#I also have aron as a partner
Bruce crashed to the ground.
The bright green portal that brought him here snapped shut above him leaving him stranded in an unknown location. He had just managed to stand up when he heard someone call out to him.
"Hey!" A boy with black hair and blue eyes came running up to him, "Are you okay?"
Bruce grunted, glaring at the small creature trailing behind the child through his cowl, "I'm fine. Where am I?"
"You're in Unova, smack dab inside the Pinwheel forest." The kid said, "What an unlucky place to land."
"Unlucky how?"
Aside from giving him a disapproving look, the child was unfazed by his tone. "The Pinwheel forest got its name because its a natural maze. The monsters here are weak but you might find yourself going in circles if you're not careful."
Batman thought for a moment, "monsters?"
The child smiled and Bruce thought he looked like his other children before the boy excitedly introduced his "partner pokemon": Aron
The Aron in question made happy little noises as it approached and nuzzled its metal face into the side of Batmans boot. Cute.
"Oh, by the way, my names Danny. Do you want me to take you to town? There's a professor there that you can talk to. She might not be able to help you get back to your home world but maybe she can find someone who can."
Batman narrowed his eyes at him, "How did you know I wasn't from this world. Thats not usually the first conclution people jump to."
For the first time since Danny had met the Batman he actually squirmed a bit. "Anyway, let's get started! It's a long trek to town!"
It took them about two days to get out of the forest. Danny had thankfully lent him use of his equipment and food. It was nice having a tent to sleep it when the rain hit on the first night, even if it was a little cramped. Aron curled up between them to soak up thier body heat like a housecat.
It was also a relief that Danny could cook, though Bruce had no idea where the child was storing all of this stuff.
Danny ran off into town, saying that people were going to ask a lot of questions if a guy dressed as a bat came strolling into town and if he was going to be staying in this world for a while it was probably best to get him some normal clothes.
Bruce reluctantly agreed and after telling him his sizes the kid ran off to the store, leaving Aron behind to "protect him". Bruce hated relying on a childs generosity to get by.
Soon enough the kid came back with an all black outfit, saying something about it suiting him. Bruce left to change and came back to Danny giving Aron and his other pokemon Staryu some Oran berries.
After that they finally set off to town.
The professor was nice, if infuriatingly calm about giving literal monsters to random children. The professor even offered Bruce a pokemon egg since he was probably going to be in this world a while.
Bruce accepted the gift, wondering what he was getting himself into when Danny got excited.
The child explained that he was a treasure hunter/explorer by trade that survived by finding things he could sell in shops but he wasn't a very strong trainer and had to be careful where he went due to the presence of powerful pokemon.
Danny then asked Bruce to travel with him to be his bodyguard.
Bruce was very displeased to discover people set thier kids loose into a monster infested world around the age of ten and horrified to know the actual survival rate of this stupidity.
Bruce agreed to protect him and got registered as a pokemon trainer and was given the egg and some pokeballs. Danny offered to teach him how to catch pokemon as Bruce planted a listening device somewhere.
They set off back into the pinwheel forest to catch Bruces first pokemon and to start thier journey.
Meanwhile, Dannys excited to travel with someone who seems like a proper dad.
It couldn't hurt to pretend, right?
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lecsainz · 1 year
hiii could i please request an paul aron x reader where he is not so happy with a race Result and the reader cheers him up.
parings: paul aron x girlfriend!reader
authors note: I loved writing this one! PS: I tried to look at thousands of pictures of him but couldn't come to the conclusion if his eye is blue or brown, so I went with blue 🤷‍♀️
✩. . . masterlist !
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Paul Aron had just crossed the finish line of yet another race, and the result was far from what he had hoped for. His frustration was palpable, and he couldn't shake off the disappointment that clouded his features.
Y/N, his ever-supportive partner, knew all too well how he reacted when races didn't go his way. Paul could be moody and grumpy, dwelling on his performance for days on end. But she also knew just how to cheer him up.
As Paul and his teammate Dino made their way back to the Prema garage, Y/N was waiting for him. She was surrounded by a few mechanics who offered her friendly smiles, aware of her role in boosting Paul's spirits after a tough race.
Paul walked alongside Dino, his head hanging low, lost in thought. Y/N watched them approach, her heart aching for her boyfriend's obvious disappointment.
"Hey, champ," she greeted him with a warm smile as he finally reached her.
Paul managed a weak smile in return, but the disappointment still lingered in his eyes. "Hey," he replied, his voice heavy with the weight of his performance.
Y/N didn't waste any time. She stepped closer to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him into a tight embrace. "I know it wasn't the race you wanted, but you'll bounce back," she reassured him, her voice filled with unwavering confidence in him.
He sighed and buried his face in her hair, inhaling her comforting scent. "I just messed up, Y/N. I had a shot, and I blew it."
Y/N leaned back slightly, cupping his face in her hands so that their eyes met. "You're not defined by one race, Paul. Remember all the victories you've had. This is just a bump in the road. You'll come back stronger."
Paul's blue eyes searched hers for a moment, and he found solace in her unwavering support. He leaned in and kissed her, a silent thank you for always being there for him. Paul's lips met Y/N's in a heartfelt kiss, their connection speaking volumes even without words. It was a kiss filled with gratitude, love, and a promise that they'd tackle whatever challenges came their way together.
Breaking the kiss, Y/N flashed him a mischievous smile, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "You know, Paul, I've been thinking."
He raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "About what?"
She shrugged playfully, her fingers tracing a pattern on his chest. "Well, I hear that some racers have lucky charms or rituals they do before a race to ensure good luck."
Paul's lips curled into a grin as he caught on to her idea. "Are you suggesting I need a lucky charm, Y/N?"
She leaned in, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered, "I'm suggesting I could be your lucky charm."
His heart raced at her words, her suggestion making him forget about the disappointment of the race. "I like the sound of that," he admitted, his voice husky with desire.
Y/N chuckled softly, a teasing glint in her eyes. "Great. Now, we just need to figure out what kind of good luck charm activities we should engage in."
Paul's hands found their way to her waist, pulling her even closer. "I think I have a few ideas."
Their playful banter was interrupted by the cheerful voice of one of the mechanics. "Hey, Paul! Don't forget, we have a team dinner tonight."
Paul sighed dramatically, his forehead resting against Y/N's. "Team dinners after a tough race are the worst."
Y/N laughed and pecked his lips. "Come on, champ. It'll be fun. And maybe they can give you some tips on how to make me your official lucky charm."
Paul grinned, his mood significantly brighter. "You're right, as always. Let's go at a dinner with the team."
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httpiastri · 2 months
🎀 [desires] and [horny] with ralf aron 😼
🎀 – send me a driver and a letter from this nsfw alphabet, and i'll write a little something about it!! (requests are now closed!)
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d (desires) – what turns them on? what do they like to have done to them most? what do they like to do to their partner most?
i see ralf as someone who gets very easily turned on by just simple physical touch. take his face in your hands, run your thumbs along his cheekbones, draw a finger along his features... brush your palms over his shoulders, trail your hands down his chest, pull him flush against your body... and even just like holding hands or giving him a back hug can get him going if he's in the right mood.
like imagine being at a gala or dinner with him, fingers intertwined and your thumb brushing up and down the back of his hand, and while you're listening to someone at your table telling a story, you let your other hand come up to skim across the skin of his muscular bare forearms... like even though the action is innocent enough, he can't stop his mind from wandering off... or imagine being at a house party of one of his friends, slipping sideways into his lap because there are no free seats on the sofa, having your arms draped around his shoulders as you lean forward a bit to chat with a friend and pretending like you have no idea how your butt wiggling against his crotch affects him...
and i also think kisses really turn him on too, and it's one of his favorite ways to turn you on aswell. makeouts, or just pressing kisses all along your body, to all of the spots he knows make you go crazy...
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h (horny) – how high is their sex drive? do they have a lot of sex or is it a more occasional thing? is sex, in general, important to them?
i think it is important to him, but not super important? like, it's definitely something that matters to him but there wouldn't be a 24/7 need. but i see it as more of something common than occasional, but i also see him as someone who could just as well settle for a night of sweet cuddles in front of the tv.
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 3 months
Okay I’m making my own posts where I transcribe the tags on another post that I reblogged. This is about domestic Aggron! It’s just a little ramble.
Aron, while better beginner steel types than MANY others, do evolve after they get enough experience. There’s nothing wrong with preventing Aron evolution health-wise, so this may not be a worry! However, if you ARE planning on evolving your Aron into an Aggron, here are some things I typed up in the tags of another post.
While Aggron ARE more difficult to care for, I personally think Lairon are the most difficult of their evolution line due to their stubbornness. Aggron in comparison are much more “agreeable” and much smarter than people give them credit for.
The thing to watch out for with Aggron is that domestic Aggron WILL claim a territory. If you’re a traveling trainer, your Aggron won’t claim territory unless you give them enough time to settle down. A domestic Aggron’s territory is much smaller than a wild Aggron’s. A wild Aggron’s territory could be a mountain, while a domestic Aggron’s territory could be your front yard. Either way, Aggron are very territorial and protective of what is theirs. They are known as the kings of the mountains, after all!
Thankfully, domestic Aggron tend to be more docile than their wild counterparts! It’s not that difficult to get a well-trained Aggron to respect the presence of strangers, especially with the encouragement of treats. An Aggron that’s used to strangers will, of course, be way more lenient with strangers in their territory than one that’s wild caught.
In terms of maintenance and enrichment, Aggron are fairly simple compared to a lot of other steel types! They’re very good at taking care of their own armor and won’t rust unless there’s an underlying condition or their diet is poor. It doesn’t hurt to polish them up every once in a while, though! Taking preventative measures is way better than having a sick and corroded partner. As for enrichment, wild Aggron garden! They may be the kings and queens of their mountains, but they’re also the groundskeepers. If you give your Aggron a sapling, it WILL be planted, and it WILL be protected. Growing berries with your Aggron is sure to be rewarding for both parties!!
Speaking of gardening, a Pokémon that gets along with Aggron is Torterra! Torterra often cultivate entire miniature ecosystems on their shells, and don’t mind a bit of change now and then. Aggron may plant flowers, keep trees and bushes healthy, and bring smaller Pokémon to your Torterra, which enriches both of them! An Aggron ALSO may declare the Torterra as their territory, which can prevent issues with an overprotective Aggron scaring away the mailman.
Overall, Aggron are not the worst choice for a fully evolved steel type partner. They’re mildly difficult, very manageable if you know what you’re doing, and greatly rewarding.
Original tags are under the read more :-]
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flarekitti · 3 months
If we ever get another PMD with a brand new story, what Pokemon would you choose for hero and partner?
*if ur talkin like, options for people in the game, then i think it'd be ok to limit the number of starters (as much as it'd suck), but I'm not sure how so.
*it'd be fun to do like... a random assortment in the style of like, each pkmn gets a nature like the original but it's random as to which u get?
*Obvi i wouldnt want them to get gender split personally
*anyway maybe like, say brave is charmander, pika, machop, rowlet or something. Game rolls a die when you open up a new game and ur option if u get brave is [drum roll] machop! But if you don't get brave that doesn't rlly matter except for partner choosing bc it's whatever u didn't get personality-wise
*any pkmn that didn't get rolled could even have some significant role in some other way, like maybe another personality type could be assigned to a rival team (a team is assigned brave leader timid partner, and since u rolled machop then they have to roll for a dif one and got pika and cynda)
*for non starter options, i think all the ones from previous are obvi good choices! Otherwise, maybe a couple more pika clones (pawmi, marrill, and emolga could work?); fairy types like flabébé, impidimp, and fidough; a few regional birds like fletchling and rookidee; maybe a bug type like dwebble or sizzlipede (though id be worried about balancing issues for bug types i still want them 🥺 ); zorua (why hasnt zorua been added ... seems silly bc how popular it is); maybe another dragon like noibat, dreepy, or applin (or all 3 lol); lechonk could be cute (like munchlax's inclusion); and i also think rolycoly could be a cool twist one
*personally heres what i would assign each of them:
Hardy: Riolu, Grookey, Rolycoly!
Lonely: Cubone, Dwebble, Hisuian Zorua!
Brave: Charmander, Pawmi, Rookidee!
Adamant: Machop, Scorbunny, Larvitar!
Naughty: Alolan Meowth, Zorua!
Bold: Pikachu, Chespin, Tyrunt!
Docile: Bulbasaur, Marrill, Teddiursa!
Relaxed: Squirtle, Sprigatito, Lotad!
Impish: Chimchar, Impidimp, Wattrel!
Lax: Munchlax, Litten, Lechonk!
Timid: Cyndaquil, Rowlet, Sizzlipede!
Hasty: Skitty, Galarian Meowth, Bagon!
Serious: Shinx, Oshawott, Venipede!
Jolly: Totodile, Fuecoco, Applin!
Naïve: Eevee, Emolga, Dreepy!
Modest: Mudkip, Fidough, Ralts!
Mild: Piplup, Sobble, Axew!
Quiet: Vulpix, Flabébé, Cufant!
Bashful: Chikorita, Tepig, Noibat!
Rash: Torchic, Fletchling, Aron!
Calm: Turtwig, Fennekin, Trapinch!
Gentle: Phanpy, Quaxly, Cutiefly!
Sassy: Meowth, Snivy, Amaura!
Careful: Treecko, Froakie, Snorunt!
Quirky: Psyduck, Popplio, Spheal!
*originally i stuck to the list i made but then only some had 3 so i went back and found more i think would fit so all the natures have 3 lol
*anyway im super partial to the personality quiz, i think it's really fun and makes you try out new things (and if u rlly want to stick to ur faves u can still game it / add a "you choose" option lmao)!!!
*so i wouldnt necessarily choose one myself, id try the quiz first and try my best hehe.
*out of just starters/the traditional picks, i would want to be charmander for sure, and whatever partner in the list covers charmanders weaknesses! (Mudkip mostly lol), but out of this entire list I'd be happy with most of em?
*if it was like gates and only the newest gen could be picked id choose fuecoco, if the last 3 gens were picked, I'd have a hard time deciding between litten and fuecoco (probs litten)
*i wish i had more time to sit and balance the list i made, bc on the surface i think i chose a good variety but also i probs am biased bc i love fire and dragon but then also i like little pathetic ones too so it's probs all over the place hehe.
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Hm... feeling good today, so how about another bit of a Pokémon psychology feature?
This time I want to talk a bit about... personality changes after evolution!
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Now, everyone knows at least one example of Pokémon changing their temperament completely post-evolution. The most classic example of this is Gyarados, but even the most seemingly consistent lines, like the Pawmot line, wind up changing in temperament along the way, whether that's in gained confidence or simply maturity! Let's break down the "why" of this and what to do about it, noting that I'm focusing on the psychological effects of these processes, rather than the exact specifics.
While Pokémon can technically go their entire lives without evolving, and in some species, this is typical (often in species where evolution methods are suitably rare in the wild, such as Slowpoke), most species tend to evolve in relative step with their maturity in the wild. This means that evolution tends to be the cumulation of a big "developmental step", as it were! One that tends to involve three things: rapid brain development, rapid body development, and a dramatic change in what hormones the Pokémon's body produces. This can look very different from species to species: some calm upon evolution, having the new brain capacity to manage previously challenging powers, and others are overwhelmed by their new hormones and abilities!
Do remember, though: while some parts of evolution are stable within the species, others are influenced by your Pokémon's individual temperament, determined both through their genes and how you've trained them! A bolder Teddiursa will become a particularly bold Ursaring. A more mild Teddiursa will still show the protective and sometimes aggressive traits of an Ursaring on evolution, but they'll still have a soft side. And of course, they'll always have the memories of how well you've treated them along the way! And I promise, once you're past the fog of early post-evolution, those relationships do kick back in.
Now, for some tips! These overlap some with the tips I had for senior Pokémon on my last write-up.
Show them patience. Pokémon that are recently evolved might have frustrations in not just handling the rush of new neural connections and hormones, but quite often a totally different body! Given the circumstances, it's quite understandable if they don't feel like battling or taking to their usual routine for a while. Be sure to provide options for things they can do in the meantime, though!
If you can, introduce them to another evolved member of their species! Having a same-species mentor has been shown to greatly improve post-evolution behavior in Pokémon, both shortly after evolution and in the long term, since they have someone to direct their concerns to!
Another helpful option, if you can, is talking to a veterinarian and Pokémon behaviorist for a post-Evolution check-up. Not only does this ensure the evolution went through properly (mishaps are rare, but can happen!), but it also gives you a chance to ask about what behaviors might be new and normal. (Also, reading up on your Pokémon partner's species never hurts either. Just saying.)
Feel free to give a little extra reinforcement after training or other activities! Remember, evolution typically boosts a Pokémon's caloric intake by a lot. As long as you're rewarding in return for good behavior, bumping up the treats for a bit is okay.
To handle new negative behaviors, or old behaviors that are now negative due to evolution (I get it. It was cute when your Aron tackled you, but not your Lairon.), know that your strategies ought to vary based on the intelligence of the species you're working with. Sometimes it's better to ignore the negative behavior. Sometimes it's better to redirect into positive behavior instead. And in rare cases, you can explain it to them. Rare. Using concrete examples is best here; if something hurts you, for instance, clearly stating "Ow" as an immediate reaction.
Hopefully this proves helpful to somebody! Or at least, is entertaining enough you don't mind me ranting about it.
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get-rammed · 1 year
Hi I just found most of your au's and I have a question
Do you have a yandere Monty au?
And also which ones from all your au's do what type of yandere's would each Monty be
From a yandere Monty smip Aron
I had a brief idea that never really left the sketch phase. Butttt
Glamrock Monty - If we're going full violent yandere, he's the guy.
They tuned his anger a little too much, and he learned to be possessive over you or you wouldn't prioritize him.
Suddenly every bot he spots you talking to gets injured, and they won't, or can't, report who did it. Cameras seem to glitch and their footage is corrupted, so nobody knows who's doing it.
But you do. You see the evidence in his claws. The lubricant and oil. The signs of metal damage to his hands.
You try to brush it off. But suddenly people start getting hurt. They're too frightened to report Montgomery, and they're suddenly scared of you.
Then bodies and parts of bodies start turning up. Yet Montgomery is always clean. Save for the claws.
You try to access him through the old AR/VR system to try and try to diagnose him that way. But all you succeed in doing is getting him in your head. You can quit, but he's there. Always with you. Making certain that nobody gets too close to you.
Using your own hands to ensure it.
Soon he knows you'll come back to the Pizzaplex so he can have you all to himself.
Golf Monty - Very gas lighty. "Come on sweets, I'd never hurt ya! I just need you to stay tonight, okay? Just stay with me. I can't let you go, I can't be away from you, you understand, right? You literally repair me. I need you. I break when you leave."
He wouldn't hurt anyone, let alone you. So that's not a danger. But he will absolutely do everything in his power to keep you with him and near him. Manipulation and gas lighting his way to ensure you're with him.
Going so far as to fake a request to the higher ups that you wish to stay nights. It surprises you when they offer. It comes with a pay raise, so who can say no?
You're with him all the time now, and he's happy. Always somehwere within 50 feet of you. Dragging recharge pods over to wherever you're sleeping so he can recharge nearby.
Getting uppity if you're too far from him.
Starts to struggle to do his job because he wants you there. No. Needs you there.
He just becomes your life, and he didn't have to do a whole lot to get it.
Were Monty - Isn't even aware he's being terrible and off. Just figures he likes you, and doesn't like other people trying to get with you. He knows he's got a jealousy issue, but doesn't think it's that bad.
Fighting anyone who glances your way, occasionally getting a little too rough to ensure you remember who you're with. Always seems to show up wherever you are, but with his celebrity status, nobody seems to notice that. They're so focused on him. And with that attention on him, he knows nobody is looking at you.
Occasionally will make a show of "Eyyyy, here's my partner I love so much. They're all mine 💕" flash his toothy grin and the cameras eat it up.
Will mark you up visibly, so everyone knows you're his. Strategic bite and hickey marks to the neck just above the T-shirt so you can't quite hide them.
He'd never kill anyone, but he just needs to scare them, and you, enough to keep everyone in line.
And because I've always said this. Relationships like this irl are toxic as all fuck and shouldn't be something you want. Unhinged jealousy isn't cute or fun irl. But it sure is in fiction 😎
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russilton · 5 months
If you don't mind, what happened to Ben Barnicoat?
So, you’ll have to forgive me if I make any mistakes, because outside of occasional mentions, I’ve never known much about ben because my foray into endurance racing is very new, and most of my knowledge has come from sourcing for this ask. I wasnt watching junior formula series when ben was racing, but the short summary is that his story is near identical to George’s as I discussed here, only unlike George, it did effectively end his career in single seaters.
By all accounts from the articles I read on Autosport, Formula Scout, and racer, Ben was a well regarded up and coming talent in the junior series, with a very impressive karting record and his early single seaters entries following that pattern. PREMA was considered to be the best possible team for him to join for his European F3 run, and after he tested with them early, they seemed really really happy to have him. It seemed from what I read, to be a done deal, and Ben would partner Lance and another driver for the 2016 season. Then, surprise, with a couple weeks or so to go before the season began, Ben was dropped from PREMA out of nowhere and suddenly announced a move to newer team Hitech GP to partner- wouldn’t you know it, George Russell. Here’s freshly 18 year old George and 19 year old Ben in 2016.
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Now ill say upfront, unlike George’s case, in my quick search I didnt find explicit proof it was Lawrence, and Ben himself said he wasnt sure and couldn’t presume how he lost his seat— but given that its an identical situation to George, two years after George lost his seat, and the seat Ben was set for WAS to directly partner Lance— its a pretty foregone conclusion that Lawrence likely had a sudden say in his sons teammates. This bbc article also implies Lawrence was putting quite a lot of money into lances appointments, including buying him a seat as a test driver in Williams in 2016. Lance went on to partner Nick Cassidy and Maximilian Günther (yes both of fe fame) and Ralf Aron, who tested alongside Barnicoat and seemed to be considered the weaker driver of the two.
According to this feeder series comment (which yes, is not a strong source, but does go into a lot of detail around lance), both Aron and Cassidy were considered good drivers, but less strong than Russell and Barnicoat. This is also the same year that George went on to publicly criticise Lance for receiving team orders to benefit him at the detriment of Cassidy, and from all the accounts I’m sifting through, Lawrence put obscene amounts into PREMA that year, like buying them a new sim, and moving f2 engineers to f3 instead- to the point many competing teams outright pulled out. This article does a good job covering the issues people had with Lance’s junior career and also has Lance quoted as comparing buying a team to buying a tennis racket.. do with that as you will
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I’m guessing based on the fact that George mentions ben in his comment, the pair of them had gone from being competitors to having a sudden common ground at hitech. Either way, George had an okay season at hitech, but ben struggled quite severely, and he credits it to the end of his single seating career. Despite the fact PREMA won almost all of the races that year, 9th is a hard number to have on your record, and in the end Barnicoat Single seater career ended at hitech as he made the move to endurance racing .
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This excerpt comes from this article that puts the whole situation more succinctly than I can- Ben had other issues relating to the dissolving of the McLaren young driver program— but that 2016 season is what he thinks put the nail in the coffin.
Ben does seem to be doing pretty well in endurance, hes won a couple titles in IMSA and Asian Lemans, but it’s a shame his single seater career ended the way it did.
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what pokemon you recommend for jewelry making?
Oh, interesting question! I can think of a few off the top of my head.
If you are looking more towards gems than metals, maybe Aron or Larvitar would be helpful partners? Given their diet, these Pokemon can be incredibly valuable in excavating gems. I’d be more concerned about watching Aron, though. Given its iron-based diet, there’s a good chance it might not hesitate to munch on other minerals, too. Larvitar, on the other hand, solely eats dirt and clay, so it may be a bit easier to count on.
Now, Carbink are quite common Pokemon (particularly in Alola and Kalos), and they have a good sense for purity of gemstones! Carbink tend to hang around ore deposits or areas with a high volume of minerals in the rocks and soil. It keeps them healthy. So if you need to check gems for purity, authenticity and all that, Carbink can help you! As Rock Pokemon, they also don’t require much maintenance. I want to recommend Sableye, but the risk that poses to the gems themselves is a bit too, uh. Big. They have a knack for identifying pure and valuable gems, but that's in interest in finding a meal, and seeing you using these gems and not getting any itself might make a Sableye upset.
Talking about actual crafting of the jewelry, I recommend Heatmor. Heat is, of course, needed for all that metalwork, and Heatmor produce one of the most narrow and controlled streams of fire among Pokemon of their type. If you want a bit more raw, intense heat though, just used for generally heating and not shaping metal, maybe try a Numel, or a Torkoal.
That's about all I can offer, I'm afraid, but I hope this helps!
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peggysrpmemes · 10 months
The 36 Questions of Interpersonal Closeness
from Arthur Aron's The Experimental Generation of Interpersonal Closeness: A Procedure and Some Preliminary Findings
Set I
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?
4. What would constitute a “perfect�� day for you?
5. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
6. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
7. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?
8. Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.
9. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
10. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
11. Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.
12. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
Set II
13. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future, or anything else, what would you want to know?
14. Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
15. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
16. What do you value most in a friendship?
17. What is your most treasured memory?
18. What is your most terrible memory?
19. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?
20. What does friendship mean to you?
21. What roles do love and affection play in your life?
22. Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items.
23. How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s?
24. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?
25. Make three true “we” statements each. For instance, “We are both in this room feeling…” 
26. Complete this sentence: “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…”
27. If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for them to know.
28. Tell your partner what you like about them; be very honest this time, saying things that you might not say to someone you’ve just met.
29. Share with your partner an embarrassing moment in your life.
30. When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?
31. Tell your partner something that you like about them [already].
32. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
33. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet?
34. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?
35. Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?
36. Share a personal problem and ask your partner’s advice on how they might handle it. Also, ask your partner to reflect back to you how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen.
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satanscure · 10 months
hello hello ! my name is sammy , i'm twenty five and go by they / them pronouns . welcome to satanscure , a discord exclusive roleplay account where i am reblogging resources such as : wanted fcs , wanted plots , mature content and other aspects that relate to my writing wants .
as a partner , i'm really big on worldbuilding . be prepared for me obsessing over our things , creating manips / edits , playlists , headcanons , threads , and more .
i also write fxm , mxm , fxf ships as well as poly ships . i do not prioritize ships over another so expect fun times all around .
for triggers / limits , i will go as far to say that i relatively do not have any boundaries but i will not write anything involve : noncon , dubcon , incest , scat or anything too .. in that realm of things .
below the cut as a list of my favorite faces + could also serve as a most wanted list as well !
femme :
aisha potter . ana de armas . alexa demie . becky g . camila morrone . chloe bailey . cindy kimberly . dina denoire . dua lipa . ester exposito . hailee steinfeld . halle bailey . laura harrier . lily - rose depp . leigh - anne pinnock . madelyn cline . madison bailey . melissa calma . mishti rahman . nicole wallace . normani . priscilla quintana . ryan destiny . sabrina carpenter . samantha logan . shay mitchell . sofia carson . sydney sweeney . victoria monet . yara shahidi . zahara davis . zendaya .
hommes :
abel carden . aj saudin . andre lamoglia . alex fitzalan . alex pastrana . alvaro mel . aron piper . avan jogia . casey deidrick . charlie hunnam . charles melton . chase stokes . cody christian . corrado martini . dacre montgomery . dominic fike . drew starkey . dylan o’brien . evan mock . fai khadra . fernando lindez . froy gutierrez . gavin leatherwood . gus kenworthy . hootie hurley . jacob elordi . jonathann davis . jordan fisher . keith powers . luke hemmings . luis capecchi . manu rios . mason gooding . matthew daddario . matthew noszka . michael evans behling . niall horan . nick jonas . omar apollo . oscar issac . rafael silva . sebastian stan . sergio momo . tom hardy . tom holland . tommy martinez . trevor jackson . tyler posey .
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espadaiv-v2 · 1 year
The Man With the Scarred Neck
My post about Aron Beauregard's novels did its job. It brought me new reading material.
I got to read @sanityisforlosers The Man with the Scarred Neck. On the scale of splatterpunk 1 to WTF this was a 3. It had plot. It was engaging. I had to know what happened next. So I read it all.
I do appreciate the preface note and the warning at the beginning of the book. The author's letter to the reader was also an awesome touch. I also was grateful to see the help and resources for victims page. The author did a great job on helping their readers understand the idea behind story.
This novel would be something I would recommend that my partner read that wouldn't scar him for life. He has a very high standard for splatterpunk/horror novels and I feel this would pass his test.
I give The Man with the Scarred Neck a 4 stars out of 5.
If you have any other recommendations for me, please let me know.
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teruel-a-witch · 1 year
tag 9 people you'd like to know better
i was tagged weeks ago by @crackers4jenn (*waves* sorry it takes me ages, i'm a scatterbrain)
last song: had to check my youtube history because i rarely listen to music and apparently it was precious by depeche mode on July 12th, lol. it's the soundtrack at the end of bones 1x10 and rewatching the episode always makes me want to listen to the song again.
currently watching: of the shows that are still on right now, only what we do in the shadows. (i think how i met your father s2 officially ended, i mean to pick nancy drew back up but i don't remember where in s3 I fell behind) but i'm in a perpetual process of rewatching/watching so many things, just since the beginning of the summer i've rewatched s3-5 of community, the entirety of black books, went back to white collar which i had abandoned after s2 and watched s3-4 in full before getting distracted, i am also in a neverending rewatch of castle and bones that's been going on since like 2016. earlier this year i was rewatching rizzoli&isles, warehouse 13, grimm, etc. did not finish them all. i jump around a lot depending on my mood. also mean to get back to my lucifer and wynonna earp rewatch at some point. i very rare finish shows and then i get back and have to start from the beginning and then i don't finish anyway, it's a vicious circle, i don't like saying goodbye. also i have no attention span. i guess technically i am also in the process of watching hawaii five-0 but i haven't watched any new (for me) episodes in a loooong time because canon is such a drag compared to the happy au land i've been living in. i do also watch some shows that are on hiatus right now but i probably wouldn't even remember them all. i only remember when they come back. suffice to say i watch a lot of tv lol.
currently reading: embarrassingly, nothing. only stuff that comes up on my tumblr dash 🤷🏻‍♀️. i haven't even read fanfic since ao3 was blocked in my country in april of this year. because of how my brain works if you add an extra step to something i am used to doing (aka i have to turn on vpn to open ao3 links) i am just that much less likely to do it. i miss losing myself in a book but my brain is too preoccupied by my blorbos to be able to invest in anything new.
current obsession: probably shocking to no one who follows me, it's mcdanno. this ship ate my brain in november of 2021 and since then its hold on me has not lessened at all, probably got worse, lmao. i found myself unable to gather any feelings about any of my old long time ships because all that space has been eaten up by steve and danny's insane chemistry and frustrating and wonderful epic love story. also within the mcdanno fandom the obsession of recent months has been building/brainstorming aus with aron @emphasisonthehomo (best rp partner one could wish for) . and i guess you can call making mcdanno screencap edits and metas an obsession of its own.
tagging (no pressure, only if you want to): @emphasisonthehomo , @stephmcx , @trickster-archangel , @pepperf , @wordybee , @alexihawleys , @aflawedfashion , @annieaceofhearts , @lukeclvez
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bostcn · 2 years
okay i’m going to try this again ! i’m looking for some 1x1 partners to write on discord with ! i’m such a headcanon whore BUT also love doing replies of course. i have a tiny lil brain so my replies won’t be too long , but trust i am here for the long run ! i’m honestly just looking for someone who will have me refusing to close my laptop every other night because the hcs/muse/replies/all of the above is just flowing !
to make things a little easy i have a few wanted plots, a few wanted opposites, and a few fcs i want to play myself ! i’m gonna drop them all below the read more ! if anything about this post interests you please smack that like button or message me directly and i swear i’ll come bother you so quick !
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+ please take a look at my rules before reading to see if we’re a good match !
daisy jones x billy dune situation pleaseee
childhood friends turned lovers with a lil angst in b/n
if we’re both single by a certain age pact
this lil plot about two people in witness protection having to act like a happy suburban couple
two folks who unintentionally had a baby and are figuring things out together
a lil con-artist falling for a victim moment
used to date , one of them went to jail , and now that they’re out the other muse is completely diff than what they were like before
a plot that would have so many deuxmoi blind items
flirting fluff kinda ! they’re plotting murder
WILD CARD ! we just come up with smth together
oliver jackson-cohen
oscar isaac
harry styles
aron piper
florence pugh
theo james
michael b jordan
paul mescal
daniel sharman
bruna marquezine
phoebe tonkin
bill skarsgard
adam dimarco
matthew daddario
anya taylor joy
jeremy allen white
tbh i’m down for anyone!
dakota johnson
camille rowe
francisco lachowski
alex fitzalan
zoe kravitz
barbara palvin
tamino amir
rosie huntington whiteley
blanca padilla
adriana lima
jasmine tookes
zoe kravtiz
also down to play your opposites!
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freudianslumber · 1 year
Tiger Man
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Summary:  The year was 1941, bandmates and secret lovers Scotty Moore and Elvis Presley got caught red handed by Scotty’s fiancée, and this led to the young men being thrusted headlong into the China-Burma-India theater of World War II as members of the first American Volunteer Group (The Flying Tigers). 
Author’s Notes:  This is my second Elvis fan fic, a WW II AU.  Since I was born and raised in China until teenage years, I have a personal connection and fascination with this slice of history.  Notice since the time frame of this story is set in the 1940s, I’ve made adjustments to certain things such as Blue Moon Boys being a hillbilly band and not a rock n’ roll band, and all songs that appeared had to be from before 1941, etc.  Obviously, Elvis fans would also know that some happenings in Humes High mentioned here were really a composite of experiences of Elvis’ actual high school friends such as Red West and George Klein. 
Chapter 1. Caught in the Heat
Pairing: Scotty Moore x Elvis Presley (m/m)
Word count: 3.4k
Warning: 18+, kissing, foreplay, light bondage, fingering
For a moment, Scotty felt he was on top of the world. The view beneath him was mesmerizing: A pair of half-lidded sapphire eyes looking up at him with unspoken desire, cherubic lips parting slightly in an invitation, luscious golden chestnut hair framing that uniquely handsome face.
Elvis Aron Presley, the owner of those ravishing features, gave him a small insecure smile followed by a meek and hesitant whisper: “S-Scotty? Do you still want me tonight?” This snapped the other young man out of his temporary catatonic state, his right hand reached down and gently caressed Elvis’ cheek, causing a hint of a blush there: “Sorry honey, I just had to make sure this was real, that was all. We’ve come a long way, I promise I’ll make you a man tonight.” With such a forthright declaration, Scotty took the initiative, lowered his upper body onto Elvis in a smooth and confident move, and covered the boy’s soft alluring lips with his mouth.
Scotty's mind rolled back to his last year at Humes High. As the popular class president, already skilled guitarist, envied by all the boys and pursued by all the girls, Scotty only noticed awkward freshman Presley at the school talent show for the first time. The desperately shy boy who moved from the small town of Tupelo Mississippi not long ago sang a soppy tune about a dog called “Old Shep”, while accompanying himself with rather laughable amateurish acoustic guitar. But somehow the freshman’s slightly trembling vocal struck a chord with an unsuspecting audience, and surely left an impression on one particular upperclassman. The voice was untrained and unrefined, but exuded a purity and raw emotion which were so rare and entirely captivating. Unsurprisingly the most lauded performance of that night came from Scotty and his well-rehearsed band The Starlite Wranglers, without a doubt the most technically proficient and experienced musical act Humes High had ever spawned. However, the much-celebrated senior found it impossible to erase the kid with the strange name from his mind ever since then.
Scotty’s thoughts were brought back to the present as a more grown-up version of Elvis let out a little whimper, arching back as the burning manhood within Scotty’s underwear rubbed against his own bulge through thin layers of cotton. Scotty growled, attacked the exposed delicate skin on that tempting neck with lips and plenty of teeth. In one swift move, Scotty grabbed both wrists of his younger partner and held them above his head. Met with little resistance, a smirk appeared on Scotty’s face as he casually reached for his tie in the pile of clothes on the nightstand. “Hold still!” Scotty commanded with authority to the squirming and panting mess beneath him. "Sorry, Scotty. S-Sorry, sir…” Elvis stopped squirming, bit his bottom lip nervously and tensed up all over, as if anticipating some type of reprimand. The guitarist’s dexterous fingers tied Elvis’ wrists together with ease and made a secure knot. “Baby are you ready?” Scotty’s icy blue eyes twinkled. Elvis’ cheeks grew even rosier, “yes, ready as I’ll ever be…” With that bashful affirmation, the one in charge made quick work of their briefs, sliding them off and tossing them aside. As he went on to spread open Elvis’ legs, Scotty added with a cocky flick of an eyebrow: “I bet none of them fangirls of yours would guess how you'll lose your virginity, huh?’’
In the years since Elvis had first broken into Scotty's realm of existence singing a mournful song about a dog at Humes talent show, many things changed, but some things did not. Elvis gained a few friends and some supporters at school through his musical talent, but at the same time attracted a number of haters. Some boys at school were clearly resentful of the amount of attention the awkward misfit seemed to be getting. One time they sabotaged his instrument, broke all the strings on Elvis’ beloved guitar which he brought to school every day. The graduating class president stepped in then and mended Elvis’ heart by gifting him with a set of even better guitar strings. Unfortunately, the bullying did not stop there. Elvis continued to be seen as an outsider, being mocked frequently about his clothes which he couldn’t afford to change very often due to poor family background, his acne scars, his self-styled hair, and his singing between classes. The bullies called him names such as “squirrel”, threw rotten tomatoes at him when he was playing on campus, finally culminating in one incident which Scotty walked in on. The group of delinquents cornered Elvis in the bathroom, roughed him up a bit and held him down by force, one of them waved a razor in hand menacingly and talked about teaching “Presley and his precious hair” a lesson and “shave it all off”. This plan was derailed when Scotty and his buddies intervened and scared away the punks. The freshman’s face turned red from shame and embarrassment from having to be rescued, tears sparkled in his eyes as he murmured “I owe you one” to Scotty before running away.
What Scotty did not know was that Elvis had been secretly idolizing him ever since he came to Humes. The popular senior was perfect in every way in the newcomer’s eyes. His effortless charm, good looks, confidence, poise, leadership and musicianship all made him so attractive but completely out of reach. Scotty was even kind to Elvis when many others shunned and derided him in school, which made the whole bathroom debacle feel that much more humiliating to the boy from Tupelo. Even prior to that, he already couldn’t help being self-conscious around Scotty, akin to how inadequate a newly joined boy scout would feel next to a Eagle Scout.
Soon however Elvis found that he didn’t need to worry about how he felt around Scotty anymore. Graduation came around and Scotty disappeared after that for five long years. The rumor around town was that the former class president did not go off to college as others had expected, instead he joined the Naval Academy and then the Navy Air Corps. As a naval aviator he followed his training with military tour of duty in the far east. Elvis’ mind wandered off to the sea and distant shores many a time along with his high-flying hero during the extended intervening years. Meanwhile, his biggest accomplishment was becoming the first member of his family to graduate from high school. Elvis got a job at Crown Electric as a truck driver while trying to audition for various local bands. He never gave up on his dream to make it as a singer despite disparaging words he had received.
Once again it was Scotty to the rescue. The accomplished pilot was back in town after he left active duty from the Navy and formed a hillbilly band right away without missing a beat. As a virtuoso guitar player with local renown Scotty would have been a hot draw on his own, but he was looking for a charismatic front man to complete the last piece of the puzzle. Elvis couldn’t believe it when Scotty picked him out of scores of contenders for the lead singer position. No one had ever given the high school grad so much encouragement and put so much confidence in his ability to carry a band vocally. The high-spirited combo that resulted became known as the Blue Moon Boys and almost an instant sensation on the Memphis music scene. Teenagers all around the region soon got words of the cool new act and began flocking to their gigs to see it for themselves. The Blue Moon Boys’ songs were starting to get radio plays despite the material being mostly covers of Hillbilly artists such as Bob Wills and Roy Acuff.
Although Elvis did not consider himself a good singer and attributed his recent popularity mostly to luck and Scotty, the guitarist knew this couldn’t be farther from the truth. As a more experienced musician and aspiring producer, Scotty saw great natural talent in his younger friend. The ability to take any song and spin it on its head and transform it into something new and unique, was an intangible that could not be taught or trained. The boy’s strength was in interpretation and performance, and despite his shy personality, on stage he was magnetic and exciting. Scotty did not realize how much he was smitten by the new lead singer until he inadvertently acted upset and jealous over Elvis’ flirty closeness with all his female fans. That was when Elvis broke down and confessed that he had been head over heels for Scotty ever since high school days.
“Please, Scotty! I need your loving!” Elvis begged as Scotty’s lubricated finger teased around his rim. He wanted to hold Scotty impossibly tight, but his hands were tied together above his head, so he had to wait for the other to move. Scotty’s left hand moved to pinch the young man’s nipple while he inserted his right index finger carefully and began exploring unknown territory. The gasps and moans that came out of Elvis’ mouth felt like they were tickling Scotty somewhere he couldn’t describe. The knowledge that his parents were out of town and they had the house all to themselves was certainly reassuring to Scotty. Over the preceding years, Elvis had matured into a strikingly attractive young fellow, with a gothic flavor derived from his mother Gladys. His face and figure filled out in all the right places, and gained more definition elsewhere, no doubt chiseled by the Lord himself. No wonder he drove all the girls hog wild, Scotty thought to himself as he marveled at the incredibly long eyelashes and soulful cerulean eyes at close range. He added a second finger down below as he captured the irresistibly delicious looking lips in front of him.
“Winfred Scott Moore!” A high and shrill voice pierced through the sensual and erotic atmosphere all of a sudden. The lovers’ bodies quivered in unison out of panic. Scotty quickly withdrew his fingers and turned his head back while his naked figure continued to cover the one beneath him. Only a few feet from them, a petite but voluptuous young woman with blonde bob was staring daggers at Scotty. “MaryAnn!” Scotty yelled in recognition, grabbing the nearest blanket to hide behind while he separated himself from Elvis. “I KNEW IT!” MaryAnn stomped her high-heels and shrieked, “you said you had rehearsal tonight and no time to see me, and here you are sinnin’ and screwin’ with your singer! Some rehearsal you have!!!” Scotty started to put on his clothes as fast as he could, trying to defuse the situation: “MaryAnn, don’t be mad, it’s not what you think, honey…” This was interrupted with another angry retort: “Don’t Honey me!! Winfred Scott, do you still remember your engagement? I swear I’ll tell your mama and daddy everything if you don’t break up with that slut boy right now!!” The angry blonde started to wipe tears from her eyes as Scotty had seen her do many times before when she wanted things her way.
MaryAnn and Scotty knew each other from a long way back. She was his senior prom date. The couple was unanimously crowned king and queen for that night. MaryAnn had always had her eyes set on marriage, with her ultimate goal in life being the title of Mrs. Moore. On the other hand, Scotty never took their relationship so seriously, thought of it as nothing more than casual school dating. He never felt a close connection or had common interests with the gal. Scotty also thought her personality was a little overbearing and over-dramatic. However, the blonde vixen never gave up and had successfully burrowed a space in Scotty’s life for herself. She visited enough times to get in good graces of Scotty’s parents and even his brothers, convinced everyone in the family that she was the natural choice for a life partner for the guitarist. At some point she was given the house key and MaryAnn started sauntering in and out of the house as if she was already part of the family. MaryAnn’s folks were more well-to-do, which would come in handy to help the struggling Moore family dry-cleaning business if the marriage went ahead according to plan. Scotty did not fight the engagement initially because quasi-arranged marriages like this was kind of common, and he did not find enough reasons to oppose the idea. Not being in love certainly was not a strong argument to bring up since that was never a big part of the consideration in these discussions.
However, this infatuation he was having with Elvis was making Scotty rethink things. What they had together was more than physical attraction. Their personalities complimented each other so well both professionally and romantically. Suddenly, the boring, predictable, but safe path of marrying MaryAnn seemed to be not good enough for Scotty anymore. The Presley boy was so sweet and beautiful, musically gifted and madly in love with him, at the same time he was from a dirt-poor family, lived in government housing projects, and was of the wrong gender to have a real future with him as a legitimate couple. These days Scotty’s brain was regularly filled with wild and foolish thoughts, for instance: If Elvis were a girl I would marry him in an instant; or wonder if Elvis and I could run off together and live happily ever after.
“I’ll leave.” Elvis’ eyes turned a little moist from unshed tears as Scotty untied his wrists. He slipped on his pants and threw on his shirt in quick succession, clenched his teeth in silence as he endured some more insults directed at him from his love rival. “I don’t know what kind of witchcraft you cast over Scotty boy, but it’s time for you to get out of his life altogether…” MaryAnn added triumphantly. This was interrupted by Scotty, who couldn’t believe what he heard: “Wait a minute, hold on right there! What do you mean get out of my life altogether? You ain’t saying you want Elvis out of the Blue Moon Boys, right??”
“Yeah, you heard right! I ain’t gonna tolerate the two of you hanging out under the cover of a band! I’ve had enough! I swear he’s the devil in disguise, and you were under his spell. I want nothin’ less than a clean break!!” The little blonde scowled and screamed unrelentingly, face turning red from all the exertion.
“Is that so?!” Scotty yelled back, jamming a fist into the nightstand, making a loud noise. “Well then, I’ve got news for you! I’m gonna get back into military action soon, this time as a volunteer fighter pilot to combat the Japanese. We will be deployed to the Far East by summer!! Elvis can join me if he wants! You’ve just helped me make the decision. If you think you can tie me down, woman, think again!”
This unexpected announcement shocked everyone else in the room. MaryAnn’s mouth was agape until she finally recovered and countered: “You gotta be mad, Scotty! Half of the world is at war, Eurasia is war-torn right now, and the U.S. is on the verge of entering the war directly against the Axis countries any day! Everyone is trying to get away from the armed forces, and you are volunteering to fight in Asia? Are you trying to get yourself killed??” She looked up at her fiancée incredulously, hoping against odds that he still had some common sense left in him.
Scotty sounded even more emboldened in his reply: “Maybe I am, MaryAnn. Or maybe I just wanna get outta this place and get away from your smothering old self!! If you got your eyes set on destroying my band, then there’s nothing left around this town to keep me attached here! I know how to be a soldier; I’ve done it for years. It’s a helluva simpler than being at your beck and call!!”
“Mama is probably gonna strangle me for saying this, but Scotty, I’ll go wherever you’re going.” The mostly silent young singer suddenly interjected. “You!!” MaryAnn pointed a finger at him and spewed out, “shut up, you white trash, go find someone else to sin with!” She then looked over to her fiancée, squeezed a few lines out threateningly in a last-ditch attempt to salvage her engagement: “Scotty listen, don’t make me play dirty. Forget all this happened and replace the singer, come back to me and I’ll let it slide. If you go off with that slut boy, then neither of you can ever come back to this town with your reputation intact ’cause I swear I'll air your dirty laundry all over the place!”
“No, you won’t! I’m glad you’re showing your true colors now before I fall into your trap! I’ve had enough of your conniving ways, now get out of my house or I’ll throw you out!!” Scotty shouted while taking a few steps forward. The blonde retreated at the sight of that, trembling with rage: “Winfred Scott, just you remember. You’ll regret this and crawl back to me one day. If you survive the war, that is.”
Those were the last words from the crossed young woman before she rushed out the door. The bandmates now looked at each other in a different light, both knowing they were making a huge decision that would completely change their lives.
Scotty started after a brief silence: “Elvis, I appreciate what you said. But you really don’t have to follow me into foreign battle zones during wartime. You’re an only child and your mama needs you at home and away from harm. I totally understand.” The young singer’s expressive eyes exuded concern and affection as he hurried to respond: “If it’s gonna be that dangerous, then I’d rather go with you than staying here and worrying days and nights about you.” He walked over and held Scotty’s hands, sat down on the couch next to his older partner, “Anyway my singing career would be over since MaryAnn will definitely drag our names through the mud and she does not even need to make things up. We’ll lose all our fans and won’t be able to get a gig anywhere. I don’t want to stay here and live the life of scorn and derision. Maybe if we get away and come back in a year or two, we'll get a chance of having a new start.”
Scotty looked into those innocent and hopeful eyes and his heart practically turned into mush. He leaned over and gave the young man a hug, “But honey, you are barely 20, you haven’t even reached the legal drinking age. Your Mama will never let you go!”
“Well, I’ve passed the voting age, so I’m already old enough to make my own decisions.” Elvis’ face turned sadder then, “as for Mama, I guess I’ll just have to confess everything to her and beg for her forgiveness. She loves me, so eventually she’ll look past everything and let me go.” Elvis tried to sound confident, but it did not quite come across as that. “I’ll leave all my savings to her and Daddy, also send them money while abroad. They will be proud of me when I come back from war.” Elvis spoke as if he was trying to convince himself about this idealistic scenario.
“Are you really sure, Elvis? You’ve never even been out of the South before.” Scotty felt like Elvis’ father now. “Yeah, that’s why I need to go out and see the world for myself. And you’ll teach me, right? Scotty?” Some eagerness and excitement started to replace apprehension and uncertainty in the young singer’s tone and demeanor. Scotty cupped the lovely, flushed cheeks in front of him and placed a soothing kiss on that smooth forehead. Pulling Elvis into a warm embrace, Scotty spoke reassuringly: “That’s right darlin’, I’ll show you everything I know and try my darnedest to keep you from harm, it’ll be us against the world from now on…”
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Alright lets get outta the way i got shit to do
my name is Brazer, designation WLD-06 of the sole only produced Element bot of my line. i work with and for the Slateport Welder union, basically we take jobs like ship repairs, ship building, repairs and inspections of structures, and all that dumb as hell jazz. now here's my trainer team card n' shit
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Forge the steelix: Adamant nature and my partner, has a mega form variant hailing from a far away region, prefers to laze about while i work. but does help with crushing stuff or chewing on metal too big for scrapper and lug certain parts. stone was found at a market place and was giving me a keystone... not sure on why it works given me being a machine and all....
Blowtorch the magmortar: Jolly nature, likes to help out with melting things or braze weld with me, most active of the team, and keeps scrapper and foundry from fighting too much
Furnace the rolycoly: quiet nature, just along for the ride, often plays with scrapper and blowtorch when bored
Scrapper the aron: shiny, rash nature, lil bastard i adore, eats left over scrap or metal from me cutting metal or ship building. is the second most active of the group
Kelm the numel: calm nature, least active of the team, prefers to just laze with Forge, will eat your berries or food if not careful.
and there thats it. well aside from what i look like:
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now get going you fleshsacks i have shit to do!
//ooc below
yoo its me again mod wiral and owner of the blogs @wyrdo01, @flowroma-town-apiary ,@snowbell-glass-bar, @veil05thegrasselementbot, and @amperage-speedway here with another element bot that resides in hoenn!
this character is alot more rude than others outright so do be noteful of this since shes a lot more absorbed into her work, interacting with her will be a bit infuriating with certain people. so this might not be for everyone here. also theres mentions of injuries and things catching on fire so you have been forewarned.
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