la-yla · 2 days
Its so dumb literally looking for reasons to talk to my crush like im in fucking middle school. Im 22.
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mikulovingtrash · 1 year
I wna kiss Misa soo badd 😫 i j feel like her lips would b so soft n the kiss would b so sweet <3 having ur hand on the back of her head, in her hair UGHH 😩😩 hand sliding up her exposed thigh hnggg
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poein · 11 months
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* austin weekes … mannerisms.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
took some screenshots on my femra alt 🫶🏼 oh my god i love her
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alyrasturnz · 3 months
hear me out. i feel like the triplets would wna keep their relationship private bcz the fandom is just crazy.. so can u write a matt x reader fanfic about illicit affairs by ts and jst make it abt matt wanting to keep his relationship private w/reader but reader is just absolutely fed up
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 ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ILLICIT AFFAIRS
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❐ summary » matt, a figure of immense fame, fears the wrath of his fans. he hides y/n away to protect her from their potential scorn, but this veil of privacy leaves y/n feeling unwanted and ashamed, as if matt is embarrassed to acknowledge her as his girlfriend.
❐ pairings » influencer!matt x fem!reader
❐ warnings » toxic relationship, suggestive at the beginning but no smut, arguments (resolved)
❐ a/n && w/c » double update tn! • 2.81k
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your fingers, like delicate tendrils of ivy, were entwined in matt's tousled hair, each strand a silken thread in the fabric of your connection.
your back pressed firmly against the cool, unyielding wall, a stark contrast to the warmth radiating from his body. his hands, with a mind of their own, traced a path of desire, finally resting at your waist, anchoring you in the moment, a silent promise of intimacy and unspoken words.
your lips were entwined, a union of fervent longing, as your tongues engaged in a bittersweet dance, swirling together like two celestial bodies caught in an eternal orbit, each movement a symphony of passion and unspoken desire, a delicate balance of tenderness and intensity.
"matt..." you whispered, your voice barely more than a breath, as his lips embarked on a journey down your neck, each kiss a tender exploration, leaving a trail of fire in its wake, a testament to the unspoken bond that tethered your hearts together in that fleeting moment.
"i know, baby, i know," he whispers, his hot breath fanning your neck, sending shivers down your spine and making your insides tingle with a mix of anticipation and longing, each word a caress that resonated deep within your soul.
you let out soft sighs, each one a whisper of your growing desire, feeling your core heat up with an intensity that seemed to ignite every fiber of your being, a slow burn that consumed you from within.
but the fragile moment was abruptly shattered by the intrusive ringing of matt’s phone, a jarring reminder of the outside world that pierced through the delicate cocoon of intimacy you had woven around yourselves.
matt's lips reluctantly departed from your skin, leaving you to groan softly at the sudden, aching void where his touch had once ignited a symphony of sensations.
matt retrieved his phone from his pocket with a swift, almost reluctant motion, bringing it to his ear. "hello?" he uttered, his voice tinged with a hint of impatience, the single word breaking the spell of the moment.
"where are you?" nick's voice crackled with exasperation, each word laced with urgency. "come to the warehouse! you're late," he demanded, the frustration palpable in his tone.
matt's eyes widened in sudden realization, swiftly ending the call and hastily shoving his phone back into his pocket, his movements marked by a frantic urgency.
his eyes met yours, lingering for a fleeting moment before he pressed one final, tender kiss upon your lips.
then, with a reluctant sigh, he turned and walked away, each step echoing the unspoken words left between you.
your eyebrows knitted together in confusion as you trailed after him, "matt! where are you going?" you called out, your voice a blend of concern and bewilderment.
"i'm sorry, i have to go to the warehouse," matt said hurriedly, his hands fumbling to put on his coat.
you stood there, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and concern, watching as he prepared to leave.
"i can go with you?" you say softly, your voice tinged with a mixture of hope and uncertainty, as he turns to you with an expressionless gaze, his eyes betraying a hint of inner turmoil.
"we both know that you can't," he murmurs gently, his voice barely above a whisper, as he retrieves his phone, the action a silent punctuation to his words.
"why can't i? it doesn't have to always be like th—" you begin to protest, your voice tinged with desperation, but your words are abruptly silenced as he captures your lips in a sudden, fervent kiss.
matt broke apart, his lips lingering just a moment longer before disconnecting from yours. he glanced at his phone one last time, a sigh escaping his lips.
"i'll make it up to you, i swear," he murmured softly, his voice filled with a blend of regret and determination.
with a final, fleeting look, he pivoted and left your apartment, leaving you alone with your swirling thoughts.
you roll your eyes, a heavy sigh escaping your lips as you make your way to the couch. with a resigned slump, you plop down onto it, the cushions embracing your weary form.
you stare at the ceiling, your mind a turbulent sea of thoughts racing at breakneck speed, each one colliding and merging into the next in a relentless cascade.
you were good enough to be with him, to share those intimate moments cloaked in secrecy, but not good enough to be seen with him, to be acknowledged in the light of day?
everything about him was a labyrinth of contradictions, each twist and turn leaving you more bewildered. it irritated you to no end.
but you weren't sure if it was his erratic behavior that grated on your nerves, or if it was the haunting realization that you would willingly shatter yourself into a million tiny pieces for him, over and over again.
and you knew, with an unsettling clarity, that he was acutely aware of this truth.
he was the axis around which your world revolved, yet he moved through his existence as if you were but a fleeting shadow, an inconsequential wisp in the vast expanse of his indifference.
you would find yourself ensnared in the labyrinth of his bedsheets throughout the night, only to awaken to the cold, empty expanse where his warmth once lingered, a silent testament to his absence.
he sought the sanctuary of secrecy, believing it to be a fortress shielding you from harm, yet this very concealment has only served to fracture your spirit further, each hidden truth a dagger driving deeper into the chasms of your heart.
matthew.sturniolo sent a message: Hey sweetheart
matthew.sturniolo sent a message: Just got out of my meeting. I’m on my way
matthew.sturniolo sent a message: See you in a few
the doorbell echoed through the house, a resonant chime that seemed to ripple through the very walls, heralding the arrival of matt.
you sprayed on your perfume, the delicate mist swirling and dancing in the air, leaving a fragrant trail that lingered in your room like an ethereal presence. with a graceful motion, you carefully placed the bottle back on your vanity, its glass reflecting the soft light as if capturing the essence of the moment.
you reserve this perfume for the clandestine rendezvous with matt, each spritz a silent oath to the secrecy of your bond. the scent, meticulously chosen, never clings to your clothes, a deliberate act to preserve the veil of mystery that shrouds your relationship.
you gaze into the mirror, eyes tracing the familiar contours of your reflection. with a measured inhale, you draw in the air, feeling it fill your lungs, fortifying your resolve before you rise from your seat.
your heels resonate against the hardwood floor, each clank a rhythmic prelude to your approach. as you reach the door and open it, your eyes meet the sight of matt, casually leaning against the doorway, his presence both familiar and electrifying.
he smiled, his eyes twinkling with a secret understanding, and extended his hand towards you. with a gentle yet deliberate motion, you placed your hand in his, feeling the warmth of his touch as you both stepped out of your apartment, the world beyond awaiting your shared journey.
on the descent, matt animatedly recounted the details of his recent meeting, weaving tales of ambitious plans for his channel. yet, as his words flowed around you, your mind drifted to distant realms, consumed by thoughts that lay far beyond the present moment.
you harbored a quiet hope that you could broach the subject of going public with matt, the weight of your unspoken words pressing against your chest as you sought the right moment to voice them.
"alright," matt murmured, his voice tinged with an unspoken melancholy as he gently shifted the car into park. you sat beside him, your gaze lost in the horizon, the distant landscape a silent witness to the myriad of emotions swirling within you.
matt observed your demeanor, his eyebrows knitting together in concern. "hey, are you alright? you seem a bit off..." he inquired, his voice laced with a subtle blend of worry and curiosity, as if trying to unravel the intricate tapestry of your thoughts.
you sighed, turning to face him, your eyes reflecting the weight of unspoken burdens. "i'm tired, matt," you confessed, your words cutting through the silence with a raw honesty, laying bare the exhaustion that had settled deep within your soul.
"are you sleepy? i can take you back home and we can just go again tomorrow—" he began, his voice tinged with confusion, but you cut him off before he could finish.
"no matt, i’m exhausted. i'm tired of this clandestine relationship," you declared, your voice quivering with suppressed emotion. "i can't keep being someone you cherish only in the shadows! i want us to be so much more than—than this ambiguous existence!" you finally erupted, each word escalating in fervor, mirroring the depth of your yearning and dissatisfaction.
"y/n..." matt murmured softly, his voice barely above a whisper, laden with a mixture of bewilderment and tenderness.
your eyes searched his for a glimmer of understanding. "i can't keep doing this—concealing our relationship as if it's something to be ashamed of," you confessed, your voice heavy with the weight of unspoken truths.
matt sighed, running a hand through his hair in a gesture of frustration. "it's not that i'm ashamed of you, y/n. it's just—my fans can be intense. i'm terrified they'll come after you if we go public," he admitted, his voice laden with a mixture of concern and helplessness.
your heart ached at his words, a mix of frustration and sadness welling up inside you. "so what? we just keep pretending we're nothing more than friends? i feel like i'm living a lie."
he looked at you, his expression torn. "i'm trying to protect you. you don't understand the kind of backlash that could come your way."
"maybe i don't," you said, your voice rising. "but what i do understand is that i can't keep being your secret. it feels like you're more concerned about your image than our relationship."
matt's face softened, but the conflict in his eyes remained. "it's not about my image. it's about your safety. i care about you too much to see you get hurt."
"and i care about you too," you replied, tears threatening to spill over. "but i need to feel like i'm a part of your life, not just a hidden chapter. if you truly care about me, you'll trust that we can face this together."
the room fell silent again, the weight of your words hanging in the air as matt grappled with his fears and your plea for honesty.
your voice steady but filled with sorrow, "i can't keep doing this. i've tried to understand your reasons, but it's tearing me apart." you say as you search for understanding in his eyes
he looked at you, his eyes filled with regret. "y/n, please, you have to understand. i'm doing this to protect you."
you shook your head, tears welling up in your eyes. "i can't live in the shadows anymore. i need to be with someone who isn't afraid to show the world that they love me. i need to feel valued and seen."
matt reached out for your hand, but you pulled away, the pain too much to bear. "i love you, matt, but i can't keep sacrificing my happiness for your fears. if you can't go public with our relationship, then we can't be together."
his face crumpled, and he tried to find the right words, but they never came. with a heavy heart, you stood up, feeling the weight of the decision you had just made.
"goodbye, matt," you whispered, turning away from him and walking out of the car. as you closed the door behind you, a sense of both loss and liberation washed over you, knowing you had chosen to stand up for yourself and your worth.
outside, the night air was cool against your skin, a stark contrast to the warmth of the tears streaming down your face.
you walked aimlessly, each step feeling heavier than the last. the memories of your time with matt played in your mind like a bittersweet symphony, each note a reminder of what once was and what could never be.
you found yourself at the park where you and matt had shared so many moments of laughter and love.
the bench where you had first confessed your feelings now stood as a silent witness to your heartbreak.
you sat down, the weight of the world pressing on your shoulders, and let the tears flow freely.
the stars above twinkled in the vast expanse of the sky, indifferent to the pain of the earth below. you gazed up at them, searching for some semblance of solace. "why does love have to be so complicated?" you whispered to the night, your voice barely audible.
as the hours passed, the pain began to dull, replaced by a quiet resolve. you knew that this was the right decision, even if it hurt now. you deserved to be with someone who would cherish you openly, without fear or hesitation. and though the path ahead seemed uncertain, you felt a glimmer of hope.
rising from the bench, you took a deep breath and wiped away the last of your tears. the night was still, and the world felt vast and full of possibilities. with a newfound determination, you began to walk back home, ready to embrace whatever the future held.
as the first rays of dawn broke through the horizon, a soft knock echoed through the stillness of your home.
the house, usually so quiet in the early morning, seemed to hold its breath in anticipation. groggily, you made your way to the door, curiosity mingling with the remnants of sleep.
the floorboards creaked softly under your feet, each step a gentle reminder of the world waking up around you.
there stood matt, a bouquet of your favorite flowers in one hand and a box of chocolates in the other.
the flowers, fresh with morning dew, seemed to glow in the soft light, their petals a vibrant contrast to the dim interior of your home.
his eyes, filled with a mixture of remorse and determination, met yours. they were the eyes of someone who had spent countless nights wrestling with his thoughts, someone who had finally found the courage to confront his fears.
"i couldn't wait any longer," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, yet carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken apologies. "i needed to see you, to tell you how sorry i am."
he handed you the flowers and chocolates, his hands lingering for a moment as if seeking reassurance. "you are so much more than someone i love in the shadows, y/n," he continued, his voice growing steadier. "you are the light that guides me, the strength that keeps me going. i've been a fool to ask you to hide, but it's never because i'm ashamed of you. it's because i'm terrified of what the world might do to us."
he took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving yours. "but you deserve to be cherished openly, without fear. i promise we'll find a way to make this right. together, we'll face whatever comes our way, because you mean everything to me. you're not just a part of my life; you are my life."
he stepped closer, his presence warm and comforting. "i know words alone aren't enough," he said, his voice trembling slightly. "i want to show you, every single day, just how much you mean to me. i want to be the one who stands by your side, no matter what. i want to be the one who holds your hand through the storms and celebrates with you under the sun."
matt's eyes softened, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "you are the reason i wake up with hope in my heart. you are the melody that plays in my soul, the rhythm that keeps me moving forward. without you, everything feels incomplete."
he paused, his voice barely a whisper now. "i don't want to hide anymore, y/n. i want the world to know how incredible you are, how lucky i am to have you. i want to face whatever challenges come our way, hand in hand, heart to heart."
as the morning sun bathed you both in its gentle glow, matt's words wrapped around you like a warm embrace. in that moment, you felt the depth of his love, the sincerity of his promise, and the unyielding strength of his commitment. together, you knew you could face anything, because with matt by your side, you were never alone.
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eddiemunsonhotgf · 2 years
hi! just had a thought about eddie calling you cupcake during sex and i asked if anyone wanted me to elaborate and 2 people said yes ~~ i know! a lot *giggles* but it was enough for me to keep going! so here it is 🎀 enjoy bbs! tw ~~ smut.
"my little cupcake can't take it anymore? aww" eddie says swiftly with a pout forming on his face while he pounds relentlessly into you. the pink, floral-paper room decorated with anything heart-shaped being filled with filthy noises - his cock slamming into you with no mercy, his balls hitting your skin, and also, your whining and crying noises.
"daddy- can't!" "'s too much, can't" eddie lets out a dark but light chuckle out of his gritted teeth.
"look at you, aren't you a big girl? takin' my cock so well- shit. your cunt 'so tight, princess" he never lets his eyes leave yours, the best view for him was to be able to see you face when you actually couldn't take it anymore.
"stay with me, baby. wna see you cum again. i know you've got one more in you. come'on dollface." he nodded while he was deep inside your gaze - and hole -, his pleading look, some sort of magical spell he was getting into. he swore to himself and god that the first time you guys would do anything sexual, he would be gentle ... and there he is: having absolutely no mercy with your tightening cunt that was aching for another orgasm.
"can't- i can't, eds. too much- gotta pee. please" you plead through glassy eyes looking deep into his. cheeks all flushed because even though he's ruining you and stretching you open, maintaining eye contact seems so personal.
"fuck- you're so tight. surprises me that your cunt sucks me in so fucking well after all the times i've fucked her. she's so hungry for me, isn't she cupcake?" he mocks. pouty lips and sweaty bangs sticking to his forehead. his stamina was out of this world, but what truly kept him going was your walls tightening around his girthy cock. he couldn't take it anymore but was willing to pass out if this was the last thing he saw right before he did.
"it tingles, daddy. 's too much." he graverly loved pushing you to the edge, testing your limits. even more when he was inside of you because, even though this was sexual, he profoundly knew that you will submit to him no matter what context - sexually and non-sexual - & let him do whatever he wanted to do to you. he loves you so much and needs to take care of you after all. so that's what he was doing at this moment. taking care of you by being deep inside your guts.
"yes you can, princess. give it t' me" he mumbles something else right after that but you can't really hear him due to the overwhelming sensation of an intense orgasm creeping up. just as he feels you tightening around him, he goes "alright, there's my good girl. knew you could do it, angel. wnna cum?"
as quickly as your orgasm was approaching you, you quickly nodded with your head. after that, he immediately stopped and you were muddled.
"tsk tsk" he clicks his tongue while he denies your actions with his head. "words, baby. good girls use words. or are you a dummie?"
"wnna cum, sir. please- 'm gonna cum" just at the moment that, he returns to his rapid pace and brings the thumb of the hand that was holding your hips down to the mattress to your puffy and sore clit.
"aww, there she is again. such a good and smart girl for daddy." immediately after these words left his mouth, your release was being achieved. but it didn't stop him, although it made him gradually slow down his rhythm until he was satisfied. eddie decided to interrupt your thoughts after giving you a sweet peck on the lips asking about how you were doing to which you replied with a pure smile and tired doe eyes.
"nevermind cupcake, gotta go clean you up. stay with me, okie dokie? i'll just grab a towel and some munchies for you. love you, angel. did s' good for me today." forehead kisses were a big part of eddie's aftercare.
also! this is rly short, hasn't been proofread yet and i made this in a rush so plz bare with me. love u love u!
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b1mbodoll · 1 year
your yunjin posts are killing me like ik doja might be a bit controversial rn but yunjin is so agora hills coded i canttt 😩😩 and you & your anons talking abt her being soso possessive and constantly having to show everybody that youre hers does NOT make existing easier for me omgshsksk
also i saw youve been dealing w some p ugly things recently so i hope youre doing sm better now bc you dont deserve all the bs thats (been) going on //: just know that we all love and appreciate you sm!! 💘💘
pairings: huh yunjin x f! reader
warnings: exhibitionism + fingering + oral
💌: firstly i wna thank u for ur kind words my love! they mean a lot to me and i hope u know i love and appreciate you!!! mwah u deserve the world ♥︎ and SECONDLY!!! MY LOVE U HAVE KILLED ME. i <3 agora hills and yunjin im gna go insane???
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“you can hit while they watch boy” is SO rockstar yunjin x reader like… she doesn’t care who’s watching n neither do you!!!! gropes you and kisses you messily no matter who’s around n it makes you so wet bc she’s absolutely shameless!!! fingers you in the car on the way to one of her shows, the driver trying so hard to act normal despite your cries of pleasure coming from the backseat.
she also eats you out in the dressing room at the venue after a show bc the adrenaline coursing through her veins makes her insatiable, desperate to taste you on her tongue n hear you moan her name <3
ok forgive me bc i just smoked so my brain is goin crazy but… rockstar yunjin would love when you throw your bra at her onstage 😭 she slings it around the neck of her guitar and walks around the stage, grinning like a freak when she makes eye contact with you n sees your hardened nipples poking through your top
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jillsc6rs · 11 months
Finally home ♡
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pairing 。⁠*゚⁠+ ashley graham x fem ! reader
warnings 。⁠*゚⁠+ just fluff , not proof read
a/n 。⁠*゚⁠+ Hai I suggest listening to she's my religion by pale waves while reading this :3 kind of inspired by that song! also second fic...And its fluff, an upgrade from the angst last time...
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She's coming back. She's finally coming back. Ashley has been gone for a day or two and you hadn't stopped worrying since. Leg bouncing, you wait anxiously for the helicopter to land. Eyes shifting from the sky to the helipad.
sky, helipad, sky, helipad, sky, helipad, sky, helip—
you hear the sound of rotor blades, whirling in the sky. You jump from your seat, a smile spreading on your lips. Seeing her step out, you have to resist the urge to run to her, knowing you'll probably get tackled if you do.
After everything is good, Ashley notices you and runs straight to you. The two of you falling on the floor from the speed of her. Tears streaming down both of your faces, hugging her so tightly, afraid if you let go, she'll be gone again.
"Oh my god, I — I missed you so much. Thought I'd never see you again," hiccups interrupting your words.
She hides her face in the crook on your neck, tears falling on it. "I was so scared, so fucking scared...I didn't think I was gonna make it." Her words mumbles from your skin.
The two of you soon get up, still hugging while you start to smother her in kisses. That is until when a man approaches the two of you.
Leon Kennedy, if you remember correctly. He gives a small wave and Ashley reluctantly releases you.
"Oh! [Name], this is Leon. He's the agent they sent to get me. Both of us had one hell of a night." She jokes.
He reaches his hand out and you take it, giving him a firm handshake.
"Thank you, thank you so much for bringing her back home. I don't know what I would've done if she never came home."
"No need to thank me, it is my job after all." His tone dry, you give an awkward smile. "I should get going," he gives Ashley a short hug and then pats her shoulder, "get home safe. Not sure if I'm willing to save you again after tonight," he smirks.
Ashley punches his shoulder, "yeah, yeah...See you around, Leon!" Waving as he starts to walk away, she turns back to you.
"You two remind me of siblings..Look like it too. You sure you don't have a long lost brother?"
"Oh, stop it! But, yeah, I do see him as an older brother. He kept me safe, didn't give up on me all the time in Spain...I'm thankful for him."
You hum and take her hand.
"Shall we?" You point your thumb to where the escort is.
"We shall." She leans on you as the two of you walk to the car and get in. Heading home, finally able to embrace each other again. She falls asleep on your shoulder and you soon fall asleep as well.
She's finally back in your arms, that's all you could ask for.
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a/n 2 。⁠*゚⁠+ i kind of wanna make a part 2 of this...like them goijg on a cute lil date...If i do make one lmk if youd wna b tagged :3 tho I am not promising a part two! again, reblogs ++ comments appreciated!!!!!
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spitinsideme · 6 months
do you remember what/when was your first exposure to lesbianism (women loving women in case u dont know what that means) (its like gay men but instead of being men theyre women, its pretty fun and cool)
LESBIANISM ???? WOMEN ??? owha ..... might havw to resesrch girls kissing later ...
i think my first exposure to lesbianism (like girls actually kissing) was this story on the game episode, and i clearly remeber that i was playing a story about love and it.had options to date men and women, or the bsecual option, "i dont knkw man, i jst like pizza" whoch mesnt bkth men and women, and i remeber thinkinv WOMEN ?????????? and i wnaed to press it ... i was so tempted to .. i was lime .. 10 ? 11 ? 9 ?? i dont remeber, 9-11 and i had mever in my lofe jesrd of lesbianism before (i did get callrd a lesbian beflre this because i was dsting my friend fri3nd on roblox by pretending to be a guy) but i was lime WOAH ??? 2OMEN KISSING WOMEN ?? but i was also like not going to pick women because to me thqt was new and odd, but i ddint want to pick men because i dodnt like men (shocker !!!) and so i picked the bisexual option (secretly i wantrd the women option but i woukd have felt too ashamed)
AND THE THERE WAS THE SCEBE WHERE THE GIRL CAME IN AND WE (ALSO.A.GIRL) BUMPED INTO HER !!! and she was pretty hot, badass girl qnd i woukd get teally excoted to talk to hrr everytime my character rejected her i was so angry i was begging for my characyer to plese just kiss her already, but the giy wlukd also show up wnd i hated him so much because he was a guy and i didnr want him, so id just skip it as fast as possible until the girl was there
after i had learned of this besutoful thing callrd lesbianism, i wljkd search up lesbian on episode to read more girl on girl stories. then i saw that fifty shades of gret pussy eating scene, and id sesrch up lesbian sex on episode
but lik3 my first .. like actual media of lesbianism woukd be yuri manga ? i remever the first one i watched and read was citrus, so that kind of has a special place in my hesrt even if its kind of weird because it was the firsr lesbian thing i had rver read or seen. i wpukd like go on some sketchy manga websotes and loom theoifh every single yuri manga and read them all like id write every simgke one down in a book ( i still have that book with all the yuri manga titles, its really filled up ! and i r3mebe4 all of them)
basically, my first exposre to lesbian media was when i was lime 9 or 10 from episode lesbian ! but i have always been a lesbian in my actions without even knlwing it ... i was literqlly like watching videos of women dancing on youtibe AND working out when i was 12 for quite a while because i woukd look st thr women and go "god, theyre so pretty, i need to be strong so that womej will love me and want me" and that was normal to me and i didnt think of mys3lf as lesbian
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heavyisthecrown-if · 7 months
Please ignore this if I've already sent it but Okay so how what would the ROs reaction to MC being asked out in front of them be..? (crushing stage vs. relationship stage)
Say we are at a royal ball or something 👀
Also very much debating between shutting my face and getting all my questions out. I'm so fascinated by this I have alot to say but I also don't wna clog your inbox 🤦🏻‍♀️
Please get all your questions out if you’d like, I’d love to answer them!
Derrick - [Crushing] He finds his eyes periodically drifting to you, the sheriff’s attempts at conversation ignored as he spots the noble sidling up to you. Their name doesn’t fully register in his mind, but he’s fairly sure they’re not a pleasure to be around. His grip on his cup tightens as they strike up a conversation with you and, much to his chagrin, you reply in kind. He urges himself to look away and back to the sheriff beside him.
[Relationship] He knew he shouldn’t have left your side the moment he sees your admirer. He stalks toward you, mumbling some choice words as he does. Lucky for him, others are quick to get out of his way. When he’s finally beside you once more, he slips an arm around your waist and fixes the guilty party with a glare. They quickly wither under his stare and depart without another word. “Sorry about that,” he whispers and gives you a wry smile.
Talia - [Crushing] She quickly looks away from you as you’re approached by a noble. She could see it in their eyes what their intentions behind the conversation were, and she thinks for a moment if they’ll truly earn your heart. She overhears bits and pieces of your conversation, and is desperately trying to hide her smile when you send them on their way.
[Relationship] She smiles despite herself before coming back to you. “I’m afraid they’re already taken,” she says, as polite as she can be, and slips a glass into their hand. “I’d be glad to point you to someone who isn’t, though.” The noble looks between you and Talia, decidedly dumbfounded before making their way back to the group they departed from. She leans in to press a chaste kiss to your cheek. “At least they backed away, hm?” she mumbles.
Alex - [Crushing] “Godfrey, eyeing the prin(ce)(ss) again?” The deputy slaps a hand onto their shoulder, one they’re quick to shake off. They don’t respond to the man’s teasing, instead keeping their eyes locked on you and the rather snarky noble that’s cemented themself at your side. When the person’s intentions become clear, they shoot from their position and come over to you. Because they’re supposed to protect you, of course. No other reason.
[Relationship] They laugh awkwardly, shifting at your side when you’re faced with the confident flirting. It’s honestly commendable the poor soul hasn’t picked up on any hints you two have given them. “The spot’s filled,” they grumble the second the noble asks you if you’re free. Their offended expression almost makes Alex smile, but they hold back. “I think you should move along, mate.” They chuckle softly as the noble stomps away from you two, careful not to make it known it’s them they’re laughing at.
Z - [Crushing] They get to your side a moment before the other could and immediately make a show of speaking with you. You spot the noble sneering at them over their shoulder, a look you know they can sense given their smirk. “They looked like they wanted to bother you, thought I’d step in instead.” They usher you away from the noble- who still seems deeply bothered by the situation- with a hand on the small of your back.
[Relationship] They come up behind the person just as they begin to ask you a few too many personal questions, their pale hand sliding slowly over the noble’s shoulder. “Don’t you know they’ve already been wooed by someone else?” They gasp, holding their free hand to their heart. After a moment, they push the noble away and rub their hands on their skirt/trousers. “If you’d like to keep it in the family, I’m fairly positive the king is not in a relationship of any kind.”
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objectum-culture-is · 5 months
Objectum culture is loving all of your pens sm but treating you tablet pen better because she works so hard <33
I wna kiss and hug her all over but she’s to small </3
I do let her charge in my bed though :3
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purretty-purrincess · 4 months
the shit ton of art youre all about to get has roleplay lore i have to explain
quick disclaimr: i mnew none of these peopl. not a single personn. we couldnt plan any of yhis out before hand, nor would we if he couldve.bthis was all made on a whim, so some ends will unfortuabtely be loose, and not everything will nake sense. ill probably adjust lore in the futurebbecause i actually like this idea in yhe future, though
lore under cut
miku is asleep in her bedroom, peaceful and happy
someone breaks in
someone will not get a name because they are not important. well acrually they can get miku fan #1
more people brake in, stars getting freaky
ANOTHER person breaks in. tis equius, bu miku does not yet know his name. mike fan #2
"okay, fuck you guys. whorver leaves first if yje 1 fan and gets a sloppy makeout from me"
miku fan #2 immediately exits the room, followed by miku fan #1
"ok you horned bigch yiu win come bere"
im not iving detaiils on ther makeuot
"woha.. whats ur name.." miku asks, asyonished by k actually i dont need to write a whole fanfic in here. what the fuck am i doing man
tjey kiss, miku finds out name, they get frwaky, MORE PEOPLE FUCKING BREAK IN AND START PARTUINH. they are important actually. their names are jake english and aradia, rveealed by them talking to each other
equius and milu find a new home, get freaky again??
miku tries to get equius to dom, equius is hesitant, miku yells at him. first signal of mikubeing toxic, bht equius ignores it. they cuddle instead
miku leaves for 'food', but is rlly cheating at a mcdonalds w jake. in front of aradia (WHO HAS A CRISH ON JAKE!!!) aradia leaves 'to give them lrivacy' bit actually tells equius
equius is like nahh its good its MIKu. im honored to just b in her prescense. meanwhile miku is callling equius a pathetic loser
miku comes back, accuses equius of cheating w aradia in a huge outburst (they werent, aradia was just telling him. they were a good distance away too). aradia flees, equius takes the verbal abuse again, miku chases aradia and screams at her in fromt of jake. jake calls it hor, they get freKy AGAIN, miku bites jakes tongue off and cuts his dick off, leaves back to equius eelictantly bc "hes probably getting worried.."
miku comes back, makes a nice drugged dinner for equius
equius KNOWS itxs drugged but is like "nah babe its good. you just didnt measure shit right. uhh but i do feel dizzy" miku tales him upstairs, chops off his dick so other girls cant touch jt also before this she banned equius from talking or looking at other girls
she then chops off his horns and legs, carries him to coffe shop, kills a worker there bc equius told him everything and he was gna call the police, goes back home, leaves to cheat again, RATS COME IN AND RUIN IT ALL, miku flees, the goes back to jake who is PISSED and now dating aradia bc aradia is the only sane one. besides the fact that she out nair in mikus shampoo and miku is now bald , and aradia explained miku was juts using him for sex. moku is PISSED, goes back to equius (who was in a jail cell??), equius helps her ruin aradia and jake by trying to ceget arafis to cheat w equius, fails bc jake made friends w the rats and sicced them on equius, so equius fleed, miku verbally abuses him again , jake and aradia aarrive on the scene w tha ratd. miku screams at everyone, then turns to aradia and.. applogizes. she apologizes for everything. aradia laos alologizes for making her bald. they start to flort, leave the boysin the house ( also th boys are fogjting each other and the rats are atta king equius), aradia and miku get freekayy . also i wna mention that aradia was played by a girl named super freaky girl 2 ehich is finny as fuck to me, miku leaves, finds equius om the floor, breaks up w him, breaks the news that their relationship actualy sucks ass a d they both need mental health, and just as everything is looking up-
miku is sniped by one of the rats
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noxtivagus · 2 years
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b1mbodoll · 2 months
please do your puppies as charm songs it would be so cute 😭
THIS IS THE CUTEST ASK I’VE EVER GOTTEN. thank u for giving me a chance to lovedump abt my puppies my heart is so full n warm
jake is so second nature 😞 every time i listen to it i think of him bcs s soooo cute ☹️ “and once you get in my ear / i see kismet sinking in / it's second nature” yeah that’s me @ him bcs lovin him Is second nature! also kismet is like. fate? yeah. think it was fate that i found out abt enha n jakey and im in love.
eric is echo ☹️ sososo echo. “there is something that i need from you / and you're the only one that knows / and if i told the world i needed you / would you hear your name echo?” also. “our love is meant to be shared / while our love goes nowhere” idk a lot of people have diff interpretations of this song but ‘m a romantic so i take it as like a secret relationship but NOT in a negative way, if that makes sense? i also relate it to him bcs i havent talked abt him on here Ever because he genuinely drives me crazy, m sooooo in love with him i wna kiss him and cannot bring myself to share the eric thoughts but. the brainrot has been so bad so now i Will be sharing. sorry this got long i cant help it, he’s my boyfriend of 7 years 🙏
minjeongie my sweet puppy ohhh she’s so juna. she’s my juna. “i don't even try / i don't have to think / with you, there's no pretending” ARE YOU KIDDING, oh it’s tears. idk im in luv with her, she’s the cutest ever in the fucking world n it’s like. idk when i started biasing her, it just Happened like i quite literally didnt even have to Think abt it cus she just wormed her way into my bias list n i adore her so bad 😞
leehan ☹️ is ☹️ so ☹️ terrapin ☹️☹️🥺🥺🥺🥺😞 first of all, i’m so. autistic LOL and i love water and the sea and aquatic animals and i even have pet turtles bcs. i adore them n a terrapin is a kind of turtle. and also leehanie n fish. idk that’s how my brain related it bcs ‘m infatuated with him. “you can say whatever you want, i don't care i’m already gone” ME @ HIM ME @ HIM ME @ HIM!!!!!!!! yeah. soon as i discovered bonedo, i was alr gone. i think i discovered hanie first n then got into bnd but. yeah he’s so my puppy
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loudmouth23 · 6 months
Entry #1 : Pilot
Seww. I'm basically gna b talking to myself but YEAH I'm going to start a blog ^^ !! ( I don't actually know what a blog is but I'm a bored teenager with nothing better to do besides rot in bed and walk braindead arnd school and yada yada!! so might as well dump all my thoughts onto a random website for millions of strangers to find right?? sm fun!!! I don't wna do anything to crazy so i'll start off by giving SONG RECS!! MY FAV THING IN THIS WORLD >:)) ( My top 3 are Olivia Rodrigo, Faye Webster and Laufey, their actually all top 1 cause I love them all equally like a single mother ) anywaysanyways b4 I start rambling
F.W - But not Kiss, Dream with a baseball player, & Better distractions. My friend introduced me to Faye Webster and I have been religiously listening to her since. she WILL DEFO BE ON MY SPOTIFY WRAPPED BUT IM GLAD LMAOOO !!!
O.R - Scared of my guitar ( ik it just came out awhile ago but its so good!! ) also legit any of her songs their all Killa LMAO
anyways signing off for my first "blog" post so yippe yippers!! see u next time readers ^-^ !!!
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butterflywonz · 8 months
I miss you
And john is hot😔
I screamed so loud when they asked him to help me out of the rock pool... He was already keeping my fking crutch istg I wanted to cry in the water...
Nathan look like 🥢, I'm fr so mad at Rebecca for doing that bro... LIKE HIS EAR PHONES WEEE OUT AND EVERYTHING, but I could here him humming behind me which was cute, I mean I kinda have to be friends with Rebecca, cuz I'm nice 🙂 ( and she has a fucking Voodoo doll and I'm not risking shit) sooo yeah... Tortoise looks like he spells special in a specific way..(spechal) I have to stay at school till 5:30 Tommorow 😱 cuz MOS kpop society and also wp, so I might kms soon 😙...
So yeahhhh, also ,lamo is our thing, so is cumpy, so is 1bedroomapartmentguy, so is 🫡👀(Justin), so is " this one Mwah Mwah" so is Bessie chasing us, so is deep throating popsicles (Wtf was wrong with us…??) So is speaking made up languages at night *click click*, so is making fun of me stander 🏍️⚰️, so is thinking we're going to get raped by Justin Truscott, so is Mr kolesky saying penis infront of us, so is the fact that we've never kissed before ( we haven't?) So is the shirtless pics we got from Zachary (she's beautiful but she not my type), so is Abraham as a hole (wait no not like 🕳️, so whole?) So is his nipple tbh, so is going home late afterschool, so is that crazy looking girly telling you not to take pics of her man even though we were taking pics of Kakas, so is me accidentally walking into the unisex bathroom and getting the biggest shock of my life seeing Joshua (gr 11) and thinking I was in the wrong bathroom... And then having a conversation with bradlen... So is when we went on that ride at play land, so is when we thought they were playing FEVER at a children's birthday, so is when we got into the car ready to go home from said children's birthday party actual attractive people arrive, so is us randomly saying cum, so is that guy face timing us to jerk off, so is Chris's cock (I'm sorry) so is monkey as a app, so is Eric from Portugal ( more like Thabo from Nigeria) so is us being racist towards each other(and Fatima) so is the fact that zaarah gives off lesbian vibes, so is the fact that Willow makes me wanna actually rip out my intestines and shove them down her throat to make her stfu, so brownwon..., so is randomly doing antifragile in the middle of BayWest, so is shit talking nirvana cuz we just don't like her, so is randomly "AHHHHHHHH" when we see someone moderately attractive, so is pretending my knee is choking, so is the dislocation of my knee, so are these 2 year old bad boys, so are those yellow and blue woosan birds, so is pause games, so is convincing jaylin soobin died, so is me crying because.. "what If heeseung kills himself" , so is Daniel making me cry 3 times..., so is making jokes about making Jason more handicap, so is reading ff's together, so is the fact that this is so fucking long..., so is us shit talking your mother... With your father, so is lukho flashing us, so is us learning a dance and forgetting it, so is us disliking some idols... Just because, so is you making me come home crying in grade 5, so is us being not even being friends..., so is the fact that I would do anything for you... And also so is the fact that we PLANNED YOU RUN AWAY!?!?!?!?! love you babes, I miss you too.... Theres loads more but like....
Im anonymous so like... I could be Anyone ...
So like leaked intak 😻 pics?!?!
im so sick RN so I can't come to but pls tell the kpop club ppl that I wna join but I'm DYING WOOHOO
dude Nathan is hot
I love you sosoosososososososososo much and I appreciate the long ask (I read it all btw) I ALSO DON'T LIKE WILLOW<3
Wtf is ety coz Ik what what wp is and stuff but ETY? WHAT'S YOUR ETY WHATS YOUR ETY.
apparently the kpop club does BEAT stuff during the year too🐢
Ha yeah tortoise us hot:)
Love you babes I miss you<3
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