#I LOVE sharing the music I listen to
justbackgroundnoise · 9 months
hey homo ✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️ /nf
Seeing Someone Else by Ingrid Andress
Conversations With Ghosts by Bear’s Den
Blame Brett by The Beaches
Little Pieces by Michaela Slinger
Wouldn’t It Be Nice by Trousdale
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betweenthenotes · 2 months
Its gonna be okay just remember that no matter what your trauma is, someone’s made a spotify playlist for it
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darcyolsson · 9 months
"no one actually cares about the spotify links you post" wrong. i do. i mean it when i say i listen to at least half of the songs people put on my dash. a solid amount of my music i find through random hyperlinks or, preferably, a dramatic text post that uses smalltext.io liberally. i will even google randomly posted lyrics to find out which song it's from and then listen to it attentively and put it in a playlist if i like it. dont know whose god complex this is going to feed but i need to put this out there
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r-aindr0p · 5 months
oh my gosh that corset rollo had me m e l t i n g!!
i wanted to ask if you had any songs you like to associate with him? especially if there's any in french, since my french music knowledge is extremely lacking...
two of my favourites for him are notre dame by paris paloma and salvation by christabelle marbun! v v recommend them if you're at all in the mood for Rollocore Songs :3c
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Ahh I can do that yes ! some songs that I think about are linked to his unhinged and fiery side, and others the grieving and solitary side of Rollo. Also the songs you recommended are neat I didn't know them, added to my playlist heehee Little idk fake album cover to go with the recommendations, no title because I had no title idea. Now for the songs I'd recommend : Lacrimosa - Kalafina Faster than the flame - Powerwolf Ricordando il passato - Akiko Shikata Iron Lotus (key ingredient version) - Mili The final battle - Tsukasa Saitoh (Elden ring ost, theme of the final boss that is in two parts, intense at first then the theme shifts to a much calmer and "holier" tone, I think it fits Rollo in a way) Songs in french : L'Assasymphonie - Mozart l'opéra rock Le bien qui fait mal - Mozart l'opéra rock C'est bientôt la fin - Mozart l'opéra rock Le temps des cathédrales - Notre-Dame de Paris Belle - Notre-Dame de Paris (sung by Quasimodo, Frollo and Phébus in the musical) Les cloches de Notre-Dame - The hunchback of Notre-dame (cheating a bit with this one since it's simply the bells of notre dame from the disney but in french) I'm not very acquainted with more recent french songs to be honest so there's now a bit old songs from two musicals. Honestly Mozart l'Opéra Rock songs are fitting for so many characters, and the bell sounds in "c'est bientôt la fin" while they sing about attending a ball and assist to the end of a world is so Rollo ringing the bell in hopes for that world without magic, for the end of mages.
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thestayathomedragon · 9 months
Tagged by @spectral-king :3
rules: when you get tagged you have to put 5 songs you listen to and then tag another 10 people!
kisses - Slowdive
super fade - Fall Out Boy
a message - Coldplay
got the life - Korn
27 - Fall Out Boy
I tag ya'll only if you want to of course: @alitan99, @heathenkweer, @vodkafolie, @wisecrackingeric-2, @baaahumbug, @aquarelacosmica, @lightenupcowboy, @thanatoaster, @solarmidnight, and @kaychen666. Dang. Ten is a lot.
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kalmiaclown · 7 months
Ppl who... Wh o listen to They Might Be Giants, Oingo Boingo, Drive45, The Garden, Worthikids, Stevie Dinner, TV Room, Junie & TheHutFriends, and Machinery Of The Human Heart are... Scientistfically proven to be 100% sexier than everybody in the entire universe actually...... Ther was LITERALLY a sourse im not lying its was very scientific and real i jus cant find the link trust me bro.
Abyway guess who fits in that category ;o))
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dawnthefluffyduck · 8 months
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I had my first Pepsi since getting sick today and I think i got a bit carried away
The Ralsei in the bottom right is from the comic Looking Glasses by @ferronickel, you should check it out if you haven't yet ^-^ ((sorry for the tag at two in the morning haha))
edit: whoops forgot to link the comic
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vampzart · 8 months
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elizakai · 1 month
do you guys like character playlists and if i shared some would it be at all entertaining
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wikitpowers · 3 months
kit falling asleep on ty's shoulder on the bus <33
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stinkypeanutbutter · 2 months
I’d like to headcanon that some of the squad have shared playlists , and one giant one for them all . They check out each others Spotify or Amazon or YouTube idk what they use anyway they check it out and if it pairs similar to their own , they join together and create one to play when they are chilling or showing to the others . The BIG one is them all together , meaning lots and lots and lots of bickering over what song gets put in and what doesn’t . Usually , it’s just Aiden complaining about the songs he can’t add ( VERY mixed style , some songs are a little too goofy . But don’t worry , he’ll add them on when no one’s looking )
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secretarysong · 3 months
WHERE ARE ALL THE MAYDAY AND/OR ZUKE SPOTIFY PLAYLISTS AAAATTTTT ... nothing relevant even pops up when i search 'bunk bed junction' ... this is a travesty
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bluespiritshonour · 3 months
I'm kicking, screaming, crying, throwing up, pulling my hair out by the roots—
Exile by Taylor Swift is such a Maiko-coded song. Like, it doesn't get more perfect. Literally every single line of that song fits with Maiko perfectly ugh!!!
The way I'm feeling right now has no solution, no relief. It's like how you want to crush cute things cause there really isn't any response that would deal with the stimulus called cuteness? I'm going crazy because I can't express how much I love this song and I love maiko and sometimes words aren't necessary. Sometimes it's just the vibes and exile is so maiko in vibes—I feel like I've understood a lot of things I feel like throwing up.
It's like Zuko and Aang looking at the dragon flames and understanding firebending. I listen to exile and it's just—maiko in my head...just pictures and vibes and feels. No words apart from the ones in the song and they fit, okay?
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lovvecherrymotion · 2 months
i guess i just need to talk it all out and try to make some sense of it. the GazettE are one of the most important bands in my life. they've brought me so many friends and so much happiness over the years. i was just 13 when i started listening to them and now i'm 27. they were such a huge part of my teenage years. they literally kept me going at some points of my life. their music saved my life.
i've always thought i'd get a chance to see them live one day - one of my biggest dreams was to experience flith in the beauty live at least once. and now i probably will never. and if i do, it won't be the same.
i can't believe reita is gone. just like that. he's gone. it feels like an old friend just passed away - someone i hadn't spoken to in years, but still thought of fondly. he was such a wonderful, talented human. i can't believe he's gone.
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lesbiheon · 2 months
mx songs i wasn't that big of a fan of when they were first released but then later grew on me like moss (aka i was a hater & so wrong):
lone ranger - felt it was extremely repetitive
gasoline - the beat wasn’t working for me but then later I realized it’s so good
chaotic - it was too loud at first but later it played while on a road trip & I nearly hydroplaned
stealer - didn’t like the chorus
x - thought it meh
incomparable - didn’t like the melody
oh my - lied to myself about liking it bc I didn’t vibe w the beat at all but then later saw Kihyun’s stage presence while performing it & fell in love
ride with u - I have no clue why it just didn’t interest me
destroyer - I wasn’t into the lyrics/theme at all but realized it’s gorgeous
aura - melody wasn’t doing it for me
carry on - too too TOO poppy but then I grew up & now I love poppy af songs!
any of their english songs - not written/produced by any of them (except a few like play it cool) so I was more cautious than anything but they’re good…
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crescentfool · 2 years
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you feel content listening to music with ryoji... 💙
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