#I am aware a lot of these probably aren't as fitting as they should be
headofrdi · 1 year
Characters and Classes of the TVD characters for Rick's D&D game(based upon @multi-royalty and @malka-lisitsa/@little-elena
Caroline-Variant Human Shadow Sorcerer(because she's already decided that)
Rebekah-Eladrin(Fey Elf) Wizard/Bard multiclass(She is going to be smart, she is going to be beautiful, and she did not realize that her spite choice would have resulted in her not being as good as she could be)
Freya-Fallen Aasimar Ancestral Guardian Barbarian(Because family is still important, but she doesn't need to be doing magic in the game, plus no thoughts, just rage)
Elijah- White Dragonborn Order Domain Cleric(Considered Paladin, but decided to go more for control)
Klaus-Leonin Mastermind Rogue(Felt fitting and lets his threats towards Rick be more in character)
Elena-Firbolg Beast Master Ranger(Beast Master was obvious, Firbolg was because she was told she could talk to animals and they'd understand her)
Katherine(who joined because Rick thought it was better than the other option of the large cat carrier)-Swiftstride Shifter(Fox based) College of Whispers Bard(Intends to cause so much chaos that they just let her leave. Has yet to succeed)
Madison(because I want to)- High Elf Genie Patron Warlock(Because why not fuck off into a bottle or something when you can't use magic to solve your problems?)
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Mc shows the brothers
Human world style and (what the media gives to woman) body standards ,How would they react?
((I am a firm believer that you can be whoever you want and your body is beautiful))
Hey there, anon!
Okay, this here is a sensitive topic, but I think I did all right with it.
I think how the brothers would react depends on what the beauty standards are like in the Devildom. So for this, I went with the idea that while the Devildom has similar beauty standards to the human world, they're less important. I would think that demons would care more about power than appearance, especially since it's likely that at least some of them use magic to alter how they look. So the brothers probably don't know what an issue it is in the human world.
Also tried to keep it mostly gender neutral, hopefully that's okay.
Thank you for the request!
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The brothers react to GN!MC telling them about human world body standards.
Warnings: A lot of discussion of body image issues, talking about diets and food in Beel's part.
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Does not understand. Why do humans place such importance on looking perfect? He certainly sees the value in looking put together, especially when it comes to things like clothes and hygiene. Beyond that, though, he doesn't see the point in obsessing over trying to fix perceived flaws.
Does not care about your body type at all. Short? Tall? Fat? Thin? It's irrelevant to him. What matters is who you are. If he wasn't a beautiful man, it wouldn't matter because everyone would still fear him. It isn't about what you look like, it's how you carry yourself.
If you struggle, though, he's going to be sensitive about it. Will not talk about it with others around, but will casually compliment you on how nice you look. Especially if he knows you're lacking confidence for some reason. Then he'll make a point of telling you that you look good.
When you're alone, though, he showers you in compliments. Lucifer is not usually soft, so it's reserved for when you're alone with him. And that's when he takes your feelings into consideration. Don't you know that you are stunning, MC? In fact, he would say that your body is perfect simply because it is yours.
Hang on. Human world models aren't naturally like that? Sure, he works out a little more than he might normally just because he works as a model, but it's not like he goes around doing anything drastic. Do you think he's contributing to unrealistic beauty standards in the Devildom?!
Um… well… it's hard to say? You'll probably need to reassure him that it really doesn't matter either way. The problem is not individual models, but the industry as a whole. And there are people who are working to make things better. It's just that in the human world, you have to be aware that what you see in magazines is usually heavily edited. He's gonna think that's crazy. The Great Mammon's photos are never photoshopped!
Once he gets over this little crisis, though, he's going to tell you that all of that sounds really stupid. The whole point of fashion is that it makes you feel good! It's supposed to be fun! Who cares what type of body you have? You should be able to enjoy it no matter what.
Mammon is gonna get really cute about your specific insecurities, though. If you tell him you don't like something about yourself, he's going to go out of his way to let you know that he loves it. Feeling unhappy about your stomach not being flat enough, for instance? Hey, MC! Ya don't mind if he gives ya hug, do ya? Doesn't wait for a response, just wraps his arms around you from behind so he can settle his hands directly on your stomach. Presses his face into your neck to mumble about how perfect you are because he won't say it straight to your face.
Baffled. More confused than Lucifer. Are you seriously trying to tell him that people in the human world care about this kind of thing? Uh oh. Now he's thinking about his body image. Does it fit with human world standards?! Do you think he's hideous, MC!?
You've got another crisis. Quick, reassure him that he has nothing to worry about! The point you're trying to make here is that human world standards are crazy and harmful. He's perfect to you and that's all that matters.
O-oh. Right. Now he's a little bashful about his reaction. Makes it clear that you're perfect to him, too. Watch as he gains more confidence in his compliments. He starts telling you about how he loves every part of you. Lists physical attributes at first, but starts getting into who you are to him. Not just your best qualities, but special moments he's had with you. How important you are to him, specifically.
If you tell him about things that you struggle with, he's going to reassure you in the moment. And then you notice that when you consume some form of media together, a lot of times there's a character that has one of those specific things that you also have. He thinks he's subtle, but you see right through him. If he finds a story line where the character learns to love themselves or something, he's definitely going to make you watch it with him. Acts like he's completely innocent, it's just a good story, you know!
Confused at first. As with Lucifer, finds such things to be completely irrelevant. Obviously, what matters is who you are inside. When someone has a heart and soul as beautiful as yours, their body simply becomes beautiful by association. Also don't you know it's about practicality? Your body exists to move you through the world, not to be pretty for other people.
Uh oh. Now he's getting angry. Why would other humans feel that you have to look a certain way for them? How could they make you feel like you aren't perfect exactly as you are? How dare they subject you to their own ideals of beauty? It's upsetting, MC!
Okay, okay, you're probably going to have to talk him down. He's livid on your behalf, but tell him how much it means to you to hear him say these things and he'll start to calm down. Realizes that getting angry about it doesn't help you in any way. Reassures you that such human world ideas are nonsense.
Starts complimenting you all the time, especially on the things he knows you're insecure about. Maybe you don't like the shape of your nose. He will say, completely straight faced, that your nose is looking really cute today. Although this sounds ridiculous, it does make you smile, so that feels like a win.
Oh, MC. Don't you think he knows all about this already? Of course he does. Asmodeus is perfectly aware of how things are in the human world when it comes to beauty standards. He knows how hard it can be for some humans.
You might think he couldn't possibly understand because he's so perfect. He's always beautiful. The reality is that he believes his beauty is all he has. If he's not beautiful, who even is he? Take the moment to tell him that he's so much more than his looks. That you love him for who he is, his kindness, his bubbly personality, his creativity, etc.
He's going to tell you that all the things you do to make yourself look good should be things you're doing for yourself. Do them because they make you feel good. Do them because they give you confidence. Do them because you deserve to pamper yourself sometimes. Do them because you need to take care of yourself just as much as you take care of everybody else.
Another one who gets cute about your insecurities. What's that? Did you say you don't like your stretch marks? Well now you're laughing as he kisses every last stretch mark he can find. You learn not to say negative things about yourself around him unless you're prepared to get covered in kisses.
Misunderstands. Thinks you're asking him for workout advice. You want your body to look a certain way? He knows what to do for that. Do you want him to come up with an exercise schedule for you, MC? Its up to you whether or not you decide to workout with him, but either way you'll have to tell him that's not exactly what you meant. Tell him about diets and watch the confusion get worse.
Wait, wait, wait. Humans restrict their food in an attempt to get their bodies to look a certain way? He's dumbfounded. Just thinking about it upsets him. Why in the world would you want to deprive yourself of any kind of food? You decide not to tell him just how bad this can get for people. He's having a hard enough time as it is.
Don't you dare try to do it around him, though. If you say anything about not wanting to eat something because you're worried it'll make you fat or you're watching your figure or anything else along those lines, he will frown at you. He's going to tell you that you should eat whatever you want.
Beel thinks chubby humans are really cute. They look well fed and that makes him happy. If you're already on the chubby side, he'll tell you how much he likes it. If you're not, he'll tell you how much he likes you the way you are, but if you were to change he would like you just the same.
Huh. Humans care about some weird stuff, don't they? It's not that Belphie is unaware of human world beauty standards, it's more like he thinks it's really dumb so he doesn't think about it most of the time. However, he does recognize what an issue it can be for a lot of people. The fact that you're bringing it up to him indicates that you struggle with it, too. And he's not okay with that.
Won't lose his shit or anything, this guy is too lazy for that. But he is annoyed on your behalf. He's annoyed that you feel insecure about any part of you because the human world had the audacity to pressure you into thinking you weren't good enough just the way you are. You don't have to change anything about yourself, MC. You're perfect.
He's actually really good at listening to you talk about your body image issues. He knows he doesn't necessarily have to participate a lot, he just needs to listen. You'll feel better once you've told him all about your struggles. Tell him everything. He's only going to speak up to tell you that he understands, but that in his eyes, those flaws you think you have don't exist.
As with a couple of his older brothers, he's going to deliberately love on the things that you mention being insecure about. Definitely more bratty about it, though. The more you protest, the more he persists. Did you just complain about how thick your thighs are? He's going to nuzzle into them like they're the softest pillow he's ever had. Loudly says he's going to take his afternoon nap right there. Try to dislodge him and you'll only make it worse.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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countblucas: A lot of adults, and I mean probably a staggering number of them, haven’t mentally and emotionally matured. They aren’t self aware enough to realize that, oh I am an adult reading something targeted to teenagers who are developmentally different than an adult. And if they feel the same as they do as adults as they did at teens (or think they do) then these YA books should reflect their tastes. 1/2
A lot of people don’t realize how much their perceptions truly change. They think at this current point in their life they’ve always been this way. But a person’s perceptions are drastically different at age 15 to age 25 to age 35 and so on. 2/2
A not insignificant problem with adult books I will absolutely admit to is that there's no way to tell what the next step up is from what you've been reading for the last ten years. If you try to leap from Nicola Yoon to Ken Follett right away, you are probably in for a bad time. My favorite book may be Shelley Jackson's RIDDANCE, but good lord am I not going to recommend that to someone who has no idea what they're in for.
This is why New Adult is something much talked about on twitter - a step up for those passing through college and beyond, not the limited romance genre it's currently stuck at. I don't necessarily agree that it requires it's own genre - plenty of books that fit this description do exist and I worry it would end up pigeon-holing a lot of woman authors - but that lack of guidance is definitely there, and it's very easy to fall off the reading wagon as a busy adult who can't find what they like.
I have absolutely no problem with adults who read YA and still like it, telling people what they should or should not read is quite silly. I, an old foggy, still read YA/MG both because I write for it and because I like it. But like you said, people don't tend to realize why these books aren't clicking like they used to, and boy the lack of self-reflection is frustrating.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
This has been a long time percolating but I want to push back on the frequent criticism (that I am almost certainly guilty of myself) that people who don't get something have never played D&D (or the game in question) or have never been a DM/GM.
I definitely think that experience playing or running TTRPGs helps with an understanding of actual play as a medium; but it takes a certain level of awareness anyway, and I think it's very possible for someone who understands the give and take of a game but hasn't played it to have a strong grasp of how it works. Similarly, I think it's entirely possible for someone who has played to not realize the intricacies of their house rules vs. how other people play the same game, or to just not be familiar with every single detail.
But I think a bigger reason why, at minimum, we should be careful about this criticism, is that a lot of the time the things people don't understand or appreciate are ultimately about narrative and storytelling in general, rather than about D&D/TTRPGs specifically. For example: I find a lot of people do not handle the fact that NPCs are generally given less agency within the story. This is something of a function of TTRPGs...but it's not uncommon for people watching scripted media to similarly fixate on relatively minor characters and fail to understand why they remain minor, and why the protagonists get all the action. Similarly, not understanding an ensemble cast and the idea that focus will not be doled out in precisely equivalent increments but is rather character-dependent is not exclusive to actual play, nor is treating things as too contrived. I think, actually, a little knowledge of TTRPGs but no strong grasp on narrative/media criticism actually exacerbates this problem: TTRPGs have a random element, so people sometimes expect randomness even in places it normally would not exist. I will say that this is a case where GM-ing experience might innoculate you, but someone who is neither a GM nor a player but has a strong understanding of how to tell stories will also probably take no issue.
I also think that understanding the rules of actual play are not the same as understanding the rules of TTRPGs - it's much more high level, especially when it comes to (for example) combat in games like D&D and Pathfinder. You do not need to understand action economy in depth, for example - it can add something, definitely, but it's not a requirement for the story on the whole - but you do need to understand that combat is an important part of this story. All of this is pretty easy for someone paying attention, even if they aren't familiar with the game. They just need to understand that the medium has specific rules, and then grasp what they are.
I actually think the above - understanding that there are rules for the medium - is something where getting too into the weeds is a detriment. This is in fact why I think a lot of discussion of scripted adaptations of things based in actual play or TTRPGs (TLOVM, the D&D movie) misses the point. It focuses too much on specific mechanics when the goal is the storytelling. This can also be true within actual play itself. Rule of Cool is very subjective, but there are fairly widespread house rules: many people ignore the fact that small races can't have heavy weapons, because this is frankly stupid in a world where the magic armor shrinks to fit you and few people bother with the details of encumbrance or size for any other strength-based checks anyway. Don't get me wrong - I love mechanics and think there's a place to debate them and talk about what one might have done differently - but that place exists outside the larger story and isn't really relevant anywhere but those niche side conversations about mechanics. I'm not really a pure "as long as we're all having fun :)" kind of person, but I also do think it's absolutely vital to understand that rules and structure exist to facilitate something, and not for their own sake; people who forget that and only focus on the rules tend to lose sight of the actual goal (which for TTRPGs as used in Actual Play is telling a story).
I think the place this gets even more fraught than all the above is when we get into broader and more nebulous and subjective TTRPG philosophies or the limits of what stories can be told (the infamous Player Agency debates and by extension railroading; understanding what kinds of scenes a given game can support) because they are both unique to the medium but not governed by clear rules. But even then I think what's ultimately more important is picking up the type of story from a baseline, rather than relying on one's own personal positions. For example: D&D as a system has in my opinion some pretty profound limitations when it comes to heists - it's possible, but it's not designed for that to be the main story. There is absolutely a scenario in which you, as a D&D player in your home game, can run a wonderful heist. But the question is really "does this actual play tell this story well? Does the TTRPG system support and add to it, or is it merely accommodated" and answering the first question requires no D&D knowledge whatsoever, and answering the second requires a degree of compartmentalization that not all D&D players have.
So in the end - there are scenarios in which knowledge of the system an actual play is using, or being a GM, are uniquely helpful, but that's mostly in the area of mechanics. Most of the rest will be better addressed by having a strong sense of narrative structure, characterization, and how to tell a story; and focusing on tiny mechanical details can even be a detriment to understanding if one becomes fixated on perfect rules as written over, well, having fun.
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bunposting · 11 months
Super hot take. I mean like the hottest take ever in the history of rabbits. The literal spiciest take of all time. The carolina reaper of takes, even.
If a color variety is endemic to a breed, it should probably, in many if not most cases, be an accepted variety for that breed.
Ok so now that all the color purists are foaming at the mouth and running to their keyboards to chew me out, lemme explain for those who might not know what I'm talking about. As usual, this will be lengthy and in depth because I am incapable of Shutting Up.
Those three color varieties are black, brown (chestnut/agouti), and fawn. The thing with these three color varieties is that with one main exception (we'll get to that in a moment), you're not going to get any colors except those three when you intermix them. If you breed a black to a brown, you'll get browns and blacks. If you breed a brown to a fawn, you'll probably get browns. It makes sense to generally not want to intermix them though, because in theory if you mix these colors, it can result in the kits not having quite the depth of color you want (apparently. This is what I was told by other Silver breeders). A black to a brown could result in browns with too much black, and blacks that aren't as deep as would be desirable. A brown to a fawn could result in browns that are just too dull or light in color. I can understand the reasoning behind not wanting to do this kind of color mixing, especially in a breed where fur color is such an important part of their Standard of Perfection. (In fact, other than silvering and fur texture.. it is *the most important* part in the modern Silver standard... I have opinions on that, but I've shared some of those in a separate post)
Example that I am currently aware of in the breed I am currently working with: The Silver technically only has three accepted color varieties for the breed in the United States (four in the UK, but we'll get to that in a moment). That means there are only three color varieties that can be shown, and generally means only three color varieties that will be considered 'part of the breed.'
Remember how I mentioned about the UK having a fourth accepted color variety? You'd think - well considering the only other endemic color that isn't red-eyed white is tort, it's gotta be tort, right? NOPE. It's blue. Where does blue fit in the other three color varieties? It doesn't. It's the dilute of black, yes, but the dilute gene isn't present in any of the other varieties, so technically, dilute isn't a gene that should generally exist in the breed. The only way you can get purebred blue Silvers is to import them from the UK. Other than that, you've got to do some crossbreeding in order to get it, and doing that means you need years and years of careful breeding to take all the traits of the rabbit you're using for crossbreeding out of the breed you're going for. It's a long, difficult process that requires a lot of breeders to work on it, a lot of money, a lot of cage space, and a lot of culling. There had been a Certificate of Development (CoD) for blue Silvers in the states, but it just expired this year because folks just couldn't keep up with it and there wasn't enough interest I guess.
The one typical exception is black to fawn. This pairing can result in a new color, known as black tortoiseshell (or black tort - I'll just be referring to it as 'tort' here). Basically that means the rabbit has a primarily fawn body with black points and black belly/side markings. The other less typical exception is red-eyed white, but this is, so far as I can tell, fairly rare compared to tort in the case of Silvers. Which is good, because perhaps the most important part of a Silver is the silvering, and you can't see silvering if the rabbit is already white. This is one case where a potentially endemic color variety is one that definitely shouldn't be accepted I think, especially considering it's not a common thing to have pop up.
(disclaimer for the two above paragraphs; this is based on the knowledge I have of rabbit color genetics. I absolutely do not claim to be an expert in color genetics and it is a topic I am definitely still learning. If something mentioned is inaccurate, please let me know!!)
Why is that relevant? Because one of the main reasons I was told why tort Silvers shouldn't be a thing, other than just being told that "we don't need another variety," is that getting a CoD and creating a new variety is such a long and difficult process.
That's just it though - it's not a long and difficult process in this case. The color variety already exists in the breed. There's no need to worry about the rabbits having the wrong body or fur type or not having enough silvering any more than you would any other Silver, because they're already purebred Silvers. The effort is minimal, to be honest. It wouldn't be any different than breeding and showing any other 'normal' Silver with the exception of needing to write the standard - which, again, would be as easy as looking at any other breed's standard for the black tort coloration and pretty much just copying and pasting that into the color section. Is it maybe more difficult than I'm able to perceive it as? Sure. Maybe. But that doesn't negate the reason why this is important.
And why is it important?
Because Silvers are already an incredibly endangered breed. They're already genetically bottlenecked enough as it is, not just because there's only about 500 left in the world, but also because breeders insist on only breeding pure colors. Tort Silvers could contain extremely valuable genetic variation to help prevent some of that bottlenecking.
Because tort Silvers are freaking beautiful. I've been told on numerous occasions how stunningly beautiful a tort Silver can be. Beautiful rabbits draw in more breeders. A rare breed can only be saved if there are enough breeders willing to keep it alive. If people can get interested in the breed from this variety, it could be a key to helping to save the breed.
Because we don't need to be wasting anymore perfectly good genetic material. Yeah this kind of ties in with point number one, but here's the other side of it: if tort Silvers aren't an accepted variety, that means any tort Silver technically should be culled. I wish it were as easy as saying "well just don't breed blacks to fawns then." Problem is, folks have already done it, and they've already sold the offspring, and those offspring have already bred and become part of the overall gene pool. It is entirely possible and honestly not even that uncommon to pair a black Silver to another black Silver, to not know of any fawn in the immediate pedigrees of either one, and to end up with a litter of over half black tort. By the logic of breeders right now, those entire litters are pretty much worthless beyond maybe food or fur, or at least the tort half are. This breed can't afford to have 'worthless' rabbits that otherwise fully meet the breed standard and would be a good candidates for continuing the breed.
And so, to make a long story short, especially in the case of a rare breed like a Silver, it is absolutely ridiculous in my opinion and honestly potentially damaging to decide that a truly endemic color variety (especially one that is commonly found in litters where it wasn't even being intentionally bred for) can't or shouldn't become an accepted variety for a breed.
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tvlandofficial · 1 year
🖤 I always knew that my creator didn't know everything. And I knew that I didn't know everything, either, but… I thought I knew more than he did, at least. That's been my purpose all along, haha. If I can't know everything… at least I know everything that's important for me to know. Right?
🖤 But… it's just become more clear to me lately how little I actually know. About myself, or my own abilities, or… or about the way the world works. Haha.
🖤 Hey. If I'm right about how your role functions, you're here, listening, aren't you? Narrator?
🖤 Or should I call you Chara?
[ Ralsei stands in the middle of the hall, looking up at the torn painting. Desperate clawmarks cover its face. ]
[ It’s seen better days. ]
[ … ]
[ “Chara” is acceptable. ]
🖤 Haha, sorry. I'm not able to hear you, so I don't know what your answer will be. Sorry. But… I'll be sure to read whatever gets posted, later on, and that'll have your narration in the text. It'll be a little bit like we're having a conversation backwards and forwards through time!
[ I suppose it will be. You are very good at using the mediums we are provided with to your advantage. ]
🖤 If you're here, that is. I can't tell that either. You haven't narrated many of the posts for Tenna lately, so… well, I just have to hope you are here. It would be a bit embarrassing to say all this, knowing the PLAYERs are listening, and not gain anything from it.
🖤 Anyway, could you tell me how your role works? Do you know innately when you're needed? Are you the one in charge of what gets posted? Or… is that up to fate? What are the rules?
🖤 Because I've been thinking. If there's anybody who knows a lot about the inner mechanics of our world's interactions with the PLAYERs, at least through this Internet medium, it has to be you. I don't know how you ended up where you are, or what it's like to be there… but you're clearly sapient, and you have been for a while. That means that you're probably pretty aware of the world you narrate.
[ I would say it is up to fate. ]
[ Think of it like this – I was created for a certain “role”, just as you and TENNA are. I am not a Darkner, mind. I lived in the Light World once, and had the same power the Lightners of your world would. I have more “free will” than that of an object. ]
[ I resemble someone from the world this one was shaped in the image of, as well. That, I imagine, grants me some degree of “specialness”. I would call it some power of perverted sentimentality. ]
[ But I was, still, created to fill a role I can no longer fill. And so, when I ceased to fill that role, this world deigned to assign me a new one. ]
[ One that, like the one before it, mirrored the “me” I had never met. ]
[ And so, here I am. My fate guides me along the path it sees fit for me to have. My role mirrors the one my predecessor had before me. ]
[ Those are the “rules”, in my limited understanding of them. ]
🖤 And, um. Like me, you probably don't have too much control over your actions, do you? That's alright. As long as I know what you can do, I can use that knowledge.
[ I can narrate the goings-on of this world, on my own whims, more or less. Occasionally, through the medium of this narration, I can also communicate with the PLAYERs. ]
[ However, I cannot directly influence events. I can merely describe them. It is not a terribly exciting purpose. ]
[ … do those also count as “rules”? ]
🖤 …And, um, something else. I don't know if you knew this, but in the world our reality was based on, there was someone like you. Chara. They died, but… you know, they ended up exactly as you did. They narrated the story to the PLAYERs. I don't know too much about that world… but I know that, at least, haha.
[ Such is the aforementioned “specialness”. ]
[ … It is a little tricky to have a conversation where one end cannot hear from the other, isn’t it? ]
🖤 So, if, um, what's happened to you is the same as what happened to the person you're based on… that's fate, right? It has to be. The story that's told echoes another story. It doesn't matter how incompetently any world is created, or who is behind its creation. Even in other versions of DELTARUNE, the world follows a similar path…
[ I would call it fate. ]
🖤 Umm, I'm rambling. It's not important for you to hear, sorry. You probably couldn't come up with an answer for me even if you wanted to. Besides… I think I'm already beginning to understand.
🖤 …Thank you, for looking after Tenna so much. You defended her even though you didn't have to. You're a kind person. It's, um, nice knowing that I'm not the only person who can help her.
[ You are welcome. ]
[ She is remarkably tenacious for someone in a world this cruel. As are you, Ralsei. ]
🖤 Whatever you have to say, or even if it's nothing at all… I'll always be grateful, haha. Umm. Thanks for talking to me? Or not, if you didn't? I don't know… so, um, I'll just end off by saying that I'll pay close attention even if you don't respond at all! And maybe I'll talk to you again later, if that's something you'd like.
[ Maybe. Ironically, talking has never been my strong suit. ]
[ I’d much rather leave this story to you and TENNA. It’s the least I can give you. ]
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littlepuppylee · 1 month
Update On My Life:
Hi everyone!
I know it's been a while since I've been active, a lot has been going on in my life recently, and my recently I mean the past year. Just a warning, I do talk about just like anxiety, depression, and dealing with trauma and thoughts of sewer slide.
First, I would just like to thank you guys for being patient with me and my absence. I know I don't have a large following, but I still have people on here who I would chat with occasionally. I haven't been doing well since July of 2023. To sum everything up, I had jumped from relationship to relationship, got cheated on in one, had a fwb relationship for the first time and got my heart broken, and was uhhhh not well mentally lmao. Sorry I'm avoiding trauma dumping. But hey I finally lost my virginity, so that's something.
So for me, whenever I've been in relationships, I kind of neglect my NSFW Tumblr blogs mainly because I don't want my partners finding them and either 1. finding out some kinks that I'm not ready to share, or 2. presume that I am cheating on them or being unfaithful.
I'm also in therapy and I should be starting some anti-anxiety medication that should also help with depression. Yay, Zoloft. Oh yeah! Officially diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder - not surprised since it runs in my family- and Atypical Depression - I didn't fit the entire criteria for Major Depressive Disorder since my depressive episodes aren't long enough, which also runs in my family - as well as some symptoms relating to PTSD - I don't fit the entire criteria for PTSD I think; I just remember being diagnosed with Acute Stress Disorder. I'll talk to my therapist about that for clarification.
Also, don't be like me and jump from relationship to relationship as a way to distract yourself from the negative feelings from the past one. 1. That just isn't fair to the other person if they are not aware of this, and 2. You need to give yourself time to heal. I never gave that to myself because I thought I was fine. I thought I was better, but my therapist helped me realize that no, I am not better. She had said to me that just because I feel better, that doesn't mean I am actually better, and when she asked me for my thoughts on what she had just said, I realized that I haven't been better for a while. I haven't been better for a long time, which became more obvious when I opened up to her about a traumatic event that happened when I was 12-13 and hadn't talked about in years.
I ended my most recent relationship because I realized that I was in fact not okay and not over my trauma, and the levels of anxiety and feelings of apathy from depressive episodes that I was feeling was affecting my relationship. It was a good relationship, but I probably shouldn't have been in a relationship to begin with at the time considering 1. my grandfather died and that was a bit traumatic to witness, 2. I had just gotten my heart heavily broken, and 3. uhhhh mental health got SUPER bad :] Thoughts of sewer slide, but I'm hanging in!
Alright! Let's get onto the positive stuff! Besides that, the second semester of my second year of college is going super well academically speaking. It's the end of the semester right now, finals are coming up very soon, and I have 2 B's and the rest are A's as of this moment. All I have left now are mostly papers, 2 official finals, and a presentation. I'm also an aunt now! Not too fond of kids myself, but my nephew is the exception lmao, he's pretty cool for a newborn. I've also been reading a book right now called 'Tiny Traumas' to hopefully help me identify some areas in my life that could've contributed to the way I think, act, and feel, and how to move forward. I also finally get to start working, so making some money will be nice. Putting off relationships for a while and focusing on making money and bettering myself
What have I learned? Well, I can't have sex without developing feelings - found that out the hard way, I genuinely DID go through a traumatic experience and I had been downplaying it for years because nothing physical happened, don't trust Gemini men, don't date a 23 year old at 19, DON'T TAKE HIM BACK AFTER HE CHEATS EVEN IF IT WAS ONLY EMOTIONALLY CHEATING, and I cannot do a polyamorous relationship. Scratch that, what I actually learned was that I was a unicorn lmao. At least it makes a good funny story to tell.
So I'm mostly making all of this known to hopefully help feel someone less alone, especially on the NSFW side of Tumblr, as well as to just vent a bit while avoiding trauma dumping. This is also just to help show where I've been and how I'm doing. Besides that, I should be back for good, and I hope you guys are doing well :)
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
Okay, serious question about tagging that I would like input on from my followers.
Sometimes--a lot of the time, honestly--I talk about things a character does in canon that might be negative, or negatively perceived, as a part of discussing the character or the worldbuilding or the story. More often than not I like the character and find these things interesting. (There are very, very few Dragon Age characters I don't like on some level and even fewer that I actively hate. Most of the time, I don't bother talking about the ones I don't like because they aren't interesting to me, so you probably don't even know who they are. Same goes for ships.)
I've been taking stock of my current tagging systems (both for my own convenience, and that of my followers) and realizing there are probably some habits I fell out of while I was mostly active on dreamwidth where the culture is just different. And sometimes I do forget that what is "Yay, let's analyze characters!" to me comes across very differently to someone else.
When it comes to tagging "character critical" or "character negative" posts I'm honestly not sure where the line is, and it's probably different for everyone.
For me personally, there is a huge difference between "These are some of Sera's character flaws, and here are ways they interact thematically with other characters and with the narrative overall" and "Sera is a bad character because" or "I hate Sera because." But even thought I might be very interested in the former, we still might not agree on what traits are "flaws." I personally am going to be way more annoyed by posts about rewriting Sera's personality to "fix" her than posts that frankly discuss her faults and how they fit into the larger themes and story. That's just me! And I'm aware that isn't even a distinction everyone makes, and I will handle my own experience accordingly. But not everybody feels the same way or enjoys discussing characters in the same way.
Is it (oh god I'm really stepping in it with this one, please go easy) Anders negative to acknowledge the collateral damage of his actions if I'm not using that to argue he was wrong?
Is the line in a different place for villain characters, because fans tend to enjoy different things about them? Should a post like the Meredith's Mistakes meta be tagged as Meredith negative?
I know there's probably no easy answer to this but I am interested in hearing thoughts from my own followers so that I can figure out the most effective way to tag things.
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imissjensi · 2 years
on this hellscape we call earth there are two things i am passionate about. dungeons and dragons, and kotlc. so why not combine the two in a dnd table to determine a special ability?
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the first question you probably have is: "gubbs. there are twenty abilities here, why didn't you just use a d20?" and my answer to that is that i'm insane and chose to try and break down the abilities based on the likelihood of manifesting them without any genetic influence, and since some abilities are rarer than others, i used a d100 instead to represent the different weights of abilities.
really in-depth info on how i broke down the abilities below, along with a TL;DR with just the percentages at the end :)
I omitted Teleportation, Inflicting and Descrying since those abilities likely won't pop up again for a very long time. Since Inflicting and Descrying both only had one reported elf each before Sophie, and both are Councillors, they won't be passing along their genetics anytime soon. And Sophie's Inflicting was a result of the Black Swan tweaking her genetics. Teleportation is also exclusively a horse girl thing so that one is out as well, since it doesn't occur in elves organically. I am also aware that the Talentless chance is far lower than it should be. I address that near the end.
Due to there being twenty abilities on this list, the baseline percent for each is 5%, as that's how it would be if all abilities had an equal chance of happening. I adjust the chances from there.
First, I separated the abilities into categories. The first one was the easiest, which was the rare abilities. I only put three in this category, those being Pyrokinetics and Enhancers at a 1% chance, and Telepaths at a 3% chance. Pyrokinetics was easy, since Marella says that there were only twelve of them when the ability got banned, so it's very unlikely to manifest it. Sophie is the only Enhancer we know of, but we do know that there are more, since Dex had heard about the ability when she manifested it. However, I assume it's rare, since Sophie manifesting it is the first we hear of it. I also made Enhancer a reroll ability, since I believe it mostly manifests in people who already have an ability. There is absolutely no canon support for this aside from Sophie, so take this with a grain of salt. We are constantly told Telepaths are rare, (even if there are so many of them in the story) so they're at a 3% chance. Rarer than most abilities, but not the rarest. In total, the three rare abilities have a 5% chance of manifesting.
The next category is elemental abilities. Due to the elves being in tune with nature and appreciating natural beauty, I bumped the baseline percent from 5% to 6%, which is the likelihood for Frosters, Chargers, Gusters, and Hydrokinetics. Flashers sit at an 8% chance due to the Lost Cities' focus on light. We are also introduced to far more Flashers than any other of the elements, leading me to believe it shows up more in elves. Shades were bumped down to a 4% chance, because if light is the foundation of the Lost Cities and manifests more in it's citizens as a result, then the distrust and shun of darkness would make the shadows manifest less. Elemental abilities have a 36% chance of manifesting.
I then put Empaths, Mesmers, Beguilers and Vociferators into the "affects others" category. Empaths don't quite fit that description, but it was the best place I could put them. Empaths are at a 6% chance of manifesting, just because there are a lot of Empath characters in the series, so manifesting as an Empath may be more likely than other abilities. The other three in this category are all at a 4% chance. This is because all three of them involve manipulating/harming people. Mesmers manipulate actions, Beguilers manipulate emotions, and Vociferators can harness their voice to incapacitate someone. I know that these abilities aren't the only ones that can be used to harm someone, but they are the only ones (apart from inflicting) where you can only use it on someone else. Since elves can't handle guilt, I believe that these three abilities manifest less frequently, as their genetic makeup probably pushes against manifesting as something that can easily be misused. Hopefully that makes sense. The abilities that affect others have an 18% chance at manifesting.
Next is the "affects self" group, which is Vanishers, Psionipaths and Phasers. Psionipaths can use forcefields on anything, but I assume the most common use is to protect the user from something, so I put them in this category. All three of these are at the baseline 5%, as I could not think of a reason for any of them to be more or less likely based on elvin psyche or nature.
Finally was the miscellaneous group, which was just the last three. Technopaths are at the baseline of 5%, since there was no reason for it to be anything else. Polyglots sit at a healthy 10%, and are also a reroll ability for hopefully what are obvious reasons. I made the likelihood so high because to me it seems like every other character we meet is a polyglot. It should probably be lower though. Speaking of abilities that should definitely be lower, I made Conjurers have a 10% chance of manifesting. I should not have done this. The flimsy reasoning I do have, is that it's incredibly practical. Just having the ability to summon anything to you from anywhere as long as you know where it is is so useful. I would love to be able to do that. I also thought there were far more Conjurers in the series than there actually is. But logically, it should be a lower chance, and I should have took the left over percents from Polyglots and Conjurers and put them into Talentless. I made it a 1% chance for an elf to not manifest an ability at all. Far more than 1% of the elvin population is Talentless, I think I can say that confidently. I would go back and adjust the table, but doing so would require me to adjust all the numbers, as well as edit this post. I have been working on this for two hours and don't want to do that. Maybe I'll reblog it later with an edit.
I plan on making more dnd keeper crossover content, so hopefully this finds it's target audience.
Pyrokinetic - 1% | Enhancer - 1% | Telepath - 3% | Charger - 6% | Flasher - 8% | Froster - 6% | Guster - 6% | Hydrokinetic - 6% | Shade - 4% | Empath - 6% | Beguiler - 4% | Mesmer - 4% | Vociferator - 4% | Vanisher - 5% | Psionipath - 5% | Phaser - 5% | Conjurer - 10% | Technopath - 5% | Polyglot - 10% | Talentless - 1% |
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mxdarling · 2 years
[Team up]
•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
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ೃ⁀➷: summary: yandere team up with grim and yuu
ೃ⁀➷: Word count: 534
ೃ⁀➷: Reference/Inspiration: N/A
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[note:] If there is anything else triggering here that I didn’t list in the warnings section, please tell me. I don’t condone this type of behavior, this is merely just for entertaining purposes and some sort of coping mechanism for me. If you continue to read beyond this point, ignoring my warnings, I am not responsible for your actions from here on out.
[Warnings:] manipulation, violence, guilt-tripping, yandere behavior, implied bullying, mentions of burning someone.
[GN reader]
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :Grim & Yuu;
➮ Ah, yes the outcast duo. The magicless prefect that got summoned by the magic mirror and the 'monster' that came to NRC without being summoned by the magic mirror. Of course such duo like themselves would cause some unavoidable rumors about them, both bad and good. Befriending these two won't be easy, considering how they both have been treated slightly like... outcasts.. Though the duo is a lot softer to you once you break down their walls..
➮ Both yuu and grim have agreed that they were gonna protect you, magicless or not. They were gonna protect you from any danger, even if you are capable of handling it yourself. They'd rather be safe than sorry. With grim being the one doing dirty work (surprisingly) while yuu pulls the strings. While it doesn't seem much, it actually is quite fitting. Grim being able to use magic, he doesn't have the knowledge nor awareness of how some things should go and/or what is going on. While yuu not being able to use magic, they know what and not what to say, when to say and how to say it, while also being aware of what is going on. Quite the efficient duo, don't you think?
➮ With that being said, this duo will probably be one of the more stable? out of the bunch. Seeing as how well their relationship with each other and how much they trust each other it's not possible for their friend to fell like they aren't even yandere for them at all. Their attachment and cooperation towards each other are what helped them get their darling, maybe they might be yandere for each other after all, mm?
➮ Both crave your attention and affection, though grim is much more demanding about it, yuu will kindly wait for you to give it to them. With grim being the more violent out of the two, he starts the fights more so than often if the attention is not on him or yuu, good thing yuu is there to calm him down. While most of the time yuu will be the one to stop grim from setting everything on fire, grim does resist his instincts sometimes but more uncommon than most. Yuu doesn't really like the idea of using heavy violence in general, especially if their darling is there witnessing it. Often softly scolds grim about it but knows he won't listen and just hopes he won't cause too much trouble. But on days where yuu isn't in the best mood, grim might just be off his leash for today...
➮ Like in my yuu's yandere type post, yuu knows the attachment grim has on them, and though they do value their relationship, yuu can't help but take advantage of it sometimes... Though it's not often used, grim mostly does their bidding with little to no persuasion, since they are yuu. Besides grim returns the favor by using the magicless prefect to make them buy things either for him or for you. But unlike most they don't mind being taken advantage of by the other or taking advantage of the other, as long as it is for either the three of them, they don't mind, truly.
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•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
[a/n; This would have been longer but I got tired loll]
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autumnfangirler · 8 months
Hi I’m LATE but— 7 12 20 for the couples ask and the character(s) of your choice??
i assure you it is never too late for me to talk about my little guys. i am always up for it
7. Do they (or would they) pursue the other character's affection, and if so, how? Do they tell the other character how they feel? Try to earn their admiration? Woo them with romantic gestures? Flirt with them, skillfully or otherwise?
Caine- for chen, they do indeed pursue him romantically! a bit of bluescreening here and there but hey, that kiss did happen so! caine only realized after he picked up on chens own emotions, but if they realized before, i doubt they would've done anything until chen did. hes content with what they have as friends, and they don't put much more importance to romantic relationships. no need to jeapordize anything when their friendship is fragile enough. with ortega its,,, a lot more complicated. for one thing, caine flirted with him as hark before he even realized he liked him. i have no idea whether that counts as pursuing him romantically when its technically???? not their own body????? nor was the flirting for the express purpose of wooing him. past that, caine also cant read ortegas mind. they have no way of knowing if ortega likes them back, and again, they dont want to rock the boat needlessly. thats not even beginning to mention how chen fits into this whole ordeal, because yes they still like him and i dont think theyre aware they can have both in the same body. all this to say; if at any point after the whole puppetstuck mess all three of them can have that talk about eachother, caine will be eternally grateful because this is the last thing he should be worrying about at the moment
Cyrus- again, complicated answer. back in his sidestep days, he would. he certainly proved that with the whole thing he had with ortega. back in the day, he stuck mostly to "joke" flirting. (un?)fortunately he was a lot more skilled at it than he thought, which he supposes he should thank the farm for. the problem with it nowadays is that hes trying to avoid relationships(romantic or platonic) at all costs. he doesn't want to fall back into the mistakes he made back when he was sidestep, so he'd probably avoid it like the plague 💀 if it werent for his belief that relationships are a hindrance and a danger though, he'd totally go for it. he values honesty in any relationship, so regardless of what the other person feels, he'd tell them. not to mention, he just became more confident and more skilled with flirting after the farm, so he can truly be a menace for a good enough cause
Cecilia- oh shes absolutely going for it. shes flirting(fighting), stealing chocolates and roses, getting the media in on it, the whole shebang. there really is no limit of what she'd go through for the bit. because that's what romance is to her– its just another way for her to have fun. she's here for a good time, and if it just so happens to also be a long one thats good too. maybe that'll change as time goes on, but for now, she's gonna fuck around and see what she finds out
Cynthia- cynthia would try to pursue the characters affection, just a lot less overtly than cecilia or cyrus would. i don't think she'd try to flirt?? she'd stick to acts of service and act more affectionate in general, hoping the other person would pick it up. unfortunately, her romantic interest is dense as fuck 😔 she's lucky that ortega is flirty, all she had to do was act responsive and sincere to get the point across
12. How much independence do they prefer in a relationship–do they want to share their lives as much as possible with their partner, or do they prefer to mostly do their own thing and let their partner do their own thing?
Caine- for caine, romantic relationships aren't much different than platonic ones, and with their friendships they tend to stay at their peripherals, always reliable, always there, but not necessarily always close. plus, their interests sometimes conflict (cough villainy cough), so he'd rather let everybody deal with it through their own thing
Cyrus- cyrus values independence and choice. he wants the assurance that he can live his life as he please and not be tied down to the other person. once he gets it though, he can be surprisingly clingy. he likes observing the people he loves, whether thats on a date, watching them work on a hobby, or just taking up space with them. knowing and being known in return is like, the sincerest form of love for him
Cecilia- she heavily enjoys spending time with other people, and that directly translates to trying to spend as much time as possible with her partner. she likes participating in other people's lives, and while she's willing to leave people be when they need it, she'd much rather spend her time hanging out and participating in the things they love. she's learning how to give people more space with argent, though, since she's very explicit in her need for boundaries and alone time
Cynthia- listen ok. she was already clingy back in her sidestep days. after heartbreak it got like. 10× worse 💀💀💀. she wants to spend as much time as possible with her partner because of an unconcious fear she'll lose them, and the fact that her romantic interest is ortega makes that fear so much worse because! ortegas also terrified of losing her! cynthias not an idiot! she can feel her worry! and it makes her worry in return! it is literally the worst possible feedback loop. their relationship is becoming unhealthy in increasingly interesting and concerning ways
20. When would they say "I love you?" Do they say it first? Do they say it often, or is it reserved for special moments?
Caine- they're the last one to actually say "i love you". caine is much more of a 'show don't tell' sort of guy. for him, loving the other person is a point of fact, not something that needs to be explicitly stated. as a result, the actual words don't come often. he only really says it when he thinks his partners need that assurance. that said, after everything is over, when they finally sort out their relationship and they get a quiet moment to finally breathe, they'd probably say "I love you" after getting kissed stupid by their boyfriends, just to marvel at the fact that they can choose without any secrets underneath
Cyrus- cyrus is canonically not the first one to say "i love you" because danny wears his heart on his sleeve. cyrus is desperately pretending he can't see it because he doesn't want to deal with the implications of all of that. "i love you" is far too real and far too dangerous, so in his head there are absolutely zero circumstances where he would willingly admit it. he is blatantly incorrect because he is just as much of a bleeding heart idiot as daniel is. he tries to reserve it for a special occasion, but at some point staying in herald's apartment, he gets so overwhelmed with the feeling of love and safety he can't stop himself from mumbling it into his neck. part of him hopes daniel didn't hear him; both of them know he did. maybe in the future he gets more comfortable admitting he loves him, but there's a lot of shit to work through before that happens
Cecilia- she says it often, both in romantic and platonic relationships! personally i hc her as the first one to say it to argent, buuut that's probably not going to canonically be the case rip :') she doesn't see any reason to hold back, especially when holding back clearly didn't interest argent. for her, "i love you" is a direct challenge to the universe and the farm, for daring to make her feel like she can't feel the way humans do, and for daring to take away the things she did care about. she's making sure they'll never be able to take anything away from her again. i'm sure this will not backfire on her in any way!
Cynthia- again, canonically not the first one to say i love you, but i think (when things settle down and she doesn't have to fear for her life and relationships) she's the one more comfortable with saying it. she says it often, in little moments and in big, and she means it every single time. if things just happened a little differently, if the story was a little kinder or cynthia a little stronger, she'd be able to live comfortable with the knowledge that she loves ortega. unfortunately the world is hellbent on making things as difficult as possible for them
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blnk338 · 9 months
Could you share the issue regarding the inclusivity poll please? The one you said was resolved? Just so it helps other writers. I think it's important to share such information<3 or maybe do some notes us other writers should be aware of?
I didn't vote because I am not a poc but since we're on the topic of reader insert: the one thing I felt a bit uncomfortable with was "your mom's name" when reaper was visiting her mom. I personally don't have an issue imagining myself as an oc persona such as a ripped reaper but my mom is so nice and that part bugged me. For example, I feel like parents' names shouldn't be inserted or mentioned at all. OR give them a random name at the beginning as a starter disclaimer. Just a personal thought. Everything else is very much well thought through. Kudos as always 😉
so the issue that was brought up from the poll was solved here, but i have so far not gotten a response for the "not good" answer. i suppose it could have been a misclick or perhaps someone just wanted to see the answers and didn't read the title first, but if there was an issue (or issues) that caused them to genuinely pick that answer, i'd love to be able to fix it!
some general notes when it comes to writing a race-neutral mc:
don't describe showers (or really, certain morning/night routines); it's important because a lot of people don't wash their hair every day. whether it be for preference, for hair type, or for how they wear their hair, it can be alienating to detail every shower as "washing your hair."
this mistake was actually corrected in the tagged post-- but be aware of how some skin scars! it had slipped my mind that not all scarring ends up pinkish-- it'll just be a dimmer version of the person's skin tone.
don't use major descriptors for hair. "billowing in the wind," "[your ponytail] pulled at your scalp," "curling around the face." all of these can be linked to a certain hair type, usually.
when describing skin, use vague terms. for example "the light from the shades dappled across your skin," instead of "the light sheened off your pale skin."
"your cheeks grew pink," "your face went red," can't always be applied to people with darker skin tones. but yk what can? growing physically warm, sweating, getting goosebumps, or feeling rushes of adrenaline! if you're gonna write something fluffy, make sure everyone gets included.
sometimes eyebags aren't easily seen, either. a lack of melanin means the purple under the lids sticks out more, but eyebags are also sometimes visible with creases, puffiness under the eyes, or a slight droop.
don't go into major detail with facial features. when describing reaper's facial scarring, i keep it general and try not to describe how lips look, whether freckles are cut up from the scarring, etc.
also, when i talk about reaper's mask, i don't talk much about her nose. obviously, larger noses might stick out more from the base of the mask, but plenty of people have flattened noses, so that wouldn't really work. instead, i used a general description (not verbatim) "fits perfectly to your nose."
bonnets and durags! people wear them all the time! in the house, out of the house, but for sleeping, too! mention them as an option for your readers to better immerse them.
really try to remember, especially as a white person, that most fanfics (intended or not) use white people as a default. there're probably a lot of people who will enjoy your fic more if they can see themselves in place of the mc. if you don't sit back, reread your chapter and think "yeah, i could picture anyone in this position" (unless the fic is specified to be black!reader x character or something of the variation), you might want to change it up.
thank you for the comment on reaper's moms name! i sort of can't change that much considering how far we are into the series, but I've removed the times where specifically "your mom/mother's name" (or a variation) was mentioned. (let me know if i missed anything).
sorry about dissing your mom, I'm sure she's lovely :) (/gen)
i also partially didn't add any details on reaper's mom's name because i didn't want to allude to any specifics on reaper's background
thank you so much for the support!
as a small disclaimer... i'm really grateful to get this kind of feedback, from my readers of color and not, it's great to hear how I'm doing because i want to make a fun fic for you guys! if the change is something quick and easy (like this and the tagged message), i don't mind it!
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the-smashor · 9 months
How I would personally include the Madou Monogatari Chronology lore into the current Puyo Puyo canon (For reference, I am 100% certain it's not currently canon, or at least as is)
1. Lillith is already a thing, thanks to Chaotic Final Exam. Her creating that world with the Sepharim Orb is also still fine. Maybe change her name to "Lily" or something if Sega can't legally use her, especially since it would fit how Satan's pet names tend to work. Though I doubt she'd need to be mentioned by name at all, and could probably just get an indirect reference like Wish in 20th, though a direct appearance wouldn't be horrible, of course.
2. Satan's backstory is great. Hell, part of me thinks that's still canon to an extent, given what Satan says to Squares about somebody always seeking absolute control.
3. The Creator's characterisation. Now, purely serious villains are actually pretty common in Puyo Puyo. Ex and Squares didn't really have jokes until after their defeat, if at all. They're memorable due to being tragic, complex characters with understandable motivation. Possessed Marle and PP7 Ecolo, meanwhile, were more or less just kinda crazy, which isn't a direction I want to go for either. So I'm thinking The Creator (Who would probably have a different name) would have an arrogant, self-centered personality. Think of him as like Zanza from Xenoblade or Zamasu from Dragon Ball Super, or a less angry Gabriel from ULTRAKILL. This would help him be memorable due to his sheer stage presence when he appears. It could also lead to some fun interactions with other members of the cast, and is an archetype we haven't really seen.
4. The Demon in the tome of sealing should either be connected to The Creator or should be fully revealed prior to them showing up, because how on earth is that going to be considered a threat when God has already been defeated?
5. This is the biggest one, don't make the entire thing happen offscreen. The Creator should have at least a solid game dedicated to them as a villain. And it should happen after PPT2 as well. Puyo has recently had major power escalation. Ecolo almost broke the multiverse twice, Ex prevents the multiverse from merging together and Squares is even higher on that cosmic latter. God is honestly just the next logical step at this point.
6. Related, the end of the conflict should also change. The "Nobody has souls anymore" implication is very much a no-go. Arle can still have her crazy super form thing, but I also don't want this to just put the Fever and 7 casts on the bench. Just make the form a one time thing or make it a sorta power of friendship boost (Which isn't unheard of in this series, it's what let Squares be defeated) instead of whatever the heck the Chronology did. Either that or make a flashback to Chaotic Final Exam to the extent Sega legally can so people aren't completely lost.
7. In general, keep the tone the same as usual for this series. Basically, like how Kirby games do it for those who aren't aware. Not a whole lot of angst, and leave anything messed up for people who look into it. God is trying to destroy the world, that's all you really gotta know.
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ifievertoldyou · 1 year
thaw!quackity enneagram analysis
i am once again on my personality categorizing bullshit, this time with enneagrams.
but since this is a new topic on my account, i should probably explain just what exactly enneagrams are, especially since i didn't even understand them all that well until recently.
there are 9 different enneatypes (ennea means nine in greek). while you keep the same enneatype your entire life, it can still change as you change, in ways that i'll explain later. the enneagram is used to understand one's personality type, and shows you the strengths and weaknesses that come with it, as well as ways you can improve yourself. the enneagram is comprised of 3 different triads: the head triad, the heart triad, and the body triad, and it also has different stances: the withdrawing, the dependent and the aggressive. i'll go into more detail about most of these later in the post, but the most important thing to note is that these stances combine with the triads and that's what makes your enneatype.
so. what enneatype does thaw!quackity fall under? in my opinion, absolutely no other type fits him better than an eight does. so, 'what does being an eight entail?' you may wonder. well, let me tell you:
eights are of the body triad, along with the aggressive stance. i'll explain these in more depth in a bit, but first, i'm going to talk about some of the characteristics that we see in eights.
the main motivation of an eight is to protect themselves from being betrayed, and also to keep themselves out of the control of other people. they're always very on guard, and are very, very defensive of both themselves and the ones they care for. eights have very strong emotions that tend to scare others away, so they are super protective of the ones who aren't deterred by their intensity. though eights do still tend to deeply internalize the idea that they are too much because of how often their emotions scare people away... while eights are more worried about other people controlling them, very often this can also translate to them needing to constantly be in control, so as to not risk someone else taking it away from them. they can be very distrustful of others, thinking that most people would hurt them if given the chance. because of all of this, eights tend to be very aware of how their emotions will display to others. they feel that showing their true emotions will lead to them getting hurt, either by them scaring people off or by others taking advantage of those emotions.
and we can see all of this so so so often with thaw!quackity. from how differently he acts around slime q and tommy compared to other people, to the comfort that being in complete control gives him, to how unforgiving he can get with those who cross him, quackity is definitely a shining example of an eight.
an eight is part of the aggressive stance. the types with aggressive stances are oriented outwards, against other people. this makes eights feel the need to be hyper-independent, can cause them to come off stronger than they actually intend to be, and can also cause them to be (inadvertently) dismissive of their own and others' emotions, since feelings don't show up on their radars a lot of the time. aggressive stances are focused on the future, and know exactly what they want, and they're so set on how to get it that they often forget to account for how their actions will affect other people emotionally. they have a habit of being very aggressive when asserting their wants and needs to others. this is very applicable to thaw!quackity. think: quackity's fight with q on the roof "i want you to not be pathetic, to not act like a whimpering, little bitch every time someone looks at you the wrong way," here, quackity directly expresses his needs to q, showing efficient communication (which is another trait that eights possess), but also demonstrating how harsh a lot of eights can be when sharing their wants with others.
also, eight is a part of the body triad, sometimes called the anger triad (which is particularly relevent with quackity) or the instinctive center. this means that eights have very strong intuition, the first thing that they notice when they walk into a room is what their gut tells them to notice. and quackity definitely has a very accurate gut instinct that he's learned to listen to. body triads have a strong need to make things right, and their big motivation is, as their alternate name suggests, anger. each type in the anger triad (8, 9 and 1) all have core issues with anger in some way, but eights are the ones who allow themselves to actualy act out on that anger, while the other types either feel ashamed of it, or else don't acknowledge it until it creeps up on them.
the anger triad paired with the aggresive stance causes eights to be very explosive given the proper circumstances. eights not only have a lot of anger inside themselves from their triad, but also due to their stance their response to this anger is often to direct it towards other people. eights, along with ones, are among the types to feel things the deepest, and have the most trouble letting things go. because of this, eights are very prone to holding grudges for a long time. they are not the types to just forgive and forget. but in confront to ones, if you've actually upset an eight, you will definitely know about it soon enough. ones get their sense of self from others, so they may still have some reservations when confronting people about things, but eights know very well who they are and don't depend as much on others' opinions, so they aren't very likely to hold back on you unless you're one of the few who's on their 'close people' list, or if they're a more integrated eight.
that brings us to what integration and disintegration are. enneatypes all actually lay on a spectrum of unhealthy/stressed to healthy/relaxed that changes as the person changes. if an eight gets healthier, that means that they integrate to a two, and if they get unhealthier or just more stressed, they disintegrate to a five. if you look at the visualization of an enneagram (pictured below this paragraph), it's depicted as a circle with numbers around it, and lines connect certain numbers together. the two lines that are connected to eight lead to five and two, which is why those numbers in particular are the ones that eight (dis)integrates to.
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(also this is just a random thing i've noticed, but all the enneatypes that are connected to even numbers in any way will always relax/integrate first if you go clockwise from them, and they'll always stress/disintegrate first if you go counterclockwise. the only enneatypes that will relax/integrate counterclockwise first are 1, 7, and 5 since they're also the only connected ones that are all odd. idk if that makes any sense but yeah, that's how i remember it when the enneagram chart doesn't show the difference between integration and disintegration)
so what does the disintegration to a five entail for an eight? fives are part of the head/fear triad, so eights who disintegrate to fives become even more fearful and cautious of things. disintegrated eights are often more paranoid, micromanaging, tempermental, secretive and isolating than the balanced eight is, which does sound like how thaw!quackity is currently, with how he didn't trust anyone with too much stuff, and he only trusts q with that now because it's easier to trust another version of himself than it is to trust somebody else, and he knows that q can defend himself should he get in trouble for knowing las nevadas' secrets. quackity is also very temperamental about things, as we've seen plainly in his reaction to anybody who has ever wronged him or his cared ones, and we all know how micromanaging he is of literally Everything in las nevadas.
i also wanted to point out that in chapter 55, the very first line talks about how furious and scared quackity is. because those are the two big triads that are causing him to make his decisions right now. anger is constantly in the picture for him, because he's always so motivated by spite, and now that he's also more stressed due to all the things that are currently cropping up in his life. this anger gets combined with fear, so he disintegrates further into the head triad, and becomes even more anxious than he already is. but! he's also starting to feel more guilty for being so harsh on his past-self. because he's beginning to realize just how negatively his anger could affect q in the state he is in now, and how unhelpful that self-hatred is. though the fear triad definitely still has a stronger grip on him at the moment, we can see him start getting a bit more attuned to the heart triad too, even if it's a little slow going right now.
so what does this mean for the future of thaw!quackity? well, if he is to follow a similar path to what atol!soot went down, he'll get to heal in the end, and he'll start to relax more and become integrated with the two. this means that he'll still be an eight, but he'll be a little more trusting, he'll let down his guard a bit more, and will be better at giving others the benefit of the doubt than both the balanced and disintegrated eights are. eights who integrate to twos, part of the heart/shame triad, become more attuned to their own and others' emotions, and are more aware of how their actions will impact others.
enneatypes all don't just fit into tight little boxes. we've seen it with (dis)integration, but there's also wings that need to be taken into account. wings are basically how close somebody is to either of their enneatype's two adjacent numbers. the wings of each enneatype always share one stance/triad with their enneatype. the wings for type eight are 8w7 and 8w9. let's go over what each of these mean to see which one suits quackity more.
the 8w7 is the more aggressive wing. this is because 8 and 7 are both part of the aggressive stance. however, 7 is part of the head triad instead of the body one, so 7s are often focused more on their fear. while 8w7s are less angry, they're still more intense about things, and are much more prone to lashing out whenever they feel out of control. 8w7s are very charismatic and pragmatic, though they have a lot more trouble emotionally connecting with people. they use their intensity to enjoy life as best they can, and they have a lot of trouble sitting still. (and also, some very common jobs for 8w7s are lawyers and politicans, which is very fitting for both q and quackity.)
8w9 is full of much more anger, with them both being in the anger triad, but 9s are in the withdrawing stance, so they're more passive about that anger, with it often going internalized or ignored until a bigger problem arises. because of this, 8w9's have the capacity to be very angry, but only when provoked. 8w9s are very protective, but in a warmer, gentler way than their other eight counterparts are. some people say that the wing to the right of the enneatype is generally more introverted than the one on the left, and this is definitely true here. they're not *as* intense as 8w7s, but the intensity they do have they use to keep their cared ones, and the people who can't stand up for themselves, safe.
while we can see some aspects of both of these wings in him, if i had to choose a single wing, i'd say quackity's more of a 8w7 because he doesn't really let himself come off as any kind of gentle around most people, he's much more extroverted and charismatic, and the descriptions all sound pretty similar to him just in general. while both the 7 and 9 are extremely avoidant of pain, 7s avoid it by constantly searching for new things to keep them excited, while 9s avoid it by being more passive and avoiding/mediating conflict.
but there's another level to enneagrams too. subtypes. these are basically the different instincts of one's enneatype. there are three distinct subtypes: a social (so) subtype, a sexual (sx) subtype, or a self-preservation (sp) subtype. and everyone has a dominant subtype and a secondary subtype, and then another subtype that they don't really relate to that much. i'd say that quackity embodies the self-preservation and sexual subtypes pretty well.
the sp variant of eights are often geared towards satisfaction. these are the people who make sure that they always have what they need and are protected from any potential dangers. they build metaphorical walls around their vulnerabilities and make sure that they're always impenetrable. quackity does this both emotionally as well litterally, with how much he oversees what goes in and out of las nevadas.
meanwhile, sx variants of eights are more worried about possession. they want to relate one-on-one with people, to have someone that they can let their guard down with, and feel integral to their life. while this one isn't as evident with quackity, we can still see it with how he is with his cared ones, and he definitely tends to have smaller, but closer connections, rather than a big, but loose ones like so subtypes tend to have, so this seems like a pretty good secondary type for him.
in conclusion, thaw!quackity is a 8w7 (sp/sx) type, who currently leans more towards disintegrated.
(btw, cc!wilbur actually confirmedish a while ago that c!wilbur is also an eight, and i can totally see it with thaw!wilbur too... you could totally go through this post and see a Ton of traits that thaw!wilbur shares with quackity. honestly, that warrants an analysis post of its own and and yes, thaw!wilbur is absolutely a dominant sx, but i just think it's really interesting how quackity and wilbur are both opposing matriarch archetypes, and how they're both eights as well, etc. etc.. definitely something worth diving deeper into in a future post... just thought i'd leave y'all with that thought lol)
thanks so much for reading, i hope you enjoyed! ^_^
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bookpersonmaryj · 1 year
Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
8. Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
13. Do you share your writing online? (Drop a link!) Do you have projects you’ve kept just for yourself?
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
1.ooof okay so I have A Lot of current projects, but the one that I've been working on the most over the last week is probably the tma chatfic (working title, I'll have to come up with something better at some point).
it's, well, a chatfic, which you can probably guess from the title, but more specifically: (spoiler warning for the magnus archives here!!!) basically, all the avatars have a groupchat and Annabelle Cane adds Jon at some point after he gets promoted, because they all think he's Aware of serving an eldritch fear entity and are Surprised when he is clueless as to what the hell they're all talking about
i've been writing on it for over at least... two years i think? and a few days ago edited the bits i wrote separately to fit into the bit that's more story-like, at which point i discovered that i'm at 95 pages??? somehow??? so yea there's progress, despite there being literally no plot besides Jon Finds Out About The Entities And Has A Few Breakdowns.
what i love about it: Everyone Is Queer (because i was figuring out my gender at the time and thought i was just being supportive to trans/nb people and not relating that stuff to myself) and There Is No Angst (okay that's a lie, there's a bit angst, but mostly it's really entertaining and not angsty) and I have so much fun writing the characters???
pretty sure a lot of the characters are OOC but I don't really care, it's far too funny to have the avatars bully Jon for having a crush on Martin (yes this fic is also jonmartin with jon getting over his denial Very Quickly during what constitutes as s1)
honorable mentions here to the other fics i'm working on right now: the doctor who bodyswap au we all needed after potd where they Actually Bodyswap, the doctor who fic where some evil scientist tries to use regeneration energy for their own gain (it is as angsty as it sounds, yes), the tua fanfic where klaus refuses to let luther lock up viktor in that creepy basement in s1 (with added nb klaus and trans viktor because yes!), the sandman fanfic where dream loses the ability to speak after being locked up in a glass bowl for centuries (called 'cat got your tongue' because I Am Hilarious), and the ouat fanfic that's purely self-indulgent because i have a I Could Fix Her mentality when it comes to Regina (not just because of that but it's definitely part of it...)
4. mhhhh let's see!
There’s something going wrong in her mind, something is wrong with this whole regeneration, of course it is, forced regenerations aren't ever simple, but this is more than that, because she just let the Master leave with Yaz, with her TARDIS, and that’s not what the Doctor does, that’s not-
Is that still who she is? Is she still the Doctor now?
Yaz didn’t notice. The Master didn’t say anything, didn’t even gloat, didn’t even- And she’s not acting like the Doctor should, so what-?
She curls around herself, feeling unmoored when it’s different than before, the Master’s body – hers now – new and ill-fitting like putting on a glove that’s too small, or maybe it’s too big, or possibly both, somehow.
this is from my doctor who bodyswap fic, and i really liked this bit, because thirteen is questioning her own sense of self, after gallifrey, after techteun, after getting swapped into a body that isn't hers, and i just think that's a really neat concept to explore
actually, have some more of that fic, cause there are several lines i really like:
“Wait wait wait, can’t we talk about this?” she yelps, ducking behind machinery and twisting out of the way of more shots.
“The Cyberium is destroyed. You have destroyed the Cyberium. You will be deleted.”
They’re advancing on her, and she doesn’t have her sonic on her, it’s in her coat pocket, stupid Doctor, stupid Master, means she’s defenceless, means-
Except, she reaches into her pockets out of instinct, and there’s something in there.
“I don’t-” The words get stuck in her throat because they’re so untrue, doesn’t she want to do this, and it’s different now, this is a step she’s not been prepared to take, is she really going to do this?
“Stand down. You will be deleted.”
Yeah, right.
Them or her. Them or Earth.
The decision, in the end, is far too easy.
And then the Doctor stares at the tiny Cybermen, the Master’s TCE still raised, and something in her mind is spinning wildly out of reach, something has changed and she doesn’t quite know what it is, or if it can be reversed.
thirteen making master decisions instead of doctor decisions! love to see her make Bad choices
“I see you had time to change.”
The words spark memory, and the Doctor raises a brow at him, lifts her arms in a mockery of presenting the new clothes, and replies: “I always dress for the occasion.”
Is that amusement in his eyes or is she imagining it?
She lets her arms drop, crosses them over her chest again, considers him. It’s strange to stare at her own face and have it look back, except those eyes aren't hers, those eyes have always been his, she’d know them anywhere.
what's more 'master' than changing your outfit for the Drama of it?
yeah, I don't know where this story is going, but the second i've finished it i'll upload it! ^-^
EDIT: just found the Actual scene i wanted to share but got distracted from looking for, this is from my other dw fanfic where someone wants to take regeneration energy
All his attention is on the Doctor, beautifully bathed in gold, brimming with light and life, the force of a nuclear explosion coiling inside her, infecting her surroundings, leaking into the air and causing everything in her path to self-destruct.
i adore writing thirteen as incredibly destructive force of nature ^-^
that's all, carry on!
6. good question... I have a lot of fun writing the thirteenth doctor, but honestly? it's Klaus Hargreeves from the umbrella academy. i just can't seem to stop writing Klaus, especially nonbinary he/they Klaus who figures out their powers and chills with Benny while his siblings are ignoring the both of them. (this probably says Something about me but I Do Not See)
(honorable mention to my ouat self-insert which i Cannot write anymore because i started writing her before i figured out that i am not, in fact, cis, and now i'm having trouble identifying with the person that used to be me)
8. mhhh... in terms of Queer things yes, i read and write both of those things.
i do think i Write far more angst than i Read angst.
also, this question depends entirely on whether it's meant as reading books or reading fanfiction, because obviously i read the sort of fanfictions that i also write, and i guess yeah, i do also read the books that are sort of close to the sort of fanfiction vibes i like to read / write
13. yes i do! mostly just fanfictions, nothing 'original' just yet (i am working on it though!).
the ao3 link to my published fics is here, and there's also a German self-insert ouat fanfic on a German fanfic site, but uhhh that's sort of Very Unfinished and was started when i was still in school sooo... (i am planning on rewriting it at some point, and will try to finish it as well...).
as to the rest: there are... several projects that i've kept to myself, yes. i've taken my three (?) finished harry potter fics off the internet for now because i don't feel comfortable having them up with the way jk is behaving, and i won't post any of the ones i'm still writing on (i'm mostly just writing on them because if i have an idea i need it Out).
i also have A LOT of fanfics that are simply not finished yet, and because i know that i will not be able to stick to a posting/writing schedule i'd rather finish them before posting them, they'll stay on my laptop for now.
I am also working on a superhero book, but I've had to change a few of the original ideas i had because they don't really fit with the rest of the vibe of the book anymore, so i don't know when that's gonna be finished, if at all...
25. tough question... I have a lot of fun writing something with a twist, like, I as the writer am aware of a piece of information about the story/character I am writing that the reader is Not aware of but i am layering little hints into the story, and at some point i have a Reveal of the thing. i wasn't aware that this was something i did for a bit, until someone (you, dimitri, very specifically you) pointed it out in one of my fics and i realized that i Liked doing things like that actually, so yea!
also uhh i guess i really like how i can sort of work through some of my problems by projecting them onto characters? it helps sometimes...
i also enjoy writing something, and then having an idea, and suddenly the story is going in a wildly different direction as before, and i didn't anticipate it but i actually like this new direction, so i just roll with it. it's nice that writing is... alive, in a way.
wow, i wrote far more than i expected. thank you for asking these questions @rearranging-deck-chairs I had a lot of fun answering!
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Same anon that had the no-vote-Dusknoir propaganda: I am aware of his crimes, he is very much not exempt from that. But I still think the motivation still plays a huge part in everything.
(I am glad he is winning in his bracket tho) I think I'm more lost on the whole "affably" evil thing 'cause lots of the villains I've seen in this tournament actively seem to enjoy what they do. Dusknoir just puts on an act, that's all I really see. I don't think he actually derives any pleasure from any of what he did, hell, he was doing this for survival in the end
Ok so, first off motivation is everything and regardless of everything else I want you to know that I have secondhand love of a character who I've never seen bc your defense of him.
(Now for a tangent that is only partially in answer to your message)
Second, I probably should have been clearer: when I say "X character did nothing wrong" I'm being facetious. Someone once paid a McElroy brother to say "Vriska did nothing wrong" in his dnd character's voice and that became ingrained in my dna. And while I could and would argue that "Vriska did nothing wrong", Vriska has in fact done many many things wrong.
And to me, the difference is motivation and circumstances. So many people have been arguing that their faves aren't evil/villains and for the most part I agree. Like HAL9000. HAL did nothing wrong. His circumstances make him sympathetic and his motivations are logical. But he did commit murder in cold blood. And that's among the "things most people agree is wrong".
I'll be honest, I tried to make sure everyone in the bracket was affably or faux affably evil but it's easier to check the evil than the affable and so I generally trusted the person nominating characters there.
Affably Evil characters are generally nice and polite despite paradoxically doing bad things. Faux affably evil are the same but the niceness is a mask, and masks can slip.
The villains that relish in the violence are very much a staple of this trope but it's not necessary. I won't be able to give my opinion on if Dusknoir fits, bc I don't know enough (but I won't disqualify him or anything).
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