lanatusnebula · 4 months
I Want To Like Aeolus
I'm going to type "Helios" because I played a fan translated version of the game so I could avoid the eng voice actors. (I refuse to buy anything else Capcom releases related to Megaman because I physically own most of this stuff anyway LOL)
So, so good points about Helios;
he has a cool head on his shoulders (deisgn-wise)
he had model H (my favorite MMZ character is Harpuia and ZX I love Model H big)
I like his face and hair! It's super silly but the more I look at it, the more he reminds me of SOMEONE I can't actually put my finger on. It's funny. And he has... one earring? Hanging off the ear mechanic things? Not sure what to call them... audio enhancement device? Vestibular Enhancement Piece? I wish they got some nerd to official label the reploid/cyborg body parts...
He's pretty neat in that regard, haha!
Model H is super fun in ZX! I enjoyed it in ZX. In ZX it is my favorite! So good on him that he's a biomatch for pocket Harpuia.
From here downward i will slander Helios's name and everything he will ever stand for.
nb4, "dude if you dont like him, then ignore his existence like you do with everything else you dont like" bro you dont understand this is a struggle i must endure for the sake of my own completeness (self-torture)
This whole this is biased and abandoned by reason, but I will put on a brave face and embarass myself anyway...! ò 0 ó
Points to touch on;
his design
his writing
his personality
biomatching with Model H
I hate his design so freakin much. He has a sleeveless vest (ok), the weird skin-tight extra padding (sure) a skirt attached to ABSOLUTELY NOTHING (ok) and PANTS (dress pants). Each of these things on a character in the Z series would be like "eh whatever". But looking at how everyone else dresses, I always wondered "what happened HERE???". I'm hoping that it was a mistranslation of the concept art to the official marketed stuff, and they added volume to the skirt when it was supposed to be attached to the torso piece. I just can't mentally comprehend his layers otherwise? Like I'm picturing he and Ciel had the same thing going on, except he has dress pants instead of tights.
I'm more than aware that fashion in the Z/ZX series is a bit unhinged and abnormal. That it might even be lore related or somehow touched on by the fact that every human is a cyborg. Maybe he's a reploid and we can't see it? I'm holding onto the hope that Atlas and Helios are reploids who hide this fact. (Unlikely)
His Writing
Because I am an ugly Harpuia fan, I was expecting more than the game actually gave. This section is my personal gripes that have no real basis for complaints. They are, as a whole, completely unnecessary and ignorable.
Siarnaq has a backstory that is briefly mentioned in his little disk thing. Okay!
Thetis has some sort of motivation that hints that something else could be there, but doesn't have a backstory in in the disk thing. Okay!
Atlas has a backstory that is briefly mentioned in her little disk thing. Okay! (she has been ruined by the fanart in select places and thus she does not exist to me LOL - same with Ashe tbh)
Helios has... a shallower motivation than even Thetis *and* lacks a backstory. I mean, sure I guess? I am biased towards Thetis because I figured for a reploid to have that much of an interest in oceans - something *happened*. It isn't even suggested that anything did happen, it's just... a good set up for me to fart out fandom crap. But Helios... I... man.
"Everything is imperfect and full of foolish fools I will kill everyone." His personality is so god damn bland. Harpuia was the highlighted guardian for most of the MMZ games and I ended up really enjoying how he evolved and how he struggled in the drama CDs. There was a lot to work with! Part of me thinks, "yes well Fefnir had jack shit going for him and you'd die for him". I DIG HIS DESIGN A REALLY LOT. But THIS GUY I simply struggle with! I want to like him because bootleg model H biomatch but I got nothing to workmwith! And that frustrates me. :(
Bland personality (I like Death the Kid ffs), shit motivation, no background - I know this is grounds for "blank slate, do what you want" but I just don't operate like that for this guy specifically.
His Personality
This section is biased.
Helios's personality doesn't really go beyond "I am a pretentious snob." He has... four lines? Maybe? I can recall four instances of dialogue off the top of my head.
"I don't have time for this lol"
"Fuck you, you imperfect crackhead" (I played as Grey).
"Fuck everyone on this planet for being imperfect."
"Self sacrifice is beautiful for friendship."
Maybe I can work with these? They are not obviously direct quotes, and are obviously played up for the hahateehee, but... I dunno man. It Should be enough to work with but I can't get into mindset of doing something with it.
Biomatching With Model H
This one is a little tricky. I assumed the biometals were either broken, muted somehow, or ditched by whatever personalities lived within them. Model Z kinda suggests to me that it IS the original inside of the biometal, but it's pure speculation based on a few lines.
I understandnthe relations some of the MegaMen have with their biometles, right
Atlas is powerhungry, which can loosely be connected to Fefnir in a very idiot way
Thetis has a "childlike innocence with attached cruelty" that we can poke ourselves in the eyes and say Leviathan had. Also ice water go brr
Siarnaq is a freaky little somethin ninja who is the complete opposite of what we assume Phantom is like based on the extremely limited dialogue he gives us. (but is substantially more to work with than what Helios gives us)
For Helios, we have to accept the "pompous homogeneous ruler mentality" as Harpuia's link. Which I don't get. What is the point of the entire Z series then? Aren't we supposed to look at Harpuia's growth and go "oh he actually is dedicated to his cause but was stuck in some muddy circumstances"? He had pride, absolutely (thinking about his post-repairs in Z3) but it's such a small part of who I thought he was personally? Granted, I did not write the game. I have no say in this; pride could have been his very essence. I just thought it was... justice.
We can say Helios is very much connected to justice - that he feels there is a sense of justice in nuking the flawed beings off this planet. (which is somewhat skewed by the fact that humans get bot'd after a while - what age? 13??? - and are basically cyborgs or robots themselves. So in a sense, they're already leaving behind their imperfect bodies) But... the super secret ending - the fact that he is present AT ALL makes no sense. If the goal is to put an emphasis on human bodies in the future, then... why is Helios present for this? Humans are the epitome of imperfection - we know this. It's blatant. It's why they do these mechanical enhancements to begin with.
Helios can't even commit to a cause right? I know all the MegaMen are exceedingly braindead and that's cool. But at least the others COMMIT to it. Thetis doesn't go "I'm gonna eliminate an entire race for the ocean" and then piss in the sea. Atlas doesn't go "Power is everything." and then break down crying and throwing away her biometal to embrace her weakness. Siarnaq doesnt go "HYPERFOCUSING ON TASK AT HAND" and then hold hands with everyone at the amusement park with a smile. THEY COMMIT.
Helios is stupid. He doesn't commit. Not if that is the truest ending leading up to this ZXC they planned.
His Background
Helios has no background. Okay. That is fine. Thetis doesn't have one either. Two focusing on the present and two focusing on the past.
But what could his background have been? Aristocrat? Poor? Feral child? Living in squalor? No parents? Abusive parents? Was he training to be one of the Sage Trinity? Albert came out of nowhere right? Maybe anyone qualifies - clearly they don't do background checks on anyone.
Maybe he was a sword enthusiast? Maybe the sword plays a part in this? Maybe he idolizes Thomas and felt his methods weren't extreme enough? I feel like the sword is very important to him as a character.
But why didn't they elaborate? They spent so much time making the Floating Islands a Shit Stage and Ouroboros absolutely mind breaking they didn't think to go "maybe we should add a line about his sword that he never actually uses." Are the writers andnstage designers different people? I don't actually know. Might be in the credits. Sure doesn't feel like it in ZXA.
His Moveset
why is model zx's reach so short
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yamikawas · 2 years
Yoomtah loves you so much and she will never ever Ever leave you... since she's a cyborg, she would never have to, anyway! She can just stay with you forever... and ever... and ever...
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ravenkinnie · 4 years
Miss ma’am do you have any (comics/ntt) Raven headcanons becaause I’d love to hear some
I'm sorry I just went off but she's my babyyyy
* this is kind of canon but Raven learned ASL for Joey and I LOVE that for her!!! anyway I love the idea of her just being linguistically talented and speaking a lot of languages, especially because she can just nyoom wherever she wants so it just makes sense she would travel a lot and want to learn those linguistics quirks and such from other people and have those little pieces of knowledge that are like connections to humanity
*also, because she travels by herself I think it's fun if she had motion sickness when travelling in cars because she's not used to that at all
* also kind of canon, throughout the series she would say that healing physically and emotionally is a compulsion for an empath but it's also established there are limits to what she can heal - and Raven is so connected to that identity as an empath and can still feel all the physical and emotional pain and such that I imagine it would be a push towards things like community outreacha nd volunteer work, like when she would help out at the school for kids with disabilities with Vic and such. I will not remember now at what point it's canon but she would go to funerals just to take on people's emotions and grief and help them get through the day
I feel like she would focus more on healing over time rather than combat, she would still be involved in that world (maybe in sentinels of magic, just let her grow up y'all) but a lot of her time would be spent healing people, maybe helping out in hospitals.
also, imagine you don't have health insurance and your doctor is just like don't worry I know someone who can do it for free
* speaking of Vic, I LOVE THEIR RELATIONSHIP PLS he grows from this place of (earned ngl this girl is a mess) distrust towards caring about her and I like to imagine their relationship as sort of big brother-little sister relationship. he calls her his sister and people are like 👀 but also most people choose not to question a 6'6 cyborg and a 5'11 eldritch horror
also, she grew up without technology so she's horrible with it, she types with one finger like every mom ever. Vic teaches her how to use a computer and it mostly works out fine but she also puts google.com in the google search bar. Vic is just like well, you gotta pick your battles
(another thing to note here, Raven is canonically, like, taller than Dick. she's almost as tall as Bruce. this is an absolutely insane piece of information I can't cope with ever)
*on topic of bodies, Ravens soul is separate from her body and that's so!!! because she's still part human I imagine knowing your mind and your body are not the same thing would create a sort of disconnect and dysphoria because we as people need to feel connected to our bodies and we carry a lot of our emotional states in our bodies. you will find a lot of trauma resources might focus on physical exercise and connecting to your body so!!!
- Raven gets tattoos!! she has one canonically (a fucking tramp stamp which I tend to move to a shoulder blade if I write about it because, well, it's a tramp stamp) but I think the experience of her own pain that leaves a mark, and not a scar but a piece of art, would feel quite healing
- Dick tries to teach her gymnastics. he's very happy she can heal broken bones.
- Kory is the one who can really get her out of her shell so she's usually the one who offers ideas for activities. she's probably the one whos most likely to teach Raven how to swim.
* she's a wlw, like I'm sorry there's no way she's not, have you seen her relationships lmao I mean she probably has limited concept of sexuality because she just didn't grow up with any expectations or conversations around that. She's like one of those people who dont label themselves but she has a strong preference towards women
* she's a cambion and a lot of mythology includes demons not being able to reproduce, plus I think she would simply choose not to have biological children so she doesn't pass on her demonic heritage - even though there are so many (mostly shipping) headcanons out there that include her having kids. HOWEVER, I think because she has this naturally caring nature she would end up adopting orphans that just find their way to her Batman-style
* I like goth Raven fanart but I just cannot imagine her actually dressing like that, not my Raven lmao I think she would wear a lot of skirts and dresses in light colours like light blues, pastels etc
it color codes her sensitive side rather than the dark side that doesn't define her and also on an aesthetic side I think because she has this super pale skin and clear blue eyes I think she would look so cute and soft and I simply love that for her
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sweetescapeartist · 3 years
Happyhoganon: How could #17 & #18's lives turn out if they were never kidnapped by Dr. Gero? If Gero died before creating ANY androids and remaking humans into cyborgs?
I can see things going 2 different ways but ending up in the same place. (This response was waaaay longer than I thought it would be... 😅)
Lapis (17) & Lazuli (18) keep doing crimes. Krillin sees what they're doing and interferes. The twins are surprised by his superhuman speed and strength. Krillin isn't a cop so he doesn't arrest them but he tells them not to break the law so they dont get in trouble. The 3 end up chatting & the twins have some respect for him. He actually cared about their well being & that surprised them. After that encounter, they try working a modest life. Lapis gets a job as a security guard & Lazuli works at a coffee shop. Lazuli eventually dates Krillin & he moves in with her into her apartment.
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Lapis visits his sister and his brother-in-law. He also plays with his niece, Marron. Krillin taught them about ki and now they can fly and shoot small energy blasts. They are stronger than most Earthlings but not the Z Fighters.
The twins stop doing crimes and try to make an honest living. They work together at some factory and rent a house together. Lazuli meets Krillin and they start dating. Lapis & Krillin get along quickly. When Lazuli mentions how she remembers seeing Krillin during one of the Tenkaichi Budokai, Lapis asks Krillin to show him how to fight. Krillin ends up training him (& his sister some too). Then the twins encourage Krillin to enter the 24th Tenkaichi Budokai. Krillin competes and ends up winning the 24th Tenkaichi Budokai. With the prize money, he buys a new house for him and his future wife, then buys a house for his future brother-in-law.
Soon after, Lazuli & Krillin have a child together (maybe a boy this time or just keep it as Marron). Krillin trains Lapis & Lazuli to have ki control in this scenario too.
The following events are very different and 17 & 18 don't really have much to do or have nothing to do at all in this timeline...
Goku dies from the heart virus. Goten is never born. Or Goku is able to barely get a cure for the heart virus made up by Bulma. Now he can spend time with his family & second son. He wouldn't think his existence is a threat either since the RR Army never created beings that hurt his loved ones & the world.
Enter the VEGETA SAGA... Without a common enemy, Vegeta would be the next threat instead of the androids/cyborgs & Cell. Also, no present Trunks. Why? Vegeta & Bulma would not have a one night stand. Bulma may even temporarily die/get seriously injured in this scenario. I mean... she did let an evil genocidal maniac live at her estate. If she doesn't get hurt, then her mother or father would get injured by Vegeta. Vegeta would be permanently defeated by Goku in their final rematch, or he would be killed by Piccolo after he merges with Kami (if Goku is dead).
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If the Future Trunks' timeline happened, it could still be messed up because without 17 & 18, Vegeta put Earth in chaos. With Goku dead, it takes the other fighters to defeat Vegeta, but not at the cost of Piccolo and maybe 1 other (Gohan?). No more Dragon Balls on Earth. Trunks would be the son of the man who terrorized & killed most of the world. His identity would need to be kept secret, going SSJ would make the world fear him, his Saiyan lineage & who his father is would have to be kept secret from him.
The Buu saga would go smoothly without Vegeta. It would be called the MAJIN SAGA instead. Gohan would train a bit more often but not too much. Babidi & Dabura would be destroyed easily by SS2 Goku & Gohan. Majin Buu would never be awakened. Mr. Satan would be Majin Satan and get defeated by Krillin in the finals yet again. Lapis & Lazuli would compete in the tournament too but be eliminated.
The SSG ritual would not happen. Beerus would not start a fight either because Majin Buu isn't there. Beerus & Whis would make visits to have Earthling delicacies & offer training to Goku and the other in exchange for food.
Freeza comes back, fights Gohan in his final form, loses his fight against Goku, but has a laser beam shoot him, then Gohan and the others finish Freeza off & heal Goku.
U6 vs U7 tournament would be Goku, Piccolo, Krillin, Tien, Yamcha. They barely win.
Goku Black would appear in the main timeline instead of the future. So the fight would involve the Z Warriors. There would be a reference to Gohan & Krillin vs Ginyu in Goku's body. Piccolo seals Zamasu away with the Mafuba (maybe Tien & Roshi help?), and Goku & Gohan defeat Goku Black.
Tournament of Power team would now have Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha, Tenshinhan, Roshi, Goten, another Namekian warrior, & halo Vegeta. Everyone is stronger (except Vegeta) and Champa picks a U6 Earthling to be on his team. U7 still wins the tournament. Vegeta is brought back to life and takes over Freeza's empire.
Broly movie? No Freeza, so it doesn't happen. If it somehow did happen, then it would end with Broly quickly killing Vegeta on Vampa. I know some ppl who would love that and others who would hate that. But I say it doesn't happen.
I don't care for the Moro or Granolah arcs. But the Moro arc would star Goku, Krillin (honorary space cop), & Piccolo (cool Namekian stuff) then the other heroes get involved later. Cheelai & Lemo could be introduced in this arc. A team effort would defeat Moro. Meanwhile the Granolah arc would star Goku, Gohan & Piccolo. Goku & Gohan fight and try to reason with Granolah, while Piccolo & Monaito have a conversation in Namekian. Vegeta could get slightly involved later.
17 & 18 would have very minor roles if they were not turned into cyborgs. Besides being stronger than other Earthlings, they would still be weaker than the main Z Fighters.
18 & Chi-Chi would still be friends, and 17 & Yamcha would probably become good friends too.
Thanks for the ask!
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coco96 · 4 years
LDAF -Doctor Who Masterlist
Last updated: 10/28/2020
9th Doctor
Never Split Up (9th Doctor X Male!Reader) Warnings: Mild violence, yelling and confrontation Request: Ninth doctor x male!reader where the reader is getting harassed by some random guy while traveling with the doctor and the doctor steps in to help save reader from the guy
Accidents Happen (9th Doctor X Reader) *PARENTAL Warnings: Injury Request: … reader sees the doctor as a brother/dad figure and the reader gets hurt so the doctor has to take care of them? Also, could the reader possibly be male?
Crybaby (Doctor 9-12 X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Self-Conscious reader Request: … reader getting emotional and sad easily. Others think its annoying, she thinks that too, but the doctor thinks its a good thing because that means she really cares about that and isn’t as insensitive like the most humans
10th Doctor
Practically Human (10/11 X Fem!Reader) *PLATONIC Warnings: Mention of death, injury and mourning Request: Reader is a cyborg … she’s been travelling with the doctor for ages + her cyborg traits have come in useful … she’s been struggling recently but hasn’t told the doctor + instead she just turns her emotions off bc she doesn’t want to be sad. the doctor tries to convince her that it’s okay to be sad and tries to convince her to turn them back on. …
That Jumper Used To Fit You (10th Doctor X Reader) Warnings: Weight loss, loss of sleep Request: A 10th Doctor x reader where the reader tries keeping up with the timelord resulting in not eating and sleeping enough. The Doctor realises it after seeing the weight loss and steps in?
Crybaby (Doctor 9-12 X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Self-Conscious reader Request: … reader getting emotional and sad easily. Others think its annoying, she thinks that too, but the doctor thinks its a good thing because that means she really cares about that and isn’t as insensitive like the most humans
11th Doctor
The Human Thing (11th Doctor X Reader) Request: … after an adventure Amy and Rory kiss and 11 makes a remark about humans. The reader gets all defensive like “maybe try human stuff before hating on it” or something and realizes what they are suggesting and says they werent implying that but the doctor kisses them mid sentence …
Practically Human (10/11 X Fem!Reader) *PLATONIC Warnings: Mention of death, injury and mourning Request: Reader is a cyborg … she’s been travelling with the doctor for ages + her cyborg traits have come in useful … she’s been struggling recently but hasn’t told the doctor + instead she just turns her emotions off bc she doesn’t want to be sad. the doctor tries to convince her that it’s okay to be sad and tries to convince her to turn them back on. …
Company (11th Doctor X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Mention of illness and death. Request: How about one w/ Clara exploring the TARDIS one day when the Doctor can’t take her out on an adventure … She hears someone she doesnt recognise + follows the voice to find the Dr sitting w/ a woman she’s never seen before (reader) and he’s just sitting there, smiling while she speaks about something to him. …
Trouble Sleeping (11th Doctor X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Depression, anxiety, fainting and mention of not eating. Request: … reader where she’s been feeling anxious and depressed but hasn’t told the Dr cos she can’t explain why + doesn’t want to worry him, but it’s been keeping her awake at night so on one of her adventures with him she passes out while they’re supposed to be running/hiding from the monster/alien. she wakes up on the TARDIS and he gets angry and says she should have told him and then she gets upset and he calms down and realises something is really wrong.
He Doesn’t Love me (11th Doctor X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Angst, injury, kidnapping, death Request: … whatever alien/bad guy they’re up against takes reader hostage/ threatens to kill her if Dr doesn’t do what they say. she calls them an idiot + starts ranting about how he wouldn’t risk himself + the entire galaxy for her. the alien/baddie argues that the Dr would bc he loves her + she says he doesn’t love her back. …
Jealousy in a Timelord (11th Doctor X Fem!Timelord!Reader) Warnings: Injury, technically there’s death and I think I only swore once. Request: … reader is a Time Lord too, and she’s the doctors wife (instead of river) and she gets jealous when river starts to join her and the 11th doctor and Amy and Rory on the tardis and then she starts to distance herself … then something sneaks onto the tardis and attacks her maybe and there’s angst and fluff where she explains her worries to the doctor and he reassures her.
Bowties and Jackets (11th Doctor X Reader) Request: 11th Doctor request here. Can you do something where Reader steals his Jackett and Bowtie and pretends to be him?
Birthday in Hollywood (11th Doctor X Fem!Chubby!Reader) *PLATONIC Warnings: Insecurities and self-conscious reader Request: … reader having her 17th birthday. The Doctor (i dont care which) knows how she gets sad when its her birthday, and how she thinks she is nothing special so he sends her into the tardis’ changing room and gets her a dress she would never wear because of her chubby body (steals her clothes so that she has to chance) and the rest would be up to you..
Crybaby (Doctor 9-12 X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Self-Conscious reader Request: … reader getting emotional and sad easily. Others think its annoying, she thinks that too, but the doctor thinks its a good thing because that means she really cares about that and isn’t as insensitive like the most humans
12th Doctor
Please Don’t (12th Doctor X Fem!Reader) *PARENTAL TRIGGER WARNING: Alcoholic parents, mention of mistreatment, panic attack Request: … Reader never felt like she really had parents because both are alcoholics. But she feels for him like hes her father and is deeply afraid that she bores him or something and he leaves her and gets a panic attack when he hints something like that all of sudden and just sits on the ground, not able to move, crying because it hit her so hard
That Look (12th Doctor X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Self consciousness of other character, age gap Request: Reader travels with the Doctor for a while now, knowing him as 11 but he regenerates to 12 a few months ago and he is in love with her but thinks a relationship is now even more unlikely to happen now that he looks old. But she really loves when hes talking intelligent stuff and hes doing exactly that and she can’t help but kiss him and hes flustered and shocked and she goes ‘I wanted to do that so long now’
Crybaby (Doctor 9-12 X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Self-Conscious reader Request: … reader getting emotional and sad easily. Others think its annoying, she thinks that too, but the doctor thinks its a good thing because that means she really cares about that and isn’t as insensitive like the most humans
Unseen Softness (12th Doctor X Wife!Reader) Request: ... 12 being totally soft for his timelord!wife!reader and she’s the only one who can get past his angry, non-affectionate exterior which is great for her as it means she gets all the hugs from him. And forehead kisses ...
13th Doctor
Underated Illness (13th Doctor X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Sickness Request: ... reader is sick? And she’s trying to hide it but then she ends up passing out (thankfully not in a dangerous situation) and 13 just rants at her about safety and fusses over her and makes sure she gets better?
Lost Hugs (13th Doctor X Fem!Reader) Request: ... reader keeps to herself a lot and 13 gets upset cos she thinks its because reader wants to leave her because she’s a woman now but actually y/n just doesn’t want to overstep her boundaries - 12 wasn’t a hugging person and she learned to just deal without the much wanted affection and 13 just hugs the hell out of her ...
Colour Of Love (13th Doctor X Reader) Request: … Reader joins the fam and starts crushing after 13th. reader want’s to at least let 13 know but they are just good playing woodwinds … and r not good at singing. but the TARDIS changes the tiles colors depending on feelings so 13 follows the path of reds, pinks & yellows and listend to the melody reader is practicing and /oh/
A Little Notebook (13th Doctor X Fem!Reader) Request: … 13 is low-key really into y/n but tries to ignore her feelings. Y/n is an artist and, unbeknownst to 13, has a whole bunch of sketches of 13 in her notebook. One day Yaz, who has been desperately trying to set the two up, strategically places the book in the console room. 13 finds the notebook, and y/n sees 13 looking at the sketches of her. …
Weekly Dates Interrupted (13th Doctor X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Stress Request: … reader is going through uni,  she’s like 24,  & her + 13 are dating (if that’s alright), but she drops reader off for her classes, then comes to pick her up again at a set day the two agree on when she doesn’t have as much work or stress. One day, when 13 skips along to the decided date, she finds the reader is really struggling (severe anxiety, regular panic attacks, crying over her assignments, etc) and she encourages reader, with fluff?
Nearly Died (13th Doctor X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Near death experience Request: … 13 snaps at her girlfriend because she almost got into serious trouble with some alien. 13 is just concerned and worried about her getting hurt, but doesn’t realise that she doesn’t see it that way and thinks 13 is actually angry. So girlfriend goes off to her room and 13 finds her later and realises how upset she is and apologises and they just hug a while
Without A Doubt (13th Doctor X Reader) Request: … the doctor is worried that the reader won’t love her anymore because she’s a woman now. She distances herself and finally when they have a moment to breathe after the initial few episodes the reader’s just like ‘will you just talk to me’ w/ a fluffy little ending?
Bill Potts
Under the Console (Bill Potts X Fem!Reader) Request: … They are both the Doctors companions (and Reader is female too if thats alright..) and Reader complains in front of the Doctor how beautiful she is, and she never would have a chance with her, not knowing that Bill is standing right behind her.
Teasing (Missy X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Spoilers kind of? Request: … Reader is an introvert woman and the Doctors Companion. She has to have an eye on her while Missy is in the Vault and the others are gone for an adventure. What exactly happens would be up to you but i want Missy to kiss and tease her
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brain-jarred · 3 years
Chapter 2 Pear
 After the operation that ended in the two scientists parting ways for a bit, Dr. Hal finally left his room. He glanced around and saw that Dr. Param was still laying their body on the chairs outside the operating room, with a sad expression on their face. Dr. Hal sighed, and walked over to them. “Hey, Pear.” Pear was a nickname that Dr. Hal called Dr. Param sometimes. Mostly when he was being nice to them. “Sorry for snapping at you. You didn't do anything wrong.” He said, looking at his feet. Dr. Param smiled. “Thanks. I’m sorry too if I was a bit overbearing or annoying.” “You werent.” Dr. Hal sat next to his colleague. “You were just trying to be helpful.” He added, looking at a motivational poster. The poster had been there for sixteen years. It was a picture of a lake with a caption in bold white text that said “SERENITY” It was Dr. Hal’s favorite, because it was the least annoying of them all. “Yeah.” Param nodded. There was an uneasiness to their words, like they still wanted to bring up something, but did not want Dr. Hal to be mad at them again. They sighed and looked away. “Um. yeah.” They said suddenly very interested in the yellow carpet Dr. Hal took notice, and knew that Dr. Param wanted to bring up the work thing again. He didnt really know what to do about that, he really didnt want to talk about it again, because he knew he would get snappy again, but at the same time he also wanted to make Param feel comfortable, and this tension between them really sucked. “Look, pear, I’m just. I think-” Dr. Hal looked around, not sure what to say next. “I think i just need a short break. Like a vacation, and then maybe i’ll be less agitated all the time. I was wondering if you wanna take a vacation with me?” He asked. Dr. Param thought for a moment. “Sure!” They nodded. “Could be fun. Just like. Uh. A boy’s get away. Except that I'm not a boy, but you know what I mean.” “Boys can be gender neutral if you want.” Dr. Hal countered, draping his arm behind Dr. Param Dr. Param snorted. “Yeah, sure. Still not a boy.” They said, laying their hands on their lap. Or rather, hand and weird needle thing on their lap. They seemed to be more at ease with the vacation thing. This wasn't the first time the two of them had taken a vacation together. They never actually went anywhere for their vacations, that wasn't permitted. Mostly they just hung out in the green house. It was the nicest place in the campus. It was almost like being outside. Dr. Param stood up suddenly. “Let's go to the cafeteria.” They said to their colleague. They thought that Hal looked tense, maybe some nutrient solution would make him feel better? The two of them didn't exactly eat normal food, but they both needed basic vitamins and fuel for their human brains. Dr. Hal also got up “Sure.” He said. “As long as you don't repeat the yogurt incident again.” “Hey! I told you not to bring that up again!” Dr. Param playfully hit Hal. “Then don't try to put yogurt directly onto your brain, you idiot.” Hal laughed. “IT WAS A ONE TIME THING!!” Dr. Param retorted, not genuinely mad, but trying to act like it.
It was moments like this when the two scientists truly appreciated each other. Maybe things werent...ideal. Maybe being contractually obligated to remain in an underground space for the next 34 years wouldn't be great, but at least they had each other. And that was all that they needed. At least thats what Param told themself. They werent sure if He felt the same way. He did not in fact feel the same way. He was in fact very antsy to get out of this place. He just wanted to leave already, though he didn't allow himself to fully think these thoughts, always pushing them to the back of his head. But Dr. Param? He was content to just experiment on the subjects for eternity. As long as Hal was there, everything would be okay!
Everything was okay.
The two of them continued to walk down the hallways of yellow carpet and off white plaster walls. It was a familiar hallway, the two of them could probably go down it while blinded. As they walked, Hal decided to mention the vivisection, only to find out that Dr. Param had also been told about it. “Its rather short notice, dont you think?” Param remarked. “We usually have atleast 3 days of notice to prepare a strategy, and they usually give us information on how to best deal with them. When i asked Sarah who it was, she said we would be told tomorrow.”
Dr. Hal nodded. It was weird. “Well they did say it was high profile. Maybe they want to keep it under wraps. Heh. Maybe we are operating on the president or something.” The current president, Clair Vonyant, well...she was a controversial figure. A powerful psychic with the power to kill anyone just by concentrating really hard...That was pretty frightening to both of them. Not to mention her unconstitutional four terms as president. 
“I mean, she does kinda suck though.” Param rolled their eyes. “And it would be easy for me to alter her memories, since shes such a public figure and we know a lot about her. Last one we had, we didn't know a lot about. But for her? Easy. You can just make her hallucinate her dead brother and i can alter her memories so that she thinks he never died. There wouldn't be any struggle then.” They said casually, as if they were just discussing causal workplace terms. Which in their eyes, they were. Hal didn't see anything wrong with this either. Just a normal wednesday. “Agreed.” Finally they reached the cafeteria. It was a wide and large room they came upon, the yellow carpet gave way to grey linoleum, but the off white walls were the same color. It had a glass ceiling that showed the sky. Tables were placed neatly around the room. It was always strangely empty for such a big room. Like maybe it was built for more people. There were only 10 people who worked in this facility, Dr. Hal and Dr. Param included. 
There were three in the cafeteria now. Dr. Sarah was eating some lunch. She looked disinterested in the two who entered, more focused on her food. Dr. Hal was disinterested in her too, he walked around her to get to the nutrient dispenser. But Dr. Param took notice of Dr. Sarah, and they headed for her. “Greetings sarah. What are you eating?” They asked. It was some sort of soup. “Tuna soup.” She said after taking a bit to chew her food before answering. She had manners, she would have you know. Her soup looked kinda gross, but she wasn't complaining. Dr. Param nodded. “That's nice. I was wondering...well...I was wondering if there was any way that you could provide more information about the vivisection tomorrow?” Sarah looked at them with an annoyed expression. “I'm eating, Dr. Param. I would prefer not to talk about this right now.”
Dr. Param made a small noise of annoyance of their own, and sighed. “You're right, sorry.” They said as they walked away. They didn't understand what all this secrecy was about. Why would this vivisection be done on such short notice? Dr. Param didn't like it, they didn't like it one bit. This was unorderly. Something that interrupted and destroyed routine. They were soon roused from their annoyed vagaries when they saw that Dr. Hal was waiting for them. 
“Are you done being a detective?” He asked, one arm on the machine, the other sat on his hip. “It's hardly detective work to just ask a simple question.” They retorted, taking a pack of nutrient solution out of the glorified fridge. 
“You would be surprised, i’m pretty sure that's what being a detective is all about.” “So youre saying that I'm Sherlock Holmes now? That's nice of you.” Param smirked, popping the container open and inserting the needle that came with it into the back of their head. But they kept missing the hole. “Can you be like watson and help me with this darn needle?” They asked. “Sure just let me-” click, it was finally inserted into the right place. The juice poured into their brain, which was a pleasant sensation. “Thanks.” They said with a smile. “They should have made your body more streamlined for this kind of thing. Having the hole in the back of your head is a bit inefficient.” He huffed. 
“I actually like my body, thank you very much. I am the sexiest cyborg here.” They said, smirking. “Yeah sure.” Dr. Hal rolled his eyes. He didn't have a mouth, but he was smiling too, with his eyes. Sarah audibly groaned. She was so tired of having to hear those two’s banter all the time. It was so incredibly annoying! She was just trying to eat some soup, she didn't need to hear these weirdos talking about their bodies or whatever. The two scientists looked at her when she loudly groaned, before looking away. The two had an odd relationship with her. She was one of the more friendly scientists, as long as you didnt get between her and her goals. She got up and threw her plastic soup bowl in the trash and walked over to the two of them. “So the vivisection-” She began. “I can't tell you very much about it, but I will tell you that the subject has a fear of the dark.” She looked at her feet, almost shamefully. She seemed to be really hesitant to talk about this, but she was friends with the two scientists, and she wanted to make what was about to come easier on them.
“A lot of people have a fear of the dark.” Dr. Hal remarked. “But I appreciate the morsel of help. Is there anything else you can tell us?” “Hm.” Dr. Sarah thought for a moment. “She also has a fear of being perceived as weak. At least that's what the psychiatric tests told us.” So it's a female then. Dr. Param thought. “Alright. Thanks for the help.” They said brightly. Dr. Hal nodded. He figured that they wouldn't get much more info out of Sarah, and it was getting late. Might as well turn in for the night soon. He tapped Dr. Param on the shoulder and gestured towards his quarters. “I’m going to go to sleep now. See you tomorrow?” Dr. Param blinked, and looked at a clock, surprised at how late it was. It was almost 10 pm. They nodded. “See you tomorrow.” They repeated. Hal walked away as Sarah and Param continued to talk for a little bit. Eventually Dr. Param said goodbye to Sarah as well. Dr. Param’s quarters were the same size as Dr. Hal’s. But they had no bed like he did. They just had a metal table in which they laid their body on. They couldn't feel cloth, so a bed was unneeded. A small pile of junk lay in the corner of their room. Bottlecaps, paper clips and pens that they had collected. They looked at it as they initiated their body to release sleeping chemicals to lull their brain to sleep. Dr. Param was painfully human, despite being unrecognizable as one.
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bigskydreaming · 6 years
Young Justice Season Three spoilers
YJ Producers: We have a Muslim superhero this season, look how great she is and how progressive we are!
Actual YJ episodes: Okay so Muslim superhero might be a bit of a stretch since well, if you wanna get technical, she’s actually a sentient piece of alien technology whose soul went into the body of a dead Muslim girl when her original alien tech got smushed. But even though she continually insists that she is not Gabrielle Daou, the Muslim girl whose body this was originally, and that’s the entire reason she chose a new name for herself, she is a completely different person aka a non Muslim, not even human person - she still wears a hijab! Totally counts!
YJ Producers: We always wanted to portray LGBTQ+ superheroes, we’ve actually had one the whole time and you just didn’t know it because mean old Cartoon Network wouldn’t let us show it, now that we’re on our own we can and will be showing LGBTQ+ characters this season!
Actual YJ episodes thirteen episodes into the season: Error 404 Content Not Found
YJ Producers: We’re finally gonna include Cyborg! Victor Stone is in the house, we love and appreciate that character so much, we really wanted to wait until we could do his story justice!
Actual YJ episodes: So see, after getting gruesomely almost-deaded after a huge blowout fight in which we showed Vic has a lot of rage cuz Black Teenage Boys Are Just Like That, that was all aimed at his dad for not showing any interest in his life and for never showing his son he cared until now cuz Black Dads Are Just Like That, well okay, yeah that sucks, but what happened NEXT is really cool - so his dad saved his life, right? Even if it was by using alien tech that every single person he came in contact with kept telling him wasn’t like normal tech, it was sentient and thus yes COULD be bad, which was further demonstrated through the fact that said life-saving tech kept like...hijacking Vic’s own body and turning him into a rage-monster that we could totally show being a Stereotype of Black Teenage Boy Aggression as he remorselessly hunted a terrified Violet but it wasn’t his fault, he was totally powerless to control his own actions cuz of the Evil Alien Tech in his body and like wait, whats bad about that, I forget the question??? Oh right! But stop WORRYING, its all good, see, as long as he stayed around Violet and never went too far from her ever, the woman of color had magic rage-pacifying skills that existed solely to calm down the Stereotypical Angry Black Teen when he couldn’t control himself because Reasons. LOL WHY ARE YOU UPSET, WHAT’S WRONG WITH THAT, THIS IS A GOOD VICTOR STORY, ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED???
YJ Producers: We love and value our characters of color and would never hurt them, we’ve actually taken steps to make sure of that!
Actual YJ Episodes: Violet and Vic are both practically unkillable, see? As proof, watch us violently murder Violet in every single episode in new and creatively gruesome ways, with bonus Vic near-death experiences that allow us to show him just utterly wrecked in ways we’ve never shown a single white character, even in this season when we’re all about showing off how much creative freedom we have now without CENSORSHIP! 
YJ Producers: This season is also going to focus on the stress and mental health issues that go along with life as a superhero, and who better to demonstrate this by suffering from superhero-related PTSD than Jefferson Pierce? The guy whose divorce already showed the stress and relationship issues that go along with life as a superhero (since all our white heroes in relationships are still going strong)!
Actual YJ Episodes: Oh, nothing say about this one huh, PUNK? That’s right, we actually did exactly what we said we’d do, see? Just look at how much time we spend talking about how traumatized Jefferson is and how miserable he is after killing a kid, and that’s nothing we’ve ever done (or would ever do - SHH THEY DONT NEED TO KNOW THAT) to a white hero! PLUS, like, he’s definitely getting better though, thanks to the support of the much younger character he’s surrounded by, instead of y’know, turning to his established friends and colleagues his own age for support! AND AND AND don’t forget about his growing relationship with the white doctor lady who is definitely NOT super creepy and NOT likely to betray him and break his heart and/or force him to make painful decisions when choosing between her and the kids he’s vowed to protect at some climactic point later in the season that all of that is super clearly not building towards!
YJ Producers: And don’t forget about Jaime Reyes and Virgil Hawkins and Mal Duncan and Raquel and Karen! They’re all still here too!
Actual YJ Episodes: We’ve definitely forgotten that Jaime Reyes and Virgil Hawkins and Mal Duncan and Raquel and Karen are all still here too.
YJ Producers: Major life events have happened to these heroes offscreen in the time we’ve been away from them, stuff that’s really shaped who they are and who they’ve become by now. All this stuff really matters, its how we’re different from other shows, we don’t pretend these characters stop existing the second they’re off your screens! Looks, Barbara Gordon is in a wheelchair! She’s Oracle now!
Actual YJ Episodes: Why would we bother to explain when or how this happened with even a single line of dialogue when The Killing Joke exists and is available on our streaming service? You sound dumb.
YJ Producers: Kaldur is our proof of how important our characters are to our over-all universe, look how far he’s come! He’s not Aqualad anymore, he’s AquaMAN, he’s one of the co-chairs of the Justice League, right up there with Wonder Woman who he definitely doesn’t need to turn to for approval or oversight of his actual decisions!
Actual YJ Episodes: We’re pretty sure we covered all this in the two minutes of screen time Kaldur’s had all season!
YJ Producers: Look, bottom line, this season, being away from Cartoon Network really allowed us to stretch our wings and flex creatively, we’re doing a lot of stuff with this story that just wouldn’t have been possible before, when we were on a network like CN and had overseers restricting our every move! This season gets a lot darker, a lot more mature, a lot more everything cuz freedom of speech baby! That’s what its all about!
Actual YJ Episodes: In support of our thesis, watch us up the graphically violent content of every single episode and kill lots of people instead of just cartoonishly knocking them out and carting them away to jail! That’s it, that’s everything we wanted to do that CN wouldn’t let us, that now we have total freedom to prove in a myriad of ways! What do you mean, what about *looks at smudged writing on hand* LGB - look we can’t be expected to read what that says when we have graphic violence to depict, fuck yeah!
YJ Producers: Besides, in happier news, its not all doom and gloom this season! Connor and M’Gann got engaged! Now that we’ve completely moved past all the stuff M’Gann did in S2 and don’t consider it worth mentioning, Superboy and Miss Martian are back together, and SB is totally gonna marry the woman who betrayed him in the one highly specific way that goes back to the very source of every trust issue he has and reason he has so many walls pushing people away!
Actual YJ Episodes: Yeah this is definitely happening. Suck my dick, Connor fans and fans who relate to and identify with SB and his story and think its maybe just not the healthiest to wave a wand and go “Happily ever after!” With, y’know, the guy whose greatest canon fear and paranoia is the sanctity of his mind being violated and being unable to trust that his own thoughts are really his and not just being spoon fed to him in a pod at Project Cadmus or by his telepathic girlfriend when she doesn’t like his opinion or his criticism of her actions and just doesn’t want to fight about it anymore. Look, she said she was sorry, get over it. What more do you want? For Connor to move on and have a healthy romantic relationship with someone who he doesn’t ever have to wonder if his trust in her and second chance is real and valid and not just her making him say and do what she wanted, like the way she definitely has before? For him and M’Gann to rebuild their trust over time, gradually, as friends, with the understanding they can be close again but romantic intimacy between them specifically probably isn’t in the best interests of the guy who will always have to wonder now if his thoughts are really his, no matter whether or not that’s true? Yeah, no, that sounds like a lot of work tbh, and really, we just like Miss Martian and Superboy together, they’re just cute, you know? Sides, we killed Wally and we don’t actually wanna talk about why Barbara’s paralyzed now and like, focus on her as a character, so what other longterm pairings do we really have? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THESE ARE ALL OUR OWN CHOICES AND IF WE WANT BETTER FOUNDATIONS FOR OUR CHARACTER DYNAMICS WE SHOULD MAKE BETTER CHOICES? UGH GET OFF MY BALLS, MAN.
YJ Producers: We’ve got Terra this season, and we’re doing some really cool, brand new things there.
Actual YJ Episodes: Slade’s Apprentice arc from Teen Titans the show and The Judas Contract in the comics, but really aren’t they the same thing? If you think about it, is it even possible to do that in a new way? Look, its not like we could do anything MORE original than that, like what, did you want us to have Tara genuinely be the good and loving sister she was when she reunited with her brother and expressed how traumatized she was by the things she did when she was supposedly being mind-controlled, actually invested in saving other trafficked meta-kids from being used and hurt the way she had been? Like, the way it seemed she was being written before we revealed it was a fake-out and she was actually working for Slade exactly like those other times we swore we were gonna be more original than that? Ugh why are you so unrealistic, dude, you have such weird expectations.
Me: Like dear YJ, you’ve still got me watching, because like a) I’m weak and I need this, b) nostalgia, c) Dick, Artemis, Connor, Jefferson and the chance of Jason and also Violet, Brion and Vic are all still enjoyable as characters even though your treatment of them and your narrative choices are all extremely suspect and also craptastic and also I really wanna punch you for a lot of this.
But goddamn, this was NOT your best work, and after years of waiting only to get this? Like.....so not crash, dudes. Not even a little bit.
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genngraymane · 7 years
America: Really THAT Bad? (spoilers btw)
It’s been a while since I read anything Marvel in the last few years. I think I stopped reading around the time of Marvel Now! because I was too focused on DC’s New 52 at the time (plus I took a break from comics around that time shortly after). So aside from the few issues of Young Avengers I’ve read years ago, I know nothing about this character. Obviously, I’ve heard some polarizing things about this book, but I’m still pretty excited to see what the hubub’s all about. One thing I remember loving about Marvel was their teen heroes. Hopefully America rekindles the things I missed from Marvel.
Okay so I just finished the first 7 issues. Overall it wasn’t the horribly unbearable experience my buddies kept warning me about. No where near as offensively bad as they made it out to be. If anything my only gripe with the book is that it’s rather forgettable. With the exception of Kate, America’s supporting cast feel like they’re just background pieces with speech bubbles. Her girlfriend didn’t do anything aside from filling in a damsel in distress role. Her parents and Grandmother really only serve as plot-devices, and the rest the students of Sotomayor don’t really do anything except gush over America’s self-imposed greatness.
And it really is a shame, because Rivera introduces some really cool concepts like the interdimensional schooling of Sotomayor and the cosmic origins of Planeta Fuertona. There’s some really cool wacky Sci-Fi stuff in this book, and I’m pretty sure if that was the focus of the book then I would have enjoyed it a lot more. But unfortunately that’s not the case because the main focus of this book is also one of the things I can’t stand about it.
Oh my God is America an asshole to her girlfriend. If there is anything I can’t stand about romance, it’s needless drama. And holy shit, Rivera did not hold back from it. This is the first appearance of Lisa, one of America’s love interests.
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I’m sorry, WHAT??? You’re not going to tell me jack about our MC’s love-interest and then break them off in just TWO PAGES? I’m generally used to teen drama bullshit like this from other teen hero books (I have Johns’ Teen Titans to thank for that), but this sequence here is just too much for me to ignore. We don’t know anything about Lisa aside from being America’s girlfriend, so that’s all she ends up being, and America just breaks things off and leaves before they even have a legitimate conversation? And America’s acting as if she’s in the right? This sets up every interaction we see between these two as needless melodrama. And that’s exactly what it becomes in later issues. There’s all but one scene of America showing remorse for dumping this chick, but then America acts like the victim again in a later issue with Storm.
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Like, what is your damage, America? You’re the one who broke up with her and left in a fit but then you say shit like “SHE SENT ME AWAY” as if we’re supposed to sympathize with you throwing that necklace at her. And when Lisa finally shows up again, they act as if they spoke and came to terms, but this is the first and last time we ever see these two actually speaking to each other anyway, so what was the point?
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America’s other love interest is an actual character this time around in the sense that she’s actually involved in the story, but when Magdalena is introduced, it’s almost as if Rivera forgot about the first love interest.
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Either America has amnesia, or Lisa never gave America flowers, which probably puts America in the right for breaking up with her. I’d be pretty upset if my girlfriend never gave me flowers. What was the point of all this? Why didn’t Rivera just start with Magdalena as the badass action-girl love interest instead of having us deal with the damsel in distress bullshit from the non-character that was Lisa during the Chavez Guerrillas arc?
I think all of my gripes with the romance in here comes from a combination of two different things regarding this book. One is that nearly every character in this book has NOTHING going on with them. The other is that America is painfully unlikable in this.
I think the introduction of Sotomayor was pretty awesome. Rivera introduced us to a setting with a lot of potential for crazy, dimension hopping adventures while providing the framework of introducing new characters within a self contained story similar to that of Hero Academia or Avengers Academy. If America’s badly written relationships were at the background of the series while introducing a diverse, well-written cast that interacts almost exclusively with America through the school setting, then yes, I think this book would have won me over. But that’s not the case because nearly every student in Sotomayer doesn’t do anything meaningful to the story or help America progress as a character. How the hell do you have a character like freaking Prodigy on the sidelines with nothing insightful to say? They were on the same team before this! Even America’s parents, the main reason she became a hero, are constantly glossed over in this book until the reveal of her Grandmother. 
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Speaking of this page here, why did Madrimar even wait to reveal herself to America until now? It’s not like anything was stopping her during all the time she spent at Sotomayor.
A lot of people I’ve talked to about this book says Rivera was trying too hard. In my opinion, she didn’t try hard enough. I know a bunch of people gave this writer shit for coming off as too preachy, but expressing positivity through diversity is a core part if America’s character and the reality we live in. The only problem I see with her writing regarding this is that it the way she portrays America makes it difficult. Rivera’s America just shouts out slogans and gets confrontational with anyone that challenges her way of thinking. America needs to be put in a situation where expressing her cultural and sexual identity isn’t accentuated through punching things while preaching about how awesome she is and getting constant validation from background characters (the prep-school cyborg fight is a jarring example). 
One of the only characters I actually liked in this book was Kate. She actually acts like she’s in the story. She talks to America about her problems, consoles her in times of need, and is generally a blast to have in this book.
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With the exception of Magdalena, Kate is the only person in this book that America actually approaches like a civil human being. America doesn’t get all up in her face and throw snarky insults at her like she does with nearly everyone else. Kate is one of the only characters here that can actually get America to feel like a person instead of some impregnable brick wall. And Kate is actually involved in America’s story! She has presence! But the more I read about these two in here the more I notice Rivera was just queer-baiting them for no reason.
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Like, we get Kate’s into her. But if Rivera had real control over this, why didn’t she just start things off with Kate as the friends with benefits into girlfriends angle? Why have us go through all the damsels in distress and generic femme fatale action girls in America’s life instead of a popular established character like Kate Bishop? They have a history together, so it wouldn’t be unbelievable at all. This book focuses so much on romance but never has its priorities straight on who these people are to America. It only seems to care who America is to them. And tbh I think that’s the core issue of Rivera’s America.
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This is the first page of the book, and it got me super excited. I thought the approach Rivera was going to go was make America relevant not only as a hero but as a symbol. I thought this book would highlight the importance of expressing pride in diversity while expressing how America represents that pride and what that means to the people around her. I thought it would have been akin to All-Star Superman’s approach of finding the balance between the symbol and the person while struggling to understand what that might mean to the people of the world. But instead any concept of that constantly gets sidelined by the badly written melodrama bullshit all across this book. It just always stops me from getting into this.
Now if I’m not mistaken, this book is canceled at issue 12, so at some point I’ll go back and finish the last couple issues, but honestly I could see why this book got canceled. Rivera has some really cool concepts in this book, but falls short on the execution on multiple levels. Hopefully they bring America back with a new creative team because there is some cool stuff here and I don’t want it all to just disappear. Maybe even keep Rivera and give her a co-writer to help?
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saints-row-2 · 7 years
been thinking about a loose assortment of characters again... Number One, Stripes, A1 and Nestlé... theyre all the worst and all have unimaginably enormous problems and theyre doing some shit involving killing virus like monsters that exist in this fake world created by a demon but uh theyre all. the worst. god ive made so many posts explaining who they all are i do it like once every five months and then dont mention them again and then feel compelled to explain them again because i LOVE explaining my ocs over and over because i love the sound of my own voice (when its talking about ocs) so like... Number One is the unofficial leader. it can also be written #1. he used to be called Boss but i changed it bcs it was going to be too confusing forever. he is a doctor and he has a helmet stuck permanently on his head and he is extremely bad at pretending to be a normal human guy. he cant die. hes existed in this freakish other world for so long and no one knows if he forgot who he was because he was there too long or if he isnt real. maybe none of it is real! Number One is possibly some kind of cyborg. what he actually is is the physical realisation of someone's ultimate power fantasy, without any of the ability to back that up with any genuine understanding of how to be like... a charming funny hero. he is incapable of telling jokes that make sense. he talks almost entirely in complete fucking nonsense. he operates on rules that make sense to him and him alone. he thinks that everyone in the world loves him and he never gets mad or takes anything personally. hes also incapable of genuine empathy or understanding when people have problems that need resolving because he lives in a world where he's an all-powerful unstoppable hero and everyone's his sidekick Stripes is bored and shes doing this because she thinks she can have fun with no consequences. shes Number One's best friend because she thinks he's hilarious and they get each other. she loves being cool and killing stuff. she has like... never had any choice or control in her life and its left her a complete nervous wreck in real life so now she's able to live free and powerful she's going completely out of her mind living like a mad thing because she CAN at LAST but her complete refusal to recognise anything that's happening as real or acknowledge consequences for her actions means that she's treating a lot of the people around her... not great because she doesn't. see them or their issues are real. she thinks she's in a fantasy land. she's a good person mostly she just needs a fucking break because she's 21 and her real life has been irrevocably ruined and she has no freedom or control and its destroying her A1 is crushingly, suicidally lonely and isolated and so fucking desperate for love hes willing to do anything. he has literally no one who gives a single fuck about him and in nightmare land there's people who have to be around him ALL the time. he comes across as coolly sarcastic and kind of a coward but he just incredibly badly wants people to care about him and he's enormously clingy as a result. he's terrified of Number One but follows him around anyway. he's infatuated with Nestlé. he has absolutely no ability to criticise anyone. hes the kind of person who would get described as "wild" on a night out when he just cant control himself on alcohol and has no self control or real sense of self preservation Nestlé comes across as darkly cynical and funny in an edgy way but he is an enormous fucking piece of shit. he hates everyone and thinks he's better than all of them. he has no capacity to care about anyone but himself but he leads A1 along because he likes the attention and the unwavering approval. he wants power more than anything else and he desperately wants to kill Number One and take his place as the leader of their little world but Number One is unkillable and all-powerful and even Nestlé isnt stupid enough to try but he is constantly looking for some way to lead Number One to his death. he's obsessed. he's a compulsive liar who tells everyone he's a cop but he was. never a cop. he just wanted to be a figure of authority. he tells people things he think they will find impressive. he is the only one actually succeeding at trying to figure out way the fuck is going on tho and he holds those cards very tightly to his chest because he loves having any power to wield over everyone, however limited it is.
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groundramon · 7 years
Honestly building off of what I said last night, Robin is such an interesting character; not even necessarily as a character (although that too), but just in the way he’s structured.
On the surface, you can pretty much put all of the titans into pretty specific tropes.  Not saying that’s all there is to them, but they dont seem like the most original and fleshed-out characters until you get to know them a little.  Starfire is the nice quirky girl with a crush on the main character, Raven is the goth, Beast Boy is the goofy runt, and Cyborg is the snarky tough guy.  Starfire talks funny, Raven is well a goth, and Beast Boy and Cyborg seem to try way too hard to be relatable to the Youths with their love of food, tv, and video games.  They’re instantly identifiable and you can pick up on the basics of their personalities right away, even if the basics of their personalities aren’t the most original.  (Again im not saying they’re two-dimensional tropes, they have traits that definitely keep them from being that, I’m just saying on the surface - like any three-dimensional character - they are)
But then you have Robin.  For a while, I had a hard time placing my finger on his personality.  If the other characters are two-dimensional tropes on the surface, Robin is a one-dimensional character whose nothing outside of his role as leader.  For quite a while, all I got out of him was that he was the leader.
But that’s exactly it.  That’s all he is.  He’s been completely consumed by his drive for defeating villains.  He’s a hollow shell of what should be just a teenage boy.  His obsession has driven him time and time again to break his apparent moral compasses; its driven him to betray his friends, its driven him to kill, and its probably driven him to a variety of other things.  His obsession with something so serious at such a young age and the stress that comes with it have picked apart his personality, his morality, his interests, his passion, and left him an empty shell of a 16ish-year-old boy.  He can’t take time for himself, he can’t do things for himself - his brain has been so consumed by his obsession that he can’t function normally anymore.
I expected the words “Robin’s sociopathic obsession” to be an exaggeration of what happens in the show used for comedic effect, not an accurate-to-the-T description of it.
And granted Robin’s character might change a little as the series goes on; I’m only on season 1, after all (and I’ve only seen 1/3rd of the Trouble in Tokyo special so).  But that’s what we’re given right now, at the start of the story.  This is not the kind of character I expected to find in a kids show, and CERTAINLY not in the role of the lead protagonist, but god damn am I loving it.
I also find it kind of interesting that Robin seems to be the only normal human out of all of them.  Maybe there’s more to his backstory that I haven’t gotten to yet, but the others seem like the type that’d be forced into the superhero life; either you’re a superhero or a villain when you have those kinds of problems, not a regular kid.  Robin could take off his mask and go back to being a regular kid if he wanted to.  So in a way, it makes sense that he was the one who got consumed by it; he was the only one who chose to do it.
There’s one more thing I want to talk about - Robin in Teen Titans Go.  Out of all the characters in TTG, and granted I haven't actually seen a proper episode but I’ve seen bits and pieces, Robin seems to be the most different from his original counterpart.  Cyborg is less confrontational and more annoying, Beast Boy is...well about the same but left unchecked for his behavior, half the time Raven joins in with the others instead of shutting them down like she’s supposed to but otherwise is still the goth she always is, and Starfire....actually does Starfire do anything in this show?  She’s like never in the commercials and idk why, but I think she’s about the same.  But while the others are just dumbed-down, unchecked versions of themselves, Robin is a completely different character.  He’s loud, he’s unsubtle, he makes bad jokes...well he makes bad puns in the original so maybe that’s the one thing they have in common, besides both being the leader.
But in a way, that’s one change that...actually makes a lot of sense, and is probably the smartest change TTG made (even if you dont hate the show).  You literally can’t do original Robin in a comedy.  There’s nothing funny about him, unless you’re planning to make fun of mentally ill people or something (actually TTG probably did that somewhere so i shouldnt say that).  Unlike the others, who have clearly comedic sides to their personality, Robin is just...the hollow leader.  That’s not a funny character.  And without any of the seriousness of the original series, he would just...sit around and do nothing most of the time in TTG.  He might be able to make bad puns sometimes and would be the one to shout “Titans, go!” but other than that...he has nothing to do.
Also I remember reading somewhere that, at least while first working on the show, the writers had never seen the original - outside of maybe what they studied to get a feel for the world, or something, idk.  I’d have to find a source for that because at least later on, it looks like they had some knowledge of the original series, but I do remember hearing that somewhere.  So if you’re given the basic personalities of each of the characters from the original series, you get basically what TTG has.  Raven is the goth girl, Starfire is the quirky alien, Beast Boy and Cyborg make too many bad (like legit bad) jokes, and Robin is the leader.  Normally a leader of a team of people is loud, bossy, and likes to joke around with the others, so its not surprising that TTG Robin is the way he is.  But to the show’s credit, again, that change actually works in their favor.
(Also worth mentioning; I’ve said before that Raven should be the straightman in TTG, and while I had the thought of that for a while, I got the terminology from a youtube video somewhere.  But in that youtube video, the person said “Raven or Robin would be the perfect straightman character” and having never seen the original, I didn’t know how Robin could be the straightman nor why he’d need to be.  But after seeing the original, yeah, I get it now.  I still think Raven should be the straightman though; she still retains her serious/annoyed persona in TTG so it’d work for the show)
But dont be fooled; just because I was thinking about this last night doesnt mean i wasnt thinking about Beast Boy being called an otaku
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tumblunni · 8 years
For no reason out of nowhere, I’m gonna ramble headcanons/how to combine the dub and sub into a better dub ideas for the second digimon movie, Hurricane Touchdown! Aka the one that was awkwardly stitched on as part of the first movie in english, aka ‘that one where lopmon is fuckin terrifying and also american’ (oh and I know its a nitpick, but to me it makes sense to call it the second movie instead of the third?? the greymon/parrotmon fight bit wasnt a ‘movie’, it was the pilot episode for Adventure in japan. its more like an ova I think, but i dunno if the company ever gave it an official status in the movie listings...)
ANYWAY WHATEVER WHERE WAS I oh yeah Bunni Really Liked This Dumb Movie And Wished It Was Its Own Season And Kinda Wants To Make A Dumb Rpgmaker Game Of It So, ideas!
* Well... couldnt it have worked as its own season...? One of the only flaws I can agree was a significant problem was that ‘willis steals the spotlight’, tho i dont really think thats totally bad since I liked him a lot more than the 02 protagonists. But yeah, honestly you could kinda have the same movie if all the 02 characters were written out, or if Willis met with literally any group of digidestined from any series, or even completely new ones. The dub made it worse by writing out all of the scenes with the Adventure digidestined, thus writing out the 02 kids’s entire motivation for the whole plot :P And i think honestly this plot could have been a whole season if it was stretched out, and if it had original characters replacing the 02 ones. It would be unique and odd to have our protagonist be a super loner sassy asshole tamer who outright refuses to team up with anyone, fearing they’d just get vanished away by this giant terrifying digimon that’s stalking him. If the backstory was revealed slowly throughout the season it could be a very good mystery to keep us all hooked! And if there were more scenes about the other kids breaking past willis’s shell and becoming a team, rather than just ‘davis cries a joke, suddenly everything is over’. plus there’d naturally be stuff to pad out the season length if we had to be introduced to these characters and give them all their own amount of screentime and development. Or, seriously, if this was just like... a longer movie, or a mini season like Tri... Maybe we could have had the 02 kids in it and not had them feel overshadowed and useless? Maybe everyone aside from Davis could get some screentime too :P
* Maybe it could be an excuse to show off all the armor and jogress digivolutions that this series canonically has yet never used? I think it was budget constraints or not enough time in the season or something, but there was a HUGE amount of unused designs for every potential combination of crests! And all they ever got was to be trading cards and occasionally enemies in miscellanous videogames. (Oh and Lynxmon got to be an enemy in Tamers and Frontier, probably cos its the one that looks coolest animated lol!) Oh and it was odd how Cyber Sleuth seemed to retcon some previously-unrelated digimon into the Imperialdramon of Silphymon. Now Valkyrmon is something Silphymon can digivolve into, and shares the same character model even. Odd! But man it would be cool if it did get officially added to the 02 version of the evo line!
* Potential for giving Yolei and Cody a bigger plot role in the whole thing, maybe Yolei is trying to research into the mystery digimon cos she’s the computer expert? they almost never let her actually do computer stuff compared to how much izzy got to do in the first season :P It could also help thread the plot together a bit! Like, have various scenes of the different kids finding out that the Adventure kids have gone missing in different ways- Yolei could be freaking out cos she cant contact izzy, maybe Cody had a study session with joe and arrived to find his entire house empty.  And maybe have a lil plot of Yolei being like ‘oh god how can we do this without izzy’ and being able to prove herself and gain confidence instead of just living in his shadow. Also she’d just be useful in finding out stuff about mysterious dissappearances that happened in the past, via the internet, and maybe the gang could encounter willis in less of an accidental way and more like they were actively trying to track down wendigomon and THEN bump into him by accident? I dunno, just make them actually DO more. Do more to save their own damn friends. Not just the willis and davis road trip show where davis only exists to tell willis how to do various digivolution stuff :P
* I feel bad that my brain kinda defaults to calling him Willis, even though I still have no clue why they changed it from Wallace. ‘Hey this american name could be a different american name!’ I think its just stuck in my head cos i watched the dub version so much... So lol I dunno, smash them both into canon! Make him wallace but kokomon calls him willis since they’re this child-minded monster thing. (Could also keep calling terriermon gummymon and maybe even mistake the 02 kids for various people wallace used to know as a kid?)
* Dub-added stuff to keep and to toss out! I like the idea of Willis being the person izzy talked to on the internet in the previous movie. I dont like the idea that he somehow created diaboromon! You could write that out and still keep the scene, maybe even still have willis saying ‘its all my fault’ because he’s just recently lost his digimon partner to a mysterious virus and he thinks maybe the same thing is happening here/that kokomon is causing the chaos rather than diaboromon. Oh, and I like the idea of it being stated to be a virus corrupting a digimon, rather than just being... never explained wtf happened. A virus that’s the remnants of diaboromon would even make sense, though the continuity order in the dub kinda makes it impossible. (SO MANY PLOT HOLES lol)
* PLAYABLE FLASHBACKS YO and/or maybe an omake type epilogue thing after the ending like srsly give us a chance to play as willis with both his digimon and how not dead and not evil they are An epilogue would be good as a way to add some more fanon-y headcanons and ideas for what happened after kokomon came back. (or if he even did) I feel like a lot of people complain that the dub ‘changed too much’ by confirming that kokomon came back, and that somehow a happy ending is worse than an ambiguous bittersweet one. Which we didnt even have in the first place cos we saw kokomon’s digiegg in the sub anyway, even if we didnt see it hatching. BUT ANYWAY My idea for keeping that bittersweet element even if we have Happy Kokomon Is Alive Time! Its.... the dub! Or rather taking literally something that was actually just a shameless footage-chopping lazyness XD Cos the dub just showed kokomon in endigomon form in the added scene where he totally came back. Making it rather obvious even to kid-bunni that it was a dub edit, lol! BUT WHAT IF THAT! What if the bittersweet aspect is that kokomon is forever changed by the whole experience? Still having aftereffects of being corrupted, even though he isnt evil anymore. So his evolution line is still a super scary virusized one and he’s stuck unable to de-digivolve from champion level. So we could have funny/cute/sad scenes of Willis trying to live with this very large very destructive digimon, kinda like that one episode of tamers. How do I hide a seven foot tall cyborg rabbit man from my mom?? And it could also be bittersweet because kokomon’s spent so long frozen at the time when he was taken away, and now he has to cope with his two best friends having grown up without him. He’s still this childlike personality stuck in a scary body, even if he’s not dangerous anymore. And it could be very stressful for everyone involved, but also heartwarming! I mean imagine giant scary kokomon being all shy and holding his tiny big brother’s hand while crossing the street! Imagine him hugging willis and squishing him! XD So it could just be a short epilogue episode of willis and partners fighting some sort of villain of the week, and showing slice-of-life antics with them. Just establishing that their problems arent all over yet, but also that they’ll probably be strong enough to deal with it, after all they’ve managed to survive so far. And maybe some cute mini scenes of them still keeping in touch with the 02 kids as pen pals! And maybe even something like an emotional scene of willis finally introducing his digimon partners to his parents, after failing at keeping them secret? Itd be nice to see his parents tbh, i always wondered what they were like! (or does he have a single mother? since he was only talking about her during the movie)
* Random but: personality headcanons for terriermon and lopmon/kokomon! We honestly dont really get much of a personality for terriermon in this movie, he just seems like a sort of generic nice cute partner compared to the Tamers terriermon’s snarky personality. And, naturally, we dont really learn anything about kokomon’s real personality, considering the circumstances :P So! Headcanons! I always headcanoned kokomon as being a really sweet, kind and shy lil babbu before all this tragedy happened. Someone who always relied on his brother and his human friend, so being separated from them hit him extra hard. I feel like if terriermon was the one who was infected he would have had his eldritch horror take a very different form, whatever the virus is its something that feeds on the personal anxieties of the digimon it infected. Also, yeah, it’d just be cuter this way in my hypothetical epilogue fanfic ideas! Scaredy-cat wendigomon!! :3 And I kinda feel that maybe terriermon could stand out more from tamers-terriermon if he wasnt just the more level-headed equivelant, but if he was MORE OF THAT! Like... a more grumpy loner matt-type personality. After all the tragedy that happened to him ans willis he’s become quite toughened and determined to protect his tamer even though he’s too small to make an impact against his giant infected brother. And maybe like how willis has stopped having human friends, terriermon has become more cold too, and they could perhaps have more conflicts together because of it? And like.. the reason terriermon never digivolved to champion could be because of this rift between them, rather than just ‘literally the only reason the 02 kids are here is so that they can tell willis how to use his digivice’. Like seriously HOW DID GUMMYMON DIGIVOLVE TO TERRIERMON THEN?? Plus it’d just have more dynamic to their friendship and flesh the story out more. It could prove how absolutely fire-forged their friendship is, that these two grumpy sassmasters that even sass at each other still care so deeply even if they suck at showing it. Also the idea of a badass tiny terriermon is just aweome to me. Imagine him with a cape flowing in the wind, and sunglasses at night, and then imagine someone who feels like that even when theyre not wearing them. Thats how movie-terriermon always felt to me during the scenes of him fighting wendigomon! And I cheered a whole load at him digivolving and being able to fight toe-to-toe with wendigomon in the BEST FIGHT SCENE IN THE SERIES with the running up walls and GUN PUNCH TO THE FACE and just EVERYTHINGGGG the animation in this movie was too strong
* have i mentioned that i love this movie
* a lot
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