invisiblegarabgetruck · 8 months
thinking about jerry in Bethic Twinstinct before giggling and twirling my hair
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what’s your favorite beth moment/episode?
OMG! There's literally so many to choose from (and yet it's still so little 😢 and that's not even counting the comics which have some of my fave actually)
Some of my fave moments (in no particular order):
in 'A Rickle in Time' I love her little smile when Rick says hi to her and she tries to approach him and the kids,, also later in the same episode when she's arguing with the veterinarian over the deer and when she's performing surgery on the deer (it's the first time where we really see that she's her father's daughter imo) AND at the end of the episode when she's laughing at Jerry's jokes about Rick and the kids wearing the collars (bonus for Rick's reaction that literally gets me everytime because he's so defeated by her laughing AT him that it kills me ok I hc that he loves making her laugh but hates the being the butt of the joke because there's at least four different times where we seem him actively trying to make her laugh 🥺🥺)
in 'Total Rickall' when the parasites have turned the family against Rick and tells her that he's her father and she's like "Oh, are you, dad? Are you?" tauntingly like it's soooooo good ok (hits a little different now too I suppose 💔)
every scene she has in 'The Rickshank Rickdemption', 'Pickle Rick', and 'ABCs of Beth', 'Star Mort', 'Mortyplicity' (one of my fave eps actually!!), and 'Bethic Twinstinct'
when she actually tries to mother the kids like with Summer in the 'whirly dirly' ep and 'The Old Man and The Seat' and Morty in the Planetina ep (I do not remeber the name sorry I actually don't really like that ep or the toilet one too much, I almost never rewatch them)
her little squeal at "my little steampunk overlord" in 'Childrick of Mort' AND her cute little speech to Rick before that Zeus guy came (he's soooooo fond of her dude that when Gaia tries to warn her about the Zeus guy that he doesn't want Gaia interrupting his "breakthrough with his daughter" AND AND he practically begs that guy not to destroy the city because it's Beth's!! Like he didn't care about the rock children, Gaia, or this Zeus guy but the fact that he got to practically play dolls with his little girl and he got sooo mad when she was about to feel the fog and when she said to leave the rock kids with Zeus because it made him feel inadequate as her father like the whole ep is just him being possessive over her as his daughter like ????)
when the hellraiser demon people in 'Amortycan Grickfitti' say that Rick said that she is, AND I QUOTE, "very cool" (emphasis on very omg!! Like I literally lost my mind at this ok, he praises her when she's not even around -- I thought this forever after Squanchy met her at BP's wedding and was all like "... and you must be Beth" like he had heard things about her from Rick already and that they were positive!!
kissing Rick on the cheek in 'Analyze Piss' omg (he does NOT deserve her affection but whatever lol)
Beth and Space Beth cuddling up to Rickbot (unknowingly) on the couch to watch Jerry's christmas movie in the s6 chirstmas ep (I forget the name) AND when they destroy Rickbot and then Beth puts his head on top of the christmas tree ????? She's sooo unhinged I love her so much
the TONGS in the kuato ep 💗💗💗
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cornus27florida · 2 months
What did you think of CPC’s ending? 👀👀
Hi IHF!!! I am really sorry to just replying cuz I overthinking so many things, I kinda want to write many things about CPC's ending but that's making me go here and there...
As an overthinker, along with a big procrastinator, I realized how long I keep your question in my inbox unanswered... This also I portrayed through fanfiction at AO3 ``June's Dump" which initially about month June at CPC, so 7 months timeskip as we have George and his sommelier wedding - which def invite Jamie, but I wonder if the venue at Plaid Palace thus we have Plaid Royals reactions over them... Hmph, fix time! I need to fulfill ‘em all!!
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Back to basic, the initial question... What do I personally think about the CPC's ending as in epilogue 173? Well… I have mixed feelings, so I have some clashed opinions
As a wiki editor personal thought, I am kind of annoyed at a certain 'new' editor that cut off many things in the page as Mocha already gives the foundation... Peri was even shocked by my strong reactions over that annoyance... Although from there I see how unstable my emotions are, I literally have too many mixed emotions that I can't describe! Nevertheless I finished the story part up to completion, and I think that page is pretty much done. There's my thought as fandom wikia editor lmao but that's too much technical
As a wiki editor personal thought, I am kind of annoyed at a certain 'new' editor that cut off many things in the page as already Mocha gives the foundation... Peri even shocked to my strong reactions over that annoyance... Although from there I see how unstable my emotions, I literally have too many mixed emotions that I can't describe! Nevertheless I finished the story part up to completion, and I think that page is pretty much done. There's my thought as fandom wikia editor lmao but that's too much technical and boring
...although nvm, I will be myself who rambling to things that I love and I won't change at that aspect haha - here come v.02!
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So, here is another of my thoughts but based on TV Tropes! This more at happy note~
(Disclaimer: I didn't mainly edit in there, but I do some minor editings here and there - although those never done lmao)
Also it's open secret for everyone, that TV Tropes content is hella subjective but at least they are funny - hence why I feel better informations database is at fandom wiki instead
"Where Are They Now?" Epilogue: The final chapter takes place six months later, and Gwen writes in her diary about what happened then:
Jack learned about Lilyth and her painting curse, then he cried for a whole week over her.
> We know Jack cried in happiness as reunite with his wife once again, IDK that sentence feels like Jack cried in sadness which the opposite of reality
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Lorena got an A+++++ for her final class project.
The kids are getting along with the family, and both Jamie and Leopold made more artwork for the walls so Lilyth could travel through them around the castle.
Jack held a celebration to acknowledge the people who helped defend the castle from the invasion. He hasn't visited Leland in prison since.
Jerry was promoted to Chief Warden, while Beckett got demoted and transferred far away from Maria.
> poor Beckett, in wiki there Mocha add sentence which technically objective but lack in Tropes :  Jerry got everything Beckett wanted - a princess, a promotion (to Chief Warden), and recognition from the King himself - while Beckett was demoted and moved to a station as far away from Maria as possible.
Suzana officially joined the Pastel Troops.
> It's actually from ep 171 about Suzie plan to move out to Pastel Kingdom, but ep 173 as the epilogue itself never explicitly tell it? Probably due to it from Gwen's POV that uninterested with military stuff... I am more curious about the location of the new "home" where the throuple LorZanCe are lmao, likely at Pastel Kingdom I guess
The Club got Gwen's painting from the Conservatory back by distracting them with Laverne.
The forest of the Cursed Princess Club was declared a protected area by the king so it's never in danger of being invaded again.
> Remember the spider's conversation about a new member of the CPC incoming? Who?? Heck yeah, sequel potential!
Frederick has been hard at work studying to one day become king and receives support from his family.
> At discord, me and some buddies are joking about how Frederick is going during timeskip espc as he is technically the 'special member' but hasn't got his own slumber party yet... Hence why we got amused on the scenario of him sneaking out on a night to get initiated, but his kingdom mistaken it as something serious and send an army to fetch him out from initiation LOL (in similar sense of ep 148 ending where Prez shocked to see Plaid soldiers lining and thought they are merely fetching Frederick, and in our scenario that assumption of Prez becomes reality). Oh well, I hope in the promised side stories we have Frederick's slumber party (and Maria as well! Although I also hope Lorena and Jamie get the open arms to join the CPC? Well let's see/Fanfic for cope)
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Prez stopped taking her medication and resorted to her old way of dealing with her curse. With the growing acknowledgement and support for the Cursed Princess Club, she is looking to expand to help more people who are cursed.
> regarding Prez point, this kinda too summarized on my liking lol. First about the expansion as moving out to a new and bigger building, we don't know exactly where but I really really hope it's at Plaid Kingdom. That way with reformed Plaid Kingdom whose initially negative thoughts toward cursed people (let's see; Leland feels the cursed need to be fixed first, while Blaine and com. Tattersall sees cursed as a monster which needs to die), now on the hands of kinder people espc the crown prince himself is close with CPC - that makes the CPC expansion more meaningful IMHO. Also cuz Plaid has larger land xD
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> the period pauser pill (it's not birth control y'all, please don't mix 'em up, fandom!) indeed merely temporarily solution and I have doubts from very first time as see it through eyes of biologist that concerned with drugs side effects espc for long use - even if those pills possibly non synthetic ones=lesser side effects. Basically ALL drugs are technically poison that is used on right doses, time and matched person with many has strict rules under prescription. That's why Whitney suddenly bought it kinda concerning, although I can see the comedic effect and temporarily 'relief of the curse' on that solution haha. Permanent solution possibility for Prez is to get 'reproduction organs/system removal' surgery - the HYSTERECTOMY.. here I spill a bit of spoiler secret of RaS as my ff series, I want Prez to consider that option
Themidora reunited with lobster lover, Benedict, who tricked the wicked sea cucumber into cursing him so he could be with her.
> I am surprised but in the side of “wao, so LambCat chose that option” because I kinda guessed it before. Thermidora "solution" is either to de-transform back as lobster so can reunites with Benedict (probably through searching 'lobster' serum from that background cursed serums merchant, or probably Jack allows the Clam to be used for betterment of CPC members not for greed) OR Benedict somehow finds a way to meets with her. I am more surprised with the way of latter guess to be true, because the method is kinda mundane "trick the sea cucumber to curse me so I can walk on land!" way + Thermidora wish of 'meeting hot summer lobster' to be true somehow LOL. Her premonition comes true and that's silly sweet panel ^^
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Whitney returned home to his kingdom for Blacquelyn's coronation. She now wears a coat made from Greyden's fur.
> I wonder about Whitney's status in the Monochrome Kingdom but it seems won't be explained. So my guess as in HCs: Queen Blacquelyn actually 'likes' Whitney more than Greyden from the start, probably in the way of 'being girl is never to claim the throne' so Whitney never heeds her much. Which as Whitney presumed to die and Greyden raising to power, Greyden make havoc to bring his harem to the palace and annoys his sister so much = reason why Blacquelyn decides to throws throne of Greyden (which I and Axel have HC, got neutered LOL)
Nell and Jolie officially got married.
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> Very happy for the wedding! Personally I thought their wedding itself is beautiful but the guests scene kinda iffy me a lil bit. Like why Pastel Kingdom only has Maria, Gwen, and Jack? Where are Lorena and Jamie?? I think they are busy chasing their dreams so choose not to attend, or LambCat simply lazy to draw them lol/jk. Also this kinda controversial intake espc to Syrah lovers, but personally I don't feel humored at all with Syrah still flirting with Jack when she must know how strong the love of Jack/Leelathae-Lilyth.. So that scene leaves bad taste to me, this excluding poor Saffron moment. Sigh, the ship of Syrah/ Saffron is officially sunk. I am kinda accepted it but I just feel weird despite being female myself, I feel many female characters are easily 'get away' with things while male characters gets repetitive/redundant/unnecessary misfortunes - some of folks at discord agree with that statement but at the end of the day I want CPC for their heartwarming wholesomeness, not to pick fights at anyone and I am still learning about that. I wonder if Nell and Jolie moved out to stays at the Lace Kingdom as I feel CPC need some delegations that stays at their own kingdom, that's what Tori wants for Monika after all. Speaking of Monika, she technically can have 2 suitors as one Tori and other Orson lol - but epilogue is not deciding her end so I feel who Monika ends up to isn't important? At least her dream to open a stall for jewelry becomes reality, although a certain someone at discord is mad about lack of Monika's appearance overall....
Aurelia got together with Celso after their meeting at the castle.
> This super simplified explanation about Aurelia, and a certain someone labeling Celso as her boy toy - which make me think both of their characters downgraded uhh. Anyway to be honest I am not really a fan of both of them as they are alright characters but not really special as in 'meh' territory. Unlike Orson/Monika as the ship of a Princel/CPC member, CeLia is too rushed imho (they literally meet each other during the night of invasion arc) with the dash of concerning acid mouth from both + we don't know if the "True love's kiss" attempt from Aurelia to Celso really happening or not, but it's so concerning - realistically in my HC about cures for Aurelia, we can develop some utensils that won't melt with her spit (they have magics, duh) with probability of chopsticks could not touching directly with mouth along it's saliva during consumption of certain foods OR developing (more realistic!) melting curse counter which high in acid with something like specialized mouthwash high in alkaline
Maria got to fulfill her dream of singing her recital for everyone, which caught the eye of her idol and they began collabing.
> Good for Maria :3 Also the side stories sneak peak has Maria like performing on a certain stage with a new outfit which the image can be seen at P.S at the end, I wonder if she does an idol live stage under Bozart tutelage?
Blaine is now on a journey of self atonement, but has made sure to attend Maria's recital.
> Some people love Blaine so much, I am not really sure if to be honest.. I just hope that Blaine at least attempts to communicate with his family (sans Leland ofc) in his journey, especially his youngest brother who becomes crown prince right now could get some pointers about how to lead people of their kingdom. My opinion about Blaine fits the most with Mono's opinion in that sense after all
As for Gwen, she no longer sees cracks in her reflection. She is happy with Frederick.
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> that's how TV Tropes conclude things but I feel I need to add more (for another time, remind the future me plz) as I feel Gwen and Frederick, being the protagonist and the deuteragonist respectively, need to be on separate points? From what I get (thus my personal thoughts) by rereading ep 173 at uncountable times, Gwen technically doesn't stopping see cracks in her reflection BUT every time she feels down which make the cracking - she will read her mother's letter that she put on her bedroom wall (I kinda hope there's a couple pictures with Frederick inside Gwen's bedroom, but well at least we have that lovely finale panel)
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> The content of Gwen's mom deserves a separate point! Her letter is so warming although there’s some parts that imho too female-exclusive, hence in the fanfiction that I made, Dear Me, I make the content to fits everyone :D
> What's TV Tropes forgot but I will make it up someday, but fandom like at this Tumblr doesn't by some folks, is the crucial final step implicitly told regarding Frederick's character development. He is purposely growing giant sunflowers at the front yard of his palace, showing that he didn't afraid of sunflowers anymore as well making peace with his past as got bullied (I still wondering his bullies where about although I have assumptions they are too 'broken' to show up to public anymore). 
Last for real, GwenDerick/FredDolyn last finale panel is very similar with Frederick's dream as Frederick on the left side of us, holding hands with Gwen with blushing face. That panel is freaking cute and fits the CPC epilogue so much in my humble opinion, what I dream is becomes reality - of wholesomeness ^^
Conclusion: (u could just jump to here, HEHEHE XD )
Long Story Short, overall the epilogue as in the CPC's ending is satisfying to me espc that lovely very last panel. Certain parts like Aurelia's solution of her curse or Prez just back to her old method seems lackluster, but to me is not that bad. I feel the 'backlash' of enjoyment actually from the fandom itself by some 'people' that I will put as anonymous, those I label as 'ungrateful' with some points I already mention. Also I know I am pushing myself so unhealthy regarding editing stuff… I love it actually so no pressure to me at all, but I know it’s kind of my running of realities of adulting hence why I need to ‘touch some grass’ as well
I forgot to mention that I guessed long ago (and confirmed to be right!) that Gwen will write a diary at the epilogue as inspired by her mom's diary. Although a bit of 'offs' are due to initial thought about 'the diary of lilyth' is filled with grief so it meant to be hidden, while Gwen's diary meant to be read to her kids with Frederik [one of comedy is silly sentence that in form of: dear my lovely kids, I want to tell you that your father does not love me at first sight but used to be so scared of my appearance but see now how hard he loves me now :) as a means for the complete opposite as a form of happiness to tell everything about CPC... So a kind of epilogue "I write my own story - reveal" because some episodes which are heavy-centric of Frederick like at ep 70 and 145, no way others could explain it unless those come from Frederick himself. That scenario could happen once Frederick and Gwen becomes true lovebirds that cozy w each other - to reveals true selves
Here is some bonus from LambCat's Patreon that somehow I get the updates including the HD pictures !!
 I really want to get stable and high paying jobs soon :0 so I can be financially independent, thus can support LambCat through the paywall like subscribing her Patreon as well as buying CPC books!
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icebluecyanide · 6 months
Alex Rider S03E01 Reaction
So I've already watched all of s3, but I decided for some reason to keep a liveblog & take a moment after every episode to write down my thoughts/predictions/questions at the time. Some of it is very amusingly wrong, but I'm going to share it anyway because I do always enjoy reading liveblogs/reaction posts myself so maybe other people will want to read it too.
Note that while this contains no spoilers for later eps, I have read the book and reference it, so warning for book spoilers and me being unable to stop comparing the two.
Hey I’ve been there! (Malta)
I am petty but I don’t like Alex sharing what Yassen told him with people lol. But I guess they had to make it a group project for the show and it’s not the stuff with his dad which is what Alex in the books felt was too private to share so oh well
Tom and Jerry(/Jay??) ahsdlfhs
Alex thinking Yassen wasn’t lying to him 😭 and he does seem to have kept the part about his dad a secret!
oh damn he wants to destroy Scorpia!! and Kyra also wanting him to, that could cause interesting conflict when he joins them later
also i forgot that Scorpia actually killed Ian in this lol
Kyra is going to do machine learning lol
Love the Alex/Kyra ship fuel with the hurt/comfort scene
ahslfhs how did they even find that villa tho? LIke I thought that was just the piece of wall Mrs Rothman was photographed in front of, surely that gives them no clues about where she’s staying?
And not to be mean but Kyra did kinda bring the stabbing on herself ashdflhs. Going off on her own because she got bored and then expecting Alex to do the fighting and treating the fight weirdly casually
It’s interesting how they seem to have changed Scorpia’s structure/origin story what with Mrs Rothman being elected and there being no client for this operation.
Them referencing Alex getting in with Tom setting fireworks in the books... i mean it's a nice reference but also actually that was more fun than Kyra just being able to hack their way in ngl ahsdlfhs. Not really the show’s fault, but modern tech & computer tricks make spy stories more boring
Also Alex just walked into the party in his suit and honestly this is one of those plots that only works because Otto is not a teenager. If he actually looked like a teen, he would have stood out waaaay too much (which was actually a concern in the book)
Alex grabbing champagne and later putting it back down again haha good way to blend in, I suppose
Getting his phone out?? In the exhibition?? So rude
Love the trend of doctors/scientists in Alex Rider wanting to be paid more for their work. Honestly they deserve it because they won’t even get to publish their extraordinary findings
‘I can hear you breathe’ Love Nile
Nile please how are you surprised at Alex attacking you asdfs
Shame we didn’t get Nile overpowering him like in the books, the difference in their fighting skills was so much bigger there, but I think they made Alex more of a fighter in the show. In the books he mostly needs to rely on the element of surprise and usually when he’s in a fight he’s outmatched and needs to use some form of trickery/his environment to win while show!Alex actually has pretty good fighting skills
I love Nile’s actor but I wish he could have actually taken Alex down like in the book, the way he loses Alex and doesn’t even realise it & thinks he died makes him look a lot less competent tbh
How did Alex climb up there?? And more importantly, how is he getting down haha
I get the feeling Yassen isn't gonna show up until Alex is with Mrs Rothman lol but at least we got to hear his final words ot Alex like four times
Really exciting, love seeing Malta and I’m intrigued at the differences between the book and the show and where it will lead. 
I imagine the race Tom’s brother mentioned will play a role and I liked the little bit we got with Tom about his grades being bad and maybe wanting to drop out. I guess Tom’s parents aren’t going through their divorce in the show? Also really enjoyed Alex and Kyra being more invested in the investigation than Tom and how they are apparently planning to take down Scorpia for their families.
I liked how we got to see more from Julia Rothman and Scorpia already and I’m intrigued by what Invisible Sword will be. Love Max having his ‘I have grandkids now’ moment and trying to talk Julia Rothman down and her being like ‘no I want to kill’. Looooved Nile telling Mrs Rothman to shoot him if he ever lost the appetite for killing.
I also really liked Alex talking about his dad and how he had nothing to do with spying and how his world got turned upside down when he learned about his uncle being a spy and now it’s happening again.
What is Invisible Sword in this?
What’s the deal with Julia inheriting her place at the table? Not sure if I like the new origin story for Scorpia but I’m intrigued by the way they have a council now instead of an executive board and how it changes the vibes.
Are Alex and Tom and Kyra gonna fight?
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granitenotgranted · 2 years
I'm gonna need ur reaction and thoughts about the RaM finale once you've watched it
I only watched it yesterday so im not gonna have any hot and spicy new takes for yall but ya girl DID have some thoughts lets go (obviously spoiler warning)
thank you SO SO much for asking!! I’m honored that you want my takes<33
Listen I hate to say it but I KNEW IT WAS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!! GOD!!! 😭😭😭
I just need to come out here and say this but first of all I dont think Rick replacing himself was really a bad thing,,,, like at all LMAO especially knowing that it was Rick who made him I mean it was more than just a replacement he was made to be the grandpa he wants for morty but he just knows he can’t be right now.
I can fully understand how it would absolutely feel like a betrayal to Morty but looking at it as a viewer I mean Rick was fully spiraling, to me his intentions were completely pure. Also I thik im just grateful they gave us a time stamp for when the swap was made so we didnt have to wonder forever how much of Rick this season was Rick. He still did piss master, he still kept Jerry blissfully ignorant just out of good will, he STILL WILLINGLY WENT TO THERAPY. All these wouldve been out the window if theyd overlooked that detail. 
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Him recognizing that he was starting to go off the deep end again and not only removing himself but having his familys best interest in mind ( “Im no good to anyone until I resolve this” ) while doing so AND literally while mad at Morty is still INSANE character growth from where we started but this way is REALISTIC character growth. It was WEIRD how black and white the difference between literally yhe last two episodes and even just the rest of the season (which has famously been Rick in his peak good grandpa career) was. At some points it felt like I was reading fanfiction.
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(Why do his knees look like that oh my god) Rick is fully capable of recognizing where he can be better, he always has been, he is not stupid *however* he is CLUTCHING onto the idea of being more logical than sentimental by the fucking neck rn. Men will literally build an anatomically flawless ai to be the perfectly calculated percentage nicer to their grandson and to be the man they wish they were before just going back to therapy.
Someone else mentioned this but ill also point out how much I appreciated just seeing Rick working? Like just in his space completely focused building shit with his brain and hands that hit the fucking spot. 9/10 times we only get the finished product and idk if its just me but I love when we SEE Rick living up to the Rick Sanchez tm reputation.
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And Morty... my sweet summer child. It is not at all a shiny new take to say oh he’s so done with ricks shit we all know that but I really really want to point out something that I’m not really sure what point I’m trying to make with but have we noticed almost a switch morty flips when on adventures? He cried because Christmas was ruined like not even a full 6 hours before he was fully ready to kill a man while looking him in the eyes. Maybe the two were cause and effect idk bht I think that’s definitely something present in other episodes too this sorta “just get it done” attitude.
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Also how much he sounded like rick this ep? That whole “don’t be too flattered he’s been actively trying to die” sounded EXACTLY like a Rick line I literally had to play it again. And the complete apathy for robo rick wanting to die until he ACTUALLY lunged himself into the void was also just textbook rick bullshit. Like grandfather like goddamn grandson.
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The ending to me was a little disappointing tbh I think I was hoping for a more,,, structured? Cliffhanger? Like we dk what’s gonna happen in this storyline instead of the introduction to a new storyline yk? MAYBEEE I’m just salty we have to wait another year for more you can’t prove anything.
Rick being borderline manic ab RP at the end was my favorite it’s nice to see him just rant ab anything really and like not make some bullshit elaborate Halloween house to take his anger out but just legit vent ab what this guys been doing to him for the past fucking 40 years. I didn’t even notice the ep was over when the credits rolled in my mind we were only like 10 minutes in and I lost my MIND when mr poopy butthole pulled up again good to see he’s thriving (kinda)
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On a final note when he called him Rick prime please let me know if I’m off but is that not an internet term for him? Like the fandom came up with it? Rick and morty writers are tumblerinas confirmed question mark?
And lastly: Neurotypical. Cooties.
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thedoodlersdomain · 2 years
So, i’m only now just watching ep 26 because I lost motivation to listen for a but BUT IM BACK AND HOLY SHIT. So here’s some live reactions to it:
Bit the inside or my lip while eating from laughing at the mental image of Link trying to do a pull up on the shower curtain and just tanking it
Normal is either gonna rock the style at 24 or it’s gonna look absolutely horrific-
I gotta hear the Butthole Ricochet album
Real organ dice would be fucking dope as hell
Ngl I genuinely wanna sign up for organ donation just to get those dice
SELL AN ORGAN FOR THE DICE (honestly i would)
Literally just finished ep 25 before starting this and i’m still in shock about what happened.
The mental image of Willy getting the shit beat out of him is so nice.
You get a mech suit, you get a mech suit, EVERYONE GETS A MECH SUIT. (Except for May)
oh shit may has magic hell yeah
God if I was frozen in place for two months I genuinely would never recover my fucking body would just stop i would never recover from that pain
gotta shake your head yes and nod it no
grant ;-;-;-;-; someone please get the li-wilson boys therapy
father-son bonding: panic attack pacing
Well now I relate to Taylor more because the feeling of having your braces tightened enough to make you lisp is too real for me that shit hurts so much
Taylor getting his life lessons from anime is literally me as a kid
Link now canonically has selective mutism in my mind and no one can convince me otherwise
Does Scary even know where the anchors are though because I thought it was only Normal that knew?
“Anyone can walk back from the darkness.” Ayo Will how can you just say these things and not expect me to be IN PAIN
Fucking goof dimension-
Lark is a mood as always
Sparrow ;-;-;
oh damn Normal-
Aaaaaand end of podcast lmao
Taylor is so fucking extra and I love it so much
oh shit initiative time
Taylor has 1000% been dreaming of having a break down like that
Give the white guy the nat 20
oh shit OH SHIT Y E S
psychologically devastation: the best attack type
Lark has zoomies now
o u c h
the li-wilson boys need therapy ;-;
oh damn
from nat 1 to nat 20 big up Taylor
yup totally planned difficult terrain
Taylor & Hermie have the best dynamic (still gives me whiplash to know he’s taylor’s uncle)
All hail the whale
fucking soy boy-
ah yes a kids movie where adults kidnap children
irl dm murder too test the accuracy of an attack is the real dnd life
rip terry ;-;-;-;-;
no take backsies
“anythings a parable if you take the wrong message from it” honestly Anthony do be speaking truth
i’m now evaluating the mental image I had of the whale because for some reason I really have been picturing just like a tiny pokémon sized whale in like a little cuboid fish tank and it’s taken this long for me to be like “oh wait. they said a whale and meant an actual whole ass whale. what the fuck-“
the whale of conflict creation
THE NINJA ROCKS HOLY FUXK (might start caring around ninja rocks in case i ever need to break a whale out of a tank to escape parents trying to stop me from stealing an amplifier with magic)
this entire plan was nearly all for nothing-
i need this episode animated in like a proper tom & jerry style cartoon episode
this is such a dumb episode i love it
Hermie really said ride or die
Rip the whale
HERMIE NOOOO ;-;-;-;-;
insight into the mind of taylor swift
BB banana skin marbles gag
ayo is Lark gonna drown-
hermie and taylor drown everyone challenge
this episode is so dumb i’m wheezing
sparrow please save your brother-
GRANT GOT KNOCKED UP I- what in the DC Joker
i love hermie so much ;-;
link ;-;
oh god what’s gonna happen
somethings gonna happen
O H M Y. G O D.
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midnightballet · 1 year
twin peaks & loss of innocence
I was rewatching twin peaks the other day, and season 2 ep 8s scene with Ben and Jerry reflecting on their childhood made me feel very oddly sad. I found my reaction to the scene a little strange, as I really don’t have much empathy for either of their characters, and I’ve been trying to understand what made that scene so captivating. I think it’s a combination of many things, number one being Angelo badalamenti’s amazing score, which in that scene was particularly enchanting, perfectly encapsulating feelings of childhood nostalgia. I think it was also the choppy, blurry way it was shot. I love the directing in this scene, it’s beautiful to watch. It was a story illustrated in snapshots and pictures, and the blurry childhood crush dancing with a flashlight truly felt like a memory that existed. It was like we were reliving the same memory with Ben and Jerry, the reminiscing seeped from the screen into our own hearts. Lastly, what I think I loved most about this scene was how it showed the change in the Horne brothers. It shows these two despicable men, menaces to women and society in general, and reminds us that once they were just smitten kids hiding in bunk beds. It’s an odd moment, because, as I said, you don’t really want empathize with these characters. But the scene makes us wonder, just like Jerry ask himself, what’s become of them? I think Lynch’s work asks questions like these a lot, what leads humans to commit acts of evil? At what point do we change from scared kids in bunk beds to abusers and murderers?
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kuramirocket · 4 years
The Russo family is one of the most toxic, abusive, and dysfunctional families I have ever seen. And yet, they truly love each other so much and always have each other's back, no matter how much they hurt and annoy each other.
̶W̶o̶w̶.̶.̶.̶ ̶J̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶f̶a̶m̶i̶l̶y̶ ̶:̶'̶D̶
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karihighman · 3 years
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I’m aware that this happened last night and not a lot of fans are happy about it. I’m not thrilled about the idea of Tim dating someone new either, but guess what? He’s allowed to because he isn’t in a relationship right now. Sure, he and Lucy have been flirting off and on, and there was the hug moment in 4x01 where things seemed to click for the both of them...but neither has made a clear move to propel their relationship forward beyond flirtation or this new partnership (sergeant/sergeant’s aide).
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Awareness is not the same thing as action. You can be aware of something and still choose to do nothing about it - which is what I suspect Tim’s doing with his feelings about Lucy. I think he’s been aware of them more since 4x01 but he’s also the one IMO that’ll push them down, distract, deflect, etc. whatever it takes to not confront them head on right now. Why? Because he’s probably afraid for what could happen if he did take a chance right now in this moment. They’re still sorting things out: Lucy’s still got grief over Jackson, she wants to take this new aide position seriously, she’s got Tamara to help out. Tim’s focusing on his sergeant duties and assisting Grey, and so yeah, I’m sure it kinda surprised him when he saw pretty blonde Ashley while out w/Jerry in the parking lot.
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I also think Tim made the first move to ask her out because she does look reminiscent of Isabel (his ex-wife). He’s comfortable with that (if that is a canon realization- for the sake of this, let’s say it is cause you really can’t deny the similar looks haha) - and he’s good with comfortable. I mean, hell, even Lucy knows this because she’s the one that said if she won the bet he’d have to “do something out of his comfort zone” of her choosing.
I also think Lucy’s more self-reflective than Tim is when it comes to her emotions. Sure, she may have just been hit in the face with her feelings in 4x01 like “holy sh!t I like this man as more than my former TO” but she is one to wear her heart on her sleeve, even when she doesn’t realize it. Y’all remember the pouting she did when Tim didn’t choose her originally as his gofer right? I think that even though Tim’s been aware of these feelings for longer, Lucy’s the one that’ll actually sort through them first.
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Either way, it’s gonna take time. It’s gonna take patience on our part as fans as we watch these new dynamics play out. Maybe Lucy will be flirted with on the job too; maybe she’ll get asked out. Maybe we’ll get jealous Tim. Or, maybe we’ll get jealous Lucy in the next ep because it’s their UC op and they’ll still want a rematch on the bet...and maybe Tim will mention his date w/Ashley. IDK. (No I seriously don’t know I’m just speculating here!) — but my point is, we don’t know what’ll happen until it happens. We just have to wait and see.
I think Tim’s heart is always with Lucy, and I think that’ll become more evident as time goes on, especially if they both do end up involved with other people. Hell, they flirted in the roll call room again in this episode AND had a full on flirty “fight” about the bet throughout the entire ep too. Nolan and Nyla noticed. I’m sure Jerry had to notice (would’ve been funny to see his reaction; then maybe the daughter thing wouldn’t have happened at all..?!)
I digress.
Let me just leave y’all with this. ⤵️
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PS: if you follow me on twitter then I said some of this on my personal account. But just my two cents. 🥴
top photo: ©️DGE Press / ABC
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allthegothihopgirls · 3 years
!!!TWD 11x10 SPOILERS!!
my take on the episode 11x10 of twd:
!!! heavy spoilers for the latest episode of the walking dead !!!
i took a while to get around to watching this episode because tbh the preview didn’t interest me too much. overall i’m not a big fan of the type of twd episodes that purely revolve around a perfect community and involve barely any walkers or conflict, like at the start of alexandria. this episode did pleasantly surprise me though.
as i said last time, my rants are in zero order so be prepared.
judith has taken my heart once again, her introducing herself as jude instead of judith has me thinking that we’re seeing a parallel to when the group arrived at alexandria which i’ll get into more later. but that first scene with jude, rj, and daryl in the “haunted house” i think really hints towards the whole idea that the commonwealth as a whole are so disconnected from what’s out there in a negative way. it also stuck out to me that judith and rj weren’t scared like normal kids which imo we might see change later as to convey they are softening the longer they stay in the commonwealth.
still on that scene, robert kirkman has confirmed that zombie media never existed in twd universe, it makes me think about the fact that the haunted house thing means they’re mocking the apocalypse that they’re living in which seems really weird and messed up to me.
jerry makes me so happy, he’s such a comic relief, his family is so cute too. love his relationship with zeke too, it’s so pure. 
daryl and rosita being on a team makes so much sense. it might have been subtle in the past but they’ve always gotten along morally and i think that relationship will be seen a lot more this season. i really think the downfall of the commonwealth will be on the hands of rosita, daryl, carol, and mercer.
zeke is scaring me, the way he’s giving away all his things and having moments with the people he loves can only make me think that he’s going to commit suicide knowing he can’t get the surgery on time, going out on his own terms. i think that plot line is necessary for carol’s character development with daryl and others too, as her plot atm seems to be majorly about saving zeke. correct me if i’m wrong, but i also recall him using past tense when telling ezra the happiness shiva’s leash gave him, which indicates he truly isn’t happy anymore.
seeing carol with those cookies was so awesome, once again a callback to alexandria and her whole housewife act which she seems to be doing again. i hope we see some more of her interacting with ppl from the commonwealth like tomi. carol’s back on her badass shit and i love that for her.
missing characters. maggie and hershel were pretty expected, but also people like lydia, aaron and gracie, that woman from kingdom, and others? those were a little unexpected. aaron not being in the commonwealth just about confirms my theory of aaron being on a conflicting side this season.
so off topic, but everyone was talking about daryl in the cw military armour in the trailer, but ohmygod i was not prepared to see rosita in it.
also i hate sebastian my god, can’t stand him.
there were so many parallels to the one alexandria indrouction ep this episode, the party, settling in to a new environment. i think jude getting that vinyl and being surprised by it was a callback to scenes like rick’s haircut. i really think if carl were still around for the cw he would have a reaction similar to daryl’s to alexandria.
the idea of classism in the cw is really interesting, especially after tomi and carol’s scene. there was a strong point in that scene, zeke being 147th on the list is quite unlikely in terms of severity, how many people can be dealing with a terminal illness there? not many. therefore that means the list must be based off class instead, which can go for a lot of things in the cw. i’m interested to see how this plays out later.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 3 years
Furuba S3 - Episode 8 - Thought Post - EP and MANGA SPOILERS!
This week sure has been something for both Funimation and Crunchyroll, huh? First, Funimation accidentally leaked this episode a few days early, then Crunchyroll uploaded this episode with the Episode 9 title and summary, lol.
Below are the notes that I took when I watched the episode on Saturday. I was at work and the wi-fi there isn’t always the best, so there would be some times where the episode would need to load. So this thought post is more of a live reaction type of post. I’ve since embellished some parts here and there (and have added screenshots), but didn’t really have too much else to add, since the focus of this episode is very self contained.
All I’ll add here is that the actual Japanese does match up with the subtitles when Kyo talks about “erasing” the memory, forgetting, and remembering, etc. Nothing is really being lost or twisted in translation (the same applies to the dub script too). I figured I’d mention that here, since I remember some people were wondering about this when all we had to go off of was the dub script and now that we can check, I thought it would be good to bring up. Anyway, let’s start!
 Jerry Jewel's performance! Stunning! All of the VAs (both EN and JP) did stunning voice work in this episode!
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 Tohru reflected in his eyes. Love it. It tells a lot visually.
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Twin-tail Kyoko!? Excuse me!? You can see Tohru and Kyoko’s resemblance here, I feel. Probably why they did that, lol.
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 Little Shonen Protagonist Kyo! T-T (I still really love the joke that Kyo is basically a shonen protagonist stuck in a shoujo, lol)
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The bamboo framing when Kyoko showed the hat. For Kyo, the hat works as an item that lets him continue to project and redirect his issues and anger onto others. But it is also an item that brings about a sense of defeat and entrapment, so showing it framed by the bamboo, highlights this, since the Cat’s Room is also surrounded by bamboo. 
The hat also works in contrast for Yuki’s and his perspective on it. To him, the hat signified freedom, help, and comfort. Even the way he “gets” it from Kyo implies this, since we have Kyo responding to Kazuma in the scene, while Yuki was all alone and hurting when the hat came to him. I love how the hat works as an item that symbolizes different things depending on the character perspective you are looking at it from.
 Baby Kyo's voice is so good! *A*
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Amazing transitions and sequences with Kyo reaching out to Kyoko during the accident! Honestly, that bit is the most breathtaking moment in this episode.
Putting the rest under a Read More because of length and some MANGA SPOILER talk!
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The symbolism of Kyo seeing the scene with his mother and father only through a small hole in the shoji door, it shows how little Kyo didn't fully understand what happened with his mother and father. How he only had a small, one-sided view of the situation and how the true depth of what was going on there was still a bit out of his reach and understanding as a child. This is a change from how it was depicted in the manga, where Kyo show both of his parents in full view. I like this change a lot.
Some of the episode does feel a bit redundant though. But it really is only like two or so moments and scenes. There was kinda no helping that. I don’t know though, a part of me thinks they could have condensed some of this monologue a bit more and not sacrificed any of the emotional impact. But, it is what it is, and I still really love the episode regardless (it also doesn’t feel anywhere near as bad as Season 1, Episode 8, where the endless amount of flashbacks in that episode just felt like padding and nothing else).
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I really like how they drew Kyo’s face here, when he says that it was "Yuki's fault" to Kazuma during the trip to the mountains. They really made sure to capture the same look he had in the manga and make sure that look translated into how that was the mantra keeping him going and how somewhat crazed he was. They captured his likeliness to his birth father in that scene as well. They did a really good job with Kyo’s facial expressions in this week’s episode.
Excellent how they pan over to Yuki while Kyo is talking about how he would redirect his anger and issues and problems onto Yuki. I’ve talked about this already, but this shows how this episode is meant to parallel S1, E24.
Ohh, Kyo jumping onto the tree branch. I don't know why that little moment caused me to chuckle, but it did, lol.
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Tohru's face after she tells him she loves him is so pretty! T0T This is Tohru’s face from Kyo’s perspective. There is hurt and pain there in her expression, but I’ve always been of the mind that that is a good thing. Tohru is able to express herself openly and honestly with him, showing hurt, pain, and anger, emotions that she normally hides from others. I also really like that we don't get to see her face when she actually says “I love you!” We see it from Yuki’s POV, who doesn’t have the full picture, but still knows enough. He gets to see this premature, mistimed confession, while the actual confession is something we get to see from Kyo’s POV (in the manga, anyway) and there we get to see Tohru’s full smiling face.
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I’m glad they included that small, little moment. Not only for the foreshadowing and to show Akito’s (continued) unstable state of mind, but also how it breaks up the scene. But, also, now that I’m looking at it with the subtitles on the bottom, it is also very interesting that we have Kyo talking about “confessing his sins” over an image of a “god” character who has committed some actual sins. I feel that can be its own post though.
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 I like how they showed Kyo going one way and Yuki going the other. This is something Yuki notes later in the manga, but it is nice to see how the anime can bring life to those small moments and things. 
 They kept the ED too. The picture frame is still broken. I expect it will be for a while still.
I'm laughing at the dissonance between the ending of this episode and the tone of the ED. I love the ED though! <3 
This episode was great individually and I think they, overall, did an excellent job of making an episode that consisted mostly of two people standing and talking in the rain interesting and dynamic. The slow down here was handled well. I'm still worried a bit about the overall pacing, but I do trust TMS.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 3 years
Beth’s Memory Loss Arc, Part 1
Okay, gonna take a crack at this. I started thinking about this because I have an Ask in my inbox about what we think will happen with all the memory loss stuff. (I was totally going to post it at the beginning of this theory, but I somehow accidentally deleted it. Sorry Nonny. But this is me answering it in long form. ;D)
Meanwhile, my fellow theorists and I had talked the idea of Beth having memory loss recently. I started just going through it in my head—how to lay it out, etc.—and it started sparking other thoughts.
Okay, so I started thinking about all the “remember” or “memory” stuff around Beth. We have a lot of indications, mostly through dialogue, of there being a memory arc for Beth. There’s the “I forgot about you” from Inmates, 
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them asking if she remembered her name at Grady, etc. 
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But the one I sort of homed in on was one someone mentioned a few days ago from the fight in Still. In talking (yelling) to Daryl about Sophia, she said, “I remember.” I kept thinking about that, going back to it, etc. Something about it was bugging me, but I didn’t immediately know what.
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So instead, I first focused on what my fellow theorists and I talked about from the 10x21 template. Remember that in that episode, Carol chases a rat around the kitchen. We have a theory that Carol chasing rat = Carol “chasing” Beth and memory loss might play into that.
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I’ve said a lot of this before, I think Daryl will probably hear something of Rick and come to believe he’s alive, but no one else will hear it. He’ll announce that he’s going to find Rick and Carol will go with him. Not because she believes Rick is alive, but because much like the beginning of FM, she’s worried about his mental state and him losing his reality again. (This will especially be true if by then, Leah has been shown to be a hallucination, or that Daryl is remembering his interactions with her incorrectly.)
So, Daryl and Carol hop on the bike and they go. At some point, Carol will want to leave. I haven’t worked out exactly why, yet. Originally, I thought maybe it would that Zeke will have had his fake out and she’ll find out he’s alive, but based on the ep 21 template, I actually don’t think she’ll know that, yet. She and Jerry talk about wishing Zeke were there with them, so I think at this point, she’ll still think Zeke has died.
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Whatever the reason, she’ll want to go to some other place, but she’ll want Daryl to come with her. I think it will be a lot like their final meeting in FM with her begging him to come “back” with her and him saying, “nope. Look, you aren’t going to lose me. I just got stuff to do.” In this case, it’ll be “nope. I’m looking for Rick. Later, Carol.”
And they’ll separate, which is what Divergent was all about and a major foreshadow of.
So then, wherever Carol goes, she’ll run into Beth (Rat). We think that maybe the reason for Carol chasing Rat around is because she’ll be chasing Beth around, because Beth has no memory, or only shotty memory, of her. As I talked about in the Charleston template, Beth will be busy trying to get her own people back and probably won’t give Carol the time of day. (It also occurs to me that if Beth STARTS to remember things, she may run from them, simply out of fear of what she’ll find out. But that’s the novelist in me coming out.)
But what I really want to focus on is what happens at the end of ep 21. Remember how I kept harping on how Carol and Jerry’s reaction to Rat scurrying between them was weird? Yeah, I maintain that. I get that people can be frightened of rats and such. If they were going for that with Jerry, I would have rather seen him jump up in the air and squeal. Just cuz it would have been funnier. But his reaction didn’t say frightened to me. More like…in awe. He actually said, “Is that…?” 
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And Carol said, “Yeah.” And she seemed full of joy and awe as well.
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Is that…what? A rat? Um…duh? Their reactions just make no sense to me. Jerry says that almost as though he recognizes the rat. As though it’s a celebrity rat he’s seeing at Sundance or something.
My point is, I think it’s purposeful and it’s functioning as a foreshadow and a template for what’s to come. I think Rat escaping represents Beth getting her memory back.
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So, maybe it’ll be something like Carol doing everything she can—telling her stories, reminding her of places, conversations, people, telling her Maggie still lives, etc.—to get Beth to remember, but, at least as far as she knows, it’s not working, and Beth is still “hiding” from her. The thing about Rat is that after trying all night to chase him out, once Carol accepted things and stopped trying so hard, the rat got out on its own. I’m wondering if that represents that after all that, Beth will just sort of remember on her own. The memory will come back.
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Let me interject something about Zeke, because it’s another possible interpretation here. I said I didn’t think Carol would know about Zeke being alive yet, and that’s mostly because of the convo her and Jerry have at the end. They specifically talk about missing Ezekiel and wishing he were there with them. That tells me that when we see the events this foreshadows, they will believe he’s dead, or at least missing.
So, their strange reaction to the rat COULD represent Zeke showing up alive as well. Jerry saying, “is that…?” with wonder and joy could point to that. But does it? Meh. I don’t know. I don’t think Rat represents Zeke for most of this episode. So I think it’s more likely to be Beth. But I would LOVE it if Zeke returned just as Beth got her memory back, and we had a two-fer. I don’t know that the writers would be quite that generous, but we can hope, right?
To take it a step further (into the “what changed your mind” template), I think that at some point after that, Carol will “call” Daryl to tell him about Beth. Probably on a radio or walkie, which will fulfill a lot of the symbolism we’ve seen around that. This, I think, is what their final meeting in Find Me foreshadows. That he just won’t believe her. Maybe he’ll think she’s being cruel because she wants him to stop looking for what she considers a phantom of Rick. He’ll refuse.
But notice that in FM, when he suddenly changes his mind, he doesn’t go to Carol. He goes back to Leah, and it’s to a different place than where Carol is. I was also thinking about the fact that the rat leaves Carol. It’s not like they made friends and she took it as a pet, and it hung out in the house with her. It takes off on its own. So, I think even though Beth and Carol will find each other, they’ll separate again after that. But maybe Carol knows where Beth is and when she talks to Daryl, she tells him to go find Beth. Hence, in FM, when he suddenly “changes his mind,” he goes to where he thinks Leah will be.
The point is, once Beth gets her memory back, it’ll just be a matter of time before she and Daryl reunite. (Yea!)
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But then there’s that pesky “I remember” from Still, right? I DEFINITELY have some stuff to say about what that one might mean. But I’ll talk about that tomorrow. Stay tuned. 
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Fandom meme: Rick and Morty
Send me a Fandom !
Character I first fell in love with: Honestly, both Rick and Morty in equal measure and pretty much at the same time ‘cause they were both together in the very first scene (although for different reasons). I remember watching the Pilot for the very first time and going like “omg who the fuck are these two idiots”. I kinda never went past the first ep back then, but when I picked up the show again a couple of years later, I had the same reaction plus “bloody hell, I’m in love”.
Character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Space Beth. She looks a bit clichéd, especially at the start of the ep, but damn, she turns absolutely badass. And I love how she works through her conflicting feelings for Rick while dealing with the whole cloning ordeal. She really finds the guts to stand her ground and say “fuck it”, directs her anger not towards her other self, but towards the one who actually deserves it (Rick), and in the end she decides that she doesn’t care because, all considered, she’s happy with herself and her choices and she couldn’t give a damn about giving Rick any satisfaction. And she enables Earth Beth to do the same, which is freaking awesome.
Character everyone loves but I don’t: Unpopular opinion, but Diane. It’s not that I dislike her or anything, I just...couldn’t care less for her? I see her significance in the show and, especially, in Rick’s backstory, but she’s basically a plot point for me and nothing more. I don’t even know why I’m so indifferent to her.
Character I love but everyone else hates: I can’t think of anyone that fits the “everyone hates” part, but I think we can say that I absolutely love a character most people don’t care for or dislike, which is Evil Rick. We see the guy once and he is not even himself because he’s been controlled by Evil Morty, but...my brain went nuts creating ideas for him and I’m really attached to those HCs.
Character I used to love but don’t any longer: Uhmmm, I don’t think there’s one? Mostly because we don’t really get to see much of the characters that aren’t the main five, so usually my impression of them stays the same. Maybe, maybe, maybe Birdperson? I still like him a lot, but...idk, he looked cooler as a character when they firstly introduced him I guess.
Character I would kiss: Summer. Be it platonically or not, whatever she wants xD While she isn’t my fave character (she’s in the top 5 tho), I truly enjoy her character and like her as a “person” too. She’s hardly the best (but let’s be honest, no one in there is), but I find her approach to all the bullshit she’s faced with realistic and kinda admirable too. I’d love to have her as a best friend. She seriously rocks.
Character I want to slap: Let is be put in the record that I felt like slapping everyone at some point, aside from Summer and Doofus Rick, I guess I’m gonna pick Jerry for this one. For the mere fact that he’s so good ar looking harmless and pathetic that no one ever felt like actually slapping him. But damn if he doesn’t deserve it.
A pairing I love: Anyone who has just glanced at my blog can see that it’s screaming “Rickorty” in capital letters. There’s a ton of things I could say about why I like this pairing (and I’m talking both c137 Rickorty and almost any other version of Rick and Morty...yes, even the Evil pair. Especially the Evil pair), but I’m trying to keep this short and sweet so I won’t xD instead, I’m just gonna name another pairing I really like, and which unfortunately doesn’t get much love, aka Beth & Space Beth (they’re so sweet and badass and you gotta love the way they rock together).
A pairing I hate: I have a few pairings I dislike, but if I had to pick one that really hits my nerves I’d say Morty/Planetina (I wrote a 7k words coda to that episode because the conclusion left me totally unsatisfied, but nvm that). I guess it’s mostly because I really can’t stand her (she’s a huge hypocrite, like the Vindicators, and I gotta agree with a lot of the shit Rick says about all of them because yeah, he’s a total dick about it, but he has a lot of good points). The relationship per se is something Morty can learn from, but outside of that I didn’t enjoy a single moment of it. They aren’t even remotely cute, even if they are presented as such. And it feels like the foundation of whatever feelings they develop for each other are just all wrong, if you get what I mean.
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sohma-stan · 4 years
Episode 9 Reaction
Well that was a lot to take in!
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Starting off strong; this opening was perfect.
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Sometimes there are these moments that just describe a character so well. Like how on brand is Shigure keeping one eye open and one closed when shits going down? Lol I also just love any scene that makes me laugh out loud when intended to be funny, see next slide
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I had to pause here to fully get the laughs out of my system before moving on lol it just was not what I expected to see. 😂 Does this not give anyone else the “what the fuck is up miss honda” vibes?? Honestly, I’m like okayyyy with it now because let’s be real this is not the same level of nope that we’ve had in the past *cough*YEET*cough*, but I still don’t get it.
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I was really unsure about this addition, but I think it worked well in the end. These are the same ropes/bonds that are shown in the very first scene of Fruits Basket and I love how they are light in that scene, but dark here to show that the bond overtime has become a curse. These “bonds” are actually subtlety in the manga, so I’m not really bothered by them I’m just more annoyed that this is the first time Takaya’s imagery like this is being used and turned into a larger element in a scene. Like why just this one specific moment? Why not add in more of the visual hints like this and make it a significant part of the anime? The black paint, feathers, etc.
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I had this idea in my head that if something ended up being cut it would be this scene, so I was overjoyed not only that it was here, but it was done perfectly! It’s the little things!
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His “Tohru?” here with the silence uughhh this was everything. 😭
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I did not like the music here. Parts of it were good and I loved it when it transitioned to Kyo running, but to me it didn’t feel right for the tone in the conversation with Kazuma.
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I just...melted during this moment.
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What is this neck?? 😂 It’s just not the Beach Arc without weirdly drawn necks I guess.
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This was a highly anticipated moment for me and while I loved it I don’t think it was made apparent enough for anime onlys. There’s a lot going on at the end of this episode, so I can see how it might have been missed or mistaken as possibly being Kyo’s mother. Kyo resigning to share what little time he has left with Tohru is heartbreaking. I can’t wait for Tohru to start pushing against that!
Just also want to say that the VAs did incredible this episode!! I always enjoy their performances so much.
Overall, I’m still leaning toward episode 7 as my favorite... To me it oddly feels like there was more care put into that episode than this one. I dont know, the dub may help this ep hit harder for me emotionally. Every time I read these chapters it’s Jerry’s voice in my head (although that might make my expectations too high 😬).
Next week is going to be another wild one!
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noirfos · 4 years
Prodigal Son S2E1
Yo I just watched the first ep of the new season and wow I have Feelings
Here are my live reactions from throughout the episode and yeah spoilers obviously
Martin singlehandedly preventing COVID because “contact tracing is easy when your prisoners don’t have any rights” 😂
“Shower time not as lively as I’d been led to believe”
“Global pandemic, systemic racism, great time for a young black woman to be a cop” Damn they didn’t play around
“I can fire these people, right?”
Edrisa and Bright being excited nerds about decapitation
“You guys know I collect murder weapons... that’s not weird.”
Edrisa looking at Bright with bright loving eyes while he describes procuring a guillotine
“Good stuff, Jer. I’m in hell. Hell.”
“I’m going for motherly chic”
Malcolm has so many issues whoo boy the mess in that dungeon
Michael Sheen is such a good actor holy schnood Rest In Peace Jerome
OhmyGOD he didn’t kill Jerry he unscrambled his brain sksocuwndpguahg
Bright is about to be murdered and he’s still there like “Yeah my axe is actually 9th century”
“I lied I’m great with a Scimitar, ask anyone on the Harvard fencing team”
Damn we really got a whole axe vs scimitar fight
Oh shit the line that Dani had in the beginning was foreshadowing when the backup showed up and they pulled on JT DAMN THE WRITERS ARE NOT MESSING AROUND
“You’re a good cop, JT... I’m lookin at two of the best. And whatever Bright is.” Gil rly comin in like a great dad
“Let’s! Talk! Turkey! By which! I mean! Murder!”
Is there not audio recording in Martin’s cell? How is it that no one hears their murder conversations and goes hmmm that’s a bit of a red flag
“What happened to Jerry?” “I took care of him. No, I literally took care of him. His doctors are now taking my advice to try electroconvulsion therapy.”
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twaigfraggle · 4 years
I wasn’t kidding
Twaigs Fave eps watch through ep 1- Let the water run
The doc and sprocket stuff is cute I love em both dearly
So ThAtS wHeRe ThE cHeEsE gRaTeR wEnT
Gobos little gasp and the “oh I got it” are adorable
The implication that boober is colorblind
Hey red isn’t there anything we can do?
Say no
Good I’ve got socks to wash
Kills me every time
Wembleys little eye roll and boobers oh wow during do it on my own are amazing
Karen’s vocals in do it on my own are so cute. This is probably my favorite red song strictly for the vocals, there’s a lot I wanna know is another one I like for the same reason.
The gorgs are one of my favorite parts in this ep
HeLlO mR pUmP
Mokey and Wembley are a really cute duo and they were criminally underused together.
It’s so..It’s so..
The pipe bangers have arrived
Their little hattttts
Sprocket looking to the camera like he’s on the office 👀
DoO dOo DoO hErE cOmEs ThE wAtEr
DoO dOo DoO wHeRe Is ThE wAtEr?
There is no water
DoO dOo DoO tHeRe Is No WaTeR
DoO dOo DoO tHeRe Is- N O W A T E R
Reds main focus being her swim show is the right amount of selfish. I love her so much
Pa doing battles in the bath is adorable
YoU bEt HeS uPsEt He HaS a TiCkEt To My ShOw!
The post card banter between gobo and red always makes me chuckle
The little girl sharing her umbrella with Matt was soft
Gobo: Don’t worry I’ll keep an eye on her
My heart: 💓
Red trying to get into outer space is cute she’s trying her best
You can kinda see Karen’s head when red says No during her talk with Gobo
You can see the bottom of gobo and maybe Jerry’s arm after red says she can’t do it
Ah yes my inner robo beast has finally been fed and can go back into hibernation
Also is it robo or ged? I like Robo more then Ged but I’m not picky
Red getting dragged by the end of the umbrella
The song let the water run was cute I love it to death
Ah yes gobo the best reaction to getting kissed is to go “wow”
That peck on the cheek fed my inner robo beast for atleast three day’s. (Also pls don’t hate me for liking robo Ik gobos a rat but I love him)
Like that makes me laugh so hard (see video at the bottom)
This episode is cute I give it an 8/10
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