somepancakeonline5377 · 8 months
Also while I’m in my RTC mode
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raviolism9 · 3 months
Ok hi I am QUITE LITERALLY coming back from the dead just to rant & post about Mischa F**king Bachinski bc I have nowhere else and I NEED somebody to talk to about this. This is my roman empire & RtC has taken over my life 😔
So for all the RtC fans, we all know Jane's story was the saddest, obviously. But nobody talks about how ACTUALLY TRAGIC MISCHA'S LIFE & DEATH WAS. Had an amazing life in Ukraine, & BAM. His mom died of uranium exposure, so she set him up for adoption, thinking she was protecting him. Instead, he was forced to move to Canada, TO A CITY NAMED AFTER THE VERY THING THAT KILLED HIS MOTHER, with some of the actually most neglectful & abusive parents known to man. They practically shoved him into their basement & only left him food there, not even interacting with him, and when he did get out, his "new parents" would weep & shoo him away like an insect.
Because of this, AND FOR GOOD REASON, he became pissed at people & with life, and was dubbed the "angriest boy in town," when in reality he just had a sh**ty life & was just acting out because of his horrible neglect. And the one thing that kept him happy in his life, his online girlfriend Talia, might've not even been real (just an fyi, I hate the catfishing theory, but unfortunately it is a very likely possibility ☹️) . The one thing that made him passionate & brought him joy & meaning in his life wasn't even guaranteed to happen or even be true.
And the worst part? When he died on the Cyclone? If Talia is real (which I HC she was), she probably thought she got ghosted by a man that would go to the ends of the earth for her. He would kill & die for this woman, and she might've never even learned what happened to him after the accident, and thought that he never loved her at all, when she was actually the only person that he truly cared about. He cared to the point where even in the afterlife, he was haunted by her projections, always chasing her but never being able to be in the image's grasp, even when it shines onto his own heart.
Not only that, but he was also forced to make a choice between never knowing what kind of a future they would've had, or risking seeing it, & either mourning after witnessing the beautiful life they could've had together, or having his heart shattered after seeing that his Talia was just a fraud from the start.
Mischa was 17. He did not deserve the life he had because holy sh*t he is genuinely one of the most depressing characters I can name after thinking about it this much. Like Jane Doe is insanely tragic yes but NO ONE TALKS ABOUT THIS 😭
(also side note, as a Slavic person, Talia (as in the song) singlehandedly has the best Ukranian rep I have ever seen in ANY modern media. Hats off to the musicians & choreographers; it's clear you did your research 👏👏👏)
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bi-shop · 1 year
i am desperately trying to think of a name for this au but all i could think of is 'get on the whirlwind' and i hate that i couldn't think of anything better please god i need to think of a good name before i tag these
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penny lamb , the unluckiest girl in town (=> mischa) - she never got a break in st. cassians no words can describe the amount of bullying she faces . the only reason she wasn't left unidentified is because she has foster parents instead of being left by herself and ezra
"c?" (=> jane) - she was nice . forgot a lot of things including her own name . only remembers the 'happy memories'
ocean o'connell rosenberg , the fiercest girl in town (=> ricky) - got a pretty bad leg fracture that made her slow down on her game , which ruined her as she no longer lives up to her own high expectations . somehow more unbearable than before yet stopped insulting people ?
mischa blackwood bachinski , the gentlest boy in town (=> constance) - was put in a good loving environment so he isn't filled with rage . still , trying to cope with the death of his mother and feeling like he doesn't belong in uranium was tough
richard potts , the most artistic boy in town (=> noel) - has jumped to creating by doing art and writing to make the most of his short life . if he's going to go he'll at least release the stories in his head first
noel gruber , the most determined boy in town (=> ocean) - studies hard so he could leave uranium to move to france . partly because uranium sucks and partly because he'll go there to do drag , why would i Not include his historical oc monique gibeau
you can guess which one i had the most fun developing
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feel free to ask anything ! i do put a lot of thought into this !
also virgil and karnak because i Have to include them ... has anyone thought of swapping any of the choir kids with karnak yet
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jklovesfandoms · 2 years
Okay, so we all know about the (in my opinion, disgusting) theory that Noel is catfishing Mischa, right?
Have you considered, this theory/story that is my personal favorite? Even if I made it myself, lol.
Mischa Bachinski and Natalia Bolinska are two 10 year old best friends. Mischa Bachinski, a child raised by his single, sickly mother, Tamara, makes a promise to his mother who's been by his side, no matter what the world has thrown at her, that she will see him get married one day. That she will not die before she gets to watch her son have the most gorgeous wedding ceremony.
He makes a deal with his best friend since before diapers, Natalia Muruska Bolinska. They will marry each other, to make sure that Tamara at least gets that in her life. That she gets one glimmer of hope before joining her husband, and Talia's mother, in the afterlife.
Natalia Muruska Bolinska never knew her mother, and has been raised by her poor father, and by Tamara. She would do anything to make Tamara, who is essentially her own mother, happy before she passes.
They know they're too young to get married, but before the time they can, Tamara changes Mischa's birth certificate, and he gets adopted. Mischa and Talia never get married, and Talia, across the sea, keeps her best friend and fiance in the know about his mother's condition. And how it's getting worse and worse by the day.
On opposite sides of the world, the two best friends and lovers save as much money as possible, since they still have a chance to get complete a long time promise.
The day before Mischa is punished by joining the choir, Tamara Bachinski passes away in her sleep. Talia breaks the news, and Mischa weeps for the loss of his mother. It may be his adopted brother's (his cousin's, as he was told to say) birthday, but the communion wine he steals isn't just to celebrate a birthday. It's to mourn a mother that he will never embrace again, and a promise he will never keep.
The next day, he is punished, by joining the choir, and his teary eyes fall upon Noel Gruber. And Mischa's grief-filled brain is finally broken by a moment of love, love that he's only felt for one other before, his beloved Talia. So that's who he talks about, he introduces himself to the choir, and introduces Talia, as if she is standing next to him, and not preparing a funeral for the only mother figure she's ever had.
After a month of pining, and feeling guilty about sharing his love between two, Mischa messages his love, not only to check in on the Ukrainian girl, but also to inform her of his discovered feelings.
'My love, there is a boy in my choir, and I'm afraid of how he's making me feel'
It takes Talia a while to respond, but she does.
'How is he making you feel?'
Mischa pauses. How can he tell his fiance about him having the same emotions for a man he met barely over a month ago, and for her? He simply rips off the bandaid.
'I fear that I am in love with him, but I feel as though I barely know him '
'That's okay, my dear. Why do you fear love? You hold much of it in your heart, so why are you holding yourself back from showing it?'
Mischa pauses. His fiance has always made him stop and think, rather than rushing in like he's always wanted to. Talia makes him pause, just like his mother did.
'Because, my love, I am engaged to you, I am saving money to move back to Ukraine and marry you, in honor of Tamara'
'I know you are. But your heart is more than big enough to love two, so why are you stopping yourself from it? I give you permission to show care, and passion, my love. Even if you don't need it from me. You need it from yourself'
Mischa almost weeps, for Talia was right. He didn't just need permission from her, but he needed permission from himself. The tears pouring down his face, while he is collapsed in on himself, on the floor of one of the cleanest men's restrooms in the Saint Cassian Catholic High School, are all the permission he needs. But he checks, for he never wishes to hurt his best friend.
'So, are you okay with me pursuing love with him?'
He didn't realize that he had been crying for 5 minutes without responding to his fiance.
'I am fine with it under two conditions. One, what is the name of the man who has gripped my love's heart as much as I have? Two, what does that man look like?'
Mischa quickly replies
'His name is Noel Gruber, and he has the one of the most angelic face I've ever seen, besides yours, and my mother's, of course. Give me a moment, I may be able to find a picture of him.'
It doesn't take long for Mischa to find a picture of Noel on the school's website. Considering there's not that many programs, and the Chamber Choir only had one singing low voice before Mischa joined, it wasn't difficult. And as soon as he finds it, he's quickly sending it to his fiance.
'This Noel, is almost more gorgeous and handsome than you are'
And his fiance would never be more right. Noel Gruber is HOT, and that was clear.
'I am very aware of that, my darling'
'I approve of him. If you'd like to invite him into our relationship, I'd fully support, and I would love to talk to him, at some point'
Mischa was shocked. His fiance approved! She allowed! She wanted to talk to his crush!
'Thank you my love, I shall keep you informed, no matter what happens. But it's getting late'
It was very late in Ukraine.
'Goodnight my love, I shall message you again, when the sun graces my eyes.'
He reacted with a heart, and shut off his phone. He slowly realizes that he's been crying on the floor of a bathroom, in a school he hates, in a country he hates, for the past 24 minutes. Slowly, Mischa lifts himself from the floor, opens the door of the stall, and sees his dark red, teary eyes, staring back at him. He stutters towards the sinks, splashing himself with the coldest water the faucet can muster, trying to cool the redness on his face. Mischa Bachinski, in his long 30 minutes in the bathroom, builds a plan.
The next day, after a night of isolation in his adopted "parents" basement, Mischa walks into the choir room with a mission, and a plan.
He arrives before most anyone else does. Father Marcus (or as Mischa calls him, behind his hearing aid, Father Bitch) hasn't arrived, due to his old age and slow movement. In fact, the only other people there are Constance and Ocean. Mischa quickly grabs a chair to sit backwards on, and waits impatiently for Noel to arrive.
Finally, the clicks of crutches start clacking down the hallway to the choir room, and Mischa hopes that Noel is following beside them. Mischa's hopes quickly become fulfilled, when the angel that is Noel Gruber opens the door for Ricky.
"Ugh, I can't believe that I can't do that history project on France! It's picking a country and summarizing their history! I know French history!" Noel complains.
Mischa knows that project, due to having history much earlier in the day. He'll write about Ukraine, and how much Canada has destroyed his country.
"Noel! Angel, I am so sorry that you can't write about France. You'd write so beautifully"
Noel, was visibly shocked. The 'Ukrainian Badboy' who talked about nothing outside of how much he hated being here, and his fiance in Ukraine, was talking to him in a way that Noel has never heard before.
"Thank you, Mischa?"
Noel is extremely confused by Mischa's odd behavior. And Mischa is almost hurt by the questioning in Noel's voice.
Before either can even think of another thought, Father Marcus comes through the door, and forces the choir to start. Mischa continues trying to show his affection to Noel, despite often talking about his beloved fiance. Noel continues to be confused, and scared that Mischa is cheating on his fiance by the near aggressive flirting. Several months go by, and Talia gets many various messages from an increasingly frustrated Mischa.
'My love, I am approaching the third month of trying to capture Noel's attention, but I am not getting any closer! What am I doing wrong?'
In Ukraine, something finally clicks for Natalia.
'My darling, do you still mention me to the choir, and call me your fiance?'
'Why of course I do! You are my fiance, and one of the loves of my life! How could I not talk about you?'
And the final puzzle piece was placed.
'Have you told Noel that he is welcome to our relationship? That I am very fine, and happy that my beloved has more than enough love for multiple people? Perhaps he believes you are trying to cheat on me with him, so he feels uncomfortable acknowledging your attempts?'
And in Uranium City, Saskatchewan, Canada, a finished puzzle set is dumped onto a certain Ukrainian.
'oh. I don't think I did. That.... Would make sense'
'I figured something like that was happening.'
'I must inform him, thank you my love'
And out in Kiev, Ukraine, a young woman named Natalia, is smiling at the innocence that her fiance still holds.
The very next day, at the Saint Cassian Chamber Choir practice, Mischa pulls Noel outside during one of the short breaks that Father Marcus only gives to give himself a break from hearing.
"Noel, I'd like to apologize for the way I have been acting over the last 3 months. It was... Inappropriate, to say the least. I owe you an explanation."
Noel was shocked, finally Mischa would explain his weird behavior over the past several months of choir, and just in time for spring break of junior year.
"Yes! Thank you, I've been needing an explanation from you! You can't use me to cheat on your fiance!"
Mischa looks near ashamed at the mention.
"Speaking of my fiance, Talia. I have been asking her for advice over the last several months, and she gave me permission to ask you this."
Noel looks very nervous for the question he's about to be asked, and Mischa looks even more nervous to ask it.
"Noel Gruber, since the day I have set eyes on you, I felt emotions that I have only felt for one other before. I have asked that one, and she wishes for happiness and love to be spread, so will you allow me to take all the pain from your soul, and in the passion factory of my heart, transform it into functional joy, by becoming my boyfriend?"
"Mischa Bachinski.... Who knew you were such a romantic? I'd love to be your boyfriend! But I'd like to talk to your fiance. Make sure that she's okay with it still?"
Mischa is nearly overjoyed, leaping into a hug that looks as aggressive as a wild bear, but for Noel, is as sweet and soft as a teddy bear.
"Of course! Of course! Talia has been begging to meet you! Oh she's going to be overjoyed!"
Father Marcus forced apart their sweet moment, by calling the choir back together, but no one noticed the two boys in the back, holding hands with each other.
Anyways, that was very long, thank you for reading, lmao. (this was originally supposed to be like 5-10 sentences.... I think I went overboard) anyways, hope you enjoyed, and watch ride the cyclone!
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im back hehehehehe could i get some headcanons of like. dating mischa. or ricky- either one- i <3 them sm
dating mischa and ricky
pairings: ricky potts x gn reader, mischa bachinski x gn reader
warnings: mentions of the rollercoaster disaster
a/n: i’ll give you both because ily liz <3
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Ricky Potts
okay so
he’s really sweet!!
100% randomly comes to your house and signs something like “wanna go stargazing”
you WILL say yes.
when you’re stargazing he doesn’t actually look at the other stars, because his star is beside him <3
you best believe his cats love you
they love you more than they love him
sometimes they just walk straight past him to get to you <3
i like to think he has a thing for noses, so when he’s close enough he’ll just lean in and kiss it so gently <33 or poke it
i feel like he gets tired really easily and stays up until like 3am
and because he loves you and he feels comfortable with you he leans his head on your shoulder and falls asleep!!
during the cyclone disaster, my man was holding your hand so hard and trying to keep you (and himself) from falling out of the cart
long story short it didn’t work and you fell together
back to the sweet stuff!!
you know all of the zolar lore and characters and give him stickers for his crutches
between classes he runs (runs??? he gets to you as quickly as he can with his crutches) and hugs you so tight
calls you the most random things ever
turkey-chicken-leg, monkey-love-drop (ofc <3)
im sorry but he would have called you kitten at one point. joke or not he 100% would have once. someone had to say it
i do think he’d call you love though
he loves you!! so much!!
penny aka his bestie has had to listen to him talk about you for hours
he’s very clingy!! constantly touching you in some way or is always near you
lightly hits you with his crutches when you say something outta pocket or questionable
your parent(s) LOVE him
he has that “anything for you love! <3” mentality and your parent(s) can tell this!! they know hed do anything for you and it’s why they love him!!
omg binge watching movies that take place in space with him <3
he gets so absorbed into the plots and points out every little thing
he’s so cute
will CRY (happily ofc) if you learn sign language for him
oh!! you’d also have a way to communicate from across the room if you can’t speak directly
like you’ll be visibly uncomfortable or tense and he’ll give you a concerned look or something to ask if he needs to come over there
i think he would be really protective, glaring at anyone who makes you uncomfortable and sometimes protectively putting a crutch or arm in front of you
incorrect quote!!:
Ricky: you want some leftovers?
Y/N: what are leftovers
Ricky: you’ve never had leftovers?
Y/N: no, im not a quitter
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Mischa Bachinski
dear lord
the most overprotective soul ever
has body slammed ocean for looking at you weirdly…
will fight someone for you
just ask
also has that “anything for you love! <3” mentality but it’s more aggressive like “ANYTHING for you, love.”
oh he definitely uses you as an armrest
i like the idea of him and his s/o having a mean/nice dynamic
he’s mean to literally everyone except you
he’s also the type to put things on a shelf you can’t reach just so you have to ask him for help
sometimes he just picks you up in the middle of class and runs away while the teacher is screaming at you guys to come back
only listens to you
ocean: mischa no!! | mischa: mischa yes!! | y/n: mischa no | mischa: mischa no.
writes autotuned songs about you
okay but like imagine being his sweet sunshine s/o and one day someone pisses you off enough that you actually yell at them and he’s standing there with his jaw dropped and eyes widened
whispers over to noel “i love them.”
noel whispers back “i know.”
randomlt shows up at your house
if he can’t get in through the front door he scarily climbs through your window
secretly the little spoon when you cuddle during sleepovers but don’t tell anyone
smiles into your neck, but pretends he doesn’t even though he knows you can feel it <3
it someone talks smack about you
they mysteriously disappear that night
and when they come back they don’t even look in your direction again
he’s actually very sweet with you!!
holding your hand, cupping your face, whispering sweet little nothings in your ear <3
brings you alcohol on your birthday…
incorrect quote:
Mischa: *kicks the door down looking panicked*
Y/N: what did you do?
Mischa: nobody died
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ginger-lime · 8 months
Will Wood (and the Tapeworms) Songs as Ride the Cyclone Characters!
Recently decided to wade through Will Wood's discography more and I think some of the songs by the 30-something year old dude really embody them
How this half asleep rant will work:
[Character]: [Song(s)]
Explanation of why song is chosen
"Certain excerpts from the song I think embody the goober chosen"
Note: all songs wils be linked when they're written (mostly as youtube lyric videos), also this will probably be very long
Ocean O'Connell Rosenburg: The Main Character
Local ‘gifted kid’ teenager has yet to find out that the world doesn't revolve around her and stepping on anyone who doesn't fit in with her isn’t okay, more at 7
"I mean, imagine if protagonists just died in the first scene"
"I loot plot armor from NPC’s / Well, they are to me"
Noel Gruber: Suburbia Overture / Greetings from Mary Bell Township! / (Vampire) Culture / Love Me, Normally
This song (in my opinion) is really the embodiment of Noel's character. attempting to fit in, being told to "tone it down" by his mother until eventually arriving in the afterlife and essentially going "fuck it, we ball" with Noel's Lament (and Vampire Culture in this allegory) until eventually arriving at a state of peace with Love Me, Normally/It's Just a Ride
"a snowflake only matters in a blizzard"
Mischa Bachinski: 6up 5oh Cop-Out (Pro / Con & ¡Aikido! (Neurotic / Erotic)
6up 5oh with it's plot(?) of running from the police and proceeding to get mistreated by them is how Mischa is viewed by essentially everyone is Saskatchewan (and to an extent how he lets them see him). While ¡Aikido!, is more of his 'passion' side, specifically with Talia. The more aggressive reprise at the end of Aikido in the 2020 remaster also reminds me allot of the techno section of 'Talia'.
"It's never too late to embrace your fate"
"So we can touch instead of feel"
Ricky Potts: White Noise & Dr. Sunshine Is Dead
Imagine being so forgotten by everyone around you so the innocent bean stereotype is put on you automatically despite the fact that you’re real personality is far from that and then having a mini identity crisis over it
"You're not meant to sing along"
"I'm no one if I'm nowhere in between"
Jane Doe: Big Fat Bitchie’s Blueberry Pie, Christmas Tree, and Recreational Jell-o Emporium a.k.a. “Mr. Boy is on the Roof Again” (Feat. Pasta by Sneakers McSqueakers) [From “B.F.B.’s B-Sides: Bagel Batches, Marsh-Mallows, & Barsh-Mallows”]
No thoughts, story, or plot, just funky carnival music
Constance Blackwood: Falling Up
This song is essentially 'Sugar Cloud' but more melancholy. This is what I'd imagine a song about Constance's life before she died would be about, or Constance's Monologue in song form. What especially reminded me of her monologue was the rapid fire listing of objects and even the title 'Falling Up' being repeated in the song feeling like the roller coaster when it derailed. They're falling but being upside down it feels more like they're flying.
"You make a wish upon the dead, but turn and call it a weed"
"Much larger than life, 'cause from such height / Life looks awful small"
"Well, I cry on skies of blue linoleum, Clouds o' spilled milk"
Penny Lamb: Willard!
Aspiring animal conservationist doesn't know how to relate to "normal" people partially due to her upbringing. Parts of the song were the singer wants animal traits the make their life easier reminds me of Penny's whole "I vomit fire" thing before absolutely destroying JK-47
“Until frustration makes me wish my teeth were sharp as yours”
“I've never understood what humans do and want / It's quite confusing to me to try to connect / Never learned how I should feel, instincts somehow stunted”
Extra characters outside of the choir:
I'll go less in depth for these as i think most of these are self-explanatory
Karnak: Memento Mori: the most important thing in the world
funky sentient machine is constantly aware of his imminent death and decides to be a goofy goober because of it
Virgil: Tomcat Disposables
rat just wants to vibe and chew on a power cable. oopsies he's dead now
Monique Gibeau: White Knuckle Jerk & Front Street
oh em gee she's so gorgeous and dangerous and the world described in Noel's Lament is very gritty and a little gross
Ezra Lamb: Euthanasia (Live)
this mostly feeds into my hc that Ezra ditched school to go to the fair with the choir and had to see his sister get beheaded, being completely inconsolable, and not being listened to because he's "a kid looking for attention"
It's the end yay!!
That's the end folks! I really enjoyed making this (i am a very big fan of both rtc and will wood) there were a lot of other songs i wanted to include (skeleton appreciation day, i/me/myself etc.) but didn't because either
a. they fit too many characters for me to just pin one to them or
b. the character already had two songs assigned to them
i hope anybody reading this is having a good day/night and listens to will wood more in the future ig
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neonartistycauseidk · 17 days
Sooooo….. tell me about this rtc x catcf au of urs…. 😈😈😈😈
HOOOOOOOOGHH HUHUUUHUHHU!!! You’re asking for it!!!!
Okay, so, I’ve been thinking about this concept for the past couple months or so, and I’ve just finally settled on the roles (at least for the kids, Karnak is another thing in and of itself)…
Let’s go in order of song for the kids (in terms of roles):
Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg: Miranda Mary Piker
Noel Gruber: Violet Beauregarde
Mischa Bachinski: Mike Teavee
Ricky Potts: Charlie Bucket
Jane Doe: Veruca Salt
Constance Blackwood: Augustus Gloop
Miranda Mary Piker is one of Dahl’s scrapped characters for the original “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” book and was originally intended to be the daughter of a school master who HATED the idea of holidays/breaks from school/work and wanted to straight up ban them. In the story, she “died” after ending up inside (I believe it was referred to as) “spotty-powder machine” and, assumably, turned into spotty powder. Coming out of the factory, Miranda had red/orange spots on her face…and even in some versions…began to laugh uncontrollably as beforehand, she was a very “no-funny business” girl.
That aside, in my headcannons for her, Miranda was heavily pressured by her parents to be “a winner” and “the best of the best.” This kind of mentality sticks with Miranda and is tough to break out of. With that being said, what role fits our little over-achiever better than Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg?
Now onto Violet…Idk…it just…sorta made sense to me? If I included Marvin Prune (another of Dahl’s scrapped characters) he’s likely fill this role—-but since he’s not, Violet was the next best option. It’s half because I headcannon her as a lesbian and half because I think she and Miranda would have a rivalry with one another (like Ocean and Noel), mainly because of their strict parents who force them into reaching the “highest heights possible” in life. Also, since she’d be a female Noel…instead of Monique being her alter-ego, instead it’d be filled by “Jean Gibeau”…a male version of Monique. (She’d also change into more masculine clothing for her song).
Okay, I think this next one shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise…I mean…“The angriest boy in town”? Who do we know who fits that to a ‘T’? Well, Mike, of course! There’s also, of course all of his dialogue revolving around his phone and social media so…I mean…yeah. I get why people would cast him as Ricky (due to him being imaginative/a literal genius) but…idk, this just makes more sense to me.
Next, Charlie…Your ideas for him as Constance work VERY well…however, hear me out on this one! Hear me out! So, what do we know about Charlie? He aspires to be an inventor/chocolatier just like Wonka and is INCREDIBLY imaginative…Now, what was Ricky’s title again? “The most imaginative boy in town”…LISTEN…I MEAN…ITS LITERALLY IN THE NAME. Many people also headcannon that Charlie’s a genius, like Wonka, so—-for me, at least, it’s not too much of a stretch for him to say all of those “groundbreaking/intelligent” lines. Also, just as a note, “Space Age Bachelor Man” would be re-written to better fit his character since…uh…the cat-love stuff isn’t really…Charlie’s forte, lets say. (I feel like the name should be changed to “Space Age Candyman”, thoughts? And yes, he’s still in space…Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator exists after all).
Now…Veruca. Listen, even though I think it’d make sense to have Miranda as Jane (due to her LITERALLY being a scrapped character, thus limiting who knows her story and name) BUT…In this universe, Veruca being Jane almost makes sense. See, many people headcannon that Jane/Penny’s parents were never really there for her, per-say, and who do we also know aren’t really there for their kid? The Salts. Sure, they spoil her…but spoiling isn’t love. If anything…it turns people into monsters. But in this au, Veruca doesn’t turn into an angry, fear-mongering little rich girl…in fact, it actually leads her to become lonely and feel she isn’t loved by anyone…So, naturally, at St. Cassains (lets just say the story takes place in Uranium, still) Veruca is outcasted and seen as “the weird girl” who comes from that really rich family that nobody really knows too much about other than their famous nut business. Also, can’t leave this out…in the broadway version (referencing “Veruca’s Nutcracker Sweet”) she is LITERALLY TORN APART LIMB FROM LIMB. That includes, of course…her head.
Finally, Augustus. Yes, again, Charlie and Constance makes sense…however, something about Augustus and Constance just…fits for me. In WWATCF specifically, there isn’t a lot of evidence leading to Augustus being a jerk or even a “rotten kid” despite his parents kinda just…giving him more food to eat and him being a foodie. In fact, I’d argue any bad behaviors of Augustus are just endorsed by his parents and never addressed because…well, they caused it. (The same argument could be made for literally any of the other kids and their parents…but I digress). Anyway, in this au, Augustus never had these types of problems with his parents (or unhealthy relationships with food)…and I think that without all of that? Augustus would be a very good kid. Not a Charlie, per-say…but a good kid with a big heart. And because of that? The title of “nicest girl (or rather boy) in town” works quite nicely. It’s the only thing he’s really known for, really. His kindness…and…well…thats about it. Oh, except for the fact that his parents own the best bakery in town, of course! (Yes, the butcher shop is changed to the bakery in this…AND IT STILL FITS). Also, also…I headcannon that Augustus and Miranda would eventually end up as close friends…perhaps even lovers (blackrose, anyone?) in the future…so, in this world…bestie Augustus and Miranda just works.
So uh…that’s my casting! For the kids, anyway…Karnak I’m stuck between it being Wonka or Mr. Wilkinson (from the 1971 movie)…I’m leaning more towards Wonka because of certain headcannons I have that would make this au…EVEN SADDER.
Any more questions? (You have no idea how happy I am that I’m getting asked about this!!! EEEEEEEEE!!!!
“I’ve waited YEARS for someone to ask me about theories…! Hang on, I made a model!!! :)”
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Bonheur Éternel
A Ride the Cyclone/Little Misfortune AU by @kittieshauntedourfantasy
I do not own "Little Misfortune", nor do I own Ride the Cyclone. I am merely combining these two things to make my own AU.
FANART AND FANFICTION ARE MORE THAN WELCOME! Other fanworks are totally encouraged, too! I'd love to see this grow and gain some interest.
More info under the cut.
For anyone unaware, "Little Misfortune" is an interactive story video game developed by Killmonday Games (the same people that made "Fran Bow"). It follows the tale of Misfortune, an eight-year-old girl from a household with an alcoholic mother and abusive father. The game begins with the narrator, "Mr. Voice", stating that Misfortune will die that day. He tells Misfortune that he has prepared a game for her, and if she wins she will get Eternal Happiness. Along the way, Misfortune repeatedly encounters a fox named Benjamin, whom she has a crush on. Mr. Voice is insistent on her staying away from him.
Noel Gruber takes the role of Misfortune. Although being intelligent and mature for his age, he still maintains his innocence and naivety. He is unsure how to feel sometimes, as he was never taught, and is easily irritated. He immediately jumps at the chance to get Eternal Happiness, as he'd like to give it to his mother, and he'd do anything for her (although that's not mutual). Although hesitant to comply at first in fear of getting in trouble with his abusive father, he gains more confidence as the quest continues.
The Amazing Karnak takes the role of Mr. Voice/Morgo. Dubbed "Claude" by Noel, Karnak is only able to be heard by Noel. Originally having chose Noel for the game due to his innocence and naivety, Karnak quickly regrets his decision, as he thinks that the boy is too talkative and an absolute mess. Despite this, he acts kind and parental to Noel in order to more easily trick the boy into blindly following him.
Mischa Bachinski takes the role of Benjamin. A lynx that Noel spotted in the trash one day, Mischa is a constant presence in Noel's life, but he never directly interacts with the boy. He runs away at most interactions with him. Karnak is extremely bitter towards him, and makes nasty comments whenever he's brought up. Noel, on the other hand, is completely enamored with him.
Ricky Potts takes the role of Hiro. He's the ghost of a missing child, and one of Noel's good friends. Despite their friendship, there's a language barrier between them – English and ASL. Ricky understands Noel just fine, but Noel can't understand anything that comes from Ricky.
Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg, Constance Blackwood, Penny Lamb, and Ezra Lamb all take the roles of missing children. They're kids from Noel's school, and he knows at least a little bit about all of them, even if he doesn't like them. They all disappeared one day and never returned, their fates unknown. Everyone in town knows their faces from the missing posters that are plastered everywhere.
If there are any questions, please ask me! I'd love to answer them! I've had this AU rotating in my brain for a while, and I'm happy to finally share it.
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What if the Ride the Cyclone choir was in a Danganronpa killing game?
This is my guess on what they'd be like, their talent, their deaths or if they survive, etc. Name: Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg
Ultimate: Senator
What they would do: Ocean would definitely be the one to take charge, like the Ishimaru of the game, but her speeches would be similar to the ones she had in the play.
If she were to be a victim, she'd probably be a victim to someone who's tired of her self-centred views. Or Noel.
If she were to kill someone, the motive would have to be really tempting. Or she might crack under the pressure of the killing game.
If she were to be a traitor or a MM, it would probably be because she wanted to use a twisted way to prove that what the world needs is people like her, and only people who work hard and are ambitious should be able to live.
If she were to be a survivor, she'd definitely see how her worldview was wrong in the end, and get the development she got in the play.
Misc. Things:
I see her participating a lot in the trials.
I can't really imagine her dying early...
Name: Constance Blackwood
Ultimate: Baker
What they would do: Constance would cheer everyone up with treats while Ocean does her speeches. She'd try and get along with everyone. She definitely wouldn't want any deaths.
If she were to be killed, I think someone would've taken advantage of her kindness...
If she were to be a killer, she'd be fed up with everyone acting as if being nice was all that there was to her. She'd snap just like she did in the musical. Or it might've been a motive that put her loved ones in danger.
If she were to be a traitor or a MM, it'd kinda be like Sakura, where she was practically manipulated into working for the MM or running the killing game. That, or she wants to prove through the killing game that she's more than just the "Nicest girl in town".
If she were to live, I think she'd have gotten through with her positivity and acceptance of being a nice girl, while proving to her peers that she's more than her title.
Misc. Things:
She gives me survivor vibes, but no one can say for sure.
She'll probably let her hair down in the end just like in the musical.
Name: Noel Gruber
Ultimate: Poet
What they would do: Definitely faints dramatically whenever someone dies. He might try and sacrifice himself for his friends. Passes out at the first execution.
If he were to be a victim, he'd probably have set up a death for himself. Either like a Nagito-style case or he worked with his killer so he could die in a tragic way instead of just getting a knife to the gut.
If he were to kill, I think he'd probably have tried to set up a heartbreaking murder. He would want his case to be like one of those tragedies he loves so much.
Or, the motive could've been tempting. I'm not sure what motive would tempt Noel, though. Maybe one that puts his loved ones in danger? He might also be channeling his inner Monique, and stab someone 10 times in the back.
If he were to be a traitor or a MM, he'd want this to be like a story. Like a French New Wave cinema-style story. People sobbing as their loved ones bleed out. Noel himself getting killed or being driven to kill, or seeing his loved ones die, it would be exhilarating for traitor/MM Noel. Or his loved ones are in danger, so he gets roped into the killing game. I don't think Noel would actually have the heart to do this for his own twisted enjoyment, but he might...
If he were to survive the killing game, he might write poems to honour the dead students. He might also realize maybe a tragedy wasn't what he wanted, after all.
Misc. Things:
Either he or Constance would slap Ocean over one of her rants.
Name: Mischa Bachinski
Ultimate: Rapper
What they would do: He'd also cry at the dead bodies, especially if his friends were to die. He'd try and kill the host of the killing game at the beginning. He'd be trying to text Talia through his MonoPad.
If he were to be a victim, he'd get killed from being reckless. Either provoking someone to the point of them snapping, or getting killed in self defence. Another possibility is him choosing to sacrifice himself. If he were to kill, the motive would have to endanger his loved ones, or have something to do with Talia. Maybe the motive shows that Talia was hurt, or in danger. Maybe his friends in the killing game would get hurt. Or his mom back in Ukraine would only be saved if he chose to kill, the list goes on...
If he were to be a traitor/MM, he'd more likely to be have been coerced into it. He might be trying to save his mom, who he can't physically be with. He might be trying to protect his friends from worse things. Talia might be in danger. Or he might want to get revenge on the world. He's tired of constantly getting isolated. He's tired of his adoptive parents keeping him in the basement and showing him no love.
If he were to be a survivor, he'd dedicate his raps to his dead classmates. He'd mourn every single one of them, and at the end, he's especially respectful to them.
Misc. Things:
He might try and stop an execution like Fuyuhiko.
Definitely breaks down at least once.
Name: Richard "Ricky" Potts
Ultimate: Writer
What they would do: He'd be using an AAC device to talk, or using sign for the people that know it. He's good at comforting people. He tries to participate as much as he can in the trials. Since he can't walk, people tend to think of him as an easy target. But he might have people with him at all times, and Ricky is canonly wise. Since he can't talk without his device or signing, he would pay more attention to things like if there's something off about a body, or a case, or something.
If he were to be killed, it'd be someone taking advantage of him, and outsmarting him. It's also possible that he would sacrifice himself for the group. He concedes in the musical and he says he knew he didn't belong in this world. He probably wouldn't try and defend himself if someone were to attempt to take his life unless there was something important he needed to do.
If he were to kill someone, he'd need an accomplice if the death is gonna be from external injuries. Or he would poison someone, or set up a trap. His motive would be protecting loved ones.
If he were to be the traitor/MM, he'd be tired of people constantly speaking over him and him getting ignored all the time. He'd want people to see him as more than just the "disabled kid". More than just the kid who can't talk nor walk. He'd see them all as the "Count Dogulus" in the story. It would probably be because he wants to finally be treated normally, and in a killing game where everyone is helpless from the outside world at first, he'd be taken seriously.
If he were to live, he'd add his friends to his Zolar universe. He'd be surprised he made it out in the first place, and decide to live the rest of his life to the fullest.
Misc. Things:
Good at calming others down after a death.
Might not even bother locking his door, but who knows...
Name: Jane Doe (Penny Lamb at the end)
Ultimate: ??? (Penny Lamb as the Ultimate Drug Trafficker)
What they would do: As like in the musical, Jane would start out as a complete mystery, having no idea who she is and not being able to remember her talent. This time, the students all just assume it's because she got knocked out a little too hard at the entrance, and names her Jane Doe for the time being. She won't have a doll for a head, but she'll still have the appearance of when she did in the musical. Probably at the end, either the host, the mastermind, or the traitor would reveal that she is Penny Lamb. They'd show some pictures of her, but everyone would be confused on why they look so different. Maybe some Hajime-type stuff happened where they got brain surgery to fuse their personalities together, or maybe they'll get the surgery after either surviving the game or dying in the game. Whether Jane was Penny to begin with, or if she became her after, is up for debate, just like the musical. If she were to be a victim, she might have her head cut off...but in all seriousness, someone might find her suspicious and assume she's the one behind the game. They might trick her, as they believe she's gullible due to the memory loss.
If she were to be a blackened, it might be out of desperation for an identity, or out of despair over her amnesia. She's unlikely to kill, but if she does, she goes all out.
If she were to be a traitor or MM, it would probably be that for some reason, her identity got fused with Penny's, or she became Penny. Maybe she lost her memories long before the killing game, maybe she got into a roller coaster accident, like in the musical, survived, but got amnesia. She only survived because she was fused with Penny, and in order to regain the memories of her, and not just Penny, she maybe...puts herself and some classmates in a life-or-death situation to see if she can trigger the memories?
If she were to survive, she'd accept her identity she had all along or her new identity as Penny Lamb. Or she might finally get some answers.
Misc. Things:
She doesn't show a lot of emotion, even through deaths. She's a lot like her canon self here.
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OKAY IM ONLY GONNA TALK ABOUT THE GUYS IN THIS ONE SO ITS MOT SUPER LONG AND SO YOU DONT HAVE TO REPLY TO THAT MUCH (im gonna send another one talking about the girls and actual show later tho.)
okay RICKY POTTS: the guy who played ricky (i know him) was SO GOOD. he was so amazing. the whole show, he just had this wide unblinking stare. he would literally just stare at the audience with the deadest fucking look and it was so funny. when they figured out he could tslk in purgatory, he went "thats nothing, watch this!" and then fucking did a handstand and the audience lost their shit. (sidenote the audience was super gay and really into the show). ricky had a great voice and absolutely crushed sabm. his costume looked like david bowie in labyrinth and once again the audience screamed. he also did the "level up!" thing so well. omg. his ricky was such a fucking cutie. he also hung out with jane doe a lot and they kept doing bullshit magic tricks with her party hat and cupcake. he taught her how to plays with dolls and how to imitate a cat like he did in sabm.
MISCHA BACHINSKI: i also know the guy who played him. he was AMAZING OMG OMG. his talia was beautiful. that shit had the audience weeping. he had an amazing voice and his belt during talia was so beautiful. and then he goes behind the screen and him and talia are like projected up there, right?? and behind the screen, you could just see mischa on his phone trying to text her. he just had the best vibe and he looked happy to be there. his hat kept falling off though and it was hilarious. (ricky had to keep handing it back to him). i LOVED him. he also at one point was standing with jane doe, pointed at ocean and constance's whole every story's got a lesson thing, and went, "this is stupid" and then jane doe blinked a bunch and imitated him and he gave her a high five.
NOEL GRUBER: was gooooood. their lament was amazing, so good. like they clearly had all the emotion needed to be noel and they really got the character. like when they kiss mischa, too, the audience screamed for them and then noel just smirked at the audience. but also the choreography for his lament was beautiful and at one point, he was like surrounded by the rest of the cast and kind of being pulled around before noel "dies" of typhoid fever. the amount of cheering his whole song and monologue got was impressive. (shocking, the gay people liked the gay guy). noel and mischa were also besties. at the end, they were comforting each other and then kind of took a little nap on each other. he also grabbed mischa at the very end when karnak dies and yanks him into the group hug.
IS THERE A BOOTLEG OF THAT (I'm assuming this was in America and I'm like 6 hours away from America but if you are in Italy and in my zone [not specifying where because no <3] I'd fucking love to see this) BECAUSE I WANT TO SEE THAT I WISH I COULD'VE BEEN THERE THAT SEEMS SO FUCKING COOL
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i am the amazing karnak, i was designed-
you’ve had your time ominous machine thing..
ocean.. don’t you think that’s a little.. y’know, rude?
no, i agree with her.. he is a bit freaky..
normally i’d say i agree, but that means saying i agree with ocean.. which ill never admit.
i do agree with redhead.. but noel is right, i do not agree with her.
mischa.. you JUST said you agreed.
anyways.. welcome to yet another asking area for the children of the saint cassian chamber choir. you may ask them whatever you desire to know, just keep it appropriate.
as stated before, i am the amazing karnak. i will be referring to myself in white, as i will answer questions as well.
orange is the successful ocean o’connell rosenberg.
i can introduce myself just fine!!! i’m ocea-
red is the romantic noel gruber.
don’t interrupt me you freaky machine!!
you had your moment ocean. besides, i don’t blame him for interrupting you.
green is the angriest mischa bachinski.
that’s it?
you have problem little orphan a-hole?
YOU!… nevermind.
purple is the imaginative richard potts
would anyone like to hear about zolar? i’ve developed the story a little more!!
ricky! little sweetie zolar is something you-
oh!! don’t call me little sweetie..
well, like i was saying.. i don’t think you should introduce yourself with zolar information..
i think zolar is interesting..
OH- you.. you scared me jane..
blue is the.. well.. blue is jane doe.
thank you jane.. do you want to hear?
i would.. like that..
pink is the nicest constance blackwood.
oh no.. i know that voice..
why don’t we.. not do that right now? i’d like to say hi to anyone who wants to talk to us!
hi! as that little machine said i’m constance! lovely to meet you all!
constance makes really good cupcakes! we bake on weekends.
as you can see, each and every member of the choir has their individual personalities. and we are happy to answer any questions that may cross your min-
what about us?
did you introduce us?
oh, my condolences.. i didn’t realize they were here.
whenever orange and purple are bold it means hank and astrid have spoken, astrid is purple, hank is orange. yes.. this account includes hank and astrid.
request anything you’d like to know, and we all shall answer accordingly.
{when you see little brackets such as this it’s me! elliot!}
{just some basic information, ships ill be including are passionroses and spacedolls. if requested specifically i may accommodate to it! but other than ships please keep everything sfw unless CLEARLY stated as a joke.}
{enjoy and ask away!}
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angel-anachronism · 2 years
Could you do a Mischa Bachinski x Gn reader having to do with them picking out Halloween costumes????
Of course! Halloween might be over, but I will still write this since it sounds cute! The fanfic didn't come out really amazing, so sorry about that. I also wrote from the perspective of (Y/N), because why not.
Anyways, hope you're having a wonderful day/night anon!
(TW: none!)
word count: 1088 words
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It was Halloween, one of my favorite holidays of all time. The time of year when you see people carving jack-o'-lanterns, kids trick-or-treating for candy, and most obviously, making or choosing a costume to wear.
I am no longer a child, so I can't go trick or treating without getting weird glares from those snobby old people, so what better thing to do than dressing up as either a monster or a movie character, and scaring random children walking by!
That sounds like a fun idea! I should invite someone to also dress up as something, and then we can scare little kids! My genius is sometimes terrifying, I have to admit.
I got out of bed and walked around my room, trying to think of who I should call. My phone began ringing its annoying tune, and so I picked it up, to see who was calling me. I smiled as I saw that the person who was calling me was none other than my boyfriend, Mischa.
We first started dating a few months ago, when he revealed his feelings for me on a youtube comment section. Many people probably saw it, but I don't mind.
Surprisingly, he lived in the same town as me, which made it a hundred times better, and I even transferred to the same school as him and joined the choir, so that I can talk to him more.
I answered and I got so overjoyed when I heard his voice. "Wassup babycakes! I know there's this holiday that you Americans and Canadians celebrate called Halloween, and I wanted to spend this Halloween with you if you don't mind!" I can imagine him blushing from the other side of the screen, and I began smiling.
"Of course, my mishka! I would love to spend my Halloween with you!" I responded in excitement. "We should totally dress up as characters from horror movies!"
"OH HELL YEAH!" He yelled loudly, and I heard a door opening and a voice saying lowly "Quiet!" to Mischa. Mischa muttered a small "Sorry", before the other voice slammed the door.
I felt sorry for Mischa. He told me the story about how he had to leave his mother and move here to Uranium, only to be shunned by his new parents. If only I could help him move out of that hellhole, I would.
"Ignore that. Let's go meet at the thrift store so that we can get some costumes for really cheap." Mischa said. I tried smiling, but I was still upset at how his parents treated him.
"Okay then, Mischa. Let's meet later outside the thrift store, K?"
"Okay, babe! See you later!"
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I finally arrived at the Thrift store. I was waiting nervously for my boyfriend to arrive. He finally arrived, and we both hugged each other.
"Yoooooo babycakes, how are you!" He asked as we did the secret handshake that we invented.
"I'm good, now that I'm with you. How 'bout you?" I asked. "I'm 'ight." He responded back
"Let's enter the thrift store so that we can find a costume," I said, and we both entered the thrift store.
Here we were met with a lot of clothes, antique objects, old toys, and many more. What caught our attention was the Halloween section of the thrift store. We basically ran to that section and began looking for costumes for us to wear.
"Oooh, Zombie student! What if one of the members of the choir turned into a zombie, they would surely wear something like this!" I said as I showed Mischa the costume, which was basically a ripped-up St. Cassian uniform with fake blood on it. It sure looked cheap and was probably made by someone from our school who tried to rebel against the school rules.
"Nah, it looks fake." He responded before he took out another costume, which was a flannel shirt and a wolf head. "Look, werewolf," Mischa said before he put the costume back and took out a ghost face costume, which he seemed to like.
"You would look great dressed up as Ghostface." He said. I blushed and smiled really goofily before I turned back to look for costumes.
"Oh my god! You should dress as Jigsaw!" I said as I took out a Jigsaw mask and outfit and showed it to Mischa. "I know that you really love Saw V, so I think this outfit would suit you!" I said as I gave him the outfit.
"You're a genius, (Y/N)!" He gave me a wide smile, and I smiled back. "Now we should find a costume for you." He said as he began looking for a costume for me.
"Do you wanna dress as Michael Myers?" He asked as he took out a Michael Myers costume.
"Hmm...I'm not really feeling it." I said as I began looking for a costume.
"Freddie Kruger...Nah...Chucky....Not feeling it...Ghost face...Probably...Samara Morgan...Probably not..." I kept looking for a costume, but couldn't find anything I wanted to dress up as.
"Hey, how about Jason?" Asked Mischa. I turned my head toward him and saw a Jason Voorhees costume, completed with the mask.
"Mischa, you really have good taste in everything" I responded as I took the outfit, and hugged him. "We should go dress up now!"
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After buying the costumes, and going to my house so that we can dress up, we spent most of the night scaring children who were going trick-or-treating, buying candy, going to Taco Bell to scare Noel (which actually worked), and eating tacos outside the mall together with Noel who took a break from work to hang out with us, while watching final destination on a portable DVD player.
"You know Mischa, this Halloween was the most amazing day of my life. But you know what else is amazing?" I smirked at Mischa.
"What else is amazing?" He asked.
"You are, silly!" I laughed, almost choking on my taco, but noel smacked my back so that I could stop choking, which surprisingly worked. Mischa was blushing a lot, and I was laughing at how much he was blushing
"I might be the most romantic boy in town, but your relationship is too syrupy for me," Noel declared.
And that's how I spent my Halloween with my boyfriend.
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𝑅𝑒𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑔 >> 𝐿𝒾𝓀𝑒 (𝒩𝑜𝓉 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝒸𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝐼 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈)
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iheartralphmacchio · 2 years
☁️Mischa Bachinski (ride the cyclone) X NB! Reader - Chilly Winter Cuddles - Fluff☁️
Prompt: “Cuddle? What is that, flower?”
Note: this bby deserves lovee!!! I love him sm. also sorry I haven't posted since december or january, but I promise more stories to come! <3 ps. sorry for no pic of him, couldn't find one :(
It was a chilly December, but your boyfriend Mischa definetly had plans for the both of you. He said he would take you out sometime, but you never thought he would in winter.
Is it Mischa..? You thought. 
Reader POV
I walked over to the door, shivering. I opened the door to see…
“Hello, my love.” He greeted me.
“Come in! You must be freezing!” I said, grabbing his wrist, dragging him upstairs to my room.
“Why are you here? It’s the middle of winter, IT’S SNOWING!” I said.
“Well, I wanted to see my lovely s/o, can I not?” He replied.
“I- Fine. But we are gonna have to cuddle to warm you up.” I said.
“Cuddle? What is that, flower?”
“It-It’s a way of showing affection with warmth and love.” I said.
“There’s different kinds of positions. There’s spooning, my personal favorite, and more!” I said.
“Well, can we try the spooning method?” He asked, very curious.
“Yes! Of course! There’s two roles. Little spoon and big spoon! I love being little spoon because I get to be held!” I exclaimed, beaming with pride.
“Well then flower, I’ll be the big spoon for you, protecting you in my arms.” He said.
“Awh, thank you Mischa.” I said.
We got on my bed, and got into positions while under my blanket. It felt really nice to have him holding me because I felt really protected. I started to doze off, going into my deep slumber. My eyes fluttered, closing them and sleeping while Mischa was rambling.
“Oh, Goodnight, my love.” He said in a whispering tone, calm yet steady.
He kissed my forehead, and fell asleep as well.
note 2: thank you sm for reading! i hope you enjoyed! if so, you can request stories like this! look at my masterlist w characters I do, and the genres I do! thanks again! signing off as your author and story-teller, bee.
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lynpheasmagix · 9 months
Winx Musical Casting - The Specialists and Stella Edit
This is a part 2 of this post:
First up, here's a slight edit for the Stella casting. I had Stephanie Styles as Stella. Recently, I had an idea of who would fit better.
Bonnie Miligan.
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This. woman. is. a. POWERHOUSE? Not only does she have AMAZING VOCALS, but shes an amazing actress with spectacular comedic timing and is just an amazing performer. Her credits include Pamela in the Original Broadway Cast of Head Over Heels, and Debra in the Tony Award Winning Musical, Kimberly Akimbo. Pamela already gives Stella energy so I think she would steal the show as our favorite ray of chaotic sunshine.
these 2 songs ARE JUST STELLA OMG
Now onto the boys...
Sky: James Tolbert
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This man is OOZING with charisma. He's mostly known for working with team Starkid as a choreographer for A Very Potter Sequel, Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier, The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals, Black Friday, and VHS Christmas Carol Live. His onstage credits include Snigglotts,/Vice President Bob Morris/Xander Lee/Ensemble in Black Friday, Blinky/Snigglotts/Ensemble in Nightmare Time, and The Ghost of Christmas Present in A VHS Christmas Carol Live. I think he could add way more charisma and character to the Wonder bread man that is Prince Sky of Eraklyon.
Brandon: Milo Manheim
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Now, I don't know if Milo has done any theatre BUT his credits do have him all the musical theatre skills (singing, dancing, acting, etc). He's mostly known for playing Zed Necrodopolis in the DCOM musical trilogy, Zombies. He also placed 2nd on Dancing With the Stars in 2018. From the videos I've seen of him, he seems to have the right kind of vibes for our favorite himbo squire.
Helia: Dean John-Wilson
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His credits include the title role in Aladdin at the Prince Edward Theatre in the West End, Lun Tha in the West End revival of The King and I, and, most recently, L in the English Premiere of Death Note the Musical in London. His voice is amazing and he really gets into his character's heads. The most recent example being L.
Timmy: Matt Doyle
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This man has played a vast amount of roles. His credits include Hanschen in Spring Awakening, Elder Price in the Book of Mormon, and Seymour in the Off-Broadway production of Company. But, he's mostly well known for playing Jaimie in the Tony winning revival of Company, WHICH HE WON A TONY FOR! I think he could definitely bring the nerdy and helpful energy to bring Timmy to life on stage.
Riven: Gus Halper
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What really sold me on him was his credit that that he's most well known for playing, Mischa Bachinsky in Ride the Cyclone. I feel like the character's two songs are both sides to Riven. He could bring the misunderstood bad boy energy while also getting vulnerable and emotional at moments.
Nabu: Michal Maliakel
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Currently, he's playing the lead role in Aladdin on Broadway. In the past, his credits include Cover Raoul in the International Tour of the Phantom of the Opera, George Nowack in She Loves Me, and Artie Green in the Kennedy Center production of Sunset Boulevard. I personally saw him as Aladdin and he was amazing. I feel like there are some similarities between the two characters so, I think he could bring the energy of the specialist that deserved better, Nabu.
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six6sixfeetunder · 2 months
as promised, i have a new story out!! it is currently on wattpad but may end up on ao3 if it's well loved <3
"Penny Lamb-lamb-la-laaaaaa~" Karnak makes a strange buzzing sound before there's a loud snap and two thuds. His head slams down onto the small shelf-like space in front of him.
I hear a scream. My head jerks, seeing Ocean looking around in fear, with Virgil's limp body behind her, the mauled cable still sitting loosely in his mouth. I immediately grab Constance's arm, as she is the person closest to me.
Everyone seems to have the same idea as I watch Noel pull Ocean and Jane in to a huddle... or should I say Penny?
The image of the black-haired girl appears in my head, but I can't focus on it.
I grab Ricky's arm, pulling him in too as darkness falls. I squeeze my eyes shut, feeling everyone bend over, hearing heavy breathing, maybe even someone crying, yet nobody screams, nobody cries out for help, we all just silently rely on each other for comfort in what could be our last moments.
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spaceagebachelormann · 6 months
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current amount of requests: 54
fandom: ride the cyclone
request: can you do smth on mischa bachinski x female reader
status: not started
fandom: ride the cyclone
request: could i get a mischa fic/blurb of like. sunshine theatre kid ! s/o and grumpy choir kid ! mischa <333 combining my fav tropes into one <3 if you need a prompt maybe ocean says something mean to his s/o and theyre sad :( so he comforts them <3
status: not started
fandom: ride the cyclone
request: okay so yeah little brother reader, say he didn’t like going on rollercoasters much so he could prove his older brother wrong, reader went on the cyclone. Say reader survived the accident just for a bit, so it was Jane and reader who would’ve been the last to die. Reader *could’ve* been saved but his wound was already too severe bc reader kinda broke free from paramedics and went to find his brother but once he did he died. In the limbo thing on how Jane gets introduced which is how Reader gets introduced to the choir when Noel sees reader he immediately goes over to his lil bro and protective big brother mode gets turned on. So i’ll leave u slight bits on creativity so i’ll u choose how it would end ;)
status: not started
fandom: ride the cyclone
request: could you maybe do mischa bachinski/fem reader maybe maybe if you aren’t too tired or too busy 🙏🙏please
status: not started
ricky and his s/o going to a bookshop
fandom: ride the cyclone
request: hi okay bc i love u have a ricky req him and his s/o going to a bookshop together <33
status: planning
taking a nap with ricky
fandom: ride the cyclone
request: ANOTHER RICKY REQUEST HEHEH OKAY SO Like imagine taking a nap with him <3
status: planning
fandom: ride the cyclone
request: hi!! could i get a noel gruber x male reader? just super fluffy and cute? thanks!
status: not started
fandom: ride the cyclone
request: can I ask for a mischa x sensitive reader fic where when they first meet, he’s really mean to them without realising how much it upsets them, so the other members of the choir all make him apologise and then they end up becoming friends? and maybe even eventually dating 🫣
status: not started
fandom: ride the cyclone
request: i come to request an angst fic for mischa, so basically a gn or male reader, ur choice. Say reader is mischa’s little sibling, most of the time the two would be together despite his sibling, the reader having to go to their band practice from time to time. The day of the accident came, reader couldn’t go with mischa bc of it being something for the choir, so it wasn’t until reader came up on a news article about the accident and that their brother, mischa had died. Mischa’s and reader’s adoptive parents didn’t seem to care that he was gone.
status: not started
mischa with a latina s/o
fandom: ride the cyclone
request: mischa with a latina s/o hcs?
status: not started
hort and an ever s/o
fandom: the school for good and evil
request: may i perhaps get some headcanons for hort and an ever s/o 😎
status: not started
connor with a s/o who likes reading
fandom: the land of stories
request: im BACK with my connor bullshit so im politely asking for some headcanons of him and a s/o who likes reading <3
status: not started
being noels younger sibling
fandom: ride the cyclone
request: hiiee!! do you think you could do a like a platonic noel gruber x gn reader?? thank youu :3
status: not started
mischa with a dancer s/o
fandom: ride the cyclone
request: mischa bachinski with a s/o who dances? (cumbia, ballet, etc)
status: not started
ocean with a polar opposite s/o
fandom: ride the cyclone
request: can I get some hcs of ocean with a reader thats the complete opposite of her? reader is shy, puts in the lowest effort as long as they can get away with it, etc. ty!
status: not started
fandom: ride the cyclone
request: please do hurt/comfort mischa bachinski 🙏🙏😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🥹🥹🥹🥹
status: not started
mischa with a musician s/o
fandom: ride the cyclone
request: Hi !!! I was wondering if you could do headcanons for Mischa Bachinski who has a partner who’s a musician ? And he finds out and is like “WHAT NO WAY”
status: not started
autistic fred with an autistic friend
fandom: scooby doo
request: hi, i love your writing! :D would it be ok to request a platonic fred jones x reader where both fred and the reader are autistic, and they support/uplift one another? i hope that's not too vague!
status: not started
mischa with a gf who’s like veronica sawyer
fandom: ride the cyclone
request: hello! i’m a new requester on here!! i was wondering if i could have some hc’s with mischa x fem! reader, who’s a lot like veronica from heathers, if you don’t mind!
status: not started
bill with a quiet best friend
fandom: it (2017)
request: bill denbrough with a best friend reader who is rlly shy and quiet ily mar <3
status: not started
fandom: chronicles of narnia
request: so basically peter x reader but she takes a hit for him and he's like u idiot why did u do that and she's like cause u were gonna die?? and then he's just taking care of her and peter fussing over her and being her doctor???
status: not started
fandom: chronicles of narnia
request: platonic soulmate caspian x reader arghhhhh like she's kinda falling for peter and caspian is her best friend/wingman???
status: not started
deuce/clawd/heath with a girly gf
fandom: monster high
request: pookie wookie snookums sugar plum berry pie !!! can i get deuce/clawd/heath w a girly girl gf 🤭
status: not started
dating jason grace
fandom: riordanverse
request: can i request jasón grace bf hcs pls? ur keefe ones were so cute
status: not started
fandom: ride the cyclone
request: Hi there! I'm not too sure if you're requests are open but I was wondering if I could ask for a rtc characters hcs with an s/o who showed up to the choir for auditions and ended up speaking and singing in a foreign language? Thanks!
status: not started
mischa with a girly ditzy gf
fandom: ride the cyclone
request: POOKIE BEAR 😁😁😁 u should write mischa with a ditzy gf 😚 or like a girly gf bc why not ‼️ ILYSM MWAH MWAH
status: not started
fandom: david bowie?? idfk
request: silly bowie story teehee reader meets 1983 David bowie at a charity ball thing and they start crushing on each other then flirt a little then later they get each other numbers and start going on dates then eventually they start to date
status: planning
the ducks meeting dean and fultons bf
fandom: the mighty ducks
request: hey so uh. request. a something with fult or dean bringing their boyfriend to a game for the first time and all the team getting to meet/reacting to their s/os?
status: not started
fulton and dean with a bf on the opposite team
fandom: the mighty ducks
request: can i get like- a fult or dean with a male!reader bf who plays hockey too? but like for a different team? maybe just like- how they’d act when they’re playing against their bf or something-
status: not started
sweeney todd characters with a gf who loves shopping
fandom: sweeney todd
request: you should write hcs for all the sweeney characters w a gf who loves shopping cause u love me
status: not started
dating agatha headcanons
fandom: the school for good and evil
request: Can i request Agatha of Woods beyond x female ever!reader? Preferably relationship head canons
status: not started
fandom: the santa clause
request: bernard when he hasn’t seen r in a long time and like his s/o surprises him!!!! 😋😋🤭
status: not started
fandom: keeper of the lost cities
request: hiii !! would you write a keefe x fem!reader ? fluff !! the fic can be the reader manifesting as a mesmer and is panicking and keefe has comfort and console her ? tysm for considering !!!
status: not started
dating biana
fandom: keeper of the lost cities
request: I LITERALLY LOVE THAT YOU READ KOTLC please consider writing Biana headcanons/a blurb 🙏 🙏🙏 she's bisexual and that's canon.
status: not started
ocean, noel and ricky with a younger sibling questioning their gender
fandom: ride the cyclone
request: hiii!! if your requests are open could you write (seperate) hcs of Ocean, Noel and Ricky / younger reader (platonic) who's questioning their gender if that's okay?
status: not started
fandom: the mighty ducks
request: ziggymarmar can i get a dean portman x reader (male!reader would be so cool) where dean and reader are working on a school project and dean confesses his feelings for reader??
status: not started
victor with a writer s/o
fandom: frankenstein
request: victor frankenstein with a writer s/o 😱😱😱
status: planning
fandom: the mighty ducks
status: not started
dean with a dumbass sister
fandom: the mighty ducks
status: not started
taking care of sick jekyll
fandom: jekyll and hyde
request: ok but what about taking care of Jekyll when he’s sick? And just being a doting wife because I’m a sucker for taking care of people.
status: planning
gothic lit characters with a s/o with low self esteem
fandom: dracula, frankenstein, jekyll and hyde
request: what about Dracula, Adam Frankenstein, Jekyll, and Hyde, with a reader with very low self confidence? Just having a bad day and want my guys to tell me I’m pretty and that they love me.
status: planning
dex helping someone who’s shit at math
fandom: keeper of the lost cities
request: erm dex w a reader whp's shirt at math?
status: planning
soft luis mendoza headcanons
fandom: the mighty ducks
status: not started
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