#I also love swordsman!nanami
dreamzghostz · 22 days
So, this Talentswap AU, it's like the average killing game
*Oh no, Celestia (the protag) got kidnapped and forced in a killing game with 15 other students. She finds Kiyo (the support), and they have to escape, waaaah*
To be honest, what inspired me to make this are Danganronpa V3 (I like how they have features like Scrum Debates, Argument Aranments, and Mass Panic Debates), and the Danganronpa: Another series
So, yeah, everyone's talents are swapped. If you click on the "Danganronpa: A Dice of Despair" tag, you can see everyone's designs and talents. So, what I mainly want to talk about are the characters, their talents, and their personalities, backstories, etc.
There will be a LOT of yapping below, so keep reading if you wanna
Celestia Ludenberg - Ultimate Lucky Student: So, in this AU, Celestia is the protagonist. She has a mix of her and Makoto's personalities. She can be cold and a douche at times, but she does care about everyone. Here, she has a mix of good luck and bad luck, but they both work at the same time... Somehow? Her real name is still Taeko Yasuhiro, and she made up her fake name to hide who she really is since her family has very dark secrets that could easily crumple her reputation if spilled. Hence why she also doesn't believe that she's really the Ultimate Lucky Student.
Korekiyo Shinguji - Ultimate Swordsman: Here, Kiyo is the support/deuteragonist. Celestia runs into him after escaping into the gym. In this AU, he's aloof, smart, but also starts showing kindness after a while. In Chapter One, he's the one to snap Celestia back to reality after she has her initial panic. He can come off as a bit hostile, but that's because growing up, he didn't have many friends as he spent most of his time training since his family are mostly famous warriors.
Sayaka Maizono - Ultimate Gambler: In this AU, she's more of an anti-hero then an antagonist. She's pretty rude and demanding, and she uses Kiibo to her advantage since he's the Ultimate Butler, and growing up, she had many butlers and maids to her aid whenever she needed them. Eventually, in Chapter Two, Sayaka starts to see that Celestia isn't a bad person, and starts to open up to her. Sayaka's cruel and sadistic personality stems from her childhood where her mother was killed by being burned, and her father basically abandoned her, so Celestia's really the only person she likes. Also, she ALWAYS wins every gambling match (Always? ALWAYS.) As well, she's a bit narcissistic, and thinks she's above everyone.
Byakuya Togami - Ultimate Gamer: Here, Byakuya is more of like an AI (like Chiaki), because his father wanted an heir, and none of his kids were "fit for it". So, Mr. Togami got a friend to create Byakuya. Though, Byakuya was never interested in the Togami Corporation, and took an interest in video games instead. He's a bit insensitive, but does mean well. He doesn't express much emotion, but is protective of the people he cares about, and he has a deep sense of justice. He knows his father doesn't love him, but as long as he has video games, he'll be happy.
Chiaki Nanami - Ultimate Pop Sensation: In this AU, Chiaki is a human. She's a lot more energetic then her game counterpart, and is like who she was in Danganronpa 3. Ever since she was a little girl, Chiaki had dreamed of being a famous star, despite her parents' wishes. She loves to write songs and sing with her group, even though after Chiaki gets trapped in the killing game, her girl group gets killed by the Ultimate Despair, which sends Chiaki into despair, though she masks it well. She'll write a song for everyone in the place, and she'll sing it as loud as she can. She's a great friend to have, like a golden retriever!
Gundham Tanaka - Ultimate Traditional Dancer: So, growing up, Gundham's home life was pretty bad. His family was VERY strict on what he ate, what he wore, and what he said. His house was near a street, and every afternoon, he would sneak there and feed all the tabby cats, making him gain their trust, and making him feel a sense of comfort. He's kind of an asshole in the AU, since he had a bad home life, and it left a huge mark on how he viewed people. Unfortunately, he doesn't want to warm up to anyone, as he's secretly scared they'll just use him, so he closes himself off, and he only trusts the tabby cats.
Hajime Hinata - Ultimate Inventor: Hajime's mother was rarely in the picture, causing him to develop a very close relationship with his father. When his father got ill and passed when Hajime was ten, he found all his father's unfinished inventions. Determined to finish them, Hajime worked for hours, nights even, to make his father proud. Hajime gets his vulgarity and bluntness from the highschool he was at before Hope's Peak Academy, since the crude and rudeness was basically the norm at where he was. Also, yes, Hajime is Izuru in this AU, though I'm still trying to figure out how to write that.
Mahiru Koizumi - Ultimate Astronaut: She's the Antagonist of the AU, so I probably should have placed her up way higher, but I'm too tired to change it. So, Mahiru's mother was an astronaut, and Mahiru has always been intrigued by space. In the village she lived at, she would tell the younger kids stories about space and amazing astronauts, forming a close bond with them. Unfortunately, a few months before Hope's Peak, Mahiru's village was burned down, leaving Mahiru homeless. When she saw the advertisement for Hope's Peak, she took it in a heartbeat. She's kind, a little naive, and protective to make sure she can keep everyone as safe as she can.
Mikan Tsumiki - Ultimate Pianist: School was a very tough time for Mikan, as she was always the targeting of bullying, though she felt safe in her music class. After a very traumatic event, Mikan basically clung to her piano, playing it every day, as many times as she could. She's shy, but also very determined and kind, and she's quite skilled at the other instruments other then piano! Which she personally finds to be very cool!
Nagito Komaeda - Ultimate Anthropologist: Nagito's house was very close to a library, so every day, after school, he would stop by the library and find a book. The ones about culture and evolution were the ones that intrigued him the most. He spent most of his childhood in the hospital, so the library was like a safe space for him. He's also aloof, but somewhat disturbing and also mature. He has to keep a close eye on Hajime, so he's basically Hajime's babysitter (lol).
Sonia Nevermind - Ultimate Detective: Sonia was always very smart, even as a young child, so she didn't have very many friends as she got frustrated by people who weren't as smart. One day, the detectives brought her in to see if she could help them with a case, and she solved it, pretty quickly. She can solve cases quicker then the average detective can. She's pretty quiet most of the time, but she also has a strong sense of justice, is no-nonsense and quick, and she really doesn't have as much empathy as she probably should.
Kaede Akamatsu - Ultimate Princess: So, Kaede is the princess of Japan, so she also has to follow strict and unfair rules. She often but heads with her parents since she wants to actually be her own person and not follow their rules. Her parents had arranged a marriage for her, and when she found out about this, she quickly signed up for Hope's Peak to escape this. She's kind, charming, curious, and always willing to learn. She may not give the best advice, but she tries her best!
Shuichi Saihara - Ultimate Artist: Shuichi here seems like your average Joe. He doesn't really talk highly of himself, and he just does art as a hobby, so he wasn't really expecting it to become his actual talent, lol. Despite all of this, he's fairly nice and pretty chill, but can also be pretty morbid due to the fact he was born and raised in an unusual church. No, he isn't religious. Also, he loves art, but he doesn't draw eyes when he draws people, as he finds it difficult to do (this will come in handy later).
Kirumi Tojo - Ultimate Magician: Growing up, Kirumi always loved magic. She was a street magician for a while before being allowed to enter a school that allowed her to embrace her interests. She's kind, energetic, and kooky since she had been seen as a "weird kid" by most people growing up. Despite this, she's incredibly loyal to those around her, and she can be scarily serious when she needs to.
Kiibo (Idabashi) - Ultimate Butler: So, in this AU, Kiibo is also human, so I will refer to him as Kiibo Idabashi. He always loved helping people, despite what they asked him to do. His father, Professor Idabashi, spent a lot of time on robotic engineers, so that led Kiibo to wander off... a LOT. He always enjoys to serve people, and he enjoys Celestia's company. He doesn't like Sayaka much though, as she uses him. There are also times where he feels empty, like a robot. Though, he's hardworking, devoted, and can take on even the hardest of tasks.
Rantaro Amami - Ultimate Photographer: Rantaro still has twelve sisters in this AU, and they always loved for him to take pictures of them, to where they would even ask him daily to take pictures of scenery they liked and outfits they liked. Rantaro found himself enjoying photography, even in the darkest of times. At first, he's bossy and a bit stubborn, but he eventually learns to trust his classmates and even befriends most of them. After that, he's kind, still a little stubborn and bossy, but more willing to hear others out. Also, him and Korekiyo become quite close very quickly!
I'm SO sorry that I talked more about the characters and their backstories then their roles!! I'll make a relationship chart of them in a post eventually. Also, this took a long while and isn't my usual content, so my bad! Also, if you read all of this, thank you 💕
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eien-no-gakusha · 2 years
Touken Ranbu:  The Contradictory Tale of Genji
Part 3/3 - Overall Impressions:
On a technical level, the show is quality.  The main cast sang melodiously and music composition was suitable to the time period and mood of the show.  There was not so much dancing to judge but acting was superb.  Many actors had to play double roles such as anyone possessed by Genji or anyone on the Genji side of the plot.  The contrast was evident and well-done.  The child actor was very professional and I had no issue with her when I’m usually not impressed.  That was a pleasant surprise.  Set design was minimalist, which made for some creative setups but there were enough hints for the audience to suspend disbelief and jog their imagination.  The transitions were incredibly fast and most of it was done using a giant cloth sheet that represented a page of the novel that was waved about. 
Of course, I loved the costumes.  Combined with the actors, they effectively brought the characters to life.  Ladies and lead role Nanami Hiroki got the best picks.  Akira got an epic evil costume in the end to represent Genji going rogue.  It was a chaotic costume by design with mostly Japanese silhouette but what’s with the Chinese style double skirt, armor design, and hairdo?  (jkjk lol) I suppose turning evil turns you into a jumbled mess of modern art.  The real moral here is treat your fictional world with care or risk it biting you back.
 Now this is a sword show so naturally the fight choreography was incredibly smooth and stylistic while being cleanly executed.  Genji is no swordsman but a scholarly prince so his weapon was a fan that Akira wielded gracefully and skillfully in her fast-paced battles.  In fact, there was a lot of fan twirling and all done to perfection.  My praise is for the effortless ease actors were wielding fans.  I would expect them not to drop them as part of the job.
 The overarching theme concerning the value of fiction was compelling.  When the creeper fan confronts Murasaki and later curses all of Kyoto, the five precepts of Buddhism is referenced.  Among these precepts is the prohibition against speaking lies or falsehoods, which encompasses anything ranging from thoughtless remarks to “great fictions.”  The fan praises the book but is worried that spreading of such an influential fictional work will result in leading people astray and thus Murasaki would be punished in the afterlife for her sins.  In fact, in medieval history a memorial service was held to rescue Murasaki’s spirit from Buddhist hell over this very matter.  One can take the traditional Buddhist interpretation of life being hell because life is suffering and impose it over the musical.  Therefore, the isekai is a type of trial.  Just as the Empress and other readers of The Tale of Genji are grappling with their reality through the novel, they are reliving the parts of the book they resonate with to find a solution to the problem in their lives.  An even darker interpretation is the ghosts of Heian-kyo are in purgatory by living in the fiction they became consumed with instead of being present in society.  During Murasaki’s time, the upper echelons of society were obsessed with the Cult of Beauty at the cost of governance and economy so was quite corrupt and detached from reality.  What more fitting punishment in the afterlife than eternity in their vapid world?  Perhaps the touken danshi stumbled upon such a purgatory.
 There is also more contemporary views of fiction in this play.  Murasaki pushes back in the debate by respecting the intelligence of her fans and expressing the love she has for her writing and its very real value to herself.  Furthermore, her avid readership stand in solidarity by citing the novel’s beauty and meaning to their lives either as escapism or example.  Here we see more modern values on display with fiction enriching and enhancing reality or supporting readers through their struggles and triumphs.  One can also glean commentary about parasocial relationships as well with Murasaki’s interactions with her fanbase and the fans’ earnest love of a fictional character.  In short, this is a story about the influence and impact of stories on people and how wonderfully weird and beautiful that relationship is.
 The story I enjoyed a lot.  Many videogame and anime musicals are shallow cash-grabs but this one went out to tell a meaningful story.  I respect that.  I’m even tempted to buy the DVD lol.  Not like there’s any merch left anyways.  All that sold out before the curtains even rose.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
I haven’t done these in a while-
Hope u enjoy em
Whats your fav work of mine?
What character do you like me writing for most?
How many followers do you have?
How many drafts do you have?
How many requests do u have rn?
Comfort character from each fandom
What character from one piece makes you fangirl
What straw hat did you feel excited most once they joined
What character would get along great with the straw hats if they weren’t an enemy
What character deserves to be in the straw hats
Now that I have an acc you can also ask me questions to get to know me too:)
Whats your fav work of mine?
Oh! I loved this one! I love when people write Zoro with a fellow swordsman and I loved how you did it <3
What character do you like me writing for most?
Buggy because I'm a sucker for him lolol and I loved the headcanons you did for him <3
How many followers do you have?
I am currently at 1,472! Which means I'm almost at 1.5k!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna do an event tee hee
How many drafts do you have?
I have three. A lifeweaver fluff alphabet, a sigma fic, and a lucio fic from the arcana lol some of those are REALLY OLD
How many requests do u have rn?
89! And that might go down due to me doing them or just getting rid of a couple more tbh (I need to get better with opening my requests lol)
Comfort character from each fandom
OH BOY! JJBA - Polnareff <3 Final Fantasy - Prompto Kingdom Hearts - Xemnas Haikyuu - Tanaka Hunter x Hunter - Knuckle The Arcana - Asra One Piece - Chopper JJK - Nanami One Punch Man - Saitama MHA - All Might Overwatch - Hammond RoR - Buddha Resident Evil - Leon Arcane - Silco Spiderverse - Peter B. Parker
What character from one piece makes you fangirl
Franky and Brook tee hee I'm silly like that
What straw hat did you feel excited most once they joined
BROOK! I was patiently waiting
What character would get along great with the straw hats if they weren’t an enemy
Weirdly, I think Croc (I would say buggy, but duh). I think he would admire Luffy
What character deserves to be in the straw hats
VIVI. Should I say it louder??
Love you have a super day <3
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northofneverland · 2 years
Happy Birthday @kagejima. You're a wonderful human being who deserves everything and I hope you are having a wonderful day. You constantly spoil me by entertaining the little scenarios I flood your ask box with and turning them into works of art. Since it's your birthday, and our chats have inspired me, despite not being a writer, I thought it only fitting to return the favour.
This collection of little drabbles is based on the Bodyguard!Sukuna HC that @kagejima and I have spent too much time thinking about. I highly recommend reading this and this to get the most out of this piece. (Also just read those posts because Rae creates the best tales from the few sentences I give her and I want her talent to be appreciated by all). Editing is not my forte, so if you see a mistake, just skip over it. *edit* to see the collection of works in this AU, please refer to this post. There is a little something for Bodyguard!Sukuna, Swordsman!Nanami and Blacksmith!Osamu.
Staring down at the assortment of trinkets and charms, Sukuna’s eyes gravitate to the little sword pendant on display behind the glass case. He’s walked past this stall three times in the past hour as part of his patrol route, and each time, he slows down just a bit to glance at it, telling himself that he’ll buy it if it’s still there at the end of the day. It’s nothing special, and he’s certain you have thousands of other, better, pendants to wear, but he pulls out his coin purse anyways and pays the vendor before tucking the charm into his tunic for safekeeping. 
Sitting outside your door is not a job that he thought he’d enjoy, and, if asked, he’d deny it, but it’s the time of day he looks forward to most. Sukuna is happy that your seamstress is keeping you company because that means he has a few more minutes to finish up your birthday gift before the two of you are left alone for the evening. The palace is abuzz with final preparations for your birthday ball, with the royal household staff tending to the needs of all the dignitaries that have come to celebrate you, and he’s grateful for the quiet at your end of the castle. It’s been a little over a week since it’s been just the two of you. You’ve been busy entertaining guests, and he found every excuse not to be stationed outside your bedroom door lest his jealousy took over. But tonight, you will not have any visitors; instead, you'll have him, ready to listen to you all night, leaning against your door, never crossing into your room, and wishing, like he has the past few months, that he was more than just a knight. His fingers deftly wrap around the leather cord as he threads the pendant and a small bell onto it before trying it off. It is crudely made, to say the least, but it's the best he can do with what he has. The glinting of jewels catches his eye, as racks of dresses and cases of accessories, made specifically for this event, are filed out of your room for overnight alterations. After seeing this abundance of wealth, his gift for you feels like dead weigh in his scarred hands. A pathetic gift from a pathetic knight, he thinks to himself, as he stuffs the necklace deep into his pocket. Perhaps, giving you nothing is better than the two lumps of metal he wasted his money on. 
He slides the leather cord over your head, the two charms dangling as they settle at the swell of your breasts. Instead of pulling away, like his mind is telling him to do, his hand slowly lifts the two charms to his lips and kisses them. 
“Happy birthday” he mutters, so softly your ears barely catch it. 
Your hands go to clasp his outstretched one and bring it to your mouth, brushing your lips over each of his calloused fingers before looking up at him with a smile that makes his breath waver. Perhaps his mind is still hazy from kissing you, but he swears that, in this moment, you have never looked more stunning. Standing in front of him, with your hair falling out of its updo, your makeup smudged from sloppy first kisses and your neck littered with faint red marks, you look like all his fantasies come to life.  
“You didn’t have to get me anything” you reply, taking a moment to examine the necklace better. Your fingers gingerly trace the edge of the blade, admiring its fine craftsmanship, before flicking the bell hard enough for it to jingle softly.
“I get the sword is supposed to be you, but what's with the bell?” you wonder aloud, toying with the metal ball again. The soft ringing seems to echo loudly in your bedroom chamber as an unusual silence settles between you two.
“It's embarrassing” Sukuna answers with a sigh; his eyes shift quickly away from your face to look at anything but you.
“And it's my birthday, entertain me. Is it... Is it so you can hear me sneaking out for snacks?” you chortle at your own joke, thinking back on all the times you’ve thought you’ve snuck past his detection, only to find him sitting in the kitchen with a stool pulled out for you. Looking up at your knight, you realize that despite the darkness of your moonlit room, you can still see that his cheeks are flushed.
“It’s so I can always find you if you're separated from me”. The words slip out of his mouth easier than expected. 
“As if you'd let that happen,” you chuckle, your palm cupping his face as your thumb rubs over one of the twin scars on his cheek before pulling him down onto your lips. 
And you both know you're right. He's in too deep. He can't give you the world. In fact, he can't give you much. But, his heart is yours to break.
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kagejima · 2 years
Can we also talk about how Bodyguard!Sukuna and reader start falling in love in the middle of the night, over whispered secrets between her closed door? How she’d sit against the door that he guards for hours, and occasionally, fall asleep talking to him. Can we also talk about how she’d wake up tucked in her bed the next morning?
girl, i swear to god i had all your bodyguard asks in order and then i forgot what order i had them in so now im like fuck it, i'll just write them out of order every sukuna sunday fhdjfklasjfasd
ANYWAYS this is tied in to the ABSOLUTELY ENORMOUS royalty AU that wendy and i came up with and have never stopped yelling about to this day.
She oh so kindly gathered all the posts so far and put them in this masterlist if you want to catch up!
We got Bodyguard!Sukuna. We got Swordsman!Nanami. We got Blacksmith!Osamu. We got Duke!Sakusa. We got a bunch of other men I can't even talk about yet because we haven't gotten to them yet fahjfadslfkasfds.
anyways more thoughts under the cut (female reader, reader is the princess, Bodyguard!Sukuna is true form Sukuna size big)
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Bodyguard!Sukuna who doesn't really want to admit it to himself, but he thinks that he may be falling for you.
Because he doesn't think he should allow himself the feeling of falling in love.
Not when he has so much at stake - the money he makes from doing this is the only thing keeping his elderly parents healthy and happy. They're his everything. He wants to take care of them the best that he can.
And he tries to control his ever-growing crush by telling himself that he isn't there to be in love with you, he's there to protect you.
But it gets harder with every passing day and night.
Especially on nights like tonight.
And so...
Bodyguard!Sukuna who has his arms folded and sits against the wall across from your door.
When you open your door and just stare at him in your dark purple silk nightgown, his cock stirs in his trousers.
He feels guilt eat at him, because he knows he shouldn't think of you that way.
Think of how his large hands, weathered and worn from helping his father on the farm and continue to be so from countless hours of training to become a knight and now training with Nanami... just how easily his hands could rip that nightgown off of you.
Think of how small you'd look in his arms as he lifted you up into the air, his hands clinging possessively around your bottom as he brought you to your bed.
Think of how gentle he would have to be with you because of his size, how you'd wrap yourself around him and whimper his name as he tried to bring you only pleasure and did his very best to not bring you any pain with his girth.
He exhales slowly as he tries to calm his racing thoughts, and you're still looking at him.
He asks you if you're hungry, because usually when you're awake this late, it's because you barely ate at dinner and you want a snack.
So when you shake your head no, he tells you that you should get back into bed.
Bodyguard!Sukuna who's heart hammers in his chest as you quietly tell him from your doorway that you're having trouble falling asleep.
Bodyguard!Sukuna who sighs when you timidly ask him if he can tell you another story about himself.
Bodyguard!Sukuna who acquiesces to your request.
He knows he should tell you no, he knows he should be adamant in making you try to go back to sleep, but he finds it harder to say no to you each time you ask something silly of him like this.
And he wonders why this is, because he hardly ever shares with anybody else. Everyone else barely knows about his home life, Nanami is probably the one that knows the most about him.
So why is he always so ready to share about his past with you?
Do you use him simply as sleep assistance because you find him boring? This isn't the first time you've asked to hear more about him. He's lost count of the nights now.
Or do you really want to know more about him?
You're a confusing little one.
He lets out a small grunt in pain as he tries to push himself up from the chair against the wall. His training session with Nanami was particularly rough today, and he's feeling it now.
Bodyguard!Sukuna who's heart aches as you rush up to him and ask him if he's hurt, your much smaller hand reaching out and touching his forearm, staying there.
He's just a commoner. You shouldn't be concerned about him like this.
Bodyguard!Sukuna who's heart shatters into a million tiny pieces as you start to get a little teary-eyed, babbling apologies and that you feel terrible for asking him to do something when he's in pain like this.
Bodyguard!Sukuna who shushes you softly, because he knows if anybody sees the two of you like this, it will be bad for the both of you.
One of his large hands comes up and he gently cups the back of your head, assuring you that there's no need to be worried about him, it's only muscle aches and nothing more.
"I'll... I'll stay out here." You tell him, "You won't have to move. I can stay here with you."
"You can't," He smiles softly at you, "What if someone were to see?"
Bodyguard!Sukuna who stiffens when you don't answer him back, because you've already climbed into his lap and put one of his hands over your thighs to make sure he can keep you from falling off.
"Just a little story. And then I'll go to sleep." You promise him.
Bodyguard!Sukuna who looks into your eyes, and he knows he can't tell you no.
"What do you want to know about this time?" He asks, adjusting you so you sit a little better on his lap, one arm is holding your steady around the small of your back and the other rests hesitantly on top of your thighs.
He hopes you can't feel how taut his body is as his mind drifts again briefly to just how much smaller you are in comparison to him.
"Tell me about your father..." You ask him this time, your finger moving in a soothing shapeless pattern against his chest.
And he does.
Bodyguard!Sukuna tells you of how his father never had much to bless him with when he was a young boy, but he still felt like he was.
He tells you of how his father, even though he didn't look like it, had so much knowledge about many things from listening to others when he went to the market to sell their fruits and vegetables. In Sukuna's eyes, he was the smartest man in the world.
One of his fondest memories with him was that once a week, his father would take him outside in the field and lay with him on a scratchy blanket under the stars, and he would point out certain clusters of stars and he would make up tales about everything and anything.
Tales of silly little animal adventures and tales of dragons and armies battling each other and tales of knights falling in love with princesses.
Tales of knights falling in love with princesses...
Bodyguard!Sukuna pauses in his story and glances down at you to see if you've heard him repeat himself.
But you're already fast asleep, your head resting against his chest.
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kaizokuwritings · 3 years
Hi, Meli! Congrats for the milestone! I'm happy my little nonsense could inspire you 😍 May I request some spice with either Law, Luffy or Zoro and submissive reader? Prompt sixteen 😳 Thank you, I hope it's okay!
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note: hi Basi! i hope you are well <3 i also hope you like this writing and that it has met your expectations ! warning: ≀ n.sfw, minors dni ≀ cum on body, dirty talk, zoro is possessive, the reader is submissive. word count: 0.4k+
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The atmosphere in the room couldn't be more explicit. Between your moans, Zoro's occasional grunts and the sounds of his balls throbbing against your skin, anyone passing by the cabin would understand the nature of your activity.
Zoro had his eyes closed, his hands resting on your loins as he thrust hard into you. He had kept his eyes open all along, looking at your ass, your form, your neck, detailing every part of you with appreciation. But now the pleasure was too strong, too intense, and Zoro wanted to focus on both of your orgasms.
One of his hands flew to your hair, pulling it back, allowing Zoro to come and whisper in your ear. “Say my name, baby.” A cry came from your throat, a cry of pleasure and pain. Despite all the pleasure that was overwhelming you at that moment, your mouth began to call out your boyfriend's name. Again and again.
Zoro's hand was still tightly wrapped around your hair, he pulled it again “Harder, (Name), I know you can do harder”. Obeying the swordsman's request, you shouted his name, with such love and pleasure that Zoro felt it in his bones. Grunting, he let go of your hair and placed his hands just above your buttocks.
He accelerated his thrusts, feeling his climax coming closer. His cock pumped in and out of your pussy, facilitated by your excitement. He was hitting such a sweet spot deep inside you that black dots were dancing before your eyes. Your hands clutched at what you could, your moans getting louder as Zoro's cock pounded into you.
Soon your pussy tightened around Zoro's cock and the orgasm washed over you like a great wave, drowning you in unstoppable pleasure. Your legs were shaking, and Zoro gave a big hip thrust before pulling out of you. He pumped his cock a few times frantically before releasing himself in the hollows of your loins.
He didn't hold back his moan at the sight of his cum staining your skin. You shuddered at the feel of the liquid on your skin but your joy couldn't have been greater. As much as you loved it when Zoro came deep inside you, feeling his orgasm directly on you was just as good.
Your boyfriend stood mesmerized by the sight for a moment, and he regretted having to get up, detach himself from you and help you clean up the mess. Before leaving, he left a small bite on your shoulder before growling in your ear “Mine”.
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tag list 🌶 : @decayz @pirate-shrimpi @chloe-nanami @doctorgerth @ochizokulevy @zoromilli
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avilexce · 3 years
hi hello! can you write danganronpa 2 girls cuddling hcs? thank you so much!
of course, love!
there are spoilers for the trial of chapter 2 (in pekos hcs)
mikan tsumiki
she would be flustered the whole entire time i swear
she would be the little spoon and she would always ask if your comfortable
“a-are you sure you wanna c-cuddle with me?”
she’s so cute
she would be so happy if you told her you love her
please please PLEASE tell her how much you mean to her
mikan wouldn’t talk very much.. but she loves hearing you talk while you two cuddle!! it comforts her ^o^
if you ever offer to cuddle with her after hiyoko had been pretty harsh on her that day
she’ll get so flustered
please tell her you care about her and that you don’t mind cuddling with her
hiyoko saionji
okay so hiyoko trusts you as much as she trusts mahiru!!
so she is very uh... clingy?? not clingy but... clingy
she likes cuddling with you after a dance show/competition
she likes being the little spoon
i wouldn’t say she gets super flustered like mikan.. she would definitely get a bit flustered tho!
she loves cuddling after taking a shower/bath, idk why but she just does...
if you guys are cuddling face to face she’ll wear her hair down
ibuki mioda
she can’t do it very long if it’s during the day, since she’s pretty energetic
but if it’s at night she can cuddle for however long you want!!
she likes face to face cuddling...
if you’re taller than her, she likes resting her head on your chest
if you’re shorter, she likes to when you rest your head on her chest
BUT if you guys decide to spoon while you cuddle she likes being the big spoon! it makes her feel as if she’s protecting you
again, if it’s during the day she’s pretty loud.. make sure her mouth isn’t near your ears...
if it’s at night she usually talks in a softer voice, but it’s still sorta loud
she definitely brags about it the next day
she loves you so much
if she’s feeling playful she’ll tickle you a bit if it’s not too late
sonia nevermind
sonia is so sweet pls
after you two cuddle for the first time, she would love to do it again!
but she most likely wouldn’t cuddle with you when in public, because she’s the ultimate princess and there are definitely some jealous fans that would fight for her
she loves cuddling after a long day of being a princess
imagine sonia becoming queen of her kingdom...
so we all know about her obsession with serial killers, right?
if you’re scared of them she’ll tell you about the not so scary ones, or the ones that are locked up so you don’t get scared!
if you’re not scared of them then she’ll tell you about the ones that haven’t been locked up!! like genocide jack, etc.
she doesn’t mind being the big or little spoon, but if kazuichi was a bit more weird towards her than normal please let her be the little spoon
she prefers to cuddle face to face tho, mainly because she likes being able to see your face!
overall sonia is a great gf who loves cuddling with you
akane owari
akane bae...
she’s not the biggest fan of cuddling? just bc she prefers to train in that time
she’s fine with cuddling if it’s late at night!! but she isn’t the biggest fan of cuddling during the day
but there are some occasions where she will cuddle with you during daytime... like if she was training with nekomaru and he was really rough on her
she’s the big spoon if you two are spooning
if your cuddling face to she likes to talk to you about random things.. like her love for food!!
also she will want to watch while you two cuddle, keep that in mind.
like ibuki, she’s very energetic, and so she usually can’t cuddle very long during the day
if your shorter than her expect head pats a lot
mahiru koizumi
mahiru loves cuddling sm omg
she prefers face to face cuddling!!
but if you two are spooning she’ll probably end up being the big spoon
if you guys are cuddling face to face, she loves leaving kisses on the top of your head
if you guys are spooning, she’ll hold one of your hands
if you fall asleep while cuddling, she might get out of bed and take a photo of you
when you wake up, she’ll ask you if you’re okay with her keeping the photo
if not, she won’t do it again and she’ll throw it away
i feel like the only person mahiru would be okay with seeing you guys cuddle would be hiyoko
obviously if the class is having a sleepover or something then mahiru is okay with it, if you two are about to go to bed
chiaki nanami
i personally think chiaki would love cuddling!!
especially since she stays up late playing video games, you cuddling with her is a bit of a reminder she needs to sleep!
you’re probably gonna have to be the big spoon most of the time, because she’ll usually be playing video games
she will put them down... eventually to talk to you though!
personally i think she would only cuddle with you face to face if she wasn’t playing video games, and if she was sleepy from playing them all day
she usually cuddles at night with you, because that’s when she’s a bit more tired
and that’s also when she decides to stop playing video games for a bit so you two could sleep
she loves it when you play with her hair when she’s about to fall asleep
she prefers to have music on while you two cuddle, but no music is fine too!
she would probably rant to you about the game she’s playing
ugh shes so sweet i love her sm
peko pekoyama
peko is touch starved. there’s no doubt in my mind she’s not
naturally she’s going to be the big spoon, since she’s the ultimate swordsman and stuff...
and cause shes hot
we all know that she wears braids...
and she likes it when you take out her braids while cuddling
she does like cuddling face to face!!
if you are cuddling face to face and you want to sleep, she’ll put you’re head in her chest, doesn’t matter your height
obviously she doesn’t have much time to cuddle bc yk.. fuyuhiko and stuff
but fuyuhiko secretly loves your relationship with her and is happy that she found someone she loves
so he will let her take off a bit of time to spend time with you... even if that time is cuddling
obviously she won’t cuddle with you in front of others... maybe fuyuhiko? but if it’s anyone besides that she won’t
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anonymouslyangsty · 3 years
Do you have any fic recommendations?
You freaking BET I do.
One Personal Favor by ChasML. It is my absolute favorite DR fic and I will ALWAYS recomend it. Character development! Taka interacting with characters other than Mondo! High quality Ishimondo!! It’s my favorite and I adore it. (basically it’s Taka’s HP life before the whole despair thing)
We’ll Go Foward and Beyond by Striker_of_Chords. A fantasy au fic with Ishimondo, the Leon, Chi, Taka, Mondo friendship, AND an intresting plot? Yessss. I adore this
Chinchillasinunison Not even a specific work, just all their stuff. Yep. Everytime they upload a DR fic my heart implodes with joy. If I HAD to recomend a specific fic, I’d say their hypnosis series, starting with The Eyes Have It. It is the softest, most wholesome fic I’ve ever read. I might’ve cried, but you can’t prove that. 
Brotherly Love by AutisticDeku. The au where Hiro and Taka are stepbrothers is my favorite au and you can pull it from my cold, dead hands. 
Hold On-Ishimondo by ishimondoz4zrealz. (Warning PLEASE read the tags on this one before going in). I just love some dark fics sometimes, you know? And it’s really well written. And I just love it. So yeah. (Taka has a...very bad time with bullies in a non despair au)
Send Message? by listlesszo. This fic walked into my house, shot me on sight, and left me thinking about it for MONTHS. It’s real short, but GOSH does it leave an impact. (Ishimondo but very sad)
a question of trust by Seraf. Basically, “au where people listened to Taka in ch2 instead of just running off”. Taka has good ideas sometimes y’all. 
Beyond Despair by Barely_Vibing. Y’ALL. I love this fic. Action, mystery, Taka not being dead! I just love it when characters are forced to work together towards a common goal. (Basically “jokes on y’all nobody’s dead, welcome to a second death game)
Dogs Rule the Night by Coca_Cat. Talentswap au where Taka’s the Ultimate Swordsman and Mondo the Ultimate Yakuza? Yes please and thank you
Hey Hey! The Nanami Experiment by ultimateslothiraptor. With a title like that I bet you’re thinking “finally, a fic that doesn’t involve Taka. Jokes on YOU, I love it because the Chiaki Taka friendship is so wholesome and I could cry. (Chiaki gets thrown into the DR1 death game.)
Jealousy by chinateacup. Just some good old fashioned Ishimondo get together fic.
KIYOTAKA ISHIMARU: ACE ATTORNEY by SuperDuperStarry. Basically Danganrompa, but it’s also Ace Attorney. So Taka and Mondo get to be lawyers together and it’s cute.
pigeon by kiyotakas. Au where Taka doesn’t die in ch3 (as it should be), with bonus Taka friendships because he deserves them
Punishment Time! by SmallBitOfDespair. Look. The idea of a murderswap au (victims kill their canon killers) is so freaking intresting to me and there’s almost NO content for it. So of course I like this fic. 
Table For Three by SteampunkSilver. Kiyotaka x Mondo x Leon. What more do I need to say? Also Never Knew I Needed You from the same author, because I love non despair fics that take the kids outside of school.
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novellenight · 3 years
Hii I have couple of questions for you so hope you don't mind! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ♡
1) What gojohime moment made you think "lol hello a new ship"?
2) Is Gojo aware of how his behavior affects others?
3) How do you think Utahime's cursed technique works? It's related to singing but still, how do you think it works?
4) When they go out together (Shoko, Utahime, Mei Mei, Yuki, Gojo, Nanami, Kusakabe and Kiyotaka) what are they likely to do at karaoke night?
5) Gojo sees Utahime grumpy most of the time so when he saw her happy and enthusiastic ab baseball game what was his reaction?
6) There's audio drama where Gojo goes to maid cafe which is probably 18+ rated bc Yuji got embarrassed when he read the sign. Now imagine Utahime finding him leaving at the doors. Her reaction?
7) Do you think Utahime ever helped 'babysitting' Megumi and Tsumiki but the kids don't remember? This day gojohime parenting dynamic evolved. How are they functioning as a 'family'?
8) Geto, Shoko, Gojo and Utahime play party games. Of course Geto is the one who knows Gojo the most since they're best friends but how is Utahime doing when it comes to knowing him and vice versa? Bc if they notice things about each other that no one else does they'd probably get teased for it. 😂
9) Was Gojo ever jealous of Kusakabe and Utahime being friendly?
10) Your opinion- does Gojo sleep around or is he secretly a virgin? 🙈
11) If there's a reason for both of them getting angry at each other (yea even Gojo which is hard to imagine) what would it be?
12) Gojo thought beforehand "We never know what might be listening around Utahime, after all. I don't want to think about one of the students being the traitor. This is such a pain." and Utahime cares a lot ab her students, she sounded like such a mom in ep21 haha "For now, let's be glad our students are safe." 🥰 But yea, turns out Mechamaru was the traitor. She must have felt rly bad yk. So what do you think? Did Gojo comfort her in a way?
13) Your theory- how did Utahime get her scar?
14) Do Shoko and Utahime talk ab boys at sleepovers? 👀
15) Yk, it would be rly hypocritical if Gojo slept around while Utahime became let's say 'closer' to Kusakabe for instance and Gojo became jealous bc he doesn't have any right to meddle in other people's business. What would he do to prove that he's better? Would he give up on something? Would he be able to change for her?
1) When I saw a manga panel of them and an artist’s drawing of Gojo touching Uta’s scar. I still remember it vividly until today, and now look where I am. :) 
2.) According to Gege, no. But according to me, he knows but does not awknowledged it. Gojo afterall grew up for himself as the strongest, so it might be hard for him to empathize in some stuff like Yuji does. 3.) I imagine she can summon contracted shaman spirits when she preforms miko ceremonies with her singing. There’s a lot of theory in this, but I would like to think she’s good in sealing techniques. She uses performs ceremonies to trap curses and finish them off with her voice. It’s a mixture of Toge’s CT and shaman ceremonies for exorcism.  4.) The ones who drinks tries to get themselve drunk because of Gojo. Gojo would probably do that with a parfait in hand. Lucky paintbrush.  5.) He’s in love and tries to keep that goofy smile of his but fails. 6.) Utahime would probably pretend that she doesn’t know him. She’s mature, so maybe she’ll not judge him, its his life. But it doesn’t stop fanfictions of her getting slightly hurt and jealous, heheheh.  7.) Utahime is mom, Gojo is brat 1, and the kids are angels. As much as Gojo tries to become a ‘father’ he ends up as the real baby. Tsumiki is close to both of them and finds Gojo funny, while Megumi favors Utahime more. I love this family trope.  8.) Utahime would wing everything about Gojo being annoying. However, she’ll also be suprised from time to time with new information of Gojo. It shows that he’s also still human despite his ‘god-like facade’ and she appreciates that. He’s still a jerk tho.  9.) Why do you think Kusakabe was in the Tokyo School in the first place? It’s because Gojo refuses to let him come near Utahime. So Gojo is stuck with the swordsman and annoys him daily to keep an eye on him. XD 10.) According to some Gege said he’s a manwhore. But there are also diferrent ways how to interpret the translations. For me, he can be both either way. BUT I KNOW UTAHIME WILL BE HIS LAST AND INFINTY.  11.) Gojo not being able to protect Utahime. While Utahime believes she doesn’t need his help.  12.) Maybe he did. It’s normal in their line of work to be betrayed, and I think Utahime already steeled her heart and Gojo’s aware of it. She’s a sorcerer for a long time now, and  it means, she’s also crazy in some way. Her menatlity is just that strong. Cue the Train Scene of her being professional.  13.) When she was going to be promoted as a grade one sorcerer.  14.) Interesting... They’d talk about men but ends up complaining about Gojo (just Uta while Shoko half-listens and remembers Geto). 15.) Is this going to  be a fic? Lol, Gojo in some way is hyprocital. Everyone is. He can change if he wants to, starting by make amends and trying to act as just “Satoru Gojo”, not with all those strongest speech of his. Once Utahime would notice this (she does already) and the rest, you can say he’s changed for the better. BUT IMAGINE THE DRAMA IN A FIC ABOUT THIS. HAHAHAHAH  Thank you for asking, I loved answering this hehehe. I hope you got the answers you want to hear. <3
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
PLS PLS LIST THE SWAPS!! TELL ME ABOUT THE SIBLINGS AND ALSO HIFUMI BECAUSE I LOVE HIM (IF YOU WANT!) I will also send more questions in the morning too, excited to see what you’ve been working on!!
OK OK OK !!!!! AHH! So, before assigning talents, I swapped the pools, so for the first game, I use the talents from the second game, and vis versa! For some i listed gender, sexuality, or neurodivergencies, though this isn’t all of them, and I haven’t developed them all to the same level!
This is SO long. I didn’t even bother mentioning things like my plans for the killing games. (I have DR1 planned out in full, but only parts of DR2 and the v3 anime)
Trigger Happy Havoc (first game)
Kyoko Kirigiri- Ultimate Luckster- Mastermind (: Sometimes lesbians can be evil okay! was trained as a detective like everyone in her family and didn’t get the ultimate :) she’s definitely not mad about that :) her luck cycle depends on how far she plans things ahead. her good luck is when she’s spontaneous! She hates when ‘normal’ people are accepted by ultimates.
Makoto Naegi- Photographer (Mostly wildlife and nature photography, with Sayaka helping him for some animal photography (: trans and bi <3 One of sayaka’s birds nests in his hair like all the time)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru- Ultimate Swordsman (AUTISTIC ICON, has trained in kendo since he was a kid, then was essentially given away to the Fujisaki clan by his very stressed dad. Semiverbal, rarely speaks.)
Chihiro Fujisaki- Ultimate Yakuza (Taka is her bodyguard! His family is in debt to hers, the Fujisaki clan is the most powerful in Japan. trans icon, of course, dates Sayaka! Very direct, though she’s far more delicate and polite when talking to taka, her best friend)
Sakura Oogami- Ultimate Nurse (Works as an EMT- her clan still is in martial arts, so she’s still very buff, she assists in injuries at the family dojo. Autistic Icon)
Asahina Aoi- Ultimate Gamer (ULTIMATE ADHD. streams and has a ton of fun, will ramble while breaking records, demigirl who loves her girlfriend sakura :)
Mukuro Ikusaba- Ultimate Chef (Works best with ‘cheap’ food, and making them taste good. a byproduct of growing up on the streets with junko, and junko being bored of the same old food they dug out of the trash. now works closely with junko for her teams’ nutritional needs! autistic and sapphic.)
Junko Enoshima- Ultimate Team Manager (there are SO many sports she can never get bored, and the professional scene is always changing! prefers coaching womens’ teams, because being an ultimate brings them more publicity and usually higher pay :)
Mondo Oowada- Ultimate Prince (OH MY BOY. trans adhd icon. now the crown prince of Novoselic, with a reagent in his place until he comes of age. His service dog Chuck is a maltese and an absolute sweetheart. Chihiro takes him under her wing to teach leadership. also dates taka later OF COURSE, though they’re poly and I may add more ppl to their relationship later.)
Celestia Ludenburg- Ultimate Musician (specializes in violin, most strings, though she can play any instrument. grew up poor, dedicated herself to an instrument and persona to cope)
Byakuya Togami- Ultimate Musician (Yep. two musicians. two catty trans gay icons about to throw down. they HATE each other and grew up as rivals. specialize in classical, they literally tore a professional orchestra full of grown adults apart trying to make them side with who was the best musician. they’re so good that they’re matched, and Hope’s Peak accepts them as one student and combined ultimate. they room together. they fight. Literally if one of them gets expelled, the other does too, so they’re STUCK. eventually they become literally inseparable and insufferable together like the WORST siblings. I love them.)
Sayaka Maizono- Breeder (animal handler) (Specializes in birds!!!!!! has songbirds on her shoulders all the time. will give unsettling animal facts without realizing they’re unsettling. sends her songbirds to serenade chihiro when they start dating <3)
Yasuhiro Hagakure- Gymnast (you see this tall goof who acts like an older brother to everyone and wonder HOW he’s a gymnast. he’s completely different in competitions, though still lighthearted. becomes a big brother figure to mukuro and junko especially <3 also trans bc i say so.)
Leon Kuwata- Traditional Dancer (he just. kinda hates it. it takes SO much work and effort but he takes to it naturally. his cousin kanon is NOT like in canon, instead she’s helpful. he’d literally rather be doing anything else. doesn’t know how to do anything like... basic either. can’t cook. cant do his own laundry. everything was dedicated to traditional japanese dancing before he attended HPA.)
Toko Fukawa- Engineer (writes schematics and is very good at it. gets VERY upset when her plans go wrong. her notes are orderly and perfect. host for their system!)
Syo- Mechanic (a factive of genocider syo, NOT an actual killer. she’s a protector mainly, and also is more adept at hands on skills when it comes to fixing things, her hands are less shaky. Her notes are a disaster and she does it to spite Toko.)
Hifumi Yamada- (???) (reserve course) Protagonist! My BOY. HIFUMI IS GOOD OKAY. He’s autistic and loves anime and gaming! he’s not particularly ultimate-leveled at them, or anything else! Attending Hope’s Peak as a reserve course student! At one point he joins the student council as a reserve course representative even if he’s only a freshman :) He’s also a moderator in Hina’s livestream chat, under the username of JusticeHammer, fastest ban hammer this side of the internet. He's internet friends with hina and sakura, and doesn’t realize Oh We Go To the same SCHOOL until he bumps into them. and realizes hina doesnt know what he looks like. but sakura does. its hilarious. he’s aroace, and during the year they’re locked in HPA, is in a queer platonic partnership with Hina and Sakura, while they’re dating each other. it’s great.)
Goodbye Despair! (second game)
Peko Pekoyama- Lucky student (ohohoh. her luck relies on her conviction. if she has doubts her bad luck strikes HARD. trans!, was taken in by Fuyuhiko’s family when she was a baby, grew up as just another kid in the family. They all expected Fuyu to go off to HPA on his own and then BOOM acceptance letter)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu- Programmer (He. gets so angry while coding. He has an array of rubber ducks to talk to and work through his coding issues with. trans of course. Very protective of Peko when people say she doesn’t have a ‘real’ ultimate. ADHD and Autistic)
Sonia Nevermind- Writer (Literary Girl) (Her family immigrated to Japan when she was young! She writes a lot of serial killer novels, murder mysteries and horror and all that! Trans and bi :)
Gundham Tanaka- Detective (YEAH my guy is a detective. still talks Like That. Trans and bi and he and Sonia were kinda-dating (t4t autistic power couple in the making) when things started happening. He spends some time with his cool older sister who he looks up to a LOT. He and Sonia talk through things together a lot, they both have those red string walls, one for murder cases, another for a fictional plot lmao.)
Mahiru Koizumi- Moral Compass (my GIRL. autistic. Her morals rely a lot on people taking responsibility and being reliable, and she ends up having to work through some biases she didn’t realize she had when she arrived at HPA. Is still protective of Hiyoko, though that protectiveness is spread a bit thinner to extend to the rest of the class.)
Hiyoko Saionji- Clairvoyant!!! (HI YES I COULD TALK ABOUT HER FOR DAYS. Has actual visions in dreams and when she suddenly faints, but doesn’t really realize they’re uhh Real Visions for a WHILE. uses her status as an ultimate clairvoyant to trick and bully kids when in school for a LONG time, though her homelife wasn’t great with her grandmother trying to find ways to make her visions more consistent. SHES ALSO 12 WHEN SHE JOINS THE 77TH CLASS. she’s just so advanced in academics and her ultimate is so interesting hope’s peak cant HELP but scout her early. she has SO many issues guys no one appreciates hiyoko enough, autistic gifted kid hiyoko my beloved.)
Akane Owari- Gambler (started gambling to help out her family and Got Good at it. is very very conscious of money and food like all the time. Runs the hope’s peak betting pools once she arrives. these ultimates bet on a lot of things. she ALWAYS wins. until she doesnt!!!)
Mikan Tsumiki- Martial Artist (ohhhh Mikan. Still anxious and clumsy (though not like THAT in canon) and literally no one looks at her and thinks Oh The ULTIMATE martial artist?? it isn’t until you see her in the ring that you understand. She started learning self defense as a kid because her (bad) parents essentially said she had to rely on and protect herself and no one else would help.)
Kazuichi Souda- Pop Idol (OH TRANS ICON? he’s nervous and paranoid about Everything still, though now it’s like. oh the entire world is always watching my every move this is Okay (: has the brightest neon album eras. he literally keeps up a like. weird chad persona when interacting with people because he’s masking how hard he’s constantly just internally screaming.)
Nagito Komaeda- Soldier (AHAHAH my mans got issues problems disorder he’s a messssss, this trans guy, this absolute gay. this boy leveled a city of thousands of people with his own hands and some bombs. Still has medical issues, but most of his like. treatments and medicine is hold hostage as long as he stays in line. believes the ends justify the means and anyone who dies to him is obviously weak, because look at him! he’s weak, but that doesn’t matter because he doesn’t have to be the strongest, he just has to be stronger than the weakest scum.)
Chiaki Nanami- Heir (OOF. Agender, uses any pronouns. Doesn’t really. enjoy being the heir. grew up with Byakuya in the same circles. she treats the economy and stock market and stuff like games. enjoys gaming but isn’t good at them. collects so many things. has halls full of collections. Her parents stopped controlling her once she was able to prove she had more money than them and could literally bankrupt them if she wanted.)
Hajime Hinata- Baseball Star (Chiaki’s best friend, his family was upper middle class until he hit it BIG as a baseball star. wants to do BIG things and wants to attend hope’s peak more than anything!! Doesn’t really think of baseball as his THING, just a means to an end! trans :)
Teruteru Hanamura- Biker Gang Leader (started with shaking down some jerks who didn’t pay their food and drink tabs at his mama’s restaurant. now he RUNS their tiny town. His siblings are essentially gang mascots, he works hard to keep them out of trouble (while bringing them to like. meetings where he ends up beating a dude almost to death. its fine). most of what he does it to get more money to keep the restaurant afloat and care for his mama with her health conditions.)
Nekomaru Nidai- Fashionista (the drama. the CHAOS. most people are like ohhh we can never understand this artistic genius when he’s literally just. vibing and has ADHD and a love for coffee. Works a lot on accessible clothing lines for disabled people! Also he and Kazuichi work together sometimes, Nekomaru is good at calming Kaz down and seeing like, the root of whatever problem and making it better. ALSO A TRANS ICON and just flaunts it.)
Imposter- In the hope’s peak days they are impersonating Ryota Mitarai, as a part of the 77th class. In the Killing Game they impersonate Mondo Oowada as the Ultimate Prince. They’re doin’ their best.
Ibuki Mioda- (???) (Izuru Kamakura) Protagonist! Gundham Tanaka’s older sister (though they’re in the same school year). Nonbinary and using just. an array of pronouns alongside she/her, and jokingly fights with gundham for neopronouns like MOM said it’s MY TURN on the rawrself pronouns. She attends the reserve course to stay at her brother’s side. She dresses loudly and acts even louder because !!! she wants to stand out!! in the middle of this drab reserve course hell!!  but when things go down, she wants to be someone, to be worthy of being her amazing brother’s big sister. so she accepts some offers.
Ryota Mitarai- Ultimate Analyst (stays in his room. He’s terrified of the outside world but fascinated by it. watches hope’s peak academy through security feeds, picking up on little details. he just wants to understand things but never looks at the big picture.)
Chisa Yukizome- Ultimate Boxer (Homeroom teacher!! She’s working really hard and believes in everyone! Some are intimidated by talent, but she’s never hurt anyone outside of the ring! Dating Kyosuke)
Juzo Sakakura- Ultimate Student Council President (Has anger issues, though his work at reigning them in assisted in becoming an Ultimate. Was responsible for security and the Hope’s Peak student council. Dating Kyosuke)
Kyosuke Munakata- Ultimate Housekeeper (Meticulous, works himself to the BONE even if he’s good enough to not have to do that. Is working on establishing another Hope’s Peak! Dating Chisa and Jozu!!!)
Seiko Kimura- Ultimate Blacksmith (GIVE MY GIRL KNIVES!! She’s an anxious gal, always wearing a facemask that filters the air in her forge because she has some respiratory problems. she prefers making more decorative pieces like an artist, but sometimes can create utilitarian pieces or tools to fit specific needs. Still a doormat)
Ruruka Ando- Ultimate Pharmacist (She constantly asks Seiko for new tools for her developments in medicine, saying its all for the advancement of humanity, so Seiko denying any request is SELFISH, though she never thinks to make anything for seiko’s health issues. Dating Izayoi. Specializes in medicine for mental health. Not Doing Great :)
Sonosuke Izayoi- Ultimate Confectioner (He loves sweets. LOVES them. Creates things that look plain, ordinary. but taste so GOOD you CRY and maybe ascend for a little bit. sometimes Ando makes cool new drugs to put in the sweets, who knows! It’s a mystery! He always has like. a huge refrigerated case of fresh cakes, and constantly has a lollipop in his own specialty recipe in his mouth.)
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taiyami · 3 years
I think we all agree when we say that any has some of the greatest characters with amazing back stories and usually I agree with you on HTC and stuff but I really do think Muichiro is the least likable hashira. But only was he a bit of an ass as the beginning when introduced he continued to be an ass almost till the end of the manga where they told his back story. Now you may say "rival you're being a hypocrite almost all the hashiras were asses till their story was explained".
To which I'd like to ask how many hashiras were asses to the common folk they wanted to protect...ONLY muichiro! Sanemi even never was an ass to kids or the swords makers and members of the corps. I know that guy is like twelve and he doesnt understand that him breaking a thousand year old fighting practice dummy molded after a godlike swordsman is bad...but it doesnt mean he should get away with it. I on the contrary would state that people who are Nanami biases or Mitsuri biases are the trustworthy ones.
Then again I absolutely love Nanami and Mitsuri (lmao she's the profile picture on my tumblr acc) but that's not the point I just cant get Muichiro and will not apologize for this slander i have written in his name. I tell only the truth and the truth is the only good boy assholes I know and acknowledge are bakugo, sanemi and tsukishima. Fite me ~💀
Now these are some FIGHTING words /j
Tokito can't help it ok, being an asshole is in his bloodline and he's also 14. Have you ever met a 14 year old? I was a MASSIVE dick as a 14 year old and I have a 13 year old sister who is undeniably a dick to me as well Muichiro, unlike Bakugou, isn't actively malicious tho. Like he just isn't interested in expressing empathy because being empathetic in that kind of work is EXHAUSTING. Are ANY of the hashira empathetic? I would say MAYBE Mitsuri, but even then, the woman didn't even CRY when Rengoku died. The reason I trust people who say Tokito is their favorite hashira is because they aren't swayed by attractiveness or tropes that are typically used to insight empathy from the reader. His personality immediately rings "emotional burn out apathy" bells for me. In spite of this, he still learns to build relationships and care about people. He's still a literal child, and honestly deserves WAY more sympathy than Sanemi (who is a 21 y/o and a grown ass man who still acts like a hormonal teenager). People who say Sanemi is their favorite (aka me <3) are corrupted by his tits and I say that with truth in my heart.
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k1ng-for-a-day · 4 years
DBD Headcannons #4: What Danganronpa character/ultimate would they have or be?
This is definitely going to be the weirdest thing I’ll do, but honestly I’m fucking stoked about this. I love Danganronpa immensely and I have my own little things for it. Alright here we go... (I have also excluded some characters since I didn’t know who would fit them). (Also ask boxes are opened).
❤️Dwight Fairfield: Makoto Naegi. That’s it. That’s all I can say. If I had to choose his ultimate than it would definitely be ultimate leader. However, it would be different from kokichi’s ultimate since he isn’t “evil” as you would say.
❤️Meg Thomas: Meg is definitely Akane Owari due to her ability to run. Additionally she’s very athletic, and I can definitely see her as this character. She would definitely be the ultimate runner.
❤️Claudette Morel: Surprising enough, Caudette’s character was the most difficult to find. The main reason for this is due to the people who have the ultimate, or the substitute character for the person. In Danganronpa there is an ultimate botanist, but he isn’t what I would assign Claudette. I would also assign her with Mikan, but I feel like they aren’t really similar. Instead I have nothing. Her ultimate is super high school level botanist.
❤️Jake Park: He would deadass be Rantaro. They are so immensely similar that I can’t see anyone else fitting this role. He would also be the ultimate... adventurer..? I’m not too sure. Does anyone have any better suggestions?
❤️Nea Karlsson: Nea definitely has those Ibuki and Maki vibes, however ima go with Ibuki on this one. Both of them have this very grudge, alternative aesthetic that kind of creates an interesting mood. She would probably the ultimate rebel or adventure. Again I’m not sure.
❤️Ace Visconti: Celeste Ludenberg. He’s a gambler after all, and they definitely have similar traits. Both of them are usually in it for the money, and don’t think twice about their actions. And he would be the ultimate gambler,
❤️Feng Min: Chiaki Nanami and ultimate gamer. Are there any questions?
❤️Kate Denson: Kate Denson is definitely the living embodiment of Kaede Akamatsu. Her personality is to become a sort of musician, which is what Kaede tries to do. She is also very calm, nice, and such towards other people as well. She would definitely be the ultimate guitarist.
❤️Adam Francis: Honestly Adam has those Shuichi vibes and I’m all for it. Though he enjoys writing literature like Toko, I can’t imagine him switching from calm to insane when he sees blood. It just doesn’t make any sense to me y’know? Hence we I chose Shuichi instead. He would definitely be the ultimate writer.
❤️Jane Romero: Jane would definitely be Junko before she was revealed as the ultimate despair. She is definitely a fashionista type person, and can be very diva-ish at times. She would be the ultimate actress.
❤️Yui Kimara: Yuri would DEFINITELY be Tenko. The stalker she faced somewhat scared her to the point she didn’t enjoy men much at all. She doesn’t completely hate them, but it made her feel more terrified. Her ultimate would probably be the ultimate survivor due to her backstory. Not because I love her a lot, (even though I do).
❤️Zarina Kassir: Due to Zarina’s calm nature, I feel like she’s similar to Maki and Kyoko in a sense. Mainly leaning towards Maki. She would be the ultimate analyst.
❤️Felix Richter: Byakuya Togami. Ultimate technician. Need 👏 I 👏 say 👏 more 👏
❤️Cheryl Manson: Weirdly enough, Cheryl gives me these Himiko vibes. She is sweet, innocent, and can be naive at times. She is kind of pure too. She would probably be the ultimate lucky student or ultimate hope.
❤️David Tapp: I know I said his name again, but Shuichi definitely fits in with David Tapp as well. And he would obviously be the ultimate detective.
❤️Quentin Smith: While I was looking through the survivor list and characters, I wanted to see who would fit Quentin the most. Then it hit me. Seiko Kimura. Hear me out: they both have some sort of familiarity with pharmacy and they both kind of focus on healing. With both of these components in mind, it made it easy for me to realize Seiko would definitely fit this state. And Quentin would be the ultimate insomniac.
❤️Laurie Strode: Laurie is definitely Kyoko Kirigiri. She has this detective nature about her that can simply figure out something within seconds. Additionally she acts very calm, and is somewhat hard to track down. She would be the ultimate survivor.
❤️Élodie Rakoto: Like Claudette, finding Élodie’s character was difficult. She would definitely be the ultimate explorer, but the character was difficult to find. I still have no clue who would fit her spot.
🖤The Trapper🖤: The trapper is really fucking basic. If I had to choose, he would be Monokuma. He would definitely be the ultimate lucky student.
🖤The Hillbilly🖤: I probably shouldn’t reuse characters, but Jantaro definitely fits the Hillbilly. For one both of their parents hated their looks, and they were kept away from them due to this form. For his ultimate, he would be the super high school level farmer.
🖤The Nurse🖤: Mikan obviously. She would also be the ultimate nurse lmaoooo.
🖤The Shape🖤: Michael would be the ENBODIMENT OF KOKICHI. Or Nagito. Basically they are both immensely insane, and have their own way of getting what they want. However, Michael is a killer unlike them, so he’d be the ultimate killer.
🖤The Huntress🖤: I feel like the huntress fits Chihiro a lot due to their somewhat feminine features. Additionally they both are somewhat childish and naive since one of them hasn’t grown up yet. I also get a small hint of Himiko as well. She would be the ultimate child caretaker.
🖤The Cannibal🖤: Gonta Gokuhara and ultimate cannibal. That’s all.
🖤The Nightmare🖤: Freddy... Ahh Freddy Krueger... I feel like Freddy would be the ultimate nightmare, obviously, but his character would be Tsumugi. I know it’s just ultimately stupid, no pun intended, considering she’s the ultimate cosplayer. HOWEVER, she is also Junko Enoshima in disguise. To elaborate further, Freddy manipulates your dreams into think it is going to be a simple, wholesome dream, but it becomes your worst nightmare quickly. He’s so filled with despair to the point fear fuels him. He definitely suits this, and will cause the most despair inducing incident on all of man kind! I went a bit far huh...? Sorry-
🖤The Pig🖤: The pig would definitely be Toko Fukawa/Genocide Jack. I say this due to how she may seem nice, soft, gentle at first, but once in full force she’ll gut you till your end. I just love a small contrast between characters such as these due to how they can easily commit anything, and you wouldn’t notice. She would definitely be the ultimate despair. Her code ultimate would be the ultimate puzzle breaker.
🖤The Clown🖤: I was gonna say Kokichi Oma for this one, but Teruteru fits the spot much more. Definitely the ultimate clown.
🖤The Spirit🖤: Rin would definitely be Kirumi. They both are very intelligent, and attempt to do things perfectly in order to satisfy others. She would be the ultimate envy though.
🖤The Legion🖤: The legion are obviously the warriors of hope, (excluding Monaca because she’s awful and we hate her 🤩). For each character, however, Joey would be Masaru, Frank would be Nagisa, Susie would be Kotoko, and Julie would be Jantaro. For their ultimate, they would be the ultimate assassin club.
🖤Ghost Face🖤: This one is kinda difficult to decide.... it’s either Kokichi or Nagito Komeada... fuck it Nagito it is. And Danny would be the ultimate photographer.
🖤The Oni🖤: Peko Pekoyama. Ultimate swordsman/katana wielder. Need I say more?
🖤The Twins🖤: Call me crazy on this one, but they would be the despair sisters. That’s right, Murkuro and Junko Enoshima are these twos components. I had no other choice tbh. Their ultimates would be the ultimate siblings.
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hoshigomi · 6 years
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Disclaimer: I can’t call this a review. I don’t really speak Japanese, and what I understand is sort of limited, so I don’t think it’s fair for me to put my thoughts and opinions out as a REVIEW. I absolutely did not grasp the entirety of this show and will not pretend I did.  I’m just someone who really loves Takarazuka, knows some Japanese, loves Hoshigumi more than air, is enthralled with Thunderbolt Fantasy as a show in and of itself, and was privileged enough to see this production four times. Here is a (very long) collection of thoughts!
This entire experience was a blast from start to finish.  When Thunderbolt Fantasy was announced as Hoshigumi’s tour show, I think a lot of us were rightfully CAUTIOUSLY CURIOUS about the entire situation, especially after we looked up the source material and found a PUPPET SHOW. I remember watching the first episode with a friend, having only the tentative top/nibante/top musumeyaku casting and thinking “wow that’s uh ambitious and confusing but I kind of love it.”  Well, reader, I can personally confirm that in the end, I more than kind of loved it.  I’m currently nine episodes into the TV series and what I can say is the Takarazuka production MOSTLY follows it so far, up until about episode seven, where they start making some sacrifices in order to fit a 13 episode TV show into an hour and some change stage production. Names are a bit confusing, and even the Takarazuka main website put up a glossary of terms, so you know you’re getting into Something before you even start. 
The BASIC, BASIC, BARE BONES PLOT is as follows (I am using the JAPANESE CHARACTER names for consistency):  
Tan Hi (Kisaki Airi) and her brother, Tan Ko (Toudou Jun) are part of a clan that is tasked with protecting a sacred sword. Obviously, A Group Of Bad Guys™ led by Betsu Ten Gai (Tenju Mitsuki) followed by Ryo Mi (Arisa Hitomi), Cho Mei (Amahana Ema), and Zan Kyo (Ooki Makoto) ALSO want the sacred sword. Tan Hi and Tan Ko are ambushed and attacked by Zan Kyo, and Tan Ko (Airi’s character’s brother) is killed. Tan Hi escapes with the hilt of the sacred sword (hereafter: TENGYOKEN), but is in pretty bad shape. 
Meanwhile in the woods, Shou Fu Kan (Nanami Hiroki), a wandering swordsman, is trying to escape the rain and does so by taking an umbrella from over a Buddha Statue. Enter Lin Setsu A (Kurenai Yuzuru), a VERY CANONICALLY MYSTERIOUS AND VAGUE guy who immediately starts giving Shou Fu Kan grief for taking the Buddha’s umbrella, to which Shou Fu Kan replies, “If the stone Buddha gets wet, it will be fine, but if I get wet, I will catch a cold.” Touche, cute swordsman. Enter Tan Hi, still being pursued by Zan Kyo. Tan Hi is in very bad shape, and Shou Fu Kan fights Zan Kyo, Zan Kyo severs his own head.  After, in the land of evil, Betsu Ten Gai receives Zan Kyo’s severed head (really) and accesses his memory, the last of which is Shou Fu Kan giving his name immediately before Zan Kyo is beheaded. Betsu Ten Gai now is targeting Shou Fu Kan who obviously has something to do with the Tengyoken. Betsu Ten Gai sends his lackeys after Shou Fu Kan and co. 
I won’t go any more into the plot (and unfortunately Wikipedia can’t really help you), but if you’re interested I really recommend you watch the TV show, because it is INTERESTING. From there, Ken San Un (Rei Makoto) enters and joins the party because he is a classic cocky charming young boy protagonist who wants to make a name for himself, along with Lin Setsu A’s old “friends”, Shu Un Sho (an archer, played by Kizaki Reo), Kei Gai (a NECROMANCER played by Yumeki Anru), and Setsu Mu Sho, (a LITERAL SERIAL KILLER who wants Lin Setsu A DEAD, played by Mao Yuuki.) Every one of these characters has a complicated and not overtly stated motive, and NONE of them agree on any tactics which is further complicated by the fact that half of them aren’t even human and Demon Motives Are Different. The one thing they have in common is that they all want the Tengyoken out of Betsu Ten Gai’s hands. 
THE PLAY ITSELF:  This was an anime stage play. If you like anime stage plays, you will LOVE Thunderbolt Fantasy. If you have ever loved a video game, an anime, a fantasy story, or THOUGHT you might love a video game, anime, or fantasy story, this play is going to be FUN for you. I felt like I was INSIDE a game in the Final Fantasy series. The technical aspects of the show BLEW ME AWAY. The coolest lighting effects I have seen in my life are in this play. The set is effective at getting across where we are, and projections are used to pretty cool effect this time around, in my opinion. There are LITERALLY only three and a half sung songs in this entire musical, one being the title song sung by the main players, one being another T.M. Revolution song sung by Kurenai Yuzuru to introduce the rest of the characters, one beautiful sweet little half song sung by Kisaki Airi, and one being just something they gave Rei Makoto at the start of the show because she’s technically Hoshigumi’s nibante but you wouldn’t know it just from watching this show.  Which brings us to the cast!
THE CAST: PERFECT and weird. Kurenai Yuzuru as Lin Setsu A was honestly genius. I saw this production with a friend who knows only a little about Takarazuka, knows Beni tangentially, has seen one episode of Thunderbolt Fantasy and she said “that role was made for Beni.” He is sly and manipulative and FUNNY and his motives are ENTIRELY unknown. Beni sings what she sings fantastically, and it’s VERY good to see her slinking around the stage with a sly fox smile all the time.  Nanami Hiroki as Shou Fu Kan. I wouldn’t normally list her second, but in this case, she was the nibante role. I have NO idea why this didn’t go to Rei Makoto, except maybe because Kai can play a disgruntled but good natured adult man better than she can play a like spunky sixteen year old boy. Shou Fu Kan is the protagonist of Thunderbolt and they did NOT change that even ONE BIT for this play. The story directly relied on her action and without spoiling anything, the coolest stage magic and ridiculously anime moment I have ever seen in my life involved her center stage in the final battle, Making It Happen. She has pretty much The Last Moment in the show. She has one-liners and dry humor and handles stage combat INCREDIBLY. Shou Fu Kan is just a morally good guy who doesn’t want trouble and does want to Do The Right Thing. This role was AMAZING for her (I am biased.), and I can’t wait to see how the tour audiences take it. 
Kisaki Airi as Tan Hi. This is my favorite role I have ever seen Airi in. She was the best at stage combat in the entire troupe, and she acted her pants off. Her character goes through a lot of unecessary bullshit and suffering and she remains wholly likeable through it all. Her motivations are clear and her relationships with the other characters are believable and specific. She also has some really lovely comic bits.
Rei Makoto as Ken San Un. Coto was playing a spunky kid and honestly Coto was born to play spunky kids (but what wasn’t Coto born to play?) Ken San Un has an ego that IS backed up by skill, and he really just wants to Make A Name For Himself, Impress A Girl, and do the right thing. Her voice is as usual, killer, and her character is INSANELY charming, especially when interacting with Tan Hi. There’s a lot of complexity in this role too, and Coto handles it fantastically. They padded this role out a lot, which worked well and didn’t seem forced whatsoever, but even so, it was a solidly supporting role. Hopefully Coto got some well deserved rest in the process.
The rest of the roles were similarly well-cast. Hoshigumi’s focus on ensemble casts like they did here and with Another World REALLY do them all some favors. Tenju Mitsuki made short but crucial appearances as the MAIN VILLAN and got to show off the unhinged wildness that made her Mercutio so fantastic. Amahana Ema and Arisa Hitomi were good henchmen, Arisa Hitomi has a cool little fight and a costume with neat slits that make her movement interesting. The characters could have dealt with more development, but they’re also fairly one-dimensional in the show. Mao Yuuki as a serial killer was hard to buy, but she did what she could with a role that in the TV show is like stoic and, well, literally a puppet. Yumeki Anru kind of absolutely SLAYED being a hot demon with a whip, her interactions with fellow demonic entity Beni were true to the show, and she sings fantastically. Kizaki Reo is actually insanely handsome as the really gruff archer with (surprise) also dubious morals. Her voice also SHOCKED me in all the right ways. Other characters were played by everyone else, and the smaller cast meant that a lot of the kids got little moments in prolonged exposition scenes as storytellers or townspeople or evil henchmen. This troupe is in good hands with the younger ones, I think. Shoutout to EVERY ONE OF THE MAIN CAST (and Ruri Hanaka and Sumika Amane, playing TINY roles) for balancing weird puppet-inspired physicality and quirks from the show with like, actual human acting and movement.
More of us have seen Killer Rouge, so this doesn’t need as much from me.  This production, as a tour, has gone through some changes. Notably, the postman number sung by Seo Yuriya/Honoka Kozakura/Seira Hitomi was cut (and literally none of those three were in this because of Bow Hall/injury (get well, Honoka ♥️ ). Solos sung by Toa Reiya/Hanagata Hikaru/Seo Yuriya were mostly distributed to Amahana Ema/Tenju Mitsuki/Kizaki Reo/Amato Kanon etc. The Nippon Seinenkan stage doesn’t make ANY sense for this revue, which originally made pretty nice use of stairs/the ginkyou/the SPACE they had in Mura and Tokyo.  Mask of Rouge got ANOTHER wig option and Nanami Hiroki seems to just be rotating through them entirely at her own chaotic will, which creates a really high stakes Russian Roulette Situation in terms of how Hot Mask Of Rouge Will Be.  The Rose of Versailes/Disgaea/Wonder Rouge section of the revue was SOLIDLY the most charming thing I have ever seen in my life.  Mao Yuuki has joined the Wonder Five audience participation bit in place of Seo Yuriya and Tenju Mitsuki is up there in place of Hanagata Hikaru. This troupe can ad lib like NO ONE’S BUSINESS or more accurately, Beni and Airi can ad lib like no one’s business, Coto occasionally has some bursts of inspiration, and Kai can’t begin to keep a straight face when put on the spot.  There are a lot of new numbers, and all of them are in my opinion, really Good. There’s also a LENGTHY Beniko/Aiko/Reiko ad lib section always beginning with some discussion about studying Chinese and always giving away the fact that Coto and Airi are working harder at that than Beni seems to be.  That said, Beni does have a REALLY BEAUTIFUL AND SIMPLE AND CLASSIC solo kuroenbi situation that is in Chinese and to my (English speaking ears) it sounds really good. We’ll see I guess.  Coto/Airi/Ema have a HEAVY METAL ROCK NUMBER that’s kind of hot and totally in all their powerhouse ranges.  The pegasus/everyone in multicolored outfits is really satisfying to me and would be to any other Hoshigumi fan despite the fact that I don’t love Toa Reiya’s taidan solo going to someone else (which I admit is just maybe because I loved Toa Reiya.)  There’s a cute little number (Timing) with Airi, Minato Rihi, and Yuunagi Ryou. Yuunagi Ryou is CUTE. The number is cute. The kickline was a little different and also involved some girls who weren’t in it originally because it’s not just the whole 104th class anymore and they needed to make up for THAT in a fierce way. Shoutout to all the girls who jumped in and killed it. ♥️ Ruri Hanaka specifically caught my eye and also had a nice solo in the whole costume party number.  Jounetsu no Arashi was replaced for whatever reason but the number thats in it’s place now is equally as hot and like involves some counting in Spanish and a lot of rowdy otokoyaku energy which is my single greatest weakness. 
For me, as a Hoshigumi fan until the day I die probably, Killer Rouge was incredible. So many people got little chances to shine, and the fun the actresses were having with it was PALPABLE. I loved the vast majority of the costumes and set pieces and little themed moments, and I loved the new numbers, and I did not miss the numbers that were cut (save for Jounetsu no Arashi because Coto licking her lips was pretty good.) I got to see the people I love most doing a revue that was so joyful and energetic and group-focused. I could not have asked for more. 
I’d give Thunderbolt Fantasy/Killer Rouge a 100/10, which will surprise no one who has ever met me. 
Thanks Hoshigumi, and good luck in Taiwan!
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northofneverland · 2 years
JJK/HQ Royalty!AU feat. Sukuna, Nanami Osamu and more.
What started off as a simple submission for @kagejima's weekly Sukuna Sunday event spiralled into something so much more. As somebody who likes to be organized, and for easy reference, here are the works (mostly written by Rae) that have been compiled for these characters:
Bodyguard!Sukuna: The man that started it all. Simply put, think grumpy knight being assigned to the princess of the kingdoms and him falling in love with her. part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 *this is in the order of when these ideas were posted. With regards to continuity I do think the best way is to read, part 1, 5, 4, 3 then 2.
Swordsman!Nanami: One of the highest-ranking officials in the kingdom. Despite his status, the only reason he's in the kingdom is because of a certain seamstress who works in the castle. part 1, part 2 (this one is long), part 3. *keep in mind he was first introduced in part 1 of Bodyguard!Sukuna's story. The best reading order for this is to read through Bodyguard!Sukuna's parts first then, part 1, 3 then 2 of this mini-series.
Blacksmith!Osamu: A skilled weapons forger, who is friends with the two knights and doesn't expect to meet his match when delivering a commissioned piece to the princess. part 1 , part 2 .*he, like Nanami, pops up in other works as well. Duke!Sakusa: The cousin of the princess, who is not the best at sharing his feelings. Often finds himself visiting his friend, who happens to be a physician, even when he's feeling great because he wants to stay on top of his health and nothing more. part 1
Anyways, these men have a chokehold on me and I've literally bombarded Rae's asks and messages with thoughts of them this entire week. I love everything that we came up with and I just wanted to share the work with everyone. I mean these boys (and Rae) got me to write, which is an impressive feat. This gif is literally me when Rae responds with ideas and I have to keep my cool in public:
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*updated August 16th 2022
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kagejima · 2 years
I can just imagine Swordsman!Nanami being Bodyguard!Sukuna's dance partner as he teaches this brute how to ballroom dance before the birthday ball.
if you want to know more about Bodyguard!Sukuna, you can find the first few posts here and here and here!
If you are interested in them, we also have Swordsman!Nanami and Blacksmith!Osamu that we will gladly direct you to the posts / tell you more about them if you wanna know!!!!
Also Wendy and I were NOT expecting this royalty!au to get as popular as it has, so bear with us bc some of these might be out of order (like this one, the birthday ball already happened in the above posts), we've been yelling about the whole plot for like hours over the last couple of days lmaoooo.
Also also Bodyguard!Sukuna is also true form Sukuna big as a reminder!
more thoughts under the cut (female reader)
Bodyguard!Sukuna who has watched you day in and day out with your princess lessons. There's so many things you have to learn - world history, agriculture, politics, proper etiquette... It makes the poor man's head spin.
Bodyguard!Sukuna who can't deny that one of his favorite lessons for you is watching you learn how to dance in order to be ready for your birthday ball. You practically float around the floor with your instructor as he counts out the rhythm for you and praises you for being a natural.
Bodyguard!Sukuna who wishes that it was him holding on to your waist. Him holding your hand. Him being able to gaze into your eyes as you move across the floor.
Bodyguard!Sukuna who has the smallest smile cross his face as he imagines it.
Bodyguard!Sukuna who pays close attention to what the instructor is saying. Who pays close attention to the counts. Who pays close attention to each spin and gesture.
Bodyguard!Sukuna who feels his heart hammering in his chest as his friend, trainer, and confidant Swordsman Nanami raises an eyebrow at him the next day after he hears his request.
"You want me to teach you... how to dance?" Nanami repeats, folding his arms across his broad chest.
"Yes." Sukuna nods.
Blacksmith Osamu, the man who owns the forge they're standing in right now, can't help but start laughing.
"That'd be a sight..." Osamu grins as he wipes his hands with his rag, "It wouldn't look right. She's so much smaller than you, ya brute."
Sukuna ignores Osamu's jab, his eyes never leaving Nanami.
Nanami almost feels bad for the much larger man because Osamu is right. It will look funny to have a man who's size resembles more of a beast's than a human's dancing with the princess, but he sees the sincerity and hope in Sukuna's eyes as he stands before him.
Nanami sighs and stands up from the post he's leaning against.
"Very well. Did you learn anything from watching the lessons?"
Sukuna rambles about counts, something about "a... waltz, he said? I think he said waltz..."
In the short time that Sukuna is answering, Nanami realizes he knows nothing at all.
"Let's start with the basics."
Sukuna tries not to be embarrassed as Nanami tells him to put his hand on his waist and hold on to his hand. It's such a simple thing to do, but it still is awkward.
"You need to be more gentle..." Nanami gently chastises him when he notices how Sukuna's grip on his waist tightens, "The princess and I are not the same. You must think of her as porcelain. You must treat her with care. Imagine that I am her."
Osamu snickers over off to the side, and Sukuna glares at him.
But poor Sukuna becomes frustrated all too quickly with the steps, trying to lead, trying to remember the count in his head and not saying it out loud. He drops his hands from Nanami's as if they've burned him when Nanami corrects him for the fourth time.
He's never done this before. Who did he think he was, trying to learn this? He was never going to be able to dance with you at the ball anyways, so why even bother?
He groans in frustration and steps away from Nanami and to the edge of the forge, looking out into the town.
He looks up towards the castle and he knows what awaits him when he returns a few short hours from now. Everyone will be busy preparing for your ball on the eve of your birthday and for the arrival of your suitor.
Even you. You're probably dancing with your instructor right now, gliding around on the floor like an angel.
Sukuna is brought back to reality when he feels Nanami's hand reach up and touch his shoulder.
"Do you want to dance with her?"
Sukuna sees it in his head. Sees the way you would smile up at him, sees the way his hand would hold yours so firmly but gently as he guided you around the floor. He sees it all so clearly.
"Yes." Sukuna answers softly.
"Then you have to learn. Now come back. Let's try again."
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kawaonago · 3 years
Multimuse Ask Meme - 1 thru 4!
if you have a ‘main muse’, who besides them do you think could be your main muse?
Ahmya is without a doubt my main muse, currently BUT in reality, Akali is my main muse of 6 years running. So my main muse is actually Akali, and the current muse that I'm hyperfixated on is Ahmya..and thus could be my main muse. Third place goes to Hayami because she's tiny, mean, and a fucking indestructible tank, and she is hilarious.
is there a muse you write a lot that you’re tired of writing?
it's not actually a muse, but more so a verse. I ended up writing more in Ahmya's Bungo Stray Dogs verse, and have more active relationships in that verse than I do in her main verse. There's so much to be explored in her main Jujutsu Kaisen verse that I've yet to even touch upon, like the fact that she's not human actually. Like I really want to fucking write so many things in the jujutsu kaisen verse, clenches fist. waits for the movie to revive some of the fandom please. even though I do love her bungo stray dogs verse, and there's still relationships I'd love to explore there. Like Chuuya and Ahmya's boss and employee relationship, and I would also love to write Ahmya and Dazai during the dark era. that being said, I don't really get tired of writing people because y'all tend to pay attention to my muses across the board, which is really appreciated.
is there a muse you never write, but want to write more?
okay actually this is both a verse and muses.
I REALLY WANT TO WRITE UTAHIME MORE PLEASE AND THANK YOU. I want to explore her so bad, and dive into her tendencies but I'm a person who largely develops through writing and hence why I like to take on side characters that get very little depth. I make them almost entirely my own, and I love Utahime, and frankly Gojohime is my OTP so ye. and I really wish I could get my hands on people writing any of the Kyoto students but alas there are very few. I would love to explore Shoko and Utahime, and Geto and Utahimes relationship in the past, and Nanami and Utahime
Secondly, MORE JJK VERSE FOR AHMYA. THERES. SO. MUCH. I. WANT. TO EXPLORE. the fact that Ahmya does not appear as human to curses or to six eye users ( ಠ_ಠ ). curses do not see her as human, which makes her really good at her job. past arc where Ahmya very clearly is an angry child with damn near uncontrollable rage that levels the Kyoto forest during her third year exchange event. past arc relationships with the big three, and then Naoya bc of plot lines. the absolute meltdown Kawahime has upon hearing of Sukuna's release oh my gOD, it's the first time and only time ahmya actually losses control of Kawahime. the Shibuya arc where Ahmya goes full circle ten release as Kawahime to deal with the heavenly sword and with Gojo sealed becomes the strongest in the world and the elders, while employing Yuta still, think that if Yuta fails, Ahmya will be Yuji's judge jury and executioner. oh also Ahmya comes back to Tokyo tech right before Geto incident, so there's also exploring the fact that Kawahime is also powerful enough to bring destruction to humanity, and therefore a secondary target for Geto. I mean.
then there's also just the fact of all the relationships I wanna explore between her and her colleagues. her and her students. I wanna explore the fact that Ahmya is a master swordsman with not a lot of physical strength and how she could be a great teacher for Yuta, while also being an excellent combat coach for Maki due to her immense knowledge in hand to hand while Carletta is a great infinity punching bag bc she never gets hurt. her relationship with Yuji because she's basically a living special grade cursed object. her body is the only thing about her that's really human, her soul and mind are born from cursed energy. she would very much understand him, and Kawahime holds no ill will towards Yuji, only the soul of Sukuna inside of him. ANWMWJSOWBW ANW I JUST HAVE SO MUCH OF AHMYA I NEED AND WANT TO EXPLORE.
but there's also the chance that Ahmya released Kawahime during Geto's incident, and then the jujutsu world has to deal with the aftermath that the second strongest sorcerer is one: a relatively no name sorcerer from the Zenin's breeder clan, and two: is a full fledged walking breathing cursed object they made out of a curse. a curse, that literally could just- flip a switch, is protecting them.
oh the culling game where Ahmya and Carletta slaughter the Bushida Clan and earn 213 points between the two of them by doing so.
But I could write Ahmya in any fandom because of her literature elements making it easy to blend it into other fandoms.
how many muses did you have when you started your blog? how many do you have now?
honestly let's not talk about it, but like I'm pretty sure I started with like ten. I rotate out the ones I don't write a lot into my private list if one of my favorites is still interested in them. and I'm a huge enabler so if someone says they want a so and so and I can do that for them, I'm grabbing a muse, no question.
I don't know how many it is now, but it's probably at least...twenty.
0 notes