#I Love Oversharing
nectar-cellar · 13 days
you guys i'm literally sick 😭 i caught a cold...
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yennefer lying on the floor in a poor of her own blood completely covered in it was literally me on my period before meds
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Freebleeding in my stolen men's underwear
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dick-chugger · 5 months
How do I have a UTI like once a week
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dauntinglytaunting · 5 months
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Hello my name is dumbass and I don’t know how to cope with life turning itself upside down without substances nice to meet you
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mysticallilac · 1 year
please do not compliment me i cannot take it like a normal person.
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boba-beom · 7 months
Smiles!!! Here's another SFW link I found... please... I wanna see HIM in long hair and playing with his gorgeous hair😩✋️
How are you doing these days by the way?? Any interesting happening??
hiii noullii! no literally I love taehyun with long hair 🫠 I’m still an avid taehyun mullet fan, like cherry taehyun bc it just suits him so well,, so I hope he grows it out a little more! and his hair looks so soft these days esp when he got it permed! oh taehyun, give me like one chance to play with your hair and you can play with mine 🤭 I still think the dark brown hair suits him best, uGh he’s so boyfriend I cannawt stop thinking about him
i mentioned in a prev asked that i’m recovering from a cold, but I nothing too interesting has been happening other than me trying out new dishes to cook and book journalling! how have you been??? also do you have any hobbies??
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animutate · 7 months
Neck kink but you cover them up with scarves? That's like a old timey English dude being into socks that cover up ankles
that post was about MEE PERSONALLY i like having my neck covered it makes me feel kind of uncomfortable if its out. specifically i like how knit feels around it because its warm and its soft which isnt really a sex thing except when it is so i really like scarves and turtlenecks. and i also like turtlenecks on other people which is a sex thing except when it isnt. think about it like someone whos into feet that really likes shoes.
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beulf · 11 months
my favorite thing about the tumblr sex poll discourse is like. i was one of those teenagers who was insanely obsessed w blabbing to literally everyone abt my sex life BECAUSE i was soooo god damn insecure about my image and i knew i was a very big nerd and the fact that i had done this or that made me look marginally more cool than my virgin friends, but like after hitting a certain point (turning 21 tbh) i just realized like wait a minute talking about this stuff is kinda embarrassing 9 times out of 10, like, thats my private life, sure there are certain kinds of circumstances where i could talk about it and im not saying you should never talk about sex ever but. its just like. i know that the only reason why this is happening on tumblr is Not because everyone is a popular mean girl but literally because everyone on here, whether or not youve had sex, is a nerd, but some nerds want to seem less nerdy than the rest and youre grasping for whatever will give you that leg up
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lobster-lover · 2 years
this is for the art thing, and i really went off the wall here so i wont be embarrassed if you post this like 'not a single one of these is correct':
- you had a friend in elementary who you really admired the art of, you couldn't draw yet but you burned some of the things they did that you thought looked so cool into your head
- youre a perfectionist and erase a million times only to control z back to the third one (usually)
- you routinely read some simple comic strip as a kid, something in printed format
-you started drawing in middle school
most of these are scarily accurate . yes there was someone at school i wanted to be a carbon copy of but we were never really friends LOL, i do ctrl z constantly (natural reflex at this point), i read a lot of condorito and mafalda if anyone here is from latin america and recognizes that, the only wrong one is that i started drawing in elementary teehee
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7, 60, 67, 68, 93
7. when was the last time you said something you regretted?
Tiny things constantly. I should have said this word, or phrased it differently, or just not said anything, or said something. I can't remember specifically, but trust me I regret everything.
60. what's your go-to play to destress?
Milo with milk and read ao3
67 what's your favourite piece of obscure media?
I don't actually like too many obscure things, I just tend to watch or read what others recommend to me. The least popular thing I like would probably be the school for good and evil. I don't even know if it counts as obscure. It probably doesn't count, but it's the best I've got.
69. what's the most recent entry in your notes app
Haha I don't usually use my notes app so this will be interesting
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I do rollerskating on Sundays and keep track of when the activities are so I know when to leave if I have to leave early
93: favourite game?
I'm really not much of a gamer :/ Minecraft ig?
As a recommendation I would recommend anything by Dogmelon games. They make some very cool games
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mrsblackruby · 2 years
I love Rue Bennett and Billy Hargrove because I was that elder kid sibling everyone thought deserved death and nothing more. And nobody saw my pain or if they did see it they didn’t care about how much pain I was in. Teachers, peers, and parents alike just made a surface level read of me because of all the mistakes I made and wrote me off. I will forever be mad about it. And I will forever care about Rue Bennett and Billy Hargrove’s stories cuz it feels like one of the only stories out there in the mainstream that I can call my own and relate too. And to this day I have toxicity I need to unlearn like gaslighting and perpetuating anti blackness. But just because I’m no role model figure doesn’t mean I’m beyond forgiveness. I want to take the easy way out all the time and tell myself I’m just a bad person and that’s all I am. But I’d be doing a disservice to myself and everyone I’ve hurt in my life because I can be more. At least I hope I can.
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wickedworm · 2 years
tagged by the lovely @jjmichie 💕
Rules: answer the questions and tag 15 mutuals
1. Are you named after anyone?
I'm not sure about first name but my middle comes from a great great aunt
2. When was the last time you cried?
Few days ago (period 😬)
3. Do you have kids?
Dear god no and I never will!!!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Occasionally. I don't talk very much in general
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their outfit
6. What's your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Here's the thing I don't do scary. But also happy endings are boring in most cases. Happy endings if I had to choose but it depends what kind of movie it is. Sometimes I just want pain and suffering
8. Any special talents?
Nothing special. I do think I'm a good baker tho
9. Where were you born?
Kentucky 🤠
10. What are your hobbies?
Baking, listening to loud angry music, walking around my neighborhood, being mysterious
11. Have you any pets?
Got a doggy. His name is Remy and he is my sweet baby boy
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I took karate when I was a kiddo. Did that for about 4-5 years. Riveting huh?
13. How tall are you?
A humble 5'4
14. Favorite subject in school?
I hated all of it ❤️
15. Dream job?
That's funny 😕
Tag shmag!!! do whatever you want!!!
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 2 years
bladder hurty
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ub-club · 28 days
i actually have cleft lip AND palate. theres not much remaining of it aside from the massive scar running thru most of my mouth but the things people have said to me over its visibility (post op) have been insane
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lois-thegreat · 3 months
i have taken an inhuman amount of midol and it still feels like my uterus is trying to spoon tunnel out of me
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