poke-cove · 8 months
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kaiser1ns · 5 months
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𝗶𝘁𝗼𝘀𝗵𝗶 𝗿𝗶𝗻 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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╹synopsis :: in an attempt to win once again, rin is betrayed by his own children who seemed to love their mother more.
╹contents :: domestic life with rin, characters are 25 years old, FLUFF, the kids betrayed rin wopsie, personal headcanon is that when he grows up he tends to be more gentle but only for you tho <3
╹notes :: posting this and going into hibernation again , I am cooking up some fics and drabbles tho
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Never in your life would you have guessed and expected that you would have a family not with anyone, but with Itoshi Rin. The sixteen year old boy who ignored your existence but always gave you his English notes. The boy who always listened to your complaining during breaks, that you are thirsty or hungry and when you left the classroom and came back there was always a strawberry milk with a chocolate cupcake on your desk.
The boy who is now your husband, a successful young footballer who at only 25 years of age has a lot of achievements — in career and personal paths of course. Winning another treble with his team, he had a break during the summertime where he could spend more time with you and the twins — Haruto and Hinata.
Rin had never thought he would be a good father, that he would be a father at all if he was being honest with himself. But the miracle happened and now there are two little nine-month-old babies waiting to be fed sitting in their high chairs.
You sit at the kitchen table, feeding Haruto and Hinata their breakfast while Rin sips his coffee, a soft smile adoring his now more matured face as he watches the three of you. He was smitten by how fast you adapted to parenthood because just twenty years ago you were kids playing house taking care of the many baby dolls you had and now the game came into life.
"He's trying to stand again," you say, glancing over at Haruto, who's attempting to pull himself up on the edge of his high chair.
Rin looks over at his son, who looks exactly like you, but can't get by without the genes and the visible lower eyelashes. "Hinata's been babbling non stop. I swear she probably got that from you." Setting his cup down wiping the mashed potatoes from his daughter's mouth. As for her, she is Rin's copy , as you sometimes tend to joke that Rin and Hinata look more like twins instead of her brother.
Rolling your eyes at his comment as Haruto took another spoon of the puree. "Well, it's good that she is trying to say her first words." Looking at your husband with this glint in your eyes that now spark and he just knows that this stare is up for no good. "But with you always staying quiet, I think, it will take her way more time to say the two syllables."
Rin raised an eyebrow. "Careful who you are challenging now." As the babies giggle and play with their food, you and him engage in a staring contest, each silently daring the other to back down.
"I bet Haruto will walk first," you declared confidently, eyeing the little boy as he was just playing with his food along with his sister. Rin scoffed, furrowing his brows as he crossed his arms. "Hinata will definitely beat him to it. She's already trying to stand on her own and talk."
Just then, amidst the 'fight' a glob of potato puree escapes Haruto's grasp and lands on Rin's shirt, much to your amusement and his dismay.
"See, even your son disagrees with you," you replied, unable to contain your laughter as you got a napkin to wipe the mess off your husband's shirt.
Rin's expression softened, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips despite his annoyance. "Looks like Haruto is already making his own statements," he remarked, glancing down in an attempt to be angry at his son for throwing the mashed potatoes but he just couldn't. Not when he looked so cute, with his little baby eyes that were the same color as yours, it was really scary how each of you had a little copy of yourself.
"Maybe he's trying to tell us that he's ready for solid foods," You joked, reaching for another napkin to clean up the rest of the mess on your son's chair.
Rin shook his head, going to take a sip of his cold coffee, "Or maybe he's just following in his mother's steps to be a troublemaker." he teased, earning a playful swat on the arm from you making him nearly choke. "Oh, please! Just because I had detention twice in highschool doesn't mean anything."
"And why did you have detention?" That you didn't like to answer because he will again make fun of you for doing it when you were kids. "You know why, Rinnie."
He actually doesn't know because they didn't want the reputation of the school to be tarnished and kept it secret between the teachers and people involved.
"How lukewarm, and I wanted to show our kids who not to take an example from." Rin said, reaching out to tickle Haruto's chubby cheeks as if seeking his son's support in his quest for answers. A small smile playing on your lips despite your attempt to stay neutral. "Fine, fine. I may have... uh, taken matters into my own hands when some idiots decided to talk shit about you," you admitted shyly, trying to downplay the seriousness of the situation.
Rin's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You got detention for defending me?" he couldn't believe it, actually he can, sometimes you get aggressive, be it because of people who shit talk him, a video game, or the fact that your favorite flavor of ice cream was out of stock. "That's... You are actually insane."
For once you expected something romantic to come out of his mouth but having big expectations can only let you down. You didn't mind though, that was his way of showing his appreciation and apparently it was sarcasm with witty remarks. "Well, you know, I couldn't just stand by and let them bully you," you mumbled, busying yourself with cleaning up Hinata's highchair now, trying to avoid further discussion on the topic. "At least they stopped messing around with you."
Rin reached over, gently lifting your chin with his finger to meet his gaze. "Thank you, Y/N," the tenderness in his voice and the love in his eyes told you enough. And you felt sixteen again when you got your first kiss. Leaning closer his nose touching yours, his lips barely brushing against yours , suddenly the babies started crying, interrupting the moment. With a soft sigh, you pulled away, smiling apologetically at Rin before rushing to attend to the crying babies. Rin glared at the twins for momentarily stealing his wife's attention. And he wonders, from where did they get to be so clingy?
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Changed and cleaned, Haruto and Hinata played with their toys on the soft rug in the living room, as you and Rin sat on the couch, enjoying a rare moment of relaxation and not changing diapers or removing food from your clothes but instead watched Mickey Mouse Club House.
Suddenly, your attention was drawn to Hinata, who was attempting to pull herself up using the fence of their playing crib. "Look, Rin, she's trying to stand!" Y/N exclaimed, excitement evident in her voice. Didn't Rin bet on Hinata being the first to talk? “Quick open your camera, if I don't have this moment recorded, I swear Itoshi!”
Rin quickly reached for his phone as you went inside the mini playground. "It's recording, calm down," he said, already tapping on the record button.
Hinata wobbled on her tiny legs, her little giggles with a gasp of surprise, she took her first uncertain steps, stumbling slightly before falling into Y/N's waiting arms.
Your heart swelled with joy as you hugged Hinata close. "You did it, sweetheart! You took your first steps!"
Meanwhile, Haruto, who had been watching his sister intently, seemed to be trying to do something. Suddenly, he blurted out, "Mama!"
You and your husband exchanged stunned glances, eyes wide with disbelief. "Did he just...?" Rin trailed off as he was trying to process everything.
"I think he did," you replied, voice trembling with emotion. Tears of happiness welled up in your eyes as you looked at Rin, Haruto crawling to you as you placed Hinata on your left.
Rin's expression mirrored yours as he stared at the children, phone still in his hand, "I can't believe it,”
“Me too… Our babies grew so fast, oh my I need to call both of our moms and tell them about this!”
“They prefer you instead of me...” As you reached for your phone, Rin pouted "I didn't know I had 3 babies instead of 2." His mock hurt expression made you burst into laughter.
Grinning, you teased, "Well, Haruto seems to be leaning towards Mama, but don't worry, I'm sure Hinata's first word will be Dada."
As if on cue, Hinata reached out towards Rin, her tiny fingers curling around his shirt sleeve. Rin's heart melted at the sight, and he scooped her up into his arms, pressing a kiss to her rosy cheek. "Looks like she's already practicing saying 'Dada'," you said, unable to hide the happy tone in your voice. One thing was for sure that Hinata was daddy's girl and you will practice saying da-da just for Rin to have his moment of glory.
“Do you want to go to call Isagi and brag about our kids?"
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©2024 kaiser1ns do not copy, repost or modify my work.
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hotgirlgraps · 1 year
hook x female reader??? reader is ricky starks' cousin and hook falls madly in love with her by is super shy around her at first so he does little cute things like offer her some chips, let her touch his hair, etc
Loved writing this for you! I hope you love it!
Warnings: I mean he’s so shy and sweet and a total simp if that’s a warning?? angst between him and ricky over you 🤭
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There was someone he hadn’t seen before following Ricky around. He caught sight of you once and kept stealing glances multiple times after that. He didn’t want to get caught staring so he kept his hood low over his eyes but he couldn’t help himself.
He felt a little nervous when Ricky spotted him leaning up against the wall pretending to look at something on his phone after he snatched his eyes away from you. Ricky headed towards him and you followed, stopping in front of him.
“Hey man” Ricky says as he throws his arm around your shoulders. “This is my cousin, Y/N. She just got signed.” Ricky states proudly. “Y/N, this is hook.”
You were already familiar with him but never saw him in person. You would be lying if you said he wasn’t intimidatingly attractive, what with his dark eyes that stared directly into yours and the smooth, easy smile that spread across his lips, exposing a dimple. He gave you a little wave, feeling awkward when he did it but he tried to avoid that.
“Hey” he grins.
“Hi” you beam back.
You stared back at each other for a couple seconds before Ricky unwrapped his arm from your shoulders. “Hooks been a good friend of mine for a while now. You’ll probably be seeing him around a lot when he’s not hibernating” he teased, earning hooks head to drop.
“Looking forward to that.” You softly spoke, and he felt his cheeks slightly burn when you did.
“Come on, I’m hungry” Ricky said, and that’s when hooks ears perked up. “I was about to go to catering too” he says as he pushes himself off the wall. Ricky waved him along and you tried not to show that you were feeling a little excited that he was tagging along.
He walked beside you, stuffing his phone in his pocket as his arm brushed yours thanks to how narrow the hallway was. “So you’re showing her around?” Hook asks Ricky.
“Yeah, introducing her to people and all that.” He says as you walk between the two of them. “She’s pretty much met everyone except for you. Figured you were lurking in the shadows like you always do when I couldn’t find you last week” he chuckled, making you do the same.
Now he wished he wouldn’t have been sitting in the locker room listening to music after his match last week. Maybe he would’ve met you sooner.
“Damn I hate that.” He says before he actually realized it. That was supposed to stay in his head. Thankfully it didn’t seem like Ricky or you caught it.
“You can go sit down. I’ll bring you something. Hook, you want anything?” Ricky asked as you entered catering.
“Nah man, I’m good.” He shakes his head as he sits down at the first table. You slowly take the seat across from him.
“So” you smile at him, and apparently that smile was contagious. “You’re nicer than you seem on tv”
His heart might have fluttered at the fact that you already knew who he was. He probably should’ve expected that but he didn’t.
“Yeah, I think I am, at least.” He chuckles as he runs his hands through his wild hair. “You uh, gonna be in the ring soon?” He was making conversation, aiming to learn a little more about you, but trying to be discreet about that.
“Next week” you nod, clearly proud to say that. “I’ll be making my debut and I’m so excited. But I’m also nervous.”
“I was too.” He tells you. “I remember calling my mom right before I had my first match and telling her how my heart felt like it was gonna explode. But when you get out there, it’s different. You kind of forget how nervous you were and snap into it. And when it’s over all you want is to do it again.”
You listened intently, taking note of the way he spoke and the eye contact he held the entire time, barely even blinking.
Just then Ricky came back with three slices of pizza, passing them out. “Don’t tell me you’re not hungry, I know you’re always hungry so shut up and eat.” He tells hook who drops his head to hide the laugh.
Ricky sits down next to you and takes a bite, chewing rather aggressively. “You don’t have to eat like that.” You glare when he smacks his lips. “Just eat like a normal person for once.”
Hook chuckled as he took a bite of his pizza.
“I went and got you pizza so quit complaining and eat.” Ricky says with a mouth full. You rolled your eyes but took a bite and felt thankful since you were so hungry.
“So” Ricky breaks the silence after a few moments. “Y/N tell you she’s about to have her first match next week?” He looks at hook who’s eyes keep trying to go back to you but he fights against it and nods. “Yeah, she did.”
“I feel sorry for anyone who steps in the ring with her man. You should see the shit she can do.”
That’s when hook did look back at you and caught the smile across your lips when he said, “I imagine so.”
A couple minutes later, after you were all finished eating, Ricky looked at the time. “Shit, my match is starting soon.” He says. “Come on, I’ll show you where the viewing room is. You can wait for me back there.”
You nodded but wished you didn’t have to leave. You stood up and offered hook a single wave and a smile before you left. He nodded his head and sat there after the seats in front of him were empty, wishing they weren’t.
You were sitting in the viewing room waiting for Ricky’s match to start when the door opened, and to your surprise, in came hook.
“Hey” you greeted him and slid over, making room on the couch.
“Hey” he nodded, sitting down with a little distance between you. “I didn’t have anywhere else to be. My match isn’t for another hour so, I figured I’d watch Ricky’s match too.”
You nodded back, dropping your head to keep from smiling too hard. He adjusted the collar of his hoodie and leaned back against the cushions, then you heard the sound of a bag crumpling and saw that he had pulled a bag of Doritos out of his hoodie pocket.
He ate three before he became self conscious about how loud his chewing sounded. He glanced over at you with your eyes on the screen but you were aware of his gaze.
“You want some chips?” He asked, extending the small bag.
You looked down at it, but shook your head. “Those are my favorite but I’m good. Thank you though.”
He wanted to finish them but he felt so awkward being the only one eating so he folded the bag and stuffed it back in his pocket.
He kept stealing glances of you, wanting to ask you so many questions but he couldn’t get the words out. You were watching the screen with a bunch of questions of your own on the tip of your tongue. You were just a little more confident than he was.
“So I’ve always wondered this, but do you style your hair like that or do you let it just do whatever?” You asked without looking at him. A dust of pink blushed his cheeks and he looked down when he felt it.
“Usually yeah, I just let it do what it wants.” He says as he runs his hands through it. He glanced back over to see you watching as he ran his hands through it and fluffed the roots.
“Can I touch it?” You chuckled, cause it sounded weird to ask. But you always wondered if it was soft and fluffy or if it was more like porcupine spikes.
He smirked and tilted his head towards you, silently giving you the answer.
“Soft” you said as you ran your hand over the ends.
“Did you think it wasn’t?”
“Sometimes it looks a little spiky.” You tell him, and he couldn’t help but to laugh at that.
Just then, Ricky came through the door and you both realized you didn’t even know the match had ended. He stopped as soon as he saw you and hook sitting next to each other and a strange look played on his face.
“Hey again, hook” he deadpanned.
Hook could tell that him being in the room alone with you wasn’t sitting right with Ricky and he wasn’t sure what to say about that. He nodded and stood up. Ricky eyed him for a minute before his eyes fell on you.
“I was gonna let you know I’m going to the weight room if you wanted to come.” But you shook your head.
“Actually I’d rather just stay in here and watch the rest of the show.” You only wanted to see hooks match but you weren’t going to tell Ricky that.
“Alright.” He eyed you. “Well, why don’t you come with me then?” He turned his attention to hook. There was an insinuation to that and it didn’t take a genius to tell it.
“I have a match soon or I would.”
“Your match isn’t for another forty-five minutes. C’mon.” He said, wrapping his arm around his shoulders, giving him no choice as he lead him out the room.
“So, you and my little cousin are getting along it looks like.” Ricky says as they enter the weight room. Hook nods slowly, picking up on the weird energy.
“Yeah, she’s cool.” He casually stated as he grabs a dumbbell and started curling his arm.
“Yeah” Ricky says as he sits on the weight bench, but doesn’t bother actually using it. Hook avoids his stern gaze and keeps his attention on his mini workout.
“She’s a nice girl.” Ricky says, holding his sights on hook. “She’s always been good as gold. She doesn’t need to ruin that now.”
Hook stilled, but didn’t look over at Ricky. “What does that mean?” He asked.
“It means she doesn’t need any distractions. I saw the way you were looking at her. I’m not stupid.”
He thought he’d been discreet but apparently not enough.
“I was just being nice.” He lied, and Ricky clearly didn’t buy it.
“The last thing she needs is to get all tangled up in a fling with anyone in this company. She needs to focus on her career. She’s just getting started and I’m not gonna let you get in the way of that.”
“Why would I do that?” His eyes finally meet Ricky’s. “I mean, I don’t even like her like that, but even if I did and I wanted to be with her, I would never hold her back from anything!”
“I know you, tyler.” Ricky’s use of hooks real name took him back a little bit. “You must’ve forgot that. I know how you are with women.”
“How am I?” Tyler dropped the dumbbell. “I wanna know too, cause I don’t see the issue with me and your cousin even if we did wanna start hanging out or something. What have I ever done wrong? I never disrespect women. I’ve never even been with one the whole time I’ve been in AEW so how would you know how I am with them?”
Ricky’s mouth clamped shut for a moment.
“Exactly.” Tyler stood up, about to leave the weight room before Ricky called after him.
“She’s my cousin, man. My baby cousin. I just don’t want to see her get hurt.”
“Who would hurt her?” Hook spun around. “I sure as hell wouldn’t. And besides, you think I don’t already know that? You think I don’t already know you would beat my ass if I ever hurt her? I get that, but you don’t even have to worry about it because like I told you, I don’t like her like that. I just wanna be her friend and no, I’m not gonna hurt her regardless.”
Ricky eyed hook for a moment after before he nodded stiffly. Hook nodded back as a silent understanding that the conversation was over.
From that point on youd noticed that he was a little more distant than he was that first day you met him. He didn’t talk much when you tried to make conversation with him, unlike before and it confused you.
You had your first match and Ricky was waiting in the gorilla for you when you came back, engulfing you in a hug. “That was awesome, you did fucking fantastic!” He proudly said.
“Thank you” you breathlessly say back. “I’m gonna go shower now, but I’ll meet you in catering.”
And he let you head towards the showers but as you were about to walk around the corner, hook appeared. He looked a little taken back when he saw you and you didn’t know if you should’ve tried to talk to him or not since he’d been giving you short replies so much lately but you did manage to smile at him.
“Congratulations” he says as he pulls one AirPod out of his ear. “I saw it from the viewing room. You did great.”
You smiled from ear to ear and that alone made his heart flutter in his chest. His hands were clammy like they had been getting around you and he wiped them over his green shorts.
“Thank you” you say. “And you were right. I wasn’t nervous when I actually got in the ring”
He nods back. “I told you”
There was a moment of silence and it was making him nervous himself. He felt himself shying away from your soft, wide eyes as he looked down at his feet.
“You have a match?” You asked when you looked at his taped up hands.
“Yeah, in a little bit.” He nods.
“Well I’ll be watching then.” You smile up at him. “Good luck.” You say before you brush past him, running your hand down his bicep.
“Thank you.” He muttered when you were already gone.
You caught him in catering the next week and took the seat across from him. He didn’t notice you because he was looking at his phone but when he felt the tip of your boot tap his under the table he looked up and his lips tipped up in a smile.
“Oh, hey” he said as he pulled the AirPod out of his ear.
“Hey” you smiled back. He looked around the room, no sign of Ricky.
“You’re alone for once” he chuckled.
“Yeah, Ricky has a match right now. I didn’t feel like sitting in the viewing room all by myself so, here I am”
He nodded back and locked his phone. “Feeling a little better about this whole thing yet?” He asks.
“Yeah, I’m ready for my next match but it’s not until next week. I just wanna get back in the ring already, it’s so exciting.”
He has to cover his mouth with his fist to hide the smile on his face as he watches your eyes light up.
“What about you?” You asked. “Do you have a match tonight?”
“Nah, just waiting for my dad so we can head back to the hotel, really.”
“I get that.” You say as you look down at his knuckles tapping against the tables. “I have to wait for Ricky too.”
He nods back and you both fell silent again, until you broke it when you said, “where is the weight room at? I asked Ricky to show me but he never did. I wanna do a couple workouts. I can’t just sit around the arena for hours.” You chuckled.
“It’s uh, down the hall to the right, and then down that hall to the left, and then across that hall.”
You blinked twice at him and he smirked before he pushed the seat back. “I’ll show you” he said as he stood up.
You entered the weight room after taking a bunch of weird and confusing turns and he followed you over to the benches, where you grabbed a dumbbell and held it straight out in your hand.
“So” you said as you stared at his reflection in the mirror you were facing. “Ricky told me you and him talked about me.”
His face instantly flushed when he heard that, hands clamming up in his pocket.
“What did you talk about?”
He wasn’t sure if you already knew and we’re just getting him to tell you or if you really didn’t know. He shifted on his feet and ran his sweaty hand through his hair.
“Uh, nothing really. Just kind of talked. I don’t know.” He shrugged, feeling the nerves set in when your eyes caught his in the mirror.
“Well he’s under the impression that we need to stay away from each other for some reason. Told me I didn’t need to get too close to you, or something, I wasn’t really listening. Didn’t really care. I just told him I can do what I want and I like you, so if I want to be your friend, then I can be your friend.”
He was a little taken back to hear that, but he hid that fact.
“Is that what he was telling you? To stay away from me?” Your eyes stayed on his reflection as he dropped his head.
“Uh, yeah, kind of.”
You scoffed. “He’s always done that to me. He doesn’t want me around anyone. He thinks I’m gonna be influenced to do something bad, like I can’t make choices of my own.”
“He’s just looking out for you, but I get it. If I had a little cousin here, I’d probably feel the same way.” He picks his head up.
“Yeah, I guess.” You say before you set the dumbbell down and turn to face him. “Anything else you two talked about?”
That’s when it was clear to him that you knew the whole conversation. You just wanted him to tell you about it, and he was way too shy to have that kind of confidence even if he wanted to.
“Uh, I mean, kind of but-“ he had to look away from you, or he was gonna be tongue tied.
“Wanna know what him and I talked about?” You decided to ask, catching his attention. “We talked about how he thinks you look at me a certain way and I do the same thing with you. And how he doesn’t think you and I should even be friends but, you know what I told him?”
He swallowed thickly, “what?”
“I told him that if you wanted me, I’d say yes.”
He was astonished and absolutely speechless. His eyes were wide as he stared back at you, so many words rolling around in his brain but nothing came out.
“So, I’m just putting that out there for you.” You smirked as you reached down and grabbed the dumbbell again.
It took him a minute to regain his composure for him to realize the ball was in his court and he was being presented with something that’s been running through his mind for a while now.
Ricky, probably not too happy, but he didn’t think about that when he walked up to you and grabbed the dumbbell from your hand, setting it down on the bench.
His heart was hammering but it was sure when you smiled up at him. His clammy hand grabbed your soft one ever so gently before he tilted his head to the side slightly and leaned in a little closer.
“You really mean that?” His voice was barely above a raspy whisper, and you nodded simply before you wrapped your arms around the back of his neck. “I do.” You whisper back before he placed a tender, slow kiss to your lips.
“Your cousin might kill me later.” He smirked against you, making you chuckle.
“Not a chance” you whispered back, pulling him closer against you.
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jpitha · 1 year
Just a Little Further 31
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Omar and his workers at the docks spent most of the night getting High Line ready for our trip. They loaded it up with provisions, got things set just right and Omar plugged into High Line and ran simulations and checks settings over and over. While I'm down eating breakfast, I reach out to him and find out he's been High Line for hours already.
Omar, did you sleep last night?
I took a nap here and there. There was too much to do before we left.
You realize we're just going over to the Wilds of Besmara, right? I don't even think we'll be gone more than two or three days.
I also remember what the Wilds looked like when we were there last. I'm not taking any chances. Additionally someone invited the scary Archduke to come along.
Hey, would you rather they stay here, scheming and causing trouble, or coming with us - yes, while also scheming, but now they have the threat of being tossed into a hibernation cabinet by me?
I don't trust her.
Me neither, that's why we're bringing the hibernation cabinet. Where did you put it?
I put it in one of the common rooms. It's only going to be a small crew, we just won't use the room.
Who is coming by the way?
You, me, Starlight, Ava, Ginny, Raaden and a couple of Sep's security forces. That's all we need. Ginny is already here, she wanted to see if I needed any help with the reactors.
Okay then, I'll go get Ava and Raaden, you call Starlight and I'll have City tell Sep we need their people now.
See you soon, Melody.
I went back upstairs and got Ava up out of our bed. In the time since I left to eat she has rolled over and spread herself out over the entire bed and looks blissfully comfortable. I reach down to stroke her hair. "Ava, it's time to wake up. We have to go pick up Raaden and go to the Wilds today."
"Hmmph. No. Sleep more."
"Ava, come on. I didn't wake you for breakfast, it's time to get up and get going."
She yawns and it turns into a full body stretch. I'm always jealous of her ability to stretch, it looks so comfortable. "Fine fine, I'm up. Did you bring me something to eat, hon?"
I hand her a meal bar. "Yes actually. I thought this might happen. Eat up and get dressed. You can shower on High Line tonight."
"Ooh, is there room for two in the shower on High Line?"
I roll my eyes, but gently. "Someone always gets cold when we try and shower together. Baths are much better for ideas like that." I toss her Builder uniform to her.
I cherish these little moments when we're together like this. Here, we're just Ava and Melody, not Empress and Builder. It's part of the reason I invited her to move up here. I'm happy she accepted. Even if it's only for a little while, I can pretend that we're just... us.
After she's dressed, we walk over to Raaden's apartment together. I nod to the security guards by the door. They nod back and step aside. I knock, but don't open the door. "Raaden, are you ready? We're headed over to High Line now."
The door opens and she's standing in loose, comfortable clothes. I try and hide my surprise. Of course she has regular clothes. She won't be in her uniform all the time. I just didn't expect it I guess. Raaden's look is so tied with her uniform that to see her out of it seems... vulnerable? Her sweatshirt is grey with REGANTOWN GIPPERS in purple along the front in a circle with two Lacrosse sticks forming an X in the middle. She's carrying a duffel over her shoulder. I reach back into the Reach systems and scan it. It's just a few changes of clothes and toiletries. Fine. "Good morning... Empress, Ava. Lead on."
Oh right, she can't call me anything but Empress.
On the short walk over, Raaden looks around the Reach. "I still can't get over how large this place is." She looks at me. "You weren't lying? It's really 11 million people?"
"11.5 at last census before we came here. Starlight said that it's probably closer to 12 these days. Now that we've repaired the food deliveries too, the population will probably grow more."
"It's... lively, but it's not what I would call crowded either. I imagine one could support closer to 20 million if everyone didn't mind close quarters." Raaden is almost talking to herself. She looks at Ava. "How does everyone get around? 11 something million is a lot for just walking."
"Oh, there's a transit system. It's like an Metro on an planetary system but... in space. There's only one line, but it runs in a spiral up and down the main part of the Starbase with a lot of stops along the way. We're actually on the end of the line here in the Docking and Administration area."
"A whole metro? I'd like to see it." Raaden perked up at the mention of the transit system. I wonder if she likes trains.
"Sure, I guess? I can show it to you when we come back." Ava sounds hesitant, but it's not like the train is a secret. It's a train. Huh, now I'm wondering. Are trains rare in space? Saying it out loud makes me think that they are, but then again there are a lot of really large habitats and starbases that people live on.
"Raaden, do the Floating Cities have mass transit?"
"Actually, yes! All of the floating cities have bus rapid transit for travel Outside. They're sealed busses of course, but they're wheeled, with a 3rd rail for power and usually run in single or double car setups. Inside the Floating Cities it's more of a traditional metro setup with lines and stations. Regantown is the largest, and we have the largest metro on Venus. More than 5 million trips are taken on the Regantown Metro every single day!" For possibly the first time since coming aboard, she seems animated and interested. I had no idea Raaden was a railfan.
Raaden looks back around at the Starbase as we walk. "Smart of them to build the Starbase with mass transit in mind. Starting with an asteroid also gives you more options. Hollow it out and you have living space right away. Take the overburden and with some light processing you have material to build the buildings inside and more on the outside if you're growing. We explored options like this for Starbases a long time ago. I think some of the High Mars Cities were made this way."
"Orchid and Hyacinth were built from scratch, Juniper, Ponderosa and Balsam were made in a similar way to the Reach out of the remains of Demos. It wasn't the same because three Orbitals were made out of what was left of Demos, but we used the same theory."
Raaden and I look over at Ava. When she notices us staring she blushes. "What? I lived on Hyacinth for most of my life, we had to know our history. I might have been born in Regantown, but I spent fully half of my life on Hyacinth."
"Wait, you were born in Regantown?" Raaden looks genuinely surprised. "So, you're Venusian?"
Ava shakes her head firmly. "No, we gave up our citizenship after we moved. I am officially a citizen of High Mars Hyacinth."
Raaden looks thoughtful for a moment. "Empress, where are you from?"
"I'm from Meíhuā, born and raised. I actually was in the colonial navy before signing on with FarReach for the exploratory mission."
"Meíhuā? I figured they always stuck with their own." Raaden looks at me curious.
"Come now Raaden, you don't want us spouting stereotypes about Venus, so don't repeat Meíhuā stereotypes. We trade with Venus and the OPA just as much as with the Independent Starbases and K'lax."
She raises her hands in surrender. "Okay okay, I admit, I know next to nothing about Meíhuā. It wasn't even on the first list when... the Emperor planned his expansion plans."
"Oh?" It's all I say. It's enough.
Raaden has the decency to look embarrassed. "Yeah, well you know how well that campaign went. After Parvati, Wellfleet was determined to get a win and so got permission to go after the joint Starbase." She shrugged. "He failed, he died, I took over, and we went home."
"He was killed."
"By me, on the order of the Emperor, yes. He may tolerate one failure. He won't tolerate two."
"So does that mean that you'll never be able to go home to Venus?"
"I don't know. This is all uncharted territory. I've always been a local and successful officer. It's entirely possible I'll get a reprimand, maybe a demotion and then put back out there." A shadow crossed her face, just for a moment. "It's also equally possible that there's a bullet waiting for me in the Emperor's antechamber. I'll guess I'll find out when if Venus gets in touch.."
"If? My gooness Raaden, that's dark."
"It's the truth. I won't try and deny it. You both know what Venus is like. It's entirely possible that they will write off me and Emery and work to forget we ever existed."
Ava is firm. "Yes, I do know what Venus is like. It's why we left and moved to Hyacinth."
Raaden nods and doesn't say anything more about it. Well that answers if Raaden knew what kind of place she works for. She knows all too well.
We walk a little more, past the docks and printers where Omar's team is hard at work refurbishing Immar IV, the former Mariens ship. It's in at least three large pieces now and heavy cranes are moving components into it. This refurbishment seems much more involved than the other Aviens ships.
As we pass, Raaden stares for a moment before catching up to us. She turns and looks at me "You really have a starship class printer here? You weren't joking about taking the parts of the Lavinia and making a new ship?"
"We have a couple of them yes. We refurbished High Line and a few other ships that were here ourselves. Our current plan is when we come back to start work on our own dreadnought, with the weapons from Lavinia."
She stares at me for a moment. "...The missile batteries were always 5 degrees off. I asked the shipyards to look into it, but they never did. The missiles could always correct for it, but that burned fuel. It made our effective range 5% lower than it could have been. Be careful with that when you mount them."
I blink. That was out of nowhere. "Uh, thank you Raaden. We'll keep that in mind." What is going on? She seems completely different than yesterday. It's almost like she has given up on trying to escape. Just because I ordered her not to doesn't mean she can't think it. She just can't act on it. I wonder what changed? Would Venus really abandon them here?
As we walk to the docks, High Line is out of the internal dock and is connected to an umbilical. We walk up and Starlight on a Moonless Evening is waiting by the entrance. "Ah, Empress Melody, Builder Ava, Archduke Raaden, good morning. Ginny is already aboard. She came earlier.”
"Good Morning Starlight, are you ready to go?" It has only been a few days since their partner River was killed, I hope they're going all right. I'll try and keep the mood light.
"Yes Empress, I'm ready. It will be... satisfying to take our ship out to visit somewhere else and not worry about being stranded." Starlight looked up at High Line before stepping in. "River would have loved it."
We all get in and get settled. There is only the 8 of us and there is plenty of room in the ship. We're probably not even in a third of the whole thing. I drop my rifle and my and Ava's bags in my room - Omar really went all out, it actually is quite nice - and head up to the Command Deck. I peek in the bathroom and sure enough, the shower is only large enough for one. As I walk up to the Command Deck, I pass by the room for Raaden. Her door is open, and she's inside lounging on the bed, reading a pad. "Hey Raaden, do you want to come up to the Command Deck and watch as we head over?"
She looks up from her pad. "Do you order it?"
"No, just asking."
"I'll pass then. I've seen hundreds of ships leave dock, it's nothing I haven't seen before."
"Suit yourself. You have permission to come on up if you're bored. s̷͉͔̓ẗ̵͙a̴̜̹̍̅y̵̙̙͆̓ ̴̞̙̽̓o̶̙͓͆ū̶̲̼̌t̷̛͕ of the engine room, reactor room, weapons bays, assigned rooms and the starboard common room. The rest of the ship is open to you."
She winces at the order, but doesn't otherwise react. "Why is the starboard common room off limits?
"That's where the hibernation cabinet is stored."
She swallows and shudders just a bit, and nods silently.
"Oh also, Ḑ̶̛̼̬̤͔͚̜͕̬̩̹̗̣̲̗̪͙̉͊̂͋̇͗͊̑̅͊̓̍͘͘͝ơ̷̖͉͐̐̒͆͑̂̅̋̈́̊̏͗͋͒͊̒ ̴͇͆̉̿͗̈̊͊̂̆͆̀̀̽̉͂͘͝n̷͉̓̀̆̅̒̅͐̆̌͊̉́̈́͘ō̴̡̨̩̮̈́̀̑̅́͂̏̑̀̄̊̄̈́͘͝͝ţ̶̢͇͍̰̺͙̜̑̒͊͂̋̒̍̈́̓͘͠ attempt to undermine the mission in anyway. Your position here is officially hostage, not crew."
Another wince, another nod. "I know my place here Empress. I won't cause trouble."
I continue on. Ginny, Starlight and Ava are already on the Command Deck when I walk in. I look around at the setup. It’s different than a human ship, much more close together. The Command chair is in the front of the room, facing a main screen while everyone else is behind the commander at their stations. I don’t know, I prefer our way with the Commander in the back or the center and everyone around them. I feel like the commander here has to keep turning around to issue orders. “Starlight, why is the commander in the front on Aviens ships?”
“Hmm, I’m not entirely sure, Empress. Perhaps my ancestors preferred to be seen in the front when issuing orders. Some kind of holdover from surface battles maybe?”
“Whatever the reason, it sure makes it awkward to sit there and turn around and issue commands.” I go and sit in the Command Chair. It’s small compared to human chairs and presses uncomfortably against my hips. It is an Aviens chair and designed to be comfortable for their different body. I stand instead. “Omar, how are we looking?”
Omar’s disembodied voice comes over the ship. “We’re ready when you are Melody. Systems green all around.”
“Well then. No point in hanging around here. Omar, please take us out.”
And with no fanfare at all, Omar disconnected the umbilical and we gently floated away from Reach of the Might of Vzzx.
The trip out to the Gate was uneventful. Ginny and Omar spent their time going over the Aviens and Human reactors and Ginny pointed out quite a few options for improvements on the Aviens design that Omar hadn’t even thought of. Omar was ready to just print Human reactors and replace them, but Ginny was able to see how we could make them work more efficiently and save time. I’m glad she decided to stay. If she proves herself as truly on our side, I won’t mind making her a Builder, if I can convince the other's she's not a threat.
Ava and I wound up spending a good amount of time exploring High Line. Starlight says as far as they know, it is an unremarkable Aviens vessel, but this will be their first trip through a Gate ever, so we have no real way of knowing just how unremarkable it was.
Now that it’s half Human, it’s quite a bit more remarkable I suppose.
We're walking along the main center corridor in the ship when Ava stops. "Is this ship... odd to you Melody?"
"I mean, the layout isn't what I expect, but I don't know if I'd call it odd. Why?
"Well, for one, it's the first non-human ship I've ever been on. I keep expecting to find things in a certain place and I get confused when they aren't there. What about you?"
"No, I did a goodwill tour with the K'laxi. I spend 3 months right after graduation onboard the frigate Isar The Greater."
"Oh, I never knew that! How was it being on a K'laxi ship?"
"Cramped. You know how they tend to be a little shorter than humans? The older ships don't have much accommodation for our height. It was lucky I'm not too tall. As it was, I hit my head more than I care to admit. I'm just happy the Aviens are around our height." I reach up and touch the ceiling "I have room enough to stretch here."
Raaden spent her time in her room. I didn’t lock it - I didn’t see the need really, I ordered her to be good - and didn’t interact with us. We had one meal before we traversed the Gate and Raaden took a plate of food back to her room and ate there. I get it, we’re her captors, we’re not her friends. She’s here purely as insurance against a Venusian retaliatory attack, but… I don’t know. I guess I just want everyone to be friendly. I have always had a hard time with people who just have no desire to be friendly at all.
Right before the evening meal, we approached the Gate. On the Command Deck, I watch the Gate loom large on the forward screen. “Omar, is the address for the Wilds entered into the Addressing Module?”
“Yes Melody, we can activate the Gate at your order.”
I took a deep breath. Come on Melody, it’s nothing. You’ve gone through plenty of Gates. This is just like any other. Why am I so nervous though?
You fear what you will find on the Wilds.
Well yes. Thank you for putting a name to it, I guess.
“Omar, we may traverse. Please proceed ahead.”
“Aye Empress.” Huh, he didn’t call me Melody when executing an official order.
The Gate glows that painful, hazy blue and…
We traverse.
Part 32
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Kabby + Seeking shelter.
PG-ish and also on ao3.
Oh, as if this day wasn’t going badly enough.
Abby cannot remember a time in her life when anyone might have described her as calm – maybe when she was a small child, before she could speak in complete sentences, but even that feels unlikely – but her current state of angry anxiety feels understandable enough. Her idiot of a counterpart had decided it was a good idea for her to see some of the nearby natural features, and she’d been just bored enough and just convinced their respective recent physical damage would limit the range of this outing, and now-
It's snowing, and they are at least two miles from home. This is what she gets for trusting him.
Abby is well aware that she should be used to this, but… the problem is she’s used to Marcus’s spectacular ideas being a little more obviously terrible in general and a lot more obviously dangerous towards her specifically. There have been benefits to the timing of his midlife crisis, fine, but-
“If we make it back in one piece…”
“What do you mean if?!”
Oh, where to start. They are in the middle of nowhere, for one, and not dressed for this weather or at least she isn’t, and she is freezing, and-
“We’re too far to-“
“We won’t make it back in the middle of this. Visibility isn’t-“
Great, so now he realizes they’re screwed, that’s a little quicker than she expected but still-
“I repeat, if we-“
“There’s a cave that way. I think. Not ideal, but-“
Right now she will take not ideal, and right now she’d like to get her hands around his neck but she knows she needs to save her energy for… whatever other fuckery awaits, because this day doesn’t feel over with, and-
He takes her hand, keeps her close, and she would be mad about that too if she wasn’t already mad about a dozen other things at higher volumes and-
To her great surprise, there is a cave nearby enough, and it’s at least dry and not currently occupied by any large animals that might want to eat them, and for all Marcus’s currently-on-display faults at least the man has a sense of direction, and-
“Now what?”
“Now we wait.”
“At least until the sky clears. Probably overnight, if you’re-“
Great. Overnight in an unfamiliar small space with someone she has weird tension with. That’ll end well. She’ll end up on top of him one way or another, she’s sure of it, and-
“You have a plan until then?”
“We should stay close. I’d suggest body heat, but-“
It’s not a bad idea, Abby thinks as she shifts her position closer. She knows they fit well, and while this may be the least catastrophic situation in which she’s been reminded of that…
He’s solid, and maneuvers her a little so her hair doesn’t get stuck on any of the details of his jacket, and there’s an almost-gentleness to it that she does not have mental space to process, and-
“Try to rest,” he murmurs. “I’ll take first watch.”
“You think we need that?”
“If anything…”
She tilts her head to look up at him, big eyes and stubbornness. “You sleep too light. Anything steps on a dead leaf out there, you’ll hear it.”
He gives her a look like she is not wrong and rearranges their positions accordingly. She ends up mostly on top of him as she’d expected, and his shoulder does make a good pillow, and-
“Are you comfortable?”
“I’m too overwhelmed for that to register. For the circumstances… yes?”
It takes her a while to close her eyes, to trust that there is nothing else to do but try to hibernate. His heartbeat is steady enough, arms wrapped protectively around her, and-
(When she wakes up, the snowstorm has passed and everything is alright. Except explaining what happened in the morning, when they make it home. That is… not one of the highlights of her life.)
(Still, somehow, worth it.)
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practically-an-x-man · 11 months
how about madison ? how did she deal with her mutation appearing ? i feel like growing gills would be pretty painful
how did she manage when the brotherhood had her ? how did she react to having her mutation enhanced ?
also can you elaborate on her relationship with alex ? how did they meet ? how did they get together (i think) ? (on a you level—why him ? not ‘cause i hate him or anything just curiosity lol)
oooh thank you so much for the ask!!! So first off, all of this is covered in Smoke and Mirrors, but that fic is super long and I by no means expect you to devote so much time into reading it
Answers under the cut since this is probably gonna get kind of long:
In terms of her initial mutation back when she was 13, she actually took it fairly well. There was shock, of course, but she almost saw it as a sign of what she was meant to be - she was already a swimmer, after all, so there was a part of her that could never hate something so tied to what she loved.
But in terms of her mutation enhancement from the Brotherhood... that one was tough. She wasn't awake for the change itself - she had tried to escape, and Emma caught her and psionically put her to sleep, which is when they have her the serum - so she didn't feel the pain of growing those fins and gills, though it would have been very painful otherwise. It mainly just left her feeling betrayed and violated, having it enhanced against her will like that. On top of that, Emma essentially manipulated her and toyed with her mind about the whole thing, and it ended in her feeling incredibly self-conscious about her new enhancements. Part of it also was the loss of physical "humanity" - her mutations before were subtle enough to fall into suspension of disbelief, wouldn't draw too much attention, but the same cannot be said about her enhancements. It was a really difficult thing for her, but she managed to work through it in the end and get comfortable with herself again.
In terms of her capture itself, she's a fighter by nature. She tried to escape using only a pocketknife, and nearly succeeded. The only time they could get her to stop fighting was by making her cell so cold it sent her into torpor (basically hibernation), otherwise she'd just have kept attempting escape until she either managed it or was rescued by the X-Men. But with mental and physical manipulation at play, it was a lot harder for her. She's among my most resilient characters, but I'd say that brought her to her breaking point.
Now for the happier stuff :)
She first met Alex during the X-Men/Brotherhood battle at her home campsite. Erik had tossed him into a semi-frozen lake, and Madison brought him back to her cabin to warm up after the battle was over. She lit a fire and shared a meal with him and the X-Men, though she didn't really make any significant connections - she didn't want to at the time, she likes being alone.
When she got injured and was dropped off at the X-Mansion, she ended up mainly getting closer to Alex as she healed. She needed to rely on someone, at least in some capacity since she was injured, and she figured that getting close to Alex would be easiest in the long run - he was so brash and prickly, it would be easiest to cut ties once she was healed and decided to leave. He was the safest option, essentially. She didn't want to get close to anyone, and neither did he.
....But obviously that backfired on her. We both know Alex is a nicer guy than he lets on, and Madison needed connection more than she realized. Obviously this is true for all the X-Men, and she became close friends with each of them, but even more with Alex. They ended up getting close before either of them really realized how deep it went. I'd argue they fell in love before they even entered a relationship, and didn't even know it at the time. There was a lot of extended flirting, some unresolved tension during a few of the missions, a few moments where one of them realized the other was a bit more compassionate than they let on... y'know, the works. I'm actually really proud of their slowburn and the dynamic of their relationship (it's very jokey and bantery in public, the romance is more behind closed doors). The way they got into a relationship was actually somewhat normal (they went for a hike and Alex asked her out), but there was a lot of trust-building to get to that point since they both had trauma to work through.
And why Alex? Cause he'd underrated as a character, for one, and I don't think the movies really gave him the depth he deserved. I wanted to explore more of those inner layers past the old "grouchy bad boy" thing that was obviously a facade from the beginning. This fic is as much an exploration of Alex's character as it is an OC fic, and that's the way I like it. The OCs are just the vessel to drive the story in the direction I want it to go. (And because, let's be real, Lucas Till is a work of art)
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elias-code · 3 years
Two Left Hooves [1/7]
Choose your own adventure ~ "Intro"
Characters: Technoblade x gn!reader, Philza, Eret
Summary: This is a choose-your-own-adventure!! You met Techno through Phil, helping him get rid of his headache after hibernation. He was immediately infatuated with you. Techno invites you to go to Eret's banquet. When you arrive to prepare for the banquet, he tells you that he will only sleep in his room with you if you wanted, now you get to choose if you want to sleep with him or not…
Warnings: Cussing
--- Phil ---
“Hey, Techno,” I peeked my head around the corner, holding the letter behind my back away from his line of sight.
“Hullo,” He turned to me, hands still in his hair, pin sticking out of his mouth. He was braiding his pink hair, unaware that his worst nightmare was about to come true. “So, mate,” I walked in, hands still behind my back, “I got some mail.”
“You remember the egg?”
“Yeah, what about it?” He turned back to the mirror, inspecting the last loop he’d made.
“Eret is hosting another banquet,”
“Yeah, you’re invited,” his face in the mirror went pale, “since you’re the one who yeeted it.”
Techno paused, unmoving. Slowly, he tied the ribbon at the bottom of the braid, securing it with the pin. He made eye contact with me, his eyes were begging me to yell psych! and run out the door. Instead, I held the opened letter, once hidden behind me, up in the air, presenting it to him.
“Yeah?” I laughed, this was the most scared I’ve ever seen him.
“You’re joking, right?”
“Nope, look.” I shook it at him, flipping it over to show Eret’s handwriting: To Technoblade and Philza Minecraft.
He shuddered slightly, finally turning to me and taking the letter from my hands. It read:
Technoblade and Philza,
This may seem strange and menacing, but I promise it’s not. Ever since the red banquet disaster, I’ve been thinking about how much I think the people of this server need a pick-me-up. We needed a re-do.
So, I’ve decided to host a banquet, this time out in the open with no bullshit. There’ll be drinks, games, and dancing, and I want you to be there. Since you had a lot to do with the egg’s eventual downfall, I personally think you need to be there, Technoblade.
I’ll tell you what I’ve told everyone else. There’s a plus-one requirement for safety reasons (buddy system), and so I’ve addressed this to both of you. I look forward to your attendance! I suggest wearing something else since I don’t want anyone having flashbacks when they see your royal gown.
On the back of the card, Eret wrote the coordinates and information about the dress code. The card had gold decorations on the edges, curling and twisting like vines, dotted with golden roses complete with thorns. The dress code specified that the suggested colours were black, white, blue, and gold, hence the bordering roses.
“Do you own anything you think you could wear?” I asked as he handed the card back to me.
“I still have the Arctic coat, but if this is anywhere near L’Manburg, it’s gonna be too hot for that.”
“Right, I might have to make something for you then,”
“Alright,” He hesitated, “Do I have to go? That’s a lot of enemies in one place…”
“Yeah, sorry mate, you have to go.” I put the card back into the envelope, closing and pocketing it. “Oh, wait, one thing Techno,”
“There’s more?”
“Um, I can’t go.”
“What?” “I can’t go to the banquet,” I was lying, but he didn’t need to know that, “I’m supposed to be at the ocean monument that day.”
“And your fishing can’t wait?” He raised an eyebrow at me and I shrugged. “Who am I supposed to bring?”
“I dunno, mate,” I shrugged and clicked my heel against the floor, “Maybe you can bring that bird I introduced you to… if you can find them.”
— Techno —
“Phil, who’s this?” I had walked into the kitchen, half-dressed. I was not expecting to see someone else sitting at the table. They looked at me, smiling and waving.
“Oh hello sleepyhead,” Phil remarked, stirring the rabbit stew that hung over the fireplace, “I dunno, they don’t seem to have a name.”
“Hello!” I looked back at them. They were dressed in forest green pants, tucked into black boots lined by silver buttons with fancy engravings, laced in leather strips, looped and tied at the top of the boot. Their top was one of mine, an old long-sleeved white cotton top Phil had probably found in the back of the closet. They had a golden-yellow scarf slung over their shoulders. I waved awkwardly, still half asleep.
“You don’t have a name?” I asked, still confused.
“Uh, I guess not. Phil’s the only person I’ve seen in a while.” They said, pointing at him. He was closing the white under-curtains, almost like he was avoiding the interaction.
“Then what do I call you?”
“Phil’s been calling me the bird.”
“Bird, huh?”
“He says it's because I’m migrating.”
That was strange enough as it was, and I decided to leave it there. Talking was making my headache worse, so I walked over to the stew, immediately recognizing the smell of carrots, potatoes, and chicken over the rabbit smell. My stomach grumbled, attempting to convince me to shove my face into the pot and gorge myself, but I pulled back.
“Is it ready yet, Phi?” I asked.
“No, it still has a couple of minutes, don’t go touching it yet. We should all eat together.”
I could wait a bit longer, I supposed. The smell was enticing, but my attention still lingered on the “bird” sitting at the table, reading a book. I sat down at the table and thumped my head onto it, only to make my headache worse.
“Ughhhh,” I groaned.
“You ok?” The bird asked.
“Ah, I have something for that!” They picked up a bag from the floor and rummaged around in it for a bit before pulling out a small vial of green liquid. They uncorked it and an overwhelming spinach smell washed over me. “It might smell odd, but it works wonders.”
I lifted my head off the table and took the vial from them, inspecting it.
“Is this thing safe to drink?” I furrowed my eyebrows at them, looking for dishonesty.
They snatched it from me and took a swig, swiftly handing it back to me. “Take that as a yes.” They said.
— The Bird —
I knocked on the door, shivering slightly in the cold. I wore three layers, an undershirt, a turtleneck, and a thick coat. I got a letter a couple of days ago from Technoblade, asking me to go to the banquet with him and inviting me to stay at his cabin before the banquet. I accepted and sent the letter the same day since I knew the mail was slow. Just one day later, I hopped on my horse and made my way to the far arctic.
Techno opened the door and ushered me inside, shutting the door behind me.
“Jesus, you’re shivering,” he said, grabbing his cape off its stand and wrapping me with it. Thankfully, my face was already red enough from the cold that he didn’t notice me blush.
“Is your horse outside?”
“Yeah, I tied her up to the post,” I pulled the enormous cloak tighter to me, “but I don’t think she should stay there for long, it's too cold.”
“Alright, I’ll be right back.” He said, turning from me and walking out the door. The sudden freezing breeze pushed me into the living room, near the fire. I sat down in an armchair and Steve wandered over to say hello.
“Hey, Steve…” I offered my hand to him and he sniffed it, grunting in my face with his fishy breath, “You do not smell good, big boy…”
He huffed like he understood what I said and I chuckled. He sat at my feet as I scratched his head. “At least you’re soft, Steve.” You smiled, “Good boy…”
The door opened and slammed again, Techno walked over dusting his hands off and Steve lumbered over to greet him.
“Hello Steve, you’ve inspected them, yeah?” He baby talked at him. The polar bear was big, almost as tall as Techno standing on all fours. It was strange to see such a big man 'baby talk' an apex predator, so you laughed a bit to yourself.
“What?” He asked, patting Steve on the head.
“Nothing, you’re just being cute.”
He smiled and sat himself down on the couch, crossing his legs and looking at you.
“If I’d left you out there any longer, you would have gotten frostbite,”
You realized you were still shivering in his cloak, “Yeah, thanks for not letting me die out there, and for the cape,”
“If I’d let you die, I wouldn’t have a date for the banquet.”
“Ooh, I’m a date now, am I?” I teased.
He blushed and looked away, still smiling.
“I suppose so,” he whispered.
He stood and offered a hand to me. I took it and stood, following him upstairs to his room, the only bedroom in the house. The room had recently been tidied, the paintings on the wall included snowy landscapes and one of a wither. The curtains were open, the night sky illuminating the room. The moonlight made everything a pale blue, almost making Techno’s hair purple.
“I don’t have anywhere else for you to stay right now unless you want to sleep on the couch.”
“Are you also sleeping here?”
“Only if you’re ok with it,” He said, kneeling by the fireplace and setting logs on the grate.
Would he really? He seems so shy…
— Technoblade —
I could feel my blood rush to my face as they asked if I’d sleep with them. I turned to the fireplace and lit the fire, trying to hide my embarrassment.
“Only if you’re ok with it,” I said.
They paused and my heartbeat harder, unsure what they were going to say. I started preparing the fire, putting the hesitation out of my mind.
////////UNDER CONSTRUCTION BRRRRRRRRR (2/3 complete)///////
Do you allow him to sleep with you?
Yes, tell him you’re going to be cold and need the body heat. (NSFW)
Ask where he wants to sleep. (Fluff)
No, respectfully suggest he sleep on the couch. (SFW)
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aslitheryprinx · 3 years
Ok so here’s a mcyt G/t idea! a character (maybe Wilbur) either on purpose or unconsciously putting their tiny friend in their inventory (game mechanics wooo!) …small drabble mayhaps 👉👈
I love this so much!!!! :D
Thank you for this prompt, it was really fun to write!
Hide 'n Sleep
Wilbur tiptoed around the house, trying and failing to keep the smirk off his face. He'd woken up to hear his family and friends chattering in another room. He tended to sleep longer in the winter, although he didn't hibernate like some other giants did. When he heard Tommy complaining about the cold, he had a devious idea.
He snuck towards the living room, making as little noise as someone his size could. When he peeked around the corner, glancing into the room that was raised to about his chest level, he put a finger to his lips. Luckily only Phil and Niki were turned in his direction, and though their lips quirked in amusement, they remained silent.
He saw Techno's ear twitch and thought his brother might know he was there. But that was fine; his target was a different little brother.
Tommy was in the middle of a story. He hadn't caught the beginning, but it was something about Tubbo and a ridiculous number of flowers. Mid-laugh, Wilbur struck. He darted out his hands, scooping his little brother off his feet, and the laugh changed to a scream.
Tubbo and Ranboo both jumped, just now realizing he was there, but the others laughed.
"Hi, Toms," Wilbur said, amusement lacing his voice.
"Wil, don't you dare," Tommy started, but Wilbur was already opening his inventory. He dropped his little brother inside, giggling at Tommy's protests.
"You dickhead, you put me in a cold one!" Tommy whined. Wilbur felt him crawling over the walls to one of the slots that was stocked with blankets. He turned his focus to the rest of his family and his friends. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Who's next?" he purred. He noticed Niki had already slipped away; she'd probably gone to hide somewhere as he was putting Tommy away. Phil laughed once, then jumped off the platform the living room was on, spreading his wings and soaring away. He'd be a pain in the ass to catch.
Wilbur's gaze slipped to the two teenagers. Tubbo let out a noise that was a half scream half laugh, launching himself onto Ranboo.
"Go, go, go!" He shrieked, clinging onto the taller teen. The ender hybrid was giggling, but managed to teleport them both away. Wilbur snorted and his gaze fell on the last person in the room. Techno looked back at him with an unimpressed expression.
"Technoblade~" Wilbur sang teasingly. "Are you gonna be the second person caught?"
"I've been betrayed," Techno deadpanned, making no move to run. "I'll accept my terrible fate."
"Come on," Wilbur whined. "You're not gonna play along?"
"Don't judge me, I'm cold," Techno said. Wilbur huffed and picked up his other brother.
"You know, running warms you up," Wilbur pointed out. Techno shrugs.
"So do brothers with magical pocket dimensions," Techno said. Wilbur rolled his eyes and dropped Techno into the same slot as Tommy had claimed. He smiled at their light bickering as he started his search for the rest of the tinies.
If Niki didn't want to be found, he wouldn't find her. She would probably be impossible to catch until she was one of the last left, so Wilbur didn't bother trying to look for her. Normally he'd go after Tubbo first, but if he was teaming up with Ranboo, Wilbur would likely have to wait until the ender hybrid tired out and couldn't teleport. That left Phil.
If Phil was flying around, he was just as hard to catch as Ranboo's teleportation. But Wilbur had a feeling he'd hidden this time. While Phil was a decent hider, he would often laugh and give himself away. Wilbur walked slowly around the house, keeping his eyes and ears peeled for any clues.
He heard a small wheeze of laughter, and his head turned to one of the cabinets sized for him. He grinned and opened the door, finding Phil crouched. To his surprise, his dad instantly launched upwards. He'd been waiting!
Wilbur automatically reached out to grab Phil. He didn't expect to actually catch him, but Phil was apparently going easy on him. He relaxed in Wilbur's grip giving a quick "hi, mate," before Wil slipped him into his inventory.
He began circling the house, keeping his eyes out for movement. Of course Ranboo and Tubbo could be hiding, but he doubted they would if they were teleporting around. It was much more fun to do one or the other.
He passed by an open area, only half paying attention, when he heard a small vroop. He snapped to attention, looking for the source of the sound. There were a few purple particles floating on the desk to his left. He must have just walked by them.
He started scanning the area, knowing Ranboo could only go so far. There was another, very faint noise, and he pretended not to hear. His friends always forgot how good his hearing was. He made his way closer, careful not to even look at the place he'd heard the ender hybrid. Then, when he was in arms reach, he lunged.
His hands closed around Ranboo, who yelped. He teleported away instinctually, coming back a moment later since that counted as a Wilbur win.
"What? Where's Tubbo?" Wilbur asked, holding the lone teen in his cupped hands. Ranboo shrugged, but there was mischief in his eyes. Wilbur was about to put him in his inventory, when he heard a small yell, and something hit his head. He froze, shocked, as he felt Tubbo crawling around on his head.
"Run, Boo! This is a rescue mission!" Tubbo cried, and suddenly Ranboo was gone again, leaving little purple particles in Wilbur's hands. The giant reached up and plucked Tubbo out of his hair.
"You little shits!" He said fondly as Tubbo cackled. The goat hybrid flipped him off as he was dropped into an empty inventory slot. Wilbur felt him crawling around, probably looking for Tommy's slot.
He focused on catching Ranboo, who was still in view, but out of reach. He narrowed his eyes; the teen looked way too smug. Wilbur walked forward, and just as he thought, the second he got in arms reach Ranboo teleported just out of reach.
Ranboo led him on a chase through the whole house, never teleporting completely out of sight. Wilbur got very close to catching him before he teleported a couple of times, but it wasn't until Ranboo sat down on the bookshelf he'd teleported to, yawning, that Wilbur caught him.
Wilbur gently scooped him up, and Ranboo flopped over in his hands.
"Did you tire yourself out?" Wilbur asked with a grin. Ranboo nodded sleepily, and the giant snorted. He'd lasted longer than he normally did; that had been a couple dozen teleports. He slipped Ranboo into one of the blanket padded slots, and the ended hybrid instantly fell asleep.
That just left Niki. Right on time, he heard the tiny thunk of something being knocked over. Wilbur would never find Niki if not for her little hints. Like the rest of his friends and family, she went easy on him, always intending to let him catch her in the end.
He walked to the source of the noise, calling his friend's name in a sing-song voice. Niki giggled, but unlike with Phil, Wilbur couldn't pinpoint her location from the sound.
He started opening cabinets and drawers, looking behind items to see if he could spot her. Finally, a small motion drew him to a specific drawer and he opened it. He frowned as he looked inside, still not seeing Niki. Had it been a diversion?
"You don't see me, Wilbur?" His friend teased, and he jumped, suddenly seeing where Niki had been. She'd slipped behind a tape dispenser, and Wilbur had somehow completely missed seeing her.
"I do now," he laughed, holding out a hand. She nimbly hopped on, and he slipped her into his inventory.
Wilbur couldn't help but purr happily at the feeling of all of the people he cared about safely tucked away into his inventory slots. Nothing could hurt them there; he loved protecting his family. Niki, Tubbo and Ranboo weren't technically related to him, but they were as good as family to him.
The cold caught up to Wilbur, and he yawned.
Niki and Phil were in one slot, idly chatting. Tommy and Tubbo had curled up together, and were cuddled against Techno, who was probably pretending he hated it. Ranboo was fast asleep in his own slot, nestled in blankets.
And Wilbur slipped back into bed, eyes drooping. Content from the feeling of the people he loved so close, he drifted back to sleep.
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Tainted Apollo
Tumblr media
Pairing: Kars x Reader
Warnings: mentions of gore, death of minor characters, slight allusion to dubcon.
Words: 3056.
Summary: Finding a peculiar sculpture in the ruins of an ancient temple, you realize you have stumbled upon a god set in stone.
P.S. I forgot to post this one here haha
"Good morning, Sire." You welcomed him as you stretched in your improvised bed, an old metal container of some kind with a pile of blankets on top of it.
Rubbing your sleepy eyes, you slowly put your feet on the floor and adjusted the hem of your nightgown so he wouldn't see too much of your flesh. Kars always found this habit of yours ridiculous. He had been a piece of stone for God knew how long, and even after you found him he'd been confined to bed for no less than a year, barely moving and unable to speak. Kars was sure you didn't even understand what he was, but you still cared about covering your body in front of him. What a pathetic habit, he thought.
When you found him in the sands, somewhere in what appeared to be a long abandoned temple that had been in ruins even before he reached the Earth, you first thought he was some kind of sculpture, adoring his unusual but captivating form. He hated you watching him with your eyes wide, even touching a lock of his petrified hair - you were just a mortal human woman, one of those he had been determined to wipe out, but you had the audacity to act like his sole purpose was to lay in the sand for your entertainment. If he could move, he would definitely end your pathetic like there and then. But Kars couldn't.
It must have been ages, if not a millennium, since he had been banished from Earth. Drifting through darkness, his body had turned to stone, his limbs losing their ability to move - regardless of him finally becoming an ultimate form of life, it brought him nothing but eternal suffering and oblivion. Kars had stopped functioning like a living being almost completely. Almost. If he hadn't been returned back to Earth by some accident, he would continue his meaningless journey to the stars till the end of times because the darkness enveloping him had no limits. It felt like being thrown into a cold throat of some gigantic monstrous creature, but instead of reaching its stomach and finally dying he had been forced to circulate somewhere in between, neither dead nor alive. If silly humans thought the Hell was real, it had to be it.
He couldn't remember what force sent him back to Earth as he could think of no one doing it intentionally, but it didn't matter as long as he could reach Earth. Regardless of what would happen after, Kars knew he would survive and regain his power, finally giving humanity what it deserved for what they had done to him.
Funny, but when his mind had awoken from hibernation, Kars realized there was no one to take revenge on. Humanity had successfully wiped itself out.
Even after year and a half that passed, he still saw just you, a girl who had brought his petrified form to her home to take care of him knowing he was alive - by the time you met him Kars was able to open his eyes. Oh, he remembered well how horrified you were, stumbling upon an immensely beautiful statue that turned out to be a stone god, he heard you saying that for a few times. That day you ran away with such an expression Kars didn't expect you to ever come back, although you showed up a couple of days after, trying to talk to him in that odd new human language he had never heard before. As he kept silent, unable to even move his lips and make a sound, you realized the god you stared upon had been trapped in stone, and you could do nothing to free him. You went away, but came back with an odd machine that reminded him of Stroheim, and Kars thought of melting your bones when you dared to use to transport him. However, he had to admit how further did human technology evolved when even a small and timidly-looking machine like yours could lift and transport him to your home, a place inside another machine that had been definitely used for military purposes before being abandoned. It looked incredibly pathetic, as if you were a little rat that had to live in a pile of garbage out of pure need.
The world he once knew and wished to conquer had disappeared. All he saw while being driven away by your small machine had been a never-ending desert and ruins of other machines: he learnt lately those were enormous satellites, star ships, and other rusting remnants of an epoch that had been long gone. Watching gigantic sand stingrays crossing the desert as if it were a sea made him realize how far humans had gone - they had created monsters that were never meant to exist in the first place.
Of course, they paid for it. Judging from the stories you told him and what he observed himself, humanity had faced almost complete annihilation even without intervention of their outer space enemies, if there were any. The atomic war destroyed nearly everything humans had been creating since the beginning of their era. It affected even the natural course of life of every living being on Earth, forcing them to change and finally become a horrifying, mutilated, monstrous life form of something they had been once. Even the Moon had been gone, it's ugly half-destroyed form shining in the night sky and making it even more revolting. You had said something about unsuccessful colonization and the war over moon territories while Kars had to force himself to look down on the sand that was at least familiar to him.
Disgusting. He still had hard time believing how far humans had gone, destroying everything that existed long before they started ruling the planet. What would Jojo say now if he saw what a nightmare the world had become? Wasn't it better to let Kars wipe out the humanity before this had happened?
He had been fighting the urge to break your spine or melt your insides at least for a couple of months, blaming you for the crimes of your ancestors despite you obviously being too young to commit any of the atrocities that had happened. How come a human being had the audacity to survive in this post-Apocalyptic world while other life forms had mutated into monsters? When you were wiping any impurities off his cold stony skin, he was dreaming of the time when his body would come out of this odd hibernation period he couldn't control and then murder you in some rather painful way, prolonging your death till you felt all kinds of despair a human like you could. As he struggled to move even his fingers, he had finally decided not to harm an only being capable of taking care of him.
Each day you brought him to sunlight so he could observe what was outside of your pathetic shelter while you worked to grow anything in this lifeless place, several times a week departing to some place to fill the ugly rusted water tank, then watering your plants in a some kind of a nicely equipped greenhouse - funny, now you used it to protect the plants from the intense heat rather than trap it inside. Fruits and vegetables were what your diet was based on, including some synthetic supplements Kars refused to consume, disgusted by something made purely by humankind. Sometimes you would bring him fried meat, and while the thought of eating a mutilated animal had been revolting to him, Kars knew you could offer him nothing else. Even the meat you brought you offered only to him, rarely taking a piece for yourself: now it must have been a great privilege to consume meat. Besides, it truly sustained him better than fruits or vegetables, and he was dependent on what you were feeding him, slowly getting his strength back. After a year and a half he was now able to move his lips and fingertips, making you nearly ecstatic: it seemed you were doing everything right.
What did you think he was? A deity? A monster? A machine? Probably an immortal being who had existed long before the annihilation, that's what you said: you were talking to him from time to time either to pay your respects, tell him more about your world you thought he knew nothing about or voice what you were going to do right the next moment. One day as you brought several rectangular plates made with what looked like a blue metal to him, you read Kars about ancient Greek gods, wondering if he had been one of them - you saw him melting food with his skin, and for you it was the inherent symbol of his divinity. Kars had to give you some credit: you weren't as stupid he first thought you were. You weren't worshipping him as much as he deserved, but you probably did the best you could do, just a little desert rat having nothing but her plants and a decaying metal house.
"I won't come back till the sunset." You said once you finished washing your face and brushing your hair, tucking them under a faded scarf out of some light fabric and then reaching out to grab your mask. "I'll try being quick, Sire, but it's important I visit that place. If I'm lucky, I might bring something very useful to you."
Useful to him, huh? He would appreciate if you stopped humoring yourself: there was nothing useful you could bring him aside from a dozen people to devour. While he knew there were some people left on Earth still, he also knew you wouldn't master the strength to capture, less sacrifice them to him. Besides, Kars was still deciding whether it was worth devouring those creatures. While it certainly would make him return his powers faster, he could wait a couple of centuries - Kars doubted remaining humans could do something worse to Earth than what had already been done.
You didn't return after the sunset that day. It was the first time you hadn't keep your promise to him, and it made ill-tempered Kars bitter: oh, he would remember it and make sure you remembered it, too. He spent the night thinking what he was going to do to you, albeit not getting too violent in his thoughts. Something probably happened on your way, and you had to stop and spend the night in the desert before coming back.
The next day you didn't return either. He waited for you till the sunset but heard nothing but the sound of sand stingrays travelling to the other part of the desert. The complete silence troubled Kars more than he was able to admit: you had been somewhere around most of the time, taking to him or making some other irritating noise. While he found you just one more annoying creature inferior to him, your absence had a strange effect on Kars - it felt like something was crawling beneath his stony skin, making it harder to keep calm despite the fact the man had always been patient, unaffected by something so unworthy of his attention. However, your absence was a clear sign that something had happened, and it somehow bothered him.
Were you attacked by the monstrous creatures roaming the earth? Humans? Some other force he knew nothing about? Surely, it had something to do with the thing you attempted to bring, but you were vague about its nature, and Kars doubted it was really something decent. How come you had the audacity to risk your life when you were his one and only follower, sustaining and taking care of him while he was still in hibernation? Were you so unbearably stupid you decided you could leave him alone for long? Who had given you the right to bother Kars with your absence? It was inexcusable. The only reason why he didn't punish you was his petrified body, but he wouldn't stay in such state forever.
The lack of your presence was becoming more and more disturbing, and Kars questioned himself why did it matter. He had never needed someone's company - even though he had respect for both Esidisi and Wamuu, their closeness to him wasn't something essential. Not that your presence was either... and yet he found himself constantly thinking about the reasons why you were late. Although it irritated him, Kars decided that time he spent into space had its effects on his mind.
When you returned at last, the sun had already disappeared over the horizon. You were bleeding - he saw crimson stains on your face and your left arm, your faded scarf absent when you stormed inside your house, a small metal container in your hand as you flew to your stone god. Something had gone terribly wrong.
"I'm sorry, Apollo." You were running out of breath, but Kars heard you calling him by a Greek god's name. Was it the god of light? Your choice was rather peculiar. You were probably calling him like this in your mind since you brought those books home, but was afraid to voice your thoughts to him. "I wasn't as prepared I thought I was. The guards are still there even after all these years."
Leaving the container on the floor close to him, you took your bag and started your things there, searching for food and flasks. Somebody had been following you to your hideout.
"This is all I could find." You whispered, opening the container and taking out a small glass vial with a bright red liquid inside. "I can't tell how it will affect you, but I believe it would be of use to you, Apollo. Please, consume it."
You had carefully lifted the vial as if it were going to explode and then put it on his chest, awaiting for Kars to melt it onto his body. He had been suspicious about this, for some reason unable to detect what the liquid was as the vial seemed to block it, he consumed it, nonetheless - there was a chance it could speed up the end of his hibernation.
And it did. He felt the familiar heat, albeit Kars had never thought the stone could be turned into liquid, and yet it was it, something he had been chasing for so long once before becoming who Kars was now. How come it had been somewhere here all along? Was it fate to land here where it had all ended for him once? Kars had no answers. Not that it mattered now as his petrified body was rapidly recovering, his limbs finally able to move, his dark locks softening, the paralysis shattering while he stood up, showing you his perfect form in all its glory as you stared at him, either afraid or unable to move. He was the God you were waiting for, his large wings turning into flesh hands, a halo of light surrounding his perfectly proportioned, sculptured body and making you lose your eyesight for a couple of seconds. It happened so suddenly you were trembling on your knees in front of him, forgetting about those who had trailed you and the danger they could bring to your God and you, both fear and admiration engraved into your stare. Kars was much more than you had pictured him to be, undoubtedly.
As much as he enjoyed that look on your face, devouring your fragile figure with his eyes, he could feel his enemies breathing down his neck. Of course, all of them were unworthy of seeing his true power, but even someone as miserable as them would do for a quick warm up after centuries of hibernation: once several disgustingly looking men with scars and mutilated limbs showed up in your hideout, all of them Ripple users just like Jojo had been, Kars let out a laugh, watching them demanding both him and you to surrender. Worthless little creatures, they thought they could give orders to him, the most perfect form of life on Earth. He had slashed all of them the next moment, pools of their blood dirtying the floor and spreading further to metal walls: apparently, despite them still being able to use Ripple, their power had deteriorated greatly to the point they only posed a threat to a fellow human being, someone as frail and delicate as you.
Turning to face you still on your knees, he saw your wide eyes, tears streaming down your cheeks while you covered your mouth with your hands: was your God more terrifying than you had imagined him to be? Did you think he would forgive those who made a mistake of challenging him, the most powerful being the Earth had ever hold? Silly little girl, there were so many things you had to learn about him, the God you were destined to worship and love with your whole being.
"Stand up, woman." He said, watching you tremble and trying to wipe away your tears, not knowing what you had to say to the God you finally saw in all his glory. "I demand you to leave with me before the sun rises. Gather whatever belongings you need for a long journey, we will depart soon."
You bowed to him deeply, afraid to open your mouth and say something your God would consider inappropriate, and hurried to take your bag, quickly putting everything you considered important in it while Kars stepped closer to the pathetic beings, consuming what was left of them and feeling the power coursing through his body, filling him with warmth he had craved for so long. That little vial you brought was truly worthy of him, and Kars felt satisfied it was you who found him in the sands in the middle of nowhere. He would take you with him while he would try to resurrect the Earth as he remembered it, bringing the balance to it and watching it flourish once again.
"Apollo, I have taken everything." You whispered to him timidly, forgetting you were using that fictional name you gave him.
Kars chuckled, marching through your hideout flooded with blood of his enemies. If you needed to compare him to some stupid Greek god so desperately, you should have chosen Hades.
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ubemango · 4 years
delicacies of the season (m)
part 3: days apart
note: hey!! What’s up!! first, I officially have named this series!! it’s right up there for ur viewing glory! ok anyway here’s something before I disappear for the next four weeks because I am drowning in school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also just a side thingie for this story: I’ve already established that oc isn’t on birth control but here I’m implying that they’re doing natural planning (i.e. fertility awareness where the person who menstruates keeps up with their cycle and thus only has sex when their cycles allows for it). PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW THE RISKS!!!!!!!! Oh Lord putting your impregnation chances up to God?! I couldn’t do it. But also this is fanfiction and nothing bad will happen to this couple so let’s all just... suspend disbelief for a second ok
PAIRING. taehyung/reader GENRE. romance, farmer au RATED. M WORD COUNT. 2.5k WARNINGS. kitchen sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk, a good ol’ creampie bc wot is the ubemango experience without one :/ SUMMARY. Taehyung missed you.
Auntie Gaeul comes over when the rooster crows to tell you to check out the passion fruits today. They’re ripe not because she’s seen them but because she just knows. Call it the Elder Instinct for Ripened Foods. You tell her you’ll give her half the harvest, and she swats at you before she leaves.
“Stop being so polite, I’m not that old,” she spits in jest. “And make some of that honey iced tea your grandma makes. If there’s extra, then I’ll have some.”
Taehyung would probably like some, too; he chugs down anything with passion fruit like he’s about to go into hibernation. And when you come back home from the fields with a basket-full perched heavy on your back, you resolve to make some tea right away to bring over to his house to see if he’s there. You haven’t seen him in five days—his cousin had the stomach flu, and his aunt needed the extra help with tending to the livestock. Being the eldest nephew (and the only one who can drive a motorcycle) had him obligated right from the get-go.
“Grandma! Can you show me where you put the honey jars, I can’t remember where they are. And can you help me peel these—um. You’re not Grandma,” you stop.
Taehyung looks up from where he’s perched on the stairs of your awning, flicking bits of strawberries to the ground for Danbi to eat. Your little puppy scrounges it up so fast she nearly falls over on her fluffy bum.
“I told her to go play bingo with the rest of the granny crew, someone’s betting chicken feet,” he says. You smile wide when he trods over to you for a short kiss, slipping the strap of the basket off your shoulder to put on his. The hand he keeps low on your back is as warm as the ten AM sun. “Hi. I missed you.”
“I was just gonna go see if you were home,” you say. He smells like the wind. Something you’d scrunch your nose at but he makes it work. “When d’you come back? How’s Daeshim now?”
“An hour ago. And he’s better. He ate up all your ice cream, only thing he could keep down.”
You frown. “Poor baby.”
“I know. You gonna clean these now?” He nods his head toward the water basin, carved rock he’d installed for you on your third anniversary.
“Yeah. Can you start? I’ll just wash up quick,” you offer. Suddenly you’re aware you’ve got an ugly shirt with oil stains and holes in random places—nothing Taehyung minds, but the occasion probably deserves better.
“Got it, boss,” Taehyung says. He slaps your ass before you run to the bathroom. A familiar signal of his intentions but he’s too polite to bring it up so quickly.
“Hurry up,” he calls. As if you’re going to take another five days to get back to him but you get it. You missed him, too; a little more than you’d like to let on. Your grandma is great company but she watches her TV too loud and she hates when you’re not there to sit with her because she might need your help switching channels. It’s a miracle you didn’t jump Taehyung the second your eyes landed on him.
You change into whatever shirt you’ve tossed on the floor that looks semi-presentable. It’s too early for your sweat to reek like it does under the afternoon heat, but you spritz some perfume on your neck anyway. Just for upkeep, because you’d be lying if you said you weren’t anticipating sex, a sloppy makeout session at the least. Danbi’s too hyper to be left alone, plus your grandma likes making surprise visits at your house because she’s a forgetful woman.
By the time you’ve come back from scrubbing the dirt and dead ant bits caked under your nails, Taehyung’s a third of the way through the basket, tossing the clean passion fruit into a bucket Danbi is trying so hard to climb into. She yelps when her fat paws slip at the edges.
“Danbi! Mama’s gonna be mad if you get hurt. I’ll give you some later.”
“Go play with your toy,” you call out to her. “Danbi! Go!”
Her ears perk up at your command, and she pants and pants till she decides to go in the complete opposite direction of the ball and into the patch where all the potatoes are. She hasn’t hit her teething phase so you’re safe from her snuffing anything out with her mouth. It’s her fur you worry about. She’s such a nice shade of white amongst the semi-wet dirt, it almost hurts seeing her get soiled.
“Like a little cotton ball,” Taehyung says. He points to the bucket. “This good?”
You nod—it’s enough to have extra for Auntie Gaeul. “Yeah. Wanna carry it to the kitchen like a good man?”
“As if I’m not one already,” he snorts, grabbing the handle. “Danbi, come!”
This is how it always goes. Taehyung ogles from over your shoulder (usually he’s off to the side but he’s a lot clingier, not that you mind) while you do your business because you don’t trust him with a knife. Not since the time you’d tasked him with chopping garlic and he’d nearly sliced his palm open when he tried crushing them first.
And now you’ve got a new addition to the routine: Danbi sniffs around the dried leaves for the fire, sneezing when she breathes the ash in too hard. You hear her collar jiggle as she explores the earthenware stacked on the side. You made sure Taehyung left the door open because she gets antsy fast.
“Can I just say that I have a thing for seeing you use a knife,” Taehyung says, hands stroking your tummy because he’s got nothing better to do.
“You’re really bad at hiding how turned on you are.”
“Who said I was trying to hide?”
You laugh. “What are you trying to get at, mister?”
“I’m saying I missed you,” he says simply.
“So that’s why you kicked Grandma out the house,” you tease. Taehyung splutters in your ear.
“No! They really are betting chicken feet. What do you think I am?”
You turn your focus back to the chopping board. Taehyung lets the sound of the knife smooth down the goop of the insides fill the space.
“...Are you mad if I am?” He whispers tentatively.
“Oh my god. It’s ten in the morning.”
“You think my dick cares?”
“You think I care?” you joke.
Taehyung gasps. Like his heart just shattered from your vitriol, but all you want is to finish cutting up these damn fruits before you’ll allow his hands to touch you. “Wow. You—? Okay, fine.”
“I appreciate your hard work,” he coos. He wraps himself around you even tighter, traces a slow kiss on your neck. “Really. But don’t pretend you didn’t miss me too.”
“I never said I didn’t.”
“You’ve got a fucking mouth on you.”
And that gets you to shut up. Taehyung only swears when he wants you to stop talking. Not for the sake of real anger but to show you he’s got something brewing, and you’re here to take whatever it is he’s about to give you.
“I just wanted to be a good fiance and visit the one I love the most after five days because I missed them so much.”
His teeth catch the lobe of your ear. Biting down softly because he’s still aware you’ve got the knife in your hand, but you’ve lost all motor skills the second he started his little bit. You drop the handle slowly. At the last second you push all the shit you’ve laid out on the counter to the farthest corner. Something tells you this space is being defiled this morning.
“Good. Are you wet?”
“Then we’ll have to do something about that, huh.”
You watch his hands glide up, and you’re half-expecting him to fondle you gently, the way he teases you when you think he’s taking it slow. But instead he goes right for the kill: using those long fingers to pinch right at your tits just to get you to gasp into the feeling. You roll your eyes shut, let your head fall back on his shoulder.
“You like that?”
“Mhm,” you whine.
“Take your shirt off for me.”
You’ve never exposed yourself to kitchen utensils and rice wine on the pantry shelves before but Taehyung makes you want it. He shows his appreciation for your compliance with another hard grope of his hands, this time with his mouth sucking on your neck too. Craving your skin like he’s been absolutely deprived. The calluses on his fingertips rub your nipples raw.
“You smell good,” he croons. “Come here.”
You nearly tip over from how fast he spins you around, but he catches you easy, tongue on yours in the next second. The desperate tug of his lips on yours, the smack of your spit when he pulls you in deeper, all the intricacies of needing someone else to save your own sanity—it culminates here, and now your ass is up on the cold of the counter, Taehyung pulling back from one last kiss to drag that same heat down your body.
“Please let me eat you out here, holy shit.” He tugs at your pants, slides your underwear down with it. Mouthing hungry at your mound because you haven’t answered him yet, so you just groan a quick please, yes and he doesn’t even look at you before he presses his tongue inside you.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, the guilt of ruining this space with your (embarrassingly) uncontrolled libido is raging. But you could care less with the way Taehyung swipes his tongue around your clit, gets you clawing at his hair for brief respite. You’ve most definitely exceeded wet boundaries. His chin practically shines.
And he knows it’s because of him. Not just from his mouth but the knowledge that he wants you trembling towards a heady orgasm, the kind that consumes you whole. His laving gets bolder with every stroke, every moan you try to keep stifled but it’s useless. “Taehyung. Oh my g-od, fuck—no d-don’t use your fingers, I’ll come.”
He laughs, adjusts your thighs so you’re not cramping. “Think you’ll tap out?”
“I wanna come on your dick,” you pants.
“Oh my god,” he groans. “You’re perfect. Oh my god. I’m so fucking hard. Can I come inside you?”
“Yes yes yes yes, just get inside me already.”
Taehyung’s foot gets caught on his pants when he shoves them off, nearly crashing face first into your pussy again. And he laughs and you snort and when he’s naked waist-down he kisses you again, a little slower this time, a breather for just a moment.
“I know it’s only been five days but I missed you. A lot.”
You trap his hips with locked ankles on his back. “I know.”
“It’s just—I had to shovel so much horse shit—”
“Oh don’t say that!” You bat at his chest.
Taehyung snickers. “Sorry. Ahh, I don’t know what to do with myself.”
“You can stick your dick inside me and we can go from there,” you suggest.
“I like the way you think, missus.”
It’s almost laughable when he sinks right in. No resistance, just the slick of your arousal and his spit, an unholy mixture for this thick sacrilege. Taehyung’s eyes stay locked on the sight.
“Fuck yeah. Oh baby…”
If it’s got him uttering curses this early in the round then you’re definitely worse off. You’ve got one profanity for every inch he’s claimed inside you, all lined up behind your teeth but you don’t have the brain capacity to get them out. He fucks you straight to incoherence.
Your delirium keeps you mum. Taehyung will make up for it. He slots his hand up the back of your thighs, hits deeper when you arch through the pleasure. “Holy fuck that’s so good,” you whine. “Taehyung—oh god.”
He doesn’t say anything. Just pants hard with every moan you’ll give him, and you watch the sweat glow on his collarbone, the thick of his neck. Places you claim with your mouth when you lean forward because it’s too hard to keep balance without his gravity.
Taehyung breaks when you bite. “Sh-it. Oh fuck you’re so hot. ‘M not gonna last, shit.”
“You’ll fuck me when you come?” you plead, hold his gaze. He’s just as gone as you are. “You’ll fuck your cum inside me?”
“Yeah baby. I’ll give it to you. So fuckin’ good.”
He never lets up. Just keeps that steady fucking, stiff with every drive into your slick till he adjusts your knees with one push. Pussy open to the angle that gets you begging for his thumb on your clit because it’s right there. You fall back on your hands, no steady grip because Taehyung’s faltering too.
“Oh—!” You flutter your eyes shut to pending ecstasy. “Tae—please—harder—right there right there don’t stop!”
“You gonna come for me?”
It’s a rhetorical question. You know he sees the way your chest collapses, the rub of your clit in quick gestures for your high. He’s got you right in his hand.
“Fuck—ohhh yes!”
“Ugh,” he whines. It’s nearly lost to the ringing in your ears, the clench of your pussy from his pounding. You cream him so good when the orgasm’s strong enough, pulsing hot, the rough intensity. And that’s not lost on him when he cries: “God your pussy’s so wet. Holy shit.”
Usually you’re spent by the time your vision’s cleared to the sight of Taehyung fucking you through it. But he’s promised you something, and you’re greedy for it.
“Come inside me,” you urge, guiding a hand through his hair, pulling hard at his nape. He keeps his eyes on his dick priming you for those final strokes.
“I’ll fucking come,” he snaps. “You ready? I’ll come so good for you baby. Come so fucking—good—!”
He stiffens with a shout, grinds his teeth, lets his orgasm splash inside with so much heat you mewl. And he keeps minimal movement, thrust for soft thrust because it’s too much with the squeezing you tease him with.
“I.” Taehyung clears his throat, panting to a stop. “I… wow.”
Your ass is rubbed raw against the counter. But you’ll risk it again to see the glint in his eye when he pulls out and watches his cum drip down your hole, onto the floor for you to clean when your legs aren’t jelly.
“Wow,” you repeat.
“Do… Am I… Am I ovulating?” He looks genuinely confused. “I don’t… I’ve never been that horny before.”
You snort. “Five days felt like forever, huh.”
Taehyung kisses you slow. “If it means we get to fuck like that again then I’m going to the city for a month.”
“Hey!” You pinch his arm, using his bicep to stand up, tiptoeing around the mess on the floor. “God. Help me clean up here, please. And where’s the dog?”
(Danbi sleeps peacefully in the wicker basket, head lolled on one of the passion fruits. You make sure to bring her over to Auntie Gaeul’s for extra snacks.)
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waiting4inspiration · 3 years
Obey X: Mission to Destroy
Summary: Bucky apologizes for what he had done on the last mission but you say that you're not mad at him. You mention that even though you have files on yourself, you don't know if you have the heart to see what's in it.
Warnings: angst, small fluff, strong language, mentions of triggering, nothing much because it's a really short part but if I missed something, please let me know
Word Count: 1,707
Obey Masterlist II Marvel Masterlist
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Going through everything in your mind to find something specific is like meditating. You need quiet so you can block out everything around to focus one thing as you sit with your legs crossed under you and your hands resting on your knees. It’s always been the most comfortable position for you when you look for something with the database in your mind.
Sometimes, it’s a file on someone, a target you’re looking for, and someone you need information for. This time, you’re looking for something that has to do with the Server Hansen spoke about. You’ve never heard of it, but that might be because no one in HYDRA has ever talked about it around you. Probably because they didn’t want you to find out about it should you plan to do what you want to do now; disconnect the chip in your brain.
You didn’t even know there was a chip. You just thought that everything you know, that the files HYDRA uploaded into your mind was just something similar to a memory and that the port in the back of your head was a way to add or alter them.
The chip is probably how they’re able to control you. It’s probably the thing that makes you obey HYDRA whenever your programming is triggered. Hell, it’s probably the thing that has all your programming on it and when Tony tried to delete it, the chip still linked to the HYDRA Server wouldn’t allow that to happen.
Realizing that you’re losing track of your thoughts and no longer concentrating on looking for information on the Server, you breathe out a long sigh and drop your head between your shoulders. You open your eyes, run your hands through your hair, and lift your head back up.
Bucky’s sitting in front of you, his body perking up when you look at him and he shifts on his seat to lean forward. “We need to talk.” He whispers because it feels like he’ll break this peaceful atmosphere you’ve created with the lights off and the dead quiet room.
“There’s nothing to talk about, Bucky,” you reply, pushing yourself off the ground and making him shoot up to his feet to stop you from leaving.
You don’t seem to be angry about what happened, which confuses Bucky because he thought that you would be. But you do seem to be upset. He can tell from the way you refuse to look at him again after you turned your head away from him. “(Y/n),” he softly calls to you, stepping forward and dipping his head so that he can catch your gaze again. “Please look at me.”
You shake your head, a silent sob leaving your lips as tears start to build up in your eyes. “You promised,” you whisper, slowly lifting your head up to look at him. “You promised you wouldn’t trigger my programming,” you say.
“I know,” he sighs, stepping forward only for you to take a step back. “But I also promised that I would protect you and the only way I could do that-”
“Was by triggering me. I know,” you sigh, your shoulders relaxing as you breathe out a sigh. “I’m not angry that you did. I just…” You trail off, shake your head, and wrap your arms around yourself. “I just wish there could have been a way for you to warn me before you did. I never realized how much I hate being triggered until now,” you mention, turning away from Bucky to walk a little bit away from him.
Bucky walks towards you, his footsteps making your head turn over your shoulder to look at him and seeing the soft look on his face makes you turn to face him again. “I’m sorry,” he whispers, cupping your face in his hands as he leans forward to press his forehead to yours. “I know I broke a promise. Believe me, I didn’t want to do that,” he says, and you nod your head gently against his hands. “I know you’re not angry. But you have every right to be. And I swear, I will do anything to make this up to you.”
You step forward, rest your hands on his chest and lean into his touch as he gently caresses the top of your cheek. “I just want all this to end. I don’t want HYDRA getting in the way of everything and ruining everything,” you softly say, nuzzling your face against his as he drops his hands away from your face. “And I know I can’t do this alone,” you add, wrapping your arms around his neck and his hands come to rest on your hips.
“I’ll be there. Right by your side, every step of the way” he says, making a smile grow on your face. “And I promise, with all my heart, I won’t trigger your programming again.”
That makes you shake your head. “Don’t make that promise. We both know you might have to break it again,” you say, and he chuckles. “I need to carry on looking for information on this Serve,” you whisper, pulling away from Bucky and stepping backward.
He grabs your hand before you get out of his reach and stops you from walking back to the spot where you were sitting. “You need to rest,” he says, pulling you with him as he starts to head out of the room. You give him an unapproving whine and gently try to pull your hand out of his hold. “No matter what HYDRA says, you’re not a machine, (Y/n),” he jokes, looking over his shoulder back at you while he continues to pull you towards the door.
“I think like one,” you mutter, finally pulling your hand out of him as you come to his side and start walking with him down the corridor. Out the corner of your eye, you see him smirking and you can’t stop yourself from asking the question that suddenly comes to mind. “Have you ever thought about what might have happened if HYDRA never got their hands on you?”
Just as you had expected, his smile drops and you see a somber look fill his eyes. He doesn’t look down at you, keeps his gaze in front of him as he swallows roughly and curls his hand into a fist, making the mechanical parts whirr. “Sometimes,” he mutters, his eyes dropping down to his feet. “I probably would have gone down in that plane with Steve, spent 60 years on ice with him. And I’d follow him through all the trouble he got into. And I would still have ended up here, just in better condition,” he explains, turning his head down to his mechanical arm that he raises slightly in front of him. “That probably means you wouldn’t be here.”
You shrug your shoulders as you turn your head away from looking at him and bite your lower lip. “I don’t know,” you say, more to yourself as you come to a halt in the middle of the corridor.
Bucky turns around after having taken a few steps forward, not expecting you to stop walking. He sees you staring blankly at the ground, as if you’re trying to think of something. “What do you mean you don’t know?” he asks carefully and you give him a knowing look. “What about your life before HYDRA?”
“I…” You trail off, shake your head to yourself as you look out the window beside you. “I don’t remember anything before HYDRA. For all I know-” you look back at Bucky- “I grew up in HYDRA. What if I’m just someone they pulled off the streets and my life before they did was shitty? What if I already was a HYDRA agent? Or the kid of a HYDRA agent? I don’t know if I want to know what my life was like before HYDRA,” you ramble, looking at Bucky with a small frown on your face.
He steps forward, a gentle look on his face as if to tell you that it’s all going to be okay. “Don’t you have files on yourself?” he questions, hoping that it will ease you a bit if you look through them to find out what your life was like before all this happened to you.
“I do. I’m just scared to look at them.”
“Why?” he asks, now standing in front of you yet again. Only, this time he’s afraid to reach out to touch you as a means to comfort you because he’s scared you might cry. He’s seen you close to crying a few times, but never has he seen a tear roll down your cheek because you were sad. In pain, yes. But he’s never seen you crying out of sadness.
You take a breath, close your eyes and drop your head between your shoulders. “Because I’m scared that if I look and see what my life was like, and I see that it was terrible, I’d feel that HYDRA did me a favor,” you explain. Your file pops into your mind’s eye but like always, you don’t look into it. You don’t want to see the memories that have been taken away from you. “Even if it was good-” You laugh, shaking your head as you look up at Bucky again- “it would just be something else that they’ve taken from me.”
Bucky understands. Because even if HYDRA never got their hands on him and he ended up not following Steve into decades of hibernation, he likes to think that maybe he would have settled down, found a girl and got married to her, had a family, that kind of domestic life. But again, it was something that HYDRA took from him.
“Still, you could have some good memories,” he softly mentions, catching your interest and making your head tilt to the side. “Sometimes, they’re good for helping you get through tough times.”
A smirk tugs at the corner of your mouth and you shift on your feet. “Does it help you?”
He chuckles, smiling down at you as he joins you by your side again. “Most of the time,” he simply mentions before urging you to start walking again.
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mostlydysfunction · 4 years
Sacred (NSFW)
Summary: Chloe wakes up on an alien spaceship heading away from Earth in the company of a lone Yautja. 
Pairing: Yautja/Predator x human OC
Warnings: Smut, violence, swearing, shitty attempts at Yautja culture, blood.
A/N: Here it is! Finally! This is more anticipated than I thought it would be. I’m definitely excited for this one though. I do love some big mean alien lizard boys. I definitely tried to get as much right about Yautja culture as I could but don’t expect it all to be right. I definitely took some liberties with it as it is fiction. And I kinda modeled him after the Fugitive Predator from The Predator. 
Chloe’s head is throbbing when she wakes. She’s warm, sweat coating her skin. She’s sore, her muscles protesting every movement. She kicks the pelt off her body, rolling over on the hard surface. It takes a moment for her brain to catch up, quickly registering that she wasn’t in her room. Wasn’t in her bed. It was far too firm to be her old mattress, and she didn’t have any animal pelts either.  Second, it was the middle of winter, so there was no way it could be that hot and humid in her room. 
Her body protests as she sits up, rubbing her eyes. The lights in the room are dim, giving her just enough light to see. The entire room seems to be made of metal, floor to ceiling. She’s laying in a sunken part of the floor, oval shaped with a ton of pelts layered under her. She crawls to the step, pulling herself up and onto the metal floor. It’s cool against her body, causing goosebumps to form on her bare legs. She’s been stripped down to her boyshort underwear and the tank top she wore under her clothes. She rubs her legs, feeling a bumpy scar on the back of her calf, running her fingers along the raised, jagged line. Her head is pounding as she looks around the somewhat empty room, seeming all too sterile and plain. 
Her vision spins as she forces herself up onto her feet, her limbs feeling heavy. She can’t remember much, especially how she got to this place. She remembers being in her house, doing her morning routine, but everything after that is blank. She stumbles as she tries to take a step, reaching out to catch herself against a wall. A panel slides up, making her step back in surprise. It was some sort of cover over a window. What Chloe sees out the window takes her breath away. 
Black, inky darkness dotted with billions of pinpricks of light. She presses her hand against the glass, staring out at space in disbelief. Everything comes rushing back to her in that moment, the eventful day slamming back into her brain like a sledgehammer. 
Chloe’s breath steams out in front of her as she treks through the trees, hunting for firewood. She hadn’t expected her central heating to crap out in the dead of winter, forcing her to fire up the old wood stove. To do that, she needed wood to feed the fire. It was the weekend and the repairman couldn’t even come out to her place until Monday at the earliest, so she was stuck either freezing or foraging for logs to tide her over until then. 
The forest was quiet, even for winter. It unnerved her a bit, sending tickles of fear quavering down her spine. Something was off, even her dull human survival instincts able to pick up on it. But she didn’t have a choice. All she had was a small hatchet, and the trees were far too big in her yard for her to cut branches down by herself. 
The creature is practically on top of her before she even knows it’s there. It moves silently, creeping up on her, only its gigantic shadow dwarfing her own giving her any warning that there’s something behind her. Her stomach practically leaves her body as a hand closes around the back of her jacket, yanking her off her feet. A startled yelp leaves her lips as she’s pulled away from the branch she had been inspecting and lifted a good three feet off the ground. 
A growl meets her ears, her brain circulating through all the predators that didn’t go into hibernation that lived in the area, but it’s nothing she recognizes. She’s turned around, coming face to face with a metal mask. The creature holding her is huge and like nothing she’s ever seen before. For one, it’s far underdressed for the weather. The revealed skin is reptilian like, but the fact it was standing on two legs was just the first sign that it was not reptilian, nor probably from the planet at all. It was entirely alien to her. 
It lets out a loud growl in her face, Chloe’s heart nearly stopping at the sound. The growl vibrates through her entire body, her hand gripping the handle of the hatchet tighter. The hatchet. She hadn’t let it go in her surprise when she was yanked off her feet. She grips it even tighter, lifting it before bringing it down hard on the arm that’s holding her up, near the inside of the creature’s elbow. It bellows out, neon green blood leaking from the wound as it lets her go in surprise. 
She drops to the ground, her legs nearly giving out at the force, but she steadies herself, not wasting any time in taking off running back towards her home. Green blood has stained her hatchet, but she doesn’t pay it any mind as she keeps her death grip on it. Trees explode around her as the creature shoots at her, making her duck and weave to try and avoid getting shot. 
She’s nearly to her home when something bites into the back of her leg, cutting clean through the layers on her lower half and into her muscle. It sends her stumbling, landing hard on her knees on the ground. She spins around, finding the creature stalking up towards her. Her leg is on fire, the muscle throbbing in time with her heart. 
Red beams light up on the side of the creature’s mask, forming a triangle-shaped target right at the center of her chest. This was it. This was how she would die. Not peacefully in bed like she’d once hoped, but in the woods in the middle of winter at the hands of an alien creature. 
Chloe closes her eyes, preparing for death, but the shot never comes. There’s a second roar, a different sounding one, before the tree inches from her head explodes. Chloe opens her eyes, finding a second of the reptilian alien creatures having tackled the first, and now they were fighting each other. The new alien is smaller than the other, but still it would dwarf her if she got close enough to it. 
She didn’t plan on testing that theory though, instead reaching to the back of her leg and pulling out the metal device from her leg. It looked almost like an arrowhead, but much larger than any she’d ever seen. She doesn’t spend much time inspecting it, instead forcing herself to her feet. The creatures were engaged in an intense battle and she didn’t want to wind up in the middle of it, more than she already had. So, she pushes through the pain, starting to make her way back towards her home.
She’s almost out of earshot of the battle, which was quite the distance since they were making quite the ruckus when she stops. A thought runs through her mind, guilty and tugging at her heartstrings.
The second creature had saved her. Whether that was its intention, it had inadvertently saved her. Could she really walk away and leave it to possibly end up in the same situation as her? Who would be there to help it? Who’s to say the larger of the two wouldn’t hunt her down as soon as it finished off the smaller one? She had injured it, outright attacking it. She hadn’t known if it was going to hurt her or not, and she had enraged it by trying to get away from it, acting out of fear. So, by extension, the smaller creature’s death could be her fault. 
Chloe curses her soft heart before turning around, pushing herself back the way she’d come, following the sounds of the fight. It sounded closer now, brutal and loud. She was glad she lived in the middle of nowhere, no doubt having tons of people around would make this even more dangerous. Not that she was one to talk. She was walking back into a fight she was far from prepared to join. 
The creatures have formed a small clearing when she finds them again. The trees in the area have been either uprooted or knocked down. The larger one seems to have the upper hand, beating on the smaller one like nobody’s business. So her gut feeling had been right. It looked like she was about to repay the favor she owed to the alien creature. 
It’s not hard to sneak up on them, the ruckus they’re making loud enough to cover her limping footsteps through the snow. She grips her trusty hatchet, coming up behind the larger alien as it sends fist after fist into the smaller alien’s mask. She hesitates for a second, waiting for the creature’s arm to be lowered before she brings the hatchet down, throwing all of her weight into the strike. It digs deep into the creature’s uncovered shoulder, neon green blood spraying and painting the snow at her hit. 
She sees it coming, but her brain reacts too slowly, the creature’s hand sweeping out and hitting her hard. She goes flying back, landing several yards away in the snow. The impact has her choking on air, something cracking audibly at the force of the hit and the impact with the ground. She struggles to bring air back into her lungs, dazed as the snow-covered trees dance and swirl above her head. She vaguely recognizes the sound of something coming towards her, but she can’t do anything. Can’t bring herself to move. 
Chloe’s eyes try to focus on the alien above her, the large creature standing over her. Had it been worth it, signing her death warrant to save an alien that probably didn’t give two shits about her? At least she wouldn’t die with a guilty conscience. 
But the strike never comes. The large alien disappears from her line of sight, Chloe forced to watch the sky darkening. Or was that just her vision fading out? She can barely register the fight happening just a few feet away until she can’t hear it anymore. Was it over or was this her losing her own fight to stay awake? 
The alien appears in her line of sight again, kneeling down next to her. No, this was the smaller one. She could recognize the differences in their helmets, the differences in their sizes. Was he going to finish her off? Kill her for trying to help him? Thank her before leaving her there to freeze and die? The last thing Chloe sees before her vision goes dark is her hatchet in its hand, coming down towards her. 
Chloe sinks to her knees, staring out at the darkness of space. The alien had abducted her. She had been sure it would kill her too. She had gone in to repay her debt, to help it without even knowing if it was friendly or not. One of its kind had tried to kill her. What had made her think the other one would be any different? 
The sound of an airlock releasing has her spinning around, crouched on the floor next to the window. The alien is there, stepping into the room. He’s a hulking mass of muscle and strength, threatening despite the small amount of armor and lack of visible weaponry he carried. But she had seen what they were capable of with their bare hands, felt what they were capable of with just their strength alone. 
She feels vulnerable, exposed where she is. She’s completely at its mercy and she has no idea what its intentions are. Would it probe her? Run tests on her? Experiment on her? Did it have other intentions? Had she been brought along just for its simple pleasure? She has no idea, and the mask covering its face offers her no hints to its mood, its thoughts, its plans regarding her. 
Chloe takes a deep breath, the air stuttering in her throat as she stares at the hulking alien in the room with her. “You...you brought me here?”
It nods its head once in a quick motion. At least it understands her. 
“I want to go home. I want to go back to Earth.” 
It shakes its head once, again a quick motion. 
Chloe feels her throat wanting to close to hold in sobs, tears threatening to spill. “Why? Why won’t you take me back?” 
It looks down at its wrist gauntlet, pressing a few buttons before looking back to her, speaking with a mechanical voice. “Can’t. Bad Bloods know you now. Too dangerous.” 
The words make little sense to Chloe’s already throbbing head, her brain refusing to put any meaning to them. She drops to her knees again, her body folding in on itself as pain and fear take over. She presses her forehead against the floor, the metal cool against her skin. Despite the heat in the room, she’s shivering, tears starting to pool on the metal below her face. 
Once again she’s taken by surprise at the large creature’s silence, her body springing into action as a warm hand touches her back. She sits up, spinning and throwing a wild fist in his direction. He’s faster than she is though, catching her hand in one of his own huge ones. He’s quick to catch her other hand, holding both of her wrists in one of his hands. His sharp nails prick her skin as she struggles against him, drawing small beads of blood to the surface. His hand smears it on her skin as he forcefully moves her, her back ending up against his chest, both of them sitting on the floor. 
A clicking sound starts deep in its chest, reverberating against her back. It vibrates through her, continuous and slow. It was a purr used by his kind to calm distressed pups and occasionally a distressed or wounded female. He knew humans weren’t capable of this, and didn’t use this to calm their young, but he figures he would try it. Her reaction had not been what he expected, and he had hoped the sedative would keep her asleep for longer than it had.
Eventually his plan does work. Chloe goes limp against his chest, tears still trailing down her face. 
“I just want to go home.” Her voice is weak, hardly more than a whimper. 
He’s warm against her back, his body heat unnatural to her. It had been a long time since a human had held her, but still she knows humans weren’t as warm as him. Her head feels heavy, the throbbing worse from her crying fit. She’s tired and worn out, her head lolling against the creature’s shoulder. Its purring had calmed her down, her brain pulling up something she’d read on the internet about cats purrs calming humans. She’s exhausted and her brain has had too much to deal with, too much information to try to process through, and she finds herself drifting off to sleep. 
The little ooman female is finally asleep. 
Tarei’hsan watches her, her body temperature finally lowered, her breathing even. Things had not gone like he’d planned. He knew revealing she was no longer on Earth would be a messy situation, but he had planned on easing her into the idea. He’d forgotten about the viewports on the ship, and she had stumbled across one, making the discovery on her own. 
He wished he could make her understand. 
He’d been sent out to hunt the Bad Bloods, followed them planet to planet, always a step behind them until they’d dallied too long on Earth. He’d finally caught up with them, just in time to find one ready to kill the little ooman currently in his arms. He hadn’t intended on her being there, nor on saving her life. He had a duty he was tasked with, to wipe out the Bad Bloods before they could do any more harm.
But the little ooman was surprising. 
She had come back and saved his life. He had been losing the fight, ready to end both their lives when she’d appeared. She’d nearly died to give him an upper hand. He couldn’t stay there to let other Bad Bloods from that clan take their revenge. Not when she had risked her life for his. 
He was breaking laws having her on his ship. 
But she had proven her bravery. Taken on a Bad Blood to help him. She’d been close to death by the time he’d gotten her to his ship, giving him no other choice but to give her his blood to make sure she healed properly. 
He had broken so many laws in a short amount of time, and he can’t even explain why. 
He could have left her there. Returned to his ship and forgot her existence. But he hadn’t. He had brought her on board his ship, taken her away from her home planet. 
Pauk, he was an idiot. 
Maybe it was the soft curves of her body, the smooth skin pressed close against his own. Maybe it was the musky scent that burned his throat emanating from her. Maybe it was the fire that burned inside her, what he’d seen when she’d attacked the Bad Blood, tried to attack him despite her obvious distress. 
He can’t explain it. 
He doesn’t dwell on it much longer, carefully shifting the female ooman in his arms before lifting her off the floor. He steps back down into his nest, laying her down carefully in the pelts. He covers her body again, watching her for a moment longer before taking his leave, heading back towards the controls. 
Chloe wakes up in the strange bed again. She’s alone once again, something she’s partially glad about. She had lost control of herself, lost any sense of sanity when she’d seen what lay outside the walls surrounding her. She was flying through space. She was some unknown distance from Earth, from her home, from everything she knew. She was on an alien’s spaceship, flying through space to god knows where. 
The entire thing seemed absurd. 
But then again, she had fought off a giant alien reptile creature that had wanted to kill her what seemed like hours ago to her. She’d saved the life of one of them, nearly risking her own to do so. The alien had said she wasn’t safe on Earth. That the “Bad Bloods” knew her. 
That sentence didn’t make any sense to her, but she tries not to dwell on it for the moment. She had more pressing matters. First things first, she really had to pee. 
She climbs out of the bed again, feeling along the wall. There had to be another door somewhere. As soon as she gets close part of the wall opens up, revealing what looks like, to her best estimation, the bathroom. It’s very much nothing like the bathrooms she’s used to, but she does her best. 
Second, she’s starving. 
She’s not sure how long it had been since she’d eaten last, remembering breakfast that morning, but she’s not sure how long ago that day had been. It could have been that morning for all she knew, or it could have been weeks ago. Her sense of time was almost nothing, the never ceasing inky darkness outside the window doing nothing to help. 
Chloe makes her way towards the exit of the room, the door sliding open automatically again. She hesitantly steps out, staying on her toes in case there were more of them on the ship. Or for anything unexpected, really. She wasn’t even sure how big the ship was. 
Not very big, she finds out, walking the entire thing before finding her way to what had to be the control room. The helm. Whatever they called it in spaceships. The door slides open as she comes near, the alien creature spinning around in his chair at the noise. A trilling purr sounds from his throat, but Chloe doesn’t pay any attention to it, her eyes drawn out the front window. She can’t help herself, stepping up closer to get a better view. 
The planet they’re flying by was unlike anything she’d ever seen before. Judging by their angle of flight, it wasn’t the one they were going to, but it shocked her nonetheless. She stares at it as they pass, only realizing her mouth is hanging open and she’s nearly standing right next to the pilot’s chair then. 
She steps away, blushing slightly. “Sorry.” She suddenly realizes how bare she is, still only in a tank top and her underwear, crossing her arms over her chest, her fingernails picking at her skin out of habit. “I’m hungry.” 
She feels strange saying that phrase to an alien. She feels like a kid, asking some strange grownup she’s known for five minutes for something to eat. She doesn’t even know if the alien will feed her, or let her starve until they arrive at their destination. Did they eat? Was there food on the ship? 
The alien stands from his seat, and her guess was right. He towers over her by a good two feet, her head not even close to reaching its shoulder. She really felt like a child then, having to bend her neck to stare up at its mask covered face. 
It motions at her with its head to follow and she does, having to speed up to keep up with its fast-paced steps. Another set of doors opens up as it approaches, making its way through them. She follows, unsure of what to do. There’s a table and chairs set up and what she assumes is a food storage area. Again, it’s entirely alien to her, but then again, the entire situation was alien to her. 
She’s directed into one of the large seats, finding it surprisingly cushiony. She feels like a child again, sitting in a chair that’s too big. She watches the creature’s back as it prepares food, Chloe finally questioning what, and if, she can even eat on the ship. His kind obviously ate, but what did they eat? 
It places a metal plate in front of her after a few moments with what looks like chunky mashed potatoes on it, but it smells sort of like a roasted vegetable. She’s reminded of the time she had tried to get into the cauliflower craze, attempting cauliflower mashed potatoes. They hadn’t turned out so great, and even this alien food looked more appetizing than that had. 
Chloe’s stomach cramps uncomfortably and she doesn’t hesitate to dig in, shoveling the strange food into her mouth. It tastes bitter to her, but she doesn’t care. She wasn’t in a position to be picky. It wasn’t like there was a grocery store or a McDonald’s they could pull over and order from. 
The creature sits across from her, watching her through its mask. She was still left with a lot of questions, starting to get curious about her alien...what would she call him? Captor? Abductor? Savior? Companion? She certainly didn’t feel they were on the terms of the latter. Captor seemed a bit too extreme. She obviously had free rein of the ship, and it hadn’t seemed mad that she escaped the room. It was feeding her so obviously it wanted her to live. Savior seemed a bit too gracious. It had taken her from Earth, after all. Abductor it was then. 
Before she knows it, her plate is empty. She feels full, her stomach protesting a bit at being fed so much at once. It had been a big helping, no doubt made for someone his size. He’s still sitting there, having not moved other than a slight twitch here or there. 
It isn’t until she’s finished and puts her utensil down that he finally moves, standing from the table. He motions at her again and she follows, slightly unnerved by the silence. He leads her back to the room, following her inside. She pauses at the edge of the bed, turning back to face him. He’s standing in the doorway, watching her again. She chews on her lip, crossing her arms over her chest again. 
“I...can I ask you a question?” She finally breaks the silence. 
It tilts its head to the side, and she takes that as permission. 
“I want to know...why you took me from Earth. I mean...you said that it was because the Bad Bloods knew who I was, but...I don’t know what that means.” 
He’s still for a moment, and she takes that as a sign that he’s pondering her question. 
It’s a few quiet moments before he moves, gripping her arm and steering her towards the bed. He sits down on the pelts, looking up at her. She follows his lead, sitting a few feet from him so she’s facing him. 
He begins to tell her everything, trying his best in broken English using his translator. It was using English from the little his clan had come in contact with and put in the database, and from the little it had picked up from her speaking. He tells her about his kind, their culture, society, the clans. He tells her about the Bad Bloods and his task to hunt down the ones she had the unfortunate pleasure to come in contact with. 
Chloe soaks it all in, trying to make sense of the strange alien culture. He hadn’t directly answered her question, but had at least made her a bit more relaxed. She knew now why the Bad Bloods were so dangerous, dangerous enough he had abducted her to keep her safe. That thought alone makes her stomach churn. She had openly fought one of them. It could have...would have killed her. 
“But...I still don’t understand...why you abducted me? I mean, yeah, I helped you, but...why me?” 
It regards her silently for a moment, a quiet trilling purr leaving its chest again. It leans forward slightly, getting closer to her. She freezes, staying still as it reaches out, clawed fingers stretching towards her face. She wants to flinch, wants to move, but she forces herself to stay still, watching clawed fingers capture a lock of her hair, running the strands lightly through its fingers. She closes her eyes as the backs of its claws brush against her cheek, her heart rate starting to pick up. 
She’d seen the damage he could do, the full force of his strength, yet his touch was nothing but gentle against her. He lets the strand slide through his fingers, moving his hand away before standing up. Chloe lets her eyes open, following him as he makes his way out of the room silently, her heart still racing. 
Chloe wonders if he ever sleeps as she lays in his bed. She had fallen asleep not long after he’d left her, tired from a lengthy conversation with a copious amount of information. She’s warm again, too warm. The pelts are tucked up around her chin, heavy over her body. They weren’t an animal she recognized, not that she knew much about animal fur outside of domesticated animals. But it would make sense for them to be something entirely alien. 
Chloe goes to roll onto her back, but she doesn’t make it far, colliding with something solid behind her. She freezes, her body going rigid immediately. A low purr rumbles against her, the solid mass behind her shifting slightly. So that was her answer. He did sleep. 
She lays still, waiting for him to move, waiting for him to push her away, do something, but he doesn’t. He’s just as still as she is. She takes a few shallow breaths to calm herself, not wanting to disturb him. She wonders if he’s awake, doing the same thing, waiting for her to move. 
After a few tense moments of stillness, she decides she’ll be the first to move. She slowly wiggles forward, pulling herself away from him using the pelts. She doesn’t get very far before a hand grips the back of her tank top, claws scratching lightly against the skin of her back before she’s pulled the few inches back against the alien. He lets her go immediately, settling back down. Chloe lets out the breath she’s holding, letting her body relax again. 
Chloe slowly turns again, shifting until she’s facing him. He’s on his back, face pointed up at the ceiling. He’s still wearing his mask, giving her no sign of if he’s awake or asleep again. She takes this moment to study him up close, not having gotten a chance to do so before. She had been right about him being reptilian like, his scaled mottled skin colored in tones of dark green and almost black, lighter on his chest before getting darker along his arms and shoulders. She can see the clear lines of his muscle, stomach contracting with each breath. She draws her gaze higher up, sliding up his chest and over the strange armor covering one shoulder. She continues her journey, eyeing the strange dreadlocks coming from his head. She reaches a hesitant hand up, her fingers closing around the end of one. 
His hand shoots up, grabbing her own. She tenses, but his grip is light, pinning her hand against his shoulder. His skin is rough against her own, not unlike the alligator bag her mother owned. His face turns towards her, a deep purr sounding from his chest. It’s continuous rumbling against her hand. The dreadlock between her fingers is oddly rough and ridged, like it had been worn down by time. It reminds her a bit of rubber tubing, but slicker. 
The low purring continues as he moves her hand, her fingers releasing the dreadlock. He holds her hand up, studying it. It was small compared to his own, her entire hand, fingers and all, able to fit in his palm. She leans up on her elbow on the other arm, watching him. 
“Do you always wear the mask?” She asks, curiously breaking the silence. 
He shakes his head, releasing her hand. She brings her fingers to his mask, tracing the smooth metal with her fingers. 
“Why won’t you take it off around me?” He doesn’t give her an answer, his hands falling back to his sides. She sits up, crossing her legs beside him. “Come on, you can’t be that bad looking.” 
He stares at her through the mask for a few more moments before reaching up and undoing his mask. Chloe tries to keep her breathing steady, trying not to react as he reveals his face to her for the first time. 
Yeah, okay, maybe it could be that bad. 
It wasn’t that he was ugly; he was just...different. 
His eyes are bright yellow, staring at her with a permanent glare. He lacks a nose, his mouth holding sharp teeth not unlike fangs. His mouth is covered by mandibles, four of them that click together as he moves them. There are spikes lining his face where the dreadlocks sprout from his head. They’re not unlike hair, but they look sharper and coarser. She takes him in, unable to stop the uneasy feelings coursing through her. The fear. His was a face made to be feared. To invoke the need to run from him like a predator chasing prey. That was the feeling she felt around him. Like she was his prey, despite the fact he hadn’t made one remotely violent move towards her. 
The purring starts again, his mandibles twitching as he lifts his hand to her face, moving slowly as not to scare her. She stays still, letting him come closer. His hand could easily cover her face entirely, but she pushes that thought away as he runs a clawed fingertip over her lips. He moves his hand, his thumb and forefinger gripping her chin lightly. His free hand is in her hair again, claws parting the strands, pulling out tangles as he goes. 
She relaxes into his touch, a content sigh leaving her lips. It’s matched by a trilling purr, the alien letting his hands fall back to the pelts. Chloe opens her eyes, letting them fall on his face again. 
“I...I just realized...I don’t know your name.” 
“Tarei’hsan.” He answers her, her brain trying to formulate the name. 
“Tarei...hsan?” She tries to form her mouth around it, a frown marring her face. “I feel like you need a nickname.” She tilts her head, her hand coming to rest on his mesh covered stomach absentmindedly. She studies him for a moment. “How about...Tusk.” 
He lets out a trill, his mandibles clicking together. 
She takes that as a yes, smiling. “My name’s Chloe.” 
“Kh-loee.” He tries to pronounce it, making her giggle. 
“Maybe I need a nickname too.” 
He reaches up, tracing a claw down her arm. “Yeyinde.” 
Chloe smiles. “I hope that means something good.” 
His mandibles click again. “Brave.” 
Chloe’s cheeks heat up, bowing her head bashfully. “I’m not so sure about that.” 
His fingers are on her chin again, lifting her face so she’s looking up at him. He’s sitting up now, his gaze firm as he stares at her. “Brave.” 
It’s two days later by Tarei’hsan’s clock that the nightmares start. It’s the noises that draw him from his sleep. He had grown used to the sounds she’d make, the sighs, the occasional soft sounds from her throat. But this one was different. He thought someone had snuck on board, gotten into their room without him sensing it, and was attacking her. But his eyes find no one in his quick scan of the room. Her eyes are screwed shut, a frown pinching her face. Her hands are gripping the pelt thrown over her, a cry leaving her lips as she twitches in her sleep. 
He’s purring before he even realizes he’s doing it, reaching out towards her tense body. He touches her shoulder, shaking her gently. It takes a couple of tries before she starts awake, yanking herself from his grip. Her eyes are wide in the human expression of fear and he purrs louder at her to calm her. She takes two deep breaths before she calms, running her fingers through her hair. 
“Sorry. I...bad dream.” 
She pulls her knees to her chest, keeping her gaze lowered from him. He trills at her, reaching out a hand. She stares at it for a moment before slowly reaching forward, putting her hand in his. He pulls her forward and into his arms, holding her like females of his kind hold their pups. His kind weren’t known for being affectionate, weren’t known for being fond of prolonged touch. But he knew humans were. He knows by the way she relaxes in his hold, practically melting against his chest. He sits back, holding her against his chest, a quiet purr rumbling through them both. 
He knows she doesn’t go back to sleep. He knows he can’t either. He wasn’t a stranger to night terrors. He knew they were natural to humans, their own brains frightening them in their sleep. His kind didn’t dream, didn’t sleep like humans did. Humans were strange creatures, weak but cunning enough to beat some of the best Yautja warriors. Some clans thought them disgusting, pitiful creatures. Some considered them worthy opponents. But he had not heard of one going so far as he had. To save one, bring her aboard his ship and intend to take her back to his clan ship. She had proven herself worthy in his eyes, but his eyes did not matter. 
Tarei’hsan had slowed the ship significantly. He could have been back to his clan ship in a matter of a couple days if he’d wanted to. But he didn’t. He knew what was waiting for him once he returned. Taking her aboard would be a risk. They could kill her whether they believed what he claimed. He didn’t want that to happen. He considered leaving his clan behind, flying to some distant planet on the far side of the galaxy and hiding there with her. But they would find him, eventually. That would consign both of them to certain death. 
He stares out at the space in front of him, his mandibles clicking as he thinks of what to do. He didn’t want to lose the strange little ooman that had caught his attention. But he also didn’t want to risk running either. He’s so lost in thought he almost doesn’t hear her approaching. It isn’t until she’s close enough to touch him that he whirls around in his seat, startling her. 
She takes half a step back, dropping the hand that had been outstretched at his movement. He lets out a quiet purr, letting his body relax. She lets out a breath, crossing her arms across her chest. 
“You didn’t come back for a bit. I just...wanted to check on you.”
He trills in response, reaching out for her again. He doesn’t move, letting him pull her onto his lap before he turns his chair again, letting her see out the front viewport. She leans back against him, legs spread over his own. He watches her for a moment before pulling his mask off, leaning down to let his mandibles tangle in her hair. She smelled good, clean. He had shown her the bathing room, letting her clean herself up. She smelled like soap, but he can also detect her natural scent beneath it. He feels his own body react to it, stomach clenching in response. 
Chloe’s nose tickles for a moment. She had been lost in thought, staring out at the hundreds of stars in front of them. Tusk had his mandibles in her hair again, something he’d taken to doing recently. She was okay with that, considering her hair was clean now. His body was moving slightly under hers, his muscles flexing as he presses closer to her hair. Something musky tickles her nose, reminding her a bit of a men’s locker room at a gym. Tusk’s arms wrap around her body, pulling her tighter against him. Any tighter and she’s worried he might crack something. 
“Tusk...” She says, her hands lifting to his arms where they’re holding onto her. “Any tighter and I won’t be able to breathe.” 
He doesn’t loosen his hold, his back bending slightly over her as his mandibles move down her hair, touching the skin of her face. She stays still, barely breathing as the sharp mandibles move along her skin, tracing along her jaw and neck. She holds back a shiver, goosebumps forming on her skin from the feeling. How easily he could kill her. One hard squeeze and he would pop a few internal organs, puncture something with a broken rib. One hard bite from his sharp teeth and she’d bleed out in a matter of minutes. 
The thought thrills her. 
She feels as if she’s lost her mind, biting back a moan as his mandibles trace over the sensitive skin of her neck. She can feel an uncomfortable wetness between starting between her legs. It had been a long time since anyone had touched her so intimately, since anyone had been so close to her. Since anyone had that effect on her. Tusk’s purrs deepen, her entire body seeming to vibrate with the sound. She tilts her head back, exposing herself to him, making herself vulnerable. He jerks against her, his sharp fang-like teeth scraping against the skin of her neck as his mandibles wrap nearly clear around her throat. His forked tongue is rough, almost like a cat’s, as it slides against her sweat slicked skin. She’s on fire, every nerve ending awake and firing as he touches her. 
She doesn’t know what had changed, what had brought on this frenzy in both of them. Maybe he had alluded to it in the very beginning. The increasing touches, the way he shamelessly slept next to her, the way he’d walked around after coming out of the bathing room in buck naked, forcing her to bury herself in the pelts in his bed out of embarrassment. Maybe it had been his plan all along in taking her, using her for his pleasure. But if that was the case, wouldn’t he have just done it? 
Her hand is on his before she can put much more thought into it, her brain buzzing as his tongue burns a trail down her neck and shoulder. He lets her direct him, moving his hand to the warmth between her legs. She’s horribly damp, soaking through the underwear and onto her thighs as she presses his much larger hand against her. His claws bite at her skin, but it just adds to the sensation, her hips bucking against his thick fingers as he explores her through her underwear. She doesn’t know what females of his kind are like anatomically speaking. She’s not even entirely sure what he’s like anatomically. She had ducked so fast under the pelts when he’d come out naked she hadn’t bothered to sneak a peak at him. 
He growls low, wrapping his hand around the waistband of her panties before yanking them off. She wants to protest, but he returns the rough pads of his fingers to her slit and all complaints are forgotten before they can leave her mouth. His thighs hold hers open, her hips lifting to press into his hand. She’s disadvantaged, unable to really see him, forced instead to look out at the inky darkness of space and the passing gas giant. The view really settles the reality of the current situation. She was getting off at the hands of an alien in a spaceship probably hundreds of light-years away from Earth. 
But the way his claws brush against her clit have the thoughts drifting from her mind. 
Sounds are leaving her mouth now, moans and whimpers that are like sweet music to his ears. He’s never heard anything like it, his kind unable to make such noises. He’s slick and hard, straining against his coverings as she writhes against him. He knows he has to be careful. Her kind weren’t entirely different from his, just distinguishingly smaller. He knew little about the human mating process but he had a plethora of experience mating his own kind. He’d sired enough pups to know he was well liked and even sought after by a few females. But none of them had affected him the way the tiny human in his arms was in this moment. 
She was tight. 
Careful of his claws, he attempts to work a finger into her slick passage, her walls gripping him tight like a vice. She’s panting where she’s limp against his chest, gripping his arm that’s still around her tightly. He lets out a trilling purr, working his finger into her. She opens up around it slowly, letting him slip more and more into her. If she was this tight around his finger, pauk what she would feel like around him. 
But he holds back. 
He was big. Not just in general compared to her. He was big in all areas. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her, and so he could control himself. If she saw him and was afraid, he wouldn’t force himself on her. A good male could control himself enough around a female, prove to her he was worthy of taking her. Despite his length pressing uncomfortably against his coverings, he wouldn’t lose himself like a Young Blood around this ooman. 
He releases his hold around her middle, his hand trailing down the smooth skin of a trembling thigh. She arches away from him, her back bowing as he slips his finger in and out of her. 
“Tusk.” His nickname leaves her lips in a moan, her head falling back against his shoulder revealing more of her neck to him. If only she knew what it meant in his culture to leave herself so vulnerable to him in this moment. 
She reaches back, her hand tangling in his dreadlocks. He practically lets out a roar, his claws digging into her skin until she hisses, five red dots appearing on her skin. He freezes, pulling his claws out of her skin. He looks down, finding her staring up at him before a wicked smirk twists the corner of her lips upward. He doesn’t have time to consider the meaning before she wraps a hand around one of his dreadlocks, yanking hard enough to jerk his head to the side. 
He lets out a roar this time, all pretenses gone as he stands, holding her under his arm as he practically runs back to the room. He drops to his knees on the pelts, her body flopping from his grip onto her back on the furs. She’s spread open before him, the scent of her leaching into him, driving him wild. His body is still aflame from her touch in his locks, leaving all doubt in his mind behind. He undoes the straps, yanking off his coverings, leaving him bare and presenting in front of her for her approval. Chloe stares at him wide eyed, taking him in truly for the first time. 
Jesus, he’s huge. 
She tries to form words, taking in his familiar shape but entirely alien form. It was certainly phallic in nature, but the top of it flared out, ridges and bumps lining the sides. It was thicker at the base than at the top, making her wonder how in the hell it was all going to fit inside her. It had to be the length of her forearm easily. 
She stumbles over her words, trying to think of something, anything to say as he stays completely still, his length moving as he breathes. “O-Oh...” She sits up, cautiously reaching a hand out. 
He’s slick, almost like a natural lubrication. She’s grateful for that, not even sure that her excessive wetness would help him fit inside her. He lets out a breath as she touches him, the warmth of it fanning over her head. He’s warm in her hand, her fingers barely able to close all the way around it. She doesn’t have much experience in the realm of male anatomy. Not that it would help her in this situation. 
She looks up at his face, his yellow eyes burning into her. She moves her hand along his shaft experimentally, watching him. His mandibles move, clawed hands curling into fists as she touches him. She wonders what he tastes like, but she’s not sure she’s quite ready for that yet, still trying to mentally prepare herself for fitting him inside her. His finger had been big, but this was something else entirely. 
“Tusk...” She bites her lip, fingers teasing his head. 
His hips jerk as his hand cups her chin, lifting her face back up to him. “Yeyinde can...say...no.” 
Chloe feels tears well in her eyes despite the current situation. She was half naked in an alien spaceship with an equally half naked alien standing over her while she had her hand wrapped around its dick and he was telling her she could say no to him. Even as far gone as both of them obviously were, he was saying she could change her mind. That he would respect her. 
“I...Thank you. But...I...I want to.” She feels as if she seals her fate with those words. Not that she was complaining. 
He carefully slides out of her hand, moving so he’s laying down on his back. She doesn’t understand the importance of what he had just done, what he was doing for her in that moment. In normal Yautja mating, the female would fight to get the male to that position, a battle between the two of them with one of them coming out on top. By laying down for her, he was submitting to her, letting her know that she was in control. He could have easily dominated her, taken her from behind as most males did to females. But she wasn’t Yautja. She was ooman. It would not have been a fair fight. 
She seems to know what to do, straddling his thick waist with her thighs. She pulls her tank top off, tossing it somewhere on the floor. He reaches his hands up, claws brushing over her nipples. She shivers, biting her lip as she moves over him. She’s still wet, sliding the tip of him along her slit a couple times. He watches her, watches the tip of him disappear into her. 
He felt thicker than he looked, Chloe burning at the stretch of him. She presses her hands into his stomach, holding herself up as she goes centimeter by centimeter along his length. Despite both their natural lubricants, it’s still a tough stretch. She’s panting and shaking, his own breathing even and deep as he traces her nipple with his claws. Her own hand goes to her clit, circling it to help her ease up around him. 
He doesn’t move, letting her take as much of him as he can. He’s impressed by her, nearly his entire length disappearing into her before she stops, fluttering around him. He lets out a growl but doesn’t move, proving his self control by letting her call the shots. She slowly moves, the ridges along his dick rubbing against her in a way that has her legs shaking already. She knows she will not last long. It had been a long time since she’d had sex, or even orgasmed and she knows by the way he hit that spot inside of her this would be over before she knew it. 
Tarei’hsan watches the little ooman as she writhes on top of him. She’s tighter than he had imagined, squeezing him almost painfully. Every so often she’d flutter around him, making him growl in response. He felt like a Young Blood again, ready to lose control of himself already but he holds himself in check. But the way her back arches, pressing her breasts into his hands, the way she grinds against him is making controlling himself hard. He had been holding himself back, wanting to focus purely on the task he had been assigned and had forgone mating during their last mating season. And now he was breaking another law, mating with his tiny ooman. 
Something in his brain snaps as she cries out, body shaking as she tries to keep up her pace. He knows she’s getting tired, so he moves his hands down to her hips, moving her with his own strength. She lets him, gripping his wrists as he bounces her on his cock. His brain pictures her dripping with his seed, pumping her full of it. Seeing the tiny ooman swollen with his pup, breeding an entire army of them with her. 
He can’t help himself, thrusting up hard into her, a startled yelp leaving her as he sinks even deeper into her, his hips snapping up into hers. He’s lost all control of himself, her walls fluttering, gripping him tighter and tighter until she lets out a scream, nearly suffocating him with how tight she grips him. He matches her scream with a roar, nails digging into her waist, drawing blood as he spills into her, yanking her down before sinking his teeth into her shoulder. She jerks against him, yelping in pain, but he’s too lost to pay any mind to it in that moment. The tanginess of her blood hits his tongue, her body shaking against his as she squeezes around him once more. He’s pulsing hot inside her, twitching as he empties himself into her. 
He holds her there for a few moments, her body twitching against his chest still as he pulls himself away from her shoulder, laving over the wound with his tongue. Her eyes are closed as he moves her, rolling her onto her back, separating them. He gets up, going to the bathing room to grab a cloth to clean the blood and seed off of her. 
Her hand is between her legs when he returns, gathering some of his seed before bringing it close to her face. 
“Your cum is green too?” She asks, looking up at him. 
He huffs out a laugh, watching his seed drip out of her. It was less neon than his blood, but it was still shockingly green. He cleans the blood off her shoulder, grabbing his Medicomp and using gel to close the wounds on her shoulder and his claw marks on her hips before cleaning his seed from between her legs. She whimpers slightly as he touches her, no doubt she’ll be sore when she tries to move again. 
She watches him retreat back to the bathing room, taking him in fully. He certainly was a beautiful sight. An odd, but beautiful sight. 
He returns, stripping off the rest of his armor before laying down next to her. She curls up against him, resting her head against his shoulder. He wraps an arm around her, tracing her smooth skin. He was a goner now, having broken practically every sacred law in his clan against oomans. But he finds no regret. The soft body against his, the warm puffs of her breath against his skin as she drifts off to sleep. He would betray his clan for her. Fight every last Elder until they were all dead in order to keep her. Nothing would take her from him. 
The lights of the ship go on, disturbing their peaceful moment, an alarm blaring obnoxiously in warning. 
Part 2
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azucanela · 4 years
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SUMMARY: in which a lot of doors are slammed, because zuko is an angsty mess. but it’s okay, because at least he has Y/N by his side as everything becomes a big mess.
WARNINGS: mentions of death, threats
A/N: sorry this took so long! i hope you all like it! also im at 400 followers wow klasdkhkhaks idk why haha, anyways remember to drink water my friends
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This shouldn’t be possible. 
Staring at the young boy in wonder, Y/N can’t help it as her mouth gapes open. He’s Airbending. Making him the last Airbender, making him the Avatar. The issue, Y/N L/N is the Avatar. Or at least, she thought she was. Maybe she was just a cheap knock off? So many thoughts circled through her mind as her brows furrowed, the Southern Water Tribe was the last place she would’ve expected someone who was well over a century old to be hiding out. Though the ‘old’ man, appeared to be younger than Y/N. 
Regardless, from the look in Zuko’s eyes as he took the young boy into custody, he had hope that they could return home without Y/N arriving in a pair of cuffs and immediately being sentenced to either death or life in prison.
It was nice to see him happy again.
Ever since they’d discovered her ability to Waterbend, making their search for the Avatar pointless, Zuko’s small sliver of hope to return to the Fire Nation had diminished. Iroh had noticed this sudden change in attitude, and made several attempts to brighten the young boy’s mood to no avail, though he had no idea about the major issue the pair was dealing with. Or perhaps he did, Iroh was a mysterious man, with a mysterious amount of information. Y/N had contemplated asking him for information in regards to the possibility of two Avatars several times, though she elected not to, fearing she would arouse suspicion.
Then again, who would Iroh tell? He clearly wasn’t fond of his brother, and it appeared his loyalty lied with tea, pai cho, and Zuko, who had no intentions of allowing Y/N to fall into Fire Nation hands, but Zuko didn’t like the idea of living in a ship for the rest of his life.
At this point, home is where the ship is. 
Y/N found herself staring at the child capable of Airbending as they took him to the brig, a wave of sadness washing over her. He was a kid, he didn’t deserve this, he had done nothing wrong other than exist. Now that she followed the guards as the placed him in one of the cells in the brig, Y/N wondered what would become of him if he was ever in the Fire Lord’s presence, she tried to shake off these thoughts though, sighing as she turned away. He was probably just as confused as she was, well maybe not as confused, he was blissfully unaware of the second potential Avatar on the boat. 
“Get some food, I’ll watch over him for now.” 
The two guards that had escorted him here alongside her exchanged looks, before turning back to her, “are you sure, ma’am?” 
It was easy to forget that Y/N was basically a guard as well, a glorified one, but a guard nonetheless. Being Zuko’s right hand had come with a lot of responsibilities when they were in the Fire Nation, and keeping him alive had been one of them. It had obviously come with several benefits as well, but Y/N tended to forget in recent times. 
“Yeah, go on ahead. Just don’t leave me for too long, eh?” She waved them off. Given Zuko’s attitude, one of them had to maintain good rapport with the other members of the ship, otherwise they likely would’ve revolted a while ago. It was a job for two, one that her and Iroh shared. Regardless of rapport and general kindness, Y/N wanted a moment alone with the young Avatar, she had questions. Lots of them.
It appeared he did too as he looked at her, she’d sat herself across from his cell, sword strung over her lap. “So..” Y/N began, “where have you been the past century?”
He looked up at her, head tilting, likely in confusion as he responded. “In an iceberg. I kinda went into hibernation I guess, to keep myself from dying during a storm.” He plopped down onto the floor of the cell, “what happened the past century?” The boy asked in turn, looking at Y/N curiously, his hands bound in chains.
With a frown, Y/N replied, “nothing good.” She stared at her hands, feeling shame flood her. Her nation’s actions had never been... good. And she didn’t want to be the one to tell the young boy about the genocide of his people, but it had to be done, “in case you haven’t heard, the Air Nomads were... eradicated. The Fire Nation is now striving towards world domination.” It was the truth, the sad truth, the Fire Nation had been working towards the goal of world domination for quite some time now, and it seemed they might be successful. 
This boy could ruin all of that.
His face visibly darkened at this explanation, looking away, his voice seemed to harden, “yeah. I heard.” There wasn’t really much else to explain, the war had been the only constant in all this time, Y/N couldn’t find a way to see the brightside, probably because there wasn’t one. Just a side filled with incredibly bright flames that would likely lead to the end of the world.
Swallowing nervously, Y/N’s lips formed a tight smile, “I’m Y/N. By the way.” Maybe it was weird, but Y/N wanted to form a friendship with this kid, something about him felt different, and she wanted to understand what exactly that was. 
A small smile found it’s way onto his face, though the remnants of what was likely anger, sadness, and confusion were still evident on his face as he replied, “I’m Aang.”
It felt odd, sitting across from him as their eyes met. Like there was something buzzing in the air, like something was wrong. The hairs on the back of Y/N neck rose, and she felt goosebumps form on her skin as she gave the young boy a smile as well. His mouth seemed to gape open, brows furrowing in confusion as he prepared to speak.
“Miss L/N.” Called out one of the guards, earning both the attention of Aang and Y/N, who had been mesmerized by the mysterious feeling in the air. “I came to relieve you of guard duty.”
Y/N’s smile remained as she turned to the guard, “thank you.” Though she wished she had more time to speak with Aang, it was clear he’d felt whatever it was as well. Not that she could ask him about it with anyone else around, though she’d been on the ship for years now, her lack of trust in the crew remained the same. 
Inhaling deeply, she stood, and she could feel the gaze of Aang on her as she walked away, the odd feeling slowly dissipating the further she got from him. Now, a new feeling filled her, guilt. They’d locked away a child who awoke in an entirely new world, only to find that his entire civilization was dead.
Frustrated, Y/N brought a hand to her temple and sighed as she made her way to her room. She opened the door, and went to slam it, except her hand never touched the door, though she did fly against the wall on the opposite side of the room as she did slam the door.
With a gust of wind.
That’s new. 
Y/N cursed, shaking her hand aggressively as she glared at it, she sat up from her position on the floor, her room now in disarray thanks to the random gust of wind. Y/N moved to pick up one of many things that fell on the floor when her door swung open, a million different excuses for the mess were suddenly running through her mind as she tried to think of one that actually made sense. Opening her mouth as she looked up at the intruder she realized it was none other than Prince Zuko, who tackled her in a hug. 
None of this made sense. 
Her arms slowly wrapped around him as her brows furrowed, confusion flooding her as Zuko spoke, “we did it!” Listening to his words, she realized that she hadn’t heard his voice sound that happy in a while, and Y/N couldn’t stop herself from smiling momentarily. Key word being momentarily, as she soon recalled that it was a literal child that would be their ticket back to the Fire Nation, guilt consumed her.
Y/N did not support this, and despite the way Zuko smiled for the first time in forever, she contemplated releasing the Avatar once she got the chance, for a variety of reasons. Not that Zuko needed to know that as she replied softly, “yeah, we did.”
“We can go home, Y/N.” He released her from the hug to look her in the eyes, his hands remaining on her shoulders.
Raising a brow, she teased him, “I thought I was your home.” A light pink dusted Zuko’s cheeks at her comment as she continued, recalling that day, “didn’t you even say I was your girlfrie-”
“What happened to your room?” He asked in an attempt to change the subject, finally beginning to look around, his brows furrowed.
Y/N hollowed out her cheeks as she gave him a sheepish smile, “raccoons.” 
Yeah, that was the worst excuse on her list. It was better than nothing though, stressing Zuko was the last thing she wanted to do, and an accidental Airbending incident while the last Airbender was on board the ship would probably stress him out. 
Zuko opened his mouth, likely to tell her how stupid that sounded, though he was interrupted by another person shoving Y/N’s door open, “Y/N, we have a proble-” Upon seeing Zuko, the guard froze, pausing his sentence. Y/N already knew the news must’ve been bad if the guard had wanted to come to her first, likely expecting Zuko’s reaction be rather explosive. It was well known on board the ship that the only person capable of minimizing Zuko’s temper was Y/N, which is why most bad news tended to come from her, after another crew member told her. This seemed to be one of those instances, though it had gone wrong seeing as Zuko was in her room. 
The guard’s eyes met Y/N’s momentarily as she nodded for him to continue. Zuko simply rose a brow at this interaction. “The Avatar has escaped.” 
Everything went downhill from there. 
The attempt to recapture the Avatar went rather poorly, and Y/N hadn’t really done much in assistance if she was honest. The boy had started glowing, that wasn’t something normal people did, then again he was the Avatar. Y/N couldn’t help but wonder if she could glow as well, even as Zuko questioned her lack of action. 
Due to his failure to recapture the Avatar, Zuko’s mood seemed to worsen immediately, and his anger was mostly directed at Y/N. She was a talented Firebender who had done little to help recapture him, partially because she was focusing on ensuring half the crew didn’t die of frostbite. Not that Zuko was taking this into consideration during his bout of rage.
Had Y/N been more focused on him, she probably would’ve knocked some sense into him, but she figured Iroh had it handled as she handed the final crew member a blanket before returning to her incredibly messy room. Serving only as a reminder of another one of her problems. 
One, the only Airbender in the world had just disappeared, shortly after she discovered she could Airbend, leaving her without someone to teach her. Two, this probably would’ve happened regardless since Y/N really didn’t want to sentence a child to death at the hands of Fire Lord Ozai. Three, Y/N had no choice but to figure out how to control all her abilities, or else another accident could occur and she’d expose herself to someone who wouldn’t be as merciful as Zuko.
She’d mastered Firebending and Waterbending for the most part, though it was difficult without a master, she’d managed to teach herself just fine. Y/N wouldn’t deny that training in secret was difficult, with only an old Waterbending scroll to aid her, but something was better than nothing. And she was doing better than the Waterbender from the Water Tribe, so that was good news she supposed.
Zuko had been helpful, nobody questioned it when he ordered a random stop on the coast and they’d disappear for hours at a time. He’d been supportive of her endeavors to learn how to control her abilities, training alongside her, Y/N had noticed the way he was slowly incorporating Waterbending movements into his own Firebending, though he’d deny it if she pointed it out.
There were peaceful moments on the beaches they practiced on, ones that reminded her why she’d joined Zuko in banishment, why she cared for him.
Right now was not one of these moments.
As Y/N picked up a book that had fallen onto the floor due to her Airbending incident, placing it on her desk, the door swung open for the third time that day, hitting the side of the wall. This action knocked down her book, and Y/N didn’t need to turn around to know who it was as she extended her arm outward to signal for Zuko to remain silent as she inhaled deeply, trying to maintain patience. 
“Reconsider whatever you are going to say.” Y/N began, closing her eyes, “because I am this,” she puts her fingers ridiculously close together, “close to ending your life.” 
He rolled his eyes at her words, but closed the door more gently and leaned down to place the book back on the desk before speaking, “why didn’t you do anything to help against the Avatar?” When they’d discussed it earlier, she hadn’t given him an answer, mostly because she was busy melting the other Firebenders out of the ice that had entrapped them during the fight with the Avatar and his new friends. But Zuko sounded calmer than he had earlier, which meant he'd taken her threat seriously.
“He’s a kid, Zuko.” Y/N replied incredulously, continuing to go about cleaning her room. She bit her tongue as she contemplated pointing out that they were kids too, they shouldn’t be dealing with this. “And he’s the only person who could possibly understand what I’m going through.” Her voice is quieter as she says this, as though there’s someone else in the room who could hear her. Despite the fact that she’d been training with Waterbending, they had tried their hardest to avoid discussing the fact that she was the Avatar. Or, kind of the Avatar. 
Zuko grimaces at her comments, looking away from her awkwardly, “we deserve to be living in a palace.” Y/N swallows nervously, his words only serving as a remind of their past, her past. 
“You didn’t seem to mind leaving that behind when we found out what I could do.” Y/N retorted, staring at him as he desperately tried to avoid her piercing gaze.
These words seemed to strike a chord in him, and all the unspoken words from the day they found out seemed to be revealing themselves as they spoke, “because we had no other choice!” Zuko exclaimed, gesturing wildly, “now, we have a chance at returning to the Fire Nation.”
Picking up a small box, she placed it onto her desk alongside several of her things, “what if we just didn’t go back?” Y/N proposed quietly, staring at the small figurine. She’d had the thought multiple times, maybe it would’ve been easier to convince Zuko before they’d found another Avatar. Prior to discovering the Airbender, there had been no point in searching the world for the Avatar, and settling down somewhere would’ve been far more ideal than living on a ship for the rest of her life. Iroh had expressed similar feelings despite his blissful ignorance of the Avatar living alongside him, though he supported his nephew’s endeavors, “what if we ran away from all this Zuko? Your Uncle has always wanted to start a tea shop we could-”
“Are you crazy?” Zuko asked, “Y/N we are so close. If we find him again then my father will restore my honor. “ He insisted, and the desperation, the pain in his voice almost hurt Y/N as well, the fact that he still believed in his dreadful father. Y/N opened up her mouth to respond, only for Zuko to continue, “don’t you care?” 
Y/N wanted to scoff at this comment, and couldn’t help the way her fists balled up as she felt anger consume her. Did she care? She had gone to banishment with him despite the protests of the Fire Lord himself, and he was wondering if she cared? After everything Y/N had done for him? She couldn’t help but feel bitter as his words washed over her and suddenly, all the things she’s done for his sake came to her attention. Oh god, if only he knew what she did.
He’d probably kill her.
Y/N quickly shook away those thoughts as she responded, “I refuse to condemn a child to the likes of your father.” Zuko wouldn’t acknowledge it, even after 3 years, but his father was horrible. Y/N knew from experience how far his ambition went, she knew how much he was willing to give up for power. Y/N tries to ignore those memories as she exhales sharply before replying, “we've both seen what he’s done to his own children.” 
Zuko is silent at this comment, his eyes narrow at her  and Y/N quickly realized she struck a nerve, grimacing as she mutters, “I need... to go see Iroh.” She’s grappling for any excuse to escape this conversation. And Y/N supposed this was better than the raccoon excuse she had used earlier. 
Y/N quickly decided that she could apologize later as she made her way to her door, sparing Zuko a glance to see that he was staring at a painting that had fallen during her Airbending incident, one of Y/N, him and Iroh. The glass of the framed image had cracked, and Y/N couldn’t help but wonder if that was a sign. Her secrets were piling up, and today only made it worse. From Airbending to the... interesting connection Y/N seemed to have with Aang. She couldn’t let him get into Fire Lord Ozai’s hands at least until she had a better understanding of this connection, for all she knew, if Aang died, she would too.
Heading over to Iroh’s room had once been an excuse, but now she had a mission, she was going to ask him about the possibility of two Avatars. And perhaps drink some tea for the sake of calming down, though her fight with Zuko hadn’t gotten too heated, she knew the tension between them would remain for days to come. Though they had no choice but to get over it, the two worked side by side each day, and they both needed a clear head to get through each painstaking day on the ship without complications.
If Y/N had an attitude like Zuko’s, the crew might just abandon ship.
Coming upon Iroh’s door, Y/N begins to reconsider her decision, maybe he was napping, or busy in some other way. Perhaps, this wasn’t the best idea, and consulting with Zuko before doing something so drastic would be better. Then again, she wasn’t really on speaking terms with him at the moment, so she summoned her courage and knocked on Iroh’s door, a small part of her hoping that he wouldn’t open it.
Y/N’s wish didn’t come true as a smiling Iroh opened his door, “Y/N, welcome.” He greeted. Iroh’s room smelt of tea and candles, and looking at it now, Y/N realized he was a rather organized person with very few belongings. Though, the things he carried with him clearly had sentimental value. “What can I do for you?”
“Do I have to need something to come see you?” She asks playfully, Iroh had always been someone pleasant to converse with, even before banishment. Though these years traveling together had certainly brought them closer together, bonding over Zuko was a common pass time, though their friendship had long since expanded into other topics of conversation.
Iroh hummed in response, sitting down in front of his tea kettle, “so you don’t need anything?” He begins to boil the water, retrieving some tea leaves from a cabinet that Y/N is sure has an endless supply.
“I do have a question.” Comes her reply, taking a seat across from him. “About the Avatar, and such.” 
Taking two teacups, Iroh looks to her curiously, “there are a few things we could discuss in regards to the Avatar.”
Y/N considered how she could word this without sounding suspicious, and she quickly realized that her options were rather limited as she opened her mouth, “I was wondering what the other Avatar sightings could’ve been, if.. this kid is the real Avatar.” What she said wasn’t a lie, there had been dozens of sightings of other people bending more than one element. And from the research she’d done, most of the people who were allegedly capable of bending more than one element died at a young age. 
Iroh hummed in understanding, pouring the tea into the cups he’d set out for the two of them, “do you know what a Dualbender is?” He asks, looking to her.
Y/N nods slowly, “I’ve heard the myths, but I don’t know much. Some question if they are just that, myths.” She’d considered the possibility that she was a dualbender, and made an attempt to research the topic, but there wasn’t much information since it was rather rare. That and the fact that the name ‘Dualbender’ implied the capability of bending two elements, and Y/N could evidently bend three. 
“Well, the Fire Nation has encountered a few in the past.” Iroh explains, “Dualbenders are born when the Avatar experiences near-death.” He blows on his tea, staring into the dark liquid, and Y/N follows suit. “To put it simply, they’re mistakes. A failed attempt to continue the Avatar cycle because the Avatar at the time doesn’t actually die.”
Y/N’s brows draw together at his words, a mistake? She decides that’s a lovely way to regard herself as she speaks, “the Avatar said he was frozen in an iceberg all that time he was gone.” Iroh doesn’t question how she attained this information, simply nodding along to her words, “would that qualify as near-death?” Aang had referred to it as a state of hibernation, and Y/N wondered if this could explain her existence. Regardless, this meant that she wasn’t the Avatar, or an Avatar. She was a mistake. If Y/N had to guess, she wasn’t capable of bending Earth, and given how long the Avatar had been in his state of hibernation, that’s the only reason she was capable of bending three elements of four in the first place.
“Yes, I believe it would.” His eyes fell onto the small circular window of his room, looking outside it at the crashing waves. “There are likely several dualbenders out there. Or...” Iroh paused, likely considering his next words as he turned back to Y/N, “an incredibly powerful one.” Y/N couldn’t help but curse Iroh for his mysterious way with words, though he likely knew nothing of her little secret, it sure felt like he did as his eyes pierced into her very soul. 
“Interesting.” Y/N said, trying to seem disinterested, sipping her tea nonchalantly. 
Iroh raised a brow, “speaking of the Avatar. What are you going to do now that we’ve actually found him?” Y/N wanted to laugh at this statement, nobody had expected to actually find the Avatar when they set out on this trip. 
“What do you mean?” She asked, tilting her head at him in confusion.
Exhaling deeply, Iroh sighed, “should my nephew successfully bring the Avatar back to the Fire Nation, you’re going to a have a problem.” Understanding washed over her as she met Iroh’s eyes.
Y/N’s face darkened at his comment, “I’ve tried to convince him not to go back, to abandon this.” 
“But he refused.” Iroh said knowingly, his nephew was certainly set in his ways. Regardless of how many times both Iroh and Y/N had broached the topic of giving up on the search for the Avatar, he’d always rejected the possibility. Though Y/N had never managed to actually have a discussion with him about it until today since she never thought that they’d see the day that they actually found the Avatar and had a chance to go home. She thought she had time. 
Iroh shook his head, “Y/N, you need to tell him.”
Her timeline had just been moved up. 
Scowling at the reminder, Y/N turned to Iroh, “I don’t regret it.” She affirms, placing her tea down to face him, she says this mainly to convince herself, not Iroh. Though she appreciates him and all that he has done, confrontations like these are less than favorable. 
With a shrug, Iroh replies, “I didn’t ask if you did.” 
“You didn’t need to.” Y/N grumbled, her mood souring. This day had been horrid thus far, and Iroh was not helping. 
Picking up her up to take another sip of her tea, Y/N jumped at the door slamming open, exhaling deeply in an attempt to calm herself. She already knew who it was, only one person on the ship had that bad habit. 
“Uncle, I need-” Zuko paused upon noticing Y/N.
“Thank you for the tea, Iroh.” Y/N spoke with a tight lipped smile, before giving Zuko an empty look and sitting up, “I was just leaving. Have fun.” Stepping past Zuko, Y/N contemplates bumping shoulders with him, but ultimately decides against the petty action as she gently closes the door behind her. 
She doesn’t notice the way Zuko reaches out for her as she exits, or the way he groans in annoyance as he brings his hands to his face. 
Iroh gave the young prince a look, “what did you do?” He asks, putting away Y/N’s cup of tea, and bringing an empty cup down for Zuko as he gestured to the now empty spot in front of him.
“Hey, it wasn’t just me!” Zuko exclaimed, plopping down on the floor across from his Uncle, watching him pour a cup of tea before taking it begrudgingly. 
Iroh hummed in response, “then it sounds like you need to have a conversation with Y/N. Not me.” He pointed out. It wasn’t the first time they’d both come to him after a fight, Iroh was aware of the bond the two shared, and the mutual denial of how extensive it was. But recently, things seemed to have changed, and he wasn’t sure if it was for the better or not. 
Zuko scoffed, sipping his tea, “she’s being mean.” He almost scowled at how childish his words sounded, but her reference to his father had caught him off guard. Then again, he’d insinuated that she didn’t care, even though she had traveled the world in search of someone they thought didn’t exist.
Okay, they’d both said things they regretted. 
Maybe Zuko was right, maybe Y/N was being mean, but that was mainly because she had bigger problems than capturing the Avatar, Zuko only knew about... some of those problems. 
Entering her room, Y/N sighed, looking around to see it was now clean. Likely a courtesy of Zuko. Actions speak louder than words, and Zuko wouldn’t be the one to apologize verbally, she knew that much. Making her way to her bed, Y/N collapsed into it, this day had been longer than she’d expected. 
Sleep sounded nice right about now.
Y/N opened her eyes to see she was in the air, rain pouring violently down onto the saddle she was seated in. Thunder rattled above her, and she could see a flash of lightning strike down into the water, spinning around, she noticed that all she could see for miles was water, the ocean seemed endless.
Moving to look over the saddle, Y/N saw fur, quickly realizing that she was on Aang’s Sky Bison, her mouth gaped open in shock, turning to the front of the animal where a panicked Avatar sat, attempting to steer the creature to safety. 
Scrambling towards the front of the Sky Bison to try and speak with Aang, Y/N extended her hand, only to see that she wasn’t wearing traditional Fire Nation clothing, instead her clothes left her arms exposed. A tattoo of two dragons snaking around her arm, one colored white and the other colored black, the image leaving Y/N’s brows furrowing in confusion.
She didn’t have a tattoo. 
Shaking off the confusion, she quickly realized there were bigger problems at hand than a mysterious tattoo before grabbing Aang’s shoulder. He turned to look back at her, eyes red due to the tears streaming down his face and mixing with the water pouring down on them, panic clear in his face, though his eyes seemed to widen in shock at the sight of her. 
Y/N wondered who would’ve spoke first had they not begun to fall towards the water, quickly getting sucked in by the current. Sstruggled to keep control of her body, and though her vision was blurry, and her eyes stung due to the sea water, she could make out Aang and the Sky Bison in the water, swimming towards them despite the burning sensation in her lungs. 
She reached for him, preparing to swim upwards as quickly as she could to ensure they both survived, but he began to glow, causing her to falter. Though Y/N quickly realized she had no choice but to grab him or they’d both die, and her hand shot out to grab his arm. 
Once she’d made contact with her, the tattoo snaking up her arm began to glow as well, and she felt panic flood her.
Everything went white as they were encased in ice.
Shooting up from her bed, Y/N gasped out for air, as though she’d actually been drowning, her hand coming to her neck. The shock of the dream almost distracted her from the rapid series of knocks coming from her door, her head whipping towards it as she blinked, once, twice, before sitting up from her bed and shakily making her way towards it. Y/N opened the door, to see Zuko’s hand preparing to ram against her face now that the door no longer stood in his way, along with several other crew members standing behind him.
They were all in sleepwear, and Y/N suddenly realized she’d fell asleep in her Fire Nation armor, looking to them for answers as to why they’d gathered in front of her door. There was a panicked look on Zuko’s face as one of the crew members that had noticed her confusion explained awkwardly, “you were screaming, Miss L/N.” 
Y/N let out a small laugh of embarrassment, her hand coming to her neck, “sorry about that guys. Bad dream.” She looked away from them, trying to determine what to say next.
Zuko spoke first, turning back to the crew, “you heard her.” When they did nothing, he continued, more frustrated, “leave!” He exclaimed, as though it was obvious, and the crew members that were there suddenly nodded rapidly, saluting the two of them before returning to their quarters.
Zuko turned back to Y/N, his face red as he sighed, “are you okay?” He grumbled out. 
Y/N nodded slowly, bringing her arm up as she recalled the tattoo from her dreams, sliding up the sleeve to see that her arm remained free of a tattoo.
It was just a dream.
“Yeah.” She mumbled, inhaling deeply. “Sorry to wake you.”
He’s still staring at her as he repeats, “you were screaming.” 
“Apparently.” Comes her response, but looking at him, Y/N realizes he was more worried than he’d let on. “You wanna come in?” She asks, opening her door wider.
Wordlessly, he enters, slipping past her and into the room. Zuko immediately looks to her bed, the sheets are messily tossed across it, spilling onto the floor. Some of her pillows had also found their way onto the floor as well. The thin layer of frost that coats her wall reminds Y/N of what Aang had told her earlier.
He’d gone into a state of hibernation within an iceberg, after a storm.
She had just witnessed the day the Avatar went missing. In her dreams. Or maybe it wasn’t her dreams, how could she dream such a thing up, and so vividly? 
It felt like she had been there.
Y/N realized her list of problems was growing rather rapidly at this point as she looked up at Zuko, who had already been staring at her, opening and closing his mouth as he searched for the best words before he finally said, “you wanna talk about it?”
He’d never been good at comfort, Y/N knew this, and the fact that he was even offering brought on a new wave of emotions for Y/N as she extended her arms outward, hoping he’d understand.
Zuko’s cheeks flushed, and he made his way towards her, allowing Y/N to wrap her arms around his neck as his came around her waist. He was stiff in the hug, and Y/N wasn’t shocked by this, though she was shocked he agreed to a hug in the first place.
She found comfort in the warmth of his arms as she spoke, “I’m fine.” 
And maybe those words provided comfort for the both of them.
But her mind was swirling with thoughts, and Y/N can’t help but feel distressed as she realizes her list of problems won’t stop growing. She’d have to deal with mastering Airbending now, though the entire culture was wiped out, and most valuable artifacts had long since been stolen from the Air Temples and sold for who knew how much. The only other person who could teach her Airbending was the enemy, and someone she’d have to chase down.
That someone being Aang, who she appeared to have some odd connection with, one that Y/N couldn’t understand at all. For some reason, his past was appearing in her head, and she didn’t know what to do about it.
Then there was the fact that she might have to worry about returning to the Fire Nation should they actually manage to capture Aang, years ahead of schedule. And if they did return to the Fire Nation, Y/N would have a lot of explaining to do. Even if Y/N wouldn’t die at the hands of the Fire Lord, she might die by Zuko’s hand instead.
Her final problem was Zuko. 
Yeah. He was a big problem. In more ways than one.
Y/N was only reminded of this fact as she was practically dragged out of bed the following morning to help handle the ship repairs that were very necessary given how much damage the ship had taken during the skirmish with the Avatar. Zuko had barged into her room, and Y/N wondered when he left last night, as he was now fully dressed and the sun was out. Neither of them mentioned this though, and nobody on board mentioned her little incident, thankfully. Though Y/N had a feeling that was because Zuko had threatened them, she didn’t approve of this possibility, but for once, she was grateful for it. 
With a sigh, she descended down the ramp of the ship, heading towards Iroh. Y/N couldn’t help but feel worried that Zuko wasn’t in sight, he had a tendency to make poor decisions, considering the fact that Y/N was pretty much his impulse control. 
“Good morning, Y/N.” Iroh greeted, beaming at her. “Lovely day isn’t it?”
Thus far, her day had gone pretty bad, considering she had woken up screaming, but Y/N nodded in agreement nonetheless, “yeah. This port seems to have a lot to offer. I might go shopping a bit.” Though this didn’t sound very ideal as she recalled what had happened the last time she’d visited a port market. Being held at knife point was not one of her favorite memories, nor was the fear that had swallowed her whole that day for several reasons.
Y/N had tried to avoid markets since then. 
“Sounds like a good idea.” Comes a voice from beside her, in the corner of her eye Y/N can make out the figure of someone in Fire Nation garments. Turning, she quickly realizes who it is. General Zhao, one of the higher ranking members within the Fire Nation.
Y/N hated him.
He made his way over to her and Iroh, and bowed his head to the older man, “the Dragon of the West. An honor to meet you.” Though, as he speaks these words, Y/N has a feeling that he doesn’t truly mean them, given his rather condescending tone. Iroh regards him with a more respectful tone, his brow raised on the man’s sudden appearance.
Maybe murder is the answer.
General Zhao turned to her, “Miss L/N, correct?” 
Y/N nodded, a tight lipped smile on her face, “yes. You’re General Zhao, no?”
He returned her smile, which she suspected was as fake as hers, before responding, “that would be me. I believe I recall your strategies helping us win a few battles.”
“Actually, her strategies have helped the Fire Nation win dozens.” Y/N sighs as she realizes Zuko has arrived, and the look on the General’s face makes her wonder what he’s hiding. “Y/N is a valuable asset.” 
The General raises a brow at Zuko’s words, “then why isn’t she in the famed War Room at the palace?” 
It’s a silent reference to Zuko’s banishment, and everyone knows it. “As Prince Zuko’s right hand, I’ve joined him in the...” Y/N faked a grimace as she tried to diffuse the situation, “unsuccessful hunt for the Avatar.” 
This seems to satisfy the General, the fact that Zuko has failed, but Y/N had a feeling Zuko was glad she had lied in regards to the Avatar as his hand comes to the small of her back. “If you’ll be excusing us, we have repairs to tend to.” 
“Yes.. might I ask what could have caused that damage?” 
Y/N was starting to wonder if she should write out an actual list of excuses, such a thing would be helpful for moments like this, “we ran into a glacier in the South Pole.” Zuko explained nonchalantly.
“Why don’t you join me on my ship while you wait? We could have a nice cup of tea.” The General suggested, though Y/N already knew he was baiting both Zuko and Iroh.
The way Iroh lit up at the mention of tea was rather obvious, and he quickly exclaimed,  “sounds like a wonderful idea!” Though Y/N appreciated the action, since Zuko was acting rather suspicious. 
Y/N wasn’t shocked when the General found out they’d discovered the Avatar, and she wasn’t shocked when Zuko challenged him to an Agni Kai, just disappointed. But Y/N was definitely angry when her own name was mentioned in the Agni Kai.
The two stood across from each other as General Zhao spoke, “when I win, I will be taking Miss L/N, and the rest of your crew. Along with any information you have in regards to the Avatar.” 
If looks could kill, Y/N would’ve ended the lives of both the General and Zuko as she glared at them, though her attention was mostly on Zuko, who stood in front of her. “You can’t just bet me like I’m some sort of object.” She hissed at him, “if you lose-”
“I’m not losing you.” He responded, and Y/N doesn’t miss the way his cheeks flush as he clears his throat when he realizes what the sentence sounds like. Y/N found it funny that he still found time to be embarrassed despite the violent situation at hand. “Or the crew.” He adds, though the look from his Uncle causes him to look away.
Y/N scoffs in response, trying to ignore the burning in her own cheeks, “I’ll kill you if he doesn’t.” She grumbles, leaning against the railing of the ship. But it’s an empty threat, they both know this, they also both know that Y/N is very capable of killing him. 
When the fight begins. Y/N wouldn’t deny that she was shocked when she’d actually witnessed how much Zuko had improved in the past few years, under Iroh’s guidance. Though the General was certainly talented, Zuko skillfully dodged his blasts of fire, leaving Y/N to wonder how much Zuko could’ve possessed had he always been under Iroh’s charge.
Life would’ve been very different.
It doesn’t last as long as she anticipated, and Y/N wouldn’t deny that she didn’t think the odds were in Zuko’s favor, even as he dealt the final strike. Y/N was sure Iroh was practically beaming with pride as he watched his nephew win the Agni Kai, that and since he’d spared Zhao’s life.
She certainly wouldn’t have. 
And the way he turns around to strike Zuko, even after losing, makes Y/N wish she had been the one in the Agni Kai in the first place as she steps in front of the blast. She parts her hands, directing the fire in opposite directions before a sword of fire is clear in her hands, the tip held against the General’s throat. Iroh had pushed Zuko behind him protectively, and Y/N stared down Zhao, though she can’t see Zuko, she can practically feel his anxiety.
The General has been bested, and yet he’s grinning at her as he says, “so you are as good as they say.”
Y/N decides she doesn’t really want to know what they say as she responds, “stay down. Or you’re dead.” The sword of fire dissipates into the air, and Y/N begins to walk towards Zuko and Iroh.
“Your talent is being wasted.” He calls out as she leaves, but Y/N ignored him, smacking Zuko upside the head as she moves ahead of him, though she remains alert. 
Zuko can’t help but feel as though the man is right.
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A/N: everytime i start a multipart fic i always gotta write a really short part one because its like the pilot but then part two is like hi im too many words
anyways i hope you all enjoyed it! im trying here lol its 4AM, who needs sleep, i do my best work sleep deprived.
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jedimordsith · 3 years
From the Cutting Room Floor
In lieu of Sunday Six today, have a chunk that I cut from my Temple Grim fic this week. 
“Dantooine?” Leia propped her hands on her hips, the blue brocade of the long open vest she wore over her pantsuit bunching under her palms. Sunlight filtering in through the tall windows glittered off the golden pins in her hair. “You’re going treasure-hunting on Dantooine? What is this, a bad holo plot?” 
“It’s not treasure hunting!” The closet muffled Luke’s words so he waited until he’d finished scooping a stack of worn fatigues off the shelf and emerged from the walk-in to add, “it’s official Jedi business.”
“Since when is monster hunting official Jedi business?” His sister huffed.
Luke crossed to the bed where his scuffed carryall lay open and stuffed the clothes inside. “We don’t know that it’s a monster,” he pointed out, ducking into the ensuite ‘fresher and reemerging with his travel toiletries bag and a portable med kit. “It might be something else. Sabotage, maybe. Or some kind of artifact. I won’t know till I get there.” 
Leia narrowed her eyes. “This is a ploy, isn’t it? To get out the budget meetings next week.” 
“Of course not.” Luke ran one more cursory glance over his gear, then flipped the top of the bag shut. He could pack for missions like this in his sleep these days. “That’s just a bonus.” 
“I’m kidding.” 
“You’re not.” Leia folded her arms across her chest and scowled. “Really, Luke, if you’re hiking all the way out to the edge of the galaxy just to avoid the due process of —”
“It’s a Jedi Enclave, Leia,” Luke interrupted, his hands squeezing the strap of his carryall in an echo of the way his heart seemed to contract in his chest. “Or at least it was.” 
“And the main Temple is here.” Her expression softened. “I know you haven’t found what you were hoping for yet, but it’s only been a year! We’re still finding hidden Imperial resources every month. You just need to give it time.”  
There was pleading note beneath the reassurance, one tied to an unintentional tug in the Force as his twin unconsciously grasped at him. Leia may have buried her fears of losing what little family she had left where she didn’t have to acknowledge them, but Luke lived too firmly entwined with the currents of the Force to ever miss them when they surfaced. He no longer winced at the rasp of them over his sense, just accepted it and let it go. 
“I have given it time,” he said gently, leaving his carryall on the bed and moving to take her hands in his. “And everyday it gets more unlikely that I’m ever going to be able to rebuild the Jedi here. You know that — you’ve seen the same signs that I have.” He shook his head. “The new Order won’t be the same as the old. It can’t. Planting it here among their ghosts won’t do anyone any good.”  
“Neither will planting on it Dantooine,” Leia countered, stubbornly. 
Luke rolled his eyes and poked her in the Force as he turned around to retrieve his bag. “It’s a research trip,” he reminded her, hitching the bag over his shoulder and moving to the environmental controls. “I’m just going to see if there’s anything there that could help me re-found the Order. You know, the same stuff I always look for — artifacts, documents, that kind of thing. I’m not staying.” Punching in the sequence that would set the apartment up to hibernate in maintenance mode until he returned, he shot a playful grin over his shoulder. “In fact, I’ll probably be back just around the time budget season is over.” 
“I bet,” Leia muttered, pursing her lips. “All right, laser-brain,” she sighed dramatically. “But you had better not get into any trouble. Han and Lando are on Kashyyyk for at least another week and I own’t be able to send them out after you if you dig up something ugly while you’re out there screwing around.” 
With a final glance about, Luke offered his sister his arm. She tucked her hand in the crook of his elbow, bumping his shoulder with her own as they left the apartment. 
“I can’t believe you’re not even taking Artoo,” she said as they stepped into a turbolift that would take them to the hangar. 
“You need him here,” Luke reminded her, placing his hand over hers where it rested on his arm and squeezing gently. “And he’d miss the twins something terrible if I took him with me.”
“You say that like we’re not all going to miss you,” Leia scolded pointedly. 
“You’ll be fine.” Luke dropped a kiss on his sister’s temple. “You’ll be so busy you’ll barely notice I’m gone and I’ll be back before you know it.”
“And you’ll comm,” Leia ordered. “As often as you can.” 
“You know I will.” The lift drifted to a stop and the doors whisked open. “Now come on. I promised to give one of the students a lift and he’s probably waiting already.” 
Giedi Arden’s eyes went wide when the twins entered the small private hangar while Luke kept his ship. A somewhat frantic look crossed his face before he bent nearly in half in a bow that se the knot of blue-green hair atop his head bobbing. 
“Your Majesty! Or, uh, Your Magnificence? I — it’s an honor —”
“It’s all right Giedi,” Luke chuckled. “We don’t stand on ceremony on this hangar.” 
The young Jessar straightened, his pale blue skin blushing cobalt. “Right. Sorry. I just —” 
Leia smiled and glided forward, her hands extended to shake his. “Geidi? It’s nice to meet you. Luke’s told me how helpful you’ve been with his work.” 
“I — he has? Oh. Thank you. I mean, it was a pleasure really.” His hands fluttered nervously when Leia released them. “My great-uncle was a Jedi. I never got to meet him, obviously, but my grandmother used to tell us stories and I — I like to think I’m honoring him a little bit by helping, you know?” 
“I do,” Leia agreed warmly. “And I’m sure he’d be very proud.” 
“Giedi’s very accomplished,” Luke added, coming to stand beside his sister. “He’s promised to show me the ropes of a proper dig.” 
Leia turned a pointed look on him. “I expect you to listen, then,” she said sternly. “No getting into anything foolish without backup. I mean it.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” Grinning, he pecked a kiss to her forehead. “No shenanigans and bonus points for coming back before the end of budget season. I have been listening.”
Leia harrumphed but gave him a hug. Stepping back, she said, “May the Force be with you both.” 
Luke threw her a cheeky, two-fingered salute and waved Giedi toward the ship’s ramp. 
“I know you said you had a ship,” the Jessar said as they lugged their bags aboard. “I didn’t realize it had a fancy paint job.”
“It was a gift from a friend,” Luke smiled, leading him to the small bunk room and motioning for him to store his gear as he stashed his own in the usual spot. “The art, I mean. The ship was kind of an accident.” 
“You accidentally got a ship?” 
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sleekervae · 4 years
The Neighbour [0.2]
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Eva clung especially tightly to Pluto as she followed Remington back to the front gate, her cheeks burning red hot with humiliation. It didn't help either that this kid happened to be wickedly handsome and sans shirt all the while.
Remington wasn't so bothered by the incident, worse case scenario he could convince the guys to order a pizza like he was craving. Nonetheless, he didn't blame Eva; he tried to put that across by keeping the friendly smile on his face and putting her at ease.
"You know, it's not a big deal -- with the food and everything," he assured her, "We'll just order a pizza or something,"
Eva shrugged, "I know. It's just -- you know, I guess this isn't how I expected everything was going to go," she said, "Moving is tough enough with everything going on, and now it seems I got to get a play cage for this little monster,"
Remington patted the top of Pluto's head, "He's not so bad, just a little hungry. Cute little guy, aren't ya?" The pale tabby closed his eyes and rubbed his scruffy head against his palm.
Eva smiled a little, "He likes you. You should be honored, he doesn't warm up to strangers so easily,"
"Well of course he likes me. We have the same hair colour," Remington grinned, subconsciously running a hand through his black and blonde hair.
"You could be twins," Eva chuckled sardonically.
Remington opened the gate for her, "So... do you like the neighbourhood?" he asked.
"It's nice so far," Eva nodded, "I'm still unpacking all my boxes and shit so I haven't really had the opportunity to explore. And given the circumstances and... I -- I forgot my face mask too, fuck,"
Remington shrugged, swallowing the ball of nerves creeping up his throat, "You look pretty healthy to me," he said.
Eva smiled politely, hoping she could attribute the flush in her cheeks to the heat. There was something about him, he was familiar to her. She didn't come right out and say it, perhaps he just had one of those faces one sees and recognizes from somewhere else.
"Well, I should get going. And tell those guys I'm sorry again," she said, walking backwards to the sidewalk.
Remington simply shook his head, "Honestly, don't even give a second thought. Welcome to the neighbourhood, Eva"
"Thank you, Remington,"
There was something about the way his name rolled off of her tongue that sounded so sweet to him. He continued to stand at the gate and watched the pretty young girl cross the street and back into the apartment courtyard. Eva turned and took one last fleeting glance, a zing of electricity zipping down her spine when she saw Remington was still standing there.
Slamming the door to her apartment, she placed Pluto back on the floor, washed her hands thoroughly, and went back to her kitchen to continue with her baking exploits. She tied an apron around her waist, pulled out her ingredients and tried to find a good recipe on her phone. She also made sure to close the window.
She was unbothered when Pluto jumped onto the counter and took a seat, staring at his owner curiously. Eva stared at him just as intently, having half the mind to shoo him off the countertop. He seemed to almost be smiling at her.
"And what are you looking at, sausage thief?"
Some days passed; days filled with doing absolutely nothing. If everything was normal, Palaye Royale would have been smack in the middle of their European tour. Instead, Remington was sitting in his room, bored out of his mind as he continued to press the buttons on his xbox controller. He had played this game so many times, it was too easy. The challenge was gone.
Today was Friday, another Friday that was filled with perpetual boredom and misery. Riding around on his scooter wasn't fun, video games weren't fun, even trying to annoy Emerson wasn't as fun. There was little drive for him to do the bare minimum; it was just an achievement alone that he forced himself to shower this morning.
Lying back on his bed, he stared up at the empty ceiling, closing his eyes and trying to go back to sleep. Maybe the time would go faster if he slept more, like a hibernating bear? However, the notion of sleep was swiftly yanked away when he heard the doorbell ring.
He groaned audibly and turned over, his dark brown eyes still shut tight, "Emerson! Someone's at the door!" he called. There was no response, not even the shuffling echo of feet. Was Emerson even home? Maybe he'd ordered something off Amazon again and conveniently forgot to tell Remington while he was out.
If it was a package and he'd missed it, he didn't want to hear Emerson going off about having to drag himself down to the post office to sign for it -- in a pandemic no less. A month in and this pandemic was already getting to be old news.
Nevertheless, Remington pulled himself out of bed and jogged downstairs, hoping the Amazon guy hadn't left yet. He didn't take into account that he was only in his indigo dotted shorts and nothing else, throwing open the door without a care. However, he was surprised to see a plastic bag at his feet, at the gate was Eva.
Eva had just pulled back the latch to the gate when she heard the door open, and she was no doubt taken aback to see Remington standing there... again without a shirt. He looked weary and tired, the complete opposite to Eva's glowing face and yellow summer dress.
"You're not the Amazon guy," Remington spoke candidly.
Eva cocked her head, "Uh, no. Afraid not," she shrugged, "You expecting a package?"
"No," Reming shook his head, "I mean, my brother might be, but he's not home and I have no... um, nevermind. What brings you over here?" he leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms, trying to collect himself a bit more.
Eva pointed to the bag at his feet, "I made some bread. The recipe made three loaves and I don't need that many carbs," she chuckled awkwardly, "I thought maybe you guys might like one?"
"Oh," Remington picked up the bag and pulled back the plastic, finding a round, crisp loaf of bread inside, probably a bit bigger than Mishka, "That's very nice of you,"
"I just felt bad about the other day --"
"I told you, it's no big deal,"
"I know," Eva nodded, scratching at the skin behind her ear, "I ... jeez. Just being neighbourly, I guess?"
"I'm the one who should be fucking neighbourly," Remington grinned, "You want to come in for a drink or something? ... Or maybe we should sit on the lawn instead? That's social distancing, right?"
Eva smiled sheepishly but shook her head, "I actually have to stop by my storage unit and pick up the rest of my things. I'm just looking for a Waive,"
"You don't have a car?" he asked.
"Well, it was either the apartment or the car, and I figure I can survive off public transit for the next little while," she replied.
It was then a truly incredible idea entered Remington's head, "... I can drive you over, if you want," he said.
Eva smiled graciously, "Oh no, that's okay. There's one up four blocks from here, and I don't want to be a bother," she replied.
"It's no bother at all," Remington grinned, "As long as I'm back in time for my set schedule of nothing, followed by nothing, and then more nothing," hey, it was at least a reason for him to get out of the house.
Eva crossed her left leg behind her right, clearly a little unsure. It wasn't advisable to get into a car with a stranger when circumstances were normal, and now couldn't have been an exception.
"I don't know, Remington,"
He could see the apprehension spread over her delicate face, and he didn't blame her for being on the edge. He wasn't even sure if she should've even been in his backyard the other day. Then again, he knew he was being safe, and as far as he saw Eva never went anywhere, or had anybody over.
"I get it if you're uncomfortable," he told her, "But I don't go anywhere. And the only people I ever really see are the people you met the other day. That's it. I just... I wanna' do everything right so we can go back to normal as soon as we can. And you seem like a nice girl and I would hate to know you're having to suck up quarantine by yourself,"
Eva took a minute to think it over. She glanced down the street, maybe thinking she could catch sight of the shared car her map was telling her was within a four-block radius. Then again, she wasn't all that comfortable having to use a car-sharing service since the pandemic started, but she couldn't take her stuff on the bus and she couldn't afford Uber rates. Besides, Remington was only one guy...
"... If you don't mind," she said finally, "Maybe we can just leave the windows down and have our masks on?
Remington tried to hold back the big grin that wanted to explode over his lips, "It's seventy-five degrees out, you bet your ass I'm gonna' have the windows down," he said, "I'll just go throw on a shirt,"
"Do you have a habit of going without a shirt?" she asked.
Remington smirked, "Only on Wednesdays... and when beautiful women happen to be around,"
Eva rolled her eyes, but she was smiling nonetheless. She actually found him to be quite charming, "Well, it's not Wednesday," she took a brief look around, "And there are no pretty girls here,"
"Oh, come on, don't sell yourself short, Eva," he winked coyly as he rewrapped the bread in the plastic, "Just outta' curiosity, is this --?"
"Sourdough," Eva nodded shyly.
"What is up with this sourdough fad?" he asked.
"I don't know," she threw her arms out, "I just wanted to fit in and be cool, I guess,"
"You named your cat after an Edgar Allan Poe book, you're already cool,"
Eva waited patiently outside as Remington dashed into his room. However, he stopped short when he found a post-it note was stuck to his door. He must've blown past it when he went to answer downstairs. It was notably written in Emerson's chicken scratch and he read it to himself.
"Remington, I'm off with Shy to the beach. Text me if you want to cook or do take out, unless of course I come home before you open your door... and you won't find this note," he glowered at the dark blue ink, "Seriously?"
About an hour later, having collected the rest of her boxes from storage, Remington followed Eva up three flights of stairs to her little corner apartment. Eva had a bit of a rough time trying to put the key in the lock without dropping her box, but she was finally able to get the door open and push her way inside. Pluto was in his bed, none too bothered by his owner's presence. It was only when he smelled the unfamiliar scent of men's soap and hair product that he turned his head to Remington.
He was quick to leap up and come trotting over, nearly scaring Remington out of his skin when he started rubbing up against his leg, "What the --? Oh, hi Pluto," he grinned at the pale and black-striped tabby.
Eva huffed at her cat, setting down her box and going to scoop him up, "Pluto! Let him in before you start whoring," He gave a yrowl of protest before he was dropped back into his bed.
"Sorry about that," she said.
"It's no problem," Remington wasn't shy about having a few glances around her small studio space. It was cozy, yet not fully furnished as the walls were still bare and her shelves were empty. On the right hand side, two perpendicular walls separated the kitchen space from the bedroom (it was more like a bed cubby), and on the other side she had a small couch with a glass coffee table, and beside that a desk that prescribed the definition of 'messy'. Looking out through a sliding door, Eva had a small balcony with two chairs and small dining table -- where she had a perfect view of his house.
"Please forgive the mess, too. I'm shit at organizing," Eva said, having now pulled down her blue medical mask so it rested under her chin. Remington did the same.
"It's definitely a lot cleaner than my place," he said, still gripping tightly the cardboard box, "Where would you like this?"
Eva set down her box on the kitchen counter, took a glance at the writing at the side before directing him, "Just down by the bookcase, is fine," and she started pulling apart her own box.
Remington set down his box and opened it as well, astonished and impressed to see rows of vinyls lined up and packed tightly. She had music that ranged from Billie Holiday to Harry Styles; some sleeves more worn down than others. Unable to help himself, Remington had a flip through her music, you could always best judge somebody by what they threw on the turntable. Remington's smile grew when he found his own record, Boom Boom Room Side A.
"You have good taste," he said, turning and holding up the vinyl.
Eva turned from her box full of novels, a tinge of red spreading over her cheeks when she saw him crouched over her music and holding a record. But when she realized the worn down sleeve was for Palaye Royale, it suddenly clicked in her mind where she'd seen Remington from. A small warmth flooded through her gut.
"I knew you looked familiar," she blushed, "Your hair's different, that's why I didn't recognize you,"
"I take it this is your only record of ours?" he smirked.
Eva shrugged, "It was a birthday present. I liked a lot of what I heard, though," she ruffled a hand through her short hair, "There was one song I heard and I just fucking loved it. It went something like... oh my gosh, like um..." she started humming the chorus to something that sounded like Mr. Doctor Man.
The melody was instantly recognizable to Remington, but he let her carry on longer than necessary to watch her, the giggle she let out while she hummed simply delicious. He could never sing that song the same way again after hearing that.
"I think that's supposed to be Mr. Doctor Man," he chuckled once she had stopped giggling.
Eva pointed a finger at him, "That's it! I loved it because it sounded like The Killers!" Eva couldn't believe she just hummed that song to Remington fucking Leith. She wasn't sure why she had let Palaye Royale fall off her radar, having remembered how much fun she had jamming to that vinyl in her old place. And the voice on Remington was so sexy, she couldn't help but be so enthralled by those raspy high and low notes he would hit.
"That's probably one of the best comparisons I've had, yet," he told her, "They also happen to originate from Vegas,"
Her cheeks were still burning but she lifted her eyes slowly back to his and gave a tentative smile, "What is it with all you cool rock bands coming out of Las Vegas?"
"Like they say; Vegas is built on hopes, dreams, and crazy people," he gave her a wide, toothy grin just to make his point.
"Who said that?" Eva asked.
"I don't know, but it makes a fuck ton of a sense," Remington replied, "Would you like me to put these in the shelf?" he pointed to the bookcase.
Eva shook her head, "No, you don't have to do that. You didn't even have to help me haul all this shit upstairs," she said.
"And leave a lovely lady to break her back on her own? My own mother would be so ashamed of me," he scoffed back, waving his hand at her, "And besides, as your new friend I insist on helping you out,"
Eva cocked her head, "So, you and I went from acquaintances to friends all within an hour and some?"
"Well, if you had hummed my song earlier, we would've been friends before Pluto even stole the sausage," Remington grinned, then glancing at the tabby, "No hard feelings, Pluto," The cat simply stared back at him.
He glanced back at Eva, "... Why does he keep staring at me?" he whispered.
Eva smirked, "He's a very personable cat. Either that, or he wants your shoes,"
"So, if I leave my sneakers on the stairs of my house, he'll come over and actually make a meal out of them?" he asked.
"I've lost so many shoes to this cat, I swear I have to keep them locked up in my closet," she replied.
Remington glanced at the cat again, narrowing his eyes as though to mockingly challenge the feline, whispering menacingly "I got my eye on you, bitch,"
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lucas-koh · 4 years
Stitches - Bryce Lahela x MC VI
Parts 1-5 are linked in my bio
Doesn’t exactly follow canon, but elements of canon. FWB.
Song: You’re The One That I Want - John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John
Rating: M, mentions of sex, language
Word Count: 3140
It’s a cheesey one fellas so strap in!
Taglist: @lahellacute @lahamseiroshoe @anotherbeingsworld @fuseboxmusebox @choicesficwriterscreations @bubblelaureno @bratzlahela @eleanorbloom
Chapter Six: Bad Luck Bryce
By now it was just under a week into November, everything was getting colder, and the hospital was getting busier as it did in the winter months. As a result free time was getting more scarce.
One chilly night after too long away, the group were at Donohue’s - to the surprise of absolutely no-one.
They sat in much the same positions as they had on Halloween: Suki and Aurora across from Sienna and Jackie, and Elijah at the head. He was engrossed in a lengthy story told to him concerning one of his patients’ crazy life.
“…and the bouncers caught her! Right at that moment!”
Jackie exhaled, “I can’t tell if she’s actually just insane or bullshitting you. What was she in hospital for, again?”
“Uh, an ear infection.” Elijah looked sheepish as he said this.
“Hmm.” Jackie mused while everyone else burst out laughing.
“Probably bullshitting you.” Grinned Aurora.
Soon enough, the conversation turned to a hottie at the bar.
“Nope, never seen him before, he definitely doesn’t work at the hospital.” Said Jackie.
“I’m certain! I think he works at the cafeteria.” Sienna said. “Suki! Go and ask him.”
“Why me?”
“Well, you’re so busy all the time I think it would do you good to get dating.”
Suki knew part of the reason Sienna was doing this was because she herself had been out on a date with the cute nurse from before, Danny, and wanted everyone else to be happy too.
“Yeah I’m good, thanks Si.”
“Suki, he is cute. And you are really busy.” Added Jackie.
“I’m just not really into dating at the moment.”
The topic was dropped. Or at least, Suki thought so until Jackie headed to the toilets and Elijah to the bar, leaving Sienna, Aurora, and Suki alone at the booth.
“I don’t understand why you’re not putting yourself out there more,” Sienna said, “I mean you’re single, beautiful, smart, did I mention single?”
Suki laughed. “Sienna, I’m married to the job, I don’t have time for a relationship.”
“I didn’t say you needed a relationship, just… to relax a little…”
“Who says I’m not already sorted?” She tried to cut Sienna off quickly to avoid the subject.
Sienna narrowed her eyes for a moment, then laughed. “You’re not.”
“How would you know!?”
“Because I’ve never seen a single guy sneaking out of your bedroom.”
At that, Suki tried her hardest not to flush like a beetroot, pointedly avoiding Aurora’s sly smirk out of the corner of her eye. Sienna obviously hadn’t cottoned on to the fact that Suki had been ‘working’ a lot of nights.
“Drop it, Sienna. Suki’s obviously just more interested in the hospital,” Aurora said with a cool but knowing smile. Suki gave her a light nod back as thanks.
“Oh, fine. But if you ever need a wingman…”
Since Halloween, Bryce had become a permanent fixture of the group. If it wasn’t Elijah inviting him along, it was Jackie. Gradually Suki became less uncomfortable at his presence, and less worried that they’d be caught out.
So he turned up at the bar a little after the rest of them, once again sinking into the booth beside Suki. The group fell into a comfortable rapport. It felt like they’d all known each-other for years as opposed to the two short months.
As Jackie was diving into a roast of one of the other interns, Bryce edged closer to Suki so that now each part of his side was up against her. He placed a hand on her thigh, and Suki noticed he was wearing those silver rings across his hands again. She tried to make her intake of breath as subtle as possible, but didn’t try to get him to move his hand away, either. In truth, she liked it there. It was hidden under the table, so no one else noticed.
“Suki knows a thing or two about how sexy I am?”
“Huh?” Suki had been momentarily out of the conversation, and the sentence which she was pulled back for was not a relaxing one.
Bryce smirked when he realised he’d got her attention, and squeezed the spot on her thigh. “On day one, when your face met my chest.”
“Oh! Oh, yeah,” she laughed awkwardly, hoping no one noticed how rushed or relieved it was.
Aurora noticed Suki’s rush, and explained: “he’s trying to convince us to go to the gym at the hospital. He says it’s how he got, quote, ‘so hot’.”
“Yeah, not gonna happen Lahela.” For the first time in a while Suki turned to look at him, instantly feeling less embarrassed. It was like when she knew other people were there, it was embarrassing, but if it was just him? It wasn’t so bad.
“Your loss.”
“I’m sure.”
“Well, I’m gonna grab a round. Don’t miss me too much,” he winked, mostly at Suki, but to quell suspicion spun his eyes round the whole group, too.
As his figure disappeared towards the bar and the spot on Suki’s thigh started getting cold, she cleared her throat.
“Okay. Are we gonna talk about this insane chemistry between you and Bryce?” Sienna whispered behind her glass opposite Suki, but it wasn’t very sly. Luckily, everyone else was engrossed in their own conversations.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Suki! A blind person could see it. He’s good looking and an amazing surgeon apparently! He’s maybe a bit cocky but…”
“I thought you said you were going to drop this.”
“Right, sorry,” Sienna looked at Suki apologetically, it was probably the alcohol which had made her forget so Suki wasn’t mad. She was confused though. By ‘chemistry’, Sienna obviously meant ‘sexual tension’, but Suki hadn’t thought it was obvious to anyone else.
Bryce eventually returned and the group fell back into their routine. They sat and laughed through various terrible karaoke performances, until Elijah got the guts to go up and do his own. The group got up from their booth to stand closer to the stage area to cheer for him.
Turned out Elijah could sing, and he glided through a smooth rendition of Bonnie Tyler’s Total Eclipse of The Heart.
When he returned to the group, everyone was congratulating and whooping for him.
“Bryce! You’re up now!” Sienna tapped him on the back enthusiastically as though she was gearing him up for a ring fight.
“Oh yeah, I’m awesome at karaoke.”
“Suki you go with him!” Encouraged Sienna.
“Enjoy!” She pushed both Suki and Bryce towards the stage with each of her hands.
They bumped into each-other slightly as they were bumbled up the steps.
But Bryce just rested his hand on the small of her back and guided her over to the centre of the stage. He gave her an eyebrow wiggle before stepping over the the jukebox and picking a song.
Then he brandished from his jeans pocket some gaudy pink sunglasses with yellow detailing and stick-out pineapple trees on the sides.
“…Bryce- where the hell did those come from?”
“I always come prepared.” He slipped them on as music began to flood from the jukebox.
Oh no. Suki knew this beat.
Bryce handed her a microphone and began to tap his foot energetically, grinning at her.
“I got chills, they’re multiplyin’, and I’m looooosin control, ‘cuz the power you’re supplyin’ - it’s electrifying!”
And honestly? His voice wasn’t bad at all. But that didn’t change the fact that Suki was absolutely mortified to be stood up on a stage at a local dive bar singing Grease with her fuck buddy. She wanted to crawl into a very small hole and hibernate for at least a week.
But she couldn’t, because her line was up.
She looked over to Bryce, who was doing some awkward standing dance moves as he sang, all confidence as usual, looking ridiculous in his palm tree sunglasses. But he was looking at her.
Well, she presumed so. It was hard to see under the sunglasses.
All the same, the thought calmed her, and she couldn’t help but smile as she sang:
“You better shape up, ‘cuz I need a man! And my heart is set on you.”
Suki was… unfortunately definitely not a singer. She was somewhat in tune, but that was about it. Bryce’s confidence was rubbing off on her, though.
By the time the chorus came around, she was loving every minute of it. This was not the Suki that usually reared her head. Doing embarrassing things in public was something she would ordinarily avoid at all costs. The crowd had slipped away and it was just her and Bryce being ridiculous. They faced each-other as they sang.
“You’re the one that I want!”
They could hear their friends cheering from not far off, egging the whole silly thing on. Then with the next verse, they were back to back, laughing as they sang. At this point Suki was finding the whole thing absolutely hilarious.
They kept singing through the song, frequently drawn back to each other’s eyes for some reason.
“I need a man, who can keep me satisfied,” Suki blushed at the implication of the line, trying not to look at Bryce as she sang it. But he was smirking, as she expected.
And then the song was over, and Bryce and Suki were met with… not much reception at all. The only cheers came from their friends, but they didn’t care, as their friends were whooping loud enough.
Bryce pulled Suki into a hug and swung from one foot to the other.
“Nicely done, Santa Fe,” he muttered in her ear, breath hot.
“Yeah, you too.”
They stepped from the stage, letting the next group up to perform, and rejoining their friends. They all congregated around the bar and indulged in another round.
Bryce and Suki unintentionally leaned on the bar beside each-other after they ordered. He looked at her, mulling over his thoughts.
“You’re different than you were.”
“What?” Then, after a second Suki realised what he meant. “Do you mean you remember me from college?”
He just laughed and sipped his drink. What? Why was he so weird whenever she brought it up? Why would he say that if he didn’t want to talk about it?
And then just as he looked as through he might say something, eyes crinkled with humour and mouth agape, a girl came up behind him. Her arm slid down his shoulder, catching his attention.
“Hey… so you were, like, really good up there.”
Suki wanted to snort, loudly. That was the best she had? He was messing around the whole time and wasn’t even trying. But she didn’t, just kept her eyes on the bar as she waited for their drinks.
“Thanks, I don’t mean to toot my own horn but-“
Seriously? He was always tooting his own horn. For some reason, this was annoying Suki.
The girl giggled and Suki felt her jaw tighten. She turned away to try and shut out the rest of the conversation, silently begging the bartender to slide over a tequila shot stat.
But she couldn’t help but watch as Bryce flirted with her, leaning confidently against the bar and letting the girl rest her hand on his bicep.
Why the hell do I care? I’m just sleeping with the guy. It’s just the alcohol. And – she’s annoying! It’s got nothing to do with him, she’s just being annoying, right?
And then after simpering for far too long, the girl slipped away with a wink toward the toilets. Suki swore she heard her say ‘come and find me.’ Bryce saw Suki trying her hardest not to look at him, and slid across the bar towards her.
“Oh my,” he smirked. “You’re actually jealous.”
“Uh!” Suki scoffed, “jealous of what?”
“Her. Because you want to be the one I’m flirting with.”
“Don’t be so ridiculous. We’re just two people who sleep together, I don’t need you to flirt with me.”
“You like it though.” And with that he lifted one of his fingers on the bar to trace across her own. She didn’t want to admit that she liked the way she could see the tendons move amongst his silver rings.
“Stop,” she laughed dryly, hoping her face wasn’t giving away her embarrassment as it always did. She pulled her hand from his quickly, “I already told you I’m not here to boost your ego, and I am not jealous.”
“Well, if you say so, I’ll go and take her up on her offer.”
So she had told him to go and find her. But Suki didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t jealous, so there was nothing stopping him from going.
Bryce moved to go, and Suki was expecting him to go towards the toilets, but instead he crossed the circle to stand by Jackie.
God, what was she doing? She needed to get out of her head, and the best way to do that recently had been… well, sleeping with Bryce.
So she didn’t really think twice when her feet carried her over to him.
“You’re coming home with me tonight,” she whispered in his ear.
“Oh, am I?”
“Well you see, I sort of was thinking about going home with her,” he nodded his head over to the girl from before, who was smiling at him from the other side of the bar.
“Sure, if that’s what you want,” she said lowly, “but I know exactly what you like.”
Bryce chuckled under his breath, already knowing he’d say yes.
“You don’t think they’ll notice?” He flicked his eyes to the roommates.
“We’ll figure it out.” As she said this Suki brushed a finger down the back of Bryce’s neck. Lust darkened his eyes and he looked at her from the corner of them.
“Yeah, we’re going to have to figure it out.”
The next day, Suki was walking down the main halls on her way to a quick coffee break when she spotted something going on.
Bryce was pacing by the wall, and a couple of nurses were whispering a little ways away. His hands were frantically threading through his hair and dragging down his face. He paused for a moment, hands locked under his chin.
Suki couldn’t quite work out what was going on. She’d never seen him… frustrated? Before. And what on earth could have him so restless? He was an incredibly easygoing guy and ridiculously sure of himself.
Then he kicked the wall in frustration. A gruff grunt. The turning away afterwards to pace a little more. The flinch from the nearby nurses. The barely there whispered ‘fuck’ that Suki could only just make out. Suki rushed over to him.
“What are you doing?” She hissed, equal parts confused and concerned.
He seemed to jump ever so slightly at the sudden speech, but he didn’t even look at her as he responded.
“I fucking lost it. I lost the surgery.”
Oh. The bed-brag surgery he’d told her about last week. The one he was looking forward to so much, that had made his face swell with joy he couldn’t hide.
Suki could see from her angle his jaw was clenched tightly as though he was biting down on something hard to chew. She looked around the hall – people were staring.
“Hey-” She reached out and grabbed at a bunch of his shirt, pulling him through double doors down to a corridor nearby. It was thankfully empty.
“What?” Bryce asked, looking down the corridor.
“Everyone was looking, I assumed you’d want some privacy.”
“I don’t give a shit,” he growled. Suki was a little taken aback, but she continued anyway.
“What happened?”
“Doesn’t matter,” he snapped.
“I just wanna help, Bryce.”
Bryce then was surprised at her use of his name. It felt intimate, knowing. Sure she’d said it before, but it felt different.
“Yeah well this isn’t your business. We’re only-”
“Okay. Fine,” she cut him off, not needing to hear the rest of his sentence. If he didn’t want the help, there was nothing she could do.
“I- I’m sorry I’m just-“ he seemed to melt ever so slightly, the red dissipating and his eyes now looking into hers, realising he shouldn’t be taking this out on her.
“I know,” she said straightforwardly.
An unspoken understanding passed between the two.
Bryce sighed. “Apparently someone told Dr. Emery that I’m irresponsible.”
“What? On what grounds?”
He let out a dry laugh, shaking his head bitterly. “I don’t know. They’re already jealous of me for getting the surgery in the first place and apparently going out for karaoke the night before your first surgery is enough to be told you’re not taking this seriously.”
“Seriously? But I left yours before midnight? You slept well and barely even drank?”
He just shrugged, clearly aware that if he said much more he might get mad again.
“I’m sorry. Really. I know you were looking forward to that,” Suki said soberly.
He tried not to furrow his brow too hard as she looked up at him.
There was this awful nagging that part of this was her fault. Maybe if she hadn’t been so overcome with frustration at that girl and gone home with Bryce, this wouldn’t have happened. But then, it did seem an overreaction to take away a surgery from someone over karaoke. There must be more to the story. But Suki didn’t want to push, Bryce didn’t seem in the sharing mood.
Without even looking around, Bryce placed a hand on the wall and leaned in to kiss her.
“Bryce! Not here.” She backed away.
“Shit. Yeah.” He pushed off the wall and ran a hand down his worn face. “I just need to get over it.”
“You’re allowed to be annoyed about it!”
“Yeah, um, right.” He seemed… embarrassed? Was he annoyed that she hadn’t kissed him?
This wasn’t the guy she’d been sleeping with for the past couple of months; or the popular, happy-go-lucky college student she’d met all those years ago. It definitely wasn’t the guy who’d pretended to be Danny Zuko the night before. He was clearly pretty upset by this. Obviously, he puts so much pressure on himself, she thought.
“You wait here, ok? I’ll be right back,” she said sternly, before heading back through the double doors. A cold glass of water would be a good wake up call. Sure, it made sense that he’d turn to sex in his frustration, but he knew their rules. He knew they weren’t to hook up at work and Suki was wondering why he’d even tried. And then what his response had been about. That whole interaction was still reeling in Suki’s head as she reached the water dispenser.
But when Suki returned to the corridor, Bryce had disappeared.
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