dawnofiight · 30 days
Presenting: Hs Marie Sketch
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Do you guys like how I refuse to do background 90% of the time?
Tag list (if you wanna be added just tell me I'm nice c:)
@ashertickler gay ass
If you want to be taken off tell me. I won't yell and scream and cry or anything like that .. probably
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existennialmemes · 1 year
You've heard of "Hangry" but what do we call it when I am so very sleepy that it is making me
✨ a Fountain of Rage ✨
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gingerbravecookie · 8 months
sweet little bumblebee i know wjat you want from me tuturuturu rara tuturuturu rara sweet little bumblebee more than just a fantasy tuturuturu rara tuturuturu rara wooooooooooh tuturuturu rara tuturuturu rara
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arcaneyouth · 3 days
the worst part about how much i fell behind on my tasks this week is i have to catch up while still not being at 100% and it's so annoying. like yeah i could do all this. if i was feeling good. but i wouldn't have fallen behind if i had felt good all week now would i.
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aliteralgremlin · 1 month
Omega tired rn, but had the unge to draw something, so i tried something with a bit more challenging shape, so here’s my tired and very rough sketch of Sebastian Solace
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ritzcrackee · 7 months
building a pink loft bed which is actually so butch so masc of me
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andysdrafts · 3 months
one day, I'll post my presentation, but not today nuh-uh
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glissandolight · 6 months
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partypanic · 8 months
Think I accidentally might’ve yippiefied my family. They all got a ’yippie’ (or other variations) stim after I got a ’yippie’ stim
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the--plant · 1 year
tumhy wche
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favesgrave · 1 year
goddd i want to draw and write so bad but school leaves me so exhausted
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broke-on-books · 1 year
Spent like 1.5 hours making a graphic for ONE PART of my Spanish project only for it to get to blurred it becomes unreadable when I put in on my website.... this is hell world
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crowliancrone · 2 years
It's always a 50/50 if Tumblr is gonna let me post or not. Anyways here's Connie and James.
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asmolbirb · 1 year
ah. today has badwrong vibes. it’s a misery wednesday bois
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captaindibbzy · 1 year
I shouldn't have to work for a living. I'm a special little princess. I should be pampered and loved and adored. 😔 A tragedy.
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horrorgirlreads · 1 year
Current mood: the 10 second scream towards the end of Slipknot's Vermillion
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