd you get that- is that ... hey! thats mine!" "i thought i hid that!" "didn't i put that in the laundry?"
but he doesn't want you to stop wearing his stuff, its like a confirmation that you're his girl
besides you look good in his things, to the point that he picks out stuff he knows would look good with your skin tone
Lando put his hands on his hips with a huff, watching you walk around the apartment with the hoodie he's been searching for, walking around half naked for 40 minutes now. He wanted to protest or tease you, but decided to just throw his hands up in confusion. "Do you know how long i was looking for that?" he huffed. you looked at your hoodie momentarily before shrugging. "Wait, you're wearing it wrong." Lando sighed as he came up from behind you, pulled it off, flipped it inside out before pulling it back over your head and adjusting the sleeves.
As a racer, one of the most important arsenal are his hands
it's his thing, and it kind of makes him touchy at times, but not in a bad way of course
he loves holding your hands and playing, even with your fingers sometimes
he finds it very intimate
holding your palms to his, tanging your fingers together, hooking pinkies together, anything
"No!" Lando shouted in protest trying to reach back for your hand while still keeping his eyes on the roads. "Y/n!" He made grabby hands with an dramatic offended frown. You couldn't hold your laughter as he found your bicep and trained his finger till he found your hand and pulled it close to him. "This is mine!" He huffed, holding the back of your hand to his chest as if it were his most prized possession.
Lando cares a lot about of appearance, including how he smells. He's proud to have his own distinct smell, clone and deodorant and some expensive shampoo and body wash.
what makes him feral tho is smelling himself on you
if you've been cuddling or hugging for an extended time, if you're showering with him and you pick up the perfume of the shampoo
you're not going to escape his hold for a while
expect him to hold you hostage and nuzzle in you and leave kisses all over your neck or shoulder or back, constantly telling you how good you smell
it fills his ego, as if he's marked you
("oh my goood," lando's muffled scream came from your neck as he snaked his arms around your stomach, hugging you tight from behind. You tried to pull away, feeling shivers from lando's beard tickling your skin. "Nooo," You tried to push and pull for an escape but the brit held you tight, hooking his legs around your waist foor good measure. "How do you smell," he audibly took a big sniff from the side of your neck "so good?" he completed the sentences as he began leaving kisses all over your back.
Lando's big on humour, everyone knows that. He likes to make everyone around him laugh.
you're his main victim though, he looks for good jokes or funny tiktoks just to get you wheezing
it's music to his ears, makes him feel as if all is right. your laughter and happiness mean more to him than any pole or fastest lap
He finds your laugh cute and contagious, always laughing with you
you two might as well end up laughing forever because neither of you can stop
("What was that?" you were wheezing on the floor, body shaking on your knees. Lando was couched, laughing in silence with his mouth open wide and eyes tearing up. He found himself shaking even more with his muted laugh at the sight of you falling on your back looking like a bug struggling to get back on its legs. He pointed at you and you pointed back at him feeling your face redden. "What are these two idiots doing?" Max fewtrell asked from a distance. )
Lando never ever eats without you. ever.
He drags you along to his races if he can because of this reason.
and if he can't, you're going to be staying up for a a face time so you can snack while he eats
The reasoning is that food without you tastes absolutely horrible and your presence makes everything much better
He also considers the food you feed him heavenly while someone might think your cooking is mid, lando appreciates the effort and time you put, which automatically makes everything 100 ties better
he also appreciates the fact that you cook and bake the things he likes the way he likes it, going out of your way to get and research recipes and go with trial and error and internally,
he also loves the fact that you banned fish or any sort of seafood from in the house.
and as cliché as it sounds, he can always feel the "love" you put into a meal, and will eat anything you give him, even if you brought him take out or a snack because you still thought of him
"I want to help." Lando watched you pull ingredients and tools from the cabinets and fridge. "I want to help." He repeated again with the pout, holding up the cliché apron that matched the one he wore already. "Alright alright." you gave in, putting the new apron on. "Fewtrell is coming in 30, I don't wanna look like an idiot." "You never look like an idiot." Lando scoffed, tightening the two strings into a bow for you. "You're the best chef. You beat Gordon Ramsey." "pretty sure Ramsey could wright a song about all the things wrong with the kitchen."
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mintmatcha · 5 months
The door closes with a bump of your hip and toss your keys into the bowl. The mumble of the television carries through the hall, marked by the sudden, shaky sound of a cough. You slip off your shoes and walk into the living room, knowing he'll be exactly where you left him.
Kuroo is the epitome of pathetic. Dressed in only his pj pants, he's sprawled across the couch, limbs limply hanging over the sides. Used tissues are scattered on his chest and another one is stuffed into his chapped nose; it bobs as he turns to you and sighs.
"Hey, sicky." You muss his hair before dotting a kiss against his forehead. "How are you feeling?"
"Awful. Horrible." Kuroo's voice is starting to come back, but it's still mostly scratches and jumps. "Worse than death."
It's the flu - he'll be fine in a couple of days. "Poor thing."
"Yeah, I am a poor thing." Kuroo clutches your hands with the voracity of a dying Dicken's character. "I'm supposed to be in America right now. America, baby. The home of deep-fried twinkies."
You do feel a little bad; he was really looking forward to this work trip, but his company didn't want to put a sick man on a plane.
"There'll be other trips," you try, "And other unhealthy smacks."
"Sigh." He says the actual word. "Sigh. And it's so boring here without you. I cleaned the fridge so I didn't die of boredom."
You go to coo again, then pause.
"Wait, really?" You had been putting that off longer than you'd like to admit.
"Yeah, I did the whole kitchen." He sighs again. "And the bathroom."
"The whole bathroom?"
"Even the floor."
Oh. Your heart flutters a bit. You had been lamenting over having to scrub the floor. Kuroo is a good partner, but he's never been one to clean on his own volition. Hell, you can barely get him to pick his laundry off of the floor. The fact that he cleaned without being asked...
You're a little giddy over it.
"Would taking a bath in our clean bathroom make you feel better?" You push his bangs to the side and watch them bounce back.
"I already took a shower today."
Your fingers trail down to his neck. "Would taking a bath with me make you feel better?"
"Are you horny right now?" He points to the tissue jammed into his nostril. "Really?"
"I'm a simple woman: you clean my house and my pussy gets wet."
He barks out a laugh, only to cut himself off with a wheezing coughing fit. When he finally catches his breath, his poor little eyes are red rimmed and wet.
"I'm too sick to give you a good performance."
You debate kissing him, then think better of it.
"Don't worry," you say, "I'll do the work."
Kuroo cackles softer this time, toothy grin biting into his lower lip.
"Can we do that thing you never let me do?"
"Let's see how clean the bathroom is - then, we'll talk."
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moonstruckme · 5 months
Hi!! I just recently discovered your blog and I’m in love with your Spencer fic’s. :)) Could you perchance write one where reader is sick and Spencer takes care of her??
Hi lovely, thanks for requesting <3
Spencer Reid x fem!reader ♡ 792 words
“I’m fine,” you croak. 
“You’re not fine,” says Spencer, stirring honey into your tea. “You let this go too long without resting, and now it’s bad.” 
You inhale, looking like you’re going to disagree, but a coughing fit supersedes you. The force of it bends you over, and Spencer rubs your back, wincing. You sound like you’re hacking up a lung.
“Okay,” you say once you can, still coughing weakly. “You’re right, I’m dying.” 
“You’re not dying either.” A smile tugs at his lips. “You just need to rest. Is anything bothering you, other than your throat?” 
You shake your head. 
Spencer eyes you skeptically, passing over your tea. You’re infamous for this sort of downplaying. You’d been so good at covering up that you were feeling sick that even your FBI profiler boyfriend hadn’t been able to spot it until a couple of days ago, and even then you’d managed to convince him it was mild enough to go to work until he’d heard you coughing in the shower this morning. Spencer still isn’t sure if, when he’d come home today to find you flushed and miserable in the bed, you’d gotten worse or only stopped hiding it. 
 “Really, nothing?” he asks. “You don’t have any other symptoms?” 
You shrug. “Just other normal sick stuff.” 
“Tell me about them. How do you feel?” 
You frown, blowing on your tea. “Hot and dry. I feel like my entire body needs chapstick. And I’m tired, I guess.” 
Spencer frowns. He brushes a piece of hair behind your ear, letting his fingers stoke down your overwarm cheek. “You look terrible,” he says. 
You snort. Your cough latches onto it as an opportunity, and you launch into another fit. “Ow,” you wheeze, putting a hand to your chest. “Thanks, you’re really—really wooing me, Spence.” 
“No, I’m sorry,” he laughs, somewhat nervously. “I just meant that you look so sad, honey. I don’t like seeing you so sick.” 
“Me neither,” you admit. You take a scratchy breath in, deep as you can without it catching. You look like you’re savoring it. 
He feels his eyebrows draw together compassionately. “You should try to sleep.” 
“It’s barely six. I don’t want to sleep.” 
“You don't have to wait until it’s late to go to sleep. It might make you feel better.” 
“I know, I just…I don’t want to.” 
Spencer looks at you for a while, thinking of what to do with you. Your tea is still too hot to drink. He’d bought you cough drops on his way home, but you’d already had so many throughout the day that now you say they’re making your mouth feel sore and raw, and you don’t want to take them if you can help it. Maybe he could have you gargle saltwater…
“You should stay at your place tonight,” you tell him gently. “I don’t want to get you sick.” 
He knew you would say that. He’s practically moved into your apartment, though he keeps his basically as a storage unit at this point. Whereas Spencer has filled his apartment with enough things for one person (one towel hook in the bathroom, one nightstand, only one really good pillow on the bed), your apartment looks like you’ve always assumed you’d eventually share it. The first time Spencer came over, you already had fuzzy socks for guests, enough towels for an army, and two really, really great pillows on the bed. It made him realize that his apartment was really just a place to sleep; yours was a home. He never wants to leave, but certainly not while you’re like this.
“I won’t get sick,” he lies. (He definitely will. He’s already been exposed to you for days already and his immune system has never had his back.) “And anyway, how will I teach you chess from my apartment?” 
You groan. 
“This is really the best time,” Spencer says, going into the living room to grab the chess board you’d let him keep here. “You’ll never have more free time than when you’re sick. And this way, you won’t get bored.” 
“Sure about that?” you ask wryly as he comes back in, but you’re smiling. 
“Unless you want to try to sleep?” 
You look like you’re actually considering it. “When I was little and I got sick, I used to play mad libs.” 
Spencer feels his face screw up. “I don’t really like that game. They never make any sense at the end.” 
“That’s the point,” you laugh. A weak cough follows it. “Anyway, I’m sick. I promise I’ll let you teach me to play chess soon.” 
“You’re sick,” he allows, setting the chess board on the floor. Not that you don’t get what you want the rest of the time anyway.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 6 months
girls day
warnings: mentions of being a third wheel/getting left out (wheezie, not reader)
words: 900
taglist: @drewstarkeysbae @thelomlisrafecameron @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @winterrrnight @slut4drudy @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankisbae @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450
“hey baby, ive missed you, come here.” rafe hums as you head down the stairs, your hair still a mess from last night.
“howd you sleep?” you ask, plopping down in rafes lap and letting your forehead fall onto his shoulder, letting out a yawn. it would be nice to wake up with rafe, but you love sleeping in whereas rafe is always up early.
“good, how about you?” he asks, squeezing you into him. 
“fine.” you shrug. you could honestly stay in bed for another hour if you didn't have plans for the day. it's why when your eyes start blinking closed that you stand up, not letting yourself fall back asleep in rafes arms.
“where are you going?” rafe asks, surprised that you ended the cuddle, usually being the one to stay wrapped up in his arms.
“ive got plans.” you explain, leaning down to press your lips to rafes.
“what plans?” rafe stands as you walk into the kitchen to eat some breakfast (even though its almost noon). “with who?”
“shopping.” you state, grabbing a bowl. “and with wheezie.” you pour yourself some cereal, rafe grabbing the milk for you.
“how long do you think you'll be gone?” rafe asks, coming to sit next to you when you move to the counter and take a seat on one of the stools.
“probably won't get back until after dinner. i was gonna take her to a fancy restaurant.” 
“ill come with you.” rafe says, but you shake your head. “it's a girl's day.”
“but what am i supposed to do all day without you?” rafe pouts, making you hold back a giggle at his expression.
“well, i actually already talked to topper and he's coming over to hang out. you're gonna go golfing and you can eat at the country club tonight.”
“i don't wanna hang out with top, i wanna hang out with you.” rafe whines, and you can't hold back your giggle this time.
“you're too cute.” you press your lips to his cheek. “how about a compromise?”
rafe perks up at this offer, nodding his head to see what the compromise will be. 
“i still shop with wheeze, and you still golf with topper, but when it's time for dinner you can join wheeize and i. then we can come back home and cuddle to make up for being away from each other.”
rafe sighs dramatically, “i guess i can do that.”
“okay, ill text you the details then.” you hum, giving rafe another kiss before heading upstairs to shower and get dressed for the day.
“you have to get that dress, y/n!” wheezie says as you step out of the dressing room.
“really?” you question, moving over to the large mirror. “you don't think it's too fancy? i don't have anywhere to wear it.” you are a fan of the dress, low cut in the front with a drop back, and long sleeves that cuff at the wrist. the material is a rose gold color that sits perfectly between pink and bronze.
“it's so pretty though! make rafe take you somewhere fancy, you just have to get it.” wheezie says, causing you to laugh.
“okay, okay!” you laugh, heading back into the dressing room to change back into your clothes.
“alright, is this everything?” you ask when you step out, making sure to grab the clothes out of the dressing room that wheezie wanted to purchase as well. 
“yeah!” wheezie takes some of the dresses as you head towards check out. you purchase the dresses using your dad's credit card. rafe offered his, but you already asked your dad to borrow his for a shopping spree.
“shall we meet up with your brother for dinner?” you ask when getting back to your car, feeling hungry as you pull out your phone to text rafe.
“yeah.” wheezie says, but her voice sounds sad as she looks down at her hands in her lap.
“hey, what's wrong wheeze?” you question, reaching across to rub your hand over her shoulder.
“i just don't want to be a third wheel. i had so much fun today, and you're just both going to ignore me.”
“hey, not true.” you say, pulling wheezie into the best hug you can considering you're in the car. “i promise you won't be ignored.”
“okay.” wheezie says, still sounding sad as you turn the car on and head towards the restaurant.
you smile when you see rafe waiting in the parking lot, leaning against the side of his truck as you pull into the open spot next to him.
“hey baby!” rafe smiles, pressing your lips together in a passionate kiss the second you're out of the car, showing you how much he's missed you. 
“how was golf?” you ask, rubbing your hands over his shoulders.
“fine, whatever, i don't care about me, ive missed you.” rafe wraps his arms around your waist, keeping you pulled in close to him. you scratch over the back of his head and his neck as wheezie gets out of the car.
“baby.” you whisper in rafes ear. “we have to pay attention to wheeze at dinner, she doesn't wanna feel left out.”
“okay.” rafe straightens out, moving over to his sister and clapping his hand on her shoulder, leading her towards the restaurant as you fall into step as well. you smile when you realize wheezie is looking lovingly at her big brother.
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hyewka · 1 year
*ೃ unconventional sex
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synopsis. where they'd like to fuck outside of the boring ol’ bedroom.
warnings/notes. mostly sub!reader (beomgyu's a tad bit subby), no protection + creampie, mention of impregnation for soobin, dry humping, fingering, groping, bulge kink, reader's older with beomgyu (use of noona honorifics), barely proofread + varying lengths with each extract, does not include yeonkai !
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★ choi soobin |
ever since the overwhelming amount of layoffs widespread throughout your entire company had started to hit your specific department, you've been coming from work exhausted, ready to slip off your torturous heels the moment you key your door open, stumbling over to your bedroom to finally throwing yourself on the comfort cushion you've been drooling about all day. usually, you'd take the time to stare up your ceiling contemplating the day, and the day before, and the day before...until your brain picks up the overly familiar rattle of the door—each time, startling you awake with the realization that you were about to drift to sleep in your work clothes, without taking a shower, makeup still very much on your face. during these days are you especially grateful with your boyfriend's struggle with the door despite living here for the past two years has persisted, because god knows soobin would've opted to let you sleep instead of waking you up.
soobin gets home, you go take a shower, then prepare yourself for bed as he enters the bathroom. its a routine you've grown accustomed to. today was no different— your brain is on its own lookout of soobin's signal entrance. when you hear it, your shut eyes immediately fly open like muscle memory, your half-nap reached its inevitable end. you don't expect the moment you sit yourself up, for soobin's large figure to come through the door, wobbly as he walks over to you and engulf you in the biggest, most suffocating, loving embrace, basically tackling your body back down on your bed. "soobin?" you whisper, his cologne overpowering your sense as you quickly realize that your body compared to his would not survive if he stayed another full minute on top of you.
"i have to go shower baby." you wheeze out, "and you're about to crush me." he nuzzles his nose in the crook of your neck as retaliation, his breathing pattern almost immediately syncing to yours. "shhh, i missed you." he whispers groggily— you sure weren't the only one drained after work.
soobin was a big baby in that sense, feeling his lips forming into a pout against your neck. the paradox of him being a broad man with a towering figure makes it a lot more endearing, and also hilarious, making you burst into a series of giggles...but not enough to let him continue crushing every bone of your body. "soobinnn," you whine trying to wriggle yourself off his hold but failing for the hundredth time, "i really, urgently, seriously need to take a shower."
after a few beats of silence, and you thinking you might just give up and fall asleep under him, he speaks up, lifting his head from the comfort of your breasts, his eyes doe-like, "let's take one together then." you think he's joking and so naturally you're sent to another fit of giggles and half laughs...until it quickly dies down with his very more-than-serious face, making your brows perk up in disbelief, eyes wide. "hey, you're acting like it's the first time!" he defensively retorts at the judgy expression spread across your face before his lips form into a comically exaggerated pout, his bottom lip sticking out, making sure to force his dimples as bonus. "plus, we'd be saving up on water bills ...you know?"
you should've known better, and really thought it over, because a shower with soobin would never end without having your cheek pressed against the shower's glass panel, steam long fogging up the view, his fingers tightly intertwined with yours, palm flat against the panel, head drooped down to your neck, sloppy purple splotches displayed all over, feather kisses on your overly fresh hickeys, his hips unrelenting, fucking your cunt closest thing to doggy style space would allow— the brutal, pornographic sound of skin slapping on skin mixture with your uncontrolled moans almost loud enough to drown out the shower head.
his length slips in and out of your cunt in a rhythmic speed, his breathing so heavy and whines so loud, getting your legs to buckle when he hits your cervix, "shit, soobin— soobin, slow down" your mewls hitch when water runs down from your face to the entrance of your mouth, choking momentarily. your head is foggy, light with ecstasy the more he drills his dick far deep inside you— eyes slowly rolling to the back of your head, feeling your energy quickly replenish. but soobin isn't done yet, oh, far from it.
you're too far gone to differentiate between water and your tears as soobin turns you around swiftly, making sure he doesn't slip out as his dick's still far buried in your warm pussy, switching positions as he pushes you to have your back against the tiled shower wall. you muster the energy to weakly shake your head, your chest heaving, "c-can't, binnie, i can't—no more-!" but soobin can't help himself, so horny over the reveal of your messy face, red with a mixture of drool and water seeping out the corner of your pink swollen lips as a result of his rough kissing. his calloused finger display over the bulge in your tummy and soobin loses the last bit of his sanity. "sorry baby," he says with much pity, his large hands positioning your wobbly legs to cling around his waist, "i just missed you...just need you—need my pretty's cunt so, so bad."
the steam enough to make both of you light headed as soobin's thrusts slower than before, thrusts calculated so surely and patient, your hand claw at his bare back every time he roughly hits a spot, hyper aware of every vein against your walls, soobin's head falling back as he groans, mouth slightly open at feeling your tight pussy clench around his dick, the running water hitting his face, hair further plastering to his forehead, his slippery hands bruising your waist the tighter his hold gets—soobin's never this rough, to the point your body jerks when his large hands start fondling your perked up tits, lips parted as he blatantly stares down.
"gonna fuck a baby into you," he breathes out crazed, his long lived fantasy of getting you full and big with his baby driving him to roughly land a passionate, wet kiss before attaching his lips to your hard nipples, sucking so earnestly while his thrusts become unrelenting, picking up, erratic as he detaches, eyes fixated on the long string of saliva connecting his mouth and your swollen nipple, oh how addicted to you he was. with every frantic thrust, your breasts bounced, slapping together, a lewd view he could stare at for hours...and hours...and hours.
you could almost pass out from the overwhelming sensation, your body long overheated, fog submerging around your feet, but soobin's degrading laugh gets you to flutter your eyes open, "fuck, these breasts would look so pretty swollen—don't you think? you'd like that right?" your lids are heavy over your eyes as you sniffle your runny nose, not exactly processing his words. "you want me to get you pregnant, don't you?"
bonus. soobin who bathes you, a sweet, caring boyfriend making sure to keep your smaller figure protected, washing your hair so in love with every aspect that makes up who you are—knowing he made the right decision with choosing you. your loving boyfriend who whispers in your ear, with your back against his chest, the bubble bath both healing and relaxing, "keep it in." the transition of his cute giggles to the low rumble of his voice near your ears has you blinking confused, yet you still find yourself nodding, completely under his trance. soobin who's giddy, having your body completely engulfed by him, no space between the two of you with his hand wrapped around your waist, snuggling close to you, a grin so wide as you both quickly fall into sleep, some of his seed leaking down your leg, your swollen abused cunt unable to fully follow through your boyfriend's command.
★ choi beomgyu |
beomgyu was never known as being an overly... patient fellow which would explain a lot. like the time he burst into a woman's bathroom because he just could not wait a few more minutes until the janitor could unlock the jammed door for the mens', or when he downed a spiked drink a second before he could be told that he was supposed pour it down the sink, or...now, when he has you pinned on the floor, clearly not in the mood to stop and take it to bed. "beomgyu—" you gasp when he starts nibbling on your earlobe, grounding his erection in between your legs. you start laughing nervously when he slowly trails his kisses down to your exposed collarbones, "let's get up, beomgyu, baby stop playing around."
he whines, starting to teasingly suck, slight nip on your skin. and you just...can't wrap your head around the position you're in—a few seconds ago, you were watching a cute movie with your beloved, adorable boyfriend and suddenly the teasing jokes started, then the addition of pillow fights on each other had you both toppling to the floor, giggling like little children. and now you had your boyfriend on top of you, not willing to negotiate and do the deed on the couch at the least— something a little more comfortable than a hardwood floor with no carpet furnishing. instead he busies himself, already rutting his hips against the aching need between your thighs, soft groans magnified to your ears, his breathing getting heavier and faster by the minute.
"beomgyu, we're on the floor." you repeat for the hundredth time— in between the startled gasps every time he got just a tinge bit rougher—thinking it'd get to his head this time. "who cares?" he whines, his sly hands already finding their way under your shirt, ministrating, fondling like the horny dog he was. "you're so fucking hot noona, can't control myself."
patience was never beomgyu's thing. having your shirt haphazardly pulled over your tits because he was just too goddamn impatient to undress you properly, your panties bunched to the side in frantic urgency as he finally prods his leaking tip at your entrance, sliding it in and out to prep, light headed as he bites down on his bottom lip, before he decides he just can't wait any longer, voicing his sorries over and over again as he fully takes you in unexpectedly, stretching out your tight pussy, earning him a delicious, drawled, loud moan of his name. and oh, does he fucking lose it. "louder, say it louder."
beomgyu who pounds you senseless, hand reaching up to grope your breasts every time he gets close, strained groans when he spills inside you again, hips still unrelenting, fucking his seed into you, his sweaty shuddering body looming over you when he stops for a second to catch his breath, you similarly worn out, head hazy, barely able to use your strained voice as you had lost it by the...you could barely keep count. "such a fucking cumslut, huh? taking everything so well noona," he babbles with each sudden thrust to your pliant body, you unable to arch your back from utter exhaustion, "love you, love you so much baby."
bonus. beomgyu's favorite locations? many, but the floor always takes the cake. the animalistic nature of just pure horniness and sweaty backs on the cold wooden floor—it's beomgyu's thing.
★ kang taehyun |
it starts off with the subtle brush of his hand on the roundness of your ass, a few times and you pretend it's nothing. then came a squeeze, right as you were washing dishes with your mom, the suddenness of the action making you freeze for a second, the polite gentleman facade he put up with your mom as he converses, leaving yet another good impression. it all confuses you— how he's able to play it off like nothing while you were practically breaking out in cold sweat. it couldn't be accidental. nothing is accidental with taehyun.
you weren't nervous about introducing taehyun to your (rather conservative) family—he was unanimously picked as your best partner thus far by even your closest friends, which you trust the judgement of. you believe it too, that he's the nicest, most genuine guy you're lucky having to call yours...but it seemed that with each passing minute, you were questioning your decisions.
taehyun isn't a fan of typical pda: hand holding, kissing, embraces that overstayed its welcome, but oh was he particularly bold with everything else. sitting at your family's home dining table, the one you grew up with, reminiscing the countless mornings of rushed breakfasts as a teenager— even recognizing the initials you carved by the edge of the table, it all rushes back to you and you feel guilty for not visiting as often as you should have. your mom who displays a feast on the table, ranging from delicates to turkey and fried rice—your father sitting right by her, uncles and aunties filling the remaining seats, everyone joyfully eating and conversing amongst themselves before your mother clears her throat to finally quench her curiosity.
occupation, the college he graduated, plans for marriage, kids, all of which he answered with perfectly satisfactory answers earning him a few swoons from the older women, to which he tried to be humble making the women get even more swoonful over the generous flaunt of his pearly whites...all the while you sit there at the edge of your seat metaphorically and physically, more than aware of the hand toying with the hem of your dress, dangerously inching closer and closer to your inner thighs.
you could barely hold up your glass of wine without having your hands shake just so slightly at the dangerous game taehyun was more than willing to play. you try to clear your throat, anything to get him to wake up, and remind him where you were, but he seemed nonchalant, picking at his food, eating at small portions, participating in conversation when prompted.
"why aren't you eating y/n? i cooked you your favorite foods!" your mom pouts, drawing the attention of the entire family, all eyes on you—which was just great. just great as taehyun's hand hid under the tablecloth, finger long stuffed in your cunt, your panties bunched to the side as he had his way with you, insanely slow as he decides to shove a second finger making your eyes widen, quickly reaching for the glass to drown out any noise you might slip up—but taehyun's gaze is focused on you, following the crowd, awaiting your answer to the pending question. "um, uh—yeah, sorry, i-i ate a few hours ago."
lies. when it's time for a movie and conveniently, you get to the living room last as you went out to fetch everyone a soda, realizing that you'd have to sit on the floor. taehyun catches you looking for a place to sit, pulling on your dress to catch your attention. when you turn around raising an eyebrow, he pats his lap, motioning to you to come sit, but you shake your head.
you can't, and frankly you don't trust taehyun to not...do something. but he tuts at you, patting his thighs again, this time, mouthing it to you, "sit."
"aww, you guys are so adorable, y/nie go, go, sit." you snap your head to see your mother, who's been invested with your relationship the entire dinner night. "no, mom, i don't want to make him uncomfortable i-"
"what kind of man would be uncomfortable with his girlfriend sitting on his lap?" your uncle speaks up and now all of a sudden, everyone's pitching in the conversation to the point you might just be driven to insanity with all the back and forth. when everyone settles down and the lights are shut off, you feel taehyun's chin resting on your shoulder, a cute gesture until you hear him whisper, "try to stay quiet baby."
the real intentions of kang taehyun were always less than pure.
bonus. spilling juice on your white dress with purpose, unknownst to everyone else who're quick to take out napkins and dab it on the stain, panicked over the ruined white—taehyun taking it as an opportunity to come off as caring as possible to your family, heightening his approval ratings, excusing you both to the bathroom so he can try and clean it off. it was a win win, getting your parents approval, and pounding you in the same bathroom you got potty trained.
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a/n. my obsession with soobin + pregnancy talk is detrimental to my mental being holy shit 😂 wanted to try out some footing with different settings, a little bit of a headcanon practice and dom!txt as i have practically almost nothing of the sort in my masterlist that isn't totally fucked up. thoughts and overall feedback are extremely helpful and appreciated, it motivates me greatly. to all those who wanted sub soobin, i promise i'll serve a full fic soon ❤
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northsoulss · 6 months
kitchen nonsense - alessia russo
a/n: didnt really edit so the grammar’s kinda shit
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“finally, i am homee!” alessia sings out, tone happy before dropping her keys and cursing colourfully. you snicker at her, watching her from the kitchen, as she yanks off her sneakers and place her training bag by the door.
“hi.” she walks over to where you were, cut up leafy greens and garlic laid out nicely on a cutting board. you give her a kiss, her lips warm and soft. she pulls away with a loud “mwah!”, giving you a tight squeeze.
“smelly, get off me!” you squirm and she hugs you, pressing herself against you even more.
“okay, okay. i’ll go shower.” she gives you a boyish grin, smacking your ass before walking away quickly, seeing you pick up the knife that you were holding again, with clear murderous intent.
“looove!” you hear her voice echo through the hallways, her feet pattering against the floors.
“yeah baby?” you call back, but receive no response. you huff and continue cooking, knowing that alessia would be behind you any second.
“yees?” you feel her arms wrap around your shoulders, her chin resting on your shoulders. you stifle a giggle when she presses soft kisses on your neck, inhaling the smell of your freshly washed hair.
“what’s up?” you turn your head slightly to look at her, her eyes fixated on the sizzling vegetables.
“i’m hungry.” she mutters, swaying you gently.
you set down the spatula that you were using, about to give her a kiss before nearly dropping it when she bit you on the shoulder.
“babe! don’t do that while im cooking!” she gives you a mischievous grin, before staring at you with a sparkling smile. you narrowed your eyes skeptically, watching the gears shift in her head before she decides to give you another harsh bite.
“alessia russo!” you yell as she runs away quickly, laughing her way to the living room. you shake your head, a small smile creeping onto your face at her antics.
“is it done yet?” she comes 10 minutes later, leaning against the counter beside you, watching as you add thickening cream to the sauce you were making.
“babe.” you frown slightly at her, knowing that she knew exactly what you were making, which would take at least 30 minutes more.
“whaat? im hungry” she pouts, making you burst out laughing. you scoop out a bit of sauce for her to try, her eyes lighting up as she tastes it. she gives you a quick thumbs up before pecking your cheek repeatedly, muttering about how she was so excited to eat.
“yeah, yeah. just give me 30 more minutes. it will be done by then okay?” you smile at her, reaching over to hold her hand. she sighs, her brows knitting together as a frown forms on her gorgeous face.
“i don’t know if i can wait that long” she whines, shaking your hand that was holding hers.
“well, too bad. be patient, lovely.”you kiss the back of her hand before turning back to add more ingredients, ignoring her pleas and cries about how she would die from hunger if she had to wait any longer.
“fine, be like that.” she grumbles, and latches onto you, restricting all your movement with her arms snaked around your shoulders snd waist tightly.
“how am i supposed to cook with you latched on to me like this?” you grunt, laughter turning into wheezing when she squeezes you even tighter.
“figure it out.” you try to shake her off, but she maintains her grip around your shoulders.
curse her and her workouts.
“how about you sit on the counter and watch me instead? you can be my sous chef!” she eventually relents, letting you go, but not without a searing kiss to the lips.
your knees buckle from how hard she pressed her lips against yours, but her arm snake around your waist, the other cupping your cheek. feeling her smile against her lips made you melt, a flush coating your neck and ears. she pulls away and laughs when she sees you blush, covering her mouth to muffle her giggles when your face reddens further.
“al! you can’t just do that!” you bury your face into her shoulder, feeling her hand reach out to take the spatula and stirring the pot.
“let me help you?” she takes your face into her hands, her eyes peering into yours, practically turning you into putty. you nod dumbly, a smile gracing her mouth as she notices your eyes flick down to her lips.
“c’mon now, if we keep up at this, i’ll just eat you out instead.” she whispers, nibbling at your earlobe. you push at her chest, smacking her arm whilst her chuckling echos through the apartment.
the night went on with you two eating and sharing workplace stories, joking and being angry for each other. you stared at her in admiration as she gushed about how her day went, wondering how you could have been so lucky to have her.
©️northsoulss 2023, all rights reserved.
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luveline · 7 months
ooh yay okay short blurb idea!! stevie comforting anxious!reader with back rubs? I feel like he gives the best calming back rubs ever!!! need him to help me w my anxiety :( 🤍🤍🤍
It's not that Steve's presence alone can stave off your anxiety, he's not a miracle, though he is miraculous, but it doesn't take long without him to fall into unhappy thoughts. He leaves to shower and you worry about everything one ache at a time, hands braced on your knees, begging your body to just let it go this time. Just this one time. 
You listen to the shower running, glad for the noise to hide your breath as it begins to wind, but Steve is quick. A minute later he's turning off the water, and a minute after that he's propping open the door to the ensuite to let out the hot air. His hair is still dry. He only wanted a refresher after the hot weather. 
You squeeze at nothing, your hands aching from the scrunch and unscrunching of your fingers. Steve must sense it, your quiet hurting, because he looks up with that resigned concern already lining his mouth, lips pulled down into an unfortunate frown. 
"Hey," he says, pulling the last sock on, "I'll be right there." 
The distance between you is relatively small and huge nonetheless. "It's okay," you say. 
You're wheezing. Steve's eyebrows furrow, and he grabs his glasses off of the night table as he sits down beside you. They slip down his damp nose and fog a little from the heat of his skin, which is a nice distraction until you realise it's a distraction. 
"Can I touch you?" he asks quietly. 
You nod quickly. Sometimes the panic is too much, and anyone's touch feels like a burn, but right now it's the one thing you want. Steve slides right up to your side, thigh to thigh, elbow to elbow. He slides the arm closest to you behind your back to hold you, and the other comes over his lap to your leg, where he squeezes the soft fat of your inner thigh. 
"What is it?" he asks. 
"I think…" you breathe in until your chest feels like it'll pop. "An attack." 
"Okay," he says, pulling you that last bit closer. You're like one person.
You lean forward away from him without thinking. Steve doesn't follow, but his hand tracks a heavy weight on your back. He starts to draw as he usually does when this happens, long fingers and a soft palm roving up the length of your spine and down again, filling the dip of your back as his voice melds to a whisper. "It's okay. We have to ride it out, that's all. You know that already. Keep breathing, babe." 
You cover your face with your hands. Steve makes a small sorry sound and takes your wrist, pulling your hand from your mouth.  
"Just breathe, honey." 
It's not easy. Not as simple as just, but you breathe. Steve's hand is dutiful and loving as it goes, tracing the same path over and over again. He whispers every now and then when you hold your breath or show signs of cracking, and when your eyes fill with tears his touch turns especially tender. 
People forget how full of love Steve is. He wants to love people, even if he does get annoyed at everything. Everything, and yet never at this. This is where his patience lies. 
Your back starts to feel ticklish from his touching. It works better than intended, one uncomfortable feeling replacing the other slowly. Steve puts his second hand on your chest to feel your pulse, his pinky finger sliding under the neckline of your shirt. He counts under his breath. 
"Good," he murmurs, pulling out his hand. "Good job, baby. You're okay." 
The attack ends, the shaky aftermath begins. You feel weak from hyperventilation, hands still shaking. Steve wraps you up in his arms now you're in no danger of suffocation to hold you together, pulling your face to his neck, his cheek turned from you as he sighs in relief. "You're okay," he says again. "That was a sudden one, huh? You okay?" 
You manage a soft laugh. "I thought you already decided." 
"It's two different okays." He rubs the top of your shoulder with his thumb, leaving warmth in his wake. "I know from your heart that you're okay, but are you okay? You know. What do you need me to do?" 
You hug him weakly. "Nothing. I don't need… Thank you, Steve." He's done more than you could ever ask for. 
"You're welcome," he says, kissing your cheek twice, his words warm and quiet against your skin. "Don't mention it. Just glad you're feeling better." 
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kitasgloves · 7 months
Imagine, SAKUSA KIYOOMI, your husband for over a year, sees you relaxing on the couch watching videos on tiktok. He lovingly spies on you until he notices the types of videos popping up on your fyp. It's all filled with laughing babies & children, every video makes you laugh and smile endearingly. But Sakusa's blood went cold.
Oh no
He thinks. This is bad. He might be overreacting but there's no way he's going to let you develop baby fever. Nope, hell no. He's not prepared to have children. So, he orchestrates a plan.
While you were showering, you accidentally left your phone unlocked so Sakusa has access to your tiktok. To his horror, all your liked videos are sickingly cute babies and toddlers. He has to change your fyp. So he searches up the most absurd videos available and taps on every single one of them, hoping it would cleanse your fyp and prevent the baby fever from developing.
You didn't even suspect a thing after you exited the bathroom, your husband is on the bed, eyes buried in a book, overlooking how it's upsidedown. The next time Sakusa spies on you, he's relieved that your fyp isn't filled with cooing babies and children. However, what replaced those videos are thirst traps of people working out in the gym. Sakusa's blood boiled hot, especially when you were secretly liking the videos and even saving them into your bookmarks. The way you bite your lip to fight off a smile made his eye twitch.
Sakusa is aware what jealousy feels like, he thinks it's ridiculous but look at him now succumbing to it. He tries to sneakily change the content on your fyp again but this time your phone is locked. So, he grows distant, unintentionally being less touchy than he usually is. And you notice.
"Omi baby are you mad at me?"
You pout, he doesn't answer as he faces away from you on the bed. You couldn't sleep at night without his arms holding you. As you try to scoot closer and gently grab him, he firmly peels your hands away. You frown, but decided to give him some space. When you stopped persisting, Sakusa grew worried.
He turns around and sees you facing away, cuddling a pillow instead. He suddenly feels terrible. Sakusa quietly goes over to you and kisses your temple before wrapping his arms around you like he always does. Surprisingly, you were awake as you ditched the pillow and hugged him back.
"Sorry for ignoring you darling, I was being childish"
"Aw, it's alright Kiyoomi"
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Do you...do you want to start a family with me?"
You pull away to give him a bewildered look. You looked genuinely shocked.
"Huh? What?"
"Do...uh...do you want to have a baby with me?"
"Oh! Oh god no! I'm not ready for that responsibility yet, honey"
You smiled brightly and it makes Sakusa relieved. He decides to come clean to what he has done, all you did was laugh and wheeze at him and call him silly.
"You didn't like me getting baby fever?"
"[Name] I don't know how to take care a child"
"And you got jealous when I liked all those gym thirst traps?"
"I don't get the appeal of it. It's just people flexing their muscles while covered in sweat"
"Well, it's kinda hot for me"
Sakusa furrowed his eyebrows and pouts adorably at you.
"If that's what you're into, you could've told me. I wouldn't mind sending you a stupid video after a workout at the gym"
You squealed. Sakusa scoffs but laughs at you. Since that day, he has made daily videos or "thirst traps" of him at the gym and send them to you. And you'd collect them like rocks and place them in a secret flashdrive for research purposes *wink* *wink*
Bonus: Sakusa asking Atsumu and Bokuto at the gym on how to make a thirst trap for you and he gets a full educational course about it. Day by day his videos get better and you just melt and gush at how fucking hot your husband is.
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emmyrosee · 1 year
“Mrs Kodzuken said if I win this I can see her boobs, so I need you to throw this.”
There’s a few chortles and some actual laughter the rings through the discord call, all voices that haven’t changed a bit since high school. Even with ridiculously busy schedules and time zone differences, they always reserved Thursday’s to either play a game or watch movies over discord.
Tonight, was no different. Fukunaga, Lev, and Kuroo stood absolutely no chance in beating Kenma this game, but the lighthearted joke seemed to reignite the group.
“Why do we have to lose so you can see boobs?” Fukunaga asks incredulously.
“Yeah!” Lev chimes. “Aren’t you married or something?”
“It’s because Kenma still giggles when he sees titties,” kuroo teases, and Kenma offers him an eye roll that he’s sure his friend can’t see, but knows him well enough to know he did.
“We are, and I do, but it hits different when you get incentive to win. So, with all due respect, choke.”
It’s the last few turns, ready to end the game for the night. Lev’s already lost his stars to Fukunaga, now he’s just playing for fun, pretending his saltiness is real to keep the mood silly, Kuroo being as cocky as ever.
But it’s obvious, to everyone in the call, that Kenma is going to win this round. By a long shot.
Kenma smirks softly to himself when he hears the door creak open and your socked feet shuffle over the hardwood and small rug in the center of his gaming room.
“You have the stealth of a turd in the toilet,” he says, ignoring his friends laughing as he hears you giggle. He swivels the chair to let you plop on his thigh, watching fondly as you get comfortable.
“I just didn’t know if you wanted me in here,” you hum, looping your arms around his neck.
“You know you don’t have to ask to be in here,” he scoffs, smiling. “You wanna come play?”
You shake your head and nudge your nose against his temple, “no… just wanted to be next to you.” You take an inhale against the warm skin of his neck, “missed you.”
“Don’t sniff me like that,” he snorts. “I haven’t showered.”
“Hey, snugglebug!” Kuroo’s voice teases through the headset, causing kenma to roll his eyes again and pause the game to give you his full attention.
“What’s up, baby?”
You smile and squeeze him tighter, “I just wanted to see you… I know Thursday’s are for the boys, but-“
“Fuck the boys,” he mumbles. Again, there’s a chorus of ‘hey!’s that come from his headset and you laugh to yourself. He clicks his tongue and mutes himself and the chat, shifting slightly in his chair to cradle what he can of you. “You just feeling needy?”
You nod softly, cheeks splitting into a smile when he noses your temple affectionately. “I’ll be down soon I’d you wanted to watch some YouTube or something.” You nod against him and he resumes the game to let you watch. “Alright boys, most important member of the band’s back.”
“I didn’t miss you,” Kuroo says confidently.
You do smile wider as you shift easily to watch the battle mini game that’s breaking out between Fukunaga and Kuroo, their screams of distress ringing over the call as you watch.
Fukunaga wins. Kuroo shrieks.
“Alright,” you sigh. “I’ll leave you alone.” You slip from Kenma’s lap swiftly, and he watches fondly. “I just wanted to see Kuroo lose.”
“You wound me,” his voice snarls over the call.
You snicker before stretching softly, and Kenma thinks nothing of it at first.
Then, his brow twitches. In his peripheral, he sees you hide your laughter. He sniffs the air, and feels fond embarrassment settle in his soul.
“Are you kidding?”
Your giggles can be heard on the discord call.
Lev, clearly confused, offers Kenma a quick “what happened?”
“Why do you do that every time I’m playing my games?”
“Why do what?” Kuroo chimes.
“You gotta come across the damn house to fart in my damn office?”
This, now, has the entire call cackling, gawfs and wheezes breaking through and cutting over the mics, and while you cackle and dash out of the door to leave him alone with your… smell, he shakes his head as the results load.
He’ll get you back later.
And as anticipated, Kenma won, and Fukunaga seems to be the only one handling the loss.
Kuroo and Lev? Not so much.
“BY THREE COINS!” Kuroo shrieks, mic cutting out at his distress. “I LOST BY THREE FUCKIN’ COINS?!”
“Dunno what their problem is,” he sighs contently, smirking softly to himself. “I’m seeing boobs tonight.”
“You know what man, I’m proud of you.” There’s only a hint of sarcasm falling from Fukunaga’s tone, but Kenma decides to take it as the bickering of the other two fills the call once again.
Kenma decides, among the yelling and teasing and your fart-filled-affection, it’s a Thursday he’s always down to enjoy.
“Have fun with your boobs.”
“Oh, I will.”
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anadiasmount · 9 months
moment of your life - jude bellingham.
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quick sum: a girls night out. birthday. dinner. club. seeing jude unexpectedly after you over heard him say things that left you hurt and confused… but hey, maybe this could be the moment of your life…
WC: 6k
PSA 🗣️ inspired by song ‘moment of your life’ by brent faiyez ft. coco jones 🤭. the lyrics will be in italics and bolded! no warnings, just angsty at the start, jealous jude, but ends with a happy ending! insta au at end as well❣
You laughed loudly in disbelief as you saw your girlfriends walk through the door. You lazily got up from your bed into a seating position and smiled big when they appeared holding flowers, balloons, and a pink heart-shaped cake for your birthday. They sang Happy Birthday loudly, recording your reaction as they went and circled around your bed. You weren't expecting them, so your shocked reaction to them made them chuckle. 
You brushed your hair back and put your glasses on top of your head, from the studying you were doing for your communications class. “Make a wish, darling!” your best friend said, sitting next to you while holding the cake. There were many things you wished for but being here with them just made you feel so grateful and loved after the last couple of weeks. You closed your eyes in delight and blew the candles. 
Clapping your hands and thanking them, but that’s when you notice them being fully dressed up, short dresses or mini skirts, and or tight tops. “Uh-”
“We're going out to celebrate. So get up, take a shower, and we’ll do your hair and makeup. We bought you this midi dress, and you’ll wear it.”
There was no making remarks or opinions when your friend Ella spoke, she had a clear message and you had to hear it. But you just weren't up for going out, you’d rather just do something here with them since it was unexpected. Open that bottle of tequila and vodka, and drink your sorrows away till the next day. “Guys, I love you more than anything, but I really don’t want to… We can do something here-”
“No no no. We have reservations in two hours at this fancy restaurant downtown, so we can’t stay,” Ella spoke again, going over and grabbing your hand to pull you out of bed. She struggled since your feet were planted on the ground, only dragging and moving along when she tugged you towards the bathroom. “Shower. Go.” You huffed but did what she said, managing to quickly shave your legs and wash your hair. 
You moisturized your body with some lotion and did skincare to let the products sit before they did your makeup. Ella knocked on the door and passed you the black dress, it looked short, and it was slightly shorter than what you were used to, but it hugged and shaped your curves well, your legs looked tan and toned, your boobs perky and sat nicely. You went and also picked out the black stiletto heels, knowing the would define your legs even more, stepping out with them in your hand. 
Your friends gassed you up, complementing you, a warm blush spreading your cheeks. But, they still rushed you to sit down so they could get to work. You begged them for a natural look, not wanting anything that would sweat off if you guys decided to go clubbing, surprise surprise they listened. You did agree to some small dramatic lashes, which shaped your eyes with the brown eyeshadow. 
While they did that Ella, quickly blow-dried your hair, and gave you a small blowout, nothing too crazy but what went with you. Your friends attempted to re-act the scene from Princess Diaries which made everyone wheeze as you headed downstairs. Your jaw dropped and smiled widely as you saw the small decorations in the kitchen, along with the pink cake from before. 
“You guys! This is so cute!” you yelled out, going to hug each and everyone, seriously enjoying the princess treatment. “You deserve it all, darling! Hurry let's pre-game, and take some pics before we head out,” one of your friends said, all of them quickly agreeing. 
The ride to the restaurant went fully smooth, now currently seated in one of the prettiest restaurants you've been to. “Ella, listen I love you, but I'm not wearing that damn tiara…” you shut her down for the millionth time, making her roll her eyes. She sounded like your mom with her protest saying it was just for pictures, but all you had in mind was to eat. 
“Oh fuck…” you looked up from your menu and glanced around confused. But then you saw who exactly made your friend curse out loud. You hid behind the menu again, attempting to look discrete. But you felt the cold rush through your veins, the feeling of your stomach dropping at the sight of the familiar curls, and white smile. All you could do was nod when your friend asked if you were okay, and pretend like you were fine, but deep down, the last thing you wished for was to make sure he didn't see you at all. 
He was through your eye range, and you didn't hesitate to move when your friend offered to switch spots, your back facing him as you walked to the seat. Call you dramatic but you didn't care, you deserved to be happy on your birthday and that was the plan. It was quickly forgotten by them when the drinks arrived, you tried to distract yourself but your mind went back to him. 
Jude had been someone you were helping out to learn Spanish once he first moved to Madrid. Of course, who could deny his gentleman status, his attractive features in those times the two of you were together? Him acting cocky at times, the brush of hands when you passed him the papers, and the strong eye contact when you explained the attributes of the language. You felt a mass of butterflies around him, and it seemed like he did too when he confessed he felt the same way. 
You shared your first kiss, the rain tapping slightly against the window, the scented candles lighting the room when the light went out, the way he would quickly stare at your lips then back up at your eyes, had you clenching your legs shut. And when your lips finally brushed against his, there was no turning back, the passion, the small grunts and moans from the both of you, the way he tugged on your hair making you go crazy. The tight grip on your waist as your tongues fought for dominance. 
 After that, the two of you got closer than ever. The regular routine of coming over to help him with his Spanish lessons quickly turned into dates in your apartment. Making dinner, teaching him, then cuddling while watching movies. He never pushed for more, respecting any boundaries, which made you feel assured it was real. It felt right. You felt safe and sound, forgetting how cruel the world was to you when you were with him. Only him. He became someone that anytime you saw, you knew you didn't have to worry about anything. It was just the two of you. 
But that changed after a party, a party he insisted you go to since he claimed he wouldn't know how to communicate with anyone. After you stepped away to get a drink, you regretted coming. Those few minutes of agony turned to hours as you felt stupid and used, quickly leaving and didn't bother looking back. 
That was a month ago, and now you're here, looking at the waiter confused when a blue drink was brought to your table, to you specifically. “Who is this from?” you couldn't help but ask, maybe wondering if it was from Jude… “It was sent from him,” you followed where he had pointed, and met with a tall, brunette, European dressed man. You raised the drink, as in a thank you, to which he smirked. 
“Seems like you got his attention… You planning to say hi?” your friend teased, to which you gave her a playful glare. “Who knows,” you shrugged, taking a sip of your wine instead of the blue drink, “Maybe it could be the moment of my life.”
The food was amazing, and your tastebuds fell in love with the flavor of the dish you chose. You all laughed and reminisced on the good times together, especially those when you were dorming with each other, and that trip to Germany where you had lost your bags. “No guys I can’t. It feels like I’ve done an ab workout after all this laughing,” you said, grabbing your stomach. “No, but like I said, I don’t remember that night at all-”
You covered your face when you heard them starting to sing Happy Birthday, hating the attention from the whole restaurant on you. It was slightly embarrassing, and they did this knowing it would be a good laugh, which you didn't mind since you had done it to one of them before. All you could do was shift around in your seat, looking around the table before blowing the candles out again the second time. 
“I had the goal! I had it!-” Jude was quickly cut off by the cheering, glancing over to the table in the corner, his breath hitched, seeing the familiar smile as they turned their head to what their friend was saying, watching as you threw your head back laughing contently. It looked like you were happy, over the moon. You were all he frequently thought of these days, he needed and wanted to know what you were doing, how you were, wishing to ask what the hell went wrong between the two of you. He was going crazy not knowing, especially since all you did was leave him on read. No matter where he was, his only thought was you. 
“Y/n is here,” was all that Jude said, shifting to look straight at you, but it was quite difficult. “Jude, you’re speaking nonsense, c’mon back to what you were saying,” his teammate said, one he grew super close with once he arrived. Jude clenched his jaw, fist knocking and tapping on the table as he turned back to you, but now watching as a man was whispering into your ear, you were smiling and nodding. 
He felt the burn rising in his chest, not liking the way you looked content next to a man that wasn't him, whispering back into his ear and watching as he went back to his table. Jude’s shoulders tensed under his shirt, a vein popping from his forehead. His tongue pointed on the inside of his cheek. What was so fucking funny that had you laughing like that? That man shouldn’t haven't even been there, it should’ve been him there. 
Jude knew it was your birthday today, and he wondered if you had received the roses he sent along with a letter. He was tempted to go over there and try to make amends but it wasn’t the time or place for that. So for the rest of his dinner, he just stared at you, gawking at how you looked. The dress causing dirty images in his head, urging him to go over and run his hand down your spine to your ass, make you yours as he desired. 
“I need a drink,” he sighed, rubbing his fingers over the lines on his forehead. Hi teammate laughing at his distressed look, teasing him for thinking about it too much and letting it get to his head. “If you're that bothered, why don’t you go over and talk to her? Maybe she’s willing to explain?” he said, but Jude shook his head. “I don’t think she wants to see me. She's made it clear by not texting me back or answering my calls. She won't even approve for our next Spanish lesson!” 
While you hadn’t, Jude had known of you prior to meeting you. Hearing how you were a special friend to those around him. You had a bright smile, warm eyes, and a caring personality, yet were so shy and innocent, and always willing to help him no matter what. You were too good for him, but he was whipped, wanting to know anything and everything about you. Jude brought himself to ask you to be his Spanish teacher in a way, after approving his transfer in early March, when those moving rumors began to surface in the media. 
When he finally asked you, it looked like you were taken at back, he quickly fell mesmerized with you, the way your eyes glimmered, your rosy cheeks, the way you couldn't hold proper hold eye contact with him, being intimidated by his gaze. What he absolutely adored was the way you fit in his embrace, you were smaller than him, and he was scared those times when you hugged he would hold you tight but that wasn't the case. He would never miss a session, bringing something to you every time from it being your favorite snacks to even your favorite roses. 
When you’d meet in public, it was a private cafe or somewhere secluded so he wouldn't get recognized. But even then, it was always so hard to focus on teaching a language, when all you did was talk about each other's lives. Having grown up as a quiet person, living most of your life privately, meeting Jude probably was the best thing that ever happened to you. You were used to everyone leaving you or being treated like nothing but him? You were his absolute world. 
It took time to get out of that shell you created. You were scared of being used or one of the so-called flings. you never let him in, slowly but surely you began to dig deeper into his heart. You fell, but he fell harder for you. He made you feel comfortable in your setting, never pushed you for me, he was respectful and brutally honest, which you admired. 
“Are we ready to go?” you asked after paying. They argued over who would pay what but in the end it was decided to split the check between everyone. You slid from the table, walking where he wouldn't see you if he was paying attention. You made sure your dress wasn't high, and fixed your jewelry, walking slowly out the door but you were suddenly stopped by that man again.
“Leaving so soon?”
“Yes. Thank you for the drink once again, but like I said I'm not interested in anything right now if that makes sense. I'm just focusing on myself and getting started with my career,“ you apologize feeling like owed him an explanation, but you didn’t. He just gave off bad vibes, and you didn't like his aura and cocky self. “Not even your number? If time is what you need I’ll be more than welcome to wait.”
He was persistent and you almost gave in. Why did you feel bad rejecting him? You had told yourself if someone new wanted to enter your life, you would allow them. You were going to be open to moving on after Jude. But why was it so hard to do just that? For god’s sake, you couldn't even give him your number, without thinking back to Jude. Thinking of how he would feel, or what he would say to you. 
You gave him an apologetic smile, before nodding your head, “What about my insta?” to which he quickly agreed. 
If Jude was jealous before, he was over the roof now. He scoffed seeing you exchange whatever you were doing, his nails deep into the palm of his hands ignoring the sting in his heart. Were you moving on? Even if there was no label put on the two of you, it looked like you were, and that truly scared him. Jude’s questions were still unanswered to him, and now he was losing it, darting over to where you were. “Jude just give it up. Give her-” he heard them say but he was just focused on you. 
“No. You can’t, I won't let you. She’s doing just fine without you,” one of your friends said as she saw the tall man beginning to approach you. “I don't care! I am miserable and I won’t put up without a fight. If she doesn't want to talk I'll hear it from her,” he said, which is true, he could have his temper and you knew that. He wasn’t going to give up so soon. Giving up on you was out of the picture…“I'll see you around,” the stranger said smirking, making Jude internally gag. 
“You won’t.”
You look up and see him standing there, just like you had seen him before with an all-black outfit. He looked hurt, a small frown placed on his lips, and his brows plugged in together confounded. Jude turned his gaze to Alex, now a scowling look to the stranger from tonight, once he heard him remark back, “And who's to stop me from that? You?”
Jude licked his lips, and scratched his temple, nodding before saying something, “Yes me. Is that a problem?” he raised his brow, approaching Alex closer with small steps. “Well, it seems like your girl, Y/n right?,” Alex pointed to you with his head, “Is currently not taken, so I'm free to do whatever I’d like. And if she was, well then, seems like it didn’t stop her from giving me her socials?” 
Alex was starting to get into Jude’s head, he saw the rage in his eyes causing him to smirk, and tap Jude’s chest, “Well seems like you have your answer…” 
Jude placed a smug look into his face, now tapping Alex’s chest, “Like I said. She’s not interested, because quite frankly all you got was her socials. If she was interested like you seemed convinced to be, she would give in, guess your charming self isn’t fitting her cup of tea. You're only into her for one reason, and she’s not looking for that ” Jude cocked his head to the side in a ‘we both know what we're talking about’ way.
When you saw Alex approach Jude closer that's when you decided to get between them, your hand connecting with his chest, pushing Jude back. You saw Jude’s matches, and you knew what he was thinking, he lost his control easily and you didn't want to cause a scene here, especially for Jude’s sake as he was the talk of the media. An article being posted the next morning saying he was fighting, wasn’t going to look good for him. 
“Stop. Let it go,” you whispered to only where he could hear, Jude glanced down at you, grabbing your hips as you walked him outside, your friends following behind. “I'm sorry for all that, have a good rest of your night, “ you said to Alex, watching him roll his eyes, but you couldn't care less. Jude had a point, and you weren’t looking for a quick fuck. 
When you walked back out, Jude was pacing back and forth, talking to his teammates as they tried to calm him down. Ella walked towards you, trying to get you to go with them, but she understood if you wanted to talk to him. “We’ll be in the car waiting, if you need us don’t hesitate to scream,” she said to which you nodded. It looked like Jude’s friends did the same, walking over to a fancy car, with more than enough room for all of them. 
Your heels clicked against the concrete floor, catching Jude’s attention. “Wha- What was that? Care to explain?” he said furiously, his hand pointing to the direction of the restaurant. “Can you keep your voice down? I don’t think you’d want articles resurfacing-”
“Y/n! I could care less about that. Let them post it, I don’t care. I want to know what happened between us. We don't talk for weeks, and suddenly it seems like you're a new person. Did you forget about us? What we did? What we shared? How you specifically told me that you were falling for me? What the fuck changed?” Jude let out hurt. He was hurting and you saw that. 
“Well to me, I saw and heard what I needed to hear from you Jude. You played me, led me on, made me believe there could ever be something between us. But oh boy was I wrong! I was so wrong about you after you proved to me you weren't the person I had met. The Jude I met is not the one standing in front of me, not the one who promised me they felt the same way but instead lied. Do you not know what that feels like? I feel stupid, used!” you yelled. The frustration being built inside you, wanting to be let out of the cage after being built.
“Led you on? What the hell are you talking about?” he scoffed, shaking his head confused, “I made my intentions very clear to you, how I felt about you. I did anything to make you happy! I wanted to see you happy, happy next to me. I was willing to do anything, I was patient with you. There was a reason why I asked you to teach me Spanish, I wanted to get to know you. If anything I feel like you led me on,” he pointed out, motioning with his hands. 
“Excuse me? How can you say that? I wasn't the one who said ‘Yeah she means nothing to me really. Doesn’t mean shit what we are, just in it for the fun. She’s nice to be around, but being in it for the long run, you know me, how I am. This being in relationships isn't what I want right now’ when your friends asked you about me” you mocked, then slightly gasping when you realized what you’d said. Jude furrowed his brows, a shocked or surprised look on his face, not knowing what to say. 
“You heard me. I heard you that night at the party… I went out to look for you to ask if you wanted to head home, or go out to the city, just something between us. But once I heard that it was clear I had read your intentions wrong. I wasted no time and left. Could you imagine the way they would make fun of me? For being delusional and not knowing about how you felt?”
Jude’s face softened, knowing he was caught in the act, and that what he said was true. The familiar of his chest tightening was back, not bearing the fact you were crying in front of him, all because of him. But he had to let you know that what he said wasn’t true, the only he said what he said was because those ‘friends’ he was with, only use him for social imaging. He wanted to protect you, protect you from the cruel world that existed. “Y/n-”
“No. I really don’t want to hear it… I just want to enjoy the rest of my night, my birthday with my friends. Have fun Jude…” you sniffled, wiping your tears away to look more presentable. Jude gripped your wrist when he saw you walking back, “No please, we need to talk about this! I can’t just stand here knowing we can prevent the confusion and mistake further. Please, let’s just talk.”
“Like I said. I want to enjoy my night and make it the moment of my life for once. If you want to fix things like you claim, you always know when to find me…”
It's true. He always did know where to find you. Which is why he was now staring at you from the corner of the club, dancing away with your girlfriends. Take shots then and there, laugh and talk with them, and take photos with your friends. Part of him felt happy, that you were able to distract yourself after crying and being upset. But he just desperately wanted to take you home and hold you, to let you listen to what he had to say. 
His friends would include him, often earning a laugh or joke from Jude, he wasn’t also going to be upset either. He had you back and wasn't going to let you leave again, he was going to try because you didn't read his intentions wrong, just didn’t know the full story. He saw you turn down guys that came up to you, which made him feel proud, and secure, often smirking because you were his girl, his only. 
Most of his friends who came with him left, and then it was just him, standing by the bar, intensely staring at your toned legs, those heels that you wore were driving him insane. Watching as your hips moved to the rhythm of the song, your hands tracing from your thighs, up to your hips and then side, over and over again. It was almost like you were teasing him, which you were unbeknownst to him. You wanted to show him what he was willing to lose. That at the end of the day, you were going to move on and forget about him. 
It was 2 a.m. when your friends decided to leave, and they knew you wouldn't accompany them along, since Jude was still there. They couldn't blame you, they also wanted to make sure you got the closure you needed to move on, so they would support you no matter what. If there's anything you love, is that they would never bring you down or judge you. 
“Still here?” 
Jude got startled, looking down at you, a shy smile on your face, warming his heart. There was something about you being shy and innocent that pulled him in more into you. Wanting to be the only one who would see this side of you, playful and loving. “Yeah… waiting for the most beautiful in the world to leave, but looks like she's standing right in front of me now,” he said, taking a sip from his drink.
“I won’t push you to talk if you're not ready, you know I'm not like that. If you need more time I completely understand you,” Jude stated, he was serious about this, the last thing he wanted was to push you away further. What more could you lose, if talking with Jude meant him being back in your life, you were willing to try. 
“Let’s go home. I'm ready.”
Jude would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. You looked better, sexier than ever. That perfume you wore, he loved, especially how you still wore the gold charm bracelet he gave you. He loved this confident side of you, always used to the quietness and reserved part of you, so attempting to calm his nerves was hard. Trying to get his heart rate to calm down was also getting harder by the second as you led him inside your apartment. 
It was still the same, just with some birthday decor and balloons. The same desk in the back where you two had practiced and gave him Spanish lessons was still there. The plants he gifted you, were hung up and longer, as they dangeled. The teddy he had won for you when the two of you passed by a fair a certain night was on the couch, resting peacefully. The roses he’d given you for today were in a red glass vase, on the small table by a huge mirror you had, making him smile. He missed the feeling of home with you. 
“Sorry if it's a mess, I was studying when they came, and I didn't think I'd see you tonight,” you blushed embarrassed, apologizing but Jude didn't care. He instead just walked over and stared at the roses, “I was starting to think you didn't receive them, or that you threw them away…” he admitted, touching the petals. 
“No, I can’t. They're beautiful, plus it was the first thing I woke up to this morning, along with your lovely letter. Thank you by the way,” you said quietly, being respectful about the gift, interlocking your hands together as you walked over to him, breathing in the familiar cologne. “You’re welcome. I'm glad you like them.” 
You watched as his long fingers played with the ribbon on the vase, his veiny hands flexing, but you could feel his intense gaze on you, slowly looking up, getting lost in his brown eyes, the wrinkles in the outer corners. It went quiet, just the heavy breathing that appeared from both of you, the tension becoming hot and tense, swallowing your dry throat as you cleared your throat, and let out a small whisper of his name, “Jude…”
“I couldn't bear the fact, that the last time I would've seen you was that night at the party… I would've said yes to you, you know? I desperately wanted to get out of there once I joined them outside… they were people I thought I could've associated myself with but I was wrong… being new to Spain, I just wanted to build new friendships, but I regret it with them since all they wanted was the few seconds of fame… I don't know who’s real and who’s fake anymore. You were real though… what we had it's still all real to me…” he spoke up, grabbing your smaller hand into his.
“While you went inside to grab the drinks, they began to talk about you, and I wasn’t going to let them do that, because you felt safe and protected around me, you trusted me and I didn’t want to break that bond. I only said what I said because I wanted them to leave me alone, I wanted you to myself, have this privacy and intimate moments like now between the two of us. I wanted to be selfish and keep you to me,” Jude urged, tracing your knuckles with his thumbs. 
You wanted to dig yourself into a hole, never come out, unless there was a sale 100% off in Sephora. This was all interpreted wrong, you had failed to communicate with him about it, causing you to be distant and sad about it. You felt slightly at fault but it wasn't the case. It still hurt to hear because at the moment it felt like you wouldn't be enough for him. 
“What I said was wrong, and I don’t want it to come off that I become a different person when I'm around other people, because I'm not. I just wanted to protect you, and what we had. You've seen it in the past and I can prove that to you. You know me better than anyone else, only seen this side of me because you allowed me to do that. I'm a way better person around you, and only you. So please forgive me…” his voice becoming softer, pleading at you.  
Your pulse was fast, it's what being around him did to you. But him standing here, fixing things between the two of you, shutting those insecurities and unanswered questions away, and proving to you that whatever went on between you wasn't just for fun or to make you feel used. Jude was in it for the long run, only if it was you aside him, not anyone else…
“I feel dumb… I feel like I might've overreacted and this would’ve been avoided if I had just spoken to you… but it hurt because for a second you weren’t Jude, my Jude…” you said, making Jude’s heart race at the words ‘my Jude’. “I thought I wasn't enough for you… that any minute we had spent together was just for you to have a laugh, but it's clear it wasn’t… So of course I forgive you Jude… only if you forgive me for shutting you out like I did…”
“You know my answer to that… You know I'll forgive you, but it was never my intention to make you feel like that okay baby? Remember that. You’re more than what I deserve, and every moment we spent I have it here. And I got every other thing that I need and want but you,” he took your hand and placed it over his heart, “I love you Y/n…” Jude confessed, swallowing his nervousness away. 
You started at him with wide eyes, searching for any signs that would say to back away but there was none because you felt it too. The love, the lust, the feeling of it, all of it, you felt. Your mom had said you’ll feel with the correct person, the feeling of being stable, knowing that the person you love would prove it to you every day for the rest of your life. That when you love, there’s absolute trust always. That love isn’t a fairytale, that it exists when you met your soulmate connection. Jude was your forever soulmate. 
“I love you Jude…” you said abruptly, your hand reaching over and tracing his cheek with the pad of your thumb. Now it was his turn to search for any signs, but he didn’t, because the soulmate connection was mutual. You loved him, the way he loved you. He reached over and slowly leaned down to your lips, not pushing the limit not knowing if you’d want it, but when you pulled his neck to yours, connecting your lips together, every cell in his body ignited. He was back where he desired. Back in your embrace where he felt secure, forgetting about anything when with you. 
His hands traveled to your waist and pulled you closer to him, stumbling a little but he made it work. His lips against yours caused an ache, a sensation of heaven in you. All you saw was a future with him. Jude’s tongue prominently teased your bottom lip, wanting to take it into his mouth, so he was quick to do so when you allowed him to. Savoring your sweet taste forever, a tainted memory to cherish. 
Your hands were tucked on his chest, often raking down to his abdomen. Jude pulled away, holding your face while tucking your hair back, “I've been wantin' you, so what you wanna do tonight? Make this the moment of your life,” Jude said, being down for anything. You kissed the tip of his nose, biting your lip, “I don't wanna hidе… Always been a good girl, but I have a bad side. Can I show you, baby? I'ma guarantee you won't forget…”
Jude was going crazy, his cock hardening under his boxers, the urge to take you right then and there. The innocence was gone from you, no more shy girl, and he wanted to know the bad side you proclaimed to have… to kiss every inch of your skin, the birthmark under your ear, the small painted moles of your chest and neck. To have you cumming underneath him, over and over, to show you who you belong to, to show you the love. He heard the small whimper you let out “Just like that,” as he continued to discover more of you. 
“I don't want a taste, I want the whole damn thing,” he said as he walked you over to your bedroom, “How I feel with you, it feels right, so what you on for the night, baby?”
As he slowly removed your dress, he fell in love again right then and there, you looked pure, perfect, untamed, and for him only, kissing your collarbones all the way up to your mouth where he gave you a messy and passionate kiss. Feeling the warm skin against his palms, he wanted to capture the moment forever, trace every curve and imperfection on you. “So pretty and sexy for me baby, want it all, anything you're willing to give me as long as you say it.” 
“If you don't mind, you should try to stay the night. Because I'm willing to let you do anything you want, I'll let you make this the moment of your life…” you say, removing his shirt and tracing over his pecks, kissing his soft skin, watching as goosebumps appear, hearing him let out a grunt before diving back to kissing your lips. 
“Anything the birthday girl wants… she’ll get…” 
yourusername 🔒
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by: judebellingham, ellaaaooo, yourfriend, others.
yourusername: grateful to see another year, cheers 🥂
ellaaaooo: cheers to us indeed! happy birfday 🤩😍
↪️ yourusername: love you babes! thank you for today! 🤍
judebellingham: love you princess. cheers to another year, can’t wait for the next one! 😉😍😘
↪️ yourusername: thank you for the roses! mi principe! 🤍😍
user: happy b-day! 🎂
liked by you.
yourfriend: #milf 😵‍💫. #ursosexy. #savemesomecake.
↪️ yourusername: love you pretty 😂🤍
otherfriend: SKSKDNNDN HAPPY MF BIRTHDAY 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️
↪️ yourusername: NDNNDNEJ THANK YOUU!! 🤍🤍
oldfriend: 😍😍😍
liked by you.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by: yourusername, ellaaaooo, gioreyna, camavinga, auroleitchuameli, jobebellingham, yourfriend, user388, and 1,876,456 others.
judebellingham: mi flor. mi motivo. mi amor. mi maestra de español. 🌸❤️
yourusername 🔒: te amo guapo! y era secreto de nosotros…
↪️ judebellingham: oops, tenían que saber que tu eres mía y para mi 👀❤️
camavinga: congratulations bro! ❤️
↪️ judebellingham: thanks bro! ❤️ camavinga oh ohhh camavinga oh ohh 🗣️🗣️
↪️ yourusername 🔒: ignore him… thank you!
gioreyna: it’s official!! happy for you two!
↪️ judebellingham: thank you! cheers mate! ❤️
↪️ yourusername 🔒: 🤍
jobebellingham: THANK GOD @YOURUSERNAME!! he was driving me nuts with him being sad and emo…
↪️ yourusername 🔒: LMFOAOSOOS 😂😭
↪️ judebellingham: shut it. or i’ll tell mom about last weekend.
↪️ jobebellingham: 🧍🏾‍♂️
user839: we lost him girlies… 💔
user34: she’s so gorgeous 😍
user6656: rue… when was this?
753 notes · View notes
the-likesofus · 3 months
never known comfort like laying next to you
9-1-1 on ABC | Buddie | 2.6k words | cuddling and snuggling, confessions, sharing a bed, soft boys being soft
A long shift ends with a quiet pizza and movie night within the walls of the Diaz house followed by a quiet confession beneath Eddie’s duvet
Read on AO3
When Buck and Eddie finally drag themselves over the threshold of Eddie's front door Buck feels the last of his strength fall to the floor along with his duffle bag and he absently follows Eddie to the couch.
"I could sleep for a month," Eddie whines as he lazes back against the cushions. 
"So could I," Buck agrees. "But we've gotta pick up Chris."
Eddie groans and Buck watches the movement out of the corner of his squinted eyes as Eddie rolls his head back and forth against the back of the couch. "Not for like an hour."
Buck hums and breathes deeply. His bones ache and his feet tingle from standing all day. None of their calls today had been out of the ordinary but they had been never-ending. They'd barely get back to the station before they'd be loading up again and if Buck has to see another exploded rice cooker ever again it'll be too soon.
"Do you want to shower first?" Buck asks.
"Yeah, thanks," Eddie says. "Just give me a minute. I can't feel my legs yet."
Buck laughs but it comes out as more of a wheeze, even his lungs are tired. He stares at the ceiling as the light fixture blurs in and out of focus. He feels the cushions shift as Eddie slumps to the side and then there’s a weight against Buck’s shoulder and a soft puff of air across his throat. 
“Eddie, we gotta stay awake.” Buck mumbles but his words slur together, his tongue heavy in his mouth. “Eds?”
He gets a half attempt at a grumble from Eddie and nothing more before Buck's eyelids fall shut under the weight of his exhaustion and the world fades away. 
He wakes sometime later to the sound of the front door closing and the clack of crutches against the floor. Oh shit, Christopher!  
Buck is about to scramble out of his seat but he’s held in place by the weight of Eddie still sound asleep against Buck’s chest and then Carla comes into view and Buck goes slack again as relief takes him over.
“What time is it?” Buck rushes to ask though it comes out slurred.
“Just after half past three.” Then she must take in the panic on Buck’s face as she smiles and comes over to rub a hand over Buck’s shoulder before she takes a seat in the armchair across from Eddie’s couch. “Oh no, were you boys so tired you forgot you already had me rostered to pick up Chris?”
Buck yawns. “Thank you, Carla. What would we do without you?”
Carla laughs and stands up again. “I’m sure you’d manage but I’m happy to help. I believe Chris has gone straight to his room. They got a new science project today and he was excited to start it as soon as he got home. I’m sure he’ll come out as say ‘hello’ soon enough.”
Buck yawns again and Carla rolls her eyes. “Get some sleep, Buck. Eddie’s got the right idea.” She nods down at where Eddie is drooling on Buck’s uniform t-shirt and Buck feels heat start to climb up his neck as he remembers that Eddie is still sprawled out against him and sound asleep. Carla waves goodbye and then she’s out the door again. 
Buck should probably wake Eddie, tell him to go have that shower, and make him go sleep in his actual bed so that he doesn’t end up with a crick in his neck but Eddie looks so peaceful and something is reassuring about the weight of him against Buck's chest and he just can’t bring himself to disturb him. 
The sound of Christopher’s crutches makes themselves known once more as he comes into the living room from the hallway. The boy pauses for a moment when he notices both Buck and his Dad on the couch. 
“Is Dad asleep?” He asks, his voice drops to a whisper and Buck smiles and beckons him over. 
“Yeah, he is.” Buck reaches up to hug Chris with his free arm as the boy teeters forward to hug Buck over Eddie’s head. “Did you have a good day at school, Buddy?” 
“Yeah! “ In his excitement, Chris forgot to whisper, and then sudden volume causes Eddie to grumble and stir, his nose scrunches up and Buck watches his eyebrows furrow as he presses his face into Buck. Buck rubs an absent hand up the back of Eddie’s head and Eddie sighs contently and settles again. When Buck looks up, Chris is watching them with an inquisitive expression on his face.
“How about pizza for dinner tonight?” Buck asks and Chris nods excitedly. “Okay, can you get my phone for me? It’s in the outside pocket of my work bag.”
Buck points to where he thinks he remembers setting his bag down and Chris makes quick work of finding his phone and bringing it back to him. “Can we get pepperoni?” 
“Of course, Bud. Hey, how about you go finish your homework while we wait for the pizza to arrive.”
“Okay. Are you going to wake up Dad?”
“When the pizza arrives,” Buck says, already navigating to the pizza website awkwardly with his phone in his left hand and placing their usual order. 
True to his word, Buck reluctantly shakes Eddie awake when his phone beeps with a text notifying him that their order is on its way. 
Eddie wakes slower than Buck did, his eyes opening and dropping closed again a few times as Buck squeezes his shoulder. 
“Hey, Eds. Sorry, man, but you gotta wake up now.”
“Wah? What time is it?” Eddie asks, his head still firmly pressed into Buck’s chest. 
“Almost dinner time, Carla brought Chris home for you.”
Eddie pauses momentarily, taking in the information before he sits up and looks around. “Oh. Oh, yeah that’s good. I forgot she was getting him today.”
He yawns rubs his hands up his face as he leans back against the couch and then freezes and drops his hands to look at Buck. Eddie’s sleep-glazed gaze flits between Buck’s face and the damp patch on Buck’s chest and he ducks his head embarrassed. “Sorry, about your shirt.”
Buck shrugs. “You’re good. I ordered pizza, it should be here in a minute. You probably have time for a quick shower if you want.”
Eddie rubs at one eye with a fist and nods, slowly getting to his feet. “Okay, thanks.”
Eddie disappears down the hallway, still yawning as Buck sits up and stretches out his numb shoulder. His side is cold where Eddie was lying just moments ago and he dings through the nearest duffle to him for a sweatshirt. As he tugs it over his head he realizes that it’s probably Eddie’s but at this point, it barely matters. Their wardrobes have merged almost indecipherably over the years. 
Buck summons Christopher to help set the table while Buck pulls two beers out of the fridge and pours a glass of juice for Chris. In the distance, he can hear the shower turn off and Eddie shuffling around his bedroom getting dressed. As Chris lays out cutlery and Buck passes him plates Chris chats excitedly about his new science project and Buck promises to help him with the actual experiment tomorrow. 
Chris is making all sorts of other plans for their Saturday, including a trip to the park, when Eddie comes back into the kitchen. His hair is still damp and hanging over his forehead in a way that forces Buck to look away and turn his attention back to looking for the bottle opener—which always seems to find its way to the very back of Eddie’s drawer—so that he can open the beers.
“Dad, can we go to the skate park tomorrow?” 
“If the weather is nice, then yeah.” Eddie shrugs. “I don’t see why not.”
“Cool! Buck is going to teach me how to do a kickflip.” Chris says brightly.
Buck laughs and holds a now-open beer out to Eddie who takes it with a quiet smile. “I said no such thing! I can’t even do a kickflip, Chris.”
“Well, maybe I’ll figure it out, and then I can teach you,” Chris says with full confidence. Secretly, Buck does know how to do a kickflip but the last time he did one he was fourteen and it ended in a trip to the emergency center with a broken nose, a piece of information he is sure Eddie will thank him for not sharing. Besides, Chris literally cannot fall off his skateboard thanks to the frame Eddie and Buck built for him, the frame that recently needed modification to accommodate Christopher’s latest growth spurt. The kid has been growing like a weed since the summer. 
The doorbell rings and Buck shuffles around Eddie, past the counter, and out to the front door to get their pizza. When he returns with the boxes in his arms Chris and Eddie and both sitting at the table waiting for him. Eddie has brought Buck’s beer out from the kitchen for him and it is waiting for him at his seat. 
Together they make room on the table for the boxes and then they dig in. They talk as they eat, Christopher with pizza sauce smeared across his cheek and a dozen questions about what makes a rice cooker explode, Buck patiently explaining the science of pressure mechanisms to him, and Eddie watching them as he contently chews on his slice of three meat barbeque pizza. 
“Can we watch a movie tonight?” Chris asks around a mouthful of pizza. Buck pulls a napkin from the pile in the middle of the table and passes it to Chris. 
“Have you done your homework?” Eddie asks.
“He was doing it while you were snoozing,” Buck says and Chris giggles, bright and gleeful. Eddie just rolls his eyes.
“It’s Friday, Dad. I have all weekend to finish it.  Jason was talking about this old movie at school today and it sounded funny.”
“What was the movie?” Eddie asks.
“Shark Story or something?”
Buck struggles not to choke on his pizza and sends a horrified look in Eddie’s direction. “Shark Tale, you mean?”
Christopher’s face lights up. “Yeah, yeah. That one.”
The movie is a hit and Christopher vows to ask Jason for more movie recommendations the following week at school, right before he falls asleep against Buck's shoulder. 
“I seem to make a pretty good pillow tonight.” He jokes and Eddie’s cheeks flush pink. 
“I did say I was sorry,” Eddie grumbles, getting up from the couch to clear away their beer bottles and the empty popcorn bowl. 
“No, no. It’s fine, Eds. I was just teasing.” Buck leans back against the couch and watches Eddie walk into the kitchen and back again. “You want me to carry him?”
Eddie glances down at Christopher who is slowly sinking lower and lower down Buck's side and filling out the space Eddie left when he stood up. He shakes his head. “No, don't worry about it. I don't want to wake him, he can sleep on the couch tonight. It's not like he has school tomorrow.”
“Oh, yeah. Okay.” Buck says. He slowly eases himself up off the couch, lowering Christopher’s head down to meet the pillow Eddie pulls from the cupboard and passes to Buck. The pillow that is usually Buck’s when he stays over. The pillow he thought he would be using tonight. “I'll get out of your hair then.”
“What?” Eddie looks up at him, startled.
Buck waves to Christopher now snoring lightly on the couch in front of them, Buck's usual duvet tucked up around his chin. “Well, we're not both gonna fit on there.” He jokes. 
“Oh, right.” Eddie chews on the end of his thumb. “Still, you don't have to go home. I was hoping for pancakes in the morning.”
“Oh, were you now?” Buck raises an eyebrow and gives Eddie a playful shove. “I'll take Chris’ bed then, I guess.”
“You're too long for Chris’ bed.”
“I'm too long for that couch too but that hasn't seemed to matter for the last however many years I've been sleeping on it.”
Eddie stares past him for a moment as if he's lost in thought. 
“It's okay, I'll go home and I'll come back first thing in the morning to make your panca—.”
“Stay with me.”
“Huh?” Eloquent.
“With me,” Eddie repeats as if that will make it make sense. “In my bed. It's not like we haven't shared before. Besides, I hear you make a good pillow.”
Buck feels heat start to rise in his cheeks and he ducks his head, stalking down the hall. “Well, come on then. It's getting late.”
They get ready for bed in relative silence. Buck finds his spare toothbrush in the bathroom and Eddie passes him a pair of sweatpants and an old T-shirt. Buck is pretty sure the pants are some of his own that he'd left here at some point. The T-shirt is definitely Eddie's. It's pale grey and worn thin with a small hole at the hem but it hangs softly over Buck’s shoulders. 
Eddie knocks before coming into the bathroom to brush his teeth next to Buck in the mirror. There's something so normal about it that even though they have done this dozens of times before it still blows Buck away at the comfort such a simple process when done together can bring him. 
They climb into opposite sides of the bed—Eddie by the door and Buck by the window—they don't even have to talk about it.
Buck expects it to be awkward. The first night they had shared a bed during quarantine they had both lain stiff as boards for hours before eventually Eddie had kicked him in the shin and they'd gone to sleep. It got easier each night after that.
Now, they lay loose-limbed next to each other with barely a foot of space between them. If Buck stretched out his fingers he could probably find Eddie's hand right by his. So he does—in a moment of stupid bravery—and Eddie grips his fingers back, threading his between Buck's, locking them together. 
“Thank you for staying,” Eddie whispers.
“Thank you for not letting me leave,” Buck replies. 
“I never like it when you do,” Eddie says and it feels like a confession. 
Buck rolls onto his side, facing Eddie and pulling their intertwined hands up to rest on the mattress between their heads. Eddie turns his head to him. “I'd stay forever if you'd have me.”
Eddie rolls over and places his other hand over their joint fists. “You already have me .”
Something hot and radiant boils up in Buck's chest. He reaches up and hesitates a moment with his hand hovering over Eddie's cheek, but then Eddie turns his face up into it and noses along the edge of Buck's thumb. 
“Roll over.” Eddie pushes at Buck's shoulder till he's flat on his back. “I want my pillow back.” 
Buck can't help the laugh that bubbles out of him as Eddie shuffles closer and practically drapes himself over Buck, resting his head in the juncture between his shoulder and his neck. He sinks into the mattress beneath him, letting the weight of Eddie settle over him like a blanket.
“You do make a good pillow.” 
“Stay.” Buck whispers against Eddie's forehead.
“Forever, if you'll have me,” Eddie replies, laying his hand palm down on Buck's chest, right over his steadily beating heart. 
Buck lays his hand over Eddie's. “You already have me .”
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lazybutsmexy · 9 months
Simón "Ghost" Riley X GN!reader
Warnings: ANGST, hurt no comfort, mayor character death(s).
A/N: is... is this what I chose as my comeback? I'm sorry, I hope to be able to write something fluffy soon.
Read on AO3
Your eyes are locked to the sky. The hues of gray that prelude an autumn shower used to comfort you. Strangely enough, what's most comforting to you at this moment is hearing your Lieutenant's voice answer you back, from somewhere to your left.
"...I have a confession to make."
"...Go on."
You inch your head sideways, trying to peek a glance at his face, but the stiffness of your neck prevent you from doing so. Maybe it's for the best. From the corner of your eye you can see part of his hip and his right leg, over a carpet of dark red that you don't need a creative imagination to think about its nature, or its origin.
You saw him get shot.
"I'm the one that took your last tea bag," you offer, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd get so grumpy about it."
A low sigh reaches your ears, and you can catch the hint of an almost imperceptible stutter in his breathing.
"...Never suspected you," he hums, every word calculated as if it could be his last -it may as well be, "you don't drink tea."
"No, I don't," you agree, "but you do." Your lower lip gets caught in between your teeth once again, as it has happened for the last few- minutes? Hours? Who knows anymore? "I wanted to surprise you with-... with a cuppa when we got to t-the safehouse..."
You clearly should've followed his example and kept your sentences short, you think as your diaphragm painfully struggles to keep your lungs filled with oxygen.
"...You make shit tea though," he grumbled - now you can clearly hear the wheeze hidden in his breathing.
"... would've made it wi' luv," your tongue feels heavy in your mouth, and you try not to think of the amount of time you've gradually lost sensation in your body. Instead, you try to peek at him again as you hear a slow ruffle of movement, and this time an ungloved hand comes to your field of vision.
Open face up. Inviting.
You don't think twice and muster whatever little strength you have in your body to move your left hand closer to his.
If the struggle makes you tear up, you don't care. If your pained whimpers break his heart, he doesn't comment on it.
He just grasps your hand as soon as there's skin-on-skin contact, thankful that there's still warmth on your fingers.
Fading, but still there.
"...Didn't say... I wouldn't drink it."
"...Yer' too kind, sir..." Your ears feel like padded in cotton, but you can still hear yourself. If you had any energy - or air in your lungs - you would laughed at how much you started sounding like Soap. "...'s an hon'r to be wi' you, Lt..."
Several seconds passed in silence, and you think you won't get any more answers, and mentally prepare yourself to close your eyes one last time.
But there's something happening with your hand in his.
One squeeze.
Another squeeze.
And a last one.
"... waited too long to tell you," his voice reaches you again, watery and choked up, " hope tis' works..."
Go figure, you still had tears to shed. Or is it the rain droplets finally landing on your skin? You don't know. You don't care.
You try to reciprocate, but can only apply three soft squeezes with the pads of your thumb on the soft muscle between his thumb and index fingers.
The choked up sob you hear is a good guess that he received your reply.
"...'m sleepy," your whisper reaches him, and he mourns the lost time.
He's never void of regrets, isn't he?
"...g'night, luv," he tries to sound warm to you, always.
"...g'night, Simon..."
Oh, how sweet his name sounds, coming from your lips in a whisper.
Taglist: @warenai @queen-of-hearts-lemon-tarts @embers-of-alluring
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theold-ultraviolence · 2 months
Silly-goofy-cursed NSFW Eddie Munson headcanons that nobody asked for but have been on my drafts for centuries, and rotating in my brain for much longer.
(REPOSTED. Warnings include: Eddie being silly and cursed during sex, gender neutral, but Eddie refers to reader as ‘my lady’ once. itty bitty hint of a piss kink but not really, panty stealing and sniffing, mentions of food involved during sex, in a sexy way but also in a disgusting way. If I missed anything else that might need a warning let me know!)
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He once admits to you that he gets so overwhelmed when he's inside you that he has to run a mental countdown in his brain or else he's gonna cum in two seconds.
You tease him by going, 'like the count from Sesame Street? - and he goes, 'EXACTLY like that'
The next time you're doing it after he confesses, he starts counting out loud but imitates the count's voice; so he's on top of you, suddenly going, 'ONE, TWO, THREE, AH, AH AH!' which just makes you laugh. And in turn, just makes you cum harder because you're squeezing around him so hard from laughing.
You're laid there all sweaty and panting after three rounds, and he breaks that dreamy haze going, 'ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX ORGASMS, AH AH AH' and you wanna punch him in the face as you burst out laughing and shove him into the pillows.
And on the subject of laughter. One time he was being silly and made you laugh so hard that you nearly peed yourself on the bed - which just made him laugh harder, not helping your case at all.
You rushed to the bathroom just in time, but that dumbass followed you and watched you pee, and just kept laughing like a maniac, literally rolling on the floor.
But he low-key watched you feeling some type of way about how intimate the whole scene was.
You tease him about him having a piss kink which he ardently denies over and over, even if he blushes bright red when you bring it up. He doesn't really venture into that kink, but, once the two of you grow more intimate, he's totally unashamed about peeing in the shower while he's in there with you (this is inspired by that one scene with Adam Driver in Girls)
NOW on the subject of showers...he'll always join you, but when he doesn't, be it because of time restraints or what have you, he'll still burst into the room when you're showering, just to draw a giant dick on the fogged up mirror, for you to find.
Sometimes they're super detailed monster cocks. And he'll write silly messages, too.
He sometimes jokes that if he passes away before you (we're ignoring canon though) he'll haunt you by drawing dicks on everything, just as he did when he lived (so dramatic of him).
He'll randomly start to talk like a medieval knight, kneeling before you, with his arms extended to present you with a condom and going, 'my dear lady, I come bearing a tribute I've acquired amidst the hardships of my journeys'
You'll follow along out of amusement but it ends up in you two full-on roleplaying about him being a wounded knight who has returned to his lady after a long, arduous journey. The journey is him running to the pharmacy to buy the condoms mentioned above.
He refers to his dick as 'my little friend' sometimes. You can't take Al Pacino's scene in Scarface where he goes 'say hello to my little friend!' seriously anymore, because it reminds you of Eddie. You tell him that, and the next time you go down on your knees, he pulls out his dick and impersonates Al Pacino, grabbing his dick and poking you in your face going, 'SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!"
He's so cursed.
His favorite thing in the world is to tickle you until you're wheezing out laughing, and then taking advantage of you doubling over and clutching your tummy from laughing so hard to plunge his fingers inside of you with no warning - transforming your laughter into moans. He takes such pleasure in hearing your mind short-circuit for a second while you process the amusement and pleasure all at once.
He's totally the type to be smelling his fingers randomly during the day to see if he can still catch a whiff of your scent lingering on them. He's absolutely obsessed with the scent of your essence.
So obsessed that he has admitted to stealing your panties and keeping them close in his pocket during the day.
You asked if he's been stealing the clean ones or the ones from the laundry. Of course, it's the latter.
And when you're not home, he jerks off with your dirty panties pressed all over his face, taking deep inhales of them, licking and biting them as he strokes himself.
Also, the idea of him keeping a dirty Polaroid of you in his wallet is a classic, but once you move out with him, he's started to put those Polaroids (of you together, or just you alone) on your fridge. Never fails to bring a smile and a jolt of arousal in you, first thing in the morning when you're opening up the fridge in search of a carton of milk.
He's huge on after-sex pizza and wings, and eating it right there on the bed, with the grease from the back of the box staining the bed. And even after a full meal, he wants to fuck right after, never mind the grease on your face from all the cheese and sauce, or the bloated feeling that lingers after eating a giant meal. And can you even deny him?
This also applies to drive-thru Taco Bell which you eat right there in his van. (shoutout to @thembohux for inspiring this one). He's so gassy afterward that it should be disgusting as hell because the van becomes a biohazard environment, but again, can you deny him?
Another time involving food was when you spent a weekend getaway with him in a motel room. He woke up very early to bring breakfast in bed from a diner nearby. He wanted to be doting and cute by bringing in waffles, eggs, and fresh coffee to wake you up. It was all very sweet and loving until he started to get in the mood, just, by your mere presence.
As he always does.
You could literally be sitting there with bed hair, dark circles under your eyes while eating breakfast, and feeling like a zombie first thing in the morning and still, he'd get turned on by you.
That's how you ended up laying on your back (amidst the already messy sheets from the night before that were already too disgusting with dried-up bodily fluids) as Eddie poured the maple syrup from the waffles all over you, taking his sweet time and licking it up from your body. He didn't know maple syrup could be so delicious until it mixed with your juices.
You left that motel room blushing and feeling so bad for the poor maid who would have to clean that room. Eddie just jokes that she'll have to go in there with a biohazard suit on, and burn the sheets.
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fraugwinska · 2 months
Dude, i had an idea out of nowhere, and in my head it's so funny for no reason ☠️☠️ So, you know that theres like, that canon drawing that Alastor made for Angel's birthday?
((https://twitter.com/HazbinHotel/status/1642135435085217793?t=U6Kzncfye-QAjtJYy8R23A&s=19) This one)
So like, imagine that is Alastor's S/o birthday, and he decided to make her a drawing like that ☠️ idk it's weirdly funny in my head
So - a few things need to be said.
1. I know that Alastor canonically likes to doodle, and ever since episode 1 we really know just how awfully funny these doodles are.
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2. what I didn't know was what the hell you were talking about, so I looked it up and... my god. The snorts I snaughted, the wheezes I whoze, the cackles I cuckled. He may be a 'gentleman', he may try to behave cordial and appear classy, but Doodle-Artist-Alastor is a fucking menace, no filter and so snappy, holy shit.
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3. Now, for my highly professional opinion (*cough cough*) of what would happen if you, Alastor's s/o, would get a picture like this as a birthday gift. In front of everyone.
❤️ You agreed on celebrating your birthday, as redundant as you thought it was, only under the condition that no one would buy you a gift. If they wanted to hand you a present, you wanted it to be a small, handmade thing, valuing their time and thought behind it much more than the actual thing.
❤️ Everyone would hold true to this request, and the gifts you get match the giver perfectly.
❤️ Charlie and Vaggie crafted together, handing you a bejeweled jewelry box covered in glitter glue and snippets of photos they had taken of you and the gang over the time you were guest in the hotel.
❤️ Niffty, being both skilled in sewing and the chaos gremlin she is, presents you with a abysmal looking pile of different, sewn-together fabrics. You turn and twist it in your hands, thanking her without knowing what it is, until you find a golden snap lock hidden in the masses of layers. It's a very inconvenient coin purse.
❤️ Opening Angels gift has everyone holding their breath - preparing for something phallic, kinky or lewd. instead, you squeal as you pack a crochet version of Fat Nuggets, including his stubby little horns. Angels smug expression at the sheer surprise at his very unusual (and unexpected) talent of the gang quickly turns to a sweet smile as you crush him with your hug, telling him how much you love it.
❤️ Husk's gift for you is nothing corporeal. Instead, he announces he'd teach you one of his many magic tricks he often did for your sheer delight at your many evenings at the bar. He blushes a bit when you thank him with a kiss on his cheek.
❤️ Alastor would wait to be the last one to present his gift - it's known the best is always saved for last. He hands you a large envelope. Curiously you open it, careful not to tear it, and pull out a thick sheet of paper
❤️ Five heads hang over your shoulder, five pairs of eyes widen at the sight: The paper is full of scribbled doodles, a crude, macabre looking version of yourself in the middle, around it splatters of what looks like blood, grinning faces, and scribbled words: cutie pie - talks in her sleep - MINE MINE MINE - I love Alastor (in a speech bubble over your head)
❤️ Reactions would be mixed, Charlie would find it weirdly adorable, Niffty would point out anything she likes with bashful giggles, Vaggie would be as disturbed as Husk, while Angel would make fun of it, laughing while mocking the quality of the drawing.
❤️ you however, would be torn between genuine laughter and earnest emotionality you've never received something handmade from Alastor. He'd often shower you in little tokens of care, a bouquet of flowers, a new necklace, a dress or a scarf he's seen at Rosie's. You found it not only endearing, the thought of him, dressed in his pompous attire sitting at his bureau, drawing this made your heart ache with affection.
❤️ Quietly staring at the picture, Alastor would interpret your silence as veiled ridicule, and vanish into shadows, retreating. He had failed, his gift shown to be juvenile and lacking. Sulking, he would avoid you for the rest of the evening, only returning to your shared room when night already fell and everyone was fast asleep
❤️ He would find you in deep slumber, cheeks a bit puffy and shimmering from trails of dried tears. He'd tilt his head in curiosity, wondering what would've possibly made you cry, then he sees it - his painting, clutched in your hands and pressed to your heart.
❤️ He'd hurry to change for the night, scolding himself for drawing hast conclusions - he should know you better. When he gently pulls the paper from you to set it aside, youd awake, reaching out to him, starting to apologize for not giving him an appropriate reaction.
❤️ alastor would shush you, slipping into bed with you, and give you your other, much more intimate present.
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mockerycrow · 1 year
"I thought we were past this," with foap please 🫶
400 Follower Celebration
—“I thought we were past this.”— With John “Soap” MacTavish
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Summary: Johnny ended up getting an eye infection and swears up and down he doesn’t have any issues with stuff near his eyes. spoiler alert: he does!
[WARNINGS: none, fluff.]
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The alarm on your phone ringed out as it hit 8:00 AM and luckily for you, you were already awake. Your phone is vibrating angrily on the kitchen counter as you make breakfast for you and your boyfriend Johnny, who’s currently bundled up in blankets on your shared couch, sporting two infected eyes.
“John, it’s time for your eye drops!” You call out, tapping the “stop” button on your phone, ceasing the vibrations that nearly causes your phone to topple over the edge.
You wait for a response or for his footsteps, but you hear nothing. “Did’ya hear me?” You say a bit louder, using the tongs to flip the bacon on the pan. You again listen for signs of life over the grease popping noise coming from the pan, and you sigh. “I swear to god.” You mutter, turning the burner down to a low temperature.
You put the tongs on the paper towel covered plate and you quickly make your way from your kitchen, through your dining room, and you find yourself in Johnny’s last known location; but he isn’t there. You groan, finding his favorite blue blanket abandoned on the couch, along with his tissues and the TV remote.
You can’t help but laugh a little bit because the thing that provoked this reaction is eyedrops. Your loud-mouthed, competitive and cocky boyfriend runs scared from eyedrops. Your boyfriend who is quite literally in an elite task force, your boyfriend who is a trained goddamn sniper and demolitions expert. “I thought we were past this!” You shout, scanning the room with your eyes.
You knew he could be sneaky when he wanted to be, but you’ve been with him long enough to know his regular hiding spots and the spaces he thought you didn’t know about, but of course you do.
So, there began your search. You searched behind the curtain of the living room, you searched the bathroom, behind the shower curtain and all, the hallway closet that stored a variety of things, everything. Yet you could not find him. You sigh, nearly giving up to just text him, you have an idea. You didn’t check the garage.
You grab the eyedrops and walk down the hall and you open the garage door that’s connected to the house. You flip the light switch on and you find Johnny fucking hiding in the car. He looks at you with a deer in headlights look through the window and you burst out laughing, a harsh wheeze being ripped from your lungs. He fucking hid in the car?? “I- Alright, oookaayy Johnny,” You giggle, trying to open the car door but finding it’s locked. “Get out of the car so we can get this over with.”
“Over my dead body!” He yells, muffled but you can still hear his thick accent clear as day.
You sigh and enter the house and for a moment, Johnny thinks he’s safe—until he hears the car doors unlock.
He forgot this is also your car.
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