hollewdz · 1 year
Size brainrot prompts
Some story ideas i’ve had forever that ive never had the time to develop. If you want them TAKE THEM pleaseeeeeeee!!! And show them to me!! I need these fics with my whole heart T o T -Respectively giant and tiny captives wake up in a blank, alien room, no memory of how they got there, made by their captors to play a game of cooperation for their freedom (jail break? Enemies to friends/lovers? Alien world? Gov Experiment? Who knows!) -summoned to another world(medieval, magic) but everything’s tiny, and the genius wizard who brought you here summoned you by accident. He tries to return you home but cant figure it out so you’re stuck oops (wanted by the military? Learning magic? Domestic cottage core w/ wizard?) -galactic explorer crash lands on earth, but they are tiny and earth was quarantined due to “abnormally aggressive tendencies and unreasonable habitants. Also they’re fuckin BIG”. Found by abnormally angsty and unreasonable (but not malicious) 20-something who learns to be chill. (Galactic federation un-quarantines earth?) -giant of the forest is a local village legend, and the youth of the village do “bravery tests” at night, leaving one of their friends in the woods for the night. Said local legend is actually an anxious mess who stays hidden from the kids each time, protecting them from the shadows while they stupidly walk through bear territory and the like (accidentally seen sometimes, always misinterpreted as aggressive and the kids run back with a scary story)
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When Eddie finally gets into drinking hot teas, Steve loses his goddamn mind. Goes to the store, buys every flavor he can find. Makes a little tea buffet with samples galore on his kitchen island. Even puts little labels out so Eddie knows the name of each one he tries.
Eddie drinks every tiny cup (pretends he’s a fucking giant while doing it) that Steve sets out for him. Goes down the line just sipping and humming in thought/delight. Steve excitedly watches from the adjacent countertop the whole time.
Once Eddie is done, Steve approaches him, hugging Eddie from behind and asking, “Do you have a favorite?”
And Eddie, being a indecisive pain in the ass just says, “All of them. All of them are my favorite, babe. What are you gonna do about that?”
Steve is so unfazed by Eddie’s little challenges by now. Just gets a Costco membership, spends the next day buying tea in bulk.
Eddie comes home to towers of cardboard boxes, some are nearly touching the ceiling. Steve has sectioned off the kitchen with a red ribbon tied to each side of the doorframe.
He limbos under the ribbon, holding an oversized pair of scissors.
“Uh? Babe?” Eddie asks gently. Cause ya know… Steve is holding scissors and looking diabolical. “What’s all this?”
“You couldn’t pick a favorite so I bought every flavor available.” Steve says it easily, like this isn’t batshit wild.
Steve hands Eddie the scissors. “I call it Eddie’s Ci-Tea…. Get it? Like city but... with tea?”
Damnit, it’s so adorable when Steve makes up shitty puns. Eddie has to cover his smushy face in kisses now (carefully though, cause goddamn motherfucking scissors ugh).
“You’re way too loveable, Steve Harrington.” Eddie gushes, cutting the ribbon. Mayor of their weird little relationship.
Steve kisses Eddie’s cheek and he smells like a fucking spice factory from hauling tea around all day. So fucking yummy, Eddie wants to stir him up with one of those ridiculous little spoons. Make a piping-hot cup of Steve Tea that only he gets to drink up.
And as Eddie examines all the boxes, reading over all the different varieties, he remembers this is still a challenge. A game that he started. And he can’t let Steve just win because he’s rich and pretty, right? That would be too easy.
Eddie goes out of his way to make unnecessary shit difficult cause it’s his evil little side hustle. Some people have hobbies, Eddie Munson has schemes.
So he turns around, facing Steve (who is blissfully happy still), and plants a big kiss on his stupidly pink lips.
“It’s great and all, Stevie, but…”
Steve frowns. “But?”
Eddie pouts, but still gives a devilish wink when he says it:
“You forgot the honey.”
Steve kicks one of the towers, makes it look like the cardboard-version of that famous building in Italy. He grabs his keys and his Costco membership card, and storms out the front door.
Eddie is still laughing as he hears Steve swearing in the driveway. He begins boiling a kettle of water to make some Oolong tea while thinking:
‘I’m gonna marry my snobby pretty boyfriend, and we’re gonna serve all this goddamn tea at our wedding reception.’
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extravagav · 5 months
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Yk I never did truly recover from the sick fic chapter
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valka-arialitan · 1 year
Here's that, as a kind reminder for people to BE GENTLE TO KAIDAN.
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I saw the ''Wolverine or Kaidan ; who's the best canadian'' poll on tumblr, and had the SHITTIEST idea to go trough the reblogs tags and HOLY SHIT PEOPLE NEED TO FUCKING CHILL ???
Like basically, people voting for Kaidan were like ''sorry Logan, but Kaidan is my sweet baby boy </3'' while people voting for Wolverine were literally shitting on Kaidan and his fans and MAN ?? I DID NOT LIKE SEEING THAT.
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And in the middle of drawing this I thought that I absolutely had to make that second part.
Shepard is in his ''emotional battery'' recharge phase.
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grezzirossi · 1 year
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Silly Spuriken doodles because my OW otp returned full force as I started playing again.
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operationandre · 2 months
cal and andre’s first kiss happened when they were high. it was a couple days after new years, and they were laughing about how the cold air made it look like they were smoking even when they didn’t take a hit. their laughter died down, and andre looked over to see cal staring at him.
when they met eyes, neither of them looked away. they weren’t really thinking, both high out of their minds. andre leaned forward and quickly pressed a kiss to cal’s lips. it only lasted for about five seconds.
when they parted, they kept eye contact for a while before bursting into laughter. it was so normal for them. even when got sober and they realized what they did, they didn’t even need to talk about it.
cal almost thought that andre didn’t remember it until they were driving back to cal’s house one day, and andre took his hand from the wheel and intertwined it with cal’s. cal smiled at him and was sure he could see andre’s face flush a light shade of pink.
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pollenallergie · 2 years
“I smooch your face!” Eddie bellows out menacingly.
“You smooch my face?!” You ask in a tone of voice that clearly betrays your mock-outrage, only to be met with Eddie’s fearsome scowl and stiff nod. “Well, then, I smooch your face! I smooch your face first!” You threaten him, leaning in to dot a kiss on each of his cheeks, making good on your threat before he has the chance to stop you.
Eddie gasps, holding his hand to his chest as if clutching his pearls, feigning indignation, “You scoundrel!”
“I know you are, but what am I?” You taunt him immaturely, nearly making him break his facade with a goofy grin. Lucky for him, he manages to stifle that grin before it completely forms, though the damage has already been done to his act.
“That’s it, little lady. I’ve had it! I will rain hellfire upon thee! You will feel my wrath pour down on ye like the unbearable heat of a thousand suns!” Eddie declares fiercely before he playfully tackles you, wrestling with you until your back is finally flat against his mattress. He has you locked in a position of pure submission, but rather than pinning you like he usually would, Eddie opts instead to smother you with as many kisses as he can possibly give, dotting them all over your face and neck as he lets his weight rest on you to keep you pinned down.
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vigilvntes · 11 months
OK here’s my angsty but also soft scenario:
Everybody on the team knows Adrian has feelings for you. Chris teases him all the time about how you are never gonna feel the same way. Nobody knows that you’ve been secretly dating for months.
 The team goes on what should be a routine mission, but everything goes horribly wrong and you find yourselves fighting for your lives. Adrian does everything he can to protect you, and in the process gets seriously injured.
He hast to go to the hospital, and even with his accelerated healing. It seems like he’s going to die.
You completely break down, and from your reaction it’s pretty obvious that you and Adrian are more than friends. You’d be upset if any of them were hurt, but not like this.
Anyway, you spend every day by Adrian side at the hospital, talking to him, begging for him to come back to you, telling him that you love him. It’s the first time you’ve told him that.
It takes a few weeks, but thanks to his accelerated healing. Adrian does get better in the first thing he does when he wakes back up is tell you that he loves you too.
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bonus points if everyone is under the impression that you hate adrian. like you constantly bicker with each other and everyone just kinda thinks that you're being fr and you can't stand his ass and that adrian is only bickering with you because he has a huge crush on you and it's the only speck of attention he gets from you. idk i think he would think it's kinda funny that the two of you argue with each other when you're with the team, and they constantly tease him and tell him that there's no chance in hell you'd ever give him a chance because you clearly hate him ... and then he gets to go home and kiss your face off and giggle about how DUMB the team are for not knowing.
so when you hear emilia tell the team over comms that adrian is down, and you rush over to him with literally no thoughts in your head other than to be with him and help him despite the chaos around you, everyone is kinda confused. when the fight is over and you're sobbing over his unconscious body, begging him to wake up and come back to you while leota drags you away so chris can pick him up and get him some help asap ... they're even more confused. except emilia. she has her "holy shit" moment right then and there but refrains from saying anything because there's more important matters at hand. she has to drive your boyfriend to the hospital before you wage war against anyone and everyone that had a part to play in his death, should that happen.
so at the hospital, you're pacing around, biting your nails, shaking. you haven't stopped crying since you saw him on the ground, blood pooling from the wound to his side. you're injured too, but every time the doctors try to treat your wounds you tell them they can't, not until you know adrian is, at the very least, alive. it's at this point that chris just can't seem to help himself. he's upset too – that's his best friend for(n)ever, but you HATE him. or so he thought. so he'll straight up ask why you're being so fucking WEIRD. why you're acting like you're in love with him, or some shit. your sad grimace, emilia's death glare, and leota and economous' (who realised on the drive to the hospital) look that says 'dude, come on??' quickly catches him up on the situation. confirms that you are, in fact, in love with adrian.
the doctors tell you that he's alive, and it's only then that you allow yourself to be treated. your wounds are surface only, easy enough to patch up, and even though you're discharged you spend almost every single day in the hospital by adrian's side, talking to him, telling him that you love him and that it should've been you and not him. some days you're forced to go home by chris or emilia, with you promising that you'll sleep (you won't) and the two of them promising that they'll stay by his side. it's on one of those days that adrian wakes up, and you're grateful that your mind won't allow you to fall asleep when you get a phone call from leota at 3am telling you he's awake.
you're still in your pyjamas when you turn up at the hospital, having literally jumped out of bed and into your car to drive over. when you rush into his hospital room, a strained, tired, dumbass grin spreads across his lips and he greets you with a 'hey, fuckhead'. you burst into tears then and there and he immediately tries to get out of the hospital bed to comfort you but emilia yells at him and tells him to sit the fuck back down before she leaves the two of you to it.
fluff ensues. back and forth i love you's. 'if you think this is bad, you shoulda seen the other guy. no– babe, it was so cool. i hit him over the head with his own hammer before he stabbed me. then i stabbed him with his own knife. double whammy.' chris turns up and questions both of you on when the fuck you stopped hating each other and started fucking instead?????????
anyway 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
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buffyspeak · 1 year
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shadowhunters rewatch 2023:
2.01 vs 3.10
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strangerathecinema · 1 month
five hargeeves is aroace and lila is his best friend. five hargeeves is aroace and lila is his best friend. five hargeeves is aroace and lila is his best friend. five hargeeves is aroace and lila is his best friend
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 month
do you guys ever hear a song and get devastated because it’s literally your fic or is that just me
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nothingbizzare · 1 year
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Skater boys , holding hands and being in love
Just more skater boy au content hehehhe fugio :)))
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It's Buck, of course, who discovers smut fics. You'd think it was part of his journey to his new, bisexual self, watching gay porn and all. In truth, it's just a coincidence. They're doing a Star Wars movie night, comparing – once and for all, says Tommy – Revenge of the Sith with Return of the Jedi. There is, naturally, a winner despite all discussions, but Buck can't help it, he needs to feed his point of view with facts, so he starts to google. However it happens, he discovers a page full of Star Wars stories, "but that's not canon," he says, and then falls silent. Tommy is intrigued to see what topic can actually silence his boyfriend, and it is... "Porn, Evan, really?" "Well, stories," Buck says, "just... about Obi-Wan and Anakin." "What?" Tommy knows gay porn, but he's never heard about smut fics. This night, they're having sex in their bathrobes. "With our lightsabers," says Buck, but Tommy quickly shuts his mouth.
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the-red-planet-mars · 5 months
Yeah so about that Mars fic...
I'm so sorry- I did absolutely nothing despite really wanting to do it... my brain has been blocked upon starting school and this week had been rlly busy. Like I just moved houses on Monday after being threatened with homelessness the past month and with the new term of school starting I couldn't find the time nor energy to actually get started on writing the mars fic. I really, really, really want to do it but idk if I can atp...
I don't even know if motivational speeches will help me; this is just a mental blockage thing ig. No matter what anyone says I still might end up doing nothing. I have horrible procrastination issues caused by the overwhelming, destructive allure of school and it messes me up.
I just wanted you guys to know that there might not be a possibility of that Mars fic coming out anytime soon. Though who knows? Maybe I might surprise myself and write it within a month- or maybe not... idk atp this issue has been going on for more than a year now...
I'm sorry.
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filmniorcastiel · 8 months
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Hi is anyone else completely and holistically obsessed with the terrifyingly unsettling aura of the towns in the Appalachian Mountains or is it just me
I'm so drawn to them and I visit them as often as I can and I just... there's something that gets under your skin when your there it doesn't leave even after you do
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apoptoses · 5 months
♟ If they like board games, and how good they are at ‘em (for Armand)
and of course
☾ Sleeping habits (for Our Boys daniel/armand/louis 👀)
♟ If they like board games, and how good they are at ‘em (for Armand)
Does he like board games? Yes. Is he good at them? To the point Daniel has refused to play at times lmao
I just think he'd be the worst combination of rules lawyer but also arbitrary. Like if they're playing ticket to ride he's analyzing every move Daniel makes and denying him the ability to move a single car if it's already touched the board. You start placing your cars along a route and realize there's a better path? Too bad, you set one token down, Armand is not allowing take backs. Catan? He's ruthless, he knows the rules and will make life hell.
But he's also the kind of demon who learned about the concept of 'house rules' from drunk Daniel back in the 80s, and now the Trinity Gate monopoly nights take like seven hours because properties aren't being auctioned off and every time Lestat says anything about how this shit is unfair, he's the prince- he's forced to place $100 in the pot in the middle of the board and game drags on and on and fucking on.
Also I see him into those really complex modern board games that have like, six decks of cards, a rule book as thick as a dictionary, and need at least an hour to explain to a new player. Like wingspan or time stories. But that's fine because everyone in the household has their preferred complex game (I think Louis would dig time stories tbh) and he's down for any of them.
☾ Sleeping habits (for Our Boys daniel/armand/louis 👀)
Oh man oh man I had to marinate on this one, I have THOUGHTS.
This is a relationship configuration where Armand can sit back and be doted on and he's taking advantage of that. Like he is always always always sleeping in the middle on the nights they're all home. He just really enjoys the weight and comfort of being surrounded by the two of them but in like, two main configurations-
Armand on his back, with Louis and Daniel on their sides facing him- a fave because he gets the joy of their faces tucked up close to his cheek/neck, or a chin resting on his shoulder. ALSO because he gets the entertainment value of Louis and Daniel trying to figure out whose arm goes where like who gets to hold his waist, who gets a hand on his chest.
And it's awkward the first couple times because neither of them know if its okay if their arms brush, like what if they BOTH want their hand on Armand's chest? But after a few nights everyone is used to it, and occasionally Armand will feel Daniel's hand push against Louis' and shove it over a little just to be a pest. And Armand hears Louis sigh but he doesn't take the bait and push back like Lestat would, he just waits until the night Daniel is least expecting it and grabs his hand and holds onto it. And now they're buddies who share a bed with their shared boyfriend and hold hands and boy does that make for some interesting eavesdropping into Louis' mind for Armand.
Armand getting spooned by Louis, with Daniel on his side wrapped around Armand like an octopus- This one happens most often if Daniel is a straggler and comes to bed last. He has to lift Armand's arm, sneak in and snuggle up with his face buried in Armand's chest. And he's tall so being down this low results in his feet sticking off the bottom of the bed but that's alright, sometimes waking up with two people playing with his hair makes up for it.
And Armand likes this because he gets to feel squashed between them but his face is still out, and Louis would like it because his chin can rest atop Armand's head. Because I think both of them have some weird trauma that would lead them to wanting to be able to see their surroundings as soon as they open their eyes, and not want to feel smothered before they fall asleep. Like Louis getting buried in the wall in that coffin, and Armand's....everything. They're both a little hypervigilant as a result.
In my heart of hearts Armand is like Lestat, a morning (evening?) person who is ready to get out of bed and go. But Louis and Daniel both like to linger in that space between death sleep and wakefulness, where they're napping like mortals and groggy.
And Daniel missed out on sleeping a full night with Armand for so long, right? Like as a mortal he'd wake up groping for Armand even though he's not there, and would wind up hugging a pillow instead.
So now whenever Armand springs out of bed alone and gets dressed he gets treated to the sight of Daniel shifting around until he snuggles up to Louis' arm and gets settled again. And Louis is so used to Lestat clinging that he doesn't even stir, he's accepted that tall blond men drooling on his shoulder is his fate ♥
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