#I am 100% convinced
niksixx · 2 years
I know season 5 of Stranger Things won’t be available til like 2024 but I am still not prepared for Steve Harrington’s death
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ratchildmcgee · 1 year
I am 100% convinced that there's an alternate universe out there, where instead of a guy who always brings his guitar to the party, it's just a guy who always shows up with a fucking tambourine and that's the only difference, he still plays Wonder Wall...
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castielsprostate · 2 months
it's the year 2025, misha collin's new book "things i can now tell you" hits the shelves detailing all the homophobia behind the scenes at the hit cw show supernatural. the cw building is set on fire, eric kripke and rob singer are strung up in protest outside nextar media group as bedlund is raised into the sky as king. jensen ackles and misha collins go balls deep in each other by pirating the cw channel in shitty amazon dean and cas cosplays
the cw sniper is caught, the reveal is livestreamed behind a 10$ pay per view wall on twitch. the mask gets ripped off revealing none other than jared padalecki who grits out, "you fags will never live up to sastiel!" he gets mind exploded by taylor swift singing the gay anthem
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hitohitonika · 2 months
Zosan asking Luffy for his blessing as captain
Luffy happy for them, letting out a comment on how cool it is that the crew are finding love inside the crew, so they won't have to leave
Zosan looking at each other before agreeing and giving Luffy a super tight bear-hug sandwich because no one would even think about leaving their captain ever
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cats-obsessions · 7 months
I always found it strange that Bhaal would demand Isobel as a sacrifice rather than Aylin; after all, Aylin is a huge threat to Bhaals plan if she’s allowed to live. But then again, Isobel is the mortal lover to a demigod. It’s rather symbolic, don’t you think? This is what happens to demigods’ lovers. This is what should’ve happened to Gortash. And if Durge doesn’t kill Isobel, Bhaal will force their hand if they’ve chosen a new lover too. Durge might not remember Gortash, but Bhaal will make sure they remember this lesson before they can even think about getting reattached.
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egophiliac · 4 months
I hear you on brave but I think Mr. CEO man could be woz
Which I’m all here for tbh
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anon you sent this over 9 hours before the reveal, h...HOW DID YOU KNOW
(I am also all here for it honestly) (I kind of hope they lean really hard into the overworked-CEO bit...how is he supposed to fight evil when there's all this paperwork that he has to get in by Friday, ugh)
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thatbuddie · 2 months
i don’t know how to tell you all this but… this episode convinced me even more that this is it. we are living through the journey to canon buddie, y’all
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myriadebleue · 1 year
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This is a Public Service Announcement
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bigothteddies · 1 month
whenever someone’s trying to sell me their outlook on life and self help ideology or even when people are just trying to convince me how soft and genuine they are I just want to ask them how they drive when they’re in the car alone. Especially after a bad day. Are you letting other people into your lane or are you blocking people and holding up traffic flow because it feels unfair? Are you running red lights because you don’t want to feel inconvenienced? Are you riding that guy’s ass cause he cut you off? Are you accelerating as hard as possible to get in front of everyone? Are you swearing and flashing your brights at people not going as fast as you’d like on the freeway? Are you going around people on the shoulder when they’re stopping traffic to turn left into their driveway? Are you speeding through residential neighborhoods as a shortcut? Like….it’s such a basic check to see if you’re selling bullshit or not. We have zero consequences for 99% of our actions in cars and never question why we act the way we do. It’s so much safer and allows for better traffic flow to just…back the fuck off and stop caring so much. And if you can’t do that but are selling me on some self help yoga mindfulness bullshit ?? Then I know for a fact you don’t embody your own stated beliefs and instead just use them to fit your own narratives
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totaled-drama · 1 year
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I absolutely adore their friendship!!! They are so important to me
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druidonity2 · 10 months
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Dragon Noodle Soup :3
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anguigenus · 2 years
Oh yeah, I've seen people talking about whether Flapjack living in Hunter's head means he's going to be able to cast magic or not. My thoughts on this, as someone who thinks way too much time thinking about how TOH magic works:
Belos doesn't actually get his "magic" from Palisman souls. Belos can cast his magic because of the glyphs that he's carved into his body.
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[Image: a screenshot of Philip's arm from Elsewhere and Elsewhen. There are glowing red glyphs visible on it, and the arm is bubbling and losing its shape.]
The glyphs are what are actually causing the magic effects. However, one thing we know about glyphs is that they consume the material they're drawn on. For example, Luz's glyph papers being absorbed into the spell.
This means by drawing glyphs on himself, Philip is being slowly consumed whenever he uses them. Again, as we see in the earlier screenshot.
That's where the palisman souls come in. They provide raw magic for the glyphs to feed on instead of consuming Philip's body. And as we see throughout the show, this isn't a permanent solution. He has to keep consuming palisman souls to have enough magic.
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[Image: Philip crouching down in front of a pile of broken palismen. The glowing glyphs are still visible on his arm, and he's holding a mostly-intact palisman.]
So this brings us back to Hunter.
Hunter, as he is, will not be able to cast magic.
Hunter does not have any glyphs carved into him that let him harness that magic, first of all. Secondly, Flapjack's magic wouldn't something that stays with him. It would be a one-off benefit.
And actually, I think Flapjack's magic would've been already consumed by healing Hunter. So unless there's some kind of exception that comes up with Hunter being a grimwalker, I really don't think there's good reason for him to be able to cast magic.
I myself am leaning more towards the idea he's going to carve his own palisman. After all, that would tie into the idea that he's his own person, not just another Wittebane.
Besides, he's gotta get back to flyer derby with the Emerald Entrails somehow, am I right?
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neonhoneycomb · 4 months
is now a good time to admit that, while vaguely absorbing comic-canon context through fanworks, I understood that Minimus Ambus was inside the Ultra Magnus armor so they're the same guy, but I also thought that Fortress Maximus was just the next step up and was a BIGGER set of armor that Magnus went into, so you'd have Minimus in the Magnus armor in the Maximus armor like some kind of silly robot matryoshka doll and they were both just Minimus and thus three characters were in fact just one little guy.
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sullina · 6 months
this may or may not be the inner 12 year old inside me speaking but shadow the hedgehog is like the epitome of coolness, like everyone who had a hand in making him had the one collective goal to just make him as cool and badass as possible and it has WORKED
i cannot fucking WAIT for the third sonic movie to come next december!!!!!!!
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movies with yrf after years
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working in the bollywood directorial debut of already established people from the industry
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working with critically acclaimed directors for the first time after previously rejecting offers from them
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egophiliac · 4 months
so have you heard about the ride kamens app game? seems like it's gonna be a twisted wonderland like game with all the riders being hot anime guys now, and it's also gonna be written by yuya takahashi and produced by naomi takebe (apparently it was in development before geats), with designs by the person who did sk8 the infinity, so take that for what you will
have you ever gotten the feeling that a piece of media came into existence just to appeal to you specifically, or
(brb preregistering immediately)
(as far as I can tell you play as an agent who maintains a secret superhero base for riders in the basement of the rider-themed cafe that you run with your butler, and there's some other plot stuff going on but honestly I'm way past sold at this point, this sounds amazing)
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