#I am about to go block blogs in the gen tag cause this is a level of idiocy that I have never seen before
imthecleric · 6 months
Ooc: now people think will is Brenner??? I simply cannot with this fandom and their “media literacy”
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utilitycaster · 11 months
(Long ask warning)
Hello! I'm jumping on the appreciation train to say thank you so much for all of your meta and analysis! I just found your blog today, and you've already given me so much clarity and context for things I've been noticing in the CR fandom lately.
I quite literally spent my summer living under a rock (in the woods leading spelunking for scouts!) and so was completely out of the loop from early June through September. And while I am not yet caught up (I'm about to start ep. 65), I have been going through the tags and ao3, because I primarily engage with fandom through fic and I don't care about spoilers. And I can't help but notice that everything being written for c3 lately is just... monochromatic. The Hells have such interesting characters and premises. One would think they're ripe for creative and interesting fic. And yet even what little gen fic that I have seen since returning to civilization has largely been boiled down to reiterative mush with vaguely shippy overtones. I can totally see this being indicative of the cresting and waning of the Imodna and Callowmore shipping you've been discussing.
I've gotta ask though, is it really just shipping that is causing this problem? Or is there something else in the source material that you think could be affecting fic in particular?
This is the first time I've been in a fandom with ongoing source material in over a decade. I'm used to watching people beat dead horses in their own little corner, safe in the knowledge that I can block them and it isn't going to affect my experience in the slightest. I guess I'm just having a hard time believing/remembering that shipping can be this incidious.
So a couple of things: first, I was not heavily involved in fandom until Critical Role; I have a decent amount of background knowledge from being on Tumblr and because I do tend to look into/research this kind of thing because it's very interesting to me, but you will probably have better snapshot of what fandom looked like 10 years ago than I do. Second, fanfic has always been a tiny aspect of what I've engaged with and I do find the bulk of it to be dull and samey (which is why it is a tiny aspect), so again, you probably are a better judge of the quality of fanfic elsewhere.
With that said, as part of a much larger discussion of which I only have as mentioned pieces of the puzzle, I do think there's been a shift over the past decade or so of like...people expecting the source material to reflect fanfic-y desires, and resenting it when it does not; people not seeing the point in enjoying non-canon ships; and a broader theme of self-infantilization. This has to a small extent spilled over into published fiction, though thankfully there's plenty that isn't that. It's not just shipping (though that absolutely can be insidious to the point that people have been harassed and doxxed over it); I think it's a general taste for pablum that has been growing within fandom spaces.
I'll link a few posts I've made and a source that, while I cannot vouch for it per se I did read and found enlightening at the end but I think a really indicative example as of late was the fandom response to the show Good Omens (spoilers for Good Omens S2 in the next link if you are by any chance avoiding those). Obviously do not do anything obnoxious to the person who wrote this question, but there are a worrying number of people in fandom spaces who believe this unironically and uncritically: fiction exists to "save us from hurtful reality." And I do understand that the tumultuous politics and world events of the past decade are probably a factor; but I mean, have you looked at literature from the first half of the 20th century (or like. the second half, for that matter)? It is, in my opinion, only going to help put our modern world and issues in better context and honestly make you feel better in the long run if you read, say, The Great Gatsby or The Things They Carried instead of burying your head in lower case song lyrics ... (hurt/comfort, fix-it, happy ending, 6k) and like, to be clear, I have written a small portion of lower case song lyric-titled fics myself but most of them aren't terribly happy, and even so, god I'd be horrified if that was all people were reading.
We've seen it across fandom at large with the polls; I have not watched season 2 of Our Flag Means Death in part because I've realized with horror that this mentality has swept, plague-like, through that fandom; people are acting like having a canon queer ship on a small premium cable show in 2022 is world-changing and unprecedented while also kind of ignoring everything that isn't the central ship (including valid criticisms of how this takes a real-world plantation owner and turns him into a goofy fop, how there's precious few female characters and none in the main cast, and how the actually far more groundbreaking nb character is pushed aside in favor of the core M/M ship). Spoilers for Good Omens again (sorry in advance, Good Omens 2 was a realization point for me how deeply and widely this rot has set in in some places and I have a bunch of sources of people being like "guys stories require conflict and tension to be good" in response to the overwrought moaning that the story wasn't unambiguously happy) but this is another author responding to the "the desired endpoint of all fiction is obviously to have your ship living in a small house together in bliss and anything else is torment" mentality.
In addition to shipping another factor is, I think, people overidentifying with characters and as such being reluctant to actually put them through any sort of hardship, however minor. I recently reblogged a post about the origin of the concept "Mary Sue" and it led me to read a bit about its history, because it was in fact created by women. It was a woman in the Star Trek fandom who was sick of spending money to buy fanzines (pre-common home internet, let alone pre-Ao3) only to find the vast majority of the stories to be this "here is my self-insert who is perfect and beautiful and pure and every other character thinks she is the greatest even if that's entire OOC". It was a frustration with the abandonment of the characterizations in the original work. And that's true today - I have read a popular Imogen and Laudna fluff fic to see what the deal was and it stripped out so much of their premises and characterizations it was unrecognizeable as them but for the hair colors and occasional cringeworthy attempts to replicate Southern US dialect - but what was notable is that those people were at least being honest and writing OCs (though to be fair a lot of them were also young white teen girls and the only woman in TOS was black and that was probably also a factor). Now, you get people who cannot tolerate any analysis of characters that is less than flattering because instead of having an OC, they are identifying so strongly with, for example, Imogen or Ashton, that they cannot separate out the real character or understand this is not an attack on them (or, to be blunt, as someone who sees some of my own worse traits in both those characters, a necessary critique). It's not shipping, but it is that same "fiction should only ever be a soft blanket or a flattering mirror, never a dark mirror and certainly never a door" mentality.
I do place a little blame on fanfiction itself; I think having something that is roughly made to order and tells you exactly what it is up front means people start to think that is the only way, and that's why we have people claiming Chipotle is the height of cuisine while making gagging noises at the authentic Mexican restaurant except for fiction. I think fanfiction can be great; it's fun to write and I have read some great pieces. But a lot of it is mush and formulaic and as that Mary Sue history points out, always has been.
So anyway, to Bells Hells: I think past campaigns also had a lot of dull fanfiction; I think the Nein lent themselves more to poorly written angst than poorly written fluff but yeah a lot of that was really samey and bland in its own way. Fanfiction has always been formulaic to a degree but I think we're starting to see the generation of people who really have read more of that than like, books, and sure there are shitty books, but man there's a LOT of shitty fanfiction, and increasingly, I find that shitty published books are bad because they're too much like fanfiction. [If I get the chance today I have a post I want to write about the ignorance of fantasy tropes in the current fandom which I think is also driving some of this and which I alluded to in my post about shipping; like, I feel the almost automatic but oddly thought-free resistance to gods and fate and the 'right' way to respond to a tragic backstory comes from this ignorance; this also is a case in the D20 fandom when they've dipped into sci fi.] Shipping definitely is a factor, and I think again C3 has an influx of fans primarily here to ship in that "my ship must become canon and must 'win' for some arbitrary definition thereof" which is probably why so much of the fanfic sucks, but again, this is a larger self-infantilizing and entitled mentality that goes beyond mere ships.
Further reading (mostly my own posts but not exclusively)
The fandom echo chamber (also Good Omens spoilers in a broad sense), not by me
Some discussion on queerphobia being inserted only as a tool to assist with specific shipping narratives (I think this ties in again to like. people need obstacles to justify why the characters aren't already in their cottage by the sea but once the characters are together they discard these obstacles even if they are systemic and would still exist, which makes for really bad fanfic bc it's clearly poorly plotted and thought out)
Me on why this campaign isn't good for shipping but a lot of the fandom showed up primarily to ship (might be the post that prompted this ask tbf)
Fandom monocropping (not my post)
My treatise on Imogen and Laudna specifically which honestly, even now that they are canon, still largely holds up re: the fandom and a related one about similarly fluff-centric Change is Evil and the highest order of fiction is Two Blorbos In A House With Zero Problems mentality (not by me but I've been part of that discussion)
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lyman-garfiel · 3 months
Hi.,,,,,,,,, if you,,are reading this it means you have located me on the internet. lets talk about that
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general information under cut =)
🍈🪲About me!!🪲🍈
🦎you are allowed to refer to me as lymantria..because that is my name, variations on the name are allowed as well as its a fuckass long name, i prefer lyman the most but tria/lyme/ly/mantria and whatever are fine too =) i also have a special secret name you unlock at clown level 50!! 🦎I am genderfluid and abro, do not expect any of my idenity to make sence to you as it doesn't make sence to me eather!! for simplicity, my pronouns are he/it, and i use masc terms until i don't!!
🦎i am 18 at the time of writing this!! i concider my blog sfw as i do not post enis cock titty boob balls here, though i will hornypost and generally be a menace. for that reason i'd like to say i'd prefer my followers to be 16+ at the very least 🦎i,,,have a lot of interests, biggest ones being valve games MOST IMPORTANTLY PORTAL I FUCKING L-, beastars, rtvs, christain borle insects..mostly parasitic wasps i love them.., dan and phil, mlp [all gens], wof, christain borle, animatronics and uh,,the personal lives of my cats..
🦎my speech patterns tend to be weird, i don't know why my brain works like this,,,,,you get used to it the longer you consume lymanisms..,,,,,,also i idenitify as alterhuman in the direction of lizard!
💎 queer discource/flag discourse mfs.. if you have "mspec lesbians dni" in your bio i think you are annoying, doing more harm than good to the queer community and i do not like you. if somebody's sexuality is out of the status quo and they're attracted to something that can give consent. i do not give a fuck and neither should you.
💎proshippers!! i'm sorry i do think fiction affects reality and we should not justify pairing abusive/straight up illegal pairings because it helps you "cope" or whatever. cope in private. 💎 general dni material!! if you're racist/homophobic/transphobic/a fucking zionist/ableist/zoo/pedo i do not want you here.
🪲🍈MYY F/O'S!!🍈🪲
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💎Scarab <3<3💎
🪲scarab is my princess with a disorder and i love her very much, we go to anger management classes together and get olive garden pasta after <33 🪲gonna be honest here, prohibitedwish is a HUGE HUGE discomfort for me.. to the point it has caused some pretty bad mental health crises for me in the past, do not mention it to me do not engage me in it whatsoever. i have the tags blocked so don't feel guilty for following me and posting about it as i prommy i won't see it, if its your jam more power to you !! but my brain is an asshole to live with and i cannot tolerate it. that being said i'm also pretty selective on sharring this guy, though i think i'm finally easing up on it? if i follow you, you're not a problem 2 me and i think you're based <3
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🪲anyways,,,shoutout 2 scaraman, what got me involved with the mess of the selfship community <3
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🐝jewel is an oc that accidentally became stuck in my brain and now i have feelings for her,,,,,,,fuck. 🐝i concider her to be in a poly with lyman and scarab, they are fucked up and evil together <33 🐝 due to her status as an oc i don't want..anybody to selfship with her since 100% of her information exists in my head alone not that i think anypony would, regardless i love her so much
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🍈 look i don't......i don't know whats wrong with me or why i'm brainrotting over him so much latley, its like a sickness that won't stop..i KNOW he's a freak 🍈 edit: OH I HAVE LORE.......I SO HAVE LORE NOW,,,,,,,,OH THIS IS TOXIC SHIT ask me. about. it. 🍈i am aware he's a sucky sucky guy with a lot of issues and that i cannot fix him, however we are going to dave and busters next weekend and he said i can teach him the friday night funkin lore 🍈given he's a newer f/o i don't feel comfortable sharring..if you ARE a fellow melon selfshipper though please dm me, i need somebody else who has this guy rotated in their brain to have a discuss his fucked up psychology with
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🍈,,,,,i need to draw less fluffy stuff and more fucked up and evil shit regarding beastars au lyman......it will happen..give it time
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he's not even a romantic f/o i just hate him so much i made a whole blog dedicated to how much i fucking hate him @nemisisofsenpai my....nemisis f/o..ok with sharing..PLEASE take him i don't want him
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thank you for reading,,,,enjoy your average deranged post
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dailydoofypokemon · 5 months
Wowee zowee, I’ve been done with Hoenn for a while now and am about 20 into Sinnoh, but oh man, I think more people are finding the lil blog here as Hoenn was going by, I got to 100 followers and am averaging about 10 notes a day. Which I know that’s not much, but it’s so much more activity than I’ve had on my main blog. I’m pretty sure it’s because of the consistency? But that’s still rad.
Special thanks to @everysinglepheel and @drizzileiscool for being such regulars! I know I don’t respond, but y’all’s tags keep me going. I know Drizzile, you’re waiting for the gen after this one, and that’s cool! I appreciate you sticking around like you have, so thank you so much! Same goes for Pheel! Thank you for always checking out my art!
Also a little extra thanks to @somekindabard who I love very very much and is my partner in crime and life and the best and helps me finish off all the Pokémon probs gosh, has it been since the beginning of Hoenn? Either way, love yoooooou
After Hoenn, I also think I’m going to drop off the numbering for the days. I know it’s not a lot, but I keep losing track over where I’m at, and I’m almost positive I’m off by like five or ten at this point, so it’s just a little change to the descriptions, but it’s enough that I gotta do something about it and it would help me queueing everything up ‘cause I keep losing which number i was last on //OTL
I also have posters for each gen I’ve completed so far, along with one that just has the starters! Once I get my shop properly fixed, I’ll put them online if anyone is interested. They’re 11x17, and I’m honestly really happy with how they turned out because they’re just so goofy looking, and it’s great seeing everything I’ve done so far combined into one. I want to make prints of each of the these guys in a fun collectible way eventually (a la trading cards maybe? Or something in the realm of a pack of cards or something) because there’s just some thing really satisfying to the idea of that, and may be a better solution for my table situation when I’m vending, lol. I’ll have a post on that soon so if y’all are interested!
To answer a question that came up early in Hoenn: Yes I do plan on doing every version of every Pokemon eventually! My plan is to finish all the current Pokédex, then get to work on the Mega Evolutions, then regional versions, then potentially spend a month just doing the Unown alphabet to hopefully turn into a silly font. It’ll be a while until I get there, but maybe I’ll do some of the Unown alphabet over the course of a few days and upload those as a set when I get the spoons for that. So I won’t just stop at Paldea! (Or whatever gen Pokemon will be by the time I get to Paldea, lol)
Lastly, I was curious if you guys wanted me to answer more things on here? I read everything that is sent my way, but I don’t respond because I know some people do prefer to have blogs that are themed blogs to remain consistent and not see much else. If I did interact more, I would always tag these regular posts with ‘#not pokemon’ so if you block posts then you shouldn’t see them!
Anyway, thank you so much all those who’ve been following me for a while and all those who found my blog in Hoenn! Tomorrow starts the next region: Starly! …because I also already did the starters! :D
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Introductory Post! (My God I can't believe I'm doing this)
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Hi! I'm Clarissa! Briar is fine too. I go by She/They. When I was young I used to scavange through ask blogs and other things on this website, and today's the day I finally made an account.
Interaction Rules!
My Interaction Rules can mostly be found in my carrd but the gist is that I am really shy and introverted, so please be patient with me. Tone tags are appreciated! But please use tone tags when joke flirting with me (I can get confusing signals lmao)
Obivously, don't interact if you go against any minority, don't interact if you support problematic people, don't interact if you sexualize any minors/alternative fashions, and don't interact if you are a proshipper. (Again, check carrd for more details)
Touhou: Imperishable Night is my favorite game, while my most favorite character is a tie between Marisa Kirisame, Reimu Hakurei and Alice Margatroid. Fun Fact that famous Bad Apple video is what got me into Touhou in the first place.
Pretty Cure: I got into the entire franchise just last year and I'm currently watching the entire seasons from start to finish (By the time I'm typing this I'm in DokiDoki Precure). The OG and Max Heart have my heart while Cure Black and Cure Blossom are my favorites. I also love the All Star movies cause I'm a big sucker for crossovers.
Sailor Moon: I watched Crystal and the Eternal Movie on Netflix, and I'm currently reading the Manga! I would get into the 90s anime since I seen so many clips on Youtube (its so funny) but considering how many Precure episodes I have to watch, I can't. (Maybe someday!) I love Hotaru Tomoe. Can't say the same thing for Mamoru Chiba (especially during the first arc of the manga/crystal UGH-)
Revolutionary Girl Utena: The intro slaps and I'm also currently in the middle of watching the series. I know all about the dark themes and enjoy the symbolism even if I dont get it at first. (I could ramble about how the show is amazing tbh)
Ib: One of my favorite games of all time, please tell me people remember this game.
Mad Father: Same vein as Ib, again please tell me people remember this game.
Lolita Fashion: I have a few skirts and blouses (still need to get a petticoat lmao). I particularly like Gothic and Classic Lolita Fashion.
The Garden (OC World): My Toyhou.se is pretty bare bones about the world, and partially making this Tumblr is to talk about more about my OCs (in general). Either expect very long blocks of text or half-lazy art (thats what I see my art atleast).
Editing: Besides drawing, I also make video edits! Check out my Instagram to check them out (My instagram page also links to my tiktok page so check that out if you want).
Honorable Mentions! (/other interests that do kinda count but they aren't really that big)
Doki Doki Literature Club!: Monika is Best Girl
Undertale/Deltarune: Yes, I was an Undertale person during that big boom. I also used to hate Chara, but now I love them and believe that Chara and Asriel deserve the world.
Monster High/Ever After High: They were my childhood. I really don't mind GEN 3, and I actually find it fascinating (we don't talk about GEN 2).
Portal: The first game I bought on steam, and played both of them. We need more content (not a 3rd game, just new content).
BFDI: Also a childhood show I grew up. Something about objects competing for an Island really stuck with me.
Alright, that's enough typing. I'm not even sure if this is too long but it feels like it. If this didn't repel you from me, feel free to stick around!
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Poorly written intro
For starters, somewhat of a little explanation for this blog
It’s just my safe space to rant about things that piss me off or make me cringe in one way or another, mainly the pro ship v anti discourse online that plagues fandoms spaces, making said spaces uncomfortable or downright miserable over a discourse that has gotten out of hand.
Am I pro ship? If proship means not going out of my way to waste what little time I get online to harass others over some “weird” drawing that overall isn’t gonna be a direct causation of harm to others, then yeah sure I’m proship, my bad I don’t want to incite extemist views that one way or another promote doxxing and or invalidation of others.
Personally I’m very picky and alot of proship ships make me slightly uncomfortable, but that’s my personal preference but this is my stance
Block if you don’t like, let others ship wtvr they want, and maybe don’t be doxxing, sending death threats, 🍇 threats or invalidating others trauma just cuz you don’t agree with it. And trust me, a lot and I mean ALOT of y’all antis are genuinely no better than those you believe are under you
I’ll agree that some proship, especially those that fail or purposefully don’t properly tag things that need a trigger warning are harmful, but your actions are causing so much more harm than a missed tag. That and also a lot of y’all are a bunch of major hypocrites.
-🌸Fandoms I’m in🌸-
✨Obey me
✨Undertale Multiverse/utmv (currently my top)
✨Horror genres(thriller/crime/phycological horror)
💖✨My dni list✨💖
(Yes I’m gonna have one, just cause I don’t (again) want to harass others over some pixels doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to have my own discomforts stated)
-Specifically Loli/Shotacon proship
-TERFs, radfems
-Anyone under 16
-Doxxing apologists
-anyone who thinks being a dick online is “cute” it’s not (talking about antis who say “might send death threats to a pr0shitter uwu I’m so quirky” it’s pathetic)
-pro contacts)? (I’m not well versed in most online lingo but From what I understand is that it’s pro shippers who take their preferences to the irl world?)
-Maps, duh
-anyone who uses pride flags for things that aren’t gender identity or sexuality (found out anti flags are a thing and like… y’all… no fucking way any of y’all are making flags of oppressed groups for your online discourse, it makes y’all look like a cult/gen)
🌸💖Basic about me💖🌸
✨20…|✨Mex/USA(ew)…|✨Eng/Span…| ✨Any all pronouns (b4 any of y’all bring up any neo discourse into it, yes I’m aware “anything means ANYTHING” I say any and all cuz I genuinely don’t care what pronoun I’m referred to as)…|✨Non labeled sexuality…|✨Demigirl…
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belltrigger · 2 years
Sorry to bother you here (love your writing btw!!) but I saw this post in the PVP-enabled tag of an Anti lamenting that they were "made" to believe a fic of yours was gen fluff submas and "despised" the writer when they realized it was blankshipping and I just could not understand how. When 'kissing' is in the tags of the fic itself. When the relationship tag is tagged with the ship tag itself. (How do I know this? Because the fic name was shared in the notes ofc.) They even said they saw a comic based on it and were disgusted and I'm like??? What are you searching that you keep accidentally finding blankshipping content?? Do you just actively not block anything/not check tags on fics for stuff you might want to avoid???
And then they had the gall to (along with some other Anti in the notes) complain about  how you and so many others had "such wasted (writing/art) potential"?? The back-handed compliment of it all. They fucking liked your writing and yet???? I just. I can't. I can't wrap my brain around the point of making that post. People are so mentally immature on this site sometimes about the way they consume and interact with Fandom works and I just can't imagine tagging a post like that into the main tags, even when I'm just venting/vague-ing about something... Keep that disappointment on your own blog.
Sorry you have to deal with people being like this to you. Seriously do know you have a lot of folks in your corner who enjoy your content! And those who don't who at least respect your right to enjoy it separately from them.
Hello my friend! It's never a bother, I assure you!
I am going to guess the fic is "No such thing as a bad omen" because for all of the amazing comics that have come from my work, that's the only fic with accompanying work that I think I tagged with 'kissing.' 😔 I am an irresponsible tagger, even though I always tell people to tag correctly.
If they approached it from AO3, I am honestly pretty shocked they didn't realize I don't actually write "gen" fics about these two at all. Even the most general stuff I write, I always tag it with 'blankshipping'. AO3 always puts the relationship/pairing tags first. Did someone recommend it to them? If they're so vocally against blankshipping, who would troll them do that, and are they mad at that person now? I can maybe imagine they found it through the individual character tags, but I don't use the platonic tag at all.
Also I have blocked very thoroughly, and don't usually look at the PVP fandom's shenanigans, so I can't see the post. But I bet it's quite funny to read. "This fic is very good until they kiss (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ How dare this soft content where they love each other exist" is how I will imagine it.
They're gonna be real upset with the fic I'm currently working on, cause there's significantly more than kissingヾ(•ω•`)o
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z0mbride · 3 years
Tumblr Tag Game
thank u for the tag, @starlightsearches and @ratboyfanclub :)
1. Why did you choose your username?
At the time, I thought catboys were a really funny concept. I say this as I’m preparing a catboy cosplay, so, hope you see how I’ve evolved. And then I did kenobi because I’ve had a huge crush on Obi Wan for like as a long as I can remember, and the matching sounds.
2. Any sideblogs?
I have one rn, but I’m not gonna tag it akdnkdjf. But like a month ago I had like 8, and some of them got pretty popular.
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
I think it’ll be a year in like July.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
No. I just spam.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I have some mutuals on an amino, and one of them said I should get one if I like xyz content. So I did, and I’ve been here since. It quickly became a Star Wars fan blog and grandmacore blog, but i have been ✨ expanding my horizons ✨
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I thought it was funny in a cringe-y way. It’s a picture of Shigaraki from BNHA and his hoodie says “I paused my game to be here.” 12 year old boy vibes.
7. Why did you choose your header?
I don’t have a header showing because I can never find a good one, I’m always changing my mind, and I don’t like how it looks on my blog. it feels like having an overly decorated house and having to mop it everyday
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
I think it’s my recent one where I shared queer sex ed resources.
9. How many mutuals do you have?
10. How many followers do you have?
89 *lip bite* but if it makes me look cooler i block like 30% of the people that follow me. i’m big among sugar daddies
11. How many people do you follow?
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
never in my life
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
like 2-3 hours. if i’m reading fanfic late into the night it gets longer though
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
the only one i would ever call like an argument was on a sideblog about the ethics of stuff in the anarchy community. i’m glad it happened though because the person changed my mind and i think differently about it now. but we did have to fight off like 4 other blogs with knives /hj
15. How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
tbh it usually makes me feel like shit, even if i do rb it, cause i know others will probably feel similarly. i definitely am more of an activist in person so i remind myself a lot that not rbing something doesn’t make me a shitty person.
16. Do you like tag games?
yeah!! i love seeing what others write. usually i get shy about tagging other people though, especially if all of the mutuals i interact with most have already been tagged. so i’m gonna tag some mutuals i usually don’t tag today (i want to get to know u!!! /gen!!)
17. Do you like ask games?
yeah, i just usually go way too-in-depth or always go off topic lol.
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
like tumblr famous or irl famous? cause tumblr famous is definitely Star in the SW community i think, but i have suspicions that Lita is secretly a twitch gamer streamer or something. but i would say if anyone Leo is famous irl. modeling or something. but i have another mutual (hi Gwyn!!) from an old community i was in that is an ice skater, and they’re starting to get more popular, so good for them.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
yes!! i have a small crush on one, but that’s a mutual thing (i think?) and we joke about it. kissing the homies type stuff.
tags!! (no obligation, but i am tagging different people cause i want to get 2 know them): @dark-lord-of-the-simps @casualpunkkid @coveredinsun @good-old-ben-kenobi
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shorkbrian · 4 years
Hello again, asks are compiled under the cut. Please block the tag #shorkbrian answers a lot of asks# If you’d prefer not to see these types of posts from me. If I haven’t answered your ask, it’s because I’m saving it for a thirst, drabble, or fic.
I don’t ignore asks, but sometimes getting around to them overwhelms me lol. pls accept my apologies lol k here we go
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I am very glad, I legit was so scared that it was too long and that it’d be disappointing bc the smut wasn’t super IN YOUR FACE yknow? But man am I glad to hear that.
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I’m looking directly @ you
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Someone noticed omg!!!  A lot of times I just put whatever song I played on repeat while writing that fit, but I have a *yandere* playlist that I listen to and it gets me going. Ty for noticing!!!
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I’ve considered opening them permanently but I just... idek. I’d have to start deleting or ignoring the requests I don’t vibe with and Idk how to handle that lol. But thanks for the well wishes, hope your next few months treat you well friend!
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Watermelon sugar why
Srsly you’re sweet but just wait until I start to really get going with all my nasty kinks okay, then you’ll be rethinking this strategy hunty lol!
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I literally stalk @.vermiliren and @.kazooli and @.seita lol. Maybe when I get my blog more cleaned up, I’ll create a list of creators that I enjoy, along with fic recs. For now, here’s a link to my AO3 bookmarks which I read one like almost every single night bc I’m a horny gremlin.
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I am the shark king. Sharks are my thing bro u don’t even know. I love them so much, they're dumb and big and beautiful and yeah I wish I was a mermaid who got to swim with them. Also I changed it bc I’m trying to make my blog more *professional* and all that so I can start being taken seriously askjakjdf
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Compliments suck, if I'm being down and out honest. This does not bother me at all, I’m just unsure how to respond. I think I would prefer no comments, but I’m trying really really hard to just say “thank you!” and move on before I get uncomfortable. Having to fight with someone about how I perceive my self worth is exhausting, and especially so for the poor person that was just trying to say something nice and be nice to me. 
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They do make me quite uncomfortable my dear lad/lassie/lasso. Say what you wish in the tags tho ! I don’t really reply to those, so there’s no pressure on me to have to say something back. I do however, see all the tags ppl use and some of them make me laugh so hard cause they’re so spot on, and it makes my day. like “Mark me down as scared AND horny” and “Bakugou better be able to bench 165 cause imma throw my fatass in his mf lap” and it kills me.
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I SCEREAMED AKDHGSYDGASJSD this is the only format I'll be taking asks in now, no compliments just a yes/no answer to if my works help u cum god bless
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you used the /gen!!!!! IDK what these are called but the /S and /gen and /J save my life!!!!
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Frick you’ve figured me out, I do try to put like a nail-in-the-coffin sentence at the end. A lot of times it never works right, but I cannot for the life of my figure out how to end a single post ever. If anyone knows hmu pls ty
(Also ps I checked out ur blog cause yans are my jam and it is very much Not garbage!!)
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That’s very kind of you, but pls don’t stay up past midnight it’s bad for ur Brian you’ll make bad decisions bro trust me all of my stuff is written after midnight
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You will lafff..... but I will tell anyways..... I was prescribed a “life coach” after I got out of the hospital, which was really just a poorly disguised softcore “make sure u don’t yeet urself” type of thing. He had me write down things I liked about myself, and when I returned the sheet of paper still blank, he wrote stuff down for me. Like five sentences of “My hair and skin are unique and special” “I like animals and enjoy being kind to them” “I am worthy of respect” etc etc. and I had to look in a mirror twice a day and say those sentences to help “boost my self worth”. It sucked so bad dude, and I like got upset about it every time it came up, until finally my therapist was like “... this aint doin this sad bitch no good” and my parents got designated for yeet watch instead.
I know, logically, that (the majority of) people are not purposefully taking time out of their day to make me feel bad. They're trying to be encouraging and loving, and I appreciate it so much. But like... what do I say? If I say thanks, it’s almost like acknowledging what they're saying as true, and I can’t live with myself thinking I’m more than I am. I’m sorry you’ve had experiences that make compliments difficult for you also, I understand bro and I hope that your future holds healing and peace for you. 
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Hopefully I won’t vent as much anymore lol, I’ll try to do that on my sideblog where I reblog really trigger-y memes akjdafhkjf. But thank you for your kind words bro, they’re appreciated and put in a nice lil jar.
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Ah dw! This doesn’t sound like a jab. I think all of us r so sad n depressed and feel unworthy of love, so the fantasy of a Yan coming and forcing it on us and not leaving even when we lash out is just..... so attractive my heads gonna explode
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me, thinking about kiri at any given moment like:
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I have the next Hybrid! Kiri fic like lined up, but I’m so demotivated be I was SO CLOSE to finishing, and then wiped my computer like an IDITO
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Waso, I’m taking horseback riding lessons bc my mom went:
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and my grandpa told me that one of his horses was named Awaso and I immediately thot of u fun fact. But you’re so very kind, and I enjoy seeing you in my inbox. I’m never tired of u homie. You are loved and important, and it’s not an illusion. Even random strangers on the internet can feel soft towards you bro, and dats me, I’m the random stranger that likes u.
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So I took Russian for a year, my dear friend, because I wanted to see if the language myth of “Russian is the hardest, Korean is the easiest” was true. I would say yes. So instead of like translating this and typing out a coherent response, I’ve resorted to google translate I’m so sorry but Виктор мог плюнуть мне в глаз, и я бы поблагодарил его. Also, the way Vitya is written in cryllic makes my heart swell it looks so cozy idek what I mean by that but it does? I treasure you man, hope to see you around in the new year and maybe??? we be good friends
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Can any year be good when Kirishima Eijirou doesn’t exist?
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I just imagine anyone who comes across my stuff, sitting at their computer shocked and slightly horrified, maybe turned on like
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Daddy Aizawa makes me
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Wait!! I have something to aid your troubles!!
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ur welcome now u can be horny whenever you’d like 
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pls every time we talk about Kirishima I have to act surprised like 
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LISTEN BBYGORL I have had therapist Suga in the works since *checks notes* November. I am excited for it yeahhhhhh but sadly, I don’t think I will be continuing piano teacher Suga. The story is petered out in my mind, idk where it would go. Therapist sugarbird tho? We have some thots about this. Coming soon to theaters near you
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One Day At A Time - Jensen x Reader
A/N: Part Three! If you’d like to be tagged, please sent an ask or message. As always, feedback is incredible. And, I hope you all enjoy <3
PSA: I am NOT a minor friendly blog. If you are below 18, please come back when you’re older. I don’t want to lose my blog because you were too eager to grow up. If I discover you, I WILL block.
Series Masterlist
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Warnings: Widower!Jensen. Grieving process. Age Gap. Character pregnancy. Unrequited feelings. Online personality problems. Guilt. I believe that is all.
Word Count: Roughly 2,700
“Hi, there,” The woman giggled into the mic as Jensen played up the flirty eyebrow bounce and cheesy smile that would be cast over Tumblr within twenty four hours.
He was finished after that final panel, for the trip. Nothing sounded better than a hot shower and catching some sleep. His mind was still reeling from the news he'd been given that morning, but he couldn't focus on that. So, he buried himself behind that charming persona he'd created.
“Dude, leave her alone...she wants me,” Jared smoothed his thick, long, chestnut locks in a way that caused thirsty cries from all around. He cackled as his friend mock frowned his way; unimpressed at the turn of attention. Earning the familiar high pitched laugh from the crowd in front of them.
It was easy to play into their hands. To take the nerves that came with being shy and put it towards acting like a dork with his best friend. He appreciated the disguise more than he'd ever say. Letting it mask the worry and fear he could feel churning inside of him when it was too quiet for long.
“Actually, my question is for Jensen-”
“Ha!” The mentioned man in question leaned forward at the barked utterance, pretending to gloat. Smugly bouncing his brows at Padalecki.
With a deep, regretful sigh, the taller of the two settled back in his chair; wrapping his arms around the back of it as he sat in reverse, “Okay, I guess.” The over dramatically stated words were coupled with a theatrical sulk that drew forth more giggles.
“I was wondering if Y/N and the kids are enjoying the trip to San Diego,” It was no secret that his family had been flocked around him. Until now, that is. The way he paused at that had every eye present turning towards him.
“Uh, actually...” He forced his lips to stay upright. “They're back home, right now.” Concerned 'awes' filled the air. “No, no. It's okay. They're living it up.” Jared turned his gaze back to the man he'd been brothers with for almost two decades. Not buying into the idea that he was really alright with it. “Last time I checked, they were having some kinda dance party. Again.” The way he clenched his teeth relaxed the fans a bit. An over emphasized grimace always seemed to break the mood. “It was wild. There was pink everywhere and a herd of little girls shouting to music.”
“Odette was leading the charge on the one I got,” The taller man joined in, having received his own recording. “Kicked Zeppelin over to my place for an old fashioned dinosaur night with the boys.” More awes filled the air.
“Y/N sent you something? I thought you two still weren't talking after you tried to drown her?” His brow crooked, finding something he could latch onto. Knowing that his friend had delivered that ammo on purpose. He really did love the moose.
“I can explain!” Jared held up his hand towards the 'ooohs,' and then stopped. “No... no, I can't.” His head dipped in false shame, earning another set of rambunctious chuckles.
“I can.” Jensen easily took over. Turning to better face the crowd now that he'd successfully maneuvered around the original question. “This guy tortures my nanny. She's like the female version of Misha to Jared. It's endless.” The mentioned man's lips screwed up as he nodded proudly, accepting the label that was thrown onto you. “So, we were at a cookout over at his place. I'm flipping burgers and relaxing with a beer. You know...like a normal person.” His words only made his friend shrug. Zero shame in sight. “Next thing I know? She's screeching as he full on tosses her into the pool.”
“She called me old!” The roar that followed was deafening. “See? They get it!” He beamed at the response only serving to make Jensen over-exaggerate the roll of his green eyes. “And, it worked. What did she say after?”
“You're a child.” The admission was straightforward.
“Meaning that I'm young, and that she was wrong.” A round of applause made him get to his feet, and bow as the widower shook his head in mock shame. Cracking his own grin.
The mic was lifted back to Jensen's lips, “Dude...you started a war because she told the truth?” He knew what had been said, but the crowd was eating it up. Keeping him safe for a little while longer.
“That hurts...” A pat to the heart was thrown in. “That hurts me right there.”
“The kids all joined in. It was chaos.” Ackles explained the previous comment to the women, with a few men scattered here and there. “My kids and Y/N versus his herd and him. We needed an ark to get to the tables. They soaked everything.” His hand panned across the people in front of him, emphasizing how far the damage had spread. “Everything. Gen thought they were going to kill each other.” Jared cackled. Remembering the look on his wife's face. “Y'all know how we had to stop pranking each other, right? 'Cause it was so deadly? That's what they should be doing. Instead, she's become this...epic battle partner. I'm thinking they'll start the next apocalypse before this is over.” A proud nod confirmed it. Jared wouldn't give in until the world ended. Or, he had to go back to work. Whichever happened first.
“Do you prank Y/N?” Someone shouted, catching his attention.
“Do I... Do I prank her? Are you kidding? Do I look stupid?” More laughs filled the air as he shuddered something fierce. “Misha? Absolutely. He doesn't fight back.” His fingers tacked off each point. “He doesn't live in my house. Doesn't hang out with my kids. I like not having to worry about her sicking my spawn on me in retaliation. They'd do it in a heart beat, too.” And most importantly, it kept the professional barriers somewhat in place. “Yeah, no, Y/N and I don't....we're not...” Weren't anything other than co-parents, employer and employee, and almost friends in an odd sort of way. How's that for complicated?
“As fun as I am,” Jared finished, saving him, again. Hoping that the fans wouldn't take that last statement as he had started to. He covered his own look of interest before diving back into the panel. “Now, that we went way off topic....who's next?”
“How did the 'mom' thing even start?” You asked in confusion, scrolling through your Instagram notifications. Your feet thrown over the back of the couch as you sprawled. Making yourself quite at home in the Ackles house. The selfie you'd posted while cleaning the damage the girls had caused was packed.
Not that you weren't used to it by that stage. The moment Danneel had tagged you in a post, it had been over. You'd been stalked and fawned over by some. When she passed? You'd been flocked for updates about the Ackles family.
It had taken a year for you to gather the courage to begin posting again. Once you did? The fandom clung to you for offering small pieces of what life was like inside the Ackles' household. Needing to have that sense of closeness to the supernatural family, still, even with a member gone.
The simple image of you with Oscar resting his head on your lap as you sorted the makeup away had garnered the usual 'queen', 'mom', and 'I love yous' mixed with the occasional trash talker. Once Jensen had commented saying he wanted his dog back when he got home? It had grown worse. When you told him that he'd have to fight you for the golden doodle? The post had blown up. The fans demanding to know if you and him had something going on.
Apparently his panel had only cemented the idea, somehow. You hadn't watched it. Leaving you to only wonder what he'd said to garner that response. Sure it had simply been taken out of context.
You scrolled on, determined to find some answers. A few flicks of your fingers and fate intervened. The phone slipped to your face. Making you wince all the while. As if life had directly told you that social media was bad for your health.
With a sigh, you tossed your phone to the couch. Trying to not let the extreme Danneel and Jensen fans get under your skin. Too many 'you'll never be her' comments filled your mind. More than enough 'stop trying to take her place' had you questioning where you stood. You were doing everything you could to get what was needed done while not dancing on your deceased friend's toes.
Did the world really not understand? Were you really any better off than they suggested? The small crush said you weren't.
“No idea,” Genevieve stated seriously, walking towards the grey couch you were occupying with a pile of healthy snacks loaded up. Pulling you from the internal struggle. She'd been extra conscious of what she was putting into her body since she'd discovered the newest pregnancy. “I just kinda...roll with it.”
She and the kiddos were bunking with you. Tag teaming was so much simpler when the baby exhaustion hit. And it gave the both of you some grownup time together when the men were away.
“It's so strange,” You picked up one of the grapes with your fingers before plopping it in your mouth. Giving up on trying to understand the fact that you'd become an icon of sorts- and the ramifications- for simply nannying some, albeit great, kids.
At your friend's next words, you choked, “So...what's the deal with you and Jensen?”
“It's the same as its always been,” Came the broken words as you got back a hold of yourself. Brushing it off. “Why?”
“Just curious,” That wasn't it. The cool, actress's poker face she wore said as much. But, you were too sensitive to call her out on it, just then. Luckily, she changed gears. “I can't believe that this is it...The last season is being filmed this year.”
The CW had finally pulled the plug on the Winchesters once it had hit adulthood. The boys had found out in a meeting that morning. They'd known it was coming. Had even agreed to it. And yet? Hearing the finality of it? Was another nail in the coffin.
“Eighteen seasons...It's crazy.” Your hand ran through your hair as you looked at the old episode on screen. Sister Jo stood off against Michael!Dean. The tension in the scene was palpable. It didn't hurt to watch it, anymore. Instead, you focused on the fact that she'd been doing what she loved with the man she'd been head over heels for. “How's Jared holding up?”
“He's zeroed in on the kids. Telling himself that it's going to be good for us in the end.” Her hand rubbed over her still flat stomach. “But, he's definitely feeling it. He's been Sam for so long... Saying goodbye is hard.”
“That it is,” You agreed, frowning at the screen. Wondering how Jensen was taking the day.
He hadn't said a thing to you when he'd checked in. Simply had asked for an update on the household before he crashed. Dean had become his crutch. Without the Winchester in his life, you weren't quite sure what he'd do with himself.
Ackles had a passion for directing and acting. There was no doubt about it. But, Supernatural had become everything when his life had turned upside down. It had given him the consistency he'd needed to get through. And while things had been okay for a time? It would be just another major thing he was losing.
Your socked foot rubbed over the soft fur of Icarus. The cockapoo was up there in age. He'd been diagnosed with congestive heart failure at sixteen years old. The white, fifteen pounds of floof didn't let it deter him, though. A couple of pills a day kept him comfortable and loved for as long as he could be. But, it had gotten under Jensen's skin, too.
It made your stomach churn to think about how fast the negative could pile up on already weakened shoulders. And yet, he wanted you to step back. Having time away from him had cleared your head. Allowed you to see his side of things. Maybe it was time to give him some room to breathe. To let him process everything on his own. After all, you were just the nanny...
“Dad!” Three voices shouted in unison when the door opened. Ditching their place at the table as Jensen stumbled in with a wide smile on his face. Each kid got a big hug, and a kiss on the cheek.
When they tried to talk over each other, he slowed them down, gently with a, “One at a time.” And, miraculously? It worked. He was informed of everything he'd already had reported to him. Only this time? In child perspective. Which made it dramatic. Completely over the top. Just the way he liked it.
A nod your way was all you received as you slipped past the scene; lifting his bag for him so that no one tripped over it. Including the bumbling dog that was trying to get a kiss in, himself. Oscar had missed his human while he'd been gone.
The dog had been with Danneel's brother during her last pregnancy. She'd been too sick to handle the energetic buffoon while Jensen had been away, filming the show. Gino had fallen in love with the pup. Keeping him...until he thought Jensen needed him more. Returning him back to the Ackles' home solemnly. Oscar had, once again, latched back onto the head of the house with a fierce loyalty that most wouldn't expect from a fluffed up mixed breed. The affection was mutual. Jensen's hand stilled the squirming beast with a simple pet to the top of his curled head as you left the chaos.
Jensen's room was clean. A feat that wouldn't last long once he started unpacking. Bed made up, clothes lined nice and neat, with just a hint of his cologne still lingering in the air from before he'd left. You dropped the duffle on the mattress and turned away. Only to catch sight of the image beside his pillow. It held the dogs, his wife, and the kids all surrounding him. Everything he loved in one picture. His family.
Slowly, you slid the door shut and returned back to the reunion, “Dinner's ready if you're hungry.” You smiled softly at the way he ensured each kid knew that they were loved before climbing back up to his feet. Lumbering after you to get the food while it was still hot.
“Spaghetti,” The actor rumbled in excitement, sniffing the air as he approached the table. His lips smacked hungrily. He was a sucker for a pasta with a good meat sauce. “The wardrobe ladies are gonna be mad at me, later, but I'm piling it up.” He hadn't exaggerated. The flight had left him hungry. “God, this is good.” Came the Dean-like groan as he chowed down. Forgetting that he didn't have to eat like a man who had lived off of nothing more than pizza and beer.
“Dad!” The tiny, disapproving tone left J.J with ease. “You're not supposed to talk with your mouth full.”
He gulped down the food, and smiled sheepishly, “Sorry, J-bird.”
“It's okay. Just try to remember,” The words were so Danneel that you couldn't help but to smile gently at them. She was going to be trouble as she continued to age. But, you had faith she'd be pretty great in the end. Hell, they all would if the night was any indication.
If he was upset about the show ending, he didn't show it. Even after the kids retired for the night and he helped clean up, he didn't say a word. The only thing you got was a pat on the back and a low “goodnight” that made your skin prickle before you returned your own.
Part Four
ODAAT: @winchester-ofthe-lord​​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @ima-be-a-mongoose​ @briagallen​
Dean/Jensen: @akshi8278​​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​​
Forever: @dean-winchesters-bacon​​ @supernaturalginger​​ @lilulo-12​​​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @malfoysqueen14​​​  @michealneedssomemilk
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generally-likeable · 4 years
Oh look a pinned post!
Hi and welcome to my blog. You seem to have stumbled across a wild self shipper in their natural habitat.
All Mature or Adult content will be posted @gen-after-dark
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This is my main and so all interaction will come from here.
This blog and all my others are run by me, a bisexual woman so if that bothers you then please leave.
Please also be aware that I am over 18 years old so while my blog is safe for minors it is just something to keep in mind
Make sure to read my about and DNI/BYF as well as my F/O List before further interaction with this or any other blog of mine
Please also make sure to familiarize yourself with my tagging system and filter when appropriate. I am always happy to add tags if needed so just pop an ask or message in my inbox and let me know if you want something tagged.
I am okay with sharing some f/os but please please please just check with me first. I am happy to share with longtime mutuals but not so much with others so that will also be a determining factor.
You can message me at any time about anything, come to my inbox and gush, I’ll listen enthusiastically cause y’all are cute together.
I love receiving asks. Be it from games or just cause you wanna.
When you send ask memes I generally prefer if you specify which f/o you are asking for unless it’s not that kind of ask.
Sometimes it takes me a while to reply but I try to do so as soon as I have the time.
I tend to practice reblog karma as much as I can.
Feel free to tag me in any and all creative endeavors, I love seeing all the wonderful content.
If you don’t like me or self shipping then just don’t interact. Feel free to block me if we share an f/o that you are uncomfortable sharing.
Let me know if there is anything I can do to change or improve my tagging system or if there is something you would like to be tagged differently.
I am aware that some of my f/os and s/i’s have problematic behavior and I do not condone those actions but it does not stop me from liking the character.
All of my romantic f/os are 18+ (I started letting go of the younger ones when I got to around 16/17/18 cause it just didn’t feel right TO ME to ship with children/young teens/teens anymore for someone who was then almost an adult and is currently an adult to ship with literal CHILDREN) but I do have platonic and familial f/os who are younger which I think is completely fine.
Feel free to message me or send an ask if you have questions or complaints or want me to elaborate on my views before you decide to follow me.
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
How incorrect tagging contributes to SPN ship wars
@radioabsurd left this very impassioned rant about the behavior of SPN fandom in the main tags.  Let me point out that there are things here, that I would say are correct.  There are things however, that I am not happy with.  I am not certain about this person's sincerely.  Let me put it that way.  I edited bits that contained blasphemy because I don't want that nonsense in my post.  I also added bold font to the bits that made me smirk.  Other than that, everything is as it appears.  My commentary is in italics and brackets.  Thank to doll face for forwarding this to me. 
Supernatural Fandom
If you hate the actual angel Jensen Ackles, don’t talk to me, like my shit or any of that.
[A polite suggestion for people to ignore her]
If you hate the actual angel Misha Collins, fuck off and don’t talk to me or like my shit.
[Disrespecting Misha warrant the use of profanity.]
If you hate on the actual angel Jared Padalecki, please block me or you will get blocked.
[A please is thrown in, so the politeness is back.  Also, note the order in which these actors are mentioned.  Any other person would mention Misha last.  But no, Jared gets last place, like an afterthought.]
I’m so tired of this hate people give each other in the fandom with the ship wars and shit.
[Honey, I would like to point out that all the hate, especially the violent ones directed to the actors, comes solely from the destiel shippers.  Everyone else retaliates.]
I FUCKING ship #destiel and #cockles, but in no way do I think J2 are not important to each other. They are the bestest of friends. In no way do I hate on Daneel, Vicki, or Gen(They are all actually queens).
[Well, at least you agree that the Js friendship is hated on by the Misha shippers.  The wife hate is a landmine.  Do people hate the wives because they ship the boys or because they genuinely found nothing to like in the wives?  I don't really care much for an actor's relatives.  But if the boys are happy, whatever rocks their boats.  Besides, who they marry is not my business.  Out of sight.  Out of mind.  If I like them, I would have no reason to go overboard and call them 'queens'.  But that is just my opinion on the subject.  Julia Roberts was never called a queen, despite her success.  Just pointing that out.  Do I think they deserve any hate?  I don't know them well enough to answer that one.  But if you put yourself out there, you are going to get the bad attention with the good.  As long as the hate doesn't extend to death threats, I say freedom of speech.  Just tag it appropriately.] 
Even If I don’t ship #wincest I’m not going to FUCKING hate on somebody for their ship because guess what! I FUCKING ship #thorki and #t'cherik and wow I must be such a disgusting human being but these are freaking fictional characters and aren’t real! (Not talking about real people ships)
[This seems friendly enough until you get to the second mention of this topic.]
If you don’t agree with something please FUCKING get over it and block it or ignore it.
[You should see the replies I get, from hellers I call out of tagging incorrectly.  They don't block or ignore.] 
Jeez, and all the ships hate on the wives and the other people on the show, not just one ship. XXXX, why am I even in this fandom.
[I concur.  There are haters of ships and people.  But unless you go into their appropriate tags, you will never find them.  Guess who tags all their hateful filth, including calling Jensen a homophobe, in the main tags? Yep, the destihellers.]
Also, if I get freaking hate on shipping #thorki (they’re not even real brothers okay, get over it) or #t'cherik (in the comics theyre not cousins thank you very much) and your in the supernatural fandom then your actually the problem.
[I don't know how to tell you this, but Sam and Dean are not real brothers either.  They are fictional.  So basically, in an offhanded manner, you have kind of insulted the people, you are telling others not to insult.  Just thought I would point that out.] 
haters get on my nerves 👌🏽
[You are absolutely right.  I cant stand them either.  Especially the ones who tell Jared to kill himself and threaten to kill Jensen.  All destihellers.  I don't deal with haters as much.  Because I believe it is your prerogative to hate whoever you want.  As long as you tag it properly.  But I draw the line at death threats, because the hate has moved into malevolent territory.  That is why I don't go onto the anti tags.  Let them hate.  But when possible felony becomes an issue, I speak up.]
(there might be spelling errors but that’s life so what eves)
 [True!  My typing is atrocious.]
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My issue with this rant: 
I appreciate the effort.  Don't get me wrong.  But there are issues presenting themselves here.  This rant is addressed to the entire fandom.  The problem is that is doesn't differentiate between the instigators and the retaliators.  There is an assumption, within the rant, that everyone should like the same things in the same manner without personal opinion or prejudice.  And to be honest, that kind of uniformity in human psychology, is unheard of in human societies.  We are all different.  We cannot be expected to enthusiastically love anyone or anything unless we have been given viable reason to.  The other baffling thing on this post is the anti Vicki tag.  Interestingly, there is no other post with this tag.  As far as I can see, nobody hates Victoria.  People are generally quite indifferent towards her. 
So you are basically giving fandom and onlookers the impression that this woman gets hated when, in reality, she doesn't even force a blimp in the radar.  The only time I saw her being discussed, was when I watched in bemused amazement , as J2 tinhats were comparing her to one of the Js wives and talking about how much more nicer she was and how they respected her more.  So those particular J fans don't hate Victoria.  Do Misha's fans hate her?  If so, how are they tagging their hate.  I haven't seen anything. 
You post makes no mention of actor harassment, cast and crew harassment, threats of arson and vandalism and actual attacks on fans by other fans.  There is a different between someone saying ''I cant stand Vicky'' and ''I am going to burn Vicky's home down, while she is still in it''.  A similar arson threat was sent to Jensen by a Misha fan.  Receipts for this, and other threats, are on my blog.  To my logic, death threats are a more pressing issue than hate.  All of the aforementioned are by destiel shipping and Misha stanning perpetrators.  To people who are not aware of this reality, if they read this post, they will assume that everyone in the fandom is hateful.  They won't know about the truth.  So no, all the shippers do not have an equal hand in trouble making.  There are some that are worse than others. 
Finally, your tagging is contradictory and troublesome.  Tumblr recognizes 30 tags only, but the most effective are the first five.  For a post of this nature, you shouldn't have tagged Danneel twice.  Danneel has fans from her other endeavors. like One Tree Hill, who are not SPN fans.  They don't need to see this drama, which has nothing to do with them.  So that tag is a general/main tag and you should stay out of it.  The last two tags are for ships outside our fandom, and basically what you have done, by including those tags, is exposed outsiders to the dirty laundry that this fandom is known for.  This is where SPN's faulty reputation comes from.  ''Mentions'' is also a very widely used external tag.  It has not an SPN related tag, neither is it related to this post.  Tagging this post under that tag, also brings this fandom into disrepute.  The tags on this post, does this fandom no favors.   
The post is not a hate post, [you are reprimanding all and sundry over putrid behavior] and therefore does not belong in the anti tags.  If you are trying to right the wrongs of this fandom, do it in the main ship tags, for the whole shipping section of fandom to see.  You cant tell people how to feel about someone.  And posting this particular rant in the anti tags, is essentially you telling those people not to hate whoever they genuinely cant stand.  If you are talking about a ship, tag the ship.  If you tag your post #anti Jensen, you are telling people, this post is about why I hate Jensen.  That is the point of that tag.  That is not exactly what your post is about, is it?  Now I tag in the main tags, and not in the anti tags because I tackle any subject that is going to cause a death threat to reach Jensen.  That is the policy behind my tagging system.  Your tagging system doesn't seem to make sense.  You cant tag Jensen and anti Jensen.  These two tags contradict each other. 
Don't tag the characters on a TV show, because that is not what your post is about.  People who are non-shipping fans of Dean Winchester, don't want to be bombarded with this shipping-related rant.  This is not courteous to them.  Also, if you misspell a tag, the tag has consequently been rendered useless.  So there is essentially no point in having that tag.  Just replace or remove it.  Its not that hard.  Also, I don't think you know what a bibro is.  There are non-shippers amongst them.  So why are they a part of this ship-war rant?  You can't tag SPN or Supernatural, because the entire fandom doesn't need to see this.  The entire fandom are not shippers.  You were not addressing the entire fandom, so leave them out of it.  In fact, your title is incorrect too. 
Judging by the crux of your post, the tags should have been:
Destiel, Wincest, Cockles, J2 Tinhats, Wincestiel  
All the ship names are present.  So anyone who is involved with these ships will read them and understand.  If you want to add more tags [which I don't recommend] then add the following:
Sabriel, sastiel
I would tag these two ships because they are ships that three actors are a part of.  I don't recommend tagging the actor's names, because the post is not about them, but about shipper behavior.  They are merely mentioned as the motivation behind the hate, by your logic.  Their names are still general tags, and people searching Jared Padalecki might hate shipping and this post will give credulity to their hatred because it is invasive and makes shippers looks bad....well, worse would be the apt word to use.
I am conflicted about the motive of the rant.  No, I don't believe any of the actors are ''actual angels''.  They are human and flawed, some more than others.  I don't think their wives of sovereign control of anything.  But I appreciate the effort in bridge-building.  The doll face that sent me this, found the wincest remark offensive, but I am willing to give your the benefit of the doubt on that one, because I assume it was an honest mistake.  I am not a wincest fan though, which I why I am reacting a little differently.  Perhaps, because I am not emotionally invested. 
P.S.:  Speaking of wincest, someone told me that even wincest ship posts are being tagged with the actor's and character's names.  I don't care what you ship, but by using general tags, you are not driving on your lane.  Stop mistagging.  Unless Jared Padalecki is really pregnant with someone's lovechild, don't tag him in an mpreg post.  I don't think he wants people knowing about his baby bump.  Tag politely.  Tags like Top!Sam and Bottom!Cas are NOT general tags, so that is ok.  But Sam Winchester and Jared Padalecki, for example, are general tags, so keep your shippy stuff away from it.  Wincest fans, its your job to clean house. 
The reason why I am lenient with the wincest ship and J2 tinhatters, is because they are not repeat and frequent offenders, and they don't send death threats to actors.  In fact, if you search the wincest tag, you find a small handful of offenders, and a destiel offender who tagged her post weecest and wincest even though it was about destiel.  Now, why do that? 
Respect the tags.  Respect the actors.  Stop behaving like SPN owes you something, and keep your fantasy on your side of the fandom.
Please excuse the typos.
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petri808 · 6 years
Zero Degrees of Separation
AU Story, FT Next Gen.  Jerza kids.  4300 words.  I wrote this story for a school assignment. Pics of the kids are on my side blog @petrischronicles
It is summer break before Identical twins Andesine & Azurite Fernandez will be leaving for college on opposite sides of the country. Their family takes their annual summer vacation to the mountains but both brothers are troubled about breaking their connection.  ​
The breeze coming off the crystalline lake was something Azurite Fernandez always appreciated when they visited the summer cabin.  It had that typical rustic quality of earthy scented pine, mixed with warbling birds and chattering squirrels, a beautiful serenity and today was no exception as the warm kiss of mountain sunlight blanketed the family from powder blue skies. He stood there with his eyes closed letting the calming peace and quiet sweep him away for it might be years before he’d be back again.  This was perfect, he mused to himself.  Someday building a house and raising a family in a place like this appealed to his inner nature.
“Azurite, could you help your sister with her bags?”
He opened his eyes and released the fresh moist air from his lungs, “sure mom,” before turning towards his family’s SUV.  Azi clicked his tongue, chuckling as his sister struggled with her oversized suitcase. Grabbing it from her and setting it on the ground he teases, “did you pack your entire room?”
Amethyst huffs, picking up her smaller carry-on and purse from the ground, “not all of us loves this place as much as you do, I needed things to keep me busy.”  
“I’m with Amy on this,” their brother Andesine, Azi’s twin, throws his arm over his brother’s shoulder. “I’d much rather be hanging out with Sage and the others, considering most of us are going to different parts of the country in a couple months.”
“Tch,” Azurite crosses his arms, “then I would just as much prefer to spend time with my girlfriend then you.”
“Alright, alright boys,” their father Jellal chides them as he walks past into the house, “it’s family time, not friend time so just deal with it and make your mother happy for a couple of weeks.”  With a sigh, Azurite simply grabs his sister’s suitcase and along with his sullen siblings makes their way into the house behind him.
That evening as Andi and Amy hole up in their rooms with their phones or laptops, and their parents enjoy the rest of the night in the den, Azurite ventures out onto the spacious wrap around deck, propping himself atop a railing.  With his long legs easily balancing on the beam and his back against one of the pillars, he had chosen the spot because it was a clear vantage point of the nighttime lake.  Dark and ominous waters like at any moment some creature could walk out of its depths ready to strike at the unaware and yet, with the shimmering moonlit surface, instead of a creature, maybe a beautiful water goddess come to grant you any wish you desire.  A slight uptick around the corners of his mouth are the only indication when a few fond memories begin to flow through.  
Such supernatural creatures were common topics when they were little.  Nights like this one spent on the shore sleeping under the stars, trading story ideas, or dreams of heroes and villains come to life.  Just a lot of imagination packed between the Fernandez twins and the seeming link they shared was evident.  One would start a sentence and the other would finish it, an idea for a character would come to mind and the other would simply nod and agree as if they could see it too.  Like words never spoken aloud but through the spirit became secrets only they could share driving their sister crazy because it left her out of the loop.
They used to love fishing with their father, sometimes competing with each other on who could catch the biggest fish, campfire smores with their mom who made sure they didn’t burn their hands, and tag teaming scares upon their little sister.  On sunny afternoons the boys would swim out to the middle of the lake where a platform had been anchored, jumping off or sun bathing.  Hikes with the family in the surrounding forests were a treat to find bugs and other critters or make forts amongst the trees to search for dragons.  
It was quite an enjoyable childhood, but like many kids, as they got older, and their individual personalities developed, different interests and friendships pulled them in separate directions.  They were still brothers that got along for the most part, but no longer peas in the same pod.  Azurite closes his eyes, ‘and the distance is only gonna grow wider when we leave for college.’  It wasn’t that he wanted to be separated from his brother or family, but when one receives a full-ride scholarship to M.I.T, they’d be a fool to decline. Unfortunately, that meant he’d be attending school in Massachusetts clear across the country from Santa Barbara where Andesine had opted to go.
“Will you cheer up Az?” the warm hand of his brothers upon his shoulder, rouses Azurite from his reflections only to look over and see the smug smirk of his twin staring back. Andesine taps his temple, “is the distance really bothering you that much, cause ya know eventually we had to cut the cord.”
“I wasn’t thinking…” Again, Andi taps the side of his head and cocks an eyebrow.  “Okay, sure, maybe I was but that wasn’t the only thing.”
“A…” searching his pockets, he pulls out the only thing he had and holds it up with a goofy grin, “piece of gum for your thoughts?”
Even Azurite had to laugh at the silly antics of his twin, “It’s nothing,” waving his hand, “maybe I’m just nervous about being so far away from everyone.  I mean, aren’t you?”
“Mmm,” Andi tips his head, “not really, kinda excited to see all them California girls!” singing out part of the Katie Perry song.
Azurite rolls his eyes, “You are so bad!”
“And you are too good!” Andi retorts and laughs out loud, “I feel like I need to balance out this dynamic duo!”  Azurite tries to hide the amusement but fails miserably since his brother can read him. “Come on… grumpy gus,” he playfully punches Azi’s arm, “just get some sleep and maybe you’ll feel better.”
After his bother moves out of the way, Azi slides off the railing and stretches out his stiffened back. “Mom guys crash yet?”
Andesine nods, “fell asleep on the couch.  I think Amy too, cause her light was off.”  He pulls out his phone, “I don’t think you realize but you’ve been out here for several hours, see,” showing his brother the time, “it’s almost 2 am.”
Azi frowns, “I didn’t. But why are you still awake?”
“I wasn’t, just woke up when I felt something bothering you.”
“‘so’kay man, I’ll see ya upstairs.”
“Be there in a minute.” Azurite watches his brother walk back into the house and takes one more look at the lake...
To the outside world, Andesine Fernandez was the quintessential jokester who never took life seriously.  He did decently in school, had his own aspirations, tons of friends, and fashioned himself a lady’s man, though this last notion might be more in his head than reality.  But just because he lived in the realm of humor, wasn’t to say he didn’t care or pay attention, he simply preferred to live by the YOLO ‘You Only Live Once’ motto.  This stark contrast in personality from his more reticent and bookish twin, was along with their different colored hair, the most noticeable distinctions.  
A few nights later, the family sits around a small campfire in front of the house, relaxing after a long day of hiking around the forest and lake.  Amy and their mother Erza chatter about a Korean drama they both watch, and Andi is only half listening to Azurite and their dad discuss the latest MMA fight in the UFC.  Maybe Azi had a point about the distance, it wasn’t something he’d really thought about until now, probably because, well, ‘I didn’t want to, I mean, it’s only a physical thing!’  But as the dancing flames of the fire crackle and send wisps of burning embers floating into the air, Andesine’s thoughts go with them. His eyes dilate, focusing on the red-orange glow, mesmerized and sending his mind into a distant timeframe.
‘Don’t even think about it, Andi,’ his brother blocks him, ‘mom already gave you a Hershey.’
‘Ugh!  It’s so irritating that you know what I’m thinking!  When we get older, I hope this stupid twin thing stops too!’
‘I don’t really like it either, cause dealing with you is frustrating.’
But their mother had stepped into the argument, chiding her sons, ‘there will come a day when you’ll regret saying that stuff.’  Pulling them into a hug on each side of her body, ‘that special bond means you’ll always have each other to fall back on, even when you’re far apart.’
‘Why would be far apart?’ Azurite asked their mom.
‘Well…’ squeezing them tighter, ‘one day you’ll grow up, go to college, meet a girl, maybe settle down and have a family.  As much as I’ll miss my boys, I want you to be happy and independent in the future.’
‘Sounds good to me,’ Andi shrugged, ‘I can’t wait to grow up!’
She chuckled, ‘don’t worry, before you know it, you will be…’
Andesine’s brows furrow at the memory, sometimes he hated to admit when their mother was right, but damn was she ever.  A night exactly like this one, settled around a campfire, eating smores, except now they were all ten years older.  Amy only two years away from graduating high school and the boysabout to start their adult lives.  Was he really ready for it like he had bragged about?  Did he want to admit that he’ll miss his twin? He snaps out of the reflection, looking around to see if anyone had noticed it, but everyone was still engrossed in their conversations.
He stands up, dusts off his pants and kisses his mother goodnight.  “Are you okay?” she asks.
“Just tired, think I’ll shower and head to bed.”
“Alright, good night sweetie.”
“Night mom.”
He knew from experience that the best thing to do was let his brother process whatever was bothering him in his own way, so Azurite pretended not to pay attention while Andi zoned out or even when he said he was tired.  But as he watched his twin trudge into the house, he had to wonder what it was about.  A smug tugging on his lips, could Andi be just as nervous as he was about the whole separation?  Now that would be an interesting flip.
Andesine tossed and turned.
“Noooo!!!” he screamed as he raced towards his brother on legs that suddenly seemed uncooperative, reaching out and stumbling along the asphalt. The scene blurred through a tunneled vision while the sounds of screeching tires echoed in his ears.  But no matter how fast he ran, the distance remained the same.  
His brother’s head turns seconds before the impact, a tear trailing down one cheek, “I’m… sorry Andi…”
Andesine pops up in his bed screaming out of the dream and frantically looking at the other side of the bedroom for Azurites bed.  “What the fuck?”  Because there was no bed, only an empty space where it should be.  He throws off the blankets and hops off his, wildly circling the barren floorboards.  “What the hell is going on!  Where is Azurite?!”
The door swings open and his parents rush in, “Andi, what’s wrong,” Erza asks, “what are you yelling about?”  As Jellal grabs his son’s shoulders to stop his hysterical flailing, “did you have a bad dream?”
“Where’s my brother Azurite?  Why is his bed gone?”  The poor young man is on the verge of tears.
“Azurite?” Erza questions, looking to her husband with concern, “but honey, you don’t have a brother.”
“What!!  Of course, I do, he’s my identical twin!”
“Son, you need to calm down,” prompting the young man towards his bed and sitting him down, “there’s only you and your sister, remember?”
“No, this doesn’t make any sense,” Andi shakes his head, “it felt so real, He felt so real!  W-we were so close, we could feel each other, read each other’s thoughts, I—I…” cradling his head in his hands, “but our…”
“Sweetheart it was just a dream,” Erza kneels in front of him, “we promise you, you’ve never had a brother��”
“No!” he pushes them away and scrambles to get out of the room. This was all wrong!  Why were they lying to him?  There was no way he’d just make up a brother!  Andi bolts down the hallway, stumbling a few times in an effort to reach the front door while the walls seemed to sway and fold inwards on him. He had to get out there now!
As he turns the knob and flings the front door open, a blinding light stops him in his tracks.
His eyes snap open and he sits up in bed.  ‘What the…’ turning, Andesine looks to his left and notices his brother still asleep in their darkened room.  He checks the alarm clock, 3:30am, it was all just a nightmare?  With a groan, he drops on to his back, ‘it was all just a friggen nightmare!’
The following morning, Andesine is still a bit unnerved from the dream.  It was the first time he’s ever had one so disturbing involving his brother and he couldn’t fathom what it was supposed to mean.  Was it a premonition that his brother would die from a car accident?  He’d never had one of those before, or more than likely a subconscious reaction to the whole idea of separation and distance.  No matter what it all meant, if he didn’t get a handle on these emotions, the rest of this trip would be a miserable one.
Andi finds his parents in the kitchen cleaning up after breakfast, “Is it okay if I take a hike to the bluffs?”
“I don’t see why not,” Jellal puts another dish in the rack before turning to address his son, “is Azurite going with you?”
“Nah, I kinda wanted to go alone.”
Erza frowns, “That’s not really safe honey…” but when he gives her a sad, puppy expression she sighs, “just make sure you take your phone with you.”
“Thanks mom!” he hugs her then his dad and takes off out the door with a small back pack of water and of course his cell phone.  
He waves at his sister and brother who were lounging on patio chairs and heads north of their rental towards the trail leading up to a mountain peak he enjoyed.  Andi takes a deep breath, ‘Im’ma sort out whatever the hell it is that’s bugging me!’ pumping a fist into the air with a grin, ‘It’s time to go zen!’
The trail itself was moderately rated, mostly because of the final leg up a steep incline to the bluff, but it was completely worth the effort.  Twenty-five minutes later, as he broke through the tree line and made his way up the final ascent, Andi knew he had made the right decision to come here. There were a few fluffy white clouds passing by and the heat was mildly tolerable due to the higher elevation. The ground was thankfully dry since it hadn’t rained for at least a couple of weeks and the bugs seemed to be taking a day off, so he finds a flat-topped rock and sits down ready to get this load off his mind.
Why was all of this bothering him so much now when it hadn’t even crossed his mind before this trip? Sure, he had realized that picking a college thousands of miles across the country would probably make his parents sad, but it never donned on him that it would upset his brother, or himself. They would be in different states not different countries and thanks to today’s technology, distance wasn’t such a burden anymore.  Andi had friends all over the world on social media, and he was excited to finally meet a few of them when he got to California.  Besides, it’s not like he was the only one, Azurite chose a college away from their home state, granted it was because of the scholarship, but still, it was a choice that he made.
Andi closes his eyes and tilts his head back knowing he was skirting around the real issue that none of this had to do with a normal leaving the nest syndrome.  He exhales, both brothers were quite ready and capable to venture out on their own because their parents had done a phenomenal job of making sure they would be.  No, this all came down to their twin connection.  Will it feel weird when they are so far apart from each other?  Will there be some strange feeling like a part of him was missing?  It was this uneasiness that was at the heart of it all.  
‘I’m sure we’ll be fine,’ he finally concludes, ‘nothing to worry about.  I bet we’ll be too busy with college and everything to even worry.’ He was sure that he’d simply let his subconscious and imagination run a little too amok this time and it was time to reign it back in.  
“Yosh!” he stands up, stretching out in a full, arms above his head motion, twisting his midsection and legs.  “Bout time for lunch anyways!”
In a better mood now, Andi slings his backpack over one shoulder, shoves in his earbuds and cranks up his music, starting the trek down the steep zig-zag trail of loose stones and dry pine needle covered dirt.  Dense foliage made a few portions along the path harder to make out and unfortunately one of those spots was a narrow, stepped ledge, carved by the elements into a natural staircase.  Andi slowed down because he knew going down was the most dangerous part.  
Suddenly, the flapping of wings and a stirring of feathers from a startled pheasant takes Andi by surprise just as he is about to set foot on the next step.  The bird scuttles off into the forest, its squawking mixing with his scream as he slips, hands flying up, bag along with his legs going airborne like in a slow-motion scene.  His brother’s name is the last thought in his mind as his back hits the ground and head bounces-off the stony surface knocking him out cold…
Down at the lake, the family is relaxing near the water’s edge with Amy and Erza sunbathing on the shore. Azurite and Jellal dangle their legs off the short pier fishing for dinner while discussing last minute things the young man needs to secure before he leaves for college.  All in all, a relaxing sight despite the glaring midday sun. But just as Azi casts his line again, a cold breeze sweeps through, normally welcomed on such a heated day, but for him, the chill it shoots up his spine catches him off-guard and if he didn’t know better, his name had been funneled along with the wind.  
The fishing pole he holds clatters to the ground as Azurite shoots to his feet, “Something’s wrong with Andi!”
Jellal looks up bewildered, but knows not to question it, “we’d better go then!”
The two men race up the forest trail while Amy and Erza wait at the house ready to call emergency if necessary.  They had no idea what they would encounter but if Azurite was right, and Andi was too injured to have used his cell phone to call for help, they needed to be on standby. Azurite tore up the path like a man both panicked yet guided straight to where he just knew his brother would be and his father simply following, trusting his son’s instincts.  It took them 15 agonizing minutes to reach the spot.
“Andi!”  Azurite clambers up the steep grade, crawling the last couple of feet to where his brother lay prone.  Panic sweeps over his whole being, “Aw, Fuck dad there’s blood coming from his head!  Andi!” he’s about to reach out and pull his brother up but Jellal grabs his shoulder.
“Don’t move him yet, we don’t know how badly injured he is.  Check his pulse and breathing while I call your mom… and see if you can wake him up but gently.”
With his father on the phone telling their mother to call 911 and giving them directions to where they were, Azurite is using every ounce of willpower he has not to cradle his brother’s limp body in his arms.  He couldn’t believe this was happening, Andi was usually so careful whenever he went hiking but as he scans the area and notices a few stray feathers and his brothers bag lying above and off to the side, he could surmise what had happened in those last seconds.  But all that didn’t matter, whether or not Andi had been spooked or simply slipped, what was important was getting him medical attention as quickly as possible.
Azurite pats his brother’s cheek, “Andi wake up!  Please,” tapping it a few more times, “wake up Andi!”  Moisture pools and clouds his vision, tears leaking down his face in salty rivers.  “Damn it, Andi wake up!”
After ending his call, Jellal slowly lifts his sons head to check the injury and see’s that despite the blood, the wound doesn’t look very deep.  He pulls off his shirt, folds it, and tucks it under to cushion Andi’s head. “Emergency services are on their way so, all we can do is wait.  I’m going to head back down to meet them at the beginning of the trail, will you be alright here?”  The young man manages a short nod.  Jellal puts his hand on Azi’s shoulder, “It’s going to be okay son,” and with a second half nod, the man starts his descent.
Left alone, Azurite retrieves his brother’s bag, so it didn’t get left behind, sitting back down and checking his brother’s vitals every couple of minutes.  It was so frustrating not being able to do anything more, but his dad and their Eagle Scout training were clear on this, Andi was best left for the professionals to handle.  He hangs his head and while his tears had slowed, they were still like droplets of rain along a window pane, dribbling down in irregular waves.
“I swear you really are an idiot Andi, you know how dangerous it is to hike alone!  I don’t know what it was that was bothering you, but it better be a damn good reason for scaring me half to death!  Do you know how it feels, every time you do these foolish things and I have to worry about you…”  Azi lets out a long exhale, “But maybe you’ll get it now?  I hope you’ll see why I was so worried about the distance, I mean if something happened to you and we’re miles apart, I can’t come running like I did today.”  He lays down on his side next to his brother, just like they would as little kids when they were scared during a storm and takes hold of his brother’s hand, so limp and lifeless, bringing it to his chest.  “It feels like… like a sinking weight on my heart…”
“Could you be…” Andi’s voice is groggy and muffled, “anymore… melodramatic…”  He squeezes Azi’s hand back, “I ain’t dead yet.”
“I ought’a knock you back out for that!” Azi half snorts half laughs, for as frustrated with his brother as he was, it felt amazing to hear Andi’s voice again.
“I love you too bro,” he finally opens his eyes, half lidded because of the pain.  “And to answer your question, I do know how it feels.”
“What do you mean?”
“I had the most screwed up dream last night, that’s why I came out here to think…  I dreamt that I suddenly woke up and you weren’t there, mom and dad told me I had dreamt you up.  It hurt so bad like something had been ripped out of me…”  Azi looks up when he hears the sounds of footsteps approaching but is drawn back as he brother keeps talking.  “I do worry too but today I realized that it’s going to be okay.”  He squeezes his brother’s hand again and closes his eyes, grimacing through the pain, “we’ll always be brothers, and even if we’re far apart nothing will ever change the bonds we share.”  
“Just promise me you won’t do anything crazy out in California, because if I have to fly there, I really will kick your ass.”
Andi tries to chuckle but gives up when another wave of throbbing pain rushes over him, “you could try...”  
On the final night of the family vacation, Amy and their parents lounged on the porch playing a board game while the two brothers settled on a log beside the lake shore. Andesine’s head was still wrapped with gauze to protect the stitches he received, and Azurite was teasing him. “Remember,” Azi turns his gaze over to the lake, “When a full moon casts its luminous glow beckoning to any fools that dared to breach its darkened waters…”
“… a creature may arise to strike you down, or maybe a beautiful goddess will appear to grant you your desires.  Forgive me but I don’t think I qualify as a goddess.”
“You’re right, you’re more like a creature from the abyss.”
A companionable silence falls between them, each lost momentarily as the placid nighttime waters soothes their psyches.  Azurite exhales and holds up his arm in a 90-degree position, Andesine sighs, grabs his brother’s hand, squeezing and nodding his head for their zero degrees of separation.  This trip had been long and fruitful and now they were finally ready to move into the next phase of their lives, together.
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im like so confused because me trying to go on the proper anti skye parkin tag and your posts get on it. its a genuine confused state of mind like, cool this person likes skye but i don't and i purpose am searching for people who also don't. have you figure out a way to get them not in the anti tag? /gen
Okay, that is...distinctly weird. And that should not be happening. I have no idea what may have caused that, I can only guess. The Tumblr search system is held together with paperclips and string. It's basically three smaller search engines on top of each other's shoulders in a trench coat. So my guess is that my posts came up because they mention Skye at all? I think I'm one of the people who has, on average, more posts about her than other blogs. Like she's a character for whom I wouldn't be surprised if my Ask Responses make up a high percentage of the tag.
That could be why, but that still seems like it isn't enough...y'know what, I've probably referenced Skye Antis in those posts, and words like "Anti-Skye" or "Skye-Anti" got picked up in the filter. I mean, that shouldn't be happening, if you ask me. They shouldn't go into the Tag unless I specifically mark them for it. Sorry you had to see all of that, I'd imagine that was frustrating. Still, I'm afraid I don't really know what to do about that short of being careful not to mention Skye-Antis in future posts about her? Which does feel a bit like being censored, but it's not your fault anymore than it is mine. I suppose I can go through my post history and try to edit older posts to remove references to the Antis, but that would take forever, and again, this search engine is nothing special, so I'd likely miss several of them.
I hate that this is the best advice I can offer, but, if you dislike Skye, maybe you can get around this by blocking the neutral tag? Just, like, "Skye Parkin" minus the quotes. Because that should filter out mine.
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the-e4b · 7 years
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Continuing on from this post because DM has managed to totally miss the point of our replies and make up something entirely different.
1. We are not pretending our fandom isn’t filled with Men Rights Activist, Alt-righters and corporate yes men. Because, guess what? That’s not the focus of our blog. The focus of our blog is bronies (like yourself) who make an ass out of themselves or try to look smart but in the end look like nothing less than the end of a donkey’s ass. None of us CARE about politics in the slightest, we only care about a show about pastel talking horses to escape our shitty lives.
2. We will immediately give dear Peet every ounce of respect once he starts to own up to it. What he does now is make fun of transgenders, feminists, bronies, weeboos, professional writers and everything that goes against atleast one of his policies. No one respects him but his faithful herd of cockroaches.
3. There’s a difference between pointing out flaws in a character and obsessing and hating over every trait they have and show in an episode. But, I shouldn’t try to explain that to someone who obsesses over a character getting wings and character growth…
4. Bit too late on that “blackmailing us over to Peet”. Every one of us is already blocked by Jerry and already knows our dirty laundry and absolutely doesn’t care about it. And he will certainly not care about what a pathetic little shit like you has to say.
5. This point I’m not even gonna argue with. If you really want to go as far as to call a CHILDREN’S show sexist then you’re way past the point of no return. You’re taking a show for little kids WAY too serious, even by our standards. And BTW, Rotten Tomatoes’ opinion doesn’t mean shit if the movie made it’s money back with even more to add to this day. As we speak MLP:the movie has broken 50 million dollars in the box office with still a lot of theaters to hit and the DVD and Blu-ray still to come out. One small thing doesn’t seem like a lot, but soon one small thing leads to more and soon one small thing can be the biggest thing of all.
YOU, Disneymaster, are one of those vocal minorities who think that the show is full of “right wing/centralist corporate bs”. How about you just sit back and enjoy a good series like Ducktales or watch reruns of the good ol days of MLP. That’s still 52 episode where you can just shut your yap and enjoy blandness and the glory days of Queen and Empress Faust.
- Space Mare
PS. Still can’t believe you haven’t found out who I am yet.
I find it hard to believe that this poor soul is still trying to start more issues with us because we still exist and continue to oppose the most toxic people in the community. It doesn’t matter which way they lean politically, scum is scum. Al Franken and Roy Moore sit on each side of the political spectrum, both of them are dirty abusers, deserving to rot in a prison cell for the harm they caused others
I do not know why DM insists on white knighting on behalf of someone who actually despises that part of the fanbase that threw a giant tantrum many moons ago over Twilight Sparkle’s wings. It’s like how Ephrom continues to track down Peet’s enemies, despite senpai not giving a rat’s ass about him.
Also, It’s funny how DisneyMaster feels like he can act like an asshole again despite apologizing for his actions towards the fanbase. After that, we closed the book on the Anticorns as most of them were willing to acknowledge their faults and move on. DisneyMaster tried the moral high ground approach with us and even tried to use blackmail to try and get us to remove his Encyclopedia Dramatica page (which we had no hand in despite what his paranoia would tell him) and our previous screencaps.
He also tried to shine the spotlight on the things that we have done, as Space Mare said… Peet doesn’t care and no one else cares about what you have to say. Everyone had a phase where they were reckless and pious in their beliefs. You wanted to be a hero, you fought for something you believed was noble but you were shortsighted by the part of the fanbase that wanted to wait and see where the show was going before jumping to conclusions. At some points, we wanted to make a difference, we all wanted to interact with others, beg for free art and contribute to many collaborative stories… however because of the ambiguity of text, everyone’s true feelings are masked. I don’t remember everyone I annoyed but I moved on and worked to improve. The Book of Five Rings says that the path of self improvement is a neverending cycle.
I say this because humans are social creatures and making a good first impression is the first step to building a strong bond. The point is to grow from the mistakes and move on. We’ve moved on from you, DM… why can’t you do the same?
To finally relieve some inner anger I’ve been feeling because Disneymaster is an obnoxious parasite that doesn’t know when to fade into a pit of nothing or won’t fucking back off and leave us alone..I’m gonna speak myself with this Linkara:
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You are the most annoying, self entitled, obnoxious and downright most self important scumfuck that I have EVER fucking come across when it comes to any fandom.
You constantly seek to complain about certain things the MLP fandom as if that’s ALL the fandom consists off. As Saturn states, E4B is not on THAT type of garbage because we aren’t INTERESTED in it, we discuss and criticize the people who make the fandom look poor or make complete ass out of themselves and come off a arrogant and think they know more in regards to a show about multicolored horses.YOU’RE the one constantly seeking the negative traits and screech the almighty heavens how “TEH BRONIEZ FANDOM IZ BAD CAUSE THIS AND THAT”.
And then we come to my favorite one:
We’ve stated this and stated THIS AGAIN:
The reasons we REFUSE to call Jerry “Lily” ISN’T because we have something against transgenders, hell we have transgender friends. One of the bands I’m a fan of has a transgender leader (And just so you can get it through your fucking obnoxious skull, the person in question is Laura Jane Grace of Against Me, who came out as a transgender in 2012 and even wrote an album about her struggles with gender dysphoria). The reasons we don’t call Jerry by their preferred name is because not only does Jerry show no respect to not only ex friends who dared disagree with him on certain things, no respect to his family, no respect to his own colleagues of the fandom, no respect to other fandoms,or even his fans…
He has no respect TRANSGENDERS, he even infamously snarked and attacked a transgendered individual who called out his garbage.
How do we (myself especially) respect someone who does THAT?!
Or what, does that not fit your stupid political leanings or for your SJW tendancies?
Have you looked in the mirror Mr. I-Hate-MLP-Because-Twilight-Got-Wings-And-Said-Meghan-McCarthy-Should-Be-Beaten?
Jerry knows about the blog’s existence and has both shown little to no interest and even when he did, he gave the usual bitch rant he always gives towards people who call out his shit:
Obligatory insults that involve “transphobic” and “Nazi”.
Also, “MLP Sexist”. Oh sure, Gen 4 is totally sexist. A generation created by a feminist with the idea of making the show towards a general audience is “sexist”.
Do you ever fucking hear yourself, or do you love the sound of your voice that you jerk to it?
But then again, this is the same asshole who took his niece’s plushie away and has no regret over it and has even show depression over a fucking children’s show involving multicolored horses, all while screeching pity about how “nobody likes him” despite the fact he himself is his own downfall by constantly bitching at fans of the show and even comparing them to Donald Trump supporters.
Clearly we’re the bad guys compared to the guy whining about colored horse butts for about four years.
As Saturn stated, while critical reception for the movie was just mixed, it was a financial success, getting a total of $51 million at the box office and even then, it did good for it’s opening week with $21.9 million in the US and Canada. That’s ESPECIALLY impressive considering BLADE RUNNER 2049 (and by an extent, the romnatic survival film The Mountain Between Us) came out ON THE SAME DAY. Not to mention the 2017 adaptation of IT was still in theaters.
At the end of the day DM, You’re nothing but an obnoxious, annoying, and downright tumorous parasite that doesn’t know when to fuck off and leave us alone, let alone the fandom.
You really wanna know why people give you shit?
Heck, one of your fucking DA Tags was “Disneymaster is always right”. You cry fucking pity every time because you hate how people snark at you, but then you do stupid shit like accuse a show created by FEMINIST, let alone a toy line targeted to a certain demographic of “being sexist”.
I would say take responsibility for your shitty actions, but the one time you did, you backed out f it because “WAAAAAAAH E4B ARE SAYING SHIT I DON’T LIIIKE”. Like you STILL keep doing because you can’t let shit fucking go.
Do everyone a fucking favor: Do something with your sad fucking life.
But chances are, you’ll disregard everything we’ve said because nobody else is right but you.
You fucking are sad and borderline unstable.
- deafpony.
I love how right there you admit you don’t care about what the SU fandom did, because they agree with your opinions.
Those extremest you think are all over the MLP community? They are often called out and are despised but the fandom at large. Like you.
 Unlike SU, which has no problems harassing artists and staff members over petty shit because you sad losers think you’re heroes living in a crappy Young Adult novel.
Who the fuck cares about what the same site that bashed A Cure for Wellness, one of the most unique horror movies of 2017? The movie still made a mint anyway. Bet you’re one of those types who freaked out because Ghostbusters 2016 flopped.
Because you’re the worst type of fan, Dumpy. You don’t care about the story, or characters, or animation, you care about how “progressive” it is. I bet that’s why you like that blander than white bread Season 1 of MLP, because Faust’s name was on it. Nothing more.
Go do something productive with your sad life. Or screech about a blog that hasn’t said a word about you again. That’s a victory for Social Justice!
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Private Lives Chapter Eleven
Title: Private Lives Chapter Eleven
Author:  Kat
Reader Gender:  Female (Y/N Hastings)
Word Count: 1889
Series Summary: Jensen Ackles is an incredible actor. You’re taking a break from being a doctor to figure out what to do with your life. When your worlds crash together, what secrets will be revealed?
Warnings:   This fic will have feels, okay? It’s going to be a drama.
Chapter Warnings: Little bit of blood, nothing too descriptive, bullying
Catch Up HERE
A/N: OMG FINALLY. I am so sorry to everyone for how long this took and also I’m sorry it’s a tad short. I ran into some writer’s block that has finally seemed to have cleared up. I hope you like this chapter. The wait was soooooo long. I’m so excited with it’s following and where it’s going. I just hope you all don’t kill me for it. Enjoy!! 
Character: Jensen Ackles
Tags:  @deans-princess-crybaby  @space-cats-in-purgatory  @bloodysideofhell  @thing-you-do-with-that-thing    @mrswhozeewhatsis  @mamaimpala  @timewoundsallheals1210  @the-mrs-deanwinchester  @aprofoundbondwithdean  @queenofhellisafangirl  @anastasiarosez  @ackleholic96  @mama-impala  @mamapeterson  @redlittlefox  @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki  @beautiful-disaster143  @sleepywinchester  @adaisinwonderland  @theweirdymcweirderson  @mysaintsasinner  @oh-jesus-sammy  @jencharlan  @blacktithe7  @winchesterforever12  @iamflanneltrash  @blushingsamgirl  @deandoesthingstome  @mrsjohnsmith  @samtomydeanwinchester  @sis-tafics  @ackleslaugh  @fangirling-instead-of-working  @eyes-of-a-disney-princess  @for-the-love-of-dean  @lipstickandwhiskey  @skybinx-blog  @loveitsallineed @purgatoan  @shipping-people-writing-things  @spectaculacular-sammy  @superbluhoo2  @winchesterswoonathon  @iwantthedean  @crzcorgi  @ilostmyshoe-79  @torn-and-frayed  @supernatural-jackles  @impalapossible  @jotink78  @hillface89  @kittenofdoomage  @nichelle-my-belle  @percywinchester27  @whit85-blog  @rizlow1  @bringmesomepie56  @atc74  @cici0507  @gemini75eeyore  @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish  @kristaparadowski  @mayasmedberg   @prncss-nefelibata  @smoothdogsgirl  @beachy2014  @freaksforthewin  @jensen-gal  @theoriginalvicki  @missieb76  @vougebandit  @raeganr99  @your-not-invisible-to-me  @vaisabu  @bakabozza  @britt-spn  @fernandasvaldi  @silver-and-green  @yaya-snowflakes  @imnotalosechester  @motleymoose  @ruprecht0420  @iamnotsaneatall  @gecko9596  @anokhi07  @tiffanycaruso  @spnolivia  @the-jette  @boredoutofmymindstuff  @lovin-ackles  @dancingalone21  @laurenw1025  @tas898 @extreme-supernatural-lover  @jayankles  @supernatural-fan-123   @moonstonemystyk  @perpetualabsurdity  @frenchybell  @allthatsupernaturallife  @irishdoll80  @walkercauff  @nerdwholikesword  @supernatural508  @ledzeppelinrules  @rattyretro-blog-blog  @fandomsneverdie14  @anxuanpham  @mysteriouslyme81  @felly-pepper  @sleep-silent-angel  @caityrice  @ezauraemmaline  @steampunkd16  @fullmetalkassie  @sandlee44  @cemmia  @wwecrazed2010  @winchesterhunters67  @symphony25  @oceanblue-and-forestgreen  @dorky-and-i-know-it  @trustnobodyshootfirst  @ria132love  @grace-for-sale
“Well, what do you think about the house that Marta showed Y/N?” Jared asked, sipping his beer.
“Oh, I don’t know, it’s not a huge house, but the yard is big and the neighborhood is great. I think I’ll make an offer tomorrow,” I said back, taking a drink from my beer.
“Oh, good, Y/N still on the fence about it?”
“A little,” I replied, pondering. Y/N was worried she wouldn’t be around enough for Gen if she lived with me, but I had assured her multiple times that everything would work itself out.
My phone began to ring from the coffee table. As I reached forward to silence it, I saw that it was Y/N. She was at work at the moment, which meant it must have been important for her to be calling during her shift. I answered the phone instead.
“Jensen!” Her worried and frantic tone had me sitting straight up immediately. She began talking so fast I couldn’t understand what she was saying.
“Woah, woah, Y/N. Y/N calm down,” I tried to talk over her, but I wasn’t getting through. I heard her say ‘Thatcher’, ‘Hospital’, and began to get even more worried.
“Y/N!” I yelled. She stopped talking, but I could hear her breathing quickly. “Y/N, I can’t understand you. What’s going on?”
“Jensen, it’s Thatcher. He showed up in an ambulance with a broken nose and concussion. They have him in a trauma room right now, so I don’t know what happened!”
“I'm on my way,” I said immediately, then hung up. Jared was staring at me nervously, a questioning look on his face. “Thatcher’s at the hospital. Nothing serious, but I should probably get down there.”
“I'll go with you.”
Jared dropped me off near the ambulance entrance and went to park the car. I ran through the doors, looking around wildly. A nurse stopped me.
“My son,” I breathed. “He’s here somewhere!”
“Through the doors, stop at the nurses’ station. They’ll tell you where he is.”
I was running before she could say another word. I burst through the doors and three nurses looked up from the station. One pursed her lips at me and placed her hands on her hips. I dashed to her and her eyebrow raised in a subtle question.
“Thatcher. My son,” I gasped, slightly out of breath.
“This way,” she said, beckoning me to follow. “And please, sir, try not to cause an accident.”
I winced slightly, uncomfortable, but I followed close behind her. She opened a door, and I darted inside. Thatcher looked up from the bed, shock on his face. He was holding a bloodied towel to his face. A bruise near his eye was swelling and had already turned a dark bluish purple color.
“Aw, Jensen, I’m sorry. I told them not to call you. It’s just a bloody nose,” he said, looking uncomfortable.
“Then what is with the bruise on your face? And the hospital didn’t call me, Y/N did,” I asked evenly, trying to keep my sense like Y/N would.
He touched it lightly and looked guilty, even a little scared. Just as I was about to ask another question, a doctor walked in.
“You must be Thatcher,” he said cooly. “I’m Dr. Storz. How about we take a look at that nose, hm?”
“Don’t want you. I want Y/N,” he complained.
“Thatch, come on,” I said.
“No, Jensen. Y/N talks about this yahoo. He don’t know his ass from his elbow! Full of himself.”
I tried in vain to hide the smirk that sprang to my face. Dr. Storz gave me a withering look and I couldn’t do anything but shrug and turn my attention to the floor. The doctor stormed from the room and both Thatcher and I burst out laughing.
“Thatch,” I said between breaths, “you can’t talk to doctors like that. It’s rude!”
“S’not my fault the guy’s an idiot,” He snickered.
“Thatch,” I tried to say warningly.
At that moment, Y/N walked through the door.
“What's this about Dr. Storz?” She said, hands on her hips. I could see a flush in her cheeks and knew she must still be upset.
“Thatch called him out apparently,” I snickered.
“Jensen, you… oh who am I kidding. He annoys the hell out of me,” she said, sitting down on the bed. “Let's look at that nose. What happened, Kiddo?” She put on some gloves and sat back down next to him.
“Nothin’.” He shrugged, looking away as Y/N peeled the towel away from his nose.
“Thatch, it’s not nothing,” I said in all seriousness. “If you got into a fight, just tell me.”
“Wasn’t a fight,” he muttered as Y/N made his tilt his head back. “Or much of one, I guess.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked, knitting my eyebrows together. This kid could speak so cryptically sometimes that half the time I found myself pondering if he was actually a thirty-five year old in a fourteen-year-olds body.
“This is going to hurt,” Y/N interjected. Thatch grunted and winced as she squeezed the cartilage back into place.
“I got ganged up on, okay?” He snapped at me. A pang of shock hit me as anger crossed his features and I saw a carbon copy of Alyson.
“Why don’t you guys go back home and talk about this?” Y/N suggested. “I’ll be home in a couple hours. I’ll make some spaghetti, how ‘bout that, Thatch?”
“Really?” He asked hopefully as she placed a couple bandages on his face.
“Will do,” she promised.
“Let’s go on home, Thatch. Uncle Jared brought me. We can talk when we get home, alright?”
Without answering, Thatcher got up and followed me from the room. Jared was waiting in the waiting room for us anxiously. I made eye contact with him and shook my head slightly, silently asking him not to ask about it. He gave me a short nod in understanding.  
Once we got back to Jared and Gen’s, I took Thatcher outside on the deck. It occurred to me that I needed to spend a lot more one on one time with my son. I barely knew anything about him. I told him to wait there while I went back inside to get a drink. I opened the refrigerator and saw that Gen had made some lemonade, so I poured two glasses and went back outside.
“There were six of them,” Thatcher said as I handed him his cup. He looked almost disappointed in himself. “It was just after gym. I told the office I’d taken a basketball to the face by accident. They called 911 when the bleeding wouldn’t stop and they couldn’t get hold of Y/N.”
“Do you want me to do anything? I want to call the school and rip their heads off but something tells me you don’t want me to do that,” I said, trying to keep myself calm.
“Not really. It’ll just make it worse. I can handle it. I’ve had worse.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked, somewhat awkwardly. I felt so far out of my comfort zone. He straightened and met my eyes. They were just a shade darker green than mine.
“You’ve never really asked before,” he stated.
“Thatcher, I want you to talk to me. I want you to be able to ask me anything or tell me anything. I’m just still new to this father thing. You only just came to live with us three months ago and I know I’m gone a lot. I want to make up for those years your mother kept us apart. I’m just not quite sure how to do the whole parent thing.”
“You’ve been great,” he said honestly. “I have people that take care of me when you’re gone. I’m in school, there’s always enough food in the house. I have my own room and pretty soon we’ll be in our own house and I’ll be able to decorate my own room. I’d say you’re off to a good start.” He chuckled lightly.
We fell quiet for a little while, neither of us sure how to follow up the last statement. We sipped lemonade and watched the yard.
“I have my first soccer practice on Sunday,” he said.
“Yeah? You want me to drop you off?” I asked.
“That’d be great!”
“What position are you going to play?” I prompted.
“Uh, I think Coach wants me to play forward. I’m pretty good at scoring. I don’t think Myles is exactly happy about that. It drops him to half-back. Probably why he and his buddies ganged up on me.”
“He’s in my grade. Real a-hole,” Thatcher explained.
We fell quiet again until Thatcher cleared his throat.
“Hm?” I asked, looking over to him. He was slightly uncomfortable now, unsure of himself. “What’s up?”
“So, uh, you’re doing better at this whole father thing and all,” he squirmed in his seat, trying to come up with the right words to say. I waited patiently for him to continue. “Should I call you ‘Dad’?”
I choked on my lemonade. Coughing, I waved my hand at him as he tried to get up to help. I caught my breath and tried to gather my thoughts into some semblance of order.
“Thatch,” I said, clearing my throat again. “You can call me whatever you want.”
He nodded in understanding. Y/N poked her head out the door and greeted us.
“I’m going to start the spaghetti, you boys want to come help?” She asked.
As Y/N started the hamburger for the sauce, Thatcher gathered the spices she would need from the shelves and I laid out the bread on trays to put in the oven. I didn’t have much cooking skill, so Y/N usually left the easy stuff to me. After I did that, I’d start putting the salad together. Thatcher, as it seemed, thoroughly enjoyed learning how to cook from Y/N.
“Remember to season the hamburger while it’s cooking, so it soaks up the onion and garlic,” she said, flipping the hamburger.
“Is this your recipe?” He asked.
“My mother’s,” she responded. “Most of my recipes are hers.”
“Will I ever get to meet her?” He asked. Y/N glanced back at me as I was tipping salad into a bowl to serve. I grinned.
“Of course, Thatch. We’ll go sometime this year or next.”
“So, can I ask for something?” He asked, attempting to sound casual. Y/N and I both stopped what we were doing and looked at him.
“What is it, Bud?” I asked.
“Well, we’re moving soon, and we’ll have a house and a yard all to ourselves, right?”
“Right,” Y/N said happily.
“Well, I’ve always wanted- I just thought maybe- I dunno, it’s probably stupid.”
“Thatch, what do you want?” I asked firmly.
“Can I get a dog?” He blurted out, then he looked between us hopefully.
I got ready to tell him that we’d need to talk it over and discuss this, but before I could-
“Of course you can!” Y/N said.
“Really? Thanks, Mom!” He darted to her and pulled her into a hug. We looked at each other, shocked.
Please Please PRETTY PLEASE, tell me what you think? 
Chapter Twelve
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