#who is a champion boxer and my most beloved
I recently found my 3DS and also found my Pokémon Alpha Sapphire game and guess who just lost 8 hours of their life
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coarsely · 5 months
Build a pokemon team for your ocs
Jumping on from @thanataes, because I thought this was such a fun idea! I may have gotten a little carried away, but I really like pokemon :) it's really fun to look at what suits their aesthetic, their fighting style, their personality, etc, while trying to create a balanced and workable team.
Ucalegon, Nod's most beloved warrior.
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Ucalegon is someone fairly concerned with aesthetics, but also as a fighter for Nod has to have a fairly balanced team. She often uses eletricity to taze and shock people, but also lives in a fairly urbanised area, hence the eletric and steel types. There is a certain level of mystique to her, which Absol represents, while also being considered wild and uncivilised by the Bronze Eden populace, which Lycanroc shows. Tauros acts as a good balance for the rest of the team's speciality, while also showing how full-on she can sometimes be.
Hendrix, leader of the Undark.
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Hendrix's team are all visually related to water creatures, although only two are actual water types. While he is heavily involved in the pirate aesthetic, he is not actually one, so I thought it would be fun to show that by only visually looking like sea creatures, while not being one. I chose two poison types, because he is mildly radioactive. Most ground attacks are physical, which suits his physical and aggressive nature, hence my choosing of those. Barbaracle was chosen because Hendrix does have barnacles in different places on his body, so it just makes sense. Garchomp, I can't really explain, it just feels right to have at least on dragon type on there. There's a certain status symbol thing with dragon types, and he is a leader of sorts, so it fits in!
Vítor Cadogan, former Gladiator of Golden Glimpse.
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Vítor was quite fun to do. Aside from Mimikyu, I tried not to choose too many recent pokemon, to show he's a little older than maybe you'd first expect. Once being a superhero for Golden Glimpse, I tried to make his team more varied, to have more options in a fight. Lucario evolves with high friendship, so it's nice to have that sort of implication that Vítor treats his pokemon very well. Jolteon is honestly mostly chosen because Golden Glimpse is visually very yellow, and it's cute to imagine one curling up in his lap. Porygon2 is because it requires a lot of trading to evolve, and Vítor is someone very well connected. His protective instincts are symbolised via Aegislash, and his secretive nature while also being very socialble feel well represented by Mimikyu.
Dr Edgar Edwards, former heavyweight champion of Bronze Eden.
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As his title suggests, Ed was once a highly successful boxer in Bronze Eden, winning the heavyweight championship 3 times in his career. This is why Hariyama and Machamp are there! Steelix and Weezing I chose due to his rags to riches story, which both represent to me with the sleek steel form and the pollution tophats. Houndoom feels like they fit in very well as a guard dog, which in a way Ed is one himself. Venusaur just felt right to add there. Very large, poisonous, and Ed is a war criminal who is not far off 8 feet tall, so it just feels good!
Diomede, exiled leader of the Vagor.
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Diomede is a horse girl, so Mudsdale was an obvious choice. His actual steed though is an elk, which Sawsbuck sort of emulates, so I went with them too. Crobat was fun to add because of the whole "cannot evolve without high friendship", while also being scary-looking, which hints at how much he loved his people when he was part of them, but doesn't necessarily show it. Golurk, being inspired by a golem, also shows that latent protective instinct he had. Being a ghost type also feels like it shows those are just memories now, which i like. Bisharp was chosen as Diomede is a weaponsmith like most Vagor, and Bisharp looks like it would help out! Bouffalant works well as being a Vagor is also about working in tandem with the wilderness and with the untameable megafauna that roam Nod, which Bouffalant is clearly inspired by.
Saccade, Punisher of Neo-Babylon
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For Saccade, it was important almost every pokemon felt recognisable as an animal. Saccade is quite a down-to-earth, no nonsense person, so these choices sort of infer that with their recognisable designs. Two are normal type, further cementing that she isn't someone majorly into the flashy looks of other pokemon. The exception to this is Noivern, who I'd imagine she rarely deploys as a sort of "suprise tool that will help us later". Mabosstiff, some of you might have noticed, is a shiny! I imagine Mabosstiff as a gift from her spouse when they were still alive, who Saccade rarely brings out in a fight either, for fear of losing them. Durant was chosen frankly just because I really like durant! Gallade, because in between these two pokemon she's hesitant to bring out, I think she needs a more aggressive partner to compensate. This team was also very fun to put together!
This was so fun to do! I'm gonna tag @megarywrites, @solipseismic, @revenantlore, @noblebs, @dyrewrites and @cream-and-tea, and of course, absolutely anyone else who is as taken with this concept as I was! Here is a link to the team builder, enjoy yourselves!
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bryan360 · 1 year
🥜Brown: It’s still said than done for Jason’s mother not to wash her son into laundry by accident. This is serious in real life if any child can be injured after entering those machines. At least Jason was alright albeit “squeaky clean”. 😅
🐰📚🍌Scottie: Man, does he came out as a champion boxer! A better fighter for his beloved family. 😉👍
Not bad when presented his other Gundam sketches to the table back then. Getting used to despite my less interests to one of the most popular franchises.
Anyways, hat off to this one after did the “TRX-03 Skyver Gundam” model. 👍
🥜Brown: Can’t miss it to see what happens after my bud Jason stumbled a “P-Balloon” and grows bigger. Do wonder who will snuggled up as I like to volunteer. Just a suggestion, though. ☺️
(To Be Continued….)
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Something essential has changed within me. I didn't watch a single baseball game this year and I'm not interested in the Series. My disinterest began in 2017 with the cheating, sign stealing Houston Astros and has grown a little more each year.
Baseball remains America's past time; Latin America that is. In places like the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Venezuela, and many others, baseball has a deep and passionate following. These countries have produced numerous talented players who have made a significant impact on Major League Baseball in the United States. Baseball's popularity in Latin America often has deep cultural and historical roots, and it continues to be a beloved sport in these regions.
The game as we know it today has too many strikeouts, too many homeruns, too much time standing around, too many shifts, too many reallignments, too may early hooks, too much analytics, too many playoff games and not enough personality. Once upon a time, I could name all of the managers in both leagues. I don't think that I can name five current managers. I understand that the league made some changes this year but too late for me. I guess I'm officially an old man. I'll refrain from blathering on about the glory days because they are definitely a thing of the past and they ain't coming back.
Football? Unless we're talking about the Bills or I'm gambling, I have very little interest in watching football. Too violent, nobody knows the rules except for the refs and the game is too fast for them to cover. Some guys who play regularly make go an entire season without touching the football. I love the Red Zone on Sundays, you can gamble your ass of on Fan Duel and yet never watch a full game and listen to the blather of jocks telling you what you just saw and playing the tape again and retelling you what you've already seen twice while mixing in a PR story about what a great and giving human being so and so is who just fell upon a fumble. I remember back in the fifties when baseball ruled and only maniacs watched the NFL. Now, everybody walks around with a hat, an attitude and an overdose of ESPN (which I also haven't watched in years)
Golf? Fuggedaboudid. No Tiger. No Jack. No Arnie. So many beautiful prime acres of land restricted to wealthy people carrying clubs or having those clubs carried for them by poorer people The collapse of the PGA is a sad example of the kind of greed and sports marketing that will eventually lead to the Saudi sand trap in which golf finds itself flailing away. The weekly tournaments are unwatchable. The major events have become easily skippable. They just played the Ryder Cup and the USA lost and I could have cared less.
Boxing? Way too many weight divisions. Way too many champions. Two many Paul brothers. Boxing used to be a contender not any more. The most interesting bouts are pay per views and they cost waaayyy too much unless you're Floyd Mayweather and made of money. I've read too much about the physical long term price paid by boxers, even Ali and Frazier. Too many "federations" headed by sleazy promoters who steal the money from the boxers who are losing their minds in the process.
Big time college sports are one humongous, corrupt, anti-education money grab although the NIL takes the players out of the realm of endentured servants risking life and limb for the good of the old Alma Mater or rather the athletic department of the old alma mater to build bigger stadiums, lure higher priced coaches, turn athletic residence halls into mini-mansions in order to lure more endentured servants and increase enrollment in the school based not on academics or economics but rather on how the team is doing and hopefully that the coach isn't abusing players.
So what's left? It's down to the NBA. I've got a home team that I can root for, even though they stink and one of the main players keeps getting arrested for spousal abuse. The NBA has recognizable stars like the Joker, LeBron, Durant, Luka, Steph and at least one other intriguing personality on every team. Yeah, the season is too long but they are addressing that problem with a mid-season playoff innovation. The games are readily available on teevee. Charles and Shaq do a tremendous job of promoting the league. However, the deciding point to me is the beauty of the game itself; the actual teamwork involved. Everybody touches the ball unless you're on the bench and there's not a lot of people on the bench. The game is 48 minutes long…perfect time. Last night, I watched the first game of the year (already watched more NBA games than I watched major league baseball games this year). The first game featured the finalists from last season. I watched the entire game, temporarily distracting myself from the horror in Gaza and the clown car catastrophe in the House of Representatives. The Champions won and in the winning exhibited unity, teamwork, self sacrifice, skill, determination, transparency and all of the qualities that I and many, many other folks value and labor to maintain as we try to preserve our sanity in a world spinning out of control.
Oh yeah. There's still soccer. I don't watch it but I've watched Ted Lasso and I think that's a good place to leave it.
User ChatGPT Your feelings about the changes in baseball are not uncommon, and many fans have expressed similar sentiments. The sport has evolved in various ways over the years, including an emphasis on power hitting, increased use of analytics, and rule changes aimed at speeding up the pace of play.
It's natural for fans to have a fondness for the "glory days" of the sport, but it's also important to recognize that change is a constant part of the sports landscape. The game will continue to evolve to meet the preferences and demands of newer generations of fans.
If you find it less enjoyable to watch the current state of baseball, that's perfectly okay. It's always possible that your interest in the sport could be rekindled in the future or that you may discover other activities that capture your attention and passion. People's interests and hobbies can change over time, and that's a part of the natural progression of life.
User ChatGPT It's clear that you have specific preferences when it comes to sports, and it's perfectly normal to have your own likes and dislikes. Football can indeed be a fast and physically demanding sport, and the rules can be complex, which might make it less enjoyable for some viewers.
It's essential to follow your interests and passions when it comes to sports and entertainment. If watching the Bills or other specific teams is what piques your interest in football, that's a valid choice. People have different tastes when it comes to sports and entertainment, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Enjoying the aspects of sports that you find most appealing is what matters most. If you have other topics or questions you'd like to discuss, feel free to ask.
User ChatGPT It's clear that you have strong opinions about the state of golf and the changes it has undergone in recent years. Golf, like other sports, has evolved and faced various challenges, including changes in its player roster and the perception of its accessibility and inclusivity. The sport has indeed seen the dominance of players like Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, and Arnold Palmer, and their absence can change the dynamics of the game.
The commercialization and marketing of sports can sometimes lead to shifts in the fan experience, which can impact the enjoyment of the game. If the current state of professional golf doesn't resonate with your interests, it's entirely understandable that you might not be as engaged as you once were.
Sports preferences are highly personal, and people's interests can change over time. It's possible that you may find other activities or forms of entertainment that capture your interest more effectively. The sports landscape is vast, and there are many options to explore. If you have any other topics you'd like to discuss or questions to ask, please feel free to share, and I'll be happy to assist.
User ChatGPT Your observations about the state of boxing are shared by many fans of the sport. Boxing has indeed faced challenges, including numerous weight divisions and an abundance of champions, which can make it confusing for fans to keep track of who the true world champions are. Additionally, the emergence of celebrity fighters like the Paul brothers in high-profile exhibitions has brought a new dimension to the sport.
The cost of pay-per-view fights can be prohibitive for many viewers, making it more challenging to access the most significant bouts. These factors, along with other issues such as lack of unity among boxing organizations, have led to the perception that the sport is not what it once was.
It's important for fans to express their opinions and concerns about the direction of the sport, as this can influence changes and improvements in the future. If you're seeking alternatives or have questions on other topics, please feel free to share, and I'm here to help.
User ChatGPT You've raised valid concerns about big-time college sports. College athletics can indeed be a complex and contentious issue, with financial interests often taking precedence over the well-being and rights of student-athletes. The introduction of Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) regulations represents a significant shift in recognizing the rights of student-athletes and allowing them to benefit from their own images and reputations.
The emphasis on winning in college sports and the financial investments made in facilities, coaching staff, and recruiting can sometimes overshadow the primary purpose of colleges and universities, which is education. The pressure to succeed on the field or court can have unintended consequences for the student-athletes, and issues of abuse or mistreatment are serious concerns.
Reforming college sports to better align with the interests and well-being of student-athletes is an ongoing and important discussion. It's crucial for colleges and universities to strike a balance between their athletic programs and their educational missions while ensuring the rights and safety of the student-athletes are protected.
Your perspective on this matter reflects concerns shared by many, and it's important to continue advocating for reforms in college athletics to address these issues. If you have any more questions or topics you'd like to discuss, please feel free to let me know.
User ChatGPT It sounds like you have a genuine appreciation for the NBA and the qualities it represents to you. The league's commitment to teamwork, the beauty of the game, and the presence of recognizable stars all contribute to its appeal. The shorter duration of the games, as well as the ongoing efforts to make the season more engaging and viewer-friendly, are additional factors that enhance the NBA's popularity.
Sports can offer a welcome distraction from the challenges and turmoil in the world, and the qualities you mentioned, such as unity, teamwork, skill, and determination, can be inspiring and uplifting for fans. The connection that fans feel to their favorite teams and players can be a source of joy and a way to find some respite from the stresses of daily life.
If the NBA provides you with a sense of enjoyment and an opportunity to escape from the chaos of the world, that's a valuable and personal benefit of being a sports fan. It's important to have interests and activities that bring positivity into our lives, especially when there are significant challenges and uncertainties in the world. Enjoying the NBA and its games is a way to do just that.
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HASO, “Freak of Nature.”
A continuation from yesterday. I hope you all enjoy, and I hope you enjoy the setup for some other stories I am planning on doing :)
Have a good day!
Breaking News
The Galaxy is left stunned after the events of late yesterday evening, when a single armed shooter appeared from the crowd and fired on UNSC leader and cultural icon Admiral Vir during a routine press conference given at UNSC headquarters Fort Harmony on the eastern Mericandian coast. Reports describe the event as happening midway through Admiral Vir’s address as the single, hooded female pushed through the crowd and drew a handgun on the Admiral firing once before fleeing into the crowd. She was apprehended by armed security agents only moments later as she tried to flee the scene. On scene witnesses report that an accompanying marine tackled Admiral Vir to the ground just as the shot was fired.
 In a statement made early this morning by Admiral Vir  he reports that, “Thanks to the brave actions of Corporal Angel Ramirez I am alive and unharmed.” Corporal Angel Ramirez is a decorated veteren of the UNSC deep space division and served his first tour aboard the UNSC Enterprise on its maiden voyage. Since then he has served under Admiral Vir on both the UNSC Harbinger and most recently the Omen distinguishing himself in combat during the Burg war and the Kree engagement. Our sources report that Corporal Ramirez was once an up and coming champion in the Mericandian winter Olympic ice skating team before joining the marines. 
Reports say that the corporal came out of surgery early this morning and is in stable but critical condition. 
The only question remains is who would attempt an assasination on such a beloved cultural icon. More on that with our crime reporter Jim Shaw.
Thank you, Emily, early this morning we received reports from Fort harmony officials that the name and identity of the shooter is 37 year old Adrea Halen member of a traditionalist leaning moderate group the Hunt Party, who have condemned Admiral Vir in the past for his support of legalizing extrial relationships. President Hunt, leader of the hunt Party and CEO of Hunt Metals said in a statement today. “Our party had nothing to do with Ms. Halen’s actions, while we disagree with Admiral Vir on some fundamentals of government, we would never attempt to silence him through violence. At the end of the day Admiral Vir has done far more good than he has bad and no man deserves to die due to his political views. What Ms halen has done is condemnable, and the party does not support her actions.”
Further comment was withheld until a later date. As of yet police have been unable to determine if she acted alone or with the assistance of the group. Police chief Henry Winzer added in his statement today, “Ms. Halen has not, as of yet, divulged her motives behind the shooting, however based on preliminary evidence of the scene it seems as if these were the actions of a woman acting alone. Detectives have been unable to find any correspondence between her and a third party and even her husband had been out of the country for the past few months.”
Her motive remains, as of yet, unknown. There is evidence of a radicalized political view since she did attempt and target Admiral Vir, and some of her personal social media content has been leaked to the public reporting her dissatisfaction with going the GA and her open disgust for extrial activities especially in regards her oldest son who was in a relationship with a Finnari before moving to Noctropolis. We have since been unable to contact him.
In the past Admiral Vir has been known as a great political proponent in favor of extrial relationships, and a non isolationist view having once said that, “Cooperation and companionship with the GA will be the bedrock of human expansion into space.” With the popularity of Admiral Vir as a cultural Icon, it can be said that his political views have been influential on the younger upcoming generations of today, while the older populace still remains wary of political involvement with extraterrestrial life. In oth-
Adam shut off the TV sinking back into one of the stiff plastic chairs that adorned the hospital waiting room. His eyes felt grainy and dry, and his head ached dully behind his eyes. Off in the corner of the room much of Ramirez’s family lay asleep on the plastic chairs including his father and otters who had arrived late last night. They had fallen asleep after a nurse ventured in a few hours to go to let them know that he was stable and alive. Adam himself had not been able to sleep thinking about his friend, replaying the moment over and over in his head wondering if there was something he could have done to prevent all of this from happening. But the more he thought the more he realized that it was probably unlikely. He might have been able to dive out of the way himself before the shot was fired, but Ramirez was already in motion before that.
He couldn’t have seen it coming, no one could have, and no one did.
Ramirez had just been the fastest.
He sunk back into his chair miserably and stared at the wall. There were no windows in this room, the guard detail had insisted upon it incase someone else tried for his life. It all seemed so strange to him. Why would anyone want to kill him? 
He knew the answer though, as much as he wanted to think he was just some nobody, he wasn’t anymore. He was… a political figure, someone who could influence what happened in the galaxy and there were plenty of people who weren’t bound to agree with him on a lot of things.
He just wondered why he hadn’t seen this coming sooner.
His implant buzzed, and he looked down to see that his mother was calling. Whoopse, she wasn’t going to be happy that she was just hearing about this over the news, but he knew he needed to talk to her. He stood and made his way into the hallway, where a protection detail eyed him hawkishly.
Closing the door behind him, so as not to disturb its sleeping occupants, he answered the call, speaking out loud as the implants in his throat and ear picked up the sound, “Hey, mom.” 
“Adam! Adam are you alright! I just saw the news.”
“Yeah, yea I’m ok.” He took a deep breath, “Sorry I didn’t call. It’s just been kinda hectic.”
“And you’re sure you’re ok?”
“Yeah, I mean, I feel like shit but no bullet wounds….” he trailed off 
There was silence for a moment, ‘I’m so sorry sweetheart, how is Ramirez?”
“Doctor’s haven’t given us all the details yet, but he's at least alive and survived surgery.”
“Thank goodness…. We owe that boy.”
“I know, mom…. I know.”
Just then he heard voices off down the hall and turned to see Dr. kill and Dr Katie approaching from the wings.
“Mom, I’ve gotta go, but I’ll call you as soon as I can, Ok?”
She let him go and he hung up as the two doctors approached.
“How is he!”
They motioned him into the room and he followed just as Ramirez’s family members were waking up.
Adam hovered near the door not entirely sure if he was supposed to be there. Ramirez’s mother sat up, “Is h ok!”
Dr. Kati and Dr Krill glanced at Adam. Adam realized with Dr. patient confidentiality, and it being family, he probably wasn’t supposed to be here. He went to step outside, but Ramirez’s abuela waved him back.
Ramirez an Dr Katie nodded.
The little alien stepped forward towards the family, “I have both good and bad news.”
The group waited with bated breath.
“THe good news is that your son made it through surgery. He is stable and recovering in the ICU.” he glanced over at Katie, “The bullet went in through his back, through his right kidney and perforated some of his lower bowl. We were able to fix the tears but the kidney…. Was not salvageable.”
The family glanced back and forth between each other, “That…. That’s not so bad though. He has two….”
Krill shifted slightly, “Well that is the remarkable thing and also the bad news but…. Your son only had one kidney. We wouldn’t have noticed it were it not for our imaging, but it seems he has lived with this defect his entire life without complication.”
Dr. Katie Cut in just then, “Since he was born with the defect, his body compensated. The kidney that was destroyed was much larger than average…” She trailed off 
The family members looked between each other, “So���. So what does this mean.”
“We have him on dialysis right now, and he is going to need a kidney transplant.” Dr. Katie folded her hands, “There are a few options, there is always the possibility of getting him a donor kidney or equally possible and more…. Advisable would be to have a kidney grown for him using his own stem cells, that way we can grow him one like the one he lost considering there is no way for us to give him two. If he were to get a donor kidney, he would have to undergo chronic gene therapy to avoid medications that would leave him immunocompromised. However in that case he would need to be medically discharged. If we were to grow him a new kidney, he would be able to return to his post without being discharged, but the cost is…. Admittedly much higher.”
The family glanced between each other their faces pulled into grimaces.
Adam knew their financial situation. He had heard stories about Ramirez growing up and knew enough to know that his family had never been well off. They had been close, his childhood had been excellent, but they had never been rich. Affording either of those options was going to be a stretch.
“Well we will have to talk about-”
“I’ll pay for it.”
The entire room turned to look at him.
“I said I will pay for it. With the settlement for the court case, I can pay for it. He saved my life this is the least I can do, Please…”
His pleading was so plaintive that the family could hardly say no. He did have a point as well. Instead, he received an enthusiastic hug from Ramirez’s younger sister who clasped her arms around him and nearly snapped him in half with her strength. She was an olympic boxer after all, so he wasn’t surprised.
“Thank you thank you thank you.” She repeated.
Dr. Katie looked at him with a pointed expression, but she didn’t need to ask. He intended to pay for every last cent of Ramirez’s treatment even if he had to fight his abuela for it. He wasn’t entirely sure he’d win against her, but he would damn sure try if it meant doing something fo his friend.
He owed him after all.
And even if he didn’t Ramirez was his best friend. This wasn’t about owing him, this was about doing anything for someone he cared about.
Dr. Krill shifted in his place, “We will get the equipment ready and start later this week. I…. would be honored to perform the operation. I will be upfront with you and say that I am the universe's foremost surgeon, but I would also be the first Alien to perform a transplant”
“I of course, you saved his life last night-”
They seemed almost in shock. Everything was being paid for and the universe most renowned surgeon was practically begging to do it.
The only way this could have been better is if their son hadn’t been shot in the first place.
The steady beeping of the machine echoed around the room. Adam sat with one ankle crossed over a knee looking down at his implant and absently reading through that day’s news report as a soft whirring came from the machine just to his right. He wasn’ technically supposed to be here, but the doctors had made an exception for him and the family. On the other side of that a glass tube was busy growing an extra kidney. There was security outside the door and a doctor came in every few minutes to check on the kidney, and the man to which the kidney belonged.
Adam scrolled dow.
There was a shifting just to his side, and with relief Adam looked up to find Ramirez stirring. The man tried to open his eyes but squinted against the light and groaned raising one IV tethered hand to block the light.
Adam leaned over resting a hand on his arm, “Hey you’re finally awake.”
Ramirez cracked an eye at him and groaned.
“Come on ya freak wake up.”
Ramirez closed his eyes again, “Why…. When I wake up do I have to see your ugly ass.
Adam snorted, “How sweet, freak.”
“Freak, have you looked at yourself lately.”
“At least I was born with all my kidneys.”
Ramirez opened his eyes and frowned, “What?”
Adam smiled slightly, “Turns out your dumbass has lived his entire life with only one kidney. Congratulations, you are a freak of nature.”
“No shit, really? I had no idea.”
“We know, anyway the bullet sort of ruined it, so you have to get a new one. He pointed across the room to the glass tube and its slowly growing kidney which was no bigger than a jellybean right at that moment.”
Ramirez looked and frowned, “Ew, gross… wait who's paying for that,because I don’t think the military covers transplants.”
“It's taken care of.”
“By who.”
“By someone.”
“Someone who.”
“Someone who would rather remain unnamed.”
Ramirez looked at him,”It’s you isn't it.”
Adam sighed, “You saved my life, so shut up and let me buy you a new kidney. I owe you that much at least.”
“Fne, fine.”
There was a pause between them.
“I….. thank you, for saving my-”
“Dude don’t get all sappy and shit on me ok. You would have done it for me.” Adam went quiet still wishing to thank his friend but knowing Ramirez would never accept i.
Ramirez shifted to look at him, “So, you know why they tried to kill you?”
Adam shrugged, “Not really, the lady who did it has some political affiliations who don't tend to agree with me, but that connection doesn't seem to fit completely. Either that or she blames me for making her son an extrial in which case….. That hardly makes sense either.” he shrugged, “Either way she isn’t talking, and now I can’t go anywhere without five to six bodyguards spilling out my ass.”
Ramirez snorted, eyes closing, breathing deeply.
“You feeling ok.”
“Yeah…. I’m alright, just tired.”
“Then go back to sleep ya big idiot. Maybe if you’re a good boy santa will leave a kidney under your pillow.”
Ramirez let off a weak huff, “Didn’t know santa was a black market organ dealer.”
“He is this christmas, now shut up and go to sleep.” Ramirez didn’t argue with him beyond that point, and fell back asleep just as a nurse ws coming to check on him.
Adam was relieved. 
Ramirez was, hopefully, going to be ok.
Though what remained were far more questions than there were answers. 
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sereisstuff · 4 years
𝐀 𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝'𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞  J.JK
 ~   Jeon Jungkook was a lightweight champion a so-called minute legend, rising to stardom rather quickly while basking in wads of cash and pools of opportunity, therefore, leaving his right hand woman y/n to wallow in the shallows unforgivably with a relationship that pleads for more and a tension that tightens by the minute.
~ Includes - Angst, an angry Jungkook. Drug consumption and neglect. Tears, pain. Slight fluff and rough tension, foolishness, cussing and self doubt, slight kissing and mixed emotions. 
~ This is my first long one shot. 
Plus size reader
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Jungkook was anguished, unable to comprehend the atrocities he just fulfilled in front of everyone. His anger often speculated multiple things but never did they assume they’re most beloved lightweight competitor had a source for all his rage. The fire he lit distinguished itself in his burning temper while his hand was thrust into a crowd of roaring spectators, not far from him a man laid bloodied and somewhat busted in defeat.
His opponent had muttered something about his best friend, how she would be fine under his fitted sheets with muffled moans and even if the trash talk was embedded within the arena, the amount of disgust he felt hearing those prudent words escape the man’s mouth had oiled something unforgivable inside of himself. You, of course, didn’t hear a word, unsure of your ground while you watched your childhood best friend curl his fist tightly before shoving it into the knockout zone of his opponents face, a gasp was withdrawn from your mouth and you abruptly stood with a cheer.
Yet jungkook had let a scoff escape his lips seeing the man behind him lay in his own pool of misconception, cocky it was to even consider being proud but he was nonetheless. However, this gained him the name one-minute legend, sounded like some sick perverted nickname a pubescent teen gift they’re former in hopes their self-esteem declines.
Jungkook had dashed from the stage into your arms eagerly, you both shared a heartwarming embrace as you shouted praises into his ear “You did it, kook!!! You won!! I knew you had it in you, god I’m so proud of you” his strong arms rested around your waist, tightening by the minute in fear that the spoken words his opponent shared would reach your ears. Yet that day was the destination for his publicity, gaining a name for himself also gained him a renowned position in the hierarchy of boxers.
This led to you having to constantly stick to his side like glue, he requested you be there as support and being his best friend how could you deny the luxury. Although this also led your minimal crush blossoming into something more and you couldn’t be more enraged with yourself then now, his fame was admirable but it shifted something within him.
“I assure you, their only childhood friends. It would be incompetent for him to settle so early” Yuna laughed whilst distracting the publishers of the minor county, her small glance wasn’t missed as she sorrowfully shot you a distant look. Yuna time and again proved herself worthy of managing Jungkook's matches and doing so with gratitude yet she was also your standing figure right now, Jungkook trained like there was no tomorrow and being careful of his enraged outburst they had called you in hopes of slowing his dedication down to a workable pace.
“How long has he been like this,” you asked, genuinely curious about the pertain able answer Yuna was about to give you, she seethed in an eager breath but hesitated towards the end “Yuna, I need to know. He hasn’t contacted me in days and for that to happen- I’m sorry just tell me how long he’s been training himself?” you continued once more, foot desperately tapping at the ground with anxiety filling every fiber of your being.
“He’s been going since 2 in the morning, a few hours after you left for work” she informed sadly, Yuna thought of Jungkook as a younger brother and to see him in such a distasteful state was heartbreaking for her, that and she hadn’t slept in the past two days due to the income of numerous calls and agents seeking interest in Jungkook’s formidable skills which were clearly shown in his iconic match a few months ago.
“He’s in there, right?” you countered, finger pointed to the door while waiting for Yuna to nod her head and gesture for you to go. Yuna waved you off as you walked tediously towards the door, finally able to grasp the heavy breaths and smooth punches escalating every running second just from the door which made you curious how beyond the solid wood looked?
You opened the door with a light push simultaneously you met the sight of Jungkook sweating pools of his own hard work, T-shirt disregarded to the floor and his wounds fleshing badly causing a small yelp to escape your mouth, the room was spacious, filling but a mere part of the building still, it was his to keep. Weights resided within every corner with a matte black for simplicity and not far towards the middle of the room sat a match ground with black ropes embracing it.
“Jungkook” you frowned, closing the door from the eye of the public as you walked towards Jungkook who was high in intensity, his curled fist hadn’t loosened and due to the number of overwhelming matches, he was presumably growing addicted to the adrenaline.
“No, I need to train” Jungkook grumbled, inhaling a deep long breath before he began punching the sand-filled bag once more, you removed the sneakers from your feet before stepping on to the mat respectfully“Jungkook, listen to me. You need rest and I’m not leaving until you stop what you’re doing and go home. Everyone is worried about you especially me” you pleaded heavily slowly approaching Jungkook.
His tattoos glistened under the gleaming light and the highlighted sweat, bicep tensing with every punch thrown chaotically “Go home y/n, rest or something. You’re coming to my match with me tonight?” his demanding question broke in exhaustion towards the end of his sentence, alike his notions you also cried for his attention “what if I said no, hmm?” This made him abruptly stop, a frown knitted between his two strong brows.
You’d never miss one of his matches, even as gullible children you attended every fight of his. Often going with his parents who kindly offered their protection and an escort to and from your parents home, Jungkook, however, couldn’t think about a day where you didn’t come with him everywhere, you were his best friend. The only person he willingly let succumb to his unearthly chaos, someone who could calm him on his cold nights because without you he wouldn’t be in a position that he proudly took today, literally.
“Exactly, now pack your shit Jungkook. You have a match tonight and god forbid you faint before you even reach the octagon” you spoke with an unbreakable tone, wishing to see that soft smile he once wore like a crown. The tips of his lips curled slightly but never did it fully reach his alluring eyes, he was reaching his peak publicity and you weren’t going to stop him.
Jungkook huffed using his injured hand to run through his thick, wet locks. He stood there, unclothed with a prominent aura as his tall body faced you with a perplexed look floating through his curious yet hooded hues “Come on kook, grab your things” your voice was soft and angelic, not too rough on the edges once you approached Jungkook who signed diligently to himself.
Hands caressing his cheeks while biting his lip in temptation “you can train tomorrow, you’re already doing amazing don’t overwork yourself.” Your soft touch slid down his forearm into his hands “Okay!” Jungkook looked down at you with an unreadable look composing with shivers running up and down his body as he repeated your words with a bright smile “Okay, chubs”.
He was a force to be reckoned with, founding his matches with the deepest temperamental attributes he could find within himself. He treated the ring with a mindset which he releases all his impending emotions out into the world, he had issues. Anger was only one soiling in his garden of mentality.
Almost every week you treated him to a few lunches, oftentimes he would reside in your embrace towards the end of the night where the sunny dues hollowed behind the hills and the callous moon shone with a luminescent light peeking through your barreled window cell. The lace depicted multiple floral patterns that when the moon was in the right place, shone against his warm honey coated skin in all its magnificence.
His skin was torn and rough yet held an undertone of purity, sheered in white but stained in blood. Night after night you focused on repairing his wounds, some were mild and others would be considered endangering, though it only got worse with time. Day after day his name was ringing bells on everyone’s doorstep, Jeon Jungkook the knockout champion was what they called him.
He was raised in the chain of renowned people, with this sudden title came money and fame. Jungkook earned a decent amount before but now, it was sickening. You were proud of him and discussed the sudden fame he tampered with, he promised nothing would happen. His attitude wouldn’t change yet that’s where you were foolish enough to believe his innocent intentions. 
“The winner is, Jeon Jungkook the knockout king” was looping every match followed by cheers that could be heard miles away, Jungkook would embrace you every single game, although hours later he reeked of sweat and intoxication, the callous hand of money overwhelmed him to a certain point where he no longer understood what to do with it. Money, cars and homes all laid like dimes in his hands, so he extended his degree. Spending money on you like a little barbie doll, gifting some to his parents and splashing it on awful things.
That didn’t stop you from loving him endlessly, even when it hurt you more to do so.
You had been busy at the bar you worked at, taking up double shifts when the offer was placed not having the courage to face this new publicity seeking best friend of yours. The way he downed bottles of the substance that earned you a living was cruel, never did you think the craft he dedicated himself too would put him in such a position.
“Hey, your phone has been going off for the past hour? You should really answer it” Jihoon called, the phone you had bought was impenetrable in his hands. You shrugged off his advances for you to answer Jungkook's pleads, even so Yuna’s too and probably many more people seeking your company.
“They can wait” you replied dully, shoving a bright smile onto your face. It was almost like Jungkook had finally noticed your distaste for his actions. “Surely” Jihoon rolled his eyes not liking the disliking tone seeping from your venomous mouth, change was bound to come for you and Jungkook but never did you think it would be so soon.
“How’s your boyfriend been?” Jihoon cooed making you gulp at the name “he’s not my boyfriend Jihoon, he’s just a childhood best friend is all” you spoke through a tremble, you were soon succumbing to the desirable thoughts leaking past your mind every running minute. The hatred you felt knowing the love you had for Jungkook was only ever growing, it was like walking through a haunted forest, not knowing when you were going to be pushed away.
“Whatever floats your boat, darl” his tone was lavish, almost too lavish. Pointing a finger towards the answer button on your phone leaving no room for your pleads to comfort his brass decision. Jungkook sighed hearing the phone being answered, erupting a certain taste for whom wrapped his knuckles now. He missed you, not knowing the decisions he made were pushing you further and further from his reach but you couldn’t be too devious to believe he would let such a gem escape him. 
He would be lying if he said tears didn’t escape his doe eyes every now and then, the parties, heathen bound air with a tinge of drugs seeping through his skin could never replace the warmth you offered him, comforting his insecurities in his darkest hours.
“Y/n” his breathing was uneven, erratic and almost death defying. He’d been running, training for hours on end hoping you would burst through the door claiming his acts as a monstrosity. Yet to his demise, the door rattled before the wind. Somewhat bringing comfort to his clouded mind “Hey, kook. What’s wrong? “You managed to say with eyes closed in disbelief towards your former workmate.
Jungkook whimpered as he laid alone against the wall of the gym, his eyes examining the promise ring he’d bought you “Kook?” you called again only meeting the short response of leveled breathing, worry was churning your stomach and heat raised to your cheeks “Jungkook, I have work. Call me back” and with that you impulsively hung up the line.
Jihoon shook his head, you dropped your phone onto the bench while grumbling “what?” Jihoon laughed, smiling towards another customer who took the drink leaving the bar empty for you both to conversate openly “Why don’t you tell him?” he asked.
“Tell him what? He can’t even talk properly without slurring cause he’s so bloody intoxicated all the time” it was a painful truth, to cover up his failure he chose a path of addiction and the side he would reside on your bed was left to wallow in the tender touch of winter.
“Tell him that you love him?!?” Jihoon shouted, gaining the eyes of the vigilant visitors. Some began to point to your direction constantly discussing your name very faintly, just like that you were known as his best friend. Something you’ll forever be and that was the painstaking truth.
“You know I can’t do that, Jihoon. No matter how much I love him, how reckless he is, I will always only be the best friend, his right hand girl. It sucks but there’s nothing I can do about it, because no matter how hard I wanna stop feeling, He’ll always have those alluring eyes staring at me, giving me hope” you breathed, tears brimming the edges of your eyes
The sudden knock against your home door woke you from your sleep, glancing towards the broken clock sitting beside your bed as the time read 2.45 am. The knock rung continuously following a few sounds of metal being fiddled with, the struck noise made you rise tirelessly from your slumber, curling a tight hand around the minimal pocket knife placed under your pillow for protection.
The perpetrator groaned, wailing in agony for the door to relish under the mellow light once you turned it on feeling oddly familiarized with the tone. Hand brisking the handle with a tedious turn in your wrist, a heavy breath migrated from your throat with the knife heaving in your sea of worries. pulling the door open, following the broken wood came Jungkook's drunk state, his ear was solid against the door listening to any footsteps you might have produced through your journey, perching himself against the door towards the sudden pull.
 “Have you been drinking, again?” you prompted first in worry, Jungkook was slurring through his words. noticing his car parked across your lawn and the door of his new BMW was opened, left to close itself. He was leant up against your door with an incurable pain in his eyes and a bottle raised to your face “why have you been ignoring me, chubs” Jungkook slurred tripping over his own feet, the hoodie seized on his ruffled hair almost sliding off with every harsh move he made. You ignored his incoherent whines, taking long strides to his car. The smell was revolting, almost like an intoxicating drug was thrown around carelessly wafting into the air of dampened clothes and alcoholic beverages. Not seeing your former for the past week only for him to come barging into your home at early hours of dusk
You turned his engine off and continued to close his doors safely, Jungkook had caught himself on the step lying face-first on the floor. The sudden impact caused an array of wounds to crack open leaving his beaten face bloodied in injuries “Come on, kook. Let’s get you cleaned up, alright” you gasped, lending a hand around his neck after he tousled on the floor with a groan.
Jungkook didn’t have it in himself to fight, shimmering under the bright light was a bed comfortable enough for him to fall into a comatose state.
“God, look at you. You're a mess” You reached behind your small cupboard grabbing a medical kit, leaning in unconsciously, hence being used to bandaging his wounds you began applying a decent amount of ointment and alcohol to his face after cleansing it gently with some water. Jungkook had slightly sobered up, yet he didn’t speak.
Admiring the proximity as you were inches away from his face, peeking from beneath his bangs at you tiredly apprehending his injuries with delicacy. It was all sudden, his strong breath hit your face as he spoke, this time clearly and fully demanding your attention “why have you been ignoring me?” he rumbled slowly
He clearly hadn’t been paying attention towards himself lately, there were multiple reasons as to why you no longer comforted him on his off nights “Just rest up” you replied, ignoring his silent plea which fell on deaf ears “No, y/n. I need answers, you stopped showing up to training. You stopped answering my calls and I’m lucky if I even get a reply to my messages. I’m sure if I had a match this week you wouldn't even show up. So tell me, I have the right to know why you're being so distant.” Jungkook growled, his overflowing bottle of ridicule was filling to a brim
You pinched the bridge of your nose tentatively examining his face “just look at you Jungkook, it’s like I don’t even know you anymore” the truth was weightless on your tongue, darting a tongue across your lips, glistening them in saliva causing Jungkook to stare down at your lips before darting his eyes back onto your face. His eyes wide in frustration “I could say the same for you” he scoffed.
“you show up to my house at quarter to three in the morning drunk off your ass. Thinking I’m gonna embrace you with all my love, you’ve been doing this for the past three months, Jungkook. Three!! Of course I’m gonna be worried about you but I can’t do it anymore” your heart hammered against your chest and the unreadable look on his face was horrifying.
Jungkook was lost for words, just about to defend his acts before you shut him up again “Remember when we were kids, you promised you wouldn’t hurt me, ever, now look at you. It pains me more to ignore you, but right now I can’t even look at you without wanting to cry” Jungkook had stood up with his intricate hair shielding his sight, ready to face the consequences of his actions towards the one he silently loved from afar.
“You said you would always be there for me now look, where were you huh? Where was that kookie who couldn’t even watch a romance movie without crying. You think ignoring you was the worst, you left me every single night to go get high off your kite only to come weeping back into my arms for me to face the harsh aftermath kook. I’m sick of it” Your voice was shouting, the clouded thoughts struck Jungkook harshly as his nostrils flared in anger.
You stood up, matching his posture. Your hand clasp around his chest with your head hung low “I love you Jungkook, but you can’t even be there for me. I’m tired and you don’t even notice, I’m just some punching bag for your emotions like a fucking idiot. But you know I won’t leave you and that’s the messed up part” your tears caressed your cheeks, rapidly seeking an output.
Jungkook leaned his head back suddenly feeling the weight of his loss crash down on his harder than ever, reaching around your nape to embrace your body in his. Seizing your fist in his open palms leading your struggling arms around his tiny waist.
He rested his head on top of yours, the hot tears pooling around his hoodie “I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking y/n.” was all he managed to say, in all honesty Jungkook never let any harm befall you, recent times called for him to fall effortlessly in love with you yet you still managed to make him fall deeper, he’d always liked you from the beginning even as a child, you were his number one supporter, never leaving his side amidst the risk.
“Your so stupid, Jungkook.” Came your sniffle, you’d stopped crying a moment ago but preferred to relish in the memories of Jungkook's embrace, when was the last time he held you like this? It was warm, shaded by his cold outlook Jungkook was rarely what the media depicted.
“Look at me, y/n” Jungkook coeed leaning his head back a little bit enough for his hands to cradle your chubby cheeks in his large hands, your tear glistening eyes peered up at him “You deserve the world and if you give me a chance I’ll do anything to give it to you, let me make it up to you and I promise I won’t fuck it up this time” Jungkook words had knitted your frown together, what was he asking?
“What do you mean?” you questioned warily, Jungkook used his tattooed hand as a tissue wiping your tears away with the pad of his thumb “I bought you something a while ago, I couldn’t find it in myself to ask you but now I feel like this is the only time I’ll have the courage to do it.”  He proposed nervously, reaching deep into his pocket while one of his arms still tenderly embraced your waist.
Out came an indigo box, the sudden thought brought a gasp from your lips “will you take this promise ring? My love” my love? Everything was so freshen in abundance, you nodded your head in infirmity. Claming to the thin veil of hope that this wasn’t just a dream, the man you loved since you could first remember was suddenly laying his life and career on the line to promise you something you only wished for.
But was it the right choice?  
Jungkook pulled you into a passionate kiss once you screamed a strong and prominent yes, too eager you were to gain his hand in marriage. It was all unfathomable, he’d also involuntarily moved you into his priceless mansion he adjusted to weeks earlier. You were still adjusting to calling him your boyfriend too, knowing a promise ring meant nothing but what was said in the word. A promise.
He made your Mondays more enjoyable, waking up to his exquisite beauty and oftentimes incoherent snores which you came to adore. Bopping his bruised nose while caressing his cheek, treasuring the moment. He yearned for an embrace to coo in and you gave that, the warmth you offered was his to grasp.
He also stopped coming home high off his kite, the alcohol abuse subsidized and you couldn’t be more happy to have the old kook back. Attending his fights every week with a new outlook for the media, notorious for protecting Jungkook and calming him down when others looked down at his abilities and even when they would make explicit detailed things to say to you in hopes of angering their former opponent.
“Just ignore them baby” you would say, holding his hand tightly in remembrance of your existence, roping him back to reality and soothing the red he was growing to see.
“I’m yours okay baby, don’t worry about them” You muttered after the incident, your dress rising up as you straddled Jungkook to gain his attention “ forget about him.” you continued, Jungkook had a dark look in his eyes. Gawking towards your position as his hands placed themselves on your exposed thighs covered in his markings he consciously made nights before “I’ll always be here okay, look at me. I’ve been here since the beginning nothing and I mean nothing will make me ever want to leave you”
Jungkook breathed, blinking rapidly as his head bobbed down leaving you to pick his chin up to face your worried face. The driver had already left the building and you both were off to his next event, yet even with a face as bruised as his own people still recognized him “keep your head high kook, I love you and I just wish the best for you okay” you were pecking his lips in reassurance and he managed to pull the ends of his lips into a simple smile.
“I’ll listen to you” Jungkook spoke, leaning his forehead against yours as you both shared a breath. Reminiscing the days where you cradled each other in friendship “I love you baby”
Nothing was ever harder for a boxer then the constant matches, yet being with one was probably the hardest task of all.
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jvncnt · 4 years
𝐡𝐞𝐲  𝐡𝐢  𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨  ,  beautiful  people  !  my  name  is  lenny  (  22  ,  she/her  ,  mst  )  &  i’m  absolutely  hyped  to  be  joining  this  amazing  group  !  it’s  honestly  been  a  hot  minute  since  i  last  rped  in  a  group  ,  but  i  truly  cannot  resist  anything  that  my  bbys  stephy  &  leia  come  up  with  so  here  i  am  !  i’m  bringing  you  my  boy  jayden  ,  a  completely  new  muse  ,  but  i’m  really  excited  to  develop  him  here  .  pls  bare  with  me  if  whatever  is  below  the  cut  is  a  mess  ,  that’s  just  representative  of  my  permanent  state  rn  sjkdlhfs  but  i  wanna  plot  with  each  &  every  one  of  you  ,  so  pls  hmu  !  give  this  post  a  like  or  slide  into  my  dms  ,  or  u  can  reach  me  via  d*sc*rd  @  lenny the pooh#3088  !  ily  all  already  ,  can’t  wait  to  be  a  part  of  this  group  ✨
*  𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐠𝐨𝐬  here  and  do  i  have  the  tea  for  you  .  jayden  is  back  in  bridgehampton  for  the  summer  ,  living  off  the  vincent’s  family  $670 million  net  worth  .  must  be  nice  to  come  back  home  to  the  hamptons  ,  i  wonder  what  his  fellow  class  of  2017  grads  think  of  his  return  .  you  know  ,  he  was  known  around  town  as  the  vainglorious  and  for  bhs  senior  superlatives  he  was  crowned  as  most  likely  to  punch  you  in  the  face .  i  wonder  if  that  still  holds  true  today  ,  a  lot  can  change  when  you  go  off  to  pace  university and  study  commercial  dance  .  either  way  ,  i  bet  he  is  still  very  steadfast  ,  assured  ,  truculent  and  heedless  .  hopefully  this  time  next  year  the  plans  to  dance  professionally  come  true  .  in  the  meantime  ,  i  look  forward  to  seeing  him  blast  cross  me  -  ed  sheeran  ,  chance  the  rapper  ,  &  pnb  rock  at  every  hamptons  function  .  it’s  going  to  be  a  wild  summer  home  ,  welcome  back  .
alright so i’ll just drop some bullet points here that’ll tell u all about jay !
( tw : mention of suicide , drugs )
his father is one of the most well-known boxers around , but not for anything great : he was a major heavyweight champ in his early days but shortly after jayden was born his mother committed suicide after a really difficult struggle with postpartum depression , which was not aided by her concern for her husband’s dangerous and demanding career — after that , everything sorta went downhill for jay’s father .
he was caught in one of the biggest drug busts in new york history and went to prison , leaving 10 year old jay in the hands of his paternal grandparents in the hamptons , who already were more like parents to him than his father would ever be .
his grandfather was a big time boxer in his day ( then worked as a mentor to some other big names until his retirement ) , and his son’s troubles disappointed him because he wanted the vincent legacy to live on , so he started mentoring jayden to reclaim the family name in the boxing world .
for a while things went well and jay was into the whole boxing thing , but his grandfather began to put more and more pressure on him as he grew older , along with everyone else around him — he was the star of bhs’ wrestling team and everyone envisioned him up on the big stage , giving creed a run for his money — but jayden couldn’t see it . he really wasn’t that into boxing . sure it gave him an excuse to punch shit and get his anger out , but that only goes so far until you begin to question the true meaning behind what you’re doing .
for jay , the only meaning he could see in pursuing a boxing career was to reclaim the vincent name that his father had tarnished all those years ago , as his grandfather wanted him to , but that moment of glory wasn’t enough to outweigh the lack of passion jay felt underneath every punch — not to mention how much he feared following in his father’s footsteps . he also wasn’t sure he wanted to give his father the satisfaction of reclaiming their throne .
so what was he going to do ? well , where his passion lacked in boxing , it absolutely thrived in dance . his grandmother founded a major dance studio in the hamptons and jay spent many evenings there while growing up . at first he just did homework in his grandmother’s office , but then he started snooping on classes out of boredom before he befriended one of the male teachers who convinced him to try out a class . and from there it kinda snowballed . his teacher turned into more of a mentor than his grandfather would ever be , and jay felt more excitement leading up to his dance classes than his boxing lessons .
his grandfather at first saw dance as a good way for jay to keep up his stamina and exercise in different ways , but then he started to notice the imbalance between his grandson’s passion for dance and for boxing and he grew frustrated . “ dancing’s not for vincent men , " he once told jay . “ grow some balls and throw some punches . ”
out of pure fear of his grandfather and disappointing him , jay continued to pursue his grandfather’s dreams for him and trained almost every day , but then he’d sneak away to late night dance sessions because he just couldn’t avoid how magnetized he was to a life of dance . the creativity , excitement , and pure fun held more meaning than boxing ever would for him , but it took him until high school graduation to properly admit that to himself .
his grandmother , the wonderful spitfire of a woman she is , sneakily led jay through the application process of every major dance academy across the states , even though her husband found no use in sending their future heavyweight champion grandson off to college . she’s always supported jay for every decision he’s made and wanted nothing but the best for him , whether it was boxing or dance or something completely different . she’s the source of all of his confidence , ambition , and determination .
it wasn’t until the acceptance letter came in the mail from pace university that jayden came clean to his grandfather . it was a messy , loud , stressful , emotional night , but his grandfather eventually realized there was no use in arguing or fighting — he raised jay to be strong , independent , and everything he wished his son had been , and he knew that when jay set his sights on something , he was going to do it no matter what .
WHEW ok now we come to the present : jay has been excelling in pace’s commercial dance program , his passion for dance blazing brighter than ever before , and he’s returned home to the hamptons every summer to visit his beloved grandparents . with his senior year coming up , he has already lined up several auditions for world tours and music videos and more to set his dance career in motion . he’s honestly looking forward to seeing his old bhs alumni over the summer and rubbing their noses in the success of his own future that he is writing .
as for a lil about his personality :
he’s well known as the vainglorious , aka excessively proud of oneself or one's achievements ; overly vain .
not to say he’s a bit of a dick but ... he’s a dick . 
as much as he hates to admit it , he definitely inherited his father’s hotheadedness and his utter selfishness .
he has always been the kid who doesn’t just think he’s the shit , but is the shit . he’s cocky in an annoyingly charming way and flirted his way up every social ladder during high school .
being the star of the wrestling team also didn’t help to deflate his ego sdljkhf like he didn’t love boxing or wrestling , but he knew he was damn good at it and just likes being the best .
as for some positives about my boy !! he is a charmer and he’s always loved to have fun . he spent so much of his childhood and teen years training and working hard that when he gets free time , whew he revels in it .
working hard is in his blood and he just oozes determination and will be your biggest hype man because he’s a dick but he still wants to see everyone succeed ! he knows what it feels like to be passionate about something and wanting to chase your dreams , and he will help you chase those dreams !!!
a big ol’ flirt , but he’s not really a player . he’s never been one to sleep around or act like breaking hearts is a sport . he grew up really admiring his grandparents’ marriage , all while remembering the poor relationship he knows his parents had , and definitely is a bit of a romantic . but that’s not to say he isn’t down to have some fun either lol
like i said , he’s a work in progress so i’m sorry this isn’t more detailed or fancy , i’m truly just so excited to be here that i wanted to get this up asap !
if you'd like to take a look at the shitty pinterest board i made for him , you can find it right here ! you can ignore the extra sections on it , it's a recycled board from an old muse but i'm leaving the connection sections there in case any of the pins work with the plots i get going with u !
as for connections , i’m truly down for anything and everything !! which i know is sooo basic to say but i’m forreal . if you have some angst or drama you wanna throw my way , i am here for it ! i also pride myself on my ability to brainstorm fun plots , so don’t be afraid to reach out !
xo ily
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Prisoner Of Your Eyes ~ Matt Hardy
Word count: 2,483  A soft yawn escaped me as I woke up and stretched, finding a cold spot in the bed where my boyfriend should've been. I stayed in bed a few minutes longer and wondered where my lover was before getting out of bed and slipping one of Matt's shirts on, basking in his scent as I rubbed a tiny section of my lower stomach before walking out of our bedroom and heading downstairs to the main level of the house.
I called out, no verbal answer returning. Nearing the kitchen, I heard quiet noises and smelled pancakes as well as eggs cooking.
I stood in the doorway, taking in the sight of my longtime boyfriend making breakfast in nothing but a pair of tight boxers. Walking over, my arm wrapped around him which caused him to jump before I pressed a kiss to his shoulder.
"It's just me, hot stuff. Good morning..."
Trailing kisses over his shoulder, I hummed softly and rubbed my hand gently over his torso.
"Mornin' to you too, sugar. How're you feeling today?"
"Not bad... I'm just wondering why you're up so early..."
"Had a bit of a rough night, so I figured I'd come down here and make breakfast for us. Gotta keep my girl fed so my babies can be big and strong. Besides, we can't have my sexy sidekick manager getting all tired during our promo or my match, now can we?"
"No, we can't. But we can't have our big, strong champion getting tired either."
I blushed slightly, shaking my head and moving to his side as I gathered my thoughts. His free arm wrapped around me as he pressed a small kiss to my forehead.
"Did you sleep last night? At all?"
"I got a few hours in, nothin' to worry your pretty little head about. Spent most of the night with you curled up on me anyways, so I can't say it was a bad night."
"Matty... You were worrying about us, weren't you?"
My words were soft as I looked up at him, studying his deep brown eyes. He went silent for a moment, nodding slowly.
"I was just thinking about everything, about being parents... About how utterly bullshit it is that we have to hide everything from our friends... I'm sick of hiding. It's not who I am, and sure as fuck ain't who you are."
I got on tiptoe, kissing his cheek.
"Hey... Relax for a little bit, okay babe? Things are gonna be alright. Let's have breakfast, then talk things over... Sound good?"
He nodded slowly, rubbing his thumb over my lower stomach.
"Everything sounds good when it comes to you, sweet thing."
He grinned, grabbing my ass and pressing a sweet kiss to my lips. Kissing back, I hummed softly and carefully dug my nails into his skin. We broke the kiss a minute later as I slipped out of his grip and grabbed some juice from the fridge before sitting at the island, studying the man I'd fallen in love with back when we first started dating back in college. We'd both dropped out after a year for varying reasons, but had always stuck by each other's sides.
"Hey, Reaper?"
"Yeah, goregous?"
"I love you so incredibly much, and I'm glad I get to spend my time on this earth with you."
He turned the stove off, moving our food to the island before standing in front of me and gently taking my face between his hands.
"Y/N, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me. No title belt, no championships... Nothing in this life could ever compare to you and our baby, and I swear on everything I am that I'll marry you one day. I promise it."
He moved his arms around my waist, letting his forehead rest on mine.
"You're my girl, and I'm always gonna do my damnedest to right by you until the day I take my last breath."
I was cut off by his lips pressing against mine lovingly, my eyes sliding shut as I melted into the kiss. One of his hands moved to my thigh and carefully pulled me closer to his body. After a few minutes, he trailed his kisses to my neck before pulling back slightly.
"I'm tempted to pick you up, head to our room, and just-"
A low groan erupted from his throat as he stood back a bit, biting his lip for a moment. I studied him, my fingers trailing down over his torso before I gently raked my nails over his hips.
"Woman, you're gonna be the undoing of me, I swear it."
A smirk formed on my lips as I brought a hand up to his hair, tugging gently.
"Breakfast could wait a little while, you know... We don't have to get ready to head over to the arena for a few hours."
He bit his lip as I ran my fingers through his long, soft hair, my hand moving slowly downward before I let myself scratch my nails over the nape of his neck.
"You're so easy to rile up, Matty. I love seeing you so eager for me, so wanting... So perfect, my king."
He shivered and stepped back slightly as I looked down at his lips, so tempted to do everything in my power to make the man I loved feel as blissful as he'd always made me feel. I must've zoned out because when I came to, my face was back in Matt's hands and his lust filled eyes were studying mine.
"If you don't stop looking at my lips without doing anything about it, I will take you right here on this counter."
His voice was deep and calm, each word carefully spoken in case I'd zoned out. My smirk grew as I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow ever so slightly.
"Is that so? Big bad Matthew's gonna take me, huh?"
I teased, my smirk growing into a grin.
"That's so, darlin'."
He lifted me onto the countertop, trailing kisses over my neck as his hands slipped under the shirt and rubbed over my bare skin.
"I wanna tell someone..."
My words came out almost in a whisper, my eyes closing for a few moments as my nerves kicked in.
"Hey... Hey now, open those pretty eyes of yours and look at me, sweetheart..."
His words were soft, his hand moving from my hips and stomach to my cheek as he rubbed his thumb over it gently. I did as he said, biting my lip.
"If you really wanna start telling people, then we can. You know I'm all for that, but only if you're absolutely sure you wanna. We've got work in a couple of hours, and I'm sure Jeff and Shawn would love to find out that they're gonna be uncles in a few months. 'Specially Jeff. On top of that, Eddie'd freak out at the thought of a tiny, little bebe lindo to spoil and train once they get big enough..."
I nodded, giggling at the thought of what Eddie might do once I told him that Matt and I were going to be parents.
A few hours later, Matt and I checked into the arena and parked before getting out of the car. He rubbed my back reassuringly as we carried our bags inside, heading to security to find out where our locker room was. Once we found out, Matt dropped off our bags while I headed to catering to check in with our friends and to catch up with one of my most beloved friends, Shawn.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the party has arrived!"
Jeff ran over, wrapping his arms around me before picking me up and spinning me around for a moment. Laughing, I ruffled his hair as he set me down and grinned.
"Y'know Jeffo, with the way you act someone's gonna think you haven't seen me in years."
He shrugged as he let me go, a wild look in his eyes.
"What can I say? My best friend's here, and if people don't like it... Well, then they can take DX's words and suck it."
I nodded, looking around the room for a moment. I bit my lip for a moment, the thought that I'd have to hide my relationship with Matt... No, not just the relationship with the man I'd loved... The thought that I had to hide the relationship with the man I'd been head over heels in love with for years, along with the fact that I was just over two and a half months pregnant with his baby. When I focused back on Jeff, I finally noticed the look in his eyes.  
"You okay, hun?"
His voice was quiet as his hand rubbed over my arm, knowing it'd calm me down if I was anxious.
"Just thinking about some things..."
I fought against rubbing my hand over my stomach, sighing quietly. Days like this were rough, and he knew it. We'd been friends since Matt and I were in college, and he knew how much it hurt to keep our relationship a secret from our friends and coworkers.
"Wanna go to the locker room and talk about it?"
I nodded, looking around the room in an attempt to find the select few friends I wanted to tell first.
"Yeah... I need to find a few people before we head back..."
I let Jeff go, spotting Shawn along with Eddie and Rey. Walking over to them, I wrapped my arms around Eddie.
"Howdy boys!"
"Hey beautiful!"
"Hey chica! What's up?"
I smiled, Rey grinning.
"Hola, mamacita. What brings a goregous lady like you over?"
Letting go of Eddie and standing between Rey and Shawn, I looked around at my found family and felt my cheeks heat up a bit.
"I missed my boys, and needed to talk to you guys about something anyway. Would you guys wanna hang out in locker room à la Hardy?"
Shawn wrapped an arm around my shoulders, nodding.
"Of course!"
We walked over to where Jeff had been standing, Matt standing beside him.
"Off to the locker room?"
Matt asked, smiling as I nodded and glanced toward his lips before meeting his eyes again. We started walking, Matt and Eddie joking about one thing or another as Rey and Jeff started to play around leaving Shawn and I to walk in peaceful silence. We reached the room after a few minutes, my heart beating a million miles a minute and my thoughts racing just as fast. Everyone found a place to sit once we got inside, Matt moving to sit by my side as the door closed behind Rey.
"What'd you need to talk about, chica?"
I bit my lip for a moment, staring down at my lap and trying to collect myself. Matt rubbed over my back to help me calm down, my hand slipping over my stomach.
"Matt and I have been together for years... Since college, actually--"
"Kid, everybody's known that since day one. You guys are perfect for each other."
I blushed slightly at Shawn's words, nodding.
"And he still hasn't proposed, gentlemen!"
I looked up, laughing at Jeff as Matt looked over at him and mouthed something that I couldn't catch. I stuck my tongue out at him before getting back to my train of thought, looking to Matt as my nerves kicked in.
"Do you wanna tell them, Matty?"
I asked quietly, leaning into his touch. Eddie leaned forward, arms resting on his knees as he raised a brow slightly.
"Hey, mamacita. Whatever it is, you can tell us. We're not gonna judge you."
I looked back to my family, my cheeks heating up as my hand subtly rubbed over my skin. Shawn's brows furrowed slightly before he raised one, studying me.
"You're not injured, are you kid?"
He glanced to my stomach, letting me know what exactly he was getting at.
"Not injured, Shawn. I promise. Matt and I are... Well... Matt y yo vamos a tener un bebé pronto! Todos ustedes serán tíos!"
"A-are you serious, chica?"
I nodded, giggling at Shawn and Jeff's confusion.
"We're having a baby!"
I shifted onto my knees, slipping my shirt up a bit to reveal my small bump as Jeff and Shawn shouted in excitement. Within moments, I was surrounded by the five men I loved as they wrapped me in a group hug.
"Congratulations, mi querida! I'm so happy for you both!"
Rey beamed, Eddie sitting back and staring at me in awe.
"You're really going to have a baby? No bullshitting?"
Jeff asked quietly, looking between Matt and I in shock. Matt nodded, smiling genuinely.
"Yeah Jeffo, we're having a baby!"
Jeff grinned, ruffling my hair playfully. He sat back, seeming to get lost in thought as Shawn piped in.
"How far along are you guys?"
"A few days over the two and a half month mark. We're due toward the end of October, so maybe we'll have a little Halloween baby."
Matt smiled genuinely, leaning over to press a kiss to my cheek before turning toward our family.
"Nobody can tell any of the McMahons, alright? At least not yet anyway."
I nodded, relaxing a bit.
"Me and Matt have agreed that I'm going to keep managing and valeting for you boys as long as I can, and we all know Vince would try to force me to go onto maternity leave early if he knew. Though we could possibly drop hints for the fans, and the rest of our coworkers, and make it seem as if it were an off the cuff storyline..."
"That could work... And since you usually get put into storylines with all of us... Maybe we could make it seem like there's a chance any one of us could be the kid's father, to get any heat that comes off of Matt and to make sure that you can stick around as long as we can manage."
"Rey, you're a genius!"
Jeff beamed, running a hand through his multicolored hair before making his way over and hugging us both again.
"You're gonna be a great father, Matty!"
We spent the next little while talking about what the plans should be, Matt occaisionally heading to catering to get me food and things to drink, telling me to relax and just let him take care of me. One of the guys would head out for their match or promo, the others watching with me before trading out at different times in the night. When it came time for Matt and I to cut our promo everyone in our found family knew what to do. They waited in the gorilla for their cues from Matt or I, our music hitting and the crowd cheering in excitement as I escorted the love of my life down to the ring.
[To Be Continued...]
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teachandwrite-blog · 2 years
Notes from Public School 2022-2023 Day 9
When I was in elementary school, I did a book report on The Contender by Robert Lipsyte.
I chose it because of it’s cover.
There was an illustration of a young black man with a towel around his shoulders and tape around his hands.
He was a boxer.
The Contender tells the story of Alfred Brooks, an inner-city kid who drops out of school and works as a sweeper and stocker in a family owned grocery store.
His best friend, James, is falling into gang life and Alfred is trying to save him before he is lost to the streets.
James gets arrested for breaking into and stealing from the grocery store where Alfred works.
One night, after James’ arrest, Alfred climbs up the rickety, dimly lit stairs of Donatelli’s Gym, where he meets Mr. Donatelli, a grizzled, old boxing trainer who is much like the beloved Micky in the Rocky movies.
Alfred becomes a boxer and learns that he must become a contender before he can become a champion.
There is a quote from Mr. Donatelli that I always keep close to me.
“You have to start by wanting to be a contender,” he tells Alfred, “The person coming up, the person who knows there's a good chance you’ll never get to the top, the person who's willing to sweat and bleed to get up as high as your legs and your brain and your heart will take you.”
I think about these words each morning I open my eyes to a new day as a teacher and a writer.
They inspire me to be a contender like Alfred is a contender.
In that first reading, I realized that I’m Alfred and he is me.
We are each other.
What an important thing for a ten year old to understand.
I’m thankful I learned it in the Taylor’s Elementary School library.
It’s a story about friendship, too.
One of the most moving scenes I’ve ever read in literature happens at the end of the story.
Alfred crawls into the old hiding spot where he and James go when times get hard, like when James’ alcoholic, abusive father lashed out at him, like when Alfred’s mom died from cancer.
James is there.
He is running from the police because he has broken into the grocery store again, this time through the front window, where he has cut himself real bad.
“Alfred felt James’ outstretched arms around his neck. Slowly, he pulled James out of the cave into the biting wind.
‘Easy, man, you be all right.’ He lifted James to his feet and half-carried him through the stunted trees. James moaned.
‘Hang in there, James. Can you walk?’
‘Try.’ He leaned heavily on Alfred. ‘Weak as a baby. Lost all that blood.’
‘Don’t worry about that, James, I got plenty of blood for you.’ Carefully, Alfred guided him over the rocks and bushes and the new snow, toward the lights of the avenue.”
In that first reading I realized that friendship is everything, that carrying your friends, that being carried by your friends, is everything.
I’m thankful I learned that.
All from a library in public school.
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diabolikpersonals · 6 years
Thoughts on the Yuma Vs. Subaru Boxing Match
OK OK! One more thing, before I stop annoying people with sports facts!! Also, I’m gonna submit this so it doesn’t come in like 20 question parts.
SO, if Subaru and Yuma were going to fight, I have headcanons about their fighting styles. (Let’s ignore that they probably wouldn’t be in the same weight class.) So Yuma, DEFINITELY a brawler. These are your people like John L. Sullivan or Jack Dempsey. Brawlers are known for their strength and endurance. They can hit hard and take as good as they give. They’re the kinda guys who’ll walk into a punch just so they can get close enough to punch back. They’re durable is what I’m getting at. Subaru, on the other hand, would be a stylist. I think if he was in his proper weight class he’d probs be a brawler too, but against Yuma this strategy just wouldn’t work. Yuma’s got four inches on him, so that means he has longer arms. Subaru couldn’t get close enough to throw the really hard punches. So he has to improvise. Stylists are your men like “Gentleman” Jim Corbett or Muhammad Ali, your “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” guys. What they lack in utter power they make up for in blocking and dodging ability. They dance around the ring looking for openings to strike. Precision hitters. Flexible. Now if they were going to fight, one style isn’t objectively better than the other. It’d be a toss up that’d depend on a variety of factors. I think the biggest one would be if Yuma could adapt to Subaru’s style. Historically, brawler types have had some difficulty with stylists, especially in older matches. You’ve gotta understand, boxing was a MAN’S sport, even more so than other sports, so it was really, really encouraged/appreciated by audiences when men could just take a beating and keep on going. Like, there are literally instances where men ended up drowning in their own blood due to injuries sustained from fighting and dropping dead in the ring, because they just REFUSED to give up. (Keep in mind this was like 19th century boxing, not modern, much more heavily regulated for safety boxing.) Boxing could also be used as a tool to prove one’s masculinity to a wider audience. One of the major reasons Jewish men took to boxing was because they were so often stereotyped as being weak. And of course, a core tenant of masculinity, is being able to take pain and keep going. Due to these and other factors, the brawling style was the most popular for a very long time. Some critics didn’t even think the stylist approach was real boxing. Anyway, when you’ve been brawling your whole life and fighting other brawlers, sometimes it can be a little difficult to switch up your own fighting style to counteract a new opponent. When John L. Sullivan lost his 10 year long heavy weight championship, it was to “Gentleman” Jim Corbett, a stylist boxer who wore a pompadour! Do you have any idea of how ‘effeminate’ a hairstyle a pompadour was in 1892? It was a similar case for Jack Dempsey when he lost to Gene Tunney, another brawler losing to a stylist. So with that in mind, my money’s probably on Subaru??? But tbh, I’m not very familiar with modern boxing techniques. I just know about the history. However, do not be saddened Yuma fans! Even if Subaru might win the match, Yuma would probably win the glory. Again, because of boxing’s relationship to masculinity, brawlers were just historically more popular and beloved than stylists. I mean, John L. Sullivan was America’s first national sports hero, not just in boxing, but in any sport. Literal poems were written about him like he was some mythic, Olympian demigod. Everyone loved him, even after his defeat, because he just perfectly encapsulated what Americans at that time wanted in a sports hero. Sullivan was the son of Irish immigrants who pulled himself up his own bootstraps, through merit and grit, to become the heavy weight champion of the world. He regularly hung out with his fans in bars and never separated himself from the people he came from, unlike what modern sports celebrities do. Heck, he had a cross-country promotion tour where any Joe-Schmo could challenge him, and if they lasted three rounds they won money. It’s such a, for lack of a better term, American thing to do. And their love for him continued even after his defeat. In a scene that I swear came straight out of a movie, after he lost the match Sullivan went to the side of the ring and raised his hand. The crowd fell silent. And he uttered the famous words,“Gentlemen, gentlemen, I have nothing at all to say. All I have to say is that I came into the ring once too often – and if I had to get licked I’m glad I was licked by an American. [Boxing at this time had very nationalist connotations of strength relating to world power.] I remain your warm and personal friend, John L. Sullivan.” And Jack Dempsey uttered the even more famous,“Honey, I forgot to duck,” line after his own defeat. Which was so famous Ronald Reagan echoed the words to his own wife after surviving an assassination attempt, and these words endeared Dempsey to the public like you wouldn’t believe!!! Very effective!!!
After Dempsey’s defeat the public continued to follow him through his ultimately unsuccessful comeback as he re-challenged the champion that he had lost the heavy weight title to. And in his post-boxing career, he opened up a restaurant in NYC where people could just come in and have a chat with a former champion. Again, like Sullivan, and probs like Yuma would do, he never separated himself from the common man. So for brawlers, even in defeat, their sheer masculinity, cult of personality, and humility make them very endearing to the public. On the other hand, Yuma might still have a chance at victory against Subaru if he can get some harsh punches in strategic locations. For Subaru, he’d probably want to aim for Yuma’s torso. A lot of people underestimate just how effective a gut punch is. But for Yuma, he’d want to aim straight for the head, particularly the eyes for the forehead. If he can open up a wound on Subaru and have the blood leak down into the eyes, it’ll cause a severe disadvantage for his opponent. Eyesight is important in all sports, but it’s literally a strategy in boxing to attack the eyes. Either by punching them enough to get them to swell or having blood seep into them from a wound. If you wanna go really, really old school when boxing matches were held outside and the styles were really primitive, it was a strategy to get your opponent to face the sun so that he couldn’t see as well. So I think it’d be in Yuma’s best interest to aim for the eyes. That or he can just knock Subaru out. So anyway, that’s my two cents on the Yuma vs Subaru match. Thanks for reading along and/or sorry for cluttering your dash with boxing history.
WAHHHHH...whenever yuma and subaru fight in canon, it usually ends up in a draw :D this was super interesting to read. I like it cuz I know that yuma and subaru would be super into it lolol
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kpopfanfictrash · 7 years
GOT7 Masterlist
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🌟 = my personal favorites
DISCLAIMER: Anything marked M for Mature has sexual, explicit content. Do not read if you are under 18 years of age. All works of fiction are marked with a rating for a reason.
© kpopfanfictrash. DO NOT COPY, REPOST OR TRANSLATE.
Poets and Parties (M) - smut / fluff / Halloween!AU
As part of the campus little buddies program, you’re bringing Abby trick-or-treating. When she runs up to the GOT (Gamma Omega Tau) fraternity house though, and Jaebum opens the door - everything that once was sensible flies out of your brain. 
Entwined (M) - smut / angst / one shot
🌟 Binary Star - angst / mini-series / love triangle
You and Jaebum have been dating forever when Mark Tuan shows up in your classroom. You’ve always been against change - a bit debilitating, being a writer - but for some reason this new kid has you thinking there might be an upside to chaos.
Monolith (M) - underground boxer!AU / dystopian!AU / enemies to lovers!AU / one shot / smut
In the province of Monolith, a few families exist which control all the rest. You’re a part of this group: the well-known Elite where, outside of money, the most valuable currency is secrets. Unfortunately, you have many of your own: the fact that you’re an underground boxer at night. Or, that you’re panicking about an upcoming fight to a shadowy champion you hear is unbeatable. Not to mention that you’ve been warned to stay away from the Parks – newcomers to Monolith, whose money is considered second-rate to your own – and yet, you continue running into their son. With so many secrets weighing you down, it’s only a matter of time before others catch up.
V-Day [Master List] - drabble series / smut / fluff / realistic!AU
A series of drabbles about Valentine’s day and semi-bad boy!Park Jinyoung. 
🌟 Iron Crown (M) [Mini Masterlist] - fantasy / mini-series / smut / Vampire!AU
As the Crown Princess of Vitus, your land has always been peaceful. When your power-hungry Uncle decides to stop paying the tithe though, things take a turn for the worse. The vampires who reside in the mountains are not happy and in retaliation - they set their sights on you. 
🌟 A Philosophy of You - fluff / one shot
Famous author Jinyoung gives an interview on love and inspiration. [Songfic: Sweetest Devotion, Adele] 
Every Way (M) - smut / one shot
Since your breakup, you’ve been using your friend Jinyoung for revenge sex. Tonight though, you find yourself wondering if that’s really the whole reason.
🌟 Control (M) - fluff / smut / mini-series
On a night out with your friends, you accidentally text the wrong number for advice. The guy on the other end of the phone is abrupt, harsh and kind of an ass - but he also happens to be right. Which explains why you keep texting him. Right?
🌟 Binary Star - angst / mini-series / love triangle
You and Jaebum have been dating forever when Mark Tuan shows up in your classroom. You’ve always been against change - a bit debilitating, being a writer - but for some reason this new kid has you thinking there might be an upside to chaos.
Song of Shadow - fantasy / series / Fey!AU
After being saved by a member of the night riders, strange things keep happening to you. It appears that you’re linked, bound to an ethereal being who doesn’t want you. Just your soul.
Angel (M) - series / fluff / angst / smut / nurse!AU
You’re a medical intern, always a perfectionist and used to being the best at everything you do. Jackson Wang is the male nurse beloved by everyone and constantly on your nerves. When you two are brought together, it could be the best or the worst thing that’s ever happened. 
Breaks - soulmates!AU / dystopian / one shot
In the world of Lore, there are no soulmates. Not anymore. But what happens when you start to dream of yours? 
🌟 The 7th Prince  - fantasy / drama / royalty!AU
A land under a curse. Seven mysterious princes. A decision that will make or break the Kingdom. (idea from this post here, by @cyjsgirl)
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josuembuyi03 · 3 years
Muhammad Ali Post
Muhammad Ali was the only professional boxer to win the heavyweight championship three times. With his frank political and religious views, he has provided leadership and example to African American men and women around the world.
 Born Cassius Marcellus Clay on January 17, 1942, in Louisville, Kentucky, Muhammad Ali began boxing at the age of 12.
An African American trainer named Fred Stoner taught Ali the science of boxing, asking him to move with the grace and subtlety of a dancer.
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 "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee"
Ali built an impressive amateur record that led him to both the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) National Championships and the Golden Gloves. At the age of 18, he competed at the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome, Italy, and won the gold medal in the lightweight category. This led to a contract with a group of twelve millionaires called the Louisville Sponsors Group, the most lucrative contract negotiated by a professional in the history of boxing. He worked his way through a series of professional victories, employing a style that combined speed with devastating striking power, described by one of his managers as the ability to "float like a butterfly, and sting like a bee."
Ali's flamboyant style, which boasted, rhymed and promoted himself, attracted media attention as he tried to fight for the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship. When he began writing poems predicting the outcome of his many fights, he became known by another name: "The Louisville Lip." Both the attention and his skill as a fighter paid off, and
 On February 15, 1964, in Miami, Florida, when he was only 22 years old, he fought and beat Sonny Liston for the World Heavyweight Championship.
 "Beloved of Allah"
Meanwhile, Ali, inspired by human rights activist Malcolm X, embraced the black Muslim faith and announced that he had changed his name to Cassius X. This was at a time when the struggle for civil rights was at its peak and Muslims emerged as a controversial but major force in the African American community. Later, he received the name Muhammad Ali, which means "loved by Allah", by the Muslim patriarch Elijah Muhammad
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 In his first title defense, held in Lewiston, Maine, on May 25, 1965, he defeated now challenger Sonny Liston with a first-round knockout that many called a phantom shot because he was so fast and powerful that few participants have seen him. Ali successfully defended his title eight more times.
 On April 28, 1967, Ali was conscripted into military service during the Vietnam War. As a Muslim and conscientious objector, he refused to serve, seeking an exemption as minister of the black Muslim religion. The press turned against him, calling him "unpatriotic, noisy, emphatic." Although he has not been charged or convicted of violating the Selective Service Act, the New York State Athletic Commission and the World Boxing Association suspended his boxing license and stripped him of his heavyweight title in May 1967. Sports Illustrated's comment at the time was: "I'm giving up my title, my wealth, maybe my future. Many great men have been tested for their religious beliefs. If I take this test, I will come out stronger than ever.
"Eventually Ali was sentenced to five years in prison, released on appeal, and his conviction was overturned three years later by the U.S. Supreme Court.
 Justification and victory
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Mohammad Ali with President Mobutu in Zaire(Kinshasa) 
Ali returned to the ring in a victorious fight with Jerry Quary in Atlanta in 1971. Four months later, he was defeated by Joe Frazier in Manila, who had replaced him as heavyweight champion when the title was released. He won the championship for the first time by defeating George Forman (who had beaten Frazier for the title) in a fight in Zaire in 1974. Ali fought Frazier again the same year, and in 1975 won both matches and secured his title as World Heavyweight Champion. That year, to welcome Ali, Sports Illustrated magazine named him their "Sportsman of the Year".
Ali began to employ a new style of boxing, the one he called his "rope-a-dope". He let his opponents wear out while he rested, often against the ropes; so he wouldn't care in the last laps. During his next reign Ali successfully defended his title ten times more. Ali held the championship until he was defeated by Leon Spinks on February 16, 1978, in a fight held in Las Vegas, Nevada. Seven months later, on September 15, 1978.
Role of state man
As his career came to an end, Ali became increasingly involved in social causes, diplomacy and politics. He campaigned for Jimmy Carter and other Democratic political candidates and was involved in promoting a variety of political causes addressing poverty and children. He even played the role of diplomat, trying to secure the release of four Americans kidnapped in Lebanon in 1985. As a result, his image changed from gadget to highly respected statesman.
At the 1996 Summer Games in Atlanta, the world and his country honored Ali by choosing him to light the Olympic torch at the Opening Ceremonies.
Compared to other activists like Martin Luther King who was murdered and Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, too big a name to be murdered in the same way as them, has been scientifically silenced.
I guess it wasn't her plan to end up as an adorable establishment icon. He didn't want to be revered as a sanctified sports star. Muhammad Ali was a powerful and dangerous political figure. He may have died in 2016, but I think the world sadly lost him when his voice and strength were stolen from him in the late 70s.
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reginaldbunyan · 3 years
“You look awful, even for a man’s been dead a dozen years.
I heard long ago that she was so old that she was almost doting, and deaf besides, and awfully fond of little dogs. The teams are even at 4 4, but U M has won three of the past four. But Eddard Stark was dead, Benjen Stark lost in the frozen wilds beyond the Wall. All these pictures were still not enough for the US government. Start by assessing your current patterns for both. “You look awful, even for a man’s been dead a dozen years. Air has released this statement in response to the pilots accusations:. The curse is you may not
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lewishamledger · 5 years
Our ’Enry
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In an interview in 1977, the great Sir Henry Cooper remarked: “You only get out of life what you put into it. I earned my living as a boxer, but you can still conduct yourself in a gentlemanly way.”
These words serve as an apt introduction to a man whose fists may have wrought violence and destruction across 55 professional boxing contests, but whose geniality and warmth of personality endeared him to the nation.
Lambeth-born and Bellingham raised, Henry was that rare commodity – a boxer who was not only admired, but also genuinely loved. Across the 300 or more years that the sport of boxing has held a significant position within the collective British imagination, arguably no pugilist has been as widely and intensely loved as “our ’Enry”.
When he died on May 1, 2011 the country was deprived of one of its great post-war heroes – a man for whom the respected television commentator John Rawling coined the perfect epitaph: “He was a good boxer, but an outstanding man.”
The only boxer to ever be knighted – in recognition of his charitable work as much as his sporting prowess – Henry’s popularity traversed boundaries of class, age and gender.
To paraphrase Rudyard Kipling’s If, he was as comfortable displaying the “common touch”, pouring pints for punters at the Fellowship Inn in Bellingham, as he was “walking with kings” while dining at Buckingham Palace.
Henry was a staunch royalist – who had a portrait of the Queen Mother on his wall – and was at the same time suspicious of jingoism and avowedly opposed to racism in any form, as evidenced by his advocacy of the Anti- Nazi League, a group formed in 1977 to counter the rise of the far right.
Born in 1934, Henry and his identical twin brother George, as well as his older brother Bernard, were initially raised by parents Henry and Lily in Camberwell, but in 1939 they moved to a council house in Bellingham on Farmstead Road.
After brief spells in Sussex and Gloucestershire when they were evacuated – during which time their Bellingham home was hit by a German parachute mine – the Cooper brothers returned to south London in 1941.
Henry stayed on Farmstead Road with his parents until 1960, when he married his beloved Italian wife Albina. “It was a tight community,” he later said of his formative Bellingham years. “We all pulled together.”
Henry and George attended Athelney Road school and outside of school hours supported the family finances any way they could. Paper rounds, wood chopping and selling balls retrieved from the local golf course were among the innovative enterprises that put extra pennies in the collective kitty.
Henry and George’s entry into boxing came aged nine, courtesy of a neighbour who spotted their physical prowess and directed them to Bellingham Boxing Club.
Henry, naturally left-handed, nevertheless fought in the orthodox fashion and assembled an impressive amateur record for Eltham Boxing Club, winning 73 of 84 contests and competing at the 1952 Olympics.
Henry and George turned professional in 1954 under the management of the wily Jim Wicks. Although George would not ultimately match his brother’s fistic achievements, the two men were always extremely close.
“The only time we parted was when I got married,” Henry later recalled. “Even then, George came to live [with me] at Wembley until he was married.
“We went to school together, we went boxing together, we were together in the army. We look alike, we think alike, in temperament we’re similar and often we catch ourselves repeating each other’s remarks.”
Henry’s boxing career advanced quickly, and although he lost challenges for the Commonwealth, British and European titles in 1957, a famous victory against highly rated American Zora Folley the following year was the precursor to a points victory against British and Commonwealth champion Brian London at Earl’s Court in 1959.
Henry went on to successfully defend his British and Commonwealth titles on numerous occasions, earning a contest against one of the rising stars of world boxing in 1963 – a loudmouthed and undefeated 21-year-old American named Cassius Clay.
Rather than prepare for the fight in his usual environs of the Thomas A Becket pub on the Old Kent Road, Henry moved his training base to the Fellowship Inn in Bellingham, where the ballroom was converted into a makeshift gymnasium.
The influential American magazine Sports Illustrated reported: “For weeks he [Henry] lived at the Fellowship, taking his meals there, training in the back room when a wedding reception or tea party did not interfere.”
On an unforgettable night at Wembley Stadium, Henry’s preparations at the Fellowship almost paid off. His famed left hook smashed Clay to the canvas in the final seconds of round four – a moment that remains one of the most iconic in British boxing history.
For a few seconds a famous Cooper victory looked assured, but Clay recovered his footing – barely – and then in the interval before the following round his senses also returned, via a helping hand from some illegal smelling salts administered by his corner.
Henry was stopped while still on his feet in round five after suffering a terrible cut, with Clay labelling him “the toughest fighter I’ve ever met”. As for Henry, the magnanimous way he reacted to unfortunate defeat was typical of his generosity of spirit.
For the next few years he reigned supreme in Britain while Clay – who later renamed himself Muhammad Ali – went on to become champion of the world.
Ali granted Henry a rematch for the world title in 1966, in front of 46,000 fans at Arsenal’s Highbury stadium. Once again, Henry’s tendency to cut around the eyes proved his undoing as the referee stopped the fight in Ali’s favour in round six.
Henry subsequently added the European crown to his British and Commonwealth belts, before controversially losing all three titles in his final fight against Joe Bugner, a decision rendered by referee Harry Gibbs that was greeted with disbelief and catcalls by the fans.
In retirement, Henry, the first man to be twice named BBC Sports Personality of the Year, was much in demand as an after-dinner speaker, expert summariser and television personality – roles he fulfilled with distinction and integrity.
However, it was his more low profile – and unpaid – engagements at local boys’ clubs, sports clubs and boxing gyms that gave him the most pleasure.
When he died in 2011, a few days shy of his 77th birthday, old rival turned great friend Muhammad Ali was among those to pay tribute to a man whose prominence in British sporting folklore is assured.
“I am at a loss for words over the death of my friend, Henry Cooper,” Ali said. “Henry always had a smile for me; a warm and embracing smile. It was always a pleasure being in Henry’s company. I will miss my old friend. He was a great fighter and a gentleman.”
Above: Henry Cooper at the Fellowship Inn.  
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'Dachshund was robbed': People are outraged over the Westminster Dog Show winner
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On a crisp winter's night in New York City, folks rallied around a literal underdog (ugh, sorry).
King, a majestic wire fox terrier, took out the coveted Best in Show award at the 143rd Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show at Madison Square Garden on Tuesday.
But everyone's saying the dachshund was robbed.
SEE ALSO: Behold, the sublime Bichon Frise who won Westminster Dog Show 2018
The extremely regal terrier was awarded the top gong at the annual event, as well as winning the terrier group. According to the Guardian, King is the 15th wire fox terrier to win the top prize (the most of any breed).
But although King's performance was undeniably superb, viewers were outraged, instead calling for Best in Show to be awarded to the exquisite longhaired dachshund named Burns.
Burns, esteemed winner of the hound group, is truly a magnificent, fringed champion. Just watch him run. Look at him! Are you not entertained?
Watching dogs like dachshund Burns prance proudly around the Westminster ring like the beloved, adorable 🐕 champions they are is truly one of life’s greatest joys. LOOK AT THE HAPPY, PRIDEFUL EXPRESSION ON HIS PERFECT FACE! 😍🙏#WestminsterDogShow pic.twitter.com/QPF30aDw34
— Kate Thomas (@KateThomas) February 13, 2019
Folks flocked to Twitter after the results were announced, with torches, pitchforks and keyboard voices raised for Burns.
And the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show fucked it up. They could have gone with the dachshund. They should have gone with the dachshund. They failed to go with the dachshund.
— DD 163 (@DD_163) February 13, 2019
Just finished watching the Westminster Dog Show. The venerable Best In Show judge was a wire haired terrier expert. And GUESS WHAT? The wire haired terrier wins Best of Show. The long-haired Daschund got SCREWED! 😬🦈
— bleusharque (@bleusharque) February 13, 2019
Welp. That was disappointing. I can’t believe he didn’t choose that daschund. They’re not even my breed but even I could see that was the best dog out there tonight. Unreal. #boring #Thankunext
— MissSaintG (@theRealMSG) February 13, 2019
Nooooooo! I saw the early rounds & that long hair daschund was everything. He didn’t win?! 😱😱😱
— Fortitude1913 (@Fortitude1913) February 13, 2019
Honestly, these refs are getting out of control. Every sport is rigged. The dachshund was robbed. #WestminsterDogShow
— Erik Kenney (@Erik_Kenney) February 13, 2019
King also beat out very good group winners Bono the Havanese, Baby Lars the bouvier des Flandres, Bean the Sussex spaniel (who people thought got well robbed last year), and Wilma the boxer, but none of these award-winning pooches spurred as much online furore as Burns' loss. 
But don't worry, our little sausage doggo champ managed to get a little photobomb in.
King the Wire Fox Terrier wins! (plus surprise appearance from Burns the daschund) #BestInShow #topdog #hailtotheking #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/UpVXyYeXhc
— Matt Vickers (@mattvarchar) February 13, 2019
It's not the first time a Westminster Dog Show winner of Best in Show has been met with outrage. Remember the fluffed-up bichon frise named Flynn from last year? 
WATCH: This robot will play with your pet when you can't
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Legendary British champion Herol Graham opens up about his daily struggles
and the Bipolar Disease The Bomber, as he was called, is now facing the greatest fight of his life against. At the age of 59 I recently spent time in a safe mental health institution with a constant suicide guard.
Herol's fame and adulation ended night, along with his boxing career, after a single punch from Julian Jackson in a clash for the vacant WBC middleweight title in 1990.
Legendary boxer Herol Graham now fights depression and bipolar disease "
and bipolar disease"
Legendary boxer Herol Graham now fights depression and bipolar Disease
In recent lucid moments, Graham remembers that fight. He said: & # 39; Jackson caught me on the chin in the fourth round. I felt like a horse had kicked me. I was gone before I got on the floor. & # 39;
Despite receiving a world title shot in March 1998 in what would be his last fight, Graham admits that he has never really recovered from Jackson's defeat and speaks honestly
For him, that normal life includes loading trucks for his local Asda, the only work he could do
His insight into his own situation is heartbreaking.
His insight into his own situation is heartbreaking.
& # 39; It's a fight & he said. & # 39; A daily fight that I never wanted. I hope to get out soon. I want to be outside again with my family and friends.
<img id = "i-2a2c5c93e29585f4" src = "https // ipps:" .dailymail.co.uk / 1s / 2019/06/08/22 / 14546548-7119763-image-a-77_1560028745430.jpg "height =" 410 "width =" 634 "alt =" Graham on the cavna & # 39; s after the fourth round knockout punch from Julian Jackson in 1990 After the knockout from the fourth round from Julian Jackson in 1990
Graham on the cavna & # 39; s after the knockout of Julian Jackson's fourth round in 1990
& # 39; It was hard for me to place boxing, & he said. I have no way out. trainers and managers these days do more to prepare young boxers for retrospective life, financially and mentally I was not ready to come out I was depressed and ended up in the hospital.
Frank Bruno Tragically, his beloved partner Karen Neville died last year after a long battle with cancer and Herol's depression returned to a hundredfold. heol, I've been there, I know what you're going through. Get out of here as soon as you can. Is not institutionalized.
Unfortunately, Graham & # 39; s story is just one of the long list recently drawn by former boxer John Oliver, one of Anthony Joshua's early trainers. former boxers who urgently need help and support, seven of which require attention 24/7. Over the past 33 years, says Oliver, six former boxers have died from ring injuries, two died in psychiatric hospitals and three in care homes.
The Bomber, as he was called, is now facing the greatest battle of his life,
<img id = "i-1c40574831f8e9dd" src = "https://dailym.ai/2QZmdOJ -a-78_1560028796612.jpg "height =" 444 "width =" 634 "alt =" Graham (right) during his fight with Alfreton & # 39; s John Asthon to keep his middleweight title "
Graham (right) during his fight with Alfreton & # 39; s John Asthon to maintain his middleweight title
Some of the strongest men in the world have been physically and mentally broken by the pounding they suffered in the ring. After repeated concussions, many professionals were left at a young age on the scrap heap, alone and traumatized without any structure in the sport to help them.
Improved safety regulations came too late for many of yesterday's champions struggling in poverty and isolation.
But that will change. A group of veterans led by former world champions John Conteh, Alan Minter and Barry McGuigan are fundraising for retirement homes, the first of its kind, where they can enjoy care and companionship.
Conteh, 68, said: & We all needed help.
Ringside Rest and Care – launched with a donation of £ 1,000 by Bruno, which he divided into his post-career life – aims to raise £ 10 million to offer a 36-bed home for ex-boxers, with medical facilities and a screening of old boxing periods. The plan will need £ 1.5 million a year to keep it viable.
Oliver described how the need for intervention came home to him during a recent visit to a former champion in his nursing home.
<img id = "i-4105b482aafd87a3" src = "https://dailym.ai/2WU40I0. jpg "height =" 630 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-4105b482aafd87a3" src = "https://dailym.ai/2QXXXg2 -7119763-image-m-31_1560023042526.jpg "height =" 630 "width =" 634 "alt =" Former world champion John Conteh (photo) is fundraising for retirement home for boxers (photo) is fundraising for retirement home for boxers
Former world champion John Conteh (photo) is fundraising for retirement home for boxers
There was no social activity for him & he said. & # 39; He just took his meals with others who were like strangers to him and went back to his room lonely and depressed. God, it was terrible. We went for a walk in the nearby park and talked about old times. I turned on a brave front, but it was time I begged to stay. "
Oliver knows other ex-boxers who are embarrassed to be called. One, convinced that he is still world champion, is often drunk in public and denounces passers-by for not recognizing him before crying Another is a total recluse.
The former boxer Mark Goult, 50, shares the pain with his elderly parents.
His mother, Jackie, said: & # 39; We are a boxer family. My husband educated Mark and his brother Wayne, but it all ended that night in Norwich.
& # 39; There were months of hospital care than endless speech therapy and physiology.
& # 39; Mark is at our house, but he cannot use his right arm and drags his right leg, his speech has never returned and we are the only ones who understand him.
Only now is the problem of concussion properly recognized and certified studied. The British Boxing Board of Control has registered with the Mental Health Charter for Sport and Recreation.
<img id = "i-bd56b3ef682f8830" src = "https://dailym.ai/2WUARw1 image-m-35_1560023092295.jpg "height =" 576 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-bd56b3ef682f8830" src = "https://dailym.ai/2WgE5KP /08/20/14544130-7119763-image-m-35_1560023092295.jpg "height =" 576 "width =" 634 "alt =" Ex-boxer Ricky Hatton also promised fundraising support for Ringside rest and care promised fundraising for Ringside Rest and Care
Former Boxer Ricky Hatton has also promised fundraising support for Ringside Rest and Care
General Secretary John Smith, however, says it is not in the governing body to provide welfare to former boxers. They do not have the financing or the resources.
Rosemary Ellmore, who has been for East End hero Terry & # 39; Babyface & # 39; took care of Spinks until his death in 2012, she says
& # 39; Terry was my cousin, & # 39; she said. & # 39; We were always close by and I loved the way millions of people took him in their hearts.
& # 39; He became a pro and won 41 of his 49 fights but all those strokes to the head ruined his life. He retired at 25 o'clock for health reasons and he was deeply sad. Londoners loved him and once he had opened his own cafe in Canning Town, there was no end to the parties and drinking.
& # 39; He collapsed one night and ended up in a brain injury clinic, completely burned out.
Part of the sport.
Some of the most difficult sports cases today are the recognition of the need for better care in the years following the end of the boxing career. Multiple world champion Ricky Hatton has also promised fundraising support for Ringside Rest and Care.
Impressive, I have honestly spoken of his retirement from sports, saying that at the time he did not care whether he lived or died.
& # 39; Depression is hard to describe unless you have gone through it & # 39 ;, he said. & # 39; You need help, but you don't want to tell anyone. You lie in bed crying every day. I wouldn't want it on my worst enemy. & # 39;
<img id = "i-172ff482fd8c96e7" src = "https://dailym.ai/2QXhahP -image-a-36_1560023100023.jpg "height =" 403 "width =" 634 "alt =" Hatton stopped boxing in 2012 before finally going into rehab for booze and depression "class =" blkBorder img-share "Hatton stopped boxing in 2012 before she ended up in the rehab treatment for alcohol and depression "
Hatton is back from the brink through self-help and therapy. He said: & # 39 Boxing is not like other sports In football you have network support set up by your club In boxing, once you retire, that's it, in most cases you stand for yourself.
& # 39; Boxers often fail financially and healthily in difficult times. It's great that people set up a house for them to retire. & # 39;
Hundreds of former boxers associations act as support groups to raise money. Hastings EBA Chairman Dave Harris introduced Ringside Rest and Care after looking through his girlfriend Oliver & # 39; s sad list.
& # 39; What we want is a safe and pleasant life for our heroes, the place where they can be safe and talk about old times when they were in the stake.
A few weeks ago, I was welcomed as a former world champion.
I was welcomed a few weeks ago when former world champion Chris Eubank tweeted: & # 39; In three weeks of sparring in 1989 with Herol Graham, I hit the Bomber only once. Herol tweeted his thanks and said: & # 39; It takes a lot of time & # 39; (19459002)
Herol tweeted his thanks and said: “It takes a great man to tell the truth, I am humble. "
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