beauregardlionett · 1 year
You are so right about QPR Fearne and Orym. Do you have any fun headcanons about their QPR?
my gods i just LOVE their dynamic - honestly most of the stuff they do in canon already has fed into this like
the constant cuddling every night they're together to fall asleep
personal headcanon is that whenever Orym's had a rough go of a battle, he rides on Fearne's shoulder and pretends it's for a better vantage point but really he's just exhausted
i think this is part canon and part headcanon but whenever they've got down time that Orym doesn't use for training they sit together and just exist in the same space while leaning against each other
Fearne gives Orym a little kiss every day just for her own personal needs - forehead, cheek, the top of his head, his hands, the tip of his nose, etc.
Fearne's flowers in her hair usually hold up for a long time and to a lot of conditions because of her Fey nature but Orym constantly grows flowers for her with Druidcraft and does her hair for her (i think he got good at hairstyles because he was always around Will's sisters and their long hair)
Orym has a lot of trouble relaxing - like turning off his passive perception won't stop kind of thing - so Fearne has gotten very good at giving head scratches to get him to unwind
they joke about it sometimes, but Fearne constantly tells people that Orym belongs to her; he's not sure when it started but Orym catches himself referring to himself as Fearne's and Fearne as his
again, this might be partially canon but they constantly carry something from the other on their person; like Fearne gives Orym a ribbon, a trinket, a flower and Orym gives Fearne specific flowers that have personal and protective meanings, a piece of jewelry he thinks she will like, etc.
they stay up late sometimes, curled into each other or just sharing a blanket or holding hands or twisting their fingers together and they just talk and talk and talk; Orym tells Fearne about Will because she was one of the first to know and she gets it and she's sweet and patient and kind about everything he tells her; Fearne tells Orym about home because as much as certain details are strange and freak him out, he loves hearing about her life
whenever they're separated, they worry about the other first and foremost, even if it means ignoring the people right in front of them (this is somewhat canon...)
these are just some of my own ideas about them but again a lot of this is kind of fueled by some of the stuff they've done in canon! i just cannot WAIT for them to finally reunite and give each other the biggest hug especially after e63
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pinwheelwhirl · 3 years
sing 2 spoilers
The animation was freaking gorgeous, especially on the big screen
Buster... I would die for him okay I HATE when he’s sad and he spends so much of this movie sad and scared and I just wanna give him a hug
I love that they all had more interactions with each other!! It’s such a fun group of characters, and it was nice to have all their little arcs be tied together like they were as opposed to the first movie where they’re all dealing with their stuff by themselves
Buster just loves his crew so much... it’s so sweet they’re basically his family now and they all clearly adore him just as much
OH I LOVE THAT BUSTER FINALLY HAS A BED. That was so cute that he has a little apartment in his theater!! He doesn’t have to sleep in his desk drawer anymore!!
NANA!!! THE ENCOURAGEMENT!! I think she like adopted him as an honorary grandson or something after the first movie. She looks so concerned and fond of him in their scene together, I love this
On that note WHERE WAS EDDIE. WHY WASN’T HE HERE!! At the very least they could’ve thrown him in at the end and have him accompany Nana to see the show with Buster at the end with all the other miscellaneous characters, he wouldn’t have even had to have any lines. Buster and Eddie are absolutely dating I will not be convinced otherwise, it’s partially why Nana is so fond of him now as well
MEENA. I WOULD ALSO DIE FOR MEENA SHE’S SO GOOD. I sort of expected her love interest to be in this more?? But I’m not upset about it, she was so cute crushing on him and not knowing what to do. I love Meena she’s the best
Johnny!! He’s trying his best!! I like that they didn’t shy away from showing how anxious this show was making him (and Rosita too). and Nooshy!! She was super cool, I adored their friendship and how they all brought her right into the show
And Johnny’s dad!! He and his gang out of prison!! Whole-heartedly supporting Johnny!!! Them coming immediately to help the crew and beat up the security guards for them!!! I LOVED THIS SO MUCH AND THE ENTHUSIASTIC GREETING JOHNNY HAD HE WAS SO HAPPY TO SEE HIS DAD... I’M GLAD THEY’RE OKAY NOW
Rosita!! I loved seeing her and Norman together, they definitely have a much better relationship in this movie. Them and their kids together were great, I died laughing when she told him to “release the piglets” and he just lets them wreak havoc. And like with Johnny seeing all the emotion she had about the show and the anxiety, it just felt very real and you really hurt for her. I love Rosita sm
Ash! I almost felt like she... got the least to work with?? Idk how to explain it, she just didn’t feel quite the same as the first movie?? First movie she’s very upfront, tells it like it is, and in this one after her first scene she seems like really calm and chilled out?? Idk I didn’t really have a problem with it though, I loved her being the one to get through to Clay it was very soft and sweet
GUNTER. I love that he actually had something to do, writing the show!! He didn’t get to have an plot in the last movie and this time he did, good for him.
Miss Crawly. Best old lady. Would die for.
Buster almost dying. Twice. Suki letting him out of the room and helping him and the crew even after she slammed them before. Rosita saving him when Crystal shoves him over the platform. Beautiful.
All the crew pulling him on stage to take a bow with them!!! They adore him!!!
But!! The whole idea of the first movie was that he wanted his theater so... why does he so willingly leave it for the big time here??? That felt very sudden, like I’m glad he’s happy but did he just really ditch his theater that meant everything to him?? No mention of his beloved dad at all, huh?? I did love that very ending shot of Buster hanging over the railing watching the show that mirrored the opening of the first movie when he does the same thing as a little kid?? That was good shit
I got my hopes up thinking they’d tell us what happened to Mike. No mention at all, just pretend he didn’t exist it’s fine!!! He’s probably dead lol
The ending was beautiful. The song choice... excellent. Buster watching the show with Nana and Miss Crawly and Norman and Alfonso and I think the talent scout lady was there too?? Or Johnny’s dad?? There was a sixth person sitting with them I forget who it was. But it gave me such feels. It felt like a a very final ending which kinda sucks because I want to see more of all these guys 🥺 they could make a very good tv show out of these characters, I’d kill to see that
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onthepageoftears · 4 years
Hold Them Closer ~ Ch.11 [Jaskier x assassin!reader] || Witcher
A/N: Two chapters left! Imma miss this seriessss
Your kind words and reviews mean a lot to me, so please don’t afraid to leave a message/comment!
Summary: A side job brings more than you could have imagined.
Warnings: language, banter, mentions of fighting, cliffhanger :o
Words: 1,098
Please Don’t Plagiarize My Work!
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The next morning, the four of you were off to return to the small village in Velen. The night was slow, taunting you as time moved at its painfully sluggish pace. You let your eyes rest on the path ahead of you, Jaskier’s arm wrapped securely around your waist. You heard his voice behind you, along with Theo’s, but your mind was elsewhere.
That was until Jaskier’s voice was particularly loud from behind you.
“You really think I will take lessons from a child?”
You turned your head, catching the look of annoyance on Theo’s face as she followed alongside Buttercup on her own horse. “I’m grown.”
Jaskier scoffed. “No one who’s grown actually has to prove it.”
“Will you shut your mouth, old man?”
“Old man?” Jaskier’s grip on your waist tightened, his teeth gritted as he tried speaking quietly, “Why do we always get stuck with children?”
“I told you, I’m not a child! I’m practically an adult.”
“Practically being the keyword.” He turned his face back towards you, speaking lowly into your ear. “At least Lilla was quiet.”
You snorted at the mention of the other little (or, grown) girl you had previously come across. It seemed you weren’t the only one making connections to your experience with Lilla and Theo, though Jaskier’s had more of a…spiteful reminiscing.
Though it certainly wasn’t amusing everyone (Jaskier was nearly steaming and Geralt was extremely quiet — even more so than usual), Theo and Jaskier’s interactions left a warm feeling in your chest. Maybe it distracted you from your own journey, from the hope you were losing every second.
Deciding to break the undoubtedly entertaining tension between the bard and girl, you cleared your throat. “So, Theo. Where’d you learn to fight?”
She ignored your gaze for a moment, letting her eyes settle on the road ahead. “My mom and I learned from the blacksmith in town. She said we needed to be ready for anything.”
You pursed your lips, keeping your eyes on the girl. “I thought you said she didn’t trust you?”
Theo rolled her eyes dramatically. “Just because I know how to fight doesn’t mean she likes me to do it.”
You pursed your lips, eyebrows raising in surprise. You knew you were very different from the girl — as a kid, you never would’ve have spoken as she did, but then again, you weren’t exactly silent. If Rauf had been like her mother, you wouldn’t have nearly the same amount of issues you did now. Fighting would be a choice, not a lifestyle. You wouldn’t have the guilt you did now — instead, you would probably have done just what Theo did: used your skills for real good.
A wave of newfound respect for the girl washed over you as you watched her atop her horse. With a sigh you nodded your head, turning away from her. “She seems like a good mom.”
Theo took a second before responding, her voice lower than usual. “She is.”
The sound of hooves took over once again, everyone seemingly lost in their own thoughts. You tried to keep your mind away from your mother, for now. Instead, you focused on Jaskier’s fingers tapping on your waist, the rhythm calming you as his music usually did.
Geralt’s gruff voice took you out of your trance, now riding alongside Theo’s horse. “Where did you get your sword from?”
“It’s a hand me down.” She didn’t bother giving any more information, and Geralt didn’t press her. Instead, she gripped her horses’ reigns tighter. “My village is just up here. Mom’ll probably have the reward waiting.”
Before you could respond, she was riding ahead, face firm in determination. You followed close behind, watching as the village came slowly into view. Not much had changed since you were last here, though it was only a day.
Theo slowed down as the four of you entered the village, ignoring the eyes that followed you as you passed. Your eyes settled on the back of Theo’s head, wondering what she was thinking. It was as if all of a sudden she had gone really quiet, which, from the time you had spent with her, seemed very unlike her.
Instead of saying anything, you followed close behind, and soon, the three of you were led you to what looked to be a small shop — one you hadn’t seen the other day. Theo slid off her horse, taking her time tying it to the post in front of the shop. You did the same, keeping your gaze on the girl beside you. She was avoiding anyone’s gaze, tying her third knot by the time Jaskier slid to the ground next to you.
He placed a hand on your back, face scrunched in slight annoyance. “What are we waiting for?”
Theo looked up, finally leaving her fourth knot alone. She looked up from you to Jaskier to Geralt, her eyes shifting so she didn’t keep anyone’s gaze too long.
You spoke, finally getting her attention. “I’m sure she won’t be mad.”
“I’m not worried about that.” Theo snapped, making you raise a brown in response. She rolled her eyes, avoiding your gaze once more. “She always gets…uptight about this stuff.
“Can’t imagine why.” Jaskier scoffed, but let out a small ‘oof’ when you elbowed him in the stomach.
“We’ll be right with you. To back you up.”
Theo bit her lip. She looked at you for a moment, and you couldn’t tell what flashed in her eyes — worry, annoyance, or respect. They were very different emotions, but reading Theo was almost as hard as reading Geralt; only with Theo, her emotions were close to to your own.
After another second of idle waiting, Theo huffed and practically marched her way towards the front of the shop. The three of you followed close behind, getting ready for the Mama Bear that was about to attack. But when you stepped foot in that tiny little shop, your mind only on helping Theo, you weren’t expecting what was there in front of you.
The breath was completely knocked out of you at the sight of the woman at the counter. Her eyes widened once you walked in the shop, immediately falling on the young girl in front of you. She gasped, rushing out from behind the counter to collapse into the girl with a hug. Your mouth was slightly ajar, heart beating faster than anything you ever felt. Because the woman standing in front of you, hugging Theo with a grip unlike anything you’d ever seen — that woman was your mother.
AHHHHHH!! Let me know your thoughts!
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
One Thing Right - Andrew ‘Pope’ Cody x Reader (Animal Kingdom)
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Author’s Note: So, whilst this is a stand alone - it can also be a little re-imagining of ‘Last Habit’ (Specifically how long it takes her to forgive him) - and was actually part of Last Habit, before that story took me another direction and left me with this-!
Heavily based on the restaurant scene from both the movie and episode 1 of the show (If you’re here for the Show!)
One Thing Right - Marshmello & Kane Brown
Disclaimer: Animal Kingdom characters/plot not mine / lyrics & gifs not mine / leap from “Last Habit” idea based on discussion with Ms. @mandy23b​  
Premise: Still frustrated with Andrew from a continuing argument, you’re determined to hold it together for a dinner event. In reality though, can you help doing anything other than forgiving him? Even if he doesn’t apologise?
Words: 6469
Warnings: Swearing / References to drug taking
I've cheated and I’ve lied I've broke down and I've cried I’ve got nothing to hide no more I've loved and I've hurt Broken people down with words More grace than I deserve, for sure Known to be crazy, known to be wild Mama had herself a little devilish child Ain't no stranger to the troubles at my door You saw right through my pain Kept us patient while I changed Never even crossed your mind to walk away  When I was gettin' crazy, reckless, and wild Actin' like my mama's little devilish child It took a heart like yours to find its place I’ve been at the wrong place at the wrong time Chasin' all the wrong things most of my life Been every kinda lost that you can't find But I got one thing right Been the kinda guy girls' mamas don't like Runnin' with the wrong crowd on the wrong nights 'Cause I've been wrong about a million times But I got one thing right... you Yeah, I got you ---
It all started with a nervous, little, nonchalant proposal. The same way that Andrew always asked you to do anything with him. Like a ‘no’ was no big deal… As if you would ever say no in the first place, but the alternative never really seemed to cross his mind. “So, uh, the guys are doing some… wives and girlfriends thing next week… I dunno…” He tapped the sideboard and wouldn’t meet your eyes, “If you wanna come, then…” You raised an eyebrow; “Who are the ‘wives and girlfriends’? Surely that’s just me and Cath…? Cuz Kelly is no longer around…?” “Nicky…” “Who!?” Was Craig onto someone else already? Perhaps Darren, he was a sweetheart. Who else? “Jay’s girlfriend.” Ahhhhhh!!!! Jay. Yes, you misremembered for a moment that Andrew’s nephew was living with them now. In fact you hadn’t been over since then, so you hadn’t met him either. “Oh! Yeah, of course… Well, do you want me there?” He still wasn’t quite meeting your eyes but he nodded, “Yeah, I think so.” You smiled sweetly with a nod of your own; “Then, honey, of course I’ll come!” ***
Andrew drummed his fingers on the back of the empty chair next to him; and Baz knew it wouldn't end there. "She'll be here, mate. She wouldn't miss this." Andrew only stared at him across the table with a look that clearly asked him to shut up. This kind of thing was awkward enough for him, without worrying about where you were. He had been having second thoughts about going - only you wanted to be there, so he would put up with mundane social interactions for you. Also, if you were there and his social battery ran out - which it so often did - you usually came up with brilliant excuses to leave, or let him just find protection and comfort in your presence. Andrew, you've done enough... It's okay... You were always fine alone; more than confident with answering all the questions for him when it was clear he was no longer going to actively participate.
 Only you hadn't shown up yet, and he had to shuffle awkwardly in his seat, almost wanting to blurt out that you were an actual real person, you were just late. But why? You hadn't given him a reason. Andrew was getting more anxious by the minute, and his best friend had to watch this unfold growing exceedingly uneasy himself. What would Andrew do if that battery ran out and you weren't here yet? What would he do if you were a no show…?
DAMN. Today, of all days, was clearly not meant to be yours. Not only had you been called into work to fix something on a weekend, but now traffic back into the city was beyond a joke and your cell phone provider decided that this particular route had next to no signal on it.
 So, by the time you got to the restaurant you were flustered and frustrated, and thought you couldn't possibly have made a worse first impression. It wasn’t just the first impression either, it was what you knew would be going on in Andrew’s head that worried you more. You’d been fighting- Well, okay fighting was pushing it because you and Andrew didn’t really fight, mostly because you couldn’t help but be a little worried about exactly what may happen if you really did get to fighting with him. But his brothers had a nasty habit of doing drugs – and Andrew wasn’t ever want to miss a little bit of participation, despite the fact that you’d told him time and again that you weren’t happy when he did so. When he’d invited you to this event last week you had been excited about it. You hadn’t exactly ever hung around his family in a group like that before, and the more you thought the happier you got. Andrew never invited you to things like this because they weren’t even his scene (you supposed you might have to thank Baz for that later), so to be included at all very suddenly added a new dimension to your relationship. So, now you were super excited to meet Jay and Nicky – and finally have another Cody Girl™ to hang out with. That was until yesterday morning when you’d caught him in your apartment with drugs and subsequently thrown him out, telling him you didn’t know if you were coming today. And if you were honest with yourself you were still mad at him. But you also knew Andrew, he’d probably quietly indicated you were coming ‘no big deal’ and he certainly wouldn’t have told anyone that you’d thrown him out, suggesting you weren’t going to make it – mostly because that would have been too big of a confession. You could imagine the questions, the ammunition it would give his brothers. Selfishly you supposed your reputation was on the line here, and you didn’t want to let him down. Even if he’d let you down, Andrew just meant too much to you. Honestly, you just really really wanted to meet the kids. Besides you could sit here in traffic and reason with yourself – it was dinner, which meant a maximum of 3 hours interaction - if you were still pissed about the drugs (you would be.) then you didn’t have to go anywhere with him afterwards. Seeing everyone else was a little more important than not going just to spite him. You took a deep breath, checking your phone again – still nothing. Well, if you were late then you were shaving yet more time off having to interact, if you were prepared to see it that way.
Baz, facing the door, spotted you first and was off like a rocket. Thank GOD for that! You were holding your mobile in one hand, bag slung over your shoulder, oversized white shirt unbuttoned nearly all the way to reveal a black vest top, tucked into a work mini-skirt. But you’d slipped from your heels into your pumps to drive, and your shades were in your hair. All in all, your face said you’d had better days, but really Baz was just glad you were here. He enveloped you in a warm hug, which you were only too happy to return. "Oh, Baz! I'm so, so, SO sorry!" "What the hell happened!?" "Work-! IT. When isn't it IT?" You huffed and folded your arms, "I feel like us casing the place that one time ought to have told ya it was time to leave." You scoffed, laughing, "It's a good place to work, I just can't believe today of all days it was such a MESS - and traffic!? I haven't see it that bad when it's rush hour! I mean what the hell!!" “Aw, honey, I’m just glad you’re here – we were worried.” – about Andrew, who was worried about you. You bit your lip, looking everywhere but Baz’s face and the table, “How is he?” “He’s… Andrew. Why?” “He didn’t tell you did he?” “No.” Baz would never go for the ‘tell me what?’ if it was something so obvious as the way you looked back to him. You took a deep breath, throwing your phone into your bag, “Okay.” And then more to yourself than to Baz, “It’s gonna be fine.” “Woah, you… you wanna talk about it-!?” He stepped backward with your step forward and held his hand out, concerned. You shook your head, “Not right now, thanks Baz.” And you really did appreciate his concern, “I just wanna meet everyone!”
 Andrew looked just as relieved as Baz did, swivelled in his seat now to watch you both walk through the restaurant, by this time Baz was already trying to lighten your mood and he’d made you laugh more than once; you were smiling – he was good at that. Andrew vacated his seat to take the last few paces to hug you himself; that movement was important – he knew exactly what he’d done, and you weren’t sure if you were supposed to accept his PDA as an apology. But something about him holding you in his arms softened you for a moment; "Oh, baby, I'm so sorry!" You mumbled into his shirt, "I really... I really AM sorry! It's been the morning from hell..." He shook his head, almost not caring; loving the feel of you holding him this close, your nails digging into his shirt. You gave him just the energy shot he needed. "It's okay..." He mumbled, though you felt that was probably far from the truth, "I'm just glad you made it safe..."
He let you slip from his arms, PDA wasn't his thing, so you knew this was because he needed it desperately only. Or you were right and it really was in apology. You kissed his cheek gently, feeling that would be the most comfortable, and rounded the table quickly to hug Darren. He was the baby, and looked and acted like it. He was like the good natured one who had yet to be fully dragged into this mess. You might have been a complete outsider, but Andrew told you as much as you were prepared to hear... Or that he knew you had to know. Usually that came with his more protective nature. That put you in solidarity with the youngest Cody sibling, and you felt you probably liked him the most – Darren liked you too; though you knew he was a little wary of your relationship. "What they got ya in for on a Saturday!?" He was referring to your attire, and you noticed Craig linger a little too long on the fact your white blouse had buttons undone to just the wrong side of inappropriate. "Oh. You know the company has to be running smoothly Monday morning and that’s that..." You sighed, “I’m so sorry.” He laughed, “Aw, you don’t need to apologise to me.” “No, only the whole damn table…” But Darren patted your back gently, “Well! Get on with it, we’re starving-!” You skirted the table while saying ‘Hi’ to Craig, Smurf and having an animated five minute conversation with Cath that had Baz rolling his eyes and sighing; "GIRLS! She's late enough!" Cath pushed him with a laugh, as you bashfully kept running around the table to where Andrew was still standing up, leaning on the back of his chair. At least there was something resembling a smile on his face as he watched you interact with his family. "Sorry, honey..." You almost smacked yourself, but realised there wasn’t really any stopping you, your heart was starting to overrule your head. You’d have to try to keep yourself in check – then again… He squinted slightly at the cute nickname, but pulled your chair out for you, to which you thanked him again as he pushed you in and reseated himself. "Can we EAT now!?!" Craig huffed, clearly on the less kind side of annoyed; "I was ready to order, like, 50 minutes ago!" You flushed and covered your face with your hands, "OH GOD!! I'M SO SORRY!" "He's just being a prick... Y/N... You're fine..." Baz's voice at least held a laugh, but you weren't sure it helped your feeling. Like he hadn’t already commented on it-! Andrew placed his arm around the back of your chair and shook his head at his sibling. Say something like that again and just wait until we get home. You liked that movement, it made you feel safe and comfortable. It was an assurance you sometimes needed in situations like this. Yet you knew you should still be mad at him; you were about to spend this meal incredibly torn…
"So!" You referred to the two teenagers sitting at the far end of the table. "You must be Jay and Nicky? I confess, what I know is little, although I have heard a bit. It's nice to meet you! I'm Y/N!" "Guess they might know a little about you, too..." Baz gave you an amused look that told you they'd be lucky if they'd even heard your name before you said it. Andrew shuffled in his seat in response to this, he needn’t have reacted at all - you had that kind of hunch yourself. The teens bashfully introduced themselves in answer to you as everyone ordered – in the back of your mind you were already thinking they were way too sweet to be involved here, and that adoption should be the way to go. You supposed that attitude shouldn’t surprise you, given the state of your family – your parents would have signed on the dotted line about 5 minutes ago. Still, you supposed you, in the remnants of a business suit, looked like the odd one out around the table – but that’s exactly what you were, and you were strangely comfortable with that. They were very sweet and shy, meaning you tried to make every question you asked kind and open – they didn’t have to answer if they didn’t want to. All you really wanted them to know was that you were decent; they were safe and you’d protect them at all costs. Besides, you reckoned Jay should know by now you were dating the most volatile man at the table. You’d like to say you knew that Andrew wouldn’t lay a hand on them – yet you also knew that he was capable of anything. You’d also like to say you were capable of stopping him, truth was, you were scared of what might happen if you got between Andrew Cody and something he deemed necessary to do. As you kept talking throughout dinner, and you tried to keep questions off yourself, you were aware of how close you were getting to Andrew. That was all subconscious because he’d barely moved an inch, but it was an act you loved doing. There was something very powerful about Andrew’s aura and you liked orbiting it; right now he was calmer – sure, his eyes still shifted around the room and to everyone in the table, yet everything about him was saying he was protecting you. Because even you were just waiting for Craig to come at you; he wasn’t exactly a fan of the fact that you didn’t come from the same place as them, that you came from a different class and social background. No prizes for guessing where he might have got that from. You got the feeling Smurf thought that you felt you were too good for them – not necessarily…. You’d seen the way she treated Andrew; the lost cause. The idea of wanting to get him out of this was something you thought about often. Though you also thought it was pointless when he was in your house doing drugs – but you would digress. In fact, you loved most people around the table. Really you felt a lot of them were better than the positions they found themselves in – if she really wanted your honest opinion. But you could only date one of them. And he was work, you’d give him that.
"What do you do, Y/N?" Eventually questioning did get back around to you, and you were trying to figure out how to answer before you were cut off. "Here we go..." Craig scoffed "What, jealous!? You can go it for me if you want!" Your eyes narrowed, arms folded He at least laughed; "No, No, I think I'm good - thanks!" You shook your head at him and turned back to Nicky's question, "I do IT." "Do IT?!" Baz repeated in a mocking voice "What? I do." He leant forward, "Nicky, she's just being polite and modest." "HA-!" Andrew shifted impatiently, which made Craig shut up again before he even started. Baz was allowed to finish his sentence; "She's a CIO." You leant on your hand with a small smile, "And CISO. If we're getting technical." "And that-!" Baz pointed to you, "Whatever the hell that is-!" Chief Information Security Officer, if he really wanted the answer. "That's why I said IT!" you laughed, “I head IT for a very small company, Nicky, it’s nothing.” “Enough to drive a Lamborghini.” This was exactly where things got complicated; where the divide showed, even though it didn’t matter to you. You were always uncomfortably aware of what it looked like to everyone else. “Will you guys stop!” You pushed Baz’s arm, but he was smirking and that only sent them all off laughing again. Causing you to hide in your hands for a second, shying towards Andrew – who despite still daring Craig to say another word with a frosty glare, had a hint of pride about him and the way he sat. Somewhere in the back of your mind you could almost hear the ‘That’s My Girl!’ that every other man around this table would likely say; his eyes flicked to yours, lips pressing themselves into a line that very nearly threatened smile. You were glad Andrew never got that far; not that it would have mattered anyway – because of course, you smiled back. Before you remembered why you were mad and your smiled faded for a moment. You lowered your eyes from Andrew’s face tracing them down his neck to his black buttoned polo shirt, then looked away from him entirely – realising you were just making yourself sad thinking about it. Still, he didn’t let you go; the slope of his body and the tip of his head as he watched the way your eyes traced him, he leant into you to keep you close – but he didn’t reach out. You didn’t expect that from him either. Andrew knew you were still mad at him; he could think about removing his arm from the back of your chair opting simply to pull you closer, but he wasn’t made that way. Andrew wouldn’t – at least not publicly and certainly not here.  Right now, he wasn’t even sure you wanted that – or if you’d simply push him away. Nevertheless, he noticed how torn you were and hated that it was him that had caused it. What a mess for a quick fix. Wasted and pointless. He ran his hand over his cheeks – suddenly imagining the feeling of your nails embedded in them as you lowered your voice to a sexy level of threatening. Andrew shifted in his seat again, this time away from you, and kept his hand there for a moment – you couldn’t help but notice the way his breathing change abnormally. You also realised all that had triggered in you was a smirk, absentminded enough for you to be shocked at yourself – yet you knew exactly why, and hell if you wouldn’t call it useful information…
Dinner continued until you were stuffed and couldn’t eat anymore, pushing your knife and fork neatly together you sat back, nestling gently into his arm that was back around your chair. Finally comfortable enough to seek the warmth of his body. By now he was staring at you, and he had been for quite a while, because that’s what Andrew did. You’d long since given up trying to guess, or even ask him, why he would choose to stare at you in the particular way he did. It was never any less intense than the way he would look at everyone else… yet it was so different – and this stare was strangely hopeful. You supposed he was considering whether or not you’d forgive him – then again, so were you. Turning your eyes on him you couldn’t help but gaze back; lost in another beautifully silent conversation. I’m here for you. But don’t you dare think I forgive you for what you’ve done just yet.   You knew he needed you here, and he must have known you knew that right now. You brushed your forehead gently to his, resting your hand reassuringly on his knee. It might take you a while to excuse him, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t love him. Everyone still pushed for dessert; at which point you swapped seats with Craig, bowing out – not without brushing your lips to Andrew’s cheek first, which very nearly startled him - to learn a little more about Jay and Nicky. Cath joined you a little later and with Jay joining in with his uncles, Smurf joined you in a girl’s conversation. It was nice to learn some more about her, and talk just a little about yourself without the whole table either wanting you to flaunt it, or scoffing at you for being a show off. You liked that you had the opportunity to chat with her in the quiet, which became quieter as Smurf and then Cath left you to it whilst they went back to the boys – clamouring for attention once more. Andrew was back to watching you, into his usual habit of making sure you were safe at all times and you were quite enjoying catching his eye every now and then. It’d make you smile and look away; a simpler form of flirting, but one you felt you probably both enjoyed. When he and Baz got up to pay the bill, Andrew walked behind you, brushing his hand over your shoulders. Fingertips pressing into your skin in a way that had you fixating on his touch and looking up at him as he walked away. You’d quite forgotten what you were saying and instead Nicky was left witness to that way you stared at each other, before he turned and they strolled to the counter – although you didn’t look away. Blinking a few times you cleared your throat; “Hey guys-!” They swivelled back, “Yeah?” You pulled your card from your purse and held it out, “I was late, it’s the least I can do.” Andrew waved away the suggestion, “No, Y/N, it’s okay…” “We got this – you can owe us later.” Baz added with a wink, and you figured he might spend the next five minutes trying to persuade Andrew onto a double date; which he would love of course.
Instead you watched them talk seriously at the counter for a minute as they split the bill; with the glances they both kept throwing to you, and the way Baz very nearly clipped him (about the only person who’d get away with it), you assumed that it was really an integration about the previous morning, causing you to look away quickly for fear of being dragged into it. Nicky giggled gently, and you realised she had continued watching you, “You really love him, don’t you?” You continued focusing on the table, although even her words had you smiling, and you very nearly laughed. “Yeah.” “How long have you been together?” That made your eyes raise to her - suddenly you realised you didn’t even know the answer. It wasn’t like Andrew was ever going to keep track of your anniversary – and to be honest being held up in a parking lot was not exactly something you wanted to remember the date of. “…Oh, uh…” You also couldn’t believe someone would want to ask you outside of your family; a lot of your friends thought Andrew was strange at best and would probably rather forget you were with him. You were grateful your parents foster kids more than made up for that. “…Just over a year?” you squinted, no, it felt longer than that - “Maybe closer to two?” then you smiled, genuinely, “Thank you for asking.” “I thought that was normal?” She tilted her head, making you laugh, “I don’t know if you’ve met him before today, but,” You looked around her to watch them still in heated discussion, “Andrew’s not exactly…” you paused, “He’s a little different. I think that’s probably why I like him so much. Then again, it’s not exactly something that gels with a lot of people,” you bit your lips together, “it’s a real shame - you know, if he was given the chance…” you trailed, “Sorry! That’s a lot for… the first time I’ve ever met you.” You place your head in your hands again, “Late and rambling, man, I must have made one hell of a first impression!” But she was smiling, and reached out to touch your hand, “I think it’s sweet – that you care about him like that, and I see the way you look at each other, he cares a lot about you too I can tell. He doesn’t take his eyes off you.” You weren’t sure if you should set her straight or agree with her; “That’s also a very Andrew trait, something to get used to for sure. I guess it’s okay if it doesn’t bother you…” “Does it?” God bless her innocent curiosity. “No. Except, nothing about Andrew bothers me.” “Should it?” Your eyes flicked back to him and then to her, and you said it as honestly as you could without really telling the truth; “He’s just… a lot to unpack.” ***
He stopped by your chair as they walked back, and everyone else started to rise, so you supposed dinner was over. As he’d helped you in, Andrew also helped you out. “You okay?” “Yes…” You gave him a gentle nod, “Thank you…” and you realised all at once that you really hadn’t had a verbal conversation yet. You wondered how you could just get back in your car and drive away after that. Andrew had to know you were still reeling a little – but it didn’t sit right with you, to just say goodbye and leave him to his own devices once again. Especially considering that could just drive him back in the direction you were trying to pull him from (or drag him – kicking and screaming if necessary). As you made your way from the restaurant - close but not touching; he wasn’t even trying to take your hand to keep up appearances (and sometimes Andrew did) – it was clear he was thinking along the same lines. Baz was the first one to turn to you, “How about it, Y/N? Drinks? I mean you can just park the car up and take off tomorrow if you’re worried about getting a DUI.” “Oh, no I really… I’ve had a day, you do not want me to take up any offer of drinking.” You waved your hands hoping he might drop it. “Aw come on – what!? You know how bad we get-!” No such luck. You indicated to the teens, “I would rather keep up appearances!” “It's cool, guys, I'll take her home." Andrew cut in before anyone else could protest your objection. You turned to him, wondering if a conversation in the place he’d done the crime was even a good idea. Maybe it was the only good idea. Of course, no one argued with that; "Okay, Andrew, see you later!" Although he waited for you to hug Nicky goodbye. You were good at bonding with people, and there weren't a lot of females in Andrew's life beyond his mother and Cath. So he knew you'd be particularly receptive to this teenage girl who had no idea quite what she was getting into. And that you'd likely want to protect her from that. Afterall, he’d watched you talk to her for at least the last hour, with that same sweet, caring smile on your face that you often gave him. Not that he thought he deserved it ever, perhaps even less than usual right now. And here you were again, being as naturally kind as you always were. "...It'd be cool to hang out too! I mean I dunno, maybe you're a little too cool for me!" You gave a gentle laugh that made her smile; "No, I'd like that!" "Awesome, well, you have my number now. Do not hesitate to call me. Especially if you happen to have to hang out with these boys again... In fact, Cath, you and I should have a girl’s night - Good Lord." "Don't tempt me!" Cath yelled from behind you, which made the three of you burst out laughing and all the boys look on a little confused. You hugged her tight and protective; she was so cute and utterly sweet. As the only other real outsider (and completely in the dark) you wanted to keep her on that side of things for as long as possible. It was your choice not to know anything, you didn't want her to have to know there even was a choice.
You waved them all off and walked with Andrew back towards the car park; he fell into the rhythm of your walk, studying every single other person on both sides of the road. He didn't hold your hand, but your skin was millimetres apart, his shoulder brushed against yours every few steps - as if to make sure you were still there; as if you'd be anywhere else. You were used to this by now, and if you were honest you loved it. There was something unvoiced about it all, how you were both aware the other was there and close, but there was no needed physical contact. Andrew was the most comfortable you'd ever been with a man in your entire life. And you weren't sure if that was ironic or not. "Are you driving?" "I don't have my car." You held out your keys, "Are you driving?" He took them gently, suddenly falling out of step with you, and then behind as he stopped. You paused a little further down the sidewalk and turned with a raised eyebrow; "What-?" He held the keys up, "You drove your Lamborghini to work!? AGAIN!?" This only went back to every other time he’d told you to be careful driving it around, should some opportunists try to car jack you… again. You folded your arms, somewhat impatient with his lack of answer; "Oh, I didn't realise I had to stop on the weekend too - now are you driving or what-!?" You knew he could stop the excited smile from crossing his face, but it escaped into his voice; "Yes!"
 ** Even though you still hadn’t spoken to him properly, it was all in his body language. For him it was the same, all in your actions. You didn’t have to let him do this – in fact you could just have turned to him and said that he wasn’t coming with you. Yet here he was, driving your gleaming silver Gallardo through Melbourne to your apartment. You noticed Andrew was making the most out of the opportunity by taking you the scenic route. All you could do was watch him. How comfortable he was – just you and him and driving. How careful and in control – a real force to be reckoned with, not that Andrew ever wasn’t that, but the whole aura of it was different. This time he couldn’t keep that small smile off his face – tiny sure, and if you weren’t looking you were bound to miss it, but it was there. You liked that he was comfortable, because you often watched him be so uncomfortable with everything. The social situations he was forced into especially; for that matter, Andrew didn’t often talk in social settings. He could still be the one in the room in control and be uncomfortable, his body language would tell you such. Here and now though, his energy was confident – and though he was alert to the conditions he was surrounded by on the road, Andrew was the most relaxed you’d seen him in a long time. You let yourself actively enjoy it. Because you wanted to revel in him when he was like this. It was a glimpse, a rare thing that you weren’t about to let slip away from you. You knew how much he loved this car, even when he was sitting passenger side, and when he actively showed it that was even better. Andrew was letting himself enjoy the moment as much as you were; just by watching him you’d been persuaded to smile, to coax your hand from your lap to entwine with his fingers. He didn’t look across to you – but his lips twitched and for half a second that smile was visible, before it dropped away again. Still, Andrew Cody didn’t let your hand go. ** You were back to being cold and silent by the time you were in the lift to your apartment; perhaps not by choice, but because you just couldn’t figure out exactly what to say. You weren’t sure how to approach it, and certainly hadn’t had time to think of such things. After all, you did kick him out of your apartment yesterday after screaming then using Andrew’s own ‘quiet & threatening’ tactic against him. You just knew that you couldn’t keep up the silence; part of you worried that if you did  Andrew would switch from understanding why (as you were sure he did) to thinking screw this and heading back home – where all that really awaited him was his brothers, alcohol and more drugs. Certainly not what you wanted. He was looking at you again though, and Andrew thought that maybe the air of friendliness you’d been displaying this evening had been for his family only. Just for dinner. He supposed it made sense, but Baz had told him in no uncertain terms that he needed to apologise to you, quickly. Andrew was just trying to figure out how best to do that – of course he’d been thinking about it, but you’d been regarding them both and he didn’t want it to come out like the only reason that he was saying sorry was because Baz had asked him to. No, he wanted it to sound as sincere and genuine as he felt. Usually silence was good for Andrew, he found a comfort there that he could seldom find anywhere else. Even around you. This wasn’t comfortable – not when there was so much unspoken between the two of you. You would often communicate without using words – but that wouldn’t even save you both now. He let you have it, 5 minutes of total silence, how you stood with your hands down on your kitchen counter staring at nothing. You could tell exactly what he was thinking, considering he was pacing up and down the room, and wouldn’t take his eyes off you. Until eventually Andrew sighed, making you raise your eyes to him; “Why… Why even bother turning up? Why would you want to be there today? With me. Why are you even okay with me?” He looked away from you, squinting in thought, “I understand the reasons you hate me right now. Which makes me not understand why you would…” He trailed, finding it hard to describe how he could know you weren’t happy – but you could still look at him like he was your world… Was there even a way to describe that? “Oh. Andrew…” You almost sounded desperate, but exasperated, your face softening and for a moment your heart bled for him – because he always felt like everything had to be understandable and logical; it was just how his brain processed. Just once sometimes you wished he would realise that your feelings for him really weren’t logical at all. You could never really hate him. “Look. I love you. And that’s never going to change, it’s just sometimes you make me SO mad!” You ran your hands through your hair with a small exhale, settling your eyes back on his infinite stare; “Because I see the good in you Andrew. And I want more people to see that. YOU might think he’s gone, and your family clearly do, but not me. I KNOW it’s there. I wouldn’t be with you if I didn’t see it. But you do things like this, and I just…” You gave a gentle shrug, unable to even explain it for yourself; “If I don’t believe in you, who will? It hurts me when you hurt yourself. And I feel sorry for you and… that is that.” His stare was measured, and his blink slow. You knew he wouldn’t say anything, Andrew just wasn’t built that way. But you wanted him to, right then more than any other moment you wanted words to spill from his lips. Andrew’s blue eyes left yours and he looked to the floor - that was a lot, all at once it was a lot for you to just say to him. It would be a lot to not respond to; then again, he wasn’t sure what he could say. He wasn’t good at expressing his feelings for you, Andrew never had been, but he knew he felt something – things he’d never felt for any other person, not even his own family. They were just so hard to say with conviction that sounded like he really believed them. You stepped from the counter and walked across the room to him, although he took several paces back, shying away from your touch. You wouldn’t take that as an answer, because you needed him right now – he needed you too. You took Andrew’s hand in yours; allowing him to maintain the gap but letting him know you weren’t about to let go. He shook his head slowly, still not meeting your eyes, and his next sentence was murmured – a thought to himself that maybe he hadn’t meant to say aloud; “I don’t deserve you. But you’re the only thing I’ve got right so far…” You tipped your head, unsure where exactly that had come from; “Andrew, I-” “I shouldn’t have done it. I know that.” Sorry. He was saying sorry, in a typically Andrew way of saying it. It’d take time for the actual word to come – or else maybe he’d simply show you. You framed his face with your free hand, tilting his head back up so those haunting eyes could meet yours once more. “…What…?” Andrew’s lips parted, no words came, before he swallowed and placed his hand over yours. For a moment you thought he might pull away once more, but he didn’t. His eyes simply searched yours for any way he might get away with never saying something so honest again. “I know you heard me.” You didn’t quite roll your eyes; instead pulling yourself to him, forehead against his – gently humming your agreement. I Did. You closed your eyes to the silence and lost yourself to the sound of his breathing. You knew exactly who this man was, and everything he was capable of – no matter how much you tried to burry that beneath your love for him, and no matter how hard you tried to save him from it. But, more importantly, Andrew Cody was yours - and you weren’t about to ever let him forget it.
Thank you for reading-!😍
@happyskywhale @wltz-bby #MendoTagSquad
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lotus-mirage · 4 years
The Untamed episode 50 liveblog
Wow.  D: I can’t believe I’m almost done with this.  I will probably wind up at least watching some of the animated version, but for now this is the end!  Aaahh
So Jin Guangyao didn’t make a move, then.
Focus is squarely on Nie Huaisang now. He did it on purpose then?
‘Didn’t have a clue’?
Okay, but was the rest of it him, too? He seems pretty shaken right now honestly.
He pushed the sword further in??? D:
Oh that’s a horrible confession to make. That he didn’t want to hurt Lan Xichen, I mean. That’s absolutely going to hurt the guy after Jin Guangyao finally passes.
It’d almost be kinder to tell him that he was using him too, frankly. Almost. I don’t know. Yikes.
Oh jeez that background shot of Jin Ling D,:
I keep forgetting he’s here watching this too yikes
Wait what’s he doing
How the heck did he do that???? He’s been bleeding out for at least a few minutes already!
Is he breaking the seal thing!?
Uh oh
Is he going to stay? It looks like he’s at least considering it.
???? I thought he wanted him to stay!?
Okay now these are the dramatics I was expecting from Nie Mingjue
Jin Ling D,:
Where’d he go? Is he still in there?
I still don’t know what to make of Nie Huaisang
Oh! Was he the last person he had to get revenge on?
Well there’s literally everyone else
:,( at Jiang Cheng just watching him
He’s leaving!? D:
How many child actors did they have for like one scene each??
Oh Nie Huaisang was holding the hat?
Wait is that blood
Not sure what he was feeling there. It was interesting though. Huh.
I’m D,: at this entire conversation with Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling. It’s so good.
Oh flashback?
Did he get himself caught on purpose!? D,:
Hahaha was that an interrupted confession? It sure felt like one.
Ahhh Lan Sizhui :,D
Oh good they’re telling him
they’re hugging ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
‘Sad but thrilled’ is a good description
Hahaha this is fantastic
Okay the leg hug is a little awkward but the sentiment is nice
Oh! They’re going back to Qishan together! Oh that’s so nice.
There is a lot of ‘person in black and person in white walking off together’ in this show
WAIT WAIT is he not going too!??
is this a flashback or a time skip what is happening
I mean very pretty but what
Okay these are new clothes so assumedly not a flashback
Good they didn’t split up
Oh I recognize this shot
Several of these shots actually - they’re used in either the opening or the ending I think
Oh good Nie Huaisang’s here too. We might actually be getting an explanation.
Okay that ‘Thou shall not befriend the devil’ was very threatening please clarify.
They laughed but I’m not sure if it was actually a joke
Oh good they’re confirming it even without him
More or less
?? Okay what’s going on now. I’m on edge after that whole-
Shoot they are splitting up!?
Okay so it’s not forever but??
Oh he’s playing the song!?
Thank goodness they’re implying it’s not for too long.
Wow is he in another outfit already?
That’s very pretty
?? What prompted the pause in music??
Okay he turned around was that them meeting back up?
Oh thats the end. :,(
End notes:
Okay I had to do something but I am back half an hour later and watching the ending and it is giving me very strong emotions wow
Okay so.
First off: very good series - I was confused a whole lot but it made me feel things and I love it.
The ending was really well done, I think - there was a lot of ambiguity but it wrapped up enough of the emotional threads in a very effective manner.
Wow, uh. Hmmm. What to say.
Thoughts on characters/plot threads as I remember them:
I found that the strongest emotional thread of this show was probably the family/grief aspect. Mainly the family aspect, but the two were often combined. It showed up absolutely everywhere - it was both Wei Wuxian’s driving factor and in a way Jin Guangyao’s? Moreso the lack of it in the latter’s case. And a complicated issue with both (especially with their parents). On second thought this may hold true for a lot of the cast.
It did kind of feel like Wen Ruohan was kind of not a character and was just there to drive the war forward (and thus the characters and plot). Which is fine? But it leaves me feeling like the driving force behind the war was a little hollow, which is eh.
The Wen remnants were super compelling, though. That entire arc hit hard and made sense as a logical effect of the war.
I don’t really know how to feel about the post-timeskip stuff as a whole. On the one hand, I enjoyed myself a lot? It was great fun. On the other hand a lot of it contrasted sharply with the mass death at the end of the last arc.
The characters themselves were mostly pretty great (with the exceptions of, like, the Wen antagonists, some sect leaders, Su She and Jin Zixun).
I always have a hard time talking about main characters (in this case WWX and LWJ). I think it’s because we know so much about them that it’s hard to pick a single subject to talk about with them??
Anyway, they were really great. They had unique dynamics with each other and with all the other characters that evolved as they did. Neither were static characters and each step they took made sense?
Jiang Cheng is a very flawed character and he made me feel a lot and he’s my favorite. After a certain point he just had so many strong emotions, many of which conflicted each other and it was just entirely compelling and relatable. I feel like he is the strongest character outside of the main two + Jin Guangyao, although that may be my bias speaking.
Jin Guangyao. I totally forgot to think about story structure with him, frankly - didn’t see why he kept getting so much screen time and was constantly developing as well. I didn’t realize he was going to be a full-blown antagonist, let alone the antagonist, way past when I should have. He’s a sympathetic character, and the audience is reminded of this even as he does all these awful things. Yeah, he keeps finding himself in terrible situations but he also causes a lot of innocent casualties. I don’t totally know how to feel about him fully, but I think that’s the point.
Lan Xichen is also very flawed, but like. In a gentler way? I’m not sure we really see enough to know him as well as we could, but we do know that he’s trying and he cares, and sometimes that sucks for him.
Nie Huaisang is frankly a bit of an enigma. Unlike Jin Guangyao, he doesn’t exposit or drop masks where we can see him. I think he’s very interesting but maybe too underutilized in the majority of the series for me to say much else about him. I did really like the banter he had with Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian, though.
Not sure I have as much to say on the other characters. Oops.
Lan Sizhui! Best boy. I love him.
Wen Ning is also best boy. He’s adorable. And also terrifying sometimes.
Wen Qing was fantastic. I liked her character so much and was very sad to see her go.
I was very surprised by how much Jin Zixuan grew on me. Props to that.
Jin Ling was also great. I loved his interactions with basically everyone. Also I feel like with maybe the exception of maybe Lan Xichen the ending probably was the worst for him. Smack dab in the center of the family drama, if you can count multiple set-ups and murders that.
I kind of simultaneously wish Jiang Yanli was more and am kind of content with how she was? I mean some of her role is a little... overly-limited, but she’s still a fairly important aspect of the story and continuously makes her own decisions and the like.
Madame Yu was a more interesting character to me than her husband but was also much more antagonistic. It’s an interesting duality where I want to see more of her but also want her to not interact with the other characters much, which doesn’t make any sense.
Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan didn’t have much of an impact outside of the Coffin Town bit, but frankly that was painful enough that it’s fine!! It was well done and their situation was awful but that hurt enough already!
Xue Yang is a character. Very well-portrayed and I feel like the actor had a blast but I feel like he didn’t have a giant impact either? He was a cool and scary villain.
Overall, it was a great show with a lot of interesting characters! It was great at emotional storytelling, except for when there was whiplash. I loved the music and the costuming, and the actors were great. Some of the special effects were a little wacky (looking at Lan Xichen’s instrument and the Wens’ dog thing), but some of them were really cool (see: Wen Ning’s entrance into the temple). Sometimes the politics-talk grated my nerves a bit, but that may be mostly a personal preference thing. The fighting also took some getting used to, but was impressive in some areas.
The show made me feel a lot and I am still feeling both the mixed bittersweet feelings from the show and that oh-shoot-the-story’s-over hole-in-the-chest feeling right now, but I don’t know how else to talk about that.
It wasn’t perfect but I enjoyed it a lot and am very impressed by it.
Let me know if I missed anything - there’s a lot and I am totally open for discussion.
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thedistantstorm · 5 years
A Few Words on RWBY V7:E5
*cracks knuckles and lets fingers fly across keyboard in a blur*
Ah yes, one whole reaction post.
This one gets a bit long. Reactions up front, conclusion and speculation in the back. Everything’s under the cut because I don’t want to ruin anything for anyone who hasn’t seen the ep yet. (GO WATCH IT NOW, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?!)
- Me, dancing in my seat: We’re gonna get a montage!
(someone make me a wallpaper of the RWBY girls all slumped over each other worn out, they’re so cuuuute~)
- Hi, I’m sorry, Nora braiding Ren’s hair just... UGH. 
- Also, I noticed some general exasperation on his part this ep, and I’ve seen other posts say he’s acting kind of over Nora. I think Nora is acting even more hyper than usual, and Ren is waiting for the other shoe to drop (Something tells me Nora came from Mantle, and I just.. I don’t know. She hasn’t had her big ‘grow up’ moment like the rest of her team has had. She’s always been extra supportive and super optimistic and bubbly, but we got a glimpse during Ren’s growth arc that Nora’s grown up very fast and very alone, and though she doesn’t often show that emotional maturity, it’s there. Don’t be surprised if she pulls out the big guns in that department soon, especially when things go to shit in Mantle and Tyrion - who was suspiciously absent this ep - goes after Jaune. 
- This is probably out of order but I didn’t initially add anything about the Bees because let’s face it, we all know they’re darling and badass and (omfg I’m still not over Blake’s haircut because she is GORG).
- JAUNE. And all the moms. BLESS.
- FNKY. Ahhhhhh this is amazing.
[Okay, now to the biggest thing (to me from this ep):
Qrow. Gave. Up. DRINKING.
dafjg;sfgjdg;dkfgoreigndnvao;idjv;ogsdh;flk I’m so proud of him.
I just really, really hope he sticks to it.
It seems that a lot of his confident swagger has gone missing, and we’re seeing a way more humbled side of his personality. (AND FFS PLEASE DO NOT MAKE CLOVER FUCK HIM UP EMOTIONALLY PLEASE RT I’M BEGGING YOU I WANNA LIKE THIS SHIP)]
- Robin is a badass woman who Mantle - and Atlas - desperately need, and I am a FAN.
- Who is the lovely girl next to Robin? Can I get a name please? I love her ears (what exact kind of faunus is she? can i have her backstory? her entire aesthetic is amazing)
- Robin/Clover? Is there some history there? There’s some history. I’m sensing a ‘they were together/schoolmates/friends/maybe romantically but Clover was selected fore the AceOps’ sort of vibe.
- Winter and Weiss’s interaction this episode just struck me as the scales finally balancing between them. Weiss has always looked up to her sister. There has never been anyone better than Winter in her own eyes. You can still see that in their interactions, but Weiss challenges her now. Asks questions. Makes valid points.
- As for the reveal of the Winter Maiden, I saw it coming, but it does make the most sense. Weiss’s reaction says the same thing that I’m thinking though. I do, however feel like Winter feels obligated, despite her words. She might have ‘made it her own,’ but I suspect she’s never had an opportunity to consider any other alternative. 
- Jacques. Okay. We all know Arthur is involved here, he’s going to help him do the thing, he’s probably providing strategic advice. Winter is right, he’s literally about to send Mantle into a panicking riot, bet it’s going to be the Grimm’s playground. 
Ending Thoughts:
1. The Winter Maiden: Based on this ep, I’m feeling very worried for Winter’s chances at survival. New maidens are very very VERY fragile as they come into their own. At this point, we know who three of the four maidens are (is Summer Rose the Summer Maiden? Last episode totally gave me the impression that she’s definitely not dead. No body, no confirm-y). 
2. Will Robin be thrown into Ironwood’s path by Jacques and his plans? Is this something Arthur planned? If Jacques causes as bad of an uproar as implied (obviously the answer to this is yes), Ironwood would be smart to bring Mantle’s best hope (imo) into the fold, lest Mantle destroys itself and causes further issue in Atlas.
3. MARIA? Hello? Where are you? Have you been training our sweet silver-eyed Ruby? She can’t get one chat and have that be the only training she gets.
4. Qrow/Clover - Guys, hate me for this (I hate me for this), but the more I think about it, the more this pairing gives me bad vibes. I want to like it. I want very much to like it. But I feel like Qrow is in a place where he needs to focus on himself. Clover... I don’t trust him. He gives me the impression of a man who made bad choices for the intent to be good, but he’s in too deep to come clean. That and I think the good luck semblance doesn’t mean shit when it comes to life choices. Maybe it all comes out his way in the end, but what has he done to himself to get there. Qrow’s bad luck semblance? Look. He keeps trying. He does good despite the odds stacking against him with the bad luck business.
5. Ruby. So, this season has really showed some emphasis on her growth. We see her withhold the truth from Ironwood. He doesn’t know that Salem can’t be defeated - which, would that tidbit change Winter’s mind about being a maiden? I bet we’ll find out. We see her with Qrow, we see a lot of references to family and how close they are (I’d like to believe that she’s the reason he’s not drinking anymore, she really knocked him down hard last season and for good reason), and she’s definitely retaining the bubbly parts of her personality, but it’s tempered. I suspect she’s going to start making decisions that the girls don’t like for what she suspects to be the greater good. We have a lot of dynamics to her team now. Weiss has Winter’s influence, Blake and Yang are a true (wonderful) team. I really liked the RNJR vibes back from S4, and I really hope we get a reprise of them soon (maybe when Tyrion inevitably comes after Jaune like we all know he’s gonna).
6. Ironwood & Oscar. At some point, desperation is going to win out, I think. Ironwood is driven by his desire to keep Atlas safe, and we see things pointed out time and again by Winter et all the Atlas folk. They put Atlas first. But that’s not Qrow & Team RWBY/ORNJ(is that what they’re called?)’s prerogative. Here’s the thing: let’s say they help re-establish communications, they launch the tower, yada yada, so on, so forth. At some point the tea will be spilled. And when that happens, if Oz is not around, Ironwood is going to snap. He’s already very fragile, it seems (and I love him, really. I want to give that man some tea, and a fuzzy blanket then we can hug it out) and this would be the final blow. I think desperation would dictate him essentially going after Oscar to the point of life/death to try and get Oz to come back.
7. The Atlesian Military: Is it strong/large enough to handle assisting both at home and abroad when the Grimm attack? I’m gonna guess no.
Okay. I think that’s all I had for this (edit: probably not) ep, so if you want to chat feel free to do so however you wish.
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skamfairy · 6 years
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - thoughts after reading it for the first time
hello pals, well damn, it’s officially been about two days probably three, after i finished ootp because I needed to process the hell out of it before i could discuss it sjhshjhjsa otherwise i would have just spent this whole post screaming WHYYYY sahjhasj so lets do this
how in the world did this book make my love for harry GROW EVEN MORE??? i didn’t think that was possible but here we are. We really see in this how everything is effecting him mentally and it’s incredibly heartbreaking and realistic. i love him so much and the whole time reading this i just wanted to hug the poor boy :(( 
OKAY THE ORDER i love the order. they are so cool and different and really fun to read. like the first part of the book shows them all engaging with each other and their dynamic so well, and it’s soooo fun to see. one of my fave scenes still remains to be mrs weasley and sirius arguing over how to raise harry sjhashjshjhsa that was just sajhsahjhjas i love seeing all these people who care about harry interact it’s really fun to read. ALSO tonks is SO COOL
alright alright, i should probably acknowledge the elephant before i continue otherwise the rest of this is gonna be me in denial asjhhajs SIRIUS :(( SIRIUS. i really really really love this character you guys, he’s everything i have wanted since the moment i met harry. all i asked for was someone who could love him and support him, someone harry could talk to and trust. someone who loved harry like a parent and harry could go to for love and comfort like a parent. and then we finally got sirius.  This book really made me see the dynamic between sirius and harry, crystal clear. it showed how alike they are. and when harry was angry, it was like sirius was the only one who understood that anger cos he felt it too !!. harry had someone who understood him, loved him and would do anything for him. he finally had a parent.  So, i ask you this, WHY WOULD THEY JUST TAKE THIS AWAY FROM ME AND HARRY????? HUH??? H U H?? IM SO MAD YOU GUYS IT’S BEEN DAYS AND IM STILL MAD AND SAD BUT LIKE NOW IM MOSTLY MAD. it’s not fucking fair it’s not. and the ending when harry finds that mirror that would have saved sirius?????? my heart literally died. IT DIED. they didn’t even get a proper moment to really be together you know? like they couldn’t talk and see each other the way they wanted to because harry was so worried about losing him. and now it’s just. it’s over. and it happened so suddenly it just,,,,he was there and then he wasn’t. STAB ME. the impact of this was huge and i can’t explain the kind of emotion it invoked in me. it was so intense and that alone is one of the reasons i absolutely adored this book. 
on a nicer note, i absolutely love Luna Lovegood. She is such a good character, ever time she appeared i would instantly smile or get excited, like she brings something so different and exciting to the story. she’s super different to them all and because of that they judge her at first but she continuously turns out to have so much wisdom and help to give if they just listen to her. WHAT I REALLY LOVE THO, is how throughout the whole book we see harry be completely discredited by the ministry and because of that no one believes him, and it’s incredibly frustrating and isolating. but then we see that mirrored in luna. like harry, she’s also discredited by everyone who knows her, so much that they call her “looney” lovegood. and because of that, no one takes anything she says seriously, just like harry about voldemort. but we see that when we do take her seriously, what she says is helpful. I especially love this because at the end when harry is empty and grieving, he desperately seeks something that could give him that tiny shred of hope or comfort that he desires. he even seeks out nick the ghost, but then in the end; the person who is able to understand how he feels the most, is the only other person that has been just as discredited as him. and it’s luna who is able to give him the comfort he needs. and i really really love that. it’s so perfect to me. and i see luna as such an important character i better see MUCH MORE OF HER PLEASE
umbridge can go to hell
I LOVED DUMBLEDORE’S ARMY !!!!! that was incredible and the room of requirment !!!! ahhhhhh i love. it was so cool to see harry accept his talent for defence against the dark arts, and to use that to rebel against umbridge and teach his peers. i really love how at the end the people who go to harry to help are who harry sees as the people in the DA he’d want help from the least, which makes them all unlikely heroes but they are all so incredible. like i adore these kids you guys. i would do anything for them. i can’t wait to see more of them ahhhhhh
as always the twins were AMAZING i love them so much they really are two of my ultimate fave characters in ANYTHING EVER like i would literally do anything for them. I BETTER still see them in the next book a lot even tho they aren’t in school anymore. pls pls pls gimme my fred and george content 
i should probably acknowledge cho because harry’s first experience at dating was super amusing and tiring but it feels like that was a lifetime ago. i really liked how they showed that tho. like they were both more into the idea of each other than the real thing and that’s often what a first crush is. i really liked how this was depicted. 
asbhjjbhdsajhbdsahb HAGRIDS GIANT LITTLE BROTHER i just have to say that i adored this sjhaahjshjsa it was so fun among the angst thank you hjshjsajhas
Okay that ending was incredible but more than anything, the scene in dumbledores office and the PROPHECY was so so so good. not so much for the info dump but more for the way we saw the relationship dynamic between the two and the feelings it gave me. like i really felt what harry was feeling and the fact that i was able to feel that is amazing to me. that’s what i want out of books and this whole book, but especially that scene did that for me. the prophecy is holyyyyy fuck. it breaks my heart. harry finds out on the night when his godfather died trying to save him, that the reason his parents died was because voldemort wanted to kill him. it’s horrible. but also i find it so interesting how it could have easily been neville (which im also proud of because i kept asking my friend questions about why neville and harry are SO SIMILAR *flips hair* im that good) but voldemort CHOSE THE HALF BLOOD  which can i just say, is so contradictory to voldemorts entire motive of this war. to keep the wizard world pure blood only; but his greatest enemy is the half blood like him. not the pure blood.  like dude you’re admitting the half blood is the only wizard strong enough to beat you soooooooooo  i also really wanna learn more about this and why he chose harry like AHHHHHHHHH IM GOING CRAZY WITH FEELINGS AND THOUGHTS I CAN’T BELIEVE I ONLY HAVE TWO BOOKS LEFT
OH OH OH i almost forgot !!!! dumbledore continues to talk about snape like he’s the greatest thing since a beard comb and it’s so frustrating. especially when harry and i are fucking grieving because they keep killing off the people we love and not asshole bullies like snape. like ugh CAN HE STOP whats his deal??? like we know he was bullied (to be fair apparently he also fucked with james back) but how does that justify him literally being a DEATH EATER??? speaking of death eaters, i hope they all die painful deaths, especially bellatrix. she’s disgusting. BUT I DIGRESS, i guess i don’t know how to feel about snape tho. idk. i hate him just like harry does don’t get me wrong. but im so CONFUSED like what is he playing at?? did he tell sirius where harry was going to help or to make sure sirius would be there so his friends can kill him? like im sorry but i don’t trust him. idk guys im just WHATS THE POINT OF THIS DUDE?? 
okay so i probably missed a lot of stuff cos there is way too much in this to cover, and if i missed something you really want my opinion on please shoot me an ask, but overall i LOVE this book. i think it’s my favourite one so far I SAY THAT ABOUT ALL OF THEM but you can’t blame me. they are all SO SO SO GOOD AHHHHHH help me i’m so obsessed. but seriously this book invoked emotions in me i didn’t know i possessed. I cried so so so much in this over so many different things and i feel like i have a connection with these characters i’m not entirely sure how to explain. i just really love them and this story and im hurting right now, but i really hope harry will find happiness it’s just SO UNFAIR sdhhjashjas im sorry im okay im okay. im gonna start the next one soon hopefully knowing i’m grieving with harry will help ashhjas.  ALSO part of the pain of this, was when sirius died i couldn’t stop reading to react to it because i was so sure it wasn’t real and that he’d come back because HOW COULD IT BE REAL? and that’s exactly how harry felt so once again, i love how this story makes me truly feel and see things like harry i love that i’m able to connect to it like that and it’s a massive reason why i love this as much as i do AHHHH <3 
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portfolio- · 7 years
Thoughts about Ruler: Master of the Mask, Part 10
(Note: This entry is going to be longer than the usual incoherent or coherent posts I've had. I'm still digesting all the feelings I have for this episode because wow, RMOTM actually had the potential to raise the bar.)
 I must be a sadist. I watched The Throne last Tuesday, then I watched today's episode. I've mourned Yoo Ah In's Sado, now I mourn for Yoo Seung Ho's Lee Seon (albeit for a short period of time).
The episode last night depicted a good picture of the main theme of this show imo, power, which fits just right as we move headfirst to the climax of the story.
(I’ll be a decent person for once and put this expand post thing here because this entry has more spoilers than I think should be spilled).
Dae Mok proved to be the best villain out of all in the show as he nitpicked on all his enemies. In one swoop, with the fake King's help, he managed to get absolute power within the court and in extension, Joseon. He loves (with whatever is left of his blackened heart) his granddaughter, as we've seen throughout the series, but will not waver in the name of his organization. He tortured the true king with his lover and his most loyal friend, knowing that beneath the regality, he is simply a man who protects the people he care about. I could already feel the satisfaction of seeing him dead when this series ends, in whatever form it will reach him. Props to Heo Jun Ho for being very, very effective on his role.
I feel bad for the queen dowager, but then again, the better villain always prevails. I will miss her being at the top of her game. Kim Sun Kyung is becoming one of my favorite actresses to watch in her generation, second to Jeon Mi Sun.
Hwa Goon actually gained my sympathy this time as her grandfather forced her to bend to his will. I liked the interaction she had with her father, that the latter's love always prevails. They gained my sympathy because beneath all the bullshit they experienced from the head of their family, they never lost the ability to care for each other. I still dislike her for forcing herself to the true king (especially at this episode), but actually felt sad at the idea that she would surrender everything to him. I'll discuss more on the true king later. For now, it will suffice to say that had the true king held hands with Pyunsoo Group by marrying Hwa Goon, it will only ruin them both. I hate her for slapping Ga Eun because the latter has no idea (again, who’s fault is this?) because she had no fucking right. Who set the ball ralling in the first place? Huh? (slaps Hwa Goon because you need to wake up too girl!!) But what takes the cake for me was when Gon lied to Hwa Goon for her sake! And how it breaks Gon to betray his master. Why did the writers fucking threw their pairing aside?! (screams) And when Hwa Goon actually pressed the sword on Gon's neck with the latter remaining steady on his resolve! What a parallel with our main leads. Had the writers went this way, I would have liked Hwa Goon more (even just a smidge of it). Anyway, thumbs up to Kim Seo Kyung for portraying Gon this way, worming in my heart after that fucking Hyun Suk betrayed us all. In the case of Yoon So Hee, she has her moments, but she still feels exhausted to me when she gets angry (except for that scene with Gon). I would have wanted an extra oomph from her, because Hwa Good could have been more likable on my part had she brought the same degree on intensity as the other leads.
The one receiving my ire once more (Actually, not just ire. I want so bad to slap him. I want to inflict physical character on him fucking asshole.) is the fake king. YOU FUCKING POSER GET OFF YOUR FUCKING HIGH HORSE AND FIGHT ME!!!!! (screams) He became a corrupted, guiltless puppet whose selfish intentions ruined the lives of those who actually care for him. FUCK YOU FAKE KING. Just when we thought he was in the right position to help the true king and his lover, jealousy takes over. AIN'T GONNA TAKE MY BABY GIRL'S HEART BASTARD. I hate him so much right now I want to run a sword through him, harakiri style. He fails to see how he would never win Ga Eun's heart. He actually had the nerve to console her after telling her of the true king's "death". FUCK YOU UGH DIE!!!!! In terms of acting, Kim Myung Soo actually played his role fine. While not to the level of his true counterpart (discussed later), he actually managed to bring about this rage within me (for his character).
(Pauses to take a deep breath)
Now, let's go to my babies because HOW DARE YOU WRITER-NIM HURTING THEM GAAAAAAAAAAAH (slaps left and right).
Let's start with our beloved Chung Woon. It's about damn time he confessed to Ga Eun that she was the one to behead her father. (I want to slap the true king for prolonging everyone's agony, but I'll let it slip this time because because because!!! You'll see later.) Can you see how understanding Ga Eun would have been had the truth been told to her all this time? (glares at writer-nim) The fact that she actually comes with Chung Woon proves that. Also, his bromance shone again in this episode, when Dae Mok used him as another bait for the true king to join Pyunsoo Group. WHY DID YOU DO THAT AHHHHHH WHY DID YOU BLIND MY CHUNG WOON! But maybe it is fitting for his guard career to end like this, his blindness as the price he paid for going with the late king's orders. But goodness, who will save the day now?
Another good thing in this episode was how Woo Bo bounced back to his usefulness being a true king's man. The subtle communication he had with the fake king provided him with the answers he needed, and I'm so damn excited for him to execute a plan of action versus Pyunsoo Group. By being fired, so to speak, Woo Bo was placed in the right position to sequester the loyal followers of the true king during his time as the chief peddler. Remember what the true king/chief peddler asks in return, the loyalty of the people he aided as he trained to become who he has been right now? This is the perfect time to call on them. And thank you, Park Chul Min, for being our endearing drunkard. I look forward to your "mental" battle with Dae Mok.
And now. MY BABIES. (hugs YSH and KSH)
 I'll start with the true king because damn Yoo Seung Ho, you're giving me a run for my money. This time, we see the true king fight Pyunsoo Group not as a leader, but as a lover. Do I hate him for it, for letting his emotions get the best of him? At first thought, I would have. That's reckless. That's insane. That's not worth it. (This is me speaking with my mind over matter perspective.) But then, watching the entire episode, facing Pyunsoo Group is some sort of rite of passage not just for him, but for Ga Eun as well. I like how dignified he carried himself at the beginning, and how Dae Mok broke him little by little until he was left with no other choice but to relent. He was a gentleman to Hwa Goon through it all, and his standing by his principles and his heart only made him shine all the more. He wouldn't take Hwa Goon because he was a decent person who wouldn't bring about that sort of pain even to his worst enemy. He wouldn't take power that was stolen or taken by spilled by blood. He would not be seduced by power, especially when it stemmed from evil. He would not ascend at the expense of other people, and that's what makes him a good person. I think that is what makes Hwa Goon not appeal to him, because at the core of her kindness towards him is the selfishness that would always be a step away from topping over the edge. We could hate him for his decisions, but we couldn't fault him for wanting what's best for those around him.
And when Dae Mok blinded Chung Woon and he suddenly screamed "Master Dae Mok!" Oh my gosh. I love watching the true king break down. So in character, so true of his vow as the leader of his people.
As a lover, he demanded respect for Ga Eun when she was unceremoniously dragged by Dae Mok's men because in his eyes, she is the rightful queen to his king. He would put her safety first, whether or not he knows that the odds are against him. He would risk his neck if that meant she would not be involved anymore. He took the poison to save Ga Eun, which was his initial intention. At this point, if it were any other actor/person, I would be screaming at how stupid he had been, but YOO SEUNG HO DAMN. He made us feel the depth of his love for the woman who always had his heart, and like any sucker for undying first loves, I succumbed to the storm of emotions brewing within me and cried my heart out.
And Han Ga Eun, the most powerful pawn in the show. The bait to both Lee Suns. The subject of hate and jealousy of Hwa Goon. This episode is another revelation to her, an extension of the trauma-inducing exchange with the true king. Finally, she asked the truth about her father's death to the right person. Finally, she held her own to Hwa Goon face to face (When she was slapped, I was like "Oh no you didn't!" Then when she stopped the latter from slapping her again, I was like "Yeah show her!"). Seriously, Hwa Good had no right after all her actions. Gets Ga Eun's father killed now this? Ha! Going back, I hate the fake king continued to appeal to her by using their old friendship. (One of these days, someone should hand me that asshole's ass.) Now that she would be concubine to the fake king, she would be in the perfect position to make things work for the good. Even if she thinks the true king dead (saving the best for last), I really, really hope they make the best use of her, as the last piece standing. Come to think of it, the queen is the most powerful chess piece right? I shouldn't but I am anticipating some showdown with her on the lead. She is the only hope of the "light" side with everyone thinking the true king dead. From what I could see, she is the best bet of the inner court with Mae Chang and the Chief Eunuch as her guide.
And lastly. Gosh. I know the mourning is short lived, but oh my gosh, did Kim So Hyun and Yoo Seung Ho make me cry like a baby. On the verge of taking the poppy wine, Ga Eun tried to prevent the true king from drinking the poison. The way she told him she would not forgive him for wasting her father's death, then the way she called him His Majesty and telling him that she already knows the truth (I really hate the writers right now for this torture, but I'll take what I can get.) Her desperate cries. Lee Sun calling her "Ga Eun-ah". The moment it hits him that she knows the truth.
The small smile he gave her before drinking the poppy wine (thinking about this scene makes me teary-eyed ugh come on). That small smile reminds me of that scene in Goblin wherein Kim Shin finally defeated the ghost of his enemy and realized that Eun Tak will be safe even at the cost of his immortal life. Here we have two men realizing that they finally get to do something good/save the women they love.
The way Lee Sun fell. The way Ga Eun held the sword to push it out of her way to hold Lee Sun. And that heartbreakingly sad confession. "From the first time I saw you, with all my heart, I loved you." His hand fell. Silence. That look of disbelief in Ga Eun's face. Then her cry. While Lee Sun's body was being carried away, the desperate way she tried to go after him.
(Also, wow YSH and KSH. WOW. With Dae Mok clapping, you'd think he's clapping for the performance of the two rather than his victory.)
And her disbelief when the fake king confirmed (!!!!!!) that the true king is dead. "I still have so many things to tell him!" Reminds me of that scene in Moon Embracing the Sun when the court members stopped Yeo Jin Goo from running after Kim Yoo Jung as she was banished from the palace when she was cursed upon the request of the Queen Dowager. KSH gutted me.
I cried a lot. I'm so, so exhausted.
Anyway, to close this unbelievably long post, I think what appeals to me about RMOTM is the fine line power creates between good and evil. That the characters who are naturally good remain incorruptible makes me root for them all the more, good writing or not. RMOTM showed us the extremes these characters are willing to take to achieve their ultimate goals.
So to you who reached the end of this post, congratulations. I hope you don't feel as tired as I am composing this.
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delusionalkiing · 8 years
Voltron Season 2 Thoughts
After having some time to process everything that happened, I wanted to do a write up about season two!  I’ll be going over everything I liked and everything I didn’t like (justice for Hunk and Lance plz!!).  I’ll be going over each episode briefly but most of my thoughts will be about the major characters!
Obviously, major spoilers are under the cut!
Episode 1: Across the Universe
Pretty strong season opener!  I’d have to say my favorite parts are Pidge’s junk friends and Allura and Coran’s time loop.  Coran getting younger and younger and poor Allura trying to save him was really good!  Especially when she says she saw him as another father!!  I wanted to cry!  Pidge missing her friends was so painful too.  Liked the Shiro and Keith part too and Keith asking black Lion to help him save Shiro!  Very nice!
Episode 2: The Depths
Oh man I have such mixed thoughts about this episode.  I really loved the underwater world, the mermaids and all the Hance interactions, as well as Lance unlocking a new weapon.
I disliked the continuous pushing of Lance trying to flirt with every mermaid lady... like... this is something I’ll bring up again later but I feel like they really just turned him into girl chasing comic relief.  Justice for Lance tbh.
Episode 3: Shiro’s Escape
I liked seeing how Shiro escaped!!  Though FUCK the Galra /took/ his hand, I always kinda assumed he lost it in the arena or something but fsfjlekjsflsfe SHIRO.  Someone give him a hug.  Ulaz was a really interesting character and the Blade of Marmora’s methods of hiding their bases are super interesting!  The fight was really neat too and Ulaz’s sacrifice was painful too, even though we barely knew him.
I also really liked how it was Shiro that brought up that not all Galra might be evil, despite everything he went through.
Episode 4: Greening the Cube
THE SPORE FIGHT WAS ADORABLE.  I really love moments like this where the paladins all bond together and stuff!  The alien race and their planet and nature tech was really awesome too.  I really love all the aliens races in this show, tbh.  They’re great!
And ahhh Pidge bonding more with her lion was really good!  And her new weapon is really cool and will definitely be useful in the future (and it was!)  I don’t have much else to say about this episode other than I really enjoyed it and the NGE references during the fight!
Episode 5: Eye of the Storm
ALTEAN BIOLOGY LMAO.  I wanted to know more about it but NOT LIKE THIS.
The Klance moments were HILARIOUS, as well as Pidge trying to learn Altean.  Hunk’s cooking did save the day, which was nice.  I just wish later episodes didn’t just focus on this aspect of him...
Not really much else to say about this episode really other than Coran was really funny and Zarkon chasing them was really tense.
Episode 6: The Ark of Taujeer
I found Allura and Keith’s talk in the pod really interesting!  I’m all for Allura having one of one moments with the younger Paladins and getting to know them better.
The design of the alien race made me laugh ahah they look soft.  I enjoyed this episode except for one thing: Hunk’s new power activation.  I kind of have the same issue with how Lance activated his.  Compared to Pidge, there wasn’t a huge focus on connecting with their lions??  Pidge had a whole scene but their power just sorta... happened in the middle of a tense situation and not separate from the fight.  Idk it would have been nice to see them have more of a connecting moment with their lion rather than wham bam new power.
But yeah, that’s about it.  Oh, Red saving Keith and Allura from so far away was great!!
Episode 7: Space Mall
Okay, I won’t lie, all the scenes that take place in the mall had me dying of laughter.  Pidge and Lance’s quest for money, Coran sneaking around, Hunk being Gordon Ramsay (would have been nice to have less food jokes with hunk tho...), and Keith getting distracted by knives lmao.  And the mall cop was HILARIOUS.  I love seeing the younger Paladins able to act like the kids they are despite the war.
ALL THE SHIRO SCENES MADE ME WANNA SCREAM.  Though I’m really glad his connection with the Black Lion got stronger and Black saved him and severed the connection with Zarkon!
Episode 8: The Blade of Marmora
THIS ENTIRE EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, first: The base hiding spot is SUPER COOL and really pretty looking!!  The Blade is also really interesting!  I’ve been waiting SO LONG to get something about Keith’s backstory!!  So of course I was screaming the entire time ahaha.
We were all right that Keith was galra BUT we got it wrong that Thace was his father!  His father is human and his mother is Galra and I LOVE THAT???  I want to know more about her??  Who is she??
And I’m so glad with the whole “Shiro, you’re like a brother to me” line because Keith has always acted kinda distant and like he has no family but he does!  I love that so much!
Also overprotective Red Lion!!!  I love Red’s connection with Keith!!
Episode 9: The Belly of the Weblum
THIS EPISODE WAS GROSS LMAO But I still loved it because of all the Hunk and Keith interactions!!    We finally get an episode with Hunk doing great stuff...  Him distracting the worm and putting himself in danger of the laser thing was so good.  THIS IS THE KIND OF HUNK CONTENT I WANT.
Also Keith saving a Galra was interesting!  I wonder if the Galra soldier will ever come back??  I really want to know more about them tbh...  It was interesting.
But yes, more good Hunk content like this and more Keith interactions with the other Paladins!!
Episode 10: Escape from Beta Traz
I really liked this episode because as someone with severe anxiety, I relate SO HARD to Slav LMAO.  Seeing more of Pidge’s tech genius was great and finding out that Matt is okay and escaped with some rebels is great!  (Though where is her father?????)  
I WAS SO HAPPY FOR THE LANCE CONTENT but it didn’t really go anywhere...  It sort of did with Shiro acknowledging that he’s a sharp shooter but other than that, nothing much else happened with it...  I really hope we get future episodes of Lance struggling with this!!  Please give my son the arc he deserves!!
Also I want the space dog thing it’s so CUTE AND BIG!!!
Episode 11: Stayin’ Alive
Allura!!!  I love her and her interactions with the Balmerans!  AND SHAY ASKING ABOUT HUNK <3  Her fighting the Robeast with the castle until the others arrived with great too.  Also this battle gave me more NGE vibes lmao...
And then at the end of the episode we see Allura being cold toward Keith for being Galra...  Which is understandable but I really dislike how they treat her as being bad for being scared... :/
Also, THACE.  You tried, buddy...
Episode 12: Best Laid Plans
This episode was SUPER TENSE and Keith and Thace interacting was really cool too.  The fighting was really cool and we see that Zarkon is SUPER OBSESSED with the Black Lion.  We still don’t really know WHY but its interesting to see his obsession.
I’m glad Allura talks to Keith and says she was scared and considers the Paladins her new family.  So I’m glad they didn’t really drag this out too much but like... Still not that happy with this plot thread.
Thace’s sacrifice HURT.
Episode 13: Blackout
Oh man this episode... The fight with Zarkon was SO COOL and ahhhhh and Shiro screaming for Allura when she’s injured and ahhhhhh!!!  Allura being a battle princess was SO COOL.  Her fighting Haggar and the other druids was great!!  And the reveal about Haggar... ahhh I wonder who she is???  Does she have a connection to the royal family??  I’m so... ahhhhhhh lmao.
Shiro getting the bayard back and the wings on the black lion....
I don’t really know how to say everything I feel but this was a really good finale.  That cliffhanger ending... WTFFFFF SHIRO WHERE ARE YOU...
Praying for Black Paladin Allura while they search for Shiro...
Final thoughts: 
I dont like how Lance and Hunk were really sidelined in this season.  I really hope that we get lots of character growth for the two of them in season 3!!
And that Shiro won’t die... please... where is he...
Also, it’s good to know we’ll be getting LGBT rep later on!!
I’ll just go over the main characters!
Coran:  I love Coran so much lmao all of his scenes were really great and it’s nice to see him doing a lot of mechanical things!
Allura:  I LOVE HER I was so ready for her fighting in the last two episodes!!  I do wish they had handled her thing about Galra Keith differently...  But I’m happy she got to shine in combat AND unlock new magic???  That was SO COOL.  Also her interactions with Shiro... my heart...  Him calming her down by softly touching her hand was so good...
Shiro:  I love him SO MUCH.  I’m so worried about him!!  His bonding with the Black Lion, his scene with Allura and touching her hand softly, all the great brotherly scene with Keith ahhh this was a good season for Shiro development!  I feel like he didn’t get much development in s1 so this was really nice to see.  BUT THAT ENDING... IS HE OKAY???
Keith:  This was such a heavy Keith season (to the detriment of other characters...) but I was really hoping we’d get answers about his past.  We did get some!  Nice to know his mom is the Galra and his father is human!  His father reminded me of Shiro so maybe they are related??  Cousins or something?  Ugh I want more answers lmao vld s3 give us more answers but don’t ignore the others!
Lance:  MY POOR BOY.  I feel like he was reduced to being aggressively heterosexual comic relief sighs.  I was hopefully when we saw him doubting himself but they really didn’t do much with it... it was over really fast and like... ughhh flesh out his self doubts more please!!
Hunk:  MY OTHER POOR BOY.  I love that Hunk is funny, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like 95% of his content this season was food jokes and talking about food.  I feel like the only ep that really let him shine somewhat was the Weblum episode.  Can we please have more content like that??  Hunk being brave??  Even when his lion got a new power, it was barely touched on, just like Lance’s was.  PLEASE GIVE THESE BOYS GOOD STORY ARCS.
Pidge:  MY TINY DAUGHTER.  I love that her tech stuff got to shine more in this season.  And I’m so glad that she found out that Matt is okay but I don’t know why they didn’t talk about her father??  Like... he’s missing too...  But I think this was a pretty good season for Pidge!
SO YEAH, those are my thoughts!  I really hope we get more character development in future seasons and that the LGBT rep we were promised comes soon lmao
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