#I am Very Normal about these six entities
sketching-shark · 1 year
If you were put in charge of making a JTTW movie/TV adaption from start to finish what direction would you have the show go?
But in all seriousness I think I would DEFINITELY want it to be a lengthy animated tv adaptation because there's so much rich backstory and plot in the og classic that a movie length doesn't really let you delve into, AND because the wild transformations and different entities seem like they would be best conveyed in the limitless possibilities of animation! Like just imagine how terrifying a havoc in heaven would be where the Monkey King is shown taking FULL advantage of every single one of his abilities (as-you-will cudgel size transformation, tons of monkey clones, transformation from one creature to another, invulnerability, truth-seeing eyes, transformation into a three-headed six-armed towering monstrosity to fight an Erlang Shen who does the same, etc.). In addition, I also do think that the length of time it took for the pilgrims to warm up to each other and for Sun Wukong to go from a practical and ruthless yaoguai warlord to the Buddha Victorious in Strife is an important part of what makes Xiyouji the classic that it is, and this is all something that I think could be well captured in a lengthy animated series.
I know for sure that I'd want to spend a good amount of time on Sun Wukong's transformation from a relatively innocent stone monkey to the most viciously powerful of the yaoguai warlords to a sincere Buddhist, especially since the very understandable fear of death for himself and his loved ones seems to constantly be a driving force behind a lot of his actions. I think seeing the transformation of the monkey from loving and wanting to protect a relatively small group of people (47,000 monkeys & his friends) to extending that active love and compassion to individuals of all sorts, both human and yao, could be a really cool arc for the Monkey King too. This is especially so as it raises the interesting question as to whether compassion and love can end up being destructive if it's only offered to some but not others, and what atonement for past violence might be.
Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing also present a potentially fascinating case of dealing with disgraced deities who start off by considering their time on Earth and time on the journey a punishment before they eventually come to develop genuine compassion for the mortals they encounter. Stories about a fall from heaven leading to the fallen ones developing greater empathy for those who were once literally below them is my jam, and I think these other two pilgrims could offer a neat way to explore that! Also I want to note that I'm fully on team "Zhu Bajie is constantly complaining that he's hungry and tired first because of his own appetites and then as a way to get the other four self-destructive idiots to stop and take care of the basic necessities of life." For sure I'd also add in that potential hint noted by others that breaking a vase during a banquet had a precedent of being used as a signal to start a coup, thus explaining why Sha Wujing's punishment on Earth was much worse than Zhu Bajie's. And one simply can't do without the indication that it was everyone's favorite Friar Sand who had eaten eight of Tang Sanzang's reincarnations! He may be one of the pilgrim group's straight men, but he also spent centuries as a cannibal <3.
Also yeah hard agree with others that both Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing start off the pilgrimage pretty terrified of Sun Wukong because they saw him at his violently worst in heaven. As a treat :3
I think I'd also have Ao Lie spend more time outside of his horse not just so that he can be a dragon-ish guy as well as an actual dragon, but also so that we can get more insight into how his transformation from a destructive prince to a humble steed changed him. I think it also would be cool to spend a little more time on the dragon kings and how, for example, it does raise some uncomfortable questions about their whole deal if Ao Lie could commit arson & destroy a pearl and be punished pretty brutally while Ao Guang could run a weather-based protection racket for centuries and get a 12 year old to kill himself and yet they all seem to be cool with that :[
I'd also want to make my adaptation one that deals more with the aftereffects of the absolute bullshit the pilgrims go through. For example, it's pretty rare to find an adaptation out there that gives full weight to the stuff Tang Sanzang went through, and while it is understandable why and can be funny to characterize him as one of the "straight men" of the pilgrim group or as the weepy useless guy who falls off his dragon horse all the time, I've literally never encountered an adaptation that for example has him react at the age of 18 to his mother committing suicide after Xuanzang went through so much to try and help her, or him having to see both of the human companions he started the journey with get eaten alive by yaoguai. I'd want to make Tang Sanzang more of a dynamic character than he is even in Xiyouji itself, and I do think delving into this background--you knowing, showing why exactly he does in fact have good reason to be suspicious and even hateful of yaoguai and perhaps more secretly certain humans (his mother was after all brutalized for years by a bandit chief)--would be good to deal with in showing Tang Sanzang's journey to enlightenment. And for sure I'd want to make Tang Sanzang a little more like the historical Xuanzang in having him both be a master translator and a canny rule-breaker; I think that having the story follow history in that Xuanzang was in fact forbidden from going west in search of Buddhist scriptures but went anyway, for example, would be a good path to follow. Might give him an interesting point of relation and sympathy to SWK as well, in that both of them would be challenging authority to do what they think is right.
I do think that this all could also make for a really interesting point of tension and later comprehension between Tang Sanzang and SWK, where you would have the monk and the monkey on the same journey for very different but in some ways similar reasons (Tang Sanzang wants the scriptures because he sincerely believes that they will save countless souls, SWK wants to finish the journey so that he can go back home and protect his monkeys). Like Tang Sanzang would be starting the journey at age 28 and after going through some pretty intense trauma, but having lived in a monastery for most of his life wouldn't have much of a sense of what dangers the world contains as SWK, even though he is determined to complete the journey no matter the cost to himself. SWK, on the other hand, would be starting the journey after the bitter defeat in heaven and the anguish of 500 years in solitary confinement, and would likely be enraged about everything he lost but would still be operating under the terrible elation that came from his vast violent power. As someone else once put it, it could be a similar dynamic to a late middle-aged triads boss having to watch out for a beginning grad student lmao. So you'd have a lot of tension between SWK and Tang Sanzang's world views, with the former thinking that violence is a perfectly acceptable way to solve problems or get what you want, while the other abhors violence of all sorts, and they'd both have plentiful reasons to criticize the other.
While the film The Monkey King 2 is far from the best JTTW retelling out there (though it is one of my personal favorites lol), it also has this pretty great and rare scene for JTTW retellings that I feel I'd like my own retelling to somewhat emulate. Here, Sun Wukong saves Tang Sanzang and a bunch of little kids from the violent actions of a king, but he's only able to do this because the Monkey King is more powerful than the king and is able to legitimately threaten the king with death if he goes back to his vicious ways. Tang Sanzang does get Sun Wukong to spare the king, but the king then directly calls the monk out on the seeming hypocrisy of his mission. I forget the exact words, but the king's accusations were basically about how Tang Sanzang is a fraud and a liar because for all that he preaches peace and forgiveness he wouldn't be able to make it anywhere, he wouldn't be able to save anyone, he would have in fact been killed long ago if it wasn't for Sun Wukong's power and willingness to violence. And I do think in a lot of ways this is the crux of a lot of interesting questions that Xiyouji brings up even if it never provides one solid answer: that we all want to be relieved of suffering, and yet what do we do in a world where violence is something we both constantly suffer from as well as commonly inflict upon others?
I guess ultimately I'd want this to be a retelling that really focuses on the many forms and roles of violence in the shaping of a society, what the consequences of this violence often is, and what might be done to create a more just and peaceful life for all.
I'd know I'd want to spend a lot of time on SWK getting back home to Mt. Huaguoshan and finding it this burned-out ruin with the vast majority of his family dead or otherwise gone, only to realize that this was done by heaven in retaliation for the war and his havoc in heaven in a true case of mythological M.A.D. I feel like this, as with other scenes, would be a good way to bring up Xiyouji's frequent refrain that "for the strong there's always the stronger," and how the devastation that violence and warfare wrecks on a landscape, even if it seems awesome and justifiable at the time it's being waged, leads to horrific problems that don't go away even after generations and which could very easily be turned against you and your loved ones. I've said before that one of the things that I like about the Monkey King is that he almost always has a very clear reason for doing what he does, and I think this would be a great arc for it to really and painfully hit home that ultimately violence does not exist in a vacuum, and, especially when you care about so many, it ultimately serves to create a world where your own loved ones can easily become the next who will suffer. Yet even here the complexity of the situation doesn't stop, because while SWK is able to vastly improve the lives of his monkeys by doing everything he can to restore Mt. Huaguoshan back to its former fecundity, he also protects them by well killing 1000 human hunters who had been going after them for years. The violence may never stop, but neither do the efforts to make the world a more peaceful place. And as it is, no one can live by the sword alone.
Just some sketchy thoughts anon, but I hope you like what I'm laying out :)
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clockwork I am so normal about this specific prompt:
"your lover gets clingy when sick so now you've to deal with their adorable, bubbly but sick, half dozing version. you love them, so no complaints"
"or your lover's sick habit is being too stubborn to let someone else help"
these were very cute and I couldn't not combo them together
Sick Days || Default (Moon & Sun x Reader)
Part 1.
Animatronics don't get sick. This was something you've known for a long time. It was practically knowledge before you even knew about animatronics as entities themselves. Common understanding followed that a being without an immune system or biological functions couldn't physically get sick.
And yet, you were witness to animatronics being sick.
There tended to be variations of ailments. Sometimes the joint mechanisms seized up, almost like a cramp. Sometimes some muck or well-aimed glitter package got in the face, interfering with the eye camera lenses and endoskeleton interior. Sometimes it was a general matter of wear-and-tear. You likened it to your aging phone at times, the way that sometimes it would jump from 50% to 13% battery, before staying on 6% for the next two hours until it died abruptly. When reflected into an animatronic, you would be witness to the individual suddenly slowing down out of nowhere, acting rather shaky and fatigued, almost as if suffering from being severe lightheaded. This would drag on and on until out of nowhere the individual would shut down and leave you with a haphazard pile of limbs. Or they would allow themselves to go back to either a servicing team down in the basement or just their charging pod.
Whenever it seemed to start happening to the Glamrocks, they would be quickly shepherded away by another member of staff before some precious guest in attendance had to witness their favourite rockstar going off-script, so you weren't entirely certain if the effects were the same among all the animatronics. But with Sun and Moon, you had hands-on experience for certain - especially since getting them to Parts & Services to get their battery checked was a no-no until the daycare was cleared, alongside a whole world of other issues to manage. It could leave you in a heavy pickle....quite literally, if it came to physically carrying them around. Neither of you were in a good position if their limbs decided to buckle and stop being of any use.
While that was all the physical side-effect of the battery issues, you couldn't help but notice certainly behavioural effects too. Ones that definitely reminded you of people when ill.
Part 1a. - Sun
The day was winding down to an end, and you were not trying to hide how glad you were of it. Six hours of racing after kids, no matter how sweet or bubbly they were, could not be looked happily upon when you'd realised that Sun was beginning to seem droopy and sleepy about three hours into your shift.
His shoulders slouched inwards, curling inwards more like Moon than his usual bouncy tall self. Even his sunrays seemed to be melting, although you were certain was just a trick of your eyes following along with how slumped over his full body posture was. You were well-learned of his tendency to flamboyantly trip over, to the delight of the little ones, but by the time he'd stumbled and face-planted at least four times within the space of an hour, you were getting the picture that this wasn't a jester routine. Even a few of the kids were cautious in coming over to help him back to his feet.
"How's your battery doing, Sunny?" you asked him as he wobbled over towards your desk.
"Just fine, sunshine! Abso-doodley-lutely fine! We're having a wonderful, wonderful time!" he replied, voice warbling slightly in and out of pitch.
You stared back at him, unconvinced. His slouching shoulders curled in further, like he was trying to shrink back into the ground as he squeezed his hands together.
"There may be some technical difficulties going on," he mumbled.
"You feeling up for a Parts & Services visit?"
"Not at all! Fit as a fiddle!"
"That wasn't an actual question. You're going after this shift."
"But sunflower!" Sun leaned in over the desk, getting very close up to your face. His grin had shifted down into a woeful expression, eyes a little wider as if going for the world's best/worst puppy dog expression attempt. "What if I don't need to go to Parts & Services? What if - What if I just need a nap?"
"You...You've told me multiple times you can't sleep."
"Just a small nap. Just a little sleep." Lifting his hand, Sun squeezed his thumb and forefinger together, neverminding the fact he was nearly draped over your shoulder. Glancing him over, you let out a long sigh.
"Fine. We'll see how you're doing after a recharge boost," you said with a gentle smile, poking his cheeky. Immediately he straightened up, hands flying up into the air before he brought them back down and around you, pulling you into a tight hug.
"Thank you! Thank you sunshine! There's a reason you're our favourite, our loveliest sunflower," he chirped away, before promptly slumping completely against you.
"Is Mister Sun okay?" one of the kids running by asked you.
"He's fine. He's just a bit tired," you reassured them, slinging an arm around Sun to shift him better and so he wasn't outright crushing you. He giggled quietly, his voice box echoing and repeating himself: "lovely, lovely, loveliest sunflower, favourite sunflower". This perhaps you could live with.
You'd expected him to go back to running around with the kids, even in this state, but he seemed perfectly content to perch on the desk. Taking on-board his dizziness and mindless happy mumbling, you sat forward more to keep better watch. But then you felt weights clench around your waist, and glanced down to see Sun's arms locked around you in what looked like a loose hug but felt like a metal trap.
"It's okay, I'm staying here," you reassured him. A static-y grumble was the response, but his grip loosened more significantly. It certainly made it easier to help sign out the children when pick-up time arrived, although it was harder to explain why the daycare attendant was hooked onto the assistant and not...doing attendant things. The general explanation of 'the battery started running out earlier than expected' was frowned on but not argued with. Just another reason for people to complain about animatronics being put in charge of things like childcare.
But soon enough, it was just you and Sun in a large empty daycare, and you were faced with the next challenge - getting a blanket of an animatronic from the ground floor to the celestials' upstairs room where their charging pod was located.
Part 1b. - Moon
When you heard Moon's familiar chortle, you could hear something was different. Off, more like. The key was off-kilter, warbling in and out of his usual tone like someone was trying to shove his voice box in and out of auto-tune.
"Hi Moon," you called out into the empty and the dark, swinging your flashlight around slowly. No sign of a drifting shadow or red eyes bobbing around the ceiling.
Another chuckle, this time closer.
"Hello friend," Moon whispered through the air. "Shh, shh, quiet now. Quiet for sleepy times and resting. Naptime, we're going to have naptime."
This was a lot more disjointed and rambling than Moon's usual level of disjointed rambling. Squinting up, you glanced around more nervously. Was the virus ticking back over? That usually came with more aggressive behaviour though and right now all you were getting was incoherent giggles and mumbles about sleepy and rest - oh.
"Did Sun overwork again today?" you asked Moon. One of the major downsides of two AIs in one body was that if one AI ran the battery charge down a lot without taking pause to recharge, then the other AI had to deal with the low battery issues. And that meant you had to deal with a mildly delirious Moon.
"Busy Sun, busy as a bee. Buzzing here and there and here and there and - " Wire spun rapidly from overhead, and you had enough sense to step backwards quickly as Moon literally dropped down into where you'd been. "Hello!"
"Shhhhh." He swung forward, still dangling off the wire, pressing a finger against your lips. "Quiet time, starlight."
"Sorry," you whispered back. This was something you could deal with, being a bit quieter than usual. "Are you okay, Moon?"
"Sleepy, sleepy." Moon started to hum the intro lines to Mr Sandman as his wire continued to unspool, finally landing him on the floor to stand up on shaky legs. On instinct you offered him an arm to keep him steady, and he wrapped both of his arms around your shoulders.
"Good starlight, sweet starlight," he mumbled, beginning to nuzzle into the top of your head. "You'll see us through the night."
"I know you're on rota to do security, but I really think you need to recharge tonight instead," you said firmly.
"How can I sleep when my starlight is out tonight?" Moon warbled, voice modulating back in and out. His fingers ghosted over your cheek, tendering cupping your face as he pressed his face-plate to your head in what you assumed to be a kiss. If your torch were switched off you could probably have lit the way with how your cheeks were glowing. Without further comment, you wrapped your arms around Moon's arms and began to trek through the Pizzaplex, carrying the animatronic like a large, painfully heavy backpack. So long as he didn't realise you were carrying him back to the celestial's room (and in his current condition, you highly doubted it), you were in the clear to fumble along and listen to sweet nothing mumbled against your ear.
Part 2. - You
Animatronics could not get sick, technically speaking. You however were fully at risk of whatever viral illness or flu or cold came drifting your way from the crowds of people that swarmed through the Pizzaplex on a daily basis. And you did. Often enough that you ran out of sick days within the first five months of your starting year, and shifted instead for coming in wearing a high-grade face mask and with a bottle of hand sanitiser clipped to your belt. It was rarely bad enough that you considered needing to go via the walk-in doctor's clinic on the way home, it was more general coughs, headaches that would frequently transfer into migraines, and a plethora of other non-lethal symptoms.
The one ease of guilt you could get through was altering your work schedule so you would be far away from other people. Evening shift cleaning up after guests, night shift of security work, early morning prep work. Anything so you'd be out of the way but still able to plow through your work hours.
Unfortunately your coworkers couldn't carry infections or sicknesses and therefore made sure you were aware of their upset.
You pushed a janitorial cart into the daycare area, having peeked through the windows to make sure any and all people had left. Sun was in the process of his own clean-up, filing scattered papers into drawers of the craft cabinet and picking up stray crayons off the floor. Hearing the door open and close behind you, he swivelled back upright, head going through a spin at the sight of you.
"Hello sunshine!" he chirped.
"Hiya Sun," you replied, hoping that your rasping throat didn't carry too badly, that he wouldn't notice. But the facemask had to have been enough of a giveaway if your tragic vocal chords weren't, and Sun's head slowly tilted to the side.
"You're not seeming very chipper there," he said, setting another drum onto a stack but still cautiously looking over you. Trying to ignore the watchful stare, you began to replace trash bags from the various bins around the daycare.
"Oh, I'm fine. I'm functional," you called back, waving an airy hand as you dropped a full trash bag into the cart. "Just don't expect me to be very chatty."
When Sun didn't respond again, you assumed he'd gone back to his cleaning up. But once you turned back around, several bricks of coloured paper in your arms, he was so close behind you that you very much dropped the paper blocks with shock.
"F- Sun!" you hissed, ducking down to grab the paper with Sun swooping down to assist. He shuffled the wrapped blocks onto the desk next to you, and pressed his hand against your forehead.
"Mmm...higher temperature than normal," he said quietly. "No coughing, inflamed throat - "
"It's just a run-of-the-mill cold. See, I've got this on." You tapped your finger against your mask. "No worry about it spreading."
"Cute." He tapped your mask also. "Freddy design."
"Well, you have to wear Fazbear employee appropriate facemask covers if you come in with one, and the merchandise shop apparently doesn't stock Sun and Moon ones," you explained with a huff of disappointment.
"Shame, shame. But you're still sick."
"Not too sick."
"Admittance from the guilty!" Sun slung his arm around you, the long limb managing to wrap around your shoulders and up so he could pat the top of your head. "You are sentenced to mandatory rest break with frequent hydration! We have refillable bottles and a water stand just for these reasons."
"I need to finish off my checklist, Sun! I can't just...sit in the daycare until my hours are up," you said, wriggling free of his grip and returning back to bringing out the restocking items.
"Why not?"
"Because I'll get a warning if I don't? And too many warnings means no more job." Setting the last pack of coloured pencils on the desk, you gave him a warm look. His hands squeezed together over his chest, head tilted to the side as he looked down at you with....disappointment? Sadness? It took the nugget of guilt in your chest and amplified it.
"Yes, friend?"
"I'm going to finish up my checklist, except for my last daycare things, and then I'll come back and finish my shift here. Maybe my last few chores will take up the rest of my hours."
"Okay. Thank you, sunshine." Leaning down, he bopped the nose of his face-plate against your forehead. "Take it easy, and come back here right away if you start feeling worse." His hand cupped your cheek, thumb rubbing slow circles before he nudged at your shoulder. "Go, go on friend. Don't stay too long or I might change my mind."
With one last smile over your shoulder, you shuffled your janitor cart back out from the room. The rest of your duties blurred by - not because they were fast to do, but because your head began to ache and turned your perception of time into a funk of molasses. By the time you finally returned to the daycare doors, the lights were out behind the large windows. A new pang of guilt hit you, that you weren't able to say goodnight to Sun before Moon stepped out.
Pushing open the door, you switched on your flashlight to light the way back over to the storage cupboard. Just a couple boxes of restocking left, snack bars for the kiddos, which was a good thing because from the looks of it there were only half of the snacks left. No immediate sign of Moon which was normal. But as you shut the cupboard door, you felt arms wrap around your waist and promptly drag you upwards.
"Starlight needs to rest."
"That was my last task I - WHY AM I-" Your half-yelled words of indignation are cut short by your throat trying to twist itself inward, pain turning into dry coughs.
"Last task means no more tasks for you to do. Now you rest." You were vaguely aware of the walls blurring around you, whether from speed of ascent or your mind deciding it was time to check out, that this was far too much to deal with. Moon finally came to a stop, setting you both down on the balcony overlooking the daycare. Inside it was dimly lit, and...cleaned? Set up? A pile of blankets and pillows had been put together in one corner of the room, with a handful of snacks and two bottles of water.
"...That for me?" you asked, sluggish in comprehension.
"Yes." Moon's hands pushed into your back, ushering you forward.
"I - I really don't think -"
"Rest until shift is up. You promised Sun." Goddammit, you had done that, hadn't you? With a slow exhale, you sank down into the pillow pile, watching as Moon settled down right behind you. It didn't take much effort on his part to make you lay down against him, a pillow under your head and a cool hand across your forehead.
"Thank you," you murmured. Moon's eyes flickered down, gentle red and white, and his smile softened.
"Rest," he insisted. You complied, letting your body slump down into the cozy nest, Moon's lullaby ticking through your ears.
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simplegenius042 · 7 months
Music Monday
Tagged by @josephseedismyfather
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @shallow-gravy @inafieldofdaisies @strangefable @strafethesesinners @direwombat @derelictheretic @titiagls @wrathfulrook @carlosoliveiraa @adelaidedrubman @thewanderer-000 @henbased @josephslittledeputy @direwombat @g0dspeeed @nightbloodbix @afarcryfrommymain @voidika @ladyoriza @florbelles @vampireninjabunnies-blog @minilev @snake-in-the-garden @softtidesworld @onehornedbeast @cassietrn @chazz-anova @megraen @deputyash @dephellseed @deputy-morgan-malone @skoll-sun-eater @fourlittleseedlings @la-grosse-patate @cloudofbutterflies92 @starsandskies and @i-am-the-balancing-point + anyone else who wants to join in. Here's my taglist.
Three songs for The UnTitledverse, Wings And Horns' original spin off trilogy and Far Cry The Silver Chronicles below the cut.
First is "My Ordinary Life" for the main antagonist of The UnTitledverse, Zachariah the Orchestrator, the "Hand at Fate's Table" and the second-borne Eldritch that is the center point of majority of the multiverse's issues.
"They tell me that I'm special, I smile and shake my head I'll give them stories to tell friends about the things I said They tell me I'm so humble, I say I'm turning red They let me lie to them and don't feel like they've been misled They give so much to me, I'm losing touch get me? Served on a silver platter, ask for second they just let me
They tell me I'm a god, I'm lost in the fascade Six feet off the ground at all times I think I'm feelin' odd No matter what I make, they never see mistakes Makin' so much bread, I don't care that they're just being fake They tell me they're below me, I act like I'm above The people blend together but I would be lost without their love
Can you heal me? Have I gained too much? When you become untouchable you're unable to touch Is there a real me? Pop the champagne It hurts me just to think and I don't do pain."
Silva may not be aware of it, but she actually has a rivalry with the Voice, or at least her supernatural Third Eye does. Abridged explanation of the Third Eye: some mystical entity commonly tied to the human soul but doesn't necessarily need to be to help its user, usually just retains memories and personality to give some back to the renewed soul upon reincarnating so the variants of the person don't become carbon copies, however instances like Silva and Paul who don't have a soul (due to the circumstances of their "births") they instead only build up their own Third Eye to protect themselves, which gives them back their memories, personality and skills into their next lives deep in their subconscious, so while they don't consciously remember most familiar things they instinctively do and gravitate towards that. The Third Eye also has an OP mode and can enhance the user who is aware and works symbiotically with it in ways humans back in the beginning of the multiverse could do. Paul realized this and gave Silva some subtle lessons (never explicitly saying what it was for) so Silva just thought it was meditation to make her more spiritual with her soul or something and doesn't actually realize until much, much later in her life that she's powerful enough to kill a God if she wanted to. There's a lot more for the Third Eye but I'll explain in a more detailed post.
Anyway, the Voice genuinely hates Silva for constantly foiling its plans in some shape or form, especially by the time of Silva's Hope, as the Voice hasn't exactly made itself look capable of governing one corner of the universe to its extremely cruel and unforgiving superior. And since the Voice is very biased and hypocritical on why "a deputy woman trying to live a normal life is more deserving of torment and needless suffering than the the prophet who killed his daughter for it and the other prophet who gaslit, gatekeeped, manipulated, mansplained, manwhored and manslaughtered his way through life", once Silva becomes aware of the Voice, its on sight. Anyway song below:
"Kill me again, again and again But I come back knowing so much more Learning all your tricks I'll make you sick Because the truth is...* I'll make you quit."
"Try to stay [first], [have to] stay first** You're still good-good, admit to this Don't fight anymore, it's such a snore One more step, and I'll make it war."
"And I still love the way I "hurt" you."
"It's determination, whoa-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-yeah Whoa-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-yeah.
I love the way, I love the way I love the way you keep on trying I love the way (I love the way), I love the way (I love the way) I love the way you keep on dying."
(* = Obviously I had to emit Sans name due to that probably not being the Voice's name ** = The Voice is against Silva, and since Frisk is from Undertale, I had to adapt the lyrics here a bit)
A song for the unnamed original trilogy I'm working on, which spins off from the events of Wings And Horns, but focusing on two characters who appeared in it, unnamed but can confirm they're both women, with one being trans. This pair are the first humans to have ever explored the Multiverse, and the trilogy will be following their story in life, navigating the aftermath of the abolishing of the soulmate system, discovering + exploring the Multiverse, and seeking out the Wheel of Reincarnation in the Afterlife, while facing internal and external problems, the most prominent being the Mad Kin of Carnage himself, Discord.
"I'm born to run, down rocky cliffs Give me grace, bury my sins Shattered glass and black holes Can't hold me back from where I need to go
Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Yellow hills and valleys deep I watch them move under my feet Stranger things, have come and gone To see the world and take the throne
Don't hold back Oh, I won't hold back
I'm gonna live my life like I'm gonna die young Like it's never enough, like I'm born to run I'm gonna spend my time like tomorrow won't come Do whatever I want, like I'm born to run
I wanna see Paris (Hey), I wanna see Tokyo I wanna be careless (Hey), even if I break my bones I'm gonna live my life like I'm gonna die young Like it's never enough, like I'm born to run.
A winding road, where strangers meet To feel the love of a warm drink My body moves, it's speaking loud Don't have to say what I'm thinking now
Don't hold back Oh, I won't hold back
I'm gonna live my life like I'm gonna die young Like it's never enough, like I'm born to run I'm gonna spend my time like tomorrow won't come Do whatever I want, like I'm born to run
I wanna see Paris (Hey), I wanna see Tokyo I wanna be careless (Hey), even if I break my bones I'm gonna live my life like I'm gonna die young Like it's never enough, like I'm born to run.
All these things, I've seen and done I live my life like I'm born to run All these things, I've seen and done I live my life like I'm born to run All these things, I've seen and done (I was born, born, born, born, born to run) I live my life like I'm born to run (I was born, born, born, born, born to run)
I'm gonna live my life like I'm gonna die young Like it's never enough, like I'm born to run I'm gonna spend my time like tomorrow won't come Do whatever I want, like I'm born to run
I wanna see Paris (Hey), I wanna see Tokyo I wanna be careless (Hey), even if I break my bones I'm gonna live my life like I'm gonna die young Like it's never enough, like I'm born to run.
Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh!"
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
Prompt: "I promise there’s no necromancy going on in this lab! We pinky swore, didn’t we? But no, you cannot go in there right now… for other, non-necromancy related reasons."
Y'know, the Starblaster was a relatively small ship. The size of a small yacht, one might say. Sure, magic helped make the insides a little bigger. And sure, they had already pushed this baby to the limits on the number of objects it could hold inside at any given time. The Starblaster was home, but it was a very small home, with very little room to be secretive.
That's why, when Davenport woke up in the middle of the night to a loud hum rolling through the ship, he knew exactly where to find the source of the noise. And, judging by the fact that Barry and Magnus's door was closed (which it never was) and Lup and Taako's door was open (which it never was), he had a pretty good guess on who had caused the noise as well.
He tried to be a good Captain. He really, really did. It wasn't exactly easy, considering his training had never consisted of anything like "keep you and six other people alive with an entity literally named the Hunger tries to vore you yearly". But he thought he was doing good. He was, not to brag, a killer pilot. He tried to keep the space as fun and relaxed as he could considering, y'know, the whole Hunger thing.
But sometimes! Sometimes, Davenport had to put his foot down.
The lab door was smoking. The list of banned magics and objects had fallen off the door, singed at the edges. Davenport considered knocking, just to be polite, but goddamnit, this was his ship, and his crew, and he had gotten exactly two hours of sleep in the last thirty-six. He made to open the door, to march in their and give them a piece of his mind, but the door opened before he even touched the handle.
Barry slipped out. His hair was... it had seen better days. His labcoat, too. He tried to get past Davenport with a "be right back, Cap!" but Davenport blocked his way.
"No," Davenport said.
Lup peaked out the door. There was an imprint of goggles on her face and her eyes were about the only part of her that wasn't covered in ash.
"No," Davenport said. "No!"
"Mornin'," Lup said.
"It's two in the fucking morning," Davenport said. "I have had two hours of sleep. Two. What the fuck do you think your doing?"
"Well, uh," Barry said. "It's a- it's a funny story-"
"Barry," Davenport said. He held up a hand and paused, taking a deep breath. He continued in a voice that was much more "let's all have fun here" and not "I will fucking kill you". "Remind me what was on the banned list?"
"Well, uh-"
"Lup? Wanna take a stab at it?"
"It's not... y'know," Lup said.
"Necromancy," Davenport said. "Which I banned-"
"After cycle nine, yeah, yeah," Lup said. "Listen. We pinky promised. It's not-" She choked a little on her words, suppressing a very obvious laugh. "It's not not necromancy. But that's not me saying it is. Just that it's, uh, it's very easy to mistake what we're trying to do for something sorta unsavory like, I don't know. Like a little bit of necromancy? A tiny bit. If I were to compare it to that, which it's not, I would say it's about five percent sort of necromancy and ninety five percent, uhm-"
"Science," Barry said.
"Science," Lup said. "Yes. Yeah, it's science, Dav."
He was a fun and nice boss. He loved his crew. He loved his crew a lot, like so much. Enough to maybe even like, strangle them. Out of love.
"Let me in the lab," Davenport said. Both Barry and Lup immediately slipped back towards the door, leaning against it like it was a normal thing to do when someone asked to go into a certain room. "As your Captain-"
"Firstly," Lup said. "You signed up for two months as Captain, I think it's Magnus's turn right now."
"That's not how that works, Lup!"
"Secondly," Lup said, louder. "You can't go in there right now for, uhhhh-"
"No necromancy-related reasons," Barry said. "Science reasons."
"Science reasons," Lup repeated, like that made any goddamn sense.
"I am going to make Lucretia draw a picture of you two and then I am going to nail it to the lab door and put a big X over it," Davenport said. "Can you not wait until morning? Is that too much to ask?"
"Lucretia never gets my nose right," Barry said.
"It can totally wait 'til morning," Lup said. "It's just, uh, important. That we do it now. When no one is around. So go away."
"Lup," Davenport started, exhaustedly.
"Captain Lup," Lup said.
"Yeah," Barry said. "Respect your superiors, Dav."
"I thought Magnus was Captain?"
"Shift change," Lup said. "I'm Captain now. And as Captain, it is my duty to make sure you get some sleep-"
"Well, if someone would stop blowing up our goddamn ship in the middle of the night-!"
"Shh," Lup said, turning him around. "Bedtime."
"A nice good sleep," Barry said supportingly.
Davenport glanced over his shoulder at them and the crispy lab door.
"I want this fixed by the time I wake up," he said.
"Oh, natch, natch," Lup said.
"For sure," Barry said.
Davenport needed to go the fuck back to sleep. Come hell or high water, when they got home, he better be getting a serious overtime bonus.
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Comics this week ? (like WW #12)
Superman #17 - The good Absolute Power tie-in of the week. Glad to see Clark is pissed about Jon and not handling it well. He’s much more aggressive and short tempered here, with Zatanna playing the cool head. An underrated aspect of Superman is that when he loses his powers he also tends to lose his patience and his restraint. Something to unpack there about how much of the cool-headed friendly personality we normally associate with Superman is an act. But of course I am not unbiased when it comes to Superman and Wrath…
World’s Finest #30 - Waid managed to write a story that even the Wondy fans enjoyed, truly a Herculean feat given the grudge they bear towards him for his self-admitted tendency to misrepresent Diana. Themyscaria came off well, they had advanced tech, kangas, and not all of the Amazons were hostile to the World’s Finest trio.
Wonder Woman #12 - Bleh. Good to let Sampere get ahead so that the actual story has consistent art, but these AP tie-ins from King are not hitting.
Green Lantern: War Journal #12 - Loved the ending. Finally have a stand-alone story for Stewart that I can recommend. I'm not sure about keeping Ellie around as her own entity. I interpreted the bit about John's Mama being preserved in the ring as John rewiring his ring to be based on his mom's personality rather than literally preserving her soul or what not, and that interpretation strikes me as very touching. Montos for Stewart is what Reis was for Hal, what a shame we can’t get a 50 issue run on Stewart from this team.
Jenny Sparks #1 - Judging by the complaints, it’s seems like this was a lot of people’s first exposure to the Ellis style of sneering bastards making fun of “capes”. King captured that tone perfectly I’d say, even if some of Spoke’s imagery was heavy handed. Old bearded white guy feeding the birds for no reason other than he wants to (God as a benevolent provider) contrasted with Atom saying he wants to kill and eat the birds because he can (God as a terrifying force of destruction) was not subtle at all. Will King bring up the High is my biggest question. After all it was the High who in a way caused Jenny to form the Authority in the first place, since she seems to have a negative opinion of Superman here I want to know what her history is with High/Superman. Especially in a post-S&tA world (even if it is an Elseworld) you could wrong some interesting stuff out of Superman and Sparks talking about the Authority.
Ultimate Spider-Man #8 - If my clothes started smiling at me I would simply never wear them again. I would also set them on fire. If it wasn’t obvious, the picosuit is 6160 Venom. I loved how ominous this entire issue read, even without any major action you can feel the swords dangling over the cast. AI Peter is already referring to himself as his own entity, he’s focused on the kids just like regular Peter, he’s teasing that he can do stuff Peter doesn’t know about, how long until he starts trying to “take the wheel”? Maybe we’ll get a version of Earth X Venom where the suit tries to bond with either Richard or May in an effort to protect them.
Harry meanwhile gets a small humiliation in that Maker didn’t even consider him worthy of notice, which is only going to fuel his need to prove himself. Been going back and forth on if Richard or Jonah would be the ones to die, and after this issue I bet it’s Jonah. Killing Jonah would affect both Richard (with whom Jonah bonds in one of the best Jonah moments ever) and Ben (who is clearly lonely after his wife’s death and Jonah dying could push Robbie to join Ben or Peter to jump ship too). Kingpin gathers his Sinister Six, and I loved how Mysterio is shown to be playing mind games with his fellow villains.
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galacticnova3 · 10 months
If Galactic Nova and Star Dream aren’t the same entity, how come Star Dream can send out the same random objects Nova had? 🤔
The evidence is pretty damning, I’d say.
You walk into my house and have the audacity to claim its foundation is subpar? You issue a challenge as if I do not have the home field advantage here?
Consider the fact that Star Dream(Soul OS) can send out two weather vanes and three lightbulbs when Nova only had one of each. In the same vein, they can attack with far more piano keys— twelve, if I recall correctly, compared to Nova’s six. Where would the rest have come from if they are just using what you imply they should have had before? Also, there are some key visual differences with between the so-called same items. Nova’s weather vane is of a simple design; it consists of a central shaft that is topped with a white chicken, to which an arrow is attached via a blocky, silver point of rotation in the center of its shaft. The arrow’s fletching consists of two parallelograms, and the arrowhead is a simple triangle that appears to be part of the shaft rather than made separately, giving it a very 2D appearance. In contrast, the ones Star Dream utilizes are topped with silver chickens, have arrows of much more realistic appearances— the fletching and arrowheads aren’t flat, but are instead more accurate to how real arrows look— attached to the central shaft via round points of rotation with scarlet centers.
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Finally, unlike the one Star Dream Soul OS can attack with, Nova’s pocket watch doesn’t have fucking teeth. I thought this deserved to be its own point because I’m normal and also nobody ever talks about this. Why does it have big ol’ chompers? No clue! Maybe Star Dream(Soul OS) thinks the only good trait evolved by lesser lifeforms is biting people.
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You fool. You take what is clearly meant to be a visual throwback to a previous game literally, treating it as something equating two distinct characters in spite of a wealth of evidence to the contrary. I have terminal brainrot and have fixated on an often overlooked character to the point of naming my online presence after them time and time again. We are not the same. You absolute buffoon. I bet you don’t even know about the unused Kirby Mass Attack Nova sprite. I bet you’ve never personally gone out of your way to witness the seconds long Nova easter egg in the background of Kirby 3D Rumble. I am going to kill you in hand to hand combat
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alarawriting · 6 months
Fuuuck... accidentally posted to the wrong account against.
Have a thing I'm working on instead of a rant that belonged on my main blog, instead. ****
You are very confused about how you got here, and moreover, what here even is. The last thing you remember, you were cramming for your Organic Chemistry final, it was like 4 or 5 am – you were scared of looking at the clock too often, so you’d been avoiding it – and it was so hard to stay awake, despite the six espressos, three Jolt colas, five regular Cokes, three energy drinks, and caffeine pill you had taken, but you were trying to force yourself to read over the text and repeat to yourself everything it said. The exam was going to be at 8 am and you needed to do well. Your entire future depended on it. You remember having a massive headache and thinking you should go find some Advil, and then deciding against it because you couldn’t spare the time from studying.
Now you’re in a large… cavern? Throne room? Temple? The room’s enormous, with walls that look like white marble glittering with embedded crystal, and you are standing in front of a winged unicorn, a human-sized bunny rabbit who is standing on its haunches and has six – arms? Forelimbs? It looks kind of like what if Shiva was a fluffy grey bunny rabbit? – and a Chinese dragon. The Chinese dragon is small for a dragon, maybe 10 or 12 feet long but it’s coiled around itself, looped tightly enough that its head is about, maybe 8 feet high. The unicorn is the size of a racehorse. The three entities occupy a dais in the middle of the room, with some sort of flame-like background that is in rainbow colors, and oh shit, obviously you are dreaming. Fuck. You need to wake yourself up now.
“Leo Chen?” the unicorn asks. Her lips move, but not like a human saying the words “Leo Chen” would move. You can’t lip read but you know whatever it was her horse lips are saying, it’s not what you’re hearing. Like a bad dub. Shit. Too many Godzilla movies. Netflix dubs are a lot better than this.
“Look, this is great and all and I’m sure I would normally love this dream, but I’ve got to study for my orgo final that is happening something like three hours from now, so I think I need to wake up.”
You do not wake up. Normally when your dreams go lucid and you realize, oh right, Grandma’s actually dead, or Jesus I am about to get hit by a bus except this isn’t real and I’m dreaming, or whatever, you wake up. This is not always in your favor. The dream where Jeff Whittaker turned out to be gay and have a crush on you and the two of you were going to go on a date and then you remembered, wait, gay or not there is no way he’s gonna want to date me, and then you realized it was a dream, you tried very hard to not wake up, but it didn’t work. Realizing it’s a dream wakes you up. So why aren’t you waking up?
The Chinese dragon is laughing at you. Chortling. You didn’t think anyone ever really chortled, that was a word Lewis Carroll made up, but no, he’s chortling. “Oh, dear. Another one of the ‘it’s a dream’ ones.”
The bunny rabbit says, in a very butch lesbian voice, “Yeah, sorry, dude. It’s not a dream and you don’t have an orgo final anymore.”
“I do have an orgo final! In three hours! Or less, depending on how long I’ve been asleep!”
In a gentle, musical, feminine voice, the winged unicorn says, “I’m so sorry, Leo. You’re not asleep.”
“You’re dead,” the rabbit says.
The unicorn glares at the rabbit. “Petra, do you need to be so blunt about it?”
“Oh, you could have me tell him,” the Chinese dragon says. “You’re pushing up daisies! Not pining for the fjords! Kicked the bucket! You are an ex-human!”
“And you, Hundun, do not need to be cruel about it.” The unicorn looks right at you. For the first time you notice that she has predator eyes, facing you, not the side-eyes typical of a horse. Also, they are purple. This is plainly shit your brain got out of The Last Unicorn or maybe My Little Pony – in fact, with a winged white unicorn and a black and gold Chinese dragon, this is a lot like My Little Pony.
“No, I’m definitely dreaming,” you say confidently. “You look waaaay too much like characters from My Little Pony. Except the bunny, I don’t know where my brain got you.”
The Chinese dragon laughs again. He is not voice-acted by John de Lancie, but the general tone and pitch of his voice aren’t entirely dissimilar. “I knew it was going to bite us in the ass someday that we sent someone back.”
“Hush, Hundun. The young man is dealing with a lot right now.”
The rabbit says, “Look, I’m sorry. You’re dead and we brought you here because we need people like you.”
You roll your eyes. “Oh, Jesus, it’s an isekai. I’m the Chosen One? The Hero who’s destined to fight the Demon Lord or some shit like that? That’s not even vaguely believable. I’m an overweight biochem major shooting for medical school. I’ve never fought anything if you don’t count video games and frankly I don’t even like JRPGs where you swing a sword around and kill things. There is no way I would ever be some kind of special chosen one.”
“You’re right,” the rabbit says. “You’re not actually special.”
“At all,” the Chinese dragon says. “You are, in many ways, miserably average. I mean, I’ll give you this, you’re smart and hardworking. Well, at least the hard working part, given that you just gave yourself an aneurysm studying for an exam. I can’t help but think that if you were smart you could have avoided that.”
You’d had a terrible headache.
No. Bullshit. You’re not dead, this is an anxiety dream because of the headache making you feel like you were going to have a stroke. That’s a figure of speech. Guys your age do not actually have strokes, not even if they’ve been up for 32 hours writing papers and studying for exams and have been mainlining caffeine and energy drinks the entire time. The one dose of Adderall you were able to get from your roommate’s friend would have worn off a long time ago, that was more than 12 hours ago.
“Lemme guess,” you say. “You’re the Power of Kindness” – you point at the unicorn – “you’re the Power of Honesty—” the rabbit—“and you’re the Power of Being An Asshole.”
All three of them start laughing hysterically at this.
“He has you figured, Hundun,” the rabbit says.
“Oh, absolutely! And Eufy, all ‘pwetty pwease people don’t be mean to each over…’”
“It is true you’re fairly blunt, Petra,” the unicorn says, chuckling. “As for Hundun… we need to work together so let’s not go there.”
“It’s more like Order, Chaos and Harmony,” Petra, which is apparently the rabbit’s name, says.
“Called it. This is some kind of weird MLP fanfic my brain is making up,” you say.
“Or Change and Transformation, Stability, and the necessary balance between them that allows life to exist,” the unicorn says. “Or Rebellion, Doing What You’re Told, and Working Things Out. Conflict, Top-Down Unity via Enforcement, and Collaboration. Fire, earth and water.”
“So where’s air?” you ask skeptically.
Hundun the Chinese dragon sighs dramatically. “STEM students. Have you never heard of an analogy?”
“The Trains Run On Time, The Trains May Be Somewhat Delayed Because There Are a Lot of Trains, and When the Fuck Is This Train Showing Up?” Petra says.
“And you’re not making any of this up,” Hundun says, “because, trust me, you’re not that imaginative.”
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talvenhenki · 2 years
Ok so for the drabble asks - can I get, uhh, "Tell mr" for Garashir? (Maybe Julian revealing the genetic augmentation thing to Garak after the whole mess of That Episode but before the secret has had the time to become widely known on the station? But I mean you can also write something else for the prompt if you don't wanna do that :D)
There was a lump in Julian's throat. The more he thought about the current situation, the bigger it grew, until Julian couldn't breathe any longer. It was bad enough that Miles, kind and good-hearted Miles, knew that Julian was a freak, but the fact that the whole station would know before long? Suffocating.
Julian pressed the door chime again, praying to whatever higher entity might hear that Garak was home.
"My dearest?"
Julian spun around at superhuman speed, meeting Garak's eyes. He had not been home. For whatever reason, Garak was standing a few metres away, studying Julian.
"We should go in", Garak said, opening the door, and leading Julian inside his quarters.
As soon as Julian was inside, his knees gave out, and he slid down onto the floor. Had this been a normal situation, Garak would no doubt have commented on the ungracefulness of the motion. And yet, no words came out - instead, Garak knelt down in front of Julian and wrapped a quilt around his shoulders.
"What is it?" Garak asked. His tone left no room to try and redirect his attention. In a way, Julian was grateful for that; he would have to come clean once and for all.
"You know the nickname my parents call me by?" Julian said softly. "The one that makes me sound like a kid?"
"Jules", Garak replied, "I quite like it. But you don't. Why?"
"Because Jules is dead", Julian whispered, "and I'm just a cheap copy of him. Jules was not good enough for my father, so he went and got a new one for himself."
"Your Starfleet records say otherwise", Garak said.
Julian laughed bitterly. His head was spinning in a way that he would not like, had he been any of his own patients.
"Of course you'd have a copy. You always have a copy."
"Indeed. Now, why are you so distraught, my dearest?"
Julian drew in a shaky breath. It was time to come clean, once and for all. What Garak would decide to say or to do would be beyond Julian's control either way.
"When I was a child, I was disabled", Julian began, "one that wasn't obvious. My father decided that I was not bright enough when I was six years old, having attended school for only one year. I...did not learn like the others. I had difficulties with the simplest concepts. My parents decided I was a failure because I did not develop fast enough."
"And then?" Garak prompted.
"I was taken to Adigeon Prime." Julian's mouth was dry as he kept forcing one word out after the other. "It's a non-Federation world with quite advanced technology on genetic manipulation. I became their test subject, and...somehow, along the way, was augmented in a way that the Federation considers illegal."
Garak pulled Julian close, holding him as tight as he could. "Now", Garak said, sounding oddly fearful, "why are you telling me this?"
"The secret got out", Julian whispered, "and I might have to leave Deep Space Nine. I thought...I'd owe you an explanation, at the very least. And...I was hoping, against all odds, that you wouldn't be disgusted with the monstrosity I was made into."
Sighing, Garak pulled away just enough to rest his forehead on Julian's. "My dearest, you've got me so wrong. If they make you leave, I am coming with you. Why, I know a rather picturesque moon not too far from Rigel - we could weather the storm there. I am not staying if you go."
Blinking, Julian threw his arms around Garak. Perhaps there was hope for him yet.
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shinelikethunder · 2 years
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I posted 1,893 times in 2022
That's 350 more posts than 2021!
221 posts created (12%)
1,672 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,705 of my posts in 2022
Only 10% of my posts had no tags
#supernatural - 307 posts
#hannibal - 236 posts
#fanart - 84 posts
#hannigram - 71 posts
#sandman - 70 posts
#twin peaks - 62 posts
#hellsite (affectionate) - 54 posts
#art - 50 posts
#will graham - 48 posts
#laugh rule - 47 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#'average meme dies in six weeks' factoid actualy just statistical error. average meme dies in 1 week. spiders georg‚ who lives forever on tu
My Top Posts in 2022:
very invested in the Hannibal s4 that only exists in my head where
you know how season 3a is "hannibal tries to live without will" and season 3b is "will tries to live without hannibal" and they both fail miserably
i want a season 4a that's "will tries to go full murder husbands for hannibal" and a season 4b that's "hannibal tries to lay off the gratuitous murdering for will" and it somehow goes even worse
1,242 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
bold of SPN to not only give us a peek into both main characters' sex lives, but to make it a canonical characterization beat that the toughguy-projecting wannabe womanizer is a sweet earnest bottom in the sack and the babygirl-coded wannabe normie fucks like the world's kinkiest freight train
1,652 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
i've been going on archaeological expeditions into the depths of the SPN tags on AO3, and tonight i got drop-kicked into an out-of-body experience so cursed that it'd require LAYERS of explanations to convey to a civilian how fucking funny it was:
unfortunately, SPN fandom is as enamored of mundane AUs as every other goddamn fandom seems to be these days
noted gay angel Castiel is, as you may have heard, a celestial entity possessing some poor guy named Jimmy Novak
apparently standard practice when mundane-AUing Castiel is to just give him the surname of the guy he bodysnatched?
and since SPN angels are all referred to as siblings (and are, of course, highly normal about that) it seems pretty common to just slap the same name onto other humanverse'd angels too
in the middle seasons one of Castiel's endless procession of dickwad angelic bosses is named Naomi
now you gotta bear in mind that i was not thinking about ANY of this. my brain had to backfill it. while reeling after almost blacking out when i scrolled past this character tag:
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me, sitting there with my soul about to vacate the premises, thinking this fic is doing something WAY more interestingly cursed than it really is: listen man. listen. just because it's possible to reductively summarize the origins of AO3 as "Naomi Novik wanted a site she knew would never take down her Wincest fic" doesn't mean you gotta--
2,093 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
seriously though, it's incredible how much of my "maybe titties again?" goodwill tumblr torched in 30 seconds through obnoxious UX alone:
i am browsing around in the android app. i see a post about disabling some new content filter. this is the first I've heard of it, even though my version of the app does turn out to have it - they put it in place before adding any mechanism to let me know it's there. strike one.
i go to settings > dashboard, the place where all the settings about what you do and don't see are supposed to live. no sign of it.
i go back to the settings menu. squint at it. see an unremarkable entry near the bottom called "Content you see" that isn't highlighted or marked as new in any way (even though i can't even visit anyone's blog anymore without having to actively tap past an FYI tooltip that can't be turned off, every single time, shilling weeks-old gift features that I've already used)
...oh, that's where my custom tag and keyword filters went. no prior indication they'd even been moved!
i have a lot of filters set up. like. a LOT. i now have to scroll past every single one of them, tag AND keyword, uncollapsed and unabridged, just to see whether there's another setting hiding underneath. on mobile! even the desktop site is more polite than this, jesus
just to recap so far: the only reason i even know to look is that i saw a random post about new content settings, and i would never have bothered with all that scrolling if i weren't crusty and paranoid about sites that hide vital settings in the depths of Menu Hell. i mean, that'd be crazy, right? surely listing all those filters with no collapse is a signal there's nothing worthwhile underneath them.
oh no wait, there they are!
it's not just one toggle, it's FOUR new settings!
all of them are set to "hide everything and never even let me know it was there"
even though there is a "blur" option that would've let me know that stuff was being hidden from me without actually showing it
even though i have, in the past, gone into every iteration of the adult content settings that tumblr has ever rolled out and affirmatively ordered it to show me the titties
THEY ARE NOT TOGGLES. EACH ONE OPENS A SEPARATE MENU SCREEN. every single one of the FOUR new settings needs like 3+ taps in the android app just to put it back to normal.
does turning on the catchall "mature content" setting cause the three more specific ones to default to "show" and let me pick restrictions as needed like a goddamn adult? NOPE, i have to go into the stupid little menu for every single one
it's almost like you didn't want me to find them and, having found them, wanted to make me pay as high an annoyance tax as possible to opt out of being nannied
the dashboard banner that eventually shows up, btw, says nothing about having been voluntold for additional filtering, and also just dumps you out in the general settings menu and leaves you to fend for yourself, with no indication of where this shit is hidden or what "this shit" even is. and that's downright friendly next to the link in the announcement post that's apparently been kicking people out of the app and onto web.
this is not how you get a rightfully mistrustful userbase to be optimistic about putting scarlet letters on their own posts. this is not how you convince anyone that it's just a courtesy, not a scarlet letter, or that it won't be used to punish and stigmatize you the instant the wind shifts direction.
in the most practical here-and-now terms, this is also not how you get people to USE the new content warnings on their posts! artists, especially, are hardly gonna jump to flag anything as mature if it means every single one of their followers - regardless of age, previous adult content settings, or whether they're in Apple's walled garden or not - has just been silently opted out of ever knowing it was there. (this goes double if it requires more than one sentence to explain how to reverse it. which this new setting seems almost deliberately designed to do.)
look, i want the titties back, okay? i would be delighted if this turned out to be the first step towards bringing them back. i know Tumblr is under duress from Apple that affects how they can do whatever they're doing here. but the way it's being rolled out sucks needless ass, and if they wanted my hope and trust, well, those are easier to muster up when I'm not going in grouchy about the frustrating UX of an app that's just taken hostile action against my prior explicitly-affirmed preferences.
2,103 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
hey you wanna see something beautiful? this is Elsevier's wikipedia page. the actual contents are even more brutal.
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make enough sworn enemies out of academics, open access advocates, and freedom of information activists, and one natural consequence is: your wikipedia page will never again be a place of cozy low-profile positivity where you can drop "about us" copy directly from marketing and expect no one to care enough to challenge it
6,727 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
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amabela-14 · 2 years
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Art is the only one without a white background because I couldn’t find a good way to have the outline of their flames look nice. Saddening.
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larathia · 2 years
*deep inhale* so chapter 91. May I humbly share my thoughts with you?
I am very excited about this “God” character that has been mentioned since the beginning to FINALLY be a plot device to ‘solving’ the problem that is Nene’s lifespan.
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However, I'm fairly uncertain if that is the big problem here. I do adore Nene as a protagonist for being a fresh take as neither being strong nor skillful as another protagonist commonly in shounen series, yet (same with Kou) having a strong moral despite the world being against them.
But the ‘big problem’ or rather obstacle is this ‘God’ themself for the characters. Yashiro is planned to die because of fate and cannot be with Hanako in life or death because he is supernatural. The same goes for Kou and Mitsuba as Mitsuba has stayed off the path to be human where the ‘only way’ the two could be together is for Kou to die. Hanako and the other mysteries are as they are because they were chosen by God to serve as protectors of Kamome. After all, it is its ancient grounds. The Minamoto brothers could not have a normal life because they were tasked to eliminate supernaturals that harm humans and for all we know about this God they intend to set correct relations between the dead and living.
This is a fragment of what I’ve been thinking about for the past months to now have the urge to express it thanks to the new chapter. (plus I don't want to make this ask too long) Tsukasa possibly wants to change the way God rules being I vaguely remember a chapter where after Mistuba’s wish was granted (I'll paraphrase) he wanted a world where supernatural and human coexist. Why? We don’t know that either and could speculate until the next chapter comes but we know he needs Amane and Yashiro to get him there to God.
My questions in general.
1.) Did God pick the mysteries specifically on their connections with humans?
2.) Will God play a figure as Hanako’s growth and possible future being Yashiro has influence on his humanity or will it not being Tsukasa calls bullshit for using his power for selfish reasons?
3.) I doubt Yashiro will want to continue to destroy the Yorishiros but I can see her turning the tables and wish God for something else and as, it’s been hinted, what relation does she have with God?
4.) Mitsuba???
If you read this, thank you www- I appreciate you taking the time
Wow! Okay, I wanted to wait until after I did my 'analysis' post to really dig into this but I did all that, and now it's your turn!
My first real thought here is that we've only ever heard of one being referred to as 'god' by the Yugi twins. The thing we generally call the Red House Entity, or what Tsukasa called 'the god under the house'. There are probably others! Logically, there are probably at least two gods in this series! But we've only actually got solid evidence that one of them exists.
Understand a hell of a lot is dependent on the nature of as-yet-unrevealed lore. Do the Mysteries serve someone? Are they something that the Minamoto clan set up in decades past, as an alternative to the sacrifices? We don't actually KNOW.
(Fun bit of speculation: What if Yorimitsu Minamoto is the power behind the Wonders? From what Six says, he certainly had the power to do that if he wanted to. And hey, SOMEONE had to recruit Six to the job... but you get my point. There's not a lot we know.)
So let's go with what we DO know.
The RHE is connected to 'the pit', where the kannagi were sacrificed in centuries past. The RHE grants wishes in return for sacrifices; the bigger the sacrifice, the bigger the wish that can be granted.
A severance is basically 'sacrifice a special human to temporarily block off the mortal world from the supernatural world'. It's...a wish. Like any other wish.
Tsukasa is very, very tied to the RHE. And may well want the entity to be free to do as it pleases, which may well be 'let supernaturals run rampant so that the locals offer it The Good Sacrifices again'.
Hanako is to all appearances afraid of the RHE. (Given how his family died, he may well have EXTREMELY good reasons to be.) But he's also very, very pragmatic. If the RHE is the biggest game in town, I could see Hanako going along with it.
But I'm speculating.
What's hanging on my mind just now is how much of the entire plot seems to hinge on the fact that Amane and Tsukasa are identical twins. They don't necessarily want the same things, but if asked to plot out how to GET what they want, they seem to think along broadly the same lines.
Case in point: At the outset, Hanako says he wants to atone for murdering his brother. Tsukasa says he wants supernaturals to be free to be however they want to be. Tsukasa drives Two crazy; Hanako unseats her. Because Tsukasa did that (proving he COULD do that) Hanako then moves on to 'unseat all the Wonders' - which in turn means that when Obon rolls around, the supernaturals can rampage just like Tsukasa wants. But oh! Six is in the way of a rampage! Tsukasa plots to remove Six - and when Hanako and Yashiro get entangled in Six's boundary, Hanako very nearly does Tsukasa's job for him, but Yashiro won't destroy the yorishiro. But Hanako uses Six's sacrifice to extend Yashiro's lifespan, and that brings the Minamotos raging across a Severance to take Six out and undo Hanako's work...doing Tsukasa's work instead.
You see? They're not working together, and yet at the same time both of them have gotten a lot closer to what they WANT by pinging off whatever the other one's doing. I can at present only attribute this to them being identical twins, and thus thinking in similar ways even toward different goals.
And now they seem to have the same goal, even if it's for different reasons. Tsukasa still wants rampaging supernaturals (which means No Wonders) and Hanako wants to save Yashiro (meaning he's got to win the Wish from God). But both of them need to destroy yorishiros to get what they want, and Yashiro's the only one so far who's proven able to do that.
I am very, very curious as to whether she'll take that step onto the slippery slope in order to live. In theory she could swing Hanako back to absolutely opposing his brother by simply genuinely accepting her death and heading to the Far Shore - meaning the only way Hanako ever sees her again is if he fulfills his original duty, lets go of his guilt and regret, and passes on to join her there.
I don't think that'll happen. At the same time, I just can't see her leaping to rip the seal off Sumire, depower Three, or depower Akane either. Yashiro's never had to make a hard choice of this kind before. I can't really predict what she'll do.
And all of this also ties back to Kou - if he wants to be a supernatural, well, he's been handed a golden opportunity. But will he take it? Akane and Teru still seem to be down for the count. But consider Hanako's warning; becoming a supernatural changes you, sometimes in unpredictable ways. If Kou does take that step, he may no longer be one of the Toilet Trio.
Nene and Kou have been saved, thus far, from making any truly serious decisions. Other people always took up that gauntlet for them. But now they're going to have to choose for themselves, and the story's going to hinge on what they do and how.
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verbosebabbler · 2 years
Making Codex Entries
Thanks to the Watcher of Threads, I now know where the builder menu is for the Codex of Ruin. When on the page of any codex entry, click on the bottom left credit to Lobotomy Corps, and it will open up a codex entry builder menu where you can change the entries or make your own. The urls having the encoded data in the url seems like a necessity brought about by having the ability to make own codex pages where new data gets encoded as a new data string.
As a result, I have made a test draft entry for myself. But for others who wish to make their own entries, I will explain the different components of the entries to the best of my ability. 
Names are usually formatted like “The WORD”. 
There are associated code designations for the characters, but I do not know how they are constructed or what each part means at this time. Theorized to be related to these words listed alongside the text box in the builder: conceptual, object, willpower, fixation, unknown. 
Risk level refers to how dangerous the entry subject is used in Lobotomy Corps. Ranging from least to most dangerous designations: ZAYIN, TETH, HE, WAW, ALEPH
The Roman Numerals of the Personal Stats and Thematic Concepts actually correspond to number values: I is less than 22, II is less than 44, III is less than 88, IV is less than 88, and anything more is V.
The six primary Personal Stats exist in dualities, where to construct you choose the word and the number value. The dualities are:
There is a secret duality of GNOSIS and IGNORANCE that’s rarely used. 
The Thematic Concepts are words associated with the subject. One of these words typically refers to the entry’s Homestuck Class, Homestuck Aspect, and at least one of the Magnus Archive Entities. 
The three tips are used to give specific details about the entry subject.
Abnormality Work Favor refers to the concepts used in dealing with abnormalities in Lobotomy Corps. The Roman Numerals here refers to how the worker’s level in a certain concept affects the outcome. The range of possible outcomes are: Very Low, Low, Common, High, Very High. The Higher the effect, the more effective that type is in subduing the entry. I do not fully understand what kind of work these terms mean individually.
I am generally unsure about Stability Level.
Abnormality Defense refers to how the entry resists the different damage colors of Lobotomy Corpse. The red symbol refers to damage to health. The white symbol refers to damage to sanity. The purple symbol refers to damage that affects both health and sanity. The blue refers to damage towards health based on a percentage of max health points. You write in a number value for each, corresponding to these labels: Absorb if number is less than 0, Immune if equals 0, Resistant if less than .4, Endured is less than .9, Normal if less than or equals 1, Weak if less than 1.9, and any larger labeled Vulnerable.
Here is a first draft of my own entry:
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
This was originally going to be for Teen Titians for MariBatMarck but let’s just say this is the intro for that okay okay. @maribatmarch-2k21
Hope this answers your question @michaelshadow7779
Ao3 *** Part 1 *** Part 2
Normal was not a word Marinette would use to describe her life. She could not remember any time her life may even be considered normal. Or maybe this is normal. Who knows.
One day she was getting ready for bed when a blue light floated into her room. It transformed into a dragon, or is it a bird, or maybe both. But it perched on her desk and turned to her.
"Hello little one. I am Adara, the Entity of hope. Within you is a true light of hope. Would you be willing to share that light and bring hope to the planet at Earth and the stars above?" Adara spoke calmly to her.
"Yes!" little Marinette spoke surely without hesitation. "I will share my light and make everything bright."
"Very well." Adara flew to her and wrapped her by their wings and they crossed space until they landed on Odym.
Yes Marinette was chosen by the ring at the age of six. To say it was a surprise when a child arrived at Odym was a shock to say the least. But her affinity with hope and the acceptance of the responsibility was inspiring.
After her questioning and recruitment she was granted a lantern ring.
"Repeat our oath and promise to all who we protect." The guardians Ganthet and Sayd spoke together.
"In fearful day, in racing night. With strong hearts full, our souls ignite. When all seems lost, in the war of light. Look to the skies, for hope burns bright." Was chorused by the three of them.
A light enveloped her an then she stood there in a royal blue dress, with a black stripe on each side, black cap cape on her shoulders, the skirt fluffed to about her knees, and a white sash and giant bow on the small of her back. Black fingerless gloves that went to her elbows, white sleeves covered her arms and white finger tips appeared from the glove s. White leggings and black ballet slippers round her legs. Her hair was held half up and half down by a blue bow.
Thus her training began. She learned how to harness and control her aura. Allowing her to fly and create projections. She learned to heal wounds. She learned the history of the cosmos. The role the Lantern corps have with in the universe.
She was a natural wielding the ring of hope. She was strategic and her flexibility and speed in combat was exceptional. That was why, when she fell and lost a tooth that couldn't be healed or regrown they began to panic.
So they did the only logical thing and called the Green Lanterns for reinforcements, because they remembered there were humans in the Green Corps.
"I come as fast as I could. What's the problem?" A man in a green corp uniform, the ring of will, he had short brown hair, a lightly tanned complexion, and when his mask disappeared and his eyes were a warm brown.
"Follow me," He was being led over to her by Saint Walker but she couldn't sit still and flew over to him, landing a few feet away.
"Hi!" she smiled up at him. "Your human aren't you? You have a green ring, so the ring of will. What solar systems have you visited."
"Marinette," Sister Sercy stopped her rambling placing a hand on her shoulder.
"Is this why you called a child was chosen and you need her to be escorted back to Earth?"
"That is not it,"Saint Walker clarified. "She is the most compatible being with the Hope ring."
"Then why call for help?"
"Well you see..." Brother Warth began but Marinette stepped in.
"I lost a tooth," Mari beamed at the Green Lantern who now kneeled in front of her.
"That's amazing, Bluebell. Which tooth was it?"
"This one here!" She smiled wider, pointing.
"Why are you not more worried about this?"
"Human children loose their first set or baby teeth and their adult or permanent teeth grow in, It is normal."
"Oh I see."
"What were you doing when you lost your tooth?"
"I was sparring with blank."
"Oh really, mind showing me."
"Can I!?"
"Do you think that wise?"
"It'll be fine. I'll keep the kid gloves on." Two projected oversized mittens covered his hands. Which elicited laughter from her. "I'm Hal Jordan what's your name, Bluebell?"
"Do you have a last name?"
"I think so, but I don't remember it or use it." she responded.
After their spar, Marinette's transformation fell as she curled up into his side.
"Where are her quarters?" Hal picked her up and left to set her in her bed. "Get some rest okay." She nodded her head and replied sleepily. "Yes 'yawn' papa."
Hal made his way back to Saint Walker.
"What are your plans for her when she finishes?" "We aren't to sure. Most Blue Lanterns stay on Odym as there is not always a Green Lantern. Hope is useless without the will to act on it after all."
"What if she goes to Earth." He added. "Then are five Green lanterns of Earth meaning she would almost always have a Green an planet."
"That would be wise but I am not sure she is ready yet."
"She is strong for a Blue, no offense, her constructs were precise, her coordination and strategy may even be a rival to the strategist of Earth (cough 'Batman' cough). That said her will may even be strong enough for the Green Lanterns."
"Do you think that it is possible for the Guardians to allow her to train with and learn alongside the Green lanterns on Oa." Sayd drifted down into the conversation.
"Yes she is powerful and her will is on par with her hope." Ganthet added farther.
That was how Marinette had been introduced and trained by the Green Lanterns until she was 13. Which was when she was finally allowed to travel to Earth along with Hal who had become her father figure. and her Uncle Stewart, she loved him but he was a tough drill instructor.
Once on Earth he had adopted her and given her his last name. She was now Marinette Jordan and she couldn't be happier.
Permanent Taglist: @itsmeevie01 @miraculouspenta
Taglist: @anjuschiffer
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tuiccim · 4 years
Terrigenisis (Part 10)
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Bucky Barnes X Inhuman!Reader
Words: 1669
Summary: After undergoing terrigenisis unwillingly your life is turned upside down when you are deemed too dangerous to return to life as a civilian. You are put with the Avengers team to train and rebuild. As you hone your powers and skills, you must also decide if you can find home and love again. Or is your curse to be a lonely wanderer forever?
Warnings: Fluff and SMUT (18+, NSFW)
Terrigenisis Series Masterlist       Divider by @firefly-graphics
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As the months went by, the relationship between Steve, Bucky, and yourself became more and more solid. You talked about the future, made plans, and worked through the few issues that had arisen. There had been missions and you had become an integral part of the team. You were happy. You had a job you loved, two men you loved, a home, and a family in your team. It was idyllic. Which terrified you at times. When the fear began to overwhelm you, Bucky and Steve were there for you. They let you express your fears and helped you through them. 
You were gearing up for a mission to take out a large Hydra base that had been recently discovered. The intel on its existence was solid even though what was going on there was a mystery. Some information had been gleaned through surveillance but it was mostly pictures of  objects with an alien language. Thor and Loki were expected to arrive today to help and give some information on what these items could be. 
The team was awaiting their arrival in the conference room except Steve and Tony who were greeting them. You were going over mission details and making tactical plans with the available information.
“So, what are Thor and Loki like?” You ask the group in general. 
“Thor’s a good guy. Nice. A little terse at times. Intense.” Bruce replies.  
“What about Loki?” You look at Bruce. 
“He’s a bag of cats. He’s trying to be… different. Better, I guess. That’s why he’s coming. Thor is trusting him. I guess we’ll have to try, too.” Bruce shrugs as Natasha scoffs. 
“Be careful around Loki. There’s a reason he’s the god of mischief.” Natasha warns.
“Noted.” You say just as they walk in. You immediately smile when you catch Steve’s eye but turn your attention to the two Asgardians as they enter. Steve makes introductions as Tony pulls up the intel photos for the two gods. 
“This looks to be Kree.” Thor states. 
“It is.” Loki confirms as he swipes through the photos. 
“Kree?” You say bringing Thor’s attention to you.
“Yes. They-”
“Created Inhumans.” 
“Yes. You are familiar with the Inhumans?” Thor asks. 
“I am an Inhuman.” You watch the two for any reaction. 
“Ah, a fellow abomination.” Loki grins. “What are your powers?”
You stare Loki down for a moment. Interpreting no malice in his remarks, you reply, “Warging, understanding of all vocal communication, increased strength and stamina.”
“Interesting.” Loki narrows his eyes.
“Warging?” Thor asks and you give him a brief explanation. 
Going back to the available information, the team gleans all it can to formulate a plan. Afterwards, everyone moves to the common room to relax while Tony has a meal brought in. 
“Loki has been watching you the entire time we’ve been in here.” Natasha murmurs to you. 
“Novelty, I guess.” You shrug. 
“Maybe so. Are you okay?” 
“Just have a headache all of a sudden.” You say. 
“Want me to get you something?”
“No, I’ll-mmph! Ow. It feels like an icepick in my head.” You say. 
Natasha’s eyes widen and her head snaps up, “Loki, stop!”
You make eye contact with the god and feel another stab of pain. Realizing he is trying to get in your head, you push back at the feeling. 
“What are you doing, brother?” Thor grabs his arm. 
“I just wanted to see how far her capabilities went, brother. She began fighting me. Strong, this one.” Loki smirks. 
“Keep your mind games to yourself, Loki!” Steve growls. 
“No, it’s okay.” You say. “Try.”
“What?” Steve turns to you with a stern look. 
“I want to see if he can. I can’t know how far my abilities go if I don’t push them. Most of my powers have to do with my senses. I’m just curious.” You shrug.
“Doll, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” Bucky warns. “It was obviously causing you pain.”
“It’s not a big deal. Will you try again, Loki?” You ask. 
“At your service, darling.” Loki grins and concentrates on you again. Your head aches almost immediately and the sharp stabbing pain returns but you fight back against it. Using the same thought process you use when warging you concentrate on Loki, pushing back against his mental invasion. The pain in your head increases the more you fight back but you aren’t willing to stop. You feel a surge from Loki and automatically push back at him with a mental force that suddenly turns your eyes green as the god’s and you realize you have entered his mind. Intense pain spikes through you bringing you to your knees as you grab the sides of your head. A scream tears from your throat before you black out. 
You wake in Bucky’s arms as he takes quick strides towards the elevator. 
“Bucky. I’m okay.” You say. 
“You passed out. You aren’t okay.” Bucky says firmly. 
“We’re just going to take you to get checked out, sweetheart.” Steve says from right beside you. 
“No, I’m fine. Put me down.” You squirm in Bucky’s arms. 
“Doll-” “Sweetheart-”
“Down! Now!” You all but shout. Bucky reluctantly lowers you to the floor and you stand, holding his shoulder for support. “Well, that was new.”
“What did Loki do to you?” Steve growls.
“I only did as she asked.” Loki defends himself. “She managed to fight my attempts. It was quite impressive. Not many can keep me out of their mind as she did. And then, she slipped into my mind. It probably overwhelmed her as she’s not used to such an exertion.”
“Agreed.” You say. “I’ve never been able to do that with a human before.”
“You were probably able to because I have to open my mind in order to reach out. That was admirable.” Loki says. 
“Uh, thanks?” You laugh lightly. 
“Did you see anything?” Loki asks with eyes narrowed.
“It was pretty jumbled.” You admit.
“That’s normal for a first timer. Come, let’s discuss our little experiment.” Loki wraps your hand around his arm and guides you away from your two supersoldiers who glare at Loki as the two of you sit on the loveseat. When dinner is ready, you sit at the table between Bucky and Steve. Loki is seated across from you with Thor next to him and the table is jovial as everyone enjoys the company and food. You notice that Loki retreats into himself during the meal. As soon as the meal is over, you approach Loki again to ask more questions about his abilities. Everyone drifts into the common room while you and Loki sit at one end of the table and talk. He has a great deal of knowledge regarding the Kree, Inhumans, and different abilities. You learn more in two hours than you had in the six months with your Inhuman team. 
“Hey Doll. We’re heading to the room.” Bucky approaches to say. 
“Okay, Love. I’ll be there shortly.” You smile up at him as he leans down to plant a quick kiss on your lips. 
Loki watches as Bucky leaves with a smirk, “So, you and Sergeant Bar-”
“Sweetheart, you coming to bed?” Steve interrupts. 
“Soon, Babe. Loki is giving me some history on the Kree.” 
Steve eyes Loki for a moment before leaning down to kiss you possessively “Don’t be too long.”
“I won’t.” You smile at him as he leaves. Turning back to Loki, it’s your turn to smirk, “Yes, Me and Bucky and Steve.”
“That was unexpected.” Loki raises an eyebrow. 
“I imagine not much surprises you.” You laugh.
“Very little.” Loki says. 
“You know, I was prepared to hate you but… you aren’t exactly what I was expecting.” 
“I was under the influence of other entities during the Battle of New York. It spoke to the basest part of me. I know I’ll never fully make up for it but I’m hopeful I can do some good to set it to rights.” 
“I’m sure you will. Do some good, that is. I should head to bed. Good night, Loki.”
“Good night.” Loki nods his head and joins his brother. 
You were impressed with him. Truthfully, you had planned on hating him. After all, he had killed Coulson but when you had slipped into his mind you had felt his remorse. You were honest when you told him that everything was jumbled. The memories and images that came through had been but his feelings had been loud and clear. Inferiority, remorse, contrition, fear, and hope had suffused you when your minds were joined. It had softened you towards him and you hoped that he could find some corner of redemption in all of this. 
When you get to the bedroom, you pause a minute to smile at Steve and Bucky cuddled up together in the bed. 
“Come join us, pretty girl.” Steve beckons. 
“What were you and Loki talking about that kept you so enthralled?” Bucky groused. 
“Careful, Buck. You almost sound jealous.” You laugh. “We were talking about the Kree and inhumans and different abilities. I learned a good bit from him. Loki offered to bring some information and writings when he comes again.”
“He doesn’t usually talk to any of us much when he’s around.” Steve says. 
“Yeah. Usually all we get out of him is sly remarks.” Bucky says. 
“Huh. Probably a defense mechanism. He feels he has a lot to make up for and know no one really likes him.” You offer.
“How did you find that out?” Steve asks.
“When we did the Vulcan mindmeld. I could feel what he was feeling more than anything else. It told quite the story in and of itself.”
“Loki is a master manipulator.” Steve warns.
“I understand.” You reassure them. “And we leave for mission tomorrow for who knows how long. Is there anything you'd like to do before that happens?”
“Yeah.” “Definitely.” They speak at the same time. 
“What would that be?” You ask. 
“You.” They say in unison.
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Part 11
Tuiccim’s Masterlist
Permanent: @badassbaker @thefridgeismybestie @strangersstranger @cherthegoddess @sherlocksmanwatson @cap-n-stuff @finleyjayne @caplanreads @connie326 @daydreamerinadazedworld @bugsbucky @chrisevanscardigan​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @palaiasaurus64​ @rebekahdawkins @tllynn15​ @learisa​ @jelly-fishy-babie​ @fistmebuckyskywalker @nerdy-bookworm-1998​ @liebs82​ @stuckyslutt​ @a-really-bi-girl​ @saiyanprincessswanie​ @baddie-barnes​ @aikeia​ @daddysdumbsweaterwearingtart​ @marvelgirl7​ @starlightcrystalline​ @xxloki81xx​ @kcd15​ @slytherinambitious​ @sallycanwait68​ @slytherdorxmd​ @fangirlforever2412​ @rainbowkisses31​ @whisperlullaby​ @thejemersoninferno​ @thehumanistsdiary​ @supraveng​ @dispatchvampire​ @juenenfeu​ @sxbby-barnes​ @allonszassbutt​ @y-napotat​ @is-it-madness​ @harold231​ @buckysbaby32​ @purselover2​ @ene-rene​ @chrisevansbaby​ @mrsbarnes-rogers​ @sarahp879​ @rosesanchez12298806​ @xxpapasfritasxx​ @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​ @softie-socks​ @bestofbucky​ @bella-bear03​ @randomfandompenguin​ @jjsoccer11​ @hiddles-rose​ @courtneychicken​ @pureromancebykaci​ @awaywithtime​ @automatic-tragedy​ @ximebebx​ @magnoliamermaid​ @milkymil-k​ @get-me-some-chai-bitch​ @freckleblaze​ @angrythingstarlight​ @unknownmystery22​ @buckysnumberonegirl​ @buckyfan12​
Terrigenisis: @dark-night-sky-99​ @amiets2​ @bihoeofmanyfandoms @tite-rose @teenwolfgirl90 @jennmurawski13 @captain-asguard​ @the-soulofdevil​ @redbarn1995
Updates and taglist: My taglist is currently closed. Updates for series will be made on Thursdays and Sundays Central Time Zone. Please follow my sideblog @tuiccimfanfiction​ for update notifications. All series and new stories will be reblogged to it. You will only receive notifications when a new part or story is out! Nothing else will be blogged to the page. I can’t thank you enough for your support!
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nkogneatho · 4 years
"Promise me forever"- Fushiguro Megumi x gn!reader.
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Genre: fluff, angst, action | I do not own the character.
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Wc: 1.9k | Requested by @unabashednightmarepizza
Warnings: mentions of death, heavy angst, mentions of blood, jujutsu fight style, hyperventilation, mentions of depression and anxiety, bringing human back to life.| A/n: I did it finally. It took me long time. If anything above triggers you, please don't read it. I am still new to fics and stuffs so please be kind and don't send hate.
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The only people who ever understood you were your parents so processing the fact that they are no more wasn't really easy for you.
You inherited both infinite void and six eyes technique and some different abilities due to mutation to although they weren't very reliable. But for several reasons, you're mother asked you to keep it hidden. You really wanted to feel normal but the clan started gossiping about you and how helpless you are.
"Why are you showing pity towards me? I am strong. It's just that I can't show you. I promised my mother. Why are you behaving like that?", unfortunately these were the only thought running in your head.
Gojou saw you and couldn't take it anymore. The way the clan verbally abused you made his blood boil. You were his precious cousin and he didn't want you to get hurt so he took you to Tokyo along with him while enrolling in school.
You felt safe in Tokyo. It's like that was the place you belong although you had to keep up with your cousins antics but watching him getting his ass whooped by the principal is fun.
New semester, new first years joined in. Your days before were so busy and traumatic that you didn't even have the time to think about dating.
Gojou took this opportunity to introduce you to the hottest single guy.
"Y/n, this is Fushiguro Megumi. Megumi, this is my cousin Y/n", Megumi bowed and greeted you, you did the same. The white haired bitch ran leaving you two in an awkward state. Well you did propose a conversation and turned out you both had similar interests. Two of you eventually started dating. It was nice to have a boyfriend. The feeling was very different maybe because you never felt it before.
"Ah! What are you doing baby? You should be more careful", he helped you get up when you slipped. A little O's leaving everyone's lips watching Megumi so caring.
He always held your hands from onwards. The little squeeze he does when he feels insecure about losing you when you guys go on a date or twirling you around with the support of your fingers as you sing and dance on empty streets at night. "We'll stay like this forever. Promise me", he sneakily slipped a ring up your finger as you were busy singing. "Yes", you smiled.
You gasped later when you took notice to it and then immediately hugged him. Before you didn't even know what a promise felt like and now you had it with a person you love the most.
Never have you ever felt so content with anything in your life. Guess good things come to an end.
Being close to the group, Sukuna sensed the potential and power in you when you fought the cursed womb. Well yes, the team was there but you panicked and lost control. Your powers were now visible to both Sukuna and Megumi. He was shocked at how his strong attacks still left you unscratched. Your rage got the best of you. Some of it was the frustration of all the taunts you heard.
You were sure that Megumi wouldn't want to see this monstrous version of you. Growing up alone, scared as if you didn't belong to the family, you never got the chance to control or monitor on how actually your power works. Although Gojou did help you grow enough. But the thought of him hurting your friends was enough to make you snap. Being the monster he is, he wouldn't let this chance slide.
"You're a beautiful bud y/n. You just didn't get a chance to bloom. Seems like it's not too late", he tried so hard to lure you in but the only thing on your mind was now to tear him apart. Sukuna did retreat or should I say Yuuji made him. Fushiguro ran up to you two as you were there with Yuuji's heart in your shivering hand, blood raining down on floor.
"You guys are the best buds I ever had", the last words leaving his mouth as he tumbled on the floor. Your hands were shivering. Even though Megumi knew how to handle such situations, you didn't. Losing a friend? You didn't even have a single friend in the first place but now? You were the one who thrusted his heart out.
"Y/n. It's not your fault.", he tried to convince you. "I am a monster. They were right. I shouldn't have come here. I was good, rotting in a corner in that place. I am helpless", breathlessly blaming yourself.
It took you a few days to finally calm down and think about what was actually going on. Not to mention you were badly injured after the fight. Megumi and Nobara were there the whole time taking care of you when you were recovering.
Gojou after some days took you to somewhere, a place you weren't aware of.
Shocked to very own core you ran towards to hug your friend Yuuji who was alive.
"Y-yuuji.....", not sure what to say afterwards.
"It's okay y/n. It was not your fault. Plus the good thing. I AM ALIVE", he was so excited to see you, that was clearly visible. You both stayed up late and watched movies though Gojou gave you major spoilers so he got kicked out of the room. Gojou warned you to not speak about Yuuji being alive, yet.
A few days later when you were with Yuuji and Junpei at his school, Mahito arrived.
Turns out the reason behind Junpei's whole brainwashing was this man. You tried to snatch Junpei but before you could, Mahito manipulated his body and he was converted into a curse.
"I just wanna have a conversation", he said but you both ignored his shit talk and punched him but seems like it had no effect. Your moves focused on finding his weak point or atleast holding him until Yuuji brings Junpei back.
"Sukuna. Do it."
"No.", the entity inside him denied. A shock hit Yuuji. How did you guys did not expect this? They both are curses in the end.
"Why me?", Junpei tried to ask, fingers clinging on the hem of Itadori's shirt.
"Yuuji, switch with me", you ordered him. You were aware of what Mahito was trying to do and you let him do it. How fool of him to think he can enter and have a conversation with Sukuna. Sukuna striked a blow on his arm causing him to collapse on the ground.
You brought Junpei back to life with all the strength you had left, it didn't work perfectly because his body was still wounded. Sukuna witnessed your Potential and was impressed. He switched with Yuuji, tricking him that he wanted to help you and he will do anything for his friends so he agreed.
Sukuna's fingers brushed throughout your face, as if he was analyzing each and every single cell of it while you pant, brain hazy. "How long are you planning on staying on the good side? Hm? Don't worry. I am going to steal you anyways", his hands cupped your face but soon was cut off.
"HANDS OFF THEM", Megumi passed a blow, voice raging, the vein on his neck was visible.
"Ah. This is good. Two of my adored humans. I'd have you both for me".
"Dream on. There's no way you're having them", he spat.
"No. There's no way you're having any of us", you balanced yourself on your palm, eyeing the curse in front of you.
"I won't ma-make the same mistake again", you were still pretty beaten up, although you had to save everyone. Yuuji tried his best to control but he won't faze. The lust for your power grew more and more and made it unstable for Itadori to tame him.
"Megu-mi. Do as I say".
"Are you sure y/n you can fight?", the one trait you always liked about him was that he never ignored your dedication and just supported you instead of saying "You are weak now." Or "You should rest".
You blew a punch making Sukuna fall back so now you had a calculated distance from him. Your lover joined, standing beside you.
"Trick him into thinking that we are losing in combat and bring him closer", he wasn't sure what were you upto but this was your only resort.
He summoned the Shikigamis one after another and delivered continuous attacks on him. Of course it was useless. He won't concede just like that. Afterall he is the king of curses so he decided to play along with you two for a while. In the end, you both are coming to me anyway or so he thought until......
Your image swiftly appeared in front of his eyes at which his pupil dilated, forehead bleeding, jaw clenched. The bloodlust was clear in your eyes but now it had a different look. Almost as if you earned a control on your powers.
"I told you, didn't I? I won't make the same mistake again", you latched your palm on his chest where Yuuji's heart was.
It's okay, if it's just for a bit it's okay, you convinced yourself.
You stopped the heartbeat for a couple of second with your ability to send shocks and control organs of the body, sort of reakted to body manipulation, causing Sukuna to loose control.
"Yuuji. NOW!", he took the chance and switched back. His torso tumbled down as a fear hit you causing you to fall too. Maybe you made the same mistake again. Megumi approached you two apace.
"Itadori! Y/n! Get a hold of yourself".
"I guess I did it again.", you cupped his face. "I count myself lucky that I me-met you. I am so.....s-sorry. I love yo-", your arms slowly lost velocity and thud the ground.
"No. Atleast learn to complete your words before you stop", megumi fisted his hands in nothing but air.
Later Gojou and others arrived, immediately taking you and Yuuji to the Jujutsu medics.
Luckily, Yuuji switched back at the right time. Thanks to you he was alive.
Your eyes gradually opened up and wandered around the room for a bit until they caught Fushiguro's. (You thought you can die leaving Megumi alone? SIKE!)
Mind still hazy, but was able to comprehend what happened before.
"Where's Yuuji?",you suddenly rose from the bed. Your voice was soft and low but will never go unheard by your lover. He wanted to scold you at how selfless you were. All beaten up yourself but still asking for someone else.
"He is fine and perfectly alive. To be honest it's a surprise since Gojou told me he was alive all this time. He is so annoying that even death doesn't want him", he chuckled lightly making you too. The smiled on your face faded when you saw a tear fall down from the edge of his eyes. His hands squeezing yours a little tighter than before.
"Don't ever do that again.", he was trying hard not to burst out the water from his eyes.
"I won't. I promised you forever. Remember? There's no way I am going to leave you alone.", you stroked his cheekbones.
"Yes. Otherwise there won't be no one to annoy me"
"Hey!", you slapped his chest lightly but he gripped your hand.
"Complete your sentence. Now."
"I love you", three words left your mouth after recalling what you left him hanging on. Megumi sighed in relief and the placed a kiss on your forehead.
"I love you too. Forever.", you embraced each other for the rest of the night.
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Taglist: @1-800-teddybear @kenmathepuddinhead
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©All the written contents above belongs to nkogneatho2021. Do not modify and repost.
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chatonne-rousse · 3 years
Orange You Glad I'm Not Seeing Green (Nope, Totally Not Jealous At All)
A continuation of my Gifts from the Heart series, the whole of which is written as a gift for my dear friend @sketchy-panda.
Read it on Ao3 here.
Follows Great Minds (and Kind Hearts) Think Alike, which can be found here.
The first forty-two minutes had gone so well.
Marinette was acting weird, but a normal, endearing weird - the kind of weird that warms his chest with affection and makes him smile. There is no one quite like her, and Adrien knows her friendship is a sweet blessing indeed. Even if it takes a moment or two to decipher her jumbled sentences sometimes. Even if she's a teeny tiny bit of a disaster.
When Ms. Bustier had paired them up for a literature project, he was thrilled. Adrien would never scoff at the chance to spend time with his dear friend, much less to enjoy a window of escape, however short, from the echoing silence of his own home. He'd turned to her with unabashed excitement to find her cheeks and ears pink and a strange mix of joy and terror in her eyes.
"Yay!" she'd squeaked, the word accompanied by awkward jazz hands. This had prompted a nudge under the table from Alya that didn't escape his notice. With that, she'd taken a deep breath, set her shoulders, and asked if he'd like to come over after school to work on it together.
Would he ever! The wave of happiness that had risen in his chest must have shown on his face, but when Marinette's smile had softened to match, he realized he didn't care if he grinned like a fool in front of the class. An afternoon with a friend - a friend! - was such a rare treat. And he's already read The Three Musketeers, so he'd been sure this would be a breeze.
And it was. Until six minutes ago, when they realized that the plate of cookies they'd been snacking on had dwindled to one. This discovery came by way of both of them reaching for it without looking, hands meeting over the plate amidst blushing cheeks and murmured apologies. With an awkward laugh, he'd taken the final cookie, carefully broken it roughly in half, and offered the slightly larger piece to his wide-eyed project partner.
Their fingers brushed in the handoff. She breathed a thank you. He smiled graciously.
It all happened so quickly after that.
Before he could take a bite of his cookie, her elbow had knocked into her glass, sending orange juice across her desk, her lap, his stocking feet.
"Disaster!" Marinette had shrieked, prompting Mrs. Cheng to peek through the open trap door a few moments later, looking first at her daughter dancing frantically around her now-toppled desk chair and then to a bewildered Adrien, still holding half a cookie in one hand and Marinette's keyboard, rescued from the rogue wave of orange juice, in the other.
She'd just smiled. "I'll bring up some towels, dears."
Adrien could only nod.
Now, Marinette stands in front of her sink, wiping the front of her pants with a damp towel and sighing every thirty seconds. He's barefoot, his socks whisked off to parts unknown, ostensibly to be laundered, though he'd protested that wasn't necessary. Their cookie and juice supply has been refilled, and calm has settled over the room again. Sort of.
"I'm so sorry, Adrien," she says quietly, a tinge of misery at the edge of her voice. "I'm so clumsy."
He tries to make her smile the best way he knows how. "It's okay, Marinette. Orange you glad it didn't get on your drawings for the project?"
She stops trying to clean off her jeans and raises her eyes to his. "Did you just...?"
His eyes gleam. "You know, workers in the orange juice factory will lose their jobs if they can't concentrate."
Her surprised giggle is incredibly gratifying. He takes it as a green light to continue. "Do you know what language oranges use to talk to each other?" When she shakes her head, he gleefully answers, "Mandarin!"
"You'd fit right in, then!" Marinette laughs heartily, the sound making his grin widen until it hurts. (It's worth it.)
"Well, I am very a-peeling. I have a real zest for life."
She groans, though she's still laughing, and facepalms with the hand holding the towel. Adrien watches as she realizes how sticky it is against her face, throws it on the counter, and blushes when she makes eye contact with him once more. His own smile never dims. Making a friend laugh like this is one of life's great joys. Laughing with a friend like this is one of the greatest.
Finally, she washes her hands at the sink and he takes a moment to right her desk chair, gazing around the room to the sound of her drying her hands. Magazine photos of him still remain, though they mix on corkboards and wall collages with pictures of friends and family. His own face smiles - truly smiles - back at him from several of them. He remembers each of these days, shining memories with beloved friends that he treasures. He's glad Marinette treasures them, too.
His gaze slides to the corner of her desk, near her sewing machine and a large box he assumes is full of sewing notions, and his breath catches. There, on twin display stands to keep them upright, are two figurines he doesn't know how he missed earlier. Ladybug holds her yo-yo in her right hand, Chat Noir's baton is held in his left. Their tiny plastic hands clasp in the middle, just as they were molded to do for the 1st Anniversary Special Partners Edition figures he would know anywhere.
Marinette sits back down in her desk chair, looks at him, then follows his gaze to the figurines. Adrien turns his eyes to her.
"I didn't know you were a superhero fan, Marinette!"
She laughs a nervous laugh as a blush rises to her cheeks. "Me? A fan of Chat Noir? Psssh." She waves a hand as if to dismiss the idea.
He isn't sure if he should be offended or gratified. He'd certainly prefer the latter.
"Why wouldn't you be a fan? I am. I think the heroes are awesome."
"You do?" she breathes, eyes wide.
"Of course! Paris is lucky," he elbows her arm gently and winks, "to have them."
Her giggle makes him smile again. He always feels so light and so carefree here, in her warm home, with her friendly parents and a plate of cookies and the sweetness she seems to radiate in his presence. Paris is lucky to have superhero protectors, but he's lucky in his own way to have found this kind of gentle contentment in a world denied to him for so long.
"I guess we should get back to the project--"
"Where did you get them?"
They each speak at the same time, twin blushes and stammered apologies following just as with the cookie incident.
Marinette breaks the ensuing awkward silence first. "One of my best friends gave them to me."
"I'm not surprised," Adrien responds with a grin. "Alya might be the biggest fan in Paris!"
The blush on her cheeks spreads to the tips of her ears and her eyes widen before she blinks. "Oh, um...it wasn't Alya." Marinette looks at her hands in her lap and then back up to him. "But she does have this set. She's kind of obsessed."
Strange, he'd never heard about any other best friends from Nino or Alya, though that didn't mean Marinette didn't have a very close online friend or someone in the design community she just hadn't talked much about before. He hopes this person knows what a good friend she has in Marinette, that she treasures her like Marinette deserves to be treasured. Though of course she'd gifted her with the set of figurines, so this friend at least knows quality merch when she sees it. Adrien's heart warms at the thought of Marinette having such good friends. She deserves nothing less.
"Adrien? Are you okay?"
He blinks twice, shaking himself from his reverie. "Oh. Yeah. I'm fine."
"Are you sure? You were far away for a minute there."
He smiles warmly. Marinette is so thoughtful. "I promise. I was just thinking what a great best friend she must be to have given you such a cool gift."
"Oh," she says quietly, looking at the figures again, though Adrien is still focused on his friend. He watches as her eyes soften and her smile turns gentle before she speaks again. "He definitely is. There's no one better."
Her gaze snaps to his again. "I mean! I'll bet you're better! At being hot. I mean cool! I mean..." She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "So! The Three Musketeers, eh?" She pulls her notebook back in front of her and opens it to a random page that contains nothing having to do with Alexandre Dumas. She laughs nervously, resolutely staring at the page and not the boy beside her.
The boy who hasn't breathed since her quiet "oh." The boy whose brain is still stuck on one word.
Adrien can feel his smile turn brittle at the edges and forces his face to remain neutral, but it's difficult all of a sudden.
It shouldn't bother him. It shouldn't affect him at all. Marinette is friends with Nino, Kim, and Max, and he doesn't think twice about it. Why should he? This is different, though, somehow. An unknown entity. A boy friend he's never heard of who makes her expression soften like that, with memories of private jokes and gift exchanges and laughter. Probably. That's probably what it's like with Marinette and her other best friend, who isn't Alya and whose name he doesn't know.
An odd feeling twists his stomach. Adrien doesn't like it.
"Well," he starts, sliding his own notebook over and opening to the last page they'd been working on before the orange juice spill, "he has very good taste in Ladybug and Chat Noir merchandise. I have that same set myself."
"You do?" she squeaks, and their eyes meet again.
"I do. But I didn't take mine out of the packaging." He chances a cheeky half-smile at her, the knot in his stomach loosening just a fraction at the smile she returns. "Mine will be pristine when the set is worth millions someday."
When she laughs, the tension in his chest dissipates like springtime dandelion seeds, floating away on a sudden breeze of fresh, sweet joy.
Maybe Marinette's mysterious best friend can make her laugh like this, but right now, Adrien is the one sitting beside her - something rare and precious and not to be taken for granted - and it makes no sense to do anything other than enjoy the moment.
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