chiropterancreed · 9 months
headcanon mainly for me: sarek has a collection of reproductions of human art. just little things amanda picked out for him. mostly ancient statues he keeps in a glass case with his collection of artifacts from vulcan and other cultures. i feel like it would make sense for an ambassador to keep the gifts that delegates of other planets have given him, vulcan or not. it isn't sentimental to keep gifts! it would be discourteous to reject them!! but his favorite, the one that has pride of place, is a reproduction of the venus of willendorf. he finds her soft little curves appealing, the obvious human origins are intriguing to him.
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dark-elf-writes · 2 months
Blaming @musicfeedsmysoul12 and the “humans are space orcs” post for this taking over my brain with a vengeance but I would kill for a 500 episode series of Sarek and Amanda’s relationship from the beginning because seeing a Vulcan coming to terms with all the illogical that is humanity would be so fucking funny.
This man would make it through her first period and look like he just escaped an active war zone. She has pack bonded with their vacuum cleaner that she put plastic eyes on and cried when it broke. She got wine drunk and drew eyebrows on their Shelat with an eyebrow pencil and is scream laughing on the floor. She told him to “shut up his eyebrows” during an argument. Despite the fact that he is three times as strong as the average human male and would have gladly helped her she decided to rearrange their living room while he was at work. When they’re on earth there is one (1) pigeon she has beef with that made its nest near the Vulcan embassy she can pick it out without fail every time. She has asked him which of two identical shades of pink lipstick looks better and got mad when he told her they were the same. A human man twice her size made a rude comment about Sarek when they were out in public and she lectured that man until he cried.
And all of this culminates as him explaining humans to little Spock who is solemnly nodding along with his every word like it’s gospel.
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t0ast-ghost · 3 months
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home thoughts!!!
Love me some good ol’ treks and I know this is the one with the whales (which reminds me of hitchhikers guide to the galaxy)
Warning for spoiling the whole movie (don’t cry over spoiled movie if you don’t have to! Go watch it for yourself!)
Let’s get going:
- okay Harve Bennett. I see you in the credits.
- I like the Saratoga crew. Too bad they’re probably gonna die immediately
- HIII SAREK!!! God he’s hot I hate him so much
- “Personal bias! His son was saved by Kirk.” His son is also married to Kirk so…
- McCoy got to choose the name of the ship :))
- Kirk’s wearing the same shirt.. oh wait they all are nvm
- Spock on a rock
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- Hi Amanda!
- “Spock, the retraining of your mind has been in the Vulcan way so you may not understand feelings, but as my son, you have them.”
- Amanda trying to tell Spock that his friends care about him so much that they go against what is logical and it mirrors how in journey to babel Spock was not willing to sacrifice the good of the many (the ship) for the good of the one (his father) so I’m wondering if they will have an arc for him realizing that sometimes you want the one and not the many
- I like the problems they keep having with projectors/videos. Or not exactly problems but in the beginning they had to ask multiple times for the video to stop playing and here they are just talking over the transmission in the background. It adds a sense of confusion and havoc that I think makes it delightfully more realistic
- The Bird of Prey is such a beautiful design
- “I did not wish to be shot down on the way to our own funeral.” lol nice Chekov
- Nooo Spock and Saavik don’t have the mentor/mentee vibes anymore :(((
- Kirk really wants Spock to call him Jim… he misses his husband :(
- Bones is right. And then he leaves Kirk with the “That’s what I thought.” And the entire bridge crew is just like ‘don’t engage, look away, the husbands are fighting but just don’t look.’
- The copy pasted Saavik and Amanda
- “Hi. Busy?” McCoy sliding over to Spock
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- McCoy just say you’re happy he’s back. He misses his verbal sparring buddy omg
- “Forgive me, Doctor, I’m receiving a number of distress calls.” McCoy is SHOCKED like, ‘did he just purposely reject me???’ I’m crying
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- sad! Your husband died and now he doesn’t want to fight with you!!
- hi bitch! (It’s Sarek)
- so the transmission is for whales. That’s cool.
- Uhura would make a sick DJ. She’s remixing the whale sounds
- “Bones, you stay here.” “No way. Somebody’s got to keep an eye on him.” He’s trying to look out for his husbands
- love sci fi that is like ‘sea creatures interacting with space hmmm yess I think it will’ cause if you think about it, there’s a lot of sea that is unexplored just like space (yeah I’m talking about HGttG again)
- McCoy DOES NOT want them to travel back in time
- The chaos in the control room with someone on the screen talking over everyone else in the room… perfection
- Sometimes Kirk sounds like Seth Macfarlane
- “You really gonna try time travel in this rust bucket?” “We’ve done it before.” “Sure. Slingshot around the sun, pick up enough speed and you’re in time warp. If you don’t, you’re fried.” “You prefer to do nothing?” “I prefer a dose of common sense. You’re proposing that we go backwards in time, find humpback whales, then bring them froward in time, drop them off, and hope to hell they tell this probe what to go do with itself.” “That’s the general idea.” “Well, that’s crazy.” “You have a better idea? Now’s the time.” Yep. That summarizes it better than I could ever. How McCoy stays married to this man is a mystery
- The command base hears that Kirk is going to time travel and PANICS
- “May fortune favour the foolish.” Good Kirk line
- The ship is actively falling apart
- They’re back in time!
- Sulu lore! he was born in sanfransico or however you spell it
- McCoy trying not to laugh at Spock’s little bandana. Kirk smiles for a second and then remembers himself
- THEYRE IN THE WILD! SET LOSE! Who let them roam free?!
- Winchell’s Donut House. Wonder if that’s still open. Or real. Damn, I want donuts.
- Kirk almost getting run over “Well a double dumbass on you!” And then he throws up his hands omg I love him
- They’re all slaying
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- “The rest of you, break up. You look like a cadet review.” They’re all kinda lost tho
- Spock in the pawn shop is looking like, ‘those were a birthday present from our husband. Why would you give them away :(‘
- Kirk and his powerful skills of deduction. He won’t let Spock just infodump :(
- They’re all really good looking.
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- UHURA AND CHEKOV TEAM UP! Something I didn’t know I needed (I need it)
- NO LITTLE RUSSIAN BOY! Don’t ask for directions from a cop to a nuclear weapons base in the 1980s!
- “No one pays attention to you unless you swear every other word.” WELL. Okay. I’m not offended. At all.
- Spock frowning at the whales dying on the screen
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- “To hunt a species to extinction is not logical.” There’s a lot of times you think ‘Vulcans can be emotionless which could equal cruelty’ but looking at this, humans with emotions turn out more cruel because that is an emotion. We want and are greedy. It’s surprising that Vulcans are friends with humans because of just how much illogical carnage we have wrought. Anyway.
- Hey Jim. Where’s Spock?
- Kirk becoming more and more worried that he can’t find Spock. And then he turns around AND HES IN THE TANK.. this is why McCoy wants to come along. Jim cannot watch him well enough
- Spock’s ass can’t believe he went in there to mind meld with the whales
- Sopping wet Spock
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- “The hell they did.” SPOCK SWEAR OMG
- “Can’t you remember?” “The hell I can’t.” I love him so much, he’s being a little shit, this is on purpose. I think writers should let him say hell and other expletives more often
- “Oh come on, Bob! I don’t know about you, but my compassion for someone is not limited to my estimate of their intelligence.” DID YALL IN THE BACK HEAR THIS???
- Uhura and Chekov on the beach with the seagulls
- Gillian’s got a “I ❤️ whales” sticker on her truck. I love her.
- “I think he did a little to much LDS.” I think Kirk meant to say Spock does LSD? I’m assuming?
- This lady just picked up two husbands trying to save the whales.. that’s very lucky for her
- “Are you sure it isn’t time for a colourful metaphor.” LET SPOCK SAY FUCK
- “You guys like Italian?” Spock and Kirk proceeding to fight by saying no and yes repeatedly is my favourite
- They’re just letting Scotty and McCoy roam around???
- I love McCoy and Scotty improvising together, and Scotty going off and getting upset
- “May my assistant join us?” “Don’t bury yourself in the part.”
- Sulu just gets to nerd out about helicopters
- McCoy sitting on any and all surfaces like it’s a chair. Scotty joining him.
- McCoy handing Scotty the mouse like he’s so proud of himself
- McCoy’s got his ✨dazzling✨ eyes on rn
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- “We’d be altering the future.” “Well, how do you know he didn’t invent the thing.” Scotty. That’s not how time travel works.
- So basically McCoy gets Jim and Spock out of trouble but gets into trouble when he’s with Scotty
- THEYRE JUST LEAVING SPOCK IN THE PARK oh wait he’s going to the ship
- Get yourself a partner who would cry over whales
- “I’m from Iowa, I only work in outer space.” This man smh
- Oh no. Get Chekov out of there. Holy shit.
- “Must be the radiation.” He proceeds to throw the phaser at the guy and then runs out the door
- Gillian not afraid to slap Bob over whales
- Did- did Sulu steal a helicopter? Yes. Yes he did.
- Gillian sees Spock with his ears and eyebrows and she’s like ‘yeah makes sense’
- “Admiral, may I suggest that Dr. McCoy is correct?” Spock agrees with McCoy. 208 dead, 15 injured
- Gillian is surrounded by the polycule. She just wants her whales to be safe.
- McCoy is literally the best. He saw this person suffering and then immediately helped
- “Uh, excuse me, we’ll take that.” They steal the gurney and Gillian immediately hops onto it. I love her.
- “This woman has immediate postprandial upper abdominal distension.” “What did you say she’s got?” “Cramps” McCoy saw the security and went ‘Yep they’re stupid’ he didn’t even bother with a proper lie
- In an argument between a 20th century doctor and McCoy, I would bet McCoy any and every time
- I love when McCoy is just.. appalled at old medicine
- Chekov slowly regaining awareness and he lifts his head only for Kirk to push his face down with a, ‘not now, Pavel.’
- I like how the crew right now have been using Chekov’s first name and are protective of him.
- Sulu immediately being there to help Chekov get back on the ship 🥺🥺🥺
- This woman is so into whales that she would time travel for them
- Is McCoy sitting on the console and leaning over it to talk to talk to Spock? Yes, yes he is.
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- “Well, then you’re just gonna have to take your best shot.” “Best shot?” “Guess, Spock.” “Guessing is not in my nature, Doctor.” “Well, nobody’s perfect.” He lets that last line drawl and then stares at Spock for a little too long. That’s flirting.
- That was the most intense countdown. I felt like something might happen to the whales within those ten seconds and I was worried
- “So I will make a… guess.” McCoy is rubbing off on Spock
- “No, Spock. He [Kirk] means that he feels safer about your guesses than most other people’s facts.” Hehe
- She was so happy just staring at her whales but then Kirk goes and interrupts that
- “I belong here, I am a whale biologist.” They are so lucky that they ran into someone THIS interested in whales
- McCoy resists the urge to just look at Spock when they’re travelling back to their time
- I like how there’s a hatch leading outside on the bridge… of a spaceship.
- forgot how hot Kirk’s poofy sleeves are
- They have a scene where everyone just gets absolutely drenched
- I’m so glad they didn’t have subtitles for the whales and probes. It’s more realistic for the universe. Starfleet doesn’t know what they’re saying, the crew doesn’t know what they’re saying, we shouldn’t know what they’re saying. It’s not how the universe works.
- They’re cheering for whales. I love when people cheer for things
- They’re all playing in the water omg this is adorable
- hi bitch (Sarek)
- Jim walks in with McCoy right behind him and Spock goes to join them from where he’s sitting
- I love Scotty’s little moustache it’s so :<
- McCoy is NOT listening, he’s got like nyan cat theme playing in his head
- I think McCoy should run up to Spock and Kirk and get them to kiss here
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- Scott and Sulu arguing over which ship they think they’ll get <3
- McCoy is leaning so sluttily on the new bridge
The credits just showing pictures of each of the cast is adorable
See ya on the flip flop
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muirmarie · 1 month
Some ideas about Substances and Vulcans [suggestive]:
(yes this is just tos mcspirk not-fic i yam who i yam)
If two Vulcans partake of alcohol (or another mind-altering substance) and then mind meld, they will both become intoxicated. It's an intimate exercise.
If a human is intoxicated and their Vulcan mind melds with them, the Vulcan will feel the affects (Amanda and Sarek discovered this one, and Spock gets SO pissy about it lmao)
If, say, two humans are bonded to a Vulcan and each other, and the Vulcan mind melds with one of them, and the one the Vulcan mind melds with is intoxicated, it turns out both the Vulcan AND the other human BOTH become intoxicated.
Ask Jim Kirk how he found that out. It's a funny story about his two boyfriends getting freaky in their quarters while he had an important video meeting with an admiral. It's a very funny story, don't let Kirk tell you it's not, he doesn't know what he's talking about.
Okay yes, Kirk will lie and say the time they discovered that aphrodisiacs ALSO transfer quite nicely through the bond in the same way is funnier, but that's just because he's a sadist who still thinks it's funny that Kirk and Spock accidentally had McCoy hiding a boner while trying to give a presentation at a medical conference.
"He was light years away, Bones!!! How were they supposed to know what would happen!!!"
Bite me.
Also Spock found out, to his chagrin, that if he gets a little too high on Vulcan weed (oh, sorry Spock, sure, "special herbs that Vulcans inhale in order to find inner calm in mediation during high stress times", right) – if Vulcans get a little too into their CALMING HERBS (wink wink) and meditate a little TOO hard about how much they miss their boyfriends (oh sure, sure that's definitely not what you were doing Spock, our bad), they can in fact somehow transmit a contact high through the bond to BOTH of their boyfriends, even though neither of them are in a mind meld, if both boyfriends just so happen to be human. Isn't that neat. Isn't that a neat thing. Isn't that a neat thing to find out while we're on a practice landing party training new recruits.
Jim, should we kill him?
Actually Spock, Jim makes a great point. We're both gonna get drunk and then focus really really hard on the bond while we fuck and see if we can't manage to tip the scales towards the humans ruining their Vulcan boyfriend's life for once!
Okay, I mean, Spock, the point was to see if we could affect you through the bond, if you come in here and watch, that's not –
I mean if you're touching us it's obviously –
Ugh fine, FINE, just get naked and get in the goddamn bed, we'll experiment a different time.
You're SOOO smug thinking that you always get your way. Laugh it up, pal, your day is coming.
I said your day is coming, not –
Yeah, yeah, I love you both, too.
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ussjellyfish · 6 months
Star Trek asks: 🖖, 🌀 and 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾
🖖 First Star Trek Media you encountered:
We watched TNG on television when I was a kid (as it was airing the first time!). One of my earliest memories (I was 4) is of Will Riker getting sucked into the big black Armus pool and how freaky that was. I remember the face coming up from the bottom.
And they saved him! he was okay. (Tasha's death did not compute in my very small mind). Will being okay in the end was part of "Star Trek means we're all okay" which is my earliest opinion.
Often this still carries over.
🌀 If the Holodeck was real, what's the first thing you would use it for?
adventure fantasy RPGs. I'd love to be able to play something like Dragon Age. It would be incredible.
I would also use it to test out fic lines and positions and make sure they make sense. I have no sense of inner eye, so that would be helpful. Where do her hands go...
👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾 Do you ship any characters? Who?
Oh Georgiou.
I don't have any strong preferences about ships in some series. My levels of shipping are:
Ships I find cute on screen. (USS Enterprise-G)
Ships I would read fic. I would probably write fic for an exchange or a challenge. (USS Enterprise-D)
Ships I would write fic for, because I want the fic to bring myself joy and those are much more intense. (USS Voyager) I will land my starship on this planet.
Ships that are platonic for me and I adore them. (USS Protostar)
Ships where I want to read everything that has ever been written about them. I have saved all the artwork. I want to commission more artwork. (USS DIscovery) I will travel through the mycelial network for this ship. This ship is my home.
(under a cut for length)
TOS - no ships. Never really had any. TOS is not foundational for me though, I don't think I've seen the whole thing and probably never will. It's so much men talking.
AOS - I have a soft spot for Spock/Uhura. I really liked Uhura.
TNG - I shipped Deanna/Will so much as a child. They're in my very first fanfic. I liked Beverly/Jean-Luc (historical) later, but not until I was an adult. Deanna/Will I shipped as a very tiny human. I have witten fic for both of these. I also ship Beverly/Deanna, and Beverly/Deanna/Will in a very lighthearted way.
DS9 - Jadzia Dax/Lenara Kahn is gorgeous and tragic and I adore them. Kira/Dax in a very lighthearted way. They're fun. I shipped Jadzia Dax/Worf when the show first came out and probably would if I did a rewatch, but it's a very mild ship (I wouldn't read fic). I am very invested in Jadzia Dax.
VOY - Kathryn Janeway/B'Elanna Torres is fun. I've read some fic. I love how intellectual they would be together. I wrote and read much Janeway/Chakotay (historical) about ten years ago, but I'm not as into him now. (Robert Beltran makes it hard for me). Still love Janeway. I also like Seven/B'Elanna.
ENT - I enjoyed Trip/T'Pol when the show was on. I don't think I've seen all of it. I love T'Pol.
SNW - I have a passing interest in Una/La'An and Una/Pike. I've read some fic but haven't written any. I want nice things for Batel/Pike in canon. (he needs to be a better partner to her though). I ship Amanda/Sarek here simply based on how convince I am that Amanda loves him.
PIC - Seven/Raffi are wonderful and I adore them. I love their connection and their dear faces. Agnes/Borg Queen are fun and dark. Laris/Zhaban are fun. I wanted to ship Beverly/Jean-Luc again but they didn't give me much. Shipper brain was not engaged. Deanna/Will were so angsty. Will & Beverly might be my strongest legacy ship in this show. I wish Beverly & Deanna got to talk.
PRODIGY - dammit here I almost ship Janeway/Chakotay again. I ship Janeway/happiness here so much and if finding him will make her happy, okay fine. Gwyndala/Dal are cute and I want them to have nice things. Haven't wanted to read any fic though.
Crossover Trek - Beverly Crusher/Kathryn Janeway has held a special place in my shipper heart for 13 years. I love them so much. I love that they're still going and they show up in exchanges. They would be such a good couple.
Philippa Georgiou/Afsaneh Paris was such a fun thing.
Most trek crossover femslash is fun and I would try it in an exchange.
DSC - Philippa Georgiou (captain)/Katrina Cornwell. They'd be cute. They must have met. Katrina Cornwell/Gabriel Lorca (prime), Katrina sold me on that one. Katrina Cornwell/Philippa Georgiou (emperor), they have a handful of scenes and they would totally work.
Michael Burnham/Cleveland Booker are very cute on screen and I hope they get a nice ending. (I think they will). Hugh Culber/Paul Stamets are adorable and charming. Adira Tal/Gray Tal are so sweet. Saru/T'Rina are the regency couple of Star Trek and they're very cute. They're so happy in season 5, I love it. I think Joann Owosekun/Keyla Detmer are really fun, I hope they get a nod this season. I love how much the actors do with a look. Michael & Tilly are one of my favorite friendships ever and I adore them. Michael Burnham & Philippa Georgiou (emperor) variety is so complex and intense and I love how they evolve and grow together.
Michael Burnham/Laira Rillak are my top tier, own my soul, ship. I will read every fic that is ever published of them and reblog the gifs on repeat forever and memorize every nuance of every conversation they've ever had. They are the shiniest thing in my fannish heart at the moment, and I have watched their scenes together so many times.
For years I was this obsessed with Beverly/Kathryn, but they didn't have scenes together so I couldn't rewatch them.
Micahel/Laira have scenes together! They talk to each other! I have a whole arc that I can watch on repeat!! I have different episodes to watch for different feelings I need for fic!!
They're so niche and I wish I had more people to talk about them with because I love them so much and...it is a very lonely ship. People do write fic and read it and it's tiny and lovely. I am so grateful for all the interactions I ever have about this ship.
I often feel very out of step in my fannish Star Trek spaces because they are not a ship shared by many. I feel seen when someone acknowledges how much I love them.
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biblioflyer · 3 months
The Discovery S1 finale: the good, bad, and uncomfortable
The revelation that Sarek played a role in authorizing the bomb plot on Qonos was bleak. Hardly shocking from Mr Vulcan Hello, but bleak. However, the season does end with Sarek being more introspective about how the war may have skewed his reasoning. It’s more thinkable now to bridge the Discovery version of Sarek with the strident peace maker if we assume Burnham’s monologue is right and the war inflicted deep moral injuries on everyone involved.
Moral injury in this instance refers to a concept that war is such an aberrant experience that it makes people lose sight of their values. Which can actually lead them into losing sight of why in normal times violence is disfavored for a problem solving tool and thus being less conscious in war of what precise immoral acts are necessary and useful and which ones are self defeating. The risk is that the greater the desperation and the greater the desensitization the more the finer distinctions between different acts of immorality blur.
The parallels between Burnham’s unrighteous stance in the beginning and her righteous stance now with the crew behind her are decently executed and feel good. However, this feels a bit like Picard in that the righteous stance feels good but authorial fiat is justifying it much more than the world building. It’s unclear at all how destroying Qonos would save the Federation. If their hand was detected, it seems extremely likely that the Klingons wouldn’t stop at making satraps out of Federation worlds, they’d actively become genocidal.
Also it seems unlikely that the Klingons could effectively wage a civil war if Qonos is their main industrial base. Which, considering this isn’t the first time that the threat of losing the home world might cripple the Klingon Empire so maybe it really is the case that Qonos is essential and there’s some sort of taboo or understanding that you don’t fight on the homeworld itself, or take any action against its infrastructure. If that’s the case, that taboo clearly was not in place during the Duras uprising.
While the world building doesn’t really seem to make a whole lot of sense, it is an okay moral parable about standing up for what’s right and not losing track of decency. Especially if we are intended to read this as the Federation’s plan was desperate and it really did make no sense, then crew of the Discovery was saving the Federation from itself not just morally, but also practically.
I love a good story about conscience and decency and Burnham‘s line about giving into the temptation to abandon the rules that keep our worst selves in check was very strong. I just wish that the world building in storytelling around that courageous stand made more sense the problem ultimately seems to be that People very understandably want to understand the stories in a more traditional way as if they are documentaries and I do too therefore, when the world building doesn’t seem to justify the actions of the characters, it undermines the value of the moral lesson itself.
Sat still is that this was a 15 episode season and we will never ever again get that amount of space to explore the characters and the universe so in some sense this is probably as good as the world building can get which is not great. It wasn’t terrible but you can fly the Terran Palace through some of the plot holes.
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emilinqa · 5 months
what do you think about the search for spock
LOLL thank you for asking. i wasnt expecting someone to actually send me an ask when i said that but youve opened pandoras box. so.
i think the thing about the search for spock that makes it stick in my head so bad is that in reality its like. a mid movie. its okay. it falls short in almost everything it tries to do but it hits the emotional highs and lows and looks good which means it gets by just fine. it's one of those 80s movies where you get about an hour in and realize oh okay the plot is happening. like this is it. TMP suffers a little bit in this way too but its also why i find myself thinking about it much more than the "good" movies.
the curse of tmp and tsfs that particularly riddles me is that i think they have some really interesting things going on conceptually that never come to fruition-- not necessarily at fault of the movie because they're ultimately minor and i dont really know how they would explore them in greater ways-- but that i find personally very compelling. i've said this before but i yearn for a star trek space horror movie so deeply and im not gonna punish either tmp nor tsfs for not being something they're not trying to be but i think the horror elements of both movies are really untapped in terms of fan exploration/meta/content. the spock/mccoy stuck in the same body mind meld thing is played mostly for laughs (because it is a good bit. and very funny) but honestly i find the fact it like. physically makes mccoy sick and absolutely freaks everyone the fuck out like good for haunting reasons.
THIS SCENE in particular i think hits the mark on the weird creepy aspect of mccoy being partially posessed by spocks katra
it also helps its shot and lit clearly with some horror influences in mind; the way bones is sitting creepily in the chair while spocks voice speaks through him, enshrouded in shadow, etc.. of course the movie has to split itself between the ship and what's happening on the genesis planet but i really would have loved some more of these moments where spock is Haunting the enterprise and its freaking everyone the fuck out. there is that bit later on where bones actually speaks in spocks voice on the bridge and kirk turns around like wow bones that was really cool never do that shit again that was freaky as fuck and its mostly just funny but the implication that spocks actual voice can be spoken through mccoys body is something im thinking about. really bad.
i really enjoy the ways the movie shows kirk is so deeply haunted by the death of spock (i mean, the movie opens with him saying "the death of spock is like an open wound" so.) and obviously by extension, mccoy, who is stuck with spocks literal soul in his brain the whole movie. the mind meld scene with sarek is also a really good moment which is also just shot and lit well. are you sensing a theme here. im easily swayed by pretty colors.
this in combination with the weird gross regenerative process spock's body is going through on the genesis planet is very compelling to me. i was talking to a friend about this recently and he brought up that he was imagining that spock and the genisis planet had kind of a symbiosis; that he could feel the terror and disaster of the planet even outside of the biological regeneration process his own body was going through which i thought was fascinating. especially because of all the moments during the series where spock would mind meld with a being everyone else was unable to comprehend as a life form. theres something there.
its not really explored in the movie, and really not in depth in any of the further movies, but i also think spock losing his memory after being rejoined with his body is an interesting addition to the themes of rebirth and memory. the rift created between everyone who remembers spock before and wants to allow the New Spock to be the man he wants to be, but they're ultimately haunted by the lives they all had with him before. kirk having spent a whole life with him, only to lose him, gain him back, and then have spock not really remember what they had before. kirk trying not to resent him for it, spock knowing it doesn't make sense to be hurt that kirk wants him to be something he can't, etc etc. its good stuff.
tldr they should send me back in time so i can make the 80s star trek horror movie ive always wanted.
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strangenewwords · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
tagged by the lovely @kcscribbler regarding the WIP's I'm currently working on.
Also I have a new rule where I write chaptered fics in full before publishing because that'll take the pressure off yay.
I think the two that are most prominent in my mind (other than McSpirk Month, and the handful of amazing ideas y'all inject into my brain) are impulse, my role-swapped Spirk, and emotionally compromised, my super whumpy Spones/Spirk/McKirk (It really is all of those things separately). That one turned into a fucking UNIVERSE thanks to @ncc1701ohno.
The sound of voices carries from around a row of plants. Orchids. It’s the first moment he’s noticed them, dozens of them kept in fastidious arrangement. Leaning forward Jim makes to reach for the closest one, the tips of the fingers of his right hand just barely brushing against the silk of the petals. 
“Please, do not touch them.” Spock’s directive comes as he steps around the corner, hands clasped as always behind his back.
He looks different than Jim’s ever seen him. He’s draped in robes, but they’re not the formal things he wears to official gatherings or the stark tunics of their uniforms. He looks good. Almost vibrant. Vulcans exist with a line of tension that runs through them, like being strung up by piano wire, and Spock’s has been cut. As a result, his shoulders are slightly more rounded and the cant of his chin is not quite as sharp.
“Sorry.” Jim steps back from the plant, offering a gentle curving of his mouth. “They’re beautiful.” 
Spock stops before him, a professional distance away, and observes the orchid Jim had just barely grazed as if checking for damage.”It is of no concern.” Satisfied, he straightens. “It does not appear to have been harmed.
It was obviously of some concern, or Jim could have kept on petting the damn thing. Instead of pointing that out, Jim just puts his hands in his pockets.
Oh neat, he’s got pockets. He’s wearing jeans. He hasn’t worn a pair of those since he’d been enlisted in Starfleet.
“Tush ah nask dey kod lu.” Nope. That wasn’t right. “Turshah naz va koddle.” Okay, so Leonard's not doing well at this.
He swallows rough, feeling it as red rushes up his neck. Sarek, for his part, remains patient and unbothered, waiting for Leonard to get it right.
It takes a moment to psych himself up as he repeats the words in his head yet again before trying a final time. “Tushah nash-veh k'odu.” Each is spoken with precise articulation, fighting against the gentle curves of his accent, and it takes all of Leonard’s failing brain power but he gets it.
He thinks.
Sarek inclines his head lightly, reaching for the tea which has been set out before him. 
“As you are of my house, the informal is more fitting.” Leonard isn’t. Not yet. It makes something in him twist for Sarek to already consider him so. “Tushah nash-veh k'du.”
“Tushah nash-veh k'du,”  Leonard repeats, that same fierce intention focused on each and every syllable.
“And I grieve with you, Dr. McCoy.” Sarek sips at the tea and, well, he doesn’t pull a face. But Leonard can see the tiny tightening at the corner of his mouth. He’s gotta be exhausted or Leonard knows nothing would escape at all.
tagging @twinkboimler, @ncc1701ohno, @introvertia, @flippyspoon and @spock-in-awe in a totally non pressure way to see what y'all are up to (because we all know it's gonna be amaaaazing).
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spirkbitch · 1 year
What’s your favourite Star trek movie
see i feel like this is the lamest answer but they’re all kinda my favorite in different ways (at least the TOS. ones, i’ve been working on watching everything else)
because like, TMP is so good like it’s literally Spock and Kirk dealing with their unresolved issues and being in love and i love that. and then Wrath of Khan is obviously a cinematic masterpiece (it makes me cry though). TSFS is amazing also,(it also makes me cry sometimes) i love Sarek assuming Kirk had Spock’s Katra and i love how heated he got about it.
The Voyage Home is probably actually my favorite because it’s just so fun, Spock trying to cuss literally killed me and Chekov looking for the “nuclear wessels” still kills me every time i think about it.
I once saw someone describe The Final Frontier and The Undiscovered Country as “a warm comfy blanket” and i think that’s entirely accurate. like they still have the great storylines like the others but they just have softer vibes (i don’t actually think that makes sense that’s just how i feel about it.) (also the camping scene at the beginning of the final frontier is so cute and sweet it’s literally my favorite thing ever)
okay sorry i’m done now
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deepspacedukat · 8 months
I love everything about this Sarek fic, especially the bits about Vulcan courting, especially after reading your Solok Pon Farr fic.
It’s given me many, many thots (ba-dum tsss) about Solok. Him being absolutely whipped for a human woman, and he finally decides to start to try an initiate courtship with her. She doesn’t object to his blatant - and quite frankly very openly possessive, at least for a Vulcan - Vulcan courting rituals, so he assumes she’s accepted and they’re courting now. But she is, of course, completely ignorant to Vulcan courting rituals, and so has no idea she’s basically just silently agreed to be his girlfriend/fiancé. Until it comes up in conversation, and he casually refers to her as his fiancé/future mate, and her eyes widen in shock, and he’s just like, “you never scorned my advances, which told me you were amicable to a relationship.” Nothing else to say about that particular line of thought. she either runs away to get out of the awkward situation and Solok goes and finds her to apologize and explain himself further, or she just stays were she is sitting beside him; either way, they end up officially together in the end.
Now for the real horned up stuff. When you mentioned him nuzzling his face into her thighs and belly/pelvic area? I MELTED! Imagine when his wife is Ovulating. He doesn’t know much about Human biology, but he does know a female in Pon Farr when he smells one, and right now his wife smells like she’s about to enter it (to harken back to an earlier ask lmao). He buries his face against her clothed pelvis, nearly moaning when he’s able to get a whiff of her straight from the source. She chuckles and asks him what’s got him all riled up, and he just looks at her confused because….how is she so calm right now? How is a human managing to fight off her heat cycle so well? He asks her as much, and flushes green when she laughs and says humans don’t have a heat cycle, it’s just her ovulation. She then goes on to explain human biology and reproduction, and learning that she’s fertile right now, that her body is pliant and ready for breeding even if she isn’t acting like a Sehlat in heat, relights the flames of his desire and he practically pounces on her.
Omg, okay, so I am very familiar with the fic you linked in the beginning of your ask. I read it on AO3 a while back and it gives me the warm fuzzies every single time! The courting is adorable, I agree.
Oh. My god. That Solok silent engagement scenario is giving me Emotions. I adore the sound of that. Like, he's just utterly confident that they're together, proud of his association with her, and utterly stunned when she has no idea that they've been together/engaged.
And for the *ahem* the third section of your ask... *vibrating intensely* I AM HONESTLY SO IN LOVE WITH THIS IDEA. His amazement, and his utter bewilderment about how a Human is handling this so well even though they're not supposed to have heats, are they?? He doesn't know but he wants to care for her! He wants to help her so badly.
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dark-elf-writes · 2 months
Okay, I love good husband/father Sarek, but just imagine him running out to get whatever it is that Amanda craves while pregnant with Spock.
It’s three am and Sarek is logically bribing the Andorian place by their home to open back up after hours for the third time that week because it’s all Amanda has been able to keep down for days. He pays them ten times the normal amount every time it happens. They become far more agreeable to keeping later hours when he does.
Sarek’s control being put to the test when he sees Amanda dip pickles in her shake.
It’s two am and Sarek is making plomeek soup because “Your baby thinks it sounds good, Sarek!” (He will not admit the illogical thrill that runs through him when she says his baby. He will have to meditate on it later.)
Hearing Amanda crying while he’s meditating and sprinting to her side only to find she is holding an empty box she had mistakenly put back in the cabinet and she wants that particular snack right now.
The clerk that works the night shift at the convenience store by their home knows him by name. They keep a collection of Amanda’s preferred snacks behind the counter just in case.
The Andorian couple give him their personal number and promise to make all of Amanda’s favorites is he just calls ahead first. He tips them generously.
Sarek using his touch telepathy to know what Amanda is craving before she does and taking the worst of her nausea/pain away. She pouts at him, not liking that he is feeling discomfort for her. He tells her it is only logical as she is the one carrying their child.
The clerk at the convenience store calls him “Mr. S” now. It seems illogical to correct them when they are the only two people in the store in the dead of the night and Sarek is still in his sleeping robe.
He often comes up behind her and holds the weight of their child for her. It is the least he can do. The faint almost thoughts of their son that he can feel through the thrum of Amanda’s relief and joy and love indicate that he wants plomeek soup.
Amanda gives birth to their child and he is perfect. She has never looked more radiant than she does lying there exhausted but smiling as she holds their son, their Spock.
The Andorian couple ask when they are planning their second child.
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t0ast-ghost · 5 months
- McCoy immediately complaining about dress uniforms. I love him and his short sleeves
- Wait- why is McCoy in Jim’s room while he’s getting ready? I don’t usually use emojis but 🤨
- Spock joins them walking down the hallway so fast. No way he didn’t plan that.
- They do not know it’s his father, do they?
- I love the long dramatic scene of the shuttle coming in with all the redshirts standing around
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- Awee he introduces his wife so proudly and then they kiss :)))
- Sarek why are you being mean to your son
- Kirk is sooo surprised
- McCoy is going to love talking to Amanda I can see it
- Damn Spock talk to your mom
- There’s so much drama going on, but it’s all monotone, it’s like downtown abbey
- Kirk immediately hating on the Vulcan academy just cause it could’ve taken Spock away from him
- I would love to eat the food there. It looks so inedible
- Amanda is so proud of her husband. Like fuck yeah he beat that other ambassador in a debate
- McCoy trying to get all the information about Spock that he can, cause he knows this guy will forever stay a mystery if he doesn’t ask
- McCoy is SO HAPPY to hear Spock had a teddy bear
- Damn they just keep kissing RIGHT in front of their son
- I’d like to note the first appearance of Andorians
- “Vulcan I would speak to you.” “It does seem unavoidable.” And “Threats are illogical and payment is usually expensive.” This is where Spock gets his sass
- Kirk shirtless
- “That’s a convient excuse-” Sarek immediately starts dying
- “Spock, I’m sorry about your father.” Kirk’s trying to comfort him
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- Kirk realizes Spock won’t admit that he is feeling worried so he does as Spock wishes and carries on with their mission
- It’s an Andorians, isn’t it?
- When your son and his two boyfriends are standing over your hospital bed (one of them is your doctor as well)
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- McCoy you should know what Spock’s blood type is.. oh wait I think it’s just cause Spock would not survive losing that much blood
- McCoy not to letting his idiot boyfriend die. Especially by his own hand in his own damn medbay
- Spock is such a bitch when he has a purpose
- The jump cut to Kirk fighting an andorian.. Bones will have to put up with a lot of his idiot boyfriends almost dying in this episode, won’t he?
- Kirk after top surgery- who said that (no I’m not posting a photo of what I’m referring to)
- Amanda saying ‘human’ isn’t a dirty word to Spock is such a healing sentence. LIKE EMBRACE YOURSELF
- Spock’s voice wavering as he talks to his mom
- “And I’ll hate you for the rest of my life.” WHAT. SHE SLAPPED HIM.
- “Now let that be a lesson to you. Just lie there and be happy you’re still alive.” Bones is unimpressed with Jim almost dying
- Shiny bandage on Kirk
- damn this Medbay has no fucking privacy
- The reanimator vibes from McCoy rn are peak
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- The old cardio stimulator looks like a fancy stapler
- Okay if they’re not andorian, then who?
- Bones teasing Kirk and Kirk just wants to know if Spock is okay cause he’s in so much pain
- Orions? I should’ve guessed…
- “Emotional, isn’t she?” “She has always been that way.” “Indeed? Why did you marry her?” “At the time it seemed the most logical thing to do.” Spock makes a considering face and Kirk and McCoy look at each other like “we’re gonna marry this guy.”
- Bones trying to keep them in medbay will be like trying to trap a cloud in a jar. He’s so happy to have them in his medbay so he doesn’t have to go to the bridge 
That went surprisingly well. The journey has ended but what is our destination? Why, the next episode of course! See you next time :)
Episode written by D. C. Fontana
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pennywaltzy · 7 months
Connections & Reconnections (2/? - A "Mended, Blended & Found" Story)
So I didn't realize I had actually started this sequel! @greenskyoverme had asked me to write more of Paul's story, and I was all set to write something brand new, but I found out I had already started and posted it. I swear, I need to get my laptop in order... But anyway, enjoy some angst mixed with domestic bliss.
Connections & Reconnections - After the events with Khan Noonien Singh and Admiral Marcus, Spock and Nyota make some changes in their lives that affect Paul and their friends and families for the better.
Part 1 | Part 2
Eventually they settled into a restful enough sleep that neither of them woke up for a few more hours, and when they did Spock took a moment to reflect on things. They were both alive, Khan was back in a cryogenic chamber with the rest of his kind, and Jim…
Jim was still in a coma, and it was unsure whetehr he would live through it, but there was hope.
He’d had no sense of hope when he had left the Enterprise after Jim’s sacrifice to fix things. He’d wanted to rail, to weep, but he had been there for his friend’s final moments and that had sufficed for the moment. But then there was a larger goal: while Jim had not survived his brush with death, Khan had survived his.
Khan needed to die.
The chase through San Francisco, the beating at his hands...if Nyota had not told him that Khan’s blood could heal Jim, he would have killed the man with no qualms. He would have murdered him in cold blood.
What kind of monster did that make him?
Spock shook his head and made his way to the kitchen, where Nyota had not gone yet. He could hear the sound of the shower running and thought, perhaps, he might get the chance to surprise her with breakfast. He pulled out some veggie sausage and began to pull out various other ingredients to make a casserole that she loved.
He was halfway done preparing it when she came out clad in a towel with another towel wrapped around her head. “I could have cooked for us,” she said with a smile on her face.
“I wanted to surprise you,” he said. She came over and kissed his cheek. “Have I?”
“You have,” she said. She put her hand up to the top of the towel around her chest. “It’s nice, being back home, isn’t it?”
“I suppose,” he said. “But with everything that had happened, perhaps time spent at home will allow me to...heal.”
She moved her hand to cover his hand that was closest to her, squeezing it. “No one’s not expecting us to have trauma, Spock. We all have to go to counseling, and then Jim…” She squeezed harder. “Let’s stop by his room today and see if there’s any change yet, okay? I know you’re worried.”
“Thank you for understanding, Nyota,” he said, moving so his palm was against hers and he could thread his fingers in between hers. He brought their hands up and uncharacteristically kissed the back of her hand. “Could we also contact my father and see if Paul can come home early?”
“I was thinking you might ask for that, and that’s fine. Unless he’s really enjoying New Vulcan and all that one on one time with Sarek. Then he can stay. But when we talked to him last night, I got the feeling he wanted to be home here with us again.”
Spock was quiet, but didn’t let go of her hand. “Would it be amiss to suggest my father stay for a time as well. I am...conflicted, and while I know I am only half-Vulcan and therefore also half-human, he may have some insight into my confliction.”
“Of course, Spock. I’ll make up the guest room later today and we can ivite them both to come back as soon as possible,” she said, moving to stand on her tiptoes and put her chin on his shoulder. “We’ll be okay, it’ll just take time, you know? But don’t shut me out. Talk to me, too, not just your dad.”
“I will, when I have come to grips with it more.”
“I’ll hold you to it,” she said. “Now, I’m going to go get dressed and you can feed me breakfast in bed, if you want.”
A small smile lit up Spock’s face. “You want me to feed it to you, Nyota?”
“Not literally, you dork.”
A soft chuckle erupted from Spock’s throat. “I love you, Nyota.”
“I love you too, Spock. Now let go of my hand so you can give me a well-deserved treat.” He did as she said and she left his side, her walk almost a sashay as she headed back to their bedroom while he watched. He did love her, and he would do his best not to shut her out.
She deserved that much, at least.
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wwillywonka · 1 month
(acting like we don't already talk about Star Trek 24/7 <333) 1, 17, & 20 for the star trek ask game?
LOVE YOUUUU MWAH!!!! xoxoxoxo
okay soo since i already answered 17 & 20, here's 1!
1. Your favourite episode? 💕
again, i've already talked about this ep sooo much on there, but it's my everything. i just recently finished reading the novelisation and it made me so crazy that i was crying on a plane just thinking about it. spock and data are pretty tied as my fav star trek characters and the first time i saw the "in effect, you have abandoned what i have sought all my life" scene, i'm pretty sure i actually screamed. i mean, you were the one who showed it to me, so you know. it has spock being angry at sarek, spock being angry at himself for putting jim and bones in danger (consequences of undiscovered country my beloved), spock acting out of emotion, picard showing that he can and will get angry on behalf of the federation, PARDEK BETRAYING SPOCK AFTER 80 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP!!! i just love it so much. 100000000/10
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markcampbells · 1 year
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you: Spock
I also got this from an anon so I'm assuming everyone's like we know how she feels about McKirk, what about Spock?? 😂
How I feel about this character: Okay, so… it is not the character, it is the fanbase. Spock is awesome! All three actors do an absolutely fantastic job! But the fanbase is kind of… too much for me. I'm not speaking so much about the intense love for him as I am talking about projecting things onto him that have very little to do with the writers' initial intent and then getting angry when canonical portrayals don't match up. Like, people will absolutely INSIST that Spock is gay and then get angry when he's paired with women in new incarnations, despite the fact that (a) bisexual+ people exist, so him being with a woman does not automatically make him straight, and (b) Spock was never intended to be anything but heterosexual anyway. I won't deny that SNW in particular has made some choices where I understand the frustration--I absolutely understand why Jewish fans are upset by the bacon scene--but I think the preciousness over Spock and his fanon is what puts people like me off him a bit. He's a great character, excellently portrayed, but I could really do without the people who can't recognize where their fanon ends and canon begins.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I understand the love for Spirk! But of the triumvirate and its satellite ships, it's kind of the least interesting to me. I like how Spock/Uhura works as a companion ship to McKirk! And I think SNW is doing really cool stuff with Spock/Christine and the idea that a young Spock would explore emotionality that way (especially after seeing his parents' marriage).
My non-romantic OTP for this character: The triumvirate, of course! Particularly in Star Trek V, I love the warmth and camaraderie of the camping scenes. I also really love his familial dynamics with Amanda and Michael (Sarek is… complicated…), and when it comes to Pike, the SNW S1 finale actually made me cry with how it portrayed their relationship and its impact on both of them.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I kinda accidentally got into that earlier, didn't I. Oops. I think something that strikes me about Spock and how I relate to fanon is I actually see him more as aro/ace, but I understand how complicated that gets as a headcanon because it might imply that aro/ace people are unemotional, etc. I sort of see him as a keen observer of relationship dynamics (in McKirk fics, I always appreciate a Spock who understands they're romantically involved but keeps quiet out of discretion), but someone who doesn't necessarily desire a romantic relationship for himself.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I totally understand why the subsequent AOS movies past the first one used him sparingly--having him in the first movie at all is a base to bridge the universes on--but I would find more knowledge of what Spock did to rebuild Vulcan society and how he adjusted to a new universe fascinating!
my OTP: Secondary to McKirk, I really do see the appeal of Spones! I think they're an awesome ship and I want to write more for their dynamic (thus far I've written a friendship fic I'm still really proud of). I love both the silly memes people make about them as well as the serious meta people do about why these characters work as a pairing and their relationship to each other.
my cross over ship: I don't think about crossover ships that much! Although now that I'm thinking about it, I would find him having some sort of relationship with Garak fascinating. Garak lies and eludes constantly, and Spock is held to not lie but actually does, and I think they could play off each other in an interesting way. Plus Garak is so lively and jovial whereas Spock is more serious but also has a dry wit I think Garak would love.
a headcanon fact: In my fic I linked above, I tried to build more on the idea of Spock having a dyslexia-like condition that Discovery established. I thought it was pretty cool that Discovery gave a character who's well-known for his intellect a learning disability! I like the idea that it gives him a lot of empathy for those in similar situations and that he's able to use his past struggles to help those on ship crews or in academic settings who need it.
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trekkie-lkm-archive · 6 months
Info: Okay, I know like three people have requested variations on this and it hasn't really been written, but the more I think about it the more I just REALLY want to see it.
The bratty Vulcan kid who called Sarek a traitor and tortured Spock about his mom and commented on his 'human eyes' was, of course, totally in love with Spock and stayed that way right up until Spock left to join Starfleet, whereupon Bratty Vulcan Kid was heartbroken and thought he'd never see Spock again. Fast-forward to the Enterprise's first stop at New Vulcan a few years later, when Spock discovers that his old nemesis is alive. Spock braces himself for Bratty Vulcan Snark, but instead gets a heartfelt apology and a declaration of Bratty Vulcan Love in which there is prominent mention of Spock's pretty human eyes.
Spock can respond however you want him to, whether he's happy about it or weirded-out or annoyed or whatever. Anything would be great.
Bonus points if said declaration of Bratty Vulcan Love is put on hold when the guy sees Kirk and Spock being all bromantic together and assumes they're bonded or dating, and that it would therefore be illogical to reveal the true nature of his feelings, until he sees Kirk hitting on some hot Vulcan chick and decides all bets are off.
EXTRA bonus points for an awesome Sarek cameo. I don't care how or why, I just want Sarek wedged in there somewhere because he rocks. (thread)
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Author: Snowlight
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