#I also added in all the area and ride tags so we can see all the boys on the blog :D
starshinedragon · 1 month
Fan written main storyline (Update)
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Previous Part: Winterdale https://www.tumblr.com/starshinedragon/736955792328146944/sso-winterdale-fan-written-main-storyline?source=share
Map of Springvalley:
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Life Warden Trees of Springvalley:
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Story design:
-> Part of SSO Rewritten (my writing project of the whole story of SSO until defeating Garnok). You can find the story related posts with the tag "sso rewritten" -> This is the updated version of an old post, that takes place after the Winterdale part. -> Phases 1-2-3 is the main story so far (Harvestlands), phases 4-5-6 is the Winterdale parts in the previous post, phases 7-8-9 are the Springvalley parts written in this post.
-> The area of Springvalleywas established in the Star Stable Spring Riders game and I added elements from SSO (rangers, druids, a lightwood, etc) to fill in the empty places. The focus characters of the Springvalley main storyline are Jessica and Elise (as the main opponents), Anne (as she is Jess' rival), Jordan Jet (from the Spring Rider game), Life Warden Trees and Vala witches (eg. Sive). The thematic guide for the Springvalley story is the dark corruption spreading in the valley and the final confrontation of this phase is cleansing the Cursed Forest and the witches' castle.
So saddle up and get ready for the adventure!
PHASE 7 – Opening Springvalley
PART 1: Resurrection
-> At the end of the Winterdale Storyline, the Soul Riders managed to win back Pandoria and banish Garnok from there. A new reputation opens: Pandoria. We can access all of it again, but it is in ruins. Ydris kind of forgives the druids, since his world was saved, and begrudgingly agrees to help and direct the restoration of Pandoria. Ydris becomes the faction leader and sends MC and the Soul Riders to all kinds of quests. 
-> MC is summoned to the Secret Stone Circle. The Soul Riders, Ydris, and some druids are waiting for you there and tell you that you are going to restore Pandoria and cleanse it from Garnok’s corruption. MC, Fripp, Ydris and Anne open and stabilize the Path of the Winds, the portal at the edge of the Circle, that now leads to the central part of Pandoria. The team rides through and you set up base in the main structure of Temple Ruins, a building similar to the ruins you saw in Starshine Legacy 3’s Pandoria.
-> For your first quests you are to secure that island. They ask you to help set up the base, and cleanse Garnok’s (dark blue) corruption from the land and creatures. You explore the island and find three portal sites you have to activate. With Anne’s help MC opens the way to the other three islands. You report back to the druids and unlock the map of Pandoria. 
-> You are sent to explore a new Pandoria. In the Harvestlands storyline (live SSO) we can only access two areas: the crystal cave island where Anne was imprisoned and the island with the winding paths and many plants under it. The crystal cave is also not accessible anymore if you have already completed those main story quests. In the Winterdale storyline (SSO Rewritten) we banish Garnok from Devil’s Gap to Pandoria, thinking it is a good plan, but we soon realize it was a mistake. During the quests when we banish Garnok from Pandoria (back to his spaceship prison at the bottom of the Jorvik Sea) we access the two areas from live SSO again: the crystal cave and the winding paths. Here, in the beginning of the Springvalley storyline, new areas of Pandoria become accessible. Ydris sends you to explore all of the areas: you unlock all 4 map parts of Pandoria after completing the quests. The now accessible areas are:
1. The Botanical Gardens: this is the winding paths currently accessible in live SSO. The Pandoria botany dailies send you here, to find the plant they want (see the names of Pandorian plants below!). The area now has pathways to make it easier to find your way, some lamps with wisps in them and some decorative fences and benches, as well as Pandorian critters and creatures hanging out there.
2. Crystal Peaks: the second zone from live SSO, the island where Anne was imprisoned in the crystal. This area now has some plains and various wild Pandorian horses running around. Zee watches over this island and sends you on quests to help the wildlife there.
3. Temple Ruins: a reskinned and upgraded version of the area you walk with Anne, when you find Concorde in Starshine Legacy 3. This is the main base of Pandoria now. Ydris, some druids, and those who help restore Pandoria hang out here. From here, three portals lead to the other three accessible Pandorian areas.
4. Rune Island: where the Soul Riders went so seal their power runes in the last map of Starshine Legacy 4. Reskinned and upgraded, the stone circles of the seals are now the training arenas for each power. These are where you will get and practice your new soul rider powers.
Entrances to Pandoria: -> Secret Stone Circle: the Path of the Winds portal leads to Temple Ruins (central part). -> Random daily portal to Pandoria: still leads to the Botanical Gardens. -> Five Horse Valley: leads to Crystal Peaks, like during the saving Anne storyline.
-> Races: each island has multiple races. There are simple cross country runs around landmarks. There are butterfly and wisp collection races, a catch Pandorian rays race (like the catch rabbits one), a garden race, etc.
-> Pandorian Quests: after exploring Pandoria to unlock the maps you can access all quests and dailies on every island and Jorvik. The daily quest that can appear on each island is when you are sent to cleanse sites of umbrasyan (Garnok’s) corruption. Quests by zones:
1. Jorvik: pink cracks and lost beasts. All kinds of pandorian creatures had appeared on Jorvik as the veil between worlds got torn in the confrontation with Garnok. MC and the Soul Riders are sent all over Jorvik to clear the Pandorian cracks, and capture and return beasts to Pandoria.
2. Temple Ruins: You help set up the magical defenses of the base in dailies like rune carving and rune ciphers. You investigate and locate sites of gathering corruption and dispel them. Ydris figures out a way to stop the Pandorian scars’ spread on Evergray and he joins the camp too.
3. Crystal Peaks: Zee oversees this island. Many Pandorian wild horses (magic horses, unicorns, etc) roam the plains and valleys here. The caves are where the druids and Ydris collect the most powerful magic crystals from. MC is sent to cleanse corrupted crystals and horses, to befriend the magic horses and also on fetch quests.
4. Rune Island: Rhiannon hangs out there with some druids who are interested in the magic of the circles. Here you meet Amryn, a Pandorian humanoid like Ydris. She had survived the destruction of Pandoria by living a nomad life (much like Evergray during his wanderings in the pink world). She came back because she felt a dark presence gather in these parts. Mc befriends her and she and Rhiannon teach MC some new magic. MC is taught how to use their star powers to heal sick horses, how to use visions to spy on the enemy, you use sun powers to dispel darkness and corruption and fight with lightning to destroy shadow seekers.
5. Botanical Gardens: there are both some druids and capran-like Pandorian cratures here. You unlock the Pandorian botany dailies: they send you to ride around in the gardens and find them 3 different types of plants each day.
-> At the end of the storyline with the Pandoria faction, Ydris discovers a Remnant of Garnok (a dark tentacle) that threatens to attack, corrupt and destroy what we had achieved so far. With the help of Ydris, Zee, Evergray, Rhiannon and Amryn, a plan is formed: to complete a ritual that dispels the Remnant forever. MC and the Soul Riders are sent to gather four rare materials across the islands on four consecutive days.
-> With Lisa, MC goes to the Botanical Gardens to find the Cyclamen Starflower. With Linda you explore Temple Ruins to find a special, ancient runestone, the Eclipse Cypher. With Anne, you go to Crystal Peaks to find the strongest Pandorian Crystal yet, the Aphelion Gemstone that glows light blue. With Alex, you go to Rune Island, carve a magic wand out of a nettletree branch and infuse it with lightning magic, creating the Fulminus Wand (Alex just calls it the Boomstick).
-> MC brings these four ingredients to the Temple Ruins, where you set up the ritual to dispel the Remnant. Ydris draws a complex magic circle combining star, moon, sun and lightning magics and stands in the middle conducting the ritual. The Soul Riders stand on the circle’s four point, paired with each of the other characters: Zee, Evergray, Rhiannon and Amryn. You start the ritual and the Remnant of Garnok attacks.
-> You have to use the powers you learned recently to stop the Remnant from stopping the ritual. The Remnant summons shadow seekers which you have to shoot with lightning to dispel. If it hits one of the characters with its shadow attacks, you use the star circle to heal them. You dispel spots of corruption from the ground using sun magic. For the moon ability check, the Remnant curses MC using a rune sealing all your other abilities until you dispel it. You get rid of the curse by finding the same rune around you, like the rune ciphers in Hollow Woods. You have to hold out for some minutes and once the progress bar completes, Ydris directs the power of the ritual to you and MC destroys the Remnant. The shadowy tentacle bursts into sparks of light and you are rid of it for good. You have fully restored Pandoria.
PART 2: The Violet Fog – Dark Rider Elise’s introduction questline
-> The forces of good couldn’t enjoy their victory for long. A suffocating violet mist covers the island. The lakes and rivers are frozen over, shadow seekers roam the night. An eerie atmosphere covers Jorvik. Before you start this questline a window will pop up asking if you are ready to start it, as the story will start a Jorvik-wide event and most NPCs will temporarily disappear. They come back once you have completed this questline. You click Yes, I’m ready. (This is a single event. Even though it is divided into four days, you don’t need to wait a day to do the next one, you just get a black screen and the game tells you a day passed.)
-> The screen goes black, „The first day” title appears and you hear a sound of magic being used. MC wakes up in their home stable. Your first quest is to do a round of stable care for the horse you are riding (doesn’t matter if you did it already, it is for the immersion). Next, you remember that Avalon wanted to meet you and you leave the stable. Outside it is dark, despite it being the morning and you are greeted by a thick, violet fog. The people are confused, but not yet panicking. The soundtrack has changed to playing the dark and mysterious ambiance anywhere you go.
-> You hear the magic sound again and a shockwave sweeps through Jorvik. Your horse rears and people panic and run to their houses. You ride to Avalon. He tells you that all of Jorvik is covered by the violet fog and that it blocks both magic and technology. This means no quick communications and the Valedale spiral leading to the Secret Stone circle is also blocked. The spymaster arrives in a panic, telling MC and Avalon that people have started to disappear. His critters told him that if they get lost in the fog they vanish. The Soul Riders get here as well and Avalon takes the lead.
-> Avalon tells MC and the Soul Riders that the druids prepared for something like this. He tells you to gather the people of Valedale who haven’t vanished yet and meet him at the door in the Hollow Woods. You do that and he opens the door. It leads to a bunker similar in design to Stonecutters’ Vault and Fripp’s study. Avalon tells you it is protected from magical attacks. The people hide inside and MC and the Soul Riders are tasked to go sort out the other bunkers. The plan is to split the bunkers among the Soul Riders, get the people to safety, and meet up the next day.
-> You ride together, leaving a Soul Rider at each bunker. First, you go to the Starshade Woods through Northlink. The Soul Riders remain at the door to open it as Avalon showed you, while MC rides around to gather people. Some you can find, and some have already vanished. You get the people into the bunker and Alex stays with them.
-> Next you go to Goldenhills, and try to find the people and Linda stays with them. After gathering people in Epona, Jorvik Stables, and Jarlaheim, Lisa stays to guard them in the Greendale bunker. You gather the remaining NPCs from Silverglade and Moorland and leave them with Anne in the Moorland bunker. Alone, you return to Avalon to the Hollow Woods bunker. The screen goes black as the day ends.
-> „The second day”. MC rides to Silverglade Village, where you agreed to meet. The Soul Riders made it as well. The cutscene shows a shadowy rider watching you from afar. You are in the middle of talking when you feel an eerie presence. Black lightning crashes down in the middle of the group and everyone freaks out. Shadow seekers appear and you have to flee. MC manages to lose their pursuers in Valedale. You talk to Avalon and he sends you to the other bunkers to check on the Soul Riders. You ride to Moorland to check if Anne has returned, but she hasn’t. You search for the Soul Riders all over Jorvik, riding to certain places indicated on the map. You cannot find anyone and return to the Hollow Woods bunker to sleep.
-> „The third day”. Avalon sends MC to check on the other bunkers. There is a snowstorm in Dino Valley. You find that Northlink is infested with shadow seekers and you cannot go through. Linda hadn’t returned to Goldenhills but the people needed supplies. You ride to Cape West and bring them some. The Greenwoods bunker is ok, but Lisa isn't here. You collect supplies from Jarlaheim for them. MC feels a dark presence following them, cutscenes sometimes show the silhouette of the dark rider, watching you from afar. Moorland is also ok, but Anne hasn’t returned either. When you ride in the fog, sometimes you can see aurora up high, a single wisp flying around, or lightning strikes and hear thunder in the distance.
-> MC rides back towards the Hollow Woods. In the forest, you walk into an ambush set by the mysterious dark rider. Dark lightning almost hits you, and MC flees out of the forest into Everwind fields. The fog thickens so much, that you can't see more than a meter ahead. The single wisp appears and you follow it. The wisp leads you out of the fields, to your bunker. You go to sleep.
-> „The fourth day”. You leave the bunker and the wisp is waiting for you there. the Moorland runestone. Moonlight illuminates the stone and MC touches it, and has a vision of one active runestone in Jorvik (one with five runes). You have to find it. The quest sends you to check some other 5-rune stones first and finally, you find it in behind the Jorvik Stables. You have a new vision there: it shows you riding to the Secret Stone Circle and using magic to dispel the mist.
-> The dark presence finally reveals itself. The fog gathers and a dark rider materializes. She is wearing the dark rider outfit in violet and rides a quick-looking dark horse with a blond, almost white mane and tail. She says „Greetings, worm. I am Elise Samassa, Dark Rider Nihili, and this is the strongest horse in Jorvik, Acheron. Now that we are acquainted, it is time for you to face oblivion, like your pathetic friends, chosen of Aideen.” MC attacks her, releasing a lightning bolt, but magic is so weak in the fog that she easily deflects it. You decide to flee and get to the Secret Stone Circle to dispel the fog. The longest race leading through the island commences.
-> You are chased through the island by the cloakrider, following the wisp, while the rider tries to stop you using magic. You escape Jorvik Stables, and run through Jarlaheim, Greenwoods, the bridge, Moorland, Everwind, Hollow Woods, and Valedale. You enter Dino Valley for the first time since the fog fell. The Icengate is blocked, so you ride to Ashland, down the Frostfire pass, through Coldstone forest, Sharshade Woods, and up Starshine Mountain. You jump the broken bridge.
-> Cutscene: MC stops their horse and watches how the dark rider does the same on the other side of the bridge. Like in Starshine Legacy 1, she can’t follow you into the circle. She removes her hood: the introduction of Elise, the 4th Dark Rider. She says „Enjoy this victory, because ultimately it means nothing. You might have won the battle, but the war has just begun. And you pathetic servants of Aideen better prepare, because I will bring down upon you hell itself. And so it begins!” She raises an arm and you hear the magic sound that summoned the fog for the third time. Thunder rumbles and it gets much darker, the fog thickens. You barely see enough to get to the center of the circle.
-> MC goes to the middle of the Circle and activates the runes, but doesn’t know what else to do. The wisp is still hovering next to you. You investigate the rune: it shows the other four Soul Riders and you call out for their help. The wisp hovers over to one side, moonlight and aurora appear and lightning strikes the last one. A faint glimmer appears in the middle as the darkness around you approaches. You use your rune stick at the glimmer. The four Soul Riders materialize around you and together you use your magic to disperse the fog. Cutscene: people rematerialize in cities and the one refugees leave the bunker. The Druids celebrate and you get rewards.
PART 3: Opening Springvalley
-> The next day you are called to the Circle again to talk to Fripp and the druids. Before the meeting could start, the Spymaster appears, telling you that druids from Springvalley arrived and need your help. He leads them in front of the council. They tell you that darkness attacked Springvalley, a dark rider wreaks havoc there, Nihili. Elise really didn’t waste any time. Her power summons umbrasyan corruption, her dark power infuses the land and she woke up the witches inhabiting the Morrinweals as well. It is chaos in the valley and the druids alone are not enough to fight her. They ask for your help. You agree to go, but Fripp warns you that you have to improve the defenses of Harvestlands and Winterdale first. The two druids wait in the Circle until you complete the Runestone Upgrade Questline.
-> Runestone upgrade questline: MC gets a message, that Fripp wants to meet you in the Secret Stone Circle. He tells you that you all have to prepare for the war to come, and Elise will be a tough enemy. The druids have to bolster their defenses the best they can, and the first step is to strengthen the Circle. The runestones around the circle only had ceremonial purposes (meaning they had some power, but they were mostly just pretty), but now you have to make them into proper magic runes, that will protect the place. You are sent to go talk to Ydris about how to use the Pandorian language as a magic weapon.
-> Linda comes with you. MC and Linda meet Ydris in Pandoria, and he sends you all over the pink world to look at the runestones there. He made those to protect the islands. Linda remains in Temple Ruins to study his books. You get a new page in your notebook labeled Pandorian language and have to collect the drawings on all of the runestones in Pandoria. When you are done collecting the inscriptions on one island, you go to Ydris, who tells you the meaning (plus Linda tells you the Pandorian phonetic pronunciation if you are interested). Once you collected all of the runestones and meanings, you unlock the last page, which is the Pandorian runic and phonetic alphabet and dictionary.
-> MC and Linda return to the Secret Stone Circle, where Fripp, the druids, and other Soul Riders are already waiting for them. They talk about which runes should be used where. MC has to choose the correct runes to be carved in the 10 stones of the circle.
-> The druids decide to remake the runestones with the help of Conrad. MC is tasked to meet him, offer the job, and bring Conrad to the Circle. He will work on the project for 10 day (a day for each of the stones). You have to complete the quest he gives you each day for him to finish a stone. Those will be simple fetching quests: he needs a special carving tool from Stonecutter’s Vault, needs you to check out a stone in Pandoria again to make sure the shape of the rune is correct, wants a dessert from Aideen’s plaza, etc. You get the stuff he wants and he will get to work. The next day he is done and your first quest is to use your magic to activate the runestone he made. After that you get the usual fetch quest, get him his stuff, he gets to work, the next day you activate the runestone, and so on.
-> While this is happening, the rune recarving side quests become available. MC will be going around Jorvik, looking for all the old, not working runestones. You need to carve them into one of the Pandorian words you learned. For each quest, you grab the carving tools and find the runestone. Once you click it, it will give you a choice IN PANDORIAN about what you want to carve. Using your notebook you have to choose the correct thing to carve- For example, it will give you the runic options for “leaf”, “blue”, “defense” and “laughter”. If you choose the wrong one, you get a funny punishment: if you choose blue, the stone turns blue, if you choose leaf, a bush grows around the stone, and if you choose laughter, MC will keep laughing. You have to choose defense (after you figured out the correct rune combination). You replace every runestone in Jorvik this way with a useful inscription, which keeps evil forces away from the area, so the violet fog incident will not be repeated.
-> After 10 days, Conrad is done. When you return to the Circle, you activate the last runestone and the whole circle flares up with magic. Astral Crown awakens truly (Fripp was only able to wake her power before, not her consciousness), and thanks you for waking her by giving her enough power and helping her protect the Circle.
-> Now that Harvestlands and Winterdale are sufficiently protected, MC and the Soul Riders are ready to depart for Springvalley. The two druids are Sienna Springleaf, the leader of the Everspring druid village, and her horse Solaria, a palomino, and Lorelei Moordusk, the leader of the Thistlebranch druid village, and her horse the black Shadowsong. They arrived by taking the Seaside Road from Bayridge to Anvil Woods, barely managing to sneak past the Dark Core Barricade. Initially, we plan to enter Springvalley that way. Anne is excited to be back home at her family’s manor.
-> MC, the Soul Riders, Sienna, and Lorelei ride to the Seaside Gate. The two druids have the key and they open it. Linda casts a magical shield around the group that makes you invisible and you ride slowly and stealthily, trying to remain hidden. It seems like you can pass the Barricade unseen, when a cutscene triggers. Katja and Elise are standing on top of a lookout tower of the DC Barricade. Katja uses her scrying powers to detect Linda, she says „Got you, little Soul Rider. Elise, now!” She casts black lightning towards the mountain. The scene cuts back to your group, right when Alex spots draconium barrels hidden up the mountain, among the rocks. She shouts „Watch out!” and the black lightning hits the barrels, bringing down the whole mountainside. Your group has to turn around and flee the rockfall. The road in now blocked by huge rocks, you can’t enter Springvalley that way. Now your only option is the Wolf-pass, which is not used for a reason. In the final cutscene, Elise looks over the destruction satisfied, and says „Bye-bye Soul Riders. I hope you like the present I left for you in the mountain pass”.
-> You meet up with the team in the Rimefang Woods, near the mouth of the Wolf Pass. You ride through carefully, your Kallter wolf coming with you. The pass is similar to the gorge of Aideen you go through in the Light Ride quest. Everything seems fine, but is is eerily quiet and you have a bad feeling about it. Anne spots a patch of corruption and the familiar violet fog starts to seep into the canyon. You hear wolf howls and the Kallter wolf growls. Dire wolves appear high on the canyon walls and in front of you, blocking the path. Their eyes glow with Garnok’s dark blue corruption. Anne steps forward, saying „Enough is enough. No Dark Rider will keep me from my home!” She starts to channel sunlight. Lisa says „Quick, MC, we have to help!”. You join the spell. The wolves attack, running toward the team, horses freak out. Right before they reach you the spell completes, and an explosion of light burns away the corruption from the canyon and the wolves. They are dazed, your Kallter wolf walks up to them, and they sniff and greet each other. They leave and let you pass. The team crosses the Winter Mountains and arrives in Rockville. You get your 100 SC for finishing a phase.
PHASE 8- Jessica and Elise
PART 1: The Jet Syndicate and Von Blyssens
-> For now, you quickly ride through Rockville and get to the windmill in the middle of Seabreeze Meadows where you were to meet the druids. Lorelei leaves halfway, she has to go back to Thistlebranch Village and invites you to come and help, once you are done with Everspring. Sienna leads the team to the windmill, but no one else is there. We find signs of a recent attack by Elise and follow the hoofprints of the fleeing druids towards Everspring Plateau. We race to the Cliffside Mountains and spot the fleeing druids. Cutscene: they are chased by shadow seekers, black lightning strikes, and corrupted vines. Sienna gets ahead of the Soul Riders, trying to help her people. She runs into the pass after them, leading to Everspring Plateau. Before MC or the Soul Riders could follow her, the corrupted vines close the pass. You stop your horses and see Elise and Jessica standing on a ridge above you, laughing. They dissipate into dark smoke and fly away. 
-> You have to cleanse the corruption of the battlefield here. By the time you are done, the Cliffside rangers appear to ask what the hell was that. You try to explain and they kind of buy it as there are no more signs of corruption, just the battlefield. You say it was a lightning strike and they accept it saying that there was some weird weather recently in Springvalley so why not.  MC and the Soul Riders ride back to Rockville.
-> Jordan Jet greets you in Rockville, saying she has heard that you are an excellent rider, and invites you to take part in the dressage and other competitions of Springvalley. She tells you of the two main equestrian factions here: her Jet Syndicate ruling Rockville, Bayridge, and Beauvista, and the Von Blyssen riders of the manor. She recognizes Anne and tells you that she’s not going to keep you anymore, as you would probably want to go with your friend to the Von Blyssen manor, but you are welcome to come back anytime to ride in her syndicate.
-> Introduction to the Von Blyssen Manor: The team follows Anne to the Von Blyssen Manor. It is managed by Eva Von Blyssen, Anne’s mother, who used to be a soul rider. You explore the manor and unlock dressage training and reputation dailies. You see the trails in the woods, the riding arenas, and the stables of the manor. You can’t yet cross the river as the bridge to Suncrown Island with the conspicuous golden tree is blocked by a closed gate. At this point, the dressage in SSO receives a huge upgrade, dressage becomes available at the Baroness', Pine Hill and Shoreline Riding Arenas and a Dressage Championship opens.
-> Exploring Springvalley: You are sent to check out the Shoreline Equestrian, where the great dressage competitions of Springvalley are held. It is solely a competition center, designed similarly to the Baroness’ racetrack. The main dressage arena is the upgraded version of the one where you do dressage at the end of the Spring Riders game. Here you meet some nice Jet Syndicate riders. They have a rivalry with the Von Blyssen riders, and both factions would like to win the Great Dressage Trophy. Both factions are very sportsmanlike, whichever loses, they don’t get bitter, congratulate the winner, and are happy that they took part even if just for the experience. Since Anne’s been gone, the trophy was won by the Jet Syndicate’s best rider, Jasmine, Jordan’s niece. Anne vows to win it back with Concorde.
-> Next MC goes alone to explore the Jet Syndicate villages. You meet the people of the villages and the crew of the stables, explore the places, and unlock local quests. You also unlock the Rockville, Bayridge, and Beauvista Championships (normal, cross-country ones, the only dressage championship is at Shoreline). You meet the rangers of Cliffside and Highmarsh station. Cliffside Station is north of Beauvista, in the red pine forest (from the Spring Riders game) and their leader is Jace Morrin. They oversee north of the Seabreeze Meadows and the Cliffside Mountains. The Highmarsh Station oversees south Seabreeze and they are led by Alys Morrin, sister to Jace. They are the descendants of the ancient Morrin family, that ruled over the Morrin Meadows since Jon Jarl’s age. You still cannot enter either Everspring Plateau to the west or Morrin Meadows to the east (both the pass and the bridge are blocked by corrupted vines).
-> Unlocking the Von Blyssen gardens: They are located on the side of the manor facing the river and on the little island in Suncrown river. In style, they are similar to the Silverglade Manor’s gardens. MC meets Anne’s mom in Silverglade Manor. She tells you that she has recently met the Baroness and she likes what the gardeners did there in the garden. She sends you to invite them to fix the Von Blyssen Manor’s gardens as well and train her new gardeners. You meet them and they say that they need a day to prepare and pack up their equipment. The next day you have to give one of them a lift on horseback to the Von Blyssen gardens, while the other takes the car with the driver, the Baroness, and Anne’s mom. There they (and MC of course) start to clean the gardens and train the new Von Blyssen gardeners. They are the siblings Amara and Andreas (Amy and Andy). You help them fix the gardens, and the siblings become the groundskeepers of the Von Blyssen gardens.
-> Jessica appears: It is time for the big competition in Shoreline between the Von Blyssen Manor and the Jet Syndicate. You compete in the place of Anne for the Von Blyssens because Concorde is still too inexperienced to take part. MC is tasked to win the grand trophy. You go through three rounds of dressage tests. They are moderate level tests and you need your starter or another dressage horse for this. MC almost wins, but the last rider is Jessica and she and Erebos absolutely destroy you. MC and Anne witness the victory ceremony as the Great Dressage Trophy is won by the Jet Syndicate and given to Jessica Jet. Even the other Syndicate riders are not happy about this and Jordan Jet is shocked. While Jess passes her, she says: „Well, mother? Aren’t you proud of me? I’ve defeated the Von Blyssen bastards for you!” She rides away with the trophy laughing.
-> MC and the Soul Riders speak to Jordan in her house in Rockville. The trophy is ominously sitting in the Great Hall there. Jordan tells you she had a daughter who disappeared long ago and she didn’t know Jess was back, even that she was alive and what she has become. She just dropped the trophy here and left again without a word, destroying the good friendship between the Jet Syndicate and the Von Blyssens. Lisa says this smells like Elise’s plan. Jordan asks you to try and repair the relationship between them and the Von Blyssen riders.
-> Anne’s comeback: She is the only one good enough in dressage to beat Jesica. She plans to train and get Concorde good enough to win the trophy back. Jess is going to compete again in the next grand dressage competition against Anne. Even though both the Von Blyssens and Jordan know what she’s become, they can’t stop her from taking part in it. She has been training with her dark horse Erebos for a long time, and Anne is having a hard time. Corcorde is still young and magically aged up, she still has a lot to learn is dressage. Anne has also just gotten her back and is afraid, that Jessica will hurt Concorde to win if they manage to be better, than Jess.
-> Helping Anne’s training: Concorde’s dressage knowledge appears as a reputation bar and you have to complete it for Anne to have a chance against Jess at Shoreline. The daily you get changes every day: one day you complete a dressage course, while Concorde and Anne watch, the next you go on a trail ride race with them, etc.
-> The Competition: Once you max the bar, the day of the competition comes. You meet up in Shoreline Equestrian. The first day Anne and Concorde arrive and settle in the stables. You are tasked to help Concorde get comfortable: bring her food, give her a bath, etc. Jess and Elise are also there, and you have to make sure they don’t get to sabotage Anne (for example they switched the good apples for Concorde for rotten ones, made the horse shampoo disappear, made the water dirty, hid Anne’s stuff all over the place, etc.) The second day the actual competition happens. They stopped making mischief, but are now using evil magic and runes to sabotage Anne. This time Jessica rides first. While Anne is riding her round you „fight” against Elise and Jess: they will run around drawing dark runes, that harm Anne and Concorde, you have to follow her unseen and dispel them. You succeed and Anne wins back the trophy, which Jordan is happy to hand over to her. Jess and Elise angrily ride away, promising this is not over.
PART 2: West- Everspring Valley
-> Next up is opening Everspring Plateau. Jace Morrin, the leader of the Cliffside Rangers sends you a message that they have an injured druid who came from the west. You ride to the station and find Linda and Lisa already there, trying to heal him. MC is sent to gather some herbs, and you manage to heal him enough that he wakes up. The druid tells you Elise attacked Everspring Village and completely closed off the plateau with her dark magic. You have to find a way to go there and help. Lisa says you should take a boat and the druid tells you that the plateau has a port: Shark Point. MC agrees to meet the Soul Riders in Shoreline Fishing Village the next day (dayblocker).
-> The next day when you ride to the shore, you get a cutscene of Elise summoning a dark storm over the bay. You see the black clouds, thunder and lightning strike every minute, wild winds blowing the trees on the shore. You meet the Soul Riders at the village. Linda suggests that MC and Alex try to dispel the storm, but your magic can’t affect it. You are tasked to ride around in the fishing village and try to find a captain who will take you to Shark Point through the storm. You ask every captain, but they are not willing to sail out with five horses in a storm. You are about to give up and look for another way when one approaches you. The old man says he overheard you and asks if the storm is some kind of witchcraft. He’s seen weird stuff in Jorvik and wouldn’t be surprised. He takes pride in being the only one who is brave and skilled enough to sail through storms and says his ship is the only one that could stand a storm like this. You get the horses on board and sail out.
-> Cutscene of the ship sailing through the storm. The team lands in Shark Point and they ride up a winding path to the Everspring Plateau. It is similar to South Hoof, as it is a relatively flat, elevated area, but it is covered sparsely by an oak forest and blossoming bushes, the Monarch Woods, and framed by hills and mountains. Usually, the woods are full of colorful butterflies. A small river originates from Pegasus Spring and creates the Butterfly Lake, and the druid village is in the middle of the lake. Right now, however, the whole plateau is covered in the strange violet mist Elise used before. As the team rides through it, shadow seekers start to chase you. You race through the unfamiliar woods and get separated. MC alone arrives in the druid village as the race ends. You realize that the Soul Riders were once again claimed by the violet fog.  
-> Everspring village and the druids were not claimed by the fog. There is a shield made of light around the village that keeps the dark out. The power to keep them safe comes from a Spark of Aideen that the druids are protecting. It is a magical spark of light contained in a polished light pink gemstone. Sienna Springleaf welcomes you and she tells you that Elise wants the Spark and she made the fog trying to steal it. MC tells her they know how to dispel the fog but they need the Soul Riders back. Sienna stays in the village to help protect it, you ride out in the fog alone. The butterflies are momentarily gone from the forest, shadow seekers patrol in their place. You find the wisp (Lisa) in the northern forest, the moonlight (Linda) in the southern part of the Monarch Woods. You ride up to the Pegasus Spring to find the aurora (Anne). The place has a rearing statue of a pegasus where the water erupts from the mountain. The lightning strike (Alex) is at the highest peak of Everspring, which is in the hills above Shark Point. You use your her magic to dispel each one and the two race back to the village. Once all five of you are there, you use your magic and the Spark of Aideen to dispel the violet fog. Cutscene: Elise and Jessica appear (in dark rider uniform) in the woods and send the shadow seekers against the shield. The Soul Riders and MC manage to dispel the fog before the creatures reach the shield. The magical explosion of light burns away the shadows. Acheron and Erebos rear up and the dark riders gallop away. The woods become bright again and the butterflies return.
-> Now you are free to explore the Everspring Plateau. They send you to cleanse the Garnok effect that grips the vines blocking the pass leading from Seabreeze to Everspring. You clear the path, return to the village, and unlock the reputation dailies for the Everspring druids. You get two races here: the Pegasus race and the Butterfly race. You meet the Life Warden tree of the plateau: Everbloom Elm, who gives you several random flowers each day if you say hi to her. The Everspring plateau is a lightwood: you have an additional Motherstone here and you can collect light, similar to the Hollow Woods and Starshade Woods. At the north edge of the plains, you discover the broken Suncrown bridge that will lead to Summerplains in the future. To keep Elise from summoning the violet fog again, you recarve the protective runestones of Springvalley as you did in Harvestlands and Winterdale.
PART 3: The Sun Queen
-> The Von Blyssen gardeners, Amy and Andy call you to come immediately. They say they need you because you know a lot about the „weird stuff” of Jorvik. They show you signs of weird corruption spreading in the garden. This time it doesn’t look Pandorian or Umbrasyan, it is the vala’s magic. You trace the corruption to the gate leading to Suncrown Island where the golden crowned tree is. Anne arrives to help you. She has the key to that gate and opens it for you. The gardeners tell you the same corruption attacked the Von Blyssen vineyard and the whole eastern valley, that is why the gates were closed.
-> You inspect the tree and realize that it is a Life Warden, currently being suffocated by the dark magic of the vala witches. It was attacked by corruption coming from the cursed forest in the northeast. Anne’s mom arrives and tells you that the golden three is called the Sun Queen. She protects the Von Blyssen Manor and makes the plants grow extraordinarily well, so they must save the tree. She asks you to find a way to cleanse the corruption and save the Sun Queen.
-> MC goes to ask Fripp and find out if there is a way to save the tree. Historically, Life Wardens who fell to the darkness were cut down, but Anne’s mom wants you to save it since it makes the manor, gardens, and vineyards bloom with life. Fripp directs you to the Everspring druids as they are the best in plant magic. Sienna tell you about the ritual that could be used to save the Sun Queen. Unfortunately, the specifics of the ritual were lost centuries ago. Luckily, she knows which tree was saved by the ritual: the Silent Poplar, on top of Firgrove Mountain. MC and Sienna meet there and talk to the tree to find out how the ritual was done. Poplar tells you that the last time it took all four Soul Riders, the chosen of Aideen and a powerful magic source to save him.
-> Fortunately, the Everspring druids have the Spark of Aideen that can be used to save the Sun Queen. But Sienna is reluctant to give it to you as it would leave the village vulnerable and it can get stolen by the dark riders. As MC and Sienna argue, Everbloom Elm shakes off petals and enters the conversation. She tells Sienna to help save her sister and while the spark is gone, she will guard the village. Sienna agrees, but she is holding on to the gem containing the spark and she also brings many druids as escorts and wants all four Soul Riders to come as well.
-> Race to the manor: from Everspring Village to Von Blyssen Manor, the whole group rides together to keep the Dark Riders from getting their hands on the gem. Sienna was right to worry as halfway there, in the Seabreeze meadows all four Dark Riders ambush you. The Soul Riders and druids stay there to hold them off. MC and Sienna ride on and she gives you the gem to get to the Sun Queen at all costs. You continue to race towards the manor. Cutscene: the Soul Riders and druids are successfully keeping the four Dark Riders from chasing you. Anne manages to hit Elise with a beam of light, which reveals that she is just an illusion. Katja laughs and mocks the Soul Riders and the real Elise is catching up to MC.
-> You complete the race and almost reach the gate of the Von Blyssen Manor. Cutscene after you cross the finish line before the manor: Anne’s mom covered the walls in protective runes, so Elise couldn’t come in. She decides if she can’t have the spark then no one shall: she shoots dark energy at you to destroy it and you. Sienna jumps in front of the spell to protect you and is crystallized, just like Elisabeth was (but as a figure on a rearing horse). You reach the manor and Elise is kept outside by the runes. She retreats.  
-> The Soul Riders arrive, as the other Dark Riders also retreat with Elise. The Sun Queen is in a really rough shape, she barely has any light in her leaves anymore and they are drying and falling down. The five of you perform the cleansing ritual on the Life Warden tree. For a second, it looks like it failed, but then the light gets stronger and burns away the vala corruption. The tree is cleansed and she thanks you for saving her from the suffocating darkness. She tells you that the source of this darkness is the great castle up in the mountains in the cursed forest. She will now use her powers to cleanse the land around her from this darkness. In an explosion of brilliant light, the gardens are cleansed as well as most of the vineyard, and the spell that turned Sienna into crystal is broken.
-> MC returns the spark of Aideen’s magic to the Everspring druids. After that, you go back to the Von Blyssen gardens, where you meet Anne’s mom under the tree. She agrees to open the gate to the vineyard and sends you to help out there. She opens the other gate for you leading to the eastern part of Springvalley. MC goes over the bridge to the other side of the Suncrown River and into the vineyards. You have unlocked the Cursed Forest Area and you get your 100 SC as it is the end of a Phase.
PHASE 9- The Vala and Morrinweald
PART 1: East- The Cursed Forest
-> First you are sent to help the Von Blyssen vineyard. MC and Anne help cleanse it from the grasping vala vines, corrupted thornbushes, and other aggressive flora. You and Anne clear out the whole vineyard, get the grapes growing and wine production started again. You unlock the vineyard race. Anne opens the other vineyard gate for you, leading to the Morrin Meadows and you can leave the vineyard.
-> You can explore the rest of the eastern valley now and meet the druids and rangers trying to keep the corruption in the forest. First, you meet the Morrinweald station rangers. This station is led by Saoirse (seer-sha) Morrin, Jace and Alys’ mother. Saoirse knows about magic stuff happening and her rangers are close with the druids. MC tells her that they are here to cleanse the corruption. For this, Saoirse is willing to unlock the gate on the bridge below the Old Morass – the way to Highmarsh station.
-> She also tells you of the druids in the forest in Thistlebranch Village, led by Lorelei Moordusk. Unfortunately, the druids’ village is deep in the forest, and it is dangerous to go in there alone as the wildlife in the forest tend to attack you. Saoirse tells MC about the vala witches of Caer Cailleach and warns you to not go near their castle unless absolutely necessary. She suspects, that their dark magic did something to the druids as no one hasheard about them for weeks. Saoirse wants to go check on them. MC is invited on the mission to go into Morrinweald, to Thistlebranch village and see if the druids are okay.
-> Slowly and sneakily the group goes through the dark forest, avoiding all signs of the Vala. You arrive in the village and find that everyone is okay, but the whole place is asleep. A strange pollen cloud covers the village, coming from exotic looking, vibrant flowers. Before you too fall asleep, you have to ride through the village and stomp all the flowers with your horse. The village wakes up. Lorelei welcomes you with a better late than never.
-> You are introduced to the village and the forest. You unlock the dailies to help them and a race, where you run over the sleepy flowers. You help cut back the vala vines trying to cover the village. In the last quest, Lorelei thanks you for the help in front of the whole village, when Sive, matron of the Vala Witches appears. She says „This is our forest. You are not welcome here! Leave, or face the consequences!”. Then she recognizes you, but she is strange, different. You know Sive from Devil’s Gap and try to reason with her. She says that she has to do this to keep the balance and keep her sisters safe. She leaves. Mc realizes that the Vala witches are not simply causing the corruption to spread, they are victims to it as well.
PART 2: Enemy of my enemy
-> The Soul Riders suggest that we should try negotiating with Sive. The first step is to go to Moorland and Goldenhills to invite Mrs Holdsworth and Pi to help us against the bad witches. MC and the Soul Riders meet with Mrs H and Pi in Thistlebranch village and ride towards the castle. On the way, Elise and Jess ambush us, but the Vala also attack. The witches try to kill both the good and bad guys, we have to work together to escape the forest. Race in the forest, jumping over vines and dodging rabid animals to escape.
-> Jessica tells us that this corruption is not their work. They also want to get to Caer Cailleach. Since our goals align, the good guys agree on a truce with the Dark Riders. Our goal is to try and find a way to cleanse the forest, and stop the corruption from spreading. The gods only know what the DRs are planning to do in the witches’ castle. Jessica tells us about a hidden path leading up to the castle  starting where the Claymore fence and the Aurora Mountains meet.
-> We fight off the corruption together. MC, Anne, Elise and Jessica work together to clear and cleanse our way to Caer Cailleach. Each day, we clear another part of the path leading there. After 5 days, we finally reach the castle, but the gates are closed and Valas are patrolling all over the walls. The next quests are stealth missions to explore the castle, like when we were sneaking through the DC platform. MC discovers the source of the darkness: a corrupted Life Warden tree, the Twilight Oak. In a cutscene, we witness Sive performing a ritual, where all the witches draw power from the tree.
PART 3: Helping the Vala
-> The next 3 days we work with Mrs Holdsworth and go to the Fort Maria library to learn more about the castle, the witches, and how to defeat them. On the fourth day, we meet with Elise and Jess in front of the gates, hiding from the Vala guards. The Dar Riders want to convince us that the witches cannot be saved anymore, they have a plan to exterminate the Vala. We don’t trust them anymore. MC has been learning about the history of the witches and realizes they were originally corrupted by Garnok. Now that they are uncontrollable and inconvenient to the Dark Riders they just want to get rid of them. We want to help the Vala and cleanse the Twilight Oak. The plan is to perform the ritual we used to cleanse the Sun Queen. We must get to Caer Cailleach and use it on the sacred source of the Vala’s power, the Twilight Oak. We hope that it is enough to free the witches from the festering corruption.
-> We borrow the Spark of Aideen from Everspring Village once again. However, the spark is too detectable, especially in the dark forest, so we have to enchant it first with a magical camouflage spell. Pi can do it if we collect some ingredients for her (she sends us all over Jorvik and asks for very weird stuff. She gets it done and we set off on our mission.
-> The final conflict: MC and the Soul Riders meet up under the castle. MC helps all four of them sneak into the throne room, where Twilight Oak is. You spot Elise and Jess nearby, they also picked this day to come and destroy the tree and the Vala. They bring the gates down with their Shadow and Darkness powers combined and incapacitate the witches, putting them into stasis with shadow magic. MC, Anne, and Alex run down to the courtyard to fight them. Tin-can, Concorde and MC’s horse run in, we mount up. Linda and Lisa start the cleansing ritual.
-> In the meantime, a small boss fight commences- MC against Jessica. Jess surrounds them with a shield and summons a dozen shadow seekers that circle around them, while Elise casts a spell to gain control over the corruption affecting the tree. We have to dispel the shadow seekers and Jess’ shield to stop Elise from finishing the spell. We succeed and race them through the castle to the throne room. Stalemate, as neither the DRs or SRs are willing to give up their position, attacking or guarding the tree. We can’t do the ritual and hold off the Dark Riders at the same time.
-> Mrs Holdsworth and Pi arrive, flying to the castle using flying brooms. They cast a shield and hold off Elise and Jess while we perform the ritual and cleanse the Vala and the tree. The magic wave that happens then dispels the shield. Elise is about to kill Pi and Holdsworth, but Sive saves them, and uses her magic to teleport them away from the castle. Cutscene: they fall into the ocean with the island in sight and start to swim back. à We talk with Sive. She thanks us for saving her people and her forest from the corruption. You unlock the Vala reputation quests: cleaning up the castle, cleansing the forest and the animals, races. Once you are at max reputation, Sive gives you the quest to look for a legendary horse of the forest. This is the 3rd free magic horse grind: you are tasked to go into the Morrinweald to look for the horse, find hoofprints, find their favorite places, gather special grasses they eat, etc. Once you complete the rep, you get a free horse: Nightshade, the Vala magic horse. You get 100 SC for finishing the phase.
SSO Rewritten 1st Part: Winterdale https://www.tumblr.com/starshinedragon/736955792328146944/sso-winterdale-fan-written-main-storyline?source=share
SSO Rewritten 3rd Part: Summerplains https://www.tumblr.com/starshinedragon/726343248992419840/sso-rewritten-full-story-series-summerplains?source=share
16 notes · View notes
All I Ever Needed
Pairing: Joel Miller x female reader (Just Too Good To Be Gone pairing)
Word count: 12,330
Rating: NSFW / E. You’ve been warned.  
Warnings: Spoilers for the end of TLOU / TLOU season 1 - and the timeline that follows before the 2nd game. 
Summary: While on patrol and looking for the source of a distress call received by Jackson, you and Joel take a much needed detour. 
Author’s Note: Six and a half months later, and here we are with a Joel story that I’ve been picking away at the entire time. Sorry I stepped away for so long but now that this is done ... all bets are off.
This takes place just before TLOU 2′s timeline begins, and if you’re familiar with that, you’ll understand the significance of something mentioned in this story. 
This was directly influenced by conversations I had with @stealyourblorbos​, who encouraged me by providing some of the most *appealing* Joel visuals... so I hope you enjoy it, Jules. 
Fun fact: the location mentioned in this chapter actually exists, but the way it looks today is much different than it was in 2013 - see the link on the masterlist for more info! 
To get alerted when I post new chapters/stories, follow @somethingtofightfor-shares and turn on post notifications - you can also ask to be added to my tag list (link in bio or at the top of my taglist reblog)
Just Too Good To Be Gone Masterlist
Song Suggestion: “Enjoy The Silence” by Depeche Mode
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“We should find somewhere to spend the night.” 
Looking to your left, you watched as he eyed the road in front of you, his horse’s reins held tightly between his gloved fingers. As always, Joel was entirely focused on what he was doing, the man on alert despite the fact that his posture was loose and you hadn’t seen anything out of the ordinary in hours. Not hours, days. 
“There are some houses at the 89/191 split, but a lot of ‘em are on the other side of the river, and I’m not sure we can cross.” 
He turned his head to look at you, the man’s eyes sliding over your face and then down before they rose once more. “We just need a roof and some dry wood to build a fire. We’ll find something.” You knew that he was right - that even if it was little more than the hollowed out husk of a gas station or one of the small houses, you and Joel would make do together - because you always did. “That leaves what, ten miles to get back tomorrow?” 
“A little under fifteen, actually.” Shivering at a sudden gust of wind, you nodded. “There should be a place for the horses there, too, just to keep them from being in the open.” He nodded once, in reply, a knit hat pulled down low over his ears. With a quiet click of your tongue, you eased your horse to a slightly faster gait, Joel following suit as he caught up. 
You were out on a long patrol, but that was nothing new for either of you. Tommy and Maria felt comfortable sending you further south than anyone usually went - Jackson to Bondurant, the two of you searching for the source of a call for help that had come in over the radio a few days earlier. 
You’d found nothing, despite a thorough search of the area. After a day of exploration, you decided to head back, armed with the knowledge that even though you hadn’t found anyone, all of the bridges and roads you’d traveled were still intact, even after the brutal winter you’d experienced. 
It was still cold - the thick blanket of snow on the ground just beginning to melt in places, ice in patches making it important to carefully lead the horses each steep of the way. But the company was good, and you weren’t about to complain. 
Especially when Joel broke the silence of the ride with quiet humming and occasionally sang a few verses from the songs, too. Especially since you knew that when you did stop for the night, you’d have the warmth of him to lean into until morning, the two of you trading off shifts of wakefulness and sleep until it was time to head back to Jackson. 
It had been four days on the road together. Even though being near him in the quiet of Wyoming’s rolling hills and valleys with the Tetons as your backdrop wasn’t much different than being with him in Jackson, you liked it. 
You liked the quiet and calm. You liked the solitude. You liked the fact that it was just you and Joel, and that while he could have had anyone else go with him on the patrol, he’d asked for you.
It wasn’t a surprise, but it still made you feel good about yourself - about the fact that he considered you an asset to the assignment, that he trusted you to take care of yourself and him if necessary. 
And you knew that there was more to it, too. You knew that if you had found the people that you’d picked up the call from, he’d wanted a face friendlier than his to be present - someone that would inspire trust and decrease concern in strangers in a way that even after a few years in Jackson, Joel couldn’t. 
But the point was moot because you’d found nothing. Even though the two of you had been wary of the distress call being a trap, it didn’t seem like it had been. You hoped that whoever had called had found safety, and that they were alright - that you wouldn’t be finding bodies during further patrols after the spring thaw. They probably aren’t, you admitted to yourself as you passed a sign for Hoback Junction, the tiny town coming into view on your left. 
Neither of you spoke as you bypassed the first section of it, Joel raising one arm and pointing to your right and the remains of a gas station and market. You’d stopped there a few times in the years before you’d known Joel, and it didn’t look any worse than it had then, aside from the increasingly weathered appearance of long abandoned vehicles. 
A few minutes later, Joel dismounted, telling you to stay on your horse, his voice quiet enough that you barely heard it. He handed over the reins and reached for the gun he kept tucked into his waistband, but you weren’t worried. Maybe we can sleep upstairs. 
You eyed the building as he advanced toward it. He kept the gun held loosely in one hand, his steps careful and measured. The market had been on the bottom level, and though the contents were long since gone and cleared out, there were a few rooms upstairs that had proven useful in the past when it came to staying there overnight out of necessity.
They offered little more than a bed and a roof, but the heat from the two of you and your sleeping bags would keep you much warmer than being outside would, even if a fire wasn’t possible. And we wouldn’t have to keep watch because we could just drag the mattress against the door.
The twinge of unease you felt as you watched Joel’s broad shoulders disappear through the main doors turned into a quiet anxiety for the long moments he was gone. The feeling buzzed in your chest and gave you the urge to reach for your gun, too. But when he reappeared a few minutes later, his weapon lowered, you knew that you could finally relax. “All clear.” 
He rolled his shoulders out as he headed back for you, pointing over his shoulder with one thumb. “Looks like someone already tied up horses in there at some point, because there’s a good place for it. We can walk over an’ get some water from the river before feedin’ ‘em.” 
“OK.” Nodding, you gestured toward the building with your chin. “Anyone been in there recently? Maybe those people that -”
“Nope.” He stuck a hand on his hip, shaking his head. “Everything was dry and closed up. Took the stairs and checked on the second floor, too. Nothin’. If they were here, the cleaned up real good after themselves.” He paused and then frowned. “You’re shivering.” 
“It’s barely spring, Joel. Wasn’t so bad when we were moving, but now…” You shivered again, wrinkling your nose. “Come on. We should get these horses stowed while we’ve still got light.” 
And so you did, Joel taking his reins back and leading his horse ahead of yours and through the doors, the two of you working in silence to get them situated before Joel spun in a slow circle, chewing on his lip.
“I’m gonna go get that water. Looks like there’s a place by the window to make a fire, we can open it a little to let the smoke out. Saw a woodpile out back, if you wanna use it.” Telling him that you would, you waited until he’d left the room again to move, feet carrying you out through the back door and to the wood he’d mentioned. 
You chose the driest pieces you could find and carried them inside, setting them in the location he’d pointed out. By the time he got back, you had a fire ready to go, kindling stacked and arranged in a way you hoped would quickly catch. 
Joel stepped next to you and then crouched down, hands hanging between his bent knees as he stared at your construction. But for long moments, he didn’t say anything. “Joel?” I know what that look means. Turning your head toward him, you narrowed your eyes. “What did I do wrong?” 
“Can I show you somethin’?” He met your eyes, a genuine kindness in them that he didn’t often expose to others. “Just one little -”
“Yeah.” Your lips twitched as you fought back a smile. “Of course.” He nodded once, drawing your attention with the extension of one finger. 
“You didn’t leave enough space for air flow at the bottom. Somea these tiny little pieces? The twigs? If you stick ‘em between the other ones, and point ‘em to the middle, you open it up more. Give the flame a chance to breathe.” He repositioned the wood as he spoke, the man’s fingers nimbly working to build up the bottom layers. 
You liked watching him do things, liked watching him show you what he knew, and though the gesture would probably have annoyed you coming from anyone else, from Joel it didn’t. Because he’s not making the point he can do it better. He’s making sure I know what to do next time. “There was a cushion back behind the counter. It looked like there was some cotton inside.” Jerking your head to the right, you sighed. “I probably should have grabbed some of that for -”
“Hey.” He turned his head to look at you before shaking it back and forth. “We would have been able to light what you built, no problem. I just -”
“I know.” You reached out, squeezing his bicep through the thick jacket he wore. “And I appreciate that, Joel. Thank you for showing me.” He watched as you stood up, slowly reaching for you before his hand wrapped around your calf - just above the top of the boot you wore. Then, he squeezed, the man giving you a single nod before letting go. “Let me see if that cotton’s going to help.” 
He stayed quiet when you turned and headed for the counter, smoothly rounding it and eyeing the torn seat cover. Fluffy strings of filling spilled out from it as though something had attempted to pull them free. Mice, maybe. Or squirrels. You lifted the whole thing, but before you turned to head back to Joel, something else caught your eye. Hmm. Transferring the pillow to one hand, you reached out with the other, fingers lifting the folded sheets of paper as you picked it up. 
“Take a look at this.” You spoke when you’d lowered yourself back to the floor next to him, setting the cushion down. “Remember going to rest stops and travel plazas before, Joel? All the maps and brochures for stuff you could do wherever you happened to stop?” You grinned as you flipped the tri-fold open, eyes scanning the faded pictures and words on the pages. “Looks like this place is no different.” 
“Yeah?” He was tucking small tufts of cotton between the branches, jaw set in an expression you read as concentration. “What kinds of things could you do here before the world went to hell?” 
“There are apparently some hot springs down the road to the west.” Tracing over the faded paper with one finger, you smiled. “Says here winter’s the best time to go, too, because everything around them is frozen, but the heat from the water keeps them exposed.” 
“That so?” He cleared his throat. “We had a place like that at home. Didn’t have to worry about it freezin’ though. And I guess it wasn’t really hot, kids used to swim there in the summer.” He smiled, the man’s lips briefly curving upward. “Me an’ Tommy would take Sarah.
The name slipped from his lips much more easily than it used to - the man’s memories of the girl still associated with pain and sadness, but also tinged with genuine nostalgia. Now it’s Ellie’s name he tries not to say. 
“This says that the water in these is… was about 104, so who knows what it’s like now, or if they still exist, but that definitely would have been nice.” Reading through the information, you shrugged. “Here.” You held the brochure out, waiting until he’d taken it from you to reach for the lighter that was zipped into the pocket of your jacket. “Wonder what else is -”
He stopped you with one hand on your arm just before you touched the flame to the cotton, Joel saying your name quietly. “Don’t. Not yet.” 
“Why?” Cocking your head to the side, you blinked in confusion. “We just -”
“We’ve still got plenty of light.” Joel sighed, frowning as he eyed the map. “And this looks like it’s only a couple miles down the road, if you want to go and take a look.” 
“Really?” Inhaling sharply, you widened your eyes. “Is that safe? We’d be -” 
“We haven’t seen anyone or anything in three days aside from those animal tracks. River’s on one side, hills on the other. I think…” He nodded. “I think I can watch your back for long enough for you to climb in for a couple minutes if you want.” 
“I don’t have a bathing suit, Joel.” Leaning in, you raised an eyebrow. “So you’re going to have to keep your eyes wide open.” 
In another move that wasn’t quite a surprise, Joel closed the distance between you, the man’s mouth covering yours for long moments before he pulled away and turned his head so that he could speak into your ear. 
“Gonna be a tough job, but I think I can handle it.” 
The trip from the market to the springs took just over an hour on foot, you and Joel talking quietly almost the whole way. 
It felt almost normal - your conversation oscillating from the remainder of that patrol to what would happen in the coming weeks in Jackson. You brought up the annual spring dance that was set to take place two weeks later, and Joel questioned you about the greenhouses and the crop rotation that would start almost immediately after that.  
You talked about everything but Ellie. Joel changed the subject when she came up and so you didn’t linger on it, though you barely managed to hide your wince at the sound of hurt in his voice. 
It’ll get better. You sighed as you reached for his gloved hand, squeezing it tightly. It has to. The girl’s silence toward him had extended for much longer than you’d anticipated it would, though you couldn’t blame her for it. And you’d spoken to her often since their falling out, Ellie not often pushing you for information about the man, but hinting that she wanted to know every now and then. So you knew that somewhere, deep down, the possibility of their reconciliation existed - no matter how far into the future the girl continued to let the hurt linger. It’s gotta be on their terms. I can’t force it. 
“So what are we lookin’ for?” Joel said your name again, gesturing in front of you with his free hand. “Brochure said a boat ramp, but we’re probably not going to see that under all this snow.” 
“There was an actual pool, too.” You turned your head to look across the river, squinting. “But it said that closed before 2012, and I think it’s on the other side of the river, anyway.” What are we looking for? “So I guess we just look for open pools of water close to the -”
“Like that?”Joel stopped, pointing. “Looks like there’s some steam comin’ up off of that right there.” He was right - and so you stopped, too, the smile on your face growing. “That’s bigger than I thought it would be.” 
The pool was about fifteen feet long and roughly six or seven wide, the water clear enough that you could see the rocks on the bottom. The sight of it warmed you thoroughly, steam curling up from the surface and telling you everything that you needed to know about how warm the water still was. It’s going to feel so good.
“Come on.” You tugged on his hand, carefully beginning to make your way down the slope and toward the exposed pool. “It looks like some of these rocks are flat and dry enough that we can put our stuff on them and it won’t get wet.” 
“Or, I can hold your clothes.” He stopped when you did, the two of you mere inches away from the edge of the water. “Since I’m not -”
“Joel, you’re going in.” You exhaled, turning to face him. “You said it yourself, there’s been nothing but those tracks this whole time, and that was miles to the south. Nothing that can hurt us is going to cross that river before we see it, and look.” You pointed. “There’s an overhang that keeps us hidden from the road. We’d hear anyone and anything coming long before they see us. And…” Biting down on your lower lip, you winked at him. “I’m pretty sure your aim wouldn’t be worse because you’re not wearing clothes.” 
It took him a second, but he laughed at your words, the lines appearing at the corners of his eyes and the slump of his shoulders telling you that there was no way he was going to argue with you. Good, because he needs this. “You get in first.” He took a breath to steady himself, gesturing at the water. “Tell me how warm it is.” 
As much as you wanted to let him go first, the steamy air and low noise of the rushing water convinced you otherwise. So with no complaint or protest, shrugged off your backpack and unzipped your jacket, laying both down on the rocks behind you. From there, you reached for your sweater and pulled it - along with your undershirt over your head, dropping those onto your coat as you shivered in the chilly air, nipples stiffening into peaks beneath the thin material left covering you.
Joel didn’t look away when you tugged off your tank top, too, tossing it behind you and onto the other clothing before you sat down on one of the larger rocks, unlacing your boots one at a time. “Thought you’d be wearin’ more layers.” He finally spoke as you removed your socks, balling them up and stuffing them into the sleeve of your jacket. “It’s cold out here, and -”
“I have another shirt in my bag, but it hasn’t been that cold, Joel.” Looking up at him, you smiled. “I can guarantee that you’re not wearing anything more than I am, so I don’t … I don’t know what point you’re trying to make here.” He grumbled at your words, barely concealing a smile, and when you stood again, easing your jeans down and over your hips, you watched as he stared at you, the man’s tongue dragging slowly over his lower lip. I love it when he looks at me like that. 
Making sure your jeans weren’t trailing in the water, you stepped forward and groaned at the feeling of the warmth when you sunk your feet into it. “Warm?” His voice - low and deep from behind you - made you turn, Joel’s eyes focused on your face. “Looks like it.” 
“It is.” Stepping deeper into the pool, you were careful not to slip and fall, relishing the curve of the smooth stone beneath your feet. It had been two days since you’d removed your boots, and when you closed your eyes at the way it felt to wiggle your toes through the gently moving current, you didn’t bother stopping the sigh that escaped you. “It’s hot Joel. This is going to feel amazing.” 
Turning around when you reached the far side of the pool, you faced him again. You locked eyes before you lowered yourself into a sitting position, hands stretched out on either side of you for balance. Oh, this was a good idea.
The water came up to mid chest, and at the way it felt - the first time you’d truly been enveloped in so much warmth in nearly twenty years, you actually moaned, closing your eyes. Holy shit, this is… amazing. “I could watch you like this all day.” His voice forced your eyes open again, and you found that Joel was still standing in place, arms crossed over his chest. “Goddamn.” 
The need in his voice went straight to your belly, white-hot and focused. With a sigh, you stretched your legs out in front of you, keeping your attention on him. “You gonna give me something to watch, too?” 
He didn’t hesitate, unzipping his jacket and letting it drop to the ground next to his pack, his sweatshirt and undershirt following. Your eyes were drawn to the exposed skin of his upper body, shoulders dropping in another contented sigh at the sight of him. Doesn’t matter how many times I see him like this, it’s always better than the last. Joel dropped his hands to his sides and took a deep breath, holding it. 
You watched as he flexed his fingers, wrist moving back and forth a few times with nervous energy. Before Joel could speak, you beat him to it, lifting one hand and holding your palm out and toward him. “Bring the gun with you if it’ll make you feel better.” He visibly relaxed and nodded, reaching for his waistband and removing the firearm before setting it down on the rocks and undoing his belt and the button of his jeans. 
“This feels wrong.” He bent over, untying his boots and then using his right foot to anchor the left while he pulled it free. “Feels dangerous. It feels like -” 
“It feels like it’s going to be fine, Joel. No one’s going to sneak up on us. We didn’t even see tracks in the snow from people. We’re the only ones that have been anywhere near here since before it snowed last.” He lowered himself to the ground as you spoke, pulling his socks off and stuffing them into his boots before easing to his feet again, hands pausing at the waistband of his jeans. “C’mon, Miller. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.” 
“Gimmie a minute.” He sighed, closing his eyes - and then pushed his pants down to his ankles in one smooth movement before stepping out of them and kicking them backwards. The denim joined the pile of other clothing he’d just removed and left him standing in front of you in only a threadbare pair of boxers, the elastic settled low on his hips. “If this ain’t warm, I -” 
Oh, it’s warm alright. He stopped speaking though, as soon as he dipped a single foot into the pool, his jaw dropping as your grin widened. 
You watched him relax - watched the way his posture loosened the deeper he got into the water, the man only opening his eyes when he twisted his body backwards to reach for his gun. 
But when he got to your side of the pool, reaching out to set the gun down atop a flat rock that was easily within reach, he closed them again as he turned his back to the river and sat down. The water wasn’t quite as deep where Joel was, and as you watched his torso disappear beneath the surface, the cotton of his underwear clinging to his thighs, you realized that it didn’t matter. Because this is probably the warmest thing he’s had in just as long.
Joel settled in and stayed quiet, jaw working as his breaths evened out - and you didn’t want to break the moment. 
Instead, you stared at him, watching as Joel slouched down in into the water, the liquid creeping further up his chest the more he stretched out. “Holy shit this feels good. Last time I was in water this warm was … shit, it was the shower I took the day of …” He trailed off, opening his eyes and looking over at you. The day of the outbreak. “Damn.” 
Your heart ached for him and for the look in his eyes - one of barely muted anguish - but it was gone only seconds later, replaced with an easy expression that you were much more used to. He wants to move past it? Ok. “Well it definitely wasn’t at your place in Jackson.” Giving him an exaggerated wince, you went on. “It would take a long time to boil enough water to fill up your tub.”
“Sorry that my 30 year old water heater can’t compete with this.” He lifted one hand, indicating your surroundings. “I’ll get right on that. Can’t have the princess gettin’ cold, or -” 
You interrupted him with a barking laugh, eyes squeezed shut and your head tilted back. After only a few seconds Joel’s laugh joined yours - and his hand shot out beneath the surface of the water, fingers encircling your wrist and pulling you forward. 
You realized what he was doing before he’d moved you far, and moments later you were tightly pressed against his side and chest, Joel releasing your wrist so that he could wind an arm around you. “What’s so damn funny?” He mumbled the words into your ear, his warm breath a shocking difference from the way the steam-filled air felt against your skin. “Are you laughing at me?” 
“I am.” You settled against the rocks, sighing. “Getting naked in the snow, calling me princess, making an actual joke… who are you and what have you done with Joel Miller?” You got a quiet chuckle in return, the man’s chest vibrating beneath your palm. When you tilted your head back and pressed your lips to the underside of his jaw, you went on. “I like you like this, Joel. I wish it could happen more.” 
“I do, too.” He tightened his arm around you, taking a long breath and holding it .”And maybe it can.” There was another pause and in confusion, you sat up straight, staring at him. What? “We’ve been in Jackson for what, almost four years?” 
It didn’t seem like that long - and at the same time, if felt like he’d been in your life forever, the time you’d spent in Jackson before he’d arrived a period of loneliness that grew hazier in your memories by the day. Four years. “Mhmm.” Rubbing your fingertips over the skin of the center of his chest, you nodded. 
“Four years is long enough to keep myself from believin’ it’s real.” He sighed, shifting next to you and sinking a few inches deeper into the water. “It feels… nice to laugh. I like not lookin’ over my shoulder every time I walk out of my house. Not worryin’ about Ellie all the time is … I mean I still worry, but…” He paused and then spoke again, voice low. “It’s not like when we were on the road, or when we first got to Jackson. I wish it all hadn’t happened like it did, but …” 
“Holding onto a secret like that … like those will wear you down quick, Joel. I get it.” Your fingertips traced over the front of his shoulder, following the divot in his skin from an old scar downward. “But what do you mean by saying that maybe it can happen?” 
“Maybe it’s time to stop punishin’ myself. For Nadine. For Sarah. For Tess. Salt Lake. Hell, even for Ellie. It ain’t fair to me and it sure as hell isn’t fair for you to have to -”
“Joel.” You sat up straight, your hand settled on his side. Waiting until he was looking at you, you took a deep breath before continuing. “This isn’t about what’s fair for me. I told you I wanted you no matter what, and however you’d let me have you, before I knew any of it, and I meant it. This is life now, and you -”
“Shouldn’t have to be.” He reached up with his right hand, the shattered glass on his watch catching the gradually fading sunlight. “I promised to do right by you, and I intend to keep that promise.” You already are. Drawing your lower lip back and between your teeth while you waited, you sighed. “I’m gong to try. Try real hard to stop overthinkin’ and worryin’ so much. Whatever time I… we have left, I’m gonna make the most of it.” 
He didn’t have to say any of it to you, and the fact that he was meant a great deal. He’s not saying it because he thinks I need to hear it, he’s saying it because he needs to make it real for himself. “If that means me getting to hear you laugh more, Joel?” Leaning in, you dragged your nose alongside his and nodded. “And see you smile more? Then good. That’s what I want, too.” He nodded, too, tilting his head enough to press his lips to yours. 
The steam rose around you, the gentle current of the water flowing over your legs and around your bodies. For long moments you and Joel stayed connected - the kiss lingering but not deepening, the movement of his mouth against yours purposeful as he kissed you thoroughly. 
You loved the moments like that with him - and were thankful that over the previous year and a half, they’d been coming more and more often - Joel’s affection for you more out in the open, though it was still mostly reserved for when you were behind closed doors or among friends. 
After telling you the truth about Salt Lake City, he was also gentler - almost more steadfast in the way he treated you. The days when he’d rebuffed your emotions and tried to ignore his, pushing you away whenever he got the chance had all but ended. And it’s… better this way. He’s better this way, even though it cost him so much. 
He still punished himself for what had happened - all the way back in Texas and as recently as with Ellie. But despite that, he’d stopped taking it out in the way he approached being with you and treating himself - and it was very apparent that deciding to make the effort had been a life-altering decision for him. 
You nipped at his lower lip and then pulled away, sighing. “You’re supposed to be relaxing, Joel. These pools are great for your muscles and circulation. The heat’s going to make it so that it doesn’t feel like we’ve been on horses for the last couple days.” 
“I am relaxin’.” Joel tilted his head back and rested it against the rocks behind him, turning slightly toward you. “But it’s kinda hard when you’re right here next to me.” 
“Well then.” You settled back, putting some distance between you and shrugging. “My apologies.” His lips twitched, the man’s smile brief, and then he nodded once and closed his eyes, chest rising and falling as he took in deep breaths. 
The significance of his closed eyes wasn’t lost on you. It was another instance of Joel trusting you to keep an eye out, of the man’s understanding that he was safe around you. And you are. I’d never let anything happen to you. 
You watched him for long moments, eyes on the way he looked in the water - the snowy expanse behind him along with the rushing sound of the river contrasting with how warm and cozy he looked, how quiet the rest of the world around you was. 
He had his left arm out of the water. That hand rested on the lip of the stacked rocks to keep his watch dry. Even though he occasionally tapped those fingers in a random pattern, low sighs escaping his lips, he didn’t speak and neither did you. 
Arguably, Joel needed the rest and comfort much more than you did. Sure, he’d suggested the walk to the springs for your benefit, you were glad he was enjoying it, too. Because he deserves good things. It was a nice break in your scouting mission, and despite the fact that you knew you couldn’t stay for long, you wanted him to enjoy the time that the two of you had in the bubbling pool. 
The water was warm - the steam and heat lulling you into a dazed comfort that made you press yourself back and against the rocks, eyelids drooping as you gazed over at the man next to you. Even the smell of sulfur dulled as the time passed and you got used to it, your deep breaths slowing as the water soothed your tired muscles.
His hand reached for you under the water after a few minutes, palm sliding over the back of it before he curved his fingers around yours and squeezed, thumb arcing over your palm. “Too bad these aren’t closer. We could come back.” 
“It’s not that far.” You sighed, rolling your shoulders back and opening your eyes, once again looking over at him. “But they’re so close to the actual river, once this snow melts and the water level rises, they’ll be almost impossible to find.” Reaching up, you scratched at the side of your neck. “Might be easier to find a hot tub and hook it up in your back yard, to be honest.” 
He scoffed at that and you smiled, eyes locked on the way a bead of water looked as it ran down his neck and over his scarred chest before it disappeared into the water, leaving a glistening trail in its wake. His hair was curling against the back of his neck, the steam dampening the ends of it and darkening them at the same time, the growing amount of silvery gray bright against the darker strands. “You’re starin’.” 
“I am.” The response was immediate, your free hand moving slowly through the water - back and forth, fingers dragging over the shapes of the rocks and pebbles beneath it. “Can you blame me?” 
“Can’t blame you, but I still don’t …” He groaned, his left hand curling into a loose fist. “Still don’t understand it sometimes.” Of course you don’t. 
“You don’t have to understand, Joel.” Shifting onto your knees, you moved closer and pulled your hand free from his, cupping both of them together beneath the water and filling them. “You’ve just gotta let me do it.” His jaw pulled tight beneath his beard, the man nodding once as you lifted your hands and reached out, letting the water flow over his shoulder and chest. “Wish this was deeper. The air is cold.” 
He dropped his gaze from your face to your chest, his eyes lingering there. When you glanced down, you saw that your bra was entirely see-through, nipples still stiff and visible through the soaked material. “I can see that.” He smiled - a tiny one that turned into a grin, Joel’s hands reaching for you - one wet, one dry - as he pulled you closer. “Lemme warm you up.” 
It wasn’t quite comfortable to kneel on the rocks, but once you were straddling his lap and had settled your weight on his outstretched legs, it was better, your arms both winding around his neck as one of his moved to your waist, the other hand pressed against the back of your shoulder. “What’re you doing, Miller?” Threading your fingers through his hair and then dragging your nails along his scalp, you waited. 
The air was still around you again, the only sound the moving water. For long moments you let yourself believe that you and Joel were on vacation - that the two of you would stand up and grab fluffy towels and walk a short distance back to a hotel where you’d hop in the shower, rinse off and then spend the rest of the night in a warm, comfortable bed, the TV playing some cable reruns in the background. 
And it was easy - or at least easier than you’d thought it would be to let your mind go to that place, especially with the way Joel looked at you. His dark eyes were sharp under the heavy set of his brow, the man’s attention entirely on you, like it had been for so long. “I’m relaxin’.” He cleared his throat, the warmth of his palm on your back anchoring you to the spot. “As much as I can with you sittin’ on my lap, anyway.” 
That made you laugh, your head tossed back as your grip on his hair tightened. “You’re the one that made it happen.” He mumbled a few words that sounded suspiciously like “I know I did”, and when you looked back at him, you found that his smile was gone, his lips set into a determined line. “Now you’re staring.” 
“Sorry.” He wasn’t, and you both knew it, but instead of replying, you leaned in, resting your forehead against Joel’s, eyes closing slowly as you took a deep breath. “When do you want to go back?” Never. “We should probably think about headin’ there before it gets real dark. The road’s easy enough to follow, but I still don’t want to be slippin’ around on the ice.” 
“Whenever you want, Joel.” Angling your head so that you you kiss his cheek, you nodded. “Just tell me when you’re ready.” 
You weren’t looking forward to getting dressed again, or to getting out of the water and exposing your skin to the late-winter air, but you knew that you had to. And we’ll get back and light the fire, and - “We can stay here a little while longer.” He spoke into your ear, his hold on you tightening. “Just a couple minutes.” 
Relief flooded through you and you went limp in his arms, shifting so that you could lower your head and lay it against his shoulder. One hand slid down and then stopped on his bicep, the other moving beneath his opposite arm to curl around his back.
Your fingertips found and followed the length of a scar there, the raised skin a part of his body that you’d previously mapped over and over. But I’ll always do it again. It was just another piece of his history that made him Joel, and something that you would have been able to identify by touch with no questions asked. Something else to love.
He relaxed beneath you, but you felt his muscles go taut as he tilted his chin up again, the back of his head pressed against the rocks and exposing the column on his throat to the open air. At that, you opened your eyes fully, immediately zeroing in on the freckles there - tiny spots littering his tanned skin like a faint splatter of paint. 
He had them all over, but the ones on his neck were your favorites. Just like you had so many times before, you couldn’t stop yourself from leaning in and pressing your lips to them, a smile curving the corners of your mouth upward at his intake of breath.
“Don’t start somethin’ you can’t finish.” Humming out a quiet laugh, you let your lips slide over his damp skin, parting them enough to let the edges of your teeth graze over the corded muscle on the side of his throat. He groaned at that, his grip on you tightening and the sound of your name escaping his lips. “C’mon, that ain’t fair.” We could make it fair.
You had one shot to convince him that you could continue, that the risk was truly low enough that it was outweighed by the benefits of following through on your actions. And I know just how to do it. 
“What if I let you finish?” Kissing his collarbone, you shivered as he began to circle over your skin with his thumbs, Joel’s hips shifting beneath you. “Let you decide.” He swore again, the hand on your back sliding down so that it could rest against the band of your bra, fingers splayed to cover as much skin as possible. 
There were times when he let you lead, no problem, Joel following your cues like he’d been doing it for decades. 
There were others when things were equal, choices made in the moment and based on everything that was happening between the two of you. 
But if anything else was going to happen that day, Joel had to be the one to lead. He needed to make the decision that it was safe, that he felt comfortable enough to let things progress - to lose yourselves in each other.
So what’s it going to be? You kissed along the line of his jaw, the man’s damp beard wiry against your lips. What’s he going to decide? Straightening up, you cocked your head to the right. “Hmm? We’re going to have to head back soon, so you’ve gotta pick fast.”
“We do this,” he started, nostrils flaring as his breaths quickened. “We do this and we’re gonna have to be quick, alright? This ain’t… it’s not like we’re at home.” You saw the desire in his eyes, the heat in them warmer than the water you were sitting in. But you also saw the twitch in his jaw, the man fighting with himself at the idea of what he was on the borderline of agreeing to. 
“I know.” Releasing his curls, you nodded, one hand sliding over his cheek to cup it, that thumb moving slowly over his lips. “I know we’re not at home. But…” You trailed off, not breaking eye contact as you used your tongue to wet your lips. “But that doesn’t mean we have to rush.” He groaned as you pressed on the fullest part of his lower lip, his eyes closing halfway. “How many times have you told me that if you’re gonna do something, you should take the time to do it right?” 
“Prob’ly every damn time.” Eyes opening again, Joel looked back up at you, the steam from the pool you were sitting in gathering on the skin of his cheeks and dampening his beard further. “So I guess I should follow my own advice.” He took his hands off of you for long enough to remove his watch, undoing the band before setting the device carefully next to his gun. He paused for a few seconds and then returned his hands to you, the man’s fingers trailing lightly over your shoulders and upper back.
You didn’t want to speak and risk ruining the moment, so you just nodded slowly, keeping your eyes on him. Joel’s hand dropped further, his thumb sliding beneath the band at the center of your back. In one motion, it came undone, his lips twitching as he fought back a smile at your surprised gasp when the sodden material loosened. “Joel.” 
“Lean back.” His voice low, there was no room for argument with the words. You did as he asked, moving one hand down so you were holding onto the back of his neck and keeping the other on his arm, fingers curving around his shoulder. 
He looked down and you watched his gaze as it traveled from your face to your chest, the man’s tongue dragging over his lower lip the same way your thumb had only moments before. What’s he going to - You found out soon enough, Joel’s head dropping as he leaned forward, his mouth landing first on your collarbone and then moving down, the hand he’d had on your waist sliding up your side. 
He pushed your bra up, his palm covering one side of your chest, and when you gasped he groaned, his thumb arcing over your nipple, the warmth of his skin shocking against the chilled peak. 
Shamelessly, you pushed your chest out, Joel understanding immediately what you wanted and continuing to work his way down your body. When he reached your other breast, he didn’t bother moving the material out of the way, his lips sealing over the peaked nipple and sucking, the pressure a welcome surprise. He flicked his tongue over it then, combining that with the flex of his fingers on the other side of you, squeezing the muscle there. 
You knew that you should have kept your eyes open and on the opposite side of the river, but you couldn’t. You closed them and let yourself get lost in the feeling of him beneath and in front of you. If he was worried, he wouldn’t be doing this. The thought comforted you and so you let yourself relax, fingers stroking the back of Joel’s neck as he continued to mouth at your chest. 
You inched forward on his lap, feeling him between your legs as you settled on his upper thighs. When Joel’s hips jerked at the contact you hummed, smiling. I can work with that. Letting go of his arm, you reached between your bodies and nudged your fingers into the slit of his underwear. The man jerked again at your actual touch, and when you pulled him free, fingers wrapped around his base, Joel backed off, staring up at you. “That’s what you want?” 
“It is.” You stroked him a few times, the feeling different than anything you’d ever done before because of the water. “Always want you, Joel. You know that.” 
His hair hung over his eye, and without pausing the motion of your hand, you released his neck and reached up with the other one, dragging your fingers through it and pushing it away from his forehead. His hand was still on your chest, the man slowly kneading at your flesh. This is it. The last time we can put a stop to this. The final… our final off ramp. 
“Good.” He nearly growled the word, surging forward and surprising you when he released your chest and reached for your neck, gripping it and holding you in place. He pressed his forehead to yours, the man saying your name so softly it was almost a sigh. 
And then you were kissing him again, Joel wasting no time in urging your lips apart with his tongue. You shifted your hips, changing your grip on him. When Joel bit down on your lip, the sting of his teeth hot in the cold air, you squeezed, his hips jumping up and forcing himself even deeper into your hand. 
“Can’t…” He groaned, kissing you quickly. “Can’t reach you like this. Got no room.” You gave him two more strokes before you replied, sighing as you moved your lips toward his ear. 
“Want me to get up?” Taking the lobe between your teeth, you smiled when he nuzzled against the side of your neck, his lips pressed to the place where it connected to your shoulder. “Make it easier?”
“No, I want you to move backwards.” He pushed you away gently, forcing you to release his ear and sit up. “Woulda done it myself, but I didn’t want to scrape your knees on these rocks.” He raised an eyebrow, the look in his eyes changing with every word coming out of his mouth. “How ‘bout it?”
You didn’t speak before moving. Cautiously, you backed away from Joel, the grit of the rocks and sand beneath your knees present but not uncomfortable. You didn’t let him go, either, your eyes dropping for long enough to watch as your hand moved beneath he bubbling surface of the water. 
For a few moments, you wondered if what you were doing was a good idea, and then you looked past Joel and at the river and the water rushing by. Beyond that, the foothills and white-coated landscape stretched on to the horizon. We’d see anything or anyone coming. We’d see it all. 
Sighing as you leaned in, you continued to stroke him beneath the water, fingers flexing as you paused between each motion. You braced yourself on his shoulder with your other hand and pressed a kiss to his cheek before ducking your tilted head down. He moved both hands to your hips, steadying you - and when you made contact with his skin again, it was to kiss his jaw, your lips lingering for long seconds. 
“It’s alright. I’ve got you. Always got you.” His voice a low rumble in your ear, you felt him nod. “We’re safe.” 
That confirmation was all you needed, and you continued to mouth over his skin, leaving kisses over the taut column of his throat. 
Despite the chill in the air, the man’s skin was blazing hot, and when you backed off enough to look at him, you let yourself stare, eyes locking with his for a few seconds before dropping down to his mouth and then to his chest, one thumb arcing slowly over the large scar on the front of his shoulder. 
The steam was beading heavily on his skin, and your eyes followed a few of the droplets that got too large to stay in one place before they ran slowly down his chest. Your lips curved upward as you caught sight of a few more, and then you leaned in, parting them and extending your tongue to lap at the moisture, dragging the muscle over the man’s skin as he tensed beneath you. “What the -” 
He tightened his hold on your hips but didn’t move his hands until you hummed quietly, licking your way up and over his clavicle before following the line of it to the hollow at the center of his throat. Joel’s groan vibrated against your tongue and when you felt his skin pull upward, you couldn’t keep the grin on your face at bay. 
He was exposing his throat to you again - Joel’s fingers digging into the meat of your hips as he rested the back of his head against the rock behind him for a second time. You took advantage of it, teeth grazing over every inch of him until you said his name again, imploring him to look at you. 
Joel locked eyes with you only a few moments later, one large hand rising and cradling your cheek, the tip of his thumb moving slowly beneath your eye. You leaned into his touch, still stroking him from root to tip without breaking stride. “Please, Joel. Right now.” 
Typically, that would have been when he snuck a hand between your legs, using at least one of his thick fingers to open you up. It would have been when he batted your hand away and pushed you to lay back on the bed so that he could kiss his way down your body and settle himself at the apex of your thighs; his lips and tongue and the ridge of his nose sending you sailing over the edge at least once before he even thought about burying himself in your heat. 
But that day, you didn’t want any of that. You wanted him - wanted him to take you without delay, wanted to him to worry only about himself and what he wanted and needed before he worried about you. He won’t, not completely, but… 
“I’ll hurt you.” He frowned, looking down briefly. “Haven’t even touched you yet.” 
“Maybe.” You paused your hand’s movement, circling his slit with your thumb. “We’re in the water, Joel. It’s not going to be like normal no matter what you do.” His surprise was evident, both of the man’s brows shooting up. “I’m ready to go if you are, and …” You looked down, too, watching the movement of your hand as you resumed it. “And you feel like you’re ready.” 
“Been ready, darlin’.” His voice dropped lower than usual, and at the endearment’s use, it was your turn to gasp, your head rising again to meet his gaze. “Oh, I think you liked that.” He smirked, his thumb sliding over to trail over your lips. “Gonna have to remember that one.” 
“I did.” Without breaking eye contact, you rose onto your knees and then moved forward again. “Please do.” He nodded, the hand at your waist moving inward and hooking beneath the elastic of your underwear, easing it to the side, Should have taken that off before. “I’m gonna go slow, alright?” Joel’s hand moved from your face to slide down your arm, pausing at your elbow.
“Whatever you need.” He licked his lips and then flexed his wrist, his knuckles brushing over you briefly. Your hips bucked forward at the touch and you saw the gleam in his eyes, the man barely containing his amusement. You know what you do to me. Don’t pretend like you don’t. 
You aligned your body with his, glancing down long enough to make sure that the position would work. We’re good. We’re… Widening the spread of your legs, you felt the gravel biting into your knees as you sunk lower, the sting of the tiny rocks replaced by the slight discomfort of Joel inching his way into you. 
It was a stretch - moreso than usual - and even though you hissed at the feeling, you kept going, closing your eyes and then tipping your head back. Another quiet whimper escaped when he was as deep as he could go, but that was cut short when you felt his lips on your neck, the man’s beard tickling everywhere it touched. “You feel good,” he mumbled, lips puckering against your skin. “Always do, but especially like this.” 
Praise from Joel was something that you hoarded in your memories. The words from his lips were ones that you always longed to hear, especially when it came to the way that you made him feel - and what he said that day was no exception. 
You wound both arms around his neck, and when he raised his head again, you nodded. “You do, too.” It was barely there and then it was gone; the smirk on his lips replaced with a contented look that you knew well. “Even when I have to do all the work.” 
You began to move before he could react, a slow roll of your hips only pulling you back and forth a few inches at a time, but it was enough to get you started. He repositioned his hands on your body, fingers spread wide to cover as much of your waist and lower back as possible - and then Joel curled them inward, his grip grounding. 
But he also used it to guide you, encouraging the angle of your movement. He paired his hold with small, shallow thrusts of his own hips, the man pushing them forward to meet yours - over and over, his eyes locked on yours and never wavering aside from his need to blink. 
“Never done this in the water before,” you groaned after a few minutes, the pain completely gone and replaced with only a feeling of fullness as your bodies moved together. “It feels…”
“Different.” He grunted out the word, holding you in place. “Air’s kinda cold, though.” You chuckled at that but nodded in agreement, leaning in and kissing Joel deeply, the man’s response immediate. 
“Then warm us up, Joel.” Speaking against his lips, you closed your eyes again. “I know you can.” He took instruction incredibly well, and soon you and Joel fell into a comfortable rhythm. Aside from the added warmth of the water and the grit of the spring’s floor below, it was no different from the other times you’d been with each other in a similar position. 
The cold kept you alert though, the breeze chilling the droplets of water on your upper body. It gave you focus - ears attuned to the sounds Joel made; tiny grunts with each snap of his hips, the goan that stuck in his throat when you sunk all the way down and circled your hips against the short, coarse hair at his base. 
“Tell me what you need.” He sighed the words into your ear, one hand still resting on your back beneath the surface of the water and the other flat between your shoulder blades. You rocked against him a few more times as you contemplated his words. A couple things, but … 
Slowly and without breaking your rhythm, you slid your hand down and over Joel’s arm, moving it until your hand was atop his. Fingers curling around his wrist, you tugged it between your bodies. When you backed away enough to look into his eyes, you nodded twice, taking a deep breath. “Angle’s no good without you touching me, Joel.” 
You released his wrist, still staring at him - and then Joel spoke. “Stop movin’.” You froze, one hand resting on his thigh. Is everything alright? Are we - “When we get back to that old rest area?” You nodded, the ends of your fingers running through the damp hair at the nape of his neck. “I’m gonna drag one of those mattresses down the stairs and show you a good angle.” 
Biting back the response you wanted to give him, you nodded and settled for a quiet hum. “Alright.” You rolled your hips, laser-focused on the way Joel responded - the tic of his jaw, the hand on your shoulders sliding down more than a few inches. “Want me to get off of -”
“No. But I’m gonna get you off.” He leaned closer, mouth landing on yours. “And we’re gonna go from there.” 
As he kissed you, the man’s tongue sliding over your lower lip and then past it to meet yours, Joel began to touch you too, the pad of his thumb seeking and finding its target with no difficulty, despite the odd angle and the presence of the soaked fabric of your underwear. He moved it in slow, small circles, the kiss continuing as you began to move again, too, rising enough to feel the drag of him through you on your retreat and a push into you with each downward motion. 
There was more pain as you dug your knees into the grit beneath them, bearing down on the man. But you ignored it, the building heat in your belly occupying almost all of your thoughts. 
He knew just how to touch you, had learned your body almost as well as you knew it yourself in the time that you’d known each other. And I’m so goddamn thankful for that. You broke the kiss, tilting your head downward to watch where your bodies connected through the water you sat in, the clear liquid swirling slowly around your legs. 
It was usually a chain reaction - when one of you came, the other followed suit, but part of you believed that Joel wouldn’t give himself the chance to finish in the water, instead preferring to bring you to and over the edge and deny himself until you were back inside for the night. But that’s not what I want. 
You sped up as much as you could, clenching around him when you paused before rising each time, and that seemed to do the trick. Joel grunted and reversed the direction his thumb was moving in. He increased the pressure and you nodded as you turned your head toward his neck, mouthing at the skin there. “Keep going, Joel.” You closed your eyes, focusing on him. “Please.” 
The hand on your back moved lower, following the line of your spine until just before it reached the water and then stopped, his roughened fingertips replaced with the edges of his nails - and when he dug those in, he thrust upward at the same time he switched from his thumb to two fingers, the added pressure immediately working to make you come. 
You cried out, his name the only word you could think of, the sound of it carrying away from you and far across the barren landscape. Instead of stopping what he was doing, Joel continued, prolonging your pleasure with his hand and body. 
You bit down on his shoulder, the motion of your body stuttering as you rode out your climax - but when Joel attempted to slow down, you didn’t let him. “No, Joel.” Tonguing at his ear, you took the lobe between your teeth and tugged. “Don’t you dare make me do this alone.” 
The aftershocks of your orgasm urged him in deeper as your muscles contracted around him, and you reached backward, behind your body with one hand, continuing to roll your hips. Bracing yourself on his thigh, you leaned back, taking a deep breath. 
You rolled your hips over and over as you wound your arm around his neck, and Joel did his part to hold you up - one arm firmly around your shoulders, the other one pressed to the center of your back. His hand supported your head as you kept it upright, heavy lidded eyes focused on his face. 
Squeezing for balance, you used your legs to lift yourself higher. The change in position gave him more room to move and the warmth of the water made the odd angle feel better, even as you slipped on the surface beneath you. Ah, shit. You regained your balance thanks to the tightening of his fingers against your back and your not-so-gentle tug on the hair at the nape of his neck. “C’mon, Joel. You’re close.” Humming as you met one of his shallow thrusts, you nodded. “I can feel it. Let me feel everything. Please.” 
He grunted again, nodding. You let go of his leg and straightened back upright, increasing your pace as you moved up and down. It took him by surprise but Joel matched you thrust for thrust after only a few moments, his bearded chin pressed against your shoulder as his chest rose and fell, each motion a mirror of your own. “Oh, shit.” He swore, hips bucking upward twice in quick succession, surprising you and forcing you all the way down, your oversensitive skin grinding against his base. “Oh, shit, I…” 
The man’s nails dug into your skin, and you were almost certain that you’d have visible marks once he let go - but you didn’t care. “That’s it.” Speaking quietly into his ear, you nodded, your cheek pressed to his. “Right there, Joel. Give me everything. Give it all, I want -” 
He came with a lurch of his body, the water splashing as his knee broke the surface when it jerked upward. 
Even though the water was already warm, you felt him filling you, the man’s hips bucking in short, quick bursts and he emptied himself inside of your body. He spoke while he did it, the words mostly unintelligible, though you caught a few as you tried to focus on anything but your heart pounding in your ears and how harsh your breathing was.
“Nobody else.” He shuddered the words out, still holding you tightly. “Nobody else has ever -” 
“Made you come in a natural hot spring? Yeah, I can say the same.” You interrupted, needing to break the tension. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to hear him say things like that to you - because you’d waited your entire adult life for someone to love you enough to mean it. It wasn’t even that it was the wrong place for it. The wide open expanse of Wyoming’s sprawling landscape provided the perfect backdrop for a man like Joel to bare his soul. But if he keeps talking like that, we’ll get carried away, and it’ll get dark, and …  
Tugging on his hair, you eased his head upright, waiting to see what the look in his eyes was before you decided what to do next. “That too.” He was gawking at you, the day’s lay rays of sun turning his irises a warm brown. “But -” Oh, Joel. 
“Yeah.” Nodding, you leaned in. “I know. Nobody.” That kiss started slow, building as he softened inside of you. The steam from the spring curled around you while Joel pulled you even closer, wrapping both of you in a warm blanket that helped to mask the chill of the air. I wish we could stay right here.
You were chest to chest, no space between your bodies, and as he moved to deepen the kiss, you let him. The last one. Then we have to go back. But he prolonged it, pulling away enough to take in a break and then he kissed you again, your fingers relaxing in the damp strands of his hair as his touch turned less possessive and more reverent, the way things so often did between you. 
“We have to go back.” He finally broke away, his thinly-veiled disappointment not at all a surprise to you. “It’s gonna be dark soon, and it’ll get real cold.” Wordlessly, you backed away, knees dragging over the tiny stones as you eased off of him. “There’s an extra blanket in my bag. Not real thick, but it’ll dry us off.” 
Shivering as you rose from the water to stand upright, you appreciated his thoughtfulness. Brushing the pebbles and silt from the skin of your legs, you turned for his bag, knowing full well that Joel was staring at your almost-nude form. Let him. Because I’m gonna stare at him, too. 
Removing your underwear so that it didn’t soak your jeans, you dried off as quickly as possible, pulling your layers back on as Joel began splashing in the water behind you. “What a view.” He stepped behind you, resting his chin on your shoulder even though he kept his wet body away from your mostly dry one. “And I ain’t talkin’ about the Rockies.” It made you warm all over, but before you could turn around and tell him, he was gone, the man hissing as he stepped on a large rock. “That’s what I fuckin’ get, hmm?” 
You laughed despite yourself, turning and handing him the blanket, though you were sure to get an eyeful before he started drying his skin. “I agree with you on the view.” Zipping your coat, you finally looked up, meeting his eyes. “It’s excellent out here.” 
He grumbled but you saw the red rising in his cheeks as he pulled his underwear off, too. The man let it drop onto the rocks next to yours, turning his attention to his legs. “You’re fulla shit.” It still stunned you sometimes, just how far Joel had come in the years he’d spent in Jackson. If anyone had told you that the man you’d met for the first time at Tommy and Maria’s dinner table that refused to speak to you for most of the night would have turned into the man standing before you, you would have called them a liar. But I’d be the liar. Because he’s… 
Joel bent to pull his jeans on, the faded denim sliding up and over his muscular legs, and you paused again, tongue poking out between your lips. Fuck. He’s so… “You definitely didn’t grow up in Texas.” Raising a brow, he ran one hand through his hair, slicking it back. “Because apparently no one ever told you it ain’t polite to stare.” 
“You had no problem looking at me a couple minutes ago.” It’s not even a question. One hand on your hip, you shook your head. “So deal with it.” 
Joel only laughed in return, propping his feet up one by one on a small boulder to lace up his boots, and you followed suit. “It took us what, an hour to get here?” You nodded, zipping your wet clothes into a smaller bag before stuffing it into your pack. “Let’s beat that going back.” 
“Fine by me.” You stepped past him, bending over and reaching one hand back into the water. He didn’t question you, but you felt his eyes on you as you thumbed through the rocks on the bottom of the pool, finding two - a smooth black stone threaded with silver and one that you were almost positive was jade - and then slipping them into the front zip pocket of your bag. 
“Since when are you a rock collector?” Joel finally spoke a few minutes later as the two of you made your way back toward the road. “And what’re you gonna do with ‘em?” 
“I’m not. Usually, anyway.” You fell into step side by side, eyes sweeping the land in front of you. “Today’s special.” He hummed in agreement but didn’t press the issue - so you continued. “But you’d be surprised at what you can find in the water around here. Tommy actually found a giant diamond a couple years after he got here while he was out on patrol while they were watering the horses, and couldn’t get back fast enough to give it to Maria.” 
Joel laughed, briefly turning his head to look at you. “Sounds like Tommy, alright.” 
“They’re all worthless now, and there’s so much damn jewelry in the stores that you can have pretty much whatever you want, but … it’s still fun.” You scanned the horizon, staying on high alert thanks to the adrenaline still rushing through your body. “The kids pan in Flat Creek sometimes, but that’s mostly just rocks. I guess … I don’t know, Joel. I just wanted to remember today.” 
He didn’t respond right away, the two of you continuing back toward the horses and the rest stop - but when Joel finally spoke, his tone of voice was matter of fact. “We’ll put ‘em on the shelf in the hallway, with all my carvings? If you want.” 
We’ll see them every time we come in or leave. “Yeah, Joel.” You nudged him with your arm, unwilling to take your hands out of your pockets. “Sounds good.” 
Later that night, the two of you were tucked next to each other on the mattress, a small fire burning a few feet away. He’d blocked both doors from the inside, and the creaky building was almost cozy. Especially with him right there. 
He’d made good on his promise as soon as he was satisfied with the evening lockdown and the two of you had eaten. Joel pressed your naked body into the thin bedding, the angle - as he’d said it would be - a good one. 
As the flames flickered, you stared up at the ceiling. “Joel?” He hummed from beside you, turning his head. “I think you should go to the dance. Ellie’s going to be there, and even if the two of you don’t talk, you’ll still be able to see her having a good time.” He didn’t say anything right away, and for a few seconds, you thought you’d overstepped. But he should go. He should know. “She actually asked about you the other day.” 
“What? Why didn’t you day something?” He rolled to face you, brows knit together. “What did she -” I didn’t want to get your hopes up.
“She asked if you were alright. Said you seem off lately, and that Tommy told her to get her shit together instead of… this.” You reached over, tracing over the scar on his nose. “I told her you were OK and reminded her that I don’t want to be the middleman forever.” Giving him a quick smile, you closed your eyes. “She looked a little guilty, so I dropped it. I wish the two of you were talking, but it’s … it’s not my decision when she -”
“It’s not. It’s hers. Thank you for tellin’ me.” He reached over, pulling you closer. “Even if she’s not talkin’ to me, I’m glad she’s got you.” You were, too. The circle of people that knew her secret - and Joel’s part in keeping it and keeping her alive was limited to five in Jackson. And since she’s not talking to Joel right now, there’s only three people she can trust. “I’m glad she didn’t push you away becausea you an’ me.” 
“I wouldn’t have let her.” You wrinkled your nose. “I know she’s stubborn, but … after spending a year on the road with you and living with you for two more, I’d be surprised if she wasn’t.” He laughed at that and the corners of his eyes crinkled as the sound filled the room, warming it up almost more than the fire. “She’s got a limit, though, Joel. And I think she’s getting close. So you should be ready, just in case she -”
“I’ve been ready.” He stopped laughing, taking and holding a deep breath. “Been ready since the day we got back from Salt Lake for the second time, if I’m bein’ honest.” You knew that he was serious, but you also knew how much he loved the girl. And that’s why he’s been so patient about this even though it’s killing him. 
Joel didn’t say anything else and neither did you, the sound of crackling logs and quiet whinnying from the horses creating the perfect background noise. You wondered what he was thinking - if his thoughts were about Ellie or Tommy, if they were focused on you, or on the fact that your patrol had been the second one in two months to turn up no sign of anyone, despite the distress calls. Maybe a little bit of everything. 
You weren’t taking turns sleeping that night. Joel had deemed it safe enough for both of you to rest at the same time - and so you let yourself doze, your head drooping forward to rest against the broad expanse of his chest. He smelled like the outdoors - the mountain air set deep into the material of his jacket, and that made you even sleepier - but Joel’s voice brought you back to full consciousness, the man sighing out your name. 
You opened your eyes so see his face inches from yours on the balled up material you were using as pillows. He looks … nervous. “Yeah, Joel?” 
“I haven’t done this in a while, so forgive me if I’m a little rusty, but …” His hand moved from your side up, Joel’s warm fingers trailing over the skin of your throat before he ran his knuckles gently over your cheek, the firelight flickering deep in his eyes. “Can I interest you in bein’ my date to the Spring dance?” 
 tag list coming soon!
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nickgerlich · 7 months
Surging Forward
When it comes to the Four Ps of Marketing, there is one that affects us the most. It raises eyebrows. It may cause mental anguish. And it hits where it hurts the most, the pocketbook. I can only be talking about one thing: Price.
As I was telling my undergrads yesterday, they have now lived through—and survived—a period of inflation. This hasn’t happened for 40 years, which I remember all too well from my university days. It’s the kind of thing you tend to remember forever.
While inflation is now more or less within a reasonable range (about 3.1% last month), our grocery bills are up about 25% in the last four years. You can thank the compounding effect for that. Some manufacturers have responded by reducing the size of the package, so they can try to maintain price points. Labeled as “shrinkflation” by President Biden and others, it gives the illusion that prices haven’t gone up, even though the unit price definitely has.
Given that we have all now become hyper-sensitized to price since COVID, it should come as no surprise that Wendy’s plans to test surge pricing for its hamburgers is drawing the ire of many. It’s bad enough that the price of fast food has skyrocketed, but now they want to charge even more during hours of peak demand, as well as at locations that are typically busier than others.
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Surge pricing, which also goes by the moniker dynamic pricing, has been in use for decades. It’s what explains the matinee price at movie theatres, a time of day in which far fewer people are likely to see a movie. Airlines have done it for years, with peak demand times seeing fares much higher than off-peak. Add hotels to the mix, too. Business hotels are often weekend bargains for families, because all the people with expense accounts have gone home. And we all know how expensive food and beverages are at airports and stadiums, while not far away they are much lower.
Uber is another company leaning on this model, with the price of a ride reflecting the demand. If a stadium is emptying out, the price just went up. Many other retailers, from Amazon to Target, Kroger, Best Buy, and others have done it. The advent of digital price tags makes it all too easy to reset prices within a store, or even systemwide. Heck, I even saw it in Germany some years ago, with gas stations raising prices at peak commuting times, and lowering them during others. Shame on you for not refueling at a better time!
One of the more interesting aspects of dynamic, or surge, pricing is that used on Dallas-area toll roads and express lanes. Essentially, the price is set based on traffic volume. As congestion increases, the price for diverting to the express lane goes up. The thinking is that it might just be worth your added dollars to be able to zoom by the unlucky proletariat stuck in traffic. Be sure to wave as you go by. These lanes are the sky boxes of the highway system. At peak times, a person driving solo can pay up to $0.90 per mile for the privilege.
The weeks ahead will be interesting to see how the market reacts to Wendy’s move, and whether they stick to their guns or back down. If customers swallow surge pricing, it opens the flood gates for all fast food restaurants to do the same. It could then spill over into all restaurants, and everywhere else. Consumers will be left at wit’s end trying to keep up with what amounts to a wide array of possible prices for the things they buy. I suspect that apps and websites will arrive that allow for crowdsourced updates on all of it.
It’s the price we pay for being alive today. Inflation is one thing, but having to endure exorbitant temporary price hikes is quite another. Even staying home and being a hermit does not make you immune, because you still have to buy things. As for me, I’m staying in the slow lane just as a matter of principle, and because I’m still waiting for my salary to go up commensurately to account for the last four years.
Dr “Not Getting Inflated Expectations” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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sugdenlovesdingle · 1 year
for WIP Wednesday a little snippet from my Undercover Carlos fic (that I will try to update soon - life has just been A LOT lately) thanks for the tag @meditating-honey-badger
“Guys, come here we have news.” TK called out as he and Carlos walked into the firehouse kitchen area.
“What’s up?” Judd asked, not bothering to get up from his seat but putting his newspaper down nonetheless.
“Did you finally get Carlos pregnant?” Nancy asked and everyone laughed.
“No, but we’ll keep trying.”
“If it’s a girl you should name her after me. I suffer the most riding with you all day.”
“Oh in that case, Lexi is a great name too.” Mitchell added.
Nancy turned to look at her.
“What? I have to put up with the other one all day.”
“That’s fair. But should it be Lexi Nancy or Nancy Lexi?” Nancy wondered before turning back to Carlos and TK. “You should just have twins guys.”
“Yeah, can we stop talking about this now?” Carlos said, trying to get the conversation back on track. “We have news.”
“So y’all keep saying. Go on, out with it.” Judd pushed.
“We’re getting married!” TK announced happily.
“That’s your news?” Marjan asked, the group looking at each other wondering if they were being pranked.
“Yes, we’re getting married in 8 weeks!” Carlos explained.
“Eight weeks? What happened to 18 months?”
“They had a cancellation and gave us first refusal for the spot.”
“And we took it.” TK told them. “You’ll all get your official invitation by the end of the week but we wanted to tell you right away.”
“I’m happy for you guys.” Nancy said, walking up to them and hugging them both. “But Carlos please tell him to quit his diet because he gets hangry and if I have to ride with him being like that for another eight weeks, your groom is going to have a black eye in the wedding pictures.”
“Diet? What diet?” Carlos asked, looking at TK. “Babe you’re perfect the way you are, you don’t need to diet.”
“It’s not a diet.” TK rolled his eyes. “I was just… trying to eat more healthily. Less carbs and sugar, more fruit and vegetables.”
“Well stop.” Nancy told him and went back to her own lunch.
All of their friends took turns to congratulate them again and indulged them in a lunch hour of wedding planning.
“Has anyone seen my dad?” TK asked after a while. “We should tell him about the change of plan.”
“He took the afternoon off. Left me in charge.” Judd told him. “He said something about an appointment.”
“Appointment? What kind of appointment? Doctor? Dentist?”
“I don’t know, all he said was appointment.”
TK frowned and grabbed his phone and dialled Owen’s number.
“That makes sense… if he’s at an appointment…” Carlos tried. “I’m sure he’s fine. Try not to worry.”
“Yeah… yeah you’re right. He’ll tell me if it’s something serious.” TK said, trying to convince himself.
“Carlos, we have to get going… Our lunch break is almost over.” Lexi reminded him, face apologetic.
“Right. Yeah. Of course.” Carlos turned to TK and kissed him. “See you at home?”
“I have your car, I’ll pick you up after my shift. I finish first.”
“Ok, just come inside. It’s Mackie working the front desk today, he likes you, he’ll let you go through to my desk.”
TK nodded in reply and tilted his head up for another kiss.
“Be safe out there ok? I need you in one piece.”
“I will, I promise.”
Idk who's been tagged or not so if you write fic, consider yourself tagged to share a little something!
also I wrote this before the having kids or not discourse hit
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ghostwrita · 1 year
PAX University - Introduction
I am trying something a little different here. There will be multiple versions of this, so you can choose your love interest. Below is the introduction. Please let me know your thoughts.
- Ghost Writa
The introduction of monsters into human society has not been a smooth one. Desperate, the human and monster governments both worked together to create a school to help this transition. The school was given a large sum of money to operate, meaning the school had a huge scholarship fund set aside. Today at noon, the President of the university will be revealed as well as who got accepted into the university. 
You and your friends all applied not knowing too much about the school. The location of the school is unknown, as well as the majors offered. Many speculate the ads for this university were an elaborate scam. Either way, all will be revealed soon.
You turn on your television to the local news channel. It looks like a standard press release. A tall woman is seen standing at a podium. She has tan skin and jet-black hair. Her presence is strong and you can tell she means business. Eventually the room falls silent and she begins to speak.
“Good afternoon, everyone. Today marks a new beginning. Today is a day that you all will witness to the first step taken to integrate humans and monsters together. The integration of monsters to human society has been quite the struggle. Yet we cannot live a life of division and segregation. 
The monster and human governments have worked hard to create a division whose sole purpose is monster and human integration. This division decided to open a university that would have both monster and human students. The university sits in an area of land, distant from both human and monster civilization. This land is not marked on any map. This is to ensure the safety of both students and staff. It has been decided to call this area PAX, and thus the university was given the name PAX University.
It brings me great pleasure to introduce myself as Amber McArnold, PAX University President. I will not hold up too much of your time. I have one announcement to make, and then will open up the floor for a few questions.
The university has taken great care and time filtering through our applicants. I now have the privilege of informing you that all application statuses have been sent and delivered. Applicants, please check your front door for updates.”
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of your doorbell. As you open the door, you see a gold box with a silver ribbon. On the ribbon read a tag with a simple “congratulations” on it. You waste no time in bringing the box inside and opening it. Within the box were a few university shirts as well as a folder. The folder held a letter as well as some blank paper. 
The letter read:
We are honored to have you attend PAX University. Your application was one that stood out in many ways. We are happy to award you a full ride into an illustrious university. 
We are sure questions are running through your head, please hold on to each and everyone. This is a new experience for us all, thus we want to give our students enough time to adjust. We are opening our doors a month prior to the start of school to ensure this transition is an easy one. 
In addition to this letter, your folder contains a few blank pieces of paper. These will be important soon, but for now please keep them safe. 
In the next few days, you will get an email to schedule your travel arrangements. Please respond to this email as soon as you can.
We hope this message comes off as both peaceful and xenial,
~ Your PAX family
After reading the letter, you quickly began messaging your friends who also applied. You all applied to this university not expecting to get in, so you were pleasantly surprised when you discovered that you not only got in, but got a full ride to the university. Sadly, however, you were the only one of friends to do such. With some encouragement from your friends, you decided to accept the university’s offer. While you will miss home, you couldn’t be more excited.
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Ok, but the possibility of sex toys in Devildom is endless, for the celestial realm too!
I also high and hor/ny right now and I felt the need to share!
Please tell me if I should add a special tag so you all can blog this stuff!
Item #1. Lube
Imagine getting a lube and it just saying something like. “Helps keep your partner stimulated!” And you just get it because hey you need lube, you don’t really cate what kind it is.
So you’re pouring some on your boyfriends cock, and he starts mewling, you’re not even touching them, just poring lube on them. They are throbbing already, panting and asking for more, well you get confused and read the bottle and find out, the lube actually physically stimulates any part of the body you put it on.
It’s only enough to keep them excited, they can’t actually cum from it alone, so you just leave them like that, occasionally adding more and deciding you were going to buy more of it.
Another variant of lube, more so for punishment purposes, it’s lube that when applied to skin will either heat up/cool down until it gets to a borderline uncomfortable temperature
It can be relaxing, having warmth around them but when it gets too hot, it increases the sensitivity in the area it’s applied on. They get so needy it’s adorable!
Then the cold, if left on for too long, causes temporary numbness, so if you ride them/jerk to them off, they can see that you’re doing it, but they can’t feel it, they get no pleasure but can still feel how worked up they are
Item #2. Cock rings
So, the point of them is usally to prevent the wearer from orgasming, as well as help keeping them hard, imagine the enchantments you could use!
You could have it so the wearer can’t orgasm as long as it’s on them, it could do this because, magic! Literally!
It tightens when the wearer is close and prevents them from actually finishing, theoretically you could just keep stimulating them and give them a ruined orgasm with it
Item #3. Vibrators
For this, I kinda got curious and then realized it could be another thing like with changing temperatures, but imagine this
Vibrators that can...well, kind of know what you want them to do? Like it remembers what settings you have it on most often and can independently change settings during use as a surprise
It sort of knows to up speeds when pressed against somewhere that gets a response, it recognizes who’s holding is vs who’s using it if you know what I mean
Item #4. Fleshlights
Another one that I think would also be able to heat/cool if the user wants it to, but also
imagine a fleshlight that can tighten on its own free will, when using it on your partner you have their entire length in it, you’re not moving, and you can sort of see the toy tighten on them
Another thing you could get, a flesh light that the insides of move, so you can just leave your partners dick I’m it and it will start stroking/massaging their dick while you do other things
Item #5. Floggers
Floggers are something you have to be cautious with, you can risk hurting your partner if you aren’t careful
Alto fix that, they have floggers that can’t hit any harder than the recipient is comfortable with, regardless of how hard you use it it won’t hit hard unless your sub wants it too
Item #6. Sounding bars
Another thing you have to be careful with! You don’t want to risk hurting your lover!
Everyone has a different preference with how deep it goes, how big it is, how it’s shaped, etc.
So you find a bar that can figure out on its own how far down your sub is comfortable with, it won’t go any deeper than they are ok with
It changes its shapes on what you or your sub want it to be, which makes things easier since whatever either of you are in the mood for, it can change into
Not to mention...it can vibrate...oh the look on your boyfriends face when you turned it on for the first time!
Item #7. Aphrodisiacs
We all love the ideas of them, but we don’t really have any in the human world, but in Devildom? There’s a fuck ton
Some are short lasting, some are long, there’s different types of potencies too, it depends what you’re looking for!
Strong ones, they are quick acting, and can last for a variety of time, the lowest being nearly 2 hours, the person under the influence can cum multiple times and not feel satisfied, though you find they work far better on demons and angels than humans
When under the effect of it, they get so desperate, just about willing to do anything to have you touch them
Edge them while under the affects and you will get to see them cry, it’s a strong substance, it can’t cause them any damage to be denied any relief, though it dose hurt in the moment to be denied it
‘Soft’ ones, these are kinda fun to use to tease your partner, a small amount has then aroused, though not enough they’d make a scene over it, but they can definitely feel the heat stirring in them
They try to ignore it but it just stays there, it may seem useless, until you get a good look at them, they are have hard just from drinking a little of it, they are so much more sensitive to touch, and they are quick to jump to anything that might lead to sex
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nymphbnny · 3 years
perfect strangers
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part one; part two; part three
genre: nsfw // fluff
pairings: jean kirschtein x female reader
word count: 4k
tags/warnings: slow burn (?), penetrative sex, dom jean, praising kink, slight breeding kink, oral sex (male receiving), fluff, confessions, cute jean (yes this needs a warning) cheesiness.
synopsis: you discover something jean has been keeping for himself and it ends up adding all the puzzle pieces together.
a.n: i don’t usually add songs for you to listen to while reading my work, but if you want to get in the mood stream Last Days Of Summer by Summer Walker. thank me later.
i would also like to add that this was meant to be a short series. i got other fan-fiction ideas and need to answer some of your requests. also, i know this part is kind of cheesy but jean is a big softie i can’t help it.
“Connie, what’s taking you so long?” I yelled from our porch, swirling my car keys around my finger. I heard more shuffling coming from our apartment before Connie rushed out, Jean following him, throwing his hoodie on, covering the shirt that was squeezing his muscles.
“I was looking for my dab pen,” he took a hit and blew the smoke in my face. I coughed pushing his shoulder making him miss the step and almost colliding with the ground. I snickered and walked past Jean to my car door before he grabbed my arm and pushed me back.
“Passenger seat babe.” he looked down at me with his lazy smile. I scoffed swatting his arm away, only to be lifted from the ground. “Jean you prick!” I yelled moving my legs around.
“And I’m the kid.” Connie laughed getting in the backseat, clearly not suspicious of his homie’s behavior. I sighed getting into the passenger seat and crossed my arms.
Jean mirrored my action, before cussing, as he felt squeezed by how tiny the space was. “Damn aren’t you a small thing?” he teased backing up the seat so he could feel more comfortable. He smacked my thigh making my eyes widen. I looked down to see him holding out his hand, motioning me to give him the keys. I rolled my eyes and slammed them down his hand. He chuckled before shaking his head and mumbled something underneath his breath.
He wrapped his arm around my seat, tilting his head backward, putting the car in reverse, and slowly drove back. He winked at me before he shifted gears. The car ride was basically Connie singing out loud to songs and Jean casually joining in, their interaction reminding me of Hitch and I.
After what happened last night, I texted the girls’ group chat and told them everything that happened and how Jean was suddenly becoming more and more possessive which was honestly uncalled for. If I want to overthink it, he was always somewhat flirtier with me than he was with any girl when we used to hang out back in the day. However, Sasha and Mikasa didn’t elaborate much into it as they told me to shrug it off, whilst Hitch was rather excited about me having a ‘sneaky link’.
And honestly, I’d be lying if I said he didn’t turn me on… I mean look at him. He’s at least 6 feet tall with sexy sleeve tattoos and a gorgeous mullet. His stubble fit him perfectly and his jaw was sharp. He looked so different and delicious.
“We’re here!” Connie shouted into my ear, shaking me off of my thoughts. Jean had already parked and was taking his seatbelt off. I followed his gesture and got out of the car, carefully closing the door behind me, Connie already outside taking a few hits of his dab pen. Our gaze locked, his lips instantly forming into a smile as he threw his arm around my shoulders and brought my head closer to his lips, kissing my temple. I grinned wrapping my hand around his torso and leaned my head on his shoulder.
I was lucky to have a brother like him. He always made sure I was okay and had everything I need and wanted. He was my support system and I couldn’t ask for more. “All good?” he mumbled, tilting his slightly towards Jean who was typing something on his phone, probably waiting for us before going into the diner.
I nodded and he squeezed my arm. “Come on, let’s go inside, the weather is chilly today.” Jean held the door open as we walked in and spotted an empty table. It was connected to a couch, two other chairs placed on the opposite side of the table.
I sat on the couch, my back relaxing into the soft red leather, before feeling the seat dip next to me. I tilted my head, only to be met with Jean’s cocky expression. Connie managed to sit on one of the chairs and tapped his fingers on the wooden table. “Y’all in the mood for burger and fries?”
“Yeah, I’m fucking starving,” Jean stated leaning back into his seat, spreading his legs. I nodded and took out my phone from my pocket setting it on the table. We called over for the waitress and placed our orders. “I forgot to ask you, how are your studies going y/n?” he added, dropping his head on his fist that rested against the wood and looked at me. Connie rested his elbows on the table, intrigued by the conversation.
“I’m doing good actually. I still have some things to get done and I’ll finally have some free time for myself. I honestly can’t wait until I’m done with this semester. It’s so tough and for what.” I whined, dropping my head against my crossed arms. His hand wrapped around my shoulder and pushed me towards him, my head colliding with his chest. Taken off guard, my arms wrapped around his torso. “Aw, come on you’ll do great, you got nothing to worry about.” he patted my head and gently stroked my hair. I blushed at his move, my stomach forming a knot. He was being extremely soft and gentle and I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't surprising.
“Here you go.” the waitress cheered placing our food down. She eyed Jean before averting her gaze from him as he pushed me closer to him, my head closer to his chest. I breathed into his cologne and managed to hear his heartbeat. Fast. His heart was beating so fucking fast.
Connie didn’t seem to mind as he laughed at his phone before turning it to Jean, showing him the picture of a half-naked model showing off her ass, a man who looked to be her boyfriend standing next to her. “Baldie I’m still here.” I scrunched my face. “Although the dude is kinda hot,” I added. Once the following words left my lips, Jean’s hand swiftly moved down my ass to grab it, making me slightly jump. I looked up to see him glaring down at me then looked back at Connie’s phone. Did this just happen?
“Doesn’t she have a boyfriend?” He cocked his eyebrow making Connie roll his eyes. “Man you used to like it when I showed you pictures like that." he shook his head locking his phone. He stayed silent for a few seconds before pointing at Jean with a big grin. "Oh my god, you are seeing someone!” he whispered.
I removed myself from Jean’s grasp and adjusted my clothes as I dived into my food, enjoying the warm feeling down my throat. “Nah dude, although I must admit that I've been thinking nonstop about someone lately,” he confessed taking a bite of his burger, Connie doing vulgar movements with his hands before he did the same.
“Jesus Connie,” I whined throwing a fried potato at him. “We’re eating.”
“Um, excuse me?” He scoffed as Jean laughed, muttering a small 'here we go', obviously aware of what my brother was about to say next. “The Jean Kirschtein I know doesn’t catch feelings. This dude is a damn sex machine. Which I can relate to but you know what I’m saying." he raised his hands up. "Now tell me, who got you so wrapped around their fingers you can’t even flirt with other women now?” He paused before adding, “ And don’t think I forgot how you pushed off that girl who tried to grind on you two days ago at the club.” I frowned, all of this not making any sense to me. How could he be sleeping with me but seeing someone else at the same time?
I felt sick, my fingers dropping the sauce I was about to pour on my fries as I excused myself to the bathroom. I made my way into the small area and looked at my reflection. I felt dirty. I felt used. Was I going to wreck a whole relationship? Or whatever he calls it.
The door swung open minutes after, revealing Jean. He had a serious expression on his face as he approached me, my ass now pressed against the sink, his tall frame towering me.
“Why’d you leave?” he questioned moving my hair from my face, cupping my cheeks. “I wanted to wash my hands,” I replied trying to free myself from his grasp but miserably failed. I frowned as I tried to push him away again, but his hands grabbed my wrists holding them down. “I don’t believe you, I think you got jealous,” he smirked, his lips inches away from mine. I glared at him, not wanting to give him the satisfaction he was seeking.
“Jean let me go. Someone might walk in and Connie is waiting for us outside, also, the food won’t stay hot for long and I want to-“
“I was talking about you silly.” he interrupted me, his thumb now rubbing my bottom lip. “You’re so fucking gorgeous it’s unreal,” he mumbled. “Can I kiss you?”
What was happening… I stared into his eyes that were focusing on my lips. Could he be telling the truth? What if he just wants to get in my- oh wait, he already did… Fuck that was so overwhelming.
“Jean I don’t think it’s a good idea-“
“Yes or no?” I thought for a moment before softly nodding. “I need to hear it.”
“I want you to kiss me…” I whispered almost as if I didn’t want anyone to hear me, including him. I’ve always felt different around Jean and I never knew why, at least until now. He smiled lifting my head up with his finger under my chin, his lips resting against mine gently. My hands gripped onto his hoodie, kissing him with much passion.
I felt safe. I felt good. I felt content.
“You got my heart working overtime, y/n.” he confessed. I wasn’t able to process everything as it all felt like a fever dream. What if I just wake up and it turns out to be a dream. Did he just confess that he likes me in a diner’s restroom? My heart was beating so fast, my thoughts furiously rushing through my brain.
After Jean left to study in France, we never kept in touch. It is true that we used to be friends because of his friendship with Connie and it always felt different from my other friendships with other men like Eren or Reiner, but the distance and the lack of communication turned us into strangers and killed the ‘connection’ that was bonding us. I thought it was just a tiny teenage crush, but ever since he came back, everything returned to the way it used to be.
“Connie is probably getting worried about me.” I said making him let go of my grasp, his eyes still holding the same expression as before. I made my way out of the restrooms and slid my hands into my pockets. “Hey, I was about to follow you, you good?”
“Absolutely.” I smiled at him and sat back down taking small bites of my food.
“Y/n, you know you can talk to me about anything right?” he took a sip of his soda looking at me worryingly. “Of course, I’m fine really.” I reached out to squeeze his hand. A few minutes went by and Jean was back on the table with us. We jumped from a conversation to another, casually laughing as we brought back the old days.
Connie proposed to drive back and we didn’t mind since we both fell full from the food. Jean sat in the passenger seat as I lead down on the backseat, texting the girls every single detail of what happened today. It didn’t take them long to start bombarding me with replies.
‘Holy fuck he said what now? He’s fucking WHIPPED.’
‘I did hear him saying something about a girl when we hung out with Connie four days ago but I would have never thought that it would be about you…’
Seriously Sasha? I sighed and locked my phone dropping it on my chest. It didn’t take us long to arrive at the apartment we were now sharing with him.
I dropped on my bed, stripped down naked as my blanket was the only material covering me. I thought about what Jean told me back in that diner. I sighed closing my eyes. As I was almost about to fall asleep, my phone chimed on my nightstand.
I reached out to grab it, the message showing on my lock-screen making me open wildly my eyes.
you up? if you are, can i come into ur room?
I hesitated, my fingers hovering over my keyboard, occasionally typing something then deleting it.
why? wassup?
It didn’t take him long to text me back.
i can’t sleep and i want to talk to you
I sighed typing a simple ‘okay’ and got up to put a shirt on. I heard a light knock on my door as I slid on the fabric, my hand reaching out to turn the doorknob.
“Hi,” I stepped aside, indicating him to come in before carefully closing the door. He sat on my bed and tapped on the mattress. I sat next to him and waited for him to talk about whatever he’s been wanting to get off his chest.
“About what I said earlier, uhm,” he cleared his throat.
“If you’re here to say that you didn’t mean it, you could have said it over text.” I assumed raising my eyebrow. It wouldn’t be the first time something like that happened to me and I wasn’t in the mood to deal with any bullshit, especially after getting my feelings mixed up. If he was about to mess around, I should do the same and ignore whatever I was feeling, hoping it would fade away over time.
“No, why would I do that?” he frowned and looked at me weirdly. Oh well, spoke too soon I guess. “I just wanted to make sure I didn’t make you uncomfortable. Listen y/n,” he paused searching for the words. “I don’t want you to think I’m doing this to get laid. We made an agreement and if I just wanted to have sex with you I wouldn’t have said anything about well, liking you.”
I stayed silent waiting for him to finish. The moonlight was the only source of light in the room as it peeked through my window. It was quite peaceful. “I think, no, I know I’ve liked you for a while. I never acted on it because your brother once threatened me jokingly about messing me up if I hurt you, and regarding the person I used to be, I would have most probably ended up hurting you and because of that, I decided to sleep on whatever I was feeling and hoped I'd move on from it. But holy fuck you and grew into such a smart and beautiful woman, I couldn’t help but let my feelings for you emerge again.” He cupped my cheek with his hand bringing me closer.
Fucking hell someone pinch me right now, I must be dreaming.
“However if you don’t like me back, or don’t want to hook up with me anymore, I’d totally understand.” I stared at him as I felt like I was looking at a different person. Now I get why Connie was so surprised when he heard Jean talking like that back at the diner. That wasn’t the Jean I was used to, or at least the Jean he became when he left for college. I wasn’t familiar with this new character development if I might call it.
“Why… why are you telling me all of this now?” I whispered, shifting in my seat to sit closer to him, our knees slightly brushing against each other. He brought his hand around the nape of my neck and pulled me closer to him. “You got my mind going crazy.” and with that, I pressed my lips against his, instantly feeling his lips kiss me back.
I straddled his lap and slid my tongue between his lips, our kiss sloppy and slow. His hands moved down to grip my ass, pushing me further to him, my bare cunt brushing against the soft fabric of his shorts. A moan escaped my lips as he gripped the hem of my shirt, lifting it, my nipples exposed to the chilly air. "Wait..." I pulled away and rested my hands on his chest. "We're gonna have to tell Connie."
He smiled and reached out to kiss me again. "First thing tomorrow. I don't think your brother is that oblivious anyway." he chuckled and squeezed my hips. I laughed, bringing his face closer to mine kissing him gently.
Our make-out session became more urgent ad rushed. Jean lied back, his hands resting on my waist as I took off my shirt. His hands reached out to grab my breast, fondling it with his big hand. My hips moved against him, the feeling of wanting to be filled by him becoming unshakeable. Removing myself off his hips, I crawled down and pulled down his sweats along with his briefs, his erection slapping against his stomach. I smirked at him as I began pumping his length, soft groans escaping his lips. I swirled my tongue over his tip and slit before sliding him down my throat, coating him with my spit. "Shit," his hips bucked forward, his cock going deeper down my throat. I started bobbing my head, my tongue running over his underside, feeling the pulsation of his prominent vein. Our eyes locked, his mouth agape and his chest slightly rising from his deep breathing. His hand fell on his eyes as he threw his head back, his fat cock now throbbing.
“Y/n, ah, fuck-“ he hissed grabbing a fistful of my hair and guided my head. I knew he was close and it made me wet as well. My fingers were already rubbing circles on my sensitive bud, my climax as close as his. I removed his dick from my mouth and straddled his lap. I aligned him to my entrance and slowly sunk onto him, sighs leaving both of our lips.
He felt insanely deep within me, his size stretching perfectly. I rested my hands on his chest as I ground on him, his hand lacing around my neck to bring me closer to him, his lips capturing mine in a passionate kiss. His tongue slipped in my mouth as his hand made their way to my ass, squeezing my cheeks and moving me upwards. I moaned into his mouth, my nipples brushing against his chest. I sat back up, my hands prompted back on his chest as I bounced my ass on him.
“Ride my cock baby just like that.” he moaned out. We were both already close to our orgasm, the sensitivity sending us off the edge. “You ride me so good, but-“ he sat up pushing me off him. “I want to fuck it in you,” he smirked pulling me off the bed and walking me to the wall, my back pressed against it. He wrapped his arms underneath my thighs and lifted me up, my legs snaking around him.
“Now stay quiet while I stuff you eh?” he breathed, pushing his tip inside me before thrusting his hips forward, almost hitting my cervix. My face hid in the crook of his neck, doing my best to silence my moans. My back moved against the cold wall, his whimpers and moans growing louder in my ear.
I shut my eyes close when he began rolling his hips faster, my orgasm rushing through my body. “Jean…” I whimpered tugging on his hair, my heels digging in his back. My arm was wrapped underneath his, my fingers scratching his back. I clenched around him making him hiss and fuck me harder, indicating that he was also close to reaching his climax.
“You wanna come with me?” I nodded staring at him with half-lidded eyes. “Yeah…” I mumbled out, biting down on my lower lip to keep quiet. “Yeah?” he mocked with a smirk before he started kissing my neck, occasionally leaving small bites next to my collarbone.
I wrapped my arms tighter around him, my thighs shaking as my orgasm ripped through me. He quickly followed ropes of cum shooting inside me. He whimpered, stroking himself a little bit more before pulling out and carefully putting me down. As soon as my feet touched the floor, his semen began leaking out of my opening down my leg.
“Well shit better clean that.” he ran his fingers up my legs before pushing his cum back in me making me gasp. “You’re good now,” he smirked before lifting me off again, this time in bridal style as he walked me to the bed, carefully putting me down. “I would’ve loved to shower with you,” he stroked my cheek, his body hovering over me. “But I don’t want your brother walking in on us like that. At least not before I tell him everything.” he poked my nose before kissing my forehead.
I nodded my head, smiling at him. “I like you so fucking much,” he admitted once again, this time his lips kissing mine.
“I like you too.” he cocked an eyebrow at my confession. “I knew it,” he whispered and kissed my cheek.
“Uhh, back the fuck up.” Connie pointed at Jean who was wrapping his arm around me in the kitchen. “You two like each other?” he waved his finger between us before stuffing his fork in his mouth again. I nodded and pushed myself closer to Jean. “Oh no.” he groaned pushing himself off his stool.
“No no no no no…” he repeated in annoyance as he walked past us. I frowned, turning to see him throwing himself on the couch. He threw his head back, another groan leaving his lips as he ran his hands us his face.
“I thought you’d be happy for me, what’s-“
“You had sex while I was in here?” he accused us dramatically in a high-pitched voice, faking his tears. Jean instantly laughed at his friend’s accusation. I let out a sigh of relief and shook my head before laughing at Connie who was fake gagging.
“We only did it the night you saw us together.” I played off. Connie gave me a ‘you think I’m stupid’ look and sighed.
“It was an everyday thing.” Jean corrected making me elbow his waist. He winced pinching my hip earning another hit. “Seriously man?” Connie whined. I mean, at least he wasn’t mad about us liking each other. The only thing that irked him, which is by the way overdramatized and ends up being one of his silly plays, is the fact that I had sex with him when he was sound asleep.
Connie sighed, his annoyed expression turning into a sly one. “I knew you two were fucking!” he laughed sticking his tongue out and clapping his hands. “Now that I’m positive that my sister got cuffed by someone I trust, I can finally sleep in peace.” I rolled my eyes before raising my hand to smack him but Jean pulled me closer to him making it impossible for me to move.
I looked up only to be met with his browns orbs already looking down at me with pure adoration. I could tell he was going to be one of the best things that have ever happened to me and I couldn’t be more thankful. Connie was still talking but I didn’t hear a word he said. Instead, I buried my face into his red hoodie and held him tightly. Who would have thought that my insignificant crush would actually make me feel so lucky?
“-she was and still is everything I’ve always wanted.” I heard him say before kissing my forehead.
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mirakeul · 3 years
boo! bitch i'm a ghost 👻 [act 2]
♡⃕ 9 ; i can't fall in love with you any more than i already am, idiot
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— ten years after, y/n l/n is finally returning to japan. and ten years after midoriya izuku ghosted her. uraraka is guilty, bakugou is expectant, and well, their friends are just waiting for the awkwardness to subside. will there ever be a chance for the two?
♡⃕ chapter warnings — cursing...awkward moments KLAJSDLSAJDKL uhhhh izuku doesn't know when to shut up, mentions of kidnapping
♡⃕ author’s note — hello i am back omg KUHSDKJAHKAHJ IM SORRY FOR SUDDENLY NOT UPDATING <///3 i literally cannot huhuhu but now i am so HASHASHDHA let me know what you think !
♡⃕ fun fact — uhhhh,,,, the end just kinda happened lol HASDHSADHDSHHA and midoriya, well,,, it also just did JKADSKJAS i can't say much w/o spoiling so im sorry KAHDSKJADD
♡⃕ taglist. OPEN ; send an ask or reply to this post to be added! [bold cannot be tagged] @tsumushima @zoppzoop @lumpiang-toge @yumeyooa @starlessnyx @ugh-tsumu @mellowknightcolorfarm @oikawasbuttcheeks @shotoful @aizameow
taglist continued in the reblogs!
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the elevator ride to the 20th floor was quiet, save for the whirring of the elevator machinery. you looked straight after texting hela, not wanting to look at the figure beside you. you thought it would be a quiet ordeal and you would both be on your own ways, but then again, why would it be too easy?
"uh, hi, y/n,"
you rolled your eyes and attempted to calm yourself. "hello."
"so, you're really back." midoriya was subtly looking at you, noting the changes that happened the past ten years. he understood that it must be awkward, given how you both left things before graduation and before you left…well.
he internally cringed but his mouth didn't know when to stop. "how are you?"
"well, considering that i just got back and i already ran into you, i must be hated by the gods." you looked at him, for the first time ever, and smiled, looking a bit forced.
"i'm sor–,"
"you know what, midoriya," he tried not to flinch at the venom from your voice. "i am not here for whatever this is. i don't want to talk about what happened before and i sure don't want to talk to you. we're here for a case, nothing more. i suggest we stay as we are, colleagues."
and with that, the elevator dinged. you exited the elevator fast, knowing midoriya is just right behind you. you didn't acknowledge hela's looks as you greeted kaminari and shinsou, as well as monoma and kuroiro before settling beside hela.
"is that?" she said, pointing a look towards midoriya who's seated by shinsou.
"yeah," you simply nodded, knowing your past with a certain green-haired boy in japan.
before hela could continue, every hero straightened up when detective naomasa and your former teacher, underground hero: eraserhead or aizawa shouta, strode in.
"good day to everyone here," detective naomasa said, smiling at everyone. "and of course, welcome back to two of our heroes from dynamight's agency, hela and kayami."
you and hela thanked him and the others as they applauded. "okay, settle down, we know you missed each other, but we got business."
"right. thank you, eraser." detective naomasa distributed the case files to each pro. you leafed through the pages as the detective started the briefing. "as you all can see on those files, there have been reported cases of missing people, but what's unusual was their reappearance a few days after, acting completely different like they weren't missing at all."
"we believe this is the work of mimic, a villain registered to have a quirk that allows them to mimic people, creating identical copies of life forms with the memories of the victims. its quirk's drawbacks, however, is that the copies could only retain a week's memories."
"in each of your folders are copies of your patrol areas and your assigned routes. we need to keep an eye on mimic and apprehend them. they say as long as their victims are alive, still, then their copies remain to be. so far, we haven't heard from the victims' families, but every minute that mimic isn't captured is another minute away from saving their victims."
your eyes narrowed in on the limited information on mimic. you were partnered with shinsou, shooting him a smile which he returned. hela groaned next to you, showing you that she got partnered midoriya.
the briefing ended after aizawa and naomasa explained some of the few intricate details in the case. you were walking with hela and kaminari before being stopped by aizawa, so you hung back for a while to catch up with your former teacher.
"welcome back, kid." he said, patting your shoulder.
"hey, mr. aizawa, how's eri?"
"the kid's been asking for you ever since hitoshi told her you were coming home." he smiled a bit, a pointed look on his face. "and it's aizawa, i'm not your teacher anymore."
"aizawa," you said, teasing. "how's mic?"
"he missed you too and was pestering me and hitoshi to ask you to come eat with us to dinner."
"dad, you know i was gonna ask her, right?" shinso walked towards you two, smiling at you before opening his arms. you hugged him, settling for a moment before pulling away.
"hey, toshi," you said, kissing his cheek, one gesture you never got out of when you two dated. aizawa looked at the two of you, his eyes narrowing. "and yes, i'll come over for dinner, sometime. but not tonight, maybe this weekend? i'm gonna show eri a few choices for my dress to our reunion next week."
you looked at the time and some of hela's texts. "i'm afraid i need to leave. the gang and i are going out tonight. goodbye, aizawa. i'd bring you some coffee on the weekend." you hugged aizawa as he patted your back.
"that's why you're my favorite," he grinned, releasing you from the embrace.
"i am offended, your actual son, and i'm not the favorite." shinso jokingly said, before hugging you once more. "i'll see you again on the weekend, y/n."
"bye, toshi. it's great seeing you," you smiled. "even if we saw each other a few days back."
you left, waving to the two who followed your leaving figure. aizawa looked at his son and said, "so, y/n?"
"yeah, no, i'm not talking to you about her."
they didn't notice midoriya's figure as they left. midoriya was confused, he knew you and shinso were close, but close enough for that kind of PDA in front of aizawa…well, he guessed he didn't really know.
you, on the other hand, were now in a bar with your friends. even bakugou came, which is a surprise because he doesn't ever join their hangouts for the past few years, unless you convince him. but, then he would spend the whole entire time grunting and muttering curses under his breath, and that's no fun.
"wait, midoriya's on a case with you?" sero said, looking incredulously at bakugou who suddenly glared at the glass like it had done him wrong.
"yeah," you said, drinking. "it's fine, i don't think we'll be interacting much, i'm partnered with hitoshi for the patrols. at most, we'll just see during reports."
"yeah, don't forget the clusterfuck earlier," hela said, laughing. "didn't you notice the two eyes hellbent on looking at you?"
"shinsou and midoriya," she said, ignoring a seething bakugou by your side.
you laughed. "yes, well, i don't really care. i just want to catch mimic and be done with it."
"you know what," you stood up after drinking some more. "i'm going to go dancing, let's go, hela."
you both stood up, dancing instantly with each other. bakugou's eyes followed you, making the ones left with him at the table look at each other.
"dude, you're really not that subtle." kirishima said, grinning. bakugou snarled at him. "chill, bro."
"fuck you,"
"you wish it's y/n," kaminari smugly said.
"you know what, fuc–,"
"uh, bakubro, i think you need to get y/n now."
bakugou looked at you, who's now fighting with another person at the dance floor. he cursed under his breath before going to you, pulling you away from the other person, hela right at your heels.
"what the hell are you doing?" he said, holding your shoulders firmly. hela was now sitting beside mina as they talked about what happened. "you know better than to fight in a bar."
"yeah, well, that bastard touched us when we said no,"
"what?" there was a murderous rage in bakugou's eyes, making you drop your jaw as you tried to stop him from actually murdering someone.
"kats, you need to calm down!"
"no, fucking asshole, i'm going to kill him."
"kats, no, don't! i already punched that asshole, let's just go." you held his hand, turning to your friends. "i'm sorry, guys, we'll just go, i think i'm done for the night."
"i'll come with you," hela said and attempted to stand, but you stopped her.
"it's fine, i know you wanted to stay," you pointedly looked at her and mina. "i'm pretty sure katsuki's tired, we'll just go before he explodes."
bakugou grunted beside you, but didn't protest. and since he's much more sober, he got your keys and tossed it to hela, before getting his own and pulling you into his car. he gently buckled on your seatbelt before going around and settling on the driver's seat. the drive home was quiet, save for some few mutters from you as you drunkenly teased him.
"we're here, let's go." bakugou helped you get out of the car. you grinned at him, throwing yourself all over him and then, shouting 'catch'. "you could literally walk, y/n."
you moaned begrudgingly. "well, i don't wanna!"
bakugou rolled his eyes before helping you to your apartment. he tried not to think about how close you were to him, his skin hot from where he was holding you. he opened your bedroom door and hauled your ass in, helping you to your bed. he opened your closet, getting you a change of clothes before he got a few towels for you.
"y/n, get up." he said, no bark in his voice. "you need to change your clothes, dumbass."
"no," you said, pronouncing the 'o' longer.
bakugou looked at you, tired. he sighed, pulling you up before helping you with your clothes. closing his eyes, he helped you dress into more casual clothing. you watched him as he helped you, a dopey smile on your face.
"thank you, kats." he looked at you pointedly as he helped you wipe yourself down with a towel.
"'s not a problem," he stiffened when he felt your lips on his cheek. well, fuck. he looked at you but you already passed out. he sighed, helping you be more comfortable in bed. "fucking dumbass. you need to stop doing things like that, i can't fall in love with you any more than i already am, idiot."
© mirakeul ; do not modify or reupload anywhere else but reblogs are always appreciated!
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sofreddie · 3 years
Scent from Above 2
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Summary: The morning after.
Characters: Alpha!Jensen x Omega!Fan!Reader
ABO BINGO: Daisies/Fresh Bread/Pine
Word Count: 1,672
Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics, Scenting, Scent Bond, Smut (Use of condoms, Knotting), Mentions of Marking/Claiming/Mating, Fluff
A/N: Attention thirsty bitches...get your cups ready. : ) Each part of this series will feature an @spnabobingo square.
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Jensen woke with a groan and a stretch. As he moved, he felt another warm body beside him. He cracked open his eyes, seeing Y/N in his arms, neither of them having moved from the night before. He wasn't sure what to do as he watched her sleeping.
Should he wake her?
Should he try to crawl from the bed and let her sleep?
He quickly remembered that she was in heat as she shifted to her back. Her scent struck him, drawing him in once more, his nose drifting to the scent gland in her neck.
He breathed deeply of her, musing on her scent. There was something flowery, like daisies. Something warm and rich, like fresh-baked bread. He breathed deeply once more, catching the earthy undertones of pine. Each layer brought on a feeling of home and warmth and familiarity.
After a few minutes, he decided that maybe he was being a little creepy, and maybe he should try to occupy himself until she's ready to wake. So he carefully removed himself from the bed and ordered breakfast via room service, not thinking it wise for them to be apart or in public in their conditions.
Jensen took a quick shower and dressed in a t-shirt and track pants just in time for the food to arrive. As he removed the lids and the aromas filled the space, Y/N stirred awake.
"Good morning," Jensen beamed at her as she shuffled into the main seating area of the suite.
"Morning," she blushed at him, running her fingers through her tangled hair. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of her and he silently reminded himself it was only the beginning.
"Are you hungry?" he offered, gesturing to the cart, "I didn't know what you liked, so I got a little of everything."
She smiled warmly at him, "Could I take a quick shower first?" she asked, noting he already had. He nodded and silently guided her to the bathroom, watching as the door closed behind her.
He was absolutely not going to think about her naked and wet behind that door.
As he heard the shower turn on, he realized she didn't have a change of clothes with her. He quickly dug through his suitcase, finding another simple t-shirt and pants. He went to the bathroom and knocked on the door lightly, but there was no response. He took a deep breath and cracked the door open just enough to place the clothes on the counter before quickly shutting it again.
Jensen had started digging into the food by the time she came out. Her hair was down and damp, her face free of the makeup she had been wearing. His clothes draped her frame and the Alpha in him felt proudly possessive.
"Thanks for the clothes," she said as she sat on the couch with a respectable distance between them. She was nervous, not sure what to expect, and distracted herself with breakfast, "I'm in another room here," she explained, "Just a few floors down."
"What room? I'll have them send up your stuff."
"What? No," she protested, "I'm perfectly capable of getting my own things."
"It's not such a good idea to go anywhere," he began hesitantly, "And I'm not really sure I could handle it if you did," he added bashfully.
She was surprised. As she showered she thought about the events of the night before. How could she not? She was sure he would politely tell her it was a mistake, it was his rut, anything really to back out of it. But here he was, seemingly still sure.
They ate in relative silence, exchanging smiles and giggles between bites of food. They were both trying to ignore the fact that their biologies were ramping up once more, their urges becoming prevalent.
"Come here," Jensen softly spoke as he tugged at her. She went willingly, letting him guide her to straddle his lap on the couch. He buried his nose in her neck once more, humming in satisfaction as he took his fill of her. She scented him in turn, slowly allowing herself to believe it was real.
He placed a wet kiss on her neck, making her moan. He did it once more, teasing the tip of his tongue and her hips involuntarily ground down against his.
He was so very hard and so very there.
A moan slipped past his lips and Y/N shuttered. It was the most erotic sound she'd ever heard and she felt a swell of pride at being the one to bring it from him. She did it again, slowly and more purposefully this time, teasing them both.
"You want that, Omega?" he breathily asked as he ground up against her core, his hands squeezing her hips.
"So much, Alpha," she replied, before kissing him hard. Jensen responded eagerly, opening his mouth for her as she introduced her tongue. He moaned again, her hips now steadily working against him.
Their clothes were quickly shed, each piece being thrown without care as they bared themselves to one another.
"Condom?" she asked bashfully as she ran her fingers through his hair.
Jensen blindly retrieved one, his face buried in Y/N's breasts as he licked and sucked at her supple flesh. He held it up to show her, still preoccupied. She chuckled and took it from him, opening it with her teeth.
"Wait," he said, finally lifting his head from her chest to meet her eyes after she rolled the condom down his shaft, "Don't you want me to-" his fingers strayed to her core and she shook her head adamantly.
"No," she breathed, "Just you."
She shifted her hips and sunk down on his length with a long moan. His arms wrapped around her back, holding her tightly to him. The breath was punched out of him. She surprised him, he wasn't ready. But at the same time, he was so fucking ready.
Hell, he was ready to take her and claim her in the alleyway last night.
After they both adjusted, he loosened his hold, keeping his arms securely around her. She pulled back to look into his eyes as she began to move, sliding slowly up and down. Her jaw dropped open, the sensation of his thick girth pushing and stretching against her walls amazingly perfect.
Jensen almost couldn't stand the intensity, the intimacy of her gaze. This was quickly becoming the sappiest moment of his life and he couldn't complain one bit.
"J-Jay," she breathed out, adjusting her hips to a new angle and pressing her chest against his. His eyes fluttered closed at the sound of her calling his name. He groaned and went straight for her neck. After a good long scent, he opened his mouth, licking a line before clamping his lips down to suck a dark mark.
She cried out, her hips jerking, and he thrust up in response, sucking harder.
"D-don't claim me," she stuttered, riding him hard for the both of them.
"Not this time," he reluctantly agreed with a smirk.
He wanted to. God did he want to. He knew she was his and he was hers. But he also knew that she needed time to adjust. That she wasn't ready. That she wanted it but hadn't fully let herself believe it. He'd give her all the time she needed.
She panted as she rode him and he thrust up into her. He couldn't get the angle or speed that he wanted. And he wanted to be deeper. With a frustrated snarl, he wrapped his arms around her and dropped her on her back on the couch swiftly, still buried inside her.
She gasped and he plunged hard, knocking her body up the couch a few inches.
"Yes!" she cried out desperately, her nails digging into his shoulders. He growled and gave her all he had, riding them hard through their highs.
His knot popped and his teeth ached as his eyes locked onto her pulse beating rapidly beneath the taut skin of her neck. Feeling himself lose control, he turned his head, biting down into the couch cushion and growling as he emptied himself into the condom.
His teeth didn't release the pillow until his body calmed and he felt the urge pass. He immediately buried his face in her neck, lapping against the dark purple mark he'd left earlier, his mind letting him pretend it was his claim.
They spent the next few days in much the same fashion until her heat and his rut had finally passed.
"Stay just one more night with me?" he asked as she came out of the bathroom in her own clothes. Jensen ended up having her things delivered after all, "My flight's pretty early in the morning. But we can spend one more night," he pleaded, his hands on her waist as she shouldered her Winchester Bros. branded weekend bag.
He didn't miss the opportunity to playfully rib her over it either.
"I can't, Jay," she pouted. She had quickly adopted the nickname for him and he was thrilled with how comfortable she grew around him in such a short amount of time. He did his best all weekend to show - and say - just how much he wanted her and how sure about them he was.
"If you let me claim you we could take Mate Leave," he grinned.
She playfully slapped his shoulder and scolded him, "I just want both of us to be totally sure before making such a permanent commitment," she said for the umpteenth time that weekend.
"Next time then," he joked, wiggling his brows, "I stole one of your shirts, FYI," he added, blushing, "I think I'd go insane if I didn't have your scent around me."
"I guess that's okay," she said, "'Cause I took one of yours too," she looked to the ground bashfully. He laughed before cupping her face and kissing her hard.
"We'll find a way to see each other soon," he promised.
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haikyuuuuuhypeeeee · 3 years
Ch. Twenty Two
⚠WARNING: Hospitals, mentions of hospital treatments (ethical and unethical - it is just speculated, there is no graphic descriptions nor is there any unethical hospital treatments used on any characters.)
• ────── ✾ ────── •
You're folding the picnic blanket when you think to turn your phone back on.
Oikawa, Mattsun and Makki are discussing their plans for the rest of the day - they want to keep reminiscing and there’s talks of pulling out yearbooks and photos. You let them plan, knowing you’d be on board with whatever they want.
Your phone fully comes on, and a text pops up immediately.
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Your heart plummets in your chest. You quickly unlock your phone and call Kita immediately. You don’t want to wait long before he picks up.
“Hello Y/N-san.”
“Kita,” you reply. Your throat feels dry as a desert. “What’s wrong, is Osamu okay?”
“Yes, Osamu is okay and not in any immediate danger.” He is quick to quell your fears, not wasting any time with pleasantries. “His fever intensified after he woke up so we brought him to the hospital. He was admitted in the later morning, but the doctor is confident that with plenty of medicine, fluids and rest Osamu will be fine.”
You sigh. “Thank goodness. I’m glad he’s okay.”
There’s a slight pause before Kita replies. “Yes, as are we.”
You didn’t like that pause. Nor the way he phrased his response.
“Kita, what’s wrong?”
There’s another pause before you hear a sigh. Then Kita speaks. “Osamu was admitted for his fever. But he is going to remain in the hospital under psychiatric watch.”
Your heart drops to your stomach. Out of the corner of your eyes you’ve noticed your friends paused in their cleaning efforts and are giving you concerned looks.
“What?” You whisper. “What does that mean?”
“It was at the advice of the in-house psychiatrist that Osamu remained until his parents could talk about next steps, and Osamu agreed. His parents are less than an hour away - we contacted them last night when we came to Osamu’s apartment. He is not a threat to himself at this time but during this limbo they want to keep him under watch.”
Kita speaks in his soothing, calm voice you’ve gotten familiar with and his words are meant to reassure you. But you’re scared, very scared. All you can picture is Osamu locked in a room, alone and chained up and scared. The vision makes you grip your chest.
“I know this is a lot to take in,” Kita says over the phone. “Aran, Suna and I are at the hospital right now. We’re going to greet Osamu’s parents and stay for however long we can remain useful. You are more than welcome to join us.”
“I’ll be there,” you answer immediately. “I’ll be there soon.”
You hand up the phone and finally turn to your friends. They look extremely worried.
“This morning Osamu woke up with a really bad fever and he went to the hospital. I guess the psychiatrist wants to keep him there for observation.”
“Observation?” Makki repeats. “What does that mean?”
“They think he could hurt himself.” Mattsun says quietly. Makki blanches.
Oikawa steps up. “Are you okay?” He asks quietly.
You stare at him, trying to figure out your emotions. “I don’t know,” you say truthfully. There’s really only one feeling you have. “I’m worried about Osamu.”
Your voice breaks on Osamu’s name and Oikawa pulls you in for a hug.
“Are you going to the hospital?” Mattsun asks.
You hesitate, despite giving Kita your affirmation not even five minutes ago. You want to go, and be there for Osamu. But today is for Hajime, and you want to be there for your friends.
“You should go,” Oikawa tells you. You look at him in surprise. He planned this whole day and wanted to spend it with everyone - yes that’s when he was being a bit more of a dictator but you’re still surprised to see his change of heart.
“Iwa-chan would want you to support your friends, all of your friends.” He gives you a small smile. “Go, but text us updates.”
You nod, smiling at him. You turn and start to walk away, but the quick thought of deserting your friends makes you pause.
When you turn around all three of your friends are waving their hands at you. “Go! It’s fine!” Oikawa calls.
You laugh quietly, then turn and run to the bus stop.
The ride to the hospital is short, quick and uneventful. Your mind is whirling and you’re barely paying attention. You spare enough attention to know when to jump off the bus and run into the hospital lobby, dodging other people. As you scan the area you immediately find Kita, Aran and Suna tucked in a corner. Kita stands from his seat as you approach, as does Aran. Suna remains in his seat, exhaustion having taken over his features. Aran also looks defeated, but Kita’s calm and collected expression keeps you from spiraling too much.
“How is he?” You ask as you get within earshot.
“There are no updates since our phone conversation from earlier.” Kita replies. He offers the plush seat next to Suna and you gingerly sit. “All we know is that his fever has gone down and he checked himself in for voluntary watch under self-harm precautions.”
The reminder makes you flinch, still shaken by the events. Kita reaches an arm out to your shoulder. “It will all be okay. We should have some more answers soon - the Miyas should be here any second.”
He barely finished his sentence when a voice called out, making Kita turn to the entrance. Two more people are rushing to your group, a man and a woman. You immediately peg them as Osamu’s mom and dad - besides the fact that you knew they would be joining you all, the woman has the same eyes as Osamu. Now they’re tight with worry and apprehension as she throws her arms around Kita.
“Thank you so much for calling us!” She tearfully cries with her arms wrapped around Kita. The father is currently hugging Aran, both holding onto each other tightly. “I’m so glad we were able to get here so quickly.”
“It was nothing.” Kita answers calmly. The mother jumps over to Aran to give him a hug while the father hugs Kita. Both parents turn and give Suna a big squeeze, sandwiching him between them.
Kita continues talking. “In fact, Y/N here was the one who helped us find Osamu.”
Both parents turn to you, making you freeze in your seat. You swallow thickly, standing up quickly.
“Uh, hi. I’m Y/N. I’m a friend of Osamu’s here in Sendai.”
It’s quiet for another second before the woman launches herself at you. You feel your eyes widen but you’re able to move your arms in time to catch her.
“A friend, oh thank you, thank you!” She is nearly sobbing while clutching onto your figure. “I thought my Osamu was alone in the city, but you’re his friend.” You feel tears on your neck as Osamu’s mom starts crying, but you do your best to pat her back and comfort her.
“Osamu is one of my very good friends,” you say as the mom pulls away. “He means a lot to me.”
She gives you a tearful smile while Osamu’s father speaks up. “If you don’t mind me asking how did you two become friends?”
“It was a random meeting,” you say, not necessarily lying. “But we became good friends because we’ve both lost someone close to us.”
The father’s eyes soften while his face falls ever so slightly. He steps forward and opens his arms. “Can I give you a hug? I like to ask, seeing how my wife just jumps right in.”
You smile but step in for a hug as well. It’s warm and all encompassing, and you feel a bit of tension release from your shoulders. “I’m very sorry for your loss.” He says before pulling away.
“Thank you.” You say earnestly. “And I’m sorry for your loss also.”
He nods. “I’m sure you know how important it is to talk to someone about this, even if you’re just talking to a friend. Having that support is immeasurable. So thank you for being Osamu’s friend.” He gives you a smile. “It means more to me than I can explain.”
You’re slightly taken aback with how genuine he sounds, but you nod all the same. “It was the same for me.”
The dad gives you a smile before his wife comes up to him. “Kita told me we can go see the doctor and Osamu now.”
The father nods at her, giving you a smile before departing. As they walk towards the elevators you see him wrap his arm around his wife’s shoulders and hold her tight.
“Oba-san asked us to stay at the hospital if we could.” You turn and see Kita standing by his chair. Aran has sunk down into his and Suna already looks fast asleep, long legs sprawled out in front of him. “You are more than welcome to stay, but I don’t know how long we will be here.”
“I’ll stay,” you answer. You sit back in your seat next to Suna, feeling the wariness of the day catch up to you. You might copy Suna and let your eyes drift close for a bit. You know it’ll be awhile before you hear anything from Osamu anyway.
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• ────── ✾ ────── •
A/N: I like to think that Kita's typo in his text is because he's stressed out, not because I made a typo when writing this.....anyway, finally we meet Osamu's parents! They're are absolutely lovely people and I can only imagine the pain they've been through in the last few months. Thank you all for reading!!
Taglist Open! Please send an Ask with the request to be added to It’s [Not] Okay Fic & SMAU (bold cannot be tagged): @psycho-nightrose @camcam1617 @kamalymaly @toobsessedsstuff @shookykookie30 @roro-707 @qualitygiantshoepsychic @cerealfrdinner797 @ara-mitsue @gray-444 @tanakasimpcorner @rintarovibes @jellien @everytimeswift @bongofrito @babucrow @beidouluvr @kozuken-ma @imarriedachef @badkarma-a @reina-de-tay @meianshugoswife @creepykawass
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bucky-hues · 3 years
sambucky fic recs
hellooo!! i've been wanting to do a sambucky fic rec, so i thought i'd do one for @fuckyeahsambucky ‘s fic yeah friday! here are some sambucky fics i love <3 do read the warnings on each fic!
when i'm in a room with you (that missing piece is found) | @omg-just-peachy
sam x bucky
Three times Bucky falls asleep on Sam, and one time Sam asks why.
double dare | @omg-just-peachy
sam x bucky
Bucky follows his therapist’s advice to cultivate friendship, Sam makes him work for it, and by the time he’s sure they’re friends, Bucky has an entirely new problem on his hands.
press conference | @sammy-souffle
sam x bucky
Sam watches from a distance a journalist from Denver, Summer, puts her hand on Bucky’s arm and laughs at something he says. Her hand trails further up and squeezes his bicep which Bucky doesn’t seem to mind at all. If anything, he laughs along with her and leans in closer to her to say something. Sam closes his eyes briefly and swallows back his anger.
accidentally | @sammy-souffle
sam x bucky
x | @sammy-souffle
sam x bucky
request: during the time when sam is tracking bucky in romania, after sam and bucky get caught up in a fight against some hydra agents who were also tracking bucky
sam gets hurt and bucky feels guilty so he carries him inside to patch him up, they talk some stuff out, its all very intimate and both start to fall for each other a little
acquiring alpine | @sammy-souffle
sam x bucky
prompt: alpine being cute
x | @sammy-souffle (18+)
sam x bartender!bucky (modern au)
regrets | @sammy-souffle
sam x bucky
x | @jeffersonshattricks
sam x bucky
Bucky being completely oblivious that him and Sam have been dating for like 6 months and Bucky finally understands why Sam has been kissing him, sleeping in the bed with him, and being an all around sap with him.
reckless idiots tend to fall | @jeffersonshattricks
sam x bucky
Bucky and Sam are arguing cause Sam did something reckless on a mission and Bucky freaks out but oblivious Sam genuinely has no idea why. And then Bucky accidentally yells ‘because I love you’
tell me a secret | @jeffersonshattricks
sam x bucky
Every time Sam gets drunk he finds Bucky and asks him for a secret. Bucky always gives him one.
fucking ridiculous | @jeffersonshattricks
sam x bucky
Sam is pining and a bitter grumpy grump, Bucky is mostly oblivious but also pining. misunderstandings happen, feelings get hurt, people get hurt (like physically), and then confessions happen and all is well. yay! also the other avengers are just their nerdy selves for the most part!
come to the ocean, even when you're broken | @liminalmess
sam x bucky
“Bucky, hey, man, fancy meeting you here!” he said with an exaggerated enthusiasm that he probably knew would get under Bucky’s skin, clapping him on the shoulder as he sat down.
“I thought we were taking separate vacations,” Bucky grumbled back.
Or, in which Sam and Bucky go an accidentally not separate vacation to the Bahamas.
feelings | @yaksomins
sam x bucky (modern au)
sam crossed his arms and inspected the lobby. they were indeed the only people there, not including the few staff members seated at a table near a magenta-tinted arcade area with their noses buried in their phones.
"i think i can help with that," a voice said from behind sam.
sam turned and found himself face to face with the clerk they'd bought their tickets from earlier, the scruffy-looking man that seemed a little out of place amongst the younger staff. sam gave him a quick scan, his eyes catching the name plastered to his chest via a paper name tag, scribbled by hand using a marker.
"and what exactly can you do for us...bucky?" sam frowned. what kind of name was ‘bucky’?
"i can be your extra," he said, removing a hairband from his wrist and swiftly tying up his hair into a tidy bun. with more of him now visible, sam could get a better view of his face, all hard lines and soft eyes. "and it's a nickname," bucky added, smirking and moving past a puzzled sam towards the game room. "c'mon, let's suit up."
x | @yaksomins
sam x bucky
prompt: leaving each other notes
x | @yaksomins
sam x bucky
bucky takes sam for a ride on his motorcycle
i'll make this feel like home | @buckywilsonbarnes
sam x bucky
sambucky domestic fluff
x | @transjoaquintorres
sam x bucky
sam loves bucky's handwriting
just let me adore you | dharmainitiative (AO3)
sam x bucky
“Alright, what gives?” Sam demands. “Why do you turn down every single person I try to set you up with?”
He expects Bucky to avoid the question, come up with all sorts of excuses. What he doesn’t expect is for Bucky to start laughing.
“C’mon, Sam. Seriously?”
“Yes, seriously.”
“Sam,” Bucky finally says, slow and deliberate. “I’m not interested in anyone you’ve tried to set me up with because I’ve been gone on you for ages.”
watch your words | dancer_in_the_rain (AO3)
sam x bucky
sam insults bucky and then loses his shit when someone agrees with him
love, punch | @clintbartonswife
sam x bucky
Bucky can get protective, but Sam reminds him he doesn’t need to be defended - a confession is made
exchange rate | @joycesully
sam x bucky
Bucky's older memories are coming back, sometimes at the cost of more recent ones. What he cannot forget is tearing the wings off Sam Wilson. Too bad Bucky just let Steve talk him into staying with him and Sam. Consumed by guilt, the only thing Bucky knows to do by way of apology is to let Sam hurt him back. Fortunately, Sam has better ideas.
stubborn wounds | @constantwriter85
sam x bucky
When Bucky’s badly injured after trying to protect his partner, Sam realizes that he needs Bucky more than he’d care to admit.
nurturing | the_buzz (AO3)
sam x bucky (pre-slash)
Bucky isn't the only one who feels alone after coming back from the Blip.
keep the ashes from my heart (and walk away) | @coffeeinallcaps
sam x bucky
In which Sam starts dating someone who is not Bucky, and Bucky pines, gets seriously injured, and proves himself wrong.
you're blowin' my mind (with the things you say to me) | @jemgirl86
sam x bucky
After getting an earful from Bucky at the cookout, Sarah suggests Sam and Bucky have a chat... and they do.
(sometimes) all i think about is you | @softhauntedwinds
sam x bucky
Bucky discovers Sam Wilson's pre-blip media content and things escalate.
when the wheels come off (i'll be your spare) | @returnsandreturns
sam x bucky
“What, the government doesn’t pay you enough to buy some art?” Bucky asks, a minute after Sam lets him into his apartment, gesturing at the blank walls. “It still looks like you just moved in.”
“Uhm, I’ve been busy being a national treasure,” Sam says. “The government doesn’t pay you enough to buy a shirt that fits?”
Bucky glances down at his long sleeve t-shirt for a second before he looks back up with a grin.
“I’m just a part-timer,” he says, shrugging.
forever and a day | @returnsandreturns
sam x bucky
When he sets the needle, Ella Fitzgerald croons and he glances over to see Sam sitting up, looking interested as she sings it’s very clear. . .our love is here to stay.
Bucky can flirt and he can really tell that he’s still got it by the way Sam’s mouth drops open for a moment when he saunters up and offers a hand, smiling with all the potential of where this could lead and asking, “Care for a dance, doll?”
Sam stares up at him before he sighs and mutters, “Fuck, that’s really working for me somehow,” and lets Bucky pull him onto his feet and into his arm.
world's greatest uncle | @novembermurray
sam x bucky
Rhodes arrives in Delacroix to bring Sam up to speed on their newest mission and deliver the bad news: Bucky Barnes has gone AWOL. He's in for a few surprising discoveries.
panic | alienspronkles (AO3)
sam x bucky
When Sam and Bucky go to Sarah's place for a get together, Bucky's anxiety starts kicking in. And he's trying to hide it from everyone there.
sam and bucky first date 2: electric boogaloo | ObsessiveExplosion (AO3)
sam x bucky
Sam is gearing up to ask Bucky on their first date, but he is interrupted by a bullet wound to the shoulder.
sam and bucky go to a fourth of july party | ObsessiveExplosion (AO3)
sam x bucky
Sam and Bucky, recently engaged, make an appearance at the annual Delacroix Fourth of July Block Party, and Sam ends up partying a little too hard.
the gang navigates and airport | ObsessiveExplosion (AO3)
sam x bucky
Sam and Bucky have to navigate an unexpected layover on their way home from a mission, made more difficult by the fact that Bucky has just taken a sleeping pill designed for Super Soldiers.
he followed me home one day | AshaCrone (AO3)
sam x bucky (au)
He was supposed to be starting fresh.
Sam Wilson was moving from New York to Washington and picked the worst possible Friday to finish his move. But he does what he does best- stops to help.
And asks a passing stranger for a little muscle to get some trapped people out of a car. Feeds the stranger a protein bar.
Now a lost cyborg has followed him home. And he isn't quite sure what to do about it.
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
‘Make me pretty doll’-Bucky Barnes x Reader
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(GIF credit to @violet-blur​)
Tags: @amirahiddleston​ @bloodorangemoonlight​
Requested by anonymous: ‘Hi love! Could I request a Bucky Barnes x reader writing? One where his favorite thing in the world is asking his partner to play with his hair at the end of a hard day because his love language is physical touch. I honestly just imagine him sitting down next to the reader, leaning his head down and saying something like “make me pretty, doll”’
Characters: Bucky Barnes x Reader, mentions of Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Mentions of violence/injury/ blood, LOTS AND LOTS OF FLUFF
Bucky groaned as he sat up from the hospital bed, his hand gently holding onto the right side of his lower torso where he had been grazed during a mission. Dr Cho's technology was baffling to him. He had new skin where it had been previously torn off, bleeding profusely before he came back. There had been an ambush, the people they were tracking down somehow knew they were coming, and were able to disable all communications between them. Although they managed to complete the job, it was a messy one.
"Bucky," Steve said as he entered the room,"hey, you alright?"
"Good as new." Bucky chuckled, wincing as he put his t-shirt back on."I don't question this new technology anymore, I just let it do what it does best."
"Me neither, I don't ask for explanations either." Steve smiled, knowing his friend would be alright."Can't believe how south that mission went."
"Nothing we couldn't handle."
"Hey man," Sam appeared in the doorway,"you alright?"
Bucky nodded."Yep, becoming more bionic by the second."
Sam smiled at that."You heading back to your place?"
"Need a ride? I'll be passing by on my way home."
"Have you told (Y/N) about all of this?" Steve added.
"No, not yet. I'll tell her once I'm back."
His friends didn't know how (Y/N) usually reacted to this kind of thing. It was obvious that she would be worried about the man she loved. There had been bigger scraps than this last mission, however, Bucky had told her that this wouldn't be a tough job, the most he would get out of it was a few bruises. But Bucky knew she wouldn't be mad at him as soon as he explained. She would make sure he was fine, check his injuries, then everything was back to normal, they would forget about the entire thing.
The car ride wasn't quick enough for Bucky's liking. Sam was sticking to the speed limits, but Bucky wished they were a bit higher, he would be home sooner. He wanted to be with his girl. He was tired, hurt and overworked. Although the mission was (supposed to be) easy, it was out of the blue, meaning Bucky was robbed of time with (Y/N), which infuriated him. He hated the look on her face whenever he told her that he had to suddenly leave. She tried to hide her disappointment every time, (Y/N) never wanted Bucky to feel guilty, though that pained him even more. She sacrificed so much for him.
Once Sam had driven off, Bucky rushed inside, not even fumbling with the lock. He called out for her, repeating himself as he looked through the rooms.
"Hey, I'm here, I'm here," (Y/N) appeared, shocked by Bucky's tone of voice, he sounded panicked,"are you OK? Did something happen on the mission?"
Bucky let out a relieved sigh as he smiled, calming down and slowly approaching her. He slipped his arms around her, embracing her tightly, his head in the crook of her neck.
"Bucky?" she whispered, hugging him back."Are you alright?"
"Yeah doll." Bucky finally said after another minute of silence."Just happy to be back with you."
Although (Y/N) didn't want to end their hug (she loved being in his arms), she needed to properly check her boyfriend. Pulling away, she didn't miss Bucky squeezing her slightly, indicating that he didn't want her to let go. (Y/N) smiled as she took Bucky's face in her hands, trying to subtly scan over his face and body for injuries.
"How did it go today?" she asked.
"Not great. We got ambushed. But everyone is fine."
Bucky took one of her hands in his, guiding them upstairs. (Y/N)'s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He had never been so quiet after a mission. Usually he would tell her vague details, how everyone was and then ask her about her day. She wasn't saying she wanted attention, it was just different. She stayed silent as they walked into their room, turning to face Bucky. He just smiled softly down at her, still amazed by how beautiful she was. (Y/N) yelped in surprise as Bucky scooped her into his arms giggling as he walked towards the bed. He gently threw her onto it, crawling on after her. (Y/N) was still laughing but just as perplexed; he wasn't in the mood was he?
Everything clicked into place as Bucky laid on top of her, his head resting on her chest, legs tangled together. She hummed a in amusement as he snuggled into her.
"That bad, hm?" she started."Are you hurt?"
"Got some skin tear away as someone threw me across the floor. But I'm good now, there's this machine Dr Cho uses to...create new skin, to put it simply." Bucky propped himself on his elbow, lifting his t-shirt to show her."See, it's like nothing changed."
(Y/N) reached down, tenderly stroking her fingers across the area. She sighed."It is amazing."
"What's wrong?"
(Y/N) covered up her concerns with a smile."Nothing, just the usual worry for my superhero boyfriend."
Bucky looked into her eyes, sensing her lie. He simply pecked her on the lips, laying back down on her body."I'll always come back to you. We've had this conversation."
"I know."
(Y/N) didn't want to get into that topic again, neither did Bucky. There were too many 'what ifs' they had come up with. The scenarios they had spoke about were horrible, but it was necessary to talk about it, they had to have plans. Bucky wasn't in a normal job, he wasn't normal himself; he was technically over 100 years old, had a metal arm that was his weapon, had been brainwashed then saved and fought aliens, secret organisations and super villains every other day. They tried to not bring any of this up again. The couple knew it was important to look on that side of things, but they also loved in the moment.
Bucky sighed in content as (Y/N) started running her fingers through his hair. All he wanted was to relax, anyone could see that. His eyes closed as he relished in the sensation, lightly squeezing (Y/N)'a hip every now and then to let her know he was awake.
"Your hair is getting long again. Do you ever think you'll cut it short, like in those pictures you showed me?" (Y/N) pondered.
"If I can come back home to this, I'm never cutting my hair again." Bucky mumbled.
"You're so sweet. But isn't it getting in the way?"
"Think I should braid it? Like Thor?"
"Do you even know how to?"
"Do you think I have ever braided hair in my life?"
(Y/N) giggled."I don't know, you're an interesting character to say the least."
Bucky chuckled too, until he felt (Y/N)'s hand change motions."What are you doing?"
"Braiding your hair."
Bucky grinned."Make me pretty doll."
(Y/N) didn't answer, she was too focused. She had gone with a French plait, hoping there would be enough hair left to put into a man bun. It wouldn't be too tight, she wanted it to be comfortable for him, even if he took it out after five minutes.
"How do you put up with all this?" Bucky said after a while.
"Hm?" (Y/N) was still concentrating.
"Not knowing what state I'll be in when I come home from a mission. Being by yourself for weeks because I'm away. Having a boyfriend who is actually an old man-"
"You've already asked about this-"
"I'm asking again. You're amazing. I never thought I would find someone who would fit in with this lifestyle. Who would be OK with who I am, what I've done."
"I love you Bucky. I am in love with you. Who you were in the past is exactly that, in the past. It wasn't even you. I've fallen in love with a man who has gone through so much pain, but always puts my needs first. You've held me on days where I've cried over a bad day at work, which is nothing compared to yours. You immediately sprung to my rescue when I had that burglary four months into our relationship. You're the real Bucky now. The real you is coming out of its timid shadow and it's amazing how much you've grown. Steve told me a lot about you once we were stable, he wanted to make sure I was in it for the long run."
"And are you?"
"Unfortunately, you are very much stuck with me."
"How will I go on? Oh, I know, very happily."
"So cheesy."
"I thought I was sweet."
They laughed together. (Y/N) glanced at the bedside table, happy when she saw a lone hair band. Now finished with the plait, (Y/N) tilted Bucky's head so she could tie up what was left. When he laid his head back down, (Y/N) admired her work and the face of her boyfriend, kissing the top of his head.
"My best creation yet." she said.
"Do I look pretty?" Bucky joked.
"When do you not?"
"You've picked up your smooth talk from me you know."
"The student has become the master." she now started rubbing his back, her other hand stroking his cheek, along the stubble."You think you'll be alright? After your scrap?"
"Thought we weren't going to talk about it?"
"Just making sure."
"I'll be fine. A good night's sleep will sort me. But (Y/N)?"
"Can you help me get to sleep tonight? This is so soothing."
"Anything for my soldier." 
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an-annyeoing-writer · 3 years
vulnerability. – chap. 2.
Story info:
Pair: Byun Baekhyun x Reader
Rating: +18 for mentions of s*x and violence (future chapters)
Genre: angst, smut
Chapter info:
Release date: 4th June 2021
Word count: 2 751
Warnings: mentions of criminal activity
Vulnerability Masterlist || Fanfiction Masterlist || Ko-Fi
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@shesdreaminginoverdose @mybiasdashboard @marimsun @byuns-asscheeks @multi--kpop--fanfics @vunv @making-me-blush @skittlez-area512 @bloopbloopkai @byuns-asscheeks @baekyeonoreo @kimcarinaa
Please, always comment on the newest chapter if you wish to be added to/removed from the taglist. I will be also checking the tags, so if you're shy – feel free to leave a note this way.
Previous (Chap. 1.)
Chap. 2.
“What’s my name?”
A stroke of the riding crop over her chest makes the woman whimper. She’s older than him, but it doesn’t matter. Right now, everything about her – her age, name, wants and aversions – they’re all reduced to the leather collar around her neck.
“How are you to address me?”
“Master” she doesn’t hesitate.
The man does, though – he stares her down just for a few seconds, as if to judge her, before he speaks again.
Her gaze follows him as he walks slowly around her, observing her body’s reaction. She’s not to move, not to ask questions. She’s to accept it.
“I’m going to beat you with the crop now. Do you understand?”
“Bend over.”
* * *
The day was long, but Baekhyun found himself relieving stress in one of his favorite ways.
This time, he sat in The Queen of Spades alone, sipping whiskey and silently watching people around him, eventually ending up staring into the alcohol’s surface instead, until it disappeared entirely and there were only a few pieces of ice at the bottom left to look at. Once they melted, he’d drink them up as well – and it would probably happen, as he wasn’t about to leave anytime soon. There was not much to do.
His eyes landed on the small cut on the inside of his palm, placed next to the glass; the cut was still fresh, but not deep enough to require medical assistance, or even bandaging for that matter. Accidents happened – in some jobs more than in others. The best he could do was to make sure that accidents like this would not follow him back home.
He heard his phone vibrate, but it took him a few seconds to pick it up.
“Hi there, Hyunie.”
The familiar voice made him sigh deeply with annoyance.
“You don’t sound happy to hear me,” the feminine voice on the other side spoke in slight offense.
“Sorry, it’s not your fault, Luna, I thought I’d be off for the night,” he admitted honestly; the woman’s presence was not something he minded much, but she wasn’t one who ever brought good news, so his mood instantly dropped the moment he heard her voice.
“Well, tonight you can rest, I have something for tomorrow, though.”
Baekhyun exhaled, already rubbing his temples.
“Spill it, I guess.”
“It’s an office. They have a very good security and our hacker couldn’t get in, so we need someone to go there and get some physical copies out, take a few pics and then leave them where they were. No footprints. We need the copies by Monday, and I’ll send someone to give you the details in person tomorrow.”
“Alright. I’ll be waiting.”
“One more thing.”
“What’s that?” He was ready to hang up; thinking became too tiring. But tomorrow; tomorrow, he’d consider this; now was his time off.
“You did leave footprints today, everyone knows. That you got in trouble, and the police were called. What if they recognize you?”
The man snorted in response.
“No way, I know our safety measures. I wouldn’t let them see my face. It was just an accident, okay. A harmless one. I know better and it won’t happen again” he elaborated, feigning confidence – anything just to make this conversation end.
“Are you sure it was harmless?” Luna was the most composed as she spoke, her voice completely ridden of emotions, and that was what started to worry him. As he knew, carelessness and light humor were typical of her, not this seriousness and solemnity.
“What do you mean?”
“The police have a sample of your blood” she finally spilled. “It wasn’t enough to extract your DNA, but it’s already something. Be careful next time, could you?”
His heart dropped. Confidence was gone.
“…Got it.”
“That’s all. Just take care of yourself, Hyunie.”
“Sleep well tonight. You have a long day ahead.” She made a quiet smooch sound.
“Goodnight, Luna.”
The line went dead.
For the next few minutes, Baekhyun stared straight ahead, seemingly deep in thought.
In fact, though, he was depleted of thoughts. He was stuck in the bubble of no thinking, no reasons, no emotions, as his brain processed the information it just gathered, but the process was happening outside of his consciousness.
He wished to stay in his thoughtless bubble for longer, but the thin barrier between his consciousness and his internal dialogue finally broke, and he was flooded with everything that he’d been keeping at bay ever since the conversation started.
And so, Byun Baekhyun started contemplating all the things that he preferred to keep away from himself, so as to not spiral into depression and frustration.
He chose a job, thinking, that the breach of law will give him the freedom he desperately wanted.
He ended up dependent on other people to the point where not even the law could protect him anymore; exactly the opposite – the law didn’t seem much of an obstacle anymore, in comparison to all the other things he got tangled in. It wasn’t a lifestyle that one could escape, and he’d learned it way too late.
He tried to achieve independence, but he became a pawn in other people’s hands, irrelevant to the big things happening around; trusted and respected, yet simply disposable at someone else’s command.
There was only one way he knew that could help him regain the sense of control.
And that was how Byun Baekhyun coped.
* * *
“Bend over.”
She obliges without a question, leaning over the table in front of her. Apparently, he’s interested in her behind, rather than the chest that was only a bit pink from the previous hits. She’s an obedient, but slightly frisky one, one that aims to please while also hoping for some pleasure for herself, getting bored easily, but also fussy if something goes not as she wants. Baekhyun breaks her spirit every time they meet, ridding her of any remaining selfishness.
But she enjoys the pain. He makes sure she enjoys nothing else.
The first hit makes her moan, rather than resist. Her skin is smooth, with no scars, and he makes sure it won’t stay this way for much longer, at least for the next few weeks that it will take to heal after he’s done.
The next few swats must feel nice as well, but then her voice falters and turns into quiet whimpers. She doesn’t try to move away, instead, she leans back, at least for the next few hits until it becomes too much and she tries to move away instead.
She doesn’t speak, and neither does he; the sound of the riding crop hitting her bottom mixes with her breath becoming strained and whines becoming louder from pain.
* * *
It was a few days later that Baekhyun sat again in his favorite, cozy area of The Queen of Spades, with a man taller, but younger than himself; it was not so difficult to be taller than Baekhyun, but at the age of 29, most of the people in his circle of closest friends were younger, while most of the ones in his work field were older, which was some sort of a good sign, meaning that he’s worth more than most people of his age.
29 years old – a confusing age. He should have had his life figured out by now, and, to some extent, he had – he knew what he was good at, and what he could do to slowly ensure himself a stable retirement. But to say he was pleased with his career of choice would probably be a misstatement. Yet, that was what he had, and that was what he needed to accept.
They sat on the leather couch that he usually occupied. The taller, bar-styled table and two chairs were on the right side of the couch – he usually used them when carrying on serious conversations. But currently, he was there just to rest, and so in use was the couch. He glanced at the man on his side – leaning his head on Baekhyun’s shoulder, looking fragile despite, in comparison to Baekhyun, being the stronger silhouette.
“Don’t fall asleep, Sehun.”
No answer came, and he didn’t feel a strong need to disturb the other’s rest. Maybe it wouldn’t be too appropriate to sleep in such a place, making an impression of getting drunk over the limits – which was not really the case, alcohol wasn’t the reason for Sehun’s tiredness – however, in fact, who was there to judge them? Especially with Baekhyun being a regular customer who knew everyone else with such a title; and most of them knew what he was up to as well, and why the people he came with usually were not in the most energetic moods.
The music playing in The Queen of Spadeswas usually quiet and climatic, R&B and jazz tunes mixed with the voices of people, and people coming here usually didn’t try stir the bar’s aura.
In fact, it was exactly the opposite.
The moment a person entered the bar, welcomed by the dim space of browns, beiges, woods, and crystals, their soul instantly filled with the calm atmosphere. The aesthetic and climate gave a clear cue, that intruding them wouldn’t be worth much; it was the best to accept and follow, to allow the place to create the unique experience.
“Sehun, are you sleeping?” Baekhyun glanced at the other, and the man only hummed lowly in response. Baekhyun’s shoulder began to cramp, so he gently lifted the other’s head and rested it on the couch’s backrest instead. Sehun instantly moved a little to adjust, but it didn’t seem like he’d want to get up anytime soon. Baekhyun eyed the bruises on his neck – slowly darkening fingerprints of his own.
The bar’s door suddenly opened, catching his attention with noise when the door accidentally hit the wall. Two girls walked in: one of them he saw come here a few times before, alone and not, and the other… well, the other he had not only seen before, but would most likely see in the future as well. What a coincidence.
[F/n] looked nothing like when he last saw her; primarily because, at the museum, she wore modest clothes that suited the situation. Now, in tight fitted pants and a loose shirt exposing a fair amount of cleavage, she looked way more like a girl of her age, similar to many others that came to the bar every day. If not for the fact he knew her, he wouldn’t have paid her much attention now; however, he did know a bit, and if not her appearance, then at least the personality behind it kept his eyes on her until she looked over her shoulder, sparing him a shy glance, as though either knowing he’s looking at her, or, at the very least, expecting him in the same place as he usually was – in fact, he guessed it would be the latter.
She smiled at him softly, and he reciprocated the smile, tension on his face dissipating; the smile grounded him, in a way, reminding him of the fact that, just as he could watch anyone now, he could also be watched. His presence also didn’t make her as tense as it did before, which was relieving – he started worrying if he didn’t go too far during their official first meeting. The word sensitive written on the page of his notebook wasn’t taken out of the blue. She was fragile, he could tell; not in a bad way – but he knew how his demeanor impacted her back then. But that was sort of a proof in itself, a proof of her determination, because despite this impact, she didn’t back out when she had the chance to.
He still felt that she’s not completely aware of what came with the lifestyle – hobby? activity? – that she was getting herself into. Yet, when he thought about it, how could anyone know that for sure, before they had a taste of what’s it like? If anything, he could give her a chance, he thought; a trial, to see if not only she’s in for her own indulgence, but if she can handle what he himself is interested in.
“Wazzup?” Sehun’s voice sounded by his side. The man was undoubtedly good at recognizing his changes in moods. When Baekhyun didn’t feel confident enough to say too much, it was usually Sehun who asked the questions, allowing him to spill out what was on his mind.
“Nothing much. There’s a girl, though, she wants to join” he explained slowly. Sehun’s face didn’t change at the statement.
“You want to take her?”
“Not sure yet.”
“Ah, so.”
“What do you think?” Baekhyun glanced down at the other; Sehun didn’t look at him, his eyes remained closed.
“Well, I don’t know her. But since Byeoli moved out, your circle’s been kind of empty. There’s me, Chaejang, Lisa… well, yeah, that’s it. You haven’t taken anyone new in a while, and old ones are leaving… Aren’t you getting bored?”
“I’m not bored with any of you.” The statement was simple, but meaningful; Sehun smiled softly at that.
“Well, but you seem to have a lot of free time now, and when you have too much free time, you do stupid things.”
Baekhyun scoffed.
“I mean it.” Sehun looked at him directly now. “You’re getting lonely. You need stimuli.”
To the last statement, there was no answer. The men sat there in silence for some more time, until the glasses became empty, until there was nothing more to sit there for, and until the night became so deep that it threatened with becoming the morning soon.
* * *
“Will this be all?”
“Yes, thank you.”
You gave the customer in front of you a bill with the price of his purchase – an average one, just some grocery; not like you paid it much attention – and took the calculated amount of cash from his hand. No change, no problem. You shared a warm smile, as warm as you could muster up at the late hour. It was one of the days when your natural shyness and introversion didn’t get in the way, and you could enjoy the few polite words exchanged with the people passing the store.
“Thank you, goodnight.”
Right as the door closed behind the man, your phone suddenly called and you reached under the counter, where some of your personal things rested during your shift, ready to reach for if necessary.
“Hello. Am I disturbing you?” Your heart skipped at the familiarity of the voice. However, this time it wasn’t due to anxiety – you started to look forward to his response, and it was like butterflies in your stomach when you received one. You probably should save his number, though.
“Um… Not much” you replied honestly.
“Is your Friday afternoon free?”
“This Friday?” It was Wednesday, you consulted your imaginary calendar.
“Yeah” he replied shortly.
“Um… Sorry, I have the night shift. Saturday?” You counteroffered right away, not wanting him to take your response as a rejection.
“Won’t you be tired?”
“I’ll sleep it off before the afternoon. I’m used to it.” Your free hand fiddled nervously with the strap of your ID badge.
“Hm, okay then. Can we meet at The Queen of Spades? I live nearby too.”
“Where are we going?”
“To my place.” He hesitated for just a second or two. “Are you okay with that?”
The statement made all the cogs in your head move. You hesitated now, too.
Was it what you thought it was? You couldn’t be sure – it could have been just another one of the ordinary meetings, one to get to know each other better, one to pass free time. It was still soon – you didn’t expect it to happen so fast. Even in the span of the time that has passed ever since seeing him for the first time, till reaching this particular point – it still felt so fast, as though after all these years of hopeless yearning you weren’t ready for jumping into the deep end and bringing your dreams to life.
Yet, your instincts were at ease, no red flags, no suspicions. You didn’t feel a need to refuse, or to wait. What would happen if you did – wouldn’t you end up regretting it? Would you be stuck in your safe-zone forever? Although you felt naïve in your trust, you still trusted your instincts foremost.
So the answer came naturally.
“Yes. Yes, I’m in.”
* * *
Please, reblog if you enjoyed, it'll help me a bunch
Author's note: How's everyone doing~? I hope you're enjoying yourselves. Please let me know your thoughts on adding that little criminal thread! And, while waiting for the next update, consider checking out my masterlist~
Next (Chapter 3.)
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Not My Yacht" *Chapter 1?*
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So this is interesting:
So "Not My Yacht" was my very first fic. Like, I'm talking VERY VERY first.
So when I started asking around about ideas for a new series, a few of my lovelies went through my one shots and this story and "Doodling" got some good votes.
So, I decided to include the one shot and just added to it for a POTENTIAL new series. We'll see how this chapter goes over.
Also I'll be including Rita Calhoun in this for the FIRST time ever, so I may need assistance from @storiesofsvu to get her voice right. I did my best here. I'll be honest I've never really watched her, just that one where that guy blackmailed her or something.
Also Also, if it wasn't obvious enough this is obviously the beginning of the SVU episode "Her Negations".
I don't want to give anything away because I haven't even really thought that far, but I'm 95% sure this is going to turn in a William Lewis situation fic. So...pretty dark. I'm just warning you NOW.
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And yes, the results are in. There is a part 2!
You breathed in the salty air of the sea of the sunny South Hampton shore; It was a beautiful day for a yacht party.
You walked along the pier as you got closer to your boss’s boat: The Crime Wave. Her husband’s idea of a funny name she claimed as she had invited people from the office to this soiree. You were lucky to even get an invite, just being the assistant to the owner of the law firm. “Who else is going to help me dodge boring conversations with men who just wanted a "free ride” on the bosses boat?“ She had teased you; or at least you hoped she was kidding.
You really wanted to just relax and mingle among the elite lawyers of NYC, seeing as you wanted to be one of them someday.
You saw your boss, Rita Calhoun waving you down as you reached the dock space.
"Ah! There you are, for a minute I thought I’d have to mix my own drinks!” She laughed with a wink. You laugh nervously, unable to discern if she was kidding.
“Calm down sweetie, I’m a big girl. Besides, I like to make them myself, strong,” she laughed again, patting your shoulder. Crap had your face looked that panicked? Keep it cool!
“Go ahead, enjoy yourself. I’ll be here, making sure none of those damn punks tries to sneak on here for free booze,” she scoffed, nodding to a group of highly dressed teens playing chicken on the shoreline.
You nodded with a half laugh, stepping onto the yacht. It was a decent size, a second level deck and a very spacious main level. Not a lot of people had arrived yet, so you decided to pick a spot on the yachts back bench area before all the seating was taken. You began removing your over clothes revealing your swimming wear when you hear Rita greet someone else.
“Ah, Barba. You know we have flare guns on board,”
You turn to see the ADA of New York, Rafael Barba. He’s dressed in a windbreaker and what could be either a dark red or salmon polo. You realize Mrs. Calhoun is referring to the almost neon yellow color of the windbreaker, and you can’t help but giggle. It must have been way too loud because they both turn to you which caused you to immediately shut up and go back to undressing and laying out your towel, but ever so slightly still honed in on the conversation.
“You can never be too careful Rita, who knows how many enemies I’ve made in this town; someone might throw me over,” he smirked.
“And anyone here could make it look like a very convincing accident….even my aspiring protege over there,” Rita nods over to you, knowing full well what you were doing.
Barba turned and looked at you, your body frozen in mid towel thrust. You didn’t know whether to throw it over yourself or just run off the boat right there.
“I know it’s an awful jacket dear, you don’t have to keep staring at him.” She called over to you. God why did she have to be so….her.
“Jesus Rita give the girl a break, or did you invite her just to torture her on unbillable hours?” Barba scoffed with a half smile, walking over to you.
“Is it really worth the minimum wage to put up with her?” He asked.
“Mmm…it’s more for the experience, honestly.” You replied surprisingly smoothly.
“Oh….well I mean I could give you the experience without–” He started but was interrupted by your boss’s loud exclaiming.
“Yeah I’ll BET you’d give her experience Barba! Stop hitting on my intern and mingle with the adults.”
If you could dig a hole straight through the boat into the ocean you would do it right then and there.
“…..Without THAT.” He rolled his eyes, lightly flipping her the bird behind his back. You see her respond with a laugh then turns her attention back to the guests boarding.
“She’s probably been drinking since she got on the boat, yeah?” He asked you.
“I…I don’t know I just got here….” You managed to squeak out as your towel strayed from your hands. Barba grabbed it and helped you reposition it on the bench.
“Kinda windy for a yacht party, but Rita will take any chance to celebrate anything remotely resembling a boost to her ego. Am I right?” He chuckled, before sitting down on your towel.
“Just to keep it from blowing away, do you mind?” He asked, gesturing for you to join him. You nodded a boisterous “NO”, plopping next to him on the bench.
“I’m Rafael Barba,” he extended his hand to you, which you took and shook gently, praying to God he didn’t notice you were literally shaking. You had probably had the biggest crush on him since you started working with Mrs. Calhoun, he was constantly in her office challenging her with warrants and favors.
“Oh yeah I know,” you blurted out, mentally facepalming immediately.
“I see….” He raised an eyebrow. “And you are….?”
You were about to answer when his phone went off. He answered it putting one finger up and mouthing the words “one second.”
“Barba. Yeah….what? Seriously, Olivia? On a Sunday?!” He groaned into his phone with an exaggerated eye roll. He raised his hand and ran it over his face begrudgingly as he talked.
“Yeah….alright, fine. Yeah I’ll be there, give me an hour. I’m in the Hamptons. Because it’s my day off, Liv! Do you think I lock myself in my office over the weekends like a vampire in a coffin? Yeah…I’m sorry, I just…” He glanced at you.
“I was enjoying my Sunday.” He gave you a small sad smile.
“Yeah. Ok. See you soon.” He hung up the phone with an exasperated sigh.
“I’m sorry, I gotta go back to the city. Don’t let Rita push you around too much, okay?” He chuckled, rubbing the top of your head like a puppy. You felt your face scrunch up in annoyance, seriously? He thought of you as a kid?!
He obviously noticed, and quickly held out his hand again very sternly.
“Sorry, future counselor.” He said in an overly serious tone, and you couldn’t stop yourself from giggling. Again. Like an idiot.
Relieved he had fixed his faux paux, he gave you one last beautiful Barba grin as he jogged over to Rita and told her something before nodding to you once again, then walked off the boat and disappearing down the pier.
Your boss sauntered over to you, a shit eating grin across her face.
“Well Cinderella, you sure kept that cool.” She gestured for your phone beside you.
“Be sure to tell him your name this time,” she winked, handing it back to you. You glanced down at it as she walked away; she had added a number to your contacts.
“BHole Barba.” You laughed out loud. Nice. Maybe she wasn’t such a horrible boss after all….
By Monday you still hadn’t had the balls to text Rafael Barba. You had just stared at the number in your phone, imagining all the possibilities contacting him would lead to. You may have gotten so far as planning your summer wedding in the Hamptons, but nobody needed to know that.
But you had chickened out and left it alone, and now you were sitting at your desk typing up a memo for Rita when you saw him come waltzing through the door.
“Ah, Cinderella!” He smiled at you.
“Hey…” Your mind went blank, you couldn’t think of words. Wait, had he already given you a nickname?
“Cinderella?” You blinked in confusion.
“Well I never caught your name-- But I guess I shouldn’t even push it, you’ve clearly moved on and I must seem like a creep,” His train of thought proceeded out loud as he realized you hadn’t taken his number and here he was still flirting with you. Rita had given it to you, he had seen her type it in your phone. Obviously you weren’t interested, why was he pushing this?
“What? NO!” You said a little louder than you intended, actually a lot louder than you intended. You slapped your hand over your mouth after your little outburst, but to you relief he was still smiling.
“Oh? Well I suppose that’s good…” He was obviously fishing for your excuse as to why you had waited until he popped back in your face to talk to him.
“No, I um--” You racked your brain for an excuse that wasn’t “I was busy planning our lives together”.
“I….couldn’t think of something interesting to say,” You finally admitted with a pitiful sigh. You were not a good liar, and under pressure, forget about it.
Again, he still smiled-- but this time he laughed along with it.
“I mean, ‘Hello’ is always an option,” He chuckled. “Or...your name?”
“Oh!” Idiot. You hadn’t even given him your name, how was he supposed to fall madly in love with you without a name?
“Y/N,” You stuck your hand out awkwardly, Was this a ‘shake hands’ moment? Hadn’t you already met before? You stared at your hand as you moved it slightly back and forth, arguing with yourself whether or not this was necessary. Luckily, Rafael settled the argument by taking your hand and shaking it firmly.
His hands were so soft, his long fingers enveloped yours in them. You lost yourself in the moment, and before you knew it he was making an uncomfortable cough, snapping you back to reality. You dropped his hand and snapped yours back into your body like a zip cord, your face in a horrified stare.
“Oh God, I’m so sorry, that was so weird. I’m weird. I’m--”
“Well I don’t know what you were so worried about Cinderella, you’re clearly a chatterbox,” He gave you a tongued smile, referring to the word vomit you just couldn’t help spill all over him.
“Oh yeah, I’m a total word machine,” You laughed nervously. A word machine? What the fuck was that?
“...Word machine. Right,” He nodded in amusement. “Well word machine, would you mind shooting some words to my phone, or do you just enjoy this face to face thing?”
“With that face? Definitely the latter. But you can have my number anyway,” You typed a quick message and sent it to his number. Damn that was smooth! How did you do that?
Rafael made an impressed face with your line, but when he opened his phone his brows furrowed.
“Hit?” He gave you a curious look as he read the text out loud.
“Fuck it was supposed to be ‘hi’-- stupid autocorrect,” You muttered angrily. Yeah, that was more like you.
“Oh yes, the dreaded autocorrect,” He nodded while saving your number. “Turning fucks into ducks since 2011,”
“Oh I didn’t have a phone in 7th grade but I’ll take your word for it,” You laughed, but stopped when his face twisted into a mix of horror and discomfort when he realized how young you actually were.
Dammit. Why...why would you do this?
“....Right, is Rita in?” He quickly shoved his phone back in his pocket and headed into Rita’s office before you could answer.
“...Idiot!” You yelled at yourself as your hands went over your face and your face planted into your desk.
Well, that was nice while it lasted. All 2.5 seconds of it.
“Well Barba, about time,” Rita smirked as Rafael abruptly burst into her office trying to get away from you. “Done flirting with the intern are we?”
“Shut up,” He rolled his eyes, though his face was a deep shade of red.
“Oh no, what happened? Did your dentures fall out in front of her?” She smirked.
“I’m younger than you!!” He scoffed.
“Yeah but I’m not the one trying to boff a 25 year old,” She smirked harder, making Rafael angrier.
“Can I just get the warrant I came here for, Rita?” He huffed.
“Oooh, struck a nerve there, did I?” Rita chuckled as she grabbed some papers from her desk and started to hand them to him. “Barba, for the record I’m really not judging you. If I were 20 years younger, I’d hit it too,”
“Excuse me?”
“I had a lot of ‘cats’ in college,” She winked.
“Wow,” Rafael held up his hands. “Rita, we really don’t need to be that personal.”
“Fine, but all I’m saying is if you like the girl, don’t let a stupid thing like age deter you. Don’t tell her I said this, but she’s actually very competent and organized. I would almost prefer her not to graduate, unless she'd come work for me. She’s going to be a hell of a lawyer,” She gestured outside to your desk.
Rafael looked at the ground as he mulled over what she was saying, a small smile crawled across his lips as she complimented your potential.
“I’ll take that under advisement, Mrs. Calhoun,” He nodded as he walked towards the door with the papers in his hand, a huge smile across his face now.
He walked out to find you cursing at yourself and whimpering in embarrassment at your desk. When you heard the door shut you snapped to attention and stared at him, shocked he hadn't sprinted out of the office like Usain Bolt. Even more shocking was that Cheshire cat grin now upon his face.
“I-I’m sorry, I totally meant I was--” You tried doing math trying to make yourself reasonably older.
“It’s fine,” He chuckled as he put a hand over your counting fingers. You blushed at the touch of his skin on yours again, but quickly shoved your hands under the desk nervously as you tried not to look him square in the eye. His eyes were so gorgeous you were positive staring straight into them would actually get you pregnant.
“So does Rita ever unchain you from this desk?” He smirked as he was now very aware and very amused at how nervous he made you. He may be old, but clearly he’s still got it.
“Oh yeah, if I ask very nicely she let’s me--” You tried to think of something witty, but it wasn’t coming with him staring at you with those eyes. “....Yes,” You wanted to put your hands over your face but you didn’t want it to be a ‘thing’.
“Well, maybe if you’re an extra good girl she’ll let you off your leash early tonight,” He winked.
“....Am I a dog or a toddler in that situation?” You were genuinely asking, but Rafael clearly realized how insulting that must have seemed.
“Oh no no no, I just, shit,” He tried to backtrack but if he was being totally honest, you made him nervous. Maybe he didn’t have ‘it’ as much as he thought.
You noticed he was the one blushing now, oh my god were you making him nervous? QUICK, BE SMOOTH. BE SMOOTHER THAN YOU’VE EVER BEEN IN YOUR LIFE.
“Are you asking me out, counselor?” You did your best “sultry “voice with a bat of your eyes. Were you batting them too much? What was too much? Oh god you’ve done it for too long now. STOP BATTING.
“...I don’t know, guess you’ll have to wait for me to text you, future counselor,” He was impressed by the line, and decided to bow out before either of you made idiots of yourselves again. He gave you a wink and sauntered out of the office.
Great. Now he’ll probably make you wait two days for a--
Your phone went off in your desk. You pulled it out to see a text message:
BHOLE BARBA: Dinner? Tonight?
You really needed to change his contact name. But that wasn’t the point right now. He just asked you out. Rafael Barba just asked you out. You stared at in your hands, unsure of what to do. Then you realized you couldn’t do this again, you couldn’t just sit there and imagine things, this required an immediate response.
You nervously typed a reply and hit SEND:
Sire ;)
“DAMMIT!!!” You cursed your autocorrect. You instantly sent another text.
Before you could lecture yourself again, your phone beeped again:
Play? What did that--
BHOLE: Okay** ;)
You typed the word ‘okay’ into your text reply bubble, ‘play’ came up in the autocorrect word list.
He was joking with you. He was flirting with you. RAFAEL BARBA WAS FLIRTING WITH YOU.
This work day could not end fast enough.
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dustofbrokenheart · 3 years
The Covenant: Presents and Kisses
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Reid Garwin x Reader
Word Count: 1,858
Summary: It’s reader’s birthday and Reid has some surprises up his sleeve. Dedicated to the lovely @saviorsong​. Happy Birthday! 
The café was a small, single room operation so sound from both the dining area and the kitchen traveled throughout. And everyone heard when your boyfriend came out of the bathroom, throwing the door open with such force that a bang rang out from where it hit the wall.
The poor barista almost dropped a drink they were making out of surprise.
“Babe, that was the biggest shit I’ve taken this month,” Reid practically shouted as he made his way back to the table.
You didn’t bother to acknowledge that particular comment and kept your attention on Tyler who had also tagged along with you guys. It was better to not entertain poop talk seeing as how you were in public.
“Babe! Did you hear what I said?”
“I think everyone did,” you replied pointedly. He dropped into his chair, hands clutching at his stomach.
You continued chatting with Tyler about a class you were taking and Reid still kept fidgeting and groaning. He was normally dramatic but he was really hamming it up.
You turned to him with a raised brow. That was all it took for him to increase his complaining.
“I think it was the food. It’s gotta be food poisoning, I feel so sick.”
“But we ate from the same plate.”
A glance at the table showed a shared plate that had long been eaten with not a drop of sauce left on the it after you both had all but cleaned the dish. If he actually had food poisoning, shouldn’t you be feeling it too? Your stomach felt perfectly fine, if not satisfied.
“Everyone reacts differently to these things, you know.”
Tyler nodded seriously, corroborating Reid’s claim. Those two were thicker than thieves, always ready to back each other up.
“No telling how bad this could get. I’m gonna head home but you should stay, Ty can hang out with you,” he said.
“Really?” Your tone was colored with incredulously. “Today of all days?”
He completely ignored that and bent down for a kiss. You were extremely tempted to turn away but ended up giving in. Reid may be an idiot, but he was your idiot. Keeping up with the sick-as-a-dog routine, he gingerly hobbled out of the café.
And since he was your idiot, you knew something was definitely up. You didn’t claim to be the smartest person around but Reid wasn’t exactly subtle.
Immediately, your attention turned towards Tyler. If one was plotting, then the other would know.
The brunette raised his hands as if to keep things peaceful. “Okay, okay. Don’t be upset.”
“It’s my birthday and my man just ran out under suspicious circumstances. I have every right to be annoyed.”
“Exactly! You’re the reason why he left!” He paused for an awkward second. “Wow. That came out totally wrong. What I mean is that he’s setting up something nice for you.”
“He is?” you asked suddenly touched.
Reid was a romantic sort. Maybe not always so smooth about it, but a romantic nonetheless. And he did do things for you often, even if a good number of things were in an attempt to apologize for something stupid he did, but he had never done a birthday surprise.
Well, not one where he had kept it a surprise for this long. Normally he couldn’t keep quiet about his plans so you were a bit impressed that you hadn’t noticed until his terrible acting just then.
Tyler nodded again, this time in excitement. “Yep. He needs a few hours to get it ready though…we can either stay here or walk around. Your birthday, your choice.”
His methods may be, well, unconventional, but your heart beat a little faster knowing he was planning something. Your mind wandered, thinking up various possibilities. Two hours couldn’t go by fast enough.
It ended up being close to six o’clock before you returned home.
You closed the door gently and toed your shoes off. The quietness seemed that much thicker with anticipation weighing heavily.
A trail of rose petals wound around the living room and trailed down the hallway, presumably to the bedroom, but you got distracted by a tantalizing aroma. 
You followed that into the kitchen instead and found a skillet filled with something delicious. Other bowls with other fantastic side dishes were arranged randomly around it on the countertops.  
And then you noticed the cake. Unlike the others, the cake was displayed on the table, a package of candles lying next to it. You walked closer to get a better view and couldn’t the grin hat spread across your face.
Clearly, he had made the cake himself. Not that that was off-putting to you in any way. It was really quite cute.
He had made a small two-layer cake which in of itself didn’t look too bad. The sides were not traditionally frosted so, the parts that were visible, you could see that the shape and the softness looked about right. Kind of. 
In lieu of normal frosting, he had attempted to coat them with a crumb frosting of some sort. Despite his best effort, the crumbs didn’t hadn’t spread evenly with some parts having barely any and others having too much.
It looked like he also had issues with the frosting on top. You guessed that he had tried to apply it while the cake was still warm because it was thinner than it should have been, almost glaze-like. Some had even started to leak over the sides before it was cool enough to harden up again.
Even with flaws, it was still the sweetest, frumpiest birthday cake you could ever remember someone making for you.
You stuck out a finger trying to taste the crumb coat when you felt a sharp smack to your ass.
“Oww!” Rubbing it, you saw Reid standing behind you with a towel in his hand. “Did you really just spank me with a towel?”
“It’s not time for cake yet,” he said. He was shirtless, tattoos on display, baggy cargo pants riding low on his hips. There was a hint of tiredness in his eyes but it was mostly irritation. “This part was for last. You were supposed to follow the roses first.”
Ah. He was irritated that you messed up the plan. But you were so excited to see what else he had in store that you didn’t answer back with a sharp quip of your own. “Then lead the way.”
With a sigh, he put his hands on your shoulders and walked you out of the kitchen. His grip was gentle though so you knew he wasn’t seriously frustrated with you.
The path of rose petals came back into view and you realized they were from a real flower and not plastic. A warm feeling spread through you and it only grew the closer the closer the path drew you to the bedroom. Reid stayed just behind you the whole way, your gentle guide.
“The flowers are beautiful, Reid.”
“I know. And a normal person would’ve followed them from the start.”
“Sorry,” you giggled. “The food all looked really good though. Three Michelin stars across the board.”
“Yeah, yeah. Just open the door, would ya?”
You pushed the door with your fingers, thoughts racing. What were you going to find? That fancy stationary set you’d been eyeing online? A fluffy, tail-wagging puppy? A chest of kinky toys?
With Reid it could any one of the three. Maybe even all three.
Tons of balloons were inflated and rolling around the floor, so much so that you had to kick a few out of the way to be able to step in. Even a birthday banner hung over the bed when he had thumbtacked it into the wall.
But the gift was unmistakable.
The large woven basket was sitting on the dresser, fibers dyed your favorite color was hard to miss.
Then came the stuff that was practically overflowing from said basket. You rummaged through it like a old woman at a yard sale, pulling out something new with every handful.
Jewelry. A soft blanket. Cans of your favorite type of drink. Hand painted ceramics. Some hard cover additions you’d been meaning to add to your personal library. New head phones. Dozens of origami creatures. A tee from your favorite team. Coffee mugs and several blends of beans. Hand-held tools  to replace your old ones with. And not only a stationary set but a wax letter stamp seal as well.
And everything from the basket to the last gift followed the same theme: it was all in your favorite color.
You jumped into his arms and he caught you. “I’m—this is…this is…”
“What?” he said, his breath tickling your ear and fingers gripping your thighs tightly. “Impressive? Inspiring? The best goddamn gift you’ve ever seen?”
“Touching,” you whispered.
You couldn’t see it, but you could sense the soft expression on his face.
“How did you even manage to find some of this stuff in this color?”
“It wasn’t easy, let me tell you…”
He went on explaining how he started with the just the stationary (you were right and he had noticed you looking at it) in your favorite color.
Then he added the headphones, also in your favorite color.
Then he’d painted the ceramic pieces himself.  
Eventually thinking up even more potential presents to get, he’d come up with the idea to do everything in that color. The tools were the hardest but he was very proud that he’d been able to pull it off with the help of a custom order from a local business.
“This is super touching. Thanks for putting in this much thought and effort,” you said finally lifting your head up to give him a kiss.
It was meant to be a quick peck but Reid’s lips followed yours when you tried to pull back, turning it into something more passionate. He even managed to lick his way into your mouth before you finally parted, panting for air.
“Mmm,” he breathed, lips back on yours. “You’re eager to get to the next event.”
You made a confused sound in your throat which he swallowed. One of his hands traveled up your leg and over your hip to come to a rest on your lower back. He turned you and that’s when you noticed the bed.
The comforter was already pulled slightly down and more rose petals were scattered all around. He laid you down on the mattress and prowled up your body. The petals were even more fragrant now that you were closer to them.
“What’s the next event?” you asked coyly although it wasn’t hard to guess.
“One kiss for every year you’ve been alive,” he said with a cocked smile. “It was either that many kisses or that many orgasms—I figured all those orgasms might be too much for you though.”
You bit his bottom lip and snuck your fingers under the waistband of his cargo pants suggestively. “How about both?”
He watched in rapture as you removed your shirt, eyes glued to your chest.  
“Anything for you, babe. Happy Birthday.”
Yay! Thanks for reading. I hope this was alright. 
In my mind, Reid is the type of romantic to make you things, hence the food, origami, and ceramics. But sensual time will also be included just because. 
Honestly, he probably heard what Caleb did for his s/o and, in typical competitive fashion, decided he could do better. He roped in Tyler to keep reader distracted and spent a few hours cooking, decorating, and assembling the massive personalized gift basket. 
They likely did reach fulfill the birthday kiss count but how many orgasms they managed to achieve is up to your imagination. 
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binniesthighs · 4 years
call me babydoll | reader x chan
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a/n: ahhhhh wow WOW cuties LOL i was not expecting this fic idea to keep me up in my sleep and occupy all my waking thoughts BUT thank you so so  much for you words of support!! hehe well....here we goooo i hope that ya’ll are ready teehee--also tags will be added as they come! You can read part one here
Pairing: self insert, female reader x bang chan 
Genre: action, mystery and suspense, fluff, smut, angst 
Tags: (of this part) bodyguard au, secret agent au, royal au, moderndayprince!chan, secretagent!reader, secretagent!jeongin, secretagent!jisung, skz side characters, adventure and mystery, action and peril, plot driven, running out of time, slow-ish burn, growing feelings, sexual tension, explicit language, jeongin in this fic is my bb and i will protect him, sexy and smart jeongin tho still hehe 
CWs: mentions of death, people dying/killing, mentions of blood and wounds, mentions of getting drunk, hungover, and vomiting, a bombing. 
Word count: 5.2k 
The road was long and winding, pitch black, desolate, quiet and foreign. In the backseat of the car, Chan had slumped his head over on Jeongin’s shoulder and bobbed with the motions of the road. His nose would twitch in his sleep, and he would make little grunts of nonsense words. He had worked himself up after the banquet, and actually hadn’t stopped his “love confessions” until you told him to shut up or you would shut him up. 
Your partner’s glasses were illuminated from the screen of his laptop which he tapped quietly away at. You too felt drowsy, but sleep would be for later once you had properly arrived at the safe house, or safe hotel, or safe hole in the ground...whatever it was. 
“You hear anything from Carroll?” You slung your arm over the seat and lowered your voice. 
“Nothing yet.” His eyes flicked around the screen. “It’s almost like it’s too quiet. I’ve already told her that we have the prince and that he’s safe, but..nothing.” 
“You don’t think...they got targeted too?” 
Chan snored lightly on his bodyguard’s shoulder, and he didn’t dare to move an inch. 
“I sure as hell hope not. But...that would explain why things have been so quiet. If this was a larger scale attack...I don’t know what this could mean then.” 
From the darkness of the outside world in the car windows, you passed a forest of pines and oher types of stoic trees making up the mountainside. 
“Well, I think that we should be optimistic for the time being.” 
Jeongin nodded. He looked to be a mess: blood had splattered at his white shirt collar and in specks on his neck. His cracked lenses however, didn’t keep him from his work. He had pulled his tie loosely around his neck, and had also provided his jacket as a pseudo-blanket of sorts for the prince. The prince, had offered his own jacket to you seeing as you only had your dress, but you had been managing just fine. You accepted it, but only because it could soothe his chivalrous ego. He had a hard night already, so you saw it best. 
“Two, where are you taking us?” You called to the mysterious driver. 
Ever since meeting him at the hotel, he had been nearly silent the whole ride. 
The man cleared his throat, “As far away from here as I can. I don’t know of any safe houses so...I’m just trying to remove us.” 
“I can find one for us if Carroll doesn’t get back to me....which she should...” 
Jeongin was not one for speaking of his mother as anything other than his boss. Since he had been assigned to be your partner a few months ago, he had never referred to her as his mother, nor did he ever seem to harbor any emotion for the stern woman. Both of them had been a bit allusive to you, but that was simply how it was in this line of work. You didn’t know things about the people around you, and you didn’t need to ask. You had wondered if he had worried about her, or thought about her when you were on missions. The young man had trained rigorously, and had passed each exam from the academy with flying colors. After considering it for a while, you figured what immense pressure he must've been under: son of the woman in charge, a master at infiltration, espionage, manipulation, cybersecurity, and a million more things; he had to prove himself and more. 
You couldn’t have asked for a better partner, but you almost did wish that you had known more. 
Two fiddled with the radio, settling on a station that played some kind of country-western type music. 
“What’s your specialty Two? How’d you end up a part of this shitshow?” 
The driver laughed, then hummed along with the music for a moment. “This has been my gig for few years, but I’ve never been a part of this unit before. Carroll always saw it best for my services to be used in other places.” 
“You have a specialty?” Jeongin asked while still typing furiously. 
Two scratched the back of his head. “I do a little bit of everything. But...let’s just say that I’m good at making friends. That’s why Carroll likes me.” 
“--You know her personally?” Your partner quipped, but the edge to his voice didn’t sound like judgement, but rather caution. 
“We’ve had a few meetings.” 
You kicked off your heals to massage your aching toes. If only they had attacked at a time when you had the proper footwear. 
“You said we could also call you J?” You sprawled over the back seat in an attempt to make yourself more comfortable. Still, the plastic seatbelt buckles poked into your back. 
“Yes. You can call me J.” 
And that was that. No “What’s J stand for”, or “where are you from”, “where’s your home base,” “how did you rank at the academy?” You added questions to the list of things that weren’t allowed as well. 
Jeongin tore off his glasses with an exasperated sigh to rub at his tired eyes. Chan made a happy little noise, presumably because he had found a cozier spot on Jeongin’s shoulder. He had now gotten the chance to sleep off his drunken stupor that may or may not had contributed to his sudden confession, and the reason behind the two pitstops you had taken for him to retch on the side of the road. 
If he was a prince, he might’ve also been one mess of a prince. In all of his grace and confidence, the pleasures that he partook in would often get the best of him at times too. 
You gave up on trying to get some sleep, but rather sat up to watch that paradoxically handsome and misshapen prince. Just like this: sleeping, vulnerable, with some kind of lopsided smirk on his face, he was much less than the regal figure that you had painted him to be in your mind. For maintaining appearances the whole day long, you hadn’t ever really gotten the chance to see him like this before. His façade faded, and you surmised that maybe he really was different from the way that he let on. 
“I’m so fucking tired.” Jeongin yawned. 
“Get some sleep then. I’ll stay up to watch things.” 
“That’s just it. I can’t sleep even if I tried.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Can you pass me some hand sanitizer or something? There’s...blood on my hands.” 
Your partner’s voice cracked slightly. It was then when you realized that this had been the first time that he had fired at real people. 
“I’ve got a water bottle? Is that enough?” 
“Yeah. It’s fine.” 
He splashed the liquids around while wiping his hands away, then flicked the remnants of water away. 
“Something about this doesn’t sit right with me.” 
“How do you mean?” 
Chan’s coat draped over your shoulders, and you pulled it in closer around your arms. The night had been cool, and the AC blasting in the car didn’t make it much better. 
Jeongin licked his lips. “Nothing was supposed to happen tonight. We made sure of it. No one was suspicious, we ran background checks, we checked the whole area...” 
“Hey,” You attempted to turn your tone softer, “We couldn’t have seen it coming. They just rolled up out of nowhere, there was no way that we could’ve stopped it--” 
“--Innocent people died tonight. If they were out for the prince, or maybe they weren’t, why so much collateral damage?” 
“Obviously they don’t care.” 
“Bastards.” Jeongin took the last bits of water to slug. “We’re gonna fucking find out why they did all of this.” 
Two shifted in his seat, “Any word? Hate to mention it, but I’m getting kinda tired. It’s past three already.”  
He clicked around, then shook his head. “Still nothing.” 
Chan snorted a bit in his sleep: an action which woke him up. 
“Wha-what? Where are we? Are the there yet? What time is it? Fuck...my head feels like it’s splitting...” 
“We’re finding somewhere, your Highness. We’ll be there soon.” Your partner motioned for you to hand him another water to give to the disorientated prince. 
Chan nodded while he rubbed his temples. “Shit. Please tell me that I just made this all up. That it’s some kind of fucked up nightmare...” 
You threw Chan’s coat back to him. “Unfortunately, no. We’re trying to figure out everything that we can.” 
“Who the hell were those guys?” Water dripped down his neck in a way that you pretended not to notice. “They were wearing crests. I couldn’t tell, but weren’t they red?” 
“Very observant, your Highness. F?” 
The younger man bit his lip, “I’ve already tried finding where the crest is from, but I can’t find anything that resembles it within our database. I was able to see one up close. It looked like a heart or something like that, and a diamond. I’m guessing that it could’ve been maybe a spade? Like the kind that you see on playing cards? Still, since we’ve never seen it before, we can only assume that they must be a new group.” 
Chan nodded, but anyone could tell that the information had flown right over his head. He licked at his wet lips, then sighed. 
“Bee, You okay? Fox? I suppose that I should ask you both.” 
“I’m...fine.” His sudden concern came as a surprise, and your partner looked just as shocked. 
“I-I’m fine too. No holes in me or anything.” Jeongin suppressed a laugh. “But you’re not, your Highness. How much did you have to drink?” 
“Oh...enough. I guess that I lost track at some point. Those kind of things are boring anyway.” 
“Fox? You’ve got that locale?” Two clicked the turn signal. 
“Oh! Yeah, I’ve got one. Sorry, It’s about an hour from here.” 
“Locale?” Chan cocked his head. 
“A safe house. Or something like that. We need to lie low while we wait for instructions.” 
“No one has said anything...? Not even...my father?” 
Jeongin shook his head gravely. “No.” 
The young prince fell silent, and you watched as worry fell over his clouded eyes that were lined with bags. Normally his expression was anything but strained, but in this moment, you saw doubt sweep over him like the darkness on the road ahead. You leaned the farthest you could from your seat to grab at his hand behind you. 
“You’re safe with us. Nothing is going to happen to you.” 
His hand was warm, maybe a little clammy, but it was soft, like that of a prince, naturally. Still, it was strong and veined. Chan’s thumb rubbed soft little circles into your own skin, muttering, “Thank you.” For once, his eyes which would normally devour you like some kind of rare dish held you earnestly. I trust you, they said. 
“Two. Let’s switch.” Jeongin slammed his laptop closed. “I’ve got it from here.” 
The safe house was quiet. As most of them where. It was even a bit stereotypical: a little cottage in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by woods on nearly all sides. It had a little overgrown garden, and a shed that looked like it held either all kinds of gardening equipment, or the real thing that sheds were meant for in your business: ammo. It had a white painted porch with cracking paint, as well as porch swing with rusting chains. In the early morning the windows were are black, but still faintly reflected the massive array of sparking stars above your heads. The only thing less antique about the home was the touch keypad on the front door. It beeped with a little tune, then flashed the insignia of the agency: a ticking clock. 
“Two, can you find a generator or something? Get the electricity up and going?” 
“Can do,” He said, then disappeared. 
Two was mostly a quiet man, a feature that gave you both reasons to trust him and to be suspicious. Besides him being a bit smaller in stature with thin legs and characteristically round cheeks, there was something different about him that you couldn’t place; something unexpected. You wished once again that questions weren’t on the list of things that weren’t allowed. 
“There should be clothes around here somewhere.” Jeongin padded his way through the dark rooms. “You shower first your Highness.” 
Chan tripped over his feet as he spread out his arms to find his way. You giggled lightly at the action. A man really was stripped down of any and all sense of composure when his life had been threatened and he had to have his bodyguards pat his back while he had gotten sick after one too many royal drinks. 
The lights flashed on, flickering at first with the sound of the lightbulbs waking up after a long sleep. The interior design of the place was exactly as you had expected: it was a family home with a fireplace and several chairs and couches covered in dust. Bookshelves were full with the strangest assortment of reading material and board games there held a thin layer of grey dust too. The kitchen was small and cozy: it had all the necessities. A stained glass chandelier hung over the wooden table for eight, and was decorated with glass hummingbirds and pink flowers. In odd corners of the house, children’s toys had been sitting untouched. A family must’ve been living there, and you wondered what must’ve become of them. 
Two returned with spiderwebs caught on his dress coat. “Water should be hot in about thirty minutes or so I think.” 
Your partner crossed the room, raking a hand through his snowy white hair. “I’m gonna try and make the calls again. See if I get anything. If not, we’ll have to...begin Operation Cheshire.” 
It was the phrase that you had hoped neither you nor your partner would have to say. 
Chan slumped down in one of the upholstered chairs, throwing dust into the air as he did. Compared to the rest of the room, him and his designer clothes seemed comically out of place. “Wha-what’s that?” 
Two pinched between his eyes, and your chest shook with an unsure inhale. 
“It means that we assume the worst. HQ got taken over and we’re all at risk. Information about us could be accessible to anyone. Essentially, we go into sleeper mode until we can reconvene with other agents...if there are any more. We dissapear. Next, we work on getting you back home, no matter what it takes.” 
“HQ?” What are you talking about?” Chan toyed with his diamond set cufflinks. “HQ? Like whoever manages the bodyguards??” 
“Your Highness...” You and your partner exchanged knowing glances. “We’re more than bodyguards.” 
“We’re operatives. Agents. We work for an intelligence agency that specializes in a bunch of different things...protecting royalty if needed.” 
“What the fuck?! Why didn’t anyone tell me? Chan slapped his leg. “Fuck! No one tells me anything!!! I get that I’m a fucking prince but I’m not fucking useless!” 
The memory of the confidential file reemerged in your memory: the promise that you had made to His Majesty The King after he had requested a “special hire” to watch over his son. The file itself had contained a several thousand words or so that you hadn’t bothered to read, but rather skimmed till you got to the signature part. Carroll had simply nodded before you put your pen to the paper. 
“It was for your saf--” 
“--My father did this, didn’t he? Didn’t he? Some kind of sick way to keep tabs on me? See what I’m doing?? God! The man never trusts me. If the thinks that I’m that much of a disappointment...this is just--” 
“Your Highness, it’s been a long day, you’ve been through a lot, just take a shower and get some rest. Alright? We’ll talk more about this in the morning.” Two stepped forward with his hands folded in front of him. His interjection was unlike his previously quiet presence. 
The prince sighed, tapping his tragically expensive shoe on the hardwood. 
“Fine. We’ll talk about it in the morning.” 
Chan’s eyes grew dark with an authoritative air that you had seen before. His façade had slipped over him like a cloak. He rose, buttoning his jacket, then tweaking his sliver brooches decorating his neck. 
“Fox. Bee. Two. Thank you. Good evening.” 
Chan knew that it was you at the door when you would knock two times, then pause, and knock twice more. In your hands, you held a cup of warm milk. For a prince, even he couldn’t reject the beverage to help him fall asleep at night. You had seen him order it at hotels on more than one occasion. Jeongin had found a nearby store to get food for the morning. The two of you had suddenly found yourselves as now both his bodyguards and his servants. While you waited, you hoped to God that Carroll would compensate you for the extra work. 
The door creaked open, revealing your prince modestly dressed in plaid flannel, hair dripping slightly in wet strands. You had never seen him as simple as this before: no princely persona or cold exterior to upkeep. He looked...normal. 
“What is it Bee?” 
“I thought you might like some...well, this.” You provided him with the cup. “I know that it’s nearly morning, but you should still try to sleep in. We’ll take care of things. 
He took the ceramic mug from your hands, fingers barely brushing against yours for mere moments. 
“Thank you.” He hushed with a thankful smile. “Would you like to come in? We could...just kind of...sit for a minute.” 
Behind him, sun peaked at the horizon, a splitting of red piercing the navy deep of the night. The colors muddled, blurred, a bit like the color of blood fading into the deep fabric of one’s formal wear. It was desolate, but still beautiful. 
“To be honest,” His eyes fell, “I don’t want to be alone right now.” 
You had saved the biggest room for him. It smelled of mothballs and other old things like sheets that had rested in a dark room for much too long. Still, there was a kind of familiarity to it all and the way that the matted rugs and brass vintage lamps lit the room with a soft yellow light. The full sized bed creaked once you had sat down. In his golden halo, Chan’s brown strands appeared to be softer, and not as prim and staged. 
“I’m sorry for snapping earlier. I realized that there are things that are out of my control. You know more than I do, and I accept that. I trust you...a-and Fox.” 
You rubbed your hands into the jeans you had found in the cupboard. They had dirt and grass stains from work in the garden you presumed. 
“It’s okay. I understand that you would be scared. It’s okay to be. I...get scared sometimes too. I know that it might look like it, but I fear...for my life too. So does Jeong--Fox.” 
Chan’s voice cracked. “Is someone out to kill me?” 
You sighed, sensing his hesitation. “I don’t know. But we will know soon.” 
The prince stared down at the white bubbles in his milk, then swirled around the liquid to watch the way that that it moved. 
“I don’t think I’d like to die. Would be pretty unfortunate, don’t you think? I feel like I’ve got so many other things to do. A kingdom to manage, people to govern, much more bottles of Scotch to drink, parties to attend...” 
His eyes met yours, and you could see the very fragility of the life that he spoke of right in them. He was right in that dumb speech of his. He really was just a person. 
“...I like to think that I’ll get married someday to someone that I love. I actually would really like to do that.” He chuckled. “Lame, right? Someone like me who always bounces around. Wouldn’t take me for one?” 
“Mm. No. I think that from what I’ve observed of you, and I’m trained to observe, I think that bouncing around...means you’re looking for the right thing. And, I guess that it’s fun too.” 
Chan chuckled, “You’re good at observing.” 
You paused, remembering Lee Minho from earlier. 
“Were you looking when you were talking to that man at the banquet? He was very handsome.” 
The prince placed the cup down. “He was. I don’t know. He just seemed kind of interesting. The kind of mystery that only a stranger has. I would’ve liked to have talked to him more now that I think about it. Maybe it would’ve been worth my time.” Chan twisted his back to crack it. “I don’t know if you saw but he had some really nice fucking thighs.” 
“Ahhh. Nice thighs. Didn’t know that you cared for that.” 
The two of you laughed together a bit like old friends. It felt nice. 
“...Bee. I should also probably apologize for how I acted back before we got in the car. I was...drunk, scared. I said some things--” 
“--That you were in love with me?” 
“Yeah...that. I realized that...I’ve been...unfair to you. You don’t deserve the ridicule. You’ve only ever been helpful to me and--” 
“--Don’t worry about it. It’s fine.” You shrugged. You had met hundreds of guys like him before, at least you thought. 
Chan sighed as if he was gathering himself. “Bee. I did mean what I said.” 
“What? Ch-your Highness, you don’t mean that.” 
He laughed, “It’s alright. You can call me Chan. And...yes. I did. You’ve got a kind of mystery to you too. Frankly, I can’t stop thinking about it.” 
“This...this is inappropriate.” You shifted, the rising off the bed. Your cheeks warmed, but you couldn’t know why. Maybe he was just too damn charming. But, he was like that with everyone. 
He rose too, hastily following you on your way to the door. “Bee, wait.” 
“Chan, you can’t do this. It makes things...complicated.” 
He advanced, slowly, closing the space between you. “It’s only complicated if you feel the same.” 
“I-I don’t.” 
The prince’s hand carefully rose to cup your face, a gesture so gentle that you shied from the feeling. Even this close still he smelled of white roses. 
“Have you ever heard of conflict of interest?” Your breath hitched. 
Chan grinned, “There you go making this complicated again.” 
A wandering hand of yours acting on its own reached to tug hold of his shirt. 
The prince leaned in closer, nearly close enough to breech the gap between his plush lips and yours. 
“What if I don’t mind making things...” He whispered the word, grazing his mouth over yours, “...complicated?” 
He pressed his weight fully into you, a smashing of lips met with incessant heat and your back shoved into the door. His tongue easily twisted around yours, and his soft gasps filled up your mouth. It had taken you a couple seconds to realize what had happened, and to decide what to do with yourself. His mouth was blazing, it was as if he was weaving a spell, or perhaps you had made it up for yourself. He kissed you with vitality; like he had never tasted anything like you before and was starving for you. You realized, perhaps you had wondered what it would’ve felt like. One hand squeezed tighter to his shirt, and you kissed back, meeting his heat. 
Jeongin’s voice called down the hall, “Bee? Bee, are you there?” The sound of your bedroom door shut. 
You pushed Chan off you with flat hands on his chest and an amazed smile on his face. 
“This...this doesn’t mean anything.” You gasped, reaching for the knob after a moments pause. 
Chan snickered, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
“Goodnight your Highness.” 
For a man so young Jeongin liked his coffee black, and drank it like an old man too with his nose buried in a newspaper while it fogged up his glasses--or what was left of them. 
“I finally got correspondence from Carroll this morning. She said that HQ experienced some kind of blackout and all the systems went offline. It wasn’t safe for her to contact us on a regular line. They got everything back up and running and everything seems fine, or so they think.” 
Your partner had already made himself comfortable in a pair of sweatpants and a cotton tee with slippers. You never would’ve guessed that he was a trained assassin on the side. 
Two returned huffing in the door from his morning run. He was one of those people. 
“Any word?” He rubbed his face off with a dishtowel. 
“Disgusting.” You sneered at the crude action. 
“Well, we’ve got thousands of miles between us and the kingdom and what seems like a hell of a lot of guys on our tail, but, after I sent Carroll the info about the red crest, she wants us to do some digging. 
“With the prince in tow?” You lowered your voice lest the sleeping royal heard you. “I don’t think so.” 
“It sounds like she’s convinced that the person behind all of this could be someone who attended the charity ball. And, I don’t really disagree. They must be good at keeping secrets if they evaded us.” 
“Hm. You’re right. A high profile event like that, even though its for a good cause it’s always a competition with those snobs. I just don’t know who could order something so cruel...all those people in the same place...” 
“Since it’s a new group, they must still be underground. So, to see who lives underground, you’ve got to go there yourself to find out. Or, in our case, find someone who knows the rabbit hole.” 
Two grabbed a chair, ruffling his deep brown soaked hair. “What does that mean?” 
Jeongin flipped his laptop around. “This is the man that we need to go see. Codename White Rabbit. Or as he calls himself--” 
“--Bun.” You cut in. “Yeah, I know him.” 
Both of the men chimed, “You do?” 
“Yeah, he’s undercover ops for the agency. He’s sort of a jack of all trades. He owns some kind of front out in Egypt. It’s called The Tea Party. Bar up front, but in the back he provides all kinds of information--for both sides. His cut is that for any information he gives to the agency he gets cash compensation. If anyone would know about anything underground, it would be him. As I’m sure Carroll told you, he’s a stickler for meeting in person. He’s one of us. I think.” 
“You think?” 
“He also does...other deviant things. I heard that these days he’s had a couple dealings in some...substances. Black market stuff. Carroll also provides safety for his business in return for his information.” 
“That...sounds illegal. Immoral even.” Jeongin’s eyes widened upon hearing the news about his mother. 
“You’ve got to pay to play you know.” 
“So Egypt then?” Two wiped off the back of his neck with the dishtowel, stretching out one of his toned arms. “I’ve always wanted to go there.” 
“Oh--one more thing.” Jeongin took a rather long sip from his cup. “The King’s counsel reached out to me too this morning. They asked me if the Prince was safe and where we were. I have them loose details of both. They seemed somewhat relieved.” 
Chan sauntered down the steps with a massive yawn, stretching up his arms and shirt to reveal an inkling of his abs. You also pretended not to notice it. 
“Gooood morning everyone. Fox. Two.” He dished out a wink. “Bee.” 
“Morning your Highness.” Jeongin nodded, and crossed his legs. “Feeling well?” 
“Ahhh much better.” He poured himself a cup of coffee in the kitchen, staring out the little window over the sink, then took an indulgent sip. “It’s peaceful here. I kind of like that.” 
“Your Highness, we’ve received word--” 
Chan rose his hand to shush your partner, then languidly took another sip. “I’m still enjoying my drink F.” 
A light buzzing resonated somewhere in the house, a bit like the sound of a dryer, and the home started vibrating. Your water glass on the table rippled. 
“Two, did you notice if there was anything strange about the house?” 
The buzzing grew nearer. 
Two looked puzzled, “No, why?” 
The vibrating grew more violent, and your glass shuddered off the wooden table, shattering on the ground upon impact. 
Chan squinted out the window, “Is that a--” 
“CHAN GET DOWN!” You shrieked. 
Within milliseconds the whistling of a bomb screeched through the air, then crashed into the rickety ceiling, splintering wood everywhere and demolishing the furniture. 
You had seconds to act while the matte black bomb hissed with a steam releasing from some seam and ticked. You sprinted to grab Chan’s arm as hard as you possibly good, all in a blur, pummeling your bodies against one of the shattered windows, and hurling yourself out to the morning dew. You had no time to see if Jeongin or Two had made their exit, but looked out, towing the prince so hard you must’ve done some damage to his shoulder. You stumbled to your feet, tripping, and grunting until the bomb diffused, and exploded the cottage altogether. You covered Chan’s head and most of his body with your own as a shield and the shards of wood, metal, and brick came flying. 
“Ar-are you okay?” You patted the prince down in his shock, who stared blankly with empty eyes. 
The prince’s flannel had been torn to shreds with glass, and blood oozed onto the fabric on his arms. 
“BEE! Y/N!” Jeongin screamed over the flames to find you. 
“OVER HERE!” You bellowed back, and your partner came running with Two behind him with terrible cuts on his face. 
“They knew. They FUCKING knew.” He panted after reaching you. 
“We have to get out of here.” Two gasped, and blood ran down his face, nearly into his eye. “If they know where we are now, they’ll come to check to see if the damage is done. We have to move.”  
The sky filled with an angry smoke, and the once peaceful forest filled with the colors of orange and red. 
“The car?” 
“Broken windows from the blast but I should be able to get it going. There’s spare parts in the shed. And ammo. A fuck ton of it.” 
“We’ll need it.” 
You pulled the prince to his feet as he blinked wildly at you and your team. 
“Fuck.” Was all the could manage. 
In your complete surprise, Chan’s bloodied and cracked hands pulled your face into his, kissing you with lips that tasted of the salt of blood. 
“I fucking love you Bee. I’ve decided.” 
Jeongin’s jaw dropped in the corner of your eye, so you promptly slapped the prince upside the face. 
“You’re in shock. We need to get out of here.” 
A wrinkled smile danced on the royal’s face, and you might’ve thought that it was a bit charming. 
“Admit it. You love me too Bee.” 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
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