#I also don't see any drawbacks to this ship
I thought let's write a fic about higuchi and tachihara running into each other during the events of dead apple and I think I ship them now ksjvhcks
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serxinns · 5 months
Sweat treats~ Chap 2
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Tw: Blood and death!
Yandere Bnha ships x undercover hero reader
Once you reach your house close and lock the door, you quickly put on your undercover Hero suit with most importantly your hero mask "Xin I'll be back sweetie!" Xin mewed and went back to sleep you grabbed your suitcase and went out of the house you pressed a button and a few seconds later it became a motorcycle you hopped on it and drove to your boss agency
"Ah there you are birdie~," Keigo said as he smirked keigo was your agent partner and boss he was in charge of striking down and killing villains and you were either the backup up or his getaway driver they walked you in the meeting room where ziki kicker and, Maharu was in "alright since everyone is here.." he drops the documents papers for everyone in the room "There's a villain planning to steal a valuable and powerful jewelry kept safe in the safe kitkari, you, and maharu find the bombs and remove them carefully while me birdie and buns (aka Mirko) will take care of her ourselves which means y/n and maharu will pretend that they're partners" you all agreed with his plan and head out with your spy car "Oh and make sure you dress up nicely and use your fake identit s and disguise make sure theyre not real " Mirko stated "hm I wonder why do we?
Time skip cause I'm lazy
Once they made it to the ball 2 large men were guarding the door "Name and partner name?" The men said pulling out their hands for any type of ID "I'm Marshall Rover this is my lovely wife Sasha Willwood " "ok get in next " "Zachary west and my lovely wife Mary~" Ziki tried fake flirting with Kitkari (aka mary) wich Mary pretended to be flustered "ok get in" you and Mahara looked at each other and nodded "State your name?" "Um I'm f/n (fake name) and this is my husband uh..moose?" Marharu and the others stared at you Keigo and Kitari tried not to laugh while Ziki and Miriko rolled their eyes the guard eyed at the both of you while you smiled at them trying to keep their cool "yea your on the list get in" you sighed in relief and walked pass the large fancy doors
and you were amazed when you saw how well done it was it felt like you were a background character in Cinderella "Well damn no wonder, why ms Miriko told me to dress nice this place is beautiful" You stared in wonder head turning at each angel to feast upon the view like a child 1st discovering candy stores unaware that hawks were chuckling at your reaction "gotta pay attention birdie don't wanna miss our target~" you snapped out your daze "Oh! Im so sorry I'll do better next time my mistake mr hawks" you made a small bow to him while Ziki snickered at you and he chuckled "That's all right now let's focus"
"Good luck!" Kitkari winked at you while she and Ziki ran off with their gear they sped away the 4 of you spread out by slow dancing to spot the red-haired woman, "look!" Marharu whispered pointing at the small crown near the food table you see the red-haired woman, the woman's name was Diana famous for stealing valuable things and has been on the run for 4 years now nobody ever caught her because of her quirk camouflage and another quirk called lava, "Mr ha- I mean Keigo I see her.." you whispered making sure nobody heard you "let ziki and kari know and I'll grab the attention of everyone in the party for a while you finished the job" suddenly Keigo went on stage and choose some music while miriko played piano with him
Your eyes sparkled at how smooth your boss's voice was and how Mirko was amazing at playing the piano and also singing with him heck you were almost distracted keigo spotted you and gave you a wink and a charming smile which made you blush while Mirko gave you a seductive wink and blow a kiss you blushed and looked away in embarrassment, Maharu changed his finger to the tip of a sniper while you had a gun in your pocket (his quirk is a firearm which allows him to form limbs as any gun his drawback is running out of bullets and losing energy) "ziki when I tell you now you turn off the lights" "on it"
Maharu got his aim and shot ready
Keigo and miriko was getting ready to fight in case they missed
"NOW!" You turned off the lights and heard bullets flying and people screaming and running away "Did...you get it?" You turned on the light and saw people screaming seeing the redhead on the floor blood streaming down her head everyone was running in different directions "IT THEM!!" The 2 men said pointing at the 4 of you joining them were like 100 guards guns locked and loaded "...RUN!" The 4 of you dashed off going up the stairs and down the hall "KARI ZIKI GET THE CAR READY're going TO JUMP OFF THE ROOF "
Miriko was jumping back and forth throwing punches and kicks h at the guards but there were too many and had pretty strong quirks the 4 of you made it to the roof Mirko used her leg to knock off a piece of a metal pipe and tied it around the door to block it off while you used for your quirk to try and block off the exit making them harder to get to you, "cmon cmon cmon!"m
Your mind was running wild screaming even though the doors were about to open at any minute nails and bolts falling apart while the door kept staying strong shaking back and forth "We have no choice just jump!!" The 4 of you jumped as far as you could just when the guards finally busted down the door a red sports car drove underneath the 4 of you crashing you and their fall and quickly driving away quickly.
After everyone got dropped off at their designed area with a bunch of goodbyes and teasing you were the last to drop off "Good job on today's mission Birdy did amazing today~" "yea honey bun you did amazing today!" You rubbed the back of your head sheepishly "Eh it wasn't that good the two of you were amazing, especially your singing and piano playing!" They both chuckled at your praise "well have a goodnight!" The two of them watched as You rushed off into your "house "you know baby our little employee there is kinda cute i wonder are they single?" "Patience love Patience let's get to know them 1st before we ravaged them" he playfully glared at her whole they sped off into the night
Time skip to the next day
You arrived at the lovely day at the cafe maharu was a bit cranky while ziki was being a little shit as usually "Hey y/n ready to start the day?!" "Yes and you better not steal any of the expired treats KARI" she giggled while you playfully put of the middle finger at her you heard the bell behind you and immediately turned around giving them your biggest smile "hello my name is y/n and welcome to the cafe!"
Y/n!! Y/n!!
You looked up to see a familiar green hero suit freckled and green messy hair, brown eyes and pink cheeks with slightly longer hair
"Iuzku!? Ochaco!?"
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genericpuff · 1 year
Can’t wait for someone to make a copy of RS’s coveted “signature” stamp and just buy a few dozen books, stamp them, and sell them as “autographed” at a huge markup, and goofballs will buy them all.
I mean seriously, that stamp will be incredibly easy to copy if it’s not already been copied, it’s the polar opposite of exclusive or personal. Why anyone would pay $20 for that is beyond me but it proves that RS is a shrewd business person by any means necessary and will be richer than I ever will be. No wonder Hades is her idol.
No joke, there are pictures of Rachel using the stamp at SDCC and-
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That stamp is literally just a standard one that you could order through any custom manufacturer. It's not a roller in any way, there's no unique cut they're working off of, it's just a round press stamp.
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And it shows because this is the quality of the actual ink when it's on the paper-
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Basically low grade printer ink on glossy paper. It's not gonna last at all, and it turned out exactly how I was expecting - there's too much solid color with too thin empty areas so the ink is bleeding into what's supposed to be 'white' (we deal with the same concepts in tattooing so I knew this was gonna happen as soon as I saw the stamp design).
Anyways so that's my long-winded way of saying that I took the stamp that was on Rachel's IG from her promotional posts, desaturated it, added a tone curve layer to adjust the sharpness/clarity, and threw it into VistaPrint. Just for science, and because I'm an asshole trying to prove a point.
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Would literally only cost me $20-$30 for the stamp after shipping.
Now for obvious reasons I'm not saying anyone SHOULD do this, like... I'm showing you this for science but really, don't go making counterfeits because of this LOL This is really just to demonstrate how easy it would be for anyone to make a convincing replica, which is the unfortunate drawback to using stamps as your "signature" - and with a very low quality printer shop stamp to boot - because it makes it pretty easy to copy. Not to mention showing off the stamp design beforehand through social media means that people (like me, oop-) can rip it out of your image posts and reverse engineer it into something that can be uploaded and purchased. I get she wanted to make sure that people knew what they were getting, it would have been a HUGE piss off to go see her for a signature just to find out she was doing a stamp, but like... these are the risks that come with stamps.
Don't get me wrong, you can just as easily forge a signature, but it's a little harder to nail someone's personal signature vs. a stamp and you can usually find ways to make it more unique (like what Junji Ito did by giving out little doodles on each signature). It also doesn't help that that stamp is made so cheaply that a poorly done replica would probably be on the same level of quality as the authentic one. And of course she added insult to injury by deciding to sell ACTUAL HAND-SIGNED BOOKS WITH ONLY ONE BOOK THAT HAS ONE CRAPPY DOODLE INSIDE AT ONLY ONE SPECIFIC BOOKSTORE A WEEK AFTER SDCC WAS OVER THAT YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR EVEN IF IT MEANS YOU'RE GONNA HAVE AN EXTRA COPY OF A BOOK YOU ALREADY OWN-
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sigh This isn't an uncommon thing to do, it's not unique to Rachel, but it gives me grifting gacha vibes and it feels like such a fuck you to the people who travelled all the way out to SDCC and paid for the ticket prices just to get a shitty printer ink stamp and then find out a week later after they've undoubtedly gone home that one bookstore in San Diego actually has hand-signed copies. I've seen Youtubers pull this kind of shit with vinyl printings and Youtooz figures and it's equally tacky.
If she had done it either with handwritten signatures or at the VERY least a better quality stamp design and higher quality ink, then yeah, it would be harder to make it seem legit for anyone who's not privy to creating things like lino cuts or using roller ink and thus make it a much more valuable collector's item. But the books at SDCC were literally made with a stamp that anyone can replicate for $20 and then the hand-signed ones were offered at only one bookstore after Rachel had already flown home. It feels so impersonal and cold to the audience that has supported her through all the bullshit she's pulled in the last year.
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sweettjrose · 5 days
Nobody asked me to do this and yet I'm doing it anyways...
I'm gonna explain why I ship Blotis...
Now before you say anything I am 100% aware that this is a crack ship and honestly doesn't have much evidence for it even less than usual for a gay Disney ship. Tbh I was introduced to it because so people made some art for it and I thought it was interesting and then as I played around with the idea more in my head, I started to like it and eventually form a story around it.
I think one of the big appeals for the relationship is just how unique of an idea it is. It's definitely not the first ship you think of when reading the comics which is probably why most people don't think of it at all. But even just the concept is kind of out there. I mean you have a costumed phantom thief paired with a mad scientist? That doesn't really happen with the closest ship I can think of being Voxman (From OK KO) but even that's still a bit different.
But while it is out there it's not like it makes zero sense at all. I mean while I'm not aware of any comic interactions that could hint to any possible feelings, I could still see it happening with some version of themselves. I mean they do have similar interests. The most obvious being the fact that they are criminals who scheme ways to obtain massive amounts of money and power.
But even beyond that both of them have an interest in science and technology and using it to devise all sorts of inventions. Both of them are pretty intelligent and have devised all sorts of weird scientific contraptions. But what's cool about that is while they go about it in different ways. Portis is more of a scientist, interested in the process and theory behind it, while Blot is more of an engineer, more interested in the application.
Together they form sort of a symbiotic relationship as they both can help build on each other's knowledge and skills to both get what the other needs and further build on their own plans. But even the fact that they excel in different areas kind of gives an opposite attracts vibes. As one is associated more with refinement and wealth, and the other feels more associated with "grunginess" in my interpretation sorry Portis and doing the best with what he has. I can see them both introducing eachother to a completely different way of living, but also connect in some areas like both being somewhat introverts.
But what I think is also cool about this relationship is also how it affects their relationships with other people. The Phantom Blot works quite a bit with Pete, but he alternates between seeing him as a decent partner or not really respecting him and betraying him the first chance he gets. However that starts to change if he has feelings for Pete's cousin, as now that will affect how he is able to treat Pete. He can't just betray him anymore. It ties him about closer to groups they tend to be a part of and affects how he has to interact with them.
Plus I think it would be interesting to see how the Blot's reputation would affect Portis and his relationship with other characters. There's are quite a few who aren't a bit fan of the Blot and it would be interesting for them to explore how to get around that.
But on another note, I actually think that their relationship is one of the few ones that they would be comfortable with having. I feel like one of the biggest reasons why both would avoid romance is because it could give someone a way to threaten and blackmail them. And it becomes worse if the partner isn't really part of the criminal underworld or capable of defending themselves. However they both are very familiar with the criminal underworld and can protect themselves rather well. So even if someone were to try to "kidnap" the other for blackmail, it wouldn't be easy and likely not worth it. Therefore allowing them to have a relationship without the typical fear and drawbacks. Though personally I think they would still keep their relationship on the down low so they have control over how it's percieved and just because they don't think everyone needs to know.
I could see some issues with their relationship. They both have pretty big egos and would have a hard time compromising in arguments. But that would make it more interesting imo.
But yeah that's my thoughts.
So there you have it.
Hopefully you can see the vision too.
This is long.
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
How I would do 2023 ship stats
You know, normally, I don't bother to do much with top AO3 ships stats. That's partly because someone already does it and partly because I think they're stupid stats that just lead to people gloating about their blorbos "winning". But I do routinely have a look at what's new and popular when I'm doing things like making a dance party playlist for Escapade Con, just so I know what fans might be getting into lately. I have to say, collecting these is not hard. It's not even particularly time consuming.
Doing it super efficiently would be easier with a script, yes, but most fandom stats aren't actually collected with scripts, and if you're only looking for the top 100 ships, you can more or less do that by hand. How I would set about it for you, the random fan who's curious but not curious enough to learn to code, would be to log into AO3 and then find tags where you can see the sidebar. They should be tags that encompass the whole archive and that are mandatory and unique… in other words, ratings.
Since every AO3 work must have one and only one rating, you can just check these five and get a good sense of what's on there. There are some minor wrinkles to iron out, but it's a good preliminary research step.
The way you want to do it is to start with a spreadsheet. Open up your ratings URLs (and also paste them in the spreadsheet for convenience—google sheets will make clickable links). Copy all the sidebar top ships into a list. Filter out all of these ships. Copy the next set, etc. After a while, you'll have a good list that's longer than 100 ships but that most likely contains everything really popular. (Filter for things posted/updated/whatever in the past year if that's the data you're after. Filter for f/f or whatever topic you're interested in if that's the question you're asking instead.)
Use your spreadsheet to generate the actual links for each of these ships. AO3 URLs are predictable: you can generate them from knowing the exact spelling of the tag and the normal format of this type of URL. (There are a bunch of standard spreadsheet functions that can be used to get rid of the work count numbers you've copied from AO3 to get just the pure ship tags. I'd use things like =right() and =left().)
Open the links. Copy the work totals back to your spreadsheet. Voilà!
One drawback of this method is, obviously, that it's boring and tedious, but if you didn't like boring and tedious, why were you collecting fandom stats anyway?
A more important drawback is that in using exclude filters, it's possible you could miss a ship. If the posting patterns are just right, there might be something that has its numbers reduced by excluding other ships that should be on your list. You could have a similar issue if the ships on your list are mostly one rating (so higher in those searches) and some other slightly larger overall ship is spread more evenly. I would try to ameliorate this problem by looking at the sizes of the smallest ships you're covering. They will likely be bigger than the entire fandom section for most fandoms. Taking another look at the bigger fandoms that could be hiding a small-end-of-big ship can help double-check that you haven't missed anything. Grabbing the top 130 or 150 ships in some search while only looking for the top 100 will likely find most of the edge stuff too.
Add any ships that look like they should be double checked to your spreadsheet. Add their work totals. Re-sort your list.
Another thing to consider is that AO3 keeps track of the most recent update date on fics. That's what's easy to search by. If you're only interested in when a work was first posted, easy manual filtering isn't the way to go… However, if the objective is to see which ship tags were active in a given year, most recent update date is the relevant piece of data anyway.
You're not going to recreate centreoftheselights' exact analysis unless you collect data year to year, but you can come up with something pretty similar that answers a similar question, and you don't need to be a programmer to do it.
In the end, accept that some data require hard collection methods that a site doesn't easily offer you and you might have to scrape multiple times a year with a script if you want to know that particular thing… or you might have to randomly sample and hand-count as with FFN shipping stats. (Yes, I've done it. It can be done. It's just annoying.)
So when you're setting out to look at some stats question, the big first step is to decide what you're even asking and why and whether you're just wimping out and going with what's easy to collect instead of what you actually want to know.
...now I'm kind of curious. Maybe I'll go pull some 2023 numbers.
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runabout-river · 9 months
Hi! I have a question, I hope I can explain myself: how would you describe Gojo on a moral level? I see the majority of the fandom (jjk in general, not just the shipping ones) considers him a good person, but I'd argue he's more on the grey side...and not a light grey. See, I can't really wrap my head around the way he blatantly ignores the fact the Suguru was completely fucked up, to the point that in chap 236 he wishes Suguru was with him before fighting Sukuna and imagining him (adult Suguro, the fucked up one) together with the same students he tried to kill in jjk0. How on earth? If I'm not mistaken Gojo never really says "yeah, Suguru was my friend but he used to be completely different, this is not the Suguru I used to be friends with". He never says Suguru was wrong. He just misses him, even though he was surrounded by people who liked him. At least Shoko clearly doesn't feel any affection towards Suguru. And let's not talk about the way he doesn't really seem concerned about the future of his students in chap 236. What do you think? Just to clarify: I do like Gojo. But I don't share the sentiment of the rest of the fandom: he's not a good person. I guess Nanami was right
I understand what you mean. Gojo is definitely gray in some aspects of his character, he sees himself as a god e.g. (which is also true to a degree) and he can't form good relationships with others because of it.
On a meta perspective, Gojo also occupies a character role that only villains have: the overpowered person who also likes being powerful and likes fighting. Normally, when a protagonist or otherwise good character is overpowered, they also end up as some sort of pacifist or their powers have significant drawbacks. This video essay discusses that aspect of Gojo's character.
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Between him and Geto, on one side, I see the current USamerican and Christian-inspired culture or zeitgeist, where bad people have to be condemned and shunned in any way possible play a little into Westerners being perplexed why Gojo doesn't condemn Geto at all.
Except he does condemn Geto, which is why he put his fingers up in front of KFC with the intention to kill him. Later in JJK0 he does exactly that. If there hadn't been any condemnation, Gojo wouldn't have done either of those things. He just doesn't express his condemnation verbally. His words are what he expresses his sorrows and regrets with.
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For chapter 236, look who he's surrounded by: Toge, Yuta and Maki, the students he wanted to kill in JJK 0. What Gojo says here and wanted to be true isn't Evil Geto to be magically an ally even though he's still wanting to kill monkeys. Maki and Yuta would definitely not be in the same panel otherwise.
Gojo is saying here, that he wanted Geto by his side while Geto still had the freedom to go another path in his life, just one where he didn't become a murderer and genocidal fascist. Like, Geto could still:
Be disappointed in his own moral code
Be disillusioned by the JJ society
Leave the school because he didn't see a point in staying
Try something else to help the sorcerers defeat curses
The only thing that should've been different in this fantasy, was that Geto didn't go on a killing spree and killed his parents on top. Geto shouldn't have become a monster like that and Gojo would've accepted any other changes or decisions from him. That's why Gojo imagines him in his monk outfit.
That Gojo apparently doesn't care much about his students... I didn't like that either but he simply has faith in them but he also had the same faith when he got boxed sooooo... I believe that he's going to come though.
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pacific-rimbaud · 1 year
Hi! I'm curious regarding Panville's dynamic on RoT. You write that they basically never argue and some of their disagreements get sorted out quickly (barring the one before the accident ofc). And that 5 years later, they're still deeply in love and shagging constantly. It's so beautiful but I guess I've become jaded with mainstream media (and some of the marriages/relationships i've been around) but do you think that's really possible? Not without hard work, but is it attainable and realistic?
I meant for Remember One Thing to be something lovely and beautiful and escapist to sink into. I write this ship because they're incredibly soft and fill me with so much warmth and happiness when I'm inhabiting their world in my imagination. All of our escapist outlets are so different, and I'm grateful to have the opportunity to put something out there that is maybe a little different or niche for people who enjoy it.
But also . . . extremely long-ass rant under the cut.
I can't find the source right now, but apparently when Terry Pratchett was a very young journalist he interviewed older married couples to ask their secrets to a long marriage. One of the couples straight up said they stayed happy because they had a ton of sex throughout their marriage and still did. There's also that kind of wild essay Ayelet Waldman wrote for the NYT about how much sex she and Michael Chabon were still having after four children, among other sentiments. People do experience a confluence of high libido and sustained admiration and attraction. It helps to partner with a sexy, kind, capable person who's a great communicator and does genuinely equitable domestic labor, which is what I've written.
And as far as fighting goes, that's down to a lot of things that I won't get into, but it's 100% possible. My three kids never fight. They have very rare arguments/hurt feelings over resources ("Who ate the last of the rice crackers?" kind of thing), but they resolve their conflicts quickly and respectfully and have never, ever sought to hurt one another physically or emotionally. This has nothing to do with my parenting, it's just them, for whatever reason. It's so marked and consistent that they're disturbed by sibling conflict in media, and don't understand why their friends hate their siblings.
It's a joke in my house to call me Spock because I live in my rational brain most of the time. It has drawbacks, but one perk is that I find it very easy to approach conflict with a cooperative problem-solving mentality vs. a win-lose mentality. I really cannot overstate how life-altering that is. And I actually do think that it's possible for almost anyone to become good enough at communication and secure enough in their sense of self to have a very low-friction partnership.
Tl;dr: it's absolutely possible to not fight with the people you live with, and it's possible to not hate your spouse. I will say that I see more genuine friendship, mutual regard and happiness in queer relationships than I do in straight ones.
So my answer to: is this possible? Attainable? Realistic? is yes and no. Remember One Thing is heterosexual monogamist escapism, meant to simply enjoy for those who are into it. I also absolutely think it's possible to sustain a super active sex life across the lifespan of a monogamous partnership. It's also possible to not fight (I don't mean not disagree or work though differing opinions, that's just life). Is it likely to find both of those things in a partnership? Plus whatever else we may want—successful careers, healthy, connected parenting, physical health and well-being, hobbies, extended family connections, travel? That's a ton of pressure and a BUNCH of separate social problems we shouldn't feel responsible for personally solving or attaining. Also kind of funny how under predatory capitalism security and satisfaction are not enough (are in fact antithetical to the pursuit of profit). Any aspect of our lives that isn't peak and ideal is framed as a problem with a market-based solution. There's an app to optimize all of this. Click to accept the unfettered use of your data in perpetuity.
The thing about the relationship in Remember One Thing isn't that it's ideal, it's that it's peaceful. It's marked by a high level of metta, or lovingkindness: connectedness; openness; mutual goodwill; benevolence. It's emotionally non-violent. One of my all-time favorite authors is E.M. Forster, a gay man who wrote about queer joy long before that was a term and whose existence was criminalized during his lifetime. There's this famous line in A Room with a View: " . . .  by the side of the everlasting Why there is a Yes—a transitory Yes if you like, but a Yes." Remember One Thing is about a Yes relationship. It's safe to be vulnerable. That vulnerability engenders trust, which makes it possible to stay open. It's a virtuous cycle.
Why don't we think we can have that? And for those who want sex, why do we feel like silly, secure, fun, connected sexual intimacy that we genuinely enjoy and regularly seek from a partner is unrealistic? So much of what we think is normal about partnership is actually centuries-worth of radioactive institutional abuse and exploitation. We covertly and overtly frame relationships in terms of power, performance, and extraction. What do I get from this relationship vs. I get to hang out with you. That's no way to live. I have to believe it's attainable to find that person or people who feel like a sweet, sexy Yes and treat them with grace and kindness. Otherwise what's the point?
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arcanarix · 4 months
all talk, no game. || DREW X MAY / SHUUKURA
cw // it's been a long time since i thought of these two. literally my first real fandom ship--contestshipping! brings back so many wonderful childhood memories. <3
ao3 || ffn
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Drew has never admitted to being a perfect creature (yes he has), so yes, he has a few drawbacks and vices here and there. For one, even he has had a rocky beginning to his coordinating career. Soledad never fails to remind him of that, just to keep him a little humble.
For the sake of another example, he's not great with crowds in spite of how well he composes himself on stage. His stage persona versus his true persona are completely removed from each other. He hates crowds--absolutely detests them.
Oh yeah, another vice--he's bad at conversation. He may act like he's this cool drink of water, but that's just socialite conditioning from having a brilliantly privileged background. That's all essentially a requirement, along with ballroom dancing lessons and vocal lessons and all that other upper-upper class BS. Without that to cushion his otherwise full-on awkwardness, he's just like any other troubled teenager.
Harley does love to troll him about that, too.
"Say, when are you going to stop dicking around and do something about your feelings for our precious gingerbread cookie?" Harley confronts him, each and every damn day at this point. he's lost the record, not that he keeps track. It’s become so normalized it's not necessary. It’s the first question before "how many ribbons do you have" or "how have you been?"
Gingerbread cookie? Drew has forgone commenting on Harley's quirky nicknames for them a long time ago. for soledad lately it's been 'pinky pie.' or 'my little ponyta.' For him? Eh . . . a little less flattering. He’s been fond of calling him anDICK. AnDICK Gayden. Because he's the pinnacle of maturity.
He's also one to talk, considering his own orientation Harley's loud and proud about, which Drew commends him for actually. It's never been a secret of course, given his entire brand . . .
"Who says I have feelings for her?" Drew counters, although everyone knows what reaction he's going to be met with after asking that--
"--literally everyone," Soledad cuts in, sliding into their table with her own tray of a bountiful breakfast. "Good morning, guys. I see you started breakfast without me or may."
"You guys take forever, snickerdoodle," Harley sighs, "Besides, you're not missing out on much. Drew's just about to admit that he radiates small dick energy hence my favorite nickname for him--!"
"--Harley," Soledad groans, "you don't need to tell us the origin of that name, thanks. it's not even that creative."
Harley gasps theatrically. "Hey!"
"Is May up yet? The Pokemon Contest starts . . ." Drew glances at the clock. "Oh, never mind. We have plenty of time. It gives us time to prep and perfect our routines a bit more. I guess I didn't realize how early it was. Especially for someone who likes to sleep in like May.”
"Do you want me to go get her, if you're getting antsy?" Soledad teases.
Drew fails to conceal that brilliant rosy blush on his face. He hates how easily he's read by everyone in this room--which right now is just them and Nurse Joy and her blissey.
"No, she deserves rest. She's been working hard, you know."
"Awwww, look at Andick all fawning over her and giving her credit where credit is due,'' Harley gushes while wraggling those caterpie eyebrows of his.
"Shut up!"
"But he does bring up a good icebreaker, Drew," Soledad admits as she bites down on her bagel, filled to the brim with cream cheese. how she keeps her figure so slim in spite of her dietary choices, the world may never know. "I know we poke and prod all the time, but watching you trip over her is starting to get . . . well, old. Do something about it. We're here to support you, you know."
"Well I appreciate that, but I don't think there's any rush. As much as I love and respect her, I doubt she's even noticed," Drew laments, "and I've been dropping tons of hints."
"The roses? That's not enough!" Soledad swears this is all hopeless but she's trying for him. "Drop stronger hints."
"What's stronger than friggin' red roses? A kiss on the hand or forehead?"
"That's . . . a bit bold, but you can try. I doubt she'd shy away."
"I don't know soledad. Many girls may flock to me but I don't know how to talk to girls. at all."
"We know," Harley and Soledad say in unison.
"Believe us, we know, we watch you interact with May," Harley goes on, "And she's the easiest person to talk to in the world, honestly."
"Awww, now look who's getting all sentimental about may," Soledad teases with a grin.
"Shut up," Harley huffs, "I'm just saying that she’s come to mean a lot to me."
“We all share that sentiment about her. I never had many girl friends, so it’s nice to have one.”
“But back to the main and the only interesting topic of discussion, how the hell is Drew going to make the move?”
“He did claim he was going to make the bold move and kiss her.”
“On the HAND, Soledad.”
“But what if May finds that weird? All Drew ever is is mean to her most of the time–!”
“--He’s living up to the classic ‘he’s mean to you because he likes you’ bullshit. Which, by the way Drew, what in Mew made you believe that’s the best approach–?” 
“I–!” Drew’s about to defend himself, because where in Mew’s name does he deserve all of this slander and roasting. They continue for much longer and he’ll become a cooked staraptor. 
“Okay, okay, look. I get it! I get it alright.” He tosses his hands up in the air nin defeat. “I’m all talk, no game. It’s just I don’t want to compromise anything between May and I. She’s become more than my rival in many obvious ways. I just never expected my feelings for her to be this strong after all of this time. We’re roaming through the Unova region, and at each contest I enter, I hope to see her. She’s a bright, bubbly person. A big ball of sunshine. She illuminates my entire life. She’s skilled, even if I won’t admit that to her face literally ever. I might subtly point it out though. It’s just, we’re friends now, and I don’t want her to get the idea I became her friend just because I had feelings for her because that’s not true and–!” 
Harley raises an eyebrow with a little smirk playing on his lips. Soledad seems to be making an expression that tells him to slow down and maybe cease all talking unless he wants to make a fool of himself. 
May’s standing there, with her classic dumbfounded, puppy-like expression. She’s just rolled out of bed, and she’s ditched the bandana today to let her natural glossy hair flow. She’s got her tray of breakfast gripped in her hands. 
“--she’s standing right behind me, isn’t she?” Drew finishes. 
“I didn’t realize it was May Appreciation Day,” she chuckles as she joins them at the booth, sliding in next to Drew. “Just because I’m here doesn’t mean you should stop singing praises to me, though.”
Oh Drew does concur.
“I think I should stop, otherwise it’ll inflate your already oversized head. You don’t want to get as egotistical as me, hm?” 
“It was so much more than just him singing praises to you, May,” Soledad chimes in with an amused twinkle in her eyes. 
“Yeah, if you were here just moments earlier–!” Drew mimes slicing his throat with his finger, and Harley shrugs. 
“--anyway, we should finish up and get ready to head to the Contest Hall. Can’t leave our fans waiting~” Harley sings. 
“You have fans?” Drew deadpans, to which May quips, “All of us do, Drew.”
They finish their breakfast together, and just as Drew tosses his leftovers away Harley approaches him and whispers in his ear. 
“You really are all talk and no game. Otherwise, you’d have fessed up like a man back there.”
Harley returns to the booth, and Drew stands there before placing his empty tray on top of the trash bin. He hates that he’s been roasted yet again by Harley, but he has a point. 
From his spot, he watches as May and Soledad exchange a conversation he can’t make out, focusing on the way her eyes crinkle a little when she smiles that big and wide. Even if she’s not a morning lark, she still has that bucket of pep to offer when she blesses anyone with her presence.
Drew stuffs his hands into his pockets, debating whether to leave first and have them meet him at the Contest Hall. He . . . is due for some self reflection and accountability. 
He steals another glance of her when he hears her adorable giggle, this time at something Harley says, it looks like. 
One day, he’s definitely going to tell her. 
Just maybe not today.
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literaticat · 2 months
Is it true that most books these days are not getting many, if any, print ARCs? Does getting print ARCs made for your book vs. only getting digital ARCs say anything about how much of a priority you are for your house (especially big 5)? Would love your insight on this!
Definition for Newbies: ARCs (advance readers copies), also sometimes known as AREs (advance readers editions), or "Galleys", are those things that kinda look like paperback books, though they may have a different /plainer cover and they have stamped on them things like "UNCORRECTED PROOF / NOT FINAL / FOR REVIEW ONLY / NOT FOR SALE / PLEASE CHECK QUOTES AGAINST FINAL COPY".
ARCS are marketing material -- the making of them comes out of the marketing budget. They go to bookstores/buyers so they can see what the book is all about and hopefully bring it into their store or library, they go to publications that do reviews, newspapers and magazines who might want to talk about them, and "Big Mouths" who have influence, etc. This all happens some six months or so before publication.
But, in recent years, the use of digital ARCs (eARCs) has gotten much more widespread and normalized. (10 years ago, though eBooks definitely already existed, there's pretty much NO WAY that buyers or reviewers would have been looking at most ARCs in e-format. Now, lots are, for sure!)
Now for some history. Though e-ARCs already existed years ago, of course, everyone grumbled about them -- but they had their real moment to shine during the Pandemic lockdown times. If you will recall, publishers still had books coming out, but the publisher offices, review outlet offices, etc, were closed, and everyone was working from home.
So there was literally nobody in the office to SEND the ARCs out, and nobody in the places they might be sent to RECEIVE them. So, by necessity, it went to mostly digital ARCs at that time, just like we all started to do Zoom meetings instead of in-person meetings.
When business got back to a kind of normal, some decided to carry on with the digital-only. And others went to a hybrid model where they still print them but also have digital. (I can't tell you off the top of the dome which publishers are which - I just know that some still do physical, and others are very definitely NOT doing physical anymore.)
The thing is, as much as I do like physical ARCs, there are very real drawbacks to them. They are EXTREMELY expensive per-unit to print. They are a pain in the ass to ship. And most of them don't actually get read. So like... what are we doing? In a lot of cases, it's kind of a waste of money and resources, actually; that money could be put to better use.
In terms of reviewers and buyers -- I'm sure there ARE some that only want print ARCs -- but I'll bet most find that actually, it really is easier to just look something up on Edelweiss and read it digitally than to get boxes and boxes of physical ARCs that you then have to find a place for (and which will probably end up in the recycling bin).
In terms of marketing: It is less expensive to send finished copies of the book to influencers and whatnot, and they look better, too, so they actually might want to KEEP them and show them off for the camera, etc.
So, in all, I don't think it is surprising that some publishers have cut down or even stopped printing ARCs altogether -- just like the pandemic taught them that, hey, not everyone has to go into the office everyday or even live in NYC, and we can still get work done!
ANYWAY, to answer your questions:
Is it true that most books these days are not getting many, if any, print ARCs? Kinda, yes. Some publishers aren't doing print ARCs at all -- Some publishers are still doing SOME physical ARCs, but yes, probably fewer than in decades past.
Does getting print ARCs made for your book vs. only getting digital ARCs say anything about how much of a priority you are for your house (especially big 5)? I kinda DON'T think that, actually. I think it just depends who your publisher is. In other words -- if your publisher doesn't print ARCs for any books -- you aren't getting ARCs. If they do print ARCs, you probably will get ARCs (though yes, likely fewer than you might have in years past) -- unless they have reason to believe that the ARC money would be better spent in another way.
For example, they often don't want to print ARCs for later books in a series, because like, buyers at the bookstore already know if they are doing well with that series or not, they can look at the books that are already out if they want to know what the series is like. Some "Big Books" don't get digital OR physical ARCs because they don't want them to get pirated or leaked.
But in my experience (not universal obvs!) -- books at publishers that are still doing ARCs are mostly still getting ARCs unless they have specifically said "we're not doing a paper ARC for this for X reason" (series, etc) -- but in those cases they ARE doing other promotions to draw attention to the book/series, sending out finished copies to places for marketing purposes, etc
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yackers · 1 year
I have mixed feelings about the cheating situation. In one sense they’re teenagers and I think everyone in the situation had their reasons for doing things and reacting to the situation, but I really struggle with Jerome’s reaction to the reaction. He’s a kid and I don’t think he should be held accountable for shit he did at 17 for the rest of his life when it’s this minuscule of a problem, but there were multiple scenes where people made digs at him for playing two girls and he truly believed that it was alright. Yes he apologized I get that, but even towards the end of the season he makes a comment about how he didn’t mean to hurt them…I truly believe Jerome didn’t think he deserved repercussions for hurting Willow and Mara. I don’t like that. Do I think they went too far with the revenge plot? Yes. Cause I wish they would’ve sat down and talked. Mara and Jerome, imo, needed to have a long conversation about it. Not with Willow. Not with Joy. But just the two of them. Their relationship arc had been from s1. Jerome had that little crush on her that blossomed and it eventually led us to s3 and the cheating situation. Maybe it’s me not understanding how he cheated on her with Willow, who I adore, I’m just not understanding how those two had any sort of chemistry or connection, but I wanted him to explain his sudden drawback. Joy defending Jerome those times were valid but her in that damn bedroom saying she thought it was all about revenge. It’s like the entire house lacked brain cells that season. The miscommunication trope was wild. What i’m saying is I think the cheating trope was interesting to the development of the characters. I just really don’t think Jerome realized what he did was wrong. I love Jeroy. They’re my favorite ship of all time. I just can’t stand how Jara essentially ended and there was no sit down conversation being like “Hey, I hurt you. This isn’t about me liking Joy it’s about me breaking the heart of the girl who fell in love with me and who i pined after for two years” I just needed something. Those teenagers couldn’t talk.
I have a lot of thoughts so please click below
see I do completely get what you're saying I do, and it's not that I disagree with you so much as that's just not really how things work. throughout the whole show, characters hurt each other and do shitty things because it's full of overwhelmingly human characters, but they can't just sit and talk it all out for hours in therapy speak until everyone is 100% okay. that's not how television works, that's not even really how life works. I don't honestly see how jerome and mara sitting and talking out every one of their issues would make either of them feel better and not more mad each other and it wouldn't be good television. hell, who in life ever sits down with their ex who cheated on them and discusses why and how and all of their personal feelings about it, especially two seventeen year olds who dated less than a year. I do understand that it feels like he should apologise further but the damage was already done, mara was too angry to hear it and jerome didn't know himself well enough to articulate why. I also just can't really name many shows where any (unmarried, childless, outside of a therapy environment) couples sit down and discuss in detail the end of their relationship.
I do disagree with you saying that he didn't think he deserved repercussions. he quite literally finds out that the three of them wrote a play specifically to embarrass him in front of the entire year group and accepts it and directs it anyway and says that he just hopes it helps mara move on and feel better. he does even repeatedly try to apologise to mara. he lets her say horrible things about his dad without fighting back and he backs off of joy around her as to not upset her further, all things he never would've done pre being caught cheating. he tells the house that they all need to get over it only when they're all being silent and glaring at him at the breakfast table because he still has to live there and he can't have every single person in house mad at him forever.
in terms of how he could have gotten with willow and his 'sudden drawback from mara', I really do not mean this to sound rude but like did you watch it? when he and willow first kiss in detention, mara had broken up with him like at least a week ago. he tried to win her back over and over (with admittedly hollow gestures I'm not like validating his behaviour just stating the facts of what happened) and she ignored him. by the time he kisses willow in detention, he thinks he fucked up too bad and he's never getting mara back, and so he's rebounding. he doesn't really have tons of chemistry with willow, that's kinda the point, she's just there and she's sweet and she's into him and it's a lot less complicated. it's only after all this that mara approaches him in the kitchen and is like 'congrats we're back together' and by that point he's already moved on from her enough that he's not willing to give up willow because he doesn't like either of them that much by that point. and this is not me defending him but like if he'd told mara then and there that he'd kissed willow even though she barely gave him a chance to, it still would've crushed her, because unlike him she didn't think they were done, she was just holding off because of the sisterhood. the whole situation isn't black and white, he didn't wake up and say "I'm gonna have two girlfriends" and it's a mess and that's the whole point of it. I've gone over the other jara stuff before so I'm not gonna repeat myself but idk, it didn't happen the way you're making it sound like.
and lastly, about joy saying "I thought it was all about revenge", the whole point of that scene is that both girls are lashing out each other because they're both broken hearted. it was the wrong thing to say, but it was an impossibly difficult and insane situation. and up until that point, mara didn't do a whole lot of crying and being sad because she got angry and stayed that way. the part about the revenge plotline that makes it so interesting to watch and why I liked it is because it was always going to hurt everyone involved and it was always going to be everyone's fault. jerome was getting hurt either way, joy was always going to fall for him, which was a betrayal to mara, but it was also an insane thing for mara to ask her to do in the first place. it blows up in everyone's faces badly, but both girls both eventually realise that it's okay that they're both upset and that it all only happened because of some incredibly poor decision making and that's that. the ending with mara deciding to put her friend's happiness above her anger is the most important lesson of all of it. also:
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he does try to sincerely apologise for all of it one last time and she shakes her head with a smile and tells him that it's okay. the whole point of mara's arc is that she doesn't need that from him anymore, she's learning to deal with her feelings herself and know her own worth even when others don't, which is what she's been needing to learn to do the whole show.
tldr: I understand that cheating is a difficult topic that people have a lot of thoughts about and I respect that, but real life isn't therapy and what a lot of your takes tell me is that either you didn't really pay attention during their storyline or that it's been a long time since you watched it
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itstimetodrew · 8 months
Can we get more NWH Goblin thoughts?
Can you?? CAN YOU???
yeah I always want to talk about him :)
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I guess I will just...expand on my feelings of why I do and don't like him in the movie lol
SO!! I think there's a big difference between a choice being "out of character" versus a choice just being a different path for a character. I think his character makes sense, it's just less compelling to me personally. The conflict for him in the new movie is cool because it's about him (Normie hehe) realizing he doesn't have any say in this partnership. It's gone too far but he can't stop it. The thing he thought would help him gain control has instead taken it from him. Sad!
The downside to that though is now the movie just takes a black-and-white approach to 'Norman is good and the Goblin is bad' which is just...idk it's boring for me, sorry. Like I don't disagree with the themes that everyone deserves help, and even if you offer help that doesn't mean they will accept it or go along with what you think is right for them. But this is also where the complaints pop up from people who think this movie is too sympathetic about a power-hungry guy who makes his money off supplying weapons to the military and like...they aren't wrong lol
And while I like that whole 'out of control' aspect, him not having any personal stakes isn't as interesting. Like okay sure, he wants power, but why here? The MCU world is so much larger, he's a small fish in a big pond now instead of a big fish in the small pond that his original world is. Like I guess to try and fix it a bit you could have Norman/Goblin trying to get home because he wants to bring that tech back to his world where he'd get an even stronger foothold with it. Could further complicate the conflict of some villains wanting to go back while others want to stay...idk
And the family aspect isn't there either. A lot of OG Norman/Goblin's fixation on Peter/Spider-Man is out of misplaced paternal feelings be he has an actual son right there that he's ignoring lmao. I think one issue with the handling of multiverse stuff in these movies is they try to take a shortcut of 'well they're enemies because they're Spider-Man and the Green Goblin' but I need more! They just kinda keep the theme of Goblin trying to be an influence on New Peter without that underlying relationship to explain why it would even matter to him. I won't discount the justification of 'it doesn't have to make sense, he's being irrational' because sure, I do love a 'because I want to' self-sabotaging villain, but it's still a pretty half-assed excuse 😭
On that note, another drawback I see with the trend of franchises bringing back old characters is that they have to straddle a line of reminding viewers of The Thing Before but not being SO prominent they overshadow The Thing Now (imo this also happened with Pokemon at the end rip). It usually leaves the targeted fans coming back for nostalgia still unsatisfied anyway. Some reference is thrown out, or there's a hint of some interesting new take on an old idea, but that isn't what they're trying to market right now so it's not pursued. I'm still annoyed we got a fight scene of OG Spider-Man vs Green Goblin to the filming stage but by the final movie it's cut and they don't exchange a single word. 😒 The defense I usually see is 'that would be too much fanservice, move on from those characters' as if this isn't Fanservice: We Know You Can't Move on From These Characters - The Movie smh (and we had time for that stupid meme line AGH!)
OKAY now I'm complaining too much uhhh more good things lol I like his new little junk food habit. That's cute! :3 This would have killed in 2013...memes of this dude with little donuts and burritos everywhere...I want to see this self-important man asking high schoolers to explain what a crunchwrap supreme is and then making himself sick after downing 4 back-to-back. AND THE DILF SHIP!!! Yeah. Yeah that was an excellent development. I love their dynamic of 'SHUT UP I HATE YOU I HOPE YOU DIE AGAIN 🤬' vs 'huh??🥺..I thought we were friends...😢💔' swapping sides. It made me write like 30 years of lore in my head for them... 😔 (<- me, burdened and crazed with copious old man yaoi thoughts and lore for comic book movies)
Long story short he's gonna be the same case as my other favorite characters. Wish he was getting new material. Except I don't wish that because I don't think it would be very good. But I miss him so much. I will instead find satisfaction making stories in my mind and pouring over the bits of characterization I have from decades ago...my one true skill, my passion!! 💪
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Imogen for the character ask game.
Quick note: I am answering this and one more in my inbox, and then I'm done, thanks all!
How I feel about this character: Pretty good! I have a few criticisms but the premise is good, I'm not super into psionics but it is a fun spell list, and I like that she's tapped into a weird dark power with which she struggles and that there's some different ways the character can go.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Fearne, see previous disclaimers on how we need her and Laudna to actually be able to have meaningful conversations first before I can get on board but like, if they get there, I will be on board.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: FCG. Laura and Sam have some of the strongest "our characters are on the same wavelength" energy in the cast - it's rarely romantic, but like, think Vex with both Scanlan and Tary, and Jester and Veth. They just get it, and so to have Imogen and FCG felt really fun together. I also do like how Chetney and Imogen argue all the time.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Ok so I do need to preface this very carefully, because I think a lot of Gross Bro Types during past campaigns have made a lot of false claims that Laura is cheating or given special treatment, and I think they are wrong. I also don't think this is coming from Laura, but rather from Matt, since Imogen is the Moon Plot Lynchpin. However: she has, effectively, two extra feats (the open mind ability and Call Ruidus) and there hasn't really been the intensity of RP to back the latter up, and while both of these have drawbacks, like...so do many published subclasses (see: frenzied rage). Like, I don't think that giving a character a bonus feat or ASI, effectively, is bad. As Brennan once said, you don't need to give everyone the same number of Christmas Presents. But the past cases have been been like, Keyleth finishing her whole Aramente, or Fjord willingly relinquishing his powers for four episodes, like, that's commitment that we haven't seen - and frankly haven't had time for.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Two things. First, I do want the two years with Laudna to feel...real, because they do not yet. Second, I'd like to get to Yios or similar where more significant research can occur.
Favorite friendship for this character: as discussed, currently FCG. I also like Orym a lot because I think he's encouraged her towards interesting directions.
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duckielover151 · 2 years
Episode Count: 312
We end this batch of episodes with a beautiful send off... There was so much else going on that I'd honestly forgotten this whole Water 7 adventure started with the news that we'd be forced to say goodbye to Merry soon. (Honestly, I think I would have liked a slightly quieter goodbye... with just a few fewer flashbacks... But the ending was perfect. And it is pretty wild to think just how far this little ship has come. I didn't even particularly like the Skypiea arc... but the journey to and from the sky island will always be a little magical.)
And the end of the conflict prior to the goodbye... was absolutely fantastic. All the Straw Hats working together to fight off the marines... Somehow the melee battle was more satisfying than any of the individual fights leading up to it. And I'm not even sure how to describe that ending... The victory music especially was beautiful, reminded me of a Studio Ghibli theme.
Man... I feel like I should have so much more to say. Are Water 7 and Enies Lobby considered two different arcs? I don't even know. But I have to say again, this overall adventure has been the best the series has been so far.
Umm... Okay, a few short thoughts that didn't make it into previous posts.
I'm not entirely sure how to feel about the CP9 characters just now. There are a few I wouldn't mind being written out for good, but I feel like we'll see most of them again.
Is it just me or was the Lucci flashback-- where he infiltrated a town taken over by pirates and then killed all the hostages to take away their leverage-- a little... weird? At that point in the story-- near the climax of their fight-- I would have expected a flashback to reveal something... sympathetic? Something that told us more about who he was as a person. All that flashback did was hype up his abilities. Which the whole arc had been doing practically from the moment it was revealed he was a villain. Like, Luffy was barely holding his own without resorting to techniques that had some serious drawbacks. I don't think you needed to convince anyone that beating him would be an impressive feat.
But there was also that little moment at the end of Zoro's fight... Where Kaku reflects back on his time in Water 7 and you could see him regretting that their time here had come to an end. That he could have seen himself living out that peaceful life there. That definitely made him seem like he was meant to be a more sympathetic character. What exactly kept these characters so loyal to the government? Especially having to work under a boss like Spandam? I feel like there was a whole backstory segment that was forgotten in this arc or something.
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call-me-copycat · 2 years
Your oc Sora Tsuneyoshi stood out the most to me because omg, I am SUCH a hypochondriac and it actually ruins my life. It's the worst thing in the world, but people don't take it seriously. So to see your oc have this problem just makes me so overjoyed!
With their quirk, can they actually cure a disease assuming they know everything about it? I know you said they can control them, but is it permanent? So let's say for example, someone has a chronic illness. Let's take Asthma maybe, or heart disease. Could Sora cure these things? Or just lessen their effects? I'm so genuinely curious on this oc haha.
Do you ship them with anyone? I have 3 ocs who I ship with different mha characters, I know shipping isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I was just interested in knowing! Honestly I'd wanna know any of your oc x canon or even oc x oc ships, you're very good at world building and character creation from what I can see.
I'm the one who sent the snowflake ask so I'll go ahead and give myself a little anon name bc I'm too shy to come off anon for now :,) I'll be 🧼 soap anon if that isn't already taken on your page !
Thank you for asking, I'm always happy to answer! A funny thing I might want to mention is Sora's name always stuck in my head, so even if I forget some other characters names, for some reason their name will stick. (ㅎ.ㅎ )
And you're the first anon to choose a theme on my blog! Thank you! I'm going to create a tag for any anons that choose a character or emoji, so you'll be the first ໒꒰ྀི∩˃ ᵕ ˂∩꒱ྀི১
And I'm glad you were able to relate to my character, I myself (while not a hypochondriac) am a sort of germphobe, but I do have my moments where I freak out and think I'm going to die over something small.
Also, I'm AceAro, so I never really thought about shipping before since romance isn't always my ideal situation, but I'm not against it at all! If anyone were to ship my characters with each other or with an MHA character, I'd totally allow it since they're most likely just having fun (minus the kids, that might get a little weird).
That being said, I haven't thought about how far their quirk can go into detail, as I've been focusing on the other characters backgrounds, so it was left as a sort of template. I actually came up with the drawbacks and limitations of their quirk very recently, so if you have an idea or just want to add something small then feel to to tell me!
Also, I'm going to get rather excited about their quirk, so I'm sorry if I ramble! I'm just a huge biology/biotech nerd \_(-ロдロ-)
- Quirk:
Disease manipulation: The ability to control disease inside or outside of a person/animal. Can control movement, spread, division, and others.
✧*̣̩⋆̩☽ Drawbacks / Limits ✧*̣̩⋆̩☽
Physical strain: The ability to control diseases takes a physical toll on their body, causing them to become exhausted or even collapse after using their power too much.
Limited control: Sora can only control diseases to a certain extent. They cannot create new diseases or completely eradicate existing ones.
Moral and ethical considerations: The ability to manipulate diseases can be seen as unethical or even evil, especially if used to harm others.
Unintended consequences: Sora's actions may have unintended consequences, such as accidentally creating a superbug or virus that is resistant to all known treatments.
Difficulty with non-living surfaces: Sora may have difficulty manipulating diseases on non-living surfaces, such as objects or clothing.
Inability to control all diseases: Some diseases may be resistant to Sora's quirk, making it difficult or impossible to control them.
Sora's quirk is highly dependent on their own immune system; if they get sick or injured, their quirk weakens or disappears altogether temporarily.
They experience intense pain and discomfort whenever they manipulate diseases past their limit, making it difficult to use their quirk for extended periods of time.
Sora can only control one disease at a time, and must fully focus their attention on it to maintain control. If their attention is split their quirk's effect can lose strength.
Sora's quirk can be disrupted or negated by various medical treatments or procedures, such as vaccines, antibiotics, or chemotherapy. It all depends on the context.
Their quirk is heavily influenced by their emotional state; if they become stressed or anxious, their ability may become erratic or uncontrollable. This is why they're working on controlling their hypochondriac tendencies, because they can't use their quirk very much because of it.
Sora is unable to control certain types of diseases, such as those caused by genetic disorders or environmental factors.
Their quirk can be dangerous or even lethal if used improperly, and they must exercise extreme caution and restraint when manipulating disease
Sora's ability to control a disease is limited by the pathogen's replication rate. If the pathogen replicates too quickly, they may be unable to keep up with its spread and control it.
Sora's quirk can only manipulate diseases that are currently in their active phase; they cannot control latent or dormant infections.
Their quirk has a limited effect on diseases that have already caused irreversible damage to the body, such as chronic conditions or organ failure. They can only control the diseases, they can't reverse anything the diseases might've done.
Sora's quirk can only be effective against diseases that are currently recognized by modern medicine, and may not work against newly emerging pathogens or rare diseases. However, if they have a steady knowledge of any be disease, they can control it better. Then again, if there's an already established disease that they happen to know little too nothing about, they can't control it at all, or at least will struggle in an attempt.
Their quirk may have unintended consequences, such as creating drug-resistant strains of a disease or inadvertently spreading the disease to others.
。o♡o。Uses and Benefits 。o♡o。
Quick Explanation: Since Sora's quirk has so many limitations and risks, they normally only use it when absolutely needed, or if there's minimal risk involved. Since they're a well educated medic, they have other alternative methods of treatment.
In emergency situations where traditional medical treatment is unavailable, Sora could use their quirk to control the spread of infectious diseases within a patient's body, potentially preventing the disease from becoming fatal.
They could use their quirk to manipulate diseases in laboratory settings, allowing for more targeted research and development of vaccines and treatments for infectious diseases
In situations where quarantine is necessary, Sora could use their quirk to control the spread of a disease within a confined space, potentially limiting the number of people who become infected.
They could use their quirk to manipulate diseases as a form of biocontrol, targeting pests or invasive species that are causing harm to ecosystems or agricultural crops.
In situations where traditional treatments have failed, they could use their quirk to manipulate the disease within a patient's body as a last resort, potentially saving their life.
Sora could use their quirk to manipulate diseases as a means of tracking the spread and transmission of infectious diseases, potentially providing valuable data for epidemiological studies.
They could use their quirk to manipulate diseases to provide symptomatic relief for patients, such as reducing inflammation or fever in cases where traditional treatments are unavailable or ineffective.
If there is a new disease, they naturally wouldn't know much about it. But if they do, it wouldn't matter if it was new or not, they'd still be able to use their quirk on it
They cannot completely eradicate a disease, they can only control it. There is a loophole, though. Say Sora is trying to help a cancer patient. For those that don't know, cancer cells are normal human cells that mutated and went uncontrolled. Since they can control disease how they wish with enough information on it, they could force the cancerous cells to undergo apoptosis (programmed cell death). Or they could mess with the diseased cells homeostasis or osmotic pressure, and make them burst or crumple inwards. Or they could do the opposite and make sick cells healthy again.
If there overall isn't much data on a disease and they happen to know the small amount that was discovered, they'd still not be able to do anything, since they need a vast understanding of the disease.
They're quirk greatly ties with their mental knowledge and state
To answer your questions, say there's a kid with asthma (like you asked). They can only control the disease, but not the damage already done. If they know a lot about asthma, they could prevent it while the person is near them so the patient can undergo treatment, or thi could prevent it from getting worse if the patient wasn't going to get treatment at the time (with the wide world of quirks, I'd imagine there's going to be numerous medical advancements and techniques)
Overall, I'm glad that my character was able to make you so happy! I never thought anything I could do would have that effect (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
I'm sorry to hear about your hypochondriac issues, but since I don't have any experience with it I'd be glad if you offered some insight as to what's it's like since I'd like to write Sora's character realistically. ( ˙˘˙* )
If you have anymore questions, feedback, or suggestions, please don't hesitate to send in another ask! I always look forward to seeing anything in my inbox, really (⁠๑⁠¯⁠◡⁠¯⁠๑⁠)
I'm thinking about drawing them more often when I have the energy. If I do, I could let you know! If you want to know anything else about Sora or if I post something about them, I could always tag it with your emoji, your choice!
Sorry if that was long, I got a little excited (⁠─⁠.⁠─⁠|⁠|⁠)
Please have a lovely day, and don't hesitate to submit any thoughts! Thank you so much!  
 ( ・ω・)
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saraanseo · 3 months
 Cut in Hair Expansions - Lovely Outcome or Promoting Publicity?
 Cut in Hair Expansions - Lovely Outcome or Promoting Publicity?
What are cut in hair expansions and how are they connected?
Cut in expansions are awesome to immediately transform your hair into delightful streaming locks. However, obviously, on the drawback, they must be taken out by the day's end. So cut ins are really great for a party, an extraordinary date or just at whatever point you need to appear to be unique for a couple of hours. They are a lot less expensive than salon-made long-lasting hair expansions. Another benefit is that cut ins don't harm your own hair in any capacity.
Quality hair augmentations are a few strands of hair, each connected separately. Normally 3-or 4-inch wide pieces go on the rear of your head in a few layers, and two or three 1-or 2-inch wide pieces are placed on the sides. As the name proposes, each strand is attaché to your own hair with a clasp. With a tad of work on, cutting the expansions in turns out to be fairly simple and requires a couple of moments. Taking them off is considerably simpler. Ready to ship braided wigs
You can for the most part see as 14", 16" and 18" cut in augmentations. Anything longer puts an excessive amount of strain on your own hair. See photographs of ladies wearing clasp in human hair augmentations
Who can wear cut in augmentations?
Cut in expansions are appropriate for individuals whose normal hair is mid length or longer. Assuming you have medium length hair, expansions can make it longer. On the off chance that you have long however extremely fine hair, or your hair isn't in its best condition, cut in hair expansions are an extraordinary method for carrying extravagance and completion to your hair.
In any case, cut in expansions won't work for ladies with extremely short hair. Augmentations possibly look normal when they are blended in with your regular hair, so assuming your hair is short, individuals will see that you are wearing expansions. Assuming you have a short hair style, yet are passing on for long locks, purchase a hairpiece that is comparative in variety to your regular hair. Excellent originators hairpieces look extremely regular - no one will figure that you are wearing a hairpiece except if you tell them. In the event that a hairpiece isn't for you, then, at that point, you can go for salon-made hair expansions that are twisted or stuck to your own hair. These stay in for quite some time, however cost essentially more than cut ins.
Do cut in expansions look regular?
It relies upon the nature of expansions you get. In the first place, you ought to realize that hair augmentations can be produced using regular human hair or from manufactured filaments. I will tell the truth: manufactured hair expansions are modest, however you get precisely exact thing you pay for. They simply don't look right. Great human fastener in augmentations, then again, seem as though they develop from your own head.
On the off chance that you look on the web, you will track down many brands of clasp in expansion. It is ideal to go for a notable creator of hair-pieces and expansions, like Diva in a Container, PutOnPieces or Raquel Welch. See pictures of clasp in hair expansions (will be a connection) from various brands.
Since the expansions are blended in with your own hair, variety matching is vital. Also, fortunately human fastener in augmentations can be shaded to match your own hair tone precisely. Nonetheless, I wouldn't suggest doing that at home - shading your augmentations at the salon is better. You can likewise utilize hot iron on the human hair expansions to twist them a bit.
What amount do they cost?
The expense differs incredibly, contingent upon the material. Engineered hair augmentations will cost you under $100. For a genuine human hair expansions, you could pay from $200 to $400. In any case, you can help great limits through web-based hair augmentations and hairpieces shops
Cut in hair expansions can be genuine tomfoolery. They will assist you with making an alternate picture quickly, which is vital for a bustling current lady.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
You have too many posts for me to go through and see if it's been talked about before, so apologies if I'm treading old ground here, but what are your thoughts on adding "incest" as a major archive warning? I'd personally like to have an easier way to filter out incest, especially in fandoms with fandom specific tags (BLMatsu comes to mind).
I could see it being used in the same vein as the rape/non-con tag, where people use it to be overly cautious of any consent issues, or in an AU where the characters aren't related, which are both things which could be clarified by additional tags. Which would help increase the sensitivity of the tag filters for people who don't want anything to do with it.
I say this because I feel like incest, much like rape and underage, can evoke that immediate "nope!" response that could warrant a major warning. It would also be relatively easy to look at a ship and go "yes they're related-please tag", or "not considered incest in this culture (ie. some cousin incest)-tag preferred but optional" in the same vein as "A is 18 and B is 17 and 11 months-underage tag optional but preferred"
Obviously, as it's something I would like to see, I can see way more benefits to doing this than not. Are there any major reasons (other than time/cost) that you think this would be a bad or inadvisable idea? Issues to iron out?
My thoughts are: "Too bad for you".
The main archive warnings were picked based on:
What was widespread on other archives of the past
What was easy to enforce
Keeping the list very short so it did not place an undue burden on posters
Incest is something that should be guessable from the ship. It's also culturally defined and annoying to enforce. You think it's easy to decide when first cousin ships count?!
There's no chance it's going to get added as a mandatory archive warning.
Increasing the sensitivity of the tag filters is not a priority of AO3. Being pretty okay for a wide swath of fandom, from people who like lots of warnings to people who like literally no warnings, was the aim.
If B is 17 and 11 months and you go out of your way to point this out in the fic, the underage tag is required if they're fucking on page. Under 18. That's the rule.
The main drawback of any mandatory labeling is that having to think about metadata is always a burden on the poster. It may not always outweigh other concerns, but the more you make people think about their headers/tags/etc., the more of a chilling effect that has on people posting at all.
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