lunarrolls · 8 months
i still cannot fucking believe the audacity of ludinus da’leth to see that bells hells has some of his old shit from molaesmyr, realize that this means they must have done some digging on what he did to molaesmyr (aka BLOW UP THE ENTIRE CITY TRYING TO USE IT AS A GOD KILLING BATTERY and fucking up so badly that it CORRUPTS THE SAVALIRWOOD FOR CENTURIES AFTERWARD), and then say, with his full chest, “good you’ve done your homework surely you know i’m based as hell and we can stop fighting :^)” like sir WHAT do you mean. they fought a GIANT WORM WOLF. it was MELTED TOGETHER. like a fucking GUMMY WORM. YOU DID THAT! WHAT DO YOU FUCKING MEAN, MY GUY!
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bloompompom · 1 year
Always the Quiet Ones
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eren mistakenly took his new lab partner for being quiet, only to discover she was so much more than that.
content: eren jaeger x female reader, mutual pining, rough(-ish?) sex, praise, spanking, fluff, explicit sexual content, explicit language, alcohol, reader discretion advised. word count: ~13.2k i am so sorry i just really like emotional investment ok
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It was the honest-to-God truth when Eren said he wasn’t looking to catch feelings for anyone. But then you came along.
You were harmless enough—nothing more than his quiet lab partner in anatomy. Truthfully, he didn’t know what to think of you, other than you had a tendency to keep to yourself. When you did speak up, you kept your words brief, always pertinent to whatever assignment was at hand. But more days than not, you would only address Eren with a cursory nod, just when he’d take his seat beside you. Sometimes you couldn’t even bother to let your eyes flicker up from your textbook to acknowledge him properly.
So, Eren treated you the same, only bringing the bare minimum to your conversations. One-word answers. A specific grunt for yes, a different one for no—each you had to learn. The class dragged on long enough as it was, and there were many times when Eren found himself wishing he had a friendlier lab partner to spend his hours with. Or, at the very least, he wished he had one that could talk to him.
When Eren was exceptionally bored, his mind would wander to thoughts of you, why you were—for lack of better words—like that. Quiet. Standoff-ish. Withdrawn. He had a few ideas in mind, the most probable theory was that you were merely shy. That would make the most sense, wouldn’t it?
Or maybe you were the type of student that took her classes way too seriously. You were in your third year, after all. Maybe you were trying to get into a good graduate program. Or you just really liked anatomy. That’d make sense, too, because Eren would catch you reading with your face far too close to your book, sort of like a nerd. But other times, it seemed like you were just avoiding looking him in the eye.
Then there were the days—usually when Eren was particularly disgruntled—that your quietness irked him to no end. He knew it was irrational, but damn it, why were you like that? And all the time, too. Those were the times when he’d assume you were stuck up. What other reason could there be for you to ignore him so purposefully? He’d feel a little bad for it later, but sometimes he’d think you were just a bitch—simple as that.
Eren’s theories could go on and on, but none of them were true. At least, you didn’t think of yourself as a bitch. No, the reason behind your reserved attitude was much more straightforward than that.
You had a stupid crush on Eren.
A girlish, middle school, twirling-your-hair-around-your-finger crush. The kind of crush that made your stomach feel hollow and full, somehow at the same time, and had you gushing to your roommate even though you knew you’d never do anything about it.
You felt this way since last semester. But of course, Eren didn’t know that. You weren’t even sure he knew of your existence until Professor Hange partnered up the two of you.
Oh, God. Just thinking about that day made you sick with anxiety. When it happened, you swore you were going to die. Like, actually keel over from a heart attack in the middle of class and die.
Maybe there was another universe out there in which you would’ve been thrilled to have this forced time with your crush. Perhaps he’d even give you his number to text him about homework, and in that other universe, you’d be giddy over it.
But that was not the case because, in this universe, anatomy was far from your strongest subject. Very, very far.
When you were paired with Eren, all you could think about was the ways you would inevitably embarrass yourself in front of him, lab after lab. It terrified you, even to the point where you wouldn’t dare to ask him a question out of fear of sounding dumb. You’d go without having him repeat himself when you couldn’t make out what he had said, only managing to scribble down what little you could.
It was despicable. It was despicable, and you knew it, and you still couldn’t help it because it was much easier to pretend like Eren wasn’t there to begin with. Even if it meant you were starting to see your grade slip. You hoped to keep that—and your crush—a secret from him, but one day, he got too nosy for your liking.
Your lab report was handed back to you, face down, just like always. You knew professors did that for everyone, no matter the grade, but you couldn’t help but think it was specifically for you.
You didn’t want to, but you picked up the assignment—albeit, not as carefully as you should have for someone wanting to hide their score—and peeked in the corner. You, unsurprisingly, were met with a lousy grade. Again.
Eren leaned back in his seat, just far enough to steal a glimpse from over your shoulder. He shouldn’t have done it, but he was curious as to why you always hid your papers. He figured you must have been good at the subject. That would fit well with your stuck-up attitude, wouldn't it?
But what he saw surprised him, especially when he thought of his own grade. He wasn’t thinking when he chuckled, “Wow. Are you even writing anything down?”
You startled, clutching the papers against your chest. “Huh?”
You couldn’t tell if he was joking or not. He was, but it didn’t come off as tactfully as he had hoped. Eren often let his thoughts haphazardly turn to words. But you didn’t know about that nasty habit of his. All you were thinking was, shit, because he had finally figured out you had no idea what you were doing.
Eren saw the panic as it ran across your face. Feeling a bit bad about it, he cracked a small smile at you, maybe for the first time. Still, his eyebrows wore a look of pity that he couldn’t hold back.
“The lab,” Eren said, pointing to the paper crumpling in your grasp. Embarrassment washed over you when you realized how dramatic you were being, and you quickly folded the assignment in half to store away in your bag. “We do them together every week. How are you screwing them up that badly?”
You gave him a hard frown and regretted thinking he’d be anything more than curt with you. Even with the pity brows, you weren’t feeling much sympathy from him.
You didn’t say anything back because what kind of question was that? You could only stare past him blankly, imagining how this horrible moment would torment you as you tried to fall asleep that night.
You only looked at him again when you heard his chair drag against the tile. He sighed—a little too loudly to be considered natural—and started to put his things into his book bag.
“Look,” Eren started to say. He glanced up at you once he had zipped his bag shut. It made you flighty. “You don’t have to get stuck with a shitty grade. I bet I can help.”
His voice was flat and you didn’t like his delivery much, but underneath it, there was a glint of kindness. You didn’t know where it was coming from, and frankly, neither did Eren. Maybe he was feeling guilty for being so thoughtless. It was hard not to, what with the way your face—always so stoic he’d think you were made of marble—turned sullen. He didn’t like how it made him feel. Or perhaps it was more like he disliked knowing you could pull such a reaction out of him.
“You still have my number, yeah?” Eren asked you.
You nodded. You did, in fact, still have his phone number. It was in the top corner of the front of your notebook—the very first thing you wrote down. Well, he wrote it down after your first class together, just like you hoped he would. You decided not to save it in your phone; you were too worried about the possibility of drunk texting him.
“Good,” he said. “We can meet up sometime to study together.”
“Okay, yeah. Thanks,” you said, quietly at first, but your confidence grew with each word when you realized that this might not have to go down as one of your top ten most embarrassing memories.
“Sure.” Eren stood up and swung his bag over his shoulder. He smiled at you again. It was real this time—big enough to make your stomach flop. “I can’t let my lab partner flunk out on me.”
So that was where it began. ‘It’ being that you and Eren would study together—occasionally. Nothing more.
By studying, you did not mean the fun stuff. You know, like having him study your anatomy rather than the pictures in his textbook. Oh, well. You could still dream.
It took about two study dates (you preferred to call them that but only to yourself) before didn’t sit on the edge of your seat around him. As lame as it sounded, he made you incredibly nervous—maybe even more nervous than you felt around him in class.
And just like in class, you tried your hardest to keep your eyes on your text. You knew if you looked at him, you’d turn into a pile of goo before you could even look away.
It was shameful to admit, but you’d find yourself stealing a glimpse of him, but only when you were certain he wouldn’t notice. You’d catch him when he was jotting something down because you liked when he was pensive. His dark brows would sit low over his eyes and his bottom lip would jut out ever so slightly. And sometimes, only when he was stumped, he’d run his fingers through his hair while he thought. You liked that, too.
By the time midterms had come and gone, you were seeing Eren more and more often—at least twice a week. Once during lab, then another when you’d meet up to study. Maybe a third time if you had a lab report due. By then, it was impossible to allow your heart to flutter every time you looked at him, otherwise it was bound to give out.
What you wanted to be study dates started to feel more like you were getting tutoring lessons from him. Once you were convinced Eren’s willingness to help was genuine, you didn’t worry as much about sounding dumb. He never seemed bothered when explaining a topic to you, even if you went overboard with the questions. Once you started talking to him, it was hard to get you to stop.
It was nice when you didn’t have to think as much when you were around him. He’d poke fun at you because you always mixed up dorsal and ventral, and you never let him live down spelling ‘brain’ as ‘brian.’ ‘It was one time,’ he’d always complain back to you.
After being snarked at one too many times in the library for goofing off, you tried to get one of those private study rooms. They were only available by reservation and since those were hard to come by, other spots around campus had to do. Sometimes you’d go over to Eren’s place, no further than a five-minute walk from campus.
Eren lived in a house with three other boys. Jean, Connie, and Armin. You found Jean and Connie to be nice enough based on the handful of conversations you had with them. But Eren blamed them for the reason you didn’t study at the house often, accusing them of being too distracting to think straight.
Eren wouldn’t ever tell you this—hell, he couldn’t think of anyone he’d admit this to—but the real reason he didn’t like to study at his place was Armin.
Armin. Eren’s blonde best friend for the last ten years. His roommate that you found to be as cute as a button. Armin knew much more about anatomy than you and Eren, maybe even combined. When he was bored, Armin would join you on the couch and answer your questions that Eren didn’t know.
Eren couldn’t pinpoint why it bothered him so much. He always knew Armin was smarter than him; it was never a problem before. It irked him endlessly, but instead of trying to figure it out, he decided he’d start going to your apartment to study instead. Your roommate, Hitch, was more tolerable to be around, anyway.
It was around finals when you were smacked in the face with the not-so-subtle reminder that you still had a crush on Eren. It happened when your study dates became less of a one-on-one thing and more like a group hangout.
You were friendly with a few of the classmates that sat near you. The girl, Mina, told you that she, Thomas, and Samuel were getting together to prepare for the upcoming final exam. She said you and Eren should join.
You didn’t respond right away, but you felt that sick churning in your stomach when Eren did. ‘She needs all the help she can get,’ Eren replied, giving you a playful pat on the shoulder. He was only joking, of course, but you wished he didn’t sound so eager. You especially wished his hand, innocently placed on your back, didn’t make your face burn.
You got over it quickly. It was hard to stay bitter at people you got along well with, so much so that you’d accomplish more chatting than studying. Luckily for the rest of you, Eren and Thomas knew enough to help you skate by.
But when Eren started to text in the new group chat more than he’d text you, you couldn’t help but feel a sting. It felt like you had let your chances with him slip by because, next semester, you wouldn’t be his lab partner anymore.
You left the final feeling okay at best. You walked out with your head down, not paying attention as Mina caught up behind you. She invited you to come by her place that Friday—said some of your classmates were coming to celebrate the end of Professor Hange’s pop quizzes. You didn’t think much about it when you said yes.
You were at the get-together for maybe an hour, maybe longer, when someone was drunk enough to start a game of Never Have I Ever. You had just thrown away your second beer and felt just adventurous enough to play.
Mina’s living room was a bit small for hosting, but it was nice enough. She had it decorated in string lights for the holiday season, casting a colorful but warm glow over the room.
She had everyone crowd around, sitting where they could whether it was on the couch or on the floor. In the center of that ragged circle was an old beer. According to Samuel, it had been left out for a few hours and chugging it would serve as punishment for putting the last of your fingers down. And while you were tipsy, you certainly hadn’t drunk enough to be down for that.
You didn’t know it then, but you were about to be the loser of this game.
You sat on the floor, legs folded to your chest, with your hand growing tired in the air. Only your index finger was left standing when Mina shouted that it was her turn.
“Never have I ever had a body count higher than five,” she said.
A few people put a finger down, but it didn’t matter. You dropped your forehead to your knees in defeat and let your hand slump to your side.
Everyone was laughing, hounding you to drink the beer, when you asked, “Do I have to?”
You were too busy cracking open that lukewarm can, frowning as you went, to look past the heckling. If you did, you would have seen that Eren went quiet. No one seemed to notice the shift in him, even as a firm crease formed just between his unsettled brows.
He didn’t know what he was feeling, but it reminded him of how he felt seeing you laugh with Armin. It made him not want to look at you because the sight made something burn uncomfortably deep in his stomach.
It wasn’t that your body count offended him. After all, he had to put a finger down for the same reason. Though he would say he was surprised—it was always the quiet ones, wasn’t it? He didn’t know what was wrong with him or why he couldn’t kick the feeling—whatever it was.
Eren studied you from across the room. Your nose crinkled, giggles spilling from you as you tried, for the second time, to finish the rest of the beer. He’d seen you laugh—many times, actually—but its chime never ceased to captivate him, absorbing every last bit of his attention.
His thoughts wandered further, wondering if you’d crinkle your nose for him just the same if he made you come.
Right then, Eren saw you, underneath him. Your brows would pinch together cutely as your teeth dipped into your swollen bottom lip. He could feel your thighs under his hands, soft and giving under his palms as he pulled down your—
It was so wrong of him. Wrong to be in a room full of people and pretend as if you were the only two people there—the only two people to exist.
The swarming in his gut burned hotter, and he tried to dull it with another sip of his drink.
He started doubting himself, casting a downward spiral—what was so wrong with him that you weren’t interested?
Perhaps the sick feeling was more than just insecurity; he was also caught off guard by how wildly possessive he felt over you. So quickly, too, like a turn of the tides.
No, Eren knew what the feeling was; he just wasn’t ready to name it. He was sick with jealousy. Jealous of people that he didn’t even know, and for no other reason than they had the chance to be with you in all the ways he craved.
Eren didn’t stay at the party long after that. You left Mina’s just before midnight and didn’t think of much of that night, or Eren, for the rest of the weekend. And on Monday, you checked your final grade for anatomy. By some miracle, you passed the class.
* * *
It was well into winter break when you saw Eren again. You bumped into him at a party. There was about a week left until classes started again, and everyone was trickling back to campus to celebrate the new year.
You didn’t expect to see him again this soon, but then again, you weren’t so sure you’d ever see him again. Anatomy was the only glue that held you together. You wished you could say you had more confidence in the friendship—in him—but he hadn’t talked to you since Mina’s party. You thought he would at least have been curious to see how you did in the class.
It was probably better off this way, considering you nearly failed your lab because of him. Well, you technically passed because of him too, but you wouldn’t have worried about it in the first place if he wasn’t your lab partner.
All of that for a silly crush.
You stumbled into Eren toward the end of the night—you know, when parties start to feel more like the Twilight Zone. The limbo that lived between night and day. A few lights were on now, and whoever was in charge of the music had clearly given up long ago. It was all a not-so-subtle hint to get out.
Believe it, you wanted nothing more than to go home. You would have been out of there thirty minutes ago if it weren’t for Hitch. Your loveable, yet self-admittedly ditzy, roommate had disappeared from thin air.
By the time you thought to search for her, you had already drunk well past your limit. You were left dizzy, starving, and having poked your head in every room and around every corner. All you managed to find was a lot of dry humping.
The last time you saw her, she was one of those dry humpers. She was all over some guy—you guessed him to be the reason she even wanted to come to this party. Anyway, you were sure you’d catch his name tomorrow morning.
You were too distracted and still bubbly from all the leftover New Year’s champagne to see what was in front of you—even if he was rather tall, broad, and hard to miss. You didn’t even look twice as you walked past him, ready to declare Hitch as MIA. Your attention was only grabbed once you heard your name called out, and you were disappointed the voice was too deep to belong to Hitch.
You didn’t realize how drunk you were until you spun around and the floor tilted beneath you. It took you a step or two to straighten back out. When you did, your vision settled onto Eren.
He gave you a lop-sided smile, serving as nothing more than a hesitant greeting. He only made it more awkward by throwing in a cheeky, “Long time, no see.”
You returned the favor by offering a chuckle that was only half-forced; the other half was genuine simply because it was easy to impress anyone after a night spent drinking.
And since you had spent the night drinking, you felt all weird when you looked at Eren. It wasn’t that you were upset at him—maybe disappointed, but it wasn’t exactly with him. Eren never owed you his kindness, and going out of his way to help you study was more than you could have asked.
But now that he was here, getting shoved even closer to you with every passerby, you didn’t know what to think other than you should have skipped out on that last drink. You hoped you’d have yourself more put together the next time you saw Eren so you wouldn’t get tangled up in him again. You weren’t confident you’d be able to unravel yourself for a second time.
Eren took a willing pace forward and recognized the distant haze of booze over your irises. He realized you weren’t going to say anything, so he asked, “Were you looking for someone?”
“Hitch.” There was a pause, and you weren’t sure if he remembered that he knew her. “My roommate.”
“I know.”
“We were supposed to go get food, but I think she took a guy home,” you told him, for no reason in particular. “Last time this happened, I walked in on them doing it on the counter.”
Eren laughed, a bit harder once your face winced at the memory. “You should really consider finding a new roommate.”
“And in the meantime?”
“You come back to my place,” he said, so casually that you weren’t sure you heard him right. The look on your face must have given it away because he shrugged. “What’s the big deal? You’ve slept on my couch before.”
He was right. You had fallen asleep on his couch while studying once. He teased you about it—said you got drool everywhere.
“That’s different. That was an accident,” you sheepishly said.
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t have fallen asleep in the first place,” he pestered.
“Maybe you shouldn’t make your flashcards so boring!”
Eren liked his simple flashcards; he actually preferred them. Not everyone needed to spend more time highlighting flashcards than actually studying them.
He tilted his head and gave you a look, one that said, stop being so stubborn for once. “Fine, then how about you tell me how to make them look nicer on the way to my place? I was just about to leave anyway.”
He took a daring step backward, and then another, until he turned on one of his feet and headed toward the front door. He knew you’d follow him, and thoughtlessly, you did. You were just behind him as you meandered through the house and out the door.
You told him, “You don’t really need them now, do you? The class is over.”
“I just thought you might need ‘em.” Eren was bounding down the porch steps when he tossed a glance over his shoulder, just to catch the look on your face when he said, “Figured you’d have to retake the class.”
You wished you had shoved him down the steps, but he was already across the lawn, you trailing him. He walked with longer strides than you and didn’t worry about slowing down.
“Thanks for that,” you replied begrudgingly.
It didn’t take long before the two of you were close to campus. You walked along the main drag, lined with all sorts of businesses that thrived in the college town nightlife. It made it difficult to tell the time, with every bar still playing music loud enough to thrum in your chest, the beat perfectly in tempo with each of your steps—those of which were still fighting to keep up with Eren.
He didn’t even bother to look back at you when he asked, “Did you still want to get food?”
“Hm?” You couldn’t hear him over your shuffling against the sidewalk. Your feet had already started hurting hours ago, and this certainly wasn’t making it better. You really shouldn’t have worn the new shoes you were gifted over the holidays without breaking them in.
“You never listen, do you?” Eren didn’t say it with annoyance but with an unsurprised laugh. “I’m surprised you’ve made it this far.”
“No, you just mumble a lot,” you defended. “And for your information, I am not retaking anatomy. I passed with a C.”
“C+ or C-?”
“Plus,” you said with inflated and drunken confidence.
“I’ll alert the media,” he replied. You stuck your tongue out at him even though he wouldn’t see it. “Now tell me, did you still want to get food or not?”
“I didn’t think it was still an option.”
“‘Course it is.” He finally glanced over his shoulder to look at you, nearly skipping to keep up with him now, just in time to catch you stumbling over a crack in the sidewalk. “I think you could use something to eat anyway.”
When you were about to round the corner onto his street, Eren stopped short just a few doors down. A 24-hour breakfast spot. You weren’t expecting to sit down, more so thinking you’d flag down a street vendor. But you had to admit, breakfast sounded wonderful.
Eren took the booth in the back of the diner after you were instructed to seat yourselves, not that there were many options. The place was small and smelt of pancake batter and stale coffee—just as any diner should at this hour. And stale or not, you knew you had to drink it to start sobering up.
The waiter flipped your ceramic mug over and filled it to the brim. If it were nine in the morning, maybe steam would pour out, like it did in the movies. But you didn’t want to know how long this coffee had sat out.
You took it with cream, then dumped some sugar in, too. You reached for a second packet. You caught Eren staring as you tore it open, his hands folded around his mug.
“What is it?” you questioned.
“Want any coffee with your sugar?”
“Ha-ha.” You added the sugar, now out of spite, and mixed it in. When you took your first sip, it tasted as bitter as you had imagined.
Now that you were off your feet, they were nagging for you to kick off your shoes. You wiggled them around at first, just enough for your heels to slip from the backs. When you felt a sting, you couldn’t bear to keep them on another second—the diner was empty anyway. Once they were off, your feet throbbed as if they had their own pulse.
The waiter took your order and then disappeared again, only making rounds to offer a warm-up here or there, one of which you accepted. Eren didn’t say anything when you added another packet of sugar this time. You kept your head down and fiddled with the loose scraps of paper. You didn’t even remember what thought you were having when his voice eventually snapped you from it.
“You know—” he started to say. You peered up from the wad of paper you had been rolling between your thumb and index finger. He sat back into the booth and looked out the window with a quiet chuckle. “I thought you hated me when we first met.”
You matched his laugh, yours more disbelieving. “Hated you? I don’t think I knew you enough to hate you.”
“You were always so quiet.”
“Being quiet doesn’t mean you hate someone.”
His eyes flickered from the window to you. “Then what does it mean?”
It was easier to talk to him when he wasn’t looking at you. You felt smothered by his gaze and started to twirl your spoon around your mug. It banging against the ceramic was the only sound between you and Eren because you still didn’t know how to answer him.
“I don’t know,” you said, thinking you would have come up with a more profound answer by now. “It just means you’re quiet, I guess.”
Eren was interrupted by your short stack of pancakes, sliding right between you and decorated with a gooey scoop of butter. He didn’t order anything other than coffee, even after you said you’d pay. And once the waiter dropped off the syrup and scurried off again, Eren was quick to jump back into the conversation, much to your dismay.
“But you’re not quiet, and you’re not shy either,” he said, like he had caught you in a lie. You urged him to continue with a raised brow. “Don’t give me that. I know that’s not you. I saw you dancing tonight.”
Your hand stalled in mid-reach for the syrup. “You watched me dance?”
He played it off when he said, “Well, yeah. My so-called quiet lab partner actually knows how to dance? It just surprised me, that’s all.”
“If you saw me earlier, why didn’t you say ‘hi?’”
Strike that—Eren almost played it off. He couldn’t mask his eyes flitting around, or how long it took him to excuse it away with, “Oh, I think someone grabbed me for a game of beer pong or something. I don’t remember.”
That never happened. Eren knew it, and it looked like you knew it, too. The truth was that Eren didn’t go up and talk to you because he had spent the last two weeks convincing himself he wasn’t into you.
He even went as far as reinstalling his dating apps, all of which he had long sworn off. He assumed if he just went on a date—maybe even brought a girl home—then he wouldn’t think about you anymore. But by the time dinner was over, Eren could hardly remember a single thing she said. He was too busy comparing her to you, finding himself disappointed every time she laughed because it didn’t sound like yours.
Then he saw you tonight. Of course, he had to see you tonight. And of all the things you could have been doing, you were dancing. He favored you like that—when you were carefree. You were nothing like the girl he first met in lab.
And when Eren heard your laugh—more remarkable than all the others, like he had gone deaf to anything but you—he couldn’t even remember why he tried to stay away from you.
But here you were, seated just across the booth from him, cheeks stuffed with pancakes, and he had no idea what he was supposed to do next. He had spent the entire walk wrangling with himself, scared that if he had you, even in the most innocent of ways, he wouldn’t be able to get enough. He knew he shouldn’t be thinking like this because—fuck, what if you didn’t want him back?
Eren only lied about beer pong because he couldn’t outrightly admit he needed another drink before approaching you. He was so close to getting away with it, too. If you had just glanced down at your plate a second earlier, or if he was faster about sipping his coffee to hide his face, you wouldn’t have caught the flushed bridge of his nose; so subtle but just telling enough that you had to bite your inner lip to prevent a smile.
You poked around your pancakes. You held your fork to your face, inspecting the bite as syrup dripped onto the plate. You were rather flippant about it when you finally told Eren, “It’s because I had a crush on you.”
You plopped the pancake into your mouth, chewing so thoughtfully that it nearly killed Eren. When you swallowed, you said, “I had a crush on you. That’s why I was so quiet.”
He didn’t say anything back, even with you staring him square in the face. He was obviously flustered. You chuckled lightly, just through your nose, and said, “That, and you always got better grades than me. I didn’t want you to think I was dumb.”
Eren didn’t even hear the second half of what you said; he was too fixed on the first. “Do you still?”
You knew what he was asking, but you played dumb to it. “Still what?”
“Have a crush on me.”
You thought on it while you went for another bite, your eyes on him like he had the answer already. He did. You both did. But you let the question hang heavy between you, just for another second. You weren’t quite ready to lay your cards on the table yet.
You tossed him a flick of a smile when you answered, “To be determined.”
He nodded his head once, lips folded together in a similar sort of smile. “Got it.”
You were satisfied by that, but he wasn’t. He watched you while you took another sip of coffee, then immediately reached for another pack of sugar. Before you could pour it in, he shielded the mug with his hand. “But you better figure out an answer before all that sugar kills you.”
You swatted him away. “Yeah, it’ll definitely be the sugar that kills me tonight and not the keg stand I did.”
“You did a keg stand?”
You laughed at how his jaw nearly hit the table. “Only because Hitch talked me into it.”
Eren laughed with you despite the shake of his head. “See, what did I say? You surprise me.”
You had only taken a few hobbles out of the diner and onto the sidewalk before your heels started acting up again. You sucked your teeth at the pain, only made worse by another step. You had noted your fresh blisters when you first slid your shoes back on, but you hoped they wouldn’t be a hassle since the walk to Eren’s was short. Now, all you wanted was to be drunk enough to not feel them.
“Everything okay back there?” Eren asked.
You were behind him again. Not because he was speeding but because your toes were more tightly packed together than a can of sardines.
“Yeah,” you said. Eren thought it sounded unconvincing, and his hunch was only confirmed when he caught you stumble from the corner of his eye. “It’s my shoes. I’m sorry.”
Eren stopped walking and turned to you. “Why are you apologizing?”
“I don’t know.”
“Just take ‘em off.”
“I’m not just going to walk barefoot.”
“Didn’t say you had to.” You didn’t seem to understand what he was implying, even less when he gave you his back again, bending lightly at the knee.
He couldn’t be serious right now.
“My house is just a few more blocks away. I’ll carry you.”
Okay. He was actually serious. He was about to give you a piggyback ride.
Your laugh wasn’t intentional but when Eren heard it, he looked playfully offended.
“What? You think I can’t carry you?” He straightened out, shoved his hands into his pockets, and started to walk again. “Fine then. Suit yourself.”
He was about to start walking again when you called, “Wait!”
You wanted to blame it on your feet or that you didn’t want to slow him down, but you had to be honest with yourself—were you really going to pass up this opportunity?
He flashed you a smile over his shoulder. “That’s what I thought.”
You ignored his boasting and began slipping off your shoes. He took them from you in one hand, then let you hop onto his back. His body didn’t give like you’d expect, and his arms were sturdy as they looped around your thighs.
You hadn’t had a piggyback ride since you were probably eleven years old, but you didn’t remember it feeling like this. Eren’s neck felt warm against your arms even in the crisp night air, and his hands were even hotter, like they could sear into the backs of your thighs.
He jostled you forward, higher onto his back. “Hold on tighter or else you’re gonna fall off.”
You hugged him, your chest pressing into his back. You had never been this close to him before. His hair, only loosely tied back now, brushed against your face. His cologne was faint—warm like amber, but there was something refreshing about it that tickled your nose. You drew closer to him, inhaling the scent.
Eren worried that you felt the roll of his throat when your breath hit the nape of his neck. It was embarrassing that something as pure as a piggyback ride could have his heart racing. Suddenly, he was back in junior high and it was his first time holding a girl’s hand all over again.
If this was all he’d have of you tonight, he'd be happy with just that, even if it ended with waking up with a sore back. He wanted to earn your crush because he wasn’t so sure it had ever gone away.
Eren set you down on his porch and fished for his keys in his back pocket. Once inside, the house is too dark to make out anything. You stilled in the entryway, entirely unaware of your surroundings, but listened as Eren walked ahead.
Not even a second later, Eren flipped on a light from the other room. It was bright; enough to hurt your eyes at first, but you could at least see the floor now.
Eren stood in the doorway to the kitchen. He wore a look of trepidation, staring at you like you were a scared little puppy.
He asked, “Can I get you some water?”
“Sure. Thank you.”
He waved his hand toward the sofa before he disappeared around the corner. “Make yourself at home.”
You took a seat to ease the throbbing in your feet and sat with your arms folded across your chest. Now that you had a moment to yourself, you could suck in a deep breath. You forced it out on a lengthy and trembling exhale.
It wasn’t anxiety that you were feeling—it was more like anticipation. You weren’t naive; you knew how this would play out, and it had you clenching your thighs together impatiently.
You didn’t notice how rigid your arms were until you uncrossed them when Eren handed you a bottle of water.
He collapsed beside you on the other side of the couch, and it squeaked under his weight. He took a few swigs from his water bottle and then glanced at you.
“I imagine you wouldn’t want to sleep on the couch in a house full of guys,” he said. He laid his head back onto the cushion, like he planned to be there for a while. “If you want, take my room. I can sleep out here.”
You didn’t miss a beat when you shook your head. The thought alone had you unwittingly flustered. You hadn’t ever seen his bedroom before. “I’m not going to take your bed. You didn’t even need to go through the trouble of letting me stay the night.”
“Out of all the favors I’ve done,” Eren started to say. “You staying the night is the least of my troubles.”
You smiled at him. You smiled at him, and you had no clue how it pulled at Eren’s heart. A smile so shy, no greater than just a curl of the corner of your mouth, yet he wanted nothing more than to feel its shape underneath his lips and memorize the taste.
“Okay,” you finally said. “But I’m sleeping on the couch.” You could have stopped talking there, and you probably should have, but his unreadable gaze had you rambling, “But, really, if it’s too much—if you want me to go, I can call a—”
“I don’t want you to go.”
You stammered even though you didn’t know what you’d say next. The room felt suffocating, the air thick enough to make your throat go as dry as chalk. Something had changed. You didn’t know if it was the glint in his eye, just barely caught in the light, or that look on his face that made you shudder at the base of your spine.
Maybe it was more accurate to say everything had changed.
You didn’t have much of your voice back when you confessed, “I don’t want to go either.”
It was barely a whisper. So delicate and saccharine that Eren wasn’t sure you even intended to speak. Your eyes were big and genuine, like you had revealed your secret to him without saying much at all. He couldn’t look away despite barely clinging to what little composure you hadn’t stolen from him yet.
You liked seeing him like that—seeing such an unguarded look on a face that was normally hardened. Soft and electric, all at once. You never thought he’d look at you in such a way, and you didn’t want it to end.
Now or never.
His voice was just as taken as yours. “Yeah?”
Eren knew you as anything but bold, but right then, you were. You stretched your leg across the couch. Slowly. Your foot, then your calf next—until you had your thigh dragged over his lap. You kept your eyes on him the whole time. The light from the kitchen cast shadows along the angles of his jaw, showing you how it tensed.
You purred the words when you asked, “Why are you so nice to me?”
You were feeling courageous now, but you knew you’d come to regret it the next time you saw Eren on campus. You could see him now—the smug smile he’d give you from across the hall, or on the far side of the green, or wherever you’d inevitably see him again. You would turn into a puddle right on the spot.
But that didn’t matter; you heard him stifle the groan at the back of his throat, and you wanted to hear it again. So for now, you’d let yourself play the role for the night, and you’d play it well.
“Am I?” Eren asked, his voice acquiring a new rasp. You nodded. “How so?”
“You know,” you said. You retracted your leg from him to sit on your knees, bumping them against his thigh. “You walk me home when I’m drunk. Carry me when my feet hurt. You let me spend the night and offer me your bed.” You leaned forward and rested your hand on his thigh, like you might kiss him, but you giggled instead. “Not to mention, you tutored me in anatomy for an entire semester and didn’t complain once.”
“I think I might’ve complained once,” he said with a smile in his voice. His hand cupped your cheek and you tried not to melt into him. “But I can’t help myself.” His thumb traced over your skin. “You’re very cute when you’re drunk and when you pass a quiz… and when you hold your book too close to your face when you read.”
“I don’t do that.”
“Yes, you do.”
You didn’t argue with him further because you were so close that your noses were almost brushing. He was still holding your face when his thumb swiped along your bottom lip. You wetted them, wanting a taste. His eyes flickered down to your tongue, then to your eyes again. Neither of you wanted to be the first to crumble the wall, the one you had spent a semester building together. One so tall that there were times you couldn’t see over it.
He gently caressed your face as you pressed your forehead to his. You felt his breath on your lips when you told him, “I still have a crush on you.”
“Yeah, I know.” Eren wasn’t cocky about it but soft. He sounded relieved.
Your hand left his thigh and splayed over his stomach. His muscles twitched under your touch. He couldn’t help but wonder if you knew what you were doing to him. You had to.
“So,” you said, long and drawn-out. Your fingers trickled lower until you palmed over the front of his jeans. He was hard. Much harder than you’d expect from harmless flirting. “Are you going to do something about it?”
He nearly gulped. “Fuck—C’mere.”
With the hand he had kept on your face, he pulled you to him. What you thought would be a crash of lips was much more affectionate. Instead of kissing as if you could make up for lost time, he kissed you slowly, his lips plush as they moved with yours. He was better at this than you had expected, taking his time with no destination in mind.
You parted your lips slightly, his tongue sliding in, hot and licking your own. He felt victorious when you gifted him with a moan, one he could swallow up before it met the air.
“Eren,” you whispered against his mouth. It came out more like a gasp. His hand curled around the back of your neck and tilted your head to the side, giving him room to explore your neck. He kissed the hollow below your ear, and when you gasped again, he grazed his teeth lower.
“Eren,” you reapeated, more breathily than the last but louder.
“That’s why you didn’t want me to leave, right?” you asked, eyes fluttering shut as you felt him start to leave a bruise. You massaged over his length a few times before working on the button of his jeans. “Because you can’t help yourself?”
He didn’t answer before you had undone his zipper and snuck your hand inside his boxers. You wrapped your fingers around his cock, your grasp light and teasing as you slipped around him, base to tip.
“Yes,” Eren groaned—so wonderful to your ears. He would have tried to hold it back, but he was already too busy fighting the urge to rut into your hand.
He pinned you to the couch when he couldn’t take it any longer. Your back hit the cushion with another squeak from the springs, louder and more obnoxious than the one before it.
When Eren kissed you again, he didn’t want to take his time anymore. Because you were right, he couldn’t help himself. Not around you, at least. Not after you just told him you wanted him in all the ways he wanted you.
The couch was suddenly too cramped for your liking, limbs slipping and spilling until you were about to fall to the floor.
Your kiss broke when your head dangled off the couch. You each took a moment to breathe—or at least try your best to.
“We should probably go to my room,” Eren said.
“Yeah. We should.”
Eren took the back of your head into his hand and placed you back on the couch. You awkwardly fumbled around one another until you were climbing up the stairs in a hurry, clumsily tripping over your feet because you couldn’t imagine keeping your hands off each other. You trailed just behind him, your hand in his, as he led you to his bedroom.
But once you were in his room, Eren’s touch wasn’t as innocent as only a handhold. His hands were reckless—pawing over your body and gripping at your ass—yet so firm and sure that it had you moaning. Each tiny sound encouraged him further until he shoved you against the door, slamming it shut until it shuddered in its frame.
His forearms rested on either side of your head. He caged you in place, but you would have stayed right there and made out with him forever. His mouth was commanding but gentle enough that he could take you wherever he pleased.
Eren made you so damn needy. You took his loose, unzipped jeans between your fingers and tugged him close until you felt his cock pressed against you, your leg hooking around his waist. You ground against him helplessly because if you didn’t, you thought you might actually explode.
And, God, Eren wanted to give you what you wanted—everything that he had. There was a part of him that wanted to make you wait for it, maybe even beg for it, but he was only human.
His arms dropped to his side and he took a step back from you. Then, all he said was, “Bed.”
He sounded shallow when he said it, all breathless like his lungs were running on empty. You figured he intended it to be more demanding, but you liked this version better—when he was needy for you.
Your first step faltered, like you were high off him or something. You were about to lay in his bed when you heard him say, “Take your clothes off for me, too.”
Now that was demanding, his voice so gruff that it was still ringing between your ears.
Eren turned on the lamp on his bedside table. It was dim, casting an almost orange glow that was nothing more than a splash of watercolor paint over the room. Eren wanted to watch you undress, and he needed just enough light to show you off.
You were very aware of his gaze as you took your shirt between your fingers. It slipped and bunched over your skin as you peeled it up the length of your body. You were considerate of every move. How your fingers danced over your navel. How slowly and tightly you tugged the slinky fabric over your chest, revealing your bra with a bounce of your tits. It was so shamefully sexy. Eren couldn’t get enough.
He knew he told you to undress for him, but he couldn’t hold out any longer. You held your breath when you felt him behind you as you began to take off your jeans. His hands closed over yours, telling you, let me do it.
Eren’s hands curved over your hip bones, then met at the button of your jeans. He undid it, along with the zipper, expertly. All the while, he was kissing down the crook of your neck, the spot he had just learned you liked, especially when he sucked on it.
He did it without your asking, yanking a sharp exhale from you. He helped you shimmy out of the fitted denim, still leaving hot and open-mouthed kisses on your throat. When you felt your jeans pool around your ankles, you kicked them aside.
You turned to face him before sinking back into the bed. You laid down with the stretch of your back. It felt so good to sprawl along the billowy comforter, to finally be off your feet. If it weren’t for Eren and that ravening way he was eyeing you, you could have lulled off right then. You nestled around, relaxing your muscles that ached from the day.
It pulled a sound from you. A sweet, little moan that you didn’t even realize you had let slip. One so delicious that Eren felt his cock twitch before he could even take off your underwear. He couldn’t keep his gaze steady because he didn’t know where to look—he didn’t even know where to start. The sight of you, ready and beneath him, had him overwhelmed.
His fingertips, though lightly calloused, felt exceedingly gentle as he trailed them over your bare skin. So softly that if you shut your eyes, you wouldn’t have known he was there. He started just below the underwire of your bra, then down the length of your stomach. He tickled at your hip, and you squirmed cutely. He chuckled inaudibly through his nose, his head feeling a bit spacey as you stirred below him.
Eren’s hand stopped short of dipping beneath your underwear. He blinked a few times, hard, like it would clear some of the fogginess. He looked at you quizzically, as if he had reason to be suspicious.
He only asked, “How are you?”
You felt your brows knit together, mirroring his suspicion. “I’m good. Um, how are you?”
His face scrunched up, like he was about to say, ‘not good,’ and it made you nervous. You sat up on your elbows, interested, waiting for him. He ran his fingers through his hair, like he always did when he was trying to concentrate.
“We’re a little past exchanging pleasantries now, don’t you think?” you joked, mainly because you didn’t know what else to say right then.
“No, that’s not what I meant.” Eren brought his hand to his forehead as if he could capture his thoughts before they slipped away. “Like, I mean—” Coherency was far out of his reach, what with how you had sweetly angled your head in thought, staring up at him through heavy lashes. Had they always been that long?
Eren shook his head like it was an Etch A Sketch before he finally got out, “Are you still drunk?”
You were relieved that something hadn’t gone wrong. You thought about your answer, taking inventory of every feeling in your body, all of which only wanted him.
“Not really,” you said with a slight shrug. “Those pancakes were a real lifesaver.”
You weren’t sure why, but he still looked hesitant. You took his hand and gave it a squeeze, smiling up at him. “I want this. Like really, really want this.”
Eren let out a short laugh that softened you up even more. When his fingers started to move again, dancing along your hot skin, he pulled lightly at the band of your underwear. He was toying with it, his once-boyish expression turning more brazen when he asked, “Then is it okay if I touch you here?”
“Yes,” you whispered, your eyes fixed on him—on his fingers—until they slipped beneath the band, though you were hoping he’d take them off.
That single, breathy word was all Eren needed before he crawled over you, his free hand planted against the mattress beside your head. You were still propped up on your elbows, close enough to Eren that with just the tilt of your head, you were kissing him again.
When Eren’s fingers ventured even lower, gliding between you teasingly, he groaned—almost whimpered—into your mouth.
“You’re so wet,” he said, still playing with you. He’d circle your clit, just long enough to have your jaw go slack, then remove the pressure and tease your entrance. “All for me?”
“Mhm,” you murmured, feeling his fingers return to your clit. He rubbed languidly, having you twitch beneath him. When you lifted your hips, searching for more, his circles became tighter and quicker. Your elbows wobbled until you finally let them fall, tossing your head back against the mattress.
Your mind was consumed with him—Eren, Eren, Eren. Consumed with how good he was making you feel and every place you wanted him.
And when you cried out, “Ah—all for you,” you certainly weren’t thinking about how desperate you sounded for a guy who was nothing more than your lab partner.
That did it for him. Whether it was how pathetic you sounded or the neediness that was written all over your face, something in Eren snapped. In one impulsive motion, Eren stood up straight, hooked his fingers around your underwear, and pulled them down your legs with ease. Once they were tossed to the side, lost with your other garments, his hand was back between your legs.
He pushed his middle finger inside you at first, your back arching at that alone. He curled it just the right way that had your breath already hitching in your throat.
You’d think he’d be arrogant about it—how he already has you bending to his will—but he was entirely lost in you, every bit of you. Your tiny gasps slipped past your swollen lips. Your bra and the way its straps had started to fall down your shoulder, exposing the delicate skin. How pretty you looked taking his finger.
Eren quickened his pace and had you shuddering, but as that familiar feeling started to burn low in your stomach, it was stolen from you just as fast.
You let out a frustrated sob and darted your head to see why he had rudely edged you like that.
He yanked his shirt over his head and threw it aside. Yet another article of clothing to search through later. “I wanna go down on you.”
Your face suddenly felt hot. You weren’t sure if it was from the sight of his deceivingly-toned stomach or how his voice didn’t waver as he spoke so freely to you. But before you could decide what it was, Eren was stripping from his jeans. And if you were still unsure as to why you had clammed up, the tent in his boxers—large and threatening to undo you—was most certainly it.
You were trying your best to look at his face when you asked, “Don’t you think we should be fast? All of your roommates are here.”
Eren didn’t want to be fast, not in the slightest. He wanted to have you, all to himself, for as long as you’d allow him. But it was easy for him to say that now; his willpower was beginning to wane the longer he looked at you.
“They’re sleeping. Don’t worry about them.” Eren’s thumb was making small circles against your inner thigh. It was making it difficult to say no to him, at least until he cracked a small smile. “I thought you said you were quiet.”
The look on your face told Eren you were about to quip something back at him. Just before you could, he leaned over you again. He held himself up with his forearms this time, much closer than before, encasing you in his warmth.
His mouth was even warmer when it met your neck. You felt his lips—his tongue—as he ran along the silky skin he wanted to suck.
Eren nibbled at your ear, and you let out an airy giggle that traveled straight to his cock. When he was at your collarbone, your hips wantonly rutted against him. Then, once he tugged down the cups of your bra, his hot breath fanning over your perked nipples, you rewarded him with a moan—even louder once he took one into his mouth.
You were so, so sensitive. All for him. Eren wanted to discover every nook on your body that he could kiss and every sound that you’d make along with it. He wanted to learn every last part of you, especially the parts that would have you wrecked.
His kisses continued down your stomach, with him lowering to his knees on the ground. He took your legs, one in each hand, and tugged you until his shoulders were snug between your thighs, your bottom half hanging off the side of the bed.
Eren palmed over the tops of your thighs, the flesh molding to his hands. He left kisses there, too. His lips were open and warm and so close to where you wanted them the most. Just the thought had goosebumps scattering across your skin.
“Let me taste you.” His voice was a quiet plead. He placed another kiss on your thigh, then another, with his eyes fluttering shut like he was savoring you. “Please.”
Your voice was lost somewhere in your throat, so you bobbed your head, perhaps a bit too eagerly. Eren gleamed up at you like he wanted to smirk, but he was smart enough to not risk his opportunity to have you.
At first, you only felt his breath on you, and it quelled the chill bedroom air. Next, it was the tip of his tongue. It ran through you, painfully slow but still enough for your voice to return in nothing more than airless gasps.
“Spread your legs wider for me.” You did as you were told. He must have been pleased by it because you swore you felt him grin as he praised, “Good girl.”
You made an embarrassing sound at that—one that you didn’t expect and Eren surely didn’t either. But it excited him, knowing that you were weak to his words, to his voice, to him.
With you, now open and on display for him, Eren couldn’t resist burying into you, even if he had fully intended on teasing you for longer. His tongue flicked at your clit, sending pulses of electricity shooting up your spine.
You shifted your hips, raising them to meet him. His tongue was steady, never slowing once he learned the rhythm you liked—the one that had you lacing your fingers through his hair and undoing his bun.
And when you angled your hips just a little more, guiding his tongue to just the right spot, it was like you saw sparks behind your eyelids.
“Eren—ah—right there,” you said on a frantic exhale.
He had the flat of his tongue against your clit, letting his tongue lap at you in tandem with the rocking of your hips. But when your thighs began to quiver and shake, he hooked his arms around them, locking you in place for him.
He continued having you feverishly, filling the bedroom with a mix of your wispy cries and his own groans. It was like he was just as desperate for you to come as you were, worshipping every squeak and squirm he could get from you.
Eren looked up to read your face. You looked breathless, your mouth only slightly opened in a vain attempt to pull in tattered breaths. He released his hold on your legs and they weakly fell on his shoulders.
He replaced his tongue with his thumb, not breaking his pace, and asked, “Do you want more?”
“You want my fingers?” His thumb left your clit and you mourned the loss, only for him to trace a finger down your entrance, barely dipping inside of you.
“Oh, fuck,” you writhed. “Yes.”
Eren let his middle finger slip through you again before pushing it inside. He curled it, sliding in and out as he rushed to return his mouth to your clit. He gave you a few kitten licks before picking up right where he left off.
You were getting close—so close—and if time could allow for it, you would have stayed like that forever, just shy of becoming entirely undone.
Admittedly, there were many times when you imagined Eren having his way with you—imagined what it’d feel like for him to finger and fuck you. But never did you think he’d beg to have you this way. You decided to risk a glance at him to know what he looked like between your thighs. When you propped yourself back onto your elbows, that was when you knew you were done for.
Eren’s face was flushed, a blossomy pink spanning his nose and cheeks. You were so wet, he was so wet—soaked, actually, in a lewd mix of both his saliva and your slick. His finger pumped in and out of you, working with his licks at your clit to have you ruined for him.
His green eyes, now shameless and darkened like you hadn’t seen them before, found yours and a gravelly moan escaped him. He felt a bit pathetic for it, but what had him feeling even more pathetic was how he couldn’t stop his free hand from working his boxers down his thighs. He took hold of himself in desperate need of something—anything—because you were possibly the hottest thing he had ever seen. He only knew you would look even better once he had you coming on his tongue.
You whimpered when you saw him fisting his cock, nice and fast. He was so hard for you, and you weren’t shy about staring. You couldn’t even pretend to be. You wanted to see how he liked it, watching him jerk himself with only quick breaks to give extra attention to his tip. You thought about how he’d fuck you, wondering how he’d like it then, and it sent you over the edge.
Your moans came out choppy and strained until your voice cut out entirely, your breath getting caught up in your throat. You sobbed silently, carelessly rolling your hips over Eren's tongue, helping his finger dip against that spot again. You wanted to drag the feeling out as long as you could. By the end of it, you were trembling, panting, and couldn’t hold your eyes open.
Eren had to stop pumping himself or he would have come from that alone. He sat back on his knees, one of his hands palming over your thigh while the other rubbed at your clit, his touch nothing more than a feather and just to ease you back down. You looked like you needed it—you were absolutely wrecked, with your legs limply pulled apart for him, just like he hoped for.
God, he annoyed himself for pretending that he never wanted you because you—you were a dream.
The only thing that could wake him from that dream was your voice.
He loved when you said his name.
You sat up to look at him. It was harder this time because it felt as if a ton of bricks sat on your chest as you struggled to find your breath. Eren was quite the opposite, looking entirely unbothered. He had his cheek resting against your thigh, his eyes fixed on his finger as he lazily pushed it back inside you. You jolted lightly at the intrusion. You were still coming down, and he could tell by the way your muscles spasmed around his finger.
He was mesmerized by the feeling—you sucking him in for more—and didn’t even look up at you when he replied, “Hm?”
You would have normally found it embarrassing, how he started at you so unabashedly, but you were already so sensitive from your orgasm that the winding feeling in your stomach had already returned. It begged to snap again.
“I want you to fuck me.”
He loved hearing that even more.
Eren finally looked at you then, and if he were a dog, his ears would have perked up like you said the magic words.
“What was that?” he said, more playfully than you expected. You didn’t like it, especially not with his smug grin to match. “I couldn’t hear you. You were mumbling.”
“You heard me the first time.”
He slipped his finger from you, running it teasingly up the crease of your thigh. “Say it again.”
It tickled. You fussed, “Eren, come on—”
“No, I don’t think that was it. I think you said something else.”
“Just—” You sighed grudgingly before finally giving in. “I want you to fuck me. Fuck me, please.”
He beamed at you, proud of both you and himself, and started to take off his boxers that still hung at his mid-thigh. “Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
Eren stood up and didn’t let you respond before taking hold of your waist and flipping you onto your stomach. You bounced against the mattress when you landed, it squeaking conspicuously beneath you.
You felt his hand on your shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly. He then trailed his fingers lower, down to your bra, and quickly undid the clasp. You pushed yourself onto your elbows and felt your bra fall, its straps loosely hanging around your arms. He took you by the hips, just where they met your thighs, and helped raise you to your knees.
“You look so pretty like this,” he told you, giving himself a few more pumps with one hand and smacking your ass with the other.
You yelped, “Eren! Roommates!”
“I thought I told you not to worry about them,” he said, with another smack.
The print of his hand still stung when you heard rustling behind you. You peeked over your shoulder to find Eren tearing open a condom. He rolled it onto himself, all the while, his eyes stayed pinned on you—naked and with your ass in the air for him.
He flattened a hand against your lower back, having you arch it for him. With his other, he gripped his cock by the base and lined it up perfectly with you.
He guided himself in more slowly than he wanted to, letting you adjust as he listened to you suck in a sharp breath. It was a bit of a stretch, but it was easy enough for him to push inside having already prepped you with his fingers, only to leave you aching to be filled with more.
When his pelvis was flush against your ass, he felt you flutter around him, squeezing his cock so perfectly he’d think you were made for him. A groan bubbled up in his throat, low enough that it was nearly a growl. The sound made your heart skip—right between your lungs—so you clenched again to encourage another.
“You’re gonna make me come if you keep doing that,” Eren hissed hedonistically.
“Doing what?” you asked innocently. Then you did it again.
Despite his warning, he didn’t protest it. Instead, he started thrusting into you leisurely. He was self-indulgent about it, too, spreading you with his hands so he could admire how well you took his cock.
“God, you feel so fucking good,” he muttered, quiet enough that it was like he was talking to himself. “So fucking good.”
“Eren.” The whine in your voice drove him crazy.
His hands, large and demanding, curved over the fat of your hips. His fingers gripped down as he pulled you against him, dragging you back to meet every snap of his hips. The indecent sound of smacking bounced off the bedroom walls. You didn’t complain this time. Your head dropped between your shoulders, eyes screwed shut, as you became lost in the throws of pleasure all over again.
“Eren,” you cried again.
He didn’t stop fucking you to ask, “What is it?”
He leaned over you, his hand snaking up your neck and cupping your chin. He angled your face to look at him—so he could see what you wanted. But you couldn’t form anything other than wimpy chants of ah, ah, ah, coming out mangled as he squished your cheeks between his fingers.
“Tell me how you want it.”
His words alone caused you to bite back a moan.
You finally managed to tell him, “Harder.”
Eren smiled, all slack-jawed and toothy, and you would have found it irresistible and totally ill-fitting for the situation if you saw it. But how else was he supposed to react after hearing what he thought only existed in his dreams?
He placed a kiss at the base of your neck, then on your shoulder. It was unexpectedly doting, but then you felt his fingers curve up and around your throat. Though you anticipated what was coming next, you still squealed as he hoisted you upright until your back was flush with his chest.
Eren held you there, fucking up into you—harder—like you asked of him. Your flimsy bra barely hung from you, just around your elbows, and flopped with each of his thrusts. He groped at your breast, taking your nipple between his fingers, rolling and squeezing at it until you were mewling.
He continued to take you as if you were his, and you let him have you. You let him use you like you were nothing more than a plaything for his pleasure, with your head feeling heavy as it lolled back against him.
But you were so much more than just that, and Eren was determined to have you coming again. This time, on his cock. He wanted to feel it.
“Touch yourself,” Eren demanded, right into your ear. It made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. “I wanna hear you when you come this time.”
Your hand slithered down between your legs. The very tips of your fingers bumped into Eren’s cock as you got yourself off. Your legs wavered at the added pressure, and you were practically vibrating when you came, your heartbeat pounding in your ears.
It was hard to stay upright. You fell from Eren’s hold and landed on the bed forcefully, him toppling right over you. You struggled to rub your clit as he fucked you into the mattress. You were still riding out the aftershocks, and it had you squeezing your thighs together so nicely for him.
“I’m—ah, fuck—I’m close,” Eren grunted.
It surprised you when he pulled out since he was wearing a condom. But when you felt his hands fly to your sides, you realized he was rolling you onto your back. Your arms, like jelly, were tossed carelessly above your head. He pinned them in place with a single hand around your wrists as he pushed inside back inside you.
“I need to see you.”
Your stomach flipped at his words like they were poetry. Fuck. He had you so irrevocably wrapped around his finger. He had all of you. And maybe you were just lovelorn and looking for something that wasn’t there, but you swore he looked like he was just as ensnared as you.
You wanted to touch him, squirming your wrists around until he released his hold. You took his face, sticky under your fingertips, between your hands. You wanted to see him, even more unguarded than before. His eyes were moony and heavy-lidded and had you swooning.
“Fuck, Eren—I want you to come,” you gasped.
Easy enough.
He came hard. As perverted as it sounded, you wished you had a camera. You wanted to remember how his eyes snapped shut and record every sound. He buried his face into your neck with a few stutters of his hips, grinding against you like he could go deeper.
His breath was hot and panting against your already sweltering skin. It was a bit hard to breathe, especially under his weight, but you wanted to hold onto him longer.
You didn’t realize you were gracing your fingers up and down the back of his neck until he lifted himself up. He let his face linger above yours, like he wanted one last look, nudging his nose against yours.
You laid still, watching while Eren straightened out and disposed of the condom. Your legs felt too soft and lazy to move, so you only rolled your head to the side to follow him as he stepped into a pair of sweatpants.
“The invitation to stay the night still stands, right?” you asked, admittedly, with some sass.
“No, I was actually going to call you an Uber home.” Eren rolled his eyes. “Of course it does. What kind of guy do you think I am?”
You giggled as you pushed yourself upright. “Where’s your bathroom?”
“Down the hall, last door on the right.” Eren took one look at you, then started digging around in his dresser. He tossed something at you, aiming it at your head by the looks of it. You caught it just in time. It was a t-shirt. “You can wear that.”
You held it up by the arms to inspect it, then peered over it to ask, “Is that weird?”
“It wasn’t until you asked that.”
You pulled the tee over your head and stood up to adjust it. You put your underwear on next but felt a bit more hesitant about the jeans.
“They’re sleeping, I promise,” Eren told you as he put on a shirt of his own. “Just be quick.”
“Okay,” you said hesitantly. You started to leave the room but poked your head back in. “I’m leaving the door cracked so I know which room is yours.”
He laughed, “Alright.”
You followed his instructions. The last door on the right. You even tried to be quick about it, too. You peed, washed your hands, splashed some water on your face, and only stared at your bruising collarbone for ten seconds before rushing back down the hall.
Eren was in bed when he saw the door swing open. “Look at you, Ms. C+, not getting lost.”
You made a face at him. “Whatever, Brian.”
Right on cue, he said, “It was one time!”
For whatever reason, you didn’t crawl into bed with him right away. You felt a bit like a deer in headlights, blinking at Eren, sleepy and with his hair still unkempt from your fingers. Seeing him like this, dressed in his shirt, and about to curl up under his sheets—were you supposed to just go along with it like it was normal?
You tried to think of something to say, but when you did, Eren cut in. “You can’t seriously try to take the couch after that.”
That was exactly what you were about to do. The purse of your lips had him chuckling because he knew he was right. He lifted the blanket up for you—once again, like this was entirely normal for you—and said, “Get over here already. I’m cold.”
Eren was extremely difficult to say no to, but you already knew that. You got into his bed and let him lay the comforter over you. Either his pillows were really soft or you were just exhausted, but your eyes went heavy almost immediately. Eren reached over you to turn out the light, and you felt his arm fall on top of you. He hugged around your waist and didn’t hesitate to pull you into him.
He nuzzled into the back of your neck and in your hair, pulling a giggle from you. “Are you always this clingy after sex?”
“Mhm,” he hummed, tickling you again.
Eren most definitely was never clingy after sex. But there was no way he could keep his hands to himself, not with how good you looked in his shirt, just barely long enough to cover anything. Maybe his intentions in lending you his shirt weren't as pure as merely helping you get comfortable—so sue him. You wearing his clothes like you were his was definitely a sight Eren could get used to, and one he had a feeling he’d see much more often.
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s6ngbird · 6 months
his bitch — coriolanus snow ࿔*:・
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♡‧₊ warnings — nsfw, possessive!coryo, fingering (f. recieving)
♡‧₊ pairing — cowboy!coryo x fem!reader
♡‧₊ a/n — ty to my sweet lovely mutual @etfrin for commenting on my last post for this idea, love you <3
masterlist | bc: @cafekitsune
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cowboy!coryo made it very clear to everyone that he had a claim on you, taking you with him everywhere and if anyone got too close to you, they'd wish they didn't after seeing coriolanus
you regularly came with coriolanus to the bar, he always kept you close or on his lap to make sure you were with him at all times
this time was a bit different though
coryo had left for a minute to go talk to someone, leaving you sitting in the bar alone which is always a bad idea
some older man comes up to you, too close for your liking, his breath reeking of alcohol as he leans closer
“whatcha doin’ out here alone princess?”
you were about to respond or at least get a good distance away from this man, when you feel a hand on the small of your back and a shadow is casted over you
“get the fuck away from her, you already know she's mine, we see you every sunday, so why do you insist on trying to flirt with her?”
the man immediately backs away, not wanting to pick a fight with coryo
you feel coryo’s grip tighten on you, and he's practically fuming as he picks you up, taking you to the back of the bar, where you two can still be seen but far enough for what he was preparing to do
he pulls you on his lap, facing him once you're comfortable, and he was fuming
“why do you continue to let these men flirt with you, are you really that much of a slut?” he hisses, hands tightening around your thighs
“coryo it's not my fault!” you huff, trying to pry his fingers off, knowing that he was going to do something that you were going disagree with
he tsks, shoving his hand up your skirt, pulling your panties down as your breathing hitches
“listen doll, i own you so i can do whatever the fuck i want and don't you forget that” he says with a smirk, feeling how wet you were already even though he hadn't done a thing
he then shoved two fingers up your dripping cunt, smirking as you covered your mouth so you didn't make too much noise
he takes the hand that was covering your mouth and holds it at his side
“don't hide your pretty sounds, i need everyone to know that you're mine” he said, thrusting his fingers harder than before at a steady rhythm
you felt your eyes roll as you clenched around his fingers, letting out quiet whimpers and moans as he found your g-spot
“that the place doll?” he said, stroking your face and smirking then adding a third finger which had you letting out a loud moan
it went quiet in the bar, as everyone looked in coryo’s direction 
he pulled his fingers out which had you whining, forgetting for a second that people were watching
“later doll, we have an audience” he said laughing and bringing his fingers to his mouth to clean them off and putting his hat on you
he pulled your panties up and moved you off his lap, getting up after you stood up and put an arm around your shoulders, leading you out the bar
before he exited, he gave everyone a smirk and knowing look as if to say,
“this bitch is mine so fuck off”
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l0ve-dov3 · 4 months
bedroom floor !
‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚👒⊹♡
luke castellan x demeter! reader
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summary: in which luke talks to his ex-girlfriend on a vacation with the senior campers.
warnings: just a naughty word or two :^
word count: 1.3k !
authors note: this one-shot is an ode to the song bedroom floor by sneaky peaches and the fuzz. definitely not sure about how i feel on this one-shot, but i tried my best to tie the ‘hopelessly heartbroken’ vibes of the song into this fic. can’t tell if it worked or not, soooo!
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Luke sat in the back of a crowded van, listening to the loud chatter between his friends. It was summer, and the senior campers managed to get Chiron’s permission for a beach trip. This would be great, of course—for everyone needs a vacation sometimes—if you hadn’t broken up with him about a month prior.
It wasn’t exactly bad. You were far too sweet for a angry, heartless breakup like that. But Gods, did he miss you. I mean truly, deeply miss you, and he was hoping by now he’d be over it.
Spoiler, he wasn’t.
Because now, he was pretending to pay attention to Chris, more focused on you singing with Clarisse in the passenger seat.
“And he’s gone. How surprising.” Chris groaned, realizing that Luke was in his own little world. Silena chuckled, seeing Luke’s dazed expression next to Chris’ blank stare of frustration.
As a child of Aphrodite, and friend to the former couple, she often fell victim to Castellan’s bouts of love and sadness. She’d watched him ramble about how gorgeous you looked, wishing he could kiss you the way he used to. But, she had also let him lean on her shoulder, crying into the stars about how he’d follow you anywhere.
On the other hand, she knew how deeply it hurt you to break up with the golden boy. You had only done it out of fear, your recent nightmares pointing to a quest of some kind. You were scared. Scared of how the quest would turn out, and even more scared of how Luke may handle it, so you broke up with him.
You tried to ignore your guilt, but it kept coming back to taunt you. Your plan was to fix that today.
The car slowed to a halt, and the music was turned down, effectively stopping your singing and jumping. Clarisse leaned her elbow on the passenger seat, looking back to her friends with a smirk. “Alright bitches, our vacation has officially begun.”
The car filled with excited cheers, and in a mad rush to get out the car, everyone found themselves basking in the warmth of Jones Beach. The heat was refreshing, in a sense; a reminder that they were out of camp grounds and free to do as they pleased.
Y/n ran off to the edge of the water, her bags long forgotten in her excitement to be near the sea. She stood there, grinning at the waters edge, with a white coverup hiding her swimsuit from view.
“Come on Y/n, show us the swimsuit!” Clarisse whistled to you, earning a soft chuckle as she carried over your stuff. Since the breakup, you and Clarisse had become closer friends, jokingly flirting with each other and pushing each other’s buttons. You’d grown to find comfort in her mask of aggression, knowing that she was a true friend deep down.
“Don’t get too excited!” You yelled back to her, wiggling your shoulders exaggeratively and earning laughs from your group of friends.
As the laughing began to die, you untied your coverup, letting it drop to the ground dramatically. Clarisse and Chris whistled, Silena clapping and hooting in a bout of approval; but Luke sat there, eyes wide with adoration, trying—and failing—not to stare for too long.
You were wearing a light blue one piece, made with a perfect bow in the center of your chest. It hugged your hips comfortably, and he watched as you spun in a circle to show your friends the whole thing.
It was nothing revealing, nor outlandish, it was just such a reflection of you. The sweet, soft, bow-loving girl he always knew.
And he needed you, unlike anything in the world. He needed you now, and forever.
⋆·˚ ༘ *👒
The first two hours of your beach trip were spent splashing each other and swallowing too much ocean water. Most recently, you played water chicken on Silena’s shoulders, with Chris fighting against you on Luke’s. The ravenette spared glances at you every few seconds, making Chris lose to a solid push right to his chest. The boys splashed and laughed in a faux rivalry, throwing random accusations as to why they had lost, and you watched them lovingly as you made your way out of the water.
You decided you wanted to sunbathe for a bit, growing tired of the endless swimming and dunking your friends into the water. Sunbathing was much more relaxing, and it would give you time to read the book you’d been meaning to start.
Watching as you laid down on your towel, Luke slowly stopped splashing Chris. Even he would admit it was creepy, how often he stopped to look at you, but this time he couldn’t help but indulge. His heartbeat sped up with every passing second, wanting nothing but to walk through the sand and be with you. Wanting love. Wanting you. Wanting things to be normal again.
“Chris, I’ll be back in a bit.”
Chris shrugged, already knowing where his friend would go.
The child of Hermes swam up to the shore, anxiously walking up to the spot where you lay. You could feel his presence before you saw him, and your heart tightened as he took a seat right beside you.
“Y/n.” He said gingerly, trying not to let his anxiousness bleed into his words.
“Hey hero.” You sighed softly in return, sitting up to face him properly. You knew that he wanted to talk, and you knew you needed to. You made a mistake in breaking up with him, and he deserved to know. But, just as your lips parted, his own words came spilling out.
“I miss you, Y/n.” He began, taking a deep breath, “You were—and you still are—the best thing to ever come out of this shitty life of being a half-blood. You—You are gentle, and kind, and soft, and I can be slow with you. I can live and love slow with you.”
His words made your heart stutter, your breathing going shallow with the weight of it all. You looked down at your feet, tears threatening to fall, as he rambled about you.
“You are my angel, my flower, my sun and my stars. I would follow you anywhere, Y/n, but I have to know why…” He paused, swallowing any fear left in his stomach, “Why wouldn’t you follow me?”
His final words came out in a solemn whisper, one that made you shiver with guilt at how you’d hurt this poor boy. What you thought would help had only harmed the both of you, and now, you were paying for it; paying for the way he loved you so unconditionally.
“I want to, Luke.” You whispered, tears landing on your towel beneath you.
Luke felt his heart shatter. He watched as you wiped away tears stiffly, trying to hide the way you slowly broke in front of him. With a cautious hand, he reached up to your cheek, caressing it with his thumb the way he always did when you cried. His calloused hand felt like it melted into you, a sensation so familiar that it made you cry harder. You missed him. You missed this, and the way he held you.
So you leaned in, bringing a hand to the side of his neck. He looked into your eyes, tearful and soft, and planted a passionate kiss on your shaking lips. The butterflies in your stomach awoke from their slumber, and your lips molded to his in the same way they used to. You tasted like strawberries and vanilla, and he brought you in further to taste you just a bit more.
“I want to, Luke.” You breathed, “I want to follow you anywhere.”
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honeyshiddendesire · 2 months
Boss’ Office
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Garp x female Reader
Warnings: INCEST PLAY!!!! (No blood relation!) Use of name Grandpa!
vaginal penetration, chokehold with reverse cowgirl to backshots, dirty talk/teasing, exhibition/voyeurism, age gap, pet names, office sex, boss/subordinate
Another warning !!
*Author's Note: Posted this on my old account but had it saved so decided to post it again 🩷🤤*
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Slushing wet noises and slapping skin filled the office space. Light layer of sweat on your skin as your muscles tightened and pussy fluttered.
“Yeah you like this old dick don’t chu sweet thing? No one your own age can handle a little minx like you. You need a man like me fucking this little cunt how it should be.” Garp grunted into your ear as he held you in a head lock. Sitting on his girthy cock had you shaking like crazy, thighs trembling on his lap.
Hand rubbing at your clit under your black tennis skirt, toes curling under your knee high socks and Oxford heels. Your nails clawing at his furry thighs to hold yourself steady. “Nngh! Ahh! Yess! I-I love it! Please grandpa! Please~! D-don’t stop!” Your begging was everything to your boss that pounded you down onto his thick cock.
Ridged veins rubbing against your sensitive walls making you twitch and spasm around him. “Grandpa~!” Your moans so loud it filled his office easily making his all male staff jealous and harder than you could imagine. Some running to the bathroom for a quick nut off or others saying fuck it and wacking at their desks. The man in his cubicle right across from Garp’s office was fisting his long veiny cock as he looked at the show.
“Fuck princess~ they love coming to work cause of you, you know that right?” Garp grunted against your ear making your eyes roll back. “They love seeing their dirty old boss fuck his pretty granddaughter.” Garp kept saying such taboo things that made your brain dizzy in the best way possible.
“Especially him. Look at how excited you made him, his cock is leaking so much for you princess.” Garp breathed out as he turned your attention to the young blonde man with curly brows. Pretty sure his name was Sanji but at the moment your brain was too fucked out to recall.
Sanji’s long cock was aching as he watched your pussy being split apart. Angry red tip oozing drops of cum making you whine as you watched it drip down the length of his cock. A loud moan leaving him as he watched Garp pick up your skirt so he could see the view of his cock entering you.
“Bet he wants to fuck you so bad.” Garp groaned as he rolled his hips up in time of pulling you down. Your screams high pitched as he knocked it out of you, cockhead beating your cervix up deliciously. “He probably wishes he could come in here and use one of these slutty holes you got.”
Garp’s own brain going dizzy from the lewd words he kept spilling but he couldn’t stop when he had you like this. Drooling on yourself with your tongue hanging out like a bitch, his bitch, in heat.
“I know for a fuckin’ fact that he does.” Garp snapped, “But that’s- Too. Damn. Bad!” Garp growled as he stood up, pushing your chest into the desk with a heavy hand.
“Scream whose pussy it is.” Garp snarled out, jealous but the desire to be watched always battling each other. “Let everyone know that this old man is the only one that can touch you. I wanna hear it.” You tried to nod but it was a pathetic attempt.
“Grandpa Garp ! Ahh nghhh ohhh yesss~ yes grandpa~ puhlease~ don’t ahh stop!” Voice hoarse from the pleasure of how deep his cock fucked your cunt. “So big! Fuck yes! Feels so fucking good! Ahh ha Nngh yesss right there Garp! No one can -ahhh fuck- no one can make me cum like you!”
Your squishy walls sucking him in with every thrust that he gave you. One of his large hands held both of yours behind your back, using it as leverage to pull you back. Other hand reaching around to hold your face to look at the onlookers.
Everyone knew when the ceo started making you answer questions that he was trying to make you cum. All the men looking over to see the expression. Men of all ages and types looking at you as they fisted their cocks in hunger. Garp loved seeing the want in their eyes and the power that he held in knowing he was fucking your cunt and not them.
“Yeah only I can make this pretty pussy cum huh baby girl” Garp kissing along the side of your neck making you whine. Moans slipping at the feel of his balls slapping into your aching clit.
“Garp fuck! Yesss~! Your cock is so big!” You screamed out loud with dreamy eyes, “Feel you so deep~”
A proud smile and a glare painted on his face that made the men shiver at their shameful release.
“Grandpa~ wanna cum~ pleasee~!” You pleaded as your pussy fluttered around his meaty cock that bruised your insides. Your juices spraying all over his cock pulling him in deeper. “Yess! Cumming~!” You moaned out.
Garp kissed the side of your face as he felt his cock twitch. Grunting as he fucked your cunny harder. “Good fucking girl.” Thrusting in your pussy to help you both ride out your orgasm.
Groaning as he sunk in deep before painting that cunt white. “Such a good pussy baby.” Garp grunted as he kissed your neck.
His eyes glared at the man watching from the door, “Beat it! GET BACK TO WORK!”
Turning to face you he kisses all over your drooly face making you giggle, “The only one that gets to slack off is the office princess who’s stuffed full of my cum.”
Making the man laugh as you hit his arm playfully, “GARP~!”
“Careful saying my name like that doll you’ll make me hard again.”
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jazeswhbhaven · 1 month
I was curious so I looked at the prologue (yah I know whatever side-eye me but anyway)
*spoilers ahead*
I'm going to talk about this in bullet points because this is more like a curiosity read instead of a "I'm going to invest in this" read.
Levi Childish Jealously Overall Thoughts:
First, now I get why they said "chlidren's day" It is because MC was talking about Minhyeok and them hanging out each children's day together and their fond memories of such
Also, Levi are you fucking srs why are you checking up on MC with a damn crystal ball as if your ass can't stand the fact that they're out smiling with the Gehenna besties like????
I clicked on the prologue and his ass was already mad and it made me laugh because see??? see what I mean by he's always mad about something? lmao
Also he made Foras go out and help him do the spying like? Ok
He made Foras feel bad about suggesting to go nerf Minhyeok if Levi wished it and this man is like "oh a sudden death that will make one miss the other forever" and he's referring to Solomon here and Foras was like "fuck" (HONESTLY Levi he only suggested that to make you feel better like don't do that .-.)
Learned some stuff about the devil named Seere, who can travel anywhere and through dreams too in a blink of an eye (reminds me of someone from another fandom...) and that's the one who produced the memory manipulation spell and it seems he just does this any way to cause mischief on Earth (so if anyone experiences deja vu blame him /j)
So the rules are, Levi can't alter things too much or it messes with each others minds or causes both of them or just Levi to wake up out of the dream if I'm getting that right
also Satan is about to get pissed the fuck off because they also got a sleeping spell/poition from Seere and everyone in the palace was asleep LMAO. The fact that he pretty much knocked everyone out so he could do what he wanted without pushback goodness.
NOW i'mma go over the dream events:
Minhyeok looked so ready and adorable in his uniform, confirmed this is high school Minhyeok and MC.
Minhyeok saw Levi just standing in his room and was like o______o the fuck? And Levi literally snapped his fingers and erased him.
Imagine the nightmare Minhyeok had as a teenager and was like "a demon fucking erased me from existence omfg" and his parents were like ???? and his brother was like "lol wut"
anyways moving forward, MC noticed the changes but didn't challenge them (Levi is hot wow gonna forget my friend ig /j)
Already this man is mad at MC for tripping and not tying their shoes...plz???
Also for whatever reason MC is very clumsy here, like everything reads to me like a Kdrama where every moment MC is falling, tripping, forgetting shit and Levi is getting annoyed and pissed off at every mistake and it's sending me because dude it is not that deep please relax
Cool Levi moments though is when he ties the shoes, blocks MC from getting hit by a volleyball, lends his gym clothes, gets a cream bun for MC, and takes MC to the nurse because they sprained their ankle
WTF Levi moments is....him basically glaring at the teacher who didn't challenge him, choking another fucking student for almost hitting MC with the volleyball, shoving students (actually I like that and wish I had someone to shove people out the way to get me stuff)
everything else was pretty tame and a good set up though for a highschool au, ASIDE from the sexual stuff? (again personal preference so don't axe me in the mentions)
Next, some screenshots of Levi doing the MOST
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You see this? This is you all's king btw because he and I would have been boxing...like? don't fucking call me stupid for forgetting shit like a bitch has ADHD so yeah I fucking forgot damn.
But again this is good material for how he would act in a school au setting, I do remember doing a childhood au with him and the other kings and he reacted similarly by finding everything they did annoying, kept to himself, and caused an issue that nearly killed everyone because he couldn't control his powers just yet, so if I do decide to do a highschool au with Astra I'll remember Levi's reactions for reference
Oh and a couple other things
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this is our official room in Gehenna?
I'm giving Satan extra smooches this room is gorgeous? Do we fuck in here too? I would. (i'm a sucker for canopy beds with ornate designs)
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Just some mini lore about Seere. Also something about him being under Asmodeus or this being mostly monitored by Asmo? (someone help here I was speed reading) So that's interesting.
Overall, everyone that likes schoolboy role play sexy time, have at it. My journey stops here at the sfw part.
Justice for Minhyeok though he is just in the void somewhere like
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a funny thing before you all go look at Glas' name
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it's usually Glasyalabolas, right? I was cracking up because he's never beating the Ikea furniture name allegations.
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opal-owl-flight · 13 days
Quick lore question, did marie considering the idea of replacing 4 play into the insecurities she has later?
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I wanna preface this by saying one thing: Young 4 was a COMPLETELY different person before she got recruited by Marie. And Marie...responds to her accordingly.
Long read abt Hero2 events below!! Its. A lil messy sorry qisjke these are my notes
Young 4? A bitch.
Everything she ever wanted was given to her. Moved out of the highlands with an ego the size of a planet (and also bc she felt suffocated there), thinking she can make it in the big city.
...she struggled to make it alone. She had moved out bc her family was suffocating her with love, but now theyre not here, so now she feels homesick and underappreciated.
All that is expressed by her harsh, bitchy attitude. Shes gonna be mean bc no one has seen her for who she is. She'll show them!!
She finds her way around like this, and discovers that shes just as good at turf war here and at home. In fact, shes *so* good that she got the status of a rising star!
It aaalll just gets into her head. Shes "proven everyone wrong" now. Shes got the superiority complex and can back it up.
...saw this. She was looking for a new agent to help find the missing zapfish. The second 4 heard this from her, she flexed her arms and...
"Look no further, your hero is RIGHT HERE!"
Marie at first adored the spunkiness of this new agent. Uuuntil 4 started thinking that shes better than her.
"Watch out, Agent Four!"
"You watch YOURSELF, grandma! Think Im a damn idiot to not see that coming? WAHA!"
Marie rolled up her sleeves after several stages full of her ignoring orders or sassing her out of nowhere.
Is that how shes gonna be? Fine.
When 4 finally trips and falls, hard, on a particularly difficult level, Marie pulls her to the side to fix her up and give her a lecture that tore her fucking ego to shreds.
She says something so fucking harsh like "That attitude will make SURE that you die sad and alone. I wonder how anyone puts up with you."
4s too hurt by her own failure to say anything back.
The reality of war finally gives her a reality check. Each victory is earned. its her life on the line. And the world.
She regains her spunk after saving the world.
Silly 4. She gets the job done but it takes a LOT of pushing in the mid-stages. Its like she got legitimately bored after the initial super easy ones, and thought the entire campaign a joke.
She went back to her turfing life topside between stages. And she takes a WHILE to come back to her missions -- usually late!! And then before she even goes in she just HAS to yak Marie's face off with what she was doing up there.
"Youre late."
"You shouldve SEEN ME, Marie!! I was carrying that Rainmaker round! I was-"
"Pray tell, Agent Four. How will you keep participating in turf with the Zapfish gone?"
"Whaat? Cmon. Nothing seems to be changing! Theres still power through the city!"
"The backup supply wont last forever, you know."
"Yeah yeah. Okay. Im here now. Wheres the next kettle?"
This attitude is from her high school days, clearly. She breezes by everything so fast that she can afford to do things last minute. It affects even this.
That, alongside her talking smack back to Marie, is what makes her snap at 4. Its what makes 4 stick to the mission fully starting late area 4 and area 5. (This is also around the time 4s life was threatened. God help me in those stupid platforming stages)
Post Hero2, 4 more or less does what 3 does. Shes the "replacement" til 3 comes back. (That cant be good for her confidence.)
At the same time, she has to deal with Callie and Marie talking out what the fuck Callie did with Octaria. "THEY SQUIDNAPPED GRAMPS!!!" and all. Why help them??? They get into squabbles where 4 was the unfortunate witness to. And peacemaker. It does NOT help that Callie for a while kept putting the glasses back on!!!
4 wishes so bad she had help of any sort. She feels 3 might be able to do something but what does she know?? Shes never met em!! She just imagines what the missing agent would do in that situation.
Callie...was also the person she got close to. Shes fun (unlike the stuck up Marie), shes empathic, she opened 4s eyes to the Octarian plight. It made her acceptance of 8 later much smoother.
Im not saying shes not close to Marie either, I bet they healed their relationship around this year too. Marie's sorry she tore 4s ego the way she did (even if deserved...). Marie's much more supportive of what 4s doing topside. Shes expressing her pride in the agent she found much more openly. (She brags abt her to Callie at times.)
The three of them heal together in that time. 4 sees them as older sisters Im p sure. Theyre both giving her tips for turfing and -- Marie even helps her with homework, HAH
And...while I say that 4 and Marie are in better terms, there are still days where Marie blows up on her. Lesser extent than before, but shes *worried* for her agent! (Its a similar plight 3 has.) In those times, its Callie who has her back. ("Hey! Its not like shes not trying!!" Callie understands how it is, and she also knows Marie best -- shes the one who makes 4 understand where Marie is coming from.)
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hvnnibvni · 1 year
Together Again | JJK *part 1*
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Pairings: Jungkook/Reader
Genre: Mature themes. Romance. Angst. Arranged marriage AU. Childhood best friends to lovers AU.
Warnings: cheating, reader is a rope bunny (ALLEGEDLY), hard!dom JK, switch!reader, reader likes to be slutted out, drunken sex, unplanned pregnancy(this is in the end dw😅), cunnilingus, oral (both receiving), fighting (talk shit get hit) daddy!kink, praise!kink, dirty talk, spanking, hair pulling. Just all around nasty y’all.
Summary: After reader finds her long-term boyfriend in bed with their mutual friend. She moves back into her family home, but under one condition. She has to marry her childhood friend that has been arranged since their childhood. For a wedding gift they go to a mountainous getaway with a group of friends, reader is told that ex and mutual friend get invited, so reader and jk decide to pretend not to know each other to avoid any confusion or miscommunication.
Authors note: Hi! Sorry it’s so late but here it is. I hope you guys enjoy. I’m making this into a series. I feel like it’s a little unprofessional not to have a masterlist but I’m working on that too. Just bare with me please in new to this lol. Also feel free to ask me any questions, or express your honest opinions Im all ears good or bad. Should I make a tag list?
‘How the fuck did I get here’
You thought as you sat in you car, filled with you things. You had just left the home YOU bought after catching your boyfriend Yunwoo cheating one you.. With your supposedly best friend. Sitting there thinking, you should’ve saw the signs. They were there right in front of your face. You felt like a fool. Luckily you’ve always kept a cool head, or else you would’ve done something you’d regret. You honestly wished you did. You wanted them to hurt just as much as they hurt you, but you knew if wouldn’t change anything so why stress yourself out about it. But silence is the best way to get under someone’s skin isn’t it. No matter how much he cried and apologized. You didn’t turn back, you’ll never go back to him. That a promise you made to yourself on you journey back home.
Earlier that day:
“Hey y/n what can I get you” the barista, you’ve gotten to know over the years asks, “Let me have my usual please Janine, oh! And can you serve it really hot please, thank you.” You were making you your normal daily rounds that day, which normally started out with a hot coffee at your favorite cafe when you realized you forgot you wallet back at the house. “Ah actually scratch that. I seem to have left my wallet at home.” You say, making the sudden realization. “You know what don’t walruses about it it’s on the house,” Janine says with a smile. “That you so much I appreciate the generosity, but I have to go back home anyway. I’ll come back and pay for the coffee.” You just couldn’t shake this strange feeling telling you to go back home. Your boyfriend of 5 years seemed was acting strange this morning. Being overly sweet all of a sudden, waking you up, making you breakfast. It just seemed like he was trying to get you out of the house.
when you pull into the driveway you see his car still out front, but you didn’t find that as strange as you best friend, Cristal car along side his. “Strange,” you say to yourself as you pull into the driveway. She never texted that she was coming over, but you check you phone to be safe. But you still can’t shake the uneasy feeling you have in your gut that something fishy is going on inside your home without you knowing. The calm rational you is telling you to just walk in your home as if it’s nothing, but the bad bitch part of you is telling you to unlock your fence and sneak in though the back door. So that’s just what you do. As you’re sneaking inside your house you notice clothes spread all across you living room floor training up the stairs to your bedroom. “Oh hell nah I know these motherfuckers ain’t- okay.” You whisper to yourself as you tiptoe up the stairs.
As you reach your bedroom you hear the faint sound of laughter behind the door. You decide to listen in on the conversation before letting your presence known. “Why don’t you just leave her already. She can’t make you happy the way I do.” You hear Cristal say. “I’m just waiting for the right time Cristal you know how she can be. She so clingy, she acts like she can’t live without me,” Yunwoo explains to Cristal. You scoff to yourself as head this. “Mmcht yeah right like this isn’t my house you’re freeloading it.” You number to yourself as you lean in closer to get a better listen. No one knew that you were he one that made all the money between you two. Yunwoo didn’t have a job and was too embarrée to move back in with his parents after he dropped out of college. So you bought this home for the both of you to stay in. You on the other hand were and heiress to one of the most biggest, prestigious designing companies in the world. In other words you’re the 1 percent of the q percent. But you’ve always kept it a secret, because it is taboo to mention your wealth in front of other people who are less fortunate.
“well I just don’t see how it’s right to keep pretending and leading her on like this. Im starting to get annoyed just looking at her. She’s so pathetic.” At this point you e already opened the door. They look at you in shock to see you home this early. “Y/n-“ you hold up your hand. Not trying to hear a single word coming out of yunwoo’s mouth, already disgusted. You don’t speak of give them the time of day. Of course you have lots to say, say you listened to their conversation you realized that these people were below you. These people betrayed your trust, and defiled your home. They’re worth less than the dirt on a dog’s paw. And what do you look like speaking to those who aren’t even worthy enough to lick the dirt off of your dogs feet? “Y/n please let’s talk about this like adults.” Yunwoo pleads. All you can do is scoff ass you go around the room and gather your things.
“Yunwoo baby just let her go. You don’t need something like that anyways. She’s not worth the time,” Cristal says picking through her nails. “You know what Cristal you’re right. I don’t need this. I deserve better and y/n baby you can’t give that to me. I’m on to better things in life. While you’re going to be stuck a sad, lonely, bitter, insignificant, bitch no one can stand. So go on. Leave.” Yunwoo, who has more than audacity says to you. You, the classy person you are smile at him, gather your clothes, jewelry, and dog walk away. Leaving everything behind.
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I saw you did a similar request as my last one so you can let that one slide if you wish !!
I also had this idea of how Tom would react to his s/o (preferably another artist) getting super mad at the paparazzi
(hello! Sorry if this is bad, I wrote it in the car lmao. But, enjoy!)
Give Them a Headline
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Tom hadn't been with you when you went off on them
It was usually Bill with you the few times you did
The first was when you guys had just started getting popular
You guys were kids
Who had just finished a set late at night and needed sleep
And paparazzi would not stop bothering you and Bill
One even tried grabbing Bill
It was a pretty young woman who grabbed him and shoved a mic and camera in his face
Bill couldn't even talk and was blinded as everyone crowded you guys
Security was trying to get them away but could only do so much
So you took it in your hands to clock the bitch and her camera
Bill was happy you helped him but was shocked
Tom only heard about it because it ended up in tabloids across the web
Other times you yelled at paparazzi
As you got older and it kept happening, people thought you were rude and aggresive
But others understood you guys were kids and needed privacy
Tom didn't think about what would happen if he was ever there with you when hat happened
Until it actually did happen
"Oh my fucking, god. Move!" You yelled out the window to the paparazzi, getting a laugh out of Tom as you guys tried getting home.
"Relax, we'll get out soon enough." Tom tried to reassure you, his hand in your thigh as you scoffed at the people with cameras.
"It's dumb, they got their pictures, we're trying to get to her hotel." You explained, barely giving him a glance before a camera man jumped in front of the car, almost on the hood.
"Are you kidding me?" Tom scoffed at him before he was shoved aside as you laid your hand on the horn, and hard.
The man jumped off the hood out of shock as you flipped him off.
"You're gonna end up in another tabloid." Tom said, amused and understanding about your actions.
"I don't give a shit, I want to sleep." You sighed, rubbing your temple as Tom sighed, squeezing your thigh for comfort as he tried to maneuver out of the maze of people.
It didn't seem to stop, camera men and women with mics all kept following the car. Even fans from the concert yelled and followed the car.
"Go, go, go!" You yelled, pointing to an opening as Tom tried to floor it.
"Seriously?!" You yelled again when they blocked that exit, again.
"Go away!" You yelled at the window as they came up to your guy's windows, shoving cameras as they flashed into the cracks.
You could barely see, shielding your eyes with your hand.
"(Name)! Tom! Just a few questions!" A woman yelled, somehow getting her mic through the slit in the window.
"Oh, fuck this." You muttered, Tom was barely able to look and see as you grabbed the car door handle and shoved the door open.
"(Name)! Get back in!" Tom yelled as he saw you use the door to shove the woman back, getting out effectively and yelling at her.
Tom couldn't hear the obscenities, but he could tell what they were from the looks on the others' faces.
"Shit, shit…" Tom muttered, getting out to follow quickly as he moved to your side of the car to get you back in.
"Get the fuck out of our way! Don't you have anything better to do than harass people half your age?!"
You yelled at the adults, covering their cameras and throwing the mics they shoved in your face away from you.
"Yo! Get in the car." Tom tried to get you back in the car, not that he wasn't enjoying it, he just didn't feel like dealing with angry internet trolls.
"Get this shit out of my face!" You grabbed a camera, one that a man got too close to you, throwing it and yelling at the guy.
"(Name)!" Tom laughed, it slipped out as he wrapped one of his arms around your waist, using the other to open the car door.
"Get in." Tom said, still laughing before he stopped as you grabbed a cup from the cup holder and threw it at the woman who shoved the mic in the window.
"What the hell, kid?!" The woman yelled, now doused in sticky soda.
"Get a fucking life!" You yelled as Tom now used both of his arms to get you in the car, closing the door quickly and going back to the driver side.
He got in the best he could without hitting people out of his way, slipping in the seat fast enough to see you flipping off paparazzi.
You honked the horn loudly as Tom drove, effectively scaring them out of the way not to be fun over.
It wasn't long before you guys got out of there, you breathed heavily as Tom drove.
Tom then couldn't help the laugh that slipped out, getting your attention.
"What?" You snapped, more annoyed at the paparazzi than him.
"You're a piece of work." Tom joked, his laugh now getting a little one out of you.
"They're tiring, I wanna go to the hotel and sleep." You explained, settling into the seat.
"Maybe you should do that more often. Her face was hilarious." Tom nodded, a smirk on his face as he leaned over to kiss your neck lightly.
You smiled, kissing his cheek when he pulled back before settling back in, his hand back on your thigh.
"Might as well give them the fucking headline."
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mellowsadistic · 2 months
Couples Therapy - Part 3
When Angela arrived at the therapist’s office, she waved happily at the receptionist.
“You look, like, totally pwetty today!” said the bimbo.
“You look pwetty too!” said Angela. And she meant it. The receptionist’s pigtails were so cute! For a moment Angela wished her own hair was in pigtails, but then she remembered that was only really meant for little girls, even if they did look really good on the woman in front of her. Her own hair was in a ponytail today, tied back with a large pink scrunchie. That was much more respectable and grown-up. She wasn’t a ditzy receptionist after all.
Eric led her by the hand into the office itself, where the therapist was waiting with the tablet in his hands.
Angela squealed excitedly when she saw it, and the two men laughed.
“Here you go, sweetie,” the therapist said, handing her the screen once she’d settled down on the sofa next to Eric. Her husband had his arm around her waist, holding her body close to him.
“Is it safe if I see the screen?” he asked the therapist.
“It’s fine. The program only affects girls like little Angela here.”
Angela didn’t understand what they were talking about, but she didn’t care. The tablet had come to life, and she was engrossed in the wonderful, beautiful sparkling spirals once again.
“You like your pretty lights, don’t you Angela?” the therapist asked her.
She nodded. They were so pretty.
“Good girl. We’re going to have another talk, sweetie, just like we did yesterday. You wet the bed last night, didn’t you Angela?”
Angela turned red, but nodded again. It was so embarrassing to talk about, even though she knew the therapist was a professional. It was much easier to let herself be drawn in by the bright colours.
“That’s right. You woke up in a yucky wet diaper. You’re such a stupid baby, aren’t you Angela?”
Angela blushed even more brightly. Stupid? She wasn’t stupid, was she? She wasn’t a stupid baby. She shook her head, frowning.
“Look at the lights, little one. A clever, grown-up woman wouldn’t have wet the bed. She wouldn’t have soaked her night-time nappy like a silly little two-year-old, Angela. Only a baby would do something like that. A stupid, overgrown baby like you. We already agreed that you’re a dumb bitch, remember? Well, being a stupid baby too isn’t much different, is it?”
Angela shook her head again, but she couldn’t tell whether she was agreeing with him or not. Maybe she was stupid. A stupid baby.
“That’s right, it’s very similar. You’re just a stupid baby. A stupid baby who wets the bed. But it’s not so bad being a baby. You get to be taken care of all the time, and you like being taken care of, don’t you Angela? Like a princess?”
Angela nodded, still staring at the swirling lights. That was what she wanted, wasn’t it? To be treated like a princess? That’s why she’d married Eric in the first place, she remembered. So he’d look after her. So she could live like a princess.
“Yes, you’re a stupid baby who needs someone to take care of her. You need someone to look after you because you’re a dirty girl, aren’t you Angela?”
Angela focused, trying to clear her mind of the fuzziness. Something about this didn’t feel right. Was she a dirty girl? She wasn’t sure. It sounded familiar. In fact, she’s sure she’s thought of herself as a dirty girl before. A bit dirty. A bit naughty. She’d done some dirty things hadn’t she? She’d done some dirty things with men who weren’t her husband. But the therapist didn’t know about that, did he?
“You’re a dirty girl, Angela. A messy girl. A messy girl who needs someone to take care of her and clean her up.”
Angela frowned. Messy? No… she was dirty. Not messy. But weren’t they the same thing? Her head felt like it was full of cotton candy. She was probably confused. She could be so stupid sometimes. She was a stupid baby.
“You make all kinds of messes, sweetie. You make messes in your diapers, and not just at night…”
The therapist kept talking, but Angela lost herself in the colours on the screen. She was such a silly, messy girl. She needed her Daddy. She needed her Dada.
She became vaguely aware that someone was taking off her clothes. Was it Eric? Were they going to fuck? Even though she was a stupid baby, she was also a dumb bitch. And dumb bitches got fucked whenever a man wanted to fuck them. But no, she wasn’t getting fucked. Someone was changing her into her nappy. Was it bedtime? No, it didn’t matter that it was bedtime. Stupid babies needed to wear their nappies all the time.
“…but when you’re at home, there won’t be any need for other clothes,” the therapist was saying. “You like it when Daddy looks at your naked body. You’re a dirty girl. It’s silly to have your boobies out all the time, and you love being silly. And your Daddy needs to be able to see if you need your diaper changed too, because you’re such a stupid baby that you won’t even tell him if you’re wet or messy. You’ll wait to be checked like a silly little girl.”
Angela nodded. She was so silly. So stupid.
“…and if Daddy’s going to be taking care of you, it’s only fair that you treat him with respect, wouldn’t you agree? You need to look up to your husband more, Angela, and I know the perfect way to do that. All you have to do is…”
The therapist’s words echoed in the back of her mind, settling there. She felt dumb. She felt ditzy. Ditzy like the receptionist. Was Angela like her? She frowned. She wasn’t sure she wanted to be like her. Hadn’t Angela hated her at the beginning? Hadn’t she thought the receptionist was a bimbo? A vapid, overgrown six-year-old?
She realised she was still staring at the swirling patterns on the tablet with her mouth open, a line of drool hanging from her lips. “Something’s wrong…” she mumbled, interrupting the therapist. “I’ve been acting wike… like a child. You’ve been doing something to me… Eric’s been…”
She had to look away from the lights. She had to stop this. Otherwise she was going to end up like that moron on reception, some sick little fetish fantasy for her husband. Worse. She’d be lucky to end up as mature as that brainless bimbo. Daddy… Eric had something else in mind for her. Bedwetting. Nappies. He wanted to take away her adulthood. He wanted to punish her for cheating on him! That’s what all this was about!
“Not to worry,” said the receptionist, chuckling. “This always happens around this point. The suggestions get a bit much for the poor little girls. They still have their dignity, somewhere deep down. But it’s no use.”
Before Angela could do anything, the lights on the tablet became even brighter, brilliantly bright. They swirled faster on the screen, and Angela felt herself slipping back into them. No… She had to stop looking. She didn’t want to be turned into a big baby! She didn’t deserve this… She deserved… She deserved to be looked after. Yes. She deserved to be treated like a princess. A little princess… A sweet, innocent little princess who never says no to Daddy.
Angela blinked, and the session was over. The pretty lights had gone! She pouted and looked up at the two men. Eric was on his feet and the therapist was talking to him, saying some grown-up stuff she didn’t understand. Something about a woman’s rightful place, whatever that was.
Angela got up too, her diaper crinkling loudly under her frock and squishing between her legs. She must have peed in it at some point, but she didn’t remember when. Little girls like her couldn’t tell when they went potty in their pants. The soggy thing peaked out below the hem of her dress by at least two inches. Angela blushed. It was embarrassing, but she knew it didn’t matter if people saw her wet nappy. She was just a stupid baby.
“And she won’t need any more sessions?” Daddy asked the therapist.
“No. The conditioning takes a little time to fully sink it, but she’ll be all done by tonight.”
The two men shook hands.
“Ready to go home, baby girl?” Daddy cooed, turning to look at her.
Angela replied with a big smile, and held out her hand for Daddy to hold.
“Good girl,” he said, and her princess parts tingled delightfully.
They walked home together just like they had yesterday. He walked smoothly while she toddled along beside him, her diaper pushing her thighs apart like the big dumb baby she was, and she didn’t let go of his hand once until they were all the way home.
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bunniekittiee · 9 months
my sweet angel- johnny slaughter x reader
Based off of Sunday Morning by Ethel Cain. You worshipping Johnny. Reader is so far gone. Johnny is a POS but what can you expect from him? Do not feel bad for him.
ᴛᴡ: sᴛᴏᴄᴋʜᴏʟᴍ sʏɴᴅʀᴏᴍᴇ, ʀᴇʟɪɢɪᴏɴ, ɢᴏʀᴇ, ᴅᴜʙ-ᴄᴏɴ, ᴀʙᴜsᴇ, ɴᴏɴ-ᴄᴏɴ ʙᴜᴛ ɴᴏᴛ ɪɴ ᴇxᴛʀᴇᴍᴇ ᴅᴇᴛᴀɪʟ, ᴅᴇɢʀᴀᴅᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
18+ MDNI
Every day, every night, almost every hour if he could, he was inside of you. Breeding you, corrupting you, defiling you. Like an innocent doe and a starving wolf. Licking his chops and drooling with desire. He sank his teeth into you and claimed you as his own. No one else could have you, and he made sure of this. He scared off any of his family that would try to talk to you. You were alone, all you needed was him.
You did not have the freedom you wished you had. You were chained up in his room with an old, uncomfortable mattress and very little sunlight. A wolf kept his prey hidden from onlookers. He would leave for long hours without telling you when he would ever come back. He did not give you the respect of that, he left you wondering when he would return. When he left, you hated him and you felt it coil in your stomach. Your heart would pound with jealousy, your ears would ring, you had trouble breathing. You knew how easy it was for him to find another woman to please him if you could not. You needed him, but he did not need you. You relied on him so much, he was your captor and you disgustingly loved him. That’s what made it hurt so much. But that sickly, loving feeling spread across your chest when he entered the room with your lunch or when he was taking a break to fuck you. At least he made an effort to pay attention to you.
“Been busy in the yard.” He said as he set down your plate on the floor. “I have ta’ fix ta’ sprinkler system. It’s been a bitch.”
You nodded your head in recognition, crawling towards him. He glanced at you, tilting his head slightly. “Did someone miss me?”
When you hummed in agreement, he smirked. “Show me how much ya’ missed me, sweet pea.”
As if your hands had a mind of their own, they immediately went to his belt, fumbling with the buckle. He let you figure it out yourself. He never made a move to help you. You wanted to do it, you do it. Why should he help a miserable bitch like you?
“Best hurry it up.” He hissed as he wrenched his hands on your scalp. “Don’t keep me waitin’.”
Shoving your mouth onto him, he tightened his grip on your hair and began to face fuck you. Tears spilled from your pretty, doe-like eyes as he abused your mouth. He looked down at you, a wide, evil smile ghosting his lips. Corrupting God’s innocent.
The combination of your tears, gags, and eyes sent him over the edge, spilling his mess inside of your mouth without warning. It felt toxic, blood-hot and it coated your entire mouth. He made sure your mouth was full of his creations before you swallowed. The uncomfortable sensation between your legs made you squeeze your thighs together, but he disregarded it. Buttoning his pants up and buckling his belt, he left without another word from him. Left you with a sopping wet face and an empty pit in your stomach. You ignored the food he gave you and laid down on the mattress. Drifting off, you wondered how life would be if Johnny loved you too.
Your dreams were very empty. There wasn’t much to dream about when you were stuck in a room that did not give you much to be entertained by. Johnny was your lifeline, but you never saw much of him to begin with. He did not need you, he only used you for his own pleasure. But it would be soon before he disposed of you. He would move on, find the next best thing to satisfy him once you were dried up and worthless. The wolf had much more prey to attend to, he could not stick to just one. He said you were a special girl, his only girl, but you knew he was lying straight out out of his teeth.
Worshipping Johnny came with its downfalls. He loved the way you came and took care of his every sexual need. All of his desires. You were so willing to make him feel good. You never put your pleasure first. But he never felt the same way back. He never made the effort back for you. But why should he?
He was your God. You worshipped him. Why would he do the same for you? You would lick the blood off the heel of his boot if it meant that he would love you and give you attention in his own insane way. You thought that he liked the attention he got. Sometimes you could see it in his face that he enjoyed every minute of it.
You were risen out of your sleep by the creak of the door and light coming into the room. Squinting your eyes, you tried to make out who the figure was despite how unadjusted your eyes were. When was the last time you saw the light? You knew somewhat what time of day it was when Johnny would wake up and leave, come back for a few breaks, and then saunter back for bed.
“Hey sweet thang,” he said as you looked at him sleepily. “How’s my pretty girl been?”
Your heart swelled as he said this and you mumbled back an “okay” as you blinked a few times. It was taking a while to adjust.
“I know I haven’t been ’round a whole lot. Must get real lonely up here.” He said with a devious smile. It was untrustworthy. “I thought I’d spend a bit of time with ya’. Got ya’ a friend too.”
Your eyes widened as he pulled another girl into view. Her mouth was gagged, eyes wide with fear as she frantically looked at you. Her arms and legs were bound and she was on the floor.
Your blood ran hot in your whole body and your heart was pounding in your ears. That white, searing hot jealousy coursed through your entire body. Johnny was supposed to be only yours, just like you were all his. Why did he need another woman? What were they doing that you weren’t? You gave into all of his needs. What more could he have wanted?
“I thought ya’ could use another person around to keep ya’ company. I get ta’ benefit of enjoyin’ you both.” He said as he pulled up a stool and sat down on it, legs wide open as he held his knife. “But it’s like introducin’ a baby animal to an adult one, ya’ gotta see if they are compatible.”
The girl’s eyes flooded with tears as she realized her situation was much worse than she thought. It was either be killed by him or be killed by you. It made her angry. It made her want to scream at both of you. You were just as guilty as him for not doing anything. Johnny looked at her in wonder and reached his hand forward to take the gag off of her mouth.
“Fuck you!” she yelled out as Johnny laughed at her misery.
“That a way to talk to me?” He said as he slammed her head into the ground. “Ya’ best treat me with respect, your life is in my hands, baby doll.”
The use of pet names he only used on you made you sick. Extremely nauseated. You wanted to hurt Johnny and her. Mainly her for stumbling upon the forttress and causing Johnny to take a liking to her. You were so fucked in the head, maybe fucked so stupid, that you blamed her for everything. Johnny was your God, he could do no wrong. It was her fault.
Tears stinging your eyes, you looked away from the scene of Johnny whispering sweet nothings in her ear, the same things he told you. “Be a good girl and maybe I won’t bite as hard.”
Jealousy radiated off of you and you felt yourself become dizzy from the amount of blood that pulsed through your body. You wanted to kill her for taking your Johnny away.
“Help!” She screamed as she tried to claw away from Johnny, but he grabbed her and held her down, sitting on her back instead of the stool.
“That ain’t a way to thank me, sweetheart. Ya’ could have been dinner. Fuckin’ thank me for my generosity.” He said as he pulled onto her scalp. He was getting angry.
“W-why her?” You asked out loud, eyeing both of them.
He snapped his head up in your direction. “Thought it would be quite fun havin’ the both of ya’ to enjoy.”
Your heart sank and you felt yourself breathing hard. Why did he have to bring her? In your twisted way, you wanted him all for yourself. You wanted to enjoy every part of Johnny, inviting him inside of you and letting him live inside of you like a parasite. He was your life now, but you were not his. A mere toy.
As more tears tapped onto the rotten floor, Johnny reached his hand out to your face. “Awe, what’s ta’ matter baby doll? Ya’ don’t like sharin’?”
Throat practically closed up, you could barely speak. You continued to cry, your weeping clashing with the victim’s wails. It drove the Slaughter boy crazy. He thoroughly enjoyed it when his victims cried, whether it was out of fear, sexual violence, or sadness. It flipped a switch inside of him.
“All this damn cryin’ is makin’ me frustrated.” he said roughly. “How about I put ya’ to the test? See if ya’ worthy of replacin’ her.” He winked at you as these words slipped past his lips and it made your stomach tighten more. You felt like you were going to get sick.
He flipped the girl over and began to rip her pants off, making your jealously turn you into a hazy, almost blacked out mess. You wanted to scream at both them, you wanted to kill her. You wanted to kill Johnny for doing this to you. For playing with your feelings, for being so cruel to you. You did everything right.
Your vision was blurry as he cut her panties off with his knife. He was unbuckling his belt with his other hand and the victim screamed. She screeched like an animal caught in a trap, but it was not enough to deter Johnny.
“Now now, just sit still.” He said as he placed a hand on her lower stomach, sinking into her forcefully. The screams made your head spin, you felt like passing out. He did this on purpose, he wanted to test you. That’s all it was.
He looked at you, grinning from ear-to-ear. “Ya’ want to take the knife? I see ya’ considerin’ it, doll face. Come on, take it!”
He held his hand out to you with his knife splayed out. With trembling hands, you took it and gripped it. This knife killed many, killed your friends, killed those before your friends, and it would continue its legacy.
“I think this pussy might be better.” he said, a bit out of breath. “Not as used and abused like yours.” If his grin could get wider, it sure did. His face was obscured by shadows, but you could still make out his features. Those eyes.
Envy ate away at your bones as the woman bawled. Moving closer, you tightened your grip on the knife as she stared at you with panic-stricken eyes. The weapon reflected back in her blue irises.
“I think she would be a great replacement.” Johnny bellowed out. “Maybe ya’ should learn ta’ share, Y/N.”
Plunging the knife into her chest, you clenched your jaw and felt your vision go black. You were not in control anymore. This animalistic fury have possessed your body. Johnny watched in amazement as you continued to stab her in the chest, grunting and shrieking as you did so. You and Bubba had something in common. Johnny had stopped thrusting and took himself out of her, pulled up his pants and moved back as he watched the disarray unfolded right in front of him.
You were doused in blood. The smell was hanging in the air and stained the floor. Her chest looked like ground beef, her heart ground up in pieces with the amount of times you stabbed her. Her lifeless eyes stared at the ceiling, no signs of living in her still, mutilated body. You were on a rampage, stabbing into her stomach and screeching out incoherent sentences. Johnny did nothing but watch. Her intestines peeked out of her bloodied skin and you threw the knife to the side.
Hyperventilating, you started to come back to your senses after coming down from your blacked-out anger. You stared blankly at your hands and legs that were drenched in the gore of the woman you never even knew the name of.
Cackling, Johnny leaned forward. “I didn’t think ya’ had it in ya’! Look at that! You made a mess, girl!”
It didn’t hit you right away. You killed another person. Another woman for taking Johnny, but he was the one who had taken her. In your jealousy fit, you did not see that she was not a threat, he was. He caused this. But you were just as bad as the group of cannibals. You killed another person.
“N-no…” you stuttered out. “I’m not a murderer.”
He laughed like it was the funniest thing you had said in your whole life. “Ain’t a murderer? Ya’ just goin’ to disregard ta’ fact that ya’ killed another person out of jealousy? Honey, ya’ just as bad as one of us! Ya’ ain’t all that innocent. I knew ya’ would crack soon.”
“No!” you retaliated. “No!” That was all you could muster out. You could barely put any sentences together.
“Shut ya’ mouth ya’ stupid slut!” Johnny said as he smacked you in the face. “Ought ta’ put a lid on it before ya’ end up like this bitch.”
You cried. You wanted to hurt him.
“Ya’ know how I feel about ya’ cryin’. It gets me goin’, and I never got ta’ finish since ya’ interrupted me and this broad.” He motioned towards the dead girl. “Since ya’ don’t like me fuckin’ other girls other than ya’, selfish bitch.”
Lashing out, you lunged at Johnny. He was caught off guard by your outburst and was a bit delayed in his reaction as you clawed at his face. You were singing your sorrowful lament as you hurled what ever physical strength you had left in your body. He grappled your throat, flipping you over onto your back. His eyes were black with anger, something you had not experienced before. This was different. This was not Johnny.
You choked on your saliva as he gripped your throat. “Ya’ are quite a fucking headache. A fuckin’ miserable, annoying, cunt.”
He raised his hand at you once again, and reigned hell fire onto you. Between his slaps and punches into your body and the pressure on your throat, you felt yourself slip in and out of consciousness.
“Oh no ya’ don’t. Ya’ ain’t gettin’ off easy, girl.” He said as he seized you by your hair and dragged you across the floorboards. Coughing, you tried to control your breathing but it was uneven. Your lungs were grateful for the air it could now take in, however you were faced with death itself. Shoving you into the face of the woman you killed, Johnny held your head in his tight clasp. “Fuckin’ look at her! Look at the mess ya’ made. Ya’ killed her.”
“N-no I didn’t.” you wheezed out. “It wasn’t me!”
“Ya’ just like the rest of us, Y/N. Don’t act like God’s perfect angel, ya’ are a corrupted devil.”
Sobbing, he pushed your face closer to hers. “Take it all in. Take it!” He was enjoying every moment of this. It was payback for the outburst you had, but he was not done with his punishment. Nowhere near it. “Ya’ are no different from me, girl.”
Her body still had some warmth, but it was slowly fading. Soon she would be stiff and cold, a sorry sight. She had the same fate as your friends, at the hands of you. For a man who could not even say he loved you back. How pathetic.
Your head was throbbing and you felt like you were going to pass out. This was exhausting. Your nose was bleeding, your ribs ached from Johnny’s fists, and you felt sore.
Releasing your fiery scalp, he let you fall onto the floor. “Learn ya’ place. Ya’ will never overpower me. Remember that.” He spat at you as you moved your hand to a puddle of the woman’s blood, wetting your finger tips as you smeared it onto your lips with a whimper. He watched you in curiosity, not exactly sure what you were planning on doing. Crawling towards him, you grabbed onto his left boot, gripping it like a lifeline. Shakily, you pressed gentle kisses onto his boot. You could feel the dirt, blood, and clumps of an unknown substance on your lips but you ignored it. You moved onto the other boot and left blood-stained kisses on it. Sure, they would be washed away with other blood and grime eventually, but it was to make him happy.
“I am your fucking God, baby doll. Ya’ best remember that now.” He said with a smirk plastered on his face. That stupid smirk. The same one that lured you in from the beginning. The same one that got you into this mess. Grabbing your wrist, he pulled you to the dingy mattress. “Undress.”
There wasn’t much to take off, you were wearing a now-bloody dress that was stuck to your body from the blood drying. He undid his boots and pants once again and slipped them off as you shakily undid your dress. “Ya’ be good now, okay?”
You nodded absentmindedly as he kissed you deeply. His personality could change quickly. You never knew what kind of Johnny you would get. You wanted to despise him for all the mind games and grief he gave you. The heartache he imposed upon you for his own pleasure.
He slipped inside of you, you and the unknown woman’s substances mixing together. His thrusts were animalistic, and they showed you the pent up neediness he had built up. Your blood from your open wounds and her blood had blended together into one. You could not tell the difference.
“Ya’ know I can never replace ya’.” he grunted out. “Ya’ always gonna’ be my pretty girl.”
The praise he gave you after treating you like absolute shit always reeled you back into it. It made your heart swell, your chest feel warm, and the butterflies start again. But they had turned to moths over the course of your stay.
“Ya’ know no one can compare to ya.’ he said as he caressed your face.
The pleasure felt so good. That sickening, loving feeling made it’s place known within you with the way he was acting, doting and being sweet to you. His mood changes were like whiplash, you never knew which Johnny you would get and you never knew when the next mood would come.
“Cum on my cock. Yeah, that’s right.” he said as he drove your body into the mattress. “Go on baby doll, you’ve been doing so good.”
It felt like he unlocked a primal connection in you and you felt yourself come undone. You came hard between his thrusts and his fingers working your clit. He was finished himself, slamming into you one last time before tilting his head back in ecstasy. His eyes were blown out from the pleasure.
With a few more thrusts, he pulled out and laid next to you. Panting, he kissed your forehead. “Good, my sweet angel. Now just rest. Ya’ did so good. I’m proud of ya’ first kill.”
You could barely hear him as your eyes impulsively shut. The remnants of her face reflected back in your mind’s darkness. She was watching. It was unfair how you were left alive, yet they were killed. All because the monster had taken a liking to you. That was the only reason that separated you from the rest. You would have been dead just like them if he decided to not keep you.
It was like a slap in the face to be in love with the creature that caused so much pain. Wrecked the lives of many and taken what was not theirs to take. Yet, you loved him. You adored him. You worshipped him.
“Johnny?” you asked quietly.
Small snores were your reply back. Well, you would never get the answer you wanted. You had a feeling it was better off not knowing. You let your eyelids close and drift off to your dreamless sleep. Maybe tonight would be different. You would dream of what was never to be and the woman who laid motionless in the room with her eyes on both of you. Your guardian angel.
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thedevilsoftruth · 9 months
Pocket Pussy ~ Loki x Fem!reader
Warning: Smut, smut, smut, SMUT! Dom Loki ( as always ), sex toys usage, overstimulation, face riding, spanking, rough sex, cum control ( kinda ) Minors dni
Summary: Your vacation with the avengers in Europe had been not quite how you imagined as you begin to develop a certain sexual relationship with Loki who can’t seem to keep it in his pants.
w/c: 4k || read time: about 20 minutes
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Sounds of plates and bowls clanking together and silverware rubbing against dishes filled the dining room of the restaurant along with chatter. You sat at the long rectangular table with most of the Avengers, everyone was eating their food and chatting with each other. you sat next to Loki by the very end of the table with Thor on Loki’s left. You had to face it, you didn’t like Loki. The avengers ( including you ) were all out on a vacation together in Europe after having to go through multiple excruciating missions. You all needed a break, but Thor kept insisting you all brought Loki on the trip since he helped out with a couple missions. Even though you all didn’t quite trust Loki after the New York Incident, you all agreed since Thor wouldn’t stop bitching about it. But if you were honest, you really wished the team never agreed to because this guy was a real asshole. While everyone was enjoying their vacation, your mornings and nights were spent being utterly drained by Loki. The first day with the trip, the team made you and Loki share a room in the cabin and oh god was it terrible. The first day you two fought and that turned into a bad angry sex session. And ever since then he had been fucking you every single day because of the things you said to him when you fought. The pressure was so bad on you you never even had time to fully enjoy moments with your teammates. Loki was pure torture to you, he used his magic on you to make sure you wouldn’t go anywhere.
You looked at your food with a frown as you heard Loki speaking to everyone like they were best friends and he was totally not doing the things he was doing to you. it pissed you off. You shot loki a glare and he glanced at you. “ Loki, “ you whispered his name while he was talking to Bruce about something having to deal with magic. You were getting irritated again, but you were happy Loki was giving you a break and hadn’t done anything to you today. “ Loki! “ you said louder into his ear and he finally turned to look at you.
“ what!? “ “ I need to talk to you. Can we go somewhere more private? “ His brows furrowed and he rolled his eyes. He put on a fake smile and stood up.
“ I’m sorry everyone, we’ll be back. “ he said, grabbing your arm and looking at everyone happily like everything was alright. You stood and he dragged you into an empty hallway where all the bathrooms were.
“ what do you want? “ he snarled, crossing his arms like the big child he was. You swore this guy had a bigger temper than Bruce when he was the hulk. You glared back.
“ I’m going to switch rooms. Thor can stay with you but I want to be with Natasha. “ You said while fondling with the fabric on your maxi skirt. His mouth came open a bit and his bred furrowed. “ why? “ “ because I’m tired of you. I came here to enjoy my vacation and I feel like you’re disrupting that. “ you said firmly, trying to keep your composure. He scoffed. “ This is the last night of our trip, we leave tomorrow afternoon. what’s the point of switching? “ he replied. “ you see? I spent all this week giving myself into your arrogance and selfishness. “ you spat. Didn’t this guy feel guilty by the slightest for keeping you away from the others and enjoying your vacation? Surprisingly, he simply noddded in response.
“ I understand. “ he said, locking eyes with you and fiddling with his fingers anxiously. You genuinely didn’t expect to get that reaction from him and yet you did and it relieved you. You crossed your arms and walked away from him with your back straight. It was all too easy, or so you thought.
Loki grabbed your arm and before you could react you were in the restaurants bathroom against the wall with his hand over your mouth. You raised your leg to kick him but he turned out to be too close for that to happen.
“ so let’s make the most of our last night together, yeah? “ his voice was barely above a whisper and almost menacing as he heald you against the cold tiled wall. Was this guy brain dead? Did he not understand anything you had just said? But there wasn’t any saying no to this guy anymore. Loki was stubborn and didn’t like hearing things he didn’t want to hear, so what was the point of fighting him anymore? You had just hoped he wouldn’t do anything too extreme. But you were wrong, oh so very long.
Loki reached into the inside chest pocket of his blazer and pulled out a small white vibrator that fit in the palm of his big hands. The grin on his face couldn’t get any bigger as he uncovered your mouth and watched your pretty eyes widen.
“ You see this? This is going inside you until we get home tonight. “ He said, wrapping his warns around your waist and moving you on top of the sink. Loki had done some stuff to you, but never this. You couldn’t help but simply stare at him as he looked at you like everything he was doing was normal.
“ You know the drill, darling. Open those pretty legs for me. “ he said with his dark, smooth accent that never failed to send chills down your body. You obliged with no question, watching as he reached under your long skirt to pull your black pantyhose down along with your undergarments.
“ you don’t think this is a little too far? “ you asked nervously, feeling the device being pushed against your entrance slowly. Everutging felt hot around you. Why were you letting him touch you like this? why was it so easy for you to give in to him?
“ oh baby,… you have no idea just how far I can go. “ He said softly, pushing the device farther into you until none of it peeked outside your hole. You couldn’t help but moan slightly when he pressed the button on a remote to turn it on. The vibrator did exactly as its name implies; it simulated you with vibrations. Loki smirked at how easily you gave in. Even if you told him no or fought him he would look for a way to persuade you, there was always a way he could find that would let him get in between your legs. The toy moved at a steady, yet fast pace that made you feel like you were going to relase. You gulped as he put the remote back into his inside chest pocket. His eyes never left yours this whole time, those evil mischievous eyes that stared back at you dangerously like you were it’s prey.
“ Be a good girl for me or else I will turn up the speed. “ he spoke threateningly, combing your hair back with his fingers so he could give your forehead a kiss. he pulled your pantyhose and undergarments back up to your waist and helped you get down from the sink. you could barely walk with the thing inside you so he simply magicked you both back into the dinning area. He pulled your seat out for you and you glared at him as you sat down. Natasha sat in front of you and smiled when she saw you return.
“ you were gone for a while, are you alright? “ she asked, placing her hand on top of yours and giving you a concerned look. You shook your head. “ oh I’m… fine. “ you replied breathlessly with a slight pause from all the intense pressure inside you. You looked down at your food, hoping It wasn’t cold. Lokis hand went into your thigh, lightly abrading your flesh softly as he spoke casually with his brother. You swore you were going to fight this guy if he kept touching you like that. You shakily grabbed your fork and twirled it around your pasta before bringing it up to your mouth. The device felt amazing in you, you had just wished it wasn’t happening here.
“ so I’m thinking tomorrow morning we can all go get breakfast at that cute live music restaurant. I would love to listen to some jazzy music while we eat breakfast. “ Natasha spoke loudly with hand gestures so that the people on the other end of the table could hear too. Bruce nodded in agreement and Wanda let out a little ‘ooo’ in response. Tony scoffed. “ Jazz music— why jazz? is that all they play there? “ He asked Natasha as he took a sip of his wine. Natasha shook her head. “ Well of course not, they play other stuff. They have a bunch of different people come in and they all play- “ Natasha didn’t get to finish when you suddenly hit the table with your fists really hard due to the vibrator hitting a spot you wished it wouldn’t. Everyone’s eyes fell on you and you had to come up with an excuse to why you did It.
“ You know I think we should go to that aquarium cafe. Very interested in that. “ You spoke very shakily, still trying to keep your composure. Tony hummed in response and everyone else thought about it for a second. “ Yeah that’s not a bad idea. I guess we’re doing that now unless anyone decides to differ. “ He said, wiping his mouth with a paper towel.
Loki leaned over to your side a bit, his lips hovering above your ear as he looked at you with a sly smirk. “ I told you to be good. “ he applied pressure to your thigh and forced it down onto the seat. Then suddenly the speed to the vibrator got faster, causing you to gasp and grab onto his wrist like it was gonna stop the excruciating pleasure in you. The fucker turned the speed up. He turned away from you but his hand didn’t leave your thigh.
Tony clapped and looked around the table, making sure that everyone was done eating. “ So we all done here? I’m ready to go back, anyone else? “ He spoke, standing up and taking the last sipe of his wine. Clint, Bruce, Natasha, Thor and Steve all stood up with him and the chattering of agreeing rose higher. You shot an angry look at Loki.
“ you asshole. “ you spat at him but his grin only grew if that was even possible at this time. “ oh really? you’re gonna talk to me like that? “ his hand squeezed your thigh and you almost yelped but covered your mouth in time. “ I think someone needs to get a little punishment fucked into her. “ he growled before also standing up. He tapped your foot, signaling you to stand as well even though you still wanted to eat more. The others rose and just like that The bill was paid and you all were back in the cabin. Loki wouldn’t stop teasing you in the car. He turned up the speed to the max when you were in the car and you could barely sit still in the limbo with everyone. But now you were back in the cabin and you knew you were fucked; literary. The second you got in you told everyone goodnight and Loki threw you into the room and locked the door behind himself.
Your back slammed against the wall and you winced in pain at the contact. Loki approached you and began tearing his tie off his neck, his black blazer falling off his shoulders.
“ Loki, please stop… no more. “ and then he stopped. His brow raised and he cocked his head to the side. “ stop? “ he repeated curiously. Of course you had been telling him no all day but he didn’t suspect you to tell him to stop when you got back. But if there was one thing he didn’t like it was being told no, but even that didn’t matter to him because he was going to get what he wanted in the end.
“ yes… please, I can’t stand it. “ you panted, holding your hand up as a way to signal him you were done. And then he simply scoffed and undid the remaining buttons of his shirt.
“ oh y/n.. “ he sighed. “ you’re just too cute. “ He grabbed your arm and threw you down on your shared bed, his big body hovering over you and his dangerous eyes never leaving yours. “ it’s just too bad I’m going to ravish you until you’re nothing but a screaming mess in my hands. “ he grinned before pressing his lips against yours in a quick peck. You closed your eyes tightly in defeat. it was all useless against him. No matter what you said or did, he wouldn’t listen.
“ I’m going to tear you down to the lowest a woman could go. “ he muttered against your neck, magicking his way out of his clothes and making yours disappear too. He sat upright between your thighs,warm, thick fingers lingering over your thighs as he peered into your cum covered cunt. His eyes flipped from your face to your mound, making sure you weren’t trying to move away.
“ now tell me, “ he paused, sliding two fingers against your throbbing clit. “ how many times did you come? “ You tried to control your breathing and answered through gritted teeth, “ I was about to reach my second. “ a simple hum was his response. he seemed unamused. “ I bet I could make you come more than that. “ he whispered, slowly sliding the vibrator that was tournamenting you out of your wetness. He gave you a simple glance and then swiped his thumb against your throbbing bud. Your nose burnt like you were going to cry, face scrunched up in discomfort.
“ oh baby, I have so much in store for you tonight. “ he chuckled darkly, grabbing your knees and pushing your legs far apart so he could be comfortable. You were completely bare and vulnerable now in front of this brute of a man, he had you right where he wanted you and he wasn’t letting go.
“ put your hands up. “ he demanded, and you quickly obliged. His lofty, skillful hands conjured two long pieces of rope. He straddled your hips so you wouldn’t move and tied both your wrists to the headboard. The restraints served as a physical reminder of your helplessness, intensifying the anticipation that simmered between you and Loki.
You gritted your teeth as you glared up at the smirking devil above you. His fingertips gripped your thighs firmly and his already lubricated erection pressed against your wet opening. You closed your eyes tight, hoping it would all come to an end soon. But nothing ever ended soon when it came to Loki. The longest time he fucked you for was about 5 hours, and you were worried that this time was going to last longer.
His fingers, thick and rough, teased with circles around your swollen clit. The sensation sent a shockwave of pleasure coursing through your body, causing your back to arch involuntarily and your hands to jerk against the restraints. A low moan escaped your lips as he pressed his thumb against the sensitive bud, his touch taking over you like a wave of endless pleasure.
With each deliberate stroke, his cock nudged against your slick entrance, eliciting a mixture of pleasure and discomfort. The sensation was almost too much to bear, a balance between agony and ecstasy. Your walls clenched around him, instinctively welcoming the familiar intrusion.
Loki's voice, thick like honey, filled the air as he praised you. "Look at you, my little slut," he growled, his voice reverberating through the room. "Taking me in so easily, just like the previous times. You were made for this, made for me."
His words hung in the air, a tantalizing reminder of the power he held over you. And as he slowly pushed himself deeper, inch by agonizing inch, the sensations intensified. It was all a mixture of pain and pleasure, all a test to see how much you were able to take. You closed your eyes once more and threw your head back.
“ yellow, “ you said breathlessly, and then he stopped for a moment. You opened your eyes for a moment and he looked genuinely concerned for a split second. He pursed his lips and rubbed your thigh comfortingly.
“ Then reach your high. you can take it. “ He leaned forward and your wet lips met with his again, his hips diving back into you faster than last time and making you whimper and roll your eyes back. The sounds of skin moving against skin filled the air, along with the little sounds of pleasure that the both of you let out. He reached down and moved his fingers against your swollen clit to stimulate you further. You cried out loudly, gripping the bed sheets so hard you thought they would crumble beneath your grip. The feeling of his cock pulsating inside you felt incredible and every single movement sent another wave of pleasure straight to your core. You moaned into his mouth, your hips bucking upwards into him as you neared the edge.
" ha—L-Loki! I’m gonna- “ “ I know, baby. “ he uttered into your ear, strong hand moving up to grasp your throat firmly. Your moans came out harsher this time, your throat burning and eyes watering as you felt your orgasm building up in your stomach. It felt like a fire raging inside you, threatening to spread further to the point where you spill everywhere.
His breathing was ragged and warm amd tingled against your skin. You wrapped your legs around his waist to deepen his maniac thrusts, eyes fluttering shut again and your moans becoming screams.
“ Ah, t-too much, “ your voice was barely audible as your throat burned too much to speak. Loki hushed you quickly and released your neck, looking at the redness appearing around your skin with pride. “ shut up, “ he spat, his hips stil thrashing into you like it was the end of the world. He sat upright and grabbed your thighs, pulling your right leg above his shoulder. He moaned and tilted his head back as a drove into that spot that had the potential to drive you off the edge. Your finger nails dug into the skin of your palms, hips jerking and legs shaking as you reached your high all over him sooner than you anticipated. He gave your cunt one finale thrust before slowly pulling out, watching your orgasm dripping down his shaft and pooling out of your sweet hole.
You panted and groaned as you tried to recover from your high, wishing you were down but something about the way he was looking at you told you otherwise. He straddled your waist again and untied your wrists. You sighed and smiled, finally you were free but your wrist felt like they had been moving against sand for hours.
Loki backed away from you and sat on his knees. “ That’s twice. Now bend over so we can make that three. “ your smile faded and you stared at him like he was crazy. The ache between your thighs was still pulsating, your muscles trembling from the intensity of the previous rounds. It was as if he had no regard for your exhaustion, for the limits of your body and mind. He cocked his head to the right, his gaze burning with anger and impatience. The room seemed to shrink, the walls closing in on you as his demand hung heavy in the air. “ I said, bend over," he repeated, his words laced with an unmistakable threat. His eyes bore into yours, and all you could see was evil. You gulped and, with quivering legs, turned over and arched your back for him. He hummed and jolted your shoulders, grabbing your wrists and holding them both behind your back.
“ Look at you," he moaned in your ear, his voice a delicious blend of dominance and desire. As he bent you over, your hands pressing against the cool sheets, you couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and apprehension. The way he looked at you, with hunger burning in his eyes, sent a shiver down your spine.
Sliding himself back inside your cum-covered entrance, you couldn't help but cry out at the sensation. The raw, primal energy between you both was palpable, and you found yourself surrendering to it completely. His thrusts were erratic, each one pushing you closer to the edge of oblivion.
Loki raised his hand, his palm connecting with your ass in a resounding slap. The sting mixed with pleasure, leaving behind a mark that would serve as a reminder of this heated encounter. "So dutiful and perfect," he growled, his voice dripping with satisfaction. The sound of his hand connecting with your flesh echoed through the room, and you couldn't help but let out a yelp, a mixture of pain and pleasure escaping your parted lips.
He was unrelenting, pushing you to new heights of ecstasy with every thrust. His greedy hands reached up for your hair, pulling it back, exposing your vulnerable neck to his hungry gaze. The sensation of his fingers tangled in your locks added an extra layer of intensity to the already overwhelming pleasure. It felt as if he was claiming you, marking you as his in this moment of raw passion.
As he pounded you relentlessly, your moans and whimpers filled the air, intermingling with the sounds of your bodies colliding in perfect harmony. You screamed his name, the syllables escaping your lips like a prayer, a plea for more. The pleasure built within you, threatening to consume you entirely. Your mind was a haze of sensations, your body a vessel for the overwhelming tide of pleasure coursing through every fiber of your being.
“ Ha-Loki! D-don’t fucking stop. “ you moaned out breathlessly, earning a low chortle from him. His big hand spanked you yet again. “ oh darling, I don’t plan to. “ His voice was gravely, low and gruff as he continued to reach into the deepest pits of pleasure in you. His hand tangled in your hair moved to grasp your throat yet again. Loki had been rough with you before, but nothing could have compared to this moment. His erratic thrusts against you were inhuman, he was like a beast. But then he stopped and pulled out, making you whined at the emptiness
Loki laid down besides you and motioned you forward with his hand. “ Sit on my face. “ “ what!? “ that same look from earlier returned, so you swallowed your tongue and simply just obliged. You rest your knees on either side of his face, careful enough to not suffocate him. You bit your lip, nervous to feel his tongue on your sensitive mound. But you positionsed yourself and his tongue immediately found purpose on your soaked folds. The contact was electric, a jolt of pleasure shooting through your body. His skilled tongue met your sensitive mound with a hunger that matched your own, sending waves of pleasure rippling through every inch of your being.
A gasp escaped your lips, a symphony of pleasure and surprise. The sensations were overwhelming, his tongue exploring your folds with an expertise that left you trembling with desire. The room became a blur, your senses consumed by the taste and touch of him, each flick and swirl of his tongue pushing you closer to the edge. You whimpered and grabbed the headboard with both hands for support as you rolled your hips against his greedy mouth.
Loki hummed against your clit, sending more electric shocks throughout your body and making you cry out in pleasure.
“ so sensitive, “ he chuckled, vibrations being sent through you yet again. He lapped at the juices leaking down your slit, kissing your clit tenderly and striking your ass once again. He put his hands on your hips and rolled you back over on your back so he was on top again.
“ Scream for me, y/n. Tell me how much you want me. “ Once again, he slid into you in one swift move. A moan escaped your lips as another shot of pleasure ran through you, this one accompanied with a powerful urge to climax that seemed to be taking over everything else.
“ I need you Loki! “ You cried. He smirked. “ oh? well it looks like I’ll just have to give you what you need., “ he teased you, his voice softening. His face was now hovering right above yours, his green eyes piercing through your soul. His hand found purpose around your throat again. “ say it again. “ he growled. “ Want you…want to fill me up … “ you said lazily, wrapping your arms around his neck, feeling him inch towards that’s special spot again. He growled, you could sense he was reaching towards his climax because he was becoming rougher with you. “ nnggh, louder! “ his grip around your throat tightened. “ i need you, Loki! “ you moaned louder, feeling him reach that spot yet again so swiftly it was dangerous. He moaned and threw his head back, hitting that spot repeatedly and making you scream his name like it was the last thing you were going to say. He let go of your throat and sat back up.
“ Come for me, y/n. “ he moaned, rolling his last thrusts into you before you both reached your desperately needed climaxes. his climax was intense, hitting your harshly and making you release a loud guttural scream. He panted, his hot semen filling you completely to the brim. There was a moment of silence between you both, he stared into your eyes and you stared back. And maybe it was your imagination but his lips trembled as he mumbled the words, “ I’m sorry, “
~~~~~~ Notes ~~~~~~ Not the biggest fan of this, I winged the end unfortunately and I think the ending turned out very… lazy? Mirror on the Ceiling is still my favorite, but I hope you guys enjoyed this one :))
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Comfort Person (Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader)
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WC: 700+
Warnings: curse words
A/N: a quick and short one written for my girlies for a little pick-me-up, especially @swimmingismywholelife 🤍 hope you guys enjoy and i’d love to hear your thoughts thru ask/reply/reblog 🫶🏻 apologies for any errors! feedbacks are highly appreciated ❤️
It has been a long difficult few weeks for you and you felt like the universe was punishing you for simply just existing. Bad things after bad things kept happening and made you feel like shit – the worst thing was that most things were out of your control. The helplessness you were experiencing was quite exhausting and a lot for you to handle.
You came home after work looking all upset and tired – you just wanted to lay in bed with your boyfriend, Christian, doing nothing until the day is finally over and probably have to go through another shit day all over again. You acted like you had no will to live anymore, though you kept wishing for good luck to finally be on your side.
Christian greeted you cheerfully the second you got home, your grumpy face caught his attention.
“Hello my beautiful lady, why so grumpy?”
“Ugh, another day another crap.” You grunted.
He pulled you in and gave you a kiss on your forehead and a big hug.
“Oh, my poor baby. Want to tell me what happened today?” He softly asked as he stroked your back.
“Maybe later, I need to change first. And eat. And watching a series.”
“Okay…” He kissed the top of your head. “Hope you don’t mind having Italian for dinner because I already got us some pasta and pizza.”
“Love it. Thank you.” You slightly smiled.
One of the things you love so much about Christian is that he knows how to give you the comfort you need. Somehow he always finds the right way to lighten up your mood no matter how terrible it might be – and this night was no different.
Now you’ve changed into your comfy clothes, you went to the living room and saw Christian was already there setting up the table in front of the TV and putting on your favorite show. He saw you coming over and his face lit up.
“Come on, dinner is ready!” He said as he pulled your hand and sat on the sofa.
He knew you just wanted to lay down and relax, therefore he brought the dinner to the living room so you could lay on the sofa and have your dinner there.
“So, do you feel ready to let me know what happened today?”
You sighed.
“Yeah… This day was terrible, again. Are you sure you want to hear shitty things all over again?”
He pulled you closer and let you rest your head on his shoulder.
“I’m all ears, my love.”
You then told him everything that happened to you earlier today. He was listening closely to you while you ranted about having to go through another difficult day – not once he let you out of his sight. He stroked your arms and your hair and gave you little kisses during. He really was empathized with you for what you went through, and he knew the only thing he could do was to be there for you – to comfort you in any way he could give you.
“Y/N, sweetheart… I’m sorry things have not been easy for you lately, but you know I’m here for you if you need anything.”
You sighed and slowly nodded.
“You know what, you are the strongest person I’ve ever known. Though life keeps throwing bad things at you, you’re still able to move forward. You should be proud of yourself! You and your resilience will never fail to amaze me.”
“Resilience? Do you mean me bitching about my problems?”
“I mean, that is the way you cope… And it is totally acceptable! I don’t mind hearing you, as you said “bitching about your problems”, because I’d rather you talk to me rather than keeping them to yourself!”
You let out a genuine smile and your eyes were already watery and red. God, what did I do to deserve a wonderful man like him? You thought to yourself.
“I… Ah, I don’t… I don’t know… I don’t know what to say…” You stuttered, your voice was breaking.
“You’ve said everything,” he chuckles, “don’t worry my love. I just said what I needed to say.”
You leaned in and kissed him on the lips. You couldn’t hold back your tears any longer, you started to cry.
“Chris… Despite all this shit, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you, and I’m forever grateful to have you in my life…” You tearfully express your gratitude for him.
He wiped away your tears then kissed you.
“I love you more, Y/N.”
taglist: @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @masonspulisic @swimmingismywholelife @chelseagirl98 @bracedes @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14 @masonsrem
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rogersideup · 1 year
Nice to be Kneaded
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Series Masterlist
Previous Part: The Brewing Storm Next Part: The Snap
Word Count 6,509
My blog is 18+ only. All minors or blogs without an age in bio will be blocked. Minors DNI.
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The aggravatingly annoying sound of your 4 am alarm rang and vibrated, causing an echo underneath Steve's pillow. As always, he reached over your peacefully sleeping form to turn it off and take the brunt of being the bearer of bad news to wake you up in a far more favorable situation than obnoxious ringing and loud buzzing.
He kept your phone right next to him knowing damn well you had another alarm set for 4:10, it made him smile every single morning when he'd wake you up and you'd ask for 10 more minutes of cuddles without fail.
Today was no different.
"Baby" Steve mumbled, rubbing your back with some pressure. Half your face was smooshed against his shoulder, your leg was thrown across his hips and your arm rested on his torso, hand gently splayed atop his chest. "Time to wake up, sweetie."
Instead of simply letting him know you were awake, you reached your hand up and covered his mouth. His beard tickled your palm and you could feel him smiling.
"Shhhhhh" You smiled at his giggles. "Don't be an asshole. You already know what I want."
"10 more minutes?" Steve asked, his big hand wrapping around your wrist to move your hand off his mouth and right over his heart.
"Eleven" You settled deeper into him, as close as you could possibly get. His hand rested on the top of your hip and squeezed you comfortably tight.
A few kisses were placed at the crown of your head, and although you were absolutely not ready to be alert and take on the day, something in you really just wanted to take in the moment and appreciate the warmth and comfort of your favorite boy in your bed. So for ten whole minutes, you laid there in a blissful embrace hoping it would never end.
But when the second alarm sounded and Steve quickly shut it off, you let out a puff in complaint. "There's no way that was 10 minutes, I want 5 more."
"We're always going to want just a few more minutes." Steve swiped the hair away from your face, and gave you another kiss on your head.
"This is so unfair." You complained, digging your whole face into his chest. "Whoever schedules me for mornings is such a bitch."
"Hey!" He gasped. "I happen to know the girl who keeps doing that to you, and I don't appreciate you talking about her that way!"
"The most tragic story ever told is the one of a girl who is so warm and so cozy in bed, snuggled up to the hottest man in the world, but she has to get up and go to work even though it's cold outside and she's still so warm and sleepy"
"In the WORLD?!" Steve exclaimed, sounding more awake now.
"Universe" You smiled, propping yourself up on your elbow.
"Wow" He marveled. "Have you ever seen Thor?"
You laughed at his question, then leaned over him to press a gentle kiss to his lips. "You're even better than Thor." You whispered, lips still grazing his.
"Now you're just lying." Steve smiled. "But thank you for trying."
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Baby, and it just so happens to be you I'm looking at."
"You're too kind, Beautiful." Steve shook his head. "Are you sure you have to go to work?"
"Yeah, I'm positive." You ran your fingers through his hair.
"You just said it was a tragedy to leave this warm cozy bed when you're so, so sleepy." He recalled. "It's my job to save people from tragedy, you know that. So I think you should stay."
"I wish I could." Something in you really wanted to just call out for the day and never leave the bed. But, you chalked it up to sleepy brain manipulation. "When I get home, we're getting right back in bed."
"What time will you be back?"
"Hopefully around 2"
"Sounds like a perfect nap time to me."
One last kiss, then you were on your feet to start the day, leaving Steve at your house to do whatever Steves do when you aren't there to see it.
Work was actually alright. It was always alright. Even on the bad days you liked being there, it was comfortable, easy, and there was always good company. Each of your employees felt like they were your friends, and you had hung out with every single one of them outside of work so you definitely knew they didn't just like you because you signed their paychecks. Each one was a hard worker and a team player, you cared a lot about them.
It was pretty standard and routine quite honestly. You baked, opened the store, worked the front through morning rush then made your way to the back for decorating when the crowd had settled down.
"Oh fuck!" The screeching of Sabrina, one of your decorators filled your ears followed by the laughter of almost everyone on the kitchen. "Noooooo!!"
"Your shoes!" Danielle, a baker, barked out while laughing.
"It keeps keeps getting worse!"
You looked over at the chaos just to see Sabrina standing at the icing station with a bursted open tip-less piping bag that has splattered neon pink royal icing all over the place. It covered her apron, oozed down her hand, slowly dripped down onto her white shoes, and splatters of it were along the table and wall.
"Oh my goodness" You immediately joined in on the laughter. "How did that even happen?!"
"I don't know! I was just tying the end and all the sudden it exploded!" Sabrina explained, holding the dripping bag over the table to make for easier clean up, joining in on the laughter.
"Let me help you" You continued laughing as you grabbed paper towels and started wiping her down.
You bent down to salvage her shoes as much as you could but all of the sudden you felt a drop on your forehead, then two, then three...
"Sabs!" Danielle called out. "Her head!"
When you realized the hot pink icing had starting dripping onto your forehead it caused for even louder laughter. Everyone else laughing drove you to laugh even harder until you lost balance and fell straight onto your butt which in turn made everyone laugh so hard they couldn't even breathe.
The chaos was loud enough to cause the barista in the front to pop her head back to see what was going on before mumbling "I'm not even going to deal with this right now."
Every muscle in your stomach was sore and a tear was rolling down your cheek by the time you managed to calm yourself down, actually getting up to wipe her shoes off.
When you finished, she tried cleaning herself up the best she could in the sink before laughing once more. "You know what? I think I'm just going to go on break to deal with this"
"I think that's a great idea" You giggled, wiping down the counter and wall. "Take a 20, give me your apron I'll get you a clean one."
She took her apron off and handed it to you before disappearing into the bathroom. An occasional giggle slipped passed you and Danielle's lips as the thought of what happened replayed in your minds like a broken record.
She emerged from the bathroom about 5 minutes later, and walked up to you to wipe pink icing that you had missed off your forehead.
"Gosh- it's like pepto bismol came on your face" Sabrina commented, wiping away.
"Hmmm what a lovely thought" You giggled, deep down it made you happy that your employees felt comfortable enough around you to make comments like that.
One of your main goals of opening Nice to be Kneaded was to create an ethical and happy work environment, and so far it seemed like you were doing something right.
"Okay, you're good." Sabrina let you know, tossing the paper towel in the trash.
"Shall I mix you more color?" You questioned as she pulled her phone out and sat at the break table.
"Yes please, I need about 2 bags full of pepto bismol cu- oh my god" Her eyes went wide and filled with fear as she looked down at her phone.
"Now what?" Danielle questioned.
Sabrina's eyebrow furrowed and she mumbled to herself reading headlines for a few moments before reading one out loud.
"There's a giant space ship in New York" Sabrina looked up at the two of you. "Live streams Everywhere of this huge fight happening. Iron-Man, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man... they're fighting these weird alien looking people. Oh..OH. Bruce Banner is there too."
You physically had to clutch onto the edges of the countertop as Steve's words played in your head. The storm was no longer brewing, it was directly overhead.
"Does anyone know why?" You questioned, trying to play it cool, feeling the electricity buzz around in your joints.
"They want the time stone."
That was all you needed to know that today was doomsday, the day you and Steve had been dreading since the moment you met. You wanted to cry, but you held it together knowing there were steps you needed to take.
First, you needed to make sure everyone was safe. Second, you needed to hear it from Steve's mouth.
You didn't know what to do in order to make sure everyone was safe in the first place, but Steve would. Steve just somehow knew how to make everything better.
"I'll be right back." You stated before rushing out of the back door. As you reached for the phone in your pocket, it started ringing. You didn't even need to look at the name to know who it was.
"Baby" You started, fear taking over your whole body. "You were right. This whole time you were right."
"Sunflower, you need to send everyone home." Steve instructed. "The whole country is about to be put on a stay at home order. Close the shop and get home."
"Okay" You breathed out. "How much time do we have?"
"Sam and Natasha are on their way to me. It'll be a few hours at least" Steve explained. "But please, get home as fast as you can."
"I will, I'll close up as fast as I possibly can. Give me 20 minutes, I'll be home." You nodded. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm okay." You could hear the reassurance in his voice. "Just- be safe okay? We'll talk about it more when you get home."
"Okay, bye baby"
"See you soon, sweetheart."
You hung up feeling terrified, flustered, and awfully sad, but knew you needed to be brave long enough to close up shop and get home.
After making your way back into the kitchen, you walked up to the front and called all your employees to the back for a team meeting. They were all confused, but had a good idea considering they were asking questions about the donut shaped ship over New York.
You instructed them to kick all the customers out and turn off all the ovens. Throw any dirty dishes in the sink but don't wash them, take home any of the pastries in the front then toss anything that wasn't wanted, then get out as fast as they could. They all needed very little explanation to understand why this needed to be done, but they understood.
So, you helped. You boxed up a bunch of desserts to bring home to feed to a few Avengers, checked that all the equipment was turned off, assisted in shutting blinds and locking doors, then you were in your car and pulling into your driveway before you even knew it.
Steve heard your car and popped out of his front door to guide you to his house. You briskly walked over and he held the door open for you, you set the box of pastries down on the entry way table before he pulled you in for a big hug.
You didn't know what to say or do, there were no words you could think of to address the situation, you didn't know how to comfort a superhero looking into the eyes of a dangerous battle, you didn't know how to start the end of your journey together. You didn't even know if you could hold it together.
In the back of your mind, you were worried that this was going to push him over the edge into an anxious spiral. Slightly worried he would have a catastrophic panic attack over this very moment he had been dreading since the moment his feet touched Greenwood soil. But you could tell just in the way he was holding himself that this was nothing but a huge relief.
Just how you could tell he felt relief over this painful journey in his life coming to an end, he could tell you were trying really hard to be brave. But he didn't miss the way you were ever so slightly trembling, the way your arms held him so tight, or the deep inhales as your face nestled into his chest. You were trying to take in every second, you were already saying goodbye.
"I'm sorry" Steve broke the silence. "I was really hoping this would happen more peacefully."
"It's okay, not your fault" Your hands rested on his shoulder blades, the two of you slowly rocking back and forth. "Just worried about you and what this all means."
"You don't have to worry about me, baby. I'll be okay. Actually, you don't have to worry about anything, alright? We're going to make sure you stay safe." He kissed the top of your forehead.
"But what about you? What's going to happen?" Your lip trembled as you asked.
You missed the pout in his face as he heard your emotions starting to unravel, so his hands traveled up to the sides of your face to make sure you believed him. "I've done this so many times, okay? You don't have to be scared, I'll be fine."
A single tear fell down your cheek, and he gently swiped it away with his thumb. "What about the accords? What if you guys can't do what you need to do because of it?"
"It doesn't matter" Steve shook his head, still holding your face gently between his palms. "This is exactly why I didn't want them in the first place. Because what's happening right now is bigger than anything that can be governed, and we have to choose to not care just to keep everyone safe. I'll break any law over and over again if I have to."
"You said Sam and Natasha are coming here?" You asked.
"Yeah, Bruce called me from Tony's phone." Steve nodded. "Sam, Nat and I are meeting up here than we'll be going to Edinburgh to get Wanda and Vision, then bring them back to the Avengers compound in New York to protect the stone in Vision's head."
"Will I meet them?"
"Yeah" Steve chuckled at your question. "Sam will be here in about two hours, Natasha will be here later tonight. But they know all about you, I think they're excited to meet a friendly face. We aren't very used to that in recent times."
"I'm so nervous" You laughed at yourself, another tear rolling down your cheek.
Steve smiled before kissing you. "There's no need to be nervous about them. I think they already love you."
You took a big deep breath before sighing. "So, we have two hours to get all of our ducks in a line."
"Unfortunately" Steve agreed, letting go of your face and held your hands instead.
"What do you need to feel good about what you're getting yourself into? I have no idea where to even start to support you through this."
"You're so sweet" Steve smiled, little lines bunching up near his eyes. "Well I promised we'd get back in bed when you got home from work so how about we go cuddle and watch Cars 3 while I fill you in on everything you need to know?"
You nodded in agreement but before you even knew it, he had swept you off your feet earning him a shriek followed by complaints guised by giggles.
The two of you got settled, his back against the headboard and you sideways in his lap as he walked you though what you can expect now. Your slow tears continued to involuntarily fall, and every single one was gently wiped away by his hands.
He explained to you that he went ahead and payed a whole year of rent on his place so he could come back and move his stuff when he could as to not burden anyone else with the task. That alone made you smile, it was at least one promise of another time in the future where he'd have to step foot back in Greenwood again. He was leaving you with the copy of his keys you already had. You promised him you'd do a little walk through whenever you could to make sure everything inside was how it should be, but you didn't know if in the midst of heartbreak it would be a good or bad thing to be surrounded by all his stuff.
But that was a future problem for future you.
Then, he started filling you in on Captain America stuff.
"So when Sam gets here, it'll just be this... but...with Sam." Steve explained, laughing at his own means of explanation.
"Baby I don't think there's enough room on this bed for Sam." You laughed with him, trying to contain your sniffles. "Are you the middle spoon in this situation?"
"I'm always Sam and Nat's middle spoon" Steve chuckled. "But don't worry, we can move down to the couch. And when Nat gets here, she's going to land the Jet in the field, then walk over. We'll strategize for a bit then head out from there."
"...I'm sorry. The JET?" You questioned. "The field? As in...."
"Our favorite one by the park? Yeah." Steve confirmed. "We gotta get to Germany somehow"
"I guess that makes sense." You nodded.
"So Sam will be in civilian clothes when he gets here and change before we leave, but Nat will get here in her suit and likely have her batons on her." He continued explaining. "I'm just trying to prepare you because I know the suits kind've freak people out sometimes, it's-"
"Intimidating" You finished for him.
"I'll also be changing into my suit before we go."
You stopped to think about that for a second, and the thoughts must I've been evident on your face.
"What's wrong?" He asked, noting your furrowed eyebrows.
"I don't know, I guess I just realized you're Captain America and you have a superhero suit." You said, earning more laughs from Steve.
"Oh, well, welcome to this conversation!" He joked.
"You've had it here this whole time?" You asked.
"Yeah, it's in my closet" Steve motioned towards the closet door.
"Huh" You pondered. "You have your shield here?"
"No" He shook his head, remorse plaguing his tone. "Tony has it, I gave it back to him. His father made it for me."
"Do you miss it?" You asked.
"Not yet" His hand squeezed your arm comfortably. "Maybe that'll change after a fight or two"
You nodded in understanding, then let your head fall onto his shoulder. "I mean this in the least offensive way I possibly could, but I'm really glad I got to know you under a circumstance in which you being Captain America was the least interesting part about you."
Steve digested what you said, and thought about it for a moment. "You know what? Me too."
"Yeah? Does Cap have trouble in the dating department?" You questioned with a cheeky smile. "Cause I'd only imagine he has a long line of pretty girls and guys waiting for a moment to snatch him up."
"First of all, that long line you're talking about has always been a lot shorter than everyone makes it out to be." He corrected, wagging his finger around. "And secondly, considering my public reputation has quite literally never been this awful, it's just been really nice to have you by my side through all of it. I've never really had to question if you were in it for the right reasons considering there wasn't much going on for me in the first place."
"If I knew right off the bat I would've been way too nervous to talk to you" You admitted.
"You? Too shy? No way." Steve denied your statement.
"Shit, if you weren't a customer and I just saw you out and about I would've been too shy to talk to you" You blushed at your confession. "You're just so handsome."
"You're too pretty to be intimidated by handsome guys" Steve complemented, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"Well it doesn't matter anymore because you're the only one I want" You sniffled, lip wobbling again and another tear spilling over the edge. "I don't want you to go."
Steve squeezed you tight and placed kisses all over your forehead. "I wish I didn't have to, baby. But this isn't the last time we'll see each other, okay? I'll do everything I can to make it back here the second I can. But first I just need to make sure everything is okay and everyone is safe, and I need to make sure you aren't going to get in trouble for this."
"I know we haven't put any labels on this to make this moment easier, but just know that you are the best whatever this is I've ever had." You used the back of your hand to wipe more rogue tears. "Thank you for being such an amazing guy, and sorry I'm crying. I tried for a long time to be really brave about this but it's just not working."
"It's okay to cry, you're very brave. The bravest girl I know." Steve reassured you. With two fingers below your jaw, he lifted your face and pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. "You know I love you?"
You couldn't help but to giggle at his question, before placing your lips against his once more. "It's painfully obvious, Stevie."
"I thought so" He narrowed his eyes and nodded his head, smile poking through his lips formed in a tight line.
"I think it's painfully obvious that I love you too." You couldn't wipe the smile off of your face regardless of never having experienced something so bitter sweet before.
"Yeah" Steve agreed. "I already knew that."
"Great, glad we're on the same page." You settled deeply into him, as if crawling into his skin still wouldn't be close enough.
The two of you stayed cuddled up as close as you physically could until the very second the universe told you that your time alone together was over. Eventually your tears dried and the two of you enjoyed the moment the best you could and for exactly what it was. Decelerations of love, and more than comfortable silence through rapid fire thoughts in each of your brain all felt the same.
Static in your joints, grey clouds rolling in. Each moment they rolled in closer and closer to shower the two of you in heartbreak and worry.
The lightning touched down in the form of a text from Sam saying he was five minutes out, and the thunder roared loudly as a knock at the door four minutes later.
It was weird for Steve to be trapped in the middle of undeniable sadness, yet relief and absolute joy over being reconnected with his best friend under such a stressful circumstance. He opened the door with a big smile on his face, you nervously hiding behind his large frame like a shy child at a birthday party. But after a reunion in the entryway and an introduction in the living room, everything Steve predicted about the interaction proved to be true.
Sam was excited to meet his precious Sunflower, and you quickly came out of your shell not too long after meeting him. He was a charismatic guy, and you were so lovable and easy to get along with. Steve knew there was practically zero margin for error in this equation.
At some point while waiting for Natasha's arrival, Steve stepped away from the living room for a few minutes to take a phone call from her, and when he got back, you and Sam were laughing up a whole different storm.
And when Natasha arrived, it was the same result. If it weren't for the upcoming battle and separation dangling over their heads, Steve would've felt happily and wholly complete.
As they sat and strategized, it was nearing midnight. Words you couldn't even comprehend were flying out of their mouths about situations you couldn't even begin to imagine being in the center of. It was rapidly approaching the 24 hour mark since you've been awake, and although your brain was fighting so hard to get you to sleep, there was so much worry happening in it. Worry and exhaustion fought for dominance as you slowly let your head fall onto Steve's shoulder while trying your hardest to absorb all the information they were spewing.
It was really none of your business, and frankly, it didn't effect you one bit, but hearing their strategies, and just knowing they had a solid plan with lots of alternative choices eased up the frantic energy in your mind.
You missed the glances exchanged around the room when Steve's arm found it's way around your shoulders as he spoke. No matter how exhausted you were, you managed to stay awake until the words you dreaded hearing slipped off of Nat's tongue.
"Alright, boys. Suit up." She told them, getting up off the couch. "I'll go do one last supply pass of the Jet."
And just like that, she was out of the door and Sam was headed towards his bag in the entryway.
Steve kissed your forehead, but it felt like an apology as he unwrapped his arm from around you and stood up. Then, he kissed your lips before jogging up the stairs to his bedroom to change. Sam had also run off somewhere, leaving you alone on the couch for the emotions to flood once more.
Waiting on the couch felt an awful lot like a glimpse into the near future, just sitting by your lonesome, sad, worried, waiting for your love to return. Your heart thunked with pressure and stamina knowing when he came back down, he would be in the iconic suit you grew up learning about in grade school.
He would no longer be your little slice of sweetness, your secret fling with the boy next door. No longer your fugitive to hide away and love secretly between four walls.
Heavy footsteps came back down those stairs and out came Captain America. The superhero, the great, classic icon shared by the whole country.
It was a lot to take in at first, you didn't know how to process the harsh reality right in front of you. Especially since the entire time you've known Steve, the idea of Captain America just felt like the same daydream at an arms length away as it had felt like to you your entire life.
And now, he was right in front of you. Uniform tattered and torn in some places, evident of the hard time Steve had endured during his time in hiding, but the star was still proudly displayed across his chest, and tiny hints of red white and blue persisted through the grey that stained the uniform.
Steve could see how busy your mind was, and the tears welling back up in your eyes. So he walked up to you hand held out his gloved hands for you to take, and when you placed them in his, he pulled you up off the couch.
Once you were standing, your hands made it up to his chest, then dragged down out of curiosity for the suit. Feeling it beneath your fingers was a whole new level of surreal.
"You look damn good in that uniform, Honey" You complemented.
He wrapped you up in a hug, and held you tight with his head on top of yours, desperately trying not to cry. "I wish you would've never had to see me in it"
"The world needs you now." You reminded him. "I'm sad to see you go, but I'm also very proud of you for making it through this, and I'm really happy that you get a chance to prove the accords  wrong."
"I couldn't have done any of this without you" He admitted. "Thank you for everything"
Just as your tears started falling again, a flashing light and the sound of a shutter made both of your heads snap to the source of the sound only to find Sam, standing with his phone pointed at the two of you.
"Sam" Steve warned, not amused by the interruption.
"Sorry, it's just too cute" He gushed. "I had to take a picture so it would last longer."
"Sam..." Steve warned again.
"Okay, okay, I'll go." He slipped passed the two of you and headed towards the door. "It was nice meeting you, sugar cookie."
You laughed at the nickname he called you, but you didn't have to see Steve's face to know he was rolling his eyes. "Good luck out there, stay safe."
"Will do. Steve, wheels up in five." Sam reminded him before walking out of the house for the last time.
"I can't cry because I'm on duty now" Steve giggled at himself. "So don't make me cry."
"Well I'm certainly not trying to" You smiled.
Steve let go of the hug and wiped the tears of your face as you sniffled and pulled something out of your back pocket.
Lifting your hand up, a crisp $20 was folded up between your fingers. Then, you slipped it into the first pocket of his suit that looked empty to you. "That's your good luck charm."
"You're so stubborn" Steve blinked back the tears welling in his eyes.
"I told you, I was always going to win this argument." You shook your head, hand resting over the star on his chest. "And whenever you find yourself back in Greenwood, you better leave all your money at home when you stop by the bakery."
Steve gently moved your hand off of the Star on his chest, then he looked down at it, and ripped it clean off his uniform. "My star, my heart, is always yours, my love."
He placed it in your hand, and your tears fell harder. "You can just do that? You don't need it?"
"Yes, and no." Steve told you. "I don't work for anyone anymore, if they want me in red white and blue with a star on my chest, they better love me as much as you do."
"I love you so much" you cried.
"I know you do" Steve grinned. "I love you too, so so much."
Both his hands gently cupped your cheeks, and you two shared a long kiss worth every single word the two of you didn't have time to share.
"Do you want to stay here or can I walk you home?" Steve questioned sympathetically.
"It's okay, I'll stay and lock up- gotta make sure everything is good to be left alone for a while." You reassured him.
"Is that code for you're going to take some of my stuff?" Steve asked, smiling despite his sadness.
"All of your jackets and cute shirts are mine now" You whispered.
"You deserve them" Steve laughed. "They're all yours."
You sighed and looked up into his pretty, sad blue eyes. "You should probably get out of here."
"I know" he agreed with a nod. "I've spent the last almost two years of my life wishing and hoping for the moment I could step out to hiding and live my life again, but now I wish we had more time and that I'd never have to leave ."
"We're always going to wish we had a few more minutes" You repeated the same words he had spoken to you not even a full day ago. "Please stay safe, and if you can when all is said and done can you find a way to reach out just to let me know you're okay?"
"Of course" Sadness and sincerity pinching his brows together, "You stay safe too, okay? Stay out of trouble. I don't want to hear about anymore fugitives in the bakery."
"Don't worry, honey. You're the only fugitive I know, and I plan on keeping it that way."
"Well, you just met Sam and Natasha, didn't you?" He joked. "Hopefully the next time I see you I won't be a fugitive anymore."
"I hope so too." You smiled, tears falling down your cheeks.
"I guess this is it" Steve sighed.
"I guess so" You agreed. "Did you get the quiet and simple stay you were hoping for in Greenwood?"
"You know what? This town turned out to be a whole lot more beautiful and exciting than I could've ever hoped it would be." He admitted.
"I'm glad" You cried. "Now go save the world, Captain."
"You got it, Sunflower."
"I love you"
"I love you too"
One last kiss, then he was gone in a blink.
The second you were positive he couldn't hear, your emotions became unraveled and you broke down into an uncontrollable sob. It wasn't for the tear ripping deeper and deeper into your heart the further away he got from you, but for him.
You felt that same sense of doom he explained to you many nights ago, and you had this feeling it wasn't all going to go to plan.
Your feet carried you outside to the front porch, where you clutched his star to your chest and sobbed while watching the jet fly overhead. Unfortunately the loud engine alerted the whole neighborhood of its presence, and most of your neighbors ended up on their porches as well.
They all looked up into the sky as it reached elevation and took off to Germany. The chattering voices of the familiar faces meant nothing to you, you weren't interested in their speculation, and the thought of the news stories to come about this whole debacle made you feel sick to your stomach.
You could already hear the rumors such a technologically advanced aircraft over Greenwood in the middle of the night would spark. Aliens, Avengers, foreign spies, Avengers fighting aliens and foreign spies.
One particular voice seemed to stand out more than the rest, especially as it got louder and called out the pet name you hadn't heard from it in a while.
"Sweet cheeks?"
Looking across the street, Georgia and Michael standing on their porch. But instead of looking up at the sky, now only full of twinkling stars, they were looking at you sobbing in front of Steve's house.
You couldn't face her. You didn't want to deal with her ill intentions, or her bad words towards Steve, you didn't want to come up with a story as to what he did to make you cry or why he was gone. You didn't want to explain the futuristic looking jet, you didn't want to let go of the star in your hand, you didn't even want to go back into Steve's house to see everything you had just lost.
"Baby, what's wrong?" She called out to you again, now walking down the steps of her porch to approach you.
Physically and mentally exhausted, you were truly incapable of dealing with any added layer of emotion to this already painful experience, so you closed Steve's door and locked it with your key. Then, as fast as you could, you walked across the driveway to yours.
"I'm sorry about what happened between us, but please, Sugar, just tell me what's wrong?" She pleaded but you continued to ignore it. "I'm worried about you. Did that boy hurt you?"
Your heart raced as you unlocked your front door while she quickly approached. You could feel the whole neighborhood's eyes on you now, so you made it inside before she could get to you and slammed the door a lot harder than you intended before locking it.
As if you were on autopilot, your feet carried you upstairs and into your bedroom where you put Steve's star on your bedside table. You ripped your clothes off as if it was urgent and dove into bed, grabbing onto and snuggling Steve's hoodie that he had left in your bed this morning.
With your whole body hidden under your blankets and Steve's hoodie acting as a teddy bear, you buried your face in it and cried to drown out the knocking coming from your front door downstairs.
Today was bad, and with this battle happening in real time, tomorrow was definitely uncertain. But you had been through a lot of heartbreak in your life, and you knew you'd wake up feeling a little better tomorrow, and every day after that. But just for now, you allowed yourself to cry over a tough goodbye.
Meanwhile, Steve boarded the jet without a single word to either of his friends as he made his way to the front to pilot. There was nothing but the sounds of humming from the engines and the clinks of the seat harnesses as they got safely strapped in.
Sam and Natasha were unsure of how to comfort him, they knew from experience and the tears he was blinking away from pooling in his big blue eyes that a quiet Steve was an upset Steve.
"She's great, Rogers. I really, really like her." Natasha gave him the approval he definitely wasn't seeking.
He gave one single nod in response as to not ignore her.
"Sugar cookie? She's sweeter than a slice of cake." Sam agreed.
"Pretty too" Nat wiggled her eyebrows at Sam.
"And the baking?! That's a package deal right there." Sam continued.
Steve was still silent, starting to rip at the seams but desperately trying to hold it together.
"Don't forget smart. A business owner- a successful business owner at that." Nat brought up. "She's set for good, holding it down nicely."
"Really level head on her shoulders, that's a wife, Steve." Sam reached forward to pat the top of Steve's arm with the back of his hand.
Nothing. He kept his face forward and eyes on the controls in front of him as they prepared for takeoff.
Sam and Nat exchanged worried glances before Nat who sat behind him, placed both her hands on his shoulders and gave them a nice squeeze.
"You doing okay, Steve?" She asked delicately.
"Let's just focus on the mission at hand."
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Next Part: The Snap
Tag List: @patzammit @bemysugarbean @buckymydarlingangel @happinessinthebeing @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @differenttyphoonwerewolf @themotherof10 @lokislady82 @talesofadragon @spikeluv84 @xxxalicerogersxx @avid-fic-reader-05 @royalwriteroftheuniverse @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @bitchy-bi-trash @crazyunsexycool @openup-yourmind @selella @kattreffic
Have any asks, or headcannons you want to see come to life about Nomad Steve and Baker Reader? Drop them in my inbox and I’ll write it! Check out extra Nice to be Kneaded more fun stuff bonus chapters here!
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fxllfaiiry · 2 years
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Now playing... Wish you were sober by Conan Gray
Thinking about steve only going out with you for a bet.
✮。• *₊°。 ☆°。
“Hey Stevie, I got another dri-” What the fuck. You weren't certain if your eyes were playing a trick on you or if this was real. Steve was kissing another girl. This nameless bitch seemed to enjoy it, not only her but Steve too. Your first thought was to go up and punch him; you were furious. But now your heart quickly took over and you let out a massive sob causing Steve and the girl to pull away with a flinch. 
You were expecting Steve to at least explain himself or even say something, but all he did was scoff and murmur something in the girl's ear. The girl giggled and quickly took off. Your face was still covered in tears and snot, not that Steve’s drunk self seemed to care, he came up to you and said nothing. 
“So are you gonna explain or..?” You asked, trying not to cry harder than you already were. 
“What's there to explain? I never liked you, ya know?” Steve’s words came out all jumbled and messed up yet you understood exactly what he meant. 
“What?” You whimpered glancing up at him. He was intoxicated as hell, he could be saying anything you tried telling yourself. But deep down you knew his words had some reality to them. 
“Oh hm, right you don't know, I was only going out with you as a bet I made with Timmy.” Steve giggled. “Or was it Tommy?” 
Ah. So he was using you to get his reputation to go up. You should’ve known, why would Steve Harrington want to go out with you. You wanted to slap him, hit him, yell at him, you wanted to do so many things. But you felt numb, you felt nothing. You only kept sobbing harder wishing this moment would end, wishing this all was some bad dream. 
“Well, then Steve I guess we have a lot to talk about tomorrow when you sober up.” You snarled in between hiccups. “I’ll be leaving then, bye Steve.” Even saying his name made you want to throw up right now. 
“Ok bye Alice, no shit that was the other girl's name,” Steve mumbled to himself.
You decided to ignore him, running right out of the party, god you wished Steve would sober up.  
And boy was Steve gonna regret everything he said tomorrow.
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yae-energy · 10 months
n is for anywhere <3
synopsis: saiki’s top 3 favorite places to hang out with you (but it’s the progression of your friendship)
cast: bestie! saiki x black fem reader (kaidou, nendou, and kuboyasu cameo)
cw: light cursing, a call back to “get in bitch we’re going shopping” | wc: 612 . 3,164 char.
a/n: this is a different format from the previous two bestie saiki posts ikk, but you gotta let me cook with this one y’all !!
03 - his house
saiki is a homebody through and through, the sanctuary of his home (despite the ruckus his parents cause with all their requests) was undefeated. however, upon meeting you there was now an extra person in his home at all moments. it took some time - and i mean TIMEEE, to get used to you being all in his personal space like this.
you touched all his shit, ate his food, and annoyed him to the depths of hell and back, he absolutely hated having you over…or so he thought.
the more you swung by his house for movie nights, sleepovers, study sessions, whatever the case was. the more he valued your company- and you as a person to be truthful. it never set in to him how nice it was to have someone be present with him, even if it was just for a few hours and you guys didn’t talk much it still meant a lot to him.
maybe you weren’t that bad afterall.
02 - the mall
with saiki not being the biggest fan of outdoor excursions like this, the mall was somewhere you frequented. it could be for new clothes, new shoes, or more bags (which lets be honest…you didn’t need more of ANY of these items.)
but whenever you did go, saiki tagged right along with you. at first it was mainly due to the promise of coffee jelly right after your shopping spree, but as time passed and you two became closer, the promise of coffee jelly was just a plus. it was no longer an incentive to get him to go anywhere with you because these outings slowly became a routine for him. if you were going out he automatically came with and vice versa.
even if being in public was a hassle for him *cough cough psychic powers* he didn’t mind it too much anymore. of course he’d still complain like it was, but each trip to the mall with you was a new memory to cherish.
saiki didn’t mind the hassle all that much anymore.
01 - your house
your home environment was quite different from his own, it was quiet and peaceful. no unnecessary shouting or people constantly asking him for things, it was somewhere where he could actually relax and enjoy his time however he wished.
your room specifically is where he preferred to stay the most, your bed was comfy enough for him to fall straight asleep on and you never said a word when he did. not to mention all the snacks you had in hidden away in the cupboard right below your nightstand. it amazed him how often you kept everything stocked up for when you had friends over, nendou would eat all of it in a heartbeat if he saw it which is why he, kaidou, and kuboyasu had to stay on the hush hush about it.
the biggest reason he enjoyed being at your house so much was the fact you mentioned that you were picky on who you gave your time to. the fact he even got to take naps in your room whenever he pleased opened his eyes to how much you valued having him around, he felt honored even.
being in your life as much as you were in his - and enjoying it at that, is what solidified you as his best friend. and even if he didn’t say it often (or at all on most occasions) he enjoyed having you around as well. he enjoyed coming over, touching all your shit, eating your food, and annoying you to the depths of hell and back.
he enjoyed being your best friend.
production credits: thank you to @haksluvr for helping me work out the initial idea for this!!
tags: @morosis-haze @chinieh @jogeto @mypimpademia @miirene @milesmolasses | taglist
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