kagooleo · 5 months
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johto’s champion and chronicler for the deity of the ilex shrine, it’s lyra!🌿
this one took me a while due to trying out different techniques (studying a Lot of art nouveau) and making a couple changes to her outfit (the details help), but I’d like to think she’s learned a lot in her journey and wanted to reflect her experience more in her champion fit
her specialty would be in fairy types and her meganium’s divergent evolution is grass/fairy 🧚🪷
and a bonus w/ the johto gang after the photoshoot!
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#kagarts#trainer lyra#meganium#pokemon hgss#get ready for a bigass tag wall again HYAH#her team picks are meganium (grass/fairy + shiny!) azumarill togekiss alola ninetales gardevoir and clefable (mega evolves for fairy/steel)#terrains and high sp atk + statuses galore + her dino can cause a stronger confusion (like toxic w badly poisoned but its w/ Bad headaches)#i'll probably make changes as i go design wise for meganium but colors were inspo from sampaguita flowers#the flower's associated with true friendship and utilized in medicines or given as good gestures in various traditions and celebrations#and also bc she's 🇵🇭 babey!!!!!!!! i'm slapping all my favs w the pinoy beam and not even the dinos are safe >:]#since her dino is shiny a lot of the colors are just a few color diffs where the little orbs are + warmer tones. gotta make a ref sometime#not sure if I should tag the others bc the focus is on her. but the quartet always pulls thru for each other#i like thinking silver gets comfortable enough to be the friend that's “s'cuse you my Friend asked for No pickles”#silver in line picking up her food like “yeah yeah i know her and btw that’s CHAMPION lyra to you. YES she ordered a strawberry shake”#both of their meganiums are Best friends and silver likely uses his dino when you rematch him (and his would beee grass/dragon)#calling this piece Done though oh my god this semester has been nuts. don't wanna take any longer on a single piece or i'm eating tree bark#tumblr's gonna kill the quality on it but idgaf im Done. i need to tidy up my sheezy now
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@pocketslook FINISH
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also some notes:
Herbert is over 6 foot
I don’t like pip he ugly fuck ass bob
pip isn’t fully blond he got some light brown on top and the bottom of his hair
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storiesfromafan · 25 days
Hear me out bennyxreader where they meet on readers birthday and Benny offers her a ride as a bday gift and he says “I ain’t got much, but I can offer you freedom” Like AGGHHH I might take my own spin on this when I can stop cackling at the thought, but I NEED NEED NEED to read your take on this scenario ❤️❤️❤️ p.s. only take this on when you can. I don’t want to make you feel obligated to do it 🥺
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A/N: Well I finally did it, I finally finished and revised/edited my take on your request. As I told you, I didn't do it as if they met on the readers birthday, but an established friendship of sorts haha. I hope you like @strayrockette :)
I'm not sure what I think about this, but I will stick with it lol. Pls dont come for me if it's not that good lol.
Warnings: I took inspo from Sixteen Candles haha.
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Birthday Girl
A birthday is meant to be a celebration of one’s birth. To be celebrated by those nearest and dearest to you. And that had been what you had hoped for. Unfortunately, that was not what you got. The week leading up to your birthday was chaos. Your older sister had come home with her fiancé. His parents, and both sets of your Grandparent’s, had come into town just the day before, for a family meeting/engagement dinner. Which was arranged tonight, on your birthday. So, this special day for you was now to be shared with your sister.
But your special day, was not special. It wasn’t even acknowledged by any of your family. Oh, you think they were too busy fussing over your sister and the engagement family dinner? No, I mean that no one – not even your mother, whom gave birth to you – didn’t even realise it was your birthday! No one wished you a Happy Birthday when you came down to breakfast. There were no presents waiting for you. Nothing.
Throughout the day you even dropped hints. You questioned if you looked older. You talked about last year’s birthday. You even mentioned liking a particular cake for your birthday. And absolutely nothing! They all forgot your birthday.
Once it sunk in, you spent the day on autopilot. Mixture of anger, annoyance and hurt. But you didn’t expect something like this to happen. Maybe more your birthday being toned down. Or something small during the day, as not to take away from your sisters engagement dinner, and do something bigger the next day. Any of that would have been fine with you. But nope. Not happening.
Then to add salt into your wound, your Grandmothers ganged up on you. They spent moments of the day giving back handed compliments. Such as you have such a lovely physique (Y/N), but you would look better in a dress! Show off that waist! Or you have such a beautiful face, but with some makeup it would enhance it. They couldn’t accept you were a woman who chose slacks over skirts, boots over heels. Or that you enjoyed getting your hands dirty working on cars and bikes. That last bit of information almost gave the women heart attacks.
You were a tomboy. Always have been. And your dad never minded, one less boy crazed daughter to raise. Rather he got to do male stuff with you, and you learnt some helpful and useful information from him. You were the apple of his eye, while your sister was your mother’s. And you were fine with it.
But back to the story at hand; your twenty-fourth birthday being forgotten. When it came to get ready to go to dinner, you were cornered by all the women currently in your house to for-go slacks, in favour of a dress. Reluctantly you gave in, you sister and mother being the ones to pick out a baby blue swing dress, that had a round neckline which showed a bit of collar bone. Your mother being the one to tie the bow at the back, saying how lovely you looked in the dress. Thankfully your sister did your makeup, just simple; light powder, mascara and a bit of lipstick. Half your hair was swept up, and held with a pearl clip. Finally, you were given a pair of flats by your sister for the night.
Now you looked like every women in that house, picture perfect feminine species. You didn’t hate how you looked, you thought you looked beautiful. But you hated how you kind of wanted this. But maybe your own version? Mixing feminine and masculine elements to better fit you.
Dinner went well. You got complicated by everyone that saw you, saying how much you and your sister looked alike now. Like this was a permanent fixture. And it soured your mood. Which was already lack lustre due to everyone forgetting your birthday. By the time dessert and coffee came around, you were done. Done with the jabs at your tomboy look, saying how you looked much better tonight. Done with how everyone fussed over your sister and her fiancé. And you were done with this day. You were ready for it to be tomorrow, an every other day.
When you all finally left the restaurant, all intending to go back to your house for a night cap, you were left to get a lift back with one set of Grandparents. So, as soon as you left the carpark you tried to drop hints on what today was. And just like your parents, they didn’t realise.
“Can you drop me off here?” You said with a sigh. “I don’t feel like goin’ home right away”.
Your Grandmother looked at you with annoyance. “But it’s your sisters engagement!”
Once again you sighed. “Oh I know. I’ve been reminded over and over all day, and tonight!” You’d just stopped at a red light, taking advantage of this and getting out, but not before getting the last word in. “It’s not like it’s someone else’s special day, or anythin’!”
You slammed the car door before storming away from them. Once there was a few blocks distance, you slowed down. Letting your anger fizzle out, replaced with sadness yet again. Grandparents aren’t meant to forget their Grandchildren’s birthday. Sad, hurt and feeling low, you made it to the bar.
There were rows of bikes, loud voices and music coming from the building. That was when you realised how you looked, like a doll. Groaning you knew the Vandal men were about to point out how girly you looked, and make you the butt of many jokes. Was it worth it? Or would walking home, then dealing with the drama there, be better? Knowing that you’d get a lecture for not only getting out of a car at red light, but being disrespectful too.
Squaring your shoulders and taking a deep breath you entered the bar. It was louder on the inside, voices booming in laughter all over the room. You started to make your way past bodies, looking for anyone to sit with. Then you spotted Kathy and a few other women. With a relieved sigh, you made you way over there.
But suddenly, a set of hands grabbed you by the waist, pulling you back with a laugh. “Hey, you lookin' for a man?”
You turned and saw it was Corky. He looked tipsy, and from the way he swayed a little, it was obvious. Then his face dropped in confusion. He even leaned in a bit. Then it hit him.
“(Y/N)?!” He asked in shock.
You stood tall, projecting your usual confident and laid back nature. “Yeah?”
Then Corky slowly began to laugh, an amused look upon his face. “What are you wearin’!?”
Those that were around heard him loud and clear, their eyes turning to you both. Wahoo came staggering up next, placing an arm over Corky to prop himself up. When he turned to you, it was the same thing as with Corky, only he was louder and that drew even more attention to you.
Both males laughed at you. Asking if you lost a bet. You felt your face heat up at their words and all the attention. Thankfully Johnny came over, wanting to check out the commotion. Seeing you Johnny was surprised, but he was kinder then those before you, or the others that had joined in on their laughter.
“Alright, alright” said Johnny getting the men’s attention, and them to settle down. “Is this any way to treat a woman?”
That made the men laugh once again.
Johnny sighed before shouting. “Enough! Give it a rest. Ya don’t act like this with any other women. So, knock it off!”
The laughter died down yet again, and for good. You looked around at all the men, that was when you noticed the one person you had hoped to not witness this exchange: Benny. He stood not far from the pool table, his usual place to be. He and Cal shared a look, and a few words, before looking back to you. If you weren’t embarrassed before, you were now, since the man you’ve been crazy about since you started working at the bar, had seen everything.
Your first shift at the bar, thankfully started in the afternoon, before it got too busy. You had been given a run down on how to run the bar, where everything was and advised to not show any fear to the men. With that you were left to tend the bar, while the other employee sorted out the supplies in the back. You had just been serving beers, which was easy. You had just given Cal his beer when you herd the most heart stopping gravelly voice.
“Beer please”.
You grabbed the requested drink, popping the lid before placing on the bar before the man. When you lifted your eyes, they met the most beautiful stormy blue eyes. Those eyes held you in place, your brain forgetting to function. Then you noticed his gorgeous face; his jawline that was covered in stubble, full lips. Let’s not forget the messy blonde locks on his head either. Over all a stunning man.
He took a swig of the beer before nodding, “thanks”.
And he was off back to the pool table. Clinking his bottle with Cal – by the jukebox – in passing. You watched Benny and another Vandal play a game of pool, in between serving customers. You admired his arms every time he took a shot. Or how he would focus on the ball he was aiming at. You were completely smitten with him.
Over time you got to know Cal, after he mentioned building bikes. From there you were able to see his work, and eventually work on them too. Cal was nice, like an older brother to you. And being that you both were close, he’d bring you into conversations when you were walking around cleaning tables, collecting bottles and glasses. That was how you got to talk to Benny.
Benny wasn’t one to talk much. But he’d tell stories, and you’d listen to every word, hanging on for dear life. What surprised you was when he would listen when you talk about working on bikes with Cal. The way he would look at you as he listened, it made it hard to keep your thoughts in check and your tongue moving.
There were a few times both Cal and Benny stood up for you. A few other Vandals laughed and made jokes when you’d been talking about a particular bike that Cal had you help him with. Their comments were sexist and crude. Both men did not take kindly to it, and helped their club mates change their tunes. Fists were thrown, and black eyes on faces. That was the day you knew Benny was a friend. Even if just that hurt your heart, because from that moment you’d fallen for him.
“Now then” Johnny said, bringing you back to him. “Don’t ya all have somethin’ to say?”
You had thought it was an apology. How wrong and surprised you were.
It was like every Vandal and Vandal adjacent was watching you and cheered: “Happy Birthday!”
You stood there shocked. Of all the people to wish you a happy birthday, you didn’t think a bar full of bikies would be them. You found it hard to speak, feeling overwhelmed. But a warm, happy smile broke out on your face, and then you laughed.
“Thank you!” You said sincerely.
Johnny smiled, as he patted you on the back before walking off. Slowly the men around you returned to what they were doing. You looked to Cal and Benny, who smiled and raised their beers at you, before going back to the pool table. Taking a deep breath, you quickly moved over to Kathy and the women.
“What an entrance” she commented. “And who would of thought these animals could be nice, wishin’ ya a happy birthday”.
“Yeah, I’m surprised” you said shaking your head.
“Johnny heard it was ya birthday, and told all the men to be nice and say it if ya come in” replied Betty. “But I didn’t expect that”. She laughed.
You figured Johnny did it to defuse the situation, or the joke of you being all dolled up. You could see men around the bar looking at you, whispering to each other and then laughing. You knew they were making jokes. None of them had ever seen you is anything but t-shirts, slacks, boots and dirt, and grease.
Thankfully the women around you changed the topic, and you all talked about anything and everything. It was nice. Forgetting, even for a little while, what had happened leading up to this moment. You felt a little more relaxed, and when Cal brought you a beer, that helped too. Actually you got a few beers from various Vandals, with another happy birthday.
“So, tell us about ya birthday” Betty said, putting her pop bottle on the table. “Did you get spoilt” she giggled.
You felt like a bucket of water had been thrown over you, washing away the little joy you had managed to feel. Only now to be reminded of what your day was like. You stiffly took a swig from your beer bottle, eyes down cast and face blank. All the women shared a concerned look.
“Ya alright?” Asked Kathy, placing a hand over yours when it came to rest on the table.
You shrugged. “It wasn't the best...”
“Wanna to talk about it?” She asked you softly.
And that began the retelling of your day. Starting from when you got up to jumping out of your Grandparents car. You expressed how hurt you had been for being forgotten, as well as pushed to the side for your sister. How the women of your family had an issue with your tomboy attire. And how they had dressed you, like some child’s doll.
“I just...I can't believe today of all days they forgot its my damn birthday!” You said, voice thick with sadness and hurt. “I would have settled for a happy birthday from any of them...but no...”
The lady’s around you all shared a look. Kathy leant over and gave you a one armed hug, telling you how sorry she was you felt like this and it wasn’t right they forgot. You felt the tears rising but willed them back. Throat was tight and dry, so you downed the last of your beer.
“I need a moment to freshen up” you muttered, moving to stand.
You’d just gotten up and straightened out your dress, when Fat Jack – or Big Jack – and another Vandal came walking past. If you hadn’t stood up they would have past by no problem, but instead Jack bumped into you. Which made his buddy bump into him.
Jack growled in annoyance before setting his eyes on you. “Watch it Princess” he sneered. His buddy laughing.
“Ah, s-sorry” you stuttered, which never happened before. But with everything you’re feeling you couldn’t stop yourself.
He huffed. “Whatever Princess. Do us a favour and get ya girly mind out of the clouds. But I’ll say, this is a much better look for ya. More acceptable”. They both roared with laughter.
“Oh shut it” retorted Kathy. “And no need to be an ass”.
That made them laugh harder, and you crack more. Mixed with hurt and anger, you grabbed your bag before taking off through the bar and out the main doors. You heard Kathy calling your name but didn’t care. You were done. That was the last straw. You were a walking joke. Not to mention easily forgotten. Great birthday you had.
Crossing the road you felt a few tears escaped as you tried to keep yourself in check. Which was proving harder to do. You heard the bar doors open but didn’t pay them mind. Not until you heard your name being called. That was when you snapped, having enough of it all.
“What!?” You cried as you spun around with a glare aimed for whoever was behind you.
The person crossing the road to you was none other than Benny. Which for a moment confused you, before disappearing. Why was it him who had to come after you? And see you like this, a mess?.
“Ya alright? I heard Kathy callin' after you but ya didn’t stop” he said softly, concern written on his face. “I saw Jack and his buddy by your table laughin'”.
You laughed. “I’m fine, just dandy. And don’t get me started on that sack of shit”.
“What did he say or do? Tell me” Benny got serious, ready to go to bat for you.
You sighed in frustration. Frustration over everything, but currently Benny being here. Like he cared, like he cared for you. You back up laughing slightly like a lunatic.
“What do ya care? You’ve never cared before” you said in frustration.
“I care. I always care” Benny replied, face softening.
Once more you laughed. “Alright, ya want to know. He called me princess, and said this” – you gestured to your dress – “is a much better look for me. More acceptable. Then don’t get me started on my f-family”. You choked by the end, seething with anger but also hurting too.
Benny straightened, fists clenched. But it softened at the mention of your family. “What happened with them?”
You sighed, releasing most of your anger and allowing the sadness to seep back in. Remembering how they made you feel. “They forgot my birthday...no happy birthday, no present, n-no n-nothing...”
Half way through your explanation you began to cry, it all finally crashing down on you. You placed a hand over your mouth as you cried, holding in the noises that threaten to come out. You lent forward, tilting your head down.
“(Y/N)...” Benny said gently, trying to get your attention.
You looked up at him with your crying eyes. “I’m s-sorry...I must l-look a mess” you stated trying to pull yourself together, while whipping away your tears.
But it only made you cry more. That was when the unexpected happened: Benny pulled you into his chest. He wrapped an arm around your back, while his other hand cradled your head to his chest. For the next however long Benny held you, you cried into his chest. Hands gripping his t-shirt as you let it out. He rubbed your back, making soothing sounds. Had someone told you the day before you’d be spending your birthday crying on Benny, you’d have laughed at how unlikely it would be the happen. But here you were.
You pulled back from Benny, avoiding his face and his baby blues. “S-sorry...” you muttered, stepping back till Benny’s hands were resting on your shoulders.
“Don’t be. I get it. It’s been a shit day” he said with sympathy. “I’m sorry they forgot ya birthday”.
“Thanks...” you replied softly. “I guess I’m glad my Vandal family didn’t forget” you chuckled.
“Yeah, I told Johnny the other day it was ya birthday. He made sure to let the men know”.
You looked at Benny’s face with surprise. “You told Johnny?”
He nodded, moving to stick his hands in his jacket pockets. “Yeah, I heard ya mention it the other day...”
You looked at the man before you with astonishment. “Thank you, really”.
“It’s nothin'. Just a bunch of people wishin' ya a happy birthday” he chuckled. “I didn’t get ya a present” – and idea hit him – “I ain’t got much, but I can offer you freedom”.
Shooting Benny a confused look, he gestured his head towards his bike. He was offering to take you anywhere you wanted to go, to get away from the bar, from this night. You smiled at him and nodded, not trusting your voice. Benny began to walk towards his bike, you following behind him. He got on first, kick starting it to life. The roar was music to your ears, and soothing for the soul. Benny held out a hand, which you reluctantly took, before swinging a leg over the bike.
At that moment the bar doors opened, and out came some Vandals, including Cal, Corky and Wahoo. Among them was Kathy, who looked worried until she saw you with Benny. She was relieved to see you were alright, looking better then when you left. They hooted and hollered as you sat behind Benny. You blushed at them watching you both.
“Better tuck your dress under ya” suggested Benny. “And when ya done, better wrap your arms around me and hold on, yeah?”
You did as instructed with your dress, putting your bag between you both as you leaned closer to him. Wrapping your arms around Benny’s waist, you felt your face heat up more. Once your hands were secure, Benny put up the kick stand before moving from the curb. You could see Kathy’s amused face. As well as hear Cal and Corky yelling, one of them saying about time. Yet you didn’t get what they meant.
“Meet on the express way!” Called Corky.
With that you both rode down the street. Benny took you around the streets. Letting you get a feel for riding on a his bike with him, also to give the others time to get on their bikes and make it to the expressway. You enjoyed the feel of the cool air on your face, and how it made your hair fly. And you enjoyed being close to Benny. A man who had made sure the Vandals knew it was your birthday. You smiled resting your cheek to his back.
As Corky said, coming to the express way it wasn’t long before the Vandals joined you both. It was a sight to see, all the bikes together. The passing light of street lamps illuminating them, letting anyone see for a brief moment their bikes. Benny said he’d give you freedom and he did. You softly laughed feeling content for the first time today. And it was thanks to him and your Vandal family.
Once you’d run the expressway, the Vandals headed back to the bar, while Benny kept going. He knew you needed a longer ride. So he rode around until it was three in the morning. That was when he pulled up out front of your house. Coming to a stop at the curb, Benny put down the kickstand before turning off the bike, leaving the street in an eerie silence. You sat for a few minutes, just letting it all sink in. Then Benny held out his hand, which you took and were grateful for the help off the bike.
You staggered but thankfully Benny was there to grab your arm. Once it was safe to let you go, he did. He then got off his bike himself, but lent back on it, watching you closely. You smiled at him, not brightly but enough to know you were in better spirits.
“Thanks for that. It’s just what I needed” you chuckled.
Benny smiled warmly at you. “Any time, ya just gotta ask”.
You nodded your head, smile widening at his words. “I’ll hold ya to it”.
Now it was Benny who nodded and chuckled.
You had been thinking while on the back of his bike, and wanted to ask him what was on your mind. But wasn’t sure how. As if sensing it, Benny asked you what’s on ya mind?
“I want to know...why did you remember my birthday, and tell Johny?”
Benny laughed softly, eyes shining with amusement. “It’s it obvious?” – You shook your head – “Because I like you, (Y/N)”.
That surprised you. Benny Cross liking you. You wanted to pinch yourself but reframed from it. If this was a dream you don’t want to be woken up. You blushed, feeling shy all of a sudden. Which Benny found adorable.
“Really?” You questioned softly. “But I’m a tomboy...this is just a one off...”
Benny smiled brightly, getting up from his bike and moving before you. His hand moving to lift your chin. “I’ve always liked ya. Slacks, dirt, grease and all”.
Your heart skipped a beat at his words. He liked you for you, and not the princess you were right now. Smiling brightly you lent up and placed a kiss upon Benny’s cheek. You stepped back, about to turn around and head to your front door.
But Benny’s hand grabbed your arm stopping you. He cupped your cheek before leaning down and pressing his slightly chapped lips to yours. The kiss was chaste and sweet. But still had you melting. Benny pulled back, running his thumb down and along your jaw as he gave you a soft smile.
“Now that’s a way to show someone ya like them back” he said amused. Which made you blush.
This time you stepped back and Benny let you go. He watched you walk to your front door before unlocking it. Standing in the doorway, you looked to the man of your dreams and gave him a beaming smile. With a goodnight from you both, you closed and locked the front door before leaning against it. You waited for the roar of his bike and the sound of him riding off down the street before you moved from your spot.
For a day that had been the worst, it ended on the best possible outcome. And you couldn’t wait to see Benny again. Or go for a ride with him either. As if you were floating, you went to your room and went to bed. No doubt dreaming about your dreamy Vandal.
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2hot444this · 11 months
How to change (for real this time)
The problem w/ most people is they read all those self-help books, advice but never end up applying them irl. They think "oh maybe it helped her but situation is completely diff from hers, more complicated. . . " stop. You can change literally anything by changing your mindset.
#1 90% of life is confidence, said a wise person. If you don't believe you can change, who will? I know this one girl who was desperate to change, she used to pester me for advice all the time and initially I did try to help her. But she always ended up back at square one. I'm not her therapist to hear her complain about her pathetic life 24x7 and remind her everyday that she decided to change and to live up to it. I slowly retracted back from her. People like that drain your energy. And she still hasn't changed. Why? She kept going back to things she said she never would associate herself with again. The same people, situations, scenarios that screwed her up over and over again. She's the human representation of "victim mindset." Don't be like her. Seriously, don't try to hate the game, learn to play it.
#2 Stop w/ the self deprecating humor. It ain't hot at all. It makes you look like you lack basic self-respect. If someone's making a joke on you, you should stand up for yourself not you bullying yourself. Build a really deep relationship w/ yourself. No matter what anyone says you should never stop loving yourself. Someone says you're ugly, you shouldn't go ab your day musing upon that and letting it mess w/ you. You need to be cold to be queen. So don't let your emotions get in your way of self development.
#3 Nothing is impossible. Don't constantly affirm that it's so hard, you could never do it cuz it is gonna manifest. Even if it looks impossible to you, be delulu. Act like you have it or at least do the bare minimum of believing that you'll get there. Do your shadow work. It's where you shamelessly admit things to yourself and work on identifying the problem, how to cope w/ it and how to put it in practice. Be 100% honest w/ yourself.
#4 Dissociate yourself from all the things that remind you of the old you (if possible). It will be a wee bit difficult in the beginning but don't beat yourself up over it. You'll slowly get there don't worry, you learn from experience. Never blame yourself or beat yourself up if you do mess up. Course you should be accountable but don't self sabotage yourself. You need yourself in situations like that.
#5 Don't centre yourself around guys, or anyone else. This is your life. It should be around you. When you start having crushes or "sp" you put them on the pedestal. You seek their validation. So why would you do smth so heinous as such?
#6 Take inspo from characters you like. Embody them. Give a name to your alter ego. Act like her. Go on Pinterest and write down some self obsessed quotes and preach them everyday (not 2 much tho!)
#7 Protect your energy. You ain't anyone's therapist. You have no time for ppl's stupid drama. It's your life and it's on you to live upto it's fullest. Be extra, do what you love, what makes you happy. Celebrate your existence.
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broken-dollhouse · 4 days
i really like the flags on the sp inspo you've shared so i was wonderin if you'd be willing to do a tutorial on how to make them or if you had a base template that you'd be comfortable sharing? [ loooove ur sp inspo btw , its so pretty ]
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We are considering releasing a base for simple flags tho we haven't gotten there yet , but I did make a quicker tutorial for how we make ours ^^ Hopefully it makes sense , we don't have a good sense of making tutorials Flag featured ; Monstrosity by @winecovered [sorry if you didn't want a ping ^^]
Heres how it looks if you wanted to see!
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As a note before we begin , I use paint tool sai on pc but this will work for other programs I am 99% sure! Hopefully this is understandable! We aren't good with tutorials and can reclarify anything needed Images are all below the cut just due to how many there are
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We usually use a 99 x 57 canvas [this time it was 98 x 56 so it wasn't a weird offset] but any rectangle works , or square if you want that. We use a high dpi / ppi just because thats what we use when we draw and just don't change it
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Simple rectangle to start , this one is 3 pixels from the edge [2 pixels technically with the 3rd being where the lines start]
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Can't forget the shine! We add this on a layer under the frame for simplicity in changing settings [note; I did change the blending mode and opacity later lol!] , we use a thicker line and a thinner one but honestly its all preference
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Sparkles come after , we do these by simply randomly dotting some pixels about in white then we use a very light grey for the ones we want to make into larger shines
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Optional frame decor , if you want it to not have weird spacing definately use an even numbered canvas , I just went simple as a showcase
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Sometimes we add a small shadow to the inner most line of the border if we worry the flag blends too harshly
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Final layer set up with the settings we used for this specific one ^^ If you wanted to add layer bases for the stripes , I always suggest using pre existing bases such as this one from crowdsourcedgender
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honeytonedhottie · 8 months
Hey honey 😭 currently down bad for this guy, and I don't think he feels the same? Circumstances seem impossible (but I know that nothing is impossible) I just need some affirmation ideas? Maybe a little manifesting help? Please and thank you
hi anonie 🥹 im sorry to hear that. here's some affirmation inspo ;
my crush is JUST as down bad for me as i am for him if not more
my crush wants me SOO bad
my crush literally confessed his feelings to me
he thinks about me ALL the time
my biggest manifesting tip when ur manifesting an sp or ur desire at all is to KEEP URSELF ON THE PEDESTAL.
you've got this anonie 🫶🏽 remember manifesting is EASY and ur limitless
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green-alien-turdz · 8 months
I can only assume that I’m the artist that anon is talking about (however I’m too shy to take myself off anon. Forgive me) because it is kind of obvious I take inspiration from your art a lot via my backgrounds and teen designs being detailed and grungy and gross + I give Kyle scars. But I promise I draw every pixel myself and never try to literally copy you I spend hours on these silly South Park drawings. you’re my favorite sp artist / fan artist in general and I admire your art a whole lot and just kind of discovered doing detailed gross backgrounds was really fun bc of your art. And I draw Kyle’s scars bc your Kyle brought me a lot of comfort as someone else who struggles with that so I started drawing them too bc it helps. I hope all that is okay dude I mean no harm
Hey, man, you're totally good- not need to worry!
Like I said in my response to that anon, I really don't mind! I've had quite a few people say that they were really inspired to draw more grimey, which is great! I legit don't own drawin mfs nasty. I'm sorry if me respondin to them made you panic/uncomfortable, that was not my intention. I hope that you have a good time drawin how YOU want to, n if you got some inspo from my bs, that's totally fine by me, man. I bet your art is great. I only care if someone were to literally claim my art as their own or to trace it. Like, I post publicly, so there's alawys that chance, but inspo doesn't bother me- n even the random bits that do, that's on me. I've had some people draw my version of Kyle, n I've had a few instances of bein a lil weirded out simply bcuz I draw my sh scar patterns on him, n seeing others draw that feels a lil weird- but I POSTED it, that's on me. Plus people sh in the same areas lol. But I'm gettin off track. I don't want you to feel bad. I'm glad that you're able to expand your art a lil bit n whatnot. I hope that you are free to express yourself n your feelins in your art, however that may be. I'm all over the place, sorry about that- but I hope the point got across!
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m-v-tique · 5 months
💙📘Dolly = ISTJ📋🖊️
The Alex hcs also applies with Dolly as well.
- Stern, quiet, and dutiful. She is more fond to peace and order, rather than conflict and chaos. [ Phlegmatic + Dom Si + SP Enneagram 1 ]
- She prefers to be traditional in ways and tasks. Even as well the rules is considerate principle for students that should be following. [ Dom Te -> Aux Si + Enneagram Head/Social 1 + gut 3 ]
- When it comes to remembering, she’s Sentimental of the past often. Either thankfully or not she couldn’t express it, just by keeping it to herself, never softening her grip. [ Dom Si -> Ter Fi + Phlegmatic ]
- Although looking like she is a doll made from crafts, she isn’t so well nor inclined with creativity. She probably likes to do sewing related works like embroidery. [ Inf Ne ]
- Even if the behavior of Alex is suspicious, as supernatural events might’ve almost occurred in the school she remains loyal by heart. Not even trying to suspect anything from him. [ Wing 2 + Enneagram 6 + hinted Self-perseverance]
- Although being authentic and absolutely having no filter, she displays restrictive or authoritative views or behavior. [ Aux Te + Enneagram 1 ]
- Based off her inspo and treatment she’s possibly passive. [ Non Open-minded ]
- She miss her friend. [ Dom Si -> Ter Fi ]
ISTJ (The Logistician)|| 1w2 - SP/SO - 163 || Phlegmatic (Dominant) || RCOAN
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Dolly is an ISTJ, “The Logistician” Type.
ISTJ’s are private, logical, and dedicated people, mostly to either work, family, friends and acquaintances. ISTJ’s can be very Loyal, Dutiful and honest individuals to depend on, but they can also be too strict, stubborn and often insensitive.
(Introverted, Sensing/Observant, Thinking, Judging)
As a 1w2 “The Advocate”, 163 “The Taskmaster”, and finally Self-perserved and Social as her instinct. Here are the list of things you need to know;
As 1 /One as her head with her Self-Perserved instinct, she displays full dedication of putting out the rules, and convinces others to apply this when entering the school ground. Enneagram 1s are Perfectionistic, they follow their own standards, guidelines, and even principles.
Social 6 are really outgoing and friendly. SO6 are providing individuals and they basically see Friends, Acquaintances, or any type of members as a resposibility. 6 are dependable, they are trusted and as well keep promises or secrets. Which explains why Alex keep her as a good acquaintance.
Gut 3 seems almost confusing but it really fills in the gaps. Since there’s an idea about 3, as a gut the goal here is literally keep an eye, and rightfully achieve what needs to be done when one breaks the rules in the corridors.
Despite of certain events or Olivia/Players lack of conscience, she still remains calm yet serious and isn’t fully angry, which is why she’s phlegmatic.
As completed to Reserved, Calm, and Organized, she may take things seriously since she wanted and needed the assigned rules to be acknowledged by everyone (Ego.). But in actuality, she wouldn’t push that behavior, and remained true to herself. (Accomodating)
And this is a slight mean take on her but she wouldn’t be much of a listener. Unless it’s something important. (Non Openminded)
Other Notes/Trivia:
- Funny enough, Dolly is somewhat almost identical to Principal of the Thing’s Personality Type if you take a long look in Personality database.
- Since the school is under a curse, it’s possible that Dolly isn’t egotistical and just didn’t knew she’s being controlled. (In simple terms she’s Accomodating.)
- She could be in an Auxiliary Introverted feeling/Fi loop. Where basically she questions things in her head when thinking of her friend.
- Dolly is still either ESTJ “The Executive” or current type ISTJ.
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strawberrysoul444 · 1 year
Manifesting a new SP from thin air: thoughts + method
So I decided to manifest a new SP. I realized that I shouldn't have to work as hard as I did with my last one only to receive little to no results. And that was my fault, for expecting so much of someone who means so little in the scope of things, considering he has no free will. I realized that not only did I need to take him off the pedestal, I needed to reevaluate why I wanted him in the first place. And once I did that, I was over him. But I still wanted a boyfriend. So I decided to make one! I've actually manifested people from thin air before I even knew the law, using this method that I think I came up with?? I've never seen anyone do it before at least. I did this the summer before I went to high school and I was super excited about making new friends, so I decided to draw my future friends and come up with their personalities. When school started, I met all 3 of them in art class. And they matched their descriptions to a t. So I guess it's like a more fun version of scripting (for me at least).
So the method is:
Decide exactly what you want like usual. (Looks, personality, dynamics, interactions, etc.)
Draw the person, being as detailed and creative as possible (add little things specific to them, their glasses, favorite drink, their pet whatever. Get creative!)
Write their personality traits next to them (Don't be afraid to make them perfect. You deserve perfection and love and kindness.)
After that, it's done. You've already met them in the 4D, which is why you know so much about them and why they know so much about you. It's already yours <3
P.S. This is mine, just in case you need inspo (slightly less detailed and ik it’s kinda cringe but trust the process!)
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parfaitfever · 1 year
idk if im ever gonna finish this so i'll js post it right now lmk if u want me 2 continue :3
what if project sekai x aikatsu collaboration is real??????
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okay so ujm my head keeps thinking what if a pjsk x aikatsu collab happen like what songs they would cover and possible cards, sooo i decided to make this little kinda "what if" post! I will imagine what songs units will cover, possible duets and more!!! (also note im just doing ogkatsu ichigo-akari gen cuz i havent rly watched much of the others, plus im most familiar with ogkatsu)
Lets start with imagining this collab is a big collab, and it has cards featuring aikatsu characters and all (i will explain this at the end of the music discussion!) its such a big collab that it lasts two weeks or perhaps two events (one for ichigo gen, and the other for akari gen maybe) which means there should be 10 collab cards, three gacha cards and two event cards for each event (the usual pjsk 2* will be replaced with a 3*) as for the songs, lets say each unit release 1 unit cover, 1 unit duet and 5 cross duet with unique characters which means 15 songs!!! and there might be dupe songs where it appears in 2 units or more... thats just be struggling to decide who should cover it lols
music discussion!!
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before i start doing the music let me tell you how it works! I will seperate the covers into 3 categories: Unit cover, a song sang by the unit (no vocaloids). Unit duet, 1-2 from the same unit sings together with the original singer of the song, ex: minori x akari with song A or minori, haruka x akari, sumire with song B. And lastly crossover duet/crossduets! Its a duet between 2 characters from a different unit with the original singer of the song, something like the cup noodle collab songs that was sung by the siblings from different units! ex: mafuyu, emu x yurika, kaede with song C. I will mostly pay attention to how the songs fits the characters/units aesthetic and how much their voice match the song! I wont be basing them off the lyrics much though. i will be listing 3 possible songs for unitcover and unitduet, while the crossduet will most likely be random thoughts. Now lets start :3
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Unit Cover:
1. Hirari/Hitori/Kirari (originally by STAR✩ANIS)
ok i know it doesnt fit much of the band vibes but it still works so well because the song itself feels so sparkly and starry which feels so leoni
2. Friend (originally by 2WingS)
its literally titled friend pkeas aeugh aehk chokes and dies
3. Idol Activity! Rock ver. (Originally by Otoshiro Seira)
Idol activity rock ver is a MUST and its gonna be leonis best cover cuz i can hear ichikas voice echoing, singing this song
Unit duets:
1. Sweet Sp!ce sang by Saki, Shiho x 2WingS (originally by 2WingS)
LISTEN. LISTEN. looking for possible covers for leoni is super hard but THIS. THIS. THIS!!!!
2. Signalize! sang by Honami, Ichika x Soleil (originally by Soleil)
i am runnig oit of ideas for leoni....
3. Kindan Hide & Seek sang by Shiho, Honami x Yurika, Seira, Sumire (originally by Yurika, Seira, Sumire)
photokatsu songs would probably the least likely ones
More more jump!
i have so much ideas for this cuz this is the core inspo/reason for me to make this especially how minori is so much like akari
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Unit cover:
1. Let's Aikatsu! (originally sang by Luminas)
ITS LITERALLY LETS AIKATSU. GUYS GUSYY I CAN IMAGINE THEM DANCING ON STAGE SINGING "kimi ni smile ashite ni yume... aikatsu shiyo ... ready go!"
2. SHINING LINE* (originally by soleil)
imawatashi tachi no tsunaguu muneno naka ... kirameku lineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee dum durum dum durum dumdurururum i love this somuch it fits the idol theme so well
3. Calendar girl (originallyy by soleil)
unit cover honorable mentions!
fashion check
shining sky on the g string
good morning my dream
Unit duets:
1. Prism spiral sang by Shizuku, Haruka x Aoi (originally by Aoi)
the blues all together !! cant wait to see them walk on the runway
2. START DASH SENSATION Minori x akari (originally by akari)
what? do i need to elaborate????????? guys. guys ITS LITERALLY *sighs* please understand me its them .. theyre the same /pos bro bro imagine them talking about haruka/ichigo hoky shit!!!!!!!!!! theyre besties i say so
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if-confessions · 2 years
I really want to create an if but I have been stuck creatively for ideas for quite a while, so I was wondering how you get inspo. I feel like nothing I do is working to get rid of my creative block. Idk if it's because of stress or if I just don't have what it takes to be a writer anymore. ://
[plug-in] HOHOHOHO ANON Great Timing :D Have you checked out @seedcomp-if? I (and the other organisers) just put it online today :D Otherwise, there is the Sci-Fi Twine Jam ending in 14 days... [/end plug-in]
Ok, so first... everyone has "what it takes to be a writer" if they can put together sentences. So... yeah. Don't sweat it.
As for ideas... err... I don't really have good advice, sorry. They just... come. Like I could be reading a book or watch a movie or play a game and think oh that's neat... what if I tried to make this part of a game?
For Meeting the Parents, I took inspiration from those comedy movie when the Protagonist meets their partner's family for the first time and everything goes wrong that I had watched just before starting working on the game. For SPS Iron Hammer, I literally googled Space Tropes. Exquisite Cadaver and La Petite Mort? that was the theme of the jam and it reminded me of a game I used to play as a kid/Terry Pratchett Book I had just finished...
Nothing was really original. Everyone has done everything already. There is no real original idea, just new take on them. I just made that stuff mine, gave it my voice.
I think it was easier for me to find a story when there were constrictions, like a deadline or a jam having a theme. That or doing something really stupid (Goncharov Escapes! was just that). Honestly, doing something really stupid like GE! was great fun. Right now, I'm working on a Space Trucker short IF for the Sci-Fi Twine Jam. It will be the same level of dumb.
The more you stress out about it, the worse you will feel, the less likely you will find an idea (or one that you like). Maybe you need someone to give you a theme or ideas (here are some sci-fi ones). Maybe you should start from a trope. Maybe to a retelling of a fable or a story in the public domain.
Doesn't have to be complicated or convoluted. Doesn't have to be long. Doesn't have to be perfect writing.
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stophangiingdjs · 1 year
saw across the spiderverse and oh my god. good christ. i need beyond the spiderverse NOW
heavy spoilers under the cut do not read if you havent seen this movie yet i am being so deadass right now
fucking. the reveal that miles is an anomaly and. fucking!! the earth-42 stuff at the end! PROWLER MILES OH MY GOOD GOD
i need miguel o’hara to whimper
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ebaylee422 · 1 year
I really just want inspo to hit now that I'm done with homework, and I need a few more scenes for Chapter 2 lmao
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callista-curations · 2 years
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I posted 7,366 times in 2022
That's 5,966 more posts than 2021!
55 posts created (1%)
7,311 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,524 of my posts in 2022
#garrus vakarian - 1,958 posts
#shakarian - 1,160 posts
#saren arterius - 343 posts
#writing inspo - 156 posts
#nihlus kryik - 151 posts
#traditional art - 125 posts
#tali'zorah - 116 posts
#vetra nyx - 115 posts
#thane krios - 97 posts
#urdnot wrex - 65 posts
Longest Tag: 106 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
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16 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
His dick game is mindblowing but he's never in the mood
22 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
Garrus is so cute I wanna ruin him (affectionate)
27 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
New Year's fic recs (2021-2022)
It’s about time I put the curations part of my tumblr to work on the fanfics side of things, so here goes: A selection of my favourite fics (with turians) I read in the last half year or so.
Yes I am fashionably late, I was going to post this before new year...
The Primarch's Advisor by hardinginhightown
M, oneshot (9k words), Adrien Victus/Castis Vakarian
A rarepair you didn't know you needed in your life (why have one turian dilf in a fic if you can have two). Hard hitting and packed full of emotion, but also exploring a lot of backstory between them and their sons.
NoisyNoiverns' Kryterius collection
G, 13 oneshots and shortfics, Kryterius
A set of 13 Kryterius fics, mostly set in a no-reaper AU, spanning their long lives. Everything from light hearted joking about to the sweetest of fluff. I would particularly highlight “When the Lights Go Down”, also highly recommend checking out their Desolas/Abrudas pieces.
Observations upon waking by interventionsandlullabies
M, oneshot (4k words), Shakarian
Aptly tagged: “Read for free therapy.” A collection of snapshots told through Garrus’ eyes, from the soft to the sharp realities of the war. Fantastically written, intimate and personal.
Loyalty Mission: The Coldest of Hearts by Orionis
T, shortfic (38k words), Shakarian
Set in ME1, early on when they are first working together, this one won’t punch you in the gut with a few truckloads of emotion, though it is a very interesting study of Garrus’ character and Shepards struggles with him (and the rest of her crew).
Same Song, Different Verse by suddenlycomics
T, WIP (12k words), Femsep Garrus and Tali
An exciting AU where Shepard never joins the Alliance, Garrus is a Spectre, and they meet Tali on Earth.
The Softer It Falls by BronzeAgeLove
T, shortfic (10k words), Lorik Qui'in/Lilihierax
Complete with lovely illustrations by heavenlyeros. Gentle, slow, and introspective. Really wonderfully written all around, a gem of an introduction to a(nother) rarepair you didn't know you needed in your life.
Points of Contact by buskie
E, WIP longfic (32k words), Shakarian
A first contact AU fic where Shepard and a certain lost Turian fall in love, comes with plenty of seriousness, silliness, shenanigans, and some smut to top it off.
I'll See You Again by courtmartialed
M, WIP shortfic (5k words), Shakarian
Another First Contact story, this time in a Reincarnation AU. “The captain and lone survivor of that crew is Shepard, though her name is not Shepard yet. And the lone Turian, piloting the ramshackle dinghy that finds her ship, is Garrus.”
On Galaxy's Edge by DatSonyat
T, oneshot (1.5k words), Saren and Desolas
This piece still floors me every time, Saren being this soft just stops my heart mid beat, honestly it's something I've lately felt more and more need to indulge myself in. It's so slow but hits like a fully loaded train, all the emotion is expertly hidden just under the surface. Probably one of the best pieces of writing I've had the pleasure of reading, period.
See the full post
71 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sports Mass Effect needs:
Krogan rugby
Biotic ice hockey (@whiskynorocks 's idea)
Biotic figure skating (listen, Saren would lowkey be good at this that's all I'm gonna say)
Biotic dance and acrobatics
Biotic rock climbing/mountaineering
Zero G ping pong
154 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sirensplayhouse · 2 years
Siren I have a question can you help me come up with an affirmation? I hate to ask but this seems to complicated for me to do by myself.
Ok so all I want to do is fine a fine ass boy on tik tok (don’t judge y’all pls) and use his looks as my desired bf inspo like he won’t be my desired bf cause I still have to pick out his personality, style, birth chart etc you get what I’m saying.
Ok so how I want him to look he obviously needs to be black cause…💁🏾‍♀️🌚 anyways he’s black brownskinned specially deep brown skin with a buzz cut fade almost bald but not completely. And I want him to have masculine features and I want him to be fine as well and he has a slim nose and he looks (my age) ooo! And he gives off that 90s-00s fine vibe yess and he’s slightly tall but I wanna discover him on tik tok but at the same time I wanna know that it’s him yk? Like I get that gut feeling. Can you help me with an aff for that specifically I’m sorry it’s long but Shawn Wayans just isn’t keeping me warm at night anymore😕 with his fine ass
LMFAOOOOOO you funny 😂but sure love, let’s see “I found my desired sp on tiktok” or “I found my sp on tiktok” whichever one “me and my sp met on tiktok”
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How do we know what our desire body/ face/ sp type ? Like how to choose the inspo picture cos it doesn't seem to be aligned with what i think of in my mind? I need help on getting started
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