#I also believe ross should not have been the one to present the accords
sea-owl · 1 year
So I'm rewatching the Marvel movies and I just finished Captain America: civil war and I was wondering about you opinion of the movie?
Oh that can of worms. Okay before I start know this is just my opinion and that's okay if your's differ from mine. Just be respectful or you will get the block button.
So my opinion on Civil War, short answer, I deeply dislike it and will never watch it on my own free will again. The only saving grace for me with that movie is the good angst hut/comfort fics the fandom has written after.
Long answer I don't like it for many reasons, narratively being a big part of it actually. I believe the MCU jumped the gun for Civil War. They put it in too soon without doing the work for all the needed buildup for it. I believe they chose the wrong directors for this movie and I 100% believe this should not have been a Captain America movie.
In my opinion this movie was made too soon. One of the core plot points for Civil War in any rendition is that it's a break up between two people that is so bad and so strong it divides an entire community. Those two people for Civil War is Steve and Tony, which the MCU had neglected working up their relationship to pull Civil War that soon. The outside conflict was there, you could see the outside tension rising with each moving but the dynamics of Steve and Tony, hell all of the Avengers was not. Had they wanted to do this in the time frame they did there needed to be crossovers from the two characters into each other's franchise. The audience needed to see them actually liking each other and the movies building up on that and the other Avengers' relationships as a team. Hell even a mini series that connected to the movies to give us those bonding moments would have helped.
Like many others I also believe this should never have been a Captain America movie, it should have been an Avengers movie. Right off the bat it's gonna try to frame Steve in the right which no. If you want to pull this divide off you need to have the narrative neutral or both Steve and Tony need to be right and wrong. They are both two sides to this fight, and personally both should be held accountable to what happens during and after. Which leads me into the directors, the Russo brothers should not have been the directors. By their own admittance they do not like Tony, they are Cap fanboys, and had they had their way Tony would have died in this movie. This type of plot is not meant for a singular franchise character it is an ensemble plot, and you would need a director who knows how to work an ensemble cast and in my own opinion neutral to both sides. Neither Steve or Tony should have been framed as all the way right or all the way wrong. The politics to this movie is actually very complicated without even adding on the whole Bucky side plot.
Speaking of the side plot, it felt kinda unnecessary and was added for Steve's pain/a way to tie up his brainwashing healing (at least the commands) in a nice little bow. I always say Bucky came back too soon and I still hold that belief. Should've kept him a shadow for a while and maybe saved him for Sam. Sam's cap arch is already doing more for Bucky's character than Steve's ever did.
And since I know this will probably be a follow up question, my opinion on the Accords is that I'm pretty neutral. Yes as they stood amendments were defiantly needed for it, but also the Avengers really had no accountability. The group that was supposed to hold them accountable, SHIELD, was gone. In the eyes of the public they were a loose canon. I don't blame other countries not wanting this American based military like group coming into my home, fucking shit up, and then dipping out. The whole situation needed compromise, but since this is Steve's movie and Steve doesn't know compromise if it bit him in the ass it's not framed that way. Despite the fact we have whole scene in the movie where Steve was proving these people's fears right.
What do I know though, I think the movie is a mess and if I had my way I'll never watch it again.
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itstimetotheorize · 3 years
Shadowmoths victory, Marinette and Adriens breaking point, the miraculous teams desperate efforts (warning, spoilers for season 4 finale)
Ever since the series began, Marinette had always been considered to be one person who would be the most difficult for hawkmoth to manipulate. And while Marinette has had some close calls such as in  “Zombizou”, “Chameleon” and “Ladybug”, Marinette had always  succeeded in avoiding being akumatized, be it through sheer will power alone or just plain luck such as when Nathalie lost her grip on all the akumatized civilians, including Marinette!. 
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However, ever since  the episode “chat blanc” had revealed to us just what it would take to akumatize chat noir , many of us had  since begun to wonder what it would take to finally akumatize Marinette?
Marinettes akumatization had always been foreshadowed in previous seasons, especially season 3. Out of all the foreshadowing the show could have ever provided for a number of things, it was almost as if the show was always hinting towards some extreme event should Marinette ever fall prey to hawkmoths manipulation. An event so shocking it would even rival the time chat blanc had destroyed all of Paris. As to what this event would be and how it would come to fruition, well…that all depended on what would happen to hawkmoth and ladybug.
In terms of  hawkmoth, well, hawkmoth had always stated how despite his ongoing defeat, he knew  ladybugs winning streak could not last forever, sooner or later her luck would run out and when it did, she would make a mistake that would finally guaranty his victory. The only question was...how exactly was ladybug(aka Marinette) going to screw up? what would have happened to her that would cause her to lose the cautiousness which has helped her overcome every obstacle thrown her way?. When it comes to Marinette and her battles against hawkmoth, Marinette had always thought things through, she had always remained cautious, calm, collected and above all...she learned not to let her emotions get the better of her so long as hawkmoth was watching and waiting....then again... If Marinette were truly ever to be akumatized, something needed to happen within the show which would lead her to throw all logic she had out the window....but what?...perhaps Zag studios had already provided us with an answer.
Early in July 2021, Zag studios had revealed something NO ONE believed they would have ever considered making public at such an early stage within the release of season 4, what was it exactly? well....it was the title and synopsis for the season 4 finale! 
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According to this news, the season 4 finale had been revealed to be titled, “Shadow moths last attack”!....this... was a big deal! because ever since “Timetagger” revealed to us that Gabriel Agreste would Not be the hawk moth of the future, many wondered when exactly  Gabriels time as the villain of the series would come to an end. Well, after years of waiting, it would appear as though shadow moths time WILL come to an end... in season 4!.
But aside from revealing shadowmoths possible last season, Zag had also coincidentally revealed in an interview one very important, but not all to surprising plot point of the series. Before his inevitable demise... shadowmoth will first obtain what he had worked so hard to take...ladybug and chat noirs miraculous! 
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However, despite hawkmoths inevitable victory before his final defeat, its clear something of great importance needed to happen to Marinette in order to guarantee hawkmoth obtaining the miraculous of creation….but what? What needed to happen?
Looking back at all the times shadowmoth had attempted to steal ladybug and chat noirs miraculous, shadow moth had only ever akumatized every person he could get his hands on in order to obtain the help he needed to accomplish his goal.... and yet time and time again, every person he had come across would fail him, but why?...well, maybe it was always because they were never the right person for the job... maybe what hawkmoth always needed was someone who would be considered his greatest “masterpiece”...and as we have seen throughout the series, that someone...was always Marinette!
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but even if hawkmoth realizes he must obtain someone like Marinette in order to accomplish his goal, how would he even go about finally akumatizing her?... well...isn't it obvious...shadowmoth never needed to wait for her to fall into emotional destress, because all he needed to do was use the one person who he knew could push anyone to far... or quite simply, cause a situation which would purposely  force large groups of people to be akumatized at the same time. Who is this person exactly? well... we all know the answer to that....its Lila Ross of course!!
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Despite Lilas lack of participation within season 4, many understood she couldn't stay quiet forever, after all, Lila had always been presented as someone who was more than willing to take part in some sort of major evil event within the series, such as the season 1 finale, the season 2 finale and even the season 3 finale!!. And based on zag studios reveal of the season 4 finale description, it would appear as though Lila will once again have her part to play. Looking at the season 4 synopsis, its said:
“Having understood that her cautiousness is the reason why Ladybug is always triumphing, Shadow Moth prepares a diabolic plan which consists of creating a supervillain able to make his victims take all sorts of risks. When Marinette finds out that Adrien is leaving Paris for a few weeks with Lila, the new figure of the Agreste brand, she’s ready to do anything to prevent him from doing so; but to what point? Would she reveal her secret identity for the sake of love? And would Adrien take the risk of finally confronting his father?”
Now, despite Marinette having been displayed as someone who was willing to take risks for the wrong reasons in the past, Marinette has also been shown to improve in taking risks for the right reasons over the span of the series (such as entrusting Alya with her secret identity). However!...keep in mind we don't yet know for sure if Marinette will be the one akumatized within the season 4 finale until the studio reveals the official season 4 finale trailer. But if Marinette is truly planned to be akumatized, then its possible the studio may have already revealed to us what we had suspected all along. Just as in “ladybug”, Lila will once again be used by hawkmoth in order to attempt to akumatize the “bad influence” she claims to be following Adrien, the bad influence being of course, Marinette herself! However, considering Lilas agreement with Adrien to not hurt the people he cares about (after pulling a stunt on Marinette which caused her to get expelled) its clear Gabriel will have to devise a scheme which will place Lila in a situation where she will finally force Marinette to reach her breaking point and make her take every risk she can as she watches Lila being given the chance  to leave on a trip with Adrien! 
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And considering the great lengths Marinette went through just to warn Adrien of Lila back in “Oni- chan”, who knows what kind of lengths Marinette will go through to stop Lila and Adrien from leaving together. Should this occur, its possible Marinette will begin to lose her sense of self and toss all logic she has out the window as she uses everything and I mean EVERYTHING she has at her disposal to accomplish her goal...this includes her powers as ladybug! 
It wouldn't be the first time Marinette had used her powers for selfish reasons. After all, the only reason the events of “chat blanc” occurred in the first place, was because Marinette decided to use her powers to enter Adriens room in order to leave her signed gift. This single act alone was what ultimately lead Adrien to discover that ladybug is Marinette. So then...  if Marinette were to once again use her powers for the sake of love, would her actions once again result in the one mistake she always knew would lead to disaster? would her misguided attempts.... reveal her identity to shadowmoth himself?!...maybe
If Marinettes desperate attempts really result in her identity being revealed to shadowmoth then would her frustration over Lila, piled on top of everything else she is dealing with as ladybug and guardian, finally seal her fate of being akumatized?!...perhaps....but even if Marinette were to finally be akumatized and even if hawkmoth were to finally obtain his chance to take the miraculous of creation, how would he then obtain the miraculous of destruction from Adrien?...well...lets just say Gabriel might have already had his suspicions from the very beginning, after all, aside from Marinettes akumatization being for shadowed within every season thus far, the only other major for shadowing which followed parallel to Marinette was Gabriels growing suspicion towards Adrien and the ring he had on his finger! However, even if Gabriel continues to grow suspicious towards Adrien, what could possibly happen between the two off them that will finally reveal to Gabriel his sons secrets?...unless...what if Gabriel reveals his secrets to Adrien first?...
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Gabriel had always stated how much he wished he could have told Adrien about his mothers true condition and whereabouts. That despite all the cruel things he had done up to now, it was all for the sake of bringing his mother back. When Adrien had discovered hawkmoths identity and the true reason behind his actions back in “chat blanc”, we see how despite chat noirs loyalty to ladybug and despite him wanting to carry out his responsibility as a hero by stopping hawkmoth, Adrien still struggled with  the thought of being given the chance to be reunited with his own mother, even at the cost of ladybug and his miraculous! 
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The frustration of his fathers true identity, the realization about his mother having never disappeared and hawkmoths words swaying him with the idea that he could have his mom back was what gave shadowmoth the chance he needed to finally take chat noirs mind and force him to be akumatized! However, keep in mind, all these events happened in a separate timeline which was later fixed through Bunnyx powers and ladybugs quick thinking to erase her name on her signed gift to Adrien. The events of “chat blanc” were sealed to never happen again so hawkmoth would never find out Adriens true identity as chat noir...but if hawkmoth were to truly obtain the miraculous of destruction then... wouldn't Adrien first give him the chance to take it all over again!?
Fans had always feared the return of chat blanc within the series, especially after seeing chat noirs growing frustration over ladybug throughout the span of season 4.
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If Adrien were to discover all over again hawkmoths identity and his mother whereabouts near the end of season 4, would Adrien once again give shadowmoth the chance he needs to once again akumatize him?!...along with Marinette?! or would Adriens confusion and distress lead him to once again become vulnerable enough to make a mistake which would reveal to Gabriel what he had suspected all along... his own son.... has a miraculous! but not just any  miraculous, the miraculous of destruction he’s been fighting for!
However!, despite hawkmoth being fated to finally obtain both miraculous, there is still something even hawkmoth himself has yet to realize... something he never bothered to consider as he became blindsided with his thoughts of victory... his wish.... CAN be granted... but its comes with a PRICE!....Its just as Master Fu said, whoever wields the ladybug and cat miraculous will be given the chance to make a wish that can alter reality itself. However!, because the universe needs to maintain a balance when a wish is made, something of equal effect must happen in return. Despite Gabriels plan to use the miraculous to fix a past mistake and finally restore his wife to her former self, Gabriel might have never realized once his wish is granted, something bad will happen in return! as to what this disastrous result would be... well, your guess is as good as mine. If hawkmoth tried to just revive his wife then perhaps someone else might be forced to take her place. But if Gabriel were to go to the extreme and actually change a past event which lead his wife to be in the state she is in now, then this alone could prove to have major consequences. Its just as Bunnyx said, messing with time is dangerous, and if your not careful it could have dire consequences in the future.
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 But regardless of what will happen, one thing is for certain, the end result of Gabriels wish.... will be catastrophic! and may quite possibly be to much for ladybug and chat noir to solve even if they do manage to get their miraculous back!
so, this does beg the question, should hawkmoth obtain the miraculous of destruction and creation after akumatizing Marinette and quite possibly even Adrien then later cause a catastrophic event upon seeing his wish be granted...what could possibly happen within the series to solve this mess?!... well, keep in mind, ladybug already planned ahead, after all, she and chat noir are no longer the only superheroes in Paris. Even if she and chat noir were to be defeated by hawkmoth, there is still one person hiding in the shadows, ready to take action and ready to gather all the heroes of the miraculous team in order to face this challenge. Who is this miraculous person waiting to take action should the day arrive? why...its Alya of course!
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Ever since Alya had been entrusted by Marinette to act as a temporary replacement to ladybug( should anything ever happen to her) many understood it would only be a matter of time before Alya had to take charge and gather the rest of the miraculous team in order to fight the two people anyone would dread facing in battle, ladybug and chat noir!. But how would Alya even begin to figure out the proper way to handle this kind of situation even with the aid of the other miraculous heroes?, Alya only ever understood ladybugs side of things now that she knew her secret identity, but how could she possibly help chat noir when she doesn't even know who he is!....then again....she doesn't have to struggle with figuring out who chat noir is...because Luka already knows both ladybug and chat noirs identities!
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We always theorized ladybug and chat noirs identities would one day be revealed to someone close to them, granted, since season 4 is still ongoing we don't yet know if Adrien will bring himself to reveal his own identity to Nino just as Marinette revealed her identity to Alya at the start of the season. But, ever since the events of “Wishmaker” revealed to Luka the identities of ladybug and chat noir, fans had wondered why Luka of all people would be set up to discover both of their identities without either of their consent?, well, after much debate, the answer may have been obvious all along... unlike the other miraculous heroes, he and one other miraculous holder carry with them a power  which will serve of great importance should Alya and the others be forced to face ladybug, chat noir and hawkmoth all at the same time. Considering the unimaginable challenge which is to be faced near the end of season 4, then its possible Luka was always one person who needed to know ladybug and chat noirs identities should he ever give the team a winning chance! 
If what we suspect is true and if  Alya and the others are meant to face their leaders in a fight, its obvious this fight alone... will be doomed to be plagued with errors and failures!, after all, this is ladybug and chat noir we are talking about, the miraculous team doesn't stand a chance against this dynamic duo to begin with, but if Alya and the other heroes ever plan to succeed then they must have someone who will proved them with a “second chance”, no matter how many things go wrong! Lukas power alone can provide the team with as many chances needed in order to change everything which could result in failure! and  with luka having already known ladybug and chat noirs identities, he will waste no time in finding a way to save their friends rather than remain in shock and confusion over the outcome which will occur in the finale. But if this were to be the teams solution in saving ladybug and chat noir, then what will they then do about the mess hawkmoth leaves once his wish is granted?
 If his wish were to truly cause a catastrophic event, would Marinettes miraculous ladybug be able to fix it even if they managed to defeat shadowmoth? we’ve seen ladybugs power repair some extraordinary things, but could it repair the effects of the two most powerful miraculous being used together? Should ladybug try to repair this incredible damage and fail, then what would she and the others do next once they’ve all failed?....unless....what if this was never their mess to help fix, because if everyone fails, then maybe it will soon be time for ladybug to call upon the one miraculous holder who had been labeled as “the miraculous of last chance”....what is this miraculous?...why...the rabbit miraculous of course!
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Fans had always been anticipating the return of Bunnyx, or rather, they have always been waiting to see when young Alix would finally have her chance to use the rabbit miraculous. But considering the dangers of the rabbit miraculous, many knew it would not be used until the day it was absolutely necessary... well... if the team were to continue struggling in saving ladybug and chat noir, then perhaps Alix will soon rise up to help figure out a way to not only save ladybug and chat noir, but also help find a way to repair the incredible damage which will be caused by hawkmoths wish...but what will she do?... will she travel to the past to alter something which will fix the present?... if so, what would she even change without causing another catastrophe?... or will she travel to the future and seek the aid of someone who she knows could help her and the team solve this terrifying crises?...but even if she did, who could she possibly bring back to the present?...would it be someone she already knew and trusted just as much as her future self talked about trusting herself?....someone like...the ladybug and chat noir of the future!?...maybe...but I guess we will just have to wait and see, for now thats just a theory... a miraculous ladybug theory!
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midethefangirl · 3 years
Captain America: Civil War - My Thoughts
I know this is like 5 years late but for this, I’d like to resurrect a barely dead discourse that succeeded in not just dividing the Avengers but also dividing the fandom. Before we start, content warning for spoilers and let’s dive into this mess.
So, basically, the entire conflict of civil war stemmed from General Thaddeus Ross (who is a hypocritical dick, btw) coming to lecture the Avengers on being destructive despite conducting destructive experiments (ahem, the Abomination and the Hulk) but I digress. Then, Ross presents the Sokovian Accords which is really lengthy and we see Steve reading like a few chapters(?). Now, let us note that the Accords were presented to the Avengers after a mission-gone-wrong killed about 11 people in Lagos (lay-gos, not lah-gos that pronunciation gave me headaches as a Nigerian).
So, the Sokovian Accords were written by 117 countries and vetted by the UN asking for the Avengers to be under oversight (which SHIELD would have done if HYDRA hadn’t infiltrated it in the first place but it is what it is). Somehow, Steve made it about “our right to choose” (how?! Cause I’m not understanding) and decided to not sign*.
*he later got back to sign, then backed out when he learnt that Tony had placed Wanda under house arrest (even though it was for her protection. I do believe Tony should have fully informed Wanda about keeping her in the Avengers’ Tower)
My issues with the plot of Civil War are:
1. The Sokovian Accords were not read out loud or placed on some kind of PowerPoint slide for the audience to understand why Team Cap is against the Accords. No, the fandom wiki is not a source because that one is from Agents of SHIELD and not a lot of MCU fans are familiar with that show (yours sincerely included). Assuming the contents were read out loud or discussed by the Avengers, I’d have understood why Team Cap refused to sign the accords but since none of that was given, I’d remain Team Iron Man for this one.
2. The Sokovian Accords is not the American Constitution. Then again, the MCU fandom tends to be American-centric and most Americans seem to have this belief that the world revolves around them (and it manifests itself in Civil War discourse).
3. Contrary to popular opinion, the Sokovian Accords were about 117 (mostly third-world) countries asserting their sovereignty and boundaries, not taking away rights from the Avengers. If we go by what the MCU wiki claims about the accords, yes, some parts are absurd (like asking for blood samples and using trackers, why are those necessary?). However, when 117 countries state that they want you to respect their boundaries, I think it is best to comply. Unfortunately, respecting boundaries is one thing the USA has a problem complying with and guess who happens to represent America?
4. The Accords affected only their hero lives, not their lives as a civilian. I doubt the UN would limit the Avengers’ movements as civilians
5. Let us not forget how Steve and Clint protect Wanda from accountability and responsibility. Wanda in the MCU is like y/n in many fanfics where everyone (except for the “big bad villain” who in this case is Tony and 117 countries) seems to love her and want to protect her from facing the consequences of her actions. Anyone *ahem Tony* who has a bit of problem with her is suddenly the enemy. Not to mention how Wanda seems to have a knack for causing destruction in African countries (Johannesburg, Lagos, Wakanda)
6. And fandom behaviour from the Team Cap stans
7. Also, why is Civil War not an Avengers part 3? It’s better than making it a Captain America trilogy and then trying to frame Steve as being right.
8. I do believe that the accords were sped up which left little time for the Avengers to discuss and compromise on certain issues. If they were given more time to discuss, compromise and negotiate, I think the movie would have ended better than it had.
9. In addition, I also agree with Team Cap stans on how the UN arbitrarily deciding to shoot Bucky on sight is a human right violation.
10. “The safest hands are our own” why does this sound like a white saviour talk point from Steve? The accords is about 117 countries wanting you to respect their boundaries and the best you can come up with to refute that is saying something a white saviour would say?
11. “Even if the whole world is telling you to move...” just shut the fuck up, this is no way comparable to 117 countries trying to assert their sovereignty.
12. Look if I have to choose between surrendering a few rights as a hero and just dismissing that of civilians as potential damage, I’d go with the former because the people whom I’m suppose to protect come first. For me to dismiss their deaths as “we can’t save em all” is just not it.
13. “She’s just a kid”, a few years later and I still hate that term. One, it’s infantilizing an adult white woman (something white men have historically done and we all know how that went) . Two, while Tony was obviously wrong for not informing Wanda about her house arrest, he was right to keep her in the Tower when they were people who would harm her with every chance they could find. **
** after watching WandaVision, some people might find every reason to want to harm her.
14. Let us also discuss the motivation of those in Team Iron Man vs Team Cap
Team Iron Man
Tony: feels guilty for the events of Age of Ultron, believes that he’s stepped out of line and the Avengers need oversight.
Natasha: believes that the Avengers should listen to the public and the UN after all, if they had one hand on the wheel, they can still steer.
Vision: believes that the Avengers as a whole bring challenge which brings conflict and then catastrophe.
Rhodey: a soldier; believes in following orders especially when it is from the UN and 117 countries.
T’Challa: dude is just there to kill Bucky. I’m sure if Bucky was on team Ironman, my guy would have joined team cap, lmao 😂.
Spider-Man: not really there for a reason except to bring in Steve to Ross. I do agree that Tony shouldn’t have dragged him to the fight without Peter making an informed decision.
Team Cap
Steve: didn’t want to sign because it takes away his “right to choose”. Idk what that means or how it is relevant to the Sokovian Accords but okay. However, I understand his mistrust considering a few movies ago, we found out HYDRA had infiltrated SHIELD and as much as I believe governments are corrupt and the UN is shit, you cannot just enter a country anyhow without warning ahead of time.
Bucky: was his motivation given? I mean, I believe he joined Steve’s side to stop Zeno from unleashing the other winter soldiers. Not that that’s a bad reason, it isn’t.
Sam: again, I don’t think the movie gave us a reason for him being against the Accords. Did he also believe it was taking away his “right to choose”?
Wanda: undecided as of moment of discussion. Joined team cap because Tony placed her on house arrest. While I agree that Tony should have informed her that he was putting her under house arrest and stated the reasons why, I believe it was for good reasons especially when some people might decide to carry out witch hunts (you get it, witch hunts? 😅)
Clint: only joined because Wanda was placed under house arrest. We aren’t given any reason why he would oppose the Accords.
Scott: fan boy of Captain America, need I say more?
15. Also, to Team Cap stans blaming Tony Stark for Team Cap being imprisoned, grow the fuck up. The people in Team Cap are all adults who made their own decisions yet Tony is to blame for them breaking the law (because they did break the law), wtf.
16. “Are you capable of letting go of your ego for one damn second?” Like Steve’s ego didn’t play a part in all this too, lmao.
17. Okay, the final battle was intense and while I believe Bucky was also a victim, I can understand why Tony lashed out at him. The one to blame here is Steve because even if he had no clue Bucky was responsible for the Starks’ death, he still lied to Tony by not telling him who was responsible. It is more appalling to learn that Steve, in an attempt to “protect Tony and Bucky”, was actually covering for HYDRA!
Also, the way Steve stood emotionless while Tony watched a footage of his parents being killed. Yet, he could shield Wanda from watching the news because of how it affected her, okay.
“I can do this all day”, fuck you, Steve
18. Clint exploding at Tony is so fucking hilarious. Tony is right, Clint has a family yet he decided to fight in a war that didn’t concern him. Also, his comments about breaking backs is so tone deaf after Rhodey just broke his back!
19. If Sam was Captain America, I think Civil War wouldn’t have happened at all, from the dialogue in the Raft.
20. Overall, this movie is a fucking mess and I hate it for dividing both the Avengers and MCU fans.
Before I close with this, I want to add that I am not anti-Steve but Civil War really made me hate him. I get, Steve is supposed to be a Boy Scout and shit like that, but he’s a Gary Stu in the MCU, let’s be honest about it. Civil War should have been an Avengers movie, rather than a part of the Captain America trilogy. The Avengers should have been given more time than three days to discuss the Accords and make necessary amendments; after all that went down in Lagos, Wanda should have been made to sit out missions and maybe we could have had someone like Doctor Strange help in training her; Crossbones would have made a great villain but it is what it is; Peter’s introduction to the MCU could have been as him actually interning for the Stark Industries and forming a kind of acquaintance with Tony Stark before Tony finds out that he’s Spider-Man; Steve should have told Tony about HYDRA‘s hands in his parents’ deaths. Anyway, I’ll go read Civil War fix-it fanfics and fanfics where the Avengers are more like family. Fuck Civil War and I’m outta here.
Edit: okay this was a thought I had when I was trying to sleep but it was too good to ignore. Rhodey has a point about Steve arrogance (if that’s the correct term) in saying “the safest hands are our own” and here’s why:
Like he stated “this is not the World Security Council...neither is this SHIELD nor HYDRA” (paraphrased). This is the UN as well as 117 countries. Look, I am as anti-government as one can go and I don’t believe that the UN are reliable (plus, if we really want to go by the AoS version of the Accords, the Accords are flawed and they need amendments), however, given the US records on disrespecting boundaries in many third world countries, I can understand why 117 countries are wary about a bunch of superpowered Americans entering their country.
To us, the Avengers are saving the world. To these 117 countries and the people who have families who were killed in the crossfire (Zemo is a good example), the Avengers are a bunch of nuisances who leave destruction wherever they tread.
I am still neutral on the whole Accords as I don’t know exactly what it entails but for Steve to go “we are surrendering our rights to choose” (again, how is the Accords threatening the Avengers’ right to choose?) when asked to be under oversight is tone deaf.
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child-of-peace · 4 years
Okay, so I’ve just been scrolling through Anti-Tony Stark posts (tagging @chirpingtiger because I’ve mainly been scrolling through your tags), as you do, because I’m bored and don’t really have the spoons to do much else, and I’ve been seeing stuff on the Sokovia Accords. I was just listing off some of my issues with the accords (to myself, because my family gets annoyed when I get overly invested in fictional worlds) and I had a thought.
The Accords specifically target super-powered individuals. Now, in the overall Marvel Universe, there are four kinds of super-powered individuals:
Aliens - People from other planets with inherent abilities such as Thor and Loki.
Mutants - People from Earth with inherent abilities due to genetic mutations such as the X-Men.
Enhanced - People who were experimented on or exposed to triggers for their powers at a later stage in their lives, such as Steve, Wanda and Pietro, Peter and even Bruce.
Inhumans - People who gained or accessed their super powers through terrigenesis, such as Daisy and Lincoln in the MCU.
So of course, we have to dismiss the Mutants in this argument as they aren’t really a part of the MCU, so the Sokovia Accords cannot impact them. However, what we see in Civil War is Tony willing to sign these accords largely targeted at super-powered individuals without even considering the impact on them. The Accords are by far worst off for anyone with obvious enhancements and powers as evidenced by the fact that when Team Cap is brought into the Raft, Clint, Sam and Scott are all put in cells in the same room and aren’t really restrained whereas Wanda has been completely separated from them and put in a straightjacket and electro-shock collar. Even if Tony were ever to be arrested, he wouldn’t be as badly off. Not only does Tony not listen to anyone who would be terribly affected by the Accords (and endanger Clint’s family, but that’s not the point), but he also acts as though the Accords would treat them all as equals, which is just ignorant.
But this doesn’t even mention that the Avengers signing would set a precedent, an easy way for Ross and his lackeys to manipulate super-powered children into signing away their rights (”you like the Avengers, right? Well, they signed these, so you should too!”). Nor does it mention the fact that the only representatives at that table with Stark are two and a half enhanced individuals (and Vision, but I’m not really sure what category he comes under). There are no aliens or inhumans present to fight for their own rights and Stark knows he can manipulate Vision because he created him, Vision trusts what he says because Stark phrases it as the right thing to do (and here I am specifically referring to Vision keeping Wanda on the compound under Tony’s instructions) and he believes that Vision will be swayed by the facts rather than the emotions (because Vision isn't capable of emotions, right?). This leads Vis to say some rather erroneous statements about super-powered individuals (which came first, the chicken or the egg? I think you’ll find the answer was Red Skull. Steve was enhanced to stop Red Skull, not the other way around.)
And that was a deviation from my original point... We know from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. that inhumans were affected by the Accords, so why didn’t they get a voice? Why do the people who will be most harmed by these laws get overlooked? Why does Tony not realise he is privileged because he doesn’t have powers? Also, can we just talk about Tony doing nothing about seeing Wanda in a straight-jacket and electro-shock collar?
Is this not essentially what the whole X-Men movies talk about? The lack of rights granted to mutants due to public fear of what they cannot comprehend? Fear is a powerful drug, but it should not be allowed to be used to strip people of their human rights. And do you know what this treatment is akin to in our world? Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Ableism. The demonisation of minority groups in an attempt to gain control and power over them. The lack of representation of minority groups in these conversations is sadly reminiscent of real life and it is clear that the Accords were not drawn up with any super-powered individuals present. Just to clarify, this is the equivalent of an all-white government making a law stripping PoC of their human rights and mildly inconveniencing a couple of white people and then bringing it to a group of seven individuals, two of whom are black, with no other PoC present, while one of the white men steps forward to say the law is a good thing. This is the equivalent of said white man being the cause of the issues that the all-white government is now blaming largely on the two black people (again, sadly reminiscent of real life). If you don’t see that this is wrong, then we have a problem.
Enhanced and otherwise super-powered individuals are being told to conform or stand down. How is this fair? Answer: it is not. These people had powers and decided to help people with them. They made mistakes; they’re only human. But they aren’t being treated as humans. Stark reduces Wanda to a “weapon of mass destruction” because of her powers. None of the super-powered individuals are seen as human anymore, even though most of them are trying to help people. Their mistakes get blown up and their successes ignored. If they are anything less than perfect, they are penalised. So, why should they register and paint targets on their own backs?
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lovelyirony · 5 years
File Away for Later
for @stony-starks, with a very nice thank you to your wonderful tags! i hope you enjoy. 
The Avengers don’t have many secrets. 
But there is a glaringly obvious one. 
No one knows Fury’s birthday. They don’t know why he doesn’t like to share this information, as someone else knowing your birthday guarantees free cake. Tony lets everyone in the New York-area that it’s his birthday on the off-chance that he gets more than one cake. 
He does get more than one cake. He gets on a power trip. It’s bad. 
But Nick Fury won’t let anyone know his birthday. Not even Natasha can figure out his birthday, and she’s figured out where he buys his groceries, which was said to be impossible. 
“We can’t find out,” Natasha says. “I have tried for years. I even took money from Steve!” 
“No you didn’t,” Steve says. 
“It was from your wallet, I stole it,” Sam says. “I wanted to know if money provided different results. I filed it under scientific research.” 
“Why didn’t you steal money from Bruce, then?” Steve asks. “He’s the scientist.” 
“Everyone at this office fears me more than you could ever dream of,” Bruce answers, not even looking up from his paperwork. “Also, you are incredibly easy to steal from. I feel bad every time I steal your five dollars to get a latte.” 
“So I wasn’t just losing it?!” 
“No, I owe you over three hundred dollars that I won’t be paying back,” Bruce says. “Good luck. Win the next bet that Bucky poses and I think that you’ll be fine.” 
“Let’s not talk about Steve’s trusting nature, we’re supposed to be discussing how to figure out Fury’s birthday.” 
“Short of breaking into the Pentagon, you can’t,” Clint complains. “I tried.” 
Tony blinks. 
“We’re allowed to break into the Pentagon?” 
“It is a federal crime, possibly punishable by death depending on which judge you get,” Rhodey reasons. “But I don’t see how you couldn’t do it. Haven’t you done it before?” 
“For legal and personal reasons, I refuse to answer,” Tony says. “But I will be in the basement looking over files in the next hour if anyone was wondering.” 
Fury knows they’re looking for his birthday date. He also knows they won’t find it because he’s not a little bitch who lets just anyone try. 
(His birthday is in December. He just doesn’t like it because it’s so close to Christmas, so then he just celebrates it then. He doesn’t see a point in having a specific date. He’s weird.) 
But he doesn’t want his team knowing it because honestly? It’s kind of...fun to stop them. Over the years it’s been more elaborate. Steve’s attempts are always pitiful, Natasha tried once and got the closest, and Tony only got as far as accessing New York records, which Fury then decided to crash the whole system. 
But he feels like something is happening. Bruce hasn’t looked up from paperwork once, which is highly suspicious because Bruce will take any excuse to look up from work that he hates. 
There is also the fact that Tony is reorganizing files. 
So Fury decides to pay a visit. 
He even ditches his official coat and opts for gym shorts. 
“Good afternoon, Stark,” Fury says. Tony’s head whips around, hands dropping the file box. 
“I am horrified and yet intrigued that you own athletic wear. I should have known but the coat...” His voice trails off. “What did you need, Director?” 
“Just wanted to know why you’re reorganizing files. You hate doing that and frequently trip Barnes into doing the task by promising him something...illicit.” 
“I never promise him anything illicit,” Tony protests. “Mostly wine and occasionally bedroom fun.” 
“I would like to recommend that you never tell me that ever again or bring it up again in conversation for all time,” Fury responds. “I will...leave. After you tell me why.” 
“Jim is behind on files and wanted to get it done before our weekend,” Tony says. “Just file things, you know how it is.” 
Fury has no reason to be suspicious. He still is, but he gets the feeling it’s a diversion as he hurries up the stairs. 
Fury wasn’t exactly wrong. While he was away, Natasha did pick the lock on the door and get personal things, like a cellphone or any schedule. Fury preferred pen and paper. 
Unfortunately, Fury knows that those are weaknesses and has prepared. He also carries a lighter and burns notes as soon as he is rid of them. 
There is nothing in his office other than the possibility of Natasha being caught, which is precisely going according to plan. 
A laptop can fit into a file cabinet. This is precisely according to Tony’s plan. 
“We are a go,” Natasha says. “Now.” 
Tony starts typing again, grinning. 
“Rhodey, you’re on go for now,” Tony says. 
Rhodey’s whole job for today is to be as suspicious as possible. This includes using Tony’s office, getting shifty looks, and asking Bruce to create a diversion. 
Bruce is fantastic at creating diversions. 
“No causing diversions,” Fury announces. 
“I will do what I want under the Constitution,” Bruce says, not even looking as he flings the whole drawer of silverware onto the floor. 
“That’s not even a good diversion,” Fury says. “Now all you have to do is pick it up.” 
“Or will I?” Bruce ponders. “Due to federal regulations, I am legally required a lunch break. Which perhaps I will take. And then perhaps Thor will fall severely sick.” 
“I need a doctor’s note.” 
“And I happen to have one that I will send a picture of,” Bruce says, not even looking away as he backs to the door. “I am going to my lunchbreak and potentially staying home with my sick husband so I can be a loving spouse and force-feed him chicken noodle soup.” 
Fury sighs, pinching his nose. This was going to be a long day. 
Tony committed a felony! 
Fury’s birthday is December 21st. According to his uncle who lives in Vermont, they celebrate it at Christmas, per his request. 
“Wow,” Steve says. “So he just...celebrates it on Christmas? Like. It’s not even his day?” 
“Oh no, it is,” Fury says. “I’ve made Christmas my motherfucking bitch. But I figured kill two birds with one stone. Did you seriously break into the Pentagon?” 
“I am wanted in two other countries, might as well have made it my home one as well,” Tony says pridefully. “Besides, they don’t think it was me. I don’t leave clues. And Bruce went home and emailed you a doctor’s note because Ross will suspect that it is him because I gave him my pumpkin bread last year.” 
“The pumpkin bread was the start of this?” Fury asks. 
“Exactly,” Tony says. “Director with all due respect, you don’t take me as a class idiot, do you?” 
“Of course not,” Fury says. “I’m just impressed that you planned something in advance. You usually stick to getting work done after procrastination.” 
“I prefer to do my best work under pressure.” 
“Is it your best work?” 
Tony laughs, but flips Fury off after a few moments. 
“Yes, it is my best work. But, now I believe that I will celebrate your birthday every twenty-first, and you will have to suffer me bringing you cake and presents and potentially embarrassing you with a long and drawn-out social media post.” 
“I will be hosting a surprise party at some interval,” Bucky tells him. “You won’t know when.” 
“You just told me, now I have to remain constantly vigilant.” 
“But did I tell you which date?” 
Fury blinks. 
“Exactly,” Bucky affirms. “I did not. See you soon...Director.”
Fury sits down in his office and smiles to himself. Sure, the team wasted time trying to find out something so trivial, but he can’t deny it did pair well with his plan to have the team bond. And if it means committing crime...well. 
Worse things have been done for his birthday, in his opinion.  
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LEGACY: A Tony Stark Daughter Story
< previous
Word Count: 1,800ish
Summary: Seven months pass, and Bailey is still with HYDRA. (Warning: mentions of killings and rape. No explicit descriptions.)
In the first few months that followed, HYDRA didn’t let me out of their compound. They wanted to monitor what I could do in someplace they knew that they could control. HYDRA wanted to monitor me to see if it was worth giving me more abilities or a super soldier serum. They had me practice on the enemies that they currently had taken hostage. I killed them through hand to hand combat, weapons, and my telepathic abilities. They were very interested in how many ways I could kill through my abilities, and they sure were succeeding in getting me to show them. I had killed people by shutting down their brains, mentally torturing until they begged for me to kill them, and forcing them to kill themselves or each other. 
They had designed, for me, my own suit. It was similar to the original Winter Soldiers, the only major difference was that it had two sleeves. I had a mask and everything. 
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When I wasn’t training or killing for them, I was kept in a cell that stopped my telepathic abilities from working and weakened my strength and healing. Because of that, I couldn’t stop what they did to me in there. Men would come into my cell every night I was there and rape me. And because of the room they were keeping me in, I couldn’t do anything to stop them. I would get raped every night and then in the morning they would erase my memories, or at least try to. They didn’t know that the only way for me to forget things was by my own doing or by someone with similar abilities. And I needed to keep it that way. I knew I needed to escape and that what they were doing was wrong, but I couldn’t figure out exactly why.
It was mid-April by the time HYDRA felt like I was ready to complete an actual mission outside of their facility. For my first mission, they sent me to assassinate a few people on their tail or who they didn’t like. It was successful and I did it without causing too much attention to myself. By the end of May, I was fulfilling full missions on my own. I had a feeling that I needed to leave little clues here and there. I didn’t understand why, but I went with it and as far as I knew HYDRA wasn’t suspecting anything.
Tony searched and searched through every database multiple times for anything and everything he could find that was, or seemed to be, HYDRA related. Sleeping wasn’t an option for him. Pepper tried her best to get him to rest, but she also knew that he wouldn’t until I came home safe. Pepper had a hard time resting as well and tried her best to hold it together for Tony. Rhodey did the best that he could to help without the government noticing and Vision tried his best to feel me out using the mind stone. Vision was having a hard time though because I had thought that through as well, knowing that he could possibly find me that way, and blocked the mind stone from entering. 
Happy’s job was to keep Peter off of my trail and so far he was successful at it. He kept Peter busy with small “missions” here and there and had convinced Peter that I was so busy with school and taking on more at Stark Industries that I couldn’t hang out and only talk through texts. Tony felt bad about tricking Peter and kept a close eye on him. He didn’t want to lose him like he had lost me. He just would never admit it out loud and everybody already knew it, Tony loved Peter as a son. The press on the other hand was getting a bit antsy after having not seen me for months, but Tony and Pepper were professionals at avoiding the press and paying them off. They had also, when needed, used old photos and a hired decoy to keep the press at bay.
By the beginning of June, Tony had started noticing the clues I was leaving behind. There was a mystery assassin that the world governments were worried about but not informing the public about. There was one picture of me in my HYDRA uniform. It seemed to have been taken by accident. But let’s just say that it wasn’t an accident. I was severely punished for letting that picture get taken and get out there, but I didn’t care. Tony knew it was me the instant he saw the photo. It gave him the fire to continue and press forward harder than he had been. He realized though, that he couldn’t continue this on his own and he decided that it was time for Peter to know the truth. He had Happy bring him to the upstate facility where him, Pepper, Vision, and Rhodey were waiting. Peter excitedly exited the car and headed into the compound with Happy not far behind. Peter and Happy went straight to the lab where the rest of them were waiting. 
“Mr. Stark,” Peter greeted. He looked around at everyone, they all seemed to have sad expressions on their faces. “What’s going on here?” 
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“Kid,” Tony started, “I need your help with something.” 
“Anything, Mr. Stark.”
“I’m going to need you to sit before I get started.”
“Okay…” Peter was confused but sat down on the nearest stool anyway. 
Tony sat down in front of him with Pepper standing behind Tony with her hands on his shoulders. Happy was leaning in the doorway with Rhodey and Vision standing on the far side of the room next to the windows.
“Okay kid,” Tony began, taking a deep breath to ready himself. “You know how Hap told you that Bailey has been busy with school and the company, and that’s why she hasn’t been able to talk to you?” Peter nodded. “Well… that isn’t exactly the truth.”
“I knew there was something going on! Where is she, Mr. Stark? Where is Bailey?” Peter rapidly asked. “Is she okay?”
“She’s gone… She turned herself over to HYDRA the day after Christmas.”
“She what?! Why?”
“She can explain it better than I can. FRIDAY, pull up the video.”
“Of course Boss,” FRIDAY responded.
The video popped up and began playing. Everyone but Peter turned away, they couldn’t bare to watch it again. Just hearing my voice was painful enough. Once the video was over, Peter was struggling to hold back tears. I was the closest thing he had ever had to a sister and I had left to protect everyone, knowing fully well what HYDRA was capable of.
“She was trying to protect all of us…” he whispered.
Tony set his hand on Peter’s knee. “And now we need to do the same for her,” Tony stated.
“When do we start?” Peter asked.
Tony then showed everyone everything that he had on HYDRAs current plans and the photograph of me. Only Tony and Rhodey had seen the photo, everyone else was shocked at what they saw. I was obviously buffer, my eyes were darker, my sandy hair was in a long braid, and the outfit reminded them all of the Winter Soldier. Tony told them that he believed that I had let the picture be taken since I had left barely any trail of me and my actions anywhere. Everyone was on the search as soon as Tony was done showing them all he had. They knew that HYDRA probably wasn’t happy with me letting that picture get out, so they could only image the pain that I was going through or had been through because of the picture alone. It pushed them to continue on. 
By the end of June, they knew where the HYDRA facility was and had formed a plan to take it down. Hopefully taking all of HYDRA down for good with it. Tony and Rhodey went to Secretary Ross and presented the plan with no mention of me in it. They needed to get him on their side so that they didn’t have to do this illegally. Tony was now beginning to realize Steve’s side on the Accords. But he didn’t let himself think too much about it because he wasn’t willing to admit fault especially when it came to Steve. Secretary Ross agreed to let Rhodey and Tony lead the attack on the base, understanding that HYDRA was a serious threat that needed to be stopped and that the two men had more experience with them then anyone else. Once Tony and Rhodey got onto the jet to head back to the compound to prepare for their mission is when they finally starting talking.
“You need to get some rest before we head off tomorrow,” Rhodey stated.
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Tony was leaning forward in his chair, wringing his hands together. “I can’t rest until she’s home safe,” Tony said. 
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“We risk her not coming home at all if you don’t get some sleep tonight. Pepper or I will drug you if we have to.”
“Fine.” He huffed. “I’ll try.”
“Good.” Rhodey leaned over and set one of his hands on one of Tony’s knees. “We’ll bring her home… We’re going to end this once and for all.”
“Then why do I feel like this is the beginning of the end?” Tony looked at Rhodey with tired eyes. “Something’s coming, Rhodes. Something big. I’ve felt it for a while now and I’m afraid we won’t be ready when it comes.”
“You’re just exhausted. You’re over thinking everything. You need rest.” 
All Tony could will himself to do was nod in response then lean back and look out the window. He was so close to getting me back and feared that one miss step in the plan would keep us apart for another set of months or, what he was truly afraid of, forever. And he didn’t know if he could continue on without me, with all that guilt he was feeling. Tony’s hand found it’s way to his coat pocket, gripping the flip phone that was inside of it. Unknown to me, Steve had sent Tony a phone. Telling Tony that if he ever needed him, that Steve would be there. Tony had debated with himself, more times than he would like to admit over the past few months, on whether or not he should use the phone. He knew that Steve would drop everything to help bring me home. But there were so many variables at play, was it worth the risk? No, he decided. Tony sighed, closing his eyes as he rested his head back, finally giving in to the much needed rest that he had been avoiding for almost 7 months.
next >
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cornholio4 · 4 years
Team Iron Man’s Doomsday Clock
Dedicated to the memory of actor Wilford Brimley, 1934-2020. May he Rest in Peace and I hope for the best for his friends and family.
This week I got in the mail my DVD for the Watchmen show, I am also actually interested in the upcoming Rorschach comic series. Hopefully Tom King will pull off his Mr Miracle quality of writing and not his Heroes in Crisis quality of writing. Also I apologised for this as I knew beforehand that I am nowhere near good enough as a writer to perfectly capture Dr Manhattan (I am not even sure that he would be care enough about the MCU Earth to form an opinion of it). Also if by some larger than life miracle Alan Moore himself finds this fanfic that I am writing that could be a sequel to Watchmen as well as admitting to having seen the Watchmen show as well as now have read Doomsday Clock and wants to read the other possible sequel to the comic... Please have mercy on the curse that you send my way.
It was after the so called Civil War of the Avengers and Tony Stark even after getting Steve Rogers' letter. He shared everything with Rhodey and then to Pepper when she came about wanting to have a serious talk. They were all angry about all this and what Steve had done.
How dare him and his rogue sheep think of how their precious freedoms will be impacted, how they dare want to not sign until their concerns are realised and that they could have the safeguards guaranteed before signing anything. How dare Steve burn the world for his stupid HYRA killer friend Bucky when he went to bring him in because he was capable of not being killed and was protecting the hit squad from Bucky as well as him. How dare they want to not fight and just want to focus on what they knew was a real threat in the 5 Winter Soldiers and knew that Tony jsut wanted to bring them in and wasn't interested in what they had to say.
How dare Steve not reveal that Bucky had killed his parents though he apologised saying he was only protecting himself since he only knew for sure that HYDRA had killed the Starks and that he admitted that he didn't know that it was Bucky who personally did it.
Well they were focused on brewing and revenge especially when the reports of Steve and his rogues (who the public and some media began just calling the Avengers) just doing what they wanted in rescuing people and fighting terrorists around the world, sadly they got the public on their side and Anti-Accords sentiment became popular. They called his surrogate son Harley Keener (who Tony hadn't talked to in a long time) and got him on board and he was totally on their side.
Sadly Tony lost his other surrogate son who he barely knew Peter Parker the Spider-Man who after learning more about the Accords and feeling fed up about Happy not having any answers from Tony to the questions he was asking, blocked the number and was basically done with Tony. It seems that Peter joined his friends in promoting Anti Accords and pro Cap articles and statements. Then Vision left them to hide with Wanda. Rogers and his rogues were ruining anything.
They began trying to recruit more including Hank Pym, Hope Van Dyne and Thor's old girlfriend Jane Foster. However their recruitment was pretty much a failure as the Pyms were still on the 'don't trust a Stark' mentality (with Hope subtlety making it clear that if Scott had brought her on to the airport battle then she would have been on his and Rogers' side). Jane asked why they thought that she should be involved in this at all.
However with 'borrowed' research on the Quantum Realm from the Pyms they managed to find a way to look into the Multiverse and other Earths. They found one where decades in the past after the popularity of Action Comics #1, costumed vigilantism became popular among people and it was a fad that lasted for a good long time. However they became more brutal and dangerous and it led to public outcry and a police strike causing a law to be enacted making them illegal called the Keene Act.
They felt so vindicated because them being outlawed entirely if they were not put in check was exactly what Tony had warned Rogers and his rogues about. They saw there was only one real Superhuman on this Earth and it was Dr Manhattan who through an accident became a powerful force far beyond anything on their own Earth. He single handedly won the Vietnam War for America (while ignoring how horrible the thought was) and thought that they can recruit him and he can take care of Rogers and his Rogues and then make the whole world better. Plus they could handle the big threat that his coming...
Through countless money and hours of building (having to ignore and cancel appointments with Ross calling demanding to see them as he was being close to being kicked out of office and the Stark Industries board of directors telling them about the failing stock) they got a machine ready to summon Dr Manhattan.
Using the large Arc Reactor they had to rebuild and using the entirety of the power of Avengers Tower, they managed to summon Dr Manhattan there from wherever he was. He was like a glowing blue godlike larger than life creature and thank god that he was able to create the black thong to cover himself...
They explained everything to him and he stated "I can see the past, present and future all at once and I already knew of this before you explained yourself. You remind me of Adrian Veidt somewhat Mr Stark..." Tony beamed and there were smiles from the others and Dr Manhattan continued on "He masterminded a plot to get scientists to create for him a fake interdimensional lifeform out of believe that it was a movie plot. He used his lifeform to devastate New York in a plot to unite the world and end the Cold War through a futile peace that was destined to fail. I fail to understand how you would believe that it was a compliment."
They were not pleased with how this was headed as Dr Manhattan said "while I am sort of impressed that you went through this work to bring me here, unfortunately for you I don't believe that I have any desire to continue being a weapon for the governments of any Earths. If you are done then I will be on my way."
They were gobsmacked and Rhodey shouted "you can't be serious! You should know how right we are and that you should help us, we know about the Keene Act and there is an actual threat coming and not some hoax..."
"A law to outlaw dangerous individuals from playing dress up while your Accords seek to control Superhumans while blaming them for incidents where they were actually responding and fighting to save the day. I have seen the life of Steve Rogers and why he opposed the Accords and I have to admit some admiration for him and his ilk who want to inspire hope and good in this world that is so much brighter and more... fantastical than my own one. Steve Rogers could very well be everything that Edward Blake wasn't and should be. With him and his Avengers uniting with teh world's greatest defenders and not divided by issues like these Accords, I see high probability in their success." Dr Manhattan replied and this got them all angry.
This was a god like being who should have been smart enough to know that they were the right side and Rogers was an idiot thug who was preaching his own twisted morality, they will humble him and get him to join them by force. Tony activated the House Party Protocol and they cheered as all his armours were assembled to fire upon Dr Manhattan.
However Dr Manhattan was not phased at all and without even having to snap his fingers all the armours disintegrated all at once. "This isn't over, you leave right now and we will hunt you down and get you back by force! I can make use of your power myself; you will pay as Rogers will. I am the world's smartest man, I am Tony Stark... I am Iron Man!" Tony snapped with his colleagues cheering him on.
Dr Manhattan saw that in less than a week they will get the news that the Accords were repealed with the Governments welcoming Steve Rogers back, Thaddeus Ross will be in handcuffs once evidence of his secret projects come to life and Mr Stark and his colleagues will get the news that the Stark Industries board had enough of them ignoring their calls and then sell off their stock. 51% of Stark Industries will be bought by Hank Pym and his daughter Hope using some offshore money that they had.
Steve will have the Avengers united and then once Bruce Banner and Doctor Stephen Strange comes to them , the Avengers will be ready and Thanos's snap and the disintegration of 50% of all life in this universe, doesn't come to pass.
However before leaving Dr Manhattan gave them a last message to Mr Stark and his colleagues:
"Even if you were the world's smartest man... The World's smartest man poses no more threat to me than it's smartest termite."
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khaliltumandar · 4 years
" Influence & Impact of the Arabic Language & Literature on the Western World "
Speech delivered by:
Dr. Khalil Tumandar on 9th Dec 2020 in an international Conference/ webinar, organized by Arabic Dept of Sir Syed College, Aurangabad,
alongwith the Guest Speakers from different Countries including : (Canada ,Egypt,India, Iraq,Japan,KSA,
Kuwait,Turkey,UAE,USA & Yemen).
اعوذ بالله من الشیطن الرجیم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
الحمدلله رب العالمین والعاقبته للمتقین والصلوہ والسلام علی سید الانبیاءوالمرسلین وعلی آله و اصحابه اجمعین اما بعد -
قال رب الشرح لي صدري ویسر لي امري و احلل عقده من لساني یفقهوا قولي
Respected Chairperson ,
Dr. Shamama Parveen۔
Principal Sir Syed College,A'abad ,India,
Dr Shaikh Kabir Ahmed.
Prof & Head, Department of Arabic , Sir Syed College,Aurangabad(Maharashtra),
Dr. Muhammed Mustafa khan Al - Nadwi Al- khairi.
Former Prof, Dr. Abdur Rasheed
Al- Nadwi ,Al-Madni.
Former Prof Dr. Muhammed Sadrul Hasan Al- Nadwi Al - Madni.
Distinguished Guest Speakers from different Countries .
Respected and Dear Audience .
As-salam- Alaikum
السلام علیکم ورحمتہ الله وبرکاتہ
Indeed it is a great privilege and honour for me to be here, on this auspicious occasion of two days Arabic International Conference / Webinar on
" Literary & Linguistic Influences of Arabic on International Languages" organized by , Department of Arabic, Sir Sayyed College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.
Late (Marhoom) Prof Tilawat Ali was founder Chairman of this renowned institute. Prof Tilawat Ali was very well known to me since 1989-90 when he planned to establish this great educational center. May Allah accept his deeds and services as a source of maghfirat in Aakhirat ( the life hereafter)Aameen .
Today I have been asked to highlight few relevant points over the topic,
" Influence and impact of the Arabic Language and Literature on the Western World ".
Dear Audience ,
Before we should proceed our main discussion, it would be better to know how many spoken languages exist presently ?
It is around 7117.
if we select, ten top most popular spoken languages among these, then the list would be as:
(1) Mandarin
( Mandarin and Cantonese languages , used mostly in China).
(2) English .
(3) Hindustani (mixed Urdu & Hindi ) .
(4) Spanish.
(5) Arabic .
(6) Malay.
(9) Portuguese &
(10) French.
The Arabic language is ranked as , fifth spoken language in the world.
Dear Friends,
Today I would like to begin my talk, with the Divine Message of the Holy Quran, Chapter 30 Surah Al - Rum, Aayat 22.
ومن آیاته خلق السماوات والارض و اختلاف السنتکم والوانکم ان في ذلك لایات للعالمین -
And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your languages and colours. Surely, in this there are the signs for those of sound knowledge.
These Divine words of the Holy Quran indicate clearly that, all languages are signs of the greatness of our Creator Allah Subhanahu Taala. Hence, we should respect all languages and at no cost discriminate against any human being based on language and colour.
The Arabic language has a great significance all over the world, as it is the language of the Holy Quran.
We know very well that, the first aayat of the Holy Quran revealed as :
اقرا باسم ربك الذی خلق
Translation: " Read, O' Prophet, in the name of your Lord "Chapter 96/1.
Another reference regarding the importance of the Arabic language:
احبوا العرب لثلاث:
لاني عربي' والقرآن عربي و کلام اھل الجنته عربي
رواه العقیلی فی الضعفاء
والطبرانی فی الکبیر
والحاکم فی المستدرک
والبیہقی فی شعب الایمان
( عن ابن عباس رضی اللہ عنہ)
and there is one more reference as :
عن ابی ھریرہ رضی الله عنہ: قال قال رسول الله صلی الله علیہ و سلم انا عربي والقرآن عربي ولسان اھل الجنته عربي
It is narrated from Abu Huraira ( رضی الله عنہ ) that, Rasoolullah Prophet Muhammed( P.B.U.H) صلی الله علیہ و سلم said that, I am Arabi, Quran is in Arabic and the language of Paradise is Arabic.
Al - hamdu- lillah, these (03) three are the main reasons why we should love the Arabic language.
According to data collected in the recent past, it was believed that around two hundred & twenty( 220) Million Arabic speakers exist, but equally four hundred & fifty ( 450) Million could be considered as Arabic language speakers all over the world when one should include non- Arabs, who know the Arabic language because of their interest.
Arabic is the language of the Holy Quran, Prayers ( Salah )and Islamic Studies( Hadith & Fiqh- Islamic Jurisprudence) for a billion and a half Muslims all over the globe. it is also used by a large number of people in different fields of culture, religion, history, trade, technology, agriculture, medical fraternity, engineering, fabrics & clothing, chemicals & pharmaceuticals, food & drugs, Mathematics & Astronomy, Algebra& Geometry, Zoology & Botany.
English and other European languages are enriched with numerous Arabic loan words. As many words in the European languages are originally derived from Arabic.
Just for an illustration, few examples of the English words as:
Camel جمل ،Giraffe زراف' Camphor - کافور ' Musk - مسک ،Caliph - خلیفہ ' Lemon- لیمون ' Alcohol - الکحل ' Sugar - سکر '
Syrup - شراب, Algebra- الجبرا '
Carat - قیراط etc.
There are almost more than 1000 English words of Arabic origin used in a routine.
Dear Friends,
Arabs invented the concept of numerical digit (0)Zero/ صفر ( sifar ,khali - kuch naheeh ,zee- roh) which means emptiness or nothingness and it made easier all complicated mathematical calculations.
We equally noticed that Western Culture is very much influenced by Arabic Philosophers like Khalil Jibran ( خلیل جبران ), Poet Mehmud Darwesh. ( محمود درویش )۔ Even they were impressed by great scholars like Avicennia ( ابن سینا) Ghazali ( غزالی ) and Ibn Rushd( ابن رشد ).
The translation work of renowned Mathematician Al - Khwarizmi who invented Algebra ( الجبرا) mostly at the end of the eighth century, Jabir bin Aflah & Muslima Al - Majriti were the famous names referred by Madrid ( Capital of Spain), even in the 12th century.
Andalusian Scholar completed the great work of translation of Aristotle and Ibn Rushd into Latin & that too in those days, when Greek Philosophy did not exist in Europe. It is also mentioned in the history of the world that collection of Indian Stories known as پنچ تنتر / Panchtantra was translated into Arabic from the Persian version of Ibn- Al - Muqqaffa with the name " Kalila - wa- Dimnah" . This Arabic portion was translated in many languages of the world and collection of these stories were published five hundred years ago, by an English publisher named William Caxton in 1484.
It is also observed that the Spanish language has many Arabic words.
Cardova (Qartaba/ قرطبہ) is also called Cardoba, a city located in southern Spain. There is a library that has more than 400000( four hundred thousands) manuscripts ( مخطوطات ). But, this was a time when taking a gus'l or a bath was considered a dangerous custom.
Non-muslim Arabic Scholars from the West are called " Orientalists"( مستشرقین). They are paid for presenting their critical concepts. They have a keen interest in learning the Arabic language, to know details about the Holy Quran & Hadith (Traditions of Prophet Muhammed, P.B.U.H,صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم) and deep knowledge of Islam & history. They dedicate their lives to their missions. Few of them during their research realized the truth and finally enter the fold of Islam. The Hidayat ( ہدایت / guidance) comes to them only from Almighty Allah subhanahu Quddus ( الله سبحانہ قدوس).
Infact , we should be thankful to the Orientalists who learn the Arabic language & literature, irrespective of their intentions and missions. I would like to enumerate the few .
(1) Joannis Damascene: (676-749 ) official of the Caliph of Damascus.
(2) Abd - al - Masih ibn Ishaque Al- Kindi, an Arab Christian most probably of the 8th / 9th century, his work was translated into Latin and very much popular in Europe.
(3) Petrus Venerablis ( 1092-1156 ) translated , Holy Quran into Latin.
(4) Mose bin Maimoon ( 1135-1204 ) A Jewish Theologist and Talmudist wrote a book Dalalat al- Harin, a guide on Jewish theology, published in 1190.
(5) Marco de Toledo: ( 1193-1216 )
Did translation of Holy Quran, from Arabic to Latin.
(6) Frederik 2: ( 1194-1250 )
An emperor, who continued the mission of translation of Holy Quran from Arabic to Latin.
(7) Ibn- Kammuna : ( 1215-1285)
A Jewish scholar who wrote a book in Arabic on examination of inquiries into three faiths.
(8)Alfonso Sabco: ( 1221-1284)
who did the translation from Arabic into Greek, over the scientific works of Arabs, later on, it was translated into Latin and its maximum translators were jews.
(9) Raman Marti ( 1286):
A traditional partisan ( a strong supporter of a cause), who studied Islam thoroughly and in his book gave the references of Holy Quran, Hadith and quotations from Al - Farabi, Ibn - Sina, Al - Ghazali & Ibn Rushd in his books.
(10) Bar -Ebraya: ( 1226-1286)
much influenced by Al - Ghazali.
(11) Theodor Barliander: ( 1506-1564).
A Zurich theologian published his book with a preface written by Martin Luther.
(12) Andre Ryer: ( 1580- 1660)
Did translation of holy Quran from Arabic to French, published from Paris
in 1647.
(13) Alexander Ross:(1591-1654)
From Scotland did a translation of holy Quran Kareem from French to English.
(14) Antoine Galland :( 1646-1715)
From France, first in the West to translate the Arabian Nights.
(15) Humphrey Prideaux: (1648-1724) wrote many books on Islam.
In addition to the above mentioned, there are many more orientalists, still busy round-the-clock in their mission since the last 1400 years.
No doubt, the Arabic language has also influenced the English language and Western Culture.
Indeed the Arabic language is a live language, which is survived in its original form even after 1400 years, when the first aayat or the First Divine Message of Almighty, in the form of the Holy Quran revealed to, our Beloved Prophet Muhammed ( P.B.U.H) صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم, brought by Archangel Jibraeel علیہ السلام ( Alaih salam), at the Mount Hira ( جبل نور ), Holy Makkah.
اقراء باسم ربك الذی خلق
" Read, O Prophet, in the Name of your Lord, who created ".
Hence, we must read and understand the Arabic language as much as possible, so that we can convey the message of our Creator to mankind all over the world.
انا انزلنه قرانا عربیا لعلکم تعقلون ( سورہ یوسف آیت 2 )
We have revealed it as a Recitation in Arabic that you may fully understand ( surah Yusuf,aayat number 2).
May Allah guide all of us and everyone in the world so that we can understand the words of our Lord Almighty Allah , the words of wisdom in the form of
" Holy Quran " on this earth . ( Aameen ).
Speech delivered by :
Dr. Khaliluddin Tumandar,
mbbs( Bom)mcps.
Former physician, Haram Shariff
Holy Makkah
Presently at :
Ontario, Canada.
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virginiaprelawland · 4 years
People V. Scott Peterson
By Kayla Blevins, Liberty University, Class of 2020
September 2, 2020
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Forty-seven-year-old Scott Peterson was convicted of first-degree murder of his wife, Laci, in 2005 and sentenced to death by lethal injection. He was also convicted of second-degree murder because of the death of his son, Conner, of whom Laci was still pregnant at the time of her death. However, Peterson argued to the California Supreme Court that his trial was flawed because of the media hype that encircled the case. The court rejected this but found serious errors when selecting jury members for the penalty phase - the trial court wrongly rejected potential jurors because they opposed the death penalty.
The problem is the potential jurors said they could overlook their personal opinions about the death penalty, nevertheless,the prosecution rejected them. The California Supreme Court agreed with Peterson because the precedent previously set by the United States Supreme Court asserts that potential jurors may not be considered ineligible to serve in capital murder cases because of their objections against the death penalty. (1) The California Supreme Court said this is precisely what occurred in Peterson’s penalty phase. Under the precedent set by the Supreme Court, even when one error occurs in a capital murder trial, there must be an “automatic reversal of any ensuing death penalty judgment.”(2) The California court believes numerous errors require they overturn Peterson's death penalty, but not his two murder convictions.
The California Court’s Opinion
According to Justice Kruger, the main author of the California court’s opinion, jurors are required to answer written questionnaires. The questionnaires ask the potential juror basic questions, like their opinion about the death penalty, because the courts desire someone capable of rightly judging the evidence presented in the case and not being swayed by their opinions.
Jurors can be excused through one of two “mechanisms.” (3) According to the opinion, the first “mechanism” is that a juror can be excused because the court or the council believes that he or she has a bias. (4) In a capital murder case, for example, the prospective juror is subject to excusal if they would be unable or unwilling to impose the death penalty if the defendant is found guilty. (5) Second, prospective jurors may be excused by the parties by means of peremptory challenge.(6) Each party is given a number of peremptory strikes set by law and allowed to choose from the remaining pool, up to the limit of their strikes, additional potential jurors they believe would be less favorably disposed to their side and to the verdict they seek. (7) The result of this process is a final jury of 12, plus alternates to guard against the need to excuse one or more jurors during the trial itself.(8)
The first mechanism is the focus of the California court in Peterson’s case, “The question is whether the process the trial court employed to remove jurors complied with the standards the United States Supreme Court has established for the disqualification of jurors for bias in a capital case.” (9)
Key Supreme Court Cases
In Witherspoon,the United States Supreme Court ruled that,
[A] sentence of death cannot be carried out if the jury that imposed or recommended it was chosen by excluding veniremen [potential jurors summoned for duty] for cause simply because they voiced general objections to the death penalty or expressed conscientious or religious scruples against its infliction. (10)
The reason is that “A man who opposes the death penalty, no less than one who favors it, can make the discretionary judgment entrusted to him by the State and can thus obey the oath he takes as a juror.  But a jury from which all such men have been excluded cannot perform the task demanded of it,” namely, to “express the conscience of the community on the ultimate question of life or death.” (11) In other words, “a criminal defendant has the right to an impartial jury drawn from a venire[potential jurors summoned for duty] that has not been tilted in favor of capital punishment by selective prosecutorial challenges for cause” based solely on general opposition to the death penalty. (12)
Witt, another case, acknowledges that states ensure murder cases are tried before juries who are “able to apply capital punishment within the framework state law prescribes.” (13) In Witt, the court held that trial courts may excuse a prospective juror for cause based on the juror’s views of capital punishment if those views “would ‘prevent or substantially impair the performance of his duties as a juror in accordance with his instructions and his oath.’”  (14) But to protect the right to trial by an impartial jury, a trial court may not remove jurors for cause based on views that do not greatly impair their ability to serve. (15) “[I]f prospective jurors are barred from jury service because of their views about capital punishment on ‘any broader basis’ than inability to follow the law or abide by their oaths, the death sentence cannot be carried out.” (16)
Witt and Witherspoon elucidates that potential jurors should not be disqualified from service just because they oppose the death penalty, “[N]ot all who oppose the death penalty are subject to removal for cause in capital cases; those who firmly believe that the death penalty is unjust may nevertheless serve as jurors in capital cases so long as they state clearly that they are willing to temporarily set aside their own beliefs in deference to the rule of law. (17) Neither may a juror be disqualified from service because he or she might “impose a higher threshold before concluding that the death penalty is appropriate.” (18) “The critical issue is whether a life-leaning prospective juror — that is, one generally (but not invariably) favoring life in prison instead of the death penalty as an appropriate punishment — can set aside his or her personal views about capital punishment and follow the law as the trial judge instructs.” (19)As long as a potential juror can obey the court’s instructions and rightly determine whether death is proper, based on a sincere consideration of aggravating and mitigating circumstances, the juror may not be excused for cause. (20)
The California court emphasized in the opinion they were not suggesting that a trial court errs when it exercises discretion to limit counsel’s opportunity to question prospective jurors directly. (21) The size of the venire was quite large – 1,500 people. It is reasonable for the court to have “tight controls” on the voir dire. (22) But sufficient inquiry must be made so only those properly excusable under the governing standards are properly dismissed, “Before granting a challenge for cause, the ‘court must have sufficient information regarding the prospective juror’s state of mind to permit a reliable determination as to whether the juror’s views would “prevent or substantially impair” performance as a capital juror.’”(23)Thus,trial courts are required to make “a conscientious attempt to determine a prospective juror’s views regarding capital punishment to ensure that any juror excused from jury service meets the constitutional standard.” (24)In this case, the California court found there were not enough inquiries made.
Peterson complained of numerous issues like his trial being in an area where he would likely have been found guilty, but the California court disagreed. He also complainedof evidence being flawed, like the admission of dog scent trailing evidence. But the court rejected that argument, “The dog-trailing evidence was not, as defendant claims, inherently unreliable; it rested on a solid foundation and could fairly be considered by the jury alongside whatever arguments against its significance and accuracy Peterson chose to muster.” (25)
The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation spokeswoman Terry Thornton said Peterson will stay in death row housing until the Stanislaus County District Attorney Birgit Fladager, decides if he wants to seek a new penalty phase trial.(26)
(1)  Witherspoon v. Illinois 391 U.S. at pp. 518–523;Wainwright v. Witt 469 U.S. at p. 424.
(2)  People v. Heard(2003) 31Cal.4th 946, 966–967; People v. Armstrong(2019) 6 Cal.5th 735, 764; People v. Woodruff (2018) 5 Cal.5th 697,745; People v. Riccardi54 Cal.4th at p.783.
(3)  Kruger, J. (2020, August 24). Supreme Court of California. Retrieved August 29, 2020, from https://www.courts.ca.gov/opinions/documents/S132449.PDF.
(4)  Ibid. p. 21.
(5)  Ibid.; Ross v. Oklahoma (1988) 487 U.S. 81, 83–86; Lockett v. Ohio (1978) 438 U.S. 586, 595–596.
(6)  Ibid.
(7)  Ibid.
(8)  Ibid.
(9)  Ibid.
(10)                   Ibid.pp. 20-21.
(11)                   Ibid. p. 21.
(12)                   Ibid.; Uttecht v. Brown (2007) 551 U.S. 1, 9.
(13)                   Ibid.; Uttecht v. Brown, 551 U.S. at p. 9.
(14)                   Ibid.; Adams v. Texas (1980) 448 U.S. 38, 45; People v. Jones (2017) 3 Cal.5th 583, 614.
(15)                   Ibid. p. 22.
(16)                   Ibid.; Adams, at p. 48;Uttecht, at p. 9; Jones, at p. 614.
(17)                   Ibid. pp. 21-22.; Lockhart v. McCree (1986) 476 U.S. 162, 176.
(18)                   Ibid.; People v. Stewart (2004) 33 Cal.4th 425, 447.
(19)                   Ibid.; People v. Thompson (2016) 1 Cal.5th 1043, 1065.
(20)                   Ibid.; People v. Armstrong, 6 Cal.5th at p. 750; People v. Lewis (2001) 25 Cal.4th 610, 633.
(21)                   Ibid. p. 27.
(22)                   Ibid.
(23)                   Ibid.
(24)                   Ibid.; People v. Buenrostro (2018) 6 Cal.5th 367, 412.
(25)                   Ibid. p. 59.
(26)                   Tracy, Erin. “What happens next in the Scott Peterson case after his death sentence was overturned?” Modbee, Modesto Bee, 9 Aug. 2020, https://www.modbee.com/news/local/crime/scott-peterson-case/article245303320.html.
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lothirielswanmarvel · 5 years
All is fair in love and Thor! After tricked into a betrothal by a princess from another realm, Evangeline Green must find the Eternal Flame to win back her freedom, and save the nine realms. But those aren't the only sparks flying. Things are heating up between Evangeline and the seductive God of Thunder, but will his treacherous ex-girlfriend, Enchantress, and a group of feuding Avengers tear apart this unspoken romance?
“You were gone for forty-five minutes.”
“Please, don't.”
“You were gone for forty-five minutes, and you came back engaged to a lesbian fairy princess,” Wanda judged me over the rim of her mug as she sipped her tea.
“Don't say it out loud,” I groaned and stuffed my face into one of the throw pillows on the couch.
“Technically it was an elven lesbian princess,” I heard Stephen correct her.
“Technically it was an elven lesbian princess and Thor,” Scott chimed in, forcing me deeper into the depths of the couch. I muffled my moans of misery.
“Let’s recap here,” Nat said, steepling her fingers together and bringing them to her lips. Thor kept staring at her blonde hair with a distasteful look. “We need to find this Eternal Flame in twelve days, or elves overtake Asgard and invade here. And Angie has to marry Arwen from Lord of the Rings.”
“She had white hair,” I added. Asta agreed that the Eternal Flame had to be returned to call off the engagement.
“Like the dragon lady from Game of Thrones?” Scott piped up.
“Actually, I heard the dragon lady’s not a natural blonde. They dyed her hair for the show.”
“What? Seriously? It's not real? I feel so betrayed…”
“Wait until he finds out the dragons aren't real,” Stephen muttered. The Sorcerer Supreme cleared his throat, “Thor, do you know where the Eternal Flame is?”
I glanced over at Thor, who sat next to me on the couch. He winced, staring down at the glass table. “Well, it's sort of, complicated…”
“What happened? Did Smokey the Bear stomp it out?” Sam remarked. He stood behind Cap’s chair, chest puffed out, arms crossed. There was still unease between the Avengers. I hoped Thor would take away the pressure, somehow.
“It has to do with Loki, doesn't it?” Clint said out loud. “That's when it all goes to shit, isn't it? Come on, buddy, tell me I'm right.”
Thor was extremely quiet for a minute.
“Yes. Loki moved it to Earth.”
Clint leaned back in his seat with a smug smirk. “Called it. Knew it was the turd.”
“Did you just call the God of Mischief a turd?” Scott glanced warily up at the ceiling, waiting for a lightning bolt to strike down from the heavens and smite someone. “Isn't that bad ju-ju or something?”
Rhodey nodded mutually. “Maybe. But it’s the truth; he was a real turd.”
I felt a small smidge of relief. I could get everyone to agree on something—that was a start.
“It was about, uh, seven hundred years ago,” Thor recalled. Peter Parker and Shuri sat criss-crossed on the ground, listening eagerly. “Loki—he was my brother, who was murdered by the dark elves—and he liked doing experiments and blowing things up, but our mother, who has also passed away very recently—she murdered by the dark elves too, but I killed all of them—anyways, she told him not to do the experiment on Asgard so he wouldn't destroy the kingdom. So he went to Earth instead,”
“What happened then, Mr. Thor?” Peter asked.
“Well he did the experiment, and I believe he created something...a plague of some sort? Anyways—”
“Wait, you said seven hundred years ago…” Wanda started counting on her fingers.
“Are you saying that Loki was responsible for the bubonic plague, commonly referred to as The Black Death?” Vision inquired in his usual neutral tone.
I squeezed the pillow tight to my chest. I owned a small cupcake business (it helped smooth things over with my degree in political science, and it gave me a reason to avoid eating out), and I wondered if I should let the Avengers eat the latest order I made, just to take their minds off of European disasters.
“Actually, that might have been my fault...I tried to make some soup…” Thor trailed off, suddenly solemn.
I sat up abruptly. “Who wants cupcakes?”
Tony’s head snapped away from the alcohol. “Mine! I get Steve’s!”
I stood and walked away from the Avengers as they started to bicker amongst themselves. I went to the kitchen counter and peeked into the light-pink cardboard box—
Crap. The blush on my face matched the box. I cursed myself silently.
It was February, so over half of my orders were Valentine's Day-themed. This one was incredibly expressive, topped with antacids and messages inscribed in frosting.
Nothing was going to take my mind off this stupid marriage-thing. Or Thor’s engagement present that he never told me about. Or my stupid feelings.
“Hey, they’re my colors.”
I looked up at Wanda, smiling innocently. She had a small face with perfectly round eyes. Her high cheekbones made her look solemn outside of conversations, permanently tormented with knowledge in everyone else’s heads.
I nodded and started to poke around drawers for paper plates. “You and Vision get to spend Valentine's Day together now. That's exciting.”
“We already had plans,” Wanda said, opening up a cabinet above and setting the plates on the counter.
She shrugged at my confused expression. “I didn't just stay in contact with you, even though texting you is...so much fun.”
“You know I prefer face-to-face.”
Wanda glanced back at the living room. “So does he.”
I didn't stare at who she was talking about. I bent down for napkins. Wanda leaned back on the black granite counter, “Vis and I had a system to keep in touch...kind of like you asking that Heimdall-guy about Thor.”
“What's the point to all of this?” I said, standing upright again. I didn't overlook the comparison she made.
Wanda had plucked one of the cupcakes with red frosting from the batch, rotating it with her slender, twig-like fingers. “He never did anything like that with Jane.”
“Jane was busy, she had a career.”
Wanda offered me the cupcake she stole. “So do you.”
I handled the cupcake lightly as I returned it to the box and closed it.
“I know you like him. And now he's here, and I've looked in his mind...and I think you should go for it.” Wanda said.
I sighed and looked up at her. Wanda was a mind-reader. As friends, it was something to get used to in the beginning, but after awhile, I didn't really mind anymore. I was her open book. Wanda understood me, probably better than anyone else.
And she knew what I was about to say as I shook my head. “He’s nice, but I have so much on my plate right now. There’s the Accords and Ross and taking care of you guys. My business, college, this marriage-elf disaster—”
“You’re right.” She said. “But is adding one little cupcake to your plate too much?”
A/N: Hi Awesome Adventurers! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed. I’m so excited for this new series I’ve started publishing on AO3, The Collector’s Cosmic Romance Saga. We have tons of Thor love and a steamy Peter Quill love triangle is coming soon! Join the Avengers and Evangeline Green on a galactic journey in part two, Avengers: Love and Lightning. Love, fortune and glory to you!!
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dailybuglenow · 4 years
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It’s a new age for the people of America. As a world we’ve found ourselves embroiled in an  excess of trouble, chaos and confusion for the last six years and the United States have not been the exception. Today, we write about another day of sorrow and how we can maintain hope for the future. The White House made an order to fly all flags at half-staff in early April following the unexpected passing of President Matthew Ellis. The successor to former one-term President Barack Obama, Ellis had just started his second term when the Cleanse occurred in May of 2018. President Ellis was a victim of Thanos and the controversial Senator Robert Kelly acted as Commander in Chief in the interim. Upon his return he reassumed office for the last year before suffering a pulmonary embolism at the beginning of April.
Public opinion was divide during Ellis’ respective terms. Although Ellis was seen receiving aid from heroes such as Iron Man and Captain America, his stance on superhumans varied. It was Ellis who first introduced the world to be Advanced Threat Containment Union, a group established to deal with the rising numbers of Inhumans but ended up being tangled with Nazi organization H.Y.D.R.A. “The laws of nature have changed.” Ellis said when issuing his executive order. “And until the laws of man change to reflect that, we must do what we feel is right.“ On May 3rd. 2016 President Ellis became one of many leaders internationally to sign the Sokovian Accords that demanded more collaboration and responsibility from the Avengers. The Accords came as a response to events in countries such as Sokovia and Lagos where Avenger efforts led to deaths and needed to be addressed on a global level. "It is crucial that we unite and stand together to ensure that peace and security prevail over chaos and fear,” Ellis stated as he both commended the heroes for their work and chastised their carelessness. Over his political career Ellis worked with the now deceased Glen Talbot and General Thaddeus Ross, who sung his praises during a recent press conference.
Upon the passing of Ellis, it was expected that Vice President Lee would take over but the White House instead issued a statement that took many by surprise. Instead of Lee or any of the other Cabinet members in line for the office taking over, they were appointing former C.E.O. and businessman Norman Osborn into office effectively immediately. This came as a surprise to many as Osborn was believed to be deceased ever since he succumbed to a incredibly rare disease in 2021 during Thanos’ Cleanse. Osborn’s company, OSBORN, fell into the hands of his former partner Mendel Stromm due to Osborn’s teenaged son, Harry Osborn, being a victim of the Cleanse. When Thanos’ work was reversed Stromm agreed to remain in control of the company until Harry turned 18 and could legally take over. While that has yet to happen, Norman Osborn recently reappeared spinning a tale about being kidnapped and held hostage for three years. The Bugle is currently fact checking the story and looking into the supposed terrorist organization, but in the meantime the world not only celebrated the return of Osborn but also capitalized on his story of fighting for freedom against all odds.
The sudden ascent from deceased businessman to President of the United  States is the kind of comeback story that our country eats up, even if this humble reporter isn’t entirely sold on the story. To keep up with the whirlwind pace, Osborn’s Inauguration Gala was held on April 29th, 2020 in Manhattan to celebrate his victory, a date that is situated only a few days after the one year memorial of the Cleanse. Politicians, businessmen, America’s shiniest, world leaders and heroes were all invited to brush elbows and show their support for their new President. Shi’ar Empress Xandra Neramani was photographed along with Inhuman Royalty and Krakoan leaders. While all seemed to be smooth sailing, guests were caught off guard by the surprise unveiling of Osborn’s New Avengers, which saw him front and center as the Iron Patriot. The Patriot armor was briefly used in the past by the current War Machine, Lt. Colonel James Rhodes. The following speech followed his announcement:
“Thank you again to everyone who has taken the time to attend my ceremony today. As I mentioned before, I have a surprise in store for you tonight. As we all know, the backbone of my campaign has been the safety of our people, to ensure we’ll never face a threat like Thanos again. To defend every American from crimes of a less than ordinary nature and keep up with the growing threats. While we have relied on people such as the Avengers, the X-Men, and other groups in the past it is time for a change of pace. I’m grateful for all that they have done to keep our home safe. It is time for us to stop relying on a group of independent crime fighters. They’ve squabbled amongst themselves and each other with innocent civilian casualties too many times now. Which is why I present you with a force to defend our nation from any threat, capable of fighting aliens, robots or other superhumans, the Avengers of America!”
Osborn’s announcement was entirely unexpected as the Avengers had been in good standing ever since their work reversing Thanos’ Cleanse and the sacrifices of founding members Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) and Tony Stark (Iron Man). Some saw this as a direct affront to the existing Avengers while others believe a change of pace will be beneficial for a country that’s struggled  to regain its footing. At the time of the Gala, the official rostered Avengers included: Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel), Spider-Man (Unknown), Scott Lang (Ant-Man), Thor Odinson, Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch), Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange), Sam Wilson (Captain America), James Rhodes (War Machine), Hope Van Dyne (Wasp), Bruce Banner (the Hulk), Clint Barton (Hawkeye) and the Vision. Ms. Maximoff was barely eighteen when first recruited, and it has long been known that masked web head Spider-man is a minor even if we have not matched a face to the mask.
Identities have not been announced yet for most of the heroes, and some bear resemblance to formerly known criminals. The Bugle has requested a comment but are currently waiting for a response.  So far, confirmed members of America’s Avengers include: Star, Spider-Woman (Charlotte Witter),  Yellowjacket (Rita DeMara), the Minotaur, the Enchantress, Baron Zemo (Helmut  Zemo), the Iron Patriot (Norman Osborn), Beetle, Red-Hulk,  Bullseye and Moonstone. Due to most of the initial Avengers being unmasked, the public is unsure if they should trust a new set of heroes with secret identities. One Bugle commenter pointed out that some of the alias are tired to former criminals but no correlation has been confirmed.
The Avengers aren’t Osborn’s only endeavor either. The formerly America based X-Men separated recently to form their own island nation of Krakoa and now have sovereignty and no longer adhere to American laws. Osborn announced via a press conference his own X-Men, which is a “rejuvenating team of American mutants who remember where their true allegiance should be.” The roster currently includes Wolverine (James Hudson Jr.), the Goblin Queen (Madelyne Pryor), Miss Sinister (Claudine Renko), Belladonna (Bella Donna Boudreaux), Mimic (Calvin Rankin) and Melter (Christian Colchiss) and their leader ‘X’. This line-up definitely includes some who have ended up on the wrong side of the law, and X strongly resembles Charles Xavier, the mutant leader who goes by Professor X, right down to the unsettling helmet. All of America’s X-Men are reported to be vetted and redeemed despite their being little shown to support that.
Rounding out Osborn’s new order is his Cabal, a public version of the once rumored Illuminati that brought a group of very powerful leaders together. Osborn’s Cabal stands for “intentional and intergalactic unity on a scale never before seen,” according to Osborn spokeswoman Lily Hollister. Representatives include: Maximus Boltagon (the Inhumans), Victor von Doom/Doctor Doom (Latveria), Loki (Asgard), Ronan the Accuser (the Kree), Cal’ysee Neramani/Deathbird (Shi’ar Empire), Valerie Cooper (United States) and Emma Frost/White Queen (Krakoa). The final nail in the coffin of how the world used to be was Osborn’s decision to disband the government agency S.H.I.E.L.D. effective immediately to be replaced by the newly renewed H.A.M.M.E.R.
What Norman Osborn’s America looks like is a daunting picture to encapsulate. Our world has always grown, shifted and changed but we usually strive for it to be in a positive direction. Here at the Bugle we voice our concerns but also strive to report accurate and up to date news. As President Osborn’s term progresses we promise to be here for every twist and turn. Some say god bless America, but in this case I’ll settle with good luck, America.
— Reported by Ben Urich, senior reporter
Tragedy struck a New Jersey high school last week. Coles Academic High School hosted activist Ailana Kabua who came from the Marshall Islands to speak as a keynote for the Concerned Scientists of America program, which brought together students from different districts. Although it was not disclosed at the time, the Avengers affiliated team the Champions were on the premise acting as bodyguards. In a strange turn of events a dragon crashed the event and the Champions made themselves known. In what appeared to be a field error, the synthezoid daughter of Avenger the Vision, Vivian Vision, phased through an energy based fist being created by Victor Alvarez (Power Man). The results was Vision losing control and pulling all the electricity from the atmosphere until the team managed to subdue her. As it stands, Vision is reported but was not the only one hurt. Student Kamala Khan protected Kabua as the two tried to escape, but Ms. Khan was unfortunately injured. Her parents provided the Bugle with an update that so far Kamala has been unresponsive in the ICU in critical condition.
In the wake of this tragedy, the public and government began to look for the root of the problem and came to one conclusion:  unsupervised teen vigilante acts. As many of you remember, the United Nations passed the Sokovian Accords in 2016 to counteract independent superheroes. Although some of the affiliates of former Captain America Steve Rogers were arrested, the Accords fell apart after Thanos’ 2018 attack in Wakanda and have not been revisited. Congress called in the following Champions - some of  who maintain secret identities - to testify in front of the Subcommittee on Superhumans and Public Safety Legislation Hearing about S.315, aka the Underage Superhuman Welfare Act: Spider-Man (the one in red and black),  Riri Williams (Ironheart), Joaquin Torres (Falcon), Nadia Van Dyne (Wasp) and Nova. Other rostered members who were not subpoenaed include Lana Baumgartner (the former criminal known as Bombshell), Qureshi Gupta (Pinpoint) and Victor Alvarez (Power Man). Avengers Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel), Sam Wilson (Captain America) and the Vision also showed up to speak in favor of the kids, but statements like Danvers “They’re just kids” didn’t hold up against some of the perceived danger of child superheroes. One committee member went as far as to point out Ms. Van Dyne’s history with Russia’s Red Room that the deceased Natasha Romanoff graduated from as proof of child soldiers being detrimental.
The Bugle has attained a transcript of the speech that Senator Patrick gave earlier this morning from the Capitol on behalf of the Committee: Thank you all for coming. As you know, our proposed Bill has taken on new significance in light or recent events. After  careful consideration of Congressional testimony, the devastation caused by the malfunction of Viv Vision, who is missing, and the near death of Ailana Kabua… the Underage Superhuman Welfare Act will be passed into law. I’m grateful to my colleagues in the Senate who voted across the aisle on this legislation. Parents and young people across America will feel a little bit safer at at night knowing that the law will no longer overlook people under the age of 21 who engage in superhero activity. We have already began to assemble the Child Hero Reconnaissance and Disruption Law Enforcement organization: C.R.A.D.L.E. This is an unprecedented collaboration between first responders and military personnel. Our capable and experienced commanders include Jake O, Carolina Washington, Timothy Dugan and former teen heroes Justice, Speedball and Timeslip. My fellow Americans: it is clear that teen superheroes have been given too many opportunities to harm themselves and others. We have denied them the guidance and structure that they deserve. That is not fair to them and that is not who we are. In naming this law, we want to honor an innocent young woman wounded in the Coles Disaster, who is fighting for her life as we speak. We’re all praying for her recovery. In her honor, we’re calling it Kamala’s Law.”
The swift announcement of C.R.A.D.L.E. was supported by President Norman Osborn, who lists Kamala’s Law in his policy change plan for America. Involving former child superheroes have left the population divided as some wonder if it is a glowing endorsement and others if it is a betrayal. C.R.A.D.L.E. operatives were spotted raiding the Champions Mobile Bunker, the home of child genius Lunella Lafayette and Riri William’s lab in Chicago. Current debate is surrounding how to force minor superheroes to comply in a safe and efficient way without harming them is ongoing, and established heroes under 21 must register and become affiliated. As it currently stands, Ms. Marvel is currently at large and wanted and most of the other Champions have yet to comply. The government has not yet issued on a statement on the status of American born mutants living on Krakoa, nor has the Fantastic Four made any comments even though Reed Richards (Mister Fantastic) and Susan Storm-Richards (Invisible Woman) have been reported to Child Protection Services before due to the danger that their underage children have been subjected to.
“Danger has never cared how old I was. Danger never cared about  any of us,” Superhero Ghost Spider was recorded saying recently by a civilian making accusations about underaged heroes. Unfortunately, this goes deeper than just danger and caring is intrinsic to the matter. The road to Kamala’s Law is expected to be rocky and filled with resistance but the government is dedicated to following through. Whether or not this turns out to be for the betterment of society has yet to be seen. The Bugle will provide continual updates on the wellbeing of Kamala Khan and Kamala’s Law.
— Reported by Christine Everheart, senior reporter
Shi’ar royalty made their first pubic appearance in the first time in nearly a decade back in March at the Stark Unity Gala. The appearance of their current Empress - Xandra Neramani - raised a few eyebrows and not just because of her young age. Reportedly, Neramani is the daughter of the late Empress Lilandra Neramani and mutant leader turned diplomat Charles Xavier. A representative for Xavier confirmed the connection and issued a brief statement that: We are thrilled to have Xandra as a guest of Krakoa on Earth to promote good will between the Shi’ar, mutants and Earth as a whole. As saddened as we are to hear the confirmation of former Majestrix Lilandra we look forward to building new bonds for the future.” Empress Neramani is accompanied by her aunt, former disgraced Shi’ar Cal’syee Neramani (Deathbird) and former Emperor Kallark (Gladiator) as well as a select council. As it stands no timeline has been set for the Shi’ar visit and they are not considered hostile.
#NotmyThor and #NotmyCaptainAmerica continue to trend on social media despite protests from Avengers and fans alike. “It’s just so sexist,” high school student Nakia Bahadir blogged last week about the continued outcry against the yet to be unmasked female Thor who took over within the last six months. “People can have secret identities and she’s kicking ass and getting the job done. People can chill out.” There’s been similar anger and disappointment expressed in the last year since the deceased  Steve Rogers passed his shield onto his former partner Sam Wilson. Wilson has come under fire for being what some consider ‘too bipartisan’ on political issues. “The shield has always stood for the good of the American people,” he said when stopped recently. “It still does. Being Cap means fighting for the American people and that’s what I’m going to continue to do.” The Bugle will continue to poll public opinion as time goes on.
— Reported by Melita Garner, junior reporter
We are currently looking into an international cult that could pose a significant threat to us. Sects of humans have risen up who are worshipping mutants like gods but have taken to attempt to drink mutant blood to achieve this. These humans consume the blackmarket  drug Pollen, which is made from Krakoan flowers and allows the consumer to attain vampiric qualities. Humans have been trying to steal Krakoan petals since we first made them known to the world and the Hellfire Trading Company vessel, the Marauder, has been working to provide safe transports for the drugs while we grow the flowers on the  Island. The X-Force team will continue to look into the matter.
An official source for Krakoa announced that mutants Jean Grey and Scott Summers welcomed son Charles Christopher Summers into the world on May 1st, 2024. Both mother and son are reported to be healthy and thankful for the two weeks of privacy. Hopefully this child is one of many to come as we embrace our decree: make more mutants.
The Quiet Council of Krakoa will be sitting down to discuss their current stance on President Norman Osborn at an undisclosed date and will report their agreement shortly after. As with all major issues, they thank you for your patience and encourage any comments or concerns to be brought to a representative. Until otherwise specified, the Hellfire Trading Company will continue to work in accordance with the already established laws with the United States.
As we enter into this new season, Krakoa is officially rolling out a new line of teams. Rosters will be posted shortly, but the Hellion and X-Factor groups will be joining preexisting ones such as the Marauders, X-Force, X-Men, Excalibur and New Mutants.
Be wary of potential conflict from the Fantastic Four. We have long been aware that Franklin Richards is an Omega level mutant and needs to be surrounded by his own kind on Krakoa but there has been resistance from Reed Richards and Susan Storm-Richards so far. Even though Franklin Richards can claim sanctuary on the Island we are trying to mitigate the situation as peacefully as possible. Should you encounter any of the Fantastic Four please attempt to avoid a violent confrontation.
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artemisegeria · 5 years
The Picture of the Mind Revives Again (1/?)
Title: The Picture of the Mind Revives Again (1/?)
Rating: T
Word count: 1532
Warnings: None
Summary: Sequel to “A Formula, A Phrase Remains.” Title is from “Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey” by William Wordsworth.
Vision has gone missing after Shuri, Bruce, and Helen revived him. Now they must tell Wanda what they did without her knowledge.
A/N: Onto the second part of this story. We’ve had some new material and news about the future of Wanda and Vision in the MCU, and the MCU as a whole, since I started my initial plan, but I think I will be ignoring most of it. I am completely disregarding the events of Spider-Man: Far From Home; none of it happened. I may feature a little more Strange and Wanda interacting due to the news that she will be joining his sequel, but that’s about it.
Instead of alternating POVs between Wanda and Shuri, this part will alternate between Vision and Wanda.
  And now, with gleams of half-extinguished thought, 
With many recognitions dim and faint, 
And somewhat of a sad perplexity, 
The picture of the mind revives again: 
While here I stand, not only with the sense 
Of present pleasure, but with pleasing thoughts 
That in this moment there is life and food 
For future years. And so I dare to hope, 
Though changed, no doubt, from what I was when first 
I came among these hills; when like a roe 
I bounded o'er the mountains, by the sides 
Of the deep rivers, and the lonely streams, 
Wherever nature led: more like a man 
Flying from something that he dreads, than one 
Who sought the thing he loved.
-          William Wordsworth
Vision tried to move his fingers and toes, but his limbs were slow to respond to his thoughts. Buzzing filled his head. He opened his eyes slowly, and the world gradually came into focus. All of that was forgotten as he remembered who and where he was. He expected the to hear the sounds of battle all around him, but there was only the quiet hum of computers.
He called out, “Hello.” No one answered. His thoughts were sluggish. There was something very important to remember. Wanda! She had jumped into battle just moments before. He forced himself to his feet and walked toward the window. He finally realized that he was in a different room when the view outside the window was not the wide-open field that he was expecting. Instead, it was a view of the city. He recognized the Wakandan style of architecture, so he was evidently in the palace. But he could not understand why there were no signs of struggle.
Vision attempted to scan the internet to find the answers he was seeking. He was shocked when the timestamp read September 2024. How could he have missed more than six years already? His body slumped against his will. He struggled to bring it back under his control. It felt as if his arms and legs belonged to someone else. He managed to lean against the wall to support his weight as he continued to search.
A search for “Wanda Maximoff” brought up articles concerning recent missions with the Avengers. One article described how the team had recently been handed keys to New York City. A picture showed her smiling with one arm around Sam and one around a blonde woman he didn’t recognize. Sergeant Barnes, Peter Parker, and another man he had never seen before were also present. Wanda was on several lists as the number two and number three most eligible bachelorettes in New York City. Vision also scanned through and quickly closed several Reddit threads about her.
Wanda seemed happy at least. Vision knew how she would hide her true feelings, and he wished to speak with her to ascertain that her surface appearance was an accurate representation of her emotional state. But she had the team. She was still able to be an Avenger and help others, as she always talked about wishing she could return while she was a fugitive. Most of the articles he read lauded her powers and her efforts and proclaimed her a valuable member of the team, as Vision thought they should. People were finally starting to appreciate her as she deserved. He was so proud of her.
Vision forced himself away from Wanda and to the world at large. From what he could gather, Thanos had been successful in his plan, half the population of the universe had disappeared, and they had returned five years later. A full year and more had passed since then. Despite Vision’s free access to the information, the weight of all he had missed fell heavily on him. There was still so much he did not understand. How was he functioning? His hand went to his forehead. He felt the ridges of a stone, but that did not make sense. If Thanos tore his Stone from his forehead as was reported, how was it still in his head?
He heard footsteps approaching his room. Without thinking, Vision phased himself through the wall, remaining incorporeal as he floated above the city. He needed someplace to sit and think, alone. He traveled to the forest. When he found a convenient branch where he could perch, he widened his search to discover more about the world today.
Vision researched the other Avengers. The roster was quite different than it had been. He bowed his head in grief when he realized both Tony and Natasha were gone, having sacrificed themselves to save the universe. One of the men in the picture was Doctor Stephen Strange. He had apparently become Wanda’s mentor, if certain news articles were to be believed. Sergeant Barnes had been healed by Princess Shuri and had joined the team. King T’Challa had taken on a larger role while focusing most of his energies on Wakanda. Vision scrolled through information on others who were also only with the team part of the time; he knew none of these people. He tried and failed to process all the changes that had occurred.
Vision frowned when he saw that Thaddeus Ross was the president of the United States and was running for re-election. It appeared that he was still not facing accountability for his involvement with the RAFT. It was at least a relief that the Accords were no longer in force.
The sun was beginning to set when several of T’Challa’s Dora Milaje passed underneath him. He slipped further up the tree to hide among the leaves. He did not know why he did not simply make himself known to them. He knew that T’Challa was still king here and Shuri was in charge of developing Wakanda’s technology. Surely, they could help him understand and get in contact with Wanda and the others. But he could not confront another person right now. It was all too much.
Vision remained where he was, absorbing this new world. He scanned through every article he could absorb on the politics, religion, and culture that were all unfamiliar to him. So much was different from what he knew. He could categorize the data, draw up charts and graphs, but he could not truly comprehend the changes.
It was some hours later when he heard a familiar, precious voice. “Vizh! Vision! Are you here?” Wanda collapsed on the ground beneath his perch. She shouted his name a few more times before she broke into wordless keening. His instinct was to go to her, but he could not move. He could see her distress, but he could not feel it. He realized that their mental link, which he had enjoyed throughout the years they had known each other, was completely absent.
Wanda continued to cry beneath him. Vision began to hate himself. What kind of man was he that he did not try to comfort the woman he loved, that he merely watched while she mourned for him? But still he could not force his limbs into motion.
Eventually, Wanda’s sobs quieted, and she rose to her feet, dusting herself off. She walked away from him with renewed exclamations of his name. Vision knew that it was not too late to talk to her. He could follow her, explain how confused he had been, ask her what was happening, beg her forgiveness for not approaching her immediately. She would understand him. Wanda always understood him from the very beginning of his existence.
But still he did nothing. Darkness fell completely and he remained in the same position. Wanda even passed directly underneath him again on her way back to the palace, head hanging low and steps lethargic. But he did not go to her.
When Vision could not bear the thought of remaining in this place any longer, he lifted himself into the air and began to fly away. He found that it was far easier to navigate through the air than to walk. At first, Vision had no destination in mind, simply away from what he had lost, all the people he could not face.
By the time he had been in the air for several hours, he was able to think more clearly. Vision decided he needed a destination with which he had no connection. That eliminated anywhere he had traveled for a mission with the Avengers or searching for his fugitive teammates, and certainly anywhere he had visited with Wanda.
He settled on Geneva, Switzerland. His typical human disguise would not appear amiss there. He could explore an area that he had not experienced.
Vision flew some hours more before he landed in a back alley, remaining incorporeal until he was firmly on the ground. He was grateful that he did not need food or water or shelter, except under the most extreme weather conditions. Now he only faced the question of how he would fill his days.
And there was one more detail that he had to take care of before he did anything else. He needed to explain himself to Wanda. Vision began composing an email, careful to take measures to ensure he could not be traced.
  A/N2: All the news we recently learned from SDCC 2019 has reinvigorated my interest in finishing my three-part story because I can’t predict or control what happens in canon, but I do promise a happy ending here.
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the-insomniac-cat · 5 years
Complete synopsis of the entire film below the cut.
If you want spoilers but not the whole shebang, scroll down to my other Spoiler post.
Why post this? Because some people want to know, either before they go, or instead of going, or to decide whether to or not.
Look, if you don’t want to know, then use the tag filter. In case you didn’t set it up, then I’ve put in the ‘keep reading’ cut. So you should be covered. So please, no more anon hate! (Haters are so brave when they go anon!)
People who HAVE seen the film have been adding comments to this post on Reddit, saying it is ‘correct’, or ‘basically correct’.
CREDIT:  Reddit Posted byu/Wico90
12% credit to Brontcrab24 and others
First Scene is actually Hawkeye losing his family to the snap. He doesn’t actually see it happen as he is facing the other direction. We then get the Tony/Nebula sequence (paper football, etc). Tony records his message to Pepper. When he falls asleep, Nebula takes him to the front of the ship and sits him in the pilots seat. He wakes up and sees something glowing outside the window. Captain Marvel helps them return to Earth. Pepper, Rocket, Steve and Rhodey all come out to greet him. Tony is very shaken, particularly about losing Peter.
Movie starts with the Avengers trying to find Thanos. Steve wasn’t to know where Thanos is and asks Tony, but Tony says he doesn’t know, They argue. Nebula knows of Thanos’ garden he said he would once go to when he completed his goal. They found him because of the energy he released using the gauntlet. Thanos is alone, and tells them he used the gauntlet to destroy the gems. He is weak and Thor, angry, decapitates him.
Title Card and five years later.
Natasha is now basically in charge of what's left of the Avengers is talking to them via holograms. Basically the world is in ruins and they're trying to salvage it. Carol is there via hologram with a new haircut and uniform and tells them that she's covering thousands of planets and won't be able to come back to Earth for a "long time".
Steve and Nat talk about how the Avengers are family. Inside a storage shed is Luis’s van. A rat is crawling over the Quantum controls and activated the switch which brings Scott out. He’s now locked inside the cage but starts waving at the security cameras. A guard lets him out and he is walking the streets confused as to why everything is so overgrown and run down. He finds a memorial which lists the names of the ‘missing’ on large stones. He starts reading them panicking that Cassie might be listed on them. But she isn’t. He sees her at home, as an older version of herself. Scott drives to the Avengers facility and Nat and Steve let him in and he tells them about the Quantum realm and how they might be able to build a time machine to go back to the past before everything happened. They visit Tony, but he doesn’t want to help. He’s happy with the way that his life is, with Pepper and his daughter Morgan. They leave and to visit Bruce who is now Professor Hulk.
The plan becomes to start looking for the gems in the past. Initially Banner builds quantum time machine and sends Scott back to test but it is faulty, Tony refuses to help at this point, however, he returns Caps shield and they make up. He tweaks Banners Quantum Machine, The catch is that they need quantum particles for it to work.
Natasha goes to Japan to get Clint. He is mourning his family and is not certain of the plan. Rocket and Hulk go to get Thor who is drinking and playing video games with Korg and Meik. (Funny joke involving an online video game troll)
Finally the team then all suit up and discuss their plans to get the stones. They make it clear that they can not mess up because there is only enough Quantum particles for one trip for each of them.
Tony, Scott, Steve and Bruce go to the Battle of New York. Hulk meets the Ancient One at Dr Stranger's future home. Ancient One refuses to give the Time Stone to Bruce but relents when Bruce tells her that Dr Strange will give the stone to Thanos.
Cap, Iron Man and Scott tries to retrieve the Tessaract after Loki surrenders. SHIELD/Hydra agents Crossbones and that bald guy with glasses in Winter Soldier retrieve the brief case containing the Tessaract. Past Hulk funnily has to walk down lots of flights of stairs as he can't go on lift due to maximum capacity. Cap meets with Crossbones with the briefcase in elevator along with other Hydra agents. He convinces them to give him the briefcase containing the staff when he utters two words: Hail Hydra. Cap gets the briefcase. Tony in disguise as a SWAT soldier tells Scott to disable his past self's chest reactor to give him a minor seizure while his past self meets up with Alexander Pierce who demands the Mind Stone and Loki. Present Tony retrieves the briefcase but past Hulk accidentally knocks out Tony and Loki uses the confusion to teleport out with the Tessaract. Present Cap accidentally meets with his 2012 self, and 2012 self thinks he's Loki in disguise. They fought and 2012 has present self in chokehold when he tells his past self that Bucky is alive. He then taps his past self with staff to knock him out.
In Asgard, fat Thor and Rocket plans to retrieve the Aether out of Jane Foster's body. Thor's mother meets his 'son' and know he's from the future. Rocket retrieves the aether out of Jane by prodding her off screen and gets chased by guards. Before Thor leaves, he retrieves Mjolnir!
On Morag, War Machine and Nebula stays on Morag while Clint and Nat goes to Voromir via a ship that Rocket miniatures for Clint. Unknown to Nebula, her past self's nervous system and databanks are connected to each other and Thanos finds out where the stones are and how he meets his fate.
Cap and Tony transport back to 1970 at the SHIELD training site seen in Winter Soldier and goes underground to retrieve that era's Tessaract. Tony retrieves the Tesseract while meeting his dad. He calls himself Howard Potts. Cap makes a prank call to young Hank Pym and sneaks into his office to steal 4 vials of Pym Particles. Cap also sees Peggy. Cap and Tony teleport back to present.
WM and Nebula knocks out Quill during his dance in intro of GOTG. They got the stone and WM and Nebula was meant to teleport together but WM only succeeded. Present Nebula and past Nebula meets and fights and past Nebula takes her place to go back to present.
On Voromir, Clint and May meets the Red Skull as seen in Infinity War and is told how to retrieve the stone. Clint and Nat fought each other. Clint jumped off cliff but Nat catches him and held on by grappling rope. She falls off and dies like Gamora. Clint now has the Stone.
All members went back to present and everyone is devastated by Nat's death. Tony and Bruce constructs the Infinity Gauntlet and Thor wants to wield it but Hulk goes instead as he's the strongest one and the stones emit gamma radiation according to him. He wields it and snaps his fingers restoring all life lost. Clint's wife calls him on mobile. Hulk suffers extreme pain in his right arm due to IG. Past Nebula activates the Quantum teleporter and summons Thanos' warship and blasts the Avengers HQ to ruins with missiles.
Hulk lifting up rubble similar to Secret Wars cover where he lifts up a whole mountain except this is less in film lol.
Clint finds the gauntlet and is being chased by Outriders creatures in last film. He kills them and is met by past Nebula. Gamora and present Nebula meets up and Nebula kills her past self.
Cap, Tony and Thor teams up against Thanos. Thor is losing against Thanos even though he has Stormbreaker and Mjolnir. Thanos is about to kill Thor with SB when:
Cap lifts up Mjolnir and beats Thanos with hammer and shield.
Thanos uses his double blade weapon to break Cap's shield in half.
Thanos summons his whole army including the Black Order and some new creatures. Cap is all by himself against a whole army.
He hears Sam's voice and he turns around and see EVERYONE who has vanished PLUS huge armies of Wakandans, sorcerers and Asgardians (no signs of Warrior Three). Wong, Valkyrie, Wasp and Pepper Potts as Rescue turns up as well. Ant Man becomes Giant Man.
Clint plays American Football with IG and passes it to Black Panther then Spidey. Quill meets past Gamora and gets hit in the balls, not believing he is the one she loves lol. Scarlet Witch overpowers Thanos but Thanos orders missiles to hit everyone including his forces. Captain Marvel shows up to destroy Thanos' flagship and gets the IG and dashes towards the goal. There is a bit where Hope and Scott goes to the van with the Quantum teleporter in the middle of battlefield. Was lost in the moment so forgot why they doing that, sorry.
All female Marvel characters fight Thanos. Spidey's armoured suit goes autokill mode with the extra arms.
Thanos tries to take the gauntlet off Marvel by headbutting her but didn't phase her.
Thanos retrieves the gauntlet away from Stark and he snaps his fingers. Nothing happened. The stones went to Stark and before he snaps his fingers, he says 'I'm Iron Man'.
White flash of light.
All of Thanos' forces turn to dust including Thanos himself.
Tony dies from using the gauntlet. Everyone mourns.
The battle is won but at a cost.
Holographic Tony gives a message to everyone present including his daughter.
A wreath with Tony's chest reactor is laid to rest at the lake near Tony's hut.
Everyone is present including GOTG, Peter, Maria, Ross, Nick and Hank and Janet.
Thor, still fat designates Valkyrie as Queen of New Asgard in Tonnsberg. Thor is now travelling with GOTG to find Gamora and maybe more Asgardians. Quill and Thor are about to fight for leadership lol.
Scott, Cassie and Hope are together again. Wakanda is back with his King.
Cap goes on a mission to put back the stones and Mjolnir to their proper places. Hulk says to Sam and Buck that he should be back in 5 secs. He didn't. Sam sees a old man at a bench and it's Old Man Steve (who looks like Clint Eastwood now but less wrinkles and bit younger than he is lol). Steve has wedding ring and passes his shield to Sam. Sam is honoured.
Ending shows young Cap dancing with Peggy at their house. That's it.
Credits music is set to 1930s music then shows all cast members. The main cast is shown with their signatures on it.
There is NO post credit scenes which is a first for a MCU.
Stan Lee cameo is set in 1970s where he is shown in his 70s younger self driving a car with a woman, driving past a army base where Cap and Tony retrieves the Tesseract there.
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xo-dailypier-blog · 5 years
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[Post 1 of 3]
Wow! What a week. Summer Crush truly took the life of me, and the way some of these hook ups went, it took the life out of you too. 
Instead of giving everyone an entire rundown of the day-by-day events, I took it upon myself to collect the top ten moments that I felt really stood out to ME, The Daily Pier!
I should probably start this countdown off with the Noah/Diana/Natasha triangle going on that none of them know that they are a part of. It’s the most heartwarming thing to happen during this event and I LOVE it! Ok, so just to catch you all up to speed, #SinCarter were married once upon a slay. They eloped when they were off being WAR CRIMINALS for the USA or whatever. So once Natasha began to explore her latent homosexuality that she had repressed all these years the two came to the mutual agreement to just divorce. (Also, her sister was dealing with like, a meth addiction, or something, so that probably didn’t help the relationship). So fast forward 10 years and here they are in the same town with TONS of baggage, and unfinished business.
BUT WAIT a new challenger approaches in Diana Taylor. Noah and Diana have been getting pretty close these past view months. Some people have even said that he’s the rebound to that Daniel guy she was dating. I mean, after MONTHS of heavy petting and will they/won’t they, after their Summer Crush date, rumor has it that the two went back to Noah’s place and … well … *fellatio noises*. Obvs this can’t get out because Diana is in the public eye, so don’t tell anyone.
With a new woman in his life, and the old one present with a lot of shit to work out with him, this new season of the Aryan Chronicles looks promising!
As for who I ship? Well, I want to say #SinCarter because the mutual feelings of their past came back full force during this event. And I still ship Olivia/Diana and Diana/Wes. Neither of which will happen because 1.)Diana and Olivia are “”””””straight”””””””” and 2.)Ever since Diana RANDOMLY left New York she’s been keeping everyone at arms length, especially Wes. Who has too much love to give, and doesn’t deserve that. Who’s to say she won’t do the same to Noah?
I’m watching you Diana (if that is your real name).
Q: Rexless_Fan asked “Victor and June hooked up in a fantasy suite and they're roommates so now it's awkward and scandy cuz they haven't told their third roommate at all!”
Coming in at number eight is Phobe “Pharrah Abraham” Cole. It’s true, she was on top of things in more ways than one. But who am i to judge? I actually think it’s progressive, and super inspiring. I mean, ok, take this with a grain of salt, Im not really trying to lie but ... Phobe? Phobe has Genital Herpes. It’s been two weeks since a flair up (according to sources close to her) and I think it’s really brave of her to disclose her status with the MYRIAD of men she ENGAGED with during the week. It just goes to show that it CAN be done! I mean, you did tell them ... right Phobe? Moving on! I will say that while did used to ship Jack/Phobe during the night they hooked up but since Jack allegedly only lasted about 4 minutes it makes me wonder about a future with the two. So many girls who have been with him have written in and told me sex with him is ABYSMAL! He spends the entire time looking in the mirror or taking selfies that he refuses to be focused on the matter at hand. Of course this is all a rumor, but would you really put it past our neighborhood beauty queen? But I guess this isn’t about Jack, and his short comings. Anyways...
Q: SharkThot asked “Hey DP I just want to start off by saying that I love your site, I’ve been a loyal viewer for years! And I hope Myles Bennett sees this because I love him even more! I don’t care what you say about him DP, Myles is my bae and would never do anyone wrong! Ugh, He makes me (Shark)Weak! I did see him earlier last week getting BULLIED by that Stark Bitch. What was that about?”
A: Aww, SharkThot,
I assume you mean Heidi Stark, the elusive chanteuse. Her arrival has caused quite the controversy, considering she materialized out of no where. I guess this particular countdown entry will have more to do with her than the actual question. But for those of you who don’t know, Heidi Stark is Julian’s slightly more attractive sister. Her strong presence is quite intimidating, but according to a lot of sources ... She’s a complete fraud. She speaks in an Australian accent, but some say she’s from, like, Missouri and only picked up an accent for #clout. Her “designer” clothes? Ross (Dress for Less). And she apparently was spotted raiding a bunch of Payless Shoe Stores for the cheapest prices prior to their shutdown, where she then proceeded to paint the bottom of all the shoes she got red. Oh! And the degree she got from that fashion school on New York? FORGED! She totally went to Devry. I mean, it’s nothing wrong with that, but omg, just be honest girl. Anyways, back to the point. The #BabySharks (Myles’ fandom name) were INCENSED when they saw Fraudi CORNERING Myles at the speed dating event. According to by standers she was totally waving her finger in HIS FACE, SHOVING HIM repeatedly before pouring the ENTIRE CONTENTS of her martini onto his FACE! You would think that since he works in the ocean (and is used to having liquids on his face (Golden Showers ... other bodily fluids) ), Myles would have been unbothered by her VICIOUS ATTACK, but it was said that he left CRYING. Poor Guy. (Lol sike i don’t give a fck).
Q: Loganista asked “How could you possibly still be loyal to “King Jason” when all he cares about is that CUNT Alex. You know I saw them going into one of those FUCK SUITE when just 2 days ago they hated each others guts. They make me sick. Do you think it’s time to move on DP?”
A: Hey Loganista,
Ugh, same! You know, Logan Lancaster, and BernBern<3 are right there looking all sexy and things of that nature, hmm, so who knows .. perhaps I could move on one of these days. But not now. But speaking of LongDick Lancaster and the #Jalex reunion you mentioned, the #Lolex and #Jalina dates were less than eventful. The two spent the entire time thinking of the other instead of getting to know the people I set them up with. It makes me feel really bad for LDLogan because he is truly such a nice guy but everyone he gets involved with, is using him. Leah totes just uses him as a dick call, and Alex is always using him as a rebound. When she was on the date with Logan all she could talk about was Jason, Jason, Jason. I heard she told Logan that if it were “6 months ago” (when she wasn’t involved with Jason) she would totally be on all fours for him. Which is bullshit, because she totally FUCKED Logan like, two weeks ago when she was mad at Jason. So what’s the truth Alex?
Thank God Alegenda came out of this unscathed. I wouldn’t want a QUEEN like her with court jester Jason. Sadly, she won’t be able to be with Devin like I wanted, since he had sex with Phobe and … well…
Speaking of Jason, another Sorrentino is on the list of topics for tonight. Brooklyn Sorrentino! Ok, so for those of you who don’t know. Brooklyn was seen crying after an encounter with her ex, Grayson Fox. As I’ve said before, they were engaged to being MARRIED, but out of no where, he left her.  So. naturally I did a little more research on she and her GrayBae Fox and what I found blew my wig right the fuck off. Ok, so it is alleged that (Actual) Daddy Sorrentino (that’s Jason/Brooklyn’s dad) PAID HIM OFF because he had no plans of a complete and total LOSER like Grayson dating, and MARRYING, his daughter. So after receiving this unknown amount of money, Grayson left Brooklyn a note saying his Goodbyes. And now … all the have is memories.
OF COURSE I don’t believe this shit! I still think the bitch's pussy stinks, so he didn’t want to wake up to that every frickin’ day of his life. And besides, it’s been how many years? Wouldn’t he have just told her what’s up at this point? Instead of moving into the same town as her, and acting like NOTHING is wrong? And then proceeding to FLIRT with the LIKES OF DAKOTA SONG? Yes! The two were seen getting pretty cozy, locking fingers, playing footsies, and exchanging hair-care regimes during Summer Crush. Poor Brooklyn, first she got beat up by Phobe and THEN we find out she lost her man. What a loser.
Q: AshersBabyMomma asked “STOP making fun of Asher! It’s so mean!!!!!!!! Asher is really trying his best to get by and all you do is pick on him! Us #Ashies will boycott your blog if you do not stop!”
A: Well, you’re in luck because coming in at number __ is Asher himself! 
And you’re right AshersBabyMomma, Asher has surprisingly been on his best behavior recently. Either that, or you demons have managed to make him look like an angel. Honestly? I think I’m actually going to start being nice to Asher. No more calling him things like “Crackhead Asher”, Ashy Lip Asher, Ashy Asher, and more things Of That Nature. He’s really gotten his act together and I’m so proud of him, and even more apologetic for the way I’ve treated him. 
A moment of silence for the old me that used to make fun of him…
…Anyways, Asher is an Escort now (as I said before). He totes is fucking [redacted] in exchange for money and drugs (CRACK not included). In FACT, it is alleged that he offered his services to Alec Clarke. Again, this could all be made up, but they were spotted disappearing into a hotel together where they stayed until the sun came up. (#Romantic) Now girl MIND YOU, Alec is Adam’s roomie, and multiple sources have claimed that he is secretly in LOVE with him! Which is a LIE! If Alec IS a MLM then he has WAY better standards than a Tax Evasionista. And I’m sure Asher has better standards than Alec… well … *Hot Dog on a Stick Flashbacks*..
Q: Emrestoplip asked “Ugh but the Yavuz family are all HOT and not problematic unless ur holding out on us DP”
A: Well I must admit they ARE all hot but sadly they are just as problematic as the rest. 
Specifically that Kessa girl. Her Lifetime Original Movie of a life has completely ruined the dynamic of her family. It’s made both Emre and Leyla (her siblings) RESENT her more than they care to admit and thing are sups awkward between all of them. It’s really sad. Funny that this is the entry right after an Adam mention because coming in at number four are both Adam and Kessa. The two were paired for a date and things got Out of Control.
It really has placed Adam on my heart throb list because little did I FUCKING know that Adam knew how to THROW IT DOWN in the bedroom. The two were caught on camera BANGING THE FUCK OUT OF EACH OTHER, FOUR TIMES IN ONE WEEK. Here I thought Adam was the only sane Aldridge, but it was all a SHAM. HES THE WORST OFFENDER!!!!
NOT ONLY is he a BEAST in the SHEETS, he was spotted EATING KESSA OUT on the SIDE of a BUILDING!!! IM LITERALLY SCREAMING! and to make matters worse, Kessa then left him and got eaten out by, one, Marley Callahan. I SERIOUSLY HOPE EVERYONE GOT TESTED AFTER THIS WEEK because you guys are OUT of your MCFREAKIN MINDS.
I guess you can catch Kessa in first AND second service on Sunday now that she got the most sanctified, purified, holyfied COCK of her life. Amen!
Q: MackenziesStolenBrushes asked “Any updates on #JaiMac?”
A: This is a great way to almost end this countdown.
For those of you who don’t know Jamie and Cunty Westwood have decided to amend their troubles and get back together. (Yes, the paintbrushes (that Jamie hid) are back in Cunty’s easel, or whateverthefuck.) This might not be the sensational drama that you were expecting to see at the end of this list but I think it’s a great closer. Jamie and Mac are a shining example of a healthy relationship, and I’ve decided they should ALMOST close out the show.
I do wonder if Jamie found out about the times Mac engaged in MULTIPLE hardcore sexual acts with the #DemonDick himself, Julian Stark. They only ended their fling like two days before #JaiMac got back together, so I’m sure they did? Omg not to gossip, BUT, ok,  I don’t know how to say this politely, but ... there was ass eating involved (on Mac’s end … obviously… I mean, look at him...), and a lot of “I love you’s” were shared between the two. Not to mention cuddling. Late night phone calls, texts, and omg I'm pretty sure they were almost a couple.
Anyways, this might have happened before the event, but to see these two going into PRIDE MONTH a happy couple really is iconic and I thank them for deciding to work things out. Love you two! Kisses!
So I’m sure, you’re wondering who Number 1 is ... 
find out tommorrow.
xo, DP.
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the-canary · 6 years
Mausoleum - B.B (Epilogue)
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Summary: Well, this was certainly one way to go about a museum date with your historical crush. (Reader/Bucky Barnes).
A/N: This is for @jaamesbbarnes. here’s where the story ends! thank you for taking the time to read this and i hope you enjoyed their journey. 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Sometimes, I think it was all a dream, Steve. She’s too vivid not to be real. But, sometimes...I think my mind was playing tricks on me.
Steve has heard this a hundred times before since Bucky had gone through his treatment in Wakanda, since they had come back to New York. While, the words that HYDRA had implanted within him no longer worked, Bucky still questioned a lot of his memories and the things he had done as the Winter Soldier, though he remembered it all. However, there was something more recently that he had questioned -- a woman that seemed to have traveled with him for a short while.
Bucky Barnes questioned whether he had actually known this woman or whether she was just a figment of his imagination -- something to stave of the loneliness he had known for more than 70 years. Some days, he welcomed her with open arms and told Steve or Sam about something that they had done together -- traveled through France, gone to Monet’s House, to the beaches of Normandy. Bucky talked with a softness in his voice that Steve had never heard before.
Other days he cursed her name, cried and yelled her out for leaving him alone -- for making him feel something that he had no right to, especially for something imaginary.
However, both Steve and Sam knew that she was real -- that she was one of the ways that they had found him in Romania when everything went to hell. And while Steve knows that Bucky isn’t a child, he is still protective of his best friend once he realizes who she is connected to --Everett Ross. The memories of the Accords and what that man had done to all of them still stung too deeply and even though things had been soothed between both the Avengers and the US Government -- Steve wasn’t willing to take that chance just yet.
Steve Rogers just didn’t expect for Everett Ross to make the first move before him.
“Steve,” Sam calls out to him, after looking through the newest missions that had been handed to them by the UN, “There’s something here personally for you.”
“What?” Steve can’t help but look over the couch, Bucky flickering a glance from his personal Stark Pad. Since coming back to the States and since he wasn’t an active Avenger, Bucky Barnes often spent his time learning and researching everything he had missed out on. Yes, he had learned some things from his time on the run, but his current lifestyle gave him more leisure.
“An invitation from Ross,” Sam states, a tone of confusion to his face, as Steve gets up and grabs the letter from Sam’s hand. Bucky’s back stiffens like a coil for a moment since he doesn’t have a good memory of either Ross, though Rhett and a giggle make him soften after a couple of minutes.
“What is it, Steve?” Bucky can’t help, but ask after the thought --or memory-- he isn’t quite sure. As Steve sighs before showing it to him, Steve knew he couldn’t hide it forever.
“An invitation,” Steve states simply, as he places the tickets and letter on the countertop.
You don’t talk to Everett in the aftermath of his unit finding you in Slovenia. He knows where you had been and with who, but at the sight of you crying and pleading, he asks nothing of the subject or what had happened to you since arriving in Antwerp, which seems like a lifetime ago. Something in his eyes tells you that he regrets it -- you just aren’t sure what. Nevertheless, Ross keeps you safe -- this hopeless mission is never spoken of again and as he leaves you in New York, he promises that he’ll come visit you soon.
He doesn’t, at least not for a long time as you struggle with work and everything that rattles in your head and the cold pain of your right shoulder, but you’ll bounce back -- you always do.
However, that doesn’t stop the nightmares and guilt from eating at your very core. It doesn’t stop the nightmares from coming back every night. It also doesn’t help that Secretary Ross suddenly seems interested in you as well, so you run away -- heading to the West Coast before moving into Canada for a good long while, though still working with American museums here and there when you can.  
You are helpless during the Accords and still have no way of contacting Everett, though you’re siding with Captain America more than anyone else, but this isn’t your fight -- you know that well enough.
Ross doesn’t contact until your newest exhibit in New York is about to open. Bright eyes reminding you of the old Air Force Tech Sergeant  you used to know with that pretty blond woman --Sharon Carter, if you remember correctly-- at his side, and in that moment you know that something has changed within Everett Ross. He has a new lease on life, though he doesn’t tell you why. You think it has something to do with his time in Wakanda since he was seen more with King T’Challa since the announcement at the UN had been made.
“You should come back home,” he states as you give him a confused look, like he has forgotten the past couple of years, “With the acquittal of Barnes, they won’t come after you. I’ve made sure of it.”
“I believe that’s what you said last time,” you explain, looking outside and into the streets of Toronto, only to hear him sigh, “And then I had government agents at my apartment asking what I had done in France.”
“All papers in regards to you have been destroyed,” Everett remarks with an exasperated voice, as Sharon smiles -- never seeing this side of him before, “Mistakes were made, but I am trying to redeem them now, I swear.”
You look at him and then at Sharon before placing your folded hands on top of the table: “Ms. Carter, do you stand as witness to my dear friend’s remarks?”
Sharon laughs as Ross groans, while she gives you her answer, “I don’t know what happened in Wakanda, but he is trying his hardest to make amends, even with Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes, in his own way.”
You frown for a moment at the sound of that familiar name, though only Ross seems to notice. He knows that he has no right to ask and while he probably never say it out loud, he knows he owes a great deal of gratitude towards the man for whatever he had done for you -- whatever he instilled in you to keep on living. You let out a dramatic sigh.
“I’ll think about it, especially since they want me in New York for the opening night,” you explain with shrug as Ross gives you a smile , while you keep on talking to Sharon about everything she had done and how exactly she is connected to Everett Ross, much to his annoyance.
Oh, but if only you knew what he had planned -- to make due somewhat on all of the things he owed you.
 The Museum of the City of New York wouldn’t be considered one of the most glamorous museums within the city, but it was filled with a lot of information on and about New York and some of its most important inhabitants, that was some of the reasons why it was one of Bucky’s favorite parts to go and see when he wanted to know just a little bit more on the decades that had passed him by within his old running ground. However, tonight was different -- tonight, he was one of the subjects that was to be looked up to.
The opening gala at the request of the curator had been for immediate family and invited individuals only. Steve and Bucky as the only surviving members of the said unit were a pretty big deal with all the other Avengers coming and Tony making sure that they were all dressed to the nines for said event. Bucky wasn’t sure how to feel about the whole thing, while he was curious to see about the others’ lives, he also didn’t feel like being an object on display -- he didn’t have to do that anymore. And while he had connected with some of his family from his sisters’ marriages, he still wasn’t ready for that.
Bucky ducked for nearly the whole night, much to Nat’s and Sam’s disapproval, reading up on all his comrades and those he didn’t know after the fact.
He reads up on how Dum-Dum became a novelist a la Hemingway. He reads up on how Gabe stayed in France after the world, as part of the growing group of American expats there. Morita went back home and fought for the rights of those like him that had fought in the war or had stayed in the internment camps, until his dying breath. Falsworth stayed in active service until he became Brigadier General and one of the foremost experts on WWII history, even teaching courses in Oxford. Dernier traveled most of his life, teaching others how to use bombs and when the time came -- how to disarm them as well until he disappeared to god knows where.  
Bucky reads up on those who took the mantle of the Howling Commandos after he and Steve “died” and how Peggy fought for the establishment of S.H.I.E.LD, though not much can be said of her time there.  He sees Steve haunted by his own information section with Sharon Carter not that far away. Then, he finally comes to his own -- James Buchanan Barnes in script that reminds him of the Smithsonian exhibit, outside of things he remembers, everything in that section is a blur followed by an empty blank because unlike the rest of them -- Bucky’s story even after 100 years still isn’t over yet.
“James Buchanan Barnes was acquitted of all charges against the United States in 2018,” Bucky repeats to himself over and over again, like a prayer -- like this is something he doesn’t deserve as his eyes feel like they are burning as his vision gets blurry.
“100 years and what do I have to show do it?” he can’t help but murmur to himself because after everything is said and done he is still a broken man with nightmares of the people that he killed and while he is still alive and breathing, how could he ever surmise to his fellow comrades?    
“I think you standing here is a lot to show for,” a voice --one that he had only heard in his dreams-- speaks up from behind him. Bucky swears, hoping that this isn’t a fucking dream again. He turns around and sees a woman with noticeable changes to your appearance but the smile still the same as ever, “Being alive, being able to recover isn’t something to shortchange, Bucky.”
“You’re..” Bucky can’t seem to keep going with his sentence, as he rushes over to you, while you welcome him with open arms, “Real! You’re really here.”
“Yeah, I am,” is all you can say, unsure of what he means by that though unwilling to ask for now, “And so are you, Buck. You should be so proud of that.”
Bucky doesn’t say anything to your reassuring words, as he simply rests his head on your left shoulder, arms curling into the rest of your body like it was a missing puzzle piece to his own. Keep your back to mine, ringing loudly in your head, but taking a different meaning for the moment as you take in his appearance -- not as homeless looking as before, but still with his long hair and stubble that remind you of your time together. Bucky Barnes wasn’t the same person anymore though, but neither were you.
“Did you like the exhibit?” you ask, trying to move from a lighter subject, “I worked my butt off, ya know?”
Blue eyes look up, as you roll your right shoulder for a moment, before he asks: “You did all this?”
“This is my day job,” you explain as he stands up to look around once more but with a different sense of everything he had seen due to knowing this was all your hard work and research, “ Most of the time .”
“Why did you?” Bucky asks, before stopping and staring at his own unfinished exhibit though you understand what he was asking.
“Back in Normandy,” you start as you look straight into his bright blue eyes, “You asked what had happened to everyone, I felt like this was a mission for me afterwards. To show you --in some way-- what had happened to them...that they lived their lives to the fullest.”
Bucky stays silent, as you take his hands from around your waist and had them tightly: “And that even after everything, you can live one too, like you’re doing so right now.”
Bucky gives you a smile like he doesn’t believe your words, while you frown before huffing out a breath of air in annoyance. However, he can’t help but be mesmerized by the light that seems to shine from you, so different from the person he had meet all those years ago, though it is something that he would like to get to know better from now on.       
“I don’t--”
“Those are the last words I wanna hear from your mouth, James Barnes,” you remark, pulling on his left hand with your right one as you drag him out of the exhibit and into one of the darker parts of the museum. He follows unsure but excited, as he sees your true personality blossom before him.
“Doll,” the word is unfamiliar to him as it tumbles out of his mouth, but it just feels right to call you that, “where are we going?”
You turn back to him and give him an even bigger grin, as you can see Ross shaking his head from the corner of your eye before he walks away: “I’m gonna show the rest of the museum and then we’ll see where the rest of the night takes us. How about it?”
Bucky hesitates only for a moment before grinning: “Anything you want.”
“I’m gonna make you regret those words,” you say before laughing and disappearing into the hallways of the museum, just like you had once before.    
However, this time you were going to show him that he was worth more than old paintings and hollowed out stories, Bucky Barnes was worth everything and more -- and you were okay with spending the rest of your life showing him not to regret a single moment any longer -- and truth be told, he was okay for doing the same for you too.            
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orderoftheavengers · 6 years
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A Game of Idiot Balls
Summary: Steve Rogers and Tony Stark decide to settle their differences once and for all  with an epic, illegal Quidditch match.  But a sinister Durmstrang student spikes everyone’s food and drinks with fire-whiskey  and hobbit weed, and hexed all of the Quidditch balls, turning them into literal “idiot balls,” causing all the Avengers to think, speak and act wildly out of character.   
TEAM STARK: Captain: Tony Stark
Beaters: Tony Stark, James Rhodes  
Chasers: Natasha Romanoff, T'Challa, Vision
Keeper: Friday
Seeker: Peter Parker  
TEAM ROGERS: Captain: Steve Rogers
Beaters: Steve Rogers, Clint Barton (using arrow-spells to deflect balls)
Chasers: Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Scott Lang
Keeper: Charon Carter
Seeker: Bucky Barnes
A Tragic Accident
The “civil war” that destroys the Order of the Avengers begins with a disagreement and a badly-aimed fireball.
It’s a deceptively sunny day in October, and students are milling about on the grass, after studies.
“You’re not the guy to make the tough call!” Steve Rogers challenges. “To lie down on the burning coals and let the other guy walk over you!”
“Rogers, it’s wizard’s chess. We’re supposed to sacrifice our pawns to violent deaths for our own agendas. Oh would you look at that, guess my knight and your bishop have chosen to make love instead of war.”
“Stark, I’ve warned you about enchanting my stuff with your perverted humor!” Steve fumes.
He’s still angry at Tony Stark for adding rude speech throughout his sketchbook. Being wizard pictures, the sketches actually say them out loud. From Steve’s schoolbag, one can hear a muffled voice recite, “There once was an elf from Nantucket, who saved all his farts in a bucket. He could get laid with any elf maid, so he lubed up his hand and said—” Steve hastily shuts his bag.
Tony makes a rude retort about Steve’s (lack of) dating life, and things escalate. Soon they have their wands out, and have drawn a crowd.
“Honestly,” Rose Weasley says loudly, “why can’t the Americans teach their children how to wager?”
When the boys expressed their confusion, Rose explains: “Here in the civilized world, when two gentlemen have a disagreement, they solve it with finances, not fists. Make a bet on something, if you’re so eager for competition!”
Scratching his goatee with his wand, Tony ponders, “Okay…What should we bet on?”
Suggestions start coming from the students around them, each stupider than the last.
“Which Quibbler articles are true!” suggests Lysander Scamander, son of Luna Lovegood.
Loki lifts his broom-wand threateningly. “How about whether or not I’ll have ‘performance issues’ this time, Stark?”
A mandrake classmate in Hufflepuff finally suggests, “I am Groot!”
“Don’t be stupid Groot,” says Rocket (a raccoon/niffler hybrid, in Slytherin). “You can’t light a fart on fire, even with magic.”
“I am Groot.”
“Huh? No way, you have not done it before.”
“I am Groot! I am Groot, I am Groot.”
“Fine, go ahead and show us.” Rocket folds his furry arms.
Peter Quill’s eyes flare. “Groot wait—!”
With a flick of his wand, and a mutter of “I am Groot” (which his wand can translate as “Incendio”), the mandrake’s bum lights up. Groot enjoys a moment’s giggle, before the poor plant realizes his entire body is now aflame.
“I AM GROOT!” he is running around the castle, on fire. “I AM GROOOOT! I AM GROOT! I AM GROOOOOOOOT!”
“The fire’s gonna spread!” Steve gasps, pointing at some flames that have already left the mandrake to spread through the grass.
Thinking quickly, Ravenclaw Wanda Maximoff uses her wandless-magic to create a bubble, trapping the flaming Groot in a contained fireball. She carefully lifts the screaming, flaming tree up and away from the crowd… until her hand slips, sending Groot and his fireball into the Gryffindor tower, obliterating it.
Luckily no humans are killed, but a many hours of homework and a couple of pets are lost.
A mustached house-elf with glasses, irritated by the mess he must now clean up, yells down from the tower, “Don’t make me come down there, you punks!” The Potter Accords The incident inspires the Ministry of Magic to take action, in the form of the Potter Accords.
This controversial new document puts heavy restrictions on the way teen wizards and witches are allowed to go about solving mysteries and saving the school from evil.  
Quidditch now has safety rules; deadly creatures larger than three meters are now required to sleep outside the castle; heroes under the age of 15 will need signed permission slips to solve deadly mysteries or fight dark wizards; the moving staircases are now required to have railings; and applicants for the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor must now pass background checks.
Tony, having recently been guilted by a Durmstrang student who lost her owl to Ultron, and has been dumped by Pepper for being “too out of control,” is desperate for a chance to alleviate himself from of some of the guilt he’s been building up over the years. So he voices his support for the Potter Accords.
Steve on the other hand fears the Accords might contain an agenda, and he hates agendas. He joined the army to fight agendas. He refuses to sign.
Duty-bound Gryffindor Jams Rhodes argues with gut-following Hufflepuff Sam Wilson over the issue. Vision begins a logical argument in favor of the Accords, and ends up on a tangent about all of the plot holes in “Harry Potter.” This in turn leads to a lengthy debate on how responsible of a headmaster Dumbledore really was, which circles back to the Accords. The Avengers are beginning to break apart.
Long Live the King
This Halloween, Hogwarts hosts a special banquet for the adults deciding on the Potter Accords. Nicodemus Fury is unable to attend, busy battling some basilisks on a Muggle airplane . But many parents and guardians are present, including King Odin; Peter Parker’s Muggle Aunt May; and King T’Chaka, whose son T’Challa is attending Hogwarts this year as an exchange student.
T’Chaka is giving a toast to a peaceful semester, when suddenly, one of the decorative floating Jack-O-lanterns shrieks, “LONG LIVE THE DARK LORD!” and explodes in a fireball.  Among the casualties are the drummer for the Weird Sisters; another Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher; and King T’Chaka.
Evidence points to one Hufflepuff vampire student named Bucky Barnes.
“Evidence” here meaning, “a fuzzy wizarding photo, of such poor quality that you can barely even make out the middle finger the blurry figure is waving at the camera.” Vice-Headmaster, and Head of Gryffindor House, Thaddeus Ross, and three of his underlings, have personally asked the wizard-photo who he was, and the blurred photo assured them: “I’m Buck Rogers and I bombed Hogwash! I mean Hoggle-wart! Whatever it’s called. I’m that vampire guy who’s friends with that hot Yank with the blue-green eyes. I’m not an embittered Durmstrang kid trying to f*ck with you all, I’m Bucky Barnacle, also known as the Winter Solstice, and my prank-pumpkin killed the king of Anaconda! I’m dangerous hooligan that needs to be corrected! And to those mourning, I highly recommend the pumpkin juice and chocolate frogs. They’re sure to clear your heads.” The experts, having already overdosed on the unusually addictive pumpkin juice and chocolate frogs, express surprise at the Winter Soldier’s Eastern European accent, which Bucky had never displayed before. Nevertheless, the Dementors float over to the Hufflepuff table and snatch up the young vampire, just as he is reaching for the bowl of plums. Poor Bucky is swiftly muzzled and chained to a kinky iron chair, and magically transported up to the Third Floor for his detention, while his fangirls around the castle look on. The Idiot Balls Snowball… Bucky professes his innocence, but is assigned detention for a “careless and dangerous prank that cost lives.” His detention is supposed to involve working on homework with a tutor—a Ravenclaw nerd no one had seen before. The Ravenclaw turns out to be an invading Durmstrang student named Helmut Zemo, cleverly disguised with a pair of glasses. Zemo Imperius-Curses Bucky into going on a vampire rampage throughout the school. Steve finally punches Bucky back to his senses in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom, where Sam catches up to them. The trio quickly deduce that Zemo is behind everything. In any other installment of this series, they would rush to communicate the situation to the other Avengers. But instead…. "We can’t trust Tony.” Sam declares. “Huh?” Steve stares at his friend. “Where did that come from? Have you ever even said two words to Tony?” “He won’t believe us.” Sam presses. Steve just gapes at Sam. “…Tony…whose own mentor betrayed him, won’t believe that the suspicious nerd we all just met is a bad guy? Tony, who witnessed Clint and Erik mind-controlled by Loki, won’t believe that Bucky was mind-controlled?” “Even if he does believe us,” Sam continues dramatically, “The Accords might not let him do anything.” “Let him?” Steve laughed. “Okay, I know Tony’s in a ‘follow the rules’ mood at the moment, but do you seriously think Tony Stark would let that stop him from helping us in this situation? Tony, who carried a NUKE for the whole planet and almost died to save all our asses? What’s gotten into you, Sam?” “It doesn’t matter,” Sam says distantly. “For I am you, and you are me, is he as she as we can be.” The spiked food and drink suddenly hit Steve too, and his eyes widen in understanding. “If everybody is nobody, than nobody can be anybody!” Bucky finishes, “I am the walrus!…Geddit? Cuz I’m a vampire, and I has fangs… okee-day I’ll shuddup now.” Steve proceeds to barely ever mention the crucial issues at hand to Tony and the others.  Who in turn, never once bother to ask what the heck is going on. Instead, both sides focused their arguments on the Potter Accords, and stumble forth through their “civil war” like idiots. Pointless, drunken arguing eventually leads Tony and Steve to finally agreeing on a wager: whether or not Tony can find a better Quidditch Seeker than Bucky Barnes.  Tony sets out to find that Seeker, and both boys start recruiting for their Teams… Picking Teams: Before teams can be arranged, Thor and Bruce Banner are given a detention by the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher (yes, they got another one that fast).  This completely pulls them out of the action, unable to participate in the “Civil War” Quidditch match. Tony and Steve agree that the two teams need and equal number of players, as well as one token female Avenger and at one token Black Avenger, each. Falcon laughs, “Imagine if this hadn’t been a planned sport, and had just randomly worked out that way!” Rhodey chuckles, “You’d be more likely to stumble on a recording of one of the Winter Sorcerer’s top-secret missions!” A knut is tossed to determine who gets Natasha, and Tony wins, putting Wanda on Steve’s team, despite her currently sharing Tony’s motivations. But after so much spiked pumpkin juice and butterbeer, almost none of the Avengers are thinking very hard about logical motivations anymore. “Rescuing” Wanda: Already tickled pink (scarlet?) not to be in Azkaban for her past crimes, Wanda is relieved that her only punishment for obliterating that Gryffindor tower is a normal detention in her own Commonroom, under her House Prefect and boyfriend Vision. They decide to study for Home Mag. class, baking pumpkin cake using levitation. A bespeckled, mustached house elf named Stanley delivers the ingredients. Unbeknowenced to Vision and Wanda, but knowneced to the audience, this “house elf” is in fact villain Helmut Zemo, disguised with the Polyjuice potion. The cake mix he gives them is laced with Hobbit Weed from the Shire, and the butterbeer is spiked with Firewhisky from Rosmertta’s. Later on, Hawkeye—already suffering the effects of Zemo’s spiked refreshments—leaps down from the vents into the middle of the Ravenclaw commonroom. “A little tall for a house elf?” Wanda snarks, as Clint brushes dirt and rubble off of his robes.   “My name’s Clint Barton, I’m here to rescue you!” Clint says theatrically. Wanda shakes her head in confusion. “Rescue me from what? Baking cake in a luxurious common room with my boyfriend? It’s a bloody miracle I wasn’t in Azkaban even before all this!” She takes an angry bite of the freshly baked pumpkin cake. “And really Clint, I’m kind of appalled that you of all people—the family man, who taught me responsibility and all that—are trying to get me to break out and go criminal, much less now of all…of all……” Her voice becomes distant and dramatic, as the drugs in the cake begin to take hold. “…of all the commonrooms in all the castles in all the world…he walks into mine.” Vision watches in bafflement as Wanda abruptly switches from sensibility to…whatever the hell had gotten into Clint. “Wanda,” Vision warns, “If you do this, they will never stop fearing you.” “I can’t control their fear, only my own.” “I….I think that just may be the stupidest response to a call for responsibility I have ever heard in my short life,” Vision replies. “Though that is kind of a nice inspirational quote, out of context. Maybe hold onto that line and save it for a more appropriate sce—” “STUPIFY!” Wanda cries with a flick of her hands. Her wandless spell sends poor Vision flying through the stone floors of Hogwarts, down to Moaning Myrtle’s toilet, where he is flushed into the lake and swallowed by the Giant Squid. Wanda follows Clint to the Quidditch field, where the Avengers prepare for the most epic, illegal, drunken Quidditch match ever. Pressuring Peter Parker Meanwhile, Tony is doing some “recruiting” of his own. First-year Peter Parker enters the Ravenclaw commonroom to see a big scary seventh-year with an evil looking goatee flirting shamelessly with Aunt May, on one of the long, blue, eagle-footed sofas. The adult Muggle woman laughingly dismisses the high schooler’s dirty flattery, with comments about not wanting to end up in prison or on “Opra.” Wow, Peter thinks, this kid’s got some balls. The only person in all of Hogwarts stupid enough to try hitting on an adult Muggle would have to be—
“Oh my god,” Peter gasps. “You’re Tony f*cking–!” “Ha! I wish.” Tony says jovially, while Aunt May makes a dismissive Oh you, gesture. “Peter!” Aunt May smiles over couch. “You didn’t tell me Tony Stark was tutoring you!” “I was just telling her about that essay for Medieval Troll Literature I proofread for you,” says Tony, while making a subtle face.   Playing along, Peter stammers, “Um, yeah, those Trolls are always really big on spelling and grammar.”
Tony and Peter go up to the latter’s dorm, supposedly to look at Peter’s “troll essay.”   Once they’re alone, Tony whips out a Wizard Card. “Question of the rhetorical variety…. that’s you, innit?” On the card is a moving picture of Peter, done up in his spider cloak and hood, kicking ass. Below is a short description of the mysterious “Spider Wizard,” and his various talents, which include “flying tricks that make Harry Potter look like a tool.” After some adorkable quivering, Tony finally gets the truth from Peter. “So why do you do it?” Tony asks. “What makes you willing to undertake all the crap Harry Potter did, with none of the sidekicks and helpful mentors and direct recognition he had?” Peter stammers, “Well, when you can do the things that I can do…and then you don’t…and then the bad things happen….it’s your fault…” Tony frowns. “Why do you sound so awkward? Do I intimidate you?” “No. It’s just…. there’s a specific sentence that explains, exactly, why I’m the Spider Wizard. But whenever I try to say it I…. I can’t. It’s basically along the lines of me having these huge advantages, and needing to use them.” “You mean like, 'With great powder comes great redundability?’” Tony blinks and shakes his head. “Wow, tongue-tied! What I meant was, with great Shamwow comes great resale ability–” he pauses again, baffled by his own misbehaving mouth. “See? You can’t say it either! It’s like there’s some kind of magical block on that specific sentence, so no one can ever say it!” Tony strokes his goatee thoughtfully. “Seems like a Copyright jinx…Bastards. Anyway,” Tony lifts his wand, “Accio Upgrade!” Several shattered windows, five toppled book shelves, two unconscious first-years and one screeching cat later, Peter is geeking out over his shinny new broom and magical cloak, with special enchantments to keep his identity and body protected. The Slytherin sixth year then blackmails the little Ravenclaw into joining him in an illegal Quidditch match that afternoon. “But aren’t first years banned from playing Quidditch unless they’re Harry Potter?” Peter asks as they fly towards the Quidditch pitch. “I dunno, maybe.” “Could you like, go to prison for making me do this?” “Possibly.” “Cool! We’re outlaws!” “Er…. yeah… the law… the thing I was fighting the Cap about….erm……….. So! Ready to prove you’re a better Seeker than Barnes & Noble?” “Yes sir!” the first year says eagerly. Black Panther Newly crowned King T’Challa believes Bucky killed his father, and vows revenge. When Steve and Tony approach him in the Courtyard, T’Challa agrees to the match and joins Team Stark, purely so he can avenge his father.
“The Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for generations. A mantle, passed from warrior to warrior. And now, because that little sh*t incinerated my father, I also wear the mantle of king. So, I ask you Rogers… as wizard, warrior and king… how long do you think you can keep your blood-sucking little Emo safe from me?” Steve can only stare blankly, not so much out of fear for Bucky, as horror over seeing another Gryffindor stealing his gag of dramatic speeches…and doing it infinitely better.
Tony points out, “Well I’ll have to ask you to wait until after Parker catches the Snitch to kill Barnes—”
“I will not kill the vampire,” T'Challa swears solemnly. “I will put the wooden stake of my broom through his undead heart, as I tear his head from his shoulders using only my Vibranium jaws, painting the land crimson in a symphony of vengeance and justice for my father, my kingdom, and centuries of colonization.”
By now even the giant squid is staring silently, as is Vision, who is dripping wet and dangling from one tentacle by his ankle. Tony adjusts his purple shades. “So that’s a yes? Sounds good. We meet at the Quidditch pitch right after dinner.” A Sinister Enchantment By they time they reach the Quidditch pitch, everyone has had a taste of stupidity. Before supper, Zemo secretly poured Firewhiskey into the pitchers of pumpkin juice and all the bottles of butterbeer, and fed Hobbit Hemp to all of the chocolate frogs. But it’s about to get much, much worse. Because Zemo has also put jinxes on all of the Quidditch balls, turning them into literal “idiot balls.” A different jinx is cast on each ball. On the Quaffle, Zemo casts Dramatis Personae, a sinister spell that causes anyone within three miles of the ball to speak and act overly dramatic manner, at the cost of common sense. On one Bludger he casts Sequelitis, which exaggerates the victim’s personality traits to idiotic proportions, and on the other Prequelitis, which makes people say and do things that contradict common knowledge about their own history. And on the Golden Snitch, he cast the most insidious curse of all: Fratres Russo, the spell that erases the victim’s human empathy, for the sake of all of the above-mentioned spells’ ends. Resuming his house-elf disguise, Zemo lurks below the bleachers to watch his work unfold. Let’s Get Ready to Rumble! The Quidditch bleachers are filled with blazed classmates, and even a few professors. (You can bet the Grand Master found a way to attend both this and his other blood-sport at the same time, with the help of a Time Turner.) Throughout the game, the teams’ supporters blast muggle music from the stands: Black Sabbath’s “Iron Man,” and the theme to “Team America, World Police,” attempting to drown each other out.   Before the game begins, Tony flies out into the middle of the field on his “iron broom,” and announces: “Before we do this, let’s go over the ground rules.”
Everyone listens intently, except Steve Rogers and Charon Carter, who are kissing drunkenly.
“Rule Number One!” Tony bellows sternly. “There will be no touching of the hair or face…”
Steve chimes in, “And that’s it! Now lets do this!”
With this being the only rule, T’Challa sees no reason not to take on his Animagus form, and leaps from his broom at Bucky Barnes, while the vampire races Parker to the Snitch.
“You’re a vampire with a robot arm?” Peter exclaims at Bucky. “That is awesome dude!”
“It’s not robotic, it’s enchanted armorAAAAAAA!” Dodging vibranium claws, the little vampire shrieks under his rock-star hair, “FOR THE LOVE OF MERLIN’S MAGICAL BALLSACK, I DIDN’T KILL YOUR FATHER!” “Then why did you run?!” the panther demands in a growling voice, taking another swipe. “BECAUSE A GIANT PANTHER, HORNY TEENAGE GIRLS AND A LITERAL ARMY ARE TRYING TO TEAR ME LIMB FROM LIMB! WHAT THE F*CK KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?!” Bucky dodges the cat once more, and yells hoarsely to the universe, “All I wanted this morning were some f*cking plums!” Meanwhile, Friday and Charon Carter both give up on their jobs as Keepers, since on the rare occasion that a ball of any kind actually comes anywhere near the hoops, it is often not even the Quaffle. As tensions and blood-alcohol levels continue to rise, so does the anger and the violence. “God Tony, I can’t believe you pressured a kid into fighting your dangerous war!” Steve Rogers accuses, as he hurls a massive thestral-carriage onto Peter Parker.
The “Spider-Wizard” catches the carriage in both hands, losing the Snitch, and tosses the vehicle into the bleachers, where it crushes Galaga Guy.
Tony yells back to Steve, “At least I’m not snogging my ex-girlfriend’s niece, perv!” “No,” Steve counters, “just your surrogate little brother’s aunt. Freak.” “He’s got you there!” a tiny voice bellows from the bristles of Tony’s broom. “Who are you?” Tony searches for the speaker. “Your sex life,” Scott Lang, in ant-nimagus form, replies. “We don’t talk much anymore.” During the action, Vision accidentally hits Rhodey with a curse that transforms him into a merman. Unless this curse is reversed, Rhodey will never walk again. Tony is coming closer and closer to his breaking point… Steve is headed for Team Stark’s hoops with the Quaffle (forgetting that he’s supposed to be a Beater right now, and not a Chaser). Black Widow soars over on her broom and stops in front of him. The Quaffle that Steve holds is still enchanted with Dramatis Personae.
“You’re not gonna stop, are you,” Nat breaths dramatically, as the Quaffle’s jinx radiates at her. “Power to the people,” Steve replies with an intense stare. “Gondor has no pants, Gondor needs no pants.” In the most cliched way she can muster, Nat sighs, “I’m gonna regret this…” She takes out her wand, and transforms her own team’s Keeper, Friday the snake, into an orange basalisk, now much too heavy for the tiny broom Tony built her. As the goalie plummets to the ground and Steve scores, Tony hollers at Natasha, “What the hell was that? Is the double-agent thing just hard to shake?” Nat glares at him. “Are you incapable of letting go of your ego for one minute?” Tony bobs in the air on his broom, baffled. “Okay, I’m not denying I have an ego the size of Jupiter, but what the hell does that have to do with anything right now?” Breathing deeply, Nat retorts over dramatically folded arms, “I’m not the one who needs to watch my back.” “…what?” Nat shrugs. “I dunno, I’m stoned.” She pulls a chocolate frog out of her robe and offers it to Tony. “Pot-frog?” “What in the hell are you—Ooo, don’t mind if I do, thanks!” Tony lets the stoned frog leap into the air and twirls on his broom underneath, catching it in his mouth. Later on, no one can clearly remember how the game really ended. The one thing everyone can agree probably wasn’t a hallucination was Scott Lang, in his “ant-nimagus” form, taking someone’s “Engorgio!” charm, and growing from a regular ant to a “Them!” ant. Peter Parker then recalled the muggle film “Empire Strikes Back,” and used his own Animagus powers to web Scott’s six legs together, just as the latter was reenacting a Monty Python skit with one of the Quidditch stands. (Said skit being the one with the giant Siamese cat.) Peter then snagged the Snitch, and Tony’s team won. Peter, still holding the Snitch, is now doing a little dance.
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Under the conditions of Steve and Tony’s bet, the losing would team take the blame for the illegal Quidditch game, should any teachers ask. Vice-Headmaster Thaddeus Ross did ask, and assigned all of Team Cap a detention of a sadistic sort.
“For the next month,” Thaddeus says sadistically, “You’ll all be imprisoned in the Giant Squid, at the bottom of the lake!”
Steve opens his mouth to protest. Just at that moment, Peter Parker, still dancing on his broom, enthusiastically throws the Snitch behind him. The tiny golden ball goes flying right into Steve’s opened mouth, knocking him backwards into Bucky. Both tumble off of their brooms, and plummet below the bleachers. How Not to Handle Your Teammate Seeing His Parents Killed By Someone Standing Right Next To Him, And In the Same Instance Learning His Comrade Also Standing Next to Him—You—Knew All Along By sundown, everyone within a thousand-mile radius of Hogwarts is roaring drunk, and higher than a hippogriff. The Avengers have just spent several hours handling those jinxed Idiot Balls. But the worst victim of the Idiot Balls was Steve Rogers, who has accidently swallowed one. The worst one—the Golden Snitch. After speaking with Sam in the Squid-Detention, Tony finally realizes that Zemo is the bad guy. He bids his Quidditch opponents goodbye, as the Squid coughs him back up onto dry land. Whipping Squid slime off his robes, Tony mounts his broom, and goes to find Steve and Bucky. Steve and Bucky are chasing a chocolate frog, that tells them it knows where Zemo is. It leads them to the Forbidden Forest. As the sun sets, the frog takes them further and further into the Forest, finally stopping at a glowing stone basin. Tony catches up on his broom, and starts to apologize to them. But suddenly, his broom gives a strong jerk, throwing Tony head-first into the Pensieve. The Peniseve contains one of Bucky’s own missing memories, from his time as the Winter Sorcerer. This is how Tony learns that his parents did not die by accidently aparating into a werewolf’s den, as the Daily Prophet had reported. They had apparated safely to their vacation destination, only to be greeted by one of Howard Stark’s old friends, now a vampire that seemingly didn’t recognize him. When the Pensieve dumps Tony back into reality, he understandably snaps. And yet, Tony never takes any of the ample chances he has to blast Bucky’s or Steve’s heads off, instead going for throttling and blasting metal arms off. It’s almost as if he’s simply having a human reaction to something traumatic, rather than genuinely trying to murder anyone. But Steve is still being influenced by the golden idiot ball he swallowed.  After mentioning Bucky’s mind-control situation once (in a bored voice), Steve never brings the issue up again. Instead, he spends the rest of the fight bellowing corny lines at Tony, like, “This won’t change what happened,” and “I could do this all day!” The enchantment on the Snitch he ate now has Steve viewing Tony as another generic villain, in need of generic heroic lectures, instead of a comrade who’s just watched his parents get killed by someone standing right next to him (and in the same instance learned the other guy standing next to him knew for ages and kept it from him). “Steve, seriously!” Bucky yells, as Tony blasts off his metal arm, “If you’re not gonna mention my mind-control to him, then just stop talking!”
Ignoring him, Steve heroically holds up his fists and bellows to Tony, “I could do this all day!” “You already said that!” Tony snaps, aiming his wand for another blow. Steve retorts, “Down with the Empire! Remember Alderaan!” and punches Tony repeatedly in the head….in the exact same manner Tony has just watched Bucky kill his father with in the Pensieve.
Shockingly, Tony remains pissed. With a finally corny cry of, “Gondor lives!” Steve breaks Tony’s his wand in half with his shield, ending the fight. Which, in total, lasted about twenty minutes, if that. About the amount of time one might expect a blind rage from someone in Tony’s position to last. Tony then shouts his famous, “That shield doesn’t belong to you!” line. At this point, a sober Steve Rogers would come out of his rage and realized that Tony was now incapacitated, visibly cooling down, and still conscious, and that this was the opportune moment to apologize, remind Tony of Bucky’s mind-control, and get everyone back on track against Zemo. But that Golden Snitch, oozing with the Russo curse, still flutters around Steve’s innards. So instead, Steve dramatically! drops the shield, and heads off into the Forest with Bucky. To Steve’s credit, his Gryffindor chivlary prevailed when he dropped the shield he was “unworthy” of; his common sense and empathy just… didn’t. A Royal Hairball T'Challa is perhaps the only individual who clearly remembers leaving the Quidditch field that day.
Near the end of the game, he had Bucky in his claws. The Animagus opened his panther jaws to begin another epic speech of revenge. But instead of powerful words, out of the panther’s mouth came pained, wheezing gags. Bucky just stared emo-ly under his rock star hair. T’Challa motioned with a paw that he had to excuse himself from the game. The panther leapt from broom to broom until he reached the bleachers, then rushed underneath them to cough up a violent hairball.  Up with the hairball came most of the Firewhisky and Hobbitus Cannibus that he had been unknowingly ingesting all day. His head now clear, T'Challa has been reflecting on the day’s events. He recalls that when the suicide-pumpkin detonated, Bucky Barnes was sitting next to him, snogging Steve. And now that he thinks about it, Barnes doesn’t seem have any trace of a European accent. Could it be that the man evil enough to murder his father might also be evil enough to lie about his identity? Still in panther form, T'Challa begins sniffing for clues… T’Challa finds his way to the Forbidden Forest, where he sees Steve, Bucky and Tony fighting, and Zemo cackling from behind a bush. The panther catches the culprit, and gets the truth from him at claw-point. Helmut Zemo is an embittered and eccentric Durmstrang student, who blames the Order of the Avengers for the deaths of his imaginary wife Gwendolyn, and their three imaginary children, Huey, Dewy and Damocles. Vowing revenge, Zemo set out to destroy the Avengers from within. T'Challa’s Gryffindor chivalry now comes to light, and he realizes, “You have let revenge consume you. It has consumed them. I’m finished letting it consume me.”
T’Challa, still in panther form, drags Zemo back to Hogwarts like a dead mouse, and delivers him to the Dementors. T’Challa later apologizes to Bucky, and offers the vampire amnesty in the secret wizarding nation of Wakanda. Prison Break! Soon after the fight with Tony, Steve belches back up the Golden Snitch. As his head clears, Steve realizes how stupid he’s been. But Tony’s already gone. Steve focuses on the comrades who need his help right now. Sam, Clint, Wanda and Scott are still serving detention inside the Giant Squid’s stomach. Coughing up the Snitch has given Steve an idea.
Steve returns to the lake, and with raised fists, yells and the Squid to come face him like a man. The Giant Squid obliges. Steve then drops his dukes and whips out his wand.
“Accio Nausea Fuel!” A Muggle television set comes soaring forth in from who-knows-where. Playing on the TV is a movie, incidentally staring a relative of Zemo’s: “The Human Centipede.” The Squid is soon puking Steve’s teammates back up, one by one. When Thudnerbolt Ross contacts Tony about the jail-break via the Floo Network, Tony “accidentally” dumps the contents of his snakes’ litter boxes into the fireplace, “missing” the call. How Not to Apologize: Steve then writes an apology letter to Tony, or tries to. Unfortunately, Steve is still half-drunk when he pens and mails the letter, and still suffering some residual effects of the Idiot Balls, particularly Dramatis Personae and Fratres Russo. As a result, Tony ends up reading an embarrassing vanity project about Steve’s life and philosophical musings, spattered with lazy and cliched justifications. Tony finds it particularly ironic that Steve dodges giving him an honest explanation for keeping the information about his parents from him, in the letter where he is “apologizing,” specifically, for keeping information from Tony. Not long after, no one is surprised to see Tony Stark strolling out of the girl’s bathroom, whistling over the sound of a flushing toilet and an angry Moaning. But people are a bit confused when Tony throws up his hands and says, “Great, now I got ink all over my butt!” Separate Ways: Everyone on Team Cap is expelled from Hogwarts, as is Natasha, who violated school dress code one too many times.  Hawkeye and Scott Lang finish their education from home through owl correspondence courses. Charon Carter returns home to America. The rest join Steve Rogers in forming an independent study group in Hogsmeade, to finish their schooling. Tony continues tutoring Peter Parker, both for normal classes and being an Avenger. He gets himself much-needed psychiatric help, and gets back together with Pepper. In Wakanda, T’Challa’s brilliant sister Shuri builds an impenetrable, magic glass coffin for Bucky, and begins working on a way to make him immune to the Imperius Curse. Once cured, Bucky takes work tending the flocks of thestrals on the Wakandan castle grounds. “How does it feel to come so far…?” Ministry Auror and former Ravenclaw student Everett Ross stops by Helmut Zemo’s Azkaban cell for a gloat. “So,” Everett teases, “How does it feel to come all this way, only to fail?” “Did I?” Zemo replies sinisterly. “An empire that is defeated by its enemies can rise again, but one that crumbles from within, that is dead.”
“And what’s that got to do with this?“ Everett asks. "The Avengers only crumbled due to an outside enemy—you.” A cruel smile begins to spread on Zemo’s face. “Only because I exposed the true nature of the Avengers.” “If this was about their ‘true natures,’ then why did you have to get them all to act so out-of-character, and inhumanly stupid, in order to make this ‘civil war’ happen?” Everett retorts. Zemo says quietly, “where do you think I got the Firewhisky and Hobbit Weed to spike their food with? who do you think taught me those jinxes, to turn the Quidditch balls into Idiot Balls?” Everett can only stare, now totally lost. Zemo sneers, “From the writing staff! My goal wasn’t just to destroy the Avengers as a team, but as a franchise! Yes, peering beyond the Forth Wall is an especially difficult form of Divination, which I have mastered! Today, I exposed to the entire audience how little the writers truly care about their characters, story or audience, if there’s a chance for cheap ‘drama’ and cartoonish fanboy-service! The MCU’s worst film, in any universe, has exposed to all the fans that this is nothing more than a cheap popcorn franchise. Watch now as the superhero genre loses its steam, and begins to collapse from within. Look at the DC movies, it’s already happening!” Everett can only stare at the sad, strange little man behind the barred window. Azkaban truly does drive its prisoners to incurable madness.  Shaking his head, Everett takes his leave.
AN: Guess what my least favorite Marvel movie is. And those naysayers said I couldn’t write an AU fic, a parody, and a movie review all in one post!
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