#I also had a 9-5 on Saturday for musical things as well
nami-moittli · 7 months
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Maybe showing off how Azul came running home with my first single key (before I even did the free ten pull they give you) will make me not want to cry anymore!
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fatkish · 6 months
Aizawa x Autistic cat-quirk Reader 3/3 NSFW
Part 2:
Part 1:
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(Art not mine again, I found it on Pinterest)
As you and Aizawa got further into your relationship eventually you moved into his apartment. Aizawa was more than happy to be able to come home to you and be able to spend his time with you without having to worry about meeting up or making time to go anywhere. Since you moved in with Aizawa there are things you did specifically to help accommodate your needs. Aizawa gave you full support and permission to do whatever you needed to make his home yours as well.
A few of the changes you made were installing various hide boxes that you placed around your’s and Shouta’s house/apartment, they have little cat beds inside and a curtain covering the entrance to them.
The boxes are actually color coded based on how you’re feeling and how one should interact with you.
Green means you’re feeling good and are happy to interact, yellow means you’re a little anxious but are up for snuggles, red means you’re overwhelmed and leave you alone.
Aizawa’s other cats liked the hide boxes so you made bigger ones and helped him create an exercise course for his cats to use that runs along the walls
There is also a small water fountain that you placed in Aizawa’s apartment for his cats to drink from, you replace the water every day and wipes it down to clean it
You’ve also put brushes on the sides of certain furniture, walls, and on the cat’s towers. These brushes help you as well as Aizawa’s cats with grooming and helps reduce the amount of hair on everything and the amount of hairballs. The brushes are easy to clean and remove hair from. The cats just have to rub themselves against it and it brushes their fur collecting any loose hair.
As you both began sleeping in the same house/apartment Aizawa has gotten to see a lot more of your unfiltered self.
Sometimes when you’re completely in the Autistic zone you’ll just lay on his chest and lick Aizawa’s stubble whenever he’s laying down. You’ve explained to him that sometimes you just have an unstoppable urge to lick him and that you enjoy the feeling of his stubble. You apologized for it but he doesn’t mind it and lets you just follow your instincts.
While he was asleep you had played with his scarf and got tangled in it only for him to wake up to you yowling and angry, he laughed as he untangled you
Sometimes you’ll use cat behaviors to express yourself without words. One of the ways is when you make biscuits: you’ll do this whenever you’re happy in both cat and human form. Sometimes you don’t even realize you’re doing it.
another thing is Bunting: (y/n)’ll rub on Aizawa and leaves their scent on him every time he leaves the house (hound dog thought an intruder got inside UA and tracked the scent only to find Aizawa. He explained that a cat quirked friend rubbed their scent on him and that’s what inui is smelling)
Eventually Aizawa had to introduce you to his friends. At first when you met Hizashi you were spooked by his loud voice and even puffed up your fur with your back arched hissing at him.
After a bit you got used to his presence and carefully approached him. The moment he started scratching your head and giving you pets you folded and that’s when you both became friends.
After having known him for awhile you and Hizashi worked together to create a cat music playlist for his radio station. They created “cat radio: the 9 to 5 station for your feline friend” the station plays music for cats created by various artists and plays Monday to Saturday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
You gave him a list of sounds that cats enjoy and he mixed them together and created a rhythm that sounded almost like human music.
Whenever they hang out he plays his newest pieces for them and they tell him what they think and if it could be improved.
Sometimes on Sundays, Hizashi and reader will accept calls to the studio or will open emails/letters from the listeners of the cat radio channel and reader will answer the listener’s questions about their cats and give advice as well as help the listeners understand their cats and somewhat translate for the cat(s) using their quirk’s ability to communicate with cats. Sometimes they have special guests such as veterinarians to answer questions and discuss cat things.
After some time (y/n) eventually met Nemuri as well. Nemuri immediately fell in love with (y/n) and quickly became their relationship coach. Whenever you’re having issues or need help with anything you call Nemuri for advice. She’s the one who helped Aizawa with the more intimate aspects of your relationship.
One time as a joke, Hizashi gave (y/n) catnip just to see what they’d do, only for them to get really horny and tackle Aizawa when he got home.
They kept biting him and eventually he had to lock them in a room to relieve their urges with the help of some ‘toys’ and needless to say, Aizawa was extremely exhausted afterwards but enjoyed tying his little kitten up.
However after that he never allowed catnip near them again unless (y/n) agreed beforehand due to how it makes them feel
When they get frisky in bed Aizawa will often bite the back of their neck where they have a human scruff, the skin there is just more loose and stretchy.
He will also make sounds like a seductive growl or rumbling when he bites it. This causes reader to become completely relaxed and intensifies their physical sensitivities as well as their 5 senses when they’re having sex.
You also experiences heats instead of periods(for you girls). (Boys experience heats too)
During this time you become especially sensitive and horny. Aizawa will mark and track the days leading to your heat so he can prepare for it.
He has bought various toys that he can control from his phone as well as a teddy bear that he recorded messages on for you to listen to his voice when he isn’t home and you need to relieve yourself
A lot of the messages are dirty talking telling you what he’s going to do to you when he gets home, praises and compliments or just him telling you how much he loves you
“Who’s my pretty little kitty? That feel good? I can’t wait to get home, you’d better prep yourself, because I’m not going give you any time to prepare.”
“Look at you, you’re so wet, such a naughty little kitten, making a mess.”
“You’re such a pretty little kitty, making such cute little noises, I just can’t wait to get home and sink my teeth into you and fuck you all night”
“Face down, ass in the air kitten, you know how I like it”
“Look at this cute little ass, maybe I should tie you up, make you beg for me as I spank you”
“I’m going to make you scream so loud you’re gonna give Hizashi a run for his money.”
“That’s it, good (girl, boy, kitty) go on and purr for me baby let me know how good I’m making you feel.”
“You’re so tight, I love you so much.”
When he does get home during their heats, he’s always happy to help them.
During your heats he’ll give you catnip on occasion as an aphrodisiac to help you when he’s especially tired since it makes you even more sensitive.
After your heats Aizawa will happily snuggle you and help you get around since you’re sore afterwards more often than not.
All in all, your relationship with Aizawa is purrfect, and he couldn’t ask for anything more.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Royal Pain Part 15
Hello!! We slowly but surely cranking up the tension between the two boys and it's going to be delicious.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14
Eddie had every intention of telling Steve about Seth Thursday, but he was thwarted by Robin.
Steve was running a little behind because a tattoo was taking a little longer than he thought it would, so Eddie was in the waiting area for his turn.
“So, don’t blame Miranda for this,” Robin began with a wince. “But she told me about Seth.”
Eddie took a deep breath. “I’m a little disappointed she told you, but I can’t say I’m surprised. Mandy likes to talk.”
Robin hurried around the desk and knelt in front of him. “I only bring it up, because I have a different opinion about telling Steve.”
Eddie frowned. “What do you mean?”
“I’m not against it as a whole,” she said gently. “Bad exes are bad business and that kind of shit can ruin things. I’m just saying not today.”
Robin sighed, and sat next to him. “Look, you’re a great guy and I totally ship you and Steve. But don’t you think it’s a little early for the seven evil exes talk?”
Eddie snorted. “Thankfully only the one.”
She nodded. “I don’t think you should hide it from him. I’m not saying that at all. I’m just saying have more fun with each other before you going trauma dumping.”
“But I–”
“Want to move slow and don’t know how to say that without trauma dumping?” she finished for him.
He waved his hand in front of him. “Yeah, that.”
She nodded, putting her hand on his shoulder. “Just say you had a rough go at dating the last couple of years and just want to go slow. He’ll understand. Okay?” Eddie nodded. Robin paused for a moment. “And also maybe not do it while you’re in the middle of a literal business transaction.”
Eddie mouthed the word, ‘oh.’ “Point taken. I keep making mistakes like that.”
“That’s because your job isn’t usual,” she explained. “Getting up on stage and playing music for hoards of people every weekend for cash is the dream for a lot of people, but other than the bar owner you really don’t have a boss and your co-workers are your best friends.”
Eddie laughed. He hadn’t heard what he did described that way before, but it was true. His job wasn’t normal, but even though the product wasn’t the usual thing, what Steve and Robin did was essentially retail. They provided a service to a consumer at a price.
He smiled. “Point well and truly made. Thank you. I probably would have fucked it up between us again if I told him about Seth while sharp needles were near my person.”
Robin cocked her head. “That too. I keep saying it but seriously I’m Team Steddie, okay? But Steve has never been wooed and doesn’t know what to do when someone is interested, just at a different speed then he’s used to going.”
Eddie played with his rings. “Steve’s never been wooed?”
Robin shook her head. “Even when he was dating men, they always seemed to expect Steve doing all the romancing. That’s why he forgave you so easily. You went out of your way to remember things about him that even he had forgotten himself. That’s a really big deal for him.”
Eddie blushed. “Jeff and Mandy said to go big, so I just did what I would have wanted to get as an apology.”
She hugged him. “I’ll be sure to tell him that if he ever needs to apology to you.”
Eddie leaned his head back. “Let’s pray he never has to, yeah?”
Robin nodded. “And look, you have this shitty past that means you want to take it as slow and steady as you can but don’t want to hurt his feelings and lose your chance with him. Does that sound about right?”
Eddie took a deep breath and let out with a shuddering sigh. “That about sums it up, yeah.”
She let him go and he slumped against the back of the chair.
“So this is what we’ll do,” Robin said with a small smile. “You’ll hold off telling Steve until Saturday after the gig. Probably on the way to the club and then have a good time with each other knowing you two like each other. How does that sound?”
“Yeah, okay,” Eddie said, his voice shaking a bit.
She patted his hand. “Let me go see how much longer he’s going to be, because we might have to reschedule.”
He nodded.
She got up and went back to Steve’s room. She came out a minute later.
“He’s pissed it’s taking so long to get the colors right,” she informed him. “So because he has to reschedule, he’s willing to do it Sunday before he goes over to Dustin and Suzie’s.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide. “He doesn’t have to do that.”
“I think I pretty much established how much he wants to be with you dude,” Robin told him. “So come to the shop around noon and he’ll work on your tattoo.”
“Yeah, okay,” he breathed. “I’ll you guys there at the bar on Saturday?”
“Yup,” she said cheerfully. “Me and Chrissy will be dressed appropriately. Steve will continue being Steve.”
Eddie shoved his hair in front of his face. “Which is one of the reasons I like him.”
She grinned, wrinkling her nose. “Sap. Now get out of here before you get it all over the floor.”
Eddie laughed. “Yeah, yeah. See you Saturday.”
Robin shooed him out of the shop to his laughter.
“I’ve never seen two stupider people in my life,” Erica said, leaning against the wall to the hallway that led to her and the other apprentices’ rooms.
Robin looked over at her with an even bigger grin. “Well, they are men.”
Erica bobbed her head back and forth. “That’s fair.” She walked back into her room and Robin followed her to check on Argyle and Chrissy.
“How goes the practice?” she asked Chrissy from the doorway.
Chrissy looked up and smiled. “I think I’m getting the hang of knowing how deep I’m going.”
Robin smiled back. “That’s great. I’m glad you’re finally getting the hang of it.”
“Steve a really good teacher,” she said. “I’ve learned so much since I started here and it hasn’t even been a whole week.”
Robin chuckled. “He’s like that. That’s why I love him.”
“How long have you guys been friends?” Chrissy asked. “Because I know you guys weren’t friends in high school.”
Robin laughed. “Actually we were. If you count the last half of his senior year and he absolutely does.”
“You guys don’t look like you could have been friends in any life time if I’m honest,” Chrissy admitted.
Robin cocked her head and shrugged. She moved further into the room. “Everyone says that, but they forget I was in marching band and soccer in high school. It’s not as though we’re complete opposites.”
“That’s true I guess,” Chrissy agreed. “You said your first job together burned down?”
Robin grinned. “Oh yeah. I’ll tell you about it later, I really have to get back up front.” She hesitated before turning on heel and scrambling out of the room, nearly hitting her head on the door frame.
Chrissy giggled.
Steve was vibrating in his seat at the table in front of the stage. Apparently, this table was reserved for friends of the band. The only reason Mandy didn’t show them to it last time was because she knew how loud it could be and didn’t want to scare them away their first night.
So now he can see every drop of sweat, every lip quiver, every finger placement. He gulped. He really wished that he had the foresight to sit in the back curve of the table and not the front. His brain was running a full commentary of all the things Steve found gross to keep his dick under control.
Steve was pretty sure he failed when he caught Jeff’s smirk. He was going to die. There was nothing for it. He was going to spontaneously combust, right here in the middle of this lovely bar.
And then Eddie winked. Steve let his eyelids flutter closed and tilted his head back in agony. He was grateful that was the song was the last in their set, because he was about to burst.
He stayed polite and waited for them to exit stage left, before he ran to the restroom. He ran into a stall and with two quick pumps he was coming into a bit of toilet paper. He carefully cleaned up and walked back out there a lot calmer, but embarrassed to the hilt.
Thankfully it was only the girls waiting for him and only Robin gave him a sly side eye about his mad dash to the restroom. So he was grateful for that. He just knew he was going to hear about it when he got home.
Finally band came out and Steve was relieved to see that Eddie had changed into something a little less ‘sex on legs’ and a little more ‘not kill Steve’.
Eddie looked good. He always did. But damn, that outfit he wore tonight on stage was a heart attack wrapped in leather and mesh.
“You guys ready for the club?” Gareth asked, bouncing on the balls on his feet.
Steve laughed. “I’m glad you guys had fun last time. But yeah, I’m ready.”
There were nods and agreements across the board.
“So where are we going?” Chrissy asked as they filed out into the parking lot.
“We decided to walk this time,” Jeff said. “It’s not very far and not worth the gas it would take to get there.”
Robin hopped up and down. “It’s this nifty little club that Stevie and I found when we first moved to Indy. It’s not strictly a gay club but it’s very friendly. It’s called Rainbow High and it has the best cocktail called Evita and it has...”
Steve tuned her out as she rattled on to Chrissy about the club with a fond shake of his head.
Eddie sidled up to him and nudged him with his shoulder. “I think your girl has a crush.”
Steve looked back up at the two girls walking in front of him. He huffed out a laugh. “Yeah. I think she does, poor Miranda.”
Eddie threw his head back and laughed. “I think she’ll live not being pursued by a Robin.”
They walked in silence a moment or two.
“God,” Eddie said, tilting his head back and rolling his shoulders, “it feels good to go out and not have to look over my shoulder every minute of every day.”
“Crazy fan or evil ex?” Steve asked lightly, trying to keep the concern out of his voice. In the back of his mind he kept chanting, go slow, go slow, go slow.
Eddie scoffed. “I’ve had both unfortunately, but no this one is an evil ex.”
Steve winced. “That’s rough. Nothing like a bad ex to make you want to run for the hills. It must take a lot of courage to keep taking a step forward every day.”
Eddie blushed. “I sometimes still feel like a coward, breaking it off with him, but everyone else in my life tells me I did the right thing.”
Steve took Eddie’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “Sometimes it’s hard to see how bad it looks in front of us, until someone else shows you.”
Eddie squeezed his hand back before reluctantly letting go. “You sound like you know from experience.”
Steve nodded. “My parents, unfortunately.” He ran thumb over the warmth Eddie’s hand left behind in his palm. “It wasn’t until Robin pulled me aside and made examine the relationships her and most of my other friends had with their parents and see that how they treated me wasn’t right.”
“That why you two ran away together?” Eddie teased.
Steve laughed. “Something like that. Her parents were really supportive.” He watched as his best friend laughed and made wild hand gestures for a moment. “Sometimes we think they love me more than they love her.”
Eddie leaned in close. “What’s not to love?”
Steve blushed.
Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk​ @renaissan-vvitch @goodolefashionedloverboi @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @aizawa-emma @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @yikes-a-bee @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @archermightbegay @hallucinatedjosten @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bestwifehaver @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx
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amethystina · 11 months
I was tagged by @a-very-fond-farewell! Thank you so much darling 💜
1. Last song: Shishen Take On the Challenge from The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity soundtrack (which I paid a small fortune to get my hands on so you bet I've been listening to it almost non-stop ever since. The music is SO FUCKING GOOD OKAY)
2. Favorite color: Purple — which I feel should come as a surprise to no one xD
3. Currently watching: The Killing Vote, because I apparently need more dramas where the Korean public is allowed to vote on whether or not to execute people. Quite enjoying it so far! The characters are a hoot xD And I'm curious to see what they do with the Kwon Seok Joo dude.
I also just started The Guest because I want to watch it before they remove it from Netflix but BOI. That's not one I'll be able to binge, that's for sure. Horror is great but also, well, terrifying x'D
Though, I must say, I might have to take a detour and rewatch the Along With the Gods movies. I've been meaning to do so for ages and seeing Kim Dong Wook in The Guest makes the urge even stronger. Because, let me tell you, I'm SO EAGER to rewatch the movies and observe the characters now that I've seen the twist at the end of the second movie. A twist I figured out before I actually reached the reveal, sure, but I don't think that's a bad thing? Like, for real, guys. The AUDIBLE GASP I let out when I realised what the twist was going to be and then got to sit there and see it slowly dawn on the other characters? BEAUTIFUL. And it CHANGES SO MUCH. Like, I need to rewatch them because so much of what I thought I knew is now a lie! Circumstances have changed! My initial analysis might be wrong! Characters I thought I knew are now completely different! I need to do more research! I NEED TO KNOW.
(This is what happens when your brain works like mine. And one day I might tell you all about why Kang Yo Han is such a fascinating character to me, because, let me tell you, I've rarely seen a character remain so solid in his characterisation even through the kind of reveals we're given in the drama. It's fucking SPECTACULAR)
4. Currently reading: Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (I do it in bursts because it's not the kind of book I can just binge, okay? x'D), We Have Always Lived In the Castle by Shirley Jackson (I would have finished this LONG ago if it didn't give me so much anxiety (but in a good way?)) and Eld by Mats Strandberg and Sara Bergman Elfgren (though I should probably start over on this one since I was very distracted when I read the first chapter)
5. Last movie: No Regret, because why not dabble in older Korean LGBTQ+ content? It was a ride, that's for sure xD And the next movie will be The World to Come (also one I want to watch before it's removed from Netflix)
6. Sweet/spicy/savory: Either sweet or savoury — it depends on my mood, really.
7. Relationship status: Married! :D
8. Current obsession: I'm not sure if I have one right now? Though I am hoping to get back on track with that diorama thing soon. I've almost collected all the materials I need! I just need fake foliage (preferably red) and I'm going to try and buy that either tomorrow or on Saturday.
9. Last thing you googled? Why my phone kept taking only green photos. And everyone kept telling me I shouldn't have unlocked the bootloader (which I don't think can be done by accident and I sure as hell haven't done it intentionally) so in the end I just restarted it and now it works just fine xD
10. Selfie: I don't really take selfies but here's a cropped version of a drawing WIP of mine.
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If you know, you know ;)
(... LOOK, the suspender-pulling had to happen eventually, okay?)
11. Currently working on: Chapter 5 of A New Dawn (Begins With Us) and, after that, it'll be either chapter 37 of Who Holds the Devil or maybe the sequel to Gravitational Pull which I'm STILL struggling to find the time to work on. I'm also working on, like, six different drawings simultaneously. Because why make things easy for myself?
Tagging: Whoever wants to do it! Tell me about yourself! :D
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putschki1969 · 1 year
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AnimagiC 2023 Updates
Sorry for the lack of updates on this one. I had honestly given up on going to the convention quite soon after the initial excitement of the announcement had settled. I realised that I definitely wouldn't be enjoying myself at an event like that so there was no point in even considering it. In retrospect, I'm kinda glad that I gave up on the idea since their program isn't too exciting. The official program (DOWNLOAD PDF pamphlet HERE) has been released a couple of days ago and it honestly leaves a lot to be desired.
As expected, Yuki Kajiura and FictionJunction are the main event with their 20:45 show on Friday evening at the convention's biggest hall, Mozartsaal. The 30-minute concert will take place right after the big opening ceremony so I imagine the hall will be incredibly crowded. Since the opening ceremony also includes an introduction of all the major German and Japanese guests, you should definitely be there for that as well if you want to catch a glimpse of Yuki and the girls before the actual live show.
Interestingly enough, they don't have any activities scheduled for Saturday. The main event on Saturday is dedicated to SACRA MUSIC with ASCA and ReoNa being the biggest names among the appearing artists. In some way, shape or form they are both YK/Kalafina adjacent so this could be interesting to fans.
Then on Sunday, YK and FJ are once again the main event since they get to perform at 16:30 in the big hall right before the closing ceremony (for which you can expect them to make an appearance as well).
I'm surprised there are no panels or signing sessions planned for them but then again, I feel like those are not really a thing any more at AnimagiC. Only a couple of high-profile guests have a proper signing session scheduled, the rest of them won't even be present for the "autograph-handover".
If you have already secured a ticket and are planning to go, this post is of course not meant to discourage you. I'm sure their performances will be pretty epic and totally worth the ticket price. Especially for those among you who won't get the chance to travel to Japan any time soon. The pre-sale for tickets has closed a while back but if you live nearby, you could always try to buy tickets on the day of the event. They end the pre-sale early to have enough tickets available for the on-site sale. However, that's not to say that the tickets won't sell out quickly once people start arriving so you better get there bright and early. Sales start at 9:00 on Friday (long before the convention opens its doors to visitors which is at 13:00).
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YKL#18 Rehearsal Pics
Tweet 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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stygianheart · 1 year
I was tagged by the wonderful @luffysfakebeard for this 15 questions and 15 mutual thing and was desperate to do anything but what I was doing, so, yeah.
1. Are you named after anyone?
No, but my name WAS supposed to be Rowan! Which is a cool name, I’ll be honest.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Uhhh… two Saturday’s ago? Yeah.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope! Don’t know if I ever want them either. I don’t get along with kids.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Kinda? Like, 50% of the time. I also say stuff ironically.
5. What sports do you play/have played?
Well, I’m on a bowling team, and I used to play soccer. (Though soccer was just for fun.)
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
That’s a hard question. Probably what they’re wearing or what their face looks like. When I’m talking to them, I take notice whether they try to keep a conversation going or if they just let it die.
7. What’s your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
50/50! I love to watch horror movies from 12-3 AM, but I also love it when movies end in a happy way.
9. Any special talents?
I play 5 instrument!! I’m surprisingly good at physics, and I know a lot about mythology. And writing, I’m apparently good at that.
10. Where were you born?
Texas, yeehaw 🤠🤠
11. What are your hobbies?
Oh there’s a lot! Reading, writing, playing music, binge watching a show/movie, bowling, drawing, playing chess (I suck at it) doing puzzles, and researching mythology are among my hobbies.
12. Do you have any pets?
3, as of now! All dogs. Two are Australian shepherds (Viv, who is 4, and Jackson, who’s 15 or 16) and our spawn of Beezlebub, Molly (the chihuahua, she’s 14.)
13. How tall are you?
Short enough to be the center of all the height jokes. (I’m below 5’5”.)
14. Favorite subject in school?
English, it’s always been the class I’m best in. Though Junior year in high school, I EXCELLED at physics, oddly enough.
15. Dream Job?
Since I was 5, I wanted to be a pediatric cardiac surgeon. Then I realized sometime in High School how much work goes into that, said “uh, yeah no, thanks” and decided I want to be a writer. And so that’s what I am!
Anyway, 15 mutual will now be tagged (I didn’t know I had that many, but then again, I follow anyone who follows me, so…)
@art-by-tragic-lauren-098 @the-real-koi-fish @luffysfakebeard @mahapdi @xzcopycat @niche-bitch @howcomethatthisishappening @onepieceloverandwriter @worldblight @minaseb @vixalorvixen @cherolsstuff @davidlovesyousm @alazystranger @froggos-are-superior
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lwt28brave · 2 years
drop your favorite lyric from each fitf song and let us see if you have taste or not!
Thanks @faithinlouisfuture, @polaroidplanets and @fruitylouis for the tag ily ♥ (look at me begging to be tagged and still doing this three days later..... anyway).
The Greatest
Back dancin' in the dark Back to the very start Findin' pieces that can fit Making up for what we missed
I see this song as being about us and I don't think I'll ever see it in a different way. He had a plan, COVID ruined it, we disappeared for a while... but when together again we're the greatest! With this lot behind me, I need you, you need me... So at the end of the day, it's back to the start, trying to make up for the missed opportunities but doing it together ♥
(You can disagree just know you won't change my mind)
2. Written all over your face
It's hard enough to get you sober Got no chance if I'm hungover I ain't even woken up yet Not nearly vertical All I know is I'm in trouble 'Cause the atmosphere's so cold, so
I'm horny, you're horny. We're all horny. Louis is not nearly vertical, but I volunteer to be horizontal with him.
3. Bigger Than Me
So come on, call me "liar" Yeah, you're so quick to judge
We are quick to judge. We did get Change studio version after all. It was in the album.
4. Lucky Again
'Cause I'm a hard man to lose But I figured it out, then made my way back To a life I would choose
I'm not the biggest fan of this song's lyrics. We don't vibe. But since I interpreted this line as introspective and like losing yourself inside of your head and then having to figure yourself out again... I'm going with this.
5. Face the music
Close your eyes and count to ten If you're standin' on the edge of fallin' Open up and looking down Everything that matters is forgotten
Do I know what he's saying? Not really. Do I think that he snaps? Yes. Absolutely. Probably something along the lines of take a deep breath and your fears/anxieties will disappear for a moment so you can enjoy here and now? Can't relate.
6. Chicago
Just because it didn't work doesn't mean it's meaningless to me
I think the idea is cute. You don't have to hate your exes (and even if this is about old friends written with a romantic tone, same goes, just because you and a friend are not speaking anymore it doesn't mean your friendship was less valid).
7. All This Time
When it gets cold Oh, sometimes, sometimes, you lose your hope But the friends we make, the love it takes It's worth, it's worth, it's worth the pain The friends we make, the love it takes It's worth, it's worth, it's worth it all this time
This could be about life in general and it would still break me to pieces but i feel like this is about art. About creating something, about pouring your heart (the love it takes) into a dream... and even if it's hard, it's worth it.
8. Out Of My System
With me, I know you wanna come with me Take anything you can carry And leave everythin' else behind
First of all, yes. But also, we're heading to a disaster because that's who we are so why not stick together.
9. Headline
So fast to judge in error, you thought you knew me better
Pretty straight-forward, but yeah. I really like the meaning of this song bc I feel like it can be understood as both "you used to know me really well and you stopped trying" or as "you never bothered and always stuck to this super stereotyped, first look (headline) idea of me in your brain" and both situations it's always the other person fault so... yes. Growth. Not taking the blame.
10. Saturdays
Somethin' about the way The light catches the mirror in my brain It gives me shade
This is very poetic. Pretty words. Very deep on the introspective side again, how you see your actions reflected on your head.
11. Silver Tongues
I love all the things you know
It's been so hard to pick just one ;;__;; I love, love, love Silver Tongues so much. I adore the fact that there're songs in this album that are so clearly about platonic love and friendship and community and ♥… Okay, clearly I need to ramble about this song on a post of it's own. For me this is what love is about TALK TO ME FOR HOURS ABOUT SHOWS I HAVEN'T SEEN AND VIDEOGAMES I'LL NEVER PLAY AND YOUR FAVORITE SCIENTIFIC THEORY AND I'LL LISTEN. BECAUSE IT MAKES YOU HAPPY!
12. She is beauty we are world class
Conversation is currency Shapes become a language Square eyes and sunglasses Finding faces in the trees Fabricated fairytales Bring a new world to life Sit down, sit down in the space and time
I think this is the time and place to admit I've never been high. Never tried dr*gs, not even we*d. So I don't think I get this song. I don't see what he sees. That being said, the lyricism is starting to grow on me. Floating or whatever.
13. Common People
Common people, not who you know Just how far you're willin' to go If you act like you're one of us Just act like you're one of us
I know I'm about to be jumped for this... this is a sweet song. But a little on the corny, christian rock/country side of the music genre spectrum. I don't know, again, that sense of belonging and community and togetherness I mentioned before.
14. Angels Fly
You'll be okay, we can talk tomorrow I'm on my way with some time to borrow
Some days (most days) you just need Louis Tomlinson to tell you that you'll be okay.
15. Paradise
Lately, lately it's been so easy To see my life completed Instead of half way full
Can't relate. But I'm manifesting. Wish that was me. Like to recast or however that works. The fact that the song that screams Faith in the Future the most is not on the actual album......
16. Holding on to Heartache
There's endless versions of the thing That keeps me driftin' back to darkness
I exercised inhuman levels of restrain by not posting the whole song. This line makes me so sad but it's also so easy to connect with.
17. That's the way love goes
When it cuts you, when you bleed That's when you're feelin' it the most That's the way, that's the way love goes
Ain't this true for every part of life too?? When the feelings are negative they almost drown you, hurt you physically too, they're more intense.
18. High in California
I could just roll the windows down Let the golden hour wash through the room
This song just makes me feels so relaxed, life is easy, there're no problems just sit in the sun and enjoy. I love it.
Tagging: If you wanna do this consider yourself tagged ♥
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dg1010 · 2 years
Community in Orchestra
“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”(John 6:9) For those who don’t know, this verse comes from an infamous story in the bible where Jesus feeds 5000+ people with only five loaves and 2 fish. Being part of a Christian community for my whole life, I was able to learn so many things, especially when it comes to music. One thing that really stuck with me as I was growing up was the ability to learn and play the violin. With many other people, within my church and people from around the globe, my church was able to form an orchestra group called 5 Loaves & 2 Fish orchestra. Based on the bible verse John chapter 6 verse 9, we wanted to raise people who had an interest in musical instruments to help others in need. It’s been a while since we were to perform, due to Covid, but thinking back to those years really makes me miss my time as I was playing in those concerts. Someone made a video dedicated to us, and watching this video really makes me happy about how much we were able to help others.
To be honest, I think this blog is gonna be a little trip down memory lane and how my experiences made me who I am today. I was able to perform in 5 of the concerts shown here. My review for being part of these concerts can be described in four words: Okay performance, amazing experience. Let me explain.
Performances were ok while playing them in the concerts. Looking back, I think one thing we definitely could’ve done better is practice more. Although we met every Saturday to rehearse, individually, we definitely could have done more. The quote “Practice makes perfect” is definitely something to remember when comes to being part of an orchestra. For example, we played Canon rock and the performance was kind of…eh.
I still remember the time while playing this. I was in the 2nd violin section and I would always be a little behind cause it got fast for me at some parts; I would even skip some notes too if I had to. But so many of us would skip, that it ended up kind of sounding messy. I still remember talking about it with everyone when going backstage during intermission. We always made fun of each other for it. But we did have some good performances as well!. At our 9th concert, we had a singer, named Ahn Se Kwon: 2nd place in Korea’s got talent. I still remember when we played with him, I got goosebumps every time while listening to him. The video doesn't do it justice, but here it is. Start from 22:54 In my opinion, it was one of the best performances I’ve ever played in and it was an honor to play for such an amazing singer. So overall, our performances were ok, not bad. The one thing that I definitely miss is the experience
The experience of just gathering together and practicing, the thoughts in my head while playing, performing for many people, and many more will never leave my memories. I made many friends who I still talk to today and I’ve met amazing, talented people. I remember always complaining about going to rehearsals, but I realize now that I would do anything to rewind time to those moments of just struggling together to pour our hearts out through this music. It made me fall in love with all types of music and made me open to trying out new genres. I think performing in these concerts really showed me that music is more than just sounds and notes. It’s also about passion, heart, and experiences. Music does so much more than just entertain our ears. It brings together a community of people who can relate to each other, work together for a better cause, or just have fun. Overall, being part of the orchestra is probably one of the most precious memories that will be forever with me, because it shaped my view on music from entertainment to ears to a whole new world of creativity and community. If you want to watch a concert, here's a link you can watch. Thanks for reading
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jodilin65 · 35 years
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1989 Once again I’m on the plane and headed home. I can’t wait to see Andy, and I sure miss my music. The only thing that pisses me off is that I’ve got a lousy cold like I knew I’d be getting sooner or later. I just didn’t think I’d get it before going home. I got it the day after my b-day.
Ma gave me lots of clothes and jewelry for Chanukah.
I sang for Dad several times and he says he can definitely picture me on records and tapes someday and he’s got the feeling now stronger than ever that it is my destiny and was meant to be and will happen.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1989 Well, I’m 24 today and I still feel as young and as fit as a really young kid still filled with energy to run around all day and be hyper and obnoxious at times but in a fun way.
I still can breathe so much better here, except it’s still a little rough of course in the mornings and late at night when I’m tired. I feel no loneliness or boredom or anxiety here, but Mom still can be the usual nag she always was.
I was at Ma’s store today helping her out and she gave me a one-piece bathing suit that is pretty, but I’d rather wear a two-piece, so I tan my stomach and don’t look like an Oreo cookie.
Ma’s being a total bitch right now. I could swear she just told Charlotte I looked like a slut on the phone in her bedroom.
Earlier Dad and I fished from the dock and I was able to get a little sun but it’s chilly now.
Dad’s out cooking steaks on the grill.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1989 Today we went to a flea market and I bought a gorgeous bikini that I saw in a catalog for over $40 and it was only $15. It’s almost like a leopard kind of print and it’s a French cut which means it’s high-waisted and makes you look like you’ve got longer legs. It’s cut just perfectly with the perfect fit.
I also got some postcards which I’m gonna write and mail tomorrow and one of those huge elastics with lots of cloth on it. The one I got is blue denim.
And last of all, I got a beautiful necklace. A short thick gold chain with a red shiny glass stone in the front.
Andy called today to say he misses me already and that he’s got the next 5 days off cuz Crosby’s been giving him shit again and he and I are going to the labor board for damn sure. He says he’s so lost and bored without me. I wish he and I could live down here. I told him I could never begin to describe how beautiful it is here and that he’d have to see it for himself, but sure enough, it’s quite chilly today and will be till Wednesday cuz I’m here. Am I cursed or what? Tammy called earlier and was laughing her ass off at me cuz of the weather I have to put up with when I want to lie out in the sun and get a tan and go swimming.
I sang several songs for Dad which he enjoyed and he says he can see me as a singer someday for sure and he also has this feeling I’ll be making big bucks someday and that it was meant to be.
I asked Ma if she thinks I’ll ever have kids and she said she didn’t know.
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1989 Well, I am now on flight 777 and to hell with Springfield for one solid week! I had no problems taking off, either. I didn’t get nauseous or dizzy but my ear is blocked. Unfortunately, though, it is extremely cloudy. I cannot see any houses or cars or buildings. The captain just said we’re at 35,000 feet up and most of the flight will be over water. Here up above the clouds, it is very fuzzy but down below me it’s all clouds that kind of look like snow. When I look straight down I can see the exact same spot for ages so it looks like the plane is really moving a lot slower than it actually is.
Andy brought me to the airport. It was very easy at the counter and boarding. It’s just as simple as taking the bus.
I just read a letter he wrote me that he ordered me not to read till after takeoff. It had a lot of our funny lines and sayings in it. I’m gonna miss him, and I know he’s gonna go nuts and be bored out of his mind without me so he’ll probably leave funny messages on my machine.
We’re still at 35,000 feet. It’s amazing how smooth this flight is. Last time I could barely write.
I just polished my nails which I didn’t get to do cuz I was up since yesterday at 5pm and fell asleep this morning at 7:00. I didn’t get up till 10:50 when Andy called for the third time. Thank fucking God I heard the phone that time.
I’ll probably polish my toenails when I get there and iron this skirt of mine that’s pretty wrinkled. I did all my dishes except for one which I just rinsed out and a few pieces of silverware. I also never changed my bed. I did vacuum, clean the bathroom, bring out my garbage and do most of the important laundry.
Now the question is, what did I forget? Well, if I forgot anything I’ll figure out just what it is when I get to Florida.
The captain says we won’t be arriving in West Palm Beach till around 4pm. Luckily I have a direct flight this time. The captain says it’s 79º, but I still can’t see anything but clouds.
The stewardesses served soda, coffee and peanuts practically right away. Now they’re serving lunch.
The plane’s getting a little bumpy now. We were over Virginia Beach about 10 minutes ago.
I’m so happy. I really need this vacation and I really think this time I’ll enjoy it and my parents. I can’t wait to see them.
I just received lunch a short while ago and it was gross but airplane food sucks anyhow just like hospital food. I just ate a little rice and carrot cake.
At Bradley, before boarding, Andy bought me lunch just like he bought me dinner at Denny’s two nights ago after going to Annie’s, a straight bar where he has friends that constantly come into Denny’s. He also gave me a $20 bill so I wouldn’t have to stop at the ATM. I’m gonna really make all this up to him. He tells me I’m gorgeous a lot cuz I’ve really improved my looks, my hair, my clothes, my figure and he says, “You are so beautiful that I can’t believe you’ve never been with a woman.”
Is that why I never get hit on by them? Andy’s gay friend Nancy says I’m cute but too troubled. Gee, thanks! Guess she’d rather the druggies. I deserve someone so much more than 95% of the people in this world, but I’ll be alone forever, so better to just accept it now rather than freak out about it. People look at my bad points and never my good ones. Or they misunderstand me or exaggerate my bad points.
Andy says that the reason why people are afraid to hit on me is cuz I’m so good-looking that people feel intimidated and threatened by my looks, so they can go for the ugly druggies all they want and live happily ever after.
My mom better not give me any hassles over my bathing suits or makeup or my other clothes. She’s got to realize that styles change and different people prefer different styles and that it’s not the clothes you wear, but the person underneath.
I arrived at the airport at almost 4:00, and I feel so much better in the lungs and nose. The air here is so much cleaner and already it’s easier to breathe and I know I could sing my best right now but my mother, of course, would have a heart attack. I can’t wait to spend some time alone with Dad.
We went out to eat and I got a hamburger, then we went swimming at the pool that has a whirlpool. Tomorrow I want to go to the other pool with the beach behind it, but as usual, cuz I’m here I think it’s gonna be overcast and chilly. From now on I really ought to come down in April or September.
Believe it or not, I’m still wide awake, but very relaxed. It’s weird sleeping with Mom and Dad a few feet away watching TV. See what living alone for 4 years does to you? When they go to sleep, I’m sure I’ll sleep fine. I did the last time.
I’m so thrilled at how much better I can breathe. Springfield is so fucking polluted. I mean, really and you don’t realize it till you get down here. I give anything to live here. This island is so beautiful and so peaceful. No drugs. No crime. No troublemakers and typical males. It sure would be hard to meet other gay women in this area but I’d give my fucking life to live here. There’s no way I could, though. Ma would never ever consider it and I could never do it on my own. Of course, not till I get famous, and what about Andy? It’s just so easy to breathe, though. Could have a tan and wear bathing suits and tank tops and shorts year-round. No heavy coats. No gloves. No hats. No boots. I could breathe, but it’ll do me no good to even dream about it. See, I know medication isn’t the answer. I need to be in a beautiful place like this with the beaches. Then I’d never think of a lover. I’d do just fine by myself.
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hospitalterrorizer · 7 months
friday - saturday
tomorrow i work...kind of a long time, scheduled longer than usual and i might stay late, cuz i always do. #so #exciting.
but today was really good, first thing, regular selfie from yesterday:
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i really like that outfit, it made me feel very pretty, and i used it to make this:
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to beg people to read my story published here:
and people have read it, and people seem to really like it, which is very nice.
i also traced that weird thing in the middle today, the original image is a photo of some meat on a cutting board, for this image, idk why, maybe i'll use it another time.
here it is alone:
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i am very happy with the piece, and the fact i got really nice edits from the editor at ergot was really, idk, it made me happy, it's always nice when outside eyes, outside friends and so on, come look at your work and engage with it on that level. overall very happy, and happy people are reading and liking it.
putting it out there, in the byline, all i could really think was to put there was my tumblr, the soundcloud came later and it was mostly just because it seemed like the only other thing i could/should put up there as an actual place where i communicate, the editor told me to not really be bashful about that kind of thing/the self promoting at that time, in the byline, you know. anyway, since i put the tumblr there, it made me think about people i know coming and looking at this page, which is okay, if they/you are, but it made me think about some other stuff, and other people, and it made me go back and redact a couple things. i guess i just don't want certain people to know i've talked about them, in whatever capacity. i know saying this here, is probably dumb, it makes everyone suspect themselves, but i think it's basically everyone that is okay, really. it's not really a lot i've done, so maybe those people will figure it out anyways or something. honestly, maybe i shouldn't care.
today was crazy for other reasons too, i went out today as well, so i couldn't do music stuff, which is okay ultimately i think. i will get to it.
i did see my gf's brother today, and our friend she goes to school with, his gf who is also our friend and another friend we met at a school-related function. it was a long night and it's only now 12 am, we went crazy early i guess, crazy being relative between the 5 of us. our friend's gf left, after a while, she enjoyed finally meeting my gf's brother, she's heard a lot about him, as had our friend. when she left, the other friend came, and she enjoyed him as well, telling all his insane stories about his really fucked up life. eventually we went to another bar, and we sat there a while, as the brother and our friend got drunker, the brother did not get too drunk, while our friend got very drunk, and he's been i guess bottling a lot up inside, he lost it, kind of, and he was very very upset about a lot of things, so much, it was hard to express it all but he articulated what he could, well.
it was very sad, he was so ashamed of crying in public, but it was good, none of us there were the kind of people who care, my gf's brother got some good traits, he is very kind, he at least tries, maybe he doesn't have a handle on it perfectly. something i keep thinking about is as our friend was crying, a song came on, this must be the place, and both of them lost their shit, our friend as in getting very emotional, the brother became very excited. they hyped eachother up, sang along, and as our friend was getting lower and lower, my gf's brother kept saying lyrics from the song and going "we get that, we understand, they don't," pointing at us, like we don't understand that sort of weight i guess.
it is sad, not because like, i mean idk, i hate being excluded like that, i've put it here, how bad i feel, and things, i let it out differently, i guess i tend to need to be alone, and i guess i usually want to hurt myself, either way it doesn't matter, being told i don't understand hurts, but it's also sad because it just distances him from others, from his ability to relate to people he might not think to. it's also how their mother is, always putting others down in order to say something nice or good, basically, it's all he knows. very awful and upsetting way to interact with the world, or maybe just the people in it.
the night continued like that, her brother told stories, our friend cheered up, stuff like that, but a lot of strange neuroses all over, and i just hope everyone is okay, at the end of the night, and becoming happier, i hope her brother can maybe, through his new friend, learn new things, change in ways. maybe knowing how to be sensitive.
one thing i was worried about, was our other friend, she seemed genuinely distressed by the loud sounds, of the two men, yelling and emotional, it felt bad seeing her, it seemed like an actual fear response or something, which made me worry, maybe obvious but whatever.
my gf's brother also said some really insane stuff, about his ex, and his last time sleeping with her, which was a casual thing post hookup. kind of awful and i can't really put it here, but it was like, disturbing, how cool he tried to sound. it's so sad how he has to front. it's so sad how everyone fronts.
i am sad about our friend's struggles, i hope being there could be enough for him.
it feels weird to have thoughts outside of this kind of thing, when you experience/see it, but i do, about my music, a couple songs seem to have too much bass, and on one song, maybe the vocals are too high up, and maybe i could do something where i have the guitar things have envelope followers to modulate volume a bit.
idk, i will see tomorrow, i can mess with it a bit, this song, but i should not make a freaky deal out of it, like i tend to, i should get to the next thing on the list, after i let myself fool with the song or whatever.
anyway, i need to sleep now, so
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12.23.23 Saturday
7:50 am
Went HOME while riding a bus... Still, I have windblow.... I'm with Jocelyn....
Grrr... Here we go again... I will not stop angels until I can be a trainer and get a German language angels.....
Bullshit those modules... Though, I'm done with the others... Still, one left before the product training...
I will feel bullshit if I can't make it to the top... Where is the fucking killer there? I NEED AN ELEVATOR LIFT...
The modules are about the company and it is somehow difficult coz there is a time pressure.... Grrr....
Then, we will have basics English grammar exam next Wednesday... A big challenge for me....
9:01 am
Here in Baga2x Burger for our breakfast-omiyage ( pasalubong )... In fairness this is yummy... Still, have windblow...
9:32 am
I still have windblow.... I don't wanna go back to the old road... Past is past...
I wanna perfect my nose and remove my deep smile lines... I need to earn and beat this job...
I wanna be a trainer or product manager angels... I also want an elevator lift... I feel ugly and I wanna leave Cavite... I still, wanna see sand-dunes and see mixed plastics rocks and pebbles...
I wanna perfect my nose coz I feel so ugly and fat... I want to have someone I like, along the way of my journey in Conduent...
I'm not in a hurry coz if there is no one, there is I know probably just somewhere, aside from the "ELEVATOR"...
3:10 pm
Still, have windblow.... Yeah! I have to finish the 6 months in Conduent or I will feel bullshit hmm... The bullshit emotion is because you need a money and the challenge of getting into a higher position as time goes by... A personal achievement...
My experienced in Iqor, I wanted to overcome the stress that I had, I wanted to reach the mastery of calling and nature of job. It is something a personal agenda or personal achievement...If I can't do that, I will not stop doing this and I will always cry.... The crying part is an emotion of why other people can do it and why I can't do it... I wanna reach the point that I can handle this job even my eyes are close... Gets?I wanna reach the point just like the time that I started in Cebu Pacific Air where I started crying and I almost wanna give up and after a couple of months when I reached my regularization, shit! I can do my job in a snap of my fingers even my eyes are close and I'm no longer stress. I wanna reach it again...
They don't know before I became a one of the super hero agents or one of the fastest agents in Cebu Pacific Air, I cried and I almost wanted to give up that I told my Aunt Jasmine and my X-partner that I will stop working and I can't do this... Then, they told me you can do it!!! Then, after a couple of months I got the regularization but something happened that I left the job coz of something...
The ELEVATOR thing is it an alien or a handsome and tall Filipino? But nobody knows what kind of elevator is that??? I mean is it for a lift or for a lifetime...
3:54 pm
Even if the elevator is an alien will tell him Daddy, I really wanna know and learn and beat this job in OUR COMPANY AWWW!!! Any company that I can have coz of elevator or elevator but external it is the same thing, Daddy I still wanna do this though I have a foot spa and nose perfection schedule...
It is a big deal for me....It is a big deal if I can't get the mastery of this job... I will feel bullshit!
RIP? Can't sync the music daddy??? Yeah! Pukekeh... argh! I wanna beat that job!!! Plus Money... Money...
4:48 pm
Advance Merry Christmas!!!
I need to get a foot spa while my Daddy is still missing,angels...
Seriously, will collagen down there as well while waiting for my daddy...
I badly wanna beat this job...
5:19 pm
I'm a ghost Daddy,will you come home with me???
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5:55 pm
Still, have windblow...
It is really impossible that I can't perfect the metrics in a call center coz this is just a job like in Cebu Pacific Air...
It is impossible that is my inner complex and my intimidation on people who are able to perfect the metrics...
6:14 pm
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7:48 pm
Happy Birthday tita Let!!!
Birthday of mother of Ely today...
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8:47 pm
Still, have windblow...Still,here in Ely's house, we're doing Karaoke...
My mind is splitting, I'm thinking of money and my fucking job that I need to beat... I will be 43 in a lil while...
9:28 pm
I'm in the house now... Still, have windblow...
I'm thinking of my future and I can't see anyone that I like, yeah! I know I'm bisexual...
I still wanna know, is there an elevator in Conduent???
0 notes
ledenews · 1 year
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lonelygamedev · 1 year
Ludum Dare 53 Devlog
So I decided to do the recent Ludum dare that was coming up sense i’ve haven’t done one in awhile. I practice a bit of coding before hand and while doing that I was trying to think of a solution to a typical problem I have in game jams where I get easily distracted by youtube or something, so I thought turning the internet off would help before hand I wrote out a few style’s and do and do not’s 1: No 3D unless if it involves simple models and textures 2: Have game finished on Saturday 3: Sunday be polish And Menus + sound and some graphics 4: Almost No writing 5: Little Music 6: NO COMPLICATED MENUS! UI CODE IS THE WORK OF THE DEVIL! 7: NO RPG'S I also had a few ideas of style’s I could do or gameplay types that I might be able to fit the theme into Idea 1: Temple OS style FPS Idea 2: City Builder Idea 3: NES Zelda Idea(Warning Too Big! most likely) The Jam eventually started at friday on 7 PM with the theme being Delivery The First Idea was A NES zelda where you deliver packages and I immediately had a bad feeling about it sense it’s like many of my other game jams “Oh I have this fantastic open world game idea!“ 7 days later: “oh shit I have 3 hours left and it’s nothing that I wanted!“ But in the end I couldn’t come up with a Idea and I wanted to get started so I went with the Zelda idea where you deliver packages to people I should also mention I will occasionally be using the internet but only for a hard problem and to have a change in Music considering I don’t have much on my computer
Chapter 1: Friday So the first thing I did was made a Sprite sheet for getting some basic graphics by 9:45 PM I got the camera and Movement sorta done On 10:21 PM I created the MapManager where it manages the world and each screen you move too. I also created some Gizmos to tell me where a area is Chapter 2: Saturday 1:21 AM. well it turns out the back end of the code was actually quite complicated. I had to find a way to convert a world position. To a location of a room. then that room as a 2D array with no negative int’s that I also have to convert it too. Made it Incredibly annoying. I needed to do this for enemy AI to move tile by tile so I used a method that was likely incredibly Inefficient and horribly complicated but only did it because it was what I was similar with I also created a Test AI that just Moved Randomly just to Move it can’t go out of a room and collide with walls. Tho some enemies spawn into walls due to the fact that unity’s tile colliders made it hard to tell what is and what isn’t a collider sometimes. I then went to bed 12:49 PM After a Incredibly long sleep I made the Health system like zelda where you have half hearts. Also created the Item interface so I can have a sword with a attack now 2:55 PM The Inventory system. My fucking god what a pain, like I said UI code is the devil. And in the end it didn’t even entirely work, just hard to just convert a 1D array to a 2D grid. Should’ve write it on MS paint or paper to help Now this is where thing’s get a bit Iffy sense I forgot to record alot of stuff I might’ve spend the rest of the day on a Quest sytem + some NPC’s and the entire map Chapter 3: Sunday 12:52 AM So Here I thought up some enemies and coded them. one of them being a Bull that charge’s at you until it crashes into a wall, the other is some kind of zombie that throws at you and the other is a Bear that charges at you. stops and slashes at you and I mostly added him as a excuse to add bear traps. sense while thinking of gameplay I thought of luring and trapping enemys as a gameplay thing 1:00 AM Added money and made enemy flash when you hit them 2:19 AM got the basic UI for the store. sense alot of it was just Reuse inventory code so it’s not too hard. alot of the hard stuff will be the buying code and such 2:44 PM finally made it able to buy items and also equip them
So then I ran out of footage I know I wrote most of the quest. then created the character’s and graphics which took awhile. also the enemies. The Sound. by then it was Monday. I missed the combo deadline but I might be able to do the jam. so I just wanted to get it finished as soon as possible. I sorta felt like it was pointless considering you just deliver pointless packages to NPC’s. I wasn’t able to do the dungeons and I didn’t feel all that invested. Didn’t even did the soundtrack though luckily I didn’t forget the sound. The graphic looks alright. the Main menu was....lacking to say the least and I enter early on monday after spending all night on it. and went to sleep halfway though I came up with a Idea for a Pizza delivery Crazy taxi ripoff that I felt would’ve been better After the game jam I decided to watch a few streams of people playing games. one of them being someone called LittleDoctorGames. and while watching them I noticed that I was able to submit my game and I did just for the hell of it. Eventually I realized I had to create a twitch account and be in chat for them to play. Not really planning on using it much other then lurk and occasionally have fun in chat. I actually had a pretty good time in there with nack’s(I think that’s the person who run’s it). we enjoyed talking about metal, a few movie’s and was just a good place to have joke and chill. honestly too the point where I didn’t really mind that it took awhile for them to get to my game, next night actually. Was sorta worried sense i’m not exactly used to see people looking at my game’s and most of the time it’s a somewhat bland reaction. but it was actually really great somehow they enjoyed my 5 AM quickly slapped together dialogue where I stopped caring. and the gameplay didn’t turned out bad. It was actually fun for some people which is sorta a foreign concept to me. that people actually enjoyed it. I guess I was lucky to pick zelda sense I learnt from that game that even if the AI can be annoying with their random movement. it can be enjoyable from the choices you make and exploring. Which some people seem to enjoyed. being impressed by the size of the map for a game made in Ludum dare In all honestly the more I look back at my abandoned projects I was amazed by how well this came out. Even simple projects sometime can just be left in the dust but this one turned out fine despite it being ludum dare Which is often way too short for me. I guess the turning off the internet work amazingly and sorta made me sad I didn’t gave my all on the game by the end to resolve some of the issues making it a solid ludum dare entry. But I guess that’s more next time A few more fun fact: Most of the music are half recorded song’s for meme’s. 3 rammstein album’s. a tool album and 2 tear’s for fear’s album. and when I had the internet on I was really into Biting Elbows. I think on sunday and monday I listed to the elemental album 4 or 3 time’s alone another fun fact is the funny glitches. one of which happen after the game jam finished which was when I was showing a family member and realized bear traps where Infinite but yeah Ludum dare 53 was surprising fun. I’ll definitely be revisiting and I’ll definitely be using that no internet rule for more of my project so expect more progress soon here’s the game I made https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/53/fetch-quest-simulator
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stonewallsposts · 2 years
Jesus Revolution Movie
We went to see the Jesus Revolution last night. The church bought out an entire theater for the show, so we went as a church. 
I loved the movie. I've been at a Calvary Chapel for over 30 years now, but my history with them stretches back even farther. 
Back when I was in high school, they used to have concerts on Saturday nights, and we would go there, listen to the bands, and then hear a message. That was in the late 70's/early 80's. 
I was attending a small Baptist church at the time, but after getting married, the guy who had been the youth pastor left and moved up to Monrovia to take over a small Baptist church there. He asked me to move up there and take charge of the youth ministry. I did. That was in 1985. But I had no idea whatsoever what I was doing. I thought I'd just show up and do the same type of things we did before. But the kids we had in Monrovia were not the same demographic. The kids that were coming were basically not church kids at all. They were from what would be called now a 'diverse' neighborhood, and they hadn't grown up in church, they came because they were looking for something to do. The things I had done in my church were not what was needed there. After 5 years of frustration and going nowhere in the ministry, I moved on.  
I had heard that good things were happening at Calvary Chapels, and there was one not too far from us, so we went there. 9 months later we moved to Whittier, so I thought I'd better find a church closer. In Jan 1991, I was driving down the street and noticed a banner advertising Calvary Chapel La Mirada. I went in that Sunday and have been there ever since. 
The thing I learned at Calvary was to listen to the Holy Spirit. I of course knew of the Holy Spirit already, but we were taught in the Baptist church that listening to the Holy Spirit was a pentecostal thing, and pentecostal things were at best, delusional, at worst, demonic. But what I saw wasn't delusional or demonic- it was people who were genuinely committed to the Lord and wanting to serve Him. 
Part of my frustration in ministry was because I had not bothered to ask the Lord what I should be doing to minister to the kids. I just figured I'd do what I had seen. When that didn’t work, I was lost. 
I had heard from a bunch of the 'old timers' about the tent days, but that was already well in the past. 
Even when I was going to the concerts in the late 70's, the current building was already in place. 
The movie had some really funny moments for me. 
When the daughter brings Lonnie home and Chuck sees him in the house, he pulls his daughter aside and asks what the hippy is doing there? She says- well you said if God brought you a hippy, you'd ask him what it's about? 
Chuck answers, "I said that... but I didn't mean it." 
Then there's the spot in the movie where the band love song has just finished playing their worship music at the church, and the band leader says, 'We'll be here next week. Except for the drummer. He has to finish serving a drug sentence." And Lonnie says, "Yeah, that can happen." 
Then the scene where the commune gets Greg a car. He asks, "Does it run?" And Lonnie says, "Oh yeah... we all prayed over it this morning.  
Greg gets in, turns the key and the engine sputters and dies. Lonnie says- "alright everybody, let's pray some more", while Greg continues trying to start it up. Lonnie is praying, "Lord if you could just help us out here....." 
Overall, I really enjoyed the humor, but there is also some sadness in the movie.  
But I'm always encouraged to see stories of faith. It reminds me of God's love and faithfulness. The movie, along with a recent review, encouraged me to find ways to connect with those today who might be considered on the outside. Interestingly enough, I've had two groups of people who I found tough. When door to door, the only people I ever had any trouble with were older people. And I found myself wary of approaching houses that had Trump paraphenalia outside. Most were ok, but some met us at the door to yell: Go AWAY! 
Young people, even if they had the full on rainbow stickers and NOH8 stuff, were usually at least decent in their rejections. But in drive-thru prayer, the usual one's who will yell curses or flip us off are the green-haired SJW types. I still smile and wave at them because hey, Jesus loves them too, and everyone, I don't care who you are, needs the love of God. 
Even as I think now of so many young people, they are seeking some sort of place to fit in, and desperately looking for some truth to believe in. I don't think much of what is floating around out there politically is truth-based, and these are the things people are latching on to in order to make sense of their lives and the world they fit in. But the answer today is the same as it has always been: Jesus.  
It's always good to be reminded of that. 
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yesimstillemo · 2 years
riot fest happened happened a month ago at this point, and i wrote a majority of this the weekend of but kept putting off posting it. but i still wana rant about what a mess it was especially as it pertained to mcr! heres my list of grievances. all of these are problems that were caused by riot fest, not mcr EXCEPT for one thing which ill start with:
1.riot fest should not have been mcrs one and only chicago date in my opinion. there was way too much anticipation bc theyve havent played in chicago for what, a decade (correct me if im wrong)? people also bought these tickets 2-3 years ago so there was even more anticipation because of that.
the rest of my issues have to do with riot fest and their poor planning. while this was my first 3 day music festival, it is not anywhere near my first concert/fest in general.
2. friday was packed compared to the other 2 days and MANY people were coming just to see mcr, they really shouldve limited friday tickets selling more than they did bc there were just too many people to even try to control. even when i was waiting to enter at the beginning of the day, pretty much 50% of people were wearing mcr shirts, which just goes to show how many people were coming in anticipation of mcr
3. security was off and on. on friday they just waved us through metal detectors, which did not go off even though we had things like metal locks in our bags. saturday they took a peek inside our bags, and sunday they actually went through our bags fully.
4. there was one water station and it was at one side of the park where 1 stage was, quite a walk away from the other 3-4 stages, and it was genuinely easier to just buy alcohol. the food prices and amounts were... a little ridiculous and the lines were awful on friday. ive been to fests before but this was just Something. my brother got 2 small tacos for $10. i got some mac and cheese that was like 5 bites for $7 and a brownie for $5 (which ended up saving me bc it was calorie dense and i could carry it around taking nibbles thru the rest the day). we got those at really good timing really early in the day but later the lines for food were awful so we couldnt get anymore food. i get that festival food is always overpriced, but the portions were just so small to be able to sustain yourself for the fest. i also feel like there just werent enough food vendors for a fest where it says you cant bring any outside food in, altho its possible i couldve felt that just bc there was only 2-3 vendors that i could eat food at bc vegan. add the alcohol to a lot of peoples empty stomachs and it just didnt go well
5. people were packed in the riot crowd section before alkaline trio even started playing on the roots stage right next to it. and i mean PACKED. cant move, cant make space
6. speaking of before mcrs stage even started, riot fest should have known that the crowd needed mitigating when taking back sunday was on the riot stage a couple hours earlier. when the lead singer mentioned mcr, the crowd screamed and he got an alert that the scream got to 106 decimals (from what i heard)? again, a lot of anticipation
7. there was no competing band playing at the same time as mcr (except a 30 min overlap with marky ramone on a veryyy side stage) which made a bad situation even worse. people who felt neutral about seeing mcr had no other band to see instead, so it just made a bigger, more packed crowd. they shouldve had another medium/big name act playing at the same time to at least try and separate the crowds
8. the stage space was way too small for this amount of anticipation, and there were not enough sections dividing people. the riot stage was basically walled in from what i saw, with a barricade front, left, and right, and another barricade halfway jutting out in the back. i dont think people realized how the barricades were set up, so more and more people kept trying to squish in which just packed and trapped the people who were already there
9. the crowd itself was also full of jackasses. i dont know /when/ exactly the shift in vibe took place, but when we saw the descendants just ~3 hours earlier than that one the roots stage, the crowd was completely fine, regular fun punk crowd antics. plenty of space for everyone closer to the stage from what i experienced at that point BUT
10. by the time alkaline trio was playing (band before mcrs set at the roots stage), people in the crowd around me were yelling for them to stop playing so mcr could play, even tho it was alkaline trios designated set time. people really came to a FESTIVAL and treated it like it was just an mcr show, which again, caused way more issues. honestly it felt like a lot of ppl both felt entitled to see mcr and pissed at the same time bc they werent at all close to the stage. just bad vibes
11. getting out after mcr was a nightmare, there was like one exit (i dont know if they even had a different exit open) and everyone was shuffling along to get out of there, it took us maybe 30-45 mins to even get out of the festival gates? i dont even know what would have happened if there was a bigger emergency at that point bc of how big and packed the crowd was, all going the same direction to try and leave
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imthebadguyyy · 3 years
A/N - based off of this sinful photograph
Suggested listening - Wildside by Normani and Kiss It Better by Rihanna
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Pairing - Lewis Hamilton x Reader (fem!littlemix!reader)
Fandom - F1
Summary - You've been on tour for a while, and you miss your loverboy. But when he surprises you on tour, its bound to get spicy.
Warnings - smut (not well written)
The snap of hips. The soft groans and moans. The sound of pants. The sound of Rihanna's 'Kiss It Better' blaring through the walls. The bed knocking against the wall as Lewis's hands squeezed your hips, the intensity of the thrust pushing the bed against the wall. The high pitched moan that left your mouth as you reached your high, eyes closing as stars exploded behind your eyelids, as your boyfriend came right after you, your walls clenching as he came. Even after reaching your high, you didn't want to open your eyes, far too consumed in the earth shattering pleasure that was coursing through your veins, until a soft hand reached to pull your chin up, soft brown eyes looking into your own, clouded with lust and euphoria.
Pulling your mouth into his in a heated kiss, Lewis moved his hand to rest on your bare stomach, squeezing your tummy softly as he deepened the kiss. Pulling away he let his head droop onto your bare chest. "That was.." he began, far too blissed out to think of an adjective. "Godly" you said, chest rising and falling rapidly, trying to come to terms with the intensity of your orgasm. Laughing he leaned back up to kiss your nose, before standing up and walking to the bathroom. You heard the tap running, and the sound of the dustbin opening and closing. You closed your eyes again, the aftershocks still coursing through your body.
Opening them again slowly, you saw Lewis walk towards you, towel in hand, and a lazy smile on his face. He gently cleaned your thighs, finishing with kisses on both of them. He reached up and wiped your torso, which was gleaming with a thin layer of sweat, before running the towel over your nose, cheeks, eyes and mouth. He dropped the towel in the clothes hamper near the bathroom door, pulling on his boxer shorts and and pulling out one of his t shirts from the cupboard. "What about the clothes on the floor" you piped up, finally beginning to wake up from your post pleasure state. "When did it get so messy?" He said, spotting 5 different clothing items in 5 different corners of the room. "When you decided to run your hand up my dress in a restraunt" you replied, throwing him a fake glare.
"You liked it" was his cocky reply, smirk spreading over his face as you flushed and ran a hand through your hair. "I did not" you lied, watching as he raised his eyebrows. "Oh really ? Thats not what you were saying 5 minutes ago- oh wait, you weren't saying anything at all. You were too busy moaning my name to say anything else-" "OKAY fine I loved it. Now shut up and bring your fine ass back for cuddles"
That was a month ago. Now you've been away for nearly one and half months, away with the girls on the LM5 tour. You loved touring, it was the best part of being a singer, getting to see the music you girls made together come to life on a stage in front of thousands and thousands of screaming fans. It was a thrill like no other. The only problem was that you were away from home. Distance was never an issue for the two of you, after all, he was a Formula 1 driver. It was very rare that he was home, except during the breaks and the gaps till race weekend, but ever since you two had started dating, he tried to be with you whenever you could. Sometimes, your shows would be in places where the races were too, and then he'd definitely turn up. But it was a difficult thing to do all the time, and some nights on tour were spent pulling all nighters as you talked to each other on the phone, till one of you eventually fell asleep.
But you knew when you started dating him, this wouldn't exactly be a regular relationship. The two of you were doing your dream jobs, and they were both extraordinary. And you were willing to put in the work you had to put in to make the relationship work, and you did. Yet here you were in Madrid, feeling heartbroken and desperately wanting your boyfriend by your side. It had been a rough couple of weeks, you were jet lagged and tired, and although this was the second leg of the tour, and you had had a break, it was tiring. It was hard going to bed every night alone, when all you wanted was to cuddle your boyfriend.
Little did you know, Lewis was feeling the same. In fact he had missed you so much, he had told Angela and his publicist to cancel all events for a week, while he flew out to Madrid to see you. He had missed you, he had missed you more than he could put into words. But he also wanted to surprise you. Pulling out his phone, he scrolled down to Leigh Anne's contact, and sent her a text.
Lewis, Leigh Anne
Hey. Is Y/N asleep ?
Hey! No, she's in an outfit fitting.
Okay that's good. I need your help with something.
Sure how can I help ?
I want to surprise her by coming to see you guys in Madrid.
Oh thats wonderful ! She's been a little down in the dumps. I think she misses you.
I miss her too.
Let me know when, and I'll send a car to pick you up.
I'll be there on Saturday. Landing at 3:15 and I should be at the hotel by 4:30. Then I can get ready and surprise her at the show.
Okay done. I'll send the car around 5:30,so you can rest for a bit. You should be here by 6. The show's at 6:15.
Thank you! Can't wait : )
I'm so happy youre coming to see her ! I'll let the girls know.
As soon as he had finished texting, Lewis decided to start packing, the prospect of seeing you again sending a buzz of happiness running along his veins. God, he had missed you a lot. He turned to Roscoe, the dog sitting by his feet, looking up at his dad with his head cocked to one side. "I'm going to go see Mumma, Roscoe" he explained, smiling as the doggo barked in response. He wouldn't be able to take him to Madrid, he'd have to leave him with a dog sitter, but he couldn't feel too bad about it, since he had had Roscoe with him even when you were gone. And besides, Roscoe enjoyed the dog creche. He couldn't wait for Saturday.
Later in the evening, he sat down with a glass of wine, while the ringtone of your FaceTime rang through the empty house. After a few more seconds of ringing, the call was picked up, your tired face coming into view. "Hi darling" he said, noticing the tiredness in your eyes, and how much you were struggling to keep them open. "Hi bubs. Did you finish eating?" You asked, rubbing your eyes. "No, I've ordered soup" (did anyone get the reference ;) "Oh okay" was the reply. "What about you? What time is it?" "Its 9:20 AM" you replied, gently rubbing your eyes again, forcing yourself to stay awake.
"9:20? Thats pretty late baby. Why are you still sleepy?" "We were recording till 4 AM, so Im functioning on like 5 hours sleep right now" "Oh damn. Go back to sleep then baby" "Can't, rehearsal" was you reply, making him furrow his eyebrows. "Okay I guess. But don't tire yourself out" "I won't" "I love you" he said, smiling at you. "I love you"
The Madrid show was always a fun one. The fans were loud and you loved it. They were one of the best crowds you girls ever played for, and the show had its own adrenaline and excitement. But it was difficult to give a 100% when you were tired, but you really tried, you did. During Power, you hit highnotes you didnt think you could, during Woman Like Me you danced like there was no tomorrow. During Wasabi, you brought your sass level up to a 1000. It was during Bounce Back that you caught sight of a very familiar face in the audience. Unable to actually grasp if you had actually seen Lewis, you turned to Jade, who was on your side, and looked back at the crowd and back to her, asking for confirmation.
The smirk she gave you was answer enough. After that, focusing on giving an excellent performance increased tenfold. Every swirl of your hips, every flip of your hair, every wink you threw at the audience, it was all five times sexier. In the crowd, your boyfriend was well aware of what you were doing, and it was fair to say that you were succeeding at it. He could feel an uncomfortable sensation around his pants region, as his cock twitched uncomfortably in his pants. He couldn't wait till the show was over, and you two could have a show of your own.
"That was amazing darling!" Lewis said, spotting the 5 of you in your dressing room. "Oh look its Mr. Loverboy!" Perrie said, cackling as you rolled your eyes at her, before running up to your lover and jumping into his arms. "Hiya Bub! I missed you!" "I missed you too love. That's why I surprised you. I couldn't stand another day without you at home" he said, wrapping his arms around your waist to keep you stable as you jumped into his arms. A chorus of "awws" echoed throughout the room, as the girls watched your cute little interaction. What wasn't cute however was the comment Lewis made in your ear, hiding his face in your ear so that the girls couldn't see. "I can't wait to get back to the hotel. I saw the performance you were putting on for me baby. You have no idea how hard I got, how uncomfortable I was standing in front of so many people when all I really wanted to do was fuck you"
You could feel your mouth become dry, and your heartbeat quicken, and you could feel the area between your thighs become wet. You tightened your grip around him, letting your crotch rub against his very softly. "I think it's time to go" you mumbled against his ear. "Okay girls, as lovely as it was to see you, I think it's time we go back to the hotel. I'm pretty worn out from travelling as well" "Yeah I'm pretty tired too" you replied, faking a large yawn. "Alright then, we'll see you guys tomorrow!" Leigh Anne said, leaning forward to give you a hug. After you finished hugging all the girls, the two of you made your way to the car, eagerly waiting to get back home.
The car ride home was tense. The tension was apparent in the air, reverberating through the air, choking you in a way you revelled in. The air was thick with tension, and it was suffocating you in the best way possible. It was almost too much to take. When the hotel came into sight, you practically leapt out of the car, and rushed to the door, an equally ruffled Lewis beside you. But he was not going to give in to you so easily. He enjoyed seeing you flustered. And he was not a person that gave someone what they wanted when they asked for it,no. He was going to have you desperate for it. Smirking to himself, he made his way to the reception, grabbing you by the waist as he went.
Throwing him a confused look you followed, slightly frustrated. "Hello sir, how can I help you?" the man at the reception asked, eyes going slightly wide as he recognized the two of you. "Hi! I just wanted to ask, till what time is your pool and spa open?" He asked, sliding his hand down to the back of your dress. "The pool closes at 10 pm sir, and the spa at 9 pm. We open the pool at 7 am and the spa at 11pm"he replied, struggling to maintain his professionalism as he spoke to one of the best drivers in Formula 1. "Alright thank you. And what time does breakfast start?" Lewis asked, hand pressing down on your ass, ever so discreetly. "Breakfast is from 6-10 am sir" "Thank you so much"
Next to him, you were fuming. Of course he was going to ask questions to which he already knew the answers to. A painful throb between your legs made you let out a small whimper, and the man at the reception looked at you with concern in his eyes. "Ma'am are you alright?" He asked, eyeing your stiff posture and tense state. "Yes, just tired, thank you" you replied, a little stiffly, but it was hard to concentrate when Lewis's promise of fucking you senseless kept replaying in your mind. "Alright then, good night" Lewis said, biting back a smirk at your flustered state. He knew getting you all riled up would lead to some seriously earth shattering sex, and he couldn't wait. But first, he definitely wanted to tease you, to push you over the edge, just a little more.
Your room was on the 16th floor, and as the two of you made your way into the elevator, he eyed you up and down, eyes lingering on the curve of your breasts. The minute the door shut, he pushed you against the wall, capturing your lips in a steamy kiss you'd be remembering the next day. His hands moved to your ass, squeezing hard, eliciting a moan from your lips. The moment your lips parted, he was pushing his tongue into yours, his other hand coming up to pull on your hair roughly, relishing in the gasp that left your lips. As suddenly as he started, he stopped, pulling back and standing almost nonchalantly against the wall.
Trying to wrap your head around what happened, you gripped the wall with your hand, feeling your legs grow weak to a point where you felt like you couldn't stand on your own. You could feel your wetness dripping, threatening to run down your thighs, as the throbbing became even more painfully exciting. You looked down at the floor, eyes closing as your frustration grew more and more by the second. Finally, with a little 'ding', the elevator stopped at the 16th floor. The moment the door opened you stepped out on wobbly legs, trying your best to walk properly. But of course, that wasn't going to happen. As you turned one long corridor, Lewis suddenly grabbed your waist, pushing you against the wall again, to reach down and suck on your neck. You let out a gasp, and tried to run your crotch against his, but the retaliated with a slap to your ass, smirking when a high pitched moan left your lips. Lifting you up against the wall, he mumbled against your ear "the key card" your clouded mind was unable to process the words, too consumed by slight relief you were getting. "Get the key card baby" he repeated. This time you noted it, reaching down to his pants pocket to pull out the key card. You couldn't resist running your hand over his cock, feeling how rock hard he was. The thought of him fucking you senseless returned, and you let out a groan.
Grabbing the card from your hand, he opened the door, propping you up against the door in your bedroom. His eyes were filled with a raw, animal desire, as he dropped the card on the floor and reached up to unzip your dress. He ripped the zipper down, your dress falling to the floor in a crumpled heap. He locked his eyes on your heaving chest, hand reaching up to grab your chin, pulling you in for a searing kiss. His hand slid up your torso, reaching behind to unhook the red lacy bra you were wearing, letting it drop to the floor as he took in the glorious sight in front of him. You waited, wanting him to just touch you, but he just stared, eyes looking into yours, clearly saying "beg for it"
You couldn't help the soft "please" that left your lips, too desperate for some sort of touch. "Please what?' Lewis said, tightening his grip on your waist. "Please" was all you could say again, nearly whimpering again at the rough look in his eyes. "Use your words baby. Now, please what?" "Please just touch me!" You finally gasped out, moaning loudly when he licked a stripe down your chest before taking your right tit into his mouth. His hand fondled the left one, running his thumb over your erect nipple, the rough pad of his thumb sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body. His mouth sucked on the skin of your tit, before moving down to bite down on your nipple. You gasped again, pain and pleasure coursing through your body as his tongue ran over your nipple over and over till it nearly felt raw. He switched his actions, moving his mouth to your left tit instead, letting his hand harshly fondle the other. He continued the same process of biting, licking and sucking, till he was satisfied with himself. "I fucking love this baby. Seeing you all wet and needy for me. So what do you want? My mouth? My fingers? My cock? Or does my baby want them all ?" He asked, watching as your pupils dilated and you let out a strangled moan.
You let your crotch rub against his thigh, gasping when the friction went straight to your core. "Look at you darling. I asked you what you what you wanted, and you picked my thighs? Well, I want to see you dripping. I want to see you cum on my fingers, my mouth, my thighs and especially on my cock. I'm going to make you cum over and over and over again till you can't even stand on your own fucking legs. I want your thighs to be shaking around my head. I want to see you moan and groan and scream my name so loud, by tomorrow everyone in this hotel will know my name, because you'll spend all night screaming it" you moaned again, his words going straight to your core."Please Lewis, God, just make me cum please!" The desperation of your cry was enough for him to carry you to the bed, dropping your body onto the soft mattress.
He pulled of shirt, unbuttoning every button so you could see him do it. He could see your eyes grow dark, as his compass tattoo came into sight. You had told him it was one of your favourites, and he had used it against you ever since you had told him that. Smirking at you, he climbed onto the bed, lying down between your legs. You pushed yourself up against the headboard, spreading your legs wide for him. His eyes grew dark, as your core came into his view, shimmering with your juices. A near animalistic growl left his mouth, the sound hitting your core. He moved so that he was situated right in front of your core. He let his eyes take in the sight of you in front of him, snapping back to reality when you let out a groan of frustration. Throwing you a devilishly reassuring smile, he inched neared and nearer, till his nose was nearly touching your clit. Then he just lay there. Not moving. You could feel your heartbeat hammering against your chest, chest heaving up and down, an alarming intense feeling growing in your tummy. Finally, when it became too much you let out a small scream of frustration "Oh for fucks sake Lewis please just fuck me!" Your outburst brought a smile to his face. "Oh I will. Just not yet" and with that, he ran a finger along your slit, before finally slipping it into you. You let out a moan, finally getting the friction you had been desperate for. His fingers circled your clit, thumb gently pressing down, before he removed it,only to slam it back down on your sensitive clit, earning a scream of pleasure from you.
He slipped a second finger into you, scissoring around your clit, as your desperate cries of "oh, oh baby! Fuck, fuck lewis-" were lost in the heat of the moment. He leaned his head down to your core, letting his tongue run along your slit too, before licking around it, collecting your wetness on his tongue, before letting it harshly circle your clit. You bucked up into his mouth, feeling his tongue wrap around your clit. He sucked the nub harshly, his fingers still moving in and out of you. "Oh God, Oh GOD, Lew-I- oh! Oh God!" Your broken moans were music to his ears as he sucked your clit into his mouth. You could feel a strange intensity growing in your stomach, feeling a lot stronger than your usual orgasm. The band in your tummy was threatening to snap, but you needed that something more to help it snap. That something more came when Lewis sucked your clit into his mouth, letting it rest in between his teeth, before flicking it with his tongue.
With a cry of "Oh fucking hell, Lew-" you camr gushing into his mouth, your juices coating his fingers and gushing onto his tongue, as he let you ride out your orgasm on his deadly skilled tongue. Well, he had got his wish. Your thighs were shaking around his head, as your body tried to come to terms with the intensity of the pleasure coursing through your body. Looking down, you saw him with his painfully hard cock, grinding down on the sheet, as he let out a moan at the relief the bedsheets gave him. Raising an eyebrow, you patted your thigh, signaling him to come over to you. "You loved on me so well bubs. But I can see how hard you are. Do you want to use me to get off?" You asked, watching the effect you had on him. All he could do was nod, as you sat up on your knees. "Stand up" you ordered, getting up from the bed as well.
You walked over to the wall, letting your body rest against it. Somewhat confused, Lewis followed you, standing in the space between your legs. "I tried to get off using your thighs didn't I? I think you'll enjoy it as much as I did. So use me. Use my thigh. Get off" looking at you in pure shock, your boyfriend moved forward, groaning when you pushed your leg against his throbbing cock. He relished in the friction, slowly beginning to move against your leg, moaning when he began to rub against your leg. He began to hump your leg faster, as the pleasure began to build up in his body, before you reached your hand down to cup his length in your hands, moaning when you realized your fingers didn't quite meet. You ran your fingers along his length. You pumped him, letting your thumb circle his sensitive tip, eliciting a soft whine from him. You circled faster, moving down to your knees, and letting your tongue run up his shaft very softly. Above you, Lewis slammed his hands against the wall, groaning when you took him into your mouth.
But a part of him still wanted to cum inside when he was fucking you (in a condom, because wrap it before you tap it) so he pulled you back up, smirking when you whined. "I know baby, but I just really wanna fuck you now. Back on the bed please, unless you want me to take you here against this wall" practically running, you clambered onto the bed. You watched as Lewis pulled out a condom, ripping the packet open before climbing back on top of you. He let his hand rest on your hip, eyes temporarily losing some of the animalistic need that had been present in them. Leaning down, he connected your lips together in a kiss, a searing, intense kiss that took your breath away. "Ready love?" He asked, looking into your eyes, looking to see if there was even a slight hint that you didn't want this. But you did.
With a sudden jolt, he thrust himself into you, groaning when your warm walls clamped down on him. His hips thrust into you, starting off slow, letting you adjust to his massive length. "My sweet baby,taking me so well. Does it feel good?" You couldn't even respond, mouth agape, as his the pace of his thrusts increased. "Answer me" he said, suddenly stopping. Almost crying out at the loss of pleasure, you looked at him with desperation. "Yes yes, fuck it feels so good, please don't stop!" "Thats all you had to say baby" he said, before pushing in again, slowly. Then, he pulled back out. Looking at him in confusion, you gasped when he slammed back into you, a high pitched moan of "Lewis!" leaving your lips. He moved so that he had a better hold of your hips, rocking the both of you back and forth, the intensity of his thrusts was so much that the bed knocked back against the wall. What he wasn't expecting was for you to take his left thumb up to your mouth, running your tongue over it before sucking on it.
Moaning, he started thrusting into you even harder, shifting so that he was directly hitting your g spot. "Oh, God ! Oh fuck, Baby that feels so good please keep going keep-oh!" The cry that left your lips was so loud, you were sure Perrie in the room next to yours had heard you. "Fuck baby, you take me so well" Lewis said, as he nearly hammered your g spot. He was so, so damn close to cumming, and when you leant up and bit a sensitive spot on his neck, he came, gushing into the guard between you two, but he wanted you to cum to, so he reached down to pinch and rub your clit, still riding out his orgasm in you, moaning when you came with a scream. He winced when your core spasmed on his sensitive cock, and he pulled out slowly, before collapsing next to you. Panting, you curled up to him, letting your hand rest on his compass tattoo. "Okay that was Godlike" you said, earning a tired laugh from your lover.
"Yeah it really was. I missed you" he said, allowing you to nuzzle into his neck, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead. "I missed you too" you replied, kissing the tattoo. "I love you too" As you lay there together, still revelling in the moment, your phone buzzed. Reaching over to check it, you saw your groupchat with the girls flooding with messages.
Perrie 🧚🏻‍♀️ - Y/N, I'm filing a noise complaint. 🍆
Jade ✨ - Pez 😂 let them be. It's been a while for her.
Leigh 🦋- She really got some tonight huh? 😏
Perrie 🧚🏻‍♀️- LOL she did !! And it was obviously some goooood 'some' *wink wink*
Jade ✨- I could hear em too, and Im on the other end of the hall.
Leigh 🦋 - I know I did too! Must be some damn good sex. 😏
Perrie 🧚🏻‍♀️ - Go Y/N !!
Jade ✨ - Can't wait till she reads this.
Perrie 🧚🏻‍♀️ - Are they still going?!
Leigh 🦋 - No 😂 she's reading the messages. Y/N!! Yoohoo!
You - yes I'm here 🖕🏽
Jade ✨ - Did you have fun babe 😏
You - ..... yes
Perrie 🧚🏻‍♀️ - babe you can't really say no because we heard you
You- Im not saying I didn't have fun. But you guys need to calm down.
Leigh 🦋 - But its funnn
You - okay byeeee ❤
Perrie 🧚🏻‍♀️ - Going for a round 2 😏?
You - okay I said bye.
Leigh 🦋 - she is !!
Jade ✨ - Go babe !
You - I need to leave this group.
Perrie 🧚🏻‍♀️ - No we love you !! ❤
Leigh 🦋 - Yeah don't leave us ❤
Jade ✨- Don't leave meee ! ❤
You - Haha I'd never leave you girls ❤ now bye.
Jade ✨ - bye babe !
Perrie 🧚🏻‍♀️ - bye you sexy minx 😏
Leigh - bye hun 💙
Smiling to yourself, you put your phone away, to see Lewis looking at you with a raised eyebrow. "Who was it?" "Just the girls" you said, cuddling back up to him. "What did they say?" Giggling, you looked up to him and kissed his neck. "They said they're going to file a noise complaint. And they asked me if we were going for a round two" "Were we really that loud?" He asked, looking at you in surprise. "Yeah, even Leigh heard us and she's at the end of the hall!" "Damn" Lewis said laughing. "Well," he said, looking at you again, with a cheeky look in his eye, "they were right about one thing" "And what is that?" You asked, smiling at him mischievously. "We are going for a round two"
@maxverstappenx @grandestrategia (because you are worth it 🦋💙)
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