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Ocean man, take me by the hand, lead me to the land, That you understand~
Yup, it's Poseidon. Again. And you'll see him again!
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⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Coloring Pages And Baby Fever
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content: leo valdez x daugher of poseidon! reader fic warning: maybe cursing but i really don't think so??, toothrotting fluff, discussion of kids and futures and whatnot author's note: this one BRO THIS ONE- i dont even want kids idk where this came from fr. also, leo is a girl dad. everyone can stfu if you don't agree. her middle name is his momma's name, obvi. but that's just a headcanon, a COVEY headcanon jk jk
y/n always held a soft spot in her heart for the younger half-bloods. she arrived at camp at seven and she was a sobbing mess inside the hermes cabin then the poseidon cabin. she couldn’t imagine going through that at a younger age. which is why she always volunteered to run the younger kids activities rather than participate in some of the more grown up games. today was coloring of greek mythology. y/n wasn’t sure what part of the internet chrion pulled these from, little explanations put in bold next to the coloring pages and she wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to know. maybe a past apollo child, grown up to be an illustrator just for camp half-blood. y/n was detailing away at a cartoonish hippocampus, smiling softly at one of the girls who ran up to show y/n her drawing of her mother, athena.
“aww, phoebe, it looks so good!!” she mused, excitedly looking over it, shamelessly ignoring the scribbles over the lines and the mixing of wrong colors. in phoebe’s defense, she was only eight.
“thanks, y/n!! i based it off of how my daddy describes her all the time!” phoebe explained, bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement.
“must be accurate then, you clever girl!” she joined in, smiling widely at her before handing the paper back, settling a hand against her back and pointing towards chiron, who was resting in the shade with a book in his lap, “now, go show mr. chiron and tell him what you learned.”
“okay!!” the girl bubbles, snatching her picture back and racing towards the centaur, who looks up with a warm smile towards the girl, happily indulging her. y/n felt a poke against her ribs, spinning around with a warm look since she knew who it was.
“how are you so good with them?” leo huffed, crossing his arms as he stared down at his terrible doodling of the battle of troy. he taken up following y/n to kiddy camp; one because he loved spending as much time as he could with his girl, and two because harley asked him to start coming. y/n glanced down at his work, nearly melting at the sight. helena took a striking resemblance to y/n and troy to leo, something that wasn’t lost on the girl.
“i dunno. exposure therapy? i used to teach little kids how to surf a long, long time ago,” y/n laughed, shaking her head slightly before pointing over at his drawing.
“that’s what you think helena looked like?” she questioned with a smirk, pointing a blue crayon at him. his cheeks warmed up but he didn’t lose his cool.
“yup. what do you think of troy? handsome guy, isn’t he?” he pushed, leaning closer. y/n snorted, shaking her head at him.
“the hottest,” she agreed with a roll of her eyes, earning a shove against her shoulder.
“don’t be looking at other men! so disrespectful to our relationship!” leo huffed, setting a hand against his chest in mock hurt. y/n laughed harder, leaning against his shoulder before pushing off him with a shake of her head, looking around her boyfriend at the shy child on the other side of him.
“can you believe this guy, harley?” y/n asked, smiling warmly at the little boy, who looked up at the older teens with wide-eyed wonder.
“he’s pretty silly,” harley agreed, swinging his feet under the table happily.
“the silliest,” she added, wrinkling her nose at the boy before looking down at his coloring, “oh, super cool coloring of the argonauts, harley!”
“thanks! leo’s told me all about this story,” harley stated, smiling up at his older brother, who returned the gesture.
“sure did. one of my favorites,” leo hummed, eyes growing distant at the thoughts that swarmed. the nightmarish time he had on that damn boat, the constant fighting, the constant worrying, the weight of the world on his shoulders. he snapped out of it as y/n subtly set a hand against his thigh, though she didn’t acknowledge it. he rested his hand on top of hers, pressing his lips to the top of her hair without another thought.
“did he? hmm, i don’t think i've heard it before. you wanna tell me about it, harley?” y/n asked, tilting her head at the boy. i’d heard the story hundreds of times - chiron reused the same website every year so one kid always ended up telling her the story at some point - but she knew harley was having a bit of a hard time. leo had been stressing about it for a bit now and she figured she could help.
“you really haven’t heard about it?” harley questioned, frowning slightly as he didn’t believe her. panic flared in y/n’s eyes and leo was quick to save her.
“y/n is so busy with all her quests and training that she barely has time to listen to stories, harley,” leo reasoned, shrugging his shoulders like it was common sense.
“oh. i guess that makes sense,” harley muttered, glancing down at his feet for a moment.
“come on, harley. i’ve got time now! i feel like i'm missing out on something big. come here, between leo and i,” she told the younger boy, putting on a pout.
he laughed a little at the look on her face before squeezing between leo and i, setting his drawing down on the table and using his cubby fingers to point at specific people in the drawing. he rambled on and on about it, clearly something that fascinated him. y/n asked questions like she was confused by the topic and gasped at the appropriate moments.
leo just stared at her over harley’s head, feeling his heart race and his mouth go dry and the tips of his ears light on fire only for him to quickly snuff it out. he started to imagine what it would be like to do this in the kitchen of their home and instead of harley in the middle, a child of their own. a wedding band on both of their hands and vows stronger than the river styx. y/n caught his gaze over harley’s head, giving him a soft smile and leo melted at it. he loved her with everything inside him and he could feel the love from her radiating off in waves. from the way she looked at him to the smiles she gave him. he could feel it. like the sun when your eyes are closed. that warmth that manages to seep through your eyelids
“aren’t they just the coolest?!” harley exclaimed, proudly wrapping up his story.
“yeah!! super cool. jason reminds me of someone but i can’t quite think of who,” y/n mused, tapping her finger against her chin in false thought. leo snorts, looking away as he covers it with a cough.
y/n glanced across the table, noticing a little boy following along with what harley was saying, but trying to be as subtle as a child can be. she knew him, ryder, one of the new hermes kids. she already had a feeling the stoll brothers were rubbing off on him, based on the sunglasses set upon his drawing of apollo. he was around harley’s age and her eyes twinkled at the opportunity.
“hey, harley,” y/n whisper down to the boy, leaning down to his level. he looks up at her with wide eyes, asking a quiet ‘what?’
“i think someone else wants to hear the story of the argonauts,” she tells him, nodding her head towards ryder, who looked shocked that the attention was on him and quickly dropped his head and returned to his drawing. harley paled slightly and began wringing his hands, nervously.
“hey, dude, it’s okay. we’ll be right here the whole time. just start talking and it’ll just flow. trust me. it’s just like at the forge. it’ll start to flow,” leo cut in, setting a gentle hand against the boy's shoulder. harley took a deep breath before blowing it out.
“just like at the forge,” he mumbled before grabbing his drawing, his small fists crumbling the drawing the slightest bit before he moved around the table and up to ryder, who looked at him, intrigued. leo and y/n both leaned forwards to hear better, though they pretended like they didn’t, trying to give harley his space.
“h- hi, i’m harley. i’m from c-cabin 9, son of hephestus,” harley managed to get out, holding his hand out to the blonde boy.
“hey! i’m ryder! cabin 11, son of hermes,” ryder told him, proudly, shaking harley’s hand vigorously. harley couldn’t help but laugh at the rapid hand shake and y/n set her hand over her heart at the action, giving leo a look as tears filled her eyes. he laughed at the emotional daughter of poseidon, rubbing a hand over her shoulders.
“do you want to hear the story of the argonauts?” harley asked, tilting his head, much like leo. surely a habit picked up over time.
“totally!” ryder cheered, nodding his head as his blond hair ruffled about and he moved over, giving harley space next to him. when ryder looked away, harley gave the older couple a proud thumbs up with a toothy grin before making a shooing motion with his hands.
“are we being sent away?!” leo asked, incredulously, with his jaw dropped.
“i think so. little rascal,” y/n replied, shaking her head at him before standing up, taking both of their drawings. she shot a glance over her shoulder, watching the two boys excitedly talk to each other and tears filled her eyes all over again.
“i’m so proud of him. oh, gods, i’m gonna cry,” y/n gasp out, laughing at the craziness of it. leo laughs with her, pressing a kiss to her cheek. y/n started thinking about how she'll react when their son does the same thing, which brings on a whole new wave of tears. their son. leo and hers. y/n looked at him, her lower lip wobbling. he sees this, tilting his head, a little worried.
“i love you so much,” she whisper to him and he smiles, his brows unfurrowing.
“no need to cry about it, hun,” he laughs and y'n hits his ribs and shove him away from herself. he quickly comes back and wraps his arms over her shoulders, locking them together just over her chest.
“i love you too much to put into words,” he replied, shoving a kiss against her cheek.
“that’s a first,” y/n bit back, hearing a chuckle from behind and feeling the rumble of his chest against her back.
“leo, y/n, you’re off shift. we’re taking over,” will says, nodding towards one of the demeter guys he was with. she give him a thumbs up and a smile before a little girl looks over at them with sad eyes.
“y/n’s leaving?!” she asked, tears already pooling.
“hey, it’s okay. will’s a super good friend of mine and he’s so much fun! i promise you’re gonna have a blast, honey. plus, you get to spend tomorrow with me!” y/n tells her, rubbing a hand against her shoulder before nodding at will to take over, which he did, kneeling next to her and asking about her shirt to distract her.
“they don’t react like that when i leave,” leo pouted, slinging an arm over y/n's shoulder and she raised a brow at him.
“because you don’t interact with them, dear,” she mused, leaning into his side with a bright smile as they made our way towards her cabin.
“touche,” he replied, nodding his head before he glazed off for a moment before wetting his lips and opening his mouth, “do you think i’d make a good dad?”
y/n paused at her cabin door, frowning at this question as she looked over at him like he grew three heads.
“the best dad. what a stupid question. i expected better than that, hothead,” she tells him, swinging the door open and walking towards her side of the cabin, set aside for the girls, though it was just her.
“i’m being serious,” leo argued as he shut the door, still frowning a bit, “i mean, i have no idea what a good dad is supposed to look like. and i can’t talk to those kids like you can. and-”
“leo.” y/n cut in and he stops, snapping his eyes up to hers and taking a calming breath.
“if i thought you’d be a bad dad, we wouldn’t be together. if i had any inkling that i couldn’t put my future in your hands, i would have never wasted my time getting to know you. and you’re good with the kids, but in your own way. like, harley. you could talk that kid off a ledge. and it’s not just because he idolizes you. it’s because he trusts you, leo valdez. just like everyone else does. just like i do,” she told him, gently setting her hand against his chest. y/n reaches her other hand up to his cheek, rubbing it with her thumb. he draped his arms around her waist, pressing his head into the junction between her neck and shoulder. him, pressing kisses to the sun kissed skin. y/n paused for a moment before pulling him impossibly closer.
“i want one,” she muttered against his curls, hiding her head in his shirt. she could feel the confusion radiating off him.
“one what?” he asked, always wanting to meet her every request.
“a baby. of our own,” y/n whispers, her voice cracking a bit, the thought scaring but exciting her. leo pulled back to see her eyes, to which he smiled softly at the look in them. one he could only describe as love.
“me too, y/n,” he states, firmly, like it was already set in stone but then he tilted his head at her, resting his hand against her cheek, “but, it’s a bit early.”
“lee,” y/n pouts, sinking into his hand a little though she knew he was right. he laughs lightly.
“i gotta put a ring on that finger of yours first. get a nice house away from all the monsters and gods. then we can revisit this,” he reasons, tucking his hand inside of hers. he talks about an escape that will never come but she doesn't tell him that. instead, y/n closes her eyes and pictures the house, cozy and lived in. she pictures the wedding, leo at the end of the aisle in a suit, percy walking her down the aisle like she always promised him he would. y/n pictures the nursery, set up for a little girl who looks just like her dad.
“okay…we’ll wait then,” y/n whispers against his lips, pressing hers to his softly before pulling back, “i’d wait lifetimes for you; for that.”
“you won’t have to. not in this lifetime,” he mutters before pulling her back into his lips, more of a collision than a kiss. she couldn’t help but smile against his lips, knowing she'd found the kind of love she always wanted. the kind that transcends death and age; the kind of love that is generations in the making.
three years later, on that same day, y/n and leo would find out they were expecting their first child.
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dramartist · 1 year
The FOOL'S Challenge
Artists, one and all, introducing your very own APRIL MONTHLY ART PROMPT! Starting on April 1st, aka April fool's day, I challenge others (and myself) to the foolish task of drawing characters as vines! FOR 30 WHOLE DAYS! You could do your own characters, someone else's, from a show; and you could draw a screenshot, panels, animate, etc. However you'd like!
Disclaimer I am not viable for any finger, arm, wrist, hand, back, brain injuries that come from non-stop drawing and all nighters. Eat, drink, sleep, stretch. You are not actually required to draw every day.
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Check the read more for the typed out list, along with links to the vines! And here's a YouTube playlist of all the vines already collected: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnR0BYbuC5xgBmC8RGQY0JHWrMUDuiM0R
1) Road work ahead? Uh, yeah i sure hope it does.
2) Souls of the Innocent. A bagel. No! Two bagels.
3) Even though I look like a burnt chicken nugget, i still love myself.
4) Hurricane Katrina? More like hurricane tortilla!
5) It is Wednesday my dudes. HOOOOOO
6) So you just gon give me a birthday gift on my birthday... Happy birthday? SLAP.
7) I am the Sand Guardian, guardian of the sand! Poseidon quivers before him!
8) I like chicken strips- Fuck ya chicken strips!
9) It's an avocado! Thanks..
10) Hey I'm lesbian. I thought you were American?
11) Let me see what you have. A knife! No!
12) Boo! Aaa! Stop, I coulda dropped my croissant!
13) *Quacks*. Look it all them chickens!
14) Dad look it's the good kush! It's the dollar store how good could it be.
15) And they were roommates! Oh my god they were roommates.
16) Don't fuck with me! I have the power of god AND anime on my side!
17) Why are you running? Why are you running?!
18) So i was sitting there, barbeque sauce on my tiddies-
19) I'm Jared, I'm 19, and i never learned how to fucking read.
20) Chris is that a weed? No it's a crayon- I'm calling the police!
21) Hello I'm Michael with a B, and I've been scared of insects my whole life-
22) Two bros, chilling in a hot tub, five feet apart cuz they're not gay.
23) So no head? *Throws phone*.
24) Actually Megan, i can't sit anywhere! I have hemorrhoids!
25) Back at it again at Krispy Kreme! *Flips*.
26) Johnny has 19 bottles of dish soap- wait why does Johnny have so many soaps in the first place?!
27) I'm in me mum's car! Vroom vroom.
28) Why the fuck you lying? Mmmm why you always lying?
29) I don't have enough money to buy chicken nuggets. *Sobbing*.
30) Im gonna say it. I don't care that you broke your elbow.
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Presenting our next Horoscope Collection, OPHIUCHUS.
OPHIUCHUS SYMBOLISM ABOUT THE OPHIUCHUS... ”The depiction of Ophiuchus, “the 13th horoscope”, is the serpent bearer. If we use a celestial planisphere, we will see that between November 30 and December 18, the Sun occupies one of those less famous constellations: Ophiuchus, the serpent bearer or snake charmer. Those born between these dates are, of necessity, the zodiac sign Ophiuchus.
There is no evidence of the constellation preceding the classical era, and in Babylonian astronomy, a “Sitting Gods” constellation seems to have been located in the general area of Ophiuchus. However, Gavin White proposes that Ophiuchus may in fact be remotely descended from this Babylonian constellation, representing Nirah, a serpent-god who was sometimes depicted with his upper half human but with serpents for legs.
To the ancient Greeks, the constellation represented the god Apollo struggling with a huge snake that guarded the Oracle of Delphi. Later myths identified Ophiuchus with Laocoön, the Trojan priest of Poseidon, who warned his fellow Trojans about the Trojan Horse and was later slain by a pair of sea serpents sent by the gods to punish him.
According to Roman-era mythography, the figure represents the healer Asclepius, who learned the secrets of keeping death at bay after observing one serpent bringing another healing herbs. To prevent the entire human race from becoming immortal under Asclepius’ care, Jupiter killed him with a bolt of lightning. Later placed his image in the heavens to honor his good works.
In medieval Islamic astronomy (Azophi’s Uranometry, 10th century), the constellation was known as Al-Ḥawwaʾ, “the snake-charmer”. Aratus describes Ophiuchus as trampling on Scorpius with his feet. This is depicted in Renaissance to Early Modern star charts, beginning with Albrecht Dürer in 1515; in some depictions (such as that of Johannes Kepler in De Stella Nova, 1606), Scorpius also seems to threaten to sting Serpentarius in the foot.
This is consistent with Azophi, who already included ψ Oph and ω Oph as the snake-charmer’s “left foot”, and θ Oph and ο Oph as his “right foot”, making Ophiuchus a zodiacal constellation at least as regards his feet. This arrangement has been taken as symbolic in later literature, and placed in relation to the words spoken by God to the serpent in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:15).”
Ophiuchus by Sjur Cappelen Papazian
thank you to everyone who went to the Exhibition on JANUARY 27th, 2022. It was a day to remember!
SUCH AN AMAZING COLLABORATION. a model, who’s never done a photoshoot before, and working with another live creature. knocked it out of the park! The model, Silvia, WAS very brave to take on this photoshoot. something out of her comfort zone, with a python!
thank you to our outstanding team: SARAH MOHSN, JORDAN STEWART, AND TYANNA CELLUCHI!
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sapphire-dreamsky · 2 years
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How It All Started
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Starring: Poseidon [Definitively OOC] | Reader | OOC Aphrodite | Zeus | Hermes | Hades [Might be OOC]
Pairing: Poseidon / Reader
Synopsis: In which Poseidon has to rely on a book to learn how to properly court his wife after centuries of marriage. Dignity be damned if it means that he can become the perfect husband!
Part: 1 out of 6
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Poseidon felt utterly humiliated as he glared at a poor innocent book. In front of him, was one of the most famous dating advice for novices that gods and humans alike would turn to in times of utter despair when they failed at getting their love interest’s attention. All gods were talking about it these days, claiming that it helped them to successfully secure a date with the women they had their eyes on for ages. Apparently, the book did miracles. Or so Hermes said when Zeus asked about it during their weekly ‘family’ dinner. His brother was immediately interested. Of course Zeus would be interested in these kinds of books. Poseidon had merely rolled his eyes and took to eating in silence. His brother was ridiculous. A god shouldn’t need such frivolous unnecessary things to court the women they love.
And yet, the proud god of the sea found himself looking at the very same book that he scoffed at during the ‘family’ dinner a week prior, in a dark secluded corner of the main library. Poseidon would be damned if a god saw him eying that book in public. His carefully woven image and hard earned status would never be able to come back from Helheim. He would be the laughing stock of the gods and the victim of sneers as they would murmur in faux secrecy, “not so perfect now is he?” Or “I knew it! He can't satisfy his wife!” 
And that was not something Poseidon was looking forward to. He could satisfy his wife. He knew that fact very much. But, who said that one couldn't become an even better husband? He was not one to shy away from perfection. And so, with that thought which contradicts greatly with his own set of values, he set off to his private study, the book securely nuzzled in his arms in such a way one could never see the title. He would rather swim in frozen waters than answer nosy questions from useless bottom-feeders.
If you want to know what brought this on, it's really just his wife. One day, as he was returning from yet another tenuous meeting with the others on the fate of humanity (Poseidon had half a mind to stop attending those too), he couldn't help but hear his wife speaking with Aphrodite. The latter did not attend the meeting this time, opting to instead catch up with the queen of the oceans on the latest gossip the goddess of love came across.
"He was so perfect! He brought flowers and gifts to his beloved hoping she would say yes! I heard that he was crying as he kneeled too! And then, when she was in danger, he swooped in like a knight in shining armour. So romantic! He truly is the perfect husband!"
Aphrodite was squealing in delight as she told the story of a knight (Poseidon could really care less about his profession) to his wife. To be honest, Poseidon could actually care less about the gossip. Humans did not matter to him. Whether they marry or not was not his problem. However, his wife's comment grabbed his attention.
"She is so lucky! To have such a man swoon at her feet like that and ask her to marry him in such a romantic way!"
"How did Poseidon propose?"
"I can't say. I know you. As soon as I tell you, everyone in Olympus will know this!"
"Just a hint!"
"Hmm...Well, there is nothing to say really. It wasn't like that human. Poseidon would never do that."
(Y/N) sighed in what Poseidon considered as a disappointment. There is a slight silence on the part of his wife. Poseidon shamelessly strained his ears to hear any additional comment from her. His proposal was romantic, no? The god remembered his proposal very clearly. 
It had been three years since Poseidon took an interest in (Y/N). At first, he didn’t think their relationship would draw on for this long. It was unexpected to even him how important she became to him. To him, she was a mere affair like so many before her. There were no feelings involved, she was exactly what he wanted in a goddess, they had a good time, she didn’t go and spread any unnecessary gossip that would impact on his image. The perfect one night arrangement for him. And that was all that it was supposed to be. However, unlike the many before her, he surprised himself when he kept on seeking her presence.
At first, he seldom sought her after their third night. While it was unusual for him to summon the same girl twice, even less thrice, four times in one month was too much. But he never wanted someone so much as her before. He never needed anyone like her before. He was fine in his underwater palace. He did not need any company. But then, the fourth meeting led to the many others before he could stop it. He became used to her presence in his rooms, in his kitchens despite having servants who could take care of cooking, he let her fill his plain lonely palace with light and happiness. 
Six months after their meeting, Poseidon found himself asking why. Why did he let this affair escalate so much? Why did he not throw her out as soon as she started sleeping the night away in his rooms? Why did he grab her wrist and drag her back in bed when she was about to leave three months into their arrangement? Was he that weak? Did it only take this long for the great god of the sea to fall for a mere goddess? How could he fall for someone so quickly? 
But three years later, as he watched her chest rise and fall after a night where they did nothing but read, he found himself content. For once in his life, he was perfectly satisfied with how things were. He didn’t feel the need to push her away. Nevermind how she managed to weasel her way into his mind without setting off his alarms. He didn’t need the specifics. So, under the light of the moon, he woke her up by softly shaking her, something he would have never done in the past. She was groggy at being woken up so suddenly, eyes squinting to look at the god amidst her still fuzzy  mind.
For an instant, (Y/N) feared her time might be up. Had he finally become tired of her presence? Did she overstep her boundaries and send him running? Would he kick her out with her things at this instant? Was the fairytale drawing to an end? Did the prince realise that she wasn’t fit to be his princess? (Y/N) braced herself as Poseidon opened his mouth. 
“Marry me.”
The girl didn’t even know if this was a question or an order. She didn’t know if she wanted to laugh or cry. He didn’t want to get rid of her! While the proposal was nothing like she had imagined and dreamed of when she was younger, in fact, how their whole relationship even started was nothing like she imagined and wanted, it made her so happy that she could squeal in delight and kiss him all over his face! But she miraculously managed to reign herself in.
While their relationship was nothing like she had wished for as a young girl dreaming of romance after reading romantic novels, she loved him nonetheless. He was an ideal god but not an ideal husband. She struggled with his emotions or most appropriately, his lack of emotions, many times. He was so guarded that it was hard to differentiate whenever he was bored or happy. His mind was a mystery to her even after their 50th anniversary. But as they entered through their 100th-anniversary hand in hand, she was finally able to understand him a bit better. In return for her tremendous efforts at trying to figure him out, he opened his emotions slightly more. He smiled a bit more when it was just the two of them. Somehow, they made their relationship work against all the odds that were stacked against them.
Poseidon really did believe in all honesty that his proposal was romantic. The lighting from the moon, the sound of the waves crashing into the shore, it was all romantic!
"If you want to, I can give you some advice to spice up your sex life."
The goddess of love laughed as (Y/N) spluttered rejections through coughs and sounds of embarrassment. Poseidon huffed. There was nothing wrong with their married life, much less their sex life. Wasn't she satisfied with what he provided? The god of the sea rolled his eyes. Ridiculous, he thought as he marched in the opposite direction, completely forgetting of his promise to pick his wife up after the meeting. He was a good husband and an even more perfect god! He didn’t need any advice from anyone!
This matter shouldn't be bothering the ruler of the oceans so much. It really shouldn't. He was born perfect. He had nothing to be ashamed of or feel insecure about. He did not need to improve anything in himself. He was the perfection incarnate, the personification of ideals that all gods should strive to achieve! Therefore, the conversation should really not have bothered him as much as it did. But it did. Aphrodite’s words replayed in his mind accompanied by the jeering of the crowds that liked to gossip behind his back. While he knew all the rumours about him were founded on nothing but sea form, he couldn’t help but overanalyze everything (Y/N) did after they returned from the meeting in Valhalla.
And it certainly didn't help that after he forgot to fetch (Y/N) after the meeting as he promised to, she was pouting at him during dinner. When she would usually babble her day away to Poseidon, he was met with an unusual silence that he should love but instead, he found it unsettling. Coupled with his own brewing insecurities that he would never admit to, her silence did nothing to soothe his mind. 
So, it was with a confident stride that he walked to the library to get the book that could help improve his romantic gaps. If a god was to see him, they would believe he wanted to borrow a book anyway. Everyone knew the god had a thirst for knowledge. It would not be bizarre to see the ruler of the sea leave with a book in hand. His reputation was safe. Now, to figure out how to win his wife all over again (completely ignoring the fact that he never even courted his wife properly, to begin with! Hades can testify! Author didn’t make anything up!).
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link to the masterlist for this series
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sweetchup · 3 years
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an aquatic mollusk that has a compressed body enclosed within a hinged shell, such as oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops.
The Most Common Seashell in the Ocean
Vol. 2: Into the Deep // Ch. 10
Type: Poseidon x reader
Word Count: 3,500+
⚠️ Warning ⚠️: Mature Content
“This is Triton’s schedule!?” You can’t help but shout out as you are handed the schedule from the butler. Astronomy, Literature, Human History, Mythology, Business, Sword Fighting, Seahorse Riding, The list seemed to go on and on. How could the boy think or even breathe with all of this on his mind?
“Thank you. That’s all for now.” You tell the butler with a sigh as you put the sheet down on the desk, right next to the other stacks of paperwork you had yet to deal with.
It’s been 3 weeks, 3 long and grueling weeks, since your meeting with Scylla. During that time, you have been busy. Not only from etiquette classes and paperwork but also with managing your survival plan.
Yes, a survival plan. You, at first, didn’t want a survival plan—it just didn’t seem that useful—But, after meeting Scylla and learning more, you decided one was absolutely crucial. After all, even in your protected manor, Amphitrite was still a huge threat. Not only just to you either.
With the butler now long gone, you reach down to the last draw of your desk and pull out a couple of sheets of paper. Pieces of paper that laid a simple rough draft of the plan.
So far, you had a Plan A and a Plan B.
Plan A seemed simple. It was to get Amphitrite kicked out of the palace but that was far from as simple it seemed. You thought Poseidon would be rushing to divorce the woman, He hated her after all, But he wasn’t. Working at snail pace was more like it.
“…It seems he needs some sort of push to get her out…” You mumble to yourself as you update a couple of things on the paper. It seemed you would have to come back to this plan later. “…Perhaps I should learn more about Poseidon….”
You quickly shake that idea out of your head. Not a chance. You felt bad for the guy but you weren’t about to become all buddy buddy with him just yet.
“Now as for Plan B…”
Plan B was a lot harder. Plan B was to get Poseidon and Triton to actually have a decent father-son relationship. You, at first, tried having Triton’s schedule free for the past three weeks in hopes Poseidon would stop by. Perhaps to check up on the child now that Amphitrite is gone. But, that was again a wrong guess on your part.
“What to do… I have to at least put one of these plans in soon. It’s not like I can continue ignoring the elephant in the room.” You groan to yourself as you lean back in the chair. On top of your survival plans not working, you had recently discovered that Hermes—who was stopping by a lot—was secretly relaying information to Zeus and the other gods. It seemed they were checking in to see how your progress with seducing Poseidon was going. “I have to kick out Amphitrite sooooon if I want to save myself from facing Zeus’ wrath or, much worse, getting married to Poseidon.”
As you whine to yourself at your bad luck, you miss the door opening as someone sneakily slips in.
“What to do… what to do…” You whine to yourself as you massage your temples, “I have to figure this out soon or—“
Instantaneously, you are cut off as something comes jumping up onto your stomach. Almost knocking you off your chair.
“Huh?” You choke out as you see the familiar head of gold leaning against your chest. His body is smooshed against you as he sits on your lap. Seeming to try to get as close as possible to you, “T-Triton?”
At your call, Triton’s head lifts up to look at you.
“Hello mom!” He says with a smile. A smile that seemed to instantly brighten up the room and your mood. Your depressing thoughts now long forgotten.
However, like everything in the world, things can’t last forever.
“Whatcha looking at mom?” Triton asks as he leans towards the desk to take a look, bringing you back to reality. Casually, well to the best of your ability, you grab a couple of papers and cover them just enough so that Triton couldn’t read them.
“Oh, just paperwork, Triton.”
Surprisingly, Triton seems to perk up at that, “Like what? I bet I can help. Is it finances? Party planning? Invitations? Wages? Fa—“
Quickly, you cut the boy off. “It’s fine, Triton. I don’t need help. Why don’t you go play instead? It looks like a nice day out.”
You are surprised at how Triton lets out a loud huff. Seeming displeased with your suggestion. Unsure of what to do, you sit there frozen. Was it something you said?
“It’s…” Triton mumbles under his breath, the rest of the sentence he mumbles you can’t hear, and you are forced to ask him to repeat. He seems to pause for a moment, seeming hesitant to repeat before finally doing so, “It’s not the same without you….”
“Oh, Triton…” You cood out as you rub the boy’s head, trying to console the boy. A pit of guilt settled in your stomach as you remember that you haven’t spent a lot of time with the boy recently. Especially with being busy and all. “Well…”
You pause as you take a look at the giant stack of paperwork. Could you even leave in the first place with all these things that still need to be done?
If only there was a way to spend time with Triton and get some of the work done at the same time…
As you scan the desk and room for ideas, it suddenly hits you.
“Well. How about you and I pick out your lesson plans?” You suggest to the boy as you reach across the desk and pick up the schedule. The giant scroll-like paper slightly unravels as you loosely hold it in a singular hand.
“Lesson plans?” Triton asks confused as he tilts his head slightly to the side. “Wouldn’t it just be the same as it was before?”
“Not a chance!” You accidentally shout out before catching yourself. Shit, you didn’t mean to raise your voice like that. “This is too much for a boy your age, even if you are god. We need to pick out a balanced schedule that gives you lessons to learn AND enough time to play or relax.”
“So I get to choose…?”
“Pretty much. I mean you would still need to take some classes that you wouldn’t like as some are needed to help you learn as a god. But, if there’s any unneeded classes we will just scrap it.”
“Aren't they all needed…?”
At Triton’s confusion, you can’t help but let out a sigh. Looks like there’s still a lot of work to go with helping this boy act and be happy like a kid his age.
“Not exactly. Here.” You grab onto Triton and lift the boy with you as you stand. “It's better to show you what I mean. Let’s go to each of the classes and pick them off one by one.”
“Ok!” Triton exclaims. His eyes wide and sparkly as he holds onto you, just happy to spend some time with you. Precious boy…
As you walk towards the door to leave, you can’t help but note that Triton felt lighter than usual. Had he possibly lost weight since he arrived? You did notice Triton had smaller portions of food compared to you at meal times. That wasn’t good for a growing boy…
“Seems like I’ll have to pay the chef and cooking staff a visit later…”
What a nice day, you can’t help but note as you stare up into the sea. Sea turtles and rays swimming high above as they make their way to their destinations.
You were currently standing in the empty grass field between the three manors. The same place you met Poseidon on the night you snuck out to find Triton.
Quickly, as the memory comes to mind, you shake it out of your head. That wasn’t important to you right now and that was because of one simple fact.
Today was Triton’s first day back at lessons. It had taken a lot of work and negotiation but you got the boy a healthy and balanced schedule. You honestly gave yourself a pat on the back once you were finished.
Though, on top of the schedule, you also pulled off another impossible stunt for yourself.
You spin around as Triton comes sprinting over, books in his hands from his History lesson that just completed. You should tell the boy to slow down but you can’t find it in you to do so. Instead, kneeling down and opening your arms for the boy to jump into.
“Oof—“ You squeak out as you catch Triton, accidentally falling over on your back as you do so. You let out a loud laugh, too happy to even care that you embarrassingly fell over in front of some of the servants that travelled from manor to manor.
Triton didn’t seem to care either as his books were astrew all over the sea grass.
“I was so excited for our first lesson today, mom! It was so hard sitting still in the other classes.” Triton shouts out excitedly as he finally lifts himself off of you, allowing you to sit up.
That’s right. The impossible feat you did. You got your own taught class to be placed into Triton’s Schedule.
You called it “Humanity 101” but, in reality…
“Could we try playing kickball today? I saw a lot of human kids playing it down the street when I stayed at your place.” Triton asks excitedly as he looks through the bag of goodies you brought out.
…It was honestly just an excuse for you and Triton to spend time together with your ever so busy schedule.
“Of course we can play!”
Kickball… Soccer.. Board games… The days seem to fly by as you and Triton do your “classes” and before you know it a week has already gone by. Life is brighter during these days to the point that even the ever so plentiful paperwork doesn’t bother you. But, as you’ve learned in your time staying here many, many times, nothing is forever.
“S-Shit…” You mumble out anxiously under your breath as you attempt to distract yourself with the kickball in your hands. You were in the field yet again waiting for Triton to get out of class. The boy had mentioned yesterday as you walked him to sword practice that he wanted to play a simple game of catch for class the next day. But…
What in the world was this guy doing here?
Hesitantly, you shift your gaze over to Poseidon who stood a couple of feet away on the sidewalk. At first when you saw the male, you thought nothing of it. After all, he seemed to be passing through the area with a group of his attendees.
So, why did he stop? You can’t help but think as you quickly shift your gaze away from the male and back down towards the ground. You just didn’t understand why he dismissed his attendees and chose to stand there and watch you.
Well, he technically wasn’t watching you—His gaze was up to the sky—But, there was no doubt in your mind the guy stayed back for you. Could he perhaps be stalkin—
Just in time.
You let out a sigh of relief as Triton came running over, just getting out of class. He seems to pick up on Poseidon’s presence, staring at his father for a little bit as he walks over, but chooses not to pay it too much attention. Instead, continuing to run up to you.
“Hello Triton—“ You freeze for a second as a shiver goes up your spine. What the hell? What was this nasty feeling… It felt like you had just been thrown in some sort of ice bath.
As you spin around to see what was causing you to feel this way, you almost instantly figure out why. Poseidon was now staring down at his phone, seeming to have gotten a text message or something, and you could tell he wasn’t in the brightest mood from it either. You could practically feel the blood lust from where you were standing.
“You better not take it out on me…” You grumble underneath your breath, instantly regretting it as Poseidon’s gaze shifts up to glare at you. He couldn’t have heard you… right?
However, you weren’t take any chances this time and turned your attention to Triton. Trying to make it seem that Poseidon accidentally heard something.
“Now. Why don’t we get started? I’ll stand about a few feet away and you—“ Your voice trails off at the end as you stare down at your hands. Your empty hands. Where did the kickball go? You just had it— “Ack!”
You couldn’t believe your eyes as you looked, a gasp, at the kickball that was held… in Poseidon’s hands. How did that fucker…
Actually, never mind, you should have realized before that Poseidon was clearly fast as he was not only a god but also, right in front of you, leaped a large distance to stop that jellyfish that tried to kill you.
“Mom, Are we going to play?” Triton blinks innocently up at you, pure puppy eyes that awaited the game of catch that he wanted to play. Shit, you can’t just allow Poseidon to keep the ball now.
“I-I’ll be right back.” You anxiously tell the Triton as you leave his side. Making your way over to Poseidon. You honestly felt like you were the sacrificial lamb approaching the big bad bully of the playground. Except this time, Poseidon wasn’t just a bully picking on you but an all powerful god that could literally snap you in half with his pinky if he so pleased.
“H-He—“ You don’t even get past the greeting to Poseidon before he grabs the back of your head. Holding you still with one hand and the Kickball in the other, Poseidon started to practically curse you out with god knows what. Honestly, it was just a spew of curses along with your name and other things.
However, across the field, what seemed terrifying to you was way different to someone else.
As Triton observes the scene in front of him, he gets even more confused. In Triton’s point of view, he didn’t pick up on your nervous clammy hands or anxious shifting as being something from Poseidon’s glare. He honestly didn’t even pick up on the fact his father was glaring, he just thought that it was his usual stare.
To him, it looked like you two were chatting as his father held the back of your head. Seeming to tease you as he held the stolen kickball away in his other. But… his father doesn’t tease. He doesn’t even joke around. So, what was going on?
Staring… Clammy Hands… Nervousness… Physical Touch…
Triton lets out a small gasp as a thought hits him. It can’t be true, Triton couldn’t believe it.
His mom and father…
were in love.
He didn’t want to believe it but the evidence was all there. If watching any of those cheesy romance movies taught him anything, it was to identify the signs of falling in love.
At any minute, they look like they could possibly ki…
Triton’s face blushes up at the thought. He just couldn’t believe it. Does this mean mom is now his real real mom?
Triton perks up at the thought. That would be awesome.
“I’ll help you, mom…” Triton mumbles underneath his breath as he looks determined up at you two. He will help you two just like how Uncle Zeus was helping you. Like….What do humans call it…? A wingman. Yeah, he would be your wingman.
“Father! Mom!” At Triton’s shout, it was then that Poseidon finally stopped his heavy train of insults. Oh, Thank goodness for Triton…
“I realized I have to go see one of my teachers for something. Why don’t you guys go play instead?”
You feel yourself choke at Triton’s words. What was he saying?! However, before you can even ask the boy, He was long gone. Leaving you and Poseidon alone, with a grip still on the back of your head.
This was a nightmare for you. Poseidon still looks like he wants to kill you at any moment.
“What a pain.” Poseidon grumbles out under his breath, sending shivers up your spine. You know what… Screw Plan A and B. You now have Plan C, worrying about Poseidon’s constant mood changes so he doesn’t kill you in a fit of rage.
“Hey… why don’t we talk thiS— Eep!” You are cut off as Poseidon picks you up. Instead of his usual hold, he throws you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. You just wished Poseidon knew you could keep up with him perfectly fine so he didn’t have to keep picking you up like this. “Where…Where are we going?”
Well, at least he wasn’t angry at you anymore, you think with a sigh as you relax into Poseidon’s hold. Accepting your fate as there was no way to possibly escape from him.
Gods… any of them except Poseidon. Please… help…
“Oooo…” Triton lets out as he peeps from around the corner. His gaze trained to his father back as he left carrying you.
“I didn’t know father could be so romantic.”
“…Hmm? Triton?”
Triton feels himself jump slightly at the voice behind him. Spinning around, he expected to be caught by some sort of maid or teacher but instead, it was someone else.
“Uncle Zeus? Hermes? And…” Triton’s gaze trails over the third person, “Aunty Aphrodite?”
“Hello dear Triton. It’s been a while~” Aphrodite coos out at the boy in front of her. Slightly leaning down to fondle his cheeks. “Goodness me…Look at how much you’ve grown.”
“T-Thank you.” Triton chokes out with a blush, “I-Uh. W-What are you all doing here?”
Zeus can’t help but chuckle out at the nervous attitude of his nephew. Still ever so shy in front of women it seemed. “I apologize for the surprise visit but we are here to see (y/n).”
“See mom…?” Triton questions out as he looks back and forth between the three. He could understand why Zeus or perhaps Hermes was here to see you but, why Aphrodite?
“Ohh~, I’ve brought a couple of gifts for your mother.” Aphrodite explains with a coy smile as she shows Triton a lidded box.
“Really? What sort of—“ Hermes instantly grabs onto Triton as he attempts to check under the lid of the box. “Huh? Hermes?”
“It’s…It’s specifically for Lady (Y/n), Master Triton.” Hermes answers vaguely as Aphrodite and Zeus laugh at the funny moment that just occurred. That was a close one.
“Specifically for mom?”
Calming herself down, Aphrodite explains more clearly, “It’s women's clothes for your mother. Ones that…Oh Goodness, your father can only see.”
“Ohhhh… Ok.” Triton answers, even if he still doesn’t understand. “Well, Mom just left with dad.”
At this Zeus chokes and Aphrodite almost drops the box, Seemingly shocked at what Triton just said. Even Hermes was startled but he still, somehow, keeps a cool head and quickly hides his reaction.
“What do you mean by that Master Triton?” Hermes asks for an alaberation as the other two nod. Thinking they were simply misunderstanding something like Poseidon giving paperwork to you compared to you two actually hanging out.
“Well, Dad stole the ball from mom to tease her.” Hermes and the others feel themselves freeze at Triton’s words. Poseidon…Teasing a human? “So, mom walked over and they started talking… No, flirting with each other.”
“Flirting?” Zeus asks, surprised as he strokes his beard. He would usually take others' words with a grain of salt as they could perhaps be lying but, this was Triton. The boy has probably never even lied in his entire life.
“Yeah, so I decided to leave to give them some space and after I’m gone, I was actually hiding around the corner here, Father picks mom and throws her over his shoulder. They walked that way so… I think they are heading to father’s manor.”
“Oh, Isn’t Amphitrite out today…?” Zeus chuckles out, a nasty thought filtering into his brain. Could they possibly be going to do…
“A-Aunty Aphrodite?” Triton chokes out cautiously, catching Zeus’ attention.
“Oh ho ho. Be careful, Aphrodite. You are scaring the boy.” Zeus says, not exactly meaning his words as he reprimands the woman. Knowing that from how she was crushing the box in her hands and how hard she was biting her lip that she was too lost in her nasty thoughts to even listen.
“H-How Scandalous!” Aphrodite squeals out as she clutches the box to her chest, seeming to grow faint from all her excitement, “Zeus, I need your opinion on this. Could they possibly be—“
Triton’s hearing is instantly blocked off by Hermes as Aphrodite and Zeus continue to talk. The younger boy looks up at his cousin in confusion but doesn’t say anything. The only thought running in his mind being.
Why was Hermes' face turning so red?
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Author Note: very Quick author note before I forget. Hahah this was kind of a messy funny chapter so I hope people still enjoyed this one. I wanted a fun moment of misunderstanding to help join into the next chapter thursday. Where Chapter 11 will pick up back with Poseidon and Reader. Also R.I.P Triton. Feel bad for putting my baby through meeting Aphrodite.
Taglist: @angeli-fucking-cat @marixxhq @sproutcorner @orophaea @anime-lover-forever-1127 @fortuna-stella @icy-spicy
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Godly Parents
Godly Parents
I’ve seen a lot of people trying to figure out who their godly parents is/are purely based on the face value of how Percy sees them and what they’re known for. For example, people claiming they cannot possibly be a child of Athena because they’re not wise or not smart. That’s not how it works.
I have always said that I was a child of Athena, and I have the tests to back me up (even though I’m also very likely a child of Poseidon)
And I don’t say this because I’m trying to become Percy or because I related on such a deep level with Percy and Annabeth and their characters. But because Athena is the goddess of knowledge, I have never known a closer, more valuable friend than words on a page. Never been so at peace than I was in the quiet of the night, reading under the covers while I know distantly owls are just waking for the night. I know I’m a child of Athena because no other god values the history of our world, the literature of our world, and it’s importance. In Athena, and in Annabeth I saw grit, determination, and I saw how they valued words in a way that spoke to my soul. And I knew. Knew that I was looking into a mirror.
On the flip side. I can see my potential as a child of Poseidon. It’s not just my inner dream and goal to be a waterbender. But it’s the utter calm that washes over me when I’m at the beach, the water lapping at my feet. The breeze in my hair. The whisper of the waves telling me I’m home. It’s the freshness of stepping into a shower, and coming out of it feeling alive. The way my temper ebbs and eases with the tide, clouding over and storming when things don’t work out. The way it slows down, to barely a ripple when things do.
Children of Hades aren’t just emo children ‘going through a phase’, they are the shadows in the group, the constant presence, laughing in the background, always there when you need them, though it may not always be obvious. They are the constantly cold hands, even in the heat of the summer.  Soft voices that can command armies should they decide to. The temper that runs in their blood is different to their uncles (Zeus and Poseidon), their temper simmers, slowly growing over time, tending to it like a cold flame. These are the children of the night, burning the midnight oil, working on passion projects. You know you’re a child of the god of the dead, when you find comfort in silence, but still need that time with the people you love, because family is still family.  
Children of Zeus are the leaders struggling with the pressure of being leaders. They’re the ones people turn to when things go wrong, wanting to know what to do. But they’re just trying their best. And their best is enough. They are the smell just before it rains. They are charismatic personalities that turn heads in a room. Extroverted people who thrive in crowds and gain their own personal power in being around like-minded people. They’re strong and resilient, but flighty.
Children of Hermes, keep your eye on these kids. Because they’ll pass you if you blink. And I don’t necessarily mean just by their speed. Their minds are constantly working, running, sprinting. Rivalling even the genius children of Athena and Hephaestus, these children throw themselves into work, working on half a dozen passion projects, pouring their heart in soul into them. Master on none, but master of many, indeed, they are the future entrepreneurs, innovators and CEO’s of the world. Helping the world keep going round, with the cheeky smile of their father and the smart aleck comment to match. Quick hands that never stop fidgeting, and unfocused eyes which are already thinking of the next thing to learn. They have new hobbies each week, and never bore.
There may not be any children of Artemis. But there are hunters. They are immortal beings with grace unattainable by mere mortals. They are liquid in physical bodies, moving with ease, notching an arrow, taking aim and watching it fly. Running across fields without a sound. Braids whipping in the wind, and hair coming loose to frame faces of women who are free. Like the children on Athena their time is the night, illuminated by the moon their patron goddess rules over. The hunters are queens and princesses in their own right with their regal movements and the knowledge they have from living for decades.
Children of Apollo are the wheels that keep camp turning. They are constantly working in tandem with the Hermes kids, always lending a helping hand, catching you when you fall, healing you when you need it. They are melodic voices and harmonious laughter. The embodiment of light, reminding you, reminding us that this is why we have art, because art and music, and everything that Apollo represents is what makes life living. They are the ones that light up rooms, drawing eyes in a crowd. People pleasers, that thrive in crowds. Similar to children of zeus, which makes sense as they are family. They may not be leaders, but they do set trends. Like the hunters, Apollo’s children have immense skill with a bow and arrow, letting arrow after arrow fly with precision and ease.  
Children of Dionysus are the party animals. The ones with all the connections. They’re the friend that everyone references when they say ‘I know a guy’. They are the ones you can always count on to have a good time. They make you laugh so hard that you cry, they’re the ones you call when you’re upset and just want to forget about reality for a night. But they’re more than that, they work close with the children of Demeter, tending to the strawberry fields, their powers responding to the touch of their fingertips. Like their father they are stubborn, their thoughts set in and hard to break like the vines that grapes grow on. But be wary for, no matter how easy-going they may seem, they sometimes don’t know limits and can influence others to descent into the same madness that only they can control.
Children of Demeter are the steady roots of camp. Unable to be uprooted if they don’t agree with plans. Stubborn but their feelings well intentioned. They’re always there to lend a hand. With faces tanned from time in the sun, and noses burnt, they have kind smiles and hands rough with callouses that come with working hard. They’re the one’s who seem to always know where to find the best snacks, and sneak them in to you when you need it. Like all Olympians children of Demeter are proud, tending to their plants with utmost care, always secretly thinking that theirs are the best. They are the quiet listeners of camp, taking in all of the information before speaking, acting mediator when they decide.
Children of Aphrodite are the ones you turn to when all hope is lost. Because when nothing is left, there will still always be love. Beauty is subjective, but the children of Aphrodite are the pioneers for body positivity, constantly advocating for self love all around camp telling people that they are beautiful and reminding them of their self worth. They are the children you roll your eyes at, not realising the power they have in words. The true mediators of camp, calming fights between the hot heads and the stubborn blood. With hair that always seems to change colour the next time you see them, children of Aphrodite remind you that they are in fact children of a goddess, and they’re not about to let you forget.  
Children of Ares are warriors from the moment they are born, but they don’t have to be. In typical olympian fashion, they are stubborn, the most stubborn of the family. But they are also the ones you talk to when someone says something bad behind your back and you want to get back at them. They persevere, they always push back and they never give up. On the field they are the ones you look to for guidance, for they show no fear. They keep to themselves in camp, preferring to stay with their siblings to avoid the way that campers look at them. But you just need to approach them like you would a cat scared of new strangers. Because they do have a soft side, because all warriors need to rest sometimes.
Children of Hephaestus are the faces behind the scenes. The welders of the weapons you wield. The people that shape the shields that protect you. They are the immovable force that remains steady no matter what. Their hands always fidget wanting- needing to be tinkering something. They tend to be warmer than most demigods, their bodies naturally also more fire resistant. Working in tandem with children of Athena, they are all about creating, because without them there is no camp. They look at a junkyard and see the greatest treasure known to humankind. Turning any trash into treasure. They are soft despite their exterior, meticulous with their creations, pouring all the love and care into them that their father never received from his family. There’s an awkward edge to them but despite that they remind kindhearted, and always happy to help.
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kiirokero · 3 years
Seashell (KNJ)
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Pairing: Merman!Namjoon x MarineBiologist!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Merman!Au, Strangers to friends to lovers
Word Count: 4,393 
Summary: Working as a marine biologist was a dream. You loved the ocean and its creatures, and one of those creatures loves you back. What happens when things go sideways and you have nowhere else to go besides to the one person who felt like home?
Warnings: Slight allusion to animal mistreatment.
Note: This took way too long...
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   You breathed in the fresh salty air of the beach; it stung your nostrils pleasantly as you sighed, content laced in the action. The sunset on the horizon was beautiful, decorating the soft sand and calm waters delicately. Every day after work, you would walk down from your house that was up the hill, towards the soothing beach you saw every day. You could clearly see your small beachside house from the shore, making the rarely visited beach that much more intimate.
     Just like always, you played along the shore like a little kid. Drawing things in the sand, splashing around in the shallow waters, collecting seashells. It was just the thing you needed after a long shift at work. The sand between your toes and the salty air in your hair calmed the tension you had from the hours before. Being a marine biologist wasn't easy, especially when you were constantly getting into arguments with your boss over the health and safety of the local coral reef. He always said it wasn't a huge priority, but in imminent danger or not, you felt it needed to be protected more.
    "Why can't he understand that it's better to protect it now rather than later?" You grumbled, taking a seat on a rock that breached the barrier between shore and ocean. A cliff stretching overtop half-way, giving the area a cave-like feeling. You walked to the edge and put your feet in the cool water, smiling as the familiar tide of the salty water caressed your skin. You splashed the water around, watching the deep blue swirl in a smooth dance, the deep orange light of the lowering sunset blushing the surface with blinding sparkles. It mesmerized you. So much so, that when you felt something brush up against your feet, it gave you a heart attack.
     You shot your feet out of the water and slid away from the edge of the rock. Breathing unevenly as you looked down at your feet for any abnormalities. After you calmed down, you chuckled at yourself for overreacting, "Gosh, it was probably just seaweed... Scardy cat." You moved back towards the edge, peering into the deep blue, tumbling backward when a sudden splash caught you off guard. You shrieked, falling on your back, groaning at the sudden, sharp pain it caused.
    "Oh no! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!" You heard a deep voice say, you sat up and looked at the source of the mysterious speaking. Eyes landing on a muscular man with honey tan skin. Deep, sparkling brown eyes. Wet dark blue hair saturated with water. But what caught you off guard the most was the fin-like appendages protruding from the man's forearms, resembling those of a fish, the shape familiar to you as you saw the same appendages on the little creatures you interacted with on a day-to-day basis.
     You didn't even realize you weren't moving or speaking until he spoke up again. "Um... Hello? Are you okay?" You blinked before nodding a 'yes', not trusting your words flow out of your mouth. He gave you a smile, and you didn't miss the beautiful dimples that adorned his equally beautiful face. He placed his hands on the edge of the rock and pushed himself out of the water, landing on the edge with a thud. You gawked at his toned body and strength. If only you knew what to expect when you looked down.
     Your eyes almost fell out of your head when you saw that instead of legs, the man had a beautiful blue tail. Scales shining in the light as they effortlessly flowed down the limb. Scales also dotted around his abdomen, creating a satisfying transition from human to sea creature. The man noticed you staring and chuckled, the sound deep as it vibrated against your ears.
"Never seen a merman before?" He teased.
"M-merman?" You echoed.
"Yeah, you know, half fish half man."
"You guys are real?!" You shrieked.
"Ouch, yes, of course we're real."
    You realized your harsh words and quickly apologized, "I was just surprised is all... This isn't a prank... right?" You cautioned. He shook his head and motioned you to come closer, which you did. Something was telling you the man should unsettle you, that you should scamper back to your house, locking the door, far away from the mystery man. But another part of you trusted him. Maybe it was the fact he resembled a human, or maybe it was the curiosity of the marine biologist in you, you weren't sure.
    The man gently took your hand and placed it on his tail. You let out a quiet gasp as the familiar feeling of fish scales met your fingertips. No doubt it was entirely fishlike, the way it felt semi slimy but smooth. He took your hand again and put it on the fin that was attached to his forearm, and yet again, it felt just like a fish, down to the T.
"Believe me now?" He asked.
"Y-yeah," You nodded, "I'm Y/N by the way..."
"Nice to meet you, Namjoon."
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      You didn’t go back to the beach for a couple days, scared to face the reality that you thought was just a dream. But it wasn’t, the pain in your back told you otherwise. Merman. The word ran through your head over and over. Merman. The creature that originally made you curious about the ocean was real. It breathed, swam, talked. 
      How was this even biologically possible? You always thought that if Merfolk were real, they’d be bald for less traction in the water, have more scales than skin, no nose even. But Namjoon was handsome. Like a siren. His skin had this beautiful honey glow and he seemed to be sculpted by Poseidon. He had the looks of a god, yet when he smiled he turned into a cutie. 
      You sat on your back porch thinking about him, the setting sun a familiar memory. Why are you thinking about him? You wanted to say it’s because you're a scientist and he interests you biologically, but deep down, you know that’s not the truth. He interests you as a person. How could someone so good looking be so shy and clumsy?
      You sighed, opting to go see if he was there at the rock. It wasn’t a long walk; you got there in no time, but the place seemed to be vacant. Nothing but you and the waves brushing up against the rocks. It was quite calm today, calmer than normal, which made you want to stay here for a bit. The sight was familiar, the setting sun, orange rays, sparkling ocean. You took a deep breath, humming at the distinct smell of sand and salt. It was always so lovely.
“You’re back.” 
     Surprisingly, you didn’t jump six feet in the air when you heard his voice, you just calmly turned your head to the side. There he was in all his tan glory, the setting sun making him look ethereal. “Yeah... I am.” You sighed. “I thought I scared you away...” Namjoon said gloomily, swimming over to where you dipped your legs in the water. You didn’t say anything back, what could you say? ‘Hey, you’re literally defying everything I learned in college and I don’t know what’s true anymore’? That was one reason, but the most damning one was, ‘You interest me as a person, and nobody interests me. It’s scary how we seem to click.’ How do you say that?
      “I... don’t scare you, do I?” Namjoon asked, making sure to keep some distance between the two of you. “You don’t have to be scared, I’m not dangerous.” You giggled at his words. No, you didn’t think he was dangerous, if he wanted to kill you he would’ve done it earlier. What was dangerous is the way you want to be around him. You wanted to make him smile, you wanted to get to know him. You never felt that with anyone else. It was dangerous how much you wanted to have him as a friend. “I know that, but finding out that Mermen exist was a shock.” You partially admitted. “I guess it would be for anybody.” He chuckled. “But you came back.” He pointed out. 
      “Yeah, I did.” He swam closer, testing if you were going to push him away. “Why?” He whispered. You bit the inside of your cheek, you were never good at lying, and he’s asking the question you desperately wanted to answer with a lie. But you couldn’t. Not when he was looking at you like you weren’t a selfish human. “I’d like to say it’s because the scientist in me is curious about mermen.. But the truth is, you just interest me as a person.” Namjoon was silent for a bit, contemplation clear on his face. 
      “You’re a scientist?” He finally said. “Marine Biologist.” You clarified. His eyes lit up, and in his excitement, jumped up on the rock and cupped your face in his soft hands. “So you like the ocean?” He gasped and you swore you could see stars in his eyes. “Yes, I love the ocean and everything about it.” You chuckled. “Then we’d be great friends!” His smile was huge and you couldn’t help the urge to poke one of his dimples. 
Friends... Could you be friends?
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   "Not fair, fish boy!" You yelled. "Oh, it's totally fair!" Namjoon retorted, splashing you with water once again, using his massive tail to his advantage. It felt like getting hit by a tidal wave. "You play so dirty!" You complained, sending a splash towards him, weak compared to his tsunami. It had been two years since your first encounter with Namjoon. The day you went back to the beach again, the two of you talked and got to know each other. At first, you planned to go home and finally forget about him, but after a lot of begging, Namjoon convinced you to come back, and then it became a habit.
     Namjoon swam up to you and pulled you close into his arms. He usually did this when he saw you were tiring from keeping yourself afloat. "You're not fair." You huffed as you rested your head on his chest. You heard him laugh, deep and smooth, causing you to smile. Namjoon became your only friend since you could never connect with the people you interacted with daily. He would bring you shells, pearls, flora, and much more. Your house looked like a beach itself.
     "I'm so lucky I found you, Y/N." Namjoon sighed, you looked up at him and smiled, "What makes you say that?" You tilted your head to the side, awaiting a response. "You're just so.. awesome. You teach me things about humans and you've always been there for me. My brothers have heard so much about you that your name is a regular topic in our house." He admitted. He had mentioned his brothers before, all 6 of them. You always laughed at the funny stories that Namjoon would tell you about the energetic Jungkook or the grumpy Yoongi. Confining in you whenever he had a fight with his older brothers, mostly Seokjin, and you sat there as he complained about his younger brother's shenanigans.
     "Your sure they're fine with you hanging around with a human?" You questioned jokingly. Namjoon threw his head back and groaned, knowing the question all too well. You used to ask seriously, honestly worried about him, but after the eighth time, it just became a joke to annoy the merman. "I'm not answering that." He grumbled. You couldn't hold back your laugher and Namjoon begrudgingly joined you, laughing along.
     You couldn't help but admire Namjoon. His pretty eyes, cute dimples, plump lips, everything about him screamed perfection. His muscular arms and toned body always seemed to make your legs weak, his smile made your heart thud, and his personality mirrored a charming prince. You always admired him, and it scared you. 
     "Y/N, you're staring~" Namjoon's sultry voice caught you off guard, you quickly looked away, hiding your red face in embarrassment. "You're adorable!" He mused as he poked your cheeks, causing you to whine and swat his hands away, "Stoopp," You complained. He chuckled and pulled you close, stroking your hair, making you look up at him.
      The look in his eye was comforting, homely. It made your heart soft, wanting to melt into the warmth of his tan chest, to fall asleep to the melody of his breathing. You missed feeling warm. You missed hugs. You were touch starved and this god of a merman was giving you what you needed. Even if the two of you said nothing, the only noise filling your ears that of the ocean's wave, it wasn’t awkward. It was never awkward with Namjoon. 
"Can I kiss you?" He asked.
Until now.
"Can I kiss you? Do humans not kiss?" He tilted his head like a lost puppy.
"Y-yes humans kiss, but why do you want to kiss me?" You blushed.
"I like you. I really like you." He admitted.
"Don't play jokes, Joon..."
     "But it's not a joke, I really do! I love your hair, your voice, your eyes, the way you scrunch your nose at the mention of sea kelp ramen." You scrunched your nose, and he giggled, "Yeah, like that, so, can I seal my confession with a kiss?" He asked, a silent plead hiding in his eyes. 
      Your brain was frying, thrown for a loop. Yes, you found Namjoon majorly attractive, not just in looks, but in personality. How he could go on and on about the botanical world of the ocean. How sometimes he was clumsy with the huge blue appendage that he’s dealt with for years, yet still fumbling over it from time to time. How he spoke so lovingly of his brothers. 
     However, you were a human; he was a merman. You had two legs; he had a tail. How was it supposed to work? How could you give him everything he needs? You couldn’t hold him at night, you couldn’t go on dates, you couldn’t even see each other unless it was here. 
      But you were selfish. You were selfish and wanted to be with him, despite all the reasons why you shouldn’t. Why you should back up and tell Namjoon that it could never work, that you couldn’t be the one for him. But you were selfish, and you nodded your head, pushing down the bubbling guilt you felt in your chest when you saw him smile. It was blinding.
       He leaned in and you felt his plump lips meet yours, fitting together like a puzzle piece. It was soft at first, gentle as if your lips were glass, easily broken. He wrapped his other arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He tilted his head to kiss you deeper, pressing his warm lips against yours eagerly, desperately wanting to imprint the shape of your lips in his mind, remember the curve of your cupids bow and the warmth that made his heart beat faster.
      If you were standing, your sure your knees would’ve wobbled with the way his soft touch sent your heart soaring. You couldn’t focus on anything but him, the merman in front of you. His slightly calloused fingers rubbing circles on the small of your back, his tail wrapping its way around your legs, his wet hair dripping salt water down your face. 
      His arms flexed as he gripped your waist tighter, waiting to keep you there, flush against his body forever. Nothing but the two of you and the ocean, lovingly caressing you with its calm waves. The thoughts of the long-term nothing but ghostly whispers, lingering in the back of your mind. You wanted to stay here forever, in his muscular arms, wrapped up in his beautiful tail.
     Unfortunately, you had to breathe, so you pulled away, huffing to make up for the lost oxygen. You looked up at Namjoon, eyes half lidded. "Wow," Namjoon sighed, "I want to kiss you forever," You giggled and buried your head in his chest. "Can we... be a thing?" He asked, hesitance laced in his voice. It was a question you secretly dreaded, because you knew you couldn’t refuse him."As long as your brothers are fine with you dating a human." You teased. Attempting to swallow your guilt.
"Y/N I swear to god."
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      Today was a rough day, and that’s putting it lightly. You woke up feeling amazing, the memories of your fun with Namjoon still fresh, even if it was yesterday. However, when you stepped into work, things turned sour. 
      You never had a terrible relationship with your co-workers per se... But you weren’t a people person either. You found it hard to have a conversation with someone who you just didn’t click with, unlike Namjoon. Though, you weren’t expecting this. 
      It was no secret the company you were working for was going under. They just never seemed to make the right decisions, always favoring money over their actual job. Protecting and researching sea life. It ended up being there downfall after a lawsuit ended up on their way too shiny desks. You don’t know exactly what happened, but pieces of information made its way through the grapevine.
      Apparently, they made another greedy decision. The local sea otter population was dwindling slowly. Sadly, you’d see less and less of the little guys. It was the company's job to humanely capture and help the otters, eventually releasing them when scientists, like you, found out why they were dying. Humanely was the key word. A key word they didn’t pay attention to when a cheaper, crueler way of capturing the otters arose. 
      You already felt shitty. If only you’d known, you could’ve done something about it sooner. However, you were at the bottom of the food chain. Your job was to utilize those years of college to research these animals. Everyone knew you were always extra caring towards these creatures. How could you not be? They had no idea what was happening, you at least wanted to ease their anxiety in the form of positive reenforcement. 
     Little bits of fish here and there, pets for the animals that you could touch, giving the water bound creature the extra large tanks. It was the least you could do. You always wanted the animals to feel okay, because they shouldn’t be away from home in the first place. But your ways of comfort caused time, and money.
      Which was the perfect reason for your boss to lay you off. Of course it was a coverup, they needed to let employees go, to keep their money, you understood that. But they couldn't do it without a sound reason, So, when you found out all of your co-workers threw you under the bus to save their own asses from getting fired, it infuriated you. 
      How could they? What did you do to them? Nothing. It was a dog eats dog world here, and you knew it from the beginning. It was obvious most of the people here were in it for the hearty amount of money being a marine biologist could get them, not for the animals. 
      You didn’t know what to do, the closest place that would hire you was 30 miles away, meaning you’d have to move. You’d have to leave without Namjoon, and that broke your heart. The thought of not seeing his dorky face every day after work tore your heart apart. This is what you get for being selfish. The universe was turning on you, making you feel the pain of heartbreak and the hopelessness of your world crumbling before you. 
      Soon, you find yourself sitting on the rock that is full of memories. Some good, some bad. Like the time the two of you had your first argument, idiotically about who knows more on sea life. Or the memory where Namjoon gifted you a seashell necklace that you still wear till this day, you never take it off. The sudden sound of splashing water tore you out of your thoughts. 
      “Darling!” Namjoon’s warm voice flowed through the air, blessing your ears with some sort of comfort. He smiled at you, his cute dimples showing, giving you the urge to poke them. However, his smile faltered when he saw the tear stains tainting your cheeks.
      “Seashell, what’s wrong?” He called, heaving himself up on the rock. Seashell, the nickname made you smile. You never thought it could be a pet name, but Namjoon seemed to make it work, insisting he’d use it since they were your favorite thing to collect and the ones he gave you sat proudly on a designated shelf.
      “It’s been... A bad day.” Your voice came out rough and shaky. Namjoon reached out to you, pulling you into his arms. He was wet, and the water saturated through your nice work clothes, but you didn’t care. You wanted to be selfish again and have Namjoon hold you before you told him the news. News that would not only shatter you, but Namjoon too. 
      Tears flowed out of your eyes as sobs wracked through your body. You wrapped your arms around Namjoon’s semi-scaly waist and held him closer, desperately wanting to burn the feeling of his warmth into your mind. Namjoon let you cry before trying to calm down your frantic breaths. “Hey... Y/n. Breath darling. Calm down.” Namjoon whispered to you, resting his forehead against yours.
      “Breathe with me.” He ran you through a basic breathing exercise. In through your nose, out through your mouth. After you calmed down, you felt the pressure building up behind your eyes and you dreaded the headache that was to come tomorrow. 
      “There you go.” Namjoon smiled, pulling you into a chaste kiss. “Now, talk to me, seashell.” You weakly smiled, gathering the remnants of your courage that laid in pieces around you. “I...” You took a deep breath, “I got fired today...” You choked out, almost breaking down again. Namjoon cupped your face and rubbed his thumb over your cheekbone. “Oh, darling...” He pulled you closer to him once again, holding you tight. “But... That’s not all...” You murmured into his chest.
      Namjoon pulled you away, giving you a look that said ‘Carry on.’ “T-The closest place that can hire me is 30 miles away...” The tears started coming back. “And... And that means I would have t-to leave but... Joonie, I don’t want to leave...” You choked down a sob and buried your face back into Namjoon's chest. He said nothing as he held you closer, silently comforting you the best he can. 
      You can tell by his slumped body language that he was feeling hurt, lost, heart broken. Your selfish actions have led to somebody’s despair and it made you sob harder. Guilt wracked its way through your body, and you collapsed in his hold. “Come with me...” Namjoon whispered, petting your hair. 
      You shot your head up, looking Namjoon right in the eye. “W-What? I can’t Joonie. I’m not like you...” He held your hands and started scooting towards the edge of the rock. “Yoongi hyung! He can help!” He exclaimed with a newfound hope. “How?” You chuckled somberly at the excitement in Namjoon’s eyes. “He’s what we call a sea witch. Remember when we talked about them one day?” You nodded, remembering how you glowed like a child when you found out about Merfolk magic. “Yoongi hyung might know a spell... To help us.” He lowered himself into the water, placing his hands on your knees. 
      “What are you saying Joon?” You pressed. “I-I don’t want to lose you... So... I want to be selfish and take you with me.” He sighed, eyes a mix of intangible emotions. You froze, Namjoon? Selfish? Never. He was the most selfless person you’ve met. Always willing to help you, hold you, gift you things, make time for you. If you’d ask him to pull a scale and give it to you, he’d do it in a heartbeat to make you happy.
      You were the selfish one, knowing that one day you’d have to part ways. Falling in love with someone who felt like the home you lost long ago. You were the selfish one for giving in, for desperately wanting happiness, even if you knew it would hurt everyone in the end, Life throws wrenches in your road all the time, but you still let him fall in love with you. You let him kiss you, hug you, hold you, all for your selfish desire to be loved. “Your not selfish, Joon...” You sighed, and he gave you a soft smile.
      “Yoongi knows this transformation spell. He showed it to me a month ago... I thought maybe it could help us... Be together.” Namjoon was desperately dancing around the subject, but the hints he gave you were enough. “He can turn me into a mermaid?” You gasped, Namjoon nodded, taking both of your hands in his, kissing each one. 
      “I-If you want to...” He stuttered, nervous. If you wanted to... Did you want to? What did you have to lose? You don’t have a job, or friends... What about family? You're a single child to deceased parents, the only connection you had with your family was the New Year's postcards you got from your second cousin who seemed adamant about keeping it peachy with everyone who has your family's blood. 
      So what did you truly have to lose? If you went off the grid, who would look for you? Would they care enough to look for you? Your cousins are all married with their own lives, and your aunts and uncles only seemed to acknowledge you when they disagreed on your political opinions. The only person who ever made you feel loved in a way you lost when your parents passed was the merman, who looked on the brink of tears, floating in front of you. 
If you went with him, you had nothing to lose, so why refuse?
“Go get the grumpy old man. I’ll be here.” 
“Really? You’ll come with me?” Namjoon gasped.
“Yes.” You smiled.
“I love you so much, Seashell.”
“I love you too, Joonie.” 
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supercasey · 4 years
So I've been playing The Hades Game like fucking mad for the last few weeks, and although I'm not very far in it (at least, I don’t think I am; I’ve only beat Hades once!), I'm absolutely in love with it! Anyways, a certain idea has been kicking around in my head for awhile now, so I thought I'd share it with y'all; feel free to tell me what you think of it! (Warning: spoilers for when you beat Hades the first time!)
Anyways, I've already seen a really cool AU post for if Demeter raised Zagreus on the surface by herself (which you can find HERE; please check it out, the outfit for Zag alone is an amazing concept, and I love the artwork!!!) but I keep thinking about an AU where, after Zagreus dies at birth, Persephone runs away and takes his wrapped up body with her.
On the surface, she reconnects/reunites with her mother Demeter, and with her aid, the two of them manage to resurrect the newborn baby, though now he has more white in his hair than anything else. After that, Persephone sends Hades a letter to tell him that Zagreus is alive and well (because she actually has some fucking class), before proceeding to raise Zagreus on the surface with her mother, far away from the entrance to hell. The Olympians also help her out a bit, but mostly they just help by hiding Zagreus when it’s necessary.
(The rest is under a cut ‘cus this got a bit long, sorry!)
Years pass in relative peace, until Zagreus is about as old as he is in-game (I think he’s around 20-25ish???) and is living well, working with his mom and grandma to take care of their gardens and live peacefully away from mankind; he especially loves tending to the animals and guiding lost mortals to safety. However, one day while foraging for fruit in the deepest corners of his mother’s signature garden, Zagreus happens across a strange man in long robes, who introduces himself as Thanatos.
The two men get along swimmingly from minute one, and after agreeing to meet with each other again soon, they leave and tell their families/friends all about the experience, having no clue who they are to each other. After all, Thanatos was told growing up that his lord’s first wife died giving birth to their first and only child, who was a stillborn, and Zagreus thinks his father died of disease (his mom didn’t have to heart to tell him anything bad about his dad). Needless to say, they’re gonna be in for quite the shock soon.
Cue Hades losing his shit and calling on Thanatos, Megaera, and Achilles to go find his progeny and bring him home; he gives them special permission to leave the Underworld without any resistance, trusting Than to lead the way back to Zagreus. Achilles is less than thrilled to be performing such a morally grey task for his master, but Meg and Than are eager to prove themselves, so he begrudgingly agrees to help, even if it hurts his conscience to do so.
Persephone and Demeter also freak the hell out on their end, scared shitless by the fact that Death incarnate has just met their son/grandson, and they’re worried that he plans on coming back again soon. Demeter suggests sending Zagreus to live with the Olympians until this all blows over, but Persephone disagrees, wanting her son to stay nearby in case he grows ill (it’s implied that she’s a bit overprotective of him, mostly because she’s afraid of him dying again; this also means she refuses to let him know that he’s in any danger, believing it would only make things worse for him in the long-run). Frustrated but understanding her daughter’s pain all too well, Demeter at least convinces her to call on the Olympians for aid, which Persephone agrees to do.
The gods promise to help of course, but... well, they're low-key lying; they wanna see how this plays out first.
After several days of traveling through hell (literally), the “let’s kidnap Zagreus” gang makes it to the surface, and they immediately head to Persephone’s garden. All this time, Zagreus has no idea that he’s being targeted, so he goes about his chores as usual, only to run into Than again, and hey, he brought some more friends for him to meet! Zagreus is friendly with all of them, being raised to be very polite by his guardians, and while he’s busy chatting with Than and Achilles, he doesn’t notice Meg sneaking behind him. Just as Zagreus is rattling on about how the animals have been faring this summer, Meg stabs Zagreus in the back with a blade coated in Hades’s blood, cursing him to belong to the Underworld again.
With Zagreus now unconscious from a sedative that was mixed with the blood, the trio hurry off with him back to the Underworld, but not without Persephone seeing what they’ve done to her son. Horrified, she begins to sob, and winter arrives in the mortal world without so much as a fall season in-between this and the summertime.
When Zagreus comes to, he finds himself in a bedroom similar to the one he has in the game, but it’s much cleaner and has less objects of personal value to him. Hades is standing at the foot of his bed when he wakes up, and very calmly, Hades tells Zagreus that he’s his father, and that from now on, Zagreus will be living in the Underworld with him and his people, where he so obviously belongs. It’s a shame his mother can’t be here, of course, but they just need to wait awhile, that’s all; surely she’ll come to her senses and return home soon, now that her husband and son are here.
Zagreus jumps out of bed and faces his father as soon as he’s done monologuing, ready to tell him off for what he’s done, but to his shock, Hades hugs him as soon as he’s on his feet, and admits that he’s waited for this day for a long, long time. He asks his son to please just accept that this is his home now, and despite still being a bit surprised (and subtly hugging Hades back because Longing), Zagreus tells him straight up that he can’t, that he has to get home, especially with winter coming in a few months!
Dejected but not overly surprised, Hades simply nods in acceptance, but he still warns Zagreus that it’s no use trying to fight it; he’s stuck here, now and forever, so he may as well get comfortable and try getting along with him, because no one’s going anywhere anytime soon. Zagreus is horrified, but he nods nonetheless, unsure of what to say or do just yet.
Later that night, as Zagreus is struggling to sleep in this new, unfamiliar place, Achilles comes to him and apologizes about what’s happened, and although he can’t magically fix everything for him, he tells Zagreus that it actually is supposedly possible to escape; it’s just that no one’s ever done it before. Driven by his desire for freedom and the thought of reuniting with his mother, Zagreus tells Achilles that he’s going to find a way out, no matter the cost. Achilles congratulates him on his tenacity, but warns him that it won’t be easy. Still, he’s willing to help Zagreus as much as he can.
From then on, I imagine the game playing out very differently from the original, with a rather frazzled and scared Zagreus trying to get home to his mom and grandma, but with none of his training from Achilles in this AU, he has to rely on something his mother taught him; his connection with earth and all it’s inhabitants. Or, in his case, his connection with the spirits of animals (a cross of his dad and mom’s powers). That’s right, I’m making The Hades Game into a fucking Pokemon-ripoff, but still with some rouge-like elements mixed in (mostly with Zagreus not keeping his animals after runs).
Having royally fucked up in not stepping in sooner to protect Zagreus, the gods end up helping him out by sending down animals associated with them for the young god to tame for a run (I’ll come up with them later). They usually offer a selection to choose from, and from there Zagreus can build up a team and use it to try and escape the Underworld.
To replace weapons, I like to think he’d have “signature” animals that can help him out for any of his runs, specifically ones from Achilles, Poseidon, Zeus, Demeter (once he reaches the surface at least once), and eventually even Hades gives him one if they bond together enough ((yes, it’s Cerberus... kinda; it’s a puppy version of him, otherwise he’d be OP as fuck)). Zagreus’s signature animals can all be given names, and they keep certain skills that they pick up through enough experience battling in the Underworld for Zagreus.
As for story-line stuff, Zagreus ends up in a very fish out of water situation as he tries to get to know everyone in Hades’s house (he’s still our kindhearted Zag, after all, and he knows most of them aren’t to blame, not even really Than!) while also focusing on his goal to get home to his mom. Hades ends up being a lot nicer to him in this AU, perhaps overly so, as he’s trying to make his son like him more in order to make up for lost time (and fill the hole in his heart that Zag’s initial death as an infant and Persephone leaving with him created). It’s part of the reason he’s even letting Zagreus try to escape; he wants him to learn that it won’t work on his own terms (and maybe also scare the kid so bad that he comes running to him for comfort afterwards).
Also, I should really note that Zagreus is 100% a sweet country farm boy in this AU, and he has no idea what the fuck is going on with pretty much anything in the Underworld, much to everyone’s astonishment. For example:
Meg: Gods, it must be weird getting used to everything down here, huh? Sick of stepping in bat shit yet? Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it, and Dusa’s pretty good about cleaning it up to begin with. Zagreus: I mean, I guess? It’s not that different from chicken shit tbh. Meg: What the fuck is a chicken???
After that... yeah, I dunno. I’ll try playing Hades some more, see if I think up anything else that could be interesting, but for now, I hope at least someone ends up liking this dumb AU (if not, I’ll still like it... might even try my hand at drawing for it a bit tbh). Again, please check out the person who’s post/art I linked earlier in the post, ‘cus their art is really awesome and inspired me to include Demeter more in this AU!
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hyacjnthus · 3 years
did someone ask for *dramatically takes off sunglasses* nico di angelo angst? nope, nobody asked for it
it’s been sitting in my google docs drafts for like months so here you go. read it on AO3
who is in control? by plantedpluto
For demigods, Friday was going great. It was just before Capture the Flag when Nico had followed Will into the infirmary to tidy it up. They both knew, especially with the skills those had learned from the Giant War a few weeks ago, people could fight brutally and Will might be stuck there for a while.
As Nico was flipping through the pages of Lou Ellen’s file - mostly potions-gone-wrong related injuries, screams erupted from down the hill, and Cecil Markowitz came barreling into the infirmary.
He was coated in water, a few cuts on his arms and a bite that looked like it came from a fish. Something wasn’t right. Something big wasn’t right.
“It...It’s Percy!” Cecil winced, waving his hands frantically as he talked. “He’s destroying the camp, summoning everything from the ocean!”
Will took Cecil by the shoulders to set him down, then looked back at Nico. He had a look that Nico knew anywhere, but now was the time to ignore it.
“You cannot be serious,” Will said, his voice hard.
“Will, you know what he can do.” Nico explained, a tinge of panic in his own voice. “If anyone can stop him, it’s me.”
Before Nico could leave, Will gripped his wrist, pulling him closer, and connected their lips together. Will had that warm and reassuring feeling, somehow more than usual. When they reluctantly pulled apart, Will hugged him. That only made Nico’s abrupt departure even worse.
To hide the fear, Nico sent a joking salute to the room with a smile, then left with the faux emotion dropping.
The scene was utter chaos. The magma of the lava wall had turned black into what he assumed was obsidian, a few cabins - including his own- crumbled to their individual materials, centre hearth completely extinguished with Percy standing over it, enveloped in water.
Nico hadn’t been very good at math, just now being tutored by Will to catch up, but he did try to calculate in his head the best plan of action.
Why was Percy doing this? Attacking camp with his powers? How were the gods, including Poseidon, just sitting there watching as their children avoided being slaughtered? Thank the gods there hadn’t been any casualties, but some were in such critical condition that Nico could feel their life force draining.
Prime example, Lacy from the Aphrodite cabin was whimpering on the ground, several cuts and bites on her skin. Nico knelt to her side, carefully running his fingers along them.
“Lacy,” Nico whispered, “It’s going to be okay, you’ll be just fine”
She picked her up under the knees and behind her head. He pressed his fingers to her neck and thanked the gods once again that she wasn’t dead. “Miranda!” he shouted at the closest child of Demeter. She looked inharmed, yet still in shock.
“Oh my gods, Lacy…” she muttered. “Nico what—“
“Take her to the infirmary, tell Will it’s critical, I’m going to stop Percy.” he explained before parting ways.
As Nico reached the middle, standing in front of the hearth, Percy’s white glazed eyes flickered to him when Nico drew his stygian iron sword. Riptide reflected in the water, glowing bright in the sunlight.
“Percy!” he called, purposely gaining the son of Poseidon’s attention before he could choke Pollux anymore. “What in Hades are you doing?”
Percy said nothing but let Riptide clatter to the stone. Was that a sign of surrender? Did he somehow begin to fear Nico when they were forced to fight against each other?
Nico placed his hand on the ground, summoning stone to lift him to almost Percy’s height, a few skeletal soldiers climbing their way up the sides, blocking Nico from the oncoming shark Percy decided to flick his way.
“Percy, stop this!” Nico begged, more soldiers replacing the crumbling ones. “You're destroying your home, what is wrong with you?”
Again, Percy would not answer, but his eyes flickered from clear, sea green to white and hazy. He was fighting for control, he was fighting against his power, he was fighting against what possessed him.
“Eidolon.” Nico whispered to himself. He needed Lacy, to charmspeak Percy out of his daze. Just as he heard Piper had done. But the oldest of the children of Aphrodite were gone, except for…
“MITCHELL!” Nico called to the splintering cabin ten. No answer. He called again, a boy stumbling out that he could barely see. Nico turned to Lou Ellen who appeared beside him, ready to fight, “Retrieve Mitchell, guide him to Percy for charmspeak.”
Lou Ellen nodded and a few warriors leapt from the top, fell to 201 individual pieces, then reassembled in a moment to follow the daughter of Hecate.
“I can destroy you alone, without destroying Percy Jackson.” Nico stated.
“Can you, son of Hades?” the possessed Percy asked, his voice like ice water. It made Nico shiver, almost like he was feeling someone die.
Yet, he really was feeling someone die. He was feeling himself die.
Nico could barely breathe. He felt like someone was squeezing his throat, someone repelling him closer and closer to Percy. He was forced to his knees, a feeling of heaviness towards his head. The chaotic nature of the sound around him seemed hollow until there was none, and tears streamed his face.
He could see his hands becoming paler, shriveling up like raisins when his blue and red veins depleted in colour in accordance with his leaking eyes, ears and now, nose.
Nico forced himself to his feet, fighting Percy’s control, pushing his palms firm on the stone to resist being smashed back down. He felt like he was doing push-ups with ten bricks on his back.
Getting to his feet, almost too weak to fight, he willed the undead to tear away the stones and crawl between the cracks close to Percy.
With one final thrust of his hands, an order, the undead attacked Percy and Mitchell whispered something in Percy’s ear. The son of Poseidon and Hades slumped down at the same time, undead crumbling to a pile of bones, retreating with the sloshing water back to the ocean.
Nico felt himself get pushed up from behind, then laid gently across Percy’s knees. The eidolon was gone and he was captured in Percy’s sea smelled embrace. Percy tried to reach out for enough water to heal him, but no amount of ambrosia and nectar could replace all the blood that Nico lost that was now seeping into the grass.
Nico had minutes to live.
Percy studied Nico. His skin was transparent to the point where his veins were clearly visible under his pale tone. Dark blood seeped from his ears, starting to dry in clumps. A few tears escaped his eyes along with dark blood from the outside ring, eyes sunken in. Drops of blood from both nostrils slid down onto his lips and chin, which in turn spilled sideways as he was held.
“You controlled me,” Nico muttered.
“Not on purpose, I promise.” Percy said, feeling his eyes well up with tears. He furiously swiped them away, then stroked the hair from Nico’s bloody face.
“You’re Percy.” Nico enunciated, like he was reminding himself he succeeded. More glistening blood seeped from his lips as Percy nodded. “Your face…” he whispered deliriously. “Can I hold it?”
“Yeah, of course,” Percy said, drawing Nico’s hand to his cheek, holding it there.
“I didn’t realize the blood—“ Nico tried to pull away, but Percy kept his hand the way it was. If this was the comfort he needed, Percy could oblige.
“Don’t you dare apologize,” Percy urged. Nico didn’t say anything to that. His breath hitched in his throat, Percy realizing he was forcing his body to stay alive for longer, for what he needed to say.
“I’m scared to die,” he finally croaked.
“You’re going to Elysium,” Percy insisted. “You are. You’re dying a hero’s death.”
Nico laughed precariously. “I’m not scared for me.”
Will, Percy realized.
He was terrified of leaving Will alone. He knew how much the son of Apollo had been through; losing his brothers in the Battle of Manhattan, becoming a counsellor for tons of his siblings at fourteen, losing and saving more after the Battle with Gaea - no teen like him needed to live like that.
For the first time ever, Nico sobbed - hard. Tears dripped down either side of his face, spilling down to his ears. More blood escaped his lips which only made Percy’s heart clench more.
“Please, don’t let him be alone,” Nico begged, his breath shallow and almost gone. “Don’t let him ever be alone...please.”
Percy let his forehead touch Nico’s when the son of Hades’ body went slack, and his pupils contracted like he’d been having a staring contest with the sun.
Not for one minute did Nico di Angelo fixate on himself, he was afraid for Will. Nico didn’t fear death, he feared the loneliness he knew his love would feel, and that pain hurt him more than the wounds that had slowly killed him.
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thinkyoureholy · 4 years
Blessed With A Curse [3]
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Pairing : Kang Yeosang / [fem] Reader
Genre : Angst, Violence, Language, Fluff, Smut, Greek God!AU
Words : 2.8k
Previous Chapter. - Next Chapter.
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-Yeosang’s P. O. V-
I ran through the dense forest, forcing my legs to go faster. This sense of dread and urgency had filled my entire being for the past hour. I couldn’t quite place why I was feeling like this but I knew I had to get there quick. I didn’t know why I was feeling this but it was a feeling all too familiar to me. Images of them crying out to me for help as they were mercilessly slaughtered painted the walls of my mind, their screaming echoing loudly. With that in my mind I pushed myself harder, my chest heaving up and down rapidly as I ran. I was so focused on getting there in time I didn’t sense those that hid behind the trees until it was too late. 
I barely managed to deflect the arrow that was aimed straight for my heart. I grit my teeth when a sword followed that arrow, once again narrowly missing its mark as I blocked it. 
“Athena!” I growled, pushing back against her, slamming my shoulder into her to throw her back. 
I raised my sword up high, about to cut her down when I froze at the cry that rang through the forest. 
I looked around desperately, trying to figure out in which direction her voice came from. I was only distracted for a second but that was enough for one of them to kick my legs out from underneath me, landing a blow to my face at the same time. There was only one that had that kind of speed, my eyes finding him quickly. 
“Hermes.” I snarled, glaring up at him. 
I quickly got to my feet but as soon as I did I felt something like a whip hit my back. I turned to see someone I least expected, my eyes growing wide. 
“Poseidon?” I expected the rest of them to be here, hell I even expected Apollo but never Poseidon. 
I inhaled sharply at the pain filled shout that filled the quiet forest. I turned in every direction, wanting to go to her but I didn’t know which way to go. Frustrated, I let out a cry of my own, the sound that fell from my lips almost animalistic as the ground shook underneath my feet. 
“Where is she!?” I shouted, my eyes darted over all of them, falling on Artemis, the one closest to me, “What the hell are you doing to her!?”
Artemis didn’t even flinch as she looked me dead in the eye, not bothering to answer as Athena spoke for her, “You’re the reason we had to go after her in the first place.”
I whirled around to face her, about to kill her where she stood but before I could bring my sword down Y/N’s screams stopped me. This time she didn’t even call out my name, her cries higher and filled with agony. My hand shook as I gripped my sword tightly, the sense of dread that filled my heart only growing as I continued to helplessly hear her cry out. I knew I could beat them if I just lost myself to my temper and my impulses but if I did that I’d lose control. If I lost control I’d tear this whole forest apart and burn it to ashes, taking her along with them. I bit my bottom lip harshly as I thought of what to do. I could fight them as I was but with hearing her screams every few seconds I don’t know how well I’d fare against them. Each scream, each cry had my heart twisting painfully in my chest, the lump in my throat only growing bigger and bigger. 
“Once we’re done with her we’ll finish you off once and for all.” Hermes said as Poseidon continued, “But for now you’ll have to hear the agony she’s going through.”
I inhaled shakily through my nose, my eyes filling with unshed tears for the first time in I don’t know how long, “Why..? Why must you go after everything I care about? Was casting me out of my home not enough for you?!”
Athena raised her head slightly, the look in her eyes filled with contempt, “You, more than anyone, know why we cast you out, Ares.”
“You lot were deceived! I am many things but I would never do that to Hephaestus!” I shouted, already sick and tired of having to defend myself, “You’ve already cast me out so why are you doing all of this?! Why go after her?! She’s innocent in all of this!”
They all just stared at me, emotionless, probably enjoying the look of desperation on my face. I reached out and grabbed Poseidon’s arm, my fingers digging into his skin.
“Please, I’m begging you, stop this,” I begged, my voice breaking as another one of her cries pierced the air.
“You should’ve never given her your mark if you wanted to keep her out of all this.” Poseidon said, his voice void of emotion, “You know exactly how your humans get once their power is unlocked, they’re more troublesome than you are.”
“But she hasn’t even done anything yet! Is that not enough to let her live!? She’s carried my mark with her since she was born, twenty-two years have gone by and she has not once raised a weapon against another! There’s a possibility she may never even unlock that power!” I yelled, my breath catching in my throat as I looked over them, “It doesn’t matter what I say to you does it? You’re going to kill her regardless of how I plead for her to be spared…” I trailed off as I finally realized nothing I said would get them to stop.
“Yeosang! Help me! Please!!”
I gasped as I sat up, jolted awake by the nightmare I was stuck in. I was panting heavily, the nightmare still so vivid in my mind. I curled in on myself, clawing at my heart, the organ beating painfully in my chest. The sense of dread had failed to leave me even as I woke up, getting the feeling that this was some kind of premonition. Just the thought sent my heart racing as it throbbed in my chest. As I tried to calm myself I gripped the hilt of my sword tightly, only one thing on my mind as an intense fire burned in my eyes. 
I smiled softly as the wind carried her laugh over to me, catching a glimpse of the joyful look on her face. But the smile soon left my lips as I caught sight of him, a frown now adorning my face. I’ve been shadowing Y/N for a little over a month now and in that time I’ve seen just how close she is with Apollo. I was sure I threatened him to keep away from her, I guess I’ll just have to teach him what happens when you don’t heed my words. I clenched my hands into tight fists, taking a step towards the two of them but stopped at the voice that called out to me from my right.
“I don’t think that’s very wise, brother.” 
I ground my teeth at the sound of her voice, turning slowly to face her, “Athena...you’ve got guts showing your face around me. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
I was trying to stay calm, afraid that if I lost my temper I’d end up destroying everything within miles of where I stood. If I did that then Y/N would get hurt, and that’s the last thing I wanted. So, for her sake, I was holding off on ramming my sword through Athena’s heart. But the condescending look she wore on her face was hard to ignore. I dug my nails into my palm, drawing blood as I forced myself to endure it.
“I have something of importance to talk to you about.” She said, her lips quirking up into a smirk.
“Tell me why you’re here or leave. I have no time for your games.” I snapped, waiting for her to state her business but she kept quiet. I scoffed, glaring at her for a moment longer before turning my back on her.
“It has something to do with that human girl you seem to be fond of.” She called out, the teasing tone in her voice clear as day.
I tensed at her words but kept my back to her, “What about her?”
A moment of silence fell over us, the air surrounding us so tense it was almost suffocating, “I hear you’ve claimed her. If she carries your mark then you know better than anyone what that means. She’s an Athenian so I-”
I couldn’t control myself anymore. I turned on my heel and reached out, grabbing her neck with my hand, “You what?” I seethed, bringing her in closer so our faces were inches apart, my hand squeezing her throat tightly but not tight enough she couldn’t get a word out.
“I have...authority...over her…” She choked out, digging her nails into my wrist to get my to let go but I only squeezed harder.
“Let’s get something straight here, little sister. You can have authority over all the Athenians you like, hell you can have it over everyone else in the world but you have absolutely no authority over Y/N. She is mine and mine alone,” I growled, throwing her to the ground as I stood over her, “You lot have taken all my humans from me, all of them! I will not allow you to take another. I’ll kill you before you even get the chance.”
She scoffed, pushing herself up off the ground, sitting up and staring at me with contempt, “I’ve fought you and won before, I’ll do it again.”
I chuckled darkly as I crouched down in front of her, reaching forward to roughly grab her chin with my thumb and index finger, “Just try it. I can guarantee you won’t win a second time. You’ve all taken everything good I’ve ever had, my home, my people, everything. I will no longer allow you to do as you please. Stay away from her if you know what’s good for you. I will not hesitate to cut you down where you stand. If you do not heed my warning then prepare yourself for a battle you won’t come out of alive, not even your wit will be able to save you,” I spat out, throwing her head back roughly.
I rose to my full height, staring down at her for a moment before turning my back on her. It took everything in me not to kill her in that instant by I restrained myself. For all the hate I had for her and the rest of my siblings there was still a part of me that wished to protect them from all harm, even though I knew those feelings weren’t reciprocated. And knowing that, hurt more than anything but I’ve learned to live with it all these years. But I will not let them get away with threatening Y/N, they can do what they like with me but she is off limits, not even I can touch her.
-Y/N’s P.O.V-
“Wooyoung can you bring in the apples from the back!?” I called out, barely sparing a glance over my shoulder as I placed the last orange where it belonged. 
I placed the crate underneath the table, leaving it there for later. As I straightened back out I felt eyes on me. I turned on my heel, seeing the man from the cave standing in the doorway. It had been a month since I last saw him but nothing about him had changed. Actually, now that the sun is out I got to see his face better. I thought he was handsome at night with his hair framing his face due to the rain but I couldn’t even see a fraction of his handsomeness in the rain. With the sun out without a cloud in the sky his skin seemed to glow, his hair perfectly styled out of his face and his eyes, they shined brightly, holding me captive. 
“Yeosang…” I murmured without thinking. 
He grinned the moment his name fell from my lips, a blush coating my cheeks at the look that crossed his eyes. I quickly looked away, feeling like I was being sucked into those beautiful eyes of his. He chuckled, the sound deep and resonated in my ears. 
“I’m glad to see that you remember my name.” He said with a grin still on his face, his tone light as he continued, “I was worried you had forgotten about me already.”
“How could I forget someone like you?” I asked, again speaking without thinking. 
When I realized what I said I cleared my throat, glancing at him for a moment only to see the grin on his face widened, his eyes shining brighter than before. Ah, why did I say that? Why am I just saying everything that comes to mind without thinking it over?! What the hell is wrong with me today?!
He chuckled once more, the sound lighter than before, a fondness in his voice as he spoke, “Well I’m glad I made such a strong impression,” His smile softened before it disappeared and a frown took its place, “Though I’m sure it wasn’t a very good impression. I’m sorry about how cryptic I was that night, it wasn’t my intention to frighten you. I also apologize for being so rude to you…”
He averted his eyes as he spoke, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. Just the sight had my heart racing. What?! Why are you going out of control?! Stop that!, I shouted to myself, scolding my heart for being so affected by these minuscule actions of his. I shook my head, trying to clear it of the thoughts that wanted to invade my mind, thoughts of him.
“Uh...well…”I trailed off, not knowing what to say, “Apology accepted… I guess…?”
He laughed, the sound different from when he chuckled lightly, dare I say this laugh of his sounded even better than the first, “Ah, you’re a lot more entertaining than I thought…” He murmured under his breath.
He shook his head, the smile on his face seeming to be permanent. He opened his mouth to say more but before he could another voice interjected, “Y/N! Where do you want these?”
I quickly whipped around to see Wooyoung walking over to me with that crate of apples I had asked him to grab, “Where they always go.” 
He didn’t even spare me a glance as he glared at Yeosang, the hold he had on the crate tightening. I raised a brow, confused over what had gotten into him. As I went to question him about it Yeosang spoke up. 
“So, do you—do you think you can help me out with a little shopping?” He asked, a bit hesitant to voice his question. 
I stared at him in shock, his words catching me off guard. It was such a simple request, one I’ve done for many customers in the past. So why did I find it so shocking coming from him? He must’ve mistaken the shock in my eyes for something else as he began apologizing. 
“Ah, I’m sorry. I’m sure you’re busy-“
“No!” I said, my voice higher than normal, “No...it’s—it’s okay. I’d love to help.”
The grin he wore earlier reappeared on his face as he followed after me, deeper into the shop. 
-Yeosang’s P. O. V-
I paused for a moment as we walked by Apollo. I gave him a quick glance to see his head was slightly bowed as he gripped an apple tightly in his hands. I smirked at the sight of his obvious anger, loving the way his whole body trembled with the rage he felt within. 
“You did well, brother,” I said in a low voice, placing my hand on his shoulder, “I hope you continue to stay out of my way. If you do so you have my word there will be no problems between the two of us but if you slip up even once…” I trailed off, placing my hand on his shoulder and squeezed roughly, drawing a hiss of pain from his lips, “Not only will I pay you back for the betrayal you put me through on Olympus but for touching what is so rightfully mine. I won’t kill you, at first. I’ll put you through so much unimaginable pain that you’ll be begging me to kill you. But that’d be showing you too much mercy and as you know...I’m not the merciful type.”
General Tags : @mirror-juliet​ 
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musicalskater59 · 3 years
Daylight December: Mermaids
A little bit on the longer side, but this one kind of needed me to do a little world building so I hope that doesn’t bother anyone. I remembered someone on here doing a bunch of Jim Mermaid AU drawings so I took some inspiration from that and just ran with it! If I end up finding the drawings again, I’ll @ the artist since I want to give them credit for the idea.
But anyways, I hope you all enjoy! 
For as long as I could remember, I was told that humans were dangerous. Well, besides my mother, that is. Blinky was sure to distill that within me. It was one of the first rules you learn about when you're greeted into Mer Market. Never trust humans.
I looked up toward the dark-haired pirate as she treated the small gash I had on my right forearm.
But she started to make me feel as if some were worthy of trusting.
It wasn't the first time I had crossed paths with Claire. She's the second in command to well-known sea thrasher Captain Anger Rot. The last apprentice to probably one of the most notorious pirates this side of Atlantis, Morgana La Fey.
But she was a lot more caring in comparison to her counterparts. Unlike the wealth desiring Angor Rot, all she wanted was to protect the sea from outsiders. Protect the mythical creatures she encountered as well as making hell for those that threatened our existence.
Even if it was again her own family.
But besides that, she was a beauty on the inside and out. Her dark nearly black hair kept under her normal purple durag and leather tricorn cap mixed with her loose-fitting white blouse and dark britches made her a sight for sore eyes no matter how long she was at sea. Her smile was pearly white unlike some of her fellow pirates which she always chalked up to the fact that she was sure to take care of herself no matter how long they were away from land.
But that wasn't all that I liked about her. She's witty and sharp. Always ready to fight for what she believed in a moment's notice. Her bravely was something that the toughest of men would envy her. Her strength was more than all the men around her combined, both physically and mentally.
She was a beauty in that regard. In all regards, really. But am I ever going to admit that to the pirate? Probably never.
Was I desperate to have her within my life and was I desperate to do so? Oh incredibly so.
"You need to be more careful, Jim." I snapped back into reality as I looked over toward the pirate to see a soft look in her deep hazel eyes. "You shouldn't be near the surface so close to sunrise. You know the risks." I smiled at her worry as I leaned my weight onto my left hand that was held back behind me.
"I know. I just saw some of the other creatures getting captured. You know-."
"That you would never live with yourself if you knew you could do something, I know." A smile appeared on her face as looked back down at the small gash she was treating. "You and I are two of the same with it comes to that."
"Don't you need to get the ship ready to sail once more? I don't want to be a bother."
"Not when I know if this doesn't heal that you'll end up causing harm to yourself. The water may help full-blooded mermaids, but I know it would not be kind to you if you just dive right back in." I gave the pirate a wide smile as wiped something onto the gash. A stinging feeling going up my arm, but I didn't mind it. I've felt worse, honestly.
"I just don't want to get you in trouble with Angor again."
"Angor can hold his ass." I couldn't up but laugh at her response as she brushed something onto the wound. Something that felt like it hardened around the soft flesh. "This liquid hardener should keep your cut from making you lose too much blood when you enter back into the water."
"I can't thank you enough, Claire." I gave her a thankful smile which she replied to with a soft one of her own.
"Anytime, Jim."
"I guess I should dive back in then, huh?"
"Well," I noted how she tucked a small bit of her lip under her teeth as she sat down beside me on the ship's deck. "I didn't say that now did I?" I blushed at her words as she took the space next to me. "It's not often I get some downtime with ya."
"Downtime? That's a thing within this world?" She let out a laugh which caused my heart to flutter within my chest.
Like a true angel of the sea. Great mother of Poseidon, I swear fate is tempting me within this moment.
"I guess not. Not when I'm in the shadow of Morgana La Fey." She reached out and nudge my right shoulder with her fist. "And definitely not when you're being hunted on the daily."
"Gil-ty as charged." I gave her a smirk as she just rolled her eyes at me.
"You punny bastard."
"You wouldn't like me any other way, no would you?"
"I quite like you the way you are."
"Half-mermaid and all?"
"Half-mermaid and all." She giggled at me as the sound of heavy footsteps appearing from the back of the deck.
"CLAIRE! Where is that sea witch?" Claire just gave me a smile as Angor's voice boomed from where I could guess was his captain's quarters.
"You should go before he sees that I let you linger again."
"Don't be in too much trouble, eh?"
"I wouldn't be me if I wasn't in trouble, would I?" Her smile widened before she suddenly leaned in and pressed her lips to my cheek. This action causing a bright blush to take over my face with ease as she pulled back from me. "I see you around, yeah?"
"Wouldn't imagine anything else, Claire."
"Stay safe, Jim." I rose to my feet and made my way toward the railing before looking back over toward her.
"You as well, Claire." She gave me a sweet smile as I leaped over the railing and made my way back into the water. My legs instantly transforming into my normal blue tail before I swam off toward where I knew Mer Market was. Alrighty knowing that I was going to get a talking to by Blinky for putting myself in danger once again.
But was it be worth it.
I smiled as the burning blush was still apparent on my cheeks, despite the cold seawater engulfing my figure as I made my way deeper and deeper to the seafloor.
Yes. Yes, it was.
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⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Sky-Sick?
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content: leo valdez x daughter of poseidon! reader fic warning: language but that's it!! author's note: just a little something for yall from my personal archives as i consider pulling an all nighter to finish off my last few standing requests so i can open them back up again...but idk idk yall i might do it....ALSO if you have any questions about how they are sitting, i will gladly draw a diagram bc it's very important to me how they are sitting but i understand that it's not a normal way to sit or whatever so just hit me up yall i'd love to rave about this-
“leo?” y/n asked, a smile plastered on her face as they waved at camp half-blood, slowly leaving on the argo ii. 
“hmm?” he hummed, turning and looking at her, a soft smile settling over his lips. though his brows began to furrow at how pale her face was.
“please tell me there's a trash can on here or - ugh - or a bathroom,” the girl groaned, holding a hand over her mouth as the other gripped the ship’s railing. leo’s eyes widened and he quickly led her to one of the bathrooms, wincing outside the door at the noises he heard from the inside. 
“y/n? you good?” he called after a few moments of silence, rapping his knuckles gently against the door. 
“i’m scared of heights. its-” she started only to be cut off by a gag, “it's like being seasick. i think. i dunno what that’s like.” 
“makes sense. daughter of poseidon in the air seems like a bad idea,” he muttered to himself, knowing she couldn’t hear him. 
“i’ll be okay. go do what you gotta,” y/n called from the bathroom, sitting back across from the toilet and closing her eyes. she had her arms wrapped around herself, trying to convince herself she wasn’t thousands of feet up in the air. 
“if you need me, don’t hesitate,” leo told her, gaining him a quiet ‘okay.’ he paused near the door for a moment before walking away, a frown settled on his lips. y/n would be no good on this quest if she was sick for all of it...and he was worried about her. but, he wouldn't admit that quite yet.
she managed to push through the rest of the day, clenching her stomach with one hand and plotting their course with the other one. she wore a strained smile but nevertheless offered to help piper with dinner for the crew. leo kept an eye on her, worried something would make it worse. they all slept in shifts and y/n took the latest night shift without a second thought or any argument. they all went to bed, save for jason, who was on first watch. and leo, who was unable to sleep. he laid in bed, tinkering away at something in his hands and listening to y/n in her own room. they’re rooms were right next to each other, something y/n learned with a wink from leo, to which she laughed and shoved him off her. a few hours later, a knock was heard against y/n’s door and leo’s ears instantly perked up. 
“y/n, you’re up,” jason whispered, yawning as he opened the door to the girl’s room. 
“okay, i’m comin’,” y/n replied, the rustle of what leo could only assume was a jacket following along with her gentle footsteps. 
“sleep well, jace,” y/n told the boy before making her way up to the deck. leo debated with himself for a moment before shooting off his bed, following up to the deck. y/n was sat on the railing of the ship, one of her legs dangling over the edge. leo’s anxiety spiked for a moment, worried the girl would fall away. her head shot up at leo’s footsteps, her gaze instantly softening at the sight of him, causing leo’s heart to speed up the slightest. 
“hey, what are you doing up?” y/n whispered to him, sliding to make some space for him. he hummed, shrugging his shoulders. 
“couldn’t sleep. figured i would give you some company,” he muttered, taking up the space beside her, copying her posture, swinging his leg through the air. 
“feeling any better?” leo asked after a moment, his gaze settling on the far off mountains. 
“a little. i’ve just started telling myself it’s just a boat. just a normal, every day boat,” replied y/n, shrugging slightly before pulling her zip up closer to her shoulders as a cold breeze blew through the pair. leo didn’t even flinch. 
“nothing spectacular about this normal, every day boat at all,” leo added, turning to her with a quirky smile. y/n breathed out a laugh, nodding her head, her teeth chattering slightly. leo frowned at this before holding his arms open. 
“c’mere,” he said, waving his hands towards himself. y/n raised a brow at him, though she had a smile on her lips.
“come here. i run warm. fire in my blood or whatever,” he stated, waving his hands once more with a bored look. y/n laughed, moving the slightest bit closer. 
“or you’re just hot,” she added, winking at him. leo blushed, looking away with a shake of his head. y/n draped her legs over his, before setting her head against his shoulder. leo settled his hands on his hips, running his warm hands up and down, his pinky just catching some of her bare skin, causing his blood temp to run even higher. 
“you…you make things easier, leo,” y/n muttered, vaguely, refusing to meet his gaze as she nuzzled closer to him. 
“Well, a pretty girl like you deserves easy,” he whispered back, leaning his head against the side of hers. the two stayed like that for a while, some small talk and laughter occasionally making an appearance. but, mainly, they were just enjoying their time together. 
“y/n, i came to-” annabeth started to say as she came up to the deck to relieve y/n of her duties but the words died on her tongue as she took in the view in front of her. leo and y/n were cuddled up together, just talking and soaking the other in. annabeth paused at this, a smile settling over her lips. she had known y/n almost her whole life; known y/n’s bad luck with guys in the past, known that y/n gave up all of that a long time ago. but, seeing the way y/n looked at leo and the way he looked at her, annabeth had a feeling y/n was back in the game. and percy was going to be furious when it all came out.
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mrsbhandari · 4 years
A/N: HERE IT IS!! MY FIGHTING OLIVER TENSION FIC!! I hope yall enjoy and I also hope that yall know: getting asks and requests brightens my day EVERY SINGLE TIME it happens!! I never mind writing fics for yall or talking to yall or saying yall five times in every sentence. u know how it is. the pirates get ye, I get yall. thems the rules.
words: 2k
warnings: HEAVY SMUT like jfc idk how I can live with myself fklsjdfkj, language, swords
Summary: A training session with Oliver gets heated.
“You’re sure you can handle this, Eden?” Oliver took a sword off the wall and tossed it to his new sparring partner, who caught it easily by the hilt. “Training can get...intense.” His smoldering gaze turned to her, making his implication obvious. 
“You forget I’ve learned the basics. I held off against your men, remember?” Raising an eyebrow, she swung the blade around with obvious practiced skill, getting used to the weight and natural movement quickly. He smiled fondly, but there was just a hint of arrogance touching his lips. The sword whooshed close to his ear, making him jolt away and drop his look. “Scared, Lieutenant?” After joining his crew, she was still desperate to prove that she deserved to be there, that she wasn’t a pirate spy. Oliver always regarded her coolly and cautiously, but figured the best way to test loyalty was to give her a weapon and see to it that she didn’t kill him (on purpose, at least). 
“More nervous. You’re dangerous, you know.” He widened his stance, preparing to begin, and she modeled her foot placement after his. 
“I know.” Giving a brief wink, they began the classic dance of battle, always moving and waiting for the other to strike first. As they looked at each other, there was a palpable tension stretching across the wide circle they created, connecting them like a taut string just begging to be broken by the swing of a sharp blade. Oliver was the first to attack, showing mercy on his partner with an easily blocked slash. To her, the sound of their swords clashing together in midair was jolting, but she did well to hide it and brush his blade off hers; he had gotten used to the sound over the years and showed no hints of anxiety, making him seem like a robot designed for fighting. 
“Don’t go easy on me,” she commanded, sending a glare across the circle they’d created once again, shifting feet and hard breaths the only sounds in the small room they were using for training. She wasn’t sure about Oliver, but her hard breaths were coming more from how she would rather be exercising another way, involving a lot more sweat and a lot less clothes. The thought fleetingly took her focus, but she shook her head to wipe her mind; the split second was enough for him to catch her off guard. 
He lunged forward, but his eyes gave his next move away: a swipe from the right, easily parried as she stepped over and let him fall a little too far forward with too much momentum for him to easily regain his balance. She took advantage of his vulnerability and hit the hilt of her blade into the small of his back, sending him to the floor with a grunt. That grunt definitely didn’t help the mental images already running through her mind, so she elected to back away, letting him scramble to his feet. 
Oliver was sweating, and she found herself preoccupied by the droplets running down his skin. His hair was in a ponytail when they started, but the strands were messy now and sticking to his flesh in crazy patterns that decorated his temples and cheeks. Running a hand through it, he noticed her distracted state and yet again moved forward, lightning on his feet as he quickly disarmed her and grabbed her sword. Unable to defend herself, he walked her back with a sword at her neck until her back hit the wall. 
The blade was cold, but he pressed the flat of it to her skin so as to give the illusion of threat. Eden didn’t really care. Her eyes drifted from part to part of his face, studying the way his breath came out, the way his fingers twitched as if holding back, the way he pressed his body far closer to hers than he needed to. He was tall and could barely resist the way her face looked as she had to tilt her head back to see him; her lips were parted slightly and she bit the bottom one, already plump and red and tempting. He could feel his pants growing tighter, a physical representation of the siren’s effect on his body, making his thoughts run every which way, following a constantly changing current. He realized he had been leaning down this entire time, target locked on those kissable lips that made him lose his mind, before he thought more of the consequences. He changed his path at the last second, head landing next to hers with his forehead against the wall. 
“You’re dead.” Before he could think, she ripped the swords out of his hands and tossed them to the floor. “Wha--?” She landed a steel foot on his boot, drawing out a yelp that quickly morphed into a gasp as she jolted her knee into his stomach, knocking any air out. She pushed him off, sticking a foot out behind his when he stepped back to send him to the ground once again. Falling to her knees, she straddled his hips and pinned his wrists, leaning low to whisper in his ear. 
“You’re dead.” 
Unable to take it anymore, Oliver turned his head and kissed her, pouring every second of torturous want that he’d lived through into it. His hands curled into fists, but she continued to hold them to the ground, unwilling to relinquish her control. For a minute, he thought they were just going to stay like this: her on top of him and kissing him like she needed his lips and tongue to live. Then, her hips were grinding down into his and her teeth were sinking into his bottom lip and her lips were moving down his jaw and he was losing his breath at the overwhelming sensations of and and and. 
“Eden...” he gasped, letting out a shuddering groan when her teeth grazed his earlobe. 
“Lieutenant.” He was fully hard now and he knew she could feel through his trousers, but she continued teasing him with little nips and random grinding that kept him on his toes. The worst pain he was feeling was in his wrists as her nails dug in, tattooing crescents that he was sure to run his fingers over when this was all over. “Tell me what you want, Oliver.” He whimpered, drowning in the feeling of Eden everywhere on him. A swift bite to his collarbone pulled him out of his daze just enough to answer. 
“More,” he groaned. She hummed, loosening her grip on his wrists. They shot up to her breasts, lightly squeezing them over her thin linen shirt, sighing at the pretty sounds falling from her pretty lips. His fingertips meandered down to her hips where he gripped the skin revealed between her shirt and pants, tugging her body down to gain the barest hint of friction, moaning loudly once he acquired it and felt his vision go fuzzy. Then she was kissing him again and the world was tilting around him and he felt like he was falling, lost in Eden. He was adrift, unanchored, loose. 
It was the most exhilarating thing he had felt in a long time. 
The cold air of the room bit into his skin when he looked down to find his chest exposed. She had unbuttoned and threw his shirt open, sitting back to admire the broad plans and sharp lines of muscles, honed by years of training and exercise to ensure he was in the best shape for the Navy. Eden’s eyes were hungry, predatory while they bounced from his abs to his collarbone to his face, flushed and wanting. It was then that Oliver recognized just how powerful she was in this position, and he flipped her to even the score.
“Getting bold now, are we?” she taunted, tapping at his resolve to see how thick the boundary was. 
“You shouldn’t get to have all the fun. Plus,” He ran a fingertip from the valley of her breasts to the waistband of her pants, “you look so beautiful like this.” It was her turn to blush as she tried covering her face, but he imitated her by pulling and pinning her wrists to the floor above her. “You’re not getting away from me that easily.” He attached his lips to her neck, listening for the breathy moans she released while straining her arms, aching to get her hands on him. 
“Oliver, please,” she whispered, flexing her hands underneath his grip. 
“Tell me what you want, Eden,” he said, recalling her own words from minutes before. 
“I want to touch you, Oliver. I want you to make me scream your name so loud that the Poseidon’s Revenge can hear. Please.” Her unwavering confidence took him by surprise and he loosened his grip, groaning when she used her newfound freedom to tug sharply on his hair, now fully out of the ponytail. His hips bucked at the rough treatment. “You like that? You’re a naughty lieutenant, sir.” 
His eyes darkened and he climbed back off her to sit up on his knees. His hands returned to her hips, pinching lightly before moving to her thighs and forcefully tugging her hips to meet his. Wrapping her legs around his waist, they were closer than ever, and he almost couldn’t stand it. 
“Undress,” he commanded, throwing his shirt off, pushing his own pants down, and fishing his cock out. She returned to her position completely naked, trembling with excitement. His hands drifted to her breasts once again, pinching and rolling her nipples between his fingers. “Good girl.” His deep voice only made her wetter for him, feeling her juices run down her thighs. “So ready for me, yeah?” 
She could do nothing but nod, and he decided to let it go because he was just so desperate to feel her heat wrapped around him, to feel her shake beneath his touch at her peak, to feel her writhe under his touch as he sank himself into her and made her climax. His hands remained on her thighs when he thrusted into her entrance, letting a groan escape his throat. He was drowned out by her animalistic scream, her nails digging into the floor beneath them and leaving small scratches in the grain. 
“So perfect for me,” he murmured, swallowing her moan and thrusting roughly into her. He set a cutthroat pace that left him close with just a few movements, but he wanted to hold out for her. For all his dominance and arrogance, his only desire was to pleasure her. 
Well, he also wanted her to claw at his back until he bled. 
His hands found themselves under her flexed shoulder blades and her arched back, pulling her up until they were pressed chest-to-chest once again. Eden’s fingernails raked his skin, most likely leaving deep scratches to heal in a week or so. It wasn’t a matter to him; Oliver knew that he was going to have new ones to replace these before that. 
“Lieutenant…” she gasped, pressing her face into his neck, but he took one hand and pushed her out so he could see her, leaving one arm wrapped around her so he could hold her up. 
“I want to watch you, Eden.” His tender tone and sexy words sent her over the edge, shaking in his arms as he continued to fuck into her, following her into orgasm. Their moans mixed into a sensual harmony, pure bliss washing over the couple on the floor of the training room. They both barely caught their breaths, making it harder for themselves by kissing lazily, Oliver still buried inside her. 
“How’s that for training?” 
Oliver let out a laugh, holding her closer and ignoring the sticky sweat covering them and the cum dribbling out of her. His response was another kiss to take the place of a promise for more.
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soyforramen · 4 years
BHDC - Round 3 - Pirates
(Thanks to @satelliteinasupernova for helping me pick a historical era for this!)
Weak in the Knees
The sea was a harsh mistress - fickle, stormy, and deadly if you weren’t careful.  She would take your life as quickly as she took your heart.  Never could man tame her, nor could he understand her, he could only pray that he stayed on her good side.  She was also the best thing that had ever happened to Forsythe Jones the Third.
Employed at ten on a small trading sloop, sent to man the crows nest and work the rigging, he’d lost his heart to the open skies and lawless waves.  By fifteen he’d learned enough to become a crewman, his gangly body’s reach a boon during rough storms.  In his sixteenth year he, along with the rest of The Intrepid, had been pressed into British service for a war they neither knew nor cared about.  And by eighteen he’d traded the British Naval Fleet’s canon and tack for the crew of The Whyte Wyrm.  His shares were one one-hundredth of what it should have been, but Jones would have gladly worked for rum and plantains to get away from Admiral St. Clair’s savage rule.
The Captain of the Wyrm took a strange liking to Jones, partially because they shared the same strange name and partially because Jones was a quick, eager study.  An old, wizened drunkard too fond of the stories of his youth, F.P. had taken Jones under his wing and trained him in the manner of a second mate to the ire of the older crew.  Yet none complained for F.P. fostered a camaraderie that the British Navy, despite all their ineffectual pomp and circumstance, could never hope to rival.
Among the younger crew Jones found camaraderie of his own.  Each had lived on the sea longer than they ever had on land and knew a ship better than themselves.  So when the Wyrm sank due to the Captain’s error off the lagoon reefs of Bermuda, the younger crew staked a claim in their own future.  
Four years of hard work, scraping together their funds doing jobs for smugglers, merchants, and the occasional naive Lord who wanted the true ‘Treasure Island’ experience, had led to this moment.  They’d managed to save enough to trade for an old merchant ship, tried and true, one that had weathered many a storm.  Mr. Lodge had promised that this was a ship worthy of any seafaring man worth his salt.  It was an offer too good to pass up for the quartet, and so Fangs had readily negotiated for her.
“Doesn’t it make ye want to weep?” Fangs asked.
He clapped Jones on the shoulder and slid an arm around Toni’s waist.  Sweet Pea grunted, but even he couldn’t hide his excitement.  Standing on the dock the quartet gazed in marvel at the run down ship, it’s hide tattered by hastily filled canon holes and barnacles six inches deep, the sails eaten through by rats, and the mast standing only through a feat of tar, rope, and a strange aversion to gravity.
Weep was perhaps too strong a word, but despite its tattered disposition, The Iconoclast was theirs.  For once in their short, miserable lives they had something to their names.  Their future was their own.  To pirate or pillage, to trade or travel; the decision was theirs and theirs alone.
And the thought made Jones weak in the knees.
A brisk sea wind tickled the back of Elizabeth’s neck and she ran a hand across it to disperse the strange vulnerability she felt.  Necessity required her hair to be shorn almost to her scalp, but that didn’t mean she didn’t feel a pain of regret.  The loss of her hair made her feel naked in a way the harsh wool of the trouser should have.  The trousers, at least, facilitated her movement and helped her hide in plain sight.  
She walked down the docks to the next ship in port and was greeted by a leather faced man with a missing eye, the empty socket puckered and black.  Elizabeth swallowed her revulsion and stepped up to the man with her chin high despite the shaking of her hands.  The man chuckled at her bravado.  He made an awful retching noise and spat up a glob at her feet.  
“Lookin’ fer werk?” he drawled, amused by her if his grin was anything to go by.
“Yes.”  She winced at how high her voice sounded.  She cleared her throat and did her best to flatten the pitch to a gravel that itched her throat.  “Yes, I am.”
The man guffawed and winked lewdly as if he knew her secret.  “We’re dry docked until the captain sobers up.  Try the tavern off the square.  Ask fer Fangs.”
She nodded a thanks and turned back towards the town.  The man’s voice slowed her step and she turned back to him.
“They’re bastards, the whole lotta them,” he said.  “I’d be careful around those curs if I were you, sir.”
Elizabeth scurried away, the man’s hacking laughter haunting her.  She burrowed further into her coat.  If she weren’t able to blend in as a man she’d be found out quickly and sold to the highest bidder, pressed into service at the local bar or brothel, or worse.  Brought back to her mother and pressed into marriage.
It was easy enough to find the square in the bustling town.  Finding the tavern containing a ‘Fangs’, however, was much harder.  Almost every building around the square housed a tavern full of brawling, drunken men stinking of sweat, dirt, and rum, their companions ladies whose hard lives were etched in the lines around their eyes, skirts cut short above the knee.  These were the places her peers whispered about, aghast at the sheer depravity and jealous of the unrestrained revelry.  In all her life, Elizabeth never could have foretold this sort of people could be her saving grace.
It wasn’t until the fifth tavern that she had any luck.  Behind the bar was a rough looking woman, her leather skin beaten by the sun and highlighted with rouge and tattoos.  Elizabeth shouted above the din and the bartender nodded.
“But you din’t want a thing to do with them, laddie.  Only greenhorns looking fer an early grave,” the woman cautioned.
Elizabeth bit her lip to keep from pleading.  This was the third coastal town she’d been to and the first she’d found any hope of leaving Bermuda.  With a sigh, the barkeep nodded towards the back corner of the room where a pair were holding court at a wooden table by the fireplace.  Elizabeth nodded her thanks and picked her way through the rank crowd.
The large one of the pair, dark complected and scowling, gave her pause.  He towered over his companion even while seated, his arms coursed through with muscles borne of fighting the sea.  A black and blue sea snake coursed through waves drawn on his arms, its tail propelling the creature from one wrist to the other.  Next to him sat a petite woman, her long, sun kissed hair strewn through with pink and purple ribbons.  Kohl outlined her dark eyes and brightened her smile.  They made an odd pair in this tavern full of old, sun-beaten men and women, both too young and new to have much experience.
She swallowed down her fear; Elizabeth hadn’t made it this far to let her own prejudices hold her back.  It didn’t matter if they were young or old, experienced or not.  All she needed was a ship that could take her away from this island as quickly as possible.  
“Fangs?” she asked in a wavering voice when she drew near.
The tall man sneered at her and crossed his arms, a threat that made the sea snake writhe along the inked sea.  The woman peered at her in curiosity.  Elizabeth drew her fingers into her palms to keep from rearranging the ill fitting clothes.  Without the gloves she normally wore her nails bit into her skin and the pain reminded her why she was there.
“I heard you were looking to take on crew.”
The man snorted and waved her on, as dismissive a gesture as she’d ever seen at any of Lord Mantle’s dances.  Elizabeth held her ground.
“Are you Fangs?” she repeated.
The woman, taking pity on her, shook her head.  The ribbons danced, a hypnotic wave of color that rivaled any fashionable trend from London.  
“You just missed him.  But I don’t think this is the crew for you,” she said kindly.
Elizabeth was stunned.  Never before had she been denied anything; the daughter of a landed Baron - former Baron - she’d grown up with all manner of worldly creations at her feet.  Anything her hearts desire had been done at once, unless it went against her mother’s wishes.
“And why not?”
The woman raised her eyebrows.  “Have you ever been asea?  Have you ever held on for your life while Poseidon crashed down around you, determined to take you for his own?  Have you ever sat on deck for days on end while Helios does his best to make you believe you’re in a Maharaja’s palace?  Have you ever -“ she glanced down at Elizabeth’s hands, pale and unblemished “-worked a day in your life?”
Fury ran up Elizabeth’s chest into her face; no one dared to speak to her in this way, especially not some commoner.  Her nails bit deeper, drawing a bit of blood.  She squeezed harder until the fury ebbed.  That wasn’t her place anymore.  She was, if nothing else, lower in status than the two in front of her and if she didn’t act with the proper etiquette she would quickly be found out.
“I’m willing to do whatever work you require.”
The tall man snorted and purposefully looked away from her.  “Keep walking.”
“Are you Fangs?” Elizabeth challenged again.
“If I’m not?”
“I was told Fangs was hiring.  If you aren’t Fangs -“
An arm was thrown over her shoulders and she stiffened at the overly familiar touch.  The smell of rum, pomade, and a day spent in the sun overwhelmed her.
“You were looking fer me?”
Elizabeth turned her head a fraction to find a man with close cropped hair crowding her.  “Fangs, I presume?”
He grinned.  “Aye.  And you are?”
“Eli-“ she caught herself, though not quick enough at the woman’s interested glance. “zar.  Elizar Smith.”
“Well then Eli, what fate brings you our way?”  Fangs said as he sat down at the table.  He sloshed out a bottle of amber liquid into three waiting cups and pushed one towards her.  Forgoing a cup, he drank deeply from the bottle.
Elizabeth - Elizar now, she supposed - pursed her lips.  A farce done once was theater; a farce done twice was folly.  
Fangs looked her up and down, a mirror to what had just concluded.  “Can you climb?”
“Yes.  My father couldn’t keep me out of the cork trees he kept.”
“Can you follow orders?”
“I’ve been doing it all my life, I don’t see why I should stop now,” she said sourly, remembrances of all her mother’s chastising coming to mind.
Fangs and the woman laughed at her cheek.  
“Can you cook?”
Her mouth went dry.  A woman of her station always had someone to cook for them, to clean and launder for them, but how hard could manual labor be?  A bit of water, a bit of heat, and you have a meal; a bit of elbow grease, thread, and cloth and you have a sail.  
A lie, though, could not fall from her tongue.  Regardless of her urgency, she’d heard too many stories from her brother of pirates killing their own, hanging them off the side of the deck and watching for sport as the sharks and eels and piranhas leapt to eat their crew.  How easily they’d eat their own companions when food ran low, or how quick they were to draw guns over an insult.  
“No.  I’m afraid I’ve never had the privilege.”
Fangs nodded at her honesty.  He raised his glass in a toast that no one else joined.  “We push off at dawn in two days.  You’ll be paid a hundredth of anything we make, minus provisions.”
He held out his hand and Elizabeth shook it, ignoring his companions.  Business concluded, Elizabeth stood and made a shaky exit.  She escaped into the alley behind the tavern to catch her breath.  Without lies or deception she managed to make her way in the world.  Though she’d never had to do anything more taxing than a waltz with a suitor, she was determined to make this work.  
She had to, if she wanted to be free of this island she’d been brought to as a babe.  The prospect of leaving the broken mess of her mother’s dreams behind; the shame of her sister; the anger of her father.  It was almost too much to be denied it now.
The reality of it made her weak in the knees.
(Cross posted on Ao3)
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hungline · 4 years
Taekoook, will you be my valentine 💜💖 + Greek mythology
wings and wine 
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pairing: taekook 
genre: angst, fluff, greek mythology au, pre-slash au, rated pg13
warnings: dionysus!kook, hermes!tae, mentions of alcohol, zeus 
a/n: jey, i don’t think you know what monster you unleashed within me, but i LOVE mythology so thank you for this prompt, u angel
words: 1521 
summary: He may have been the patron god of tricksters and thieves, but at least he was honest and Jeongguk found that to be the most important fact of all.
+ tag list: @jooneos​​ @kirtikagarg​ @disrespectfulkookies​ @roseyjongdae​ @reeneryu​​ @joonsvalentine​ @smoochkook​ ✨
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When Jeongguk is made an Olympian, he decides that Hermes is the only god he can trust as far as he can throw him.
He may be new to the Olympian scene, but he understands a lot more than he lets on.
Hera cannot stand the sight of him and he burns to strike her down for what she did to his mother. Ares is too busy drowning in blood to spend any kind of time with him when the humans keep invoking his name to fight their wars for them. Apollo hides behind smiles that do not reach his eyes and flattery that makes Jeongguk’s skin crawl while Artemis is simply cold, only caring about her brother and her hunters. Athena makes him feel small with nothing but a glance from her blank, gray eyes and Hephaestus is sincere but easily distracted by his inventions and his wife. Aphrodite only approaches him when she wants something from him. Poseidon is as arctic as the sea and often acts as if Jeongguk doesn’t exist. Demeter can only focus on the harvest and the situation with her daughter, Kore, lest she runs wild with madness.
Hermes claps him on the shoulder and grins at him as his domain finishes settling into him, the weight of thousands of new offerings and followers resting within him. When he offers his congratulations, Jeongguk knows that he truly means what he says. Despite being the god of tricksters, thieves, and travelers, Hermes is the most straightforward and honest of all the Olympians.
Once Jeongguk’s domain has been officially proclaimed, Zeus barely spares him a glance, his disappointment in Jeongguk all too clear.
Jeongguk doesn’t understand why this is the case since gods do not choose their domains. Their domains choose them. How Zeus ever ended up “cheating” his brothers out of their deal to divide between sky, sea, and earth, Jeongguk doesn’t know and his self-preservation is strong enough to keep him from asking.
He has always belonged to wine, winemaking, and festivities, but now he also belongs to pleasure and theatre. Jeongguk knows that many of the other gods have always seen him as nothing but a foolish drunk and while he can feel the buzz of his power tingling near his core, he does his best to not draw attention to the rest of his specialties. There is something else residing within him, something hidden but present in his power as he explores it. Its jagged edges mesh with the smoothness of Jeongguk’s call on wine yet it does not reveal itself to him no matter how much he prods at it.
He takes the throne that Hestia gave up for him and finds himself itching to return to his forests and the large cities he has always found himself inexplicably drawn to. He wants to go down and mingle with the humans, bringing them joy and a way to forget their troubles by losing themselves in drink and dance. There is much war and death but birth and life as well. All of it should be celebrated; every victory, every loss, and every important event.
During Jeongguk’s first Olympian meeting, nothing of interest takes place. He is bored within a few minutes and finds his gaze drifting towards Hermes.
Hermes spares him a glance only once during the meeting but it is enough to power Jeongguk through the rest of the hours spent bored out of his mind.
As soon as they are free to do so, Jeongguk leaves Mount Olympus and returns to his forest, following a well-traveled path that will lead him straight into the heart of the forest. He and Pan have a drinking contest to hold between themselves and the Council of Cloven Elders. Pan is certain that he can outdrink Silenus and Jeongguk is certain that they are both fools if they believe they can last in a drinking contest against him.
He pauses as the flutter of wings suddenly erupts behind him, a golden light shimmering across the flora of the woods.
“Message for me already?” Jeongguk asks, not daring to turn around until the golden light has died down around him.
Hermes is smirking when their gazes meet, his black hair tousled in waves that frame his face beautifully. He may not be considered as attractive as Apollo or Aphrodite but Jeongguk knows beauty when he sees it and Hermes is it.
“No. More of a warning from me,” Hermes says.
Jeongguk pauses, brow crumpling with confusion. “Why would you be warning me?”
“You may not know it yet, but you carry a cruel and dangerous power with you,” Hermes declares, his expression devoid of his usual humor. “You need to be careful or that power will turn against you.”
“What power?”
Hermes tilts his head to the side, drawing closer as he lowers his voice. Just because no one is there doesn’t mean someone isn’t listening in after all. “Madness. You carry it within you and you will use it against humans in the future. Apollo’s Oracle told me herself.”
Jeongguk blinks, unsure of what to say or do. Birds chirp in the surrounding trees, the wind picking up suddenly around them so leaves begin to swirl in the air. It smells of wild berries and the bark of the trees but none of that is enough to distract Jeongguk from the situation at hand.
“Why would she tell you that? Why do you even care?” Jeongguk finally manages to ask, his voice rough.
Hermes smiles at him but it is cold and devoid of its usual mischief. “I like humans. I didn’t learn medicine and fight the illnesses Pandora’s Box unleashed for nothing. I don’t want to have to deal with you if you end up driving humans insane, Dionysus. We’re family after all.”
Jeongguk shivers despite himself. “And we are also not family as well. I can understand why you would want to protect humanity, but that doesn’t give me any reason to believe you. You could just be saying this to intimidate me into submission. You may be the most honest of all the Olympians, but that does not mean you never lie.”
“Will giving you my true name be enough to convince you that I speak nothing but the truth?” Hermes asks after another moment has passed.
“You would do that?” Jeongguk splutters. “For humans, you would do that?”
Shocked does not begin to cover what Jeongguk feels at that moment. True names are not meant to be given lightly. Having another being’s true name gives someone power over them, a power the being cannot easily resist. Jeongguk knows of only one being in the world who is unaffected by the power of their true name and that is Typhon, the father of all monsters.
For Hermes to be offering his true name in exchange for Jeongguk’s restraint must mean that this is devastatingly important.
Hermes steps forward and cups a hand around his jaw, dipping down until his lips are brushing against the shell of Jeongguk’s ear. His hot breath sends shivers down his spine but Jeongguk ignores his inappropriate response to the older god’s proximity and braces himself. The weight of a god’s true name is no laughing matter. Jeongguk will need all his strength to not show any outward signs of strain when Hermes shares his name.
“Taehyung,” Hermes murmurs quietly, so quiet that Jeongguk has to strain to hear him correctly.
It feels like the wind has been knocked out of his lungs, his feet have been swept out from underneath him and he has collided head-first with stone. His vision blurs for a moment, his shoulder sagging underneath the sudden heavy pressure but it passes after a few seconds have passed and Jeongguk finds himself leaning against Taehyung’s side to stay upright.
“You mean it then,” Jeongguk groans, trying to blink away the spots in his vision. “I could tell if you were lying.”
“You could do a lot worse to me,” Taehyung responds. “You have my name now but I know you won’t abuse it.”
Jeongguk sways dangerously, his head pounding with the aftershocks of receiving a true name. “Why would you do that for them?”
Taehyung shrugs, stepping back now that Jeongguk is able to stand on his own. “They’re worth it.”
He disappears within the next second, Jeongguk having enough sense to close his eyes before Taehyung shows his true godly form. Golden light bathes his closed eyelids but he does not open them again until the light has returned to its normal yellow glow and Jeongguk can no longer feel the presence of another powerful being.
“I can tell this is going to end horribly,” Jeongguk mutters to himself as he continues on the path he was taking earlier. “But I’ll do my best to not harm them. Only for you, Taehyung.”
And with that solemn promise now having been made, Jeongguk allows himself to focus on less trivial matters such as the drinking contest he is going to win in a landslide as soon as he gets his hands on Pan.
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