#I also have a Pikachu named Gums and I do not know why
I recently found my 3DS and also found my Pokémon Alpha Sapphire game and guess who just lost 8 hours of their life
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echo-of-sounds · 4 years
halloween pt.3
Small Halloween drabbles with Aizawa, Toshi, Hizashi, and Fatgum.
Hizashi’s is for a mature audience. I realized how horrible it would be to go shopping with him. He’s definitely the type to get distracted by everything that you have to keep pulling along to get your shopping done.
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Aizawa Shouta - Halloween Fair
“Let’s go down there.” You pointed to the branching street.
Aizawa took a long swig of his beer before chiding, “We’re not going to waste money on any games.”
“Sho, come on. You said you wanted to come with me but you don’t want to try anything.”
“They’re rigged and the prizes aren’t even good.”
You grabbed his hand, stopping him in the middle of the flowing crowd. “If we’re not going to do anything, let’s just go home. We’ve already walked everywhere and petted all the animals, anyway.”
He stared at you. Eyebrows weighed low. Dark eyes reflected twinkling lights. Only he could manage an incredibly grumpy expression surrounded by cute mermaid and fairy costumes and glittering jack-o’-lanterns. 
Heaving a long sigh, he glared at the stuffed animals in the distance. “Two games.”
“In total.”
You smiled wide and led him down the street. A wall of balloons caught your attention. Orange and black balloons laid out a pumpkin design with purple ones enclosing it. A fair amount had been popped. “I’ll play this.”
“It’s the easiest game here.”
“Which is why I’m choosing it,” you whispered so the worker didn’t hear. She handed you three darts. You quickly and rather easily popped three balloons.
“You can choose from those items,” the worker said, motioning to the right side.
The giant bat stuffed animal was the only real choice. Its wings fit around your shoulders and Velcroed together in the front. You wore it like a shawl.
Shouta just glowered at it. You squeezed his hand, smiling and requesting, “Can you try to have some fun? If not for you, for me?”
“I don’t see how any of these games can be fun. Most depend on dumb luck and the very few that require skill don’t offer good prizes. It’s how they take your money.”
“Try this one. There’s skill in it.” You walked to the apple bobbing game. “Looks like a new group is about to go. Join them.”
He kept his groan to himself. A buff man was talking with, or more like to his girlfriend, about using his skillful mouth to win. His gaudy machismo grated almost everyone around him.
“Dumb place to brag about that,” you muttered, noting the kids running by.
Shouta finished his beer, then agreed with a smirk, “Cherry stems are better at proving that anyway.” He tied his hair back and handed over his cellphone and wallet. “Hold these.”
He lined up at the basins right beside the big guy. The worker explained they couldn’t use their hands and the first to catch one in their mouth, won. The contestants crossed their arms behind their backs. A whistle blew and everyone’s head dipped into the water, splashing and soaking themselves.
But Sho waited, calmly watching the apples float and spin. He bowed for one. His nose and chin barely ducked under the surface to swiftly pop back up, holding an apple by the stem. The worker blew his whistle, congratulating him as the winner. A bag filled with colorful objects was thrust into his arms.
Lifting the bottom of his shirt, flashing his abs, Sho dried his face and returned to you. He handed over the prize: a bunch of 3D puzzle cubes and toy puzzle games.
Despite knowing he didn’t like PDA, you gave him a peck on the cheek. And you couldn’t help but smile overhearing the buff man accusing him of cheating. You’d rather deal with a grumbling and grumpy Shouta than someone who’s way too into it like that guy.
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Yagi Toshinori - Haunted Hedge Maze
A blast of air rocketed out. You spun, hiding against Toshi. Despite his laugh, you felt his hand shaking on your back and his heartbeat quickening. “It was only an air cannon, sweetheart.”
You glimpsed out from the safety of his chest. No monster or man stood on the path. You muttered to yourself, “Okay, alright, I’m good.”
“Let’s go. The faster we walk, the faster we get out of this.”
“Yeah.” You stayed flush behind him, holding his hand, letting him lead. Beams shot into the night sky from all over, giving a little light. The dirt walkway was barely visible under the smog.
“Left or right?”
A yelp came somewhere from the right. His shoulders stiffened for a millisecond. You answered, “Definitely left.”
Something popped out from the hedge, growling and crackling and dripping liquid. You tucked into his shoulder blade as you walked past the monster. It glared then lurched forward. You pushed on Toshi’s back, “Go, go, go!”
The corner opened to a spacious area- definitely not the end. Little girls danced around in circles, all singing different nursery rhymes. Their white dresses splattered red with blood. When you took a step, they stopped, turned, and started.
“Just walk away,” you whispered.
He nodded, slowly shuffling to a new path. Right as he was about to step over the threshold, a ghost vaulted down from the hedge’s arch. The girls shrieked. You turned, seeing them rushing at you.
Toshi gripped your arm and pulled you to another pathway. A few other demons and doctors jumped out, scaring you each time. Your heart began to beat a little too fast, fearing you were lost.
But Toshi didn’t stop. He kept his hold and hurried forward, eventually rounding a corner that revealed the end. Relief smacked your chest. You could breathe and took the finish line’s safety to kiss him deeply. 
Fingers dug into your forearm, shaking more than before. He asked when you broke the kiss, “Are you alright?”
“Are you?” you said, half breathless, half laughing.
“I’m okay.” He looked at the Haunted Mansion’s front doors. “Do you want to go in there next?”
You scarcely made it through the hedge maze, but if he truly wanted to go through the next part of the haunt, you would. You croaked, “Yeah.”
Blue eyes snapped to you. “Are you sure?”
“Are you?”
A group of teens walked out giggling. They complained about the ‘lack of horror’ and mentioned heading to a nearby restaurant.
Toshi cleared his throat, “I could go for some food.”
“Me too. Let’s go.” You scurried back to the car, more than ready to leave.
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Yamada Hizashi - Costume Shopping
Nothing caught your eye in any of the rows and racks. Hizashi’s laughter came from another aisle. He popped out, holding a racy maid costume, chuckling, “You’d look so sexy in this. Try it on!”
“No.” You grabbed it and hung it back on the rack. “If I’m going as sexy anything, I’m going as sexy Present Mic.”
Arms embraced your waist. Lips kissed and nipped your neck. You sighed his name, trying not to get distracted like he’s been the entire damn day. “I’d rather not get it on in a witch shop.”
“It’s a metaphysical shop,” he corrected. 
“Whatever. We’re just here for costumes. Have you found anything good?”
“Well, we’re screwed then. We’ve checked everywhere else.”
“It’ll be fine.”
He continued his kissing while you searched the hanging outfits, hoping just one was good enough to wear, but it was all sexy nun, sexy clown, and sexy Pikachu. It wasn’t too much to ask for a decent costume. Or at least something that’s actually sexy, not a children's video game character.
Hands rubbed down your hips, clearly in want. You sighed, “Go try to find something.”
“Alright,” he sulked away. But he scurried back thirty seconds later, smiling as wide as he could, holding a green cylinder with spirals. “What about this?”
“What the hell is it?”
He read the sticker, “A six-inch, Reiki infused, jade dildo that increases love-”
“- and nurturing, and stimulates and aids in emotional-”
“- release. It also boosts fertility and balances bodily fluids.” His eyebrows bobbed up and down as he smirked at you.
“Hizashi, did you find a costume?”
“Oh no, I got distracted in the sex toy section.”
“You were gone for a few seconds. Costume shopping shouldn’t be this hard,” you grumbled, walking the rest of the aisle.
He followed, hugging you again, kissing your shoulder. “Don’t stress about it, baby. We’ll find something.”
“The party’s tonight and unless you’re going as a sex enthusiast, we don’t have anything to wear.”
His head snapped up. And you realized you shouldn’t have given him the idea because he ran back to the sexy maid dress. “I’m totally going as a sex enthusiast.”
You laughed, “You think you can fit your shoulders in that dress?”
“I’ll make it work. I’ll educate people on sex safety and give out free orgasms.”
“You’ll give me free orgasms. No one else gets you.” You kissed him.
“Oh, here!” He picked up something from the floor. It was a gray headband with mouse ears. “You can wear your gray dress and those fishnet stockings with the lace,” he hummed, pulling your waist against him. “And that cute, little pink bow you wear for me whenever I ask because you’re such a good-”
“Are you guys gonna, like, buy somethin’ or just keep makin’ out?” The worker blew a giant bubble with her gum.
“Sorry.” You took the items from Hizashi. “We’ll take these.”
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Taishiro Toyomitsu - Making Candies and Cookies
Tai meticulously spaced out the globs into four rows, measuring their size and roundness till they were perfect. When it was filled, he took out another baking sheet.
“What do you need that for?”
“Oh, there’s more.” He tilted the bowl down. A huge amount of cookie dough still remained. “I quadrupled the recipe. Gonna make seventy-two!”
“Tai, we don’t need seventy-two cookies.”
“I do.”
“We already have two pies, fudge, brittle, and a truckload of whoopie pies. I think we have enough,” you laughed.
“Nah. I found a good recipe for peanut butter bark. Looks good.” He pulled a recipe from the top of the microwave, handing it to you as he finished pouring the cookie dough. “Get the stuff out, babe. We’re making that next.”
Pans and crumbs scattered over the counter. Foil and containers were running low. Silverware lumped in the sink. All the snacks and desserts were arranged on the table. As much as you enjoyed sweets, you weren’t confident in yourself to finish all of them.
“We’re going to be sick come Monday.”
“We’ll deal with it then.” He kissed your forehead on his way to the sink. 
You gathered the ingredients. The chocolate chips melted quickly. As you poured it, Tai kept trying to smudge some on your arms or nab the candies before you could use them. You fended him off each time and sprinkled peanut butter cups, toffee, and candy over the melted chocolate.
The white chocolate was next. Right when you were about to drizzle it, a finger sunk into it, gathered a globule, and moved to smear it on your cheek. You grabbed his arm, laughing, “Tai, don’t.”
“You just need a little right there.”
He poked your nose. Between your giggling and his strength, you struggled to hold his arm away. 
“Trust me, baby. I know what’s best for you. It’ll look pretty.”
“No-” Fingers tickled your side. You tried dodging it, but he followed, ultimately plastering your face with the chocolate. His mouth landed next, smooching and licking it up through your laughing.
You scooped some onto two fingers and smeared it over his forehead. It clung to his hair which rubbed off on yours as he continued tickling your sides. He wasn’t going to release you until you were nearly peeing your pants.
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liloelsagranger · 3 years
Night shift - finally a new Rocketshipping-fanfiction
My dear friends,
it’s been a while since I last posted an entry. Let me tell you why and what, besides Covid-19, made me pause from publishing fanfictions over the last couple of months. Of course, Switzerland was very affected by the pandemic and still is today. We had numerous lock-downs or as Swiss people call it “slow downs”. My mother got very sick last year, I almost lost her. The doctors said she would only live two or three more days, but my mom is a fighter. She had to stay at the hospital for months, she endured countless medical examinations, had to take meds and slowly learned to live again. I’m so proud of my mother that she was strong and determined to get better. When she turned back home, I started to take care of her and I hate to leave her on her own, even if we’re talking about half an hour or less. Right now, she’s doing quite good, actually, we’re on vacation and she makes a great effort to participate in life in Italy. She’s my role-model! She will never be the same as before, but she won’t give up, she wakes up every morning to make progress. I prayed for her and her well-being, I prayed every single night she might get another chance and now we’re here at the beach and dining in fancy restaurants. It’s been a horrible year for everyone, a year full of sorrow, tears and desperation, a year where I was constantly afraid, the hospital would call me with some bad news, but she did it! She survived and she fights for her life! So proud! Good news is: I passed my doctoral exams and I’m officially allowed to call myself Dr. phil. des. Melanie C. but that won’t ever stop me from loving Team Rocket so here it is - a brand new Rocketshipping-fanfiction for you guys. LOVE YOU! Night shift
Chapter 1:
It was past ten o’clock when that miserable looking guy entered the diner. He inconspicuously sat down in the farthest corner of the café and immediately hid his face behind the menu card. Nevertheless, Jessie the waitress could make out the pathetic expression on his face, how he was cowering like a whipped dog. She had seen quite a bit in this diner. Drunks, thugs, addicts and other needy people who asked for a sympathetic ear, compassion and understanding, but that guy was different. He suffered terribly, but did not dare to communicate, instead he hid from the world so as not to attract attention and quietly endure his fate. Jessie had to do something about it. Of course, she didn’t want to play the Good Samaritan. She knew the tricks of the men who entered this diner. Most of the time, they told the waitress tall tales, hoping to be comforted, whatever they meant by that. But this young man did not make a shady impressionHe was well dressed, looked well-groomed, and Jessie was especially struck by his bright emerald green eyes, the only thing in his face that had not yet been veiled by grief and sorrow. She decided to do something about his displeasure.
“Did you have a rough day?” she asked while disinfecting the table.
He looked briefly into her eyes and nodded. “That’s one way to put it,” he answered, the gaze immediately lowered again.
This would be a taciturn conversation, but Jessie didn’t give up easily, she was a natural at making even rocks talk.
“Listen! No matter what happened, I’ve seen or heard some things. If I can help you in any way, my name is Jessie and I’m in charge of this table today. Let me just get the gum out from under your seat and get you a cold drink. What would you like?” She pulled a spatula from her apron and rubbed away the remains of the spoiled brats that marred her diner.
‘Wow,’ the young man thought to himself. ‘A strong, self-confident woman who lends a hand herself and who’s not above cleaning up dirt.’ Their eyes met briefly, and he forced a wry smile.
“You know, kid. You can’t rely on anyone. If you want to get everything done, do it yourself and don’t trust anyone. This world doesn’t give you anything for granted!” She briefly wiped the back of his chair before disappearing behind the counter and pouring the young man an ice-cold Coke.
“I have rarely seen you so concerned about a customer. Normally you show yourself aloof and only take the order, so as not to get involved in embarrassing conversations. Must be a really great pike, this pathetic creature in the far corner. Could it be that you’ve got a tiny crush on this guy?” For Eddy, teasing his best friend was the greatest pleasure. He didn’t know her like that. Jessie usually resisted any kind of small talk. This was due to her dark past, when she had repeatedly fallen for advances from men who were never looking for a steady relationship, but for a quick fix. Eddy had witnessed this bad time of his friend, how her heart was broken, how she was badly played with, and how she was simply dropped like a hot potato. Jack was the worst example of them all. While Jessie was already hearing the wedding bells ringing, he was making love to the women of the Strip and deceiving Jessie night after night with other broads. Jessie was devastated when she found out Jack was cheating on her. She was furious, not even at her lying boyfriend, but at herself for having been so stupid as to trust a man.
Jessie gave Eddy a light pat on the head. “Don’t be silly! That time is over. I can take care of myself, I don’t need male support for that. I’m a big girl, I make my own dough, and I keep my head above water pretty well. No, not a chance, I’ve sworn off flirting.” Nevertheless, she caught herself as her gaze wandered to the young man in the corner. “Oh yes, this time is definitely over,” Eddy smirked.
“Jessie, could you bring us a side of fries, please?” Misty’s order echoed throughout the hall. The twenty-year old waved her hands. She was used to speaking loudly, almost shouting, to attract guests to her daily water Pokémon show. Sometimes she walked up and down the streets of the Strip all day in the blazing hot sun, trying to win people for her underwater attraction. As an excellent student, she could have taught at any college, but she had decided early on to get into show business and make her living doing what she really loved, joined by Dewgong and Starmie. Her parents had not agreed with this decision at all, it was wasted talent, they had claimed, and had summarily turned Misty out the door. Since then, she had been struggling through life on her own, but could always count on Jess, the diner and her two best friends, Ash and Brock, young people who were also not favoured by fate.
“Temper your voice, twerp!” Jessie couldn’t help but grin. She spread the ketchup bottles around the table, hoping Ash wouldn’t spill on himself and the diner again. His constant companion Pikachu immediately hopped on his shoulder, grabbed a fry and popped it in his mouth. Ash and his Pokémon were carnies. He had trained his friend well and attracted many spectators with his performance. Most of them felt sorry for the guy and tipped generously. That’s why Ash was able to invite his friends to the diner every night, a place that gave them hope where they could experience security. They were convinced that nothing would ever disturb this idyll and that fate, for better or worse, had taken its course.
“Who’s that guy over there?” Brock wanted to know. He had barely sold chocolate and roses tonight. The others held back, but they were certain that their friend was just too pushy with women and that’s why he only collected rejections instead of green bills.
“I’ve never seen him here before. Must be from another area. I can’t tell you for the life of me why he’s wearing a suit at theses temperatures, he looks pretty pathetic to me anyways,” Jessie replied.
“Maybe his car has stalled,” Ash suggested, “and now he was forced to wander through the desert until the tasty aromas from your diner brought him back from his delirium.”
“Or,” Brock interfered, “he had to flee his own wedding because his wife is a real pain in the ass, unlike our sweet Misty,” Brock oohed at his friend. “Forget it, Brock! You and me, this will never happen!” She gave him a gentle poke.
“Enough now with your naïve speculations! Just let him enjoy his drink. We’re closing soon, so get going,” Jessie dismissed their absurd ideas with a wave of her hand, but at this point no one knew how right Brock was.
Dark thoughts hunted the young man. He knew what he would face at home if he was late. Beatings, torture, rebuke, harassment, were just a few words to describe his failed relationship. Unconsciously, he stroked his scarred arms.
“Can I get you something to eat?” Jessie pulled him out of the maelstrom of bad thoughts, of course she had noticed the wounds, but maybe he had gotten those injuries at work. The young man rummaged some coins out of his pants and let them jingle on the table. “Is that enough for a cheese sandwich?” Jessie hated small change, but she would make an exception for him. A friendly smile, a quick nod, and she passed on the order.
“Something’s wrong with this guy,” she whispered to Eddy. “He’s scarred, bruised and pays with penny coins. Possibly a vagrant.” Eddy couldn’t help but grin. “That guy’s been keeping you busy all night, Jess. What’s the matter with you? Are you getting weak?”
The young man could not overhear the conversation between the waiters, but he was sure they were talking about him. He sure made a rather frightening impression, but that was a private matter and not something you shared with a waitress in a diner.
His gaze drifted to the daily paper, which had two faces emblazoned on it: Butch and Cassidy. He had never heard of this odd couple, but according to the news, theses two were causing quite a stir and were terrifying the Strip.
“Oh, so you’ve already spotted them, those two knuckleheads! They keep the Strip in suspense, and heads roll when the taxes don’t add up,” Jessie served him the cheese sandwich and gave him a slight smile.
“Can I get you anything else?” He thanked her and took a hearty bite of his dinner.
The last half hour flew by and the remaining guests left the diner to spend the night on the Strip, as very few had a roof over their heads. Jessie set about cleaning up and Eddy checked the register.
The young man stood up and made his way towards the door. But before he left the diner, he glanced back at Jessie for a moment. A sigh escaped him. What if…?
Jessie returned his gaze and watched him go until the young man disappeared. She walked right up to his table and found a little note on the receipt.
“Thanks for treating me like a human being, James.” 
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The First David Job
leverage 1.12
sophie organized the notecards for the intervention
- - - - -
Sophie: Drunk again?
Nate: Are we still unclear? I'm a functioning alcoholic, you know? And the trick is not to get hung up on the "alcoholic." But celebrate the "functioning" part of the sentence.
- - - - -
Nate: Yeah, I- I know all this.
Hardison: No, no, no. See, while you are well-versed in dead-guy art, I myself am not. My entire criminal career is based on technology built after 1981. So I am riveted. Quite so. Please, do go on.
- - - - -
Hardison: Man, am I glad I don't have to break in there. That is one sick security system.
Parker: What, with our tools? Give me three days of prep, it'd be like taking diamonds from the French national bank. That's like taking candy from a baby.
Hardison: I got it.
Parker: A very easy thing to do.
Hardison: Got...it
I love her
- - - - -
Parker: Oh, look, little buddy. (picks up fake statue) That's your new home!
Hardison: Can you please not play with the little naked man? Please.
Parker: I'm not. (sets the statue down)
- - - - -
Eliot: You guys--you know each other?
Ian: Of course. Maggie is Nate’s ex-wife.
Eliot (nervously): Oh.
eliot being completely RATTLED lmfao
- - - - -
Parker: Which conversation do you want to listen to?
Hardison: That's what stereo was invented for.
- - - - -
Hardison: Now, Nate, is Maggie a very good Art Inspector?
Nate: Yeah, she's the best.
Parker: No, no, no, we can't let your ex-wife anywhere near our little naked man!
parker: don’t talk to me or my naked son ever again
- - - - -
Hardison: No, no. Nate, we haven't done any prep. We don't have our tools.
Parker: You want me to break into a secure storage facility with whatever I can scrounge up at the buffet table?
Nate: Pretty much, yeah.
Parker: Cool. I think Sophie left some dresses in here. (turns to look through things)
Hardison: I'll go, too. I, uh, I got a white shirt. I can go wait staff.
(Parker takes off her shirt and Hardison looks the other way, turning the fake statue away from her as well)
hardison is a bashful lil respectful boy and we stan him for it
- - - - -
parker walking in in that amazing dress and everyone looking? good, it’s what she deserves (I’m gay)
- - - - -
Parker: Door's got a silent alarm. (to Sophie) You should hide. (to Hardison) We should pretend to make out.
Hardison: Make what?
(Parker grabs Hardison and they begin to kiss and she pushes the door open a little)
[Founder’s Reception]
(Nate and Eliot turn to look at the building as the sounds of making out come over the comms)
(Sophie goes around a corner out of sight)
Hardison: Let's talk about-- A little bit--
(Parker and Hardison continue to make out. Two guards approach and seem embarrassed. One clears his throat)
Guard: You, uh, bumped the door there. Sets the alarm off.
Hardison: You know what?
Parker: Oh.
Hardison: We, you know how it is.
Parker: Sorry.
(guards walk away and Sophie rejoins them)
Parker: Makeup. (takes makeup from Sophie) Come on. (goes through door)
Hardison: Can we talk about the pretending? That was nice.
(Sophie pushes him after Parker and returns to the party)
poor hardison’s heart must be beating wildly
- - - - -
Eliot: Which one of you did she kiss?
(Sophie sighs)
- - - - -
parker’s laser grid dodging skills are legendary + her delight when she stands up to see the first david !!!
also we stan a QUEEN who broke into a vault with only a glass of ice, a roll of aluminum foil, gum, and eyeshadow (and a fake makeout sesh)
- - - - -
Hardison: You did not just think about this on the way in from the van.
Parker: Some people do crosswords
- - - - -
Maggie: I-I just, I’m just trying to tell you that I still care.
Nate: No, I-I was –
Maggie: Care what happens to you, I mean. I've never stopped caring about you, Nate
maggie is such a genuinely good person and we love her for it
- - - - -
Parker: Ready?
(Hardison uses his phone to access remote system)
Parker: Come on, come on.
[Parking Lot]
(alarms begin to blare an all the cars)
[Security Control Room]
Guard 1: Hey, the vibration alarm just went off in the restoration room.
Guard 2: Wait. (points at monitor) Look. The car alarms all went off in the parking lot.
Guard 1: Little earthquakes.
Guard 2: Just another tremor.
that’s so smart tho???
- - - - -
Parker tosses the real David to Hardison who catches it)
Hardison: Wha-you-- Don't throw the David.
Parker: You caught it, didn't you?
Hardison: You're crazy
I would have had a HEART ATTACK
- - - - -
Maggie: Adam!
Eliot (turns): Uh, yeah?
(Eliot stops as Nate continues away)
Maggie: Let me give you my number.
Eliot: Great.
[Leverage HQ]
Eliot: I'm sorry your wife gave me her phone number.
Nate: Don't want to talk about it.
Eliot: I-It was only to coordinate where we were gonna go anyway.
Nate: Not talking about it.
hardison is enjoying it so much in the background dnjsjajsjsnnsnn
- - - - -
(Parker puts the statue on the table between them)
Parker: We just stole an $8 million statue on, like, our day off! (she shakes their shoulders happily)
- - - - -
Pilot: Uh, work? W-what are you talking about?
Hardison: Spot inspection. FAA. Now, look, I want to see this plane's TCAS, VRSM, and 8.1 FM spacing in operation to make sure it's fully functional and in compliance with the new FAA regulations.
Pilot: New regulations?
(Hardison takes out a pen and writes on a clipboard)
Hardison: Pilot unaware of latest regulations.
Pilot: Oh, the new regulations. Of course. Please, come this way. I'll take you right up.
Hardison: Oh, no, no. It's cool, it's cool. I don't need to go up. Just taxi me around the building.
Pilot: Taxi? I thought you need to get up in the air.
Hardison (writes on clipboard): Uncomfortable with black authority figures.
Pilot: Sir, please don't write that.
Hardison: Oh, I will write a letter to your mama if I feel like it.
Pilot: This way, please. It's in order. I-I promise. This way. It's okay. (to copilot) FAA, he's a hard-ass.
(copilot tries to get bags)
Pilot: Screw the bags. Let's go!
this was really funny but also SUCH A GOOD WAY to con people
- - - - -
quinn’s hair did nothing for him in this episode. i said what i said.
- - - - -
(Sophie and Nate get into his car and leave while Quinn continues to take pictures from the open door of the hanger. Eliot walks up behind him)
Eliot: I'm gonna count to three.
(Quinn turns and hits Eliot hard, knocking him across the floor)
Eliot: Nate, we're blown. W—
Nate: Eliot, what’s--
(several feet away, Eliot’s earpiece is lying on the floor. Eliot tries to scramble away, but Quinn kicks him in the ribs, throwing him back, and kicks him several times more)
Quinn: That rib's broken.
(Eliot manages to get to his feet)
Quinn: He said you'd be tougher than this.
quinn: *is a really good fighter*
eliot: *surprised pikachu face*
ALSO the reason eliot was beat up so bad in the beginning was because he kept on trying to get back to his comm every chance he got INSTEAD of truly fighting back. his first priority was warning his team over his own personal safety and ugh we stan a man who cares about his family
- - - - -
,,, imagine you’re driving on a highway and see a chick jump off a bridge onto an armored car, pick its lock and then BREAK INTO said armored car ,,, wyd
- - - - -
poor hardison was ready to relax ,,, he got a soda and made himself some popcorn too
- - - - -
(Quinn and Eliot both stand hunched over, breathing hard)
Quinn: Why won't you go down?
(Eliot laughs, blood falling from his mouth to the floor. Quinn comes at him again, but Eliot catches him and knees him in the chest several times before pushing him away. Quinn falls to his hands and knees, gasping for air)
Eliot: Now that rib's broken.
(Eliot hits Quinn in the face hard, sending him to the floor. Holding his ribs, Eliot walks to the earpiece and puts it in)
payback is sweet
- - - - -
Sterling: Mr. Spencer?
(Quinn is still unconscious as Eliot walks out the hanger doors, breathing hard, limping and holding his ribs)
Eliot: Hey, Sterling. I got some dental work with your name on it. What do you say me and you hook up so I can give it to you?
- - - - -
Sophie: Sterling knows us. He knows how we think.
Nate: So we think like somebody else
- - - - -
Nate: With a couple broken ribs and a concussion, I don't think Eliot can take out six guys.
(Eliot looks like he’d give it a try)
Nate: You know, but then I thought, "what would Hardison do?"
(Hardison looks at Nate in surprise)
(Eliot pulls out his phone and accesses the computer system, sending a high pitched whine into the comm. devices of the guards. They all bend over in pain. Eliot punches the one closest to him. Nate grabs Geary and slams his head down on the table. Hardison hits another guard in the face with his tied hands)
also YEET hardison is a badass but wbk
- - - - -
(Parker runs for Sophie. Sterling and his men run for Sophie and Parker. Parker reaches Sophie first and the dive from the roof, Sophie screaming and Parker laughing all the way down)
parker is the only character I’ve ever seen that can scream “yeehaw” and “yahoooooo” without it sounding ridiculous
- - - - -
(Eliot walks into the lobby, holding his ribs. He turns to yell over his shoulder)
Eliot: Hardison!
(Eliot follows Nate toward the door)
Hardison (breathing hard): Wait, Eliot. Eliot, come on.
(Eliot goes back inside)
Eliot: You've got to be kidding me, man.
(Eliot goes to help Hardison carry the painting out)
Hardison: Bring it out, come on.
Eliot: This is just weird.
Hardison: I painted this
okay so we all know that hardison actually hit a lot of cash in the painting but also, eliot actually goes back to help instead of just rolling his eyes and leaving hardison behind. eliot can get annoyed with him but he’d never leave him behind. not even on day one when hardison fell in the exploding building in the nigerian job. eliot was there for him then and he will be there for him for the rest of their lives.
ALSO I really hope eliot got his ribs checked out sometime soon after
- - - - -
Sterling: You're fired. Dust the whole place for fingerprints, okay? I want a forensic computer spec—
(the monitors come to life, showing Hardison’s face)
Hardison: Hey, Sterling. Get out of my house.
(display changes to a 30 second clock that begins to count down)
Sterling: Run. Run!
(all of the men run from the office, coming out onto the street)
Geary: Maybe he was bluffing.
(the entire floor of the building explodes, shooting fire)
Sterling: That's the funny thing about con men. They don't bluff.
- - - - -
the third “scattering scene” of the series
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Walking into a party, what’s the first thing you look for? someone I know lmfao also a toilet Who was the last person you ate with? my mom, sister and niece
What do you do when you’ve had a bad day? depends Kiss on the first date? maybe Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex? yes Are you too shy to tell people when you’re developing feelings for them? wouldn’t say so If you could pack up and leave to move away, would you? yeah Do you wish you were with someone right now? I wish my dad was already home and everybody else OUT or just leave me alone, I wouldn’t mind my gf’s company much either How many more people do you think you’ll kiss before you die? nobody else unless CPR will count if I will ever need it Do you like messing with people when they’re drunk? nothing rude/dangerous  Whats a song you absolutely hate? Gangnam style for example Your opinions on bi people? most of them end up in heterosexual relationships anyway because it’s easier  Song playing right now? Melanie Martinez songs Has anyone ever mistaken you for someone else? my mom and sister
What color dominates your wardrobe? dunno
Do you prefer color photos or black-and white? color, black and white or sepia only if they’re really old - elseway they usually remind me of death What color is your house? What about car? white What color “emotion” are you feeling right now? I’m feeling blue? Have you ever seen a double rainbow before? yep, even this year Do you own anything that is rainbow-colored? like one item that I don’t even use anymore Do you enjoy coloring? not really
If you had the chance to get the cast of any canceled tv show back together to make one “reunion” season, would you? Or do you think it’s better remembering it the way it was? If so, what show would you choose? BUFFY!
Do you find music helps you sleep? Which type of music do you sleep to? recently it helps me survive until I feel sleepy enough to not overthink/cry/get anxiety attacks
Would you try to hold back your tears if you were attending a funeral? I didn’t cry but I believe it depends on who’s funeral it is
If you could be one age forever, how old would you be? I just want to be a kid
Do you have a particular shoe brand you favor over others? nah
If you had the choice, what would your final words be? telling my loved ones that I love them
What is one thing you always wanted as a child, but never received? big stuffed black panther and a treehouse mostly
What social situations tend to make you most nervous?  all of them?...
What is one medical myth you’re tired of hearing? for an example that severe illnesses are visible all the damn time
Do you like making up nicknames for people? love, they’re catchy and other ppl start to use them to :D
Delete a year of your life, or start over in a new town? deleting one year wouldn’t help unless it was a year I was born like in Shrek movie...
What do you call your grand-parents? babcia 
What’s your favorite song by Taylor Swift? Why is that your favorite? the only one I liked was Bad blood mostly because of the music video
What do you think about your hair right now? ugh...
Do you do your homework at the last minute? oh well...
Would you rather get a new brother or sister? new as in a way of replacement or another?
Have you ever used a Polaroid camera? I wanna buy one someday
What is your favorite thing to do online? lots 
Have you ever gone to see a movie just to make fun of it? that’s stupid
Would you rather watch Family Guy or South Park? Simpsons
Does it bother you when people wear pajamas out? I’d do that myself :3
Have you ever tried online dating? How did it go? I tried and every single “relationship” failed, not that there were many of them, I met plenty of people that I wish I didn’t tho
Who was the last person you took a picture with? my sister and niece but shadows only 
Do your parents allow smoking in your house? nooo
Is your last name shorter than your first name? longer
Last two numbers in your phone number? personal
Who’s in your house? my fam just went to the garden and I have a moment of silence, finally
What magazine(s) do you look at the most? interior design
Are you paranoid? kind of
What item should never be shared? toothbrush, bloody period pad, underwear, towel, used piece of toilet paper, gum that someone already had in their mouth etc.
Do you sleep with a fan on? I don’t even own a fan
How many plants are in your home? too many
Do you ever type “kik” instead of “lol”? it never happened :o
Do you know how to play chess? forgot
Are you picky? about some stuff, sure
How tall is the person you like?  tall, much taller than me
Are you excited for winter? if I was then only for Christmas or New year eventually my birthday but it’s doubtful
If it was free and it would work perfectly, would you get plastic surgery? but it ain’t safe and painless etc.
Have you ever been called prince or princess? I dislike that
Do you like your body? pfft
What do you hear right now? dog barking
Last thing you wrote your name on? documents 
Where did you get the pants you’re wearing right now? I don’t even remember anymore
When is the next time you will see your grandma? ...
What is it tomorrow? Sunday
Have you ever laughed at someone because they had a funny name? not face to face, I heard some funny names during mass or my mom told me about them and I saw some online or in movie credits Speaking of names, why do celebrities always call their kids stupid ones? to be unique If you have a problem with someone, will you confront them? maybe
Are you more likely to be called a hard worker or lazy? lazy What is your sense of humor like? quite dark, sarcastic, dry, witty, puns, daddy jokes, memes Have you ever had a dream in black and white? I don’t recall What about a dream with no sound? it’s possible What types of people do you tend to avoid? ... all of them? What is one personality trait a potential friend must have? understanding and similar sense of humor Have you ever been in a helicopter? no What color car would you like to have? DeLorean is grey but if I had a jeep then yellow, red, gree, black or silver
What is your favorite mode of travelling? on foot or train, definitely not plane Are your favorite characters often what the majority like? I hardly ever like the main character so I doubt it but who knows? Is it dark outside right now? not yet Do you get scared when it’s a full moon? when I’m outside it’s bothering If you travel anywhere, do you always buy souvenirs for people? often Are you waiting on anyone coming home right now? YES Do you like the way your voice sounds? nope Can you see the stars from your house? not currently but at night - if it’s not cloudy - yup How would you react if your favorite band made a song with your first name as its title? awesome! unless it was real bad Are you considered an awkward person? it seems Is there a light on in the room you’re in? too bright for that  What day were you born on? Saturday, my mom said I shouldn’t be lazy then but I responded with - I was half an hour late for Friday Do you like having a favorite everything or do you enjoy keeping open? I often say I have a lot of favorites of things as I have a hard time choosing just one for most of them
How often do you feel pressured to be better than or different than you are? For example, how often do you feel pressured to be skinner, tanner, prettier, etc? Keep in mind that pressure doesn’t always have to come from others; In fact, we can put a lot of pressure on ourselves. ugh...
Would you rather it snow for three days or rain for a week? rain for a week if it didn’t cause the flood 
Have you ever changed the look of a survey because you didn’t like the way it was presented? This can even include adding or deleting numbers to the questions. many times
Does it bother you when surveys ask questions that Google could answer? I agree
When is the last time you had a cell phone that wasn’t a smartphone, if ever? 3 years ago
Do you know anyone who can speak more than 5 languages fluently? noooo
Would you rather write an essay on global warming or UFOs? UFO
Do you like sailing? When was the last time you went, if at all? never been and don’t wanna Favourite Pokemon? Mimikyu and Pikachu Do you or have you done martial arts? Which type? karate, self defence
Favorite animal. raccoon
Any turn ons? personal
3 most important people in your life right now? my dad, my gf and my mom
Do you respond to texts quickly? depends
Who was the last person you called? dad
Winter or summer? summer
What is the secret to a happy life? good health, enough money, peace and quiet, either no people around or only good ones, no worries/problems
What are some phrases/words you say often? MAYBE
What are some of your greatest fears? personal
Spicy food:Like or dislike? my stomach doesn’t like spicy food
Do you like to travel? nope
Do you like rain? yup
Would you rather visit the past or the future? future to see if it’s worth living for - past if not to enjoy once more what I lost
How often do you go to parties?  never?...
Do you think you’re ambitious? I know I’m not
What makes you nervous? what doesn’t?...
First mobile phone? grey Siemens
Do you like sharing? sharing what?
What was the last picture you took with your phone? single tiny cloud
If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be? ME
Are you more creative or logical? why can’t I be both?
Would you rather lie or hurt someone with the truth? I don’t know anymore
When you imagine yourself as really, really relaxed and happy, what are you doing? sleeping well and having a good dream?
What is the best news you could hear right now? that I have no allergies
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cutiecrates · 4 years
Cutie Reviews: TokyoTreat Oct 19
I think I’m doing pretty good progress wise, please be patient with me as I continue to try to review old boxes~
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“October is here, bringing with it those spooky Halloween vibes! Halloween has been growing in popularity in recent years, and since Japan loves their seasonal snacks we had plenty of new, interesting items to choose from! In the spirit of being spooky but kinda cute, we’ve created a Poke-Monster Night for you to enjoy! No sharing these tricky snacks though!“
For this months contest, the winner could receive figures of Naruto and Sasuke from Naruto, while runner-ups won a cute pokeball candy and stamp. Lucky Treat consisted of Full Metal Alchemist, Dragon Quest, AND three devil fruits from One Piece, the Gomu Gomu (Gum), Mera Mera (Flame), and Ope Ope (Operation. Also, they accidentally mislabeled as the “dark dark fruit”). I was very excited that they included the 3 belonging to 3 of my favorite characters~
Pokemon Ramune & Strange Syrup DIY
(Please see top pic for images)
For this month, we get a basic, straight-laced ramune drink. Thank goodness :P as much as I like to try new flavors, sometimes I forget the original is probably the best... especially in comparison to those yucky flavors that I’m still traumatized by <_< and this month we even get a really cute pokemon label.
Ramune is basically that “soda“ flavor you’ll see in Japanese candy. It has a sweet, sort of lemon-ish taste but its not sour. It’s a little like sprite, but in my opinion it tastes way better. It’s especially yummy whenever it’s warm out or if you worked up a thirst. It’s also really fun to open because of the marble inside!
If you have ever wanted to try out Ramune, I would suggest checking on Amazon (they have a variety of fruit flavors too), or maybe the Japan Haul website (the website made through Tokyo Treat and its various brands).
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The DIY I just included a bonus pic of because I’ve done it several times. It’s a super-sticky, thick syrup like candy that only requires you to mix the 3 flavors, which are strawberry, soda, and lemon. Together they make grape... which looks like this:
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Because this candy was a little old, I think it was a bit off. The lemon and soda flavors were fine, but I noticed that not only was strawberry orange instead of pink, which might explain this... greenish-honey color. It’s usually a little purple if I recall.
Also, it didn’t really taste like grape this time, and it wasn’t as good in my opinion- but I guarantee if you open it as soon as you get it, it tastes much better. If you don’t like sticky/gooey textures you might wanna skip this one though.
Halloween Milk Senbei & Bloody Cola Marshmallow
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Since I subscribed like 3 years ago, I’ve only seen senbei in a box once; I was very excited to see it again! It’s stuff like this I wish they would include more of, because I want to try the unique foreign flavors you know?
Anyway, the milk senbei is a plain, very thin melt-in-your mouth cracker-like snack that pretty much tastes like ice cream cone, but a teensy bit sweeter. This one comes with a cola flavored sauce to put on top of it. Each 1 (or one pack, not sure) is around 25-27 calories.
♥ ♥ ♥
I really like the taste of ice cream cones, I don’t know why, I just always have. Meanwhile, the jelly/sauce is purple, but it indeed tastes like cola ♥ it’s very yummy. However... together, they get a strange taste and that I’m not very fond of. I can’t even describe it, but its weird. But eating it in small doses is tolerable.
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Speaking of cola, we also got a really cute marshmallow filled with a cola jelly! It’s like they combined two of my favorite things~
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It’s very soft and yummy, the jelly inside tastes about the same as the sauce from the prior item, but it tastes so much better with the marshmallow.
Apple Pie Kit Kat & Brown Sugar Sweets
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Instead of orange kit kats this year, we get to see fun purple one :D these kit kats are inspired by an apple pie. As you can see they also come in a large pack to share with others or to eat yourself. Each pack is 65 calories. 
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I love the coloring of these, first of all. It’s such a pretty purple, and its fun too. The apple flavor is very prominent, and it has a very small hint of spice, while the wafer brings to mind a sugary crust. It’s sweet, but mildly.
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These are popular for their melty and soft texture, with a very thin, crisp layer of rich brown sugar coating. Each one of these is 17 calories.
♥ ♥ ♥ 
These are kinda basic, but it’s a yummy sweet that isn’t overly sugary. I think it goes good with the apple pie kit kat, and maybe some milk.
Disappearing Taste?! Mixed Gummies, ZomB Grape Gum, & Blue Green Soda Gum
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We got 3 gums this month! Our first is very familiar, because we’ve had this gum before. The only difference is this is its washed out, slightly different cousin. Basically, you’re given a set of flavors of gum, in this case yogurt, strawberry, orange, and white grape/muscat. You can eat them as is, or mix the flavors to make new ones, like a fruit drink, melon soda, or different fruits.
What makes this one special however, is that there is a special gumball that supposedly makes the flavor disappear? I mean, isn’t that what gum does normally?
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
This gum is really nice, you get a lot of them per-resealable pouch, and the flavors are always pretty good. Plus I like how the gum is smooth and soft in texture. I didn’t really notice any difference with this one from the last pack I had other than flavors.
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Next up, we have the ZomB Gum; a popular Halloween item that we have seen before; I think about 2 or so years back, when we got the red cola vampire version. What makes this gum really fun is that it colors your tongue as you chew it, and it has a delicious grape flavor.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
This gum has the same texture as the other gum, so I really like it. The color effect isn’t nearly as strong as the package shows, but it’s a cute little gimmick, and it tastes great. The flavor lasts about 5 minutes.
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Our last gum is another brand I’ve had before. I have had both this flavor, and their cola version. It’s pretty much the same concept as the ZomB gum (they’re made by the same brand), but its in two sticks and you get a soda flavor, and a melon flavor.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I’d pretty much say the same things as I did about the previous two gums. All three were delicious and I would recommend any of them.
Poteco Pumpkin Gratin & Pringles
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Here we have two salty, savory snacks for the box. But of course, the Poteco are not new to us, in fact I think last Halloween we got the exact same pack; minus slightly different packaging. Poteco is good and all, but I got so tired of seeing it that I tend to... shy away from it now. This flavor wasn’t really that different from the original/normal Poteco either.
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I was a lot more excited for this item, a unique pack of Japanese Pringles :D Looking at the package, this is a type of ramen or noodle bowl flavor. It’s a mystery item in the booklet so I’m not really sure, but for this small can it is 267 calories!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Honestly, these are so yummy that I don’t even care how many calories there are. The flavor is very strong, it tastes exactly like this cup ramen I like to buy. Trying to describe the flavor, I would say it’s sort of like beef or soy sauce broth, with a hint of a corn taste?
Pokemon Halloween Chocolate & Pikachu Gummies
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These are both snacks we’ve had before, so I’ll try to just gist this one.
These crispy snacks are shape like pikachu heads and come in fun, colorful packaging featuring a variety of Pokemon, while the back usually has a fun puzzle or image. Each bag is 83 calories and they are by the brand Tohato.
These are really yummy x3 they have a slightly bitter chocolate taste and remind me a lot of the coco crispy cereals.
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The other snack is also pikachu-shaped, but besides its head, there are also the occasional tail you might find ;3 These are by Lotte, and each pack is 90 calories. The flavor is grape and they taste really good too.
The only real thing to bother me about these is that they didn’t cut the gummy around Pikachu’s ears. It’s a minor thing but it bothers me a little.
Halloween Corn Potage Umaibo
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Okay, so... because I talk about this a lot, I’m not actually planning on saying anything about it this time :P long story short, corn potage Umaibo is the best.
Squid Legs & Halloween Pizza Corn Snack
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Don’t let the name fool you, these are not real squid legs- they just have a fishy taste. I’ve had these before too, and I have fairly complex feelings about them. On one hand they don’t taste terrible, but I don’t like seafood and the flavor is still unappealing to me. I like their crunchy texture though.
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Next up is this corn puff snack featuring a delicious pizza flavor! They taste exactly like the pizza-flavored combos, if you never had those before I would recommend them too~
Pokemon Cola Chewing Candy
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This is our final item... and now that I look at it, it kinda looks like a wafer cookie doesn’t it?
Anyway, these are sticks of chewing candy that come in various series and flavors. Before we had some grape Thomas the Tank Engine ones, and this time we get some cola Pokemon. Each wrapper usually includes a unique design, craft, or puzzle of some sort.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ I don’t know if these are hard because they had to sit around for a while, or because that is just how they are. I don’t remember the Thomas ones being so hard, but they weren’t as thick as these. But if you suck on them for a few minutes they soften up, or you can crunch them to softness. The flavor is very yummy, I think it might be my favorite cola flavored item in the box.  
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 4.5 out of 5. Everything is very yummy, even though a fair amount of it was repetitive. I really liked it. Theme - 4 out of 5. Well, given the packaging and theme, I could say yeah they did pretty good. We had a decent amount of Pokemon items, but they could have done a little more too I think. Total Rank: 9 out of 10. I really liked this box, I just wish maybe we would have had a couple more unique items.
♥ Cutie’s Scale of Yummy ♥
(I’m sorry, but by this point I’m not really feeling well. I want to finish the review so that I can go lay down DX)
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grayhyacinth · 5 years
The Final Show
Ship: Kaminari X Jirou from BNHA
Description: The final year at UA also concludes Jirou's band. With her music, can she reach Kaminari's heart with her final performance?
Author's words: I absolutely ADORE this ship! I regret making it long... I also uploaded it to my ao3 account, click here! I made a banner :P
Warnings: Cussing
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Jirou was beyond ecstatic for her final year at UA! Especially since her goal at becoming a Pro Hero was just around the corner. Unfortunately, there were some obstacles that obscured her path.
For instance, every 3rd year student at UA had to decide their future. Such as going to college, joining an agency, finding mentors, and finding a trustworthy insurance company-- to fix any damage that might happen while working.
For Jirou, this was a walk in the park! She had planned-- months prior, that she was going to mentor under Present Mic before joining an agency.
Although she laid down her future path, Jirou was like any students in her year. Apprehensive. But not for the reason that you may think.
The purple-hair girl had started a band in the middle of her first year, that had grown sensationally! Reaching many thrilling hits and succeeding in several genres, Jirou was extremely proud to have been the leader.
But all of that was coming to an end.
Bakugou was going on to bigger and higher platforms that would no doubt, make him the number one hero; Yaoyoruzu was going to be a huge publicity hero and make herself known in the public eye; Tokoyami was going to train up in the mountains for years, before coming back into the city; and Kaminari? Well, the big doofus was going to join Kirishima and mentor under Fat Gum, who unfortunately had to put up with both of their stupidity.
These were all wonderful and exciting futures for her friends, but why did she feel sad?
Jirou was scribbling down lyric ideas into her notebook when suddenly, a body collided into her desk.
"Ah! Sorry, Jirou!!" Kaminari grinned widely at her, before throwing another fake punch at Kirishima.
"Pshhhh... It isn't manly of you to disturb a lady while she's busy, Denki."
"Hah!" Kaminari landed a punch before Kirishima activated his hardening quirk. "It's not my fault! You're the one who push me into the desk!"
Jirou rolled her eyes at their bizarre antics and picked up her notebook, shuffling over to Yaoyoruzu's desk.
"They really do share one brain cell, huh, Momo?"
"Hm?" Yaoyoruzu barely lifted her head to greet Jirou, too engrossed in her own notebook to pay attention.
Jirou frowned. "Heeeeeeey, earth to Momo?"
As if on cue, the black-hair girl snapped out of her concentration and fully faced her friend with an apologetic smile.
"S-Sorry about that!! I really need to get more sleep these days..." Yaoyoruzu trailed off. She then shook her head once more and lifted up her notebook, showing a design of a hero suit.
"I was thinking about changing my costume," she said sheepishly. "Do you think this is too... girly?"
"Girly? It looks like a suit for an R-rated hero!Besides, aren't you going for PG13 at most?"
Yaoyoruzu nodded her head slowly in agreement, before clasping her hands together and thanking the purple-hair girl for her opinion.
"So! What did you need?"
Jirou opened her mouth to reply, but then the bell for class rang, and she quickly dived to her seat.
"Later." She mouthed.
- Time skip -
"Later" was a complete understatement. Usually for the soon-to-be hero, it meant "until lunch." But this time, this time, it meant "give me an entire week because people SERIOUSLY cannot get their shit done!"
For the entire week, Jirou was tasked with fixing her entire band! Even the words, "fixing up" was an understatement! She had to buy new supplies, get new wires, re-order speakers, re-edit the soundtracks, and find out why her online merchandise store was glitching.
But, by the end of the week, it was all finally fixed!
Jirou collapsed onto the dorm room's couch in pure exhaustion. Her body was sinking into the couch, sending her into bliss. Even her eyelids were on the brink of shutting! Dream land was just an arm length away. But unfortunately, her mind was bursting with ideas, each running frantically into different directions.
With a sigh, Jirou sat up and searched through her backpack.
"Ah hah! There you are!" With a delighted smile, the purple-head slammed down the notebook onto the coffee table and turned to an unfinished song.
"Hm? What did you find, Jirou?"
In an instance, the girl shrieked and threw the notebook across the room. She then turned around and strained a grin at the person behind her.
It was Kaminari.
"Oh... Hey Kaminari! What's up?" Jiroy twirled the dangling part of her ear and fluttered her eyelashes. Hopefully the dunce part of his brain will kick in...
With a raised eyebrow, Kaminari walked over to the thrown notebook and picked it up. "So... am I not supposed to ask why you just freaked out? Or should I stay silent?"
As he was about the hand back the notebook, Kaminari conveniently looked down and noticed the unfinished song. "Hm? What's thi- hey!"
Jirou had hastily grabbed her notebook from the yellow-head and turned away, a blush forming on her cheeks. Please tell me he didn't read it...
"It's nothing! Just a list of agencies I was looking into..."
"You know," Kaminari said slowly. He then placed a hand on the Jirou's shoulder. "Fat-Gum was looking to find another student... preferably a female." He chuckled.
Jirou blinked. "Wha-"
"Anyways, it would be nice to be partners with you again... but this time in crime!"
Partners in crime. The words stayed glued to her conscious as Jirou quickly walked away. It was a good title.
"Yeah... sure... I uh... have things to do! Don't be late to practice and I'll see you tomorrow! Good night!"
"Okay! Good night, Jirou! Think about it, would yeah?"
Jirou walked away without a reply and the open she reached her room, she had slammed shut the door behind her and grabbed the nearest guitar.
Playing a couple cords, her heart returned back to it's original beat and Jirou leaned her head back, deep in thought. The song was close to finish-- all it needed was a title and an ending verse.
But, it wasn't the fact that one of her band members saw an original-- because that was a petty thing to get angry over. It was because the person who she wanted to dedicate everything to, saw it. The one person who made her panick with a red face and a heart that beat 1 million beats a minute, read it. That was almost as bad as fighting All Might face to face!
Hopefully things will get better. Jirou thought.
- Time Skip -
That fucking, son of a bitch, mother fucking of a Pikachu, deserves death. No, no, no. The dunce didn't deserve death, he deserved a thousand years of hunger and agonizing pain!
Jirou stomped into her room and slammed the door shut. She grabbed the nearest guitar and strung a note with so much furry, the sound vibrated for minutes. After a while, the note died down and so did the purple-head's anger.
She was infuriated at none other, than Kaminari. Who, conveniently was being a huge piece of shit these last few weeks.
For example, three weeks ago Jirou declared for the band to practice one last time before heading back to the dorm room. Usually, this meant to go all out and don't. Hold. Back.
Who would have thought that Kamin fucking Nari decided to actually go all out??
"Okay, guys! One last practice and then we can all head back home!" Jirou had declared proudly. For her, these practices meant a time to rejuvenate and connect to music, passionately. "One, two three-"
All of a sudden, the speakers had blasted music that made everyone fall to the floor, clutching their ears in pain.
It was the sound of a guitar.
"YOU WANNA FUCK???" Kaminari gave a playful-wide grin at Jirou and continued with his charade.
She became bright-burning red with embarrassment. As she scrambled up the turn off the speaker, Jirou had listed 100 different ways the kill Kaminari. Scratch that, 1 million!
The purple-head had successfully turned off the speaker and turned towards the blonde, "OUT!"
Thinking back to this time, Jirou regretted the way she acted. After all, it wasn't Kaminari or Jirou's fault for their actions.
They-- including all of the 3rd years, were all incredibly stressed out with studying for their finals and college entrance exams. That including rigorous training and last minute plans for the future.
Jirou pulled out a song labeled, "Hopefully Partners." She had finished it a couple weeks back, but never had the time to play it. It was, after all, a song she dedicated for Kaminari.
He had been the one to encourage Jirou to make the band, created the name, and made her life rotate around his words. He was the only one who had done anything for her, out of pure kindness.
Picking up her guitar, she strung a chord.
"Electric waves are dancing. Oh yeah. Dancing around you, babe." She took a deep breath, "The thumping beat of thunder, is creating a symphony that makes me think, will this all fade?"
Jirou stopped after. This is super cheesy... With a shake of her head and a smile, she picked up her phone and diled Yaoyoruzu's number. If she was going to sing this song, then she better get practicing.
- Time Skip -
"Jirou... what are you wearing?!"
The girl in question turned around, confused. "What do you mean?"
Yaoyoruzu sighed and exclaimed, "This is a monstrosity! How are you supposed to go onstage with this... this horror?!" She waved arms up and down, pointing out all the flaws of the dress.
This was their very last performance. After tonight, the band was just another prominent figure in history. They had all played several songs before this, but performance was special.
Jirou had called the manager to schedule a secret show, dedicated to Kaminari-- who was going to be in the crowd, oblivious and certainly living up to his nickname.
"Momo, it doesn't look that bad,"
Rolling her eyes, Yaoyoruzu grabbed the purple-head by the ear and shoved her to the nearest changing room. "This is why I bring extra clothes! You're going to look absolutely fabulous tonight!"
Groaning, Jirou shook her head and slipped into the outfit. She was then pulled into a chair while Yaoyoruzu did her makeup. All when having to hear the black-hair girl exclaim how much of a disappointment Jirou was.
"And done! What do you think?"
She stood up and walked over to the nearest full-body mirror. The dress came down, mid-way to her thigh, and it was similar what she wore to I-Expo. Except, it had black-dark clouds on her chest, then a sunset color bow on her stomach, and then purple and yellow lighting strikes going all the way down.
She was in awe.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we actually have one last performance from your beloved band! As an apology for this long and late night, drinks and appetizers will be free!"
Jirou snapped out and quickly gave Yaoyoruzu a hug, whispering a thank you into her ear.
"Please don't thank me," Yaoyoruzu giggled, "Thank your terrible fashion skills. Now come on, we have a show to preform!"
Jirou shook her head in laughter and together, they went on stage.
The bright lights hit her in the eyes, blinding her from the crowd. She walked over to the microphone, guitar in hand.
"Uh..." she turned around and faced her friends with a smile. "I would first like to thank my amazing band members for pushing through these last three years, my classmates for attending every show, and all of you for encouraging us every night."
She blinked.
"But I would like to thank everything to Kaminari Denki. This song is for you!"
With that, she strung her guitar and the lyrics poured out of her like water. Every note-- every word fit in like pieces of a puzzle. The music flew through the crowd, entrancing them in a slumber that made them lean in for more.
The song was three minutes long, but for Jirou, it was as long as ten seconds. As the last note played, she bowed. There was so much more that she wanted to say. There was so much more songs that she wanted to make and preform.
A bitterness filled her heart as she walked off stage, but then a thought occured to her. Jirou ran back, bumping into the backstage members and hastily grabbed the microphone.
Jirou was pulled off stage by embarrassed backstage members and she was carried over to Yaoyoruzu, who gave them a sympathetic smile.
"That was... really amazing of you, Jirou."
Jirou froze in her tracks. Her blood rushed to her head, her muscles screamed at her to run, but her feet stayed rooted to her spot.
"S-shut up... Kaminari."
Yaoyoruzu, who felt extremely awkward gave Jirou a pat and gave hand signals to everyone to leave them.
"Ugh. Just get a room, jeez." A girl-- around Jirou's age muttered while passing by them. The words only made her burn like lava.
"Wh-what do you want?"
Kaminari hummed, amused by the girl's mortification. "I was thinking.. how about going to the park?"
"What?" Jirou whispered.
"I kind of... planned something tonight, as well." Kaminsri stated, also embarrassed. He then held out his hand. "Wanna go?"
Jirou reached out, but then retreated a bit in hesitation. Was she really willing to go out with the biggest idiot in Japan?
Unfortunately, Jirou was looking at the ground as Kamianri led them to the park, because she didn't notice the adorable grin that spread across his cheeks.
The lamps lit the path and as they neared their destinations Jirou couldn't help but let out a suprise gasp. Kaminari-- with help by all their friends, had decked out the park like a full on love paradise.
There were fairy lights and lanterns that hung from tree to tree, heart shaped balloons that twirled in the wind, and even sprinkled rose petals on the gravel path.
If this was extravagant, then Jirou didn't know what else to call the next biggest suprise of the night. Because at the center, there stood an ice gazebo with the most romantic dinner laid out.
"You're going to attract flies, Jirou." Kaminari chuckled.
Jirou immediately shut her mouth and playfully smacked him. "S-shut up."
As they both sat down to eat, the atmosphere changed. Their normal, playful chatter that consisted of pure stupidity filled the night's air, and if you recorded their conversation, it would sound like a quarrel between a squirrel and a chipmunk.
"So," Electric boy placed his utensils down and scratched the back of his head. "I've been meaning to tell you something for a long time..."
Jirou looked up and as if a boulder was in her throat, she swallowed. "Yeah?"
"Jirou... no, scratch that. Kyouka-- wait, can I call you Kyouka??"
"Sure...?" This wasn't the first time Pikachu boy had said her name. But, the tingling senses in her heart definitely hadn't happen the last time.
Kaminari coughed. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
His gaze penetrated hers. There was no laughter, no sense of playfulness that usually surrounded Kaminari. Hi eyes that was usually bright and cheerful, was filled with a serious glint that was as hard as steel. The pounding in the poor girl's heart had increased three times it's usual beat, but she couldn't care less.
"HAH! Stop joking around Pikachu! You seriously need-"
"I'm serious."
The cherry blossoms that surrounded them, swayed to the wind, creating a beautiful scene that surrounded Jirou's vision. As if it were possible, the dunce head in front of her looked truly handsome.
She smiled. "Fine. But then I get to call you Pikabae."
Kaminari burst out of his seat and with a quick swoop, picked up the magnificent girl in front of him. "You can call me whatever you want. As long as your mine!"
They both laughed, eyes twinkling beneath the starry night. Kaminari slowly set her down, but his arms never left her waist. They were centimeters apart, and if Jirou wanted to, she could close the gap.
And she did.
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undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
https://ift.tt/3jMGhDX #
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The Voyeurs, premiering through Amazon Prime Video on September 10, is an intense erotic thriller that deftly combines voyeurism and ennui. The story starts with one young couple Pippa (Sydney Sweeney, Euphoria) and Thomas (Justice Smith, Detective Pikachu) on the verge of a life together in their new apartment, but soon takes a turn when they learn they can see a little too much of their neighbors’ lives.
Said neighbors (played by EastEenders‘ Ben Hardy and The Greatest Showman‘s Natasha Bordizzo) start to become more interesting and consuming to Pippa than her own life and relationship, much to Thomas’ dismay. But the real danger begins when she stops seeing them through a window and binoculars and starts meeting them face to face.
Related: 10 Best Erotic Thrillers, Ranked By IMDb
Sweeney and Smith spoke with Screen Rant about how they approached the more intimate scenes in the film, what lies behind the surface of Pippa and Thomas’ relationship, and what their director’s preferred nickname is.
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This couple seems very much in love, and yet they’re at a place where spying on their neighbors is their idea of a good time. Did you talk with each other or with Michael about the road that led here?
Justice Smith: Yeah, I think that Thomas and Pippa have different ideas about what they’re doing at the top. Thomas is very happy in this next step of settling down with Pippa, getting this lease and creating this life together. And Pippa still is yearning for excitement, and she doesn’t want to settle down too much.
So, when they get a glimpse of their neighbors, Thomas sees it as something light and fun. And Pippa does too, but it evolves into something different for the two of them.
Sydney Sweeney: [Something] darker.
Sydney, I know that you brought your intimacy coordinator from Euphoria over to The Voyeurs. How did that help the collaboration in those intimate scenes that you do?
Sydney Sweeney: The role of intimacy coordinators is – there’s multiple roles that they hold – to be your voice when sometimes you feel pressured or nervous or just can’t speak up in the moment. Also, they’re there to provide breath mints, gum, and they also have yoga pads so you’re really touching each other. There’s so many things that go on behind the scenes, because it’s very technical – it’s not as intimate as you think they are.
But having Amanda, who I’ve worked with [many times] – she came from Euphoria, she also came to The White Lotus and worked with [Alexandra Daddario and Jake Lacy] – she knows her shit. She makes sure that, if we’re doing a scene multiple times, she’ll come and be like, “Alright, I think that they’re about done. You have one more take.” She’s really good at just being observant and sensing how you are feeling.
Justice Smith: Yeah, she’s in your corner. But then, at the same time, she’s a choreographer. She’s making sure that it looks real and believable, and it’s this balance.
Sydney Sweeney: It’s really funny – sometimes you think you’re doing it and then, on the screen, they’re like, “That wasn’t right.”
Justice Smith: There’s clearly nothing happening.
Sydney Sweeney: I do want to say that Mike –
Justice Smith: You call Michael “Mike?” Ben also calls Michael “Mike.” I’ve always called him Michael. Is his name Mike? Everyone calls him Mike but me. Why don’t I get to call him Mike?
Sydney Sweeney: You have a special relationship with him.
Michael is the most kindhearted human being; he embodies the word kind. So, there was never one moment where I felt I needed Amanda to speak up for on my behalf or Amanda needed to. He really was so thoughtful and took to heart how intense and physical and intimate these scenes were. So, having the mix of Amanda and Michael was like the safest space you could be in.
Justice Smith: [It’s wild] how he wrote a script this dark and intense, because he is so nice and sweet.
Without spoilers, what theme did you most take away from the film or from your character?
Justice Smith: There’s this theme of – obviously, voyeurism – but also a privacy-publicity comparison and obsession.
But with my character, specifically, it was this idea of not being enough. I think that’s what a lot of people struggle with. I think that we’re constantly told we’re not enough through different avenues. We’re not enough if we don’t buy that house or have a nuclear family or have kids or buy that product or pursue our dreams. There’s all this pressure to be something, and a lot of people feel like they’re not, they’re unfulfilled. So, I liked playing a personification of that.
More: Sydney Sweeney’s 10 Best Movie & TV Roles
The Voyeurs arrives September 10 through Amazon Prime Video.
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The post Justice Smith & Sydney Sweeney Interview: The Voyeurs appeared first on undertheinfluencerd.net.
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comicsin5panels · 7 years
6 reasons to why Pokemon is inferior compared to Medabots.
Like most kids back in the late 90s and early 00s, I was obsessed with Pokemon. Everyone at school collected the cards, we all watched the cartoon, and most of us had at least ONE version of the game. We even bought the merchandises.
Like those shitty rulers with Pikachu on them. God we were so stupid...
But my passion for Pokemon was nothing compared to my next great love: Medabots!
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Now this was the shit! I was mesmerized by the cartoon about a nearby future where kids had advanced toy robots that they battled with. And since this is Manga-Mania May, I want to tell you my top six reasons to why Medabots is better than Pokemon.
Number 6: The legacy.
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Despite the fact that there have been seven generations of Pokemon games, the only MC who is brought up in later games is Red from generation one. But Medabots actually makes a bigger deal out of it’s history. Henry (the guy who works at the convenience store, sells Ikki his Metabee, and dons the mask of Phantom Renegade) is the original protagonist of the Medabots games who used a Metabee himself. In later games, Ikki takes Henry’s role, both as Phantom Renegade and as a the one who sells a Metabee to the next protagonist named Azuma.
Number 5: The Medabots anime actually has a plot besides “be the best.”
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The Pokemon anime doesn’t really have a plot beside Ash wanting to be a Pokemon master. He walks around in woods a lot, fights other trainers, compete in the tournament in whatever region he is in and then give up his Pokemon so he an get a new team to train. And it will go on like that... FOREVER.
But Medabot actually have on-going plots. Such as the mystery of the medals, the Rubberrobo Gang evolving from slapstick villains to a force to be reckoned with, the story of Rokusho, the corrupting of the world championship and so on. I do like that most of the Pokemon episodes are self contained, and it was fortunate for 10 year old me if I missed one.
But I just enjoy longer story-lines with buildup.
Number 4: The protagonist of the Medabots anime actually knows what the HECK he is doing!
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I get that Ash is suppose to be the guy who works his way from inexperienced newbie to a Pokemon veteran... but the fact that Ash gets most of his badges without actually winning kinda kills it and he is just some guy who doesn’t know what he is doing and only got so far by being lucky. We don’t get to see him evolve.
Also, he is an idiot. I mean, he has a bedroom filed up with Pokemon stuff,he has dreamed about nothing but to become a trainer, seen countless battles on TV... And he uses a Pikachu against an Onix?
But Ikki? Ikki actually knows what he is doing. He has been obsessed with Medabots the same way Ash has with Pokemon, but HE actually learns something from observing. In fact, he is more or less a living Medabots wikipedia, which gives him an edge as he can deduct his opponents’ strategy. Also, he is a tactical genius, so even though he can only afford an outdated Medabot he can make up battle plans based on his surroundings.
Number3: Eight badges? Bitch please!
In Pokemon, you have to win eight badges to enter the Pokemon League. Which in theory is easy as long as you know what kind of type the leader of the gums are.
In the Medabots anime? There, the Robattle Association are watching all Medafighters all over the globe in order to select the top three Medafighters of each country! Hundreds of referees has been hired to be present at all the Medabot fights to make sure that the rules have been kept and to give the Medafighters points based on how well they did. Then, every fourth year, the top three Medafighters of each country will become a team to represent their nation in the world championship! Now THAT is how you find out who is the very best!
Number 2: The Medabots video game requires way more battle planing.
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I could make a whole list of reasons to why the Medabots game is better then the Pokemon games (except for Infinity...) but the main reason to why it rules is that it’s way harder to win a Medabot fight. It takes way more battle planing, speed plays an even more important factor, and grinding in the game can only get you so far. If you ever get the chance to try the gameboy advance Medabots games(Metabee or Rokusho version) then give it a try.
Number 1: Mr Referee.
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Mr Referee is what made people remember the show, and why shouldn’t he? He is AWESOME! The unofficial star of the show!
Despite his age, he manages to be wherever the main characters are to officiate a robattle. He also can show his mandatory power of respect as an authority figure (a referee in this case) to medafighters who may be doing anything against the rules of the Robattle Association.
Burning buildings, secret underground HQs, you name it. Mr Referee WILL show up to officiate your Robattle, even if it means riding a giant kite to a battle taking place on top of a burning building.
And don’t you DARE go and break the rules in Medabot fights, cause this guy has a satellite in space that will take you out it you try!
Bottom line: Medabots rocks!
I’m Waezi2, and thanks for wasting time with me.
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youremyonlyhope · 5 years
Oooohhhh yeah Eastwatch is one of the castles. Ok. Forgot about that. I am yawning a LOT right now. So there is a very real possibility of me stopping this episode halfway through to go to bed.
Literally. This entire season. I’ve been scanning the opening credits for his name. And I also always pay attention to the locations. Just now, I wasn’t paying attention. I was picking at skin on my finger and I was looking off at my hallway because I thought I heard someone walk by. Then I glanced back at the screen right when his name was fading away. AND THEN I SCRAMBLED TO PAUSE. HE’S BACK!!!
Scratch everything I said about being sleepy. I AM AWAKE.
I got up. Went to the bathroom. Drank some watermelon lemonade that I nearly forgot was in my backpack. And got some gum. I AM READY.
Watch me still fall asleep.
This is a momentous episode. This episode is the reason I decided to start Game of Thrones. The night this episode aired (or maybe the night after) I decided to watch the first episode. Hearing Gendry was back made me want to watch the show so I could get to this point since I knew from spoilers that he was last seen rowing away a long time before. I wanted to see how he ended up at the Wall. I think this is also the episode that Jon’s parentage is revealed. Everything’s happening!
I just GASPED. We’re panning ALONG the wall in the map animation?!?!?!?! Oh my god. EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING. Oh it was Bronn who saved Jaime. I forgot to mention it last episode, but the ashes falling around Bronn like snow as he aimed the Scorpion was amazing. This is almost like Pompei. Ok not really but same vibe. Dead bodies covered in ash. If Dickon’s still alive, he’s gonna choose to stand, isn’t he? LOL dragon intimidation. Yep Dickon and his creep dad are standing. I liked the idea of the Tarlys going to the Wall, and Dany seemed willing to make that compromise, too bad they didn’t take that option. Ugh. I wish Tom Hopper had gotten to play the role for a longer period of time. I love seeing my Knight babies in other shows. The Umbrella Academy is next on my list. I’ll probably never get to it. Jon standing still as Drogon roars at him... it’s like beyond bravery. Ok. Jon’s touching a dragon. Amazing. “They’re beautiful, aren’t they?” “That wasn’t the word I was thinking of -” That pointed stare she gives him oh my god. I really really really hate to point this out. But if the dragons are Dany’s children, then they’re Jon’s cousins. The moment the army of the dead came into view, I literally went “AHhh” out loud. STOP IT NIGHT KING. STOP FREAKING OUT BRAN. “I led him through the wall years ago.” OK SAM SO THAT WAS YEARS AGO? I AM SO CONFUSED OVER HOW FAST TIME MOVES IN THIS WORLD. Ok but then again, we didn’t see Bran for a full season while he was in that tree. So I guess years makes some sense. Yes Sam! Convince them! Slughorn. SHUT UP. I love that the men support and respect Sansa... I just wish that they supported Jon too... YES BRONN. WORKING WITH TYRION AGAIN. I LOVE IT. OH. OH I GET WHAT DAVOS IS DOING. He’s the one who’s gonna get Gendry! After helping him escape! Yes! I love these teasing shots of him but not showing his face. MY BABY. “You need me to come with you.” “I don’t think you understand-” “I’m ready. Let’s go.” I LOVE HIM. Davos is the best. Fermented crab. I can’t. Oh no Tyrion. “Dead men, dragons, and Dragon Queens.” If that’s not the title of a future episode I will be very disappointed. OH EW SHE’S PREGNANT AGAIN. “Your Grace, this is Clo-” “My name’s Gendry, Your Grace. I’m Robert Baratheon’s son. Bastard son.” I LOVE GENDRY. DAVOS IS LIKE THE PIKACHU MEME OH MY GOD. For a second, I was like “Why is Tyrion telling Jorah he missed him? Jorah was only with Dany for like 5 seconds with Tyrion - OH YEAH THE KIDNAPPING.” I literally forgot Jorah kidnapped him. ... YOU MEAN. TO TELL ME. THAT GILLY IS THE ONE. WHO FINDS OUT WHO JON’S FATHER IS???????? WHEN SHE’S PRACTICING READING AND HELPING SAM COPY SCROLLS?????????? GILLY IS QUEEN. Oh my baby Sam. Oh Sammy. He really wanted to study there. But it wasn’t helpful enough. I hope he can go back someday and become the best Maester ever. LOL Arya’s creeping and spying. ONLY COPY OF WHAT IN WINTERFELL? Could it be an announcement of Jon’s birth... or maybe Rhaegar and Lyanna’s wedding... IS BAELISH TRYING TO PROVE JON’S NOT A STARK TO UNDERMINE HIS CLAIM TO THE THRONE?? AND DOING IT IN SANSA’S NAME???SERIOUSLY???? Ok. There was a raven squawk when Arya said Sansa was making sure everyone was on her side in case Jon didn’t come back. And then there was a raven squawk when she found the scroll in the mattress. Is that like a symbol for the truth or something? OK AMAZON TRIVIA IS TELLING ME IT’S THE NOTE FROM A BILLION SEASONS AGO THAT CERSEI MADE SANSA WRITE TO ROBB. AND BAELISH WANTS ARYA TO FIND IT TO DRIVE THEM APART. NO. I DON’T LIKE THIS. STOP. SMIRKING. BAELISH. “I’m a liability out there, as you well know.” “You are.” So straightforward, Tormund. THE HOUND!!! AND THE BROTHERHOOD! I KNEW THEY’D MAKE IT UP HERE EVENTUALLY. Jon knows the Hound. Gendry knows the Brotherhood. Jorah knows Thoros apparently. Tormund knows the Mormont name. It’s like a family reunion! I was told right after this aired, when my brother was freaking out and telling me everything, that it ends with them heading out beyond the Wall.
It’s all full circle now.
Yep, I posted my liveblog of Winter Is Coming on August 14th at like 1am. This episode originally aired on August 13th. Yep. It was because of this episode that I started this show. I’m caught up in that sense, but still have 6 more episodes until I’m actually up to date.
Also, because I’m nearly caught up, I watched the first 2 episodes of Leslie Jones and Seth Meyers watching Game of Thrones. Oh my god. Leslie is my queen. I love her so much.
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: Yume Twins Dec 18
It’s been a week since my order on Blippo.com went through, and I’m in the stage where it’s becoming hard to wait. When my mind isn’t preoccupied with pictures or playing Atelier Totori, it’s stuck in the “anxiously waiting period” stage. The stage everyone hates while waiting for a package to come.
Oh, I’ll also be truthfully reviewing the items I get both here and on their individual pages of the Blippo website. Not sure anybody cares but I thought I’d point that out.
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This months theme: Pokemon Holiday Parade
“Happy Holidays YumeTwins family! The season of cheer is finally upon us! For this month’s box we’re bringing you a wonderful gift, a Pokemon themed box from us to you brimming with joy! A Pokemon Holiday Parade Box! Many of our YumeTwins fam have been asking for a Pokemon theme box for a long time and we heard you! In this box you’ll find some practical items and some items that are fun to decorate with, but as always everything is as kawaii as can be! So snuggle up with your Pokemon in this chilly season and enjoy all the cute items this Pokemon Holiday Parade Box has in store for you! P.S. Don’t forget to be the best Pokemon trainer there ever was!“
I love that reference in the P.S. there :P
So before we get started,  wanted to mention this booklet which was also included:
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This is part of the points system on JapanHaul the official YumeTwins/NMNL/Tokyo Treat online store. It just talks about the recent items it’s featuring in the points section, how you can earn more points, etc. Basically the exact same stuff you would see on the website.
This month the contest and Yume Prize boxes aren’t Pokemon themed at all. But they do happen to be two very good ones nonetheless:
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The photo contest featured some adorable Totoro goods.
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Meanwhile, Yume Prize features several Powerpuff Girl themed goods! I was honestly surprised, I’m not sure why. I grew up with the powerpuff girls (sorta... I was about 8-10 when they came out I think, then I think around the time I was 15-18 the series ended and all the merch slowly stopped selling). My favorite was, and always will be Blossom ♥
I also really liked the anime they came out with years back, but I haven’t really watched too much of the new cartoon (probably because I got tired of all the current stuff on Cartoon Network) series, so I’m not sure if I approve of it or not yet.
Anyway I could keep going, so for now let’s just get the review started!
Pokemon Keychain Ornament
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Our first item is this really cute blind box-esque Pokemon keychain. I say esque because it comes with gum, but you see who you’re getting- unless you subscribe in which case it’s still sort of blind box...
Anyway, this charm uses a mixture of metallic, pearlescent, and clear materials to make a very cute keychain. You could even make it a Christmas ornament if you wanted.
Available was Pikachu, Eevee, Flareon, Jolteon, and Vaporeon. While Pikachu and Eeevee come with metallic pokeballs, the three Eeveelutions came with a clear evolution stone.
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Not the best quality to capture it’s beauty, but I tried. The Pokemon has a sort of matte finish, allowing the evolution stone to contrast it very well; it’s so pretty~ 
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
They’re all very cute so I would have been happy getting anyone; but we all know I love gems and translucent thingies like this so I was very happy to get one of the three this style.
The details are very nice for such a small piece, and I love the little element addition within the stone. The stone looks gold/orange/amber, but it has a lovely rainbow shine. I really, really like this!
Pokemon Luggage Tag
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Our next item in this Pokemon Parade is an adorable Pokemon Luggage Tag. As I’ve mentioned before I personally don’t really have a use for this, but you never know, and I’m sure a lot of subscribers did.
Besides Pikachu, Mimikyuu, Eevee, and Snorlax were also options.
Rating: ♥ ♥
In terms of quality it’s fantastic, look at all the detail and colored spots. I also really like how it doesn’t have a bunch of “empty space“ coloring, which I did see on the Mimikyuu and Eevee versons. That really bothers me for some reason.
Even though I personally am not a fan of this type of item, I still appreciate how nice it is.
Palm-Size Animal Plush
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This is our first non-Pokemon item of the box. Yes, even though it’s a Pokemon theme we still have other things. There was 20 different varieties these came in, and I got a cute puppy. I think I’ll name him Brownie.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
While writing this review, I discovered the muzzle is sewn on separately. Which is why it looks crooked here, and why I was going to fault the plush on it until I realized it can be twisted.
Anyway I think it’s very sweet, and I love it when they bring in lines with tons of variety, it’s usually always a plush. It makes it a lot more fun to compare with other subscribers what you got, and if you know them personally you could even trade if you really wanted to.
I’m a little bothered by the different colored paws though. I know you can’t really tell in the picture but in real life you can clearly see the difference. It’s not that bad, but...
Sanrio Sticky Notes & Stickers
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These are the last of our non-Pokemon goods (unless you got the 1 sheet of Pikachu stickers), featuring a variety of the older Sanrio characters in four various sizes for a total of 40 stickers. Besides this one and the one Pikachu set, there is also a Hello Kitty set, Pompompurrin, and My Melody.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Well first of all, I really like that we got to see a bunch of the older characters. I’ve heard that lately they have been becoming more popular as of late though. They have a clear backing and I like the variety of sizes. But as you can see, some characters are “more featured“ than some, and I kind of wish there was a bit more balance to it.
Our partner item for this are a set of various shaped sticky notes, perfect for the season of gift giving or if you just need to mark down something. These were available in Hello Kitty or My Melody.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I’ve already expressed how I feel about sticky notes. I got way too many of them now- and if I actually used them then yeah, I’d be more appreciative. But lately they’re always showing up. I need a break from them!
But besides that, I love the cutesy designs with Kitty. So... at least they don’t look generic?
Pikachu Food Mold
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This is our kawaii final item, and the biggest in the box; a big mold to make adorable Pikachu head out of rice, potato, jello, etc. Along with his facial details, and the decorations surrounding him as seen in the pic. The side also provides a few other ways you can use this, like besides curry, you could make a flavored rice Pikachu with a salad, or in stew.
I haven’t used this just yet, only because I forgot about it until I went to do the pictures, and I just haven’t had it in me to take the time to really make anything super-elaborate... It happens right?
But I do plan on trying it out soon, and if I remember I’ll take some pictures and post them, give some opinions, etc.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I haven’t tried it yet, but I will rank it for it’s concept and overall cuteness! I love adorable ways to jazz of food like this and I’m excited to actually sit down and make something with it. I kind of wish maybe it had included a little booklet with more ideas.
The bag the parts came in wasn’t sealed but they’re in fine condition, nothing’s scratched or broken.
♡ Cutie Ranking ♡
Content - 3 out of 5. As much as I love Pokemon merch, and generally liked the items. I don’t know, I didn’t like this box as much as I did the previous one.
Theme: 2.5 out of 5. I’m sorry but if you plan to dedicate yourself to one theme how hard is it to stick with it for more than half of the items? Like, Pokemon is a huge series and I’m sure they could have done the entire box Pokemon if they wanted. It was pretty underwhelming and the Yume Prize and contest items had nothing to do with the series. Not only that, but I felt like they were trying to “force“ a Christmas theme with some descriptions, so I was kind of disappointed there wasn’t actually any Christmas items this year.
Total Rank: 4 out of 10. I’m probably being really picky but this box just didn’t cut it for me. The items were nice, but the theme could have been done way better in my opinion, they included nothing Christmas oriented so they didn’t need to shoehorn it in anyway.
♡ Cutie Scale ♡
1. Pokemon Keychain - I LOVE this one x3 it’s so pretty and cute to look at, I’m definitely going to find a way to display it so that I can look at it more often~ 
2. Plush - it’s very cute and squishy soft. I’m also glad this isn’t a second plush I have to fix, although I did find a long thread on it.
3. Hello Kitty Sticky Notes - I like the various unique shapes and sizes.  
4. Pikachu Mold - I’m very excited to use this soon! I’m sure it will work out, but I never used something like this before so it will be a new experience.  
5. Pokemon Luggage Tag - Again generic, nothing really that special to me. But I did really appreciate the detailing and spot-on colors. 
6. Sanrio Stickers - Generic images, and I didn’t like how uneven the characters were. As much as I love Hello Kitty, they could have put one less of her (and a few others) to include a second sticker of another character. 
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